#she definitely saw the way he looked at terry and just
Book 6, Episode 4: The Starscraper Analysis/Commentary
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Callum: "It's strangely warm, yet cool and tingly at the same time."
Rayla: "That's called pissing your pants."
Then Callum reads "Orior ascendo scando" which google translate says means "I go up and climb." The next phrase he says supposedly translates to "raise, raise, raise." Latin nerds, correct me if, by some miracle, you're here.
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Apparently Terry is still collecting sticks. I thought he stopped once he finished Claudia's wooden leg. I'm gonna try and figure out why he's doing this.
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I'm still unclear on why Claudia is so adamant to help Aaravos. I guess maybe she would feel bad if she didn't pay him back but like. She kills innocent creatures to make magic pancakes.
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karim looks like an edgy viren with the scarf thing and hobo vibes lmfao
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I find it interesting that Kosmo has his handslike this so often. Perhaps it indicates that he has more devotion or something.
Also dude the celestial elves are basically just a glorified cult. I dont blame em, I worship a star too. a Fallen Star, specifically.
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8 little star thingies at the top, and 8 staffs (probably).
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So yeah, 7 staffs identical to viren's and one empty slot. That's likely the one Aaravos (or some other "Great One" ig) gave Ziard.
As for the little colored gemstones in each staff, I don't think they are related to the Primals. They could, however, be the same sort of magic gems that we saw in season 4. The writers took valuable runtime to explain all the gems' names to the audience. They could have just left it at Moon Opals. But these staffs having primal gems would be a good reason to have named all of them in season 4. Still not convinced? Bro, by the end of the season it's straight up revealed that Viren's staff contains a Quasar Diamond. So yeah, I'm pretty confident in this.
Anyways, the elder dude reveals that they gave the Novablade to a brave human girl. Definitely the Orphan Queen. I heard some interesting speculation that maybe Ezran will find the Novablade hidden in the vaults of Katolis or something. 'Cause I think the Orphan Queen is his ancestor. Ooooh maybe she is where we'll get the explanation for Ezrans animal telepathy.
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Wait, are they immortal or can they just live for a super long time? In the wiki i remember it saying it was the former. Maybe mortals just say they live forever because it's so long. Either way, a reductive statement. Leola clearly didn't live forever-
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btw here is confirmation that Great Ones = Startouch Elves, just for like the 6 people who were unsure lol
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So, I can't remember whose post it was, but I think someone has hinted that Callum could trap Aaravos in that cursed coin, sealing him in that realm between and death forever to solve the "what to do with the unkillable immortal" problem. And I think that's a genius solution. Aaravos in a coin? Twisted irony but deliciously scrumptious.
But crazy part is this.
And there are three mages who can perform it:
1. Claudia: for this outcome she has to betray Aaravos. Something she is unlikely to do unless she sees her own path and STOPS IDOLIZING VIREN AND AARAVOS (she will idolize him, be let down more corrupted roads abd terry will steer her clear maybe #wishlist). She definitely can joi the good side and stab him in the back and save the world in a cruel sense of irony.... or she might not. But this is an outcome i truly deeply want. Claudia's realization of who aaravos truly is.
2. Callum: he gas shown to break his morals to do the right thing before. Thus he can do it again. As saving the world is very very important. And if he realises this solution? Well hurray for the world but not for him.
3. Kppar: he's in a coin, but Rayla found that coin. They have one quasar diamond, maybe they'll break him out just to ask of his help or smth related to the jailor etc. And rayllum will be a lil disappointed that he gave up dark magic at first maybe, but then he will do the spell anyway for them? But thematically this is not a strong option. The weight has to be either callum or claudia because if the choose to do this act this means two very important outcomes for their character arcs.
Firstly Claudia, the whole "I have to see my dad again", exactly stepping I'm viren footsteps in his dream, the "I will do anything for family, however dangerous, however vile" all speak of one fatal flaw. Her idolisation. As i mentioned before. She had only viren to look upto as a kid, thus he became the one whose words she religiously followed and believed in hum her whole life, for other than viren she knows no truth. It had been the only stable thing in her life, everyone else has abandoned her. Left for themselves. Viren? Never. But now he did. And now she questions her belief.
Her father was everything, so him choosing different path and changing his fate... messed with that core belief. She needs to follow him to know. She needs to get answers from him cuz he is what she looks upto, her only truthful eye. And now that I aaravos. Who will give her answers. And most importantly, direction. The one thing she needs. And that's why she will now plave him in Viren's place, and his every word. Will. Be. Followed.
So to break that. Would mean a change to good. To the right side. A negative spiral fixed.
Thus she could coin him.
He has had a lil touch of darkness. And now he has rid that. He is free because of Kosmo's inner truth ritual.
He has done dark magic for Rayla, both times. With aaravos back, there could and would most definitely be an all states high ultimate fight with him. And maybe then, he will again have to face this. Rayla's life, or dark magic and save all this time. And the thing is he will choose dark magic.
Rayla has extracted the promise to sacrifice her for the greater good yes. But will he stick to it? If no... . IF all that rayllum talk in the ship and then the whole Moment of truth episode is foreshadowing, then he will do dark magic again.
A long conclusion.
Sorry for caps locking but this is crucial people! Callum's arc will have a low note, claudia's a high note. Dragon prince has very complex things that it explores, a show like that might choose to take Callum down the dark path because the tragedy creates beauty. Terrible beauty. Sometimes life is like that. Cruel. A half moon. Bright and dark. Both combined. A dark deed for the greater good screams it thematically that both coexist. How did this become Yin Yang?
I think the dragon prince always had this planned for callum that his journey to learn all primals will push him to question dark magic itself and see it not as an agent of evil but a tool that is helpful in certain times but comes with a heavy price. And besides, it could also be said that kimdael arguably does dark magic even as an elf, so this practice is not only for humans.
He will resolve the while dark magic conundrum forever. Perhaps. So it makes sense for his arc to end in acceptance of inner darkness and doing the spell that seal aaravos' fate. One could say he faced his inner darkness in Finnegrin's Wake but no, the act gave him more fear in S6 that peace that comes from acceptance.
It has to he callum if he has to become the game changer and break the laws of magic in a way that leaves the world shocked.
Ir has to be claudia if she has to fully realize herself and break free of the darkness with one final act.
I may not be the best theorist like @raayllum but this show and its story roles me up every time I think about it!
(Forgive my typos I wrote this at 1 am at lightning speed 😅)
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Joe Velasco: (Untitled for now) Part 1 
Part 2
Warnings: Sexual assault (not to reader), talk about sex and sexual situations.  
Time didn’t slow down when it happened. It felt more like flashes of a camera lens. You walk into the room. Flash. You see that you weren’t alone. Flash. The man that was on top of the woman noticed you. Flash. Her clothes ripped. his fly unzipped. Flash. She is not moving. Him lunging at you. Flash. Pain searing white hot through you, glass shattering. Flash. Him on top of you. Eyes cold and hard. Flash. You struggle underneath him as he tries to restrain you. Flash. Your hand hits a cold plastic in your purse. Flash. The weight of him falls on top of you as you press the taser trigger down holding it against him. Flash. The sound of voices outside the door. Flash. He's getting up and running. Flash. A yell for someone to call 911. 
You don’t remember exactly how you got to the precinct, but you're now sitting on an exam table. You had been asked if you wanted to go to the hospital, but you refused saying that you were okay and the EMTs had reluctantly cleared you. You knew that you would have to give a statement to the police. It shouldn’t have, but it surprised you when instead of setting you down in front of a detective to take your statement you were ushered down to the medical examiners to have evidence taken.  
The door opened but instead of someone in a lab coat, there were two detectives. A woman that you didn’t know and a man you did, Terry Bruno. His bright blue eyes were worried. Your brain felt fuzzy as they entered. Time was becoming a fickle thing and it felt like there were short but disorientating time jumps. You felt slightly woozy. You're jolted by Bruno saying your name to the woman telling her that you are a forensic tech for the department. He eyes you again clicking at his phone. Your mind blanks, trying to shield you from the memory. 
“Can you tell me what happened?” You look up at the woman realizing that she is now talking to you. She repeats herself the words echo in your mind a few times before you can understand them. 
“I was- I was at a convention for training. I-I,” You swallow hard not recognizing your own shaky voice. You try again, “I was late and was just trying to cut through that room when I saw... I saw that guy over that woman-is she okay?” 
“We aren’t sure yet. She got hit in the head pretty hard. We will know more when she wakes up.” The door opens again. Melinda walks in with another young pretty tech a few paces behind her. Melinda walked up to the table greeting you and setting her clipboard to the side. She looks you over and you shift on the table awkwardly. Your eyes bounce between the four people in the room. 
“I think you know the drill. I’m going to have to take your clothes for evidence.” You nod. “I want to do a full workup to look for fibers, hairs, blood, and other body fluids. This guy might have left something behind in the struggle.” You sat up a little straighter at that. 
“Melinda, I-” You don’t know why but you feel embarrassed. It has to be the stress of the day or strangers staring at you. You take a deep breath, and you suddenly feel the pain in your ribs. The adrenaline is starting to fade. You steal yourself, “I’m going to have DNA. I had sex this morning. I didn’t have time to shower, so.” Melinda smiles reassuringly at you.  
“That’s okay, we will just match those samples-” 
“Yeah, yeah, I know how it works. I was just...” You trail off self-consciously. Everyone was still staring at you like they were waiting for something. You wished you knew what it was so you could get them to stop. 
