#shattered heaven
adamtilford · 6 months
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Happy Easter! Amy, Sharon and Karin from my Armored Core & Gundam inspired mecha Webtoon, Shattered Heaven
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sakuranightsart · 2 years
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Happy late birthday, @adamtilford Check out his webseries here:
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darkhalo4321 · 2 years
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I dun drawed fanart for a friend's belated birthday XD His character Sharon from his webcomic Shattered Heaven @adamtilford
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kacievvbbbb · 3 months
You know what? the best supernatural spin off would have nothing to do with the Winchesters and instead would be about Samuel motherfucking Colt because dude absolutely had something going on. And was tripping absolute balls all the fucking time
Dude not only builds a literal kills almost all gun (that no one knows how it works exactly), he also built a fucking devil’s gate and the series of railroad tracks that formed a giant devils trap in the middle of fucking nowhere Wyoming that was somehow also a great fucking hotspot to talk with Lucifer in the cage. Why the fuck would he build a devil’s gate and then the devil trap protecting it? Why could this dude not be normal? Not to mention He also fought a Phoenix!!! A Phoenix! The only Phoenix that has ever been reported to exist and whose ashes are the only thing that can kill the literal mother of all monsters. Which he somehow mails to Sam and Dean in the future using a phone from several years in the future that he literally just got earlier that afternoon.
Dude was on some serious shit. Man was definitely receiving the most violently random prophetic visions from god. Dude literally went, it came to me in a dream and built a weapon that’s literally still confounding people generations later and would function as a key to a fucking devils gate that would literally be the first step in so much shit going down in so little time generations later . Wouldn’t have even surprised me if they also said he was responsible for Ruby’s knife.
He also, most importantly, is from the wild wild fucking west!!! How cool would a show about that be? A fucking genius inventor hunts monsters in the Wild West while some being he knows nothing about but deeply suspects is giving him blueprints for big, wild things and weapons for how to stop them, or at least slow them down.
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duohensheng · 2 months
thinking about how, since they’re a folk tale, hua cheng and xie lian are still out there in a shrine somewhere thousands of years later. gods fade away if they’re not worshipped, but as long as hua cheng is there, xie lian will be worshipped. born and reborn for him, time has never been an obstacle. hua cheng is nothing if not tenacious
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bookstufflala · 1 year
My hand hurts but:
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suddencosmology · 2 months
A lorepost constructed while fighting Shadow of the Erdtree's Final Boss
I have thoughts. This started when I was born, but these particular thoughts began during my first playthrough of Elden Ring as a set of notes to keep track of events. With Shadow of the Erdtree (and me smashing my head against a brick wall), this section on the Shattering War expanded.
Repeatedly dying to the wrath of heaven gives you time to think, and now that I own the gate of calcified bodies, I must share them.
(Sword Monument, Altus)
The First Defense of Leyndell
A sovereign alliance rots from within
Traces yet remain of bloody conspiracy
(Direct translation) The battle of the First Defense of Leyndell
A sovereign alliance, from within collapses,
becoming a defeated army
A blood plot, these are the traces
Sword Monument refers to both Blood and Rot, suggesting involvement of Malenia and Mogh.  Who is in the alliance?  Translation suggests the attackers.
There's nothing I've found to shed more light on this idea, and so I have no extrapolation.
(Sword Monument, Altus)
The Second Defense of Leyndell
The Fell Omen stacks high the corpses of heroes
Yet the Erdtree remains unshaken
(Direct translation) The battle of Leyndell's Second Defense
The shunned ogre,
piles the champions' corpses 
The Golden Tree is unshaken
Margit the Fell appears on the battlefield.
Omen can be found in open Altus.  Given the location of the Shunning Grounds, they most likely originated there.  But did they escape, or did they follow Margit?  One group is found at a campsite not far from the Leyndell war camp.  More, alongside Misbegotten, are found at the Minor Erdtree within the outer wall, engaged in prayer.  A third group wanders the hill of abandoned treasure carriages, but near that is the Perfumer's Ruins, where lives an Omenkiller.  One must be present due to the other, but who?
