#she literally carried the award shows
foxy-kitsune · 2 years
y'all how the hell did not angela bassett won😶
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aidaronan · 2 years
The years go by. The retail jobs that Steve thinks are temporary keep piling up, but he has no idea what else to do with his life so he just keeps on keeping on.
Until a large tree falls on the lawn of the little house he managed to buy and he gets the quote on removal and the number literally hurts his soul.
He buys a small chainsaw instead. Over the course of a few weeks, he gets most of the branches cut up. He collects some large rocks from down by the quarry and digs out a fire pit in his backyard. On his days off, his friends come over and they sit out back and have a few beers. The pile of wood dwindles. The giant trunk is another story though. His chainsaw isn't big enough for it. Burning it would take forever, and Steve's terrified he'd disappoint Smoky the Bear. He's at a loss.
Until he sees another giant trunk in someone's yard carved into a bear.
He knows what to do then. Not a bear, but something else. Through trial and error, the trunk becomes the rough shape of a woman, the remnants of the branches like a crown on her head. It's not as amazing as the bear he saw, but it's his. He finds he loves the smell of sawdust and the feeling of creating something.
Just like that, Steve realizes what he wants to do. It takes several months and a lot of yard sales, but he scrounges up the tools he needs to start woodworking. He learns to measure twice and cut once. He makes tables and chairs and carves them with art and designs that get better and better the more he learns. Shockingly, people actually buy his pieces.
Even more shocking comes the realization that he's making enough money to do it full time. He puts in his two weeks notice at Melvald's and hands in his assistant manager badge.
He's not sure he's happy, but he is content. It feels good to work hard and actually have things to show for it. It also feels good to work muscles he hasn't used since high school. He carries on for a few years like that, creating and learning and creating some more. Then Eddie Munson blows back into town. Invited back so Hawkins can have their most famous alumnus sing the national anthem at homecoming. Steve's honestly surprised he shows at all. "Can't believe you didn't tell them kiss your hairy ass," Steve says. Because of course Eddie ends up around his fire pit, sipping on Steve's cheap beer like he doesn't have three Grammy awards on his mantel. The years fall away with each drink, reminding Steve of just how much it had hurt when Eddie left. He'd wanted Eddie so bad back then, more than he'd ever wanted anyone. He can feel the echoes of that deep ache across time.
"Pfft. Don't you know all famous people wax our asses now? All the rage in LA." Eddie cuts a look at him and smirks when Steve rolls his eyes, grateful for the lighthearted moment to snap him out of his maudlin nostalgia. "Really though I thought about it, but then I thought it would be way funnier to donate a metric fuckton of money to Hawkins High with the stipulation that it go to the theater and band programs. Kind of bummed they couldn't honor my other request though."
"Which was?"
"My old Hellfire throne. I miss her, but apparently she's not around anymore. Something about water damage."
"Oh yeah. Water main busted a few years back and flooded the theater. I remember that." "Yeah. Had to settle for the promise they'd make a game lounge and stock it with all the supplies a budding young nerd needs."
"That's really nice, Eds."
Eddie shrugs. "I've been known to be nice on occasion. You'll come to homecoming, right? Moral support?"
Steve hasn't been to homecoming in years because he sees the other people who stayed in town all the time, and he has no interest in seeing the people who didn't. He can only answer the same questions so many times. Oh, I'm doing woodwork now. Yep, I still live right here. Nope, still not married, no kids.
He goes though, and he answers the uncomfortable questions. Because Eddie asked him to. Because no matter how long it's been, Steve can't deny that some part of him still...
He says goodbye after, and Eddie leaves again, and Steve tries not to think about that too much in the following days.
He's halfway into the project before he realizes what he's building. He'd seen Eddie's throne quite a few times back when. What he doesn't have memories of, he makes up. He adds his own touches too, making it a throne fit for a rock star, a nerd, a friend.
He carves ornate patterns, he creates scenes of dragons being beaten back by a man with a guitar, crowds of people that could be knights or concertgoers.
It's his favorite piece he's ever done, and his hands are shaking when he dials Eddie's number. He gets an answering machine and stumbles through a message.
"I made you something. I guess it's kind of silly, but it's here in Hawkins if you want it. Or I'm sure you can afford the shipping if you don't want to come. Just, I made you a chair. It's more of a... Well, you'll see. Unless you don't want to... It's Steve by the way." He hangs up before he can embarrass himself even more.
Eddie doesn't call him back. One day passes and then another. Steve tries not to let it get to him. He works on orders and new projects. He enjoys his little backyard oasis. He rents a few movies and thinks they're okay.
He's debarking some wood in his driveway when the rental car pulls up, Eddie stepping out in ripped jeans and an old Metallica tee. "Hi again, Stevie."
"Oh." Steve clears his throat. "The thing's in the garage. I'll..."
Eddie doesn't say anything for a long time, circling the throne, running his tattooed fingers over each little detail.
"You made this whole thing?"
"I did."
"For me?" Eddie looks at him then, one hand still touching the wood like he doesn't want to let go. Even under the harsh lights of the garage, his eyes are such a warm shade of brown that Steve forgets to breathe.
He nods. "For you."
There are a hundred answers Steve could give, but he spent so long not knowing who he was or who he wanted to be. Too long. "Because you'll always be the one that got away. Because some part of me will always want to make you smile no matter how long it's been."
Eddie falls into the throne like he just got the wind knocked out of him.
"You don't have to respond to that," Steve says. "You can just say thank you and take the chair."
"I can." Eddie blows out a breath. "But that would be incredibly stupid considering half my early ballads are about you."
"What?" Unfair. Steve doesn't have a chair to fall into.
"Oh sure, I changed the hes to shes for a while there because..." Eddie waves his hand. "But they're about you, Steve. God, I should've asked you out. I just thought..."
Hearing those words is a lot like seeing that carved bear all over again, something clicking into place that wasn't quite right before.
"Go out with me now then," Steve says. "Or stay in. I've got a frozen lasagna and I rented Contact."
"Steve Harrington? Asking Eddie 'the Freak' Munson on a date? Did hell freeze over?"
"Pfft." Steve takes a step closer toward what he wants most. "Hell froze over in 1986, Eddie. You were there."
Five months and a lot of long distance phone bills later, Steve opens Harrington Woodworking in Los Angeles. That same day, Eddie takes photos for Rolling Stone posing in an ornate throne in his living room. He tells the reporter exactly who made it and what he means. At concerts, he starts singing those ballads the way he always wanted to. More often than not, Steve stands in the wings singing along.
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coco-loco-nut · 5 months
pairing: Lando x Twin Reader
summary: you are Lando younger twin, arguably more famous, and finally get to see him win, then you get to embarrass him a couple times
a/n: i was listening to the spice girls and got carried away from the original request, my bad :) also it’s not proofread
requests open masterlist
“Lando, I literally have more followers and awards than you,” you argue with your twin about who’s more famous.
“Okay, well I’m still older,” he replies.
“Stop arguing, you rarely see each other as is. Why don’t you show her around the paddock and garages before you need to get ready for the race?” Zak rubs his face, tired of the sibling nonsense. He wasn’t wrong, you were much busier with your career. You are a member of a girl band that has been likened to the Spice Girls, have a successful solo career, and model when not on tour. The only reason you are at this race is because you have a concert in the same city a few hours after it.
“How’s the tour?” Lando asks, you arm looped with his as he leads you out of the garage.
“It’s so much fun. I missed being out on the road with the girls, and all the shows sold out. We should go to the club after our show, I heard that Miami is great for parties,” you say excitedly. The two of you were really close, despite your schedules not being great for hanging out.
“We will. All the guys are grateful for the tickets to your show tonight, by the way,”
“It was my pleasure, you guys will be in the family tent near the stage with backstage access. Enough about that, when will you no longer be Lando NoWins, bringing dishonor on my name,” you tease and he gently shoves you.
“Today’s the day, I feel it,” he says, pointing out some things. The nice thing about your stardom is that both you and Lando don’t notice or care about the cameras on you.
“Sure, and pigs will fly. The girls and I made a bet, if you win, then we will invite you and the grid up to the stage,” you tell him.
“Y/n?” you hear Carlos say from a group of drivers. Lando drags you over.
“Hi, Carlitos. How’s red suiting you?” you ask, hugging the Spaniard.
“Good, I heard you were in town for a show. How’s being an international pop star suiting you?” Carlos returns your question.
“It’s a lot of fun, I do miss Lando though,” you glance at your twin.
“Your sister is hot,” Logan says, he’s heard some of your music and he knows you are talented.
“Is she single?” Lance asks, also looking at you.
“She has a boyfriend, Luke, he’s an actor,” Lando scowls at the two guys.
“Would we know him from anything?” Max asks, trying to distract Lando.
“Bridgerton,” Lando says and the two single drivers groan.
“Yeah, you two don’t stand a chance. She’s dating Colin Bridgerton,,” Charles laughs.
“He’ll be at the concert tonight too,” Lando adds.
“I’m returning my favorite Norris to you, Lando,” Carlos walks you back over to the group.
“We will see you guys later,” Lando says, pulling you away so he can continue the tour.
“I found out who is performing at COTA this year,” you tell Lando and his eyes widen.
“Is it Taylor again? I can’t believe we missed out on that,” Lando guesses and you shake your head.
“Me, you idiot!” you gently hit his head.
“I knew you couldn’t stay away from me for too long,” Lando grins smugly.
“I can, and will, take away your ticket for tonight,” you threaten. Lando ignores you, pointing out something else. After the tour, Lando shows you where you can get a quick workout in while he changes into his race gear. You wait for Lando in the garage, where you meet Bianca.
“I’m a huge fan,” she gasps when you sit beside her.
“You’re a huge fan? I’m a huge fan. I love watching you race,” you tell her. Of course you support the F1 Academy, you just hope that the girls get contracts from it.
“Can we get a picture?” Bia asks and you are quick to agree. You get a couple pictures together before you spot Oscar and Lando walking in.
“Lan, Osc, come here. Family picture,” you call them over as Bia hands her phone to a social media staff member.
“We should do one of those awkward family photos from Tik Tok and gift them to Zak,” Bia suggests to Lando and Oscar.
“Sure Bia, we will talk about it later,” Oscar says, heading over to his car.
“Don’t crash, Lando, Mum will kill me,” you hug your twin tight.
“Maybe I will then,” he jokes but you give him a look that says it wasn’t funny. “Sorry, you’re right, I shouldn’t joke about that. I’ll see you after the race,” Lando heads out to the starting grid. You cheer when Oscar leads the race, and again when Lando takes the lead. After the safety car, you don’t speak about Lando’s position, afraid to jinx it. You run with the team to the end of the pit lane after lando crosses the line. You cry as Lando runs over, jumping into the arms of his team, and you cry harder when he’s set back down and hugs you.
“I’m so proud of you, Lando,” you say, holding him tight.
“Thank you for being here for me,” he says back, he’s crying too. You pull away and wipe the tears from his eyes.
“Go enjoy your podium, champ,” you smile as the crew lets you know it’s time to go to the podium. Bia pushes you up front with Zak. You video call your parents so they can watch from your view as well as the tv. You don’t even realize, or care, that the cameras captured you crying beside Zak as Lando raised his trophy. Afterwards, there’s only a minute to congratulate him again before you have to go to the Kaseya Center. You manager wanted Hard Rock Stadium, but that’s currently occupied by a bunch of F1 teams.
You start the show strong with the girls, and when you get to the part of the show where you usually bring out a musical guest, you have the pleasure of introducing the guys. The guys don’t realize that the girls and you have planned on embarrassing them.
“Thank you so much Miami, if you guys have been following the tour, then you know this is the part where we introduce a very special musical guest. I think you guys are going to like this one,” you grin devilishly as the crowd cheers.
“Give it up for your hometown boy, Logan Sargeant,” you pause again and watch Logan run onto the stage. “You’re a winner in their hearts, Logan. I’d also like to introduce my twin brother, Lando NoWins, fresh off of his very first Grand Prix victory,” you smile, Lando making a beeline to hug you. “Also the rest of the grid, I don’t need to introduce them, you know them from fan fiction about my brother,” you watch Lando almost choke on the air he’s breathing. Your band mate, Amy, takes over as you and the two other girls pass the guys mics.
