#she and abbey are my favorites i think
death-limes · 4 months
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she has like... lovehandles! and she's still not skinny even from the side! (that's my big beef with a lot of "plus size" fashion dolls) and aside from the joints being a little stiffer than the other dolls (which could just be bc she's new) she seems to have just as much articulation as everyone else
crying...... thank you monster high...........
(my only complaint is that her neck looks a bit long proportionally to the rest of her body but that's not a huge deal)
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silverthelovebug · 9 months
I love giving Cupid bitches!!!!!!!!
and I’m insane about each one !!!!
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lieutenantpepper · 11 months
i couldn't include every release (eg magical mystery tour) due to limited poll options :( also tag if your favorite song is off your fav album (for me it's not!) and if u want what song it is!
pls rb for sample size i am very curious
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akascow · 1 year
who do i have to kill to get my goddamn hands on a g3 abbey doll at its retail price what the fuck
im more confused than anything because the release dates i find keep changing (june 23 to july 23 to august 23)
but also some people have it in hand or some people are already selling for double the price but also local stores or anything online just arent available
so im just like🧍🏻‍♀️ what is happening
what am i missing lmfao
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beauzos · 1 year
Tazmily couples ranked by how cute they are (they’re all S tier except Pusher/Elmore and Lisa/Thomas)
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wattscn · 1 year
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see-arcane · 1 month
I have been possessed by a stronger than average craving for tinkering with Jonathan Harker's genders (Jonders). Jonathan Harker is undeniably and forever my favorite gothic heroine. But, being that there is so much to chew on regarding his potential fluidity when it comes to gender roles within the story--the classic damsel, the willingly submissive half of the couple, the vengeful berserker, etc--it's got me thinking.
Let's take the metaphor out. What would happen to the Dracula narrative if Jonathan Harker was...
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First thing's first--she almost definitely gets shouldered out of the Important Solicitor's position due to reasons of Being Girl. But she still has to get to Transylvania to be menaced by Count Bat Bastard. How?
Hawkins! Johanna is working at the firm as a secretary and personal assistant to a still very paternally mushy old Peter Hawkins. When Dracula's request comes around, he can't give up such a lucrative client over his gout and there's no one he trusts to pass it to. He has to go. And it'd only be right to treat his surrogate daughter to a paid scenic vacation have his aide along on the business trip. Especially when she hunted down Carfax Abbey herself! What a lovely outing they'll have.
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...or not.
True to form, Count Dracula is very much not to be trusted around pretty young things of any kind. Considering his canon habits, things aren't about to go any easier for Miss Harker. But at least she has Hawkins watching out for her in-person! It all makes for some very tense talk when discussing anything other than the estate purchase; which Hawkins seems as keen to rush as Dracula is to dawdle over. But at least they'll be out of here soon. What's a couple of awkward nights, right?
One in particular has Johanna nervous as she goes to bed. Hawkins had taken Dracula aside with a hard smile, insisting there was a 'delicate matter' he wished to speak with the Count about. The last time a 'delicate matter' was brought up was when he nearly lobbed a typewriter at one of his ex-solicitor's heads for some distinctly unseemly behavior in her direction. She hopes there isn't a storm brewing under their host's roof. She hopes harder that tomorrow they'll be heading back to the Borgo Pass.
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Oh no.
Between this and one requisite nightmare-week in which the joys of womanhood come and go--let's leave it unspoken whether her set of bloodstained cloths stay in her possession or not--Johanna gets put through the wringer. Per usual. But eventually..!
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Yeah. No shock there. Deep calming breaths, Jack. Don't let the wonderful diary concuss you.
Part of being one of two (gasp) G I R L S in the Scooby Gang, Van Helsing and company vote Johanna and Mina out of the dirt hunt. Except. Well. Johanna is still necessary to have on the ground here. She's the only one with the location intel--and a surprise willed gift of inheritance and the firm from poor Hawkins, who the Transylvanian locals all vouch for as being 'slain by wolves,' leaving Johanna free of blame--so she's still running around for the crew.
Even so, odds are high that she initially gets sidelined with Mina. Which isn't overly awful. It is good to be side-by-side in this timeline! No needless sequestering from each other! Johanna is already planning to see Mina back to their new house before they have to sleep another night in an asylum.
And then comes the 3rd of October.
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Van Helsing: "Madam Harker, is it not somewhat attention-catching to wear trousers in public? We are meant to be unremarkable while we wait on th--"
Johanna, has already smoked through two cigars, kukri in her lap, playing a game of chicken with God: "Do you think I scaled a mountain in three layers of skirts, Professor? No? Then I will not do the same if the rancid bastard tries to escape out the window."
Van Helsing, aside: "Friend John, can you speak sense to her?"
Jack, melting off the side of the bench: "I think I hauve consumption"
Anyway. She very much does get to the Dracula head chopping. And there will be much rejoicing. BUT all that grimdarkness aside, there are other, more hijinks-flavored opportunities to think of with this particular set up. If only because I genuinely believe that Lucy and Art, having two spare best friends on hand and a general vibe that radiates 'ooooh what if triple wedding???', would come up with the following master plan. Some truly Shakespearean folly kind of shit:
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Thankfully, Johanna and Mina nix the idea pretty quick. Case in point:
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And, last but not least, my final word on the range of Jonders that exist within my very best gothic heroine friend:
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ha ha I do that
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jesawyer · 9 months
Out of all the residents of Kiersau do you have a favourite? Do you have a favourite pentiment character overall?
Illuminata was my favorite abbey character to write. She probably got more of my writing time than anyone else at Kiersau and she was an interesting character to develop. I think I originally conceived her as being even more strict and uptight, but as I continued iterating on her, I found sympathy and leniency in her.
On one of my last writing passes, I added a branch in Act I where you can ask her if she prefers the strict Father Gernot to the lenient Father Mathias. She says it's her duty to obey so it doesn't matter, but, "... every child would prefer that their parents err toward love. To err toward love is to stumble at the feet of God."
She's strict and judgmental but in the end she bends toward forgiveness and grace.
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lovable-liar · 1 year
OMG THOUGHTS: being hasan's partner and another host on fear&? recently started watching the podcast and there's so much chaos going on lol
𝗛𝗮𝘀𝗮𝗻 + 𝗙𝗲𝗮𝗿& 𝗖𝗼-𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
🔞 One slightly NSFW point
So much to say, so little time…
I’m gonna break this down into scenarios and actual episodes!
QT absolutely lets you come to see Taylor, no questions asked. She loves you.
Will gets you a onesie based on your FAVORITE thing in this episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmFb4kgGJ7c&t=2307s
Helping Hasan with his ear and being there to see this and having basically the same reaction as Hasan (41:06): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urq6k1eL3xw&t=2989s
Your guys’ reactions go viral on twitter and some couples make them into matching pfps.
(Maybe, possibly, trying it out with him?)
Sitting in between him and Will (you would definitely be best friends with Austin and QT but you are by far closest with Will)
On the days that you guys have had an argument, you sit next to QT and Austin sits between Will and Hasan instead, but later in the pod you guys make up:
“Welcome back to the Fear& podcast, today I am joined with my co-hosts: Will, Austin, QT and Y/N.”
“Oh, so I’m Y/N now?”
“Okay- can we just- establish for the podcast. Austin, QT and I got here and found Hasan and Y/N giving each other the silent treatment and I’d just love for you guys to tell the viewers why.” Will points out, sounding very amused.
“He called me Kaya.”
“It was an accident!”
“You think I’m a dog!”
“No I don’t!”
“Yeah, you do! You think I’m a big, slobbering dog!”
But then, Austin and Will get up to help the postmates guy get to the house (because you’re in a gated community) and QT has to take a call, leaving you and Hasan alone (minus Marche.)
“I didn’t mean to call you Kaya.”
“I didn’t mean to! I’m sorry!”
