#shall i go back into my spiritual phase?
fella-lovin-fella · 2 years
identity crisis, someone tell me what personality i should have now
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blackjackkent · 8 months
Cultist battle report: Bhaal cultists are scary. This has been the cultist battle report.
Hector and co are also scary at this point and Hector basically evaporates people once he manages to get close to them; the scary thing about these cultists, primarily, was that they all got to go first, strike from stealth, and have about 50 attacks each. But once Hector and Karlach are allowed to do the NINE ATTACKS they do between them per round, anyone in the immediate vicinity is toast. Jaheira has also been spending a lot of time in sabertooth tiger form (particularly now while she is very clearly in the mood to rip someone's throat out) which also gets like 2-3 attacks and can cleave off AC levels. Shadowheart is honestly pretty low-key by comparison, but she mostly stands at the back with a bless and a spiritual weapon up and keeps everyone feeling as badass as possible. So we've got a pretty good group going.
(It occurs to me that if I do slot Minsc in for Shadowheart we'll be losing our healer; I think I'm starting to do well enough at this difficulty level that it won't be TOO much of a problem but it will definitely add complexity. Hm. We shall see!)
But eventually we won. Several ambient comments from the thieves/bank employees we saved in the process, of which this was obviously my favorite:
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Hell yeah - Jaheira's a badass. ^_^
She's also having a very, very, VERY bad day and showing it.
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"I grow tired of these false faces. Every corner we turn, another - and now it is my face they use to turn Minsc against us."
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Her voice cracks and she looks away from him towards the floor. "I am sorry," she mutters. "But... I am just... *tired*."
:( :( :(
I really, really wanted Hector to be able to answer something here along the lines of "Oh, gods, me too, you have no idea," but sadly this was one of the points where none of the available options really seemed particularly Hector-ish.
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2 is the only one that seems remotely reasonable as an answer, but it's WAY more optimistic than Hector feels about this situation. He suspects at the very least Minsc is tadpoled, and there are a lot of potential worse-case scenarios piled on top of that.
But... he is tired too. Perhaps too tired to try to explain all the ways this could go wrong when Jaheira is no doubt just as aware of them as he is.
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"Why?" he says gently. "We know Minsc is alive. Now we just have to find him."
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"It is some defect of the mind, I think," Jaheira snaps bitterly, "to stubbornly insist you are following the light, even as you blunder through the darkness."
(It is, perhaps, a defensive reaction, a cry of pain for those she has lost - so many who brought the light wherever they walked. Caden, of course - the boy from Candlekeep who carried Bhaal in his blood but Selune in his soul, who opened his heart to everyone without reservation even when times were darkest. And Rasaad, whose faith wavered but whose striving for the light never did, who stood at her side and held her hand and searched for purpose along with her when all direction seemed to have faded.
Imoen, always quick with a joke, never phased even by the things that faced them in the most horrible corners of the world. Aerie - young, innocent, a beacon of kindness that smoothed some of the rough edges Jaheira would have presented in her worst moments. And Minsc himself, always joyous in combat and out of it, gleeful always as long as he was among friends and on the path of right.
And farther back still, Khalid who she carries always deepest in her heart, his light voice always a counterpoint to her caution, brave and ferocious in defense of the good but always finding the softer note to strike even when all seemed lost.
What good, she wonders, to carry such light on my own, when all those who carried it with me have slipped beyond my reach?
But they are not all gone. She has new companions now - this new monk of Selune with his pale, sad eyes, who has shouldered her burden alongside her without regret or question - who stands looking at her now and offers an optimism that carries echoes of those who came before him.
The light may be hard to come by. But she is not alone in the dark, if she has the courage to face what is lurking there...)
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"Or perhaps the defect is mine," she goes on quietly after a short pause. She swallows, draws a shaky breath and lets it out heavily. "When I left Minsc to this fate... I believed I had no choice. I believe it still; we were ignorant of our enemy, unarmed against the cult. I made the right decision. But I do not like how easily I made it."
Her voice has grown flat, wearier than Hector has ever heard it, full of grief and regret. This is, he realizes, a moment of trust; she is taking him as a confidante, speaking of all that has weighed on her. And so he remains silent and very still, as if any movement might break the fragile moment.
"Minsc would never have left me behind," Jaheira goes on heavily. "No matter what happened." A pause, and then her eyes flash with muted frustration. "That is his problem entire. The past century left Minsc unchanged. And so he believes the world has never changed - that *I* have not. You saw the fool... hanging on the doppelganger's every word, for no other reason than that it wears my face."
He hears the anxious catch in her voice, the note of guilt, and the urgency to explain herself, as if it could push the feelings away from her physically. He shakes his head.
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"You don't have to explain, Jaheira," he says gently. "You're worried for your friend. It's not a crime."
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She looks at him for a moment steadily, and then a slight smile tugs her lips. He can see the visible shift that he is all too familiar with in himself - putting the feelings aside to be dealt with later, or ideally left behind entirely. "No," she says with sudden briskness. "But snotting into my sleeve while there is still work to do is." She turns away, looking out over the blood-smeared vault. "Come, then. We need a lead. And bullying this banker ought to make me feel better."
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morbidgvtz · 3 months
vent 03
tw -- 3d / motivation ig ?
i truly don ' t understand how people can dismiss 3d ' s as the vain struggle of teen girls . we are slowly bringing ourselves closer to death . that is the whole point of this . it is the opposite of shallow . we are dying . that could not be further from " shallow " , nothing could possibly be less of a fitting descriptor .
tonight was not my last binge . in fact , i probably will binge again tomorrow , and perhaps again the day after . that ' s not the point . it ' s not about my actions shifting . it ' s not like a switch is going to flip and i will stop having urges to binge . i will likely always have the urge to binge . and it ' s not like there ' s going to be a " this is the last binge , and after this , i ' ll never binge again . " that ' s not how this works .
the point is the feeling that i ' ve captured . the feeling as i listen to music in the dead of night , as i post on this blog , as i sleep in my living room right next to the ac bc it ' s too warm in my room . these small details sound like nothing , hardly relevant , but really , these details are what make up the image . i can taste it -- the nostalgia . i ' m nostalgic for this moment , here and now , because i can feel it .
my honeymoon phase is back , and here to stay . i can tell that i ' ll look back on this moment in longing and wonder . i wonder if this is what it ' s like to be happy to be alive , to know that you ' re at your peak here , in this moment . because perhaps i shall romanticize what will come next -- the weight loss , and everything that will come with it . but i think i will romanticize most these days , these nights . this night where i binged , where i lost control ... and then i took it back . this is me taking back control .
self -- look . which made you happier ? eating that greasy , dry chicken , that oily popcorn , standing stock still scared in the kitchen as you heard your parents move about upstairs , terrified they ' d hear the wrappers crinkling or the fridge door opening and closing . losing yourself completely as you binged -- only truly becoming aware after the fact , because during , you were completely dissociated , dead to the world .
or this moment , right here , right now . feel it . don ' t you feel alive ? alive like you haven ' t felt in a very , very long time ? you can feel a little magic coming your way . the world looks beautiful like it hasn ' t since you were a child .
this is not a singular choice . it ' s not like you decide to climb a set of stairs and that causes you to reach the top . the decision is only the beginning . on one hand , it ' s vexing . it ' s so difficult to make that decision , so difficult to climb , you keep climbing up a few steps then slipping down again , poor thing .
but ! look at it this way . this moment , right here , right now , is only possible because of that decision to climb those stairs . as you decide to purposely bring yourself closer to death , your mind trembles and your eyes see colors brighter and more vibrant . you can taste the oil of the chicken in your mouth and it tastes like poison , like dirt , like concrete .
on one hand , yes , it is a difficult journey . but ! lift your head up . look . look at how beautiful everything looks . your mind tries to trick you , deceive you , steal you back into that cotton coffin of chronic dissociation . don ' t let it ! because you know now . you ' ve documented it , i ' m documenting it , and now we shall remember .
the world looks beautiful when you ' re st4rving . half - dead , half transported to the spiritual plane already , you see the spirits in everything , and , like a ghost , the sheer act of eating what you do eat feels new , thrilling .
i understand why all of you compare your lives to movies . it is not vanity or a hopeless attempt at romanticization . it is a metaphor ! because as one starves , everything takes on new meaning , every single action carrying significance , just as if you were on the set of a movie . this is not delusion . this is because as you bring yourself closer to death , time slows ever so slightly . adrenaline runs through your veins . and you are fully in the present , because your mind will tolerate nothing less . it senses a threat , and awakens you . no possibility of rest while you are dying .
i read on an 3d forum that when your bmi ' s get closer to the 16 ' s , you will sometimes startle awake from sleep in the middle of the night , gasping for breath , your heart racing . this is because your heart has slowed down dangerously , and your body only just realized , and it forcefully woke you up to make sure you were still alive .
i truly don ' t understand how people can dismiss 3d ' s as the vain struggle of teen girls . we are slowly bringing ourselves closer to death . that is the whole point of this . it is the opposite of shallow . we are dying . that could not be further from " shallow " , nothing could possibly be less of a fitting descriptor .
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Feel free to reach back out for clarity if you need it.
Thanks. yeah, I have been reading about peace and spirituality and trying to grow the past few years, I know I have made progress within myself but with some things it seems like going in circle.
also when you say look internally how do I change that? affirmations?
for example I figured out one sad truth about myself and the kind of man I seek, yet till I get in new thing I'm not sure if I have moved passed that. is it all just an endless cycle of pain until you know you are over that thing one day?
You know the truth is, we aren’t meant to be peaceful all the time. Everything is waves— sound waves, heat waves, light waves, waves of emotions. The ocean moves gently and rashly but it’s always ebbing and flowing. That’s life. It may be still but it’s still moving. Even in chaotic water it will still flow.
That’s because life is cyclical. I’ve described it as running on a hamster wheel or going down a spiral stair case. I try to just remind myself “this too shall pass.” Maybe you’re in a phase where it feels like you’re spinning your tires in mud. It’s a phase and it will pass so try to embrace and appreciate this time for what it is and what it’s teaching you.
I don’t only love the island when it’s sunny weather, but also when it’s rainy. Love your spectrum of emotions, of experiences because that’s why you are alive, because these things mean you’re alive.
Well I was told recently sometimes it’s just bringing awareness to things.
Awareness clears karma, once you lose ignorance to something you can’t unsee it
All you have to do is continue to go through the layers of your ego to the root of issues, bring awareness to it and then when things crop up, bring your awareness back to your truth. So my deepest wound is unlovability. When that is triggered I get sad, but instead of dwelling on why no one loves me I reframe to how much I love others and how much I love them fills me up enough to take away the pain of not being loved in return. My love of my life and the island fills me up. And then I can see clearly again all the love around me. That’s the truth. I’ve never not had love of been loved because I am love. Obviously I’m not perfect so stuff doesn’t always go this way but I try my best and with the mental and emotional state I’m in now, it’s easier to handle my thoughts and feelings to get back to a positive state.
Life is gonna be painful too. You can’t escape that. You only build skills by practicing. Practicing liking healthier people sometimes comes by continuing to date around and to live out your patterns as you clear them. I notice with me I still tend to go for emotionally unavailable men which I realized was actually because I’m afraid of the strength of male sexual desire towards me sometimes. Because as a young girl, men were very forward with me sexually in a way that scared me. That’s the root of the root. And I have to heal my fear around male sexuality by first healing my fear of my own sexuality and animalistic sides of myself and others. Emotionally unavailable men feel safer to me because they are more stoic. So now that I’ve brought awareness to that, different guys have been showing up in my field. Maybe you still need to get deeper to the root. And these repeating experiences show you still haven’t found the root.
It’s not an endless cycle of pain. Even the pain I experienced had beautiful moments too. I think it’s easy to forget those. Pain can be beautiful too. It can be something that transforms you. But every cycle will have pain in it just as it will have joy. You have to have two sides of a coin to have the whole coin.
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tarotmundomonde · 11 months
hi, i’d like to participate in your tarot event. i’m AT, sun aries venus aries sag moon, and i choose no2. i see u as the colour deep blue violet with sparkles because it’s so mature yet strong and emotional, it is also very spiritual. id like to choose no2 as my question because i went through a lot romantically last year and it ended up with my ex partner in legal trouble and i was the victim. it took a lot of time for me to heal and i am going into a new phase of my life. i’d like to have some hope for my love life in the future and see if my energy brings in someone new and my style and receive some hopefully positive messages.
gif that resonated with me:
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gif that resonated with you:
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thank you!
