#Taka is...very relatable
heretodefyfate · 1 year
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decided to sketch some of my fav reborn characters (also give Taka slightly different clothes)
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nite-puff · 7 days
happy latin american heritage month to the latino kiyotaka fans!!
something something feeling like you need to work hard to succeed and make a good life for yourself and your family who worked hard to provide for you (but you have a complicated relationship with) in a world that already stigmatizes you yada yada yada
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Me while hanging out with Taka in DR1: Damn, this dumb fuck (affectionate) is me fr.
Proceeds to become very obsessed with him
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quiirrel · 8 months
you guys have no idea how much space reborn inhabits in my brain. every day nothing but the same shit get out of my head boy
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
zyuohger vs ninninger was cute and fun!
love seeing teams i really enjoy interacting 😌
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newtthetranswriter · 3 months
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Paring: Takashi Mitsuya x Gn! Reader
Word Count: 2349
Summary: Wanting to surprise Takashi for his birthday turned into a misunderstanding, luckily communication is the key to most situations.
Warnings: implications of cheating but it’s all just stress induced thoughts, cursing, idk let me know if i missed anything.
A/n: First Happy Birthday to the wonderful Takashi Mitasuya, who is by far one of the best characters in Tokyo Revengers. Second, I hope you all are enjoying My pride event so far, even if this one isn’t directly Pride related. Anyway without further ado enjoy, and remember to hydrate or diedrate.
   There are very few days of the year that I will change my routine for, and today is one of those special days. For most people it’s just another Wednesday, but for me, it’s the birthday of the most amazing guy to walk the earth, Takashi Mitsuya. Every year he says all he wants is to relax and maybe see his friends, and most years I follow that request but this year I had something else planned. For the past few weeks I have been working alongside most of the old Toman members to plan a surprise party for him. I know we’re adults and surprise parties are more for little kids but I can’t help it, I want him to have an amazing birthday and take a real break. With all the stress of recent deadlines to get summer inspired designs out, he could use a day to relax with his close friends.
    So waking up to my alarm I couldn’t help but feel excited to put the finishing touches on the surprise party before showing Takashi what we have planned for him. After taking a moment to admire his peaceful sleeping face, I managed to get out of bed without disturbing him. I went about my normal morning routine, getting dressed and washing my face before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast. 
   As I was halfway down with making pancakes, I was greeted by the sound of Takashi entering the kitchen. “Good morning, would you like some pancakes?” I asked as he poured himself a cup of coffee. It was taking everything in me not to immediately wish him a happy birthday, but part of the plan was to ‘forget’ what day it was. 
  “Good morning, love. And pancakes sound amazing.” He answered, walking behind me placing a kiss on my head before moving to sit at the little dining table we had in the kitchen.
   While I finished making the pancakes, it was almost silent as I was focused and Takashi was still waking up fully. After plating both of our pancakes, I sat across from my amazing husband. “Since it's my first free day in a few weeks I was thinking maybe we could go do something?” Takashi asked, as we ate our breakfast together.
   I took advantage of the fact I was mid bite to think of how to respond. Of course I would love to spend the whole day with him, but I still needed to meet up with Draken to get a few last minute things for the party later. “Oh, um I made plans with a few friends for today.” I answered quickly, it wasn’t a lie but seeing his face drop made my heart want to explode. “I’m sorry Taka, I forgot you would have the day off. Maybe we can do something after I get home?” I suggested hoping to not completely crush his spirit. 
  He still looked a little upset before quickly smiling and nodding. “It’s okay, you go have fun with your friends, we can do something later.” It was clear from the sound of his voice that his smile was fake but I had to act like I believed he was okay.
  I was about to change the topic when I looked at my phone to see it was about time for me to go meet with Draken. “Shot I said I’d meet them at the mall in twenty minutes. I gotta go. I love you Takashi, have a good day without me and again I’m sorry we couldn’t spend the day together.” I said putting my dishes in the sink, placing a kiss to his cheek and running out the door. I heard the quiet ‘love you too’ as the door shut behind me. I had to fight the urge to call Draken and change plans just to go spend the day cuddling with Takashi, but I stayed on track knowing it would be worth it in the end.
