#shakarian au of the week
thatwildwolfart · 6 months
I rewatched everything everywhere all at once.....
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otemporanerys · 5 months
True Blue (Shakarian childhood friends AU) - Ch 8
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From: Jane Shepard
You won’t believe what happened this week. We get a new shipment of food in, right, but the seal was broken on the quarian stuff. They tried to make Saesa eat the turian rations, but a. they aren’t 100% sterile, so she’s still at risk and b. she’s vegan, so eating meat would’ve made her sick anyway.
I know you don’t think quarians should have rights –
(That was so unfair, Metina told her about that one thing he’d said when he was fourteen and drunk and stupid and Shepard would never let him forget it.)
-- But I’m pretty sure that’s illegal. I’d ask Castis, but you know what he’d say.
Anyway, so I –
“Another letter from your Citadel girl?”
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misseffect · 1 year
I don't get ideas for stuff that isn't directly related to my WIP very often, but a bandmates shakarian AU hit me out of the blue the other week.
Shepard is the lead singer (obviously) and @otemporanerys wisely suggested Garrus as the bassist.
The sheer POTENTIAL in their chemistry on stage, songs written about each other, the connection you have when you make music with someone, literal rock star Shepard owning every stage she sets foot on, Garrus going from being someone who just soaks up the light coming off her to a solo musician in his own right, making out in the back of the tour bus, UGH.
Also this:
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shivunin · 9 months
2023 Writing Roundup
Thank you for the tag @inquisimer! This is a really neat game c:
words posted: 392,883 (AO3) and ~70,748 (Tumblr)
additional words written: 90,683 (unfinished wips)
grand total of words: 554,312
fandoms: Dragon Age (and a lil bit of Mass Effect and Baldur's Gate)
highest kudos: *Tie between Saccharine and Between Strokes of Night at 107 kudos each (both smut with feelings haha)
highest hit oneshot: Also Between Strokes of Night at 1,244
new things I tried: New ships (Zevwarden and Fenhawke) and fan events for writing (the Big Bang, 14 Days of Dragon Age Lovers, and Zevwarden Week)
fic I spent the most time on: Katabasis. I don't think I've ever edited any piece as much as I edited this one.
fic I spent the least time on: Byways and Lay-Bys, which I scribbled out very quickly right before I left on a trip. I really wanted to post something on my birthday and on the other side of the country, so it had to be drafted in AO3 before we left.
favorite thing I wrote: So torn between As Two Reflected Stars (I am such a sucker for wound-tending and yearning and writing this was purely self-indulgent), Breath of Life (someone confronting their feelings after a near-death is also one of my favorite things) and A Golden Bell Hung in My Heart (which I wrote for a friend's birthday and is thematically The Last Unicorn meets Dragon Age; I think it's one of the best-composed things I've made to date).
favorite thing(s) I read:
Impact by Baejax (4,173 Words | Fenhawke): Wound-tending and yearning again haha. I really liked the way the author addressed memory and memory loss in this one.
Blue Shift by bloodbright (4,324 Words) : Loved this Mass Effect piece about what Shepard and their crew are like from an outsider perspective. Excellent noir-esque vibes
What to Do by Undomiel_Writes (1,039 Words | Shakarian): This fic has this lovely cadence to it, by which Garrus counts the time he's been waiting for Shepard to wake after the end of the third game. I think it's the one I reread the most this year, too haha
Iron Bound by loquaciousquark (96,959 | Fenhawke): This arranged marriage AU has everything: chivalry, forbidden lovers, a love triangle that is actually a triangle and well-written, absolutely gorgeous descriptions of landscape, really well-done character development and, most importantly, so much yearning. I really can't recommend it enough.
writing goals for 2024: Continue to work on descriptions of place and setting and finish at least one of the long fics I've half-written.
new works: 25 (on AO3)
*Leaving out Your Fate for Mine, which I only posted an epilogue for this year
Tagging @dreadfutures @heniareth @bumblewarden @greypetrel @vakarians-babe. I know things tracking progress can sometimes feel less than great and the new year can be hard, so I am intentionally leaving the tag list short. Please let me know if you'd like to do this and I will tag you immediately!
Blank version under the break:
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grand total of words:
highest kudos:
highest hit oneshot:
new things I tried:
fic I spent the most time on:
fic I spent the least time on:
favorite thing I wrote:
favorite thing(s) I read:
writing goals for 2024:
new works:
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iheartgarrus · 1 year
Drabble Prompt: Scarf
(AO3 Link - More Shakarian roommates AU!! Garrus discovers one of Shepard's weird human hobbies.)
