#she now goes to earth much later than she originally did
currently spinning emerald around in my head like she’s in a microwave and now i’m cookin up some new ideas for her story 👀 
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socksandbuttons · 3 months
Swap AU Stuff
Alright let's jsut try getting down basics maybe
Also this maybe long actually.
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The obvious Swaps Lunar and Eclipse: Basically how we meet them in episode. I legit went along with thinking this Eclipse wasn't memory wiped the whole time so thats kinda- in the air a bit. But Lunar being the original body (I have a post showing how Eclipse looked then), Eclipse with the one he made (to be taller. He can't stand being small... Well shorter than anyone really. A shame he has Bloodmoon towering over him.) The Glamrocks: They are as Swapped so Chica is Freddy, Freddy is Roxy, Roxy is Monty and Monty is Chica (I love them immediately after giving them luscious hair im sorry). Rox and Sun are friends and he's quite protective of Sun, also a cowboy cause swap au/Foxy etc. Digi in the discord came up with this and i died cause it was so good actually. Eclipse and Lunar still go thru the whole October Arc with Moon and Sun. Moon being far more quiet but aggressive. Made Sun to hinder Eclipse. Let me paste my lil paragraph i had in discord
"Sun likely has more denial about moons treatment of him, however like lunar he does start questioning if its good for moon to get the star (like sort of getting the Moon Wont Stop so i need to do something he might hurt himself etc) plus lunar and eclipses treatment of sun would be a huge factor too, eclipse obviously is terrible at communcating and while he's a bit of a jerk, realizing sun might be in danger or hurt is something he might catch on faster. maybe. im thinking anyway sun catches attachment to both that outweighs his denial of moon being terrible actually. he's still grasping at things even well after. doesnt realize he gets awful panic attacks until someone points it out actually. and then i lost my train of thought but moon still loved sun just…. very clearly was not the forefront of his goals tho. feels very betrayed by sun after and likely wont fogrive sun. vs sun whos too willing to forgive despite his anxiety screaming at him NOT TO. i just wanna show a different thing to this cause lunar recognized halfway into october and let moon handle the rest and recognizes that eclipse was hurting him much sooner than sun wouldve (see the… current sun. og sun recognizes now but it truly took him a WHILE, communication Real now.)" Anyway, Sun does end up getting adopted by both Eclipse and Lunar. He's never gonna be taller than Eclipse. But as mentioned he's got a lot of things to work through about Moon (Roxy will kick so much ass for him.) Generally trying to grasp that yeah no it was pretty fucked up of Moon to do anything to Sun. Now the timeline gets a lil weird beyond this because like KC would've also been in this plot. KC unlike our Bloodmoon, is actually far smarter (Im sorry to bm fans), he DOES work with Sun but generally more for his benefit of getting rid of Moon. He doesn't really need to be bribed for this actually. Imagine KC being so pissed about Moon showing up in his systems and hes LIKE WTF MAN. Zappity Zap Zap Double Dee Moon Anyway Cue Bloodmoon arriving. And like bloodmoon does- He does technically hold Eclipse hostage but gets bored. So there is mild agreement. Bloodmoon does what KC did and FORCED themself out (like our OG boy!). They're uh... theyre not very keen on sticking around a daycare as fun as itd be to tear it up. They like lightly bully Sun but Roxy to the rescueee. Anyway, 'Does KC die in this au?' No he doesnt. He gets CLOSE to it but Bloodmoon just goes 'Hmn. nah son you're coming with me'. Lunar still feels incredibly bad about it though. Space arriving sooner actually more or less helps like avoid some certain issues here and there. Unlike Earth where she arrives much later (due to be literally distracted.) Space goes directly to the daycare. Thus kinda- changing some bits. He does meet Bloodmoon, hates him though. 'Why aren't you thinking this through' 'We wanna see how much they scream' 'You'll be electrocuting yourself before you get the chance' '...That means Eclipse gets electrocuted?' 'Put down. the fork.' KC handles Bloodmoon with much exasperation. Bloodmoon picked up this sucker and went 'our Spawn'. Baffles KC. Space ends up meeting Crater, Moon got annoyed with Space's presence being literally really hard to work around. Sends Crater, Crater and Space get along well enough that it wasn't Moon intention but this works too. Space (theres irony here) gets concerned with Crater and her not viewing herself with autonomy. She is still just a 'basic AI' as she puts it. Does what she's told. Bloodmoon doesn't really use her just kinda shoo's her off to Space or Eclipse. 'No you're no fun-' 'I have told to monitor you' 'WE DIDNT ASK MOON FOR A BABYSITTER' 'I am programmed to defend' 'We dont need defending either' 'You are still vunerable' '...Go away' 'Affirmative. Destination please?' 'DAYCARE'
Anyway How do i sum this up. Roxy and Sun are besties Lunar and Sun vibe. Eclipse is soft with Sun.
Bloodmoon has claimed ONE child. Doesn't really claim Moon but thats a later thing. Moon and KC despise one another.
KC didn't really want this fatherly figure but he begrudgingly accept them. Funny things happen with these three. Bloodmoon doesn't become pacifist, just more or less moves away dragging KC with them. A little bitter at Lunar's murder attempt but its fine. No one died there but heavily maimed.
Eclipse and Moon still ultimately hate one another. There is a Swap version of Solar thats Moon and- we'll get confused so just know its out there. Space and Crater are good friends and partly why both end up questioning their existence but both support pillars to one another that it just kinda isn't as devastating. Unless someone dies. Crater does end up having her own personhood, Moon does get attached to her even if he doesnt admit it. Space doesn't question creator enough but Crater does and vice versa. Bloodmoon(s) does have a name but ill reveal that later??? idk
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sadlynotthevoid · 8 months
Fairy Tail x LCF crossover AU where Gildarts and Jour are cousins.
This is, of course, in an AU where both worlds are one and the same. Earth Land is the name of their world and Fiore and the other kingdoms/places are located in a southeast part of the Eastern continent that limits with a commonly known dangerous part of the ocean. So, people don't usually go there unless they're already in the Eastern continent— or they live there and, therefore, are just used to it.
Then, maybe, when Gildarts was young he and his family went on a trip to the Eastern continent but he somehow got lost and ended up in Fiore. And when he finally found his way back to his parents, they were already gone (I mean dead, they are dead. No, they didn't abandoned him). So he decided to go back to Fiore to that nice guild he stayed in before.
Many years later, one Cale Henituse (the original one, of course), appears at the guild's doors asking the girl working in the bar for "a redhead man around his forties, probably tall. I think his childhood nickname was Gil".
The loud "wait! Are you Gildarts' illegitimate child?" exclamation that Natsu let out shocked everyone so much that the ongoing fight on the background stopped dead. Elfman fell face to the ground. Levi almost ripped off her book. Gray almost tripped into Erza's cake. And Cana—
Cana choked with her beer. Does she have a sibling?
After a short explanation that let even more questions than before, she learned that no, she doesn't have a sibling (not as far as she knows, at least). She does, however, have a cousin and a lunatic running wearing her second uncle's body (wtf??? That's creepy).
Hearing the newbie's story (yes, he was one of them now. No, she did not ask), Mira called the Master, who called Gildarts, who told them that he would be there in a week.
Meanwhile, why don't they start with his tutoring? After all, they can't have a member that can't use magic, can they?
This is before TBOAH timeline goes south, btw. And it won't. Cale has an army of crazy, loud, bamf magicians by his side.
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jazeswhbhaven · 3 months
Ayo random OC time! (there may be possible spoilers if you haven't played the newest event btw)
To get me in the mood of jumping into the Luci craze, I've redesigned my OC Damian for the WHB Universe that works for him. Now this picrew skintone I'd probs make a shade darker...and he'd still have his vitiligo and heterochromatic eyes. Everything else would stay the same BUT this is the general look I'm going for him.
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picrew used: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/22347 left is human form:right is true form (his horns are different, I'm just using these as a placeholder)
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picrew used: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1342558
left is 'human' form: right is angel form (turned by successful angelfication without madness) (also just imagine more eyes added to her forehead and the angel wings being attached to her head) Now that you have a visual for both of them let's get down to some lore.
Now, there could be more changes the more I learn about Lucifer, especially with the lore behind my OC here.
For rough, he's Lucifer's son with my OC Domani. His backstory is sad, and there are highlights here:
*Domani had him before she was kidnapped by Raphael
*Lucifer is aware of his existence and sends him to Earth to be away from the wrath of his 'uncles' in heaven.
*Damian is actually pretty old, much older than he looks but Lucifer made it to where he never questions why he doesn't age physically, and he doesn't remember his parents and always assumed he was an orphan.
*Damian is my OC/MC Astra's work bestie, she is not aware that he is Lucifer's son until she meets Lucifer and makes an educated guess. This is why she doesn't have much drive to flirt because she feels it'd be inappropriate of her lol
*Damian's powers are similar to Lucifer's where his voice carries the most power but it's normally in the form of music/singing. (lol I'm making him sound like a siren) This works on Earth too, which is why each of his performances with his band members tends to be successful due to his influence. (He isn't aware until he goes to hell)
So that's the rough of his design for WHB
Domani's redesign doesn't stray far from her original OC design, except for hair color and length.
Now for WHB I had to change her origin a little. I wanted to have a reason for her to meet Lucifer since we know that he fell AFTER Solomon. So I went with the angle of Domani being a human/dragon hybrid. She can travel between the dragon's realm and earth by her powers and a crystal that's embedded in her wrist given as a gift by the elder dragons. Her human mother died of natural causes, but the village she lived in that worshiped the dragons was aware of Domani's existence and treated her with high respect almost out of fear of angering the 'gods' they served.
During the massacre that we read in the event chapter, Domani senses trouble, but by the time she arrives back to her homeland, she witnesses the carnage and learns her father did not survive as well. As she buries everyone and gives them their proper goodbyes, this is when she runs into Lucifer who realizes there's still someone alive other than the two dragons he sent away.
They have a brief meeting, and he tells Domani what has happened and that it would be dangerous for her to stay as Michael may also kill her or capture her to find the dragon's pearl that Gamigin has. Lucifer is unaware of where Gamigin and Serenade have landed but advises Domani to go search for them as they are the last living dragons.
