#she ra says gay rights
myname-isnia · 1 year
A really bad trait of mine is that I do a lot of things out of spite, including refusing stuff, especially when it comes to media.
Like, these past two days everyone around me was like "OMG NIMONA IS SOOOO GOOD YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT!!"
And you know what? I don't care. Now I'm not gonna watch it JUST because everyone is screaming about it
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badolmen · 1 year
And my mom wonders where my siblings and I get our obsessiveness from…
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Destiel Trope Collection 2024 | Day 9: Empty Rescue
his and mine are the same | @cascigarette Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,510 Main Tags/Warnings: Post Canon Fix-It, Dean Winchester Has Abandonment Issues, Alcohol, First Kiss, Newly Human Castiel, Castiel and Dean Winchester Have a Profound Bond, Castiel and Dean Winchester Use their Words Summary: Dean rescues Cas from the Empty. They end up having to talk about that final confession.
Two lesbians, two bicons, and their cat walk into super turbohell | @nuttysaladtree Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2,038 Main Tags/Warnings: crossover with She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, the Empty, Fix-it, first kiss Summary: And they bury one person and zero gays. 15x20 "Carry On" finale fix-it that Castiel deserves. Mentioned Bow/Glimmer. Sam Winchester shows up, too, as well as the OTP Dean x pie. Melog is best kitty, and good riddance to the Empty/Shadow/Cosmic Entity and Horde Prime.
sometimes you just don't know the answer (wait for me) | @cassiecasyl Rating: General Word Count: 7,992 Main Tags/Warnings: Canonical Character Death, Episode: s15e18 Despair - Castiel's Confession Scene, Grief/Mourning, Album: evermore (Taylor Swift), Grieving Dean Winchester, Episode: s15e18 Despair, Alternate Ending, Inspired by Orpheus and Eurydice (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Reunion, Castiel in the Empty (Supernatural), Castiel Loves Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester Loves Castiel, Angst, Hope vs. Despair, Love Confessions, Angst with a Happy Ending, Inspired by Hadestown, Song: Doubt Comes In, The Fates (Hadestown) Cameo, First Kiss, Reunions, Epic Love Summary: As Dean grieves, Jack tells them of an old story, one that has been told and sung over and over again anyway. Two lovers challenge the universe to escape death. They walk the long way home, but the one in front is not allowed to turn around for the whole way. Every entity of grand power knows this, for the pact has to be respected were it ever to be attempted again. Of course, Dean goes to find Castiel, because if anyone can do this, it's them.
Can't Stop Lovin' You | @teeparadigm67 Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 9,512 Main Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Castiel is Saved from the Empty, First Kiss, Castiel and Dean Winchester in Love, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Happy Ending, Fix-It, Idiots in Love, Love Confessions, Dean Winchester Saves Castiel from the Empty Summary: On paper, the plan seemed simple. Jack opens the portal between the worlds. Dean walks into the Empty and makes it loud enough to wake the dead. Drag Cas’s feathery ass out of there. Simple, right? Cloaked in Cas’s grace, tape deck in hand with Van Halen blasting out its little speaker, he plans to bring the angel home and tell Cas all the things left unspoken between them for all these years. Now they have a chance, he can’t throw this all away. The only problem is, the Empty has other ideas. It doesn't stop Dean however, it’s his turn to be the one who drags Cas out of perdition. Inspired by: Van Halen - Can't Stop Lovin' You
Bring Me To Life | @Taymarpigeon Rating: Explicit Word Count: 10,960 Main Tags/Warnings: Post-Canon Fix-It, Angel Castiel (Supernatural), Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Gratuitous Smut, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Castiel and Dean Winchester Have a Profound Bond, Dean Winchester Calls Castiel "Angel", Bottom Dean Winchester/Top Castiel (Supernatural), Interrupting Sam Winchester Summary: In 2008 Dean Winchester met a man who changed everything; he says a man, Castiel Angel of the Lord was so much more than a man and not just because of the whole halo and wings thing. November 5th 2020 Castiel sacrificed himself to save Dean and by extension the world, but not before turning the hunter's life upside down one last time. In 2025 Dean was... moving on, let's put it that way. He hadn't forgotten Cas, spending the past five years trying to be all the things the Angel said he was in that teary goodbye. He put one foot in front of the other, day by day, because as Frank Devereaux once said: 'that's what you do'. This life only ends one way for most hunters though and Dean was no exception. Skip four months into the future and he's back, only this time he's done playing by the rules, done pretending his life didn't end with Cas that day in the dungeon. He's done. Time to do what he should have from the beginning...
stay | @thisisapaige Rating: Explicit Word Count: 15,073 Main Tags/Warnings: Fix-It, Post-Canon, Minor Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Light Angst, Happy Ending Summary: Standing on the bridge beside his brother, Dean looks around. Something’s wrong. Because this Heaven, this place Dean supposedly deserves, just seems so... empty.
The Little Issue with the Mission to Perdition | @amaranthhiding Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 16,460 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Universe, Post-Ep 15x19, Jack and Amara Try Fixing Things Together But Make Everything Worse (at first), Amara is Part of Team Free Will, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Temporary Major Character Death, Angst with Happy Ending, First Kiss, DCRB 2023 Summary: Chuck is defeated and his power now belongs to Jack and Amara. They struggle with adjusting to their newly-shared existence, and with big questions such as, how can (almost) all-powerful beings avoid becoming what Chuck was? What even is all that power good for when it doesn't allow Jack to save someone from the Empty who absolutely deserves being saved? Who thought it was a good idea to hand all that power to two beings who, together, have spent less years on Earth than the average human child? ...And why is there suddenly black goo everywhere?
Until the Moss Had Reached Our Lips | @alulangel Rating: Mature Word Count: 20,543 Main Tags/Warnings: Fix-It, Everybody Lives, Lake House, Saved from the Empty, Groundhog Day Loop, Castiel’s True Form, Castiel’s handprint, Creepy forests, Inappropriate use of pie Summary: After everything with Chuck went down, Dean thought he deserved some time off. Not a retirement, just a break. A little cabin by a lake. Fishing. Baking. Time to process and reflect. Except he doesn't remember exactly how he got there. And he doesn't know why he can't leave. And there's something about the woods around the cabin, creeping closer and closer and closer every day...
one working part | @mittensmorgul Rating: Explicit Word Count: 40,051 Main Tags/Warnings: Inspired by It's a Wonderful Life (1946) Episode Fix-It: s15e19 Inherit the Earth (Supernatural) Angst and Fluff and Smut POV Alternating Not Canon Compliant with Episode: s15e19 Inherit the Earth (Supernatural), Human Castiel Summary: Wherein they actually inherit the earth. Again. Because I will never be done retelling the end of their story in more sensible and satisfying ways. This time, via the power of a classic holiday film... with a slightly demonic twist.
Empty Earth (WIP) | @amaranthhiding Rating: No Rating Word Count: 102,437 Main Tags/Warnings: Post-15x18, Epic, Plotty, Angel True Forms, Consensual Possession, Enochian, Apocalypse, Rebellion in Hell, Angst with Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Witch!Sam, Destiel and Samwena, Jack & his three fathers, Crowley & Jack Summary: After Castiel's confession, Dean carries a spark of hope telling him this can't be the end. This spark is the strongest weapon for Dean, Sam and Jack in this final war. The enemy is God. The battlefield is an Earth devoid of humans, a Hell in rebellion against its queen, and a Heaven betrayed by its creator. And the stakes are everything and everyone they have ever cared about.
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the-rat-eatery · 1 year
Something that I think is so great about She-Ra is that it portrays selfishness as a good thing. So many stories about “chosen ones” and “saving the world” are presented as acts of selflessness; it’s the sacrifices that bring the world to peace. She-Ra isn’t like that. It isn’t without its sacrifices, we think of Angella and Mara and Shadow Weaver- but they aren’t the focus. Catra becomes more selfless over the course of the fifth season, but that’s just character development- not the thing that saves the world. 
