#she is allura's great-great-great-great-great grandma!
findingcrow · 1 year
Some Voltron Headcabons for the soul (but it’ll probably be a lot of Pidge) (I will do more of these if ppl like it)
- Pidge roller-skates around the castle. When the others need a tool or something, all they’ll see is Pidge zooming by (and possibly hear a thud if they hit the wall)
- Hunk is basically Gordon Ramsey in the kitchen and he definitely watches Hell’s Kitchen and The Great British Bake Off
- When the group goes anywhere, Shiro holds their stuff like a grandma carrying her kids jackets
- Lance can only run for like 15 seconds before getting out of breath (Pidge and Hunk make fun of him for this)
- Keith will randomly hate something. Anything. Especially if everyone else likes it. He would despise Stranger Things and Melanie Martinez, not because anything is wrong with those things, but because they’re popular.
- Keith gatekeeps (Everyone tries to explain to him what gatekeeping is but he never understands.)
- Pidge sleeps once a week at most and runs purely on energy drinks and steals everyone else’s coffee (considering he’s almost always awake, she’s the best option when people can’t sleep so the rest of them often come to them to hang out)
- Keith, Hunk, Lance, and Pidge all have sleepovers and play Killbot Phantasm 1
- After each battle, Hunk makes a nice meal for the team :)
- Coran watches the paladins and observes them like birds to try and understand humans better (but his assumptions are usually wrong and the next day they’ll see him using a human item/phrase wrong)
- Shiro helps Pidge cut their hair because they discovered that they prefer it short rather than long
- Once Lance accidentally called Pidge “Pigeon” and no one has let either of them live it down
- Following that, Lance stumbles over his words like every other sentence
- Keith loves coconut. Idk he just seems like a coconut guy
- Hunk has snacks in his lion all the time and the paladins will sometimes yell out to him when they’re all traveling for some. He’ll throw it into space and they all race to grab the snack first. Once someone has the snack, he gets out more and makes sure everyone gets some
- Pidge has dirt on EVERYONE. Pidge sees all and hears all and has almost a black market on information between the paladins (Lance and Keith often buy information off of her about each other for the low price of their coffee for the day) (this is often used when birthdays are coming up and it helps Pidge make sure no one gets the same thing) (only problem is that the paladins have a REALLY hard time figuring out what to give him)
- Allura watches My Little Pony and cries at the end of each episode
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ATAOAT: Chapter 1, Intro
"Gramma, Gramma! Can you tell me a story?" He sat on the lap of his grandma, eagerly waiting her response as they relax in front of the fireplace.
The boy's name is Wilson, he is temporarily staying at his grandparents' house for a week, with his parents out of the country.
"But of course, child. However, this story, both of us will only know, for this is a secret hidden from the world. A tale as old as time." She carressed her dear grandson's cheek. "Do you understand, my lovely grandson?" She said softly.
"Yes, Gramma. Now start telling me!" He excitedly exclaimed with sparkles in his dark brown eyes.
"Wait just for a second, child. This story isn't complete without a book, no?" She chuckled. "Wilbur, get me that book, will you?" She yelled from across the room to her husband. 
"Yeah, yeah, no need to yell, ya know!" He replied while walking over to give the book.
"Thank you, my dear husband." She smiled dearly.
"You're welcome, my love. Anything else?"
"No, I have everything I need here."
"Well then, I'll just go back to my business. Tell me if you need anything, okay, Winona? Oh and, sleep in time with our grandson, will you? Don't want this little rascal still up later at midnight." He waved his hand before closing the door to their bedroom.
"Goodnight, Wilbur." She opened the book with no hesitation and started telling Wilson the story.
Narrator's POV
Long ago, in a time where history was everything but a blank page of a book, when heroes were praised and villains were banished, when mysterious mythical creatures roamed the land, magic lingered and touched humanity's hands for the first time. This story is about a specific family that lived at the outskirts of the Pralina Empire of the north and in the middle of a vast forest, only having limited communication with the outside world. 
There was something special about them. It was a family of powerful sorcerers and witches who were both feared and admired by various kingdoms. This family was wealthy, considering they lived in seclusion, and even considered as one of the most influential amongst the Pralinian nobility. 
This family, was the family of Morrows.
Their family formed when Allura Cheshmire met a young, handsome man when she too, was young and beautiful. His name, was Clifford Morrow. He was a powerful sorcerer and the first to use alchemy. 
They fell in love and were wed. 
Allura is the Primordial Witch, who was the first to dabble in all kinds of sorcery, including necromancy. She is also the first to apply magic to swordsmanship, particularly twin swords. Following her was her younger sister, Catherine the Magic Engineer, who was the first sorceress to apply magic in machinery. She called her creations 'Ingenium'. They both had many great feats, which earned them their titles. 
Shortly after, Clifford and Allura had four children, and each have their own unique abilities.
Morgana is the eldest of the bunch, unique in her own way. She is a musician, able to apply music to magic in a way no one has seen before. She specializes in incantations and has an ability known as Soul Retrieval. It allows the user to resurrect someone from death. However, only she knows about this special ability of hers, even her family doesn't know.
Next is Gresza-Bella, a year younger than her older sister. Like her father, she is a skilled alchemist who likes to make all kinds of potions, making her immune to all types of poison. She's also magically attributed mostly to nature, which makes her a naturally talented elementalist and summoner. However, she was born with a special ability known as Subjugation. With only a single gaze from her eyes, she can control someone to do her bidding. She wears an enchanted blindfold, a gift from Clifford, to prevent this from happening. Although blindfolded, she can still see like normal, thanks to the enchantment made by her father.
Then, the twins. Both 5 years younger than the two. Primm and Grimm, each have their own differences, but are stronger in unison. Primm is older by 5 minutes.
Primm is a diviner, able to gaze into the stars, use their power in the cards, and see the threads of fate. She has the ability known as Foresight. Having Foresight, she sees through everything, even in both past and future. She has a talent in buffs and debuffs.
Grimm is a magic swordsman, like his mother. With self-enhancing capabilities, his potential and power is almost unlimited. Like his twin sister, he also has a special ability called the Eyes of Truth. This enables the user to see things for what they really are. He is immune to lies and is straightforward. Although renowned for his relentless swordsmanship, he is also proficient in many other weapons, including eastern ones.
All was well in their family, until their father met his unfortunate end. This occurred before the twins were born. He lent his hand to the empire, which caused him his life. It was revealed that he was assassinated by one of the opposing empires, which made Allura enraged. 
Mad with grief, her magic had gone haywire, causing the entire kingdom to shake and the area around their house to become withered and contaminated with dark magic.
"Mother!" Gresza-Bella yelled out as she opened the door to Allura's room. She swiftly ran to her mother's aid, hugging and comforting her as she went hysteric from sorrow.
"Everything shall be okay, mother. Trust me. Your daughters are here with you." She kissed her cheek as she herself teared from seeing her beloved mother go crazy. She opened a bottle of sleeping potion and placed it directly under her mother's nose.
By the time the shaking had stopped, the outskirts of the Pralina Empire had become enveloped in dark magic. Allura slept in her daughter's arms as the older one rushed to the room. 
"Bella.." She exhaled as her breath hitched, holding her own tears back from the death of their father.
Bella looked at her sister while crying. She sniffled.
"He's gone. Father's gone." She muttered. "I hate to see mother like this." Looking at her mother, she moved her to the bed with magic.
"This isn't good for mother. Especially when she's with child." Morgana calmed herself down before continuing to speak. "The emperor will come looking for us demanding an explanation, knowing we're the only ones capable of doing that." 
"What do we do, sister? Mother's in an unstable state right now." She tucked Allura into her bed and carressed her hand.
A moment of silence passed, when Morgana decides to break it.
"Bella, the animals. Use the birds' sight to monitor our surroundings, especially the palace." She hurriedly left the room.
"B-But, sister, what do you have in mind?" Bella chased after her sister, making sure to leave a few of her pet animals to her mother's aid.
"I'll make sure to protect this house and our family, no matter what happens." She opens the front door and immediately chants.
She raised her left hand and held her enchanted necklace as she casts the spell.
"Domum nostram ab externis defendat" 
"Haeream Obice!"
She cast her hand outward and a ray of light shoots from it. A gust of wind suddenly surges and the barrier slowly formed. 
Morgana lowered her hand as she shapeshifts into a bird and flew to the palace, the residence of the royal family.
"Morgana!" Bella chased after her sister, but Morgana was already on the way to the palace.
"I can't leave mother here, all alone." She thought to herself. She sighed and returned to the house as she looked back to the sky, seeing her sister fly to the castle.
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veilofemptyspace · 5 years
So in the crossover of shance and star vs evil who replaced Akiha? Like meteora was replaced with Festiva.
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“When the brightest star be threatened by monsters so heinous,let the kingdom find some peace and light in Jovialia the Joyous”
Much like in Star vs, Akiha is replaced with a peasant baby the Magical High Commission picks up, and she goes on to be the new Queen of Altea.
Jovialia doesn’t know much outside of the castle and what the MHC teach her, so she grows up to be rather sheltered ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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glossolali · 3 years
TLOVM Watch Party EP 2 Summary:
- Matt (and Marisha) voiced many many background NPCs
- Scottish David Tennant is Matt's favorite
- Felicia Day wasn't told what she's voicing but she did great as the leader of the army, but she got burned - Bye Felicia!
- Liam and Marisha were instrumental in creating the intro, and it's beautiful!
- Emon's design looks tiring to climb with full plate armor, but there's a magical elevator
- Indira and Stephanie are incredible for Allura and Kima - Indira Varma recorded in her closet, David Tennant recorded in his attic
- Trinket (Matt) had to be there in the room for all the group recordings to do his voice
- There's a contractual minimum for the number of chest hairs on Scanlan, they think it's 6 right now, and every season he gets a 10% boost (LMAO)
- In early designs Gilmore was a little skinnier, and Matt asked for him to be larger and says "he's a big beautiful boy"
- Another Matt NPC sighting! Matt says "I am Exandria's cabbage man"
- Another one of Marisha and Laura's glorious belches, Matt thinks it's an air elemental plane rift or something
- Grog is so cute
- Grog's sandwich used to be way grosser and included human body parts, but they decided to go with a 'nice sandwich' instead
- The painting is so absurd [the tiefling portal painting in Krieg's home] and it's perfect
- David Tennant is SO good! He's makes a great bad guy
- Liam is so good at the sardonic Vax delivery
- Lots of deep cuts like Painter Jameson, and some they ask for, some the design team put in themselves
- In Japan, they had to blur the troll dick (LOL)
- Benefit of finishing a campaign is they can leave Easter eggs and storylines hanging to tie up at a later time
- Vax telling Scanlan to shut up is actually just Liam saying "Shut the fuck up Sam!"
- Stepping away from cartoon violence and making it visceral comes from being a huge admirer and fan of anime, important for the characters to feel like they're in danger, there are consequences to their actions, and it's an adult show
- Percy's Naruto run was completely on purpose!!
- Grog raging was incredible and it was actually the first hit he successfully lands in the first 2 episodes
- About Vax flipping the blood coin into the dragon lair and "We got them, kid." Liam takes lines and makes them sound so good
- Grog's blood looked like dookie at first but they decided to keep that for another episode (lol)
- The Briarwood's carriage design is really great, it looks like a skull with wheels
- We love this show! Hope everyone does too
- End credits have beautiful painted backgrounds, please watch them!
Q: How did you adapt the early part of the stream to this show?
Matt: Characters aren't fully established as heroes, or don't know each other that well, so the Briarwood's arc is a great jumping off point for the show. Initially had a mind control arc that showed each character's greatest fears that just didn't work that well
Q: How did you assemble the show's cast?
Travis & Matt: We made a dream wishlist!
Sam: Vin Diesel said no (joke), but we got a lot of our first choices and they loved how the show became the show, and the love and support of the critters is what made the show - they connected to that story and wanted to be part of their dream
Matt: I can't wait to meet these people in real life and cry in front of them
Sam: Voice actors said "Your fans are awesome!" they felt the critter hug for sure
Matt: My Grandma and Grandpa loved the show, but I can't stop thinking about how they've now listened to Sam sing about anal beads
Everyone: it's fine all grandparents have seen balls (and then they lose it for 5 minutes)
Q: The Dragon design!
Travis: Important for us to have a unique and scary dragon that wasn't like any other dragon in media, was a fun process to workshop it
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Q: How much is improv, how much is not?
Sam: We didn't have to improvise much but when we're in the same room it happened naturally, characterisations didn't really change - had to worry about acting instead of just saying it in character on the table
Matt: All scripts get tweaked by everyone so that the character's voice is more like they imagine, despite the writers being amazing, since we've all lived in these characters for so long
Q: Were the rolls honored in the show?
Travis & Matt: Just honoring story beats that make sense and were exciting like Vax's Nat 20 with the dragon fight, or a goof being a 3 and creating a fun situation
Q: Let's talk about Gilmore's Glorious Goods and the glorious zaddy himself!
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Matt: The catwalk and dressing rooms on the top floor are so great
Easter eggs: Witch's Hat, The Broom, Sam's Flask
I was really precious about finding the right Gilmore, and Sunil is the perfect casting!
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Chapter 15: The Undiscovered Country
After dying to save the Multiverse, the Paladins are reunited with dead friends and family on the other side. Each of them must make a choice to go back or go on.
This chapter was inspired by the Voltron Defender of the Universe episodes “The Captive Comet” and “The Little Prince.”
An excerpt:
Lance looked down to see his lifeless body still seated in the pilot’s chair of the Red Lion.
No, he thought, I can’t be dead. But as much as he wanted to resist that thought, the light was all around him, guiding him through the tunnel to another place.
“You’ve made a long journey, Lance McClain, but your journey is nearly over. Be not afraid.” The mysterious voice that spoke to him both terrified and comforted him at the same time.
Lance found himself standing on the sandy shore of a vast ocean at sundown. He was nearly overwhelmed by one of the most breathtaking sunsets he had ever seen. The vista before him made him immediately think of home, of Varadero Beach. He had thought often of taking Pidge there and of introducing her to his family. His parents and siblings and young niece and nephew were not to be found in the beautiful place where he was now, though.
Deep down inside he knew he was on a journey that he would have to make without his friends, and the thought of it terrified him as much as it broke his heart.
“Lance,” a gentle voice called to him.
“Abuela!” He exclaimed. He ran along the sandy shore until he could envelop her in an embrace. “Grandma! I’m sorry. I’m so sorry! I was away in space when you and Grandpa—“
“I know, mi vida. I’ve been watching over you, my brave nieto. I am so proud of you!” She held him as he wept in her arms. “You have had so many adventures, like one of the brave knights in the stories I read to you when you were a little boy. Do you remember?”
“I haven’t forgotten. Your stories always inspired me to face my fears and do what’s right.” He pulled away from her a little so he could see her face, which was streaked with as many happy tears as his own. “I liked the parts about the monsters and battles, but my favorite parts were always about rescuing the beautiful girl and living happily ever after.” She laughed at him, cupping his cheek. He continued. “I finally found her, you know, in real life.”
“That beautiful alien princess? The one with the flying castle?”
“No, Grandma,” Lance replied as she lovingly ruffled his hair the way she did when he was a little boy. “It’s Katie—Pidge,” he said with a soft smile.
“The little one who says so many big words?”
Lance chuckled. “She’s as courageous as any of the knights in your stories, and she’s just as beautiful as she is intelligent. She’s the one I’ve been searching for my whole life. I’m sure of it.”
“I see,” she said with a knowing smile that made her eyes twinkle.
“Will she be there? Will Pidge be in the place that I’m going?” Lance asked, gently gripping his grandmother’s shoulders. “What about Hunk? And Allura and Keith? Will I see them again?”
Lance’s grandmother looked away at a far distant shore that he could not yet see. After a long silence she said solemnly, “Like the greatest of the heroes in any of my stories, you sacrificed your life to save all of existence. Because of this, you have been given a great gift. You must decide if you want to go back to the world of the living, where you must continue to suffer and fight the good fight against the evils of your time, or you can decide if you want to go on. You can continue your journey to a place where there is no more pain or sorrow, a place where there is no more death, only peace and joy.”
