#she goes back to this style after joining the project
strangefable · 2 years
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Look at this gorgeous portrait of Micah that @socially-awkward-skeleton gave me. 🥺😍🥺😍🥺😍 Look at my deputy, look how perfectly Skelly captured her. I am in awe, I love it so so so much <3 <3 <3 Thank you so much, Skelly, it's amazing!
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mimicmockingbirds · 2 years
OK, but hear me out
Say Ride the Cyclone were to be adapted into a film; imagine how much fun it would be to see it animated.
Because for the main plot, like the intro song and the mostly dialogue scenes in limbo, you could easily do a stylistic, but still grounded in realism style that a lot of modern animated projects are doing right now (think Arcane or Into the Spider Verse). But once each of the kids go into their respective songs/fantasies for what their life could have been? What if those were done in completely different styles?? Imagine the additional, visual storytelling that would tell about who they are as characters?
Like say, for Ocean's number, WTWN, everything became more simplified, and the characters (especially Ocean herself) turned into a more rounded, chibi-like style to enhance just how cutesy and likeable she's trying to portray herself throughout that number.
Or for Noel's Lament, everything goes black and white, and the characters become even more 2D stylized, and the film scales down to a smaller millimeter frame, more reminiscent of cartoons from the early 20's, when animation was just starting out, to enhance his idealization of "the olden days" (as Ocean puts it).
Mischa's song, This Song is Awesome could be animated with a more choppy frame rate, and the character designs turn a little more jagged around the edges, kind of like animated music videos (I'm thinking a Gorillaz band vibe). But as he transitions into singing about Talia, the colors start to bleed out over their lineart, and become more paint-like and Talia herself moves like a rotoscoped character (think Loving, Vincent that came out a few years ago) to enhance the sense that she's somewhere between a real person and a fantasy Mischa's built in his mind.
Ricky's song would, of course, be stylized after those sci-fi cartoons from the 90's, like X-Men or Captain Planet.
For the Ballad of Jane Doe, I would love to see something like what Wolfwalkers did back in 2020, where most of the characters (in this case, the other kids) are for the most part, animated like traditional, 2D characters with very clean lines and neat movements, whereas Jane herself stands out for having messier, sketchy line art, and looks more and more unfinished in her animation as the song goes on, because she can feel more and more of her own identity being lost.
Constance's Sugar Cloud I could see done in the classic 2D Disney style (i.e., the Renaissance era of Disney, like the Lion King or Little Mermaid days) because not only is it really smooth and colorful and just all around nice to look at, but it reminds the average moviegoer of their childhood growing up with those movies (among others, obviously), which ties in nicely with Constance's preceding monologue about remembering her own life, and the good that came with the bad.
I'm even tempted to envision the first half of the finale song in a different style, when the stage production would show a quick projection of Jane/Penny's life after she returned to the world of the living. Imagine watching this animated film, and for that segment alone, it becomes that really hyper-realistic, almost uncanny valley CGI animation style, to show that she really has joined the world of the living, i.e. our world, among us, the living breathing movie goers watching this, and watching the other kids still in limbo fade back to that main art style for the final number.
I don't know; it just feels like something that would be so engaging to see from an already compelling storyline and characters. Especially with more experimental animation projects on the rise right now
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byghostface · 4 months
Hi byghost I made a post about trying to make some gravebird/Daminika fanfics but I don't have any good writing ideas, and someone said to ask you for some, so if you have some that would be great.
Hi there! Here are some ideas I have now, these are for inspiration so you can be more creative and flexible with them. Just credit me if you do use some of the major concepts (especially AUs)! ^ ^b
Canon diverse (divergence from comic)
Different ways of getting into detention in Gotham High— Damian's bullies gang up on them in the cafeteria (making fun of their looks, accents, or something). Nika gets into a fight with them and Damian advocates for her immediately (join the fight too).
— Or they didn't make a scene at the cafeteria, they bait the bullies into the fight at other places.
Sort of girlfriend and boyfriend (Nika makes a friend)— Erica sat down at their table and asked Nika questions. Where's she from? Is she an albino? What's her relationship with Damian? Is Damian asking her to be here? Is she a transfer student? (Damian wants/attempts to shield Nika from Erica's questions but Nika is quite amusing to answer her). Nika's answers are vague (she teases Damian when Erica asks about their relationship), and leave Erica pretty confused.
Spare days— Nika goes to Gotham High undercover with Damian through the first few days (how Damian's school days look like, Nika meeting more teachers and students, Damian making excuses for Nika) before confronting Principal Stone (Hypothesis they already resolved Shush and Manbat's situation, Bruce is saved and Ms.Hall tolerate them).
(The above ideas can be separated fics or combined in one fic)
"They are oomf on Chirper, but irl neither of them knows"— The timeline is flexible for this one.
In general (just in some scenarios)
They on a date at Damian's favorite places/restaurants, and they doodle on Damian's spare sketchbook while catching up.
Nika found out about Damian's sketches of Vane and Noir.
Go on a date (anywhere,your pick).
Damian introduced his pets to Nika.
Damian slowly introduced Nika to Talia/ Bat family members.
Art club romance (shojo manga silly style, loosely inspired by Princess Knight)— Parallel to Damian's manga (Hana and Ren). Damian, the youngest son of the Wayene family (Robin and heirs of the League of Assassins). Nika, fostered child of Lord Death Man (the infamous Yakuza leader within the area).
Nika is sent by Lord Death Man to Damian's school to undercover/spy on Damian, so she can hold down Robin while Lord Death Man confronts his greatest nemesis- Batman. As Nika joins the art club and is friends with Damian, she can't help to betray her mission and fall in love with him (she keeps letting Robin get away when they fight in the field, and he does the same for her).
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I'm very much attached to this one AU cuz I still have some WIPs (plans out panels and little dialogues)for it, and some of them are out of context. You can ask me for more details about this AU if you are interested (ngl I'm kinda hesitant to give out this AU but I think ppl still can do their own spin on this concept).
Idol— [established relationship] Damian as Nika's bf (secret relationship) and showing support at all her concerts. At the last concert on tour, Nika brought him onto the stage and public their relationship.
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—[slow burn] Shadow by her sister Mila's successful idol career, Nika had a big fight with Mila and fell out with her family (her grandpa died and she gained powers yada yada). Without her family's support, Nika ran away and sought out Lord Death Man for guidance and became his undefined foster child. Backing by LDM's crime empire money, Nika is sent to the same public high school that Damian goes to and spies on Robin (similar to the art club au plot here but without falling in love first).
They soon become friends in the art club and do projects together, and after learning about Nika's dream of becoming an independent idol, Damian decides to help her in whatever he can, whether it is songwriting or stage outfit designs (he tries to resources/consult his family's talent to help Nika). Nika is supportive of Damian's dream of publishing his detective mystery comic/novel. They are each other's biggest fans (they are pinning).
(They finally fall in love after accomplishing Nika's first small concert successfully)
Damian and Nika who crushed on who first or who fell in love harder in the story is your choice, I don’t make the rules.
Thanks for the question and reading, I don't know if any of these ideas are helpful but have a great day, and good luck with writing!!♥️✨
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snowviolettwhite · 6 months
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Spent today working on the mood-board for my upcoming 9-1-1 Alternative Universe Fan-Fiction Set In 2011. Making moodboard and doing interested boards help inspire me and get ideas flowing. So I want to share it. Look how adorable teenage Buck, Eddie and Shannon are. They look so young, little cutie pies.
It will be called "don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up." It is from Harry Style's Matilda.
Below is what I have written so far, it is still in the works. You can also check out my 9-1-1: Lone Star Fan-Fiction.
Set in the early 2010s with barely eighteen and barely out of high school Buck and Eddie running away from home to California and joining the fire academy and eventually joining the 118. Eddie would bring baby Christopher with him. Eddie's parent did not think he was mature and adult enough to take care of Chris as a 20-something year old, so is would be even worse for teenagers, people who are transiting from childhood/teenage-hood to young adulthood and still being treated like kids.
It is June of 2011. The schools wide across the nation are all out for summer vacation from Hershey, Pennsylvania to El Paso, Texas.
Evan Buckley is the blonde, blue eye rascal who is always getting hurt and in trouble. He is the baby of the family but the only person who has ever paid attention to him is his big sister Maddie.
Edmundo Diaz is the young teen dad who got his best friend and girlfriend pregnant. He is the middle child and was the sane one compared to sisters until now.
They say if you want to be treated like an adult act like an adult. How are supposed to act like an adult at eighteen years old, haven’t been out of high school even a month, being dragged home by the cops and being scolded at the front door or being yelled in your childhood bedroom. Sometimes this makes you want to run away.     
It is June of 2011.
The city of El Paso, Texas school district has let for summer break and held graduation for this year’s high school seniors, they are no longer twelfth graders.
They are adults or as much as one can feel like an adult at eighteen years old, and silently sobbing in your childhood bedroom, hugging your worn-out stuffed animal dog with your back pressed against the door, trying not to wake your napping infant son who in his crib as your mother is yelling at you.
“Edmundo Diaz, you are in so much trouble young man. Open this door right now! You live under in my house. You live by my rules and aren’t too old to be put over my knees. Just wait until your father gets home. I can’t do deal with you.”
Edmundo Diaz or Eddie as he prefers being called was a good catholic boy. He never misbehaved or caused trouble but a little too soft, that was until Shannon showed up. They met in the eighth grade. They became best friends and were inseparable until they lose touch but found their way back to each other. She introduced herself being all sweet and friendly. She was sunshine. His family hated Shannon. They said she was a bad influence on him and he started acting different after meeting her. She was his first kiss, his first girlfriend, this first time. Good catholic boys wait until marriage, she is his first and only.
Shannon will back soon, she is visiting colleges in California. When she comes back they will make a plan for themselves and for their beautiful baby boy, Christopher. For now, he has been having never ending fights with his parents. It is about how stupid he was getting a girl pregnant while still in high school and a teenager or how he needs to toughen up or grow up. It is kind of hard to grow up when nobody goes around hiring eighteen-year-old and your parents are still treating you like a child.
“Edmundo, how could you let this happen? You and Shannon are still kids. You are barely able to take care of yourselves. How are you supposed to take care of a baby?”
Inspired By This Photo:
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spacedustmantis · 5 months
*cough cough* *pulling up notes* *squinting at notes* *realising i don't have bad vision* *unsquinting at the notes* *reading the notes*
how does the life series work in the FUCK I FORGOT THE AU NAME THIS WAS ALLL FOR NAUGHT
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i am so glad you asked!!
alright so. the series of events goes like this:
one day grian, as he so often does, gets bored
in his defense immortality gets boring quick and he's been doing this for a While
so, he descends onto a random planet, one that in grian's opinion could do with a little entertainment. he draws up the rules of this game he's planning, pays a carefully selected bunch of cold-hearted, skilled, desperate-for-money workers and has them build a huge fucking arena, kidnap the planet's best fighters, and work on this project full time once it gets rolling
amongst the workers are a few incredibly talented medics, people who, with the right tech, could bring you back from death's door
grian personally installs chips into every contestant's brain that activate as soon as the person is not yet dead, but good as, and then put the body in a temporary stasis, so that it may be transported beneath the arena and the medics can do their work to send them back up fully restored so they can join the fray once more
the whole event is recorded via multiple cameras following around every contestant, edited down into a thrilling reality tv show, and broadcasted weekly for a good few years, which is how long it takes for the game to come to its conclusion
naturally there are a few quirks to this game
every contestant originally gets three lives, three times they get to enjoy the experience of dying, but soon enough a few of them figure out how to hack the chips. they can't seem to alter their function whatsoever, but they do figure out how to change the number of lives the chip grants you, and they also figure out that if the system clocks too many (or too few) lives granted overall in comparison to how many deaths there have been in total, it sends alarm bells ringing. and so there is an underground life trading ring that forms about seven months into the fight
somewhere in the arena there is whispered to be a strange stone statue that, if you play your cards right, bestows gifts to those who complete the tasks it gives them
there is an illness spreading through the arena, like a common cold, just much more destructive. it is known as "red fever" to some, to others it's simply "the bloodlust"
occasionally, caused by apparently nothing at all except coincidence, or some weird glitch in the system, or what certain people might call fate, two contestants get bound together on a metaphysical level. they share pain and wounds and death. they share all the bad, and none of the good
the overarching story roughly follows 3rd life (mostly bc that season works best as a mechs style retelling), with monopoly mountain and dogwarts as the two main factions that crystallize after a few months, but small story elements of each season are dotted around the plot, like one man who managed to defeat all his enemies by taking advantage of the secret keepers boons and playing dirty, or a woman who ran in solitude with only the company of her wolves and who against all odds was the last one standing - until the man she was bound to blew himself up, and her with it.
ultimately two people survive (these people are not grian and scar, but are played by them on stage). and then one person survives. and then the winner of the life game throws himself off of a cliff
of course, grian is not the biggest fan of watching as other people slaughter each other while he sits and does nothing, so naturally he joins the fight. no one knows or would even guess that the scrawny guy who maybe likes explosions a touch too much could be the same individual as The Spectator, the mysterious figure who is behind running the Life Game, not even the staff that has been hired to set it all up. grian, alongside committing murder, also keeps an eye on the game's development as well as the numbers the show gets online.
after a few months he runs into joel, whom he knows is one of the fan favorites, and sticks with him for a while. after joel dies his final death - shot through the heart by scott - he mechanizes him, and, after discovering that mechanizing joel also mechanized the man he was bound to, takes him and etho back to the xisuma to join the crew.
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idkyouyet23 · 4 months
‘On My Mind’
~ a LITG Max fanfic ~ 
Chapter Six - Stick or Twist? 
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 💌:
I say this every chapter but I’m not going by script once again :)
I hope you guys are enjoying this fanfic so far and I’d really appreciate it if you guys could comment your thoughts & feedback!
You can read it below or on AO3, 
whatever you like :)
𝐉𝐚𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞’𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐯:
I sit at my vanity to get ready for my last few hours in Casa Amor, 
the dressing room is filled with silence,
the girls are thinking about their decisions to be made soon. 
‘It won’t be hard for you to make your decision Jazzy, 
Max has practically swept you off your feet’, Claudia states
𝘍𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘬, 
𝘐 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘢𝘯𝘹𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴.
