#shameless loki apologism
loki-cees-all · 9 months
Some Things Are Easier to Say in the Dark {Avengers!Loki x Female Reader One-Shot}
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Cee's Loki Fic Masterlist / AO3 Link
Pairing : Avengers!Loki x Female Reader
Summary : You and Loki absolutely despise each other. A mission to Finland forces you to work together undercover in the days leading up to Christmas, and then a blizzard traps you at an inn with only one bed. Suddenly all those teasing games aren't so fun anymore, and the animosity takes you both down a path neither of you anticipated.
W/c : 6.2k words
Content / Warnings : Enemies to Lovers, Snowed In, Only One Bed, Shameless Smut, Fingering, Teasing, Hate-Fucking, Cowgirl Position
Author's Note : My entry for @sarahscribbles' Christmas Collection, using the ✨ Enemies to Lovers ✨ prompt. Hope you enjoy it, dear!
18+ Only - Minors DNI
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This had to be a joke. 
Not only had you been given the ridiculous assignment of “accompanying” the newest member of the Avengers, the so-called God of Mischief, to Finland. Not only did you know it wasn’t accompaniment, it was actually babysitting, because despite Thor’s intense insistence that his brother be given this chance at redemption, the rest of the team still didn’t quite trust him yet. 
Not only were you sure that this mission was just busy work - a way to simultaneously keep Loki distracted, and away from the prying eyes of the American government and media. And not only had this man single handedly usurped your rise from common S.H.I.E.L.D. agent to the next member of the Avengers, because the dungeons on Asgard were just too cruel for the precious Prince…
But now, there was only one bed left in this entire goddamn inn. 
The sweet old woman checking you in apologized profusely when she broke the news, and you just stood there, silently fuming and clenching your jaw so hard your teeth would be aching for days. Truthfully, you should have known better - it was only four days before Christmas; how could you forget that it was technically a holiday, and that millions of people around the world would be traveling for leisure right now? 
Maybe it was just because you couldn't recall the last time you'd taken a vacation, or the fact that you hadn’t spent a holiday with loved ones in years. Or maybe you’d been cursed somehow - most likely by the man standing next to you, with an infuriatingly charming grin on his face.
“Please don’t worry about it, my dear, we’ve just had quite a long day of traveling,” Loki gently assured the woman, reaching for her hand as she all but cowered in fear at your palpable rage. She seemed to relax as Loki soothed her, and you hated that it was him covering for your negative attitude instead of the other way around. “My fiancé - she’s just a bit old fashioned, and she wants to wait until marriage, you see...”
The woman smiled as if he was describing kittens snuggling together on a cold and rainy evening, and you were this close to absolutely losing your temper; he was already deviating from your mutually agreed upon cover story, that you were simply colleagues traveling to the Muotkatunturi Wilderness Area on a research trip, and he intentionally chose his own cover story to replace it - one that was designed to deliberately piss you off. 
You knew Loki could feel the anger radiating off your skin, and he turned towards you with a smile of his own as he continued to act as your doting fiancé. “And I’m determined to make that a reality. I promise, I’ll be fine sleeping on the floor, alright, darling?” 
He slipped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer, his emerald eyes shining as he surely relished in your discomfort. You tried to focus on that, on how angry you were at him about everything - instead of his warm embrace, or how inviting his scent was. 
“Well, you’re in luck. We’ve got the most comfortable floors in all of Rovaniemi!” the woman laughed as she returned to filling out the guestbook.
It was humiliating, but it seemed as though you had no choice. You let out a heavy exhale, deciding it would be easier to just go along with his story and get this interaction over with as quickly as possible. Your only saving grace was that this was temporary - soon this reconnaissance mission would be over, and sooner or later Loki would ruin the good graces of Tony and Steve and be sent back to the dungeons on Asgard. 
But until then, you were going to have to find a way to make him pay for all of this later on.
“There’s my girl. Always the brave little soldier,” he purred softly, leaning down as if he was going to kiss you. Your eyes widened in panic, desperately fighting the urge to push him away and possibly punch him in his handsome face, but Loki caught the hint and quickly looked the other way. 
You turned your attention back to the front desk as the woman fiddled with the paperwork, and a group of figurines for sale caught your eye, nestled among the garland and twinkling lights. A wicked grin crept across your face as you nudged Loki’s ribs unplayfully. “Look, dear - they’ve got some Odin statues for sale. Shall we buy some to hand them out with our Christmas gifts this year?” 
Loki’s gaze slowly descended into madness, and you cheered silently once you were sure you’d gotten under his skin. His jaw tightened, along with the hand pressed against your ribs, but the woman smiled happily, unaware of just who she was talking to. 
“Ah, yes - these make excellent souvenirs!” the woman laughed as she picked up one of the figurines, admiring the wood carving with a loving eye. “Did you know that the myth of Santa Claus is based partially on the myth of Odin - and that it all started right here in Rovaniemi?” 
“Oh, I had no idea!” you lied, almost giddy with how much this was going to piss Loki off. “Could you tell me more about that? I find Norse mythology to be just fascinating…Of course, that pesky God of Mischief certainly leaves a lot to be desired, wouldn’t you say?” 
She opened her mouth to answer, clearly very pleased that someone was finally so interested in her offerings, but Loki quickly interjected with barely contained rage. “Actually, if you could just focus on retrieving our room key now, I’d really appreciate it.” 
“What is the God of Mischief’s name? Loki, or something like that?” you continued with absolute delight, slipping your arm around his waist the way he’d done while teasing you. “Pretty ridiculous name, if you ask me. Thor’s name is so much more elegant…”
“Well, it’s funny you should mention that. The name Loki actually means - ”
“The keys! Now. Please,” Loki snapped as he yanked your arm away, gripping your wrist so hard you were sure it was going to leave a bruise. That was definitely going in your mission report once you’d returned to Stark Tower.
The woman faltered briefly, clearly not expecting the charming man to shift his attitude so abruptly, but she reluctantly obliged and began rummaging around in a drawer for a set of room keys.
“You’ll have to excuse my fiancé, m’am…He just doesn’t believe in all that Norse mythology nonsense, even though I think it’s super interesting…” you smirked as Loki stewed with indignation. “But it’s just this one night that you have to endure the tall tales of Norse mythology, and then we’re off to Inari in the morning…aren’t we, sweetheart?”
The sweet old woman furrowed her brow as she pulled the last set of keys from the drawer and extended them over the counter. “Oh, didn’t you hear about the blizzard arriving tonight? They’re saying it’s the storm of the century. I doubt you two will be going anywhere for a while.”
Loki’s face fell alongside yours, and you both turned to the woman with matching grimaces. “I beg your pardon?” 
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Your mood quickly soured by the time Loki led the way upstairs to your room; of course there was a blizzard incoming, and of course it would mean you were trapped here longer than anticipated with the most inconsiderate man alive. He took the stairs two at a time, leaving you behind to struggle with your luggage, while his belongings were no doubt stored easily inside that stupid pocket dimension of his. 
If just one more thing went wrong on this trip, you feared you might actually lose it - consequences be damned. 
By the time you made it down the hallway to the door of your room, Loki was casually leaning against the wall with his arms folded across his chest and a brooding expression on his face. If you didn’t hate him so much, it would have been a beautiful sight to behold. 
“Hey, thanks for offering to help,” you called out sarcastically as you made your way over to him. “I’m absolutely shocked by how thoughtful and courteous you are.” 
Loki scoffed and pushed himself off the wall as he pulled the key out of his pocket. “I could have just gone inside and left you wondering which door was ours. You should be grateful I didn’t.” 
“Aww, is someone a little mad that I made him think about Odin?” you taunted, enjoying the way he tensed up again at the sound of his father’s name. 
“No, it was just foolish. Do not make that mistake again…” 
The door swung open and you rolled your eyes as you followed him inside. “Are you threatening me?” 
Loki whipped around with barely restrained fury as soon as the door closed. “We’re meant to be under cover here, yes? So do you really think it’s a good idea to be throwing around my actual name just to infuriate me?” he snapped angrily, eyes blazing and fists clenching at his sides. 
Your stomach did a flip in your abdomen, and you struggled to maintain an air of defiance as he continued. “You don’t know who anyone is here, or who could be listening to our conversations. So keep your mouth shut if you don’t want us to be discovered! Am I being clear?” 
You nodded meekly, because that was all you could manage while kicking yourself. He was right, you were being foolish and forgetting the true purpose of this trip. Hydra could easily have eyes and ears everywhere, and if you kept pissing Loki off, he might not be inclined to save you if necessary. 
And you hated that it might be necessary, because he was a literal God with infinite magic at his disposal, while you were just a fallible little human that he absolutely despised. 
As Loki turned away and started pulling the drapes shut, you distracted yourself with examining the room you’d been given. Three large windows took up the entire outside wall of the room, and on either side of the lone queen-sized bed were two end-tables, each with a dark green lamp providing the only light to the room. A stone fireplace sat on the opposite side of the bed, decorated with greenery and frosted miniature Christmas trees, and a tiny wooden desk and chair were the only other pieces of furniture in the room. 
It was definitely cozy, even you couldn’t deny that, but that just made it worse. In any other circumstances, you might have enjoyed this break; but the Christmas decorations just reminded you of how alone you were, and Loki’s presence only reminded you of how unnecessary you were. 
And it was already starting to get uncomfortably cold inside the room. Just before Loki yanked the last curtain closed, you caught a glimpse of the snow outside; it had quickly transformed from light flurries into heavy sheets of frozen precipitation. You were in for a very cold, very long and lonely night, and daylight couldn't come soon enough.
A deep sense of dread settled in the base of your spine as you realized how long you might be trapped here with this narcissistic, self-important and delusional mockery of all the sacrifices you’d made to get to this point of your career. 
You’d foregone relationships with family, friends and potential lovers to spend every waking moment either training your body or honing your skills, trying to prove your worth and dedication to keeping this world safe from anything that ever threatened it. 
And the planet’s most recent threat, the reason for the Avengers’ very existence, was making himself busy pulling pillows and blankets off the bed to make his own on the hardwood floor. Loki was silent as he worked, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he was actually hurt by your teasing. 
You hated it. You hated this - especially since you hadn’t expected to feel so badly about taunting him. Clearing your throat, you set your suitcase on the chair and pretended to look for something inside. “Look, I’m sorry about what happened before. I guess I’m just…on edge.”
“Why bother?” he replied coldly, and you didn’t know if it was because he wasn’t actually hurt, or if it was because he didn’t care that you were potentially sorry about hurting him. Either way, the dismissal stung. 
You continued rummaging through the suitcase, anything to avoid looking at your roommate for the night. How long had it been since you’d shared such close quarters with another person? Had there been anyone since college? You already felt raw and exposed by the idea of falling asleep within the same four walls as another person; but at the very least, Loki was sticking to his word about sleeping on the floor and not in the bed with you. 
“You’re not worried about the mission? Or the blizzard? Or the fact that we might kill each other at any moment?” you laughed nervously, hoping to at least break some of the tension. 
Loki sighed. “This mission is a joke. The blizzard might be a problem, and yes - we might certainly try to kill each other…but none of that is cause for real concern - not to me, anyway.” 
Your brow furrowed, and you turned to look at him; the God of Mischief was on his hands and knees, arranging pillows and blankets on the floor. It was an amusing sight, and you struggled to maintain focus. “Wait - you think this mission is a joke?”
He paused what he was doing, staring off into the distance with regret in his eyes as if he’d already said too much but couldn’t bring himself to stop. “Don’t think for one moment that I don’t know what this mission actually is…” 
You rubbed your neck nervously, unsure of where he was going with this. 
“I know how easily it would be for Stark to send in his machines to do this reconnaissance, and that the Scepter likely isn’t here. Obviously, I’d be the last person they’d ever want close to it,” Loki continued, pinching the bridge of his nose with his forefingers. “I know the others are probably on the other side of the world recovering it as we speak, and that this mission is completely pointless - hence, assigning you and I to it.”
Your heart sank as he spoke, knowing that he was probably right; that this mission was utterly pointless, that it wouldn’t advance you any further in your career. That the only thing this mission was going to lead to was meaningless and unnecessary frustration and pain for the both of you. 
“I know what they - and you - don’t particularly like or trust me. And you have good reason not to.” Loki cast a tragic glance in your direction before quickly looking away again. 
“So why are you here then? If you don’t want to be here, and if you don’t…” you trailed off, unsure if you should finish that thought. 
Loki sighed and shook his head. “It…doesn’t matter,” he answered sadly, and your heart broke over the entire situation. You didn’t know what to say to make either of you feel better, and it was likely that nothing ever would. 
“There. I think that’ll do nicely,” he announced pleasantly, abruptly changing the subject and rousing you from your pensive thoughts. You glanced over to see a grown man - a God, in fact - standing proudly over the neatly arranged pillows and blankets on the floor, and for a brief moment you couldn’t help but be amused by the sight - that is, until you noticed the state of your sleeping quarters for the foreseeable future. 
“You stripped off most of the bed!” you protested angrily, examining the three paltry blankets left to keep you warm overnight. 
“On the contrary - I stripped precisely half of the bed,” Loki replied as he began to remove his coat. “Of course, there’s a simple and quite easy way to double your warmth if you’re so concerned…” 
“Absolutely not.” The words came out harsher than you’d intended, but even just sharing four walls felt way too close to him; sharing a bed was probably way more than you ever could handle. 
“Fair enough. Shall I light a fire to keep us warm then?” Loki offered without skipping a beat, the sudden change in his tone giving you multiple rounds of whiplash. He stepped over to the fireplace to examine it, running his hands over the stone hearth’s arch before crouching next to the pile of logs. 
How was he able to switch so suddenly, from profound soundness to being so thoughtful? You wanted to accept the kindness and be grateful for the change in tone, but all it did was put you on edge. You sat down on the bed and began to unlace your boots, still desperately trying not to look at him. “Don’t bother on my account,” was all the response you could manage. 
The room was silent for a moment, and you could almost feel the gears turning inside Loki’s head as he tried to come up with something else to say. But why was he trying so hard? You had been counting on him retreating into himself the way he always did back at Stark Tower, or worst case - that he would be deliberately messing with you, making your life hell and again ruining your chances at proving yourself worthy. 
You could feel his gaze boring into the back of your skull as your boots clattered to the floor. And when he still hadn’t tried to speak, you cautiously looked over your shoulder to him. “Was there something else you wanted?” 
Loki sighed and let his eyes drift away as he shook his head. An expression of restrained exasperation crawled across his features as he made his way to the makeshift bed on the floor. “Nothing. I don’t need anything from you…” 
Your brow furrowed and guilt poured into your veins with every step he took. But guilt about what? You weren’t friends. You owed him nothing. This was just a mission - nothing more, and nothing less. You opened your mouth to speak, but Loki was already laying down on the floor with his back to you, clearly uninterested in speaking anymore that night. 
The room seemed colder after Loki withdrew. It was an odd, incredibly distracting feeling - one that you hadn’t ever prepared yourself for, and didn’t have the energy to explore at the moment. Sleep was calling out to you, beckoning you closer as it always did whenever the feelings all became too much. 
It took so much effort to crawl underneath the three blankets on your bed, and you didn’t even bother changing out of your street clothes before cocooning yourself inside. You thought about everything in your life that had led up to this incredibly excruciating moment, all the choices you’d made and the pain you’d gone through. 
All that sacrifice, and where had it gotten you?
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Sleep did not come easy for you that night. Despite your body exhausted from travel and the gentle bed cradling your wearied soul, you laid awake far longer than you would have expected. So many thoughts flitting uncontrollably across your mind, so many shivers slipping along your frigid bones. 
A cold draft seeped in through the seams of the windowsills as the snow poured down outside. You were still awake, curled up on your side with the blankets pulled tight around your narrow frame. Eyelids pulled shut and breath held cautiously, you struggled to keep from shivering too much as you imagined Loki on the floor. 
He had to be colder than you were, and part of you wanted to ignore his possible discomfort. He deserved it, didn’t he? Maybe if he was more pleasant to be around, it wouldn’t have to be like this. 
But another part of you hoped he’d be so uncomfortable that he’d ask to join you in the bed. Your thoughts returned to when he had slipped his arm around your waist earlier that evening, and you struggled to keep your heart rate in check. It was wrong, you knew it was so wrong because you were supposed to hate him, the villain who had terrorized New York City, and he was supposed to hate you, a simple mortal who was only good for kneeling. 
“I know you’re awake.” His voice was a whisper, a small shadow in a room full of empty ones. You slowly opened your eyes, your pupils taking their time to adjust the dark and make out the furniture inside the room. You wanted to sit up, to peer out into the world and see if he looked any different on the floor. 
“Can’t sleep. It’s too cold,” you murmured softly, barely able to even pull the blankets tighter around you. 
Loki sighed off in the distance. “The power’s been knocked out by the storm, so the heating’s off.” 
It was only then that you realized the bedside table lamps had gone out. Too busy retreating inside yourself, the only warm place you had left. “Oh. Hadn’t noticed.” 
“I could light the fire now, if you’d like.” 
No, you thought. No, that won’t do. That’s not what I want from you. “Why are you being so nice to me now?” 
Loki stirred on the floor, presumably shifting underneath his blankets. He could be sitting up right now, looking at you in the dark and you wouldn’t ever know. “Some things are easier to say in the dark.” 
You thought for a moment, wondering about how to beckon him closer without risking rejection, or your dignity. This shouldn’t happen; and yet, it never ever would in the light. “Then let’s stay in the dark.” 
Loki didn’t respond, and silence descended upon the room again. You couldn’t stop the shivers tormenting your flesh, and your teeth clattered together as you waited for a response. This time, you were sure you were going to freeze to death, despite burning in the waiting, and yearning, and longing that rolled up and down your spine. 
“But where there’s light…there’s heat,” Loki finally answered. His voice was closer, much closer now; he’d stood up, and maybe he was right next to the bed. Could you reach out and touch him? Should you?
“I’m doing just fine in the cold.” 
Loki chuckled, and you felt the blankets pull away as the mattress dipped under his weight. “You shouldn’t lie to the God of Mischief, dear,” he whispered softly as he settled in behind you, curling his knees behind yours and brushing his nose against your ear. 
His body was so very warm, and you were aching for his touch. “I think it’s only fair. You came to my bed, and left your blankets on the floor…” you sassed, unable to help yourself. 
“You want me to retrieve them?” Loki’s voice carried the slightest hint of mockery as he started to pull away. You panicked and grabbed his hand, eagerly pulling his arm back around your waist. 
“So fussy…” he murmured with a smile, his voice hot against your neck as he settled in to spoon you once more. “You want heat, but not light. You hate me, but you want me close…” 
You melted in his arms, and forced out a soft, defiant sigh. “You have no idea what I want…” 
“And you do?” He matched your sigh with one of his own, and pressed his hand flat against your stomach, moving languidly over the fabric of your many shirts and jackets. You could feel how much he wanted to move his hand upwards to more stimulating areas, and it was so very thrilling. 
“So what do you want, hmm? Why did you tell the innkeeper we were engaged, when that wasn’t our planned cover story?” you whispered, shifting your hips and ass against his crotch. 
Loki swallowed a deep groan, and you could feel your own arousal beginning to coat your inner thighs. His hand latched onto your hip, but he didn’t stop you from moving. 
“Was it just to piss me off, or was it because you wanted to pretend it was true?” you continued, shifting back against him and hoping the movement would cause your clothing to reveal a little bare skin. 
“The…first option. Obviously…” Loki whispered, his lips grazing over the shell of your ear as his hips started to grind against yours. 
You swallowed back a moan, trying desperately to ignore his hardened length against the swell of your ass. “Which one of us is the liar now?” 
“Gods, do you ever stop talking?!” he hissed as he began rummaging underneath your jacket, eagerly searching for bare skin as he pulled your shirt upwards. His hand finally found your bare hip, and his touch was white hot as he began unbuttoning your jeans. 
This time, you didn’t bother hiding the moan, and you twisted ever so slightly underneath the sheets to encourage him to keep going. Your heart beat frantically in your chest and your lips parted, intending to tease him one more time with the brattiest ‘make me’ ever spoken aloud…
And then his fingers dipped beneath the waistband to slip between your slick thighs. 
The sound that tumbled from your lips was equally parts gasp and whimper as his fingertips grazed over your soaked clit, and his breath was heavy against your neck. “There we go. That’s more like it…” he whispered breathlessly, slowly dragging his fingers back and forth. 
Your thighs drifted apart, as much as they could while trapped inside the unyielding jeans, and your hips rolled eagerly as he pressed harder against your clit. Heat flooded your veins, pooling beneath your cheeks and spilling out of your lungs as you whimpered for more. 
Loki slipped his other arm around your shoulder, those fingers curling in your hair as his lips started to kiss and suck along your neck. “So sensitive…have you always been this wet for me?” 
“Yes…” you moaned honestly, unable to deny it any longer. You’d say anything to make him keep going, to keep those delicate fingers pressing and massaging and coaxing endless satisfaction from you. 
“That’s a shame. We could have been doing this the whole time then…” he groaned heavily, shuddering and sighing along as if he was getting as much pleasure out of this as you were. 
“Oh, my god - Loki!” you gasped as he slipped a finger inside, slowly pushing and withdrawing it from your swollen, throbbing pussy. Your hips bucked with his movements, and your fingers curled around your clothing, desperately trying to pull and shift to give him more room to work. 