Because of Domani's powers and lineage, she's able to locate the two of them, but for my lore's sake...after years of searching, she finds young dragon Gami after OG Gamigin has dissapeared and passed on his identity. She is able to indentify him, and introduces herself. He is able to tell she is part dragon by his senses and he is aware of the crystal in her wrist and who it belonged to based on the elder's teachings. From there She, Gami, and later Jjok live together and that's when they find Lucifer.
Here's the rough facts:
*When Lucifer fell, Domani was out looking for Jjok because the three of them got split up somehow during their errands. So when Jjok and Domani return to the house to see an injured Luci, she recognizes him and helps.
*During the first year of Lucifer living with Domani, Lucifer starts to grow fond of Domani romantically, though he isn't sure to act on it, feeling it would only end in sorrow.
*Domani is the first to confess to Lucifer, who first turns her down silently, trying to save her heartache. Though, later he finds her again and finally admits his true feelings in a roundabout way.
*The four of them live happily for the next year as a family. Then the scene where Satan shows up happens. But there's one problem...Domani is not there because she's off in the forest...checking on...
DAMIAN (how is this possible?)
Lore about Damian's birth:
Lucifer and Domani did have intimate moments together, neither of them knowing that because of a "miracle" basically the magic of the crystal and Lucifer being neither angel nor devil this caused the pregnancy. Domani did not tell Lucifer or the others about Damian, who was born while still encased in his embryo sac with a protective layer (like an egg but without a hard shell) he continues his growth in a nest Domani made for him deep in the forest away from anything Paradise Lost that could bother him. She uses the crystal by pressing it against the egg and chanting an ancient mantra that helps him grow with each passing day.
Now that you know that
*When Satan is confronting the crew like in the event story, Domani does her daily routine and comes back to all of the commotion. But she showed up at the worst time...when Michael had appeared.
*She rushes immediately to protect Gamigin, Jjok, and Lucifer, jumping in when Jjok is about to get shot with Michael's light. She's hit in the shoulder which takes a good chunk of her out, before Lucifer can react. She didn't die immediately due to the powers of the crystal in her wrist, but she was bleeding out quickly.
*This is the part where Lucifer decides to choose to reside in Hell as the new king of Paradise Lost like in the event story. Michael returns back, betrayed and upset swearing that it's Domani's fault his brother lost his way and he vows to sever that "issue" in hopes of Lucifer returning.
*Lucifer and Gamigin can heal Domani from the brink of death but she still needs rest. This is when she tells Lucifer about their son and his whereabouts.
*Lucifer retrieves Damian from his hiding spot, seeing that he has emerged from his egg sac appearing to be the age of an infant (around human size of a 1 year old)
*Lucifer does not want Damian living in Paradise Lost, for he feels it will be too dangerous. Satan who's still there for the moment volunteers to watch him, saying Gehenna will accept Lucifer's son.
*Lucifer is the one who named him Damian btw
*Lucifer makes the decision to leave Domani and Damian under Satan's care, based on Jjok's recommendation that Gehenna would protect them. (but tbh Paradise Lost would be safer)
*During Domani's stay in Gehenna, Gabriel and Raphael attack Gehenna at the same time, and Raphael finds Domani, having instructions to kidnap her and bring her back to heaven.
*Neither Gabriel nor Raphael are aware of Damian nor do they even care to sense him. But they are both confused when they feel "their brother's presence" near but ofc Lucifer is not there. They ignore it and head back to heaven with Domani.
*Satan immediately alerts Lucifer, who isn't mad at Satan directly, but he is dissapointed with himself for not protecting Domani more viligantly. But he does find Damian, and from there states two things.
-His son will live on Earth, he will not remember anything that causes him pain even if it's his parents
-If he finds a way back to Hell, he will inherit his birth right as his son
With that he sends him off to Earth and that's where Damian lives out as an adult, being adopted by many families.
-The families that adopt Damian and those who encounter him or hear his voice all forget who he is after 10 years. The cycle repeats itself when he speaks to them again, if even.
--this rule does not apply to Astra because she is the daughter of Solomon
---this is how he able to stay on Earth for years without being questioned about why he never ages (if you are wondering about how he's able to work and do things in the modern world, that's Satan's doing...he frequents Earth to check on him, and indirectly makes it where no one really checks for things like that. this detail i'm still working on lol)
Domani's Angelfication:
Raphael keeps Domani for himself because he knows Michael would just kill her. Instead he decides to experiment on her, and try out angelfication just out of a whim, "if she dies she dies" sort of thing. To his annoyance she doesn't, but adapts as an angel, thus why her appearance changes drastically. But during this change her memory is wiped from the shock and she forgets Lucifer, Damian, and who she originally was. The crystal that was in her wrist was given to Damian who still has it (it's hidden in the nape of his neck under the skin)
The three seraphs decide to use Domani as a weapon, and she does it quite well. Being that she is part dragon she can lay waste to thousands of devils at a time.
When Satan and the other kings hear about this new terrifying angel, the one most surprised about it is Lucifer, seeing what his lover has become.
Now that Domani is an angel she looks at him with cold eyes, she doesn't even remember poor Gamigin or Jjok who are now fearful of her.
She is the only angel that is able to visit Paradise Lost, but she is unable to harm Lucifer, Gamigin or Jjok. It's not that she can't...she emotionally is unable to follow through, part of her old self fighting back.
Domani does overcome the memory loss, but this is after Damian now an adult makes it back to Hell because he came looking for Astra as a request from Minhyeok (more about that later)
It seems the family reunion is as before, but it's not all that it seems. Domani did overcome the memory loss, but only during a battle. She ended up protecting Lucifer, and she gets injured...badly...by Michael.
Domani died that same night in Lucifer's arms, but her soul was able to find rest in crystal in Damian's body. Gamigin explains that she is alive only in that state but her physical body is no longer in existence.
Lucifer has convinced himself that he saved her and that she visits him often, but this is all part of his hallucinations in order to keep sane.
Damian's role after what happens with his parents:
Damian is tasked to help Astra break the contracts, but at the same time he stays in Paradise Lost often visiting to make sure his father is doing okay, but finds it painful to be around him due to the continued hallucinations and Lucifer mentioning Damian's mother.
He seeks revenge against the seraphs, but that is on the back burner, he first helps Astra and intends to keep his promise to Minhyeok, to make sure Astra is okay, safe, and will eventually return to Earth if she wants to.
GEEZ this is long I'm sorry. I just had to ramble.
That's pretty much how things are going here. It's angsty as fuck, but character development amirite?
I'll probs draw Damian and Domani in my own style later when I feel like doing so, but this is my ramble for both of them. There are most likely MAJOR flaws in logic, but I'll straighten that out as I go.
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supper122 · 3 months
FROSTTALE: Master Post
Frosttale is an au I made over two years ago now, and quite a few things have changed since i made the original concept on discord. At this point nearly every character has a finalized design and the story is complete, so i think its time i made it more mainstream!!!
Opening Cutscene:
Long ago, two races ruled over earth: humans and monsters
One day tragedy struck, a blizzard worse than any before it struck the human village and the humans believed the monsters to be the cause.
The humans fought the monsters, and sealed them into a cave, using magic to curse them with eternal cold
Many monsters suffered, and more died.
Legend has it that a furnace powered by seven human souls could stop the winter and break the ice barrier that seals them underground
They say those who climb this mountain may never return.
(Thingy of chara falling into the underground blah blah blah game starts)
Ok so time for the changes!!!
this au centers around everything being cold, duh.
The most major change is that undyne is dead due to the extreme temperatures, and that drives nearly every other change in the au.
Alphys found her goop stuff after she died, scooped it up and saved it. Since then has been secretly using the royal scientist funds not for technological development but in an attempt to revive undyne.
One day, papyrus is walking around in waterfall, looking for undyne in a hope that somehow, he could find her (he doesn’t know that she’s dead, sans told him she’s just missing). Alphys sees him, and sees an opportunity (he has a similar body shape to undyne), she persuades him to come to the lab, then she knocks him out cold (see what I did there)
Papyrus wakes up a few hours later tied to a table and has a couple of wires and containers hooked up to him, most notably two labeled “remains” and “DT”
Due to the fact that he’s tied down papyrus is stuck there.
A few minutes later Alphys walks into the room and tells him that he will be ok, and tells him that if the procedure works, papyrus can be part of the royal guard, when papyrus asks what the procedure is, Alphys doesn’t answer.
Slowly, papyrus goes back to sleep, and the vials are all injected into him.
Once he wakes up again, he is now in a bed in a room that is similar to undynes, and is wearing a suit of armor also similar to undynes clothing.
Alphys walks in and tells papyrus that she cannot tell him where he is, and that he will stay here for the next few months.
Over the next few months papyrus is nurtured by Alphys, but notices something, Alphys is getting increasingly more stressed, and is now preforming daily checkups on him, and soon papyrus starts to notice something else.
Papyrus is growing flesh on his bones.
Flesh with scales.
And something else, papyrus feels much more determined and stronger in general, along with the sudden ability to be able to summon and throw spears as well as bones now.
However, the flesh doesn’t completely cover him, only parts of his limbs and face. He also loses vision in his left eye and needs an eyepatch, soon the changes stop.
Alphys realizes that her attempt at bringing undyne has failed and slowly realizes what she has put this innocent monster through. she leaves the lab and takes after her mentor, jumping into the core and killing herself.
Alphys has created Papyryne (name is a wip lmao).
Papyryne never found the key to leave the true lab, and has turned to be the caretaker of the other amalgamates, He has a lot of physical traits of undyne, while keeping most of the personality of papyrus, meaning he is now actually able to do the good deeds he once wanted to do. He makes the true lab look nicer, and treats the amalgamates like family
During all those shenanigans Sans has become very very lonely and quite depressed. He looks for papyrus everyday and can’t find him. He spends most of his time in his house or the judgement hall, or at least, he did.
Sans does end up meeting toriel, and in fact is at the door when you fight her, However sans never made his promise to not kill a human to toriel, as he feels that if there is an opportunity to melt the ice, he should take it.
After you leave the ruins, sans will have run away and back to his house. As you go through Snowdin, all of papyrus’ puzzles are completely frozen over and easily passable, and there are no monster encounters.
When you reach snowdin, no one is there either, they all either left or died, sans and papyrus, being skeletons, are the only ones who were able to survive the cold.