“These boys have graciously agreed to prove they are multitalented, so they are going to be singing a favorite of ours,” she smiles, motioning the crowd to cheer. You and the girls start the introduction to Wannabe by the Spice Girls, the guys taking over at the start of the first verse. The four of you fill in where the guys don’t know the words as much, but it’s clear they are having fun with it, especially since there are dancing terribly on stage.
“The Formula One drivers, everyone! Their first and last musical performance on stage, stick to driving, my loves,” you laugh, most of them choosing to hug you before leaving the stage.
“Great show, Y/n,” your boyfriend, Luke, kisses you before going to greet your band mates so you can receive the horde of drivers.
“I can’t believe you made us sing,” Lando says, a smile on his face.
“At least it was a song I knew,” George says, he actually did kinda slay.
“Can I collaborate with you?” Charles asks.
“Of course, let’s find a time after the race season,” you tell charles.
“You forget not all of us know Brit Pop,” Alex pouts.
“You didn’t know the Spice Girls?” Fernando seems actually offended.
“Fernando, you made your debut at the height of the Spice girls, Oscar wasn’t even born when their last album came out,” Lewis points out.
“That one doesn’t count, Geri wasn’t in it,” Max says, referring to his team principal’s wife.
“You all sounded wonderful because you were having fun with it,” you tell them, Luke walks back over to you, handing you a towel and water.
“Geri just texted me, she said she thought we were funny, but we aren’t allowed to sing any more Spice Girls because we make her look bad,” Max says, looking at his phone. “Oh, but she thought your band is just lovely, and that the Spice Girls should join you for a tour stop,” Max tells you.
“Well, you all heard Ginger Spice, no singing career for you lot,” you laugh.
“Alright, you guys have a good rest of the season. I’ll see you in Austin,” you wave goodbye to them, only Lando remains.
“Would you and Luke like to join me for a late night dinner?” Lando asks, you look to your boyfriend for confirmation.
“If you can find somewhere that we won’t be mobbed, we are in,” you lean into Luke. “Alright, I need to shower and change, follow me,” you show them to a green room near your dressing room. After a quick shower, you throw on an oversized McLaren tee and grey sweatpants. The dinner is lovely, but you have to go straight from there to the airport to catch the late flight to your next tour spot.
When you return for Austin as a solo artist, you are bouncing with excitement, Lando has looked really good the last few races. After qualifying, you go to the stage to get ready for your performance. Lando sends a selfie to you of him and the guys waiting front row for your concert to start, obviously surrounded by security.
About halfway through, you pause to truly appreciate all 80,000 people here to watch you.
“I’d like to take a moment to appreciate all of you for being here, even if it’s just because my twin drives really fast. I, um, wanted to bring out some guest to show you how much I appreciate you all, if that’s okay with you?” you ask as the crowd goes crazy.
“If you couldn’t tell from my Miami concert, I love this band, so from the Spice Girls, Ginger and Scary Spice, aka Geri Horner and Mel B! Accompanying us on piano is Charles Leclerc!” You open your arms for the crowd to greet them, the tifosi in the crowd are extra loud. “Lando, close your ears,” you say really quickly, moving upstage to get into position beside the two Spice Girls. Charles starts playing the into to 2 Becomes 1, a very slow and sexual song. As the three of you move downstage, you can see Lando’s embarrassed face. Worth it.
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genericpuff · 2 months
say sike right now, she's actually going back to The Doctor Pepper Show-
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Like, this is just "What if The Doctor Pepper Show and LO had a baby?" Because at this point it's very clear Rachel only knows how to write from inside her own head, which is full of unresolved salt towards her childhood and medical fetish shit. The imagery in the first panel is very LO, and the imagery in the second is literally The Doctor Foxglove Show-
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Evidently she's been reskinning the same shit for years-
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Listen, I've been, for the most part, keeping my lips sealed on a lot of Rachel's old projects and what I've dug up on her previous works, for a few reasons:
1.) We were all cringe on the Internet at some point in time and a lot of these older works, such as Freak Scene Surgery and The Doctor Pepper Show, would have been from when she was in her late teens / early 20's. I'm not here to judge Rachel's personal preferences or whatever kind of fetishes she's into. It's totally normal, expected even, for a lot of creators to have older works they're trying to bury or disconnect themselves from because it's simply not them anymore.
2.) Ultimately I've been focused on discussion around Lore Olympus and Rachel as she currently operates as a creator, so I don't want to go digging up her old skeletons as any sort of "gotcha" towards LO today. Ultimately a lot of these works don't have anything to really 'do' with LO as it exists today.
That said, the reason I'm bringing it up now is because these new series... are bridging that gap that I've been avoiding for ages now. The gap that's filled with skeletons of Rachel's past that she's trying to both disconnect herself from but now fall back on with LO come and gone. It almost goes to show that her being a one-note pony goes back since far before LO - these are literally the only ideas she's able to come up with at this point, and it's painfully obvious in how both these new "graphic novel pitches" are pretty much the exact same and could apply to the same character, and that character may as well just be Persephone, i.e. Rachel, all over again.
Like, I'm calling it now, Patients in the Dark is just gonna be more "moms are bad" rhetoric, and Eleanor's Deathbed is gonna be Hades and Persephone, but replace Hades with some death god and Persephone with a training mortician, which is basically also still just Foxglove training to be a doctor, and Icy Shaw bragging about fondling corpses.
If anything, now that Webtoons is no longer carrying her around on their shoulders, this is gonna be Rachel's moment of "put up or shut up". She can either actually put in an active effort to write something that's decent, or she can flounder under the weight of her own tired mediocrity that's been knocking at her door for years now. As much as she's using her labels that were bought for her to sell these books which aren't even in real development yet-
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-Webtoons isn't gonna be there to buy her Eisners forever. This is entirely on her and the imprint that Webtoons shoved her into. Her process is still the same, she's learned nothing from the experience of making LO, she's just got the money and awards now and is trying to run with it, but all she has are the same tired pitch lines that she's been using for decades now and just so happened to work with LO because LO had both Webtoons and the appeal of it being a Greek myth "retelling" to carry it into fame.
I'm gonna go into a bit of a tangent here, but it's been weighing on my mind since I found out this news and have been discussing it with pals within the ULO circle. Rachel once said in an interview that she wanted to use her platform to raise awareness of issues regarding sexual assault, mental health, and "the patriarchy":
"Who do you know that hasn’t been sexually assaulted? The number is depressingly low, right? Why is that? There is no short answer or an easy fix. I have a platform. I can tell a story that will hopefully educate and help others feel acknowledged and vindicated." - Rachel Smythe, Interview with Gossamer Rainbow
"...obviously I'm very feminist, and that sort of stuff really matters to me, um, the best way to approach this question is… I began, the pilot was written in sort of mid-2017, and I think what I wanted, what I wanted to achieve, and I don't even know… probably in 5 years time I don't know how I'm going to feel about this but I'm taking the risk, I really wanted to write a story where, uh…this female character goes through these things and I think what I wanted to do, what I wanted to achieve, was like a really common, I can't speak for like, men, but I can definitely speak for like, you know, if you're sitting in a group of your female friends and you're like "Hey! Who's been sexually assaulted?" … The response is going to be really depressing… Most female people that you know have probably experienced sexual assault to, on one level or another, and I'm like, for me I'm like "Why is that? Why?" And is it because there is a lack of information, lack of education, like what is it? And I'm lucky enough to have a platform and I'm like, if I could just provide some information in story format, would that help? Is this what I can contribute? So I feel like, especially, when writing sexual assault in media often it's… it's a way for the main male character to be, like, uplifted to hero-ness by, usually like, violence is the way to fix the problem, and that's not the approach that I want to take… um, I think [sighs], oh god, sorry I've lost my train of thought, [sighs], yeah, I think a lot of the time in movies when they, like, show rapists or something it's generally someone who's jumped out from behind the tree at a lady in a park and it's not really how it is like 90% of the time [laughs], so I just wanted to make something realistic where people could at it and be, like, "hey, nagging someone into sex isn't cool" or like removing all of their opportunities to say no isn't cool, or for someone to look at it, and just like feel validation, this is me trying, trying my best to make a difference with the platform that I have, and yeah, this is my roundabout answer for it" - Rachel Smythe, Interview with The Comic Source
And yet not once has Rachel actually used her platform for good outside of herself. She just asks the question, "Sexual assault?" and then writes off the answer "yes, it's bad!" and it especially shows in LO where the resolution to the one plotline she kept around to draw in readers was "assaulters are sent to the timeout corner!" Sure, it works for the readers who are simply seeking validation that their experiences aren't unique to themselves, but is it actually doing any real work to talk about the systems in place that leads to people like Apollo being created? Is it doing anything to address purity culture as it exists and the double standards that exist for women who are navigating sexual relationships? Is it doing anything to take the discussion outside of the narrative and put it into action through support of women's shelters, charities, mental health support for men, etc.? Not really. Like many of Rachel's ideas throughout LO, she simply goes, "Men, amirite?" and the answer is "yeah men suck!" and nothing more. The answer to the entire SA plotline is "rape is bad, don't do it" when anyone who could even relate to that conclusion in the first place already knows that.
Ultimately the activism she claims she's trying to do doesn't actually service the issue at hand - it just services herself and her own insecurities, her own unresolved trauma, her own need for validation through Eisners and merch sales. She asks the question, "Who hasn't been assaulted?" so that when she responds to the women who come forward and relate to Persephone, it's with the intent of getting them to read LO and buy her merchandise. She winds up making herself the center of other people's experiences, even ones that she cannot relate to. At BEST her attempts to "use her platform" as a means of starting discussion around ongoing societal issues like the patriarchy and sexual assault towards women is about as effective as Bell #LetsTalk, it's purely performative, self-profiting, and offers nothing of real tangibility.
If she just wants to write her own self-empowering personal works, that would be fine. Plenty of creators do it. Art is, at its core, self-expression. But it's extremely telling that she's built a platform off her self-expression, and twisted it into what she believes to be "activism" and "feminism", so that she can continue to profit off it in her future works such as this, which, again, are just reskins of her previous projects which were largely centered around the fetishizing of abuse towards women.
I don't want to claim that this is what it is, but... how much of the "feminism" in LO is done purely through the lens of victimizing women? Why is there more effort put into torturing female characters like Hera, and Demeter, and Minthe, and even Persephone to a certain degree, than there is into actually addressing the larger issue that she's claiming she wants to shed light on and resolving her questions with actionable answers?
That is the only question I will leave you all with. I am absolutely 100% not planning on touching these works with a ten foot pole, even if they should come to fruition. With the recent realization that she was into artists like Trevor Brown, alongside the fact that we've known for a long time she's into Lolita and there are very clear parallels to draw between it and LO, I think it's safe to say at this point that Rachel's work is not something I want to continue to support even when it's "hate reading". Again, I'm not going to outright accuse her of anything, but I feel like the writing is clearly on the wall here and I'm taking that writing as my warning to steer clear.
I didn't want to discuss the elephant in the room - her older works as they exist in the distant past of the early 2000's - but she's now riding the elephant.
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goldsainz · 1 year
ur writing is so beautiful omg, so i was wondering if you could do lewis x actress!reader? something angsty idk
YOU’RE LOSING ME — one shot.
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pairing: lewis hamilton x reader
summary: you have tried your best, but despite your valiant efforts, he just doesn’t see you anymore.
warnings: angst, cursing, a LOT (like a lot) of taylor references.
NOTE: YAY A LEWIS PIECE!!! i love this man so much makes me happy that someone asked me to write for him, so thank youuuuuu 🫶🫶 remember this is all fiction, it’s not meant to be taken literally. also, there won’t be a part 2, so pls don’t ask for one.