Adora is a martyr. Obviously. The classic way for the story to handle this is to have her die in the finale- a death tragic but necessary. If she were to die there would no doubt be statues built in her honor, if she had died in the initial seasons then that death would surely be something that was presented as honorable- something to be avenged and be in awe of. But her inherent heroism, her selflessness, is repeatedly shown to be a bad thing for Adora- the person. Sure, the longevity of Adora’s She-Ra might have been expanded if she had given her life for the cause, the stories told in her wake more grand, a punchier ending to the tale, but Adora herself would have felt no benefit- she would have been a corpse. It is Catra, and Catra’s selfishness, that saves her. 
Catra is interesting in that way. We see her arc climax with an act of selflessness- her saving Glimmer in exchange for what she thought would be her life. But it ends with her being selfish, choosing to confess to Adora in the end, desperately asking her to stay- the only thing she ever wanted from her. It is want that saves them both in the end, want is an entirely selfish act. 
Adora’s selflessness is questioned throughout the fifth season by Catra, something that is taken as a given by everyone else in the rebellion. They were all expected to lay down their lives for the rebellion, but Adora was on the front lines. This isn’t even questioned by Bow and Glimmer, who stood back when Adora (without any discussion) was unanimously decided to be the one to take the failsafe. Yes, they didn’t know the repercussions then, but Adora was still the leader, and she was the one expected to take the responsibility. Catra’s selfishness, her not wanting to let Adora go is what brought Shadow Weaver’s deception to light. She wants, and that saves the person she is wanting. Want is lifesaving, want is a good thing. 
I like this because selfishness is good, actually. Selfishness is the thing love thrives on, it’s why living isn’t surviving. 
Selflessness is giving up what we want for someone else’s good. This is good in measure, I’m not saying that everyone should take everything that they want all the time- the world would be chaos. But selflessness can go too far, and we see this in She-Ra. Selflessness can wrap back over into selfishness when you’ve got too much of it- barreling over with giving and giving yourself to other people in a feeble attempt to avoid dealing with your own problems. But the selfishness of She-Ra is the selfishness that is required of love. It is confession. It is, instead of accepting death for the sake of all, fighting for the life you want. Wanting is such a human thing. Not even a human thing, it’s just a life thing. And that same wanting is chastised by the media. We aren’t supposed to want, especially if we’re gay; and if we do then the honorable, right thing to do is to give it up for the good of other people. She-Ra shows us the opposite. Selfishness saves the world and wanting is good. 
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wrens-wramblings · 2 years
A massive problem with how fandom - particularly queer rep - is going right now on this website is how quick people are to jump ship onto the next thing and then immediately start trashing the everliving shit out of the old thing.
Steven Universe (not a perfect show by any means) while it was coming out was celebrated constantly. The Garnet reveal? Pearl being in love with Rose? The Rupphire wedding? SU was revolutionary and has been quoted by cartoon creators now for being a big reason people are allowed to bring their stories to life. Say what you want about the show, but it broke boundaries and set precedents for a lot of the shows that you now love. And the show's plot lines regarding the diamonds has been taken in completely bad faith - do yall really think the half Jewish queer person meant for you to get "Let's all forgive Nazis" from the Diamonds redemption arcs??
After Steven Universe ended a large majority of people jumped to She Ra and the Princesses of Power and when they mentioned SU at all it was to put it down as a show with terrible representation and all round bad writing.
During SPOP's run it was massively popular, with a lot of buzz around the main ship, Catradora. I know this is gonna be taken in bad faith so a quick note - while I do like Catradora, I do feel that there should have been another season for Catra to properly acknowledge the harm she did to Adora and actually grow as a person before entering into a relationship. Catra was forgiven too easily, but that was in part due to Netflix not wanting to give the show another season to properly flesh out the redemption arc. The final season was rushed as all hell, and so many story points would have been better with another season to flesh them out further.
But I digress - during the show's run it was constantly talked about for it's representation, having multiple queer characters, including a nonbinary character.
The show ends and again, the fanbase jumps. This time, it's to the Owl House. People start talking about how SPOP was actually horrible representation and, my personal favourite, they "added gay people as a cash grab."
Yeah okay guys, I'm sure a queer nonbinary creator is writing about queer people because they actually dislike the gays and want to wring money out of us. That is definitely the situation here.
And now I'm worried that in a year or two we'll have the next big queer cartoon and the posts will start popping up -
"Amity Blight is the mean lesbian stereotype."
"Raine and Eda's relationship is problematic because-"
"Amity and Luz started out as rivals, which is toxic because-"
"The romance didn't start until later in the show, it was added at the end for a cash grab."
Again, I'm certain there's gonna be bad faith takes on this -- I'm not saying these shows are perfect. They all have flaws somewhere. No media is completely without it's faults and its good to recognise those faults, that what critical reading is. But calling someone an abuser for enjoying SPOP, or a Nazi sympathiser for liking SU (actual accusations I have seen on tumblr.com) is frankly a little ridiculous.
As for the bad rep argument - every show on this list has one thing in common: a queer creator. No one experiences queerness the exact same way - the only thing that harassing queer creators for not showing your experience does is make other queer creators... not want to write queer characters. No one wants to receive death threats because, for example, they based a character with their sexuality off of how that actually affected them and someone on the Internet decided they were feeding into a harmful stereotype.
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foursaints · 2 months
hi <3
first of all, i wanted to tell you i'm always stalking your blog (in a non creepy way) because i love everything about it. mostly i love how you use your big brain™️ to share some insanely detailed headcanons about some silly dead gay wizards (i mean that in the nicest way possible. i'm a little bit in love with you actually . anyway i'm digressing)
second of all, i wanted to know if you could share some of your thoughts about bartylily🤲🏻 because i'm fairly sure you're the main reason i'm hooked on them
much love <333
ANYTHING for bartylily... lately i've been attached to the idea of a college au where they're Rival Campus Radio Station Hosts.
barty is a spectacularly unmotivated senior who dropped out of a prestigious engineering degree to study practical SFX for horror movies instead. everyone has vague, peripheral knowledge of him after an incident where he was found passed out naked in the campus fountain. his apartment with the slytherins isn't technically a frat house but there's a structure in the kitchen affectionately referred to as the "Leaning Tower of Miller Lite" & barty has a nearly imperceptible crescent-shaped chip in his front tooth from a keg-standing mishap. he wears a lot of chains and has several john carpenter themed tattoos and he REEKS like cigarettes. so many pairs of mystery panties turn up in his laundry hamper that his housemates have started calling it the Lost And Found.
he has a deeply beloved & charmingly unpolished radio show in the primetime spot which mostly consists of him having his friends on, spotlighting terrible underground bands, and making drily ironical, beautifully mean jabs.
lily is an overzealous sophomore who's triple-majoring in three equally unmarketable degrees (it's, like, polisci & international affairs & communications) who's blessed with the gift of taking every single thing that happens on campus WAY too serious. she runs their Model UN like it's the navy. she's the RA who is always marching around her floor in a spaghetti-strap tanktop & bunny slippers with a scrunchie on her wrist, shaking her fist at people. there was a period following her breakup with james where she was literally reading Machiavelli for inspiration. she's right on the precipice of the cool-girl academic meltdown that will lead to Serious Character Growth, but she isn't quite there yet.
her well-made and well-researched radio show is relegated to the midnight timeslot, and even though all her friends listen to it she probably got into a spat with them for saying something along the lines of "obviously i dont care if its just YOU listening to it, remus!!!". she hate-listens to barty's show which she considers (lily voice) An Affront To Collegiate Journalism
they trade barbs at every function and absolutely nobody but the two of them takes their insane imaginary Radio Beef even remotely serious whatsoever. but it's dead serious TO THEM!!! lily is probably camping out in actual bushes with actual binoculars to sabotage his show, and the worst part is that it's actually working. she ISN'T obsessed with him (shut up!!!!!), and barty is mostly just aggravated on principle that the Uptight Lowerclassman Ruining His Life has such nice legs.
and they absolutely bone like crazy about it
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fishymom-art · 5 months
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Say hi to my beloveds!! Some of them were created around uuuhhh 2012/13 maybe, but they went through drastic redesigns throughout the years (specifically Rose, Polen, Amelie, and Raff + Milo, who didn't change a bit), and some of them are brand new (Eru was my D&D character and Tim was created out of nowhere inspired by my husk redesign lol)
Details under the cut!