The river is completely frozen solid, and the ice cube machine is backed up with ice. When you reach the area where you would normally fight papyrus, sans will sneak up on you and start a battle.
The battle is different depending on weather you killed toriel or not. If you haven’t, sans is simply fighting you out of obligation, and the fight is very easy. After a few turns of acting and sparing, sans starts to cry a little. He doesn’t want to kill anyone, stating the underground has lost enough, and spares you. If you attack, the screen turns black and then you go back to the overworld. no sans in sight. If you do not attack, sans will not say anything, and go back to his house.
If you did kill toriel, the fight is a bit harder, but after a few turns, sans will run away regardless of what you do to him.
Entering waterfall, everything is frozen over, and again there is no life to be seen. There are two places of intrest, the old tem village (the new one will be mentioned later) where you can grab some nice items, and the village.
Upon entering the main area (the one with the save point and houses) you will encounter all three ghost characters, alphys was too obessed with reviving undyne to build mettaton, and undyne wasnt alive to need a training dummy (mad mew mew still happens post game btw).
Mad dummy forces the other two to attack you, napstablook being shy and mettaton being generally depressed (due to lack of body) dont really care too much, but fight you for their cousin anyways.
At the end of waterfall, they fight you one at a time (mirroring the multiple undyne fight segments). You can spare them by promising MTT and Mad Dummy that youll get them bodies (witch then becomes a pacifist quest), and letting blooky show you dapper blook.
Entering hotland youll notice everything is mostly ashen and gray, most of the lava having been turned to stone. You begin by passing through alphys's lab (nothing happens there... yet) and making your way to where MTT resort would have been, youll notice that as you enter hotland (now called "The Refuge" by most monsters) you can encounter monsters from anywhere in the previous areas.
Approaching the MTT resort location, youll instead find a bustling town called "New Snowdin", featuring Grillbys 2, a closed down nice cream stand, a royal guard sign up center, and... a massive cemetary.
In the cemetary youll find graves for muffet and lesser dog, as well as memorials for alphys, sans, and papyrus (the latter two being presumed dead by the public)
When attempting to enter the core, the door will be locked and have a sign saying "ROYAL GUARD ONLY", promting you to visit the sign up center.
You can sign up to the royal guard and enter the core, eventually getting on the elevator to the castle.
When you reach the top, youll be met by a hill, climbing on top of it youll find sans, he will explain that youre standing on top of the judgment hall, its been covered in snow
He says that for a long time, monsters have hated the king for his "wait out the humans" idea, and activley tried to revolt, promting the closing of the core to the public. He says that you are the final human needed, and sadly, you must die.
He then sends you off to asgore.
When you arrive, asgore brings you in for tea, sitting down with you in front of a large unpowered furnace with seven heart shaped slots, and explaining youre the first person willing to do so in quite some time.
He then escorts you to the barrier, and the fight begins. During the fight, your hp will drain very slowly due to the proximity of the barrier, being that it is what emmits the cold.
At the end, he reaches his final bit of hp, and then does something drastic.
You may have noticed a lack of flowey while reading this and thats because, well, he doesnt exist. flowers dont grow in these temperatures, and even if they could, alphys wouldnt have made him.
Asgore turns his back, and swings his trident, destroying the containers of souls, destroying them.
A second phase begins, he is now much powerful and has much more health, but eventually soul segments similar to those omega flowey has occur, and you can eventually defeat him.
You are then given the option to kill or spare him, if you kill, you recive the six souls and can break the barrier, if you spare, he takes you in as his own, and the game ends with you going to sleep in his castle.
This means that yes, there is no true pacifist run (but there is something similar...)
If you have spared everyone, the elevator to the hill will collapse, bringing you to the true lab, where you can meet papyryne, he will treat you with kindness... at first.
He eagarly shows you around the lab, introducing you the amalgamates who he has lovingly named Puppy, Birdy, Snowy, Goopy, and Whispy.
However, as he shows you around youll begin to notice times where the font he is speaking in changes, and he becomes more agressive.
You can see the following entries on the walls:
Entry 1:
I found what I believe to be undynes remains today, something’s off though, it isn’t dust… it’s goop
Entry 2:
I’ve stored her remains down here, I plan to begin doing tests on it, seeing how she could have possibly gained DETERMINATION
Entry 3:
The DT extractor broke today, it will be a while untill it is fixed
Entry 4:
The memory heads keep looking around my shelf, spouting nonsense like “still there” or “don’t forget”
Entry 5:
The DT extractor is up and running again, I’m preforming some diagnostics, then tests begin tomorrow
Entry 6:
This is impossible
Entry 7:
I’ve made a discovery, in undynes remains, although there is only a fragment… her SOUL… is still there.
Entry 8:
The tests have been stopped, I’m attempting to recover some old files about the amalgamates
Entry 9:
Just as I thought, the records show that monster souls, when in their weakened state, can fuze, the most dominant soul taking the consciousness
Entry 10:
I took a small portion on undynes remains today and gave it to one of the amalgamates in their food, so far, nothing has happened
Entry 11:
It’s no problem, I simply need a bigger sample size, and perhaps a more stable monster with a complete soul, unlike the amalgamates
Entry 12:
I found a shyren today, I’ve lured it here and and captured it, I will be preforming the same experiment I did with the amalgamate
Entry 13:
Nothing is happening
Entry 14:
The shyren lost Vision in one eye today, though I am not sure if this is related to the experiment
Entry 15:
The shyren has been knocked out for 3 days now, I’ve hidden her body in the bathroom
Entry 16: I beleive I have found a new candidate for an experiment, this next experiment could be very very interesting.
As you are about to leave with him, freeing him from the lab, undyne takes over and he fights you. the fight is difficult by interchanging blue and green soul mechanics, the final attack using a combination of both.
You are forced to spare, as you cant damage him, and his fit of rage will end, he then will leave the lab with you and youll fast travel back to snowdin, reuniting him with sans.
You can then go back to the elevator and everything else will play out the same, with some additional sans dialouge at the end.
You have to do like. a shit ton of grinding in hotland. You also have to do the ghost quests so you can kill them.
You reach level 14 and thats the highest you can get, you then take the elevator.
Once you reach the hill, you meet sans. He doesnt say anything, and a fight begins.
"it was a nice day today"
"can you see the snow sparkling in the light?"
"of course not"
"no one like you would stop to appreciate that"
"it was already bad down here, why did you have to make it worse"
"not much of a talker..?"
"me neither"
"heres the thing"
"you see... king asgore needs one more soul"
"and youve got a nice one ripe for the taking"
"so... heres what im going to do"
"i am going to fight you"
"and i wont stop..."
then you fight, and at the end a similar cutscene to the one in UT will play, exept he doesnt ask papyrus if he wants anything.
you then go to asgore, and everything will play out as normal, exept you arent allowed to spare him.
Holy fuck, that took so long to write. pleasepleaseplease if you have any questions feel free to ask, and i dont usually ask but if you liked it please reblog, i spent a lot of time on this.
ill be posting designs soon, and fanart would be much appreciated!!
sans design
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Ok so yeah hey hi I HAVE THOUGHTS-
First off, why is nobody, and I mean NOBODY, talking about the fact that Deckard's entire family just decided "man, nah, frick it, we're coming with you wherever" and stayed on the island while everybody else jumped off? Also, the entire town now has to find somewhere new to live, new houses, new jobs, and that old man and the cats... like... do you think he stayed? Him and his dog, just popping by to see the cats from time to time? We saw the cats and the brother stay on the island. On that note, what happened to all the other animals living on that island, they clearly didn't jump off in time. They all just travel across space too? So, canonically, Bee was once alive, how did she die? She became a robot. What's with the spirit things? I thought they were part of her programming, how do they return to her? Do they? Do they live as their own... beings? So they were ass naked there which means everybody saw Bee naked I guess. I know they were ethereal and jot really.... shaped that way, but, just saying.
Other thoughts- hey remember when spaceman Puppycat SHIT IN THE TOILET AND MADE IT CLEAN? Yeah that was wild.
So Violet had a kid. Why were they all in deep sleep mode anyway? How DID Cardamon wake up? And Bee being awake means... well he always knew her, Puppycat always knew Bee. She got left on Earth... and Puppycat when injured appeared before her, probably in the same way Moully came to see her. I think? I wonder if since Puppycat saw her as a kid and alive, and then later was confused about her fixing her broken robot arm, he was like "huh, what happened, how did she become a robot since I laat saw her?" Also, the fact that in the original, Deckard and Bee seemed to be the ship, but seems that Bee likes Deckard but Deckard thinks of himself as a mother type for her, while also slightly crushing... but in Lazy In Space, when Crispin ran away to join the circus, later he came back at some point to end up living with Bee (likely she found him and knew he was their sibling and convinced him to come home but he wasn't fully ready and she offered to let him stay with her for a while) and it seems they grew close, ir they were dating and he moced in with her but they broke up? And he moved back home? Anyway he still very much likes her, and she doesn't exactly dislike the thought of being with him either, she even dresses up for their date though she seemed reluctant to label it a date at first. So, ok, does Crispin end up dating the pink/red astral projection (likely her "romance" and "love" and "concern for others" aspect of her personality - blue probably sadness, yellow joy, idk, purple intuition and deep thought... white for her morals? Idk just throughts right now) or do they return to her? She is seen smiling later even though her eyes are still glitching, does she... get fixed? Wake back up? It seems she is still semi conscious while in "glitch" mode, as seen by the donut planet episode.
Also, on that note, I really love how their dynamic is, Crispin is definitely a little weird (I'd argue obsessed/ nuerotic more than weird per se) but Bee just embraces it and is ok with it, and she is definitely a little off as well, but he is chill with her level of weird and just goes with it too. "Of course there is" about the food being in the toilet. Just "ok then. I like everything to be clown themed, so sure girl, keep your food in the toilet, who am I to judge," and I just think that is really cute.
So, Deckard's "friend" followed him home, just, weirdly. And Deckard just is like "alright fine guess I have a stalker now I don't know, what am I gonna do about it?" But he seems pretty broken and sad at the end anyway, like cooking school just showed him he isn't good at something he wants to be good at and enjoys. That sucks because Deckard is honestly the sweetest most awkward guy. Second only to his brother Wesley, who cares for fish.
