#she appeared in this form and I think I fainted the design is just so beautiful and well made
fridaywashere · 1 year
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A Luz piece because this finale is making me go absolutely feral
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theapangea · 1 year
I actually posted about this but I thought a fun dynamic to play with for lip and his girlfriend would be lip and a non drinker. Shes like the designated driver caregiver and the gallaghers love her because after parties they all magically wake up in their beds and lip just really values her more than life, like hes so in love its insane
A million times yes to this!! I love the idea of soft!Lip. Hope you love it!!
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Soft 4 You
Lip Gallagher x reader
A/N: This is told from Lip's perspective which I think just lets us get into his head and how he feels about you. If you see any mistakes, no you didn't.
Summer in the Southside means two things - sweating your ass off during the day and partying until you black out at night. For Lip, the getting drunk off of your ass was all part of the fun, especially when he knew you were around to make sure he got home safely. 
The events of last night quickly fade away as the sunshine peeks through the makeshift curtain pinned to the wall. The whipping sound from the fan turns into a high pitch ring causing Lip to groan. His heartbeat pounding right behind his eyes as the beginning of a headache settles in. 
The feeling of his brain wanting to burst out of his skull makes him grab his pillow, placing it over his face, half covering himself from the sun and the other half suggesting that maybe death is a better way to deal with this hangover. His arm stretches out to feel around the bed, but it's empty, the presence of you long gone on this painful morning, if you could still call it morning. 
Pushing on the pillow more, the pressure lightly helping with the deadly headache. Squeezing his eyes tighter as the image of you begins to form inside his eyelids. Your smile, your voice, your laughter dancing around Lip’s head, the only solace from the raging migraine.
He wants to live inside his mind forever. The memories playfully swirl through his head as a warm, fuzzy feeling brews inside his chest. His heart beats faster just by thinking of you, the way you brighten a room, how you carry yourself, selflessly putting others before you. Caring for his siblings as if they are your own, stepping up to take the responsibility of the household on your shoulders. 
Since Lip met you, he has promised himself that he will become a better man for you. Become the partner that you deserve, striving everyday to do so. Lip wants you to have the world, hoping one day he can be the one to give it to you. 
Lip is so helplessly in love with you that he definitely doesn’t mind the fall.
The cotton mouth is too much to handle as he just lays there in his own sweat. He thinks if he waits here long enough that at some point you will show up, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, fingers rubbing over his chest, your sweet scent engulfing his nose. But sadly he can’t wait that long.
Groaning as he lifts himself onto his elbows, blinking a couple of times as his surroundings become clear, the headache throbbing more with every move. His eyes trailing along the room before seeing the tall glass of water that sits on the dresser. Smacking his lips a couple of times as he wants nothing more than to drink something. 
Pushing himself up, a small puddle of sweat lay underneath as he scoots to the edge, the bedsheet sticking to his legs as he fumbles to stand up. Using the dresser as leverage so he doesn’t fall.
The faint hint of a smile appears as he comes face to face with the water and next to it, two Advil and a little note that says ‘take these’ signed with a heart in the corner and your initial. His heart skips a beat as his fingers trace over your delicate handwriting. Barely being able to think straight because of the hangover and now you got his mind racing a million miles an hour with your love. 
Quickly raking a hand through his hair before swallowing the pills and chugging the water. Closing his eyes to allow the medicine to relieve some of his pain, knowing it will take longer than a couple of seconds. 
Tripping over himself as he pulls on a pair of jeans. Leaving his room to wobble down the hallway and descend down the stairs to the kitchen. The sound of chatter and laughter fill Lip’s head, wishing the happy sounds weren’t causing his head to pound more. Finally stopping on the bottom step as he observes the scene in front of him. 
Deb’s and Carl’s laughter fill the small room as you are telling a funny story. Your voice erupts louder as the punchline comes, sending them into fits of laughter. Their faces tell how much they enjoy having you around, the way you bring a sort of calmness to the house. Turning it into a home.
The kitchen is a bit of a mess as the grand breakfast you made - pancakes, eggs, bacon - sits on top of the stove. The dining table is messy as Lip can tell you just finished eating. Taking your time with his siblings to bond with them and get to know them on a deeper level. 
He couldn’t love you any more than in this exact moment. Without you knowing he was around. 
Lip gets pulled from his thoughts when Ian comes racing down the stairs behind him, patting Lip on the shoulder while he passes by. Prompting you to turn towards them both, a huge smile forming on your face, the kind where your eyes grow smaller and your cheeks grow bigger.
And God did that damn smile light a fire inside of him that he will let burn forever.
what did you think ??? thank you for reading !
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fairytsuk1 · 2 years
Hello I am in the delusional Bakugo is okay reality and was wondering if we can get a soft request where his girlfriend’s mom thanks Bakugo for continuing to take care of the reader (as if he needs to be asked) when he visits her bedside (despite his own injuries) after the fight with Shigaraki?
bakugou hadn't really realized his way of thinking may not be very healthy when everyone said he spoke more about you than his own horrific injuries. even then, it still doesn't click for him.
"where is she?"
"bakugou," a nurse begins slowly but quickly rushes as he begins to sit up, "please, wait! don't take any of those off!"
the blonde practically snarls at her, and winces before sighing, "did ya' hear me? or do I have to repeat myself?"
the nurse looks at him with an agape mouth before nodding, "she's in room 533. do you... would you like some regular clothing? we weren't expecting you to—"
"i'm fine! i'd like to get out of here as soon as possible," and he swigs some water as if to end the conversation.
eventually, she brings his clothing and he grimaces at the baggy, lack of structure within him. he even gives her an incredulous look, what kind of nurse brings the patient the wrong clothin'? he worries his lip as she describes how, due to the nature of his injuries, it was best not to wear form-fitting clothing.
he has a flashback to when his head whipped backwards and pain shot through his limbs, and he remembers seeing you suspended in air with rods shooting through your stomach.
bakugou is quick to rush out of the room after that, brushing past her and chugging his meds once given them. in his mind, there was only one thing to do which made this a pressing matter. the matter of making sure you were okay was more than pressing, you could call it his life's purpose.
you're breathing, and it helps bakugou breathe a little easier too. his apparent disappearance had quickly been reported on by his designated nurse, so he'd heard the story of how "we're doing everything we can" and "she's got a huge chance at recovery."
he hated that these things were becoming all about "chances" and "trying." was it that hard to say that, yes, she would be okay? he'd angrily spat this out of them as they tried to demand he leave the room.
your hand held in his said it all.
bakugou stayed with you all day and night if possible. sometimes he was torn away for physical therapy, regular therapy, federal investigations... the list goes on. you were comatose, with a loose range in movement.
you didn't have to deal with it all, but sometimes he wished you would just so he could hear your smart remarks or hilarious quips. you weren't dead, thank god, but you weren't alive either.
and then one day a lady walks in, put together and holding her purse in her hands tightly. clutched, and she even wears sunglasses. bakugou's never seen her before and yet he feels intimidated to take his hand away from yours and stand. even give her a really respectful bow, but who?...
"hello, honey," your mother chokes out as she's overwhelmed by emotion of your weak body recovering.
then she turns to bakugou, and his blood is rushing in his ears. maybe someone should call a nurse, he might faint right here.
"...and you must be bakugou?"
he nods, "...hello. i wasn't aware you were visiting, sorry for intrudin'."
your mother almost lets him slip away, clearly flustered to have met his girlfriend's mom in this non-traditional way.
"don't be. when i heard you were staying with her as often as possible..."
perhaps bakugou and your mother are more similar than they appear. they can't seem to find the words sometimes.
"thank you for taking care of my daughter,"
i approve.
if bakugou was surprised by the gratefulness, he does her one better.
"'ts what you do,"
for the people you love.
the unlikely pair bow at each-other, reddened cheeks and twitches of a smile.
and then your eyes flutter open.
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Sebastian Vettel x RBDesignEngingeer Reader.
Set in 2013 during the GP, Jennifer is fresh out of uni and has made a name for herself within the F1 world. She joins Redbull-Renault as one of their engineer designers and easily fits into the team, forming friendships easily. Most of all, she captures the attention of three time world champion, Sebastian Vettel.
Part 5- here’s the LINK to the previous part. Jen is quickly becoming the most popular girl in Red Bull, and making quite the impression on the paddock. As months pass she’s a delight to work with and Sebastian feels like he’s losing his mind whenever he’s around her. He’s not so silent about his feelings towards her, and the two find themselves flirting at any given chance. Sebastian thinks she’s so important to him he wants to introduce her to a close friend of his…
Just a pre-warning the next chapter will include spice so be prepared 🌶️
This gif makes me want to cry, great xxx
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Silverstone, England, June 30th 2013. “Ah, well done, well done!” I clapped my hands together excitedly seeing Mark embrace his wife, Anne. Afterwards I gave him a quick hug, congratulating him for 2nd place and a spot on the podium. “Such an amazing drive, you should be so proud.” I nodded as the Australian’s grin was undeniable. I’d hoped for first place for Mark, but the myself and the team was overwhelmingly happy with second, especially after Seb’s gearbox failure.
“Thank you, thank you. I appreciate it.” He smiled as I offered him another before he went on to be congratulated by the rest of the team. Not too far away, I noticed Sebastian was finished talking with Christian nearby. His head was hung low and he looked a little awkward. I hated the feeling that churned in my lower stomach, I knew this could pose a threat to his potential championship win, but I was positive without the gearbox failure he would’ve won. I was also positive he would win the next race. It was always more frustrating when something completely out of the drivers control effected the race results.
I slipped over, sliding a hand on his shoulder. “Hi.” I gently smiled, his head perking up and a soft smile appeared. “Hey.”
“You alright?” I tilted my head up to look at him. “Yeah, just frustrated but- these things happen.” My hand slowly slid off his arm.
“I know, it’s so frustrating. You drove so good this whole race though.”
“That’s why it is even more frustrating.” He scratched the back of his neck as I winced, maybe I shouldn’t have rubbed that in. “I know.” I gently spoke as he tilted his head back up from the floor.
“These things happen.” He shook it off, “are you free, right now?”
“Pretty much.” I glanced around, “I don’t think anybody needs me for anything; I just wanted to get a head start on looking at this track at Nürburgring.” Seb’s smile widened.
“Come take a break you smarty pants.” He slapped my arm gently, his disappointment still faint on his voice. “I’ve got somebody I want you to meet.”
“Right now?” I knotted my hands together, toying with them nervously. “Yeah.” Sebastian smiled. “And I wanna get out of here before anybody else asks me about today.” “Okay.” I agreed. “Yeah?” He smiled as I nodded, allowing him to lead me out of the garages. “Who are we meeting?” I then asked, skipping to keep up with his long paces.
“Somebody.” He was grinning ear to ear. Whoever it was must’ve been special. “Somebody? Is that all you’re gonna say, what is it the queen?” “Michael Schumacher.” I stopped dead in my tracks. Eyes widening as an excitement bubbled in my chest. “No!”
“Yeah.” He laughed, “c’mon.”
“I can’t, Sebastian, I’m scared!” I felt my nerves seeping through me. Sebastian had turned around now, laughing out loud as he grabbed at my hands to pull me. “Why?” He giggled. “Because I love Michael Schumacher, I’m nervous.” I planted a hand on my chest. “He’ll love you, come.” He began tugging on my hand as I stumbled forwards, my hands moving onto the back of his shoulders. “No, I’m worried!”
Sebastian turned around with a grin, “do I have to drag you?”
“Yeah.” I teased, not expecting him to fully lift me up over his shoulders. I gasped, grasping onto his shirt as he held the back of my legs, holding my dress down. “Sebastian! No!” I choked out, my hands gripping at anything I could possibly get a hold of. He was laughing mischievously, jogging out through the garage as I bobbed on his back.
“Seb, Seb, Seb! Sebastian!” I cried out, half in horror half in enjoyment as I felt like I was gonna go backwards over his shoulder. “Oh, hallo, Sebastian.” An all too recognisable voice made my eyes widen in complete surprise. “Hallo!” Sebastian greeted, beginning to put me back down on my feet.
“Wer ist dein Freund?” (Who is your friend?).
I spun around, the blood rushing to my face as I pushed my hair back in surprise. Stood there was Michael Schumacher and his wife looking amused at the position I’d just been in. “Hello!” I practically giggled.
“Ah, this is Jenna.” Sebastian put a hand on my upper back, still laughing from my previous panic. “This is Michael and Corinna.” I greeted both of them politely.
“Girlfriend?” Michael grinned back to Sebastian as I spluttered nervously. “No, no, she’s the design engineer for us.”
“Ah, really?! I’ve heard of you before, I’m glad you’re here actually…” What ensued was a conversation about the Nurburgring track and it’s safety, I never thought I’d have such an in depth conversation with Michael Schumacher, I was pretty starstruck. He and his wife were so friendly, although they did like to keep referring to me as Sebastian’s ‘girlfriend’ which got me all red in the face. “I’m glad you met him.” Sebastian spoke when we walked back to where he was supposed to be present at the F1 after party. His arm was slung over my shoulder as I smiled up to him in amazement. “Me too, I’m in shock.” I held my hand to my chest. Seb’s hand slowly crept onto my arm, rubbing at the exposed skin as I bit down onto my shoulder. His touch was warm and his hands were so big, big enough to engulf any part of my body.
“They liked you. I knew you’d get along with Michael anyway, you’re so clever you know everything that he finds so interesting.” He complimenting, playfully pulling me in front of him and squeezing at my shoulders. As he did, I let out a burst of laughter at the ticklish sensation, squeaking as he began laughing, pulling me closer into his front. Oh god, I was a flustered mess, it felt like we were a couple. “What was that?!” He asked in amusement, grinning as he spoke, my hands holding onto his fingers. “I’m ticklish, don’t do that again.” I felt him squeeze once more as I tensed, giggling out until he pulled me flush against his chest, arm wrapped over my chest. My body was against his, every time he took a step forwards, his crotch would inch against my bum and I felt borderline perverted at the fact it was turning me on.
