#she always had huge solo potential tbh i mean they all did
a9saga · 2 months
miss a - only you // 9 years ago I got into kpop with this and exo's "call me baby"
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xxcureangelxx · 3 years
5, 9, 10, 13, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28, 30-35, 38-42, 44-46, 50, 52, 54, 60-62, 66, 71-74, 86-91, 96, 100! 😊
okay I literally have no clue how old this is and if I'm even taking the questions from the right post but here goes I guess? 🙈
<u>5. What is your favorite Color?</u>
<u>9. How tall are you?</u>
about 1,70 meters or 5'7"
<u>10. What shoe size are you?</u>
size 40-41, I think that's about 8 in US sizes?
<u>13. What talents do you have?</u>
uhhh good question... not sure if it counts but I guess I'm quite good at a lot if things but can't do anything extraordinarily well?
<u>20. Are you religious?</u>
Absolutely not. Due to family history and a lot of other things I'm actually against it a lot but people can do whatever they feel like is right for them as long as they don't harm others with it.
<u>21. Have you ever been to the hospital?</u>
Yes, quite a lot actually. practically grew up in hospitals as a baby because of kidney issues, broke both my legs with 4 years old, had to revisit for tests a lot during my childhood because of the kidney issue. it calmed down afterwards until I was back in hospital last year because of my terrible mental health and I'm currently in a rehabilitation clinic for it as well.
<u>24. Baths or showers?</u>
Shower's because we don't have a bathtub
<u>25. What color socks are you wearing?</u>
currently none, I love going barefoot, but usually I wear white, gray or black. I know... I'm a bad gay.. no rainbow socks (;ŏ﹏ŏ)
<u>28. What type of music do you like?</u>
you know.... I hate this question with a passion even though I love music so I'll just throw in my yt-playlist here and everyone who's interested can look through it to get a picture xD not sorted in any way and not a conclusive list at all, I just add songs as I find them
<u>30. How many pillows do you sleep with?</u>
mostly just one at a time but I've got two different ones. one is the normal fluffy kinda pillow, the other is made of some kinda foam material and rather thin.
<u>31. What position do you usually sleep in?</u>
I'm always lying on the side! have been doing that since I was a baby too.
<u>32. How big is your house?</u>
compared to what? 🙈 I'd say decent size for 5 people to live in, would have space for 1-2 more if rooms were used differently but definitely not enough to comfortably live with 12 or even more people like my family used to. we've got like 3 proper sleeping rooms (one of which is the attic so not very nice in terms of heat and the staircase is smack in the middle of the room), a kitchen, a dining room, a big living room, a tiny bathroom that barely fits a toilet and shower, and the basement is a mix of storage, electrics and stuff, washing room/utility room and it's got another smaller room that's been turned back into a small workshop but used to be the room of my brother and later my grandmother.
<u>33. What do you typically have for breakfast?</u>
I guess this is where it shows that I'm german but we usually just eat bread (preferably whole grain) with cheese or slices of salami or ..meat sausage? is that a proper translation? 🤨 idk... it's rather simple really. on the weekend maybe buns and boiled eggs. on the occasion that I'm too tired for it or don't have enough time I eat cereals but it's not very common when I'm at work/school
<u>34. Have you ever fired a gun?</u>
No, and I don't want to
<u>35. Have you ever tried archery?</u>
Yes!! I did last year when I was in the hospital and it was super fun! was quite good at it as well, even for my first try 😤
<u>38. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?</u>
I think about 3 days? if we count "barely unconscious for a few hours" as sleep that is... otherwise no clue...my memory of the bad sleepless time is quite hazy lol
<u>39. Do you have any scars?</u>
yeah, quite a few tbh. got 2 huge ones from surgeries due to my kidney issues, well they look like 2 but it's actually multiple ones since they simply cut open party of the old ones again, tiny hooman apparently have very little skin. then I got some other ones here and there from accidents, general dumbness, etc, like when I cut through my sunday morning bun and almost cut half of the tip of my finger off because my mother sharpened the knife and didn't tell me or that time as a kid I couldn't wait for my ironing pearl pictures to be done and burned myself on the hot iron, mostly stuff like that.
<u>40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?</u>
I mean.. if they're a secret... how would I know? ;) not sure if it counts that it took me months to realize I had a crush on my best friend and the feelings were reciprocated and I was too blind to see the signs?
<u>41. Are you a good liar?</u>
Nope. People actually think I'm lying more often than I lie... so.... :/
<u>42. Are you a good judge of character?</u>
I'm.. honestly not sure what this one means? like, am I able to judge what kind of character a person has after barely meeting them or smth? if so, I'm terrible at it
<u>44. Do you have a strong accent?</u>
in german? nope. in english? hmm hard to judge since I rarely hear myself speak. I think the stuff I do know how to pronounce is mostly okay but since I learned it through reading I'm simply unsure of a lot of pronunciations. 'also'.... I can not for the life of me pronouns that word no matter how many times I hear it... it's kinda become a quirk after some classmates pointed it out to me and I'm incredibly aware how terrible I say the word but.... just can't get rid of it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<u>45. What is your favorite accent?</u>
I.. actually really love the way my best friend talks? 👉👈 they're french btw. just... typical me for struggling to understand them though, already terrible at it in german too...
<u>46. What is your personality type?</u>
honestly, I don't think I can answer that. I'm big on self loathing and everything's pretty shitty so, no thanks
<u>50. Left or right handed?</u>
Right handed. but does it even count id I'm bad at doing things with that hand too? lol
<u>52. Favorite food?</u>
hmmmm tough question... not the biggest fan of food in general a lot of the time... probably Züricher Geschnetzeltes
<u>54. Are you a clean or a messy person?</u>
Definitely messy. my allergies did not like this post trying to clean and tidy up more often though. my depression does not like this post either
<u>60. Do you talk to yourself?</u>
sometimes. quite a bit when watching movies or if I mess stuff up
<u>61. Do you sing to yourself?</u>
barely. got a lot of bad experiences with that so i keep my singing to a minimum. my shower is a great listener though
<u>62. Are you a good singer?</u>
I was in a choir for a few years when I went to 'middle school' and I had like one solo part once but other than that I can't really say because I barely ever sing in front of people
<u>66. Do you like long or shor hair?</u>
this question is currently my absolute nemesis.. I've got suuuper duper long hair and have had it ever since elementary school and I used to be super happy with it and sometimes I still am happy with it but other days, depending on where I'm at genderwise, I absolutely hate it and I just want to take the closest scissors and cut it all off... currently haven't had the guts to look for new hair styles though... but in other people? or women more specifically? I love long hair 🥺
<u>71. What makes you nervous?</u>
Or the shorter question: what doesn't make me nervous... I'd say pretty much everything has got the potential to make me nervous. I'm an overthinker, anxiety is a big thing for me and ptsd makes me scared of almost everything. so.. yeah... sucks to be me sometimes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<u>72. Are you scared of the dark?</u>
Yes, very
<u>73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?</u>
I try not to but sadly I sometimes do, even if it's not my place to. I really don't like that part and hope I'll be able to learn not to sometime
<u>74. Are you ticklish?</u>
Yes and I hate it 😭
<u>86. What are you allergic to?</u>
again, easier question: what am I not allergic to... it's... a lot... like, really a lot. with the test on the skin of my arm I reacted to every single substance and the more thorough blood test lead to much of the same result. the absolute worst are birch trees (pitty, love those), then the usual pollen of pretty much every tree or flower, all animals with fur or feathers, dust and... yeah list goes on and on, you get the picture... :/
<u>87. Do you keep a journal?</u>
no.. have tried to multiple times in the past but never made it more than a week... too depressing to write and read... the therapist at the rehab clinic is currently forcing me to try a positivity diary for the millionths time, can't even get that done each day even though I'm doing it on my phone and get notifications to do it each evening...
<u>88. What do your parents do?</u>
making my life hell lol.. okay on a serious note, my father was a car electrician, he's retired by now, my mother is a housewife, she used to work different jobs before her first kid, later on she took care of my grandmother who was suffering from dementia, got some money and retirement points for that too.
<u>89. Do you like your age?</u>
I-... I don't know? it's weird because I both feel a lot younger and a lot older than I am rn....
<u>90. What makes you angry?</u>
another tough question... I actually have anger issues in that way that I'm barely capable of feeling anger... used to be worse but I already worked a lot on it in therapy so there's at least some there now... in the past I simply started to cry and felt overwhelmed by sadness whenever I was supposed to feel anger... so I can't tell very well what makes me angry because I first have to realize that I'm feeling anger or more like should be feeling it....
<u>91. Do you like your own name?</u>
Not really, no, but I guess I finally figured out some reasons why.. I've recently started going by a bit of a different name too but only my closest friends know so far and I'm not sure if I'll be using it irl at all..
<u>96. How did you get your name?</u>
I'm still trying to get my mother to admit that she named me after this song but she keeps denying it.. she's a fan of this band so it would have fit.. but she keeps saying she just liked the name, no long thought process behind it..
my chosen name is a bit of a different story. an ex friend I got to know through yt gave me that nickname almost 10 years ago after I complained that you can't make a shorter nickname out of my birthname and it's also the name of s character I like, especially his voice, and... idk it just feels more gender neutral and I simply feel comfortable with it. it just fit.
<u>100. Color of your room?</u>
same as question 5: Purple 🥰 or... well half the walls are purple, the other half is white
phew... can't believe I made it through all of these....
in case people haven't noticed yet, I'm currently kinda getting back into tumblr? I think I've already stayed a lot longer than any times I tried getting back before. it mostly started because we've got super bad wifi at the clinc I'm at rn and reddit takes up waaayy too much mobile data and... idk, I guess I just missed the vibe of tumblr
I'm not sure how long I'll be able to stick around but we'll see
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bisluthq · 3 years
I believe that Karlies relationship and baby are real. But PR babies are real and are definitely not a new phenomenon created by fandoms in recent years. But with social media it has become much easier to point out these things. That doesn’t mean there’s no actual baby. The parental status of the baby is what is being lied about in order to increase popularity. Or like you said, the reason for the baby not actually being to start a family but for general popularity/image > Tom Cruise, his previous marriage and baby as an old example. Most of the time (I won’t use an absolute), people who call out that a baby is used for PR aren’t stating that there is no baby at all.
That aside, specifically in regards to Zayn and Gigi, all of that was a mess. Since Gigi announced she was pregnant it was a solo show. Zayn (or his family who post about him all of the time/are always vocally proud of him) never acknowledged the pregnancy on social media. Social media isn’t everything! But Zayns family utilize it a lot. They all posted about Zayn’s sister’ pregnancy which happened at the same time. Gigi’s father publicly stated that he didn’t know she was pregnant even though she and her mother were already starting to talk about it. When Gigi was supposedly 5+ months she wasn’t showing at all. Some people carry small so okay. Until all of a sudden she was. She specifically went live on Instagram to show off her sudden belly (which she wasn’t previously even hiding, it just wasnt there). During this live she showed her belly but pulled up her shirt a little too much and it looked... off but that’s just me (other people pointing it out lol) but don’t take my anonymous word for it! Look it up for yourself if you want/or don’t if you don’t want. I can point out pictures if you’d like. The timeline was slightly off/weird but maybe she went passed her due date. Suddenly, Gigi has a picture with Zayn/her and her bump in the last 1-2 weeks. Kinda weird that she didn’t post that before because she made sure to post pregnancy pictures before but whatever. Throughout the pregnancy Zayn would post on social media about music, boxing, everything except this baby. And every time Gigi would hop on too like clockwork. Maybe Gigi just carried small and definitely was pregnant! I just don’t believe at all that Zayn’s the father and that they suddenly fell in love after stunting on and off for 5 years. Zayn was not acting like someone now in love/going to be a new father. His affectionate family wasn’t either. I’m not saying there’s no baby. It’s just not Zayn’s. Look at evidence for yourself if you want, you don’t (shouldn’t even lol) just take my word for it. I’m sorry I literally just wrote an essay. I just have a lot of thoughts on this stuff.
I don’t care enough about either Gigi or Zayn to look into this tbh. Like genuinely neither of them interest me enough to try and do a deep dive on whether or not they had a kid together. There’s nothing wrong with stanning them or finding this fascinating - I enjoyed your essay anon - but it’s just not for me. It seems like you’ve looked into it and have a strong feel on it and I’m not gonna argue lol because I don’t know. Other anon, here’s a researched-ish take on the Gigi/Zayn situation. Sounds like the other theory is the baby is not Z’s but they’re publicly claiming it is.
I still wouldn’t call any baby a “PR baby” though. Lying about paternity happens all the time in normies’ lives too. People lie about this kind of thing for a range of reasons even when they don’t have fame and scrutiny and the potential to make money. (And with regards to the Cruise kid it’s... by all accounts... his kid. Like he’s still involved tho there are issues with the Scientology and shit but he’s not a completely absent father. Regardless of what the nature of that relationship was, which did seem to largely be PR, they had a kid together.)
Idk I’m very like... if there’s a baby there’s a baby and I personally don’t enjoy guessing if it was sekritly carried by a surrogate, or who the father is (except for January Jones’s bébé and maybe Mindy’s because that shit bothers me), or if the parents were really in love or if they had a mistake drunken friskytime bébé or if it was a planned life stage thing with a good friend.
I think having a kid is a huge decision for anyone to make and fertility is such a complex topic and if people make the call to have a child I don’t feel comfy as a stranger debating it. I mean I don’t feel comfy debating it for people I know personally even tho I am judgy so in my head I do this 👀 a lot when I hear some of the couples I know or people I know are having a kid. But like it’s their decision not mine.
I don’t mind other people gossiping about this stuff but it’s just not something I enjoy idk.
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alittlebitgoofy · 4 years
Glass wings (lemonjuice) - chapter two
chapter 2!! i somehow wrote this and posted it in less than a week since chapter 1 went up and tbh i don't know if i'll keep that pace but it's pretty cool. this chapter is the debut of our favourite dragon so !!
thanks to zyan for betaing 
also this chapter was aiming to come out like 2 days ago on my friend's brithday but it got delayed by 2 days, so happy belated brithday morph ily!
ao3 link
Juice was beginning to wonder if this was a mistake - trailing after a hyperactive pixie for a week was going to be more effort than she had in her. Only a day had passed and the exhaustion was settling in. How was she supposed to survive when the living definition of energy was making her fly after her, keeping her in line and out of trouble? It was exhausting.
It was hard enough dealing with the other fairies and leadership responsibilities, sometimes Juice wanted to rip her wings out during meetings; they went on for so long, and she was always expected to be attentive. It wasn’t that she didn’t care, but no one  could stand how boring the meetings were. While Juice appeared like a deer in headlights, Lemon had too much energy. 
It wasn’t anything Juice was used to. Most of the fairies lacked any real stamina, let alone enough to fly around for hours, barely getting really tired. Kiara was the only one who could really function solo, apart from Juice and the other people who helped keep the village in order. Juice held the most responsibility, as the current leader. It was exhausting in general, throwing Lemon on top of her jobs was not an easy feat. 