“I feel the need to remind you that you don’t have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with.” Melinda’s voice was as soothing as it was definitive. It was motherly, in a no-nonsense way, and like balm to your wrecked nerves. You knew the woman well. There was a lot of information sharing between your two departments. You had a coworker friendship but it didn't go to a more personal level. You supposed it would now.  
“I know,” You state simply, you can feel the tension in the room as everyone waits on your next move, “It’s okay, it’s just-it's a lot.” You are saved from having to continue explaining yourself when the door swings back open. Joe is on you in seconds, his gait eating up the distance between you. The woman calls his last name and asks him what he is doing here. Bruno takes another step back making more room for him to stand next to you. There is fear and anger in his eyes as he halts beside you. His eyes are scanning you, taking in your appearance. “I’m okay.” You assure him, or maybe yourself. It’s not a complete lie- you're okayish-Alive, breathing, most unscathed. He scoffs at the statement, obviously not liking your minimization tactics.
“So, we are lying to each other now? Have you seen your face?” His hand reaches out to touch you before stopping a couple inches away.  
“Actually, I haven’t.” You honestly didn’t know what you looked like post-attack. You weren’t sure if you really wanted to. You still mostly felt numbness in your body, but it was slowly fading leaving a deep ache on your face and right side. “I look that bad?” He pauses clearly unsure how to answer that without offending you. He chooses instead to ignore the question and start whispering soothingly to you in Spanish. He pulls you into a light but encompassing embrace stroking your hair. It sends rivulets of warmth through your chilled body. You soak in the loving contact while pressing a soft kiss to his jaw. “Wait, how did you even know I was here?” 
“I called him.” Bruno cut in, “He is your emergency contact, isn’t he?” 
“You should have called me, mi amor.” He pulled back to look over your now throbbing face again. You apologize grabbing his forearm, and he slides his hand down to intertwine with your fingers instead.  
“Hold on,” The woman who was interviewing you earlier called out. Everyone turned to face her, and it was clear that she was in charge. “You know her, on a personal level? Velasco, you can’t be anywhere near this. Matter of fact, everyone out, this needs to do this by the book. We collect the evidence. Then a statement.” 
“You kidding me, Captain? I’m not leaving,” Joe's grip on your hand tightens. You then realize the woman is Joe’s higher-up, Captain Olivia Benson. You had heard a lot about the women but had never met her yourself. She had put Joe through a hell of a time because of his past. Joe respected her but you were still a little angry with her for the pain and heartache that she had caused him. The lack of understanding or compassion. You were petty like that.
You begrudgingly agreed with her on this one. You know the strict rules of collecting evidence and keeping it from cross-contamination. it would be better for you to be alone while you did this anyway. You doubted Melinda would be able to do her job with him in here. Your normally calm and collected detective boyfriend was not okay in the sight of you getting hurt. You squeeze Joe’s hand, and he looks back at you. You tell him it’s okay. “No te dejaré cariño (I’m not leaving you sweetheart).” 
“Really, it’s okay,” You run your hand across his clean-shaven jaw. “It’s not like anything is going to happen to me in here. Melinda needs to do her job. Besides I’m going to have to leave my clothes here. I was hoping that maybe you had some spares I could wear? Maybe get me something cold to drink? Por favor Corazón.” The reluctance is written all over his face. He doesn’t want to leave. If it was up to him, he wouldn’t. His hand is still tight on yours. His green eyes are searching yours trying to find even a hint that you don’t want him to leave. You seem to reassure him because he presses a quick kiss on your forehead. 
“Okay, but if you need me-” You kiss his hand and tell him you know. The three detectives file out. Joe gives you one last glance as Bruno puts a hand on his shoulder to keep him moving forward. When the door clicked closed you felt a sigh escape you. The detectives' eyes had been analyzing and seeing Joe that upset and worried had been hard.  
“You have quite a guard dog with that one.” You turn to Melinda and smile a genuine smile. Throughout your relationship with Joe, he has proved that he showed love through actions first, and words second. You knew had you asked him to stay or told him that you wanted to leave, it wouldn’t have been a conversation, it would have simply been done.  
“You have no idea.”  
“Just make sure you lean on him throughout this. It’s clear he doesn’t want you to have to do it alone.” Melinda turns to the young tech, who walks closer with her camera. “You ready to start?”  
You try to sit still as the camera flashes in your face taking pictures. You remove your top and put it in the evidence bag that is held out to you. The tech asks you to lift your right arm. You go to do so, and a zap of pain flares up your side making you wince and drop it back down. You look down to see the entire length of your ribs is an awful shade of black and blue. That small dose of pain opens the floodgates as you start feeling just how sore and rough you really are. You pull your arm across your chest instead which hurts significantly less. Pictures are snapped. 
Next to go into a bag is your pants. Your thigh and knee are photographed. More big ugly bruises on your right side. The tech catches sight of bruising on your inner thighs and asks you to spread your legs. Embarrassment floods through you. You had never felt awkward talking about your sex life, but this was far more intimate than bragging about having hot sex on the kitchen table. “Oh, no. Those are...old. Consensual.” It feels strange to say that about bruises, but you recalled in vivid detail the night Joe had held you hard enough to leave fingertip-shaped bruises. Telling him to stop had been the last thing on your mind. 
They had run a black light over you when you were in just your underwear. You lit up like a Christmas tree on your inner thighs, stomach, neck, and chest. You blushed bright crimson, even though neither woman made any comment. You had sex that morning and a few times the night before. That was why you had been running late to your conference meeting. Even so, Melinda took samples of everything regardless reminding you that it would be better than accidentally missing something. She prodded at your injuries with more swabs hoping for touch evidence. It hurt like a bitch but you tried not to fidget. You didn’t think they would find much. You had been pushed into a coffee table and you were pretty sure that was what had caused most of your injuries.      
You are asked for your bra and underwear as well, even after your weak protest that he hadn’t made his way under any of your clothes, Melinda persisted. They too went in evidence bags. Along with your necklace and ring. You were given a loose gown to wear as she finished with scrapping under your fingernails taking clippings and combing through your hair looking for anything that may have been caught in the strands. 
The process was invasive and tiring. By the end of it, your whole right side was throbbing, and your face hurt. You just wanted to go home and lay in bed and never move again. The tech left and Joe was standing in the doorway. It was clear that he had been waiting outside for some time. It was also very apparent that he wasn't happy about not being allowed to stay. “You can come in Detective Velasco. We are all done.”  
He doesn’t waste any time in closing the distance between the two of you. He gently sets a pair of sweats on your lap before pressing a cold bottle of water in your hand. He untwists the top for you like he thinks you might not be capable, but you don’t take offense. Any unnecessary movement is something you want to avoid. You take a sip, and it feels good in your mouth and throat but doesn’t settle well in your stomach.
“While you're here,” Joe turns to see Melinda holding up another swab. Joe’s eyebrows furrow uncertainly. You know he doesn’t like having his DNA in evidence. “Just need a sample to exclude any of your DNA that is found. Open up.” He obliges and she swabs the inside of his cheek before closing it into a bottle and writing his name on the side.  
When he turns back to you, you have already shrugged on his oversized NYPD sweatshirt and were pulling up the pants. You are swimming in them and have to roll them multiple times to get them to stay. The loose fit is a relief because it doesn’t rub up against your injuries. They smell good too, comforting even if there is a slight lingering tinge of his sweat under the smell of his deodorant and cologne. You're done with the first step, now you steal yourself to face SVU and give your statement.   
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postal-ech · 5 months
Alright no, I need to go into detail on this shit cause I swear to god, it lives rent free in my head. I'll split the post off here cause there's gonna be some spoilers for Lisa the Undone as well as a few other Lisa Fan Games that are on my mind
I'm also giving a CW here, cause Lisa covers some dark topics, and I want to unload it a bit here, especially given what I've seen out of Lisa the Undone.
Buckle up, it's gonna be a long, very autistically hyperfixated post.
I initially never really got into Lisa when it first came out. I was a shitlord that saw the fan content first, especially this project known as Interlopers - essentially, a Lisa-Undertale crossover featuring Buddy Armstrong and Chara Dreemur.
It piqued my interest a bit, but I never realized how one sided it was in exploring this stuff, especially given it was this crossover AU. It focused mainly on the Undertale fandom and some of the things that were popular at the time. It WAS going to explore its own version of Olathe on a sequel series but that was canceled later on, and the idea has become dormant since.
Later on, my curiosity grew and I looked into the Lisa side of things more. I discovered Lisa the Pointless, Lisa the Hopeful, and then I started looking into other fan projects here too.
Why this pretext? Because that was the gateway into Lisa proper.
I only got Lisa the Painful and Lisa the Joyful after its definitive edition released. At this point, I was pretty well versed in Brad's story - his trauma and pain, the struggles he faces after, the Joy abuse to numb the pain - so when I saw the campfire scenes between Brad and the other party members, especially with members like Terry or Queen Rodger, Bo and Olan, it sparked something there that's for fucking sure.
And then I got to the secret boss.
I'm a dude thar enjoys reading into shit, looking deep at the meaning of written projects be it games, movies, books, etc - Lore is my god damn drug, to put it in a TL:DR.
Seeing this huge call back to Lisa the First, Seeing the symbolism of joy spiders worshipping a Blue Eclipse above Brad's childhood home, fighting the manifestation of Marty Armstrong and reading the deeper, personal stuff that's said afterwards
That song, too, towards the very end of the sequence, with the music that's reminiscent of s church choir singing as Brad's childhood self descends into the darkness
That's what truly sold me on Lisa.