NOTE: This reading counts from today to the next 5 months. Hello AT, let's dive into your reading, shall we? At first glance, it looks like you are dealing with some fears and major negative energies, but it will start to dissolve. You said you've been doing some healing work, well, you are still in the middle of it, but it will start to get better. Little by little, it keeps on dissolving itself. It looks like a nightmare that starts losing its' power and if let's say you had trouble sleeping, you are gonna start to sleep better and better. Meaning you'll start to feel more relaxed and more comfortable and find your peace. So if you don't give up, it looks like you are going to master your healing during the next five months. And you will be blessed with a situation entering your life that will work as a sign of job well done, of having succeeded. So you'll know. And on the other side, it looks like there is going to be someone of kind nature present in your love life, a male. They could end up having this added healing influence on you. Now, let's go deeper into the details of your reading. You have a lot of messages about fears in your spread. First of all, it's good for you to know that currently you are going through a soul mission. So this is no small lesson you are dealing with and have been so far. Secondly, you could experience some degree of loneliness, but the whole purpose of it is to bring awareness to you. It's because you need to work on detachment, to find yourself again, to find your own voice. Your very own voice. To find your way back to the well of healing and love. A lot of cleansing to do. And as you know, it's on many levels, it could be throwing out some old clothes as much as doing energy cleansing. Working on releasing all the negativity. And the cards are showing you being purified from old romantic bonds. So it's literally a phase you are going through during the next five months. There is a bit of this kind of thing going on, where you are on a quest to seek the truth and to see through the lies. But most of it is quite seemingly passively happening. Like you are relaxed and let it come to you, it just kinda happens. But there is a sense of seeking the truth, wanting to see the traps and red flags you've failed to in the past, as you want to gain control over your love life. So it kinda looks like you might feel or have this opinion that people might have been able to control you, because you had feelings for them. And it seems your darkest fears kinda stem from there. So there is a bit of a warning to not close off your heart, because that's not the way to have healthy control over your love life. Instead, it's more a matter of embracing. Since it seems your emotions could at times run high during the next five months, it looks like overall it would be good for you to do some heart chakra healing. As you heal, it will be easier for you to control those fears and to overcome them. Nonetheless, there is a theme of you taking your control back and your personal power. And a lot of prioritizing. Not just reflecting but also really thinking about what truly matters. And recognizing your needs in love. As you heal, you could even see some physical healing happening. But definitely you'll feel, how you feel better and feel lighter. You do have divine protection showing up in your spread, but also it's good for you to work on protecting your energy. To draw the line and not allow yourself to be bothered and disturbed by low vibrational energies and people. You can choose to embrace only those with an open heart and healthy heart space. And it seems you will regain your confidence and self-confidence. Trust yourself, because you do have much more control over things than what you've given yourself credits for. Divine light is present, you are guided and shown the path. Like said earlier, you will be shown a sign of job well done and there will be an upgrade happening in your love life. And prosperity is on the horizon for you. So do be your own unique self, be you and use your voice.
Open your arms to receive the blessings awaiting you. You might have someone showing up. This person will be a kind soul, someone rather compassionate. They could be here to show you that there are people, who know how to love, who are emotionally mature. You could even find their voice to be enchanting or their words ever so soothing. It's like they send waves to your heart space. This could feel to you quite unique, be something you haven't witnessed or experienced before. It's a bit like why such a gift is left in the shadows, why doesn't it show outwards. I hope it makes sense. But like the way they dress doesn't tell anything about, how lovely they truly are. Being around them could somehow make you feel good. But there is a possibility of this connection growing into something more. So if you don't give up, it seems during the next five months you'll be done with this healing phase. It's rare to see something like that in a reading, so it actually makes me happy that I can deliver you such good news. ps. feedback is always appreciated~
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superpowerprayer · 2 years
Knowing God More In These Coming Difficult Days Aug. 2015
By Bro. Neville Johnson, Lancaster Aug 2015
In order to survive in the next few years, we need to have a greater walk with God
We have to learn to access Him more, hear Him quicker in these last days
The clock starts ticking in September this year; this year 2015 has ushered in a New Era where things will never be the same again.
‘YOU’RE GETTING READY TO SAIL INTO THE LAST ROOM; the ship is going to take the Church to the next phase now, starting this year [2015], into the Holiest of All, into the Manifest Presence of God”
There has to be the right smell, color, sound, a combination of things for you to get past the Altar of Incense into the Holy of Holies – fruit of the Spirit, Love, Sacrifice, Garment of Praise
Benefits in the Holy of Holies
1)      Ten Commandments – how do we fulfil all the Law?  By walking in love.
2)      Resurrection power in Aaron’s rod, dead stick came to life, budded
3)      Manna – feeding directly from the hand of the Lord which produces resurrection life…..
What must you do?  During Ten Days of Awe in September and starting now, you’ve got to begin to make A DEEPER CONSECRATION TO GOD, much deeper than you have now
Worldwide Revival. Please Pray For
Heavenly Father in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ Destroy  every Demonic plot against  Me, My Family, My Church, My  City, and My Country. In Jesus name In Jesus name In Jesus name Satan, Lucifer, Every Demon, All Witch Craft, Sorcery, Every Principality, All Spiritual wickedness in High places, Prince of the Power of the air, Dominions, every Unclean Spirit, every Infirmity, Chief Prince, all Generals, all Captains, all Centurions, every Watchmen, Principalities and every other Devil. I rebuke you in Jesus name. I cast you out in Jesus name. I cast you Down in Jesus name. I Bind, Cage, Chain, Mute, Muzzle, Gag,  Cut you All Off, Destroy, Strip and Ruin You All. I Nullify All of Your Actions forever and ever In Jesus Christ name. I take back all of the permission that I have given you in the past to operate in me and through me. I take my Authority back right now by the Blood of Jesus Christ and as a Son or Daughter of The Most High God. I render you all Powerless in my life from now on in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ. The Holy Bible States in Phillipians 2:10-11 " That at The Name of Jesus Every knee shall bow of Things in Heaven and Things on Earth and things Under the Earth And Every Tongue Shall Confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. To the Glory of God The Father.” I now command you All to Bow Down on your knees and confess with your mouths that Jesus Christ is Lord. Father God Destroy, Strip, Ruin, Confuse and Cast Down the demonic kingdom in Jesus name. Most High God,  His number is 644, Jesus, Emmanuel, Holy Spirit, Almighty God, Father and His Power Aleeth. Please Forgive Me of Every Sin that I have ever Committed and Thank You for dying on The Cross for Me. I Give You All of the Praise Honor and Glory forever. Lord Thank you for hearing and honoring my prayer and setting me free. Please Lead me and guide me from now on. Amen
My Two Sons Died on the Same Day  Then This Happened //  Timothy J Douglass Sr https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xx1BarkXoAwPMqN00JTmCzl
Be My Friend On Face Book / Super Power Prayer / Timothy J Douglass Sr / End Times Prophecy / Prayer / Worship https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010641464829
Psalms 91 / Prayers for Protection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOZKQz7rnHg&list=PLTA9JOYHK1xyRxubnpND6QgEz3gQwWVzO
Pornography  / How does It Affect People? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xxJt8OhUtotFuDsUUkPYHAk
The Two Witnesses  / Who are They? When will They Come? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xyc_hth4h79wUwXnboxh1P-
The Deep State  / What is It. What Does It Do? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xzGURojGv9GCjREs76WpYix
The New World Order / When will it Be here? What Is It? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xzRwm0kqwUVT3mKiUUlsa8N
The Rapture / When will It Happen? What Is It? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTA9JOYHK1xzmsDhXQkE877-JiBxg-SG-
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Devotional Hours Within the Bible
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by J.R. Miller
Living Up to Our Prayers (Psalm 5:3)
"My voice shall you hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto you - and will look up."
"In the morning will I direct my prayer unto you - and will look up." That is, he would watch to see the answer coming. One interesting illustration of this watching for the answer to prayer - is in the case of Elijah's prayer for rain. The prophet bowed himself on the ground, and began to pray. Then he sent his servant up to the crest of the mountain to look out toward the sea, to keep watch, and tell him what he saw. The servant came back and said he saw nothing. Seven times did Elijah pray, each time bidding the servant to go to the mountain-top to look. At length the servant reported that he saw a little cloud as small as a man's hand coming up out of the sea. The prayer was answered. The prophet believed that rain would come when he prayed, and he looked up and watched for the rising of the cloud, until it appeared. That is the way we should always pray. "In the morning will I order my prayer unto you - and I will keep watch."
Must we not confess that ofttimes when we pray - we never think again of our requests, and would be greatly surprised if what we asked for, would come to us? But if we really desire the things we ask for, we will expect them and will eagerly watch for their coming. Our prayers should be part of our life. They should rule and influence all our living. Always when we pray - we should look up, expecting to receive what we have asked for.
There are some of our prayers which if answered, will work deep and radical changes in our lives. If we tried seriously to live up to them, we would be rising every day into higher spiritual altitudes. We pray to be made unselfish. Do we mean it! Do we really want to become unselfish? If we put ourselves under discipline, to grow into unselfishness, we would constantly find a restraining hand upon our desires and dispositions, upon our conduct and acts, and would feel in our hearts evermore an impulse toward love and all serving of others. "Love seeks not its own." It lives for others. It forgets self. "As I have loved you, that you also love one another," is the Master's statement of the law of Christian life.
We pray to be made unselfish. Dare we let the prayer be answered? It would change many things in our conduct, in our treatment of others. It would set us in new relations to all about us. It would check in us the crafty desire, so common in dealing with men, to get the better of the other man in all transactions, to have the best place. What would happen in our lives - if these prayers would he answered?
We pray to be made patient. If we are sincere, and then begin to live up to our prayer, what will the effect be? We shall find our tongues checked and restrained again and again, on the very edge of angry outbursts, when about to speak unadvisedly. We shall have our harsh and bitter feelings softened continually, by an irresistible influence toward quietness and gentleness. If our prayer to be made patient were to be answered at once, by one mighty access of grace in our hearts, what a change it would make in us!
There is no prayer that most Christians breathe out to God oftener than that they be made like Christ. But if we really wish to be transformed into Christ's likeness, the desire will burn like a fire in us, cleansing and purifying us, and the new life will become so overmastering in us - that it will possess us body and soul, until Christ shall indeed live in us! If while we pray to be made like our Master - we live up to our prayer, old things in us will pass away and all things will become new.
The prayer will affect every phase of our behavior and conduct. It will hold before us continually the image of Christ and will keep ever full and clear in our vision - a new standard of thought, of feeling, of desire, of act and word. It will keep us asking all the while such questions as these: "How would Jesus answer this question about duty? How would Jesus treat this man who has been so unkind to me? What would Jesus do if He were here today, just where I am?" When we pray to be made like our Master, are we truly willing to have all in us that is unlike Him, taken out; and all His beauty now lacking in us, wrought in us!
Our Lord has given us some specific and very definite instructions concerning praying and living. For example, He teaches us that if we would have our own sins forgiven, we must forgive those who have sinned against us. The prayer runs, "Forgive us our sins - as we forgive those who sin against us." There is no mistaking the meaning of this petition. Each time we sin and make confession, asking God to forgive us - it commits us to an act toward others, which we ask God to perform toward us. We solemnly pledge ourselves to show the same mercy to our fellow men, which we beseech God to show to us. Yesterday someone wronged us, injured us, treated us unkindly, did something which stung us, hurt us. Last night we looked back over our day and it was blotted and stained. We prayed God to forgive us all these wrong things. He is very merciful and loves to forgive His children. But after our prayer - we still kept in our hearts the bitter feelings toward the man who wronged us yesterday - the resentment, the unforgiveness.
Jesus tells us very plainly what we should do when praying, if we discover a wrong feeling in our heart, or if in the bright light we remember something we have done that was not right. He is exhorting against anger in any form, telling us in words that should startle us if we are indulging in any harsh feelings against any other - that hatred, bitterness, and contempt of others are violations of the commandment, "You shall not kill." Then He illustrates His meaning by an example: "Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has anything against you; leave there your gift before the altar, and go your way; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift."
When we approach God's altar a glorious light shines upon us, the light of the divine Presence. If in this intense brightness we remember that today or yesterday we did something to another that was not right, that we were unjust to him, that we wronged or injured him, we should seek to get right with our brother before we go any farther with our worship. In order to do this - it may sometimes be necessary for us even to interrupt our devotion and go away and confess what we have done and obtain forgiveness, before we can finish our worship.
An old Psalm writer says, "If I regard iniquity in my heart - the Lord will not hear." So we really cannot go on with our prayer if there are bitter feelings in our heart. We must get these out - before we can find an open way to God for ourselves. We must get right with God - before we can be right with men. "First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift." This might stop the easy flow of our words sometimes, while we go out to get something right which we see in God's presence to be wrong. But it would save us from some of the mockeries of prayer which now mar our worship.
Take another phase of the subject. "In the morning will I order my prayer unto you, and will keep watch." There are prayers which we cannot finish on our knees. They can be ended only in some field of duty. When the Hebrews were leaving Egypt, they seemed to have been caught in a trap beside the Red Sea. Moses was lying on his face, crying to God for deliverance. The Lord called to him, "Why are you crying unto me? Speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward." Clearly, duty, for Moses, that moment, was not to stay on his knees, crying to God for deliverance. He must rise and lead the people forward.
There are many illustrations. Your neighbor is in some trouble. You hear of it, and being a believer in prayer, you go to your place of devotion and plead that God would send him the help he needs. But almost certainly, prayer is not the duty of the hour. Rather, it is to rise from your knees and go to your neighbor and with your own hands do for him what he needs to have done. If a friend of yours is taken suddenly ill, or is injured in an accident, your duty probably is not to go to your closet and spend a season in prayer for him - but to hasten for a physician.
It is our duty to pray always, to take everything to God. But usually prayer is not all our duty. Ofttimes, we must go out to answer our own prayers. There is too much selfish praying - praying only for ourselves. Such prayers are not heard. The Lord's Prayer teaches us that we must include all men in our supplications. Love never ends with ourselves, nor does prayer. We must pray for others, and if we pray for our neighbors, we must go forth to answer their cries for help. While we pray for those in distress, we must open our hand toward those who need.