They exist in The End Realm - the prison of all the other realms, where all criminals and whatnot go. There were so many people, that The End Realm developed it's own communities, politics, etc. It homes many many different people from every part of the multiverse - Human Realm, Ether Realm, Occult Realm, etc. The leader of The End Realm is Raff (or Armel Howl, as he used to be called), an emotionless demon who controls his subjects with their every step. His servants - Shadows - watch everyone and everything around his isolated castle and the rest of the Realm. He tricks people into making a deal with him and they own him their lives. They get a golden jewel with a red ruby in it that is unbreakable and a swirly tattoo is carved into their skin to showcase, that they belong to him. If a person tries to break the pact, they become one of the Shadows. Tim Baccarat - The only human out of the whole bunch - He/They - Demisexual - 28 y.o - Used to own a casino, now works as Raff's butler, coz he owns him. - Was exiled from the Human Realm for Soul Gambling. - (Inspired by Tim Wright from Marble Hornets, Husk from Hazbin Hotel, and Jeeves from Jeeves and Wooster) ((what a combination)) - Voice Claim: Husk from Hazbin Hotel (Keith David)
Rose Seed - Dark Fae, pretending to be a Love Fae - He/She - Gay - 26 yo - Native to The End Realm. A singer and a performer in general, Raff's assistant. Was found by Raff with a missing wing and made a deal. - (Currently inspired by 10th Doctor from Doctor Who, Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel, Francœur from Monster in Paris) - Voice Claim (for noooow): Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel (Blake Roman)
Eru - Aasimar (at least originally) - They/them - Aroace - 38 yo - Used to be a part of a high religious power/church in the Ether Realm, but was exiled due to going against some of their beliefs. Leads a rebellion against Raff. Had a son. - (Inspired by Odysseus and Athena (specifically from EPIC: The Musical), and Queen Angella from She-Ra) - Voice Claim: Odysseus from EPIC: The Musical (Jorge Rivera-Herrans)
Polen - Forest Fae - She/Her - Pansexual, Polyamorous - 35 yo - Native to The End Realm. Eru's right hand in the rebellion. Used to be best friends with Rose, but they stopped talking after he made a deal with Raff. - (Currently inspired by Daisy from The Magnus Archives, Hecate (specifically from Lore Olympus)), ZombieCleo (any Life Series, mostly Last Life though) - Voice Claim (might change): Lizzo, lol
Amelie Fairchild - Succubus - She/They - Lesbian - 32 yo - Raff’s maid. She used to be a high overlord but Raff took over and she signed an unbreakable contract so he doesn’t kill her. Is very in love with Polen. Wants to be a part of the rebellion. Was exiled from the Occult Realm for being weak. - (Currently inspired by The Beast from Beauty and the Beast (I am a horrible person lol), c!Captain Puffy (Dream SMP), and Pearl (Double Life)) - Voice Claim: The Crane Wives (specifically "Curses")
Raff (Previously: Armel Howl) - Demon, used to be a human - He/It - Bisexual - 29 yo (looks like that at least) - Highest overlord of The Realm. Leads an army of shadows, that look over each and every person in his realm. He has eyes everywhere. Was exiled from The Human Realm many many years ago for practicing Dark Magic (creating Shadows). - Voice Claim: MISSIO (Matthew Brue)
Milo Howl - Unknown - He/Him - Unknown - 9 yo - Raff’s son. Powerful being. - Voice Claim: Sushi Saucy
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sometipsygnostalgic · 5 months
There is also the whole "catradora toxic and harmful and the creator deserves 10000 years in gay hell for his gay sins" while also uplifting glimmeradora as the pure unproblematic sinless option, and also saying "catra bad she should die forever" while saying that hordak deserves love and vice versa
youre completely right and i have. so many issues. with the latter. i didnt even bother to mention the hordak fans who want catra to suffer because i dont want to indulge that subset. i think the entrapdak fans who dismiss the rest of the show are a bigger issue, because they encompass more people. at least most people get that hordak is, bare minimum, in the same boat as catra.
the show-hating glimmadoras are also a really tiny, really loud subset of weirdos. i see one of them show up every six months and it's a stream of posts that at first are innocuously pro-glimmadora, and then in comes the fountain of catra hate and bow-phobia. then i block that person and i am happy and ignorant for the next six months.
while the former group is usually older people, in their fourties, the latter group is teenagers. often under 17. it's insane what demographics she-ra reaches!
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danielfosseyart · 4 months
Daniel Watches She-Ra
& The Princesses Of Power
-S1E3- 'Razz'
Todays' She-Ra Watchthrough Art: Look I have been having a real shit week or so let me just bullshit this one thanks
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Dumb question but why is Glimmers mom British? Also this is probably just me but it looks like her wings are attached to her hair & I can't stop thinking about it.
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Oh also yo the theme song?
Yeah that's pretty swell.
A big step up from the original cartoon which was just.....sad? It's just like a sad attempt of being a cool retro cartoon theme song. It fails to live up to any of the greats of decades past.
TMNT 87? Iconic. Badass. Groovy. Radical.
Transformers? Iconic as well. Absolutely fucks.
The Super Mario Bros. Super Show? Fucking ART that makes Hans Zimmer look like an absolute fucking dork.
80s She-Ra? It's like watching a cat spray diarrhea across my carpet for a solid minute. It's just sad.
Okay so I literally don't know any of their names but uh-
These two. These two evil goons right here.
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Okay so are they like gay? I don't know why but my brain saw this & went "Is this dude dating that lizard? are they going to smooch?"
I have no evidence or any proof to back up my claim here.
But I'm gonna just assume these two are gay & smooching & holding hands & stuff.
Anyways these goon squad characters are lame, also fuck that one girl who was bullying Cat-Ra, like, damn. The fuck is her problem?
Like leave that cat alone she's a fucking cat. Who bullies a cat??
Fuck you!!
Yeah so the only two goons I find myself enjoying are these two because I just get a strong feeling that they might be gay.
Again, I have no proof or evidence. But I'm gonna just say that they are anyway because I decided that I want to & you can't stop me.
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Also one of them is a lizard dude. Like I said, that objectively makes him cool as fuck because reptiles are rad as hell.
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I fucking squealed at this they're SO IN LOVE AAAAAA
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POV: Glimmer introduces you to her wife (she's magic & can become very tall & glows bc she's just cool like that)
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Also I like, find She-Ra so fucking funny from the design itself?
She's just.....tall. She's a tall lass. Big. Large. Massive. A Tree.
Like, the fact that she's just....big. Like this is a needed change for her transformation. Being taller is an essential part of it.
One of her magical powers is just being really tall I guess. Like that's part of the transformation, she gets BIG. So that's just considered a power, because it makes her taller.
Being a tall fuck is considered a magical ability in this universe.
Also why did this episode just turn into Pixars' Brave (2012) for the middle part? I'm not upset I'm just confused bc I didn't expect to be hit with this sudden flashback to 2012 shit. But I like this old lady.
