#sexuality post
fnaf-possession-au · 2 years
What are the different people's sexuality?
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Since I have so many muses on this ask/rp account. This is gonna be under a read me.
The Staff
Vincent - Pansexual Scott - Bisexual Mike - Straight Jeremy - Demisexual Fritz - Graysexual Mason - Bisexual
The Rat's Staff
Rodney - Graysexual Flavian - Questioning
Muses (With AU depending ages)
Violet - Bisexual Carlos - Demisexual Dylan - Pansexual Aurelius - Questioning Terrance - Bisexual Killer - Demisexual Them - Graysexual Other - Questioning
As a brief explanation of why I included the children and the ghost muses, I wanted to cover all my muses so none of them got left out. I also do roleplay them as different ages in other AUs.
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thelucyverse · 4 years
Trying to prove that not, you know, /all/ of my characters are bi/pan? Just, you know, most because it's just easier in a multiverse setting..
This is a mess of all Lverse crossover fandoms! I'm writing the 'original'/canon names, not Central names, but it's for all the univs unless otherwise specified with T1/2 for 'type 1/2'- different not-twin universals under the same original name
I'm sorry I'm not gonna distinguish between bi & pan, I do think they're twice separate identities I can just never remember who's what (maybe I should fix that later by actually writing it down here lmfao- same for what sexual/romantic identities the aro & ace ppl have).. for now just the way it comes to my mind:
Quincy Murray
Maggs Shields
Salazar Deslizarse T2
Dorcas Meadows
Nile Freeman
Natasha Romanova
Luna Lovegood (?)
Galadriel (?)
Cate Eloise Bishop (?)
Dorcas Meadows
Cleo Yamasaki
Sherlock Holmes ?
Clint Barton
Harry Potter
Minerva McGonnagall (?)
Severus Snape
Jessica Pearson
Harvey Specter
Jasper Whitlock
Charity Burbage
Myka Bering
Helena G. Wells
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Marlene McKinnon
Bellatrix Black-Lestrange
Emily Lightman
Sedemai Gryffindor
James 'Bucky' Barnes
Tony Stark
Nymphadora Tonks
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Angelina Johnson
Ginny Weasley (?)
Yelena Delova ?
Kate Bishop (?)
James Bond
Irene Adler ?
Nick Fury
Rosalie Hale ?
Lily Evans
Verena Morrisson
Vivian Morrisson
Narcissa Black-Malfoy
Godric Gryffindor
Salazar Deslizarse T1
James Potter
Ronald Weasley (?)
Cate Eloise Bishop
Draco Malfoy
Albus Dumbledore
Victoria Morrisson
Eileen Prince
Bilbo Baggins
Thorin Oakenshield
Victoire Delacour-Weasley (? H-flexible)
Pomona Sprout (?)
Poppy Pomfrey (?)
Phil Coulson
Steve Rogers (?)
'Q' Holmes (?)
Mycroft Holmes (?)
Greg Lestrange (?)
Michael B
& gender stuff!
Isabella Swan
Rosalie Hale?
Danny Williams T2 (male)
Salazar Deslizarse T1 (men)
Rachel Addams
(Binary) Trans:
Jamie Barnes (female)
Danny Williams T1 (male)
Salazar Deslizarse T2 (women)
Joan Watson T1 (female)
John Watson T2 (male)
Gillian (Foster) geb. Anderson (female)
Maggie/Max Shields
Teddy Lupin
Dorcas Meadows
Kaya/Scoya "Scarface" Gibbs
Teddy Lupin
If the gender of a person isn't specified it's the canon gender but whether Cis or Trans doesn't matter, I just wrote down the ones that differ from canon/ where the gender is important for a storyline ('?' if not sure about that) & my OCs.
Open to poly relationships:
Rosalie Hale
Jessica Pearson
Harvey Specter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Severus Snape (?)
