#she also thinks “I'm a thinker 5” at one point
cpericardium · 6 months
I once read this very popular Worm/Sky High fanfic that was just post-GM Taylor being transplanted into the Sky High universe, inwardly sneering at everyone there for having a lower PRT rating than her, musing about how she was the most powerful person in the school, bragging about the people she'd killed, mumbling about power ratings to characters who obviously had no idea what the fuck she was referring to, and then handily defeating the main Sky High villain in half a chapter
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it wasn't satire, just an example of your basic average wormfic
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twiggirlblogger · 2 months
My OC trump team that I'm posting here because I'll forget it if I don't write it down somewhere and also because I need encouragement to write something for once in a while
Team Name: Trump Card
Inner Beauty:
Inner Beauty is a trump/master that can create a projection of a shard from a cape. Remember Cradle's Mr. Hugs? They can just make a smaller version of one of those. They have rough control over it, and have to give direct order for the thing to follow. However, if a cape has a strong enough bond with their shard, then the projection may refuse or even outright disobey the commands given, instead opting to help their cape.
Purviewer is able to see "statistics" from any given cape, and can change these on a scale from one to one hundred. It is a zero sum game though, as he must give away the same amount of points they take. So imagine if they were to fight Skitter, then they would maybe be able see Range, Control, and Complexity, where they could set the range to an extremely low number, and ramp up complexity, essentially creating maybe a touch-based Khepri.
Mockery has four "base" powers that she cannot access naturally. She has a thinker power, a breaker power, a master power, and a stranger power. Whenever she sees a cape, she is able to try to mimic their power by changing one of her core powers to act like that. She can only hold on to one power at a time, and the power disappears after a week. This one's a bit unclear because I haven't really thought it through but imagine if there was this changer that was actually just a breaker you know? Or this tinker who was just a thinker? I'll think this one through later.
New Deal:
New Deal has gains 5 "slots" that hold powers, that change every month along with blaster power she always has. She can fire a beam from her hands that, when it hits, essentially slows down time for her. During this slowed time, her entire field of view is replaced with a black screen divided in two. She can see her five powers represented by icons, names and small descriptions, and aspects of her enemy's power represented like that. She can choose to transfer one of her powers with one of her enemy's aspect of their power.
When Handbasket triggered, her body was physically changed. She got four extra sets of arms. She can detach her hands easily, the hands skitter around on the floor at her command. When the hands come into contact with the DNA of another cape, they absorb it into themselves. The hand then gains a weaker version of the power they absorbed.
anyways yeah so thats my OC team I was thinking about for the majority of today but I know I'll just forget about it if I don't write it down somewhere so uhh yeah.
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lakesbian · 1 year
Train Guys in Worm: Presuming all the train passengers Could Trigger, and presuming that their crossroads moment either IS or is CLOSE TO their Trigger, what powers do you think they'd get?
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oh damn i guess there is train/worm crossover! win for me (guy who was obsessed w/ train right before i got Into into worm).
obligatory disclaimer: these are all just what i think are The Coolest Options, not firmly set in one universe or the other. just roll with any discrepancies/take them as they are. this is gonna be long, and i'm not in the mood to concept-edit for internal logic.
[cracks knuckles]
tulip: too much of a support system, not at enough of a low, can't trigger
lake: escaped case 53. brute 5, thinker 3 - made entirely of an unknown highly-reflective metal. exceedingly high breaking and melting points. weighs approx. 1,000 pounds. is only about as strong as an athletic 13yo girl, but, like...if that athletic 13yo girl couldn't feel pain or physical exertion and was also capable of throwing 1,000 lbs of body weight around. running on "has enough adrenaline to lift a car off a trapped family member" physical capability 24/7. doesn't need to eat, drink, or breathe. - unconscious minor precog presenting itself as particularly strong mental impulses towards decisionmaking which minimizes the chances of harm coming to her. this functions largely as a defensive combat thinking ability--if she could climb up that nearby pipe to dodge containment foam and then land an elbow slam from it, she's gonna get the idea to do it. very good at "coincidentally" stumble-dodging a power she's never seen in use before by an inch. this adds a solid point or two to her brute rating because of how effectively it enables her to throw her weight around and avoid attacks. she occasionally gets impulses towards what the next steps she could take in a plan to avoid large-scale/impending danger are, but there's not necessarily a guarantee the entire plan will work out--it's just a nudge onto the right path. (think the many times she dodges a sander by an inch in canon + her getting the idea to go to the engine despite having no idea what she'll do when she gets there.)
my sweet sweet SWEET darling boy whom i love jesse: pressures his little brother into doing Something dangerous his shithead friends think will be funny. it goes bad, and nate is sent to the hospital with some serious injuries. panicked, guilty, and terrified that he still doesn't feel prepared to drop the masks he puts up, jesse runs away from home. he runs into his shithead friends, makes a poor attempt to stand up to them & tell them off, and that goes bad as well. when they turn on him, it quickly becomes both devastatingly mentally and physically dangerous. the worst part is that, in the moment, he doesn't wish that he had been better at standing up to them. instead, he wishes that he had just been better at pleasing them, better at finding a way to keep everyone happy with him. trigger.
master, threat rating pending. anyone jesse perceives as needing to like him--whether because they're a physical threat, or simply a threat to his deep insecurities--will begin perceiving him as a friend, with the nature of this perceived friendship adjusting to be indiscernible from how it would appear if it had arisen naturally. this is an ironic reflection of what caused him to trigger in the first place: everyone likes him, but no one likes him for him.
the power is uncontrollable and always on. he is not aware of how it functions, and currently retains his typical desperate people-pleasing behavior.
alan dracula: the PRT thought that the weird deer was jesse's master minion. as it turns out, it's not. in fact, nobody has any fucking idea what it is. there are some theories that it's a really fucked up case 53, but...as anyone in-the-know knows, cauldron has no idea what the fuck that thing is, either. in fact, all signs point to it genuinely being a minutely-smarter-than-average regular deer, but with superpowers. the PRT has given it another name, but jesse and lake loudly insist that his name is alan dracula. alan dracula cares about 1. grass and 2. jesse and lake, in that order. jesse and lake do not at any point explain when or how they met alan dracula. attempts to probe into His Deal are met with a very condescending explanation that he's a deer, and also their friend. this is not because he's using any sort of memory or behavior altering power on them--he's just a deer, he has no reason to do all that.
changer 12 (trump 12, blaster 12, stranger 12, brute 12, mover 12). alan dracula could kill an endbringer. alan dracula isn't going to kill an endbringer, because there's no grass involved. alan dracula only ever releases a fraction of his power, and for this, we should all be grateful.