Although watching over her ended up sounding a lot better than what was about to happen: a dragon sighting. 
The thought of it filled Juice with dread, brandishing her sword in preparation to scare it off. Dragon’s were dangerous by nature, and this one could wreak havoc on the village. She couldn’t afford to deal with two problems, so one had to be dealt with as soon as possible. There was the issue of what would happen with Lemon. She couldn’t leave her, that was an awful idea. But having her with her to deal with a dragon didn’t seem like something one person could deal with.
That was until she realised — Pixie dust. It was decently well known that it had a calming effect on dragons, the exact opposite effect it had on humans or other creatures. Lemon was useful for once, so she brought the girl along.
“So, you have to deal with a dragon but you need me to come along with you? Sounds fun!” Lemon grinned, fluttering slightly ahead of Juice, as she directed them to where the dragon was spotted. 
“What part of a big beast that could kill us is fun?” Juice wanted to bang her head into a tree at the excitement the pixie showed. Did she not get the danger a dragon could possess or was she just stupid? “The part where you need my help.” Lemon glanced at the fairy smugly, something about the confidence that emanated from her infuriated Juice. Though she couldn't put her finger on why. 
It reminded her too much of what she wished she could be. What she was expected to be. The freedom she wasn’t allowed, the responsibility of leading a herd of fairies was too much to allow for such things. She couldn’t dare show weakness, not when they needed her to act strong. No one else would, without someone to play the strong, smart and reliable leader, people wouldn’t know what to do. Lemon had it all and didn’t seem to understand that. It was part of the reason Juice was so hesitant about the pixie. But that thought was a distraction from the task at hand, and Juice needed to focus. 
Even with the chaotic pixie by her side.
They got there soon enough, Lemon keeping surprisingly quiet. It was a welcomed silence. There was nothing to be seen apart from slightly burnt grass. There were few signs that a dragon had been there, let alone recently. But the possibility loomed over, and Juice knew she had to be thorough. That was when she noticed the foot prints.
Two pairs, one of a dragon but far smaller than any she had seen before. The other pair looked like a fairy or a human. They had to look deeper. 
“You know, I feel like there’s something over there,” Lemon piped up, gesturing in front of them, to the only thing around for miles, a lone house. The thing was, Juice knew that house. It was where Kiara lived with her girlfriend Kyne. What would they be doing near a dragon? It was reckless to stay in that area, Juice hoped they would have left by now. But if not she would have to question them before acting to move them. Duty  came before her emotions, no matter how painful it could be.
“I think the dragon is that way, in the house maybe,” she continued, Juice nodded and followed her lead as they went to investigate. 
“Oh, hey Juice, what’s-”
“What is she doing here? I almost caught you the other day but you had to escape. Is Juice keeping an eye on you? At least someone finally did something about it.” Before Kyne could finish her greeted, Kiara noticed Lemon hovering next to Juice. 
“There was a dragon spotted around here, do you two know anything about it?”
“No? A dragon? What would one even be doing around here,” Kyne spoke, she acted as if she had no clue about what Juice was claiming but something felt off, no matter how convincing Kyne could be. Lemon seemed just as disbelieving, shaking her head slightly, muttering something to Juice about feeling a dragon around there. 
“I heard about the sighting but I didn’t see anything over here. Are you sure it was over here?” Kiara directed her question at Juice. She was deflecting, Lemon felt it almost immediately, informing Juice of it with a slight grumble. Somehow Kiara and Kyne didn’t pick up on Lemon’s whispering to Juice, something she was intensely thankful for. 
Before anyone could reply, a soft growl came from behind the door. A small black dragon poked its head through Kiara’s legs, blankly staring up at Juice and Lemon.The creature was far too small to be considered a genuine risk, but Juice couldn’t take any chances. No one quite knew how long dragons took to grow up and having a baby today could mean a burnt down village next week. That was the one thing the fairy needed to keep safe. There would be no village to watch over if a dragon was to burn it all down. 
“Kiara, Kyne! Do you know how dangerous dragons can be? And you’re keeping one as a pet?” Juice spoke seriously, leaving Kyne and Kiara staring, guilt seeping in at the genuine concern she exhibited. 
“We couldn’t leave him. He would die, Juice.” Kyne shook her head, it was a complicated situation, but leaving a baby dragon to die was worse than taking care of one. She would fight for the little creature if it came down to it.
“I feel like that pixie is more dangerous than he would ever be,” Kiara snarled. Her contempt for the small sparkly creature was obvious, given the side glances and downright glare if Lemon tried to speak up. 
“Leave her out of this.” Lemon herself was unphased by Kiara’s reaction, but Juice’s quick defense made her smile. The fairy gave off an air of not liking her or caring but she could see straight through it. Lemon could only hope they would move past it and maybe get along a little better as time went on.
The dragon growled softly, looking up at Lemon before cowering behind Kyne’s legs. What was he afraid of? Before Lemon could question it, Juice poked her, forcibly putting her into her human form. At the noise of complaint she got, the fairy only shrugged and gestured down to the less scared looking dragon. 
He was small and black, scales glittering in the sun in a way that made him look like a shiny scaly crystal ball. A soft growl came out as he trundled over to the pixie’s feet. Lemon cooed in adoration, bending down to meet the small reptile closer to eye level. 
He paused, sniffing Lemon’s face before nodding to himself, a rough tongue licked her face, another soft growl being let out when her hand stroked his warm, scaly back.
“Aww he isn’t mean and dangerous, he just wants some love.” The softness in Lemon’s voice was hard to not notice. "The dragon seemed happy with/comfortable around her, and that made Kyne relax ever so slightly" Juice wasn’t surprised by what was happening, the pixie was the type to be distracted by anything cute, but she wished Lemon wouldn’t engage with a potentially dangerous creature.
“Lemon. No.” Juice’s scolding did little to move Lemon, she only let out a hum of acknowledgement before busying herself with petting the dragon once more.
“His name is Pythy; I guess he likes you, pixie,” Kyne spoke, clearly interested in the dragon’s sudden fascination with the human. She held no contempt for the woman like her girlfriend did.
“You trust her?” Kiara muttered, barely audible, but just enough for Kyne to hear her and nod in response. “He approves.”
“She’s trustworthy, just an idiot,” Juice spoke up, shaking her head as Lemon was too occupied playing with the baby dragon to acknowledge what had been said before Juice entered the conversation.
“You’re right, I’m an idiot. But I'm a sparkly idiot!” The yellow-haired girl grinned up at Juice. She looked almost cute, petting the dragon with a huge smile on her face, clearly not phased by the comment. Something about Lemon’s constant enthusiasm was interesting, it made Juice want to be around her more, even if her opinion of the woman was neutral, if not a little negative leaning after the events of their meeting.
Before her mind could continue to ponder the enigma that was Lemon, Pythy took a new interest in Juice. He sniffed at her feet, noticing something familiar to the scent of Kiara - that was enough for him to decide Juice was good. The dragon clawed lightly at her legs, growling softly and looking up at her. No one quite got what he was trying to communicate, until lemon picked him up and handed the creature to juice, who was then licked just as the pixie had been before her.
“Alright, maybe he isn’t dangerous. But I’ll need to come back to check on him periodically. Just keep him out of sight of the people in the village and take care of him. A dragon needs lots of attention and care.” Kyne and Kiara nodded, both  letting out a sigh of relief, however the mischievous smile on Lemon’s face was enough for juice to pause, staring at her blankly. “Please, that’s just your excuse to see him. You can admit you like him, Juicy.” Lemon grinned, pleased by the startled expression that flashed across Juice’s face before she returned to a more neutral look. 
She ignored Lemon, saying goodbye to the girlfriends and their pet dragon. All she could do was try to ignore the warmth she felt when Lemon called her Juicy.
Things didn’t get easier with Lemon, but Juice found herself with surprisingly more patience for the girl’s antics. 
She had currently decided to race against Juice in her pixie form, narrowly dodging trees and other obstacles. That was until her attention faded, sending her careening into a rock without any chance to move out the way. Bracing herself, Lemon was confused when the impact never came. Before she noticed, she was suspended, all the speed cancelled out mere inches before the rock. Juice looked at her, half annoyed, half trying not to laugh. 
“Thanks, Juice, that would’ve hurt.” “Is there no way to keep you out of trouble?” Juice laughed as Lemon shook her head. She wondered if the pixie was more trouble than she was worth, but Lemon was by far the most interesting person she’d been around for a long time, and having to stay close to her wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. It had taken most of the day for her to come around, but Lemon hid a quick humour under the energy and stupidity. It was fun to see it come out. “There might be one way,” Lemon mused, before flying to Juice and sitting on the fairy’s shoulder. “If I’m here then there’s a much smaller chance of anything happening. You can keep me out of trouble, right Juicy?” 
Juice sighed to mask the unfamiliar but soft feeling bubbling up inside of her. “If it stops you flying around into rocks, then fine.” Lemon nodded enthusiastically, laughing and cracking jokes about her own stupidity, reveling in when Juice would smile or laugh. 
Maybe having a fairy watching over her for the next week wasn't such an awful thing.
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onwardintolight · 4 years
My initial TROS thoughts
I’m still on cloud nine from last night. Not only did I get to fulfill a dream of trooping at a local premiere with the Rebel Legion, but the movie. 
It was so much more than I’d hoped for. It was an incredible end to this saga. 
I have a lot of thoughts, and it’s still all kind of jumbled up since I only just saw it last night (I know I’ll have a crazy amount of thoughts and theories and meta after I’ve seen it a few more times and had more time to digest it all) but I just wanted to get some of this out right now because I can hardly bear keeping it all in.
I will keep this spoiler free initially, then delve into spoilers under the cut.
First of all, I haven’t felt this way watching a Star Wars movie since I was a little girl watching Return of the Jedi. I seriously felt like a kid again. I felt that “Star Wars” feeling, that magic. I felt completely immersed in the story, led on a wild ride with no clue where it would lead. I felt the enormous stakes, I felt the camaraderie and love between the characters, I felt the depth and the meaning of the story that was being told and how it was both incredibly personal and galactic in scope.
Everyone has their own Star Wars, and I’m of the opinion that it’s all valid. Whether you’re primarily an OT fan, a prequels fan, a sequels fan, strictly old EU, or whatever else you may be, I’m here for you enjoying Star Wars in your own way. So please understand that when I say that, to me, this movie is the Star Warsiest Star Wars to ever Star Wars since the OT, that’s my perspective, and I respect your right to disagree (and I know many probably will). 
But to me, this movie felt like coming home. This was, once again, my Star Wars, the Star Wars I fell in love with as a little kid.
When I say that, I also say that as someone who is a fan of the entire saga. I’ve grown to love and deeply appreciate the prequels. While I was initially disappointed by them, I’ve grown to love and appreciate the sequels, too. Rogue One is one of my all-time favorite movies, and I adore Solo. But TROS will likely be among my top Star Wars movies of all time, right up there with ESB and ROTJ.
I know this movie has divided a lot of people. Many people who had specific hopes had those hopes dashed. And I acknowledge that there were some problems that should be critiqued. If you didn’t like this movie, your feelings are valid.
But right now, for the most part, I don’t want to think about all that. I just want to celebrate something that I love and that has already meant so much more to me than I could have possibly guessed.
Before I go to the cut, I just want to urge you not to continue reading if you haven’t seen the movie and haven’t heard all the major spoilers. There are some pretty huge moments and reveals in TROS. I managed to avoid all unofficially released spoilers, and I’m so glad I did, because it wouldn’t have been the same. Seeing the facts laid out on a page is not the same as watching the journey. If I’d seen the facts, I may have scoffed at some of them. Instead, I let the story lead me, and I believed in it and I was invested in it with my whole heart. Unless you have your heart absolutely set on a specific outcome and you know you will feel devastated if it doesn’t happen, I HIGHLY recommend going into this movie with an open mind, free from spoilers.
Okay, now for some random spoilerific thoughts! This is by no means comprehensive (and rather OT-character heavy, though I feel a lot too about the ST characters), but just a few things I wanted to get out.
First of all, they did my OT characters so right. This was a better ending than I could have imagined. I do wish we’d gotten to see all three of them on screen together one last time, and I also wish Han and Leia had never broken up before TFA. But those objections feel pretty small now. The books made Han and Leia’s separation much easier to bear (it was clear it was only for a few years, and they still loved each other). And despite not being physically all together, I felt almost as if they were together in this movie in spirit. Each of the three got to play a part so magnificent and meaningful, I can still hardly believe it. 
HAN!!! HAN APPEARING TO BEN!! I HAD NO IDEA HE WOULD BE IN THIS MOVIE BUT HE WAS AND IT WAS SO INCREDIBLY GOOD!! I want to cry just thinking about it. I know Ben said he must have been projected from his memories, but I think maybe, just maybe, it might be something more. Either way, it was one of the most powerful moments in the film and I wept.
LUKE. Luke got to prove that, as Yoda said, “the greatest teacher, failure is.” He was such a strong, benevolent, encouraging figure in this movie. I have no objections to where Rian Johnson took his character in TLJ—we all spend our lives learning and relearning the same lessons, after all, in deeper and deeper ways, and I felt it made sense for his character, AND it was a meaningful and powerful message/representation for those struggling with mental health—but I was also incredibly glad to see this Luke in TROS, “more powerful than you can imagine” as a Force ghost and just as much the Jedi he was when he threw his lightsaber away in ROTJ—and more, because of all that he’s grown through and how much wisdom he’s attained since then.
I started sobbing the moment it became clear that she was going to use her last strength to try to reach Ben (more on that later). The sobbing continued when her lightsaber was given to Rey, and then that AMAZING FREAKING TRAINING FLASHBACK scene happened, and I was sobbing so hard from pure happiness, just processing all the joy, that I hardly noticed any details and had to ask someone later what color her lightsaber was and what was said.
This was, truly, Leia’s movie, just as it was always supposed to be, just as TFA was Han’s and TLJ was Luke’s. I couldn’t believe that they managed it. It was so incredibly meaningful and it was an incredible tribute to Carrie and to my favorite character.
Back to Leia reaching out to Ben. Over the years, I’ve slowly grown to be pro bendemption. That might surprise a few people on here since I haven’t written much about it—not for lack of wanting to, but just because I never really got around to it. I know many people who fervently aren’t a fan of the idea. I could write a whole essay on this, but it’s late so I’m gonna leave it at this for now: to me, it became so clear that he still had light in him, and the potential to turn back and atone. Plus, it hurt too much to think that Han and Leia’s son, and the Skywalker legacy, could fall and end in such evil and ruin. I wanted the Skywalkers to ultimately change the galaxy for good and bring balance and all that, just as was promised. I wanted this family to ultimately be this vast force of Light, despite all the evil the Dark unleashed through some of them.
Well, I feel like I got that in this movie. And not only the Skywalkers, but the granddaughter of Palpatine, too. It was as if everything that was dark and evil got overturned from the inside. It was so triumphant. The Skywalker legacy lives on in the best way.