So, now, since Bee and Deckard are not a thing anymore like I thought, because her and Crispin... who thinks Deckard and his friend that followed him home are gonna be a thing? Or he'll start to like and get along with Cas cuz they'll both bond over the shit around them being weird and maybe they'll be a thing? Then again there's that whole weird hate-boner, throuple thing with Toast, her baby daddy, and Cas...
Ok I think that's all my word and thought vomit. Also the sheep thingie guys, wonder what happens to them since they failed. They just, keep chasing these guys all around as they continue to go on adventures for forever?
I loved the open ended weirdness of season 1. But then they gave us plot in season 2, and now I REALLY feel like we need just a short "tie up loose ends" one episode special, or short 3-6 episode season 3. Or I mean this is fine too, just leave well enough alone I guess. I don't know I just love Bee and Puppycat and need more of it.
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azures-grace · 2 months
Requesting info on the 6th house au you were posting about bc yo that sounds cool
You can't see it through a screen but I'm like
Actually physically vibrating.
I came up with this AU over a year ago and it was basically "what if Alexi (my Nerevarine) just. Joined the 6th House instead of killing Dagoth Ur?"
The timing of WHEN she joined has changed a bit (from right before the fight to when she meets Dagoth Gares) and the REASONING has changed a lot (from "I don't actually like Morrowind, fuck them dudes" to "I have 0 support system and have a child and I've been sucked into a cult") but the very very basic premise is the same.
It was initially my crack AU where I couldn't tell if I wanted to ship Alexi and Dagoth Ur or not. And now it has like... Dementia metaphors. How did this even happen.
Anyways, the story ACTUALLY follows Alexi's daughter (who's never been Dagoth Ur's, no matter when in this AU's history you look). Her arc used to be centered around a lot of confusion as to why people hated her, and why things were happening, etc etc. Now she's actually gonna do something about it in the end. I'm gonna have so many random thoughts at the bottom of this just. Smushed in.
It also went from Armina being the one with zero support system to now she has an adopted sister and also a best friend/love interest when she's older. Terastelle Telvanni (sister) save me.. save me Terastelle Telvanni...
Anywho, the story has like... 2 main plots: Armina learning her dad is ✨terrible✨ and Alexi progressing through Corprus and becoming Nerevar (and losing Alexi). I will just say, though, to Armina and Tera, since they're actually IN the cult, Dagoth Ur is not a menacing figure until they know what's going on outside the mountain. I'm writing a scene where Armina literally drags him around. He's not Dagoth Ur to those kids, he's just dad.
Anyway, Alexi holds the Tools of Kagrenac (from the original au) for the most part, and she used them to manipulate the Heart to make sure her children wouldn't get Corprus (side effect was about a generation can't get it because she didn't know how to specify well). Alexi, however, DOES get it, and it leads to her physically and mentally becoming Nerevar, if that makes sense? The way it affects her is it morphs her body to be more similar to his, and it degrades her mind until she's left with only his memories and personality. And her kids have to watch it in real time 👍.
Anyway, back to the main cast: Armina, Terastelle, and Teldryn Sero. The last one was not planned.
All three represent both the main 3 star signs, as well as the Good 3 Daedra, AND they fall into "bad Daedra" counterparts later
Armina is half Bosmer and half Dunmer, and she's the Warrior and representation of Mephala (cause she's in a web of lies) and she falls to Clavicus Vile in a search for power to destroy Dagoth Ur. She fights with a big ol' 2-handed sword.
Terastelle is half Dunmer and half Altmer, she's the Mage and the representation of Boethiah. My violence wins mage <3. She falls to Malacath because of how she's treated in the cult (not as badly as those outside of the mountain, but less well than Armina, because even though Armina isn't a full Dunmer, she's also Nerevar's child, so she gets a pass). Tera gets motivated by vengeance after she learns her parents were murdered by the cult. This goes interestingly for her. Idk if she gets really hurt by it or not, but she's very scorches earth about "no Dagoth survivors" just like how her family had no survivors.
Teldryn is the thief who represents Azura, and he's the only full Dunmer in the gang, but he's from outside the mountain. When he's introduced, Blacklight is the most recent addition to the house. He falls to Sheogorath (seeking a middle ground led him to insanity or something, idk). He fights with pretty much his normal fighting style from Skyrim, which is pretty mixed. I need to develop him more in the context of the AU, but I'll get to that after this.
Anywho, random thoughts now!
As the Warrior, Armina protects the Steed from the Serpent, and Alexi's sign is the Steed 👍
Both Alexi and Armina are trying to save the people they love, in different ways, and in the end, both fail.
Is my HoK still Sheogorath or is it normal Sheo?
Armina can manipulate dreams which is part of what pushes her to be Dagoth Ur's favorite child.
The way the story is written changes as Armina grows up and then learns more about the cult. Slow-burn horror 👍
I get to write Clavicus Vile at some point, I'm excited.
Armina asking Alexi why she doesn't wear layers and Alexi trying to find a way to answer that isn't "because I don't expect to have skin for much longer anyway”. The answer she ends up going with is "Mountain's too damn hot" and then starts crying whenever her daughter leaves the room
Alexi's character in that AU is so interesting to me
Like, she's technically placed very high in the hierarchy, probably second to Dagoth Ur himself, yet she's got next to no power because those she loves would be in danger if she tried anything
Anyways, I'm writing for this, drawing for it, and I'll start posting more stuff once I have the first bit of the story written and the portrait finished. Have a Tera for your time <3
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I love you, Terastelle Telvanni...
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oddballstudios · 18 days
OBA9 - Sins of The Father
Hello reader! So, you've just heard of, or just watched, the scrapped OddBall Adventures episode, "Sins of The Father"! Also known as, "Sympathy for The Devil", or just "Episode 9"!
I understand it's a very bold departure from our usual storytelling, and I wanted to explain everything about it and show off some concept art.
This episode explores the backstory of Satan and Legion. Specifically, Satan's complicated relationship with his father, the demon king Beelzebub. As well as his straining relationship with his girlfriend, Tunrida.
After the incident in the Hotel, Satan takes Legion back home and grounds him. Legion expresses frustration, and idolizes his grandfather, Beelzebub. Satan expresses discomfort, and tells his son the story of his adolescence- and how Beelzebub wasn't the great ruler Hell thought he was.
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Satan is a rebellious, angry, self loathing, insecure, cowardice, teenager. Sicked by his prestige status as the future ruler of Hell, longs for a casual life free of responsibility. Think the Jesus of Suburbia. His girlfriend Tunrida, still practices her religion. Satan loves her, but is too much of a coward to face his father and tell him off. Even if he did, what good will that do? His dad is literally the devil, and they often butt heads over each others ideas of his future.
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Beelzebub has arranged for Satan to be married with a wall of fire, to get his life back on track. To fill up the seats of Hell, he and his brothers leave to destroy Earth. Satan throws himself a bachelor party and avoids having the conversation with Tunrida. When she finds out, and Satan is too spineless to stand up for himself, she leaves.
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Satan finally blows up at his father, and tells him what's really on his mind. It's here he realizes, Beelzebub has fallen down the same road that Satan's life could be headed. Beelzebub let his lust get the better of him, and had sex with his lighter. Creating, Satan. Satan comes from a man made object, and therefore resembles a human more than a demon. A weak link in the bloodline, only a powerful firewall can fix.
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Right at the end of their argument, Beelzebub is assassinated by a gun toting samurai. The samurai looks Satan in the eyes before they run off, back to their HQ to celebrate, revealed to be Anna (More on this later).
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With his father dead, Satan becomes the new ruler of Hell. His life is effectively over, and he goes on to live an unfulfilled unhappy life. He and the great firewall create Legion, somewhat restoring the family bloodline. Hell gets a makeover and is thrown into the industrial age.
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Like father like son, Satan is now putting his son through pain, under the guise of "it's for your own good". Legion storms off.
That's a bit of a bombshell, but is a part of her story we've been building towards since the beginning. The following would've been revealed in episode 10, Japannada.
Before the events of the series, Anna was a trained and skilled demon hunter working for a branch of the Canadian government called the Demon Extermination Agency (DEA).
When Beelzebub went to destroy Earth, he started with Canada. Beelzebub didn't get far. His brothers were detained and later killed by the DEA and he was forced to retreat. She followed him back into Hell and assassinated him. The DEA didn't see Satan as a threat, and let him live.
After killing the great king, Anna retired into witness protection, and moved to Georgetown, GA in the United States. It's here where she of course, meets the guys, and becomes Mayor George's personal assistant. After involuntarily becoming the mayor, and within such proximity to Legion, her cover is at stake. The DEA asks her to return for one last job.
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What happens next is still yet to be revealed...
Dave originally pitched the idea of a Satan backstory episode to me in 2020, around when we released Island 2. I was at first apprehensive, but after we finalized the script for Hotel Hell, and started to get some ideas going for Japannada, we were all up for the idea.
It originally started just as a mini episode, around the length and scale of The Slide. We kept coming up with so many branching ideas, that after about 6 different versions of the script were made, we decided to call it a full episode. It's place in the story was too significant to just be a mini.
Revisions and storyboards were worked on throughout 2022 and 2023. Due to various technical and hardware issues, creative differences, and big changes in all of our personal lives, the episodes production fell far far behind. By the end of 2023, the episode had been entirely re-story boarded, re-edited, and half re-recorded at least two to three times.
When we made the decision to end OddBall Adventures earlier this year, we also wanted to cease production on this episode as well. It's tone was way too out of left field to be a finale. Spending the next year and a half making an episode who's story-line will never be concluded, a somber melodramatic episode that didn't even focus on the main cast, it wasn't right. There was still just enough done on it to make a mock edit and release to the public.
Without giving anything away, the newly written final episode will repurpose ideas from this episode and what was to come after.
I will make a separate more in depth post going over various concept art and designs from over the years, As well as existing early storyboard material!
Thank you for reading this blog, and I hope you enjoyed what the episode was to be! -CB
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Art director and lead character design by @redrampager. Additional concept art by @commanderrcat, Dan Delgado, and Ivy Vennard.
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kitkatt0430 · 2 months
For the AU headcanon game, AU in which Savitar is someone other than Barry? 👀
So I do remember various theories about Savitar's identity and one of them was Eddie. Which... I did not like that theory, so I'm not gonna go that way.
