#seventies fashion is the best fashion
albeezus · 2 years
Nothing compares to watching @reallyndacarter perform “The Rubberband Man” on The Muppet Show. Funky air guitar and all!
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So, naturally we had to, now the game is actually out, bingo the CENSORED outfit in Stellar Blade. Credit to HarryNinetyFour for showing all seventy-four outfits, and Kotaku for this article where they propose that Eve is at her sexiest when she's got more on.
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Okay... maybe not that but...
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Seriously, if you're playing to fap - this game has you covered. But it also has a few really interesting, covering outfits that seem to reflect fantasies of fashion and comfort.
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The only thing that's really not present is any sort of actual military like BDUs or combat jumpsuits. That's kinda weird, even Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain let you put BDUs on Quiet.
And that bit is weird is, based on what I've seen people who've been playing the game saying - there is really a story about her being a soldier and fighting for a cause there. But you'd never know that based on the ongoing outrage.
The outrage is weird and sad
So as you can probably guess, the continuing riot of "censorship" here is pretty absurd. It's got to the point where they even bullied the Stellar Blade's X/Twitter account to un-repost the Kotaku article that praises the game.
But here's the thing, in all the years I've had to deal with brodudes doing this kind of nonsense in various online platforms etc, I have never seen one that is happy.
YouTuber Moon Channel did a two part (1, 2) series on a different drama in South Korea involving a Gacha game that dared not to be pointlessly horny, but here's the general take away.
English speaking brodudes in this situation are imagining that Stellar Blade is some sort of iconic work coming from the anti-woke wonderland where everyone is happy. The reality is:
South Korea has a deeply hierarchical society which essentially tells young people they are to obey and not to speak up
The economy and nepotism is such that unless you are born into a rich family, your employment prospects are downright depressing
Many young men in South Korea develop a lot of resentment toward women primarily because they are told that in order to enter a (heterosexual) relationship they will need to demonstrate they have the ability to be a great provider, and then are denied those opportunities by the economy and nepotism
On top of all this, the government takes a "we know whats best for you" approach to the extent that not only is porn banned but you will be expected to supply your identity information if you want to look up basic sexual educational materials
They would find it to be an absolute nightmare realm.
The reality is that in the "woke" world that brodudes fear, we'd probably see a lot more eroticism in art, including games, and it'd be of the more focused, sincere variety rather than that directed by creepy marketing guy.
All we really need to do is accept each other as people, appreciate each other's humanity and boundaries. Then we can both enjoy a sexy paradise, but also unite and deal with the assholes who keep oppressing us economically and socially.
Wouldn't that be nice?
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whoopsyeahokay · 5 months
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October Sun
summary: things had gone from weird to worse in a matter of seconds. it'd seemed all your secrets had decided to reveal themselves to Wally without so much as considering how you'd feel about it. you'd guessed that was the price you'd had to pay for your choice to share yourself with a member of Split River High's Afterlife Support Group.
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: eventual smutty smut smut. and mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence. very involved, very dense plot.
bon reading, frens
You were six, sitting on your sister Aurora's lap in a hospital room. Monitors beeped—long intervals, pitched notes—and, below that, your great-aunt's rattled breathing. Everything stank of disinfectant.
Ginny lay in the bed; pruned and pale, translucent skin hanging from her bones. She was just past seventy, but had aged several decades in the two weeks since the symptoms had started. Now, she looked like the skeletons your neighbors strung up for Halloween. Ghastly. Small.
Mommy dozed in the armchair across from you, her head at an awkward angle, mouth ajar, one hand rested on her swollen belly. For days, she'd subsisted on nothing but good ol' fashioned Celtic stubbornness, running herself into the ground to undo whatever had put Ginny in the hospital. Nothing worked. Potions, pastes, blood spells, smudging rituals; it didn't matter what Mommy and Nanna did, Ginny's doctor insisted her condition was deteriorating.
It was so strange, you thought, that Ginny didn't just tell them herself. After all, she was able to stand in front of you without assistance and seemed much healthier than she had even moments ago.
She'd been asleep, silvery and thin and wheezy, and then her eyes had popped open and she'd gotten to her feet with the grace of a ballerina. Auburn hair in fluffy curls, pinned neatly away from her face; lips bright, Victory red, and skin peachy.
She was as pretty as a picture in a church bell skirt and smart, collared blouse, the colors much more suited to her than the starch white of the hospital gown. The pendant of her necklace was now one of a pair dangling from her earlobes, silver circles glinting in the sterile light.
"Are you better?" You asked her, marveling at her loveliness.
Ginny crouched to meet you at your level and placed her hand on yours, green eyes bright as emeralds in the sun. She smiled, "Don't tell mummy. This will be our little secret." She addressed Aurora next, "I'll be back as soon as I can, pet."
Aurora nodded, solemn, and you both watched Ginny greet a young man in similarly outdated dress as he entered the room. You didn't know who he was, but Aurora must've because she offered him a watery smile, eyes glistening.
"Where's Ginny going?" You asked her.
She shushed you, murmuring, "You can't tell mom, okay?"
Annoyed, "I won't." You weren't 3, you knew how to keep a secret. You'd kept plenty for your new friend Hana. Like her crush on the crayon stealer, Simon Elroy, or how she always took two milks at recess instead of one.
"She's saying hello to Grandpa Jack." Aurora told you, but you sensed there was a lot more to it than that. You gave her your best glare. She rolled her eyes, "They're probably going to try and find out what's wrong with her."
But, "She's better, dummy," you said, craning your neck to watch her swan out of the room with a man who'd died before you were born.
Aurora sighed the way she did whenever she thought you said something stupid and pressed her hand to your cheek, forcing you to look at the bed.
You gasped, astonished that, there, under the layers of quilts your Nanna had brought, was Ginny; breath rattling, monitors beeping, white as a china doll and asleep.
That was how you learned that Traveling meant something different to your family.
One second you were clung to Wally like a limpet, the next you'd vanished into thin air. Snapped out of existence like you'd never been there at all. Frantic, Wally looked left, right, to the back of the stage, and then spun around to face the rows of seats.
His jaw dropped, blood draining from his face. You stood at the top of the center aisle, shirt no longer rucked up the way Wally had made it; hair as tidy as it had been before he'd run his fingers through it; skin no longer sporting the perfect blush he'd coaxed to the surface.
Even from where he stood, Wally could see that your eyes burned a nebula of colors, the way they had when Wally caught up to you outside the school earlier. As soon as he'd registered it—proof that something magical had just transpired—they dimmed to their normal hue, just as the man behind you, Mr. Anderson, Wally identified, demanded, "What are you doing in here?"
He seemed angry, more so than the time Wally had watched him chew out a group of boys in the locker room showers for smoking weed. Mr. Anderson grabbed you by the arm and hauled you out of the theater like you'd been trespassing.
Wally charged up the aisle, thoughts of how you could fucking teleport taking a back seat to the desire to shove Mr. Anderson to the ground for assuming he had the right to touch you like that. The connection between you and Wally bittered, shrieked, fear and fury swirling together to pump through Wally's veins.
Oh hell no.
"I'm sorry," You apologized. Mr. Anderson released you, causing you to stumble from the momentum he'd used to force you into the hallway. "I won't let it happen again."
In an ill-fated attempt to wedge himself between you and Mr. Anderson, Wally checked the man's shoulder with his own, but little happened. Mr. Anderson had repositioned himself, almost like he'd anticipated the action, and the intention waned into a light graze. One that had no impact on the man, but that caused Wally to trip into the wall.
Mr. Anderson escorted you through the school toward your locker, gravely explaining that you'd overstayed your welcome by an hour and a half; the Wednesday team practices and club activities already packed up and gone.
Glancing outside, Wally was shocked to see the sky was dark. Apparently, making out with you was the equivalent of pressing a giant PAUSE button on the fourth dimension. He was sure no more than twenty minutes had passed since you'd jumped into his arms and kissed him within an inch of his sanity.
Teleportation and time manipulation? Wally gaped, images of his favorite comic book heroes swarming his mind. Holy shit, you were an X-Man. He had big fat feelings for a Mutant prodigy. Was he the Cyclops to your Marvel Girl?
Needing to do something to ensure Mr. Anderson wouldn't try to grab you again, Wally inserted himself between you and him. A move that appeared to influence Mr. Anderson to maintain the space Wally enforced with his presence.
Good, Wally thought, cracking his knuckles, because while he had no problem trying to beat his way into the living world to knock a few of Mr. Anderson's teeth out, he knew that would take a lot more than noble intention to pull off.
He loathed feeling helpless. Back in the day, he'd stood up for the kids who got bullied, had done his best to fend off the misguided idiots who'd used their post-puberty size for evil. Trouble was that now he couldn't do more than make a light flicker by concentrating really, really hard.
Don't be fooled: Dawn made it look easy, but it wasn't.
Finally reaching your locker, Mr. Anderson reiterated, "What were you doing in there?" His demeanor all wrong. Wally knew enough about the guy to know that, usually, he was a cool kind of dorky. Relatable. However, something had obviously possessed him because he was acting like you'd discovered his hidden collection of porn mags.
Wally didn't like it. He wanted Mr. Anderson to fuck off and leave you alone more than he'd wanted anything for a long time. Retaining his position between you and Mr. Anderson, chin up, hands balled into fists at his sides, Wally willed Mr. Anderson away.
You began, "I was just—" when Wally gritted out, stare fixed on the man's haggard face, "You don't owe this dickhead an explanation, baby."
But you spoke over him, "Mathilda asked me to look for something she'd forgotten in there yesterday. She's in the Mean Girl's Musical?" You supplied, and, jeez, you were quick on your feet.
Mr. Anderson was unimpressed, "For two hours?"
"No! No. I was studying in the library when she texted me."
