avirxy · 4 months
So in the httyd au Claire is the one who loses her foot?
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she has trouble adjusting for awhile afterwards
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keepofkandrakar · 5 months
me: oh, i'm fine!
my brain: claire has had at least AN awareness of morgana since "roaming fees may apply" when she turns around before entering trollmarket and looks around the canal and she's like "i thought i felt something" when she's asked if she's alright and then we pan to angor rot hiding on the bridge looking at them - keep in mind this is BEFORE team trollhunter knows of angor's existence - then when claire ends up getting the shadow staff from angor rot in the shadow realm it literally GLOWS IN HER HANDS AND YOINKS HER OUT OF THE SHADOW REALM LIKE IT BELONGED TO HER OR SOME SHIT????? AND THEN SHE MASTERS IT IN LIKE A WEEK??????? and let's not forget the infamous power portal she conjures in the season 2 finale bc i'm sorry but the power of friendship and sheer willpower alone could not have been what lets her survive that shit ton of magic. also: she's getting flashes of memories when morgana took over her to remove the protective sigils in early season 3??? when it's implied morgana has full control over her body when she's asleep???? and then girl full on expels the KEY TO CAMELOT'S DOWNFALL from her body in A SINGLE NIGHT (her friends bring her spirit back yes but still the power is hers) and reclaims the shadow staff with a GLYPH CIRCLE????? and in the final battle we get a solid ten seconds of claire and morgana ALONE in the SHADOW REALM and we have NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING DOWN IN THERE--
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doppel-doodles · 2 months
Here is a oc x canon fic I wrote forever ago that has 0 context but I'm gonna post it anyway cause what do I have to loose?-
A Shadowdancer angst thing-
Warning for a probably a very out of character macaque-
She called out, voice barely above a whisper. It made him fully stop in his tracks. He could feel her hands wrap around his wrist, while her grip was firm it was never painful, if anything the best way he could describe it was...desperate.
"Please don't leave..." she practically pleaded with him, "I don't wanna be alone." Sounding like she was holding back tears. Her grip starting to shake, he could see the look of shame on her face but also the genuine fear that he would pull away.
He easily could've, leaving her to wallow in her own fears and anxieties after everything that transpired. Yet he didn't...
Of course he didn't...
He cared way too much to do something so cruel, even if he didn't want to admit it to himself.
Jú felt the bed dip from extra weight, looking up to see the dark furred simian sitting next to her. "I won't." He spoke his hands clasping around hers. "I swear I won't.
That's how they ended up like this, huddled up in the bed together in a tight embrace. Jú curled up into a tight ball simply seeking his comfort and macaque provided, arms wrapped around her like she was made of glass, his fingers playing with her stray locks of hair, noting how she no longer had any white streaks, she must have dyed it.
It's been a while since they were this close, come to think of it he can't remember a time where she wasn't the big spoon. That thought made him smile, he should tease her about it later.
But not now, it wasn't the right time for this.
He heard a choked sob coming from her, then another, his ears twitched being able to hear just how hard she tried to suppress and muffle them, burying her face right into his bright crimson scarf.
Macaque gave her a few moments, but it only seemed to grow worse by the second.
"Shh...Hey, it's okay now you know. It's just us, whatever you need to just let it out."
He reassured her that she was safe, able to express whatever she had been bottling up until now. It was a silent promise that he wouldn't tell a soul of this.
The quiet cries continued, but at least she didn't seem to fight to hold back the tears, he could feel them soak through the fabrics of his clothes, he could feel how she held onto them like he was her life line...he didn't mind it one bit, just continuing to stroke her back.