(i maintain that there's literally no possible way to good-faith translate alan dracula into worm without going this route. if you wormify train characters and you don't make alan dracula a weird fucking deer, you're doing it wrong. alan dracula could beat the shit out of contessa, i don't give a fuck. he's alan dracula.)
grace: her life was going great, right up until she met hazel and started changing. reconsidering things. it hurt when tuba died. she feels like she's desperately spinning plates, trying not to drop any, trying to keep simon happy and hazel safe. it starts taking more lies, more manipulation, just to keep the most basic social interaction going smoothly. she almost thinks she has it, thinks she can make room in her life for hazel without having to give up the apex. but then, without really thinking, she lashes out at hazel to keep simon happy. she didn't realize how horrible it would be until the words had already left her mouth. and then, in the midst of her confusion with herself, hazel leaves. she couldn't live up to any of the roles she was playing. she was trying so hard to be what simon expected, but now she's realizing she can't live up to it--and she doesn't want to live up to it. she dropped all the plates, and there's nothing left for her in the shards. she's watching hazel leave, sobbing, feeling simon stare at the back of her head with raw hatred. trigger.
changer 5 (stranger 3, master 6). ability to alternate between a silver, highly translucent form w/ a face akin to a tragedy mask and a metallic, solidified golden form w/ a face akin to a comedy mask. - in the silver form, people are simply inclined to find her boring, and this is aided by the fact that she's made near entirely see-through. people looking at her feel like they've been watching paint dry for the last hour. trying to remember her long enough to communicate her location feels similarly uninteresting. this feeling of boredom is also mentally parsed as a completely normal reaction, making it difficult to rationally recognize it as a sign to call her out--people experiencing it have a tendency to simply start paying attention to something else, instead. - in the gold form, she's unreasonably interesting. praise from her feels superhumanly good. it's like you're a little kid and she's your favorite person in the whole world, your biggest idol, compelling you to do just a little favor for a pat on the head. she's gorgeous and sweet and you want to do whatever she asks of you. (this is the weakest one, imo, probably because i just made it up on the spot. i Don't Love It and would appreciate alternate suggestions from anyone else familiar w/ her character. it might count as breaker states instead, but i don't think so? who gives a shit. anyway yeah if anyone has an idea for how best to get smth out of the identity struggles + unwanted attention from simon + isolation/betrayal while stirring a bit of cult leader swag into it Let Me Know. my idea does nooot ironically tragically reinforce her issues enough!)
simon: grace was everything he had. they were a team. they were grace and simon. for ten years, it was them versus the train. and then she starts acting weird. normally, they communicate in effortless, unspoken code--but now she's sending off smoke signals he doesn't know how to read. she keeps telling him to hold off on killing the gorilla null for no good reason, and sometimes he swears it feels like she and the new kid are a team versus him. he watches her memory tape to get to the bottom of it, and--yes. she's been lying to him. throwing away everything they built for a null. trigger.
master 6. has the ability to generate a single, extremely strong, and extremely agile brute minion. it looks like an abstracted ballerina with locs and a golden mask. it is, transparently, a replacement for grace. a regracement, if you will. this is the grace in his head, the grace he's placed on a pedestal, the real grace that would scoff at the void that fell from that pedestal when she lied to him. it doesn't speak, because he never really cared to listen. the important part is that, unlike grace, it can never think to leave him.
ryan & min-gi: not sure! i know they'd both realistically trigger separately, but i do like the idea of a cluster trigger for them. they're assigned soulmates at train via the same numbers, i wanna see them assigned kiss cluster dynamic at worm. my main barrier here is that i'm struggling to think of a compelling cluster trigger event + fun music-themed powers. (are two person clusters even a thing? i have not read ward nor will i read ward.) suggestions welcomed.
amelia: amelia is a very smart, talented engineer. she has been since she was a little girl. and she's still spent her entire life getting fucked over by misogyny. her parents and her teachers trying to coerce her into doing things little girls should be doing, her college professors favoring their male students over her, the men in her workplace feeling threatened by her and discriminating in response. the only thing she has going for her is alrick, her fiance. he's impressed by her, treats her as an equal, he sees her in a way no one else does. he stands up for her. he was awed by her work as a child, stood with her in college, works at the same place as her and does his best to make it better for her. she loves him more than anyone. and then he gets into an awful accident and languishes for days in the hospital. she feels like her heart and head are going to explode, watching him lie there. she needs his support. but he dies anyway, and she realizes she doesn't know how to live without her person. she's about ready to go jump off the roof of their old college, and then--trigger.
tinker 10. amelia can build pockets in reality, and she can build entire worlds-in-miniature in those pockets. every pocket world has an entrance to the outside in the form of a red door w/ a golden handle, indestructible and immovable. she can build denizens for those worlds, and those denizens can reproduce. the only guiding rules for her worlds are: - although they're based on elements from reality, they're easier to build the more divorced from reality are, and significantly more difficult to build the more realistic they are. - attempts to intentionally design a car--particularly a realistic one--vs letting her instincts take the lead inevitably result in elements from her unconscious leaking into it. turtles are particularly common, and it bothers her that she can't figure out what object from her subconscious is causing it. - she cannot build people. the more humanoid a denizen appears, the more difficult it is to make.
despite the above, she has furiously dedicated herself to attempting to rebuild a better version of her old life, alrick included. she's stolen a wealth of tinkertech in the hopes that something will help her overcome her limitations. her violent methods of doing so, and her refusal to stop making self-replicating denizens, quickly landed her a kill order. she doesn't care. she has everything to gain and nothing to lose.
the last anyone heard of her, she'd sealed herself in a pocket world and locked the door behind her. all attempts to open the door from the outside have proved fruitless. it remains under perpetual watch. no one wants to find out what she's been making in there, or what she plans to do if, or when, she emerges.
cape name suggestions also welcome for all of these. will be real i am not very good at coming up w/ cape names. compelled by "Your New Best Friend" for jesse--i love clunky, long-ass cape names--and something w/ 'killed god and took his place' connotations for amelia. just straight up "deicide"? who knows.
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for the ask game:
apple white
raven queen
maddie hatter
lizzie hearts
dexter charming
(Put 5 characters in my ask and I'll put them in my preference order.)
Thanks for the ask @cowboysurge!
Five: Dexter Charming.
He's not a bad character, by any means. He just ... doesn't interest me as much as the others. But I like his interactions with Raven. They're not my OTP, but they're a cute couple.
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Four: Lizzie Hearts.
Her design is creative and interesting, and I really enjoyed her "Off with their head!" running gag. I might like her more if I saw her in action in Way Too Wonderland; I've only seen clips of that special, not the whole thing. (Also, I think the attempt at an English accent was a bit dodgy.)
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Three: Maddie Hatter.
She's a fun character to watch - cheerful and goofy, but not to the point of annoyance. She's a supportive, encouraging friend for Raven. She gets some of the funniest lines. Her design is really cool, especially her bouffant multi-coloured hair. And I like the fact that she shares a voice actress with Amy Rose. I love it when I find connections between my special interests.
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Two: Raven Queen.
I keep switching between Raven and Apple for the top spot. (Which is amusing, because I also quite like how they switch roles - Apple sometimes acts like an Evil Queen even though she's supposed to become Snow White.)
Right now, Raven's in second place, but not by much.
Raven appeals to me because of her mixture of strength and vulnerability. She's strong because she stands up for what she believes in, and she's determined to make things better for herself and for others like her. And she's got cool magic powers to boot! But she's also vulnerable because she has to struggle against the assumptions people make about her and the boxes they want to put her in. And she's clearly deeply affected by her mother's notoriety.
Raven is arguably the main character of Ever After High. The overarching plot is kicked into action because she doesn't want to follow her destiny. Unlike previous Rebels, who kept their transgressions a secret, Raven makes her act of defiance in a very public manner, and it encourages others to follow suit. Her story could be read as a metaphor for a member of a marginalised group fighting to change a system that holds people back for no good reason. Raven's quite inspiring, in that way.
The only thing I don't like about Raven is her hairstyle. I don't think it's the most flattering look.