[ word count: 2,6k ]
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You loved Lewis, and you knew he loved you. It wasn’t a matter of love, it was about showing up and making you feel wanted.
You knew love. You knew it was sweet, and had its sour moments, but it was about resilience and the want to be there for your loved ones. And love shouldn’t feel the way it did, it shouldn’t form a lump in your throat when he kissed you, it shouldn’t want to make you cry, it especially shouldn’t have made you feel lost.
You had spent endless nights sitting in the dark of your shared room, wondering if it was time. Maybe those feelings would go away, you knew Lewis was going through a rough time with Mercedes and his pursuit for an 8th WDC. And you were so, so supportive, but there wasn’t much more you could give. Should you throw out everything you had built together, or keep it? 
There were moments in which you remained silent, keeping each thought you had to yourself just to not ruin your day. You just glared at him, hoping he would realise something was wrong, that maybe you did have things to talk about, but he never did. He just kissed your forehead, and carried on with his day.
You had become accustomed to him coming home late, to the weeks without him. It was a part of his job, and even if you had wanted to accompany him, your job demanded too much of you to do so. 
Lewis was a popular person, and despite being very reserved, he still had many fans and people that admired him all around. His attention was always drawn to others, jumping from conversation to conversation, pausing your chats to greet whomever he recognised. It was exhausting, but you pushed through because he was the love of your life, the one you had been searching for your whole life.
After-parties were the best thing after award shows, it was much more intimate, and you didn't have to worry about unwanted attention. You could let loose for a while, the pressure of always being in front of a camera leaving you as you chatted the night away, drinking every now and then as to numb some of your worries. 
You watch people laughing, having the time of their lives, while you wallow by the bar of your own party. You feel forgettable, but so needed at the same time, people kiss your cheeks and congratulate you for your award winning performance and the achievement you accomplished, and all you do is smile at everyone. You feel like a fraud, acting like you're great when in reality you are screaming on the inside.
“Is Lewis here?” One of your castmates asks you, making you search for him in the crowd.
“Yeah, he’s with his friends.” You say with the best smile you can muster.
“Doesn’t it bother you that he's not with you?” 
“I’m sorry?” The question startles you, tilting your head to the side as the emotion from your face fades.
“I mean, it’s not every day you win a golden globe for best actress, shouldn’t he be with you?” 
“He’s a very busy man, it doesn't bother me, there’s still so much time to celebrate.” You say with a laugh, brushing off the comment.
“Ugh, you’re such couple goals. It makes me jealous, honestly.” 
“Well, it has been six years.” You almost cringe at the bad joke, but fortunately she just laughs. You smile at her, bidding her a good night as you leave to socialise.
The party is at its peak, people are dancing anywhere and everywhere, shoes are discarded around as the dancing gets to them. 
“Y/N, get over here!” Miles, Lewis’ friend, shouts at you.
Walking through a crowd of drunk people is near impossible, it takes a lot of patience but you finally reach your boyfriend and his friends. You instantly sit next to Lewis, his knee brushing yours, but other than that, no further contact happens.
It should worry you, it does, but you’ve learnt to not question his attitude. You don’t want to start a fight on your special night, not with all of the people around you, not when he’s finally somewhere with you.
“Hi, guys.” You say, smiling at everyone.
“We wanted to see you, you’ve been everywhere all night!” The comment almost makes you scoff, you’ve looked for Lewis and he is always somewhere else, something always calls his attention when you reach him
“You know how it is.” His friends all laugh at the comment, but he just looks at you with a little smile. 
“Well, now that you’re here, the group is complete.”
“It’s always nice to see all of you, thank you for coming, by the way.”
“As if we would ever miss this!” Another of his friends says, motioning to the place with his hands.
You try to intertwine your fingers to your boyfriend’s, initiating any sort of contact to try and mend his poor behaviour in front of his friends. They’re all too drunk to notice the awkwardness, but you feel it, it has been suffocating you for months.
“I’m glad you’re having fun then.” 
The conversation flows nicely enough. It serves as a distraction from the indifference Lewis gives you. You’re the best at the party, you’re the reason the party is even happening, and yet you still fade in the background of his thoughts. 
“So, how long are you here in London for?” Riley, one of his friend’s girlfriends, asks you, a drink in her hand. 
“I’m leaving on wednesday, but I’m probably gonna be back in England for the Grand Prix.” You look at Lewis, who turns to you at the same time.
“That’s great! I could neer travel as much as you guys do.”
“It’s part of the job, but we make it work.” You wait for Lewis to support your statement, but he just looks away.
“When you get married, I need to be there. Your love story is one for the books, girl.” The mention of marriage makes you smile, it’s the one thing you’ve wanted with Lewis since you met him. It’s also the first thing that truly made you smile since you sat down with the group of friends. 
Your eyes look down at your bare finger, rubbing the spot where an engagement ring could be if Lewis ever asked you the big question. 
“We’re not in a rush to get married.” Is what Lewis says to her. It’s the first time he’s spoken with you included in a conversation, and all you can do is keep smiling. You push away the pain, the knot that forms in your throat almost makes you break. 
“We have a lot on our plates, you know? But I’ll make sure you're on the guest list when the time comes.” If Riley sensed anything off, her face is not anything to go by. You excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, hoping to get a way for even a second. And just like that, you desperately want the night to be over.
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Arriving at your shared home is nothing short of uncomfortable. The silence while your chauffeur drove you both home made your eyes gloss over, you didn’t know how much longer you would be able to keep your tears at bay, but you needed to be strong.
You throw your shoes by the doorway, eager to go to sleep and forget the fact that Lewis indirectly said he didn’t want to get married to you. You’ve been together for six years, he knows you would love to get married, that if he asked you would say yes. It's him who repels the idea, though he once said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, he now is in no rush to truly settle down with you.
It makes you spiral. Maybe it’s you who makes it difficult to get married, you know you're not the easiest person in the world, but Lewis isn’t either, but you never fault him for it. He says he doesn't understand many things you do, and you tell him you know he doesn't. You’re dying inside with all of the things unsaid between you, and he doesn't see it. 
You need him to say something, to do anything to show that he still cares. And as you watch him do his skincare routine, something you used to do together as he taught you how to take care of yourself better, you can’t seem to shake the feeling creeping up on you. That this won't go away, you’re not going through a rough patch, there isn’t a cure to your situation. You just need to let go.
“Lewis?” You call out, sitting on your bed as you prepare for whatever may happen. He hums in response, too caught up on his stuff.
“Can you come here when you’re done, please?” 
When he finishes up in the bathroom, he goes to lay down on the bed. You watch him, how he doesn't seem bothered by the indecision surrounding the room, how grey you have become in all of your overthinking. 
“We’re okay, right?” It’s as if time stops. Lewis, who was calmly laying on the bed, has now frozen on his spot. You search his face in hopes to know what he’s thinking, but you can’t. You don’t know him like you used to, the person you hoped would never become a stranger, was now nearing that.
You don’t know if it's his long pause of silence that confirms what you already knew, but hoped wasn't true, or if it’s the fact that you can’t believe you hoped for any type of response.
“I need to know if we’re okay, Lewis.” You turn your whole body to look at him, silently begging him to say something.
“I don’t know what you want me to say, Y/N.” He drags his hands over his face, like the conversation is an annoyance to him , something he can't even consider entertaining. It makes the first tear fall down your face, watching the man you love be so dismissive. 
“Anything, literally anything, Lewis.”
“We just had a great night, Y/N. Let’s not ruin it and talk about this some other time, alright? I’m very tired, I have a very busy week ahead, and would like to rest a little.”
It’s a poor excuse, you both know it, it’s written all over his face. You consider letting it go, apologising as you have before, but something about his dismissal makes you angry. It’s the final straw, the last time you will take the blame for trying to fix your relationship, for trying to understand.
“Is that why you won’t marry me?” Your voice breaks in between your words, the raw emotion covering your eyes as you watch him close his eyes in frustration.
“What the fuck are you even talking about right now?”
You scoff at his words, “You said we’re not in a rush to get married.”
“Because we’re not. It’s not a good time, Y/N, and you know it.” His voice is cold, making you wince.
“For you! There’s never a good enough time with you, there’s always something more important.” 
“Oh, come on, don’t put this on me.” He stands up from where he is, making his way to the kitchen. You don’t hesitate to follow him, not ready to give up on your conversation.
“I want to settle down, Lewis, we’ve talked about this a thousand times.” You wipe your tears away, trying to compose yourself. “You know that if you ask me I would say yes. Do you even know how embarrassing it is to have everyone ask me when I’m gonna be your bride? All of our friends are getting married, so they practically hand me the bouquet now, and each time you act like nothing happened.”
He pours himself a glass of water, not looking at you, ignoring your presence as if he hopes his indifference will make you go away. 
“I love you, why isn't that enough?” 
“Do you?” He glances at you, and you finally see the look in his eyes. He doesn't want to fight you, he doesn't want to fight for your relationship. Despite all of the times he acted oblivious, he knew you were reaching a breaking point, he knew you were beating yourself over the impending doom of your relationship, and he said nothing.
You know your pain is an imposition. You know he tolerates it, and you don't question it. You just make your peace with it, even if it means to lie to yourself. There is no doubt in your mind that he loves you, but you don't think he loves you enough, not as he once did, anyway.
“So that's it? Our relationship gets hard and you want to leave?”
“That’s not at all what I said.”
“Well, it’s what you’re implying.” 
“I just want you to talk to me, to fight for us. That’s all I want.” You rest your elbows on the kitchen counter, placing your head on the palms of your hands, feeling tears soak them.
Lewis shakes his head, leaving the kitchen. You don’t know where he is going, you don’t make an effort to follow him this time. He’s losing you, and he isn't stopping his life to make you stay or even watch you go. 
You want him to choose you, you’re right there with him for all of his fights, always on the front line. You never hesitate to bleed for him, yet he does not risk anything. It seems unfathomable that the man you hoped to never lose, actually lost you. It seemed like so long ago when you believed forever was the direction your relationship would take, he changed and you unfortunately stayed the same.
You hear his footsteps near you, but you don’t lift your head to look at him. Not when you know that if you do you’ll truly break, you’ll have to say goodbye to years of memories, you’ll have to walk away once and for all.
You’re shocked when you feel him wrap his arms around your waist, his chest pressed against your back. You don’t tense at the touch, you would never, there isn't an ounce of you that doesn't crave all of the contact lost between you. It’s all you've wanted lately, yet it doesn't change a thing. He walked out a long time ago, and now you have to do the same.
“This won’t work, Lewis.” 
“I know.”
“I gave it my all, you know?” You whisper, and you feel him press a kiss to the side of your neck, but there are no longer butterflies when he does so, just a broken heart that won't start for him anymore. Your heart was glass, and he dropped it. 
“I know you did.” He whispers back.
You want to ask him, if he wished he would’ve put up more of a fight, but you don't think you could deal with the silence after. You know it’s not you, that it’s him, that despite all your faults loving him was never one.
And you’ll try to forget about it. Try to pretend you will find someone who will be equal to Lewis, but you’ll remain right where he left you. And you won’t talk about it, just act like it’s for the best. But it would’ve been fun if he would've been the one.
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starkwlkr · 1 year
It's ok if the request got deleted no need to say sorry,
Can u pls make a fic about papa nolan finding out about cillian and physicist!reader's relationship,
Like would he be angry or accepting, i was wondering
And then if u r comfortable with it then a time jump to the wedding or pregnancies
I would really like to know his reactions!!
