#dramione blurbs
elliebyrrdwrites · 4 months
There was nothing more lovely than the sight of a wide-eyed, open mouthed Hermione Granger. She was awe-struck by his confession, one he hadn’t given anyone. A truth he kept hidden away since he was ten years old.
Well, there might be something more beautiful.
It was the flare of indignation that crept slowly into her sparkling brown eyes as his words sunk into her.
“What do you mean, it started at the beginning? The beginning of what?”
Draco shrugged, muscles loosened from the small amount of alcohol coursing through his system. “Of school.”
She was scowling at him. “How is that possible?”
Draco shrugged, finding it hard to put into words the complex and twisted lines of fate that led him here. “It just is.” He straightened and lifted his menu again. “Shall we order?”
“We were ten.”
“And I was already in love, imagine that.”
“You’re a liar.”
He was. And he was currently lying. Well, actually, he was elaborating. Draco was ten when he first found himself compelled with Hermione Granger. The fact of the matter was that it developed into a crush around third year and he believed he fell in love with her during their sixth year.
“You had a lot of hair.” He watched her face turn red and her nostrils flare. “And your teeth,” He flicked his hand toward her face. “They were quite large.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” She pushed out through clenched teeth.
Draco battled with the need to calm her down, to tell her how fucking fascinating he had found her and also with the need to get her worked up. She had tricked him into this date, after all. It only seemed fair.
Besides, when Hermione was upset, she got flushed, her eyes brighter than usual. It allowed him to imagine her flush and bright in other positions. Like in his lap and with him tucked deep inside of her.
“You asked me when it started.” Draco lifted a hand for the waiter, signaling for assistance.
“You are the worst.” She pushed away from the table.
“Granger,” He sighed. But she was already rushing out of the restaurant, away from him.
Draco quickly paid for their drinks before running after her. She was already trudging through the field, past the little farm. He marveled at how quickly she moved when she was upset and not wearing heels.
“Granger,” He called, jogging after her.
“Go away.”
“Well, you know I can’t do that.”
She stopped and spun to face him. “You ruin everything.”
He smiled at the way the wind ripped at her hair, pulling strands and wrapping them around one another. Her hair was naturally wild and here in the wind, it looked at home. He loved her hair.
She growled. “You think this is some kind of a joke. But you know what, Malfoy, I’m tired of being the butt of all your jokes.”
Draco’s smile faded at her words. At the way she turned her back on him again and marched up the hill. She was aiming for the spot they had arrived with the Portkey.
He had teased her, relentlessly, as children. He didn't know how to tackle his obsession with her then, he only knew what he was ordered to do. Which was to hate her, minimize her. She had seemed so fucking resilient that he believed her impervious to his vitriol. It made him even more fascinated with her.
“Where are you going?”
“Anywhere where you aren’t.”
“That’s impossible.” He sighed, catching up to her with his long strides. He was walking beside her now and watched as she kept pushing curls away from her face, throwing her shoulders back each time as they worked their way up the hill. On her fourth attempt to pick hair out of her mouth, Draco latched onto her wrist and pulled her to a stop.
“Granger,” He sighed. “Would you calm down?”
“Calm down?” She shoved at his chest with one hand, pulling her other hand free. Draco lit up at the feel of her hand pressing into him. At the combative way she shoved and pulled, her hair flying wildly around. “Stop telling me what to do! I am not a child!” She pulled her hand from his chest and spun to leave.
But Draco was still holding onto her and the grass was still wet.
Hermione slipped and went down, taking Draco with her.
With a grunt and a yelp, they fell and tumbled several feet down the hillside.
Draco managed to wrap her up in his arms as they rolled and when they came to a halt, she was beneath him, panting and wide-eyed.
Draco’s hands were stuck between her and the ground, his legs straddled her hips. Her hands were stuck between their bodies.
That was when he realized how cold she was. Her skin was pebbled, her body trembled beneath this, despite the flush brightening her cheeks.
Words began to tumble free from him. “I had never met anyone like you. You tore into that compartment like you owned the damn train.”
Her eyes found his mouth.