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parasitic-dreams-au · 4 months
ooooohhhh! :)
*Magma has a horrified look on his face, but not because of Miley.... no... more like a certain someone behind Miley with swirling eyes and looking for revenge.*
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ask-order-ghostwalker · 4 months
(A god taking the form of a crow, looking to blow off some steam in a… productive manner)
(A magma filled Biograft that scouted ahead to help the god find the god of death)
(A Cocoagraft simply out for a walk, wandering right into the depths of the forest)
(A fellow death god who got a note from yet another version of herself, letting her be dragged into a rescue mission launched by her kin)
(All gathered here for one reason or another, dragged into this supposedly haunted forest. Only the duo that had first entered has been hunted by the beast within these monochrome woods…)
(Other than the 4 it’s quiet…. Not even a heavy rustling of the leaves on the trees or in the bushes.)
(And then… something flickered onto one of the trees in front of the group.. a message, dripping in a light yellow.)
(… oh?…)
(the messages flicker out.. only to replaced by one, simple, sentence scrawled all over the trees.)
(As soon as that was said, a huge THUD like metal landing onto the ground was heard. Grabbing everyone’s attention.)
(Now heading the warning, the Invisibility gives away to a giant beast of metal and ink. A fox bearing 9 tails, each fading off into nothingness at the tip. It glares down at the group in front of it, its eyes scanning the intruders.. it dosnt make a sound however.)
(looks like the beast decided to finally show itself…)
FOLLOW THE WISP: Brave the forest to get to him
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pinkplantmakesstuff · 11 months
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Alec and Pépin channelling very different vibes to Tiu in the middle there. Ngl this is probably what Tiu's "canon Tyria" gear looks like.
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tamaruaart · 6 months
"Oh, honey, what's preventing (us)?"
"from everything being like last year,"
"Stand on my soul,"
"And stay there some more."
(forgive I tried to make it rhyme but this is literally the lyrics translated safbabanaof)
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lphaneuf · 1 year
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Progress photos of current test knits. Doesn't look like a lot if change but there's been plenty of knitting this week. This is mitten #2; and the shawl is half done... about 32", unblocked. Enjoying both projects.
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movie--posters · 1 year
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pathfinderunlocked · 10 months
Shadeflesh Assailant - CR17 Shifter/Shadowdancer
An NPC based on Meliodas from the Seven Deadly Sins anime.
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Artwork by SonimBlenim on DeviantArt.
There's something compelling to me about anime-style combatants that don't wear armor. I'm always trying to do that with my own player characters, and this time I did it with an NPC.
This character is a fiendflesh shifter, an unusual shifter archetype. There are almost no published shifter NPCs in the first place, so a regular shifter probably would have been a useful stat block for me to publish already, without giving it an edgy archetype and multiclassing into shadowdancer. Oh well!
It has a custom magic item that gives it 1/3 spellcasting, the shadespell earrings. I also gave it a third-party spell, shadow mage armor, published by The Knotty Works. Its powerful and expensive equipment, plus its unusually high ability scores, increase its CR by 1. However, because so much of its equipment is in the form of magic tattoos, it still only gives slightly more treasure than a typical CR17 humanoid enemy.
It only casts Shadow Weapon if an ally needs a weapon, and only casts Umbral Gear if it needs something other than a weapon. If it gets disarmed, it can just use its claws or spells.
The tiefling version of Smite Good interacts interestingly with the defile armor spell. Because the smite effect ends as soon as a tiefling makes a successful attack, a shadeflesh assailant prefers to smite at the end of its turn and then attack at the start of its next turn, instead of smiting right before the attack. Defile armor is mostly just useful for the AC, though.
Sorry for the one billion class features. This is what happens when I try to follow the rules for PC character creation when making an enemy NPC. I even left out some of the shifter abilities that it'll never use, like track and wild empathy.
When running this creature in combat, you probably want to start off the fight with Fiendish Aspect and shadowform, using the weaker buff spells only if you have rounds to spare. Illusions, darkness, and Shadow Jump might give you those rounds to spare, though. Shadow evocation is probably best used to cast controlled fireball, or maybe wall of fire if you need to separate creatures from each other. Don't use it to cast wall of ice unless you want to spend the rest of your session trying to wrap your brain around how walls that are 20% real work when something hits them.