This is really just a follow up to another anon request (which u made a fic on) and had this idea
Anyway so sorry for the long request
Have an awesome day ahead!!!!
nolan!reader x cillian murphy headcanons
I’m going to make these headcanons if that’s ok 🫶🏼🫶🏼 and i think i got carried away but who cares 😌
Ok so obviously y/n and cillian met in the early 2000s (you can make up how they met)
papa nolan knows that y/n is talking to a boy but he doesn’t know it’s mr. ‘my eyes aren’t even that blue’ so when y/n tells papa nolan that her bf is coming over for dinner, he’s preparing to meet so douche bag who says his favorite movie is pulp fiction or fight club (nothing wrong with that, but the film bros make me want to gauge my eyes out)
anyways, cillian shows up and ofc they get along great <3
after cillian and y/n are now OFFICIAL official obviously the press asks about what papa nolan thinks and if they get along
y/n and cillian are just the it couple of the 2000s like they’re on the cover of every magazine with those cheesy headlines ‘she’s got the beauty AND the brains’
literally any interview cillian or papa nolan do, they ramble about y/n and how proud they are of her
and you know how it goes, first comes love then comes marriage then comes y/n with a baby carriage🤍💍🍼 butttttt our fav nepo baby and Irish man don’t do it in that order bc my girl y/n got pregnant with their first baby in 2003 and she’s named alexandria
papa nolan is so excited about the birth of baby alex and he always offers to babysit whenever even if he’s busy
baby alex and papa nolan are my favorite duo 🫶🏼
eventually cillian and papa nolan work together on batman begins and you bet that baby alex is always on set
papa nolan at first did not want to bring her because he thought alex would be scared but she loved being on set and meeting everyone
her and christian bale become besties by the end of filming 🤞🏼
baby alex got to say the last “cut!” and everyone laughed because of how cute she sounded
bonus: cillian tried to get her to put the scarecrow mask on but she thought it was yucky (her exact words)
y/n and cillian don’t have kids until like 2014 because they were busy with work obviously like cillian getting movie roles and y/n being at work 24/7 and getting a literal nobel peace prize but eventually she does get pregnant and BAM it’s twins
it’s 2014 and they’re still not married (it happens ya know just ask academy award winner michelle yeoh)
but y/n gets pregnant and she wants to wait until the twins’ birth and then get married
but anyways the murphy twins arrive and papa nolan just cries happy tears because he now has more grandchildren to love and spoil whenever he wants to (they’re named scarlett and wyatt and papa nolan gives them nicknames idk what they would be but go wild with your imagination besties 🫶🏼)
papa nolan just wants to see his daughter get married and see her happy with her new family 🫶🏼
the day of the wedding comes and baby alex is the flower girl and steals the show
it’s a private wedding BUT that doesn’t stop it from being the most famous wedding of 2014
ofc christian bale is there like who doesn’t want batman at their wedding?? tom hardy, best man um yes?! peaky blinders cast, jake gyllenhaal (swifties, don’t hate me, I love jake and he’s one of my favorite actors)
jessica chastain and anne hathaway ofc they’re invited
u know if heath ledger was still alive he would def be invited 🫶🏼
I’m picturing the kids having career day at their schools and each kid takes an adult like papa nolan goes to alex’s school, wyatt takes y/n and cillian goes with scarlett and every adult is just like “fuck, how am i supposed to go on after them?!”
papa nolan goes all out with his presentation for career day like he even called hans zimmer and christian bale to impress the kids (obviously hans zimmer would impress the teachers, not the kids but some kids recognize the music from batman movies so let’s just go with it)
twitter loves the murphy-nolan fam 🫶🏼
no bc i just imagine the edits to beautiful boy with dad!cillian and I’m bawling
ok ok flashforward to 2023 and oppenheimer is coming out and twitter gets more content on the murphy-nolan fam
y/n finally does an interview bc she worked with the cast and taught them about ✨science✨
overall the murphy-nolan fam has my heart and surprise! the murphy kids watched barbie because the twins are not even old enough to watch oppenheimer and I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t want to watch their dad have fake s e x with another woman (FLORENCE PUGH ILY)
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snookienthusi4st · 1 month
omg nvm i just saw the * for sfw on tamaki im so sorry 💀u can just do sfw then 😭
gotchu ml! ty for the req
disclaimer: i’m still putting my all into this but this is another guy i’ve never been the biggest fan of so just disregard anything you disagree with
warnings: none! js language ig but that’s always been implied lol
tamaki x fem reader hcs!
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no nsfw bc i can’t imagine this man getting laid for the life of me i’m sorry 😭
lmk if you want anything changed!!
• lots of ways you two could’ve crossed paths!
• you could’ve met the same way haruhi met him minus the vase
• you could’ve been one of haruhi’s friends and tagged along w her to visit the club
• or you could’ve just felt like joining the host club
• either way he was incredibly charming
• you told him your name and he probably talked about how pretty it sounds and how well it fits you
• he’s incredibly cliche but like in a cute way
• like when you shook his hand he obviously kissed the back of it bc it’s tamaki suoh
• and if you ever trip or if you’re clumsy, he’ll def catch you everytime you fall bc it’s tamaki suoh
• will pick you up bridal style and carry you around for no reason bc it’s tamaki fucking suoh
• since he treats you basically how he treats haruhi in the show, it’s already obvious that he likes you
• but if you’re oblivious like me, then kyoya or one of the other hosts probably hints at it until you get the memo
• and neither of you ever rlly did admit your feelings
• like it was never really verbally said but actions got more affectionate
• from linking pinkies to holding hands to him to linking elbows bc this man is actually a leech(in a good way)
• you will never again in your life go an hour without him clinging to you, like you could be anywhere but he’s always gonna end up next to you
• will constantly buy you flowers
• will also buy himself flowers bc guess who it is!*
• after a while, you end up telling him you love him when you’re ready
• you both were sitting together and having some time alone, and it kinda just slipped out
“yes, my dear?”
“i love you.”
• he says it back obviously but js give him a second he’s literally about to cry
• you’re the sweetest person he’s ever met and you love him? he basically js won an award
• early bird
• but if you’re a heavier sleeper, he’ll wake up quietly so you have more time to rest
• unless you need to start waking up early for some reason, then he’ll happily coax you awake around the same time as him
• forehead kisses and running his hand through your hair is his usual method, but maybe you get a poke in the nose every once in a while
• and that little smile he gets once you open your eyes is a sight that makes your day the second it starts
“y/n..come on, can you wake up for me? y- there she is. good morning, my dear, did you rest well?”
• since you’re a host, sometimes he’ll get jealous when you have to go entertain a guest
• every once in a while he’ll give you a compliment or sweet talk you in front of clients to get more traction
• works everytime!! bonus if you get rlly flustered from compliments
• you two make each other’s lunches in the morning smtimes
• he can make a mean fucking ice cream sundae if there’s ever an occasion
• prefers tea over coffee
• always smells rlly good
• like you don’t even know how to place it but he does
• probs wears perfume instead of cologne, idk it js seems on brand for him
• bed bath and beyond enthusiast
• you guys take baths and showers together
• if you like your showers cold, can confirm he will actually freeze and it’ll take an hour for him to defrost
• he seems like the type to know how to play some outlandish instrument, whatever that means to you
*bullets 8-10
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laiqualaurelote · 3 months
Oooh! Charles/Edwin, musicians/band/orchestra AU for the ask game? :D
thank you for the prompt! (from this AU ask game - it turned out more a Crystal POV but I think the fandom could use more of that)
“Edwin,” says Crystal, “if you take the fucking theorbo onstage I will kill you myself.”
Edwin folds his arms mutinously around the theorbo, which when stood upright on the ground is nearly as tall as he is. “But we need it for the sound!”
“You literally have a billion other instruments! Play those instead.”
“I do not literally have a billion instruments,” says Edwin. “I literally have three. Are we to have lugged the theorbo all the way to the club for nothing?”
“You did not lug the theorbo here,” Crystal points out. “Charles lugged the theorbo here, because he carries all your shit for you.”
“‘Course I do,” says Charles brightly. “Don’t bother me one bit.”
“Charles, you had to push his harpsichord all the way across Hoxton!”
“And the people of Hoxton loved it,” says Charles nostalgically.
Crystal sighs. “Either that theorbo is going onstage or I am, because there isn’t enough space on there for both of us. Literally.”
“I could stand on an amp,” ventures Niko, “and then there would be more room?”
“Niko, honey, you’re not standing on an amp.”
The door bangs open and Jenny sticks her head into the dressing room. “Why are you guys not ready?”
“Crystal and Edwin haven’t decided if we’re bringing out the theorbo yet,” says Niko. “Also, I’m still doing Edwin’s nails, and he can’t play until they’ve dried.”
Jenny throws her hands up in despair. “Why does Edwin have to have his nails done?”
“I think lilac really is his colour,” murmurs Niko, crouched over Edwin’s left ring finger. “Don’t you agree?”
Edwin, who is sitting primly on a flight case in the three-piece suit he insists on wearing to every show, gives Jenny a regal nod of assent.
“For fuck’s sake,” mutters Jenny. “I should never have agreed to manage you idiots. I could have had all my Friday nights in bed with a crime drama.” She inhales. “Anyway, we have a problem. David’s here. He’s in the front row.”
The world narrows. Crystal hates how just the sound of his name can do that to her, for all that it’s been months since she got out from under his thumb. “How’d he know—”
“I did put it all over Instagram,” says Niko anxiously. “Crystal, do you want to cancel, or—”
“No,” hisses Crystal. “No. I can do this. It’s fine. I’m fine.”
“Crystal,” says Edwin, “with all due respect, you are not fine. You are shaking.”
Crystal puts her head in her hands. “It’ll pass.”
She feels Niko’s arms go around her. Overhead, she hears Charles say: “Maybe I should just go out there now and knock his lights out.”
“Or I could stab him,” offers Jenny. “I’ve got the boning knife in the van.”
“We are not knifing my ex right before a show!” yells Crystal.
“Thomas could sort it out,” suggests Edwin. “It is his club, after all. I shall go speak with him.”
“Like hell you will,” Charles protests. “That arsehole won’t lift a finger to help.”
“He will if it’s me asking,” says Edwin. “Now come on. Do you want to play tonight or not?”
Edwin Payne is the last person you’d expect to start a rock band. Piano virtuoso, played his debut concerto at the age of eight, won the Liszt at twelve and BBC Young Musician at thirteen. Had it all lined up: scholarship to the Royal College of Music, orchestras queuing round the block to fling gigs at him. Then: unspecified breakdown. Vanished from public view for three years. As a former child pop star herself, Crystal gets it. Okay, so maybe whatever happened with Edwin wasn’t as extreme as drunk-driving your way into a fender-bender so dire that even your platinum award-winning parents couldn’t buy enough spin to keep you out of the tabloids. Anyhoo. The past is the past. Crystal’s living for the present now. 
Of course, she was aware of none of this when she auditioned. As far as she knew, this band had one cute guy and one dickhead snob who clearly didn’t think any decent music had been composed since the 19th century, and who dismissed her CV with a snide “We’re not exactly looking for Hannah Montana here” — whereupon Crystal looked him dead in the eye and sang, pitch-perfect, the first verse of Caro Mio Ben. Edwin pursed his lips like his mouth was a vinegar distillery and said: “Hardly Bartoli, but I suppose she’ll do.” 
Charles punched him in the shoulder. “Oi, mate, be nice.” To Crystal: “You’re loads better than Hannah Montana. Honestly I’m surprised he even knows who Hannah Montana is.”
Crystal could have walked then. She almost did. She was getting her life back together, out of her parents’ shadows and on her own terms; she didn’t need this shitty little band with its one-half shitty leadership. To this day she doesn’t know why she stayed. Maybe it was the open warmth of Charles’ grin, maybe it was the glint of challenge in Edwin’s eye — a heady combo of affection and spite bubbling up in her chest. 
“So what’s the name of this band?”
“It’s aces, you’ll love it,” said Charles. “Spooky Action At A Distance.”
“That,” said Crystal, “is the stupidest fucking band name I’ve ever heard.”
“It is a quantum science concept,” said Edwin frostily, “not that I expect you to understand.”
“It’s sad,” Crystal went on. “Literally, its acronym is SAAAD.”
“I am beginning to regret this,” said Edwin in a too-loud aside to Charles. “Must we have someone on vocals?”
“Look, will you two just jam together one time? It’ll be aces, I promise.”
“So what does Little Lord Fauntleroy play then?” Crystal snapped. “Does he tinkle on the pianoforte after supper?”