One Saturday, a week after Shepard's move-in, Garrus found her seated on the couch in an impossible position, tangled up in some green string and a small, unidentifiable tool, doing… something inexplicable with her hands.
He watched her for two solid minutes before asking, "...What are you doing?"
She didn't pause in her rapid, repetitive movements. "Making a scarf."
"Um…" He struggled to phrase his next question before landing on: "How?"
Now, she stopped, taking a moment to look at him - or, more specifically, at his hands. "Yeah, you've got enough fingers." She grinned. "Come sit and I'll show you."
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thetrashbagswasteland · 7 months
Writing Patterns Tag Game
Tagged by @teamdilf tyyyy
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
The Longshot: (Castis-centric police noir with AviTis for flavouring shh I know it's not published yet it still counts I'll post it soon)
“VAKARIAN.”  His heart sank. 
Time Turns (for us, alone): (Desabrudas timeline shift 5+1)
He was back.
A Cold And Unfamiliar Home: (Barrix & VetRyder AU)
Whatever it was she had expected of the turian pathfinder, Sara had to admit that it wasn’t Macen Barro.
Last Man Standing: (Avitus-centric introspective challenge fic)
Love. What a stupid little word love is.
Project Sunseeker: (Shakarian slow-burn 1st contact AU)
It’s remarkably hard to work out where in the universe you are without a single point of reference.
Tolerance Tested: (Barrix pre-andromeda mission fic & more)
“I’m going to die, Avitus.” She said, so matter of factly that they could have been discussing the clawball results and… in that second, his world ground itself to a halt.
Hurry Hurry - or there'll be time to waste: (AviTis challenge fic)
“Avitus.” Not even a break in the soft snores, for all that he should be every bit as bothered by the alarm bleating as he had been. He elbowed him. Earned himself a grunt. “Avitus.” Still nothing of use to him.
Confidence Is A Complicated Concept: (Kryterius smut fic)
Five weeks- the time away really wasn’t excessive, not really, even if it had been meant to be less, but- spirits was he glad to be homewards bound, cleared by medical at long last. Unbelievably pleased to be heading back to familiar ground and the promise of the creature comforts which he’d been so good about not missing.
Gone Wherever You May Be: (Kryterius Sunseeker!verse challenge fic)
“They call today halloween.” He… wasn’t entirely sure why he was talking at long last, for the sake of the ship? The stripped-down VI couldn’t hear and certainly couldn’t respond but- better that than admitting the alternative reason he’d spoken. “All hallows eve, the day when the boundaries between this world and the next are thinnest.” Funny, wasn’t it? He’d been so spirits-damned curious about human culture at one point and now… all it was was another terrible reminder of everything he’d lost.
Dilatory: (AviTis & Vakarian parents angst challenge fic)
He’d never been good at meeting her eyes.
Tagging @korblez @sparatus @ferowyn and @daisywalletchains for the sake of peer pressure
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meggannn · 1 year
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼
ahh the problem is my feelings change depending on the day and mood i'm in, but for now...
Tides, Receding — mass effect, shakarian, me3 au get-together
Stars From a Distance — portal, chell post-escape
@heyitsspiderman — spiderverse, post-itsv chat fic
Matters of Course — dragon age 2, fenris's first week in kirkwall
The Constant — steins;gate, okakuri ten years post-canon
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dispatchwithlove · 2 years
Fandom Qs! B, D, and S? 💜🖤
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind. Cullen/Hawke from dragon age -- an uptight traumatized soldier who participates in a system that imprisons mages meets a chaotic, snarky freedom fighter for the mages. hotness ensues 😁 really, though, someone on r/dragonage mentioned this pairing and i was so intrigued by their very opposite energy and despite it not being canon that i jumped on board. it's actually what got me reading fanfic! yes, Cullen/Hawke was my introduction to fanfic and ao3, haha.
in general, i'm weird about pairings. i don't yuck people's yum, but i have a silly monogamy brain that hates seeing my favorite characters with anyone other than who i like them with. writing Garrus dating someone other than Jane for The Quarian was so hard for me, and it wasn't even a good relationship! lol
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
The Boy, a shakarian detective au. I binged Dublin Murders (an amazing show, and the book it's adapted from is even better) and immediately wrote the first chapter of The Boy, and posted it like a week later. i was so inspired by the idea of Shepard and Garrus being homicide detectives, they're a perfect fit for it.