   P.o.v change to Takashi
  It had been about an hour since Y/n left when his phone rang. Having been laying on the couch not really paying attention to whatever was on the Tv, Takashi answered not bothering to look at who was calling. “Mitsuya here, what’s up?” He asked as the call connected.
  “Nothing much, me and Yuzuha just wanted to call and say Happy Birthday.” It was Hakkai. He and Yuzuha were out of the country for one of Hakkai’s modeling gigs so they weren’t able to be part of the Takashi surprise party plan. 
  Thinking his friends had the date wrong he quickly pulled his phone from his ear, seeing the date across the screen he sighed. “Thanks guys, I totally forgot. And don’t worry about it, we can always hang out when you get back to Japan.” He said trying to sound like his thoughts weren’t racing.
  There was a pause on the other line before someone started speaking. “How did you forget your own birthday? Didn’t Y/n wish you a happy birthday or anything this morning?” It was Yuzuha, she sounded confused knowing that ever since Takashi had introduced Y/n to his friends, they had never once missed his birthday.
  Takashi let out a nervous chuckle. “Yeah no, they probably just forgot. We’ve been busy the last few weeks and they had plans today with some friends, I’m sure they’ll remember later. It’s fine.” He explained, hoping that he was able to convince the siblings that he really was okay and that it was just an accident.
   “Are you sure they just forgot? In all the time we’ve known them, they have never once missed your birthday. What friends are they even hanging out with today cause most of your friends are the same people so wouldn’t they have reminded Y/n about it as well?” Yuzuha speculated. She was always the first one to get suspicious if anything ever seemed even the slightest bit fishy.
   “Don’t think like that Yuzuha, I’m sure y/n just forgot like Taka said. Don’t listen to her Taka, you know Yuzuha likes to jump to the worst case scenario all the time. Knowing Y/n if they didn’t forget they’re planning something and if they did forget they would move the earth to make up for it.” Hakka interjected, trying to stop Yuzuha’s toxic thoughts from making Takashi’s day worse.
   Hearing the siblings’ opinions he couldn’t help but let Yuzuha’s word get to him. Afterall he had been super stressed lately and his mind was running with the idea that maybe Y/n was hiding something from him. “Yeah, Y/n probably just forgot, it’s fine. Anyway I gotta go there’s another call coming in. It was nice to talk with you and thanks again. Bye” Takashi said, quickly hanging up the phone. There wasn’t another call he just wanted to sit and try and to remind himself that there is no way Y/n would ever do anything to hurt him.
 P.o.v switch back to normal + time skip to after meeting with Draken and setting up for the party
  Finally, everything is set up and ready to go. After bidding goodbye to Draken and the rest of the group who had come to help set up for the party this evening, I headed home. Reaching the front door I had to hide my excitement as I entered not wanting Taka to catch onto what I had planned. “Taka I’m home. I was thinking we could go out for dinner, what do you think?” I called out  looking for Takashi in the living room. When I didn’t get an immediate response, I was slightly worried but brushed it off. Maybe he was taking a nap, after all his bike is still parked outside so it’s not like he went anywhere.
  Making my way to our shared bedroom I was greeted by the sight of the normally super relaxed Takashi, looking like he had the most stressful day of his life sitting on the end of our bed. It was clear he hadn’t noticed me as he kept looking down at his phone like he was waiting for something to happen. “Is everything okay, Takashi?” I asked, moving to sit next to him.
   I watched as he jumped at the sound of my voice. “Huh, yeah everythings good.” He said, but I could tell from the sound of his voice he wasn’t being honest.
   “Are you sure, you didn’t notice me until I asked if everything was okay. And then it looked like you nearly jumped out of your skin when you finally did notice me. What’s wrong, did something happen while I was out?” I pushed a little harder, forgetting that I was supposed to be getting him ready for his surprise party and instead focused on figuring out if he was okay.