But (good job daniel you used but twice in a row, you're so good at writing you stupid fucking idiot-) I just kept being reminded of Brave while watching. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. I haven't watched Brave in like a decade. Like, damn though, this part just reminded me of it a lot & I feel it's worth mentioning.
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I should rewatch Brave sometime.
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Whore-Dak Update:
Okay Hordak, you get points just because you told Shadow Weaver to go fuck herself. That's incredibly based & awesome of you. To not only tell the wizard bitch to shove her stupid fucking shadow magic fart clouds up her ass. But you also were like "Hey angry lesbian cat, you get a promotion because you're epic" & that's so real.
I respect a villain who doesn't bully cats for no reason.
(other than because you're a huge bitch cough shadow cunt cough)
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You're still nowhere near being Skeletor. But you are definitely a far better villain than the original 80s Hordak was. Keep it up buddy.
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rustedpipe · 7 months
things that happened on degrassi but i make them about riverdale
they had cheryl say cuckoo bananas one time, zig novak was heraldo, and also vanessa morgan was mike dallas's baby mama so like clearly there's existing connections here. and just like riverdale and degrassi writers-- i love putting characters into situations. so. without further ado..... things that happen on degrassi (tng & next class) that should've happened on riverdale.
betty pelts dodgeballs at jughead during gym class after he is vague about going on a date or not
dolly zoom on archie's face as fred says "your mom is gay"
betty and gay kevin have a fight while filming a fake commercial for unisex cologne for class
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^ this with gay kevin
reggie does elaborate business deals with locker trading so that veronica can have the best one
archie sending veronica flowers with a card that says ”you rock! xoxo archie”
jughead choking and needing the heimlich but refusing to let gay kevin give him the heimlich because it would mean gay kevin has to touch him.
betty getting into an actual violent physical fight with blood with a random girl at school
^ okay go watch this video right now you only need to watch like the first minute exactly. the rest is completely optional. i have several scenarios in mind here:
- idea one is gay kevin having issues with fangs for the billionth time and so when in doubt kiss archie? - idea two is something jarchie related either betty or veronica is the dylan here . - IDEA THREE IS DYLAN=JUGHEAD GAY MARCO=ARCHIE. SO WHEN IN DOUBT KISS REGGIE?! - but also. the very first episode of riverdale is veronica so when in doubt you kiss betty. okay like realistically the scene is not like that but i think they shouldve let betty say "so when in doubt you kiss betty." for me personally. she would not fucking say that but i want her to
veronica and jughead go to the college admissions fair while extremely high.
RAS plays a similar role to kevin smith and gives advice to cheryl about being gay
kangs toxic poker game. what more can i say
veronica: as you and jughead’s closest friends- jughead: oh actually i don’t really like you. veronica: SHH!
natasha bedingfield performs at prom. archie gets to dance his heart out and cry a little to unwritten. and pocket full of sunshine woah oh
toni gets so much into vampire books that she makes out with cheryl and thinks about vampires too hard and bites her on the neck (this would be a great reference to vanessa morgan's time on another canadian teen show my babysitter's a vampire and also i think we should let toni be a little crazy for fun)
lgbt mixer at la bonne nuit. nothing crazy happens on the degrassi episode but i just wish it had happened on riverdale. like maybe veronica and kevin sing same love or born this way. (again that did not happen on degrassi just using the fact they did an lgbt mixer at the teen speakeasy as a jumping off point.)
when jughead gets hired by tabitha at pops, he immediately burns down the restaurant. they then go to a casino in niagra falls and get vegas-style married
cheryl adopts a pig (that later destroys her house) instead of coping with being alone
reggie attends a meeting about homophobia brought on by locker room bullying and someone explains the definition of internalized homophobia and he says out loud "im a homophobe" and starts crying
jughead poisons bret with stuff that makes you throw up. this involves cups being switched and a reference to roman history (but in the riverdale version betty supports and enables it)
jughead writes a story about a girl getting stalked who has a protective boyfriend trying to stop it but he makes the ending be that the boyfriend realizes he can never protect her from the stalker so he kills her. and betty is like dude um what that is insane. and hes genuinely like what it's just a story. later jughead ends up still not being able to figure out an ending and burns the script on stage while having a breakdown
they have to build rube goldberg machines for class. it doesnt matter who i just want this to be something
fp and alice wedding where bughead break up and get back together like five times about it
core four smokes weed during 2x14 The Hills Have Eyes (degrassi had an episode where teens were unsupervised in a cabin. Just Like.)
gay kevin does a gay musical production of romeo and juliet.
some film guy that jughead adores comes and does a guest lecture and so in order to impress the guy he smokes weed with chic and makes a terrible insane short film to show said film guy
timeskip jughead does mdma at an artsy party where people are very high and painting with their bodies on the walls and floors. in order to avoid his problems.
gay kevin wears a beret at least once
Tumblr media
^ bughead texts
veronica sings triangle tra la le la by patsy cline while in the midst of one of her 'reggie or archie' moments
betty gets really into axe throwing with lesbians (the pretty poisons) in the woods
unfortunately i cannot find a video uploaded of gay tristan performing it but. gay kevin voice riverdale you make drama look! so! good!
veronica trying to tank her father's mayoral campaign by being gay with betty and outing hiram as a homophobe
reggie: for the last time i'm not gay. or homophobic. just missing my best bro....
jughead won't shut up in class so cheryl cuts off some of her hair and then asks jughead to hold the scissors for a sec. and then she raises her hand and tells the teacher jughead cut her hair
beronica has a heartfelt moment about admitting feelings for each other and in the middle of it reggie walks up to them with saddest look on his face and says "am i hotter than archie? be honest. actually don't." and then walks away
veronica comes out to avoid political backlash and the word gets around to hermione who tries to comfort her by saying "no one's gonna believe you're gay. it happens to all powerful women. even hillary"
cheryl and veronica have a fake trial in class over twitter beef
cheryl auditions for a boy part in a play directed by gay kevin. gay kevin initially says no, but cheryl points out that it should be about relating to the pain of the character, not gender. gay kevin agrees and says that he is going to play the part himself because no one understands what he's going through better than him, right?
i'm constructing a reality where fangs is dating gay kevin when he is in the infamous bus crash but instead of dying he goes into a coma. and gay kevin is loyally by his bedside until he snaps like three months in and hooks up with moose. the night he does that, fangs wakes up from said coma.
veronica, speaking to reggie: even though we're a toxic couple, i really miss you and i want our break to be over.
betty has a terrible reaction to weed and someone finds her sadly eating slices of bread from a bag saying “i thought the bread would make me less high but it isnt working”
and finally, and crucially, they should've done a shark in the water style promo for at least one of the seasons. thanks for tuning in.
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n7punk · 5 months
"freak occurrence: confluence" Fic Notes
“freak occurrence: confluence” is definitely the most meta (and the most ridiculous) fic I’ve ever done, so I’ve compiled some references, notes, and explanations to act as fic notes. If you’re opening before reading the fic, I recommend reading each scene before checking the references for it and absolutely don’t read anything after this first section before you’ve finished the fic.
Catradoras in order of introduction:
Scene 1: This is actually MToHL!Adora immediately post-canon but they haven’t figured that out because they’re similar enough that nothing has thrown them off.
Scene 2: Teenage Catradora from a canon-divergent reality where they run away from the Horde as teenagers and horses aren’t real.
Scene 3: toht!Adora.
Scene 4: slas!Catradora.
Scene 5: BFM!Adora, looking at slas!Catradora obviously, but the other Catra trying not to laugh is toht!Catra.
Scene 6 has no Catradoras, but the tattoo is from my OotW fic 'her heart on her sleeve.'
