#she really is. nimona
juststoleyourcat · 11 months
i also love that it showed nimona not fitting in with the animals either. the problem is not about her being a bird, a deer, a bear, a whale or a gorilla. it's about nimona being herself.
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when nimona first shapeshifted in front of gloreth, gloreth was a little freaked out, but more just shocked, and then they went on being friends. it was only once gloreth’s parents told her that nimona is a horrible monster that she finally turned on her. this movie isn’t subtle in the least with its themes, but i like this part of the movie because it really shows just how imaginary and baseless (for lack of a better way to phrase this) the fear of monsters (i.e. trans people) in society is. children, like gloreth, when left alone without any societal influences, will be faced with this Other, Different thing and accept it, just go with it. befriend them.
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ech-e-sketch · 6 months
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greatwyrmgold · 3 months
This is a Dr. Meredith Blitzmeyer appreciation post
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I appreciate Dr. Meredith Blitzmeyer
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acergi · 11 months
You know what’s interesting? The fact that only nobles can be knights. Because that is what Gloreth wanted. Gloreth who played at a wishing well and who lived in a small village with farmers. Gloreth, who was almost certainly not a noble. Was she trying to avoid another Nimona, someone who came out of ‘nowhere’, and thus must be a monster? Or was it someone else, who further twisted her cruel ideology for their own agenda?
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oaxleaf · 11 months
watched nimona, am a bit crushed now, but something i noticed that i found quite interesting is how she wears ‘nimona’ not just as a name, but also as an identity. it’s not just what she’s called, it’s also what she is. and, if i’m correct, ballister hardly, if ever, actually calls her by it until quite late, when he fully starts to accept her as a whole - the shapeshifting part of that whole which he loves rather than a flaw he looks past. and i think that really adds to the trans narrative of it all. it’s not just a name. it’s an integral part of who she is. and how ballister rather calls her a kid or a girl rather than that name, that identity, i think really quite reflects the really common experience of having people in your life that might not outright and purposefully show their hatred or disbelief of your identity, but who are clearly uncomfortable with it and does their best to skirt around it and to not have to acknowledge it
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dragoninahumancostume · 6 months
I don't get how people can just talk about their interests?? Like you have actual thoughts about it and you're able to express them correctly?? Mines are just a high-pitched "AAAAAAAH" and "it's so awesome it's so awesome and this guy does this and the other does that and IT'S. SO. AWESOME."
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beaulesbian · 11 months
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It's time to rewrite this story.
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beef-unknwn · 11 months
just finished watching nimona and i am ✨crying my fucking eyes out✨
it has taught me many things
FUCK the government
reject tradition, embrace yourself
break stuff
im going to have the sleep of all time right after i post this
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nonbinary-morro · 11 months
ok so im currently rewatching nimona in the hindi dub (thank you @sir-ballister-boldheart-boldheart for the link! everyone should check out their great posts about it too btw)
and right of off the bat, im kinda obsessed with this line change:
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in the OG, Nimonas quip/joke is "The one armed club is about to get some new members"
but in the Hindi dub its changed to "Agar inmisay kisi ka basu pasand ai toh bata'dayna" (sorry if my hinglish isnt the best i dont do this kinda thing often XO)
(which translates to: "if you find a liking to any of these arms tell me")
which is not only equally as hilarious but also soso cute cause the implication shes ready to chop of any arm he wants as a fucked up kinda karma/compensation or as a replacement is just, so good. violent and in character but also establishes a side of care for him early on which is really cool.
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starrycassi · 9 months
Hate, love, guilt, mothers. Aren't they all synonyms?
You can find part one of this au here, and two here. Also a quick explanation on who's Gloria here. Mild nsfw mention at the end. Like, super mild.
The grounds of the Goldenloin mansion are always breathtaking, it doesn't matter how many times Ballister's been here as a guest, as an intruder, as a knight, as a lover. The gardens are fantastic, and the structure makes him feel so, so tiny.
Standing here, looking at the dining table made for dozens and dozens of people, Ballister can't help but feel out of place. The maid that guided them here is mimicking their pose, right next to them, and Ballister signals to Ambrosius, tugging on his sleeve. There's no need for her to be here, too. She should be free to leave.
