#she so calm and also very ''salty'' at the same time is just make her one of the funniest person to me XD
heretodefyfate · 1 year
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decided to sketch some of my fav reborn characters (also give Taka slightly different clothes)
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oweninadaydream · 6 months
𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧!𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : Steve and you interrupt your lazy afternoon to discuss a very serious (or is it?) matter...
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : Modern!Steve Harrington x fem!reader
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 : pregnant!reader, established relationship, just pure fluff
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 777
𝐚/𝐧 : I had lots of fun writing this at like 2 am lol. Hope you enjoy it! ☺️💐
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Steve was in the kitchen, trying to cook dinner as fast as he could before your cravings had the chance to change and make you suddenly disgusted just by the smell of what he had been preparing for more than an hour. Today's delicatessen consisted of Hawaiian pizza with a side of pickles.
Normally, you would hate pineapple on pizza (you just can't stand mixing sweet and salty like that) and your hatred for pickles was known by all of your friends (specially by Robin, who had to hold up your hair as you vomited because she once gave you a bite of her sandwich which happened to contain the infamous ingredient), but your boyfriend wasn't willing to contradict his pregnant girlfriend who was extremely sensitive.
He was pulled out of his thoughts after hearing you call his name. "What's up, sweetheart? Everything okay?" he asked from his position.
"We need to have a very serious talk right now" you answered in a monotonous tone.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the end of Steve Harrington. After he felt that his heart had started pumping blood again, he hurried to the living-room where you had been chilling for most of the afternoon. You looked fine, there was nothing on fire and your stomach seemed as round as the last time he had seen it, so what was going on?
"Go on, I'm listening love" he encouraged you to begin revealing your thoughts.
"The baby is due in a couple of weeks and we haven't even decided which movies they're gonna watch in English and which ones in Spanish" the stress in your voice was easy to detect. Steve looked you straight in the eyes and he could swear that he had fallen in love with you all over again in that very instant. How could you be so adorable?
"Oh honey, I love you so so much" he cooed while leaving small kisses all over your face "we can discuss it now while the pizza is in the oven if you'd like" he offered.
Your native tongue was Spanish and ever since Steve and you started thinking about having children, you had known you'd raise your kids to be bilingual "They will not be no sabo kids, not on my watch".
Steve was more than thrilled at the thought of mini versions of you and him walking around, babbling in some strange form of spanglish. He had taken up Spanish after meeting you, and even though he was not the fastest learner, his disposition had taken him very far in his journey to be closer to you through language.
"Okay, so do you have any ideas?" he asked "Actually, yes I do" you quickly changed your expression to show enthusiasm "I've got a mental list of some non-negotiables. First, Enredados"
Steve hummed in acknowledgment as he had already guessed you would say Tangled, your mom's favorite Disney movie. Your mother didn't understand much English so this was a logical choice, as she wanted to watch the film with her grandchild and bond over it.
"Then, we've got Tarzan" "Tarzan?! The guy that sings the songs in the Spanish version is the same guy as in the English one, Phil Collins's accent is obvious. Also, y'know, it was my favorite movie as a kid" he tried to argue in a calm manner "...Well, I guess you're right. They can watch that one in the original version" One point to Harrington.
"What if you suggest one? I wouldn't want to impose" you commented. "Don't worry cielo, you keep going and I'll think of one or two more for me to choose" the fact that the first words he learnt were the pet names you liked the most was just one of the many proofs of his love for you " All right!!! So I had thought about El Rey León, Tiana y el sapo, Bichos, Aladdín..." you then proceeded to list almost every animated Disney movie. Steve could have stopped you at any point but the enamored haze clouding his thinking process wanted to indulge in your every desire.
The oven started beeping, alerting both Steve and you that dinner was officially ready. "Let's go, it's time for dinner" "But, what about the movies?" you pouted "Mi amor, we can do whatever you want in regards to our child's cinematic experience" "The bedtime stories can be in English, your dramatic interpretation of The three little pigs will impress them for sure" you suggested after realizing that you had monopolized the whole Disney films industry and feeling bad about it "Thank you, darling. Practice makes perfect"
Happy girlfriend, happy life, right?
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P.D : Phil Collins ate and left no crumbs in the Spanish soundtrack, we appreciate him in this house !!!
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My request is completely self-indulgent but if you want to can you write for seventeen reaction to their S/O preferably she/her pronounce but u can change it you want having a twin brother?? Also I apologize if by any chance you see this request repeated multiple times in your inbox it’s just my internet connection being slow and weak asf 👎🏽
❃Seventeen and their S/O’s siblings❃
Ahhh so sorry this took as long as it did! I had a crazy few weeks and somehow my asks ended up under a pile of notifications. I mayyy have changed the ask to a general sibling prompt. I don't really know any twins so I don't think I could successfully write that kind of sibling dynamic repeatedly and get away with it. Instead, I included a variety of different sibling dynamics (with a couple of twin brothers); I hope you don't mind!
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❀ When you finally decided to introduce Coups to your older siblings, you hadn’t really been worried about whether they would like him or not. After all, he is very responsible and mature, being in charge of his twelve younger members; it wouldn’t be too difficult for your older siblings to trust him with their youngest.
❀ What you hadn’t been expecting, however, is for them to love him and treat him as if he was their own younger brother. Being the youngest in his own family and, let’s be fair, a pouty, whiny baby in Seventeen, he easily fell into the role of the youngest once he shook off his initial shyness and your siblings ate it up.
❀ Even worse, where you often struggle to get your siblings to do anything for you, all Coups has to do is pout or act cute, and they will sacrifice the world for him. They will even offer to pay for his meals and take him out to fun family activities regardless of whether you are able to make it. You’re half convinced Coups has become the favourite because he has no problem with spending an insane amount of money on your family, and he refuses to let them pay for anything.
❀ Yeah, needless to say, you’re feeling a bit salty about the whole situation. That was until Coups took you to meet his family, and you immediately became their favourite adopted child; it felt like the universe had righted itself once more.
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❀ You regret introducing Jeonghan to your twin brother; for the past few hours, during your mandatory weekly family game night, he has been whispering in your ear that you should tap into your twin bond so that you can predict your brother's strategy. Jeonghan is absolutely adamant you two have a telepathic bond; he won't listen to you repeatedly telling him that you can't read your brother's mind just because you are twins.
❀ He will definitely try to figure out how to use the twin exploit to his advantage. Jeonghan will find a way to use this newly discovered information for chaos, either to prank someone else or to get his hands on new teasing material from the person closest to you.
❀ He will absolutely try to convince his members that he just happened to stumble on your male doppelgänger if you look anything alike, exclaiming in wonder that you two have even been born on the same day. Truly, what a coincidence.
❀ Overall, he would become such good friends with your twin brother; Jeonghan has such a charming and calming personality that it is difficult not to get along with him. Jeonghan also strikes me as the type of person who would put a lot of effort into getting along with their significant other's family, spending time with them whenever he can in order to maintain a good bond. 
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❀ Joshua is the prime example of the naive only child unprepared for the stuff that siblings put each other through. Sure, Joshua technically got saddled up with twelve brothers after joining Seventeen. However, he didn’t have to deal with siblings and their shenanigans for most of his childhood, leaving the concept of fighting over the last piece of cake, not because you want it yourself but because you don't want your sibling to have it, a bit foreign to him.
❀ He is trying so hard to maintain the peace when you and your younger sister get into another heated argument when you discover she has borrowed a piece of clothing of yours without asking. Your parents love him, as when he is around, they can finally take a break and let him defuse the situation.
❀ Your little sister adores him, too; Joshua has a lot of arts and crafts days with her, where he teaches her how to make bracelets and knit scarves. They even made you a bracelet together; it almost made you forget about her remarks on how Joshua is her favourite older sibling.
❀ At this point, your little sister listens more to Joshua than you. Whenever you want her to do something, and she isn't listening to you, you have now resorted to simply calling him. For some reason, his asking her in a sweet voice to let you use the bathroom seems to work without fail.
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❀ It doesn't really matter whether you have older or younger siblings; Jun is THE person to bring home. On the one hand, when it comes to younger siblings, he is their favourite playmate and the person they turn to for advice. When it comes to older siblings, on the other hand, he will be cherished and loved as if he were their youngest brother.
❀ He truly shines when it comes to younger siblings, though. Jun is shameless when he plays with your younger siblings; he will crawl over the floor as if he is a snake or meow like a cat for hours on end. His acting skills are definitely paying off, and he will fully commit to whatever role your younger siblings need him to play. In all honesty, he enjoys playing with your siblings as much as they do; he is such a kid at heart.
❀ Jun is also THE person for advice. He never judges them and he is always willing to hear them out about whatever is troubling them. It doesn't leave the room either. He will never share whatever they confided in him with you unless they specifically have told him it is okay to do so.
❀ Honestly, your siblings will be threatening you to not break his heart or break up with him. They adore him and have already begun planning your wedding; you're stuck with him now.
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❀ Initially, you were incredibly worried about introducing this delusion tiger man to your older sister because you were sure that she would ask you whether you wanted to date a madman. You forgot, however, that Hoshi can be incredibly shy when meeting people for the first time. He is so timid, glancing over at you for assurance every so often, that your sister has to pull you aside to ask whether this man truly is the same insane one you have described in your stories.
❀ He acts shyer and younger around your older sister, reverting to his younger brother role, and she dotes on him so much. He gets a lot calmer around your sister, and quite often, he tends to sit back to watch the two of you bicker back and forth, reminding him of his older sister.
❀ In your sister's eyes, he is the perfect boyfriend for you. He always texts her whenever he wants to buy you something, double-checking with her whether you will like the gift. Their private chat consists mostly of your sister sending him gift ideas based on what you mentioned or looked at during your last shopping trip.
❀ You have repeatedly told her to stop supporting his delusional tiger agenda. Whenever she sees anything tiger-related, she makes sure to buy it to gift to Hoshi the next time you meet up with her. She even goes to the extent of scolding you when you tell him to knock it off.
❀ After he gets more comfortable and his crazy side comes out to play, she will lean over to you to ask whether you have replaced him with a clone.
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❀ Wonwoo can be incredibly introverted and shy, so when you proposed introducing him to your twin brother, he had a full-on mental breakdown, pestering Mingyu constantly for advice. He knew that you were very close to your twin brother, and it would mean the world to you for the both of them to get along nicely. He couldn't afford to mess this up.
❀ Initially, the meet-up was incredibly awkward, neither saying very much and, instead, sending you countless help-me-out glances. Fortunately, you knew exactly what topic to bring up to get the two socially inept souls talking: video games. You hadn't been particularly worried about the two not getting along, knowing that both of them were enthusiastic gamers.
❀ Nevertheless, a part of you slowly started regretting bringing up video games. The two had been discussing LoL and PUBG strategies for the past hour, and even though it was interesting, you would appreciate the occasional change in topic.
❀ Even worse, after the two of them exchanged user names, you now have to share your boyfriend with your twin. At this point, Wonwoo is spending more time with your brother duoing on Valorant than taking you on dates.
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❀ All the training Seventeen has given him, preparing him for the day he would get a significant other with siblings, has been for nought. He still acts like he has never seen a child before upon entering your house. He is so worried that he will mess this up that you can see his hands shaking as he stares at your younger siblings.
