#seto's neck
river-nova · 11 months
Councilor- So what career are you planning to apply for?
Me- Security Supervisor of Maximillion Pegasus' Private Estate
Councilor- That's pretty specific. Is there any reason for this?
Me- um....
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scattered-irises · 1 year
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What the hell happened in generation 4?
Oh, I know. Unethical anime boy breeders wanted a rival bishounen who was half the size of the average rival so he could fit easier in apartments.
Of course, the Kaito knows the injustice that was done to him. Despite his size, he is five feet and a few tiny inches of endless anger and rage so he can always remind his owner that he was born out of mankind’s vanity.
He will spend the rest of his life suffering from his short legs, top-heavy head and tiny neck. My god when will this cruelty end
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 months
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Got a new shelf, ignore the top left it's not themed sdfljlkjffj But can you guess the other themes? 8U
I plan on filling up the Grudge/Ring Section with the movies/novels/video games (there's actually 3 Ringu books at my local B&N!)......"Silly this seems like a bad idea, please tell me this isn't where you sleep!" It is human nature to not learn from one's mistakes.
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chaoscheebs · 23 days
Consider: we constantly see Seto Kaiba constantly covered up. Like, the most we ever see skin on him was he had a button or two undone during Duelist Kingdom. For the most part he is dressed pretty much neck-to-toe and usually wearing a coat on top of it. Even when it's presumably summer, because we also see concurrently, like, Jou in short sleeves, Yugi in a sleeveless shirt, Anzu in shorts, etc.
Now, the depressing angle is he has some potential scarring from one thing or another that he's hiding. This is not about that.
The FUNNY angle, tho', is broham is just. Like. Constantly cold all of the time. Boy has big heat regulation issues that make him constantly run cold like all of the time and it sucks, like, a lot. A LOT.
Which means, boy howdy, if you actually get him comfortable with physical touch, his constantly freezing ass is going to make any excuse to leech your warmth. Hold his hand. Snuggle up to him. Let him snuggle up to you. He is only doing this to get warm it's not like he likes you b-baka.
Tl.dr, much like a dragon, Seto Kaiba would probably curl up in a volcano with his hoard if given half a chance because WARM.
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 months
I got inspired by a certain season to request this. Can I request headcanons of Yugi, Yami and Kaiba reacting to their S/O joining an evil organization and challenging them to a duel please? (Whether it's their own volition or their being brainwash, is up to you~)
I love battle city so I went with Marik controlling them for this! Lets go boys and ghouls hehehehehe
Content: Yugi x gn!Reader, Yami Yugi x gn!Reader, Seto Kaiba x gn!Reader (separate)
Warnings: Mentions of attempted amputation, drowning, and beheading
Notes: Sorry this took so long! I couldn't decide what to do for Yugi's part for a very long time!
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He pushed the pharaoh away from this duel. He wanted to save you, just as he saved Joey.
He may even tune out his friends to save you, or split off from them completely. He loves his friends, but he loves you more.
He demands Marik release you, and when he doesn't, he goes through with the duel.
He wins, expectedly, and when he sees a saw heading straight for your neck he wails out in terror.
"Y/N! NO!" He rushes forward and tugs you onto the floor just before the saw rips past.
In your confusion, you blink open your eyes and look up at Yugi. "Yu...Yugi...?"
"I'm here, I'm here. You're safe now." His tears streamed down his face as he slowly lifted you up.
He put a hand on your cheek and went in for a long kiss. The cries of his friends interruped him, making both of you turn and look at Joey, Tristan and Tea. Joey spoke first. "Y/n! Yugi! You okay?!"
"We're fine!" Yugi yelled from across the arena, then turned back to you. "I'll make sure nothing like that happens to you again."
"What...even happened?" You asked.
"I'll explain when we leave. I'm just so happy you're safe." He wiped his own tears away, then took you by the hand and led you out of there.
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❥Yami Yugi
You mean so much to him, so much that he didn't allow Yugi to take over for this duel. He would rescue you himself, and then tear Marik apart.
Yami cursed Marik as he took over your every move and forced you to duel in a death trap.
He knew he had to beat you in order to have Marik relinquish control over you. As soon as he summoned Dark Magician, the duel was over.
The trap Marik had you in forced you under water, but in a tank. Not open water like Joey's.
Yami dove into the tank after you plunged. Marik released control of your mind, making you try to gasp for breath. In your confusion, you swallowed a lot of water.
Yami swam as fast as he could to you, hooked his hands under your arms and began trying to pull you up. His own strength could only take him so far, but before he knew it, Joey and Tristan had jumped in to help. Together, the three men pulled you out of the tank.
You coughed up some water after being turned on your side so you wouldn't choke. Yami held you close as you did, shaking and holding in tears.
"I thought I lost you forever..." He whispered.
"I'm here, I'm here..." You spoke reassuringly to both Yami and yourself.
"And you're not going anywhere without me." Yami tightened his hold just a little bit.
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❥Seto Kaiba
He hates this. This is just like Mokuba being kidnapped, but you're right there.
You're right there but he can't reach you.
He doesn't know whether to beat you or let you win so you can be spared. It brings him back to his own antics towards Yugi during Duelist Kingdom.
Except you're not doing this of your own volition, he knows you aren't. He doesn't normally believe in supernatural things, but this is different.
He decides to beat you. While the duel goes on, he has a plan in his mind to free you from the trap as well as himself.
When he beats you, Marik laughs in your mind as he lets go of your mind control, thinking you're about to die. Seto however, springs into action, freeing you from getting a limb chopped off.
You have no idea what's going on, and honestly you feel really dizzy and your vision is blurry. Seto holds you close, calming down slowly knowing you're alive in his arms.
"S...Seto?" You asked, looking up at him.
Your vision was slowly coming back to you, and you recognized his white jacket. He didn't say anything for a moment, just continued to hold you. Then he spoke.
"It's okay, I have you now. Let's get out of here." Seto stands with you in his arms, leaving the building.
Seto begins to tell you the events leading up to the duel, how Marik had somehow possessed you and forced you to duel to the death with him, but he had managed to free both you and him. He then informed you that you were not to leave his side for the rest of his tournament.
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
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eobardthawneallen · 2 months
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no context but I think Atem just punched someone or wants to punch someone...I was just doodling and ended like that.
[ID: Fullshot Chibi drawing of Seto Kaiba and Atem standing surrounded by sakura trees. they both have dots eyes.
Atem has a 3 shaped mouth and is staring at his right hand that has as fist at his chest height, the other is just by his side.
Seto has an open smile, looking at Atem, one hand on his hips and the other as a fist, at his neck height.
clothes are for Atem is the hologram clothes from dsod, but without the jacket, plus earrings and instead of the normal choker is just a gold band, and the millennium puzzle with a cord, he is wearing a wedding ring.
for Kaiba is his white coat, he still use the card pendant, also is wearing a wedding ring.
background, the trees' flowers were made with a sakura patterned brush, they're on green grass, shadow is soft and have some openings for the light but the drawings don't have that specific shadows. END ID]
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davekat-sucks · 11 days
I have my troll headcanons, and this is gonna be a long one, I’m doing all the Beta trolls. Also note these headcanons assume all characters survive and exist on Earth C.
