#she could go either way easily and actually which way she chooses (which we all know is peace) is not the point here
mysacredmuse · 4 months
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reader: female anatomy, feminine descriptors (lady) + she/her pronouns
cw/tw: nsfw - mdni!, playing poker in stripping and one sexual exchange (he wants to creampie you, but bets in a kiss LOL), a bit of cocky! aventurine, aventurine and reader are "friends", reader is a loser 💔, dirty talk, table sex, rough sex, aventurine edges both of you, creampie
there is lots of dialogue, it's a mixture of bickering/playfulness & flirtiness I suppose
word count: 4.6k
dividers by @/enchanthings :)
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note: tbh, in the part where the reader asks is that the only way he gets ladies naked, I had to hold myself back so hard not to write "not only ladies" LOL, but either way, I hope you enjoy it! :)
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• Aventurine • Poker play •
Aventurine proposed a game of poker to you. At first, you were denying, aware that gambling with him would not be beneficial for you. 
"Come on, I won't go rough on you." he states in a playful tone, taking the cards out of the box. You scoff as you sit down, deciding to humor him for a round or two since there wasn't really anything better to do at an empty casino.
"Easily persuaded..that's what I like to see." he gives you a sly smile as he shuffles the cards. 
"Simply bored, so I will amuse you for a round." you say with a slight boredom in your tone, leaning back into your chair as you wait for him to deal. 
"My friend, no one ever stops at one round." he states in a serious tone as he deals both of you a hand of five cards. You check yours, evidently dissatisfied as you didn't even get a pair. He chuckles but remains silent for a few moments.
"How many do you wish to change?" he finally asks, slightly tilting his head.
"All five." you say seriously, earning another chuckle of his.
"I'm afraid that's not possible, so I will give you four." he says in a playful tone as you choose which cards to exchange. Your situation doesn't get much better, but at least you got a pair of kings.
"You won't be changing any?" you ask curiously as you reposition the cards in your hand to satisfy your taste.
"I told you I won't be rough.." he pauses for a second before he lays out his hand.
"..but it's also quite unnecessary when you have a straight flush." he lets out a soft laugh as he sees your semi-annoyed expression.
"Good job cheater." you roll your eyes as you show your cards, two kings standing weakly against his hand.
"No need for such hostility, we can just try again." he says in a satisfied tone as he takes the cards back, quickly shuffling them in an oddly professional way. 
"I said I will amuse you for one round only." you say in a firmer tone, crossing your arms as you watch him shuffle. Aventurine gives you a cat-like gaze as he puts the cards aside for a moment. He swiftly adds the chips, placing 20 thousand credits on the table afterwards. Your expression grows confused, even a bit shocked as he does it like it's nothing.
"Perhaps if we bet on this, your motivation will go up. What do you say?" he gives you a soft smile as he picks up and continues shuffling the cards.
"I say that you are insane. I don't have that kind of money to throw around!" you state in a louder tone, expression still quite puzzled. Aventurine just laughs at your reactions, clearly enjoying them.
"Ah, friend, let's not worry about such trivial matters here. All that actually matters is the game itself." he speaks calmly as he deals the cards again - five to both.
"It will matter tomorrow when I won't be able to get myself a bottle of water!" you express dramatically, but your words did make sense. 
"Why are you immediately assuming that you will lose?" he tilts his head, semi-amusement adoring his features.
"You know why!" you state loudly, feeling borderline offended that he would even ask as he could probably buy you just by selling the watch on his wrist.
He laughs. 
"I do know why, yes, but I told you already, didn't I? I won't go rough on you. Unless, of course, you want me to." he chuckles, sly gaze fixating on yours.
"We are still talking about poker, right?" you raise your eyebrow at him, slightly leaning forward as you check your cards.
"If that's what you want, then yes." he nods with a soft smile on his face before he checks his own cards.
"What else would I be talking about?" he continues after a moment of silence, making you slightly nervous. You ignore his question as the nervousness gets replaced by annoyance. Your cards suck. Again!
"Give me four cards again, please." you say in an almost defeated tone, sliding the four awful cards you had back to him. He wants to laugh, but he contains himself before he speaks up.
"You need to place a bet first." 
You look at him with a shocked expression.
"Rules of the casino, friend! The dealer never loses." he chuckles, giving you a small wink as he taps the table, urging you to place your money.
"How fitting…" you squint your eyes at him as your lips turn downwards. You take out 5 thousand credits from your bag, placing the tiny stash next to his finger.
"Is this enough?" 
"Sure is. For now, at least." he gives you a soft smile as he puts your money in the middle, the stake now being 25 thousand. He switches your four cards for new ones as he changes only one of his.
"Hey, hey! You said you need to put money first!" you point your finger at him and he gives you a puzzled expression in return for a moment. 
"Does a dealer get no privileges?" he points out and you slightly shrink in your seat, but your face remains pouty.
"Fine, I did say I won't go rough on you after all. I see your five-" he can't help but chuckle which makes your face grow offended.
"-..and raise you fifteen." he adds, slowly pushing the money to the small chunk in the middle. You scoff as he keeps laughing at your reactions. Your hand isn't strong, but it isn't that weak either. Your first full house of the night!
Aventurine just watches you with amusement for a couple of moments.
"So, do you want to raise me as you seem confident or do you prefer to show your cards now?" he tilts his head as he repositions cards in his own hand.
"Uh...I can raise you five more!" you say proudly as you reach for your bag.
"You need to raise me twenty thousand." he states calmly.
"Twenty?!" your eyes widen as your voice grows panicked, quickly returning money back in the bag.
"Nevermind." you quickly follow, simply showing him your cards.
He watches you with an entertained expression as he lays out his, only to show you nothing. He has one strong card.
Your eyes glow with pride as you quickly scoop the money closer to you.
"You could've won much more only if you had more confidence." he clicks his tongue as he takes the cards, shuffling them again.
"How was I supposed to know that?" you question in a semi-disinterested tone, just happy that you won something.
"You couldn't know, but that's the thrill of the game my friend! Loosen up and learn to risk sometimes." he says with a tone that seemed to be almost hiding something as he deals both of you cards again. He casually places 100 thousand credits, in two stacks of 50 thousand. Your eyes widen in disbelief as you swallow nervously.
"Now, you need to place at least 20 thousand." he tells you in a calm manner and you do as told.
Next few rounds go surprisingly well for you and you find yourself more thrilled to play. Aventurine was right. You actually find this quite fun - even more so when you win. However, as if the devil felt your pride and confidence, you begin to lose very soon. Aventurine keeps getting the strongest suits, leaving your side of the table dry of any money. You wish to wipe the cocky smile off of his face every time he wins, growing more irritated. After a while, Aventurine proposes a new deal.
"How about we raise the stakes?" he asks with amusement on his face, slightly leaning back into his chair.
You raise an eyebrow at him, already aware where this is going.
"Is that your only way of getting ladies naked?" you chuckle as you think about his proposition. 
"Not really. Being awfully good looking with an amazing taste in fashion often does the job." he states with a soft cockiness in his tone.
"Humbleness and humility as well, I am sure." you raise your eyebrows at him as your gaze falls on the empty spot where money used to be, right next to you.
"You would be correct, friend." he gives you a small nod, voice playful.
"But do not be so judgemental. After losing all of your money, is there really anything else you could offer me?"
You give him a hesitant gaze, remaining silent.
"Now of course, you could also back out, nothing is stopping you from doing so. Choice is yours." he says in a semi-sensual tone, sly gaze firmly fixated on yours.
"Isn't a bartender still here?" you ask as you play with your fingers a bit to calm down the nerves. It was a fun offer, but you also didn't celebrate the fact that you weren't alone.
"Mm, you really don't like risks, do you?" he asks without expecting you to answer him as he takes a look at his watch.
"He should be leaving fairly soon. I will play slowly, so you don't lose all your clothes before he leaves." he reassures you, oddly enough, so you just nod.
"Who says that I will be the one losing all the clothes?" you reply with a little smile, earning a chuckle from Aventurine.
"Oh? You feel more confident now, I like that." he says in a lower tone as he slowly shuffles the cards, just like he promised. You eagerly wait for him to deal, for unknown reason feeling excited about possibly getting it back to him.
"Although, before we start, may I ruin a little fun moment of mine I just had?"
"Go on."
"You are aware that it wasn't me who proposed this type of game...right?"
You blink a few times, recalling the conversation in your head.
"You were implying it. What else is there to play besides strip poker?" you tilt your head as you cross your arms over your chest.
"You do realize that I work for IPC? There are a lot of games to play and lots of debt to make, if one wishes to." 
"Whatever! Don't flatter yourself thinking that I wanted to see you naked."
"Not what I was aiming at." he chuckles as he finally deals the cards, his presence becoming heavier.
"No switching cards anymore. We both get only one shot each time, so - lay them out whenever you are ready." he says in a cunning tone, eyelids lowering as he waits for you.
You gulp, laying out your trashy hand with only one ace.
"And here I thought we would take it slow. Or are you that eager to lose?" he asks in a low tone, laying out his card one by one, keeping you in suspense.
However, he also only has one strong card - ace of hearts.
"Now what..?" you ask a bit confused as your gaze jumps between your cards and his.
"Nothing. We play until one wins. Should I speed it up this time or do you still want me to go slow?" he tilts his head as he takes the cards, keeping them in his hand.
"Slow." you nod as you notice that the bartender still hasn't left.
Aventurine just smiles as he shuffles the cards slowly, silence filling up the room with a layer of intriguing heaviness between the two of you.
He finally deals the cards and you check yours, finally getting a better hand - three of a kind. Nothing to be secure in, but it's also not the worst scenario.
"Whenever you are ready." he states as he leans back comfortably in his chair. 
Sudden interruption occurs, the bartender's raspy voice breaking the silence.
"I will be closing up soon, so-"
"Put it on my name. I will pay for renting the casino for the rest of the night. We are still playing." Aventurine speaks confidently, not batting an eye at him, gaze fixated on you.
"O-oh..okay. But it seems like you stripped her from everything already." the bartender replies in an empathetic tone as you give him a forced smile.
"Not quite yet. You can also leave early, I won't tell your boss." Aventurine finally looks at the man, winking at him. The bartender just utters a few words of gratitude as he quickly goes back to type Aventurine's bill and pack his things.
"Go on now. I took care of that as well." he smiles at you, tapping the table with his index finger.
You swallow again, slowly laying out your cards. Aventurine throws his almost immediately after you, winning with a full house. You click your tongue, hesitantly looking up at him as the bartender waves goodbye before he leaves. You wave back, slowly turning back to Aventurine who just gives you a knowing gaze.
"You can start with the shirt...or do you need my help with that as well?" he tilts his head, lustful eyes gazing up and down at you. You shake your head as you take a deep breath, slowly unbuttoning your shirt as you silently hope to win the next round. You place your shirt on the chair next to you, turning back to face Aventurine. He keeps eyeing you, eyebrows slightly rising upon seeing your bra.
"Fancy. Are you sure you didn't put it on just for me?" he lets out a mellow chuckle as he takes cards again, shuffling them a bit faster than before.
"You wish." you roll your eyes at him, slightly readjusting yourself in the chair.
"Perhaps I do." he confirms nonchalantly as he deals the cards, letting the meaning of his words flow between the two of you. You don't reply, but a dim wave of warmth forms beneath the skin of your cheeks.
You check your cards, still not satisfied as you get three of a kind once again. You want to attack him with a statement that he didn't shuffle the cards properly, but that would be a lie as you watched him do it.
He doesn't say anything this time, just shows you his cards - royal flush. You bite down on your bottom lip as you shamefully show your weaker hand. With a heavy gaze of his, you stand up, quickly losing your pants without uttering the word.
Another round plays out and you lose again. Time to pick between your bra and your panties.
"You can still back out if you want to." he says with an inviting tone, slowly leaning over the table.
"I don't want to."
There is something eager, impatient and borderline lustful as he gazes into you. For some, yet many reasons that makes your tummy curl on the inside, sending hot waves through your body. You swiftly unclip your bra, letting it slide down your shoulders as you expose yourself to him.
His gaze follows the bra that falls down, swiftly turning back up as he admires your tits. You put your bra next to your shirt, slightly squirming in your seat as a soft wave of shyness washes over you. 
"This is quite a show from you." he says in a mixed tone of teasing and softer neediness as he swiftly begins shuffling the cards again.
"Do you still wish to continue?" he challenges, but also makes sure at the same time. You nod, a soft sound of confirmation vibrating out of your throat. Your gaze falls on the window of his shirt that exposes a tiny portion of his chest, something inside of you desiring for him to take it off. Thoughts bubble up in your head as he deals the cards, giving you a much better hand this time. It's not the best, but it is a straight flush. So almost the best! You quickly lay them out, excited for the win at hand.
"Almost." Aventurine says bluntly as he quickly slides his cards over yours. To your misfortune, he had another royal flush. You let out a dissatisfied sigh, eyebrows twitching as you remain still for a moment. Aventurine keeps silent, waiting for your next choice. You slowly stand up, barely looking at his direction as you hook your thumbs between your hips and panties.
"Down." he orders you in a slightly quieter tone for the first time during this night. You finally gaze at his face, his eyes intense as he waits for you. You give him a soft smile as you slide your thumbs out of your panties, covering your boobs as you cross your arms over your chest, slightly hugging yourself.
"Do it yourself, Mr winner. This is the prize you were hoping for, no?" you reply in a semi-teasing tone, earning a moment of stillness from Aventurine. He slowly stands up, walking towards you just as slowly. You feel your lower tummy burn in desire as he finally reaches you, body close to yours. You slowly move back until you hit the edge of the table and Aventurine's body follows, inch away from yours. He slowly kneels down in front of you, head looking up as his gaze fixates on yours.
He sneaks his index fingers between your panties and hips, slowly rolling them down as his face remains close, awfully close, to your pussy, tip of his nose not even an inch away. He gently brushes his hands over your thighs, knees, calves and then finally ankles as his gaze still remains firmly on yours. You step out of your panties, kicking them to the side as you rest your palms on the table behind you, exposing your boobs to him again.
He slowly straightness himself, soft palms sliding over the sides of your body in the process, lastly resting on your hips.