‘From the moment I first saw Max, 
I knew that he was the one that I wanted’,
I respond while styling my hair half up - half down, I look at myself in the mirror,
𝘋𝘢𝘮𝘯 𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺.
‘If only you would twist with me Jazzy’,
Bea admires me 
‘Honestly if Max wasn’t here, 
I would trust me’, I blow her a kiss which she pretends to catch.
Once Claudia and Bea leave the dressing room, Emel turns to me
‘Can I pull you for a chat for a minute?’
‘Yeah sure Emel’
‘I just wanted to apologise for how I’ve acted towards you and Max here, 
I know that the only person I need now is Oakley so can you forgive me?’,
Emel stares directly into my eyes 
‘Yeah of course I can’, I smile softly at Emel 
‘Really? I know I’ve been acting so shitty so I’d understand if you needed more time before forgiving me-’, Emel rambles on and I interrupt her 
‘Yes really’
‘Thank you, thank you!’, Emel happily hugs me 
‘No bother at all, there’s no point holding grudges in here’ 
After that, we finally leave the dressing room to go outside.
I find Max sat all alone on the swing seat,
‘May I join you?’ 
Max grins at me,
‘Yeah sure, your hair looks very luscious today’, Max replies and I sit down beside him 
‘Do you like it?’, I question as Max puts an arm around my shoulder and I snuggle up against him 
‘I don’t like it, I love it! Half up - half down really suits you, your hair colour reminds me of roses’ 
‘I never thought of the red dye like that, 
I remember having a few down days last year so since then, my hair has been red’
‘As long as I’m with you, I’ll make sure that you’ll have no more down days, 
I promise to make you the happiest’ 
Max leans down as he kisses my forehead 
‘Aww well I promise to do the same for you’
‘How are you feeling about Stick or Twist?’
‘I admit I’m feeling a little anxious especially for when I see Jack again but
 I know that my heart is with you Max’ 
‘That’s understandable and I’ll be there with you the whole time Jazzy, I’m glad to hear that and my heart is yours’
‘We’re on the same page then?’ 
I ask just for clarification and Max holds out his pinky which I intertwine with mine  
‘Definitely! I pinky promise that I’ll never break your heart’
‘I’ll never break your heart either’, 
I respond as we lean in closer to each other, our faces almost touching 
‘I really like you Max’, 
‘I really like you too Jazzy’
And with that, Max closes the gap between us as we share a loving kiss. 
A few hours later and Claudia, Bea, 
Emel and I are back at the Villa waiting for our text to go inside.
Bea goes in first and Emel afterwards,
I pick at my fingers as we continue waiting for our texts 
𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳?, I think to myself and without another thought, 
my text chimes in 
‘Everything will be fine, let’s go inside’,
Max gives me a comforting hug 
‘Good luck Jazzy!’, Claudia gives me a thumbs up which I return 
‘Thanks Claudia’, I take Max’s hand and we walk inside the main Villa,
‘Everyone this is Max!’, 
I beam as the other islanders welcome him,
I notice a blonde girl between Jack and Hari but I can’t tell who she was with,
‘Jazzy, this is Sienna’, Jack announces 
𝘚𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘢, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵’𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘉𝘦𝘢 𝘵𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘑𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘯 𝘢 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘥𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘦𝘥,
Sienna looks me up and down and I smile at her 
‘Jack has been so loving, makes sense why you chose him first Jazzy’, 
Sienna speaks as she has quite a sour look on her face like a scowl 
 ‘I don’t think he will choose you again though ‘cause it was like love at first sight for us’
‘Ah that’s okay! I had to twist to get back here but even if I had the choice I would’ve chosen Max anyways’, I give Sienna a smug smile as Jack frowns,
𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘚𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘺.
I sit down alone on one of the daybeds as Max gets to know the other islanders,
I notice Jack rushing towards me
‘I just wanted to ask how Casa was?’
‘It was really good, thanks for asking!’, 
I give Jack a friendly smile 
‘Max seems kind’
‘Yeah he really is, 
we’ve clicked with each other anyways Sienna seems like a handful’ 
‘You could definitely say that, 
I’m not really sure how I’m feeling about her though’ Jack replies and we stop talking as Sienna appears beside him 
‘A game is being organised so come on Jack’, Jack walks away leaving Sienna with me
‘I’d advise you to stay away from Jack, you know since we’re a couple now’ 
I give Sienna a confused look, 
‘I didn’t ask him to come over and talk to me so maybe you should talk to Jack about that’, Sienna is left stunned as I stroll past her.
‘Swim to the most attractive islander’, 
Theo calls out and suddenly him, Max, Jack and Bea are swimming towards me.
I reach out to Max, I wrap my arms around his neck as I pull him closer, I press my lips against his and we share a passionate kiss, Sienna doesn’t seem too impressed that Jack decided to swim towards me.
‘Get a room!’, Liam yells after we pull away and I roll my eyes,
‘I was just about to swim to you’, 
I tell Max and his eyes light up 
‘That’s good to know!’
‘You guys are such cuties’, Claudia coos as I feel myself blush.
The game continues until it gets to Liam’s turn to give out a statement,
‘Swim to the islander most likely to have cheated in Casa’, I notice Bea giving him a death stare
‘You just ruined the game Liam!’
‘Are you trying to cause more drama like?’,
I inquire in disbelief as to why Liam would say that, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘩𝘦’𝘴 𝘓𝘪𝘢𝘮 𝘴𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦.
It’s late once the game finishes, so take my hair down and I put on my best pair of pyjamas, I take a glimpse of Sienna, 
𝘑𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘺 𝘕𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘳.
I walk out of the dressing room and into the bedroom, Jack looks over at me as I stumble over to the bed, 
Max gives me a big grin once he notices me
‘You look absolutely perfect, 
you always do to be honest’ 
Max pulls back the covers and I climb inside 
‘Aww stop that! I know I picked the perfect person though’, Max pulls me closer to him into a cuddle, I take in his scent, 
he smells of vanilla along with mint from brushing his teeth. 
‘You’re the perfect person for me too Jazzy, I know it for sure’
Max leans down and gives me a quick peck on the lips 
‘Goodnight Max’
‘Night Jazzy, have sweet dreams’
I close my eyes, 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘢 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘝𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘢 𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸.
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hana-the-ghostieee · 7 months
a lot of ideas infest my brain but this one is pretty new! partially because recently i've been getting into more popular vocaloid songs (mou ikkai! mou ikkai! "watashi wa kyou mo korogarimasu." to shoujo wa iu, shoujo wa iu) and po pi po. has taken me in (mwehehe!!!)
so imma just write yet another 2dmv (this is more of a draft than anything tho soooo. no cool sections with specific vocal lines)
so mhm! for april fools this year how about we torture rui >:333
(except it isn't we cuz i'm sure "we" aren't like. sega or colorful palette's project sekai team)
as always because this thing is going to be long, you're welcome mobile users blah blooh bleh, i puteth the stuff under the cut so go check it out if you want
hold on imma title it and everything though i haven't fleshed out really specific parts
Po Pi Po - LamazeP (ft. Miku Hatsune, Emu Otori, Nene Kusanagi)
anyways! we torture rui >:DDD
so! for the 2dmv! it's in the style of a 3dmv with like a general stage-y dancey area and blah
yes. we torture rui. that. that's like all there is.
emu, nene and miku are all in slightly altered green workout project diva (?) outfits with different details and stuff i guess (but they all have to match cuz cohesive set thingy.)
so from the beginning of the song to around the end of the first chorus we're in the wondershow sekai, with rui sat at a table, refusing to eat his vegetable filled bentou. nuh-uh. no way in bahooey. and emu, miku and nene are just walking around him as. the po pi po cult, tryna get him to eat his food. oh also meiko rin len and luka have rui at tazer-point so if he ever tries to run off he'd probably go bbbrzrzZRRZRZRZBZRZBZRZBRZRZRZBZBRZRBZRBZRZZZZZZ (yes, in bold)
and then around after the first chorus, kaito leads tsukasa to the main area and he's like. what's going on. and then he sees the table, rui and the vegetable-filled bentou. ohhhhhhhhhhhh. but instead of joining the po pi po cult he goes sits at the table with rui and tries to coax him into actually eating his vegetables.
(for the whole thing the camera focuses on the po pi po cult, but from here rui and tsukasa argue in the back. like look. "but they taste disgusting!" "but they're good for you!" "have you even felt the texture of those disgusting things?" "just eat it TwT" "let's kiss" "sur... sTOP DISTRACTING ME")
and yeah after that exchange of dialogue we focus on more po pi po cult!! in the choruses there's going to be. flying vegetables and like vegetable juice carton box thingy cutouts cuz we have to push the theme or something
and po pi po cult is surrounding the oddballs (mainly 2) and yk. pushing him to eat the vegetables.
and then around the second chorus in the back tsukasa goes "*sigh* okay fine. if i kiss you will you eat your vegetables?" but rui only heard kiss so they go at it (woo.)
but then but then!! (for some reason i feel like he sounds like nene here if she wasn't part of the po pi po cult) near the end, (a very flustered, tomato-red) tsukasa's like "okay. now eat your vegetables." "eh?!" "what eh. that was the deal." "there was a deal?!?" "stop playing dumb =w= eat your vegetables before i take these chopsticks and feed you myself." "waa~, you're going to feed me? kasa, you're such a romantic~" "...mhm... *looks at vegetable-filled bentou*"
"if i must."
and then at the very end we see a (chibi?) rui with tears streaming down his face, mouth full of lettuce.
(for him this is torture of the highest degree.)
yeah i sent this to a friend on discord they were mainly focusing on the gay scrunkles
no literally they just went. "*le gasp* GAYS AWWWW GAYS I LOVE GAYS <3333 THEY'RE SUPER SILLY I LOVE THEM :DDD" dude i also made an entire cult of three people to feed vegetables to one person with purple hair and a soda candy addiction so. please focus on that too
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I Got You, Babe
A new Dovesso work in progress! This one will have a significant number of chapters and more words per chapter. This one will be a slow burn.
Lady Leonora Lesso is jaded with the routine and monotony of life as the Dean of Evil. Year after year, day after day, and nothing seems to change...even after the collapse of the school following Sophie and Agatha's appearance. What she doesn't know, is that wishes are truly some of the most powerful magic indeed. When she unknowingly makes a heartfelt wish, the consequences begin to feel more like a curse. If dreams are a wish the heart makes, Lesso's must be full of nightmares. She comes to find herself trapped re-living the same day over and over again with no way out.
Or: My take on the Groundhog Day / Time-Loop concept.
Lady Leonora Lesso woke early to the sound of birds chirping through the open window of her tower. The bright sunlight belied the coolness of the late-winter morning. 
Lesso groaned and blindly threw an object from her bedside table toward the window, shouting “Shut UP!”
The birdsong ceased, but the silence was broken a moment later by a series of sharp raps against the wooden door of her chambers. Knock-knock, knock-knock, knock. 
“Rise and shine Lady Lesso! It’s a beautiful morning and you are LATE for the students’ return!” Professor Dovey called from behind the door. “You have ten minutes before our school address!”
The sound of her heels clicked entirely too happily down the stone corridor. 
Lesso reluctantly rolled out of the warm cocoon of her bed and trudged into the ensuite. With a twirl of her wrist, her finger began to glow and smoky make-up was instantly applied and her riotous curls were brushed out, settling into the familiar, voluminous style. She brushed her teeth and took her time sliding into her sharp pantsuit. 
“It’s showtime.” She sighed, shaking her head against the monotony of the routine. 
Her silver tipped cane clacked loudly against the floor as she strolled along the bridge from the tower. Truly, she should wake earlier to accommodate for the extended travel times in the morning from the (former) School Master’s tower. Ever since the demise of Rafal and the joining of the two schools, her and Dovey had established a truce of sorts and taken up joint residence in the middle tower between castles. The accommodations were, if she was honest, significantly more comfortable than her previous rooms. The extra walking was a nightmare on her leg though, not that she would ever let Dovey know of the inconvenience. And really, who would be surprised if the former Dean of Evil ran late on occasion? Timeliness, after all, was a traditionally Ever trait. 
Lady Lesso dramatically slammed open the doors to the assembly hall housed in the School for Good, internally relishing in the startled jumps of students and staff alike. She sauntered easily down the aisle to the main podium, glaring at any who dared to make eye contact until she came to stand next to the Dean of Good. 
“How good of you to join me.” Professor Dovey hissed sarcastically between clenched teeth, smiling out to the throng of students attempting to find seating in the hall. 
“Better late than Ever.” Lesso smirked, shrugging her shoulders jauntily. 
A dumbfounded expression graced the other woman’s face. “That’s not at all how the saying goes.”
“Attention!” She shouted above the roar of the students, cutting her off. 
The authoritative shout merely turned a few heads. 
“ATTENTION!” She screamed once more, cracking her cane harshly against the wooden podium. 
Immediately, the chatter died down. 
“Thank you Lady Lesso.” Dovey smiled brightly. “Welcome back, students! I hope everyone enjoyed their time away from school and got to enjoy some rest and relaxation. Today will be a day of reorientation. We will resume our regularly scheduled classes after breakfast. Please refer to the schedules handed out to you before break.”
“If you lack personal responsibility, copies have also been posted in the main halls of each castle and in your personal dormitories. No excuses! Anyone who fails to be on time will spend evenings with me in the Doom Room!” Lesso added waspishly. 
Dovey sent a quick glare in reprimand before resuming her exaggerated smile. “You are dismissed! Have a wonderful first day back!”
“Get out!” 
The students scrambled and the red-headed woman shot the fairy godmother a devilish wink. 
“Don’t be late to the staff meeting after breakfast!” Dovey reminded her, rolling her eyes. 
A childish raspberry fell from Lesso’s lips as she turned on her heel, marching purposefully out of the auditorium to the dining hall. 
She doesn’t usually eat with the children and staff, much preferring the rare moments of solitude in her chambers before being required to supervise unmatched idiocy. And then there’s the pubescent gremlins to tend to. She rounded the corner a little tightly and knocked into another being in a flurry of purple and pink, sending both parties sprawling to the ground. 
“God damn it, watch where you’re going!” Lesso growled venomously as she brought herself to her feet. 
She glared pointedly at the other woman before dusting off her slacks and gesturing impatiently to her cane still on the floor. Emma Anemone rolled her eyes and thrust the walking stick into Lesso’s waiting palm. 