Aradia Megido is trying to puck back up on the hobbies she abandoned when she became a ghost, and with her luck Earth has a vast archeological expanse of history and paleontology that Alternia destroyed to legitimize the Condesce’s rule, and to erase any mention of organized rebellion against the empire. Of course, history still existed, but is almost exclusively known by highbloods who have the class and age to study writing, own journals to write on, live long enough to document dozens of sweeps of their life history, and have less of a chance to get culled by drones controlling population growth. Reassembling Alternian history on Earth C is like finishing a jigsaw puzzle with the pieces hiding across the empty void of space. Aradia likes to search for fossils, but her interest in the dead and telekinetic connection with ghosts make her a professional paranormal investigator as well, she once snuck into a haunted house being filmed for a ghost hunters TV show, and was caught on camera. Her ripped clothes and ruffled hair from attempting a breaking and entering made her look like an undead troll.
Tavros thinks Pokémon is too simple and amateur for him, when in reality he’s mad he still loses in competitive matches in both card game and online game. He still likes the Pokémon anime! A boy who never grows up going on adventures against an organized crime syndicate trying to steal a powerful ally and nonverbal creature! Not to mention that the Ash character has friends to tag along on their perilous journey! When it comes to fighting with mythical magical monsters and complex bullshit with cards, Tavros has a soft spot for Yu-Gi-Oh, and Seto Kaiba reminds him of a troll that kept on meddling with him… and still does.
Sollux is possibly the best software technician on Earth C. He is an admin for a forum that discusses obscure desktop/master software. He obviously uses Linux and Gnu, and codes .ath viruses as practice for whitehat hackers to disarm. His Earth C hive is entirely themed by bifurcation. His curtains, his furniture, his goddamn toilet are themed by 2 colors. Karkat calls it ugly, Kanaya calls it creative. To cope with his psiionics and his loss of them, Sollux teamed up with Aradia, Karkat, and Feferi to code and design a walkie talkie that can talk to the recently deceased, this was also done so people could stop running specifically to him for predictions of armageddon.
Karkat is trying very hard to accustom himself to human culture, he has watched a lot of human film (mostly American, a few Fench and Soviet films and a bunch of Tokusatsu and Anime slop) to get why humans were like that, and if everyone was like Dave and Rose. He finds human film boring and generic, but continues to watch it anyway, to connect with the human way of life. He also follows John’s Youtube account… to leave hate comments, they don’t even attack John’s appearance or the points John makes about the film, it’s general allusions to how frustrated he gets watching John’s videos.
Nepeta has been banned from New York C’s central park zoo for scaring the bears at their enclosure and intimidating them into smashing the glass. Nepeta was allowed back in 2 years later when she promised she would not harm any animals because “it would be too easy to hunt them.” Nepeta is a professional huntress who is unique in that she doesn’t use firearms, she just catches the animal in her mouth and slices their neck if it’s big game like deer or wild boar. She meets her maximum bag capacity within a day. She is the scourge of human huntsmen and she is known as “the green lioness” to many.
Kanaya was able to pass on the duties of brooding cavern patrol once the first Jadebloods reached maturation after 9 sweeps. On Earth she was introduced to a new series of monsters and beasts after being accustomed to the animated corpses she’d hunt during the Alternian day and rainbow drinkers in her trashy teengrub erotica. Since she was always around Rose, a girlfriend and devout student of zoologically dubious, she became a cryptozoologist and eventually a bigfoot hunter. Her agility, strength, night vision, and rainbow drinker hearing made her perfect for hunting North America C’s most hidden animal. She would mostly stalk the rustling of leaves and moaning from the shadows of the forest to find it’s a human hiker or a bear, until she actually caught Bigfoot in an open Brush 30 miles West of Marquette C, Michigan C. Notably sightings were made days after Kanaya caught the creature, and after a week on news channels, talk shows, radio interviews, getting a nobel prize in biology and ecology, and getting a giant golden trophy called the “first big step” she now is treading westwards for possible other bigfoot sighted from California to Idaho. That is, when she can schedule it, she has a girlfriend she also wants to be there for. Of course, Rose has joined Kanaya on a few bigfoot searches to support her girlfriend.
Terezi IS the law. Professional trollcop and private investigator, she has her own TV show like that of Chris Hansen where she roleplays as different people, ranging from kids that pedophiles prey on to lone wolfs and depressed deadbeats that drug cartels search for to hire as peddlers and soldiers. Terezi’s strongest expertise is hunting down anti-troll hate groups, since she gets to be herself instead of roleplay as a human. She struggles the most catching anti-human troll groups and Neo-Condescites considering she has to fight against her own species, which have an easier time sniffing out if she’s faking her human archetype and some of them are super strong indigobloods.
Vriska haaaaaaaates how boring and fake human roleplaying games are. In FLARP you had real costumes, stat bats, real loot, month long continuous sessions, and dire consequences if you lose. To keep herself not bored she has become a practitioner of the extreme sport of rock climbing, since Vriska hated walking down and up all those stairs just to get to her lusus, and climbing a shear face would be more safe than slipping on those infernal steps! She also wanted one day for her lusus to watch her climb, as spidermom laud down in that pit of webs, too fat and loud to crawl up herself. Spidermom has been dead for sweeps now so Vriska still won. GET F8CKED FUSSYF8NGS!!!!!!!!
Equius was an unfortunate troll who got caught up in strange human subcultures, and that subculture was human hypermasculinity and “alpha” male mentality. He has a Youtube channel, Twitter, and Instagram dedicated to exercising routines, habits, and hobbies that make male trolls, humans, carapacians, and even denizens respected leaders in their community. Equius tried to co-opt My Little Pony as being masculine and sigma despite the protagonists being all colorful horses. Equius believes all of the protagonist ponies (the mane 6 as they’re called in fandom circles) each hold masculine traits that can correlate with the masculine archetypes in alpha men. Think how Twilight Sparkle exemplifies intelligence and planning, AppleJack has strength and stoicism, Rarity appreciates natural beauty and appearence, etc. Also they are horses, and Equius is frustrated that humans took the maned roarbeast (lions) and striped fangbeast (tigers) as the mascot of alpha males. Equius made his own personal gym in his hive because he was banned from all the gyms for excessive sweating and never cleaning up his station. He films fighting tutorials with his combat robots, but they all break in one punch, so Nepeta has to be invited for any successful demonstrations on how to demonstrate Equius’s fighting style and not break in one punch.
Gamzee is in a mental Asylum becaise of the whole murder thing and has only broken off from Lord English’s control for the first time in his life. He expresses himself by rhyming the GREGCLOUROIAN WICKED RHYTHMS for THE FROWNING MASSES to proselytize the NEW COMING OF THE DARKER CARNIVAL. After 5 sweeps in a straitjacket Gamzee was deemed sane and pacified, so he can finally start his real life. He immediately asked Tavros to start dueting some sick bars he wrote in the brig to bring forth the new prophesy of the evanjesters. Tavros agreed without hesitation. “Mike Club” and “Wild T” sell albums as the “UNHINGED PAGLIACCI TROUPE” and have gotten many a negative review as “the worst rappers in all paradox space” but in the end, built up a dedicated fanbase of clownfolk and followers of the true faith.