S: What’s a headcanon you have?
ooo, i like this question because i have a silly one that I'm very attached to and i don't think anyone else is into it...it's that baby turians act like kittens. they'll hiss, swipe at people when they feel threatened, and like pouncing on things. i've written about it a bit, but i don't think anything i've posted to ao3 includes this headcanon. i'm just very into turians having cat traits, it doesn't stop with subvocals/purring 😁
Thanks for asking! These were fun questions ❤️
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that-wildwolf · 2 years
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So I have a new style now. apparently. It's absolutely wild, I did not plan this.
Anyway here's a Shakarian Bubble!AU because I've been listening to the soundtrack I guess.
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shepgarrus · 3 years
Sexy vampire Shep is so powerful op, galaxy brained truly.
(you'll be pleased to know that there's art)
[original post]
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tg-sketches · 5 years
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The Archangels, Garrus and Calypso Vakarian
A commission by the lovely @archangelzs of his Shepard and Garrus, the Archangels of Omega!! Shes so much fun to draw and I love getting to practice any aliens from Mass Effect! Be sure to check out his page for the sisters and especially Calypso!!
Was also recommended to submit this for @citadelfashionweek 💗💙
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otemporanerys · 2 months
True Blue (Shakarian childhood friends AU) - Ch 12
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Ever since Garrus had left the Citadel for basic training, seeing Shepard in person was a process of extensive negotiations with both their calendars. - Can you do next week? - Sorry, the tour doesn’t end until next month. Does that work? - No, Pallin’s sending me on a course, what about after?
But now that they were on the same ship, it was the work of moments.
Dualla? she texted.
Sure, he replied, I’ll be there in five.
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archangelzs · 5 years
14 for the sisters and 18 for calypso
14. Do they spend their holidays together?
Growing up on the streets, Eadan and Calypso never really knew how to function during holidays until Eleanor came into their lives. They’d see people celebrate, and knew to stay out of the way. When Eleanor joined the little family at the age of 7--having already gotten a taste for presents and parties--the older sisters had to adapt. Eventually, all of them grew to love their small traditions. Now as adults, there is rarely ever a holiday that they aren’t together. The family is much, much bigger than it used to be, but no one minds the krogans of the family headbutting or the occasional (not at all explosive) gifts Aria may leave at the front door. 
 18. Share a headcanon about Shepard and their LI.
Calypso loves it whenever Garrus starts purring, nothing makes her feel more content and secure. During her rough days, Cal is more than content to be held in his lap and let her head rest on his shoulder, listening to him purr and blocking out all the jumbled thoughts in her head. 
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anymash · 7 years
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Turian week Day 7- AU
Garrus as a dragon, and Shepard as a mermaid. Because I can ^_^
Buy Me a Coffee  ✦ Instagram
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hrtiu · 3 years
hrtiu master list
Sat down to write this and realized I’ve written quite a lot over the past five years :) everything is rated T or less.
Star Wars
Stronger than Fate Series - Ahsoka has loved Rex since she was a teenager, but for a variety of reasons never acted on her feelings. Rex on the other hand was totally clueless until it was (maybe?) too late. Regardless, their friendship is one of the only things that has held true over the long years.
A Difference of Opinion - pre-relationship TCW era
Don’t Tell - pre-relationship TCW era
A Stubborn, Insistent Sort of Hope - pre-relationship between TCW and Rebels
Another Friend in the Snow - pre-relationship between TCW and Rebels, angst
Only In Shadows - pre-relationship between TCW and Rebels
The Shape of You - pre-relationship between TCW and Rebels, making out ;)
Tossed and Turned - pre-relationship Rebels era
Luckier Than We Deserve - friends to lovers, Mandalorian era
Make Believe - established relationship, Mandalorian era
This Means War - established relationship, Mandalorian era
Children of the Republic - established relationship, Mandalorian era
Rexsoka Oneshots
‘Tis the Gift to be Simple, ‘Tis the Gift to be Free - Chancellor Palpatine has been deposed and Rex and Ahsoka figure out what their new lives will look like. Pre-relationship AU
Zhiyin - Ahsoka’s soul sings to Rex’s, and that’s a problem. TCW-era soulmate AU
Bobannec Oneshots
A Betrayal of the Body - Fennec’s new mechanical body has an interesting tell that Boba discovers by accident. Friends-to-lovers
There’s Only One Bed on Slave I - Look, there was ONLY ONE BED
When Boba Met Fennec - When Harry Met Sally-inspired friends-to-lovers
Death and Taxes - Fennec wants to take Boba to the courthouse in Mos Eisley to get married. Only for tax purposes, of course.