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One: Apple White.
Oh, Apple. Some people love her, some people hate her. I'm in the former category.
Don't get me wrong, I know she's flawed. She's so focused on what she wants that she doesn't stop to consider what other people might be going through. She sometimes says really insensitive things because of this. She claims to be friends with Raven, but keeps trying to push her to do things she doesn't want to do (including, but not limited to, poisoning her). And sometimes her dialogue sounds uncomfortably smug.
But I think it's precisely these flaws that make Apple an interesting character. She symbolises the kind of person who's benefitted greatly from an unjust system, and is scared to shake things up out of fear of what it'll mean to them personally. It's the old "To the privileged, equality feels like oppression" problem. By spending time with her, we get to understand that mindset - and we're perhaps forced to confront it in ourselves.
There could be another angle to Apple's resistance to change: an autistic headcanon. She's a logical thinker who likes to follow the rules and do things by the book (unlike Raven, who's more of a creative problem-solver). I like the idea that Apple is anxious about the future and that change is a major cause of stress for her. It does complicate the privileged-ruling-class metaphor, but hey, I enjoy a bit of complexity.
I also find it really interesting that Apple is a hard worker. She doesn't need to be. She's got her future all planned out; she's guaranteed to be loved by all. But she doesn't rest on her birthright laurels. She studies hard in school. She takes on leadership roles as practice for becoming queen. She tries to help people and address their concerns, although she doesn't always succeed. Apple wants to become the most beloved queen ever, and I can admire that determination.
And then there's the headcanon that Apple is a lesbian and didn't realise it because of comphet. It's a kiss from another girl, not her supposed Prince Charming, that wakes her from her cursed sleep in Dragon Games. Can you imagine how much that would shake her up? To believe her whole life that she's destined to be with a prince, so she accepts it despite her lack of chemistry with her prince because it's destiny and destiny is never wrong, only to discover that she might actually be attracted to women instead?
Again, that would mix up the privileged-ruling-class metaphor. Imagine if Apple realising she didn't fit the queen-to-be mould as she was "supposed" to, realising she was closer to the oppressed than she'd care to admit, was the thing that sparked her change of heart from Royal to Rebel. Now that would be interesting.
(Oh, and her hair. I love her hair. It looks so thick and soft.)
Apple White is many things at once, and that's why I love her.
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💯 🐷 💘🍔 😊  for Andy,  💭 🍃 ❤️ 🤔 for Caspian, 🎮💤🎄🐉 🍦 for Willow and 🎻.🎶🍎💛🍸 for Raven please? <3
Ohhhh *rubs hands* thank you so much weasel <3 Surprised to find Raven instead of Adrian *wiggles eyebrows*
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💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know. Hahaha what don't you guys know by now? I'm a slut for talking about my boi! Aaaalright now... let's see what I can shake out of the Andy bag... 1. He prefers white wine over red, though he likes both, I mean, they are alcohol, right? 2. He used to write a diary, but he got tired of his own whining. 3. He secretly enjoys old Danish movies from the 40's-70's, but is for some reason embarrassed to commit to it in front of others???? 🐷 (previously answered) 💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them? His partners and kids are the absolute most important to him, equally. After all those people, there's a lot... comes his parents, uncle and then his friends/other family members. If I have to handpick just 5 people that would be the absolute most important, from my perspective, as in 5 he "couldn't live without", it would be: 1. Evan. 2. Congo. 3. Adrian. 4. Willow. 5. Raven. 6. Sam. But that's my opinion.
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer? Andy is very good at cooking and pretty good at baking as well. He 100% prefers cooking though, but his baking skills improved massively after he got Oscar, since he only live of sugary sweet things, Andy had to get skilled when it comes to making food for the little one. 😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc’s career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life? Andy is still a musician, he's just not as active as he used to back in the band days where they toured the world for years. He has been wanting to get back on stage, alas he hasn't had the balls to actually do it yet. What he most want in life is love and simply having the best time he can possibly have. Just being happy being alive, having fun, exploring, seeing, feeling, tasting.
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💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc’s MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
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Well... yeah XD *snorts into my wine* and yes I took the test for him, enjoy! XD
🍃 LEAVES FLUTTERING IN WIND — what is/was your oc’s favorite subject in school? He absolutely hated school, not a single subject he liked, and he barely passed the exams.
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc’s positive traits? Hm.. he's a pretty quick thinker, he's creative and he's not a quitter.
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc’s quirks/mannerisms? He bites the skin of his thumb when he gets stressed/anxious. Just the very corners around the nail. And he always cracks eggs into a glass before throwing them on a pan, cause he absolutely can't stand eggshells in his food. It drives him up the wall!
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🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc’s favorite hobbies? 1. Messing with her dad (Andy) 2. Shopping. 3. Drinking alcohol/getting drunk. 4. Talking shit. 💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits? She's definitely a heavy sleeper, and she always sleep naked unless it's with family or friends, then she'll wear panties and a tshirt. She sleeps in a big king sized bed with huge pillows and comforter blankets, with some sort of bright black/neon colored sheets, 'to make her dreams pop'. 🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your oc’s favorite holiday? Surprisingly perhaps it's Christmas and not Halloween. However, the spooky bitch has Halloween as a close 2nd. She just finds Christmas absolutely enchanting and magical. 🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc’s favorite mythical creature? Hands down unicorns. They remind her of her dad. But she also really likes mermaids/sirens (the real creepy kind, not the Disney version) Oh, and El Chubacabra. 🍦 SOFT ICE CREAM — what is/are your oc’s favorite ice cream flavor(s)? Willow is very into the brand Ben & Jerry's. Her top 3 favorite of those are: 1. Cherry Garcia. 2. Phish Food. 3. Red White & Blueberry.
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🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)? Technically he can play both Violin and Piano excellently. As a matter of fact he could do it professionally and with expertise, but he likes to overlook that he plays instruments, cause it's connected to something dark from his past. He also plays guitar really well. And he's perhaps more casual about that and doesn't hide it as well.
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often? Raven has a very wide music taste, and can listen to pretty much anything. He perhaps surprisingly enough, is most into 60-70's Rock. He listens to music fairly often, mostly when he's home alone, where he tends to listen to classical music. 🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace? Raven was born in Ireland, about 1898 years ago, give or take. Possibly closer to 2000+ years ago, but if you ask him, you're going to get just as vague an answer as I am giving you now. Thing is, the McKinney clan is so old, they have stopped counting birthdays. However, his Grandfather has been alive since the dawn of time. Long before humans ever walked the Earth. Raven currently live away from the castle where he was born/grew up. But he still has a room there, and quite often visit. He's very attached to the place and it's still very much home to him.
💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any? He fluently speaks Irish, Scottish, English, Welch, French, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and German. And he speaks Norwegian, Icelandic, Russian and Dutch pretty well. 🍸 COCKTAIL GLASS — what is your oc’s favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink? Most people would probably guess red wine, or Whiskey and he does like both very much. However cold beer, straight from the bottle is his favorite.
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millennialgrandma · 2 years
15 Questions/15 People
Rules: answer these 15 questions and tag 15 people
Thanks for the tag, @schmem14! This seems like an excellent way to put off the last few tasks of my work day 🙃
Are you named after anyone? Nope! My name has no familial significance. My parents just liked the names together.
