#I feel like I just gotta. sit her down and have a solid ‘here’s how I experience gender and sexuality and ITS NORMAL’
badolmen · 1 year
And my mom wonders where my siblings and I get our obsessiveness from…
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Helluva Boss Characters Reacting to You Asking for a Hug
Tbh this series is just for my own enjoyment at this point lmao
I’m so normal about them, I swear.
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Honestly, it depends on what type of relationship you have with him
Familial relationship? Best BELIEVE he’s coddling the shit outta you rn
^ def a cheek pincher
“Hey sweetie? Do you need me ta fuck someone up for ya?”
But if y’all are platonic, or SATAN FORBID
R O M A N T I C ?
Ur not getting Shit
Well, until you start crying
“You’re a fuckin’ baby, you know that?”
Very casual hugs
Always sits his chin on you
Will complain the entire time
But you both know he loves you
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“Oh shit, you good?”
She’s blunt, not heartless
Honestly pretty touched that you asked for a hug instead of just going for one
Like her adoptive dad, very casual hugs
Usually just slings an arm over your shoulders
Won’t talk to you about it
Y’all just sit in comforting silence
Don’t let anyone point out that she’s letting you touch her
Will get v flustered
Depending on how you both feel - may let you play with her hair to self regulate
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“Sure thing, hun!”
Doesn’t matter who you are, or why you need a hug, she’ll take it
Physical affection is her top love language idc
Squeezes super super tight
Like, you can barely breathe
Gushes over how sweet you are
Will probs pepper your face in kisses too (doesn’t matter what ur relationship with her is)
((Millie is a strong believer in non-romantic kisses, she told me herself))
Will probs ask Moxxie to bring y’all a drink
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“Uhh, you sure you want a hug from me?”
Yes babe I’m sure
Doesn’t think he’s the best one to be comforting you - will palm you off to Millie if he can
But will be offended if anyone else says he can’t look after you
^^ Gets all huffy about it
Distraction is his new best friend
Will tell you a mixture of stories and fun facts to try and make you feel better
Will also make you a hot drink
If you want to, will talk out your feelings with you
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Babes just blinks for a hot minute as your words register with him
Has the softest smile
“Of course, dearest. Come here.”
A hug isn’t enough for him, you’re in for a full blown cuddle sesh now
Likes the feeling of having you fully wrapped up in his arms
Forehead kisses. Forehead Kisses.
Will sometimes swaddle you in blankets like a literal baby
Hums softly for you
Tries to ask what’s wrong, will def push the subject
He just wants to fix it, okay?
Will just,,, smother you in affection until you’re okay
And then some
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Judgemental eyebrow raise.
Judgy, judgy girl
Y’all gotta be CLOSE for her to hug
((But not really, she’s so touch starved its not funny, but we don’t talk about that-))
Long, comforting hugs
If u end up crying, will fix your makeup for you
Don’t mention it though
Like, literally don’t mention it or it won’t happen again
She probs just breathes a sigh of relief when y’all hugs
Holds on a little too tight, for a little too long
If you ask first, she’ll start coming to you for hugs now too
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Baby. Baby, baby man.
Will wrap his arms around you several times over
Another really tight hugger
You had shit to do?
Sike, not anymore
Now you’re spending all day with Fizz
Your fault, you started it by asking for a hug
Is super worried about you, but tries to play it down
Will do stupid shit just to see you laugh
Will ALSO flirt with you until you can’t stand it anymore
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Immediately concerned, does not try to hide it
Much like his bf, cancels all plans for today
Y’all are gonna be chilling in bed and cuddling now
Just kinda,,, scoops you up?
Definitely plays with your hair
Gives a SOLID head massage
So so gentle and sweet
Just lays you on his chest
Draws pictures on your back and makes you guess what he’s drawing
^^ he does this to help ground you
Tbh he’ll probably drag Fizz to bed too, so know they’re both looking after you
Mans isn’t gonna let anyone get left out
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futurecorps3 · 1 year
can i request a jj x reader where she keeps saying she's sick but jj doesnt believe it and thinks it's just an excuse to not go to the midsummers or whatever u choose, but then when they both go, she passes out and jj gets worried and protective. thank uuu smm!!
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Summary: JJ thinks you're lying Pairing: JJ Maybank x kook!reader Warnings: JJ kind of being an ass lmao, sickness, mentions of headaches, reader faints and I think that's it, lmk if I missed any! Word Count: 2.6K Requested: Yes
A/N: Took me a while to figure this one out cause I think J wouldn't be like that in the first place but let's try!! Hope u like, nonnie<3
Everything sucked. There was no way a human could have this bad luck, and Y/N had begun to think the universe had it against her at this point. She had spent almost a month finding the perfect dress and headpiece for Midsummers' night, two months in convincing her parents to let her bring JJ as her plus one and a solid three weeks in convincing JJ.
Only for a mind bending migraine to come storming its way right in the morning. She tried ignoring it for a while, taking some pain-killers to try to ease the pain, but they did absolutely nothing. Her parents had left early to help the Camerons set everything up (sitting around and ordering people) and the party started around five, so she opted for sleeping to see if the headache would subside.
It didn't; she realized right when JJ's booming voice rang through her ears, waking her up. "Figured I'd come down here so we could get ready together!" Her boyfriend said with a grin, holding the tuxedo she had bought for him in his arms. She incorporated from her bed. Standing up with a little dizziness, she couldn't let slide and kissed him as a greeting.
"For an event, it took me days to convince you to go to, you truly are excited." Y/N smiled, feeling a little light-headed. "Did you shower?" She asked as she buried her head in his chest as JJ's arms wrapped around her waist "'Course mamma, just for you... but by the looks of it you haven't" he smiled as his girlfriend hit his chest playfully.
"You're right though, be right back". Y/N stepped in her bathroom as she heard JJ play some music on her speaker. Hopefully, the shower would help the pain she could no longer stand. She tried massaging her scalp and breathe in the scents of her soaps, relax in the water and whatnot but it didn’t help.
She felt as if someone was pushing her eyeballs into the inside her skull while pounding the sides of her head with a hammer, the worst migraine she ever had. Now, this whole thing was important for both Y/N and JJ, as it was the first time they’d be attending an event of this nature together… but she wasn’t sure the headache would allow her.
The thought made her sulk a little, but in the end, the migraine was stronger. She stepped out of the shower wrapped in a towel as well as her hair, watching JJ play around with her necklaces and rings. “J, I-I don’t think we can go” she muttered, disappointment clear in her shaking voice when she noticed how his face fell.
“What do you mean?” he sounded almost shocked. “My head’s been hurting like a motherfucker since I woke up, I-I tried taking some painkillers but they worked for shit and-“ “Y/N you ain’t gotta lie… just say you don’t wanna go with me”.
She couldn’t bear thinking JJ thought it had to do with him “Baby no, I-I’m serious! We could stay in and cuddle if you want, maybe watch Top Gun or-“ then he laughed. “Stop pretending”
“What?” “I know you don’t want me to meet all your kook friends and I know you're kind of ashamed of dating me even though you say you aren’t and-“ “What are you talking about!?”
This was a very JJ thing to think. And no, he wasn’t being manipulative. Y/N knew he meant every word he was saying. And that’s what hurt the most. He could get insecure and honestly, she couldn’t blame him. He grew up in a place that condemned him for the blood running through his veins, hearing things like “he’s just like his old man” or “a Maybank after all” when he fucked up.
Yes, he was reckless and stupid, but he was also kind and a good man. Y/N knew he had some reservations coming into this entire relationship with her because being friends differed completely from being boyfriend and girlfriend. The judgments they were to face were clear, but she always reassured him that as long as they were together they’d be okay.
She could see why he’d think that way. “It’s not like that, baby-“ “Except it is” he said, running his hands through his hair and pacing around the room. “Let’s go then” she gave in. Physical pain hurt way more than knowing JJ thought she was embarrassed to be dating him. She could handle it.
“Oh, so suddenly your headache goes away?” He snapped, throwing air quotes in the word headache which made Y/N, who was already getting her hair done, give him a look of “drop it” and he did, kissing her in the cheek before changing into his suit.
When they got there, Y/N’s headache was nowhere near better, but she tried paying no mind to it; what mattered was she was walking down to the party with JJ holding her hand. She squeezed his fingers gently as they approached her parents; him squeezing her's back.
“Hi sweetie!” My mom smiles, hugging her tightly with the sweetest grin and then moves to hug her boyfriend. “JJ, we’re so glad you could make it! Go ahead to our table. It’s four over there and I made sure to seat you with Sarah and Kie”. The woman was always kind to J, making sure he felt welcomed in their lives.
Who was really hard to convince was her dad, always wary of the boys Y/N brings home. Now, him being a pogue well… that stir shit up to say the least. “Thank you” the boy answered her mom, then turning to her dad. “Hello, sir”. Her dad gave JJ a stern look and held out his hand “Hello JJ”. And that was it for him.
As they were walking to their table, Y/N realized her boyfriend’s face fell a little at the interaction with her dad. “Hey hey, it’s okay… you know how he gets,” she quickly assured and he directed those sad blue eyes to her “I just don’t get why he doesn’t like me” he sighed, a sad chuckle leaving his lips.
“You don’t usually care what people think of you, J. Why do yo-“ “I care because he’s your dad! I don’t care if Pope’s parents or- or Kie’s don’t like me, I couldn’t give less of a fuck but not with you. He’s your dad and as much as we know he’s unfair with me for being a pogue, I-I would like him to like me”
Y/N’s heart broke at his words, making her feet stop next to the dancefloor, her headache pulsating at the strong wave of emotions. “We can’t make him like you but when we get married…” JJ laughed at that, placing big hands around her waist and smiling “When we get married, he’ll realize I couldn’t wish for a better person to be with me forever. Because you love me, and I love you.” She grinned, pecking his nose to then resume their way to their seats.
When a waiter approached them and Y/N ordered water instead of some champagne, JJ looked at her funny. "Water? Who are you? Kie?" He joked, the aforementioned throwing a small napkin to his head "At least I'm not going to die of some weird liver disease like you J!" Kiara countered, giggling slightly. "I told you I'm not feeling well" Y/N mumbled, and before he could say anything, she joined Sarah and Kie's conversation.
As the conversations flowed and laughter filled the air, Y/N valiantly pushed through the discomfort, not wanting her condition to dampen the joyous occasion. Engaging in lighthearted banter with her friends, she managed to mask the underlying pain she felt. Yet, behind her radiant smile, an unrelenting throbbing persisted, casting a shadow on her otherwise vibrant spirit.
As Y/N's voice intertwined with the playful chatter, a sudden surge of dizziness overwhelmed her senses. Her head felt heavy, as if wrapped in a dense fog, and her vision blurred around the edges. The familiar pain that had been nagging her intensified, clawing at her temples.
She desperately clung to the facade of normalcy, but her body betrayed her resilience. Y/N's grip on the conversation faltered, her words becoming muddled as her mind struggled to keep pace. Her friends noticed the change in her demeanor, a fleeting flicker of concern crossing their faces. "You 'kay Y/N/N?" John B asked.
In that moment, Y/N's world seemed to spin out of control. Sensations of disorientation and weakness cascaded through her body, leaving her feeling adrift and vulnerable. The sounds of her friends' voices morphed into a distant echo, as if they were calling to her from a great distance.
The once vibrant party faded into the background, overshadowed by the overwhelming intensity of Y/N's migraine. Her focus narrowed to a single point of struggle, her every instinct urging her to find solace and relief from the torment that gripped her. "Baby?" She heard JJ mumble as her consciousness teetered on the precipice. Y/N's body succumbed to the overpowering sensations, causing her to lose consciousness.
A profound stillness enveloped Y/N as she drifted away, suspended in a momentary limbo between wakefulness and oblivion. Time became a fleeting concept, and the outside world ceased to exist for those brief moments.
In that suspended state, Y/N's body rested, unaware of the commotion that unfolded around her. JJ held her full weight in his arms, shock written all over his features. "Y/N! Baby, wake up!" he hopelessly pleads, the attention of the nearby tables focusing entirely on him. Kiara rushed over to her as well as Sarah and John, all in a frenzy, knowing nothing of what was going on.
"John, go get the twinkie! Ambulances will take a while to come to this side of the island." JJ hurried, feeling everyone's gaze on him but caring only for the peaceful look on his girlfriend's face. John B nodded and left quickly to get the van as close as he could. Then, guilt came rushing through J's veins like injected adrenaline; this was hois fault.
Y/N had tried to tell him she wasn't feeling okay, but he was too petty and way more inside his head when she was just being honest. He felt a sting in his eyes and as soon as he blinked; the tears stained Y/N's dress. "I'm so sorry baby" he whispered, Sarah and Kie looking puzzled at him asking for forgiveness at a time like this.
"JJ, this is not your fault" the blonde said, rubbing his back reassuringly but before she could continue, he began shaking his head "Y-You don't understand, she told me her head was hurting but-but I was stupid and thought she didn't wanna be seen with me and-" a sob interrupted his sentence, making Kie hug him tightly. "It's still not your fault".
He cried for a few more seconds, holding Y/N close so he could feel her still steady heartbeat against his ear until John B came rolling down in the twinkie. JJ noticed Y/N's dad approaching when he lifted up his girlfriend, but he needed to get her to the hospital quick. "I'll get her to the hospital sir, meet you there," He said in a panic, his friends and him getting in the van and speeding off to the emergency room.
He felt his heart sink as John drove and he could notice Y/N's breath quicken, then falter. JJ rarely felt guilt, but this was the way the universe was punishing him, he figured. "Hurry" he mumbled, knowing his best friend was doing his best not to crash while getting his girl to the hospital as soon as he could.
Eventually they got there. Everything from when the car stopped to him sitting next to her bed was a blur for JJ; he had a vague memory of the doctors saying she passed out from the migraine and dehydration, nothing fatal but if JJ hadn't been there to catch her when she blacked out it could've caused a concussion.
The pogues stayed there against the professional's advice, saying they should go home and sleep, that Y/N would be awake by morning and they would be able to talk to her then. They refused. Kie and Pope (who got there as soon as he heard the news) cuddled on a couch. Sarah and John did the same as JJ just sat next to Y/N's bed, holding her hand.
The doctors instructed her boyfriend to give her water as soon as she woke up and notify a nurse that would help her immediately, but in the meantime, all they could do was wait. Her parents walked in to find a room of teenagers sleeping at around eleven. Her mom woke JJ up so he could fill them in.
"Mrs. Y/L/N... hi" he sleepily mumbled, rearranging the wild mess his hair was by brushing it back to later rub the sleep out of her face. Her father was standing behind her with an angry expression, and before Y/N's mother could speak, he approached JJ menacingly. "You explain to me right this second why you didn't ask me what was to be done as soon as she passed out! We were so-" the man whisper yelled so the others wouldn't wake up.
"I'm sorry sir, and with all due respect, I could not care less about what you thought would be appropriate other than bringing her to the hospital. I couldn't care less about how you both were feeling; she needed help, and she needed it right that second. I'm sorry if I crossed any boundaries but, as you would be able to tell if you gave me a chance, I have no limit when it comes to your daughter's well being" JJ declared, not once getting his eyes off Y/N's dad.
And he was telling the truth, too. He would go to the ends of earth for her and if her being safe meant her dad would hate him more, it was okay for him. Suddenly, Y/N's mother engulfed him in a tight hug. "She couldn't be with someone better than you. We're just glad she's safe and to know our girl is with someone who will look after her. Thank you, JJ" she smiled.
He smiled wide, returning the hug. "No problem, ma'am. The doc said she'd be just fine. Apparently she had a migraine and hadn't drunk enough water... we're all just waiting for her to wake up". When the blonde raised his eyes to the man behind her, there was something different. Respect, maybe. He didn't really care in this moment.
Her parents stayed in some chairs outside, and, at around midnight, Y/N woke up. JJ was the first one to notice when her hand moved to wrap around his finger while he mindlessly scrolled through twitter. He dropped his phone, almost falling to the ground when he tossed it somewhere as he turned to look at Y/N. "Hi, hi baby" He cooed, pretty y/e/c staring at him just like he needed "Mmm, my hero", Y/N's voice was hoarse.
JJ giggled, handing her a bottle of water and stroking her cheek softly. "I'm sorry baby, I-I should've listened to you when you tried to tell me" He sighed the apologies he repeated like a prayer hours ago "S'okay J" "It's not. Shouldn't have let my mind get in the way. I'm glad you're okay" "Yeah me too... I'm also glad to see you, baby... Dreamt about you while I was out" "As you should," he jokingly said, both of them laughing and sharing a sweet kiss.
The story after that is short. Y/N recovered, JJ was finally allowed at family dinner (and exchanged pleasant conversations with his soon to be father-in-law as he called him). ♡
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The ending feels rushed, I'm sorry ahhhh. Tysm for reading! Hope you enjoyed
Remember, the best way to support writer’s works on here is by REBLOGGING WITH TAGS. I’d very much appreciate it if you did!
Thanks again, stranger. Hope you have a nice day<3
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kennarose1108 · 10 months
My World (Negan Smith x Reader !DAUGHTER OF RICK) !PART 3!
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"I don't need an escort." You say with your arms wrapped firmly around your chest in anger. "It's a bodyguard and yes you do. I'm not arguing about this anymore." Negan says with a small roll of his eyes as he walks around the room, getting himself ready to leave.
"I'm a big girl Negan, I can handle myself." You say. Negan sighs in frustration, "Two people were killed on the premises. I'm not taking any chances." He says while throwing on his leather jacket. "Didn't the person who did that escape?" You ask. Negan sighed and held the bridge of his nose in annoyance before turning to you. "Enough Y/N. When my mind is set it is damn set and you know that." Negan says. You groan and throw yourself back down onto the bed so you are lying down. "...Can I at least pick who's going to be hovering over my shoulder all day?" You say while staring up at the ceiling. "No," Negan says without hesitation. You groan again. Negan sighs, "Listen, Arat is going to be with you as much as she can and you like Arat." Negan says while sitting down on the bed next to you.
"But Arat is one of my best, if not the best, solider I got. So I'll have to trade her out with other people." Negan explains. "Dwight?" You ask while turning your head to look at him. Negan chuckles, "No. Douchebag got himself into a hole for letting my puppy out." Negan says with a shit-eating grin. "Well, who does that leave? ...Oh god no don't say Simon, Jesus no." You say with a cringe. Negan chuckles at your words. "No. David will." He says. You groan loudly, "Ohhhh god! That's even worse!" You put your face into your hands and continue to groan. Negan smirks and leans his head back, "What's wrong with David?" Negan asks. "Jesus- what's not wrong with David? He's a creep, annoying, a weirdo, and he's loud and obnoxious." You say while looking back at him.
"Well, I'm loud and obnoxious too and you seem to like me." He says with a grin. "That's because you have a charm. David has no redeeming qualities." You say. Negan leans closer to you, his grin widening. "I have a charm?" He asks. You roll your eyes, "Ugh... Of course, that's the only thing you heard in that sentence. You totally missed the whole 'I hate David' part." You say. "Oh! How about Laura? I like Laura." You say with a hopeful look on your face. Negan slowly shakes his head, "Nope. She's gotta watch over Mr. Smartypants." Negan says. You groan again, "Goddd... I'll just lock myself in here forever." You say with a sigh. "Great. Problem solved then." Negan says while standing on his feet.
You glare a him, "That was supposed to make you feel bad." Negan chuckles. "I know." He says with a smirk before he bent down to kiss you on your lips. You turned your cheek to him and tried to suppress the smile that wanted to form on your lips. Negan chuckles, "Is that how it's gonna be?" He asks, just barely a few inches away from your face.
A smirk formed on your lips. Negan bent down further, his lips now barely above the skin under your ear as he whispered, "If you keep acting like a brat I'll have to punish you y'know..." As he spoke you could feel his lips brushing along your sensitive skin. A chill went down your spine and you suck in a shaky breath. "Maybe I want to be punished..." You whispered. Negan's grin somehow widened and he let out a low and dark chuckle, "Hm... Darlin'... I don't think you understand what you do to me." He whispers.
Negan then grabs your jaw and forces your face to look back at him. Before you could even react he slammed his lips onto yours, pulling you into a hungry kiss. The kiss was sloppy and rough. He kissed you like he was starving. Like he hadn't eaten in days and you were a four-course meal. But he couldn't do this forever, he had business to attend to.
Before he pulled away he bit down harshly on your bottom lip. You groaned in surprise and a bit of pain. When he pulled away a line of spit kept you two together until it broke when he was far enough away. You reached your hand up and touched your swollen and throbbing lip.
"Don't worry. I didn't break the skin." He says with a smug grin. "I'll see you later." He says with a wink while rubbing your cheek with his fingers. He straightened himself up, giving you one last good look before walking to the door and leaving.