The tears came once more. He wanted that peace and serenity so desperately. Lance wept silently as he studied his grandmother’s face, and finally he said, “I want to go wherever Pidge is, in life or in death. I love her, Grandma. I just want to be wherever she is.”
“Dear heart,” she said, wiping the dampness from his cheeks with her thumbs, “though friends and loved ones may walk by your side, ultimately life is a journey you must make alone. A hero must choose his own path through the dark forest.”
Lance shut his eyes, trying in vain to stop the flow of his tears. “I choose to live. I really hope I’ll see you again someday, Grandma. I love you. Tell Grandpa that I love him too.”
Lance felt his grandmother brush his cheek with a kiss that was feather light. After that his eyes did not open again for a long time.
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amaranthkick · 4 years
A Therapy Werewolf, part 10
“You should have seen it, Pidge! Shiro threw his head back, a noble howl resonating around the area catching the attention of the space wolves. All Shiro had to do was growl, showing off those pearly whites and they were cowering with their tail between their legs. Ah, as a fellow lupine, it brings a tear to my eye.” Lance dramatically wiped a non-existent tear from his eye.
Shiro knocked Lance down, laying on top of him and trapping him underneath. “You know that is not what happened in the slightest.”
“Mmm, yeah, I’m sure that’s what happened.” Pidge said to Lance, voice dripping with sarcasm. She raised an eyebrow. “What really happened?”
Lance hid his flushed face behind his hands while Shiro whined softly and put a paw on top of his muzzle. Hunk tilted his head at their reactions and gasped as an idea popped into his head. “Oh! Is it like on TV where dogs sniff--”
Everyone froze as the alarm blared throughout the castle and in an instant they rushed to the bridge.
“It's as I feared.” Allura informed them as she pulled up the map, showing an enemy marker heading towards their location. “The Galra are sending a warship to our position. Fortunately, it's not a robeast. ...Not this time yet. But this means we don’t have the leisure to wait here for a way to change Shiro back to normal. Never mind, we’ll talk afterwards. Paladins to your Lions!”
Shiro huffed as he waited on the bridge as the others worked together to take down the warship. He could feel the Black Lion purring in apology in the back of his mind but as otherworldly and advanced as these Lions were, the controls proved difficult in his current state.
Though he wasn’t able to fight with his team, he perked up in pride as they managed to take it down. They have really grown from the first time they piloted the Lions to be able to work together even with one Lion missing.
Even though they were victorious it was tense when the paladins returned to the bridge. Keith was tense with anger, of course the Galra wouldn’t let them catch their breath. It’s just a matter of time until they keep sending stronger and stronger reinforcements. Pidge was fiercely staring at a screen as if her glare can make a cure form faster. Everyone else was frowning thinking of what they could do.
Lance started when he felt Shiro nudge his hand with a wet nose. “You said you had a plan B, in case things don’t pan out. Well… things aren’t panning out. Can I hear what it is?”
Hearing Shiro bark made everyone turn their heads in their direction. Lance rubbed the back of his head. “Uh, there is something I’d like to try. I think it’ll be able to help Shiro.”
Lance explained that he wanted to turn Shiro, give him the bite and turn him into a werewolf. He got the idea thinking about Coran’s remarks about his body rejecting the space wolf chemical. The turn would also pretty much be instantaneous. The idea surprised them and certainly piqued Coran’s interest in how the turning works but more importantly brought a spark of hope back in their eyes.
“How interesting, is it magic based or perhaps it works like an infection passed through a bite wound?” Coran was holding a magnifying glass too close to Lance’s mouth for his liking.
“I have no idea.” Lance leaned away from Coran’s good-natured prodding. “I’ve never tried it but it does involve a bite, which obviously hurts. Not sure how I feel about biting our leader. Are you sure you want to try it?” He asked Shiro.
“I’m willing to give it a try.” Shiro nodded, appreciating his concern.
“Are you sure this will work?” Keith asked, highly concerned for Shiro’s safety.
“I don’t know how this’ll work on a space wolf but uh… ok, something like this happened before. They say that no one has turned anyone in a while but my dad or his friends might have done it but don’t you guys tell a soul! My family might get in trouble.”
At their agreement, Lance continued. “A long time ago, when my dad and a few of his friends were young and dumb and unafraid, they asked the age old question ‘can you turn a wolf into a werewolf?’ But unlike normal people and just imagining what would happen, they tried it out. Long story short they ended up adopting a very confused and slightly feral human. Ah, Uncle Jim Jam… the life of the party.” Lance ended with a nostalgic tinge in his voice.
“You guys named him Jim Jam?” Hunk asked incredulously.
Lance gasped, a hand on his chest. “Don’t be mean! He’s doing his best! But anyway, they started a wolf and ended with a werewolf that can turn into a human or wolf. Which is what we’ll end up with, hopefully.”
It wasn’t night yet but the moon had entered the sky from the eastern horizon. Lance said he needed some time to concentrate and see if the moon was willing to help. Apparently he had to get the moon’s blessing to be able to turn someone. Shiro found Lance in the usual hall, the moon visible in the window. His eyes were closed and he breathed in deeply, soaking up the moonlight. Once Lance noticed his presence he sat down next to him.
“This moon is happy to help, she feels friendly and kinda curious about me and werewolves since this planet doesn’t have any. ...How are you feeling about all this? Like getting drugged and uh, getting experimented again by the galra?” Lance winced as he asked. There wasn’t exactly a subtler way to ask that.
Shiro was surprised then he deflated with a sigh. It was hard to keep the dependable leader front with all this trauma piling up. “It certainly is not helping that it happened again. Feels like everytime they get their dirty hands on me, I’m changed beyond recognition from who I used to be.” He felt like he could breathe a little easier, having admitted that.
Lance started to gently stroke his fur, he felt Shiro relaxing slightly at his touch. “How about this though? If turning you is successful, you won’t exactly be fully human again.”
“Hmm, but this feels different. Maybe because you offered it and I chose to try it rather than another galran experiment being forced on me.” But still… being a werewolf, it’ll definitely be a new experience, Shiro thought.
“Oh! That kinda reminds me of some werewolf legends, want to hear them?” Lance looked eager to tell him a bit of werewolf culture, his culture. Shiro wagged his tail once, happy to listen.
“Well, they say the first turning was actually a curse.” Lance smiled sheepishly as he started. “Humans were afraid of werewolves so they hunted them. The moon was angry at the many innocent lives lost to the hunters. So she cursed the bite a werewolf had inflicted in self defence and caused the hunter to become a werewolf and thus the hunter becomes the hunted by his own people.
“Oh! But then there’s another legend that makes turning look like a blessing! So there was this werewolf woman whose lover was terribly injured. Since werewolves boasted great regenerative abilities she begged the moon to be able to turn her love so she can save them. And once she did they lived happily ever after and all that jazz. They tell these stories to get pups to not judge things at first glance since something was a curse in once case turned out to be a blessing in another. Ah, I remember when grandma told me these stories...”
Shiro's eyes softened fondly as Lance started to reminisce, happily talking about his family. A blessing, huh? Shiro felt lighter as his nuzzling caused Lance to laugh.
“Haha! Alright, alright. Enough of that, I think I’m good to go. Let’s get everyone and see this through.”
Shiro was ready to accept that. Sharp teeth sinking into his flesh. But that spike of pain only lasted for a moment.
Then it felt like lava coursed through his veins spreading from the bite to every part of his body. He felt something… in the back of his mind, a gentle pull. Was this how the moon felt to Lance?  Lance told him if he felt it, he should go against the pull as it guided them towards their wolf form. He concentrated on doing so. Shiro gritted his teeth as muscles spasmed and bones started to shift. He could vaguely hear yells of concern from the others.
He remembers Lance trying to tell him to not fight against the change before he blacked out.
It was a chaotic few minutes full of screaming, cursing, yelling, honestly, just another day out here in space, Lance thought to himself. But everyone calmed down once Shiro had changed back into a human even though he promptly passed out. They quickly dressed him up in the silky, black pajamas stored in the castle. He was still missing his arm but with Pidge, Hunk, and Coran on the case, Lance doubts it would be that much of an issue for long.
Lance suggested a sleepover, getting everyone bringing their blankets and pillows to fill that circle of couches area in the common room. This way with Shiro’s brand new stronger sense of smell, he’d be surrounded by familiar scents when he wakes up.
Allura took Coran with her to chart their next course to their next destination, taking care to mark some safe spots to give the paladins much needed rest. Coran assured Lance that he would make her join the sleepover so she could rest as well.
As they slept in the soft nest waiting for Shiro to wake, Lance settled in and he let his mind wander. It’s been a wild ride out here in space. Becoming paladins, helping Shiro like he helped his uncle, everyone accepting him even if he was a werewolf and him fully accepting them as a pack. Lance knew this war would be tough but he’ll do what he could for his pack.
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velkynkarma · 4 years
I saw your asks about Premium Pandemonium, and I got to wondering: Do the Prices exist in that universe? What would happen if Shiro met them (in 'canon' or with whatever wild reality melding)? Who do you think he would get along with the best? How might the Prices react to him? (sorry that's a lot of questions!)
Oh man, don’t apologize, these are great questions. (All answers are without any context from Calculated Risks which I haven’t finished reading yet).
I don’t think the Prices exist in the PP universe, mostly because they seem to be pretty well known and established all over the USA, which would make ‘supposedly reformed Covenant agent’ a little easier to grasp as a concept. That would’ve lessened the impact of Shiro breaking out on his own in the fic. 
But that being said, inter-reality travel is firmly established in both the InCryptid and Voltron universes, which means they could theoretically meet in two Earth realities sitting next to each other on the horizontal. So we’ll use hand-wavy ‘world hopping’ excuses to answer these questions.
Assuming Shiro could poof into the actual canon InCryptid universe, I think he’d be both surprised and delighted to learn about a whole established family of multiple generations with his own viewpoints. He’d definitely want to meet them if he could...which he would probably need to anyway, in order to get their help to get back home. 
I think he’d probably get along with the younger generation the best, since Alex, Verity and Antimony are all pretty accepting. Elsie and Artie too, although Artie miiiight be a bit dicey since he’s an incubus who doesn’t have full control over his pheromones, so that could get awkward and weird. Annie in particular, I think, would be somebody he’d get along with well, once he gets past her initial abrasiveness. She’s a fire-based sorcerer, and he’s now an artificial one; he could probably learn a lot from her. I think he’d also have a particular connection with Dominic, who is the only one currently living and there in the current books who has his exact scenario: having been a part of the Covenant for years, but then left it after seeing things in a different light. He’d probably like to have a few serious conversations with Dominic just because it’d be nice to talk to somebody who actually gets how confusing and complicated it is to flip sides and leave behind everything you knew. 
Some of the older generations might be trickier, though. If I recall, Verity had a pretty tough time integrating Dominic into the family. Her parents didn’t really approve of the marriage, and if I’m remembering Chaos Choreography right, she was actually pretty afraid Grandma Alice might decide to just stab her ex-Covenant husband because of the ‘Covenant’ part. They would have even less of a reason to trust Shiro, whose story is all kinds of weird, and it might take them a bit to trust him. 
I think some of that could be alleviated if they allowed Sarah to do a deep-dive in his mind to confirm he’s legit, but that raises its own complications, because Shiro for obvious reasons is not going to be cool with a jorhlac digging around in his head. That whole conversation would probably be pretty rocky to start, and could get very messy with so many people who are used to violent solutions...but both sides are also used to trying non-violent solutions first, so I think they could eventually work through it. (On the flip side, I think Sarah would be genuinely surprised that Shiro has more or less the same mental resistance that her cousins do, because that isn’t exactly common in humans).
I think eventually, once Sarah can confirm Shiro’s legit and apparently has just been adopting and protecting cryptids all over the damn place, the Prices would be cool with him overall. They also have this tendency to just adopt people into their family because they deserve a better family. I think Shiro would be a little overwhelmed by it at first but also come to enjoy it.
Shiro would be surprised at the Price Aeslin colony, because they’re obviously the same species but not the same religion as Allura’s Aeslin colony. But he’s familiar with their general practices, and it is admittedly a huge relief to not be the High Priest of Those Who Walk Out of the Darkness for once in his life. The Prices would definitely be shocked that he doesn’t just know about Aeslin mice, but has interacted with a colony and knows his way around the basics of how they work even if he doesn’t know their exact religion...which I think would be another point in his favor for them. 
Assuming the opposite happened and one or more Prices got dropped into PP universe, I think most of the above would still apply, but Shiro would have an easier time of it. At that point he’d have the others to vouch for him, including an entire Aeslin colony that worships him as a deity. The Prices trust what Aeslin have to say unquestionably, so they’d probably just roll with it. 
In either case, a Covenant infiltration plot could happen quite easily, which would be sort of interesting to mess around with. 
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pwnyta · 4 years
OK THIS IS MY IDEA FOR LIKE A VOLTRON SEASON... keep in mind I didnt watch the last season but nobody liked it so Im sure no one cares if I accidentally retcon stuff.. HERE GOES-
Starts off with Coran. Hes staring up at some screen with a bunch of weird alien science bullshit on screen. He looks kind of more aged and tired which is a little concerning because his species is seemingly like immortal. But hes staring up at this screen and hes starts talking to Allura... whos not there its more like ‘where could you be, I still feel like youre out there somewhere‘ that kind of thing...
Romelle comes in and starts like ‘Coran you gotta stop with this. You gotta move. whens the last time youve talked to someone besides me or this screen.’ etc and Coran just looks sad because hes kind of been left behind and he misses the last family he really had left. and hes all ‘I feel like shes still out there... I wish she’d just give us a sign‘ and Romelle feels bad but tries to convince him to step away...
WHEN SUDDENLY some of the alien tech starts picking up some weird interference and Coran and Romelle are like !!!!! Holy shit... and now Romelle is a little on board and Coran grabs a communication device or w/e.
hard cut to Pidge and Hunk. Theyre just fucking around.. I havent decided more about them but lets just say theyre like playing a game late at night and goofing off surrounded by weird inventions and random junk... Pidge loses and Hunk gloats and theyre surprised when their phone rings... (of course Coran would contact them first) but MOVING ON
Lance is still like working on a farm somewhere or w/e he was doing at the end of the series, just with his big family and looking pretty pleased... little girl runs up and tells him grandma said hes got a phone call so he picks her up and heads in.. and then you find out the little girl is his daughter and hes a good dad and its very cute. also he has beard in these moments cuz it can be funny later.
Then we get to Shiro... whos sleeping. Hes all stressed out.. think that scene in IM3 with Tony... like hes not gotten any sorta therapy. And he wakes up all sweaty and startled and Curtis comes in and is like ‘Oh honey are you ok... I thought I heard you wake up‘ something something showing a cute relationship with the fellas. PHONE CALL.
Then were with the Blade. Full suited up Blades are training, ones way bigger than the other, theres some other smaller Blades at the side watching... its clearly some kind of battle instruction... This is were Keith is gonna be re-introduced but boom smaller Blade gets knocked back and helmet phases away to reveal some little gremlin mad that they got bested. A little hot headed moody thing and then the instructor phases his helmet away and its KEITH. Fully purple. Those hints that Keith was getting more Galra-like... now this. Krolia comes in to tell him Coran has called and asked him to come by because something important happened.
At where ever Coran is at the Paladins start showing up. Make it really clear that they havent really kept in touch much...
Pidge and Hunk meet up with Lance... see his beard and start RAILING on him. Like WHAT IS THAT?! And Lance fights back because he thinks the beard makes him look manly but Pidge laughs and Hunks like...//strokes his own beard and Lance is like ‘HUNK HAS A BEARD!‘ but Pidge is all ‘HUNK HAS THE FACE FOR A BEARD YOU LOOK GOOFY AS FUCK‘ And Lance is like ‘Whatever what do you know!‘
then Shiro is like ‘Geez you guys are already bickering?‘ Pidge is super excited to see Shiro and Lance is like ‘AH YES. A man of great honor and refined taste!! SHIRO... Tell them my beard looks good!‘ and Shiros all :).......... yeah. But its obvious hes just trying to be nice but hes a bad liar and Lance is like ‘GOD DAMN IT‘ and the others laugh.