It is the weakness of many people's prayers - that they end with their utterance. We may think we are keeping watch for the answers - but we are only idly waiting for God to do - what He is waiting for us to do! We ask God to give bread to the hungry and drink to the thirsty, not remembering that the Master will say, "For I was hungry and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty and you gave Me nothing to drink; I was a stranger and you did not take Me in; I was naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not take care of Me." Prayer for the relief of others in distress - must be followed at once by personal ministries of love. We are to pray and then to hasten out, filled with the Spirit, to do the work that needs to be done.
Take another phase of the lesson. All praying has for its highest reach, its divinest attainment, perfect submission to the will of God. Every true prayer we make must end with "not my will - but Yours, be done." Many prayers therefore never become prayers, because they never become acquiescent in God's will. Before we can look up and see the answers coming, we must learn the great lesson of self-surrender. We know not what to pray for as we ought. We do not know what is best for ourselves. Only when we are ready to commit all things that concern us into the hands of God, and let Him order our ways - are we sure that they will be well-ordered. When we are ready to pray thus, we are ready to look up and watch for the answer which God will give.
Such consecration of the will is the supremest reach of faith and life. When we have come to this point we can always look up and know that the answer will come. Some things we hoped for may not come - but if not, then something better will come instead.
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begrudging (love-)blindness
Summary: You are, to him, unquestionably, terrifyingly lovely.
Relationship(s): Gojo Satoru & Reader, Gojo Satoru/Reader
Here’s the link to read this on AO3! (You know the drill, extra tags, different notes, the format I intended, etc.)
Personally, I think this is hot garbage in terms of structure and pacing (it’s loosely all strung together is what I’m saying, but I just needed to get it off my chest before I wrote anything else. Yet... I guess I had fun? Yeah. I did!
There's spoilers from the manga mixed with headcanon.
I still hate spacing and formatting on Tumblr, it sucks. Please, please, please, this is for your own good, click the AO3 link, this fic is such an eyesore on this platform.
There’s a tug at your chest, sending you hurtling backwards and into something hard. A wall. Tiles. Smooth.
The heavens and the earth view one another through a layer of haze of light at night.
There are thousands of people gathering, their footsteps thundering echoes in your ears. Their chatter is a constant hum in the air. It stinks of sweat.
(“The train will be arriving soon. Please stand behind the yellow line—”)
You sigh.
“Dammit, Satoru! A little warning would be nice,” you hiss to the man. You hear him whisper something back but his voice is swallowed up by the crowds and then he, too, is consumed.
You feel him wander farther away from you; not left with much choice, you follow him. And down, down, down you go.
You pause when there’s an invisible wall blocking your path of his own making. “Hey!!” you shout, starting to scream expletives at him from the top of his lungs and he doesn’t look back.
A few seconds pass. The people, these poor, clueless civilians who just want to go home for the night are like sardines in a can, their bodies pushing and shoving. For space. For air. Requiring neither, you phase through the wall and the remaining levels to catch up to him, the thoughts going through your head solely focused on figuring out why he has let you out. He wouldn’t do something like this without warning you beforehand.
Why now? What now?
You pull out from the shadowed cracks of the feeble curtain set up along the fifth floor underground, suddenly feeling a heaviness you hardly ever experience. You run a cursory swipe over his teeth; the blood in the air is fresh, there are more civilians down here than up above, more sardine-ing (their presence is fading away, the above platforms’ panicked din becomes extinguished, it’s ghastly quiet, a moment frozen in time), but no Satoru. Not physically.
He loves you, you know. (You don’t understand though… Why?)
It’s a burden, draining you of what vigour is left in your soul, barely just clinging on to this plane itself.
His love is a curse in itself, really.
"I don't want you to see me hurt," he had said often, back when you were children, oblivious to the power of those words until you got older.
What they meant.
What they did—to him and you.
Still as the wind, you stand together, hands brushing up against each other's, your fingers infected with poison where his is not; the calloused skin and scars shared between you weaving a tale for the ages that will never be told.
You’re both nineteen at heart but certainly not in spirit.
You lean against him, completely unseen, waiting for him to flick his finger back.
Waiting for him to obliterate the first person he thought he could trust outside.
He doesn’t. You disappear for another time, expectant.
His love is a burden and you're not sure where you would be without it.
If he hadn't looked your way, would you be the same person you are today?
It's frightening, these thoughts of yours, but he usually chases them off when he senses them bubbling to the surface. (You want him to be annoyed.) A casual grin and stance, a flick of his wrist, a rush of wind by your side, then the phantom pressure is gone, yes, gone, however—it's never banished completely. It never can be.
You don't remember the colour of his eyes but there's a memory of you claiming they looked like marbles, buried somewhere (somehow), in the back of your mind. Like the marbles you'd smash glass bottles to obtain, their fizzy contents only drained seconds beforehand; stubby, sticky, small fingers sorting through the shards, squashing ants in the process.
Those very same fingers, now, haven't changed a bit, save for the chipped nails and whatnot duress they’ve sustained throughout his life.
You use them to push the blindfold up to his forehead, taking in the surrounding sights.
Why now? The fact that you can feel them, his fingers and everything else—that’s a bad sign. A very bad sign.
You breathe, inflating the faux lungs.
Finally, you see it. The reason why you’re walking and talking and fully corporeal.
You gulp at the living corpse, its stitches wonky and fresh. Cerebrospinal fluid spills from its face in fat droplets and lands upon the clothes of a dead man. Disgusting.
“So I was right in the end,” you say, more for yourself than anyone else. “You’re not Suguru.”
(Satoru owes you a thousand yen. You told him to burn the body immediately. Or, you know, the usual. But what’d he do instead? He went and passed it off to a third party! Man, why’d that old hag have to kick the bucket so soon… If she was still around she’d probably kick Satoru’s dumb ass for trying to be decent.)
“How are you free?” Not-Suguru asks.
The real Suguru wouldn’t ask about your appearance. He would make a comment about how the temperature has dropped and burrow into his collar. He wouldn’t question things.
The real Suguru never acknowledged you, but he knew there was something in the corner of his eye that took the image of his friend and laughed alongside them when they pulled their antics during missions.
The real Suguru is gone.
Who the hell knows where Shouko is.
Yeah. A little warning would have been nice. Real fucking nice.
There’s a cube with a dozen eyes between the two of you, the crater on the ground betrays its unassuming weight. Satoru’s muted presence, a shrunken pearl of light, emanates from the cube.
Not-Suguru follows your line of sight to it.
Giving him an answer would be a waste of your time.
You can’t, they say.
Young master, please, don’t go there, implores the servants and guards.
The elders, his grandmother especially, tell him not to enter the storehouse tucked away in the garden behind an avenue of camellia trees because that’s something they’ll discuss when he’s older.
He doesn’t listen to them, the curiosity of a three-year-old child cannot be satisfied by mere words. (“Let this be known,” the gardener says in his defense, one cold summer’s day. It is raining outside. His grandmother shoots the only person in the compound that doesn’t treat him like a blind fool with a withering glare. He does not see them again until—)
What’s in the storehouse?
A library of cursed objects? Spiritual remnants, artefacts, texts, poisons, weapons?
Maybe the mummified corpse of an ancestor whom they keep around to ward off evil?
Perhaps a curse, frozen in time forevermore?
Maybe it’s nothing and the adults are all in on some kind of elaborate hoax, he figures. Mm, yeah. Sounds about right. No one else knows about the storehouse.
It’s old and earthen. Wild plants curl the walls to one side and splotches of moss grow on the tiled roof. Where the sun hits least is pristine. Clean. He wonders if that’s where the wards are placed, out of sight, out of mind.
Standing in the entrance of the open door with bare feet, at the threshold of the aged structure, fulfilling his desire, he learns why they wanted him to remain ignorant.
It’s a child. (A human…? This whole situation is off.) A kid his age. He can’t tell whether or not they’re older or younger. They might be a bit taller, though.
No, he wants to shout, this can’t be it! He stomps his foot. That’s cliché! Boring, boring, boring! Again, he strikes the ground. Ugh, whatever—
A sigh escapes the emaciated figure sitting in the darkness, hunched over themself against the wall of the bare storehouse.
“Ah, my f̶̥̍r̵̝͐̏i̷̳end,” they start, softly. “M̶̹̦͒y̸͍̮̋̚ f̸͉̓̋r̴͇̦̕ǐ̴̦͇e̵̫͠n̷̢͉̅̓ḍ̸̅, my very dear, old friend. You have returned.
“My e̷̳̭̿y̶͈͂e̷͔̭̎͘s̴̭̄̊, have you come to give them back? Ask for several others?
“I have waited for you, as promised. Come. Closer. Please. I do not know how long has passed since I last gazed upon your visage. Do not be afraid.
“I no longer lust for flesh as fervently as before, I will not ask of y̸͖͔̒o̵̳̍u̵͍̘̓ ą̴͕̈́n̵̫̓d̸̛̳͛ y̵̻͑̎o̵̖̥͒͌ų̴͋̐r̵̦̩̓s a sacrifice to please me.”
Their voice is garbled, the resemblance to a broken radio off-pitch jarring his reaction time, a music box opened underwater gurgling, ghosts beat to the rhythm of the blood in his ears and titter buried mysteries.
In the corner of his eyes distant stars burn, galaxies explode to life and die repeatedly, the vast cosmos is shredded apart. Universes are swallowed whole. The plane he stands upon bends to the will of the one whose gifts he uses carelessly to play the role of a deity and dictate the balance of the world.
People have said [they] reflect the very heavens.
His faith wanes.
a trio of ragtag orphans,
escapees, survivors and starved,
on the verge of being
no better than beasts,
happen upon a traveller taking respite from the winding roads.
a foreigner no doubt
they guess from the strange hued garb;
rest, everyone around these parts,
they know comes not
easy to scum, scoundrels, sinners and
deceivers alike.
mad ones, rushing to death
—without protection i must add—
oh my darling children, you are!
consume my flesh,
defend those unseeing,
purge the blight
and you shall witness
my return before long, indeed?!
They do not move and neither does he.
What he assumes to be their head tilts ever so to the side, gauging him, this fool of a boy trespassing on their domain. This part of the garden, the little boy realises too late, is theirs.
This, the storehouse and now him.
(—the gardener finds him sprawled out on his back come dusk. They help him to his feet and dust him off, the sparkle in his eyes an unusual occurrence; they ask their precious young master what happened and he points them in the direction of the doors sealed shut.
“I took a peek inside,” he lies. Children are supposed to do that, right?
“And what did you find?”
“Nothing.” The gardener knows he’s a bad liar.
“Good. Now come.” They lead him away from the path of the camellias. “Lady Mitsue has been beside herself over you, mister.”
His grandmother hasn’t. She probably knows what he has done and will instruct him to feed the council what they want to hear. My son was too soft, she asserts before and after every meeting with those windbags.
You have to do better.
And his father is dead, so only time will tell who’s right.)
He starts having weird dreams (memories?) several days later.
Trying to ignore them doesn’t work.
Every waking moment is subject to gore.
He has to resist the urge to scratch his own eyes out while he trains.
In the world beneath his eyelids, there are shadowy figures claiming it best he is blinded and locked away and fed what no other soul could hope to consume without issue. And just as they force open his jaw—every night, every time—he wakes up.
Satoru doesn’t know what to make of it. Doesn’t know what to make of you.
One day, he dreams of years of living without sunlight causing you to screw your not-eyes shut and look away upon the opening of a door into your domain. When you recover, you turn to the door, the emotion of curiosity tugging for your attention out of the myriad of beings you’ve eaten.
Standing at the threshold, ethereal, desperate and short of breath, is a young man. In his arms is a woman, his wife, you presume. They’re stark shades of white, binary stars of a celestial system long dead.
You smile, recognising them in an instant. “Ah, my old friends, children of my children’s children a dozen times over, tell me, what is it you wish for?”
“My wife and our child,” says the man, “please, I beg of you, save them!”
Oh? A healing? It’s been quite some time since that was last requested of you.
You skitter to the pair’s side and shut the door gently behind them, ushering them further in.
You click your not-tongue at the woman’s state, wondering why no one thought to come to you earlier. If they did, the price they’d have to pay would be much less than what you’re about to tell the man. Humans are such prideful creatures, Satoru knows this, but he can’t help but feel tense as you instruct the man to lay the woman down and state your cost.
First, he opens his mouth. Then it shuts. Opens. Shuts. The man regards his dear wife with something Satoru has never seen before in the eyes of those around him.
His reply?
“I accept—”
A harsh smack to the head disrupts the memory; he looks up, unsurprised to meet his grandmother’s gaze, wrinkled eyes so very much like his own piercing his soul.
“Being distracted in the middle of a fight is unbecoming of you, boy,” she says. “What seems to be the matter?”
He can’t tell her.
He stays silent.
“Satoru.” She raises her hand, fingers crossed, indicating the void’s opening. “We Gojou pride ourselves on our ability to adapt. That is why, in fact, I say my son was too soft. He could not accept that he would lose my daughter-in-law and the child she carried in her womb to common illness. He could not accept that it was impossible to cheat death. He could not accept the position he was placed in. And for that, he died and of the aforementioned two, only you lived. Do you understand?”
No. He doesn’t want to understand.
What is adaptation if they’ve yet to rid themselves of and bow down to your constant presence? Is that not their most fatal flaw?
