#shane mcmahon imagines
nevereverafter45 · 2 years
Never Ever After Masterlist
More will be added once I find all my old google docs
Seth Rollins
Stronger Than Yesterday
Roman Reigns
I'm Yours
Dean Ambrose
Live Fast Die Beautiful
Drew McIntyre-
Trio of Angels
Shane McMahon
One For The Money (also a Randy Orton story)
John Cena
Never Ever After
Chris Jericho
Another Trip Around
Christian Cage-
State of Affair
The Miz/ John Morrison
Lessons That Are Meant To Be Learned
13 notes · View notes
aritamargarita · 6 months
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IT'S YOUR FIRST introduction to the World Wrestling Federation and you’re surprised at the fan reaction. It makes you giddy, but now people (including those in the back) are going to be expecting much of you. Your two best friends, Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler, return back to the hotel room and you guys chat before heading to sleep.
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The adrenaline rush is still coursing through your veins as Shane McMahon helps you back over the barricade. You had just shown up to interfere in a match between Matt Hardy and the Big Show.
Shane told you that you needed to focus your attention on the redhead, Lita, and deal with the other, Trish Stratus, if necessary.
At one point in the match, Lita yanks Trish off of the apron and her shirt went along with it. Yikes.
Shane figured that this was a wonderful opportunity for you to get in there. He lightly pushes you forward and that was your cue to get the hell in there.
Lita was so busy with trying to beat on Trish that she hadn’t even noticed you jumped over the barricade. You can see her scream at Trish to “get up” as you approach. Her back is toward you. Perfect!
At first, the crowd was confused, but once realizing that you weren’t a fan, they holler and cheers at your appearance, quickly recognizing you from WCW.
“Is that—my god!” JR yells. “That’s [Name], from WCW!”
The crowd seems to get even louder when you yank Lita‘s shoulder and turn her toward you to smash your forearm right in her face.
Trish is looking on in awe, covering herself and scooting backward from the scene. Whoever you were, you kind of saved her?!
“She’s not taking too kindly to Lita right now!” Paul exclaims with laughter in his voice. “Fight, fight, fight!”
Lita doesn’t even get a chance to fight back, you’re moving way too fast.
It’s a little strange to hear the crowd so excited, but you try not to let it distract you as much.
Before you had gotten out of there, you made sure to give Lita a final parting gift. A swift DDT. You throw your arm around her neck and sweep your leg back, before pulling both of you down to the floor. Lita’s head slams into the concrete and you hop up from your spot.
The crowd gives a resound “ooooh” in response. If your DDT was in a box, it’d be wrapped with the prettiest bow anyone has ever seen.
Meanwhile, Trish wants to be thankful to you, this stranger that beat the hell out of Lita. Yet, she’s not sure if she should be feeling so grateful.
Covering herself with her coat, she slowly starts to make her way to the other side of the ring. She doesn’t want any problems with you!
And luckily for Trish, you didn’t have enough time to handle her, so you’ll save it for next show. Just disrupting the match equilibrium is enough.
No one was expecting you at all. You’re following behind the footsteps of people like Lance Storm, Hugh Morrus, and Booker T…..you are officially the fourth star to appear from WCW.
These random occurrences were no coincidence. To the WWF, it just meant man or woman, anyone could get it at any time.
Let it be known that the forbidden door is completely blown off its hinges. There was no longer any boundaries.
You had quickly made your way out before security could retrieve you and Shane had been waiting for you by the barricade. You two made a swift exit, with him encouragingly patting your side as he holds onto you.
Right now, he’s still guiding you out to the limousine with a camera trailing behind you two. The crowd cheers don’t end despite you two getting the hell out of there. You can still hear the noise from the arena.
“Great job, [Name]!” He exclaims. “Bet my father wasn’t expecting that! Now both divisions have something to look out for!” Shane quickly opens the door for you. “Get in!”
You quickly hop into the limo, shuffling in. Shane follows you and closes the door afterwards.
And just like that, it was the start of your WWF journey. You had always wondered if it’ll be like WCW. The backstage environment was sure to be different than this ones.
You suppose there was only one way to find out.
You’re splayed out in the seat of the limo, and though Shane had squished in there with you, he finds it to be a better idea to go sit across from you.
“I haven’t heard people cheer like that for a woman in years!” A but of an exaggeration, but it still holds true. People made a lot of noise for you.
Your attention is on the ceiling. It still hasn’t set in that the crowd might actually like you. You’re more focused on the fact that you’re actually here in the WWF.
You wouldn’t have ever guessed it. WCW was the place you wanted to be when you started. Years before you debuted, all you did was practice.
Really. Practice, practice, practice. Until you couldn’t move anymore. Your old mentor, Madusa, ensured that you were conditioned enough to be in the ring.
She kept you there for a while. You’d jokingly say that she was holding you hostage, but it ended up being for your benefit. You learned that they would pull the women from the school too early.
Madusa did not want them to make that mistake. She made sure you knew what you were doing before you could go anywhere!
You have to admit though, the training at the power-plant facility wasn’t the best. There were other woman who didn’t exactly know what they were doing. It was easy for them to mess up.
And it’s actually where you met your two close friends, Stacy and Torrie. You were nervous, they were nervous, it’s only inevitable you three would mutter things to one another.
You were more than happy to give them tips on what you knew. From you, they were more than happy to learn. Eventually it grew from only talking in the school to completely hanging out with each other.
It was really nice to finally make some genuine friends.
Shane takes you out of your daydream by holding out a bottle of champagne. “A performance like that deserves some reward! Want some?”
“No, I’m okay.” You shake your head. “But hey, I’m just glad I could get in there!”
Shane thinks you’re downplaying yourself. “Seriously, that was amazing.” He says. “I couldn’t believe it. WWF should know by now there’s one hell of a storm brewing.”
You didn’t realize it at first, but maybe you like this so called “invasion” more than you thought you would.
“You mind if we head to Times Square? I’m due to speak WWF New York.”
Your reply is sluggish. “Yeah, yeah, sure. What is that?”
“It’s mainly a restaurant, but we do some live events there too.” He summarized. 
That quickly reminds you of the WCW Grill in Vegas. You’ve been there many times, whether it to be signing things or just hanging out with other coworkers. 
You lean up from your seat. “WCW had something like that in Vegas! They closed last year though. Bummer, I kinda liked their food. And I think I had a menu item once!”
“Really? Well, I’m sure the WWF’s will be better.” Shane pauses for a second. “I mean, for once. Besides, we’ll be bigger and better. Then you can really get your name on the menu.”
You let out a chuckle. He slipped up a little. “Right.”
”I’m gonna need you for Smackdown too.” Shane says. “You don’t have to worry that much about transportation since we’re staying here for it.”
Oh joy! Seriously! No worrying about catching a flight tonight, that’s less stress on your shoulders. 
“Then I’ll be there.” It’s not like you wouldn’t be anyway.
”While you’re at it, mind asking Torrie if she could attend as well?” He requests you.  “I’ve got a great idea for the both of you.”
A great idea, he says. Not like you’ve heard that before. “Color me intrigued, what’s the plan?” 
“I want you ladies to go undercover in the WWF. Somehow, someway. Get as much information as you can from anyone you run into.” He explains. “If anything goes wrong, WCW will protect you. You’ve got my word on that.”