Keith comes in fully Galra.. the other Paladins are like ?!!?!? WAT. And Keith is like hey! all casual about it, offers a hand to Shiro for their little hug thing even tho even Shiros still like ‘Purple? also youre taller than me now? Dont like that.‘ but Keith is like ‘wtf is up with the beard?‘ and Lance is all ‘I DONT WANNA HEAR IT FROM YOU.‘
Cuz hes fucking purple.
But they get to Coran and Coran goes off with a bunch of alien tech speak and only Pidge and Hunk are really following along but they look a little skeptical when he starts trying to mash pieces together like ‘Oh this could be Allura trying to communicate with us! Maybe we can get her back!‘ which of course hooks Lance immediately.
At the chance to maybe create some cool new device Pidge and Hunk are ready to work with Coran to make some device to pin point the anomaly and maybe create some kind of universe jumping portal... they remember that comet thing from that weird AU episode so they know its technically possible. Keith thinks its a bad idea and Shiro trusts his instincts cuz he wasnt really there for that so he has no input.
BUT it happens anyways and more information on the anomaly is given with Pidge and Hunks machine. they find its one life form thats not like something enormous and they get a little more into Corans mind set. Maybe this really is a Allura.
Theyre willing to risk it. 
Something something they build a machine and some kind of containment area to try and ease Keiths mind. Theyre suited up prepared for whoever it is that might come through.
But its clear when the figure steps through the portal that its not Allura and probably not an Altean at all. Weird number of toes, really tall. They suspect Galra and they know there are still rogue Galra out there so they keep their guard up but then the person looks over at them and immediately removes their mask and its Ulaz! and hes like ‘OH FUCK! Shiro!!! (not exact words... I dont do dialog leave me alone)‘
and Shiros ‘ULAZ!!!!‘
Ulaz can look a little different, maybe his mohawk hair is longer and braided so he looks all cool but also like he hasnt been able to maintain his hair, hes got some scars on his face, maybe he lost an eye or something.
And everyones a little excited to see him especially Shiro and even Keith cuz thats one of his Blade brothers! The first one hes met really... (Coran and Lance are not quite as happy...)
After a brief moment of joy Ulaz is quick to inform them of the AU Alteans.
They get filled in. They find out that those Alteans are also looking for Allura... which Coran is like ‘Allura really is alive!!‘ but its not that important to Ulaz at the moment cuz hes just going on about the number of followers Hiras got and theyve been fucking around in the universes gathering followers and power and shit.
Then hard cut to Hiras fleet and that bitch is PACKIN.
THAT WOULD BE FIRST EPISODE SET UP. //a fanfiction by Ewim
what do you think...
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Tlk & alfred for the ask meme👀😁
aaaaa sorry i took so long to answer this lmaoo!!! i forgot it was in my inbox but i LOOOOOOOVE YOU!!!! @stellar-voyager​ you give me all the fun validation
favorite character: Literally everyone who’s ever met me knows this lol but Alfred hands down. He’s brilliant. I love the brainy ones who play puppeteer with everyone else, it just really turns the cogs in my mind. I also love Uhtred and Aldhelm though, they’re probably tied for next in line :)
least favorite character: Cn*t 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 I can’t stand him. But Aethelwold comes in a close second because ew.
5 favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Again, literally everyone who’s ever met me knows this but Uhtred and Alfred have so much chemistry and such a strong bond that I couldn’t just...not ship them. After that there are some really good canon ships in this show that I just love. Aethelflaed x Aldhelm, Uhtred x Gisela, Finan x Eadith, and Alfred x Aelswith have all my heart eyes 🥺
character I find most attractive: Ugh I can’t believe I have to answer this when the main cast is full of attractive people. If I’m being completely honest I really think Uhtred and Gisela are super attractive.
character I would marry: A̶e̶t̶h̶e̶l̶r̶e̶d̶   I can hardly choose between the entire cast, but if I have to narrow it to one then probably Aldhelm :’) He would be the best husband!!!
character I would be best friends with: Likely Uhtred or Aldhelm again <3
a random thought: Iseult lives rent-free in my brain forever, I know she lasted for like 2 episodes but she had such an impact on Alfred that he attended her pagan funeral and I will just never stop thinking about that.
an unpopular opinion: Finan is overrated. That is all
my canon otp: I mean there aren’t a lot of ships that are canon as of yet so Uhtred x Gisela. I love them, they’re the perfect example of what a marriage should be <3
my non-canon otp: I am once again Thinking about Alfred x Uhtred because they are transcendent
most badass character: Alfred. He wasn’t the protagonist but still stole the spotlight every time he was on screen and was unafraid to call people out on their BS.
most epic villain: I hate just about every antagonist in this show and most of them are kind of lame tbh, but Siegfried (i think that’s how you spell it? the subtitles call him Sigefrid but it didn’t look right) was pretty good. I didn’t like him much but he was probably the least lame.
pairing I am not a fan of: Brida and Cn*t are just...ew. Ugh. No.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I mean the writers did a great job with everyone really but... Brida by the end of s4? I am Not a fan.
favourite friendship: It’s impossible for me to give any answer but Coccham Squad, though Hild and Uhtred are the most wholesome friendship I’ve ever seen between a man and a woman on screen. I love the respect he has for her 💖💖 and she for him!!! Really anyone who’s friends with Uhtred, I love.
character I most identify with: I identify a lot with Aldhelm and, a fact which disgusts me :), Edward. Not that I live in my parents’ shadow but at such a young age he’s striving to do more than he’s capable of and that’s a same. I still hate him though 🥴
character I wish I could be: Aethelflaed is the Woman™️
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how I feel about this character: HE IS EVERYTHING TO ME AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I would sell my soul to him for a penny and a lock of his soft hair 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Have I not said Uhtred twice already? I will say it a third time. He deserves it. I also love his relationship with Aelswith. They had a rocky start but there were some scenes in the later seasons that really showed how much they loved and cared for each other 🥺❤️
my favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: He doesn’t really interact with any of the characters except for Uhtred and his family, so I’d have to say Aethelflaed. He’s such an adorable dad with her, I love seeing how much he dotes on her and he was so stricken with grief when she was kidnapped in s2 😭 But for characters who aren’t his family, I’d have to say Hild. She’s easily his favorite nun 🏆😇
my unpopular opinion about this character: A lot of people don’t like him because of his treatment of Uhtred throughout the course of the show which is valid, since he shows a lot of hypocritical behavior and manipulates Uhtred into serving him a lot. But people don’t take into account the fact that Uhtred refused to assimilate with his culture and follow his laws in his own land, instead doing the exact opposite by killing who he pleased and blatantly disrespecting the Christian God. People normally ignore this by saying it was a different time but it’s Alfred’s house and his rules and that is the tea sis.
one thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: The reconciliation with Uhtred and the handhold was really all I could wish for 🥺🥺 and Uhtred’s speech about him!!! The love!!! I’ll always hold their bond so dearly to my heart. But I really wish that we’d gotten to see some grandpa Alfred before he died :((( Grandma Aelswith and Aethelstan were so cute, and the scene where she tells Aethelstan about Alfred’s vision made my heart hurt so much. I wish we’d gotten to see Alfred be a grandpa though 💔 He would have been the best grandfather 😤😤
favorite friendship for this character: haha the implication that alfred has friends is so funny....but no his closest friend is his chronicle (it’s really his diary). To answer this question seriously though, Aelswith may be his wife but she’s also his best friend!! They judge people together just as best friends should. I love them <3
my crossover ship: I’m not really a crossover person so I don’t really have one. Also he’s a real person so that’s just kinda... idk nahhh lol. I guess, off the top of my head, Allura from Voltron???? They’re both...royals...and they’re relatively similar in personality. I don’t even know I’m just throwing stuff into the void 😜 but oh no i’m kind of seeing it now oop- 😖
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here’s the link to the ask meme!
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whatusernamex3000 · 5 years
Kacxa Week 2019 Day 4: BoM Life
A BoM wedding. But when the bride realizes what's she marrying into, she starts to get a little nervous. Taking the last name Kogane comes with a lot of baggage. Everyone knows the surname for the leader of Voltron and the Blade of Marmora. 
The bride stared into her mirror, going over all the loose strands of hair. She was alone at the moment, allowing her bridesmaids to go mingle with everyone before the wedding started. It was very extravagant and extremely professional. Nearly every Blade of Marmora member would be in attendance, as well as their friends from Earth. 
She was grateful to the blades for taking her in with such open arms. They were her family, a family that she never had. Yes they were a little harder on her, giving her more difficult missions, but it was all to prove herself to them. Which she accomplished and became one of the youngest lieutenants in the Blades history. 
She thought back to how she got to this point, an event that never seemed possible. She had made so many mistakes in her past, which had caused her so much loss and pain. But in the end, it led her to this moment, and she would do it all over again, knowing how much she would be hurt and lose if it meant marrying the love of her life. 
Speaking of the love of her life, she smiled remembering how they finally came to be an actual couple. When they met, well they were far from friendly. But somewhere down the road, they both realized that their feelings were misaligned. They often say the line between hate and love in the brain is often so thin that you mistake it for the opposite. Sure enough they were in love, but neither willing to make the first move. So for too long, they danced around each other waiting for the other to ask them out. It was finally during Keith's promotion party when he took over the blade of Marmora officially did she make the move. 
It was all thanks to Romelle who gave her the (liquid) courage to make a move. Of course the threat of "Enough of this. I'm tired of everyone saying that you guys will figure it out eventually. So if you don't do it, I'll do it for you" certainly added some extra motivation. So she downed the third shot and made her move. They danced the rest of the night and it was the happiest night of her life, she couldn't believe she could've been this happy all along. The next day, she took Romelle out to the most expensive shopping trip of her life as a thanks. Without Romelle's little push, who knows how long it would have taken for them to be where they are at now. 
As she tucked the last loose strand of hair in, a bridesmaid interrupted her thoughts letting her know it was less than an hour until the ceremony started. Her nerves skyrocketed. There were only two people she could talk to that could calm her down right now. 
She snuck around the new castle of lions, Keith had insisted that they host the ceremony on New Altea, it would make Allura happy. Everyone agreed, including her. For if it weren't for the great princess of altea, none of them would be here now. She finally spotted Keith who was with his friends, the former paladins of Voltron. He looked handsome in his navy blue suit. She also noticed how happy he was with his friends, it was so different from his Blade of Marmora personality. Yes he smiled and laughed, but there was always a hint of seriousness while he was with the blades. 
He took a glance over to where she was hiding behind the statue of King Alfor and his eyes widened. Keith looked like he was going to head her way when a hand lightly grabbed her shoulder, a voice asking, "What are you doing out here?" Scared, she turned to see her accuser. Luck was on her side as it was the other person she wanted to talk to that could calm her down. 
"Sorry ma'am. I-"
The Galra woman laughed, "how many times do I have to tell you to calm me Krolia?" 
By her count this was roughly the three hundred and eleventh time she requested to simply be called Krolia. "A lot. I'm sorry ma-Krolia… just nervous."
The hand on her shoulder made its way to her hands. "It's understandable. Today is the biggest day of your life," Krolia said causing her to take an over exaggerated gulp. "But it's also going to be the best day of your life. Unless of course you both decide to have children, then their birth will be the best day of your life. And I will always support you. Although I think you would make a great mother." 
Krolia's comment caused her to blush. She had never known her parents, they had given up on her before she had a chance to prove she was worth loving. And all her life she never knew love… until the Koganes became part of her life. All of a sudden she was overwhelmed by the love they gave her, and she never wanted to go back to her life without love. "Can I… can I ask you something?" 
"Of course my dear."
"Well I… I won't have anyone to walk my down the aisle and well… would you… walk me down the aisle?" She nervously asked. 
Krolia gave her a smile that made her heart melt. "I'd be honored to."
With ceremony quickly approaching, Krolia escorted the bride back into her room before seeking out her son. "How is she?" He asked. "I saw her out her sneaking around."
Krolia eased her son's nerves. "She's fine. Just pre-wedding nerves. I'm going to be walking her down the aisle." That made Keith happy; he knew all of her history. She has such a hard life and even told him that she didn't know what it was like to be loved until she met them and the blades. He promised that she would always be loved, no matter what happened, they would be there for her. 
An MC announced they would be starting soon, and both Keith and Krolia hugged before heading to their respective positions. 
The walk down the aisle was long, but all that mattered was Krolia holding her hand assuring her that it's all going to work out. She always had this thing where she would pick one small hypothetical and run with it until it was so far fetched and out of control that it was impossible that it would actually happen. Yet no matter how impossible, she always managed to believe it could happen. This time it was that it was all an elaborate prank, that the Koganes and blades didn't care about her at all and just wanted to destroy her. 
When they finally reached the end, Krolia pulled her in for one last hug and reminded her that everything is going to be perfect. Just focus on her love and just stare at their eyes. Everything else will fade away. 
She took Krolia's advice and just focused on those violet eyes. All the doubt vanished and she said her vows and cried hearing the vows. She cursed her weak constitution, now she owed Zethrid and Ezor ten dollars each. Apparently they knew her heart better than she did. 
She laughed when Kosmo showed up, presenting them with the rings. He gave them both a loving kiss as they scratched his chin and behind his ears. She loved that wolf, and the feeling was mutual. If you asked anyone with the blades, they would say that she was Kosmo's favorite. 
"...I do." 
This was it, the two biggest words she was ever going to say. 
"And do you, Lyanna Beauregard, take Norah Kogane to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Their wedding officiant, Takashi Shirogane, asked. 
"I do." 
"You may now kiss the bride,"  Shiro said with a smile. 
Lyanna stepped to her new wife and pulled her in for a kiss. 
After Keith and Acxa walked their second daughter down the aisle, they took their seats at the front. "She looks beautiful," Acxa pointed out as they both watched Lyanna walking down the aisle, accompanied by his mom. 
Keith smiled, nudging his wife of twenty five years, nodding towards Norah who was trying to hold back tears as she watched the love of her life walk down the aisle. "Someone's already crying. I think you owe me five bucks." 
Acxa groaned quietly, "she gets that from you. You were such a baby when you saw me walking down the aisle with your mom."
"Are we talking about paying up?" Their eldest daughter, and current Commander of the Blade of Marmora, Kiera asked. "Cus dad owes me like fifty bucks for betting that grandma was going to walk Lyanna down the aisle. And you'll owe me another twenty for when she cries during the vows." 
Keith rolled his eyes and pulled his two girls closer to him. Acxa cuddled up closer to him, intertwining their hands. Keira scoffed as she rested her head on her father's shoulder. 
"Uhhh don't forget about me Dad," their youngest and only son Yorak said from the row behind. 
"Oh I haven't. You were the one foolish enough to take the bet that uncle Shiro wouldn't cry. You should know that he's the biggest softy in the universe. So how bout you just give that money to your sister." 
Yorak groaned, "ugh. Fine." 
"Also you're sitting at the kids table," Acxa added with a devilish smile. 
"But mom… I'm like one of the youngest Captains in the blades. I can't sit at the kids' table. The McClain's sit there… they're animals."
"Oh I know." Maybe when you find a love like Norah, you can sit with the grownups. Until then… kids table."
Keira snickered. "Oh you too young lady. You may be the oldest, but you didn't bring that boy you've been seeing much to my disappointment so kids table for you too." 
"But mom, Yorak is right. The McClain kids are ridiculous. Uncle Lance always puts them there. Plus I'm twenty four. And I charge of the blades!"
"Kids listen to your mother. And pay attention, this is the best part," Keith finalized the ordeal. 
"...I do." 
As Keith and Acxa watched their daughter kiss her now wife, they stood and cheered along with the dozens of blades that came to support their family. 
The Blade of Marmora was once a hardcore espionage syndicate. But do to his and Acxa's hard work, they became an outreach and humanity service. It was Keith's idea to start allowing more than just Galra to serve. Lyanna was one of the first Earth born to join, which showed that the blades were no longer spies, but wanted to help those who couldn't help themselves. The Blade of Marmora was more than a group, but a family. And even though he hadn't been a blade for a few years now, once a Blade, always a blade. It was for life. 