“I’m sorry.” He grinned, squeezing me gently as I held onto his arm. “You’re a wind up.” I slapped his skin lightly. “A what?” He glanced over my shoulder. “A wind up, you know, you torment me on purpose.” I explained, stumbling over my words slightly as he simply smirked in response, his tongue pressed to the inside of his cheek. His lips looked so plump and kissable, our faces were so close, I wanted to kiss him so bad. The months of the close friendship had only made me feelings and attraction grow deeper for him. “Oh, here come the love birds!” Christian Horner’s voice exclaimed as I snapped my attention towards the red headed man, Seb’s arms sliding off me slowly as he left one hand resting just behind my shoulder.
“There you are! We’ve been searching for you!” He spoke to Sebastian. “Ah, sorry we were talking to Michael.” “Talking to Michael, canoodling, whatever you were doing.” Christian teased as I tensed my jaw out of a slight shyness. Sebastian had to hurry on stage after that, offering me a pat on the back as I was left feeling uncomfortably frustrated when the cold rush of air replaced where his hands and body had been. I was turned on by him. I couldn’t deny that, how cheeky he was, how cuddly and close he got to me. I felt my lower core ache and it felt like my mind was on fire, too occupied by the idea of his hands roaming further down my chest to focus on anything else…
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Yandere! Rarity Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Possessive behavior, Manipulation, Marking (in a way), Jealousy, Forced companionship, Kisses on the cheek.
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Rarity can be a very needy yandere towards her darling.
She has a tendency to want to be the center of attention and can be surprisingly obsessive and possessive towards her darling because of this.
Rarity would be Obsessive, Possessive, Clingy, Invasive, Easily jealous, and a bit Forceful towards her darling. 
Rarity is a fashion designer that always pays close attention to detail, she’d also want to know just everything about her darling.
While Twilight studies everything about her darling, mostly personality, Rarity studies things like your figure along with your personality.
It just comes with her profession, honestly.
She’s a fashion designer, since she first met you she’s wondered what you’d look like with one of her outfits on. 
Rarity would also stalk her obsession, making sketches in a notebook about you.
She seems like she has a knack for art due to the amount of sketches she has to do for dress making.
In that notebook of hers she’s drawing you in all sorts of outfits.
Something that screams you yet at the same time it’s obvious to tell SHE made it for you!
She gets obsessive over getting things just right, both in her relationship and in the gifts she gives you.
She works effortlessly, day and night, just to make sure she makes things perfect for you.
If she adores you, expect many different gifts in the form of clothing.
“Here you go, darling! I made sure it fits you nicely and matches your colors. May I… put it on you?”
Rarity would get all giggly about you when she’s around you.
It’s partly because she’s nervous about being around you.
Rarity can also get possessive of you if she’s feeling jealous.
Even when seeing you wear what she made for you… it irks her when you talk to someone not her.
You’re like a jewel she refuses to give up and is willing to throw a fit about it.
She even feels betrayed when you don’t wear something she makes for you everyday-
“Oh… was that one not to your taste? I can make so much more! Would you wear any of these!?”
Out of all the Mane Six, she’s probably the quickest to be deranged.
A twitch in her eye, a forced smile, she’s the easiest to lose it mentally over her darling.
The constant stress of her work certainly doesn’t help.
She’s also nervous about you finding out just how much you affect her life.
Are the constant requests of you going to the spa with her too much?
Is inviting you over so often too much!?
You don’t think she’s too clingy, do you!?
Her jealousy when you’re not around her can actually make her confrontational.
She’ll insert herself in a conversation and make some excuse about why you can’t speak with that young stallion/mare over there.
“They don’t need to talk to you, sweetie. I say we should go… do something else.”
There’s points she can get genuinely mad when you’re not around, snarling at people who even dare call themselves close to you.
She tries to hide it when you’re around, however.
She’s yet another yandere who cares about her appearance, especially when her darling’s involved.
If you think about it, her dressing you up is akin to a doll.
It can also be her form of being possessive over you, marking you as hers without any cuts or bruises.
Even better if she makes an outfit signed in her name!
She can get so clingy and invasive about her darling.
You may want alone time, but Rarity is always there to fill your empty home with her company.
Rarity isn’t as clingy as Pinkie, but she wouldn’t mind a hug.
She prefers a kiss on the cheek, both in the friendly greeting way and the romantic way. 
It fits her style more, plus she feels blessed when she feels your lips on her cheek.
She may just faint...
Rarity is forceful if you don’t agree with her on something.
Like, maybe her clothing is too flashy on you and you want to wear something more casual.
She’ll disagree with you and try to convince you why having her flair on you is a good thing!
Then there’s an argument, usually resolved by her making you something casual to appeal to you still.
She’s a manipulator and will definitely control what her darling does.
After all, you’re her most precious doll.
She must make you shine in the world!
She’ll never share you, however.
You’ll always only be hers to stylize and love.
“Darling~! We’re on a strict schedule today, I have so many more outfits for you to try!”
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silversatin2105 · 5 months
uh- i feel embarrassed to ask but- can you do a match-up?? kinda interested i am straight pronounce She/Her Age: 15/16 Personality: i like taking care of kids, i can be very picky depending on the day, i like baking and cooking, i like cats, especially black munchkin cats, i draw, make bio's for my oc's, you'd see me everyday at least drawing 3 drawings full to the brim, i love plushies, i can be extremely jealous, but i don't get angry or make any outbursts, i'm very affectionate but very shy to show any, i care for my family and i'd cook with my mom, can be very childish, i like to go out and maybe do some shopping, i love LOVE playing volleyball and going tot he pool, my favorite food to make is spaghetti squid, which is just like normal spaghetti but there are slices of sausage in a form of a squid, i love to watch anime on quiet days or when i'm bored, mainly like to watch 90's anime or jut old anime's like Ohshc and HxH and sakura the cardcaptor, stuff like that, on a daily basis you'd find me listening to music, i like pop, rock and indie music, my favorite artists are laufey, beabadoobee, lyn lapid and Grentperez, and grimes, on negative days, i look in the mirror a lot and look at every flaw, but i mainly drown myself in music until i feel better, and after i start romanticizing flaws in my appearance and if i still don't like it i ask if i am pretty to be reassured, i love extreme tempurature's mainly the cold, i'm delulu and a hopeless romantic Style: i love long skirt's also because i've worn them since i was young and never worn pants nor to plan to, not due to insecurity but jsut because its uncomfortable for me-, i love oversized jackets, i like to wear puff-sleeves, really just like lady-like stuff, cottagecore. royaltycore, ligh/dark academia styles, i have straight black hair that reaches to my back, i have very faint freckles and a dot on the right side of my face next to my eye, i'm a light bold peach color on the lighter side, i'm half mexican and i like flower patterns, i LOVE LOVE sweet scents like strawberry and vanilla scent's all the sweet fruity scents, i love matching outfits that match the seasons, i love lacy socks and dresses smol traits i have or do: when i meet new poeple to stars a conversation to lighten a mood or say something funny i say "so how are your taxes going" because it'd be funny to ask it out of no where, when i like someone i'd be looking at them, or asking about they're family to get to know them and i'd be very awkward tot he point, i fi get a chance to talk i'd talk a lot and them stop and it'd be dead quiet awkward, if i see a motorcycle i'd look to the side of the bike and see which brand it is, i LOVE sports cars, i want to get one:)) i admire design, and plan to be an architecture a landscape designer and an interior designer, i love sleep over's anyone who is a true friend, i'd cherish and i'd buy gift's for them out of nowhere (got betrayed by their ex-bestfriend and is still coping since it happened the ending of the year before) gets excited when mention going camping i hope i did well, this is my first time doing this kind of thing on a personal level:)) you don't have to do this request,t hank you for your time!!
Sorry for the delayed response, I had to think on this one deeply and as a result I fell into procrastinating but anyway lets get into the match up
Your Match is
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Takashi Mitsuya:
He and you share the trait taking care of children as he looks after his siblings, I could imagine you helping him make the evening meal at some points during the week
Your love of plushes would lead to him from time to time sewing you cat shaped plushes especially after seeing you bothered by something.
He would assure you that you are perfect in your own way by reminding you to stay true to yourself
Your varied clothing styles such as cottagecore, royaltlycore exc leads him into many nights of creativity as he would make sure you had custom outfits that echoed your personality, He even looked into a way of incorporating your favourite scents into the outfits IE Strawberries and the like
He may be a member of a gang and that entails owning a motorcycle so it makes him happy that you automatically knew the brand of his bike.
Your aspirations of going into design align well and I could imagine you both running a shared pinterest mood board of his clothing designs and your interior decorating designs
In summary:
I have chosen Mitsuya for you on the grounds of you both being very creative, the fact that you are family oriented plays into this paring too as I could imagine you being like a sister to his siblings, I also imagine you helping out with evening meals.
I hope this result is to your liking
Toman Inquisitorial division member Silver
Please do not remove original tags in Re-blogs, don’t re-post anywhere else or alter the original work.
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vanillabeenflower · 1 year
New OC Reference Post
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*hands you a weird freak*
This is Syrus, he is another pretty old MGM 2 character that (unfortunately) exists in the same world as Brock, Maxim, and the rest. Idk if he’s gonna play an actual part in the story as a side character or what, I just wanted to finish his design. I think that unless I have another design in mind, there is a high chance that I’ll make any MGM 2 characters have wide hips
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Age: 25 (adolescent in his species’ age)
Species: Shifter
Gender + Sexuality: Agender (he/she/they/any, primarily uses male pronouns but doesn’t care, since he’s genderless and pronouns in his culture really only exist for communication purposes), bisexual (no pref)
Height: 6’2”
Voice: He has an androgynous but slightly masc voice. I imagine he sings like L/emon//D/emon/Neil Cicierega
Extra Info:
He usually has this happy attitude, but it's that weird type of happiness that makes it feel creepy or like he's hiding something. He also stares a lot and his voice never changes from its happy tone
I at first made him exist in the same universe as my NGT story, but I have no idea how to implement him so he just exists somewhere, just not in their general area. I might make hem interact outside of the story just for fun though
He loves physically maiming something :) I also might make him eat raw meat just for fun
His species is a carnivore so there's a good reason for his eagerness to kill, and hunting is a big part of his culture and is usually seen as a form of play
His feet aren't normal feet, they're more like claws/paws but more plantigrade in structure
Something that makes him weird is that his body is basically incapable of feeling intense pain or dying and he regenerates from any kind of injury pretty quickly, like overnight. If he has a gash or a missing limb, it regenerates and a scar appears where the gash was originally made, and the scar itself disappears one day later. It doesn't matter how close it is to the next day, or even the same day, if you see him gutted and/or with amputated limbs, not only will he still be alive, the next time you see him he will look like nothing ever happened to him the day before.
His legs purely muscle, he can kick a large dent into the side of a tree and can knock the wind out of you so hard that you might almost faint
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Here’s the pictures used in his reference sheet
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mil-fan-4ever · 9 months
My Inner Life: The Continuation
Chapter Two
Lair of the Dark Lord, Part Two
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We continued down the hall for some time, until we abruptly reached a door. The polished wooden portal appeared as though by magic it was so sudden. I eyed it warily but Ibsef showed no fear, no trepidation; of course he wouldn’t, I thought, because he knew Drakeshade. Or he had to. He was a high ranking member of Ariakas’s Dark Knights.
He opened the door a crack and then looking back at me threw it open wide. He stepped through seeming to ignore me. “Come along…” He said. “It’s quite empty.”
I paused only for a second before I followed him threw the door. It was dark in the room beyond as well but several windows lines the room, letting in faint, delicate light through the intricate designs decorating the windows. Most all of them showed the deadly Black Lilly in some form or other: one was held by a maiden with waving golden hair, another had multiple blooms being held by a knight delivering them to a lady. And one had a single Black Lilly as the centerpiece of its design. I was taken aback at how such beautiful things could be here in a place of deepest evil.
“Does your Dark Lord have an eye for art?” I said, trailing slowly along behind Ibsef and his clanking metal boots.
“He does not,” said Ibsef. “But his lady wife, Morriganna, prizes works of art and beauty. She collects such things.”
I stopped in my tracks “He’s MARRIED?” I gasped, horrified.
“To the most beautiful woman in all of the Black Mountains, in all of The Poison Lands, and, if you were to believe either of them, all of Gaia.” Ibsef had not stopped walking. He was heading for the door at the other end of the hall. I only just realized that the room was not entirely empty. There was furniture, draped against dust, pushed up against the opposite wall, nearly invisible in the dark.
“I still cannot believe any woman would want to marry a man as vile as Ariakas” I muttered.
Ibsef laughed coldly. “They’re a match made by the Goddesses, Mistress.”
I did not have time to question him. He was out the next door before I even had a chance to open my mouth. I hurried to follow him, struggling to keep up. The initial adrenaline from being freed and finding a partner to escape this hellhole was wearing off, and quickly. Now my legs were weak and there was a dull pain in my abdomen, and in my nether regions, as well. When we were halfway down the next corridor I had to stop, doubling over in agony.
“What is the matter with you” Ibsef asked.
“I had a baby only yesterday!” I snapped. My eyes squeezed shut as though of their own accord. “It was an easy birth but I am still very weak. Do you think we could rest for a moment?”
Ibsef paused. “I do not think that is wise.” Said Ibsef. “There are still guards about. And the lord and his wife are still here. She is a woman of great power and not one I would want to find myself on her bad side. We should keep moving.”
“But” I started
“I was once injured in the heat of battle” Ibsef said suddenly. He took me by the arm and lifted me so that I was standing up straight. All I could see were the horrible, hateful eyes of the dragon helmet. “I took a spear to the gut. It was most unpleasant. But I kept myself conscious and I kept my dragon going, all through the rest of the battle. I finally found a healer after the dust had settled and she told me that I should have been dead.” He released me, stepping back. “Childbirth is no small thing. But you look hale and healthy otherwise. I doubt it’s quite the same as suffering a near-fatal wound.”
Anger boiled within me. I wanted to knock that stupid helmet right off his head. But I held myself back, if only because I knew it would hurt me more than it would hurt him to lash out at him.
So I glared at him and I said, “I suppose it is not.”
“No” he agreed. And then he took off down the hall again. I staggered after him, forcing myself to remain on my feet and forcing one foot in front of the other, until I could walk with some confidence. I would not collapse in front of this infuriating man. I could not!