Shadeflesh Assailant - CR 17
Garbed in swirling shadows of physically manifested darkness which have formed themselves into claws and wings, this swordsman stares intently. A dark sigil is branded into his forehead.
XP 102,400 Tiefling, fiendflesh shifter 9 / shadowdancer 8 NE Medium outsider (native) Init +8 Senses see in darkness; Perception +21
AC 31, touch 25, flat-footed 26 (+4 defensive instinct, +4 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 mage armor, +2 natural, +6 Wis); +4 vs. AoO hp 217 (17d10+119) plus 28 temp hp Fort +18, Ref +16, Will +15; +1 vs. illusion spells Defensive Abilities defensive instinct, defensive roll, evasion, improved uncanny dodge, shadow duplicate (4/day), slippery mind Resist cold 5, electricity 10, fire 10
Speed 30 ft. Melee +3 falchion +24/+19/+14 (2d4+12/18–20) or 2 claws +23 (1d6+6) Special Attacks fiendish aspect, shadow jump, smite good
Shadowdancer Spell-like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +11) 4/day—silent image (DC 15, see Shadow's Embrace text) 3/day—shadow conjuration (DC 18) 1/day—shadow evocation (DC 19)
Runeward Tattoo Spell-like Abilities (CL 17th; concentration +20) At will—detect magic (illusion auras only)
Spells Prepared (CL 6th; concentration +12) 4th (2/day)—greater false life (already cast), shadowform (DC 21) 3rd (3/day)—communal protection from good, defile armor, unholy ward 2nd (5/day)—corpse lanterns, desecrate, false life (x2), shadow mage armor (already cast, see text) 1st (6/day)—dark whispers, darting duplicate (x4), shadow weapon
Without shadow mage armor, the shadeflesh assailant's statistics are: AC 24, touch 20, ff 24; Skills Stealth +26
Str 23, Dex 18, Con 22, Int 10, Wis 23, Cha 16 Base Atk +15; CMB +21; CMD 42 Feats Combat Expertise, Dodge, Inscribe Magical Tattoo, Iron Will, Mobility, Power Attack, Shadow's Embrace, Spell Focus (illusion), Toughness Skills Acrobatics +17, Bluff +18, Climb +8, Craft (calligraphy) +8, Disguise +11, Fly +14, Knowledge (planes) +14, Linguistics +4, Perception +21, Perform (dance) +8, Stealth +30, Swim +12; Racial Bonuses +2 Bluff, +2 Stealth Languages Abyssal, Common, Druidic, Infernal, Necril SQ hide in plain sight, rogue talents (shadow duplicate, umbral gear), shifter claws Combat Gear +3 falchion, aquatic ring of resistance +2, runeward tattoo (illusion), swirling smoke tattoo, weapon tattoo, shadespell earrings
Defensive Instinct (Ex) When unarmored, not using a shield, unencumbered, and conscious, a shadeflesh assailant adds its Wisdom bonus (typically +6) to its AC and CMD. If it is wearing nonmetal armor or using a nonmetal shield, it instead adds half its Wisdom bonus to her AC (typically +3). In addition, the shifter gains a +4 bonus to her AC and CMD regardless of armor. These bonuses are already included in its statistics above.
These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks and when the shadeflesh assailant is flat-footed. It loses these bonuses when it is immobilized or helpless.
Defensive Roll (Ex) Once per day, a shadeflesh assailant can attempt to avoid a lethal blow. When it would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), the shadeflesh assailant can attempt to roll with the damage by attempting a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt). If the save succeeds, the shadeflesh assailant takes only half damage from the blow; if the save fails, it takes full damage.
The shadeflesh assailant must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute its defensive roll—if it is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, it can’t use this ability. The shadeflesh assailant's evasion ability does not apply to the defensive roll.
Fiendish Aspect (Su) A shadeflesh assailant can temporarily transform its body into an amalgam of otherworldly evil creatures as a swift action. While in this form, it gains a gore natural attack that deals 1d6 points of damage, shadowy wings that grant a fly speed of 30 feet (average maneuverability), and DR 2/good.