I know everyone has mixed feelings on Lisa the Joyful of course, especially in the way it handled Buddy - Some people were fine with it, and others didn't like the way she became this bloodthirsty girl out to murder shit indiscriminately
I say fair enough honestly, Joyful was a bit of a slog to get through compared to Painful
There were two things I still enjoyed about it:
One, Dustin. Dustin was and still is the goddest boy despite his own flaws, and I was upset it wasn't explored more before his untimely death. Buddy actually starting to care about him before it all went downhill was tragic in its own right
Two, the DE content. Again, a lot of people were still mixed on it, but personally I saw it as a better expansion into Buddy healing from her trauma, understanding that- while Brad certainly was in the wrong in the way he raised her, he still tried his best in a world that definitely wanted to exploit her in the most horrific ways imaginable.
I'm fine with her even mentioning Lisa cause let's all be real here, she's definitely at least heard of her through Brad in some way, shape or form, and the ending bit where he explains the dead flower to her only reinforces that for me.
The more supernatural side of things feel interesting too, cause maybe it's just me, but reading into things, The Flash always had this sort of supernatural spin to it - how Olathe got so fucked up, how time doesn't seem to be entirely right in some areas or how everything got all mountainous and the likes. Probably just headcanon stuff but fuck it, I enjoy the speculation.
So, with that context out of the way, I'll get into my proper thoughts with Lisa: The Undone.
Firstly, again I know not everyone will really agree with the ideas the Definitive Edition put out, especially in the case of Joyful with its Lisa the First callback and Buddy just slamming on Buzzo the way she does. That being said, I love the way Lisa the Undone tackles these ideas Joyful initially set our and explores them more.
The idea of Buddy being less hateful at first, just wanting to genuinely explore the weird and wacky world of Olathe despite its darkness is very welcome. With Dustin especially, this is only amplified.
A lot of the headcanoned and original stuff feel like they can fit right into the base Lisa games too honestly, and that's another thing I really appreciate about this fan gams
But the most important thing to me is the found family relationship between Dustin and Buddy, as well as the two other companions you can recruit.
Dustin is by no means perfect. This is undeniable enough given his actions in Painful and Joyful - He wants to do good, but it becomes a bit of a messiah complex especially for Buddy - who mind you, is only a pubescent kid during all of this shit. This is still translated well in this fan game, just less of a prominent character point - He still wants Buddy to have a good life and to be safe, but there's a clear struggle with seeing her as the Future of Olathe
And seeing her as just Buddy. Just Her.
And the fact that over the time, throughout the chapters, you see Dustin refer to her less as this important figure for the world and more as like a sibling, or just straight up family, that right there is what sells me on this.
Especially towards the end, where depending on your choices in the game, Buddy does eventually admit she can't help but care about people like Dustin.
That hits. That hits a good fucking bit.
And that's what I love to see in this. Sure, it may end with one of the two dying in part 2 of Undone, or depending on your actions it may end with tragedy for either of them
But the fact it works this found family dynamic so God damn well here, with how Buddy and Dustin care for each other AS that family despite Brad's own fuck-ups between the both of them.
Fuck man. It's good, and I hope this fandom explores it more here - especially with DE putting things into an interesting context too.
On a side note, God I also hope it explores DE's Warlord skills mechanics in the future, it's some god damn martial arts shit I love. Sure it may be Mega Man-esque bur god dammit the idea of Buddy learning and incorporating some ideas given from how each Warlord fights is SUCH a good idea and if there's ever a fan game that had Buddy exploring the greater world of Olathe, meeting the likes of Alex Churchland or Beltboy and shit like that, I wanna see her develop her own form of martial arts with or without the katana she's grown accustomed with god dammit.
God, I love Lisa. I love these games as much ad Undertale and Deltarune, and I need to write out some more shit for this series.
Thanks Austin Jorgensen you god damn mad man, and thanks to the Fandom for putting out such genuine bangers.
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sing-you-fools · 1 year
Hi, I saw your post that Neil liked. I am sorry but I haven't read Terry's works and I'm curious, how do his themes in works connect to your post? Because you started the post saying you were thinking about his themes. So how exactly does it connect to what you have realized? I didn't quite understand. Thanks!
so i finally figured out how to access my inbox. sorry if it's been a little while!
i definitely wasn't expecting more than ten or so people to see that post, and i'm very much on the Discworld Side of Tumblr, so i didn't bother explaining. then person number 8 to like the post was @neil-gaiman himself, so...it went differently than i expected. so, sure! i'll do my best.
my first piece of advice is to read Terry Pratchett. and if you specifically want to understand what i mean in my other post, read the Witches books starting with Wyrd Sisters, or skip straight to Witches Abroad (Discworld books typically stand well on their own, though the more you've read, the more you'll pick up on). look up the Discworld Reading Order Guide 3.0 for further instruction. (it'll tell you to start with Equal Rites for the Witches, and you can, but it's less the first book in the Witches series and more the book the Witches series spun off from. personally, i like to treat it as a standalone prequel.)
in the Witches series, cackling is what happens to witches when they're too isolated and don't talk to other witches enough. they start to get a little unhinged. it shows in small ways at first, but it can get dangerous if it goes too far. specifically, the one time we actually see a cackling witch, she's forcing the world around her into literal fairy tale plots (sound familiar?). so when i said Aziraphale is cackling, i was drawing a connection to that specific book - i don't think Aziraphale is that far gone, but he's desperate and he's pushing things into a shape they're not supposed to be. he's so desperate for his happy ending, and i can't really blame him.
now, drawing this out to Pratchett's larger body of work - the thing to understand is that he was a master of archetypes. you know Aziraphale's "not just a southern pansy, the southern pansy!" line? that's all Pratchett's main characters. Vimes isn't just a bastard cop, he's the bastard cop. Moist is the slippery conman. and the witches, they're the three witches. the maiden, the mother, and...the other one. (there's always a twist, of course. archetypes without a twist would get boring.)
and he works with these archetypal plots, too - again, especially with the witches. and an overarching theme is that the characters need to work with the narrative they're in to bring it to a conclusion. if their solutions try to fight the shape of the story, they don’t work. the most common element on the Disc is narrativium, which serves to ensure that stories follow the narrative. stick to the proper shape. it, for example, forces Granny Weatherwax to be the good twin when her sister went dark side even though she wanted to be the evil one, because there has to be a good twin, because that's how stories work.
(as a writer, i can only imagine this was at least partially inspired by how hard it is to get your characters to do what you want them to.)
so, taking it back to Aziraphale. he's fighting the story they're actually in so hard, forcing it into another shape entirely. that was never going to work, because Good Omens is a Terry Pratchett story. it's a Neil Gaiman story, too, obviously, and Pratchett may not be here to help write it anymore, but Neil knows how to write a Terry Pratchett story, and he's not about to let his friend's spirit disappear from this world they created together. narrativium may not exist in Roundworld (Earth), but i'd bet it exists in heaven and hell, and probably Aziraphale's shop.
QUICK SNEAKY EDIT: if you're wondering if you should read more Pratchett, the humor in Good Omens is very much reflective of his writing
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nerdasaurus1200 · 2 years
I saw Dragon Prince season 4 and hoo boy do I have thoughts (in no particular order)
First off, it's adorable how much of a magic nerd Callum is. He's grown so much and become so much stronger in two years
Stella is baby. She's living her best life with her cuddlemama and future cuddle papa. Speaking of, let Callum becalled a cuddlepapa by himself or Rayla next season
Zym and Ezran have grown up so much and it both breaks and warms my heart
Okay, so Rayla is a Dragonguard. Good to know.
Terry is my son now. I adopted him, he's mine.
I feel like Callum is just a little bit jealous of Stella getting love from Rayla
“The other elves saw me as a doe, but I knew. I always knew that I was a buck. I..chose the name Terrestrius.”....This line here. This line is gonna stick with me forever. I honestly didn't expect them to outright tell or show us Terry is trans but I'm so glad. That's gonna mean so much to trans kids watching this show. And the fact that Viren has no problems with it at all makes it even more special. Although Terry's wording makes me wonder if someone in his family didn't accept him.
Oh man I just read his wiki page and apparently Terry is still mid transition
I'm calling it now, that girl that figured out Araavos is Harrow and Ezran's descendant
Well, at least we know how loyal Terry is to Claudia.....someone get this poor boy a mug of hot cocoa, a blanket, a hug, and a therapist; he's earned it. He was 100% having a panic attack
"I'm gonna feel all the feelings!" THAT'S RIGHT YOU GO MY FUNKY BOY
Hot damn, Ezran's speech combined with Ibis and Claudia fighting was powerful...that whole scene really encapsulates what the entire show is about, I think
Zubeia gets more and more badass with every episode
I wasn't expecting the chocolate tart to be brought back but it's nice that Rex Igneous liked it. Although how could he taste so much of such a little thing?
Ohhhhh wait, I just got that! Rex means king, he's KING Igneous!
Oh man I had no idea Ezran's crown is made from Harrow's sword
That possesion scene was straight up creepy, I honestly thought Callum died for a second
Speaking of creepy, I never wanna see snake Claudia again, please and thank you
I know Callum is angry at Rayla but he needs to talk to her, really. I feel like he's using the possession thing as an excuse to not talk about their relationship. Like, I do think he's genuinely shaken up by it but he's choosing to focus on that because it's easier
Soren...god, Soren has changed so much. In just 3 years, this boy has gone from picking fights with dragons and being eager to kill them to not being able to turn away from a dragon in need. He even shed his armor for her. Season 1 Soren would NEVER have done that in a million years
Another thing S1 Soren would never do is that talk with Claudia. Man, that was deep.