Charles chuckled. Edwin arched an eyebrow at Crystal and held out his hand to Charles, who reached down behind them and pulled out a goddamn Fender Strat.
Edwin played a few experimental chords, tuning up, and then his fingers slid and it was Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, but not like Crystal had ever heard it, wild lightning runs of arpeggios where every note was somehow picked out with the clarity of blown glass. Crystal knew her jaw had dropped, which she seemed unable to do anything about at the moment. The guitar sang in Edwin’s hands, and he never once broke a sweat or eye contact with her.
“Holy shit,” she said when it was over.
“I quite agree.” Edwin flexed his fingers, then stuck out his hand for her to shake. “Allow me to formally welcome you to our little band.”
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drkmgs · 1 year
I'll come back, I promise.
Jenna Ortega x Reader
Warning: fluffy, angst, war
story type: part 2 of Homecoming
Well, hello, it's been a while... I decided to stick with Reader and not turn it into an OC... but the last name of the reader remains as Ashford. I do not know how the military works, so I'm writing this based on tv-series and movies I've seen.
Also, I did say I'm going to hurt you all.
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It was entertaining to watch Jenna react to when you showed her the number of business cards you got that night. She didn't burn them, but she did shake her head at how this industry worked. Now that you are literally jobless, it was the perfect timing to check off one of many activities you wrote down to make up for the lost quality time over six years.
Well, escorting her to an award show already happened, so you checked that off. The next one would be a simple date. You smiled to yourself. You already have something in your mind—a candle lit dinner at her favorite restaurant—but that was such a cliché thing to do, and you want something she wouldn't easily forget.
Both of you are currently in New York for the Met Gala. Well, she is there for the Met Gala, and you just tagged along, planning the simple date you wanted to give her. While she was getting ready in the other room, you were on the bed with your laptop searching for a place to set up the candle lit dinner. You have contacted several places but they unfortunately can't do these kind of event last minute. You were losing hope.
You sighed, sliding your laptop on the bed, with a pulsing head. You carried yourself by the door to take a peek at what Jenna looked like. She looked breathtaking with that suit-dress created for her. You could stare at her all day long without getting tired.
"You're staring." You snapped out of your trance and looked up at the smirking Jenna Ortega. "Caught me red-handed." You put your hands up as if you're surrendering to law enforcements and went up behind her. "You look gorgeous, my love." You met her gaze through the mirror, and with that compliment, you received a shy smile from her.
"I wish you could be my date tonight." You have her a timid smile and reach out to her, rubbing along her arms. "It's fine. I'll be okay here. You go have fun and show them this outfit. You'll blow them away." She sighed. You put on a smile, seeing her relax and stop worrying about you all alone in this hotel room, which made a blub light up in your head.
"You're a genius." You kissed her head and immediately took the hotel phone, talking in a hushed voice. When everything was set and the hotel agreed with your arrangement, you went back to Jenna with a big smile. "What got you smiling like that?" Jenna side-eye's you. She's getting her lips done. You shrugged at her and continued to admire her beauty. You can't wait to spend all of your time with this woman.
Once she was done and it was almost time for her to go on the red carpet, she gave you one last kiss and wave you goodbye. You then got ready all the supplies for the surprise. Setting the table in the middle of the hotel living room, decorating the surroundings with balloons and rose petals. Once you are finished with all of the decorations, you moved on to getting ready yourself.
For entertainment purposes, you turned on the TV and listened to the news. At some point in your grooming, you heard something about where you last stationed. It was now full out on war. There was a slight worry in you that you might get called back, but you gave it a little bit of a doubt. You turned off the TV and focused on your grooming part.
It was almost time for Jenna to come back. You already called the kitchen, giving them instructions when to bring the food up. As you wait for Jenna, you can't help it but feel anxious about what you heard on the television. It started to make your leg nervously shake, but then there was a knock on your door. You immediately stood up from the couch and headed towards the door.
"Hi." Jenna greeted you as soon as you opened the door. "Hi," you say back and stepped aside so she could enter the room. "Oh my god. Y/N, this is wonderful." Jenna couldn't describe what she was feeling. Everything was so perfect. From the decor to your outfit. You closed the door and walked up behind her. You gently turned her around to face you. "I know, I have been lacking due to my profession, and now that I'm retired. I want to make it up to you. From simple dates to just be there for you."
You pulled out a ring attached to a necklace. Jenna's eyes widened full with panic. You immediately reassure her. "Don't panic. I'm not proposing. Yet. This is a promise ring, and I know that you can't wear this on your finger because of noisy people. So, I thought putting it in a necklace where you can wear it under your shirts." You opened the clasp, and Jenna immediately turned around, so you could put it on her.
You moved in front of her to see the necklace around her neck. "Y/N, this is so pretty. Thank you." She was on her tippy toes and kissed your lips, which made you smile like an idiot. "You're welcome, my love." You settle both of your hands on her waist and lean your forehead against hers.
The hotel staff didn't let you down and delivered your food like how you instructed them. This was heaven. Jenna's unending smile and laughter. Her shining aura. You couldn't get enough of it, but that little moment of yours got interrupted when your cellphone started to ring. You stood up and reached for your phone. When you saw who was calling, you excused yourself and went out into the balcony. While on the phone call, the sound of a helicopter was approaching, and soon, everyone in the hotel could see it, flying above the hotel.
You ended the call and rushed inside. "Jen. I have no time to explain. I'm sorry. I have to go. I promise. I'll come back." You took her face in both of your hands and kissed her hard. You hugged her for the last time. "I have to go," you whisper, and she whines. "Come up with me to the helicopter landing." You guide her out the room towards the emergency stairs up. Reaching the top, the hotel manager was already there holding the door open.
"Could you escort her back to the room as soon as I'm gone?" You asked the manager, which you received a nod. "You go with him, okay? Jenna. I love you. I'll come back, I promise." With that, you kissed her on the forehead and let go of her hand. You ran towards the helicopter, slid the door open, and waved at her before entering the helicopter. You threw Jenna one last look before the hotel disappeared from your view.
As soon as you landed at the headquarters, your team was already waiting for you in the conference room with the Lieutenant General. You don't even know how long the briefing was, but as soon as it was finished, you found yourself getting ready for a war.
Soon, you were giving signals to your team to retreat and get on the helicopter. Everyone is covering for each other. As the captain of the team, you want them on that aircraft as soon as possible. Three of them managed to get on the helicopter. Now it's you and your sergeant left on the battlefield. You see your sergeant get shot. You hurriedly take cover for them and assess their wound. As you cover for them, you also get shot, and everything went black.
The others on the helicopter witnessed a big explosion when the aircraft maneuvered away from the location. Buildings crashing, balzing fire everywhere, and gun shots are heard from a far. All of them are convinced none of you survived that.
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yeokii · 1 year
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# types of tropes w enha !!
₊﹒wc! 2.7k
₊﹒warnings! non-idol!enha, gn!reader (but I kinda wrote it with she/her pronouns in mind so if you see she/her pronouns im v sorry pls ignore), profanity, mentions of alcohol (only in jake's), mentions of skinship, mentions of stalker behaviour (its a joke, nothing serious tho) mentions of being high (ITS A JOKE), mentions of blood in Riki's one, spelling and grammar errors!!
₊﹒note! yen and Kayla my fave bff helped me w the tropes!! ngl got carried away with junwons one
₊﹒requested by this anon !!
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# lee heeseung ⎯ coworkers to lovers
heeseung would def catch feelings first when you asked him to help organise the files
HE ALWAYS AND I MEAN ALWAYS takes up the offer whenever you need help with something.
you want a drink? bro will bring you the whole menu
literally will do anything to show that he's into you.
bro just loves being near you.
but this one time where he dropped you home when it started raining heavily, you started to question ur feelings for him.
and so the mutual pining begins 😞
yall both would be mad blushing whenever you both interact w each other.
both of your friends would be so mad because they know you both like each other
like why aren't yall kissing already??
you kinda did know that heeseung did like you back but the man was oblivious
so you asked him out 😁
and you both hung out in his car after the date finished and this man did not want to take you home.
it was painful pls 😭
fastfoward to when you both start dating and he come to your house and picks you up so you can both go to work at the same time.
he would bring your daily coffee orders aswell
he would even teach you how to play league of legends help 😭
skinship is a must!!
give it a few months and he would know you more than you know yourself
"baby, let me take you on a date after you finish work."
"I swear to god, it better not be a ramen date again."
₊﹒other members under the cut !!
# park jongseong ⎯ brother's best friend
no cuz its so jongseong of him to fall in love with his best friend's sibling
he would know you since he was like 3 and he prolly always saw you as his best friend's annoying little sibling 😭
but you were literally completely in love with this man
if you could kiss the ground he walked on, you would.
just a few glances here and there
but when you started to grow up, you kinda ignored him aswell cuz you started to get a life 💀
it wasn't very visible as it was before b4
but this hurt jays ego like why aren't you foaming in the mouth whenever you see him???
so when you both were at a party
and it bugged him why were you hanging out with other people??
this man really thought you had no social life plss
you looked so pretty and he didn't even look at anyone else, it was just you.
this man fell in love with you gn.
and then from there, he saw you as a romantic aspect or wtv.
you kinda noticed that he liked you because he believed actions > words
he started picking you and dropping you off to school when your brother couldn't
he would even bring one of your favourite snacks along the way too
he would text you and talk to you more often
so one night while you and ur bsf had a sleepover
jay also had one w ur brother
jay vamp era frfr
he was being very passive aggressive to ur bsf
and bro just straight up said "I like you"
followed by "I don't like when they talk to you"
so ur just there 🧍‍♀️
like helppp it was so awkward
after the confession, he asked you on a date and ofc you said yes
but a few months in the relationship, you both are getting comfy with each other
its either a full on classy restaurant date or staying at home and watching Disney+
theres no in between
and ofc your brother is okay with this as he gets used to it
he loves to act like he doesn't care for you but you know he loves you
"no I'm not blushing!"
"jay you so are! I didn't know you liked backhugs!"
# sim jaeyun ⎯ exes to lovers
it would def be you who broke up w him
I js don't see Jake calling off a relationship
and it would prolly be over the summer when you thought you and the aussie boy (😝😝😝) didn't click anymore.
mans would be sooo devastated like wdym ya'll don't click anymore???
he would spend more time thinking abt why you thought the relationship didn't work than actually being sad
mans really tried to move on but he srsly couldn't do it.
he was so comfortable with you, he couldn't do that with anyone else.
all his friends witnessed him going through the five stages of greif
it was sad actually 😭
he would still have you as his lock screen like he never even bothered to change it
so probably after 8 months of going through crappy dates and drinking his heart away (he got drunk on apple juice) he decided he wanted you back
so he reached out to you
found out you work at a cafe through his 'sources' (jungwon)
and when you see him he's like "whatttt? you work here????"
its giving stalker behaviour
do better jake 😕👎
and now that he KNOWS you work here
he comes there everyday at 4 right when you're shift begins
bro is the master at small talk
and that is when the small talk with you goes on for an hour and you realise its been an hour since your shift is finished.
he offers a ride back home
and you agreed since you didn't want to walk home alone
you didn't really see the problem with exes being friends and you told him abt it too but
this man did not work this hard for ya'll to just be friends again
so he waited until your shift finished and decided to bring you your fav flowers
and he asked you if you wanted to go out
and he brought you to a picnic
and you're like "Jake??? its night???"
"you always wanted to have a picnic with me so I thought why not?"
plsss you were shocked that he remembered you wanting to have a picnic with him but you both never had the time.
he even brought your fav sandwiches and drinks it was so cute
and when he dropped you back home he confessed everything and he told you he wanted to get back together
after thinking abt it for a few days
you decided you wanted to get back tgt
so you showed up at his house with flowers in your hand (it was rlly cute plss 😭😭😭)
and when you both get back together
he really tried to make the relationship even more stronger an always assured you to talk to him if you had any problem
its cute because this man is never gonna let u go
like whenever ya'll walk tgt, he's gonna be holding your hand
you're making something in the kitchen? he's backlogging you
you wanna pee? this man's gonna follow you into the bathroom
jake's so cute plss😭😭
jungwon swears he's the reason you both got back tgt
"please you looked so funny when you fell on your butt!"
