Full name: Marley Elizabeth Marks
nicknames: Mara, Marl, and others
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor!
gender: genderfluid (but isn't open about it)
sexuality: Pansexual
a song I associate with them: Down by the river by Delta Rae (I think thats it I'm really bad with band names)
3 important relationships: relationship w/ her older brother, relationship with her dad, relationship with Ara
2 fears: Zombie Clowns and meeting a God
1 element of their backstory: after the car crash she was in, there was a big mix up with a necromancer and she was brought back on accident
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gideonaceleigh · 5 years
Blood Red: Favourite piece of dialogue from your wip
“This is insane,” hisses Talis, for the fifth time that day.
“I know,” says Iris, also for the fifth time that day.
“By insane I mean suicidal.”
“I appreciate the good vibes you’re sending my way.”
“You know I’m always here for you,” Talis nods sagely.
idk idk I love my dialogue a lot it’s arguably my strongest skill 
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6. Favorite character you ever created.
I’m putting your other asks all in one, hope that’s okay!
My favorite character I’ve ever created is Dr. Agau. I don’t think she’s a traditional antagonist, and she’s also my first truly original character, she wasn’t based off of anybody irl like other SOLE characters.
19. First line of a WIP you’re working on. 
SOLE’s first line: Beth feels the pressure of Dr. Agau’s gaze like a physical weight on her shoulders.
34. Handwritten notes or typed notes? Handwritten, I don’t like maneuvering my laptop on tiny desks. Also, I can draw arrows and diagrams and stuff on paper.
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kristinstoked · 5 years
1. who’s your celebrity crush?
I have so many! But umm.... Kristin Stokes, obviously, comes first. I also really really really love Brie Larson and I guess my not-so celebrity but still a slightly well-known person crush is Vicki Manser, who understudies at Six the Musical on West End.
Oh, and Duncan Laurence. Because who doesn’t love Duncan Laurence? Especially if he wins ESC 2019 for your country for the first time in 45 years
Unusual asks!
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mecharose · 5 years
17 : Do you make soundtracks for each story?
bruhhhh yes music is like my number one inspiration when writing. I write up scenes to specific songs, invent character personalities to bands and albums, the whole deal
writer ask game!
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the-real-rg · 6 years
Page 289 please?
Thanks for asking! I hope you like the quote~ (really wish I could give it more context, but alas, spoilers)
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From the final page (289) of Run says the Devil
The mirror was in reach, in reach. Frantically, she grabbed at its frame, foreign fingers fumbling at the edges. Shaking as she moved, Devi stared into it and-
Send me a number and I’ll tell you my favourite line from that page of my wip!
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3. the last text you sent to someone?
“ Daredevil is amazing and you are valid even if you forgot it counted as a TV show xD “ 
To my college roommate
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pens-swords-stuff · 6 years
Congrats on 2k!! Very well deserved. For the calligraphy, could you do the name “Khira” for one of my OCs? Preferably in black please and maybe in like a ‘sharp’ style (if that’s a thing). Thank you and congratulations!
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Thank you so much! Is this sharp enough?
I hope you like it!
2k Follower Celebration: I’ll write you something in modern calligraphy!
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b00bconnoisseur · 5 years
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
:O yoooo wait before i put my response i wanna see what theyd sayy
@sadamericanorca babe how would you describe yourself? (Real responseee! If you say boring or trash imma tackle >:{ )
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brittanyisart · 4 years
ahh thanks for tagging me @fancyclodpaintercookie !!
rules: search for your name in urban dictionary and share the results
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yeah no.
tagging: @chraneness @hblovecraft2001 @shadowfire71-writes @annoyingwritingtrash and anyone else who wants to do this!
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14. What are you going to spend money on next?
Logically? Bug juice and candy, but il-logically? Another metal hello kitty baseball bat (I seem to have lost my other one so)
Also!!! ThankYouSoMuch for the ask(s)!!!!
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gideonaceleigh · 5 years
Dusty Rose: Your personal favourite character in your wip
Cat!! Love my Siren :)
Thank you for all the questions!!