Eridan doesn’t go out much, if at all. He plays a lot of video games, grand strategy, roleplaying games, a few puzzle games. He feels mixed about First Person Shooters and asks for a good story in an FPS campaign. He sees himself as honorablenand only shoots with a reason, like how he killed lusii to feed G’bolg’lyb and stop the vast glub. He doesn’t want to shoot people because some authority tells him to! Honest! Ask Sollux and he’ll agree Eridan shot in self defense! And Sollux is still alive and happier that he doesn’t hear the boices ofbthe dead doesn’t he?! Maybe Sollux should THANK HIM FOR BEING CONSIDERATE. Sorry what was I talking about? Eridan does not regret a lot of things, but he will still talk about them when you bring them up to insist he does not regret anything, nope, he’s fine. He does hang around with the people, or rather, person he tolerates. Karkat. Everyone else are lowbloods that don’t like him because he’s better than them so they insult him and say he smells bad when that’s the natural smell of the ocean and they don’t understand how important he is, or Feferi who toyed with his emotions and left him for some bipolar mustardblood and avoided him after ALL HE DUD FOR HER AND WAS SO NICE TO HER AND SHE DIDN’T RECIPROCATE THOSE FEELINGS wait what was I talking about? Eridan insists he does not need help. He’s fine. He’s fine fine fine fine fin.
Feferi loves Spongebob Squarepants, it’s a match made in heaven, but she’s not obsessed with it. She still went far enough to paint her recuperacoon blue with the colorful flowers that dotted the oceans of Bikini Bottom. She is an advocate for saving all the coral reefs and has sued many companies with her nonprofit organization and vast personal wealth for spillover of hazardous chemicals into protected waters. Considering how often CrockerCorp gets into these environmentalist lawsuits, Feferi gets under Jane’s nerves. A lot.
Final thoughts. Eridan, Karkat, Nepeta, Vriska, Tavros, and Terezi (sometimes Sollux but he’s busy most of the time) all run a discord for roleplaying and video games. Eridan Karkat and Tavros like to play the Elder Scrolls series, Sollux likes to play the Fallout series, Vriska, Nepeta, and Terezi like both. Sollux tried to get Eridan to play Fallout: New Vegas once, but Eridan got bored after a few hours and thought the morality system was too simple. Between the organized disciplined and stable Caesar’s Legion or the corrupt incompetent bureaucrats of the New California Republic, or the selfish authoritarian Mr. House, or you thrusting the wasteland into chaos as you throw all 3 of the remaining lighthouses of civilization into collapse. Sollux has a let’s play channel but the only uploads on it are Nepeta’s playthrough of Postal 2 she shared on the discord server.
Karkat does a lot of human movie watchparties with his old friends to keep his trollian friends close enough that they don’t kill each other or wander off on this new weird alien world, and to his surprise they like some of the human films even though they are bottom of the barrel compared to peak alternian film. Each of the trolls favorite films are:
Aradia: Carrie (1976)
Tavros: Pokémon the First Movie (2000)
Sollux: The Matrix (1999)
Karkat: Con Air (1996)
Nepeta: The Lion King (1994)
Kanaya Maryam: Harry and the Hendersons (1987)
Terezi: Trolls (2016)
Vriska: Pirates of the Caribbean (2005)
Equius: Spirit (2003) and Fight Club (1999)
Gamzee: Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988)
Eridan: Waterloo (1970)
Feferi: Atlantis the Lost Empire (2001)
Final fact: since films from the beta kids library still had a chronological year, the release year of films gets confusing, so to make up for it, films on Earth C are released on a separate calendar, the year on the Earth C Planetary Film Board is equal to current year (number of years after the original kids touched down on Earth C) plus 2009. Old Alternian films are hard to chronologically measure since they were made billions of years before April 2009.
This is a long one!
These are all amazing!
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alectoperdita · 17 days
Do I have a dozen things, including fic requests, to finish? Yes. But I only seem to want to start self-indulgent things that I may or may not even finish myself.
Anyway, inspired by those photos, here's Seto and Katsuya after six months of dating in the Old Friends universe.
As soon as the elevator's doors shut, Seto's phone dinged with a message. He checked it, hoping against hope it was a cancellation of tonight's dinner plans.
No such luck for him. It was a message confirming the other party might even be early.
Movement on the edge of his vision distracted him before he could reply. He peered sideways at the elevator's other occupant, at Katsuya, his boyfriend now of six months. Katsuya also had his phone in hand, held aloft, and flipping the bird with the other as he snapped several selfies.
Seto stopped to watch him pose and make faces at his camera. It still boggled him sometimes: how long they'd lasted, how seamless the transition had been, how well they clicked.
In the mirror-finish of the elevator doors, their reflections stood side-by-side but they might as well be from two different worlds. Seto's navy-pattern suit was neat and pressed, a folded pocket square peeking out of his breast pocket, and shoes shined to a gleam. Every detail of his appearance managed and controlled down to the stitch. Katsuya, on the other hand, looked as if he recently rolled out of bed—Seto's bed—despite having taken as long as Seto to get ready.
Seto took his time giving his boyfriend the once-over, as was his prerogative, his eyes tracing the slopes of Katsuya's chest and midriff visible through his torn, sleeveless mesh top. The stretch of black, barely there fabric was broken up by bands of silver, heavy chains stringed around his neck, biceps, and wrists. His pants hung low on his waist, exposing his underwear's waistband, and boasted more straps than belt buckles Seto used to wear in his youth. The artfully tousled hair resembled his bed head after they had one or two invigorating rounds of sex, and his heavy eyeliner reminded Seto of when they first ran into each other on a fateful New Years Eve.
Their eyes locked through their reflections, and Katsuya pursed his lips to blow him a kiss.
He'd been caught staring. Ears now warmed, Seto tore his gaze away and typed a hasty reply to his dinner meeting.
As soon as he slipped the phone into his pocket, though, Katsuya immediately invaded his personal space. His chin rested on Seto's shoulder as his burly arms slung around his waist. Seto's eyes darted back to their reflections again. They were undeniably fetching tangled together, something that pleased Seto to no end.
"I'm not just for looking. You can touch," Katsuya mumbled against his heated ear.
"In that case, we're going right back upstairs," Seto grumbled.
Katsuya chuckled. "Down, boy. You're the one who worried about being late and rushing out the door."
As they said, business before pleasure. Pity.
Sooner than Seto preferred, they hit the ground floor. Katsuya dropped his arms, leaving Seto somewhat chilled and bereft despite wearing a suit in June, and swaggered off the elevator. Together, they crossed the atrium, where the black granite interior threatened to swallow Katsuya if not for the bright glimmer of his blond hair.
"You sure I can't convince you to come with me?" Seto asked. It was not the first time he'd even asked him. If it got Katsuya to change his mind, he wouldn't mind asking several times more.
"Hmmm. Depends. Where are you going?"
Katsuya burst into laughter. It was music resonating within the high-ceiling lobby. "Tools go to Buddha-Bar."
He winced.
"Sorry, babe." Katsuya flashed an apologetic smile. In the middle of the lobby, he paused and spun to face him before gesturing to himself. "Plus, I doubt this meets their dress code."
Seto also came to a stop, taking the obvious invitation to ogle his scantily-clad boyfriend more. He couldn't even be mad at Katsuya, because the man was right on both accounts. The restaurant often attracted a crowd more concerned with appearing more cosmopolitan than they actually were, plus it'd would never seat Katsuya when he showed that much skin. Pity because he'd pay to sick Katsuya on tonight's dining party of financiers, all of whom certainly qualified as "tools" in Seto's book.
"They would if I bought them out," he said, blasé even as he stared a little too intensely at Katsuya's sculpted pecs.
Years ago, such an off-the-cuff comment would've pissed Katsuya off. But they were older now, close enough for him to recognize Seto's jokes even if he didn't always appreciate them.