Sherlock Holmes
Irene Adler
John Watson
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mortimer-worm · 4 years
Heterosexual: I specifically like sunrises, sunsets, or any time between that
Homosexual: I'm a sunset kinda person / I thought I liked sunsets but I really like sunrises
Bisexual: I like sunrises, sunsets, and anything in between!
Pansexual: I appreciate all times of day, the sky is always nice
Polysexual: I like seeing stars while it's daytime and clouds at night. Also, eclipses are cool!
Asexual: I don't have an intrest in meteorology but the view is nice.
Aromantic: The sky is a cool concept but I don't want to become a bird
Transgender: I went from being a beautiful sunrise to a stunning sunset or vice versa
Nonbinary: I don't fit with the sunrise/sunset binary, but there are other times of day where I feel more comfortable
Agender: I'm an astronaut
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byjosten · 5 years
My mum: "So you don't think people are attractive when you first see them?"
Me: "I'm demisexual, not blind."
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FGO Servant Sexualities
A random thing mod Jade and I did during dinner. -mod Lightning
under the cut because this is really long ~ mod Jade (whilst editing)
This is by ID and NA only
(male Master) Mashu
Artoria Pendragon (Lily)
Robin Hood
Musashibou Benkei 
Edward Teach
Marie Antoinette
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Charles-Henri Sanson 
Phantom of the Opera
(male Master)  Kiyohime
Jeanne d'Arc
(male Master)  Tamamo no Mae
Fionn mac Cumhaill
Cu Chulainn (Alter)
Thomas Edison
Jeanne d'Arc (Alter)
Emiya (Assassin)
Irisviel (Dress of Heaven)
Tamamo no Mae (Lancer)
Altria Pendragon (Archer)
(male Master)  Kiyohime (Lancer)
(female Master) Mashu
Gilles de Rais (Saber)
Elizabeth Bathory
Gilles de Rais (Caster)
(female Master) Kiyohime
Elisabeth Bathory (Halloween)
(female Master)  Tamamo no Mae
Anne Bonny & Mary Read
(female Master)  Tamamo no Mae (Lancer)
Anne Bonny & Mary Read (Archer)
(female Master)  Kiyohime (Lancer)
Artoria Pendragon
Artoria Pendragon (Alter)
Hans Christian Andersen
William Shakespeare
Zhuge Liang (El-Melloi II)
Hassan of the Cursed Arm
Jing Ke
Lu Bu Fengxian
Eric Bloodaxe
Tamamo Cat
Medea (Lily)
Altria Pendragon (Santa Alter)
Nursery Rhyme
Jack the Ripper
Nikola Tesla
Altria Pendragon (Lancer Alter)
Paracelsus von Hohenheim
Charles Babbage
Mysterious Heroine X
Ryougi Shiki (Saber)
Ryougi Shiki (Assassin)
Gilgamesh (Child)
Edmond Dantes
Li Shuwen
Hassan of the Hundred Personas
Altria Pendragon (Lancer)
Leonardo da Vinci
Mordred (Rider)
Scathach (Assassin)
Le Chevalier d’Eon
Saint Martha
Sasaki Kojiro
Mata Hari
Fergus mac Roich
Amakusa Shirou
Queen Medb
Helena Blavatsky
Angra Mainyu
Fuuma Kotarou
Tawara Touta
Marie Antoinette (Caster)
Saint Martha (Ruler)
Nero Claudius
Gaius Julius Caesar
Cu Chulainn 
Cu Chulainn (Prototype)
Cu Chulainn (Caster)
Sakata Kintoki
Vlad III
Darius III
Francis Drake
Okita Souji
Oda Nobunaga
Diarmuid ua Duibhne
Henry Jekyll & Hyde
Nero Claudius (Bride)
Billy the Kid
Xuanzang Sanzang
Sakata Kintoki (Rider)
Lancelot (Saber)  
Hassan of the Serenity
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“No homo,” the boy called as walked by his male friend. He pulled out four cards, all of them ace cards, “Full ace.”