You eat them.
One life in exchange for another; you told his father it was the only way.
You were given the corpse of his mother a hundred days after his birth by the elders.
Every Gojou after death, you grind their bones between your teeth and their flesh rots at the bottom of your belly. Their soulful essence fights for dominance against the forces of the innumerable curses the clans feeds you—the hate, the sentiment, the sheer bursts of techniques and mighty powers clashing, click, click, click—you embody and absorb the aftermath of each childish scuffle, playing the bored jailer adjudicator. Corpses, tools, objects, energy and flesh. It’s how you’ve lived for so long without light or human thought to taint you: the jujutsu world’s dirty little secret, waste disposal.
You are, to him, unquestionably, terrifyingly lovely.
He loves you for that one reason.
A means to an end, forever.
(The boy, a few days shy of his fourth birthday and inauguration, does not know what love is. He thinks he does, having read the definition in a dictionary in order to familiarise you with modern speech, but love is not a word to be thrown around lightly the way he does.)
“I do,” he lies again, this time, to himself. “I understand everything.”
His sight is black.
He pushes back against the current, against instinct telling him to relinquish control and reaches forward for the dream that he was ripped from.
Your true form towers over his mother’s prone form, dripping ichor and the fluid of loose entrails all over. His father stays seated even when you lift an arm to draw blood, the man facing you without a trace of fear.
“I accept—but on the condition that my child receives your protection.”
“My p̶̹̽r̴̽ͅo̵̠͐ť̷̬e̶̺̊c̶̻̒t̷̙͑i̵̮̓o̶̱n̷̖͂?” Do they not teach the younger generations what that entails?
“Yes. My ancestors wrote that you were a benevolent being in a past life. That you were a kind-hearted human who accidentally drank poison before being found and buried alive, condemned and reviled, forcing you to become what you are now. Does that still not hold true?” His father’s face is hopeful.
It doesn’t. But who are you to tell him that? That ‘benevolent being’ never existed in the first place. You’ve always been this.
The vivisepulture part was true, but the beginning? Debatable. Your memories of ‘being human’ are foggy; you’re not sure if they’re real or someone else’s. Satoru’s is the clearest thus far because you abide within him. And he’s young, there’s little to garner.
What other nonsense has been made truth in the time you have withdrawn from the world?
He wants to go down that rabbit hole.
You grab the cube and run, warping reality in your wake.
You are many things.
Alive, you are first; secondly a parent, a teacher and a friend; cursed thrice times over; quarter something-something or rather by this point; and last, your hollowness complements the damned hallowed.
You are Gojou Satoru but not.
His skin peels off in delicate scales from the speed you’re going.
The first and last time you puppeteer his body, Satoru invokes his father’s contract with you for the second time in his life.
Like the first occurrence, it happens by accident.
(The first occurrence is a stain on your memory.
Mitsue looked her grandson in the eye and tasked him with a futile quest, one that would decide the future headship of their clan. You personally thought such practices outdated but you held his tongue and grit his teeth, faking laughter for the audience they had.
She reminded you too much of your youngest, both in the way she cobbled herself together and how she suspended time long enough to catch a glimpse of you hunched beside him, flickering in and out of her void domain with the ease of a toddler climbing free of their crib.
Beautiful and deadly.
He nearly died.)
He is unaware of the finer details, but where his consciousness ends at getting a scalpel to head, it rouses again with him standing before the man who has the blood of Satoru’s friends on his hands and left him to bleed out undecapitated.
On a high from escaping Izanami’s clutches, he sprouts math and whatever nonsense off the top of his head and ragdolls up, down, across and through the air.
He feels like a being higher than the gods. Doesn’t mean he is, though.
He’s barely in control.
Violent swashes of red and blue fill the sky. He sees beyond his opponent rising from the earth the heavens condemning his breaching unto their space.
“Hey, stranger, did you know purple was her favourite colour?”
“You are Satoru, right?”
“You… you’ve got a bit of…” Suguru gestures vaguely around the lower half of his face.
“Oh.” You rub the corner of his mouth with the pad of his thumb and see it come back tinged pink. The drying drool on his sleeves is used to rub the rest of the blood away. “Thanks.”
“Have you found her?”
“Amanai? Her body?” Suguru flinches. Your gaze is drawn to the cultists clapping. “Yeah, I did. Sorry.”
“What are you apologising for?”
“I don’t know,” Satoru says. “I feel like killing these people. Should we?”
“I’m still h̸͓̟͐u̴̦͗n̴͇͈̅͛g̵͔̒̕ŗ̴͕͂͘y̸͚͍͘͘.” Two wasn’t even a snack.
“I’m angry that we failed too. But we can’t do anything now, it’s out of our hands.”
Several days later finds him back at the entrance of the storehouse, none the worse for wear.
In the shadow of the building grows a lone weed.
“It’s changed.”
“Of course it has.”
“Will I end up like them?”
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You said you wanted to write more among us Zed? Well, what’s keeping you? Go haywire, friend! If you need a prompt for motivation, here ya go!
So we all know how if you kill Skizz early game, you have signed the papers and he has all the rights to haunt you and sing high-pitched songs at the top of his lungs. Well, what happens if you kill Zedaph early game? You get experimented on, by a ghost. It’s never actually happened before, but Pungence is too scared that if he tells anyone what happened, he won’t make it out respawned.
Okay, now THIS was a challenge. This one is a lot more abstract and a deviation from a normal Among Us game, and I’m not entirely sure if this is what you visualised with your prompt but I think it’s still good. Hope you enjoy!
  Zedaph opens his eyes and finds himself lying on the floor. He sits up, an image of a gun in his face flashing in front of his vision. Something tells him he didn’t survive that encounter. 
  He looks down at his hand and finds it transparent. When he gets to his feet, he perpetually hovers a few inches off the ground. He knows now: he’s dead. He’s a ghost. 
  “Well,” he says aloud, “this is inconvenient.”
  “That is the calmest reaction for someone discovering they’re dead that I have ever seen,” remarks a voice. 
  Zedaph turns. 
  Skizzleman is across the room, downloading data at the panel. He gives Zedaph a resigned smile. “Hey. We got double killed.”
  “Already?” Zedaph frowns. “We only just came in here.”
  “That’s what happens when two people who know each other well are imposters together,” says Skizzleman. “Impulse and Tango. Impulse and me. Grian and Etho. Or, in this case, the imposter bros. They kill early and they kill fast. Figures they’d go for us, huh? Easy pickings.”
  Zedaph thinks about this for a moment. “So… what do we do now?”
  Skizzleman shrugs. “Just keep doing our tasks. The only people who’ll hear us now are the imposters.”
  “The imposters can hear us as ghosts?”
  “And see us, yeah.” Skizzleman laughs. “I like to go haunt the imposter who killed me with high pitched songs to see if they’ll go crazy. They don’t usually, but hey. It makes me feel bett- Wait, where are you going?”
  Zedaph is already halfway out of the room when he stops and turns. “I’m going to find Pungence and make him regret killing me.”
  “Ahh, you gonna adopt my high-pitched singing approach?” Skizzleman asks with a grin. 
  “No,” says Zedaph simply.
  Skizzleman watches him leave, frowning in confusion. He isn’t sure what Zedaph is planning but he does know he’s worried about his newest friend. But he decides to leave Zedaph alone and do his tasks. Whatever Zedaph is up to, Skizzleman doesn’t need to get involved.  
  Zedaph finds Pungence in medbay, standing at the sample task. He turns to leave and spots the ghost, and his face settles in a scowl. “Go away,” he mutters.
  Zedaph holds out his hand. The medbay door closes behind him.
  Pungence jumps, his eyes slowly widening. “Wait, how did you do that?”
  “Let’s have a little chat, shall we?” Zedaph smiles pleasantly. “Pungence, I don’t know you. I know Bdubs, but not you. Why did you kill me?”
  “You and Skizzle were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, alright?” snaps Pungence. “Bdubs and I were going round looking for a pair of crewmates to kill and we happened to see both of you alone together in navigation. That’s all.”
  Zedaph nods. This is the answer he was expecting. “I see. Are you just evil or is something evil controlling you?”
  Pungence blinks. “What?”
  “You’re an “imposter”. Does that mean you’re an actual physical copy of Pungence - as in, you’re not the real Pungence at all - or are you actually him but being controlled by some kind of evil parasite?”
  “I…” Pungence just stares at him in confusion. “How am I supposed to know? I just know I have to kill people.”
  Zedaph slowly moves towards Pungence, who backs away rapidly into the wall. “No, no, get away from me. Why haven’t your bodies been reported yet?!”
  “Oh, they have,” says Zedaph. “The others are having a meeting as we speak.”
  Realisation dawns on Pungence’s face. “You’re trapping me in this room! But- But how?! How did you shut that door? How did you rig it so that I wouldn’t appear at the meeting?”
  Zedaph continues floating towards Pungence, who strains to get away from him. “Stay away from me!”
  But Zedaph doesn’t listen. He reaches out and phases his ghostly hand into Pungence’s chest. 
  Pain shoots through Pungence like electricity in water. He screams, but Zedaph waves his hand and his voice is silenced. Zedaph is looking deep into Pungence’s heart and mind, and it’s absolute agony for him. 
  Finally, Zedaph retracts his hand and Pungence drops to his knees, clutching his chest in pain. 
  “Whatever you are, your soul is well hidden,” says Zedaph, as if nothing particularly extraordinary is going on. “And if you yourself don’t even know what you are, then maybe your memories prior to landing on this ship have been removed. Maybe you’re a physical clone of the real Pungence with his memories installed in your brain.”
  “What are you talking about?!” shrieks Pungence, disoriented from the pain. “Get away from me!” 
  Zedaph ignores him. “Let’s see if I can possess you. That’s a thing ghosts can do, right?”
  Before Pungence can stop him, Zedaph takes hold of his head, one hand on either side. He can’t stop himself from screaming again as he feels Zedaph’s powerful soul attempting to take over his own. He pushes back, resisting as hard as he can. His soul is powerful too. 
  Zedaph cries out as he feels the backlash, and with it, the overwhelming hunger for death fuelling an imposter. 
  “Zedaph!” yells Skizzleman’s voice behind him.
  Zedaph stumbles back into Skizzleman, clutching his head. He stares at Pungence, who is breathing heavily and warily glaring back at him. “You… You enjoy killing. It fuels you, gives you life. You tear through flesh and bone like they’re made of paper, and you do it without regret or remorse. Whatever you are, you… you’re not human.”
  Still holding Zedaph upright, Skizzleman started to back away. “Zed, let’s go. Quickly.”
  “No.” Zedaph shook Skizzleman’s hands off him and walks towards Pungence. “You need to be eliminated as soon as possible.”
  Pungence reaches for his weapon but stops, remembering it won’t do any good on a ghost. He tries to get away but Zedaph catches him - literally. Eyes wide, he stares down at Zedaph’s transparent hand closed around his wrist. “How are you t-touching me?! You’re dead!”
  Zedaph wordlessly reaches for Pungence again, but instead of his chest, this time he goes for his head. 
  Skizzleman turns away, flinching at the sound of Pungence’s screams. He’s terrified; not for Pungence’s life but for Zedaph’s soul. Zedaph mentioned how Pungence isn’t human but surely he himself can’t be either, to have this kind of power. Skizzleman may not be very spiritual but even he can feel the power of Zedaph’s soul and he somehow knows his newest friend is special. But all this violence and rage… cannot be good for a soul such as Zedaph’s. 
  Zedaph himself, meanwhile, can feel his entire body heating up as it starts glowing with bright white light. He focuses on what he’s doing, unaware of his eyes glowing bright red. The sound of Pungence screaming slowly fades until he can’t hear it anymore; all he can hear is a faint ringing in his ears and the sound of footsteps coming closer and closer until-
  Pungence opens his eyes and finds himself standing at the meeting table alongside everybody else. He lets himself breathe out, his hands still trembling. Even though the pain itself is long gone, he can still feel Zedaph’s eyes boring into his soul as he tries to destroy his spirit forever.
  His gaze fixes on Zedaph, who is chatting happily with Tango as the two head off towards admin. On the other side, Skizzleman is just disappearing into medbay. Neither of them seem to recall what happened last round. Or if they do, they’re not affected by it at all. Not as much as Pungence is.
  “Pungey?” Bdubs appears at his side and places a concerned hand on his brother’s shoulder. “You okay?”
  Pungence wordlessly nods. He gets the feeling that he should never tell anyone about what happened. Zedaph, who somehow has the power to kill an imposter and immediately end the whole round, spared his life this time. Now he can simply be another crewmate again and do his tasks with his brother.
  Next time, he might not be so lucky.
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The Helmeted Hunter: Chapter 12
Boba Fett x Reader
Chapter Warnings: N/A
AO3 Link (In case you like it better over there, it’s okay, no judgement)
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Chapter 12: No Other Choice
You hadn't slept since before the scuffle on Jakku, and your body was for sure feeling it. Unfortunately, as soon as the Slave I came out of hyper-speed, the planet called Jedha was looming directly ahead. And it wasn't long before the ship had descended into its atmosphere and touched down onto its terrain. Sleep would have to wait.
Boba provided large cloaks for the three of you to wear before disembarking. You were surprised to see he was not suiting back up in his armor and helmet for this mission.
"No helmet?" you asked.