Also I love Soren's new look, I feel like it suits him way better than his knight armor
I dunno why I expected an out of the gate dramatic conversation when Soren found Claudia. Although I am glad we still got them having that conversation
I will say though, I do wish we got more of a reaction to Terry from Soren
Can Squeaky return next season as Soren's dragon pal? Please? he's the only one that doesn't have an animal companion
"I wanna spend the last month traveling with my daughter, the most important person in the world to me" I....it's nice that you're finally learning to not be a jackass Viren, but did you forget that you have a son??? Is Soren just chopped liver to you?
That said, I do appreciate that Viren has changed. I feel like he's definitely not gonna become immortal.
Regarding Claudia's speech about human suffering....either she's been fed TONS of propaganda by Araavos or she's taking it way too personally after all this time. Like, girl, you have an elf boyfriend, calm down
Awww the return of big feelings time!
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elliebyrrdwrites · 4 months
There’s mud everywhere and Theo definitely smells dog shit somewhere nearby.
He charmed his shoes but the feeling of the mud, wet and slippery beneath the soles of them causes him to grimace.
“There’s nobody here.” He says, unnecessarily as Harry scans their surroundings with a mild look of shock on his face.
“Where the hell did they go?”
“Well,” Theo frowned. “They are gypsies, aren’t they. Bloody flakes.” He searched for dry land. There was remnants of a fire, ash and burnt wood piled into a circle made of rocks. He could make out burnt pieces of trash inside.
Harry scratched at the top of his head moving carefully through the mud, avoiding all tracks as he scanned the ground beneath their feet.
“What are you looking for in the mud?” Theo wished he had a broom.
“Last time Draco and I came, there was this really odd looking track.” He pointed to a place in the mud that looked freshly dug up. “Right there. It’s been disturbed, maybe covered or dug up.” He frowned, pausing. “It looks intentional.”
He dropped his hand and straightened. Theo watched Harry start to turn slowly around, scanning the area.
“What is it?”
“Whoever covered this must have seen Draco and I inspecting it.”
“Maybe it was just the dirty work of a gypsy mucking about in the mud.”
“Sure but,” Harry shook his head, fervently. “Something feels...off.”
Theo’s eyes sharpened on the area around them, his hand immediately going to his wand holster.
“When Draco and I spoke to Fiadh, she mentioned the idea of some sort of entity that follows them around...” Harry froze, eyeing the grassy field to their left.
“What is it, Potter?”
“Do you see something out there?” He was squinting, now.
Theo could just barely make out something dark and low in the tall blades of grass. The setting sun and the lack of city lights did nothing to help them discern the figure. It could be an animal. It could be a person. It could be nothing.
Theo slowly made his way towards the field with Harry. Both had their wands drawn. While Harry remained focused on the target several meters away, Theo’s eyes continuously scanned behind them and around the sides.
There was a smell wafting towards them as they neared.
Theo knew the smell. He knew what they were coming up on before he saw it.
Harry hissed and stopped about three yards from the body.
Theo grimaced as he took in the bloody body sprawled out on the grass. Blood stained the grass, and had dried to a dark rust color. This body was at least a day old, judging by the intensity of the odor. It wasn’t as thick as one that had been there longer than two days. There was no evacuation of the bowels, which typically happens after four days.
Theo couldn’t make out the features on the wizards face. But he could tell that it was male, fully clothed and had undergone a terrible altercation.
“Is this one of the gypsies?” Theo shook hair from his face, working against the breeze that tore through the field, picking up that odor and spinning it around them.
“I don’t know. I only saw a couple of them when we came. Fiadh lived alone in her tent but there was one wizard who was out tending to the fire when we came out of her tent.” Harry nodded to the firepit.
Theo glanced over to it, making a mental note to check on the trash inside as Harry squatted down to look more closely at the wizards face. “I can’t tell if this is him. He’s been beaten to a pulp.”
“Crimes of passion,” Theo murmured. “Shall we crash Draco and Granger’s date?”
Harry looked up at Theo. “Date?”
“Hermione took him on a date.” He shrugged and began to walk back towards the cold pit of ash. "I'm sure he'll muck it all up."
Harry cast a preservation charm over the body. “Wait. What? I thought she was going on a pretend date with Terry to make him jealous.”
“I might have talked her into tricking Draco into taking him on one.”
“So, you meddle.” Theo shrugged at that. “You’re as bad as Ginny.”
“Oh, she helped.”
Harry scoffed. “Of course.” They both approached the firepit and Harry crouched down to poke at the remnants of the trash with the tip of his wand. “And you help plan weddings. Who knew you were such a romantic.”
Theo snorted. “Who said I was?” There was little time for romance in his life. Had there been women? Definitely. Did he pursue any of them? Never.
“You give a lot of advice for someone who isn’t.” Harry pushed over a half burned Styrofoam cup. “Never been in love, then?”
Theo pursed his lips. He’d consider his life to be too complicated to insert love into it. He did enjoy observing the drama of love unfold around him. Did it make him jealous? No, not at all.
“I can’t say that I have been, no.” Theo ignored the memory of raven black hair, pale skin and silk sheets.
“Look at this,” Harry murmured. Theo peered into the mess of ash and scraps of paper, styrofoam and chicken bones.
“Is that,” Theo’s eyes widened as he pulled away. “Is that the gossip section of the Daily Prophet?”
Harry nodded and summoned the page with his wand, lifting it into the air for them to read whatever they could from it.
Theo could read the date in the top right corner. “It’s from February.”
Harry stiffened beside him. “Oh, fuck.”
It didn’t take long for Theo to find what had caused Harry to freak out. There was a photo of Hermione standing beside Ron. Below, was a caption;
Famous muggle-born witch, Hermione Granger, makes Head of Committee as her relationship falls apart.
“Send for Draco.” Harry hissed as he sent his own Patronus to Dawlish.
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thorne-antics · 1 year
So... my thoughts on season 5!!
Episode 1: Domina Profundis
- so I'm assuming Callum and Rayla talked after the events of Escape From Umber Tor because I expected them to be still a little awkward but they're not, it looks like they're friends again and that makes me so happy!!
- why does Rayla need to take off the nails on the painting in front of the secret passageway? Can't Stella just make a portal to the other side of it?
- okay I hate Karim but did the sunfire elf guard really have to take his ring? I think Janai would've let him keep it. And the guard was like "it belongs to Queen Janai now" and then proceeded to drop it on the ground. Wtf bro
- Opeli telling Callum why Rayla was arrested and Callum being like "okay, so what?" will never not be funny to me
- Callum really said "it's okay she just got too silly"
Episode 2: Old Wounds
- their little conversation about trust... they're healing their relationship YIPPEE
- domina profundis looks so fucking cool I wish we saw more of her
- I now expect to see Barius invent a new pastry every season from here on out.
- watching Soren, Ezran and Corvus laughing about shit jokes did give me slight secondhand embarrassment but surprisingly it was kind of funny. Definitely an upgrade from the god-awful fart jokes in season 4
- THIS IS ONLY EPISODE 2 AND ALREADY THEY'RE GOING HAM WITH THE RAYLLUM CONTENT. THEY SPENT THE NIGHT AT A COZY INN TOGETHER. AND THE BANTER BETWEEN THEM AFTERWARDS IS SO CUTE. ugh yes s5ep2 "Old Wounds" my beloved (Actually I love the whole first 4 episodes but we'll get to that later)
- "I know dark magic created this place, but it's a bridge between our two worlds, and now here we are, crossing it together" I'm screaming.
- the banther chase was so cool! I love the battle duo dynamic Rayla and Callum have going on, and the way the banther was animated looked awesome. (Also I find it hilarious how when Rayla's arrow hit the Banther, it literally got right back up but it was like "actually, fuck this" and just dipped)
- Viren's dream sequence with baby Soren ripped my heart out
Episode 3: Nightmares And Revelations
- Ezran literally befriended the entire dragon population except Sol Regem, Rex Igneous, and the archdragon of stars (if there is one) (no moon archdragon I'm pretty sure? Because the last one was Luna Tenebris and she died) and I love that for him
- Callum's reaction to finding out Amaya and Janai are engaged was priceless. I was so excitedly waiting to see that and it was everything I'd hoped for.
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They really said "Wanna do something foolish?" "Do you even have to ask?"
Episode 4: The Great Bookery
- Kazi you nerd I love you
- Amaya being the best aunt!!
- "I would do anything for you" oh. my. god.
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"Rayla, I was wrong. I waited too long. I hope you know--" "I know." UHM, I DON'T? WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT? (I'm guessing this is them saying "I love you" without saying it but I NEED TO KNOW FOR CERTAIN)
- The only reason Amaya and Corvus survived is because they hid in the book drop and Amaya thought to do that because Kazi pointed it out earlier so basically Kazi saved their lives. Good job Kazi.
- question: how the fuck did a fall from that height NOT kill Corvus? I'm glad he's not dead but HOW?
Episode 5: Archmage Akiyu
- "Oh no... You're making me the deciding vote, aren't you" Imao 😭
- Terry is such a good boyfriend.
- everyone's faces when the giant birds swoop down at them
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- Callum fistbumping Rayla... I will cherish this forever.