We exited this corridor into another great room, this one set out with great tables and comfortable-looking dining chairs. All of the furniture in here was polished to glowing and the soft light filtering through the rather plain windows here sent shimmers down the tables as light refracted off of them. A large portrait hung over the stone fireplace at the end of the hall, behind a massive throne-like seat at the head of one table. I walked up to it. It depicted a beautiful young woman with long glistening dark hair and deep-set but expressive blue eyes. She held her head high and I could see that she was wearing a high-cut black dress with her delicate hands perched on the top of a table sitting in front of her. Her face was smooth and beautiful and her makeup was light but impressive. But her stare was cold, as though she were staring icicles down upon whoever chose to look at her portrait.
“Who is this?” I asked Ibsef. He had stopped to look up at the portrait as well.
“Lady Morriganna” said Ibsef. “The Dark Lady herself.”
“She’s beautiful” I said, awed. “Is Lord Ariakas handsome, Ibsef?”
Ibsef started off toward the next door “No,” he said.
I followed after him. We were just about to exit the room when the smell of sulfur filled the room. I covered my nose and whipped around to face the direction I had just left, as sinister laughter filled the room. Ibsef also turned to face the newcomer but he remained quite motionless.
“Ha… ha… ha… Did you really think you could escape, my pretty one?” I knew that voice immediately I also knew the roiling mass of shadows. It was Ariakas’s Shadow. I shuddered just looking at it. “You are a naughty girl, though. Running off with my general, are you?” The Shadow clucked in disappointment. “How fickle is the woman’s heart.”
“You’re one to talk!” I cried, whipping out my Phoenix Circles. “You’re married and you’re standing here flirting with another woman!”
“I do not FLIRT!!!” Ariakas’s Shadow snapped. “I was merely propositioning you. I know you are a whore because my spies have told me what you and your stupid husband get up to almost nightly!”
I flushed “That doesn’t make me a whore! I have only ever made love to my husband” I felt strange and embarrassed talking about this with Ibsef standing right beside me. He didn’t seem to care what we were talking about, so I don’t know why I cared.
“Who cares!” Ariakas cried. The Shadow trembled and began to move slowly towards us. I took a step back but Ibsef stood firm. “I would not want to spoil my fun and kill you straightaway, however. Ibsef—hold her down. I want to enjoy this.”
Fear roared through my ears. I had thought Dark Link was bad, but at least there had only been one of him. I had gone to turn but Ibsef grabbed me by the arm suddenly, and I cried out, lashing out at him with my free hand. The Phoenix Circle arced through the air the gems glittering malevolently in the light from the windows. But the charkam never found its target.
Ibsef grabbed my other arm, holding me there for a moment before he twisted my arms painfully behind my back and held me there. I struggled as best I could but I soon realized it was futile. I felt so betrayed. I had not thought of Ibsef as any sort of friend but he had been helpful up to this point. Then again, he was a Draconian, and they were the Dark Lord’s beasts not their own.
“Good, good.” Ariakas laughed, sending chills throughout my body. “This should be splendid… You can have her afterward, Ibsef. I know you don’t mind leftovers… Ha, ha, ha…”
The darkness trembled again and this time sifted its shape, the shape of a tall, cloaked man sculpted from darkness and shadow forming where the Shadow had been only a second before. The face was hooded in shadow but I could see the rocky ugliness of it. And the horrid red eyes! I yelled out in fear.
Suddenly Ibsef yanked one of the Phoenix Circles from my hand. He spun toward the Shadow and released the charkam, sending it spinning into the Shadow’s midsection. I watched in mixture of horror and relief as the Phoenix Circle stuck in the Shadow’s black heart
“AAARGHGUGH!” screamed the Shadow. It writhed and turned once more into a blob of shadow-stuff, seeming to melt into a huge puddle of black darkness on the floor. Ibsef flung himself at the doors, opening them, and grabbed me on his way out. I wanted to go back and get my Phoenix Circle, but I knew also that this wasn’t the time or place for sentimentality.
Ibsef and I ran through the palace, ran like the beasts of hell were on our heels. He really did seem to know his way around the palace. Every turn he took was taken with certainty, and he dodged into rooms and intertwining corridors often enough that I could tell he had been through them all before.
We bolted threw another tall, sturdy door and as I flung myself onto it to close it, Ibsef stepped forward. A blast of wind hit me, then, and I turned as the door clicked shut. Fear coursed through me at what I saw there.
There was a dragon in front of us. Its scales were bright crimson, and it had black spikes lining its long spine. Wicked black spikes also curved from its head and chin. Its eyes were huge and yellow and looked me over with hunger. It took a few sniffs of the air and exhaled, sending the scent of sulfur into the air.
I squeaked and cowered in the presence of the great red dragon. It lifted its head as though it were going to open its mouth and rain fire upon me, or simply eat me. Either way, it wouldn’t turn out well for me.
But then Ibsef was there. He approached the dragon with surety and a slow pace, patting the great lizard on the neck. The dragon let out a strange hissing noise and nuzzled him with its cheek.
I gulped. “THIS is your dragon?” I asked.
“He is,” said Ibsef. “He has no name. I call him “friend,” however.”
I gulped again and looked up at Ibsef’s “friend.” The dragon had its head turned to him but it was still looking at me with one of its huge, yellow, deadly eyes. I bit my lip. “Is it safe? For me to approach?”
“It is” said Ibsef. He patted the dragon on the neck again and then moved to the nearest wall. All kinds of leather straps and strange saddles hung from it. As he rummaged through these I took a look at our surroundings. We had come out of the palace again, and now stood once more in the strange half-light of this place. The storm had let up some but now the clouds before and around us were white and gray instead of black. I heard strange chirping and growling noises from around and above us.
“What are those noises?” I asked.
“That would be the other dragons.” Ibsef said as though this were not cause for alarm.
MORE dragons?! My head spun and I had to lean against the doors. As I did, they buckled forward, into me, nearly knocking me off my feet. Good thing they were bolted, I thought to myself, as I turned and pressed my body to them again. There was no time to be relieved, though. I knew that whatever lied beyond those doors wanted us dead!
“Ibsef!” I cried. “The Shadow! It’s here!”
By this time Ibsef had strapped one of the large saddles to his dragon, and was working on buckling a bridle over the dragon’s mussel. He didn’t even turn to look at me. “Well we’d best be off then, shouldn’t we?”
He held his hand out to me and I rushed forward, taking it. With very little effort and immense strength, Ibsef hoisted me onto the dragon as though I weighed nothing at all. I was still adjusting to the awkwardness of the saddle when Ibsef joined me there, sitting in front of me. He worked the reigns expertly, and in a flash the dragon had turned and headed off of its balcony-cell. I hurried to wrap my arms about Ibsef’s midsection, holding on for dear life. I only allowed myself a brief glance back at the palace as we flew away; the doors to the red dragon’s balcony had burst open and the Shadow roiled angrily there. Other dragons in their balcony-cells—the very few of them, I saw—flapped their wings in agitation and some sent jets of fire into the air.
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casspurrjoybell-31 · 9 months
The Consort's Will - Chapter 22 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Vampires and humans alike smell death.
Their brains process how it reeks of decay, rotting flesh, bowel movements and lost hope.
They all shy away from it, their inevitable ending.
As a vampire, I can also sense the coagulation of blood, how it changes from a vibrant, warm flow of life to a chilled liquid with no purpose.
That very smell is with me now.
It settles just below my nose, curdling into an immovable presence, so pungent I can almost taste it.
The further I move away from the lab and down the hallway, the stronger it becomes.
The radio hisses against my hip.
No updates have been given since departing from my dearly beloved.
It is doing me more harm than good at this point, so I click it off.
Faint shouts and cries of pain whisper in the distance.
I carefully follow the sound but the way it bounces and echoes against the walls causes bouts of disorientation to their source.
It's as if the very walls are taunting me.
My frustration builds.
The tunnels break out into a dozen different directions at every turn.
It's a maze, purposefully designed for this very occurrence, an intruder causing turmoil.
I'm under no disillusion that Reyo is unaware of my plan.
By now I'm sure he's gotten wind of the deaths of his guards.
He knows I am behind them.
'All of them.'
If I had time to plan my attack, I would have woven in diversions.
I would have destroyed him in every way, including the dangerous dance that plays out in the mind.
Alas, the hands of time are a step ahead of me.
Every second wasted brings more death for the vampire species and more pain to my human.
Time is a luxury I cannot afford.
Footsteps intensify behind me.
The torches are few and far between now, so I move myself into the shadows, melting my form against the wall of rock.
"Shit, you smell that?"
"It's death."
"You really think he's all the way out in this wing? I can barely navigate around here and I've guarded these hallways for years."
A beat of silence.
"He's a vampire. He's stronger. More resilient. And he knows what's at stake. Do not underestimate him."
My furrows brow at the third, new voice.
It's one I've heard numerous times before, filled with determination and unforgiving resolve.
She and two other guards are moving down the hallway directly next to me.
I move from my place and press my ear against the quivering rock.
Their voices permeate through the thin walls, muffled but still intelligible.
It appears Mr. Primary is playing a mind game of his own.
Involving Gabe was a first step.
Now he is involving Tegan.
He is testing my limits, seeing how far I will go to kill.
To understand where my humanity lies.
For reasons unknown to me, my human has a soft spot for this female Secondary.
Though, if I am to reflect on his choices, he seems to take to the pricklier beings, myself included.
She is a detestable creature, following in the footsteps of a leader that is no better than the human history from centuries before.
Does Reyo not think I will kill her because my human is fond of her?
Or simply because she's a woman?
In either case, he will soon find out.
I slip away from the wall, moving down the hallway as quickly as I am able while still remaining soundless.
I am being watched, of that I am sure.
I need to be prepared for their attacks when I am within range. Although I am as close to immortal as there is, that still leaves the option of torture should they catch me.
Endless torture.
Plus, while I assume my human's blood within Reyo's concocted 'cure' cannot harm me, I am wary of this as well.
Reyo continues to surprise me in the worst ways.
He has built up a hatred towards the vampire species over the last few decades, spending countless hours in his research lab to develop that serum.
I can only imagine what venomous and fatal properties hide within it.
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Chapter 3: Manor Adventure
Narrated by Aeon.
~Content Warning: blood~
Narrator: A long line of people is waiting to get inside the Secret Chamber, many of whom are kids holding candy just like Marina. There are also some older adolescents excited about the murder mystery game itself.
Narrator: Then, when a soul-crushing shriek pierces the air from inside the Secret Chamber, one of the staff members standing around us starts talking.
Staff: Be ready for a suspenseful and spooky adventure inside the Secret Chamber. We ask our participants to remain calm when seeing people or things popping out every now and then.
Staff: Your mission is fairly simple: gather clues inside the Secret Chamber and write down who you think is the murderer on your answer sheet based on the clues.
Narrator: The staff member opens the door to the Secret Chamber as he winks at us.
Narrator: We're welcomed by the sound of a flock of bats flapping their wings. With an answer sheet in her hand, Marina drags me right in.
Marina: I'm feeling so much Halloween in here!
Narrator: Chilly winds come blowing past us as the door closes behind us, sending a shiver down our spines and making some of the participants shrill.
Passerby A: This whole thing is so realistic with the wind, water, and animal noises. This hallway is crushingly small, too.
Passerby B: The staff member was saying that this is a murder scene where the dead mistress' ghost still lingers, and that she's waiting for us to catch her killer.
Narrator: Walking through a hallway full of cobwebs, I see a painting sitting at the end of it. It's tattered-looking and has dust all over it. The woman in it looks gentle and calm.
Narrator: The group of participants decides to move the painting's frame out of the way to see what they can find.
Narrator: Just right when they move towards it, however, the woman in the painting slowly turns around and starts crying tears of blood...
Participants: Arghhhh!!!
Narrator: They run for their lives even before they touch the painting's frame. The woman in the painting turns our way as she moves her neck, with an eerie smile on her face.
Marina: Wow, is she alive? Her hair is long!
Narrator: I stop Marina from trying to touch the woman in the painting. Then, nodding at her apologetically, I move her incredibly long hair out of the way to pick up the first hint card from the floor.
Choose "Aren't you scared?"
You: Aren't you scared at all?
Narrator: Scared of what? The ghosts?
Narrator: Our definition of a ghost is that it's something that appears when someone dies. Death, though, doesn't mean that one disappears forever.
Narrator: The memories of countless designers come together in the Personality Mirror, which in a way allows them to live forever.
Narrator: This has been the case, is still the case, and will continue to be the case, which is why I find it difficult to sympathize with ghosts and don't feel scared.
Narrator: Using the faint red light on the walls, we make out the words written on the card and find the entrance to the second floor.
Narrator: The mistress' study, bedroom, her father's room, her servant's room... A screech fills the air as Marina and I go around checking all the different rooms on the second floor, from which Marina collects a good stack of hint cards.
Narrator: "Come upstairs tonight", "Take the suitcase away", "Fill the teapot", "Write me a letter"...
Narrator: These cards form a conversation between the mistress and the killer.
Narrator: The mistress is a widow whose husband has just died. The conversation, however, seems to be one that would only happen between two people in an intimate relationship.
Aeon: A widow with her long-time lover...
Narrator: I quickly write down my answer on the answer sheet, then decide to add a few more words upon reflection.
Narrator: When we exit the haunted house, Marina gives all our hint cards and answer sheets to the staff member standing at the exit.
Staff: Congratulations! No one has ever made it out as fast as you did!
Marina: Good job, Aeon!
Narrator: It wasn't overly difficult. When you put all the clues together and make logical sense of them, you'd be able to find the only person who fits all the descriptions among the suspects. The only thing, though...
You: The only thing?
Narrator: I didn't actually find the person who fits all the descriptions.
Narrator: I only wrote down who I thought would most likely be the killer, as well as how I arrived at my conclusion and that someone else might be the killer.
You: This dude is a logic freak...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
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tteokdoroki · 4 years
saccahrine sundays | k.bakugou
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♡ pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader.
♡ word count: 5.3K
♡ rating: mature, 18+, mdni.
♡ genre: pro hero!au, married!au, fluff + smut.