❀ Fortunately, Woozi has a superpower; he is loaded and doesn't care to spend it on himself. The moment he offers to buy your younger siblings food with his black card is the moment he becomes their all-time favourite person. Armed with this valuable information, he spoils them rotten; your siblings only have to mention something or point at something in a display, and he will almost trip over himself to get it.
❀ You have tried getting him to stop, as you don’t want your siblings to continuously expect expensive gifts, but Woozi refuses to listen. Just as he does with Seventeen, he treats them like his own family, ensuring that they know he treasures them by burying them underneath a pile of gifts.
❀ One of your younger brothers is convinced he is Iron Man or Batman because someone that rich surely must be a superhero. You may have accidentally let it slip and told Woozi. He has never been more determined to empty out his bank account.
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❀ DK is one of those people that is immediately loved by your family. He is such a sweet and happy person; how can anyone not fall in love with him? DK, in addition to that, is one of those types of people who want to be close to their partner's family and dedicate a lot of time to hanging out with them.
❀ He is perfect boyfriend material when it comes to dealing with your younger sibling, spending hours and hours playing hide and seek with them. In all honesty, DK is far more energetic than your younger siblings, and after spending an afternoon running around with him, they always immediately pass out.
❀ DK is so thoughtful when it comes to older siblings. He makes sure to put reminders for their birthdays on his phone, and he always seems to remember whatever they briefly mentioned wanting for a gift during a conversation five years ago. Does your older sister like theatre? Well, guess what. DK somehow managed to get his hands on tickets for that new popular musical. He only spent the past five hours calling every actor in his contact list to ask whether they could get him in. 
❀ DK would absolutely love to have a big in-law family with many older and younger siblings to surround him. The constant chatter and energy remind him of Seventeen, and, in his opinion, nothing beats that. 
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❀ Hear me out. Mingyu is husband material and the dream of every mother-in-law. That being said, your siblings at first couldn't stand him. It wasn't even anything Mingyu did, but from the moment he stepped into your house and met your mother, she completely fell in love with him.
❀ She keeps comparing Mingyu to them. They can't escape her mentioning Mingyu and his amazing qualities in every other conversation, resulting in a bit of resentment. “Mingyu would cook for me.” “I wouldn’t have to ask Mingyu to put his laundry in the basket.” “Mingyu would at least offer to help me clean the house.” 
❀ They would have been able to ignore her if the guy had any flaws, but no, the guy is tall, handsome, rich, talented and intelligent. They begrudgingly admit that maybe they could be more like him, and the world would be better off for it. They also have to begrudgingly admit that they too, are completely charmed by Mingyu.
❀ Poor Mingyu thinks that he has done something wrong and that they absolutely hate his guts. However, when Mingyu reveals he had a rough week due to an insane amount of random hate comments on his Instagram, they surprise him by declaring war. They have been fuming behind their laptops, insulting anyone who dares to hate on Mingyu. It made him tear up.
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❀ He was incredibly anxious when you wanted to introduce your little sister to him; sure, he is good with children, but he never had to deal with younger siblings. Even within Seventeen, he is one of the younger ones, and he already struggles to keep up with the chaos of his twelve members, lovingly (but harshly) scolding them whenever they tired him out. What if he accidentally loses it when your little sister bounces off the walls and insults her, forever damaging her self-esteem???
❀ Well, he had nothing to worry about. Sure, it takes him a second to realize that philosophical discussions with a barely ten-year-old won’t work, but the moment he discovers that your sister likes dressing up and drawing, he knows he will do fine.
❀ He organizes an entire fashion show for her and helps her assemble the most stylish outfits. Every morning, your little sister forces you to send Minghao pictures of her outfits, and he never fails to send a heartfelt compliment back.
❀ Moreover, Minghao spends many afternoons teaching her to throw paint at canvases. One of the paintings hangs proudly in his apartment for everyone to see, and another has replaced you as his phone background. You would be upset if it wasn’t so adorable.
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❀ Seungkwan fits right in with your older sisters. Maybe it is because he has two older sisters himself, but somehow, it's as if he always has been a part of your family. You feel like he broke a record as he got them to love him in less than five minutes.
❀ The three of them have a private group chat where they share the latest tea and gossip. Neither party knows any of the people the other mentions. Still, whenever anything remotely exciting happens, it will be discussed at length in the chat.
❀ Recently, they have upgraded to calling, and Sarah-from-work's not-so-subtle move on their married boss may have interrupted your date. Then again, you were quite invested in what Sarah-from-work did this time as well, making Seungkwan put them on speaker.
❀ He is so comfortable with your sisters that they have no issue roasting each other. The moment they hurl an insult at you, he has got your back, ready with an arsenal of embarrassing moments they entrusted him with. It never fails to make you love him more.
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❀ When you told your older brother that you had a boyfriend, he was ready to give them a good talking to, intimidating them the way an older brother should. However, the moment you introduced Vernon to him, his entire game plan went out of the window. Your brother quite quickly realized that Vernon had drunk enough respect-women-juice that he would never intentionally hurt you.
❀ Moreover, the two of them connected over some obscure film that you had never heard of. They spent most of the evening discussing what they thought of its plot and how the cinematography masterfully added to the atmosphere in the scenes. You could tell that your brother was impressed by how well-articulated and well-thought-out his points were.
❀ At the end of the evening, your brother has completely forgotten about the if-you-hurt-my-sister talk he was supposed to have. The two of them even make plans to go to an indie film that is releasing in art cinemas next week.
❀ That being said, I do not think Vernon would be the type of person who needs to be best friends with your siblings. Sure, he would want to be friendly with them and would not be opposed to the occasional hang-out, but he wouldn’t go out of his way to do stuff with them one-on-one.
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❀ It doesn’t really matter whether you have younger or older siblings. Dino is used to both. He grew up with a younger brother and is fully aware of how annoying they can be and how much responsibility you feel towards them as the older one. Dino also has had to deal with twelve annoying older brothers who don’t let him breathe.
❀ Bro is ready with the quick comebacks. Do your siblings want to tease him about something potentially embarrassing he did? Good luck. His members have completely desensitized him. Do your siblings betray him in a game of Risk? He won’t get upset; his members have tried sacrificing him in games even when it wasn’t needed.
❀ Your siblings can’t help but be impressed by how witty and quick he is. When he mentions it to his members, they have the audacity to tell him that this has been part of their plan all along. He definitely believes them when they argue that all the years of teasing and borderline physical harm were for the day he would meet his partner’s sibling, easily able to remain calm regardless of whatever teasing remark was thrown his way.
❀ “What if my partner would have been an only child?” They suddenly get really quiet. The wall has become interesting.
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Hello all! We forge onto episode 13 for s1. Super solid ep all around really enjoy this one.
1x13 Caught Stealing
I love whenever Chenford get a cold open. This one doesn't disappoint. After the last ep Tim needed a little fun. What’s more fun than messing with his rookie on her first night shift? Ah the night shift I can’t imagine with that job. Poor Lucy I feel tired just watching her in this scene. Girl needs her some caffeine.
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The amount of sass he is throwing her way is hilarious. Being the tough ass T.O. with a little salty sass throw in for his enjoyment. He's definitely have a little fun with how damn tired she is. Poor Lucy is paying for not listening to his nap advice. Lucy see's a random guy in the street. We see them out out of the car because she insists she saw him. Lucy eventually follows this guy Tim doesn't see. Its very evident once she catches up to him this is a dream. She's awoken by laughter and mortified she's fallen asleep on her first midnight shift.
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Tim is so pleased with himself she fell sleep. Not only that but he gets to have others in on it with him. Her ‘No No’ as he's laughing and taking pics too funny. Clearly enjoying his damn self haha Lucy didn’t listen to his advice and paid for it. He's not even mad as he's taking pics. He's bemused with her more than anything else. You can see it in his face. There is no anger there. He is very much enjoying giving her a hard time about this. (Work flirt part 1.)
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Part 2 is the shirts he makes haha Lucy's face/reaction cracks me up. She's not even the least bit shocked he did this. Such a turd haha. Highly doubt Tim has ever messed with a rookie the way he does with Lucy. Just another work flirt between them. Whether he realizes he's doing it or not. She brings out a side of him rarely seen. His playful side it’s fun to see. Tim knows it’s going to bother her so naturally he does it haha
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I'll say it again the absolute sass Tim has with her in this episode is unreal haha He's getting so comfortable with her its just pouring out. They report to a burglary at a fertility clinic. Lucy being Lucy has to question if its an abduction or burglary haha She has a fair point in what she’s asking LOL I do love her little notebook trying to take down everything she can. Absorb whatever knowledge Tim is gonna throw her way. Even when he's being surly with her she's always ready to learn regardless. They end up going to the apt of the woman who stole the eggs. The ex- wives are in the midst of a massive fight about them when they arrive.
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Tim steps in immediately as their mediator. This scenario hits a little differently for Tim now. Also for the viewer as well. The way he handles this entire situation is masterful. If this isn’t his entire situation with Isabel in a moment idk what is. Just with the way he responds and de-escalates the whole situation. Using his past pain to do so. Now that he’s removed from it you can see the perspective he's gained since. How he uses it to relate to this woman's distress.
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The way he’s talking this lady through her emotional crisis. My goodness. Gets me right in the feels. The reason she ends up listening is because she can hear in his voice he can relate. The tone he is taking with her is so sincere. I couldn't be prouder of him. The Tim that Lucy started with would be floored by the words coming out of his mouth right now. They hit so much differently as he calms the ex-wife down. You can hear the painful experience in his voice.
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You can’t tell me Lucy’s words from 1x07 didn’t stick with him. The way she stopped him from this fate, from hating himself. Tim knew deep down he would've had he gone through with his plans. Lucy was there to stop him from doing that to himself. Tim is doing the same for this woman now. This is what growth looks like. Most people might think his growth is more apparent and doesn’t truly start till s2. Where we see Tim start to visibly soften for her, but it started the day he met Lucy Chen.
You can see the impact she’s had on his life. These are the moments that reflect that. How he's changed due to her presence in his life. That small crack in his rigid wall she started on day 1. How it continues to grow. S1 Tim is rough at the start but he is for a reason. It seems like this is a small scene in the ep as a whole if you’re not paying attention. But this scene is absolute growth for Tim. His character arc is primo and Lucy's role in it even more so.
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It makes me smile how Tim impresses her with this line of thought. Lucy is genuinely impressed with his attitude about the domestic violence rule. He’s almost offended she seemed surprised haha I think he truly does want her to think highly of him. Tim might actually be slightly offended when she is 'surprised' by him with stuff like this. Where he finds her 'surprised' Lucy is actually expressing 'awe' for him.
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We all know underneath that gruff exterior beats a soft puppy of a man. (Especially for her) I dare say Lucy’s attraction to him grows due to this comment he makes about the rule. She tries to rebound by saying he surprises her everyday hehe I know he does. His reply is so cute. They're so married and have no idea.
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Tim’s gut reaction is to immediately defend Lucy. *heart clutch* Not only that but compliments her while doing so. Talia calls him out on his compliment. They both know he doesn’t hand those out ever. You can tell he's a little irked Talia has done so. He back tracks a little cause of it but not much. He doubles down on it still and says she’s smarter than this.