- Rayla asking Callum to push her into the water because she doesn't have the courage to jump in herself, Callum holding her hand as they dive in together instead... oh I'm sick. He's so patient and sweet and gentle with her I'm gonna cry
- the sheer amount of rayllum hand touches we're getting this season is incredibly satisfying
- Tidebound Tina/Archmage Akiyu is so silly. I like her a normal amount
Episode 6: Bait And Switch
- let Soren have the best lavender essential oils in all of Scumport he deserves it
- when Ezran goes to see Finnegrin and Callum stays outside and he says "it's fine I'll just get to know my new friend here" and Elmer says they aren't friends, Callum lets out this little giggle and it's the cutest thing. FOR WHAT? LITERALLY FOR WHAT
- I'm conflicted about Claudia fighting the dragon. I mean, slay, but also... I'm scared 😃
Episode 7: Sea Legs
- I need to know what Bait said when he grunted and Ezran said "that's not very nice, Bait"
- "baby mage" Nyx I'm gonna have to stop you right there because I will not tolerate this falsehood and this slander towards my boy Callum
- I love how when the baby glow toad fell overboard, Nyx was like "I'll get it" and Callum was like "no I'll get it" and then there's Soren, who hollers "SORENBALL!" and just yeets himself in.
- Callum carrying the episode with his sky magic ugh yes (partially Soren too, for saving the baby glow toad, and Villads bc of course he's a great captain and the squad couldn't do this without him, but Callum is slaying I'm so proud of him)
- Amaya finding out Kim'Dael took Janai may have broken my heart just a little
Episode 8: Finnegrin's Wake
- please excuse my excessive use of "fuck"
- they hurt my boy ☹️
- "I'm not gonna help you murder the archdragon of the ocean" "Murder? When you put it like that you make me sound like a bloodthirsty fiend" YOU LITERALLY ARE 💀
- Rayla screaming at Finnegrin to let Callum go when she sees that Callum got beat up... the pre-s5 speculation fanfic writers are probably losing their shit rn
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I have never seen anyone more angry at any point in the entirety of this show than Callum is in this scene. He's been angry before, but rarely, and when he does, he remains level-headed. But then Finnegrin starts torturing Rayla, and that's what sets him off. And seeing a character like him, who's always been so sweet and gentle and kind, going absolutely fucking feral because someone hurt his loved one, is so satisfying to me. He loves her so much, the worst thing to him is seeing her suffering. I'm going insane over this.
- remember when he told Rayla "I'd do anything for you"? Yeah... (I'm totally writing a fanfic about this)
- if you couldn't tell, I fucking love Callum (this is probably the hundredth time I've said this)
Episode 9: Infantis Sanguine
- Callum looks so pretty here. He always looks pretty but MY GOD
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- I'm gonna cry. The way he looks at Rayla like "Hey it's okay I'm right here with you :)" has me in a chokehold
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- Rayla getting scared about being underwater and swimming back up to the surface and Callum immediately going after her to see if she was okay... no one fucking touch me
- I had no problem with Claudia at the start of the underwater fight but then she threatened Ezran and I was like "sweetie I can't defend you anymore"
- bruh they couldn't talk underwater anyway so what the fuck was the point of threatening Ezran to make him talk?
- I know it's a fantasy cartoon and the logic doesn't matter but RAYLA SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO SHOOT THOSE ARROWS SO PERFECTLY WHILE UNDERWATER.
- Aaravos has been in ONE EPISODE this season and nearly every speaking line he has is so sus
- I always hated Viren because him manipulating and gaslighting his kids reminded me of my dad who I haven't spoken to for 3 years now, and I've had to accept that he's never going to change, but I'm glad Viren has changed and I'm proud of him
- so... Viren dead? Viren not dead? Fuck if I know! Find out in 8 months!
okay, my final ranking of all the seasons so far: this one comes out on top, then below it is season 3, then season 2, and at the bottom, season 1 and 4 are tied. And I'm so excited for season 6. Thank you and goodnight.
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No Mercy - Terry Silver x Reader
Prompt: You're Terry Silver's partner, who he loves more than anyone or anything else. When assailants break into your home, hell breaks lose.
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Terry was at the dojo when they came, dressed in all black and brandishing guns, not swords. These were not the karate fighters he’d warned you of, no. These men were after much more than a dojo. Terry knew never to leave you alone, but the masked men were tearing through his guards far too easily. You watched on the security cameras as they dropped, one by one.
Another camera showed the dojo, filled with students and senseis alike. Outside the dojo, however, were the same masked men. A string of curses fell from your lips as you pulled your cell phone from your pocket, rapidly dialing in Terry's number. "Please pick up," you begged. You knew it was futile. He would never have his phone on him during lessons.
The moment you came into his life, Terry made sure that you were prepared for anything that might come your way. You knew where every safe room was in every property, as well as what weapons hid in their walls. Hidden in those walls were also panic buttons, each going straight to the police. And to Terry. You pulled your robe tighter around your frame as you prepared to leave the study. The closest safe room was at the end of the next hall over. You could make it easily.
Then, the screens went black.
They could be anywhere now - you had to move. With a deep breath, you threw the door open. The coast was clear for a moment, so you ran. You had almost made it when you saw them - two armed men ascending the staircase to your left - and they had definitely seen you. There was no way you could beat them. The door itself took at least five seconds to close and lock, and you didn't have even a second to spare. Still, you ran. As soon as you stepped inside, you ran your hands across the wall, until you finally found it. Your fingers just connected with the button as the men grabbed you.
"Let me go!" you screamed. "Quiet!" one of the men screamed, knocking the backside of his rifle into your stomach. You gasped for air, which took ages to finally meet your lungs. The man smiled. "That's better, sweetheart. You're going to tell us where Terrence keeps his valuables, then you're coming with us. I can't imagine the price he'll pay for his most valuable possession to be returned to him." "I'm not doing anything for you assholes," you seethed. The second man took a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back sharply to look up at him. "We're not asking, princess."
The other man grabs one of Terry's katanas off of the wall. "Now we can't kill you, but we can hurt you enough to get you to obey." He drug the blade down your face slowly, drinking up the cries of pain he caused. "You're pretty little face isn't so pretty anymore, is it?" your captor asked, throwing you to the ground. "You'll kill me before I tell you anything," you said, spitting a mouthful of blood at their feet. The first man laughed. "I don't think so," he said, sharply connecting his boot to your chest. You let out a cry of pain. In your years on earth, no one had ever touched you like this. All you wanted was Terry to come home and save you. He was who filled your mind as the two men continued to kick you. You thought of his smile, his gentleness, his authority. These men wouldn't last a minute once he got here.
The men finally stopped, standing back to stare at your bruised and bloody form. "She's not going to tell us anything. Get her up." The man tried to pull you to your feet, but your legs couldn't support your weight, buckling beneath you. "Carry her, idiot!" the other man yelled. Your head fell back as your captor picked you up within his arms. "Let's get her out of here before Silver gets back."
Everything was blurry and distorted, but you heard his voice perfectly. “Let her go and I might let you live,” Terry spoke forcefully. You grimaced as you turned to see Terry pointing a gun at both of your captors. "My men and I have wiped the rest of your team out. You can either let her go or join them."
Neither men moved, with the first pointing his gun directly at Terry and the other holding on tightly to you. Without a second thought, Terry shot the first in the head, never breaking eye contact from you. He was bloody and worn, but he cared only about you. "Did he do this to you, angel?" he asked. You only nodded.
His eyes grew dark. "Set her down gently or you will be begging for mercy in your last moments." Your captor obliged, gently setting you on the ground. Once you were out of his arms, Terry kicked the man square in the chest, knocking him to the ground. "I might have let you live if you hadn't touched her," he growled, before unloading a single round of ammunition.
Terry had you in his arms not even a second later. "I'm so sorry," he repeated over and over, holding you ever so carefully. You shake your head, tears running down your face and neck. "It's not your fault, Terry. They were just so fast. I couldn't get to the saferoom in time." "That's not your fault, my love. I'll put in more saferooms. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. I don't want you caught in the crossfire between me and my enemies." "Terry, they were coming for me. They wanted to take me away for ransom."
His hands balled into fists as his jaw set. "Their deaths will be a lesson to anyone who thinks that's a good idea. No one who touches you will live, my angel. I promise you that."
Terry took a break from karate following the invasion. His senseis were skilled enough to run the dojo, and he wanted nothing more than to be at your side as you recovered. It was a rough recovery - not just on your body, but on your mind. There were many nights where you woke Terry up screaming. The first had been the scariest for both of you. "Let me go!" you screamed, pushing yourself up from the comfort of the silk sheets. Your hands fumbled for the light switch, but Terry beat you to it, already brandishing a gun he now kept in his bedside table. Your heartrate didn't calm even after a scan of the room showed no one but you and your love. "Nightmare," you finally croaked out, your throat raw and dry. "Come here," Terry urged after putting away his weapon. He held you within his strong arms. "I'll never let anything hurt you ever again. But that doesn't take away the pain you went through. It doesn't eliminate the fear." "Will I ever be okay again?" "Yes, in time. That's what your therapy sessions are for. To help you heal. But it takes time, my angel. I know that all too well." You took note of his quickened heartrate. "I'm sorry for scaring you." He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, careful to avoid the cut that was still healing. "Don't apologize."
Terry had mastered the art of calming you down. He knew that you were as safe as any one person could be. The day after the attack he doubled the size of your protection. You went nowhere without a host of armed guards. He had even been offered the protection of the other dojo in the valley and both of its senseis. The men who once hated your partner were now willing to put aside their rivalry to keep you safe. They both had families, they had told Terry. And they knew the fear that filled his veins.
He had also made sure any man involved in your attack was killed without mercy.