Ambrosius gets the memo and dismisses the poor girl, who leaves quietly and quickly. Ballister's skin itches.
In front of them rests a wonderful feast, colorful and appealing, even if some plates are covered with golden silverware, to protect the food from loosing it's flavor, or whatever. He can't help but wonder how many street kids are hungry right now — can't help but remember what it's like, to be alone and lost and begging for a crumb of bread, a sip of water, a simple plate of food and be denied and-
The echo of someone's steps brings him back to the present, and he stares at the woman as she walks in. Captain Gloria limps as she arrives, her golden hair down in a braid that reaches her lower back. She gleams at them, despite the clear pain that every step delivers to her system. Her eyes aren't quite focused.
Ambrosius suddenly goes still, fixing his posture.
The two of them just accept the silence, live in it, for the next couple of seconds. Gloria finally gets to the table and sits down slowly, hissing when she finally does so, reeking of alcohol and a splendid perfume. She's at the head of the chairs, and Ambrosius rounds up the table to sit right next to her. Ballister tries to follow him.
“Don't” orders the woman, her hand suddenly reaching out to grip Ballister's wrist. She tugs on him, making take a seat, too, at her left. Ambrosius stares at him with a questioning look, and he stares back with an even more questioning look. It's his mom that's acting weird, he should know what's going on.
They don't have to figure it out, though, because she explains it soon enough.
“You are not here as Ambrosius's guest, today. You're a suitor. Act accordingly or get out”
Her voice, cold and demanding, takes both of the boys by surprise. Gloria's and Ballister's relationship has never been a specially warm one, but all in all, he's always seen her as a stressed out woman who doesn't really care about anything but her work and her son. Everytime they've been together she's drunk, hurt, on duty, or in a weird combination of those options. She's never been openly hostile or mean to him, so he's left in unexplored grounds when her blue eyes are suddenly fixed on his face, pinning him to his seat and making his head spin with with dread and doubts.
“Mom, there's no need to-”
Ambrosius tries, he really tries, to reason with her. Gloria, who's whole body moves weirdly and limply, suddenly hits the table with her fist closed, and Ambrosius straightens up in his seat, body reacting before his mind does so, instincts ingrained on him urging him to obey and comply to orders, even the unspoken ones.
Ballister knows the look on Gloria's eyes — he's seen it before, only, not on her face — she's not only intoxicated, not merely wounded. She's full of regret, of fury, of pure and unfiltered anger. As soon as that knowledge hits him, he's filled with a strange sense of security, of comfort. She's mad and she's irrational, but he knows the reason of those feelings. She's merely a mother defending her child, a knight defending her loved ones.
Ballister is trying to do the same, and it's refreshing to see his own feelings of confusion and hatred mirrored into Gloria's face. He knows what her anger means, because his blood burns with the same heat, the same intensity.
“I'm sorry, Captain Gloria” he says, slowly and clearly. The nerves he felt all the way here disappear, leaving only his determination, his devotion. Gloria isn't against him. She's against anything that might hurt jer son, and that's a feeling Ballister not only understands, but shares, “It was awfully inadequate of me to act that way. I beg your forgiveness”
She smiles, woobly and unsteadily, at him. She's pleased with his words, clearly. He tries to remember the hours and hours of ranting that Ambrosius blessed his ears with every so often, complaining about stupid protocol lessons that his mother made him take.
“Very well” she nods at him, and he imitates the gesture. He quickly nods at Ambrosius, too, to try and reassure him. This will be okay. It has to.
Ambrosius's shoulders relax just the slightest bit at that, but he smiles, and talks again,
“I'm incredibly hungry, Mum. Why don't we eat before we discuss this, yeah?”
It's always surprising to Ballister, really, how adaptable Ambrosius is. One minute, he's a big dramatic performer for the Queen. The next, he's merely a child with a pleading voice, asking— no, begging, for some peaceful seconds with his mom.
“Yes, the food. Let's eat and talk business, shall we? That's not really an appropriate thing to do, I suppose, but I can make an exception, seeing as how you've had the guts to ask for my son's hand in marriage, cadet”
She claps, and servants lift the coverings. Some of their faces are recognizable to Ballister. Did they live in the same orphanage? Were they friends, and his mind has forgotten?
