#she looks wrong as hell
murdermitties · 1 month
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
One night at the Hotel, they're scrolling through HellFlix and Vaggie suddenly gasps.
Vaggie: NO FUCKING WAY! It's finally on here!
Charlie: What? You find a show you like?
Vaggie: Not just "like", this is the best show EVER! I've wanted to binge it with you for years!
Charlie: Oh, neat! So, what show is it? What's it about?
Vaggie: I got three words for you, babe. Xena. Warrior. Princess!
Charlie: "Wait, she kills the king of hell?"
Vaggie: "It's not a historically accurate show babe don't worry about it."
Charlie: "Still... now I'm picturing her murdering my dad. Not sure how to feel about it..."
Lucifer: (intensely eating popcorn behind them) "Well I'd feel GREAT about it!"
Charlie: "Wh- Dad!?"
Lucifer: "It would be an honor."
Charlie: "To be KILLED by her???"
Lucifer: "Of course! Look at her snarling war face! Look at her THIGHS-"
Charlie: "DAD!!!!!"
Vaggie: (sighing) "Wish I was king of hell so she'd murder me..."
Lucifer: "Poor Maggie." (pats her) "There there, maybe Xena- or Gabrielle might be better seeing as you've been cheering every time she comes on screen- maybe they'd agree to murder the princess consort of hell too?"
Vaggie: "I uhhhh- s-sir, me and Charlie, we're not-"
Lucifer: "Right yes of course! Future princess consort."
Vaggie: "Ffffffuture-?"
Lucifer: "Ohhh Char-Char.... Lilith would be FIRST in line for death at the hands of this warrior princess lady and her gal pal. Especially if they used those amazing thighs of theirs to-"
Vaggie: "Sir, please don't finish that sentence and ruin the best show in all creation for my girlfriend by adding more family trauma."
Lucifer: "Whoops! Gosh am I saying too much now? Oh golly, my bad my bad, ha ha ha!"
Charlie: "...."
Vaggie: "Sweetie? Wanna switch the show off for a while?"
Charlie: "....actually, Vaggie..."
Vaggie: "?"
Charlie: "... D'you think we could get a Xena costume in your size?"
Lucifer: (jaw drops)
Vaggie: "Hhhhh... I- yeah, probably? I mean.... this is hell, and her outfit is mostly leather, so...."
Charlie: "Would you wanna wearrrrr it~?"
Lucifer: (drops popcorn)
Vaggie: "Do you even have to ask?"
Charlie: "Mmmm heheh- but I like setting a good example, and you know I loooove it when people ask~"
Charlie: "ohshitballsdickfuck- DAD-"
Vaggie: "Hostia!" 
Charlie: "Dad- dad im so SORRY i forgot you were here-!"
Charlie: "You fell face first onto your own cane! You're BLEEDING!"
Lucifer: "Everything is fine! Once I've been sick into this bag of popcorn i will be extra specially FINE and our little impromptu family tv night together is going SO SPLENDEDLY WELL, isn't it Maggie!?"
Vaggie: "Ajo y agua..."
Vaggie: (sighing) (smiling) (standing up)
Vaggie: "...I'll go get the first aid kit."
-silly bonus-
Niffty: (from under couch) "I'll trade you the first aid kit for a vile of his bloooooood~~"
Charlie, Vaggie, Lucifer: (screaming and jumping on the couch and clinging to each other in terror)
Niffty: "Don't worry!" (giggles) "It's just for my Collection~"
Charlie, Vaggie, Lucifer: (screaming LOUDER)
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sunfortune · 30 days
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Simone Ashley at the Met Gala 2024
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illya-roma · 1 year
This gave me the best angst idea ever.
So what if people who died painfully and became ghosts would carry with them a palm sized emblem that showed how they died and give the same feelings of whatever caused them death for however long it took in a blink of an eye with its trauma when it's touched.
And the only reason they have that is to tell older ghosts and only the living touched by death that this is a TRAUMATISED newborn/ baby.
Practically, it's telling the surrounding ghost to play nicely and to let the baby win. Because see how they died? Oh you don't think that was painful? Will how about you come and touch it then? Go on, see how that is not painful at all.
Aka don't be a dick to the baby ghost
And older ghosts aren't allowed to tell them why they have it not because of an oath but to make sure that the baby gets better at ghost communicating, ghost emotional bonds, and stronger abilities while making it their idea to keep them getting better.
Because ghosts specifically children ( or teenagers) will not do something with enough care unless it's their idea. And will just say that it shows how you died and that it disappears after getting somewhat comfortable with the fact that you died ( when you become comfortable as a ghost/ become old enough to take care of yourself while dealing with other old ghosts but they won't say that)
Enter Danny going on a month school field trip/ family trip/ vacation by himself visiting a measum with Wonder Woman feeling a shit ton of death energy and "innocently" asking what this emblem is cause she never seen something like this before.