Promotional art shows Radahn attacked by the Fell Omen.  Opening cutscene shows army w/ Trolls attacking Leyndell.  Beyond pulling carts,Trolls are found primarily in Limgrave, but one guards the gate of Redmane Castle, and another overlooks Sellia's gate, both in Caelid.  
Unlikely to be Carian: Carian Trolls wear helmets and tabards.
Alliance between Godrick and Radahn?
(Sword Monument, Liurnia)
This marks Malenia's southward march
The Blade of Miquella and her Cleanrot Knights
Grant her wings never to be clipped
(Direct Translation) Malenia's southward march monument
Miquella's Blade, the Noble Rot knights
The wings that are never hindered
Why did the march start here?  Leyndell and the Haligtree are both north.  Or does it mean that here her march turned south?  Were she chasing Radahn out of Altus, her first stop would've been the land of his birth.  Once certain he had not retreated there and/or recieved no aid, her path would have gone South.
(Sword Monument, Limgrave)
Godrick the Golden, humiliated
Having tasted defeat by the Blade of Miquella
Now on his knees, begging for mercy
(Direct Translation) Golden Godrick, a humiliating battle
To Miquella's Blade, a total defeat
Grovelling, begging for forgiveness
Either Malenia defeated Godrick here, or if he and Radahn sieged Leyndell, then perhaps he groveled rather than face Malenia again.
(Sword Monument, Caelid)
The Battle of Aeonia
Radahn and Malenia locked in stalemate
Then, the scarlet rot blooms
(Direct translation) Aeonia Battle
Radahn, Malenia come to a draw
The Scarlet Rot flower blooms to full glory
Here occurs the fated battle that ended the Shattering.  Malenia blooms in a bid to destroy Radahn, and whispers in his ear the following:
(Young Lion's Helm)
"Miquella awaits thee, O promised consort."
In the aftermath, Miquella heals Redmane Freya of the Scarlet Rot.
(Cleanrot Knight Finlay Spirit Ashes)
Finlay was one of the few survivors of the Battle of Aeonia, who in an unimaginable act of heroism carried the slumbering demigod Malenia all the way back to the Haligtree. She managed the feat alone, fending off all manner of foes along the way.
Malenia is "slumbering" after Aeonia.  With the presence of Miquella in Caelid, it suggests Miquella was responsible for halting the bloom of the Rot Goddess, Saint Trina sending Malenia into a deep, long slumber.  Perhaps an eternal one, until Millicent and her sisters arrive, each carrying a part of Malenia cast aside in Aeonia.  
And as each of them blooms, the Goddess begins to stir, and the Tarnished is but the unlucky fool forced to slay her.
Above is but connecting dots, but there are still questions unanswered.
Morgott calls all the demigods traitors.  Did he know of Ranni's part in the Night of Black Knives?  Or was her and Caria's inaction during the Shattering treachery enough?
If we follow the Radahn-Godrick alliance, those two are on the list for certain.
Rykard's rebellion was open and clear-cut.
Why the twins, though?  Betrayal, or like Ranni, was their disappearance/retreat to the Haligtree after Aeonia the cause?
For Radahn, why did he and Malenia clash? 
His lore paints him as glory-hunter, raised on tales of his father and Lord Godfrey proving their might in the field of battle.  A naive prince born in an era of peace, hungering for a war to prove his mettle.
He clearly sought to be Elden Lord, but perhaps not with Miquella as his God.  Or perhaps the war was a sort of elaborate courting ritual, demanding he face the full strength of Miquella's ideals and followers.  Or crueler, the promise was meant to be an impossible request, one to goad Malenia into combat and prove to all the Red Lion deserved the title of Strongest.
Whatever the case, it seems Malenia warred as a way to force him into compliance, and when he would not yield, she Bloomed.  