"Is this what you were hoping for?" you ask through a mellow whisper, tilting your head at him.
"I could ask you the same question." he answers in a low tone, leaning his face closer to yours.
"Perhaps I did." you smile, gently hooking your index finger underneath the small belt that was holding his collar. Your lips ghost over his, legs slightly spreading. He slowly moves his hands down, sneaking them on the backside of your thighs and swiftly lifting you up on the table.
You spread your legs around his hips as your faces remain close to each other. You slowly move your hands down, undoing his zipper and the button of his pants, giving him a sly look. He doesn't stop you as you slowly slide them down his hips, enjoying the outline of his hard cock on his boxers. As you start sliding his boxers down, he speaks up.
"One last bet. If you kiss me first, I get to cum inside of you tonight."
"And if you lose?"
"Then I will become your fucktoy for as long as you want me to, anytime you want me to."
"One night versus forever..you're quite generous with your offer."
He slowly aligns his cock with your leaking entrance, sliding it up and down over your clit and inner lips, earning a shaky whimper of yours.
"It's a win for me either way."
"And if I never use you?"
"I still get to cum inside of you this one time."
"Ah, so that's your idea of never being on the losing end?" 
"Indeed." he confirms as he swiftly slides his cock inside of you, earning a sharp moan of yours and a shaky moan of his. Your hands fall behind you, keeping you up as Aventurine leans his face close to yours, parted lips ghosting over yours. He starts thrusting his hips slowly, letting the tip of his cock remain inside of you for a moment before he slowly slides his full length back inside.
You let out a chain of soft moans, legs squeezing his hips as your gazes fixate on one another, mellow filthy sounds filling up the small space between both of your lips. His hands fall on your hips, pulling you a bit closer to him as he narrows his hips, long and slow thrusts reaching deeper inside of you. You let out a sharper moan as his cock stimulates your sweet spots so agonizingly, shivers going throughout your body.
Aventurine lets out shaky moans, trying to contain them without much success. You let your tongue slide over his bottom lip as it didn't really count as kissing, teasing him further as his hot breath warms up your lips. He clicks his tongue, a choked and shaky moan following as he speaks.
"I did say I won't be rough with you, but that was only while we were playing." he states rather quickly and immediately speeds up his hips, thrusting into you at a much quicker pace, making your eyes roll back from suddenness. You let out a few guttural whines; his balls slapping the underside of your pussy in a sharp manner, making it feel like a pleasurable bruising.
He keeps the angle of his hips, reaching deepest spots of you as your head falls back, lips parting away from his. He leans into your exposed neck, licking a quick stripe over your pulse area, trembling moans spreading hot air over your skin. He messily starts kissing your neck making you clench around his length, but almost forcefully unclenching as his cock slides over your sensitive spots at a brutal pace.
His pelvic area slightly stimulates your clit each time it kisses yours, sending jolts of pleasure through your body. Aventurine reaches behind your ear, trailing to it in soft kisses and licks, leaving lustful and whorish sounds to ring in your ear right after.
You barely clench around him a few more times as his cock keeps sliding in and out of you at a vigorous pace. He moves his hand away from your hip and slides it on the back of your head, moving it close to him as he leans away from your ear, straightening it for you as he keeps slamming his hips into yours. You let out a messy moan, lips almost falling onto his as your mind grows hazy and needier. You quickly catch yourself this time, but Aventurine notices, cock twitching slightly inside of you.
"Fuck, you are so eager I might start thinking you were losing on purpose." he lets his words out in a mixture of steadiness and soft whimpers as his cock keeps slidinh in and out of your overly leaking cunt even faster now. Your eyes roll down as one of your hands grip his shoulder, unsteady vision focusing on the way his cock moves in and out of you.
Aventurine follows your motion, foreheads resting against one another as the two of you watch his cock getting out to the tip and then buried deep inside your cunt. Your pussy convulses at the sight in front of you as his cock twitches in response, desperate moans slipping past your lips.
Your grip on his shoulder becomes tight as his hand pulls your head back by your hair at its previous place, the other hand sliding between your bodies to reach your clit. As soon as you feel his fingers resting on your thigh while only his thumb circles over your clit, a pathetic whine escapes your throat. Aventurine leans his face closer, lips practically on yours, but he doesn't kiss you.
You claw at the table behind you as your hand falls off his shoulder to his chest, fingernails desperately digging into the tiny portion of skin accessible. He lets out shakier moans than before, swallowing half of them which results in a few whines as his pace doesn't slow down, cock relentlessly stimulating all of your sensitive spots while his thumb draws gentler circles over your clit.
Your body begins to twitch, waves of heat overwhelming you as your orgasm slowly builds up. You tighten your legs around his hips, narrowing your own his to meet his thrusts deeper inside. Your gaze is low and needy just like his, pretty eyes not leaving yours once.
"Please don't-" you choke out as a sharp moan interrupts you, legs shaking and losing their grip on his hips. You press your lips into his, but do not kiss him. He speeds up the pace of his thumb on your clit, squeezing louder moans out of you as your back slightly arch. His grip on your hair tightens as his balls keep bruising the underside of your leaking cunt.
"Kiss me if you want to cum." he whispers breathlessly, his own release edging closer as he feels your warm pussy cream and tighten around him.
"Nuh-uh.." you barely shake your head, tensing your lower tummy in order to reach orgasm faster. Aventurine feels the motion of your muscles as it makes your cunt tighten around him even more, giving you one last sharp and heavy thrusts, forcing a sharp whine out of your throat before he slows his hips down a lot. You groan in displeasure, eagerly trying to move your own hips in order to gain more friction. Your breaths mix up together and you brush your lips over his, fingernails digging harder into his chest.
He speeds up the movement of his thumb as his hips move at agonizingly slow pace, quickly building up your orgasm once more. His lips wrap around your bottom one, still not fully kissing you as a soft moan escapes his throat. His cock twitches inside of your cunt as a sharp moan escapes your lungs, first waves of orgasm washing over you.
He quickly moves his thumb away from your clit, all the build up in your lower tummy subsiding as he edges the both of you. He barely thrusts his cock out of you, making your mind hazy as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. You let your lips wrap around his upper lip, tongue finally hesitantly sliding over it.
"Just let me cum, please." you whimper out, mindlessly greedy for release, pride disappearing as you let yourself lose the bet once more.
On cue, Aventurine immediately speeds up the pace of his hips, vigorously pounding into you as his thumb returns to draw slow circles over your clit. He chuckles into the kiss as you press your lips harder into his, his grip on your hair tightening. Your tongues swiftly find each other, eagerly sliding over one another, sending trembles down your body as you keep moaning into the kiss.
Overwhelming heat washes over you, heavily convulsing in your lower tummy as your orgasm quickly builds up again, breaking through in small waves at first. Aventurine lets out a sharp moan into your mouth as his cock twitches more, pressing deeper into your g-spot and sending you over the edge.
His release immediately follows, a thick whip of cum sending tingles up your spine as it melts inside of your needy cunt at the peak of your release. Your kiss becomes heavy and lustful, breathless as it's filled with whorish moans, both of you ride out your orgasms. Aventurine doesn't slow down for quite some time, hips and his thumb both working at a fast pace to prolong your orgasm and this very moment for as long as possible. 
Next morning, a sudden sound of two messages makes your phone light up, a small buzz startling you.
2 messages.
Aventurine transferred 2 million credits to your account. Click to open.
Aventurine [08:08 am]: My other offer still remains on the table. Do with that information what you wish.
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sleepiexx · 1 year
Come on, Cowboy
Alejandro Vargas x fem!Reader x Valeria Garza
Link to Pt.2
Note: them as cowboys has me fainting, if literally anyone asks for it I’ll write a part two with smut 🫶
Summary: We all know how the saying goes; wear the hat, ride the cowboy. What happens when two hats clash together trying to make their way onto your head?
Warnings: Alejandro and Valeria despise each other (what’s new?), they’re both horny little monsters trying to get into ur pants, and ur a bit clueless
Word count: 1037
The tension was so thick, you couldn’t cut it with a razor blade. Their hands had brushed, they brushed!
Gross. Faces twisted into that of disgust as Alejandro’s eyes met Valeria’s.
“The fuck do you think you’re doing?” Alejandro growled, leaving his hand firm on the cowboy hat he’d attempted to place on (Y/N)’s head.
Valeria rolled her eyes in return, “What does it look like, Alejandro?”
Like Alejandro, she too refused to back down. Black cowboy hat grasped between twitching knuckles which ached for a fight, begged for Alejandro to just give her a reason.
“I’m confused.” (Y/N) said, straining to look up at the two with the pressure of their hats both halfway on her head.
She had been sitting on a barstool, just sipping on a margarita and talking to friends when the two came up and disrupted the peace.
It felt like everyone in the room was watching the staring contest between the two, on the edge of their seats to see what happens next. Unlike the rest of the bar, (Y/N) couldn’t tell that they were fighting over her, but she too watched on as they glared at one another.
Alejandro scoffed at Valeria, “As if she’d even go for your type.”
Valeria grinned, loving the way she could get under Alejandro’s skin so easily. “What, women? She swings both ways Ale, you would think that you’d know that about her.”
Alejandro couldn’t help but roll his eyes at her teasing words. Of course he knew that (Y/N) likes women, he knew almost everything about her, he was obsessed. To his chagrin, so was Valeria.
“I meant she wouldn’t be into this whole ‘bad girl’ act you put on.” He spat.
The gears in (Y/N)’s head were turning quickly, trying to figure out what on Earth they were arguing about. Her gaze flitted to one of her friends, eyes locking with them as she whisper-yelled a, “what?” while Valeria and Alejandro argued on, none the wiser.
Her friend smirked at the situation, happy to see (Y/N) getting some.
“Wear the hat, ride the cowboy.” They mouthed, only furthering (Y/N)’s confusion.
Her brows furrowed, trying to remember where she’d heard that saying before. It all clicked as Valeria snorted and hit back at Alejandro.
“What, and she’s supposed to be into this whole ‘nice guy’ act instead?”
Into? Into them? Oh my god. Oh my god, they wanted to fuck her!
Heat crept to her face, instantly becoming flustered at the thought. She’d thought about it before, letting either one of them defile her in the most delicious ways. Yet this was so much more real, they actually wanted her. Both of them were actively trying to get into her pants.
In all her fantasies, she’d only ever imagined one of them wanting her. It was hard for her to believe that even one of them would like her, much less both. But now here they were, hats pressed tightly against (Y/N)’s head, arguing over who could fuck her, and her mind was having a field day.
“You know what, why don’t we let her decide who she likes more?”
She couldn’t tell exactly who had said the words but she knew that they triggered everyone’s eyes to fall on her. She stared up at Valeria and Alejandro, dazed and confused from her previous daydreaming.
“Well?” Valeria prompted.
(Y/N) stared dumbly, still unsure as to what exactly it was they were asking.
She turned to Alejandro who finally asked her, “Who do you like more? Me or Valeria.”
She gulped. How could she choose? Both were so special to her in so many different ways.
Loving Alejandro was easy. He was handsome, funny, made her smile when she was sad. He took care of people, saved the people of Las Almas daily, guarded his family and Los Vaqueros. Most of all, he took care of (Y/N). When she felt unsafe, or unhappy, he was just a phone call away. His love is comforting.
Valeria, on the other hand, was mysterious. To many, she was standoff-ish and rude, but to (Y/N), it was a different story. She made her feel special, like she was the only girl in the world. Lavish gifts, late night talks where they spent hours discussing any and everything, drunken nights where the line between friendship and romance was blurred. Her love is exciting.
The question of who (Y/N) liked more was loaded. On a normal day she’d say that she didn’t have a favorite, she loved both of them very much. And that was true, so very true, but with the pressure she felt the need to choose.
She wracked her brain for even a hint of favoritism and yet she found none. She couldn’t choose. They may have shown their love in different ways, but at the end of the day, (Y/N) loved them the same.
Her eyes were wide, the words caught in her throat. “I-“ everyone’s eyes were on her, only proving to make the situation more tense.
“I can’t…” she started, “you can’t-“ she cut herself off, taking in a deep breath in attempts to slow the growing pace of her heart rate. “You can’t just expect me to choose between you two.”
They stared on in confusion. What did that even mean? Who did she like? Was it neither of them?
(Y/N) sighed at their disgruntled faces, “I mean, you both- I just, I love both of you. Very much. And I can’t just choose between you, it isn’t that simple.”
Valeria and Alejandro met eyes once again. For the first time in years, trying to work together for a solution. Valeria, as always, took the lead.
She bent down so her face could be flush up against (Y/N)’s ear, “Why don’t we help you make that decision?”
(Y/N)’s eyes flitted to Valeria and then to Alejandro who stood tall, smirking in agreement to Valeria’s solution.
(Y/N) nodded, allowing them to pull her off somewhere where they could get a little alone time.
That bar was getting a little crowded anyway.
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flowerandblood · 9 months
The Impossible Choice (53)
[ Aemond • Targaryen x Baratheon! • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, angst, smut, violence, character death ]
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[description: Aemond comes to Storm’s End to choose his future consort. However, Lord Borros Baratheon presents him with only four of his five daughters. Being attached to his youngest child, he does not want to marry her. The prince, however, thwarts his and her plans with his decision. This is slow burn, with a lot of dark angst and sexual tension. (Anon Request)]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
As soon as her husband walked into their chamber she knew something was wrong – she could see it in his gaze, in his tense jaw, his hands clenched into fists. He wasn't looking at her and that was a bad sign. She rose from the chair and put her book down on the table next to her, walking slowly towards him.
"What is it?" She asked uncertainly. He didn't answer her, his lips tightened into a thin line, his gaze fixed somewhere in front of him in worried thought.
"Aegon wants to marry your sister." He said coldly.
She froze and burst into sudden, uncontrollable laughter that horrified both her and her husband. She shook her head in disbelief feeling like she was about to throw up, clasping her hand over her womb.
No. He could not be such a fool.
"That's impossible. Royce would never agree." She said with certainty. Her husband snorted at her words.
"My grandfather didn't agree either. He is no longer Hand of the King." He said with emphasis on the last sentence, throwing her a menacing look.
She felt herself faint and grabbed onto the pillar of their bed. Her husband approached her quickly, frightened by her condition, holding her arm, helping her sit up.