When was the last time you cried? Two nights ago when I finally watched the third season of Derry Girls - those last two episodes took me the fuck out. WAIT. This is actually a lie. I cried last night watching Vir Das' covid comedy special on Netflix.
Do you have kids? No, but I have no shortage of little humans in my life that leave their smudgy little fingerprints on my heart 💗
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Honestly, yes. Though incrementally less as the years pass.
What's the first thing you notice about people? Oooohhh this is a thinker. Now I'm going "oh my god, when was the last time we saw people? Do we? See people?" 😂😂 I'm thinking back to a meeting I had a couple days ago, and I'd say the first thing I noticed when I walked in the room was what color of clothing people were wearing (there was an inexplicable amount of red in that room). This makes it easier to find them again after the initial noticing 😆 I'd say this is typically followed by their facial expressions/mood, so that I can vary my approach to how I interact to put the other person most at ease.
What's your eye color? Listen, this is actually a very big point of contention for me. At first glance, they appear brown. Just regular, run-of-the-mill brown. But CLOSE UP and IN THE LIGHT it becomes evident that around my pupil is a ring of honeyed brown, and then a lighter golden green, and then a darker green around the outside. The point is, there is GREEN in my eyes, and my entire family has been playing a game the last decade where they refuse to acknowledge the existence of any bit of green in my eyes and they are EVIL FOR IT.
Scary movies or happy endings? Give me a happy ending, but make me suffer so hard for it. I categorically do not like to be scared. That being said, I once went to a showing of Jaws where you float in tubes on a giant lake at night with the movie projected on a screen on the shore. Legs dangling, not touching the bottom, in the dark while watching a shark movie. There is only one explanation for the decisions that led me to that moment and that explanation is demon possession.
Any special talents? Yes, and that is my ability to make a disaster out of literally every kitchen I've ever set foot in. If I make something, I also make a mess. Those are the rules.
Where were you born? In the heart of the U.S. Midwest.
What are your hobbies? Does collecting hobbies count as a hobby? I'm actually so good at getting really interested in something, going balls to the wall, and then losing interest for 6-72 business months because something else caught my attention (see knitting, creative journaling, paper crafts). Reading is the one constant, and I guess writing belongs on this list now.
Do you have any pets? I like other people's pets, but I just don't think I'm a pet person myself, you know? We never had inside pets growing up. And I travel for work, so it doesn't really seem practical.
What sports do you play/have you played? I'm far more creatively than athletically inclined. Growing up I played softball and volleyball. I was a social tennis player (read: ya girl was Not Good™️). But I was more of a band/choir/theater/speech kid, and carried the choir and theater aspects forward into college.
How tall are you? I am 5 ft + 4.75 inches (or about 164.5 cm). Shortest one in my family. The only reason my mom and I are the same height now is because she started shrinking.
Favorite subject in school? Honestly, I loved every subject. I just loved to learn. Even in college, I don't think I could give an answer. I loved taking history courses. And I loved my finance and accounting courses because I adore financial analysis.
Dream job? I'm living it: a job where I get to interact with coworkers and the public; where I get to constantly learn new things; where assignments and teammates rotate; where I can apply for special assignments; that pays me a comfortable salary; that has great health and fringe benefits; that keeps me from getting bored.
Tagging 15 people feels exhausting, so let's go with a smaller multiple of 5 and say 10. Please feel free to ignore or participate as you are able (or please join in if you'd like to and weren't tagged): @akorah @eveningstruggle @whimsymanaged @echoesofmyfootsteps @juls99 @roseharpermaxwell @pia-bartolini @petalsfordraco @they-call-me-megs @sunlightdaydream
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shannadreamgoddess · 5 months
heya! its the anon who gushed about story of arceus a while back (which was apparently over a year ago??? gosh it doesnt feel like its been that long.. still here, still keeping up! ^-^) and im back for round two !!!! this time with Actual Coherent Thoughts !!!!!!
i would like to say that i am also thoroughly enjoying fire & stone!! both you and mimi have done an excellent job writing it. my favorite chapters are probably the ones focused on adelaide's 'conversation battles' (for lack of a better term lol)- reading them gives me the imagery of the whole interaction being like a quick time event, with all the information, status updates, and planning being banners that flash up on screen- something like how the persona 5 battles play out, is my closest comparison. its so fun to read along because of that! that, and the fact that i do genuinely love how adelaide thinking out her next moves is written as well. a constant rotating thought of what moves to make, those move's consequences, their benefits.. the consequences and benefits of those consequences and benefits... shes always trying to think one step ahead of the curve, the paving of the future, even if in that haze of planning she forgets about the people she cares about in the present. ohghhhhhhhh
on that same sort of topic, also loved chapter 80 of soa and the 'deception fight' the crew had + the napkin conversation. the acting to play into vinae's low expectations of them all, the genuinely smart idea of how to communicate without scrutiny, reassuring each other that they're all in this together, and they'll get through it together... outstanding. clapping and cheering. cant wait to see where it goes from there. the bonus chapter is also a nice touch, just from the irony of learning team ganusi's backgrounds- pokemon of lower economic class, who were probably indoctrinated into becoming the people they are today through blind adoration and still being impressionable children at the time. and oh god i just noticed the parallel. they're indoctrinating vizon now. the cycle fucking continuessss auuuggghhhhh also. team ganusi absolutely killed that emboar right. twisting of the truth and whatnot. 'no officer we didnt kill that guy he simply was so stupid he killed himself. you can trust us we're guild :)'
anyways. splendid job on the fics. cant wait to see how they conclude. just imagine that im on my bed kicking my legs and giggling like a highschool girl whenever i read them. im having soooo much fun ^v^
(also... as a small side note..... do you perhaps have an artfight account/are planning on participating this year? lets just say someone would be fully willing to send some attacks of SoA or F&S characters your way... wink wink nudge nudge)
UWAAAHHH IT'S SO NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN. ;; I'm really happy you're still enjoying the story <3 I hope it's brought some nice comfort and fun.
SOSOSOSO - I showed this to both Mimi and Cam. They're both super happy, too <3. In FAS Mimi and I are having a blast including those conversational battles. But even more than that I'm having the time of my life watching Mimi write Adelaide. She's such a good character and she's absolutely fun to just mess around with, you know???
Like, setting up conversational challenges then compounding them with emotional challenges -- she's this fiercely oberservant thinker girl yet a single frown from Siranae is like Kryptonite to her (pic related).
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I'm genuinely happy you're enjoying those conversation sections!! Some part of me always worried that maybe Fire and Stone was too boring or too dry to anyone but me but I've been pretty lucky to have attracted a reader base who is similarly into these kinds of vibes. ; w ;
And speaking of yeah!! SOA kind of had a similar thing in chapter 80, huh?? Having to outsmart instead of overpower - thank goodness for Loshjno. You know it's funny: Cam was the one to remember and point out that Avery could read but not write so it ended up making the scene even more challenging and fun to pull off than I'd initially thought it'd be! I loved it!
(Also oh my god I'm seeing it too now that you pointed it out -- Team Ganusi is just like Vizon. Who knows, maybe the teams that inspired Ganusi were ALSO like Vizon. Arceliaze is a FUCKING MACHINE, dude!!)
(And also bonus points for picking up on that last detail with the emboar -- I'm so proud of ya'll <33 It's funny because from the outside it looks like a perfectly bog-standard PMD story but all ya'll know better by now >:3 Well done~!)