Instead, Katsuya rolled his eyes and twirled around. Seto would've been annoyed if his broad back wasn't as delectable as his torso. Tonight, his boyfriend was eye candy from head to toe, front to back. Merely one of many reasons for Seto to trail behind him toward the exit.
"Hey, look at it this way. At least you don't have to go far, and it'll be an easy walk back once it's over."
Boots clomping, he shouldered past the glass door and onto the sidewalk. Dusk had not yet settled over the city, but the sun dipping behind the high-rises limned the urban landscape in light purple and orange. It was quiet, "quiet" for New York, the calm before the storm of bustling nightlife that descended on the neighborhood after dark.
They took a second to drink it in, then they were off again.
Seto lengthened his stride until he fell into place next to his boyfriend. In his opinion, any walk was vastly improved with Katsuya at his side. Katsuya gave him a sidelong glance before reaching across the small gap to intertwine their fingers. Seto squeezed his hand in return, finding solace in its warmth and weight. They drew glances as they approached the intersection, seemingly mismatched in their style of dress.
Katsuya peered up at him from under smoky eyelids. "You could always ditch 'em. Run away to Williamsburg with me."
Though he said it like a joke, Seto knew he meant it. As with almost anything involving Katsuya, it was tempting.
"Can't. I've been trying to schedule this meeting since last month."
"I know. I know. It was worth a try." Katsuya tilted his head, gesturing across the crosswalk as the light changed. "Alright, I'm headed that way."
Toward the subway. In the opposite direction of where Seto needed to go.
Even as their fingers started to separate like a taut string fraying, he squeezed them one last time. "Tell your sister and Mazaki I said hi."
"I will." Katsuya swooped in and caught his lips in a kiss over far too soon. When he drew away, his eyes twinkled with good-natured teasing. "Have fun dropping a Benjamin on an app and cocktail. I'm off to stuff myself with chili fries. You're always welcome if you get that bored."
With a wink and a wave, he was gone, a flurry of black and bronze lost to the streets of Tribeca.
Fifteen minutes into a round of pre-dinner drinks, Seto wished he had ditched and made the trek out to Brooklyn with Katsuya. But building a new theme park required constant injections of cash flow. As healthy as his company's coffers may be, it alone didn't suffice. Thus the need to wine and dine these bankers to see what loose change he could shake out of them.
Still, he fired a message to his boyfriend asking where he might find him later.
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tinkerbelldetective · 8 months
Kaiba hides a shaky inhale as your fingers pass through his brown hair, fingers dwelling at the base of his neck before repeating the process.
"Happy birthday to you," you sing faintly.
Mokuba sang it to him at least once today, possibly twice.
"Happy birthday dear Seto,"
He catches your hand in his, blue eyes meeting yours with an unreadable expression. You smile, interlacing your fingers and inching closer.
"Happy birthday to you."
You press a kiss to his lips slowly, pulling away as he smiles softly, the one he saves only for you.
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mrs-setokaiba · 8 months
Yu-Gi-Oh! Seto Kaiba Poll
Image References to All the Outfits and My Own Thoughts Are Below the ‘Keep Reading’ Cut-Off:
1. Duelist Kingdom
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2. Domino City Museum (Pre-Battle City)
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3. Battle City
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4. KC Grand Championship
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5. Dark Side of Dimensions (Movie)
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My own thoughts are that I absolutely loved him in the Duelist Kingdom outfit because that’s when I really started to like him. The Battle City outfit became his iconic one. And while I didn’t list it, it was also his outfit for the Pyramid of Light movie. I figured since I was going to list Dark Side of Dimensions which had the same outfit there was no point listing Pyramid of Light too. I listed DSoD because of the drastic improvement in animation as well as all of his extended technology and features (abs), and it somehow felt like the outfit had more clarity. It’s also important to note that DSoD is different because Seto doesn’t wear Mokuba’s necklace around his neck. I think my personal favourite has to be his Domino Museum outfit though. I don’t know what it is but that coat just looks so cool on him and the way it fits with the metal bands on his wrists gives it such a classy feel. His suit for the Grand Championship was awesome too since it was one of the few times you saw him without his coats. It makes you remember that he’s a proper CEO as well when he’s not spending his time dueling!
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romanceddawn · 2 months
once again thinking about aroace atem having to deal with rival being so down bad for each other all the time over the most normal shit
like seeing yugi wear a new top that exposes his arms & neck and telling him how nice he looks while seto's beside him trembling with the need to touch, or seeing seto in a super casual setting where he's wearing sweatpants and just being like 'wow you look relaxed! :)' while yugi's brain is melting an he's trying not to drool
every time he notices he's just like "i know you two have both tried to straight up go into suicidal situations for me but i feel like you finally hit the 'too dramatic' stage this time. thats just me tho."
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unfriendlyamazon · 5 months
title: Bad Dragon
rating: E
pairing: Seto Kaiba/Joey Wheeler
warnings: Strap On, Anal Sex, Nipple Play, Bondage, Rope Role Play, Safewords, Joey Is Not Actually A Dragon In This One (But It's Fun To Pretend)
i was informed by @alectoperdita that it's dragon day so here's something i've wanted to write for a while, was originally on my list for kaijouweek, i gave up on, and then decided to ressurect. i went through a lot today, including the power going out with no heat, so i'm not going to bother editing it. read at your own peril
The ropes at Seto's wrist were tight enough to leave red burns against his skin if he twisted too hard. Removed of his clothes, legs and arms bound, he was as exposed as he could be. Even the comfort of his own bedroom offered little relief. Not with the figure prowling over him. The dim light of the bedroom meant his captor was backlit from the window. Blond strands of hair glowed where they curved away from the face, and through the shadows his eyes seemed to glow with amber light. But what caught Seto's eyes the most was the strap on cinched around his waist. A dildo curved from it, the base thick as it came to a sharp spade point. It's back was ridged, promising tantalizing pleasure with every inch. When he'd purchased it, he'd made sure it was a dark color, glittering with red.
“Look what crawled into my den,” Joey said. His finger grazed a line up Seto's chest. He sucked in a breath, and Joey's lip curved up into a smile. “It's so rare I get such a delicious snack.”
Seto swallowed thick. When mapping out the roleplay, Joey was more than enthusiastic to play the sinister dragon, but Seto wasn't sure he was such the innocent victim. He should've known he'd be in good hands.
“Don't tell me,” Joey said, sliding onto the bed beside Seto. “You came here for my treasure.”
“No,” Seto said. “I came here for you.”
His lips drew back, showing rows of teeth. Seto wished he could drag him in for a kiss. His arm strained against the rope, and Joey's eyes flicked to him with an amused look.
“You're not getting off so easily,” he tutted. “You're in my den, at my mercy. You're lucky so far. Most I devour straight away.”
He swooped in with a chomp of his teeth, stopping short of Seto's nose. He didn't flinch. Joey laughed in his face 
“Such a brave knight,” he said and leaned in to whisper in Seto’s ear. “Let’s see if you stay so brave.”
His hot breath made Seto shiver. His cock twitched with excitement, made worse when Joey’s tongue slicked down his neck. His mouth explored Seto’s skin until he came to the pulse point. The first brush of teeth made Seto suck in a breath. Joey climbed on top of him, straddling him at his stomach. He curled his fingers into Seto’s skin. The silicone of the dildo pressed to his stomach, heated by his own desire. He closed his eyes momentarily to imagine the dragon looming over him, and when he opened them again he saw Joey looking down at him with a curious tilt to his expression. The light seemed to glow from inside him.