With much more grace, the historian picked herself off the floor and adjusted the many layers of her ghastly dress. Anemone arched a delicate, perfectly plucked brow expectantly.  
“Well, I’d apologize but it wouldn’t be genuine.” The Dean scoffed as she straightened her tie. 
Anemone simply studied Lesso’s face with a curious tilt to her head. Her keen eyes raked over her figure and Leonora began to feel acutely uncomfortable. Bravely, Emma reached out a hand and brushed some dust from the shoulder of Lesso’s jacket. 
“You know, some day, you might realize that every effort you have put into making everyone else around you feel low is because that’s what you feel. And maybe you’ll realize that not once has it done anything to lift you any higher. You are in the same place now that you were when you started. Maybe, one day, you’ll understand that some of us have been trying to simply accompany you along the way. I hope you realize that before you end up completely alone and just as irrelevant as you always feared you would be.”
Leonora could only gape at the audacity. 
“Have a good day, Lady Lesso.” 
Anemone gave a slight, mocking bow and rounded the corner. Lesso’s green eyes narrowed in the empty hallway she left behind. 
“Fucking beauty teacher…”
The Dean spun on her heel and abandoned her plans for breakfast in the main hall. She needed some well-deserved solitude before the mandatory staff meeting. 
“Thank you everybody for joining me for our quarterly staff meeting! And on time!” Professor Dovey called out from her standing position at her chair to the left of the table head. 
Eyes from both schools of discipline slid to the dour woman reclining casually in her own chair to the right, waiting to see how she would respond to the subtle dig. An off beat and a cough echoed loudly throughout the room. Lady Lesso seemed oblivious to the chastisement and continued to inspect the silver coating of her nails. 
“Anyway,” Dovey trailed, bringing the attention back. “We don’t have much to discuss since our previous meeting. Lady Lesso and I just wanted to follow up with everybody regarding the unification of classes and to problem-solve any hiccups.” 
A flurry of hands began to raise down the table and the quiet chatter reached a deafening roar as each teacher voiced their concerns. 
Lesso’s voice boomed throughout the chamber, shaking the windows in their panes. Her finger glowed blindingly violet against the pale column of her throat. 
“One at a time!” She sneered. “God, you all are worse than the children.”
Dovey bit her lip and coughed politely into her hand to cover the smile threatening to break loose. 
"Yuba, why don’t you go first?” She finally called, composing herself. 
Lesso sighed and resumed her disinterested expression. The droning of the gnome flitted through her ears without even a pretense at attention. Instead, she used the opportunity to study her co-dean. 
Dovey’s bronzed skin shimmered with an almost ethereal glow against the rose-gold satin of her gown. The dress itself was more subdued than what she traditionally wore. Solid, satin panels fell in waterfalls from her waist over what she imagined to be layers upon layers of petticoats. The panels were embroidered with gold, sequin appliques at the hem that trailed upward like fingers reaching for something unattainable. The sequins covered the entire bodice. The corset was laced tight and complimented her curvaceous figure nicely, pairing with an eye-catching sweetheart neckline. The sequin pattern continued on and curled like vines around her upper arms. Dovey’s golden curls were adorned with miniature red roses and a simple, leaf-like tiara. As always, she seemed flawless. But Leonora could see the tightness at the corners of her eyes and the way her smile strained. She seemed tired. 
“Don’t you agree, Lady Lesso?” 
And suddenly her sparkling eyes were trained on her. Heat radiated from her cheeks and she fought valiantly to keep the embarrassment from her face. Evil did not feel embarrassment. 
“What now?” She asked rather dumbly.
She could kick herself. 
“Yuba thinks that the joint classes are going well in the forest, so long as their grade is determined by joint success in randomly assigned pairs.” Dovey began to clarify with a knowing smirk. “Emma thinks beautification and uglification should simply be discontinued and replaced with a class on etiquette and personal hygiene. A mandatory section would be on sex education, and she wondered if you wouldn’t be the best person to cover the course.”
“Hell no.” Lesso sputtered. “I mean, no. No, thank you. I have other, more important responsibilities to attend to.”
She pinned Anemone with her most violent glare, promising the woman a most agonizing death. 
“That’s what I thought. Let’s just put that one on the back burner, shall we? Maybe we can revise for next year’s students. Professor Espada?”
“Teaching swordplay to both the Evers and the Nevers at the same time just isn’t working. They continuously break out into fights. The courses need to remain separate.” He complained. 
“You’re doing it wrong. Next!” Lesso deadpanned. 
“Lady Lesso, if we are going to problem-solve, we need to come up with a viable solution. Instead of brushing off Professor Espada’s concerns, how about you offer a way to help?” Dovey sighed. 
Deep, chocolate eyes cut over to Lesso’s and firmly held her gaze. 
“Fine!” Leonora finally caved. “I will, reluctantly, co-teach this semester with Espada. My sparring could do with some brushing up. And the students, no doubt, require a competent teacher.”
Lesso blatantly ignored the indignant outcry from the other instructor. 
“If there’s nothing else, I have lesson plans to finalize.” 
The first round of classes were agonizing. Lady Lesso taught a mixed years practical on potions and poisons for the younger Nevers. Needless to say, she was considering a complete revision of her lesson plans. Following class was lunch in the dining hall. Blessedly, the meal was uneventful. Instead of a double free period, she was now saddled with co-teaching swordsmanship before dinner and a peaceful evening. 
She decided to observe the class from a distance. It took less than two minutes before the first fight broke out. Professor Espada, likely thinking she had shirked her duties on the first day, did not act to stop the all out brawl between the students. 
“ENOUGH!” She shouted as she emerged from her lookout. 
Evers, Nevers, and Espada himself startled at the thundering reprimand that came from the Evil Dean. 
“This petty fighting is unacceptable. Save it for after graduation.” Lesso snapped. 
She scrutinized the students carefully before breaking them off into more optimal pairs. 
“Jacob, go with Malachi.” She said, pushing the Never boy toward the Ever. “Cane, you can go with Jason. Talon, you’re with Jabari. Storian, why are there so many J names? Did your parents lose a bet?”
She pinched the bridge of her nose and tried to quell her irritation at being put into this position. 
“Joshua go with…what’s your name?”
Lesso asked the last boy, pointing her cane to his chest. 
“Angus, ma’am.”
“Angus? Really? How unfortunate.” 
In the new pairs, they performed only marginally better. Lady Lesso watched the rest of the lesson from the sidelines and drank in the abysmal lesson. Espada was doing her Never students no favors. And she noticed, with a curled lip of disgust, that there were no women among them. Oh, changes to the course would need to be dramatic. 
She turned on her heel without a second glance and began the trek back to the School Master’s tower, where their new, shared office space was located. She had a free period. Might as well use it to draft up the changes to the course. 
She climbed the invisible stairs to the tower door and let herself inside. In the antechamber, the Storian remained scribbling away in a new book. As usual, she paid it no mind and pushed open the door to the office. 
At her end of the room, a polished mahogany desk was positioned with a wingback chair facing the door. At the opposite end, Dovey’s faced the window. Contrary to what others may think, her desk remained organized and free of clutter. The fairy godmother’s, on the other hand, was a disaster zone. Lady Lesso rolled her eyes at the sight of the mess and settled down into her chair to get to work. 
Before long, night had already fallen and her ink-stained hand cramped from the amount of scribbling she had completed, detailing the changes for Espada’s class. And that of her own Potions and Poisons curriculum. She looked at the obnoxiously-ornate grandfather clock Dovey kept on her side of the room and cringed, realizing she had already missed dinner. Lesso sighed with exhaustion and tossed the quill down onto the desk. She needed to clear her head. 
Lesso forced herself out into the cool air and walked aimlessly into the night. Her legs carried her around the lake and to a quiet clearing. She sat down at the edge of the water and looked up at the twinkling stars in the sky. It was a beautiful night. In the silent stillness, Anemone’s words from the morning niggled at the back of her mind. 
“Maybe, one day, you’ll understand that some of us have been trying to simply accompany you along the way. I hope you realize that before you end up completely alone and just as irrelevant as you always feared you would be.”
Lesso blew a soft raspberry at the words and scoffed. 
But the words had touched an aching nerve she had forcefully buried long ago. It was in the dreams of a lonely girl at night, making desperate wishes on all the stars in the sky to get away from the pitiful life she was living. 
‘I don’t want to be alone.’ Her heart echoed, much as it had then. 
Lady Lesso was startled from her musings by a rustling behind her. Dovey stumbled into the clearing and looked at her with clear surprise. 
“Oh! Lady Lesso…I didn’t expect to find…anyone, really.” She stuttered nervously. “Did you see the falling star?”
Lesso’s brows rose to her hairline and she turned back to the night sky.
“No, I must have missed it.” She said quietly, almost to herself. “What are you doing here?”
She turned her attention back to the fairy godmother. The tips of her ears had burned red and her dark eyes shifted in discomfort. 
Was she embarrassed? 
The Dean of Good smoothed out imaginary wrinkles on her dress and lifted her chin, pinning Lesso with a stare that challenged her to throw an insult. 
“Sometimes, I like to come out here and consult the wish fish.” 
Lesso stared at her with thinly veiled disdain. Silence stretched between them and Dovey fidgeted uncomfortably. 
“Consult?” Lesso finally asked. “What the hell does that even mean ?” 
Dovey looked like she would rather be anywhere but there in that moment. A pinched frown formed on her lips and she shrugged. 
“They show you your deepest desires.” 
Lesso eyed the softly rippling water and gave a doubtful snort. She hauled herself to her feet, muttering curses under her breath. With one last look at her colleague, she turned her back and started the journey back to her quarters. 
“Goodnight, Lady Lesso.” Dovey called out to her retreating form. 
Lesso paused and tilted her head in acknowledgement before continuing on. 
Chapter 2
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boogiewrites · 2 years
Seeing Stars Pt 15 | Eddie Munson fic
Star's flirty plan to scare off their bullies leads to an encounter in a supply closet that neither expected. Eddie flexes his dominant side and Star finds herself content to be told what to do for the first time. Eddie goes to see Star at the diner but witnesses an encounter with another man that leaves him feeling emotional.
TW/CW: NSFW: Use of f slur and qu33r from bullies. This could be a Kinktober entry really. Dom/Sub aspects. Use of kitten. Thigh humping to orgasm, anal play (f receiving), spitting, and talk/play with bodily fluids. Also, fluff from emotional validation and hard conversations Star and Eddie are having more frequently.
Part 1 if you missed it!
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It was the last day before winter break and there wasn’t anything proactive happening in Hawkins High. You got counted as present in the first period, then you could go off and hang out with your favorite teacher or the gym. Some people hung out in the courtyard if the weather was sunny enough. No one cared. There was an air of chaos and the Hellfire Club was enjoying it.
They sat on a section of bleachers, talking about whatever came to mind. As it always happened to be, Star sat next to Eddie. She’d used the free time to paint her nails, and she was now doing Eddie’s. They noticed they were getting dirty looks from the jocks who were planning on staying in the gym playing ball all day. Star was concentrated, sat with crossed legs sideways on a bleacher as Eddie sat Last Supper style at the head of the table among the circle of friends. He kept moving his hand as he spoke and she kept snapping at him. She was nearly done.
A rouge basketball made its way to the bleachers, a loud thump as it startled her and made her mess up. Her face snapped into a frown as she screwed the lid shut on the bottle, sat it down, and picked up the ball.
“Oops.” Jason grinned. “Sorry.”
“Go fetch, dog.” Star threw the ball at the opposite end of the gym away from them.
“Ugh, bitch.” she heard him say but she rolled her eyes. She nestled back down, the crew no more ruffled about it than any other instance of subtle bullying. Then it happened again.
“Our bad.” Jason laughed, the small pack behind him mirroring their leader.
“I’m in the middle of something here, dick wad.” she projected from her chest.
“Are you painting his nails?” one of them said.
“Yeah, what of it lemming?” Eddie barked back.
“What kind of faggot shit is this?” One said approaching.
“Chicks love it, man. You’d be surprised.” Eddie grinned.
“It’s true.” Star had the same predatory look on her face.
“So Star, what’s it like fucking a woman, huh? Or are you little queers rubbing your limp dicks together and leaving her out?” the group collectively sighed.
“Weird way to announce you’re a virgin but good for you I guess.” Star shrugged.
I’m not a-” he got flustered, the other guys smirking.
“You’d all know about rubbing dicks together wouldn’t ya?” Eddie smirked, his two index fingers pointed out to imitate sword fighting. “Or do we not talk about the dark recesses of Benny’s after a few too many?”
“Fuck you, Munson.” Jason joined in trying to defend his group.
“Fuck me?” he held a dramatic hand to his chest. “I’ll have to pass.” he winked to make Jason uncomfortable. Eddie’s group chuckling at the banter made Jason’s face go red.
“Fuckin’ freak.”
“And we’re back to our regular schedule programming, folks.” Eddie shook his head, his head moving wildly. “Keep those classic’s coming Carver, I never get tired of your sparkling wit!”
“How long that’d take? 1 minute before we’re called freaks again. This guy can’t get 2 full sentences out without stuttering and saying the same shit I’ve heard for the past 6 months. Get a new insult for christ's sake!” Star groaned.
“Fuck you too, Star.”
“You fuckin’ WISH, man. You PRAY to your little magic man in the sky every night that she’d ever let you do so much as pay to suck her fucking toes.” Eddie leaned forward, looking like a hunting animal, and Star was eating it up.
“You know what? Fuck you, Eddie, let’s go.” Jason tossed the ball to a teammate.
“Oh, he’s all riled up.” Eddie fanned himself.
“C’mon. Fuck you. Yeah, you. Right now.” he hit his chest like an ape to indicate he wanted to fight.
“Fuck Eddie?” Star asked with a tilted head.
“Yeah. Fuck him.” Jason nodded his chin out, rolling up his sleeves.
“You know what? Yeah.” Star grinned and everyone looked at her confused. She grabbed Eddie’s face with one hand and turned it toward herself, raising to her knees to look down at him. “Fuck Eddie Munson.” she narrowed her eyes and nodded her head to challenge him and he looked up at her with bewildered eyes. “You heard the man.” she shrugged before leaning in to kiss Eddie. She wasted no time throwing her leg over his lap and straddling him, deepening the kiss to put her hands into his hair. Eddie was frozen, he thought he was in a fever dream, the poor guy didn’t know what hit him. He thought he was facing the ultimate betrayal and now his love interest was on top of him, making out with him in front of everyone.