This either suggests she knew of the Secret Rite scroll we find in the DLC, and that perhaps the entire war was an extension of Miquella's plan, or perhaps just a final barb, given to a man worthy of no honor or glory.
The Unalloyed's presence in Caelid would be his compassion, or his moral calculus (such that could convince him puppeting both Radahn and Mogh would be for the Greater Good), could not allow the Scarlet Rot to spread.
The other option is that, again, Radahn broke his promise to Miquella, Malenia's march was in pursuit of vengeance, Miquella arrived too late to stop them from destroying each other, and his ascension was in turn a reaction to losing his promised consort and his sister.  In this charitable perspective, his original plan was the Haligtree, watered with his blood and fully absent of gods, shelter to all.  A throne of unalloyed gold, sadly abandoned when his hopefuly ideals clashed with cold reality.
Either way, we come to Mohg.  Why Mogh?  Again we turn to the moral calculus.  Miquella needed a guardian while he slept, and without his loyal Blade, turned to the next most dangerous demigod.  And also, the more expendable.
Of the others: 
Messmer was already in the Land of Shadow.
Rykard was a heretic and possibly a snake-god at the time.
Morgott had assumed regency of Leyndell.
Ranni was either dead, missing, running Caria, and/or definitely couldn't be trusted with the plan.
Godwyn was a cancerous corpse fused to the Erdtree.
Miquella needed a body for his Lord.  The closer in relation, the better.  And it needed to be someone who wouldn't be missed.
Mohg's Dynasty was small, heretical, slightly obsessed with blood, deeply tied to an Outer God, and possibly already involved in the whole murder and kidnapping thing.
An easy choice.
Either way, little suggests Mohg somehow knew a way to reach the Land of Shadow.  The closest connection is the Formless Mother's foothold with the Bloodfiends.
More likely, Miquella had the power and knowledge to reach it himself, and his ascension was delayed until both Mohg and Radahn were properly dead.
A lord's soul delivered, and a body to host it.
And so the enchanted followers and a lone Tarnished followed him into that hidden realm.
Of the two interpretations, I ask both myself and the reader, this: which is the more tragic?
That the good-natured promises of salvation are built on lies, deceit, and manipulation.
Or that the dreams of someone good and kind and loving have corroded into cruelty.
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cakesmelons · 1 year
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I seemed to have liked sandwiching a lot more than I realised(I've drawn a more sandwich than this sandwich but like it's basically a sandwich so)
I've literally forgotten everything I was supposed to say- um uh.... honestly shattered should get a new design.... but that's a subject for another time
HELP I SOMEHOW GOT DISTRACTED AND JUST LEFT THIS FOR 2 HOURS— ..anyways..... I don't seem to have anything to say so just like **submits
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aro-in-danyl · 2 months
Alastor as a "Gift from God" AU part 2
I'll have you know it is very difficult to write from the POV of God so you get Roo instead. I had to look up bible verses for this.
PART 1 here.
On the day of the first extermination cleanse.
When the first sinner was slain, Roo felt the soul attempt to rise. A fruitless endeavor, for their sinful deeds in life and in death ensured her roots bound the severed pieces of the soul to her.
Foolish angels, in culling the herd and stifling even the thought of rebellion, they only made her stronger. Roo tightened her vines around the soul and attempted to drag it down, down through the 7 rings, and to her.
Attempted, because before she even got past the Pride Ring, a stronger force yanked the soul upwards. Enraged and in disbelief she tightened her hold around the other souls being slaughtered by the dozens, but each and every time they were ripped from her grasp.
At the end of the day, when the exorcists were flying up and away from the slaughter, the portal to Heaven opened and Roo latched onto the connection and demanded an explanation.
"Have you gone back on your word?" her tone was taunting but her desperation and anger festered, "These souls are mine. Their punishment is meant to be eternal!"
Roo did not expect a response, God had not spoken to her since The Beginning, and God had no foothold in hell - usually. Today, apparently, was an exception.