  There was a pause, before he stood up. I could tell from his posture that he was really upset right now. His normally slouched back was straight as a board and his hands were fidgeting with each other, showing that something was indeed wrong. “What day is it, Y/n?” Okay not the question I was expecting but I rolled with it.
  “Wednesday, why?” I responded not catching on to what he was getting at.
  He sighed before he spoke again. “I didn’t mean the day of the week, I meant the date. What day is it?” He asked again.
  Now the question made sense. Knowing what he was getting at I had to make a choice that would probably make our friends annoyed but It was the only choice I had. I could tell now what he was thinking and I didn’t want him to think about it any longer. “Okay first clear all of those ridiculous ideas out of your head. I didn’t forget your birthday and I would never ever do anything like that to hurt you.” I said moving to take his hands in mine. “Before you even ask, I was planning for it to be a surprise but the reason I went out today and acted like I forgot was because I’ve been planning a surprise party with the gang for the past week and we need to get a few things to finish stuff up.” I explained watching as he relaxed.
  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have listened to Yuzuha, I’ve just been so stressed lately and when her and Hakkai called to say happy birthday my brain just broke I think.” He said with a soft chuckle, clearly feeling slightly embarrassed.
  Giving him a quick kiss, I chuckled at his apology. “It’s fine Takashi. I know you’ve been stressed with getting designs finished, which is why I wanted to plan a surprise party for you. But I do have to say next time you’re feeling stressed please refrain from listening to Yuzuha’s pessimistic thoughts.” I chuckled. “But also i really should have called and given them a heads up what was happening even though they can’t be here.” I finished, smiling at Takashi.
  He chuckled in response. “Yeah probably, would have saved me a few hours of self destructive thoughts. Anyway, you said you were planning a surprise party for me with the gang, what’s the plan now that I know?” He asked, making me remember I had to now explain this to a bunch of guys who were excited to for once surprise the unshockable Takashi Mitsuya.
  “Ummm, not sure. A) we can tell them that you know and just hang out and enjoy all the stuff we had planned or B) we can act like you have no idea and let them enjoy ‘surprising’ you.” I offered my ideas. “It’s up to you, but decide fast because I think Draken is gonna call to figure out where we are soon.” Right as I finished speaking my phone started to ring. “Speak of the devil, so mad up your mind, Birthday boy?” I teased as I grabbed my phone, giving him time to respond before answering.
   I watched as a mischievous grin spread across his face, as he grabbed the phone out of my hand, answering it, and putting it on speaker. “Y/N WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?” Ah yes, the guy who hates when people are late. 
   “Hello Ken, may I ask why you are calling and then yelling at my wonderful Partner?” Takashi responded, apparently having decided to mess with his close friend. 
   I could hear Draken freeze for a moment, having not expected to hear Takashi answer the phone. “Takashi, how’s it going buddy? Y/n was supposed to be hanging out with Emma this evening and they’re late.” I had to hold back a laugh as we all knew that was the farthest from the truth. Don’t get me wrong but if I was gonna hang out with any of the Sano siblings it wouldn’t be Emma. She's great but we don’t have a lot in common.
   “You are a terrible liar, Draken, you know that. Anyways we’ll be there in thirty minutes, would you mind telling the gang that I already know about the party? Thanks bye.” Takashi called out the clear lie, before listening to Draken stutter for a second and hanging up the phone.
   Once the call ended he handed me my phone and moved to start getting ready to go. “You just wanted to fuck with him didn’t you?” I said laughing at how Draken responded to being called out.
   Takashi turned to look at me with his normal relaxed smirk, before nodding. “Yeah it’s fun, after all the chance doesn't happen often. Anyway we should get going, I hear there’s a wonderful party that the most amazing person has set up for me.” He said moving to the door of our room. I smiled and followed him out, ready to enjoy the evening with our old friends and possibly spend some time poking fun at Draken for his terrible ability to lie when put on the spot.