♡ summary: katsuki can never find enough time to get some sleep. between being a full time pro hero, a father and a husband— hours of rest are hard to come by. unless it’s one of those sweet, sweet saccharine sundays.
♡ warning(s): please read ! heavy smut, pwp ( characters aged up to late twenties ), somnophilia, unprotected sex ( wrap it before you tap it, kids ), fingering ( female recieving ), tummy bulges, mating press, pregnancy!kink, daddy!kink, breeding!kink, light!exhibitionism, cumplay + needy bakugou has a praise!kink... <3
♡ author’s note(s): brrr hey guys! it feels like forever since i last posted a full fic, january was bleh so im happy to get this out !! special thanks to @greenchild for feeding me this idea and thank to all of you for your love, support and 2.8K. i love you all, enjoy <3
♡ masterlist | requests
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katsuki bakugou couldn’t remember the last time he’d gotten a full nights sleep. between being a pro hero and family life, the full eight to nine hours of pure rest wasn’t easy to come by— now he wasn’t complaining, he was far too grateful for the life he lead to whinge and whine about the finer details. bakugou was right on track to becoming the number two, he had a beautiful wife who loved him and supported him no matter how reckless he might have been and two little brats that he adored more than anything. he was miles ahead of his high school classmates, never letting up or resting so like he said, there was no room to complain.
but even as the faintest wisps of light slip through drawn curtains and a vermillion gaze settled on the old all might digital alarm clock ( reading 9:01 AM ), katsuki bakugou can’t help but feel grateful for the sleep he just had. no interruptions from wailing toddlers or infants who need changing, no late night call ins for patrols— none of that, just an arm around his wife’s waist and the soft sound of her breathing to coax him out of his sleepy state.
bakugou remembers now, a distant yet far from faint memory of where he and his wife spent two days of their honeymoon under slumber’s spell, having ravished each other the very night they arrived in paris for their honeymoon ( all mina’s idea, she had told katsuki it was the perfect destination for newly weds in love— and whilst the several districts his alien friend recommended did appease you, the blonde had promised to take you on a more luxurious getaway when he was hire up in the hero rankings ). of course that very honeymoon lead you to fall pregnant with your first little miracle— taiga bakugou, the very spitting image of her father except or the slight tilt to her nose and the sparkle in her eye that only her mother possessed.
raising her had proven to be both an enjoyable and exhausting experience for katsuki, with a matching explosive personality to rival even her daddy’s— there were many restless nights the pro hero spent butting heads with his daughter while his sweet spouse was away on missions and getting used to the field again. even during the pregnancy, full nights of rest were little to none— the cravings taiga gave you were almost unbearable for the blonde, not to mention the 2AM labour his little girl put you through...and yet he would repeat the last four years of lack of sleep all over again if it meant reliving every single moment with you. raising tatsumo was much better; however.
so as the weight of well deserved slumber lifts from katsuki’s shoulder’s he’s forced to deal with the memories of your sweet cries from the night (or rather, nights) he made you his wife. he stirs under cotton sheets, a familiar hardness pressing against his inner thigh as he recalls the way you tightened around him— “honey baby,” the desperate whisper tastes foreign, bitter across his tastebuds as he licks his lips. katsuki was usually much more composed when it came to sex, he could hold out for hours while you pleaded and begged of him to give you more. but this morning was different, very much so.
skilfully, the ash blonde slips a hand between your sheets, finger tips calloused with years of training and battle, dancing up your bare thighs from where you wear only his shirt and a pair of panties. the fingers trail up to your underwear, pressing them against your cunt as bakugou watches your face for any reaction— you twitch once before falling back into a deep slumber, letting your husband know that he can continue. he peels like orange silk away from your core and down your legs, half resisting the urge to sniff your undergarment like the dirty man he is but he decides that he can longer wait, already turned on by the feeling of your bare pussy against his hand.
the pro knows exactly how to turn you on, dragging is nails down your thighs just an inch from your wetness and his mind fogs with lust at the thought of the sounds you’d make for him if you were awake...not yet, he says to himself. his next move is to fuck your mouth, two of his digits sliding past parted lips from where you snore— gathering the drool that pools on the surface of your tongue. back and forth; move bakugou’s fingers until he’s satisfied with how wet you’ve made them with your spit. returning those very same fingers to your cunt, he parts your folds— already slightly sticky and hot with the nectar he’s used to savouring. if this were any other time, bakugou would be eating you out like a man starved of his last three meals but the rising sun tells him that his moments to fuck you are very few.
so now, he slides those lubed up fingers right into your tight little hole, shuddering under the sheets at how you automatically clamp around him— even while you sleep. katsuki’s vermillion eyes seek out your face in the warm light of the dusk, watching as your expression contorts into that familiar look of pleasure— lips blossoming into a cherry pout, brows furrowed as if you’re focusing on the way your husband makes you feel.
“fuck, honey baby, so good ‘n pliant for me even when yur fuckin’ sleepin’,” katsuki slurs against saliva that slips along his tongue, he’s hungry to fuck you, make you moan and scissors his fingers deep inside your obedient cunt in away that makes your slumbering body jump. pressing a thumb to your neglected clit, bakugou twists his fingers in search for your g-spot, pumping them into you with vigour. “gonna make you cum angel, baby, please cum while you’re like this s’you can take my cock.”
if there’s one thing pro hero dynamite knows, it’s that your body is a slave to him, no matter what state it’s in. your thighs part instinctively; giving your husband room to curl his fingers and press down hard on your pleasure spot— gummy walls sucking him in deeper. he makes you cum while you sleep, juices staining  your supple skin, honeyed from the warm light outside.
“atta girl, cummin’ for your husband like that even when you’re sleeping— so fuckin’ naughty...” katsuki grunts, locks of sun kissed hair beginning to plaster itself against his forehead. his body shakes with the desire to be inside of you, his internal temperature rising with every second that he’s not sheathed within your walls. pulling his fingers away from your twitching mound, bakugou slides them, cum soaked and all, into his mouth to taste your very sweetness. “would eatcha out like a starved man, honeybee, but we don’t gotta lot of time left baby...”
with that, bakugou shuffles his sweats down enough for his cock to spring free, tip bright red and leaking against his toned, scarred abdomen. with practised ease, he hooks your right leg over his waist and positions your dripping cunny right over the head of his length. it takes everything katsuki has not to plunge deep inside of you, to abuse your tempting cunt until it’s formed into the shape of his cock but for once he wants to take you slowly, enjoy his time with your limp body at his disposal.
pressing his girth against your slick entrance, your husband sighs, coating himself with the remainders of your delightful release. the mess you made just for him, makes it easier for him to guide his cock between your velveteen folds that take him so well. his free hand comes up to brush over your cheek and even in the depths of your rest you manage to nuzzle into katsuki’s palm and make his coo— what a precious little doll you are, so good for him and always so obedient no matter what state you’re in. fuck, it drives him so insane that he can’t even think straight.
fucking hell. the way you sigh out for him so mawkishly whilst you dream makes him twitch, not even half the way inside you.  “c’mon honey baby, don’t go moanin’ my name like that when i haven’t even had a c-chance to make you mine yet—“ the blonde shudders, eyes screwing shut as he finally bottoms out inside of you. katsuki let’s out a choked moan, from deep within his chest while you welcome him into your lethally syrupy cunt. “ohh, fuck, that’s the stuff, good girl...”
bakugou’s thrusts start slow yet, forcing your limp body to jolt up the bed and your tits to bounce in tune with the rhythm of his hips— your little hole sucks him in so greedily, so selfishly, clamping down on him as if to prevent him from leaving your body as a whole. pro hero dynamite is shaken to his core, how can his precious baby take him so darlingly while she’s asleep, refusing to let go of him and keep his cock tucked away inside of you.
shit, shit, shit.
he wants to defile you, asleep or not, ruin how pure and angelic your body appears even after years of being together. it’s your fault he’s like this anyway, you deserve to have your pussy destroyed no matter the circumstances— ruby framed eyes threaten to roll back into his skull while bakugou picks up the swirl of his hips between your sticky thighs, you flutter and squeeze around the girth that’s stretched you out so many times before and yet you still remain a tight hole designed for your husband and your husband alone.
lips map their way up the column of your neck, committing every dip and scar and blemish to memory even though katsuki knows where each of them are. the amber colour of the morning sun highlights each of your marks, your husband giving you as many lovebites to match each one. “nn, suki...more..” you whimper, so quiet he almost misses it underneath the sound of wet skin slapping against wet skin. could you feel how he deflowered you in your sleep? ruining such a good girl while you resting? he wants so bad to corrupt you from the inside.
static stretches across katsuki’s brain, crackling as his neurones fire and dopamine fizzes in his veins. cum. cum. breed her. it’s too soon but the blonde can’t help it, pent up and high on the morning sunrise— addicted to the taste of your skin licked with light perspiration. it’s been ages since he’s had you like this, can you blame him for not hanging on so long? bakugou lifts your thigh higher on his waist, using it as leverage to plough into the deepest parts of you, his precious wife, desperate to cream inside you before wake up.
“mm, know you’re close lovebug, won’t you cum for me suki?”
katsuki’s gaze hones in on you, vision blurred and hazy with lust from his impending orgasm. your own eyes are heavy with sleep but the soft smile on your face is filled with a familiar adoration and saccharine love that the blonde can never get tired of. he knows that you know your voice alone is another to send him speeding off of the cliff of release— your hole squeezing around him, beautiful hips that once brought his children into the world gracefully moving up and down to coax his girthy cock to its final release.
“honey baby,” katsuki whines like a broken man when you cup his face, hot puffs of air warming up the space between you.  his hips don’t let up though, driven by the way you move against him beneath the sheets, he’s so close he can almost taste it. “c-couldn’t wait for you to wake up, needed you so fuckin’ bad...”
your mouth hangs open in a quiet groan, getting lost in the claps of sweaty bodies against one another and katsuki latches onto your lower lips to swallow your noise— breathing it in and letting it spread through his body like oxygen. “oh, lovebug, y-you don’t...” you pause, eyes rolling to the back of your head as the angry tip of your husband’s cock grazes against your gummy spot, sending your walls into a flurry of flutters that make katsuki twitch. “ ...you don’t ever have to wait with me, d-don’t hold back, kay?”
you’re a breathless mess, a sight to behold and he can’t take not having you filled with his seed any longer. the lazy push and pull of your bodies smacking wetly against each other become erratic thrusts, heat pooling in the abdomen of the pro hero boiling him alive in feelings of desire for you and you alone.
bakugou quivers from his lips to his toes when he cums, filling your slippery walls with a creamy white and lining your insides with the claim of your man. your man. your husband. “fuck, fucking hell,  h-honey, gimme that pussy...gimmie that fuckin’ pussy,” his groans linger in the crisp early morning air, dancing with the static while he orgasms within you, endless bouts of white stuffing you to the brim. you kiss in an attempt to calm him, squeezing around his thick cock to ride out his high. you taste of orange liquor  and manuka honey, addicting while he sucks lavishly on your tongue and spares you the air you need to breathe. ‘cause at the end of the day call you need is him.
“did you cum, precious one?” ever the gentleman, katsuki has to ask but even you can see in his blood red ruby eyes ( no matter how tired they may seem ) that he’s gearing up for a second round, shallow thrusts pushing his own release  deeper into your fertile womb. there’s about thirty minutes until the kids wake up, but your lover can make you see stars in fifteen.
you shake your head once as bakugou rolls you onto your back— strong arms caging you into the prison if his love. large hands dance tenderly up the back of your thighs and you meet his eyes with such a saccharine smile his heart bursts at the sight of you. “you’re insatiable, lovebug,” the tingling notes of your moan caresses bakugou’s cheek as he manoeuvres your legs to fold you into a mating press, shifting his weight above you. “did you really need me that much, daddy bear?”
“think y’already know the answer to that, honeybee,” katsuki drawls, tripping over his words filled, oh so generously with blazing desire. he still remains sheathed inside you, a darling whine dripping from his cherry lined lips— the ones sore from kissing you— as he gives an experimental thrust into the tight heat of your core. you accept him willingly, opening up for him like a blossoming flower which makes katsuki’s hot breath stutter from the overstimulation. neither of you can look away, sharing the intimate moment of his length sinking into you— katsuki groans as you suck him in inch by inch before leaning over and attaching his lips to yours, licking at the seam of them in order to coax them open. his wife is a tease however; denying him the pleasure of sucking on her tongue...for now at least.
but it’s all worth it, for katsuki wants to burn the erotic sight of you beneath him into his mind forever. your skin shines like it was kissed by the setting moon, eyes hooded and holding a lust that only burns brightly for him while your chest heaves in anticipation of your husband claiming you for the second time that morning. “m-move suki, please—c-can’t...” the tail end of your pleas fall away with the fading night sky.
the man doesn’t need to be told twice.
save for a few shallow thrusts to get going, katsuki soon finds himself pistoning into you at an unruly, god speed pace. the blonde revels in the way one hand of yours twirls strands of his hair between your fingers whilst the other digs crescent moons into his blemished honey skin. helpless huffs and candied cries tickle bakugou’s ears while he presses your body flush against his and pins you down with his hips.
their movements don’t ever waver, cock catching on every ridge your damp pussy has to offer him, each thrust calculated amplify your pleasure that rolls in heatwaves throughout your body. katsuki’s mind grows blank, thick with the mirage you’ve cast over him from the way you push back against him, taking more of his inches into you.