Danny just says that his friend is interested in occult and goth things (true, Sam) bought it (not true, but the thing attaches itself to what ever he's currently wearing so Sam took the fall for the team) because the seller said that it shows the wearer what they will die from (half truth) but for some reason it worked with only him and attached itself to him. And that they could not find the seller to ask them about it.
He says that death by a five lightning bolts doesn't sound too bad in jest.
Daina believes him and wonders what happened to the occultist that just had an item of future death telling and why it only worked with him.
She asks to inspect it.
Daina Prince a being who is touched by death/ related to death itself.
Wonder Woman, who can handle getting thrown through 12 building and stand up like it's nothing.
The amazon warrior, who repeatedly fought powerful entities that almost destroyed the entire universe and came out victorious.
Daina, the strong amazon warrior, experiences what it feels like to be a human, a small human child filled with so much curiosity and so much hope for the future, getting electrocuted for forty five minutes.
(And being ripped apart molecule by molecule and put together into something new but they focus more on the pain that will be given to a small teenager.)
Danny blinks, holds her steady and asks if she's okay?
She says she's fine, just didn't take her medicine. (Daina doesn't take medication, Daina doesn'tget sick, Daina doesn't get sick Diana doesnt get sick Dianadoesn'tgetsickDianad)
Danny tells a joke to make her feel better, brings her water to help her and asks if he should bring her anything while holding her hair up.
Daina vomits in the trashcan but tells him it's just the consequences of not taking her medication and thanks him.
Danny stays with her, comforting her,distracting her by talking about the beautiful constellation in the night sky, telling her that she'll be okay and help is on the way until her coworkers come with a mid kit.
Daina thanks him.
Danny wishes her health and safety with his large hopeful eyes and leaves.
Danny forgets about the interaction.
Daina did not.
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mellon1998 · 13 days
On the subject of Kipperlilly Copperkettle...
It's okay if you like her, it's okay if you want her to be redeemed. It's okay to wish she had been revived and redeemed and grown as a character. Some of you may relate to her, may know people who were once like her, and it can be daunting to see yourself in a character and see them not get the chance to grow. After all, you got that chance, people you know like her got that chance. We all look back on parts of ourselves we've moved past (maybe even are still working on) and are glad to be past them. We're glad people loved us through those parts of ourselves.
I need you all to understand something though: You chose to change. People like Kipperlilly cannot grow or change until they choose to. Kipperlilly doesn't want to change, she does not recognize the flaws in herself. She may be aware of her anger issues, but she doesn't see her want for power as wrong. She doesn't see her desire for recognition she didn't earn as wrong. She doesn't see the issues of romanticizing trauma and hating people you don't even know and who have done nothing to you. She doesn't see a need to change her ways. Unless and until she does she will not change, no matter what anyone else may do or say.
More than anything, we see this in the fact that she chose Porter. We don't know the series of events that took place, but Brennan made it very clear that she chose him of her own freewill. She chose his side, she chose to force her decision on her party, she chose to kill Lucy and Buddy, she chose to end the world to gain power. She chose to end the world to get revenge on people who, at that point, had never even spoken to her. Up until the final fight, the worst thing they ever did to Kipperlilly was trade quips and call her four dogs.
The truly sad part? She probably never will. I've known many people like Kipperlilly who still, after years and years, refuse to recognize their own flaws. Refuse to seek help. They are given chance after chance, people choosing every single day to love them through their flaws, and they refuse to change.
Kipperlilly is addicted to power, we see this in so many ways. We see this in how she so very clearly tried her utmost to be the leader of the High 5 Heroes seemingly unprompted, as evidenced by 3 (maybe 4) of the other 5 not liking her. People don't tend to be chill about someone forcing their way into the position of leader. Especially in small groups. We see this in how she saw grinding would, at least in the early days, be more efficient for leveling than adventuring. She wanted the power, not the skills and experience. We see this in her bid for class president. She questioned if Kristen actually had any interest in improving the school, if Kristen cared. Did you care about the students or making the school better, Kipperlilly? We saw no evidence of that. The only things she wanted to do was make things better and easier specifically for herself.
It sucks. She is a kid, she isn't pure evil. Even in the world of dnd with devils and demons, nobody is pure evil. She could be more, she could grow as a person. She could use her eye for efficiency but learn to also take the necessity of practical application into account to help her party improve. She could use her abilities to hide and blend in to potentially do really good work to make the world better. She could have been more, but she didn't want to. It's unfortunate, but it's true. She didn't want to change.