"Douchebag..." You mumble under your breath.
After about an hour you were getting hungry. So you got dressed and walked out of the room. When you walked out you were met with David. He stepped in front of you with a smirk on his face, "Where you goin'?" He asks. You furrowed your eyebrows, "Really? He's having you guarding the door? Jesus..." You say in annoyance. "I'm getting something to eat. Move." You hissed while pushing him aside and walking down the hall. David followed closely behind and you tried to keep your annoyance suppressed but it was difficult.
You were walking fast, trying to keep your distance between you and David. "Slow down," David ordered from behind you. You rolled your eyes and ignored him. Then David forcefully grabbed your elbow and yanked you back. You spun your head around and snatched your arm out of his grip. "Don't touch me." You hissed.
"Or what?" He asks with a chuckle. You glare at him, "Don't. Touch. Me." You repeat in a more threatening tone of voice. "I wouldn't have to touch you if you listened," David says while stepping close to you and getting in your face. You glared daggers at him and you shook your head gently.
"Whatever..." You mumble before turning around and continuing to walk.
When you finished eating your breakfast you decided you wanted to walk outside to get some fresh air. This day was stressful for you and you wanted to get a breather. "Where are you going?" David asks with an annoyed huff. "Outside. Is that a crime now?" You ask. "Why the fuck are you going outside?" David asks. You stopped walking and turned to glare at him, "Isn't your job just to follow me around? Why the hell are you asking me questions? Just do whatever job Negan assigned you and stop talking to me." You say before turning back around and walking outside.
David glared at you before following you. As you walked around slowly outside around the gate you sighed in relaxation and enjoyed the feeling of the hot sun on your skin. It would be perfect if there weren't hoards of dead people walking around outside of the gate.
But your peaceful was so interrupted, "So... Y/N, I have a few questions." David says. You sighed in annoyance, "What?" David smirks. "Are you happy with Negan?" David asks. This question made you stop in your tracks. "Excuse me?" You ask while turning around. "Does he satisfy you?" David asks with a grin. You squinted your eyes and gave him a look of disgust. "None of your goddamn business." You say while turning around so you can continue walking... But David stopped you.
He grabbed your arms and shoved you against one of the sanctuary walls. "The fu- LET GO!" You yelled. "Oh c'mon... We don't gotta hate each other..." David says with a smirk. His hands squeezed tightly on your arms and you winced, "STOP!" You shouted. "I can make you feel good. Better than he can." David says while trailing his fingers along your side. "Fuck off!" You yelled while shoving him away. You turned to run off but he grabbed you again.
One of his hands grabbed one of your wrists and pinned them to the side of your head while his other hand forcefully grabbed your jaw and slammed your head back into the wall. You let out a small cry on impact as the wind was knocked out of you.
"Listen here you little bitch. The more you fight, the more I enjoy myself. So if I were you, I'd just do what you're told." He says angrily while squeezing your jaw tightly. His touch was so much different than Negan's... When Negan had his hand on your jaw earlier it was gentle and full of love... David's touch was harsh, cold, and full of anger.
"Just stop fighting and I'll give you the time of your life," David says in a low tone of voice. "Stop! I-I'll tell Negan what you're doing!" You say with fear in your eyes. "Hm... Who do you think he'll believe? The one who hates the other one and will do anything to get that person off their back or the one who's just trying to do their job?" David says with a chuckle. "He'll believe me." You hissed. "Mm... I doubt it." David mumbled. "You see, Negan has known me a lot longer than you sweetheart. Plus, when I'm done with you you'll be begging for more." David says with a smirk.
The hand that was on your jaw went down your body and he began to undo your belt. You took this opportunity to swing your head forward and smash your head against his nose. He yelled out loud and held his nose in pain as he stumbled back. You turned and ran back into the sanctuary. "FUCKING BITCH!" David screamed while storming back into the sanctuary behind you.
You ran through the sanctuary, David close behind you. You wanted to run to Negan, but you had no idea where he was. He could be anywhere or even not at the sanctuary at all. So, you ran to the only other place that made you feel safe...
The bedroom.
You were far away from the bedroom... You just had to make sure he didn't catch you before you made it there and he was catching up to you quickly. Adrenaline pumped into your veins which helped you run faster.
David yelled at you, telling you to come back. When you heard him right on your trail you finally saw the door to your bedroom. Your eyes widen with hope... But then David grabbed you again. He grabbed your upper arm and yanked you back. You screamed and reached back, scratching your nails across his face. He yelled in pain and stumbled back again. You quickly ran to the door and opened it before slamming it shut, locking it behind you.
David banged against the door and your breath was shaky as you slowly backed away from the door. He kicked the door one last time before giving up and grumbling to himself. Your body trembled in fear as you slowly sat down at the end of your bed. The only thought that went through your mind was;
'...How the hell am I going to explain this to Negan?'
As you waited for Negan you paced around the room, biting your nails nervously. This wasn't going to end well and you knew it...
The door knob jiggled and you froze and stared at it in fear. You thought David was trying to make his way back in again. "Darlin'?" Negan's voice says through the door. You sigh in relief and walk over to the door. You unlocked it and walked back to where you were previously standing. Negan opens the door and scans your body over. He saw how tense you were and how nervous you looked. "What's going on?" He asks curiosity and concern in his voice. "Um... Can... Can you sit down?" You ask while motioning to the edge of the bed. He squints his eyes and looks at you up and down, "Okay... Why?" He asks while leaning Lucille against the wall next to the door and slowly moving to the end of the bed.
"Um... Because this will be easier to explain when you're not looming over me." You say with a nervous chuckle. Negan continues to stare at you before he slowly sits down. You stared at him for a moment before pacing back and forth again nervously. You bit the nail on your thumb and tried thinking of the best way to say this to him without him getting all murdery...
He watched you walk back and forth for a moment before getting annoyed, "Y/N. Tell me. Now." He ordered, his eyes getting darker. You stopped in your tracks and looked at him nervously, "Promise me you won't get mad... Please." You begged, your eyes glazing over with tears. He squinted his eyes again. "Don't give me a reason to get mad then." He says. You give him a pleading look and he sighs deeply, "I promise..." He mutters.
You take in a shaky breath and lower your hand from your lips. "U-Um... Okay well... It started this morning," You say. "I got up to get some breakfast and David was guarding the door... When I left he was telling me to slow down and I ignored him. It made him upset and he forcefully grabbed my elbow and yanked me back..." You explain.
You couldn't make full eye contact with Negan, you just gave his eyes some glances before looking around the room nervously. But even in those glances you already noticed him getting pissed off.
You shift around nervously, "But... I held my ground and everything went okay until we went outside..." Your body began to tremble in fear. Fear of how Negan would react... Stupidly part of your brain worried about David's words... You were worried that Negan wouldn't believe you and take David's side. But the other side of your brain was scared that he would believe you... You knew he would raise hell upon David and everybody in his path.
"He started asking me these... Questions. Like if I was happy with you and if you," You swallowed the lump in your throat before continuing. "Satisfied me." You say with disgust and a cringe on your face. "What?" Negan hisses in a low tone of voice while standing to his feet. You take a step back and look around the room nervously, "This is where this issue ends right?" He asks, anger laced into his voice. You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out... Negan's eyes widened and his eyebrows rose, "...What else happened?" His voice was low and menacing... Like he was ready to pounce at any second.
Your breath was shaky and you stood there nervously, "Y/N-" "He pushed me against the wall." You say while interrupting him. You had to get this out quickly. "He started saying things like he could make me feel better than you could. I tried fighting him off but he grabbed me by the jaw and slammed the back of my head into the wall." You say with your voice cracking with emotion.
"He said 'The more you fight the more I enjoy it'. I then told him I'd tell you and he said you wouldn't believe me and you'd believe him..." Your body trembled as you spoke, your gaze was to the floor and you didn't know what Negan's reaction was at the moment, and in all honesty... You didn't want to know.
"The hand that was on my jaw lowered down and he tried undoing my belt..." You say before pausing as your voice cracks while you fight back tears. You cleared your throat before continuing, "I was able to get out of his hold and run off. He caught me once before I made it here but I scratched him across the face. He banged against the door before giving up..." You felt a weight off your shoulders after you finished telling him your story.
As you sighed in relief after finally getting this over with a tear fell from your eye. The room fell into a deep, threatening, and slightly awkward silence. You finally built up the courage to slowly move your eyes up to meet his gaze. When your eyes met his gaze you were a bit startled to see him staring back at you with a blank look on his face. You two stared at each other for a moment before you decided to speak up... But he beat you to it.
"So... He tried to rape you?" Negan asks, the blank stare still on his face. You slowly nodded. He continued to stare at you for a moment before taking a deep breath and looking off to the side. He was thinking for a moment, about what you didn't know...
He then broke the silence again,
"I'm gonna kill him."
He turned to the door and grabbed the Lucille. "Wait! Please don't!" You begged while grabbing his wrist. He spun around with a look of fury on his face, "Don't? DON'T?!" He yelled. "The hell you mean don't?!" He shouted. Him yelling at you made you jump but you tried your best to keep up your confidence. "It's not worth killing him over!" Negan scoffs, "The hell it isn't." As he spoke the grip he had on Lucille grew tighter, making his knuckles white. "Rape is against the rules here, and he was stupid enough to try it on you?" He then lets out a sinister chuckle.
He shakes his head, "No. This shit ain't flying." He says while turning back to the door. Your grip on his arm tightened, "No! Wait, please! Please don't leave me alone again! I don't want to be alone." You begged. The tears that you were holding back came falling and you sniffled. Negan looked back at you and his face softened. He turned his head to the side and closed his eyes for a moment. He was in a deep thought.
He then sighed deeply and placed Lucille back against the wall. He turned back to you and put his hands to the side of your head and placed a kiss on your forehead. "Listen to me..." He says in a low tone of voice while resting his forehead against yours.
"I need to take care of this. I will come back to you... And I promise I won't do anything to him today. But I at least need to get him under control... He knows something is coming and I need to get it under control." Negan says.
You look at him with wide pleading eyes that are filled with tears, "Please..." You mutter. Negan sighs and droops his head for a moment. "I gotta take care of this darlin'... I can't let this go for the moment." You shake your head. "No... Please..." You say with more tears falling from your eyes. "Baby... Lay down, relax yourself... I'll be back in less than twenty minutes I promise. Okay?" Negan says while gently grabbing your shoulders and making you sit on the bed.
You sigh in defeat and sit on the bed with your head low. "Be quick... Please." You say in a sad tone of voice. Negan leans down, cups your cheeks, and kisses your forehead. "I'll be quick." He says with a soft smile before pulling away and grabbing Lucille. "Twenty minutes max. Okay?" He says. You nod with a frown. He gives you a small nod before leaving the room.
About five minutes later Negan was sitting in the meeting room wiping down Lucille when there was a knock on the door. The person entered and it was Simon, "He's here." Simon says. Negan doesn't reply, his eyes are just fixated on Lucille. David then stepped in and Simon stepped out, making sure to shut the door.
Negan finished wiping down Lucille before turning to David with a smirk. "I assume you know why you're here?" Negan asks. David lets out a small chuckle, "I have an idea." David says with a smug smirk. Negan stands to his feet with a sinister smile. "Oh? Enlighten me then." Negan says while taking a step forward. "Your little girlfriend told a lie," David says. Negan's eyes widened, "Hmm... A lie? How was it a lie?" Negan says while stepping a few inches away from David while holding Lucille with both his hands in front of him.
"She hates me. That's obvious. I was a little mean... A little pushy. She threatened to tell you something that'll piss you off just to get me in trouble." David says with a wide smirk. "A little pushy?" Negan repeats with a small chuckle. "A little pushy means trying to shove your hands down her pants?" Negan asks, he is now an inch away from David's face. David scoffs, "Negan. You know me." David says with a confident and smug smirk.
Negan nods, "That's right. I do know you." Negan says. Negan pauses, his gaze neutral before it went into a fury. He took Lucille and shoved the top of the baseball bat into David's stomach painfully and harshly. David hunches over and groans loudly. Negan grips David's hair and pulls his head up to look at Negan.
"Did you seriously think I was going to believe you?" Negan says in a low and angry tone of voice with a glare that could kill. "I'm going to kill you. Slowly. Painfully." Negan hisses into David's ear. David stared up at him in fear.
"Rape isn't allowed here and you knew that and yet you thought it was a good idea to try and rape my woman," Negan says before chuckling sinisterly. "I don't know if you have a death wish or if you're just stupid..." Negan says with a grin.
"P-Please I-" "Shut up." Negan hisses, his smile wiped off his face and a furious glare replaced. Negan then shoved David towards the table and bashed his head into the edge of the table. David sits on the floor, yells in pain, and holds his bloody nose.
"Now. Simon is going to take you to the hole. I'll deal with you tomorrow." Negan says. "I'm going to enjoy killing you," Negan says with a small smirk before leaving the room and stopping next to Simon who's leaning against the wall outside of the room. "Bring him to the hole. No food. No water. No light. Nothing. That prick needs to suffer for the night." Negan orders and Simon nods. Negan walks off and heads back to his room.
When he enters the room he sees you lying on the bed on your side and facing away from the door. The sound of the door opening caused you to turn your head and look at him over your shoulder. Your face was smudged with tears. You quickly sit up and Negan walks over to you and sits next to you. He wraps one arm around your shoulders and the other goes around your head, his hand cradling the back of your head as he holds your head to his chest.
You begin to cry again before hugging him tightly.
"It's okay... I got you." Negan whispers. "You're safe... I won't let anyone hurt you again." Negan says while stroking your hair.
"You're safe..." He repeats.
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starzshopoflove · 8 months
But did he ever make you cry? (Johnny "Soap" Mactavish x Reader)
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Notes: fem reader! sfw, literally just me projecting onto reader, best friend Soap! Pining!! Hurt/comfort! I'll make this a series if you guys like it (WC: 1.7)
(Pov first person in italics) 
God when is this gonna be fucking over 
I’ve been here for what? 4 hours? He just keeps going on and on and on about his ex and “How crazy she was”. When was the last time he asked me something, feels like I'm sitting here for decoration. If he wanted to talk about another girl he could have found a therapist or something, Jesus.
This might be up there in the top 10 worst dates, maybe after that freak who got up in my ear after coffee asking if I wanted to go back to his place. Am I cursed?? What is it about me and attracting these absolute losers? 
Its been a while since you’ve gone out a bit rough around the edges since your last breakup. Sure the relationship wasn't that serious but it still bothered you that he left because “You weren't putting out enough” after he said it was fine that you wanted to take things slow. You got your hopes up a bit too high after this guy (absolute fuckin DWEEB) in your lecture asked if you could grab dinner together. You just wasted a solid 2 hours picking out a cute little skirt and doing your makeup checking twice to make sure you looked nothing less then too the 9’s. 
And then he shows up in a baggy pair of khaki joggers and hoodie, y'know after he said “Get pretty I’ll take you somewhere nice”. Oh but of course he just “accidentally” forgot the reservations but that's fine he knows a great place nearby. The great place being a diner in the middle of a highway rest with fluorescent lights that flickered too often with a weird smell in the air. 
His table manners were practically non-existent smacking his lips when he chewed, sucking on his fingers and getting ketchup on his face. That sight alone made you put down your fork that barely poked at your clearly reheat mush they insisted was a pasta dish. Oh and he wouldn’t stop fucking talking, honestly you were starting to question how it was possible he hadnt choked on his food when he spoke. 
You need to get out now. Any Longer at this table and your dignity might start slipping away. He yapped on about whatever as you tuned it out, nodding your head like you cared slowly tucking your phone back into your purse and pulling it onto your shoulder. You were already drawing up a game plan in your head, bathroom, call your roommate, tell her to come get you and block his number. Perfectly full proof. 
“You mind if I slip out for a moment? I gotta head to the bathroom, won't be long promise.” 
You slapped on a fake smile as he shot you a nod with a sleezy grin, all your senses pulled you back into reality as you felt disgust pool in your gut at the sight of him noticing more off putting things about the longer you looked. You platforms clicked as you pattered off into the one stall bathroom, you stood up straight inside not wanting to lean on the wall when you noticed the dried piss stains and mysterious gunk smeared on it.
It was suffocating, every second of it. The smell, The lights, the noise and of course him. You felt insulted, was this really the kind of place you deserved to be taken out too? You don't get to be wined and dined every now and then do you? Even after you spend days in class or at work and heaving your bones to the campus library to study for the hundreds of tests your professors insist on giving you. 
You let out a sigh of contempt digging through your purse shoving the ugly rearing head of disappointment back as you pulled out your phone. Scrolling through the contact list to find your roommates number chewing on your thumbnail as you brought your phone up to your ear letting it ring, feeling your heart pound further the longer the phone rang. You but down hard once you heard the automated message trill, a heavy sigh leaving your chest as you slumped against the wall of your stall running a hand through your hair. 
What the fuck am I gonna do, I can’t stay here any longer or i’m not gonna be held responsible for whatever happens to him if he brings up how much he loves blondes again.
You swallowed your pride unlocking your phone again scrolling up your contact list hoping he wouldn’t be too mad at having to save you from this god awful excuse for a date as you eyes settled on his number 
“Johnny 🧼” 
You thumb pressed down on the number bringing your shakey hand back up to your ear, the pressure that was just annoying you got heavier on your chest the longer you thought about having to stay here with him. You might burst into tears if you had to stay another hour and listen to this loser describe how much he likes girls that are the exact opposite of you basically holding you hostage to listen on this “date” 
The ringing stopped when a sigh on the other end of the line broke the silence 
You felt the pressure on your chest bubble and pop once you heard his voice, your own cracking a little as you spoke up. Yeah it was embarrassing to cry over the phone but it would be more embarrassing to sit there and finish the date with red eyes. 
“Johnny,, please tell me your not busy right now” 
“Can’t be busy when yer asleep” 
Your voice was shaky which chilled his nerves with worry, you don’t call him at night unless it was an emergency and with the way you sounded all he could do was think the worst 
“What’s wrong bonnie”
It was more of a hushed gentle voice than any annoyance you anticipated, he couldn’t see it but you were already bleary eyed and pouting over the line. 
You sat down closing the toilet lid as another shakey sigh let you while the seat creaked under you. You felt you words choke up in your throat pressing heavy on your sternum. You wanted to explain yourself, tell him how horrible your date went, how you felt stupid for going out with him, and how sorry you are for bothering him at night knowing he just got back from a mission only a few days ago.
“Talk to me bonnie, can’t help if you dinnae tell me” 
“Can you come get me, ‘m sorry” 
Barely a whisper over the phone, Johnny was already imagining the worst when you asked him that. You could hear him shuffling around the room already pressing his phone between his shoulder and ear. In his head you were already kidnapped locked away in some cellar ready to be shipped away, when you were just sniffling and tearing up in a shitty diner bathroom. 
“You ok? nbody hurtin you?” 
You could hear him tugging his heavy boots on, finally letting out a breath you were suffocating to hold knowing you’d finally get out of here 
“No ‘m just not having a good time please, i’ll tell you when your here.” 
Johnny looked down hearing his phone ping with the location hushing your sniffling through the line as he opened up the map shutting his front door and quickly sliding into his pick up. 
The wait felt like forever, it wasn’t of course you watched the clock religiously. 8 minutes, Johnny sped across town in 8 minutes for you, probably breaking a few laws he’d wave away once he got here. 
He walked into the diner seeing it empty, your date no where to be seen while he took in the atmosphere. It was disgusting, and all he could think about was how you got here and why you would ever be here heavily sighing as he paced over knocking on the bathroom door leaning slightly against the door as he waited for your response or even just a sound. 
“Steamin Jesus,, lovie you in here?” 
He could hear shuffling on the other side as you opened the door up looking up at him with a pouted face and flushed face trying to hold back any noise or tears not wanting to cry in front of him. His hand slowly went to the small of your back gently rubbing and guiding you away from the loo. 
“What you doin out ‘ere alone bunny?” 
His voice was low as he mumbled down to you softly, face screwed and eyebrows furrowed while he peered down at you spinning your head around the small dinner seeing your abandoned table and spotting a napkin with writing on it. 
You moved over to the table reading the napkins silently 
“Tif called, had a good time with you, sorry this didn’t work out!”
He left. He asked you out and left you abandoned in the middle of a dinner after trying to feed you shitty food. He asked you out and thought it was fine to treat you like this. This was the straw that broke your back crumpling the napkin under your hand as you pressed your palms on the table hanging your head, you’ve already embarrassed yourself enough what’s the worst some crying can do. 