“I believe you. But how should I do that? Just waltz up in there and proclaim I’m one of them now? I just attacked Lita!” You throw your arms out for extra emphasis.
“Relax. Just act like you were misguided. And when you learned that I wasn’t in the right, you want to change your ways. If I were you, I’d apologize to Lita first.”
It was only a six minute drive from MSG to WWF New York. When the limo pulls up, you can hear the sound of the crowd on the outside of it.
The only thing you could do was nod at Shane. It’s go-time.
Leaning up from your spot, you take a second to fix yourself up, fixing your shirt and adjusting your hair so that it’s presentable. Wouldn’t want people to get the wrong idea…
Rumors still can circulate, even if you were seen in the ring earlier! The last thing you wanted was for dirt sheets to grasp at straws, with your boss of all people.
Shane gets out first, then takes a second to open the door. He then pulls it open and you are greeted with the crowd on both sides of the sidewalk.
When they turn their heads to see who else was in the vehicle, they cheer over at you. All you can really do is wave with a smile.
Do they really know who you are?
Photographers are at the ready, their bright white lights flashing at you. It makes you squint every time a camera would go off. You just hoped those photos won’t come out bad.
Shane waits for you, offering his arm for you to take while you get out of the car. You happily take it and he ushers you to go inside.
It’s like walking the red carpet, albeit shorter and quicker. You two go in, and you try to look at what they’ve got on display as you walk.
Lots and lots of action figures. You can only look over there for a few seconds, but you do catch a Lita figure on one of the holders.
There’s a lot of others, but you’re not quite sure who they are. Stone Cold Steve Austin? Triple H? Edge? None of those people ring a bell.
As you two approach the steps, there’s only one thing pops into your mind.
…You can’t believe that this place has two floors! So far, it was beating that WCW Grill by a long shot. Upstairs was for merchandise, and as you two go down you assume that the restaurant was around here.
You’re greeted by another large crowd of people and the both of you make your way over toward the stage.
The camera nearby moves over to the both of you.
Shane lets go of your arm and goes to grab a mic from a stagehand. You wait for him by the center of the stage.
Before he says anything, he reaches down toward the crowd to give them high fives. Shane comes back toward you.
“Surprise,” He says. “Well obviously, I’m not Perry Saturn, and she’s not Terri Runnels. But dad, I know you can hear me. It’s your son Shane, how’re you doing?”
The crowd cheers his name and you keep the smile on your face. This place was WWF New York, but before anyone knew it, it could easily become WCW New York.
“You know, the one that owns WCW. The very organization that has you a little heated under the collar. Because WCW continues to infiltrate your WWF.” Shane motions over toward you.
“[Name] made an example out of two women on your roster, and believe me, that won’t be the end of it.”
You nod your head. You’re eager to take these women down, one at a time. You definitely need to make a mental checklist.
Shane continues on. “You see dad, that is done out of necessity. Because in order to build a brand like WCW, we need television exposure. But I’ve gotta give you credit on this because I didn’t think it was possible, through all of your connections you have been able to block WCW from airing on any television network period.”
When he pauses again for a split second, the crowd cheers him.
“Here’s how it’s gonna go down.” He says. “I may not be able to compete with your checkbook but I can compete with your brains. Since you have prevented WCW from airing on any network, it’s now time for WCW to invade the WWF.”
You clap your hands toward him, then try to signal for the crowd to make some noise. They do and you smile. “Thank you!” Although your words were drowned out by the crowd.
“One of the people to lead the charge in one division stands here next to me,” Shane turns to you. “I reckon that she’ll become the next Women’s Champion in no time..”
You hope so. That’s a big step in your career. You were one year too late in getting the WCW Women’s Championship, despite Madusa’s efforts to revive it.
To your surprise, Shane holds out the mic toward you. He must’ve expected you to say something.
You try not to look like a deer in headlights as you take the mic and speak up.
“All I want is to lead WCW to victory. Whatever it takes, I will do…so let this be a warning to the entire women’s division. What I did to Lita was a demonstration of what’s to come. Trust me when I say that no one can stop me, but feel free to try if you want to…that is if you don’t want to end your career early!”
Shane laughs at your words. Hopefully the women (and men if they so dared,) would take heed. You pass the mic back to him.
“Oh, but that’s not all,” He points a finger up. “Might I introduce the second person to lead the charge, I’m sure that you and Stone Cold Steve Austin know this man very well. Ladies and Gentlemen, the WCW Champion, give it up for Booker T!”
As Booker makes his way from behind the curtain with a mic, he throws up his arms.
You watch as he reaches down to high five the fans. After of which, you reach out your own hand for him to shake. He grabs your hand and shakes firmly.
Shane mimics you, shaking his hand as well.
“Last night, at King of the Ring, it was just too easy, no, it was just too damn easy to take you outta the game!” Booker says.
There are mixed reactions at his words, with more cheering than booing from the antsy crowd.
“—And you call yourself the WWF Champion? I respect that, but ask me what I call you. I’m calling you out to let you know that if you want some you can come and get some, because I’m gonna be here at WWF New York, kicking it all night long!”
Shane brought back up his own mic. “I’d like to call this my dream team. These two are going to lead my brand new company to victory. Dad, this is a warning to you.  I’m just here to say that you’re on borrowed time..”
That’s all that was needed to say.
Shane was 100% sure that his father was watching. He’s also sure that he was boiling in anger. It’s exactly what he wanted.
The camera makes sure to get all three of you into frame. It’s up to you, as that’s left was for you and Booker T to apply pressure on the WWF..
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After the segment at WWF New York, Shane fortunately allowed you to return to your hotel, but told you to watch the remainder of Raw when you could on the television.
You’re not exactly sure what his plan was, but now you’re curious to see. All you knew is that Booker T was asked to stay and they went off somewhere else while you just left through the back this time.
Just what in the world were they up to?
Shane was nice enough to send you your own limousine after bidding you a good night. Most of your energy had fizzed out and you could tell that his had too.
All you were excited for was to flop onto your bed. You don’t even move the comforters, all you do is just lie down for a few minutes. You’re sure you can move a little later.
There’s a lot of big changes going on in your life right now. You think the first biggest one was Shane McMahon’s entry to WCW and how quickly everyone went on his side.
It’s only fair. It’s the competition, hell, it’s the son OF the competition. Who specifically came in saying that he was against his father.
But what made him so trustworthy anyway? A lot of your coworkers were immediately on his side. You knew WCW was declining, but you never thought everyone else would stoop low enough to side with competition.
At least, not that quickly. The way things were going in the company, it made you feel like you had no choice but to trust him. So far, no betrayals, so everything is going okay so far.
You do get enough energy to at least turn on the television to Raw. You figure it’s only right to honor Shane’s request.
Immediately, you’re greeted by the sight of Shane McMahon heading down the ramp with a pep in his step. His father is not happy to see him at all.
Seeing the brand new WCW logo projected onto the ramp makes you feel…
Well, you don’t know how it makes you feel. You can safely say it makes you feel weird though.
You’re so used to it having an obnoxiously large watermark behind it, with the barely visible text of “World Championship Wrestling”.
Now it’s all small, jagged with the points on each letter. You have to tilt your head slightly in order to see it better.