But yeah, Leia being the one to really reach out and help bring Ben back to the light, and Han helping, was just everything my heart could have wanted. 
Gaaaahhhh there’s so much more, and it’s getting late and I need to go to bed, but a few short things before then:
- THAT FINAL CONFRONTATION HOLY CRAP. I have so many questions but also I just loved it
- I even loved the kiss.
- Ben crawling back to help Rey 😭
- the whole dynamic between the new cast was just perfect
- the one thing I’m mad about and probably always will be is that Rose was horribly sidelined :(
- however I’m not mad, like a lot of people are, that Rey isn’t actually a “nobody.” I’ll write more on this later but for now I’ll just say that, while Rey being a nobody is a powerful story, I never felt like it had to be that way, because we’ve already got Anakin’s story. And, tbh, many of the Jedi. Star Wars, while revolving around a certain family, has never indicated that lineage is everything or that people can’t be heroes from anywhere.
- And FINN
Okay this is really enough for tonight. Can’t wait to see it again tomorrow!
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
LOL I think you and I aren’t likely to ever agree on the subject of Jason’s role in the show, xanadu, as I actually like him being present and would enjoy seeing him end up more integrated into the team in the future. Yeah, there are a lot more classic Titans that they still haven’t gotten to, but IMO there’s a lot of reasons for that (like Wally and Roy currently being used elsewhere, Vic with the Doom Patrol, others perhaps ‘on hold’ because there’s always any number of projects or potential projects in the works that aren’t even announced to the public yet, etc).
Personally, I think its likely Jason’s role in the show and mythology has been expanded instead of introducing more Titans in his place for the same reason Hawk and Dove are here despite never being hugely present in Titans stories for the most part: they’re cheap.
Like tbh, that plays SO much more of a role than most people realize with shows like this, where budget concerns are constantly an issue, and special effects tend to carry the highest price tags. As far as the showrunners are likely concerned, the more they can bring in non-powered characters and give them screentime, the better....because it saves money.
For that matter, superhero projects belonging to the various live action shared universes love to cheat special effects whenever and wherever possible....and roster choices are absolutely made with an eye towards if any existing properties produced by the same companies have special effects that can be repurposed and used with other characters. Like, creating the special effect for the first time tends to be the most expensive part by far, whereas its often relatively simple and cheap to reuse it in a variety of ways....so they all like to do this as much as possible.
Just as an example, take the X-Men movies (sorry if they’re unfamiliar to you, they’re just the instances I can speak to as a sure example of this).....to most people, a LOT of the mutant characters used in the various films seem random as hell....like Azazel in First Class, and Sunspot in DOFP, etc. Thing is...those two and other characters were picked primarily because of the special effects. Azazel’s similarities to Nightcrawler wasn’t a coincidence, it was the point. The studio already had the special effect they’d created for Kurt’s teleportation power signature, and it’d been easily one of the most positively received and talked about special effects of the original trilogy....so they wanted to use it more. Cheap and easy, compared to making new ones for characters with entirely different powers. So by making Azazel one of the primary villains, they just used Kurt’s special effects and gave it a slightly different tint. Same thing with Riptide, Shaw’s other henchman in that movie....totally random choice given he’s never been remotely associated with the Hellfire Club and what they showed in the movie isn’t even really how his powers work in the comics...but the way they portrayed him in the movies allowed them to reuse some of the tornado effects they’d created for Storm in the original trilogy. Havok’s power displays were just repackaged versions of Cyclops’ special effects, and for Sunspot in DOFP they just reused stuff they’d developed in the original trilogy for Pyro...even though again, what Sunspot was shown doing in that movie isn’t remotely how his power works in the comics.
So like....this is a very very big consideration for studios with any and all superhero projects, both film and TV...its why WB picks nonpowered characters to center TV projects around whenever possible, like Arrow and Batwoman and the reason Hawk and Dove were referenced as being looked at for a possible spin-off pretty much since Titans started...and its not a coincidence that the Flash was the first superpowered character they chose to expand their TV universe with, as superspeed has always been one of the cheaper effects to create (its also why Smallville utilized Clark’s superspeed even more often than it did his superstrength). Same thing why when picking another ‘powered hero’ to add to Arrow early on, they went with Ray Palmer and gave him basically just an Iron Man style suit to start...because even when they eventually had him develop his shrinking power....again, super cheap. Size changing effects just involve shooting a lot of different takes using scale models or messing with proportions in post. Compared to what’s required for a lot of DC’s more high profile heroes....that costs nothing to do.
Odds are, Jason was originally introduced in S1 purely because they could use him to advance Dick’s solo storylines in ways very few other characters could allow for, given a key point of Dick’s story arc in becoming Nightwing over the course of two seasons has revolved around touching on where he’s been and come from, and how he’s now grown past that. To really make the most of that, you need something connected to his past, to Batman, and given its notoriously difficult and complicated to secure approval to use Bruce in any and all live action projects, with the sheer volume of different people you need to get on board with it....Jason was a much easier alternative.
And then once he was relatively well received, they jumped on the chance to expand his role because he enabled them to expand their core cast of characters without dramatically inflating their budget at the same time. Just like that’s why Hank and Dawn were never going anywhere any time soon.
So tbh....he’s very likely not taking anything away from any other Titans’ chances of appearing...since the same hurdles and reasons to take it slow are still there for a lot of the other characters. After Arrow ends, it might be a different story with that freeing up Roy to start making appearances...and who knows with Wally because even though he plays an entirely different version of Wally, bet you anything they’re waiting to be sure Keiynan is definitively done playing Kid Flash or the Flash show is for sure never going to bring him back, before considering either Wally for use elsewhere. Like, I know he already said he was done playing Wally but actors change their minds, so I doubt anyone in the studios took that as an immediate green-light to launch a new Wally project elsewhere.
This almost certainly played a factor in their killing off Garth in just his first appearance....water effects are notoriously hard to make look convincing, and this one’s on the writers too given that I bet people in the writers’ room in general weren’t pushing really hard to make Garth a core character for the show....a lot of TV writers reeeeeally hate trying to write for characters who are intrinsically affiliated with say, the ocean, if they’re not otherwise an ocean-themed show already.....because its just another version of why a lot of comic book writers say they have a hard time showcasing Arthur in JLA books, due to a lot of his most thematic abilities being so location dependent. (I mean, personally I say in both cases this is just a lack of imagination and not a good excuse for not using Garth or Arthur more, lol, but like, it is what it is. This tendency among writers as is still already exists).
And the DC expanded universe and which production companies are affiliated with which properties and studios and stations and all that is a huge complicated mess, so I’m not even going to try tracing the connections to verify for sure, but I’d be willing to bet Titans has access to either some of Supergirl’s special effects or some of Superman’s movie special effects or both (or possibly just to Superman special effects developed for various projects that have come and gone over the years without ever making it to completion). Either way, bet you anything that has as much to do with the decision to introduce Superboy into this particular ensemble, as does just them wanting to have a Super-family character in the mix and Superboy was next on the list, not already being used elsewhere.
*Shrugs* But yeah. Never underestimate the power of the dime even with something as fundamental as picking a core roster. Actually, ESPECIALLY with something that fundamental, since that’s the foundation any and all budget concerns spring from. As much as I love the original Judas Contract storyline, I’m not at all bothered to see Rose kinda shoehorned into Terra’s role in a truncated variation of it here....because first, that story’s been adapted a ton in a variety of different ways, so its not really a huge loss to not have it fully adapted again, but second.....its less likely that Rose took Terra’s role here and more likely that Terra was never remotely an option for the show given how ridiculously expensive her powers would be to render well....so they looked at what else they could make fit a similar role and decided hey, why not bring Rose into this as well, even though she’s not primarily associated with this generation of characters?
And Joey was obviously always a strong candidate to add to the cast as early as this, of course. My bet is other than possibly Roy, depending on WB’s overall plans for him, like, I would guess the next most likely Titans to show up/be added to the cast are Lilith, Mal and/or Karen. Telepathy’s cheap and easy to gimmick up some power signature for.....tbh, I wouldn’t be surprised if the only reason Lil HASN’T shown up yet is because they’ve been saving her for after the Jericho storyline is done, given that her powers would cut through all the stakes and suspense and reveal Joey was riding shotgun in Slade’s head from the very first time the Titans encountered Deathstroke this season. For that matter, it’d be extremely difficult to write her as not sensing the sheer chaos going through Dick’s mind this entire season and cutting off that storyline early, and it does seem they’ve known exactly where they wanted to go with Dick this whole time so I can easily see them having decided early on they viewed this as a necessary part of his evolution into Nightwing, and Lil’s mere presence would throw a spanner in those works.
And as for Mal and Karen, again, the shrinking powerset is relatively easy to pull off and its likely more just not wanting to invest in Karen’s suit/flight just yet that’s been the delay there, and Mal’s sonic powers OR his teleportation powers are both relatively easy and cheap.
And of course, other non-powered characters not usually affiliated with the Titans are always a possibility. I’d put money on freaking Golden Eagle being a more likely contender to show up than some of the other powered Titans, for that matter.
Anyway, just my industry take on the matter in general, lol. You know I’d always be for Jason as a Titan as I think he would have ended up one eventually if he hadn’t died when he did, and I’d love to have just one adaptation that doesn’t stick to his death and Red Hood storyline. He doesn’t need it to be an interesting character, just good writing. Its not like Bruce or Dick are definitively chained to one specific storyline outside of their own origin stories, so no reason Jason should have to be either. (And honestly, in line with everything I was talking about here......IMO the nonpowered characters are always a degree safer from being killed off than the powered characters. Doesn’t mean they’re ever totally safe, and it doesn’t mean the show’s necessarily ‘at capacity’ for powered/expensive characters already, but at a certain point the cast list likely will end up sticking with just the powered characters they have until one of those powered characters is killed or otherwise written off...before adding another ‘expensive’ character to take their place.)
But yeah, anyway, lol. Don’t know if that might make you a little more positively inclined to Jason taking up a slot on the show....all things considered, I truly doubt that it was ever a case of them picking to make Jason a series regular OVER adding another classic Titans character in that place instead. It really is more likely IMO that the cast list we have this season was more or less already otherwise in place and they just looked at things and said “we can’t really afford to introduce an additional character on top of the other ones we want to add already this season, like Joey, Slade, etc, and especially not one with special effects heavy powers...BUT we can bring Jason in as more of a presence in the ensemble and bump him up to series regular without too much trouble.”
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necer0s · 5 years
So I’m catching up on Miraculous Ladybug at long last (I finished season one when it was out and never got around to watching later episodes when they came out) and I thought I’d just put all my reactions in one post so as not to go overboard.  
So first off, I really like that they opened the season with the Gabriel=Hawkmoth reveal?  Obviously it wasn’t much of a reveal at that point, but it’s good that they didn’t waste any time.  And they immediately set us up for future speculation by revealing that Nathalie knows about Hawkmoth at the same time-- also good!  Plus, I like how GabeMoth deceived our heroes about his identity.  The conclusion they reached about “he was akumatized so he can’t be Hawkmoth” seems a little shaky to me (how do they know that’s not just another application of his power-granting powers?) but the deception was well-crafted and well-acted, and I can absolutely see how it would fool two children who desperately want to believe the best of him.  
Despair Bear:  I like seeing Chloe’s softer side (one-dimensional bullies bore me) but I love seeing Hawkmoth literally go “ah yes, people in close proximity to Chloe Bourgeois, the perfect opportunity to akumatize someone.”  
Riposte:  God, Ladrien is my favorite dynamic in the love square.  They’re both with the person they like… but they don’t want to act like they’re interested in that person in their current form… how terrible!  
I also like the “akuma alert” that shows up in this episode.  Paris has gotten really used to this, huh?  (I guess it’s not surprising, since there’s literally never any lasting damage.)  
I have to say, I really prefer these episodes that spend most of their time on fighting the villain rather than on the high school drama.  
Also… there are people who ship Ladybug/Kagami, right?  Because Kagami staring at Ladybug when she tells her everything is alright is just… *chef kiss* perfection.  That’s the kind of wonder-filled stare that crushes are built around.  (Of course, as a big fan of poly resolutions to love triangles, I’m hoping that Luka will have a similar moment with Adrien so I can build a proper shipping tesseract.)
Befana:  I haven’t actually started watching the episode yet as I write this, but seeing the blurb say that Marinette’s grandma gets akumatized is giving me Thoughts about Paris’s culture and society in the wake of the whole akumatization thing.  Like, insulting someone or being overly cruel to them is just actively dumb, obviously-- you might not suffer permanent harm, but the next couple hours probably won’t be pleasant for you if Hawkmoth is paying attention.  In a non-kid’s-show universe, anyone with common sense would be unusually concerned about hurting people’s feelings at all times.  There’s a lot of “utopia-looking dystopia” potential in something like that....  (Of course, as I watch the episode and it transpires that Grandma is deeply out of touch with current Paris, this seems oddly prophetic.  Kagami was from out of town as well… hmmm….)
  Also: Marinette’s parents fistbumping is Super Cute and I love it.  
Random thought while watching:  Do you think one of the reasons people always run away from Akumas is to give Ladybug and Cat Noir plausible deniability?  
Another aside:  It’s always kind of weird when the dub is Really Obvious about having changed something.  They really think we can’t recognize that the “fairies” here are supposed to be angels?  
My new favorite part of this episode:  Befana making Hawkmoth say “please”.  God, I love her.
Tangent:  I wish they would do more with the purified butterflies.  If they can’t follow them back to Hawkmoth, is it at least possible that they could destroy them?  Hawkmoth seems to have a limited number of them.  Maybe normal damage wouldn’t do anything, but if Cataclysm happens to have not been used yet in the fight, surely that would be enough to destroy the butterfly?  If that became a thing, it would add two interesting new elements to every fight:  a slow countdown to Hawkmoth eventually becoming powerless, and a struggle for Cat Noir to not have to use his power.  
Robostus:  ...The technology level in this is kind of weird.  Not super weird, given how recently this was made, but at least a little weird.  
I really like this akuma?  He’s asking questions of Hawkmoth, unlike most people.  And his tech-control may be the most powerful akuma we’ve ever seen. 
And he’s the first akuma to betray Hawkmoth!  Damn, I love this little guy.  I wonder if this is why Hawkmoth usually hands out relatively weak powers?
Glaciator:  I hate episodes where Marinette is the cause for someone’s akumatization.  I mean, it’s good to have flawed heroes and all, but it’s just so awkward to watch.  Though I do like that she immediately recognized that she was cruel and felt bad about it, instead of needing a hamfisted moral.
I know I said before that Ladrien was my favorite dynamic, but Marichat is pretty great too.  Removing the pressure of the crush from both sides gives us a great chance to see how they work as friends.
Sapotis:  Random thought:  What does Hawkmoth do with his cane when he’s using both hands to infuse a butterfly?  Does it just stand on its own?