Johnny watching you crumble felt like a punch to his gut knocking all the air out of his lungs, He moves your hand off the napkin reading it and turning his head to you. Your hands already found your face hiding your shame as you stifled your sobs and swallowed thickly at the fat tears pouring down your face. He could be angry later when he finally got his hands on who ever hurt you 
He pulled your hands off your face, wrapping you in his arms one hand on the small of your back, another petting at your hair, hushing you softly as you slid your hands up to cling at his shirt burying your face into his chest shaking and heaving as you tried not to be loud. He petted at your hair, rocking you gently holding you close tucking your head under his chin as he slowly turned back to sit down in the booth tugging you down to his lap letting you curl up in on him again letting you cry to him as he coo’d to you 
“Shh poor darling girl, talk to me bonnie, breath ts ok ‘m here for ye” 
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saintmagx · 10 months
I Knew you were Trouble❤️‍🔥
Part 2
Pairing: Jimmy Uso x reader
AN: if you would like tagged let me know 💖 Trinity is still with WWE. No specific timeline
⚠️ Warnings: 18+ , swearing, violence (this is the WWE after all) slight smut, infidelity, jealous Jimmy, bad writing, cringe story telling, the Usos (because they are a warning in themselves) ⚠️
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The privilege of being a WWE superstar is you can get in almost anywhere and tonight was no different. LIV a well know nightclub in Miami is one of the toughest places to get into due to the high calliper of clientele - and somehow we made the cut.
The music was pumping, the air thick with stress and tension being danced away. We found our way to the back of the club to sit in one of the enclosed booths, accompanied by a server bringing over a bottle of their finest champagne.
Josh quickly fills the glasses up and starts us off:
“A toast, to these two badass ladies, congrats on your title win. It’s only up from here.”
“Josh, we haven’t actually won the titles yet, in-fact it doesn’t even feel right celebrating before we even have them, isn’t it like bad luck?”
“Yn, girl, let’s just enjoy the moment, we can worry about actually getting the titles tomorrow - tonight is about celebrating. Celebrating success, our future title reign, our new found friendship and everything in between.”
I hadn’t known Trinity long but her positivity and light is captivating. People gravitate towards her because of how she makes them feel. She loves and gives with her whole being.
���Okay enough of the chitchat, let’s dance”
Before I know it I’m being dragged to the dance floor by Trin. We dance the night away, laughing and having potentially a little bit too much alcohol.
“I’m going to use the restroom, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Trin just smiled and nodded - I want to say she heard what I said, but at this point I can’t even register my own inner monologue.
The bathroom was at the back of the club and it was hidden well - not sure how safe that was. Distracted by doing a bit of social media stalking, I walk into something solid.
“Ouch” I say.
I’m so embarrassed - praying no one saw me do that or worse having caught it on camera.
“I think I should be the one saying ouch”
Stunned, i look up and see Jon who is towering over me, with a lustful darkness lingering in his eyes.
“Jon, shit, sorry, I thought it was the wall or something. Are you okay?”
“Well except a bruised ego, I’m fine.” He pauses then continues “A wall huh? You think I’m that built?” His signature smirk creeping onto his face. My cheeks instantly flush pink. Does he know what he’s doing? Or even the effect he’s having on me? Am I reading too much into this? Wait, shit - becoming aware of the the fact I’ve been staring at Jon blushing, I have to say something, anything.
“Trin seems to be having a good time, I left her on the dance floor if you wanna join her.”
He inches closer, his scent fills my nose. My mind, body and soul is hypnotised by him.
“Well that depends, will you be coming back to the dance floor?”
Will i? Technically I wouldn’t be doing anything wrong, On one hand I can be close to him, looking and not touching but then on the other hand, he’s married, married to Trin, I couldn’t do that to her, right?
“I’m not sure that’s such a goo-”
“Yo uce, come get your wife, she’s had one too many drinks and I think she’s ready to start a fight.”
Saved by the bell.
Jon looks me up and down one more time, as if he’s trying to tell me we have unfinished business, he then heads off to get Trin and play the doting husband once more.
“I think I’m going to call it a night Josh.” He agrees and we head to the main entrance to wait on Trin and Jon before heading back to the hotel. I’m not sure what happened back at the club, I’m torn between wanting to find out, and just ignoring it, act like nothing happened - because nothing did happen right?
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(8 New Messages)
I had so much fun tonight, we gotta hit the club more often.
We should think of a cool tag name
Oh and matching outfits
Should we come out together or separate
Omg there’s so much to think about
I know we haven’t known each other that long but I’ve got a feeling we are going to be such good friends
Jon says I’ve to leave you alone and let you sleep
Goodnight girl
Okay, my decision is made, whatever this is or isn’t stops now. Trin is a sweetheart and doesn’t deserve any of this.
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I never understood people who said working out is good for the soul, I thought you had to be mad to enjoy it. However over the past few years an early morning hotel gym session has become my inner peace. Whether I’m running on the treadmill or lifting weights my mind is in blissful state of serenity. No craziness, no fuzziness, no overthinking and no Jonathan fucking Fatu. Calm.
Sitting on the gym floor, a sweaty mess from my workout I take a quick look through social media, trying to catch my breath. Trin had posted photos from last night to her private Instagram, guilt washes over me, I quickly shake the feeling and type a cheesy comment on her post - cheese is good, more focus on Trin less focus on Jon.
“Well shit, didn’t expect to see you down here this early.”
“Well Josh, early bird gets the worm and all that jazz.”
He walks over to join me on the floor, Josh is such a great guy, why couldn’t it have been him I was so captivated with and not his married brother.
“Did you have fun last night?”
“Honestly yeah, it was good to let my hair down and just enjoy myself.” Pausing for a second, “what about you? I didn’t get to see you all night.”
“Aw, did yn miss me?” He laughs
“Shut up loser” I say while nudging him.
“What’s going on here?”
I stiffen, Jon.
“Yo uce, about time you got yo ass down here, we ready to work out?”
Jon sits on the floor right next to me, the heat from his body already surrounds mine.
“I’ll take that as a no, I’ll be warming up for whenever yo lazy ass decides to join me.”
Josh gets up and heads towards the gym equipment to start his workout leaving just me and Jon, an awkward silence lingers.
“So last night was fun” I say trying to break the silence.
He just stares at me, looking into his eyes I see conflict, tension, desire? Finally breaking his silence.
“Yeah, it was a good night, shame it was cut short.”
Playing blissfully ignorant I push him for more information.
“It wasn’t cut short? We had been there for hours.”
“Let me rephrase that, our time was cut short.”
My heartbeat picks up - I’m playing with fire here and I know I’ll get burned if I continue.
“I guess I was to busy dancing with Trin to spend time with you and Josh.”
He smirks, his pinky inches closer to my hand, finding it’s destination he starts caressing my hand.
“No, our time. Me and you. If J hadn’t have came in…”
“Jon, come on we ain’t got all day.” Josh interrupts
“I’m coming I’m coming.” He replies back irritated.
Jon leans over inches from my ear he whispers “This ain’t over.”
And with that he is gone, away to join Josh to start their workout. Leaving me confused, conflicted and a little bit hot. Im definitely getting burned.
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tagged: @southerngirl41 @missfamilyjeweles @jeyusos-girl @christinabae @jeyusosgirl @raya-hunter01
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lurkingshan · 6 months
I Feel You Linger in the Air: Novel vs Drama 
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Happy IFYL special day! While I wait (not so) patiently for the special episode to become available for international viewers, I thought I would stop being lazy and get around to writing up my thoughts on the adaptation choices of the drama now that I’ve finally had a chance to read the original novel. 
First, let me just say: the novel is so fun. I’m so glad folks like @clairedaring and @pharawee talked about it on here and @waitmyturtles read it first and told me to jump on it, because I’ve had a really hard time with poorly translated y novels before and was definitely skeptical. But the story was excellent and the English translation was really solid, so a great time was had by all and I wasn’t even salty about spending eighteen American dollars on it. I didn’t think the novel was perfect (turtles can attest I had a few LOUD complaints) but it was a very enjoyable read. Shoutout to @bengiyo, @neuroticbookworm, and @wen-kexing-apologist as well for listening to me rant about Tee’s choices as I made my way through the novel. Bonus: if you have the chance to read this novel while vacationing in Thailand surrounded by plumeria trees and romantic scenery, I highly recommend. 
So, with that established, let’s talk about the adaptation! Adapting novels to a visual medium always comes with a lot of choices, and it’s not easy to make everything translate effectively. On the other hand, a live action drama can make some of what’s on the page feel even more vivid and new elements can be introduced that add to the canon. I’m on the record as both loving this show and feeling like there were some significant missteps in the writing, so I really wanted to understand the source material and how some of those choices were made. So here’s your spoiler alert for IFYL’s adaptation: it’s a real mixed bag of choices from our dear frenemy Tee Bundit, and all in service of one clear goal. 
I Feel You Linger in the Air, but Make It Sadder!
I’m going to break down the details below, but this is the TL; DR right here. Every choice Tee made in this adaptation was in service of transforming a relatively light and often comedic time travel romp into a story of deep melancholy and a thorough examination of queer pain. This is Tee’s whole schtick, so we can hardly be surprised; and yet I was kind of taken aback by how stark the difference in these stories felt even as a lot of the plot stayed the same. During the drama’s airing @respectthepetty talked about how this show was just too damn sad for her, and I gotta say, she was definitely picking up what Tee was putting down. YMMV on how sad you like your romance, but Tee Bundit is a very sad boy indeed.
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Let’s start here, because this is definitely my biggest grievance with Tee: he removed most of Jom’s personality from the book in order to give us a flatter, sadder version of him that fit better with a much more melancholy vision for this story. As it turns out, Jom was originally written to be smart, sassy, and very funny (h/t to @stuffnonsenseandotherthings whose post on this really got me interested in reading to see the difference). Novel Jom is a smartass who never misses the opportunity to work in a salty comment or express his frustration when things aren’t going his way, and he’s such an active character. He does not just sit back and let things happen to him; he thinks and he struggles and he tries. By comparison, show Jom just feels… vaguely confused, mildly depressed, and wildly passive most of the time. This is by no means a knock on Nonkul, who is a fantastic performer—these are clearly writing and directing choices and he is interpreting the character as instructed.
And it’s not just the removal of his core personality, either. Jom in the book has emotional intelligence and a stronger sense of connection to others. For one, he actually cares that Eung Phueng is his sister! Throughout the book, we see him dedicate time and energy to finding ways to care for his sister despite their different social stations; this dynamic is completely absent from the show, where Jom doesn’t even seem to remember Eung Phueng has his sister’s face most of the time. This was a major hole in the show and I still don’t really understand why Tee dropped the ball on it when there was so much material to drawn from in the book.
Winner: The novel, hands down. If you take nothing else away from this post, please take it as a recommendation to read the novel so you can experience Real Jom in all his sassy glory.
The Mythology 
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Now, I can’t really claim that either the novel or the show does a fantastic job with the mythology, because there’s a lot of hand waving in either case and some definite plot holes. But I will give the book credit for being upfront from the start: it didn’t really intend to explain it beyond giving us a little preamble about wormholes (yes, wormholes!) and for having Jom actually notice and care (and get very amusingly frustrated) that he didn’t understand what the wormhole wanted him to do or how to control it. He actually tried quite a lot in the book to figure it out, rather than just sitting around gazing morosely into the distance. In the end, the book tells us that Yai vowed to love Jom at first sight in every lifetime, which is a vow he made after the wormhole brought Jom to him but somehow affects the times that had already happened from our perspective. It’s a paradox that doesn’t fully make sense, but it is at least an explanation.
The show, by contrast, intentionally added layers to this mystery that it had no intention of resolving. The drawings opening up connections to the present, the ghostly visages haunting the characters, the glimpses of Jom in the future doing things we never saw in the original timeline, Mustache Yai kissing Jom in the water—all show inventions, and all setting up an expectation that some sense would be made of these clues. Which of course, never happened. Instead, these things were used to contribute to the spooky scary vibe and make everything feel sadder, and the show offered no explanation at all for why any of this happened.
Winner: It’s a draw since neither really did it well, but I’m staying salty with Tee for fucking with me.
Family Drama 
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Here is where we get into some of the stuff Tee added to the story that actually worked pretty well. One very smart adaptation choice: he made Yai and Eung Phueng siblings so that Yai would have a reason to be more involved in their household and able to interact much more with Jom in the early parts of the story; in the novel there is no connection between the households and Yai and Jom barely interact for the first several months after Jom arrives in the past. He also added a lot of family drama in the back half of the show: the struggles with Yai’s father, the shady uncle, the plot to force Yai to marry, and the big confrontation over Robert’s misdeeds are all show inventions, likely added both to pad out the story and make the relationship harder and sadder, and because he was looking for an alternate source of conflict since he was not doing Part 2 of the book (which takes place once Jom is yanked away again and shot back to the Commander Yai time period). 
Another major change from the novel to the show: in the novel, Yai’s plans to go study abroad were already set before Jom even got there, not something he won as a consolation in a negotiation over marriage. Which has some implications I’ll get into in the next section.
Winner: The drama, where the family dynamics were much more thoroughly explored. 
The Romance 
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As I mentioned above, Tee made a smart choice in bringing Yai more firmly into Jom’s orbit early in the story, but unfortunately, he didn’t do much with that advantage and actually failed to use some of what the novel gave him to work with. In the novel, Jom is much more aware of the attraction between him and Yai, very attuned to Yai’s flirting and their age gap, very aware of his own growing attachment to Yai, and thinking through the implications of all of it as it grows, which is a more natural and believable build up to their romance than in the show, where Jom seems distracted and unaware of Yai’s affections until they suddenly start jumping each other. That lack of romantic development in the show (which we discussed even as it was airing) was not because the material was not there for Tee to use in the book; he simply had other priorities and neglected to build it properly in show time.
That said, I have to give major credit to Tee for how he handled the romance once our leads were together and intimately involved. First, he really brought some of the scenes that were in the book to life in a way that still has me shook, like Yai’s drunken poetry recitation (credit must also be given to Bright for his eye work in that and many other scenes, what a stunner). And on top of that, the drama has some of the best physical intimacy scenes I have ever seen in any drama, full stop, and that is nearly all Tee and his creative team. He used elements from a few scenes in the book, but he remixed and amplified them to be a lot more powerful, and certainly much more artful and sensual than the sex scenes in the book. That olive oil masturbation scene? The show gets full credit, and the way the direction, editing, and performances so vividly painted their attraction to each other still gives me shivers when I think about it.
But anyway, back to bitching about Tee: one of the scenes that really stuck out for me like a sore thumb in the romance arc in the show was when Yai learns he will be going abroad and he and Jom discuss it in a curiously flat and emotionless way, with Yai acting like it’s no big deal for them to be separated for three years. I mentioned above that this was a change from the book: in the novel Yai was already set to go abroad before he ever met Jom, it was not a new surprise that came about after they were together. They discuss Yai’s impending departure twice in the book; once when Jom is still only Yai’s majordomo, and then once again when they are lovers. As you can imagine, the emotional tenor of these two scenes are quite different. And Tee used the wrong one for the show! I almost threw the book at the wall when I realized I was reading the verbatim dialogue from that scene in the show in the context of Yai and Jom hardly knowing each other yet, and then again when I got to the second conversation that was actually appropriate for two lovers who do not want to be parted. That has to be one of the most senseless adaptation mistakes I have ever seen. Tee Bundit, what is wrong with you!!
Lastly for this section, I will just note that the very long, drawn out goodbyes between Yai and Jom are also a show invention. In the book, Jom gets yanked to the next time period with no warning shortly after they get together and begins his next adventure with another Yai. Since Tee was ending the show here in this time period, he went in a different direction, having Jom and Yai much more aware of Jom fading and anticipating a separation so that he could (say it with me) make everything sadder. His choice to wallow for two entire episodes in sorrow and melancholy and to put much heavier focus on Yai’s despair was entirely his own, and so very on brand.  
Winner: It’s a draw. The book definitely writes the romantic arc more holistically and doesn’t have any of the missteps the drama does, but the show is so artful and the parts it gets right are so good I will remember them for the rest of my life. And I can’t pretend I’m not an angst monster at heart, so Tee’s sad af vision totally worked on me.
Sides and Queer Community
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Here is where Tee’s adaptation really shines, and I know others have discussed these changes before so I won’t go too deep on the details. But I absolutely have to give Tee props for taking tiny threads for these side characters in the books and building them into whole people that we actually care about. Especially in the case of Ming and Fong Kaew, Tee really made something of their extremely thin book stories to turn them into fan favorite characters with real growth arcs. I do think the book was better in the way it handled the fated connection between Fong Kaew and Khamsaen, but everything else about Fong Kaew’s story was deepened by the show. And Tee gets credit for adding so many meaningful stories for women characters in the first place, let alone developing a lesbian romance for Eung Pueng and Maey. He picked up on a tiny bit of subtext for underdeveloped characters in the book and ran with it, and it really enhanced the story. 
He also used side characters as a means to make this story feel all around more queer, not only by including additional queer romances but by building out a real sense of community and solidarity among the queer characters. Not only the addition of nods to real queer history, but the speakeasy, James’s explicit queerness, and Nuey the Green Queen are all Tee additions to the canon that really enhanced the story.
Winner: The drama and it’s not close. Well done, Tee!
That Ending
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One of my biggest interests in reading the novel was seeing how the ending with modern Yai is explained in the original source material, because I found the drama version of that scene so lacking. Well, it turns out, the novel did pretty much the same thing! The ending sequence of the book is even shorter than the scene in the show and similarly offers zero explanation for this new version of Yai or how he knows Jom before they jump each other and the story concludes. The main narrative ends there and the book then tacks on an epilogue explaining who this new Yai is, and it reads like an afterthought. Honestly, it felt to me like the writer ran out of steam and just didn’t bother to finish the story, and Tee did exactly the same thing. Which is kind of infuriating, because being able to fix stuff like that is one of the best things about a good adaptation. 
Winner: Absolutely no one, my kingdom for a proper ending to this story.
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So, my conclusions? 1) Tee Bundit is the saddest creator in Thai bl, hands down; 2) It’s a draw between which version of this story is better. The novel and drama both have different strengths and significant flaws, but both versions are compelling and had me on the edge of my seat. I highly recommend the book to anyone who is missing the show and wants another chance to revisit these characters, plus the added bonus of seeing Jom wrangle Commander Yai, something we are unlikely to ever see on our screens (though hope springs eternal besties!). If you do decide to give it a read, come talk to me about it! 
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latibvles · 1 month
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points on a map.
this is... [loud kazoo] rather late but oh well! better late than never. related to this piece, this next one is plucking from the prompt crew and, as you can expect: is an introduction to the rest of Viv and Willie's crew! It was fun to write though, so I hope you enjoy it (will these make it onto ao3? maybe. no it is not proofread, sue me) Meet Inez Eckley, our very lovely navigator. All of these OCs will be on the carrd very soon!
It takes ten people to fly a B-17.
Not ten men, or ten boys — ten people. That was it. Really early on there used to be a joke, the setup was always the same: how many girls does it take to fly a plane? To no one’s surprise: Inez never found it funny, no matter how many times the punchline changed. It takes ten of me just like it takes ten of you.
She’d never said that, never had much of the courage to open her mouth about it. Luckily, the other navigators she knew either didn’t have the same sentiments or just kept them to themselves — Inez optimistically hopes for the second.
“So we’re just… puttin’ pins in it?” Inez asks, turning to Croz and Bubbles. Croz nods, gives her a bit of a sheepish smile and Inez tries not to squint at the now blurry map in front of her — her glasses feeling like a cross where they hide under her jacket beneath her shirt.
“Pretty much. It’s a tradition.” He affirms.
“Gotta know where everyone’s from.” Bubbles tacks on immediately after — his smile is a little brighter. It doesn’t surprise her: Inez is fairly certain Bubbles was the one who was gonna run around and shoving red thumb tacks in people’s faces. Inez nods once, slow and pensive, before reaching for one of them.
“Ladies first, then?” She wants it to be a statement — but she can’t help but ask. As if they’d have her set up the map on the wall for a boys only activity.
She catches a glimpse of Harrie Morgan over in the corner, trying to nudge one of the guys out of the way so she could listen to the fight on the radio, and assumes that her worry isn’t a crazy assumption to make.
“So y’don’t forget about us,” Inez tacks it on at the end, a bit sheepish, fixing her gaze now on the plastic between her fingers. When she looks back up — Bubbles is still smiling brightly.
“Sure thing. You can do the honors.” He encourages, and that much makes her smile a little bit as she nods once to herself then takes a couple steps forward. She squints a bit, trying to will the text into becoming more solid, trying to recall the maps she’d pour over during practice missions over the States. Inez hesitates a moment, settles on the spot and hopes that she’s hit her target. Turning her head, Bubbles and Crosby are both looking over at where she’s placed it.
“Nashville, huh? That makes us neighbors,” Bubbles puts his own above hers. “Louisville.”