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crazyloonybitch · 9 years
To be completely honest, even if I have been so confused about my sexuality for as long as I can remember, I never really found closure to it until now. I know for a fact that I am comfortable about being who I am-a girl, that is- and I like guys. But at the same time, I also like girls. However,when I think about it, I tend to like everyone regardless of who they are and who they are attracted to. Yes, I have never been in a relationship before. So some might say that maybe I am just in a phase. But how in the world did that phase drag on for 11years? I am 21. And yes, I’ve been irrationally confused since I was 10 years old. I’ve been attracted to guys, girls, gays, lesbians, trangenders (whatever)-people in general- and I have always seen myself situated in a relationship with every single one of them. I don’t freaking know! I’ve labelled myself as bisexual before since my freshman year in highschool ‘cause I was magnanimously infatuated with a girl for the entire two years that I attended that school. Prior to my highschool life, I honestly had crushes with girls but I was too damned “scared” to name that feeling because of how disgustingly queerphobic and conservative my environment was-still is. I was oriented about the whole “lesbian subject"as a child, so I know back early in elementary school that I was not one since I also had crushes with guys. I really had a deep understanding of this whole “concept “all thanks to the fact that I was that kid who was well-aware of everything. *this is such a drag for my child self since I had to keep everything I know to myself* About that time in highschool *in both schools I went to but with direct influence in my first highschool*, I got exposed to some sort of diversity(sexuality-wise~ i dunno creis. And yes this is coming from a person who went to an exclusive school for a vast majority of my childhood. Hey 10 person classrooms). Those days were actually fun ‘cause I got a chance to hang out and be close friends with some of the players of the girl’s basketball team in my grade. There, I’ve been introduced to bisexuality*hurrah*. That was when I started identifying myself as bisexual. I was less confused about that time. But I really kept thibgs bottled up-being the introverted fatass that I am. That went on for the most part of my highschool life. My family is not really very accepting of any forms of “oddity” so I really had to suppress the idea that I am in any way “not normal”,by par to their standards. So,naturally, I hid that I liked anyone, I hid that I fully grasped the idea of “infatuations”/“crushes” all that shit and most of all,I hid that I am down for relationships with people. Not that I am bound to be in any relationship because let’s face it, I am hideous and well nobody likes me. *okay this is another issue* So college began and I started liking this girl,who was lesbian by the way, for a whole freaking year and a half. I dunno but that person turned out to be an asshole and plus, that person graduated so I kinda moved on. After some time, I had a crush on this guy friend of mine-that was kinda a fleeting thing since he left after a semester. I only shared this thing to a sole person that time*she was very cool about me though*. THEN GOD DAMN, WE MET THIS GUY. My dorm friend and I assumed he was like our dorm big sister’s boyfriend-though he kinda gave off this weird aura. I don’t know. Turns out, he was gay. We hung out with him a lot. Much has happened and we ended up really close along with the same dorm friend, and I realized that I liked him after a while. Uhmmm. I was past the whole gay thing. I liked him even as a gay. I liked his personality*at a certain point*. I just liked him. So asked myself, “Do I like him because he’s still a guy *despite being gay* or do I like him as a whole?” I thought about it a lot. I never wanted him to just be not gay-not for a fleeting second. I liked it when he acts gay. I liked that he talked about being gay. I liked him talking about wanting to finish his degree. I liked him as he is. I was quite confused that time. My head went:“So… I like straight guys, gay guys, straight girls, lesbians… SO WTF am I?!” What exactly am I? That guy got busy, stuff started getting shitty with him, he