“You’re beautiful,” Seto breathed.
Joey huffed out a laugh and ran his knuckles along Seto’s cheek. “An admirer. Maybe I won’t devour you after all.”
“Don’t make any promises,” Seto said.
He laughed again, and then leaned down to press his mouth to Seto’s. His kiss was open mouthed and full of teeth. They scraped Seto’s lip raw. Joey’s tongue forced its way into his mouth with wet, messy strokes. Blood and heat rushed to the surface. He wanted more than anything to wrap his fingers in Joey’s hair and tighten his legs around his waist, but he was kept trapped. All he could do was submit.
Teeth bit down on his jugular, and he released a moan. He could feel Joey’s slickness underneath the strap on, and that only made him more high with pleasure. When Joey’s tongue found its way to his right nipple, his whole back arched. He took the sensitive nub between his teeth and suckled on it. Seto panted with each spike of pleasure. He was fully hard now, which only made matters worse. How Joey’d chosen to sit against him meant his ass rocked back and forth to brush the rigid member with promise. Joey bit down hard on his nipple, causing Seto to shout. He looked up at him with a grin on his face.
“Is this torture for you?” Joey said, pinching the nipple between his fingers. “Or do you want more?”
“More,” Seto breathed. He always wanted more. He was never satisfied until he was raw and useless. Joey took to this with his usual fervor.
“I could shred you limb from limb,” Joey continued, and he dug in his fingers with promise. “I could tear your heart out of your chest.”
“It's yours,” Seto said. “Please, just, don't stop.”
Joey slid down him, his mouth moving across his navel to find his cock between his legs. Heated breath bloomed against the head. Seto made a soft sound as Joey dug his fingers into his thighs, forcing his legs even further apart.
“Maybe,” Joey said with a wink, “I find another way to devour you.”
His mouth descended on Seto’s cock and his whole body reacted. His warm, wet tongue engulfed his tongue as his cheeks sucked in on the member. The dragon’s fire coursed through Seto’s limbs. Joey took no break as he engulfed Seto entirely, from tip to base. Seto could no longer offer resistance to the rope, only slope into its hold as his body went limp. He closed his eyes and pictured the dragon’s maw open with the long reptilian tongue lapping at his cock. He was so entranced in the vision that he yelped when he felt the first finger slide inside him. Joey dragged off his dick.
“Blue,” he breathed with a wave of his hand. “Just surprised.”
Joey grinned, returning to pressing his slicked up fingers inside his ass. “You got pretty lost in the sauce.”
“The stage is missing a fine actor,” Seto said, sinking into his palm.
“Aw, babe.” Joey lifted up, which had the benefit of pressing his hand further inside him, and kissed him on the mouth. “You’re gonna make me blush.”
“Can we…” Seto murmured, and then his breath hitched as Joey pressed his fingers to his hole.
“I got you,” he said. “I know what you came for.”
“Yes,” Seto breathed. “I want it.”
Joey’s fingers worked to open him up. The silicone dildo thrust against his thighs. He wanted it inside him. He wanted to feel its girth, its ridges, wanted it to destroy him.
“Do you think you can handle me?” Joey murmured into his skin. “Do you think you’re strong enough?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Seto said. “Split me in two, I don’t care. I just want your cock buried inside me.”
“I bet you do.” He kissed him again. “You call such a dangerous thing beautiful.”
“You are,” Seto said. His eyes met Joey’s, and he couldn’t help but smile. “The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
Even when Joey was topping him, it still delighted Seto to see his cheeks turn pink. He could dish out a thousand compliments Seto’s way, and it only took one word to make him a gooey mess. Even at moments like these, or perhaps especially because of them, he flustered, choosing to silence Seto’s words with another open mouthed kiss. Any more sweet talking Seto had was swallowed up by his tongue, and his fingers worked their magic on Seto’s asshole. It wasn’t long before he was slick and open and ready for Joey to drive him through.
“Hurry,” Seto said as Joey sat back to apply the lube to the dildo.
Joey laughed. “You don’t get to make demands here.”
“I’ve waited long enough,” Seto insisted.
Joey positioned between his legs, and the tapered head of the dildo pressed in easily. Seto gasped and curled his fingers into his palm. It was all he could do. The head of the dildo pushed inside, widening him up for the shaft. Short, sharp sounds burst out of him as Joey slowly situated between his legs. With the dildo half way in, he gave a sudden thrust. Seto keened.
“Oh,” he gasped. “More.”
“Not so fast.” Joey settled on top of him. The weight could crush his chest, and he welcomed it. “I don’t want you coming undone just yet.”
More thrusts, slow and purposeful. His teeth scraped against Seto’s chest, and his arms curled tight around him. Fingers threaded through his hair. Joey was like a boa constrictor readying to devour its next meal. It only elated Seto. With the next thrust, the ridged back of the dildo stuttered inside him. Another pushed it in even further. He gasped, groaned, dug his fingers in so hard he could feel the red marks on his palm. Joey’s mouth worked against his skin. Teeth and tongue, slick and hard, inside and out. Every inch of him was on fire.
Joey’s methodical embrace never lasted long. Once he was excited, and it was so, so easy to get him excited, he crashed down like a wave against the shore. He thrust harder inside Seto, grunting with the effort. He had little stimulation beneath the strap rigging, but he got off just on seeing Seto like this, helpless, at his mercy. It made Seto play up the act all the more. He arched against his restraints, fingers searching like he could fold them into Joey’s hair, mouth open and accepting when his tongue forced its way inside. Fingernails dug into his back and clawed the skin. Seto would be bruised and marked after this was done. Nothing delighted him more than to see Joey’s frenzy reflected back at him in the mirror, even if it meant wearing turtlenecks until the bruises faded. All he could gasp out as Joey fucked him was more, more, more–
He came suddenly. The dam inside him shattered, and there was no reprieve. His vision saw white as he came between Joey and himself, the semen slicking their stomachs as Joey continued to thrust inside him. Stars filled his vision. Joey kept thrusting, still kissing him, still shaking with pleasure even as Seto became overstimulated in his hands. For a moment, he thought he might actually fuck him until he was torn asunder, but the fantasy passed. Joey panted against his lips. Seto smiled and pressed a tender kiss to him.
“Undo my hand,” he said.
Joey nodded soundlessly. His pupils were wide and black. He picked at the ropes with only a brief curse, and Seto’s hand fell away. Pinpricks spotted up his arm, but he ignored them to focus on the man in front of him. Reaching beneath the dildo, he pressed his fingers against Joey’s clit. He sucked in a breath, sitting up to ride him properly. He liked when Seto went deep inside him, so Seto did, maneuvering as best he could beneath all the hardware. Joey still wore the strap on as he thrust into Seto’s hand. He was the vision of the dark and dangerous dragon, his long cock tantalizingly in view. His head went back, and he came easily into Seto’s palm. Seto gave him a few minutes, letting his breath come back to him. Joey blinked bleary eyes at him before undoing the rest of the restraints. Finally free, Seto massaged his limbs as Joey pulled off the strap on and crawled beside him in bed. He folded him into a hug that Seto accepted.
“Was it good?” Joey asked.
“Of course.” Seto turned his head to press a kiss to his lips. “I don’t choose my scene partners lightly.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Joey dragged him down into the sheets. “The dildo was a pretty good investment.”
Seto hummed, curling against his chest like a cat. “Maybe we should go a little further. A few more prosthetics could really sell it.”