“ngh, lovebug,” you say, high off of euphoria while katsuki’s leaking cock bears down harshly on your g-spot and you smile up at him deliriously— looking like the eighth wonder of the world. you grab the hand your husband uses to keep your thighs up and bring it down to your tummy for him to feel what you feel. “can feel your cock inside me, love, so big...makin’ my tummy bulge like a good daddy bear...”
something snaps within katsuki at the sound of your breathless praise; a feral blaze setting alight deep inside his chest— spreading throughout his body as his cock drives deeper and deeper inside your spongy, wet cunt— just about breaching the gates of your cervix. breed her. fuck her. make her swollen with your cum. bakugou can’t even think straight; intoxicated by the way you move against him, the way you look so full of him and his thick length.
he wants you to look full all of the time. so katsuki does with the only way he knows how. dropping his head to your neck, sharp attack your neck with blossoms of bruises forming under your skin in the name of love— you whine, a gorgeous symphony of his name against his ear while you tangle your fingers in the baby hairs at the nape of his neck. “y’can’t jus...jus say stuff like that to me, honey...” bakugou croons against your skin, screwing his eyes shut while his hips pick up the pace and plunging his length right into your womb. the sounds of your arousal wetly spill into the sex scented air— fuelling katsuki to thrust into you faster. “not if you...n-not if you don’t want me to fuck another one of those shitty brats into you.”
as stuttered as his words are, bakugou means every single one of them. a primal desire activates in the back of his mind, overriding every single of senses. just the thought of lining your womb with his pungent seed, making you pregnant once again and seeing you round and full with katsuki’s child is enough to drive him off of the rails. And the pro hero knows that you feel the same, he can tell by the way your heat clamps down on his cock and strangles him, as if to milk him of every ounce of his cum.
“yes, want you to make me pregnant suki, make me a mommy again, please—!”  you simper out loud, desperate tears springing to your eyes while the bed groans beneath you. visions of you round and swollen with a baby drives him to thrust into you harder, faster so that more and more of his precum spills into you. “know you want it, want it too...your cum, deep inside me—ohmygod suki—yes!”
bakugou slaps a hand over your mouth, watching as your sweet doe eyes brim with tears at the languid roll of his hips against yours. “careful honeybee, don’t want the kids to...fuckin’ hell... h-hear—“ he stutters, eyes rolling, limbs shaking violently. his other hand drops between your conjoined bodies, drawing vicious circles into your swollen clit to draw you closer and closer to the edge. star dust is littered behind your eyes, the bright white signifying the race to your high that only katsuki can give to you. “or do you want to be heard, you want everyone to hear how full you’re gonna become when i get you pregnant again. how you’ll whine and beg me to suck on your tits when you start makin’ that sweet milk for our baby. is that what you fuckin’ want, yn?”
you can’t help the way your pussy flutters around his cock that brutally grazes your g-spot— the dirty words your husband speaks like music to your ears. a symphony with his moans and the sounds of his balls slapping against your bare ass.  “oooh, shit baby, you must do with the way your lil cunny clamps down on me—just like that...”
“oh god, lovebug please...cum...cum! need it daddy bear—can’t take it anymore,” you babble against katsuki’s hand, brain turning to mush at the unbearable pleasure. the knot in your tummy becomes tighter, close to snapping as the white light of pleasure clouds your view.
patterns drawn diligently against your clit speed up; turning to quick figure of eights to tease your orgasm. “‘course you fuckin’ do honey baby, my little breeding bitch. my sweet little wife who can’t wait to be a mommy again. take this cock, you dirty whore. take it and I’ll give you my fuckin’ baby.” bakugou slurs, losing all control as the pace of his hips begins to falter. you can feel his dick twitching inside of you, tip pulsing with the need to paint your insides.
your gazes lock within the frenzy, while your back arches and hips lift to take your husband deeper inside you. dynamite is feral like you’ve never seen before; an animal reduced purely back to instinct. unfocused red eyes become teary like your own with hot pleasure while they lock onto you but you know that behind lust; loved the adoration and love your husband holds for you. thats all you need to reach the edge and tumble into your orgasm,
it takes but a few more thrusts and a pinch to your clit before you’re cumming— release squirting out and splattering against bakugou’s toned abdomen.
the blonde never lets up while you cum undone on his iron hot rod, letting him pump into you with unrelenting feverishness. katsuki is desperate, needing an extra push even with you strangling his cock with your insides. “s-say you’ll make your daddy a daddy baby, say you’ll give me another fucking kid. fuck, fuck yeah...please honey baby—“ bakugou damn near sobs, trembling violently above you as his breath hitches with ever hiccup.
smiling gently, you pull his head to your neck, cradling your husband while his pace slows to circular grinds. “i’ll make you a daddy again, you can cum for me now lovebug...”
“shit, shit, oh god— cummin’...” thats all bakugou needs to hear before bottoming out inside of your abused hole—  screaming against your bitten flesh and forcing his cock into your fertile womb as he sprays with his thick, sticky seed. white coats every ridge and crevice of your pussy while impatient thrusts slow to sensual grinds. you feel the tears of neediness soak the supple skin of your neck, rocking your hips against katsuki to milk his cock for all it’s worth— even if slow waves of his cum seep down your folds and to the sheets below.
“g’morning, katsuki,” you sigh blissfully, fingers combing through your lover’s sweaty mop of sun kissed locks. the pair of you lie still, limbs still intertwined as you catch your breath under the orange hues of the light outside.
your husband shifts his head to look at you, eyelids heavy over blood red eyes with a satisfied look on his face. he’ll never get over having you all to himself first thing in the morning— katsuki bakugou will always consider that a luxury and as he looks to you, a great smile soon takes his features. “yeah...good fucking morning to you too, angel face,” bakugou doesn’t dare pull out of you, intent on keeping his word. “love you yn, you’re always so good to me...”
katsuk’s lips mould into a pout as you continue your earlier ministrations of brushing back sweat slicked hair away from his face before pressing a chase kiss to his lip and making his cock twitch from over sensitivity, inside of you. he was always a sucker for the romantic moments after a passionate round of sex, he was a domestic, love struck son of a bitch what could he say? “suki...lovebug, you know you can pull out if it’s too much,” you remind him, the sound of your voice pulling his attention back to you. as he stares; katsuki maps out every detail of your face, the way your eyes glitter in the mellow light that peeks from between closed curtains or the slight dip across your cheek in the form of a scar from where you’d been injured on the field— he spends time committing it all to memory as if it’s the last time he’ll get to witness such beauty. “you’re staring, bug.”
“nuh uh, not pulling out.” huffing, bakugou leans up for another kiss, which you happily provide him with as he curls up onto your chest like a kitten seeking warmth. “keepin’ you plugged full s’you can get preggers like i fuckin’ promised.”
“you were serious?” you question him first, earning yourself another grouchy huff before your eyes roll and a comfortable silence sweeps across your bedroom, periodically interrupted by the morning birds waking up and chirping. “always a man of your word, huh bug? don’t worry, we’ll make you a daddy bear soon, but i’ve got to clean up before the kids wake up.��
“don’ you fuckin’ move— leave the dumbass kids, they’ll be fine on their own.”
“not with taiga’s quirk coming through, now move, you’re heavy.”
with that, you manage to shove bakugou off of you and he only hisses lightly as his softened cock hits the cold air, already missing your heat. the banter between you both as husband and wife is always light and you always win; he wants to bite back but anything he says will be soft on his sharp tongue. damn you and you being the love of his life. bakugou watches as you fix his shirt over your frame and head to your en-suite bathroom to make yourself more presentable to your kids— mumbling something about how many times katsuki came inside of you.
sure there was a lot of it, but he’d only cum inside you twice and he was trying to give you a baby. again.
the shower turns on and he can hear the sound of water running but it doesn’t cover your sweet voice as you call for him. he could never miss that. “katsuki bakugou, you horny bastard, i love you, my daddy bear!” you sing for him; making the blonde smile.
“i love you more, honey baby,” he chuckles back, tucking himself back into sweats before settling back into the ruined sheets.
bakugou was so luckily to have you and you’re beautiful children— he wouldn’t trade any moment of his life for the world except for maybe more time with you. he swore, he’d spend forever loving you if he could.
“daddy?” sweet thoughts are cut off by the groggy voice of bakugou’s eldest daughter, taiga, who stands in the doorway of his bedroom rubbing her cherry red eyes.
the blonde grins, rising from his place in bed and crossing the room in three short strides. he quickly crouches down in front of his little girl and ruffle her unruly mop of matching blonde hair. “g’morning brat, what’s up?”
taiga clutches her shoto plushy tightly, the one uncle todoroki had gotten her for her first birthday ( the one that bakugou hated because it was his daughter’s favourite— kirishima hated it too because he had always thought he was the favourite uncle ), and pouts down at her father, scowling sleepily. bakugou knows if you could see the two of them now, you’d be saying she was the spitting image of him. “tatsumo woke up n wouldn’t stop whinin’, fink he’s hungry, daddy!” the little girl grumbles, clearly still reeling in the after effects of her sleep that got cut short.
“how about we go get him and make some pancakes then?” katsuki suggests softly, hauling his daughter onto his bare shoulders and being mindful not to drop her stupid fuckin’— i mean her plushy to the ground. “y’gonna help me mix up enough batter for ya ma n’ brother, you got that brat?”
taiga squeals as at the new found height, wrapping a singular chubby arm around bakugou’s head for support, making his heart burst at the tiny hand that grips his chin. fuck, he loved his life. “only if we can add choco chwips, daddy!”
“oi, don’t you push your fuckin’ luck with me brat, ya mommy might let you get away with eatin’ shit like that but not me—“ bakugou makes an attempt to scold his daughter while they make way towards his son’s room, but he already knows he’s going to give into her. he can’t say no to taiga.
“i’ll tell mommy you cursed at me!”
“why you little sh—“
“careful, katsuki, if you keep cursing her out i might have to put you on punishment later,” taiga bursts in to wriggly giggles on bakugou’s shoulders, making it harder to keep her in place as you brush past him to grab tatsumo from the nursery.
“daddy’s gonna get in trouble!”
the teasing tone to your voice lingers in the air while you fetch your son, who seems groggy and pouty when he comes into katsuki’s view— wrapped up in your arms while you wear a cleaner shirt of his. there’s that glint in your eye, similar to the one your children posses when they’re doing something mischievous. and  that alone tells the ash blonde he’ll be getting punished in ways that could lead to another little one rushing through your house.
bakugou can roll with that.
but for now; he reaches up and pinches taiga’s nose— telling her to stop running her mouth and sending you into giggles while you carry your children downstairs for breakfast. katsuki bakugou couldnt remember the last time he’d gotten a full nights sleep, but what he did know is that he’d always remember the very saccharine mornings he’d get to spend with you and your beautiful children after.
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“taiga, did you put chocolate chips in the batter even though i told you no?”
bakugou had turned his back for but a mere second to grab some milk for tatsumo; who played happily with smooshed bits of banana in his high chair— and suddenly, the batter was littered with the offending, tiny pieces of candy.
“no, it was mommy!”
you quickly throw your hands up in the air as defence, dropping the packet of sinful treats to the counter. “what? i’m having cravings, bakugou!”
“you’re not even pregnant, yn!” the man himself raises his spatula at you accusingly with a scowl, biting down on his tongue to prevent himself from cursing again.
you smile up at your husband, knowing he can’t stay mad at you for long. “but i will be, katsuki, it’s the thought that counts.” your eyes flicker up as you wipe the melted chocolate on your finger tips off with your tongue before moving to settle your daughter down for breakfast. bakugou splutters, cheeks flaming with a reddish rose at the thought of your soon to be baby and all the activity that comes with making one which makes you laugh. “oh and lovebug? your pancakes are burning.”
with a jump, katsuki turns to flick off the flame and save his batch of pancakes while you tend to your kids— leaving him to contemplate over your chocolate chip breakfast, how lucky he was to have you.
“i crave chocolate, can i get a pregnant?” taiga squeals shortly after.
“not a chance in hell, brat.”
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♡ taglist:
@ozzy-bozzy @bakugous-mamas @meg-mystic @runningon-5percentsleep @cyans-bliss @husband-to-tomura-shigaraki @paintedr0ses1 @69meggg69 @sapphoscolonoscopy @toshidou @saucey-kneecapzz42020 @candybabey @alrunemara​ @greenchild​
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iguana-eyanna · 3 years
What Was Left Behind Pt. 11
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Summary: After the events of the Sokovia Accords, Steve is now a fugitive to the U.S. government and has left you in the worst way possible. What happens when fate reunites the two again when you are most vulnerable?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x pregnant reader
Warning: hospitalization, problems within the pregnancy, Tony fighting Steve, mentions of possible character death
Sam and Steve were already heading to your house until they received Nat’s frantic call about you. Steve was driving the truck and never had this man break so many traffic laws (and crushed the steering wheel like the Hulk) in his life.
Once they got to the base, Steve didn’t even park as he just jumped out of the car to head to you. At the medbay, Steve saw Dr. Choi coming out of a closed curtain room.
“What happened?” he said worryingly. The doctor lowered her head down to find the right words. “I found out that the blood transfusion made her condition worse. The baby absorbed all of your enhanced DNA, making them grow at an immense rate. She needs to deliver soon.” she said.
Steve’s head was spinning, trying to wrap this information. “I don’t understand, I thought it was making her better. Won’t the baby be premature?” Choi’s face saddens as she has more bad news.
“The baby is practically full term, almost as if the fetus is overdue. Her body can’t sustain such strain. She must have been going through this pain for a while now. I suggest an all-natural birth as performing a c-section is too risky. We don’t know if either of them will survive such stress.”
Nat comes out of your room, looking at a very pale Steve “Hey big guy, let’s sit down… ey?” he nods his head as he slowly takes a seat while Nat wrapped up the conversation with Dr. Choi till she left for the nearest lab. Nat takes the seat next to Steve, unsure what to say.
“She was fine this morning. Why wouldn't she tell me something was wrong?" Steve questions, trying to grasp what's happening. Nat purses her lips, placing her hand on his shoulder for support. "Because she didn't want to lose you." she says in a faint tone.
Steve shoots his direction to her. "What do you mean?" he asks, flabbergasted. Nat looks down, trying to choose her next words carefully.
"Steve, she knew from the start that this pregnancy was going to be the death of her. She left the only life she's known to escape threats for your baby. Not only that, but she had to do it ALONE. Now that she's with you, she didn't want to throw away the limited time you guys had. I know y/n, she probably wanted to spend her last memories with the ones she cherished instead of wasting away on a hospital bed."
Steve stays silent, suffering inside with tears drenching his face. He faces in your direction, probably thinking you are scared for your life. Steve turns to nat as she nods her head for him to visit you, standing up and wiping his tears away to go to you.
You were in bad condition. It was as if all the color from your skin had drained away. The only color that appeared was the purple bruises that were forming at your exposed belly that was wrapped in belts to monitor the baby's heartbeat.