“And I liked your teeth.” He exhaled and her eyes lifted to his eyes.
“You did?” Her voice was broken and soft.
Draco was so close to her, he could taste her breath. It caused visceral reactions, it caused reactions that went soul deep. He nodded, lowering his head just enough to brush the tip of her nose with his.
“I did. I do.” He murmured.
She leaned up into him, straining her neck enough that Draco lowered his head some more, and brushed his lips against her cheek. Her hands latched onto the fabric of his shirt.
Her breath shuddered against his face, and the urge to drag his teeth along her skin, his lips across her mouth was too overwhelming, and so he moved his lips lower, towards the corner of her lips.
“Draco, get to Hambleden now.” Theo’s voice suddenly erupted into the night, startling both of them.
He looked over his shoulder to find Theo’s silver fox Patronus standing before them. He didn’t like the tone to his voice. Hermione’s hands fell away and Draco had to pull her up with him in order to gain control of his hands again.
“Do you think Harry is okay?” She looked scared and Draco’s resolve hardened.
“I don’t know. Let’s go find out.” He pulled her to her feet and together, they apparated out of East Cumbria and into Hambleden.
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myfeetrcolddd · 7 months
What if?
When she was very young Hermione had met a boy.
He was pale, and his hair so blonde it looked white, and at their young age he already had a small scowl.
She hadn't thought much about him at first, not until he began to monopolize on her one and only friends time, because at that age Hermione had already begun having trouble making friends.
So, she became somewhat possessive of that friend, in the end she became better friends with the small blonde boy. The best of friends.
He really was the only person who talked to her. Though, she wasn't quite aware of it.
After that year of friendship, the boy had disappeared and for years she wondered about the boy with hair so blonde it was white, the boy who despite his small scowl never seemed to scowl in her presence.
When she got her letter to Hogwarts she had even wondered if he had gotten one. If he did, would he remember her? Did he think of her as much as she thought about him?
Growing up Hermione still struggled with making friends, and she never felt as though she had met anyone who she liked as much as she had liked him, no one as close the two of them had became.
What she hadn't expected was to actually see him that first day. He was taller, not taller than her yet, and he had begun to slick back his hair and his scowl had grown.
He hardly looked anything like the boy she remembered but she knew it was him.
His blue eyes snapped to hers, and she saw the recognition flicker in his eyes and it was like a reel of memories flashed before her eyes. Of their families dining together, having each other over.
She smiled at him, but his face remained indifferent. His eyes glazed over and it no longer seemed like he recognized her, it was like he was looking at a stranger.
For someone so smart Hermione Granger could never quite grasp how to make and keep friends. Though, with Draco she thought she had perfected it, and all her other friendships were her grasping on the one she had with him.
Admittedly it had not only been friendly feelings she had for the boy. Her feelings for him, her first real friend, had branched into something more. Something she never quite got over.
And even as the years went on, as he continued to ignore her and their history, she thought about him and what could have been. If she had been more out going and confronted him. If she hadn't befriended Ron and Harry, would Draco have eventually warmed up?
She would never know, she would only ever be haunted by what might have been. Forced to play the 'what if' game every day before bed and every time she saw him in the halls or read of him in the papers.
So this is my first Dramione fic. Probs my last.
It's heavily based on my life and a friendship I had...
So if this makes no sense just keep scroling<3
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crumbledcastle28 · 6 months
Green Eyes, Red Face - crumbledcastle28 - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
I have finished my dramione novella! I would love it if you checked it out :)
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softly-potter · 3 months
Stand Still Like a Hummingbird
Summary: Hermione learns of Draco’s indiscretions during their break.
Pairing: Draco X Hermione
Word count: 196
A/N: Inspired by episode 5 of season 2 of Euphoria
‪“Open the fucking door Malfoy” ‬Hermione cried, banging on the panel again, hard. Behind her, Harry was silent, ready for the inevitable when Hermione accepted what Draco had done.
“What kind of fucking friend are you?” She cried, her voice wobbling, a mix of sorrow and anger. “This isn’t about Pansy. This is about you, and me and our friendship, if you can even call it that, and if you wanna throw it away than fine. I don’t wanna be fucking friends with you either.”