If it was someone the team knew already, then Eobard is the obvious candidate. In the comics, he's made himself look like Barry a few different ways and so there could be a convoluted plot going on that way, but... they've had enough Eobard Thawne as the bad guy on the show, I wanna speculate on someone new.
So the comics Savitar - New Earth version - was a Cold War pilot whose real identity was never discovered. While at top speed in his fighter plane, he was struck by lightning and survived the crash in hostile territory. This could be updated to him being an air force test pilot for an experimental craft using Dominator tech - foreshadowing the Dominator attack xover event later that season - that gets struck by lightning mid test. The test is classed a failure and the craft is unrecoverable - the man who becomes Savitar is assumed dead but of course he isn't.
Savitar therefor isn't obsessed with killing Iris - his existence doesn't depend on her. Instead perhaps Iris' investigation into Savitar's origins puts her in danger as he doesn't want anyone to know who he used to be - maybe he doesn't even remember and having his identity revealed would detract from the story he's selling the cult he's been creating.
Perhaps Alchemy as a stage one/first half of season boss with Savitar being hinted at until he's revealed at the mid season finale. Savitar could still be the man behind Alchemy, with Julian being unaware that he's been brainwashed to take on the persona of Alchemy under specific triggers. To de brainwash Julian, they bring in Hartley who - in this timeline - used a hypnotic flute in addition to his gloves. Julian thus has to come to terms both with what he did under the brainwashing and with the fact that he is a meta... that it was his rejection and self-hatred over being a meta that gave Savitar the in he needed to control Julian in the first place.
Part of the season's focus is on Barry having to accept that he has no idea how much the changes to the timeline are his fault and how much is stuff that was already gonna happen and he just... didn't know things were leading that way behind the scenes.
Revealing Frost's real origins in this season. Caitlin, panicking, goes to her mom for help and things with Carla eventually unravel to the reveal of Icicle. Frost has to choose between teaming up with Icicle or siding with Caitlin's friends... and chooses Icicle. Only to quickly realize she's in over her head and she turns to Caitlin for advice. The two of them form a truce to defeat Icicle and rejoin Team Flash by surprise!!! during the final Savitar vs Flash fight at the end of the season, which would also include Jesse and Wally as well as Savitar's cult.
Savitar would definitely try to recruit Icicle and Frost into his cult, but I don't see them having any of it. Icicle has his own god complex of a sort going on and Killer Frost just doesn't like him or trust him after Caitlin's experiences with Zoom and the Reverse Flash. If you've met one evil Speedster, you've met them all.
One of the things I did like about show!Savitar was that he was a fallen hero - I'm a Tales game series fan, i love fallen heroes as villains, that's basically the main villain of every Tales game and I eat it up every time. So I think part of the investigation into Savitar would be the reveal that he was a highly decorated hero and he saved a lot of lives. That's why he was tapped for the project. But after being essentially left for dead and his amnesia, Savitar grew to feel he was owed the accolades and devotion and it all warped into the god complex he has now. Forcing him to face his past isn't exactly a tomato in the mirror moment but he's torn between horror over who he's become and his desire for security and safety through the power he's accumulated.
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orbitingkepler · 4 months
i've finished s1 of midnight burger and man, i have some thoughts (so long i had to put a readmore on them).
what is caspar's whole deal with the diner? everyone has a story on how they found it (leif while spacehopping, gloria discovering on Craigslist [which is interesting but i'll get to that later] ava discovering it, presumably, while sciencing). going back, i don't think caspar ever really talks about how he found it, or even why he decided to stay (although i believe effie warns him that he might be running from something, which might be why he stayed). when ava goes through the time warp, she only hears a few moments of caspar's first day before it skips to leif's first day at the diner. at that point, caspar still doesn't know much about the diner but he seems far more comfortable in interacting in it (he slips into being a waiter immediately). and of course, from what we've heard, effie and zebulon don't seem to quite know how the diner works either. this makes me wonder if the diner is newer than originally thought, and perhaps caspar is actually the first employee. of course that couldn't exactly fit because iirc, effie and zebulon cannot see outside the diner so how would they know they were travelling through time and space? i guess that would mean that the diner is old enough to have had employees, who somehow disappeared before caspar arrived who might have been able to pass their knowledge onto effie and zebulon? but that would mean effie and zebulon would probably know more than they do, so maybe the radio is possibly a new installment to the diner (left by previous employees?)
are the radio and the diner even the same thing? the radio and the diner are somehow linked together, obviously, but effie and zebulon seem to have no control over where or when the diner goes, only that without them things would start falling apart (see: blackhole incident). it makes me wonder if despite being linked the diner has more sway in things. it's also always consistent that the diner shows up in a place where people need it (sometimes as a source of food, sometimes just to help problems). additionally, the diner seems to be able to seek out potential employees and draw them towards the diner (gloria). everyone was surprised when gloria showed up claiming that she saw their advert for a job interview, even though it was quite clear that none of them (including, iirc, zebulon & effie) ever put it up in the first place. i don't think it's a coincidence that leif showed up when he was looking for someplace new with Earth-people, or ava found the diner after she quit because she was trying to prove her scientific theories. i wonder if the diner is looking for a common quality in them and that's how it chooses its employees.
lastly: what's the deal with the radio? the vibes i'm getting are the effie & zebulon are just completely normal religious arkansas people, and that it's just the radio in the diner that's completely off-the-walls weird. originally i was thinking that effie & zebulon were like. preserved memories of people trapped inside a radio (maybe they were preserved before effie & zebulon ever had children, if the timewarp tunnel that ava had with the other arkansas people wasn't a completely different universe). but that's off the record now because i'm pretty sure memories can't get sick like effie did. which makes me wonder if effie & zebulon are in a pocket dimension of sorts? their time is like 1920s arkansas or whatever, which is moving at a much much slower pace than midnight burger. it'd explain how effie got sick (because their time is not static), plus how they don't have children, even though, in regular-world-time they definitely do have descendants (daniel & willow). and it'd explain why they think all science is witchcraft. if you were living in the 1920s, then the medical technology we have now would definitely seem to be witchcraft. the only thing i can't quite work out is the weird interference they had throughout season one, as well as how effie was able to locate leif. the first could be that whenever the diner radio lost connection with the pocket dimension effie & zebulon were in tried to fill their words with what the diner knew (which is why they would start quoting the book of the dead). i guess the diner being an entity of sorts could also explain how effie & zebulon managed to get into contact with leif when he was abducted, although what throws me off there is that if they're just normal people and the diner radio is actually controlling everything, then how would they have known about leif's radio? maybe the diner is capable of influencing them somewhat, or even maybe directing them a bit, but cannot outright control/tell anything to them. which makes me realize i am once again circling right back to religion: you know that one meme where it's like a guy who's being given divine information but because it's not in a language that they understand/can comprehend they circle right back around to being normal again? maybe that's the relationship that the diner, effie & zebulon have.
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thesoftboiledegg · 2 years
(for whenever you watch the rnm premiere, no pressure) TAKES! WHAT ARE YOUR TAKES? :D i always look forward for your rnm analysis and i came here immediately after watching the episode to see what you think! :)
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Ahh, thank you! 💖 I'm glad that you enjoy them that much. That's so flattering.
Anyway, I felt like this episode was a sweeter version of the season 3 premiere. Both episodes featured the citadel, went back to the Earth that Rick destroyed, wrapped up a cliffhanger, hopped around multiple dimensions and involved family dynamics. But the season 3 premiere was all about showing what a horrific monster Rick could be (OK, he was lying when he said he didn't care about Morty and Summer in that episode, but still.)
Conversely, the season 6 premiere is about showing a gentler, more affectionate Rick. He goes back for Morty and doesn't make up a bullshit (and mean) "explanation" like he did in season 3. He and Morty show each other genuine affection, although Rick still pulls back a little. We also get a protective Rick moment when he shields Morty with his body.
Even when he tries, yet again, to claim that he doesn't care about the family, Jerry dismisses him. They all know he's lying. He doesn't try to fight it, either.
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Some other stuff I noticed:
Feral Jerry looked like Dan Harmon, lol. I wonder if that was intentional.
I liked how Beth and Space Beth argued, but it didn't come across as "lolz women are so catty and hate each other." They just had personality conflicts and got over it in the end.
Seeing Beth, Space Beth and Summer fighting together was awesome. Girls kicking ass.
One thing I disliked was how the episode wrapped up the season 5 cliffhanger in two minutes. I also had that problem with the season 3 premiere--the aliens (the Federation? I can't remember now) invading Earth left, and that was the end of it. I know this isn't a serialized show, but they could've done a lot with that.
I love the details of Rick pulling back when Morty tries to hug him and tensing when Summer hugs him. He does NOT like being touched. Makes sense for an autistic man (and he's obviously reserved in general.)
Feral Jerry was awful to Morty. Although I guess this is the same guy who basically agreed when Beth said she was happy that Morty and Rick were gone, so no surprise there. But damn, why did he yell at Morty? What happened was Rick's fault, not Morty's. He's a 14-year-old kid. This family really loves taking their shit out on him.
I did NOT expect so many trailer scenes to come from this episode. Totally thought the "cute" thing at the end was from something else, like the Rick and Jerry episode. I also thought that Rick fighting the robots would show up later this season. So we saw even less in the trailer than we thought we did.
What are they hiding from us? Damn. I love how we know nothing about this season.
Also, I guess it's canon now that Rick likes kawaii things, lol. He flat-out says that he picked it up because it was cute. Lolita dress! I want to see him in a lolita dress immediately.
This episode did a great job of showing while the family's learning to be a little nicer, they've still got a lot of issues and resent one another. Beth clearly isn't still thrilled about having kids.
Boy, I did NOT expect Murder Rick (or whatever we're calling him) to be "our" Morty's original Rick. I feel like I might've seen people theorize about that, though? It also makes it kind of strange that Rick destroyed Earth and hopped to another dimension, but maybe he was like "Eh, fuck it, he's not coming back."
I want to wrap this up by saying that I loved how this episode focused on Rick and Morty's dynamic while including the whole family. I was worried that the show was starting to lose sight of Rick and Morty, but their relationship was the heart of the episode.