"What are we going to do now? This is ridiculous. I need to speak with Floris." She mumbled, feeling the realisation of what Aegon wanted to do crush her more and more with each passing second.
"No. I have spoken to Helaena. I believe she will talk Aegon out of this idea." He said, forcing himself to be calm, and she looked at him in disbelief.
"Why must she always be the one to suffer for us? Why should she have to beg the man who caused her so much harm?" She asked in pain, her husband's lips tightening at her words.
"This is about the safety of her children and my nephews." He said coolly. "If she fails, I will have to deal with the matter."
She lifted her gaze to him slowly, feeling a shudder at the sound of his words, the way he said them.
Cold, firm, calculating.
"What are you planning?" She asked, not sure she wanted to know the answer. She saw that he swallowed with difficulty and moved away, heading towards the lit fireplace.
"Don't think about it."
They spent the rest of the day together being as if in limbo – her husband didn't come out for his scheduled training even though it was his daily routine.
She thought he was making sure she didn't meet Floris.
Since she was staying in the Red Keep, Aegon had decided that she would take her old chamber, as she was actually living in his brother's room.
She was furious, but there was nothing she could do.
It frightened her how desperate Aegon was, how easily he allowed himself to believe that having her sister as his wife would make him happy in any way.
She didn't understand how he could be so blinded, why he clung so tightly to the vision that he could find love by force where there was none.
She hid her face in her hands at the thought.
In the morning, Lyanna came to comb her hair as she did every day – a smile was painted on her face, which surprised her; since Floris' appearance, the whole of the Red Keep had lived in constant suspense. She glanced at her, raising an eyebrow.
She squirmed in her husband's arms all night – she felt that he too was awake, merely lying with his eyes closed.
She knew that his thoughts were once again engulfed in darkness and she feared what lurked in the recesses of his mind.
"Has something happened? Did you meet a nice boy?" She asked lightly, and the girl smiled wider, a blush on her face as she wove more curls of her dark hair together.
"No, my Lady. But we all rejoice, for the Queen has spent the night in the King's chamber for the first time in months. They are now eating morning meal together." She said lightly. She and her turned towards her in shock, only to cast communicative glances at each other a moment later.
She felt an unpleasant shudder at the thought.
Was he hurting her again?
She and her husband had been tense all morning, waiting for any news, however, to their surprise, Helaena had not left Aegon's chamber. They were surprised when, after some time, a servant entered their quarters announcing that the King wished to see her.
"Me?" She asked uncertainly, feeling a tightness in her throat. Her husband clenched his jaw and turned his head away, furious.
"You don't have to do it. I'll go there." He said, moving towards the door, but she stood up and stopped him with a gesture of her hand.
"No. I can manage." She said and nodded to the servant that she was ready.
She looked intensely at Helaena wanting to recognise any signs of suffering or harm that might be coming to her, but her face was calm and content.
As she stepped into the chamber she saw Aegon and Helaena sitting behind the table – they were discussing something quietly leaning towards each other.
Only after a moment did she see Royce sitting on the other side, looking at her with the same confused look.
What was happening?
Helaena stood up seeing her puzzled, concerned look and pointed with her hand to the seat in front of them.
"Sit down, please. Do not fret." She said softly and she nodded, trusting her completely.
She sat in the chair next to his brother, watching them with her heart pounding hard. Aegon looked at his wife and then at her, fiddling with the ring on his finger.
"We need your advice." He began suddenly, and she blinked, feeling that she was holding her air with stress, and looked uncertainly at Royce.
"My words said in the chamber of the Small Council were hasty and caused by my confusion, however, they were not announced officially. I know that my decisions have brought great harm to your family and your name, for which I wish to make amends. I want to give your sister in marriage."
She looked at him with a blank stare, wondering if she had understood correctly.
I want to give your sister in marriage.
Has he changed his mind?
She lifted her gaze to Helaena, her face calm and gentle.
What had she done to him?
Did she threaten him with something?
She swallowed loudly and shuddered when she heard her brother's voice.
"The kind who want to be indebted to the King. Most of them are not after their lady-wife's maidenhood, they are after influence. I can provide it. I plan to make my brother the Hand of the King, and his position on the council will become vacant. Your sister's future husband could occupy it." He said calmly, and she twisted in her seat, feeling the sweat on her neck, not believing what she was hearing.
"You shamed her and made her your whore. She is not without fault, but what self-respecting lord will want her?" He snorted impatiently and angrily.
Aegon pressed his lips together at his words and nodded, adopting an attitude of humility that shocked her.
I plan to make my brother the Hand of the King.
Silence fell, she and Royce looked at each other quickly, all tense.
She could see that her older brother was thinking the same thing despite his rage.
It was a good offer.
A very good one.
There was no other option.
Royce lowered his gaze and slowly nodded.
"Yes. That will be the best solution to this unfortunate situation." He said through clenched teeth, struggling to force himself to be calm. Aegon nodded, pretending not to see it, and lifted his gaze to one of his servants.
"Bring Lady Floris."
She looked curiously at her older sister's face as she walked into the King's chamber, evidently thinking that he wished to spend time with her in private again, and saw the whole assembly.
Aegon grunted quietly, looking down at his fingers intertwined on the table in front of him.
She saw her pupils narrowed in fear and uncertainty, saw her turn pale and stop suddenly, swallowing loudly.
She felt an immense amount of satisfaction and power at this sight, knowing what was about to happen.
"My Laddy, I wish to apologise to you in the presence of the head of your House and your sister for the wrongs I have done you." He began, Floris looked at him in disbelief, her breathing quickened in horror. "I promised you that I would erase your disgrace by taking you as my wife, but I cannot do so. Me and my wife have jointly concluded that I must now unite our subjects, not divide them, and this event would surely turn many against us."
He said avoiding her gaze – Floris was breathless all over, the realisation of what was about to happen to her slowly beginning to enter her mind.
She felt her face express calm contentment.
"Me and your brother have decided to marry you off to a lord equal to you in status, one to whom marriage will not hurt your honour." He said calmly, and Floris swallowed loudly, hard.
"Who will want me now that the whole kingdom knows you have taken me to your bed?" She asked in a trembling voice, apparently wanting to save herself by arousing remorse in him. Aegon twisted restlessly in his chair.
"That is all? You promised me. You told me you loved me." She mumbled. Aegon looked at her impassively.
"Anyone I make a member of the Small Council in return. That is already decided. I will leave the choice to your brother and with him consult on the matter. That is all." He said and nodded at her.
Floris laughed at his words, but she could feel the desperation in her voice.
"I love four women. My mother, my sister, my daughter and my brother's wife. Unfortunately, you are not like the last one enough, although I had hoped otherwise."
Floris looked at her with wide-open eyes, the corner of her mouth twitching in a gasp of disbelief.
Did she really think that he had chosen her because he was fond of her?
That something about her captured him?
She watched with amusement as her sister struggled to understand what had actually happened, that she was merely a substitute for his fantasy of her, her sister, nothing more.
"Nevertheless, my Queen's opinion is most important to me." He said and looked at Helaena in a way from which she swallowed silently, unsure if she was really seeing it.
He looked content and calm, something had changed between them.
Something had happened.
She thought Helaena had not threatened him with anything at all.
Could it be that they had somehow communicated?
Her heart struck harder at that thought with a kind of hope.
Floris walked out of his chamber like a storm, but no one stopped her. Aegon grunted, glancing at Royce uncertainly.
"Lord Greyjoy demands that you take his granddaughter as your wife in the Great Sept in King's Landing." He said uncertainly, fiddling with his fingers, clearly afraid to test her brother's patience. Royce swallowed quietly at his words.
"So it's all settled."
"I know, she told me about it herself. Since I'm here, so be it." He said indifferently, looking to the side.
Her lips tightened at the thought of them speaking, and she didn't even have a moment to ask him what he thought of her. Aegon nodded.
She and Royce left the king's chamber together, shocked and uncertain, walking through the cloisters together, analysing what had happened. She was snapped out of her reverie by her brother's low voice.
"She is intelligent. Reena. That's her name." He said calmly, and she looked at him quickly feeling her heart pounding.
"It's a fine name." She said quietly, playing with her hands, involuntarily stroking her slightly rounded abdomen. "What do you think of her?"
She asked, and Royce shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't know how I should behave on our wedding night. What do you think?" He asked, and she swallowed loudly, the noise of the conversations of servants and ladies of the court all around them.
"She knows what she wants. She wishes to fulfil her grandfather's will and she has come to terms with what is to happen, albeit with difficulty. She said she's relieved now that she sees I'm not an empty, rich lord caring only about fine robes and rings. I think I'm relieved too." He confessed, pressing his lips together.
She could see that he was tense, that he himself no longer knew what he thought of this marriage.
"Ask her what she desires." He said calmly, her brother snorting at her words.
"What if she tells me not to touch her? Without that, our marriage won't be fully valid." He said visibly torn internally, his voice trembling at his last words. She swallowed quietly.
"It would be better for you to take her later than by force." She said dryly. Royce looked at her out of the corner of his eye, anxious, tense.
"No. But we both later regretted that our first time was not different. However, we made amends after he took me as his wife a second time, in the tradition of Old Valryia." She said, a smile appearing on her face at the thought. Royce looked at her uncertainly and grunted.
"…did your husband take you by force?" He asked uncertainly.
She noticed that he hadn't used his title, his disrespect towards him after still feeling pain in his heart that their father had died for him.
She looked at him with tired eyes.
"He must be really attached to you, if he wanted to marry you a second time." He said thoughtfully. She laughed under her breath and stroked his arm.
"We have both matured into our roles." She said softly, feeling a warmth in her lower abdomen at the thought. She suggested he eat supper with them, but he said he needed to rest.
She wondered if he would go to see Reena.
When she walked into their chamber her husband stood up immediately, tense, approaching her quickly. She saw how pale he was, his hands clenched into fists.
"Speak." He said, clearly thinking he didn't have time to form full sentences. She sighed loudly at his words.
"I don't know what Helaena did to him, but he's going to marry Floris off to some lord in exchange for your seat on the Small Council, and make you Hand of the King." She said calmly, herself not believing what was coming out of her mouth.
He blinked as if he didn't understand what she said and he shook his head, laughing with forced amusement.
"He invited me and Royce. Helaena was at the conversation. He told us his plan, and then he summoned Floris and announced his will to her. It's over." She said touching his cheek. He tightened his eyelid and laid his forehead on her shoulder, his body slowly beginning to relax.
"If Helaena hadn't… if it hadn't worked out and he hadn't changed his mind…"
"… I know." She said, not wanting him to finish, her hand running through his hair.
Her husband needed to relax and quickly found comfort in her arms, sitting up together with her and letting her ride him, his face snuggled between her breasts, both of them panting loudly. He whispered her name responding with deep, sure thrusts to the rolling of her hups, his fingers clenched on her sweaty back.
"– I'm here, my love –" She whispered kissing the top of his head, stroking his hair with her hands, lifting and falling onto his fat erection with a sticky, loud clicks of her moisture, his length pushing her walls apart with each of his thrusts, the heat intensifying in her lower abdomen.
"– it's all right now – it's okay, my love, fill me with your seed –" She whispered feeling him hold back for her, his manhood pulsing greedily. He came with a loud, helpless moan at her words, panting heavily, trying to melt into one with her, seeking refuge in her arms.
She kissed his hair and stroked his head until he calmed down, and then she came having him still deep inside her from the lazy strokes of his thumb around her puffy bud.
She gently freed herself from the embrace of her husband sleeping a strong, deep sleep and moved silently barefoot towards the door. She ran across the cold stone floor to the chamber next to them and was surprised to find that the door to her quarters was ajar.
Even though everything had resolved in her favour, she wriggled in his arms, unable to fall asleep – unintentionally, she kept thinking about Floris, about what had happened.
She thought she wanted to confront her, to tell her everything she thought of her.
She thought she deserved it.
She felt a squeeze at the thought that Aegon was still visiting her.
That he had not changed at all.
Her eyes were wide open, her mouth parted.
She quietly walked closer and looked inside – there was no candle burning in the room and it was completely dark, nor did she hear any sound. She walked inside slowly, approaching her bed unhurriedly, seeing that she was alone.
She wanted to touch her arm to wake her, but when she noticed her body in the moonlight, she froze.
Her throat slit.
She ran out immediately thinking whoever had done this to her sister was still there and ran ahead following the cries, heedless of the guards who rushed up as she did. The screams led her to Helaena's chamber, who was kneeling in the dark rocking back and forth, something small that looked like a doll lying in front of her.
She felt herself begin to tremble all over, only now realising that the black spots around her body were not shadows, but blood.
Her breath caught in her throat and she couldn't move for a moment, frightened, she jumped when she heard a loud, almost inhuman scream in the distance.
And then she realised.
It was her son.
Her daughter was trembling all over, hugging her mother, who was looking ahead with absent eyes.
"– good gods – Helaena –" She stammered, looking around fearfully to see if whoever had done that was anywhere in the chamber.
"– we have to get out of here, please –" She said walking towards her, grabbing her arm but she didn't move.
"I came to check on the children and saw him. He said: I came to take your beloved stag and beloved dragon. That this was the price the Queen had set. He cut his throat. He didn't even make a sound." She whispered looking at the white-haired boy lying in front of her, stroking his hair, her whole hands dirty with blood.
She tried to stop the bleeding.
Aegon and her husband came running over a moment later hearing the commotion – he grabbed her in his arms asking her what had happened, what she was doing here. Aegon stepped down beside Helaena and dropped to his knees – for a moment he just stared at what had happened with his mouth wide open.
He whined loudly, sobbing, pressing his face into his son's shirt.
Her husband, when he noticed this, froze, his hands clenched on her body so tightly that it caused her pain, but she thought nothing of it.
I came to take your beloved stag and beloved dragon.
The assassin acting on Rhaenyra's behalf was mistaken.
He thought she was asleep in her chamber.
He mistook her for Floris.
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finn-writes-stuff · 1 year
Loved those spoiling headcanons! Can we have a Reader who isn't bothered by the blood on their face and bodies, and the girls get happy knowing someone doesn't mind their true nature? Then they slowly fall for the Reader and when they get together they kiss the girls while they have the blood on their lips and faces, which only makes the Daughters fall more?