Joey laughed, and it shook his chest hard enough to shake Seto too. He closed his eyes and exhaled.
“Next time,” Joey promised. “You wanna get in the bath?”
Seto shook his head. “A minute longer.”
Joey understood. He held Seto, pulling the blankets over their naked bodies, and brushed his hair with his fingers. Seto closed his eyes and imagined the warm heat of his dragon, the feel of its breath, and the rise and fall of its chest as he was held by it.
A fantasy almost as good as his reality.
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gx-gameon · 2 months
Part 5 of Yugi raising Jaden
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Mokuba had been kind enough to send them a car to come and pick them up. The drive was far shorter than the walk would have been. The three sat in relative silence on the way over. All thinking about what was to come once they reach Kaiba Corp.
The building was impressive. Jaden had never seen a building that tall and now he, Yugi, and Joey were going to head inside. But only he and Joey were going to leave.
Jaden didn’t want to admit the anxiety he was feeling. He’d already been abandoned by one set of parents. He knew Yugi wasn’t leaving forever. He had promised, even giving Jaden one of his cards so that Jaden knew he was coming back. But that didn’t mean Jaden wanted him to go in the first place.
When they arrived at the building Joey hopped out of the car with ease. Yugi moved to follow him, planning to help Jaden out once he was outside the car, when a little hand stopped him. He turned to see Jaden who now had a death grip on his shirt.
“Hey bud.” Yugi kept his voice soft. “Want me to pick you up?” Jaden gave a stiff nod, but it was all the confirmation that Yugi needed. He leaned forward and scooped up the little boy, carefully shuffling them both out of the car.
He could hear the driver radioing to Mokuba that they had arrived. He couldn’t hear Mokuba’s reply but the driver told them to head inside and that the younger Mr. Kaiba would meet them soon.
Yugi lead the way inside. Jaden was clinging to him, his little arms and legs wrapped tightly around Yugi’s neck and waist. His face buried into the crook of Yugi’s neck. And Yugi wished he didn’t have to leave him. His boy was scared. Jaden wouldn’t admit it but Yugi could tell he was scaring his son. But Kaiba needs to return, Mokuba needed his big brother, and Yugi needed answers about Jaden’s past. There was no way he couldn’t go. But the fear his little one was experiencing made him wish there was another way.
“Yugi you’re here! Are you ready to- oh.” Mokuba came running towards them. His excitement to get his brother back clear in his voice, but he cut himself off when he got a good look at them. At Jaden clinging to Yugi like a koala.
“Hey Mokuba. I’d like you to meet Jaden.” Yugi greeted their younger friend before turning his attention to the little boy in his arms. “Jaden,” he gently coaxed the boy to raise his head. “This is my friend Mokuba Kaiba.”
Jaden turned his attention to the 12 year old standing in front of them. Mokuba looked at the kid with a bit of awe. It was weird to see Yugi as a father. Not a bad thing, but Mokuba had lost his parent when he was so young, and Gozaburo was anything but fatherly. So Mokuba didn’t have any real ruler to measure fatherhood by. He was practically raised by Seto. But watching as Yugi gently introduced his son to him. As he coaxed him out of hiding and got the boy to smile and laugh, every movement was gentle and kind, as Yugi always was. It made him have a weird feeling in his stomach.
“Uh It’s nice to meet you.” Mokuba remembered his manners just in time to greet the now waving little boy. “Yugi are you ready to go?” He wanted to get this conversation back on track.
“I am. Jaden is going to stay with Joey.” Yugi explained nodding his head towards Joey who shot Mokuba a little two finger salute.
“Hey Mokuba.” He greeted casually.
“Hey Joey.” Mokuba returned the greeting but his eyes quickly tracked back to the little boy in Yugi’s arms. He had to be about the same age Mokuba was when he was adopted by Gozaburo. Mokuba couldn’t imagine going through that without Seto. But seeing how Jaden clung to Yugi the same way Mokuba used to cling to Seto, before Gozaburo worked his teachings into Seto’s heart, it made him realize something.
Yugi was Jaden’s Seto, Jaden’s protector. Mokuba was 12 years old and he still hated when Seto left him for to long a time period, one of the many reasons he was so desperate to bring Seto home, be he knows he was even worse when he was younger. Now he’s the one asking Jaden’s protector to abandon him. How was that fair? But no one else could go after Seto. There had to be something he could do to make this easier on the kid.
“They can stay here.” Mokuba practically shouted at them, taking Yugi and Joey back. Mokuba quickly realized what he had done and tried to regain control of himself. “Like we talked about earlier Jaden and Joey can stay here with me. That way they can get updates on your progress.” This way Jaden could know his protector was safe, and that he was coming home.
Yugi seemed to understand what Mokuba was offering. Mokuba wouldn’t put it past Yugi to know exactly why he was offering it to, he was just that good at reading people. Especially the Kaiba brothers. Yugi’s face softened. “That would be great Mokuba.” He replied before pivoting to Joey, “if it’s alright with you.”
“You kidding. We get to keep an eye on you and live off of rich-boy dime? Sign me up.” Joey was always great at keeping the mood light. While he would never pass up the opportunity to mess with Kaiba, he knew having a tab on Yugi would greatly decrease his own anxiety about the whole thing. And he was sure that it would help Jaden to.
“Then it’s settled. You to can stay with me until Yugi gets back. Now let’s head up.” Mokuba lead them to the elevator that took them to the top floor of the building, that is where the base of Kaiba’s devise lay.
The whole way up his eyes kept traveling to Yugi and Jaden. Yugi was quietly talking to the boy. Telling him stories about his other trips to Kaiba Corp, or just reassuring him that all would be well. And suddenly that funny feeling was back in Mokuba’s stomach.
It wasn’t until Jaden laughed at something that Yugi said, the two smiling softly at each other that Mokuba put together what he was feeling. He was jealous. Yugi had only had Jaden for a short time but he was already taking to the role of his father. He was kind and reassuring. Just in the short time that Mokuba had known about Jaden he could tell that Yugi already put the boy ahead of everything, as his only hesitation in chasing after Seto had been his concern for Jaden.
It made Mokuba wonder what it would have been like to grow up with such a comforting presence. He wondered how his life would have been different. How Seto would have been different, if they had ended up with a man like Yugi rather than a man like Gozaburo. Would Seto smile more? Would he still call him Moky? Mokuba loved his brother, and knew he worked hard for them to have the lives they did, but sometimes he couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if they had stayed at that orphanage. And now watching Yugi and Jaden, he can’t help but wonder about what would have happened if someone like Yugi adopted them.
“You okay Mokuba?” Yugi asked drawing Mokuba back to the present. He looked up to see all three boys staring at him with varying degrees of worry.
“Yah, why?” Mokuba tried to shake it off. He was fine after all.
“Um, cause we’re at the top dude.” Joey said pointing to the open elevator doors. Mokuba’s cheeks burned. Oh he had really zoned out there huh.
“Mokuba it’s okay if you’re worried about Kaiba. We understand.” Yugi tried to reassure him, but Mokuba shook it off.
“There’s nothing to worry about.” That’s a lie. Why would he have dragged Yugi into this if he wasn’t worried, but Mokuba had been more concerned with covering up why he had zoned out. Now that the words have left his mouth though he realized how dumb they sounded and-
“You’re right.” Jaden spoke with confidence. “Yugi’s going to bring Mr. Kaiba back so there’s nothing to worry about, because Yugi always comes back to me.”