"Please don't look at me like that." you whispered as you struggled to get up from your lying position, trying to grab a thicker blanket to cover your shivering figure.
“Are you okay?” Steve asked as he grabbed the blanket and tucked you gently. “Believe me, I suffered worst.” you said as you straightened up a bit, rubbing your very big belly. He showed a face of guilt, but you just clutched his hand softly as he slowly sat at the edge of the left side of the bed.
He held your left hand, gliding his finger on your wedding ring. "Remember when I proposed to you?" he asks lightly. You begin to chuckle as you stare into his blue eyes.
"How could I forget? You were so nervous that we arrived late to the reservation. You were so persistent that we walked the block to a nearby diner and it started raining. I could tell you were visibly upset but I said 'the worst moments happen before the great ones.' Just like that, you knelt on one knee."
He smiles down in his lap, remembering his past frustration that melted away because of your reassuring words. "and I said that 'because of you, you changed everything in my life into something greater. I knew that the second I met you, I couldn't go a day without your smile or your laugh.' Then I took out the ring that I designed after your mother's locket."
You cup your hands around his face. "And it was the most beautiful ring." You both stay in your positions, enjoying the quiet that surrounds you.
"I need to ask you something..." you began as your eyes stung with tears. "If things go south, I need you to promise me that you do whatever it takes to save the baby. Alright?" you sniffed.
It was a hard pill to swallow as you two knew that you were probably not going to make it. But if one of you were to say it out loud, both your worlds would crumble.
He kisses your lips with such affirmation. “How can I say no to my best doll?” he huffed out, trying so hard not to cry again as he forced a small smile.
Your eyes start to flutter, causing Steve to help you in a comfortable position to sleep. He fixes your hair out of your face, then kneels down to kiss your temple. "I love you," he mutters softly before leaving the room.
Steve sees Sam and Nat in the waiting area, waiting for news on your well-being. "She's sleeping right now. Call me when she wakes up." Steve said sternly, walking like a man on a mission.
"Where are you going?" Nat screamed after Steve. He turns around briefly, looking straight at her in the eye.
"Like you said, y/n wants to be surrounded with the ones she cherishes. I'm going to uphold that wish."
Sam chases after Steve who is heading to a small aircraft. “Look man, I know what you’re going to do. I think you’re doing a noble thing but it’s a suicide mission. You don’t even know what’s going to happen to you.” Sam says as Steve turns on the monitor, hearing the engines roar.
“I have to die trying. If y/n doesn’t get this closure, she never will. I need to do this alone, but if I don’t make it… promise you’ll give her the necklace.” Steve says, holding out his hand to Sam. His friend’s face turns serious as he shakes the captain’s hand. “You do that yourself, Cap. You’re going back to your family in one piece.” Steve nods his head, prepping for the flight that can lead him to possible death.
“Boss, there’s an unknown aircraft that is heading this way.” FRIDAY alerted Tony as he was finishing dinner with Pepper. Tony gets up in cue as he presses a small button on his chest that surrounds his body with his armor. “Go and wait in the room. I’ll figure out what’s going on. I’ll have FRIDAY have you listen to what’s going to happen” Tony said in alert.
Pepper kissed him briefly and ran her way up the stairs. Stark flies out on the terrace and heads to the small aircraft. “Hey there, I don’t know if you noticed but you’re kinda trespassing on my property. I need to ask you to fly along wherever you came from before I call the local authorities and you know the drill.”
He backs up a bit as the aircraft slowly turns around to open the back ramp, revealing the last person he wants to see. “Tony… hear me out before you-” the man is cut off as Tony blasts him near his right shoulder, grazing into a wound. He falls back by the sudden impact, trying to tend the injury with pressure
Tony’s face is revealed to talk to his old friend. “You have ten seconds to explain what you’re doing here before I blast you in the sky.” Tony demanded as he raised his hand that was lighting up with energy. “It’s y/n!” Steve screamed out. Tony lowers his hand.
Tony’s face softens just from hearing your “Wha-what happened to her? Is she alright?” Steve slowly gets up, grunting lightly from his arm. “The doctor’s think she’s dying, Tony. They said she won’t be able to survive the birth. The only person she wants to have her dying moments in that delivery room is you.”
Tony is speechless, he suddenly looks back to see Pepper staring at them from the terrace. He could visibly see her crying and mouthing out “Go to her.” Without warning, Tony goes into the aircraft, now standing next to Steve as the door closed.
Steve is about to say something before getting interrupted by a phone call. Steve excuses himself to answer it. “Hey, I’m on my way. Tell -” his voice drowns out as he hears screaming on the phone. Steve tries to reply but the end goes silent.
“Steve, what’s going on?” Tony asks in a concerned tone. Steve turns to Tony as his face turned ghostly white.
“That was Natasha… y/n is going into labor.”
Taglist: @austynparksandpizza @bluemoon-icecream @castellandiangelo @coldmuffinpartycloud @denise-was-here @emmy626 @fandom-life-12 @findthebeautyinbreakdowns @friyak1 @httphiddlestan @ihearthockeyy @ilovetaquitosmmmm @jessyballet @jordynhouston @kalopsia-flaneur @lharrietg @lharrietg @lou-lou26 @lou-lou26ydia223 @lydia214 @marantha @marquisofmelis @rhapsodic-memories @scxrlettlove @smyfmj @supraveng @thatblondebrownie @turtlepad @youdidnotseethisluv
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creativesplat · 3 years
I often try not to be too critical on this blog, but I thought I ought to mention it. 
Star Wars the Clone Wars has some serious problems. 
Some things are just not handled delicately or correctly in any way shape or form. I’m not going to talk about the Clovis arcs here, since @englishlady has already done a very good job on that, and will instead elaborate on my opinions about the Zygerria arc. 
Trigger warnings for discussion of slavery, non-consensual stuff, and sexual harassment. 
Anakin’s portrayal was the thing that really frustrated me at first. This is a man who has suffered under slavery, abuse, and violence for the first nine years of his life, and the story writers are telling me that he is almost entirely comfortable bantering with his Padawan whilst surrounded by awful things from his past? After a few years you don’t just get over trauma, but his reactions seem to have. 
I have been through nothing even remotely as bad as this, but the bad stuff that has happened in my past isn’t something I can get over, and when it’s brought up I feel rather uncomfortable, uneasy, or downright rotten. 
The show writers really should have looked at this and said: ‘we are putting a character who has experienced childhood trauma into a position where he will be confronted by it and may experience it again, let’s try to handle it sensitively’ but what they actually went for was: ‘we’re doing episodes on slavery, there should be scantily clad ladies and the overall message that slavery is bad’ Yes. Slavery is bad. Everyone knows that. In dealing with such a sensitive topic, it should be handled better. Not just ‘slavery bad, but ooh look girls!’ (I will be getting on to the inappropriate costume design in a moment, btw), but also some delicacy and tact. These are real world problems that people today still suffer from, they should be handled more appropriately. 
There was one line that really stood out to me (although all of them were rather poor) and that was where Ahsoka is discussing her roll on the mission. 
Here’s the conversation from the Clone War’s TV show: 
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Here’s the conversation from the comic. 
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See the difference? 
It feels really really tone deaf for the only character that is making light of the situation the only one who has actually experienced it. It felt a little like saying: ‘oh this sort of thing isn’t that bad, hehe lol’. It felt dismissive and not only unpleasant in terms of the real world as well, but also just incredibly poor writing and story telling. 
You don’t even need to realise he has emotional trauma to realise his character would be uncomfortable in that situation, he doesn’t like sand and he’s on a desert planet. He doesn’t like putting Ahsoka in danger, and Ahsoka is in danger. I mean maybe I’m just a little judgmental or maybe I misread it… but… IDK, the portrayal of Anakin really cheesed me off. 
Here’s the bits that may be a bit triggering, just a warning:
Ahsoka’s outfit is in no way shape or form appropriate. She is dressed like a sex slave, and she is a child. 
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Anakin would have probably chosen the outfits for this mission, because you know, he has the most knowledge on the subject. You can not tell me that the Ex-Slave Anakin Skywalker would gladly dress his underage female Padawan in saucy clothes. 
This was a creative decision which made no sense in the story or for the characters, and it has some rather unfortunate implications. Whilst Ahsoka is not in any way harmed sexually there is the implication that something could have happened, had the Queen or Anakin allowed it. That is a rather distressing concept. It is inappropriate, particularly for a young child. 
In the comics Ahsoka was dressed like Shmi Skywalker. 
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It would have made no difference to the story had they kept her dressed as Shmi Skywalker. I don’t really understand why they decided to dress a 15 year old girl as what appears to be a sex slave. It is disgusting and inappropriate. 
Although, full disclaimer, I have never read the comics. I have only seen some of these pictures when researching to write this little opinion piece, so they may have handled the subject matter inappropriately too, I’m not sure.
Another monumental wrong doing on the part of the writers was to make the ‘romance’ between Anakin and Miraj Scintel feel (with the music and staging) like a pining love. 
She had his friends captured and seriously harmed, had him electrocuted until he fainted, and is the queen of an entire slave empire. 
It was not a romance, or even a pining one-sided love.
At best it was sexual harassment of a powerless prisoner/ slave. 
At worst it was sexual assault. 
He woke up on her bed (which a few people have pointed out is a little unnerving and suggestive), she was very touchy with him (and he is uncomfortable with it), and she threatened him with hurting Ahsoka and Obi Wan (indirectly but it was clearly still implied) and the people who wrote the show said that they wanted the audience to feel some form of pity at her death because of their ‘romance’.
There are some moments where the writers imply that Anakin might not be entirely as into their ‘relationship’ as she is, telling her that she had “all the power” in their dynamic, but he looks so nonchalant at this point that it might go over the head of an audience member. He is telling her that she is forcing a relationship on him, and that he is powerless to stop it, and it’s played off as a blasé interaction. 
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I’m not entirely sure you can put those things in a show and try to play it off as romantic to get the ‘child-friendly’ rating. They could have quite easily at least attempted to deal with the serious subject matter that they introduced. There was a suicide and a significant amount of torture and abuse in these three episodes, so there was no excuse when the show glossed over such obvious and unpleasant misconduct.
I don’t know what it is with the writers writing abusive, predatory characters who’s deaths are supposed to inspire pity. Miraj Scintell was handled as poorly as Rush Clovis was, and I don’t really have a solution to that.
Maybe if you’re watching the Zygerria arc of the clone wars, don’t watch it with younger siblings or your children.
Although, this is completely an opinion piece, so if you totally disagree or think I’m a bit of a hater or just being judgemental, that’s fine. I may be being too harsh, IDK.
I’d like to think that this was an honest mistake from the writers rather than them being deliberately obtuse or inappropriate.
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karamfilmare · 3 years
White Gold and Maple
Kazuha x reader
Dedicated to my lovely mutual for her birthday @ahtsuwu -- sorry it came so late. You deserve this!
Description: Kazuha is behaving oddly, and for what reason?
Content: fluff, humor (?), surprise birthday, Kazuha being just the best bean. Modern AU (I think), light swearing(?), mentions of a spouse passing away (don't worry it's not too sad),
A/N: Sorry if this is shorter than my usual pieces and not as detailed. I wanted to get a short piece out, I hope it's fine. Also, not edited or proofread, sooo oops.
Stirring from your sleep, you stuck a hand out to find your boyfriend and sneak in close--only to find the spot was unoccupied and cool. Lifting your head, you frowned at the absence.
You swung your legs off the mattress and walked around, confused by the silence in your home. Until you heard some light humming.
Finding your way into the kitchen, the smell of warm maple wafted around you. You found Kazuha standing by the stove, his hair messily put up in a loose bun, as he cooked what appeared to be some breakfast. He did not appear to notice your presence yet, so you quietly walked up behind him and slipped your arms around his waist and leaned against him.
"Oh, I didn't know you were awake. I wish you'd sleep in a bit more, I was going to wake you when I was ready."
"But I missed you," you murmured, slowly breathing out a sigh of content into his back. "I'm glad to see you."
"Ok, go sit down, I'll bring the food over in a bit."
Sitting down at the stool at the counter, you propped your head up on your hands, watching him move about. He turned around, the rich scent of maple and pancakes filling the air. Setting down your portion, he continued to watch you eat, asking if he did a good job with them, before laughing at your enthusiastic nodding, since your cheeks were full of sweet fluff. Your morning had gone along well, with not too much trouble, before he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
"With deep regret, I must leave to attend to some things, but it shouldn't be long, alright?"
"Already? Ok, good luck."
And soon enough, he was out the door, leaving you to clean up after the couple of dishes left from breakfast.
Bzzzzt Bzzzzt
Reluctant to get off the couch, you ambled to your phone on the nightstand of your room, seeing a text from Beidou.
"Call me."
"Really?" you wondered out loud, knowing Beidou wasn't really one for conversations in the morning. Shrugging, you
"Yo. Listen, can you swing by where I'm at? I'm bored and I need company. Ningguang is shutting me down again, saying she's busy or some shit, ya know, the usual."
"Uh, sure, that's fine. Just send me your location, I'll come by."
"Great! I'll text you the location. Don't be late."
Don't be late? Seriously? From Beidou? "Fine, 'captain', I won't hold your important self up."
"So, I didn't think you'd be a mall person, Beidou."
"Nah, I just felt like it today, though. So, are you doing anything for your birthday?"
"My wha--"
"Crazy that you remembered. But no, nothing planned."
The dark-haired woman quirked an eyebrow up, letting out a small sound. "Well, alright. This'll be my gift to you then. Let's go."
She dragged you along the mall, going from shop to shop, usually checking out food, candies, booze, and some clothes. After indulging in some boba tea and candies, you passed by a quaint little shop that caught your eye.
"Wanna go in? Come on, you seem interested." Beidou encouraged you to enter the shop, and you both quietly walked along the little stands. Earrings adorned a turning stand, necklaces and colorful rings were in glass cases, engraved paperweights, and other such pieces filled the room. You noted that these pieces didn't have the cold, pristine look of big designer jewelry stores.
"Huh, they look handmade, don't they?"
"Oh yes, every piece you see here is handcrafted by my family," a new voice startled you, an older woman with strands of grey enhancing her light brown hair. "Sorry for sneaking up. You've a keen eye."