Loki smiled against your neck, and brought his lips up to nibble on your earlobe as he added a second finger. “This feels good, doesn’t it? You’re enjoying what I’m doing to you?” 
That familiar coil of release was beginning to contract inside your core, tighter than it ever had before. Frantic whimpers of ecstasy fell from your lips, unashamed and without second-guessing. With your eyes closed and your hips writhing, you moaned louder and louder as your climax approached. 
“Careful, little one. Do you want the innkeeper to hear us breaking our vows of chastity?” he taunted in a low, thrumming voice against your ear. 
“I don’t care, I don’t care! Just, please - keep going!” 
Loki’s fingers moved faster still, skillfully and without hesitation, as if he was completely determined to bring you to Heaven himself. But just as the floodgates were about to open, just as you were about to come so very hard, he cruelly withdrew his fingers. 
“What?! No!” Your eyes flew open in shock as the pressure receded and the coil in your belly began to loosen. 
Loki gazed at you with a triumphant grin on his face, his emerald eyes blazing in the dark. “Maybe now you’ll be nicer to me…now that you know what I can do to you…” he murmured, bringing his fingers to his lips and sucking your arousal from them. 
Your mind reeled uncontrollably, so furious and yet still so turned on by the pleasure he’d brought and subsequently taken from you. “I- I can’t believe you…Wh-why would you’d d-do this…?” you stammered, clumsily pushing yourself up to sitting. 
Loki settled on his back, grinning from ear to ear as he watched you struggling to pull your jacket off. “Surely you can. But the real question is…what are you going to do about it, hmm?” 
“Oh, my God, I hate you. I hate you so much,” you groaned as you finally freed the zipper and yanked the jacket off your frame. You stumbled out of the bed, thighs trembling violently as you worked to remove the rest of your clothing. You weren’t lying; you did hate him, but goddammit he was so alluring and you desperately needed to come. 
Loki watched hungrily as you stripped the rest of your clothing away and climbed back onto the bed, settling yourself over his hips. “Well, this is certainly an interesting strategy,” he whispered as he curled a hand behind your neck and pulled your lips down to his. 
You moaned deeply as you kissed him back, violently and passionately moving your lips and tongue with his. You eagerly rolled your bare pussy against his clothed hips, searching for any sort of friction and for a way to tease him more than he’d teased you, to make sure you wouldn’t be denied a second time. 
He met your lips just as eagerly, groaning and moaning against your mouth as he moved his hands to cup your breasts, his thumbs brushing across your nipples and driving you mad with want. Your hands moved to his jacket, grabbing and struggling to align the zipper with the chain and be able to feel his skin directly against yours. 
“Use your magic, undo your clothing…” you whispered frantically against his lips, unable to see or think clearly. 
“Absolutely not. Show me how much you want me…” Loki hummed teasingly, shifting his hands downwards to grasp your ass and force you to roll harder against his hips. 
You grinned, pleased with his words, and pulled back to sit upright on his hips. With your full weight pressing down, you rolled yourself harder against him, and his back arched in pleasure. When his jaw clenched tight and he rolled his hips with yours, you violently pulled the jacket zipper down and then ripped his shirt open. 
“Oh, you are going to pay for that, minx!” Loki hissed angrily as shirt buttons went flying across the room. He pulled his hand away as if preparing to smack your ass, but you ignored it, leaned forward to take his nipple between your lips. 
Loki moaned loudly as you sucked, flicking your tongue as he squirmed and writhed beneath you. His eyes closed and both of his hands returned to your ass, and you matched every one of his moans with some of your own. Vindication and pleasure rushed up and down your spine - and then he finally magicked his clothes away. 
You found yourself pressed directly against the length of his throbbing cock, and you both moaned loudly in unison at the intimate contact. He wasn’t even inside you yet, but you couldn’t believe how amazing it felt already. You shifted to bury your face in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent and basking in the warmth of his naked body as your hips gyrated together. 
The blizzard outside was forgotten, the cold air nipping at your bare skin was no longer a concern, and in that moment you couldn’t remember why you ever hated him. He whimpered in your ear and wrapped his arms tightly around your waist as your hips writhed in unison, and soon that coil was wrapping itself around every fiber of your being again. 
There was nothing anyone could do to stop you from coming this time; in fact, Loki actively encouraged you to keep going through a heated, growling voice. “Yes, take it from me. Let it all out, I’ve got you…” he commanded, his fingers pressing harder into your flesh. 
The orgasm ripped through you, searing every nerve ending as you thrashed on top of him. Your fingers and toes curled beyond what you thought was ever possible, and your muscles kept tensing and relaxing, grinding and rolling in a desperate attempt to keep this pleasure flowing. 
Loki held on tightly, groaning and gasping right along with you until you finally started to come back down. One by one your muscles relaxed until you lay limp, breathing heavily between parted lips on top of him. You were finally sated, with no thoughts passing through you any longer; maybe now you could finally fall asleep…
Satisfied that you had gotten yours - and the better of him - you started to roll away, but his arms tightened around your body, keeping you on top of him. “Oh, I don’t think so, darling. I’m not done with you yet…” 
Your eyes fluttered back open as Loki adjusted your body on top of his, and before you could muster the strength to tease him again, he was pushing himself inside you. It felt incredible, like his body was molded to fit inside yours, and you couldn’t believe he’d somehow figured out what your favorite position was. 
A deep whimper of pleasure was all you could manage as you took him in, his cock pulsating inside you and filling you entirely. Loki moved his hands back down to grip your ass as he began to thrust upwards, his thighs tensing and pelvis tilting to hit your sweet spot. You shifted your knees away from his hips and hovered above them as he drove himself into you over and over again. 
Almost immediately you were on the verge of coming a second time, and you cried out his name as every nerve ending fired off in rapid succession. Loki’s thrusts were relentless as he came apart with you, his fingers digging into your flesh and hips bucking wildly and uncontrollably beneath you. 
You clung to each other the entire time, your minds wracked with pleasure and bodies spent until you were both just panting and laying peacefully in each other’s arms. When clarity returned, you had no idea how to react; should you push him away? Should you say something rude? Was he going to beat you to either of those options first? 
The deepest, most vulnerable part of you just wanted to stay there, lingering in the bliss you both had created with each other. You’d never had a partner this exquisite before, and you didn’t know what you were going to do when you returned home - let alone the next morning. 
You nestled in against his chest and listened to the sound of his heart beating - steadily, calmly, peacefully. Loki kept his arms around you, and his fingers ran through your hair, gently massaging your scalp as he held you close. 
“I’ve got a lot of amends to make,” Loki said quietly, his voice tinged with melancholy. 
You blinked and cautiously brought your hand to his chest, placing it soothingly over his heart. “What do you mean?”
“Earlier you asked why I was here. I’ve got a lot of amends to make,” he repeated, placing his hand over yours. “For New York, for the pain I’ve caused my father and brother, for letting myself be - ” 
Loki swallowed hard and shook his head, and could almost feel the regret swelling in his eyes. There was something important he wasn’t sharing; maybe he didn’t know how, or maybe he didn’t know if he could trust you yet. Something deep inside you longed to earn that trust, something you didn’t quite understand. 
“You don’t need to say it if you don’t want to. But…I’d be willing to listen, whenever you are ready,” you replied sincerely, hoping he’d believe you. And then you continued on, to make a joke and hopefully lighten the mood. “First, though, I think we need to agree to a cease-fire. In the spirit of Christmas, and whatnot.” 
Loki smiled and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I knew you’d be the first one to concede…” he murmured playfully. “But I’m feeling generous. Let’s just call it a draw…” 
Your mind reeled with possibilities, unsure of what to say that wouldn’t make anything worse or ruin the moment. “Really? I thought your hatred of me was permanent…” you answered cautiously. 
Loki shifted his hand to gently grasp your chin, tilting your head to look at him. “I don’t hate you. You just…bewilder and confound me…”
His gaze was soft and warm, and it almost took your breath away. If he was this delicate with someone he found this irritating, how tender could he be with someone he actually loved? And could he ever actually love you someday? 
You forced a smile, and traced his cheekbones with your fingertips, hoping he couldn’t read your thoughts. “I don’t know. Maybe all the teasing and insulting was what made this so good?” you murmured playfully. 
Loki returned your smile, although there was a hint of sadness you couldn’t quite place etched upon his features. “I suppose we’ll see what happens in tomorrow’s light, won’t we?” 
⊱ ─ ༓ ── ⋅•⋅⊰ ─  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ∙ ⋅  ─ ⊱⋅•⋅ ── ༓ ─ ⊰
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dorokora · 1 year
Chapter 14 Episode 5 Part 1:
We start with some monologue from Solomon. If someone gains "something" in this world that is not infinite, others lose "something". I know that it is only plus or minus zero. That's what it means to know everything. So, do nothing, just watch. That is the destiny given to those who are "whole". We cut to the Entertainers bowing to Solomon’s presence. Everyone else are forced to ground by the pressure coming from Solomon. Motosumi ask where the hell could Tianzun be and how can he move in all this pressure. MC’s arm (and Lil’Sal) that Barguest was holding starts flying upward towards Solomon. Tianzun grabs Lil’Sal and tells him to wait a minute and talk to him. Tianzun ask Sal if that’s really his father. Lil’Sal said that “Yes. It's my father who gave birth to me. That face, that voice, that atmosphere, he's definitely the father I know...!”. Tianzun decides to give Lil’Sal some advice, “There is nothing in this world that is perfect. Even if there is, there is no future there. See with your own eyes not only what is there, but what is not there.” After that Tianzun disappears again. King Solomon calls out to Lil’Sal by calling him by his full name, Ars Almadel Salomonis. Lil’Sal ask if that’s really father. Mononobe (?) from inside of Solomon starts speaking, saying yes that’s it is his him and he’s glad Lil’Sal is safe. Kyouma Mononobe, the "memory" of my descendants who once crossed over to the land of the Far East, and my terminal. All the "memories" that I saw in Tokyo exist within me. My name is Solomon the Omniscient. Exception has seen everything in Tokyo.
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We cut to Oscar and MC. Oscar ask MC how does it feel to be an actor who can't stand on the stage, or just a spectator. Oscar is a playwright. Not to be confused with other writers. He takes great pride in being that. Acting not only with words but also with the vessel of the body, It's his job to tell the story, not just write it. That's why he has come to convey "Thank you for your hard work" to the actors who have no more work. Oscar ask MC if they’re enjoying themselves. Quantum ask him “Why are you talking like a villain in a Japanese language textbook?”. Oscar is confused by her. Quantum introduce herself as a utopian transient that was born in a place similar to the one they’re in now. Oscar he doesn’t know about the world of Utopia, he apologizes for his lack of study. After all, he only know "things on stage" and yes he admits to being the villain or at least a villain for MC. A villain is a flower for those who live on stage. Without it, the world of theater wouldn't run. It's annoying, but it's annoying just to be told. Oscar tells MC they would definitely have been beaten if you stayed that way. He was traded off by that Game Masters assassin. The Game Masters are not interested in making the "game" exciting as a game, just continuing it is the Game Master’s job. To never grow old, just to continue the never-ending loop. Among them, there is a professional who kills dragon (Beowulf). His "role" is to fight against the Dragons. To kill someone else and die himself. If MC had met him, they would have died long ago, and Tokyo would have been covered by the "great flood of time", and it would have triggered the next loop. Oscar said whether he’s a villain or not depends on "what perspective you look at it from”. MC ask if hid them here just for that and tell them his plan. Oscar said he’s shameless like that. It is also his job to convince former actors who are unsatisfied with being cast. He came to ask MC a favor as the theater manager. He wants them to enjoy the theater quietly behind the scenes. Saying that he then points his scared artifact at MC. Since MC has one arm and no sword, he’s going to “tease” them for a bit. MC has no choice but to run away with Quantum. Battle start!
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We cut to Loki, Nobumichi, and Ahura. They make their introductions. Loki ask Ahura how does it feel to stand in the same stage of the criminal he once tried. This is his current prison, it’s fate that he and Ahura meet like this. We cut back to Mononobe (?) saying he’s happy Salomonis did a good job while he was away while still showing that perfect smile. Lil’Sal looks at him with suspicion. Lil’Sal ask him if he’s really Mononobe then he should remember when and how he left them. Back to Ahura and Loki, Ahura said Loki’s word are still painful to hear as usual. They’re both in the same position now. After he once managed to get his hands on the trophy in that loop. Everyone has killed MC in previous loops, if you call that a crime then everyone in Tokyo is a criminal. Ahura said if no other witnesses saw that moment, he certainly still remembers it. That’s why he’s come to stand with the Entertainers. Loki said as expected of the Ally of Justice or would it better to call him the Ally of the Entertainers now. But Ahura just smiles it off.
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Back to MC and Oscar. Oscar tells MC “Do you understand now, You have been taken away from the power that was given to you. You're a nobody now. There is no sword to wield, no role to act. So stop trying to stand up and this will be easier”. Just then Tianzun shows up. Quantum recognize him. Tianzun tells Quantum it’s been a while. MC ask her if they know each other. Quntum said Tianzun is the acquaintance from before, a transient like her that doesn’t know if they’re in Tokyo or not. Tianzun addresses MC, telling them that there are performances where even "nobodies" can jump in and participate. Those are called “parades.”
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youlackconviction · 2 years
Honestly I disagree with you guys and what makes me uncomfortable isn’t questioning my own opinions - I don’t care enough about Loki to be made uncomfortable by my thoughts on him - but more the fact that a group of people sitting here stewing like this over a few hours of television with most of that stewing rage directed at women is really fucking unsettling. It’s MRA energy.
quick question for you bestie: if you don't care much about LOKI, what are you doing on my blog? cos my blog is literally only serving takes in support of LOKI... 24/7. seems like it'd be boring reading for you, chum
aside from that...
stop treating "women" like we (yes, we, that's right, i am one) are too fragile and precious to receive any kind of negative opinions, feedback, thoughts, or criticism. it's belittling and insulting.
if you look at the proportion of male vs female that have received criticisms on my blog, by my count we are at 11 male to 5 female*. so i'm not really seeing your misogyny point being borne out by any actual evidence? but go off, i guess.
let people have opinions on things. let people like things and let people dislike things.
true facts - i wouldn't give a shit about a character called sylvie existing except that she was used to obliterate a character that i love. i didn't give a shit about a woman named sophia being hired to portray that character until she started saying real-world things that i found arrogant or offensive. even so, i've never endorsed or incited actual harm against her because that's sick disgusting behaviour, but i don't have to pretend to LIKE her or APPROVE of everything that comes out of her mouth. i can say that i think she doesn't have the first clue who LOKI is or what his story is actually about. i can say that i wish she leaves the MCU and her character dies permanently. i can say that i wish she would shut up talking about LOKI - and about tom too - and stick to her own character in interviews. i can say that i didn't find her performance convincing or plausible, and that i fully believe she was a very weak link in an otherwise strong and experienced cast; who apparently only got the role through being kate's bestie from a previous project. yes i understand how connections work in an industry. but i also understand overlooking those connections if your buddy just isn't right for the role. and i've seen more experienced and talented directors (keywords) pass their mates over in favour of a better fit for the project. i wish they'd done it this time too (not that it could have saved the show but maybe i wouldn't hate her character so much if she'd been played differently. we will never know.)
if my "stewing rage" lol unsettles you so much - you're totally welcome to stop reading my takes? like, you're coming at me via anon so i literally have no clue who you even are, it's not as if i'd even notice if you block me? and, if you want to keep reading, you're welcome to do that too? whether you agree with me or not. you can even invite arguments with me about some of my opinions, if that blows your hair back. but seriously... the name-calling is a little weak. if you want to insult me, do your research and pick something that can actually stick. /advice
*11 males who have been criticised on my blog mike waldron eric martin taika waititi kevin feige mobius m mobius odin borson thor odinson heimdall fandral hogun volstagg
*5 females who have been criticised on my blog kate herron sophia dimartino sylvie laufeydottir frigga sif
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Desperate Measures | Loki x Reader (Part 4)
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A/N: Hey y’all! I wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who’s read this story, I truly appreciate every single one of you. Desperate Measures literally manifested from a random daydream I had a while back and I never could have imagined that it would garner this much traction, so thank you all again. I’m not super in love with this chapter, but nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoy it! (The next part will definitely be more exciting! *Hint* *Hint* ;) )
And if you haven't yet, be sure to check out the previous parts:
Part One Part Two Part Three
Happy Reading! :)
Summary: With permission from the Queen of Asgard, you’re allowed to leave your shift at the palace early to attend your father’s birthday dinner and Loki is adamant on inviting himself. 
Word count: 3136
A warm breeze kissed your cheek as you sat under an oak tree, its shade sheltering you from the blistering summer sun. You were somewhere in the palace’s garden reading, but you couldn't pinpoint exactly where you were in the massive estate. The land stretched on for miles with green grass and daffodils as far as you could see. You picked a spot no one could find—or at least that's what you believed until a voice called out for you and you stood to your feet almost instantly.
“I thought I might find you here,” Roneus said as he approached you.
“I'm sorry,” you began, closing the book on your finger so you wouldn't lose the page. “I was just taking a break.”
“Ahh, I see. And I imagine the balconies weren’t adequate for such a task?” Roneus let out, his words coated with a playfulness he only seemed to have around you.
You shook your head. “Not when the other chambermaids discuss about me as if I were not even there.”
Roneus sighed deeply, letting the sound trail alongside his warm breath.
You studied him head to toe, observing the soft black leather that draped his body, gold details accenting his chest and shoulder blades. It was the uniform of any other guard in the palace but his was pristine as if it had yet to see the trials of battle.
“Walk with me,” he said, extending his hand to you.
You straightened out the wrinkles in your gown, and then took it.
“Isn’t the palace that way?” you asked, turning to look behind you.
“Yes, but we are not going back to the palace just yet,” he answered.
You furrowed your brows at him and a gentle smile sat upon his face.
“Walk with me,” he repeated. “And then we will head back towards the palace.”
Even though you were weary, you wandered through the grass with him. Roneus had never given you any reason not to trust him, and yet that didn't stop you from being cautious. After all, having faith in the goodness of others was not your strong suit. Everyone had ulterior motives for the things they did; what made Odin’s head guard an exception?
“Prince Loki has taken quite the liking to you,” he said as you passed a family of monarch butterflies fluttering over a patch of yellow flowers.
You snorted. “If his way of exhibiting affection was embarrassment and mockery, I'd go so far as to say he was in love with me.”
Roneus laughed softly, his sweet sound like soothing rain on a gloomy afternoon.
“Yes, Loki has his faults,” he said, “but I assure you Miss Y/L/N, Loki has never kept one chambermaid for as long as he has you.”
This made you halt in your tracks. You turned towards Roneus. “Well, then I apologize for limiting him to just one.”
Roneus smiled again. It suited him, smiling. “Prince Loki is not as bad as he is made out to seem.”
You started walking again, welcoming the feeling of long blades of grass brushing against your ankles.
“Roneus, I have only known Loki for a little over a month, and ‘bad’ does not even begin to describe him,” you said, and then took a breath, ready to unleash what you had been keeping to yourself since accepting the position. “He is arrogant and brash, and frankly, shameless. He has no respect for others, especially chambermaids, and he demands the whole world on a silver platter. And I will tell you this, Roneus—I refuse to give it to him.”
“And you shouldn’t.” “And if he thinks that I—Wait, you agree with me?” “I do.” “Why?” “Well, you’ve said it all yourself: Loki is arrogant and brash, and frankly, shameless.”
Roneus stopped to look at you. You paused with him.
“But in many ways, I believe Loki to be quite similar to you,” he said.
“To me?” you asked. “How so?”
“It would be far too easy if I told you,” he answered, and then turned from you.
He started towards the palace, forcing you to hurry after him.
“Roneus!” you shouted. “How are we similar?”
“I also believe you will figure that out in due time,” he said, still racing through the garden.
“Will you at least slow down?” you laughed, nearly out of breath.
“You've got a chamber to clean and I've got a king to protect,” he answered. “Neither of us should be late.”
And you weren't. You and Roneus entered the palace a little past noon, saying your farewells and then departing your own ways. You were headed to the chamber you dreaded visiting most, home to the God you hoped was anywhere but his private quarters.
You pushed open his chamber door and sighed, beggars couldn't be choosers.
“Did you enjoy your garden date?” Loki asked as you entered.
You spotted him almost instantaneously. He was on his bed, tossing an iron cup into the air.
“I was reading, Loki,” you answered.
“My apologies, I didn't realize you require another to read a book to you,” he sneered—his back still against his mattress, the cup soaring high into the air, gravity then pulling it back down towards his palm. “If I had known, I would've offered my own services.”
You wanted to start another fight with Loki just for that comment alone but you bit your lip to stop the words from spilling out. There was no room for complications, not today. You walked to his bed and yanked at the sheets below him as if it were the universal sign for “get off the bed.” The tugging beneath him made his arm twitch, sending the cup in his hand flying across the room.
“Hey!” he shouted as the cup hit the ground with a clang and bounced a few times until it rolled to a stop.
“I need to change them,” you said.
He sat up and bunched the sheets in between his fingers, keeping them taut to his body the more you yanked. “But I have yet to even make a mess of them.”