turned into a douche and I got intensely busy with a tragically large amount of depression added to the insanity-which were major factors why my thoughts about him instantly crumbled. *those years were rough* In my third year of college, someone sensed that I am not the straightest stick in a bunch. (guess my sexual tensions stuck out like a rotten potato) Okay… Because of some circumstances about myself, I am not really comfortable about sharing the inner ticks of my head to “new” people. But sadly,due to much persuasion and coercion, I hesitantly came out to that person as bi. I was dragged into that person’s pace. It felt unnatural to me, for a person to be deliberately pushing ideas when I was clearly in a certain process of trying to understand myself. Those moments got me fussing about everything because that person kept on stamping a certain exclusivity in my preference. Clearly, I began to be so freakin anxious. (well hello fucking anxiety attacks) I decided that we didn’t have the healthiest relationship so the “friendship or whatever” should be severed and I also came to the conclusion that I hated hated hated being put in a box with labels and a contract to pair. I went on with my college life pretty open about liking whoever I liked especially to my bestfriends in school and my dorm friend. They’re intensely supportive whether I say I liked a girl or I think a girl is damn attractive, same for guys, same for gays, lesbians, transexuals-anyone honestly. I tell them about wanting to do stuff with people. I tell them honestly everything. One of my girl bestfriends is actually my first kiss LOL. Yes, my first kiss is with a female and I liked it. It was a good chaste kiss. *although very platonic and friendly* I thought about things a lot. I asked myself things a lot. Uhmm. Can I imagine myself in an intimate relationship (yes inc.SEX)with a girl? YES With a guy? YES With a gay? YES With a lesbian? YES too. Then I realized that I am okay with anyone as long we like/love each other enough and we share the same respect for one another *I am clearly monogamous thank you very much*. In short, I like people, then. I must say that I hated this search of label that I have put myself through,all this time. I hate thinking that: “Oh I am bisexual or maybe I am pansexual or maybe I am freaking whatever sexual in the planet” It puts unnecessary pressure on my shoulders whenever I try to label myself. I’ve been *successfully yet struggling* alive for 21 years and I can’t fucking identify myself. HELL YEAH. I am a freakin nobody.
The society keeps on putting pressure upon people to “identify” themselves, to “know” who they are-even without their consent, to box themselves for a part in a circle, to fucking make a big deal out of being someone and many other bullshit.
I know in my soul that my family will never understand if one day I end up being with say…a girl, a lesbian, a transgender, a bisexual, a gay a whatever. And it sucks because I want to fall in-love with whoever fucktard I want to. I know they will not understand that I am attracted to people in general. That I am different. It freakin sucks that a vast majority is taking it upon themselves to categorize love/like/ attraction/affection when these things are the most versatile subjects in the world.
I like people and I find people attractive. A person doesn’t necessarily have to be a guy for me to be attracted to them, to like them to fall in-love with them
Hurray for those who"found” who they are or those who have come into terms with who they are.I respect that. I am immensely proud of your conviction to stand by yourselves and your beliefs. Give yourselves a pat on the back for being straight or gay or queer or a potato I dunno.
As for me, I have stopped trying to fit myself in a box. I have lots of love to give *most times not to myself though*. I am 21;I like people and that’s that :) I don’t need a label other than “being human” to become such a big deal in how I’ll live my life.
PS: IF PEOPLE ARE PRESSURING YOU TO BE A CERTAIN WAY, STAY AWAY FROM THEM. Live your life. Finish school *parents live for this thing and you’ll probably be utilizing this one way or another*, do not do anybody harm and you’ll get through it. Stay strong and hold on *Let’s hold on together* And if you pray, do so and ask for guidance.