She rattled the knob again, hoping maybe this time it’ll unlock, that Draco will step out and tell her it was a lie. That he hadn’t been seeing Pansy behind her back. That even though they hadnt been together, they both agreed to honor their relationship while they took a step back.
“You’re a fucking coward and I would’ve never done this to you.” She sobbed, forehead leaving against the door. “Just tell me was she worth it? You owe me that.”
Eventually when he didn’t answer, Harry grabbed Hermione by the elbow, and she let herself be lead from the room, dropping their apartment key by the sink before they left.
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nik2blog · 8 months
"The Shadows We Inherit"
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In the aftermath of the wizarding war, Hogwarts stands as a scarred but resilient bastion of hope. Yet, an ominous undercurrent threatens to unravel the hard-won peace. Draco Malfoy, shackled by the weight of his family's dark history, and Hermione Granger, bearing the emotional toll of battle, find themselves reluctantly entwined in a web of mystery and danger.
As a new school year progresses, Draco and Hermione, appointed by the Ministry to investigate, uncover a world hidden in plain sight. A secret society emerges from the shadows, manipulating the lingering dark magic for their own sinister purposes.
The duo, forced to collaborate, embark on a perilous journey to unravel the conspiracy. Hidden passages, ancient spells, and long-buried secrets lead them deeper into the heart of darkness. Along the way, they confront old prejudices, grapple with their own demons, and discover unexpected allies in the unlikeliest places.
As the line between light and dark blurs, Draco and Hermione find themselves questioning everything they thought they knew. Loyalties waver, alliances shift, and a forbidden connection blossoms amidst the chaos. The forbidden nature of their growing bond intensifies as they navigate the treacherous landscape of deception and intrigue.
In this world where trust is a rare commodity, love becomes both a sanctuary and a battleground. Can Draco and Hermione defy the shadows that threaten to consume them, or will their burgeoning love become collateral damage in the ongoing war between darkness and light? The corridors of Hogwarts whisper with secrets, and the fate of the wizarding world rests on the choices made in the heart of the darkness they seek to conquer.
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lost-in-wond3rland · 2 years
This but make it Dramione but from Draco’s POV like he wrote this. Like imagine it’s the summer after the war and Draco and Hermione meet at a bar in muggle London bECUASE Draco is angst and Hermione got into a fight with Ron so they decide to take a break for the summer. So they get drunk and they fuck. Hermione is gonna leave the next morning but Draco asks if she wants to get coffee and she decides fuck it why not. And so begins their illicit fair! They spend a whole summer getting to know each other, helping each other through nightmares and trauma of the war, becoming best friends, getting to know the others body better than they’ve known their own. They go on secret dates, share secrets, stay up until sunrise on a roof together, have a bonfire on the beach. Hermione paints while Draco writes. She grounds Draco, and is the only person besides his mother that lets him believe that maybe, just maybe, he’s good. He’s not as evil as everyone makes him think he is. She paints him and he writes and reads her poetry. Only for fall to hit and 8th year to start (I love the 8th year trope fight me-) and Hermione walk into the great hall holding Ron’s hand and smiling happily as Draco watches, not surprised she chose Weasley in the end but disappointed and wrecked because even though he know they would never be together, he fell in love with her anyway…
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authorotosykarim · 5 months
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Finally I published it.
I’ve been writing a new Dramione story and hope everyone will love it🫶🏻
Title - Blank Space.
Rated - E.
Theme - Romance with dark mystery.
Blurb - Years after the death of his wife Draco has somehow managed to create a life with his son whom he loved and wanted to protect from everything. That was until Hermione Granger decided to interfere in his small life. As his son grew closer to her, Draco found himself falling for someone whom he never considered. With the evil lurking in the shadows and the newfound feelings....he knew only one thing.
He was doomed.