You laughed. “I’m inclined to disagree, especially with the number of chambermaids coming in and out of here as if it were your own personal brothel.”
Loki let go of his bedsheets and slid towards you at the end of his bed. Even sitting, Loki was just as massive in comparison to you—his face inches from yours, legs spread around your thighs.
“Oh, I see what this is,” he taunted. “You're jealous.”
You took a step back, creating some much-needed space between you.
“Me jealous?” you laughed, “Loki if I recall correctly, you were the one bothered that I was in the garden with your father’s guard.”
“So it was a date! And with Roneus? Really?” Loki spat. “I'd at least expect you to be with someone more—”
“Single?” you finished his sentence. “Yes, I've noticed the ring on his finger.”
Loki shook his head. “I was going to say God-like.”
You said nothing more than demand him off the bed. “Up.”
He obliged, and as you worked, he couldn’t help but watch your every movement. It was as if he were stargazing and you were a constellation, his eyes tracing the outlines of all your bright lights. 
“Look who’s ogling now?” you teased when you were done.
You walked towards him, his old bedsheets rolled into a ball at your chest.
“And mockery is the sincerest form of flattery,” he flaunted.
You ignored him and walked towards his chamber door. Then you stopped and spun around.
“I won't be at supper this evening,” you said. “I just thought you should know.”
Loki’s eyes flickered for a brief moment, you could see the flash of emerald even from so far away. You had piqued his curiosity and now he needed answers.
His flirtatious smile returned to his lips. “May I ask why?”
“No,” you answered, your response as sharp as his tongue.
He took a few steps towards you. This was what he did, everything was an intimidation tactic.
“Y/N.” Your name flowed off his tongue sensually as if he got pleasure out of just saying it aloud.
“If you must know, my mother is having a birthday dinner for my father and I would like to attend,” you confessed, telling him the truth in the hopes that he wouldn't come any closer. “I informed Frigga yesterday.”
Loki moved towards you anyway until his body felt like a hair’s breadth from yours, then he tsked. “And yet you failed to inform me.”
“I'll make sure to do so next time, your highness,” you sneered, curtsying him.
“That will not do,” he said, tracing his hand along your arm and then down your hip. “I could have you doing many gruelling tasks tomorrow as punishment for keeping me oblivious.”
“I did no such thing, Loki!” you protested.
His hand grazed against your behind and you gasped. That made him smile. “I beg to differ.”
“What do you mean to be getting at?” you asked. There was more anger than blood flowing through your veins. “I’m quite well aware of how you play these games.”
Loki’s laugh filled the space around you. It was suffocating, backing you into his chamber door.
“I want to come.”
You bit your tongue to suppress your own laughter.
“You want to come to my father’s birthday dinner?” you questioned, largely in disbelief.
“I’ll meet you at the entrance of the palace when you are to leave,” he said as he opened his chamber door and ushered you out.
“But I haven't said yes,” you countered.
“And yet you haven't said no,” he replied, finally pushing you out into the corridor.
Then he shut the door, ending the conversation as if you had no choice in the matter. But if you were being honest, what choice did you really have? Loki always got what he wanted and for some ungodly reason, he had his sight on you—and all the worse, your family.
                               ४  ४  ४
Loki was all you could think about as you went about the rest of your duties. He held your mind hostage as you washed his sheets. You were consumed with the thought of him mingling with your siblings as you swept Thor’s chamber. Even your delivery to the kitchen of fresh potatoes plucked by farmers from nearby farmlands was riddled with worry of how Loki would react to your simple upbringing. 
Eventually, the end of your shift came and you found yourself approaching the palace’s entrance praying to the gods that Loki would go back on his word. 
“Leaving so soon?” a voice somewhere in the courtyard addressed you, curbing your racing thoughts.
It took you a few moments to locate the voice’s owner. He was leaning against the grand railing at the bottom of the entrance steps surrounded by a group of Asgardian warriors you’ve passed on occasion while roaming through the palace. The wind blew the golden hair out of his eyes, the sun beaming a ray of light upon his face. It was as if divinity was illuminating him just for you to see. 
He watched you descend the stairs towards him. Then he pushed his way through the warriors, all of their eyes falling on you. His charming smile made you blush as he approached.
“I hope it was not something I did to make you depart this early in the afternoon,” he said through his grin.
You met his smile. “No, you’ve done nothing of the sort.”
Thor reached for your hand and helped you walk down the rest of the steps. He moved you towards the warriors made up of three men almost as equally large as the God of Thunder himself. Beside them, a woman with flowy black hair that fell past her shoulders whose dominant presence could command any room.
There wasn’t an inch of you that their eyes hadn’t traced. Their stares were piercing as Thor introduced you. “I would like you all to meet Y/N.”
Then he named them all to you one at a time, left to right. 
“This is Volstagg—he looks big and tough, but I assure you he’s harmless. This is Fandral who will at some point try to lure you to his chamber in which I suggest you run the other way,” he said, laughing at the red that flushed upon Fandral’s cheeks. “This is Hogun. Don’t let his reservedness fool you, he’s really a big softy. And this is Lady Sif. She is the best warrior, I have ever known.”
Each smiled at you and you politely grinned back. It was moments like these, standing beside people who were actually making a difference for Asgard that made you feel most out of place. You could never compare to them, not when the most daring part of your typical day was arguing with the God of Mischief.
Lady Sif gazed at Thor, her eyes asking the question her words wouldn’t: who were you and why should any of them really care?
You wanted to provide the answer yourself. You’d explain that you were just a chambermaid and you were no more special than any other who kept the palace tidy. But Thor beat you to it.
“She is my chambermaid,” he said, his lips dripping with pride.
“No brother, I think you’re gravely mistaken,” spoke the God who was eating away at your forebrain. His entire being an infection, one you had yet to find the cure to. “She is mine.”
Sif laughed. It was loud, obnoxious. “Now this makes more sense.”
Loki took your hand into his and whisked you away from Thor.
“Sorry to end this little gathering, but we’ve places to be,” he sneered.
“Loki stop,” you whispered to him, trying to discreetly free yourself from his grasp.
“But we’ll be late to your father’s dinner,” he announced, much louder than was necessary.
He was doing this on purpose as if it were his twisted stab at a punishment. You watched the smile quickly vanish from Thor’s lips and a pang of guilt struck your abdomen.
“It was lovely to meet you all,” you said as Loki pulled you further.
“Likewise,” they spoke in unison.
Then you looked at Thor, your eyes trying to tell him how sorry you were.
“Tomorrow, I swear to be all yours!” you shouted, Thor now just a figure in the distance.
“I think not,” Loki breathed into the side of your head. “I won’t allow—”
“I don’t want you to come!” you interrupted him. 
You were angry. No, livid. And if Loki had even an ounce of decency in his body he would have respected your demands; he would have taken your feelings into consideration. But the truth was meek: Loki didn’t have civility. He was ruthless and cold, and you wanted no more of it.
“Fortunately, that’s not yours to say,” he taunted. He always took pleasure in making you miserable.
“Yes it bloody is!” you shouted, ripping your hand from his. “I don’t want you around my family!”
His face twitched for a second, you had struck him where it hurt.
“You don’t mean that. You’re just upset,” he reasoned, much more to himself than you.
“I mean every word,” you scoffed. “Just leave me be.”
Loki didn't fight or try to stop you. He let you walk away from him until you were out of sight. And soon the palace was but mere scenery behind you as you ventured into the outskirts of Asgard. 
The open fields, dirt roads, serene stillness—that’s what you were used to so far from the main city, and you welcomed the feeling of ridding yourself of the palace’s busyness. You took a deep inhale. Finally, you were able to breathe.
              ��              ४  ४  ४
Your father was the first to greet you when you arrived home. He was out gardening the narrow strip of dirt that framed the steps to your front door. Only a few flowers ever grew, but it was enough for your father to tend.
“Y/N!” he shouted as he spotted you walking through the grass. You ran into his open arms, suddenly missing the feeling of his comforting embrace. You could stay there forever if he’d let you. “What are you doing here?”
You smiled up at him. “I’m here for you, papa.”
“And your work?” he asked.
“I’m finished for the day,” you replied.
He squeezed you tighter.
“I’m glad you’re here, darling.” “Me too, papa.”
Your younger siblings—a set of twins—came next, sprinting out of your front door to meet you on the lawn.
“Y/N!” they exclaimed, their voices soft like a lullaby.
“I’ve missed you both so much,” you said, as they squeezed themselves into your embrace.
It had felt so long since you’ve all been together. Working at the palace meant early mornings and late nights which saw you entering and leaving your home when the twins were off dreaming.
“I’ve missed you, Y/N!” shouted Holger, the eldest of the two, into your chest.
“I’ve missed you more!” Brina countered, crushing your midriff with her tight hold.
They were constantly in competition, arguing over who could eat the fastest or sketch the best butterfly. And you were left in the middle, forced to play scorekeeper. 
“You can both miss me,” you assured them. 
You were also used to playing mediator.
“Y/N!” your mother called from the front porch. “I wasn’t expecting you home so soon.”
“Queen Frigga—” you began, becoming quickly distracted by Holger and Brina pulling at your gown. You ignored them and continued, “Queen Frigga allowed me to leave early.”
“How kind of her,” your mother said, her voice overshadowed by the twins whispering your name.
“I’m speaking to mother, stop it,” you mumbled at them.
 Your mother continued her thought, “Do be sure to thank her from us.”
You nodded. “I shall.”
There was more whispering below you and tugging at your dress that you did your best to disregard until finally you couldn’t any longer. 
“Y/N!” Holger shouted.
“Yes!” you yelled back at last, mostly in anger. “You have my attention.”
Brina held up her hand, her finger pointing behind you.
“Who is that?” she asked.
You turned to look. In the distance, stood a figure you could recognize from his presence alone. Even if your eyes were closed, your body would have a physical response to breathing in the same air as him.
“Children, curtsy!” your mother shouted from the front door, instructing the three of you to bow before the prince.
You could hear the motion of the twins dropping to a knee. But you stood tall as he approached.
“You followed me here?” you sneered, your voice only loud enough for Loki to hear.
But it didn’t matter. He ignored you altogether, a smile pulling at his lips. “What an exquisite family you have.”
Thank you again to everyone who’s read Desperate Measures this far!
Below I’m tagging those who’ve left me such wonderful comments as well as those who’ve asked to be kept updated. :) 
If anyone else would like to be tagged, do let me know and I’ll be happy to add you to the list!
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mellowswriting · 3 years
could you write something nsfw for loki? I don’t have anything specific I’m just really horny bc of the way he stopped that building from falling lol
give me a reason 
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pairing || Loki x fem!Reader
word count || 2,573 
summary || With your usual help on maternity leave, you find yourself overwhelmed with responsibilities. Loki isn’t too fond of not getting you to himself - so he finds a reason to keep you with him. 
content || breeding kink [like... explicitly, possibly excessively], fingering, rough sex, squirting, praise & degradation [slight], use of magic 
a/n || shameless. 
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You knew what you were signing up for when you accepted the prince’s hand in marriage. Being the prince’s wife meant being a part of the royal court, which meant responsibilities - and you took to them with a grace and thoughtfulness that brought you quite a lot of praise. You take pride in your work but as much as you enjoy it… it’s been exhausting as of late. The last week has been so hectic and full of problems in need of solving that you’ve barely found time to rest, let alone time to spend with your husband.
Loki’s grumpiness knows no bounds when he doesn’t get to unwind with you and the entire court knows it, too. Despite his strides in learning to deal with his emotions in a healthy way, something about being away from you for so long strikes him to his core. It’s his comfort - you’re his comfort. So you aren’t entirely surprised when Frigga relieves you of your duties, mentioning something about your husband terrifying your poor chambermaid who was simply trying to take your gowns to be laundered.
In the short trek to your chambers, the true weight of your exhaustion begins to weigh on you. With Asta growing pregnant, her responsibilities fell to you along with your own, and you’ve found it to be too trying on you. Despite never being the one to admit defeat, you know you have to take this to Frigga to find a solution - you simply can’t keep going like this. You step into your chambers with a sigh, immediately kicking your shoes from your tired feet and relishing at the feeling of the cool stone beneath them. The moment the heavy door closes behind you, Loki appears from the bedroom, marching right to you with long strides to take you in his arms.
For a moment, neither of you speak, content to just exist in each other’s arms. Everything about the way he holds you feels right. It feels like coming home after a long time away. You can feel the tension leech from his muscles with every passing second that he holds you. The energy about him calms from a hectic buzzing to the low rumble you typically associate with your God of Mischief.
“I’ve missed you.” He murmurs in your ear.
“I know, my love. I’ve missed you too.” You finally step back and reach up to tuck a stray lock of hair behind his ear, unsurprised when he catches your hand to draw it up to his face. His cheek is warm against your palm and the soft kiss he gives the inside of your wrist brings a smile to your face. “But someone has to pick up Asta’s work.”
“Must it be you?” Loki whines, his eyebrows drawn together as he practically pouts.
“For now, yes.” You pat his cheek lovingly before pulling yourself from his grasp to make your way into the bedroom, but you aren’t all that surprised when his chest is pressed to your back when you stop in front of your vanity. Piece after piece of jewelry is taken off and set aside, except for the rings that adorn your left hand, all while Loki watches in the mirror with his chin set on your shoulder. “Your mother did relieve me of all duties for the next few days because of your antics.”
A long sigh falls from your husband’s lips and his eyes fall downcast, refusing to meet yours in the mirror. You watch the gears turn in his head, his eyebrows scrunching downwards slightly. “I will… apologize to Lahela in the morning.”
Of course, Loki sounds rather grumpy about it, but you know he’ll follow through on his word. As well as being your chambermaid, Lahela is your friend - late nights of confiding in each other and partnering up to raid the kitchen well past midnight made sure of that. She was the first person you truly connected with after moving into the palace, and while Loki may not fully understand your close friendship, he knew better than to hinder it. Especially since the last time he refused to own up to his mistakes, he had to take on the brunt of you freezing him out. Even his frost giant nature couldn’t help him there.
“Thank you.” You murmur, covering his hand with yours where he rests it against your hip. There’s no use in going on about it, so you shift the topic. “How was your day, besides missing me?”
“Long. My brother was feeling particularly brutish. His fists are the answer to every problem, apparently.” Loki begins to carefully unpin your dress, unable to keep his hands off of you, and you lean back into him as the fabric begins to loosen. The moment the dress flutters to the floor and you’re left standing only in your underclothes, his hands sweep across your shoulders and down your arms. “Oh, darling, you feel so tense.”
All it takes is his insistent hands guiding you back towards the bed for you to lay down on your belly, your head propped up on your crossed arms and body lax as he settles over you. A low groan falls from your lips as his hands begin to work their magic on your sore muscles, wrapping you in the safety and comfort of his body hovering over your own, his weight settled carefully against your rear.
“I will talk to my mother,” Loki murmurs. “That way I can keep you here, just like this… I don’t want my love so stressed.”
“It isn’t fair not to do my part, Loki.” You sigh, your eyes falling closed under the meticulous massaging of his hands. “I can’t just abandon my responsibilities because I miss being with you.”
“If Asta can, so can you.” He says and you can’t help but roll your eyes.
“Asta has a reason. The best reason, in fact.” You glance over your shoulder at him, barely able to hold any heat in your eyes when he’s making you feel so relaxed. “Don’t be mean just because you aren’t getting what you want.”
You expect a snarky response at the very least - this is your Loki, after all - but he falls silent behind you. His hands even stop moving, frozen against your bare skin, and when you glance at him again, you find him staring at you with an almost calculating look. Before you can ask him what’s wrong, a deep breath rattles through him and he says the words that change your life forever.
“I can give you a reason as well.” Loki says, his voice almost shuddering with the prospect, and now it's your turn to freeze beneath him, the spark of disbelief quickly transforming into a blaze of need burning through you.
You’ve always known the day would come. Many conversations had been had about the eventual heirs you would give your husband - emphasis on eventual. You didn’t expect the time to be so soon, to be now, but you would be lying if you said you hadn’t been dreaming about this moment.
“Loki…” You murmur lowly. “Don’t… don’t say that. Not if you don’t mean it.”
You can’t look away from each other, gazes locked as his blue eyes grow stormy, darker with a glinted promise of what was to come.
“Oh, darling…” A smirk curls Loki’s lips and you gasp at the feeling of his hands tightening on either side of your ribs. In the blink of an eye, he pulls you onto your back and you find yourself locked in a devouring kiss, the kind that leaves you gasping for air once he finally lets you go. “I’ve wanted this since the moment we wed. Say yes… and by the nines, you will not leave this bed until my heir grows strong in your belly.”
“And if we have a daughter?” You ask, breathless but firm in your resolve nonetheless. His hair feels soft in your fingers as you grasp a handful, forcing him to look at you, forcing him to listen. “I will not have my child discarded for something they cannot control.”
“A son, a daughter, I don’t care.” Loki reassures you. His big hand falls to your belly, settling low between your hips. “The children that you give me will be the next rulers of Asgard. I care for nothing but health and strength.”
His words settle the fears that had been needling you and the wildfire of need is free to blaze through you. It takes a hold of your very being, aided by the warm wash of green light that flows across your skin, his magic discarding the last of your clothes along with his own loose tunic and linen pants. You try to drag him down for a kiss, desperate to feel his lips against yours, but he has other plans.
A kiss is planted to your sternum as he reaches down to rub your clit and you can feel him grin into your chest when you whine at the feeling. You can feel his hunger like it’s your own, ripping through you with a desperation you could barely comprehend, and through the haze of the pleasure he brings you with the mere touch of his fingertips, you realize what he’s doing.
“Get… get out of my head, Loki.” You stutter out, barely able to think straight with the flood of both your own need and his tightening in your belly. “T-too much.”
Loki hums low in his chest, the baritone rumbling through you deliciously. “You needed to feel it, darling. I want this just as much as you.”
It almost feels like a loss when his seidr relinquishes it’s hold on you but his fingers quickly replace it, rubbing circles against your clit until you’re trembling beneath him. You know he won’t let you cum, not until he’s got his cock buried to the hilt inside of you, and you can’t help but squirm underneath him. The heat of his mouth enveloping your nipple rips a groan from your chest and you curl your fingers in his hair, encouraging him to keep going, to give you more.
The feeling of his tongue teasing your nipple is quickly followed by two fingers buried inside of you, and your back arches. You’re soaking his hand and can’t find an ounce of shame about it as you grind down to meet every thrust of his fingers. A cocky chuckle leaves him and you just know he’s eating this up, ready to bring how pretty and desperate you are for him every single day, for the rest of forever.
“Please, Loki,” You gasp out, tears pricking your eyes, and you’re sure, you’re absolutely positive that they will fall if you don’t get to feel his cock splitting you open. He’s a fucking tease and he knows it.
“Oh, my love…” Loki coos, kissing up your chest and to your throat to suck a dark mark just underneath your jaw.
“I need it.” Mindlessly, you nuzzle into the crook of his neck and press countless tiny kisses into his sensitive skin, your hands falling to his shoulders to keep him there against you. You cry out as his fingers curl and rub against that spot that makes you see stars and there’s no stopping the way you beg. “I need you, my prince. I need you to breed me, fill me with your child, please!”
Loki knows just how to take you apart, how to drag you to the edge of ecstasy and hold you there until you beg, and that’s fully what you expect - so you’re dismayed when his fingers leave you. Another tear soaked beg is ready to fall from your lips but then you see him. He leans back and you catch a glimpse of the feral light in his eyes, the near animalistic desperation that blazes about him.
He manhandles you until you’re on your hands and knees in front of him and his hand plants itself in the middle of your back, shoving you face down into the sheets, and the sheer show of strength alone is enough to have chills washing over your skin. There’s no hesitance, no mercy in the way your husband sheathes himself inside of you in one brutal thrust, his hands gripping your hips in a bruising hold to yank you back into the rough thrusts. A sharp cry rips from your throat, echoing off of the stone walls loud enough that there’s no doubt those passing by in the hall can hear the filthy way he’s taking you.
“Your body is just screaming for me, isn’t it, little princess?” Loki growls out, his chest plastered to your back. The coil in your belly tightens impossibly further with every rough thrust and your fingers curl in the fine sheets so tightly you fear you may rip them. “Oh, this perfect little cunt… You’re absolutely drenched just at the thought of being bred, aren’t you?”
“Yes!” You nearly scream, your thighs beginning to tremble as Loki reaches beneath you to toy with your clit. It’s too much for your fucked out body and that tension finally breaks, bursts from you until you’re limp with the aftermath. You can feel the trails of wetness slipping down your thighs and you whimper.
“Can you feel me, darling?” His hand slips up to your lower belly and presses down until you can barely breathe with the pressure and overstimulation, and the groan that rips from him tells you he can feel himself moving within you. His thrusts slow but he’s fucking you impossibly deeper than before. “This… this is what you were made for. You will look glorious, so round with my children.”
Loki’s hand finally leaves your belly, relenting the pressure that made you squirm against him, but it immediately finds your breasts, groping and pinching his fill as he ruts into you. You know he’s close just by the way his hand settles over yours, his fingers locking together with your own, wedding rings pressed against each other. There’s a stutter in his pace and suddenly his trusts falter to a stop, his cock buried as far as he can manage and a broken moan falls from his lips.