He knows her just as well she knows him at this point. Tim is very aware how sharp Lucy is. So if it was even slightly possible she did this would've it would've been executed better. He's almost offended they would attach her to such a poorly thought out plan. Ah if only Lucy could hear him singing her praises Her head would explode. Oh the growth in this ep for him is glorious.
That wraps it up for the Chenford portion of this ep.
Side Notes. Non Chenford
I LOVE how Angela brings Jackson down a peg in this ep. He was insufferable about the rules. Well until he ran into a fiery buzz saw that was Angela and never recovered haha I do appreciate him coming to her at the end and apologizing. Thanking her for never giving up on him. He wouldn’t be here without her and wouldn't let himself forget that again.
Also the beginning of BAMF Lucy where she holds her own against a slew of baddies solo. Then out smarts them by revealing what the guy did and how he stole the money. Love our girl. Like Tim said she’s smart. Too smart for his own good most days haha doesn’t need Nolan by time he gets there. Saves her own damn self.
As always I thank you all for you likes/comments/reblogs. Truly love the comments. Replying to them is one of my fav things. See you all in 1x14 :)
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next-autopsy · 10 months
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A/N: Well, hi there! Bit of romance for ya! Let me know what you think cause this is all new to me...
Based on the actors portrayal/hbo show and written with no disrespect to the real life veterans. Also all images found on Pinterest.
TW: uhh... smoking? nothing much really ....
Tags: @malarkgirlypop, @panzershrike-pretz
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Made of Glass
Chapter twenty two: Just Maybe
Fresh air was definitely what she needed. Once she stepped foot outside of the testosterone filled cabin, Birdie immediately felt better. It was much cooler outside, the sweat stopped forming on Bernadette’s forehead and she could finally think clearly. 
Had she been too brash and rough with her friends? Probably. Was she going to do anything about it? No. 
The Mississippi lady was as stubborn as they come. She didn’t really do or say anything too crazy. No, she shouldn’t have yelled or called her friends names but to be fair, they were acting like idiots and someone had to deal with them before they tore a hole in the side of the ship. 
Birdie was all wound up, her temper uncontrollable. She needed off this ship but unfortunately there were still four days of travel left, at the very least. 
After cooling down significantly, running her fingers through her hair and smoking three cigarettes; Birdie was ready to head back in. Only four more days. They were over halfway.
Those four days were uncomfortable for everyone. The heat seemed to increase, emotions were up and down leaving everyone on edge. Every conversation turned into an argument of some kind. Birdie found herself taking breaks from the men more and more often. She spent most of her time in the fresh air of the deck, leaning over the same rail she and George had days prior when they were still in the Brooklyn bay.
Sometimes she would bring a friend with her, to share a smoke and exchange idle chit-chat. But mostly, she just liked to go alone and escape. 
It was the last night Bernadette would spend on the blasted ship, some officers came through that day, telling everyone to pack their things and prepare to disembark. Birdie didn’t have much to put away so she opted to spend her time smoking and watching the ripples in the water below her.
The ocean was hypnotising and calming, she could spend hours just staring at the salty water. But as it got darker, she could no longer make out the waves and curves, instead she only heard the water lapping up the side of the SS Samaria. 
As if apologising for the lack of daylight, nature began to show her the twinkling lights above, one by one they shone brighter until the night sky was filled with them. Birdie knew that meant she should head back inside, but her love of the glittering stars took over and she stayed just a little longer.
“Find anything up there?” She knew that voice. She knew those words. Birdie didn’t have to turn to know who had snuck up on her. Liebgott joined her, leaning against the metal railing. He rested his elbows on the highest rung and propped a foot up on one of the lower ones. 
“Joe.” She acknowledged his presence, keeping her attention skywards. 
“You ever wonder what’s out there?” The southern woman’s voice was distant and dreamy, it showed in her philosophical query. Joe kept silent, mulling over her question in hopes she would continue talking to him. 
“My Pa used to tell me; every time you make a choice, a new star appears. And on that star, exists a version of you who made the other choice. Living out a different rendition of your life, all the ‘what ifs’ and ‘if onlys’ taking place… somewhere out there.” It was just the two of them, outside in the quiet so Bernadette used a gentle tone, keeping her voice low and steady. 
If Joe could, he’d record her talking to him like this and listen to it any moment he could, use it to lull him to sleep, to wake him up, calm him down. Her voice was more melodic than any music he had ever listened to, more soothing than bedtime stories read to him as a child. 
“Maybe there’s a world that isn’t wrapped up in this war. One where we didn’t enlist...” Birdie hypothesised, she still hadn’t looked at the man next to her. If she had she would’ve seen melancholy take over his features.
“One where we haven’t met…” The timbre in his words conveyed misery, only slightly, but Birdie recognised it anyway. His comment gained her attention. 
Looking at him she noticed he was yet to gaze up at the subject of their theoretical discussion, his eyes locked onto her rather than the imaginary other worlds above them. 
“Do you think we’d be friends if we met before Toccoa?” Bernadette mused, smirking as she waited for a reply.
“Maybe? If you came to San Francisco… cause there’s no way I’d be caught dead in Mississippi.” Liebgott grinned at her. He didn’t mean it, not really. If she asked him, he would spend the rest of his days in the southern state, even though he’d never set foot there before.
“Hey! Mississippi is great, don’t diss my home state Joseph.” She swatted at his chest with a smile on her face, which pulled a chuckle from him. 
“Ooo ‘Joseph’... I am in trouble.” He connected their shoulders, playfully pushing into her. Birdie couldn’t hold back her giggle, Joe wanted to add that sound to his list of desired recordings.
“You bet.” Spoken cheekily. Their laughter faded into silence. Birdie had a thousand questions swirling in her head, she wanted to know so much about him. Where should she even start? 
“What’s California like?” Is what she settled for. 
“You gonna come visit me when all this is done, huh?” He was getting too cocky, eyebrow raised, smirk on his face. Bernadette didn’t want him knowing she would’ve, if he only asked. 
“No siree.” She paused to see the look on his face, if he believed her. It didn’t seem like she'd convinced him, so she carried on, “Harriet lives there… In San Diego, she invited me to come visit.”
“You still kept in touch with her?” His smug look was gone, replaced with a somewhat stunned gape. 
“Of course, I get a letter from her once or twice a month, at least.” Birdie was back to gazing at the stars, trying to find the world in which Harriet was here on the ship. 
“How is she?” Joe also turned to the night sky, though his interest was genuine. He didn't know the woman, he hadn't even met her. But he remembered how upset Birdie was after finding out her friend had been sent to the nearest hospital. 
“Well, she’s finally healed. Physically.” Any elation from their previous conversation dwindled. 
“Right.” He paused, he probably shouldn’t have brought up the sensitive topic. “What about your brother? You talk to him lately?” He internally winced; Joe’s intention was to lighten up their late night talk, maybe her brother wasn’t the best subject.
“Not since that day…” Her tone grew bitter. Bernadette rested her head on her arms which were propped up on the railing. 
“Is he aboard?” His curiosity about her was insatiable. 
“No, the 82nd are still in Georgia.” The woman sighed, staring out into the dark nothingness that surrounded the lone ship.
“You should write to him.” 
“And say what? ‘Thanks for not believing in me. Up yours, I made it to Europe first?’ Somehow I don't see that going down very well.” Bernadette laughed but there was no joy in it, she was trying not to be such a downer although the topic of the brother who spurned her, wasn’t her favourite.
“I just think you might regret being on less than pleasant terms with him if anything happens to either of you.” Joe liked to think he knew this woman well enough to know she had a very close knit family. It was a trait they shared, so he understood how heartbreaking the tiff had been for her. Lieb didn’t want her regretting anything that could be fixed with a simple letter. 
“I hate that you’re right.” Birdie raised her head up and studied him. His care about her seemed authentic, the idea that her recently perceived school girl crush was requited popped into her head. ‘Maybe.’ She thought.
“I’m always right.” His cocky grin was back.
“Sure.” Bernadette rolled her eyes, scoffing at him, trying to sound indifferent but Birdie couldn't stop the smile forming on her face and the warmth crawling up her chest. “Do you have siblings?”
“Yeah, five.” He answered instantly, Joe loved his family with everything he had. He grew up protecting them from bullies at school and teaching them useful tips to make life a little easier. 
“Let me guess… you’re the oldest?”
Joe nodded, confirming her suspicions, “How many do you have?”
“All together? Eight. But one was stillborn and Junior…” She trailed off, Birdie had only told Francesca about the fate of her eldest sibling, none of the guys knew and she wasn’t really sure how to begin explaining. 
“He’s your other older brother, right?” Liebgott had overheard her sharing that information with Johnny and it stuck in his head ever since. He knew she had three brothers, two older, one younger. Any information about the country girl had been kept in a special place of his brain, stored away for future reference. 
“Yeah…” Her response was dispirited. 
“What happened to him?” Joe was curious, though he thought he already knew the answer, so he added, “You don't have to tell me.”
“He joined the navy… followed some guy he went to school with.” She had a hard time finding her next words, so when Joe continued for her, Birdie was relieved. 
“He was there… wasn’t he? Pearl Harbour.” Liebgott had put the pieces together, “Is he why you enlisted?” Birdie nodded, eyes downward. As her head shifted, a lock of hair uncurled from behind her ear and hung down, swinging in front of her face. 
The idea of tucking it back where it came from appeared in Joe’s mind and before he could stop himself he had reached out his hand to do so. He hesitated, causing Bernadette to look up at him. She noticed his halted action and the corner of her lips twitched ever so slightly, silently letting him know he was allowed to proceed. 
Her hair was softer than he imagined. Not that he ever imagined touching her hair…. Who was he kidding? Of course he had. He often watched the woman standing in front of him and wondered what it would be like to touch her. Whether it was a hug, a gentle stroke of her exposed skin, a kiss on those impossibly delicate lips… he was constantly thinking about her. 
And now, with his hand already in her personal space, he took the chance to drag his knuckles across her cheek. She didn’t seem to mind, enabling him to indulge in his hidden inner desires for a moment. She just looked up at him through her dark lashes, Joe would've done anything she asked in that moment, and that’s when it clicked for him. 
That’s when Joseph Liebgott realised he liked her. More than platonically. More than he wanted to. And now all he could do was speculate and hope that she harboured similar feelings for him, though his doubts were high. 
“We should head back.” Birdie’s voice was whispered and Joe still hadn’t taken his hand away. The words broke him from his trance and he let his hand drop, nodded to agree with her. It was well after lights out, he had originally come to find her and tell her that, but she had distracted him with her tranquility. 
Their walk back was quiet but not awkward, and when they reached the door that would lead them to the hundreds of other men, both found themselves wishing they had more time together. Alone, so they could speak freely and without worrying about being overheard. But they had to enter, they had no choice. Their time in that private bubble of theirs was over. 
Luckily, Bill had moved over into Birdie's cot, leaving his empty for her, so she didn't have to climb over his sleeping figure and risk waking him. As she lay in the hammock, she glanced over to where she knew Joe would be. He was already peering at her, when their eyes connected, he smiled. 
Birdie rolled over, cheeks pink and a loopy grin on her face. She had it bad.
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A/N: I can't tell who is falling harder and faster, Joe or Birdie?