“What the fuck?” was the general mumbled consensus.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Jason shouted, scratching his head. Star swung her hair to the side like some Hollywood starlet, looking over her shoulder with a toothy smile.
“You said to fuck him,” she said defensively.
“Oh COME ON!” Jason groaned and threw his hands up in the air. “Come on guys, fuck those freaks.” he held his hands out and a ball promptly found itself between them again.
“I was just doing what you said! I just wanted to fit in!” she shouted as she climbed off Eddie who was still looking like a deer in headlights. Dustin was bent over cackling. Mike wasn’t far behind, his face behind his hands. The other three older guys were a mix of blushing, smirking, and laughing themselves. Star straightened her clothes then Eddie’s who was sitting oddly straight and side-eyeing her.
“You’re insane and I love it,” Dustin said.
“That’s one way to get rid of them that I hadn’t anticipated,” Jeff said.
“Eddie? You good man?” Gareth started laughing, slapping his friend's shin.
“I think I’m doing fan fucking tastic.” his face finally broke into a laugh. “Do you think that has repeat potential? You wanna do that every time they give us shit because I would be very, very into that idea.” Eddie pinched his fingers together to appear serious as he turned to Star.
“I think that was a one-time deal, bud. Sorry.” she laughed.
“You can't drop a man like that and then say never again. That’s cruel.” Jeff teased.
“Life is cruel,” she said stoically with the back of her hand to her forehead. “When you can’t beat them. Confuse them. It gives you long enough to get away.” she explained.
“The rule of out weirding the enemy.” Eddie nodded. “Classic tactic. I appreciate the strategy, General. I did not want to fight him.”
“I didn’t want you to either. I still need to finish your nails.” And with that, she was back at her task.
They gave them plenty of shit about it but it was all in jest. Eddie certainly didn’t mind. Star was moving unnoticed, Eddie’s hand splayed as he was letting them dry. She took a pen from her bag, licking the tip before smoothly taking Eddie’s arm and writing on the back of his hand. He barely noticed. He was so used to Star touching him now that it barely registered sometimes. The comfort between them physically was obvious to anyone who knew what to look for.
“I’m gonna head to drama for a few,” she announced. No one thought anything of it.
“You comin’ back?” Eddie clarified as his head whipped to look up at her.
“You’ll see me around.” she winked and made an obvious gesture down with her eyes to his hand that was held out toward her as he gestured when he spoke. “Check you nerds later,” she said jumping the two bleachers down and skipping out of the gym. What a little weirdo, Eddie thought as his eyes turned to hearts. He stopped to admire his black-painted fingernails. He now noticed that Star had written on his hand. ‘003. 15 min. <3’ He suddenly knew what his next move was.
- Eddie descended the stone stairs into the basement of the school. It looked a lot less spooky during the day than I had when he’d shown Star around after Hellfire and the school was empty. A small window near the top of the wall was the only source of natural light in the cement-blocked room with its metal shelves. It was a catch-all for overflow, old chairs, desks, and some janitorial supplies. It mostly housed the school's heater. It was warm in the room, the metal container serving as a fireplace of sorts. He walked through the dim light past a corner and into a small recess where a door stood. He grinned, knowing what was waiting for him on the other side. He took a deep breath and stretched a bit, shaking his legs out and cracking his knuckles. He sauntered up to the door and knocked. Star opened it with a smile.
“Fancy meeting you here,” Eddie smirked.
“What’s the password?” Eddie scoffed and rolled his head, amused.
“Bad girl.” He rumbled, making her let out a girlish giggle.
“Accepted.” She stepped back into the small space. It had a large wheel on the far wall, a breaker box on the other, and not much else. The empty wall was the one Star was currently leaning against. Light came in the form of a very dirty above-head bulb light. It was dim and dusty but it afforded a relatively safe place to do some things that might get them expelled.
Eddie latched the door and slid tight to her. A forearm leaning on the wall above her, he looked down with an air of superiority.
“You wanna explain yourself?” He smirked.
“About inviting you here or earlier?" she asked innocently.
“I knew it had a good chance of working. I didn’t want you to get in a fight. Plus I got to kiss you and grind a little bit. I consider that a win.” She shrugged with a small sound to accompany it. With her hands behind her back and her hips pushed forward she gave him a wickedly inviting smile.
“Risky move paid off. Maybe you should bring that energy to D and D.” His voice was just above a whisper and deepened on purpose. It was warm and sweet and melty, like caramel as he let the words exit his mouth patiently. “I have to say, I was caught very off guard.”
“Element of surprise.” She let her eyes go wide with the word for a moment.
“I was surprised. Am surprised. I didn’t think you’d want anyone to think we were together since we’d been sneaking around.”
“I figured it was best to be quiet about us sleeping together to keep everyone out of our business. I didn’t think you’d want to deal with people giving us shit about it.”
“True. But a lot of people saw that. Now they’re going to think we’re together.”
Stars brow flinched in question. “So?” Her face told him she hadn’t worried in the slightest about that consequence.
“You don’t care if people think we’re together?”
“Psh, no.” She said obviously, less flirty and blunter. “Why? Do you?” She saw her face become concerned.
“No way. You kidding me? I’m flattered”. He put his free hand to his chest and looked down his nose at her. “But I thought you did.”
“Why would I care?” She sounded shocked.
“Since you didn’t want to date me I thought one of the reasons behind it might be that you wouldn’t want to be seen with me. Like that. That you’d be… ashamed of it, me.” his mouth was held tight, and a quiet honest voice showed her he was holding back.
“Oh Eddie, honey.” She cooed and took her hands to his face. “No! Never.” She said with her chest. “I’d be proud as hell. Are you serious? You’re amazing. I’d be parading you around like a thanksgiving float.” She laughed and he quickly fell behind. She let her hands back down after she gave him a more chaste affectionate kiss. “The reason why I told you I didn’t wanna date is the same as it was then. I couldn’t give you the real reason back when you first asked because I didn’t know you that well. I also didn’t want you to run and think I was a basket case if I was honest with you.” She confessed with a wrinkled nose. “I’m not where I should be to have a relationship. A real one. I mean a healthy one. I’m…” she chuckled but it came from pain. Laugh not to cry. “ all fucked up. I wouldn’t wish me on anyone. I’m not what you’d call relationship material. Or a more common phrase would be damaged goods. I’m all messed up in here.” She said with pursed lips and she tapped her head. “That’s the only reason.” Her hand showed open and palm up for him.
It hurt Eddie to hear this was genuinely what she thought of herself. But it sadly wasn't all that surprising with what he'd learned about her past. The relief he felt was just as damning, making him feel even closer to her despite her insistence they couldn't be together. Not in the way he wanted. The warmth of knowing she wasn't ashamed, that he wasn't a dirty little secret, something he had been in the past, forced a big sigh out of him. The comfort and validation of her words made his optimism that she'd change her mind stay alive.
“Is that your shrink talking?” He asked to lighten the mood.
“A little yeah. It’s mostly me.” Eddie knew it had to be entirely her ex. Girls like her don’t think things like that about themselves unless someone lowers them enough to where they start to believe it. “So don’t ever think it’s you, hun.” She added sincerely and he couldn’t help but smile at the reassurance. “It’s me that’s the problem. You’re great.” She said with a softer smile. He reached up to rub her cheek with his thumb.
“It's good to hear I’m not an embarrassment.” He admitted and kissed her. “For what it’s worth I don’t think you’re a problem. You’re great too you know.” He knew not to push it. It wasn’t his place. But he had an odd satisfaction in knowing she thought so highly of him in that way.
“I invited you down here to be horny and you’re being sweet again.” She leaned up to kiss him as he hovered over her. She made him laugh. She admired his face half covered in shadow like a Rembrandt painting. He was great. He was gorgeous.
“Did that little bit of show get you going?” He inquired with a whisper.
“I’ve got proof if you want.” A devilish smile crossed her lips as Eddie’s eyes went half-lidded at the suggestion.
“Show me.” He said with a faint demand to his tone. She unexpectedly took something out of her sweater pocket. She held up a pair of satin panties.
“I took them off before you showed up.” She smirked. She unfolded them from the little square she’d shaped them in and showed him the wet stained gusset. The satin was darker in the center, a slick puddle she tapped her finger to in the middle of it. The viscous liquid pulled away in a string from the fabric. “There’s your proof.” Her eyes were as dilated as his in the dark. The air felt heavier the longer they were close, feeling the ghost of the breath of the other across their skin. “I wanted to give you these. Not only because they’re extra well loved from me getting turned on from of you, but because once I had the thought of you wrapping that silky soft satin around your hard cock I got turned on again.” She said it as if it were a silly little inconvenience and it made Eddie groan.
“You are a little pervert?” He patronized.
“I am.” She nodded as wiggled her hips. The evidence faced out on her palm, he slid his hand on top of hers to place it in his without disturbing the proof. He locked eyes with Star and stuck out his tongue. With no shame or hesitation, he took the satin to his mouth and lapped up the remnants with a drawn-out drag of his tongue. Star's mouth fell open ever so slightly at the sight. He saw her chest start to rise and fall deeply. She couldn’t take her eyes off his mouth for a long moment as he licked his lips to drive his point home. He put the panties into his inner jacket pocket for safekeeping. “Fuck.” She finally exhaled as Eddie sucked his fingertips after tucking away the panties like he wanted to savor them. Star snapped, and with a sound of desperation she grabbed his shirt and he let her pull him down into a heated kiss. It was hands all over trying to find skin in the layers of clothes they wore. From hair to ass they groped and kneaded. They ran their tongues together outside of each other’s mouths in a twisted embrace. He pulled away and she had her mouth open, tongue out panting for him.
“You look more like the puppy right now, Star.” He pinched her chin and smirked.
“I feel like it. I’m so fucking horny.” She confessed and whimpered, hands grasping for his waist to pull him back. “You wanna… you want me to be a puppy? We could… I can be.”
“You wanna be a good girl for me?”
“Fuck yes I do.” She nodded.
“Tell me.”
“I wanna be a good girl. Lemme be your good girl.” She shifted uneasily from the ache she felt. Eddie shut his eyes at her words and hummed contently in his throat.
“Are you gonna do what I say?” He ran his thumb across her bottom lip.
“Yes.” She kissed his thumb as it followed the route of her lips.
“Open.” His voice was hushed, they might have been fairly safe in the closet but that didn’t mean he wanted to chance it. Her mouth opened with a squish, this hole as wet and pink and needy as her other one. “Tongue.” He asked. She stuck hers out to her lip, her eyes curious and gazing up at him. “I asked for your tongue. Don’t half-ass what I demand.” a stern tone that never got louder. She extended her tongue out as far as she could, a small ah escaping at the tension. Eddie placed his thumb on the pink pillow and took in the sight of her. She was hot and wet in all interpretations and the soft almost frictionless surface twitched under his finger. He made sure his thumb was covered in her spit. He swiped it across her lips with more force to bend the plush skin to his whim. With his ringed hand, he took her by the chin with strong fingers. He leaned in, hovering his face over hers. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears, the wet sound her mouth made as it waited for his instructions. The hum of the heater outside the door filled the silence. Eddie lowered his mouth close to hers, she watched him suck his cheeks together, lips pursing before she saw the first bubbles of spit breach his lips. Astonished at the action she watched it stretch and land on her tongue. She felt her cheeks flush with blood, and her lashes batted, giving away her enjoyment. Again he rubbed his thumb over her tongue. He then pushed it farther into her mouth. She glimpsed up to him for guidance and the acceptance in her eyes was intoxicating for Eddie. She closed her mouth and sucked his thumb once, then a tension-filled pause that made him smile condescendingly at her. “Go on. You knew what I wanted without even asking. You really are a good girl.” His nose almost brushed against hers as he tilted in to tease her. She immediately resumed gifting her oral fixation. Her eyes closed and she exhaled noisily as he watched her warm mouth accept him as he slid his thumb in and out of her puckered lips. The tinted chapstick she’d put on in anticipation of him joining her was only a memory now, but her lips were silky soft to the touch. He pulled out his thumb, watching her eyes fluttering open and questioning why. She watched him then suck that same thumb into his mouth in one smooth motion. “Now swallow.” He nodded at her, making him appear taller with the combination of the movement and the energy he exuded. “I know you know how to do that.” He sneered, his hand moving down to palm himself in his jeans. She looked down as if she could even remember how to be shy around him. She did as she was told and smacked her lips, opening her mouth again as if to show him proof. “I must say, your eagerness to serve is positively delectable, sweetheart.” She was immediately pulled into the same spot she had been the first night she watched him DM. The power made sense now. The calculated, assertive gestures, showmanship, and projection all made her feel that dizzying flip in her stomach. She let an indulgent sigh leave her body without an attempt to hide it. The words he used and how he took his time saying them was a reminder that if he wanted he could give away how smart he was. His time as DM highlighted this side of him to her before she got to see it up close in action in its full glory. She thought, what an opportune time to address him formally since he was acting in such a way.
“I’m happy it pleases you.” She said with a pleasant smile he had trouble looking away from. She played into his energy so well. She always understood what he was going for. “Master.” His eyes flit your to hers in milliseconds after it left her mouth. The eyes gave her away every time.
“Oh, you want to play?” He grinned and challenged her back.
“I thought it was better suited than sir.” She didn’t hide the satisfied grin on her face from knowing it affected him. “Since you are my master.” She paused. “In D and D.”
“You know what I hear when you say that? That you would rather I own you than have me be simply an authority figure.” Star's eyes widened as she felt his hands move to her hips. “That says a lot about you little Star.” He tsks. “Don’t try to be cute.” He said with a bite, his face hardly a breath away. He moved her body without too much effort, switching their places. “You aren’t going to outsmart me, Little lady. So don’t try.” He’d found a button to push as he finally saw that spark in her eyes again. A shadow of a gasp, a pearl clutch, a raspy ‘how dare you’.
She opened her mouth, surely loaded with a witty retort. But she caught herself and shut it, calming her face.
“Whatever you say, Master.” She corrected. He hide the thrill of excitement that ran through him when he realized she wanted to play as badly as he did. A willing sparring partner, finally.