But HUWAH WE'LL DO OUR BEST TO FINISH THEM!! We're in the struggle of trying to finish long fics - you know how it is. Especially with chapters that some say are as long as novellas all by themselves. We'll get the eventually, we hope!!
And finally…hmmm…I'm not actually sure about art fight. Only because I'm worried about being unable to fire back - I'm genuinely really bad at doing art except in sudden, unpredictable bursts. I could never be a career tumblr artist like some folks art ' w '; But Cam said I could probs just mark myself as an 'easy target'? I dunno, I'll probably think about it, fwah <3
Thank you so much for this, by the way. ;; Comments like these do always reminds us we're not just writing into a void and it makes the keystrokes feel that much easier…genuinely, it helped us today. >.< <3 Much love!!!
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duskandstarlight · 3 years
the acotar series is probably my favorite series of the last 5 years, and I just finished catching up on embers and light, and I wanted to tell you how much i've enjoyed it 💗 i've found myself thinking of little scenes and details just going about my daily life- that's how much i've truly loved it so far. i love how you made nesta's arc really impacting all illyrian women, instead of just a select few, bc it just has such a strong impact. i absolutely love Mas and Roksana so much (and Frawley and Lorain omg.. and the manticores!! lol i just keep adding on) 😭💗 i love your portrayal of nesta and cassian's relationship, and how you avoid dumb tropes, and really show cassian as a feminist thinker. i love how cassian "saves" nesta by giving her the space and support to save herself. this fic made me fall in love w cassian as a character so much more than i already had ugh 💗 i also thought nesta's inner struggles, and her overcoming them were so realistic and relatable, but still fit within the fantasy setting so smoothly. i loved how you weren't afraid to portray characters in a different light then we had seen them before (hem hem rhys) idk- i laughed, i cried, i had those little moments where i had to stop reading bc i was just so overwhelmed w emotion (the lullaby bday present) and i'm so tempted to just go back and start from the first chapter again, i just want to live in the little embers and light universe. this message was super disjointed lol but i wanted to just write all my thoughts out. thank you for working so hard on this beautiful fic and sharing it with all of us 💗💗💗
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! This is such a lovely anon to receive and my heart is full to bursting every time I hear someone enjoys the fic—but to know you think about it in daily life… I’m so thrilled!
What I love about writing Embers & Light is that it gave me the license to repair and grow relationships in a way that I felt was the most organic to me. And writing Nesta’s trauma arc and her healing process was just so emotional for me. I feel like we’ve all been broken at one point and have had to find a way to slowly repair ourselves, changed but different—better and enlightened in many ways. And I feel like Nesta needed the trauma to become who she actually was—Illyria and Cassian gave that to her <3
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boiledhotdogwater · 2 years
hi, can i request a matchup for aot and jjk?
i’m bi, greyromantic and i use she/they pronouns. i’m about 5”5 with long wavy platinum hair with bangs, dark green eyes, pale skin and a petite hourglass figure. i’m passionate, confident, blunt and hardworking. people say first time they meet me i seem a bit coldhearted or bitchy-arrogant ish. i don’t hold my opinion hidden and get to the point, so i seem offensive with my choice of words to some people and don't really have a filter. i tend to have a difficult time being open with my own emotions and relating to the emotions of others. i'm often able to remain logical and calm when working through conflict. my mbti is intj-a and i’m a leo-virgo cusp. i like excitement and thrill, even if it gets me in trouble. i don’t like being the center of attention and avoid large social gatherings at time. i’m a critical thinker out of bad habit. i’m a good listener and most of my friends come to me for advice. i like to be active, workout and go out for a walk in nature. my style changes a bit between y2k and academia fashion. i really like to travel and being free on my own, most of the time. i like playing video games, listen to music (indie and rock genre mostly), watch horror movies or do some drawing/painting.
i hope this was enough and don't forget to drink some water luv, have a nice day </3
A/N: your so kind I hope YOU have a nice day milady ,,, also I looked up greyromantic because I’ve actually never heard about it before so based on what I learned I made this matchup so it can be interpreted as platonic or romantic, whichever you prefer my friend
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For Attack on Titan I match you with…
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Levi Ackerman!
- Honestly I can see you guys not getting along at first despite being pretty similar, just because when you both meet for the first time the two of you are quiet and a bit cold.
- Levi takes a little to warm up to you but once he realizes that you are both very similar people he gets along better with you
- Would definitely have you in the Levi squad because of your logical/quick witted thinking and your athleticism
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For Jujutsu Kaisen I match you with…
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Nanami Kento!
- He admires how hardworking you are and finds that to be one of your most admirable traits
- You both have the best banter because of how blunt and filter-less you can be
- The two of you would make an incredible sorcerer duo because of how efficient you are with your work, along with how well you both get along
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headgehug · 3 years
I'm a smarty-pants so I'm asking you every question from that Disco Elysium post. Every question! Is that legal? Probably not! But what else am I supposed to do, wait for people around to ask you everything individually? I don't think so!!!!
lord almighty i'll see what i can do
Who is your favourite character apart from Harry and Kim?
egghead baby!
2. What is the one skill you would use to best describe yourself?
i like to think conceptualization. or maybe hand eye coordination (failure)
3. Do you have a favourite Copotype and political alignment and if so, which one?
art cop moralintern is what i ended up being, and probably what i'd end up being myself. just because i don't know what good to do with myself but i know i want to make something beautiful.
4. What is one thing you don’t like about the story or that could have been done better?
i won't criticize the choice of killer because i'm not sure how i could have done it better necessarily, but i mean, it probably could have been something more?
5. What is a popular fan interpretation that you don’t like?
gosh i can't really think of my own. i straight up dgaf about klaasje though she used up all her second chances with me lol.
6. What do you love about the game?
wow, off the top of my head i love just how many ways there are to experience it
7. Is there any type of fan content that you wish there would be more of
egghead metas >.<
8. What is your favourite line from the game?
really love this:
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9. Do you have a favorite political vision quest?
I liked being on the radio with the moralintern guys. depressing shit.
10. What are your headcanons for what happens after the end of the game?
ohh i haven't really thought about this. for brevity's sake, my hope is that Leo gets to take over for Evrart at some point and really turns the place around.
11. Do you want more official games and stories set in Elysium and if so, which ones?
i'd like to see what happens after, how many years did it say until the end of the world? then.
12. What are your headcanons for pre-Martinaise Harry?
sad stupid and slutty. idk.
12. What is your least favourite aspect of the game mechanics?
loading screens :|
(i think i messed up somewhere with my numbers bc i know this is 14. and i already answered it oopsie.) What was the moment that touched you most while playing?
15. When playing it for the first time, did you go in blind or not? Is there anything you would want to change about your first playthrough?
pretty blind! i went thinker archetype and i'm glad i did, i wanted to switch to intuitive skills but i'm glad i didn't restart, the knowledge was worth it.
16. Wild Pines vs. The Débardeurs’ Union – what do you think of the Evrarts and who do you root for?
oh god, idk that i'm smart enough for this. i liked that despite how Evrart is set up to be just a horrible guy through and through... he does do some good. it's hard.
17. What skill is the most fun/coolest/most interesting to set as your signature skill?
probably inland empire, espirit de corps, or shivers, but... encyclopedia and perception were mine and i had a lot of fun.
18. What is your opinion on the Elysium lore?
what, all of it? it rocks??