~ Nex~
Chapter twenty three
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not-krys · 5 months
I remember your details for things I've never considered, in your fanfics! Oddly its mostly the pregnancy fanfics that stick out to me the most, how Arthur warms up the stethoscope before using it on her, or the one about Abby waiting for vincent to come home. They've always stuck in my mind due to some of the details and how easy it was to visualize them super well, so thats what I remember the most! Good details and great at putting together scenes.
I also remember the zoned out mitsunari fanfic hehehe
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Anon or not, tell me what passage, fic, line of narration, or anything you remember about me as a writer (ask was sent to the wrong blog, but I'll answer it here anyway since it is a writing related question!)
About details! I usually try to keep two main things in mind when I come up with them. First one is to keep who I'm describing in mind. With the Arthur x Reader pregnancy fic in particular, I remembered that he was a former doctor and that he has an knack for noticing and remembering small details. In the fic, he says that his partner complained last time he had checked in that the bell was cold, so for this checkup, he warmed it for his partner's sake.
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Funnily enough, the stethoscope moment almost didn't happen as when I looking through my original notes, it was up for debate. Screenie below to show how the thought process sort of went (and with the timestamp pictured because I wasn't kidding when I said this fic came to me in the middle of the night, not even fully convinced I was gonna participate in Arthur Week then)
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Same can be shown with the Abby waiting for Vincent fic. I'm assuming you're talking about the 'First Kicks' fic where Abby is waiting for Vincent as a storm brews outside as I also a WIP Wednesday where Vincent comes home to find her sleeping, but I'll go with First Kicks for example's sake.
Abby's a nervous person, especially worried when Vincent was caught in the storm. She calms herself when she looks at her reflection and sees her anxious self, realizing that's she's making a mountain out of a mole hill, and talks to her son to settle her nerves.
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The other thing I keep in mind is an offshoot of 'show don't tell' in that, to help enrich a scene, evoke the five major senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste).  The quiet of the room while Arthur's listens to the baby's heartbeat (so quiet, a pin dropping would sound like a gun going off), the blue satin ribbons on the reader's clothes, how the stethoscope tickles when it makes contact, etc.
Same thing with Abby's story: Abby looks at herself in the window with the rain pouring down, which breaks up her reflection as rain does on windows; hearing the door open and some muttered Dutch lets Abby know that Vincent's back; smelling the rain on him because he was just outside and got soaked in it; feeling those cold hands on her belly and her jumping back because cold (previously wet) hands touching your belly? It'd be a surprise at the very least!
And because I'm feeling cheeky, all the things can also be applied to the zoned-out Mitsunari fic (mind the summary and the tags, this is a smoot fic). Keeping both characters in mind (Houki is a proper lady that wants to try something but is a little embarrassed about it so she sneaks around to get what she wants, while Mitsunari is also a curious critter and wanted to see what Houki was trying to do and isn't judging her for tricking him) and scene-chewing in describing things with the five major senses (salty taste of Mitsunari's finger, feeling the cool air on her [redacted], hearing his whispers against her ear, seeing that Mitsun has two hands (two hands!) and where they decide to travel), things like that.
(No, I'm not screenshotting an example from that fic for propriety's sake, ya filthy animals.)
So, yeah, that's a little bit about me explaining how I do some details and how it all can come together to make a scene in a story. Kinda sorry for the rambling if this was something you knew about already, but I had fun discussing details either way.
Thanks for the ask, Scummy!
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aimeeee · 2 years
Ashoka Tano's headcanons
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Ashoka x F!reader dating headcanons
-Both of you were very conflicted about your feelings towards eachother. Being best friends, none of you wanted to ruin this friendship.
-Feelings like this were wrong in the eyes of the Jedi Order. If the Council knew they might have sent you on missions at the opposite sides of the galaxy.
-So neither of you said anything. Till this special night when she went to lay down on the roof of the temple. It was like a routine when she couldn't sleep, and you had the same one. You didn't know the other was doing it so she was surprised to see you here. As she got closer to you she saw your tears shine under the moonlight. You felt like you didn't had time to rest. Missions after missions, sleepingless nights, your feelings towards her, it was too much.
-She took you in her arms, calming you down as you were explaining you simply couldn't sleep more than 2 hours by night. After wiping your tears away and your breath was steady, she kept her hands on the sides of your face, watching you. Your hands on her waist, you were the one to kiss her first. It wasn't a kiss as you simply brushed your lips upon hers but as she didn't shove you away, you decided to deepen it. Her hands left your face and found you waist to hold you closer instead. The kiss wass salty because of your tears but she didn't mind, she was so happy.
-After that night, things were a bit different. People were used to see you physicaly close but you were still very reluctant about PDA, brushing your fingers with her as you walked together. Always having eachothers backs on missions, more than usual, dates under the moonlight. It was perfect.
-When you would wake up from a nightmare or anything, she would sense it and come into your room to help you fall back asleep. Your rooms not being far from eachother, it wasn't difficult. Obviously she would fall back asleep in your bed, holding you close.
-The first time she did this, you got to meet a totally different Ashoka. She definetly wasn't a morning person. She'll need at least an hour to be fully awake. While on the other hand, you were a morning person. So when she would wake up in your room, you would go to the cafeteria to bring her some coffee that would drink sitting in bed with your head on her lap, silently enjoying eachother presence.
-If you were like her, not a morning person, you guys would simply lay awake in bed for an hour before going to the cafeteria eat breakfast and drink at least two cups of coffee each.
-As both of you were Jedi, you would train together oftenly, give eachother advices.
-Seing you two could work so well together, you were sent on missions, just the tow of you. Quickly finishing the mission, you would stay on whatever planet you were for a day or two. To make sure the Council would leave you alone you would simply say that you were going to assure if everything got back to normal or if anyone needed help. And it worked, everytime.
-One day, as Ashoka missed her training with Anakin, he came looking for her in her room only to find it empty. So he went to yours. And of course, you forgot to lock your door so he eventually found Ashoka, peacefully sleeping in your arms. You guys woke up feeling something was wrong. Only to find Anakin sitting at the table, drinking his coffee, watching you. He had a good laugh that day.
-As you were Obi-Wan's padawan, he eventually found out too. So did Rex. Your secret relationship didn't lasted very long but nothing really changed. Your masters simply wanted you to be on time for trainings. Something that you still needed to work on.
-She would take you on simple dates like, watching the sunrise or going out for a drink. But she would also take you to see races, rockclimbing and more. Having the same reckless temperament that her master, you guys were never bored.
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mirror-to-the-past · 1 year
Hi. Boom. Here's long assorted sleep deprived thoughts I'm gonna be face palming at later about my current KH3 impressions.
Finished Olympus, Corona, now I'm on Toy Box.
PUNTING DONALD INTO ORBIT. And low key, Goofy, too. Like, on one hand, they're just Some Guys and also cartoon characters that make me giggle every cutscene they're in and they just try to lighten the mood or whatever. On the other hand, narratively, NOBODY is getting off Sora's case oh my god. Like, they've teased him before but it feels much more frequent and pointed this game towards the things Sora is insecure about. "Haha, you know Sora, our forgetful, stupid, careless, rash, powerless, weak, codependent idiot! We love him. <3" (exaggerated for comedy but they really don't stop with the punches and it's so uncalled for lol) And he either takes it or lightly goes "hey..." half the time. Donald keeps talking shit, Goofy just lets it happen and whenever there's actually disputes where Sora sasses back a 'lil then he steps in and it gives off vibes of "now don't make your mother angry." They're questionable guardian figures. Rehoming Sora to Supportive Dad Mickey Mouse real quick out of saltiness. That said, Goofy kind of laying a steadying hand on Sora on the Trinity Sled and when he was upset about Eugene's "death" in Corona is sweet.
The face of someone doing completely well who says "I can take it" twice in a row just to prove how well he's doing:
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Bestie. You're fifteen years old and running around in a world where tripping acid on identity issues, amnesia, and listening to vague monologues from strange predatory darkness men is another Tuesday.
Sora keeps spacing out and giving thousand yard stares especially throughout this game, and when Ienzo told him "yeah, your heart's not entirely yours!" And Sora just stared blankly at the phone like "figures." I just laughed, lol. He's just constantly pivoting between being occupied by and amazed by the Wonder™ of the world/absorbed by the hype of meeting new people and the Horrors™ presented by the constant tumult of foreign emotions and memories running through his little head, clearly to such a degree that it's no surprise to be told that there's whole fuckin people within him. Teenage experience, honestly. Love coming of age narratives that are just crazy fucking magic bs manifesting in dissociation central. What a guy.
I was in tears laughing when Sora was hearing voices in Twilight Town and thought Hayner and co. were those same voices for a sec and very enthusiastically, as though to prove himself went: "See?? :DDD Voices!" SORA, HONEY.
In other news of AAA-
Way to the Dawn just fucking broke? Why was everyone so calm? Am I missing something? Riku's like "aha gives me an excuse to skill up and get a better one-" child, I am gripping you by the shoulders. This blade is manifested as an extension of your heart, they don't just BREAK. Should I be concerned about the integrity of your soul, brother?
THE SCENE WITH KAIRI AND LEA/AXEL WAS SO SWEET, I WANT MORE OF THEM. NEED MORE OF THEM, ACTUALLY. When Kairi was like ":3 hehe I'm gonna beat your ass in the ring," and when he started CRYING because he caught a glimpse of Xion in her. 😭 Her letter to Sora was so fucking sad I am heartbroken how she becomes more alienated from her friends as time goes on. She went from sending the letter as a waypoint in KH2, like "please come back, here I am" to "you know where I am, but I'm still here talking to myself anyway." I. 👏 NEED. 👏 CLOSURE. 👏 Preferably for Kairi with both Sora and Riku, but they'll probably do just Sora but I dunno I don't want to get my hopes up or down. I just... I dunno, even if things aren't necessarily the same with all of them, I'd just like there to be something affirming where they stand because like even though the care they have for each other is obviously there, you can see it with all three of them in KH1 and KH2 (drives me up the walls bonkers when Riku shielded her with his body and Sora caught her when they were flashbanged), it's also like that feeling of a dwindling group chat kind of scenario. "That's right, no more waiting for you to come back from your adventures..." Props to VA that line was delivered so laden with hollowness. I hold Kairi in hands. Devastated.
THE FOCUS ON SAVING ROXAS HAS ME EXCITED. THAT IS ALL. I WAS YELLING AT SCREEN FOR FOREVER LIKE "USE A REPLICA" and then Riku finally was like "🤔✨...Replica?" And I went and mentally hoisted him onto my shoulders for a little "hip hip hooray" because the dots are connecting with the characters, fellas. I might see at least one of my peoples, soon.
Riku's VA just sounds like he's given up for this game and it's killing me, lol. Voice direction just hasn't been in his favor so far.
Mickey Mouse and Riku bonding time in hell. Riku's like "wow, mouse dad, I feel less riddled with self doubt these days. It's pretty nice to feel like a go-getter, haha, wonder why tho?" And Mickey Mouse is like... "Well... 🏳️‍🌈...! :D" Riku goes: "🤔... 🏳️‍🌈👍." strength to protect what matters And then that's that. Back to reconnaissance mission for lost veteran. Cinematic perfection.