Eventually, the camera moves away from the ramp and decided to follow Shane who was circling around the ring.
With you being able to hear the commentators properly, you wonder what they had to say about your prior run-in. You should’ve asked someone back at home to tape it!
“WCW does NOT belong in Madison Square Garden!” Paul is almost standing out of his seat by now with all of his screaming. 
“You may be right about that, but—“ Unfortunately, JR isn’t allowed to get one single word out thanks to his partner.
“You’re damn right I’m right! I grew up here, I know these things, I see these things!”
You roll your eyes. Shouldn’t Paul Heyman be worried about his own company instead of everyone else’s?
Oh, wait…
You chuckle to yourself. Thank god no one could hear your thoughts or that you were backstage. That wouldn’t have been good.
Vince is beckoning Shane into the ring, but unbeknownst to him, Booker had hopped right up into the ring, ripping his jacket off in the process.
It’s so over for him! You can’t help but smile. You watch as Booker lays in punches onto him, causing him to stagger backwards.
Booker takes advantage of this and runs toward the ropes, bounces off of them, then lifting one of his legs to give him a scissor kick.
Just to add salt in the wound, he hits a spinaroonie to get off the canvas.
How amazing is this?! You can see the entire WWF locker room run down the ramp but Shane and Booker are way too fast, making their exit.
This obviously must’ve been what Shane wanted you to see. Maybe this means that the ball is back in your court now.
You wonder how you can upstage Booker this time. It’ll definitely be hard since he literally knocked the hell out of the literal CEO of the WWF! Vince McMahon!!
Although, Shane offhandedly mentioned he has a sister who also happens to be in the business. You could always find something to do with her if he allows it.
Are you still buzzing from earlier? You had thought your energy was all gone, but it seemed like there was still bits of adrenaline in your veins.
You had only a few seconds to make your appearance count and from what you can think back on, you did a pretty damn good job.
The sound of the door unlocking makes you snap your head to your right.
“Helloooo!” Torrie sings from the doorway. “[Naaame], are you here? I’ve got Stacy with meee!”
Ah yes, your unofficial roommate for this trip. Torrie Wilson. And Stacy, who insisted that she room with you guys this time.
You think she’s just scared of being alone, which is understandable. But there was no need for her to try and sneak into your bed when she could use the pull out couch!
“I saw you on TV,” Stacy exclaims. “You were great! You really kicked….what’s her name? Ah, who cares?! The crowd was really loud too!”
“Yeah.” Is all you can really say to that. And then you fall back onto your bed, turning away from them and putting your head onto the cold pillow.
The both of them share a look, but Torrie’s the first to question you. She takes a seat next to you on the bed. “What’s your problem tonight? I’m surprised you haven’t called us on that dying Nokia you’ve got. Normally you’d be the one to drag us out after a show.”
Torrie teasing you about your phone was nothing new, but you still take offense anyway!
“I’m holding onto it!” Your words are muffled. “My 1999 phone is getting me places, okay?!”
Stacy takes a seat on the opposite side of you. “Aren’t they making a new one in like November?”
“Are they?” You turn your head so that they can hear you better. “I hope they have other colors. But honestly, I’m tired. Kinda.”
“Kind of?” Stacy repeated. “How much sleep did you get last night?”
You hold up five fingers.  “Five, so just enough to me. I had a flight to catch to get here, so five was really pushing it. I can’t really tell if this schedule’s gonna be worse than our old one.”
“Oh, you poor thing!” Torrie exclaimed, rubbing her hand on your back. “You’re right, but with Shane McMahon being our boss, I’ve gotten more sleep than I would normally! But that’s pretty bad to say, huh?”
“Yes,” You mumble. “Yes it is.” She just haaad to rub it in your face.
“Listen, I don’t think we have to be at the next show—“  You quickly interrupt Torrie. “About that, Shane wanted me to ask you to be at Smackdown. He didn’t say anything about Stacy this time.”
It makes Stacy cheer. “Yay! I get to relax aallll day tomorrow. You know what? [Name], I saw this really cute top at Delia’s earlier today. Now I can go back and buy it for you!”
“Was it that crop top with all those safety pins on the side?” Torrie turns over to Stacy. “If it was, that one totally screamed [Name].”
”YES!” She exclaimed. “That’s exactly the one I’m talking about!”
”From the sound of it, it sounds like I’m gonna have to have a lot of trust in that top.” You say. “And when did you guys go shopping??”
”Earlier. See, they said they needed us.” Torrie removes her hand from your back. “Then I guess they changed their minds since they had you?” It’s the only logical explanation she comes up with.
Whatever, it’s really no big deal. ”Well, you’re gonna be needed tomorrow anyway. And Stacy, I’m sure they’re gonna ask you to show up again. People went crazy! It would be bad if we just left you two in New York.” 
“I wouldn’t mind at all!” Stacy finally decides to take a seat too. “Times Square is beautiful! If I could, I’d totally live here.”
“I saw a rat walking down the street with pizza.” You comment. “And you’d stay here. Crazy, crazy, girl.” 
Stacy definitely rethinks it. “…Well, now that you say that, shopping only!”
“Hold on a second, it had pizza?!” Torrie exclaims.
It’s gonna be a long, long night, that’s for sure.
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*painfully gives a thumbs up.* I SWEAR THIS WAS LONGER WHEN I LOOKED AT THIS OMG. but, yeah. Here we go again, please strap in for the ride
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57 notes · View notes
wrestlingisfake · 2 months
I wouldn't say I'm opposed to Tony Khan bringing Shane McMahon into AEW. But I also can't figure out what benefit Shane can bring to the company.
The big shock of seeing Vince McMahon's legit son showing up in the #2 promotion is somewhat undercut by the fact that WWE already told that story with WCW in 2001. Even "the return of the prodigal son" rehashes Shane's storyline in 2016, somewhat. So the novelty would quickly wear off, aside from lines like "your daddy isn't here to help you." Which wouldn't even really work, because now his daddy isn't in WWE either.
If Shane was known for being a good hand behind-the-scenes, maybe that would work. But I've never heard of him having much of a role in creative or production. As an executive, Shane was mainly important because "everyone knew" he was going to take over WWE someday, whether that was a good idea or not. The fact he never actually inherited the company suggests he couldn't hack it, even as a nepo baby. So I don't know what he brings to a company that already has more powerless EVPs than they need.
Diehard Shane fans will want to see him get into a major feud to set up a return to the ring. But let's be real--the man is 54 years old, and tore his quad thirty seconds into his last match. He can't brawl dirtier than Eddie Kingston, or do a bigger dive than Sammy Guevara, or bump through glass harder than Darby Allin. He can't work like a speedy little brat anymore, but he doesn't have enough matches under his belt to play the wily old veteran.
All that leaves, then, is for Shane to play an on-screen authority figure. I suppose you could do something where Christopher Daniels can barely keep the Young Bucks in check, so Tony Khan brings in a big name to serve as general manager or commissioner or whatever. But it seems ass-backwards for All Elite Wrestling, the antidote to the McMahon's wrestling monopoly, to do a storyline where a McMahon swoops in to save us from the Elite.