Wally began to wonder how many yarns you'd had to spin for it to come so easily. Part of him was uncomfortable with the notion that it seemed like second nature to you, while another, bigger, part of him seared the way lemon juice stings a papercut.
He recognized it was self-preservation. A lifetime of harboring a massive secret that, okay, might not get you carted off in a straitjacket these days, but definitely wouldn't make it easy for you to go through life normally. He'd seen people ostracized for less. Like Katelynn who, a week before her death, had been spurned by her scene kid friends because she'd admitted to being a fan of Hilary Duff.
"Do you have to get anything from the library, then?" Mr. Anderson wanted to know, the V between his brows deepening when his phone buzzed in his blazer pocket. The third time in the short minutes since he'd found you.
"No." You said, cowed, even though you shouldn't be. He'd been the one whose conduct had been inappropriate. He should be begging for your forgiveness, not making you feel terrible like it was his job. "I swear, I won't let it happen again."
Wally's blood boiled.
"See that it doesn't." Mr. Anderson warned. His phone buzzed again. "Get your things and go home."
"Yes, sir."
Mr. Anderson unpocketed and checked his phone as another call lit up the screen. Private, the caller ID claimed.
"You'll have to use the main entrance." He said, already backing away, "Everything else is locked up." Then he leveled you with a dark look of authority, "I assume you can make your own way out?"
Wally could feel the tension in your muscles, could hear your heart stutter behind your ribs. His fingers twitched, itching to bust the man's head right off his shoulders. And, damn, when had he last felt such violent inclinations? Even against those prima donna bullies, the rage hadn't distended into anything remotely close to this.
"Yeah, I..." You cleared your throat, "Yes."
Mr. Anderson retreated and took the next call that came through, his bark of, "Give me a minute," resonating through the empty hallway as he disappeared around the corner.
As soon as he was out of sight, Wally spun on his heel to face you. You shrunk against your locker, arms folded around your middle and eyes faraway, chewing the inside of your bottom lip as you lost yourself in thought.
Wally moved into your bubble, the connection between you calmed, and smoothed his hands down your waist; one into the back pocket of your jeans, the other gliding back up and into your hair.
He pulled you gently against him, tucked your head under his chin and asked, "You good, pretty girl?"
He felt you nod into his chest, "Yeah. That was just every shade of weird imaginable. Something was off about him." You leaned away just enough to gaze up at Wally. "He's usually so...friendly."
Wally pressed a kiss to the top of your head, "I don't want you to stick around, babe. I don't trust that dude not to do something stupid if he finds you again."
"For real?" You sounded stunned, "Him?"
"Honestly? Yeah. He was giving off serious Bundy vibes. You didn't do anything wrong and he acted like you'd cold-cocked his mama." Wally glared in the direction Mr. Anderson had gone, concluding, "Maybe he's the reason Maddie's blood was splattered all over the boiler room."
"Jesus, Wally, it wasn't a Fear Street massacre." You shunned the idea, disentangling yourself from him to open your locker. After a moment of reflection, "Do you really think he's capable?"
As you grabbed your backpack and started to shove what you needed into it, Wally leaned on the locker beside yours, shrugging, "Like I said, Bundy vibes. And I can't stop him if he decides to come back with a machete, so please," he implored, "Get your stuff and let's go."
Thankfully, you took his advice without further argument. Pulled on your leather jacket, slung your backpack over one shoulder, and held your hand out for Wally to take as if it was something you did all the time.
Champagne-fizz burst in Wally's chest as he accepted the invitation, lacing your fingers together and setting a leisurely but purposeful pace toward the atrium.
"So," He began, "You lie like that often?"
Shame bled into your features as you cast your gaze to the ground. You didn't look at him when you said, "Only when I have to."
"Do you have to do it a lot?"
"More than I'd like, yeah." You shrugged, audibly unhappy about the fact. "Trust me, it's not that I want to. But my family has a strict No One Can Know policy when it comes to our..." You lifted your free hand and air-quoted, "gifts."
Wally bumped into your side sportively. He took a beat to consider his question before he asked it, unsure if he was ready to hear anything other than what he wanted to. "Do you feel like you have to lie to me?"
You stopped and drew Wally back the two steps he'd taken ahead. Looking him square in the eye, you promised, "I'm not going to lie to you, Wally. About anything. Ever." Once he nodded to accept he understood, you moved along, "And anyway, you're now in on the one thing I have to lie about. So, unless I'm under a Fidelius Charm, I honestly don't have anything else to hide."
"A what charm?"
"Do we not have Harry Potter in the library?" You asked as if to no one in particular.
"Oh man, yeah. Rhonda got really into those books for awhile." Wally sloped toward you to stage-whisper by your ear, "She's a total nerd for them. Says she's a Slytherin." Wally straightened and snickered, "Whatever that means. She'd kill me if she ever found out I told you."
You drew an X over your heart, "I won't tell a soul," before you released Wally's hand to push the door to the atrium open with both of yours.
As he followed you down the ramp toward the front entrance, Wally was unable to ignore the elephant in the room any longer, "When were you going to tell me you could teleport?"
It startled a laugh out of you, the kind that starts with a snort. A wave of fondness washed over Wally and he grinned stupidly at you, all teeth and soft eyes.
"I can't." You corrected. Rather, "I can, uhm, project...astrally."
Whoa. You were officially the coolest person Wally had ever known.
A barrage of questions threatened to spill out of him, ranging from reasonable to unhinged. And who could blame him? Normal people couldn't leave their bodies at will and surf the cosmos!
"Astral projection is real?" He asked in as even a tone as he could manage.
"Being a ghost is real." You countered bluntly.
And, "Touché." He conceded, "But you can't blame a guy for being surprised when something out of the Twilight Zone can happen in real life."
You seesawed your head, lips adopting a playful smile. God, you were beautiful. "Fair." You said, winking at Wally who was then forced to swallow the need to pick you up and pin you to the nearest wall with his mouth.
The air was crisp when you both exited the school. He walked you to the picnic tables near the bus stop, resting on the end of a tabletop and pulling you between his legs. Like this, you were pressed flush against him, body fitted so perfectly into his.
The connection rumbled and flared, erupting volcano-hot, piloting Wally's actions. He slid his hands from your waist down to squeeze the pert swell of your ass, and dragged your hips against his.
You gasped, delicate, and let your head fall to the side to expose the column of your neck. Wally took advantage. Brushed his dry lips from your collar to the hinge of your jaw, little darts of tongue and drags of teeth.
"Fuck, baby, you don't know what you do to me," He groaned, his dick fattening in his sweatpants. And he sure as shit meant it. The connection between you was driving him crazy, keeping teenage boy hormones in check an impossible battle.
He rolled his hips, chasing the friction, using the leverage he had with his hands in your back pockets to drag you into his lap. He rearranged himself on the table, slid back to sit more comfortably, and encouraged you to rut against him.
Wally kissed you like it was the last time, like this was the only chance he'd ever have to do it. Slow, deep, slick. The sounds you made, fuck, wanton and needy; moans and gasps and punched-out sighs.
And then, because, of fucking course 'and then'—your phone buzzed right in Wally's palm. Long, sequential blitzes of vibration. A phone call.
You groaned in annoyance, taking your phone when Wally graciously handed it to you, and answered.
"Hey," You greeted, head on Wally's shoulder and body still.
His mama had raised a gentleman, he reminded himself and curled his long arms around you in a loose embrace, repeating football stats in his mind to cool his erection.
"Yeah," You were saying, "Yeah, I know, but I got caught up in the...Well, mom's a big girl, I'm sure she can find someone else to shake the floorboards this one time."
Wally tried to give you an inquiring look but the angle was too awkward, so instead he filed that tidbit away for later, above astral projection but below In Betweens. And, shit, that's right, you were both supposed to discuss your fritzy ghost powers, not dry hump on school property. Oops.
You growled, climbing off of Wally altogether and hopping to the ground, pacing as you expressed with sarcasm and sass, "Why don't you get your new husband to do it, or are we still keeping him in the dark about the family business?"
Wally barely made out the, "Could you stop being such a selfish little brat for o—" before you hung up on who Wally surmised was your sister. With your back to him, he couldn't tell how you felt about the exchange, but from the tension in your shoulders and how forcibly measured your breathing had become, he thought it was safe to assume not great.
"You guys don't get along?" He ventured.
On a last, heavy breath, you twirled back around, "Actually, we get along really well." You sucked your teeth, "It's our mom's choice of occupation that puts us at each other's throats." Wally knew what was coming, couldn't soften the disappointment. "I gotta go." You said regretfully.
He plastered on a smirk, aiming for levity but sounding too dismayed to stick the landing, "You'd think the universe didn't want us to help Maddie."
In what Wally could only describe as a fit of absolutely fucking not, you strode right up to him, slung your arms around his neck and pulled him into a hot, middle-finger-to-the-sky kiss.
"Fuck the universe," You said when you parted, breathless, perfect, his, "I'll come in early tomorrow. Like, seven-thirty-early. Can you meet me in the parking lot?"
Repeating his words from earlier, "Anything for you, pretty girl," Wally vowed, grinning at the prospect of cuddling up somewhere intimate with you in the morning.
Although his thoughts weren't wholly innocent, he recognized within himself the genuine desire to do anything to be near you, for however long you'd give him. Whether that was two minutes or two hours, Wally would be grateful.
"Great," You smiled, bright against the dark autumn evening, "I'll see you then."
A final, sweet stamp of your lips to Wally's cheek and you went on your way, Wally having to watch as you stepped over the boundary of the school grounds and into a world where he couldn't follow.
"Can't wait," He uttered and the connection between you both quieted completely.
also available on AO3!
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andrea-lyn · 3 months
Avatar the Last Airbender - Master Fic Rec Post
See under the cut for forty-two total recs, predominantly Zukka.