Yes, she did go to therapy with Jawbone, but we don't know why. We know it was for anger issues, but we don't know that it was her choice to go. Her parents or the school could have forced her to. Even then, based on the notes, it doesn't sound like she was really interested in using therapy to help her grow as a person. She just used it to vent, which can be a part of therapy but it's not everything.
At the end of the day, she made her choices. None of which were to grow as a person.
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natypinkns · 5 months
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the beloved golden octopus
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imnotamarysue · 7 months
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oh, laudna
matching imogen piece!
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umblrspectrum · 1 year
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alright fuck you if you haven’t seen the episode yet Thats On You its free on youtube why are you going on a murder drones blog why haven’t you w
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sorieba · 7 months
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goes crackle boom and kills u
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stars-n-spice · 29 days
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luminousstardust · 20 days
imogen in pants and armor i’m normal i’m normal i’m normal i’m normal i’m normal i’m normal i’m
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saeiken · 1 year
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moeblob · 4 months
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I kinda maybe put a lot of my OC plot tag lines on a Wheel and gave it a spin so outta 79 options, it landed on "Cellphone Justice" which is... these two.
Matthew "Skittles" Mouse and Daisy Eddington
Partners in justice (of sorts). They're basically vigilantes and their orders are simply text messages. They don't really know who their bosses are but they do as they are told.
Skittles is a very mediocre guy. Doesn't stand out. The most color he has in his wardrobe is blue jeans. He's amazingly asexual and has zero interest in romance regardless of intimacy and yet he gets partnered with Daisy. The gayest lady he has ever met. Great start. She enjoys calling him fun little nicknames but seeing as they're monitored closely (via cell phones/technology) she is scolded and told to pick a single one. So she does. She dubs him Skittles. The candy as gay as her.
The one thing they have in common is their number one weakness: cute girls.
Daisy turns into a stuttering MESS of a human being. A disaster. At the mere sight of a cute girl. Skittles on the other hand is TERRIFIED of them. When asked, he simply blames his life growing up. Daisy doesn't really push the matter just thinks it's a little weird to be scared of every single cute girl (no offense to the not being afraid of her taken).
#my characters#like the entire thing with skittles is just he is SO boring looking and hes so scared of cute girls#and daisy thinks its REALLY FUNNY dude why are you scared of them haha girls are GREAT#and then she meets his younger sister and is like oh dang dude she is ADORABLE and she sees him practically shaking and sweating#surely its not THAT bad but ah no wait#two days pass and daisy is like oh my god shes horrifying ????? what the hell?#and growing up with her and trying to be a good big brother is all fine and dandy until the cute lil sister gets him hurt a lot#like hospital injuries from either protecting her or just .... somehow wrong place with her at the wrong times all the time#so he gets a fear of cute girls bc his lil sister is a cute monster who is the reason most of his limbs have been broken in the past#like broken leg ? that was from amelia and a stair case#the broken arm ? trying to help amelia get something out of a tree#the broken wrist ? catching amelia falling out of a tree#the other broken leg ? amelia -#the list goes on and on and he also got into multiple fights trying to keep her safe from guys#bc she really is just a cute lil innocent looking girl but shes a schemer and it does come back to bite her#except for she has a good big bro who took the repercussions when he could#daisy just watching her partner pale and shake and sweat when hes in the same room as his sister and daisy feels so bad for him#like hes really going through it even after all these years#but meeting amelia puts a lot into perspective for when daisy and skittles are out and about#cause hes very efficient and chill talking to dudes and to mature looking women#then he turns into a bundle of nerves at wide eyed innocence and daisy is like yeah ok i gotta#i gotta be a lil less gay for his sake only if hes around cause i cant make him talk to his biggest fear thats mean#shes still really gay but yeah it works out and she looks out for him and in turn he looks out for her and its great!#they become friends! yeehaw!#lil trivia is she was a drama kid in hs and he was on the baseball team but never really played or put effort into it#she was a straight a student and he very consciously maintained a c average through calculating grades and missing stuff on tests on purpos#anyway thank u if you read all the tags or even ty if you read just hte post itself#im sorry for ocing on main when its my own ocs#ill be back tomorrow with .... idk what
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nonokoko13 · 4 months
Call me Mahoro because I also think her brother is hot af Btw the plot twist in this series is that Arajin is going take his crush last name but not because of her. Sorry for the spoilers peace and love in the planet Earth
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And could somebody make this Marito teddy bear real? It's a basic and essential need atp
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artsy-salomander · 5 months
He’s just curious… or hungry.
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He’s so silly
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sir-adamus · 1 year
Hobie’s response to being reminded about losing someone close to him by reacting with hostile dismissiveness makes sense
he sees this for exactly what it is - Miguel using that trauma to manipulate and control the other Spiders - and it pisses him off instead of letting the sadness over it override his judgment
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