“Guess you’ll have to visit then. We’ll make a day out of it. Hit all the real touristy spots.” Inez offers. There’s a vision there that has her smiling to herself — one where her mother overfeeds them because they’re “too skinny to be Army,” and Croz, polite as ever, doesn’t know how to say no to her. “You too, Bing. And it’s your turn.” Crosby seems to perk up a little bit, takes his pin and tacks it right onto Iowa. Bubbles chuckles to himself, arms crossing over his chest.
“Yeah, you gotta visit. Th’hell’s back in Iowa.” He teases, and Inez can’t help the quiet laugh that escapes her. By the time they got back from this, Iowa would have Mrs. Jean Crosby again, who’s letter was probably sitting comfortably in Croz’s jacket pocket right about now.
“Don’t get him started, we’ll be here all day.”
Harriet Morgan, their ball gunner, has successfully stolen the seat closest to the radio. Carrie Hughes, one of their waist gunners, is standing awkwardly to her left when Inez tracks them down. Harrie’s leant forward on her elbows, the guy next to her, Roy Clayton, gives her a questioning look, expression twisted into one of mild annoyance as Amison messes with the knobs of the radio.
“You even got money on this, Morgan?”
“No, but ma’ pa might!” The expression on her face is bright, and she flashes him a sunny-side up grin — all crooked teeth and crinkled eyes. Carrie says nothing, but her cheeks flush in that mildly embarrassed way that they always do when Harrie’s garnering a bit of attention for herself. Sometimes, Inez is marveled by the fact that Carrie continues to follow her around in spite of her own introversion — but the world was full of mysteries and Inez figured this one would just have to go unsolved.
Harrie, as usual, is none the wiser.
Inez clears her throat on her approach, drops a hand on Carrie’s shoulder to squeeze it and give her a half-smile.
“Got a second to spare? Wouldn’t want you losin’ your seat, after all,” Harrie’s grin turns a little mischievous, and she waves her hand flippantly as she jumps up to her feet.
“Roy gon’ watch ma seat for me, ain’t that right?” Roy makes a face, a mix of shock and protest that falters almost immediately upon Harrie holding his stare for another second or two. Harrie claps him on the shoulder. “‘Preciate it, pal,” before clapping her hands together and jumping up to her feet. Inez thinks she hears Carrie mutter a sorry Roy under her breath. Inez can’t help the small laugh that leaves her as she guides the two of them towards the map.
“Shouldn’t take more than a minute.” Inez offers, but Harrie whizzes by her like a dog catching a scent, sidling up immediately at the work-in-progress amalgamation of push-pins.
“Well what’s all this then?” Her question is as bright as the rest of her and Inez only wonders momentarily how it is that she can treat every minor occurrence as though she’d just found a winning lottery ticket. Carrie’s interest, although more subdued, is still piqued — Inez can tell by the way those big brown eyes of hers light up in curiosity. June had made a couple jokes about the girl being the baby deer of the group: the nineteen-year-old was really living up to it now.
“Croz and Bubbles say it’s a tradition. Gotta put a pin where everybody in the group’s from.” Carrie tilts her head, brows furrowed — although Harrie wastes no time in taking one from the table and smacking it onto the map. Somewhere South, but that part was obvious.
“We get to…” Carrie’s voice trails off, but Inez knows how that question was going to finish, so she nods.
“All thirty of us. I went first,” That makes Carrie smile, and Inez pats her back before gently pushing her towards the map, before sidling up on its opposing side to squint at where Harrie found her mark. Montgomery, Alabama. Carrie, however, is more subdued about it — she simply points and voices it, as opposed to doing it herself.
“Denver,” Carrie offers and Bubbles puts the pin in.
“Ever been to the Rockies?” He asks with a bit of a tease. Carrie lets out a small huff.
“Do I look like a mountain climber to you, sir?” And now it’s Inez’s turn to snort at the barely there bite of Carrie’s remark — one that has Harrie laughing loud and unapologetic. Silently, Inez just hopes Carrie keeps sharpening that edge of hers’ until it gleams, if only for her own sake.
Inez knows that when their radio op smiles at her and promises she just needs to finish up this last game, that it is the beginning of a doom-coming.
Not for Fern, of course. Never for Fern — Inez was fairly sure she could talk Eisenhower himself into giving her a brand new fort for free. The doom-coming being for the wallet of whoever Fern has successfully deceived into thinking she was actually bad at darts: this time, it seems to be Quinn and Blakely — Hinton being her newfound accomplice. Inez doesn’t know how they haven’t been made aware of Fern’s goal to sucker at least half the 100th before they reach England, but that’s none of her business.
“No shame in callin’ it quits now, Carmine. I’ll even halve the winnings for ya,” Bailey drawls, and Fern scoffs lightheartedly. She puts her hands on her hips, cocking a brow and tucking a loose strand of shiny auburn hair behind her ear. There’s a slight pout to her lips. Hook, line…
“Don’t tell me you’re calling me a quitter, Bailey. Matter of fact, I hit this double eight and we double it. Two bucks each.”
Sinker. Quinn looks reluctant, but Bailey agrees — so they all cough up another bill to make it eight on the table. Fern takes her last dart and passes Hinton one of those award-winning smiles of hers, and Inez is reminded briefly of how they had her posing up by the plane for pictures back in Sioux City. And how a passing remark about how she should’ve been painted on the plane, not flying ‘em had earned the offender a fist to the teeth from June.
She lines up the shot, takes in a deep breath and then…
“Boop!” Fern declares as the dart finds its target, to the collective groaning of both Quinn and Bailey. “Thaaank you! And thank you!” She swipes the cash from the table, hands four to Hinton and then pockets the other four, before turning to Inez. “Heard something about a map, is that it?” Fern is looping their arms, her cheek brushing against the side of Inez’s head.
“Four whole dollars. You’re really stretchin’ that Mouse Hole piggy bank,” Inez remarks, and it makes Fern laugh a little with a shake of her head.
“Once we hit England it’ll burst all on its own,” She declares, definitively, then listens intently as Inez explains exactly what it was they were doing. The map’s got a few more pins — from Brady and Blakely and their crews. By the time they hit it, Fern’s already opening her mouth and unlooping their arms, pointing at the spot on the map in one fluid motion. “Racine, Wisconsin, boys, riiiiight there.”
Josephine Alden was always good at not taking up too much room — with Lorraine next to her, they would have the quietest corner of the bar were it not for Lena Connolly filling it with her own storytelling of tales from home. Jo seems more intent to listen than Lorraine, who’s eyes have fallen decidedly further down the bar, towards some back-and-forth occurring between June and Douglass. For a moment, Inez idles behind Lena, trying to figure out the best way to worm herself in.
Noticing this, Josephine gives her one of those warm and acknowledging smiles of hers.
“Did you need something, Inez?” she asks, shifting the attention towards her. Well, Lena’s attention at least. Lorraine still seems preoccupied.
Inez smiles, rubs the nape of her neck.
“Bubbles, Croz, and I are wranglin’ people to tell us where they’re from. Keep track of location and stuff. There’s a map for people to put pins in their hometown. I just wanted to make sure we all got ours,” she explains, looking over the three of them. Lena nods slowly, and Josephine is already straightening out to get up and head over.
Lorraine’s lips tug into a frown, dark eyes flitting from her back to the scene she was watching unfold in front of her.
“Do I have to?” And, despite knowing her, the question still manages to knock some of the wind out of Inez all the same. It’s not posed with a whine, but that sort of indifference that she takes towards most things that didn’t pique her immediate interest. Inez has shared a bunkhouse with the woman for the better part of a full year, but sometimes she still has to remind herself that it’s rarely ever personal; that it’s just Lorraine. Slow to convince, slow to bite down on anything without an incentive.
Sensing Inez’s own faltering, Lena taps in — a clap on Lorraine’s shoulder and a smile up at her.
“Haven’t seen Pasadena Nena touch down yet,” she casts a look to Josephine sliding off the bar stool, “Or Sparky.” Josephine perks up, an animated full-body thing so unlike her typical reservations that it even catches Inez offguard.
“That’d make us first, wouldn’t it?” Josephine points out. “First of the girls, at least,” She looks to Inez for confirmation, and it dawns on her all at once — so she nods almost too quickly in confirmation.
“Uh huh. Croz and Bubbles even let me put the first pin in it,” Inez admits. Lorraine’s brows raise just enough for her to notice, and there’s a twitch of Lena’s lip in knowing they’ve thoroughly incentivized her into something else.
Lorraine Ivanova didn’t care for much — but she did like to be first to things.
“Alright,” she assents, and Inez smiles a little more genuine, guiding the trio back towards the map. Josephine lets the other two walk in front of her, whipping around to raise her hand in greeting. Inez looks back to see who it is — only to realize all at once that she doesn’t know who it is that Josephine’s waving to. A member of Brady’s crew, maybe. By the time Inez is turning back around, Lorraine is taking one of the push pins to jam into the map wordlessly.
“Brooklyn,” Josephine murmurs quietly to Inez, as Lena mimics it, her own pin nearly on top of Lorraine’s. “And the Bronx.” She knew the two were from New York — but the differences between all those little neighborhoods made her head spin on a better day. Inez gives Josephine an appreciative smile that the girl returns, patting the spot between Inez’s shoulder blades before stepping towards the map and pointing.
“New Englander, huh?” Bubbles points out as Croz presses the pin into its spot.
“Same as Crank,” She nods, stepping back, before giving Inez a curious look. “Did you get Juney yet?”
She had not, in fact, gotten Juney yet.
And their bombardier looked like she was about to bite Howard Hamilton’s head off — but Hambone just looked amused with his ability to successfully get a rise out of her. To be entirely fair, it wasn’t hard. And it also wasn’t worth the smack in the mouth he’d be getting if he kept poking her as though she were a sleeping bear; Inez walks a little quicker, Josephine keeping step. Douglass, who’d also been participating in the conversation, catches them first with that pearly-white smile of his.
“Ladies,” it’s an easy greeting, and Inez fixes him with a nod.
June Cielinski looks back at them now, blue eyes lit up, argument on her tongue and jaw clenched. She fixes her gaze on Inez and Inez feels her stomach drop almost instinctually. She’s like a horse being wrangled straight into a pen she wants no part of, because whatever conversation that was just transpiring would be far too much for her to keep up with.
“Eckley, would you tell Hamilton that—”
“We need you for somethin’,” Inez blurts abruptly. She then fixes her look back to the two men behind her and lets out a soft puff of breath. “I’m borrowin’ her.” Josephine slides seamlessly into the conversation with a heard you had a rough landing! that’s laced with all the concern of a mother checking on her kids after a long school day. June, however, is muttering what Inez can only assume are obscenities under her breath. Inez doesn’t speak a lick of polish — her cheeks flush anyway.
“What was that all about?” Inez asks after a moment, and June scoffs.
“Dougie wants to make a pass at Fern so I told him to piss off about it. Hamilton thought it was pretty funny,” June seethes, and Inez knows her immediate piece of advice wouldn’t be much help. Don’t feed into it was like asking June to hold her breath for an entire flight exercise.
She also knows it was less about the prospect of Douglass and Fern, of all people, and more about what lies beneath it — the principle of it. They’d all been sat down and had the fraternization policy nailed into their skulls. Inez figures that it’s hard to take a rule seriously when you’ve never seen the consequences of breaking it. So the guys found it funny, even if, like most things, the consequences felt very, very real for the woman. And most girls understood how words could be dangerous in a way that guys didn’t.
June was always going to be the first one to bat for them. That’s just how it was.
“Should only take a minute, then you can go back to uh… fightin’ the good fight, I guess,” June snorts, unapologetic in the way she rolls her eyes, but Inez knows it isn’t malicious. Her lips curl on something between a smirk and a smile and her physical being seems to loosen up a bit more. That makes Inez relax a bit, letting out a soft breath as they reach the map. “They’ve just gotta know where you’re from. Put a pin in it.” June’s lips pull into a small pout, a nod of understanding.
“Hope you boys don’t need me to point you in the direction of Chicago,” She raises a brow at the two other navigators. Bubbles just laughs, but Croz seems to flush a bit — meek in the presence of June’s sharp remarks as he goes to put the pin in its place.
“You get lost or something, Cleven?”
It’s never been hard to find her pilot, Captain Savorre’s made a spot for herself by the door just as Major Cleven comes in with a gust of wind. Inez watches Cleven take Savorre’s hand and shake it, and they give each other a smile — Cleven’s is barely perceptible, Savorre’s is mostly teeth. Whatever Cleven says in response, Inez doesn’t pick up on, but Savorre turns her head and Inez follows it.
Inez doesn’t get how she didn’t notice that the horn above the mantle was split in two. Savorre says something else Inez can’t hear, and claps him on the shoulder twice before he walks past. The two of them look like something out of the movies they’d play on base, if she was being completely honest with herself. Tall, confident, attractive. Cleven presses forward, nodding towards those who catch his eye, greeting those he knows.
She didn’t know the commander of the 350th well, but the general consensus of her and most of the girls was that he was quite alright. Harrie had gushed about how pretty his girlfriend was when they saw her once at the bar — all Veronica Lake waves and friendly smiles. Inez was too shy to talk to her then. Still, Captain Savorre and Lieutenant Neumann seemed to like him well enough — that was as much of an assurance as any. Sometimes it was hard to discern who their allies were in a group of hundreds of people.
Inez presses forward once she realizes Savorre is no longer preoccupied, clearing her throat as she approaches.
“Captain?” Savorre’s face lights up in another smile.
“Eckley.” Inez looks to the left, to Buck over by the map, then clears her throat.
“Me and uh… the other navigators were just gettin’ everyone to put a pin where they’re from up on the board. I pretty much got everybody but you and Lieutenant Neumann.” Captain Savorre had an air about her that was somehow both comfortable and intimidating. Inez always chalked it up to her having a good four inches of height on her. But the smile she maintains is a comfort as she straightens out a bit.
“Look at you, making friends,” There’s something about the way she says it that reminds Inez vaguely of her older cousins asking about her social life back in high school. It’s almost sisterly. When Savorre starts walking, Inez is quick to follow. “How’re those glasses working out for you?” she inquires. Inez feels her face flush. The cold metal frames hanging on the inside of her shirt feel heavier.
Savorre picked up on Inez’s habitual squinting pretty quickly. She said nothing of it, but Inez did find a pair of readers on the pillow of her rack in Wendover. She’d thanked the woman at least five times; Savorre just laughed it off, telling her her secret’s safe with her.
“Just fine, thanks,” Savorre nods, satisfied. Then, Inez lets her curiosity get the best of her as they pass by Cleven again in conversation with the Sergeant at the bar. “Everything okay? With the Major?”
Savorre’s mouth curls on a grin, directed ahead of her as opposed to in response to Inez’s question. Inez watches as Savorre drapes an arm around Neumann’s shoulders. She’d been in some kind of conversation with Lieutenant Brady. There’s a quick exchange there: an I’ve gotta steal her from Savorre, a small eyeroll from Neumann and then a small, surrendering nod from Brady that ends with Savorre turning on her heel.
It’s then that the Captain seems to remember Inez’s question.
“Our Air Exec just knows how to make an impression, is all,” is Savorre’s breezy reply, arm still draped around Neumann’s shoulders, who’s giving her an equally questioning look, but saying nothing. “Lead the way, Eckley.”
And so she does: back to the table, with its awaiting map with an ever-growing collection of red pins in places all dotting the U.S. Croz introduces himself all over again and handshakes are exchanged, Inez taking a step back to admire their work. There was something about being unable to distinguish any of them from one another that made her happy. Ten men in a bomber, ten women in a bomber, ten people to fly a B-17, ten pins on a map.
Bubbles puts the one for Neumann somewhere in Pennsylvania that Inez has never heard of. Then Savorre takes one for herself, looks over her shoulder and casts a smile pointedly at Inez as it finds its mark. Like she’s letting Inez in on a secret.
“Motor City,” is all she says as she puts it, presumably, on Detroit — it only then occurs to Inez that their pilot didn’t talk much about where she was from.
Before Inez can ask anymore questions, the door opens once more and Savorre heads off, curious as ever, to see who’s walked in. Neumann’s already ducked back to her prior conversation, and Inez falls into a contemplative, but satisfied silence as Bubbles goes to wave down another pilot. Indiscernable points on a big, big map.
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wexhappyxfew · 4 months
I hope I'm not too late, but you know I'm going to request something for Flo and Benny🖤 Maybe 12 from the "It's Spring!" writing prompt list? - @lostloveletters
ah hello battie ( @lostloveletters )!! not late at all! i was BEYOND excited to do some more with Flo and Benny - those two have captured my heart and i'm so so glad they seemed to do the same for you!! please enjoy my take on the prompt you've sent in - and let's just say, despite the happiness of the prompt, my recent emotions of episode 5 seemed to take over and here we are :)
prompt: rolling down the window of the car
featuring: Flo Godfrey and Benny DeMarco
The feeling would always remain cathartic in a way she couldn't entirely describe to anyone close to her.
Watching the B-17s take off in energetic fashion towards the sky, aligning in perfect formation to the morning haze of what the day was to bring, smelling sweet air, feeling the cool breeze, sitting there watching that 'bucket of bolts' as Wink liked to call them, take off into the sky, the small voice in her head saying they'd all come back. That they'd all be okay. Sometimes it was just a white lie to convince her to calm down.
But it was nearly sundown, 17 out of the 18 planes that had taken off had returned, the pilots and their boys were eating well and washing up and enjoying the feeling of standing on solid ground again. And Flo's stress levels had lessened slightly - well, slightly was a loose-leaf term for it. They'd dropped about a percent before Lemmons started yelling about one of the controls for the plane propeller on Brady's fort that had taken more blows than she had bargained for earlier.
"God, just... give it another go!"
Lemmons was yelling from somewhere down in the plane propeller to her left - closer to the first and second engines on the fort. Clearly, flak had done it's horrendous job more than either her or Lemmons cared to admit. Flo, sat in the pilots seat, flicked the metal probe on the switchboard and heard the gutteral and pathetic whir of the propeller trying to start up, but to no avail, stutter to a stop.
"Nothing!" Flo yelled, pulling open the window in the cockpit, "Look, Kenny, I think we gotta jerry-rig it!" Lemmons' faced appeared and her offered her a surprised brow raise.
"Jerry-rig? Who the hell-"
"My father showed me how to do it on a boat one time-"
"A boat?! Listen, Godfrey, that's a boat, this is a plane-"
"Yes! But it should work just the same-"
"Florence Godfrey is that you?" Flo froze about mid-speech, the same turning into samey, which was hardly even a word.
Slowly averting her eyes from the propeller and the sad excuse for engines, she looked down on the ground, past the wings of the fort and found Captain Benny DeMarco standing there, uniform on, tired eyes, a smile on his face, and a slightly bloodied bandage hanging around his neck.
Hanging out the window, looking like an eager, excited dog in front of a Captain was surely not the picture she wished to paint but the sheer surprise that took over her face was equally uncalled for and warranted. Flo could briefly see Lemmons looking up at her with a smirk on his face.
"She'll be right down!" Lemmons yelled, the grin on his face widening as her eyes followed, "Go on, get going, I'll jerry-rig this-"
"You were about to argue with me that that was the last thing you wanted to do-"
"I'm jerry-rigging it." he said, then smirked, "Go." Flo smiled at Lemmons before turning her attention back on the Captain stood on the tarmac, that soft smile on his face.
"If this was a car, I'd tell you to get in; I'd roll down the window as kindly as I could, too." she called to him a grin on her face, "You'll have to meet me on the other side though, where I'll make a less-than-stellar exit." She watched Benny laugh at her words and shake his head.
"You could probably give me a run for my money!" he called up to her, before sending her a wink as he disappeared under the plane.
Flo quickly looked down at her clothes, the minute she took to reevaluate herself enough to notice the grease stains, the minor paint job cropping up on the ends of her OD top, and the tear in her shoulder from where her top had gotten caught on a piece of metal bent awkwardly from the plane. Spinning herself around, she moved through the center of the plane before making her, as expected, less-than-stellar exit onto the tarmac, and finding Benny there right in front of her - holding a hand against her head, gray beanie covering flying braids that needed redoing, the slight, night wind brushing her crimson cheeks.
"Didn't think I'd be seeing you tonight," Flo said as she approached him, her eyes darting to the bandage hap-hazardously wrapped around his neck, the red spot lingering lower on the wrap, her smile fading slightly, "are you okay?" He seemed to sense her worry and reached up to gingerly touch the bandage and shook it off, smiling at her as she came closer.
"Just took a bit of shrapnel from a blast up there, nothing to worry about," he said, but she could see the bit of pain that ran over his face as he stood there. She became slightly distracted by the scent of his cologne hitting her nose - the sudden realization that she probably smelled like a greasy, wet rag making her want to crawl into a hole. She looked up at Benny, deep brown eyes soft in the light of the sunset, focused solely on her. He could've gotten himself straight to a warm meal, but instead was stood outside with her - he'd just flown a plane over Germany and back, she'd spoon feed him dinner if it meant it brought him comfort.