sub ps: Just because I’ve been liking a guy recently *for over a year*, and that I am saying that he’s the first ever person that I wanted to be in a relationship with… Doesn’t mean that it abolishes the fact that I saw myself in a relationship with other people that I liked before. You see, “seeing myself in a relationship with them” has a huge difference with actually having the “desire to be in a relationship with a person”. I just wanted to clarify that part
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I just read something about asexuality and now I’m back to square one. I have no idea if I’m asexual???? I was just beginning to accept it and come out to some of my closest friends, god damn it 
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lilpuppyzizi · 9 years
*steps out of closet that suddenly appeared before you* HEY. IT'S PRETTY COMMON FOR PEOPLE TO DO THIS, DON'T WORRY. I'M SURE YOU'LL BE FINE. YES I KNOW I AM IN THE MIDDLE OF WHEREVER YOU ARE RIGHT NOW. I'M PROBABLY DISTURBING SOMETHING IMPORTANT. BUT I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU. I'M PANSEXUAL. HAVE A GOOD DAY NOW! *Steps back in closet* *vanishes back to wherever-i-might-be-when-you're-reading-this*
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philosophay · 9 years
I don understand the world today, like why is there still bad things? Lemme put my ideas forward If a boy wants to love a boy, let them If a girl wants to low a girl, let them If a girl doesn't want to love anyone, let them If a boy doesn't want to love anyone, let them If a boy wants to be recognised as a girl, let them If a girl wants to be recognised as a boy, let them If these people want to be happy in their own lives, let them as it has nothing to do with you
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luciferissatan · 10 years
I know we started talking because of an asexuality post. I still identify as asexual, but I've been getting a lot of flack for it, and I'm just generally tired of being told I'm wrong or confused or whatever. Do you have any advice on dealing with it/those people?
I get where you’re coming from.
I told my mother about it and she laughed in my face, telling me that “I’ll meet someone” and that “It’s only a phase.” Blah blah blah, I’ve gotten stuff from my own friends telling me that I’m confused and the same things you’ve been told.
I get it a lot actually, because not many people believe that it’s an actual thing.
There isn’t any real way to ‘deal’ with these kinds of people or situations per say, without coming off as rude or contradictory. I’ve personally always told them that I know my body better than they do, and I know when something’s a phase and when something isn’t. I tell them that they can believe what they want [Because typically it’s with people who are as stubborn as I am, and no amount of talking or blurring the edges is going to convince them that they’re anything but right.].
I let them know that it’s my body, and that I know it inside and out and if I can’t feel sexual desire, if I don’t care for sex the way they do, then I CAN’T. And if they refuse to believe you, then they’re going to refuse and there isn’t anything you can do to change that and that’s their loss for being so dense.
Just let them know that you are who you are, and one day in the future when you are still sitting by that claim for however many years that you’ve known, then [hopefully] they’ll realize that it really wasn’t a phase.
To be honest, it’s a process with some people. I had attempted to educate my own mother on the topic, but she kept brushing it off and laughing, giving me a look, because she doesn’t believe that there’s anyone out there that can’t feel sexual desire, and she brushes it off as if I made this choice for myself.
Eventually it’ll click, but for a lot of people, it takes time.
If it’s getting on your nerves; whenever they try to argue it, or what have you, shoot them a look. I wish I had better advise for this sort of thing, but this is the best I can give. Try to educate them, and if all else fails criticize their sexuality, as if it’s just a phase for them until they realize they need to stop. [You don’t have to be rude, but make your point obvious.]
I really hoped this helped [In some way.] And I know it’s frustrating when people tell you that what you are doesn’t exist, and it really hurts at times. But it get’s better, and eventually they’ll finally accept that you’re a proud asexual, [Hopefully soon.]. I’m really sorry that it’s like that, but you’re not alone and one day they’ll get it.
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bacoose · 10 years
You know, sometimes I wish I wasn't an ace for the fact that I have a hard time discerning platonic and romantic feelings. I feel like sometimes if I had a sexual attraction I could be like
wow i wanna bang you, and oh hey look i am also romatic love in you
I have a problem where I think I have a crush on someone, and it turns out to be just a squish, and I just wanna be good friends, and I always feel like shit because its like
I would like to be in a relationship with you but I think the extent of it is just friendship because I honestly can't gauge my feelings
I also just love all of my friends too much and wanna hug them and kiss them and shower love on them and I dunno
its hard
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