You’re more than happy to stay limp beneath him, to let him crush you underneath his weight as you both lay sated, but apparently your husband has other plans. This time when he manipulates your body, he’s careful. Gentle. Loki settles you on your back and shoves a pillow beneath your hips before he collapses next to you, the both of you completely exhausted. He stares up at you with eyes full of love, full of this soft appreciation that makes you melt.
The kiss you draw him into is soft, conveys every bit of love you feel for him. You can feel the satiated, relieved energy that he radiates and a sleepy smile finds your face. Loki rests his head between your breasts with a long sigh, his hand drifting down to rest on your belly.
“I love you,” You whisper and cover his hand with yours.
“I love you, too.” The sleepiness in his voice is thick and soon you find yourself drifting off alongside him, the both of you cradling your belly in the hopes that soon, you would be welcoming a new life.
@h-hxgirl @amneris21 @badassbaker @meshlababy @greeneyedblondie44 @acourtofsnakes @janebby @asta-lily @peterpstuff @princessxkenobi @jessyballet @ji5hine @alleycat2496 @mrsbentallmadge @meanperegrine @todorokis-whore 
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wolfish-trickster · 3 years
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 2K
Summary: Loki isn't always kind and generous, but when he is you're suspicious of him
Warnings: angst, fluff, pre Thor 1, typos, possible part 2 for this (?)
Tag list: @gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld @forevernthensome @kozkaboi @the-emo-asgardian @theaudacitytowrite
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Loki was a prankster. Everybody knew that. From fear of ending up as a testing hamster for his pranks resulted in him having barely any friends. Aside from you.
Ever since you were little you hung out more or less voluntarily around the young princes. You found their company quite enjoyable. Besides, you're not going to leave poor Sif in their warrior testosterone world alone, are you?
As years went by you started to notice some bad habits your friends had. Fandral and Thor were always betting who could get together with a certain girl faster, Hogun and you were sharing shameless gossip, Volstagg got drunk any occasion he got, Sif was looking for any and every little thing she could inflict on Loki and Loki...well, he never knew when to stop with his pranks.
At first, you two were the perfect duo. Running around the palace, replacing salt with sugar in royal kitchens, sneaking little reptiles into bath houses or mixing colouring powder into Thor's shampoo. Of course, you two always got in trouble afterwards, but at the end of the day you both had so much fun together.
But, as you soon learned, every laughter eventually ends in cry.
In your teenage years you experienced a death of someone really close to your heart and you had no other way of dealing with it than shutting yourself in your room and crying all day. No one could make you smile, nor comfort you. Whenever someone knocked on your door you turned them away.
But Loki doesn't take no for an answer.
He climbed up the vines to your window and in hopes to make you laugh pull a prank on you. As you went for a hug he turned himself into a big, pink, fluffy bilgesnipe startling you. That day was the first day you shouted at him in pure rage. How dare he make fun in such a depressing time?
Long story short, you avoided him for months, he never apologized, and after few years you two pretended as if nothing happened and were friends just like before. Well, almost.
Now you know no matter what happens in other person's life, fun is always a priority to Loki.
Like right now. You were quietly reading a book in one of the palace's common places with cozy couches and warm fireplaces when you heard Loki and some soldier in training walking by.
"This was quite a long and arduous training, wouldn't you say?"
"Yes, my prince, indeed it was."
"How about a nice cold cup of water to cool our heated bodies down?" Loki proposed and your trained ears heard how he smirked at the end of his sentence.
"What an amazing idea my prince."
Both Loki and the young naive soldier walked over to the table in the corner with some jugs filled with water. You put your book down and curiously observed what Loki was about to do.
He poured himself and his soldier friend a cup of water. Loki raised his own cup to his lips and drank, the soldier wanted to do the same but no liquid poured into his dry throat. He looked at the cup suspiciously and shook it a little. The water inside was moving, but whenever it was about to pour out of the cup it clashed into invisible barrier keeping it inside the cup. Loki was smirking. "What's the matter my friend? Weren't you thirsty? Drink up!"
Soldier lifted his cup above his face, bottoms up, to observe the barrier. But as soon as he did, Loki's fingers shimmered green and the water fell on soldiers face.
Loki was bending in half from the laughter while the poor soldier walked out in shame. You giggled to yourself as well. This one was a little too cruel, but as long as nobody got injured you were fine with it.
"This way no one will ever truly trust you Loki," you told him and returned to your book.
Loki shrugged, poured two glasses of water and walked to your couch. "Oh come on Y/N, it's not my fault they don't have a sense of humor! From time to time everybody needs to lay back a little and have some fun. And I'm here to provide it. You did laugh at this little stunt, didn't you?" he sat next to you and pulled your book from your hands.
"Yup, I sure did. "
Loki smiled in victory. "Then my job for today is done," he handed you one of the cups, "skol!" he drank his own in one gulp.
You eyed the cup he gave you suspiciously. You knew him long enough to know he isn't generous just because. And you being his oldest friend never saved you from his pranks before, so you decided to pass this one.
You put the full glass on a nearby table and picked up your book again.
"What was that about?" he asked with anger and a little hurt in his voice.
"What was what about?"
"You didn't drink it."
"Maybe I'm not thirsty right now."
"Just a little sip."
"I'm not thristy!" you said a little louder than you wanted.
Loki huffed and leaned back into the couch. "I didn't poison it if that's what you fear."
"I know you didn't."
"Then why won't you drink it?"
"I don't want it to explode in my face," you explained.
"Why do you think it will explode in your face?"
"Because I know you. And because I saw what you just did to that soldier and I'm not in the mood to changing into dry clothes."
"Funny, you claim to know me and yet you didn't count with the fact that I never repeat the same joke twice. Only amateurs do that," Loki crossed his arms on his chest and turned his body away from you.
"Then why would you bring it to me if not to trick me?" you slammed the book shut.
Loki swiftly stood up from the couch. "Oh, Norns, I have no idea. Surely not for the fact that I noticed you haven't drunk anything the whole day and little old me doesn't want you to randomly pass out and hit your head on some sharp object. No, that can't be it! I just wanted to trick you, because, apparently, that's all I do! " he ended his sarcastic speech and turned on his heel to leave.
"Maybe I would've believed you if you were genuenly kind without turning your kind acts into pranks from moment to moment!" you shouted after him but he was already too far.
You sighed and rubbed your eyes. That man is going to be the death of you. But you felt your cheeks warm up at the thought of him worrying about you. You shook your head. One day, he will mature. Right now, you will have to survive through his little harmless pranks.
You grabbed the cup and brought it to your lips, but the water inside didn't move. You dipped one finger inside the cup and realized he turned the water into ice. You hung your head in defeat. He will never change.
Little did you know Loki froze it after you showed your distrust. Thinking back he had to admit his action was a bit too childish, but he shook the thought away. He knows you're patient and smart. You will either wait till the water melts or go pour yourself a new cup.
The next day he acted as if nothing happened, so you did the same.
It was nice outside and still quite warm for autumn so you, Thor, Loki, Sif, Warriors Three and some of Fandral's fangirls decided to go for a walk. Everyone was chatting about all sorts of things, even Loki and one of Fandral's admirers got to talk. You silently walked infront of them, ignoring their voiced and enjoying how sun's warm rays gently tickled your face.
A cool breeze ran through nearby trees and made all of the yellow, red and brown leaves fall all around your little group. You stopped and admired the colourful autumnal snow.
Others walked pass you, some even comented on how easily you get distracted. You didn't care, if you see something beutiful, you're going to look at it.
Speaking of beautiful.
Your eyes slowly traveled to the gap between the leaves to watch your raven haired friend. Loki wore something more casual and comfortable instead of his usual leather and metal. Soft cotton shirt hugged his chest losely, boots with white fur went up to his knees, but the most comfortable thing he wore was his cloak. From outside it looked like a common cloak but from the inside was soft flully warm fur. How you longed to hug him. You imagined it would be like hugging a big teddy bear.
However you were shaken out of your daydreams of hugging Loki by Loki himself. From where you stood you saw how one of Fandral's girls, the same one Loki talked with earlier, shivered underneath her revealing dress. Loki, being the gentleman he is, took off his fluffy warm cloak and offered it to the girl who gladly accepted and batted her eyelashes at him.
Jealousy tugged at your heart, but only for a while. As soon as the girl threw the cloak over her shoulders it exploded into a cloud of colourful glitter.
You heard Loki giggle from behind the nearby tree while Fandral was yelling for him. So the Loki you've been looking at was just his illusion? He's getting good at them, you had to admit.
"What did she do to deserve it?" you walked up to him.
"Just a little bit of fun, my dear," he winked.
You chuckled and shook your head. "You'll never change, Loki."
"Well, that's one person's opinion," he shrugged and smiled as he saw Fandral and the glittery girl leave the group. "Now that we got rid of the pest we can finally spend some quality autumn time," he started to walk after the group.
"Pest?" you asked confused and tried to catch up to his long strides.
"Ahem, don't worry about it."
"Hmm, okay," you shrugged and continued to admire nature's wonders and, to Loki's relief, didn't ask any further.
None of you spoke for the whole trip. Little comments of particular plant or small animal now and then, but besides that there was nothing but comfortable silence between you.
The gentle breeze slowly turned into cold wind. Not even your favourite cloak could protect you from the cold. You rubbed your hands underneath the cloak in attempt to warm you up.
Loki noticed you shivering. "Here," he held his arm to let you underneath his warmer cloak, "there's a lot of room for both of us here."
Your heartbeat sped up, warmth covered your cheeks. Is he serious? Is he really offering to warm you underneath his cloak, so close to his body? You almost ran and cuddled up to him, but halted as images of exploding glitter flashed infront of your eyes. You wrapped your cloak around you tighter and pondered whether to trust him or not.
Your thinking took too long.
Meanwhile Thor walked up to both of you. "Y/N dear, you look incredibly cold, here," without any gentleness he threw his own red cloak over you, wrapped his arm around your shoulders and lead you to the front to join him and his friends.
While Thor practically dragged you up the hill you looked behind your shoulder. Loki stood there, alone, broken expression on his face. You wanted to break free from Thor and run up to him, you really did, but you just weren't sure if you even wanted to trust him or not.
So you sadly smiled at him, a promise to talk with him later in your eyes and let Thor drag your body wherever he wanted.
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The Dark Team (part 13)
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(Taglist: @lucywrites02, @louieboo87, @the-departed-potato, @jesuswasnotawhiteman, @idontknow296, @beksib, @spythoschei, @geekwritersworld, @whatafuckingdumbass, @mysticunicorn7 @shadowolf993 @toe-vind-ek-jou @joscelyn02, @t00-pi, @irwxnhugsx )
Warnings: creepy man, hungover (alcohol mentions), abduction mentions.
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Chirping birds woke you up as the light hit your face. It was a slightly sunny morning, you could see. A cold one, too. Your head ached; yesterday’s wine was stronger than you’d think. You remembered very little, and the hangover weighed on your feet as you tried to stand up. Soon, that weight redistributed up to your head, dizziness almost throwing you back in bed.
With much more effort than before, you got up and walked slowly to the kitchen, glancing around. Last night, a sticky kid fell asleep on the doorframe. You chuckled and decided to not wake him up. Loki was nowhere to be found; must be sleeping in his own room, if he had one by then.
An ibuprofen and some cold water later, you checked the time. It was so early; six in the morning. You decided to get working already; maybe someone on the team was awake. If not, you could at least take things off your to-do list for the day and get time free at noon to play videogames with Peter, or help him with that Lego Stark Tower he has been trying to build for almost two weeks now. A nice walk in the park to get some fresh air until some coffee shop opened; that’s what you needed.
The streets were emptier than you’d imagine, and then you realized it was saturday. Peeping in, a coffee shop next block was already opening, and people were lining up to get in. You made sure to have brought money and a laptop with you, and as you reached your pockets you realized you had your suit on, under normal clothes. Well, at least I’m prepared for anything now. Even a sunday morning in a lovely coffee shop, you thought, laughing to yourself. If Tony saw you like this, he’d recall that word he says you inherited from him. Paranoid. But no, Stark, I’m just hungover. Good to know your first instinct once you get up off bed is to suit up. Tony'd be proud. And a little disappointed, too.
You got a table far from the window, wall behind your back making sure nobody could eye your laptop. Once you were settled in and your coffee was getting cold, you started working. You were so glad you were out of the public eye, so you could afford yourself all of these outside activities. Sounded stupid, but if you were to have dinner with Sam, or Steve, or Thor, you’d have to also deal with paparazzis all night long. Actually, in dining out with Thor, paparazzis would be the least of your problems.
“Hey”, greeted Bucky from the other line. “It’s so early, what are you doing up?”.
“Buck, it’s already ten”.
“Oh”, he said, and you heard a sliding curtain by his side. “Oh, there it is. Sunlight”.
“Why are your times all twisted?”.
“We stayed up until five”.
“Doing what?”.
“Let’s say the mini bar was not so mini”.
“Oh my God”, you laughed, and checked for your work on the laptop. “At this point, I think the only one who didn’t get drunk last night is Spidey. Ah. Listen, I’ve arranged today’s plan, and it has to go right or else you can get abducted again. And we don’t want that, okay?”.
“I’m not sure what we’re supposed to do now. Didn’t we already get the stick?”.
“That’s the point, there’s more… you know, bottles hanging around” you lowered your voice. The coffee shop was almost empty, but just in case, you kept it under your breath. “That’s why you gotta get into Hydra’s last base again. Do not go alone”.
You instructed Bucky and then he tried his best to put you on speaker to the rest of the team, but failed. None of them could actually figure out how to do it; Steve was even less familiar with cell phones, and Thor… well, not even elaborating on him. The only Asgardian who seemed familiar enough with Midgard’s technologies was sleeping soundly on the compound. You had to explain the plan thoroughly another two times individually, and then finally hung up and got to work, sending them coordinates and turning off Hydra’s hacked security cameras.
Once they were already in, you had not much more to do. At least for a few hours, they’d be completely submerged in there, and your help wasn’t needed anymore. You still planned for some outcomes and didn’t even notice the man standing in front of you.
“OH... my God”, you gasped, taking yourself off your hyper focused state. The man chuckled. His teeth, yellow, seemed like he didn’t know anything about dental hygiene. His clothes were perfectly cleaned, though, in a tidy office-type suit; but his hair was hidden by a peaked cap that barely let you see his eye expressions. Very weird looking. Hard to read. Just now unemployed? Dressed like that to get attention? You frowned and closed all tabs, opening a fake account of email and some cheap online magazine. “What do you need?”.
“Can I sit here?”.
He smiled weirdly and manspreaded in the chair you told him not to sit in. You sighed and rolled your eyes.
“What are you doing?”, he asked.
You ignore him and keep pretending to read your mails, eyeing how many people were in there too. It was getting fuller than before. If he wanted to steal your laptop he’d have to do it in front of all of these people, and cross the whole coffee shop. He wasn’t planning on stealing. You made a security copy of all the files anyways.
“You have pretty eyes”.
You ignored him again, but now understood his intentions. God, people could be so shameless sometimes. You literally told him to go away. You’ll repeat it, just in case he would actually listen this time.
“Go away”.
He chuckled and stayed in place.
“I just want to talk, sweetie”.
“Sure. I’m not interested”.
“You have a boyfriend?”.
“I have a very strong fist”.
He got closer, leaning on the table, and lowering his voice said “You’re working on the supersoldiers mission, yes?”.
You froze. Suddenly, the creepy man was a bigger threat than you’d anticipated. Your hand hovered over the gun in your pocket, holding strong eye contact with him.
“Who are you?”.
“What do you have in your pocket?”, he teased.
“Wanna find out?”, you threatened.
Looking over his shoulder, an all-too-familiar fifteen year old hid behind a pile of coffee cups from the bar counter, holding his breath to not laugh. You sighed and broke the tension.
“Funny. Very funny. I almost shoot you, you know”.
“That’s not a very good instinct”.
“Not an instinct, I truly wanted to shoot you”.
“You sure were, pancake”, he said as he transformed back into himself, still in those ugly clothes covering half his face. As he looked down to himself, he frowned and changed his clothes to an Asgardian armor. “But your mortal bullets would be no more than a caress to my skin”.
“Let’s give it a try, shall we?”, you cocked your gun, joking. He laughed, and Peter got increasingly nervous as you played with your toys in a public and safe place, surrounded by civilians. “Don’t worry, Pete, it’s fake”.
Peter sighed in relief as you clarified and put it back in your pocket, and Loki smirked, knowing perfectly well you just lied.
“Why don’t we get something to drink, too, mr. Loki?”.
“Yeah, whatever you want, kid”.
“Not a kid”.
“Apologies. Actually, can you order it? I’m afraid Midgardians don’t usually take kindly to my presence”, he asked. Peter nodded.
“I do, mr. Loki”.
"Take it kindky".
Loki smiled and raised his eyebrows, a bit confused. Muttered an “I’m glad” and instructed him to get an americano, while you packed your laptop in the backpack.
"How's the incognito working out for you in your shiny armor?"
"Better than before. At least now I'm comfortable while getting the same bad looks I always get anyways".
"Shapeshifter can't manage to hide, how ironic", you said, giving him one of the new earbuds, with an attachable mic. "Since you have good strategy plans and you sort of know what you're doing, work with me".
"I thought we were already working together. You know, in this stupid thing called The Dark...".
"Yeah", you interrupted him, rolling your eyes once again. "From behind the scenes, I mean. This is so you can listen to whatever my earbud hears. Don't bite your tongue if you have any inputs, I'm running out of solutions".
Your phone rang again as you were getting up.
“It’s all gone to trash, y/n. We need a new plan, I can’t find Buck anywhere. What’s your backup?”, rushed Steve’s voice. It sounded like it was from a public service phone, and the static didn’t let you hear Steve’s surroundings. Loki looked at the floor, concentrating. He didn't find anything either, and was too far away to read his mind.
“Wait. What do you mean you can’t find him? You were supposed to keep an eye on him so he doesn’t get kidnapped again”, you said, opening your laptop again and looking for Bucky’s location. He didn’t have it on him.
“Yeah, that’s what I meant with ‘it’s all gone to trash’”.
“Okay, don’t freak out. Where are you?”.
“Hydra’s last base, top of the buil…”.
“Hold up, I have another incoming call”. You put him on hold and see who’s calling. It was Bucky, this time. You sigh out of relief. Peter watched you two concerned while approaching you with two coffee cups. You gestured to him to not talk, and Loki had started to type things in your computer. “Buck, where are you? What happened?”.
On the other side of the line, you didn’t get a specific answer. You heard muffled noises that you still couldn’t quite figure out what they meant, and more than one person behind the phone.
“Buck, you there?”, you asked once again. Bucky’s voice filled the silence with a heartrending scream of agony. You almost dropped your phone, and your heart beated to the speed of light. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. They have him. “Buck!”.
“Three hours”, called someone, probably one of the Hydra butchers. “You have three hours”.
“Three hours for what?!”, you tried to hold them on the line while tracing the call. It was from a specific coordinate, nobody could get there unless they teleported. Luckily, you had the perfect person for the job. Loki looked at you quizzically.
"Do we not have better people on it? Can't Stark go?".
You returned to Steve’s call, while thinking about some other alternative than taking you three there (including Peter). “They have Bucky. Location’s very far away from where we all are, so you try to get out of there and go to Asgard with Thor; they’ll try to kidnap you too, and Hydra’s resources are global. No, don’t argue, you screw up, now you do exactly as I say”.
“Do you think they’re the same that hijacked the ship on the first part of the mission?”, asked Loki once you cut the call.
“They might. We have to go get him, there's no other way. The rest of the team comes back tomorrow and they can't leave”.
“No, I have to go”, said Loki. “But I’m supposed to stay with you two and make sure you’re not endangered, and I’m sure if I leave you here all alone, you’ll try to come by your own means”.
“Which means”, you added, “if you take us with you, you can make sure we don’t endanger ourselves”.
“This is a terrible idea”.
“But the only one so far”, you convinced him. “Pete, feeling like going on a dangerous mission?”.
“Hell yeah!”, he said eagerly. Loki was not very fond of his enthusiasm.
“I can do this”, you assured him. “Do you trust me?”.
“Yes”. He didn’t hesitate. “But I don’t trust them. You two will stay behind me facing the danger, alright? Nothing of wanting to play heroes”.
“Got it. Let’s suit up, fellas. Bucky’s waiting”.
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💘OneShot: The Garden-Unreviewed English Version 💘
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Parental rating: PG
Loki X My OC Lisa
Genre: Shoujo, Romance and Comedy
⚠️Don't plagiarize this fic be creative!! follow my tumblr to follow the process of my fanfic!! ⚠️
Characters: Loki, My Oc Lisa, Thor and My other Oc Juliet!
Hello guys!! This is a OneShot of My AU!! Hope you like this OneShot!! I made it based on some events from my Magical Crystals planning! Well this OneShot has a little connection with the original fic! It just portrays a random event!! Then I translate to English!! Sorry for any mistakes!! Good reading!!This Fanfic was translated with the help of google translator I know basic English and I'm not fluent I want to improve my English!
Lisa was standing watching admiring a bee slowly landing on a sunflower! After all, she is the Fairy of animals and Nature and admired all creatures Lisa's perfume had a pleasant and delicate aroma almost like a rose there in the entrance quiet and still was the greatest cheater there was was silently watching The “Sweet Pink Creature”.