He gave you a sort of half-smirk, half-grimace in response, but otherwise remained silent. Hondo ended up supplying a more verbal reply.
"You could count on one hand the number of people in the galaxy who know Boba without his Mandalorian armor." The pirate threw his own cloak on and chuckled. "It'll be easier this way to lay low for the next few days."
You could feel your cheeks grow warm as you considered the fact you were one of those few people who knew what Boba looked like without... what was it called? Mandalorian armor? You weren't sure what that was; a brand, a culture, an element? Somehow this man seemed to be more of an enigma the more you learned about him.
"It won't be easy for her," Boba commented as he strapped various weapons beneath his cloak. "You could count on one hand how many people don't know what she looks like."
"True," Hondo admitted. He tried to grab some of the weapons for himself but Boba swatted at him. Hondo carried on as if nothing happened. "The closer you get to Jedha City, the more stormtroopers you'll come across. I recommend staying in one of the outskirt towns and letting me travel on. She should be safer that way."
You weren't sure if you felt incredibly comforted by that plan or not. Three days seemed like an awfully long time to stay hidden in an Imperial-run planet, especially considering how frequently you'd almost been captured in the last few weeks alone.
Boba finished packing and was now shutting down power in the ship. You wandered outside to wait, Hondo following shortly after. You were disappointed to find that you were once again on a planet full of dirt. There were more crags and cliffs than the sandy dunes of Jakku, but the scene still felt the same. Dirty. Boring. Lifeless. It made you miss Maz's planet that much more.
"When can we go to a beach or a tropical island paradise?" you pretended to whine as Boba closed up the ramp and began leading your little party across the dirt. He had landed the ship behind a craggy outcropping far from the nearest outpost, hoping it'd remain hidden and not suggest that Boba Fett and his coveted bounty could be somewhere on the planet.
Your small attempt at humor wasn't directly acknowledged, but Hondo, ever the conversationalist, did supply a response.
"This place has a very old, very deep spiritual history. Many a weary soul has made the pilgrimage here to seek out wisdom and peace. Even the Jedi have found this hallowed ground enriching...."
It didn't go unnoticed to you how tense Boba became at the word Jedi. It was another term you hadn't heard before, and you were about to ask when the bounty hunter grunted his annoyance at Hondo.
"We have a long way to walk and I do hope I don't have to hear your voice the entire way, Hondo."
The pirate didn't seem phased by the insult. He held a wistful look as he took in his surroundings, as if he was seeing something in the uninspired landscape that you weren't. "Just as you should appreciate the beauty in your companion, so should you value the sacred nature of this planet."
Your cheeks were warm again and you couldn't help but immediately look to Boba to see how he would respond. You had gone from being pretty to having beauty, apparently, and despite not believing such a compliment, a small part of you wondered if he agreed.
But if Boba did have an opinion, he hid it well. His expression remained as annoyed as it had been before Hondo offered the idea.
"Is that why you've come to raid it then?"
"I'm not raiding anything," Hondo said, offended. "I've never raided anything in my life."
"Let me guess, you prefer to call it something else?"
"Dok-Ondar is a collector, you know that. He's helped save many a precious artifact from careless destruction, and this job I'm assisting him with is no different. I'm not calling it anything other than what it is."
Boba snorted but fell back into silence, and Hondo seemed upset enough now to do the same. You trudged alongside them, still wondering whether Boba found you good looking or not. Surely his lack of reaction, even a physical one such as blushing or stuttering, meant he did not? Or perhaps his quick response was too quick and he was trying to distract from the fact that he did? Why did it even matter to you so much?
It was, in fact, a very long walk to get to the nearest outpost. From there, it was a short ride in a land speeder to an actual town, and then another fair amount of walking to move on to a slightly bigger town that was somehow more suitable. You hadn't started the journey with an abundance of energy or good health, so it was safe to say you were very much looking forward to the part of the mission where you could "lay low."
But you hadn't reached that part quite yet. Instead, the three of you waited at a train station, where Hondo would soon take his leave for the Holy City on his own. The sun had long disappeared, and an uncomfortable cold was settling into your bones now that you were more stationary. You ended up pacing the small platform, both for warmth and something to do. Boba and Hondo, meanwhile, tried nailing down details for the rest of the plan.
"I don't want to be associated with this heist you're doing," Boba was saying, his eyes scowling up at a sign with various train departure times.
"It's not a heist," Hondo bristled again. It'd taken him a while to let go of the raiding comment; this would surely set him off again.
"Whatever. I'm not leaving with you on my ship. I can commandeer one from this shipyard here, instead, and come back for the Slave I when it's safer." He pointed at a word on the timetable, one that you could now kind-of read. You'd brought along the alphabet chart Boba had given you but didn't feel like pulling it out and risk getting your hands cold.
Hondo scoffed. "Commandeer, or steal? Let's discuss word choice, shall we?"
Yes, he was definitely getting upset again. Thankfully his train just rounded the bend up ahead, pressing the need to finish with the plan over engaging in petty squabbling.
"Fine. I'll meet you in the shipyard in three days."
"With the money," Boba said pointedly.
"Yes, yes, of course." Hondo waved him off and approached the train as it docked. He looked back with a taunting smile. "Worried, Fett?"
Boba only looked away. You stopped your pacing beside the bounty hunter, feeling a bit nervous yourself, but deciding to remind the pirate why you were trusting him to begin with.
"There's no need to be worried," you stated as confidently as you could. "You're an honorable man, right?"
Hondo only chuckled as he disappeared aboard the train.
"He's just trying to mess with us," Boba muttered.
You weren't sure if he was trying to reassure you, or himself. You involuntarily shivered, both from the cold and the nerves you now had. "And what if he doesn't come back?"
Boba turned toward you. His face was mostly obscured by the cloak, just as was yours, but you could make out some pink on his nose and cheeks where the cold was nipping him, too, and his face was contorted as if in pain by it. It was evident he wasn't used to being so exposed.
Boba shifted and removed something from the utility belt he wore under the cloak. It was a small round device you instantly recognized. The last you'd seen it was the day you'd been shocked into unconsciousness for running too far away.
"He'll come back," Boba said with a small smile. "He has no other choice."
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Episode 0
Judgment of Corruption, pages 4-18
Is it greed to wish to be pure?
This world has now become a bundle of impurity.
I don't think that's a bad thing. This world certainly wasn't originally created to be absolutely clean and free of imperfections.
Take, for example, "water".
This thing that is vital to so many living beings is not pure in actuality, by and large. Mud, sand, salt, bacteria, and other sorts of organic matter besides…Despite all these impurities being mixed in it still wets the earth, or falls from the sky.
You need to perform a little bit of effort if you want to get purified water. The simplest and easiest method that humans undertake is distillation. You heat water until it evaporates, and then you cool it so that it condenses back into liquid. What you produce by doing this is still not “pure” water in the true sense of the word, but it is at least relatively safe to use to slake one’s thirst.
Even such a fundamental component like “water” needs to go through these phases in order to become pure. And since it isn’t completely so even then…It’s obvious that it’s a much harder matter to make pure something more complicated than that, like “humans”.
You could say that for humans to become pure beings in a material sense is largely impossible. Therefore, humans seek a spiritual “purity”, and have the tendency to make this into a virtue.
This in turn means that when it comes to those who differ from them physically and spiritually in this world—Or perhaps calling it “society” would be more accurate?—they have a habit of taking these heretics in society and loathing them as “impurities”.
Leaving the preface aside for the time being, right now I shall elucidate on the sight that stretches on beneath me.
First, relating to the whole region that this area is in--Humans have given this place the country name of "Holy Levianta". There was also a time long ago when it was called the "Magic Kingdom Levianta". Or, going off of a denomination particular to this current time period, combined with several of its neighboring countries you could also call it the “USE (Union State of Evillious)”.
Anyway, a red-brick building stood at the very center of this country—and I was clinging to the ceiling of its biggest room.
A big black star was painted on the ceiling. I don’t know if this building was named “the Dark Star Courthouse” as a result of this feature or if it was because it’s called “Dark Star Courthouse” that this star was painted--I know I learned it somewhere, but I've forgotten which it is.
Here and now, a bit of history was coming to an end.
A woman who had sought to be “pure” was now, for that reason, being eliminated from society as an “impurity”.
This social event by the name of a “trial”—she was the lead role, standing in the center of the Dark Star Courthouse’s great courtroom as the defendant.
“I will declare my verdict.”
The young head judge's calm voice rang through the courtroom.
The whole visitor’s gallery was packed full of people. That spoke to how much of the world’s attention this trial had.
“For the crimes of murder, larceny, and violation of the special law on witchcraft, the defendant Elluka Ma Clockworker…is sentenced to death.”
Upon hearing the judge’s verdict, all of the audience started to rustle.
"Oh…Oh God."
"How could this be…"
All of those who clutched their heads despondently were wearing the same religious habits. There were also those among them praying, rosaries in hand.
They, and Elluka who had just received her death sentence, were clergy of the Levin faith.
On the other hand, there were those who smiled with satisfaction at the verdict, those who glowered at the defendant with anger in their gaze, and those who simply watched over the proceedings without changing their expression.
"Kill the witch!" someone in the gallery suddenly shouted. Perhaps one of those who had a grudge against the defendant.
With that shout as the trigger, the courtroom began to grow increasingly into an uproar, and the judge slammed the gavel in his hand twice against the stand.
His voice was unconcerned, and by no means loud, but with that the court became quiet once more.
The power to command the room—you could say that was one of the abilities sought after by judges. Just by seeing this single scene you could infer that he was quite capable in his job.
After letting out a sigh, the judge began his explanation on his verdict.
"To begin with…Though all present to witness this today already know of this, bizarre phenomena have been occurring in every region. For example, the other day a small forest here in the east of Levianta changed into a desert overnight. That was something that occurred spontaneously. If that were the only thing it would not be entirely beyond the realm of possibility. However, the issue is not limited to just that. --A baby was born between a certain husband and wife. By all rights this should be a happy occasion, but the second he saw that child the husband went mad with rage, and the wife grew severely disturbed. Why? ...Because even though the husband was an Elphe, and the wife was from Marlon, the baby was born with black skin, resembling neither of them."
I could hear a woman sobbing from the visitor’s gallery, but the judge ignored it and continued on.
“The husband sued the wife for the crime of infidelity. This trial was conducted by one of my subordinates, and the end result was that the wife was cleared of any wrongdoing. For no matter how extensively the World Police investigated, no evidence came forward to suggest that the wife had had an affair. Perhaps there are those who think this absurd. But the Dark Star Courthouse judging the wife innocent was not done on the basis of this fact alone. –Examples like this are occurring in every household in the world right now. The birth of children that are unlike their parents or their ancestors, completely ignoring their genes…Things that are scientifically impossible are genuinely occurring.”
His explanation seemed fairly roundabout. I would have liked him to just get onto the main topic of the basis of his verdict, but perhaps it was appropriate consideration for a judge to have, given the world’s interest in this trial.
Not all of the people in the visitor’s gallery were highly educated. By so neatly explaining the line of his reasoning, he may have been trying to get them to understand how he arrived at sentencing the defendant to death.
“In the kingdom of Beelzenia to the south, creatures with skin an inhumanly white like limestone are said to be rampaging all over the region. The truth is unclear, but there are reports that these are corpses that have crawled out of graveyards. The world is in a whirlpool of chaos so severe that we cannot laugh these off as jokes. And the source behind all of these things—"
“Are witches!"
Again someone shouted from the gallery.
The judge cleared his throat, and pounded the gavel.
“—The USE unified government has concluded that the cause of this progression of bizarre occurrences is that they are done by the magic of ‘witches’. At first there were objections that this was an unscientific, even anachronistic conclusion. However…as a result of the research done by our scientists, we have already confirmed the existence of ‘witches’ throughout Evillious history. This was made clear by the testimony of historian Sir Heaven Jaakko given in this court.”
The judge dropped his gaze to the defendant's chair. The woman there—Elluka, having just received her death sentencing, made no sign that she was losing control. She only looked up at the judge’s seat, silent.
She just looked to be faintly smiling.
“—Due to the ‘special law on witchcraft’, the World Police have up until this point arrested many suspects who were thought to be witches, and in this Dark Star Courthouse all of them have been given the death sentence. However…the strange occurrences in the world have shown no sign of resolving. This does not mean the conclusion of the World Police and the Dark Star Courthouse is incorrect. This worldwide chaos cannot be brought about by a single ‘witch’. Peace will not come to the world until we have exterminated all witches.”
The judge once again looked at Elluka.
“The defendant is also someone who was arrested by the World Police under suspicion of being a ‘witch’. However unlike the others, she bears the name of the witch ‘Elluka’, who appears in history. This court is treating the name ‘Elluka’ as one that is passed down among witches throughout the generations, and has acknowledged that the defendant is the current holder of the title.”
Humans are clever creatures, but that doesn’t mean that they could always derive the correct answer on everything.
I knew that the woman in that defendant's chair was certainly "Elluka". But she by no means was a figure who had merely inherited that name.
The Sorceress of Time, “Elluka”, had always been the same being.
Of course, the average human wouldn't know that.
--It sounded like the judge’s story had finally moved on to the main topic.