You can choose to either make it Polyamorous or Monogamous, it's up to you :3 you're awesome! < 3
It's hard to fall for a vampire without loving the blood on their lips.
Dimitrescu Sisters x Reader
Fandom: Resident Evil 8
Format: Headcanons
Gender Neutral Reader
This is for everyone that goes feral over clips and art of the girls covered in blood. I see you.
Everything about her appearance and presentation is carefully considered. The only time blood is left on her face is when she's in the midst of attacking someone, or she wants to make a point of what she is capable of.
Otherwise, she is meticulous about cleaning it off her face. Dried flaking blood is simply uncomfortable.
She expects you to be uncomfortable at least, if not afraid of the sight she makes covered in blood. It throws her off when you aren't.
When you tell her that it doesn't make her any less beautiful, it stuns her speechless for a solid minute. Vampires don't blush easily, but you've had the pleasure of seeing it.
Pulling her in for a kiss before she has the chance to clean it off usually has her fangs catching on your own lips, as if still hungry for more.
Cassandra thrives on being a dangerous creature, so she is never quick to wipe the blood away after an attack. It's a physical reminder that she is a predator in this world.
It is wild to her that you are just fine with it. It doesn't scare you? Unnerve you? Make you uncomfortable?
She will actually lean into trying to frighten you, just to make sure she hasn't lost her touch.
It catches her attention in a way that she just can't shake. And with her eyes on you so often, how could she not fall for you?
The deep, hidden parts of her that draw a line between woman and monster, melt under your affection. Blood and fangs or not, you don't look at her any differently.
Dani's chaos leads to a lot more blood than either of her sister's activities. She is caught up in her excitement and hunger, reveling in the mess.
It's not that she doesn't make an effort to keep clean, it's that she's easily distracted and enjoys the way it stains her lips.
When you don't balk at the sight of it, she jumps on the new information. You are new and interesting!
She will make fun of you for 'being into it' but she definitely thinks that's just a joke at first. If you admit to being attracted to it when she's all bloody, she will never let go of that.
Dani will cover you in blood and not apologize. You're willing to kiss her when she's bloody? There's blood all over your own face now because she's covering you in kisses.
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nobodyfamousposts · 2 years
Why Scarlet Lady Is Better Than Canon: Desperada
Can we take a moment to just appreciate how @zoe-oneesama vastly improved Desparada?
There are so many things to love about this episode. Aspik and Viperion's redesigns. Jealous Adrien. Blushy Marinette. Aspik's redesign. Actual follow up on the previous Luka confession in Silencer. Seeing Scarlet taken out by the akuma. Aspik's redesign. Viperion's snek tongue and hilarious expressions. Seeing more family interaction between Jagged and Penny with the Couffaines. Aspik's redesign. There are SO many reasons to love this episode, but there are also reasons it's better than canon and these are in part due to the issues with the canon version of the episode in the first place.
First off, canonically speaking, despite Desperada being meant as Luka’s breakout hero episode and an Adrien-focused episode, we don’t get the necessary focus on either of them as the the narrative ultimately gave the focus and lesson of the episode to Marinette for “choosing wrong” and “not being able to see past Adrien to choose Luka”, which runs counter to the general rule of the series in that she’s SUPPOSED to be choosing Adrien in all things. So ultimately, what should be an Adrien and/or Luka episode feels very watered down because Marinette is thrown into it where she doesn’t need to be to shoulder the blame for anything going wrong.
Secondly, for a Luka hero debut episode, Luka does very little. We see that he’s great with the Snake and was clearly the “right choice all along” to use it. Which is fine. But much like Carapace in Anansi and King Monkey in Partycrasher, there isn’t much in the way of focus on him or buildup to him becoming a hero. In Luka’s case, he’s played off as the second choice to Adrien, which would set the precedent for canon as a whole if canon hadn’t already made that point clear all the way back in Frozer. And that only makes it more depressing how canon seems glued, nailed, and riveted to this as a plot point.
Third and most important in regards to this particular essay, Adrien’s use of the Snake is problematic. He’s shown to be doing it because he’s psyched that Ladybug chose him as a civilian even if that means abandoning her as Chat and LYING to her about it. Other than a few snide comments from Plagg in the moment which could be easily attributed to his own jealousy in the matter, this is never addressed or brought up again. We never see Adrien learning from how things go wrong or learn how to plan accordingly, he just seems to try different random things without considering why they fail only to be surprised time and again when each of his following plans also fail. Because of this as well as his determination, he says he was reliving the same five minute time span for months in a self-perpetuating hell of failure before he finally acknowledges that he isn’t fit for the role. This could have been a great character developing moment for Adrien as he’d have to use his ability as the Snake to actually be the planner for once or gain knowledge about Hawk Moth and Ladybug that can tie into future episodes. But because they focus in on him wanting to prove Ladybug’s faith in him right (and because of Thomas’s “Rule” that Marinette must always be the one to learn a lesson each episode), it comes off as being Ladybug’s fault for choosing him over Luka rather than the fact that it was his choice to forego his role as Chat to be a temp Snake hero—and that between him and Ladybug, HE was the only one at that time who had reason to know why it would be a bad idea.
Ultimately, depending on how you look at it, this results in making Adrien appear either very devoted to the point of codependent or just very foolish and selfish for being so intent on keeping this lie going that he would rather repeat thousands of loops of failure to keep misusing the Snake Miraculous for arguably selfish reasons.
Compare with Scarlet Lady, which has Adrien keep misusing the Snake Miraculous for blatantly selfish reasons.
“But Nobody!” I can hear you say, “Doesn’t that make him worse?”
To which I say, “Yes. Which is why it makes him BETTER.”
As we can see from this comic, Adrien is fully misusing the Snake Miraculous for petty revenge and he is enjoying the HECK out of it.
Is it wrong? Definitely.
Do I blame him? Not at all.
Let’s bear in mind that per Zoe, Adrien has been suffering as Scarlet Lady’s “sidekick” for 8 months by this point. That’s almost a year of having to fight akumas mostly on his own or with unexpected civilian help (which is an issue all its own) while dealing with a bossy and antagonistic “hero” who spends more time on her phone than actually helping with the akumas. Made worse by this girl taking advantage of his state after the fight to give out a false narrative of how SHE saved the day without anyone to point out otherwise.
Dealing with Scar has had such a profound effect on him throughout the series. We can see it in the way that Adrien has been more stressed. His response to Fu upon discovering him. And the way he has been untrusting and resistant to actual help when it finally arrived in the form of Marigold.
Just because Marigold finally showed up to give him a real partner does not mean that his suffering was over or in any way healed. At best, it gave him someone to share in his misery of dealing with Scar and be a support for him in akuma fights/heroing who wasn’t a civilian. Or more accurately, who wasn’t a specific civilian girl he has a crush on…as far as he knows, at any rate.
What it comes down to is that Scar has been a constant source of anger, stress, and resentment for Adrien. Her treatment of him is downright abusive in every way, and Chat has been in the incredibly unfortunate position that there hasn’t been anything he could do about that. Or at least not anything that wouldn’t end up only working to her benefit or making things worse for himself and the city. Even after discovering Fu and being told she was never actually meant to have been the Ladybug user, he was still stuck dealing with her. He really has no choice but to stick it out and let her continue as she is, because the consequences otherwise would be too dire.
This is why the Snake Miraculous is such a game changer…because it is the one miraculous that lets these consequences be thrown right out the window.
This is his one opportunity, perhaps the only time he has or will ever HAVE the freedom to say and do whatever he wants to Scar and not have to worry about the potential aftermath.
No worries about Scar being unable or unwilling to use the Cure.
No issues of Hawk Moth or the akuma getting the Miraculous.
No fears of Scar throwing a tantrum or doing anything to make him look like the villain to the city.
No concerns of Scar trying to run away and potentially losing the Ladybug Earrings.
Five minutes of pure consequence-free actions, where he can do ANYTHING to inflict a fraction of the torment Scar has caused him, to be repeated as many times as he wants!
Ladies and Gentlemen and People of all types: This is Adrien Agreste with a Revenge Boner.
The introduction of the Snake Miraculous gives Adrien the power he’s lacked in his relationship with Scarlet Lady. And now that he’s on the superior end of the power disparity with the freedom to do and say whatever he wants to her with no consequences, he’s taking full advantage of it.
This is a stark contrast to Canon Adrien and how he handled his time as Aspik. This makes Scarlet Lady Adrien exceedingly more selfish compared to the angst-fest that was Desperada in canon. But it is also more enjoyable because of it.
In terms of the Scarlet Lady narrative itself, this is catharsis for Adrien. After everything Scar has put him through, he’s able to get that sweet, sweet payback and see all the ways he can torment her. This is only part of what all that past mistreatment from Scar has been leading up to. This becomes a matter of both continuity, cause and effect, and character building.
Remember the old writing advice of “show, don’t tell”? Yeah. This is Zoe SHOWING you just how much Adrien hates Scar by this point.
In terms of comparing the two episodes, what we have is a difference between an angst-filled self-imposed helplessness versus the aforementioned catharsis. See, this version works better because it makes it clear that Adrien is the one with full control in the situation and what he is DOING with that control. He controls how long the loops last. How many times he goes back. When he stops looping. And most importantly, what he does in those loops.
In canon, part of Adrien’s angst over his time as Aspik is supposed to be over all the times he tries and fails to save Ladybug, but it’s undercut by the fact that his suffering is almost entirely self-inflicted. Both by lying to Ladybug in the first place and then by putting in so much effort to keep the lie going that he would rather allow Ladybug to be taken out several thousand times than simply tell her the truth.
While the narrative seems to want us to believe that Adrien has no real power in this situation, Adrien is the one with the control in each of the loops. He just using it in the worst ways and CONTINUING to keep doing so even when he knows it won’t work. In this sense, his repeated attempts don’t come off as heroic so much as frustrating. And also hypocritical because they’re trying to beautify his actions to hide that they’re ultimately self-serving. When his “suffering” is self-imposed, the angst comes off as pretentious.
Scarlet Lady avoids this because Adrien has no such angst. He’s having the time of his freaking life. Is he a jerk for it? Yes. Is it wrong? Also yes. Should he be called out for it at some point in the future? Definitely. But this is mitigated not only by the power of Second Chance, but also by the fact that it was implied if not outright stated from the start that he had no intention of actually defeating the akuma as Aspik and fully planned to do whatever was necessary to avoid being called on as a temp hero again in the future. This tells us that Adrien’s actions weren’t planned for a specific victory outcome the way Canon Adrien did. It wasn’t that he actually intended to use the Miraculous against Scarlet Lady from the start, but that he realized after that first time seeing Scarlet taken out that this would be a perfect opportunity to let out his unresolved animosity towards her. The way that a lot of people would do if such an opportunity ever landed in their lap to torment their tormentor and get away with it. This makes Adrien incredibly selfish and it makes him all the more real and human because of it.
Then there’s the matter of Luka. In canon, he’s clearly chosen second to Adrien and this should be an issue. However, other than the narrative pointing at Marinette being at fault for choosing Adrien over Luka twice in situations that Luka should be viewed as the “clear better fit for”, nothing is done with it.
In Scarlet Lady, Zoe sidestepped the issue of who would play with Jagged while also pointing out the ridiculousness of firing Vivica in the first place over incredibly stupid reasons. It makes what was an episode that made Jagged look incredibly immature and selfish instead appear much more endearing as it was revealed he did it intentionally to spend time with his kids and both his ex and his kids are fully aware of this. Of course, it was still a jerk move of him to do this to Vivica, yes. But it was endearing and I don't feel what likability Jagged had in season one drop like a boulder.
So instead of the canon narrative of Luka never being good enough compared to Adrien and this somehow being Marinette’s fault, Zoe changed the focus for Luka on how Marinette is responding to his confession the previous episode. This works even better in that it shows continuity is a thing, as is character development. It made the side issue of the episode that Marinette doesn’t know how to respond to this—which makes sense in light of her being a girl who has never been confessed to, now being confessed to by someone she considers a friend and she doesn’t want to ruin that. It handled the situation maturely in the end, and Zoe did a wonderful job showing Marinette’s uncertainty and her reactions as her emotions are still a mess while also showing Luka’s concerns when they’re finally able to talk things out. It was a lovely end to the episode that really felt like a step forward: Luka is shown being more proactive in regards to his feelings compared to canon, Marinette is also coming to terms with her feelings, and Adrien fully admits that Hawk Moth is the only reason he isn’t being forward with his feelings for her.
See what this is? Progress. Slow and simple forward steps that make it feel like things are moving instead of being stuck at a standstill until plot requires them to jerk it forward. This is something Miraculous canon desperately needs.
In conclusion: The Scarlet Lady version of Desperada is an improvement to the canon version because it ultimately puts the onus of control in the matter of the “failed loops” on Adrien where it should be (even if it’s played for laughs), takes the responsibility of “choosing wrong” and Adrien’s failures to defeat the akuma off of Marinette (who had limited control of the situation in comparison to him), doesn’t throw in Luka as a second choice for Adrien with no relevance of his own except that he's second choice, and makes the episode as a whole more enjoyable and less of an exercise in frustration.
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lopposting · 5 months
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That's an interesting point about the workstation. It made me realize we do see this place here in the opening cutscene. hmm.. And Geppetto being involved in Carlo's death in that way might have fuelled his regret in that kind of engulfing madness that made him the monster he was. [Tbh though, I don't think he was a good person to begin with, even pre-timeline]
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You mean the loading screen, right? [unless I missed some other word-of-God confirmation about Carlo] I know that's what the game tells us - but I and some others in the fanbase have doubts about the truthfulness of that particular screen, given what we see in the sand memories; even though, logically he must have had the disease because we have his Ergo. Basically, I'm wondering if he had the disease, but ultimately died maybe due to the blood loss from losing an arm or some other kind of attack. I'll try to explain my reasoning for that the best I can in another post
Some of braveheart's post here:
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IT’S NOT!!! It directly contradicts what the game tells you in the story!! Your memories show Carlo on the ground with the Stalker over him wishing she had arrived sooner. If it was the disease? Then she would have been no help, so why regret not being there? 