— Well Want Me, (Bad) Want Me, Well Want Me, (Bad) Want Me and lastly WELL ME, WANT!
— And I love you!
- WHAT A FRIGHT! Loki where did you come from?
"I'm unpredictable Princess!" And you know and like it, don't you? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“You know I do! Look at this beautiful bee harvesting nectar from this fragrant sunflower! The spring breeze and birdsong is so perfect!
— Perfect is my vision seeing this beautiful thing in front of me!
— I agree, I think Sunflowers are very pretty too!
— It's not the… .
— I know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Lisa spreads her wings, a little flight and sits on the trunk of the apple tree she had in the royal garden. Loki watched the naive little creature that was surrounded by apples, flowers, squirrels and various species of birds! As the princess moved her feet, small colorful flowers appeared and fell with a lot of glitter on top of Loki's head who was sitting under the one where she was ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"What did Fifi do?" Poor thing!
"You dropped that nut on my head!"
— Poor thing, she was just going to take it to her puppies! She's not to blame!
"I can't believe I feel sorry for a squirrel because of the little face you made now!" OK!? Apologize to your little friend over there!
Lisa smiled and with that Loki smiled back as Lisa's cheeks flushed and her face turned pink. Loki stared at her and Lisa became more pink (it would be reddish but she is a literally pink fairy (with the EXCEPTION of her hair which had pink and black streaks!) Loki kept looking because he noticed that Lisa was blushing she realized it was from purpose and then it got even pinker!
"You're cute when you're embarrassed!" You're not always like this, I don't know very well ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Depends on the situation! Your shameless!
And with that Lisa lifts her wings and calls Loki and flies towards the little Lake she had in the Royal garden! So she fixes her dress and sits down and puts her toes in the lake! Loki then sits behind her and with both arms hugs her and pulls her close. Quiet and watching them Juliet could only think of one thing like she could take new pictures to post with the two of them there! It wouldn't make sense for her to interrupt her friend and “the clueless Horned One” as she said then in boredom and with nothing to do.
Lisa lying with her head on Loki's chest was playing with the fingers of her left hand with the ends of her hair and was mixing the pink strands with the black strands gently Loki lowered his left hand to Lisa's hand. She immediately releases the ends of her hair and starts playing with Loki's fingers. Lisa leans back a little more, closes her eyes and lays her body on Loki's chest, who places his hands on his wings/back. Loki then gives Lisa a kiss on the cheek. It was a peaceful moment of peace, everything was still and peaceful, the swans swimming, the butterflies flying, the baby foxes playing and the parrots flying! When suddenly a deafening scream comes out of nowhere:
— Where did you come from, Prague? Wow you are so clueless! Go celebrate this victory in your room!
— Hello Juliet! You gave me a scare my friend! a big scare I thought we had some serious mission now!
- I am incredible! I leveled up! Loki you are an unbearable guy that's why I prefer your girlfriend she is sweet! Speaking of sweets, I’ll see if I go to the bakery today…
— What are you! making here blight of snow?
— I was going to take some pictures to update my feed you horned bastard! But then I realized that you guys were doing certain things so I was playing candy crush saga!
“That's no reason to scream that you've won your… Boring!
— Yes, I passed the level! Now I can rub it in your brother's face that I'm great at some game!
"I believe even a cockroach is better than you!"
—Juliet Please leave us alone! If you want to stay here, you can stay but don't keep talking and complaining! Sorry to say that!
— Yes, I do, for you, Lisinha! Because of this ugly thing I want to throw him in the lake and feed the swans! Well then until!
Juliet stuck her tongue out at Loki and took off! Lisa just laughed because her friend, the Fairy of time and portals, had a few brains on her head and she thought it was funny and she knew it was her way! Loki had no patience with Juliet!
"I don't know how you put up with her!" Right where had we left off?
"You were being cute!" Come here!
Lisa pulls Loki's hand and takes him to the edge of the lake and with that Loki takes her in his lap and throws her in the lake and with that he takes advantage and jumps right on top of her!
- MY GOD! I didn't know you were so cheeky and clueless! I mean I knew!
"Sorry, but I felt like it!"
Lisa hugs him and smiles ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) then the two of them start playing like two children throwing water at each other and laughing! Lisa stops and then looks at two swans swimming in sync as if they were dancing the Loki ballet, she takes the cue and grabs her from behind!
- The Swan Lake! Beautiful, delicate and I don't know what beautiful swans are, aren't they? Once in Asgard a swan bit Thor's ass I never laughed so much in my life!
— I was there but I didn't see him bite I was enjoying the horses! But I could only hear from afar laughing! I wish I had seen it!
The Trickster hugs the Delicate Princess puts his right hand on her cheek and goes with his thumb to her pink lips and smiles and kisses a sweet and a little lingering kiss! Soon after Lisa opened a big smile!
- Close the eyes!
— I did!
'It's not worth spying! You can open it!
Loki had a mini bouquet of flowers in his hand that he had picked up at the end of the stream.
—It's not just the Nature Fairy that creates plants!
- Thanks! Your cute! You are a sweetheart! I love it they are super fragrantLisa knew that it wasn't Loki who created the flowers that was another lie of what Odin called demigod of cheating But she didn't want to hurt him so she pretended to believe!
Lisa took the boke and spread her wings and was twirling in the air flying to and fro happily every beat of wings that the sweet Fairy made glitter and flowers fall from her wings Loki stood looking at her admiring
"Do you like it don't you?"
— Hi Brother
—What were you doing until now? I DEMAND TO KNOW URGENTLY!
"We were talking about the swan that bit your ass and how weak you are around a swan and how cool you are!"
— Liar Lisa doesn't speak ill of anyone are you trying to corrupt the girl?
"By the way, what did you come here for?" Juliet wasn't enough, now you're coming?
"Running away from a scolding!"
"Our mother's or the Amethyst Queen?" Whatever it is, I'll let you know now!
— From Alicia! I accidentally soiled the dress she created now the red lace! That crazy girl can't mess with an outfit she creates otherwise she'll fight with you what kind of stylist and Love Fairy is she?
'She spent hours making that dress!' Be considerate!
— Look who speaks the clueless here is you!
"Hi Thor!!
— Hello Lisa!
"Bye, you lame mule!" Now leak!
— Loki the Lame Mule It's you!! Lisa where can I hide?
"Tell Alicia the truth!" But if you want I recommend going to the royal library! Goodbye!
Thor rolled his eyes he was screwed and knew his brother wasn't going to miss the opportunity to be a snitch with him! Lisa goes flying under one of Amora's feet, puts her head and wet hair on the trunk of the tree and sits down, soon a baby tortoise approaches Lisa takes it with her hand and gives a blackberry for the little creature to eat! Loki was standing there admiring "His" Sweet Fairy playing with the tortoise!
Lisa calls her with a smile on her face! He doesn't wait a minute and he gets close to her and takes advantage of the cue to sit next to Lisa, The Crook is already sitting and pulls Lisa close soon she lies down and puts her head in her lap. Loki smiles at Lisa and he kisses her gently and then Lisa smiles and stares at him for 7 seconds and kisses him back!
The sunset was already starting Lisa Fly towards the apple tree climbs the branch and creates a ladder made of Flowers for Loki Climb both enjoy the sun setting the swallows returning home and the owls coming out of the den the moon almost appearing the sky turning orange until completely dark and the stars slowly appear! The Sweet Fairy lays on Trickster's chest and he smiles with happiness!
"I think we have to go in now!"
— We do, if it were up to me, I'd stay with you right here in this garden! My sweet little princess!
"You're so cute and thank you for today!" My prince!
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mother-of-a-murder · 4 years
Spooky Scary HiddlesSmut
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🧡🖤🧡🖤...to set the mood for Halloween, of course 😘🧡🖤🧡🖤
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Ngl, this post is a shameless self-promo-post of my previous fics. I haven’t written anythimg in quite a looong time, but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss doing so for ya’ll ☺️💕 I dunno how many new/old faces there are in the Hiddles fandom these days, but if you’re looking for some erotic fantasy-creature-variants of our ole’ Tommy boy, I can provide some titilating stories 😈 N O T E: all of these fics listed are rated Explicit & some may contain subjects relating to BDSM, D/s, DubCon, impact play (whips, riding crops, spanking etc.), various kinks, and some of these have terato themes. Please check the listed tags on Ao3 for more details!
An Ocean’s Entrancing Lover (feat. Naga-Loki) Abby’s on vacation at the beach, and she decides to take a late night stroll for some relaxing meditation. Whilst enjoying the sounds of the ocean, someone (or something) emerges from the water to help relieve her of some stress with a more hypnotic approach.
Golden Treasures & Emerald Scales (feat. Naga-Loki [not related to the above fic]) An adventuring maiden-warrior explores a mysterious cave hidden in the forest that’s rumored to contain treasures beyond one’s imagination. However, she will soon discover something else lies within the cave, a long forgotten deity that may not take kindly to strangers hoping to steal his treasure.
Sweet Dreams (feat. Vampire Twins AU!Thomas & AU!William Buxton) A harlot wanders the dark streets of London and meets a pair of brothers, and they are more than eager to use her for their entertainment… among other things.
Das Tier in Mir (feat. AU!WereTom) Tom has received a painful wound from an animal and something strange begins to happen; He craves red meat on the rarer side, his eyes change color, his body heat is insufferable, his arousal is too painful to deal with himself, and he becomes possessed with an animal inside him that needs to hunt for prey, to slake his appetite.
Monster in the Dark (feat. AU!Incubus!ThomasSharpe) Edith prepares for her first night in Sir Thomas Sharpe’s mansion. He mentions how the house has a life of its own and not to be alarmed by noises she may hear within her new home. As she prepares for bed, she hears mysterious & unsettling sounds, but tries to ignore them. However, her mind comes to a screeching halt when she feels a presence in her room… [A/N: This was written BEFORE Crimson Peak came out in theaters, so yes, I'm fully aware this doesn't go along with the movie. This was merely written as an AU and for fun :) ]
Magical Summer Night (feat. AU!Merman!Oakley) Elizabeth tries to take a summer vacation but isn’t too thrilled to find a long-time crush of hers, Oakley, is staying at the same hotel as she is. Things turn awkward for them when she snaps at him, but when she apologizes and asks him out on an innocent date, he rejects the offer. Saddened by the rebuff, Elizabeth decides to take a lonely walk on the beach late at night. When she hears noises, she’s stunned by what and whom she finds.
Bloody Baptism (feat. Adam from OLLA) Adam is out on the prowl and catches the scent of something delicious. He tracks down the source and comes to find out he's stumbled upon a nice girl that can relieve his appetite in a most unique way. Oh, and if want to have a listen to what playlist I listened to while writing this to set some mood, go here!
Paranormal Encounter (feat Ghost!Thomas Sharpe) The year is 2015 and Olivia loves investigating old haunted houses. She always gets a thrill if she’s able to spot and record strange happenings and spooky occurrences. However, when she sees the lonely spirit that haunts the mansion atop Crimson Peak, she’s not quite prepared when she meets him. Will she live to tell this spooky but erotic tale?
Demon in the Night (feat. AU!Incubus!Tom) A certain Tom Hiddleston fangirl finds herself restless, unable to write, and feeling just a tad lonely. When she daydreams of him to relieve herself, it seems those daydreams linger into her sleep… and become reality. An old bday fic for dear @angryschnauzer 😘
Tagging some peeps: @bookworm-christina @abbessolute @thecutestlittlebunbunfairy @elfpunk @lokiperfection @maxwell-demon @inkededucatednnerdy @sarabeth72 @tomhiddleston-kikibfairy @nuggsmum @toozmanykids @wolfsmom1 @ice-queen-of-music @lowhostrikesback @the-haven-of-fiction @pedeka @writernotwaiting @calgal48 @angelofhiddles @angelus80 @harpo7879 @quoting-shakespeare-to-ducks @storylover92 @onlypassingthings @neither-blue-nor-green @adamcansuckme @geminiloveca @later0varies @rosebudwhite @ourladybinxthings @adder24 @joanbushur @slytherin-pixie @onyxfyrefly @tomkurbikston @awolfbeneath @xdelayedgratification @ophelia-tagloff
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Prompt List
Created: 04/06/20
Last Updated: 03/19/24
A/N: It’s not necessary to send a request with any of these, however they’re just here to help add to your idea!
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Who I write for:
Adam Driver
Sebastian Stan
Timothee Chalamet
Bucky Barnes
Peter Parker
Steve Rogers
Clint Barton
Criminal Minds:
Aaron Hotchner
Spencer Reid
Rick Flag
Tobias Eaton
Harry Potter:
Bill Weasely
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
Carl Gallagher
Star Wars:
Ben Solo / Kylo Ren
Anakin Skywalker
Stranger Things:
Billy Hargrove
Steve Harrington
Dean Winchester
Jonah Simms
The Originals:
Elijah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
The Vampire Diaries
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Lorenzo St. John
To All the Boys I’ve loved Before:
Peter Kavinsky
Fast and Furious:
Brian O’Conner
Sweet Pea
Once Upon a Time:
Killian Jones
JJ Maybank
Pretty Little Liars:
Caleb Rivers
Toby Cavanaugh
Jason Dilaurentis
Gilmore Girls:
Jess Mariano
Gossip Girl:
Chuck Bass
Carter Baizen
Great Gatsby:
Jay Gatsby 
Peter Pevensie
Teen Wolf
Derek Hale
Jordan Parrish
Jacob Black
Comforting Words
"It's okay, just breathe."
"I'll stay for as long as you want."
"What can I do for you? Please, I want to help."
"Sh, sh, you're okay now."
"Noone's going to hurt you again, I swear."
"Just come here, let me hold you?"
"Hey, hey, you're alright it's okay, just calm down."
"Why didn't you tell me the nightmares are back? You know I never minded helping you with them."
"What do you need? Another blanket, some tea? I'll just go get both."
"You don't need to apologize to me, ever."
"You can trust me."
"I love you, please don't forget that."
"Can I touch you? Is that okay?"
"Tell me when you're ready to let me in. I'm still here, however long it takes."
15.) "Easy, buddy, easy. You're alright, I got you."
16.) "Hey--hey, stay awake!"
17.) "Keep breathing, you're doing great."
18.) "I can't find a pulse!"
19.) " Will you stop trying to die on us for five seconds?"
20.) "Sh, Sh, save your strength."
21.) "Talk to me. Tell me about something you like."
22.) "Don't say that. You're going to be fine."
23.) "No, don't go to sleep. Hey! Eyes open!"
24.) "Sorry for hurting you, but you need to stay awake."
25.) "Come on, breathe!"
26.) "I swear to God if you die, I'm dragging you back so I can kick your ass."
27.) "Please don't leave me."
28.) "Shut up, you're not dying today. Not on my watch."
29.) "There we go. Deep breaths, just like that."
30.) "I know, I know. Shh Shh."
31.) "I'm right here, it's okay. You're okay now."
32.) "Don't you dare die on me."
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wordynerdygurl · 5 years
Lady In Waiting, No More
Author’s Note:  First, thanks to you all for being so patient with me!!  I had a birthday, went on vacation, then came home and Corona Hell broke loose!  I hope all of you are being smart, safe and washing your hands! Second, Please, pretty please, share, comment, send an ask or a request!  I wanna hear from you! Third, and finally, I wrote “Lady in Waiting” and had several people ask if there would be a sequel.  Originally, no.  No there wasn’t... and yet... here is part two!  For Part One, click this link below!
Lady In Waiting - Part One
Summary:  Loki left you, handcuffed, desperate and alone.  When he gets home, you aren’t wait long.
Pairing:  Loki x Female Reader Warnings:  Y’all, this is just SMUT.  Restrained, cuffed, loving SMUT.  There’s little plot... I wish I could apologize for that... but I won’t!  ENJOY!
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Loki, returning after an absence of one ungodly long half hour, found you on your side keening softly.  Your eyes were screwed shut, sweat glistening on your brow, and your hands made fists under the restraining cuffs you still wore.  To him, you looked sinfully sexy and wickedly wanton, in other words, perfect.    
Raw desire rolled over Loki with a fiery flash.  Instantly rigid, Loki's need almost leveled him.  Almost.  
That molasses voice, his voice, cut through your hedonistic haze dripping with disappointment.   "Oh, darling.  I thought I told you not to cum without me."
A blinding rush of anger pulsed through your veins at Loki's casual return.  And the audacity of his admonishing tone!  As if you could have obeyed his obviously bound to be broken rule.  Trails of tears streak your cheeks, knees squeezing onto his ruined pillow, panting, "Fuck you, Lokiiiiiii…. Ah!"  
Your bound figure convulsed, curling into another climax, uncontrollable and unending.  Cursing at the God who left you cuffed, stuffed and ordered to deny your body's basic responses felt almost as good as the prolonged pleasure coursing through you again.  And Loki?  
He stood stock still at the edge of the bed watching as your thighs shook, rattling the chain of your bonds, the smell of your release making his mouth water.  Overstimulated and sensitive all over, goosebumps rose at the slight touch of Loki's fingers drifting up your calf.  Raising your eyes to his, begging over the muted hum of his torturous toy, "Please, Loki… please!"
But his look is vacant.  Entranced.  Enchanted entirely by the slick, suggestive state you're in.  
Removing the sticky cushion, Loki rolled you onto your back, firm hands holding your legs open lewdly.  Without the pillow his vibrator slipped from deep within you.  Covered in your contraband cream, evidence of your betrayal, undeniable proof that you broke Loki's edict is everywhere.
"How many times?", his intense whisper trailed off as Loki spoke out loud, at you but not to you.
"Loki… you have to turn it off, babe.  I… I can't.  Not again.  Please honey?  Please?"  Whining openly, pleading, your desperate eyes search Loki's.  
He doesn't answer.  Something in his look is foreign, wild.  Feral.
Digging his nails into your tender thighs, marking you, Loki shook his dark head.  Spellbound, sighing, "Off?  Oh no.  I don't think so."
Pressing the buzzing, battery operated bauble into your drenched core makes you cry out from the overwhelming fullness it provides.  Loki's fingers, running around your firm clit in slow swiping circles, give undivided attention to that overlooked organ.  Thrusting inside of you, readjusting to Loki's impersonal invasion, the combined attention sets you stuttering as ecstatic tendrils tighten in your belly.
He isn't even looking at you, at least not your whole person.  No, Loki only has eyes for your overworked tunnel, quavering and quaking under his intense ministrations.  "Come on, then, darling.  One more time while I can watch you disobey me, in person."
Pushing hard against your most sensitive spot, roughly pressing your aching bud, Loki doesn't offer any mercy.  Hitting you like a freight train, your voice raw, ragged, calls out to your God.  "LOKI!  Oh, shit!"  
Then you are silent as a spectacular spasm of sensation locks your muscles together.  Loki doesn't relent during your orgasm.  He pulls his plaything from you, only to slide it home again and again, marveling at your yielding body.
It's when he removes it entirely that your floodgates open.  Overflowing, you aren't able to stop the rush of female fluidity that finds its way past your internal dam.  You've managed to soak the sheets and yourself.
Gulping for air like a landed fish, you rock side to side needing a rest, a break.  Relief from the pleasure Loki has forced on you all afternoon is what you crave.  But Loki isn't done yet.
The toy, removed fully now, is tossed aside along with Loki's clothes.  Looking down on your limp, loose figure, he strokes over his steely member, smiling.  "You didn't just cum without permission, dove.  Oh no.  You drenched my pillow… My sheets… My bed with your honeyed nectar."
Whimpering, you start to defend yourself, scooting away from your long, lean God.  Loki wraps a hand around your ankle, tugging you to the edge of his bed, "Shh… hush now.  You had all sorts of fun without me, but now it's my turn."
Widening wildly, your eyes fly open as realization dawns.  Lips parting to protest Loki's plan are blocked when he plunders your mouth with his fast, firm tongue.  And god damn it!  You kiss him back.
Part of you is righteously pissed off at how Loki has behaved.  Teasing you then leaving you.  Coming back for more instead of freeing you.  Oh, there's hell to pay, you think.
But the dank, deep, dirty part of you is loving your defilement.  The low, thrumming ache in your core from being compelled to climax over and over, feels right.   How sore your shoulders are from supporting your weight, or the skin of your wrists, broken and raised under the metal shackles Loki left you in, all of these are reminders, mementos, to carry with you.  Tell tale talismans against the slights and stings of everyday living where real pain resides.
Chuckling, Loki loves how you can't help yourself.  He knows how furious you must be, his little hellcat, seemingly abandoned and abused.  Sensing that war inside of you, that tug between fighting on and giving in, makes him work harder to earn your caving.
Your flannel shirt, so soft and comfy when you arrived hours ago, now feels rough and ragged on your skin.  Loki pushes it as far down your arms as possible, baring your breasts and your naked belly to his touch.  Wide hands fan across your ribs, tickling you in a rush, cupping your pliant globes firm enough to bruise.
Wiggling under his caress, needing more contact, you force your chest forward.  It's a shameless yet hopeful move to encourage Loki's specific attention.  When he moves his touch in the opposite direction you sob, "Baby… please…"
"Begging?  It's unbecoming and frankly beneath you."
A curse word dies on your lips as Loki locks onto one hard, straining nipple, sucking savagely.  When your hips jolt off the bed, he palms your ass cheeks, his free fingertips tangling with your bound ones momentarily.  But Loki doesn't stop tasting you, instead, switching sides he teases you some more.