Rick is still a hot mess, but he's healing and growing and I love him so much 💓
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hydrogenperfoxide · 4 months
thoughts on Netflix Atla
okay like. I need to get some of this out. They want this show to be prestige TV, behold the cool action, behold the grittier tone (we show people being burned alive!!), behold the shitty Prestige TV lighting! They want it to be not a kids show, but they also trust the audience EVEN LESS than the original show did.
Like Gran Gran gives the original show's "until the fire nation attacked" and proceeds to explain to Aang (with zero softness) that he's been trapped in ice for 100 years and that he's missed an entire war and failed the whole world. And then to the whole group of people goes "He's the last airbender."
Katara in the original show was figuring things out, she's still 14 or whatever so she's not even as gentle as could be going "oh yeah, everyone expected you to save the world and also all your people are dead" but Gran Gran over here just drops that shit like it's nothing. Zero compassion.
But it's also so so so very clearly intended to explain everything to the audience. And it's not the only time the show does that same dry over explanation of the plot and implications. In the second sequence we have the rando earthbender (what is this section adding to the show??) talking to Sozin, and Sozin reveals the battle plans are false intel, but we get a whole explanation of what that means. There's so many unnecessary lines of dialogue there. "Your battle plans are already on their way to the Earth Kingdom" "Good that means all eyes will be on the Earth Kingdom, all eyes but ours." Why? Why could we not have said "Good, now my enemies will be distracted."
Sure we don't get the guy exceeeeeedingly slowly figuring out that they're fake plans but it brings the pacing of the scene so much tighter.
Sozin is then like "My sights are set higher. Much higher." which is a campy as fuck line read in the least campy way. When someone said it's like Ember Island Players, honestly i wish it was. Instead what we got was Season 8 GoT but it's Atla this time.
After this we find out that for some reason they still hadn't told Aang he was the Avatar (so we don't see his alienation because of it) which is weird (also he can straight up fly without a glider which is straight up a bad change) and then we have to witness the genocide of the air nomads. Cause we gotta be edgier and darker in this show.
Katara's playing in the Southern Raiders ship which has significantly less relevance even though it partially existed in the original to familiarize the viewer with the interior and exterior of Fire Nation ships so that when we see them later they aren't so confusing.
Iroh has no levity to him. I like Paul Sun-Hyung Lee but wow is this not great. I'm guessing it was a direction thing.
Last big gripe is that to further take Katara and strip her of the beginnings of her prowess as a warrior, after already not having her cause the iceberg to crack (imo bad choice) they don't have her fight Zuko or his men at all. Sure she blocks a fireball, but where's the awkward fighting?
Instead she makes a column of water over 100 feet tall. So they're like "no it's unrealistic for her to beat fire nation soldiers without training so we'll just make her one of the most powerful waterbenders in terms of raw power right out the gate." I'm all for Katara being strong, but where's her AGENCY? Why isn't katara fighting???
I hate this show so much (the effects aren't even good)
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it's so painful to think abt because yes, the spiral is going to be saved because of the prophecy, and all these lives are saved - but ambrose really went "needs of the many" and basically deprived a whole child of their personhood and maybe even their identity outside of "savior of the spiral" with the depersonalization of the wizard and how it starts with literally entering the wizard world. you pick a new name for your wizard and you very much can Tell that most names like that dont exist where the YW came from so their initial identity gets erased and then the NEW identity they try to build gets erased too to the point where i have to be impressed but also severely worried that the the YW is STILL internalizing how they feel and being essentially constantly sent on more quests and
this is complete rambling that probably hardly makes sense but god its just how screwed up w101's plot is deep down
Like that's something so interesting to think about like how and why did the YW choose their new name? Did Ambrose choose it for them; did he merely encourage them to take on a more "appropriate" identity to match their new culture?? Did the Wizard ever want to change their name in the first place? How does their name change affect their journey and their personality going forwards?
And you're so right because like in a sense, you're literally CREATING a new character to fit into this new world. Irl you're choosing their appearance, their name and their gender, everything. Build-A-Bear starting from scratch. And even though the character creation bit has no underlying meaning to it, I think it unintentionally has such a heavy metaphor that you are no longer a human from Earth, but a Wizard in the Spiral. You're not "Holly LastName" with regular Earth clothes, you're now "Holly Steelcry" with a bitchin' purple and yellow outfit that is now SUITED for the Spiral. Yippee!!!
Like I don't even think the Pirate goes through this shit; weren't they born in the Spiral? Like didn't they have parents that were originally FROM the Spiral in the first place???? It's just the Wizard that's been yoinked from their original homeland and into a new one 💀
And that's one of the things that Holly learns throughout their life in the Spiral - is that her Earth self, her original personality and heritage... is not enough. What they were before was not what the Spiral needed. The world doesn't want Holly, it wants Holly STEELCRY. Their family, friends, pets, past hobbies and their ultimate sacrifice in leaving them behind is not what matters to Ambrose, to the Council of Light, to the entire universe. What everyone needed was a HERO and Holly was NOT a hero, which is why they made her INTO one. Unfortunately, it was that erasure and depersonalization you mentioned that Ambrose, and later Holly themself, thought was necessary in order to save everyone. Now you have a Wizard who may or may not be an entirely different person than what you started out with and for NO GOOD REASON. It's that "sacrifice yourself for others" trope that I love and hate so much 😭😭😭😭😭
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acoldsovereign · 4 months
As mentioned here, Maiz originally had a set end. This changed due to in-universe interactions with other muses and the choices she made-- so much so that it no longer applies to her in the manner it once did. Instead, she now has a choice (albeit unknowingly) to create a better ending for herself or not.
It goes without saying, but again for those in the back-- Trunks (@peoplcshope) had a mission. He didn't complete it*** buuuuuuut:
Because he didn't, he actually (indirectly) prevented the abysmal future that awaited her and the greater DBS continuity. Kinda**. The version of Maiz 'responsible' for the events leading up to that catastrophe is dead already. Killing Maiz in the present wouldn't have done anything -- 'cause here's the kicker-- she didn't cause the war between Universes 6 and 7. Her slaves did; their descendants, in particular. Somewhere down the line, she was successful in obtaining a thirteenth and fourteenth planet. Her empire spread so wide that she had to conquer an extra world than necessary. She set up a complex system that allowed them to 'self-govern' but only according to her guidelines. To her rules. To her liking. Some 'space years' after this, she dies. The slaves left with her instructions know what to do, but they were so mind-broken and without personal will/identity that the Council of Fourteen became stagnant not so long after her passing. They fell apart without their tyrant to lead them. To grieve, some killed themselves. For the ones who were left, they tried to bring her back to life. Nothing worked. Over the years, they fell into disarray and further madness. They split the Council. One half went against Maiz's orders and began mindlessly invading and conquering planets under the protection of the Galactic Patrol. The other half mastered interdimensional travel and opened a portal to Universe 6, spreading Maiz's teaching and severely warping the tenets of Saiyan Culture into what it wasn't. This earned the attention of the Pride Troopers, who received distress signals. The slaves here took on the identity of Maiz themselves, while the ones who remained in Universe 7 called themselves her descendants, then later "her reincarnations". Long story short, the Galactic Patrol and Pride Troopers had different ideas of dealing with this invisible, sudden threat as neither of them wanted to get their respective GoDs-- or worse, the King of All involved. They launched a counterattack that forced them to take 'sides'/set up base on different planets/parts of the Galaxy on such short notice, kicking off the space war. The cosmic and spatial walls separating both Universes were cracked. Universe 7's Earth was caught up in the crossfire and subsequently destroyed.
The scenario detailed below is a hypothetical** future. It inspired the above scene! I can't take full credit for it because it came through a conversation I had with another mun-- @roseplendence.
Depending on how close they got (platonically or otherwise) before this conversation, Maiz would not only know of Black's former occupation but his identity and the source of many miseries in the Universe: the Kais not being able to intervene and the laziness of many Gods of Destruction. This information would come up as a sidenote for her questioning her existence; why is it she got to live when nobody else did? Who decided the Saiyans should all destroyed at once? (It was the closest she ever got to venting about anything-- she doesn't normally do that). Black, through a misunderstanding thought she was blaming him/his kin, and told her how things actually worked and then . . . came to regret it. Sure, he ended up venting as well-- and then apologized for it, but he wasn't expecting her to go and do something about it. To his dread and horror, Maiz intends to use power of spite and anger to avenge both her and him. This puts her within the path of Beerus, who deletes her and all of her incarnations. Permanently. If it was romantic, he would've fallen into a deep depression and steered clear of people for a while. He's long-lived so a while . . . really means that for him. Wracked with guilt and remorse, he would also not take in any students for the same amount of time if it was platonic. Either way, she's mourned.
To reiterate: the above scenario is HYPOTHETICAL! It doesn't happen, so don't be too sad!
The reason why it's mentioned is because-- *drumroll* of the section below!
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These two scenarios have one thing in common: Maiz's death & the impact of it. So remember at the beginning I mentioned she was originally meant to die horrifically? The thought experiment with Black is the closest scenario to that vision, except she was all alone with nobody to mourn/care about her. The reason why it's no longer canon/necessary for her (aside from muses and interactions swaying my heart) is because I re-remembered at the time that RP is collaborative writing. If Maiz did not have any of the interactions or ships she did, I have no doubt in my mind her ending would be worse and her character would've developed differently.
Anyway, her death can still happen, but it's moreso entirely dependant on the other muse(s) and the circumstances now than me coming in pre-determined about a desired outcome (I'm actually happy about this if you couldn't tell. I have more stories to explore which is always a good thing! *Thanks mutuals for opening my eyes*). With this said, I have approximately three verses where she's dead-- one was talked about before in a prior post, the other two are derivatives**/possible scenarios from the Future DBS storyline/AU.
Fun fact: The concept of Rengakura (this TOTALLY ✨sane✨ goober who's not crazy at ALL) came from this storyline.***
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***Maiz posed an ultimatum to Trunks-- if he couldn't stand the way she rules, he should shut up and do something about it. If Jay had his Trunks pick the wrong move . . . the bad future would've been triggered AUTOMATICALLY. I expected the worse but the bastard (I say this lovingly) was intelligent enough/surprised me so I had to improvise. Instead of bloodshed, carnage, doom and disaster-- what happened was Trunks being assigned the position of Maiz's Ambassador. He actually put his mouth where his money was. Even Maiz wasn't expecting him to actually go for the option he did. 😭 You know what happens when Maiz likes you enough and you exceed her expectations? No? Go ask Trunks why he's a dad. I dare you.