"They're lovely." Indeed they were, the meticulous attention to detail. The rings looked like they were braided in gold, the gemstones inlaid upon them glittered under the light. Chains were linked carefully, the pendants all unique in some fashion. These pieces had character, something you would not mind having every day on your person.
Something caught your eye--a white gold ring with your birthstones, all laid along a pattern around. Not an engagement ring by any means, but something you visualized adorning your finger on a daily basis.
No, I might come back later and purchase it sometime. If it's not there, it wasn't meant to be.
"Ah, this one? My son made it to commemorate his late wife for her birthday, which is today. She passed several years back, but he chose to never forget her. This year, he decided he would create this ring that was similar to the one he made for her on an anniversary of theirs." The woman's eyes turned down slightly, her smile falling a bit. "But don't worry, he made this piece so that someone may show their love to their partner once again. Would you like to try it on?"
You hesitated, but Beidou coaxed you to try it on, before switching her attention to her phone. The woman slipped the ring onto your ring finger, finding that it fit you perfectly.
A grin appeared on her face. "It suits you, as if it were made for you."
Staring at it for a moment, you felt the slight longing for it, not just because of its appearance, but for the story that came along with it. You shook your head before slipping it off. "I might come back sometime later and see if it's here. I don't have any way to pay for this at the moment, I apologize. But it is beautiful."
"No worries. It might find itself back to you in some manner."
Perhaps, but unlikely. Nodding your head, you trudged along out of the store, expecting Beidou to be behind you, only to find her still inside the store, talking to the owner of the shop. Several minutes later, she hurried out, a faint smile lingering on her lips.
"Don't ask."
"I-- alright."
You parted ways with Beidou shortly after, and just as you leave the mall, you receive a text from Yoimiya.
"Hey, I can't make it on time to pick something up, could you go to this location for me, please? I'll make it up to you, PROMISE!! <3"
Shrugging your shoulders, you replied asking for the address, to which she replied with a pinpoint of the location. You texted Kazuha where you were about to go, just in case he made it home before you.
Except, the location wasn't a building. It was a large tent on the top of a hill, away from town. You found a slip of paper and picked it up, wondering whether the person was inside.
What the hell is Yoimiya picking up over here? Is she doing illegal business? What is going on here?
Just before you began to spiral in your thoughts, the tent opened up, revealing a smiling Kazuha. "Well, I'm glad you could make it. Come on, you're just in time."
"Just in time for--"
He pulled you close to him, guiding you to the other side of the tent next to the tree. Motioning for you to sit down, he settled himself right next to you. "Have you read the paper?"
Shaking your head, you pulled the slip of paper you found, finding words on the page in Kazuha's pretty handwriting.
The universe was blessed this day
When the heavens opened up
and you descended on earth
To touch my life.
The stars remain in your eyes,
And I wish on every single one,
That I can be called
"Kazuha..." you breathed out, your mouth not able to form the words, as your gaze turned to the beautiful man before you.
"Look up."
At his urging, you turned your face up to the night sky. Several beats passed, before a streak of light shot up, before breaking into a large burst of colors. Several more shot up, taking your breath away. The show of sparkles
"Is that--"
"I had a bit of help to set up this moment. I hope you liked it."
Silence settled in, realizing that he was so excited about your birthday all this time. So the sudden texts from Beidou and Yoimiya weren't just random, they were planned.
"Oh, one more thing." Kazuha searched a pocket and pulled out a small box, bringing your hand close. "I heard from Beidou that this caught your eye, and I couldn't let it slip. So..." The ring you found earlier appeared once again before you, settling onto your ring finger once more. "I got it as a promise for us."
The emotions that built up within you finally spilled, tears streaming down slightly. "Kazuha, I swear...I'm--I'm in bliss right now, just being here with you. I just..." You placed your hands on his face and pulled him in for a soft kiss, which was immediately reciprocated.
The tenderness of the moment cemented a new shift in the relationship, one marked with devotion, rich and sweet, like maple. A birthday like this? You would remember for the rest of your life.
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joansiefics · 3 years
I Actually Just Want To Sleep
SUMMARY: You have been training with Natasha for weeks on end. She is harsh in training and you barely have time to take a break. So one day it all gets to much for you to handle and you pass out, but luckily someone is there to catch you.
WARNINGS: Fainting, Fighting, Malnourishment
After a long, tiring day at school the bell finally rang making all the students bundle out of the classes, with teachers still trying to get in a few last words before everyone disappears through the doors to freedom. You stood up from your chair and bid your farewell to the teacher as you left class and started your 15 minute walk home.
It was a habit of yours to play your music on full blast through your earphones when you undertook the walk home to take your mind of things - from your day at school to the assignments and homework that awaits you at home. You just barely started listening to 'Nurse's Office by Melanie Martinez' when an uncomfortable feeling made its appearance. You didn't stop listening to your music but you were more aware of your surroundings. Goosebumps were now evident on your skin, but you couldn't make up your mind if it was from the chilly, winter breeze hitting your skin and blowing through your hair or from someone's eyes boring into the back of your skull. You shrugged of the second thought, trying to stop your paranoia.
You started humming to the next song 'Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots' when a large, coarse hand grasped your shoulder and pulled you backwards, making you lose your balance. You quickly got back on your feet and put up a good fight, one that the man was definitely not expecting which gave you the upper hand. You threw a few punches his way and dodged a few of his, but your last punch knocked all consciousness out of him and he went tumbling to the ground.
You picked up your now cracked phone and straightened yourself up a bit to continue your walk home, unfazed by the fight, when you felt another hand touch your shoulder. This hand was smaller and more gentle than the previous one, but your adrenaline was still coursing your veins and you grabbed the hand, sending the person with a twist of their arm over to the ground. "What the heck do you all want with me!!!?" You yelled out of frustration "I just want to go home, finish my damn homework and sleep, is that to much to ask?!" You don't know why you just asked your attacker this, but you couldn't keep the pent up stress and anger in anymore.
"Are you okay?" The person you flipped to ground asked with a hoarse voice and a following groan as they pushed themselves to get of the ground and brushed of the dirt form their clothes. "Why are asking me if I'm okay, you're the one that was laying on the ground?" You ask very confused at what is happening. "I saw the guy attack you, I was just to late to help you take him down, but I see you took care of him very well" The person says gesturing towards the still unconscious man on the ground. "So you didn't want to attack me?" You ask raising your eyebrow at the person "No, not at all..." There is an awkward silence between the two of you before you introduce yourself, having made up your mind to trust the person: "Y/N...Y/N Y/L/N" you say putting your hand out for the person to shake "Natasha Romanoff" she shakes your hand.
"You really have skill Y/N,  I mean you just flipped and ex-assassin and current Avenger to the ground without even a bit of struggle" Natasha laughs "Ummm... thank you?" You say not knowing how to respond to this compliment, a compliment that no one has ever given you. "Do you maybe want to come back to the Avengers tower with me and I can introduce you to everyone?" She offers politely "Umm, yeah... sure" You mentally scold yourself for being so awkward.
It was a peaceful walk through alley crannies and idle parts of the town to the tower, but you enjoyed the calm feeling. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you get your skills Y/N?" Natasha curiously asked, but not wanting to invade your personal space "I just watched some self defence videos online and practiced them for rare occasions like today" You answer her question.  After a few more minutes of walking you arrive at the tower and enter the building "Here we are" Natasha says breaking the comfortable silence.
You were marvelled by the perfectly planned and designed architecture and interior design and let your eyes roam until Natasha cleared her throat to get your attention. "Y/N, I want you to meet the Avengers: Tony, Bruce, Thor, Wanda, Peter, Bucky, Steve and Hawkeye" She introduces while pointing to each and every one of them. You flushed with embarrassment and shyness as everyone greeted you, you didn't even notice them until Natasha cleared her throat. They already think I'm weird you think.
"So I wanted to introduce her to all of you, because you wouldn't believe the story I'm about to tell you if I didn't bring the key witness." Natasha smirked, knowing that she pricked their curiosity. "Well Y/N over here was being attacked by some old creep-" Before she could continue Steve interrupted her "Is she okay?" he directs the question to Natasha, then he looks at you "Are you okay, are you hurt?" He askes caringly. "I'm fine, thanks?" You say, still unsure why everyone is making it such a big deal. Natasha gives Steve a daring look, one telling him to shut his mouth for the rest of the story or he won't see dawn, before she continues: "So as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted... Y/N was attacked. I saw the fight and was on my way to go help her, but she knocked him unconscious before I could get there. I just wanted to make sure that she was alright before I left and I approached her form behind and tapped her shoulder. She caught me off guard and flipped me to the ground as well..." she took a small pause before exaggerating her statement "SHE flipped ME!!!"
Everyone wore a look of shock on their face now, which confused you even more "Why is everyone making such a big deal out of this?" You ask, not able to control your ignorance any longer. "Do you know what you did?" Tony asks "Did I do something wrong?" You ask still not catching the drift. "No, no, no, no, not at all... you just, ummm... well you flipped an ex-assassin, not many people are able to do that" Tony answers with a proud smile, even though he just met you, you made him proud. "What would you say to being an intern at the tower and train with us and then when you're ready, you can become one of us, you can become an Avenger?" Tony asks. This question definitely caught you off guard and you were gawking at him in surprise and excitement at the same time "Uhh, ye...yeah, sure....I would, ummm.. I'd ummm love...that" you manage to croak out. "Great, you start tomorrow after school" Tony says as he leaves the room and the rest of the team, except Natasha, follows after him.
The next day after school, Natasha came to pick you up and took you to the tower. You went up to the training room and once again took in all your surroundings. All of this felt like a dream to you, you couldn't believe that the Avengers wanted to train YOU. "You can get dressed into your training clothes in there and then we can start with your first training." Natasha said as she directed you to the bathroom.
The first training was something to experience. You were tossed from one side to another, making your head spin, you were punched and kicked and bent into awkward and uncomfortable positions - if this was the first training, you didn't even want to know how the next one, or the one after that, or the one after that would turn out. When you returned home, exhausted and sweaty you took a shower and immediately started on your homework and assignments that had to be done the next day, you were so busy that you even forgot to eat something and barely got some sleep.
Your days continued like this for at least a month. Your brutal training sessions included 4 hours of training directly after school, then one break of 10 minutes to eat, drink and catch a breath and another grueling 3 hours of training. By the time you got home it was nearly 21:30 and then you still had to complete all of your homework and assignments. By the time you were ready for bed it was 02:00 in the morning and you would get three and a half hours of sleep, before the next cycle of exhaustion started.
But the end of this routine was in sight, you just didn't know it yet. You were currently in your third hour of training with Natasha for the day and to say you were tired would have been an understatement. You couldn't dodge any of her punches, grab any of her kicks or maneuver yourself out of the death grips she held you in. "You're slacking" Natasha said sternly but yet concern covering her features. "I'm sorry, I guess I'm just really tired, but we should keep going, my break is in an hour, then I can rest" You said, not wanting to sound weak. You were given this internship and you were not going to disappoint Tony for giving you the spot. Surely if you had told Natasha about your lack of sleep and little eating she would have given you more breaks and less hours of training, but you never told her and that is why you were in this never ending cycle of enervation.
"Y/N, you should go home and sleep, we can continue tomorrow" Natasha spoke. "No, I'm fine, I can do this...please" You almost begged. The proposal of Natasha sounded so welcoming, but you couldn't stop now, you had to keep on training, you had to prove to them that you are worthy of being an Avenger. Natasha gave in and you both got into your fighting stances and you began training again. No matter how hard you tried to concentrate on dodging the punches, you just couldn't and one last medium blow to your jaw sealed the deal.
Your vision went form clear to blurry, decorated in black spots dancing in your eyesight. A wave of nausea hit you harder than a punch from the strongest super soldier. You could vaguely hear Natasha calling your name, almost as if you were underwater, before the earth started slipping from underneath you, though the fall didn't come. Your mentor, friend and motherly figure, Natasha, caught you in her arms milliseconds before your skull collided with the earth's lithosphere. Maybe she called your name again, but you didn't know. You were in good hands and let the unconsciousness consume you.
After you fainted, Natasha ordered FRIDAY to notify Bruce to get to the infirmary and rushed with you still tight in her arms to Bruce. Once she got there and put you on the hospital bed she told Bruce everything she knew: "We were training, but she wasn't dodging any of my punches or blocking my kicks so I told her she's slacking and she just told me that she's really tired. Then I told her to go home, but she wanted to keep on training and the next I know she starts falling to the ground" Natasha says trying to get her breath back. "Did she hit her head?" Bruce asks, concern of a concussion crossing his mind "No, I caught her right before she hit the ground" Natasha says with a proudness in her voice. "Okay, I'll stabilize her and then I'll do a few test on her to see if there are any other factors aside from tiredness that could have caused it." Bruce said getting to work.
Why is it so bright? When did I change my alarm sound? Am I even in my bed right now? These thoughts were all crossing your mind when you first got your consciousness back. The bright fluorescent lights were making it near impossible for you to open your eyes and you could only get as far as a squint before closing your eyes again. After a few more minutes your slowly open your eyes again trying to grow accustomed to the brightness. You let out a groan when you finally open your eyes fully and see that you are hooked up to all sorts of tubes and a heart monitor
"You're awake" Bruce says in a cheery tone, happiness apparent on his face. "What happened?" You croak out from your parched throat, furrowing your brows as you try to remember how you ended up in the infirmary. "You passed out while training with Natasha" Bruce answers, but the look on his face tells you that he wants to ask you something but he's to afraid to hear the answer. "There's something you're not telling me" You say, slightly scared at what he might say What if they don't want me as an intern anymore... "I promise I'll get back to training as soon as possible, please just don't take the internship away from me" You ramble quickly. "Is that why you haven't been eating or sleeping enough? Are you afraid that we won't like you or take the internship from you?" Bruce asks concerned
"No, well kinda yes....but no." You answer not sure how to approach the doctor in front of you "I'm going to need more than that Y/N" Bruce says, arms crossed over his chest. Just before you can start explaining Natasha walks into the room. The moment she sees you awake she rushes to your side and gives you a warm, comforting hug, but careful enough to not rip any tubes from your skin. "I'm so glad you're awake, how are you feeling?" She asks. She would never show this side - the soft side - of her to anyone, but you brought out the best in her. "I'm a bit tired, but I don't have any pain" You say. "She was just about to tell me why she hasn't been eating enough, but now that you're here and you're her trainer, she can tell both of us" Bruce says giving you a stern, disapproving look.