Wooing the Water Tribe by lenaballena (ALL TIME FAVE RIGHT HERE)
Zuko is courting Katara, and with every passing day finds new and insane ways of showing that he would quite literally move the spirit world and earth to make her happy.
In hindsight, it probably would've been better if Sokka had realised he was in love with Zuko at literally any time before this. Or preferably, never fallen for his best friend in the first place.
exothermic reaction by blueconsequences
When Sokka is temporarily blinded by Fire Nation soldiers, the members of the Gaang take turns to care for him.
One pair of hands is warmer than the others.
Love's Such an Old-Fashioned Word by drvcos
When invited to the 100th anniversary of his father’s company, after 15 years of radio silence, Zuko decides to show how happy he is to all the people from his past. There’s only one (fatal) problem.
Zuko is a frazzled single dad, Sokka is an absolute flirt, and the “fake” that comes before their relationship doesn’t feel all that fake.
like real people do by verdanthoney for bleekay
Sokka knew he would be dealing with a raging case of baby fever during their annual vacation on Ember Island. What he didn’t expect was to discover that he was also hopelessly in love with Zuko, and had been for years without realizing.
Spirits Help Us, There's Two of Them by hopepunk
Sokka and Zuko are both weird guys. Fortunately, they're the same kind of weird as each other.
(do you take this jerk to be) your one and only by jatersade
Under the leadership of Fire Lord Iroh, the Fire Nation has made every attempt to restore peace and make amends for the harm they inflicted during the Seventy-Year War. Their newest proposal is a literal proposal: a marriage to unite the Fire Nation and the Water Tribes.
The Fire Nation offers Prince Zuko’s hand.
The Water Tribes offer Princess Yue’s.
Sokka is apparently the only person in the world who has a problem with any of this.
isn't this the vision that you wanted by nebulastucky
Firelord Zuko - ender of the Hundred Year War, ruler of the Fire Nation, payer of respects and reparations - takes advice and counsel from representatives of every nation, division, and specialty.
But teenage boy Zuko - friend of turtleducks, wielder of fun looking swords, stumbler over words and feet in the presence of cute boys - only listens to two people, and they are conspiring together to ruin him.
or: Iroh just wants what's best for his nephew, and Katara just wants to know everyone's business.
we had a moment, we had a summertime by nebulastucky
Sokka shrugs. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
“You get captured and killed by the Fire Nation,” Toph provides.
“They won’t execute me in a tea shop,” Sokka says around a sudden lump in his throat. “That’d be bad for business.”
or: the one where sokka falls for a tea shop and a boy with too much charm for his own good.
Ignition Point by Yuu_chi
Most people know they're a bender since birth. Sokka just had to discover it at twenty when he accidentally burns his own house down.
Alchemy by mindbending
Sokka (a.k.a the Silent Knight, a.k.a. the sharpest detective in Caldera City) has three cases weighing on his mind.
1.) Zuko, son of the mob boss Ozai, has gone missing under sinister circumstances. 2.) Lee, a teahouse waiter with the face of an angel, wears a scar of mysterious origins. 3.) The Blue Spirit, a lithe and enigmatic cat burglar, keeps stealing into the Fire Nation’s storehouses (not to mention Sokka’s dreams).
Sokka sighs and takes a swig from his special bottle. It’s hard solving three completely unrelated mysteries at the same time...
i wanna be still with you by tristanyvaine
Handwritten letters sent back and forth do not a love story make. Or. Maybe they do, in the case of a certain Fire Lord and Water Tribe warrior who happen to fall in love over sending letters to each other at least.
keeps me up late at night by midnights
Fifteen years since the war had ended, and still Zuko remembered every step of the way as if it were yesterday. More than anything, he remembered Sokka. He'd been in love with him then, and he still was.
ft. ambassador sokka, fancy parties, pining zuko, and two oblivious fools
the brightest you've ever been by panthalassas
Azula folds herself into the lotus position and empties her mind. Then Yue places her hands on either side of Azula's face, and her mind fills back up again. Or: Yue notices Azula is lonely. Turns out, Azula's ready to feel some emotions.
real love baby by verdanthoney
Five times Zuko and Sokka pretend they aren't in love, and one time they don't.
Sokka initiates a friends with benefits relationship between them, and Zuko keeps coming back for more.
Seasons in the Sun by burkesl17
Ambassador Sokka's first year in the Fire Nation, a story for each of its seasons. With thunder, assassins, blossoms, poison, politics, volcanoes and a baby dragon. Also falling in love.
Or: four parties, four assassination attempts.
Please Return if Found by CSHfic, VSfic
When Sokka sees a “lost pet” poster near his apartment for an actual, literal dragon, he thinks it’s a joke.
Right up until he finds the dragon sitting on his couch.
Nobility by hikuni
Book 3. Sokka/Zuko. Set after The Boiling Rock Pt. 2, Sokka and Zuko explore the Western Air Temple, where Sokka tries to get Zuko to talk about girls, marriage, and maybe even a future for the two of them.
Worship the Ashes by meregalaxiesandgods, patentpending
All Azula wants is for things to go back to the way they were – her father on the precipice of conquering the world, her own position secure at his right hand. Now, the only secure thing is her, trapped in a gilded cage in her brother's new Fire Nation. Lonely and adrift, Azula would do anything to make it end, until an unexpected connection rekindles a light she long-thought had burned to ashes. But falling for Suki isn't something Azula can let herself do, especially with the world as they know it threatening to crumble around them.
Or: Azula goes to therapy, has an identity crisis, stops actively trying to kill her brother, makes a few friends, and falls in love along the way.
No Quiet Life by JustGettingBy
Zuko's not sure when it started. It would be easy to say it started with Boiling Rock, or with the Western Air Temple. But whenever it started, his crush isn’t about to go away anytime soon.
“It’s not too late, ‘Lee’. We could steal a boat. Sail across the high seas until we hit the horizon. Spend the rest of our days living off the land.” He brandishes his arm as if to show Zuko the untapped potential of their future as wild hunters.
“No, Sokka.”
Sokka shrugs. “Well, it was worth a shot. When you’re up to your eyeballs in expense reports, don’t say I didn’t ask.”
Zuko’s mouth feels very dry. “I won’t.”
virtues uncounted by bloobeary
fire lord zuko visits the southern water tribe eight years after the war ends
based on that text post
Will We Last the Night by CSHfic, VSfic (My absolute fave of the canon rewrites for its wildly IC enemies-to-lovers feel)!
Chief Arnook never assigns Sokka to protect Princess Yue, so he goes to fight the Fire Nation with the other men. When the moon dies, and the ocean spirit takes its revenge, Sokka is caught standing on the deck of a Fire Nation ship. Sokka should have drowned… and he would have drowned, if not for a certain Fire Nation raft fleeing the North Pole.
[An enemies-to-lovers season 2 rewrite, where Sokka is separated from the gaang during the Siege of the North, and travels the Earth Kingdom with Zuko instead].
Ashes Inside When You Finish Your Song by Muncaster
Sokka writes lyrics for his sister’s band. Zuko plays piano and is unnecessarily nice. Fellas, is it gay to write love songs about your friend and his golden eyes?
(AKA, a modern band AU featuring The Gaang, crappy software equipment, homoerotic lyrics, and the realization that maybe, if you think about a guy every night before you sleep, you just might be in love with him.)
Relief Next to Me by wilteddaisy (taotu)
Sokka thinks Ozai’s beach house is pretty awesome. Slightly less awesome is the couch he has to sleep on, as is accidentally getting into Zuko’s bed. At first, that is.
noble blood by lupus (khaleeseas)
The Southern Water Tribe was no place for a firebender...or even a Fire Prince for that matter. And yet here Zuko was, not only in the South Pole’s capital itself but in the Royal Palace, protecting the tribe’s Chief after a failed assassination attempt. Chief Sokka, his old friend and a man who was intelligent and witty, yet kind of a dumbass. A man who was brave and strong and kind. A man who Zuko was utterly failing not to develop...personal feelings for. __
aka: a kind of roleswap AU with Southern Water Tribe Chief Sokka and bodyguard/mercenary Zuko.
it's more about the things that you take with by winterfire22
it’s been a few years since zuko took the throne, and he's doing his best. but there are some things missing.
enter his new ambassador program, and an opportunity to reconnect with an old friend.
before we jump ship, let me teach you how to stay afloat by eurydicees
He doesn't remember when his feelings changed, just that, somewhere between the fires of his homeland and the ocean of Sokka's pirate ship, he fell in love.
In which Zuko learns to swim, Sokka falls in love, and the sun and ocean remain as steady as ever.
in silence; ripen, fall and cease by aiyah
Zuko reaches out with trembling hands and tucks it behind Sokka’s ear.
“A pretty flower for a pretty boy,” he whispers.
- - -
[or: this is the story of an ikebana artist and the man who visits him.]
zing by meteor-sword (vaenire)
“I’ll just put away the rest of the treats for them. Toph, hold this will you?” He hefts Zuko’s bag over to her before Toph can protest, and she has a mind to drop the bag at her feet before she feels something interesting inside the bag. As her seismic sense ran passively through the bag, she sensed something small; it was heavier than the parchment but lighter than the bag of coins-- giving a feedback of vibration somewhere between glass and limestone.
Like usual, Toph sees this coming when no one else does.
gold in the air of summer by leopardfringe
Sometimes, Toph likes to ask about colors. Not often—people generally aren't great at explaining them to her, but her newfound metalbending abilities have left her curious.