Fevered lips trail between your breasts, over your stomach, stopping to bite into the swell of your hip.  "Shit!", you hiss at the sharp tang of pain, hoping you sound mad - you don't.  Your tone is tinged with a neediness that Loki could hear through deafness.
Honestly, it is one of his favorite sounds.  
"Didn't you believe me, darling?  I told you I'd be back to ravage this body.  Take what's mine."
It is that second, when Loki's fervid words stoke the fires of your flaming desire, that you give into him completely.  Singing out a sigh, your muscles soften, the tension in them ebbing away like ash on the breeze.  You spread your knees wider, giving yourself to your saucy, sweet, spectacular lover without question.
There is only so long a woman can be teased.  Tickled.  Trifled with… and pushing aside your heady emotional response, you give into the carnal pleasures Loki promised with his call hours ago.
Still alive with phantom spasms, as if the vibrator continued it's assaulting assignment, Loki gently strokes your spread center.  Two long fingers slip into you, the heel of his hand chafing your clitoris, Loki's skin creating a welcome friction inside and out.  Groaning at the sight of you before him, separating his fingers, Loki enjoys your overripe responses to his touch.
"Dove?"  Timbre shifting, dark and dangerous, his voice demands a reply.
"Hmm… yes, Loki?" 
One stray lock of ebony curls over his face.  It makes Loki look wild, untamed, animalistic.  "I will not be gentle."
Biting into your full bottom lip, barely concealing your wanting wail, you nod.  A yes to his aggression.  A yes to his terrible touch.  A yes to excruciating ecstasy.  
The bastard smiles as you, incandescent with the joy which comes from getting exactly what you want most.  And your betraying body smiles back, happy to please, eager to accept whatever Loki grants.  You don't have to wait long.
Entering you roughly, ruinously, Loki doesn't rest until he is sheathed securely inside of you.  "Too much!  Loki!  It's too much!"
Bending your knee allows him to sink deeper, trim pelvis flush with your feminine folds, "You can take it darling.  All of me and more."
Setting a punishing rhythm, stretching you with each surge, Loki owns you.  Further and faster, harder and higher, he forces your shivering self to submit over and over again.  Sounds leave your lips but they are meaningless.  Noises that articulate nothing.
Yet Loki understands what you can't quite communicate.  In your cooing calls and high pitched hoots there is a language.  He hears when your body tells him, right there… more… again!  The God of Mischief is happy to oblige.
A renewed intensity powers Loki, his need growing, green and greedy.  Those articulate hands bring your legs together while he continues his carnal attack, never losing the beat, never slowing down.  The satin skin on the back of your thighs is forced against Loki's tight abdominals.  Your knees almost reach his shoulders.  Almost.  
From this new position you can feel Loki drilling further and further, reaching places that had gone unexplored, dragging you onto his iron length as he chased pleasure's peak.  Loki's long fingers clawed into your meaty quads, bruising, brutal.  And above it all is your sex crazed God, head thrown back, neck tense, using you as only Loki ever could.  
On fire, somehow more turned on than you had ever been before, your pelvic floor floods for Loki.  The familiar spike of sexual fulfillment surges through you.  "Oh no, Loki!  I… I… I can't stop!"
"Cum.  Cum on my cock.  Do it!"  His words are so delightfully dirty and alone that would have been enough.  But Loki used his wide thumb against your swollen button, not swiping, but pushing the delicate nerve bundle until the over wound chord inside of you snapped.
Locking onto Loki's intrusion, muscles spasmodic, you shook as you shouted, "FUCK!!!  AH!"  As soon as your clenching core grabs onto him, Loki follows you into ecstasy, pumping you full to bursting.  Wetness washes over you both, cool on your hot flesh, dousing your fires entirely.
Still connected, Loki absorbs the aftershocks which roll over you intermittently, milking him dry.  Half lidded, your eyes take him in, exhaustion making your limbs heavy.  Untangling himself, lowering your limp legs to the mattress, Loki sighs down at you, "You've been so good for me.  I knew you could take it all."
You answer with a kitten caught the cream smile.  Proud of his praise, over satiated and beyond satisfied, you try to stretch.  Struggling, Loki offers, "Let me help… let me, dearest."  
The cuffs. The cold, fucking cuffs which you've worn for hours now, fall away.  Loki brings your marked wrists forward, kissing and licking along the violet lines that show your confinement.  You find that your skin here is tender, abraded, but Loki's attention is gentle, soothing.
Rolling onto your tummy, curling your now free arms under your chin, you murmur, "This isn't over, Loki."
"Oh no?  Seems pretty over, as you're about ten seconds from a deep, peaceful slumber, darling."
Yawning widely, one open eye pinning Loki in place, "I'll have my revenge, Loki Odinson.  I will have my revenge."
His deep laugh rumbles through the room.  He knows he pushed you, harder, farther, than ever before.  Loki's not so blind that he doesn't see how angry you are under the energy draining appeal of incredible sex.  But revenge?  How could you even imagine getting one over on him?  It's hilarious bravado and Loki has to laugh.
"Of course you will, my sweet thing.  My dear one.  Of course."  His tone is placating, appeasing a tired child, brushing off the sincerity of your declaration.
“You won’t see it coming, Loki…”  Drifting off, you let sleep claim you, a plan already forming.   Payback was going to be a bitch.  Just like you.
My Lovelies: @just-random-obsessions​ @brokenthelovely​ @iamverity​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @thefallenbibliophilequote​ @archy3001​ @mizfit2​ @vodka-and-some-sass​ @jamielea81​ @jessiejunebug​ @lots-of-loki​ @alexakeyloveloki​ @rorybutnotgilmore​ @procrastinatinglikeabitch​
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Title: School Unity Club
Author: @thatsrightdollface
For: @bebexox4
Pairings/Characters: Hajime Hinata/Nagito Komaeda, with appearances by both Chiaki Nanami and Kokichi Oma.  Others mentioned.
Rating/Warnings: T.  Some mention of self-deprecating thought might be a relevant warning.  There is also occasional swearing.
Prompt: Non despair hopes peak au with Enemies-Friends-Lovers komahina
Author’s notes:  Hi there!!!  Happy Komahina Secret Exchange, and I hope you enjoy your gifts!!!  :D  This is prompt one of two you can expect this time around.  This was really fun to work on hehehe.  Thank you!!!
1. Okay, Why Are We Starting a School Unity Club Again?
The first time Hope’s Peak Academy tried to recruit Nagito Komaeda, of course he turned them down: he was unworthy, he insisted, trying to laugh at himself, trying to raise his metaphorical palms in obvious surrender.  I mean, come on.  Hope’s Peak… haha, that was for genuinely amazing people.  For the Ultimate Students, glimmering irrefutable beacons of hope to everybody else.  They were — no.  Nagito couldn’t go to school with people like that.  Practically superheroes, so hardworking and disciplined and just everything Nagito knew he didn’t deserve to be.  What would he even say?  How would he know where to sit, or when to participate in class discussions, or how to tactfully say no when they felt obligated to invite him along places?
But, in the end, Hope’s Peak Academy hadn’t so much wanted Nagito as a student, he gathered, as they’d wanted to study his luck.  Nagito’d always had unreasonable, relentless, mythically impossible luck.  Amazing things happened to him, and then… like clockwork, like the gears of the universe churning away… equally devastating things inevitably followed.  The Ultimate Lucky Student.  That’s right.  After years of fallen-apart loved ones and distant extended family members and snakes slithering out of his bathtub drain the second he realized “You know, I think this might be my favorite brand of shampoo,” Nagito Komaeda’s absurd luck was finally going to help somebody.  Hope’s Peak could learn from his luck, and that was worth humiliating himself daily, stumbling around Ultimate Students, rambling and awestruck.  That was worth knowing he’d never belong, because he hadn’t worked for his Talent.  It wasn’t really a Talent at all.
When Nagito was happy, he knew he was sure to feel tears burning against the back of his eyes very soon.  He was happy about the chance to attend Hope’s Peak, despite everything, despite knowing he should have turned the invitation down again, whether his luck could be useful or no…  and so, of course, bad things followed.  Bad things he hadn’t talked to his classmates about, yet, and probably never would.  Because it wasn’t like Nagito had come to such a prestigious institution expecting anybody to actually care about him.  It wasn’t like he would have clawed his way in without being invited.  Right?
Nagito liked to think that was right, anyway, just the way he liked to think he didn’t actually want any of his fancy, impossible new classmates to contradict him when he described himself as worthless, a faceless background character in their lives.  Why should they tell him he was more than a bystander?  Nagito would hold the camera when his classmates wanted a group photo.  That should be more than enough.  If he wanted to get something done for their sake, he could lean on his Ultimate Luck.  If he drew a lottery number, it would always win.  If a car was careening out of control through the school grounds, it would be sure to hit him before it clobbered anyone else.  A weird system — a horrible system, from some points of view — but it was the least Nagito could do.  It was his so-called “Talent,” after all.
Maybe that was why the Reserve Course had never made a lot of sense, to Nagito.  See, some people could pay a hell of a lot of extra tuition money and buy their way into Hope’s Peak…  but not as Ultimates.  It felt like a flashlight demanding to be called the sun, to Nagito.  Like a puddle on the street insisting it was the ocean.  If Ultimates really were “hope,” then how dare anybody scramble around to grab their spotlight away, right?  Reserve Course attendants would probably be easier to get along with than the Ultimate Students, given that Nagito was more or less “one of them”… a nobody, a stranger, an intruder here in this place for gods.  But he didn’t go looking for friends among the Reserve Course, either.  Why should he want to be buddy-buddy with arrogant pretenders?  It wasn’t like Nagito had ever felt especially good at talking to people, anyway.  He’d probably say something wrong; he’d probably mess something up; he’d probably just get furious.  Wouldn’t you want to turn off the flashlight that thought it was the sun?  
Better not to delude yourself, even if the truth was ugly, full of shaky, simpering smiles and resignation.  Happiness led to pain.  Good luck led to misery.  On and on and on, and Nagito had been fairly sure he’d graduate from Hope’s Peak without any of his classmates having memorized his full name.  You know, if he lived that long.
That’s why it was all the more surprising when Chiaki Nanami… the Ultimate Gamer…  kept insisting on talking to him.  Of course, Chiaki was kind to their whole class.  She had no reason to sit silently and play phone games with Nagito until his phone caught fire in his hands — she had no reason to chat about his favorite super-indie horror titles during breaks in schoolwork, coming over to stand by his desk on purpose.  Chiaki wanted to understand everybody: she told Nagito as much, honestly.  Chiaki wanted their whole class to be a team, and so when she asked Nagito to show up for movie nights he did.  He knew he’d suffer the bad luck for it later, but he picked up the phone when Chiaki called him every time.  
If she wanted to be friends with everyone, Chiaki shouldn’t have to work for the Ultimate Lucky Student’s friendship, obviously.  He should be a shoe-in.  And it wasn’t really that Nagito was having fun that kept him sticking around, probably.  It wasn’t really that he was starting to banter with the Ultimate Mechanic and the Ultimate Gangster, as if they were actually… uh… friendly acquaintances, or something, either.  Chiaki told him he was reliable, even if he still wouldn’t admit he belonged with the rest of them.  Even if he said hurtful things sometimes and didn’t seem to realize it.
“What?!” Nagito had balked, then.  “Have I insulted you?  Oh, no.  No, that’s unacceptable.  For someone like me to speak badly of an Ultimate Student, even without meaning to —”
“That’s exactly what I’m talking about,” Chiaki had answered.  She reminded Nagito of a cat, pretty consistently… heavy-lidded eyes, and a voice like a tail swishing slowly back and forth.  She didn’t look up from the game system in her hands as she drawled at him.  “You say horrible things about yourself, and about how you can’t understand why I’d want anything to do with you…  makes me feel like you don’t think I can pick my own friends.  I say I think you’re okay, and you spend the next half an hour telling me why that’s a stupid thing to think.  Kazuichi says he’s glad you stopped by to help him work on that robot project he’s building, and you have to make him apologize for thinking ‘trash like you’ deserves to hang out with the Ultimate Mechanic at all.”
Nagito wasn’t sure how to respond to any of that.  He’d cleared his throat.
“Your friends will hurt when they see you hurt, Nagito.  I always heard people in games saying that, and now I know it’s true.  Okay?”
“Hm.  Okay…  if you’re sure, as an Ultimate Student.”
“I’m sure as your friend Chiaki.”
“Interesting.  I mean…  yeah, I’ll do my best not to hurt you?”
Nagito had been watching the way he talked about himself around Chiaki Nanami for about a week before she came to him with a plan she’d been working on with the Ultimate Supreme Leader.  Kokichi Oma was a couple years behind them, but he was always scheming like the “Spawn of Loki” the Ultimate Animal Breeder declared him to be — his latest plan involved trying to unite the two branches of their school, the Main Course and the Reserve Course, coming together for some sort of mysterious club.  Chiaki was all for it, apparently, and Nagito had wanted to say a lot of things.  He’d wanted to say it sounded like reassuring the puddle that ships could drown in it after all, and coral reefs were sure to grow.  It felt false, and wrong.  But a lot of things Kokichi Oma said felt “false and wrong,” and Nagito wanted to be Chiaki’s real, worthy friend so badly.  He agreed to help, however he could.
“It’s so generous of the Ultimates to share their Talents with everybody!” Nagito said.  That was a fair enough rationalization, wasn’t it?  “You really are a commendable person, Ultimate Supreme Leader.  Even if practically everything you say is a shameless lie!”
And, “Hey now, most of my nefarious criminal organization members wouldn’t be called ‘Ultimate,’ and they’ve got more talents to share around than this whole stuck-up school,” Kokichi answered, voice light and airy, like he wasn’t actually invested in the conversation… though his eyes said he really was, unless that expression was just another lie from him?  Lies upon lies upon lies.  People told Nagito he was confusing to talk to, but surely he couldn’t have anything on Kokichi Oma.  Was that okay for him to think?  “A lot of these titles we got assigned feel pretty arbitrary, if you ask me.  And it’s ridiculous we’ve never actually met so many of our classmates!”
Nagito raised his eyebrows. “Classmates?”
Kokichi stared him down, smile practically painted on.  “Classmates.  Yeah.  Just think of how many possible recruits for my organization might be waiting in the Reserve Course…  ya think any of ‘em are interested in a life of evil?”
“Most of the people who made the games we play aren’t Ultimates, either,” Chiaki murmured, at Kokichi’s side.  She was muted and dusky pink, with a tender, hesitant smile — Kokichi was so glaringly bright and loud next to her.  They made a strange team, but of course no stranger than Nagito and anyone in the world.  “Please, Nagito.  The School Unity Club is going to try and form real friendships…  I think it’s a chance for us to do something good, and to learn what it’s like to be in the Reserve Course.“
As if Nagito wanted to understand something like that!  Haha!  Oh, Chiaki.  No.
But that’s what led Nagito here, to the first official School Unity Club meeting.  He filled out the Getting to Know Everybody Questionnaire Kokichi and Chiaki passed out, and he hung around in the back of the room, hands folded in his pockets, face perfectly neutral, until a spiky haired Reserve Course guy came storming up to him.  What could have possibly gotten this uppity loser so mad?  Chiaki had decorated this classroom herself, specifically for trash like the both of them.  They should be so grateful.  There were streamers and everything.
“Are you Nagito Komaeda?” Mr. Pointy-Hair spat.
“I am.  Nice to meet —”
“So you’re the one who wrote that people who joined the Reserve Course have ‘no good reason to be here’ on the questionnaire.  Knowing we’d all read it — knowing how much we want to attend Hope’s Peak Academy —”
Nagito nodded, letting himself smile.  Ah, okay.  This was making a little sense now.  “Excuse me, I think you misunderstand something,” he tried to clarify.  “I don’t believe I have a good reason to be here, either…  really, we’re almost the same, you and me.  I probably have more to say to someone like you than my whole class!”  Nagito paused.  Glanced over at the Ultimate Gamer.  “Except for Chiaki.  Maybe.  If she still thinks so.”
Mr. Pointy-Hair didn’t look reassured by Nagito’s explanation.  If anything, his cheeks were flushed red, the fury creeping up to the tips of his ears, and his hands were clenched into fists at his sides.  He was a little shorter than Nagito, but he was standing as tall as he possibly could.  “Someone like me?” he asked.  It was a question, somehow, but what exactly did he expect Nagito to say?  Mr. Pointy-Hair’s teeth were ground together, but there was something honest and wholesome about his mossy green eyes.  Nagito might have wanted to ask his name, if he didn’t feel sure he was about to get yelled at.  Why weren’t they understanding each other, exactly, here?
“You’re not an Ultimate,” Nagito said, explaining something painfully simple.  “This is a school for extraordinary people, and you and I are both unworthy of it.  You see?  But that shouldn’t be news to you…”
Mr. Pointy-Hair was spitting mad.  Was he going to punch Nagito, next?  Or simply tell him how awful he was?  Nagito was bracing himself either way, but he shouldn’t have bothered.  That was when Kokichi Oma’s spotlight found them, after all.  That was when the Ultimate Supreme Leader — sauntering around on a stage made of pushed-together desks and using a super-chipper ringmaster voice — declared, “Oh!  And what’s this?  Mr. Komaeda and Mr. Hinata are already picking a fight!  I think we just found some volunteers for a club project, guys!”
There was a scattering of polite, confused applause, and this Mr. Pointy-Hair Hinata spun around on his heel and threw himself out of the room.  The door slammed, and his footsteps thudded away down the hall.
Nagito took a stumbling half-step after him.  He didn’t mean to.  This was the sort of pretender who thought he deserved to be an Ultimate without earning it, after all.  There was no reason to wonder what their club project would be together, or if he’d ever learn Hinata’s first name.  There was no reason to ask what the Ultimate Supreme Leader had in store for them to work on — there was probably no reason to assume he and Hinata would ever see each other again, or get another chance to try and have an actual conversation.
Nagito asked Kokichi what their assignment was, anyway.
1½. Talking to You’s Like Trying to Paint in the Rain
Hajime Hinata figured if he just never attended a School Unity Club meeting again, he could simmer for a while and then amble on like this never happened.  Like he’d never met Nagito Komaeda, with his hazy dark eyes and drifting, shaky-yet-infuriatingly-resolute voice.  If he never joined up with the club again, then he couldn’t be assigned any weird-ass “club projects,” could he?  And since Nagito was part of the Main Course…  an Ultimate, even if he’d tried to convince Hajime they were “the same,” or whatever…  their paths wouldn’t necessarily cross, otherwise.  They even had passing periods at different times, and if Hajime saw Nagito’s fluffy, flyaway white hair from across the hallway he just stopped in his tracks and stalked away.
But, I mean…  that isn’t the end of the story, obviously.  Hajime underestimated the Ultimate Supreme Leader, and also how ridiculous things could get at Hope’s Peak Academy.  Sometimes, the place barely even felt real.
Hajime received the instructions for his and Nagito Komaeda’s club project midway through math class.  The guy in front of him — who he’d known the whole year, mind you, and was definitely just some guy who liked comic books and was often a little late to class — turned around in his seat and stage-whispered, “Hey, Hinata, you wouldn’t happen to know the answer to question thirteen, would you?”
“There is no question thirteen,” Hajime answered.  “The worksheet only goes to ten —” and then he actually looked up, to raise his eyebrows at his classmate and/or see if they had different worksheets for some reason.  And well.  Hm.  Wouldn’t you know it, this wasn’t his classmate at all.  This was very obviously Kokichi Oma from the Main Course in a wig.  The Ultimate Supreme Leader was wearing a Reserve Course uniform with the tie knotted all sloppily, and he grinned like the damn Cheshire Cat as he handed over a big envelope with the words “This is not your School Unity Club project assignment!” scribbled on it.
“Oh!  Nice eye,” Kokichi grinned.  “Aren’t you a smart one.”
“I don’t want to work with Nagito Komaeda,” Hajime hissed.  “And Kokichi, this isn’t your class.”
“Are you sure I’m not enrolled in the Reserve Course, too?”
“Ugh.  Yes?  And you’re two years behind me.”
Kokichi scratched at his forehead.  Hajime thought maybe he was taunting him, intentionally fiddling with his wig so that a little of his flippy purple hair snuck out.  “Nagito’s stubborn, isn’t he?  Kind of like you.”
“We’re nothing alike,” Hajime said, but even as he spat those words he knew they weren’t completely true.  Honestly, Hajime felt sick with guilt for getting his family to pay this ridiculous Hope’s Peak Reserve Course tuition — he’d tried to change his own mind, convincing himself it didn’t matter whether the world called him Special.  The Ultimate Students were just people, he told himself.  So what if nobody thought he was good enough to be one of them?  He could still live a happy, normal life…  he could still pour attention into the hobbies he loved, and spend time with the people he cared about, and maybe it was kind of a pain to have your face on convenience store magazines anyway.
Hajime told himself stuff like that over and over again, but it wasn’t like it stuck, you know?  It didn’t change the tide of his thoughts.  It felt like the minute he painted a nice, encouraging picture of an alternative to Hope’s Peak Academy for himself, it got washed away.  Staring into Nagito’s serene, self-righteously knowing eyes had felt a little like that, too.  Hajime got the feeling that he could talk to him and talk to him, but it was almost impossible to change this guy’s mind until he changed it himself.  