So did I get ya in thinking it was a kaxca wedding? Or did you know all along. Lemme know ")
Also i think this story works really well as a final chapter to my "Blade Dates" story on ao3. It's not necessary but it def works.
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curiosity-killed · 5 years
almost like memory
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@bbtree first off: thank you so much <3 and also thank you for accidentally giving me an excuse to wander off into a Shallura genre I don’t normally touch (ngl I had to make myself stop bc otherwise I was never going to get it posted - so fingers crossed, there may be more to come!)
His colors are wrong. Under the fluorescent lights, everyone becomes washed out and green-tinged, like they're half-human, half-hologram. The group leader had apologized for it at their first session, explaining that the church didn't have the money to upgrade to the new system that illuminates most the city. Attendance has dropped off over the years, and now more people enter for these support groups than for Sunday services. If she had to guess, it's only the state funding for these groups that's even keeping the flickering lights on.
The lights aren't the problem with him. It's something deeper, bigger: his hair's too dark or there's something missing in his face or his green t-shirt is the wrong shade. He should be in black. She brushes the thoughts away with a shake of her head. This is the first time she's ever seen the man, and they haven't even met yet. Just another delusion, mixing streams. The doctors have assured her that it’s normal, that though she can’t remember it, she still has a past locked away inside her, and occasionally her subconscious might let a little slip through and muddle her new reality. He introduces himself as Ryou Kurogane, and it’s wrong wrong wrong. The intensity of her conviction is stomach-churning, nearly nauseating. She can’t get it to shut up. He smiles at her when it’s her turn to introduce herself, and she smiles back reflexively before she remembers to duck her head, let her hair fall in a dark curtain between them.
Words don’t come easily to her. She doesn’t know if that’s new or if it’s always been that way. The doctors weren’t much help; they don’t like to talk about her past at all, even if they know it. They say it isn’t conducive to healthy recovery, to establishing her new identity. 
After the session, Ryou – not Ryou, wrong wrong wr— stays to help the group leader fold up and stack the chairs along the side. She finds herself lingering, reluctant to leave. She doesn’t know why, exactly, just that there’s something drawing her to stay. To keep close to him. She’s fussing with the water cups, flimsy little biodegradable things, when she hears him step up close. “Hi,” he says. She startles at how close his voice is, and when she turns, he raises his hands in apology. There’s something not quite right about them. They’re too similar, identical creases in his palms. She shakes it off. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” he says. “You’re Romelle, right?” Somehow, the name the doctors gave her sounds even more wrong in his voice. Her lips twitch up in what’s meant to be a smile but comes out closer to a grimace. “And you’re Ryou,” she says. It doesn’t sound better in her voice either. “That’s me,” he says, pushing his hands back into his pockets. His shoulders curve in with the motion, as if he’s trying to narrow himself, bend himself into a smaller space. He’s taller than her. She’s not sure why it surprises her, except that she thinks he wasn’t always. Isn’t always. That makes no sense at all. It’s not like their heights could change. “Sorry, you just – you seem really familiar,” Ryou-not-Ryou says. “I – uh wanted to say hi.” “Oh,” she says. Surprise ripples through her – and relief. It’s a foreign thing, distant, as if from someone else. “I uh – I’m – I’m sorry, I was in an accident a few months ago and don’t remember – much.” The words stumble out of her mouth, tripping and falling over each other all out of order. She winces when they land, regret rushing through her before she can shut herself up. “Oh!” Ryou says. “I – I know how you feel.” She stares, waiting for the second half of whatever joke this must be. “I was in an accident, too. Amnesia, everything before is just – blank,” he explains. It seems almost too perfect to be true. How could they wind up with the same story? But there’s nothing but sincerity in his voice and gaze, and something deep in her chest says he wouldn’t lie. Not about this. Not to her. “Oh. That’s – I’m sorry,” she says. He gives a little shrug with his left shoulder as if to brush off the apology. The smile he offers her doesn’t reach his eyes, just pulls up one side of his lips. “Sounds like we’re in the same ship anyway,” he says. A funny way of saying it, but she manages a smile in response. There’s something worming up her chest, words half-formed in her throat. “Do you wanna get a bite?” He looks almost surprised by his own words, as if he hadn’t meant to let them escape. She feels the same when she answers without a conscious decision. “Yes.” They wind up in a little diner half a block down from the church, a quiet little Akubari place that uses an outdated waitstaff model, the kind that would have been popular when Allura was young. It’s all blank, but she spent hours researching them one night, watching videos of their jerky movement and listening to recordings of their little trills and beeps, in case someone brought up nostalgia for them around her. They haven’t yet, but when they do, she’s ready. She’s prepared with a whole set of pretend memories so she’ll have a chance to connect with this future stranger, a chance to imagine a shared experience. He orders tea and grilbeck with mango and she settles on water and a thick yellow soup. Learning – relearning – her own tastes over the last few months has largely been too daunting a task to expend much effort towards; she's grown used to the food that's cheap and easy, sandwiches and pre-packaged dinners. She's not sure she likes them exactly, but figuring out how to live without a past, without an identity or network or any kind of supporting structure, is exhausting enough that sometimes she just wants something to be easy. Food is a simple enough opportunity for that. “I don’t think I’ve ever tried Akubari,” she remarks. At least not in the last three months. Maybe the other her, the past her, had. “One of my neighbors is from Akubara, actually,” he says. “They kinda got me hooked on it.” There’s a sheepish tone to his voice, as if he’s almost embarrassed by the admission. It makes her smile, her nerves inanely assuaged by the description. She doesn’t really have neighbors – or, well, there are people who live in the apartments beside and above and below hers, but they don’t talk. She’s seen maybe two of them out and about in the building all told. “I’ve heard their food culture incorporates a great deal of sharing,” she says. “Yeah! Drufbila just showed up at my door one day and ushered me in to the dinner table like I was their cousin or something,” he laughs. “Their mom kept fussing over whether I was eating enough, of course.” She breathes out a laugh at that, struck by the image of the great tentacled Akubari prodding him to take just a little more of each dish. Next to their towering, amorphous forms, his lean frame probably would seem underfed. It warms her to know someone, at least, is looking out for him. Weird. She shakes the thought away, disguises it as amusement. “What about your neighbors? Any nosey grandmas there?” he asks, leaning his cheek on his hand. The motion curves his body towards her, shoulders and waist twisted as if to block out the few diners sitting in the rest of the restaurant. His attention is a gentle thing, like sunlight or — Ridiculous. The sun hasn’t been seen through the smog here in decades. She’d have to have been off-planet to have an idea of what sunlight felt like, and surely, then, someone would have been there after her accident. No one traveled alone, not that far. If she ever had, there would have been someone to notice her missing, someone to seek her out. “Oh, no,” she says. “I’m afraid my building mostly keeps to ourselves.” “That’s a shame,” he says, a sympathetic twist to his lips. “Can’t help with–” He flicks his hand up in a little gesture towards his head, and she shrugs. “It can be a little lonely,” she concedes. Before he can ask more, their food arrives on the creaking arm of their servant and is slid onto their table in three jerky pushes. Her soup nearly slops over the lip of the blue bowl with the motion, and she has to steady it with her hands. Finished, the robot gives a happy little beep, and he reaches out to pat its head. “Thanks, bud,” he says. The robot rolls away with a contented little three-note trill. He turns back to her with a little smile and lifts his fork. “Bon appetite,” he says. “Buen provecho,” she answers, from somewhere she doesn’t quite recognize. He grins, still, and she can’t bring herself to question it when that smile is so unmuddied, so clear and easy. “You wanna try some?” he offers, gesturing to his plate with the fork. Orange glaze covers the blue of the grilbeck meat, turning it almost green, and mango slivers stick out of the flesh like oddly colored spines. It’s pretty, in its own way, even in the yellowish light of the diner. “Sure,” she agrees. “Want some of mine?” They wind up with the dishes in the middle of the table, snagging a bite from each plate with equal frequency. It feels…familiar. Comfortable. Like this isn’t the first time they’ve done this. She recognizes something in his expression when he takes the first spoonful from her soup and cants his head, considering. She’s seen that look before, seen the thoughtful way he savors the bite before swallowing and giving a thumbs up. Partway into their meal, conversation resumes once more, and comes back to them as easily as sharing. “Yeah, I have Doctor Honerva, too! That’s so weird,” he says. “How have we not bumped into each other at her office?” She shakes her head and licks a bit of mango glaze off her bottom lip. His gaze drops to follow the motion, just briefly, before flitting back to meet hers. A flush starts, warm pleasure rising in her cheeks. “It’s quite a coincidence,” she agrees. Maybe that’s where she remembers him from – maybe she’s seen him in passing and those memories have become conflated with those locked away from her. “Maybe we’ll see each other now that we’ve met.” “I’d like that,” he says. There’s a warmth to his gaze, a steady sincerity in his tone, that makes her duck her head. This is the longest she’s spent with anyone aside from her doctors since waking to a cold white room three months ago. It’s getting to her head, surely. She’s not sure she minds. “Me, too,” she agrees, meeting his gaze. The moment stretches between them, soft and welcome. She could make a home in this moment, in the gentle way he looks at her, in the pleasure in the soft curve of his lips. For the first time in months, she feels warm. Safe. A four-note beep announces the robot’s return, breaking apart their quiet. They split the check and head to the door. It’s started raining, the drizzly kind that leaves the whole city stinking of wet concrete. For once, it doesn’t bother her. It’s barely a footnote next to the chapter that this evening has become. He pauses outside the door, hands back in his pockets, shoulders bowed inward. “I’m down that way,” he says, nodding in the opposite direction of her apartment. “I’m afraid I’m the opposite way,” she says. Do his shoulders slump? Maybe she’s just looking for signs now. “I – I’d really like to see you again. If you want,” he says. He bites down on the inside of his bottom lip, watching her intently. Warmth flushes through her, up to the tips of her ears. She smiles and only barely keeps it from beaming. “I’d quite like that, too,” she admits. “Here, why don’t we trade numbers?” At that, he seems to light up from within. He straightens out, broad shoulders squaring back into their full breadth, and he pulls his phone from his pocket immediately. Surprised delight radiates through his entire being as he unlocks it and flips through to the right screen. Watching him through her lashes as she does the same, she can’t suppress the feeling that this, for once, is right. This is what is meant to be. Somehow, impossibly. They trade numbers and say farewell with smiles, and when she glances back over her shoulder as she walks away, she catches him looking back as well. They both laugh, as if at themselves, and give a little wave before continuing on their way. When she gets home, she’s greeted by a grave-like apartment and her treatment unit sitting ready on her end table. She stands in her doorway, considering the machine. It’s simple, easy to use. Back at the hospital, there’s a much larger version, but this one was specifically designed for home treatment. She’s supposed to use it every night, to help her brain heal. It always leaves her feeling numb, grey. Like it strips the color from her day and replaces it with a fresh coat of waiting-room-off-white. Normally, that isn’t much of a problem. Her routine is simple and largely emotionless. Painting over it is like laying a layer of grey over ninety other layers of nearly the same shade. Today, though – she wants to keep today. She wants the gentle gold of his attention, the soft grey of his eyes. The colors aren’t quite right – but at least there are colors this time. There are shades and hues she doesn’t know she’s ever seen or felt. It’s not what the doctors told her to do, but she doesn’t want to sacrifice them this time. She doesn’t want to cover up the silver flecks in his eyes with matte. The unit is tucked neatly in her bathroom cabinet, and she settles into her blankets with a strange feeling of satisfaction. That night, she dreams impossible things. She dreams of space, unfurling in feathery nebulae with tendrils curling purple and red around newborn stars. She dreams of machines, great ships and weapons that soar through the edges of the universe. She dreams — of him. His warm eyes, his fierce dedication. His hands, one flesh and one metal, cradling her jaw like something precious, like something to be adored. His lips are soft when they press against hers, his heart beats steady and strong against her palm. His voice aches when he speaks, a single word that is a prayer, a plea, a promise – “Allura,” he says. “Allura, Allura, Allura.”
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some-cookie-crumbz · 6 years
I really love the Kidge Child HCs, I honestly can't get enough of them! Do you have any Grandma Krolia headcanons? Or headcanons for the rest of the Paladins?
First, for those who may not have seen my other posts, here are the links to all my other Headcanon posts.
Kidge Married Pre-Babies: [here]
Kidge w/ Babies Part 2.1: [here]
Kidge w/ Babies Part 2.2: [here]
Kidge w/ Babies Part 2.3: [here] *There’s a little angst in this one, FYI
Kidge w/ Babies Part 2.4: [here]
Kidge w/ Babies Part 2.5: [here]
I’m gonna go the full monty with thisone; we’re taking about the kids with Krolia, Sam, Colleen, Matt, the Paladins(and any/all of their children), and all the other peripheral people involvedwith them! This is gonna be a little bit of a longer one, as such, but I wantto be as thorough as possible!
Also, mentioning this here, but there will also be mentionsof Shatt (I have two sets of headcanons for Shiro and Matt, both as a coupleand in relationships with other people, but don’t want to have to write downboth alternatives), Hunay, and Allurance, as well as me talking a little bitabout their respective families, so be aware.
The order will be as such; Krolia, Sam and Colleen, Matt andShiro, Hunk and Shay, Lance and Allura, Coran, Romelle, Kolivan and Slav.
As I know I’ve mentioned in my previous parts, the kidsrefer to Krolia as “Nana Olia”. Amber was the one who started it – obvious, asshe’s the oldest – because, when trying to say Krolia’s name, she couldn’t getthe “Kuh” sound right, gave up, and opted into the part of her name that shecould pronounce. The other kids follow Amber’s lead because she’s their bigsister. Krolia loves having a special name that only the kids use for her.
So, being a grandma was never something Krolia ever thoughtshe’d get the chance to be, but she absolutely loves it. Part of this is because she gets to come over and engage withthe grandbabies at an age she didn’t get to with Keith, which is bittersweet.She comes over to visit as often as she can and loves playing with the kids;specifically, she loves taking the kids to the park and going on little walkswith them. She’ll admit in private that she has a soft spot for Kaden – due tohow much he looks like Keith – but she loves each of her grandkids equally.
So, for each of the kids, Krolia goes on the harrowingsearch for more luxite mineral to get them each their own brand new blades.Amber and Kaden are the two who make the most use of theirs; Newt keeps his incase he gets himself in a hairy situation, and Aria keeps hers mounted in herroom for safe keeping.
In regards to Amber, she absolutely adores what a fiestylittle thing she is. She often remarks that Amber carries in her the fire ofthe ancients in her, remarking that she’ll certain accomplish great things inher future. Krolia is absolutely correct about this, but that’ll be somethingwe talk about in later posts. She always starts their little training sessionswith a small meditation session to help get Amber grounded, and this actuallybecomes something that Amber implements in her every day; especially onstressful days. Krolia enjoys teaching her how to properly use her luxite bladeand teaching her about what, exactly, being a successful Blade member entails.
She never admits that Amber wouldn’t be the best atespionage due to how short-tempered she is, but she still loves how enthralledAmber gets to hear her stories.
Kaden breaks her heart in some of the harder ways during hisinfant and toddler years, simply because watching him interact with the worldis a physical mirror to what it looked like with Keith at that age, and shemissed out on all of that. She admits this to Keith and Pidge, who both trytheir best to help comfort her. As Kaden gets older, he becomes equallyinterested in the lessons she does with Amber, so she starts training both ofthem. He’s also a bit more interested in their Galran heritage and the historyof the Blade; including how long their Galran family had been involved and ifthere were any relatives of notoriety. This leaves her absolutely thrilled andshe’ll often tell him about their long family-lineage of involvement.
Kaden actually writes a history paper discussing his great,great, great, great grandfather, Tulore, for class. He got a perfect mark andgave it to Krolia to keep when it was returned.
Her relationship with Newt is a bit strange at first butdevelops much better as he gets older. At first, Krolia sees him as a littlehellion since he’s almost always a shrieking little grouch, and is very meekabout engaging with him. Due to what occurred when he was born and his infantilepersonality, she thinks this means that he’s much more delicate than hissiblings were, and she worries a lot about hurting him. Once he starts to getolder and his tears transform into tricks, she sees how clever he is and findsit entertaining. Something about a child constantly outwitting his parents andsiblings is entertaining.