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ecogirl2759 · 11 months
My boy, Mondo!
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All of these photos are from the Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS series. I do not own any of the drawings, but these photos are mine. All credit goes to Spike Chunsoft for the characters and the books themselves.
The wait is over! It's time for Mondo spam :D
(Another long post lol)
He's always so angry lol
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Though, I guess it's not always...
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Ya'know how Mondo wanted to be a carpenter? He tried fixing a chair once. It went very well, as you can see.....
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Make way for the toughest guy in town!
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Mondo loves all small animals :)
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Happi boi
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What's with Mondo and getting essploded?
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Oh, I guess this is why. Just freely handing bombs to people LOL
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LMAO imagine watching your bro get executed. Can't relate.
[Not a spoiler, in case anyone is worried]
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My tracksuit isn't blue :)
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Saj :(
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Oh boy, I sure do wonder why his handbook stopped working...
[It's still in his pocket]
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He gives zero "effs"
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Mondo misses riding his bike :(
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He eepy
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I'm sorry, which manga am I reading again?
[Btw, funny note, Monokuma-bot is basically saying "I WILL make you wear white underwear!!"]
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HAHA what
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Alright, that's all for now! Go, my trusty steed!!
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I had a lot to say about this guy, if you couldn't tell :)
A lot of his appearances were actually just him interacting with either Chihiro or Taka, actually. Though, that said, after character pictures are done, I'm totally willing to post pairing pictures if you guys want! Just lmk who you want to see in a picture together and I'll post them :)
Also, lmk who you want to see after Kyoko! I've only got 6/16 students lined up so far, so there's plenty more room lol
I really like posting these photos for everyone! It's been really fun so far!
[Btw, use these photos for whatever you like. Credit is always nice, though!]
Next up: Aoi Asahina!
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
The fact that Dave Filoni called Anakin “the greatest Jedi ever” is proof that he’s bias AF. His anti-Jedi rhetoric is bupkis.
I wonder if he means "the greatest" in terms of in-universe fame...?
Dunno if this is the case in Canon (then again Dave Filoni blatantly ignores any *non-motion* transmedia elements in Canon so meh), but in Legends he's:
"Anakin Skywalker, the Hero with no Fear™, handsome, dashing, the face of the Republic's army during the Clone War, the only Jedi who tried to resist the nefarious Order's coup and was treacherously murdered for it".
And I seem to remember that, in Canon, he's like the Jedi Temple's superstar anyway, every Jedi recognizes him on sight. I mean, that line from Baylon about "Anakin speaking highly of Ahsoka" must have some meaning beyond artificial personal stakes.
So from a fame and a "power level" standpoint... sure.
He's the greatest.
I'm giving Filoni the benefit of the doubt.
While I've talked about why Filoni's entire headcanon about the Jedi doesn't track with what George Lucas' intended narrative, I think it's worth acknowledging that Filoni's bias comes from part of his duties while directing The Clone Wars was.
One of the goals of TCW was humanizing Anakin, expanding upon his character make him go from "a character whose only purposes is to embody the themes presented in three movies based on the matinee serial format" to a relatable person, a good man, the hero Ben mentions to Luke in A New Hope.
I think it's normal that he'll see Anakin in a more positive light.
Also (and full disclosure this is just me theorizing I am no authority on any of this so if turns out I'm wrong just come right out and say so)...
I'm pretty sure that Filoni, Lesley Headland and most of the recent Star Wars authors are all Gen X, raised by baby boomers forced to conform to society, obey authority and have proper decorum (boys don't cry!) all of which they strove to rebel against. Add to that the corruption they witnessed growing up and coming out of high school, and you see a kind of jadedness emerge. "The rules aren't as black and white, the world is grey."
So while most of them and the boomers despised the Prequels upon release, a few of them projected a more individualistic headcanon onto those movies that fit with where their head was, at the time.
As such: Anakin isn't interpreted by them as a cautionary tale about what happens when you're greedy. He's a misunderstood rebel, a non-conformist who has his flaws but is ultimately good at heart. Which isn't entirely inaccurate, but it is very clearly an embellishment of a character who will one day become a space nazi.