"If I'm holding you from your meal, I'm sorry I just-"
"No, no," Benny said quickly, stepping forward, placing his hands on her shoulders, the presence comforting in a way she hadn't felt in months, "no, not at all……I, uh, just….wanted to thank you, for a few nights ago. The dance." A smile broke out on her face and she let out a small laugh and looked up into his eyes again.
"Sometimes with all that's going on around," he looked around at the airfield and then looked back at her again, "just, dancing with you, brought me away from the war for a bit. Never knew how much something like that could mean in the moment until you're standing there….especially with someone like yourself."
"Benny…." she whispered, but his smile softened, as he reached out and gently tucked some of her lose flyaway hairs behind her left ear, his hand warm, thumb lightly brushing against her cold cheek. Her heart stuttered - Benny DeMarco, that look in your eye…..
"I know, I know, it's war. Flying B-17s, you can't exactly go around saying stuff like that, knowing that well…." Benny trailed off his trembling words and looked back at her, a riddled air of confidence and calm filling his eyes in front of her, "life's too short not to say something like that, even with the Germans breathing down our necks. And I'd regret it everyday if I never said it to you. Knowing how much it meant…." to both of us, her mind whispered. She watched him.
Her emotions were suddenly in five different directions, all good directions, she reminded herself - for a moment, her heart pounded and her mind raced, and the reality of war ebbed in and out of her vision. But here was someone, looking at her like he'd lasso the moon for her, in the midst of war, showing up to the plane she was losing her mind over a propeller about, when he very well should be sitting down and eating up, thanking her. And really, she should be thanking him.
Flo stepped closer to him, his light breathing fanning across her face, his cologne still overwhelming her nose, but still oh-so-enjoyable, and his presence warm and inviting and there.
He was right there.
And she hugged him, wrapping her arms, careful of the wrap, around his neck, and hugged him wholly. Where she was enveloped by him in every way possible, where for a moment it wasn't the two of them on a tarmac, one having just finished off a mission against the enemy while the other was fixing up the planes for the next, but where it was the two of them, in a different circumstance, a different way. Where war wasn't the backdrop to their emotions that lingered at the borderline. Softly, she shifted her lips to his ear and pressed a soft kiss there.
"Thank you for for everything," she whispered, "because for once, war has shown me that hiding anything I feel will only be regretful in the long-run." Flo slowly pulled back, staring up into Benny's tired eyes, and smiled softly.
"In another world, we're dancing at the Ritz, just you and I and Louis Armstrong above us," she whispered to him, his eyes hazy and soft, like he were imagining a world like that, too, "we're dancing and there's no war. And it's just us." Flo helped him to stand on two feet that day on the tarmac, on the ground. They lost men everyday they went and flew missions - men they trained with, grew with and flew with. Flo was sure of one thing - no matter what transpired above the clouds, she wouldn't lose Benny.
Benny wouldn't ever lose her.
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pigeonwhumps · 4 months
The Talk
Bug and Company masterlist
Taglist: @littlespacecastle @flowersarefreetherapy @whumplr-reader @whumpinggrounds @painful-pooch @i-eat-worlds @a-funeral-romance @rainydaywhump
Alix and Sarita talk.
CWs: BBU, pet whump, derogatory language about sex workers, discrimination against Romantics, past betrayal, fear of abandonment, use of Christianity for discrimination, victim-blaming, brief mention of death, mentions of rape/non-con
"You can sit down while we talk, if you like," offers Alix.
"Okay. The first thing you should know is that you're free to choose your own name here, if Sarita is the name your owner gave you. Or even if it's not. It's a perfectly good name, though, if you don't want to."
Sarita stiffens. Her back hurts from the tension. How dare she.
"How fucking– I am not changing my name, fuck off. It's my name, I chose it, and I've already had one safehouse try and change it because I'd be forgiven quicker if I had a nice Christian name and not one a dumb slut would have. Fuck off. This name means something to me and I am not changing it. Don't make me."
The last part almost comes out as a plea and she hates that. Hates that she feels like she has to beg to use a name she chose for herself in memory of her dead friend. Because she's not begging ever again.
"I wouldn't make you." She looks at Sarita closely, too closely. "We're not all like Christians Against Pets."
"The fuck d'you know that's where I was?" Are they in contact? Is this a trap? What the fuck is going on?
"They were clearly Christian, and that group is very discriminatory towards Romantics. Also, they have a safehouse branch nearby. That's where O's from. It makes sense."
"Okay. Fine. I'll believe you for now."
Alix's mouth quirks. "Thank you."
"What are the conditions for living here then? Do I gotta– stay away from the other pets or pray or whatever?" Because she's not doing that again. Fuck that.
"No. I certainly don't think you're a bad person or anything else that other people have called you."
Sarita folds her arms. "That I'm a dumb pampered whore who joined up so I could get fucked all the time?"
"Please don't use that kind of language, Sarita."
She quirks an eyebrow. "Would you prefer me to say that I'm a lucky pet because I get to have sex all the time and not be hurt? Because I've heard that too. People only ever care about the sex."
"No," says Alix mildly, "I'd prefer you not to talk about yourself like that at all. Being raped multiple times doesn't make it okay, and it doesn't make you any of those things. Just like it doesn't define my other rescues. Maria wasn't lucky because she was 'only' a Romantic. And it's not just you you're affecting with that language."
Sarita stays quiet. She... hadn't thought of that. What did Maria think she meant? She's shit at meeting other pets, she always hurts them.
At least that means they won't try and get close and the inevitable betrayal won't hurt so much.
She doesn't fucking care though.
"Do you understand, Sarita?" She nods. "Good. Now that part's over with, can we talk about why you were so desperate to run that you stabbed me on the way?"
Sarita shrugs. "My last safehouse betrayed me. I won't let it happen again."
That's her warning. If anyone tries anything she's going, and she doesn't care how many people she has to hurt to do it.
"Well, I certainly won't do that. Which doesn't help, I know. But I do have something for you."
Alix reaches behind her and Sarita prepares to run, but she just holds out a folded pocket knife.
"Here. If it'll make you feel safer."
Sarita takes the weapon cautiously, expecting it to be taken back any second. It's got to be a taunt, a trick, a way of getting her taken on a deadly weapons charge maybe. But Alix just lets her take it.
It's dark blue and feels solid in her hand. She feels a little safer, now. Although that isn't hard.
She swallows. She's not sure what she's feeling, but she knows what the response must be. "Thank you." She hesitates. "Do I gotta pay you back for it? I can... I can fuck well. If you want."
She wouldn't offer. She hates it. But she really does want to keep this knife. And she can always run afterwards, it'll be easier then anyway when Alix is all worn out and sated. Maybe it's the price she has to pay. Better to find out now than be raped later.
"After all that I said, do you think I would?"
Sarita shrugs. "People are hypocrites."
"Maybe I am sometimes. But not when it comes to this. I'm not going to make you pay, in money or blood or sex or anything. This is a gift."
Sarita turns the knife over in her hands, folding out the attachments. This is a Swiss army knife, not just any pocket knife. That knife attachment is definitely longer than normal. And sharp. She's never gotten a gift that's just a gift before. She's not convinced it's not a trap. She'll have to be wary.
She looks up at Alix cautiously, studying her seemingly-open face.
"Oscar and I figured that if you run, you'll need more to survive than just a knife."
Sarita flicks the knife attachment out and holds it in front of her, just in case it's still a trick.
"What are the rules here then? If you want to convince me to stay I need to know what the fuck I need to do if I was to."
She runs the words back through her head. Okay, maybe not the *best* sentence she's ever constructed.
"Well the most important ones are not to use derogatory language, and to respect boundaries and personal space. You don't go into other people's bedrooms unless they specifically allow you to, you stay out of the bathroom if there's others in there, ask before you touch people, that kind of thing. There's a rota for chores, let me know if there's anything on it you can't do for any reason, physically or emotionally. I'll add you in a month if you decide to stay. And to be clear, since you seem to be exceptionally worried about this, you do not have to stay away from people, or common spaces. You can use the common areas whenever you like, including the middle of the night if you want to. Getting yourself a midnight snack is perfectly fine. There's a few times you'll need to stay away from certain rooms, like if it's group therapy time and you don't want to join (Sarita makes a face. Why the fuck would she want that?). I think that's about it."
Alix's speech seems a bit perfect, like it's rehearsed. But anyway.
"What happens if I break the rules? You gonna send me back to WRU or stop food privileges or something?"
"Food isn't a privilege, and I'd never send anyone back or kick them out. We'd have to talk, figure out the reason for it. If you were clashing severely with another resident we'd have to work on a solution. If you decide to stay, I do expect you to work on following the rules, especially the first one. But I don't expect anyone to be perfect."
Sarita nods. "Why the fuck are you so good at speeches anyway? Have you been practicing?"
"Yes. I spent a long messing up before we all brainstormed this together. So, do you want to try staying here? You don't have to stick around if you don't like it."
"Fine. I'll try." She doesn't trust Alix, but there is a miniscule chance she's telling the truth. Maria and Adalia looked fed. And she was raped and assaulted enough on the streets, at least she can have it happen someplace warm.
Alix looks... relieved? What? "Thank you. I'll get you set up with a bedroom near the exit and find you some clothes."
"I should apologise to Maria," says Sarita guiltily, not acknowledging Alix because she doesn't know what to do with that offer. "You gonna stop me going in?"
"No, go right ahead." She steps aside and Sarita walks into the house. She can hear murmuring and that's probably where Maria is, right? She heads towards the sounds.
She peers around the doorway to see a group of people talking, Maria and Adalia included. Well. Okay then. She'd hoped to get Maria on her own but might as well get the nobody wanting her part over in one go.
She steps in front of the doorway and the talking stops abruptly. Yeah, they were definitely talking about her. She pulls herself up taller against the stares, which despite there only being three of them seem to contain every emotion.
"What do you want?" asks Adalia, glaring.
"I came to apologise to Maria," Sarita replies in the same tone. "Then I'll fuck off. Maria, I'm sorry. For threatening you and insulting you or whatever. And I actually mean it, Alix didn't tell me to say it."
"Thank you. I'm not... I understand, that it's hard to trust. It's okay."
Sarita nods curtly and leaves the room. If they want her to fuck off, she'll fuck off. She won't get to stay long if Adalia feels like that about her anyway, because Alix actually likes Adalia.
She doesn't know where her bedroom is. She doesn't know where anything is. But she can sure as fuck find out easily enough, she's not stupid. Alix will be in her room, and if not, she can find her and ask. If she's as welcoming as she pretends to be she'll show Sarita.
It's fine.
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bories · 11 months
masterlist ⋆。˚☆
can you guys tell i love werewolves?
quick background info: i like to imagine reader as charlie's "adopted shortly after bella left him" kid. so she's close w bella but also kinda lagging behind when it comes to hearing about whats going on around her. this also takes place in eclipse <3
!!! i took some inspiration from @the-wolf-moon-diaries' Hold a Light Back to My Soul and the idea from @lunajay33's My Beast and i highly recommend their stories!
i definitely gotta write a pt 2 where we meet up again, don't i? damn
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weird dog ... seth clearwater x reader
word count: 1512, warnings: swearing, running away, giant wolf?? a tad boring
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Some days can be rough as hell around here, and dealing with them can be just as hard. There's not much to do in Forks, besides drive down to La Push, or wander in and out of the small stores around town, or even wander the hiking trails. But regardless, you need out, you gotta go.
Everything keeps piling up, looming over you, and it's all about to come crashing down. You're sick of hearing about some vampire army, and Bella's stupid love triangle, and now even werewolves--so you decide to leave. Slipping into some boots, you run out the door, barely caring if you make noise.
Not sure of where to go, you just pick a direction and run. You break out into a sprint until you get stomach cramps.
Slowing down, you walk and catch your breath as you reach the entrance to a hiking trail. It's far too late into the night for anyone to be out there unless they're camping, and even then they'd be holed up in their tents for the night. Regardless, though, you deviate from the path and just wander through the trees, not wanting to run into anyone.
Never slowing down, you begin to think about your safety in the forest so late.
It'll be fine, you tell yourself, Besides, if I get lost, someone'll just come find me like they found Bella that one time. With vampires and werewolves, it can't be that hard.
You roll your eyes at the thought of both species of weird being unable to track you down.
Your stomach stops hurting and you keep strolling through the forest, dodging trees and hopping off any big rocks you find. Taking in the forest around you, you start to wonder how long you've been gone.
No more than, like, half an hour. Maybe 45. D'you think Dad has noticed yet? you ask yourself. Definitely not.
After a few more minutes worth of walking and avoiding thinking too much, you stop in a little clearing. It's less of a clearing and more like trees getting a little more sparse, but you don't mind.
You sit on a rock and look up. The trees here are far apart enough to get a small, but clear shot of the sky.
"Nice," you smile. And for a few minutes, all you do is stare at the stars in silence.
Your eyelids start to feel heavy as your body really relaxes. You slide off the rock so you're sitting on the ground, leaned against it, still looking up.
I mean, this isn't the most uncomfortable pillow I've used. And I don't think I'd make it home anyways, you think, justifying sleeping against that rock to yourself. I'll go back in the morning if no one finds me by then. Sounds like a solid plan.
You yawn and close your eyes while turning onto your side against the rock. The quiet sounds of the forest lull you to sleep as your mind wanders. It wanders from the Cullens, to La Push, to how you miss the beach, to how you might go there next time you want to run away for a night, to how you'd even get there alone.
Being nearly asleep, you don't pick up on the fact that the forest is suddenly void of sound. Any animals around you have left, the leaves having stopped rustling, even the wind no longer blowing. But it's not until you hear the crunching of twigs behind you that your eyes shoot open, wide and aware. You hear panting, slow and steady, and you don't dare move.
Shit, is it a bear? 'If it's black, fight back,' right? We only have black bears around here. God, should I get up? Playing dead only works on brown bears--shit. Mind racing, your eyes squeeze shut until you come to a decision.
You abruptly stumble to your feet and start screaming, trying to scare away whatever's behind you, until you actually turn around. Your scream shifts from "trying-to-assert-dominance" to "trying-not-to-die-tonight" as you register what's found you. Not a black bear, but a brown wolf. A huge brown wolf. It even pulls away from you, startled by your screaming.
"Holy shit! Holy shit!" You stagger backwards and trip over a small rock, falling on your ass. You curse to yourself and look back up at the beast. It watches you, and for a moment, you two just stare at one another.
Your eyes are full of fear, mouth open, ready to scream, chest rising and falling with every uncertain breath. The wolf huffs and its head dips down towards you as it sniffs you. In response, you weakly try to shuffle backwards, unsure of what to do. It lets out another huff, backing away, never breaking eye contact.
To your surprise, it sits. It sits there and just looks at you.
You take a deep breath in and out and try to calm yourself. "Hoo... Okay," you're cautious to speak, afraid of what might happen. "Hey there, uh, buddy?"
It doesn't move. "You, uh--you won't hurt me, huh? Right?"
It huffs. "Great. Very trustworthy."
Standing up slowly, you're wary of the wolf still watching your every move. You relax as the wolf seems uninterested in attacking you.
You sigh, "Now what? One wrong move and I might as well scream for the Cullens to come bite me."
You start talking to yourself, "This is what you get for being stupid. 'Oh, it's just the big bad trees. What's the worst that could happen?' I said. Yeah, right. Idiot."
The wolf's head cocks to the side as you scold yourself.
"And you," you gesture towards the wolf, "what're you gonna do? God, what am I doing? Threatening a giant wolf? I really am a genius."
You stop rambling and take a breath. "Okay. This is fine."
Your shoulders finally slump as you take in the wolf. It's as tall as the average human, taller even, with brown fur that looks darker at night. It's eyes are brown and captivating, almost unnaturally humanlike. Regardless, you can't help but find it beautiful.
"You're not that scary, are you?" You flash it a weak smile, "I bet you're just like a big puppy. You're so big that if you were red I'd call you Clifford," you laugh.
Taking slow steps towards the wolf, you raise your hand as non-threateningly as you can. "Can I pet you?" It watches you with curiosity.
"That's kind of a dumb question, isn't it? You can't really," your hand is inches from its head, "...respond." It leans into your touch as you begin softly stroking its fur.
"See," you chuckle, "you're not so mean."
It huffs and lies down. "What, you're tired? I bet you had a long day of scaring campers, didn't you?" You sit down beside the wolf, "I'm tired, too, you know? You actually kind of woke me up."
It watches you blankly. "I accept your apology, don't worry."
With a yawn, you start petting its fur again. "Pretty soft for a wild wolf," you mutter.
Your eyes start feeling heavy again and you lean against the wolf. "You don't mind, right?" Your words come out slowly, tired.
A huff in response. "Great, thanks. You're a much better pillow than that rock was," you trail off and close your eyes.
As your body relaxes against the wolf, the pace of your breathing matches the wolf's, and your mind starts to wander again. Wandering from how warm the wolf is, to the sun, to how you used to stare at the sun as a kid, to how you miss sunbathing on the beach, to planning your next day at the beach.
You barely mutter a "G'night," and drift off to sleep.
Throughout the night, the wolf watches over you as you sleep curled up with it. At sunrise, it stands, leaving you lying on the ground, and it begins to nudge you awake with its snout. You're startled awake by the wolf in your face and sit up, finding your bearings.
"Oh," you say, rubbing your eyes. "Right, good morning, I guess." The wolf pants at you, mouth open. "God, I really spent the night out here... Shit--has dad noticed?"
The wolf watches as you stand up and look around, looking for the direction you came in. Once you recognize the way home, you turn to say goodbye to the wolf. It stares at you, tall and unmoving.
"Don't look at me like that, I'm about to be in huge trouble."
Its tongue licks its nose. You smile with a sigh and shake your head, "I'll miss you, too. Don't scare too many people while I'm gone, alright?"
It bows its head as you pet it goodbye. "I'll find you again. I'll come back, tonight or tomorrow. And you better be here."
You turn and begin walking away, thinking to yourself, Weirdest dog I've ever met.
You look back once and it's gone. As silently as it had snuck up on you the previous night, it had gone.
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decimalpointed · 2 years
Eddie's dad drags him along to steal his first car at age 13. Eddie's excited, nervous, but eager to please his father. He knows his mother wouldn't approve but she's passed out drunk again, so her opinion hadn't been relevant when his father had barged in and swooped him up.
His father takes him to a nice end of town, filled with mansions that are strung up with extravagant Christmas lights to display their wealth and holiday cheer. Eddie doesn't go to these neighborhoods, never has occasion to. They breeze by the residential area and wind up near shopping centers, boutiques with fancy polos and knick knacks.
When they pull into a packed parking lot, filled with last minute holiday shoppers, Eddie can feel nervous sweat dripping down his skin.
"We're gonna have a damn good Christmas this year." His father mumbles, greed in his eyes and breath sour with the stench of alcohol as he scans across the lot for fancy cars. He spots his mark. "There. That one Ed. Do you see it? No cameras pointed towards it. Snow still melting on the hood so engines still warm. Good solid Beemer, real nice car. Will sell for a pretty penny."
Eddie just nods, his fingers shaking as his eyes flit around the lot. There are people going to a from their cars. Its dark, with a gentle flurry of snow but anyone could see them in the well lit lot.
They get out of their own car, the doors sqeaky and rust blooming across the old metal. Eddie cringes at the sound. Its so loud. It feels like eyes are watching all around him. The air feels cold and thin, like its not reaching his lungs right even though he's practically panting.
His dad sidles up to the car, his tools in his pocket and it takes him less than 30 seconds to jimmy the driver side door open and he hits the unlock button so Eddie can scramble into the passenger side.
"Now look here son." His dad takes his tools out, lays them across his lap and gestures to the console. "You see these new fancy cars, there's a little latch right here. You gotta tug it till that snaps and it'll pop right out." He pops the plastic off, revealing the mess of wires beneath. "See easy as that." And then he hands the pliers to Eddie, who fumbles and almost drops them to the fancy floor mats.
"Now you cut this one here and we are gonna cut this other one here. Then we just need to spark em" Eddie follows the instructions, slow and unsteady because all he can register right now is his heartbeat slamming against his ribs.
He strips the wires back and his father takes over, grabs them and clicks the exposed metal together until the car roars to life. He gives a woop and Eddie can't help but give a shakey smile.
"That's it?" Eddie asks, because it feels too easy.
"That's it son." His fathers crooked teeth shine yellow in the streetlight as he grins.
His father puts the car in reverse, backing out and driving nice and easy. He gets them onto the main road and Eddie can finally feel his nerves start to calm.
"Now we are just gonna get this beauty over to Johnny's. Then-" his dad is interrupted by a sound, a small sleepy groan from the backseat and they both freeze.