“I wish I could call you a good girl Star I really do but I just don’t believe you.” He smiled genuinely, dimples she adored and all. “Since you’re still wanting to misbehave I’m going to have to punish you.”
“I’m not-“ she began with a pout.
“Ah, ah! He slapped his hand over her mouth, pulling her against him. “You don’t disagree with me. I know what’s best for you better than you do. You got it?”
“Yes, Master.” She said behind his palm, her surprised eyes were much more compliant.
“Better.” He removed his hand from her mouth, as he focused on his stance. He slouched against the wall just slightly, jutting his one leg out that he’d pulled her onto. “I’ll give you what you want. Because by the time you cum you’re gonna be a good girl. But I’m going to make you work for it. I still see too much bad girl.” She nodded, hiding her disappointment only a touch as she lowered her eyes. “I like it better when you look at me.” He lifted her chin and she did as she was told.
“What do I have to do?”
“Since you were so sweet as to gift me your panties that means you aren’t wearing any. You’ve only got your leggings on. And I know those have a tantalizing little seam that’s probably already being eaten up by that pretty fluffy girl of yours.” He ran the back of his hand across the area in question. “And these leggings are thin aren’t they?" he cooed condescendingly. "Yeah, they are. So I know that you could feel almost anything brushing up against your sensitive lips.” He pushed his thigh up against her and she looked down to understand what he was doing. “Pull your skirt up for me, around your waist like that, yeah. Let me see that body of yours. Good.” He ran his hands up her thighs and to her hips to grab roughy. “You’re going to cum by rubbing yourself against my leg. You need to learn some servitude. Some respect. So making you rut against me like some needy puppy is going to remind you of how you are just that. With your big eyes and your pouting. Asking me down here because barely touching me made you wet.” He scoffed. “If you’re going to act pathetic I’m treating you that way until I believe you’re a good girl.”
“Yes, master.” She nodded, with reluctant acceptance. She hissed as his hand ran against her lips unexpectedly. He was right, her thick lips had nestled that seam right over her clit. He ran a finger up and down the fabric seam and saw her flinch.
“I know it feels good. You don’t have to hide it. Good girls show me how good it feels when I touch them.” She let her eyes flutter shut. Taking a deep breath, she swallowed audibly as his finger kept rubbing its track up and down her clit over her leggings.
“You’re right. It feels good.” She quietly spoke to fill the tension. He somehow felt like he towered over her despite having lowered himself slightly.
“Do you want to know one of my favorite things about your pussy, sweetheart?” She looked up with curious eyes and nodded.
“Yes please.” She said in a natural tone, she wasn’t pretending to be anything she wasn’t in the moment. She genuinely wanted to know.
“It’s the fact that I know at any time your clit is right here. He pat her with his fingers. “I know she’s out and begging for attention all the time.” He flicked the fleshy column under the spandex and she winced. “Your body was made to feel good wasn’t it honey? You can’t help that you're so needy, desperate for it all the time. It’s just how you're made.” He pinched the space between her upper lips and it sent her into a shiver. “Your pussy was made to be ground against me until you cum. With that sweet little button out like that.” He pat her again, harder and she sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and closed her eyes. She was adjusting the mix of flattery and degradation. He didn’t speak too harshly, but Star was new to this so he took baby steps. He rubbed four fingers in a circle, letting her build. He wanted her sensitive and needy so she’d give in to the pleasure once he had her follow his orders. He was trying to set her up for success, after all. He wanted her to enjoy this so much that she begged for it again. Purposely his other hand moved under her sweater and over the thin fabric of her small tank top. Her nipples were already hard when he brushed across them. He knew what he was doing was working.
Star's exhales were lusty and lush, her cheeks getting pinker, her chest rising and falling faster. She was leaning into his touch. She arched her back for him to pinch and roll her nipples, something that had always very quickly turned her on. He could feel her hips starting to follow the rhythm he’d set. She was so focused, eyes and mouth closed and face serene. Then he saw the wrinkles start to form. He knew she was getting closer. When she opened her eyes and mouth to take in a gasp, eyes fluttering around in their sockets before rolling to look up at him he knew she was ready. He withdrew his hands from her and she mewled, her knees bouncing as she bit her lip searching for where his hands could be going. When they went to his sides and stayed there he swore he could almost feel her stomp her foot in protest.
“You are so goddamn cute when you’re desperate.” She opened her mouth to protest but realized it was a compliment. With a feminine light huff, she thanked him.
“I’m glad you're enjoying it at least.” She pouted.
“You’re enjoying it plenty. You’ve soaked through your leggings. You can’t lie.”
“I don’t like it when you stop.”
“It’s time to do it yourself. I helped you get all wet and needy. Now show me how much you really want it.”
“I like it better when you do it.”
“Too bad. Think of this next time you want to be bad. Show me you’re a good girl. Fuck yourself against my leg, kitten.” Stars ears perked up at the pet name. “If I’m your puppy you can’t very well be a puppy too now, can you? You can be my little kitty.” She blushed fresh across her cheeks, lashed fluttering with a non-verbal Stutter. “She likes that doesn’t she?” He smirked and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear to show the red ear tips to himself. He could tell she’d washed her hair just this morning and hadn’t done anything to it with the unique softness it had. What a gift to know someone so intimately he could tell when she washed her hair by touch. He continued the affectionate caress to her cheek and chin.
“I… think I do.” She mulled it over. It made sense at the moment.
“I know you do.” He moved so fast she was startled when he smacked her cheek. It was light but fast and sharp and jolted her awake. “Now stop stalling.” It worked, she looked down and started configuring her best approach. He let his arms fall to his sides again to make her do it herself. At first, the darling concentrated face made an appearance as he smiled dimple deep watching her. Small sounds of frustration left her scrunched face. They were different from her sounds of pleasure but only ever so slightly. To anyone else, they might sound the same. But Eddie knew.
She settled as close to him as she could, her thigh against his cock. She didn’t do it on purpose but she wished she had, knowing her every movement would now also be rubbing against him and not just her. She put her hand on his chest to steady herself. She found when she applied pressure and drug herself across him it felt the best. If she tilted her hips just right a smaller jumping motion would also do the trick. She started with the slower drag, trying to keep some of her dignity intact. He was right, it did feel good.
Star was no stranger to experimenting with herself. She was a pro at humping her pillows, she’d tested out the occasional chair arm or table corner. A stuffed animal or two might’ve seen some things they shouldn’t have. Once she’d gotten her vibrator she didn’t much find a need to do that anymore. She could tell Eddie was intrigued by how she approached the situation, her hips found a nostalgic sway and she let herself enjoy it. Eddie watched her like a hawk. The moment he felt her press down a little too hard, her hips quickening and the heavy breathing now routine he snapped her from her focus.
“Look at me while you do it.” her eyes opened to see her hand clutching his flannel. Her bright eyes swung up, her head still lowered and hesitant. She tried to keep up her pace that was set at about the same speed as her heart rate and still meet his eyes. She found it hard to. At first a quick glance away. Then one where her face shifted away and she tried again. It was a new feeling of embarrassment but without the hurt and anger that usually accompanied it. She felt a rush in her stomach that spread out warm and tingling into her extremities. She liked it. “You're having an awfully hard time. Are you embarrassed?” The condescension in his voice was thick and heavy. She nodded and bit her lip. A whine she hadn’t meant to let out escaped. “Lucky for you, good girls don’t have to think. They just do what they’re told and let it feel good.” He let her try again, and she did last longer but the build of pleasure waving over her made her glance away. Faster than she’d ever give him credit for her took her by the chin, thumb, and index forcing her to look at him. “I like looking in those big beautiful mossy eyes of yours. Don’t make me ask again.”
“M’Sorry.” She heavily exhaled. He was so good at making his usual soft-cheeked face look so stern. She was jealous of how he turned it on and off. She envied him.
“You’re getting so close to me believing you’re a good girl. Keep going.” His voice wasn’t sweet like it had been lately, quieter and deeper which made you flinch at the tone because it reminded you of being a kid and getting in trouble. Which is how she felt at the moment with her soaked center rubbing against the black denim.
She refused to look away this time. He held her chin in place and she focused. He didn’t scold her when her eyes left him to roll back. That was acceptable. They became sleepier by the stroke. She was breathing loudly, her body moving in a new way it was still figuring out as she tried different angles with her legs when she’d inevitably get tired.
“W-would you hold my leg up for me?” Her voice was sweet again, asking permission. Eddie hummed with gratitude for it.
“Will it make it feel better?” He saw by the way her eyes narrowed for a moment she wasn’t sure how to answer. Considering if it was a trap.
“It would.” She answered honestly. Which was the right move.
“I’ll help you, sweetheart.” He patronized her as he held her leg up at the thigh, letting her get purchase on him.
“T-thank you.” She moaned, finally satisfied with the friction. She held his shoulder, now trained to look into his eyes without him holding her in place.
“You’re very welcome, kitten.” He leaned in to kiss her, she expected his lips to be sticky with the sweet molasses tone that he directed at her.
She was getting somewhere now. She worked her hips until a sheen of sweat formed on her face. The audible exhales and hums were curt and snappy as she grew frustrated.
“Would you touch me?” She asked with doe eyes he had a very hard time denying.
“No, I’m not helping you anymore.” She pouted as his head bobbed with her body movement.
“Can I touch you?” A bit more desperate and breathy made his cock twitch. He chuckled something arrogant and she whined.
“You already are.” He stated coldly. A warning to not ask again.
Her desperation grew. Feeling every thread against her sensitive center she still needed more. She clenched her teeth and shut her eyes.
“What did I say about-“
“I have to focus or I'm not going to cum.” She bit out, only in need and not in insubordinate. “Please?” She looked back at him. “It feels really good but I don’t think it’s enough.”
“Then you’re not desperate enough. Be honest with yourself. I’ll let you look away if you’ll give in and make yourself cum.” He brushed her hair off her face tenderly that didn’t match his tone.
“Can I touch myself?”
“That’s better. Yes, you can.”
She didn’t wait, taking her sweater and yanking up the bottom hem to put it behind her head leaving her front exposed. Eddie could see the shape of her moving and bouncing. It was enough t make his nostrils flare but then she tore down her tank top neck and exposed her chest. A rushed job, letting the weight of them hold it down. She went straight for her hard nipple and he dedicated the way she touched herself to memory. She purposely angled the other breast to graze against his soft fabric layers as she rutted against his leg. She cursed when she felt her nipples finally be nurtured instead of neglected. She swore and closed her eyes, getting lost as instructed. For a while it was enough, a delicious coil tightening built inside her. But sooner than later it plateaued again.
“Can I please touch you, master?” He groaned when she said it as it caught him off guard and he heard that she meant it.
“You can.” She gasped and reached out to wrap around his neck and shoulders. She buried her face in his neck and moaned. The smell of him and the feel of his hair on her face helped more than she wanted to admit. She clutched at him, bouncing against his torso now with her hips still swaying. With every breath she moaned into his ear, feeling her move against him as if he were fucking her. She sounded so similarly too.
“Thank you.” She whispered, her lips finding his skin. “This is so much better.” She whimpered. “I’m getting close now.” A soft confession into his ear. “Letting me use your body like this is… you were right it’s so good.” She kissed the shell of his ear. “I still want you so bad, you don’t know how bad but this is good. This is good.” The kisses on his neck because harsher, sloppier.
“I know how bad.” His eyes were shut but she couldn’t see. Something visceral happened inside Eddie when she said she wanted him. Be adjusted her leg on his arm to let his hand slide back and grab her ass. He groaned feeling it wobble under his hand.
“Yes, that’s good please.” She started panting against his shoulder.
He gave in and let his hands move to her body. A quick twist of her nipple makes her yelp. Then his hands move to help her hips push against him. Soon they were both gyrating the same and the illusion they were fucking became more believable to their bodies.
“Can I kiss you? Please?” She took his hesitation for a no. He was simply savoring the words. “I need to kiss you to cum. Please? I love it, you’re such a good kisser. I need it.” It came tumbling out and he has where he wanted her.
“So nice to me. Such a good girl,” he growled with a snarl showing teeth at appeared sharper for a moment. He took her mouth for his own. It was gritty and indulgent, full of tongue and teeth. Lips were pulled and sucked. Tongues lashed and lapped. They were both lamenting into each other’s mouths. Her grinding against his cock made him buck back giving her a boost and helping her over the edge.
He felt her hips loosen, moving more wildly than they had before. The desperation he craved from her was there, helpless sounds pushed into his mouth as she struggled to breathe and still kiss him with the exertion.
“I think I’m getting close.” She nodded her nose pressed to his. “Can I cum? Is that…. Is that allowed?”
“There's my good girl.” He moved to kiss her throat and she moaned and opened it to him like a damsel to a vampire on one of her romance novel covers. He held her taught to him, gentle kisses as he spoke down the curve to her shoulder. “I told you you’d be a good girl for me before you came.”
“You were right.” She nodded breathlessly, a whine as she held him closer. “I don’t want to think. I don’t need to. I’ll listen to you, you think for me.” To her surprise, he shushed her.
“Let it feel good, kitten.” He smiled and she felt it against her skin before he ran his tongue along her tight muscle. “Don’t think. Just feel good.” He commanded with the most gentle tone yet. There was no bite to his voice, only an alluring rasp so close to her ear. He knew she was struggling, suffering now. He didn’t want her to hurt, she’d already learned her lesson. “Focus on that seam thrashing your clit. Did you know denim could be so rough before you ground your pussy against it? I bet it’s excruciating, isn’t it? So rough on such soft parts?” She did as he asked, as a good girl would. Her sounds shifted. His words made her cry out. She closed her eyes and focused on every erogenous zone, the feel of worn flannel grazing her nipples and she rose and fell sent a shudder down her to her clit. Her poor clit was desperate, just like he said. Forged between a seam and his jeans it was raw nerved and angry, throbbing and taunting. The real tease was the aching empty space inside her. Her body was so wide, so hungry for him inside her, and all she could give it was the front of his thigh. “Fuck I’d love to see how red and swollen your pussy is right now. Maybe I should? You cumming before my tongue even circled your click would be such a good ego boost.” His voice was playful and caring. But still quiet and deep, soothing almost as he tried to finish her off by getting her mind where it needed to be to follow her body. “And you know you would. I bet it hurts so bad doesn’t it kitten? That hungry hole of yours screaming to get me inside you?” He’d found the weak spot. He was entirely too correct. He heard the pain in the cry, how her brows pulled tighter on her pained face, mouth open and wet and panting.