Additionally, each time a shadeflesh assailant uses Fiendish Aspect, it can choose to gain one of the following benefits:
Acid resistance 10 and a +4 profane bonus on saves against disease
Its electricity resistance doubles to 20
Its fire resistance doubles to 20
A shadeflesh assailant can maintain this form for 12 minutes per day. The duration does not need to be consecutive but must be spent in 1-minute increments.
Hide in Plain Sight (Su) A shadeflesh assailant can use the Stealth skill even while being observed. As long as it is within 10 feet of an area of dim light, it can hide itself from view in the open without anything to actually hide behind. It cannot, however, hide in its own shadow.
Shadow Duplicate (Su) Four times per day as an immediate action when the shadeflesh assailant is hit, it can create a single shadow duplicate of itself, as per mirror image (caster level 17). The GM randomly determines whether the attack hit the shadeflesh assailant or the shadow duplicate. The shadow duplicate lasts for 17 rounds, or until the shadow duplicate is dispelled or destroyed. This ability does not stack with the mirror image spell.
Shadow's Embrace (Sp) By spending a use of its silent image shadowdancer spell-like ability, a shadeflesh assailant can instead cast darkness centered on itself. As a standard action, it can raise or lower the illumination level of the effect, from darkness up to normal light.
Shadow Jump (Su) A shadeflash assailant can travel between shadows as if by means of a dimension door spell. The limitation is that the magical transport must begin and end in an area with at least some dim light. A shadeflesh assailant can jump up to a total of 160 feet each day in this way; this may be a single jump of 160 feet or multiple smaller jumps. This amount can be split among many jumps, but each one, no matter how small, counts as a 10-foot increment.
Shifter Claws (Su) A shadeflesh assailant's claws count as magic, evil, cold iron, and silver for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Slippery Mind (Ex) If a shadeflesh assailant is affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails its saving throw, it can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. It gets only this one extra chance to succeed on its saving throw.
Smite Good (Su) Once per day, a tiefling with this racial trait can smite a good-aligned creature. As a swift action, the tiefling chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is good, the tiefling adds its Charisma bonus (typically +2) to attack rolls against the target and gains a bonus on damage rolls against the target equal to the tiefling's number of Hit Dice (typically +17). This effect lasts until the first time the tiefling successfully hits its designated target.
Spellcasting Thanks to its shadespell earrings, a shadeflesh assailant is considered a prepared divine spellcaster, gaining spell slots at the same rate as a ranger. Like a ranger, it uses Wisdom for spellcasting, and its caster level is 3 lower than its actual level.
A shadeflesh assailant draws its spells from the antipaladin spell list, as well as any illusion and necromancy spells on the witch spell list. If a spell appears on both spell lists at different spell levels, a shadeflesh assailant uses the lower spell level.
The shadespell earrings count as a holy symbol when casting spells with a divine focus component.
Summon Shadow (Su) A shadeflesh assailant can summon a shadow, an undead shade. Its statistics are described below. This shadow serves as a companion to the shadeflesh assailant and can communicate intelligibly with the shadeflesh assailant.
If a shadow companion is destroyed, or the shadeflesh assailant chooses to dismiss it, the shadeflesh assailant must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or gain one permanent negative level. A destroyed or dismissed shadow companion cannot be replaced for 30 days.
Swirling Smoke Tattoo A shadeflesh assailant wears a swirling smoke tattoo. If the tattoo is visible when the shadeflesh assailant is hit by a melee or ranged attack or when the bearer fails a Reflex save, the shadeflesh assailant can activate the tattoo to shroud itself in mist as an immediate action. This imposes a 20% miss chance on attacks made against the bearer. On a failed Reflex save, it grants the ability to reroll the Reflex save and gain a +4 bonus.
The shadeflesh assailant can use the tattoo's ability three times per day.