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me sitting here giggling over the “slytherin boys react” povs on tiktok knowing damn well i haven’t read the fics that enzo and mattheo are from.
like i love and adore theo and blaise from dramione and drarry fics, and i feel like i’ve got a good grasp on their characters. theo is my favorite, i’ve got a soft spot for him. but it’s taken me a bit to grasp what enzo and mattheo are like. tom is just not for me personally, but i see the appeal.
i have a question tho…
✨does anyone want a version of the “how the slytherin boys would react” on here?✨
i may add to this list later, but i think rn i would only do it for the following characters since i feel the most comfortable writing for them:
theodore nott
lorenzo berkshire
mattheo riddle
regulus black
(i’m also considering adding these characters to my regular list that i write for. i’ve written for regulus before, and you can find those fics on my masterlist, but i haven’t for the rest of them. if anyone has any regular requests for them, im happy to take them.)
so, is anyone interested? it would be like little blurbs and things like the ones you see on tiktok, just something for each of the boys. i really do sit on my phone and scroll through these accounts for way too long and giggle reading them, and i think they’d be so fun.
if anyone has any requests for this, please send them in! im happy to give this a try :)
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justonemorewallflower · 7 months
* stranger things: nancy wheeler, robin buckley, ronance, max mayfield, mike wheeler, madwheeler, will byers, byler
* wednesday: wednesday addams, tyler galpin, wyler
* harry potter: hermione granger, draco malfoy, dramione, siruis black, remus lupin, wolfstar
* anne with an e: anne shirley cuthbert, gilbert blythe, shirbert
* hunger games: lucy gray baird, coriolanus snow, snowbaird
* marvel: miles morales, gwen stacy, gwiles (spiderverse only)
* battlestar galactica: kara "starbuck" thrace, lee "apollo" adama, starpollo, sam t. anders, anastasia "dee" dualla
* if you have any questions about any of my fandoms or ships, feel free to ask! i may be forgetting some or if you're just wanting to know about any ships or fandoms i haven't listed!
- fandoms: wednesday, stranger things, harry potter, anne with an e, hunger games, battlestar galactica
- fandoms i'm in but don't write a lot (or write nothing) for: star wars, marvel, maze runner, how to train your dragon, disney, she-ra, gravity falls, star versus the forces of evil, the owl house, carnival row, spiderverse, lord of the rings, the hobbit, chronicles of narnia, miss peregrine's home for peculiar children, ever after high, teen wolf, merlin, and heartstopper
- ships: my main four are wyler, ronance, starpollo, and dramione. but my entire list consists of those, reylo, madwheeler, byler, wolfstar, snowbaird, starco, gwiles, and shirbert
- drabbles, blurbs, one shots, fanfics and fanfic concepts
- fluff, smut, angst, and whump
not writing but i also enjoy making moodboards/aesthetics and gifsets (though i am still learning gifs)
i also enjoy compiling/making playlists!!
- reader inserts, just not something i'm super comfortable with
- along with reader inserts is any ocs × canon characters. i prefer to write canon characters × canon characters as it's easier for me and just my preference
- toxic/bad ships, for example: snape and hermione. and i will absolutely not write ships for characters that are related to each other or have a major age difference!!! or any weird ones like dobby × harry.
- certain tws! anything that relates to r*pe, incest, pedophilia, eating disorders, sewerslide, etc. other tws i have written before and are okay for me to write, like self-harm, suicidal thoughts, heavy angst/whump, blood/violence, etc. if you're unsure you can always ask me, or i'll let you know if i'd prefer not to write a certain topic
- crack ships, it's just not my thing as i don't really write anything that's meant to be super/only comical
- certain characters: this goes along with the toxic ships, etc. but there are certain characters i will refuse to write. an example is billy hargrove or peter petigrew. the reasons of why i won't may vary but it shall be respected regardless
if you have any questions about any of this feel free to comment them, pm me, or send em in asks!