"remember the time where I dumped you?"
# park sunghoon ⎯ first love
I feel like this boy would not fall in love that easily which is why he hadn't had his first love
sure he had his first likes, loads of partners, but never love
and then baam
you came in 😎
he felt like it was one of those tv series where everything was in slow motion and like the spotlight was just on you
he just felt like it was just you and him in the ice skating rink
like bro's brain just flew through the window
and ofc his kdrama moment had to end because u fell on ur ass trying to skate.
and bro let me tell you
this man procreated the loudest snort alive to mankind
and ofc you glared at him
which made him run to you, helping you up
"hi, I'm sunghoon."
he thought he would cry right there.
he apologised and asked to make it up by trying to take you out for ice cream.
ofc you couldn't say no
and you both got to know each other well
this man was scared because he thought he wouldn't se you again
so what did he do?
this man used every pickup line known to mankind
he did not ask your number
INSTEAD he turned into the rizzlord
oh was it a sight to see
he was js really nervous
so u asked his phone and saved ur phone number
"maybe I could like yk teach you how to skate next time?"
"wtv you say hoon."
# kim sunoo ⎯ best friends to lovers
oh god the mutual pinning..
riki asked calmly
and I wholeheartedly agree
you thought sunoo was js your bsf
which explains why he always looks out for you
waiting for you at the school gate everyday even if you're like 30 minutes late
or always getting you fav drink
or always covering for you if you got into trouble
be so fr rn
riki could not stand it
bro was about to grow white hairs
this man was the literal definition of a third wheel
everytime riki tried to talk abt you two
you always dismissed it
like were you that blind?
you were js scared you were gonna get rejected and all these years of friendship would go to waste
and ngl sunoo felt the same
so ofc your matchmaker riki pulled sunoo aside and asked him how he felt abt you
and pls sunoo loves you more than himself
he literally only trusts you
and you were the same for him
so riki used his amazing megamind brain and asked yall to talk abt your feelings
and it took a while to open up after riki left and by the end of it you both had shared your first kiss with each other 😁
you both were red
and now since y'all are in a relationship
riki hated it more
"BOOO get a room."
ur dates were so cute
either it was hot choco dates or ''lets go play in the snow' dates
you always enjoyed it
because you are with sunoo (I physically cringed)
"maybe I should call u the sun cuz u brighten up every room u walk into."
"r u high?"
# yang jungwon ⎯ academic rivals
his jaw dropped when he saw the results
HELLO A 95???
man hasn't got anything below a 97
and there you were
waving ur results sheet at him with a clear 96
bro wanted to slap that smirk right off your face
so he asked the teacher to check his paper again
bye the teacher did not give two fucks
so he checked it himself
he was actually supposed to get a 94 but lets keep that to ourselves 😁
he js waited until the next exam to rot around and by that this man took a mental screenshot of every page in the book
a 94???
if there was a dissapear button in life
he would press 65 times
and what did you get
a 97.
happiest day of your life ngl
this man had a whole fit
the teacher actually had enough of you
and gave you both detention
all you had to clean the classroom
'bonding time' she said
'it'll be fun' she said
so when you started to clean the room
all you both could give each other were side eyes and silent curses
it was painful actually
you both divided the room saying this was his side and that was your side
but there were tiny moments were you were staring at him, admiring his side profile
but why did he look so ethereal when he was sweeping the floors
so there was this moment were you both close to each other and you tripped on your untied shoelaces and landed ontop of him
he landed on his ass
so romantic I know.
and you both stared at each other for a long time (5 seconds)
before he pushed you off him
he stood up and went back to sweeping and you were still on the floor
you stood and started cleaning again
but what you didn't realise was that he kept staring at you
occasionally having eye contact
after that day, you both became softer to each other
like hello???
where the hair ripping and shitty insults??
your friend were in school because you stopped talking bt how much you hate him and so were his friends
scary really
both of your friends thought that you both were planning some big revenge or something
but then they caught you smiling at him while walked past you??
they called an exorcist immediately
you both didn't whine and ask the teacher to change when you both were paired up for a project
you both had a fun time and you actually had a good convo
you both called truce
and you both started to not hate each other
and one day while you both talked you had a moment of silence when you just said 'fuck it' and went in and kissed him
and the next day in school
you both walked holding hands
everyone was so confused because um what the actual fuck?
"can't believe I used to hate this pretty face."
"ew jungwon"
"shut up before we go back to being enemies"
# nishimura riki ⎯ hates everyone but you
when he heard about love, all he could say was 'bs'
like be so fr
he swore he could hear wedding bells
everything abt you was so perfect
like he never had an ideal type but god damn bro
might as well have one rn
he like froze for a sec
crazy ik
tbh you didn't acknowledge his existence for a few days
until you saw him playing basketball w his friends
and his basketball met w ur face
bye ur nose did not stop bleeding
man came rushing to u when he realised it was u
he took you to the nurse and when you were all ok
he sheepishly grinned at you and apologised for hitting you w his basketball
you were quick to forgive him and you started to become friends since that day
everyone was in shock because you were the first person he'd ever talked other than his friends
and you were so confused because everyone kept telling this was so unlikely of him
he had never tied someones shoelaces when they were untied
or he had never lent someone his jacket
even to his friends
the privilege was showing
like u were so confused because he doesn't do this with other people
he prolly be like 😐 but when you're there hes like 😁
soo you asked him
"idk I like you"
"oh uhm haha same."
it took a few weeks for him to grow some balls and ask you to be his s/o
and this man needed to always be on your side
he's gaming? ur on his lap.
he's playing basketball? ur playing with him.
its so cute
makes me sick
"riki I need to pee."
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perm taglist!! @flwoie @zuyairus @bubblytaetae @yenqa @haknom
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jflemings · 8 months
might need some mother jessie headcanons at some point cause that photo had RUINED me……
—mum!jessie headcanons
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warnings: none
a/n: ask and you shall receive…
- girl mum. i will not be elaborating.
- so excited when you tell her you’re pregnant, at first she doesn’t even believe it until you show her the positive test
- hot dad walk™️ out of the hospital
- hot dad walk™️ EVERYWHERE she doesn’t even mean to do it, it just comes naturally
- makes you want like 4 more
- makes the introduction to the chelsea girls a few weeks after she’s born, from that moment on the baby is absolutely adored by everyone at the club
- sinc tears up when she first gets to meet the baby & her and jessie have a really nice moment
- loooooves to show her teammates pictures she’s taken of the baby
“ash look at this photo of y/n and the baby!!!!”
- everytime she gets a new kit she gets a matching jersey for you and the baby
- walks into target to buy like, shampoo, and walks out with three different outfits, a doll and a book for the kid
“jess she doesn’t need it!!!”
“yes she does”
- such a proud mum, will praise the kid for legit anything and everything
- tries her hardest to be at every event. games, recitals, award shows, you name it and shes there
- if she can’t make it she asks you to send her so many videos and photos so she still knows what’s going on
- caves SOOO easily whenever her kid wants smth like
“mum can we have ice cream and pancakes for breakfast”
“go ask mama”
“she said no”
“then no”
“…okay but don’t tell her”
- reads a new bedtime story every night, even if she’s not at home. she’ll facetime you at bedtime just to read a book
- jess is the type of mum that will sit with her kid after they wake up from a nightmare, she’s either reading to them or watching tv to distract them until they fall asleep
- goes all out for big birthdays (1st, 10th, 16th, 18th ect)
- definitely the quiet, attractive parent that all the queer mums fawn over at school drop off/pick up
- gets embarrassed when your kid boasts about having a famous parent
- gets even MORE embarrassed when a teacher comes up to her to congratulate her on a big win because she’s literally just there for her kid
- loves the fact that your kid admires her so much, feels super lucky to have that impact on her child
- buys sooooo many books on all different types of topics, fiction and non-fiction alike
- really encourages her kid to be creative
- won’t push them to play football but definitely signs them up just to see if they like it
- if they don’t then she finds smth else for them to do
- pretty laid back in terms of being a mum to a teenager because she understands that kids have to make mistakes to learn. all she asks for is honesty and respect in return
- she has the patience of a saint unless you get disrespected
- that’s the only time when shit hits the fan
- does the classic midnight pickup from a party just so you don’t have to get up
- she’s not naturally intimidating but when your daughter brings home her first boyfriend/girlfriend she definitely scares them a lil bit just because she’s quiet
- feels bad afterwards tho
“i wasn’t even trying to be intimidating!!! ☹️”
“i know jess”
- can’t do the sex talk tho
- she tries but feels awkward once she realises who she’s having the sex talk with. you take over from there
- doesn’t pull strings if your kid wants to have a career in football but she will give all the advice and support that she can
- she wants them to earn their spot because of their talent, not their last name
- almost cries when they have their debut for their national team
- just so incredibly supportive of whatever her child wants to do as long as they’re safe and healthy. the kid never goes a day in their life wondering if they’re loved by the two of you
- gains a lot of confidence after she becomes a mother. still very introverted but she now carrie’s herself with the same confidence she has on the pitch off the pitch because she just fits into a parental role so easily. it really is second nature to her once she gets settled
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Why do Dany antis think Dany gave herself her titles? Like the amount of times people rant about how she must be "so conceited" to have all those titles, like do they not know how titles work in ASOIAF? This is rhetorical of course, I know the answer, hatred of her character and that shit show. So, since D&D chose not to explain to them in simple terms how titles come to be and how Dany earned hers, I will (don't worry, I'll use small words since they so clearly struggle with media literacy).
So how do titles work in ASOIAF? Simple, their awarded by others. If someone gives themself a title it's not acknowledged by others, simple Medieval European rules. We see examples in Aegon the Conqueror, Maegor the Cruel Jaehaerys the Conciliator, Rhaenyra the Realm's Delight/Black Queen, Aegon the Usurper, Aegon the Unlucky, Baelor the Blessed, Daeron the Young Dragon, Aegon the Unworthy, Aemon the Dragonknight, Daeron the Good, Aegon the Unlikely, and Aerys the Mad King. Yes, I decided to do all Targaryen examples, because why not use Dany's family.
Each of these titles were given because of the attributes or accomplishments of their owners. Aegon I conquered the Seven Kingdoms, Maegor usurped and killed his family members (and much more), Jaehaerys stabilized the kingdom, Rhaenyra was greatly loved by the realm as a child and her faction were called the Blacks after her clothing. I could explain everyone on the list, but that would take forever and we have a lot to get to. However, I believe I have made my point about titles, they are given, sometimes posthumously, by those around them because of what that person has done or what they're like.
Dany's titles are no different, she earned them and/or was given them by those around her. These titles are: Stormborn, Princess of Dragonstone, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons, and Breaker of Shackles/Chains. I'm going to go in order and say how she got these titles, since apparently that needs explaining. I'll even go into Queen of the Seven Kingdoms (etc) and Queen of Meereen, in case someone wants to bring that up.
Stormborn was given to her by her mother, Queen Rhaella, upon Dany's birth, same for Princess of Dragonstone actually. Dany was born on the night of a terrible storm that destroyed what was left of the Targaryen fleet. She was also born after her family had been almost wiped out and Westeros was in the middle of massive civil upheaval. Hence, Stormborn. Now, Rhaella and Viserys both believed he and Dany were the rightful heirs to the throne after Aerys and Rhaegar's deaths, so Viserys was crowned king of the Seven Kingdoms and Dany was made his heir until he had children. The heir to the throne was traditionally given the title of prince/princess of Dragonstone, so that's why Dany was given it.
Fast forward thirteen (or sixteen in the show) years and Dany is married off to Khal Drogo, this marriage makes her a Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea. And since the position of Khaleesi is a bit of a lifetime thing, since after the Khal's death they join the Dosh Khaleen. Therefore, Dany will carry the title of Khaleesi for the rest of her life. She also became the leader of her own Khalasar, making the female equivalent of Khal an appropriate title.