This is whst he hates about the Goldenloin mansion. This is what he hates about every single noble event ever. He simply resings himself to his fate, a rejected freak to the nobles and a traitor to the commoners. He tries to keep his eyes on the table, tries not to to think about how some of the people working for Ambrosius, serving him, probably have never even tried the kind of feast he's about to have.
Ballister's never been a religious person, but he prays for forgiveness, even if it's merely for a second. He prays for forgiveness, even if it's undeserved.
The steak in front of him suddenly loses its appeal. The nerves are back, just like that. He hates himself for that, for being so brave a second and then a complete coward in the other.
They simply eat, for some moments. Gloria sips her glass of red wine every so often, and both of the boys chew methodically on their steaks. Food is fuel, Ballister tries to remind himself, tasting guilt and shame in every bite, feeling as if he's chewing his own heart; food is fuel, and he needs fuel for this conversation.
That doesn't make the bitterness of the whole situation go away.
“You said you have a plan” accuses Gloria, after washing down a bit of her salad with wine, “but I'm yet to hear anything about it”
Ballister's first instinct is to roll his eyes, tell her that it's her who's been acting all weird and cranky, but he knows better than to go against an older knight, even if she's drunk and injured. She's also his mother-in-law, and he refuses to feed into the stereotype of in laws not getting along.
“The food just distracted us, mom, that's all. It's really good”
Gloria's face softens a bit, and she offers her son a quick sound of agreement.
“Still. I need to know what you two rascals are up to, don't I?”
As if she didn't just violently smash the table, she laughs a bit at her joke, muttering something about teenagers under her breath.
They do their best to explain themselves without setting her off again, Ambrosius providing Ballister with facial expressions that let him know when to shut up and when to keep going. At the end of it, their food is almost gone, Ballister's guilt is almost forgotten, and Gloria looks almost convinced.
"And what do you win, cadet?"
She looks feral, like a lion ready to chew down on it's prey. Ballister refuses to lose against her, not today.
"I get to see my boyfriend be happy. What else could I possibly want?"
Some of the servants seem too moved by his answer to hide their coos, but he doesn't dare look their way, too scared to find out that perhaps that truly are the kids that grew up on his same street, with his same dreams. He keeps his eyes fixed on Gloria's, blue and brown crashing and figthing.
"Sounds like bullshit to me. No one would do all that just for someone else's happiness or whatever"
She shakes her head in disagreement, and Ballister wants to scream at her, tell her that she doesn't know shit about them, that he would walk barefoot into a burning building if it meant saving Ambrosius. He doesn't.
"I don't need anything else" he says, instead, "I only want to make sure that my boyfriend has a choice and-"
"Okay, say you win" interrupts Gloria, looking bemused with him. He hates the way she stares him down like a mere child, "and the interviewer; because this will be televised, that's a no brainer, asks what do you want. What are you going to tell the kingdom?"
He doesn't even hesitate, before answering:
"I would ask for just enough money to pay back my debth with the house of Elpis and the Goldenloin house. Then, for Ambrosius's political allies to be a matter only he can have the final say on. Not you, or me, or anyone else"
She looks at him some more, as if trying to be intimidating. He doesn't budge.
"That is an honest answer" she finally says, nodding, "That's more believable. That, I can accept. I think"
She makes a show of considering things, tapping her index finger to her chin. They keep quiet, waiting for her verdict.
“It's a decent attempt” she concedes, after some seconds of humming to herself. "It's even a good idea"
They both sigh, relieved. She clicks her tongue, and shakes her head, again, like some sort of wet dog, and they feel not so relieved, now.
“But you two are openly... close to one another, right? Everyone knows. Can't do anything if you win and people question us, can we? About your little, well, romance, and all that”
Gloria never really acknowledges the fact that her son is dating Ballister, even if he did come out and confess the secret to her half a year ago, cracking under the pressure of a specially though new years party. It gives Ambrosius some sort of dumb hope, that perhaps his mom might actually start taking his own free will into account and validating his love for Ballister. Even if she always says that that's something she already does.