Sora is still a certified Disney princess, if anyone's curious. He got his dance number in for this game, and he had birds gently circle around him and land on his finger.
Marluxia: "Ah yes, we finally reunite." Sora: "who"
I still can't tell if anyone has debriefed Sora, Donald, and Goofy about what happened in Castle Oblivion yet in any way. I'm wondering why they're (writers) playing that particular plot line so close to their chest.
Adorable how well Sora and Rapunzel got along. While Sora is a friend to all and shit it's really sweet seeing how he still seems to have bonds where he personally clicks with some characters more than others. And all for good reasons- like matching with his traits. I imagine him, Rapunzel, Ariel, and Hercules get brunch at the Bistro now, and no one can take this from me. Also Hercules is such a Sora hypeman, cheering him on even when he's getting crushed by a building. He passes the vibe check 100%.
I manifested my gag attack concept from my BBS post halfway into being and I'm so happy about it, lol. Thank you Hercules from hit movie Hercules for swinging Sora around in a circle like a broadsword in your special attack. I think more people should use him as a broadsword for enrichment reasons.
"how do I get power of waking when it didn't work the normal way Hercules," "idk Sora maybe you've got to be in love like I am," "well shit. guess I should get me some of that love superpower. Oh btw how come happily married Mickey Mouse and my best friend Riku are the only dudes that have the power of waking I'm confused," "...idk Sora" "okay, bye herc" (can you see my sleep deprivation leaking yet, I'm connecting the dots though, I promise, trust my methods 🤣)
IT TOOK ME 7 TRIES TO CRACK A FUCKING EGG. Remy Ratatouille looks at me like a disappointed father
Weaponized amusement park ride powers are so badass actually. I love the teacups and wish I could inflict them on my enemies, too.
Sora now has GUN. "Shooting" Star, indeed.
Sora and Rapunzel splashing in da water. 💦🥰 So cute.
WHY DID THEY PUT THEIR WHOLE ASS INTO THE FAKE VIDEO GAME TRAILER IT LOOKED SO SICK. I was so confused though I saw the dude and was like... Riku?? Wtf you're HD, my guy! Wait, you've got heterochromia and are chasing after a girl, mistook you for someone else, my bad.
There is a dog on my gummi ship roof and he will stay there until I finish the game.
Twilight Town is gorgeous and I now know the answer for "if I could pick a video game place to live" that's not just Stardew or Pokemon or something.
"I can't computer so... do that." Me too, Sora. Helping him learn his phone by having him take a ton of pictures, though. I'd like to imagine he sends them to his buddies or is excited to show them later or something. That would be so <3
The Kingdom Hearts social media posts are so funny to me for some reason btw. You get surreal shit like Riku pain-posting "I wonder if I'm the reason Ansem looks the way he does :/" and. The sideway frown just sent me. No, I can't explain why. Just comedy gold. "Mfw when possession :/" "sometimes I think about when my friend was in a coma for a year :/" "y'know I wonder what my family felt when my home was overcome with darkness because of me. Did it hurt? Were they afraid? Well they're back now but I wonder that sometimes. :/"
Maleficent is me trying to track down Luxu and shake him for answers. I don't even care if it's bad she finds it, I need to know what's in the damn box.
Buzz Lightyear going "this plot sounds ridiculous and absurd. Of course you're acting like this is normal, pitiful JRPG character." Sora: ":'D"
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ROs reactions to a MC who is a gentle giant? MC is pretty big in stature and is buff as well but they're the most gentle soul! Think of them as a hugger, cuddler and very emotionally dependable!
Cassandra: She would love it, she is super attracted to masculine traits (even if your a woman) such as being big and strong; even if MC is big but gentle she would love them even more. Being an emotional support for her would also be appreciated if they can calm her down when she gets angry or rash then she will be annoyed in the moment but be super grateful beyond words when she calms down, loving you being so dependable.
Valeria: Your her big teddy bear. She will be smitten you and find your gentle nature despite being huge utterly adorable. She will like to watch how carefully you hold fragile things and/or how your muscles move to pick up heavy ones. I will probably want piggyback rides or for you to carry her every now and then because she loves the feeling. Would love above all else love to cuddle and feel small in your arms.
Tomas: This depends if your a man or a woman.
If your a man: He is soooo jealous of your physique. He would probably work out more to try and buff up a bit as to not look as weak when standing next to you (and fails). He struggles in a same sex relationship a bit more than the others as he has grown up with a very strict worldview that a male MC can shatter by loving him lol. He still will catch himself thinking who is "the woman in the relationship" and try his hardest to not be that. Still, he gets a little butt hurt when MC is stronger or bigger than him; but he loves it when your gentle despite being huge. Makes him feel fuzzy inside.
If your a woman: The same still applies as if you were a man but with the caveat that he sounds less salty when he complains about how unfair it is that your bigger than he is. The way he sees it, it's not his fault God gave him a super cute Amazonian woman (or whatever the equivalent to that in omwat is), that's just what his plan for him is. Who is he to complain? And besides, (and this is 100% him coping) there is nothing wrong with having a big woman, on the contrary! It makes him a big man for falling in love with a big woman.
Pick him up and he will be salty but oddly into it.
Ludovica: You are perfect. She will love every inch of you with every fibre of her being. Your strength makes her feel safe but it's your gentleness steals her heart everytime she sees it. If your MC ever expresses insecurity or a dislike in their big stature she will shush them instantly. "You are perfect, my love. Every inch of you, your strength, your stature; it's perfect and those attributes make you, you. And it is your gentle nature despite it all, that makes me fall in love you again and again. Every day."
If your a man: He will find it amusing that most people think your his bodyguard, and he entertains the idea. "Oh yes, my ruthless and hulking defender. Couldn't even smack a butterfly, if he wanted too." He loves you still for it, does get annoyed that he needs to look up to you all the time and WILL stand on a chair or box to at least get to eye level with you when you guys are in disagreement on something.
If your a woman: This man is down soo bad. Stares at you in astonishment every day, probably drools a bit every now and then when you guys are at home. Needs to go straight to horny jail, do not collect 100 passing go (random thought, but he would 1000% decimate hoes (hoes being MC and maybe Elio, since they are like his only actual friends lol) in monopoly).
Elio: Loves it because it's super convenient to him.
"Your strength is a convenience to me when I need to open jars and your height serves as a nice shade when it's hot."
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unite-battle-network · 10 months
Ready up, battle fans: Interview with social media celebrity Nina Vievin
From Mewtube and Tinkatok to our very own Mewnite Battle Network (eh?), the Chucklefvcks found the time in their busy days to come for a chat! Watch the full video h̲e̲r̲e̲ in all its glory.
\\guest writer @poke-muns / @ferrunough. Nina is their character, once they post nina's info i'll link it. this also counts as credit for stealing their ooc barriers because oo trophee looking//
( Lawrence is sat in the usual right-side chair. He is as professional as ever, paying no notice to his interviewee being a Greedent. In all fairness, the Greedent is sat very politely. )
Lawrence: Battle fans, hello, hello! I am Lawrence Renfield, the Unite Battle Network’s go-to guy for making special content just for you and today I have managed to snag a treat of an interview–
( The Greedent waves at the camera and squeaks. In the blink of an eye a redhead leaps up from behind it's chair and swings her arms around the back. The pokémon is unfazed. Lawrence is certainly fazed. )
Nina: HIIIYA!!
( She cackles and scratches the Greedent's head. Lawrence, meanwhile, recovers. )
Lawrence: –the Chucklefvcks themselves, Nina Vievin and Chuckles! Are you going to stay standing?
Nina: Nahhh, I'll come down. If he'll let me.
( Chuckles, on cue, looks directly up to Nina. He reaches into his neck fur, retrieves a berry, and offers it to her. She shakes her head. Chuckles hops off the chair and sits between the two chairs to munch on the oran himself as Nina swiftly takes his seat. )
Lawrence: Please don't stain the carpet... So, Nina! This is 3 years in the making?
Nina: ... Oh fuck I guess– wait can I swear on here?!
( Lawrence looks to the cameraman. )
Cody: I mean, they are called "the chucklefucks".
Lawrence: ...we will see in editing.
Nina: I'll try be clean. But, uhhhh, OH YEAH. 6 if you count B.C.
Lawrence: B..?
Lawrence & Nina: Before Chuckles.
( Nina nods as the Greedent looks to both of them. He resumes eating quickly. )
Lawrence: What was life like B.C.?
( Nina and Lawrence laugh. )
Nina: It was fine I guess? Like I battled but only really as something to do. Got bored of it for a while. Stopped and then I got Chuckles.
Lawrence: What got you back into battling then?
Nina: CHUCKLES! Someone let slip Skwovet are legal and he would not let me anywhere near the place without going for a battle. I started enjoying it once we changed his build to be very tanky–
Lawrence: Once you discovered you could troll people?
Nina: Pretty much, yeah. Once I discovered I could really piss people off– SORRY.
( Lawrence shakes his head with a strained smile. Nina awkwardly laughs while covering her face, sliding down in her chair. Lawrence takes a breath to regain his composure. )
Lawrence: Was your immediate thought "I can make content from this" or did the online stuff come after?
( Nina pushes herself back up enthusiastically. )
Nina: Nah, the vids came after a Tinkatok of Chuckles wiping the same Wigglytuff twice went viral. The maker was a teammates girlfriend who was up with us in the-the-the... bits where we watch and talk from!
Lawrence: Stands?
Nina: No clue. Probably. The end of it caught the WIgglytuff trainer's reaction and the joy that it brought me, I had to keep going!!
( Lawrence chuckles and flips through his notes cards. )
Lawrence: I cut you off earlier, by tanky you mean?
Nina: Loads of bulk, high HP, high attack, decent speed for a Greedent. People did not like it when, like, a turret just follows them as they try retreat. It's very fun!!
Lawrence: Did not and do not based on your last match.
( Nina begins cackling and kicking her feet. Her laugh devolves into crazed wheezing; Chuckles waddles over to the edge of her chair. With tears in her eyes, she strokes his head to calm herself. Lawrence has stopped laughing by this point and seems greatly concerned. Nina's voice is still croaky when she speaks. )
Nina: I'm good, I'm good. Heeeh... The Decidueye guy was soo p– malding.
Lawrence: I take it you're enjoying your time in the professional world?
Nina: I'm acclimating. I get to still screw with people. While I'm still quite low tier at least. As long as it doesn’t hinder teammates. I think we're getting better at actually playing. Chuckles' got mvp a few times, scored like 200 at some point.
Lawrence: Impressive!
( To show his enthusiasm he looks to Chuckles, who completely ignores him. )
Lawrence: Right... Uh, how much time..? One last question alright with you?
Nina: Yep, go head!!
Lawrence: How are you going to deal with the fans outside who know you’re here?
Nina: A good Bullet Seed spray should help!
( Nina giggles and Chuckles finally takes his attention off of food long enough to join in. )
Lawrence: Haha, that’s legally a joke, right?
Nina: Yes, yeah, obvi. I can spend a bit of time outside the place signing stuff. Don’t wanna clog your hallways. Chuckles’ll give berries to everyone he can.
Lawrence: I’ll be sure to watch from the windows. Thanks for joining us today, Nina. And you, Chuckles.
Nina: Anytime, it’s been a blast!