Here’s another akuma that I really like.  Multiplying powers are perfect for overwhelming the heroes and for protecting the core object.  “When they eat” is a decent limitation to make it possible for them to eventually be defeated, too.
I like that handing out the Fox Miraculous wasn’t an easy choice.  It’s kind of a big deal!  I do think that it’s kind of a weird choice, though-- why should Marinette particularly think that illusions will be helpful in dealing with this?  (For that matter, what makes Fox Illusions important enough to be one of the five central Miraculouses?  The Butterfly makes sense-- handing powers out to other people is a huge power-- but illusions just don’t seem to measure up against stuff like the Rabbit’s time travel.  I have to think that the Fox has more powers to unlock, just like the Ladybug and the Cat.)
Huh, Alya detransformed faster than Marinette even though she had spent less time transformed and used her power later.  That seems to suggest that practice extends how long they can use their powers…  Which makes sense, given Hawkmoth’s ability relative to theirs.  That’s probably why his powers (and Fluff’s, later in the series) are so much stronger, as well… it’s just that it’s hard to judge the strength of most of the powers we’ve seen so far.
Gorizilla:  Hey, Gabriel Agreste?  Do me a favor and DIE HORRIBLY.
Captain Hardrock:  ...So, is Luka being written as autistic-coded?  It seems like he can communicate more easily through music, which (while I’m not entirely sure if that’s a real way autism can manifest) is definitely a way it gets written in some stories.  
Alya: “Some of us are still chained up here, could you stop flirting for one second?”  (I love her so much)
Okay, I’m not a musician, but can Adrien and Gabriel just… play a solo piece as a duet?  Don’t you need a song written for that purpose?
Everyone already knows that Adrien and Luka had just as much a meet-cute as Luka and Marinette did, right?  Good, good.  The Ship Tesseract is a go.
Frightningale:  Marinette is very cute when she gets excited about her idols.
Tikki explicitly and casually saying that she’s proud of Marinette is A+, very excellent.
Plagg: “That costume is what you really wanted deep down, isn’t it?”  What.  WHAT???  So… Miraculous costumes are shaped by the desires of their holders?  I love it.  I love it!  That opens such a delightful future opportunity for showcasing character growth, it’s perfect.
Adrien shows up dressed as Cat Noir:  Marinette.exe has stopped working.
...I really wish they would take this episode as a chance to explicitly say that Miraculous Magic helps protect their identities.  That really needs to be canonized if people are going to stop looking like morons.
Syren:  Wow, we’re jumping right into this akuma.  Very promising for my enjoyment of the episode!  And a delightfully interesting akuma, too-- I’m a big fan of terrain control as a power.
New transformation sequence!  New powers!  I love this whole episode.
And Adrien getting to meet Master Fu is also Very Good.  He deserves it.
Zombizou: Another excellent episode.  I love this Akuma’s power… all the cute of a romance with all the horror of zombies.  A delightfully unusual combination that could only occur in Miraculous Ladybug.
And some delightful character growth for Chloe, which I love. 
 Frozer:  Okay, Cat Noir grabbing a rose to give to Ladybug is cute and all, but… roses are expensive, you know?  It’s like he just swiped a few dollars out of this guys hand.
Kagami, who ships Marinette/Adrien as much as anyone else in the school:  Change targets, Adrien.  Adrien:  *hands her a rose*  Kagami:  Wrong target!
...Yeah, Adrien does not have a lot of good options for love advice around him.  But wow, going to Marinette is hands-down the cruelest and dumbest thing he could do.  
God, I love Marinette’s friends.  They have their own personal fandom going on here, don’t they?
Aaaww, Gorilla Bodyguard is nice.  It’s a shame that he never talks, honestly.
You know, I’m really trying to ship this poly quartet, but it just isn’t doing much for me tbh.
I do like the different forms (and the different transformation sequences) but I have to wonder what the rest of them do.  Surely they can’t all be for dealing with different kinds of environments? There just aren’t that many environments that need magical assistance to deal with.  Underwater, on ice… I can imagine flight, fire resistance, and maybe digging, but that only gets us to five out of seven potions.  It’s hard to think of two more environment adaptations that wouldn’t be covered by the first five.  There must be at least one that has a different kind of power.
Remember how I really enjoy episodes that spend a lot of time with the akuma?  That goes in reverse for episodes that spend a lot of time on stalling relationship drama.  If anyone was actually making any kind of progress, that would be one thing, but as it is…
Style Queen:  Tikki playing Marinette’s crush on Adrien against her crippling insecurity is just hilarious to me.  I don’t know why.
...I really hope this interview isn’t going out live.  Poor Chloe.  She doesn’t deserve that.
Tikki:  *encourages Marinette in every possible way when she’s anxious*  Plagg:  You feel awkward?  It’s because you look dumb.  
How the heck did all of Marinette’s classmates and family get seats in this highly prestigious fashion show?  Front-row seats, no less?  (I could understand a couple tickets for close family and friends, but this is a little excessive.)
Wow, Nathalie is really good at this “accidental” infuriation thing.  
(Side note:  I really like the touch of having Chloe so thoroughly imitate her mother as to even walk like her.  It serves a delightful dual narrative purpose of both explaining much of Chloe’s cruelty and of making Audrey’s cruelty to her daughter even more heartbreaking.)
Okay, again:  How did Nino get the gig of doing music for this highly prestigious fashion show?  Like, did Adrien cash in every favor he had with his father?  And why are all the other rows of the audience still empty?  I normally don’t notice or care about animation shortcuts, but this is all very glaring.
...God, Chloe wants to please her mother so much she’ll even help her akumatized self.  That’s just depressing.
Plaggaclysm is an absolute goddamn delight.  (And, you know, utterly terrifying.)  It makes me wonder what Tikki’s unrestrained power looks like.
Okay, as someone who’s been spoilered a lot, I always wondered how Marinette managed to lose a Miraculous so badly that it ended up in Chloe’s hands, but this is actually a really good explanation-- she thought that the magic clean-up of Miraculous Ladybug would have sent it back.  Which makes sense!  That’s the kind of put-things-back-where-they-were that we might often see from a Miraculous Ladybug.  It’s not great that she just assumed that without checking, but it’s not unreasonable either.
Troublemaker:  ...So, is this out of order or something?  Or is there a deliberate gap between the two Queen episodes?
You know, it’s hard not to wonder sometimes why Hawkmoth keeps trying all these useless-seeming akumas all the time, but Troublemaker does a pretty good job stating their case-- sometimes you just get exactly the right circumstances for victory, even with a power that wouldn’t do much good anywhere else.  Intangibility wouldn’t be impressive outdoors or even in the Agreste mansion... but in a cramped Parisian apartment, she’s one of the most successful akumas ever created.
It’s nice that they’re actually showing us some emotional aftermath of an akumatization for once.  You can just feel that shame radiating off of Penny-- that sense of “how could I do that?  What will they think of me?”  It’s a nice thing to address.
You know what I just realized I desperately want?  I want post-reveal shenanigans where Tikki hangs out with Marinette’s other female friends.  They have such a great girl group, and Tikki would be so much fun hanging out with them.
Queen Wasp:  It’s interesting that Gabriel mentions a “promise” between him and Emilie.  That certainly seems to imply more than just him wanting to resurrect her.  I’m starting to see where the “maybe Emilie was evil too” headcanons come from.
Yay, Marinette’s getting what she deserves!  Boo, Chloe doesn’t deserve to have this happen in front of her!  Very mixed feelings.
...But wow, Chloe did not choose a great way to react to that.  I can’t blame her at all, but still…
I wish they’d given more time to the Queen Wasp fight.  I mean, I get that obviously they couldn’t do much since a single strike on her part would defeat them, but such a powerful akuma deserves more attention.
Chloe saying sorry is just… That’s Growth!
Reverser:  I’m enjoying this episode, but the number of people who seem honestly confused about the fact that Marc is an akuma is baffling.  It feels like this really ought to be a Season 1 episode.
This really seems like an episode where they should be handing out other Miraculouses to get some help?  I mean, Alix said it pretty explicitly.  I can imagine a lot of ways that Rena Rouge could help out here, for instance.  
Random thought:  How come Ladybug can capture and purify the akumas anyway?  It doesn’t really seem to fit Tikki’s theme of Creation.  Is it because she’s one of the top two Miraculouses, and therefore has some amount of power over the lesser Miraculous?  That would make sense, I suppose.  And I... guess it sort of counterbalances Plagg’s ability to destroy the Miraculouses.
Anansi:  Adrien excusing his father’s behavior as being “overprotective” is physically painful to me.  
Honestly, Nora has a point.  How are the people of Paris supposed to tell the difference between akumatized people and people in costumes?  (Well, presumably it’s easier to tell the difference in a non-animated world…)
Marinette being a Chaotic Good trickster is my everything.  Almost as much as Alya being all dramatic as she walks out is.
The irony of this ordinary, non-magical fighter saying that Alya, Marinette, Adrien, and Nino are clueless about the dangers of akumas is smothering.  
Is it just me, or does Marinette look unusually worried in this transformation sequence?  I thought they just reused the same thing multiple times, but this definitely isn’t her usual cheery transformation.
I’ve been waiting a long time for Cat Noir to use Cataclysm as a way to protect his Miraculous.  It’s a fairly obvious application of the power, and it’s nice to see that finally happen.
Ladybug:  This Cat empty, YEET!
God, Nino is a terrible liar.  Which puts him in good company in this show…
Malediktator:  Obviously we can’t have Chloe maintaining her positive character development.  Clearly, we need to backtrack that immediately!  /sigh…  I suppose it makes some sense in that she’s spending more time with her mother and learning from her.
I feel bad for the Mayor.  Audrey is too cruel to deal with, and Chloe follows her example.
I saw the “everyone celebrates Chloe leaving” bit coming a mile away, and I still laughed for a solid minute.  Of course, then Adrien has to come along and spoil it with her being his “childhood friend” and “the only person his age he knew for years”, but whatever.
God, I can’t believe the Lucky Charm in this episode.  Can we have more of that, please?  Massive laser gun weapons for the win.
The one thing I can’t stop thinking about is how Cat Noir’s Miraculous is clearly only saved by narrative convenience.  It’s frankly very jarring.
Sandboy:  Some interesting worldbuilding going on here.  Too bad it comes at the cost of Nooroo having to deal with Gabriel “Evil Bitch” Agreste.
Anyway, worldbuilding.  Miraculous holders can apparently control their kwamis!  That’s… awful.
And, as I’ve wondered for a while, it appears that the Miracle Box is in fact magical in and of itself, and not just a spiffy container for the Miraculouses-- it apparently has a kwami pocket dimension.  
Kwamis can’t say their owners’ names, which makes sense.
Nightmare!Adrien is horrifying.  
I’m a little disappointed with the singing kwamis.  That could have been a lot more mystical.
Adrien’s nightmare is… incredibly depressing and disturbing.  Yeesh.
Hawkmoth reverse-tracking the kwamis is hugely dangerous.  I hope Fu moves to a different apartment after this.  (And speaking of Fu, I’m a little disappointed by his nightmare.  I hoped for something a little more revealing.)
Have I told Gabriel Agreste to die in a fire recently?  Just in case… die in a fire, Gabriel Agreste.
Catalyst:  I’ve been looking forward to this one, yes I have…
God, there’s a statue of Adrien’s dead mom right outside his room?  Was his life not awful enough somehow?
Yeesh, Lila.  I probably should have rewatched Volpina at some point so I had a better sense of what’s going on with her, but there’s only so much Lila nonsense I want to deal with.  And apparently she’s lying to both her parents and to the school?  Honestly, why?
Ugh, Marinette lying.  Honestly, I just straight-up skipped past this.  Among my many personal problems with this, I also feel that having everyone say in front of the entire class what they’re doing for Heroes Day is… really weird?  I mean, that would be an unfair way to force children to compare themselves to each other even in a world without akumatizations-- and in this world, it’s an actively dumb thing to do.
Volpina(/Lila) is such an interesting character because she so entirely embraces the power Hawkmoth grants her, and is so willing to help him even when she loses that power.
Catalyst is a fascinating akuma choice.  I don’t think it would work for anyone but Nathalie, and for her it fits perfectly.  And from the very instant she appears, it’s obvious that she may well be the most valuable akuma ever created.
Watching people stare down the akumas is awesome, I have to say.  
I love these Miraculous handing-outs.  Alya once again proves herself the queen of everything.
Mayura:  Ohhhh yes. I’ve really been waiting for this one.
Dark Cupid + Scarlet Moth is a particularly inspired combination.  Honestly, at this end of the episode I can’t possibly imagine what would lead to Hawkmoth never doing this again.
Plagg sharing his cheese may be the most heartwarming moment this series has ever seen.
The Peacock Miraculous is fascinating in oh-so-many ways.  It creates (or maybe summons) creatures from strong emotions with a material focus, just like the Butterfly Miraculous.  What makes those two so different from seemingly every other Miraculous?  Is it something about the way they’re used?  And how was it damaged?  My initial guess is that some of the feathers were destroyed by a Cataclysm for some reason.
...It just occurred to me that Adrien probably thinks that Marinette is stammering and clumsy around lots of people.  (I feel like that’s been addressed in a previous episode, though…)
Having reached the end of the episode, I’m still not sure why they wouldn’t repeat the Catalyst -> Scarlet Moth -> Dark Cupid combo in the future.  As far as I can tell, there’s no downsides to this-- it seems to cost them no more than normal, and even if they can’t get Dark Cupid, the rest of the combo still works.  Why would Gabriel and Nathalie bring back Mayura and not Catalyst?  
Chameleon:  Ugh, Lila.  I honestly just skipped the first third of this episode and read a summary.  Her lying is painful in almost every way.
Fortunately, what she lacks in believability, she makes up in pure willing evil.  Grabbing an akuma and demanding to be akumatized?  That’s how you make a petty villain look dangerous.
(Also, “Oops!  I lied” is a fantastic line.  Slightly funny, dangerously unrepentant… delightful.)
Chameleon’s powers are an interesting twist on Lila’s usual Volpina powers.  They’re clearly weaker, but also more personal, and they allow the possibility of an actual attack with her kiss-- a capability that Volpina lacked.  On the whole, I find myself less impressed with these powers than with Volpina’s (not least thanks to Lila’s less-subtle actions this time around), but it at least opens up some future possibilities.  Still, I think for Lila to be a real threat in the future, she’s going to need to steal the Fox Miraculous.
Sigh… another disobedient akuma making things harder for Hawkmoth.  At this point, it’s less relieving than it is predictable.
Honestly, I really like the idea of Lila?  Marinette and Ladybug having the same dedicated enemy is something that the show otherwise lacks, and her use of lies morally opposes her to Marinette in an interesting way that could be used to explore the moral complications of the secret identity.  It just sucks that she’s so very poorly implemented.
(Side note:  I’m reading the Miraculous wiki of this episode, and it points out that Hawkmoth has tried to akumatize Marinette and gotten someone else twice now, and both times the new person has had kiss-based powers.  I wonder if that might be foreshadowing for what an eventual akumatized Marinette’s powers might look like?)