“It is.” It was the most pitiful she’d ever sounded and somehow the most alluring. “So bad, I need it so bad.” She forced out through frustrated clenched teeth. “I could take you in all the way right now I'm so empty without you, Eddie.” He gave her a solid spank and she yipped but did not falter. “Master. M’Sorry. Master.” She was starting to let out dry sobs, her frustration coming to a head.
“I’ll take mercy on you, kitten.” He whispered in her ear comfortingly before kissing its shell. “Here.” He slid his hand into the back of her leggings, his fingers tips digging into the dip between her cheeks. It didn’t take long to find the pulsing taboo ring she’d drunkenly told him she enjoyed playing with. She thought he would give her his fingers to fuck down on, she didn’t care if it was out of pity. But when she realized he was being even naughtier, pushing her boundaries she let out a moan as his finger circled her asshole. She was soaked, getting a frictionless surface wasn’t an issue. “I’ll fill one of your holes but it won’t be the one you want most.” He teased.
“Do it.” she gritted out, her hips pushing back into his hand. “Please.”
“Say it.” He brought her face up by the chin to his. “I want to hear it.” The whine and trembling of her thighs made him grin down at her.
“I want you to fill up my asshole with your finger. I just need you inside me. I don’t care where.” It was forced out but came out more confident than she expected. He was impressed, his nod told her so.
“Such a good girl for me. You’ve earned it.” He circled again and applied pressure. It took a few delicious moments before she rolled her eyes back and moaned for his finger to slip inside her. When it did she was desperately moving back to get more, to feel any part of him sliding in and out of her.
“Oh fuck.” She sounded faint, letting him hold the weight of her head. “Fuck that’s good.” She admitted, deeper moans growing as she rolled her eyes forward to meet his.
“You’re so dirty, Star. I fucking love it.” He whispered honestly, his forehead to hers. “A good girl who takes it up the ass? How’d I get so lucky?” A smile flashes across her flushed lips. He kissed them before it faded away. She drank him in, sounding like she was eating him as she kissed him back. She felt as if she could have before that spring snapped. She wanted him to somehow fill every hole she had. She wanted to be spread out like a meal for him and then eaten alive. The flashing thought of three Eddies, one for every hole. Each was as foul-mouthed and big dicked as the original, taking her breath away in every way possible and being used. His finger pushed farther, and the combination took her where she’d been fighting to go.
“I’m gonna cum.” She announced as soon as she felt the hot honey feeling start to grow.
“I know you are, kitten.” He patronized her lively announcement.
Fuck.” She pouted and whined, her mouth falling open in disbelief.
“Good girl.” He shushed and kissed her forehead. She didn’t know how to compute the conflicting sweet and spicy attention.
“I’m gonna cum.” She repeated, already losing her grasp on what was coming out of her mouth. She gasped it again, sounding like she was begging for it to be true. She was gone before she knew it, eyes turned to their whites, his hips commandeered her body to move how we the hell they wanted to and not how she was still trying to move them. Eddie pushed his finger as deep as he could inside her and was thanked with a slew of swears in a high-pitched cry. She grew louder, still sounding frustrated as her body released. He kissed her to quiet her. Once he felt her stop squeezing so hard, when she was breathing heavily and no longer crying, muscles calming to a flutter he slid out of her to hold her up, her thighs suddenly shaking.
“There she is.” He shushed her, wiping his hand off on his free legs thigh before helping hold her up. “There’s my good girl.” He pushed back her hair as she fluttered her eyes back open.
“That was..” she let out a sigh “intense.”
“Good? I wasn’t too mean was I?” He asked as he whipped away a bead of sweat on her forehead. She gave him a lazy smile.
“No, it was… fun?” She giggled. “It was great. Different. But you made it not feel weird.”
He cupped her cheek and kissed her softly. She happily hummed into it. She was enjoying the petting and tenderness until she shifted and felt him hard.
“Oh shit.” She said with a pout, her hand moving down to cup him in his jeans. “What about you? I’m a terrible sub I forgot about you.” She poured and kissed his cheek.
“You don’t have to worry about me.” He said quietly.
“We’ve had this discussion before.” She nipped at his bottom lip and he squeezed her tight.
“I’d rather hold off and have you all to myself where I don’t have to be worried about anyone hearing.”
“You do get loud when I’m giving you all my attention.” She cooed and smoothed his hair. “Not much longer left in the day anyway. You wanna go find the guys? Dick around until the bell and you can whisk me off in your chariot and we can mess up your sheets you just washed?”
“Didn’t that wear you out? Are you still horny?” He chuckled and let her fuss on his hair and clothes, straightening him back out and making him look presentable.
“That’ll be like 2 hours from now. Plenty of reload time.” She grinned. “It’s not my fault your hot and I wanna fuck you.”
“I do love what bad taste you have in men.” He grinned and she sputtered and laughed, putting her head to his chest to quiet it. “Let’s go find the others and then I’ll take this horny kitten back to my place and give her some balls to bap around with her wittle paws.” He baby-talked and brought her hands up to kiss them, smacking his cheeks as she laughed.
“Get my paws all over your big scratching post.” She wiggled her eyeballs.
“Ow.” He winced and bent over slightly. “Bad euphemism choice.”
“How about… you make me purr and then I'll lap you up like milk.”
“MUCH better.” He hummed and reached down to grab two handfuls of her ass. “But let’s leave before I change my mind because you’ll get me going again.” He smacked he ass and bowed to show her to the door.
He watched her wiggle and squirm and pull the leggings out from practically inside her. She shook her head and smiled as she saw him watching.
“Don’t worry. Even picking your wedgies you’re still cute.” She shoved him and he saw her blush.
“Shut up.” She muttered and tucked her hair behind her ears. A tell that she was flattered. It was true though. He thought calling her beautiful might’ve been a bit heavy-handed even if he thought it was closer to the truth.
Eddie found himself bored, his usual methods of passing time not hitting like they usually did. He wasn’t in the middle of any hyper fixation, his fingers hurt from playing guitar, and for an hour of brainstorming new campaign ideas all he’d had was a page full of doodles. Well, that and a half-hard cock for the fantasy about Star he’d slipped in and out of. He tossed his pen into the depths of his room, spinning in his squeaky desk chair and sighing dramatically.
“Fine.” He groaned at his splotched ceiling. “We’ll go see her.”
He hadn’t wanted to bother her at work when it was potentially busy. He didn’t want to take up her time or energy from other people that could pay her more and leave a tip. But he missed her. So he went.
It was dark and cold, but Eddie didn’t mind it in the least. A mist of fresh rain covered everything, pleasant whooshing sounds as cars passed by and sprayed puddles, and the wet slap of hit sneakers as he stepped out of his van. The big open window gave him a clear shot into the inside of the diner. He parked at the side,seeing both sides of the building. It was busy, so he hesitated. Standing by his van and wondering if he should bother. He watched long enough to notice Steve was in a booth and to Eddie’s surprise he was with a girl that wasn’t Robin. It was definitely a date, he could tell from the body language and the way Steve ran his hand through his hair. It was a nervous tick and it’d quickly made him more human to Eddie. Star came over, looking adorable in the uniform as he always found it. He watched her closely, tapping her pen to her pad and giving her customer service face to the couple. She stayed and chatted longer than usual, which was no surprise. But she seemed very warm to the girl, and it eased a concern Eddie had that he liked to ignore. Steve was the only other guy that she’d been with around here. That he knew about anyway. And yeah, he found the combination of him and Steve being who she’d gone for to be very confusing. But because of this, he’d also been concerned she liked Steve. Yeah, he knows she said she didn’t and they weren’t compatible but a guy like Eddie can’t take someone for their word on something that might negatively affect him. It was built into his existence at this point. So seeing that she wasn’t flirting with him in front of the girl or being rude to her made him realize she was being honest, and the validation felt good.
She left them and quickly returned with drinks, soon after disappearing into the back. He stood and waited in suspense. He heard the back door to the building open. He then saw her walking to the street lamp to stand under it and light a cigarette. She fanned herself, hip popped out and shaking her loose fringe out of her face. Looking up to the sky with her eyes closed she exhaled long and loud. He was hidden in the dark and around his van, he was creepily watching her, he admitted to himself but the stolen insight into her life outside of him was something he was terribly curious about. She did look tired, and a bit annoyed with the way her nose twitched. He told himself he wouldn’t bother her. He wished her coworker would do the same.
The door sounded again, Eddie couldn’t see a clear shot straight down the back but he heard the boots and a male's voice. The look on Star's face is what gave it away for him. Her lax and tired face tensed, lips pursing and hiding her expression with her hand and cigarette. She rolled her eyes when she looked away. He appeared with a cigarette in his hand. He couldn’t make out the words but Eddie would bet his guitar he was making a move. He knew what guys looked like when they did. He didn’t like this guy. He had one of those gut feelings Star talked about. At first, Eddie thought he was jealous. He got to work with Star, he was older, admittedly good-looking in that rough way Star seemed to like. He also had a pretty nice car. It was hard not to feel a little intimidated. In his head, he was what her ex-boyfriend was like. Older and had that rambler sort of vibe. A bad boy but no leather jacket because he was an actual bad person and not some aesthetically pleasing traumatized guy who happened to be attractive. Eddie had known plenty of both types of men, but what he didn’t know is Star had too. She knew this guy was a walking red flag the moment she saw him. She could thank her ex for that, at least.
He watched Star nod, her smoke being blown in his direction subtly and it made Eddie grin. He could tell she said thanks because she wore that fake smile he had seen a hundred times. The guy moved closer. She stood her ground. Eddie was proud but concerned. He tucked a piece of Star's hair behind her ear and Eddie growled, gripping the corner of the van, not concerned with scratching the paint. Star pushed his hand away, not even closing her fingers around his wrist to do so. The answer was no, to whatever the guy asked. He tried again and she crossed her arms, a clear sign she didn’t want him near. He persisted and Eddie was hot-faced despite the cold. He didn’t want to rush in and freak her out. He also didn’t want to explain why he was interrupting, he had no right to. The idea of making her mad made his chest ache. He told himself if she was in danger he’d intervene but only then. He worried as her voice rose, still only sounds, the occasional word he could make out but she was being clear. She was counting on her fingers, reasons for her retort. He was motioning toward the parking lot for some reason, then to the building. She took an angry drag and then threw the unfinished cigarette to the ground, stomping it out with an angry foot in her white comfortable shoes. With a hand to her chest, she shook her head, the guy trying all the while to touch her and get closer. She evaded every attempt and left to go back inside with a point of her finger.
He felt a rush of relief. The guy was mad, scuffing his feet and shouting swears after mumbling in rounds. He stood hunched with his arms crossed and his face drawn. Eddie was grinning from ear to ear. It was a welcome second wave of validation tonight. First, that she didn’t want to date Steve. Second, she didn’t want to be with this guy either. Maybe he could believe her when she said she wasn’t going to date anyone. It was hard for him to understand why she didn’t think she should, but he respected her stance. Being a character as some people might refer to her, and being as pretty as she was, in Eddie’s opinion, made him acutely aware that this guy was not and would not be the only one that wanted her. He felt smug, knowing he was the one she trusted, cared about, slept with, and was vulnerable with. She might’ve spent alone time with Steve but it couldn’t be to the extent she had been with Eddie. She simply didn’t have the time to be with him that much. Besides, if she was he knew Steve would be just as hopeless as he was about her. Eddie didn't see how he couldn’t be if that were the case. But Steve was dating other people, and not dating Robin. So that couldn’t be it. Star wasn’t lying to him. He wasn’t some dirty little secret for her. She really wasn’t with him because of her psycho babble outlook on herself, not because of him. And Steve wasn’t a threat to Eddie’s hopes of making Star his one day. He didn’t go into the diner that night. He felt like he’d gotten more than he came for already.
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possibility-left · 7 months
Good Omens fic recs #6
A/C, Muriel and Crowley gen, 46k words.  This may actually be my favorite thing I've read in this fandom so far???? After S2, Muriel tries to run the bookshop on their own, and Crowley teaches them how to be their own person, while also being very sad.  There are adorable illustrations in here and I love this writer's Muriel voice.  It's a very lovely healing story.  It does end abruptly and there is a sequel that is still a WIP.  To be honest, I wouldn't have read it knowing that the series was still a WIP, because I never read WIPs, but I'm so glad that the author accidentally tricked me into it because I loved it so much, and this Muriel is my canon Muriel for now, I'll be disappointed if they don't show up in a little purple cardigan in S3.
A/C and Maggie/Nina, 13k words.  Set post S2.  Aziraphale takes his new job but keeps coming down to the coffee shop for breaks sometimes.  Also, he goes to group therapy which honestly, not a bad idea.  This has the feel of a get-back-together-after-a-breakup that I appreciated.
A/C, 4k words.  Crowley gets too drunk, writes a love letter to Aziraphale, and then posts it, which is only the beginning of the problem.  This is funny and very sweet.
A/C, 3.5k words. A sequel to the prior rec.  After Crowley managed to rescue the love letter and hide it away, Aziraphale finds it in the aftermath of Armaggedon.  I really liked how the author tied this into the bodyswap as well.
A/C, 3k words.  This is written in a very Austen style which is just lovely.  Jane Austen joins Crowley's criminal enterprises; she discusses literature with Aziraphale, and she has no idea that they know each other.  Great ending.
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jargonautical · 4 months
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Somewhere To Be / A chapter at a time
The Smith
IT’S STANDING ROOM only at today’s guest lecture, hinting at either a popular topic or compulsory attendance. Possibly both. The Archchancellor himself is at the lectern, and beside him is a blonde giant of a man Mainder hasn’t seen in a very long time. According to the schedule this is one Dr Tor Sónnarson, expert in prehistoric metalworking and jewellery making techniques, flown down from Reykjavik after the discovery of the second brooch. Sónnarson isn’t the name Mainder knows him by, but this isn’t the time - nor the venue, and most definitely not the company - to remind him of that.
He quickly spots Mainder taking up a relaxed slouch against the wall at the back, nursing a cup of scalding hotel coffee, and a grin lights up his face. Fortunately this coincides perfectly with the tail end of the Archchancellor’s introduction. 
“… and I’m delighted to introduce our guest Doctor Sónnarson. I’m sure you’ll all join me in giving him a warm welcome.”