“The immediate charges the defendant was arrested for was the murder of Sir Mata Corpa, the Minister of Finance of the Lucifenian Republic, and larceny. A priestess of the Levin church, the defendant did on the night of April 4th, Evillious year 944, sneak into the Corpa estate and murder the afore-named victim. Upon stealing the ‘Marlon Spoon’ which was being stored inside the estate, she was caught in the act by an investigator of the World Police’s International Works Department ‘Justea’. Thanks to investigation taken afterward it was confirmed that the defendant had eighty-four other offenses—”
After that the judge rattled off both the nature of those offenses, and just how heinous a person Elluka was.
“—Furthermore, the World Police’s main office has determined that the defendant is ‘Elluka Ma Clockworker’, who is thought to be the leader of all ‘witches’, and this court has now indicted her as such. The defendant has acknowledged all of her crimes but shows no sign of introspection in her conduct; the blame that she must take responsibility for as the cause of all the chaos in the world is enormous, and from a societal point of view I have determined that there is no other recourse than for her to face capital punishment.”
The long explanation on his verdict had come to an end.
“Court is adjourned.”
Immediately after the judge pounded his gavel one last time, the viewing gallery once more broke out into an uproar.
But the judge showed no sign of quieting them down. He silently stood up and then started to walk towards the exit. Other judges followed suit.
Several reporters with notebooks in hand dashed outside from the gallery. Their articles that “Defendant Elluka Ma Clockworker Given Death Penalty Verdict” would surely be front page news tomorrow.
Elluka did not look towards the viewing gallery. She showed no indication that she concerned herself with the cries and jeers from behind her, still simply standing there with the same expression on her face.
Two of the courthouse’s guards approached her, and seized her arms. She did not resist them, and was taken out of the courtroom.
I also left the courtroom, following after Elluka. When I caught sight of her in the hallway I once more clung to the ceiling.
Elluka and the guards walked on without saying a word.
But an intruder suddenly appeared there.
I could see a single man running towards them from deeper in the hallway, opposite the direction they were heading.
Three other guards were running after him.
Right before he could reach Elluka he was tragically seized by the guards.
"Let go!"
The man struggled but his lean body was no match for the brawny guards, and he was unable to shake them off.
Elluka stood in place, silently gazing at the man.
Her expression appeared to have changed slightly from when she was in the courtroom.
It was slightly…it was only slightly, but she looked sad.
After a moment, a new figure appeared from a nearby door.
"Release him."
It was the young head judge who had run the court session earlier.
While the guards holding the man hesitated, the head judge continued, "It doesn't matter. He has a relationship with the defendant. We can allow him one last conversation with her at the very least.”
An act of kindness by the soft-hearted judge…so it may have looked to someone watching.
But as the guards released the man he grew enraged at the judge.
"You bastard…So you betrayed me, did you!?”
“Betrayed you? Now now, what are you saying, Gandalf? I merely made a just and upright judgment…No more, no less. What? ‘The defendant will surely be found innocent, as she has the backing of the Levin church and the Freezis Foundation’--Was that your simplistic line of thinking?”
"You're far, far too naïve. Unfortunately she earned far more enmity than necessary. ‘Elluka Ma Clockworker’ must be put to death…The people who believe such are in far greater number than you’ve imagined.”
“…And how much did you accept from these ‘people who hate Elluka’?”
“Ha ha, now what could you mean by that, I wonder…Are you suggesting that I, the director of the Dark Star Bureau, have been paid off by bribes? To think that I would be suspected of such by one of my own colleagues…how sad,” the head judge said, pressing on the inner corner of his eye in an affected manner.
“How dare you speak to me so shamelessly—"
“It’s quite unlikely, most unlikely for that to have happened, Gandalf. Unlikely, and yet…Well, let me put it this way…‘Money is the best lawyer in hell’.”
“Why you…”
Even now Gandalf grit his teeth as though he were about to knock him out, but the head judge quickly held a hand out in front of him as though to restrain him.
“Please calm down. I have no wish to make you a defendant too. …Honestly, on the contrary, you should be thanking me. Right until the end I never revealed your—relationship with Elluka. By all rights that is improper of a head judge to do. But…I didn’t want to tarnish your career with this. As a colleague, and as your friend.”
“…I no longer have any wish to stay in the Dark Star Courthouse. I’m fed up with this corrupt organization.”
“Are you insane? You would waste my help after I went to such pains…Fine. You’ve made your decision. I won’t stop you,” the judge related, his tone extremely mournful but his expression joyful.
Gandalf clenched his trembling hand into a fist, but eventually he let it drop, shoulders dropping with a crestfallen air.
No matter how he struggled, he could not stop Elluka’s execution—He had given up on it.
Someone else starting walking over from the entrance to the courtroom that Gandalf had run in from.
It was a woman wearing a servant uniform, looking roughly thirty years old.
She was holding a young baby against her chest.
After briefly patting the baby’s head, Gandalf made this request of the head judge:
“In the end…Only a few words would be enough. Please, let me speak with Elluka.”
“Of course. That’s why I originally had the guards release you, after all.”
“With…the baby, if possible.”
“That baby—Ah, I understand. I see. So that’s how it is. Well, I don’t mind.”
Upon hearing those words, Gandalf gratefully inclined his head. Then he and the servant started to move towards Elluka—but there he turned back to the head judge for a moment.
"I said this earlier, but I will quit being a judge. …However. This doesn't mean that I have completely lost hope. This doesn't mean I'm going to quit being a man of "justice". I know that someday, someone who has a truly just heart will change this corrupt institution. When that happens, I know that rotten bastards like you will see hell. Head of the Dark Star Courthouse—Hanma Baldured!”
"Ha ha ha, that’s quite the bark for a beaten dog. …Well, I look forward to when that day comes." The judge--Hanma, returned once more to the door while laughing him off.
After seeing him leave, Gandalf turned back to Elluka and walked to her side.
The two of them gazed at each other, bringing their faces closer and gently exchanging a tender kiss.
"That I should be parted from you like this--"
“I’ve been prepared for this, Gandalf. I do use ‘magical arts’. That is a true fact. …And you accepted me anyway, despite knowing that.”
“But…this trial is no more than a farce! I know there’s no way these bizarre events in the world are your fault. You—the Elluka that I love, could never be the kind of person who would do such things! It’s obvious that this story of you murdering the Minister of Finance is a false accusation!”
"--Thank you. It does my heart good just to have someone here now who believes in me."
The two of them kissed one last time.
A tragic parting of two people who loved each other.  An innocent defendant and her lover. Well, something like that I suppose.
But I’ll say it again. Humans are not always wise, and cannot always derive the truth.
I knew. It was indeed utter nonsense, this idea that Elluka was causing the chaos in the world with magic.
And not just Elluka. All of the "witches" judged at this Dark Star Courthouse were innocent.
These strange occurrences. Their cause lies not in “witches”.
These were errors induced within a much larger stream than that.
And the only ones who knew the true reason for them--
Were "Gods".
…In that sense, you could say that Elluka was innocent.
The other crime that she’d been charged with—the murder of Minister of Finance Corpa, that was without a doubt something Elluka committed.
It was a crime she had carried out in order to obtain that “Marlon Spoon”…Or to speak more accurately, to obtain the being that was inside it.
The baby abruptly started fussing.
“Oh dear, do you need some milk? Or a new nappy?”
The servant flusteredly started to rock the baby.
Upon noticing that, Elluka leisurely made her way over.
"Lady Elluka…Please, hold your baby,” the servant said with tears in her eyes, handing the baby off to Elluka.
The moment that Elluka gently held him in her arms, the baby immediately ceased crying.
"…He's a smart boy."
“Yes, he properly knows who his mother is."
"And he also understands that his mother--is a 'scary woman when angered'."
"Ha ha…Perhaps so." While holding the baby, Elluka turned to Gandalf. "What you said to Hanma earlier--"
“That one day, someone who has a truly just heart will change this corrupt institution…I hope our boy becomes that person.”
“…Honestly I have no desire for him to ever get involved with the Dark Star Courthouse.”
“…That’s pretty unfair coming from you, having already made your decision to quit this place.”
"I'm sorry. I know better than anyone what a weak man I am. But—"
“It’s alright. Not everyone has the determination to fight. But…the one who will ultimately decide what he does is this baby himself.”
Elluka brought her face close to the baby and lightly kissed his brow.
“Bye bye. Grow up to be a good man like your father…Gallerian.”
Led along by the guards, Elluka disappeared further inside the courthouse.
As he watched her from behind—No. Gandalf could not continue to watch any longer.
He had fallen to his knees on the floor, and started to loudly sob.
As though following along with him, the baby being held in the servant’s arms also began to wail.
Well then.
This is a very intriguing matter to me.
In this world—this space that I call the “Third Period”—Elluka is a very singular being.
She possesses an extremely long lifespan, and has continued to involve herself in the history of this world.
…To speak more strictly, it’s a bit of a faulty expression to call who she is now by the name “Elluka”, but explaining that would be very complicated, so I’ll leave that alone.
She is a mere shadow of what had once been the Sorceress of Time “Elluka”…If you think of her that way you would not be mistaken, for the time being.
I’m not just interested in her, but also the fact that she’s given birth to a baby.
As far as I know, she has until this point never done such a deed before.
What sort of change has there been in her mental state?
And what sort of path will that child—Gallerian Marlon, take from here on out?
I think I shall observe Gallerian for a short while.
Perhaps he could become a savior for this world.
Or perhaps he could become a pest that leads it to its ruin.
I still don’t know which.
All I can do is to simply gaze on.
--I have yet to introduce myself.
It’s not that I’m trying to hide it, or put on airs about it.
Only, in this story I am a simple observer, and as such I don’t have any particular importance.
Even so, if you would like to know about me—
Then for now I will at least tell you my name.
My name is “Sickle”.
I am a simple bat, with nothing unusual about me at all.
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mistress-morgan4 · 3 years
30[F4M] #NC High Holy Hedonist Mother Goddess Seeks Loyal Weekly Servant For Long Term Worship Arrangement
I’ve heard your prayers my dearest. Your heart cried out to me when you caught a glimpse of the full moon. You wished for a world you’ve only dreamed about; you wished to be taken in hand, firm and warm and lovingly, examined and judged and found - whether you are found wanting, pathetic mortal that you are, or found wanted and cherished by the Great Mother Goddess - you ache to be found.
I’m here, darling. I’ve found you and I’m holding my hand open to offer you a safe haven. You don’t always feel like you fit into the world-at-large; it’s all so disposable and cheap and fast. You crave something in which to lose yourself every day, yearn to find a world far more rich and sensual than any glowing blue screen. You want to be loved but after so many failed relationships you’re not really sure what that would look like. When you let yourself wonder what it would be like - to be loved the way you deeply need but have never let yourself express - those fantasies go to dark humid places, crevices and corners you’re quite sure no one wants to look. 
But hark! Beloved, I want to look deep into the hardest places and shine the light of my total acceptance upon you. I want to fill the back of your mind with the sounds and tastes and memories of your time spent in worship. I want you to always be aware and hungry for your next chance to humble yourself before me. 
There are many important rules to abide by in order to serve me (but let’s be honest, you’re into that kind of thing.)
All messages of praise and adoration are welcome but like most divine beings I reserve the right to ignore your adulation.
You must read to the end of this post and respond appropriately to be considered. 
You will be my servant and plaything to use, command and cherish. You will weep with joy at the honor of kneeling and worshipping my Holy Pussy, my Blessed Bush, the Great Mother writhing in orgasm as she gives birth to the world. I will guide you to reaching new heights of pleasure and I will lovingly, carefully, and thoroughly dismantle your heart, prying you open to see what makes you tick. While we are together, I will own you inside and out. Your submission will be emotional, mental, and physical; your orgasm, when I force you to look me in the eyes and command you to come, will be earth-shattering. 
though I will not be constantly available to you. When you have me, you will have all of me, and I will overwhelm you with the force of my presence brought to bear on your pathetic mortal soul. 
You must be comfortable engaging in extensive written and verbal negotiations and descriptions of how and why I will use and dominate you prior to meeting. We will cover your kinks, desires, shames, needs, fantasies and limits in great detail as well as my expectations and demands. This is to ensure we are a cohesive fit. I will not waste my time or yours unless we are able to thoroughly please each other, which requires excellent communication. I will not ghost you if I decide we are not compatible - I will clearly and directly explain my decision.
You will never forget that I am the Sacred, you are the Profane. Part of your submission to me requires your enthusiastic performance of chores including and not limited to house cleaning, photo assignments, errands, and other tasks. The experience I am offering is a time investment and my time and attention are extremely valuable.
Every moment you are mine will be intense and meaningful whether you are naked but for a lacy apron and rubber gloves scrubbing my toilet or meticulously sucking my toes while I sip a crisp pinot gris and tell you everything I love and hate about you or wearing a chastity cage while you take my packages to the post office. Every moment you are mine will be a moment basking in the almost-painful radiance of my scrutiny and judgement; those memories will carry you, glowing from the inside out, through the rest of your pathetic mundane life. Your time with me will be the only time you feel fully alive and you will crave it endlessly. 
The love of a Goddess is a fearsome and and towering presence and I expect you to cower before me in awe. I have no strong preferences for your appearance; chemistry is chemistry and all are beautiful and stained by mortality in my eyes. In addition to your mundane services I will require your participation in the following holy activities.
Worshipping, massaging and grooming the Heavenly Cunt, the Blessed Feet, and the Holy Flesh.