“We're still trying to figure out what to do with that, Mum”
She laughs some more, making him feel stupid. Ballister looks as confused as he feels when she merely giggles at their faces, gulping down the rest of her drink. A servant refills it immediately.
“You kids are so slow, nowadays” she flaps her hand, rolling her eyes, “a mere fight will be enough. In a public space, obviously. Be nasty about it. My friends and I used to do it when we wanted to get a rise out of our parents. Neat trick”
And, with that piece of advice, she keeps on drinking.
Ambrosius excuses them both out of the table when they're done, leaving Captain Gloria to drunkenly mumble nonsense to herself.
The halls of the mansion are spacious and lonely, so they're able to walk together, holding hands, without a care in the world. Ambrosius has grown up here, was raised here. He knows and trusts the staff to keep a couple of secrets.
“She seems… a bit agitated” Ballister says, softly. Gloria has been a sore spot for their conversations ever since the start of their friendship, and they mostly try to avoid talking about her. But if feels wrong, to be in her house and pretend she doesn't exist.
“She's got a dislocated hip” Ambrosius answers, voice impregnated with pity, “Must hurt a lot. She was distracted with this whole thing and a thief managed to hit her real hard…”
He stares at the floor, but they keep on walking to Ambrosius's bedroom. After lunch, Gloria has practically demanded for them to stay until dinner, arguing that they have already lost most of the day, anyways. Neither one of them dared go against her word.
“I'm happy she's mad. At least I'm not the only one worried about your ass”
“I can assure you, Ballister, your thoughts about my ass are really, really different from her thoughts about it. At least I hope so”
Hip bumping his boyfriend for being an idiot, Ballister blushes a bit. Ambrosius does have a nice body.
“Don't be weird about this, Amber. We're literally talking about you mom”
“No, you are talking about her. I'm talking about people's thoughts on my ass. That's a whole different conversation”
“Not a specially interesting one, I'm sure. Much like your very flat ass”
Ambrosius gasps, offended, just as they reach the doors of his bedroom. He makes a show of dramatically slamming the door, just to open it back again mere seconds later, sticking out his tongue at Ballister before allowing him to come in.
“Keep this treatment up, and I'm actually marrying Todd” he threatens, and Ballister half heartedly pushes him.
“Okay, your ass is not flat. Just… sort of concave. Happy?”
“Not so much. But, alas, I'm not really dating a poet, am I? My heart has chosen you, even with your horrible mistreatments towards my figure”
They laugh at the stupidity of the situation, as if guilt isn't eating Ballister alive, as if Ambrosius isn't worried to death for his mom, as if the world isn't collapsing and burning around them.
They take of their shoes, and get into bed, cuddling with each other almost immediately, used to it after years and years of practice. Ballister rests his cheek on Ambrosius's chest, and they hold hands, tangling their legs. This is incredibly inappropriate to do on Ambrosius's house, with his mom meter away, but everything around them feels so wrong right now that this is the closest they can get to normal.
The events of the last few hours settle in. Panic comes back, alongside with every other emotion that they have been trying to run away from. It's scary, to admit that perhaps they could fail. They could be wrong. Ambrosius understands why his mom seems to be in denial all of the time; it's easier to pretend that something is not happening than to deal with the fact that it is.
The room is quiet. They're just teens.
“I'm nervous”
“Me, too. I'm terrified”
“Yeah. Me, too”
And it's just them, their fears and their breaths, for a second. There's nothing else but them. But reality is always there, waiting, and it comes with paperwork and legalities and many, many other things. It's them against the world, even if they would really, really like to just make peace with everyone and sleep until winter.
To avoid silence — because it comes with too many questions, too many memories, too many reminders — Ballister decides to keep on with their plan, furthering it, and asks, “So, now, we fake fight?”
“I think it's the best choice we have, right? Mom said so”
Ambrosius, always eager to follow Gloria's word, seems to perk up. Ballister feels slightly annoyed, but at least his boyfriend looks a little less like a kicked kitten.
“And what are we figthing about, uh?”
This is scary, too. Yeah, a fake figth. That's something they should be able to manage. But there's some issues, here and there, and perhaps they're just waiting for a chance to come out. This could be that chance. And there's no way they're going to actually live apart from each other, but they have to, right? So it's believable.