Backwarder:  Again, I’m skipping the first part and reading a summary.  I’m just… so tired of love square shenanigans.  There’s a reason I shouldn’t binge watch this show…
Hawkmoth in a train bathroom should be funny to me, but I just can’t comprehend that negative emotions are really so rare in Paris that he absolutely can’t miss this opportunity.
Hawkmoth is getting a dangerous amount of information about Fu from Backwarder here.  I’m increasingly starting to think that the first eventual Big Plot Development will be Hawkmoth finding Fu and either controlling him or taking some of the Miraculous or power-up potions from him.  
Really, Gabriel?  You couldn’t even skip your monologue on a public train?
I love that literally everyone who likes Marinette ships her and Adrien.  It’s adorable.
Weredad:  Listen.  Gigantitan was a cute gimmick once, when it was an accident.  And when Scarlet Moth showed up, there wasn’t any particular reason why he shouldn’t be re-akumatized.  But what could possibly possess Gabriel Agreste to repeat the event?  Gigantitan is almost completely incapable of stealing the Miraculous.
Anyway, skipping past the love square stalling nonsense…
Finally, an akuma who can grab the Miraculous when ordered.  
Eh.  I know it’s because I’m just so tired of the love square right now, but this episode did nothing for me.
Skipping Animaestro altogether.  I’ve heard nothing good and the summary looks to back that up.
Bakerix:  This really feels like it was supposed to come before Backwarder.  Is the train they’re unveiling somehow not the one the Agrestes rode in that episode?
You know, normally any plot that involves the words “get them back together again” worries me, but I find I have unusually high hopes for this one.  (Although the lying is not a great start…)
Marinette, you live in a bakery and you don’t tote bags of flour daily?  Pfft.  (Though with how huge her dad is…)
Granpda Dupain is seriously traditional.  They’re really playing that up.  Probably to distract from the otherwise-blatant racism metaphor of him disliking rice flour in the family bread.
Very cute ending!  And see, we can have a nice emotional episode without using the love square!
Silencer:  I debated whether or not to actually watch this, because Lukanette really doesn’t do much for me, but what the hell.
Wow, Bob Roth and XY are the scum of the earth.  
I love the Kitty Section visuals.  Armored death kitties is a flawless concept, without a doubt.
God, I love that Marinette sees this problem and her solution is just to go right to the top.  I feel like being Ladybug has altered her sense of scale.
It’s astonishing that Bob Roth can look at his son’s costume and unironically call Kitty Section an inferior garage band.
I am not thrilled with the way that Luka gets more coherent and talks less about music when he gets angry.  I don’t know why, but I don’t like it.
Huh.  I didn’t think Silencer could be an effective villain with his powers, but cancelling her active powers isn’t a bad move.
Cat Noir’s reaction to Ladybug’s loss of speech is priceless.  But boy, is he bad at charades.
...Shit, they really did make Silencer a scary villain.  Nicely done.
Aww, Lukanette is cute.  It’s too bad it’ll probably never get a fair shake.
Oblivio:  Another one I’ve heard a lot about.  Hell of a way to start the episode, that’s for sure.  
Adrien and Marinette “introducing” themselves is goddamn adorable.  Now this is my kind of love square content.
Ooooh, I love Oblivio’s design.  Super blank and creepy.  
Okay, question:  Is the highlight sight thing magical or not?  (Upon looking it up, it is apparently not.  I think we can all be forgiven for the mistake, given how it always shows up.)
“SuPeR PeNgUiNo”
Worldbuilding-wise, I think the most interesting part of this episode is the fact that two people can be akumatized into one villain.  There’s room for a particularly terrifying villain to be created in the future by combining Hawkmoth and Mayure...
Stormy Weather 2:  I’ve heard a lot of shit about this episode, but I like the start so far?  Let’s see where it goes.
Oh wait shit, is this a clip show?  Yuck.
Did Stormy Weather just summon a God Damn Volcano?  Holy shit.
This is frankly disappointing.  It’s not the worst clip show episode I’ve ever seen, but I wish they’d chosen a different villain to make a reappearance.
Locker Stalker Adrien will never not be funny to me.
Oni-Chan:  UGH, LILA.  Alright, let’s do this.  (Me, two minutes later:  UGH, LILA.)
Is the skylight above Emilie Agreste’s coffin new?  I don’t remember that being there.  It’s weird that they have two separate underground lairs with skylights.  How does no one notice that?
Adrien:  “I don’t have any girlfriend.  Plagg, claws out!”  Plagg:  Noooo there were so many things I wanted to say in response to that!
Huh.  Oni-chan’s powers are a little underwhelming, but very interesting.  And a reasonably interesting solution to fighting her, as well.
This is easily the cutest Adrigami has ever been.  If they were always like this, I would ship them a lot more.
Lila and Gabriel teaming up is honestly fascinating.  Each one of them thinks that they’re using the other, but Gabriel currently has the clear upper hand because he’s the only one who knows about Hawkmoth, which means he can play Lila from two different positions.  But Lila has an advantage of her own in that she doesn’t care whether Gabriel or Hawkmoth is manipulating her, because she’s already getting what she wants out of the bargain-- power and influence.  
Honestly, if it weren’t for the scenes where people inexplicably believe Lila’s more ridiculous lies, I would love her as a villain.
Miraculer:  Yet another episode I’ve been looking forward to!  I do love Chloe development.
Wooow.  That’s a dark scheming side of Nathalie we haven’t seen before.  I like it, but as always happens with Nathalie, I’m left wondering where her commitment to this plan comes from.  
Ah, Marinette.  So savage.  So delightful.
Remember me talking in the last ep about people believing the most ridiculous things from Lila?  Here we go again.
Mayura is using her power surprisingly freely all of a sudden.  I thought the Miraculous was broken and it damaged Nathalie to use it?  Hmm….
Okay, I hate to blame the victim, but for a professional lackey, Sabrina is terrible at figuring out what Chloe would want her to do, and worse at not saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Chloe fighting off Hawkmoth is super badass, I love it.  Only she could have the absolute HBIC confidence needed for something like that.
...Wow, I’m actually kind of starting to ship Sabrina/Chloe.  Or possibly wanting Sabrina to get out of the relationship she’s in with Chloe…
Hawkmoth being the one to tell an akuma not to take a hero’s Miraculous?  That’s new.
Dang, Miraculer is powerful.  It’s almost hard to imagine a stronger akuma.
And Mayura vs. Queen Bee is everything it’s been chalked up to be, of course.  I love it.
Damn, the sheer confidence in “I will always be Queen Bee”.  Magnificent, utterly magnificent.
Timetagger:  Poor Mr. Pigeon.  Constantly transformed by Hawkmoth and equally often getting the stuffing beat out of him by Ladybug and Cat Noir.
Aaaw yeah Bunnix!  Honestly I’ve already seen this episode, but there’s nothing about it I don’t want to watch again.
I really thought that “what if today’s the day we grow up” was going to be a lead-in to Ladybug using her powers twice in one transformation as a sign of growth.  On a second watch, it’s really very disappointing to know that’s not the case.  This episode would have been the perfect opportunity to showcase Ladybug and Cat Noir’s growth and give a visible, power-related symbol of that growth.  Maybe it will serve as foreshadowing for their ability to do that by the end of the season…?  We can only hope.
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existephobia · 6 years
Entry two: Slacking and working
I definitely know I’m slacking but that’s the greatest part about having an audience that doesn't care what I say. (am I right tumblr)
So my morning was pretty terrible tbh. I let myself down pretty heavily and it wasn’t even anything big. Well never mind because with the way I’m taking my life it should be a huge part of what I’m supposed to be doing. 
I got an Alexa to help me keep track of my thoughts but I’m not sure it’s advanced enough yet, but in this era.. all I have to do is wait two years. Anyway, I had Alexa set me reminders to do my shit every hour from 8 A.M
the problem? Went to sleep at 6 and ended up waking up at 11, though when I sleep I’m still weirdly aware of my surroundings so I turned off the reminders. As a result I saw all the work I could have gotten done, but instead spent my time sleeping. That hit me real hard and inspired me to start managing my time better now.
Once up what I did is that I mostly worked on music and made the one minute covers that I always do on my instagram. I’m trying very hard to start a personal brand. I know that it may take my entire life but honestly it’s the only way for me to live the life that I really want.
See my dream is to travel the world and create all sorts of art and meet so many people and experience so many things. The problem is that I know I need a way of making a passive income on the road so that I can effectively travel the world while still being able to do whatever I please. One way of doing this as inspired by Gary V and his book “Crushing it” which is building a personal brand. 
Not to mention I can make money of my movies and if my projects (not to be named at the moment) gain high appraise then perhaps I can also sell some scripts or the licensing to scripts. Not to mention my music production is getting better by the day.
Once I was done and finally got the take I wanted (which takes longer than some people realize) I decided to head off to work. I’m kinda bothered by these headphones I got cuz they’re not loud at all and I can’t even hear the words on the train so like what’s the point? But it’s all about saving that money.
Honestly lately I came to the conclusion that it’s okay to let myself spend money on things if it means it’s helping me get ahead. And because I’ve put myself in a position where I’m pursuing what I love, a lot of those things are very enjoyable to me. 
When I get to work, early as usual, I sat down and started to practice verses from my phone like always. I’m looking around and I’m getting a weird feeling coming from this girl that I work with. Let’s call her K, so a while back I had a crush on K. I told K because I wanted to get it off my chest, afterward she seemed cool and then she changed after that. There was one day I was going to apologize for making things awkward and she completely cut me off and blew me off. I didn’t even give her the satisfaction I just left.
Now that she sees I’m succeeding and reaching my goals, artistically and physically, everyone seems to be gravitating towards me while I have no control over it. Though it does show what people are honestly fake as fuck. I know that many of you who MAY be reading this are probably not from Los Angeles so let me tell you, it is the most selfish city you’ve ever visited. A place where everyone only cares about who you are, what you do, and what you have. Trying to find something real in this city of concrete is practically slim to none though there is someone I’ve been talking to lately that I have a feeling could potentially change my life.
Not much to say About work, my shift flew by today. The Han Solo movie was coming out and we were supposed to get hit back to back with customers and orders. More than other Fridays, which is saying a lot. But I told myself were going to be dead, completely believing it (that’s how I manifest) and that shit happened. We were dead the whole night, which isn’t normal considering we live down the street from  a movie theatre. Though it has happened before, on Halloween we thought we’d be packed but we weren’t. For working in Hollywood you’d think that wed get a lot of business. 
Anyway it was dead, then my manager took me up to my office and I think he tried to fire me. So basically he had a form that was a write up, and he told me that it was a verbal warning nothing big. But when I looked the box that had the cross wasn’t Verbal, first, or second write up. I said final, and so I said, “ this says that this is my final write up. Is that a mistake or something?” 
He replied with, “Oh yeah, it might be.”
I stared at him
“here let me cross this out and put it to verbal.”
he took the page and crossed off the final and putting an ex next to the verbal. I then asked if that was legally binding, he said that he’d sign it and it would be. Weirdly enough he asked me what I was doing outside of work, and to his surprise I actually told him.
I’m a private person, but if you just ask me a question I’ll answer it. (depending on context of course) I told about some projects I’m working on and he seemed genuinely surprised at my intelligence. I then went back down to work with a smile on my face, I know there are some people that would love to see me fired. Truth is that when they actually get to know who I am instead of assuming who I am they find me to be better suited to near them. This is why I treasure the friends I have, because they truly get to know and understand me.
I didn’t have to close tonight, I got out at one. On the way home I was listening to music and the switched to my audiobook. Third run through of “Crushing it” and it’s still inspiring. Now I’m sitting at home, my knees actually kinda hurting, which is weird because it feels like the growing pains I had as a kid when my legs grew faster than the rest of my body so it hurt. 
I think it’s bed time now! 4:31 A.M
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13x03 watching notes
The Saga Of Dean’s Fluctuating Grief Scruff
Berens has made me cry exponentially more in each of his episodes for a while. At this rate I will cry 6-9 times in this episode, so I really hope we break the streak.
I'm so pumped for this episode.
Hahaha me 10 seconds ago: fuk u berens don't make me cry
recap: how about we paste "goodbye Cas" over the shot of Dean kneeling by dead Cas?
I have returned with my stuffed toy umbreon "taako from eevee" and I have hugs
OH NO Jack recap, pasting Lucifer over him in awful flashes and trying to sell his dark side even though he is a squishy.
WELP they're going right there with the Sam drinking blood parallel with Dean saying when has anything ever gone right for us. Is Jack going to Fuck Up today? Or is that just emotional backstory?
Awww Missouri's BFF. I love her already.
I guess this guy is the wraith. I think I remember him from the promos.
Hey, here's the tarot cards. They're for the MotW
The wraith was in the mirror that's behind them but it didn't show his face all wraith-y. Pfft.
Uhoh, Dean's music is different... Brb need to get a Mittens on the line.
The only word I caught was wall and then we cut to no music and Jack marvelling at the brickwork.
Okay, Mittens told me the song and I looked it up and yeah it's the Rolling Stones and completely romantically neutral.
This is the bit we got:
Mama says yes, Papa says no, Make up you mind 'cause I gotta go. Gonna raise hell at the Union Hall, Drive myself right over the wall.
I almost think it was chosen just because Jack was pawing at the wall.
Jack being fascinated with the bricks in both 13x01 when Sam was ASKING him about the portals between universes, and now when he's just pawing at the bricks reeeally makes me feel like Jack has a fascination with the brick and mortar pattern, like these lines between the solid planes are somehow tickling at whatever deep down cosmic part of himself knows about the portals. If he's still figuring it out or something.
Oh no here's the awful promo that nearly made me cry last night.
I am so sad that Jack's been hiding in his room.
It is adorable how he looks at the data stick, like, getting it's important but totally baffled about HOW and what to DO with it. Sam's starting to take for granted that Jack is a bit more... well, together, than he actually is. The real question is does Sam know he was stabbing himself?  That's such a hard thing for Dean to tell Sam, and not betray empathy to Jack - unless he grumpily delivers the news and legs it :P
But yeah, anyway. Sam expecting Jack to be able to do things he can't, maybe starting to take Jack's fast learning for granted when it comes to how he's managed to adapt to burgers and reading and stuff. He's still a 4-5 day old person, and he's never done this before... Sam hands him the USB stick without even stopping to think at first that Jack might not be capable of using it...
*stares at Sam staring at Jack* I think he's feeling deeply sympathetic - I reblogged some meta about how they have a shared experience here but Jack's getting so much more than Sam ever did. Ironically, I was gonna make a parallel to Home, without stopping to think that Missouri is here but let's call it a real meta parallel then - Mary saying even 3 words to Sam in Home was the most Sam had ever seen of her in his entire life and the most words he could remember her saying to him, ever. Of course Mary and Kelly were/are paralleled as mothers, and Kelly to Jack will be a much more pure image because she never did anything dark or made any deals - he's born because she had no idea she was sleeping with Lucifer, so even though Mary was put in an AWFUL place she made the deal with enough accountability she is held responsible for it, and FEELS responsible for it. Since Jack's powers are already being textually paralleled to Sam and his demon blood I think this is an interesting thing to put a pin in.