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themagicalmolly · 2 years
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Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44163784/chapters/111054493
Read on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/331548605-lumos-lattes
Post-Cannon/Alternate Ending (basically ignoring the epilogue of Deathly Hallows because I hate it)
Hermione Granger has been living in the Muggle world for nearly a decade after The Battle of Hogwarts. She wanted a break from the pressures and prejudices of the Wizarding World and has found peace in the simplicity of a life where magic and politics aren't at the forefront. She now owns a small coffee shop in Edinburgh called The Witch's Brew that serves Muggles and the occasional witch or wizard. She uses magic simply for personal delight and has loosened up a bit since her school days, embracing living in a world where there aren't a dozen preconceived notions about her.
Until the day Draco Malfoy walks into her coffee shop, looking for nothing more than a black coffee and some solace, unknowing just who owns the establishment he's wandered into. Hermione never knew what became of Draco after the War and once she finds out things between them will never be the same.
Can time heal old wounds? Can forgiveness ever be earned by someone like Draco Malfoy? Can hate turn to friendship? Can friendship turn to love?
COVER ART BY @markibreet @marinthecottage
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ghostiewriter · 2 years
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Hello, hello!!
It honestly feels a little bit insane writing this post because holy shit??? one thousand people is a lot of people?? I feel a bit exposed and extremely sorry for the shit show that is this blog BUT THAT ISN’T THE POINT OF THIS POST!
I wanted to do something in return and the only thing I can really do is write, so here we are. I thought it would be kinda cute to do a little celebration with blurbs and prompts sent in by you! 
I thought it would be cute to send in any prompts/blurbs/headcanons you had for any ship or character or platonic pairing you have. The catch being that it is from a world/universe that already exists in my writing (examples: british!jj, morally grey!dramione, established!gwynriel, only fans!kiara) or even concepts we have spoken about that I haven’t just gotten around to writing just yet (examples: emo!jj, f1 jiara, cuddly!azriel, fwb!rivusa, soft steve and max)!! But I can’t lie and say that if you send in a whole new concept, there is a high chance I will probably still write it🤡
All you have to do is send in a request with the 👻emoji! It can be a drabble or a headcanon or whatever you desire, but I’ll write something on it. There’s very few things that I wouldn’t feel comfortable writing about so go wild! It can be fluff or angst or smut or hurt/comfort or pure crack! Got an au you’ve been wanting to read for again? A concept you’re dying to talk about? Pure driven filth you wanna spill? Now is the time to share!
I am opening up my inbox for requests from now until 7th December!!! After this, I will be deleting any requests I get. Remember, it can be for a romantic pairing or even a platonic one! Even just focused on a single character if you like!
Thank you so very much for one thousand followers, it truly is insane and I am so sorry for anything you have seen on this blog🤍
-ghostie xx 
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elliebyrrdwrites · 4 months
Draco continues to dip into the kitty
Draco wasn’t through with her. He wasn’t done basking in this moment. This moment that he had been dreaming about for fucking years. Ever since he was a boy who could get a hard on, and wanted to see naked women and fist himself while thinking of the female anatomy, he had wanted hers. On him, under him, on display.
And now she was coming onto his hand and onto his tongue and he couldn’t be harder. He couldn't be happier. Which wasn't something Draco ever really allowed himself to be.
But right now, it seemed easy to let loose just a little bit.
When the waves of pleasure finished rolling through her, Draco pushed the material of her dress up higher, over her stomach, where he placed his mouth, kissing her there. He pushed it up over her chest, exposing the black, shiny bra.
“This dress is lovely,” He murmured as he pressed his lips in between her breasts. “But I’m afraid it’s useless at this point.”
Hermione’s eyes fluttered open, and she nodded silently as she lifted her shoulders so that he could finish pulling it off and over her head.
He tossed it to the floor and resumed the journey up, kissing her clavicle, her neck, just under her jaw. He slid his tongue over the shell of her ear, causing her to shudder.
But her hands were roaming his back, and over his shoulders and she was still whimpering. He placed a hand on either side of her head and captured her mouth again. He wondered what she thought of the taste of herself on his lips. He thought she tasted like the most decadent piece of fruit. He wondered what it was like to mix the flavor of his breath and the flavor of her cunt. He had no perspective on the matter, so he kissed her deeper, forcing her to experience it for him.
Hermione placed a hand on his face, deepening the kiss before he managed to break it, panting heavily into her mouth.