( Chuckles squeaks in agreement. He looks at Nina with his paws close to his tail fur. )
Nina: OHOH!!! What kind of berries do you like?
Lawrence: Uh… Wepear.
Cody: Do you happen to have any topo?
( Chuckles roots around in his tail until he finds a pale berry with a dark centre. As he throws it behind the camera, he take a wepear out and places it on the interviewer’s lap. Lawrence tentatively moves it onto the table beside him. )
Cody: Thank you!
Lawrence: Yes, thank you. And thank you, battle fans for watching this interview! Links to the Chucklefvcks’ socials will be below. If you want more behind-the-scenes content or battle clips, check them out here on our website or find them on our rotomblr blog! I’m Lawrence from the UBN, we’ll talk later!
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jinkicake · 1 year
Sigh, I’ve been trying so hard to find this abyss aether fic about how you’re besties w lumine while her evil brother seduces you and you gotta wobble back to the teapot after dark and pretend you’re not walking funny😭 but all I’m finding are people who don’t understand aether AT ALL or kids who have no actual social experience NEVER MIND SEXUAL trying to make a wattpad wanna be fic and that sounds mean! But like if you see the fic that were on top of the abyss aether tag a few days ago😬 like from crazy dialogue that would make even toddlers cringe to aether being an OC. Like it pains me to say it but the twins are literally the same hoyoverse has no writing talent so people being like “xiaolumi is better than xiaother” my brother in CHRIST they are lit the same ship!! Y’all draw aether like he’s low budget lumine anyway🙄😒 like dotn get me wrong aether in a maid outfit is 🥴 but not all of us can be tops some of y’all lying trying to make aether an uwu baby bottom when y’all have never held hands w the opposite sex. Like I’m salty I keep accidentally reading garbage!! Y’all don’t know him like I do!! Abyss aether is very calm and mean! While lumine is more fucked up mean and cruel, I think abyss aether is more resigned and apathetic like “I have to do what needs to be done, how I feel on the matter doesn’t matter” and he has a soft spot underneath all that. Abyss lumine is the type to read by nightlight while she has you tied up screaming your lungs out as she’s been edging you for like 4 hours. Aether is the type to pretend that he doesn’t want to do this😔 “I’m sor try love but you have to be punished” as he’s like usuing electro to overstimulate you. Very much calling you cute nicknames and caressing your face all the time; but also will make you sick him off during boring meetings w the abyss lectors. And I would do it too he deserves a break😇 I had a dream (I was watching some weird ass movie) that I was taken “hostage”(I wanted to be there) by abyss aether and I was roaming around his weird ass abyss castle and stumbled into his bedroom the second he walks out the shower💀 like I was so shook I woke up gasping for air. I would let that man break my back and he would if I asked nicely!
That's exactly my thoughts with any ship that involves the twins like one is not better than the other because they're literally the same person LOL People argue all the time that they're different and honestly, maybe they are but I dont care!!!
Omggg if you find any fics send them to me because that sounds soooo good I can never find any good abyss!twin fics...... LOLLLLLLLLL i believe you about the wattpad-sounding works because sometimes I see some works that make me scratch my head and the tags are always SO wrong TT even ao3 is hurting these days and I always thought she would be there for me!!!
I am not that big of a sub!aether fan... it's fun to read sometimes but like that's all anyone makes of his personality and i hate it!!! he's crazy!!! he's not your uwu boy like get up... get up!!! i like abysstwin!aether but then again I just love the abyss twin because im soooo tired of the traveler #snoozefest
your dreams are soooo LMAOOOO it sounds like a good yandere fic idea if i've ever heard of one!!!
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unhingedhearties · 10 months
Rage Over A Wrap Photo: Part 1 (Instagram)
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Because of the actor's strike, none of the cast were able to promote or talk about Season 10 while it aired. The strike and Season 10 also happened while they were filming Season 11 and it looks like the strike ended just as they were finishing Season 11. The lead actor, Erin Krakow, posted this photo celebrating Season 11’s wrap and based on how some people reacted, you’d think she’d bombed a small country.
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Someone is happy and we can't have that.
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Another fan is happy. amintermimi loves using the vomiting emoji on all of Erin’s posts.
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When Calls The Heart actor Kevin McGarry makes a light-hearted comment. These people can’t distinguish the actors from the characters they play. Kevin isn’t friends with Lucas because Lucas doesn’t exist.
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Someone's grandma picks a fight with a calm and kind fan while people psychoanalyze Chris's interviews to tell us what he really feels.
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I had to cut this down because it just kept going on and on. Someone's angry grandma returns to argue on another fan’s happy post. Some rational people post, but it’s ultimately a waste.
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WAAAAAAH! Here comes a barrage of people declaring that Erin’s photo is “insensitive”, “salt in the wound”, “a slap in the face” and was intentionally uploaded to cause malicious harm to Lucabeth fans. You’ll also see the phrase “emotional cheating”. They LOVE using that phrase. Another thing you’ll notice are these good, Christian fans talking about the show’s Christian values, crying about how the show supposedly lost them, but then they’ll turn around and use disgusting, derogatory terms like “sloppy seconds”.
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I had to group these together because there were so many of them.
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Some people would suggest that Erin only posted this photo to celebrate the end of filming Season 11 and picked something innocuous like a photo of the ground probably so that nothing was spoiled. Those people are liars. Clearly what happened was Erin stayed up late, rubbing her hands evilly over which photo to use to stab the hearts of 50 year old women who watch her TV show. And what better photo to literally murder their hearts with than… a photo of some shoes. 
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It’s getting salty in here. A bunch of people who’ve probably never written anything outside of an Instagram post argue about canon.
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WHERE’S YOUR COMPASSION!? Someone tries to kindly and gently get the poster to calm down. The kindness is wasted.
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Fellow actor Pascal Hutton appears. I sure hope the fans aren't rude to her. Angry grandma shows up again and uses an argument these people love using because they think they’re smart. “My opinion matters!” “My opinion is just as important as yours” “I HAVE THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH!” and other variations.
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A very mentally healthy response. Someone get angry grandma into a rest home.
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More complaining about how the photo is insensitive. This time an appropriate response is given.
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Mark your bingo cards! Emotional cheating comes up again.
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THE “T” STANDS FOR TRAITOR. People applaud themselves for their witty observation. A fight breaks out about who’s side of the fandom is bigger.
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I really should make a bingo card for these butt-hurt fan’s posts. Another thing they think is brilliant is saying “THIS SHOW SHOULD NOW BE CALLED ‘WHEN CALLS THE *insert some dumb play on words or whatever random phrase they think is clever*’”.
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Some fans having fun with Erin. We can’t have that. If you were to ask them what “morals” her character/herself (most of them can’t tell the difference anyway) lost, they’d probably loop back around to the “emotional cheating” argument and use that as a justification for hurling insults at her.
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Cool misogyny bro! Also, nice grasp of the English language.
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She didn’t cut and paste the same response over and over, she actually typed it out each time. Somewhere there’s a child wishing to spend time with her mother, but mommy’s too busy spamming an actor’s Instagram account because her favorite TV show didn’t turn out the way she wanted :(
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What the hell are you on about?
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Hey, it’s unhinged Liz! This is the same person as Heartie23/HeartieETLB in my previous post. The one who keeps using slurs against the showrunner. Here she’s screaming for Erin, a person she seems to both worship as a goddess while also calling her evil, godless and bound for hell, to acknowledge her. Liz loves making up things in her head with no evidence and then believing it’s real, such as believing that Erin and Chris don’t want to work together anymore.
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Yes, brilliant idea. Erin should have posted all her behind the scenes content before the season started and before the strike that no one knew for sure was going to happen or how long it would be, probably spoiling a bunch of stuff, because…??? And despite these deranged fans screeching at Erin, she’s been posting behind the scenes stuff on her account.
“Everyone hates her & what she’s done” FFS. These people need to be committed.
Part 2 coming soon. It'll be all the Twitter responses to this photo.
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crystalelemental · 2 years
Select Scout B (New Years 2023)
Oh god, there’s another?  Okay man, be cool.  Maybe this one won’t be as bad.  Maybe...maybe it’s...oh god, that’s SS Korrina.  Everyone stay calm.
SS Korrina is the big one here.  I hate to say it because I despise her outfit, and am eternally salty over the knowledge that her two-bar move outdamages Anni Lillie’s Moongeist Beam, but it’s fine, I’m only seething about it.  Korrina and Marshadow are good at 1/5 for one reason only: Spectral Thief steals buffs before it acts, meaning it bypasses everything.  Cresselia and Latias, as two of the most challenging Gauntlet stages in the game, are rendered almost impotent against this thing, even at 1/5.  If you’re looking to upgrade, 2/5 does very little for her, but 3/5 is when you get the full sync investment and Hit Reload off Shadow Punch to keep getting Spectral Thief back.  Technically, 2/5 gets 1MP back on first sync, but eh.  It’s fine but not usually a huge deal.
SS Brendan is on my shit-list.  I got really hyped about how good this kit seemed and went all-in for him at a time when gems were scarce.  I prioritized this over Deoxys.  He even had the audacity to only hit 2/5 after a full spark investment.  And for all that, the kid kinda sucks.  I’m sorry, I don’t think he’s strictly bad, but he’s sure not strictly good!  His trainer move sucks, taking away a bunch of gauges for not even capping anything.  He can’t cap crit until 3/5, and even then holds first sync hostage to accomplish it.  Luster Purge seems great, and it does do good work, but lack of AoE effect can often hinder CS.  To make matters worse, it’s a 3-bar move and he’s support.  This is supposed to be offset by Freevenge, but that only works when you’re hit.  In CS where you’re not getting hit, good luck, because now you’re just eating that gauge cost.  SS Brendan looks great on paper, and is still a very good support.  But you need to know the problems you’re going to face.  Which include being pretty bad at 1/5.  Really he’s like...you need 3/5.  You need it.
Lear is old news.  If I wasn’t going to play up SS May there’s less reason to play up Lear, who is her but a year older and therefore worse.  Granted, he’s still able to hit old damage cap pretty reliably, and can’t miss which is nice for Cresselia.  But he’s basically a glorified Snatch bot in my account.  Which he’s not even good at until 2/5.  1/5 really can’t do much, 2/5 gets Snatch MPR, but it takes until 3/5 to see good returns.  Worth the upgrade if you’re 2/5 and have waited for this, but...I mean there’s all that, and Psychic is similarly in no level of need on anyone’s account.  It’s just as cluttered as Fire.
SS Cynthia is strange.  You guys know she doesn’t have a grid expansion, right?  And that she sucks?  Like, horrifically sucks?  SS Cynthia’s bad.  I backpedaled on Raihan to insist he was still kinda good, but SS Cynthia is not.  Decent DPS but cuts your defense each time you attack, no self-sufficiency whatsoever, reliance on paralysis as well for multipliers which either slows her DPS or makes her teambuilding extremely specific.  SS Cynthia is a tragedy.  I know they’ll give expansions soon, but until then, I can’t in good conscience say she’s worth it.