"Dad? Are you done shopping alread-" The voice cuts off and Eddie swings around and his gaze finds a boy roughly his age, sitting up and looking like a deer in the headlights as he realizes it's not his father driving the car, but Eddie's. Fuck. Shit.
Eddie can feel the tension, flits his eyes to his father who is looking in the rear view mirror, his face shuddering into panic and then swiftly schooling his face into blankness.
"Who are you?" The boy asks wearily.
His father plasters on a fake smile. "Hey kiddo. Ran into your dad in the store with my boy here. He was saying how he was buying you Christmas gifts and didn't want you to see em before the big day. So he asked if I would run you home real quick."
The boys eyes narrow suspiciously and Eddie knows before he opens his mouth that he isn't buying the bullshit his dad is trying to sell him one bit. This has gone sideways and Eddie knows that his dad can't get caught again or he will go away for a long time and then it's just going to be Eddie and his mom who barely was a person these days, drowning herself in booze and pills and powder.
The boy lunges quickly to the door and Eddie hears the click of the locks as his dad beats the kid to it. The car swerves precariously as his dad is distracted.
"Let me out!" The boy yells, a tremor in his voice and the sound makes Eddie want to curl up and hide. This is so fucked. They are kidnapping him. This is a kidnapping.
"Dad-" Eddie begins to plead, to try to reason that this is too far, that he wants no part in this. Fuck the money. Fuck Christmas. He wants to go home and let this kid go home too.
His dad doesn't let him finish, just whirls around with like a cornered viper and lashes out. His fist hits the other kid right in the face and the sound is stark and violent. The boy cries out, immediately gushing blood from his nose. He's letting out terrified whimpers. Eddie is terrified too.
"Shut the fuck up!" His father screams at the boy, the car swerving dangerously and someone honks at them. Hot tears track down Eddie's face and he hiccups out a sob. His father rounds on him next, "Shut the fuck up!" He repeats, this time lashing out towards his own son.
The boy is cowering against the backseat, blood and tears on his face as Eddie shrinks into his own seat. What thw fuck is happening?
"Jesus fucking Christ. Shut up shut up shut up." His father is losing control, panicking. Eddie knows to keep himself scarce when his dad gets like this, violent and unpredictable, but he can't run while trapped in a moving car.
Eddie can't run away. His throat feels like its closing, like there's no oxygen in this stolen little car. Maybe the other kid sucked it up for himself. He can't run away. The doors are locked and they are kidnapping someone and he can't get away.
His father is shouting, rage in his tone but the words become jumbled and lost in the ringing thats taken over Eddie's ears. The other boy is crying, the sound of alarm like battery acid along his nerves, tingling and burning and awful.
Eddie doesn't register what he's doing until he has his hands on the wheel, trying to wrench it from his father's hold. There's screaming, and the blair of car horns, but Eddie just wants to make this night stop, wants to make the boy stop crying because it's making something primal in Eddie terrified, wants his father to just pull the car over because this is too fucking much.
The world goes sideways, crunching metal and glass and then Eddie feels the cold gentle snowfall against his face. There's warmth dripping from his hairline, and lights blur in and out of focus. Sound is muffled, and his brain sluggish when he turns to look around.
His father is there, head pushed against the shattered windshield at an awkward angle, red stark against his pale skin. His eyes are closed, his body still. Pain laces through Eddie and he cries out as he shifts away from the sight. The world is sluggish and slow. He smells pine and salty tangy blood.
He hears another whimper and turns and behind him the boy is still there, still huddled down and trembling with wide brown eyes in the backseat. Glass glitters in his hair. It looks kind of magical Eddie thinks in a daze.
A siren cuts through the fog he's in, snapping the world back into focus and it's like a dip into fridge waters. There's so much at once. Eddie can see the flash of red and blue, drawing closer.
Cops. Oh God cops. He can't be here. He looks to his dad, still unmoving and slumped against the steering wheel. He will never be able to drag him out in time. He won't be able to stop the cops from finding them like this.
He hears the boy shifting in the back and then the crunch of metal as he shoves the door open. Eddie scrambles out of the car right after, adrenaline punching through his veins.
The boy stands, legs trembling and puts his arms around himself to stave off the cold. The lights draw close, bathing him in the colors and once again Eddie's brain fizzles just a bit, caught off guard at the sight.
He doesn't have time to think, can't come up with a plan or a story to get his dad out of this. But he can run now. He can get away. The forest looms dark ahead of them where they've wrecked the car up against a row of pines.
Eddie stumbles up, worn out shoes sliding in the snow and he heads for the tree line. He stops just at the edge when he hears the boy again, a soft scared sound warbling out of his throat.
Fuck his father for getting them into this mess. Fuck his father for hitting the poor kid. Fuck his father for making another little boy cry. Eddie's used to it. Eddie can handle it. His heart bleeds to hear it come from someone else.
Even still, there's something inside him that knows he can't let his dad get caught kidnapping some kid.
Eddie whirls around and sprints to the boy, grabbing his hand tightly in his own. "Come on." He hisses to him. "We have to run now." And then he tugs him along into the dark safety of the forest as the lights pulls up, the cop car skidding to a stop.
"Wait, but-" the boy protests, but doesn't stop keeping pace behind Eddie.
"Please." Eddie pleads, because he doesn't know what they are doing, but he knows cops are bad news and he knows his dad will go to jail again but maybe it won't be so long if he doesn't have a fucking kidnapping charge to add to the car theft. "Please just trust me."
They lock eyes, brown mirrors of terror, and there's no reason to trust him at all, but he feels it, the chance that maybe he will.
And he does. The boy nods and goes quiet and picks up the pace, his chilled fingers squeezing onto Eddie's like a lifeline as they stumble through the woods.
They can't see the lights or hear the sirens anymore when they finally slow down. Their breath visible in the cold night air, both panting and shivering from the temperature and the nerves. Eddie can't find it in him to drop the warm point of contact between them.
Eddie doesn't know what he's going to do. He could go home to his mother, probly still numb to the world around her, but the cops would be there soon enough. He can probly stay at a friend's but then there's the problem of the kid he's dragging around that has a bloodied face and a quickly darkening bruise on his eye.
"Where are we going?" The boy asks him, loud in the quiet of the night.
"I-" Eddie stumbles over his words, grasping for an answer. "I dont know." He hears the resignation in his own voice, the lost quality.
The boy squeezes his fingers and its grounding. His tears have all dried. "It's okay. I dont know where to go either." He runs his other hand through his hair and some glass tumbles out and he giggles. Eddie smiles at him. Its an adorable sound. He knows its probly just the high from the adrenaline making they giddy but. Its nice. "Your dad is kinda scary. Is your mom nicer?"
"No." Eddie says automatically. "Well yeah, but not really. She doesnt say much"
"My parents don't say much either. To me. I mean they say alot, just not like. To me. " The boy trails off. "I'm Steve by the way."
"I'm Eddie." This is weird. Small talk with a boy he and his dad had unknowingly kidnapped. Really weird.
"My dad will be pissed about his car. He just bought it." Steve says and Eddie cringes.
"I'm sorry." That doesn't feel like enough. "I'm so fucking sorry. He, my dad, we just wanted to have a good Christmas. We didn't know you were there."
"Its okay." Steve says easily, like he wasn't just a sobbing mess. "I mean it sucks and my face hurts but. Well my dad probly didn't even remember I was in the car either. So. " He shrugs. "Is your head okay?"
Eddie had forgotten about his head, but he reaches up and feels the blood, sticky and congealed and clumping itchy. It hurts when he presses in tentatively, but not the worst he's ever had.
"I think its okay. It doesn't hurt much. Is your face okay?"
"Does it not look okay?" Steve looks a little panicked again, reaches up and touches his nose gingerly.
"No! No it looks good" Eddie tries to reassure. "Pretty as a peach Stevie. Just a little bruised. " and then he cringes because did he just say that?
"Oh." Eddie can't tell what kind of tone that is. Waits for the other boy to get angry, but he doesn't. Just keeps pace as they walk along.
"So should I just take you home?" Eddie asks, because they kinda need to make a plan. They can't keep wandering the woods all night.
But Steve's face kind of scrunches, then winces when there's pain at the movement. "Where are you gonna go?"
Eddie isn't sure. His mind scrambles to think of a place to go. Uncle Wayne lives in the next state over. He could probly stay there until things cool off a bit. His mother will come out of her daze to come get him eventually.
"I think im gonna go to my Uncles? He lives in Indiana."
"How are you gonna get all the way to Indiana?" Steve asks, eyes wide and brown and curious.
"Hitchhike? Or there might be a train that goes that way i could hop on." Its winter and cold, so maybe the train isn't the best idea. But well, he doesn't have much of a choice.
"That's so far away though." Steve's got concern glittering in his eyes. "Is that safe?"
"Safer than going home. The cops will see our footprints in the snow. They'll probly go to my house soon as they lock up my dad."
"Can I come?"
Eddie stops walking, sways in place. What? Steve stops beside him and turns to him.
"Why would you wanna come with me to Indiana? We just kidnapped you!"
"Well your dad kidnapped me technically, which apparently was an accident. You tried to stop him. You tried to protect me." Steve looks so earnest. He looks pretty in the moonlight, soft snowflakes falling around them. "And I can return the favor if I go with you. Protect you till you get to your uncles. Then I can call my parents to come get me."
And thats such a crazy leap of logic. Steve isn't any bigger than Eddie is, all gangly teenage limbs and hadn't really put up any fight while they were in the car. Its such a stupid idea.
But there's warmth blooming in Eddie's chest because yeah, it might be kinda nice to have some company. Safer for sure, and if they did take the train they could huddle together to keep warm instead of risking getting the wrong kind of trucker pulling over to give them a ride. Maybe they could even be friends.
Thats stupid. A rich boy being friends with trailer trash who tried to steal his car and then wrecked it with him in it. But no matter how stupid, it's a nice thought. Maybe they could just play pretend for a few days. They weren't too old for that yet.
"Okay. Yeah okay." A laugh bubbles out of him because its rediculous, but Steve laughs too. "You can be my knight in shining armor, escorting the runaway rogue after a heist gone sideways."
"You're weird." Steve says, but there's no malice in it. Just mirth tinged with confusion.
Eddie tightens his fingers around Steve's and turns them south, towards the rail yards where they can hop on a train.
(I just started typing and then this happened. Feel free to use this, expand on it, whatever. I just loved the idea of the boys being young runaways together, hopping trains and getting into rough situations and becoming codependent and ending up with Wayne taking them both in and them growing up together and pining since they were kids. I might continue this. I might not. We will see.)
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danses-with-dogmeat · 9 months
Day 2 -- Rose of Sharon Cassidy
The (nsfw) details for Kinktober, Day 2 are just below the cut!
Minors, please don’t interact.
Tit Fucking with Cass x M!Reader
Yay! Cass is so fun to write for honestly, and this was no exception. The banter, especially, was just good, good fun 😊
I hope you like it!
Here is the link to my Kinktober 2023 Event List so you can stay up-to-date, or re-visit these works as you please.
Included: Tit Fucking, drinking (alcohol lol), blow jobs, praise, teasing, orgasm denial, edging, cum shot, nipple play, face sitting (very brief).
Words: 3.6k
“You want me to introduce ya, or something?”
“W-what?” You blinked at your companion from where you leaned against the pool table, effectively on the same level as her, as Cass bent over to make a shot.  
“My tits, Six. You keep staring right at ‘em. If you want me to introduce ya, I could, you know.” 
You felt your cheeks heat, and promptly stood up to your full height, regrettably losing your previous view in the process.  
Idiot. You chastised yourself. How could I have been so obvious? How…
How could I have not noticed what I was doing?
“Can’t say how they’d like ya though, these gals. They’re picky.” With that, Cass took her shot, sinking in the last of her striped pool balls as she fixed you with a wink. 
“H-how, well, I didn’t mean to–”
“What? Make it obvious? C’mon Six, eyes wide as a full moon, yer mouth hanging open like a slack-jawed brahmin, I’d have to be blind not to notice.” 
Guess I’m blind, then. You thought solemnly. 
Cass, luckily, failed to sink the 8 ball as she finished her turn, and so, with an audible swallow, you rounded the pool table to set up your own measly shot. The one upside of this particular game was how many of your solid-colored balls you had left to choose from. 
Instead of moving away, circling the table as an opponent usually does, to watch your move, to be out off the way of your cue, even just to go and take a drink of her beer on the tall table across from you, Cass moved closer. She leaned back against the table, her elbows resting on the lip as she tilted her head back to be level with yours... and purposefully jutting out her chest. 
“Look, partner, I’m not shy about ‘em.” 
The ex-caravanner gave a little shimmy, hiking her flannel down to further accentuate the… ahem, objects of your recent attention. 
“All you gotta do is ask.” Cass whispered in your ear, so close, you could feel the way her bottom lip brushed your earlobe. 
Instead of answering her, you found your arms moving of their own accord while the rest of your body fell for the distraction. Still though, the shot was shit, you observed as you saw the mark you’d left upon the crimson felt of the table, as you saw the cue ball bang right into the 8, and… sink it in. To add insult to injury, the white, affronting ball flew into the hole right after. 
“Hm.” You turned to Cass as she made a face, her brows furrowed and lips pursed. “Didn’t think it was that ball’s turn yet.” 
“Me neither.” You said with a sigh, turning around to lean back alongside her. “Guess he was ready to make the jump, though.” 
You half-smiled as Cass let out a little, amused snort. It was the only type of laughter you ever seemed to rouse from her, but even still, it always managed to warm your chest. 
“So, what about you? You ready?”
“R-ready?” Your eyes widened substantially as your heart stuttered its pace in your chest.
“Yeah, courier, pay up. What was it, 15? So that makes 30 caps for me, doesn’t it?” 
You nodded at that, with a sad little wince on your face. 
“Well… what if I just bought you a couple drinks, eh? That would cover it, right?” 
Cass turned to you with a quirked brow, and you could already hear the ‘no’ in her expression. 
With a sigh, you forked over the caps to her open palms, dropping them one by one until they nearly spilled from her fingers. 
“Thank ya kindly.” She threw a wink your way as she pushed off the edge of the pool table and made for the bar. 
“Anytime.” The word was almost a croak. As she vanished through the haze of bar-goers and cigarette smoke, you grabbed up the pool cues, and set them back on the rack. 
I have got to stop agreeing to these games… 
“Right.” Two glasses clattered down on the wood table you were now leaning over, your eyes peering up from where they’d been buried against your wrists as you nursed you conscience of all of its silly financial losses. 
And social ones. Ugh.
“Now this? This is a right kinda beverage. Yer gonna thank me, before the night is through. Just wait and see.” 
“Oh, so you can buy me a drink, but I can’t–”
“Oh, get over yourself, cowboy. If you don’t drink the damn thing, I will. Lord knows I need somethin’ that strong.” 
“Well…” You grasped the tall, dark glass with one hand, and held it up. “Cheers, then.” 
“Hm. Good choice.” A clink sounded as the drinks met, and then… Then it was mostly a blur. 
Strong? Strong, my ass, this shit was a Herculean concentrate. 
You woke up in a haze, your head pounding like a bighorner had run over it with a tractor full of about eighteen other bighorners. 
“Morning, sunshine.” Cass sounded equally as shitty as you felt. 
You were both in a bed, a big one with the sheets all tossed off the sides and pillows all mussed. The room was dim, and there wasn’t any light shining through the curtains just yet. 
“Morning?” You managed, rubbing your eyes and your temples in the same desperate movement to get your head from hating you so loudly, so distractingly.
“Eh, probably not really yet, but for you. Passed out a couple hours ago after a few drinks, started saying some weird shit too loud down there, so I got us this room. Paid with your caps though, seein’ as I bought the dri–”
“W-wait, hold on, I was saying stuff?”
“Yeah, nothing I wasn’t aware of, but still, kinda embarrassing confessing your drunken love for me in front of all those strangers.” 
“I…” Your own groan interrupted you, and you fell back against the cushions as your hands went to your face, shielding it from Cass’s obviously amused scrutiny. 
“It was quite the performance, Six, really. I appreciated it.” 
“Wow, yeah,” You said humorously, “Wish I coulda been there for it myself.”
“No, hey, c’mon partner.” 
A hand shoved against your shoulder roughly, temporarily pulling the attention from the pain in your head. 
“It was real sweet. You sayin’ how good we are together, how we have fun, how you’re so glad we met in that seedy NCR bar, oh so many months ago.”
That’s… well, that’s not so bad, as far as confessions go.
“An’ how much you like my tits.”
Another groan escaped you of its own accord, and if that wasn’t enough, the pounding in your skull seemed to increase exponentially with that knowledge. 
“Yep, way you say it, I’ve got the finest pair in New Vegas, in all the Mojave Wastes. They’re all round and nice an’ soft, look like you could sleep on ‘em, or kiss ‘em till your lips fall off. Real poet you are, when it comes to my tits.” 
“Right, well…” 
How the hell am I supposed to come back from this? I confess my love… and then talk about her breasts for ten whole poetic sentences? 
“Just really speaking from the heart, you know?” 
It was all you could do in terms of damage control. How do firemen control a burn that’s already gone out? The devastation was there to stay, no matter what you poured on it. 
“Yeah, right here.”
You let your eyes peek up from the shield of your hands to look over at her, just in time to see the way Cass squeezed at her own right breast with a cheeky grin at her lips. 
“Yep, that’s the place…” 
Did my voice just go up an octave? Jesus... If I could get paid for embarrassing myself, I could afford to play pool with her every damn night.
“Look, quit being so dramatic. ‘S not like you said anything gross. An’ besides… Coulda told me before.”
You only shook your head, eyes lost in nothingness as you tried to rake your shadowed memories for any semblance of this interaction of yours. 
“Why didn't you, Six? You scared or something?” 
“Something like that, yeah…” 
“Oh, poppycock. Yer just more articulate when yer drunk, that’s all. Makes ya more passionate, less scared of what other folks’ll think.” 
“Don’t care what they think. But…” You turned to face her, and damn near kicked yourself at the way your eyes automatically went to her cleavage. 
“But, um…”
“Oh, for christ's sake.”  
Your eyes widened until you were sure they’d pop right out of your skull as her hands flew to the buttons of her flannel. 
“It’s not that hard, Six. You tell me you think I’d look swell with my tits out, and I’d show ya in a heartbeat.” 
“W-what?” Your gaze finally broke its trance and tore from the growing gap in her shirt to meet her eyes.
“Yeah. Not gonna bite you or nothin’, well, not unless yer into it." She chuckled dryly to herself at that, before her voice grew noticeably softer. You almost couldn't believe it was her speaking. "No but… If I’m being honest, I think you ain’t so bad yourself, Six.” 
For a moment, the pain in your head left you completely, all discomfort forgotten at the sound of her affirming words. 
“Yeah?” Was all you could manage to get out in your present state. 
“Yeah, an’ if yer feelin’ up to it, I’d like to show ya just how much I like ya.” 
“This isn’t, like… You’re not messing with me, are you?” 
You hated that you felt the need to ask, but... Yeah, with Cass, you never could know.
“You want me to come clean? Fine."
It was just then that your eyes lingered on her face long enough to notice the blush painting her freckled cheeks, and the way her eyes were darker than usual, her pupils wide with...
Could it be?
"But you… All you said down there, Six, ‘bout how irresistible you think I am, an' all you said you wanted to do to me, if you had the chance… well, let’s just say it’s like a busted hoover dam down here, alright?” 
Your heartbeat picked up in your chest as she gestured between her legs.
She meant it– means it. Wants me…
A curious sound left you as you gulped heavily. A growing heat stirred in your gut, and your cock woke up not a moment later, twitching as it stiffened in your jeans. 
“So…?” Cass’s auburn brows rose on her head, and you blinked at her a moment, letting the shock of this whole interaction sink in, and then dissipate before you answered. 
“So… I think I’m the luckiest guy in the Mojave, and… fuck, yeah, I’m up to it.” 
You were scooching towards your companion before you even finished your sentence, but before you could turn to face her, to wrap your arms around her, to kiss her, to do whatever your still-hazy mind had spontaneously planned, before her movement halted you. 
Cass sat up in the bed, thrusting her chest pointedly outwards as her hands hauled the fabric of her flannel off of her completely. Stopping dead in your tracks, you held your body still, waiting for her direction as Cass crawled the last bit over towards you, before moving to straddle your legs between hers on the bed. 
“We have quite a bit of time to acquaint ourselves in our travels, but seein’ as we’re both needy as deathclaws in heat right now, figured I’d just get right down to it.”
You nodded, like a love-drunk (and sort of regular-drunk) fool as her hands went to the button and zip of your pants, undoing both without preamble and beginning to haul your jeans and underwear down off of you in one impatient movement. You raised your hips in response, no time for self-consciousness or hesitation before your lower half was completely bare to her. 