So saying he pointedly raises his hands and leads the applause while Sónnarson lumbers to his feet.
“That is indeed a warm welcome.” His English is impeccable, precise if faintly accented. “I am not a man given to long speeches, so I will simply say that I am very excited to join you all on this project, and I look forward to talking to you all individually in due course.”
He beams at the room in general and takes the lectern to more applause, possibly for the sentiment of his speech but equally likely for its commendable brevity.
“I understand you have been wondering why you are finding so many of this style of brooch. If we include the splendid specimen from the Vernon collection which is claimed to be the brooch of the famous ‘moon princess’ of local folklore, that would make three. A treasure trove!”
There’s a ripple of uncertain laughter; after all, you’re not supposed to laugh at the speaker unless you can be absolutely certain they’re intentionally cracking a joke. Maybe he only meant to be enthusiastic?
“Ah, you are allowed to laugh.” he advises with a knowing nod. “I mean to be sarcastic, and now I will tell you why.”
Relieved smiles at this - damn him, for all his diffidence the smith always did know how to have the punters eating out of his hand. It doesn’t hurt that he’s put together like the gods saved all the best bits for last, tall and broad-shouldered with pale blond hair sweeping back off his forehead like some Icelandic hero from the sagas. Girls used to practically fall at his feet.
Maybe they still do, a horrible thought in the present context. Evie is down there at the end of the second row, leaning like him against the wall and turned back to scan the crowd. Looking for someone? Himself, possibly - a brief warming of her expression lets him know she sees him, but then she’s all solemn attention as the lecture begins in earnest.
The first slide is a simple drawing, a diagram really, of a typical fibula-style brooch. “Of course this style is very common,” he’s saying, “very common for the period - think of it as being the equivalent of coat buttons for our era. This is how we hold our clothes together, nothing more, and if one day archaeologists dig up Saville Row I am sure they will be very excited by the ritual significance of the tailor’s shop and the many buttons sacrificed there to the minor deities of Finance!”
He twinkles with delight at his foolish joke, twinkles directly at Evie as it happens, and expands his chest pridefully when she grins back. Mainder will have to give him a warning. She’s off limits, he’ll have to tell him, because …
Because why? She doesn’t belong to him. She’s an adult, by mudside standards anyway. She can do as she pleases. He’ll warn him off anyway. If it would be inappropriate for Mainder to pursue her, the same goes for him. There are rules, aren’t there, about relationships in the workplace? That ought to cover it.
“You are very lucky indeed to have discovered so many such beautiful examples.”
His slides advance to show the two recent finds. The contrast between the magnificent red, amber and gold piece against the mud-coloured and pitted bronze is shocking now they’re side by side. Garnets versus pebbles, silver flames versus empty channels.
“I hope to examine them more closely later, but from what I see here I can tell you that you are looking at, how should I put it, a Versace next to a Walmart.” 
Blank looks greet him. 
“You do not have Versace here?”
“We don’t have Walmart. Primark, maybe?” Evie volunteers, and he bows slightly in gratitude for the clarification.
“I see. What you would have then, is your cheapest clothing store of reasonable quality. Where you may buy something that is similar to whatever Versace was showing on the catwalk five years ago, but of course in much cheaper materials and a much poorer fit.”
Confused faces clear, smiles of understanding dawn, and he smiles happily at Evie again.
“There, we have an analogy - thank you, miss. This is the same thing. A fine lord may command a beautiful bespoke piece in the colours of his choosing, using the most expensive materials he can afford. He wears it, the lower levels of the feudal nobility observe, and a fashion is born. They ask their craftsmen to make them something similar.”
The slide advances again, showing just the bronze and agate version now. 
“And so this is the next step. Lords and ladies bring the fashion home and any skilled metalworker may observe the design, how cleverly it fits its purpose - for holding the cloak together, you see? Perfectly designed.”
To make his point he advances to the next slide where a sallow young man stares awkwardly just off-camera as if trying not to laugh. He’s wearing a swathe of bright red fabric over his T-shirt and jeans, with a replica of a simple one-piece brooch in thick bronze wire gathering the material at one shoulder and holding it in place. Behind him the outlines of ugly concrete buildings and a patch of tragically uncared-for lawn suggest the photo was captured in haste at Sónnarson’s home institution, with an unlucky student co-opted as the model. His next words confirm it.
“My thanks to my lovely assistant Klaus for modelling for this picture.” Sónnarson intones with another twinkle. “And also my apologies to him for having him wear red, which is most definitely not his colour.”
This raises a roar of laughter at poor Klaus’s expense, but presumably it’s okay since he’s not here to endure it. Sónnarson flicks back to the previous slide.
“And so these clever metalworkers make many more now in the most basic materials. For bronze, there will be scraps remaining from making larger pieces - weapons, torcs, drinking vessels. Agate and quartz may easily be found in the riverbed if you are prepared to sift the gravel for them. What we would call, an easy profit.”
He beams at his clever analogy, regarding his audience’s obvious approval with pride. 
“I will be happy to say more about the specific techniques after I have seen them more closely, perhaps a little talk at the end of the week?”
THE HOTEL’S RESTAURANT is a safely anonymous venue, with the busy clatter of cutlery against plates and other diners’ conversations to mask what these two have to say to each other. In any case who would question the two experts, the local historian and the distinguished specialist, sitting down over lunch to compare theories?
Mainder isn’t astonished to see the smith occupying this new role. His wily friend has apparently been hiding in plain sight for the last few decades, literally writing the book on early Romano-British metalworking techniques. Which makes perfect sense once you know that he personally invented most of them.
“So you haven’t seen the brooches in person yet? I was pretty sure the jewelled one is one of yours.”
“It may be.” Smidur rumbles. “I think it was a young miskin with a commission for his master. Such a long time ago! If this is the same then I recall he said, ‘as fine as you please, and you may be sure he will pay well if he’s satisfied’. So I did, and so he did, and I heard no more.”
The waitress bustles up at that moment to deliver the list of today’s specials followed by the other, slightly longer, list of things they’ve run out of. Smidur listens attentively, leaning forward and giving her a look of deep approval until she starts to blush and fidget, before solemnly announcing that he believes he’ll try the salmon. Mainder settles for the same and she disappears off to the kitchen to place their order.
“And when were you going to tell me you’d come into town?”
“Right after this, I promise you.” Smidur barks a laugh, throwing his head back and making nearby patrons turn to stare briefly. “I knew you would not be far away. This is still your place, yes?”
Mainder meets the jibe with a gleam of challenge in his eye. “Yes. This is still my place.”
He endured some teasing from them all back in the day for being here so often, for taking an interest in the folk that lived here, but he never regretted the time spent. It needed done, he would argue. If you break a system (and that’s what destroying the Vernons effectively was, bringing all their feudal plans, however benign, to dust) then you have to be ready to make good any damage down the line. The Queen would have her way, but she wouldn’t see innocent folk suffer either - and as long as she approved, he was in the clear. He could never seem to make them appreciate that crucial point. Or perhaps they did, and they simply didn’t place the same weight on it that he did.
Anyway Smidur has already shifted to his next thought. 
“The girl at the side, the clever one, what are your thoughts? I think I saw her looking for you in the lecture.”
Trust him to notice. 
“That depends on what you mean by ‘thoughts’.” Mainder deflects.
“Perhaps I should say, intentions. Is she yours?”
“Not exactly.”
Mainder isn’t ready to be having this conversation, not until he’s resolved the same question in his own mind. But that cautious non-answer isn’t what Smidur is digging for, and they both know it.
“‘Not exactly’, what is that? It is a yes-or-no question, my friend. Do you lay claim?”
The formal language, the old language, gives Mainder pause. Technically he could, since he saw her first; and if he did then Smidur would have to back off gracefully and without question.
It’s not that simple though. Living among the people here for so long has changed him, changed how he sees them. They’re not animals to be branded. Anyway even if he laid claim with all formality, would it make a difference to her? What if his handsome friend suits her taste better?
He can’t explain, and chooses to ignore, the twist in his gut at that idea.
“She’s just a child. Between you and me I’m not sure she even likes me.”
Smidur leans back and ostentatiously makes a show of looking right and left at the people around them.
“My friend, from where we stand they are all children. It seems to me that you have been here too long.”
Mainder shifts uncomfortably under the truth of that statement. Both of those statements.
“If you say so.” he responds at last. “Take my advice and watch your step around her.”
And I’ll be watching your step for you, just in case, he mentally adds.
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animation-of-the-day · 5 months
The Final Exit of the Disciples of Ascensia by Jonni Peppers
A longer short. What's cool about this 45 minute short film is its use of mixed media animation. For most of the film, the characters are animated traditionally on paper, then cut out from the paper and positioned using stop motion so that the animator can use real light and background to create depth and mood. The film's depictions of its themes are pretty interesting and experimental, though I would note that it sometimes mistakes laughing caused by anxiety for humor. Maybe some of the people who freaked out after the guest speakers' demonstrations of their personalities would relate. I would describe the tone of the film as incredibly "tumblr-esque". Don't ask me what that means. If you know, you know.
Thank you @kairolan for the recommendation!
HAHA not the "tumblr-esque" i really love the film for that mixed media style that is so unconventional and goes completely against "efficiency" when it comes to animation. in jonni's previous work, they would sometimes animate digitally and still print and cut out all the frames to set up stopmotion style, and in the animation industry i find that this extra step of "cutting out frames" and doing stopmotion when everything was already animated in 2D would never pass due to the extra time and money it would cost. you'd only find this sort of experimental style in a student work and even then i did hear about how jonni received a lot of push back from professors at calarts for having such an ambitious project. the fact that it is set up in a stop motion set though allows for even more mixed media elements to be used though, which i find quite fun and i really also love the use of guest animated vingettes! really inspired me to try and fit something like that into some of my own projects cuz i love the idea of getting to showcase my friends!
other nerdy facts: this film was inspired after jonni watched a documentary with tapes left behind by the heaven's gate cult. she really empathized with the member of the cult and thought that she herself probably would've also ended up joining something similar since all these individuals were struggling and trying to find a solution or community in their own ways. she also felt like all the media coverage of the heaven's gate mass suicide focused heavily on the member's families and framing the members as being weird or insane for even joining a cult in the first place, rather than highlighting how they themselves are also victims. so this film was born in an attempt to capture the perspective of a cult member and treat what they believed in as truth :)
(posted by @kairolan)
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thundertempo · 1 year
Name: Bunny
Food(s): Spaghetti, Habanero chicken wings, tacos, curry (Thai or Japanese Golden style)
Drink(s): Iced Coffee, coke, bubly water (most flavors)
Book(s): For The Classics Pride and Prejudice and Dracula. Howl's Moving Castle, Discovery of Witches/All Souls Trilogy. If manga counts: One Piece, Dorohedoro
Author(s): I don't typically follow by author, but I really like anything Tamora Pierce puts out (me not caring its for tweens one bit)
Song(s): This changes on the daily so no :D
Movie(s): Legally Blonde, 10 Things I Hate About You, The House Bunny, Bridesmaids, The Heat, A Knight's Tale, The Hot Chick, The Little Mermaid, But I'm a Cheerleader
TV Show(s): It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Project Runway, What We Do In The Shadows, Dragula, Archer, Bob's Burgers, Brooklyn 99, The Good Place, Sailor Moon (literally any), Card Captor Sakura, One Piece obviously,
Place(s): my house in my bed
School Subject(s): Choir lol
Sport(s): Dance, gymnastics and I occasionally get into Football, but let's be real I'm more interested in the gay commentary and cheerleaders
Male Actor: Fuck that.
Female Actor:  Kaitlyn Olsen is literally the only one I can put down without being like "but this person is kinda shit". She's not in much outside of Always Sunny, but she goes 101% on her roles and physical comedy.
Best Friend: Sair, my ride or die, the forever captain to my navigator. She's not on tumblr anymore, but if you wanna enjoy some blasts from the pasts you can find a lot of our old cosplay still up at @dapper-and-duedly (mine links to what used to be my main and is now my rp blog so you can see my dumb ass :D) my spouse's usopp cosplay is on there too but you didn't hear that from me
Significant Other: Tiger they are also not on tumblr anymore, but can occasionally be found logged into my stuff on accident on my main tumblr @thiefcats where they will say hello. Or if we DM if someone ever writes 'poop' or 'pee' randomly that's them just saying hello.
Dream Job:  in a perfect world voice actor? If going back to school was something i had the energy to do then therapist or labor and delivery nurse
Tattoos: An owl on my left ankle representing my grandma after she passed. I'm starting to make plans/save up for my Nami tattoo, which is going to be hers surrounded by flowers
Piercings: Ears - double holes and right side tragus, nose (stud), septum and medusa
Languages: English y muy poquito Espanol (I am better at picking up context than speaking it)
Reason Behind URL: One of Nami's attacks. I've had this url forever, I think at one point i considered RPing her back when I first made it and never did. When I came back to tumblr and discovered I still had it I was like "yes, that's going to be for RP if I ever do it"
Reason Behind Icon: Red Nami because I love Red Nami
# of Posts: 1,193
Why You Joined: After getting back into writing and writing several a dirty fanfiction, I realized how much I actually missed RPing Nami.
# of Blogs: 3 including this one main/personal @thundertempo and multi-muses @piratebento
tagging: @miscellany-and-muse @drheartxstealer and YOU (I don't usually do the tagging thing for these things lol)
Tagged by: @maddmuses
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amazingmsme · 1 year
The oc brainrot has set in so it’s about time I tell y’all about her! Thanks to everyone who voted on the name poll, it really helped!
Also, trigger warning for mentions of kidnapping, human trafficking & death, mainly in canon event 3 if you want to skip that sort of thing
Meet Briar Sparks aka Spider-Goth
Earth 80085
Pronouns: she/her
Age: mid 20’s
Height: 5’7 (6’2 with the boots)
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Briar grew up in the rural south with her parents & little sister & had to move to the city when she was 10 for her dad’s job. She spent most of her life in & out of hospitals because of health issues & underwent a handful of tests & surgeries to get answers (spoiler alert: they never got any straight answers & she felt like all of it was pointless torture) so she has a lot of medical trauma regarding doctors & hospitals & developed severe trust issues because of it.