In short, I don't think anybody benefits from Shane going to AEW except Shane himself. He probably doesn't want the quad injury to be the end of his story, but WWE isn't interested in bringing him back. So it's easy to imagine him pitching a big retirement tour, and TK listening politely. What's hard to imagine, though, is Tony offering Shane anything close to what he could expect from his father's promotion. But I guess we'll see.
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memecucker · 2 months
Someone took a picture of what appears to be Tony Khan and Shane McMahon having a meeting together and ngl im imagining a Shane McMahon vs Darby Allin match rn
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bigredsweetiepie · 4 months
The scariest Kane scene in my opinion is him setting Jim Ross on fire during an interview. Granted, I know that flame retardant was most likely used to prevent JR from actually being hurt, but it's still frightening nonetheless because of how real it looked.
Omg yes ! that was terrifying especially with how JR was screaming throughout the whole segment. That whole era especially when he was a real menace, from tombstoning Linda McMahon, to accidently falling in the fire filled dumpster meant for Shane McMahon, chokeslamming Eric off the stage, and kidnapping Van Dam, just to scratch the surface.
So terrifying ! I can't imagine being a kid who was watching WWE during that time ( I wasn't watching it, so I only have to imagine).
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
Second ask
Cassidy has a girl's day with her aunts, yes that includes Goldust.
Look at me. Late as usual. I'm good like that. Terrible thing is I've bascially done nothing today at all. Only walked my dog.
The Family of Destruction- Lucky Girls.
Cassie purses her lips as she sits at the dinner table. Chyna, Stephanie and goldust stand around her. "Whyd you do it?" Stephanie asks. "It was an accident.." cassie frowns. "Okay, shooting one brother? Accident. You managed to shoot two brothers." Goldust huffs moving towards the counter. "Yeah, shooting John was an accident." Cassie sighs. "That makes sense" goldust nods pouring wine. "Am I missing something? Why is every male okay with the idea of Leon being shot?" Chyna asks. "You two wouldn't understand because he's an angel to you two. He's a little shit with mommy issues. He only has mommy issues because he hasn't got a mother. Which is something we can't change." Goldust huffs turning towards the girls.
"Hes not bad enough to shoot" Stephanie states. "He is. And it was his bow and arrow. John was just too close, it went through Leon's arm and into his. I don't know why his arrows are so sharp" she frowns. "Because he uses them to hunt. The monsters around here are thick skinned" goldust hums. "So, we've got time to kill before your dad comes home to punish you. What shall we do?" Steph asks. "Wanna go out?" Chyna asks. "Might be my last for awhile. Can we go shopping?" Cassie asks. "Of course we can darling. You know I love shopping with you" goldust cheers downing his wine.
The girls look at him shocked before laughing.
"Can't you talk your dad into building a mall in the valley? The drive is way too long" goldust sighs. "Couldn't imagine living in the valley without a mall" Steph huffs. "He has got plans for a mall. The old land just outside the main town. Its out of sight, close to the field where the events are held, no sound complaints or building complaints." Cassie admits. "Seriously? Takers building a mall?" Chyna asks. "Mhm, tired of driving me and my friends out of town to shop but also tired of the complaints of the youth being bored youths who destroy things." Cassie answers.
"Has he started it yet?" Goldust asks, pretty sure he's seen builders around. "Yep. Papa did the designing for it. The build layouts are amazing." Cassie smiles. "Never knew Shawn had it in him" steph huffs as goldust parks. "So...you got the goods?" Goldust asks turning to the back seat. Cassie smiles and holds up the black and gold credit card. "How the hell did you get that?" Chyna asks reading the name on the card. Vince Mcmahon. "Leon stole it a year ago. Vince knows but doesn't care as long as its not steph or Shane." Cassie shrugs. "Lets see about that" steph mutters stealing the card and walking towards the mall. "Oh this will be fun!" Goldust cheers climbing out.
The girls walk around the mall spending vinces money with no worries.
Goldust watches as Cassie stops outside one of the only men targeted shops. "Feeling guilty bug?" Goldust asks grabbing chyna and stephs attention. "A little bit...especially John." She whispers. "Oh. All right I guess we can spend some money on those mutts" goldust huffs leading the girls in the shop. Cassie looks around. "It stinks." She winces. "Boys for you baby, boys." Chyna huffs looking around. "Well, they have a lot John would like. Not so sure about Leon." Steph admits. Cassie walks up to the basketball vests. "He was complaining his Lakers one needed replacing." Cassie states. "Then let's get him a new one." Chyna hums looking for his size. "Ill look for a baseball hat, for both him and Leon." Stephanie states walking off.
"What do you want to get Leon then?" Goldust asks taking the vest as chyna states she's going to grab matching shorts and sweat bands for them. Cassie frowns and looks around. Her eyes spot the not so sporty section of the store and she pulls goldust over to it.
"This could work" he nods looking at the leather jackets. Cassie doesn't say anything, just smiles as she picks up a necklace. She knows Leon does wear necklaces. He had a choker with a ring on it, just like their papa used to wear. The ring was a three way gift between Matthew, Valentina and Leon. They each got one and the ring has their initials in it.
She looks at the jackets and helmet accessories and smiles. "This will do perfectly." She nods.
Leon frowns as John leans against him. "So tired" John whispers. "Your heavy" Leon frowns. "Goldust said they went out shopping." Shawn whispers. "Shes in trouble. She shouldn't be having a girls day out!" Taker snaps. "Its fine dad..we are both alive and well." Leon huffs. "John has a match tomorrow and he's casted up and unable to use his arm!" Taker barks. Leon waits for him to continue. He doesn't. "Oh it's alright dad, I'm just a little sore" Leon huffs looking at his slinged arm. John let's out a huffed chuckle ad he rests his head on Leon's shoulder and closes his eyes.
"And you'll have a cool story to tell your classmates" Taker tells him. Leon rolls his eyes and rests his head against John's. "Sorry we are late! We got cassie her last meal" steph states carrying bags. "Last meal" Shawn huffs helping chyna with the bags. "I brought apology gifts." Cassie whispers holding up two bags. Taker looks at them. One with Leon's name and one withs John. "You are still in trouble. But go" Taker murmurs. Cassie nods and moves to her big brothers.
The adults gather behind the sofa and watch the interaction.
"I brought sorry gifts" she states. Both boys open their eyes. "You didnt have to bug" John yawns sitting up. "Speak for yourself" Leon huffs taking the bag. John rolls his eyes grabbing his bag. He smiles at the basketball gear. "Thanks bug" John smiles hugging her as he puts the hat on. Cassie smiles and looks at Leon. The leather jacket folded on his lap, the little helmet horns accessories sat on them. He hasn't got his own motorbike yet but he has a helmet for when he rides with dad.
Leon isn't smiling. His face is flat. Cassies heart races as he examines the necklace. John watches him concerned. Leon runs his finger over the emblem. A small smile quirks onto his face. "Ill give you this, it's a good one" Leon states glancing at his sister as he holds the necklace up over his head. Shawn and taker can't help but smile.
The necklace was a silver chain with a little silver arrow head on the end.
"You're a lucky girl bug" Leon smiles. Lowering the necklace. "I forgive you for shooting me" Leon states leaning forward, allowing cassie to put the necklace on him. "I forgive you two" John yawns resting his head back on Leon's shoulder. Cassie smiles at her parents. "No more girls days out for a month" Taker tells her. "And we will talk more about what happened today later." Shawn adds. "Mhm told you a girls day at the mall would work" chyna smirks. "I want vinces card back" Leon yawns.