“Sure you are.”
“I love Kaya.”
“I love you.”
“In a way it’s a compliment.”
“To be equated to a big, slobbering dog?”
“No. To be equated to another thing I love very much, regardless of what it is! I mean, at least I didn’t objectify you like Steven Crowder did with his wife recently!”
“You have such a way with words, Hasan.”
“I’m very sorry, though, darling.”
“I forgive you. I’m sorry for giving you the silent treatment instead of talking about it.”
The chaos is INSANE!
Getting to have a gossip section with QT every episode <3
Being SUPER hungover (whether you drank or not) on an episode after going to the Abbey with Austin.
If you crochet or knit (like I do) you definitely make a blanket big enough for all of you to share, you make coasters for everyone (including for guests to take home) and even make everyone their own sweater with the “Fear&” logo on it for every holiday <3
Sitting on Hasan’s lap during this episode because there aren’t enough seats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIB-ArzKvAk&t=144s
Schlatt teaching you chopsticks on this episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBUQE-LnoaE&t=3922s
Then you teach Hasan how to play and you guys get really competitive over it that you have a whole segment on why Schlatt loves playing it so much and why he would burden such a healthy relationship with such a major competitive sport 
Telling relationship stories <3
Either QT taking your food requests over anyone else, or, helping her make requests!
Being BY FAR the funniest host on the podcast, people ask you if your back hurts having to carry it on twitter
Having Kaya in your lap all the time (when she starts getting bigger, she’s able to lay over all three of your laps at the same time)
You and Hasan often spend hours brainstorming episode ideas, discussing potential guests, and planning the overall direction of the podcast
While Hasan is known for his passionate and outspoken approach, your hosting style balances the dynamic. You provide a more measured and analytical perspective, creating a harmonious on-air chemistry that the audience appreciates
When you and Hasan disagree on a topic, it often leads to passionate debates on the podcast. These debates are respectful and engaging, showcasing your ability to “argue” and uphold a healthy, loving relationship
He will ALWAYS respect and ultimately agree with your opinion on who to bring onto the podcast
You both have your own rituals during podcasts to calm everyone down.
People have made compilations of you telling everyone to “breathe” like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVO9f04c2R0
Decorating the room with trinkets you find!
Decorating everyone’s mic with stickers that pertain to them <3
Giving the table a theme every now and again like making it look like a dinner table during the Mormon episode, making it look like a little laboratory, etc.
Doing activities! With the laboratory table in mind, I’m thinking doing those kid’s science kits where you can grow your own crystals, make a robot, and make an erupting volcano!
Making gingerbread houses with everyone (including Marche) even if it’s not the holidays
Painting pottery <3
Writing all your worries and frustrations on a plate, only to smash them behind the paywall <3
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gravehags · 3 months
Your choice of Papa or ghoul/ghoulette f!reader can be NSFW or not.
New sibling of sin jumpy over everything. Every little sound.
Hope this helps!!
the ghovie got my on my papa iv shit. something sweet for you :)
The clatter of your dropped mop echoes in the marble room and you look guiltily at the mausoleum occupants as if you've somehow disturbed their rest. You didn't think you were easily freaked out before you joined the Ministry but ever since moving in as a novice after your unholy baptism you've been on edge. The sister who assigned the duties around the abbey must have smelled the fear on you when she tightly smirked and informed you you would be working graveyard cleaning duties in the Emeritus crypt. Bitch, you think sourly as you push your reacquired mop into your bucket and slide it along the floor. You didn't know what you had expected when you joined the Ministry but the precarious social hierarchy is not something you particularly excel at. More than anything you just want to catch a glimpse of Papa once more. When you attended your first ritual and watched him on stage in those tight pants and sequined jacket you were enthralled - and that was before he even started singing. Your infatuated sigh echoes in the dimly lit room as you think about his big, gloved hands and what they could do to--
"Eh, hello."
"Fucking shit!" you shriek, once again dropping your mop and spinning on the spot with your hand over your mouth. The person standing before you winces. He's slight and wears a red velour tracksuit over a black shirt that says something you can't see from your position. On his feet are black dress shoes and his hands - currently anxiously clasping each other - sport black leather gloves. When you look at his face - bare except for the black paints around the eyes and upper lip you've come to associate with most upper clergy - it takes you a minute of squinting before you're able to mentally apply the rest of the makeup.
"Oh God," you breathe, "You're him."
"God?" he asks, "Eheh, no I'm definitely not him."
You force yourself to not roll your eyes.
"No," you say, taking a tentative step towards him, "You're Papa."
"Ah," he says, nodding with a nervous little smile, "Yes. I am...he."
There's something so different about the short, slender man who stands before you in comparison to his oversized stage presence. This man is softer, sweeter, and his demeanor immediately sets you at ease.
"I was at the Albuquerque ritual," you blurt out, "Last year's tour? I...you were wonderful. I hadn't heard the band before that night but afterwards I went home and spent all night listening to your music. It's...it's why I joined the Ministry."
"I'm honored, sorella," he murmurs, taking a small step towards you, "And now you're eh, stuck here doing graveyard mop duty."
Oh yeah. You have a job you should be doing. A job that you're neglecting in front of your boss.
"Shit, sorry, let me just--"
"No, no!" he interjects, reaching out to you as you start to stoop to pick up your mop. "We are having such a nice conversation. Will you sit with me?"
He gestures to the lone marble bench in the room and your heart skips a beat.
"O-Of course, Papa," you say, stepping over and slowly lowering yourself. He follows suit, groaning slightly as he sits. A comfortable silence passes between the two of you when he gestures up at one of the crypts.
"That's my dad," he says. You squint at the name inscribed on the marble.
"Papa Nihil," you murmur, "I love the songs he put out."
Papa's lips turn down in a frown and he looks at you askance.
"They're not that good," he mutters, crossing his arms.
"Not as good as 'Life Eternal'," you say, tangling your fingers in your lap, "Shit, that sounded like such ass-kissing, I am so sorry--"
Papa's frown morphs into a gentle smile, his mismatched eyes glittering in the low light.
"You liked Prequelle?"
"Liked it? It's...it's my favorite."
The way he puffs out his chest and looks ridiculously smug makes you giggle.
"I cried the first time I heard 'Life Eternal' - that night when I got home from the ritual? Must have been 3 am and I was sitting on my apartment balcony listening to the album from my shitty portable speaker. I think that was the moment I decided to come here."
"I...I am very pleased to hear that, sorella. How do you find the Ministry so far?"
"I um..." you begin, chewing on your bottom lip, "It's..."
"I know exactly what you mean," Papa nods with a sigh.
"Don't get me wrong," you say hastily, "I don't regret my decision it's just...a lot like high school so far."
Papa snorts.
"It is. And if you don't know the right people or say the right things or fit in the way you should you end up-" he gestures at the cold room you both currently sit in "-here. On shitty graveyard shift surrounded by dead papas. A fate I do not think you deserve, sorella."
"You...you don't?"
"Nah," he confirms. He pauses a moment as if considering something and then turns to you.
"Are you eh, any good with computers? Paperwork?"
You laugh.
"I was a secretary in my uh...past life. Had to take it up after my art career flopped. Why do you ask?"
Papa raises a hand to smooth the skin on his upper lip as if he's used to hairs being present there.
"I've been meaning to hire an assistant," he says slowly and your heart stops, "Sister's been chewing my ass out about it. You interested?"
Interested? In working with directly with the man responsible for you changing your whole life? The man you spent an entire concert sighing over, your heart pounding in your chest?
"Papa, I would be honored," you murmur. He gives you a smile and makes a goofy little noise.
"Perfetto!" he says, clapping his hands and rising to his feet. You do the same, a ridiculous grin on your face.
"I'll eh, notify the right people. Ah shit, I don't even know your name."