The fact is... the Prequels were made by a boomer. One with very liberal values and who was himself a rebel, but a boomer all the same. The whole point of his story is...
"we all must come together and fight as one, if push comes to shove; we must all be compassionate and selfless if we are to survive; don't be greedy, let people go when it's their time to leave".
And then he makes the Jedi say that, making them beacons of truth and good and compassion in his fairy tale, now aimed at Gen Z kids.
Gen X-ers hear/read that and project all the boomer BS they had been told onto the Jedi...
"oh, so the Jedi are saying you shouldn't love yourself, you shouldn't be yourself, you should give up on what makes you an individual to fit in, you shouldn't feel any emotions"
Because nobody is that good, realistically, right?
This happened in other mediums. The one that comes to mind on the spot is the relationship between Mufasa and Scar.
In The Lion King, Mufasa is strong and noble, Scar is weak and conniving. Simple enough. Around that same time, in A Tale of Two Brothers, young Mufasa is shown to be pretty nice with Taka (Scar), who is framed as a spoiled brat to begin with.
Skip to the 2019 remake, and it's hinted Mufasa gave Scar his wound, and in The Lion Guard they explain that Scar got his nickname from Mufasa mocking him for a misadventure.
He went from being a noble king to a bully who had it coming, Scar is an underdog who got picked on. Because again: nobody is that pure, right? Fairytales be-damned.
Nothing is black and white, it's all grey.
So yeah, long story short I do think that Filoni being part of the generation that wasn't the target demographic but was old enough to retcon the crap out of the Prequels also plays a role into his view of Anakin.
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Have you heard? Disney is making another Lion king, but this time, it's a prequel, and it's going to be about Mufasa's backstory. Which i think it's very interesting. i'm open to seeing how they're going to show/represent the movie. Even though it's coming out of nowhere? A prequel after all these years?
I've also seen a lot of criticism about the movie, even though it's not even out yet. A lot of fans are disappointed that Mufasa and Scar/Taka (interesting how they're using "Taka" instead of "Scar") are no longer blood related brothers, but instead, both are orphans which doesn't make much sense since in the original Lion king Mufasa comes from a lineage of royalty and gives Simba a speech talking about “great kings” and “let me tell you what my father told me” I'm open to new ideas and stuff but i don't know how to feel about it. Maybe it’s the nostalgia? This honestly feels like a cheap cash grab, and seeing how Disney has had quality control issues lately, it's either going to be a flop or not.
I'm just HOPING that they're NOT going down the "misunderstood villain arc" because I've had enough of it. if they’re going for the "Mufasa was adopted and usurper who took Scar's rightful place at the throne! Showing that Scar was right all along."
What do you think?
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Oh, I’ve heard of it! I’m not that interested in watching though. I’ll probably just wait for it to come out while praying that TWST gives us free stuff in a promotional campaign and listen to some commentary or review channels give their takes.
According to Wikipedia, Mufasa: The Lion King is supposed to be a sequel to the 2019 live action adaptation, not the original 1994 animated film. The prequel film was confirmed in September of 2020, which isn’t that long after The Lion King live action movie came out. They’ve been steadily releasing new information about Mufasa, such as voice cast reveals in 2021, 2022, and April 2024. It was officially announced and title dropped in 2022 during the D23 Expo. It’s possible that the film took longer to make due to the pandemic and worker’s strikes that occurred between 2020 and now.
On the Scar/Taka thing, I believe “Taka” (I’ve also seen “Askari” in some sources) is Scar’s given name and “Scar” is a nickname Mufasa gave him following an incident in which Taka was as tricked and attacked by other animals, which was the origin of his scar. This information comes from The Lion Guard (a series I haven’t watched myself; this is what I was told by a friend who has). If Scar is being called “Taka” in Mufasa (and assuming The Lion Guard is canon), then that means Mufasa must take place prior to the brothers’ relationship souring and him getting his signature scar.