19. Which character arc or piece of lore would you have wanted to be explored more in depths?
Egghead :) or Acele's connection to Evrart! i'd also love to see a conversation between Tiago and Noid.
20. How would you position yourself politically in Revachol?
(honesty edition) liberals. je suis une coweurde and a business major i'm so sorry god
21. Is there something that you missed on your first playthrough that completely blew your mind and/or changed how you view the story when you found out it existed later?
i failed the dancing checks to get the big shivers thing where you talk to the city! that was insane.
21. What would your own stats be?
oooh. idk. i think high intelligence, like encyclopedia, probably rhetoric. maybe shivers. bad composure.
22. What is a thing in fanworks that you eat up every single time?
you're so cool kim :0 and the skills talking
23. What is your interpretation of the title of the game?
exactly what the club kids said <3 it's a little outdated it's a little otherworldly it's a little depressing it's a lot hopeful
24. Favourite piece of in-game art (graffiti, poetry etc.)?
how can i not love cindy the skull's big piece at the end? "one day i will return to your side"
25. Just ramble freely about the game and let me know your thoughts.
rene i am so so sorry i threw your boulle. i never got to tell you. i'm sorry i tried to give you a shitty shot put to replace it. rene forgive me. rene.
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Wanted to congratulate you on your book and for thanking you for your hard work over the years! I can’t wait to get a copy and read it.
I’ve been able to solidify my INFP typing (still unsure on if a 9w1 or 4w5 but guess we can’t suss it all out in one go) and wanted to share this kinda “yay me using Inferior Te” anecdote. Maybe I’m an adult now? For at least 5 minutes anyways.
I’ll admit, I’ll never be excellent at Te but I do have some moments where it shines through (and those moments are pretty darn awesome!) and I’m like “well why did I ever consider I was a Ti/Fe user instead??l
So we’ve had a storm over here and now no water or power. My brother, who stays with his girlfriend but lives at home still, was coming back home today after a mini break away with her. My Dad, who I’m pretty sure is either a ISTJ or ISTP (think ISTJ is more likely) was sitting wondering when the water will be back and what we need to do, seemed to be stuck in his thoughts. So I piped up along the lines of “for starters, my brother should go and stay with his girlfriend since they’re sharing supplies between 2 people whereas if he comes here then we’re sharing supplies between 5 people. It’ll go better for us all this way.”
And my Dad looked at me for a few seconds, in surprise I guess that I came out with something so to the point, and he agreed that solution made the most sense and that he’d speak to my brother to put him off coming home. I think he was shocked because I don’t normally come out with pragmatic advice and say what needs done so well 😂
I did apologise afterwards since I thought it did sound so harsh of me to put the idea out there that my brother shouldn’t come home right now. But my inner weak and flaky Te badass is applauding.
I wonder if other weaker Te users (IXFPs and EXFPs) feel similarly slightly proud of their “Good Te” moments but then also a bit awkward that once the moment has worn off that the “Good Te” was actually really harsh and unethical? :)
I sometimes feel bad about being blunt, direct, or to the point when I am stressed -- in person I can't go back and soften it but I will often go back and soften / clarify things in written form. For example, whenever I am under a deadline at work, I have no time nor patience to listen to long-winded explanations, so I can sometimes be rude to my coworkers in asking them to get to the point. I fall into "I am too busy for a chat" mode and become rude, which is semi-unlike me (I hate to admit it, but I am more often "what do you want?" than "how can I listen to you today?"). I have had strong tert-Te outbursts where I told people bluntly to get over something or stop being childish, and then felt bad about it ten seconds later.
Regarding more direct uses of Te, I'm often proud of myself for being organized, efficient, completing tasks, or rational in some way -- like my mother, being an ISTJ, is effortlessly rational. She does things in a logical manner all the time, because she's aware of the consequences of not doing them this way. For me, it's painful to be that rational. As an example -- when my dad's cat was obviously dying, we all reached the same rational conclusion, that it was time to put her to sleep, but hers was immediate and detached, focused on how this was the right, most compassionate thing to do, and for me it was like knowing it was right, but having a knife twisting up my insides. She could take her there to have it done without falling apart; I could not. When it was my cat a few years ago, I had to make that decision alone and even though I knew it was the right one, because my poor kitty was starving to death due to organ failure, I still felt guilt for months out of a sense of betraying her. Rationally, I knew it was the right thing to do, that all the evidence supported my decision, but I couldn't help projecting human feelings of betrayal, fear, and sadness onto her and imagining how she felt going to the vet. I can't just accept, like a thinker can, that it's the right thing to do, and have that be the end of it. I have to sort through a bunch of messy emotions first and sometimes that can take years.
But I feel quite proud of myself for making Te decisions -- like compiling evidence to prove something (using actual examples), organizing myself (using spreadsheets to keep track of my work, utilizing lists, finding ways to make my workday more efficient, even something small like being proud of how organized my closet is, lol).
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llycaons · 2 years
orchid, cactus, daffodil, sage, and jasmine !
hi ben!!!
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
I want to say "Sturgill Simpson, Sing Along, baby!" but I know in my heart that it's actually Iris by the Goo Goo dolls
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
I'll answer this one again! one of the topics I'm learning about is how to take care of newborn babies and their parents!
daffodil ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
somehow I knew you'd pick this one. I have five siblings. for the sake of brevity, I'll go in order and list one similarity and difference each
1: older brother - similar tastes in media/I'm much more driven in general than he is
2: younger sister - ...drawing a blank on this one ngl my sister and I are VERY different people. similar political and social views, ig/well she's very social and into fashion and dates a lot and I uhhh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3. younger sibling - NONE BINARY BABEY!!!!/they're a creative person (DM) and the one time I tried to DM I just gave up 😭
4. next younger brother - very loving and affectionate to our other siblings/he's super athletic
5. youngest brother - SENSITIVE SOULS/he's REALLY into minecraft
waaah I miss them
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
maybe this doesn't count but television tbh. originally it was books but since school is taking so much of my energy and attention, yeah, tv is my preferred medium. got the visual interest, got the audio interest, got the story element, got the potential for growth over time that movies don't. I don't really get poetry, I'm not into art except on a superficial level, I like statues and stuff but only if they offer something of visual interest. and I hope this doesn't come off as intellectually lazy but I'm honestly think I'm too much of a literal person to really be able to appreciate most art, and at this point in my life I genuinely do not have the mental energy or inclination to get involved now. but I LOVE fiction and always have. instead of tv I guess I could just say "stories" because storytelling is EVERYthing to me
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
interesting....I hope it doesn't sound shallow to say that I love things that bring me joy. I can, and do try to, challenge myself in other aspects of my life to look at things from a different perspective or to understand other people better, and I think fiction is great for that, but it's not really what it is for me. all this to say, if I loved something I usually want to experience it again. the exceptions would probably be things that have incredibly high highs but also very low lows. like iontbo, and all those long as shit series. critical role c1 and this current wot podcast. lotr books. KAIJI. most of my nonfiction books tbh I read them once and go "oh that's cool" and then I generally don't feel the need to revisit it
thanks for the ask! that last one was a thinker
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ghostsofmemories · 3 years
hi hi 5, 9 and 14 for the ask game 🧑‍🏭
5. What's your personal goal?
i don't really know! so far i'm on track for the full 50k, and this project writes really fast, but i'm sort of trying to force myself to slow it down a bit because i love it and i just want to write it forever. the original 40k from before i changed the point of view was done in like??? a couple weeks???? which is SUPER abnormal for me but that was also during the summer before i got my job.