Umbral Gear (Su) As a standard action while in an area of dim light or darkness, a shaeflesh assailant can coalesce wisps of shadow into a quasi-real, functional item. It can choose whether to make a crowbar, 50 feet of silk rope, a glass cutter, a light melee weapon with which she is proficient, a reversible cloak, thieves’ tools, or a wire saw; the GM may allow other similar items. The shadeflesh assailant can use such items for 27 minutes per day. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments.
An item created with this ability remains until the shadeflesh assailant is no longer touching it, or until it runs out of duration for this talent, at which time it dissolves.
Weapon Tattoo A shadeflesh assailant wears a weapon tattoo. This tattoo can store one medium weapon, typically its +3 falchion. Storing a weapon in the tattoo is a full-round action, but removing a weapon from the tattoo is only a swift action.
Shadow Companion
NE Medium undead (incorporeal) Init +2 Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+2 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 108 (half of master's hp; 3 HD) Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +6; +4 vs. positive energy Defensive Abilities incorporeal, channel resistance +2 Immune undead traits, turn undead, command undead
Speed fly 40 ft. (good) Melee incorporeal touch +17 (1d6 Strength damage) Special Attacks create spawn
Str —, Dex 14, Con —, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 15 Base Atk +15; CMB +17; CMD 30 Feats Dodge, Skill Focus (Perception) Skills Fly +11, Perception +8, Stealth +8 (+12 in dim light, +4 in bright light); Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth in dim light (–4 in bright light) Languages Common, Necril
Strength Damage (Su) A shadow companion’s touch deals 1d6 points of Strength damage to a living creature. This is a negative energy effect. A creature dies if this Strength damage equals or exceeds its actual Strength score.
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freeusemuses · 2 years
Aya Shadowdancer
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Race: Kitsune
Age: ???
Height: 5'7
Orientation: Pansexual
Abilities: Immortality, magic
Aya was conieved via a love potion, and is therefore an intense nymphomaniac. Using her charm or oftentimes her magic to get someone to sleep with her. Though due to her nature as a nympho, she's heavily submissive.
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bumblewarden · 1 year
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(cropped text under readmore)
restarted icewind dale, and because i wasn't in a mood to think up 6 new characters, i imported my warden and crowdsourced the remainder
but while importing novhen, i forgot about the incredibly different status of elves in thedas vs the forgotten realms, so i did briefly interpret this line as profiling him instead of, say, the game clocking that he took thief for his class
not even here can he catch a break
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ccorvid · 2 years
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my boy, Keth
(and his shadow raven familiar [with imp stats])
he’s a reborn tabaxi shadow sorc/ phantom rogue/ undead chainlock with the shadowdancer (umbramancer) prestige (sub)class.
so he’s basically the definition of edgy edgelord
he doesn’t actually wear a skull mask like that tho. it was just the only good half mask option (that still showed his eyes), since he usually has to hide his face for…. several reasons.
plus it kinda works, bc part of him being a Reborn means that his actual skull shows thru a bit, since his face was partially caved in at the end of his last life 🫠💀
he used to use the Mask of Many Faces warlock invocation to always be disguising himself bc he’s Wanted in the main city for stuff he did in his past life, but i got rid of that invocation recently (while reworking some of his warlock & rogue abilities, since my dm made custom versions of them recently), so i think i’m just gonna start using his scarf/cloak/disguise kit proficiency to hide himself, plus minor illusion to create a mask over his face.
the masks will change up every now and then to be something like these:
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doppel-doodles · 4 months
Compiling all my doodles into a big post, honestly I'm sorry I haven't gotten around to making many illustrations as of recently, digital art has not been arting as of late sorry-
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All of it is Lmk related, honestly I have a lot more but I'm still debating on whether or not to illustrate them, we'll see-^-
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inthewindtunnel · 3 months
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pinkplantmakesstuff · 6 months
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Honestly prefer the outfit without the capelet, but I still think it's cute.
The open necked shirt is very Alec 😌
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