Emmet is...fine.  He’s in the same bucket as Classic Blue was on the other set.  He’s strong, but SS Diantha is coming.  Emmet at least benefits from her, and if you have Ingo he’s basically perfect.  Emmet’s big thing is just that he’s incredibly Sandstorm reliant.  If Sandstorm dies down, so does he.  Without it, he’s frail, weak, and not doing anything too impressive.  And not to put too fine a point on it, but Hit the Gas usually means gauge demands.  1/5 is okay for DPS, but Hit the Gas also means he gets a lot more return on a move level increase, and 3/5 gives not just his multipliers, but what I consider a great gift in Aggravation on Rock Slide.  I don’t think Emmet’s exceptional, but he’s not a terrible pick.
SS Dawn my beloved.  She’s not a good 1/5 pick.  At all.  Dawn doesn’t do much at 1/5, aside from cut her own HP to give defense and crit boosts.  She’s really not all that useful.  2/5 doesn’t add much either.  3/5 is when you get interesting skills, like your one MP recovery, or Danger Damage Guard, or Crisis Countdown for fast-ramping, or my personal favorite in All Ramped Up where she caps any X Sp Atk striker’s needs in just two turns while making them unbreakable.  SS Dawn is great 3/5, but anything less than that is going to struggle.
Final Thoughts and Personal Pick By utility, priority is probably SS Korrina > SS Brendan > SS Dawn > Lear > Emmet >>> SS Cynthia.  It’s a bit harder to call on this one, because I don’t feel like anyone has broad utility at just 1/5.  Korrina and Lear are very specific in what they answer, Korrina’s just got a lot more going on with the Dire Hit All+ thing and having a rarer typing.  But I’m...not as keen on this set.
That said, still going for it.  I’m internally looking for any reason I can find to not take Korrina, because I hate that outfit so much and don’t care about Marshadow.  But I can’t exactly justify 2/5 Lear, and have everyone else in a capacity I am currently satisfied with.  So I may be stuck taking Korrina.  If only Dojo Gloria were here...
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makahimetenshi · 8 months
Two separated ways - Chapter 12 - Arthur Maxson x Female Sole Survivor x Paladin Danse Fallout 4 Fanfic
Im thinking in deleting the first two chapters and reupload them with a new title, after all I have a continuation for that story also, kinda the same love triangle where they have children in the middle but different plot. So this fic and url only will be How i meet your mother and the story of how Arya Maxson was conceived, the one already uploaded with that fic will have the note that is chapter 3, I think ill upload there the next porn chapters
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and comments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive comments of wanting to know what happens next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
Arthur called Danse for a meeting, a schedule meeting, to not being such an asshole of interrupting his dutys to talk about her, after all it wasn’t a pleasant theme of conversation for any of them for lately the same reasons.
Danse stood in front of the door, sighing, he had been walking around wanting time to pass and Arthur to give up and leave but no, apparently he was still there in his office and my god he really didn't want to talk he didn’t even liked him that much. And besides, he already knew that he was going to start this conversation again.
His failed love story, but now someonelse is experiencing it.
So he knocked, the sooner he end this chat the better.
-Welcome Paladin, I found some boxes of Junk food to share and I thought –said Arthur opening the door with his best smile.
-Go to the point Arthur, what now?
To not love her he was kinda salty about the Nora subject, and he hasn’t mentioned her yet. He missed the days were the two of them were good friends actually.
First he coughed a little to make him understand that he should go to into the damn office and not be rude. Danse sighed and went inside, taking a seat in the chair in front of the desk.
-I actually called you to apologize, asshole –now the paladin felt bad for whatever the reason was- you were right about a lot of things im just starting to see now
He sat on his side on the desk and throw the box of junk food to the paladins hands, who open it and place it in the middle of the table feeling bad about his hostile behavior
-I tried to warn you –said the paladin picking a potato crisp
-Im sorry, I thought you were exaggerating, I thank you very much for wanting to let me know
Silence, Danse eat another potato crisp.
-Its okay, she is someone you really want at your side –couldn’t blame him, Nora was a catch.
-You really try to love her over and over, try and try but then she…
-Does fucked up things, multiple times in a row –Danse hand hit a bit the desk in frustration, definitely not a planned reaction, came out of resentment-crushes all your efforts to not feel bad and disturbed every time like it was your fault that she is unbalanced
Arthur stay in silence for a moment before talking.
-I havent seen anything super bad yet but…I had some scary moments –Danse looked at him- lets keep it that way
-What are you guys up to? –ask Danse wanting to be clear and know where he was standing.
-We are pregnant right now, two weeks…-the way his nose swelled as he breathed and filled his lungs was almost comical, even his face had turned red, but he exhaled all that air to calm down and then pressed his forehead with his fingers.
-Let me guess –if he didn’t find a logical explanation he will have a heart attack- the council was pressuring you
-Of course but she also offer herself to me –said Arthur now picking potato crips to eat. Danse heard and sighted
-Truly the only reason we are not together its because im infertile
-You are? –wow he didn’t know that, not with his confirmation at least
-Remember when I passed out three years ago? I offered to enter a place with a lot of radiation in her place and sacrifice myself to activate some controls so we could get out of a chamber in which we were trapped, in the end Nora got me out of there I don't know how-he remember, it was a mess because she was screaming desperate for help when they arrived at the citadel gates that noon, the weeks she stay at his side while in treatment make him sad for her, he really rooted for Danse to get better so she wouldn’t fucking die of sadness if something happened to his friend-but I was there for about 3 weeks in treatment, obviously from then on I became sterile, I did tests not long after I was already recovered-Danse at 49 was doing fertility test to check if he could still knock up Nora and he was panicked about letting more time pass how funny- I don't know if I would have been sterile before because we had sex more times than my fingers can count and I never got her pregnant but the test is my formal confirmation of infertility, is in my medical record. Not long after I told her the news we stopped having sex together, I was very determined not to let her get her romantic hopes up so we weren't doing it but she at least stopped insisting on that aspect, she kept trying to get me to I fall in love with her many times but she no longer insisted on me in a sexual way, at first I thought she was afraid of catching some disease from radiation remnants or cancer in me but soon I realized that…
-She wanted something else –they have a long history together and he was in the middle.
-Started talking more about Shaun and how beautiful her pregnancy was, that she was having the time of her life with her baby more and more often–Danse sighted looking at the ceiling- the only reason im not hooked with her its because I cant knock her up clearly, of course if I get her pregnant I would be responsible of our kid despite our feelings not being mutual.
-You would be happy that way? A kid with her despite you don’t want anything romantic?
-Well –Danse looked at him and pick more potato crips- are you?
-Answer the question paladin –said Arthur now feeling his tongue salty and dry, damn he was thirsty.
-I think I would be a great dad –of course he will be- both will work to be great parents and protect that kid that’s for sure, it would be fun. Besides I understand your point back then, she is prewar, a kid with her genes is a guantantee of excellent health
-But to be at her side?
-If there is something that definitely does not make a couple fall in love, it is a child in between, it could even separate us more, but you are right, it is an excuse for us to be together and make everything uncomfortable, so that she can insist more on me –he saw a weird look on Arthurs eyes-don’t get me wrong im 100% sure that she is going to be an affectionate mother despite everything
-I don’t know –Arthur sighted sliding his back into his chair- I don’t know her enough
-Then why do you agree?
-The council said that the quality of my sperm could decrease if I keep waiting, and she has…such charming…
-Indeed –now Danse sighted also sliding his back into his chair- she can be nice and loving like a wastelander never experienced in their whole lifes
-Exactly! –hu this conversation was helping in a lot of levels
-It catches –Danse admitted, biting on his lip- I never wanted to give up
-What do you mean?
-Everytime she snapped and do something horrible it was like a failure to me, it hurts me that she was never stable enough for me not to feel guilty about wanting to be next to someone who did those things, I never wanted to purposely think I don’t what to correspond this woman feelings, specially if she wanted me
-the probability of finding someone to love in the wastelands and that person being strong for that love to last is so low and yet…-again, he pick a potato crisp and ate.
-I made this choice and it hurts everyday to hold it –then he looked at Arthur- im glad to see im not alone
-Like I said I haven’t see yet anything so bad…
-Eventually you will –he assured
-She is still into you
-Despite asking me to go and clarify things because I ruined everything? –the elder nodded and pick more potato scrips- are you into her?
-Not if she isn’t even going to try but…its hard –Danse get what he means, she is what every strong man wants at his side
-I am not going to advise you to try to make her fall in love with you, she has been lost for me for 10 years even though I have rejected and pushed her away repeatedly –then he picked potato crisp while ​stretching his legs on the floor
-It’s a waste of time then –the paladin agree. Arthur wanted to grab more potato crips but the box was not empty, they really ate everything hu
-I hope you both find what you are looking for -that came from his heart, he said it without resentment at all.
-As you will not satisfy any of her desires
-Not that desires at least –they stay in silence when noticed that the box of potato crips were empty but something snap in Danse mind- where is she right now?
-Tenpenny Tower, you sure are aware –the paladin nodded. Very aware of her plans and ambitions. She always craved for more. Being the top rank of the brotherhood wasn’t enough, he dedicated more than half of his life to the brotherhood but she wanted more than that, so much more than what he aspired.
-You should go and see her –that call the elders attention, didn’t expect it.
-Why? –he blinked, he was still a bit in love with her but yet…
-Be careful because if you are not around then she will somehow want more.
After the paladin leave he made a realization, so he showered and get on a ventibird to Tenpenny Tower.
He was received on the heliport by Nora itself who was wearing a Pre-War casualwear and that annyoyed him, she should be in some kind of armor or protection at least the last time he was here people were not happy with her presence
-Elder what are you doing here? –she said picking his hand and running away from the fuss and sand the ventibird raised up to a place were they can’t feel much the washout. He left his escorts and guards behind in the ventibird too, he planned to be inside the tower all by himself? No protection? The people who bring him here will stay back and wait until he leaves? That didn’t sound right…
-I came to dinner…our usual dinner –when he said that she sighted, didn’t expect that.
-Oh –their hairstyles were a mess right now, she raised her hand to fix his a bit on the side- it’s a bit early yet but we can walk around…-was he really going to trust her to be his guard? Weird
-Sounds like a great idea –he said but she had an odd face while touching his hair- what’s wrong?
-You are dressed too elder again, lets change your clothes
-I kinda arrived in a brotherhood ventibird –he saw how she bite the insides of her cheek but smiled anyway. There was also tincans in the back waiting…
-Well I don’t need more people assuming that the elder its here, could be any other soldier –she smiled and place his hair behind his ear, the little she can do here-lets go upstairs, I have some mens clothing of your size for sure so you will go a little more unnoticed
It wasn’t the same place of one week ago that’s for sure, it was under construction. people breaking pieces of wall, passing pipes and installing things, following plans and instructions, work groups and people sitting around resting from what seemed to be long days of work...
-Were did you get the pipes? –ask Arthur amazed
-The forge, I made lead pipes a while ago for a job so I used the plans for this, since I don't want to break the walls we will go over them, it is not very aesthetic nor will it be liked by the neighbors but I prefer that to compromising the structure of the building by breaking walls only for maintenance, after all there is no urgent humidity that is flooding anything, only the walls are absorbing it but no more of that
That sounded important, for now they were working in the reception and frankly it was the most attractive place in the eyes of the neighbors and also the most important since it was the structure of the building facing upwards.