"You little shit" Taker growls causing the others to laugh.
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cavenewstimes · 10 months
Declan McMahon Imagines Hypothetical All-McMahon Version Of Popular WWE Stable
Read More Wrestling Inc.  By /Nov. 29, 2023 5:29 am EST Fans of Shane McMahon will fondly remember his entrance at WrestleMania 32 where he walked out with his three sons — Declan, Kenyon, and Rogan — ahead of his Hell in a Cell bout against The Undertaker. Now that it’s been nearly a decade since that moment, Declan remains focused on his college football career with the Indiana Hoosiers,…
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Best Friends (Shane McMahon Imagine)
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Growing up, you had always been a friend of the family’s. At first, you were Stephanie’s friend because that just made more sense. At wrestling shows, you’d follow her around and for awhile, you actually looked up to her. Then, one day Stephanie was sick and Shane was put in charge of watching you for the duration of that show. From that day on, Shane McMahon became your best friend. Of course, it took quite a few years before you took of the moniker of his best friend. 
“Hey Shanie,” you greeted him nervously. To most people, you just seemed a little overenthusiastic, but he’d known you long enough to know that absolutely wasn’t the case. 
“What’s on your mind?” Shane asked as he turned to face you. You knew that you really had to tell him now or never. Especially with your new fiancée sitting on news of your engagement. 
“I have to tell you something and I’m kind of scared to do it,” you admitted and Shane took your hands in his. 
“It’s okay. Nothing you can say or do will make me not want to be your friend. You’re a good person, I trust that if you made some sort of mistake or hid something from me, it’s for a good reason.” 
With a deep breath, you let out a very quiet, “I’m a lesbian.” To which, Shane understandably asked you repeat, but just a bit louder. “I, Y/n, am a lesbian. I swear I meant to tell you forever ago, but I got scared. Your dad’s not the most open person and I didn’t know if that rubbed off of you and your sister. I’m really sorry for hiding it, but I didn’t think it was worth losing the only best friend I’ve ever known over.” 
“Hey, it’s okay,” Shane comforted you. He pulled you into a hug and the two of you stood there for a moment together. “I’m always gonna be there for you Y/n. We’ve got each other’s backs and that’s just how it will always be. So, who’s the lucky lady?” 
“We’re having an engagement party next weekend, I’d really like it if you showed up. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to go tell Stephanie that I’m a lesbian and Hunter that he can stop keeping that secret,” you said as you turned on your heels. Shane opened his mouth to ask how Hunter knew, but you stopped him, just letting him know it was a long story that you’d rather not relive. 
Taglist: @storiesofsvu @bellezalatina​
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captainlillybear · 7 years
#80 with Shane McMahon please?!?!?!
A/N: I haven’t edited this one so excuse any typos. I’ll come back and edit later.
Prompt #80 - “Does he know about the baby?”     
You had always had a crush on Shane McMahon, watching wrestling he was one of your idols ad you couldn’t believe your luck when you were picked for Smackdown during the brand split. Shane had recently gone through a divorse with his now Ex wife Marissa, and had found him self drawn to you, you’d spend hours chatting and had found out you actually had a lot in common. Shane didn’t like to admit it but he actually found himself developing feelings for you to. However you had decided to push those feelings aside and had started dating other people, you and Dolph had been together for a little over a year and you were happy at the start of it before both of you realising you wanted to see dfferent people and broke things off. It had been a month since you and Dolph split up and you’d been feeling sick for the past few weeks, exiting the bathroom at the current arena you lean up against the wall and take a deep breath connecting all the dots in your head. Heading down the hall you frantically search for Shane hoping he can give you the night off. Nearing the end of the corridor you see Shane stood talking to Daniel Bryan, seeing you head towards him Shane couldn’t help the smile that made its way across his face, however that smile soon faced once he saw the worried look on your face.
“Everything alright (Y/N)?” Shane asked stepping forward a little, Daniel also giving you a conserned look.
“Ummmm, I’ve not been feeling to good latley. Normally I’d continue wrestling but I really don’t think I should.” Looking down at your clasped hands you nervously bite your lip.
“Of course. If you don’t think you can wrestle then you shouldn’t.” Daniel spoke up, shane wanting to do nothing more than reach out and hug you.
“Thank you.” You breathe giving them both a smile before hurridly exiting the building.
“You think she’s alright?” Shane asked Daniel as the walked off to try and find a replacement for you.
“She’ll be fine. She’s a tough girl.” Daniel patted Shane’s shoulder reassuring him.
Driving to the nearest store you pull up the hood on your jacket in the hopes that no one would recognise you, rushing throught the store you try to find the correct isle, picking up 2 different types of test before paying the cashier and head back to the hotel. Reaching your room you fumble  with the keycard, missing the slot a few times before tumbling into the room. Hurridly you scan the boxes reading the insturctions before following them. Placing the 2 sticks on the counter you set your phone timer, noticing you have a text message from Shane.
Shane - Hey! Just checking to make sure you’re okay. Message me if you need anything. Shane x
Smiling at the message you quickly type out a reply, the timer on your phone making you jump. Shackily you make your way over to the counter picking up the 2 pregancy tests you turn them over one by one. Pregnant. Both of them say the same thing. Sinking down to your knees you let out a shaky breath, how could you have let this happpen? Wiping away the few tears the had fallen you pick yourself up.
“Pull it together (Y/N). You can do this on your own, let nothing stop you.” You repeat what yyour mother had said to you when you first started out in wrestling. Getting changed you lie down between the hotel sheets formulating a plan for the morning.
Pulling up to the arena you take a deep breath before getting out the car heading off to tell Shane and Daniel the news. Finding Shane first you make your way over to him.
“Sorry to inturupt could I borrow Shane for a minute?” You smile at the lighting inturn Shane had been busy talking to. Saying goodbye the walked off leaving you and Shane alone.
“(Y/N) What’s up? Evenything alright?” Shane worridly asks, gently placing his hand on your arm.
“Yeah. I’ll be fine. I just need to talk to you and Daniel.” Nodding his head Shane directs you down the corridor where Daniel’s makeshift office was. Entering you find him sat there on the phone to Brie.
“-Yeah sure. I’ll talk later. Love you. Give my love to Birdie.” Hanging up the phone Daniel motions for you both to have a seat. “What can we do fo you (Y/N)? Danile asks as Shane takes a seat next to him.
“There is no subtle way to say this but …. I’m pregnant.” Taking a deep breath you look at both men who look shocked.
“Congrats (Y/N). First off I don’t want you to worry about your possition in the WWE I’m sure we can find you a possition backstage interviewing while your pregnant and sort things out from there, right Shane?” Daniel looked at Shane, who you’d noticed hadn’t stopped stairing at you since you announced your news.
“Yes of course. We’ll do everthing we can to support you.”
“And I take it Dolph is the father?” You nod your head at Daniels comment.
“Does he know about the baby?” Shane asked eyes burning into you.
“No he doesn’t. I only properly found out last night so I haven’t said anything yet.”
“I’ll go organise the match ups for tonight if you want to sort out a plan for storyling with Shane.” Daniel gets up from his chair, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder before leaving the room. Shane gets up from his chair and comes to sit in the one next to you, placing a hand on you knee he causing you to look up at him.