She’ll occasionally bring him materials from other planetsto help improve his pranks; taking the time to explain how he safely use it, ofcourse.
Aria is a bit of an odd duck when it comes to Krolia,specifically because of how drastically different she is from her siblings. Herbeing such a delicate little thing makes Krolia hyper-aware of how she is withher, but the fact that she’s the clingiest, most affectionate of her siblings?Oh, Krolia loves nothing more than getting to snuggle up with her littlegrandbabies. Additionally, small footnote, but Aria and Krolia share a distainfor the snow. Krolia lived her years on Earth in the desert and she tends toprefer warmer climates in general. During the wintery season, she’ll oftenhunker down in the house with Aria is the other kids want to go play in thesnow, sipping cocoa and playing with her inside.
She teaches Aria a lot of old Galran lullabies, as well asactually teaching her their language, too.
Sam and Colleen
For the Holts, the kids call them “Nanny” and “Pappy”.Sometimes they’ll use their names as well, but since they have different titlesfor their grandparents, it’s not always needed. When they do add the names,they’re “Nanny Collie” and “Pappy Sammy”.
Being grandparents was something Colleen and Samuel had beenhyped for the minute their kids got into serious committed relationships. They’rerespectful and understanding to the situation, of course, but there’s a secretbetting pool between them on which of their kids will yield grandkids first.Colleen loses because she bets on Matt and Shiro, banking on the fact she knewthe two of them had been having more active conversations about it than shethought Pidge and Keith were. Samuel banked on it being Pidge and Keith morebecause he’d noticed the subtle things; Pidge looking at baby clothes whenparoozing the mall, Keith making the throw-away comment about what kind ofthemes he think would be cute for a nursery, etc.
I know I’ve mentioned this before, but Colleen knits littlebaby blankets for all the little Kidgelings, using colors that arerepresentative of the respective season they were born in. Samuel also does alittle crafty thing for them; he makes little ceramic ornaments of the kidsfeet when each of them after they’re born.
So, Amber is probably just a little bit closer to Colleenthan Samuel, but it’s a very slim margin. As I’ve mentioned, she tends to helpKeith with tending to their garden and yard at home. When she goes over tovisit with the Holt’s, she loves seeing what latest new flower or vegetableNanny has introduced to her garden. During the summer, Amber will also drop inunannounced to help Colleen take care of pulling weeds and such, since sheknows it can be hard for her.
With Samuel, Amber explores an interest in space travel andwhat, exactly, that entails. Pidge and Keith will tell the kids stories abouttheir time as Paladins, but they don’t talk about the really difficult andfrightening missions, and they don’t necessarily encourage the kids to followin their footsteps. As she gets older, Amber is a bit more aware of herparents’ apprehension, so most of her interest is only ever explored underPappy’s watchful eye. He tells her about the things he’s seen, the ships he’spiloted and helped to build, and occasionally sneaks her onto the Garrison baseto fly simulators. Samuel keeps this all secret from Pidge and Keith, though,because he thinks they’d be terrified at just how skilled their daughter is.Amber never outright asks him to keep this under wraps, but she appreciatesthat he does.
Kaden’s naturally reserved demeanor leads him towards morequiet hobbies, but also ones that are a bit more hands-on. Much like withKeith, Kaden bonds with Samuel about making models, but with Samuel it’s moreclassic vehicle models such as old trains or boats. They’ll typically sit withsome soft music playing in the background, but as Kaden gets older they’lloccasionally have more conversations about whatever’s going on in their livesat the time. It’s mostly just pre-teen angst and post-retirement gossip, butit’s nice and Kaden enjoys it.
As for Colleen, she bonds with him over painting, actually!Kaden’s not very good at drawing with a pen or pencil, but he’s pretty good atdoing landscapes with paint. I like the idea that Colleen was a hobbyist whoused painting as a form of stress relief, and she ends up passing this on toKaden. She’ll show him all the little tips and tricks she’s figured out for herown, and he’s always happy to take her advice. Colleen likes to hang some ofher favorites of his paintings in her office at work and, upon retiring, shekeeps them hanging in the guest room of the house. It always makes Kaden superembarrassed but also super flattered by it.
So, Newt’s cheeky and mischievous nature make him prettygood at things that require a high level of trickery; this includes poker,which he’s taught by his Nanny. Colleen actually tries out a couple ofdifferent card games with him – War, Uno, Spoons,etc. – but poker ends up being the one that Newt enjoys the most. The kid justloves getting to be a sneaky little shit, and he’s incredibly skilled with hispoker face. Colleen takes him with her sometimes for her weekly poker gameswith her friends and he usually makes a killing in hard, caramel candies.
With Samuel, he enjoys playing more tactical, contemplativegames, such as Risk and Clue. Newt has inherited Pidge’sinquisitive nature, but also ends up developing a huge fascination withmysteries and scandals and such. He likes the idea of breaking down lies anddeceit used for malicious intentions, inheriting his Dad’s sense of morality.He may be a little shit who likes to prank and tease his family, but he’s alittle shit for Great Justice™. One time, for the fun of it, Samuel hide aplaque he received upon his retirement and pretended it got stolen for Newt toinvestigate. During his investigation, Newt uncovered that one of the Holt’sneighbor’s was involved in helping with human trafficking.
So, since Aria’s the family oddball, she ends up with someodd interests that she shares with her grandparents, too. With Sam, they bondover researching old, classic amusement park rides and innovations,interestingly enough. While Aria isn’t a big fan of mechanics or engineering,she finds the lore and developments of entertainment technology to beabsolutely fantasy, and I headcanon that Samuel was a total theme park fan boyin his younger years. They’ll watch videos and documentaries, and one time theyactually broke into an abandoned amusement park to take pictures and videos ofhow far dilapidated the place got.
With Colleen, they learn how to make special effects propstogether. One of the little troops Ari attends for her performances is short onstage hands, so Colleen volunteers to help, and sometimes the cast have to helptoo. Part of this requires masks and other such things, but because the Holt’srun under the mantra of “Go Big or Go Home”, they become super invested in thequality of their work. They watch tutorials, take classes, watch tons of Face Off on Sci-Fi, and, of course, learnfrom some level of trial and error. Ari’s group put on Beauty and the Beast once and they actually had to remake theBeast’s face piece because the mask was deemed too realistic and terrifying forthe grade schoolers that would be coming to see it. During Halloween, Ari andColleen also end up creating the scariest haunted house in the town with howrealistic they make the make-up look. Especially zombie-with-head-axe Amber,who is surprisingly dedicated to her role.
Shiro and Matt
Mkay, so, I’m not going to get into all my Shatt headcanonshere, but I will give a brief overview of their family and their relationshipswith the Kidgelings. So, I headcanon that Shiro and Matt have three kids; a setof twins – one boy and one girl – and a second daughter; names are Akihiko,Auryon and Hikari respectively. The twins are born in the gap between Amber andKaden, placing them about a year and a half younger than Amber and a year or soolder than Kaden, while Hikari is born the same year as Newt, but at the tailend of the year. The children are biologically Shiro and Matt’s, born throughwhatever means is most comfortable to the viewer. I’m sure Altean tech could beadvanced enough to allow this sort of thing, or one of them could be trans. Ipersonally love Trans!Character headcanons but that’s just me.
So anyway! We’ll start with Shiro, then Matt, and then I’lldo small notes about the relationship between the cousins.
I mentioned this in my last post and said I’d elaboratehere, so here we go! Amber talks with Shiro a lot about sexuality and thestruggles that come with it. Keith and Pidge are completely supportive of theirdaughter, and she’s fine talking with them, but sometimes she likes getting totalk to Shiro about it. I’ve always headcanoned that Shiro is someone who isincredibly comfortable in his own skin and simply saw his sexuality as oneother part that made him who he was, and never shied away from that. It’s thatconfidence in himself that makes him so easy to talk to for Amber.Additionally, Shiro being a bit more of a modest and well-spoken sort – whereUncle Matt is a bombastic disaster – makes him a bit easier to talk to aboutwhat’s going on in her head. They tend to gossip all the time and Shiro, who isattentive to those he cares about, always remembers the stories about herclassmates and crushes that she shares with him. Aside from those talks, Shiroalso bonds with her over helping her a bit with her classical literaturereadings for school, because she finds the classics dull but I think Shirowould really respect those pieces himself. He mostly just helps her by lettingher bounce thoughts off of him and give her some additionally insight to thedifferent ways the pieces art interpreted.
Keith appreciates the help, since sometimes Amber can be abit stubborn and ill-tempered when she struggles with her homework, and Shiro’sa bit more patient.
As for Kaden, Shiro helps him a lot with his training forthe teams he joins and doing workouts. Once the kids are a bit older andindependent, Keith is able to pick his workout schedule back up and Shiro tendsto go along with him. As Kaden starts getting interested in sports and, byproxy, starts taking how well he maintains his physical health more seriously,he starts asking questions about it. Keith knows a decent amount, but admitsthat most of what he knows is from Shiro helping him out, which causes him togo ask Uncle Shiro his questions. From there, Shiro offers to help Kaden figureout his schedule to help keep him in peak form for his teams and such. Sometimesthey’ll work out all three of them, but more times than not it’s just Shiro andKaden, since Keith tends to get busy doing other things with the other kidswhen they’re gonna do their workouts. From the workouts, Shiro eventually endsup helping Kaden out specifically with his training for baseball. Shiro sees itas a good way to keep himself active, as well as pass along his own knowledge.Sometimes, he and Matt’s son, Akihiko, will join them, too.
This helps Aki and Kaden bond as well, but I’ll talk moreabout that later.
Newt is a bit of an anomaly when it comes to hisrelationship with Shiro. Between Uncle Shiro and Uncle Matt, he’s mostcertainly closer with Matt, but Newt very much loves his Uncle Shiro and findsa unique way to bond and help him. Much like a majority of people like to talkabout, I like the idea of Shiro benefitting from having a service animal.However, I also see Shiro as being someone who doesn’t like the idea of lettinghis weakness show; because he didn’t want his illness to hold him back when hewas younger, because he had to be in charge both with Voltron and later theAtlas, and in more recent times because he has three little babies of his ownto look after. I plan to write a fic about this, but Newt finds out aboutShiro’s situation and starts looking into what it takes to train a dog to be aproper service animal. He ends up adopting a young pup from one of theirneighbors, with Keith and Pidge agreeing, and starts working with specialiststo get the little pooch trained up to help Shiro cope with panic attacks andnight terrors he gets on a somewhat regular basis.
Shiro is absolutely floored but also incredibly touched bythe gesture. He ends up naming the little pooch Leia.
With Shiro and Aria, they bond over something a bit on theodd side. So, this was a headcanon that was inspired by a talk with my oldersister that I absolutely fell in love with. Shiro is a huge fan of theprohibition era style; speakeasies, mobster/gangster organizations, the wholeshebang is just wildly fascinating to him. Aria herself has a soft spot for theaesthetic and the Big Band sounds of the time. And, since Shiro is a big fan ofthat time period, he has a huge collection of music from the time period. The twoof them bond over it. One year, for Halloween, he actually helped her make hervery own flapper costume from scratch.
So, what about good ole’ Uncle Matt?
Matt and Amber bond over space travel, much like she doeswith Sam but on a drastically different note. He talks a lot with her about theworlds he got to visit with the Rebels and what all he learned. He teaches hera lot about different cultures and customs, different strategic approaches theytake and the like, as well as how to read the stars in some of the othergalaxies he’s traversed to. He and Keith have a few serious conversations aboutit, as Keith is highly uncomfortable with his kids taking an interest in spaceexploration, but Matt continues to do it anyway. After the fifth or sixthconversation, he just gets better at lying about it.
As for Matt and Kaden, they bond over medical training andmedical shows. As I mentioned before, Kaden becomes fascinated by the work ofEMTs and medical professionals after he breaks his arm. Matt, through both the Garrisonand the Rebellion, has a pretty decent wealth of knowledge on the subject. Heteaches Kaden how to do CPR properly, how to make a short-term splint forbroken bones, and other such things. In regards to programs, they watch tons ofHouse, Untold Stories of the ER and Scrubs.With the drama shows, they mostly just make fun of how ludicrous it is, whilefocusing on the diagnostics. With the reality-based shows, they enjoy seeinghow the case develops and the ultimate outcome. Sometimes Auryon will jointhem, just to have something to do, but that’s incredibly infrequent.
Newt and Matt go together like peanut butter and chocolate,to say the least, and they have the most shared interests. The big one theyshare on, though, is a love for all things Star Wars and Star Trek themed; theshows, the comics, even a couple of podcasts that talk about the lore of eachrespective series in depth. Newt likes Star Trek a bit more than Star Wars –and he really likes Captain Picard – while Matt is the opposite – with a hugeaffinity for Han Solo – and they like to tease one another good-naturedly aboutit pretty often. Other than that, Matt is his biggest helper when preparingLeia to be a proper service dog for Shiro when he gets the idea and is the oneto first suggest it to Keith and Pidge.
Lastly, Uncle Matt and Aria bond about her cheerleading,interestingly enough. I like the idea that Matt, despite being a bit of stringbean, was on the cheer team in his high school years. Back then, he wasn’t verygood at helping with the flyer stunts, but as an adult who has lived throughfighting with a rebellion and being a Dad to three kids? He can most certainlylift up his petite little niece to practice her flyer routine. Aki joins thecheerleading squad as well, so he’ll help out sometimes, too. Additionally,Matt played the violin, so sometimes they’ll do duets together. They typicallypick pieces where the cello takes the lead, as he hasn’t really kept up withplaying over the years, but also because it’s good practice for her.
Now, as for how they bond with their cousins, the dynamicsare interesting, to say the least.
Aki gets along well with Kaden and Aria the best, gets alongdecently well with Newt, but actually butts heads a lot with Amber. Aki’s alittle bit of a rebel and tends to get himself into a lot of trouble, whichAmber often times tries to dissuade him away from. And, if he doesn’t listen,she tends to be the one to narc on him. As they get older, she’ll typically goalong and have Hikari, his sister, record his stupid stunts and show them offlater. Many times, she’ll end up using it as either blackmail or showing it tohis parents without showing it to him first. Her favorite was the time when hewent to a party, got drunk underage, and face-planted doing a keg stand. Asmentioned before, he bonds with Kaden and Ari over baseball and cheerleading,respectively. He’s a bit more of a physical activities kind of kid, with apassion for those kinds of things visible since he’s young. With Newt, they don’thave a whole lot in common, but Aki still looks after him because he’s hiscousin and is also a smol. Newt also occasionally helps him with his mathhomework, since he struggles a bit with his academics.
As for Auryon, she gets along pretty well with all of themequally. With Amber, they bond a lot over the ideas of space travel. WhileAuryon herself isn’t particularly interested in engaging with travelling, shedoes find the way the now-unified galaxy operates, and how the unification effectseach different planet within the Coalition, which leads to some interestingconversations between them. Auryon and Kaden bond over, interestingly enough,martial arts and hand-to-hand combat training. She admires Amber’s eagerness tofight to protect her friends so she decides she wants to learn as well. Sinceshe and Kaden are a bit closer in age, he tends to be her sparring partner moretimes than not. With Newt, they share a passion for animals. Auryon actually hastwo ferrets – named Boo and Radley – that she loves to pieces and Newt happilyjoins her with playing with them and has even helped her with cleaning up theircages every now and again. With Ari, they actually bond over learning foreignlanguages. Specifically, they both learn Italian together, but Auryon alsolearns how to speak Japanese. Sometimes, she’ll translate songs from Japaneseto English for Ari to do covers of for her YouTube channel.