And for the nameless puppet, it is a bit odd. my thoughts are that Geppetto doesn't see the nameless as Carlo either, and therefore doesn't bother ("Were you going to destroy Carlo's heart?" instead of "Your heart"). Also that maybe it did originally look more like Carlo, but without enough Ergo to properly preserve it, decayed over time, forcing Geppetto to replace large chunks of it.
Perhaps it shows how dead-set Geppetto was on going through with his plan with the arm of god and the frenzy, because why maintain the puppet at all when Carlo could be revived anyway? [which he does in one of the endings]
And I think, "narratively" [I don't think I'm using that word right lol], it shows how desperately Geppetto is clinging to the past, the literal corpse of his son, even as it's falling apart in his arms. The guy who brought upon a new age, Krat's new dawn of technological advancement - can't seem to move forward
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[I LOVE reading discussion about this game] 
I remember someone somewhere pointing out that when the strings are cut, the first “human” thing nameless puppet does is grab its head like it’s in pain :O [I can’t remember where i read that im sorry ahhh] 
and also what’s really crazy about that theory is that the piercing hatred amulet tells us
"If this puppet could feel only one emotion, it would be hatred."
They could’ve just easily told us whether or not the puppet could FEEL, being the game and all
but instead they choose to say. “We don’t know”
[also PS: omg i HAVE to watch evangelion. i've been meaning to watch it for YEARS. but also. like actually. im too scared]
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mdhwrites · 4 months
Do you think the show rewards Luz’s Selfishness too much?
So I normally frame Luz's decision to self martyr herself and stay in her own world as not wanting to bother with the effort to fix her mistake. Let's shift that a bit so we can talk about why the show couldn't have Luz tell ANYONE this deeply selfish choice. A choice that by all means, Camila seems to think is just a bad choice for Luz and for no one else.
But... Luz chooses that her pain and angst is so bad that she doesn't want to help Amity reunite with her siblings. Or to make sure they can live in a world where they're safe. Gus' dad, Willow's parents, Darius, etc. All of them can rot as far as Luz is concerned. She even explicitly states this in For the Future. "Once Eda and King are safe, I'm going home."
No one else matters. LITERALLY no one else matters to her but the people she has chosen to care about and there aren't many of those. This is framed even worse by the fact that by the end of this episode, Camila will effectively say that Luz has NEVER done anything wrong. That trying to critique her at all, to try and give her life skills and friends with the camp after she put people's lives potentially in danger (snakes and fireworks are not meant for school for a reason), was wrong. That Luz just needs to be 'understood'. Part of understanding Luz, especially in S3, means that unless someone attacks her about it, like the dream sequence, WHICH ISN'T HER OWN MIND BUT A FABRICATION AND LIE, she isn't going to think about others. Just her adopted family and herself. And even then, maybe not even her adopted family since they sure as shit didn't matter in Thanks to Them.
BUT. we are supposed to sympathize with her and believe she did nothing wrong, just like Camila. Do not question her motivations, or her efforts, just believe her words.
This is emblematic of the show as well. The first two episodes talk a big game about fantasy vs reality and like Luz's selfish motivations, warped way of looking at things and her learning to be a human being, not a walking, wanna be protagonist will be interrogated. But... Not really. She repeatedly does things that are mirrored in her favorite series. Her final battle line will be a reference to that series and her delusions with that series. People might get briefly upset about her actions but most of the time she either doesn't have to do anything, like Reaching Out or Adventure in the Elements (where she gets a glyph BEFORE making up the fuck up she did) or show how special she is like in Lost in Language and Covention. I can only really think of like one episode after the first two where Luz fucks up and genuinely has to take the brunt of punishment for it, Winging it Like Witches, and even in that one, she is saved before anything bad happens to her before winning with the same trick that hurt her friends, just... Now it's okay because they're all on the same page about it I guess. Couldn't have had Willow come up with something herself because Luz actually was willing to listen to Willow and not force something onto her. That'd be too much work.
It's part of why the more you interrogate Luz's intentions and motivations, it gets BAD. So much of what she does could be easily grafted onto a kid trying to play hero or not learning anything from past mistakes. Don't ever forget that Teenage Abomination says "Listen to your mentor about their specialty," then The Intruder says "Don't take shortcuts to magic" before then in Adventure in the Elements, Luz takes a shortcut for magic while also not listening to Eda and almost gets people killed for it. GREAT JOB LUZ! Much development, such depth.
And yes, lots of shows will have characters yoyo and the like but these are within HALF A SEASON of each other. It usually takes a little longer for most animated shows to straight up start repeating lessons. Hell, yes, it is theoretically a problem for Amphibia too with stuff like Bessie and the hibernation episode both featuring Anne's impatience but also S1 is genuinely about how Anne is fighting between the lessons she's learning and her growing empathy versus how she used to be with her selfishness and laziness. Also, both episodes might be about her impatience but they genuinely tackle it in different ways, with one being about disregarding the rules because of overconfidence and the other one is out of boredom. For TOH... It's just that Luz wants the magic she thinks she should have, as easily and as fun as she thinks it should be instead of weird and actually taking work, and fucks it up because of that same motivation.
That same motivation that doesn't treat reality like reality. According to the show though, that's just the best way to be. Follow your own version, fuck everything else. That's what Luz gets to do in the end after all and she's the one literally blessed by God to be correct.
So yeah, I think her selfishness might be a touch rewarded.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
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And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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call-sign-shark · 7 months
Hi Shark. I was wondering if I could be cheeky and request something from you. I was wondering if you could release a headcanon for Heaven with a list of fun facts about her (i.e. fave food, color, animal, vacation spot, book, song, drink...if she went to university what d'you think she'd study that kind of thing). She's just so interesting that I'd like to know more about her. Also, I read a fic she was mentioned in the other day and I thought you'd be interested. It was just a mention but I thought it was cool. Also, I can't wait for The woods whisper part 2. I'm on edge.
Hi sweet anon, thank you so much for your wonderful ask! As for the fic, please do send me the link. I probably have it in my reading list if the mutual has tagged me but I reckon I need to catch up with a lot of things. I've been feeling quite tired lately and I’m starting a new job as a bartender so it's quite tiring. I’m delighted you find the murderous angel interesting so here we go. 🖤
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𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝐿𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓎 𝒮𝒽𝑒𝓁𝒷𝓎 headcanons
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𝒫𝑒𝒶𝓀𝓎 𝐵𝓁𝒾𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈
♢ Her favorite animals are hyenas. She dreams about owning one?? She’s weird asf I know.
♢ I personally imagine her voice like the singer of Sohodolls (by the way, this song from the group is her main theme song)
♢ Surprisingly enough her favorite color is not white, but red and gold.
♢ She's multilingual and speaks: French, Russian, German, and English all fluently.
♢ She's 25 at the beginning of HYE, even if throughout her life people struggle to give her an age since she has this very woman-child aspect.
♢ Her style is quite modern for the era. When she doesn’t wear elegant and revealing dresses with gold jewels, capes or fur coats, she loves stealing one of Arthur’s shirts and tuck it in her skirt. Similarly, he had to buy a second coat ‘cause she had stolen his. Most of the time she either dresses like a goddess or a forest nymph.
♢ She loves fun fairs and circuses! When they started flirting together and meeting at church every night, Arthur sometimes brought her candied apples.
♢ She might be an enchanting singer and she might love music but she's awful at playing an instrument. She tried piano, guitar, harp, and violin but she was terrible at all of them.
♢ She has empathy issues she hides quite well. Now, I’m not saying she has 0 Empathy but she lacks of it most of the time except with Arthur or on a few occasions. It leads her to be cold and sardonic with people outside of her private circle when she doesn’t “mask”.
♢ Did someone said “lemon pie”? She’d kill for lemon pies. It’s her favorite dessert of all time.
♢ Her Birthday is the 22 January.
♢ She's fond of myths, legends, and fairy tales. If she had to pick one tale and one myth she would go for the Red Little Riding Hood and the Beast of Gevaudan. But her favorite story is Alice’s Adventures.
♢ She's a "mama bear", which means she doesn't lose her temper easily despite being gifted with an ability for extreme violence but touch her husband, kids or family and she'll go f e r a l.
♢ She talked several times with Linda at church, unknowing Heaven was already fucking her husband (and she enjoyed it). I know, that's a dick move.
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𝑀𝑜𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓃 𝒜𝒰
*most of the hc above still works for her modern!self
♢ Her favorite book is The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris.
♢ She works as an exotic pole dancer and aerial performer. Considering this, she also masters aerial hoop, silks, and Chinese pole.
♢ She is currently applying to study forensic medicine after several years of gaps.
♢ She has spent years locked up in a mental institute, in the dangerous patients ward.
♢ Her favorite food is Japanese Udon soup with gyoza and Nikuman as side dishes.
♢ She loves listening to brutal music, such as metal, hard rock, or alternative trash/bimbo music even if her playlist is actually quite varied. You can go from Rammstein and Angerfist to Britney Spears and Lana Del Rey.
♢ She smokes weed.
♢ If she had to choose a drink it would be red wine for alcohol and pumpkin spice latte for sweet. But in truth, she’s that annoying gym girl so she mostly drinks water and homemade protein smoothies. She also loves boba milk teas.
♢ She's a huge fan of horror movies and games (especially FNAF), with a fascination for cannibalism. With that being said, she organizes the best girl nights ever, especially during Halloween.
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Heaven is reader in the Arthur Shelby x you series Heaven in Your Eyes. Why don't you join the ride? We have drama, sex and gore.
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flugsammy · 4 months
Hello love your work and just wondering if u can do a
Dr.Flug x y/n where they aren't yet dating just friends (who like each other). And they do mission or something (u can choose), and y/n does something wrong, and then they both get into an argument and out of nowhere Flug just blurts out they love y/n and y/n say they like him to.
U can choose what happens next
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Hello, buddy!! I'm SO sorry for the delay, but I took a little breath to gain my creativity back! :D
This time, I tried a more practical way of writing, so here it is:
First of all, we have to remember we're talking about ""THE GREAT"" Dr Flug. Him, as a villain, considers love to be nonsense (a bit hypocritical of him, since we see how he treats 5.0.5). But in a romantic type of love, he'd be a bit.. difficult to deal with??? Let me explain:
As we are used to Demencia being 'the annoying one', we forget about how HARD Flug is to deal with. And he'd be even more so, if his s/o is some kind of assistant (especially, HIS assistant).
He's definitely the kind of guy who separate files alphabetically, separating each one by similar colors and if you put ONE in the wrong place.. HAHAHA, prepare for the scolding of your life. But now, let's get a little away from realism and get to what really matters. If he considers his s/o a friend or a close friend, things would certainly be a bit easier. Using our cute bear as an example again, Flug isn't the heartless villain he tries to make himself out to be! He can be quite affectionate, and less cruel when he wants to.
-Now, onto the mission scenario..
One client, one order, and the hero's location. As always, Dr Flug had created a plan to carry out Black Hat's orders. And to his surprise, Demencia was actually trying to collaborate...?? What's gotten into her? She was clearly holding herself back from running after the hero. Maybe boss had put her in her place? Either way, the doctor couldn't complain. Everything seemed to be doing right. It was like a dream!
Everything was going as planned. The hero (dumb, like most of his kind), had fallen into the trap like a duckling! While the guy looked around confusedly, all they needed was the shrink ray, which in just one shot, would end that entire mission! FINALLY! When his assistant was about to shoot, their attention was quickly taken by a butterfly, which made their hand slip and shoot at the post, next to the hero. The two-good-shoes' eyes quickly stopped at the villains.
Before he could do something, Demencia's loud giggles, running towards the good guy were audible. WHY was it always like this?! A loud groan left the doctor's lips.
— DEMENCIA! Get out of there right no- NO- DON'T JUMP ON HIM!!
Flug's angry gaze quickly turned to his friend. The noise of punches caused by the lizard girl interrupted both of their hearing.
— What was that, [name]?!
— I'm- I'm sorry! I just got a little distracted!
— HOW could you be distracted by a BUTTERFLY?! The hero was right in front of you!
— I'm SORRY, alright?! I already apologized!
Their discussion was drowned out by the sounds of fighting between the hero and villain. 5.0.5 looked between both discussions, not knowing what to do. After a few seconds, Flug's voice came out again:
A moment of silence fell between both, when the noise of kicks increased. Flug's eyes instantly widened. After a few seconds, the assistant's eyes lit up:
— You love me..? For real? — A small pause was heard. — Woah.. I never thought that you-..
Before all the chaos could continue, a black snow settled around them.
The hero, who had finally immobilized the lizard woman, contorted into an inhuman shape until he curled up, motionless to the ground. And in the middle of the shadows, Lord Black hat appeared.
A furious look on his face as he glared at his employees.
-Hah. For your all sake, I don't think I need to explain in detail what happened next.
After their sudden confession, things got a little.. awkward between both scientists, as Dr Flug couldn't make eye contact with his lab partner. But hey! It was just in the first few days after the mission disaster. After some time, the doctor would begin to show more affection for his partner (in a secret way, of course). We can say that Flug doesn't have much experience when it comes to romance, but he would certainly try to put some of his pride aside to be able to have a peaceful moment with his s/o. Specifically when both of their feelings finally come to the surface.
Thank you so much for reading! :D
And again, I'm REALLY sorry for the delay. I will definitely be making more requests later, but for now, I hope you enjoyed my writing! - Sam.
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jigujellee · 1 year
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(gif creds: wujugirlz) LAY ME TO REST IN PEACE -> Just let me go, no But something brings me back to you
yunjin x non-idol!reader angst word count: 1.2k warnings: very minor allusion to wanting to die, swearing, pls save yunjin from the angst
a/n: just something that randomly came to mind. been struggling with putting something out, but i hope this is okay. inspired by keshi's the reaper <3
yunjin should’ve listened.
she should’ve listened when her leader scolded her at 4 in the morning, begging yunjin to break things off with you already.
but how could she end something that wasn’t even real to begin with?
it was all supposed to be for fun. it was a joke that you and the rest of le sserafim knew about even before they made their debut; the running skit about how you and yunjin were madly in love, and that you would eventually get married, was all supposed to be one big fun joke. you made it so convincing for everyone to believe that you were really in love with her, yunjin fell for it herself.
