mommyashtoreth · 9 months
I think it's Easy but also extremely lame to reduce Crowley's element of "temptation" down to "he's horny and he Awakens Lust Within Aziraphale." Like don't get me wrong, I love gay sex, but Any of the deadly sins can be gay sex if you try! Isn't it more interesting to represent Aziraphale's desire for Crowley through something like, idk, "gluttony" which is more in line with how Crowley repeatedly "tempts" him (ox ribs = gay sex, anyone?)? Look I'm gay I know how this stuff works, all-consuming 6000-year desire stops being just Lust at some point. Crowley made Aziraphale realize he's been starving his entire life and that's not gay sex enough? Just in general Crowley awakening "sin" in Aziraphale and Aziraphale awakening "virtue" in Crowley is sooooo sex to me. Girls we need to talk about this more
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horrorlesbians · 5 months
"let stories end" is so real idk why but so many people just cannot handle it when a story ends and beg for more content. i liked this show and it was only really 1 season but ppl kept demanding for a second one and they're making one but like what else is there to say??? the plot was wrapped up neatly.
I only get fans being upset when shows are cancelled before they can be completed properly like that’s understandable. but especially when shows end on such a high note or the story is finished nicely why do you want them to risk fucking it up for more content? fanfics exist! imagination exists!
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doolallymagpie · 22 days
used to think Robin Curtis's Saavik was a horrifying downgrade, but thankfully I've since grown a pair of eyes
also, like, your substitute dad dying does tend to make you weird, so her getting a perm and having her eyebrows done all Romulan does make sense
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words-of-wrath · 1 month
Penetrative sex is overrated
Bite her until she cums
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1stprototype · 3 months
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Sorry Arueshalae, but the helmet stays on during sex.
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rainbowresurrection · 10 months
I don't personally feel like hand-touching would be an inherently sexual thing to Vulcans. I would assume it to be a situationally sexual/romantic thing, like human hugs, or Vulcan mind melds.
On a related note, mind melding is used as a sexual innuendo quite frequently, especially in TOS, though not always so.
(if you rewatch Dagger of the Mind, when it's first introduced... Hoo boy, the innuendo is surprisingly strong)
Anyway that's my take
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melon-fodder · 1 month
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 months
So The Kingdom of the wicked and princes of sin by kerry maniscalco are books with explicit sex? I want to get into that World she's building
Oh, yes. I would recommend reading them in order, so you'd read the Kingdom of the Wicked trilogy, which is about one couple (Wrath and Emilia) and then Throne of the Fallen, which is technically a standalone. However, my friend read these books before me, and she read Throne of the Fallen first--and based on what she said, reading them in order would be more cohesive. Everything in Throne is its own thing but it does happen after the original trilogy.
Re: the sex. In the first Kingdom of the Wicked book, there's just a (really good, really hot) kiss and a FUCKTON of sexual tension. But personally, I would regard those three books as one long slow burn. And it's not even really a slow burn, because things get CONSIDERABLY more sexual early in book two. I'm talking fingering, handjobs, full orgasms, eating out, etc. There isn't p in v sex in that book. But by MY measure, they are having sex in book 2, and it's explicit. And then they escalate to P in V early in book 3 and there is a ton of explicit penetrative sex in that one. Like. There is more sex in book 2 and 3 of that trilogy than I read in a lot of other romance novels. Wrath beats it up, to put it frankly.
And Throne of the Fallen has had some really intense sex scenes so far, lol. He's oiled this girl's ass up (frankly we don't have enough "let me oil your ass up in a sensual massage" scenes in romance, I can think of one other I've read and remember lol), he's fingered her from behind (which shockingly DOES NOT HAPPEN as much as you'd think in romance??? This in at 10, I think a lot of authors have lowkey issues with certain sex acts from behind because they think it's unromantic and I'm like okay but sometimes I just wanna see someone get laid out they can kiss later), he's slapped her pussy, it's HAPPENING.
For comparison, I've read ACOTAR. I consider the ACOTAR sex scenes cringe at worst and subpar/not as explicit as everyone tells you at best. The sex scenes in these books are HOT and I love both of the couples a LOT. Wrath and Emilia are very... He's seemingly cold but actually BURNING with passion for her, she's kind of in a rueful partnership with him until she actually catches feelings, and Camilla and Envy are basically two black cats spitting at each other. When they aren't like. Humping in a corner.
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simsdastra · 1 year
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Tweaker Bell cheerful version is coming
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golarion · 1 year
maybe it’s my own sexual trauma talking but astarion and arueshalae both scratch the itch in the back of my head. like they both make me feel a certain type of way
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
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unfinished genderbend au things from a while ago…. yes i called gluttonybaru a bitch 😳😳😳😳 i explain the design choices in the tags…
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hometownrockstar · 2 years
Man i hate it when media uses the seven deadly sins as a motif bc i think the christian model of sin is extremely flawed and thus boring as a concept or symbolism of inherent evil. There's plenty of ways to portray or use concepts of evil, badness, whatever, but the christian view of sin is easily the most unrelatable, pretentious, and basic one it feels like watching saw and going well mr. saw made some good points. Nietzsche was so true for his critique of christian original sin
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frankensteincest · 1 year
Throughout the history of sexological writing, commentators have disagreed on the exact nature of the necrophile’s love object. While, for some, the corpse as a radically inanimate and passive object is central to an understanding of this perversion type, according to other thinkers it is the proximity to the idea of death and destruction that carries aphrodisiac properties. The much rarer term ‘thanatophilia’ also exists to describe an abstract (and usually de-sexualized) love of, or obsession with, death. However, for certain writers, ‘necrophilia’ encompasses the whole gamut of these variations.