(This, of course, has nothing at all to do with how she doesn’t even need her feet to know who's crushing on who in this group. Nope, this is just purely for research, and definitely not because she's sick of them dragging their feet.)
the stars go waltzing out in blue and red by tristanyvaine
Zuko falls in love with Sokka in the Southern Water Tribe. Sokka falls in love with Zuko in the Fire Nation. It spirals from there.
or: (Zuko thinks a lot about blue, words, love, and Sokka // Sokka thinks a lot about red, touch, love, and Zuko)
To Be Named, To Be Known (To Be Loved) by Erisenyo
Zuko needs tomorrow to be perfect, but when one person is so many things to so many people--My Lord, Fire Lord, Nephew, Zuzu, Sifu Hotman--how is he going to find the time to make sure everything goes exactly right?
Five titles Zuko has earned himself + One more to add to the list. If he can just get through this Very Important International Celebration first...
this ultraviolet morning light by GallifreyanFairytale
“Sokka?” Zuko’s voice is quiet and raspy as he shifts just enough that Sokka lifts his head up from Zuko’s shoulder. The confession Sokka had ready to go dies on his lips at Zuko’s expression - at the red he can just barely make out in Zuko’s eyes. “Sokka, I… need to tell you something.”
Sokka swallows and nods silently, not trusting his own admission to not slip out if he dares to open his mouth. Zuko must be confessing the same thing Sokka wants to. Which, admittedly, Sokka hadn’t actually planned for, but it’s fine. He can adapt to this. He just needs to shift a few words around in his brain, and--
“You’re my best friend, you know that right?”
And why does Zuko’s tone make this sound like a break up?
sokka and zuko break up, make up, go undercover, thwart a rebellion, watch the sunrise, and change the course of fire nation history. not necessarily in that order.
the stars sighed in unison by spellboundrose
For some reason, Zuko can't stop looking at Sokka out of the corner of his eye. It must be something about the way the moonlight reflects off his skin—or maybe how his eyes, such a vibrant shade of blue, glimmer like the stars above them—
Oh, no.
(Or, five moments under the night sky and one beneath the sun.)
everything and nothing at once by tristanyvaine
See, everything would be fine if Sokka was here, because if Sokka was here then Zuko wouldn't be thinking about him over and over and over again while he misses him from the stupid ponytail to his weird Water Tribe shoes.
signs of light by beachytablecloth
And now, out of breath from running, Sokka can feel the anxiety beginning to overwhelm him, stitching his sides and pounding in his ears.
“It’s Zuko,” he finally gets out, panting. “He’s missing.”
Zuko gets kidnapped; Sokka falls apart.
A Predictable Story by mindbending
"On this night, you shall share a kiss with a great love of your life!”
That lying, scummy Aunt Wu predicts a grand romance for Sokka. To disprove her "fortunetelling" once and for all, Sokka decides to spend the night with least romantic person he knows.
Boomerangs and Rainbows by mindbending
At Sokka’s behest, the Gaang skips rescuing Zuko during the Siege at the North Pole. Instead they leave him, unconscious, buried in the snow.
In completely unrelated news, Sokka’s haunted by a ghost now.
little taste of heaven by loserlesbian
"His mom had given him a diary.
No, not a diary–– a journal, she had specified. He knows it’s a diary. Zuko thinks she only called it a journal because she thought that Zuko wouldn’t use it if she said otherwise. A diary is for feelings and angst, but a journal was for working through your problems without all that mushy, gushy stuff. It was for writing out simply what was in your head, nothing more, nothing less."
or, zuko through the years, struggling with himself and his sexuality.
i'll tell you the truth (but never goodbye) by lesmiserablol
“I was ready to fight for us. I was ready to find a way, any way for us to work. And you were the one who ran away when it got too hard!” “That’s not what happened and you know it!” Sokka snaps. “It was never going to work, and it was stupid to keep pretending otherwise! I’m sorry Zuko, I am, but just because you are the Fire Lord, just because we– we were in love, everything wasn’t going to magically fall into place.” Zuko still has a stubborn expression on his face. There are angry tears in his eyes when he says, “We could’ve figured it out. We could’ve…been us. We could’ve had a good life together.” “Yeah, well, I guess we won’t ever know.” (or, the twenty years between Zuko and Sokka breaking up and finally getting together again, shown in 5 times they don’t say goodbye, +1 time they don’t have to)
boy problems by burnt_oranges
“I accidentally signed off on an arranged marriage to Sokka,” Zuko says faintly. He sits up so fast he almost falls out of his chair. “I signed off on an arranged marriage to Sokka, and he agreed." In which Zuko suffers in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: close and constant proximity to the object of his affections, assassination attempts, and irreparable injuries to his dignity.
Yesterday is Ashes by alivingfire
Sokka takes a strategic step back, but he also smiles: triumphant, like he baited Zuko into exactly what he wanted. Like it’s a challenge. It’s the same way he looked when they sized each other up at the prison, with Sokka in chains that left red marks around his wrist, in tattered prison garb, malnourished and angry. Back then, that was Sokka saying: I see your power. I see you. Now, see me. Zuko saw him then. And he sees him now; different, but the same. I see you. Zuko lights his daos in flame. Sokka grins, back to gravel and heat. “Come on, Fire Lord. Impress me.”Zuko burns. His vision flickers with fire. His heart races. His blood sings. His body is like a magnet, pulling ever onward to meet Sokka’s. He advances.He pins Sokka to the wall, blades against his throat. Or, Zuko found Aang first, Sokka and Katara were imprisoned in Boiling Rock for trying to rescue their dad, and all Sokka knows is he's pretty sure he's not supposed to think the Fire Lord is attractive but he's never let things like rules stop him before.
in flammam flammas【火上澆火】 by ranilla_bean
Zuko scoffed. “As always, I am the author of my own unhappiness.”Sokka hummed. “Years ago, when it was just us travelling together, we came across this fortune teller. I didn’t believe any of that mumbo-jumbo. But then she said that my life would be full of struggle and anguish, most of it self-inflicted.”It suited Zuko’s life extraordinarily well, he felt. “Sometimes, I feel like I’m the only person in the Fire Nation who has a vision of what it takes for this country to get better.”Sokka turned to face him, but Zuko looked resolutely forwards. “That can’t be true.”
Zuko turns twenty-five. In spite of his best efforts, the Fire Nation seems to lurch from crisis to crisis. The firebenders have lost their flame, and the situation with the former colonies is only worsening. All the while, he's ill, lonely, and consumed by work. And on the other side of the country, Sokka has just moved in with one Master Piandao.
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af-answers · 4 months
for the adults: what decade (that you've lived through) did you like the fashion of the best? Do you wish it was still in fashion?
Butler: I was a child in the seventies, but the high-waisted pants do a lot for my figure. However, the baggy jackets of the 80s and 90s were great for hiding weapons.
Angeline: I still find every excuse to wear shoulder pads.
Artemis Sr.: The three-piece suit is a classic in any decade.
Holly: The flapper dresses of the twenties were made for my body type, and I loved the parties. It was nice when women started wearing pants, though... I can't imagine chasing down convicts in a skirt.
Mulch: I liked when the shiny broaches and buckles were in. Made people so much easier to steal from.
Foaly: Centaur fashion is so niche and cultural it rarely changes, but there is a trend I hope never comes back. Three words: equine skinny jeans.
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some LT AU fashion: for context, some shit happens and now everyone in OP dresses like they're on the catwalk (they're being dressed based on vibes, symbolism and how expensive the clothes are) transcripts of notes/references below
Law has a coat for every day of the week is out-cunting Caesar in his own home Monet has designs on his virtue looks like something from Tron: Legacy and that's a plus had a whole new wardrobe designed before going to Punk Hazard fishnet turtleneck because he's a slut
Robin she has the fur bottom coat had insect designs put on it for Luffy is breaking all the sumptuary laws has a matching hat and muff not pictured: the head of the fox on her right shoulder (it's fox fur) designs are made from actual gold thread the tail of the fox is her muff fabulous and knows it yes, those are Chanel boots
Perona is at her and Zoro's farewell party @Mihawk's Mihawk made the dress is the best dressed there (by default) is about to drag Zoro's outfit for filth dress has a matching caplet is currently giving an interview and just called Mihawk old
Tashigi arriving to G-5 is about to eat shit in those heels jacket is her fave part of the outfit marine color scheme ying yang earrings (gift from smoker) not pictured: the marines on either side of her making sure she doesn't fall jet-lagged (ship-lagged?) not sure how she feels about the stockings bag is full of Smoker's cigars (probably)
Kuzan/Akoiji post Punk Hazard (not a marine) marine clasp worn ironically immediately got out the jeans and beanie after the ass-beating those jeans are designer and cost more than your life giving princess leia vibes with the caplet and hair he's tired
Kuzan/Akoiji pre Punk Hazard (marine) running away from the paparazzi is about to ditch the entire outfit he held the title of "Best-Dressed Marine" for two weeks because of this outfit the seventies called they want him to come visit man has got the go-go boots on under those pants
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gayometer · 2 years
Idk if u do yandere but can u do platonic yandere god’s reaction to Zeus’ child daughter ( 13 yrs old ) who is like rapunzel. Like in addition to her great adorable beauty she has absolutely gorgeous blonde hair which is like seventy feet long and can be used to heal, make ppl younger, and even revive ppl who has died in ragnarok. She also has beautiful singing voice that can soothe anyone who listens to it. And is overall very cheerful and optimistic. Also if u dont do yandere u can just make the gods just really fond of her.
Thank u!
The most protected angel
Fem! Reader
As Anon said it's PLATONIC (which should be said cause they're greek gods)
Also don't mind me putting in Tangled references everywhere
Warning: I don't condone this behavior, this is for entertainment for fictional characters. "Yandere" in real life is a SERIOUS problem if you have a problem with manipulation, gaslighting DNI this entire post.
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ZEUS who uses his position to scare off anyone who he doesn't approve of. Zeus engraves in your brain that humans will only use you, they don't care about you, they only want to use your powers for their own benefit.