“good morning my love,” you cooed into the phone mic. yunjin felt her stomach do a million flips just by the sound of your voice, the pet name adding an even bigger effect on her. “how was your sleep? yunjin tries to compose herself prior to answering your question, but the two of you only spoke for roughly 10 minutes because you mentioned you had class soon.
“have fun in class and make sure you pay attention. try not to think of me too much,” yunjin flirts, which resulted with eunchae and chaewon gagging in the background. you laugh it off and tell her you’ll try and you end the call right away, but yunjin is visibly disappointed once she puts the phone down.
“what happened now?” sakura asks. the rest of the group tried pitching in their guesses, ranging from things like you not saying ‘i love you’ or you sounding dry towards the end of the conversation.
“no, it’s because y/n mentioned she’s going out with jimin again” chaewon says matter-of-factly. yunjin’s grip on her phone tightens at the mention of their senior but she couldn’t bring herself to fully hate her. jimin is a beautiful and talented idol, known to be an all-rounder to the public. yunjin couldn’t help but wonder why jimin chose to like you out of everyone else in this world. you told yunjin it was just because you were cursed with many suitors, but she would disagree with that. you weren’t hard to love, anyone could easily fall in love with you but now she wished no one did. she wanted every person that was attracted to you or had feelings for you to disappear and she hoped you would end the joke to make things between you two real.
“yunjin unnie,” eunchae starts. “you should tell her”
“tell her what? there’s nothing to tell”
“oh stop fucking lying to yourself, you know you’re actually in love with her” chaewon scolds. “you were the one who said you had it under control and that you wouldn’t catch feelings, that this was all a funny joke. what happened to all of that?”
“you can’t blame her, chaewon. she’s only human, we can’t control how we feel” the quote machine manages to say.
“well, you certainly can do something about it. so either you suck it up and tell her how you feel, or you just stop this whole thing all together because it’s killing you, yunjin.”
the members’ voices sound like static in yunjin’s ears. she didn’t want to have to choose between telling you or not because yunjin knows she will lose you either way. this whole joke was the reason you two are close and is also the reason she fell for you in the first place. once she got to experience what it felt like to be loved by you, she didn’t want it to stop. whenever you were together, the joke didn’t seem like a joke, it simply felt like you two were in love with each other and nothing else in the world mattered. yunjin would always come back to you no matter what everyone else was saying, and she hated herself for it but you were an addiction and she couldn’t stop.
yunjin’s thumbs hover over the keyboard, trying to find the words to say to you.
everything the members' have been telling yunjin finally registered in her brain, and she grew the balls to tell you how she felt. the text bubble has been appearing and disappearing for almost 5 minutes, but it doesn't go unnoticed by you. losing your patience, you decide to call the american.
“i can see you texting and stopping. are you alright?” yunjin could feel her heart swell at how concerned you sound, but now she knew better than that.
“i’m okay. i’m actually glad you called, there’s something i need to tell you”
“sure, shoot”
yunjin grips her phone tightly and begins biting her lip. her nerves start to cloud her mind but she knows she can’t runaway now, not anymore. she takes a deep breath in, hoping it will hold off the tears from flowing.
“i’m in love with you”
"i am too? we said we were going to get married remem-"
"no y/n, i'm in love with you"
"oh," was all you could muster up.
it was silent for what felt like years. yunjin felt like throwing up and she wished she could take back what she just said. she wanted things to be how things were, where you would just pretend to be a happy couple. even though it was all pretend, at least she had you. and she would much rather pretend to have you than not at all.
“it was just supposed to be a joke, yunjin”
“i know it was and i’m sorry, but i couldn’t help myself” she sobs. “i really love you”
“but i don’t”
and just like that, yunjin could feel her world collapse on her. she immediately regrets confessing how she felt; she knew she should’ve just stayed silent and continued things the way they were. yunjin didn’t know what she did to deserve this. all she wanted was to be loved by you for real, and she couldn’t understand why you didn’t fall in love the way she did.
“do you love her? do you love jimin?”
“no, i don’t”
“then why? why can’t we be in love for real?”
“i just can’t reciprocate it”
“if you knew that, then why didn’t you say something? how could you keep the joke running for this long?”
“i didn’t think you’d actually fall in love!”
“well then you’re fucking stupid for thinking that!”
yunjin feared her voice would crack if she continued to speak any further. her vision was becoming blurry very quickly, and she knew she had to end the call quickly before she completely broke down over the phone with you.
“i love you, y/n”
“no yunjin… i don’t think-”
“just fucking say it back one last time,” yunjin hears you deeply sigh, and though she couldn’t see you, she knew you were shaking your head in disappointment.
“i love you, yunjin. i’m really sorry”
once she hears the call end, she drops the phone to her side and lets the tears run freely down her cheeks. she silently sobs, hoping the other members won’t hear her and her shattered heart. it was all just a stupid story, a fantasy that she came up with in her head. a part of her believed that you really loved her, but you were such a good actor and she fell for it too quickly and too easily.
yunjin cursed everyone who convinced her to tell you how she really felt because now it all turned to shit. she lost you and she can't get any of it back, and now all yunjin could do was wish to be visited by the reaper so she could finally lay to rest in peace.
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chiefbeifongcanrailme · 7 months
Mission Accomplished
Here’s my submission for day 2 of Lin Beifong’s Week. You can also find it on AO3.
Pairing: Lin Beifong x Mako
Rating: T
Art made by JadeLotus💚
The last time he had checked the time, it was back in the precinct, and it was midnight then. There was no knowing what time it was now. When it came to waiting, one could never tell if hours had gone by a mere few seconds. Impatience was becoming of Mako in the same way hunger was for Bolin; all bets were off. There was no telling what either brother would do under those dire circumstances.
Lin on the other hand was infuriatingly patient. She had this knack for staring at the same spot for minutes without screaming at the nothingness.
“Chief,” Mako said, clearing his throat. “What if they gave us a false lead?”
“My source is very reliable,” she said without turning around.
The smell was starting to get too him too now. There was a thin slit between the dumpster and the concrete wall of the alley through which Lin was spying on the warehouse across the street. They were well hidden in the shadows of demolition and that giant, odor-laden container of indefinite squalor.  
“Who is your source?”
Lin grumbled something incoherent in response.
Great, so this was getting to her too.
“Should we maybe leave? I don’t think anybody’s going to show up—”
“Shut it, Mako!” she growled, still not facing him.
“I just mean, it’s pretty late and—”
“And night time scares you?”
“What- no!”
“Then zip it and let me focus,” she said.
Mako sighed and moved towards her. He crouched down beside her even though there was no way he’d be able to see through that little slit without fully invading her personal space. He had binoculars too, but what good were they without a view?
So instead, he watched Lin. He considered her carefully. She was a lot smaller without her uniform, and that incited a sense of protectiveness in him. His mind began wandering. He wondered he’d do if Lin was attacked without her armor. If she was hurt and how she wouldn’t stop fighting until her last breath. She had that grit in her eyes. That tenacity in her frame. Her face would contort into her signature scowl- which now that he thought about- was cutesy pout without her armor.
He shook his head. No, Lin wasn’t cute. That wasn’t a word anyone would use to describe Lin Beifong. But somehow, at the core of Mako’s impatience, he found that 'cute' suited her just fine. He smiled to himself as he continued watching her. He pondered on the idea that Lin Beifong was cute and he would want to protect her at all costs. Possibly even wrap his arms around her to hold her safely.
So, when Chief Beifong turned around to see Mako with a cheeky smile spread across his face looking like he hadn’t experienced a thought in his whole life, she actually groaned. She rolled her eyes and turned back to watch the static warehouse.
Mako moved closer, and Lin could feel his presence against her side. He swallowed. He was growing more and more impatient and those fleeting thoughts about Lin weren’t helping his resolve. He needed to do something. Something about the bust or something about the tingling in his belly at the sight of his boss.
He wasn’t sure which one was going to combat, but he began anyway. “Chief, do—”
“Shhh!” she hushed him. “I see movement.”
Mako leaned over her, worming into her personal space and choosing to circle back to his feelings about that later. He saw three people exit the warehouse and he recognized them immediately. Iceman Wahkan, known for his ice blade attacks, Agni Kai leader, Zinji and Jargala Omo, the leader of the Creeping Crystal Triad. It was odd that these three were having a meeting but having worked with triads before, Mako knew that they were likely coming to some kind of understanding; territorial or so.
“What do we do now?” he asked.
Lin didn’t reply. Mako surmised that she was probably going to try and take them down herself. Typical Chief Lin Beifong.
“They’ll recognize us just as easily as we recognized them,” he said, standing up a touch. “We need to call for back up. There’s a good chance they’re not alone.”
“Shh!” she yelled softly, yanking him by his hand back down to the ground. She held his hand first, technically, Mako thought. Her hand was still loosely touching his but it was only because he stiffened his palm within hers, so they’d still be touching until she consciously moved her hand away.
“They’re crossing the road,” Lin narrated what she was seeing. Of course, she had paid no mind to Mako’s skin still touching hers. As she put on her coat over her black tunic, she snatched the binoculars from Mako’s other hand.
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“There's something in here. They’re entering this building to leave the city through the swamp behind,” she said, unaware of Mako’s eyes on her. The back door of this building was beside the dumpster, right where they were standing.
Mako and Lin were caught right in the middle of their exit scheme. The only thing worse than not catching criminals is letting the criminals catch you.
“Quick, we need to move. We can’t be made!” she scrambled.
However, instinct got the better of Mako and he pulled her by the door. He rammed her into the wall and with either hand grasping her waist, lifted her against his body.
“Mako, what do you think you’re—”
“Hiding in plain sight. We’ll blend into the darkness better than—”
“Jargala has great seismic sensing,” she said, wrapping her legs around Mako’s waist. It meant Mako’s feet needed to be off the ground too. He felt a brick sticking out the wall and quickly stepped on it, pushing himself further into Lin. Since there was only space for one of his feet, his other foot was hanging in the air and that brick was essentially carrying his and Lin’s weight. He hoped it wouldn’t give out. At least not until the bad guys were gone.
Mako’s face was painfully close to Lin’s. He could smell her hair, her neck, the coffee, her scent and—
There was a rattling sound. They were indeed using the back door next to them to escape. Lucky for them, the door opened outwards and would hide the two of them with their brick behind it.
Rightfully so, the door slammed open, slightly hitting Mako’s shoulder. Lin turned stiff against him and Mako’s arm pulled her closer into his body. Those idiotic sensibilities to protect Lin with his life were coming back. 
Zinji was the last one to step out also the one who shut the door to the building. And of course, they noticed two people in the alley that was supposed to be empty.
That’s when a new impulse clouded Mako’s mind. He roughly pressed his lips onto hers, vaguely aware of the three-person audience they had acquired. As if privy to Mako’s most personal thoughts and fantasies, Lin kissed him back. She whimpered softly in his mouth and ran her fingers through his hair. She didn’t want to think about what she was feeling against her inner thigh that rested on Mako’s thigh, but she kept going.
Jargala snorted. “Horn dogs.”
Lin opened one eye and just as the three of them turned away from them, she pushed Mako away and in the blink of an eye, raised the ground and trapped all of them. For Jargala, Lin raised the metallic top of the dumpster, tore it in half and embedded it in the rocks covering the earthbender so she couldn’t escape. Criminals may be learning the old Beifong styles, but metalbending would always be a Beifong original.
“Run to the satomobile and call for backup, Mako. They’re going to have a long night behind bars.”
“Chief Beifong getting it on with the rookie,” Wahkan cackled as Mako left the scene.  He was half annoyed he didn’t have to hear the rest of it because Lin did, but the idea of never feeling Lin’s lips on his again saddened him even more.
Mako stood by her side as the police-satos took the three criminals away. Their stakeout was a success, but Mako was feeling less than accomplished. He wanted to talk to Lin. No, he wanted to kiss her. Okay, okay, he wanted to talk about the kiss and then kiss her some more.
“They were hiding drugs inside the jennamite and distributing it amongst the triads,” Lin scoffed. “Morons.”
Mako gave her a tight smile.
“It’s almost dawn, go get some rest, detective,” she ordered. “We’ll reconvene at—”
“The engagement party!” he finished quickly. 
“Bolin and Opal’s engagement party?” He joined his eyebrows with concern and confusion. “It’s tonight.”
“Right,” Lin remembered. “I meant I’d see you at the station. There’s no way I’m letting you off this paperwork.”
“Good night, detective.” She began walking away.  But before he realized what was doing, Mako’s hand reached for her wrist and grasped it, pulling her back.
“Excuse me—”
“Go out with me, Lin. I mean,” he was choking, “I would like to go out with you- I want to take you out. No, I mean, take you out like on a date not take you out like kill you or- I should just stop—”
Lin stared at him. Her bottom lip was curled out and her brows were joined together like she was worried he was having a stroke or something.
“That kiss was- well,” Suddenly, those taunting comments he missed were coming back to him. He didn’t hear them but he knew the nature of its contents. Lin would never go out with a detective. They worked together. It was unprofessional and even if Lin did entirely enjoy the kiss, she still wouldn’t go out with someone with his dating records. He was hopeless.
So, he stood there, silently gaping at her face. 
“I have to leave, detective. I am imaginably exhausted.” 
He didn’t say another word after that. He simply watched her walk away from him and disappear into the night.
Sparks of crimson, blue, white, and gold colored the sky. Bolin and Opal had a beautiful engagement ceremony and an even grander party. Suyin had pulled all the stops for her one and only daughter.
Something about the lights, the love or the celebration of companionship felt seemingly soothing. It wasn’t nearly as terrible as Lin had thought. So, she made her way to where a brooding young man stood with a glass of pomegranate champagne.
When her shoulder brushed against his, he turned to his side.
“You were right. I think sleep deprivation makes me delusional.”
Lin smirked. It hadn’t gone unnoticed by the firebender how gorgeous Lin looked in that green silk gown. He decided to allow himself a crush as long as he contained his feelings inside his head. He was all but appreciating beauty.
But surprisingly, she replied, “You were right too. That kiss was- well…” she shrugged nervously.
“Yeah,” Mako agreed with a shy smile. “It was a spur of the moment decision- I’m sorry I kissed you—”
“Don’t be!”