She sounds and looks almost exactly the same. It's been THIRTEEN YEARS what the hell
She looked older in 1x09
maybe it's just the different colour schemes and lighting these days :P
Oh no and we're back to Kelly
Her words are so important in a kind of free will exposition way. She's so proud of him!!!
I know I sobbed about that in 12x23 a bit but just... the reminder, right now. In this episode where we have been teased that Cas is going to be around again (I miss him so much)... I think it's interesting because Kelly tells Jack that no one can tell him who he can be (which I think may be a problem long term that Sam is interested in moulding him so even TFW aren't a completely safe bet to hang out with for Jack to gain a sense of personhood - he'll have to fly the nest eventually) but then she reminds Jack that an angel is watching over him. Obviously she is a Good Person in the show's narrative, and angels in her perspective are good (because Cas was kind to her) and Cas specifically is AWESOME and this is the reminder that Cas is Jack's father now apparently and all... but it's also setting him aside in a way. I think perhaps Jack needs to come to terms with what Cas is that isn't exactly his FATHER per se but also isn't just the angel on his shoulder, in the exact same way Dean needs to realise Cas isn't his BROTHER per se but also not just the angel on his shoulder. It's that grey area. In Jack's case, it's because a reckoning with Lucifer and understanding the potential darkness in him, or his legacy as being Lucifer's son, can't be ignored. Cas can't be pasted on top of it for his deep down personal understanding, and Kelly mentions the father and Castiel as separate entities. The father doesn't define what Jack is... Cas has a more neutral position, a guiding one... But I think some wires may be crossed with Jack, too, that has given Cas absolute fatherhood in such a way that it's going to be GREAT for Jack to set his moral compass by such a well-meaning good character who seems to want the best for Jack, but it can't be his entire understanding of himself.
Sorry for just throwing a Destiel parallel into all that but it fascinates me that tbh Sam is like the only one who doesn't have a complicated relationship with Cas. I guess also Mary got to grips with him around 12x09, but then also didn't have a whole bunch of contact with him... On the other hand in my Christmas fic I haven't even got the remotest idea what it will be about yet but will feature all the current living characters in a fluffy Christmas scenario, I'm pretty much ready for Cas and Mary to be the chillest friends :P
LOL Sam and Dean talking about how long since they saw Missouri "what has it been a decade?" "MORE" Yeah you FUCKS she said to stay in touch. DON'T BE STRANGERS.
That is a cold sweat moment for Dean, like... fuck I haven't ever even sent her a CHRISTMAS CARD
Maybe he sees her name in John's journal sometimes and does send her one.
Awww and Sam was talking to Jody off-screen, which I love because that is my JAM
*badum tish*
Dean is alarmed that Sam handed off the case to her, because he wanted to leave the freaking house and get awaaay from Jack
He's not that concerned about Jody.
I mean, rationally, he knows Jody is the Toughest Cookie they've ever met. She went up against Leviathan WITH AN APPENDECTOMY
But in the immediate here and now? He is PISSED that Sam wants to keep them sequestered away in the Bunker with the one thing he can hardly bear to co-exist with in the same universe.
His stomping off is an End Of moment... Reminded of 9x06 because Berens, but also because in the start of that episode Dean takes the lead from Cas and legs it from researching with Sam and Kevin, and it's like a horrible reverse motivation. Cas is dead and he can't bear to be around that horror and guilt and confusion. He needs the distraction, so off he goes on a solo case, leaving Sam behind. His angry "you got me" when he skips out on research and Kevin thinks he has it all sussed out why Dean is leaving is again a reverse of Dean's self-professed anger at the situation when he knows that Jody will be FINE and of course she's part of their competent hunter network who can handle things probably a hell of a lot better than them, being an actual cop and all. But it makes one hell of an excuse to go. And Dean was in a pissy mood then as well but it was his own fuck up about Gadreel bothering him and his guilt about what he'd done to Cas. So external motivators help him leave. This time it's all internal motivators where he WANTS to leave. So he makes it all happen by getting irrationally angry at Sam.
I know it was most likely just There but hey we have a Turducken slammer poster in the background and corn syrup blah blah, and corn = Cain
Theeeemes, as Mittens says.
Missouri drops some heeeavy hints about not having family around any more.
She always did love that car. A reminder she's known them basically their entire lives, since The Fire, and she knew the car as both John and Dean's.
Also a handy way to make her a trusted ally and as Mittens says, the car is Dean's soul and Missouri has seen inside him.
He heard Missouri and Jody were in the same place and was like FUCK YOU SAM I AM GOING TO COLLECT MY HUGS
But seriously even if he's kinda putting it all on a bit because he's miserable, these people are genuinely cheering him up just to see and he's getting physical comfort from two parental figures to him.
(he's so weird about Jody being a mom figure)
LOL Missouri did the thing
The thing literally every single person said they wanted her to do
he should have hugged Jody first
Is it just me or did she hesitate on "loss" and then add the "es" after a moment of uncertainty? Please tell me one is not drowning out the other I will die.
Although of course, Missouri is a HUGE reminder of the Mary stuff because she comes connected to their home and Dean is having to re-re-confront that and OF COURSE he does it when he's lost Mary AGAIN. And pfft I spent yesterday writing about Jody re-losing her son in 5x15 and having the problem of fresh loss after getting someone back you didn't think you'd ever HAVE back.
I love that we're seeing Missouri's process. She's reaaally spelling out the exposition. But in this case I can trust that that's just because the actual method and knowing that it's a wraith and his MO is just a random detail to all the more important emotional stuff. That this is just some necessary building blocks to get to the good stuff and this is the fastest way to get us there.
Sam immediately starts getting into choppy water and I'm one line into the next scene. He's bringing up training Jack... Sam, we've spent the last 2 weeks talking about how it's not a great idea for you to try and harness him for your own reasons because it will make you look bad to him. Jack needs to trust you!
I'm worried he'll end up thinking that Sam giving him the connection with his mom was just a way to soften him up a bit more to Sam. Like yeah on the surface level it's lovely and shows Sam has been careful and paid attention and collected all the evidence from the house to check if anything will be important for Jack (not the 100s of diapers)... And then found this thing and immediately decided Jack should have it because it would mean so much to him. it's great that he cares so much he did this!!
But yeah putting the scenes back to back is a little uncomfortable because Sam does have motives, and like I said last time out, if Sam HADN'T just lost Mary through a rift Nougat unknowingly opened, he would 100% definitely treat Jack with the exact same care because he is a sweet guy.
But looks bad.
Sam is waving a pencil. He looks like a lecturer.
This is a different part of the Bunker or the library from an angle we never see and this is a new table with a different lamp and I am so horrified, as the Table Meta person, to have a bunch of new stuff to work out and write about :P
This is the Yoda Table for the time being
I suppose it's a new place for a fresh start and, like, virgin territory for meta meaning. Whether it's the store room or the library the important thing is it's DIFFERENT and it's a sort of secluded corner than right out in the middle of the war room or something. It's a sort of private nook kind of feeling. Sam is trying to make a comfortable environment for Jack.
Jack glances at Sam.
Thing is, Asmodeus got him to open a portal to hell by cajoling him, and Sam's asking him to get control of basic things like moving a pencil around. It SEEMS safe and like a good exercise to try and get to grips with his powers and learn finesse and control, and for Jack's sake too. But... Idk, still looks dodgy Sam. I mean I can absolutely and 100% see a surface level where this is adorable and great and Sam has a new friend/nephew, and for the time being I'm enjoying it as it is. But I have this worried feeling that Sam is not going to help Jack emotionally, even if this works in the short term, because Jack has room to be suspicious of what Sam wants, and even if Sam doesn't ask for a while, he has a motivation for Jack to learn to control his powers beyond JUST wanting to help him. I think their dynamic is great and fascinating, but I am worried that from Jack's perspective he won't get the nuance of Sam - Sam needs to open up to him for one thing about his own fuck ups and what Azazel - another yellow eyed demon - did to him.
And Jack glancing at Sam who is watching him so intently is the tension here - can Jack trust Sam when Sam may be just as interested in Jack as Asmodeus was? How can a 5 day old TELL?
James has a super nice house.
Also Missouri is "not supposed to call" but they used a recent calls screen on her phone instead of a contacts list, and James was on it, which means that she HAS been in contact with him recently, and therefore prop department messed it up. The CGI in this episode has made 2 errors already >.>
"it's coming for you and pa-" nooo
I wanna see her on screeeeeeeeeeeeen
She was a John parallel in 1x09 and allied with him and withholding epic amounts of plot info that only she knew what could have been everything up to and including end of season 2 reveal stuff. Her powers make her kind of a disaster friend tbh. Like, great at a party but if you don't believe your mother has visions and is, idk, hysterical or something, then OH BOY that makes for some family trauma. We'll see how this shakes out but right now James at least is successful and rich and has nooothing to do with his mother even though he may potentially be psychic and repressed about it himself, since the wraith will be coming for him and Patience, and we know SHE is.
I kinda don't wanna make a parallel where she's the bad parent and fucked up her son who has repressed his powers because oh boy he's got like a Dean Smith level apartment and this is a can of worms I can't be bothered to delve into when Patience might be on screen soon.
Dean "yes ma'am"'d Missouri because everything is awful, because he'd "yes sir" John and oh god. Ow.
Jody is watching like "what the hell sort of dynamic have I missed here?"
She has been taking notes on these boys for years and she still doesn't know anything about them. I was thinking the other day watching 5x15 that when she meets them they're in Fed get up and they bluster at her like they're the authorities when she first challenges them, until she calls Bobby and sees through it and calls their crap. But something something defensive retreat into surface level clam shell around Jody, re: she had no idea Dean went to Purgatory, was a demon, or that Mary had come back to life, just for STARTERS.
I wonder if Missouri commenting on the car was a tie back to John as well specifically in her alignment. This season is all about fathers and without an actual John for Dean to deal with, bringing Missouri back as a John figure... eep
Meanwhile Jack is still squinting at a pencil and calling himself useless, so I think Sam is about to climb on his back and make him run through a swamp while beating him with a stick
(dear god I hope every single one of you has watched Empire Strikes Back)
Jack's catchphrase is "I don't -" he just doesn't understand. He doesn't KNOW.
Asmodeus was "in his head"
Holy shit and then Sam suggests Jack try that and Jack snaps back at him because HOLY SHIT SAM CAN YOU HEAR HOW BAD THIS SOUNDS?
You really can't, because you think you are doing a good thing but USB STICK, SAM. USB STICK.
Asmodeus was a master manipulator who made Jack want to do a thing so badly and used all the right words to make him do exactly what he wanted. Sam is nice enough not to brainwash Jack like see the pencil, be the pencil dramatics... But asking Jack to remember one of his many traumatic experiences? Noooo don't do it.
This is a very bad plan, Sam.
Anyway also Jack confirms how Asmodeus manipulated him and shows his innocence and also his feelings on what happened - how horrible it was for him to go through it, and, well, he was 3 days old and he got tricked and he has no emotional touchstones to handle this sort of thing :(
And Sam is just being way too rigorous - we take a break, he gets some food, then he'll come back and we try again? Nooo Sam.
(btw I have to say I have been saying over and over that Berens writes my favourite Sam, and this is indeed Berens making Sam absolutely fascinating, although I have to repeat, as a totally flawed and messed up person. No one was ever there for Sam to guide him through what he could do. He didn't even know how he moved that wardrobe the one time he did telekinesis... He's completely lost and trying to handle this alone and with a lot to prove because Dean's snapped at him and stormed off, and he wants Mary back... He's being like Dean - angry and taking it out on Jack - but in Sam's chill, deep under the surface way, and of course like Dean can spare smiles and hugs for Jody and Missouri, he still can have a kind and well-meaning surface layer just like Dean can have a happy one. But bring on the frustration and he slips and says the wrong things and now he's acting like a strict teacher....)
Jack's face that was cast to be both perfectly scowly and perfectly cute is now being used to be very scary and scowly.
She was badass and defiant to the end but it's still sad and we knew it was coming because, well... I swear there was spoiler chatter that Patience and Missouri would meet, but I suppose it's more like Patience is going to find out about her grandma and have to learn about her that way...
I mean the whole point of Wayward Sisters so far has been Jody collecting orphaned girls and she has a living father and until this point Missouri, so she has to end up in a way where Jody is now the only guiding light she has
but bleeeeeeeh.
ANYWAY like passing the baton, we get the last scene of Missouri (making a stand) and move to Patience.
She's a neeeerd
I love her
She is good at volleyball because she's psychic
heee wonder woman comparison. Blah blah meta from when Dean owned being wonder woman.
Her athletic friend looks nerdy and she describes her as being a bookworm athlete because Patience looks cool and athletic (she's very tall or her friend is short...) so there's 2 false binaries here: the nerd and athlete one where you can only be one or another. Her friend with the massive glasses and fringe (bangs?) is nerd-coded. And Patience carrying around her files but secretly being good at sports is the direct opposite... I like this imagery, no prizes for guessing where else I apply it :P
All the lights are flickering... It would be hilarious if SHE was causing it, just because monsters don't do that...
I think she is having a vision.
OH it was a dream, cool. (We're really expanding what psychics can do all of a sudden, because we're about to send 2 of them off into Wayward Sisters. If Kaia and Patience can hang out in dreams, that would be AWESOME. I bet visiting Patience's dream landscape once she has her powers under control would be amazing, if 8x08 and Fred's inner mind is anything to go off of :P)
Also OH NO poor Missouri. She's used her death as an omen for Patience, like, basically just because her father won't talk to her. I mean talk about spite, she's right in the John Winchester model of family, like, well guess I'll just DIE then, and get Patience to deal with this for me :P
Getting back to those flashing lights, also, even though it was just a dream, I do think it was interesting because Jack blew all those lights. I think it's a sign of losing control as much as a display of power - if we go from 4x01 and Cas doing it, it was just because raw power on display. In 13x01 for Jack it's both that and loss of control. For Patience it's the sign of the supernatural creeping up on her but also she loses control of her dream environment and Missouri invades it to send her the warning...
James has something on his screen about crude oil. He's probably like a stocks and shares guy or something. This house is ridiculous. Patience is going to be the rich kid on the team, and probably adjusting to the gross gritty life of being a hunter :P
Ooh she did recognise Missouri - so the contact wasn't broken off THAT long ago.... I say remembering how I thought she hadn't changed at all since season 1 :P
James doesn't give anything away about her phoning like, yesterday. He looks baaad about it.
Don't lie to kids about their powers and heritage...