HADES who takes it upon himself to show you how dangerous the human realm is, you're safer with your father. Hades takes it upon himself to "prove" that you're safer with them. You should only trust gods that you father approves of.
POSEIDON who will belittle any suitor who thinks they have a chance with you, being his youngest niece also means he will use that as an excuse as to why you can't do certain things and that you're too naïve to be on your own.
ADAMAS who will control his temper so he doesn't frighten you, he will leave you with either Hades or Zeus if he ever feels his temper going out of control.
APHRODITE who will give you anything you want when it comes to fashion, Aphrodite does your hair and makes sure you have the best clothes. To her you are the only goddess who is more beautiful then her, she makes sure you know that and will join in when Poseidon belittles any god or human who thinks they're worthy of your hand.
HERMES who makes it his mission to prove that Zeus is right, he might even team up with Hades to make sure you stay by their side. Hermes also makes sure you're eating well and that your hair isn't a mess, don't get him wrong he knows that Aphrodite is more then capable of taking care of your hair, but it's just so long and it's always dragging on the floor so let him check your brother is just a worry wart ok?
HERACLES who tries his best to keep your innocence, you're too kind and pure to be out there all alone. Don't get me wrong he loves humanity, but father knows best so listen to him.
ARES who just like Heracles will try his best to keep your innocence, especially about war, someone as kind and gentle as you shouldn't know about that.
LOKI who teams up with Hades and Hermes to "prove" that you're just naïve and can't trust others. Your father knows what's best for you and the others will make sure to always prove that Zeus is right.
THOR who takes his position as your "bodyguard" extremely seriously, he doesn't let any suitors get close to you.
ODIN who will take advantage that he's also a father, he'll tell you that you're too gullible to even leave any of the gods side. They all just want to take advantage of your abilities.
SHIVA who gaslights you saying you're not "in love" with that human, you just invented that whole "romance" thing. All you need is your father and the other gods, you don't need a partner.
BUDDHA who sees how naive you are and gullible you are, you shouldn't be out there all alone, Buddha is much more lenient but don't let that fool you, he's just as dangerous as your father.
ZERO who is your only playmate, he's basically your Pascaal, just much more protective and makes sure you don't leave the heavens.
BEELZEBUB who watches you from the cameras, courtesy of your father. Beelzebub tells Zeus everything that goes on, so be careful....he's always watching.
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ilguna · 7 months
Hi a johanna x reader break up? They’re in D13, they get in a fight, and they break up. Make it extra angsty pls 🫢 and thank you
☼ wrong place, wrong time (Johanna Mason) ☼
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warnings; swearing, torture mention, prostituion mention.
wc; 2.8k
When you met Johanna, it was during the Tribute Parade for the Seventy-Second Hunger Games. It was her first mentoring event, and despite having another victor with her, it was clear that she was getting overwhelmed with the sheer amount of tasks mentors have to take on at once.
As a newer victor yourself, who remembered exactly what it was like to be thrown to the wolves with little to no help, you thought you could give her some advice. However, from the moment you approached her, it was clear that she was not a fan of yours. Judging by the way her face twisted in the center—a clear display of disgust—she had some preceding opinions about you. 
You still have no idea what she was thinking to herself when you began talking to her, because even now she refuses to tell you, as if it’s some big secret. She thought you were full of yourself, going up to her and giving her advice that she never asked for. Like you knew what was best for her tributes or that her mentoring style was wrong.
She knows now that your intentions were innocent. At the time, District Seven and District Ten had this half-alliance that’d been working out in the tributes' favor recently. Well, with the exception of her, because she’d gone by herself the year prior, but her tribute partner took advantage of it for as long as he did.
Either way, they must not have filled her in on this, because the second you began to introduce yourself, she completely stonewalled you. This is not what you were expecting from the girl who managed to play one of the smartest hands in history, but you can’t blame her. How can you?
After this, it was hard getting Johanna to talk to you beyond formalities, which seemed to be against her will. It wasn’t until your tributes began forming an alliance between your two districts, did she finally come around. By then, you were tired of her brushing you off, and everything you said was no longer sugar coated. 
Surprisingly, Johanna didn’t like this.
A little fact about her is that she’s terrible at communication. From the surface, all conversations with her seem to be straightforward. She says what’s on her mind, disregarding the feelings of the person she’s talking to. She believes it’s a waste of time and effort to censor herself, when she thinks that people need to toughen up.
However, if you do this to her, she can and she will lose her temper. It might not be all at once, but she starts to show signs. The beginning is usually passive aggressive comments, and it only escalates from there.
You didn’t know this at the time of talking to her, obviously. You did figure it out pretty quickly, and instead of just letting it be, you were forward with Johanna. You forget exactly what you told her, but it was something along the lines of, “Before this gets any worse, I would like to talk about it. I can tell we started off on the wrong foot, was it something I said?”
Of course, in classic Johanna fashion, she thought that you weren’t being serious, and in the middle of a sarcastic remark, you stopped her. You told her that it was a genuine question, and you’d like the opportunity to fix what happened in order to continue the alliance between Seven and Ten. Otherwise, you two were heading for a rivalry that you did not have the time nor the energy for.
It took several tries, but you managed to squeeze it out of her. She was honest, she told you that it was the Tribute Parade, your know-it-all attitude and your righteousness to her tributes. This allowed you to explain to her the former alliances and the friendship that you mostly held with the previous mentor of Seven.
She blinked in surprise when you apologized for assuming she knew already. From there, the relationship between you two got better—and eventually grew to be more. By the end of the Seventy-Second Hunger Games, you’d rubbed off on her enough to allow her to communicate the same way you did. There wasn’t a hurdle she couldn’t get over.
It’s different now, three years later. Now it seems like she can’t get her legs high enough, getting her foot caught in the plastic, causing her to land harshly back on the track. Now she doesn’t seem interested in fixing the issue, letting it get worse.
It’s been four weeks since Johanna got rescued from the Capitol. And the only consistent sentence Johanna has said to you in this span of time is, “Get out of my room.”
For the first fourteen days, you did everything you can to change that. You went to visit her every chance you got in District Thirteen’s hospital. If there was a gap in your premade schedule, you took the time to go and see her, with the hope that she wouldn’t turn you away that time. And despite the fact you should’ve known better by then, you still showed up in her doorway. And you were still met with the same answer.
It hurts.
A piece of you shattered when you watched her begin to shake her head at the sight of you alone. She doesn’t want you near her anymore. When before, she couldn’t hold you close enough. She always had you within arms reach, especially during the Quarter Quell because she was afraid of losing you.
When you try to bring this up to Finnick, he brushes you off. All he has to say to you is that she went through a lot. Given the circumstances, you’re lucky that she did come back from the Capitol. She could be another copy of Peeta, who can’t even look at Katniss without getting unnecessarily violent.
It feels like she is, though. Just, instead of the Capitol reengineering her brain to be afraid of you, she’s willingly choosing to push you away. And you let her. After fourteen days of suffering through this, you decided that you weren’t going to do it anymore. You went to visit her on the fifteenth day, right before the hospital stopped taking visitors for the night. 
You hadn’t bothered to see her all day, not that you had the time to, either. Plutarch had them change your schedule to include more combat and weapon training without asking you first. Then, they pulled you in for a meeting to talk to you about potentially sending you to District Two to be with Katniss while she does propos and helps the wounded.
Their reasoning was they wanted to show more hands-on victors to the Capitol and the districts. If they have a little bit of variety, it might inspire loyalists to become rebels, or something stupid like that. Either way, they couldn’t choose Johanna and Peeta for obvious reasons, as much as Plutarch would’ve liked to. The recently rescued could feed their cause.
Which naturally takes Finnick and Annie off the table, as well. Beetee is needed for Special Defense, Haymitch isn’t really a camera-type. This leaves just you, something they were excited about. You could offer a different perspective to the districts that are more like yours and less like Katniss’s.
It didn’t take much for them to convince you to go to District Two, but that’s besides the point.
You went to see Johanna directly after that meeting, exhausted from a long day—something you hadn’t experienced in over a month. They had you go through every physical and mental test they could’ve thought of. And when you were finished with that, they had you training with weapons that you thought you’d never have to touch.
You were frustrated, too. The idea of Johanna shutting you down again was getting to your head. Still, you wanted to go to her. You wanted to see her, tell her that you’d be gone for a couple weeks. She would have plenty of time away from you to collect her thoughts and put her emotions in order. While you wouldn’t mind doing video calls, like Katniss and Haymitch have been doing, you weren’t going to initiate it.
You had a whole speech prepared.
When you saw Johanna through the glass, she was sitting with Finnick on her bed. An occurrence that wasn’t uncommon, they’re best friends, after all. You knew that he was visiting her anyway, because he was letting you in on snippets of their conversations. He knew that she was driving you crazy by not letting you check in with her, so he took the liberty of telling you how she was feeling every couple of days.
It peeved you that she would let him into her room, but you had to remind yourself that they don’t have the same relationship that you two have. He’s not dating her, he’s just her friend. She’s going to trust him with details that she’d never consider telling you. Even though you feel it should be the other way around.
Johanna was smiling, Finnick was laughing. And then her wandering eyes caught sight of you, the expression on her face disappearing completely. You didn’t get to open your mouth before she said, “Right when I think I’m finally going to get a day with you—here you are. What about ‘go away’ do you not understand?”
You haven’t seen her since.
District Two helped that considerably. The tasks weren’t as mind-numbing as you were hoping they’d be, but it was easy to get caught up in helping people. That’s the part you enjoyed the most. If you could keep your hands busy, then you weren’t thinking about her or the expression on her face.
Well, during the day it was easy to forget about her. At night it became different, you’d spend hours tossing and turning, replaying every moment you spent with her leading up to the final day of the Quarter Quell. How she specifically instructed you to go to the tree and wait there to be rescued. You were not to wait on her.