“What about something stupid? Like, I don't know, jazz?”
“Ambrosius, you know very well how I feel about-”
To stop his boyfriend from going on yet another campaign of hate against freestyle jazz, Ambrosius gives him a quick kiss on the hair, successfully making him shut up.
“Kay, not jazz. What, then?”
“Let's fight about this. I'll be jealous, you'll scream at me for being jealous, and we'll break up. Call me a selfish insecure asshole, or something”
Ambrosius immediately pants like a wounded animal, frowning. He makes Ballister get up slightly, to make sure he can see his eyes. They're full of love. Pure, solid, love.
“I don't ever want to hurt you, Bal”
Ballister chokes on air, because this isn't fair. Ambrosius is so pretty, resting on the mattress, looking up at him. No one else but him should ever get to see him like this. Specially not some imbecile who thinks figthing for him is enough to get married.
“It's just going to be a play-pretend situation, Amber. I don't wanna hurt you, either, but it's going to be just a couple of days. Then, we're back to normal”
Ambrosius ponders on it, pouting. But he finally nods, agreeing.
“Fine. We're hating each other from now on”
The next time Ballister wakes up, they're back at the Institute, half naked, fused together like a pretzel. Perhaps they got a bit too sentimental when they came back, and perhaps they stole a couple of sips from Gloria's wine reserve. A make out session had been the start of their so called hate, and Gloreth, did they suck at this.
“Ambrosius. Ambrosius, wake up. Ambrosius, fucking move”
With a bit more of force than needed, he shakes his boyfriend, trying to get him to open up his eyes. Ambrosius attempts to do so and also get up, miscalculating, and falling face first to the floor.
Hurrying up to help him, Ballister trips, too. The wine is still in their systems, apparently, and it makes them laugh like idiots as soon as their gazes cross.
“Shit. We're supposed to be figthing, Amber”
“I'm pretty sure last night counts as a form of combat. Sword figths, one may call it”
“Shut the fuck up, honestly. Just, for once, shut up”
“Only if you kiss me, babe"
Okay, maybe they aren't suited for a divorce yet. Ballister got up, grunting, and Ambrosius followed suit, if only because the floor is way too cold to be laying on it with nothing but a boxer and shorts on. He smiled at the wall when he managed to stand up on his own two feet, still dizzy.
“What now, Bal?”
Ballister struggled to put his shirt back on, trying to remember where the fuck his shoes where. It was early, still. If he hurried up, he could sneak out without anyone seeing him.
“Dont ask me. This whole thing was your plan. Think, Ambrosius; for the first time in your life, think”
Ambrosius threw the nearest object at his ungrateful boyfriend, and rolled his eyes when the comb impacted against the desk. Turns out his aim gets affected by alcohol. Who could've thought?
“What was that for?!” Hisses Ballister, barely managing to get done with his clothes. Ambrosius's loopy smile only grew bigger at the sight, and he looked so much like his mom, for a second. Just a second.
“We're figthing, love. I think this is how figths are supposed to go, right?”
And he threw a hair cream bottle, that impacted on the wall.
Ballister opened up the door, just in time for the notebook Ambrosius threw to go flying through it. Some cadets were already out, curious about the noise. Ambrosius, drunk and ad impulsive as his mother, grinned with pleasure. Yes, a public fight, indeed.
“And get out!” he screamed, remembering the way his mother looked at him yesterday, feeling the tears burning on the very corners of his eyes, hating her stare and wishing she looked at him more often “I don't want to talk to you ever again, you hear me?!”
A pillow was thrown. Ballister fought down the urge to burst out laughing. This felt so much like a cheap soap opera.
“It's not my fault you're a coward!” He screamed back, wine helping him come up with the words, “Go and die for all I care, Golden Boy! Hang yourself from a fucking tower, I don't give a shit!”
More and more people came in to witness the situation. Had he been sober, Ballister probably would've stopped. He wasn't, though.
“You're so jealous!” Screeched Ambrosius, like he meant it, “You're just jealous of my suitors being way better than you, you prick!”