I watched the trailer and… the phrasing is quite odd??? Now Mufasa is “a lion born without a drop of nobility in his blood”. That implies he and Scar aren’t blood-related. In real life, that makes sense since it’s usually the strongest lion that leads the pack rather than the eldest. Scar has a line where he says Mufasa got the brawn whereas he got the brains, so it sort of supports this idea. However, making it so that Mufasa and Scar are unrelated orphans within the Lion King universe doesn’t make sense if you hold that up next to the already established lore. They imply multiple times that Scar lost his claim to the throne when Simba, Mufasa’s blood-related son, was born to succeed him. So royal blood of the king is important??? The only way Scar could take over was to eliminate those in Mufasa’s lineage. It’s possible that Mufasa’s speech to Simba about the “great kings” and his own father could be in reverence or to show love for his adopted dad or pack…? But that makes those scenes a lot less impactful. Additionally, part of the reason why Scar’s actions are so evil is because he committed fratricide. He turned against his own blood brother, then manipulated his nephew, whom he also shares blood with, into taking the blame. There’s something very visceral and cold-blooded about that—plus it adds to the Hamlet parallels.
Seeing as Mufasa is the titular character, I don’t think they’ll go down the route of intentionally making him the bad guy to Scar. Disney’s so shy about making its main characters morally grey or just bad people… though like you said, they might do it unintentionally because by writing Mufasa as an orphan, that means he’s an illegitimate ruler… meaning Simba is an illegitimate heir… meaning Scar killed/deceived those with no claim to the throne, so actually Scar was not in the wrong at all 💀 But technically it wouldn’t be Scar’s right to rule anyway because he’s not of royal blood either (since you said he's apparently also an orphan? I did not see this mentioned in the trailer though)??? Unless Scar is the one from a royal lineage and everyone else is just dead???
I think it’s still possible that we get something tragic between the two; blood does not determine everything. Mufasa and Taka could form a genuine brotherly bond that later falls apart. It doesn’t really make up for the retconning of current lore, but who knows 😂 maybe they’ll pull some of their old magic out and actually write a story that makes sense to lead into The Lion King. I’m not going to hold my breath though, the live action movies have never been that good to me 💦 I’m going to let the movie come out and speak for itself before I make any real judgments on its quality, as I don’t believe in jumping the gun (even given previous track records).
I wonder what this new movie’s lore would mean for TWST… Since Tamashina Mina was very inspired by The Lion Guard, that means (depending on how the film goes) Mufasa’s events could be retroactively integrated into TWST history?? It’s not a guarantee, but just something to consider.
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theamityelf · 7 months
In your Makoto Kamukura au does Makoto ever interact with his class again? I see them all being worried and when someone (most likely Kirigiri) finds him Izuru is pissed.
Yes!! It gets so messy.
The way I'm imagining it right now, Makoto has to leave the supply room for some reason, when Izuru and Nagito aren't there (and maybe this scenario is facilitated by the fact that Kamukoma is happening on the side, so Izuru has truly gotten distracted by Nagito and just assumed that Iteration 2 would always stay in the room).
He leaves the room, and he runs into someone from his class. I'm thinking Hina, because I need the person to be highly passionate and genuine. She sees him and gasps. "Makoto?! It's you! It's really you! But, where have you been?! Everyone was so worried about you! We were so worried!"
He sees that she's upset, even though the name "Makoto" is entirely new to him, and he says, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."
And Hina notices that he's talking strangely, but she's too caught up in the fact that he's here to really deal with that, so she just goes, "Come on; the others have to see you!" and drags him to class.
They're all astonished and excited, in their own ways, to see their missing friend back (but with way longer hair, red eyes, and looking– as Leon put it –like he'd been living in a cave). Makoto stands there and just kind of takes it all in, and Kyoko is the most aware that something is seriously, fundamentally off about him. In fact, she interrupts the merriment to ask:
"Do you recognize us?"