Scene 7: of course this has the Lone-Adora that isn’t from any other fic, but it also has another reference to slas and a reference to ISoHM.
Scene 8: strange disease!Catradora with mentions of my very first AUs (and one of my first fics period) ‘in thundering realizations’!Catradora.
Scene 9: DITM!Catradora POV and Reflection!Catradora across from them, named for Adora turning into a magicat when she's She-ra (side note: shortly after arriving, Reflection!Catra asked if She-ra was a magicat in this universe specifically because she has always held that was because Adora was gay and when she was told ‘no’ that gave her all the ammo she needed for the next three years).
Scene 10: strange love!Catradora.
Scenes 11 and 12 are the Lone-Catra that isn’t from any fic. Well, I would say this is her origin fic, same for Lone-Adora.
Scene 13: Lone-Catra and LotD!Catradora.
Scene 14: WDtFD!Catradora POV and mentions of Knifepoint!Catradora. It’s very easy to think the couple where Catra’s hand was messed up was from AMLAIT, but I also kind of wanted to include allusions to some Catradoras from other fics, so you could read it as R&B!Catradora if you want. I thought about including an explicit mention of Catra’s boots to make that more clear, but when that ended up being the only pair not from one of my own fics, it felt kind of weird. I wanted to pay homage to some of my favorite AUs others have written in the fandom by including references to other Catradoras that were there, but it’s really hard when most of those fics are just modern AUs without much easily visible about their Catradoras to identify them, and I definitely didn’t want to write any scenes from the perspective of someone else’s version of the character without permission, so I just kind of left it at this ambiguous reference to a friend's fic that I asked them permission for first.
Scene 15: Mentions of catcher!Catradora, Superzero!Catradora, and IHtWCYN!Catradora.
Scene 16: Mentions of TFHFY!Catradora, strange disease!Catradora again, and the Greys!Catradora.
Scene 17: CotC!Catradora (for people following my Tumblr this was the entire scene that was just. missing after all my planning somehow).
Scenes 18 and 19 have nothing new.
Scene 20: SaD!Catradora.
Scene 21: This one is a tease for a future fic :) Edit: Now it has come out, this is Lightbeam!Catradora.
And from here on it’s no one new.
Epilogue Life:
Okay I had to cut the fic off there because this could honestly go on forever BUT here’s some stuff about the fallout of this whole event:
This event is, as you would assume, completely non-canon to the rest of my fics. If you want to imagine each couple went back to right around the time they got taken and quickly their memories of the other reality melted away once in their own timeline again, sure, whatever. There are two dimensions permanently affected by all this however, and that’s Lonely-Adora’s and Lonely-Catra’s.
Adora’s universe splits off from canon at the Portal, whereas Catra’s splits off at Princess Prom. I think both universes could survive on their own without Catra or Adora, but there is a reason the couple needs to be in Adora’s universe, and it’s Prime.
Yes, I might be permanently locking one universe in Despondos either way. Oops. Listen, you win some you lose some. This is supposed to be a crack fic at the end of the day (remember that?) and I wasn’t too focused on implications like that. However, Adora’s universe has already signaled Prime thanks to the portal, so without her and Catra they would be locked in a pocket dimension with an apocalypse on its way, no leader in the Rebellion, and Entrapta on Beast Island.
In Catra’s universe, Entrapta never got left behind because the rescue mission went very differently, so Hordak’s portal project is basically doomed, and the Princess Alliance is intact, united, and extremely motivated to crush the Horde after what they did to Adora. They’re in a good position to fight them thanks the Best Friend Squad uniting the Princess Alliance again and the Horde (more specifically, Shadow Weaver) reeling from the loss of Adora and Catra. They’ll take them down in the end and they’ll do it Adora’s name, just like they would have if Catra stayed in their dimension. After having seen the brainwashing the Horde is willing to do, Scorpia eventually defects to join them when Entrapta manages to — completely accidentally — extend a hand to her just by being herself.
Adora’s universe needs Adora’s inside knowledge to save Angella and Entrapta quickly and face down the Heart and Horde Prime. They’ll find their feet, get Entrapta back, start working on their portal technology, and then get the Failsafe before they even get Scorpia and face the Heart. They’ll move Etheria out of Despondos, taunt Horde Prime to the surface as best they can, question their decisions, but ultimately lure him in and set off the Heart faster and with less loss along the way. No one on the Princess Alliance ever gets chipped in this universe and they rescue Angella not long after and reunite Glimmer’s family.
It takes a bit until after the war for Adora and Catra’s relationship to start shifting, but they do eventually get together, there’s just a lot to process first and fighting evil is a good thing to focus on instead while they do that. They need to become each other’s friends before they can become anything else.
⦁ I mentioned a disclaimer in the fic end note. To elaborate on that: I first had this idea around August of 2020 (give or take a month) when my friend asked me which of my AU Catras/Adoras would fuck their alternate universe wife. IDK man, her mind is beautiful. Anyway, it gave me this idea, which was a fun crack scenario that I would turn over in my mind occasionally when I came up with a new AU that I thought would have an interesting pair to add to it. I had no intention of writing it, especially back then when I didn’t have enough AUs to fill out the roster. Since then I’ve thought about making a post explaining the idea just to get it off my mind so many times. In that time, a Spiderverse AU for Catradora was written (oh: I also didn’t watch the Spiderverse until 2023, to the point that the outline for this fic was titled “This Fic Is Older Than The Spiderverse” until I looked it up and realized that’s wrong and I’m just late to the party lmao, but I had no idea what the Spiderverse was about other than multiple Spidermans until I watched it so the death plot point really was just me being fucked up) that dealt with some similarities with the deaths between realities. The fic is good, it made me cry, and I actually read that before I watched the Spiderverse because I missed that tag and thought it was some kind of canon AU. I recommend the fic and wanted to acknowledge it since it shares a plot point. Honestly, when I read that fic I was like oh thank god someone did it, now I’ll seem like I’m copying if I do it too and the idea can leave me along, but the idea Did Not Leave Me Alone and I need to end this 🔫
⦁ Because I know someone will ask: This is absolutely crack and not canon to my OotW series at all. I still have no idea where I should really put it. Being in the AU collection makes sense because it’s relevant to a lot of them, being inside the OotW series but non-canon like ‘take care of each other’ and ‘You and I (and Me)’ makes sense, and it not being in any of those things because it kind of isn’t an AU and definitely isn’t canon to OotW makes sense. I still haven’t decided and I’ll probably move it around multiple times lol.
⦁ Ethereal!Catradora are from my upcoming fic "Lightbeam" and are just a fun little teaser because no one was better suited to sussing magic out. It was either her or Glimmer, who was busy laying magic alarm systems all over the castle for the new alternate universe couples to trip into when they arrived so they could be collected. This is how Catra knew to come running when the SLAS couple appeared.
⦁ “The universe is as dumb as it is passionate, apparently.” C’mon Catra you can’t ask finesse from a celestial body that is no thoughts all vibes
⦁ The whole conversation around the cot/bed is just to show that yeah, they’re different Catras and Adoras, but they’re still Catra and Adora in every reality and this will work out eventually.
⦁ I mostly picked Catradoras based off when would be easy to reference or who I thought would be interesting in the scenario and basically nothing else. Making them distinct was the biggest challenge lmao.
⦁ Oh I know SaD!Catradora teleporting back near their original disappearance might make it seem otherwise, but Adora was missing from her reality for as long as she was in the Prime universe for (and yes, I did internally refer to it as the Prime universe, so I had to make jokes about it. And then I made the omegaverse canon - AS FICTION - to a few of the modern universes for a laugh). I think the people from other highly-similar Etheria's were gone for a 1:1 time or close to the same amount of time they were in the other dimension, but the further a dimension was from canon the less time passing in the Prime universe applied to their own. Or something. Again, none of this is canon.