She told you she loved you before she sent you away.
Your trip in District Two was suddenly cut short when Katniss got shot, and you were grazed with a lazy second bullet. Unable to secure your safety, you were promptly whisked onto a hovercraft and flown straight back to Thirteen. You were uninjured and allowed to sleep in your own room, with Katniss having bruised ribs so she was taken to the hospital.
You were going to go with her, since you’d grown closer from working side by side for two weeks. The moment you stepped foot into the first hallway, you changed your mind. You asked Haymitch to get you when she woke up, and then you left.
Since, they’ve resumed your training schedule. Which is strangely more work than being in the district itself. It works as a better distraction, at least. It keeps you from getting the urge of seeing Johanna all hours of the day. Although, with every passing day that you don’t try to fix your relationship, you slip further and further from each other’s grasp.
Except, you did try. It was Johanna that repeatedly shut it down. 
“Are you sure you can officiate the wedding?” Plutarch asks again. “A guy from your district just came forward and said that he could do it.”
“Dalton.” You murmur, straightening out the grey jumpsuit. “I talked to him the other day about it, he told me that he’s never actually done it before.” You turn away from the mirror to look at Plutarch. “I have, that’s why Finnick and Annie said they wanted me to do it.”
Plutarch nods. “Right, well, Coin wants to start in about twenty minutes.”
“Gotcha.” You sigh. “I’ve got to run up to my room real quick, I grabbed something for them while I was in Two. I’ve just been holding onto it until the right moment.”
Plutarch places a hand on your shoulder before walking in the direction of the kitchen, where Peeta should be with the cake. You start for the exit immediately because you have such a limited amount of time to make this trip. You walk a long hallway, up a flight of stairs and then onto the elevator. From there, you have to walk from one side of the building to the other.
A part of you had a feeling that Finnick and Annie would seal their love sometime soon, especially after what happened. The last thing they’d want is to wait any longer when they love each other now. That’s why you went ahead and worked with Haymitch to get something done for them.
The night before the Quell, Mags had given Haymitch a special picture of Finnick and Annie together. It’s clear that they have no clue the photo was being taken because of the little bit of blur. In the photo, Finnick is dipping Annie as far back as she’ll go, face buried into the far side of her neck. While Annie has the brightest smile on her face, mid-laughter.
You took the photo with you to Two, where you struggled to find a business that was still running, even with the battle happening. A single woodworking shop was open, and as soon as you mentioned needing a picture frame, she jumped at the opportunity. She had many prepared, but you wanted a white frame, and you wanted it to be engraved with, ‘The Odair’s, forever and always’. 
It truly is a gorgeous piece, as simple as it is. She went above and beyond for them, and you’d like to think that Mags would be happy with it.
As you swing the door to your room open, you know something is off. The lights are on, despite the fact that you turned them off before you left. When you sweep the small area, your eyes land on Johanna, who’s sitting on your bed, picture frame in hand, eyebrows furrowed.
She doesn’t look the way she did the last time you saw her. In fact, she looks much healthier, even with the deep bags beneath her eyes. She’s put some weight back on due to the meal plan the hospital has her on, and her hair has grown a little bit more. A dark fuzz covers what used to be her exposed skull.
Johanna looks up at your presence, but all you can think about is how she’s leaving finger streaks on the glass you’ve meticulously cleaned. 
“I need that.” You tell her, holding out your hand. “I have to get back downstairs.”
“I didn’t realize I meant so little to you.” She ignores what you’ve said, but sets the frame aside. “You’ve moved on pretty quickly. I bet you were hoping I was going to die in the Capitol.”
You stare at her blankly, lips parting. Has she hit her head recently? Or maybe it’s the torture finally catching up with her. “Moved on?” You repeat. “Johanna, I have not.”
“You haven’t come to see me in weeks.” She accuses.
A scoff leaves your mouth before you can catch it. Her eyes widen, not expecting that from you. “Are you feeling alright?” You ask. “Because last time I checked, you’re the one that told me to ‘go away’ five times a day. Every time I went to see you, you told me to leave. I listened. Is that not what you wanted?”
“If you actually loved me, you would know the answer to that.”
“I do love you!” You suddenly shout at her, she flinches at your tone, regret seeps into your chest. You lower your tone, “I’m sorry, but I’m not going to stand here and let you tell me that I don’t love you. I was pushing for you to get rescued since I woke up in that hovercraft without you. I begged them to go back for you.
“And all those secrets that Finnick told live weren’t just his, they were mine too.” You tell her, watching as her face drops. “I had to tell him what happened to me. I was the first one through those hospital doors when I heard you were here. And even though it was obvious you didn’t want me, I still came around for two weeks hoping that you’d suddenly change your mind.
“I am not gonna let you blame this on me.” You snap, striding forward. You swipe the picture frame from the bed. “And I am not going to let you treat me like shit. This relationship is done. Get out of my room.”
this was part of my 3k celebration!!
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sardonic-the-writer · 10 months
You van now marry me because I am interested in your tf2 headcanons
Tell me more please
so happy someone asked for this. giving your forhead a big fat smooch. also, i would habe included tracker in these, but i feel like that would have been a bit self pretentious
• good artist. has drawn tom jones fanart before
• knows a little bit of french; his mom made him learn. also knows a few french songs because of this
• bisexual but battles with it a lot
• really appreciates his teammates and conciders all of them—except for maybe spy—to be his best friends
• terrified of medical procedures and terrible at hiding it
• brightest blue eyes you've ever seen
• wears underwear with the pattern of the american flag on them
• doesn't know it's not normal to have gay thoughts. literally would kiss a man sloppy style and then not understand why everyones looking at him. probably straight, but makes exceptions
• has had his hands cut off at least five times before. it's getting concerning at this point
• uses asl with their team and teaches those who don't know. they'll still use muffled sounds to communicate though
• has no gender actually. not trans, not cis, but a secret third thing
• aroace! latches so strongly onto platonic relationships though its actually insane
• attends bonfires with enigneer sometimes
• has a pair of onsie pajamas that they wear over their suit to bed at night
• is definitely in love with medic, no doubts to be had
• has a PHD in russian literature! a very smart fella, he just has trouble speaking his mind in english
• gay. so so gay. mlm all day
• the only merc to regularly check out books from teuforts library sans soldier. although he doesn't really check out books, he just yells at the librarian for not carrying sun tzu's the art of war
• sings little songs to sasha in russian
• has scars all over his chest from an accident with a grenade he had as a kid
• sends lots of post cards and souvenirs to his mom when he's on the job. he really loves her
• actually used to style his hair in dreads when he was a little bit younger, but just doesn't have time to do much with his hair anymore
• so casually bisexual; especially considering it's the sixties and seventies. takes interest in both men and women
• best friends with both his and the other teams soldier!
• his camper is such a mess all of the time. only ever cleans if he knows someone's going to be visiting, and even then there's a few stray piss bottles laying around
• plays poker & other card games with scout all the time. when they can't bet money, they'll end up using other things to play, like bullets or stray snacks
• thinks he likes both men and women. tries not to dwell on it too much since he gets anxious about it, but at the end of the day can't deny that he finds men attractive as well
• has a mug that says world's number one best sniper that miss pauling got him
• shortest mercenary r.i.p
• parental figure to pyro
• one of the only good cooks at the base. often ends up making dinner for everyone even if it's someone else's turn to cook that night
• has a prosthetic arm that he built from scratch & spends a lot of his time adding to/upgrading
• probably straight, but the biggest ally you'd ever meet
• genderfluid. has a few lady disguises he's had to use before, and is just as comfortable in them as any other one of his disguises. definitely had gay sex with scouts mom before
• reverts to straight french when he gets irritated or upset
• heavily bisexual and very open about it with any of his partners. a man/womanizer
• the only merc with a sense of fashion to be frank. have you seen everyone else. soldier thinks being naked and covered in honey is the epitome of fashion for fucks sake
• probably knows more about the medical field than any other doctor at the time. is actively dropping some medical talk & procedures that won't even be invented until a few decades later. he's fun like that
• owns one pair of regular clothes. everything else is lab coats and black pants. maybe a turtleneck or two if you're lucky
• super mega über gay for heavy. see what i did there
• also, i'd like to headcanon that he needs glasses because he's nearsighted of all things. it makes performing surgery hard without them
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lilacliquors · 1 year
write about how the reader puts on sexy underwear for a soldier boy, 18+
oh to wear sexy anything for a man you know will appreciate it
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there was a hunger in his eyes you'd never seen before. like a predator stalking its next meal, his eyes were glued to your figure. they didn't have anyone quite like you back in the forties, fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties...
earlier that day, you'd gone out shopping and laid your eyes on a new sleep set, satin and pink and comfortable as anything under your touch. you were eager to buy it and wear it for ben, and well, he was excited to see it.
there was a lot for him to adjust to in this new modern world. between the social advancements and the fact that his old fashioned ways were seriously outdated, he truly was a man out of time. but then you came along, and suddenly the future didn't seem so bad. he had a lot to get used to, like the fact that you worked a nine to five so you taught him to do his own laundry, cook, and clean up a bit, but his rewards for doing so were the best part.
so when you came in from your attached bathroom in that new set, his jaw had dropped. no woman had ever made his jaw drop before, but there you were, wrapped all pretty like a present for him to open.
you sauntered over and climbed onto the bed, crawling up to straddle his legs, his hands, like magnets, gripped your hips. you cupped his face and let your thumbs brush over his cheeks, and he couldn't help the grin that spread across his face.
"is this all for me?" he asked, fingers toying with the waistband of your bottoms.
"bit for you, bit for me. you gotta promise you'll be careful with this set. i really like the way it looks," you teased, and he tilted his head up to kiss along your jaw.