Now he turned towards her. She really was such a spectacular woman, and she was smirking at him. His heart was thumping loudly in his chest, and he briefly wondered if she could feel it from the Earth.
“Is the offer still open?” she asked innocently.
Mako smiled and looked at his feet bashfully. “Would you?" he shook his head, “Would you want to go out with me?”
“I’d like to,” she whispered and slid her hand into his. "We make a decent team." 
Mako squeezed her hand and turned back towards the fireworks in the sky. 
Chief Beifong was actually going to get it on with him. He smiled to himself at the thought. 
Mission accomplished. 
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Living with the yandere fruity four? Golden
The lead up to the yandere fruity four trying to get you to live with them? 🤤
(Long post so under cut)
You’re already in a romantic relationship with them. And you end up staying the night most nights. Because a lot of nights you just choose to do so, which they love! You love them, so of course you love staying over! But sometimes it’s from your own volition, or they’ve just made you too comfy, or they’ve promised “nooo just one last conversation” and you get too sleepy. Nearly falling asleep on someone’s shoulder, before Steve is carrying you up the stairs to the bed he has set in his house, just for you. The other three running ahead giddily (but trying to stay somewhat quiet for you) as they get everything set up. Eddie pulling back your covers, Robin holding the teddy they bought you to place in your arms, Nancy switching off all the lights.
One time Robin cried to the other three, because she swore you weren’t going to stay the night, when you hadn’t stayed all week! So when Steve got you a fruit tea you’d asked for when he offered that night, he’d instead given you some sleepy time tea. It wasn’t drugging you! It was just tea that helped you sleep! You took that tea all the time when you were struggling, it was literally just the tea bag, with extra honey covering it up. Which was good it wasn’t an actual drugging because Nancy had the same idea. So you were lolling off of Robin’s shoulder, and your legs were falling off of Eddie’s lap, after your second cup in fifteen minutes. The four all giving each other the ‘we’ll talk later’ look, as Robin stroked your warm back, putting on her bed time voice, before Steve could switch off the tv.
You’ll sometimes go days without leaving, because they always find a way to sucker you back in. Even if you guys go out that day or night, you’ll still end up sleeping over! So much sometimes, you don’t even notice you haven’t gone home yet. Or if you do, you’ll still be convinced to stay another night! After all why wouldn’t you? They are your lovers. Even the fact they always smell so good (at one point they started wearing perfumes/colognes/deodorants etc they thought you’d like, then melted with their love for you when you said that they smelt nice, themselves). Sometimes you’re too sleepy, occasionally falling asleep in their car as they’re ‘driving you home’, but you were out way too late and tuckered out from a day of excitement, that they might as well just drive straight past your street, and carry you from the car, up to your room, taking off your shoes, and putting you to bed.
Sometimes you’re convinced with the prospect of an amazing breakfast that morning. Sometimes you’re hungover. Sometimes there’s ‘danger’ afoot, so it’s either better for you, the others would feel safer, or you’d feel safer, staying. Sometimes it’s the fact you know you guys are gonna have really good sex, or, the sex lasts a lot longer than you thought, it was just so good, you wanna keep going, and/or you’re too tired, and your whole body is like jelly, so you have to stay, with them helping clean you up and giving you lots of loving aftercare too. And sometimes of course, it really is that you love them, and they’re just so cute, and you love them so much, that you don’t wanna leave!
They did once say, if you stayed, not only would they get you McDonald’s breakfast, but they’d take you out that day, and you guys could go wherever you wanted! You said they’d do that anyway, if you called them up and asked them tomorrow. They had to admit, you had them there. That was definitely true. They wouldn’t even hold back in a teasing ‘ah ah ah we told you so’ way, because they wouldn’t be able to help it. They knew they’d give in immediately, if not easily anyways, and so did you, it wasn’t even worth arguing the fact. Although they did say joining you in the shower in the morning would be easier if you stayed. Although, again, not impossible, if you asked it of them without the former step. Like they’d say no if you asked them to ‘help’ you bathe.
It’s also not too hard to convince you, purely by being themselves. They’ll be kissing on you, smiling with dramatic “No!!!”’s when you mention leaving, collapsing on you so you can’t get up. Eddie miming getting hit right in the heart a bunch of times when you announce that. Saying “you’re such a good girl/boy/darling, don’t leave” cooing at you. Hugging you, all touching you fondly, affectionately, stroking your back, massaging your hands, tucking your hair, rubbing your cheek, tickling you, etc. All trying to smother you with love, kissing and snuggling all over you. And God are they adorable when they do that. They’re so cute as they sweetly try to convince you to stay, all with giggles, and dramatic gasps, and whiny pleas. One time you had Eddie’s nose smushed into your cheek, Robin’s face in your thigh, Nancy in your shoulder, and Steve in your chest, all begging with smiles and cute pouts “Nooo! Don’t goooo..! Not yet. Pleeeeease?”
Even all four have individually tried at one point to convince you to move in with the whole “Please? Please please please please please please please”, not stopping until you were laughing so hard you couldn’t respond. One time all four tried that method together, at the same time, and that was... definitely a more rambunctious attempt off them.
They are also not at all afraid to beg. They will happily do so. They’ll get down on both knees and nuzzle into your legs while clutching at your pants, with puppy eyes up at you, pleading with such cute voices. Whatever you need, or want from them, that will sway you, they’ll do with heart eyes for you. As much as they’ll do whatever they can to convince you to move in, they are equally wrapped around your fingers <3
If they think something would help, they would probably do it, basically.
They probably also aren’t afraid to cry in front of you, to try and sway you that bit more. Breaking down a little and saying how much better it feels when you stay the night. Not blaming you or anything, they don’t accuse you of not actually loving them because of it, nothing like that, at all. But crying as they say they miss you. And they get scared at night, they worry about you, you know what the upside down was like, you’ve been there with them. And also scared themselves, and wanting you. That they just want to be able to crawl to your room, or have you hear them crying, so you can hold them, and promise them that it’s going to be okay. So they can snuggle into you, and feel your warmth, and smell you, and hear you whispering in their ear as you comfort them.
Or the knowledge that they’re not counting down till you have to leave, they can just hold you as you both watch tv until you fall asleep (which happens anyway), that they don’t have to worry about rushing or planning things, that they can just be with you. Or simply that they just miss you. They want you to stay, so it feels like your whole family is secure. All there, together, like you should be. You definitely have to stay that night, with whoever broke. Holding them the entire night in ‘your’ room as they cry into you, needing you.
They have to be a little careful though. It’s kind of a big subject for them, and one time when one of them casually said they just wanted to finally be a ‘proper family’ with you, all four burst into panic when you started tearing up. Insinuating that you weren’t a proper family. Because of you, too. Something they quickly rectified, apologising over and promising that’s not what they meant, as the others agreed and comforted you too. They hate seeing you cry, hate it, and it hurts them even more if they’ve caused it. Luckily you did know pretty quickly that they didn’t mean it like that. If anything, the way they apologised as well made it indisputable, but they did learn to be just a tad more careful around the subject. They especially didn’t want to let slip any... any thoughts of their side hidden to you, that only the others knew about. Because they shared it too, if not on varying levels.
On a happier note, they say you might as well move in! They already all live together in Steve’s house, you should join! You keep saying you are thinking about it, but they just have to keep convincing you, they can’t help it. And you never seem to find it annoying. They’re able to bring it up all the time, in ways that make you just smile, or laugh, or even teasingly roll your eyes. But when they hold onto you even more as you both share a giggle, you feel even closer to them.
“If you were living with us this wouldn’t be an issue!” Is ‘jokingly’ tossed around, even for things that would not be affected by that at all. But the in jokes, and the reminders of how much they want that, want you, always do brighten a spark in you a bit more.
You living with them would be a dream! They all love you so much, and you’re their family! They want to all be together. They can’t see any negatives to you moving in that second.
Also, with how much trauma they all have, it makes them less anxious, less likely for another to have to call you because someone’s having a panic attack in the locked bathroom, and will only come out for you, if they know you’re really safe. Who’s to say some upside down hellspawn won’t come out and attack you at your house? And if you live with them, they can protect all of their lovers/platonic life partners, at the same time. You’re all under the same roof.
And you know you’ll be safer with them too. They know what lurks out there. Plus, you know they’d do anything to protect you. At the same time, sometimes you want to protect them, you worry about them, so you want to stay to be the one protecting. Even though you don’t realise sometimes Steve or Nancy wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, doing a sweep of the house with their bat/gun, until they’re satisfied you’re all safe. Sometimes you really do just wanna stay, or can be easily convinced to, because the trauma of the upside down, or any other fears, is a lot. And not only do you know you’re with people who understand you, and are prepared, whether to handle you, or to fight back against otherworldly shit, but you’ll know they’ll be able to protect you too. And not only that, but cuddle and soothe you until you feel safe enough to sleep again, sandwiched between your loves.
And they’ll do anything to convince you! You’re constantly brought presents. Whenever you come over, whenever one, some, or all of them come over to you, whenever you meet up with any of them, they’re gifting you something. Usually not a super small or cheap thing either. Those are usually bought during your dates/hang outs. So chocolates, a new tape, pizza for dinner, things like that, or things you’d already buy when out, eg if you’re going all around the mall together they’ll buy you clothes, are extra on top of those gifts. And you’ll never pay for a meal. Or pretty much anything when you’re out with them.
When you’re living with them, they’ll provide for you too, as all four already do with each other, they promise, so they’re showing it’s basically the same thing and how good it’ll be. Also end of date gifts. If you were out, usually someone bought you something, that they kept hidden until it was almost over, and then surprise you with it, saying they picked it up earlier bc they knew you’d like it. They love that they can still surprise you, even when you think your time’s almost over. Plus there’s the added bonus of getting a few extra minutes before they have to leave you again :(
They even buy things for your room. For, you know, when you do move in, they’ll joke. Just showing you an extra thing they’ve put in there, that they know is you, to make it feel like home. You do spend time there a lot anyways. Usually someone or a couple of someone’s sleeping in your bed with you, or you’re in theirs. You all have massive beds, big enough to fit all five of you in if needed. You hardly ever sleep alone when you’re at their house. And why would you? You’re all dating.
Eddie definitely sneaks into your room too. Just climbs through the window with a big grin on his face, cause he missed you. Or sometimes because he’s crying, and he really needed you. Robin attempted this once, after the others heard of Eddie’s escapades; she had to be saved from the roof by you and Steve. Although Steve did climb through once or twice after learning Eddie had done the same. Although his were usually visits. Unless you asked him to stay. The second you ask that, Steve’s jumping into bed with you, or convincing you to let him drive you back to his. The only reason he doesn’t stay the nights he comes, like Eddie mostly does, is he feels the need to protect everyone in the house. So unless you ask, he’ll probably go back, after a cheeky visit for a few goodnight kisses.
One time everyone tried to sneak into your room at the same time. Surprising you when instead of being greeted by Eddie’s wonderfully catastrophic falling into your floor, or Steve’s rapping knocks, you had Nancy being shoved in by her butt, turning back and barking an “I know!” back at Steve, before smiling at you, your other three lovers following suit. Your bed was not quite as big. So it was a bit of a squeeze everyone trying to fit on the bed. People lying on top of each other, and mostly on top of you, to suffice.
This does not include the times any of the four have snuck into your room, very much without your knowledge, and they meant for it to be that way...
I mean, they do have to check up on you, since you’re not living with them. Make sure you’re okay. Make sure there’s no upside down monsters, no robbers, no... hopeful romantics, outside your house. Plus, they miss you more. Sure you have clothes and toiletries and stuff in their house, plus they own have their own little stashes, but they’ll have to come back to grab things, that still smell like you. Or check out brand new things they haven’t seen yet.
But when they’re in your room without your knowledge late at night, they’re usually very soothingly, and lovingly, stroking you as you sleep, smiling over you. Sometimes just watching you for a while, even that makes them happy, makes them feel better. Getting into bed with you, for no matter how short a time, just cuddling you, in such a way you won’t wake up, but being able to hold you still. They just miss you so much. Plus, they have to make sure you’re okay. They can’t breathe if they get worried about you, until they go over to yours and see with their own eyes, that you’re fine, and still breathing.
Of course, importantly, they’ve all also had a big talk with you. About the intricacies of moving in. About what you wanna wait for until you’re ready. About how it will work; Eddie’s already got his van half empty, same with Steve’s trunk, which he cleans whenever people have put their stuff in there. They’ve also talked about how nothing will change. How they promise they love you so much, that you don’t need to worry about any anxieties you have, if you think they’d like you less after you move in, or that, God forbid, they’d fall out of love with you, because that’s literally impossible. They could never not love you. And they are extremely serious about that fact. You already know how the household works, just from being in it so often. And all the important details have been discussed at length. And you know you don’t have to be worried if you wanna ask them anything else, they’re always open ears for you, they’ve reminded you of that fact a million and one times :)
They’ve even got a surprise party set up, for when it finally is moving day. Something Robin and Eddie have wanted to hint at you about, even if they all wanna keep it a surprise for you. They don’t need to entice you with a party anyway, even if they get anxious without you, they know that. You have plenty of reasons you want to move in, you’ve already basically agreed just without a date set! Although you do kind of suspect they might have something in the works planned, if not only because it just seems like them, after this time waiting for the day.
Even though they really want you to finally say yes and set a date, they don’t force you. They know they don’t need to either. You’ve already said an eventual yes. And they know that their little tactics are working. I mean, how can you not be convinced, when all four of your lovers and crooning for you to please do this. To do this thing that will make you all happy!
But, it’s also nice to see how hard they try. That knowledge that they’re not just suddenly going to stop putting in effort into you and your relationship, once you are fully with them. You know their love, and acts of it, aren’t going to diminish at all. That’s not them. They love you, they’re not trying to manipulate you into it either, at least not in a bad way you’re sure, they truly will always love you.
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archivalofsins · 1 month
Hey, why aren't you taking about Milgram as much-
There's literally nothing to talk about. It ain't due to the harassment. It's legit just nothing to talk about. What am I supposed to do repeat the same shit I've already said but shorter this time? Bet.
The Mikoto brought in by Milgram definitely committed those murders and not the other one.