God spoke to her, "My creations all return unto me in The End regardless. You know I cannot bare to be separated forever."
Roo did not buy this, "What ever happened to 'Depart from me, you who are cursed' was that not written?"
"Said by a King, not I." God refuted.
"But within your holy text." Roo sniped, "You reward their sin, their rejection of you, by accepting them back with open arms?"
"If you think that is what will happen to those who reject me twice, you know me not at all." And perversely, Roo felt relieved at this admission. "The righteous will have eternal life, the sinful - upon second death - nothing."
"And keeping them from me was merely a happy coincidence?" Roo felt emboldened, God must see her as a bigger threat than she thought, "To twist the meaning of your eternal punishment to exclude me, why I'd almost call that a quality worthy of a demon."
The portal, which had only been open seconds, pulsed with the force of God's anger.
Roo laughed. "You fear me enough to risk your angels falling into my grasp once again. Do you think this latest stunt of yours will keep me weak forever?"
"My angels have learned to evade you since then."
"Careful there." Roo feigned concern, "Anymore hubris and I'll have to save you a seat in Pride. I could put you next to your favorite child, wouldn't that be nice?"
God ignored the taunt, "I know your roots grow stronger on Earth. More fall to you everyday. Faster than even my best angels can catch them."
Roo smiled at the admission. To have her work acknowledged by the being who created everything, everything that would someday be corrupted and belong wholly to her.
God continued, "It is a testament to your strength that The End may be sooner than I thought."
Roo stopped cold. Her strength came from corrupting the creations of God, but if there was nothing to corrupt...
Ah. She thought. Nothing truly is an eternal punishment.
"Unless," God hedged. "We come to an arrangement?"
Suddenly the reason for God's desire to converse with her made sense. Here she was, weakened from the loss of over a hundred damned souls, from an event that would become a yearly occurrence. Here God was, with the threat of The End poised upon their fingertips, attempting to force her compliance.
And it was working.
But God had shown their hand too early, "How utterly demonic of you! You want to compromise with me? To reason with me?" She used her roots to trip a flailing exorcist trying to remove its spear from a corpse just because, "What can you offer me?"
"I will not hasten The End before its time." God stated, as if the threat of nothing was enough now that she knew God wanted something from her that they could not get themselves.
"You do not want to destroy everything you've created; you want it even less than I do. What is it you desire?"
The last few exorcists were getting ready to return via the portal, their clothes splatted in shade of red and an abundance of gore. They had yet to develop a tolerance to the violence they were perpetuating. Roo knew, just as God did, that many of the angels after slaughtering their first few sinners, had ripped their helmet off and vomited in disgust and despair.
Roo could feel their shock, their inner turmoil, their sense of righteousness, their loyalty to heaven. With time, and more exterminations cleanses, they would learn to enjoy the bloodshed. Or they would break. Such was the way of war.
"I wish to create a gift for Lucifer," God began, "A gift that will challenge him, embolden him, and remain by his side."
Lucifer! Why did it always come back to him? Around them, the corpses of the damned littered her domain never to rise again, God's angels grappled with the weight of their heavenly duty, and her influence weakened for the first time in decades. And yet it was Lucifer that made God lower themselves to speak with her!
Roo reigned in her rage, "And what does that have to do with me?"
"I am creating something unlike anything I've ever created before." God directed her attention back to the weak angel who'd finally pulled their spear from a corpse, "Immune to angelic destruction. Stronger than a thousand sinners, with the potential to stand against my Archangels, capable of vengeance and retribution."
Roo salivated. "And you're sending it here." Roo let the last of the shattered souls in her grasp go, not even paying attention as it shot upwards and away. "You'd create such a thing and put in my hands the instrument of your demise?"
"Which is why I appear before you. You know sin more intimately than I. So I implore you to cast off a piece of yourself for this gift and I shall do the same."