In The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (1974), Erich Fromm adopts and develops Hentig’s character-based view of necrophilia. Here, Fromm suggests a conflict within the human being between biophilous and necrophilous tendencies, where biolphilia is a ‘biologically normal impulse’, while necrophilia is a type of—by no means rare—pathology. According to Fromm, the necrophilous character is revealed in the following symptoms: ‘the passionate attraction to all that is dead, decayed, putrid, sickly; it is the passion to transform that which is alive into something which is unalive; to destroy for the sake of destruction [...] It is the passion to “tear apart living structures”.’ Fromm broadens considerably the scope of what can be understood by necrophilia. It becomes a descriptive model for the way in which desire operates in the human being, as significant as the biological reproductive imperative. Fromm’s binary formulation biophilia/necrophilia is indebted to Freud’s later model of the drives that establishes life instinct and death instinct as metapsychological principles. Despite the strong focus on sexual perversion and death in different parts of Freud’s corpus, the literal meeting point of the two—Triebmischung—touches the conscious surface of Freud’s work only occasionally.
LISA DOWNING, Desiring the Dead: Necrophilia and Nineteenth-Century French Literature
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words-of-wrath · 5 months
Pt. 1/?
For those who see eroticism in the mechanical 🖤
Part 1
Metal legs wrapped around her waist, sitting down on the rickety seat. A welding mask is draped over her face, protecting her from the sparks showering over her body. The sounds of electric pulses, like firecrackers, are filling the entire workshop. Her muses chest is open, wires and circuitry exposed. With each spark of energy she convulsed in Aurora's lap. Scrap, that's what her previous administrator and owner had called her.
'you're just Scrap' he said. Aurora had bought her for pennies on an online marketplace. Discarded, thrown away, shipped in pieces to the highest bidder. And even then, it wasn't even that high. Her new administrator had chosen a different name for her. 
"Do you like that, Robo-Slut?" A muffled voice with a slight lisp said. Scrap wasn't even sure if Aurora knew she could hear her. But she couldn't respond. The girl pulled away, blowtorch still in hand. She reached up to pull her welding mask up. Sticking her tongue out, she twisted some screws into place. Machinery whirred to life, and Scrap's eyes suddenly lit up. 
She saw a scrawny-looking girl covered in dirt and oil stains. She wore a faded pair of overalls, one shoulder strap undone and hanging loosely at her chest. She couldn't have been younger than her mid-twenties, though when she smiled a cheesy grin Scrap saw thick braces, gleaming in the fluorescent lighting of her workshop. She wore thick rectangular glasses and had dirty brown hair tugged back into a tight bun. Essentially, she just looked like a huge nerd. 
"I still need to reestablish most of your motor functions, your nerve-endings, and iron out the kinks in your programming," Aurora said, lisping some of her Ss and Ths. Scrap took this time to look around Aurora's workshop. Posters of different video games, bands, and anime lined the walls. There were tools strewn about everywhere, tables filled with blueprints. "Look at me!" Aurora suddenly demanded, and Scrap found herself unable to resist. In fact, she found herself quite infatuated with this nerdy-looking dweeb girl. What had Aurora done to her programming? 
Aurora closed her chest plate back up, tightening the screws. This caused Scrap to squirm a bit, though she didn't feel anything. The administrator seemed to delight in Scrap squirming in her lap. Finally, Aurora began to press on the touch screen in Scrap's chest. There was a little jingle, one of a company long since lost to the slow decay of time, which signified her other functions booting up. Producing a keyboard from a small table just next to her, Aurora plugged the USB into Scrap and set it on her lap. 
"I'm gonna take good care of you, Robo-Slut," Aurora said, a hint of facetiousness in her tone. She began to type away, it must have been nearly 150 words per minute. Lines and lines of code appeared on Scrap's chest. "Okay, you should have some of your motor functions back. Try and move!" Aurora said. Scrap hesitated for a moment, and then turned to her right arm, the only one currently attached to her body. She watched it rise in the air. Turning her hand over, she flexed her mechanical fingers. They hissed and squealed, she hadn't done that in quite a while. Aurora grinned another brace-filled and toothy smile. 
After a while of typing, Aurora grimaced at the screen. "Why are there locked files here?!" she demanded to know under her breath. "Hey!" an angry tone filled the room as she stared up at Scrap. "Give me the passcode for these files!" Scrap again was reluctant. There was something stopping her from giving that information out. It was private. Private to her alone. And she didn't want anyone else to know that. Slowly, she shook her head. Aurora groaned and typed a few more lines of code out. Then, an angry hand shot up and gripped Scrap's chin. "You should be able to speak now. Give. Me. The. Access. Code!" Aurora grunted through gritted teeth. 