You tell him and when he repeats it back to you you nearly faint at the sound of it coming out of his mouth. He smiles once more and turns to leave when you boldly reach out a hand and touch his arm.
"Papa...thank you. For everything. I mean it."
He waves a hand at you and even in the dim light of the mausoleum you can see his cheeks turn pink. The sight delights you.
"It's nothing. Buonanotte, sorella. And eh, fuck the mopping. Go to bed."
You laugh.
"If you say so. Good night, Papa."
He gives you one last smile and nod and leaves the crypt. And if your eyes are on the movement of his rear as he exits the room, you'll never tell.
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hsfan94 · 1 month
AN: In honour of Short N Sweet coming out, here's one I wrote a year ago from the google docs. It was originally going to have a sad ending but I changed it up to fit how I'm feeling now. I hope you like it!
Y/n felt so stupid. The worst part was that she couldn’t even be mad. She was the one who got it so wrong. She could throw up from how stupid and sad she felt at the present moment. However, she was squished between Gemma and Harry in the first row of a balcony seating section at the National Theatre so she couldn’t escape.
Y/n met Harry in early 2019. She had just started out as a writer and producer. She got a call to come in for a studio session but wasn’t told anything else about the project. When she got there and walked in to see Harry Styles sitting casually on the couch in a white t-shirt and corduroys her heart stopped. It started up again, racing, when he stood up and came to greet her. Instead of shaking her hand like she would have expected, he enveloped her in the coziest hug ever.
“I’m so glad you were available to come today.” He told her, pulling back just enough to make eye contact. “I’m such a huge fan.”
She was shocked that he had heard anything she’d worked on let alone that he liked it. 
“Thank you,” she said. “What’s this project we’re working on today all about?”
The biggest smile grew on his face as he started to tell her all about the record and the last few songs that needed finishing. 
They hit it off so well that they never missed a chance to work together and hung out as often as possible.
That led her to here. Now. Y/n was in love with him. She hadn’t planned to fall, but with Harry it was as easy as breathing. Looking at him just melted her from the inside out, hearing his voice could calm any worry she had. Her favorite color became the exact shade of his eyes. Her favorite songs were the ones he wrote that she could imagine were about her. Realistically she knew none of them were but she’d written about him so it was nice to imagine the other way around. He was everything to her. He was also the only one who didn’t know. 
So, here she was. She had been staying in London for a project with Jack Antonoff at Abbey Road and she had gotten a call last night from her Harry. 
“What are you up to tomorrow night?” He had said, voice soft and unsure. It almost sounded like he was nervous. 
“Nothing, it’s my day off, why?” She said, picking at a piece of her comforter that had a loose thread.
“Would you want to come see this play, “The Effect”, with me?” He sounded hopeful. She could hear it in his inflections. Like he really wanted her there. 
“Harry, you already know I’d do anything you ask me to.” She smiled against her phone at the sound of his laugh coming through the line. 
“Okay then, I’ll text you the details. See you tomorrow, Y/n.”
She should’ve known from the text that her interpretation was wrong. 
It seemed like it was a date when he asked. But as she walked along the river, she couldn’t help but think that if it was a date, he would’ve picked her up and they would have gone together. 
The thought was shattered even more when she saw Gemma and Michael standing outside the theatre where he had asked her to meet him. 
Gemma, who was dressed in a lovely evening gown, noticed her rather quickly. She unhooked her arm from where it was locked with Michael’s and closed the short distance between them. 
“Y/n, I didn’t know you were coming,” she said, engulfing Y/n in a tight hug. 
“I could say the same.” Y/n pulled away first and glanced between her two friends. 
“Harry didn’t tell you we were coming too?” Gemma quirked her eyebrow in that very specific way that only she and her brother can. 
Y/n only shook her head. She noticed both their gazes turn to something akin to pity so she quickly shot her focus to the stones under her feet. They were quite interesting really. Not quite cobble stone but not pavement either. 
“Oh. Well. Maybe he just forgot he invited us then.”
Y/n could hear in Gemma’s voice that she already knew what Y/n had thought. But before more could be said both her and Gemma’s phones chimed with a text saying the plan had changed and he would meet them inside. 
Y/n’s heart fell that much more when the three of them made their way through the doors. Harry was leaning against a wall, talking animatedly to a beautiful woman. She was around five foot five and all around the complete opposite of Y/n. He had that specific twinkle in his eye that only shows up when he’s interested in someone. Just as Y/n was mentally comparing the exact differences in her and the other woman’s body type, Harry looked over and made eye contact with her. She quickly forced a smile and waved at him. He leaned over and whispered something in the other woman’s ear and then strode over to meet the three of them.
“I’m so glad you could come,” he said, pulling Y/n into a hug. 
“Well I didn’t have much else going on.” She tried to keep an airiness in her voice to mask her true feelings.
“Gem, Micheal, it means a lot.” He shook Micheal’s hand and hugged Gemma.
“Yeah, I looked it up online and I’m quite excited. Thank you so much for the invite.” Gemma gave a very subtle nervous glance between Harry, Y/n and the woman he didn’t introduce them to but clearly came with.
“Well,” he reached into his coat pocket, “here are the tickets. You guys go ahead and find the seats, I’ll be up in a bit.” 
As soon as Gemma took them from him, he turned around and made his way back to his previous spot against the wall.
The three of them made it to the seats and sat in an uncomfortable silence. The tension Harry had created in just that short little encounter was weighing down on them. Harry made his way to them just before curtain and right as the play started he placed his hand on Y/n’s knee, squeezed and whispered, “I’m really glad you came.”
The whole play Y/n couldn’t focus on the actual show. She was swimming in circles in her mind trying to figure out why she had got it wrong, trying her best not to cry, and debating how to escape without drawing suspicion. There was no worse feeling than the one she got when, between all of those other attention grabbers, she would look over and see Harry staring down at Taylor (she learned her name from the program) with the most loving gaze. When the play finally ended, Y/n waited through the clapping and cheering, joining in to not arouse suspicion, but then made a great escape.
“Harry,” she said gently just as they got back to the lobby.
“Yes, love?”
“Thank you for the invite, I really have to head home though, I’m not feeling too well.” To be fair, it wasn’t a lie.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” He pulled her into a hug. “I hope you feel better, text me if you need anything.”
She just nodded and walked briskly out the door. She didn’t even make it ten feet before tears started streaming, silently, down her face.
Harry was concerned. He had tried to get ahold of Y/n the next day to see if she was feeling any better but his calls kept going to voicemail. He wanted to introduce her to Taylor but never got the chance. Now that it had been over 24 hours (and counting) and she still had not replied to his calls and texts, he was beginning to panic. What if something terrible had happened to her on her walk home. He picked up his phone to call her for the hundredth time and it went to voicemail again.
“Y/n, it’s me again. I need to know if you’re okay. I was also hoping to discuss some things with you while you’re in town and I know you were supposed to be leaving next week… but maybe the plans changed since you have fallen ill. I’m rambling, sorry. Please, please, please just at least text me. Anything just to let me know you’re alive.”
He hung up and decided to call his sister to see if she had heard from her or noticed if something was off.
“Hey, H, what’s up?”
“Have you heard from Y/n.” He rushed the words out almost on top of her’s.
“I’m well, thanks for asking, you?” Gemma’s tone was drenched in sarcasm.
“I’m serious, Gem, I’m really worried. She’s not responding to my messages. Did she seem okay last night?” He ran a hand through his hair as he paced around the room.
Gemma let out a loud, exasperated sigh. “Harry, are you dense?”
“Excuse me?” 
“Of course she wasn’t okay last night,” she said, pausing to see if she would be interrupted again and continued when he stayed silent. “You invited her to a play that you failed to mention you invited me and Micheal to as well and then she goes inside to find out you have a girlfriend.”
Color him confused. “Okay… I’m not following.”