"And what is this gift?" The exorcist was attempting to clean the gore from the spear and failing. "And why should I give you anymore of myself when you've already taken so much?"
"A human soul."
"You intend to create a soul destined to hell before its first sin and gift it to the being who prizes free will above all else. Do you imagine he will thank you?" Roo didn't care about Lucifer's feelings regarding this gift, she couldn't wait to see the fallout actually, but she couldn't help but point out the obvious.
"No," God said, "he will not. As for you, this soul will bring a new age upon your realm. They will be The Avenger of the worthy. And a nightmare to everyone else."
"Do not repay anyone evil for evil," Roo quoted. "Is that why you need me? You want to avoid going against your own words, so you seek to blame me instead."
She did not give God time to respond, "But you still haven't told me what I gain. What do I care for this promised 'new age' or so-called Avenger when I am still trapped?"
"And that is my bargain," God attempted to comfort one of the angels weeping over a small sinner's corpse but their touch fell short. Seems they did not have power over anything in her realm but exorcised souls, she mused.
"With a piece of us both, this soul will have a direct link to us in a way no fully mortal being has before."
Roo would've gasped if she was capable of breathing, "Speak plainly!"
"They could free you."
"What's the catch? Why would you give them this power?" She could hardly believe it. It was too good to be true.
"You have the chance to be free. But you must convince this soul to do so of their own free will, knowing fully the consequences of your freedom." Roo dismissed this, she was The Root of Sin for a reason, and this soul was destined for her realm anyway.
"You are forbidden from interfering with their life before hell. And you must find this soul yourself once they fall."
A minor setback, but the call of freedom was strong. Still, she was not so blinded by this opportunity that she wouldn't ask, "And what, do you, The Almighty God, gain from this bargain?"
"A hellborn will become your greatest adversary, they will attempt to redeem sinners and remove them from your grasp." The portal to Heaven began to close.
"And should they succeed, your chance to convince The Avenger will begin to close. And you will never know freedom."
"A time limit!" She should've known they wouldn't play fair, "How long?"
They turned her attention to the newly built Tower in the center of the Pentagram. The timer below flipped through the numbers at record speed until it hit 365. "Seven full moons after the clock strikes zero for the last time. Do we have an agreement?"
God's voice was strong as ever, but the portal was now only the size of a quarter. Roo knew manipulation and this reeked of it, how clever of God to wait until the last moment to share all the details when she had so little time to think of it.
"When in hell, you use the proper term." Roo pretended to scold them. She reached out to the fading tendrils of God and sunk her thorns in as deep into the connection as she could.
"We have a deal."
#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel au#alastor gift from god au#hazbin god#hazbin roo#Sorry no alastor yet#I got caught up in the backstory#because I had to figure out a reason God would even consider doing this#I also had to figure out why God allowed Sera to keep doing the exterminations#God is very manipulative and Roo is not afraid to point it out#there's another reason God gave this specific time limit#It ensures that Roo will actively encourage the Exterminations to keep happening despite how much power she loses from it#As long as the clock never reaches zero for the last time she will have eternity to convince Alastor#A bit of yandere! God slipped in with the whole 'No one can stay away from me forever. I'll kill everyone first'#God doesn't like the pain the exterminations cause but they do like yoinking souls away from Roo#Roo: :P sweet a shattered soul to feed me-#God: YEET#Roo: My Souls!! D:<#Also Roo is not a reliable narrator#God does not like having angels kill for heaven but it's the only way to keep Roo weak#for now >:)#notice how God answers Roo without actually answering her#and plays up the connection Alastor will have to Roo and how it could free her rather than trap her further#And scurts around the fact that Alastor will have the same connection to them#don't worry though cause Roo is gonna realize that last bit eventually#Neither God or Roo want The End and that is why they both agree to this#It's a risk to them both but it's better than nothing#Sure God put in a lot of caveats but Roo if given an inch will make an apple tree and God knows that
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rainingsodium · 3 months
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[ Don't tag this as a ship ]
Late night Karate Joe and his father reference sheet and some headcanons.