“If you want anything for you or the baby I’m here for you both. Okay?”
Nodding your head you smile at Shane, placing you hand over his.
“Thank you Shane. That means a lot to me.” Pulling him into a hug you relax in his arms knowing that maybe things would work out for the better, and true to his word Shane was there for whatever you needed and would soon become a permanent fixture in your life.
Prompt from this list.
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smashthegiantkiller · 3 years
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Why can’t I have these thots after hours?
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aritamargarita · 4 years
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this series is too fun to write. i will be debuting golden era fic eventually. see i wanted to integrate the invasion ppv in this chapter but...
will upload ch 6 as soon as i wake up. it’s 6:06 am and im tired but what do yall expect from the ceo of uploading at cursed hours??? i have so many interactions clumped together. im talking steph, triple h, edge, jericho and more. bc miss [name] officially moved to wwf, more people get to bother speak to her.
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You were all pumped up today.
Having woken up at 8 am sharp, you had to do another show. Today was finally when you’d have your very first match. It’s been a couple of months since you’ve been out in front of a crowd, but you still knew your ways around the ring. Creative never told you who it would be though, so you were sure they wanted to keep it a surprise all around.
Torrie was awake too, unfortunately. It’s how you were here now, sitting on the bed painting each others nails as if it were a sleepover. She’s been treating you like a Barbie doll ever since 9. Not that you minded really.
“See?” She asks. “Isn’t this great, [Name]?”
“Yeah, yeah..” Rolling your eyes playfully, you grabbed her hand and painted the rest of them pink. “Try not to mess them up. I worked hard.” You say.
She tittered, trying not to move much. Her free hand had already been painted and all dried up. “I’ll do my best.”
Finishing up, you blew on them and let her hand go, which made her hold them up so they could dry a little faster. “Alright.” You say. “Now don’t come back to me for a week.”
“I know you don’t mean that. Not to your very best friend, no.” Torrie says, and she was right. You were only messing around.
“You think this place has decent breakfast?” You ask, and Torrie tapped her chin in thought.
“Maybe. You should go check and bring me something back.” She says.
“Anything for you, Torrie.” Jumping off your bed, you headed out. It was a pretty nice hotel though. Not too shabby. At least it wasn’t as janky as a motel.
“Oh, [Name]. You’re staying here too?” A voice came, and you turned to see Lita opening her door about 3 away from you.
“Small world.” You joke and she smiles tiredly. “I was going to see if there was anything else to eat. Caaare to join?”
Lita nodded slowly. “I don’t see a reason not to.”
The both of you sluggardly moving women headed to the lobby.
“I think I’d destroy some eggs right now.” You say, and Lita chuckled.
“Oh yeah?”
Later on, you did destroy some eggs, as they were pretty good and not too tacky. They didn’t taste too...artificial?
Earlier, an egg had gone down the wrong pipe, causing you to hack and sputter. Lita thought it was hilarious, but you thought you were going to perish.
You gave Torrie what she had wanted earlier, and you parted ways with Lita. You noticed other certain superstars were staying in the same hotel, but none of them you really talked to. You stuck by your guns, they would have to approach you first.
....Now you just wanted some cereal. The egg situation has made you completely bitter.
There really wasn’t anything else to do until later.
HOTEL; 4:00 PM
You were super anxious. The show was not officially until 7, and you wouldn’t have to officially leave your room until about 5 or so, but you’ve got goosebumps just thinking about going out there.
You were ironing your ring gear like crazy. It (thankfully) hasn’t even messed up from how intense and vigorously you were doing it. The way you paced around the room was even making Torrie nervous.
“Try to relax.” She tried to coax, but it didn’t really work.
“I don’t know. I’m just really really nervous. Maybe I’ll get a positive reaction or something. Or not. I’m heelish, so...” You began to blabber nonsense.
“Hey, [Name].” She came up to rest her hands on your shoulders. “Take some deep breaths. You’ll be fine!”
You did such, inhaling in and out slowly. You were sure you’d be fine. You shouldn’t worry about it.
Torrie held up your gear. “This is really cute, [Name]. It fits your style.”
As you sat on a box in the hallway, you fiddled with your nails. You held up your hand and someone stepped into your vision. However, your hand obstructed your view.
“[Name], right?”
You lower your hand to see Shane McMahon, owner of your brand, WCW.
“Oh. Hello. Mr. McMahon.” You greet casually, though you felt quite awkward since he was considered your superior. Then again, the two siblings seemed to flock to you quickly.
“Just Shane is fine,” He clarifies and had given you a grin. “I’d like to speak with you about some things if that’s okay?”
You hop off the box. “That’s fine.”
Shane then offers you his arm. “Shall we?” You give him a coy smile, nodding. It masked your nervousness though.
“We shall.” You hold his arm and the two of you begin walking down the corridor, linked together.
“I’m sure you’ve already spoken to my sister, Stephanie, but since I’m the specific owner of WCW...I’d like to ask you a few things.”
“A few things?” You repeat, turning your head to look at him.
“Yep. It’s just about what you did in WCW before you came here.”
Oh boy. That sure was a doozy. You did a ton.
Your beginning was like two years ago. Practicing for many smaller promotions at the time and making sure your craft was perfected. At the time, you were not really interested in the WWF. The underdog, WCW, was what caught your eye the most. The people there were so unique, so profound and underrated.
You needed to give it a chance, or rather it needed to give you a chance.
You could remember your very first match with Kimberly Page about a year after your rough start. On that very day, you understood that wrestling truly HURT. Sure you would never take it for granted and be in it for the television time, but it seriously had you hurting for days. Bruises included.
Luckily for you, Madusa had been endorsing you from day one on the sidelines. Since you came to and from the WCW power-plant school, she didn’t let up on you one bit. She seemed to like coaching the new bloods, and would encourage you even after leaving with bruises.
You could also remember your segments with Miss Hancock. The two of you had a very formidable rivalry that people were pretty interested in. It was always ‘on sight’ with you two. Always backstage fights and so-called cat fights on the outside of the ring. Before it could truly be explained why you two had burnt ends, you two were cherry picked to be in the invasion and the storyline was wiped completely after she was officially Stacy.
Well, you couldn’t forget first cameo on WWF. It was infiltrating a match between Trish and Lita months before. You had jumped the barricade as instructed and rushed the ring to pummel Lita who was already on Trish in the corner. Good times. Everyone you met at that time was very kind to you. Probably cause’ you knew your stuff.
“....That’s all, really. There’s more but you’d probably get bored.” You smile, slowing down. Shane slows down as well.
“To be frank, I wouldn’t get tired at all. That’s pretty interesting actually. I’m glad we have another heavy hitter on the women’s division.”
“Another? Is the other one Jazz?” You ask. You knew her from ECW. Shane nodded at you and you were proud that you did your research before hand. No doubt, she was good.
“Just don’t look down on Torrie and Stacy though. They’re more than just looks.” You wag a finger.
“Don’t worry. I’ve got my eye out. It was nice speaking to you [Name]. But I’ve got business to attend to.”
“Okay. See you later then...Shane.”
“Ugh! I can’t stay still!” You jump in place, walk around in circles, and your teammate Rob looks up at you from his stretching position.