“Right. Dense.” She took another deep breath. “I feel as though I’m betraying her trust by disclosing to you but I also cannot for the life of me believe you could be so blind. She thought it was a date.”
“Why would she think that?” His heart sped up a little.
“Hmmm… Let’s think shall we? One, you have been joined at the hip for nearly five years. Two, she was under the impression that you were both single. Three, she’s madly in love with you. Four, you’ve been-”
“What was that?” He cut her off.
“Which part? None of this should be new information.” It came out biting and flooded with irritation.
“She’s… in love with me?”
“Yes, you idiot. Do you even have a brain?”
“Oi! No need to be rude or come for my intellect. I had no idea.”
Gemma sighed again, very defeated. “Do you even hear how she talks about you? Do you see the way she looks at you? Have you heard her songs? It’s so clear to everyone who has been around you two.” He was stunned into silence. “So back to your original question, no. She’s very hurt and embarrassed. I called her last night to check in and she had been crying and insisting she was so stupid and foolish for thinking you could ever want to ask her on a date.” His heart cracked. “It was heartbreaking and I kept trying to tell her you were the stupid one but she rushed to your defense as always, your greatest defender. So I imagine she just needs some space. I know you wanted to talk to her about album four but I think the last thing she needs is to potentially hear poems about another woman who’s place she could never hope to take.”
He hadn’t realized he started crying. It was a combination of things he supposed. The influx of all this new, overwhelming information, his best friend being so upset she had holed herself up somewhere to avoid him like the plague, and his sister having such a beautiful way with words and immense concern for his friend.
“I really had no idea. I’m such an ass.”
As if she noticed the choked sound of his crying, Gemma’s voice softened. “Not an ass, just a little oblivious. But you have strung her along a bit. I mean she would argue that it's all one-sided, but I’ve been around you two a lot, including the Christmas you brought her home because “she would have spent it alone otherwise” which is very boyfriend-y.”
“How do I fix it? How can I make it right?”
“Well, I can’t say for sure you can. If you love her the way she loves you, which I suspect you might even if you have a girlfriend, then the answer is simple. If not, then I guess give her time. Hell, I’d give her time either way. But if it’s the second one, you might have to accept that she may never get over you and therefore continuing on like you were would be an asshole thing to do.”
“Thank you, for the advice. Ummm. I guess I have some things to think about.”
“You will do the right thing, baby brother, I know you will. You are a great person and an even better friend. Also, don’t tell her I told you all this.”
He let out a half hearted chuckle. “Of course. I love you.”
“Love you too!”
And with that she hung up. And Harry had never felt so heavy hearted.
Y/n had been religiously ignoring his texts and calls. She felt so stupid and embarrassed. Of course it wasn’t going to be a date and she could not believe she’d thought that so easily. Her anger and sadness were only directed at herself but she still couldn’t bear to hear his voice just yet. 
She lived and breathed music. So music was the answer. She wanted to send him a signal. She never wanted to outright tell him as it could go so wrong. But he sounded so worried, she wanted him to have a slice of understanding behind her distance. 
She pulled up her camera, sat down at her piano and started singing.
“Oh so you do have a type and it's not me…”
She poured her heart and soul into the session with Sabrina over a year ago. They had something in common at the time. They were both lovelorn over someone who preferred other people.
“She looks nothing like me, so why do you look so happy?”
She recorded the whole song on her camera app and posted it to instagram with the caption, “reminiscing on writing this beauty with @sabrinacarpenter”.
She put her phone away for at least an hour, not wanting to see immediate reactions.
When she did get the courage to look she saw that Gemma had commented crying emojis and that Harry had in fact liked both the post and her comment. She was unsure if her message was really received but she tried not to think about it as she fell asleep.
There were knives lodged in his heart and shoved down his throat when he popped on to see her post after Gemma sent him a text about it. He loved that song. He had been the first person she showed it to when they wrote it. Yet, he never guessed it was about him and (what he assumes based on the time of writing) Olivia. But now it had more meaning to her as he did it again. Chose to be happy with someone else who in fact looks nothing like her. 
The truth was Harry had no idea if he loved her the way she loved him. From what he was uncovering about her love for him, he didn’t even know if he could love anyone that way. 
He had never shown romantic interest in her, sure, but he couldn’t understand why she was convinced he could never be interested in her that way. She was smart, talented, funny and kind. He thought she was the kind of person anyone would be lucky to end up with. He remembered one thing but that couldn’t have been enough to implant that in her head, could it?
“Is one of these ladies your date?” Jack motioned between Gemma and Y/n. 
“That’s my sister.” Harry pointed at Gemma. He was going to explain who Y/n was but Jack started off on a tangent about families and the award show. Everyone was laughing and then all of the sudden Jack had left the table and Harry noticed Y/n seemed a little off the rest of the night. 
Maybe she had thought that was a date as well and he brushed her off, be it unintentionally, and not even introduced her to Jack. But it didn’t really explain what about him overall could give her such an impression. 
If he was honest, he had never given himself time to truly think about how he feels for her. They met when he was still broken up about Camille and he really needed a friend. In a way getting to know her helped him pick up the pieces. Not too long after that though, they were separated for a long period of time because of the pandemic and then he all but ran into Olivia’s open arms. He had seen Y/n a lot in the eight months he had been single this past year and he always really enjoyed their time together but he never gave himself a moment to stop and explore how he felt about her. 
Now he found himself conflicted. He truly thought he was falling in love with Taylor but thinking about Y/n in this way (with deep thought and the ability to isolate himself and his feelings) he was starting to question his understanding of romantic love. He knew he didn’t love Taylor the way Y/n loved him. But he didn’t think he loved Y/n that way either and wouldn’t it be cruel for her to end up with someone who couldn’t give her that? Who couldn’t give her what she deserved? Gemma had told him to give Y/n time but now he felt as though he needed time too. 
Dejected, he stood up from the couch, where he had been staring out the window for the last hour, and picked up his phone. 
“Hey,” he said, when she answered. “Can we talk?”
“Thank you for coming,” Harry said, standing up from his usual table to greet her.
“Of course,” Taylor made a move to kiss him but he turned so she only caught his cheek. If it bothered her she didn’t let it show on her face.
They sat down and let silence fall over them.
“I don’t really know how to say what I want to say.” Harry played with the rings on his fingers. He was having a hard time looking at her as he knew he was about to hurt her. 
She reached across the table and grabbed his hand. Running her thumb over his knuckles she said “Take your time, yeah? I’ve got all day.”
She was so sweet and patient and he felt terrible. But he’d been stupid and rushed into something without thinking and this is where it got him.
“I think we should, maybe, take a break.” His eyes were still fixed to his hands and hers that laid on top.
“Is that… I mean… Is that really what you want? You seem unsure.” Her tone was patient and calm as if his answer didn’t matter as much to her as she thought it would to him.
“I mean yes? I know that I’m not coming off very sure. Let me start over. I’ve really enjoyed our time together and I truly think I’m falling for you but…”
“There’s someone else?” 
“What?” His eyes finally met hers.
“That’s what it is isn’t it?” She slowly removed her hands from his. “Harry, I think you’re great and the last few months have been a lot of fun, but I’m not stupid. That girl that came to the play, it’s her right?” She took a sip of her water, ever so patiently, as if she truly wouldn’t care either way because all he could find on her face was absolute understanding and it somehow made him feel worse.
“I didn’t know. You have to understand that. It seems I’m the last to know.” He paused to get a deep breath. “She’s one of my best friends and I invited her to introduce you, but she ran out saying she didn’t feel good. I hadn’t heard from her and I was worried sick because she walked home that night and my sister told me she was upset because she thought I invited her on a date. I’ve been running around my mind in circles trying to figure everything out but I’m just so lost and confused.”
She nodded once and then spoke again. “Let me help. Close your eyes.” He fluttered his lids shut and she continued. “It’s your wedding day, the music just started and the bride is coming towards you, who is it?”