"darlin', they all look good on you. but you have my word that this one ... stays in its original two pieces," he said, his fingers now dipping under the fabric.
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hwalyn · 1 year
sweeter than candy ➛ juiciest tea
previous | masterlist | seventy eight
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yeosang was nervous, scratch that he was terrified. ever since he had sent moon the change of plans all he could register was the fear running through his body. it didn’t help that he had memorized wooyoung’s ridiculous plan, it had somewhat calmed him down but now that he was standing outside the university gates it was like instead of his own inner voice reciting it, it was wooyoung’s voice screaming at him. god he had to get it together, he was going to complete this day successfully, he was going to ask moon—
“hey! oh my gosh sorry i’m late.” the voice of his dreams, ahem moon’s voice cut through his mini internal pep talk.
“hey girlie,” yeosang’s eyes immediately widened and he felt the sudden urge to punch himself in the face, screw wooyoung and his stupid script, stupid voice. “i mean, hey it’s no worries i haven’t been here long.”
“okay great! let’s go then.” moon said cheerfully and yeosang was eternally grateful that she hadn’t brought up his greeting, he had no idea how he was going to explain that.
“you look really nice by the way.”
yeosang almost stopped walking as he heard the compliment come from the girl his eyes widening as he felt heat rise to his cheeks, he just really hoped he didn’t look like he was blushing.
“oh, um, thanks. you look cute and really nice today, that shirt really makes your eyes pop.” he told her, a small smile on his face.
“thank you.” yeosang could swear a smile broke out on her face as she responded.
they continued walking as yeosang told her stories, about fellaz and how the dance group operated which then lead into a story about how one practice, the seven of them had, yunho had pushed them so hard wooyoung had thrown up as soon as they had stopped.
“wait, wait, wait yeo. you can dance? like yunho choreography level.” moon sounded somewhat surprised as she asked.
“of course i can! i feel like it’s a requirement if i wanted to be friends with those losers. not that i wanted to be friends with them….” yeosang trailed off. “oh look at that it looks like this is the place.”
if the two had not been so engrossed in each other, so caught up in their own world, they would have noticed something particular with the sign advertising the class they were going in to, but alas they did not notice anything strange and in they went.
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“one, two, three, four. okay since it seems like everyone has this part down let’s move on. now one of you will hold your partner in your arms…” the teacher droned on.
yeosang could not believe what he was hearing, he was supposed to do what? with who????
“and then we go into the first lift, like so and as your partner comes down their legs should wrap around the midsection.”
he took a quick peek down at moon only to see her cheeks flush as she listened to what the instructor was saying, god she looked so cute, her side profile was amazing. and her eyes, her eyes staring at him…. wait staring at him.
“ahem well, should we…. should we go over the part just taught?” moon asked him fiddling with her fingers as they just awkwardly stood there.
“are you two in need of assistance in any of the moves.” the instructors voice cut through the awkward air.
“a-ah no, no thank you we were just about to begin.” moon stuttered out.
“alright, and because you guys seem to be more advanced than the other groups i’ll have you guys perform the routine for the rest of the class later. HEY YOU OFF YOUR PHONE THIS IS A DANCE CLASS.” she left scolding another person.
“performing…. we have to what.” moon squeaked out.
“i’m so sorry about this i had no idea…” yeosang tried to explain the best that he could, damn wooyoung how could he do this, he was gonna kill him.
the rest of the lesson went on in a similar fashion with yeosang apologizing every time a new move was taught, each time the two having to get even closer. and moon who was silently learning beside him.
“oh god, that’s it it’s over my chances are nonexistent now.” yeosang despaired as they got closer and closer to the final hour.
“now class your next hour will be practice and then in the last 30 minutes you will show me your finished dance. good luck!” the instructor announced to the class then made her way over to our awkward pair.
“alright you two make sure to practice i’ll have you perform last and we will be recording!”
“recording? i don’t think we ever said yes to being recorded.” moon voiced a bewildered expression on her face.
“nonsense it’s in the forms when you sign up to the class. well i must be off good luck you two.”
wooyoung was actually gonna be found in a ditch.
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“oh my god i’ve never run out of somewhere so fast in my life.” moon giggled as the two practically bolted out of the building after the lesson was finished.
“again i’m so sorry, i had no idea woo— the class was gonna be like this, i should’ve researched more.”
“it’s okay, it was fun, a bit embarrassing but fun.” moon reassured him.
“do you honestly think they’ll post our video?”
“i really hope not, i don’t think i was prepared at all so it’ll probably turn out pretty bad.” moon answered him with a frown.
“i think you did great, you’re always really good. how about we get something sweet, ice cream maybe?” yeosang suggested as the two started walking.
“ice cream! that actually sounds great. i know a place just a few blocks from here actually.”
“perfect, lead the way then.”
as if almost impulsively moon grabbed onto the boy’s hand pulling along him along a route she was very familiar with.
yeosang couldn’t believe it, he was holding her hand. HE was holding moon’s hand, oh god it was so small and it fit perfectly against his.
“s-so moon, did you get your license suspended for driving all these guys crazy.” yeosang hoped he sounded as smooth as he wanted to.
“yeosang….. i-i can’t drive? i don’t have my license.” moon looked back at him dubiously.
“oh right yeah, i knew that.”
the walk that now was silent didn’t last for much longer after yeosang’s failed attempt at flirting, and soon moon was pulling the both of them into a cute ice cream shop.
“hey welcome in— oh hey moon!” an older man behind the counter greeted them as they walked inside.
“hi! sorry i haven’t been by lately, school’s gotten super busy.” moon replied a smile on her face.
“it’s okay, just glad you’re coming back around. and look you even brought in your boyfriend today.”
“oh i’m not—”
“yeah, i did! i just had to bring him here, you do sell the best ice cream.” moon cut yeosang off before he had a chance to explain to the old man.
“awww, you sure know how to flatter someone don’t you. well since you’re correct how about i give you two ice cream on the house today.”
“thank you so much! i’ll get a double scoop of cookie dough. what about you yeo? what are you thinking of getting.” moon tugged the boy closer to the display.
“hmmm, a single scoop of chocolate please.” yeosang told the man instead of answering the girl.
“chocolate? boooo that’s boring.” moon said making a face.
“you better not ask me for some then, if you do i won’t give you any.” yeosang rolled his eyes as he joked back.
after getting their orders the two took this chance to walk around and sightsee. they had walked for a few minutes before stumbling across a small park. it was quiet and seemed a lot of people didn’t really pass by, so they sat on the grass and talked, yeosang throwing in wooyoung’s pick up lines now and then and moon staring at him like he was crazy each time it happened. he had also let moon sneak a bite out of his ice cream when she asked, but no one needs to know that. soon enough the sky was turning pink and blue as the sun began to set.
it was time.
gathering his courage yeosang cleared his throat as he turned to face the girl next to him.
“so moon,” he started catching the girl’s attention. wooyoung’s script lingered on the tip of his tongue, but was that really what he wanted to say? all of the other things on the script had failed epically who’s to say this wouldn’t too. screw wooyoung and his stupid outline.
“i really like our hang outs, we can hang out for hours but it always seems to go so fast for me and i can’t wait to see you again to spend even a little more time with you. i like the way you light up when talking about the stars or when you dance. you seem so happy and god your smile is so pretty. and i know i wasn’t the best to you in the beginning but i am so thankful you took another chance on me. and i think i made it kind of obvious from everything else i’ve said but i like you moon, i really like you. would you…. would you go on a date with me?
the silence that followed his little monologue frightened the boy as his heart started racing.
but then a single sentence set his heart racing for a different reason.
“i would love to.”
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taglist: @randomness7198 @philanarose @noonaishere @hoohoohope @joongs-moon @every-body-is-positive @jaysbestie @kawennote09 @kpopnightingale @samjeffleodylan @butterfliesinthenightsky @khjcoo @uarmyhore @phoenix-karma @alanniys @woosluv @slutforshego @dees-writing-corner @paralumanniluna @yoongiigolden @ihoonbrry @seongsvngs @onlystylesangels @ightimmaheadin @leagreenly @knisterlicht @a1sh1teruu @perfectlysane24 @grim-adventures58 @exfolitae @hegdus @littlrmills14-blog @angelicyeo @john-joong @meltinghershey @poetryforthesad @chillllllli @danielapripasu @themochaboba @xxxfaithkxxx @lucycassiopea @miriamxsworld @allisonleannn @skittlez-area512 @dandelion-aj @yunhowooyo @kodzukein @scoupshushushu @mingiholic @marklee02
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respectthepetty · 8 months
I don't know if you're into Korean Webtoons but I recently started rereading one called Fools and it made me think of you with its use of colours. The way the artist uses them already stuck out to me on first read (it's primarily monochrome but the lead characters each have their own colour and occasionally another colour will be introduced along with a pivotal moment or strong emotion) but this time I found myself pausing and going "I know someone who'd like this...."
Anyway, this was a very long winded way to say if you're into Webtoons, I definitely recommend Fools (and that if they made a BL of it - which is my dream- it would be right up your street)!
@stuffnonsenseandotherthings, I, surprisingly, am not a visual book type person, so no comics, manga, manhwa, or manhua. However, I did have two students analyze the party scene in the comic book Ms. Marvel: No Normal and the map in the graphic novel Pumpkinheads which prompted me to purchase them. @pandasmagorica recommended Flamer by Mike Curato to me due to its intentional use of color, and I liked it enough to purchase it as well.
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And I bought Our Dining Table and Old-Fashioned Cupcake after watching (and loving) the series, so I'm not opposed to visual composition. I just need someone to persuade me in a certain direction.
I'm a follower, not a leader.
So based on your suggestion, I looked for Fools and found SEVENTY-FOUR CHAPTERS! Apparently, there is an original versus a remastered version, but I thought it best to start with the original, so here I am with a Yellow Yal and a Blue Boy(?) or is that a Green Guy?