And Mokuba remembers having that level of confidence in Seto. He had that confidence in Seto when he left, but it’s been a month now… no Jaden was right. They were coming back. Yugi would bring Seto back. Because Yugi always comes back for Jaden and Seto always comes back for Mokuba.
“You’re right Jaden. Yugi will bring Seto back no problem.” Mokuba agreed. Yugi had never let Mokuba down. He wouldn’t start now, not with his own son’s faith in the line.
Mokuba turned and lead them towards the machine that would take Yugi to another dimension, to the afterlife.
Yugi was starting to get nervous. Having Jaden and Mokuba’s unwavering faith was nice. He just hoped he could live up to it.
Mokuba walked over to a machine on the side of the room and picked up a bracelet like thing. “Here Yugi hold out your wrist.” He called as he walked back over to them. Yugi balanced Jaden on his hip and held out his dominant hand (the one his duel disk wasn’t strapped to). Mokuba clasped the devise around his wrist and the thing lit up with a soft purple glow. “This will keep track of your vitals while you’re in the other dimension.” Mokuba explained.
Yugi nodded along understand the importance of such a device. He then watched as Mokuba made his way to the center of the room. A pod like devices sat in the center, it had a triangular shape with the point coming to the front and widening as it went back. The top had a dome like structure and he could see a chair inside of the contraption. Mokuba clicked a button and the machine opened up, the top separating from the bottom in front and raising up like a clam shell would.
“This is the how you’ll get to the other dimension. Once you’re inside we’ll start the sequence to send you after Seto.” Mokuba explained.
“So I guess this is it then?” Joey said as he walked over to Yugi and laid a hand on his shoulder. “Be careful out there.”
Yugi smiled brightly back at his friend. “When am I not?”
Joey chuckled. “I mean it Yug. I won’t be there to watch your back.” He paused then making sure he had his friend’s attention. “Just come back safe, and bring rich boy with you.” he tired to make it light with a joke at the end but his worry was bleeding through.
Yugi smiled warmly at his friend. “I’ll come back. Nothings going to stop me.” He then turned his attention to the little boy in his arms. He could see tears welling up in Jaden’s eyes but the boy wasn’t letting them fall yet. “Hey” he called to bring the boys attention to him. “I’m coming back. This isn’t ‘goodbye,’ it’s ‘I’ll see you soon.’ I promise.”
Jaden gave a shaky nod and a weak smile. “Okay.”
Yugi reach his free hand up and tangled it into Jaden’s hair, bring the little one’s forehead close and pressing a kiss to it. “I love you, Jaden. I’ll be back soon.”
Jaden wrapped his arms tightly around Yugi’s neck giving him one final hug. “I love you to.”
Joey moved to stand next to Yugi. With a little prompting Yugi got Jaden to release his grip and move over to Joey’s open arms. Joey propped Jaden on to his hip and shot a big smile at the boy and then at Yugi.
“You’ve got this Yug! We’ll be here waiting when you come back.” Joey cheered as he did a fist pump with his free hand. Then he turned his attention to Jaden, “right littlest buddy?” He said it with a confident smile and a warm tone encouraging Jaden.
The little boy followed his lead sending a big smile Yugi’s way and a little cheer. “Yep! Yugi always comes back.”
Yugi smiled back and moved to take his seat in the devise.
“Alright, we need to get to the control room.” Mokuba called leading Joey and Jaden away. Leaving Yugi alone for a moment while they got everything into position. His hand found its way to his deck, his fingers dancing over the lid as he sent a silent plea for strength and protection to his cards. He could feel their spirits rising to meet him, offering comfort and support. He could do this. He’d get there, find Kaiba, and come home.
“Yugi can you hear me?” He heard Mokuba call over the loud speakers. He looked up and he could see a glass panel on one of the walls that lead to the control room. He could see Mokuba standing next to the glass with Joey and Jaden next to him. Joey was pointing down at the pod and talking to Jaden, before he and the boy both waved to Yugi.
He smiled up at them and waved back. “I can hear you Mokuba.”
“Good. The pod is going to launch you up into the other dimension. Once you’re there a dimensional clone of the pod will stay where you landed. You need to find Seto and his pod. Once you do, get him into his pod and hit the return button, it’s the green one on the right.” Yugi looked over and saw a bright green button on the right of his pod. Thankfully it was the only green button there. “Once Seto is back you can head back to your pod. Just be carful if the pod gets destroyed I don’t have another way to bring you back.”
Yugi could hear the sound of a raised voice but couldn’t hear what they were saying. Looking up though he could see Joey looking at Mokuba and talking very animatedly, so he guessed that Joey was making his displeasure at that news known. “I understand.” He called to get them back on track. “Any time limit I need to worry about?”
“Nope. Just get home soon.” Mokuba responded over the noise on the other line.
“Got it. Well I’m off then. See you guys soon.” Yugi put as much confidence into his voice as he could, wanting to calm both Joey and Jaden’s nerves.
The pod lid closed down around him. He could hear the count down and then suddenly he was thrusted upwards. The glass lid of the pod allowed him to see what looked like space rushing by him at an incredible speed. The force knocking him back into his chair and he had to appreciate Kaiba’s decision to have the chair in a laid back position or else this pressure would be unbearable.
Then just as quickly as it started it ended. The scene in front of his pod was that of a beautiful blue sky. He opened up the pod and looked around and was hit with some serious déjà vu as the desert sand and scenery reminded him of the memory world. He could see a city and palace not far from him and had a feeling deep in his chest, one he almost forgot how it felt, that Atem was there.
He was going to see Atem again.
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er6zione · 1 year
𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | seto kaiba.
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— pairing: seto kaiba x female ! reader.
— suggestive, bad writing, short headcanons.
synopsis: you and seto finally get to spend time together after he’s been busy with work for weeks.
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✰ — IT WAS RARE FOR YOU AND SETO to spend time together, he was always busy with work, and when i say always, i really mean it. now he was finally free, well he still had a lot of work to do but he decided to take a break for the both of you.
✰ — “I MISSED YOU SO MUCH, you don’t even understand.” you whispered near seto’s ear, placing a gentle kiss on his temple, then on his cheek and near his lips. “believe it or not, i understand very well, babe.” he sighed in pleasure with his eyes closed. “i missed you too.” “really? i didn’t see it through that cold expression of your.” you giggled as he rolled his blue eyes before melting them into yours. “shut up, you’re such an idiot.” he kissed you before you could say anything.
✰ — SETO GIVES YOU a lot of kisses while you lay on top of him, tracing small circles and imaginary figures on his chest as it slowly rise and fall under your touch. you only stop the movements of your fingers to lay your hand on his heart, to feel it beating faster and faster. this makes you feel sort of ‘proud’ as you should, making seto kaiba’s heart beating like that.
✰ — TENSION STARTS GROWING BETWEEN the two of you, the feeling of wanting each other more is stronger than seto’s usually composed attitude or your attempts to maintain these moments soft.
𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝖊𝖆𝖈𝖍 𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖙𝖔𝖔 𝖒𝖚𝖈𝖍 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊.
✰ — “WHAT’S WRONG, babe?” his deep voice sent you to heaven as he started placing wet kisses over your neck, a painfully slow way of kissing that was making you crazy. you slipped out of your shirt, your hands creating their way under seto’s sweater to take it off. your bodies caressed each other, the heat of the moment rising more and more as you started kissing each other with passion. your tongues danced messily in a kiss full of need, being forced to pull again only for you to take a breath.