Back to the point-- because the above factors are in play, the two possibilities aren't accessible. Buuuuuuut, they were fun to think up, so I'll briefly go through them anyway! (>:3) If the unsavory future is triggered/activated, and Ren is present, two scenarios are likely:
{SON OF A CONQUERER}: Trunks tries harder to get Maiz to care about the impact of her actions. Not to redeem her but to try and appeal to her maternal instincts. "He shouldn't grow up surrounded by death and destruction." Something like that. She, surprisingly, would listen and think about it. Fast forward some 'space years'-- their son is eight. In the midst of liberating a planet from her rule, something goes wrong and Trunks' worse fears come to life. She is killed during a long, exhausting fight by the subjects she once subjugated, and Ren watches from a bad angle that incriminates a frozen, shocked Trunks. His heartache increases when he's angrily confronted by Ren, who accuses him of not doing anything. Trunks tries to explain what happened but his son isn't hearing it-- Ren vows to kill him to avenge his mother and flies off to presumably train for that particular goal in mind. He tries to look for him but unfortunately, Ren's inherited his mother's uncanny ability to hide/suppress his ki. In this verse: Maiz's army has been more than halved, so they're not a Universal threat but the other parts (the schism which divides them, the suicides and mass loss of identities) happen. Trunks sadly has to deal with that all on his own, on top of mourning his wife. He doesn't meet Ren again until he's a teenager. They fight-- Ren, eagerly, Trunks, reluctantly. He'll beat him up but he's not killing his damn son.
{BREAKER OF CANON}: The above but instead of Ren confronting Trunks, he breaks down in tears and screams, making Trunks realize he'd been watching the entire time. He runs over and holds him close, apologizing for his weakness-- for not being able to save her life. Everything else follows-- the schism, the suicides and mass loss of identities. Trunks orders Ren to stay close (to him) and stay inside as Maiz's empire crumbles without her. Despite his dad being King of the Council of Twelve (he gained the title when they were officially married), it seems as if Maiz was a special glue holding everything together. Hating to sit around and be useless, he makes a declaration: "I'm going back in time to save mother." Trunks immediately rejects it-- time travel got him tangled up with Maiz (and Cell... The Androids..... Etc) to begin with. There's no way in hell he's allowing his son to be subjected to anything like that. Plus, it's illegal. Not that it ever stopped Trunks but still. Ren, up until this point has been obedient as far as his parents were concerned. This is the first time he disobeys Trunks. In the dead of night when his father is exhausted, he tinkers away. He is desperate, traumatized, sad, scared and just wants his mom back. This eight year old makes a portable time machine (similar to the wrist device Trunks wore as a Time Patroller) and activates it. He leaves his father a note so he doesn't worry. Ren does not know how terrible his mother is before Trunks. He doesn't know how they actually met. He doesn't have a plan going in. He has no defense against Maiz, who is callously laughing at his pain and threatening to kill him: "I don't have a son. That implies I love someone and I don't. No one is worthy of me." She has no qualms brutalizing or eradicating a crying child, even if he clings to her leg, even if he suspiciously looks like her.
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Hazbinrune AU: Chara Wants To Keep Vark...(2024)
[Note: I plan to use this drawing as Cover for a Future Chapter over at Quotev, so it will be for both here and over there. also just in case some of the words that Chara and Toriel are saying are a bit hard to read, please make sure to click on the drawing to make it bigger. ]
Credit for Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss goes to Vivienne “Vivziepop” Medrano
Credit for Undertale goes to Toby Fox
[Note-2: in case some might not be able to read the very small letters still, here is what Toriel is saying after telling Chara "No" about keeping Vark…" *sigh* Fine, we may keep him…at least for now, but if someone comes looking for him, we must return him. I can see you love this…Vark, but you must not put up a fight when he must go back to his family.".........I had to edit this in, in case that might be a bit too small even if the drawing is made bigger by clicking on it. but I hope some can still read those words even if they are a bit smaller than the other words that Toriel and Chara were saying to each other in this drawing.]
Chara's Sinner form is a little deer, and Toriel's Sinner form is a mix of what she originally looked like when she was alive, but also one of those demons that look like a goats with a candle on their head.
oh right, they are called Baphomet,
this would be a Bapho-Toriel, so yeah her Sinner form is a Baphomet which would be linked to why she ends up being a mix of her original goat form but a Baphomet version of it.
like depending on what forms Toriel, Asgore, Undyne, Alphys and Mettaton takes when they end up in Hell in a Crossover AU that has Undertale, Deltarune, Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss in it...
their forms will be a mix of their original forms, but also be a hybrid version that will be a mix of what type of sin they had in their life when they were just mortal monsters living on Earth.
and it would be likely that both Asgore and Toriel would become Sinner Baphomets.
and the reasons why Asgore, Toriel, Undyne, Alphys and Mettaton would end up be in Hell after the whole Geno Route...
might have to do with the Human Children, while in a True Pacifist Ending, those Human Children may have come back to life, because after Frisk wakes up after saving everyone from Asriel, you can go back to the basement and see that the coffins are all open.
meaning that the human souls went back into the bodies after the barrier was broken.
and if most monsters didn't end up trapped in the underground, then some of them could of married some humans much later on, and well zinged with humans if we think of it like Hotel Transylvania.
and some who were originally born human but have a human & monster parent, might go through some changes like how Dennis does in Hotel Transylvania 2.
Mettaton might end up becoming a hybrid version of his robot body, and a Incubus, having to do with his love and lust to be famous, like it being a mix of both a positive and negative.
Undyne wouldn't look much different from when she was alive, but her Sinner form will have her good eye have those swirls like what Chaz and Striker has, and she will end up having a shark tail in her Sinner Demon form.
still being a mix of her original form of course.
Alphys would likely not look all that different, still looking the same but she would still get a hybrid version of her original form on how she looked when she was alive, that will be translated into her Sinner Demon form.
Papyrus would of originally been send to Heaven, but chose to go and be where Sans is...
Papyrus never really kills the Player or Frisk in the game, he only damages them and the Player enough where we can no longer fight and sends us to the Shed.
Papyrus is a precious cinnamon roll who is too pure for both this world as well as Heaven and Hell, he must be protected.
I don't think Valentino's powers could work on Papyrus.
and even if Angel did hit on Papyrus, he would give off that adorkablee sweet cinnamon roll side...
so there is the Cinnamon Rolls Papyrus and Niffty, one that might seem dangerous but is really adorkable sweetheart, and another one is a cinnamon roll that would match the song "Crazy Chicks" by Ken Ashcorp. I like that song. :)
so yeah, Niffty does seem to match the song "Crazy Chicks"...
I'm still going to Fam her with Angel, and possibly Husk.
yeah him being protective her and how he made Husk look after her, makes me view Angel being like a Dad to Niffty, and to me, he still looked like he was being a bit like Helicopter Dad.
in a Poly-Ship that is also a Crossover, that is Blitzhusk with Angel Dust....they would be like Niffty's Three Dads.
Blitzwing from TFA acting like a Helicopter Dad to Niffty as well, would be interesting in a Crossover.
and yeah using the words "I Fam It" when it comes to Angel & Niffty, is better to use so it doesn't get confused for the whole romantic ships, which is why you never use "I ship it" on non-romantic ships or even call it a ship, it should still be a unspoken rule and should only be pointed out some times.
if Blitzwing, Angel and Husk did end up in a Poly-Ship together, even if Angel might stay in the Friend Zone and a Poly-Ship might not really happen...
the ship names for them would still be Blitzhusk, but also adding Huskdust but also the ship name of Blitzwing x Angel with their Poly-Ship name...
like Blitzdust along with whatever poly-ship name that might fit.
not sure if Angelblitzhusk would fit....maybe Dustblitzhusk
or maybe Angeblitzhusk...? or just let it be just their current ship names for now, which would be Blitzhusk, Huskdust and Blitzdust.
if Sari could tease Angel along with the help of Molly and Cherri, they would sing a parody version of "I wont say I'm in love"...
with Sari singing the part "who ya think your kidding, he's the Earth and the Well Of All Sparks to you." XD
I think I and some fans will possibly freak out if it turns out Huskdust is gonna be canon in the future, they do seem to be doing better and it's good that in the show, that Huskdust is starting out in the friend zone and being platonic and can work up at some point to romantic.
and yeah as weird as it might sound, the different ways Valentino speaks in the episode where Vox finds out that Alastor had returned after being gone for 7 years, makes me wonder if Valentino has a bit of a split personality.
and well if they do have pills to deal with split personalities, even for the semi type ones, Val could of stop taking his at some point.
we get like possibly three different sides of Val that is shown, and for all we know if it were true, the ones who knows about him having split personalities would be Vox and Velvette.
I mean I can't be the only one who notice how his accent seem to change in that one episode, which made that weird idea pop into my head, that he might have a slight split personality, and there being like more than just two, but one of them is the most dominant.
and well I think normally, one's accent changing between one and the other, wouldn't have to do with a split personality, but when it comes to Valentino, I can't help but wonder if he might actually have split personalities.
one being Jealous and Aggravated Val, the other being Sweet and Loving Val, and the other being Sassy but Harsh Val.
I guess each side of him could go by "Jealous-Val", "Sweet-Val" and "Harsh-Val"...
and well if it did turn out to be true, his eyes could change color depending on what personality comes out, which is of course I remember I had used that idea before, and well there was a friend who I think ended up using the same but for different ideas, but I think the whole different split personalities being used and shown through the different color of eyes, can be a multi-fan use thing and being for different ideas for anyone and it depends on what type and how many split personalities there are.
the color change to Val's eyes wouldn't be notice, because he wears his glasses that also possibly keep him from going crazy when in front of bright light...
like normal and dominate Val, will have his normal eye color, while his other personalities will have Jealous-Val's eyes go Green, Sweet-Val's eyes going into a type of Light Pink and well Harsh-Val could have the same color eyes as Val when he is in his dominate personality.
if Toriel had to troll Valentino, it should be with that song
"Does Your Mama Know?" that was in that first Mamma Mia Movie.
and her Sinner Demon form (which is a hybrid form of her original form) has a candle and fire, so Valentino would be the Moth to the flame that is Toriel.