Hikari, as opposed to her brother and sister, is an artistictype with a decent relationship with all her cousins. She and Amber have thebiggest rift between them, due to the moderate age gap, but they enjoy makingher brother miserable. Like most little sister’s, Kari lives for teasing her brother. So, when Amber offers her theperfect chances to do that? She’ll be there with a camcorder in a heartbeat. With Kaden, she recordshe and Auryon’s sparring sessions to use as reference for some of heranimations. Additionally, Kaden enjoys just talking with her about his lovelife. I won’t go into too much about it here, but she offers him significantlymore practical advice than his other source of information coughAlforcough. WithNewt, he’s pretty good for sound boarding her ideas off of. While he’s workingon this or that, or training the dogs, she’ll settle in and just kind oframble. If he thinks something is dumb or needs more thought, he’ll say asmuch, which she appreciates. She and Ari bond over the aforementioned YouTubechannel. She helps record and edit together the music videos that Arioccasionally makes for the songs that she performs, as well as handling thedirectorial responsibilities. She loves getting to have the experience andreally enjoys how she and the rest of their little group work together.
Hunk and Shay
Much like with Shiro and Matt, just a quick rundown of theGarrett family! Hunk and Shay had two children together; one son named Richterand one daughter named Morganite. Richter is a few months younger than Amberand Morganite is a few months younger than Newt. The reason for the huge agegap between to the two siblings is due to another headcanon of mine, in whichthe less similar two alien races are, the more difficult it is to reproducesuccessfully. Galra, Altean and humans are all somewhat similar in geneticmake-up, so it’s easier for them to conceive, but since Balmerans can bedrastically different based upon their environment. Due to this, while it’sclearly capable, it is a bit of a struggle. They’d been trying long before anyof the others to conceive Richter, and are delighted when he’s born. They weren’tactually trying to conceive Morganite and view her as a happy accident.
So, let’s talk about Uncle Hunk for a moment or two!
In regards to Amber, Hunk is actually appreciative of whatan abrasive personality she is. He knows that Richter tends to be on the morereserved side, which makes him an easy target for bullies, but she’s alwaysthere to protect him. As a sort of repayment for how good of a friend she is tohis son, he tries to help teach her how to cook and bake. Kaden ends up joiningin the little lessons, too, simply out of interest to learn how so he can helpout more at home. Amber’s downright awful at anything culinary-themed, but withHunk’s help she ends up getting decent. She can’t do anything particularlyfancy or extravagant, but she can make meals without burning down the kitchenand those meals taste well enough to not leave her paying homage to the porcelainGods.
Kaden actually ends up being a lot better than Amber, aswell as being a bit better at baking than cooking. He can make some of the mostbeautiful multiple-layer cakes out there. When the extra-curricular activitieshe participates in do fundraising bake sales, he always volunteers to help makeproduct for sale. A lot of the time, Hunk will help him as well. They alwaysend up making asinine amounts of baked goods, but they also end up selling allof it, so it never goes to waste.
With Hunk and Newt, he gets to work with him on his roboticsprojects and such. Newt and Morganite end up joining the robotics club andalways work together on the projects they’re completing. Team Punk often getsback together to help the pair out. Hunk takes the time to really explain thenecessary components to create an engine that’ll allow the robot to do whatthey intended purpose is, as well as occasionally smuggling themGarrison-issued supplies that they probably shouldn’t have access to. Do thejudges at the competition need to know that? Absolutely not. And Hunk wouldn’t breathea word of it, even if he was asked.
So, we all know that Hunk is ultimately the beacon of peaceand unity that the universe truly deserves. As Ari gets older, she seeks Hunkout for advice and suggestions on better ways to approach conflict-resolution.This is due to how some of her friends – outside of the other Palababus – like totalk smack instead of just dealing with disagreements in a more civil approach.While Ari can certainly understand that sometimes being a little petty can helppeople get over things, when the problems start causing rifts and involvingmore members of their group, she feels the need to intervene. Hunk, who wasalways the Voice of Reason on Team Voltron, he can sympathize with her. Whilehe didn’t have to deal with too much of that, he knows how it can be whenothers are using little things as an excuse to be mad and cause furthertrouble.
I see Shay as being a very affectionate and doting mother,and that extends to all the children of their friends as well. I really lovethe idea that Shay, Allura and Romelle get super invested in trashy daytime televisionprograms like Maury and Jerry Springer and such. There’s even spaceversions where different alien species go on and the trio love to watch andcommentate. The Allurance kids find the shows the most interesting, thoughthere is a level of entertainment in it for Morganite, Newt and Ari as well. Richter,Amber and Kaden tend to spend more time with her learning about the legends ofthe Balmera of crystals and how to distinguish which types of crystal are goodfor what purposes.
Richter gets along best with Amber and Kaden, and sees Kadenas a pseudo-little brother. The three of them grow up running in the samecircle and, even as they get older, remain close. When Amber’s still reallyyoung and bad at controlling her temper, Richter’s the best at getting her tocalm down. He’s also the one who deals with the petty squabbles between she andAlfor the most often. When the kids play pretend, they take it very seriously.Richter’s really good at constructing stuff out of cardboard and buildingblocks, so when they have tons of play-props that he and Kaden have built and coloredtogether.
Last note, he’s a pretty big boy who certain could defend himself, but he’s just agentle giant. There’s something really cute and funny about this really big,sweet guy being protected by these smol little firecrackers.
Now, Morganite is closer with Newt and Aria; especially sowith Newt. As I’ve mentioned, Newt’s a bit stand-offish with other people, butshe sees beyond all that to what a sweetheart he actually is. At one point, he thinksthat she’s only his friend because their parents are friends, but he realizesthat she genuinely does like him. This allows their friendship to develop evenfurther and the two of them to actually focus on the many things they have incommon. Consider them to be Team Punk Version 2.0. Lastly, I mentioned this inmy last headcanon post, but Morganite is really talented at making jewelry andother accessories. She teaches Ari how to make them, as well as helping herfigure out which accessories are best for this or that situation.
Lance and Allura
Let’s get the little notes about the McClain-Altean Heirs outof the way first! Lance and Allura end up having five kids; Alfor, Raya,Coriander, Paige and Anthony. Alfor and Raya are each a few months younger thanAmber and Kaden respectively, Coriander and Paige are a few months older thanNewt and Aria respectively, and Anthony is about two years younger than Aria. Ioriginally planned for them to have six kids, but decided to cut Anthony’s twinbrother, Ben, from the equation simply due to the fact it felt like too manykids. Additionally, since I started this before season 8 dropped, this isn’tnecessarily compliant with that; though, admittedly, it could easily just be aslight deviation where Allura saves the universe without having to sacrificeherself. But I think that we’re all mostly in agreement that that who spiel wasa little lacking, yeah?
Anyway, let’s get in to it!
I can’t talk about Lance and Amber’s relationship nearly asmuch as I want to. Initially, while Lance doesn’t hate her, he does get a bitmiffed by how she and Alfor always seem to be at odds with one another. As thekids get older, though, Lance starts to see a bit of his own struggles in Amberand becomes a pretty good source of reassurance for her. Amber clearly wants tobe someone who does great things for others, like her parents, but is unsure ifshe’ll ever have her chance to. She also worries that her abrasive personalitywould prevent her from being a very good source of comfort, even if she did getinvolved in any kind of work like that. Lance is able to help reassure herthat, so long as she’s willing to work hard and dedicate herself, she’ll beable to accomplish her goals.
Kaden goes in a bit of different direction than his sister;Kaden’s leaning towards being reserved but typically pretty polite, Lance hasno problem with him. He isn’t as aggressive as Amber can be in his issues withAlfor or Raya, and even when they do, the most that ever happens in the way ofphysicality is knocked over drinks or water fights. In regards to bonding,Lance actually offers him little tips and tricks to help him with his drivingduring his soap box races. I like the idea that Lance liked go-cart racing inhis youth so he knows a little bit about how to maneuver a smaller vehicle.Keith greatly appreciates this, as his own experiences prior to meeting Shiroand attending the Garrison is limited.
Lance actually teaches Newt a lot about farm animals. It’skind of implied by how Lance knew how to deal with Kaltenecker, and is apopular headcanon that I’m fond of, but I like the idea that he came from afamily in which his mother was a successful business owner and his father rantheir successful farm. As such, growing up, Lance had a lot of first-handexperience with the ins and outs of how to care for barnyard animals. Newtlatches on to him so he can learn all that he can about cows, horses, chickens,goats, and any other animals. While Lance doesn’t actively work on the farm anymore – what with now being one of the ruling monarchs of New Altea/ living alife as a Garrison recruiter on Earth – he has a lot of fond memories of hisexperiences caring for animals, as well as finding Newt’s passion to beendearing. He specifically regales him with the tales of his favorite animalthey ever owned, a goat named Hoppie, who would scream at you when he wanted atreat and had a bad habit of hopping fences; including a hilarious time hejumped into the pig’s pen and got coated in mud.
As for Ari, he probably likes her the best, simply becauseshe tends to be around the most due to her friendship with his daughters. Whenthey have sleepovers, he’ll often be brought in to help with braiding hair,doing facials, painting nails, etc. He also occasionally helps out with thechoreography, costuming and music for Ari’s YouTube videos; specifically, withthe music, he’ll help with the balancing of the audio and occasionally offerback-up vocals. We’ve already seen how well Lance can… Put on a show, to put itlightly, so he’s got a lot of creative ideas to help Ari catch attention. Pidgeis the one who tends to step in and rein him in if she thinks his ideas aregetting a little too salacious.
Now, what about our favorite Altean royal?
Allura gets along with Amber a bit better that Lance does,simply by virtue of seeing that her son needs someone to call him out. Sheloves her son to pieces – he is her first born and her baby in general – but sheacknowledges that he has inherited his father’s ego from their youth, whichmeans he needs to occasionally be reminded that he isn’t the greatest thingever. She doesn’t always agree with how she goes about it, and is happy tovoice her opinion, but also finds Amber’s interest and skill with fighting tobe admirable. She helps to teach her some Altean combat moves, along with herteaching them to her own kids as well, and admires what a quick study she is.
Now, her and Kaden actually bond over something kind ofinteresting; superhero comic books. Of all the Earth literature that she checksout, I think that Allura would find comics to be incredibly interesting. Thestories, the characters, the situations that cause them to gain their powers,all of it just kind of amuses her; both the campy stuff and the more seriousstuff. This hobby of hers is one that she ends up getting to spend a lot oftime bonding with Anthony, she and Lance’s youngest son, as well as Kaden.Kaden’s favorite characters end up being Spiderman, because he’s super smartbut super snarky, and Captain America, because he’s so moral. Allura’sfavorites are Thor – which is shared between she and Anthony – and Storm. Oneyear for Halloween, actually, the three of them all dressed up as their faveswhen they went trick-or-treating.
Newt, being intelligent and having some interests similar tohis Mama, talks with Allura a lot about how, exactly, she developed Shiro’sprosthetic, as well as how the Castle Ship worked. He also talks with Coranabout this, but he likes to talk with Allura about it a bit more since she wasthe one who made the ship able to jump through wormholes. He’s absolutelyfascinated by the idea of technology and magic being melded together to theextent that it was with the Alteans. Due to his lack of Altean heritage, he can’tdo anything involving alchemy, but he still finds the practice to be absolutelyfascinating and loves listening to Allura talk about everything she’s learnedfor hours on end. Additionally, Alfor is the only one of the Allurance babiesthat inherits any Altean alchemic ability, so Newt will often sit in whenAllura’s working with him just to see how, exactly, it’s done.
Much as I mentioned before, Ari in the Kidgeling thatprobably spends the most time around the Allurance babies because she gets alongso well with the girls. Much like with Lance, she’ll join in for slumberparties, but she also likes to take the girls out for mani-pedis. Pidge enjoysoccasionally going out for pampering, but she’s not nearly as big into thatstuff as Aria is, and Allura is always more than happy to bring Aria along.Pidge is grateful because she wants Ari to be able to enjoy herself in herinterests. This is also good for Allura, as she sees her friends and their kidsas her family, and loves getting to spend time with all of them. Allura is alsothe one that takes the girls clothes shopping at the start of each new schoolyear, since Pidge loathes having togo shopping.
Alfor and Amber’s relationship is completely complicated.They absolutely love each other and will shank someone for bad-mouthing them,but they’d also happily roast each other until they’re a well-barbequed chickenthigh. As kids, they constantly bicker and butt heads because they’re bothincredibly stubborn and have huge egos, but as they get older and become moretempered, they’re more like caddy frenemies. There is a point where theirfriendship almost implodes on itself, but that’s something I intend to touch upon my final headcanon post coming out soon. Alfor gets along pretty well withKaden and Newt, as well. With Kaden, he takes on an older brother role andoften tries to help give him love advice, because he considers himself to be areal Casanova like his Daddy even though he’s never asked out Akihiko,who he has a HUGE crush on. With Newt, he actually really likes how hesits and watches his alchemy training. Newt will take notes and, through thesenotes, Alfor can often figure out what he was getting wrong when he’sstruggling. Alfor likes Ari, but he sees her more as his sister’s friend, so hedoesn’t really hang out with her much.
Raya is the Queen Bee of the little Girl Gang that is formedby the Palababus. While she and Amber don’t really spend a lot of time hangingout in their youth, there’s a sense of mutual respect for one another, and theydo become closer as they get older and get to know one another better. In theiryounger years, she always tries to include Amber in their activities, butnormally the older girl isn’t too terribly interested. Raya and Kaden havedrastically different interests and tend to not get along at all – due to Rayahaving a “little princess” personality and Kaden finding this annoying – thoughthey do grow to admire one another and become significantly closer during theirlate teens, as mentioned before. She and Newt don’t really talk much; shethinks he’s kind of weird and he thinks she’s a spoiled brat. Aria is theKidgeling she gets along with the best and, as I’ve mentioned before, looksafter her just as much as she does her own sisters. She helps Aria with herYouTube music videos, as well as helping her work on her cheerleading routinesand preparing for try-outs.
Coriander, much like her older sister, isn’t very close toAmber but has some respect for the older girl; though, admittedly, she thinksAmber can go a little overboard when she sticks her nose into a fight. It mightbe a little bit of a crush, but she never acts or speaks of it to anyone, andit fades relatively quickly. She also respects Kaden a lot, given hisreputation of being the Bullier of the Bullies, but is also a bit intimidatedby him. Due to her own tendency towards being a sociable and outgoing character,she finds Kaden’s quiet personality to be a bit unnerving. With Newt, she goes tohim and Morganite for some help with her academics, as she struggles a bit withscience and geography classes. Lastly, as I know I’ve mentioned multiple timesnow, but Ari gets along best with the Allurance girls. Since Cori is such asocial, outgoing girl who likes the spotlight, she ends up becoming a hugetheater kid. She’s not the best at musicals but she loves getting to do regularshows, and Ari always helps her with her lines. In return, when they domusicals, she helps push Ari to audition, as well as practice her songs/ linesonce she gets cast.
So now we get to the youngest little lady, Paige! Unlike hersiblings, she lacks the outgoing personality. She’s really sweet and friendlywith her friends, sure, and she gets along well enough with others, but she isn’tquite as interested in expanding her social circle like they are. She’s notreally passionate about it, but she does join the swim and volleyball. Herinterest in volleyball isn’t particularly big – most just doing it because sheknows how helpful extracurriculars are for college applications and such – but Amberstill helps her get ready for the team tryouts. She’s grateful for this,especially since Amber doesn’t once chide her for signing up for something justby virtue of being signed up for something. Paige is ambivalent to both theboys, though she does think that Newt’s fascination with Altean alchemy isweird. She really enjoys writing poems and actually goes to Kaden for hisopinion, since he’s the bluntest and most straight-forward person she knows, soshe knows his criticisms will always be his honest opinion. She has a huge softspot in her for cheesy romantic comedies – even the ones with awful writing –and she’ll happily marathon them with Ari. Sometimes the two of them just enjoygetting settled in nice and comfy and having themselves a squeal-fest.
Last, but certainly not least, is little Anthony! Anthony isan absolute Momma’s boy who talks a big game but will back down pretty quickwhen he knows he’s about to get smacked down. Due to how much younger than theother kids he is, he doesn’t really know Amber and Kaden all that well; mostlyjust knows what the kids say about them. At one point, after finding out he’sbeen dealing with some jerks at school, Amber outright tells him to just useher and Kaden as a threat to any potential bullies, and he actually does and itseems like enough to dissuade them from pestering him too much more. He ends upactually joining the local scout’s troop and goes to Newt for helpful tips onwhat to expect from the wildlife they encounter. Through this, he grows toreally admire how much care and effort Newt puts into learning about the thingshe’s interested in, and decides to do the same. He gets really passionate aboutdoing little magic tricks and slight-of-hand things. Aria ends up agreeing tobe his partner when he participates in shows and charity events and such. Also,instead of pulling a rabbit from his hat, Auryon will occasionally let himborrow Boo and Radley and he pulls them from the hat.