9. When did you come up with the idea?
so the stages of coming up with it were something like this:
phase 1 (2018): hmm the name Laurel is such a good name i love it so much. too bad it doesn't fit the vibe of anything i'm ever going to do in my whole life
phase 2 (2020): i am obsessed with the name Evangeline. Maevis is also a really good name omg there are so many good names out there
phase 3 (early 2021): you know what, the names Laurel, Evangeline, and Maevis sound pretty good together actually. i like that. and i'm about to give up on insect poison, i hope something clicks and i get to use them.
phase 4 (spring 2021): idk how to explain this from that point of view anymore but basically Clove's life hit me like a truck and i KNEW he had to have 3 sisters (i almost gave him 4 actually, there was going to be another middle sister named Alma, but she just ended up being a dimmer version of Maevis), and i also realized the names fit really well in the same project together. the funny thing is, i didn't actually like Clove's name for the first month or so into the project and was absolutely prepared to change it the second a better one came along, but it really is his name and there definitely isn't a better one.
overall with this project i've stressed so much more about the names of side characters and the colors of things. i might make a separate post about this but names are SO important to the aesthetic of this story and are really important to character's personalities. like Cathy definitely has the most "normal" and lively name of everyone and that's also on purpose. maybe i can get into it another time. but this is long enough already lmao
14. Which of your characters would die first in a zombie apocalypse?
definitely Evangeline, but Jasper is a close second. Laurel is very level-headed, self-sufficient, and smart; Clove is a quick thinker and has better self-preservation instincts than the rest of the crew, and Maevis is really tough and would high-key be excellent at zombie fighting. Evangeline would die because she sees ghosts so the mere concept of a zombie being real would give her a heart attack and take her out because it doesn't make sense. Jasper would die because i don't think he could make himself kill anything unless he a) had to protect someone like his niece or b) was told that his brother's disappearance would be solved if he made it through the apocalypse.
thanks for the asks!! i am literally in love with this book and i'll talk about all day if someone will let me lmao
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Hello darling! Congratulations on the 5.5k 💓🎉 You deserve all the love 💜💜💜
For your celebration event I hope you can make mine🙏
I'm a female, I'm 22 years old. I'm small 149 cm or 4'88, I have brown eyes and really long dark brown wavy hair that look like black. I'm a little over weight. I'm straight.
For my personality it would be "ENTP" according to the Myers & Briggs. In the Enneagram I'm "type 5 The Thinker" and in the DISC I'm "Questioner (CD)"
Also I love to talk for hours but I don't have a problem with listening to people. Also i haye when people can make their point. I don't like to be touch like hug and does things I give hugs when I feel like it but don't need to be touch to feel that someone cares about me. My love language is "Quality Time" and it can be literally just being in the same room together.
My favorite hobbies are reading and listening to music if I don't listen to music during the day I feel like I didn't live that day. My favorite gender is romance for the books and for movies. I'm a hopeless romantic. I also like to read crime novels. I'm a perfectionist and I hate leaving things halfway. My favorite colors are dark purple and black. I love to research for information that I feel important or entertaining. I'm can speak 3 languages (english, spanish and french) and I can understand korean and japanese. I think that's it.
The fandoms I prefer are X-Men, The Originals and the Marauders.
Thank you have a great day. Again congratulations!💜💜💜💜
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Thank you!! ❤️❤️
I hope you like them~
I ship you with Scott Summers. 
I chose Scott because I think he would really appreciate your more extroverted and talkative side. He would love to hang out and talk about anything and everything with you. I also think Scott is one of the ones who would be very respectful of your boundaries. Just being with you, and around you would be enough for him. He is also very fond of music and would love those days when you just hang out lying around listening to music, or watching movies and just being in each other’s presence. 
The moment he realized he loved you: 
You had been together for a few months, and he really knew he cared a lot about you. 
But the moment he realized he was truly in love with you was when he was walking through the school.
He walked past a room and stopped when he heard your laugh.
Looking in, he found you having a conversation with a few others. 
You were all smiling and chatting, and you had a big smile on your face. 
He wasn’t paying attention to what you were saying, but the moment you said something that made the others laugh, he felt butterflies in his stomach. 
Seeing you in your element, and making others happy was a huge part of who you were, and in that moment he realized just how much he loved everything about you. 
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((There are like no gifs of James Marsden’s Scott, so pick which time-line you want lol))
Best Friend: 
I think your best friend would be Ororo. She is very respectful of peoples boundaries and would always be that way to you. She is kind and caring and would be like an older sister to you. You two share your favorite books together and have your own two-person book club where you read the same books at the same time so you can talk about them together. Scott sometimes does this with the two of you as well, but is a slow reader.
Other ships under the cut: 
The Originals: 
I ship you with Elijah. 
Elijah is the most respectful, kind and caring person from this fandom, and I think he would be perfect for you. He knows when to respect peoples boundaries, and he does not need touch to show you how he feels. He loves your personality and how well you get on with others. He is protective of you and never wants you to get hurt. He also loves your love of knowledge, music and language. 
How he describes you to his friends/family: 
He would of course be nervous to introduce you to his family because, well..it’s his family. 
So before he did so, he would describe you to them beforehand. 
He would make sure to tell them that you were personable, kind, lighthearted, smart, caring, loyal and got along with everyone.
He would describe your eyes as “deep, dark and alluring”.
He would also tell them of our aversion to touch, well, it was more of a warning not to touch you, but he did also want them to respect your privacy.
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After a while, Rebekah would be closer to you than most others. She grew fond of you quickly and could see why her brother loved you so much. She felt like you belonged together and saw you as nothing less than family. She is also quite extroverted and loves to talk so you share this trait. 
The Marauders: 
I ship you with Sirius. 
Sirius is quite the charmer and is extroverted and talkative so I think you too would hit it off really well. I also think you would be his exact type, both personality wise and physically, long dark hair, dark eyes and curvy. It would be hard for him at first to see past your aversion for touch, but he would fall for you so deeply that he reached a point where he no longer cared, he would show you his love through other means.
What you did for your first date: 
Since you first met in your final years at Hogwarts, your first date would be when you were able to take a trip to Hogsmead.
You would go to a bunch of different shops, and run around the town buying things and having fun. 
You got lunch together and ate some of the sweets you bought afterwards. 
It then turned into a double date with James and Lily, and you spent the rest of the trip playing games and wondering around the village.
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(Ben Barnes as young Sirius Black fc)
Best Friend: 
Your best friend would be Lupin. You two would get along very well, having met in classes and been partners. It was actually him who introduced you to Sirius in the first place. He is very kind and protective of you like a brother.
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Summary: The first day of work is shaping up to be a pretty good one. It only seems to get better when you run into a familiar face on your lunch break. You two can only get closer from this point on
Chapter: 5
Warnings: None
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"Been a bit? It hasnt even been a full week! Still, it's really cool we ended up running into each other again!" You laughed, resisting the urge to playfully elbow him. You remember his issue with filth out of respect, so you keep a good distance. "Although it hasnt been that long since we met, it feels like forever to me." He mumbled while looking down for a bit. You smiled warmly at him. "Oh, is Overhaul putting the moves down on me?" You teased him and he quickly shook his head. "No of course not! I'm no fool. It's simply too soon for that."