“Draco,” She pulled his name out, slowly, dragging the O like it was something that might increase the pleasure of their bodies meeting. “Please take your pants off.”
Draco chuckled gently against her mouth before pulling back.
She used that opportunity to reach for him, beating him to the belt looped through his pants. She fumbled with the buckle, struggling and frantic to get at him.
Gods, this was better than he had ever imagined. Not only was she willingly taking him, but she wanted him. She was desperate for him.
He lifted his hands from his his belt and watched her struggle.
She sighed impatiently and glared up at him.
He shrugged a shoulder and smirked at her. “I enjoy watching you struggle. As long as its for my cock, of course.”
“Draco,” Her voice was chastising.
He didn’t move his hands to help her. He waited, patiently, while his cock angrily protested and strained painfully against the fabric of his trousers. When she finally got the buckle undone, she tore through the button of his pants and lowered the zipper.
Draco watched as she dampened her lips with her tongue, a sort of wild and eager look in those big brown eyes. Even in the dark of her room, they were visible. Bright and beautiful.
Hermione tugged his pants down and watched as his cock sprang free. She was staring at it, her face so close that when she sighed, her breath tickled the tight skin pulled around the head. He dick was throbbing and weeping, begging to be inside of her.
She fisted him, sliding her hand over him, her wrist twisting with the clever little motion. Cleverest, brightest witch, indeed. How’d he know she’d be so good at this?
She kissed the head of his cock before running her tongue over it, curling it around to pulse against the seam underneath.
Draco hissed through his teeth, bringing his hand up to her cheek. His thumb stroked gently against the hollow of her cheeks as she wrapped her lips around him, as she slid her mouth up and down his shaft, slowly running her tongue over and under.
Draco was jerking, his hips bucking with every pass of her lips and ever sweep of her tongue.
And then he was hitting the back of her throat as she began to suck in earnest, bobbing her head and forcing him to fuck her mouth.
Draco had never known a more beautiful sight.
Draco had never imagined she would be so lovely with her lips wrapped around him, no matter how many times he had fantasized about it.
But he didn’t want the first time he came with her to be inside of her mouth.
He wanted to bury himself deep inside of her cunt, wrap his arms around her body, fuck her slow and for hours. He wanted to expand the pleasure, stretch it out over an undetermined amount of time as he dragged his cock slowly through her, feel her clench around him like she did his fingers.
And then he wanted to fill her up with his seed, risk ruining her for anyone else. She couldn’t be anyone else’s. Not after tonight.
Draco’s hands pulled her hair into a makeshift ponytail. Capturing it all in one hand, he pulled her off his dick and dropped onto the bed to kiss her. There was a renewed sense of possessiveness overtaking him.
It had always been there, something he had tampered into a mere smolder over the years.
But seeing her mouth wrapped around him was enough to ignite it into a five alarm fire.
He shoved her down onto the bed and pushed her thighs open with his knees.
His mouth overtook hers, hungrily seeking out every bit of air inside of her lungs as she kissed him back just as greedily.
It was sloppy and wet and was enough to cause Draco’s chest to expand astronomically as he lined the head of his cock to her wet, slick folds, nudging at the opening there.
She hissed, pulling away and made to reach down for him, to hurry up and guide him inside, but Draco took her hand and pinned it above her head, quickly adding the other one. He held her down with one hand before he moved caught her lip with his teeth.
He was always so jealous of her own teeth for being able to nibble on that fat little lip and he was punishing her for it. He was taking it for himself as he finally slid inside of her.
Hermione moaned and it sounded like she was singing softly into his ear. She clenched around him and wrapped her legs around his hips, tugging him closer, nestling him inside of her as deep as she possibly could.
He released her lip and rested his forehead against hers, breathing and waiting for his cock to calm down. He wasn’t going to last long if she kept this up.
Because her pussy was so tight, and so wet. It felt like a silk glove. It felt like he might never feel this good again. It caused his body to tremble as he held himself up over her, one hand planted firmly into the mattress beside her head.
Still holing her hands with his other hand, he closed his eyes and breathed.