✰ — YOU HAD TO ADMIT seto wasn’t always like this, he was always cold, composed and stoic. it felt almost unnatural to the both of you for him to act this way, but deep inside he liked these feelings and giving into them was his favorite sin.
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chaoscheebs · 5 months
That moment when Seto Kaiba realizes Yugi's neck is, in fact, one of his more sensitive spots and goes overboard enough that Yugi has to stay up late/get up early to hem one of Seto's turtlenecks high enough that it doesn't look like a dress on him.
Just like, thanks, babe, you KNOW he doesn't really have any clothes at your place yet and certainly nothing that'd cover the damn hickies. 8|
(Seto is unbearably smug through the entirety of the next day.)
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steve0discusses · 8 months
S5 Ep : I don't know the episode numbers anymore I never wrote them down, so from here on out, I'm just going to number up from my previous post. So I guess episode 49
Fun fact I finished this post a week ago and then never pressed send. I can blame this on a lot of things, (work, illness, brain fog, etc) but at this point we just know it's the universe trying to keep me from finishing S5 of my Yugioh reblog, lmao.
So, last we left off, Sad Seto was next to die.
What makes this extra weird is that the other Seto is going to just watch this entire thing happen. He apparently didn't have enough traumatic disassociating while watching his Blue Eyes Wife die, now he will disassociate from watching himself go out in a blaze of glory, too.
Sad Seto's strategy against Zorc is not really what you'd expect out of the #2 of Egypt's court. Although...I guess before everyone biffed it, Seto was more like #5? #6?
He's above Mana I feel. Barely. Mostly because Mana probably isn't the right age to legally work, even in ancient Egypt when the working age is like...if you can walk.
But he was apparently so busy doing Aknadin's taxes that he's decided it's good judgement to throw himself at a 800 ft tall dragon/crotch/man.
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for his credit, Sun Tzu's art of war hasn't been written yet.
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And Sad Seto realizes his true purpose, which is that he has a smarter, stronger, and more powerful girlfriend (ish.) Which is a running theme on this show, as we all know.
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In a bizarre cut that I can't believe they left on US TV...other than I think they couldn't cut this any other way, the penis dragon attached to Zork extended it's neck up to grab Blue eyes by her neck and just fling her into the ground, killing her instantly.
I don't like that the neck can extend longer. I don't like that it's a function of the dragon crotch. They knew. They knew what this looked like. Thanks, I hate it.
Also what an embarrassing way for Seto's past self to die. Truly the hieroglyphs about this event will be wild, and thousands of years later, Grandma Muto probably looked at this event etched into stone and just thought it was weird ancient pervert stuff.
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Sorry if you were thinking Sad Seto would recover last minute and realize he's like the most OP person in Yugioh. He instead rotted from his hand and joined the rest of our Egyptian cast in Shadow Hell.
Leaving us with just Mana. And like kudos to her, but how on EARTH did she survive so freakin long!? Like of all of them, I thought Seto would be the last one. Not Mana. Not in a million years did I think it'd be the girl who hid in a pot.
But youknow maybe that's why she survived?
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And then Bakura casually walked away from the only Seto who matters. Which is fitting, because if memory serves, that's also what Yami did to Seto for like half of the Battle City tourney.
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It's such a weird strange bod on this dragon. It's such a strange bod. He's both got kind of a belly, but also is ripped to shreds. Such a weird bod.
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In case you were like "We haven't given Seto enough motivation," we also toss in a few nearly dead brothers just to make sure we have properly traumatized this boy to the point where he'd duel someone who isn't Yugi Muto.
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Seto decided magic exists 6 minutes ago, and he's already better at magic than Yugi Muto who's had access to it for YEARS.
Like he learned about magic in a different culture, a different time, a different language, and now he's fighting the final boss.
But it's Seto, so I buy it. He would speedrun his life like this.
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That's the dialogue of the show where he says his first words were "neutron blast attack" and youknow...he probably has very few memories of himself as a child since his parents died and his other family put him up for adoption...but he knows his first words?
That, or Seto likes making his brand a reality by making up whatever nonsense it takes to make that brand legit. Which I can also see him doing.
Also please don't look at this foreshortened hand, don't look at it, ignore that this happened.
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So thanks to Bakura's weird choice to drag Seto into this universe in the first place, now Bakura has to fight Seto and his 3 blue eyes that would not have existed here otherwise.
TBH it kinda makes the whole Sad Seto arc feel kind of like it didn't need to exist. Like this is the Seto fight that matters. This one right here, and although they share a name, it's not with the same guy who fought Zorc at the beginning of this episode.
And like I could add it to a list of problems with this season. But Sad Seto started out so interesting, and then forgot. It was like he only existed to introduce the dragon, and not explain anything at all about the nature of Seto Kaiba we know and love. Like the possession of Aknadin can be a parallel to how Seto was raised following Gozaburo's footsteps, but youknow...that's all old territory.
Like, I wish I had any sort of new growth from the interaction of either of the Seto's together in the same room, much like we've been getting from Yami facing his past self. Yami's been growing a lot, he's been facing his demons, but Seto? Seto's been walking around this desert trying find wifi.
(which like he did find a "wifey" which is almost wifi but wasn't as helpful because she was dead)
The Seto Kaiba who is fighting Bakura right now, is the same exact guy we saw at the end of the last arc against Zeigfried Von Schroeder.
Which means the reason that Seto is now souped up and capable of going up against Bakura isn't because of anything we witnessed here in this arc, but because of the weird horse guy last arc who taught him how to put up a better firewall.
And maybe there was a draft where Seto decides he is a spiritual reincarnation of the Pharaoh of Egypt. Maybe there was a draft where he gained a new ability. Maybe there was a draft where he realized the gravity of what was happening and wanted to save the world.
But it ain't this draft, unfortunately.
Seto is here not because of an internal growth reason, but because he was on a tablet in S2, and we have to know where that plot thread went to have an ending...but the show rewrote what it initially said in S2.
Like in the OG timeline, it was Seto who killed Pharaoh. But here we found out it was actually Aknadin who possessed Seto to kill Pharaoh. (and at some point in that fight, Pharaoh stuck his soul in a box and sealed away Zorc)
Sad Seto was apparently a chill bro the entire time. Just a nice guy who arrested half of Cairo and had a sort-of-girlfriend for about 8 hours before she biffed it.
And I would have been OK with that, if it were more interesting than what we initially thought happened in the past: where we thought it was a kickass Seto launching a coup. But unfortunately, it's not, instead it's a boy who started out powerless, and continued to be powerless despite working in Pharaoh's literal court. He didn't even have the power to not get possessed.
And I am sure there were other drafts, and endings are hard, and the author did get hella hospitalized while he wrote this season, animation is a miracle of many moving parts and budgets, and we were lucky to even get an ending to this show. So I don't want to sound like I'm complaining when there are so many worse directions this show could have gone. I'm just a little surprised it went this direction, mostly.
But say what you will about Yugioh, it doesn't like to be predictable, doesn't it?
+++++++++++++++++++OK I'M DONE++++++++++++++++++++++
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Speaking of characters who haven't gained anything from being here, Tristan is no longer possessed!
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Tristan begs his apologies and Yugi takes it gracefully. Which means, it's time for the main character of this entire show to finally re-enter the plot.
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And they do so, in style.
Y'all I remember being excited about the look and style of extreme sports, but I do not remember this many heelies in the 00's.
Anyway, this is the link to read these in chrono order, you know the drill. See you next time to see yet another girlfriend biff it!
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