Yuno's murder isn't abortion and stating it could be basically equates abortion to murder which it is not. While also not explaining the several men that have consistently been alluded to and their blacked out belongings in Umbilical.
Shidou killed people in comas and vegatative states not brain dead individuals. Brain death is pretty rare its not something that happens often. This man would either have to be incredibly unlucky, working in a hospital that's incredibly unlucky, purposefully inducing brain death in his patients, working in a hospital that specializes in brain death (which, why??? but okay i believe you.), or lying to the family members about them being brain dead so they decide to pull the plug which family can choose to do in the cases of comas and vegetative states which he basically states he's doing in fucking Throw Down at several different instances.
Mahiru cheated on her significant other and this has been foreshadowed since the start of Milgram (her statements on Mikoto someone who is as social as her having cheater energy, and her going I'd never do that ever actually wouldn't that be fucked up. Similarly to how Mu said she'd never be a bully.) And it's bluntly alluded to in the lyrics of I Love You.
Amane seems to have killed someone other than her mom and I'm pretty sure I know who and that's probably the thing she's referring to when she's talking to Shidou and states all her decisions weren't good ones.
Everyone here has killed more than one person. These are all serial killers. Shidou just believes he killed the most, but if it turns out they're ordered by kills, then that would be Mikoto and Kotoko. Which I find that concept fucking hilarious. But Mu only had one victim wrong, driving people to suicide also can be counted as murder under certain circumstances, and both her songs imply this is what she did with other people through her bullying. We just saw the one person she killed directly. So, there's your suicide counts as murder too for those who wanted it. Also, another of Yamanaka's characters before Mu causes people to die the same way and at points is implied to have staged incidents to look like accidents and suicides. What about Futa though- He's been implied to have hunted down everyone else involved in the hat girl incident and I find this very funny given he asks why he's the only one here- What about them when he probably knows full and well they're dead.
Also, for straight fun- here are all the references to Mahiru's songs in the latest Deco*27 song Aitai-lians or at least the ones I saw and brought up in private the day it released-
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"Love>a pain, that's incredible but that equation flips so easily don't you know."- "We fought sometimes, I was happy to get hurt. Let's have matching pain, this sickness is pretty bad."
"(hey) miss you, (grr) wanna see you, (sigh) where are you, (gaa) I need you (but) can't have you, (grr) can't see you, (sigh) can't find you, (gaa) can't hold you- Kill me now."- "If you don't hug me even our hearts will start drifting apart." "Sigh... No appetite, I can't sleep, my hair's a mess. What am I supposed to do now? If you won't tell me I can't be me." Along with her saying in voice drama if she can't love like she wants she'd rather die.
"You throwing around that later such a bitch ass move"- " 'See you next week' sounding in cadence."
"Still addictted, but actin' stupid and pretending to be a good girl"- "I pretended to be a good girl but really I don't want to say 'I'm ok'."
"Miss you"- "Love and Miss You."
"Where are you"- "Tell me, oh tell me why, are you not here anymore?"
"Calling you"- "Ring-ring I'm calling you in the middle of the night forcing you to wake up and I say 'Good Morning'."
"Don't test me"- "Even when I test you, even the times we do the breakup ritual."
"Oooh, who dis? I'm so much better, I'm green-eyed, shit. As for lovin' you can't beat me in that department."- "Do you really think you know what love is? If you do, let's just overheat together." "My lethal weapon: This Is How To Be In Love With You."
"You *dumped* me but you're smiling seriously go kill yourself already."- "Kiss goodbye to this feeling because it's too heavy. I can't no way, no way, no way." "Die."
Mahiru: Don’t say you like someone so flippantly! It’ll disappear…… words like “love,” don’t use them!
"Wait who was the hero of this story, huh, can't remember.", "I wanted you to be the hero of this story you know."- Both these lines can play on the fact this line applies both to Mahiru and her victim in her second song "This adorable, earnest, sincere heart is bleeding wailing this is the end."
Though the term hero has been related to Futa a lot as well. It can also be used under framing people in the right within the series or innocent something Mahiru currently I'd and wanted to be. However, she admits to herself doing more wrong in the relationship throughout both her songs. So she clearly knows she's not the hero here.
Also, not speculating this will be her next cover song or anything. I just find the similarities between her songs and this one interesting. I would like it if this was because it would be interesting while fitting with the other ones she got. I just want to wait until the next trial song trailer to speculate on that in depth.
But no, in seriousness, I don't say much unless I have a lot to say and can put enough time into it right now. There's not a lot left for me to chew on. Since I did my in-depth stuff over the course of the trial so I've mostly been taking a break and playing games.
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winx-trash · 1 year
I'm bored and I can't fall asleep so I'm going to do one of those best/worst things that people do. Remember that it's all just my personal taste and if you disagree that's absolutely fine. This is a long post.
The best and the worst out of each transformation
Magic Winx
Honestly this one is good on everyone but my fave will always be Tecna. Her Magic Winx design is so unique and her wings transform into a paper plane when she flies. Top notch.
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There isn't a single bad design in here and I can't even say which one I like the least so I'm going to skip it.
2. Enchantix
This one is hard because I love all of Enchantix designs. I'm going to split this one between Aisha and Flora cuz they're dead gorgeous.
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The Enchantix I like the least would probably be Tecna's. But considering how good Enchantix is in general it's not that bad.
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3. Believix
Tecna slays. Just look at her. Her Believix form is just so cool. A massive upgrade from her Enchantix form. That bob cut just suits her so well...
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I hate to say it but I really don't like Musa's Believix form. It's so out there. I know they have this whole thing about superheroes but did she really need to wear underpants on top of her leggings?
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4. Harmonix
Musa's Harmonix is easily the best one. It looks good and I love it.
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As for the worst... Bloom. I just don't like it.
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5. Sirenix
I don't like Sirenix in general but Aisha's Sirenix is pretty good. Aisha doesn't really have bad transformations to begin with.
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And the worst is Tecna. It's just bad.
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6. Bloomix
Now this is my favorite! Bloomix is like the best transformation we've gotten since Enchantix in terms of looks.
I will split this one between Bloom and Musa because I can't choose. Bloom's Bloomix form is very good. That hair color on her looks fantastic and the outfit itself is so well put together that I wish we could have kept Bloomix for the rest of the series. Musa is another favorite of mine. Shame that this transformation had to be replaced by Butterflix.
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Stella's Bloomix doesn't actually look that bad I just think her hairdo ruins the whole look.
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7. Mythix
Mythix isn't so bad of a transformation. But it looks really bad in 3D so I'm judging its 2D version.
Bloom's Mythix looks really fun so yeah.
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I don't like Flora's Mythix for the same reason I don't like S5 formal dresses. Too many flowers. It looks too busy.
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8. Butterflix
Butterflix can go die in a fire yada yada but... Musa pretty... (Stella's Butterflix is very nice too actually)
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And the worst out of the worst is... Tecna's! It doesn't look too bad in a vacuum but it signifies the problem I've had with Tecna's character writing past S4. That's not Tecna. Tecna past S4 is just Bloom but tech-savvy. And the way her Butterflix looks is a constant reminder of that.
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9. Tynix
I like Musa's Tynix. It's cool. Other than that I don't have much to say about this transformation.
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And I hate to do this to my girl Tecna, but I like her Tynix the least.
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10. Dreamix
Tecna eats. Plain and simple. That haircut never lies. Also, I love how Tecna's transformations are either the best or the worst on my list.
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And I very much dislike Bloom's Dreamix look. Dunno, I just don't like it.
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11. Onyrix
About time Stella shows up on my list. From how underwhelming this transformation is Stella's look was a pleasant surprise. Love that blue on her.
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And again. Bloom's Onyrix is the worst. Goodness gracious this shade of pink is abhorrent on her.
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12. Cosmix
Cosmix is nice. I do like it a lot actually. There isn't a single Cosmix design that I hate. But I do love Stella's Cosmix form.
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I don't hate Flora's Cosmix but I like it the least.
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I will not cover S8's updated designs for previous transformations. Not a fan of them. I also didn't mention either Lovix or Sofix so I'll just drop my faves.
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Congrats if you made it this far!
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stormdragon23 · 5 months
Songs for Solo Leveling Ships Pt. 2
I was actually going to put these songs in the previous part, but it got too long-
It's funny 'cause this song's actually in Japanese, not Korean-
"It's been a long time, without any news It's like our feelings are far apart Though I want to tell you, it won't come true anymore The distance between us, my wishes won't reach Still calling for you"
I imagine this song as a result of a particularly bad argument between them and that they're giving each other the silent treatment.
"Baby, I miss you so much now, no matter what anyone says, ayy Calling you up, I need you even now, say If our feelings are the same, yeah If that time was just a mistake, babe I want you to say that, truthfully Like an old novel This ending I don't think I can get over it"
Except one of them (could be either, but I imagine it's Choi Jong-In) starts missing the other and wants to see him again but at the same time, isn't sure if the other feels the same way yet.
"Left in tears Because there's nothing to hold on to Ring-a-ling I may be a nuisance, but Because there's only one thing I want you to tell me Getting no reply is also an answer, but I'll keep on waiting, even now I want you to come back"
And this is when Jong-In makes the decision to try to mend things between them, but Baek Yoon-Ho doesn't answer. So Jong-In is willing to wait until he gets a response, whether Yoon-Ho chooses to or not.
This song is a direct response to the previous one (don't mind me and my delusions too much-)
"And I can't deal without, I try to see the good in life But good things in life are hard to find"
I'm assuming this song from Yoon-Ho's perspective, mostly because of this line, which reminds me of all the times, Yoon-Ho's lost (or almost lost) people around him.
"Well, I'll try to do it right this time around Let's start over I'll try to do it right this time around It's not over"
I see these lyrics as an indirect apology from Yoon-Ho, saying that he wants to go back to how they were before and that things aren't over between them.
"My life with you means everything So I won't give up that easily
I'll blow it away, blow it away Can we make this something good? 'Cause it's all misunderstood"
Despite all their arguments and some misunderstandings, I see Yoon-Ho wanting their relationship to work out well, even if his emotions get the better of him sometimes
"This love is killing me, but you're the only one It's not over"
I just really like this line, but it also symbolizes how even though they fight, they truly do care for each other and want to stay together
Sorry, the Choibaek songs in this part are more sad than I intended
"What would I do without your smart mouth? Drawing me in, and you kicking me out You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down What's going on in that beautiful mind? I'm on your magical mystery ride And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright"
This is basically what happened when Eun-Seok visited Park Hee-Jin for the first time after getting injured, though this is more of a recollection of that moment rather than the moment itself.
"Give your all to me I'll give my all to you You're my end and my beginning Even when I lose, I'm winning 'Cause I give you all of me And you give me all of you, oh-oh"
Just Eun-Seok being smitten with Hee-Jin after they get together and willing to do anything for her (including killing but Hee-Jin doesn't want him doing that for her)
"In another life I would be your girl We'd keep all our promises Be us against the world In another life I would make you stay So I don't have to say you were The one that got away"
Another song that basically describes their entire relationship in the original timeline. Park Kyung-Hye would want Sung Il-Hwan to stay with her and their children, especially if she knew what would happen. Except they actually were able to be together "in another life" and were able to happily be together <3
"Missed call from my mother Like, "Where you at tonight?" Got no alibi"
I'm sorry, but I just found this line really funny. Imagine Park Kyung-Hye wondering where Sung Jin-Woo is, and he can't think of an excuse
"I was all alone with the love of my life She's got glitter for skin My radiant beam in the night I don't need no light to see you
Shine It's your golden hour (oh) You slow down time In your golden hour (oh)"
Basically Jin-Woo's thoughts when he looks at Cha Hae-In, especially during that one date when he took her for a ride on Kaisel.
"For the love of my life She's got glow on her face A glorious look in her eyes My angel of light"
More of Jin-Woo's thoughts about Hae-In, but this one is more about him thinking about her rather than him currently looking at her
I was going to add another ship, but Choibaek's section got long-
(Feel free to request a ship though, even if I've already done them. I have a lot of songs in mind)
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innocentimouto · 7 months
What if ATLA had 6 seasons, the War trilogy (books 1-3) and the Post-War trilogy (Books 4-6)?
That would be fascinating! Book 3 would still have to be longer though. So maybe one extra season for the war?
I needed more Water Tribe, Gaang finding stray waterbenders, the Northern Water Tribe fighting the Fire Nation in the final battle with Hahn leading after having matured and choosing to remove the ban on waterbending for women like he promised Yue while she was alive.
SWT men returning home. Jet getting his arc of validating his trauma and fighting to help his people and enjoying small things and seeing the war end. The Freedom Fighters' group hug at the end of the war where they all break down.
And Zuko's arc. On one hand, people could go with what the show intended I think? Which was by Book 2, seeing the suffering of the people actually made him question his actions, doubt himself, regret his actions.
We'd of course get people who would act like this really did happen, but really, name one scene where he thinks back to his actions in the war and regrets them (this doesn't include Iroh).
This route would still realistically take a long time. He would no doubt mess up a lot and be confronted with prejudices and ignorance regarding other nations. Heck, regarding his own nation, since he got banished before properly learning how to lead.
Or you could go the longer route and keep the canon moments. And also make other characters fully aware of the racism and entitlement and lack of remorse. Really make it where they only allow him to join because it's for the sake of ending the war, and then have Zuko confronted with everyone in the group not liking his company. He'd have to sit down and understand why.
I think the most powerful way to make him stop and think is to have Aang be the one to react to his prejudices and fn beliefs. Considering Aang gave him so many chances, and also doesn't have a moment in the show where he gets to confront a Fire Nation person directly for the loss of his people and the rewriting of history, I think it would be impactful and even good for the plot.
We are not leaving Ba Sing Se falling in either scenario no no. Whether willingly or unwillingly Zuko will see how the people suffered from it. Iroh does not get to back there so easily.
Post war I'd rather be vague on, considering it won't be entirely pleasant, but have Katara and Aang search for surviving benders, flying bisons, have Katara and Sokka and Hakoda return home and stay for a while, Jet gets a whole long arc of having an adult to care for him and help him through his trauma.
It's not all fun and games unfortunately, especially with what to do with the Firelord, but I'd rather most of the war hardships be in the background and focus on them being kids in a war free world.
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