"Go back to sleep, my angel," he whispered after a long night of calming your nightmares. You pushed back against your love, savoring the comfort of him being completely wrapped around you. You sighed in contentment. "Thank you for always protecting me." Terry held you closer. "Thank you for staying."
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marypsue · 1 year
I'd love to hear your thoughts on S1 of ST being a tragedy! No main character dies, so I never thought of it that way before
I mean, nobody has to die for a story to be a tragedy (at least, in the modern definition. I'm pretty sure '(almost) everybody dies' is a requirement of Greek tragedies and Renaissance revenge tragedies). But also, no main character dies in season one...if you take season one as part of a series. Which it wasn't originally conceived as.
I am not going looking for copies of the original pitch bible, because I am lazy, and also I only saw them floating around this webbed site. But the show changed a lot from the initial pitch (Joyce had a Long Island accent! Lucas' parents were divorcing! Murray was there and named Terry Ives! Most of what ended up in Hopper's character originally belonged to Mr. Clarke! The original pitch bible is fascinating). And part of the original pitch was a proposal for possible sequels.
The Duffers' proposal for a possible sequel was "It's ten years later, and Eleven is dead".
So that's the setup. Everything that came after season one was made up wholecloth after season one was a hit and people wanted more, but also people loved the adorable little psychic murder child (cue the Duffers shockedpikachu.jpg) and Netflix obviously recognised it would be a bad call to make a new season without her in it. So it makes sense to take season one as a unit, as a self-contained story on its own. You can also take it as part of a whole, but it makes sense to read it first as a complete story. Especially given the thematic drift of later seasons and the way they are...I'm just going to say it, each new season is very much added-on to what came before rather than being built on foundation that the earlier season(s) laid. It is very clear there was never a planned five-season story arc from the beginning. (This isn't necessarily always a bad thing, when it comes to sequels, but it does mean it makes sense to 'read' each season as its own thing.)
Okay, now that we've established all of that. Season one has one very clear goal, one very clear stake for the characters: save Will Byers from the Upside Down. (I like this. It makes the stakes both extremely high and extremely personal, it makes it very easy to understand each character's motivation, it also keeps the stakes grounded in reality. I like this a lot.) And by the end of the season, that goal is accomplished. So at first blush, you're right, season one doesn't look like a tragedy.
But when you start to unpack it a little, you start to see just how many important things were lost along the way. It's most glaringly obvious with Mike and El, with Nancy and Barb. The whole Wheeler family is fractured down the middle, with Mike and Nancy on one side and Ted, Karen, and Holly on the other, and Karen, who's been trying so hard the whole time to be part of her children's lives and understand what's going on with them, is aware of the ever-expanding gulf between them but will never be able to cross it, and will never fully know why. Hopper's finally managed to snatch a kid out of the jaws of death, save a woman he obviously cares about from the pain of losing a child, and Joyce has finally had someone believe her, support her, trust her. But it became blindingly obvious to me on my fourth rewatch that Hopper's plan, from the moment he went to leave the middle school gym, was always to trade El for Will. And that decision (and the fact that Joyce obviously understands that he did something to get the lab to let them go after Will, but she obviously doesn't dare press him on what) has broken her trust in him, and left him with what looks like an equally heavy burden of guilt as what he was carrying before. The lab stays open. The government gets away with everything. No one will ever know the true extent of the hurt they've caused.
And in the end, none of it even saved Will. He's back. He's alive. But he's spitting slugs in the sink. He's permanently marked by the Upside Down, and by trying to hide it from his family, he's putting a crack down the centre of them, as well. They're losing Will, just as surely as they had when they thought he was dead, just without him going anywhere.
And there's still a hole in the world.
The fragile bonds of community, the things that people share in common, the way catastrophe can bring people together and bring out the very best in them, are the major thematic threads woven through season one. Human connection is the only thing that can change what seems inevitable, the only thing that can bring back what's seemingly lost forever.
And it's still not enough to protect anyone from the random tragedy of the world.
The love was there. The love mattered. The love bent the entire course of the world around itself.
And it still wasn't quite enough.
If that's not a tragedy, then I don't know what is.
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smiley-milkovich · 1 year
The riches is like..so underrated. Trans positivity??? Scamming rich people??? A family who supports eachother no matter what??? The ENTIRE CONCEPT of wanderers makes me so happy and I don't know why. Mickey would love that life. He probably wants his aunt to adopt him. She probably tried once or twice. Laura Milkovich was a wanderer convince me otherwise. They may not be called wanderers it's late and I haven't watched the show in a bit. Also Cael is just. A good kid. Superstitious and protective, fiercely fighting for the people he loves. I saw him say "hell no I ain't sleepin' inside, I don't wanna loose my soul" and I fell for him instantly
YESSS YESS! I love all of this so much because it’s so accurate,
firstly they never questioned Sammy wearing “girl” clothes or the possibility of them being transgender, they just were like oh that’s my child/sibling and they like wearing dresses?? Coolio :) and I love that so much! Noel played cael and Mickey so well, I think playing cael definitely helped him be Mickey, like a little teaser of the big things to come for Noel.
Laura milkovich being a traveller (I am not sure what the proper term to use is so please please forgive me if this is offensive or wrong) is so on point and I have a feeling she maybe got mixed in with terry at a young age or he forced her to be with him and made her try forget about her life as a traveller because terry didn’t come from the same background.
I genuinely loved all the story lines in the riches and the characters it was way ahead of its time to be that good and Eddie izzard really came up with such a good concept! BUT not only that, I saw and not sure how true it is… but JOHN WICK was based on the riches like someone stole the idea and turned it into John wick 🫠
And one more thing, season 2 going onto season 3 was meant to be all about Cael Malloy🫠🫠🫠 I still say bring the riches back it would have only gotten better as the seasons went on (and hopefully the intros to the seasons too because they were SO BAD🤣). I bought season 1 and 2 on Amazon and I don’t regret it at all so if anyone reads this and is looking for something to watch BUY IT!!
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abbatoirablaze · 11 months
Captain Penisi, Chapter 4
Word Count:  1.5k
Warnings: slight angst
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Vickie’s hands rushed to her mouth, and tears lined her eyes as she saw all of the boys from A shift standing with her daughters and various other medical personnel in the cafeteria.  They had decorated a few of the tables with birthday decorations and streamers. 
She instantly looked at Auggie, who was wearing a happy grin as she placed a cone shaped birthday hat on both her and her mentor, “Happy Birthday, Vickie!”
“You were in on this?”
“Auggie here helped me put the whole thing together!” Terry said proudly as he scooped his wife into his arms and gave her a kiss, “happy birthday, Vic.”
“Oh, and you brought the girls!”  she cooed, looking at the pre-teens who didn’t bother looking up from their phones, “Terry!  This is the best birthday ever!”
“Hey…” Lucy smiled as her parents walked away from Auggie.   She playfully bumped her side and gestured to Ike, who was talking with Andy and Granny, “so you didn’t message me about the date the other night!”
“It went…really well,” Auggie smiled, biting her lip, “Ike is a really sweet guy…”
“He’s pretty stupid though!” Lucy chuckled, “I mean…in his own right…he’s crazy smart about EMT stuff…”
“He’s definitely something,” she giggled.  Lucy raised her brow at her friend and looked back to the group of firefighters.  Ike’s attention turned towards them, and he gave her a small wave, as a blush tinged his cheeks.  Her actions mirrored his.  Lucy bumped her again and Auggie shook her head, “I-I’m sorry.  The other night was…amazing…”
“Auggie…did you-“
“Yeah…” she nodded, “that man really know what to do with himself…”
Lucy’s eyes widened and she started laughing, “Auggie!”
“What?” she asked guiltily, “the date went really well, and even though I only had two drinks, he insisted on walking me to my car…and that turned into us making out in the backseat of his…and that turned into-“
“Did you and Ike have sex in his car?”
“Yeah…” she admitted before breaking down into a fit of giggles, “and we’ve kind of been nonstop texting since then…”
“I know…I know…I shouldn’t get involved…especially with a firefighter.  But there’s just something about Ike.  He jus-“
“I thought you had a crush on my Uncle Eddie?”
“You mean the one that’s been nothing but short with me the entire time I’ve known him?” she scoffed before pointing to the other side of the room where Eddie was already pulling another nurse out of the room with a certain look in his eyes, “you mean that Eddie that looks like he’s pulling Brittany down into the supply closet?  I figured it was best to just let that go.  Maybe a crush is just sometimes meant to be a crush.  Nothing more.” 
“Yeah…he uh-he’s not the best at being...well…he’s just not great at dealing with people sometimes.”
“Hey guys!” Granny smiled, joining the conversation.  The girls turned their attention towards the trio of firefighters that had made their way over to them, “great party, huh?”
“It’s really great!” Lucy smiled.
“Yeah…pretty much all of the decorations were in your car for like a week, too!” Ike chuckled, looking at Auggie.  Her eyes went wide, and Lucy immediately started laughing, thinking about why they had sex in his car, after he’d walked her to her own. 
“So that’s why.”
“Why what?” Ike asked cluelessly.
“Oh nothing,” Lucy smiled, “just a little inside joke!”
“Hey…I was thinking,” Ike smiled as he looked at Auggie, “Maybe we can grab dinner tonight…if you’re free?”
Lucy looked at Ike, shocked at how he had just asked her out in the open. 
“I-I’m free!” she smiled. 
Andy and Granny clapped their friend on his back before looking at Lucy, “hey Lucy, it looks like they’re about to cut the cake?  Wanna help us grab some slices?”