Cass bit her bottom lip as her gaze dragged up your legs to rest on your quickly-forming erection, swelling as your arousal built up within you-- fucking jump-started and revving at this point-- with her bare breasts jutting out towards you. 
“You sure are excited, huh?” Cass threw you a wink that immediately stole the breath from your lungs. Your heart was racing from being exposed like this, from blood quickly rushing down to your cock, and, mostly, from the way she looked above you, her pale, heavy tits just as fantastic as you’d always imagined them, a mix of soft-looking and freckled and maybe just a hint of sharpness to her shapely pink nipples.
They're more perfect than even drunk me could've aptly described.  
“Never told me how formidable you were, big boy.” Her voice brought you back to reality as your gaze snapped to her face, and then, her hand was upon you. Her fingers moved lightly, teasingly as she toyed with your cock, examining your girth, the way you swelled and heated against her rough palm, the way the tip leaked and your shaft twitched at the sound of her praise and her light touches.
“Now, that is just as worthy of praise as my tits you was ravin’ about out there. Ravin' like a mad man.” A giggle left her at that, a light, wondrous sound, and as much as you wished to commend her for it, her hand beginning to stroke over you, spreading your pre-cum up and down your cock left little room for you to focus on your words. 
“I, ahh... Seriously doubt that, Cass.” You managed to haul out from your strained throat. 
Dammit, how you felt like some overexcited boy seeing a Gamora dancer out on the strip for the first time. Three minutes it’s been, maybe, and already you felt yourself reach full hardness, felt the buildup to your release upon you like flies on a dead fiend…
Wow, okay… that visual seemed to slow things down a bit though. 
“You…” you tried speaking through it, hoping it’d be distraction enough so you could pace yourself. “You’re worthy of praise, and those…” 
Both hands gestured to her chest, at the way her breasts jostled deliciously with every stroke she made with her hand over him. 
“They’re honestly like the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
“I take it yer not much of an ass man, then? Seem partial to these.” Cass shimmied for you again-- knowing the power that particular movement had over you-- her tits bouncing sensually as they glistened from the warmth of the Mojave night, and that of her building pleasure. Your hand flew to where hers gripped your shaft, pulling it away before you could burst from the sight. 
“Fuck, not too quick please, I… dammit, I want this to last.” Your voice shook as you held firm to the base of your cock, staving off your release as best you could. 
“But…” You managed to try and continue, as you released your hold on yourself. Cass was still grinning smugly at the effect she had on you as she settled back and moved to seat herself upon the floor at the foot of the bed. 
“That’s just the thing, Cass, I’m usually more of an ass man, but yours… You just are so… you have–”
“Yeah, fantastic tits, I know. Sheesh, ya just keep sayin’ it, I’m not like to forget anytime soon, cowboy. Now get down here.” 
Sitting up yourself, you scooted forward on the mattress until your legs were hanging over the edge, and Cass was kneeling between them. 
“Perfect.” Her hand grasped you again, pointing the tip of your cock towards her light pink lips, and you felt your fingers dig, white-knuckled, into the mattress in anticipation. 
“Jus’ try hold out a bit for me, will ya? Still need to get off myself.” 
Unsure if it was a promise you could viably keep, you nodded to her anyway, and Cass smiled. 
She smiled, and then ran her bottom lip over the tip of your cock, before taking the entire head into her hot, wet mouth. 
“Jesus, Cass.” Your stomach flexed and hips bucked as she encased your sensitive length between her divine lips, carrying on with her movement over you with pulsing, driving motions that led you to the very back of her lithe throat. “Not too fast, I--ah, I wanna keep my promise.” 
She hummed at that, which did not help, but soon after, her mouth pulled off of you with a pop. 
You were absolutely soaked with a mix of her drool and your pre-cum, swollen and glistening in the dim, pre-morning light of the musty little room. 
“Relax, Six, just gettin’ prepared.” She winked again, and you felt you might swoon. 
Oh. ‘Prepared’. 
A giddiness fizzed through your whole body at the sound of that. 
I only hope I can last.
“If I know what you like, and in this case, I’m sure I do, then this oughta thrill you bunches.”
Curiously, your gaze fell to her, where Cass’s hands now grasped at the fullness of her chest. She rose up a little higher on her knees, and proceeded to slot your stiff erection right within the soft, sweet alleyway of her plush breasts. 
Almost immediately, you had your answer to the intended question, as she rose up slightly, letting your sensitive cock drag between her tits until the head was nestled tightly between the pillowy soft mounds, before going back down to the base. She only had to repeat the action a few more times for your breathing to pick up again, for you to feel an inch from blowing your load out and onto her flushed face and chest. 
Then, Cass changed tactics, using one hand to pull you from her cleavage and press the tip of your cock to the hard little point of her nipple, drawing small, tight circles with your pre-cum around her areola and stimulating that sensitive place upon herself while giving you quite the eyeful. 
Your hands gripped tightly to the mattress as she continued with this action, the stiff peak of her nipple slotting so deliciously against the slit of your cock and sending shockwaves of pleasure jolting up your spasming nerves.
Your jaw clenched painfully as you tried to stave off your orgasm, but damn, if her tits making love to your cock wasn’t enough, her expression could be all on its own. Her half-lidded eyes, her lips slightly ajar as she panted shallowly from the exertion of this arousing act, her vibrant hair falling messily around her shoulders, brushing softly over the skin of her face as she moved. 
Cass switched to stimulating her other nipple with your cock, still paying a distinct and overwhelming attention to your little slit, slotting her nub to rub against that leaking opening until you saw flashes of white storm across your vision. You whimpered as the sensations increased, your hips bucking almost violently as you felt your balls tighten up against you, ready to spill– And the wretched woman pulled away, setting her hand upon your cock just the way you had done to stave off your release that first time. 
“Fuck… you suck, Cass.” You half-laughed, half-groaned as she grinned so rudely at you. 
“Oh, that's not all I do, cowboy." She gave another wink that should've had your cheeks flushing hot with color, but this time you were too focused on not biting your tongue off in frustration to notice it.
"Now, just a little bit more...” Next you knew, Cass had slotted you back between her breasts, pushing them so tightly against your achingly stiff cock as she bounced up and down that your release began to build anew with no fuss at all. 
“A bit more for you, and then it’s my turn.” 
Your stomach tightened at her words, as your mind raced.
What would you do first? You wondered. Kiss her all over her body? Remove all last bits of clothing upon her before you ran your hands over every nook and cranny of her alluring form until she was a squirming mess? Would you set your mouth upon her sweet folds straight away, diving between those lower lips and licking and laving over her until she had no more orgasms to give? 
Your blood ran all the hotter at the thought of it all, and the possibility that you might consider doing all of those at once. The night may be close to over, but y’all had this hotel room for another five hours or so after sunrise. And you planned to fill every damn instant of it. 
“F-fuck, Cass, please…” You groaned out her name, and instead of changing pace, of stopping or moving away, she pressed together harder, your aching, leaking cock snug between those breathtaking tits as they engulfed you in their pillowy softness, and you spilled your release messily against her skin with a loud groan.
Cass continued thrusting her tits against you as your body shook upon the mattress, your breath coming in gasps and your hips bucking wildly of their own accord as you spurted milky, white cum all over her chest, her breasts, her chin, until finally, it was over, and your body collapsed back on the bed with one final sigh. 
You heard a fond sort of sound from Cass as she stood up, still covered in the evidence of your love for her, your appreciation for her incredible body, and began to remove her pants. 
“Alrighty there, Six. Ya got yours, right?” 
You nodded vigorously, a ‘did I ever?!’ seeming a bit overbearing and over-enthusiastic for the mood you two had established. 
“Right then…” Now gloriously nude as the day she was born, Cass climbed onto the bed, and you felt your heart leap as she readily swung one leg over you, and made to rest the soaked folds of her picturesque pussy right over your waiting, still-gasping mouth. 
“My turn.” 
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
ANGEL REYES x black! READER / Summer Prompts !
A/N: ofc I had to do a summer prompt for this highly frustrating man and you can absolutely guarantee this is about to be some bullshit! Lmao. Enjoy!
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#16. Cannonball + #22. water park adventures from this prompt list here: https://hailing-stars.tumblr.com/post/653205377012367360/summer-prompts-heres-a-list-of-thirty-summer
You’re probably wondering how we ended up here (being thrown out of a water park)…and of course you blamed the one and only, in usual circumstances, Angel Ignacio Reyes.
It was a spur of the moment idea, midnight was here and you were half asleep surrounded by your children—since your bed was basically their bed in their eyes, meaning everyone was spending the night in your room. You weren’t sure when Angel got up from the bed but you were aware that your daughter now clung to you instead. Which unfortunately added more heat to your sweaty body than you needed, it wasn’t until the clicking of the AC that you peeled your eyes open to see Angel now blocking the air, with his bare tatted chest.
“What’re you doing?” You hissed, with your daughter’s copper hair tickling your eye.
Angel wiggled his hips, dancing in front of the unit, “my back needed some air.”
“So do my titties but yet your big headed daughter got that covered.” You reached up to smooth her hair and peeked down, searching the bed for her scarf that you mistakenly allowed your fiancé to tie for the night.
Angel snorted, moving to the bed to pry the chunky four year old off you to cradle in his arms, back in front of the air conditioner. You switched the arm that was wrapped securely around, “Mavy” (you refused to call that baby, “Maverick,” respectfully) and slowly pushed yourself up into a sitting position to place the sleeping infant into the nearby bassinet.
That’s when the whining started but you weren’t backing down this time. Your limbs needed a break from the weight of the children and so you caressed his skin with patience until he dozed off. You spun back around, raising your arms above your head and arched your back with a nice satisfying crack before you slid over to Angel and bumped him out of the way for a cool breeze.
The fan above the bed was not cutting it. And you were the main one who commonly said this but angel didn’t mind sitting underneath or right next to multiple fans…yet here he stood blocking the AC you bought.
“Hey, how about we do something fun as a family tomorrow? Well today. I have the day off.”
You rubbed at your neck, “okay?”
“Let’s roll to the waterpark. There’s one about a hour away so we gotta be outta here by ten.”
“Do they have spiked slushies?”
Angel blinked as he slowly twisted your baby girl back and forth in his arms, “I’m sure they do but like…you’re not about to walk around with a black umbrella strolling all over the park right? I know you can get in the water, you just got those braids last week. I saw you sticking your head in the sink later that night for whatever reason.”
“Shut up.” You moved back to plop down on Angel’s side of the bed, reaching over to your son who rested in the middle, “I will, but if we have three kids with us at a crowded park in the heat? Imma need a drink.”
“…do we need to schedule a AA meeting on top of that?” Angel joked, making you send a solid middle finger his way.
You could drink Angel under the table but he was more of a smoker and you preferred a edible instead every now and then.
“Okay, let’s say we’re going. Did you check the weather?”
“Does it matter? It’s hot either way.”
Of course he would say this, you made a mental note to stuff some ponchos into his backpack later.
Sighing you carried on, “you need to get in touch with Adelita and let her know then…she’s away on business but keep her updated.”
“Yeah, I’ll text her in the morning.” Angel shrugged.
Shaking your head you corrected, “call her.”
Angel sucked his teeth and thought about it, “yeah, you’re probably right.”
Humming you peeked over at the alarm clock on his bedside and lifted your legs to get comfortable on the bed. Angel poked your shoulder making you slap his hand away, “hey, that’s my spot, Cariño.”
“Let me have this Angel, you’re the one who blocked the air for a solid ten minutes.”
“And I’m the drama queen?” Angel huffed, “it was at least three minutes, stop it.”
You were already falling back to sleep when Angel placed your daughter right beside her little brother, kissed Mavy on the back of his neck, and finally climbed in on your side.
It was 11:13AM by the time all of you got out of the car. The sun was already roasting all of you and you were reapplying all of the sunscreen on the kids and securing them into the stroller and wagon.
“C’mooon, y/n.” Angel complained, bouncing on his toes as he closed the trunk to the car.
You stood up straight after handing Mavy his bottle, and adjusted the bucket hat on your two year old son who sat right beside the infant. Sending Angel a glare you carefully circled around the stroller and wagon, with a hand raised and smacked some sunscreen right against his neck.
“What the, fuck? Ow!” The taller man flinched, holding onto the handle of the wagon which carried your daughter who was too involved with her tablet, while you chuckled beginning to rub the protectant in making Angel want nothing more than to get out of your grasp.
“None of us are getting sunburned, not on my watch!”
“I already put this shit on thirty minutes ago before we even entered the park, why are we wasting more time doing this?” Angel huffed.
You continued applying more to his puffy cheeks as you answered, “The instructions say fifteen minutes before you get exposed to the rays. It doesnt hurt to reapply, you know? you should be thanking your wife to be because you’re the main one out of all of us that gets fucked up by the sun, so stop bitching.”
All Angel could do was suck his teeth. He knew he couldn’t argue, the sun do be beating his ass majority of the time. It was never much of a factor to him since his mind was always set on getting into some shit. He had vague memories of his own mother applying it to his skin whenever they would go to the beach—his mother loved the beach. Then on occasion, EZ would encourage Angel to do it but he basically told his little brother to, “fuck off!” Yet with you? Ms. Part-time esthetician, he didn’t have any choice. Sunscreen was to be applied daily and there was only a three percent chance that he got away without it.
Once satisfied, the five of you were off to quite the adventure. The last time you were at an amusement park was when you were pregnant with your son, two years ago…let’s just say it was not a good experience for you. You didn’t have the highest hopes for today since it was already eighty-three degrees but you kept that to yourself knowing this was mainly for the kids, including your fourth child, Angel.
At first it was a nice stroll through the park, which was slowly becoming filled with other attendees. Angel decided he would take your daughter onto the spinning tea cup, claiming that the carousel was too boring for him. You snapped some photos with your camera before taking a seat near by, cheering them on.
Hearing the laughter of your child was enough to make you happy for the moment.
The both of you took turns playing the arcade games before meeting EZ and Sofía? By the donkey riding? Portion of the park. You weren’t expecting to see Sofía here since it seemed that she was repulsed by children and you weren’t entirely sure where her and Ez’s relationship was headed. Not that it was any of your business but Ezekiel was basically your idiot brother too.
“Dario, you wanna ride the jackass?” Angel talked regularly to your son, who’s birth name was Marcellus but he preferred Dario so thus calling the boy by his middle name.
Checking your phone you answered, “he’s been on your back before, Angel.”
Which earned snickers from both Ezekiel and Sofía. You smirked to yourself, getting ready to respond back to a text message when Angel snatched your phone out of your hand holding it above both of your heads. Folding your arms you sent him a glare, you were not about to scrap with this man in this humid environment— that’s for damn sure.
“I know you won’t mind us using your phone to take a photo of us on donkey, right?”
Ez cut in, “you do know adults cant get on the donkey right? That’ll be cruelty to the animals with that big ass head you got. It’s just for the kids.”
“In that case, let’s all send well wishes to that donkey.” Sofia chimed in.
It was your turn to send a look to Sofia who caught your eyes, you gave her a thumbs up at the jab before Angel raised both middle fingers to you all. He pulled Marcellus-Dario out of the stroller and walked up to get in line for the donkey ride. It was humorous watching Angel trying to bargain with the teenage woman at the entrance, who was clearly not in the mood for his antics. So once your two year old was placed on the animal and watched over by another worker, Angel was snapping away photos like a proud dad and even got a video in there.
Time seemed to pass by quickly with Angel and Ez rushing off to a rollercoaster, going on a few more kiddie rides, and once Sofia and Ez went off to tend to a few other rides themselves, you, Angel, and the kids settled at the food court for some lunch. After spending a half hour there you finally made it to the water section of the park, which instantly made your Pisces daughter, sprint off to the large pool with uncle ez laughing, who made his own show of pulling off his shirt to follow after his niece.
You settled on a lounge chair in your own bathing top with Sofia near you and Mavy was chilling with you two. eventually Ez came around and snatched Marcellus to hang with him and his big sis. You and Sofia didn’t bother with small talk, you tending to your phone and her snorting at the women who were gushing at Ez with your kids. When you caught on, you snickered with Sofia before plucking up your cocktail and checking on a napping Mavy, who you kept positioned away from the sun.
When Angel came around drenched and causing chaos around the pool: tossing your daughter around like she was a football, shooting water guns at Ez and Marcellus to the point Marcellus was full on crying from the pressure, Ez wasted no time handing Marcellus over to you while you got ready to cuss this man out in front of the entire park, however Ez and Angel got into a fighting match in the pool which made Marcellus giggle at his uncle almost drowning his father by the large dumping buckets.
Rightfully so, Angel knew Marcellus was a sensitive thing. He ended up apologizing to your son with some tickles only to continue being chaotic as he got to the largest water slide with your daughter. He went down with her twice, no problem. It wasn’t until he went down on his own that you realized he was up to something. You sensed it before Ez called out to you in the pool, arm locked around his niece moments after he went down the loopy slide himself.
Standing with Marcellus on your hip, you lifted your shades from your eyes, shielded the sun from your forehead, and peered into the distance watching as Angel seemed to cut the line in front of what looked like some teenagers and began sharing words with the workers and the teens.
“The hell is he doing?” Sofia commented.
You watched in horror as he put his fingers up in the air and moved to the slide. Instead of sitting down, he gripped onto the side of it, perched like a damn frog and leaped from the slide. You heard gasps from others that seemed to notice the commotion but you barely realized his name bleeding from your lips.
It didn’t take long for security and some medics to arrive to the scene but Angel was clearly laughing them off. It was without a thought that you handed Marcellus off to Sofia as you stomped over to the group. You could see his mouth was busted and some bruising forming on his stomach as you approached him.
“Hey, querida! Did you see that shit?” The dark haired man greeted you.
You gave him a sweet smile as you stood in between two security guards and eyed the medic who pressed on Angel’s stomach, making him wince.
A rich dark skinned guy asked, “Do you know this man?”
“Yeah, unfortunately I do. He’s my husband. Is he okay?”
The medic answered, “he’s fine. With minor injuries but just to be safe, we can take him to the hospital to make sure there’s no internal injuries.”
Angel quickly looked away from you, “Internal? Man, I’m good! There’s no fucking injuries from a simple cannonball.”
The security to the right of you added, “maybe he suffered from brain damage awhile ago.”
If your spirit wasn’t deeply irritated, you might have let out a cackle.
“Thanks for the advice,” you sighed stepping towards Angel, “I’m gonna kill my man now.”
The blond man reached out for the back of your arms, “Enough! We don’t need anymore public disturbances, so we have to ask the both of you to leave.”
“What?!” Angel yelled, “I just bought my family here to have some fun and now you’re tryin’ to tell me that you’re kicking us out because I made a splash in the pool?! That’s what the fuck it’s for aint it?”
The dark skinned security guard chuckled, with his hands resting on his belt, “maaan, don’t you realize you could have broken your damn neck from that stunt you just pulled? Save that for your backyard.”
The blond man rapidly shook his head in disagreement, “I wouldn’t recommend that, honestly.”
The security guard to the left continued, “You could influence the kids to think that what you just did was acceptable. Not only that, we were informed that you were about to square up with some teenagers?”
“I don’t know about all that,” Angel scratched at his hair, “alright look, they were talking shit so I shoved them out of the way and told them I ain’t no punk. They dared me so what do you want from me? In fact, those little turds owe me twenty bucks.” His eyes searched the park, while keeping a great distance from you.
Molding your lips together you clasped your hands together and spun around, not bothering to meet the eyes of the security guards. They already knew you were fed up and honestly felt a little sorry that you “married” this man.
“I’ll grab our things.” Was all you said to the men, as you silently excused yourself, walking back to Ez, Sofia, and the kids.
Ez opened his mouth to round off some questions but Sofia silently shook her head, advising that wasn’t the best idea. He cleared his throat and decided to head over there himself as Angel began to get loud, pleading his case to stay at the water park.
Sofia placed Marcellus beside a wide awake Mavy and helped dry your daughter off while you downed the rest of your fruity cocktail. Taking silent breaths and ignoring the judging stares from other people, you slipped on your floral chiffon robe. Placing your shades back over your eyes, you glossed your lips and tossed it back into your purse, before turning back to your daughter who was wrapped in her towel.
“It’s time to go, baby.” You picked the 4C four-year old up into your arms, quickly putting her back into the wagon. You caressed the once twist-out and noticed the tears beginning to swim in her eyes, then you handed the stuffed banana Angel won her, “it’s okay. We’ll blow up the pool for you tomorrow and we’ll have our own adventure, I promise.”
“Okay, mommy.” The girl hiccuped going to lay down in the wagon.
Giving a small smile you began pulling on the wagon while Sofia admired how you handled this.
“Is it okay if—?” She started, motioning to the stroller which carried your two boys.