Pegging. I expect to examine and test the sanctity of your hole and watch you writhe and scream and moan and thank me as you come on my merciful and generous cock. If you are new to pegging we will work up to this. 
Orgasm denial. When and If you come it will be at my whim. While I have focused on the warmth of my blessings, as that is my ultimate nature, I can be capricious and cruel to serve the Higher Purpose. (Myself.) 
Cock denial. However cherished you are for the whole of your being you are undeniably profane and The neither the Sacred Pussy nor the Sacred Ass will not be violated by your mortal worm. 
That said, with time and effort you may be rewarded certain privileges such as cumming on my feet or breasts. You are my acolyte in pleasure, but you will learn that pleasure does not come just with cum. 
Total obedience. Your role and my expectations will be discussed in detail in advance and within your time of worship I will expect your total obedience to my wishes. You will have a safeword and will practice using it. 
Offerings and gifts. The gifts and offerings you make to me must come wholly from your heart to honor my Divinity and beg for my mercy when I push you to the edge. Regular cum tributes, especially when we are in the negotiations phase, will be expected. As a long term worshipper you will shower me with priceless tokens of affection and gratitude offerings in the form of handwritten notes, prayers, locks of hair, art through which I will guide and inspire you, et cetera. 
Many, many more kinks I’m thrilled to describe in even more painstaking detail. However: I am not interested in pure masochism. I am a Hedonist and view all physical and mental suffering as paths to the greatest and most Transcendent pleasure. You should be interested in pain as one of many flavors of control I will wield over you but not the primary method; While I will shower you in the light and love of my Brilliant Presence you should also expect that I will humiliate you for the sake of my entertainment. I want to watch your little cock squirm in embarrassment and glee as I finger your pathetic wet slut hole. I will laugh at your dribbling mortal orgasms, when I allow your dribbling mortal orgasms, and pity that you’ll never come as hard as I do. (But I’ll still try to help you come as hard as I do, it’s quite fantastic.)
- This will be a cerebral, spiritual, magical experience for both of us with the goal of genuinely improving our lives. We will not be entangled outside of this arrangement; we will share the freedom to pursue other entangements provided we adhere to strict safety and testing rules. Again, your worthless little cock will not be permitted the Divine Cunt. In all play we will be safe, sane, and consensual foremost.
Are you still reading? I’m so proud of you darling, you’re an excellent candidate already. This is the kind of steadfast devotion and loyalty I demand from you. My every word is a Divine gift and blessing, a honeyed treat placed on your tongue, and you are helpless to stop devouring me. You are so hungry. You are so thirsty. You are willing to try so, so hard, and give so, so much, and at last I have arrived to save you from your aimless, empty life. 
Is your cock hard and straining yet? I hope so darling. I do want to find you - I think we can offer each other so much. 
Please continue.
You must format your application as follows. Incorrectly formatted submissions will not be considered. 
Message Title: As you wish
Your name
Your preferred title(s) - choose all that apply: Slave, servant, worm, pig, little boy, bitch, slut, cunt, hole, darling, sweetness, honeybear, baby, etc
Or other: What shall I call you? 
Describe first time you will serve me. For the sake of your fantasy, I am a red-headed green-eyed BBW. You will receive pictures - lots of them - when I deem you worthy. 
What are your hard limits? 
Have you ever experienced anxiety or fear during a BDSM scene or during other sexual activities? 
What kind of aftercare do you need? (Snuggling, a shower, snacks?)
What is your safeword or do you prefer red/yellow/green?
Why should I choose you, little worm? What can you offer me? 
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sereisstuff · 5 years
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜 7
Demon! Kim Taehyung x chubby reader
The tales purpose - you accidentally summoned the prince of darkness and now he wants something in return, so he makes you his fiance to trick his father Hades into giving him the crown.
summary - Taehyung doesn’t like the feeling of his new profound emotions but you still contemplate yourself in the presence of the demi-god of love
Genre’s - romance, fantasy, comedy and angst
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“Where is she?” Namjoon asked curiously, his large framed glasses sitting neatly on the bridge of his nose as he grasped his books with security, composing himself and then examining his tucked-in button-up “a greeting would have been much delighted” Taehyung snarked making Namjoon internally groan, never missed you, he thought. The comment making Taehyung pout dramatically.
Their figures were drowned out by the population of mortals desiring a decent coffee to begin their day, Taehyung chuckled knowing all too well that most of the coffees sold here were absolutely disgusting but due to the aesthetically pleasing look of the cafe catching the eye of everyone, they assumed it was delicious, wrong.
“Well that wasn’t very nice Namjoonie”
“You guys fought didn’t you” Namjoon fixed his glassed that began to slip, smirking to himself as he watched his friend looked anxiously away and for the first time Namjoon witnessed something other than lust and rage coursing through his demonic friend “I dare not call it a fight maybe somewhat a disagreement” Taehyung cooly played off what clearly was an argument.
“Disagreement in what term?” Namjoon questioned, thanking the waitress who set his iced coffee down onto the table, Taehyung gagged at the smell “the indecency is bewildering, honestly if you can’t make a good coffee why open the shop” he complained completely off task, “focus!!” Namjoon ordered snapping his fingers in the air sassily, gaining a raised brow from the demigod, “someones grew some balls overnight” this sly comment had managed to snap Namjoon catching even himself off guard, he calmly inhaled the fresh scent of coffee beans and untensed his shoulders.
“Why did you call me?” he politely asked taking a sip of his coffee as he hummed in pleasure, the young demigod rubbed a finger between his brows too eager to hide whatever he was supposedly hiding so clearly in his mind yet he couldn’t submit an answer to even himself “you like the girl don’t you” Namjoon blurted.
Taehyungs eyes widened and then he stood up in a hurry “why would you assume such a thing, a mortal, PFT. That’s low even for me Kim Namjoon” Taehyung rambled on and on continuously making up excuses as to why his liking to you was zero to none and all Namjoon did was wait patiently, something he’s good at, analyzing Taehyungs posture, the way his body moves when he speaks. Searching for signs.
“...even the way she frowns when she’s curious just, ugh” he sat back down running a hand through his thick locks so desperate to find the cure to his unknown feelings, Namjoon smiled, not in a condescending way but more in a way where new life and plot was found, in a way that he was beyond happy one could barely measure and it was all because the thought of angsty love softened his heart.
“I’m fucked aren’t I” Namjoon patted his back in reassurance “you’ll be fine plus she doesn’t meet your father anytime soon, it’ll give you more time to assess yourself” but taehyung gazed up at his friend, gazing into his glasses examining his thick lashes all while narrowing his eyes “she meets him tomorrow” He revealed stupidly. Namjoon gasped releasing a loud laugh bounding in fits of wheezy laughter “in more poetic words, thou shall see thy partner in the depths of flames” Namjoon had tears pooling in his eyes as he slapped his thighs turning them light pink.
During his laughter he heard a crack emit from somewhere, opening his eyes as he saw a smug Taehyung through the lens of his cracked glasses “seriously!!, you know your incredibly petty” Namjoon snapped “can’t help it” Taehyung shrugged, Kim Namjoon was once mistaken as a god, even Taehyung couldn’t differ the difference between the intelligent mortal and his own kind due to his own inability of seeking past Namjoons fabricated walls of spells and protections.
They sat in silence for a moment watching the mixture of emotions the little demon phased through, biting and itching at his skin for a few seconds before growling and replacing his lost puppy look with a darkened glare “fuck it” he spat, gripping at the sides of the table hunching his back over it to bend down to his friend who seemed more than disturbed with the outcome of this extremely small talk.
Namjoon shook his head “you can’t go to her in this state Taehyung you must let her be” Namjoon commanded in hushed tones, trying to settle his friends raging feelings “why should I!?! It’s all her fault” The witch shook his head, sighing in a disapproving way as he tilted his head down before gaining the will power to stare into his obsidian orbs once more.
“You have to remember that you, Kim Taehyung, Son of Hades. Let a mere mortal overcome his emotions when all he had to do was his daily duties, one can’t control fate but the past was your mistake she is not to blame but this” now Namjoon stood, strong and powerful, poking at Taehyung’s chest with his middle finger “this thing you call a heart is to blame, you fell before she even had time to know your name” and with that, he left, thanking the barista as the bells chimed upon his exit.
Taehyung breathed heavily, glaring so harshly into the table that began cracking under his fingertips unaware of the crowd of people who gasped as a shaky waitress stumbled her way over to Taehyung, placing a soft hand against his shoulder making Taehyung snap his head in her direction fighting the urge to throw her body across the cafe “sir, a-are y-you alright?” she tried but Taehyung shoved her hand of wincing at the contact.
“I’m fine” he swore harshly, rushing out of the cafe to find you.
You walked in the middle of the forest, following the deep muddy path which was created by the multiple cars racing through at odd hours of the day which you weren’t bothered about, you only came here to clear your head of these aching thoughts, the forest did a great deal in this, admiring the tall trees rooting deeply in the earth just like you, who had already removed your shoes palming at the damp floor with your toes as you refreshed your mind.
Although you wished time was no longer a thing, you cursed knowing that it was as the flap of a wing could be heard not too far from you and yet it wasn’t a bird, definitely not, this thing sounded large and the wind blew harshly as it landed just beside you “Hello” a high pitched voice said, out of shook you opened your eyes quickly with the mild pace of your heart racing like it was on a track.
There standing in front of you was jimin, a cute smile on his lips “H-hey” you replied, flinching away from him with a suspicious gaze noticing the effect it had on him, feeling your emotions as if they were his own, he frowned “I’m not a threat, y/n” he tried to place a reassuring hand on you but you continued to flinch causing him to feel a trip of guilt erupting in his stomach “I won’t be too sure about that” you muttered unconsciously, remembering the outburst which happened last night causing you to go through a series of vivid nightmares which still shook your core.
All because Taehyung believed you.
“I assure you y/n, I won’t hurt you I-i just don’t have many people to tag along with so I thought I could possibly tagalongwithyou?” he rushed the ending with his hands crossed neatly behind his back, his eyes no longer existed but moon crescents took their place instead “well if you wanna stand in the dirt with me, then please, feel free” you lowered you guard feeling that he wasn’t, in fact, a threat.
You began to notice his white wings stretching behind his back which brought a gasp from your lips “what is it?” jimin yelled, looking behind his back only to see his own wings of purity behind him “oh, those”
“I didn’t see those at the party” your tone was now laced with curiosity, “just a trick I learnt from my friend to hide them away, some mortals are quite far gone within hade’s underworld that my wings would be cut off and show in pride if I was to show them out in public,” Jimin said sadly, stripping himself of his shoes and digging himself into the cold damp floors just like you “mortals are hilarious” 
Jimin looked at you knowing deep down that those feelings of love were because of the person you were thinking about, getting him all excited after all he was the son of aphrodite “is something, Taehyung would say” he finished for you making you hum in enjoyment.
“What does it feel like?” you blurted out, eyes shut tight with anxiety crippling at your insides but you cleared your thoughts replacing those once dark thoughts with innocence, spiritually holding mother natures hands in your own as you began to relax again “you mean love?” he already knew what you were going to ask, one of his many gifts.
“well it’s like a deep intense feeling of warmth, some may not know their in love, some may only come to the conclusion when it’s too late but I’m not too good at explaining it?” you silently agreed with every word.
“Well, now I can admit that I’m glimpsing in love and I don’t know if I wanna fall deeper or run”
(I’m back but not for too long cause I’ve had this in my drafts for a while soo I thought why not also happy new years, my loves, following this chapter will be another chapter for our water spirited friend Jeon Jungkook, please comment and or reblog I’m not too fussed if you don’t at all, xoxo.)
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aclvallejos · 3 years
How I chose my major (TCM)
I started my college life journey way back in the year 2015. Enrolled myself in BS Civil Engineering program due to the reason that my relatives are also graduates of engineering courses, passed the board exams and became licensed engineers. I wanted to become one though not to mention the fact that my grandma also pushed me to pursue it. However, part of me has no interest (or shall I say I became lax) in attending classes, solving mathematical problems and accomplishing plates for our surveying. Rather, I go out on parties and night galas with my barkadas to the point that I forgot to set my priorities straight. With my studies left behind, I continued hanging out with my friends, enjoying my teenage phase that has been lit up enormously. And as result, my grades are consistently dropping. Without having summer classes, I am left with no choice but to shift to other course (this was also the advice of my former program chair). Engr. Nestor Ibañez told me to transfer to B.S. Information Technology so that majority of my minor subjects will be credited, but the IT program that time was full already. The department chair of BSIT referred me to BSTCM — under Ms. Doreen Cuevas-Rañada. As we were walking to the LRC building, I asked the staff who was with me helping me out, if what TCM is all about. I remembered asking its difference from Mass Communication. She answered me that it’s best for me to know more about the course along the way than her explaining to me because she’s afraid that I might not be interested considering that both my old and new courses are way too different from each other. Little did she know, I love learning more about communication and to be a communicator someday. One factor for this excitement is that I am formerly participating in Journalism competitions when I was in grade school and high school. I’ve been part of our school paper publications and many more. I know TCM is more than these but just a glimpse of its beauty made me stoked for more. I’ll be able to write and talk in front of many people again though I am harnessing my skills in hosting in our church events, still I wanted to do it in school activities also. Public speaking like Tedtalks was one of the many things I am looking forward upon entering the program. Also, to widen my knowledge in communication and how it is crucial in our daily lives. With the grace and favor from our Lord, I am able to continue my studies. I may experience late-graduate shaming, but it’ll never be a reason for me to stop. I learned these things the hard way, that if I keep on not focusing on my studies, I might not get the degree and march while wearing a black toga that I’ve always wanted. God has always been good, sustaining my needs physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. By far, I am enjoying what I do and at the same glorifying God in my studies.