“Sure…” she smiled, wiggling her brows playfully at Auggie, “we’ll be right back, lovebirds.”
Both Ike and Auggie blushed as they walked away, and Ike ran his hand along the back of his neck, “hey…uh…I really had a good time the other night…you know…even though-“
“Me too!” she said quickly, cutting him off, “you really want to do dinner tonight?”
“Yeah…I-I know this pretty good restaurant that we can get in at…and I-“
“I’d love to!”
“Great…” he smiled.  Auggie bit her lip and looked around the room.  Seeing that no one was watching them she took a quick step forward and pressed a sweet kiss to Ike’s lips.  Ike’s heart raced and he smiled, wanting to reach out and pull her back, “w-what was that for?”
“I like you, Ike…and I can’t wait for tonight.”
“I like you too, Auggie!”
“Come on, Terry…it’s only fair…” Eddie said firmly as he pointed to the sheet, “we don’t have enough safety protocol hours for the quarter, and we spent like four hours at the hospital.  Call B shift and tell them that we’re doing a double, so that C shift can have off.  They covered for us while we were at the hospital for Vickie’s birthday.  We’ll get our hours done and we won’t have to worry about owing C shift back later in the year.”
“You’ve got a point,” Terry sighed as he thought it over, “and if we do it today then we’ll be out by ten.”
“Exactly!” Eddie smiled, “you’ll still get a little time with the wife before she hits the hay, and we’ll be up to our hours!”
“Alright, fine.  I’ll call B shift.  You let the guys know.”
“Aye Aye, chief!” Eddie smiled, making his way out of the office. 
He felt like shit as he walked back into the cafeteria. 
They were starting to cut the cake.  The nurse, who he accidentally called the wrong name, hadn’t bothered to return to the party. 
But just as he was walking in, his heart broke when he noticed Auggie quickly kiss Ike. 
“Wh-what was that for?”
“I like you Ike…and I can’t wait for tonight.”
“I like you too, Auggie!”
“Come on, cap,” Granny grumbled, “when have you guys ever taken phones away before?”
“We have to catch up on safety protocol hours!” he said firmly as he snatched Ike’s phone from his hands, “come on, Granny.  Hand it over!”
“Hey, uh, cap…can I have my phone back for just a second?” Ike asked nervously as he pointed to his phone, “I-I have a date…and if we aren’t going to be getting out then I should tell-“
“You guys aren’t getting your phones back until we leave!” Eddie said firmly, his anger warming him.  He smiled, thinking about how Ike wouldn’t get to tell Auggie that he wasn’t going to show up for their date.
“But cap-“
“No.  Now come on!” he said firmly, returning his attention to Granny.  Granny sighed and handed his phone over, “Mywani!”
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“I just…I don’t get it,” she shrugged as she sipped on the hot chocolate that Lucy had made for the two of them, “if he didn’t want to go on another date he could have just said so.  But he’s literally been reading and ignoring my texts all night.”
She dropped her phone beside herself and put the mug of hot chocolate down before flopping back onto Lucy’s bed. 
“Maybe he just forgot…”
“If he forgot then why didn’t he respond when I was at the restaurant?” she asked sadly, “I went through my drink and a basket of bread before I got so embarrassed I left.”
“You said that he read the texts?”
She sat up, plucking her phone from the bed, and showed Lucy her messages, and how each one had a timestamp of when it was read.
“Yeah…that’s rough!”
“He probably can’t reply to you because they had to switch shifts for some safety protocol thing,” Vickie sighed as she stopped at the door with a cup of tea, “Terry called me earlier and apologized, but said that he and Eddie noticed they were down a few hours on something they need to finish.”
“He could have texted.”
“Well if it’s something the station has to get caught up on, Terry might yell at them if they check their phones…he’s probably seeing your messages from his smart watch and can’t reply.  You know…this is normal if you’re seeing a firefighter, sweetie.  Terry and I have had to reschedule a lot of our own dates because of my father scheduling something so that he couldn’t see me.”
“Gampy did that to dad?”
“Oh, all the time,” she laughed, “now, I’m not saying that Terry did it intentionally, but maybe he’s just trying to protect you, sweetie.  Dating a firefighter is a tough thing to do.”
“I mean…he could have let me know,” Auggie sighed, “I wouldn’t have been mad.  I mean, I get called in to the hospital all the time.”
“Do you always respond to someone when you’re at work?”
Auggie frowned, biting her lip, “no…I usually leave my phone in my bag…in my locker.”
“Give Ike a break…” Vickie sighed, “he’s a good guy, and I’m sure you know that.  But like I said…being with a firefighter is a hard life.  There are a lot of nights I left a restaurant alone because Terry didn’t show.”
Chapter 5
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gallavich-headcanon · 2 years
So.... I see you and nosho's angsty guitar player au.
I raise you my own celebrity au
Frank and Monica were part of this famous 80s band with Tommy and Kermit, their kids are like Hollywood royalty. Fiona is an actress who kinda had a child star crash and burn a while back, but she's recovering and reclaiming her independence. Lip acts, Carl is like Justin Bieber everyone thinks he's hot. Debbie sings, and Liam is kinda staying out of the limelight for now.
Ian models, mostly, with a bit of acting here and there. Lip introduced him to Mickey, because Lip met him at an interview once and there's some mutual respect there.
Mickey Colin and Iggy have a band called Viches, they do punkrock and metal, but in their later years they transition into something a little more upbeat. Their most famous song is black parade (apologies Mr Gerard way I'm borrowing it I promise I'll give it back) and they sing it at the end of every show. One of their albums is titled "Burn it Down", the cover pic is mickey edited onto a burning sofa in black and white. It's angry and pissed off at the world. The album immediately after that is titled neotheater, and it's a darker look at the trauma and how it's still affectinh them
Ian and Mickey date in secret for years, Mickey officially comes out in a music video for a song on Neotheater (the song is Get Up by Shinedown, because I fucking love that song.) The coming out song is a remix of an older piano song Mickey made.
Colin plays drums, Mickey plays bass and piano, and Iggy plays electric and hits the high notes. Mickey writes their lyrics, mostly!
Mandy has a reputation for being a slut and making filthy club music, but she wants to actually be known for her singing.
Tami raps. No one believes it when they look at her, but she makes some of the sickest female rap songs and pays so much respect to those who came before her. Her and Mandy are friends, and once Lip and Mandy call off their on again off again thing Mandy is very happy for them despite what the paps think
The internet finds out about Terry after burn it down is announced but not out yet, they accuse the band and Mandy of being Nazis and shit, so they put out a cover of tomorrow belongs to me from cabaret? It's not their usual fare, but they put it out anyway, all wearing makeup that makes them look bruised and clearly pissed off. It's controversial and powerful and I love them.
Oh, and Mickey and Iggy will full on stop shows if they see fighting in their mosh pits. You don't come to a Viches show and ignore pit ettiquite.
Hey ALICIA 💗 how are you doing? Sorry it took me a while, I have be fortunate enough to have many AUs coming my way lately and I had to give this my full attention.
Frank and Monica were part of this famous 80s band with Tommy and Kermit, their kids are like Hollywood royalty. -> Oh my god what an amazing start! I never saw this coming lol
Mickey, Colin and Iggy have a band called Viches -> I am screaminggg. this is incredible. Colin plays drums, Mickey plays bass and piano, and Iggy plays electric and hits the high notes. Mickey writes their lyrics, mostly! -> I love it! Mickey has such base player vibes. Wait who is the singer? Is Mandy a part of it all? Okay, I read further now, Mandy has her own thing (I write my response as I read lol) So you're saying Mickey is the lead singer, right? I can kinds see more writing the songs / lyrics and letting someone else sing, but this is just my headcanon. I don't see him as the front man, I like him as the Nick Jonas, if you will.
Welcome To The Black Parade is such a perfect fit.
Ian and Mickey date in secret for years -> I didn't know if we were going fake relations or secret relationship, but I like it! We don't see enough of those! (Maybe because it's literally canon but still, it's an awesome trope!) Do they both want it to be in secret? Is Ian out before Mickey comes out?
I have to admit I didn't know Get Up until now. It's definitely less angsty, which makes sense since Mickey has processed a lot of his trauma and being with Ian made him write lighter songs in a way.
Tami raps. -> HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Alicia your brain is incredible. I can feel the Iggy azalea vibes.
Tomorrow belongs to me... interesting choice... The composer, John Kander, was Jewish and openly gay. But the song has been adopted quite a bit by extremist organizations, racist bands, and neo-Nazi politicians . Like this song has actually been covered by white supremacist bands. So I don't know if that's the way I'd go with it. (Not to get too serious but I'm Jewish and I'd probably take it the wrong way if I saw a band doing that)
Maybe Rage Against The Machine's Take The Power Back Or All You Fascists (possible an acoustic version for a change of pace?) would work better, what do you think?
Anyways I want to hear more about Ian and Mickey's relationship before they came out! How long did they hide their relationship for? What pushed Mickey to want to come out at that timing? I love the world you built in this AU! Does Ian stick to modeling or will he gravitate towards acting or something else? Does he go on tour with Viches? I'm very excited about this AU
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slashingdisneypasta · 7 months
Happy Birthday!!!
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I know I sent a birthday message over your other blog, but I figured I should send one here too ^^
Also, since you love some of my OC's, I thought maybe you'd like a birthday message from them too ^^ I hope this doesn't come off egotistical.