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cookiecutterwrites · 5 years
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“I listened to loud music because I knew it would piss him off. I dated girls because I knew it would piss him off.”
Anthem | WIP: Been There, Done That
Name: Anthem Chen (AKA That Bitch*)
*Unlike other aliases in this WIP, Anthem’s nickname is self-appointed
Age: 18
Occupation: College freshman
Appearance: Black and violet hair worn in a shoulder-length side shave. Eyes so dark, it’s like staring out into the vacuum of space. A leather aviator jacket and heeled ankle boots with fur cuffs. Lavender headphones rest permanently around her neck. She stands no more than 5 feet in heels.
Anthem was born for the stage.
She took an early interest in music. Naturally, her parents pushed her to perfect her craft. A little too hard, perhaps. So she pushed back. They weren’t ready for that.
They shipped her off to boarding school to finish junior high. There, she started dressing, speaking, and simply being as loud as possible. She was never oblivious or ignorant, only dangerously vulnerable. She started dreaming again.
College was supposed to be a fresh start, but Anthem was born for the stage, and she won’t stay away for long.
Been There, Done That taglist! Ask to be added/removed: @phahbiyah @akiwitch @shadowfire71-writes @novadragoness @dove-actually
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kristinstoked · 5 years
30. if you had to dye your hair an unnatural color right now, what would you choose?
Right now? Pink or purple. I’d have to also unnaturally dye my head blonde first for it to be noticeable, but pink or purple. Maybe both!
Unusual asks!
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raevenlywrites · 5 years
Even MOAR Elevenes
Tagged by @writerofscribbles and @inkwellprincess Thanks guys
Tagging back @fernyquotes @agwitow @wildfaewrites @esoteric-eclectic-eccentric @reininginthefirewriting @shadowfire71-writes @snickertoodles
@aslanwrites @mybookisbad @bookish-actor @irlstarchild @rosewinterborn @adiwritings @hannahs-creations @coffeeandpurplepens @kainablue @thewrittenpost @incandescent-creativity @dreamingofstarslight @stormykatie @splinter-cat @expositionpreposition @energydeficient and if this isn’t 22 people I give up because i feel like i’ve been tagging FOREVER
and you guys can just pick 11 off this ridiculously long list :P
1. are there any common themes that come up in a lot of wips or characters?
Star-crossed lovers, shared mindspace, sensory overload
2. what is your favorite trope? least favorite?
Fav trope: OT3! Least fav: shitty love triangles DX<
3. do you have any writing habits you’re trying to shake?
being lazy :P and same sentence syndrome
4. describe your favorite oc by their aesthetic
Lazy badboy black velvet and purrs
5.  what are your characters Hogwarts Houses in your main work?
Ravenclaws: James and Ruth (huffleclaws) Seth, Kis, Donnie
Hufflepuffs: Ence, Mikey, Tybee
Gryffindors: Ripley, Deidra, Gil
Slytherins: Roanan, Naj
6. what books, authors, films, other stories/media have shaped your writing style?
Most recently, Maggie Steiffvater’s style has started to creep in
7. what are three songs on your writing playlist or you listen to when you want to get inspired?
I don’t really do playlists, but in general Imagine Dragons for when I want to write Chimera stuff, Depeche Mode for sexy stuff, Instrumentals when I need to FOCUS
8. what’s the one thing you WANT to write but haven’t yet? why not?
How Azriel broke the world. I don’t know how to start :/
9. what are some comp titles to your wip? what stories are similar in vibe, ideas, or style?
Asylum was inpsired by the Keish’ra and the Den of Shadows books by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. Stylistically, if you like supernatural romance like Harris and Hamilton, or urban fantasy like Kim Harrison, you’ll like my works.
10. pitch your wip in a sentence.
Asylum: Ex-demon hunter saves found family from demon
Everything else: I shouldn’t be dating them but I am so sue me.
11. what do you love about writing?