He felt a smile overtake his face at the mental image of his best friend floating down an isle filled with petals, she was wearing a beautiful white dress and… His eyes shot open. “Woah.” The only word he could say.
“It was her, yeah?” For the first time Taylor had a hint of sadness outlining her features.
He nodded his head. “That was crazy, I’ve never thought about my wedding before like that.” After his initial shock faded he looked up at her apologetically. “You’re really great Taylor. You deserve someone amazing. I’m sorry that it can’t be me.”
She stood up from the table, leaned down to kiss his cheek again and spoke one last time. “Thank you Harry, you’re a great guy. I wish you all the best.” 
And just like that she left the pub and he was left alone again only this time he was more sure of what he wanted.
Y/n’s phone had been ringing non-stop and it was really getting in the way of the session.
“Y/n are you sure you don’t need to get that?” Jack asked her.
When it first started ringing fifteen minutes ago she told him she’d let it go to voicemail not realizing that whoever it was, wouldn’t give up.
“Yeah, I’ll go check it I guess.”
She had filled Jack in on all the details of her weekend so he knew she was avoiding someone but he seemed worried that her phone was going off so much. So she decided to put her friend at ease and she took it outside. It had of course been Harry. He had just finished his calling for the tenth time when a text popped up.
I know you’re upset with me, but I’d really like to talk some things through this evening if you can. Does your favourite place at 8 work?
Half smiling, because he really could have sent a text to begin with, she responded.
Sure. Now stop calling, Jack and I need to finish this track so I can make it to dinner.
He sent back a “Sorry” with the little blushing emoji and she hearted the message.
She went back inside and told Jack there shouldn’t be any more interruptions.
“Was it Harry?” He asked, the nosy git.
“Yeah, he wants to get dinner to make it up to me I guess, but the strange thing is he shouldn’t even know I’m upset with him.”
She continued on through the session with dinner out of her mind and when it rolled around to 7:00 she left the studio and headed to the restaurant.
When she got there, he had already gotten a table, secluded in the back corner. It had two lit candles and a bouquet of roses and she was really confused. Harry stood up to greet her and she noticed how fancy he had dressed and she suddenly felt her ripped jeans and cardigan put her out of place. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were dressing up? I look so out of place,” She said as he came to hug her.
A frown formed on his face and he replied, “You look beautiful.”
Her insides exploded the way they always did when he complimented her.
They sat down and an awkward silence fell over them. He was just staring at her with the strangest look on his face and she couldn’t take it anymore.
“Harry, why are we here?” 
Before he could reply a waiter came to the table with a bottle of her favorite wine and poured them both a glass. She stared at the bottle with wide eyes, because how had he remembered she preferred this one to any other and why had he ordered them a bottle, it was going to cost a fortune.
“Harry What-”
“I’m so sorry, Y/n.” He gently placed a hand over hers.
“For what?” She was going to lose her mind soon.
“I’ve been horrible and blind and I’ve hurt you. I can’t begin to apologize in a way worthy of your forgiveness.”
“Harry, what are you talking about?” She hadn’t been aware that he knew she was upset. 
“I’ve been a selfish fool and I’m so sorry, but if you let me, I’ll make it up to you.” 
It was as if he couldn’t hear her questioning. Like he had planned out some speech and was so anxious to get through it he couldn’t allow himself to get sidetracked but she needed to understand what he was apologizing for.
“Harry,” she said sharply, dragging his attention to her face, “what are you talking about? I’m so confused right now.”
He took a deep breath and started over. “Please don’t be angry with her, she was only trying to help.” She must have made a face that screamed confusion so he continued. “My sister told me how you feel. She told me you thought the play was supposed to be a date and she called me a bunch of names for being clueless. I’m truly sorry. I genuinely had no idea that was how you felt.”
Her stomach had dropped through the floor. If she thought she had been embarrassed before, this was something much worse. “Oh um… yeah… don’t worry about it. She really shouldn’t have said anything.” She started to stand up. “You don’t have to do all this, it’s fine I’ll just…” She had started to take a step towards the door when she felt his hand wrap around her wrist and tug her back.
“Please don’t do that. Don’t leave. I want to talk about this. I want to make it up to you.” When she turned to look at him, there was a look of terror on his face at the thought of her leaving.
“I don’t know how you can. You didn’t really do anything, it’s me. It’s something I need to get over.” She reluctantly sat back down.
“I don’t want it to be something you get over,” he said fast, panic in his voice. The candles being placed just so, she could see every little detail of his face as he leaned in closer.
“What? That doesn’t make sense.” Her head shook back and forth. She had more to say, she was going to go on and on about how sad that situation would be, her in love with him, him in love with other people. But he didn’t give her a chance to continue.
“Just… Let me explain okay?” He searched her eyes for permission and when she nodded he continued. “I’ve been stupid okay? When we met I really needed a friend. A shoulder to lean on and I met you and that’s what you were. Then the pandemic happened and I got lonely and Olivia was there. I don’t know, it was just easy. Then when she and I broke up, you and I got to hangout more, like we used to and instead of letting myself ponder how I truly felt about you I started dating someone else. I met with Taylor earlier and we called it off.” He paused to drink some wine with big, long gulps, something she knew he did when he was nervous or stressed so she reached out and squeezed his hand in reassurance and a huge smile lit up his face. “She did this small thing to help me realize it was always going to be you.” Her heart thudded in her chest. “She told me to close my eyes and picture it was my wedding day, something I’ve never done, and she asked who I saw walking towards me and it was the most beautiful picture I’ve ever seen. You were in a custom Harris Reed wedding dress, walking towards me and it was the happiest I’d ever felt. But honestly I think it had to happen this way, me being with her first because otherwise I may have never realized it. So in a way I’m not sorry for that, I’m just sorry I hurt you and I hope that you will still give me a chance. Since the other night wasn’t able to be our first date like you hoped, maybe this can be?” 
He took a deep breath once he was done talking and stared at her nervously. Her mind was going a mile a minute. He met with Taylor to call it off? He pictured her at the end of the aisle? He wanted this to be a date? She didn’t know what to start with. Instead of voicing every thought on her mind she started laughing hysterically. 
“Yeah right! You want to be on a date with me? Me at the end of the aisle? Harry be so serious right now. This is the worst practical joke I’ve ever been on the receiving end of. If me having feelings for you made you that uncomfortable you could have just said, no need to humiliate me this way.” She couldn’t stop laughing despite the fact that what she was saying was anything but funny. She was sure he’d join in any second to confirm her suspicions but when she was able to open her eyes for long enough he looked so mad that she could swear steam was about to erupt from his head. 
“I am being serious! Do you know what the worst part of the last few days was?” When she shook her head he continued. “It was that Gemma told me you thought, no knew, that I’d never see you that way. That I’d never want to ask you on a date and I’ve been feeling so shitty trying to figure out what I’ve done that could make you think such a thing. That the thought alone had made you so sad you didn’t want to see me or talk to me.” 
He looked like he wasn’t done but she had to interrupt him. To explain herself. She gently grabbed his hands again and spoke softly and more seriously this time. 
“Harry. You didn’t necessarily do anything, I’ve just… I mean… look at you,” she gestured at him then back to herself, “and look at me. There’s just no universe in which I’d get the guy y’a know? And that’s okay, really. I love being a part of your life no matter what. Besides I’ve seen your exes, even ones I haven’t met personally, and they’re all, well you know, smaller and prettier and the kind of girls that do get the guy. I really need to just try harder to find someone in my league even if it means it’s not you.” 
He started to cry and she hated it. She didn’t mean to hurt his feelings. 
“Y/n how could you say those things about yourself? You are the most incredible person I’ve ever met, inside and out. If anything you are out of my league and I’d be lucky to end up with you. And I hate myself for never showing you properly how beautiful and special you are.” 