Her personality is… not what you’d expect for the goth spider-woman. Or at least it used to be, she’s gotten way more angsty in recent years. She used to be really sweet & bubbly but now she’s very closed off & shy & just has this depressing aura wherever she goes. It’s a stark contrast to some of the older members of the Spider Society who knew her when she first joined. (“I just like the aesthetic & wanted something intimidating, it doesn’t mean I have to be a broody bitch.” *becomes a broody bitch*)
She likes a wide variety of music, mostly what you’d expect. Rock, alternative, edm, indie, but most shockingly showtunes. Enjoys singing, dancing, baking, art, video games, reading & writing. She was on the swim team & active in theatre in high school. She’s a horror buff & generic nerd. When not in her suit, her style is casual & full of splashes of color.
First canon event:
When she was 14, her younger sister Ashton went to the movies with a friend, & they never came back. Her family was used to the safety of the country & were used to letting their daughters go out on their own to play or head to town, as long as they let them know where they were going & when they’d be back. When she didn’t come home & they couldn’t get ahold of her when they tried to call, they started to worry. When the friend’s mom called to ask if they’d seen them, the panic set in. They checked the movies & asked to see the security footage from that day, & it confirmed their worst fear.
One of the parking lot camera’s saw the girls walking around the building on their way home when a car pulled up & threw them inside in a matter of seconds. The police immediately began investigating, they put out fliers & spoke on the news, begging for their safe return. It was a big story for a few months before the media lost interest, & eventually so did the police. People offered their condolences while insinuating that the girls were most likely dead by now & it was time to move on. This incident made her realize the horrific extent that crime can affect people and opened her eyes to the level of incompetence & neglect that law enforcement have towards victims of violent crime.
Second canon event:
In a matter of months after her sister went missing, Briar got deathly ill & had to be hospitalized. Long story short, she was finally properly diagnosed with a rare disease that shall go unnamed cause i can only self project so much
During her lengthy hospital stay, a spider escaped from the secret underground testing lab & managed to crawl its way to her room. She had been going downhill faster than the doctors could save her & she flatlined. As they tried to bring her back, the spider landed on her hand & bit her. The doctors & nurses were so busy trying to save her that they didn’t notice the loose radioactive experiment. The bite delivered a huge jolt of energy, managing to revive her.
At first she didn’t react well to the bite & was dry heaving for the better part of the next day before she started to make a miraculous recovery. Her symptoms went away on their own & her vitals improved drastically. They had no explanation for her sudden turn around, but there’s no need to hold on to a healthy patient. She developed her powers the day she was released from the hospital, but wasn’t aware of them until the following day when she wasn’t as exhausted.
Because she’s immunocompromised & her dna was already mutated, the bite went a little haywire with her new abilities. She got the regular super strength & speed, spidey sense & climbing abilities, but she also got organic webs that shoot from her wrists. She can also turn invisible & has an incredibly high pain tolerance. After the bite she got fangs & her venom causes muscle spasms/cramps, fever & vomiting. The base genes of the spider that bit her was a black widow so her venom is very similar to theirs. This isn’t a part of her powers, but it is a part of her suit: she has brass knuckles that can turn into claws when she flexes her fingers.
Third canon event:
2 & a half years after she became her earth’s spider-woman she started to really get the hang of it & went on patrol for hours every day. It was on one of these patrols when her senses picked up a disturbance in a hotel across the city. As she was swinging through the buildings, she saw a girl leap out of a window from one of the top floors. Briar swung as fast as she could & when she thought she was close enough to save her, it was too late & her body made impact before the web could catch her. She rushed over in a panic because nothing like this had ever happened before & when she got close enough she realized it had been her sister.
Ashton was covered in bruises & fresh scrapes from the shattered glass of the window & was only wearing underwear & a bra with a torn off strap. The realization that she had been alive all this time & was being abused while the police had given up searching for her made her boil over in anger. She lashed out at the onlookers who were gawking at her sister’s body, demanding they look away & be respectful. A mother in the crowd who was clearly on the way home from the water park offered her a towel to cover her & she immediately pulled her into a long, desperate hug as she sobbed.
She heard the sound of distant sirens & jumped onto the side of the building, running up to the room where Ashton had jumped from. When she burst in the room, a half dressed middle aged man was running around the room frantically gathering his things & yelling at a crying, cowering girl in the corner. He froze when he saw her & began stuttering out an excuse, but she was on him in an instant. She was cussing him out, demanding an explanation & telling him how disgusting & worthless he is all while beating the living shit out of him. She literally beat him within an inch of his life & left him with venom coursing through his veins & webbed to the bed. She wrote the words “pedophile, rapist, murderer” on the walls in his blood.
She took the girl with her & dropped her off at a safe house with a way to get in touch with her family, & she gave her her personal contact info. Briar really cracked down on the human trafficking & abductions that were going on in the city & ended up finding the friend that had went missing with her sister. (But it wasn’t enough. Nothing would be enough to make up for what happened to her.)
Ok let’s lighten things up, that got a lil dark for a sec!
So how did she join the Spider Society? About 7 months after she was bit & became Spider-Goth, she was kiiinda getting her ass handed to her in a fight with her Green Goblin when this cool black & white detective type spider-man swoops in & helps out. She’s completely awestruck & begs for him to teach her how to be cool like him. So Spider-Noir takes pity on her & lets her tag along to HQ to see if he can pull a few strings. She’s still a bright eyed naive kid & just wants to be part of the superhero club so she just zones out the entire time Miguel is explaining how it all works.
She normally went on missions with Spider-Noir, Peter B, Jessica Drew & Hobie once he joined the society. (& of course my cousin’s spidersona, Go-Go Spider) But he called her a wanna-be poser cause she didn’t “live up to the aesthetic” when they first met & it really hurt her feelings. (No one knows how to hurt your feelings like a 15 year old you just met)
She’s managed to fly under Miguel’s radar- for the most part. She was introduced when she first joined (gotta get his seal of approval) but other than that tried to stay out of his way cause he intimidated her. She’s brushed him off when he’s called her for back up (she can’t help it if she’s sick or already in the middle of a fight! He just has bad timing! It totally has nothing to do with the fact she thinks he’s cute & thus tries to avoid him at all costs)
Tho she did have a little spat with him after her sister died. She was basically inconsolable & Jessica felt really bad for her & thought it might help if Miguel explained the whole canon event thing, & we all know how blunt he can be with that. He tried to tell her to move on & that this was destined to happen & it wasn’t her fault. She took it as him saying her sister’s only purpose was to die so that she could go on to do something great. It pissed her off & she punched him in the face & stormed off, & she’s kiiiinda been purposefully avoiding him since. Like if he calls she’ll stare at her watch until it stops ringing & then Noir calls right after & immediately picks up like omg hey bestie. Gets real awkward if they’re both calling her for the same mission ahshskdkd
Fr tho she has a big ol crush on Miguel & tries to avoid him at all costs because of it. She doesn’t even know what he looks like under the mask for the longest time, she’s just heard him talk & seen how he looks in the suit & decided that’s a purebred hunk right there & she’s angy about her feelings towards him. She goes the longest time without a proper introduction so he doesn’t even know her name. Hobie finds out & dares her to introduce herself as Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way. She says no of course but then he offers her 50 bucks if she does it so she says yes. He was lying, & she didn’t get her money but it was worth it to prank him.
I could honestly go on forever about her, but I’ll wrap it up here. Feel free to ask anything you want about her, I’d love to talk about her some more!
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boag · 2 years
How exactly do you know paz de la huerta?
This is a pretty long story but I’m gonna do my best to answer ur question.
So when I was 16, I made a post on instagram in support of Paz. I knew a bit about what was going on with her, mostly about her allegations against Harvey Weinstein and how she was working on her sobriety at the time. As a fan who saw that she was struggling, I wanted to write a bit about her to get the word out and help her get the support she needed. At that time, she had a public instagram account and was selling her art and taking donations so that she could pay for lawyer fees and try to start her career back up. So I directed my followers to her account so they could help if they were compelled to. I was never expecting her to get into contact with me about that post. Her account was deleted and she couldn’t be found anywhere online. I thought about her sometimes and hoped she was doing alright, but i did not know her personally at all. On Christmas 2021, almost 2 years after I made the post, I got a message from someone claiming to be friends with Paz. She said that Paz had seen my post from back then and thought it was very sweet, and that she wanted to invite me to her Telegram group chat. I didn’t know what to think but I figured like “I might as well join, worst case scenario is it’s not her and I leave the chat.”
Once I was in the group chat, I introduced myself and Paz immediately began talking to me. Right from the jump I was like “wait I think this is actually her…” bc I had followed Paz on all her social media since I was 14 and I knew how to spot her typing style and way of speaking. I kept talking to her and the other ppl in the chat and the longer I interacted, the more sure I was that it was really her. She ended up sending a lot of recent pics of herself in that chat, pics that didn’t exist anywhere on the internet. By the time I had been in the gc for about a week, I was certain it was real. After some time passed, me and Paz and everyone else had gotten pretty close. I had learned so much more about what actually had gone down throughout Paz’s life, stuff no one in the general public knew about if they weren’t in contact with her personally. Her story goes so much deeper than Weinstein or drugs. There are people in this world who literally would rather she end up dead than make her way back into the public eye bc of what they’ve done to her and what she knows about them… rich and powerful people who have hurt her in unimaginable ways. Eventually, she shared her private instagram account’s username with me. It was top secret at the time. She didn’t want it shared with anyone. I followed her and she followed me back. It was full of pics and videos and captions that kinda filled in the blanks about what had gone on since she had “disappeared.”
Over time, the telegram group chat died out, instagram became the platform where I keep in contact with her, and slowly but surely, things have gotten better and safer for her. I never stop learning more about her and what she has overcome, and I’m so lucky to call her my friend (although she calls us her “babies” or her “angels”… she wants to create a chosen family environment for everyone who needs that sort of love.) She spends most of her time dealing with lawyers, writing her book, creating all kinds of art, reuniting with old friends and making new friends, and just living her life the way she wants to live it, instead of living it in fear and in hiding. She’s not completely ready to go public, but she is doing interviews and creative projects and letting more fans follow her. She has so much in the works right now, and a lot that she’s already put out in the world recently. I am so proud of her and so glad I answered that dm back in 2021.
Lmk if u have any more questions and I’ll try not to write a full on novel about it LOL ❤️
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pl9090 · 1 year
Abandoned fan project: Where?
Dead due to the hush hush audio developments and my inability to write it without help, (I can lay out a framework, explain scene atmosphere and tone, and suggest dialogue but thats it). I hoped to get this one off the ground but it was not to be and is probably stupid so instead of letting it gather dust, I've decided to post everything I came up with as someone might find it useful.
Constructive feedback is welcome.
Title: Where?
Format: Audio.
Duration: 4 x 15 minute episodes or a NuWho style 60 minute edit and a Next Time trailer for a never to be released Hallwoeen Special sequel.
Description: A Faction audio disguised as an 8th Doctor spin off to both add verismilitude to the Companion assumption and enable the stealth introduction of Faction elements to the larger Whovian fandom. If anyone asks it's an, "ultimate 8th Doctor audio" project exploring how the novel elements might be integrated.
Ostensibly it's a companion going on a breif tour of the .F.P. Spiral Politic and the more compitable novel and NuWho elements while searching for the 8th Doctor, who's gone missing with help from a companion of her own, (unknown to her a Faction Cousin) she dubs, "The Assistant". Naturally it's more complicated then that.
She discovers that things she remembers doing with the Doctor didn't seem to have happened or maybe have been reversed and that certain people she met don't remember her. On top of that the situations they find themselves in aren't as, "nice" or, "resolvable" as those she's used to and gradually bring her around to a more Faction compatible mindset and on the brink of a possible mental breakdown.
After loosing her ability to walk, (and becoming cooped up in a crudely modified Dalek skirt salvaged from a battlefield) she finally catches up with her Doctor only to find out he doesn't remember her nor any of their adventures together seeming more interested/concerned about her companion whom he reveals to be a Factional, perhaps dismssing her as, "another Faction trick". The mental breakdown she has been able to keep at bay/compensate for with the hope of being reunited with him occurs at full force shattering her prompting her to quickly go back into the .T.T. capsule and start crying/wailing. The Assistant watches her go in then walks up to the Doctor ranting about how much she wanted to reunite with him and had had to go through to get back to him all for nothing followed by punching the Doctor in the stomach doubling him over then an upper cutting knocking him out.
The Assistant then goes into the .T.T. capsule, quietly sets the controls with his shadow and it demterialises. The Companion flashbacks to the instances where he showed more knowledge then he was supposed to have. The two have a frank emotional heart to heart in which she works through her feelings and confronts The Assistant about who and what he is. He gives a basic summary of what the Faction is emphasising the aspects that make it seem like a group of misfits/don't fit elsewherers but not lying. She decides to join the Faction and to do it, "properly", (ie: Killing her parents erasing herself from time and causing the whole mess but she doesn't realise it and it's not spelt out for the audience).
Ep.2: Weeping angels encounter and encounter.
Ep.3: Crippling incident then the combined brooding and salvaged Dalek skirt modification.
Ep.4: Finding the Doctor and the aftermath.
Titles only until the final episode. Organically, not forced or highlighted. (A play on the .F.P.'s need to use codenames).
No romance between the two humans, they are merely comfortable enough to snark at each other.
1.The Companion: A previously unknown 8th Doctor companion who has 4th Doctor's scarf from her alternate timeline. No Faction knowledge but ends up joining it which causes her erasure from time.
2.The Assistant: Goth male. Factional wearing a symbol ring instead of robes and a mask. Knows more about the Spiral Politic then he lets on, (makes some small slips not really noticed until the end) but is genuinely swept up by events.
3..T.T. capsule: One of the many the Master had hidden away, took the form of the 8th Doctor's Tardis using the Companion's memories of what would be expected/the most wanted).
*Tardis turbulence and small console sparks*
Assistant: "Where are the seatbelts on this thing?".
*Console spark*
Companion (Laughing joyously): "There aren't any!".
*Companion kicks the Assistant on the ground*
Companion: "Are you dead?".
Assistant (sarcastically): "Only on the inside".
*Companion chuckles*
Assistant: Ideally we'd want something faster and more manoveurable then a wheelchair, perhaps with anti gravity if possible so you can clear obstacles. Do you know anything like that?".
The Companion (Sadly): Yeah.
*Dalek Civil War battle sound effects*
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