Ballister kneeled down, picked up the fallen pillow, and threw it right back at it's owner. Ambrosius barely contained his cackles.
“I'll enter the fucking tournament just so I can disown you, Ambrosius! You don't deserve all that money!”
They were losing the plot a bit, but it didn't really matter. A figth is a figth, no matter the reasons.
“Do whatever you want, Ballister! You're never winning, never !”
Next, a sweater came in, balled up, flying. This one actually hit Ballister on the eye, and he had to take a step back, surprised. Ouch.
“We'll see about that, you idiot!”
With a final heated stare, Ballister turned around, bitting down his tongue to dissimulate the giggles.
As soon as he got into his room and locked his door, Ballister opened up his cellphone, already missing his boyfriend's arms. He found a couple of drunken voicemails Ambrosius had already sent his way, and a couple of pictures that matched the vibe of their last night.
Smiling, he got into his own bed, hiding under the sheets. Perhaps intense figths weren't such a bad idea for their relationship, after all.
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i do find it interesting how similar the main ships in spop and nimona are. two child soldiers who were raised together with false morals instilled in them, one of them breaks out and starts questioning the system while the other stays. they become enemies at first but eventually both of them go against the system and get into a relationship.
like.. this is not even a trope anymore. it's the same ship in two different fonts. i just find that incredibly uncreative. even if you like the friends to enemies to lovers genre, what's the point of writing two ships if they're gonna be the exact same? nate really didn't try to make either of these ships original or unique. he just found a trope that he liked and ran with it.
(also, i'm talking about nimona the movie because i haven't read the comics, but i'm pretty sure this is how it plays out in the comics too except possibly more toxic)
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ilivelikeimtrying · 9 months
Nimona AU where Ballister is a villain but like, he's not even really that evil, like, at all. He's just, really bad at being a Villain.
And him and his "Nemesis" have the worst relationship, meaning that they have a great relationship because they don't even actually hate each other like Nemesis' are supposed to.
V!Ballister, doing an 'evil' monologue: Well well well, sir Goldenloin, it has been quite some time since we've last- What's wrong?
Ambrosius, whose face was scrunched a bit: Huh? Oh, it's nothing, these ropes on my wrists are just- they're burning and itching is all- you can keep-
V!Ballister, panicking and running over: Really?! Oh Ambrosius you've been here for hours! Why didn't you say anything sooner?! Are they too tight? Is it this new brand? I told Nimona not to get these ones but no-
*cue to Ambrosius staring fondly at Ballister as he continues to ramble about never buying this specific set of ropes again*
Half the time Ambrosius doesn't even know why he's fighting the guy, like, The Director is all "He's the personification of an Evil Villain" at Ballister and Ambrosius is staring at the same guy seeing him help a little girl get her kitten out of a tree and give a good bit of the money he stole to people in need and points at him like "Really????? "
#nimona#nimona 2023#nimona movie#Ambrosius questions the Director so much when it comes to Ballister#Nimona he's a little more inclined to believe because she's basically chaos- but even then he hasn't seen her ACTUALLY do something BAD#but Ballister himself is like- trying to be a villain with Nimona-#(and has the means for it I mean- c'mon he's a genius who can fight and has a kickass sidekick)#- But he's just- so bad at actually being bad.#he's very much capable of commiting crimes and doing villainous acts but other then that the guy is so wet cat and actually super nice#the people still 'fear' him as a villain because of the Institute and their propaganda and the other Hero's hate him#(because he's beaten them all before in battle- and wins every time)#but Ambrosius is the only one who's genuinely kind to him because he doesn't actually see him as a villain#kinda wanted to Uno Reverse Card things- so they both like each other but Am is so oblivious to Bal's advances-#even when he's being painfully obvious#like- it's not a 'we can't date cuz we're on opposite sides' thing- it's a:#'I really like him but he probs doesn't feel the same cuz we're on opposite sides' thing#okay so like- looking at it better now- yeah this is defs comic × movie now so#¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯#nimona comic#cuz like- they do give off those vibes#but in my head this Amb is still his movie personality and nice#with a mix of 'wake up don't believe everything this bitch is saying' juice#and as dumb/af comic Amb#like at some point Bal requires his help to get rid of admirers and is like 'I could use something cute on my arm to turn them away'-#and Am is like '... you could always use a nice handbag. You can borrow one of mine if you don't have one- or! I saw this really nice one'-#and Bal is just staring at him like 'Gloreth he's so dumb i can't not have him'#and he mentions that he meant a cute PERSON on his arm but Am is still like 'Oooh... uhm- I have this one friend- they might help if i ask'#and Bal just goes 'YOU! I MEANT YOU YOU ADORABLY DUMB TWINK OF A HIMBO! I COULD USE YOU NEXT TO ME TO FEND THEM OFF!'