+ Small, lazy comic below
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adamtilford · 2 years
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New Episode of my sci-fi mecha webtoon Shattered Heaven dropped over the holiday weekend. Much mechs, much exhaustion XD. If you're into Gundam, Armored Core or mechs in general, consider giving Shattered Heaven a read! You can read it here! https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/shattered-heaven-/act-137-foresight-of-the-hawk/viewer?title_no=543554&episode_no=64
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annamatix · 7 days
any songs about stealing youths/taking up youngness reminds me of adam and juliette ARGHH
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fauvester · 8 months
tgcf as a long rambling bedtime story shang qinghua tells xuejiao (because story time is one of the few times his little half-demon whelp will cuddle with him) intended to teach a spoiled ass ice prince the value of humility and goodness and dedication to the people. it backfires horrifically because XJ thinks that xie lian is extremely cringe and in true airplane fashion the epic bloodthirsty demon antagonist ends up being a supreme simp househusband. how does this keep happening to SQH
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some-pers0n · 20 days
Godd I forget how great The Stereosexuals are. I love misogyny rock <33
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fishareglorious · 11 months
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You go to the dentist for a toothache and your dentist does this to you. Wyd?
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lanternlightss · 3 months
also (for the ask game) bard :]
(ask game)
another bingo :]
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The Bard. is so interesting. Because we know next to nothing about them so they are Free Real Estate <3 (within a few of the bounds that we Do know about them !!!)
(also the rest going under the cut oops 😭)
i am in such full belief that they were worse than venti when it came to being a little shit. they just hide it better. (i also wonder if they would be very blunt when it comes to criticism. if the traveler gave him food he didn’t like would he tell them “ah. thank you…. please don’t try this again.”)(<- thatd be especially funny bc venti is like. i don’t think i can stomach this…. oh dear …… meanwhile bard is trying and failing to subtlety shove it to another person.)
i am also in full belief that the bard is. angry. so much. and that post war, if he survived, it would … kinda smother ? it’s still there, but it’s more so ashes of that anger that can reignite at certain times, moments. he’s not pressed to a corner anymore, swinging for a way out—he’s living his life to the fullest !! (also. the thought. of bard using anger like a shield when he doesn’t know what to do…. chef’s kiss. very nice.)
really, really wish one day we will get more information on him, because the idea that bard and venti are similar but in Such Complete different ways is SUCH good flavor. venti thinks it’s funny when people call him tone deaf ! if you say that to bard, he will be very offended ! he takes pride in his work, thank you oh so much, he did NOT go through a god’s leadership that steadily declined in music for His Talent to be slandered like this >:( !! it would just be so neat !!! like !!! being able to see what traits venti picked up on while Also being able to see where exactly they diverged !!!
(looks around) also venti thinking of the bard as an equal even while being divinity and the bard believing himself of not deserving such a high title of “hero”—
i think he’s neat. i think he deserves to be a little blood thirsty, as a treat. sometimes i wonder if he looks at the decisions he has to make for the rebellion and has to sit and look through a window for hours after. he is also So Soft. the softest. he could hear a cat meowing from a mile away and you see him bolt to go find them and see what’s wrong. i also wanna know how much he cherished that little wisp bc i know at some level that little guy was SPOILT. would bard be the person to go “noo !! don’t be mean !!!!!!” when rhw and amos are calling wispti a stinky baby. would he join.
stumbles into the WALL ALSO. ALSO. they are so silly. i would love to be a fly on the wall seeing how the bard would be like when he finds something that Was NOT mentioned in any of the books he read. (how would the bard react to the sky being fake as well. i don’t think they’d handle that well.) Like. imagining bard pointing at a fish and going THEY CAN GLOW ?????? UGH. they fully deserve to infodump to their little group while gesturing about everything they learned that day. and then the old mond crew doing the same thing to him.
his design is also banger he would be so jingle jingle send post
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