⦁ They go to Lone-Adora's universe because Catra reaches out for Adora, opening herself up to her. They would have gone to Catra's if it happened the other way around.
⦁ Adora's room was a mess because the Princess Alliance kind of tore it up looking for a sign of her but of course found nothing.
⦁ "So even here I'm..." is "So even here I'm a killer."
⦁ I don't think I ever say specifically what Catra's cause of death was in this universe (because I wasn't sure myself for a while) but when the Fright Zone was kind of shaking apart post-Portal Catra fell and Adora wasn't able to stop it.
⦁ Glimmer is emerging from Bow's room because they actually made some progress on Glimmer healing and reaching out for her friends for support when Adora disappeared. Glimmer was afraid it was because of her and it caused her to do a little - a little - self-examining.
⦁ I've mentioned this a couple times but I spent most if not all of last year secretly hoping to get to 1% of the tag. It's a super pointless goal, but it is cool to have done it. This work is also the 50th in my AU collection (at least, as of now since I'm putting it in there for now) so that feels like a fitting number for a special as well.
⦁ This was supposed to be like 7k.
I might do another OotW fic or two, but right now my plan for the next AU is “the Reverse AU.” Have fun figuring out what I mean by that, you probably won’t :)
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
Fer Monster Prom (these QUEERS and their PROMS istg /lh) I need a plot point to be that Something Important broke down ohhh nooooo like a generator powering the school or even the portal needs an extra blast of life spark to stabilize it and as everyone’s running around tryna power the Important Thing up Cleo pulls up, takes one look of the situation, says, “More power? Stand back, ghouls and boos, your most benevolent mummy representative’s got this”, cups Frankie’s confused face (who still hunches down nevertheless fer Cleo like the confused yet willing puppy they are), gently kisses them smack on the cheek, and then-
Whamo bamo the world is saved all thanks to Cleo’s great sacrifice of frizzled hair and lowkey charred bandages. Girlypop was standing RIGHT in the danger zone of lovestruck lightning; she knew the price which had to be paid and did NOT hesitate even though she had spent hours before picking out the perfect prom dress and all that. After recovering from Sheer Gay Shutdown™️, Frankie panics and holds Cleo’s slightly smoking body close as monsters rush around behind the pair.
“Cleo?! Are you okay?!”
“Oh my Ra, precious, that was… spooktacular…”
Cleo is so outta it from her super noble act of altruism. The most selfless of all monsters, truly.
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straighttohellbuddy · 2 years
you know me {Wilbur Soot} // 1
sigh no more
Summary: As much as you love your university dormmates, you wished they wouldn't try and wingman you every time you all went out together. The only thing that gets them and their good intentions off your back is telling them you're already seeing someone. What happens after that is at least partially their fault for misinterpreting your friendship with Wilbur... But it's also his for agreeing to go along with it when you ask, and it's definitely yours for not being more worried when he gleefully threatened to be the most embarrassing fake boyfriend the world has ever known. Need to Know: They/Them. Set late 2020ish?? University Student!Reader. childhood best friends with Wilbur.
{ masterlist }
A/N: 2452 words. so ive been struggling to exist lately which is why i haven't posted this earlier despite how much i love it. im not sure when the next parts will be though i have made a solid start for now, but i really do hope you enjoy this! solid feedback is also a fantastic motivator, so if you have any thoughts, feelings, or suggestions at all about what you might like to see in this story going futher, please let me know!! i hope you enjoy it <3 also im just gonna go ahead and say here that one of my favourite forms of intimacy is giving ur friends silly nicknames on messenger.
Warnings: References to drinking.
Taglist: @extremeloserr @ahsteriawrites @mishthemess @spencer-not-reid1 @esylwen @lovejoyenjoyer @harbingerofheartbreak @lavcha @axeofwars @hiredars0nist @boiled-onionrings @river-exe @artsycanongoer @ghostyv @mitbin24 @generalnav @raes-gay @btwimskyvv @midnightsky1213 @lastwandastan @alive-woman-sitting @musiclovebot
Taglist is always open! Feel free to message or comment if you’d like to be added! xx
Your class is running far later than you'd expected on a Friday afternoon when your phone starts blowing up with messages. You had only been at university for a few weeks but finally had managed to schedule time to hang out with Wilbur, and had wanted to show him around your new dorm, so messages from him were to be expected. As you check your phone, however, you realise you forgot to tell the rest of the people who lived in your dorm that he would be meeting you there.
[Y/N literally is this your man? Come collect him from the sofa if u know him or let me know if I should call campus security] Your Residential Advisor sends to your dorm's group chat along with one of the awkwardest photos of Wilbur you've ever seen in your life. In class you choke on a laugh before seeing a series of messages from Wilbur as he'd been navigating around the campus until finally -
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): like ted bundy]
Your whole face scrunches up with fond but well worn exasperation as your lecture across campus finally comes to an end. You respond first to the dorm group chat, assuring them that he was indeed your friend, and that you'd left your room unlocked if someone could show him there so he wouldn't have to awkwardly wait in the living area, before finally turning your attention back to Wilbur's messages.
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: nobody thinks you're Ted Bundy can you please just be normal while interacting with my dormmates]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: my RA let you in she's gonna show you to my room you can wait there]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): I'm so normal right now I asked about the Weather! Small Talk! ]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): seriously tho this is so awkward she definitely thinks I'm a creep]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): which I AM but that's usually part of the long con, not a vibe I like to give off at the start]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): thats a joke]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): obviously]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): but actually please get here soon she definitely wants to call security on me I'm pretty sure]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): please tell her I'm not a murderer]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: alfkalflakfls]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: no someone just told her you're an internet celebrity lol you're fine]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate):😐]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: not me lol]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: I didn't even remember to tell them you were coming to the dorm today why would I mention something like that]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: you passed the vibe check tho]
And you send a screenshot of the group chat where someone had mentioned that he was the awkwardest man they'd ever seen, but a few others had chimed in that he had a 'cute, shiny face' that made sense for an internet celebrity. Someone had screenshotted and close cropped his name from Twitter already and just commented 'FROM CHARLOTTE'S WEB?????' which had the latest response of '😳🕸️SOME PIG🕸️😳' which had the most positive reactions of any message in the chat.
You assure Wilbur you've told them not to be weird, which does little to alleviate his concern, but thankfully you're climbing the stairs to your dorm and are only moments away. Your RA gives you a look which you shrug helplessly at, but thank her nonetheless as you abscond to your room to put Wilbur out of his misery.
"It's different to how I imagined it," is the first thing Wilbur says to you. The door isn't even properly closed, and you're setting your bag down by your desk before you give him a wry smile.
"Better or worse?" The door closes with a click and you cock your head to the side, watching him while he gazes around at the way you've decorated the little dorm room from where he's perched on the edge of your bed.
"That's entrapment," his face lights up with an amused grin, still looking around, "I'm used to your old room," and when you sit beside him and flop back to look at the ceiling, he follows suit, "it's nice here, well decorated." And there's something about his strangely reserved tone that has you sighing.
"They're not gonna be weird about it," you assure him softly; unfortunately you were able to intuit what was worrying him fairly well. This isn't the first time you've had a conversation like this.
"You know I don't think it's your fault," he tells you matter-of-factly, turning to look at you, "but people -"
"- are weird," you finished with the faintest disappointment, knowing all too well that he was right. Still, you're glad he's here, and you tell him as much. He smiles at that, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes.