1. Who was your childhood best friend? Do you keep in contact with them?
I have no idea. We moved around a lot when I was a kid *shrug emoji*
2. What’s your least favourite season? Why?
3. Have you ever been banned from a place? Where? What did you do?
Technically, I’m banned from my high school campus. I did nothing wrong.
4. If you had the opportunity to ask one question to somebody that had died, what would you ask?
5. What was your dream as a child? What would you have given anything to become or do, no matter how unrealistic?
I wanted more than anything to be a werewolf. ...I still want more than anything to be a werewolf.
6. Would you travel overseas? Where would you want to go? Can you imagine living there, or would you prefer only to visit?
I’d be afraid to. Afraid I’d never want to come back.
7. What’s the most embarrassing you’ve ever done? Was it recent or a long time ago?
I dunno man. I try not to dwell on that shit. I locked my keys in my car on a date once?
8. Who would you say is your best and worst influence?
Probably my parents
9. Where is your favourite place? Why do you like it?
10. Where do you see yourself in fifteen years?
11. If you could erase one person from existence, who would it be?
Ye Olde Trumpster Fire
12. How do you think other people perceive you? Does it reflect your true personality?
You tell me?
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bogbodybitch · 5 years
I was tagged by @dove-actually thanks so much! 💖
Rules: answer the 11 questions at the end of this post, write 11 questions of your own, and tag 11 (ish) people. 
1. What/who does your protagonist love the most in the world?
I have two protagonists, and they love each each other ; ( (frowning wink bc they’re not happy about it)
2. How many WIPs are you working on right now?
Just one, I like to be completely emmersed in one thing at a time.
3. How do you come up with titles for your WIPs / chapters? 
My current WIP title (Honey Hawk) is named after a type of wasp in my story that ends up being crucial to the plot and I am a Whore for alliteration. I haven’t started coming up with chapter titles but I do want to add them.
4. What’s your favorite OC name and how did you come up with it?
I don’t know if I have a favorite. For the vantarians I accidentally gave some of them random Arabic words for names (I guess I just heard the words and my crow brain tucked them away for later) so I’ve changed some of those. The vantaric names I’ve come up with more recently have been based off the Latin names for intertidal creatures, since vantarians are an intertidal species.
5. What are your top three favorites genres to read?
Uhhhh that’s hard but I guess I’ll say romance, classical, and sci-fi.
6. What makes you choose to follow a WIP or writeblr?
Basically anything that catches my attention. I see a lot of WIPs I like that I end up not keeping up with :(
7. What are your favorite tropes to read?
Enemies to lovers is probably my favorite, which is why I’m writing it.
8. What is your favorite place to read?
Lying in bed.
9. Which OC relationship (of any sort, not just romantic) is the most important in your WIP?
The relationship between my two protagonists is the most important. I would say their relationship working together is more important than the romantic relationship that develops.
10. What kind of relationships do you like to read about?
I like relationships where two people work really well together, if that makes sense. Like, people who just click and get shit done.
11. What are your favorite character archetypes?
I’m a big fan of the magician archetype, though I’m not writing one into my current WIP. I also like the caregiver archetype, especially paired with a dumbass.
I will tag (hope none of you mind, no pressure obvi):
@shadowfire71-writes @griffinwriting @starlitesymphony @pinespittinink @dc-writes @ren-c-leyn @annieslibrary @spencewords @h-brook-writes @fierywords @ink-flavored
Your questions:
1. What do you love most about your writing?
2. What’s your favorite type of character to write?
3. What inspires you to write?
4. If you could talk to your protagonist, what advice would you give them?
5. If you had to do an escape room with one of your characters, who would you choose and why?
6. How did you come up with the plot for your current WIP(s)?
7. What’s one line/paragraph you’ve written recently that you’re proud of?
8. Do you ever draw concept art for your writing?
9. What do you like most about one of your protagonists and what do you like least about them?
10. What’s the setting of your current WIP(s) and why did you choose it?
11. What are some of your strengths that make you a good writer?
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