Dipping your head you began leading the way, until a Karen blocked your path.
“You know…I hope you and your distasteful family never come back here. This is a place for well-behaved families and I know those men are nothing but outlaws just scaring the children away.” She slurped on her blue cocktail.
You didn’t bother taking your shades off as you replied, “bitch. You mean the same outlaws that you were drooling over not too long ago? And isn’t your kid the long haired lanky redhead? I just saw him vaping by the bathrooms, which I’m positive he didn’t get from my distasteful family. Also…you might want to ease up on the blow in your cocktail, it is a family park isn’t it?”
Smirking at her, you moved forward making her step out of your way and made sure to have the wheels of the wagon run over her bare foot.
“Sorry baby, just a little bump in the road.”
That’s how you ended up being escorted out of the park, despite angel’s efforts to stay but you were already over it. The guards watched you in the parking lot, making sure that you wouldn’t enter back in—or else they’d have to, “call the authorities.”
“So the real pigs? I thought that’s what you guys were.” Ez egged them on, which made you cut your eyes at him too with a shake of your head.
As you got to your car, Mavy started crying while Angel and Ez were getting ready to light up some cigarettes. Angel moved over to you while you started unbuckling Mavy from his spot all day.
“That’s his diaper cry, he definitely needs a change. Let me see.”
Putting your back to Angel you hissed, “I know, Angel. I got it! He doesn’t need you in his face with blood in your teeth and smelling like that shit. Just stay out the way, I’ll change him.”
Ez inhaled air through his teeth, mentally signaling that this wasn’t good for Angel as he watched you throw the backseat door open to lay Mavy on his back.
“Oh, she’s pissed at you, dude.” Ezekiel remarked, his eyes briefly watching Sofia as she awkwardly went to the other side of the car, socializing with his sleepy niece.
Angel licked his lips before wrapping them back around his cigarette, inhaling, “yeah, no shit. Its about to be a long ride back.”
“Aye, at least you’ll beat the traffic this time ‘round,” Ez grinned at him with a nudge while Angel rolled his eyes.
Keeping quiet, you and Sofia got the kids into the car while the men put the belongings in the trunk. You gave Ez a quick hug, thanked Sofia for her help, and climbed right in the car with nothing else to say. Angel shook his head at you before he turned back to his brother, dapping him up, then gave Sofia a short side-hug before he climbed into the car too.
It was only five, maybe seven minutes into the ride back home with your daughter and Marcellus fast asleep and Mavy quietly cooing, and your late night r&b playlist on the aux, that Angel had enough of your deafening silence.
“Talk to me already, cariño.” Angel groaned, rubbing at his eyes.
Running your tongue over your teeth, you inhaled as you shifted in your seat to face the man you were going to marry, placing your hands together into a praying motion, you got your words together.
“Because our kids are in the back, I’m not about to yell at you. Just know that I do want to wrap my hands around your neck, more than ever.”
Angel smirked, “you know I’m into that, tho.”
When he peeked over at you, he noticed that you did not crack a smile. You simply pressed your elbow into the console and stared hard at him.
He gulped, “alright! Why are you being like this? Can’t a man have some fun?”
“Fun? You thought jumping from a slide high up is fun? In front of our kids? What if you died? Then what? I already have to worry about your safety when you spend hours at the club but the one moment we get of freedom, you decide you’re gonna do whatever, with no regard for anyone else?” You questioned, brows furrowed.
Angel tilted his head, “I see your point…I wasn’t thinking about all that alright? Like I said to ren and stimpy back there, the kids dared me. What am I supposed to say, no?”
“Yes! Because fuck them kids, but don’t say fuck our kids. That’s why.” You strained to level your tone.
Angel rubbed at his beard, “I’d never say fuck our kids.”
“You did when you decided to play leap frog in front of us.” You fired off, pointing behind yourself.
Angel exhaled, “okay, fine! I’m sorry for wanting to have a grown ups moment.”
“What?” You were confused, more than ever.
“The movie. You know with Chris rock, the other guy who always dresses like this is still the early 2000s, and the chunky dude from mall cop. I watched it for the first time the other night and got inspired by that.” Angel rambled.
You felt your eye twitch.
“So let me get this straight,” you scratched at your brow, “not only were you taunted by some kids way younger than you, you wanted to have a reenactment from a scene in a movie?” 
“…kinda.” He shrugged.
“They were on a fucking zip line and guess what happened to Steve Buscemi’s character? He broke every bone in his body!” You couldn’t help but you raise your voice at this point.
Angel blinked as he looked at you, “he didn’t die tho.”
“HOOO MY GOD! You’re unbelievable!”
“Girl, you love me.”
“I honestly don’t know why when you do stupid shit like this.” Your head rested against the head rest, exhausted.
“Alright, alright! Listen, I’ll make it up to everyone the next day I have off. Summer is still going and I have time to create more memories for the kids. I’ll apologize to them later and make sure I didn’t fuck them up, maybe they’ll even get a kick out of it, huh? Unlike my stressed out wife.” Angel rested one hand on the wheel, as he looked over at you.
Shaking your head, you leaned against the window not saying anything more. Angel took the initiative to reach for your hand, although you tried to fight his touch away, he interlocked your fingers and brought your hand to his lips.
“I’m sorry that I thought about the thrill more than the kids or you.” He started, “I can’t promise that it won’t happen again but I can promise that I’ll think a little harder before doing whatever I want.”
Scowling you lifted your head, and mugged his head to the side, “I always said you needed to work on your sorry ass apologies and I see you haven’t learned anything.”
“Pop always said I was hardheaded.”
“He probably dropped you a few times to determine that, you think?”
Angel laughed at that, “I honestly wouldn’t be surprised. So…you forgive me?”
“No.” You leaned towards him and smiled, “not until your ass goes to urgent care and they can confirm there’s no internal injuries…then we’ll talk.”
Angel groaned as you backed away from his face but noticed you squeezed his hand a little tighter that afternoon.
Continue along with my summer anthology prompts here.
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supergenial · 6 months
(translation+lyrics) 導黒のミアルカ Act:Ⅱ by Ariabl'eyeS
Well here it is. Really solid record this time around, particularly with the track Shuumaku no MiaLuca. Would really be one of their better songs but I don’t quite agree with the scream of intense pain they left in, it’s quite dramatical for sure but still jarring on subsequent listens, much like Yuzuki Risa’s “ne?” on her song, for some reason it just doesn’t sit well with me.
Also gotta admire the naming sense on these tracks, aside from Dear they all have such badass names lmao. The cover art is golden, the back art of the album is diamonds, overall just really good stuff. Feel like they really captured the sheer hatred and resolve of the main character and also the love she holds for her cat. Still feels like there’s not enough story to really justify a two-parter, but given the fact the music is solid on it’s own it doesn’t really matter. I for one ended up listening to the previous album way more than I originally expected.
Anyway, my work pc imploded or something and I rarely if ever feel like tling on my phone so expect even less from me in the near future. Lyrics down below the cut and see you all next time.
Composer for all tracks: リゼ
Under the starry skies, tonight once more the curtain rises amidst squealing and screams of pure pain on the aristocrats torturing and making a mockery of their prisoners. And above all stands the king, grinning at me with his disgusting face, inviting me. Quite convenient for me. To avenge my parents, I’m willing to bet my life and play the part of a cruel woman if necessary. The time is finally upon us. This world will be mine.
狂乱のフィースト (Kyouran no Feast, Feast of Fury) Vocals: Ruru
hibiku koe wa hatenaku tsutsuku yami wo kirisaite tsuranuku kyouki wo matou geemu yorumai kurikaesu utage wa
The echoing voice goes on endlessly cutting through the darkness A torture shrouded in madness, the ever recurring nightly banquet
Futari no shi ni omoi kasanete osae kirenu nikushimi wa mashite kyouki wo matou yoru ni saita itsuwari no bara yo
Feeling my parent's last thoughts my hatred continues to grow and so on this night a rose of deceit blooms covered in madness
namemawasu karamu shisen to emi de ai wo kataru mi no ke ga yodatsu you na furueru ikari no senritsu
As I speak of love while smiling at them My hair stands on end as I tremble in a symphony of ire
iki ga tomaru hodo ni fukai na koe ni mimi wo fusagi hitomi wo somukete kareyuku anata he sasagu aware na uta ni chikai wo tojikomete
A voice so unpleasant I hold my breath and cover my eyes and ears To you withering one I offer a song of sorrow concealing my will
hibiku koe wa hatenaku tsutsuku kisokutachi no warau sono saki kyouki wo matou geemu yogoto kurikaesu utage wa
The echoing voice goes on endlessly, towards the bourgeoise ahead A torture shrouded in madness, the ever recurring nightly banquet
namemawasu karamu shisen to emi wo emi de kaesu anata no hoho ni fure toriko ni shite shimae ba ii
and yet I smile back at them as they laugh I should hold your faces and make you my prisoners
marude anata konomi no ryoukiteki de zankoku na onna wo enjite butai no ue maiodoru aware na hitobito wo koukotsu no me de
I'll play the part of a cruel woman, just as you like it Dancing on the stage for the eyes of those captive
watashi ga dorehodo kegasare you to mo futari no omoi sakebi tsutsukeru tenohira de odoru kare wa aware na uta ni yoishire hohoemu
My parents screams won't fade no matter how much I'm defiled I'll hold the king in the palm of my hand, driving him drunk with my song of grief
饗鳴セレンディピティ (Kyoumei Serendipity, Serendipituous Banquet Tune) Vocals: Rena, Luna
fukisusabu oto wa sakebu you ni yureru tsutsumikonda atataka na heya de watashi ni hohoemu kanojo no hitomi ni garasu no namida ga kobore ochita
The whistling breeze sounds much like a scream it envolves me even in this warm room Mia's eyes smile at me Her tears are like glass dropping from her face
hora ne, niteiru hazu da wa sora wa omokage nokoshite ima mo kikioboe no aru koe wa yobiokosarete
Hey, it's just like traces of the sky Even now I remember hearing your voice calling out to me
iware no nai tsumi de sabakareta hana wa chiisana hakoniwa wo fumi tsukeru you ni zankoku na joukei ni furishikiru ame wa watashi no kokoro zutto shimetsuke tsutsukeru
A flower judged for a made up crime As if being trampled on it's garden A cruel scene under the rain The sight of it always has a grip on my heart
hora ne, oboeteiru ka na futari naranda shashin wa ima mo mune no oku ni aru mada ano koro no mama ne
Hey, remember the picture we took together Even now those days are still fondly in my heart
hatenaki yoru ni saita tsumitorarenu hana hibiki au te wo kasane tsumi torasenu hana tooi chi he unmei ga hikiyoseta Mia wo dakishimeta kono mama hanasanai kara ne
An unplucked flower blooming in the endless night Our hands were weaved and resonating, a flower that shall not be plucked That is the fate that drove Mia to a distant land even now she holds me, we'll never let go of each other
ano ko ni chikatta no mamorunuku kara to
I swear to protect them above all.
弑逆のShowtime (Shiigyaku no Showtime, Patricide Showtime) Vocals: Risa Yuzuki
koyoi mo mata akushumi de nigiyaka na utage no seki anata no mimi yubi wo hawase anata ni dake sotto sasayaku
Tonight again I'm seated at the lively banquet of evil Running my fingers through your ear and whispering only for you
ryoukiteki na misemono koya miwakuteki na Showtime anata no mimi yubi wo hawase 「anata ni dake misetai no yo」
It's time for the captivating and bizarre show I run my fingers through your ear "I want only you to see me"
omoi shiru ga ii wa
You should have already realized
zutto negatteta kono hi no tame ni ikite watashi wa akuma ni mo nareru hazu miteitene kitto afuredasu senjouteki na yoru wa reiri de toutoi anata no mune ni hibiku deshou… ne?
I've always prayed for this, I've lived only for this day I too shall become as a demon, just watch me In this lascivous night of excess Surely you'll feel this resonance in your noble and cunning heart… right?
kane ga naru koro ni wa mairimashou
The bell rings signaling the beginning
machinozomu anata ga shuyaku no yoru watashi wa tenshi ni mo nareru hazu miteite ne kitto afuredasu meguru sadame no you ni reiri de toutoi anata no mune ni sasaru deshou… ne?
On this night you'll be the star I too shall become as an angel, just watch Surely this night will overflow like the ever revolving fate Surely you'll feel how I skewer your noble and cunning heart… right?
終幕のミアルカ (Shuumaku no MiaLuca, MiaLuca’s Curtain Call)
Vocals: Ruru, Luna
yuuyami to arekuruu nami no oto itsuwari no hohoemi kawashita futari furueru ryoute wo Ruka ni kakushi gake mioroshite basha wa unmei wo tadoru
The raging waves crash throughout the night, as we both turn on our false smiles Hiding Luka within my trembling hands, I look down the precipice towards our fate
-senketsu ni somatta minamo wa utau itsuwari no hohoemi kawashita futari -furueru ryoute wo yoko me ni nagame 「koyoi no utage no shuyaku wa doko da?」
In a moment we’re dyed by the song of the sea, as we exchange false smiles with each other I lie gazing and wondering who shall be tonight’s protagonist
-daremo inai keshiki basha wo oriaruki nagara hitomi wo mitsumete toikakeru mabuta no ura de wa nandomo egaita butaijou kare no na wo sakenda
The carriage marches on through the empty scenery, as we do How many times have I pictured myself in this stage, screaming the king’s name
furikazasu yaiba wa anata to tomo ni mou kanawanu omoi nosete -fuitsukareta yaiba wa kaze wo kirinaita koe wa hibiki wataru dokomademo
I wield this blade that carries both of our unfulfilled wishes Her stealthy blade cuts through the wind as voices resonate all throughout the night
-niranda hitomi wa subete wo kataru itsuwari no hohoemi wo ukabeta mama tekubi wo tsukamare kutsuu no naka ugokanu karada wa zetsubou wo matou
Her baneful eyes say it all, even behind that fake smile After taking theirs wrists their unmoving bodies are left with nothing but despair
-misemono goya no naka douke no yaku wo enjite warai korae odotteta dake sa kumon ni yuganda watashi no kata no ue kara tobu kuroi kage wa sakenda
Within the room that witnessed this show I played the role of a fool, dancing and laughing And so the very same dark shadow flew ahead from my shoulder
tsukamareta sono no te ni kuraitsuku kiba wa anata to no kizuna no akashi -kao shikamete ude wo furiharatta setsuna sora wo mai naraku he ochite
What more proof is there to our friendship than a ferocious bite onto his hand However as the cat buried it’s face, the arm was swung sending it to his demise
tachitsukusu watashi ni kakeyori sakenda koe wa yasashiku senaka oshite -me wo samashite anata no aisuru sekai wa mou anata shika sukuenai 「sou watashi shika inai no datte Ruka to chikatta kara」
As I tried to stand a voice rushed me and lifted me up Wake up! You’re the only who can save the world you hold dear! “It has to be this way, I swore to you Luka!”
furikazasu yaiba wa anata to tomo ni aisuru watashi no subete de 「mou owari da」 yadoru chikara de kare wo nagu maichiru zankyou wa itsumademo
And so the blade I wielded along with my loved one brought about the end of it all With the power still dwelling in it, I finish the job as the echoes linger forevermore.
Having slain the king she held onto Luca. He was glad that after fighting so hard she was able to live through it all. He then dropped on her lap, unable to go on. After all, Luca really was just a normal cat. Not a demon or a deceiver. It was Mia’s own wish for revenge that really spun their story. He was simply her faithful companion.
Dear… Vocals: Luna
nee Luka anata ni wa hanashitai koto ga aru no kiite kureru kashira
Hey Luka, there’s something I want to talk with you about Will you listen to me?
kanashimi ni kureta kono chi de aisuru hito wo omoi ukabe watashi wa subete ni tsukusu joou to natta arukidasu tame
This land covered in grief used to hold my loved ones After they’ve vanished I remained standing as queen, for that purpose I kept walking
kirakira hikaru doresu wa kokoro ni shimai Yogoreta te de kinari no fuku wo matotte hitobito no tame ni mizukara
Those sparkly and brilliant dresses sure hid my heart away But for the people, I’ve had to taint both my clothes and hands
korekara wa Luka ya ryoushin ga tengoku de hokoreru watashi ni soshite itsuka mata egao de aeru you ni
I hope you and my parents are proud of me up there And that one day I get to see your smiles once more
hontou wa ano hi anata to tomo ni yuketara to nando yoru wo koeta darou hitori de ikiru no wa sabishikute tamaranai no demo ne, mada yaru koto ga aru kara
I often wish I passed away on that day just as you did How many nights have come and gone since I’ve had to endure through so many lonely nights Even so, there’s still so much to do
nee Luka itsuka sono toki ga kitara mata sono koe kikasete ne
Hey Luka, when the time finally arrives Let me hear your voice once more
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unrooms · 4 months
You eye the doors. Even if it’s the only way to go, you’re not sure how you feel about going deeper into this weird place. Instead, for now, you sit on the edge of the pool (the gate?) and look at your phone. You flip it over and even crack off the case to check inside. You’re feeling kind of paranoid. Nothing’s there, though, except a bit of dust and dirt that slipped in there over time. Then you scroll through your apps; the usual- google, spotify, system stuff. A few games. Tumblr. The app your college uses to track homework and stuff. You spent a while looking for a period tracker that wasn’t offensively flowery, and thankfully you did find one. Also thankfully, you’re not currently on your period. It seems like you got a text from one of your best friends while you were asleep, presumably before you got here; it’s just a picture of her cat. Cute, but not helpful.
You sigh. You feel stressed and confused.
Intrigued by the weird liquid in the pool, you turn around and try scooping some up in your hands. You manage to get some, but it’s difficult to hold on to and you need to use both hands to get more than a few drops. Thinking maybe the symbols on the doors are some sort of clue, you go to the door whose symbol looks like a splash, and splash a handful of pool liquid onto it. It rolls off the stone in the same way it does off your skin.
After a beat of nothing happening, you say “Oh come on!” out loud, and then immediately feel silly. Then, the silly feeling shifts into anger. “If anyone’s listening-- really, come on! What even is this, some kind of cruel prank? An unethical social experiment? I did not agree to this!” You kick the door. It hurts a lot, especially since you’re barefoot. You curse and sit back down on the pool edge, feeling extremely silly now but still angry.
...Okay. Okay. Obviously this is all really crazy, but... I guess I gotta work with what I have.
After taking a minute to cool down, you let out a sigh and check your pockets. You’re just wearing what you went to sleep in, but you do find a hairtie, a couple hard candies, and a sharpie. You didn’t know the sharpie was in there. You guess you could use it to mark walls or something. And you can always take notes and pictures with your phone if you need to. In fact, you think it might be good to keep track of all this stuff, so you start working on that. You write down the message on the pool and your observations about the liquid, and take a picture of the pool for good measure.
You’re still intimidated by the idea of going through any of the doors, but you can’t think of anything else to do. Stalling, you look more closely at the doors. They seem to be made of the same stone as the walls, just in a solid slab instead of bricks. Tracing the carved symbols reveals nothing interesting. All the doors have some amount of cracks, but they seem to just be superficial; nothing seriously compromising their structure. You knock on the splash door. It feels thick and heavy. Nothing responds, although you kind of wish it would. Finally, you pull it open with effort.
The first thing that hits you is a lot of light. You take in the room; it’s totally different in aesthetic to the other one. The walls, floor, and ceiling are all glass with solid walls of lights behind them. The back of the door is also glass and lights- actually- you notice there’s a symbol on that side, too, different than the one on the front of it.
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In the middle of the room, there’s a glass pillar going from the floor to the ceiling. Instead of having lights in it, it has a column of what looks like regular water. From the doorway, that’s all you can see. Tentatively, you step out onto the floor; you’re kind of concerned it’ll shatter under your feet, but it seems fine. Closer to the pillar, you can see that there are words carved into it. They’re hard to read, since there’s no paint or anything, just carvings in glass, but you manage to make it out:
Behind the pillar, you find another door. This one doesn’t have a symbol, but it does have a keyhole in it- and, weirdly, the keyhole seems to have a glass... key... mold? sticking out from it. The glass shape of a key is too big to fit in the keyhole, but the empty space inside is the right size. Supporting this idea, there’s a glass tube in the wall leading to the key. Tracing it back, you find a network of these tubes in the walls and floor, connected to the pillar, with a switch at each intersection of tubes. They were hard to see earlier, on account of everything being glass, but you manage to get a good idea of how they all go.
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...You sit down in one corner. It’s more comfortable than sitting at the pool. You’re, honestly, freaking out kind of a lot. You guess it caught up with you. You should probably be trying to figure out this puzzle, or like, anything else, but instead you pull out your phone and play a few rounds of 2048. It does actually calm you down a little. Glancing at the time, you realize it’s ticked over to 3 o'clock already.
What now?
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