Now, I see Coran as being significantly more invested in theAllurance babies, simply by virtue of him Palababus, too. These last few willprobably be a bit on the short side, but I hope it’ll still be good!
Coran loves getting to tell the children about everything hedid and saw throughout his many years of travel. He’ll often regale them with thetales of shenanigans that their parents, as well as the OG Team Voltron, got upto. Does he occasionally embellish the stories to make their parents seem alittle more imposing? Maybe. But the kids don’t even care and the parent’s coughLancecoughappreciate being seen as total badasses by their kids. Additionally, he teachesthem how to do all the strange, alien-animal calls that he knows just for thefun of it. None of the parents thank him for this; especially not Pidge andKeith, who end up getting the worst of it because of how much Newt loves making the strange noises.
Additionally, he ends up hitting it off particularly wellwith two of the Palababus through offering them more insights in to Voltron andhow the Lions work, but, again… Subject for later! ;3c
She ends up becoming super in to video games and Eaeth boardgames; specifically I think she’d be really in to Sorry!, Monopoly and anyRPG games she can get her hands on. Her being into games makes her a favoritewith Kaden and Newt, who loves having little gaming tournaments. She’s kickedtheir tales at literally every game they have but they still enjoy getting toplay with her. She also loves teaching them the different games they playedback on the colony when she was a child. She teaches Amber some meditationtechniques to help her calm down and help rein in some of her violenttendencies. She also teaches Aria how to play some Altean instruments,including a strange tuba-accordian hybrid.
Additionally, she tells them cautionary tales about her lifeback on the colony and lies they believed about Lotor. The kids are aware thatLotor was a bad guy, but they don’t know the extent of it. She saves thosestories until they’re a little older, just to avoid causing them nightmares,but they take what she says to heart.
So, I have a lot of headcanons about Kolivan that I won’t begoing into great detail about right now, but I will state I think he has atleast one child of his own, but they have an estranged relationship. Betweenthis and how close he is with Keith and Krolia, when he opts to retire fromactive Blade assignments, he ends up settling on Earth and taking up Grandpa Privilegeswith the Kidgelings.
Much like with Krolia, he helps teach Amber and Kaden aboutself-defense techniques and other such things. He decides pretty early on thathe likes how the two contrast but complement one another, what with Amber beingan enthusiastic little spitfire and Kaden being a sneaky little tactician. Theymake for a good team and he can see that the two of them have greatness laidbefore them. With Newt, he really enjoys listening to him go on his ramblesabout the tech he’s working on; specifically, he likes when he goes on hisrambles about the prosthetic limbs he wants to develop for humans and animalswith missing limbs. He thinks it’s really cute how this snarky little bratactually has a very soft and compassionate heart underneath it all. With Aria,he really loves letting her play with his hair. Since it’s so long, she’ll sitfor hours and comb it out and then restyle it. Sometimes she does simplebraids, or twists it into a bun, or even busts out her curling iron and leaveshim with a cluster of bouncy silver curls. Sometimes they’ll talk while shedoes, and other times she’ll just put on music and they’ll let the quiet musicfill in the peaceful space.
Slav is literally only here for one hilarious footnote.
One week, for show-and-tell, Aria actually smuggled Slav toschool with her. At lunch, she swapped candies and lunch tray desserts forreadings of their possible futures from the alien genius. This led to a bunchof the children going in to complete panic and the school hadto call in Pidgeand Keith.
They’re both impressed with the fact their daughter managedto sneak Slav to school, as well as how she managed to carry around a backpackwith him inside for the entire day.
48 notes · View notes
kallura-icedcoffee · 6 years
poppy: parenthood
A flower that blooms in the desert
Plance x Kallura Week 2018
Guess Who’s Having a Baby: No seriously…guess
Allura’s phone buzzed and when she looked at the caller her face lit up.
“Hey Katie! What’s u-”
“KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN AND GO SOMEWHERE PRIVATE!” the voice hissed in hushed tones on the other end.
“Why are we whispering?”
Allura looked around. Keith was outside mowing the lawn. She excused herself to the bedroom and shut the door.
“What’s going on?”
“I think I’m pregnant.”
“Ok ok sorry. Are you sure? How do you know?”
“My period has been harder to find than Where’s Waldo.”
“Did you take a test?”
“I have one but I haven’t taken it. I’m scared. I wanna know, but then I don’t” Katie’s voice softened.
“Look come over and you can do it here, I’ll be with you.”
“With Keith there?”
“All the guys are going to the baseball game tomorrow remember? Come then.”
“Ok…ok…thanks Lura.”
“No problem. Everything is going to be ok no matter what.”
“I know, I know. Ok bye.”
The next night Allura and Katie sat in Allura and Keith’s master bathroom waiting for what felt like an eternity. Katie sat on the edge of the bathtub while Allura perched herself on the counter. Katie held the little white stick in her trembling hands.
“Oh my god I see something. A blue line! No, two blue lines! What does two blue lines mean?!”
Allura picked up the box and turned it over, studying the back.
“Well,” Allura said slowly, “we’re having a baby!”
“Oh god…oh god oh god oh god.” Katie leapt up and snatched the box out of her hand, giving it a second look.
“I know it seems scary now, but you guys are gonna be great parents! Motherhood is beautiful and magical!” Allura tried to comfort her.
“If it’s so beautiful and magical why aren’t you and Keith trying?” Katie arched a brow.
“Uh…well…you see, uh…look this isn’t about us right now. How are you going to tell Lance?”
Katie tapped her finger to her chin.
“I was thinking we could just not tell him, like until the baby pops out. By then I’ll have thought of something.” She smiled.
“Katherine Elizabeth McClain.”
“I just need a little time! I’ll figure it out. And don’t use my full name in that tone you sound like my mother.” She slapped Allura’s arm.
Suddenly the ladies could hear the front door open and close.
“Allura? Baby I’m home!” Keith’s distant muffled voice could be heard through the locked bathroom door.
“Shit shit shit he’s home early! What do we do?”
Then came a knock.
“Babe you in here? You ok?” Keith asked from the other side.
Katie and Allura panicked. Allura grabbed the pregnancy test and shoved it in a stack of hand towels that were purely meant for decoration while Katie took the box and threw it out the window. Allura shoved Katie while mouthing “what the hell are you doing?!” to which Katie shook her head frantically and shrugged.
They straightened themselves up, put on their best innocent smiles and opened the door.
“Hi darling!”
Keith looked at his wife, then at Katie, together, in a locked bathroom.
“Everything ok?” he asked.
“Yes, just…uh…” She looked at Katie.
“Doin girl stuff…y’know facials and uh beauty things” Katie finished.
She cringed at her own bullshit.
“Ok…” His eyes narrowed.
“Well gotta go! See ya later Allura!”
Katie moseyed by Keith before practically sprinting down the stairs out the door, making sure to snatch up the box in their front yard before getting into her car.
“Well if you’re done doing uh girl stuff, can I use the bathroom? Traffic back from the game was terrible and I’ve been holding it for like an hour.”
“Sure honey. I’ll go get dinner started!” She kissed his cheek and skipped out of the room.
Keith shook his head, accepting that he would never understand women and shut the door. After relieving himself and washing up he did the one thing Allura constantly scolded him for: wiping his hands on the goddamn decorative towels.
Lance’s cellphone went off while he was still in the car. He answered it and put it on speakerphone.
“Hey Keith! What’s u-”
“Why are you yelling?”
“I’m in the car by myself, chill out. What’s going on?”
“Allura is pregnant.”
“I’m alone idiot! Now are you sure? How do you know?”
“I found a pregnancy test hidden in the bathroom!”
“Whoa, way to go sharp shooter!”
“This is not the time for jokes.”
“Well were you trying?”
Keith paused.
“Well we weren’t trying, but we weren’t exactly not trying y’know?”
“Oh I know.”
“What do I do?”
“Wear condoms next time?”
“Look you don’t want it to look like you were snooping so just give her time and wait for her to tell you.”
Keith sighed.
“You’re right…”
“Duh. Now put it back and pretend you never saw it.”
Keith hung up and placed the little white stick of destiny back where he found it and went downstairs to have dinner with his wife.
A couple weeks later the Koganes had the McClains over for dinner and a game night.
“I mean it’s a decent show, but it’s not realistic. Like giant robot cats that morph and turn into a giant robot man?” Lance scoffed before sipping his beer.
“Right? Like shouldn’t they at least turn into an even bigger cat?” Keith chimed in.
“But Cattron sounds stupid.” Katie chuckled.
“And that princess character? Her ears are so weird!” Allura said as she grabbed the wine bottle in front of Keith and poured herself a glass.
Both men stopped abruptly and watched her intently as she filled it up.
“Uh, are you sure you should be drinking that hun?” Keith asked casually.
Allura blinked and titled her head.
“Why not?”
“Uh…well,” he met eyes with Lance and did he best to no give himself away, “you shouldn’t drink too much it’s not good for your health.”
“But you’re drinking.”
Keith looked at his own glass of wine. How was he going to broach this without letting Allura know that he knew about the you-know-what?
Allura shrugged and brought the wine glass to her lips.
“You can’t drink that, think about the baby!” Lance blurted out, slamming his hands on the table.
A pin drop could’ve been heard in the resulting silence.
“I’m sorry, think about the what?” Allura nearly choked on her chardonnay.
“The…baby?” Lance was suddenly not so sure about his words.
“What baby?”
“The baby we’re having” Keith finally cut in. “It’s ok Lu, I know.”
“Know what?!” Allura yelled, feeling like she was losing her mind.
“I found the pregnancy test.”
Allura did a double take. Katie sunk down in her chair.
“Oh…” She put her glass down.
“And I just want you to know it’s ok. It was a surprise for sure but I’m up for anything as long as we’re together. You’re gonna make a great mom.”
Allura’s lip quivered as she brought a hand to her heart while taking Keith’s hand in hers.
“Darling that is incredibly sweet and it means the world that you’re supportive but the test isn’t mine.”
“It’s…it’s not?” Keith pouted, confused, relieved, disappointed all at once.
“Then who the hell was it?” Lance questioned.
Allura’s gaze fluttered over to Katie. Keith followed. Then Lance.
Katie had slid so deep in her seat she was practically under the table.
“K-Kit Kat?” Lance’s face softened.
“It’s mine” she grumbled, keeping her eyes down.
Lance felt his heart skip.
“I was gonna tell you, I just didn’t know how and I wanted to see the doctor first to confirm and…well we’re gonna have a baby.” She smiled anxiously.
Lance just stared at her then the tears welled in his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away before they fell.
“I’m gonna be a dad?....I’M GONNA BE A DAD! HOLY SHIT I’M GONNA BE A DAD!”
Lance leapt out of his chair and yanked Katie to her feet, cupping her face in his hands and peppering it with kisses.
Keith and Allura held each other’s hands tightly as they looked on at their friends, hearts full.
“I gotta call mom and dad and grandma and Veronica is gonna piss herself and then we gotta call Sam and Colleen and Matt and Hunk will wanna know and-”
“Ok ok easy there champ.” Katie wrapped her arms around his waist. “How about we just enjoy tonight and we can do the press conference tomorrow?” she joked.
Lance nodded and kissed the top of her head.
“I love you” he whispered in her hair.
“I love you too” she murmured back.
They finished out the dinner, Allura was allowed to finish her wine and they played a few rounds of Pictionary before calling it a night.
“I can’t believe Katie and Lance are gonna be parents” Keith said as he slipped into bed.
“Pretty crazy huh?” Allura replied as she tied up her hair.
“Yeah but they’ll be great don’t you think?”
She nodded in agreement.
“Man I really goofed earlier didn’t I?” He grabbed Allura and snuggled up close.
“You did, but it was sweet that you handled the news so well, even if it turned out to be a false alarm.”
“Well if it happens for us one day it’ll be fine.” He kissed her nose.
“It will.” She looked up at him and lifted her head until her lips met his.
He returned her affection, kissing her a bit more deeply. She sighed happily into his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck. He pulled back and began to nibble a trail down her throat while working his hand up her nightgown.
Katie sat at her office desk, typing a lengthy email when her ringtone sounded off. She picked it up and tucked it between her ear and shoulder as her fingers continued to tick away at the keys.
“Hey Allura, what’s u-”
“KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN AND GO SOMEWHERE PRIVATE!” she whispered in a distressed tone.
“Why are you whispering yet yelling at me at the same time?”          
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ausietigerqueen · 6 years
Not Being Left Behind
I thought I'd make it more painful because. Well I can.
Lance stood there and shook his head. Trying to do something. He'd wanted to change the way it was going. He'd had a bad feeling. Some would call it paranoia but his Mama had told him to always pay attention to that feeling. It would tell him when something bad was coming. And he'd felt it the whole time. He didn't want to do this. Sure it was cool he'd gotten Alfor's blessing. It was cool that they had met the paladins. And it was amazing what they had accomplished together.
But......letting go? Being left behind? He...he didn't want to be left behind. Why did he always have to lose those he loved? Grandma had died when he was young. Too young to remember her much, but he remembered her warm hugs. His grandpa he'd known better. The man had been his strongest supporter. But he'd died right before Lance had been accepted to the Garrison.
He knew his grandfather had been sure he'd get in. But now he had to say goodbye to someone else he loved?
He felt the tears start to leak out.....how was he supposed to do this? How could he possibly let her go on? How was he going to go on.....without her?
He could feel the pain of his heart and felt the warmth of the universe's consciousness and tried to ignore the pain as it enveloped him. He knew this needed to be done but could he let it happen. He'd barely been able to let her go into Honerva's mind but this......
This was so much harder. He clutched at his chest and weeped as she said good bye to everyone else. He wanted to say something, wanted to stop her.
Why didn't he have the power to stop her? To do something....anything?
She moved towards him and he shook his head as he yelled at himself. "Why am I so powerless to save those I LOVE?!"
He heard Allura gasp and he felt her wrap her arms around him. He couldn't do anything. He wanted the power to fix this. He wished he had the power to do something.
He would gladly do anything to save her life.
It was then that he felt Blue growl and felt Red's fire envelop him. He looked around but he couldn't see them. He could only feel them. Both of the Lions purred to him. Enveloped him and Lance turned his thoughts to them, tried to speak. Tried to find words. But both lions growled at him before they spoke to him.
He could hear their thoughts. Could feel their emotions. Neither wanted to let him go, but they knew, it'd be a hard road for him, if he were to lose her. He'd have to fight for his happiness again. And it would probably take a year or more. But he could do it. The question was......did he want to?
Blue purred a question to him. She knew the answer but she wanted him to answer. Would he be happy without her, could he be?
Lance wanted to say no. Wanted to say she was the only thing that brought him happiness, but he would be lying. There were many things that brought him that. He would heal eventually, though he doubted he would love anyone else. He'd probably just stay with his family.
Red was the one who asked this time. Her purr with meaning beneath it. Did he want to live that life? It would be fulfilling. And he could preach her method. Be her voice for future generations.
But both lions could feel the decision he made. He didn't want to. Not in this reality. Maybe in another he would be willing to let her go. He would let her do what she needed. And let her give away her future. But as he cried into her hair and she clutched tight, he knew he couldn't let her give her life away.
The lions growled their approval. This was their paladin. Willing to dive head in and sacrifice anything for his loved ones. Blue and Red made a noise as Lance felt their quintessence pour into him.
Allura pulled back and kissed him. He felt his body take some of her quintessence. He could feel the lions using the bond to share the magic. He could feel it awakening something in his veins. Something from long ago slumbering now. He could taste the power that came from it as his cheeks burned. As the memories of Alluras stay in Oriadne came to him. So too, Did the memories of how to change the ship. He turned to the lions and tilted his head were they????