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That's green, right?
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It's green. He's green. Green Guy.
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Anyway, this was a very long winded way to say I am reading it now and enjoying it. Thanks for the suggestion and helping me add more color-coded boys in love to my Mary Poppins' bag of colors.
But will there be a color exchange?
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rosekasa · 6 months
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy? (is this like asking you which is your favorite child)
🎭What genre of writing comes easiest to you? (hee hee it doesnt just have to be about fanfiction either !!)
🙌What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of? (your writing is so beautiful if someone else already asked you this PLEASE still answer it again with another line or paragraph 🥺 I'm begging)
🍎What's something you learned while researching for a fic? (I KNOW you look up and learn lots of things while writing)
⏳If you could go back in time and tell your younger writer self something, what would it be? (🥺🥺 you always have such insight)
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
like poles of a magnet for SURE. i adore that fic. im not really sure why im so attached to it but it's really my baby. i love it so much
🎭What genre of writing comes easiest to you?
oh youre gonna think im so lame. it's essay writing. ahdjsjdkaksk. i think i told you before but i write book reviews for every book i read and my writing feels so Natural then because it's like. every line has a purpose to prove my point about the book. whenever im feeling rusty with narrative writing i find myself telling myself 'okay pretend this is an essay and this whole story is trying to prove your thesis about the characters' ahdjsj
🙌What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of?
bren 🥹 ily. my hanahaki wip is really fun and i feel like has a lot of good writing because it really demands a lot of descriptiveness. i have this section when adrien sees gabriel for the first time in a while that i kept scrolling up and rereading
He knows, logically, that this is his father. You can't forget a face like that, the face you searched for in vain at every fencing tournament, piano recital, fashion gala that you knew full well he hadn’t attended but you were tired and wanted an adult to hold your hand and guide you around the crowds. 
It is that face. But a mimicry of it, like a portrait with the wrong proportions.
He’s gaunt — it’s the first word that comes to mind. His eyes sit deep in their sockets beneath his glasses, jaw a sharp trapezoid attached to his cheeks. It’s not just a matter of losing weight over the months — which, even if it was, would be a surprising deviation from the seventy-five kilos he had not shifted a decimal of a gram from in thirty years. It’s everything else, the biology hidden behind the layers of perfectly-tailored clothing, and well-combed hair, and skin, although pristine, textured like paper over the canvas of his skull. 
🍎What's something you learned while researching for a fic?
did i ever tell you about how when i went to paris last year i literally knew where everything was by arrondissements because ive searched them up so many times for ml fics. i think it was even specifically rue lepic that i remember the most because i once wrote about ladynoir patrolling around there and it turned out to be the road right next to my hotel (yes, we got a hotel in pigalle, my paris knowledge did not supply me with what exactly pigalle is known for,)
⏳If you could go back in time and tell your younger writer self something, what would it be?
literally not to lose that unwarranted confidence i had. at age eleven i was pounding out 50k+ word multichapter fics for my first fandom and like. the plots are so questionable. but when i reread them now im genuinely impressed at the quality of writing i had at that age. i think as i hit 13/14 i went through that phase where i was like ohhh my god i was sooo embarrassing when i was a kid and that insecurity really hindered my writing progress! i think creativity needs you to be unapologetic and cringe. that's when the best stuff is made because it's Real
i love you bren!!!
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poweredinpeace · 4 months
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The best teacher is pain for some reason the lessons last longer? Defeat and humiliation work harder than love and flattery; a nation and a peoples that makes life fair takes rights from others,
undo themselves in short order.
Nothing fair in life the illusion of mush that education fills the minds and hearts of young people is a self-fulling prophecy that bring pain and humiliation on themselves and the innocent later on in life.
No we don’t have the right to experiment with others lives,
nevertheless, each generation takes it then denies its evil in some
fashionable word usage like woke.
Ps.90:10 The days of our years are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty years; yet their pride is but labor and sorrow, for it passes quickly, and we fly away
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andrea-lyn · 2 years
If you know one (or two) things about me, it’s that I am occasionally chronically late to a fandom (sometimes accidental, sometimes on purpose), so I missed the ATLA renaissance, but I found my way around to it, which means! Recs! 
This is going to be majority Sokka/Zuko, with a couple others in here. There’s def a second post coming as I make my way through the tag. As ever, master rec post can be found pinned on my tumblr here! 
Zukka ATLA Recs
Wooing the Water Tribe by lenaballena (ALL TIME FAVE RIGHT HERE)
Zuko is courting Katara, and with every passing day finds new and insane ways of showing that he would quite literally move the spirit world and earth to make her happy.
In hindsight, it probably would've been better if Sokka had realised he was in love with Zuko at literally any time before this. Or preferably, never fallen for his best friend in the first place.
exothermic reaction by blueconsequences
When Sokka is temporarily blinded by Fire Nation soldiers, the members of the Gaang take turns to care for him.
One pair of hands is warmer than the others.
Love's Such an Old-Fashioned Word by drvcos
When invited to the 100th anniversary of his father’s company, after 15 years of radio silence, Zuko decides to show how happy he is to all the people from his past. There’s only one (fatal) problem.
Zuko is a frazzled single dad, Sokka is an absolute flirt, and the “fake” that comes before their relationship doesn’t feel all that fake.
like real people do by verdanthoney for bleekay
Sokka knew he would be dealing with a raging case of baby fever during their annual vacation on Ember Island. What he didn’t expect was to discover that he was also hopelessly in love with Zuko, and had been for years without realizing.
Spirits Help Us, There's Two of Them by hopepunk
Sokka and Zuko are both weird guys. Fortunately, they're the same kind of weird as each other.
(do you take this jerk to be) your one and only by jatersade
Under the leadership of Fire Lord Iroh, the Fire Nation has made every attempt to restore peace and make amends for the harm they inflicted during the Seventy-Year War. Their newest proposal is a literal proposal: a marriage to unite the Fire Nation and the Water Tribes.
The Fire Nation offers Prince Zuko’s hand.
The Water Tribes offer Princess Yue’s.
Sokka is apparently the only person in the world who has a problem with any of this.
isn't this the vision that you wanted by nebulastucky
Firelord Zuko - ender of the Hundred Year War, ruler of the Fire Nation, payer of respects and reparations - takes advice and counsel from representatives of every nation, division, and specialty.
But teenage boy Zuko - friend of turtleducks, wielder of fun looking swords, stumbler over words and feet in the presence of cute boys - only listens to two people, and they are conspiring together to ruin him.
or: Iroh just wants what's best for his nephew, and Katara just wants to know everyone's business.
we had a moment, we had a summertime by nebulastucky
Sokka shrugs. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
“You get captured and killed by the Fire Nation,” Toph provides.
“They won’t execute me in a tea shop,” Sokka says around a sudden lump in his throat. “That’d be bad for business.”
or: the one where sokka falls for a tea shop and a boy with too much charm for his own good.
Ignition Point by Yuu_chi
Most people know they're a bender since birth. Sokka just had to discover it at twenty when he accidentally burns his own house down.
Alchemy by mindbending
Sokka (a.k.a the Silent Knight, a.k.a. the sharpest detective in Caldera City) has three cases weighing on his mind.
1.) Zuko, son of the mob boss Ozai, has gone missing under sinister circumstances. 2.) Lee, a teahouse waiter with the face of an angel, wears a scar of mysterious origins. 3.) The Blue Spirit, a lithe and enigmatic cat burglar, keeps stealing into the Fire Nation’s storehouses (not to mention Sokka’s dreams).
Sokka sighs and takes a swig from his special bottle. It’s hard solving three completely unrelated mysteries at the same time...
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What your favorite Hair (1979) song says about you
Tag your favorite!
Aquarius - You check your co-star every morning + you wish you could time travel to the seventies just for the clothing
Sodomy - You really wish you could see the shocked reactions from the sixties audiences
Hashish - Your natural state is "high"
Colored Spade - "They don't write 'em like this anymore" -👴🏻 + OR you think this is the most progressive use of slurs you've ever heard
Manchester, England - You're a Claude x Berger truther (respect) + you find that it's groovy to hide in a movie + you like foreshadowing
I'm Black/Ain't Got No - You still use the word groovy unironically, especially when describing bass lines + you think musicals peaked in the seventies + this song is really good I respect you
I Got Life - You have a huge crush on Treat Williams (same) + You want an extrovert to adopt you
Hair - You've either seen this play live, or you really really REALLY wish you did + you are confident in yourself and don't give a shit about what others think
L.B.J./Initials - You like drugs and history
Old Fashioned Melody/Electric Blues - You almost exclusively listen to music from the sixties/seventies era and you think no modern music comes close
Hare Krishna - Oh, how you wish you were an OG flower child
Where do I Go? - Every time you listen to this song, you spend hours thinking about it and analyzing its significance (I'm projecting) + your favorite musicals are ones with conflicted man-boy protagonists
Black Boys/White Boys - LMAO + ...u ok? + you love Nell Carter's voice + "it was progressive for the time"
Walking in Space - You're vehemently against the War on Drugs
Easy to be Hard - You're extremely empathetic + you wish your favorite female artist would cover this + that little light guitar strum in the movie version makes your heartbeat stutter
Three-Five-Zero-Zero - Someone on Youtube commented "It not good to war :<" and you agree (me too) + you think this musical's message is still very prevalent today
Good Morning Starshine - You're either a gen x-er or you just really like the fact that Johnny Depp Willy Wonka referenced this song + you want to have a picnic in the wildflower fields
Flesh Failures/Let the Sunshine In - You come back to this song every time you need a good cry + this is probably objectively the best song in the soundtrack and you stand by that + you think the movie has a more impactful ending than the stage play
I like doing these >:)
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