"We could go," you suggested, "I could plan better for next time and give you the full tour in the middle of the day when everyone's in class," the earnest offer makes his smile widen to something fond, "come on, we can get dinner and eat at your place, get on the piss at a pub across town; barely anyone goes past walking distance here." His whole face scrunches up with something all kinds of bashful and fond as he hides the expression against your shoulder, smacking you with his forehead hard as you speak, "I'm only here for a year, dude, you've seen it, that's all I require, I'm content, you never have to come back, which does mean there's a good chance I'll be living at your place on weekends but -"
"- and you'll spend your weekdays wasting away here in your well decorated Fortress of Solitude -" he snorts, shifting back to lay beside you properly, but at least now he's grinning.
"- I have friends outside of you," you remark flatly, smirking.
"I never agreed to that," Wilbur plays at being offended, and you sit up if only to shove him in the side.
"If you're really so jealous I can move in with you -"
"Into what? My linen cupboard?" He sits up too, giving you a right shove back, which has you skittering to your feet, crossing the small space to lean against your desk once more, looking at him with a sharp grin.
"You already having a housemate is not my problem," you stick your nose in the air and try not to laugh at the whole charade. As the bit slowly dies but the good mood remains, you ask if he wants to leave now, or later.
"I quite like it here," he says instead of answering properly, looking around again with a newfound fondness, "I might live here; gonna give up my place and move in. You're okay to sleep on the floor and be the only one paying rent, right?" After a moment, you school your expression into something neutral as he plays up his innocence.
"Wil, did you ever hear that Flight of the Conchords song Petrov, Yelyena, and Me?" You ask with a blithe smile. You can see the moment he remembers the song and it's premise, the way amusement lights up in his eyes as he keeps his expression otherwise controlled.
"The one where they eat their unwitting roommate in his sleep?"
"Yeah, that one."
"Never heard of it," he refuses to break eye contact, "haven't the foggiest," he sits back a little, "on an unrelated note, how about snacks, and something on Netflix, and I don't move into your dorm?" Giving a toothy grin, you finally break and laugh, agreeing easily.
You pass him your laptop from your bag and tell him where the charger is while you head out to the shared kitchen to get snacks for you both.
"You guys joining us tonight?" There's more than just your RA in the common room now; a few of your dormmates are sitting around the kitchen island preparing for predrinks. They'd already invited you earlier in the week, but you'd declined in favour of hanging out with Wilbur.
"What?" Now in the presence of other people who definitely knew who your best friend actually was, you could feel yourself growing tenser.
"You and Wilbur, you know you're always welcome to pregame with us, he is too," your RA smiled so kindly, as if trying to reassure you.
"We won't be weird about it," one of your dormmates assured earnestly, "it's cool that he's your friend." The girl next to her elbows her pointedly and averts her gaze, trying to hide her smile.
"He is," you blurt out, "my friend that is. He's my best friend, and he has been for ages, so just... don't be weird -"
"Come on, we're not being weird!" The first girl tries again, before giving a long sigh, "we'll try not to be weird," she concedes.
"You can't blame us for being a little curious about him," your RA says carefully, "he's a pseudo-celebrity on the internet, he -"
"Yeah but he's not a spectacle," you countered sharply, brow furrowing. You open the fridge into silence, "he's my best mate, he was before any of the internet stuff, and he's a person before any any of it; can you guys just treat him like that?" And you grab a bottle of soft drink from the fridge, closing it again, leaning your forehead against the cool metal with your eyes closed, "sorry, I shouldn't have snapped."
"No, we get it," one of the girls says sincerely.
"Do you and your friend Will wanna do pres with us?" The other offered kindly, and you take a deep breath, grateful for their understanding.
"I'll ask," you tell them, and all three give a little cheer at that, "no promises," you warned with a half-smile, and they all nodded quickly, thankfully all wearing grins.
The minute you step back into your room, however, you're startled by Wilbur standing only a foot from the door. His arms are crossed awkwardly over his chest, hands tucked into his armpits, cheeks puffed out and eyes wide as he rocks back on his heels with the movement of the door. He looks... kind of guilty. Also like he's trying desperately not to look guilty.
"I wanted to ask about the bathroom," all came out in a rush, and you, door still open, sighed, "you took longer than expected," he added; you hung your head. He'd heard your outburst at the very least, that much was clear. Stepping aside you tell him the bathroom is across the hall, hoping to use the brief moment to come up with some sort of an apology.
Instead, as he leaves, he heads to the common room first, and you can see from your door as he raps his knuckles on the empty doorframe, garnering the attention from the three girls in the room.
"Hello, hi, I'm Wilbur, Y/N's friend Will," its an akward if amicable start, jerking his thumb over his shoulder to your bedroom door where you stood still watching.
"Y/N's friend Will!" All three in the kitchen practically chorus, like they were somehow aware that he knew about the conversation that had just occurred and it was all an inside joke. Well, it does get Will to chuckle.
"I was told there was an invite to drinks, is that still on the table?"
"Uh, yeah of course," you can hear your RA answer, though she manages to regain her composure, "it'll be us and the guys from over there," you don't see her gesture but knew she'd be pointing to the block across your joined balcony, "we start drinking pretty much any time after sundown, but will be heading to the club around ten."
"It's a theme night - neon," one of the girls added, "not that you have to dress up or anything, but I'm about to make a run to the costume shop for any face paint if either of your guys want some, that's pretty much all I plan to do for pres," she laughs brightly as the others groan about how it's going to end up a mess, and Wilbur looks over his shoulder; he knew you'd be there, but gives a grin nonetheless.
He raises his eyebrows in silent question, and you, so endeared having watch him mend bridges that weren't even his problem, smile and shrug; sure, why not.
"We'll be there," he tells them, which elicits another round of cheering from the three prepping in the kitchen, "lovely to meet you ladies," a sentiment which is echoed back at him, and from there he finally actually heads to the bathroom.
The interaction you'd witnessed has you feeling all sentimental, and as you close your door and head back to your bed where Netflix is waiting, you can't wipe the goofy grin from your face.
"I guess you can move in here if you want," you tell him with this silly, saccharine tone, and Wilbur laughs before he even closes the door, "I'll sleep on the floor, you win."
"Nah," he shrugs, kicking off his shoes finally.
"Lost interest?" You raised your eyebrows at him and he gives a dubious glance over your bed. Then, almost as if he feels guilty about admitting as much, he sits beside you, back against the wall that served as your headboard.
"I literally don't fit, Y/N," he pointed out, kicking at your wall to draw attention to how dangerously close his feet are to the end of the bed already. You allow your tone to get teasingly sappy as you tell him he fits in your heart, and all he can do is rolls his eyes with a half smile, the sacchrine silence lasting right up until you pull your laptop onto your lap an a notification from your dorm's group chat flashes up in the bottom corner of the screen.
[🕸️SOME PIG🕸️ confirmed for pres!!]
It was one of the girls who had been in the kitchen, but Wilbur's expression seemed to flash through all five stages of grief upon seeing it, despite the growing number of heart emojis for the message.
"Oh god, is that really what they're calling me?"
Pulling out your phone you text the group to remind him that his name is Wilbur. Immediately, however, you get the response that 'that's too obvious'. Beside you, Wilbur snorts a laugh.
"What? Like I'm a secret agent?" Which you then send word for word in the group chat, attributing it to Wilbur himself as he buries his face in his hands and you quietly cackle. They were trying, in their own way, to accommodate your request to 'not be weird about it', which you were grateful for, so at least this you were happy to laugh about.
So they end up deciding to call him Charlie; it's short for Charlotte's Web.
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sophiamcdougall · 1 year
First of all I am going to tell you what Nimona is actually about because I kept seeing posts screaming about the representation!!! and even one heavily warning for spoilers which, when you clicked in desperation for some hint of the basic premise, was just like, it's very queer!!! Yes, OK. But can a bitch have a crumb of plot?