She stood up and came around to his side of the booth and sat beside him. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” she picked his hands up and held them in hers again, “Don’t cry. I didn’t mean to make you cry. I’ve just gone a very long time feeling like no one could ever love me, so it’s hard to believe you could want me that way. And to be fair, it’s not like I ever told you how special and beautiful I think you are. I never really gave you the chance to return the sentiment.”
He leaned his forehead against hers and brought one of his hands to her face, pulling her closer. “But you have. I just wasn’t listening properly. All your songs, it’s so obvious, I’ve just been in my own world and I’m so sorry.” His thumb swiped away moisture from her cheek she wasn’t aware had formed. “I don’t know if I can love you the way you love me, but I’d like to give it my best shot.” He kissed her cheek and pulled her into a proper hug. 
“Ok. If you’re sure.” He pulled back from her shoulder nodding and she continued. “But I don’t think this should be our first date.” His face fell. “Only because I ruined the mood.” She did her best to smile. “You had such a beautiful evening planned and a perfect apology and I threw it in your face, you deserve better.”
He shook his head, “we deserve better.” The waiter came by again to see if they were ready to order, pulling them out of their own little bubble and Harry told him they needed another moment. Once he had gone again he returned to his thoughts. “I think you’re right. Tonight didn’t go exactly as I planned but we should also have it be more special. I should put more effort in and court you properly like you deserve. I just couldn’t wait to see you and tell you how I feel that I forgot about going about this in the right way. You’ve wanted this for so long, you deserve to know it’s a date before you’re on it.”
“I think that sounds great.” She smiled at him and leaned in to kiss his cheek this time. “Now shall we have dinner? I’m actually really hungry.” 
As if on cue her stomach let out a loud unpleasant noise. His eyes widened and shot down to it then lifted back up to hers. 
“Apparently,” he said and she burst out laughing, making him smile too. 
She got up to return to her side of the booth. Once she was sitting back down she noticed he looked disappointed at the space so she slipped her ankle around his under the table while she picked up her menu. As if she was going to order something other than her usual. She always ordered the same thing even though every time they leave she says she’ll try something new next time. 
When the waiter came back they placed their orders and he took their menus. She finally allowed her gaze to return to Harry and he looked positively giddy. 
“What?” she said. 
“I just love you.”
Her heart did somersaults in her chest. He hadn’t actually said those words yet. She picked up his hand again and brought it to her mouth. She placed the most delicate kisses to each knuckle and then lowered it, intertwining their fingers before resting them on the table. 
“I love you too.”
They just smiled at one another for a moment and then his face lit up in something akin to realization. 
“You’re supposed to be leaving this week.” It came out deflated. 
“Yeah. Jack and I only have the studio for three more days. But I don’t have anything else for a couple weeks so I could always stay longer.”
His smile came back. 
“Good,” he said. “I want to take you on our first date.” He paused, looking deep in thought like he was battling his next thought. “I guess since we talked all this out I can go ahead and ask. Do you want to work on my next album with me?”
Her cheeks were going to break from all this smiling after four days of mostly crying, but he was just too cute. 
“Harry, did you think because I was sad I wouldn’t want to work on a project with you?” He nodded and she spoke again. “You should know I’m always going to say yes to you.” She twisted the ring on his middle finger, one she had given him last Christmas. 
“No it’s just that…” he seemed unsure of how to say what he wanted so she gave his hand another gentle squeeze. “Gemma told me it would be inconsiderate to have you work on songs about someone else but to be honest now they’re more likely to be about you.”
“I’m going to have to have a serious talk with my sister-in-law then.” She’s always referred to Gemma as her sister but she didn’t realize she’d never done so in front of him because the look that took over his face was a sight for sore eyes. “Maybe I’m a masochist but I would have still said yes. I don’t want you to ever feel like you can’t ask me to be your collaborator. That’s what brought us together. It’s what we do best. I mean not to sound narcissistic but no one will ever strike gold the way we did with Fine Line.”
He laughed brightly at her comment. 
“Well,” He started, a smirk taking over his face, “hopefully it won’t be the thing we’re best at for long.” He dropped his left eye in a wink and she cackled. 
“You’re insane. Talking about wanting to court me properly then not an hour later you’re trying to get me into bed.” She nudged his shin with her foot playfully. 
Another wave of silence fell over them but it was peaceful and easy because things were always easy with them. Their food came and they ate with little conversation but kept up their playful glances and touches. When they were done eating, Harry stood up and took out his wallet. 
“H, he hasn’t even brought the check.” 
“I know but I can’t wait to get you alone.” He fished what she thought to be way too much money out of his wallet, probably close to £1000 for a meal that was maybe £200, and dropped it on the table. He extended his hand to her and she took it. 
“Do you want to come to mine?” He asked once they were out the door. 
“Mr. Styles! Are you suggesting that we should engage in premarital sex? How scandalous of you.” 
She giggled once she got the words out and he laughed loudly. They stopped for a moment on the sidewalk and he turned to face her. 
“Well, not necessarily but I certainly wouldn’t be opposed.” 
He had her favorite of his smiles plastered on his face and she couldn’t take it any longer. She reached up, planted both her hands on his face and pulled his lips to hers. He let out a squawk of surprise at first and then his hands came to her waist, following her lead effortlessly. He broke them apart after only a moment and she let out a whine of disappointment. 
“Baby, we should really wait until we get home,” he said softly.
Butterflies erupted throughout her whole body. She grabbed his hand again, interlacing their fingers, and smiled up at him. 
“Yeah. Let’s go home.”
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zionworkzs · 1 year
Okay, but I need to talk about Good Omens and The Sound of Music.
First of all, I’m genuinely obsessed with it being explicitly canon that The Sound of Music exists in the GO universe and is, for some reason, God’s favorite movie. Neil says here that Heaven misses the point of the movie/musical, but I find it incredibly fascinating that Aziraphale outwardly despises it. 
Brief summary of The Sound of Music incoming as well as some really interesting parallels:
So we've got Julie Andrews playing Maria, who is studying to become a nun in an abbey in Salzburg. Problem is, she isn't the best nun, and is often late to chapel and just isn't the shining beacon of holiness that the rest of the nuns expect her to be.
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In response to this, the Reverend Mother of the abbey decides to send Maria to live with sexy widower Georg von Trapp, a navy captain who desperately needs help with his seven children. The Captain is a bit of a hard-ass since the death of his wife, and has been treating his kids like little soldiers as well as banning music from the house.
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The 7 kids are rambunctious and make things difficult for Maria at first. But one night, a thunderstorm scares them, and they run to Maria for comfort. The kids realize that Maria is really fun, and then later, when their dad is off to Vienna, the kids and Maria end up running around Salzburg singing, dancing, climbing trees, and having a blast.
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When the Captain comes home and hears about this, he sends Maria away. But then he overhears the children singing a song Maria taught them and he gets all emo and remembers how much music meant to him and his late wife. He asks Maria to stay after hearing the song, telling her she's brought joy back to their house.
And oops, Maria and the Captain are falling for each other, but the Captain is sort of kind of dating this blonde bombshell.
There's a big fuck-off party, and the Captain and Maria dance together.
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But, oh, no, Blondie saw them and can clearly tell they're in love. She tells Maria what she's seen and Maria is freaking out cause she's just realized she's in love.
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Mentally, my girl Maria is going through a lot. She thinks she’s disappointed God by falling in love when she was supposed to be doing a job. She feels scared by the depth of her feelings and because of all these emotions, she runs away. Back to the Abbey. Back to presumed safety.
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Mother Superior figures out what happened real quick and tells Maria that she isn’t wrong for falling in love. She sends her back to the Von Trapps, and it's such a great scene. If you wanna watch, I included a link below.