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paramathmaguru · 4 years
Spirituality - Definition - The True Inner Meaning
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Spirituality is one word which places a human being on the highest pedestal of life. It is area of Spirituality traveling on which one reaches the last leg of cosmic life nay the kind of human being himself! The objective of Spirituality is acquiring salvation (moksha in Hinduism)! From the beginning of the initial indication as an amoeba to the last symptom (the 8.4 millionth indication) ... the goal of every life remains the very same. The stage of life as a human being announces that the life has come full circle. It is only as a human being that can get informed (reach the phase of Nirvikalpa samadhi) as well as attain salvation (moksha in Hinduism). Reaching the stage of knowledge is the last action in the field of Spirituality. Spirituality is living life as it was meant to be ... not as we may have preferred or wanted living it. Living a life of selection is not the forte of all humans. Those on the course of pure Spirituality ... real candidates of Spirituality are occasionally able to colonialism by establishing absolute control over it. It is a certain reality that only the true candidates of Spirituality become the masters of their destiny. Purposefully or unwittingly lots of people that have a materialistic objective in life traveling the course of Spirituality and come to be effective in life. It was not an occurring by chance ... all was the result of a law which can not err. These highly well-known individuals unknowingly step the path of pure Spirituality as well as attained the goal of their life. Spirituality in various other terms suggests that before we ask God the Almighty for product treasures to be presented upon us ... we need to compensate by providing something equivalent or much more back to the neighborhood. This is the course embarked on by most successful entrepreneurs. In terms of Spirituality we are not expected to get anything unless we assure to do something in return ... in the system of God there is justice all throughout. As we desire ... so shall be the equivalent karma we would certainly be required to carry out. Mere incorrect assurances bring us nothing. It was the strong suit of JRD Tata that he constantly enjoyed his nation and the compatriot. The advantage of the society was leading in his mind constantly. The prime reason that the Tata Empire is known as the structure contractor of India! Tata name itself is representative of developing a technological Empire for the advantage of entire nation. This is what Spirituality is all about. JRD Tata was a trustee par excellence. According to him whatever belonged to God as well as he was just a trustee performing the determines of God. In his life time he never built a house for himself. His love for the product treasures of life did not appear to exist in all. His every endeavor was aimed at boosting the lifestyle of human life and the country in its entirety. What a worthy persona JRD Tata was ... a true karma yogi indeed! He did not live Spirituality instead Spirituality resided in him. He was an ideal example of how a true spiritual hunter should live his life. JRD might have never ever confessed that he lived a spiritual life however unknowingly he practiced Spirituality every moment of his life. JRD Tata complied with the determines of Bhagwad Gita throughout his life unconsciously. Apart from being a real karma yogi ... he also excelled in educating the core values to the society. He was among the rarest kinds that have ever emphasized environment as product riches and also comforts in life never ever attracted him come whatever may. JRD Tata excelled in human worths to the degree that also most established people on the path of pure Spirituality get overshadowed by his accomplishments. Spirituality is not only looking for the domain name of God yet also in day-to-day matters of life every human being demands to exercise Spirituality. The popular stating, "whatever we want others to do unto us ... we ought to do unto them" develops the core mentors of Spirituality. It is not merely a claiming. It needs to be exercised in reality as was taught as well as advocated by Napoleon hillside in his well-known publications "think and grow rich", "master key to treasures" as well as the well-known "regulation of success in sixteen lessons". These three Scriptures publications by Napoleon hill ... "Believe and also grow abundant", "opener to treasures" and the well-known "law of success in sixteen lessons" create the core of Spirituality. There is no argument regarding that. At every phase Napoleon hillside has actually forecasted that prior to we can anticipate anything from God we require to provide something back to the area. He was also a true practitioner of Spirituality from heart. Spirituality definitely aids one take control of fate. As we proceed on the path of pure Spirituality we often tend to develop a favorable method in the direction of life. Reeling at all times under a positive mindset of mind ... One has the ability to make improvements those vital aspects of life which are an absolute should if one needs to come to be the master of his own destiny. Spirituality makes a perfect guy out of a negative thinker. In the field of Spirituality there is no place for any negative thinking. One that has actually repaired a goal in life as well as constantly indulges in positive oriented thinking can not be a loser in life. It can never take place! Spirituality drinks the complying with virtues in a person: Spirituality makes you feel constantly that there is something higher than the mere presence as a person. Spirituality spells out that God exists within every living being as our spirit (the atman within). It is God within us which overviews us on the best course whenever we tend to fail. Spirituality instills in every human being a sensation of positive ness all throughout. Drifting on the positive psychological plane brings one closer to our objective of life. It is Spirituality as well as spirituality alone which prompts as well as overviews one in the right instructions whenever we feel cheated by the senses dominating upon us. To be able ahead out of the clutches of the 5 detects is what Spirituality is everything about. If we desire to understand God truly then we require to adhere to the course of pure Spirituality. It is just as a real spiritual candidate shall we understand God one-day. It is a Spirituality which shortens the path and makes the entire world look like a family. In the spiritual domain name there is no area for various religions, dogmas or creeds. Our wanton needs disappear ... the minute Spirituality takes complete control over us! Spirituality absolutely is the significance of life. Nevertheless materialistic we possibly on the earthly airplane ... there shall come a day when Spirituality would entirely wipe us clean of all the contaminations within us. Without Spirituality the life or a human being resembles a rudderless boat going round and also round in the unfathomable sea of life. It is Spirituality which teaches every human being the real worth of life ... being spiritual is not being religious alone ... Spirituality teaches us the core values of life ... the real essence people! It is only through Spirituality that God is able to guide the humanity towards its destined goal. As several human beings ... as various spiritual paths! Right from day one when we are birthed and until the dying breath ... it is Spirituality which keeps our heart pumping throughout. It is Spirituality which gets rid of all doubts that our spirit (the atman within the body) is the actual master as well as our body is yet to degeneration and pass away. Spirituality clears all uncertainties connected to the concept of God. Whenever in doubt ... the wise comply with the determines of the spiritual masters of the era! Every spiritual being merges his identification with the Supreme Being (the Almighty God). Spirituality validates that life has to go on ... it is a trip to be finished in several phases (8.4 million symptoms as a matter of fact). It is Spirituality which validates that the life of a human of 70 to 80 years is however a flow in the total life a span of our soul (the atman within). The total life expectancy of the spirit being an optimum of 96.4 million earthly years! Spirituality has no partnership whatsoever with religious beliefs. Adhering to a religion suggests adhering to the dictates of a successful spiritual master ... one that has actually already covered the trip and also has actually come to be efficient in directing the humanity to its logical end.
  SPIRITUALITY Faith is implied for living a solitary span of earthly life. However Spirituality overviews every living being to its sensible end in the incessant planetary trip taken on by the spirit (our atman within). It is Spirituality alone which gets rid of the anxiety of fatality from those that have actually launched the peak of spiritual life. Spirituality offers you a commanding setting in life. One can benefit over 23 hours each day having actually obtained outright control over rest. This is not only feasible but can be observed by enjoying the upper rung of spiritual masters. The presence of Spirituality in our lives can not be done away with for it creates the internal core of our manifested physical life. Behind every success lies the core of Spirituality which guides one inherently all throughout the planetary trip. In technique ... when I began looking for God at an early age of 13 years ... I was so confused regarding life that I believed it was just the spiritual masters who shall guide me on the ideal course. I was so incorrect. It was at the age of 37 that I was available in call with God one-to-one basis. It was the pinnacle of my spiritual search. My life had come cycle. This was to be my last indication. I had reached the end of cosmic life. The difference between Spirituality and also religion were currently definitely clear to me. Having actually been able to traverse the path as a real seeker of Spirituality and reach completion objective has been an actually enjoyable experience. Whatever I attempt to convey to the community is based upon true personal experience of life. Being my last vacation on Environment I have yet to give the pearls of Spirituality I have actually learned prior to I leave the temporal framework. Spirituality is not to be practiced simply in theory. Spirituality is not consisted of in the spiritual textbooks alone. We all at once require to practice pure Spirituality as well as try getting to completion of the planetary life. Attaining salvation in today life would be something every human being would certainly desire.
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funeraloracle · 5 years
spring equinox pick-a-card
ive never done one of these before, but for the spring equinox and astrological new year, ive decided to start it off with something new! this is my first pick a card, so lets see how it goes.
the way i’ll be going about it is for each pile, ill pull three cards plus an extra that isn’t seen which will serve as a solution, confirmation, and/or contextual evidence. so, meditate for a bit and choose whichever pile calls out the most!
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pile one - five of wands, eight of pentacles, ten of swords.
pile one, you’ve been struggling for quite some time. i dont know if its obvious, but theres a lot of leo energy in this pile, as well as some virgo and potentially sagitarrius. during the winter months, you’ve been struggling to get your ducks in a row, working on a new project or a new job, potentially trying to seek employment. no matter how its gone, you have completely burnt yourself out. this spring, you have hit your low and the universe is urging you to take the break you so need. if you’ve already been burnt out for a while, then this is the universe telling you that you are not alone, a lot of the collective is in this ten of swords energy-- feeling exhausted, alone, unsure. so what is your solution during this time?
death is your extra card, pile one. when we hit rock bottom, there is nowhere to go but up. you are being shown your absolute worst so that you can make the most out of it. you are coming face to face with your fears, doubts, uncertainty so that you can grow, rise from the ashes like the blooms of spring. the world goes on and so do you, you will not perish here. like the morning sun in the ten of swords, you will rise.
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pile two - king of pentacles, eight of swords, seven of cups.
pile two, you have asked, and you shall receive(?). just... not in the way that you’re thinking. i sense a lot of pisces and cancer energy here, as well as some gemini and potentially aquarius. you have asked for change, you have asked for abundance, you have asked for something, and the universe is blessing you with the opportunity to realize this goal, but you aren’t ready for it, you feel. you are blind to this, or unallowing of the ebb and flow/give-and-take of the universes natural structure. you may find yourself overwhelmed with all of the choices and opportunities that you are being presented with, so you shut down and retreat back into the safety and comfort of familiarity. it is possible that someone may approach you unexpectedly, and the suddenness may spook you.
the chariot is your extra card, pile two. do not be afraid of this, this is happening with divine timing. you are being asked to remain vigilant and determined, because the universe isn’t slowing down for you. right now its keep up or be left behind, and if you are serious about your goals and what you want, now could be a very fruitful time for you. but if you get scared and drop the ball, then you will have to wait for the next opportunity. you’re growing out of your pot, pile two-- don’t be afraid to uproot!
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pile three - five of pentacles, four of pentacles, ten of cups.
pile three, you cannot see the forest for the trees. i sense some taurus, capricorn, aries, maybe some libra energy here. you may have spent winter in a state of anxiety over your physical and/or financial status. recently, or very soon during the spring, you may come into a solution for this scarcity and realize that during this time, your relationships have suffered. you may look around and see that you had abundance all along, and that it lied in the people who love and care about you. cheesy as that sounds, spring is all about remembering that abundance comes in many forms, and not just financial. though we may all be struggling with supplies right now, what with the pandemic and the quarantine at the end of winter, we are rich in love. do not forget the people who have always been there, even when money or resources are tight.
seven of cups is your extra card, pile three. with that, i feel as though you may be out of a job or school during this quarantine. this is not without its purpose, you will be okay. this free time is time for you to spend working on spirituality, personal projects, and of course, your relationships. try not to focus on all the bad and give your thanks for what you have. losing financial stability/material stability/routine should show that anything can be swept away with a single rain, but also with the rain comes new blooms.
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pile four - the empress, the king of swords, the three of swords.
pile four, despite what it may look, i see some potential romance in your future. there is aries, virgo, cancer, taurus, maybe even a little leo energy here. you are or have gone through loss, you may come into the astrological new year grieving. whether that’s an ex, a lost opportunity, a loved one, you will feel that wound smart over the course of springtime. but you will also re-discover a whole new sense of self. death brings new life, and you will find new confidence throughout aries season. specifically, i see that you may have to finally communicate your emotions/boundaries and learn to stand up for yourself. clear communication will be imperative through the season, and with mercury finally leaving the post-shadow phase of the retrograde soon, there has never been a better time to start now.
knight of pentacles is your extra card, pile four. you have just begun to manifest something that could have a lot of benefit for you later down the line. don’t drop the ball now because of the nervous collective energy, these signs you are receiving (444, potentially) are confirming that you are on the right path. whatever progress you make now can really benefit you later, so put in those apps, do some networking, put yourself out there.
and finally, an extra message for all piles...
four of pentacles. now is a scary time for all of us, but now more than ever, we need to understand the importance of sticking together. the people who are hoarding resources will realize soon that their efforts have hurt others, and they will have to pay for the part they played in cruelty and misery. the rest of us who are simply trying to stay safe and keep others safe need to practice self control and caution. we need to remain vigilant and remember that not everyone is as privileged as us. this time of peril and scarcity will soon pass, but we aren’t out of the doghouse yet. please take care of each other in the meantime.
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