I say side-eyeing Sam for not getting into the exact thing with Lucifer I was blah-ing on about at the top of this episode. Which is probably not helping Jack understand and control his powers
Oh noooo Dean at a Gas n Sip
hearing about the murder on the TV OH NO
I got to ask why it's night at the fortune teller's and day where Dean is.
Singer directed this and I'm up to 3 boo boos of the wraith not being in the mirror, the phone breaking the story, and the wrong time of day in the footage on TV so I'm just gonna side eye and move on. Maybe he's having an off week when he made this or something because when he's not directing Eugenie's scripts he's normally competent.
Knock Knock hello James
Wait, Dean has got massively more scruffy between scenes.
Is this a continuity about them driving all night?
I am loving the look. Gimme more of the season 9 look Dean.
They are kinda treating James like he knows and cares about monsters, when really he's a stock guy with a fancy house. Wrong approach, but telling the absolute truth. Dean, again, not sugar coating it. Jody has to step in and help with comforting sounding words about the truth. She, also, doesn't even mention she's a cop and is acting very much as Dean's partner on the hunt rather than a cop.
Patieeence. At school with her friend, who is badgering her about hot boys. Patience relucantly says okay fine he's hot. *wonders exactly how gay she is* Probably not with a huuuge crush on her friend but we'll see :P No one can be that "ugh" about the entire concept.
Patiiiience. She's been ACTIVATED.
The fact she had a couple of pencils sticking out of something in her locker just makes me think that over on the other side of the story Sam is trying to activate Jack's powers via a pencil.
HAHAHAHA She's awesome!!!
And she snaps the gross wraith spike off with like 0% of the fuss Dean made.
I LOVE the shot of Dean rushing down the stairs to follow the wraith... I also love that Jody is now united with Patience, and she's gonna glom onto her and drag her into her spiiiiin offffffffff
After all the fuss I'm making that better get picked up or I'm rioting.
Dean nearly gets hit by a blue van - hey, monsters in blue vans? 8x18, that time when Dean was like "what, my feelings????" when Sam asked him how he was, and then there was that creepy Metatron sweater dude being a terrible stand-in father for Krissy in like the dark timeline version of what Wayward Sisters is promising to become.
Bah Dean shaved again... Get the continuity together!!
Ohh no Patience thinks Missouri doesn't caaare... She ditched her after her mom died? heeeey-o John parallels where he emotionally ditched them after Mary died. Only this leads to Patience growing up with no idea about her powers... Except she has been unnerved enough by her deja vu to sound like she's researched it on wikipedia and reassured herself that hey this happens to everyone...
Well if she's not queer she's certainly having one hell of a metaphor journey :P
HOLY SHIT SAM. He put Jack in that table because there's a SECRET CAMERA
you know what Sam has done? Once he knew the BMOL put cameras in the bunker, he's gone and found their wifi and he's got into it with undefined magic hacking powers they all have and he's using Ketch's surveillance for his own purposes now.
Look. You mean well. You're reading the sort of parenting book for psychic kids you never had yourself (love it) but this is creepy! You shouldn't be spying on Jack!!!!
Sam has boundary issues with his magic nephew, more news at 10
I know I know  he's just concerned and worried and wants to do the right thing but he's not got any frame of reference for how to emotionally nurture someone. It's a MIRACLE and testament to his nature that he's come out anything like as sweet as he did. But oh boy this is bad. You can't just come running in yelling because Jack moved out of sight because now Sam has betrayed that he was watching Jack or WHY WOULD HE COME RUNNING IN IN SUCH A PANIC?
Jack's starting to sound done with everything and I love my Nougat child who likes sitting in dark corners.
He's not sitting cross-legged this time, it's much more like how Sam found him in 12x23
I think Jack seeks out dark shadowy places to lurk
His voice has literally changed to be more gravelly
But Dean thinks he'll be evil and Sam has surveillance set up on him...
Oh dear god let this be the Berens Speech of the episode that makes me weep openly
He's got all his comparisons to live up to but he doesn't have his angel watching over him!!!
I said earlier that's a bad comparison for Jack to treat him as his father AND that phrase needs to be hauled out and torn to shreds, but I think some short term guardian angeling will probably be good for Jack and maybe even Cas depending on how he feels when he gets back... I almost trust this season to treat that relationship slowly and carefully since they're being so absolutely on the nose with character development stuff being spelled out.
Sam's doing the "listen" thing and sitting down... Can you get to Jack?
Oh gosh he apologised for pressuring Jack
I didn't think that would work
I should yell at the screen more
OH YEAH HERE IT IS "I know what it feels like -" THAT WAS PART 2 OF "SAY THE THING"
It makes me cry
"Dean, Cas - my family helped me through" NOOOOOOOOOOOOPE FUCK OFF BERENS
"you're not evil, Jack" THANKS SAM, THOUGH
Meanwhile: Jody and Dean awkwardly stand next to each other while Patience has a Family Moment.
Dean's connection to Missouri goes so far back that Patience has to mean something to him in the sense that omg this is Missouri's family... However she treated Dean (and kinda scared him i think :P) he has an investment in them because Missouri was there at a bloody awful time for him, and she was helpful and good to them (and he has no idea she was lying about John the whole time - tbh the fact that she can see stuff that happened in a scene pretty much just confirms to me that what we DIDN'T see was that the first time John met her he took her to the nursery and BAM she sees the scene from 2x21 that Azazel showed Sam of the demon blood and she's like... ah.)
(pls refer to my pre-wayward sisters watching notes for actual thoughts on that :P I got super rambly and i'm not going over it AGAIN)
OH NO James grew up having total faith in her powers and then she said what James wanted to hear and told him the better news either making a mistake or doing EXACTLY WHAT WE SAW HER DO in her introductory seconds... Temporary help to alleviate pain but in the end - well, that guy's wife was still banging the gardener whether he knew it or not and one way or another he might find out...)
UGH Missouri what did you do.
Remember when I said I hated the Dean Smith life he made for himself? I HATE IT SO MUCH
I went to vent at Mittens about this and she told me she has been comparing Patience to Kev and James to Linda and that's another extremely awful way to look at all this :D
"I didn't want that life for you" I think it's interesting that James managed to put it all behind him SO effectively, especially if he's somewhat psychic himself (I BET IT HELPS WITH TRADING SHARES, IF IT HELPS WITH VOLLEYBALL. JUST SAYING)... He's basically done what both John and Mary repeatedly said especially in the context of Sam and just letting him go to school and live a life. Patience has got that - so far - but lo and behold it all catches up.
Aaaand James chooses to run again.
Like, it sucks, but "use her as bait and kill the wraith" is generally the better tactic when it comes to just confronting your problems. And the horror genre is ALWAYS about confronting those inner problems. In this case the wraith going specifically after the psychics in the family is blatantly a metaphor for this catching up and James no longer being able to pretend this isn't what his family is all about. I would say it's targeted at his decisions and Patience's awakening - a vision is one thing, an attack BECAUSE she had it seals the deal and makes it impossible to ignore.
And if James runs again, he only puts the problem behind them, to try and live normally but... Patience has already been changed by this encounter and Missouri's awakening.
Awwwwwwww nooooooooo flashback.
She's so SMOL.
This is all the perfect sort of emotional manipulation to get me completely attached to her.
I'm trying not to meta too much between The Man Pain and Patience's story (she's the POV character of WS I think? I mean I desperately want her to be, as the new character to the dynamic aside from Kaia who's being introduced later as a part of Claire's story - and I think I saw one comment somewhere in the PR and completely latched onto it) but there is something about James saying that Missouri's influence is poison and Patience learning to be psychic is something he desperately wants to avoid, and the parallel story with Jack also discovering his powers. Patience thankfully only seems to have Sam-like visions and will probably have Missouri's skill set (i mean sheesh this might not be a memory but a vision but in this case it's almost impossible to tell apart for Patience except that maybe this is literally the clarity of what she's remembering on screen :P) - I think it works better in the present day, that the adults are all here to weigh in on what Patience can be.
I think Missouri appearing in flashes mirrors Kelly to Jack, since he's not getting anything from Cas at the moment, so she's the beacon of someone who truly believes in Patience, and there was a sort of powers birth transfer awakening thing in the way Missouri dies and Patience gets her first strong vision that she can't shake off as deja vu.
Dean said that Missouri reads objects so Patience is probably getting this vision off the brooch, tbh.
This hazy memory is probably actually circa like... season 2 or something, if Patience is supposed to be school aged NOW and the show is THIRTEEN YEARS OLD so if she's like... 5... that's season 1 or 2, if she's roughly supposed to be 18
I am not good at maths btw feel free to call this out
That kid REALLY looks like young Patience, in that creepy SPN casting directors way
OH GOSH the vision parallels not just to Kelly but Missouri will always look out for her, and that's very much like Angels Are Watching Over You
put it back.jpg
Is James going to use his own secrit powers he's been repressing the entire time and find her?
Bless this entire metaphor of repression being overcome and accessing the true parts of yourself.
Is this the same creepy set that Cas once stabbed a demon in that time when he was looking for something or other? I can't even remember if that was season 10 or 11 or what he was looking for, but a gif of him wandering around doing The Eyebrow is common enough on my dash I don't forget that it happened :P
Oh great he basically has super wraith powers because he drinks people with super powers.
Stupid creepy wraith
Leave her alone!!!!!!!!!
"first: gross" I love her.
You were just starting to be cool
Wait is she having a vision, because Jody should probably not be dead right now if she has a spin off to be playing around in:P
I bet Dean's about to killed too
owie, that was embarrassing for him
He's super off his game if he lets himself get killed THAT EASILY
This was super metaphoric on so many levels though - once I know what happens with James I should get back to that, but Jody symbolically being killed and she's moving on to another property with her flock of girls, and DEAN, getting symbolically super killed like stabby stabby stabby, make it look good for the next time they have to recap how often they all die on this show.. :P But yeah, even just showing him dying is fascinating, especially with the context of how he's feeling.
And oh no Mittens pointed out he's not just off his game but if he saw Jody being dead, that's all his worst fears, and ANOTHER dead friend on his hands, and he did specifically come here to protect her, in his words. :<
I love the 2nd version of this. The new fight coordinator guy is really showing off. I type in the instant Dean grabs the rope because improvised weapons are a thing now :P
I should probably dig up that meta about veils between worlds because even if Dean didn't die he just got shoved through like 100 hanging sheets and that is ridiculously symbolic.
Nice one, Dean.
LOL his face. "welp, killed that guy"
I feel like there was a Moment there. Like maybe he thought hunting would make him feel something but -
oh no
I feel attacked by the bad continuity but the fact that the bad continuity is because Dean's apparently due some grief scruff
"You handled that wraith! Guess you still got it!!"
*dean pauses* *stares into the nihilistic dark void consuming his soul*
"guess so"
I hate this
Snuggly hoodie is snuggly. I wanna hug her
"Thank you, for everything" that phraaase nooo
James thinks she should put her gift away and get back to normal... But she has a spin off to go to.
elizabethrobertajones WHAT THE FUCK HE'S SCRUFFY AGAIN I'm phoning the continuity guy how do I find his number Dean's scruff has been coming and going all episode :P
mittensmorgul wait where are you?
elizabethrobertajones Dean's broken pls help him this must be the scene they wanted the scruff for and he showed up on day 1 of filming clean shaven and they were like... Jensen... no
mittensmorgul HAHAHA
elizabethrobertajones Dean's gotta talk about how everything sucks and he wants to just go live on the beach in a house made of sticks and you need at least 5mm of scruff for that speech
mittensmorgul oh no...
Anyway Dean and James agree - Patience should go live in her house and they should exploit their skills only for shares and volleyball. Dean is utterly, utterly defeated and he hates the job and it's the worst and everyone you love will die and you just have to kill monsters all day and it's not even FUN...
please help him
"you don't have to listen to him" because guess who is NOT THE BOSS OF US ON THE WAYWARD SISTERS SHOW?
That's right, The Man Pain(TM)
Jody you absolute beacon of sunshine and love and accepting yourself. She can see Dean's broken and spoke out of turn to what Patience might need in his own grief (and I think that must parallel to Sam's treatment of Jack somewhat although thankfully they resolved it back to a functioning relationship already) so she offers her an alternative.
OH NO and she refers to Claire as a sort of daughter
And she's so sad she couldn't keep Claire safe against her nature to be a hunter.
And Jody OBLITERATES repression completely. Go be gay with the Wayward Sisters. :D
"You try to force it down to make someone else happy, you will only make yourself miserable"
I love you Berens.
And Jody recruits another avenger :D
*glares at my tables tag* Sam is sitting alone in the dark at the war room table, exactly like the end of 9x06. Sometimes being right about the sneaky imagery the show uses feels so pointless because, well, I'm right, but to what purpose does this serve? The tables tag will never bring me glory in battle :P
Mittens just warned me to squish Taako for the rest of this scene so I'm in hug mode.
"How's the kid, did he go darkside yet?" "nooope."
I mean I'm using Sam's line as a reaction gif forever but OW.
Is Sam gonna call Dean out on what he's been saying about Jack? I scared.
"He's messed up because of you"
... uuh. Again. I'm gonna stop asking Berens for the next line of dialogue because i feel like I'm in that gameshow where they are trying to finish a phrase and I'm just asking for all the right letters while thinking I know what the phrase is and I am scared about what that phrase is.
And Sam is playing with the rings on the table, which Lucifer once did, and Sam did a few times in season 12 when things were HAIRY.
He fidgets when he is upset with his family.
"You think you can USE this freak"
I stand by that Sam has a dodgy approach to Jack but fuck that entire concept that Dean just aired, we're getting into Open Warfare in the fandom between the Sam n Dean factions, I can tell. Like... the only question is is this going to be worse than Sam Hit A Dog or In The Same Situation I Wouldn't, or both on top of each other?
Dean is wearing a black henley and Jack is wearing a white one I HATE IT
"I didn't end bad" OH WE ARE GOING THERE
Sam's been going there since Dean said "freak" because i have recently rewatched enough of season 1-4 to screeech when Dean said it.
And here's the season 2 thing back again
Dean no
(I mean... healthy communication and the truth? But like... not doing it at top volume in front of the kid??)
Wakey wakey
Okay I had to go to dinner and I took my laptop down and made my mum extremely sad
I noticed a couple of other things on the next pass through, mostly sneaky dialogue repeats that I can't remember
but pass 2 through that last argument anyway because I was rushing it
Oh teardrops in the bead curtain at Dede's place, because grief. More passing through veils too.
The 9x06 parallel because Sam has a pencil for Jack, and it's a different room in the Bunker but weird shades of them keeping Crowley there, at least on the negative side of how they're treating Jack. Not a true parallel - different room and they're not asking him to write anything down, and Jack is doubling as Kevin.