Maria goes back, and the kids are elated and she and the Captain confess their feelings (and oh my god, don't even get me started on the lyrics to the song they sing to each other while confessing, Something Good).
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(I’m unwell.)
So that's the Sound of Music. There's a subplot going on with WW2 and the Captain being pressured to join the Nazi regime (which he is very against). King, we love him.
I pointed out some obvious parallels, but I'd also like to pull some random thoughts together here:
Mother Superior (God) is the one that sends Maria (Aziraphale) to help the Von Trapps (humans) in the first place.
Maria (Aziraphale) extends grace and patience with the children (humans) and refuses to give up on them, even going so far as to disobey their father by letting them fuck around and be kids (going against God's wishes and giving humans the flaming sword).
Mother Superior (God) also sends Maria (Aziraphale) back to the Von Trapps after realizing that Maria (Aziraphale) is in love with the Captain (Crowley).
Here's to hoping we see God telling Azi that loving a demon is chill and he should go back to earth in S3.
Overall, it's incredibly amusing to me that Aziraphale, our Aziraphale, doesn't like The Sound of Music, with the main plot being about a woman who choses love over religious obligations and a man who rejects an authoritarian regime so that he might make his own way in the world.
Maybe Aziraphale recognizes the parallels and is in denial. Or maybe he just prefers Sondheim...
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lit-rants · 3 months
Why I Love Northanger Abbey.
Northanger Abbey is my favorite Jane Austen novel and believe me this is a conclusion that I have come to with much deliberation. The novel is a wonderful coming of age novel and is a parody of the gothic novels that were extremely popular. Catherine Morland, the naive seventeen year old heroine is an avid reader with a vivid imagination, so much so that her imagination distorts her sense of reality. The novel follows her while she embarks on her own adventures and meets the Tilney’s whose character and residence become a subject of great fascination for her. 
What set Catherine apart from the other heroines that Austen wrote is that she was simply an ordinary girl. She didn't have the wit and humor of Elizabeth or the faultlessness of Fanny or the beauty of Emma. She was simply a country girl who craved adventure and was too innocent for her own good. She wasn't worldly, she was clumsy and scatterbrained. She wears her heart on her sleeves and is terrible at hiding her honest feelings towards something. But in spite of her flaws she is charming and has good intentions. She stands up against peer pressure and is not afraid to apologize when she knows she has done wrong or stand up for herself and her loved ones.  
Let's talk about the hero though. Henry Tilney is my favorite Jane Austen hero. He is witty, funny and sarcastic and can make jokes. His lightheartedness makes him so endearing and charming and lets not forget his impressive skill in understanding muslin. He is so attentive to Catherine and makes her laugh. He knows when to indulge her in her fanatical ideas and when to ground her when she lets her overactive imagination get the better of her. When John Thorpe dismisses her hobby of reading novels, Henry shows genuine interest in what she reads and even gives his opinion without ridiculing or patronizing her. 
I loved the relationship between Catherine and Henry Tilney. I loved how open Catherine is about her feelings and so devoid of intrigues and mind games in order to attract his attention which is a stark contrast to Isabella. Moreover I think Austen did an amazing job at challenging the general convention of her time where the man is supposed to be the pursuer and the woman is supposed to play hard to get. Catherines transparency and innocence about her feelings is  refreshing and also the reason which makes Henry fall for her. 
I loved hating John Thorpe. Right from the start he is rude, manipulative, and a terrible conversationalist. He is probably the worst character Austen has written in the “men who cannot take a hint” trope (which includes Mr. Collins from Pride and Prejudice and Henry Crawford from Mansfield Park and such). He is boastful and only talks about his carriage and horses and has nothing to recommend him as a good partner. He manipulates and misleads General Tilney into believing that Catherine has a good fortune which when later proven to be false gets Catherine into trouble for no fault of hers.  There is a certain pleasure in knowing that he got what he deserved in the end.
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lethalchiralium · 1 year
Diamond Ring | Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader
a/n: this song is loosely based off of the song “Diamond Ring” by Window To The Abbey. if simon riley were to ever sing, he would sing like troy baker - warm and gravelly.
warnings: NANNY!READER (not yet wife ):) mentions of children.
summary: “Wear it on your hand, tell the whole world that I’m your only man.” Simon dodged death so closely that it finally snapped him from his stupor - he needed you to be in his life for the rest of time.
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On the drive home from base, it seemed like Simon could finally breathe. He could relax into his seat and drive home to see his little family, eat dinner and sleep in a real bed with no worries.
But no. Simon’s hand wrung his steering wheel as he dialed your father’s phone number, praying he would answer. He wasn’t sure what time it was over in Maine, but he knew it would’ve been near the morning. He glanced over to your favorite takeout in his passenger seat, heart clenching in a way he’s never felt before - it hurt his healing chest wounds, injuries that almost took him away from you. If he focused hard enough, he could remember how he fought so hard to get back to the helicopter, clutching his chest and wheezing as Price pulled him in.
The voice had startled Simon out of his mind, he instantly replied, “Mr. Seresin.”
“Simon Riley! How are you, buddy? I haven’t heard from you in a while.” Your father chuckled a little before continuing, “How’s my little girl? Everything going alright between the two of you?”
Simon bit his tongue for just a moment before saying, “Everything is great, Mr. Seresin. I’m returning from a deployment right now and-“
“Oh! How was it? I hope you weren’t injured!” The man on the line chuckled again, Simon remembered him to be a bubbly man, always interrupting. It would have irritated him if he wasn’t so nervous about what he was going to ask him.
Simon cleared his throat, tapping his non-driving foot on the floor of his SUV. “I have something to ask you.”
The man paused, Simon could tell because he didn’t talk for a moment. “You’re not kicking her out, are you?”
Simon’s eyebrows furrowed, slowing his SUV down to stop at a red light. “What? No.”
“Well, it must be-“
“I’m asking for your permission to marry your daughter, sir.”
Silence. The light turned green and he began to drive again, he almost felt like punching his window.
“…You’re serious?”
Simon let out a silent breath, relieved and thankful. “Very, sir.”
“How much do you love her?”
He didn’t even think about it. “I’d carve my heart out if she asked, sir.”
“Oh, quit it with the sir, you’re going to be my son-in-law!” Mr. Seresin beamed through the phone, it was like his smile was able to be seen through the voice call.
Simon’s face lit up, he let out a relived breath. “Really?”
“My daughter loves you, son. And I can see that how much you love her has changed her for the better, I’m just not sure how her brothers are going to take it… They are very protective of her. Oh goodness, Simon, I’ve got to call my wife!” The man excitedly laughed again. “You are a wonderful man, Simon Riley. Welcome to the family.”
“Thank you, Mr. Seresin.”
“I hope she says yes, knowing her? She definitely will.” His almost father-in-law laughed again. “I’ll letcha go, I’m calling my wife. Good luck, son.”
The call ended before he was able to thank him again, his heart rate still high as now all he had to worry about was what you would say.
You were everything to him. You loved him without fear, unlike others he’s been with before. You gracefully took his broken glass and carefully set each part down, gluing them and holding him together. Others have tried, putting his pieces together but unable to fit them where they went, cracking and shattering them more. You weren’t scared of his past, scared of what happened to his family. You gave him love to show him that having a family isn’t going to hurt anything, that he didn’t need to beg for love to receive it.
He loved Winnie’s mother, he had come to that conclusion weeks after the first moment he held his daughter in his arms. Weeks after he had buried Grace de Havilland, the last person he cared for since his family had died. The person who comforted him yet still couldn’t fit the right pieces together, the woman he had loved after her death and until he realized that he was really in love with you. Grace was close to putting the pieces together, but you had already repaired him in half the time and put effort into him. Sometimes he wondered if she would like you, if she was okay with how you were raising her daughter.
He turned into his street and his hands tightened around the steering wheel again, he could feel his hands trembling.