But before she gained her Khalasar, she earned the titles Unburnt and Mother of Dragons on the same occasion. This was, of course, when she woke her dragons from stone. Dany walked into the fire of Drogo's pyre and was unscathed (except for her hair in the book). Because of that her people called her the Unburnt and told others. As for Mother of Dragons, Jorah and her Khalasar call her this first, then it spreads to Qarth, Astapor, and eventually Westeros. As for where it came from, well, she literally hatched three dragons that nursed from her (book).
Next up, the Breaker of Shackles/Chains. This is a title Dany earned after the events of Astapor, where she freed the Unsullied and helped lead a city-wide slave revolt. More specifically this name came from her order to the Unsullied, "Strike the chains off every slave you see," After the events in Astapor, the Unsullied and other slaves named her the Breaker of Shackles/Chains. This name spread across Slaver's Bay, to the rest of Essos and Westeros. Dany makes this name into an official title as a warning to the slavers, she is coming to free the people they enslaved. In Meereen, it's used as a reminder of the new order she was instituting, one that wasn't built on the backs of slaves. In Westeros it's a sign of her achievements and shows her intentions, to help the downtrodden and oppressed, even though the show decided to throw that out the window to "subvert expectations".
Now, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, etc, and Queen of Meereen are the only titles that it could be argued she gave herself. However, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms is her inheritance, at least she was taught it was (if you want to argue about new dynasties and such). She was Viserys' heir, so, when he died, his titles and responsibilities were passed to here. This means that technically the title was given to her lol, but she did choose to pursue it. After all, she was raised by Viserys to believe it was not only her birthright but also her duty to retake Westeros for first Rhaego, then herself. We see this line and thinking time and again in her chapters,
"If I were not the blood of the dragon...this could be my home." (AGOT) This is said about staying in the Dothraki Sea, and the same quote comes up in Meereen. Dany wants a simple life, the house with the red door, but she rejects it because she believes it's her duty to take the IT, her responsibility to her family.
A similar sense of duty is what drives Dany to take Meereen and rule it. At this point Yunkai has fallen back into slavery and Astapor is falling apart, so Dany learns from her previous choices and chooses to stay in Meereen to try to ensure the slaves she freed there don't fall back into slavery. Now the show really fucked up her storyline in Meereen, by removing the threats of Yunkai, Qarth, and Volantis as well as greatly reducing the actions of the Harpy and just straight up trying to make Hizdahr a "good guy". But both in the show and the books, Dany takes Meereen because of the rapant injustice of slavery, why is that so hated by certain parts of the fandom? Well the answer to that is because hatred of Dany is so deep in some people that they will demonize everything she does, even the things that are objectively right. This mentality causes them to be willfully blind to her titles and their significance.
Dany's titles were made to set her apart from her ancestors and contemporaries. The show damaged this by neglecting to actually show how titles work and by not giving any new ones to people who deserve them (Jon Snow for example). But either way, her titles show how Dany has done more in her sixteen years of life (about 20-22) than almost anyone else has done in their 40+. Her titles are signs of how respected and loved she is by her people, they are reasons her enemies should fear her, and they demonstrate how inspiring her character is, no matter how the shit show ruined her.
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rosewaterandivy · 9 months
Award season starts tomorrow and I can’t help but think of actor Steve and rockstar girlfriend attending all these award shows. And the public isn’t aware of their engagement until they hit the red carpet at the golden globes and anytime a reporter asks about the ring they both act coy 🥹
You are so right for that baby!
Regardless of the awards show, the prep remains the same: Steve doing fuck-all until the last possible minute, while you get poked and prodded within an inch of your life for the majority of the day before getting quite literally sewn into a gown for the rest of the evening. And he feels for you, really he does because it’s not fair that you’ll be raked over the coals for the slightest perceived misstep— choice of designer, amount of jewelry, hairstyle, makeup, etc.— while he can just show up in a Thom Browne suit and call it a day.
As much as he’d like to whisk you away, back to the cosy mountain chalet and honeymoon engagement haze (he very much misses the days of you running around an oversized cashmere sweater, illuminated by the lights of the Christmas tree— even better were the times when you were wearing the engagement ring only), awards season beckons. And you take it all in stride, god does he love you for that.
Vickie had absconded with you not long after breakfast and Steve hasn’t seen or heard from you in hours at this point. It’s torture and he finds it’s something he’d rather not take part in again. Robin is doing what she can to keep him occupied, going over upcoming projects and reminding him of his schedule while he idly sips from his drink. He half-heartedly keeps up with a texting conversation with Eddie, speculating on the ridiculous red carpet interview questions and whether or not you’ll be wearing something that will make Steve weak in the knees.
The answer is always yes, and Ed’s got odds in favor a brief exit during the awards ceremony that will have Steve returning slightly flushed with a dazed look in his eye.
“Rally the troops,” your voice startles him from the entryway. “Harrington, let’s get this show on the road!”
Robin shoots him a knowing smirk and follows him into the foyer. Vickie stands behind you, her hands full with her clutch and yours, free hand carrying the excess black fabric of your gown.
And holy shit, Steve is in for a rough evening.
Hasn’t even gotten to the venue yet and he’s already slipping. Robin claps a hand on his shoulder with a wicked grin, “Deep breaths Steve, keep ‘em coming.”
He doesn’t know where to look first— your tits pressed against the black fabric, looking as if they could spill from the corset any second now, the high slit of the skirt showing an expanse of your thigh bracketed by a black garter and stocking drawing the eye down to an impressive heel that makes your legs look positively delectable, or the prominent gleam of the sparkler on your ring finger affixed over the black sheer opera gloves on your arms.
Steve wants to fall on his knees to grovel and beg you to skip the ceremony and let him worship you for hours instead.
The man is simply not going to make it.
When his eyes finally make their way back to yours, he raises a solitary brow as you wiggle your fingers in the gloves. “Yeah?” He asks with a nod to the ring on your left hand.
You smile so sweet and he swears he’s falling in love again.
Christ Harrington, get a fucking grip.
“Yeah,” you say, soft and low, extending your hand to fall into his. “Always.”
The Golden Globes was always fun.
Drinks and carousing, an atmosphere of humor and frivolity. Plus, Eddie always managed to sneak his way to Steve’s table with his screenwriter girlfriend in tow. He’d have you snickering and laughing more than the host could ever hope to, making it a boon for the camera operators to zip by for a shot of your table. Steve, ever the professional, had honed a poker face over years of these events. You, however, had decidedly not and, as a result, various memeable moments had occurred thanks to yours truly.
Eddie had one as your contact photo, as a matter of fact.
Before you can relax and settle in for the show, the red carpet had to be walked. In years past, Steve had braved it alone and done the perfunctory interviews, graciously dodging any inquiries about your relationship per the PR team’s advice. And you had done the same for the AMAs and Grammy’s. It was a good system and it worked a treat, occupying the media outlets with soundbites and quotes while one of you walked in after last call and bypassed the entire circus.
But this year…
“Steve! Cherry!”
A cacophony of voices calling your names as you step onto the red carpet and stand for photo call. As you exited the car, Vickie all but threw the black clutch at you, waving her left hand all the while. Now, the supple leather was safely in your grasp, effectively blocking your left hand from prying eyes. Steve’s arm winds around your back, settling his large hand at the small of your back.
His thumb moves in soothing circles against the fabric, pulling you close as the flashbulbs fire. “You look down right evil tonight,” he murmurs, voice pitched low, breath fanning against the sensitive skin of your neck. “Anything to say for yourself?”
You smother a laugh and look back over your shoulder, spotting Eddie. “I plead the fifth.”
As you wave him over, Eddie wolf-whistles loud enough to wake the dead. He cackles and drags his girlfriend over by the hand. “Damn girl, can I call you sometime?”
Rolling your eyes, you tug him into the photo. “Edward, you know I cannot be held responsible for the varied ways in which Steve will kill you.”
His girlfriend huffs a laugh, “That makes two of us then.”
A few photos are taken of the four of you before the handlers single out Steve. He parts from you reluctantly, dropping a kiss on your brow before he leaves. “You’re paying for that later, y’know.”
“Sure, honey,” you brush him off with a smile, “We’ll see if you can walk the talk once I’m through with you.”
He nearly stumbles at that, earning another laugh from Eddie.
“Steve!” The reporter crows into the mic, waving him over, “So good to see you, thanks for stopping by.”
“You as well, and thanks for having me.”
Steve hates this part. Well, truthfully he loathes most of his charade, but he’s not about to bite the hand that feeds him. Give a little, get a little, or so his publicist says. She prattles on about something or other— his nomination or upcoming projects, he’s not really sure— and turns back to him.
“Congratulations on your nominations tonight, but are additional congratulations called for? Maybe for you and certain Grammy award winning artist?”
“Oh thank you very much,” he effuses with a smile. “You mean Eddie over there?” He glances over his shoulder, finding the long-haired man easily. “I mean we’ve been buddies for a while—“
The reporter laughs, “Not exactly, but it is nice to see him here supporting you.”
Steve refrains from rolling his eyes, “He’s supporting Liz Finch. She’s nominated for best original screenplay, but I’m sure you already know that.”
You slowly turn, catching the last part of Steve’s clipped response, eyes narrowing. ‘Be. Nice.’ you mouth at him, knowing he should’ve eaten something before you left the house.
“Of course, my apologies.” The reporter has enough sense to look abashed, “I just meant that it’s nice to see the four of you together, supporting one another.”
He hums in assent, eyes trailing you as you chat with a few friends making the rounds. Their eyes generally fall to your left hand, still hidden behind the clutch you’re carrying, curious as you exchange pleasantries.
Steve does his level best with the remaining interviews, but they always try and cajole a confirmation from him either about his relationship with you or a potential engagement. Little do they know that behind that little black bag, nestled just underneath your engagement ring, sits a wedding band.
To his mind, it really doesn’t matter if he comes home with a Golden Globe tonight because he’s already won something better than another statuette or accolade: a rockstar wife.
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thecoolblackwaves · 8 months
Family Of Nerds: Feanorian Modern AU
(I’m sorry this is somewhat Americanized I just don’t have enough knowledge about anywhere else to make those allusions) (Also please reblog with your own headcanons or other thoughts!)