“Take a chill pill, [Name].”
“I don’t know who we’re up against! I can’t chill! I haven’t been in a ring in months! I’ve stretched and jumped around like a million times, but I’ve got butterflies...!”
“You’ll do fine. It’s not a big deal.” He says. “Why don’t you sit down?”
Ignoring his statement, you completely drone on about something else. “Hey! What could be our official team name? What about...a portmanteau of our names?”
Rob shrugs. “I’m fine with whatever you choose.”
Before you could respond with a snarky comment, the door opens, and it’s a member of creative. You freeze, staring up at them.
“Thanks for waiting you two. The show‘s starting soon so we’ve got your card right here. You will be officially going against Lita and Chris Jericho.”
That shut you right up again. You ended up having words at all.
“Awesome.” Rob spoke up. “Thanks man.”
They nod and head out. You were still speechless. Of course they did that. Of course they put you against Jericho. Creative saw what happened. Lita was fine, you adored her because she was pretty damn cool.
But him? No way.
You finally sat down and put your hands on your head. This match was going to give you a run for your money.
“Look who finally sat down.”
“Shut up.”
The show officially started. You could watch the circular screen backstage and see the pyro go off in the entrance ramp. You were the first match of the night, which was nerve wracking and yet relieving at the same time.
You skipped down the ramp in a slightly cocky manner. You reached out your hand to some fans but snatched your hand back. It was pretty typical. Your partner was already in the ring, and as was your opponents.
You were the last to enter. Despite your jitters, you kept your smile and cocky demeanor. You headed into the ring and kept your distance, standing by Rob.
No way he was.
There was no fucking way he was doing this.
“WHOA, HOLD ON A....” You squealed as you felt your lower body be yanked up, and then struck with pain as Jericho twisted over you, putting his iconic submission on you. You did not realize it would hurt that bad. Witnessing it was a whole other story though, you underestimated this move for sure. He had to have been rubbing it in your face. The last time you technically had escaped when he planted a kiss on you instead of reigning his terror.
When it’s intergender, anything goes.
It seriously hurt your back though, holy hell. Rob wasn’t there to save you as he was knocked down by that dumbass earlier. You refused to tap out to him. It would be so embarrassing and it would only fuel his ego.
You clawed at the mat trying to reach for those damned ropes, but holy hell. It felt like it was way too far. It hurt so bad that you just had to lay there and groan. Maybe Jericho just liked seeing you in pain, as sadistic as it sounds.
You would crawl toward the ropes but he would drag you back into the center of the ring, all the while you suffer.
“HOW DOES IT FEEL!? C’MON, [NAME]!” He would scream at you, and you would yell back in pain.
Fortunately, Rob was able to recover. Rolling back into the ring, he had kicked Jericho down which made the blonde release the hold and give you mercy. When they headed out of the ring exchanging blows, Lita slid into the ring to fight you. The crowd seemed to perk up at this. They already enjoyed it when you two got tagged in earlier, but since you two were somewhat similar and were popular within your respective companies, it was kind of a dream match. You two were going to steal the show.
In other news, it was a damn relief he let you go. You held your aching back but then took your hand off as you and the red-haired woman initiated a lock up rather quickly.
“You okay?” She asks, and you made a ‘mhm.’ noise.
“I’m fine. Let’s keep going.”
At your confirmation, she released the hold and had kicked you in your stomach which caused you to keel over. Lita ran to the ropes, bouncing off of them to run back, you immediately stood up to give her a quick clothesline.
Lita hit the mat and she seemed to have been down long enough for you to go down and pin her. She did kick out at a late 1 though.
You stood up, feeding off the crowds energy and mocked the fiery red-head. Dramatically throwing up the Hardyz hand sign as she did when she was on the top rope, you grabbed a handful of her hair again. It was evident you were dominating this match.
At least, that’s what you thought. Lita had reversed the situation on you, elbowing your stomach from her knees.
It causes you to release the hold on her hair, and she recovered quickly to deliver a hurricanrana on you. It flung you across the ring, and you were already out of breath since you all have been going at it for a while.
Staring at the arena ceiling, you breathed heavily, catching your breath.
This was something you enjoyed. This was your first official match with Lita but you had already loved working with her. She was one hell of a worker.
When you felt her pin you, you kicked out at a late 2.
You were sure that you had to wrap this up quickly as the match was heading on 12 minutes. Hell, as tired as you both are, this should have been over already. Picking up the fallen Lita, you hit a nasty DDT on her before quickly dropping on top of her to pin her.
The sweet sound of the “1, 2, 3!” hit your ears when the bell rang. You stayed on top of Lita to whisper a small ‘thank you.’ and got up, happily jumping around the ring.
Referee raised you and Rob’s hand. Tonight, you both were the winners. Tired and slightly fatigued, you gave him a hug. He hugged you back tightly.
Alliance was going to take it all. You were the victors. This was all yours.
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alliedbiscuit · 6 years
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tmw your crazy dad strikes again
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haigrr · 5 years
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I'm not one to jump on the report bandwagon but I might actually like this idea.
But what would this mean for Drew and Elias?
Pass it on. I want to hear from everyone.
Make note I'm not saying this will happen but it could be amazing!
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pastelbatfandoms · 6 years
Updated Masterlist
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My Fan Fiction Master list. I don’t have alot yet as I’m just starting (online anyway) but I will update this sporadically.
Had to make a new one since the link to My old one no longer works! 
Not Finished:
Riverdale (Jughead JonesxOC) Hiatus Definite
Mughead Part 1
Mughead Part 2
Mughead Part 3
Mughead Part 4
Mughead Part 5
Mughead Part 6
Mughead Part 7 
Mughead One Shot
Mughead Playlist
The Flash (OCxHarryxHarrisonxHR Wellsx Eobard Thawne)
Wells of Hearts Part 1
Wells of Hearts Part 2
Wells of Hearts One Shot-Doppleganger
Wells of Hearts Part 3
Wells of Hearts Part 4
Wells of Hearts Part 5
Wells of Hearts Part 6
Wells of Hearts Part 7 (WIP)
Wells of Hearts One Shot - On your knees (Eowells) NSFW
Wells of Hearts One Shot Remember Me (HR Wells)
Wells of Hearts One Shot - The Final Goodbye (Nash Wells)
Wells of Hearts One Shot-The Detective (Sherloque Wells. NSFW)
Wells of Hearts One Shot-Like One Of Your French Girls (Sherloque Wells. NSFW)
Wells of Hearts One Shot-Surrender (Eobard Thawne) 
Wells of Hearts playlist
Wells of Hearts Pinterest Board
Sex+Romance Headcanon-Eobard
Sex+Romance Headcanon-Harry 
Get to know My OC
Mischief on Wings (Loki x OC)
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2
Mischief on Wings Pinterest
Get to know My Character-Amara
Teen Wolf (Peter HalexOC) Hiatus
The Alpha Part 1  
The Alpha Part 2
Part 3 Coming Soon!