Twisted Up in Knots  -  Every morning Fennec does her hair the same way, and Boba has always wondered why.
Foxiyo Stuff
Worthy of Devotion - After Chancellor Palpatine was deposed, junior senator Riyo Chuchi is unexpectedly elected Chancellor and CC-1010 volunteers to continue his service as personal protection to the Chancellor of the Republic. Chancellor/Bodyguard AU multi-chapter fic
Things That Would Have, Could Have, Should Have Been - Foxiyo week oneshots
Tech Stuff
Paradigm Shift - Travia Chan is a sort-of OC who one day finds herself having to share the only sleeping bag in a bunker on Fest during a snow storm with Clone Commando Tech. Whatever will she do???
The Completionist -  Finally, after months of searching, Brit'ni had located the holy grail of Galaxy of Heroes collecting: a first-edition, mint condition, no-helmet figure of Captain Tabbard. Now only one scrawny nerd stood between her and perfection.
Other Star Wars
Do No Harm - During the Clone Wars, Commander Bly and General Secura find themselves drawn to each other despite their loyalties and commitments. A half century later former clone trooper Kix crash lands with the crew of the Meson Martinet and develops and unusual friendship with one of the locals. Kix & OC, Blyla oneshot
The 79′s Beat - Clone trooper Reese of the Coruscant Guard is good at his job, even if it mostly involves disciplining drunk troopers at 79′s. He keeps on running into the refugee-turned-waitress Kiraz at the seedy establishment, and finds he doesn’t mind. Coruscant Guard/OC waitress multichapter
Chaotic Good - Force-sensitive Hardcase AU
Impossible Dreams - Reylo oneshot
Conviction - Dogma and Barriss meet in prison. They find they have a lot more in common than they’d thought.
Legend of Zelda
A Hylian Marriage - After Calamity Ganon is defeated Zelda proposes marriage to Link. For the good of the kingdom, of course ;) Post-BOTW Zelink marriage of convenience multichapter
Mayor Harkinian - Zelink Modern AU, kinda abandoned >>
Reticence - Link is really good at keeping his mouth shut, and sometimes that’s a problem. Post-BOTW Zelink twoshot
The Failed Hero - Princess Zelda tells Link of the story of the Failed Hero. Post-Twilight Princess fic focusing on the Hero’s Shade
Another Branch in the Stream of Time - Post-Majora’s Mask Zelink multichapter. Look, this was one of the first fics I ever wrote and it’s not very good 😅
Rurouni Kenshin
Busu -  Kaoru knows that Kenshin cares about her, but it’s been so long and he still hasn’t done anything to further their relationship. She’s sick of it. (this was the first fic I ever wrote and I still think it’s pretty sweet!)
Selfishness - Kaoru is beginning to understand Kenshin’s vow to never kill again and the ways her desire for him to keep might be selfish
The Return - After the Snap a strange man arrives in the hospital without a name and no family to claim him. Nurse Alice somehow ends up bringing him home with her. What’s the worst that could happen? Actually, don’t answer that. Loki/OC multichapter, written between Infinity War and Endgame, so not Endgame-compliant. This is the longest fic I’ve ever written 😂
After The Fact - Shepard knew she loved Garrus from before their assault on the Collector Base, but she couldn’t afford feelings in the face of the Reapers. Years later after she’s made a family of her own, maybe she has a second chance. Post-game Shakarian friends-to-lovers
Krosis - Skyrim Dragonborn/Vilkas multichapter
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iheartgarrus · 1 year
Drabble Prompt: Swell
(AO3 Link - Teaser of James and Tali in the Shakarian College Roommates AU! James is a physiotherapy student.)
"...9, 10. That's good!" James said, setting Tali's foot down on the mat. "How's that feel?"
She groaned in lieu of an answer, and he chuckled. "Sounds about right. Remember to ice it if you have any more swelling."
He gave her a hand up, and she nearly crashed into him as she regained her balance. "Sorry," she mumbled, grateful that he couldn't tell she was blushing.
"No problem." He smiled, letting go of her hand when she was steady. "'Til next week. It was good to see you, Tali,” he said warmly.
Now her cheeks were really on fire.
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