"... N-no!" Scrap said. It had been a while since she had ever spoken. Maybe even a century. Who knew at this point? Aurora narrowed her eyes and lowered her head to give her an evil look. She pulled away from Scrap and continued to type. 
"Let's see if all your programs are running correctly...!" she said. "... I'll just run them all at the same time!" another smirk flashed the corner of her mouth. If Scrap could feel fear, this probably would have been it. Confidently, Aurora pressed the enter key on the line she had just written. Scrap heard her fans whir to life. They could expel the heat fine enough now. But as more and more programs began to run, as command prompts and warnings (which Aurora ignored) showed up on her viewing screen appeared, she found that the fans became nearly unbearable. She sounded like a freight train barreling into a station. Scrap arched her back, red lights flashing all over her body. With her newfound voice she let out a small cry. Aurora delighted in seeing that. 
"S-stop!" Scrap said. But that only seemed to strengthen Aurora's resolve. She continued to run each and every program, not nearly done yet. She was hot in Aurora's lap, surprised that the small nerdy girl could even handle it. 
"You like it!" Aurora said. Scrap thought about this for a moment. She did like it... now that Aurora had told her she did. She was obsessed with this girl. Why?! A line of code entered into her when Aurora had first gotten her. A USB dongle inserted into her right from the start, telling her to give the girl her undivided attention, her eternal love. 
"C-cold... need cold!" Scrap begged for it. Aurora raised an eyebrow and then seemed to get a devilish idea. She reached up to grab a hose from the ceiling. She had so many things on hand. Perhaps she had prepared for this very thing. 
"Here you go, little bot," Aurora hooked the hose right up to Scrap's mouth. She could no longer speak, and Aurora pressed a couple of buttons on a rectangular metal device just next to her. Another hiss, lights flashing, the hose began to twitch and bulge as suddenly an ice-cold fluid entered Scrap's mouth. She felt her insides cool. It was nice at first. But Aurora kept pumping and pumping and pumping. The hose bulged in her mouth as her mechanical guts began to freeze up. She felt herself slowing down, mind turning to a slushie. 
A green light pulsed on Scrap's temple. Aurora pressed a few more keys and then tugged the hose from Scrap's mouth. Bright blue coolant dribbled impotently from her mechanical mouth as Scrap leaned over her. "Good girl," Aurora said, running her hands over Scrap's icy-hot metal flesh. Her memories had become distant rooms, inaccessible to her when they were so close before. She may have had real flesh at one point. Maybe she was a human, mortal, maybe she was bio-engineered organic material. But now she was just Scrap. "Now, since you're working correctly. How about a factory reset?" 
"A-a what?" Scrap asked dumbly. 
"You're going to forget all of this. You're going to forget who you are, who you were. You're going to become mine, forever and always," Aurora grinned, and she started to type. 
"Y-yes, Admin!" Scrap said. But she didn't mean it deep down, where the final dwindling semblance of her autonomy lay. She was only programmed to obey. She didn't want this, not at all. But soon she may do so. She may completely acquiesce to Aurora's desires. Once this factory reset was over and done with. "P-please reset me..." maybe she meant it that time. 
"With pleasure," Aurora said, finally typing in the last line of code and confidently pressing the enter key with a toothy grin. The last thing Scrap saw as her vision faded was Aurora's nerdy face staring at her with devious glee. The last thing she felt was the whirr of her servos inside. 
And she powered down.  
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Xanadu/Spectre are t for t send tweet
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kerri-the-skunk · 1 year
You probably shouldn't read this if you're asexual, aromantic, aroace, and/or sex-repulsed. Don't worry, I'll probably post something else that won't make you uncomfortable later.
Recently, I've been thinking about my sexuality and sexual/romantic preferences (as I imagine a socially inept probably autistic virgin does at least once in their lives), and how it connects to me as a person, if that makes any sense. Like, I haven't really thought about my preferences outside of thinking "all genders are hot, but some are hotter than others" and wanting to date men, enbies, and intersex people more than women, and being a switch over a top or bottom. But I never really thought about where I sat on a scale from dominant to submissive, because I would associate those words with kink (which isn't the case, service tops and power bottoms exist independent of kinkiness). But not too long ago, I stumbled upon a couple posts from one of my mutuals (you know who you are, probably :3) writing about being dominant with partners, and in my head I was like "auehshsjdjoa, god I fucking want that so bad", and that got me thinking. I am a person who needs a lot of direction in his life. I have a hard time doing things without being explicitly told to do so. Even then, sometimes I need to be given instructions and moral support for things, even if I've done them before. And any fantasy I've ever had, no matter if I'm topping or bottoming, involves a partner telling me what to do, putting me in my place, guiding me through the process, calling me a good boy as we make passionate love. Fuck me, I think I might be submissive. I think I'd let a capital D Daddy (gender-neutral) have their way with me, as long as there's cuddling and kisses after.
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