Lips coasted his and he opened his eyes to find her staring up at him, completely unguarded. Her bright eyes were soft and vulnerable but there was something so fucking sweet inside of them as she planted kisses to his mouth, his cheeks, his jaw. Pulling back in between each one to look at him, to eye him. To gauge him, he assumed.
“Draco,” She purred, clenching around him again.
He groaned — no, he whimpered — as he started to move inside of her, in and out; slow, devious strokes into her, out of her, into her, out of her, intoherintoherintoher. He pressed his hips firmly against hers, ensuring that his pelvic bone moved against her clit as he rolled his hips into her.
She was moaning little praises of approval, her nails digging into his back, causing him to shudder and shiver, appreciatively. And then she was moving her hips in little semi-circles and digging her heels into the bed, lifting her hips to meet him for every stroke.
Their thrusts and gyrations became erratic and soon they were panting loudly and Draco was fucking her until her pleasure ripped through her again. Her moan was like a scream, a cathartic release of years worth of frustration and desire.
Draco fucked her throughout the rippling after effects of her orgasm until he was groaning loudly and into her mouth, her lips capturing his as he came.
When they were completely wrung out, panting and Draco had collapsed on top of her, both of them closing their eyes in a new euphoric type of relaxation, Hermione dropped her hands to the bed.
Draco realized he never took her bra off, never got to marvel at those spectacular tits as he fucked her.
“I’m still mad at you.” She rasped into the dark room, causing Draco to snort and shake his head, his nose grazing her ear as he shook his head.
“I don’t think you’ll ever stop being mad at me, kitten.” He kissed the side of her head. “Not if I’m doing things right, that is.”
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Dramione blurb
note: i just melt at draco being incapable of keeping it together
“Come ooooon, Draco,” she whined. He couldn’t remember when that had started but unlike every other one of his past girlfriends, it was endearing to him. He had lost focus staring at the alabaster skin of his hand, which was reddening under the sun, wrapped up in her sun freckled dark fingers. Her nails were painted a soft green color. He wondered if she had done it for him. He hoped she had, but the thought that she would do it was making him weak in the knees so he had to push the thought aside again. Her whining was incessant but wasn’t because of jealousy or asking for his attention. She was just excited, yanking him along for the ride. The muggle crowd was impossibly thick and getting tighter and tighter now, so he pulled her back toward him, getting them closer together. She looked back at him, brown eyes shining with excitement and curiosity.
“I didn’t want to lose you in the crowd.” He had never felt pathetic before they started dating. Not in a demeaning way but… he couldn’t help but sound lame when he lost his thoughts looking at her. Had she always been like that? Had he mistaken it for fury, anger, hatred, when he was a child? Now he knew better. Now he knew it was love.
“Malfoy, I swear if we are late!”
“Come on Granger, we left two hours earlier than necessary!” She had a cheeky grin on her face and she paused just to press a kiss to his cheek.
“Thank you, my love, for coming.”
“You’re welcome, gorgeous woman. You know I would go to the ends of the earth for you.” The last bit was swallowed by the wind, but it didn’t matter, because despite it all, he knew she knew that he would.
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crumbledcastle28 · 5 months
I have a compilation of dramione one-shots going on over on ao3 if anyone is interested! I have the link below :)
Peerings - crumbledcastle28 - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
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dhr-ao3 · 6 months
Dramione Drabble/Blurb Series
Dramione Drabble/Blurb Series https://ift.tt/wtMn45B by EllieByrrdWrites (CSKasem) These are little blurbs/drabbles that are all meant to connect. A series of short bursts of fictions on a tumultuous relationship between Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger. Words: 5276, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Dramione - Fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/kB56rK7 April 03, 2024 at 12:34AM
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harryforvogue · 7 months
CAN WE HAVE A BELATED VALENTINES BLURBS FOR ONE OF YOUR COUPLES ??? MAYBE HARRY AND LUCIA !!!!! and maybe you can include some more about her OCD, i love the way you portray it and have written about it a lot . and how harry accepts her and deals with her compulsions etc it is so important and lovely to read :) <3
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