The two of them moved to Nora's apartment upstairs, it was much cleaner than the last time he was there, severely cleaner, the floor had a different color and was no longer textured, soft and sliding to walk, the walls were still in poor condition but not having spiders made it better. It gave a touch, in addition had changed some furniture and its layout, it looked much more spacious and orderly. The windows had been cleaned and were now transparent, not opaque, totally transparent, you could see the sunset in all its splendor, flooding the room with orange light...
-This works take some time –said Arthur looking around in the room.
-At least the reception has to be finished in a couple of weeks-suddenly and without expecting it at all she was pushed against a small table that was near her, Arthur had kicked her legs to the side quickly to make her lose balance and fall, it was to be expected with those high black heels she walked with, holding her wrists behind her back and her waist in front, preventing her from hitting her torso and belly from the front with the side of the table, he pushed his chest against her back and pressed her against the cold surface. With her legs bent, unable to stand up and unable to stabilize herself with her hands, she was only suspended against the table with his body, who had her head pressed inside her neck to whisper in her ear.
-I came to talk about something today Howard –she slurped saliva and even he could hear it, good- I didn’t like what you did the other day -his hand closed tighter on her wrists. Nora was thinking about how she could stabilize her body to get out of there in the meantime but she was in a horrible position-remember when we talk about surprising me? I thought we had an agreement
She breathed in, and that’s when she understood what he meant.
-Oh -this was a conversation about respect and power, just because she has established a position and place of power that day does not mean that she is above him and especially...he had warned her about that detail of his. She knew it, and she forgot it, her ego and customs on how to dominate dangerous situations make her forgot, and he was not going to let it happen just because she was now a boss with power, he also had strength and spirit, he was not going to give in so easily-Sorry –she mumble
-I let it pass that day because I was still shocked about our pregnancy news –he put emphasis in the our, pressing his arm against her belly- and did everything in my power to not react against you
-Im sorry –she whispers, her body was tense but she wanted to relax to show him that she wasn’t a menace and neither planned to attack him
-You made me upset –his torso pressed her and his arm more against the table- didn’t respect what we agree –its okay, she understand, he was a man of power, a man with power didn’t like to summit, and she had broken his trust in something he considers very personal
-I apologize -she whispered calmly, trying to get him to calm down too, not only because she didn't want him to hurt her or for the situation to escalate but because she didn't want to take away the authority and respect that he thought he deserved and wanted to have, it was okay, she could respect his wishes-I forgot
-Do you promise to remember? –she nodded and breath out-good, or the next time ill make you remember I wont be so gentle-he removed the arm on her belly out and wrap on her waist, her tiny waist, hand with full open fingers, she breathed in again and the way her torso lift and her waist was wedged between his fingers made him breath in-I don’t want to hurt any of you –the hand on her waist moved down slowly, walked around on the upper curve of her hips and ass loving how he can feel the curves of her body, sliding in the soft fabric of the blue dress until he felt something with the tip of his fingers at the height of her thighs, something hard and sharp, not soft skin-what is this?
Nora breath out-let me show you? –she said in a low tune, he separated from her back and stand in front of her, firmly, with his feet’s very attached to the ground.
Arthur was actually surprised that she didn't seem scared at all, maybe a little submissive, calm, like she had accepted the situation, but not scared or disturbed, a violent encounter of this type would normally leave someone disconcerted even by the unexpected but she didn't seem affected at all, did she expect something like that from him? She doesn't make sense, she wouldn't have allowed herself to be immobilized if that were the case, maybe she always thought that something like that could happen with him.
Nora lift the skirt of her dress and show some Sturdy combat armor leg pieces in her thighs. And he had to admit that the view looked hot but those heels really favor her long slim legs.
-I guess it doesn’t match with the black heels –he mumble and she smiled a bit
-I had to take apart the arms because the entire piece was very bulky, but it's better than nothing, you can't tell, right? –she said while opening the first button of her already long cleavage, moving down the fabric on the shoulder to show him the green piece of armor on her arm, his eyes moved to her open chest unconsciously tho
Despite the fact that he had pinned down the woman against the table he worried, wasn’t this place safe?
-I thought it was the belts of my own suit–the hard thing he felt against his neck and shoulder hitting- well im sure you don’t expect your everyday neighbor armored to the teeth, or capable of resisting a shooting
-youll be surprised, Gustavo sells guns –using armor as undies didn’t relaxed him at all, this wasn’t what he expected as a safe environment to rise a child
-Its it safe here? –is not like he wanted to act like nothing happened a few seconds ago that would be very inconsiderate from his part but now he was concerned
About her and her safety. His baby safety.
-Let me pick you some clothes and lets go to Café Beau Monde to chat, im sure Margaret can make us some coffee and pastry’s while preparing dinner.
He looked concern at her and ask- are your sure about this? –she nodded with a small red smile, had the eyes of someone who has a lot of confidence, security despite being tackled in a table by surprise–borrow me some armor too at least
-You came here for our usual dinner after all right? –well…kinda…she laughs at his not so comfortable face-don’t worry, the worst thing that can happen is that a piece of brick falls on your head and we already had those incidents in the citadel, I'm going to take care of you-he had to do this, try to be around the woman that was going to be the mother of his child no matter how scary she was sometimes.
He sighted and she started to look for clothes in a big wooden wardrobe
-My pants size is a…
-Large, I know –how can she? –I bought my husband underwear, men for some reason doesn’t buy underwear on their own, just wait until a woman fill their drawers with new again- he look inside the wardrobe too, picking the clothes she was separating to check on what it could fit him- in my defense about the other day I first wanted to approach you in the bathroom, alone, without assistance, low guard with your pants down but all of you boys control your sphincters very well and I didn't see you all in need to do it all day, I guess Paladin Gunny trains brotherhood boys well.
Arthur frowned when he heard that, effective, but disgusting. What the fuck.
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delucadarling · 1 year
🌿, 🌺, 🌼 ( ;3c ) for Barbie, 🍂🍄 for Stevie!
Spoiled!!! <3
🌿 What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?
Barbie shows she cares by remembering the things that trouble her loved ones. If someone doesn't like a certain smell, she endeavors to avoid it. If they dislike bright lights, she makes sure to only have lamps on. If someone feels overwhelmed in clutter, she clears things up for them.
The ways others can show they care for Barbie is spending time with her. Barbie very much enjoys parallel activities, where a cherished one is doing something they enjoy in the same room where she is also doing something she enjoys. She doesn't feel the need to talk at times like that. She just enjoys spending time with her people.
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
Barbie, by virtue of being one of my detectives in Wayhaven, uhhhhh does get nightmares constantly consistently. In particular, she doesn't like the dark, and always wants to turn on every light in the room. She needs her back and neck covered (usually achieved by wrapping herself tightly in a blanket). Once she's calmed enough to not be too anxious to leave her bed, she'll go seek a warm drink. She's had a long struggle with smoking, so in her weaker moments she'll dig up an old carton of cigarettes and sit outside. Mostly she tries to settle her nerves with hot chocolate instead.
🌼 Who are this characters friends and found family? How did they meet, how long have they been friends for, could they ever be something more than just friends? What do they look for in a friend or a romantic partner?
I would definitely say Barbie's closest friend is Kira, @crownleys' main detective for Wayhaven. In our AU, they meet because Barbie is a researcher with the Agency that is brought in to help Unit Bravo try to determine how Murphy is finding his victims, so that they might be able to get ahead of him.
(Unbeknownst to them, Barbie herself has The Special Blood)
So they've only been friends a short time in Book 1, but they grow incredibly close. Possibly a touch of trauma bonding.
Barbie and Kira could absolutely be more than friends. Both have well established crushes on one another, and in one AU or other they do end up married. Mostly their relationship is based in a deep, warm friendship though.
As for what Barbie looks for, she mostly just wants someone who understands her.
🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with recieving affection from others?
She LOVES hugs! In fact, that is her main form of showing affection to just about everyone. Certain loved ones will also get a (slightly aggressive) head bonk when she's overtaken by loved <3 She gives and takes affection with extreme enthusiasm (and neediness).
🍄 What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?
Stevie loves anything sweet, salty, fried, or super super spicy. Junk food is a huge weakness of her. Her favorite comfort food though is just oatmeal. It's what she makes herself when she's sick or hungover.
Her favorite meal to make is just frozen spicy chicken nuggets. Anything that can be microwaved and done is a-ok in her book.
She doesn't like baking or cooking really, but she does love to play sous chef to someone she loves. Her skills lie elsewhere, so how helpful she is is....questionable.
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themusiichouse · 1 year
Franzi for favorite color, snack, movies, and What does your character find repulsive or disgusting? - @theload​
Color: Franzi’s favorite color is green! It’s a color that I’ve always associated with Liszt, probably due to this iconic portrait of him with a green background--but also, I find green to be both calming and energetic as a color, something that distinguishes it from blue as a calming color, and something that also reminds me of Liszt.
Snack: For a bit of background--Franzi used to be on a keto diet due to one of her jobs as a pop star. Now she still does that same work, but she’s put on a bit more weight because she no longer sticks to keto and eats what she likes within reason. Keto diets are actually very healthy  with proven medical benefits and not associated with disordered eating, but unfortunately Franzi does associate it with that because while she was doing keto she was also doing the thing of counting calories by measuring out portions into cups and was pretty terrified of gaining weight above a certain amount. With that in mind--
Her favorite snacks while she was still on keto were keto ice cream, vegetable chips such as eggplant and avocado, and smoothies.
Nowadays she has a preference for Hungarian, Chinese and Japanese snacks. Her favorite Hungarian snacks are pozsonyi kifli (crescent-shaped bread filled with poppy seeds), chimney cake, Dobos and Esterházy tortes (a type of cake), and minyons (bite-sized cakes of French origin). 
Of Chinese and Japanese snacks, she enjoys White Rabbit candies, Hi-Chews, Japanese Kit Kats, this really good round disc fruit candy from China I had as a kid that I can’t remember the name of, and oh god I can’t remember the name of this either but in Japan there are these snack mixes that have a bunch of different salty/umami-tasting crackers in it.
She also loves macarons!
Movies: Franzi loves romance movies! I couldn’t tell you many specifics because I personally have no taste for romance, but she would probably rewatch Titanic over and over. I feel like she would also love watching movies featuring her past life as Liszt such as Impromptu just to rate them, to appreciate the little touches that they added to her narrative, and to laugh at the inaccuracies. Lisztomania is one of her all-time favorites.
What does your character find repulsive or disgusting? Franzi is a very neat and tidy person, so there’s a lot she doesn’t like. For example:
Dog breath and the feeling of dog drool on her after getting licked (unfortunately for her Wil’s dogs Robber and Russ keep licking her)
Daywear clothing that’s been worn for more than one day (she’s a highly sensitive person and she SWEARS it starts smelling different)
The remains of eaten food (or empty food wrappers/containers) left out for more than a few hours (she doesn’t like seeing it, it makes her feel like she’s living in a garbage can)
The taste of stale snacks (bread, chips, etc.)
As for personal traits that she personally finds repulsive…
Being rude to service people
Not having an open mind/being willing to try new things
Talking behind backs
Taking peoples’ kindness for granted
Being socially conservative
Finally, as a lesbian, she is repulsed by the notion of touching a man sexually or letting a man touch her sexually.
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