Philologist; studies language history
Often assists at various museums, colleges, archeological sites, etc
Has published several books and given many lectures 
Creates his own languages like Tengwar for fun, also is a hobby blacksmith
Teaches his children many archaic languages no one else speaks and takes his family on "educational" vacations 
Also attends every convention known to man, even ones that have seemingly nothing to do with his own interests, dressed to the nines and spends his time there signing books and debating other people 
Loves his wife just as madly as the day he met her and is ecstatic he married his high school sweetheart
Idolizes his father. Would have done great following his political career if he hadn't "ruined" his public image by becoming a teen parent, ultimately feels he's made the right decisions for his life though and is happy with his work
Rivalry with Fingolfin over who can host the best dinner party (and you best believe he wears smart-ass punny aprons while cooking a six course meal for his guests)
Professional sculptor and multimedia artist
Teaches classes at an arts college 
Is known to eat the fruit out of the bowls her students are sketching when no one is looking
Cannot cook to save her life 
Enthusiastically attends every possible event in her family’s calendar no matter the weather or lack of skill at a toddler dance recital 
Dresses in a fabulously bohemian eccentric artist way; stole the show when she attended the Grammys with Makalaure and has been featured in several fashion magazines 
Carries all sorts of art supplies and seemingly random tools in her purse at all times, including a chisel, googly eyes, edible glitter, a bajillion hair ties, DW40, and peanut M&Ms
Has a calm, wise disposition that belies her truly chaotic nature
Often looked to for advice from her students and children and will only pull your leg when she thinks you’re being stupid 
Does give genuinely good advice though, mostly because she is uncanny in her ability to read people and observe subtle hints 
Studied communications, currently working as his father’s apprentice but hopes to find a position as a public relations specialist 
Uses his intimidating stature and loud, deep voice to his advantage as needed
Was born while his parents were teenagers and still living with their families, he remembers watching cartoons with Grandpa Finwe and being babysat by his uncles 
Also attended his mother’s graduation from art school as a small child and clapped until his little hands hurt 
Is painfully aware of how all his younger brothers look up to him - literally - and sometimes struggles with the pressures of setting a good example, though he does much better than he realizes 
Drinks his coffee from a mug that reads “don’t make this ginger snap” (Nerdanel has a matching one)
The gayest gay to ever gay, informs everyone of this via cheesy tee shirts gifted from his brothers and cousins 
Drives a minivan, claims he chose it because it was the only car that would fit his legs and not because he can haul his brothers around in it 
Frequently complains about missing the technology of his childhood but resents being called a millennial 
Grammy award winning artist and composer
Created the score for a recent movie that bloomed his popularity and brought him to the limelight 
Has a Youtube channel with several music videos he definitely didn’t blackmail his family into filming with him 
Also performed on Broadway once and will not let you forget it 
Used to skip school to busk in the train station and once caught his math teacher also skipping school 
Extremely popular with interviewers, camera crew, and other industry specialists for his kindness and crazy stories about his family 
Donates large amounts of his royalties to children’s hospitals and other charities 
Used to hog the bathroom in the mornings to put on makeup and style his hair 
Practices Beyonce dance routines in the mirror, has convinced Curufin to do them with him before 
Spent a semester studying in Sydney, Australia and fainted after encountering a large spider in his dorm room 
Forest ranger at a National Park 
Works at outdoor summer camps every year, all the children love him and his giant fluffy dog
Also volunteers at animal shelters and the wildlife rehabilitation center at the National Park 
Creatine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; drinks so much milk Nerdanel used to tell him it was why his hair was white 
Wakes up at 5 in the morning to exercise (disgusting)
Got a long bow for Christmas one year (the note said Santa but he knows it was his mom) and practices in the backyard by shooting at Amrod’s pumpkins 
Metalhead, particularly likes viking metal and Nordic black metal 
Made Huan his own battle vest complete with dog-themed patches such as “Bad to the Bone” and “No Leashes No Masters” 
Tells the most terrible jokes you’ve ever heard then laughs like a seagull vomiting up a stolen bag of Doritos 
Extremely loyal to his family, sometimes to a fault 
Professional business accountant 
Also does taxes as a side hustle because “it’s so easy” 
Is obsessed with Oreos but will not admit it because of his brother's teasing about "Moryo's Oreos" 
Obligatory family goth and not ashamed of it 
Started mending his hand-me-down clothes as a necessity and got into sewing, now makes fantastic garments for his family and friends to wear 
Halloween is the only valid holiday, he spends the entire year making his costume (it’s usually a vampire or some fandom character)
Stays up until 3am gaming on a PC he and Feanor built together one summer, favorite game is currently Balder’s Gate 
Had to take speech therapy as a child and later some anger management classes.... because he got too good at expressing himself
Silversmith and jewelry maker 
Specializes in accessories for ballet dancers and other performers 
Ballet dancer since he was young, never succeeded with a professional career but still practices daily and chose his specialty to remain part of the scene 
Holds a serious grudge against certain critics that failed his entry to ballet academy (will not sell his products to them or their schools)
Always looking for new business opportunities, not always in the most honest of ways 
Struggles with self esteem issues 
Has several cats and claims they betray him when they snuggle with Huan but secretly finds it adorable 
Frequently collaborates with Caranthir to make elaborate costumes just for the fun of it 
Made a tiara for his favorite cat, Princess Paws
Would sleep until four in the afternoon if you let him (or if Princess Paws didn’t wake him up screaming for food)
Gardening Club President at his school 
Started a trade and barter farmers market after school to reduce waste and share the bounty of his and fellow club member’s gardens 
Frequently tries to convince his parents to turn their property into a “self sufficient homestead”, leaves pamphlets and pictures of adorable baby animals lying around the house 
Enlisted the help of his twin and Maitimo to build a chicken coop, forgot to ask Feanor’s permission first 
Demands payment in the form of fresh caught fish or deer jerky for the use of his gourds in Tyelko’s target practice 
Has definitely switched places with Amros to escape trouble or science tests 
Often neglects his homework for pursuits he feels are more important, will only do it without complaint when Carnistar tells him to 
Had eyes for the cool-looking red glow on the stove as a child and was banned from the kitchen for most of his adolescence 
Is generally a persistent and stubborn person (wonder where he got it from)
Amateur photographer with an instagram following nearing one million 
Account consists of 95% nature photography and 5% “The Adventures of Huan and Princess Paws” as he follows them around the back yard 
Takes all of Makalaure’s headshots and creates his album covers, also photographs Curufin’s jewelry to upload to his retail website 
“Borrows” Carnistar’s prized PC to upload and edit his photos 
Conspired with Amrod to convince their elementary school classmates they were secretly Fred and George Weasley disguised as Muggles, ultimately failed because someone thought their accents “just sounded like they were copying Peppa Pig”
Still pulls out his British accent on occasion when someone needs cheering up 
Inherited Nerdanel’s keen observation skills, mostly uses them to blackmail his brothers into doing his chores 
But also gives the most amazing presents because he knows exactly what everyone truly wants 
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vintagetvstars · 5 months
Marlo Thomas Vs. Lily Tomlin
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Marlo Thomas - (That Girl) - ann marie from that girl is literally me and my mom's Blorbo From My Shows. <3 Marlo Thomas is beautiful, very funny, and an activist and philanthropist. was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2014. currently serves as National Outreach Director for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, a nonprofit pediatric research hospital (founded by her father, Danny Thomas) that focuses on treatment for children's catastrophic diseases, particularly cancer. starred in That Girl from 1966-1971, which centered around a young woman who moves to New York City to become an actress - one of the first tv shows to focus on a leading lady who lived on her own. was only the fourth tv series to be produced by its' female star. the sponsors wanted the series to end with a wedding between Thomas's character and her boyfriend, which she refused because, in her words, "I just can't do that to these women and girls who followed Ann Marie's adventure. I can't now say that the only happy ending is a wedding, because I don't believe it." the final episode instead featured her character taking her now-fiance to a women's lib meeting, which according to Thomas "made nobody happy but me. I loved it."
Lily Tomlin - (Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In, Saturday Night Live, Murphy Brown) - She's beautiful and hilarious! Her smile is so bright! photo of her and her partner Jane Wagner (pic below the cut)
Master Poll List of the Hot Vintage TV Ladies Bracket
Additional propaganda below the cut
Marlo Thomas:
Marlo is an Emmy award winning actress and feminist. She is also the outreach director for St. Jude’s Children Hospital which was founded by her father, Danny Thomas. Her show “That Girl” was one of the first sitcoms to focus on a single woman and helped pave the way for other similar shows like the Mary Tyler Moore Show. The network and the show’s sponsor wanted to end the series with the main character getting married but Marlo fought against it: “…They wanted to end the show with a wedding. I said, "I just can't do that to these women and girls who followed Ann Marie's adventure. I can't now say that the only happy ending is a wedding, because I don't believe it." There was a big ruckus about it, but I wouldn't do it. The last show, Ann Marie took Donald (her fiancé) to a women's lib meeting, which made nobody happy but me. I loved it.“
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Along with having stunning dark eyes and iconic hair, Marlo Thomas helped lead the way for shows about young unmarried women living on their own. While it's true that That Girl's heroine Ann Marie had a steady boyfriend throughout, Marlo Thomas was instrumental in keeping her unmarried through the show's run and resisted ending the series with a wedding. Especially in the early seasons, she not only gave the character a charming wistful style (Ann Marie was almost always shown carrying a ladylike pair of gloves when she went out, long after convention dictated), but she kept the character from being too sweet with her comic exaggerations and feisty comebacks.
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this article has several good photos from that girl:
Lily Tomlin:
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madraleen · 2 months
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Delicious in Dungeon - Ryōko Kui Vol.10-11: "Oh, just Thistle, Mithrun and Kabru things" - A Commentary.
Vol.10 -for the record, second most well-designed character award goes to thistle, my beloved.
-low-key worried about laios' party now that we know the mithrun-goat backstory.
-no, truly, do we trust the winged lion? or did thistle seal it so that the mithrun thing wouldn't happen to him too?
-yeah, the lion "really doesn’t want to lose you here," laios, because he'll wanna devour you later! i don't trust that lion.
-ooooooh NICE, marcille wanting to make all races' lifespans equal, such a solid wish that could go horribly wrong, nice!!
-"kabru, make him stop"? really, canaries? really? everybody say "thank you kabru, for being a good influence for mithrun."
-YUH-HUH, "you're good at dealing with the captain" OBVIOUSLY!!! he eats when he should, he sleeps without help, everyone say "THANK YOU KABRU." ffs, canaries.
-thistle be watching everyone like "...wtf?"
-really, the teleportation expert is the most dangerous one, thistle? not the ones freeing the lion? interesting.
-right, that's what i'm saying. go seal the winged lion first. see, you only needed some food in you in order to think clearly, thistle
-argh, that's sweet, how falin's sleeping on her monster body, stop that's cute
-"laios! you okay!?" i don't know how he can ever be okay after suffocating falin, but hey ho. that was a hard sequence. that was hard. oof.
-oh wait, thistle's "wand" is his flute, that's cool
-no, not the "best by" date! lmao, laios, what a way to put it
-that's my deranged boy (thistle). standing on the table. for no reason. you show them. well. "deranged." it's more complicated than that. delgal literally pushed him to become a magician and put the weight of the entire kingdom on his shoulders, and then thistle had to use ancient magic, build a kingdom, create monsters, move everyone down there, protect everyone at all times, fend off invaders again and again, ALL OF THAT ON HIS OWN, had everyone praise him for it, and then had his nearest and dearest be like "actually, the thing we pushed you to do and praised you for, yeah, we don't want that anymore." thistle isn't randomly deranged.
-fumu fumu, that's a lot of dragons.
Vol.11 -lmfao that was kabru's dream that the nightmares ate, wasn't it
-gotta hand it to laios, that's good thinking, quick thinking, the whole dragons thing
-thistle's epiphany is to get everyone on feeding tubes...? like 24/7? for eternity?
-wait, so thistle doesn't remember why he sealed the lion? 'cause i was theorizing he sealed him to protect himself, and lion confirms it, but not thistle
-MY HEART, thistle holding marcille's hand. SOMEONE HELP THEM! WHERE THE FUCK IS KABRU?!
-did thistle resurrect marcille??? OOOHHH
-erm, hold up, thistle will be fine though, right?
-kabru warning laios, good boy kabru. but also, tell him about the dungeon's lord!
-not kabru dissociating in real time as he eats bavarois
-goodbye, izutsumi, who knows where you've been teleported to. mithrun probably doesn't.
-ASFDHJ, marcille leaping onto laios to escape mithrun, SO CUTE
-pattadol is sweet, i like her. keep her around mithrun.
-oooh nooo the lion is unsealed, i don't like thisss
-i expect the anime to do justice to just how fast mithrun is
-it's a pity it's come to this. marcille would understand, if mithrun had had time to explain, but now he's trying to kill her and she's terrified and she only has the lion to lean on -.-
-THE FIRST PERSON TO REALIZE MITHRUN WILL RUN OUT OF MANA IS KABRU, ffs, have the canaries spared a second to think of mithrun's- ARGH
-kabru out there doing the lord's work. everyone else is useless. USELESS, WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITHOUT KABRU
-YES KABRU, KEEP MITHRUN THERE! good boy. and yes, manga, feed me more mithrun and kabru moments, pls and thank you.
-of course it would be kabru that carried mithrun. don't worry, king, no one's taking him from you.
-kabru trying to talk to laios and laios trying to cut him off and leave is excruciating to read
-people really only listen to kabru when he's being honest and not putting up a facade, just sayin'. at least the people that matter to us do.
-i'm confused though. mithrun was the lord of a different dungeon, the one sealing goat demon. this one seals lion demon. why does lion demon know mithrun?
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