The Alpha Part 4 (WIP)
The Alpha Part 5 (WIP)
The Alpha Playlist
The Alpha Pinterest 
Get to know My Character-Marianna
A-Z NSFW Headcanon-Peter Hale 
The Walking Dead (OCxMerlexNeganxThe Governor)
The Kings and Queen of Disaster
Kings and Queen of Disaster Part 2
Kings and Queen of Disaster Part 3 (Finished)
The Beginning of The End (MerlexOC) Prequal 
The Beginning of The End Part 2
The Beginning of The End Part 3 WIP
What We Do Is Private (The GovernorxOC) NSFW
Lover Hunter Friend and Enemy (The GovernorxOCxMerle) NSFW
Get to know My OC-Suzanna
NSFW A-Z Headcanon-The Governor 
NSFW A-Z Headcanon-Merle
AHS Apocalypse (Michael LangdonxOC)
Half God Half Devil Part 1 
Half God Half Devil Part 2 
Part 3 coming soon!
Half God Half Devil Part 4
Half God Half Devil Playlist
Get to know My Character-Helena
The Kings of Hell (NSFW) (Crowley x OC x Lucifer)
The Witch’s ArchAngel (Gabriel x OC) WIP
Enraptured NSFW (God Chuck x OC)
NOES (Freddy/Robert EnglundxOC) Hiatus
The Dream Lovers Playlist
The Dream Lovers Part 1
The Dream Lovers Part 2 (WIP)
Stranger Things (BillyxOCxSteve)
Strange Days Playlist
Get To Know My Character-Mandy
The Descendants (HadesxOCxHarry Hook)
Gods and Pirates Part 1
Gods and Pirates Part 2
Gods and Pirates Part 3
Gods and Pirates Part 4
Gods and Pirates Part 5 WIP
Get to know My Character-Meghana
The Gypsy and The Prince WIP (OCxChad Charming)
Roxy’s Men (Past and Present)
The Mark (Baron CorbinxOC)
It’s been awhile (Shane McmahonxOC) 
I still get Jealous (Shane McmahonxOC)
Cat & Mouse Part 1 (Randy OrtonxOC)
Cat & Mouse:Kiss me or kill me (RandyxOCxBray Wyatt)
Cat & Mouse:Rust (RandyxOCxBray Wyatt)
On The Fringe (OCxDean Ambrose/Jon Moxley)
Give it Some M(R)oxy (SFW OCxJon Moxley)
Third time's the charm  (AJ StylesxOC)
Meld (Bray Wyatt x Alexa Bliss)
I’m A Paul Heyman Girl (WIP)
Better Than Ever (Eric BischoffxOC) WIP
Daddy's Home (Randy OrtonxOC)
Harry Potter (Indefinite Hiatus)
A Perfect Distraction (Lucius Malfoy x OC) (NSFW)
Snakes and The Raven One Shot WIP (Snape x OC)
The Snakes and The Raven Pinterest
Dating Cole Sprouse 
Michael Jackson A-Z Headcanon NSFW
A Light to His Darkness NSFW (Johnny Depp x Reader) 
Masterlist 2
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dirtywweimagines · 7 years
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helplessly-nonstop · 6 years
Count ‘Em (R. Reigns smut)
Really, this is more of a drabble, but hey! Here it is! Someone posted a video of Roman saying,”Count ‘em.”and they suggested that a smut come from it! So here it is!
Warnings: seriously, this is nothing but smut, PWP, eh, okay, there’s a hint of fluff at the end, Daddy!kink, slight pregnancy kink, spanking, biting, spanking, lord forgive me for I have sinned,
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I crossed my ankles and swung my legs casually, knowing that Roman would be home soon and he would be pissed when he arrived. I had been bad, extremely bad.
I sent him nudes while knowing he was in a meeting with Kurt Angle, Paige, Shane McMahon, and Vince McMahon about the Superstar Shakeup. His text back was one I wasn’t totally opposed to receiving,”You are in so much fucking trouble.”
I pulled one of Roman’s shirts over my head and perked up when I heard his car door shut. My lovely husband was home finally. I shifted then watched the door like a hawk just waiting for him to enter the bedroom.
The door jerked open and his eyes flashed dark with lust and fury. I had really fucked up but damn was I eager for my punishment.
“Take it off.”he growled, peeling his tank top off. I pulled his shirt up past my hips teasingly, wiggling my ass as I did so and he snarled, snatching me up by my wrist before yanking the shirt over my head.
He shoved me onto the bed once again and pushed me onto my stomach, slapping my ass. I yelped but quickly quieted when he ordered,”No, count ‘em. You wanted to be bad, knowing that I had a meeting with four of the most important people of WWE, well now you’re going to pay for it. Count ‘em, baby girl.”
He spanked me again and I murmured,”One.”
“One what?” I bit my lip then moaned, knowing what he wanted to hear, and muttered,”One, Daddy.”
“Yeah, that’s a good girl. It’s a fucking shame you wanted to be bad. I was going to come home and treat you since I had a meeting. I was going to pin you down and eat you out until you were trembling and sobbing, begging for mercy. But since you decided to send me those naughty fucking pictures, baby girl, I’m going to spank your ass until you can’t take it.” he informed me with three more slaps to my ass.
“I’m so sorry, Daddy! I just thought you would be out of your meeting when I send those.” I pleaded, fluttering my eyelashes at him in hope that he would have some sympathy for me. But he shook his head and continued to spank me.
Finally, I cried out for mercy and he paused, rubbing the sore skin with a tender hand, before he asked,”Did you learn your lesson?”
“Yes! Yes, I’m so sorry,Daddy!” I sobbed as he laid me on my stomach, rubbing lotion over my bottom. He sighed and turned me to face him then he pecked my lips as he cooed,”You really need to stop sending those pictures during my meetings. If Seth hadn’t been beside me, my bosses would’ve seen those. I’m pretty sure you gave the poor man a heart attack when you sent me the last picture.”
“I’ll be sure to send him a fruit basket.” I assured him,combing my fingers through his hair,”But first, I’d appreciate it if you would fuck me please.”
“Always so polite when you want me to fuck you. Fast or slow?” He wrapped his arm around my leg as I told him that it didn’t matter then he pressed the head of his cock to my entrance, never putting too much pressure, which was my problem.
“Okay,okay, I lied! Fast, fast, fuck me fast please!” I cried out, gripping his hair tightly. He grinned in response before sinking balls deep into me, causing me to gasp.
“God fucking dammit, baby girl, your pussy is so tight. You already wanting to come? Can feel your cunt quivering.”he purred, pressing harshly on my clit and I sobbed, head thrashing back and forth as he spanked me again.
“Daddy, Daddy, please, lemme come!” I begged, fingernails dragging down his chest before finding his nipple. He snarled as I pinched the bud then he ordered,”Fucking come. Come now, my little whore.”
I screamed his name as my body thrashed in his hold then he shoved me onto my back, his thrusts becoming sloppier with each one.
“You want me to come in your pretty pussy, baby girl? Fuck it into you, maybe give you a baby to carry?”he growled, fingers tightening around my throat. I moaned at the thought then cried out,”Yes please, Daddy, give me your come!”
“God yes,baby girl, take my come.” He locked his lips around my pulse point and his orgasm tossed me spiraling into another. He rolled off then moved between my thighs, staring at my entrance as his come trickled from my pussy.
“That’s so hot.”he purred before giving me a quick kiss. I let out a small laugh then muttered in return,”You're crazy.”
“But you love me.”he replied with a smirk.
“That I do.”
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