"It's not that I wanted to starve myself, I just didn't have time to eat." Natasha makes herself comfortable on the foot of your bed as you continue "Since I started with the internship I haven't had the best routine. I would wake up at 05:30 in the mornings to get ready for school, after school I would come here and immediately start training, then in my 10 minute break I would eat something for the first time that day, then get back to training. Then when I got home, I would take a shower and start with my homework and assignments, usually I'd finish at about 01:50 in the mornings and then I would brush my teeth and go to bed."
"Why didn't you say something Y/N? I could've changed your training schedule for you" Natasha says "I didn't want you guys to think that I couldn't handle all this and then I would never be able to become an Avenger" You say out of defeat "We already know you can handle all of this, what's important now is that you focus on living healthy once again, okay?" Bruce asks "Okay... thank you guys"
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gisachi · 3 years
Better late than never?? Supposed to post on the day itself but of course I couldn’t. This is my rushed contribution to the prompt: domestic mixed with black knight&princess.
ShinRan Week Day 6
Prompt: Domestic (+ Black Knight&Princess)
Words: ~2.5k
“Not just once, but twice! Who was it that saved my life again? Oh, unnamed knight with the black cloak, if you will grant me my wish… Please take off that dark mask and show me your true face!”
“If that is what, uh, the princess wishes, I shall show you my sorrow- sorrowful? - face under this moonlight. Oh wow this is cheesy.”
Ran leans on the arm of the couch, bound script covering her resigned face. If she had a hundred yen for every single complaint coming out of this detective’s mouth, she’d have enough to buy two entrance passes to Tropical Land for each day of the week, plus snacks and drinks.
“I went here because I thought you’d be a more immersive practice partner than ‘tou-san. You are worse.”
“I’m sorry, princess, if my mom being an actress ruined your expectations of me.”
“Oh, for sure. And otou-san doesn't destroy the scene by dropping nonsensical comments. And lie on the couch while reading the script. So he’s better by a lot.”
Shinichi props his body up, eyes rolling sarcastically before throwing a look at the lady on the edge. “To be fair, you came barging into my house so early on a Sunday. This is justified.”
“Shinichi, eleven in the morning isn’t early.”
With a stubborn grumble, the detective flops back into the cushions, script on his lap sliding to the floor. “ ’M tired Ran, long case last night, let me sleep.”
“Please, you’re my last option! School festival is in less than two weeks, and I can’t possibly ask Araide-sensei to spare time on a weekend outside of our rehearsal schedule when he’s busy working—”
The lightning speed Shinichi jolts upright causes Ran to cut herself short. “Araide-sensei is the cloaked knight?”
“Yes, didn’t I tell you?”
“You didn’t.”
“Really? I-” she pauses, delayed in taking in the curt iciness of his response when he was so apathetic five seconds ago. On anyone else it’s clear what that tone implies, but she’s never heard it on him.
“Do you have a beef with Araide-sensei?” she asks.
“A beef?”
Ran arches an eyebrow, skeptic. Shinichi meets her gaze, eyes slightly thinning before glancing away, cheeks crimson.
“I mean— Why Araide-sensei? Shouldn’t he be busy, I dunno, being a doctor, than being a fictional knight or something.”
“All the guys in our class were too shy and declined, so Sonoko asked Araide-sensei when he happened to come in for a checkup. He agreed so easily! Would you believe he’d taken a lot of lead roles in plays when he was a student?”
“And that was fifteen something years ago.”
“He’s also good at things like emphasizing lines and handling a woman!”
“Anyone can- What?!”
“Stop being a sourpuss Shinichi, especially when you’re the first to decline.”
He looks at her quizzically. “I did?”
“You don’t even remember?” Amidst the faint pink on her cheeks, disappointment etched on the way Ran’s lips curve to a small pout. “You were the first Sonoko asked... You were so quick to turn her down, she said.”
Astounded by the revelations docking in his brain all at once, Shinichi struggles to recall the conversations he had exchanged with Sonoko the past weeks. None stands out. If she had included Ran’s name in there, he would remember instantly. But Sonoko didn’t. Suddenly, the floodgates in his mind open.
If he finds out later on about the plot and the cast, he’ll definitely find a reason or two to sulk, if not object. Whether Ran is partnered with someone else or Araide-sensei doesn’t matter, for as long as it isn’t him. Him who she’s positive would outright reject her offer to act as a prince because why would he? In any case, god knows Sonoko omitted Ran’s name on purpose for this.
The sly woman has stirred something up, and she will proudly take the front row seat on his reaction she was so sure he’d make.
Not saying Sonoko’s predictions are right. This is just how she thinks. And he won’t react the way she expects he will. She is not right.
Not. Right.
Sonoko, yaro...
“Stand up, let’s do this.”
“You want immersive? I’ll give you immersive.”
Left with little time to process as Shinichi pulls her by the hand, Ran drops her script on the floor. The sudden shift in character is unbelievable. How can someone so sleep-deprived turn into someone this enthused in a span of a breath?
“But first, let me…” He leaves the room, and Ran picks up her script, still quite lost. Whatever she said earlier must have triggered something, and she’s torn if she’ll ask once he returns but considers the possibility that he may break character. Not gonna risk that. He said he’ll give her an immersive practice, and it’s oddly unexpected, but she’ll take it. This is good. After all, she needs him as the knight.
Wants him as the knight.
“Sheesh, Ran, stop…” Shying away from her own maidenly thoughts, Ran flips to the designated page, scene, and line, rehearsing as she waits.
Some minutes later, Shinichi reappears, holding his script and something else. Of all things she would expect him to own, a blue fancy Columbina mask adorned with elegant silver and royal patterns wasn’t one of them.
“Mom has these things, okay,” he explains, putting it on. Ran isn’t sure if she wants to laugh or tease, but she does neither when she gets a glimpse of him with half of his face covered, and she catches her breath at the sight.
Standing against silk red curtains and brilliant glow of afternoon sunlight, he really does seem like a mysterious knight…
“Don’t laugh, idiot. After doing this for you. Wear this,” he says, and Ran zeroes in on the line of his lips because she has nowhere else to look at as he places a small barrette tiara on her hair. Doesn’t matter what he says, what they wear, even if they fail to match the daintiness of the mask and tiara. Shinichi with this on makes Shinichi as the knight much more vivid now. And Ran as the princess...
“Sorry!” She claps a hand on her warming cheek, pulls back a dumb smile she doesn’t notice she is wearing. “And I— I wasn’t laughing!”
“Still smiling creepily though.”
“I wasn’t being creepy! Geez. Anyway! Page-”
“Page 27, Scene 8, Line 10. Got it.”
After some short blocking instructions, they drop their scripts on the couch, and begin.
“Oh, unnamed knight with the black cloak, if you will grant me my wish… Please take off that dark mask and show me your true face!”
“If that is what the princess wishes, I shall show you my sorrowful face under this moonlight.”
Two steps forward and he removes the mask, and time slows down. She’s seen the same face a million times yet this time, her heart leaps like she’s laid eyes upon the most handsome face in the universe.
“Might—Might you be Spade?” She carries on, taking everything she can to maintain composure. “Long ago, you were banned from this land by my father… but now you’ve become the prince of Trump Kingdom...”
It’s nerve wracking, the way he’s strikingly still, eyes laden on her, either waiting for her next lines or admiring how beautiful she is with the tiara, she isn’t quite sure. The mask is gone, but he isn’t breaking character. Meanwhile, she’s trying her darned best to stay as Princess Heart of Bridge Kingdom.
“If you have… not forgotten about our childhood promise, then please…”
A nervous lump forms in her throat as she wraps her arms around his shoulders, and his hands find her waist, and she nearly gasps but holds it in because right now, she’s Princess Heart, not Mouri Ran asking this of Kudou Shinichi. “Please, show me on these lips.”
“As my princess so desires...”
It should be ‘the’, not ‘my.’ And there’s supposed to be another line after that, but nothing stops him as he leans in ahead of time and her eyelids flutter to the erratic beat of her heart. It’s better to be partnered with Araide-sensei in this after all. He will not mess up his lines, and she will not lose her mind the way she’s losing it now.
Two parted lips are a pucker away when the doorbell chimes, making both jolt.
Ran is first to snap out of character, as if she hasn’t had the urge to earlier.
“That—That must be Sonoko. I forgot to tell you...  I invited her in.”
“Oh, great,” Shinichi says.
Forcing her limbs into working order, Ran disentangles slowly, drawing a distance. Shinichi glances at the mask in his hand, then at her, before tossing it to the couch and turning for the door. From the window, she watches him walk to the front gate, scratching the back of his head in an annoyed manner like she just woke him from sleep, but grumpier. She hasn’t seen him display much emotion on a Sunday noon the way she’s seeing him now.
Maybe I shouldn’t have bothered him, she sighs, her turn to slump onto the couch this time.
“As I was saying, the prod already scouted the finest material for the costumes, and I decided, pink suits Princess Heart— Hello? Are you listening?”
Ran nearly drops the knife she holds if not for her inhuman reflexes. “Of course! Princess Heart in pink! Yes.” Like nothing happened, she resumes slathering jam and butter on the toast she’s preparing for the three of them. She doesn’t need to look at her side to know Sonoko’s eyeing her from head to toe.
“What happened to her?” The woman turns to Shinichi who sits at the high stool by the kitchen island.
“Dunno,” he says, sounding as noncommittal as he probably appears. Her back is turned against him, but she can see his face, and god why is she blushing?
“I just helped her rehearse. For the play,” he adds.
“Oh?” Sonoko’s brow perks up her forehead, hair whipping as she turns between her and the boy across them. “Did you?”
“Yup. Page 27.”
The dramatic gasp that tears from their friend’s throat is exactly the kind of gasp they expected; even so, Ran still flinches as Shinichi’s stool rakes the floor. “You kissed and I didn’t see?!”
The two yelp in unison.
“That’s sly! You have to do it again! I’ll judge.”
“Excuse you! It didn’t happen, what you’re thinking!”
“Oh, shush, Ran, this is good practice. Good practice.”
“Relax, rehearsal is rehearsal! In the actual play, once it’s Araide-sensei, he’ll do a better job—”
“I’m going to the toilet,” Shinichi gets off the stool, jaw stiff, out of the kitchen.
“—with a hug than a kiss. Right?” Sonoko ends, once Shinichi is out of the room.
“What?” Ran’s expression is inscrutable as she faces Sonoko completely, the flush across her face befitting embarrassment or ire. “You’re losing me here!”
“Oh, you’re not going to kiss, Ran. The lights will dim before your lips touch.”
“Then why—” she puts down the bread and walks in haste to the island to flip through the script, “Wh— That’s not in here!”
“Sonoko-sama hereby deems the script revised now that we have Araide-sensei.”
“Eh...?!” Ran cannot explain the play of her reactions. On one hand, a cloud is cleared from her mind, having to worry no more about doing something she has no experience with in front of watchful eyes. On the other, bunch of half-formed thoughts whirl through her mind that goes, Shinichi and I almost kissed for nothing, for nothing we almost k-kissed, an almost kiss with Shinichi, almost—
“That won’t do! I mean— That’s so not you! T-To choose a hug over a...”
“Duh, Ran! Even if it’s just a play, I won’t enable a kiss scene between a student and a staff member. We can fake the kiss. That, or switch to hug. Or better yet, change the male lead.”
“Change the male lead? In two weeks? Who will agree?!”
“Easy.” Just in time, Shinichi returns, hands in pocket and long face worn all the way to the stool.  “I know someone who will.”
‘Once it’s Araide-sensei, he’ll do a better job…’ What? Kissing Ran? Shinichi wants to puke. Sonoko needs to think things through. If this is part of her plan, it’s unacceptable, it sucks.
There’s no way, no way anyone can do a better job kissing Ran than…
“Aaaargh, what are you thinking!” He ruffles his hair in dismay, curses here and there. He only wanted to help Ran yet he almost went for it. Not as Spade but as himself. The audacity. It’s part of the script, sure, but—
If it is part of the script, then have Ran and Araide-sensei rehearsed it before?
“That’s it,” Shinichi huffs, storming out of the bathroom. If this is the kind of reaction Sonoko wants from him, she’s in for a show. Not just a show but a lifetime of curses and mental stabs. For her to go this far is unbelievable. Did Ran even agree to that? Will such a scene really happen in the play? No matter how despicable Sonoko’s methods are, he has faith she respects Ran’s preference as the female lead. No offense against Araide-sensei, but he cannot take Ran’s first kiss, whether as Spade or not.
That is not to say he knows Ran’s preference, especially when it comes to a first kiss, but… it’s not... Araide-sensei... is it?!
He cannot ascertain, not when Ran did nothing when they were about to kiss…
Okay, halt there, self. I said immersive. That’s immersive. She was acting.
All was but an act. She’s a great actress. I suck. No need to make this a big deal.
Shinichi is a pitiful mess once he’s back in the kitchen.
“My offer still stands, you know.” Sonoko sits beside him, munching a toast, while Ran is busy returning the jam in the cupboard, back against them.
“Your offer?”
Shinichi glances at Ran, then at Sonoko, with that feral grin on her lips and Shinichi does a bad job looking pissed, and it’s maddening because he is pissed, just not obvious with the blush forming across his cheek.
Reprimanding Sonoko is what he intends to do. For doing him dirty, him and Ran dirty, for dragging a staff to be the male lead, for imploring Ran to give her first kiss she’s probably saving in a different setting. All invalid reasons, when he cared less about the play before. He’s a full-time idiot, and Sonoko knows it clearly that’s why she’s offering the role again. He doesn’t want to fall into her trap, the same way he doesn’t want anyone else to be Spade when Princess Heart is Ran.
But Ran looks over her shoulder and they accidentally lock eyes, and pink blooms across her cheeks before she turns around, and suddenly the words that leave his mouth completely betray the thought process he underwent in the bathroom.
“If Ran agrees, yeah,” he says.
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