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guideaus · 11 months
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a thing i liked in the comic was that blackheart never thought poorly of nimona's ability, before she was agressive towards him, he had only reacted negatively the first time (a shark popping up in his face) and when he turned into him and started mocking his interest in science. i think a really important aspect of the comic is that nimona joins a man labelled as a villain, but is not. not even in a disgraced knight unlearning his bigotry way, but he's a villain because he disagrees with the institute and was no longer useful to them. never in the comic does he whine about being seen with her.
their conflict does happen, not from her being a monster or not, but by nimona's actions of being deceptive. theres a point how goldenloin was the closest person to blackheart, and he casually dropped all contact after horribly injuring him, blackhear also mentions past henchmen, mercenaries that had most likely been bought off as nimona sees through
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their conflict comes from their communication
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nimona is afraid of people knowing about her because if they really do, they might really think shes a monster, so she prevents this be deflection, being evasive, and related actions including lying. the lying is bad for blackheart though, it is a point he's a good guy and forgiving, but him finally considering her not being who she says she is (a friend) it's his turn to get upset. nimona of course cant handle what she thinks hes saying and reacts poorly. i just think the conflict being their miscommunication is more interesting than... him unlearning bigotry
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flyingdumpsterfire · 11 months
holy shit
i just realised
i noticed that catradora and goldenheart were similar
then it hit me
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nellasbookplanet · 10 months
Having finally read the Nimona comic (it’s very good, everyone please go read it) I can’t help but find describing it as being about the power of incredible violence to defeat an authoritarian state, as I've seen done, to be both kind of misleading and ultimately reductive to the story as a whole.
Yes there is incredible violence in the comic and it was in the end what tore down the corrupt system, but it was also Nimona's downfall, destroyed her relationship with her only friend (and led to her (temporary) death by his very hand as he could no longer stand by her and her actions, even as he never judged her, recognized her role as a victim and tried to save her until the end), put countless civilians in danger, and ultimately did little to nothing to address how to actually fix the problems of the system to keep them from returning. In fact, Nimona as a character shows little interest in fixing anything. She suggests killing the king and having Ballister take his place, despite Ballister neither wanting this nor having the experience to pull it off (and would, in fact, only result in replacing one king with another rather than lead to an entirely new system, as is often the case with bloody uprisings). When people start dying from the illness they spread, Ballister wants to immediately stop it; Nimona suggests they let more people die to further rile up hatred and anger against the institution. Nimona isn't a good guy looking to save people; she's an angry, hurt girl looking to hurt those who hurt her and those who have the potential to hurt her in the future (even when Ballister is one of those people). She is the villain the state turned her into.
And that is kind of the point I see the story making. Not 'you need incredible violence to tear down an authoritarian state' as something good and celebratory, but rather 'an authoritarian state will ultimately lead to its own downfall by creating monsters of its own making, and while said downfall is needed the fact that it has to happen at all is deeply tragic because there are no winners here'. Nimona isn't a villain-villain (the true antagonist is obviously still the Institution), but she isn't a hero either. She's a tragic figure with a tragic end that the state brought upon itself by mistreating its people. She doesn't stick around to help rebuild and heal, and she doesn't (to our knowledge) get to see her home become a better place. It's a bittersweet end where the very person who tore down the oppressors is too broken to enjoy the end result. It isn't a story about rebellion, it's a story about the inherent and justified self-destruction of authoritarian systems.
(Writing it out like this, I realize that, thematically, it’s very similar to n.k. jemisin's broken earth trilogy, which you should all also read because it is incredible and not very friendly to authoritarian states.)
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