Blue growled a yes. She told him in a rush that Allura had shared quintessence with him before. But humans were descended from Alteans. And his family had a gene that lay dormant until something set it off. Allura had awakes it slightly when Lance had died. But today......today they would wake it up. And give Lance the chance to save Those he loved.
He pulled back from Allura and smiled. He felt her gasp as he heard from Red what they'd done. On his cheeks were glowing Altean marks. This was what lay dormant for millennia in his family's line. This was what they had awoken. And now with all his knowledge.
He could save his girl. The woman he loved and owed his life. It was time to pay her back. And maybe give her a life to go on to. She would do so much for the universe. He didn't have much to give anyway.
With a last kiss on her lips. He pulled out his bayard. He knew it'd form into what he wanted. He knew Red would keep it that way so he could do this. The lions didn't like it, but they knew it was his decision. A choice he had to make. And he was making it.
Lance whispered against her lips. She would know he loved her more than anything. He turned and walked over to where Shiro and Keith were standing, taking her with him. He quickly used the handcuffs and tied both Allura and Keith together.
As he heard their screams he made his way over to where Honerva stood. "I won't lose anyone else. It was my time long ago. I should have died on those missions. But I didn't. Allura you saved my life in more ways than one. You mean everything to me. And I know I'd eventually live on happily. But I don't want to live without you. And I know it's wrong to make you do the same. But I can't watch you die. Not like this. I love you more than anything. You guys too. You're the best family I could ever ask for. Shiro...make sure to keep them in line. And take Curtis on a date already. He's been asking Veronica about you and I see those looks you give him. Adam would want you to move on. Hunk I love you buddy. You're amazing and your cooking will bring people together. Pidge you're a genius. Show people how smart you can be in the future. Keith.....you're a good friend. I'll miss you, I know we didn't get a great start. But you became an important friend and brother. I'm glad you always had my back. I love you guys. Tell my family, that they're to treat you all like family. Cause that's what you are. I'll miss them, but tell them I saved the universe. Make it a cool story for the kids to tell."
With those words he smiled and made ran to Honvera. With an encouraging smile to her, they both made their way into the light. He could see the tears in the paladins eyes. He had a feeling they'd been watching the exchange. Had a good feeling that they had known what the lions were doing and might have even helped. He took a deep breath and took Alfor's hand. The man could only sigh and smile a sad smile. He mouthed one thing as he looked at him. And Lance didn't need to hear him to know it was a thank you. Alfor, much like Lance himself, just wanted Allura to live and be happy.
He smiled as Lotor and Zarkon reunited with Honerva. He could tell how happy they all were without the corruption having control. Zarkon and Lotor looked his way, as did Honerva. Lotor stepped forward and took a deep breath. "That was a brave thing."
Lance shook his head as he looked back at where the team had been. "No. It was the selfish thing. I couldn't have watched her die. Even if I could, I would have done the same I think. She deserves to live and make the universe better. Like you tried to do. I'm sorry I was such an ass. But to be fair, you were also an ass."
Lotor laughed as Honerva came up beside them. "You're not wrong about that. I'm sorry I caused so much pain and trouble. I would go back and fix it but, I think you two are about to do that?"
Lance took Honerva's hands in his and smiled as the family surrounded them. "Are you ready Honerva? We're about to save the whole universe."
Honerva smiled and he saw her lip quirk a little. "Yes. Did you remember to go pee before we leave?"
Lance let out a laugh as he held her hands. "I don't think there's a restroom here. I think I'll be good. Let's go and save the whole universe."
Lance felt all of them smiled as they all laid a hand on his and Honerva's backs. They would save the universe. And Lance let out a sigh in relief. His friends and family were going to live on and be happy. They would be safe. And he would have been the one to give that to them. As he felt his new magic and Honerva's mix he felt a smile grace his face. Wherever this took him, at least he'd gone out with a bang right? This would be one hell of a story. But at least he hadn't been left behind.
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blueplanettrash · 6 years
For the whump bingo, lance dozing off when he shouldn't then startled awake?
Hope you enjoy! 💙
Lance wasn’t one to get sick. He was generally in great health, always tried to take care of himself and his body. He was a miracle baby in his family and he deemed it a sign for him to take the utmost care of what he was given.
Actually, let’s reiterate. Lance wasn’t one to get sick now. As a child, however, he was sick all of the time. Whenever a flu went around the school he always got it and he always got it bad. 
He thought that maybe when they got in space, he wouldn’t get sick since they always decontaminated when they came back from a planet so they wouldn’t get any of the planet-side viruses onboard. 
So when he woke up one day, his head heavy from exhaustion and his sinuses clogged he was quite devastated. The bridge of his nose felt itchy and swollen  and it felt like there was fluid pressing against the back of his eyes. He struggled to sit up and let out a hacking cough that resulted in a wad of mucus ending up in the palm of his hand. He gags and stumbles out of bed to his bathroom to wash his hands and he glanced up to look in the mirror.
He was pale and clammy, his cheeks highlighted a bright red that stuck out on his skin.
Blearily he got into his armour, knowing that they had a meeting with Kolivan today and they were all required to be there. By the time he got everything on, he was panting and leaning against the wall. He let out a wheeze and straightened up, knowing now that he definitely was going to have to tell Shiro and Allura that he needed to go back to bed. Sure, the defenders of the universe never took a day off, but he wouldn’t be able to do anything anyway if something were to happen.
It only took him a few minutes to find the two of them, knowing that they would be going over everything for the meeting, Allura still not taking a shining to Kolivan being on board. It still kind of annoyed him, they were helping them. Was that just not enough anymore?
He pushed it aside for now though and approached the two of them, waiting patiently for a break in their conversation.
“Hello Lance,” Allura said after a few minutes. He tried to smile and walked forward, clearing his throat in the process.
“Um, I was wondering if I’d be able to take the day off? I’m really not feeling too hot,” he said, his voice weak. 
Shiro and Allura just blinked at him for a few moments and he looked between them perplexed at their silence. Then Shiro sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose.
“Really Lance? We’re already so swamped with the meeting and you want to slack off?” He groaned. Lance stepped back, startled before actually looking at his face. His eyes were ringed with darkness, and his face was absolutely ringed with exhaustion. He gulped at the guilt that suddenly erupted in his stomach. While he was sleeping and doing only the mandatory work expected of him, Shiro and Allura had been getting less and less sleep and working themselves to the bone to make sure that everything went smoothly today.
“R-right,” he stuttered, looking down at the ground. He clenched his fist, attempting to quell the shaking in his hands, if only for a minute. “Um, sorry,” he said quietly before turning and quickly walking out of the room.
If he thought he felt terrible before, it was nothing compared to the present. He sat patiently in his seat, barely listening to everything that was being said around him. 
They had greeted Kolivan together, meeting him at his ship after it docked and lead him back to the dining room where they set up to have the meeting. Surprisingly, he had sat down beside Lance and shot him concerned glances every now and then, not that anyone else seemed to notice besides Lance. 
Really, he was relieved. Even if none of his teammates had noticed how sick we had been and was getting; Kolivan had and was trying to keep an eye out for him. At least he thought he was. 
Only a few minutes into their meeting, he started feeling his eyes start to close on him. Just minute little twitches woke him even when he didn’t remember falling asleep in the first place. After about five times of jolting awake, he pulled his datapad closer and started mindlessly fiddling with the programs, typing and drawing squiggles, anything to keep his mind awake and aware.
He let out a startled squeak when the hologram disappeared from underneath his finger and his head whipped up to look at a very unimpressed Allura and Shiro. 
“Sorry,” he said quietly, averting his eyes. They didn’t even look at him again as they started speaking with Kolivan again, although his eyes were on Lance for a long minute after that. Lance on the other hand was trying to figure out another way to keep himself awake until they were finished, but there wasn’t anything he could think of. Not that he could really think of anything anyway, his head was full of cotton that pressed against his sinuses. All he wanted to do was lay down and sleep away the pain. 
He didn’t even realize that he fell back asleep until he heard his name being screamed angrily.
He jolted awake, tipping him off of his chair. He braced himself for some sort of impact but instead met firm arms that curled carefully around him and hauled him back up. He looked fearfully up to meet Allura’s gaze and flinched at the glare she pointed towards him.
“Are you bored Lance?” She asked calmly. He blinked in confusion.
“I asked are you bored, because that’s the only possible reason I see for you to be falling asleep during an important meeting like this,” she stated quietly and calmly, somehow making Lance much more apprehensive than if she had been screaming mad at him.
“You get at the very least six to seven hours of sleep, you do the minimum amount of training required of you before you go and relax, you don’t contribute outside of what we ask of you unlike the rest of the paladin, so I ask you again, are you bored Lance?”
With every point listed off, Lance could feel the guilt in his stomach rising. She was absolutely right, he really wasn’t doing as much as everyone else was doing. They had been working their asses off to get this meeting put together and he couldn’t sit awake long enough to get through it all? But he was trying, he was trying so hard to be alert but he felt so bad.
He just wanted to know why they hadn’t noticed how terrible he was feeling. He wasn’t being anything like himself, he basically hadn’t talked at all, all morning, he wasn’t trying to crack jokes throughout the meeting to lighten the mood, he hadn’t even tried to sweet talk Kolivan and he had just caught him in his arms! Did they really not notice how pale he was, how much he was sweating, how every word out of his mouth was raspy and dry like he hadn’t had water for days? 
“You’re right, princess, I’m sorry,” he decided on, clenching his fists on top of his knees.
“Good, perhaps now you’ll pay attention,” she huffed, getting back to her work. He gave Kolivan a polite smile and settled back in his chair.
He looked up at Allura and put all of his focus on staring at the presentation, trying his hardest to not look away, even for a second. 
But every passing point went in one ear and out the other. He didn’t know what was happening or what everyone’s opinion was, all he was hearing was white noise. All he was seeing was a blank page with no words. His eyes darted across lines of data, trying so hard to understand what it said but nothing processed. He ground his teeth together in frustration, even his best wasn’t enough.
Frustratingly, he felt tears well up in his eyes. So badly, he wanted to contribute and help his team defeat Zarkon, he wanted to go home, he wanted to see his mamá. She always took the best care of them when they got sick, she would have noticed a day before he got sick.
She would have ushered him back to bed, brought him some sort of homemade recipe that would cleanse his entire system and have him back in shape before he even knew it. His siblings would bring him back his homework from school, his younger ones would bring him drawings they made at school to try and make him feel better, his grandma would sit with him until he felt better.
He missed them.
He startled so badly, his hand slapped against his chest. He panted wildly, eyes darting around the room until they landed on Allura again, this time she was fuming.
“There is no excuse for this kind of behaviour Lance,” she started. He opened his mouth to defend himself but quickly shut it at Shiro’s dangerous look. 
“I don’t want to hear it Lance,” he said and made a zipping motion with his hand. He blinked helplessly and looked back at Allura.
“Thank you Shiro,” she said graciously. “As I said before, there is no excuse for th-”
“This cub is sick,” Kolivan cut her off, standing up to move behind Lance in support. Allura paused looking at him incredulously. 
“Excuse me?”
“This cub is sick, I smelled it on him since the beginning but frankly anyone who is more intelligent than a rock should have as well,” he added unimpressed.
“I beg your pardon?” She gasped affronted.
“Pale skin, sweaty, exhausted for no reason, weak spoken, all signs of sickness but ignored and berated for attempting to see through to the end of a mission,” Kolivan listed off, more aggressive with each word. The paladin’s eyes darted away at the words leaving the two leaders to deal with the words.
“We thought he might have been faking,” Shiro tried the explain but Kolivan gave a snarl in response.
“You thought? Had it been one of the others would they have been pushed aside as well?” He asked, the long silence that stretched was all the answer he needed. “Enough, I’m taking him to the infirmary, finish this meeting amongst yourselves, I’m sure Lance will give me a much better summary when he’s feeling better,” he hissed, picking Lance up and walking out of the room, ignoring the calls that reached his back.
“I apologize, cub but I don’t know the way,” he said once they were in the silence of the Castle halls. “I’m sorry that I didn’t try to intervene earlier, I wasn’t sure of what I was smelling and I’m saddened to know that I was right,”
“It’s okay, I’m just glad that someone did end up noticing,” he replied with a small smile. “And thank you for getting me out of there, I just want to sleep,” he admitted.
“Then sleep cub, I promise that I will keep you from harm,”
And he did.
My Bingo Card
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angstalottle · 6 years
Dream Come True
@prince-yoongi and me are doing a little colab, their doing the next part of the story
When Shiro was called back to the castle because Lance had an accident he was certain he would find the boy laying in a healing pod with a trail of blood leading from his lion.
What he did not expect to find however was for Coran to take him directly to the pool where lance was swimming quite happily above him.
“Lance… what the fuck dude.” Shiro goraned gesturing up at him.
Lance to his credit at least looked somewhat sheepish as he stuck his head out “In my defence i saved a kid.”
“What does saving a kid have to do with you being turned into a merman?!” Shiro yelled feeling the vein in his head throb like it may explode from stress.
Lance’s long blue tail shimmered in the water, iridescent scales covered his spine up to neck and the side of his face. His ears had gained a slight point to his ears and a blue tint to his skin.
It was a little off putting to see such drastic physical changes to his teammate, even if according to Coran he was in perfect health Shiro couldn't help but worry.
Lance bobbed back into the water, either to hide his shame or to breath Shiro wasn't sure. He eventually resurfaced “honestly i don't know, i just figured if you knew i did a good deed you wouldn't be pissed that i drank some weird potion an old lady gave me.”
Shiro let out a long, long, sigh.
How was this his life? Why did he have to be the one to [lay babysitter to a bunch of teenagers in space where when he sends them off on seperate missions so he can try and strengthen his bond with the black lion that coming back to one of them no longer being the same species he was at breakfast is a possibility.
“Lance… why would you drink something a stranger offered you?” Shiro asked massaging his eyes, he could feel the stress headache working its way to the front of his head annoyingly fast.
Lance nervously flicked his tail from side to side not meeting Shiro's gaze as he muttered his reply “she was the kids grandma, it was meant to be a way to say thanks. She said that it would make my dreams come true so i figured it would make me a better paladin… instead it made me into literally what i dreamt last night.”
Hearing Lance admit his belief that he didn't believe he was already a great paladin was almost as weird as the whole merman situation. Shiro would never have imagined that the loud confident Lance could be anything other then secure with himself and his place on the team. But not it was appearing to be a mask he wore to hide his true fears.
How had he been so blind?
“Look Lance you don't need a magic potion to make you a better paladin, your already our perfect sharpshooter and we wouldn't have you any other way.”
“Thanks Shiro… though i guess now we really will need a replacement.” Lance gestured to the tail “can't exactly run around saving the universe without legs can i?” he laughed but there was a note of distress to it, like the gravity of his situation was finally hitting him.
It suddenly occurred to Shrio if this potion didn't wear off or they couldn't find a way to reverse the effects there was no way Lance could continue to be a paladin, and what's worse he could never return to Earth without being in great danger.
“Dont worry kiddo, Coran and Allura are already looking into it. In the meantime i would suggest you enjoy it, Hunk said you always had a thing for mermaid right?”
A genuine smile spread across Lance’s face as he nodded “Yeah… yeah your right, besides i've been wanting to spend some time in the pool even if it is a little cooler then i would like.”
Lance used his tail to push himself out of the water so he was just a little above Shiro, his wet hair dripping on the floor.
He was close enough that Shiro could see the gills on his neck and ribs fluttering, desperate for water.
He could also see the boy shivering as he wrapped his arms around himself. It was slight and likely wouldn't do any more damage then discomfort but Shiro still made a mental note to talk to Coran later about turning up the temperature of the pool.
“It's not hotel pool that's for sure.” Lance gasped out before retreating into the water to catch his breath.
“It's an athletics pool, it's supposed to be cool. I'll talk to Coran but i can't make any promises.” Shiro turned to leave watching from the corner of his eye as Lance disappeared under the water swimming round and playing seemingly without a care in the world.
Shiro couldn't help but smile, he deserved a chance he be a kid and have some fun now and again.
As the doors closed shut Shiro had no idea that the pool was growing steadily colder and Lance was finding it harder and harder to just stay awake.
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