I think it be funny if Chara could get Vark to keep Valentino from flirting with Toriel, even if Toriel can handle herself.
if Alphys did have a type of hybrid Sinner Demon form that is a mix with what she looked like when she was alive, she could end up having Imp horns, and maybe succubus wings and her tail mostly staying the same but with that spade shape at the end.
in a Crossover with Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Undertale and Deltarune...
when a Monster dies and does end up in the afterlife, they will be a hybrid version of their monster form where they will either be a Winner Angel or a Sinnner Demon.
and seeing as some of the Monsters (but not all of them) in Undertale are hypocrites when trying to take human children's souls...
they will end up in Pentagram City when Frisk goes down the Geno Route and in theory after they do so, the red soul could end up being taken by Chara and transmigrated to Deltarune's World.
and it could be possible some Sinner forms, would be because of a relation to a parent, so Chara's form being a Deer was because of them supposing to be the child of Alastor.
but the idea I have, he doesn't know and well I can try to work on the idea more when I can.
I hope I can work more on that magic spell I'm working on, maybe I can wait a few hours or so to work more on it.
and I wish I had posted this and the other drawings up much sooner around which would be yesterday now...
but when I went to lay down and ended up going to sleep, I didn't wake back up until around 10 Pm.
but yeah, I will try to get to the whole working on that magic spell when I can, and maybe I can try to write a healing and protection spell when I'm able to...
yeah I'm a Weird Earth Angel Princess, but I wouldn't be me if I didn't have my weird side, and it might be good that I'm not 100% like Other Earth Angels. plus my weird side would be their for me even at times when I feel not great, and have those days when I'm feeling down.
and if I want to try to make a spell that let's me take a type of vacation...that is my choice, even if it will need me to sleep, and well if it works how I want it to, the world I go to, using my Astral-Dream Body...
the time there should only have 9 months pass while in this world, it would only be 3 hours. that is what I want the spell to be program with and it is gonna be a very long spell I think...and there is still some stuff that needs to be added in.
Charlie and Emily standing up to those Eon-Boomers, would make me want to play The Song "That's My Girl" by Fifth Harmony.
and if it weren't for the fact I still believe there were other humans that came before Adam, which would of got the version from the Hazbin Hotel, off his high horse if he found this out...
Adam from Hazbin Hotel, would be technically a Eon-Boomer as well.
and if that version of Adam was real, I would want to punch him really hard in the arm in that court room.
and if he asks what that was for, I would simply say this...
"That is for being a Terrible Dad To Grunkle-Grandpa Cain."
Peepaw Adam should get a strong punch to the arm, as well as the cold hands to face punishment, it is of the will of the Embodiment of Weirdness. XD
I still want to give the Adam from our universe the cold hands to face punishment, and that goes for the Lucifer from our universe as well.
so help me if the Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel turns out to be Cain's Bio-Dad, which would end up making Cain the Older Half-Brother of Charlie.....I'm so gonna tease Charlie's Dad in the next fan-art where not only I will call him by that nickname "Adorkable Apple Goober"
but I will also add the word "Peepaw" which would make him "Adorkable Apple Goober Peepaw"...
but like in this universe no matter which Angel who is suppose to be Cain's Bio-Dad, the Adam from our universe would still be considered his real father even if not by blood, but doesn't mean he doesn't show how much of a Gray-Parent he was and both he and Eve had those moments they were kind of bad at parenting both Cain and Abel.
and plus no matter if it is Lucifer or even Samael, they ain't the boss of me.
get ready for the Feminine Revolution where some Earth Angels try to heal and protect this world when the Masculine Angels cross a line and go too far.
of course talking about a Feminine Revolution, made me want to listen to the RWBY song called "This Will Be The Day"
of course the whole Feminine Revolution, should be handled a bit more civilized, and not make the same mistakes as some Eon-Boomers. and I ain't gonna make other Earth Angels be a part of it.
if I have to go all solo on this with well, trying to pray to both the Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother for the Toxic-Masculine and even the Toxic-Feminine Energy not to get any stronger and for the Earth and the Feminine energy to heal properly, then I will do my best. but maybe with luck there will still be some other Earth Angels who will do the same, regardless if they read this or not...
and one of the problems that comes with Toxic-Masculine energies, shows in some Toxic-Religious people, like that guy that peeved me off and who I had talked about before which would be yesterday now.
after listening to the RWBY song "This Will Be The Day",
I decided to listen to "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" by Agnes, and I plan to listen to "Release Me" by Agnes as well.
it matches how I feel, how I want the Masculine energy to stop breaking my heart and for it to release me when it gets Toxic, well the Toxic-Feminine is still bad but like I said a few times or many times, it isn't as high or as dangerous as it's Masculine counterpart that has been around for centuries.
and Lucifer picked a bad time to do his little rebellion when that should of been fixed and tended to properly.
that is one of the reasons I want to give him the cold hands to face punishment, I mean if it were possible...
I don't care if it turns out he is taller than me, I would try to stand on my tip-toes to reach his face and put my hands on each side of his face, but only if my hands are cold.
anyway, besides that stuff...I can also believe there is life on other planets and there could be other life forms, like for all we know it could be possible that the species from the Halo and Mass Effect Game Series, it could be possible.
and anyway I will be posting a fan theory about who I believe is Grim Jr.'s Dad is from the Comic series called Grim Tales From Down Below, which is obvious for a mature audience only.
ya know, maybe it be a good idea to have the rating for Yandere Simulator be 18+, even if it wouldn't have certain mature elements in it....but maybe it could help a lot if those under 17, don't play it.
and well, maybe I can talk about my reasons on hoping the rating for the game be 18+, maybe either later today or maybe another time.
I will talk about the Grim Tales Theory about Grim Jr.'s Dad maybe in a little while, maybe after checking out some fan art and maybe grabbing something to snack on.
anyway if some want to draw Toriel in her Sinner form, that is in this drawing, they can, but make sure to give me credit...I'm saying this in case some like this AU version of Toriel, but the chances of some liking it enough to want to draw it, is probably very slim.
anyway I'm going to go and check out some more fan art and other stuff on here, and well then later I will post that theory that has to do with Grim Jr.
and I hope some like the idea about Chara wanting to adopt Vark as their pet, the idea just seems to fit for a Crossover AU even if it is not canon and it would be in a Fanon Timeline only. :)
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houseofhurricane · 2 years
In ACOMAF and ACOWAR, our favorite characters are dealing with a mysterious substance that renders them incapable of performing magic: faebane. 
I found this plotline interesting, but didn’t think much more about it until I came across this scene, early on in ACOWAR:
Lucien stood, back against a tree—twin bands of blue stone shackled around his wrists. I’d seen them before. On Rhys, to immobilize his power. Stone hewn from Hybern’s rotted land, capable of nullifying magic. And in this case...holding Lucien against that tree as Ianthe surveyed him like a snake before a meal (ACOWAR, 85).
Aside from being completely grossed out by Ianthe (she gets worse every time I reread this series), I was struck by the description of that stone. The fact that it’s blue. It reminded me of another stone in another SJM series: gorsian stone, from Crescent City.
Sure enough, I found this description when Bryce and company are in Ydra:
Hunt went on, “This metal... The Asteri have been researching a way to make the gorsian ore absorb magic, not suppress it.” Ruhn said, “Seems like ordinary titanium to me.” “Look closer,” Hunt said. “There are slight purple veins in it. That’s the gorsian stone. I’d know it anywhere.” “So what can it do?” Bryce asked. “If I’m right,” Hunt said hoarsely, “it can draw the firstlight from the ground. From all the pipes of it crisscrossing the land. These suits would draw up the firstlight and turn it into weapons... The suit would never run out of ammo, never run out of battery life. Simply find the underground power lines, and it’d be charged up and ready to kill” (HOSAB, 473).
Now, I know that these stones are blue in ACOTAR and purple in HOSAB, but apparently Rhys and Ruhn have the same eye color, which is purple in ACOTAR and blue in HOSAB, so I’m going to assume that this stone is a similar color (which might have interesting implications).
Going back to the stone itself, gorsian stone/faebane is a huge problem for these characters. The good news? In ACOTAR, they have solved the problem of faebane:
“And what has this to do with the faebane?” Helion demanded. Thesan’s lover seethed at the High Lord of Day’s tone, but one glance from Thesan had the male relaxing. Nuan turned, her dark hair slipping over a shoulder as she studied Helion. And did not seem impressed. “Because I have found a solution for it.” Thesan waved a hand. “We heard rumors of faebane being used in this war... We thought to look into the issue before it became a deadly weakness for all of us.” He nodded at Nuan. “Beyond her unparalleled tinkering, she is a skilled alchemist.” Nuan crossed her arms, the sun glinting off her metal hand. “Thanks to the samples attained after the attack in Velaris, I was able to create an...antidote, of sorts.” (ACOWAR, 431-432)
Prythian has already found an antidote to the effects of faebane/gorsian stone. It’s a powder that they can ingest in food or drink and Thesan, Nuan, and the Dawn Court of Geniuses have already figured out how to mass produce it. This makes their victory against Hybern possible, removing one of their most powerful weapons.
I have to believe that this antidote could also be effective in Crescent City, and now that Bryce is in Prythian, she might be able to reverse the tide of her own war by coming back with the antidote.
Later in the scene, Nuan goes on to say that: “The Mother has provided us with everything we need on this earth. So it has been a matter of finding what, exactly, she gave us in Prythian to combat a material from Hybern capable of wiping out our powers” (433).
Given the significance of Prythian to the Asteri and the Fae of Midgard, I think it’s interesting that the material for this antidote is specifically from Prythian. 
We do know that SJM didn’t start planning the crossover until a year after ACOWAR’s release, but even so, I’m realizing that there are more of these significant objects and overlapping plots than I originally thought. Plus, I think this kind of save would be really satisfying to the members of the Court of Dreams—though I’ve got to be honest, I think that somewhere in the Dawn Court, Nuan is probably on to bigger and better things already.
But I definitely wouldn’t mind if she made an appearance in CC3, especially if everyone’s favorite tinkerer and alchemist had a grand reveal up her sleeve once again.
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