It's about a knight in a fantasy-futuristic world who finds himself framed for killing the queen. On the run and trying to clear his name, his life is further disrupted by a shapeshifting being called Nimona, who's sometimes a girl, sometimes a shark or a rhino, and who wants to be his villainous sidekick. The knight has dedicated his life to protecting his society from "monsters". But now everyone has turned on him too, he has to rethink what that means.
(Also the knight is textually gay from the start and Nimona is a trans allegory.) Anyway, what I really wanted to say was Nimona was good -- but does it suffer from what Guillermo del Toro has so helpfully called "emoji-style behaviour"? Yes, yes alas it does. 80% beautiful queer fantasy, 20% always-about-to-do-that-arms-crossed-back-to-back-sassy-pose (you know the one). Like no one ever actually says "he's right behind me isn't he," but the peril that they might is never wholly absent. Someone does say "gesundheit" after someone else says something that does not sound remotely like a sneeze. It is also visually gorgeous and strikingly honest about trauma and the limits and potential of inter-minority solidarity, you know? I might watch it again the way I watched She-Ra ... in Italian, which doesn't do those specific, grating, performance rhythms. But I would miss Riz Ahmed.
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anxresi · 1 year
NEWSFLASH: Pink-Streaked Plot Device Confesses Crush To Equally ‘Perfect’ Protagonist. A Nation Of Undemanding Fans Weep.
May I offer a few stray observations?
1. Zoe is not ‘Amazing’, Marinette. She’s just written that way. (Bonus points if you can catch the movie reference there) 
She’s obviously SUPPOSED to be because she has so many friends and loved ones, can do everything she puts her mind to SO well and hasn’t got a single fault in her oh-so-sweet personality. 
The problem with being so gosh-darn flawless though, is that you’re straight-out BORING... especially when put into the confines of a TV show where we expect the characters to be more than just insipid one-dimensional goodie-two-shoes. 
If only they had someone better to replace her, like a rebellious anti-hero... with many layers to their character and plenty of scope for growth and change... yes, that would be MUCH more interesting than a perpetually shilled Creator’s Pet...
Oops, they already got rid of her. So sorry, my mistake.
2. People should be honored to be ‘loved’ by Zoe? 
Not really. She probably ‘loves’ everyone, due to her single-note ‘nicey nice’ persona excluding her from expressing any mild distaste about anyone. Including her own newly-psychotic sister, who’s probably told her she despises her for years.
 She’d probably skip merrily into whatever-bullshit-name-Hawkmoth-has-these-days’ lair in a yellow sundress and a basket full of oatmeal cookies, give him a little kiss on the cheek before prancing out singing ‘Tomorrow’ from Annie, leaving a trail of fluffy bunny wabbits and freshly-bloomed daisies in her wake. 
Aaawww! *Retch*
3. “Adrien’s not the one I’m in love with...” OOOH HERE IT COMES! BRACE YOURSELVES...
4. ...AAANND like a deflated balloon, a broken swing and a show running out of ideas so quickly it shoves in these ‘serious’ moments that’ll never be referenced again, Zoe never explicitly says those three magic words (Alakazam, abracadabra and hocus pocus, right?)
I guess she wanted to be ‘special friends’ with Marinette the same way Rose and Juleka are. A more hopelessly unsubtle, pandering load of nonsense would be impossible to find... but it won’t stop a certain percentage of the audience from instantly shipping these two and finding this moment both ‘inspirational’ and ‘emotional’ (I can just see the hyperbolic tweets now: OMG I WEPT BUCKETS! I CAN RELATE SSSSOOOO MUCH etc)
Sorry, but I can’t get on board. I would say this was badly done whatever the sexuality of the couple, so you can kindly burn your placards screaming ‘BIGOT’ right now. The fact it’s so cynically aimed at a demographic that are often sadly overlooked in animation until recently (and naturally, afraid of some kind of Moral Panic the writers STILL can only hint at gay relationships instead of announcing them out loud) just makes the whole shameless manipulative process even worse, IMHO.
To all those who aren’t catered to by an often very heterosexual-focused cartoon industry, watch The Owl House. Give She-Ra a try. Just anything, instead of this pathetic... what was that term I heard the other day... Gaybaiting?
Yeah, that sounds about right.
(N.B If you get something positive out of this episode I am not seeking to devalue your experience or ruin your enjoyment... I am just saying, I think this is badly-done, poorly written tripe designed to earn the show brownie points when frankly it deserves none. A great example of virtue-signalling, to borrow a tired right-wing trope. You might disagree, and feel free to argue your case, but please respect my opinion by not calling me a bunch of profane names in response. Thank you.)
5. The short scene ends with Marinette letting the supposedly lovestruck Zoe down gently, with a hug and a silent promise to never speak of this again (believe me, they won’t).
 It’s a good moment for both of these favorite, endlessly-hyped characters of Thomas... Marinette gets to show her ‘human’ side and improve her already sterling reputation, whereas a lovesick Zoe takes her rejection surprisingly well.
 No tears, raised voices or even mucus bubbles... the entire emotional catharsis is over in less than 40 seconds. Guess they were too busy with more important stuff in the episode like Cheesy Chat puns, Hawkmoth’s Ham’n’Cheese and Marinette getting spotted panties from her Lucky Charm (I wish I was kidding... but I’m not. I’ve READ the leaks... *Shudder*)
So, to sum up then: another throwaway moment in an increasingly stupid show that could’ve been something special or left a lasting impact... of course, it does neither of those things. 
I mean, what were you expecting at this stage? The people who produce it are clearly not making any serious effort whatsoever, whether that be in the writing department or stopping MASSIVE spoilers from getting out and ruining the plot (although, I think they already did a pretty good job of that even before this latest round of security breaches).
So if they don’t care, why should anyone else? At least it’s fun to vent about... but time for a break now, to watch something with a bit of actual quality. Hmm... *Decides to see the Amphibia finale for like the trillionth time.*
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nightjarring · 7 months
Keep seeing that post abt how people want unsanitanitized queer media but can't handle the she-ra and the locked tomb and like, right. And part of the point of course is that neither of these are Even Remotely Spicy and people still hiss and piss and shit their pants. Fluffy children's show and this absolute sludge with RWBY-teir writing (I suffered thru that whole fucking book I'm not passing undue judgment here, I gazed into the abyss and it's full of memes). But also it feels kind of weak that THESE are what people are defending as particularly subversive or nuanced queer relationship stories that people just can't handle this is why trying to find LGBT books makes me feel like a starving ravenous dog chewing on scraps.
Recently, I read a book called "Black Leopard, Red Wolf" by Marlon James and it was pretty much exactly what I wanted out of Queer fiction, which is an engaging and fascinating story that also happens to be really, really gay. It's a book I would have probably enjoyed anyways, it's a well-realized and rich setting and just filled with cool as hell shit and swimming with the dreamy logic of folklore. The story is influenced by epic poetry, African mythology and comic books. At least I got a sick as hell ultraviolent indie comic vibe from a lot of it. I found the nonlinearity intriguing and fun to puzzle out, and the writing style intense and lovely. The main character also has multiple well developed, touching romantic and sexual relationships with other men. It's also fucking great to read a book about gay men that's not about sopping wet little twinks or teenagers or guys who are generally bland and mushy, nonthreatening. these are mercenaries, killers, a shapeshifter, they're badass and it's great.
(That being said, it's not exactly something I can easily recommend to a lot of people who may be sensitive about sexual violence, including against children... it's Mythology Flavored but not in a Clean way. )
Idk what I'm trying to say even, this isn't really a coherent post. I really really want to see more queer media that's not tiptoeing or obsessed with being a shining beacon of morality and prioritizes being A Good Peice of Writing or having characters with actual shit going on beyond their gender/sexuality. I know people on this site are emotionally stunted but maybe there's more out there than shows for children and YA pap idk
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