The others are (with very few exceptions) not there yet, and they do all the "What are you talking about? It's Makoto. Of course he recognizes us," that is to be expected.
Makoto doesn't answer, because there's a lot going on and he's more focused on learning from it. He hasn't had to say pretty much anything this whole time, because everyone else was talking over each other.
"Makoto?" Kyoko says. "Do you recognize us?"
Makoto looks at her and gathers that, while she won't like the truth, it is also all she'll accept. He softens the blow by saying, "I know that you're Kyoko Kirigiri, Ultimate Detective and daughter of Headmaster Kirigiri."
"Yes, Hina and Hifumi both said my name, Hiro mentioned my ultimate talent, and my connection to the headmaster can be gleaned in any number of ways. I asked if you recognize me."
"I'm sorry, but I don't have any memory of being the person you knew."
The others have their shocked and dismayed reactions, and Kyoko does take a second to feel the revelation, but then she just grimly nods and says, "Is that at all related to the scar on your forehead?" (A straight scar, seemingly dealt by a blade held by a steady hand. A surgical scar.)
Makoto knows that it will cause problems if he shares any more information. "There isn't much that I can explain. I'm sorry that I don't know how to be who you want me to be. I can try to learn. But for now, it wouldn't be safe if I stayed here much longer. I have to go back to...my room."
"You mean your dorm room?" Chihiro asks nervously.
Makoto makes blank eye contact and says nothing.
"You can't go!" Taka protests. "You'll miss class! You've already been absent for-"
"My friend doesn't want me around other people, and the Steering Committee doesn't want the general public to know about me. I would be putting you in danger if I stayed." He leaves.
But he'll be back.
He's learned this body's name: Makoto Naegi. The Ultimate...Lucky Student? Like Nagito?
He's learned a lot today.
(Eventually, the class finds out that Nagito knew where Makoto was. Eventually, Izuru finds out that his Iteration 2 has been talking to people who knew him before he was himself. Drama ensues.)
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thistledropkick · 21 days
I wrote about Douki and Desperado's history here, and these tweets tie into that history. Roughly three years after Douki utterly lost to Kasai at a Taka Taichi show and then Kasai broke Desperado's jaw when Desperado tried to get revenge, Douki and Despe teamed up to fight Kasai and ex-deathmatch wrestler Honma at Taka Taichi Mania 2.5.
Douki tweeted this before the show. At this point in time, Douki had a pretty poor record in NJPW matches, tended to take the pins in Suzuki Gun tag matches, and was generally frustrated by his lack of results. He and Desperado also had very different results when wrestling Kasai up to this point - Desperado had two draws against Kasai, while Douki had one crushing loss.
I translated this somewhat literally, so I want to add some translation notes. There are some expressions that are common in Japanese (especially in wrestling) that come from dog fighting. The term for "a loser" is 負け犬 literally "a losing dog." You'll also see the term 噛ませ犬 "bait dog" used, to describe a wrestler who functions only to get their opponent riled up, built their confidence by losing, or make them look strong in comparison. This is a term that has a very long history of usage in pro wrestling contexts.
Also, while in Mexico, Douki was a member of Los Perros Del Mal "The Dogs of Evil" which can lead to him and to others using dog-related expressions when talking to or about him. (Sometimes you'll see these translated to "bitch" in official translations to maintain the dog-related pun and get the general feeling across.)
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Taka Taichi Mania is finally tomorrow
After 3 years, a chance for revenge and I'll be tagging with my hermano
I'll vent my feelings about everything, including the interview, in my own way
I absolutely won't be just a bait dog
Their team would go on to lose this match, with Douki being the one to take the pin from Kasai.
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Three years, and nothing has changed I was nothing but a bait dog
It's mortifying Intolerably mortifying
How could it end like this
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"A bait dog" huh
If you really think Taichi was thinking that when he booked you for that match, maybe that is all you are
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I worded it poorly
To be so enthusiastic for that match, and then completely lose - it was just so frustrating
I was blessed by the opportunity to wrestle in that match
I'm grateful to my partner, my opponents, and to my hermano
But next time, I will absolutely get results It won't end like this
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Does losing to someone strong make you a "bait dog"?