It was infuriating, wasn’t it, talking to people like that?
“If you want to prove you’re really different than Nagito — you’re really not super-stubborn and impossible to reach — you can always just do the project,” the Ultimate Supreme Leader grinned.  “Up to you.  I told him to meet you by those big fountains after school, and I think he’s actually gonna do it.  He asked what your first name was, too…  I told him it was ‘Daisuke.’”
“But it isn’t.”
“Oops, my bad.  So tell him yourself.”
Hajime read the crayon-drawing assignment sheets waiting for him in that envelope during a break, sitting slumped over at a table with a bunch of students he didn’t really know.  Apparently, Kokichi and the Ultimate Gamer wanted Hajime and Nagito to make a short documentary film showing everybody what life was like in the Hope’s Peak Reserve Course.  They were supposed to interview students and get some funny stories; they were supposed to go over some of the things people were studying, and rate whether the desks were comfy.  Just…  get a portrait of the Reserve Course as people, basically, the instructions said.  And be sure to let the Ultimate Supreme Leader know if anyone seemed open to helping with this prank he had in the works.  Get them to sign a short, totally-harmless liability form.  It’ll be fun.
Hajime crumpled the envelope and all its assignment sheets up, one by one, preparing to toss them away with the rest of his trash.  But then he unfolded them, running a hand through his sticky-uppy hair.  
You know what?  
Why not.  
Maybe it would do Nagito Komaeda some good, to get to know the people he was insulting.  To see the school from a different point of view.  Maybe it would be satisfying to see him feel like a jerk, fumbling around, trying oh-so-messily to explain himself to anybody a little less forgiving than Hajime.  Anyway, it was sort of annoying the guy thought his name was something random Kokichi Oma had pulled out of a hat, too.
So Hajime went to meet Nagito by the fountains.  For a moment, before they actually started working on the project, it had felt sort of right.  Nagito had stood up from where he’d been bent over some homework; he’d smoothed down his vest, and smiled awkwardly, self-consciously.  Hopefully.  It had looked like maybe he would apologize.  Maybe he’d thought over what he said, and Hajime didn’t need to spend any time convincing him he was an asshole.  In that case, maybe Nagito was the kind of willowy handsome that Hajime liked in drama actors, if you got past the funny way he held himself.  In that case, maybe his voice was sort of soft and lyrical, and if they were talking about something else…  almost anything else…  Hajime wouldn’t really mind listening to him.
But then, uh.  Hajime got close enough for Nagito to wave, and call, “Do you understand what I meant, now, then?  It’s nice to meet you properly, Daisuke!”  And it only went downhill from there.  
It didn’t help that the minute Hajime handed Nagito the school-owned camera Kokichi had finagled for them to use, it got carried out of his hands by an actual hawk.  What the hell?  “Ultimate Luck,” Nagito clarified, but what did that even mean?  So then they were gonna record the thing on Hajime’s phone, except that they couldn’t decide where to start.  Who to talk to.  They got into a half-shouting match in front of a few of Hajime’s friendlier classmates, who excused themselves as quickly as possible.  They tried to film the gymnasium, but it was closed for emergency fumigation and they ended up gagging, hunched over outside the doors for about five minutes.  They tried to film in the dorms, but Hajime’s entrance pass cracked in two when they attempted to use it.  Those were expensive!  Augh!  Why was Nagito laughing?!
Whatever Hajime tried to do, it felt like Nagito came sliding over to step on his toes.  They were getting nowhere.  This project was getting nowhere.  They had to delete the one decent interview they managed to get because Hajime himself accidentally had his thumb over the camera.  He had literally no idea how he could’ve missed something like that.
“Ultimate Luck,” Nagito said, again, for about the millionth time that evening.  “See?  It’s really not always much of a talent!”
That was the last straw.  Hajime was done.  Nagito was still obsessed with this concept of “talent”; Nagito was the last person who should be making a video trying to show what life was really like for Reserve Course students.  The Ultimate Supreme Leader was probably just messing with them, just being a little shit like people said he tended to be.  School Unity?  What could Nagito Komaeda do to work towards School Unity?  He was probably the sort of person who would want to trap a lizard that thought it was a dragon, just to show the poor little guy how small he really was.  Hajime didn’t have time for this.
And so he told Nagito as much, and he gathered up his things.  He deleted all the footage they’d recorded for their project, and went back home.  That could’ve been the end of it.  If Kokichi turned up in any of his classes again, Hajime would just tune him out.  If the Ultimate Gamer asked him why he didn’t come around anymore, yeah, okay, he’d apologize, but that was it.
Hajime didn’t hear anything from the School Unity Club for about a month.  “Good riddance,” he thought.  He imagined himself slamming a book closed.  And then possibly kicking said book under the bed, or something.
When he got a text from Kokichi Oma — wait, how had the Ultimate Supreme Leader gotten his phone number?! — Hajime almost didn’t open it.  But morbid curiosity won out in the end, as it so often did.  Morbid curiosity, and that claustrophobic, helplessly-stricken pull to the Ultimate Students Hajime still felt, even now.  He had wanted to be valuable, to be seen; he had wanted to be a revelation.  Every breath he took on this earth could have been game-changing, if only he’d been born someone else.
“Nice work on your video,” Kokichi said.  “Turned out really insightful.  I think it’ll help the Reserve Course students feel seen, too.”
Alright.  Hold on.
2. The Light
When Nagito Komaeda asked the Ultimate Supreme Leader whether it had been difficult, convincing Hajime to come watch his documentary about the Hope’s Peak Academy Reserve Course together, Kokichi said, “You just better not mess this up, kid,” with a big, sloppy wink.  Nevermind that he really hadn’t answered the question, actually, when Nagito thought back on it – nevermind that Kokichi was… again…  younger than him.   Maybe it meant Hajime had struggled against the idea of ever actually talking to Nagito again, and Kokichi’d had to bribe him with glittery promises like, “If you give the video a chance, I’ll delete your phone number from my contacts list!”  Or maybe it meant Nagito should feel lucky – lucky in a good way, mind you – because Hajime hadn’t needed a lot of nagging at all.  Maybe Mr. Pointy-Hair was genuinely curious.  Maybe he’d be willing to forgive how badly things had gone, and try, Nagito didn’t know, “hanging out” again, sometime.
“Why did you lie about Hajime’s name, to me?” Nagito asked.  “I looked…  inconsiderate.”
“Who knows?” Kokichi said.  “I do stuff like that, you know.”
It would’ve been way too easy, if Kokichi Oma had been willing to answer a simple question for once.  But all the same, Nagito ended up sitting alone in a dark, lonely classroom after club activities were over for the night; all the same, Nagito had finished up the Reserve Course documentary film on his own.  He’d purchased four separate video cameras, and lost them all to his ruthless luck.  He’d interviewed people from Hajime’s classes, asking the questions Hajime had scrawled out on the back of Kokichi’s crumpled-up assignment envelope that time they tried working together.  “What brought you to the Reserve Course?”  “What’s your most precious goal, and how do you hope the Reserve Course will help you get there?”  “Do you like going to school here?”  “What do you think Hope’s Peak could do differently, to show that it values all its students?”  Some of the answers he’d gotten were genuinely shocking – one of them made him cry, actually, and try to shake the girl’s hand afterwards.  (She took his hand, yes, but then asked why there was so much mud on it.  Oh, crap.  Nagito’d forgotten that happened…  he’d been swallowed up by a surprise swamp on the way across campus that day.)  All of the answers were…  human?  Maybe sometimes it was easy to get so wrapped up in this business of hope and despair, talent and luck, that Nagito forgot how learning a person’s abilities just barely scraped the surface of what it would be like getting to know them.  He didn’t talk much at all, giving his interviews – aside from asking questions, of course.  He laughed at jokes, sometimes, but he tried to laugh quietly, without wobbling the camera too much.
Nagito had expected the interviews would enrage him – would make him think these people were ungrateful, were building themselves homemade trophies to take away from the Ultimate Talents the Main Course actually earned.  And sometimes, yeah, sometimes he did want to argue back.  Put them in their places, back in the dirt with him; click off the flashlight that thought it was the sun.  But he listened, for a while, anyway.  Maybe it was because Hajime would’ve wanted him to, at first – maybe it was because Hajime might have said he couldn’t do it.   But in the end, Nagito found himself with a lot of footage of people telling him their truths, and so many of those stories tasted familiar. That longing, that hurt, that want, that hunger.  It had been written all over Hajime’s face when they first met, but Nagito’d never asked his story, had he?
Ah, well.  Nagito had tried making the documentary into something Hajime wouldn’t hate, you know?  He’d gone to one of the Reserve Course’s basketball games and recorded the crowds cheering, recorded the players’ teamwork and struggle.  None of the players were the Ultimate Basketball Star or anything, but it still mattered when they won, didn’t it?  Maybe not as much, existentially, or for the hope of the world as Nagito understood it, but – but it could still be emotional watching them come together and ruffle each other’s hair, afterwards, reminiscing about the game.  Nagito had attempted to go to a Reserve Course swimming team competition too, but of course the pool flooded the second he stepped in the building…  and like, really flooded, in that most of the bleachers were still underwater and they hadn’t been able to drain the dressing rooms, yet.  Some sort of weird, constant flow in from ocean?!  Nagito wasn’t sure on the specifics.  Point being, he’d stopped attending sports events for a while, but he had asked Chiaki to record the Reserve Course’s musical production of Les Misérables so he could splice some of it into the documentary.
Nagito didn’t ask specific questions about Hajime Hinata while conducting his interviews, but he’d heard some stuff about him all the same.  He was a good classmate, people said – a hard worker, soft-spoken, but he didn’t just sit back and take kindly to bullies.  He was smart, but his handwriting was terrible, and he and Nagito seemed to like the same type of video games.  Hajime’s classmates mentioned him in passing, see, discussing him among themselves…  or they said, “Oh, no, Nagito’s probably okay.  He was with Hajime a couple days ago, remember?  Hey, Nagito, are you two friends?”
In that moment, Nagito had wanted very badly to say yes, yes they were friends. He would’ve been proud to have Hajime like him, as a person, the way Chiaki seemed to.  But he just sort of smiled and shook his head.  “We were working on a project together,” he offered.  “School Unity Club.”   It was probably fair to leave it at that, right?  
But now the documentary was finished, and Hajime had been persuaded… somehow…  to come to some empty classroom after School Unity Club let out and watch it at Nagito’s side.  Nagito hadn’t really felt like he should be going to School Unity Club meetings lately: it was surreal to be back here again, inviting Hajime into the ruins of a game tournament.  There was a scribbly, multi-color scoreboard, and bits of the floor were duct-taped off into what looked like a beanbag chair/slime vat obstacle course.  The janitors at Hope’s Peak must have hated Kokichi Oma.  Or who knows, really?  Maybe he was planning to slink back in and clean all this up himself, after Nagito and Hajime finished with their video.  Nagito showed Hajime over to some chairs he’d set up in front of his cracked-apart personal laptop.  He pulled out Hajime’s chair a little bit, like they were someplace fancy, and Hajime scoffed.  He sat down, though.  And then he gestured to Nagito’s chair, like, “Well?”
They watched the documentary in silence.  Sometimes Hajime shifted, or scratched at his neck.  Sometimes he gasped, or shot Nagito careful, considering eyes.  Nagito…  for his part…  tried his best to keep his expression neutral, the same as he’d done at that first School Unity Club meeting.  The last interview was with himself, after all, and he thought he’d made his own points pretty clear.  He didn’t understand what the Reserve Course meant, in connection to the Main Course here at Hope’s Peak Academy…  on one hand he still thought it defied the point of the whole place, but on the other it was a class full of creativity and excitement and hope for the future, too.  He’d learned a lot from the Reserve Course students, and it had been fun spending time with them.  The interview questions had been written by Hajime Hinata, but they’d honestly become Nagito’s questions too, by the end.  He thanked the viewer for watching, and the interviewees for talking to him, and the swimming team for their forgiveness when he tried to explain that it was his weird luck that ruined their tournament.
It wasn’t perfect.  Nagito stumbled over his words, sometimes, and he contradicted himself, and he went on a short monologue about how it was possible hope came in innumerable different forms.  He hinted at one of his most embarrassing thoughts, too – that maybe…  just maybe, possibly, against all odds… it might’ve been more merciful to have a world without the worship of talent, a world where all people could just live as themselves and know that was enough. He had almost edited that part out.  In another life, he probably wouldn’t have wanted anyone in the world to hear it.  It flew in the face of everything he was supposed to honor, after all.  It was skeptical of the very concept of the Ultimate Talents themselves.
Nagito might not have been able to explain exactly why he kept that part of his own interview in the documentary.  Maybe he wanted Hajime to get him, if they ever spoke again.  Maybe so many strangers had been utterly, vulnerably honest with him, he felt like it was sort of his turn. Either way, he winced, taking in the frustrated surrender on his own recorded face.  He kept his arms folded over his chest and gritted his teeth.  Hajime was watching him imagine a world where all that mattered was the light, whether it came from a flashlight or the sun.  For all Nagito knew, he sounded ridiculous.
“That wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be,” Hajime said, slowly, after the credits rolled – Chiaki was thanked for most things Nagito hadn’t attributed to either himself or the conspicuously-absent Hajime Hinata.  “Thanks, Nagito.  You…  are you going to the next club meeting?”
“What?  Am I…?”
“I mean the School Unity Club.  If you go to the next meeting, I’ll come too.”
Nagito swallowed, fidgeting.  He brushed a little messy white hair behind his ear.  “Yeah.  Yeah, absolutely.”  He decided to push his luck, just a little, then, seeing Hajime smile: he decided to try and make this raw, beautiful person that hated him laugh.  “Maybe Kokichi’ll stop pestering me if I finally participate.”
Hajime snorted.  He relaxed, just the littlest bit, and Nagito felt his insides twist.  That was an unfamiliar feeling.
“Probably not,” Hajime said.
“No… probably not.”
That couldn’t have been part of the Ultimate Supreme Leader’s secret conniving plan, though, right?  To get them to bond over mutual frustration…  to pester them both until they started commiserating about it…
But then, maybe Nagito shouldn’t put it past him.  Kokichi’d earned his Ultimate Student-status somehow.  Maybe he and Chiaki hadn’t been completely wrong about a School Unity Club, either.
Well, now… they’d just played right into the Ultimate Supreme Leader’s hands, hadn’t they?
That didn’t matter too much, somehow, when Hajime was taking Nagito out to arcades with his other friends, and on hikes in the forest, and to read quietly on a bench in the park.  Sun on their skin, wind in their hair, ruffling the pages of their books just the littlest bit…  or else grabbing Nagito’s book away and hurtling it out horrifyingly fast into oncoming traffic.  Or maybe it was the first book Hajime got him as a gift that would get stolen by a randomly-appearing hawk, this time?   At least now Hajime knew Nagito usually laughed that desperate, rattling sort of cackle when he was upset.  Nervous.  Panicking.  At least now Hajime would rub his back, a little, and tell him they were fine.  Hey, hey.  Nagito, look at me.  Your luck isn’t your fault.  Just breathe.
No, falling for the Ultimate Supreme Leader’s machinations barely mattered at all, this time.
2 ½. So Glad I was Wrong About You
The first time Hajime Hinata kissed Nagito Komaeda, he hadn’t been expecting to do it, himself, if you’d asked him just five minutes before.  They were doing homework together, and the year was almost over – Nagito had asked Hajime to come to the Main Course Graduation Ball with him, as friends, of course, and high school was winding down to an end for both of them.  Hajime had just worked weekend shifts at a thrift store to buy himself a set of four-leaf clover cufflinks to wear with his suit, small and gold and hopefully not the sort of thing Nagito would think was tacky.  They were…  Hajime hadn’t known what they were, exactly, until he found himself watching the way Nagito talked with his hands, staring off into the distance, swept away in what they were discussing.  He remembered something their mutual friend Chiaki Nanami, the Ultimate Gamer, had said a few weeks before:
“I don’t think Nagito’s gonna ask you to go to the ball as his date-date.  But if he does, be nice.”
Hajime hadn’t pressed Chiaki on that, for some reason.  He’d been a little distracted by how she was completely annihilating him in the game they were playing.  Why hadn’t he…  dammit, why hadn’t he really heard her, then?  If Nagito asked him out, like…  as a boyfriend…  Hajime was supposed to treat him gently.  Maybe Chiaki thought Hajime would’ve wanted to say no, to an invitation like that?  It was hard to say.  Her expression had been all dusty lavender, vague and soft, watching her character defeat Hajime’s so, so mercilessly.  The game had been reflected in her eyes, neon and flickering and fast.
But maybe…  maybe what Chiaki said had meant more than just some run-of-the-mill politeness advice.   It could have meant Nagito’d told Chiaki he was interested in taking Hajime as his date-date, but had backed away squirming from the idea because he was still getting over the concept that he was somehow fundamentally broken.   Maybe he didn’t realize Hajime had bought those four-leaf clover cufflinks like a promise, because he didn’t want this Graduation Ball to be the last chance he got to wear them.  To be fair, Hajime had only just realized that, himself.  Who else was he gonna wear four-leaf clovers for, if not the Ultimate Lucky Student?  He’d gotten to know Nagito’s luck extremely well, over the last year together; he knew which scars he tended to keep hidden, because he hated explaining their backstories, and he had watched Nagito’s closing monologue from that Reserve Course documentary over and over in the dead of night.  Trying to understand it.  Trying to understand this impossible, contrary guy who had just helped him edit his last Japanese Literature essay of the semester.
Hajime had kept telling himself he was done with Nagito Komaeda – for weeks, he’d told himself that.  It felt like such a waste, now.  They were both growing beyond Hope’s Peak Academy, in their ways, even though obviously there had been a time when Hajime would’ve told you that was impossible.  He hadn’t thought he could imagine himself a meaningful future without some link to Ultimate Talent, without this school, whatever exactly it was, but the possibilities had started painting themselves to life without him really noticing it.  The change crept in so sweetly, somewhere between the Ultimate Supreme Leader dragging the whole School Unity Club into participating in the next academy-wide musical and that time they’d all gotten lost in the mountains and Hajime found himself spreading his coat out over Nagito while he slept.   Living had changed things, brought meaning where none had been assigned by fancy academy board members.  When Hajime learned about the Izuru Kamukura Project – a study that had apparently endowed some random Reserve Course student with all the Ultimate Talents under the sun – he was jealous, yeah, but not the way he felt he should have been.
Hajime leaned across the desk and took Nagito’s face in his hands; he kissed him fast and hard, before he could change his mind.  Kissed him like he’d yelled his actual first name in his face.  Kissed him like truth, and the revelation he’d always thought maybe he could be, if only, if only, if only.  He felt Nagito tense and then soften; he felt Nagito try to speak, and then close his eyes, pale lashes brushing against his skin.  Hajime ran his hand down Nagito’s neck, and tangled it just a little in his unbrushed hair.  Nagito made a wondering, helpless sound, and Hajime held him closer.  Pulled back.  Kissed his forehead.
“I’m sorry,” Nagito said.  Hajime didn’t think he knew what for.   Maybe he was still sorry for saying he didn’t think Hajime had any reason to come to this school and that whole tangled-up, confusing introduction they’d had; maybe he was just worried he’d turned out to be a disappointing kisser.  Somewhere out in the hallway, Kokichi Oma was laughing, calling, “You’ll never take me alive!” to someone chasing him with a mysteriously bedazzled mop.  Somewhere out in the hallway, Izuru Kamukura – Reserve Course student-turned living god – was staring out at the world and realizing it was all immeasurably, heartbreakingly boring, when all the talent possible was limp in his hands.
“Why?” Hajime asked.
“Um,” Nagito said.  There were so many words churning inside him, but he was holding Hajime’s hand really tightly, now.  He cleared his throat.  “I mean, we can try that again, if you want.  If I did it wrong.”
Hajime and Nagito were both strong believers in second chances, by that point.  They went to the Main Course Graduation Ball with Nagito holding Hajime’s hand just as tight, and no, that absolutely wasn’t the last chance Hajime had to wear those four-leaf clover cufflinks.  
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just-the-hiddles · 4 years
Weekend Reading | July 3, 2020
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Hello, my little firecrackers!  Another weekend reading!  I apologize for the lateness, I slept in on my day off after a very long and exhausting Thursday!  Anyway, here we go..
Butterfly into Chains by @fanficshiddles​  Tom Hiddleston, David Tennant, Michael Fassbender, Chris Evans, Benedict Cumberbatch x OFC-  An A/B/O fic with a delightfully dark twist.  This is classic fanficshiddles.  Obviously, it will deal with some darker themes, so if you don’t like, please don’t read. LINKED TO AO3.
A Forest Interlude by @villainousshakespeare​  Prince Hal x OFC- Hal is shameless flirt and horn dog in this. And I am HERE FOR IT!!  It is so on point and the OFC, Nell, shuts him down, which I love!!  A must read series! LINKED TO AO3
Don’t Worry I Will Make You Feel Better by @lowhostrikesback​ Dr. Robert Laing x Reader-  Smutiness from our own Lowho.  YUM!!!!  Read it and love it!!
Where Do You I Think I Went Wrong? by @mostly-marvel-musings​ Loki gen fic-  This is a very epistolary.  A very interesting take on Loki.  Haunting.  Take a read!!!