Walking out to your living room, you were immediately met with the sight of a certain fox lounging across your couch like he owned the place. If you didn't know this guy, you would have called the police right away... Honestly you probably still should. Knowing him, he was only here because he needed something or he was running from someone. But- "Howdy there, beautiful. Rough night~?"
Knowing he was referring to your state, having just awoken, you cross your arms and raise a brow at his own unkempt appearance, "Hello pot, my name is kettle. How are you?"
"Ooohhh, never heard that one, before~"
You opened your mouth to reply, before your eyes landed on the coffee table and saw something that certainly wasn't there the night before; a lovely, decorated cake with unlit green candles on top. Seeing your shocked expression, Henry hummed and flicked his tail in that way that you weren't entirely sure what he was thinking, "'Bout time you noticed... The bakery was throwing it out. I don't like cake, so it's for you."
"... The bakery was going to throw out this fancy cake, with candles on it, that just so happens to have 'Hannah' written on it?"
"... Yes."
All you could do was shake your head. Henry was such a jerk... But he was your jerk, "Pfft. I love you too."
When your coworker called you over, claiming someone was on the phone looking for you, you had a few ideas on who it could have been. It was a little nerve wracking, wondering why you were being called while you were on the clock, "Hello?"
"Hannah, baby!" All of your worries dashed away as soon as you heard Shiny's voice on the other line. She never would have called you if it was an emergency, "I meant to catch you before you went to work. I had a late night last night, hehe."
"You mean later than usual?"
"Yeah." You could already see her tired grin and her rolling her shoulders, in that pretty, relaxed way that made you smile. There was a pause over the phone, and it sounded like she was taking a sip of something- more than likely coffee- before she continued, "So, how's my aged beauty doing~?"
"Ohhh don't even joke like that, ma'am. I'm not ready for it."
"Ah, I remember feeling that way." The weasel lady chuckled, making you shake your head in amusement, "It'll go away once you reach my age, I promise."
"Says the lady who's only 37."
"To-may-to, to-mah-to, whatever. Anyways! You don't need to get in trouble, so I'll make this quick." You could hear rustling in the background on Shiny's end. It sounded like she was moving clothes around. Possibly laundry? Or just getting ready for her day? You wouldn't put it past her if she called you in the middle of her morning routine, "So, did'ya know that there's a birthday special at the club?"
Oh? "There is? You never mentioned it before."
"Uh-huh. You get your choice of a free shake or plate of nachos! And a private show with a lucky dancer~"
Either this was a new development at Shiny's club, or this was her way of trying to convince you to come over and hang out with her and Terry. Not that she needed to try that hard, "Do I still have to pay for the dance, then?"
"Hmmm... If the dancer of your choosing decides it~"
"Does it have to be a dance? Or can the dancer just sit and share my nachos or shake?"
"Oh she definitely will. No amount of money can beat free food."
You couldn't help the chuckle escaping you. Shiny could never be subtle, "I can't argue that... Lemme think about it. I made plans today after work."
"Ah, fair enough." Her voice lost the playful edge in her voice, taking a warmer, content tone, "Well, either way, in case we don't catch each other, happy birthday, little witch."
You didn't expect the knock on your door so late- well, it wasn't late late, but still an unexpected time for guests. But seeing who it was through the peephole, you happily opened the door, grinning ear to ear when you saw the two familiar, fluffy faces, "Moony! You brought Cake!"
"Yeah, she missed you." The wolfs tail was already wagging excitedly as he carefully stepped inside, having to duck under your doorframe. The little rabbit tucked in his arms looked ready to hop into yours, making Moony chuckle, "See?"
The two of you shared a laugh. It took a moment before Cake was calm enough to be put down and not try to climb all over you. Once she dashed off to explore your house and to find Ghost, Moony looked to you with a guilty neck rub, "I'm sorry I never got back to you yesterday."
"That's alright. We both had pretty full days."
"Still. I didn't get to give you this." Reaching inside his flannel, Moony pulled out a box that could fit inside his palm. Though considering how huge his hands were, that wasn't saying much. His toothy grin was a little lopsided, almost like a nervous boy asking out his first crush, "Happy belated birthday, Hannah."
"Oh. Moony, you didn't have to!" You felt your heart grow all fuzzy without even knowing what was in the box, yet. You knew Moony; it was definitely something he put a lot of thought and love into. Something he knew for a fact that you would love ^^
"What kind of birthday would it be if you didn't get something?" Moony shrugged as he handed you the nicely wrapped box. Before you could open your gift, he pointed a thumb to the front door, "And, as a bonus, I thought I could offer my services."
"Yeah. You bought too many books, didn't you?" His soft smile turned into a teasing grin as he crossed his arms, chuckling when you huffed at him, "I thought so. Lucky for you, I brought my tools so I could extend your bookshelf. I can be in and out before you and your folks settle down for the night. Whaddya say?"
I hope these put a smile to your face! Have a good rest of your birthday!!! 💚💚💚
THANK YOU SARAHHHH!! Omg, afhgasydfauscvutAGCSYfcquv, Moony in flannel you say??? Moony coming to build me a damn bookcase??? That is HUSBAND FUCKING ACTIVITY. Jesus damn christ. I- I- and SHINY CALLING ME ALL TIRED FROM HER NIGHT JUST TO TEASE ME AND OFFER ME NACHOS WITH HER AND TERRY??? H e l l yes I'll make it there!!
And- and- oh my god. HENRY!! That one is so damn cute, I cant XDD UGHHHHHHHH i love him!!! And i hate him. My villain-loving nature is killing me with him XDDD
I really cant express how much I love these. I'm actually tagging them though, so I can find them again-- and I never really tags asks. So that should tell you something XD
Thank you so much!!! ^^ <3<3<3
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b1rdeyes · 1 year
Alr so watched first two eps of s5 wwdits and my thoughts (in a numbered list woohoo):
1) Wait so the doc is called “what we do in the shadows” in universe?? Are they gonna have like a premiere ep way later in the series (like the offices qna kinda thing).
2) honestly I’m much happier than I was with the s4 premiere. I remember being pretty disappointed that we didn’t rlly get much from their Europe trip. I was so hoping that nadja and Guillermo would be friends/have mutual respect (quite a few ppl were talking ab it and I felt like it could have worked well and in hindsight we might have avoided the Freddie incident 😭). I remember being so mad like WHAT WE SKIPPED A WHOLE YEAR AND NOTHING CHANGED WITH GUILLERMO HE GOT SHIPPED IN A CRATE AGAIN?? I did like plenty of s4 (go flip yourself ep my beloved) but I wasn’t OBSESSED like I was with s1-3. I feel like this season might get me back into it more
3) love Colin he’s just always the same it never gets old lmaoo
4) just realized Derek’s wearing a collar and like punk pants lmaooo he’s getting a new look (maybe it’s not new at all but I only just noticed it now 😭)
5) the Sean fight at the bar lmaoo AND THEY STOLE THE POLICE CAR 💀💀 also laszlo’s pronunciation strikes again (“mutha-fuck-aas”) AND THE EVIL LAUGH AFTER “eat shit TERRY”
6) I KNEW LASZLO DIDNT ACTUALLY KNOW (well I only started thinking that when he was ab to confront Guillermo but 😭) WHYD U LET IT SLIP GUILLERMO
7) Based on some of the promo plz let Guillermo and laszlo be friends (I’m so desperate for at least one of them to treat him with a little bit of kindness consistently)
8) I want Guillermo to do some cool stuff so bad 😭. Like cmon do some special van helsing vampire kills. Ig he can’t slay anymore cause he’s also a vampire but PLEASE
9) Saw someone talk ab how the camera crew is more involved and yes it’s very interesting 👁👁
10) wondering ab what they’ll do with guide cause they added her to the intro (I am fairly certain that wasn’t in s4) cause she wasn’t in the first ep AT ALL
11) I hope they bring nadja into the main story with smth unique. Laszlo found out and is getting involved (kinda training him considering the promo). Guillermo is nandors familiar so there’s a lot of possible material involving nandor regarding his vampirism. Nadja rn seems like she’s stuck in this b team plotline with the guide. I will definitely wait and see, but considering it seems like just the guide faking the hex and nadja learning to be nice I’m prob going to be more into the Guillermo stuff (and that seems like it’ll mainly involve just laszlo and nandor)
Anyways, I really enjoyed it and I’ll just keep hoping that Guillermo will one day have one of the main vampires be kind to him (((:
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Spoilers for DNDADs season 2 episode 23
This is just a theory about what we saw in that episode! Also kinda just my thoughts on what certain things could have meant!
Taylor looked like glenn in the church of the doodler, and scary looked like Ron, while link looked like darryl. I know it probably wasn’t completely meant to be like this, picture this!
Link as the control group! He’s adopted! But he still looked like his adopted grandpa! So I’m thinking… that the person you looked like had more to do with your emotional parent/the one you view as your parent than the one who helped bring you into this world! And it probably has to do with who your dad views as their parent!
So in relation to scary and Taylor! It means that deep down, scary probably views terry as her new dad, even though she’s mad at him cause “why should he love me even though my bio dad doesn’t?”
While Taylor views Nick as his dad, Nick definitely seems to view both Glenn and Jodie as his dad, but now that I think about it, the only reason why Taylor didn’t turn into Jodie is cause he wasn’t in the memory for realsies! He was just a voice over the phone! So it’s possible that if Jodie was in the dream, Taylor could have looked like a horrible amalgamation between glenn and Jodie!
I’m not gonna count Hermie cause it was probably one of the only ways that Anthony would have been able to tell us that he’s Jodie and Scams kid.
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