Thinking of doubles - Patience framed as having 2 consciences about whether she becomes a wayward sister or not in Dean vs Jody - very much like Jack having dual father issues. Jody says "don't listen to him" for the negative example and wafts it away with love and she's gonna keep Patience :3
Also I thought of like 18 more reasons why I love Patience while I was watching
So, 3rd pass through this argument... WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF
Sam confronting Dean is again something where the episode establishes a mixed sort of approach but overall he has a GOOD approach to Jack and the best he's getting at the moment. Dean calling out Sam for using Jack THAT loudly and angrily instead of gently critiquing his methods and asking Sam if he'd care if Jack couldn't get Mary back - that's something Jack can't overhear right now but super needs to.
Of course, Dean is the Worst Parent but he hasn't signed up for that role. He still has an influence over Jack and is too super pissed off to see Jack - and Jack is behind a wall, which takes us to Berens and 12x22 and the wall between Dean and Mary. Dean can't see Jack for what he is and that means he's saying all the wrong things and not even able to reach out to parent him.
Jack basically wakes Cas up to get him back so he can have a non-yelling parent who will be uncomplicatedly good and the angel who watches over him.
(More on that dynamic once they interact a bit)
The fact Sam summons the spectre of John to tell Dean that he told him to put a bullet in Sam... Of course Dean can refute what John said and that Sam deserves to be saved which is lovely but you know. Awful argument. Not really the time for that sentiment :P Dean can see Sam - knows and trusts him like no one else in the universe; even Cas in some respects, because Cas is complicated and it's always so messy, that he keeps on giving Cas trust but Cas leaves or does stuff Dean doesn't approve of, and Sam is generally easier for him to deal with...
(Also the complicated feelings about Cas)
Sam goes and demolishes that this is about Mary. That Dean might be SAD about her and losing her but that he knows as well as Sam that she's gone because she went into that fight willingly, to protect them.
Cas, on the other hand, Dean absolutely can't see past. Dean's *entire* problem with Jack is because he lost Cas. Because he looks at Jack and sees dead Cas. Sam can explain how Mary chose to punch Lucifer right in the face (hehe) in some easy steps, but Dean then spells out his perception on what happened to Cas because of Jack.
I am so not over how the only time I've seen Dean this angry with Sam is in 9x22 and he yells right in his face and - GAH. I mean he's been angry with him before but it was a cold, sad or defeated anger, usually with tears involved. This is wide eyed, crazed, Mark of Cain Dean, who then walked around the corner and flipped back to a smooshy smile because Cas was there.
And this fight is taking place in almost the same space of turf as that argument, because heeey war room where the wars take place.
At this point, after "you might be able to forget about that, but I can't", I am pretty sure that Destiel has just gone horrifically canon in like the worst possible way, that Dean calls out the difference in their feelings about Cas.
It's literally putting on the table "is sam a dick or does dean just love cas in a special kind of way"
and dear god, Sam is not a dick.
Sam is amazing.
But not as much as Misha Collins who got a special card with his name on and "starring" above it, just for opening his eyes and sitting up.
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saranel · 6 years
The Last Jedi review, sorta
I don’t think I’ve talked enough (if at all) about what a huge Star Wars nerd I am on this blog, mostly because I didn’t love TFA as much as most people seemed to and I just never joined in the renewed fandom frenzy.
TL;DR on my views on TFA: It was fun enough, some interesting new characters, beautiful visuals, but I’d seen that movie before.  It came out in ‘77 and it was much better then.  Homage is one thing, rip off is completely another.  Mostly, I guess I was just disappointed that they didn’t dare to try and move the universe forward a bit, beyond the already trodden path.
Say what you will about the prequels, but I will always, always maintain there’s nothing wrong with them a better script and director couldn’t fix.  George tries, bless him, but he can’t write dialogue worth a damn.  Not even Meryl Streep could’ve made the line “So love has blinded you” any better than Natalie Portman did, and both she and Hayden have proven themselves to be much better actors than they were in Star Wars.  I’m not bothering with Ewan because he was one of the few really great things about the Prequels. 
That having been said, what George can do is weave a decent background story, and the Prequel Trilogy’s story is much, much richer than the OT’s.  Taking off our nostalgia-colored glasses for a moment, let us be honest: the OT was so successful because it did a very simple thing, and did it well, and had a cast with wonderful chemistry. The story itself is nothing to rave about: just your simple Evil Empire vs Plucky Rebels story.  But the Prequels actually got political and much darker than the OT did, they just did it clumsily.  Still, it was something new in the Star Wars universe and George always tried to expand the known worlds by giving us even small glimpses of other cultures and planets.  Don’t forget that Star Wars was never meant to be high-brow Science Fiction a la Philip Dick, but a space adventure.  This doesn’t mean that the story can’t have nuance, but the point of Star Wars was always to be a fairytale exploration of a fictional galaxy.
Compared to that, the new trilogy seemed extremely lacking to me.  And seeing The Last Jedi a few days ago really cemented that.  Never before have I seen so many things happening in one movie while nothing really happens at all.  It makes Attack of the Clones look interesting in comparison, and that’s saying a lot.  ALSO LUKE, WTF HAS THE MOUSE DONE TO MY SPACE SON, THE FUCKING GALL.
So yes, surprise-surprise, TLJ manages to rip off Empire (with a dash of Battlestar Galactica thrown in for good measure) and does so poorly.  It was not a terrible film by any means, but I honestly thought it was no better than Phantom Menace. And Phantom Menace had the Duel of Fates.  So. 
(okay, to be fair, TLJ didn’t have Jar Jar so that’s one point in its favor)
In a nutshell:
(cut for spoilers)
- Poe.  Poe was good. Moar Poe, there was a serious lack of Poe in TFA and it has been rectified, this was a very good decision. 
- The silent scene.  Y’all know the one.  People in my theater literally gasped in unison.  I was bored outta my skull up until then and as soon as I realized what Holdo was about to do, I sat up, all ‘oshit’ and it was amazing.  Beautifully shot, beautifully clever, and the most badass hero death in the SW universe.  Only comes in second in terms of best scene in the movie because the other one involved a more established and beloved character.
- MY SON LUKE KICKING HIS NEPHEW’S ASS LIKE IT AIN’T NO BIG THANG.  In full disagreement over how shit went down between them in the past, but Luke showing Kylo who’s the most goddamn powerful Jedi in the galaxy (which Luke did canonically become in later years btw) was such a rewarding scene.  Also, he was dressed in black.  Like in ROTJ. Because fuck yeah.
- Rey’s parentage.  Most people probably hated that she’s not a Skywalker but I just... kinda loved the suggestion that she was the Force’s answer to Kylo?  It’s happened before with Anakin, so this isn’t exactly new, and Anakin, too, came from ‘nothing.’ I liked it.  She doesn’t have to have illustrious parentage to be important in the series, and as much as I love my Space Drama Queen clan, it’s time the universe moves on from the Kardashians of the galaxy.
- Luke’s death.  I don’t agree with 99% of what went down with Luke in this trilogy, I think it was deeply out of character, but his ending?  That was spot on.  Did I want more out of his storyline? Obviously, but examined in a vacuum, his ending was beautiful to me.  Especially that last scene.  Best scene in the movie from start to end.
- Yoda manipulating the goddamn heavens to rain thunder upon the ancient tree.  Ilu Yoda
- Leia and Holdo discussing Poe.  This was an A+++ short scene. Get it, ladies.
- Snoke is gone, thank the heavens.  Worst-named villain in movie history, I couldn’t stop laughing every time someone said SUPREME LEADER snoke.
- Luke getting his kicks in that boring-ass island via EXTREME ROD FISHING, lmao the nerd
- So, um... Kylo and Rey?  ....ew? (did they not think Finn and Rey were super cute or)
- So, um... Finn and Rose?  ....ookaaaay? (did they not see Poe biting down on his lip when he saw Finn in his jacket or)
- I don’t really care for ships in this trilogy tbh, whatever.  Guess I’m steering clear from attachment until I know who’s related to whom (THIS IS A DANGEROUS UNIVERSE TO SHIP IN OKAY).  Plus, not really feeling particularly strong toward any couple, just... not Kylo and Rey, ew.
- Rose.  I liked her, but... they hardly gave her anything to do.  That casino storyline was such a mess, made it seem like she was there just to be there.
- Finn’s storyline. Snoozefest.  I like him, but... see above.
- lol wtf happened to Chewie...? He was just... there?
- SPACE-WALKING LEIA.  I’M SORRY, OKAY, I know this scene will be big with many people, and lord knows I wanted to see Space Mom use the Force beyond that Spidey Sense shit, but this was just so dumb. 
- All the ‘humor.’ My god, just... no.  Not every scene needs to be steeped in Whedon-speak, please stahp.  I will admit the first scene got a chuckle out of me, but the rest...
- The ‘plot.’  This was literally an extended car chase scene in space with some Sense8 type shit thrown in. Rey hardly even did any training, ffs.  
- so the force-sensitive member of the trio goes on to be trained by a wise, isolated mentor and finds herself drawn to a place steeped in the dark side and ends up seeing only herself reflected in there, meanwhile the rest of the characters are involved in a chase across the galaxy, running away from the evil empire, and at some point decide to ask for help form a well-known swindler who betrays them and in the end everything seems bleak with just a tiny glimmer of hope. HMMMMMM. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. 
- quite frankly, I’m still in shock Rey finished the film with two fully biological arms
- O hei, look, it’s The Salty planet Hoth.  With pod-racing.
- Really? Rey blushing at shirtless Kylo? Really
- The whole damn Casino storyline.  I don’t care if it’s meant to set up something for the last movie (probably not) but it was long, boring, and a clumsily written attempt at a storyline that could’ve been more nuanced and a good addition.
- why did we have to see Luke milk that alien Y
- Leia (and Han in TFA) giving up on her son instead of beating some sense into his ass with a space slipper. Y’ALL KNOW SHE WOULD.  Baaaaad characterization. Space Mom would never.
- Also, fuck whoever decided that Leia, who canonically has the exact same force potential as Luke because they’re twins, never developed her powers beyond Force Sense or whatever.  If you’re not gonna give the woman a lightsaber, at least have her Force Push fools out of her way. 
- Wtf Rey you obliterated that nice alien’s cart and didn’t even apologize they work hard every day you should be ashamed
- why was it meant to be funny when porgs were slapped around wtf
- “what’s that canon?”  “Basically a small death star” kjashKLAFJSHSAJKDFSADFHSAK 
- Kylo. Can he just die, plz, the expanded universe did the Evil Solo son storyline so much better.  Yet another way in which this trilogy is totes an ~*homage*~  No shade on the actor though, he did a great job.  It’s just the violent manchild character I cannot stand.
- So like... we’re never gonna learn what Snoke’s deal was...? Or how he got to Kylo...? ....Okay then.
- This movie was 2 and a half hours long.
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Could you give me some fluffy or angsty headcanons on Steph/Jason? They're my OTP and also so, so rare haha
JAYSTEPH IS MY FAVORITE RAREPAIR I LOVE THESE TWO AND I THINK THEY’D BE SO GOOD TOGETHER TBH. seriously though, I’ve always said that there’s huge potential for a really compelling dynamic with these two… they have so much in common and they’d balance so well…. @ dc let jason and stephanie be friends you cowards
Okay, so, comic timelines are generally a mess, and I’m really, really bad about reading storylines out of order anyway, so I don’t actually know if Stephanie’s death happened before or after the Under The Hood storyline. But either way, I’m pretty sure that when Jason found out that another Robin “died” in the line of duty, he’d be really torn up about it, even if he’d never met Stephanie before that point. 
And when he finds out how Bruce reacted to Stephanie’s death, he’s livid. I mean, Jason has his issues with the Batdad, sure, but at least Bruce mourned Jason. Jay got a gravestone and a memorial in the Batcave – Stephanie got nothing. (Later we find out that this is because Bruce knew she wasn’t really dead, but Jason doesn’t know that and he’s furious. Like, scary furious. He never even met this kid, but he knows she deserves better than this.) 
Stephanie, for her part, has never understood the rest of the Batfam’s hostility toward Jason – sure, he’s done some bad things, but he’s Bruce’s son. She also can’t say she blames him or even disagrees with his methods – Stephanie of all people knows that sometimes you have to take drastic measures to deal with criminals, and she’s always quietly disagreed with Bruce’s very black-and-white morality system.
It’s because of all this that Stephanie starts reaching out to Jason when she goes solo as Spoiler again. She doesn’t have Bruce’s limitless budget, or Dick’s knack for making powerful allies, or Barbara’s hacking skills, and she knows that the Red Hood has both the connections and the reputation to help her establish herself in Gotham’s underworld, and she’s not so proud that she won’t ask for help.
Jason is a little shocked when he finally meets Spoiler face-to-face because she reminds him so much of himself back in his Robin days. She’s snarky and passionate and has personal reasons for wanting to get as many criminals off the streets as possible, and it all feels achingly familiar. He’s also a little horrified because she has way less training than he or any of the other Robins did, and she was basically tortured to death, and yet she’s already throwing herself back into the game, and she’s even doing it with a goofy smile and bad puns. 
His thought process is basically, “Someone’s gotta help this kid out before she gets herself killed again,” and since Bruce has turned down her offers to join Team Batman, Jason guesses he’ll have to do it himself. 
What starts out as a strictly professional working relationship quickly evolves into a friendship that both of them desperately needed. From the constant stream of witty banter and playful teasing while they’re on patrol together to Jason helping her edit her English papers to Stephanie inviting him to spend Thanksgiving with her and her mom since she knows he doesn’t have anyone else to celebrate with, working together is a very positive thing for both of them. 
Stephanie “I fall in love with literally all of my best friends” Brown is definitely the first one to realize she’s Caught Feelings™, but because Jason is a couple of years older and she never really hears him talk about romance, she assumes that he’s not interested and just kinda shrugs it off. And she’s so flirtatious and affectionate in her platonic relationships that nothing really changes in her behavior now that she’s developed a crush. 
Jason takes a lot longer to realize that his feelings for Stephanie may have progressed past the friendship level. He and Steph were probably having a movie night or something and somewhere in the middle of the movie she falls asleep with her head on his shoulder and he finds himself looking down at her with this goofy grin on his face and then he’s just – oh shit. 
He also tries to shrug it off (bc baby boy has some self-esteem issues and probably assumes Steph could do better than him), but he’s a lot less skilled at hiding his emotions than she is, so it only takes a couple of weeks before Stephanie pulls him aside and asks if he’s doing okay, because she’s noticed he’s been acting a little weird lately? 
And Jason is just. screaming inside, but she’s looking at him with those big blue eyes and this really concerned expression and he’s pretty sure he’s forgotten how to breathe. He says in this really quiet voice, “I’m about to do something really stupid. Stop me if you’re uncomfortable, okay?” and then he kisses her.
Imagine his surprise when she throws her arms around his shoulders and enthusiastically returns the kiss. 
When they come up for air, she grins and quips, “Actually, I think that’s the best idea you’ve had in a while.” And then kisses him again.
This post is starting to get kinda long bc I have A Lot of Feelings about these two, but I’m gonna stop it here. (I’m literally always craving jaysteph content tho so like…. hmu if you have more requests or have your own headcanons you wanna share.) 
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