Sticks and Stones by @what-just-happened-bro​ Loki x Reader-  It is twisted, hot, and panty dropping.  Loki is at his height of smutty mischief making in this.  I could re-read this on a loop
Until next week!  And we are coming up on the one year anniversary of Weekend Reading, should I do something special?  Let me know!!!
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thefloorisbalaclava · 3 years
My car started dying every so often and making a weird noise so I’m at the shop rn and the guy opened my door and sat on the ground next to me to explain how the part that’s broken works and what need to be done and then because it wasn’t something he could fix he changed my oil and filled my tires “secretly”.
So yeah mechanic!frankie is on my mind so hard right now
Okay so this is PERFECT for a new mechanic!frankie fic! I changed up a few things. I apologize for taking forever to respond! I hope this makes up for it!
Summary: You go to see Frankie again and learn a few things.
[mechanic!frankie masterlist]
Frankie checked his hair in the little mirror by the door once more before answering. The smile on his face grew exponentially as soon as he laid eyes on you then he pouted when he noticed the silver tray in your hands.
“I told you not to bring anything,” he scolded, taking the tray from you as you stepped inside.
“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” you said and he rolled his eyes.
“You do know we’re in the twenty-first century, right?” he teased as he walked to the kitchen. “Besides...my heart is yours with or without food.” He walked back over to you and pulled you into his arms. After a moment of hesitation, he kissed you and you both sighed into it.
“Hmm...you say you don’t know how to do this whole boyfriend thing, but I must say that you are very good at it,” you said, putting your hands on his chest.
“Just learning as I go.” He kissed you again then pulled away reluctantly. “So...” He looked down at your clothes and made a face.
“What?” You looked down.
“If we’re going into the shop, those clothes are gonna get messy,” he warned. “I might have something there you can wear. Come on, we’ll take my truck.”
“Into the shop? I thought you were gonna show me here,” you said nervously.
“All of my cooler tools are there.” He held the door open for you then followed you out. You reached for the truck door but he quickly stepped in front and pulled it open for you. “See? Learning as I go.”
“Thank you, Frankie.”
At the shop, he brought you to his office and told you to give him a minute. A few moments later, he walked back in wearing his coveralls with another one draped over his arm.
“What is that?” you asked.
“Coveralls.” He held them up and you noticed his name embroidered on it.
“Yours?” You took the stained coveralls from him happily.
“Used to be. I, uh, outgrew them.” He rubbed his soft stomach and you smiled, hoping that one day you would be able to rub it too. “You can put ‘em right over your clothes.”
“Got it.” You stepped out of your shoes before stepping into the coveralls. Even pulled up, they were long on you and the sleeves came down over your hands.
“Let me.” Frankie stood in front of you and you held your arms up so he could roll the sleeves up for you. “That’s better.” He stood back as you put your shoes back on. “Follow me.” He led you to the back of the shop where there were two cars. “Get in and try to start it.”
“Okay.” You climbed into the car he nodded at. When you tried to start it, you heard a grinding sound that made you wince. Frankie walked over to the open window and leaned in.
“Know what that sound means?” he asked.
“Bad starter,” you answered confidently and Frankie grinned.
“You got it. Think we can fix it or is it better off being replaced?”
“They’re probably better of replacing it.”
“Correct. Come on.” He opened the door for you and you followed him to the hood of the car. You stuck your head under the hood with him and he chuckled.
“Nothing, I’m just...I’m really enjoying this,” he admitted.
“Me too.” You both looked at each other and leaned in for a quick kiss, pulling away with shy laughs.
“How well do you know your tools?” he asked.
“Pretty well,” you said proudly.
He tested you by having you pass him the tools he asked for. You got every single one right. Then he pulled out a mechanic’s creeper and you smiled.
“Are you sure?”
“I’ll be right here.” He sat on the ground and rolled the creeper back and forth with a smile.
“Okay, okay. Fine.” You got on your knees and turned around. Frankie helped you onto your back and slowly rolled it.
“Ready?” he asked and you nodded. He rolled you under the car and began ask if you could see certain parts and describing them. When he rolled you back out, you had a big smile on your face. “What?”
“I’ve always wanted to do that,” you confessed. He stood then helped you to your feet.
“Well, ma’am, I think you’re a natural-born mechanic,” he teased. “Don’t think you’ll need me anymore.”
You frowned. “Huh?”
“I’m joking,” he chuckled. “You can always bring your car in and get your complimentary oil change and tire pressure check.” He moved closer to you.
“Do any of your other customers get these complimentary things?” you asked, wrapping your arms around him.
He shook his head. “It’s one of the perks of dating the owner.”
“Oh really? Well, I know another perk.”
“And what’s that?” he asked.
“I get to kiss you whenever I want.” You kissed his lips and he kissed back happily.
frankie taglist: @strangelittlenobody @ithinkimhardcore @damerondala @arellanofelixboys @skvatnavle @tobealostwanderer @surfsup666 @gingib @paperbag33 @anothersherlockian @grogusmum @lestradeslover @lazybeeches @shameless-h @over300books @pinkrosethorne @petty-as-usual-darling @icanbeyourjedi @findhimfives @djvrins @queridopascal @sweet-black-magic @tayloramato @ks04 @hnv-escape @linnie0119 @hb8301 @the-bird-suit @barnes-and-bitch @noromeojuliet @slugbuggie @astoryisaloveaffair @swol-bear @jeeperky @littlefairygirlx @appleheard @allthingsnarcos @darlingdin @hunnambabe @triggerhappyflygirl @stardust-galaxies @fuck-goes-on @dwarfplanet69 @the-page-mistress @mikahowl @dandywinchesterbras @xserenax-13
general taglist: @jedi-mando @agentwhiskeypussyindulgence @mitchi-c @themarcusmoreno @punkpascal @saltywintersoldat @pedro-pascal-owns-my-entire-ass @f0rever15elf @loki-098 @feelmyroarrrr @thirstworldproblemss @sarahjkl82-blog @phoenixhalliwell @artsymaddie @freeshavocadoooo @silverwolf319 @beesting77 @mrsparknuts @anatanotegami @doin-stuff @lilkermit14 @softboiipascal @pedropascaldice @insomniamamma @heresathreebee @cyaredindjarin @thatgirlselectryc @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @darnitdraco @ladylothlorien @deeplyjohnnydepp @bunniwarrior @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @meghanjhegwood @waywardmando @ew-erin @mynameis3-14 @kingpascals @martellthemandalor @dazedrhapsody @kandomeresbitch @frankiemorales @girlwithanewplan @notabotiswear @liveloudwriteloud @feel-it-on-the-way-home13 @seasonschange-butpeopledont @roxypeanut @marvelousmermaid @empress-palpat1ne @hdghty @pedrospunk @its–fandom–darling @littlebopper96 @bison-writes @tumblogbykarapaloma @burrshottfirstt  @amneris21 @pretty-brown-eyess @rosiefridayrogersunday @havenforafrazzledmind @miulola @disasterhann @liviiii98 @jaime1110 @cjillian97 @abicokiyaa @we-willcryinthemoonlight @heartbreak-of-a-marauder @salome-c @virtualxjournality  @lv7867 @coaaster @borderlinedindjarin @anxiousandboujee @bitchylittleredhead @the-wishmonger @callsigncatfish @jitterbugs927 @chasingdreamer
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ao3feed-gallavich · 3 years
by lokihzra
A scrappy, feisty, fiercely loyal Asgardian family makes no apologies.
Words: 1193, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Iron Man (Movies), Thor (Movies), Shameless (US)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Multi
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker, Howard Stark, Hela (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Tony Stark, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Loki & Tony Stark, Loki/Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, thor/morgan stark
Additional Tags: Inspired by Shameless (US), steve tony morgan and peter are siblings, Drug Dealing, Drug Use, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Alcohol, Poor Tony, Fighting, Internalized Homophobia, Teen Tony Stark, Teen Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Teen Loki, Teen Thor, Kid Peter Parker, they all have problems, bc its based off of shameless so, Alcoholic Tony Stark, alcoholic howard stark, Howard Stark's Bad Parenting, starks ride or die for eachother, Badass!Loki, badass!tony, badass!morgan, oh yeah, NINA DOBREV IS MORGAN STARK, bc i think nina looks more like tony than katherine langford, How Do I Tag, Loki Has Issues (Marvel), Tony Has Issues, Shameless AU, Tony centric, Loki-centric (Marvel)
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innaminitus · 5 years
Italian nights #2
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Request: I had this idea for a fic with Loki based on Blank Space by Taylor Swift where reader like the song in front of other people because she’s crazy and manipulative and seductive and goes through a ton if men but Loki learns she’s super anxious and sensitive in private??? Idk if that works, and it’s up to you if you wanna add smut (from @psycho-on-thephone)
Warnings: part 2/2, language, smut
Word count: 2799
A/N: I decided to stay with Taylor Swift for this fic. Was thinking about getaway car but that would’ve been too savage. Anyways, it’s 3am and I’m posting instead of sleeping 
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Loki was watching you sway your hips to the music. You tried to sing along, but didn’t know the words and kept laughing at yourself, peaking at him from time to time to make sure his eyes were still on you.
Whiskey in his glass warmed him enough to care a little less about the worries of the world, your bare legs did the rest. You were not wearing any shoes, your feet moved on the sand as if it was the softest carpet when you joined other people’s dances.
You accidentally found a beach party organized by a hotel or a club and decided to join.
Your little agreement seemed to work. You’ve spent majority of the time together, he managed to be your distraction from whatever demons you needed to hide from. He enjoyed your company more than he would admit. There was something… mesmerizing about you. About how different you acted when you were among other people and when you were just with him. You were like two sides of the coin, and yet he somehow adored both of your faces. The crazy one, daring, the one that liked to drink and kiss was fun to spend time with, but it was your calm side, the one that wasn’t afraid to show vulnerability and calmness was the side he enjoyed most. He didn’t know why you decided to trust him with your feelings, but he was happy you did.
He could show claws thanks to you as well.
“I would gladly spank that ass of hers,” said a man on the barstool next to Loki, who turned to face him. He was watching you as well. “Bet she would enjoy every minute of it.”
Blood boiled in Loki, but he managed to not kill the man on the spot.
“You think?” The god raised his brow and his eyes were back on your body. You were smiling at some man, then at another, but not giving them much attention.
“One look at a girl and I know what she needs, believe me, dude. And this one here needs some good spanking…” He took a big gulp of beer and continued to follow you lustfully with his sight.
Loki forced himself to keep calm. No need to start a fight because of it. Yet.
“Why don’t you go and try your luck, then?”
The man laughed and shook his head.
“Maybe I should!”
You caught Loki’s sight, discretely asking you to come to him. You excused a girl you were dancing with and with a smile that made his insides twirl slowly walked to him.
He greeted you with a smirk, and ignoring the man next to him guided you to straddle his lap.
“My queen,” he murmured in your neck.
It took you just a mere second to pick up his game and your smile widened.
“My king…” You kissed his lips gently.
“Fuck, I am-“ The man next to you stuttered and Loki broke the kiss.
“What were you saying about my girl? Ah, yes. That she needs a good spanking,” he said as calmly as he could and you raised your eyebrow before turning to the man.
“Kinky,” your voice was almost erotic and Loki shivered at the sound of it. “You want to do it to me?” You reached and with your finger traced the hem of the collar of the man’s polo shirt. His eyes were slightly widened, he was drunk enough to think you were serious and was now thinking either about escaping this situation without a black eye or about you in his bed. Loki didn’t want to know if it was the latter. “You want to spank me, solider? Till my ass is nice and red for you?”
He couldn’t bare it. He didn’t want you to talk like that to any man that wasn’t him.
“Like hell I do,” the man said eagerly, completely ignoring the fact that you were on Loki’s lap.
It wasn’t even a second when you reached under your dress, to the thigh holster and pulled out freshly polished Colt King Cobra, aiming it at the man’s head.
His eyes widened in terror, he suddenly got as pale as a dead man. Somehow no one noticed that you were holding a revolver yet. Loki couldn’t hold a laugh at your mad action.
“Have some respect for woman around you, pervert. You never know if they aren’t able to kill you.” You smiled at him sweetly and reloaded.
“I think the lady wants you to apologize.” Loki smiled as well, although his smile wasn’t as pleasant as yours.
“I’m- I’m sorry!” The man cried, looking around for any help. Loki knew you didn’t have much more time to play anymore.
“Do you promise you won’t do it again?” Your voice sounded as if you were talking to a child.
“Yes! I promise!”
A single gasp somewhere near made you blow a kiss at the man, hide your colt and get off Loki.
“I’m bored of this party. Let’s go somewhere else.” You took his hand and dragged him with you.
You should think about the consequence
Of your magnetic field being a little too strong
You still held his hand even when no one could see you. You needed to feel that something was keeping you on the ground.
For a second you really thought you were going to pull the trigger. You’ve done it so many times before, it was as natural for you as breathing. Shooting unpleasant guys in unpleasant situations.
You needed cold shower.  
You weren’t sure what made you mad more; the man’s comment or reaction of your body when Loki called you his queen. Your stomach jumped, every inch of you wanted to hold him and kiss him. It wasn’t what you’ve signed for. You wanted distraction, someone who would keep your mind busy for more than just a few hours or one night, maybe friendship. Not this sick affection you felt. Not the need to touch him, to have him for yourself. You were scared about coming back to the States, to a normal life he wasn’t a part of.
You walked in silence along the beach, soon finding yourselves completely alone, far from loud music and laughs.
“I want to swim,” you said suddenly, stopping and locking your eyes on the sea. “With you.”
A day. You only had a day more with him.
You didn’t look at him when he walked behind you and with gentleness untied the strings holding your light, black dress. You pretended you didn’t shiver at his touch when he slid the straps down your shoulders and moved his hands along your body, releasing you from the dress. His fingers undid the belts of your holster and it was soon on the ground as well, leaving you only in your swimming suit.
You wanted it gone, too. You wanted him to take it off with his teeth, kissing his way along your body. But when you turned to him, he wasn’t looking at you. He was watching the calm waves.  
And I'm so furious
At you for making me feel this way
He couldn’t look at you, not when you were almost naked, bare to his sight and no one else’s. He wasn’t sure he would be able to control himself.
You gently tugged on his shirt, forcing him to look at you. Your gorgeous eyes were locked on him, your fingers wrapped around the fabric.
“Are you going to swim in your clothes?” You asked, your voice sounded somehow insecure.
It amazed him how quickly you could change from psycho with a gun at a man’s head to an anxious girl, uncertain about her own being. He didn’t mind it. Not when he knew who you really were.
With two moves Loki’s shirt and trousers were on the sand.
“Come, then,” he said silently, not being able to take his eyes off of you once he laid them on your body.
You smiled slightly and nodded, turning around to take a few steps and walk into the water. He let himself enjoy the view of your almost naked body in movement before following you with a sigh. The water was warm, even though it was the middle of the night. You walked until the water was reaching your elbows and suddenly stopped, your fingers created elaborate patterns on the calm surface of the sea. Ha came closer, to see your face. Your jollity disappeared, evaporated into thin air.
Was it because of the man? Or did he do something wrong?
“Y/N?” His voice wasn’t any louder than a whisper.
You only snuffled as if you were about to cry. He’s never seen you cry, not from the confusing emotions boiling inside of you.
Loki took a deep breath and stepped in front of you and insecurely took your face in his hands, making you look at him.
“What’s wrong?”
And you should think about the consequence
Of you touching my hand in a darkened room
Easier question would’ve been what’s not wrong. His stupid, ridiculously beautiful face was right there before you, and you weren’t sure whether you wanted to kiss him or slap for making you want him.
You felt hot, shameless lust whenever he was so close to you. Your heart ached unbelievably every time you pretended to be his, because you wanted, no, you needed to be real or else you would rip yourself in two. But you were sure it was just the agreement for him. A handshake. You wished you never approached him, never interrupted that girl who was flirting with him. Maybe it would’ve been her problem now. The pain in chest.
You never thought of yourself as of somebody actually able to love anyone, not in a healthy way. You were possessive and manipulative. No one deserved that. You didn’t deserve anyone.
That’s why you just shook your head and smiled at him.
“Everything’s perfect,” you lied.
He raised his eyebrow at you.
“No, it’s not.” He stepped closer. “Tell me what’s wrong?”
You shut your eyes. Opened your eyes. Clenched your jaw. Relaxed your jaw.
No words were able to form sensible sentence.
You released yourself from his hands, placed yours on his shoulders and pulled him closer. Your lips fell on his, tongue forced its way into his mouth. It wasn’t a good kiss, your teeth hit his, but after a second you pulled away.
“That’s what’s wrong,” you gasped, shocked at your own actions. Psycho. “I can’t stay away from you. I want you.”
His breathing was heavy when he watched your face with disbelief painted on his face. He didn’t want you back.
“No, don’t say anything.” You shook your head. “This can never work. Not with my sick personality, and-“
“Oh, shut up.”
You couldn’t stop him and, to be honest, you didn’t want to. He kissed you, gentler than you kissed him, more passionate. You almost melted under his touch when he lifted you up without breaking the kiss and walked out of the water, his tongue dancing along with yours as he did so.
He muttered odd words that sounded like Norse and suddenly you were surrounded by a green light, at what you clung onto his wet body harder.
When the light disappeared, the sound of waves was also gone. You pulled away and looked around. You were in your hotel room.
“How did you…?” You didn’t manage to say anything more, because he pushed you on the bed and shut your mouth with his lips.
“Just an old trick.” He smiled and continued to leave a trace of wet kisses along your neck and collarbone.
He slowly slid both straps of your bikini bra before undoing it on your back.
“Loki…?” You panted silently when your nipple ended up in between his lips, tongue caressing the sensitive bud.
He lifted himself a little to look at your face, concerned.
“Do you want me to stop?”
Ocean blue eyes looking in mine
I feel like I might sink and drown and die
His eyes were locked on yours and you were close to the edge of a breakdown. How could he want you?
“Skip the foreplay,” you asked quietly. “I need to feel you.”
You wanted him so badly, even if it was just for a night. Quickly, before he changes his mind and realizes how broken you are.
He rested his forearms on the sides of your head and kissed you sweetly. Why did it felt so real when it certainly was a dream?
“I don’t want to just fuck you like the other men, Y/N,” he said and pressed his lips onto yours again. “I want to make love to you. Let me…”
You shook your head, a tear you weren’t able to hold back anymore rolled down your cheek.
“You can’t want me,” you sobbed. “You can’t.”
“Stop telling me what I can. I want you. The real you, not the girl you pose to be.” He kissed the tear away. “Let me put the broken pieces together.”
You couldn’t say anything, you just wrapped your arms around him and pulled him to kiss. His lips fitted on yours perfectly, his hot kisses warmed your body.
“Please,” you sighed again. “Please, just fill me whole.”
He kissed your neck and with a flick of his fingers the rest of your clothes were gone. Nothing was separating you anymore, your burning skin touched his and when he parted your legs to line himself with your entrance you were already lost for him.
You didn’t want these feelings. You wanted them gone, to rip your heart and throw it into the sea.
He pushed himself inside you and you moaned loudly, completing his sigh.
And you are so gorgeous it makes me so mad
You make me so happy it turns back to sad
You clenched around him so perfectly he shivered and almost lost control over his arms, nearly falling onto you. Delicious sounds of your pleasure filled his ears when he slowly pulled out only to equally slowly push himself deep in. He didn’t want to take you fast, not this time at last. He wanted to take his time with you, to cherish every inch of your gorgeous body, but you didn’t want him to.
Did you felt the same way he felt about you?
Your hips gritted against him, hurrying him. He did as you asked, quickened the pace and moaned into your lips at the feeling of your wet, warm pussy clenching around him. Your fingernails left red marks on his back as he slid his hand in between your bodies and began to rub circles on your clit.
You squirmed under him, the sound only turning him on even more.
But you didn’t want him. You made it clear. You only wanted sex, after he so thoughtfully helped you avoid strangers in bed.
There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have
And you are so gorgeous it makes me so mad
The pleasure was overwhelming, Loki’s lips on yours swallowed every sound you made. His thrusts reached deep inside of you and your ecstasy was close, closer than you could imagine.
This isn’t love, you kept saying to yourself. This is just pure lust.
Another pretty lies.
You couldn’t bare it anymore; the pleasure surrounded you like the water you were just in, floated violently into you, making you cry.
Loki was just behind you, groaned onto your neck and, shaking, spilled himself inside of you, warmth of his cum helping you ride down your orgasm.
He was heavy breathing when he pulled out and collapsed next to you.
You didn’t know what to say.
He did.
“I love you,” he spat out as if it was an insult. “I love you, but I can’t be with you if you only want sex.” He turned to you and grabbed your face, forcing you to look at him. “Let me take care of you.”
He loved you.
“I am-“
“If you are going to say you are too broken for a relationship, cut the crap. I keep saying to you that I love you. Not the mask you put on every day. You.”
Tears rolled down your cheeks. If he was being sincere, this could actually work…
“Can you fix me?” You asked silently, his hands now gently cupped your face as he placed a loving kiss on your lips.
“There is nothing to fix.” He shook his head. “You have to let yourself love somebody again. Love me.”
You nodded, somehow believing every word he said.
“I love you.”
But what can I say?
You're gorgeous
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