What if you said no? Were you even ready to go this next step? Was he?
He pulled into his driveway, the fifteen minutes had flown by. He put the car in park, looking to the passenger seat at the bag of takeaway food. It was your favorite place that was conveniently near base, but he knew you almost never had a chance to go because of Winnie.
Was he ready to get out of his car? Yes. Was he ready to ask you the only question he’s been thinking of for months?
Simon toed off his shoes, the door was already closed behind him and he could knew Winnie was in bed; her favorite toys were strewn across the front room and towards the kitchen, food bag on his hand as he slid his phone into his pocket. He could hear some sort of music playing in the kitchen and you’re humming.
He entered the kitchen, watching at you were kneeled down, picking up Winnie’s disaster made of toys. He settled the bag onto the island, digging into his pocket and pulling out the piece of jewelry he spent so long looking for in his storage locker - his grandmother’s wedding ring. His mom’s mom, the woman he vaguely remembered dancing with in her dusty living room. He looked down at the ring in his hand, taking it between his index finger and thumb.
You turned to him, hands full of toys. You looked beautiful, even in his sweatshirt and an old pair of sweatpants. Your eyes looked down at his hand, where the ring sat in between his fingers.
“Marry me.”
“No, no no.” Your voice trembled, eyes wide and staring at the ring in his hand. Caught absolutely off guard.
Everything stood still for Simon, his heart teetering on a ledge, about to tumble down, down, down and shatter everything. What did you mean no?
“No?” His voice was small.
“No no!” You shook your hands, dropping Winnie’s green bear onto the kitchen counter before taking a breath, collecting yourself. “Not no- You caught me off guard, you-“ Your hands went to your face, trying to calm yourself but just blurting out, “Yes, Simon. I mean yes.” You walked towards him, almost tripping over Winnie’s toys as your hands soon found purchase on his cheeks. “Yes.”
“Good,” He mumbled before crashing his chapped lips to yours.
taglist (ignore that tagging hates me): @sigynxlokiwifelover @lumpypoll @multitargaryen @chloeforde @blueoorchid @vir-tual @lolis-pikt @theverycelestialgemini @simpingforleoandnico @prodyng @royalty-purple @projectdreamwalker @tiredweeb7
Copyright © 2023 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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fulgurbugs · 4 months
another doll post!
they cut me from work early, so i had time to stop by my walmart and see if catty was in. she was! i picked her up with some birthday money for 24.99.
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forgot to get a pic of her in the box. here she is unboxed tho! she has saran with microbraids around her hairline (be careful, these come undone easily.)
initial thoughts: while her outfit is cute… it’s missing a littleeee bit of flair. some shoe paint, or maybe a jacket, like in her concept art? these little shoulder things are kind of horrendous. (and they kept coming unvelcroed under her pits.) might look into making her something.
now, there’s a reason i i got excited about catty when i was previously unenthused about her. and that’s her new body sculpt! let’s cut to the chase, that’s what we want to see.
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here she is! she is now the biggest MH sculpt, by quite a significant amount. luckily she can still fit on this stand, but it has to grab her right at the underboob at her thinnest point.
it doesn’t photograph well, but she has a pink-tinged iridescence to her body, that could read like shiny fur. it looks great, and makes her look very glittery and dimensional.
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wide and back views. i love that she actually has a bit of a tummy, and she also has a much thicker tail than toralei. (i wasn’t able to yank the tail out, tho i think it’s supposed to come off.)
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here’s some comparisons with some of the other ghouls. she’s a medium height girl, and i’d say she’s slightly thicker in the body and thighs than abbey, though the way she’s proportioned give her a fatter body type compared to her.
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it’s more evident when they’re turned to the side. draculaura only has larger thighs, so if we specially compare to abbey, you can see cattys even larger thighs and her stomach compared to abbeys flat one.
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she has smaller feet (same as draculaura’s size.) her hands are also standard size.
back to the doll with her clothes on. here’s her boots, as is mh doll tradition
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cool sculpt, definitely need paint. probably a pretty simple project to do, but all those buckles and chains are just begging for a layer of silver. only a teeeeny bit got silver paint, which i think is a shame. allegedly most of the budget for catty went into developing her sculpt, so her outfit definitely is a little lacking….
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face card. i adore ADORE her makeup, the little stars…. the side glance… augh. my favorite part is her lip paint, though. the gradient looks absolutely lovely.
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the accessories. since this is catty’s core doll, she comes with some of the core staples: her phone, a backpack, her pet cat amulette, and some sunglasses. in addition, she has a mic, a broken hand mirror, a water bottle, and some sheet music
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here’s inside the backpack and her sheet music open. (the sheet music is literally just a little piece of paper lol.)
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here’s her with some of her accessories! i decided to restyle her hair a little bit as well, i saw a cute restyle that took her micro braids and made a little side bang with them, and that was simple to replicate, so i did that too. i also made her ponytail higher, which i think looks a lot cuter. i think i wanna give her a little ponytail accessory or something tho… maybe in black? dunno. i also think she looks cute with her glasses on her forehead, so i’m leaving them.
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obligatory .5 shot.
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and that’s catty noir! (lagoona foot jumpscare). i think she’s a lovely addition to the g3 lineup, and i really, really can’t wait to see what they do with her in another line. her reception (at least in the spaces i lurk) has been so overwhelmingly positive that i think when we see her next, they can really go all out and give her a gorgeous outfit and a fun theme (maybe a skulltimate secrets doll?) it felt appropriate to put her with my monster fest girlies, so she got center stage (sorry cleo and frankie) thanks for reading this far!
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tekumaniac311 · 3 months
My Space Rider voices
With me developing the second chapter for Rider Rescue, i figured i could drop off a few lore and stuff here and there. Here is the headcanon voices for each of my 8 Riders!
Dogbite's Voice: Yuri Lowenthal - Insomniac Spider man. Especially when he had the symbiote in the second game, "Bully Lowenthal" fits the voice for the arrogant younger brother of Dogday! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQNKxzA11lY
Drago Kitano's Voice: Phil Lamarr - Samurai Jack. Need I say more? Okay I'll explain, since he's basically got a samurai-style calmness and inner peace in combat, not to mention he rocks a Japanese aesthetic(if you've seen his outfits). Samurai Jack's voice fits him perfectly! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yfl39TqdI28
Berserkerine's Voice: Steve Blum - Wolverine. Hands down the most badass voice for everyone's favorite adamantium lunatic! And good for the tough muscle of the squad! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i0QhdyUkQk&t=131s
Leopardaisy's Voice: Jessica DiCicco - Lexi Bunny. Quirkiness, tomboyish and overall laid back and vibing, her voice as Lexi Bunny from Loonatics fitted Leopardaisy perfectly! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi2ggiW02_o&t=751s
Lean Lemur's voice: Micah Abbey - Donatello(TMNT: Mutant Mayhem), his voice is young enough and cute enough to match Lemur i think, he's the baby of the team, yo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ge8kfHm2A0w
Mama Mammoth's Voice: Anika Noni Rose - Tiana. For someone who is always working hard and got a huge heart to share for her fellow squad pals, there's no better voice to fit that than the voice of Tiana herself! And yes i imagine Mammoth could also sing but is more of a cooker than a singer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3sR79-jjuU&t=12s
Prettybird's Voice: Grey DeLisle - Catwoman, the voice just OOZES attractiveness and confidence. After all Prettybird, being the medic of the group she would emit some "helloooo nurse" energy, LOL! Not to mention Grey DeLisle is just one of the very best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ad5SFZ1-XY&t=127s
FixFox's Voice: Erika Henningsen - Charlie Morningstar. Charlie's voice got that tone i think fits FixFox and her personality. Charlie's voice when excited definitely is perfect for FixFox when she geeks out on a specific ship or engine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJqlMXBZYp8&t=27s
Space Riders AU belongs to @onyxonline
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