"Then you're implying we'll be getting together in the future? You're a confident man." He blushed at your boldness and scratched at the nervous hives beginning to pop up lightly. "I suppose so. If you dont mind me asking, where are you heading off to?" You pointed a finger down the street. "Lunch break at work. I'm on a coffee run for my new friend. On top of that, I dont mind getting a little something to nibble on myself." He looked you in the eyes and nodded. "Do you mind if I join you?"
"Sure. There's enough time on the clock if we go now." With that, you two headed off down the street. Making small talk with Overhaul was fairly easy for some reason. Despite having met recently, and him having a dangerous aura, you felt as if you'd known him your whole life. He was fairly open and honest with you as far as you could tell. He had a comforting way to him that while it had others running for the hills, it had you opening up easily. Meanwhile, Kai was on full panic mode. His hands in his pockets, furiously twisting the pocket lint around over and over as he tried to talk about interesting things with you. To him, this was like a first date and he didnt want to ruin it in any way. You cant tell he's almost choking on his words. Or at least he thinks you cant tell. In all reality, you can definitely tell he's a little nervous under that smooth attitude and swagger. It only made him out to be cute in your opinion. Honestly at this point, you felt as though he was trying to court you but it was far too soon in your book. You hadn't even lived in this city for long enough. There was too much to take care of before considering to date.
But starting with him wouldn't be so bad, right?
"...and that's how I feel about the current state of the countries politics. Honestly this whole hero and villain society is a wreck." He rambled on breathlessly at the very end. You smiled at him. "You seem to have strong opinions on that stuff. Oh well, I dont mind. There's too many people for everyone to automatically agree with each other. Logically speaking, there are bound to be other free thinkers like you. Personally I try not to get involved in that type of stuff since I'm quirkless. I just wanna be a civilian y'know?" You shrugged carelessly. "Oh, here!" You arrived at the shop with Kai. Just as you were about to open the door, a gloved hand shot out in front of you and grabbed the handle. He pulled the door open and stepped aside so you could enter. "Oh, chivalrous aren't we?" You teased him as you passed through the doorway. He followed behind you, trying to get a grip on his composure around you. He felt like a different man simply by looking at that damned smile of yours. Even while you stared at the menu board above you two, he was hypnotized by your focused face. That cute little pout as you read the list, that cute finger poking your cheek while your (e/c) eyes darted left and right. Pops was right...he was in love. "Pick anything you want." His sudden voice brought you from your thoughts. You turned to look at him with confusion clear on your face. "Huh?" He raised an eyebrow playfully. "Pick anything you want. I'll get it for you." He shrugged as if it was nothing. "Oh no, you dont have to do that. I have enough money to cover me and my coworker and I was..."
"Pick anything you want Y/N, or I'll do it for you." He stared you down with those piercing golden eyes until you laughed it off. "Oh well, if you insist!" So you ordered a full meal. It was something to carry you over not just during lunch, but during the evening as well so you didnt have to cook any dinner tonight. You also got Yuko's coffee she requested. Then he ordered a plain black coffee and a container of mints. After paying for everything, he carried your tray of food to the nearest window table. It had a beautiful view of a park right across the street. You sat across from him and smiled. "Thank you, Overhaul. You really didn't have to do this. Looks like owe you lunch AND a quarter now." You teased him, referring to the first time you two met at the laundromat. As you began to eat, he started to speak on average things like the weather and current festivals coming to the other end of the city. You tried to listen to him, but eventually you had stopped eating altogether and focused on his mask. "Aren't you going to drink your coffee, or eat the mints you bought?"" You tilted your head as you questioned him. His eyes widened for just a split second before he looked away. "Ah, no. I would take my mask off here but it seems a bit dirty. The mints are for me but the coffee is for a friend." You nodded and continued to eat. Eventually you two ended up talking about carefree and less serious topics like your favorite shows or songs. There was laughter exchanged, where you full on laughed and he preferred to give a small chuckle instead. Unfortunately when you're having fun then time passes fast, and you had to rush back to work. He walked you all the way there and bid you a goodbye. "Hopefully I see you around again." You said as smiled at him before heading back into the building. He watches you leave and sighed as he turned around.
"So I take it you weren't too far away huh?" Kai spoke as Hari approached him. "Curioisity killed the cat boss. I'm just wondering what's gotten into you so fast." Hari spoke as he trailed behind Kai (who gave him no answer to his question.)
"What took you so long? I thought you were coming back here ok break, silly!" Yuko playfully punched your shoulder as you carefully placed her coffee down on her desk. "Well that was the plan, but I ran into a friend." You sheepishly scratched the back of your head. As you got back to work you had began to wonder when you'd run into Overhaul yet again. Meanwhile, on the way back to the base, he began to wonder the same as well.
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thoughtsbythemoon · 3 years
May 9, 2021
Hi. Around this time, I should really be asleep but having read Louie's tumblr entries made me wanna write again. I don't exactly know what to write about, though. All I know is that I miss it. Reading her posts made me feel like that part of me is gone, the part that used to write well—at least, in my opinion. I'm sorry Sanyam, oftentimes when I say good night, I still stay awake. I really don't think I can get rid of that, of the night owl in me. My brain just likes the dark more. It makes me alert and alive. I have been getting good sleep, still. However, I don't think I can get stop myself from being made for the night. Reading Louie's tumblr posts made me go back to memory lane and check mine and damn, I was a such a sadgirl (half emo, half actually hurting). She wouldn't have believed me if the me of the present told her she's gonna be fine and that things will get better. Looking back on it now, I'm glad I held on and didn't give up.
What was the point of this whole entry again? Perhaps I didn't have a point. I guess I don't even need one. I just wanted to write how I feel and be in the moment again. Although, I do admit being envious of the way Louie writes her thoughts. She writes them in a way that tugs at my soul. Her words feel so familiar and homey. Maybe because I like reading, and the way she writes like an author. She has a gift for writing. I never told her that but I should.
My friends are very special to me.
Louie's a deep thinker, I've always envied the way she thought and wrote words, even her penmanship and her art and how outspoken she is. I both envy and admire her. She's been through a lot of things, I admire her strength but I can't and won't say that I'm glad she had to go through bad things to end up being that strong.
Winnie Anne's another deep thinker. I've seen her struggling with life via Twitter a lot but I hope she's still okay. She's also one who's good with art and penmanship. She also has very good music taste, which, I think is a quality all three of them share. She's currently having a rough time concerning her future but whatever it is that she's looking for, I hope she finds it.
Cyra's another deep thinker, they all are. They all think deeply in their own, unique ways. Cyra is the connoisseur when it comes to movies/anime/series. As far as I know, she's been watching a lot of stuff. She's kind of in the same boat as me, academically speaking. We both dropped out of college. Cyra's always been smart—they all were and I envied that. She also has good taste in music. I've been seeing her struggles as well and to me, it looks like watching is her way to cope with the negative things.
They're my friends. I envy their talents and admire them at the same time but I also wish that I can be a better friend. We were never really the emotional/affectionate type of friend group. We show our affection to each other in various ways. They may not always know it, but I love and care for them a lot and I'll always be there for them if they need me.
5:16am - Shit. My sleep schedule is never gonna get fixed, huh? I'm sorry, Sanyam
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