Is Kasai Jun someone who needs a "bait dog"?
Choose your words more carefully from now on
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kitorin · 1 year
010. creep
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3:40 pm
"Pfft." The giggle slips out as you leave the school building.
You can't emphasize enough how much school life has improved, there's been a significant improvement for the past few weeks, and you can't put into words how free you feel. Even everything outside of you and Hyoma's relationship was going well,
Everything's been going great. The majority of Hyou's fan base loved and supported you (with the rest either being hateful and salty or weird and obsessive).
Egoism's public relations team was highly capable too, with Reo's family assisting with managing the media and any undesirable articles.
But of course, an idol and his famous group, a PR team and the media couldn't fix your personal life.
A self deprecating speech that has the purpose of guilt tripping you, or a childish fit of anger. When it comes to Kira Ryosuke, either could happen.
Kicking and lashing out at him was very tempting, but now that you have a public image you have to be careful.
"Why do you do this to me, I know I'm not perfect but you didn't have to do that to me."
Ah, so he chose both.
"Please stop."
You keep any sort of emotion out of it, wanting to deal with this quickly and avoid any sort of unnecessary conflict or fighting.
"You've been dating Chigiri, why didn't you tell me?"
"I'm not obliged to tell you anything." Your voice is steady, yet you're still ready to break down and just run away. But you refuse, although you're terrified nothing would change for good if you turn a blind eye. "Stop obsessing over every detail of my life."
"But it doesn't make sense, y/n please, I know you're going through a lot right now-" Again with that fucking phrase, all because you ranted a bit about school being troublesome. Even if you had been going through something messed up and overwhelming, it was none of Kira's business unless you wanted his involvement. And no one has the right to use that in attempt to manipulate you.
"Look, I heard from Taka that you said I liked you back." A look of horror and shock materializes on his face. "I don't reciprocate. I liked having you as a friend."
"Then why ignore and avoid me? Don't lie-"
"I said liked. Not like. There's a difference in tense." As painful it was to admit now, he was a nice person at first. Or maybe he'd been this toxic the whole time and simply gave up on concealing it. Either way you wanted him out of your life for good. "You ignored and avoided me for no reason, you've gaslighted and guilt tripped me."
"That was only once."
As if that was an excuse. And it definitely happened more than once.
"Just fuck off." You were getting impatient, blood on the verge of boiling and teeth almost clenching. "I don't want to deal with you ever again." With that, you turn to leave, but his hand grips into your wrist.
"Don't make me the bad person here."
His grip goes as sudden as it came, with someone pulling you away from him.
Chigiri doesn't even acknowledge you verbally, one arm wrapped around your waist the other holding your hand.
He's livid, resentment scrawled all over this face and eyes almost glowing with disgust.
"Don't. Touch. Them." Despite how obvious his emotions were, he still maintained a stoic tone, although you were saved by him you still found him intimidating. It wasn't the right situation, but you still admired how he looked, hair tied up neatly and an extra button of his school shirt undone.
Something about Chigiri's heroic action seems to piss off Kira, his personality did a 360 from seemingly polite, to straight up animalistic and feral. His deceitful smile became an ugly expression of him gritting his teeth, he only got louder and more rude, going off at you.
"It's your fault for flirting with me all the time."
"You spread all these rumors only to blame me, you made all the advancements onto me."
"You're a fucking bitch."
Hyoma had released you, a loud and clean strike across Kira's cheek, now red and swollen. Gasps fluttered along the corridor, Kira's accusations and screaming attracted attention.
Flashes of videos and photos engulfed you with discomfort, sure you were nice to Kira, but it wasn't with intentions to be anymore than friends. You'd rather be a nice person to everyone, not specifically to someone you were interested in.
"Don't run your mouth. Or try to ever disrespect y/n. Don't even try to accuse them of anything. Of course someone like you would misinterpret kindness with flirting. Y/n never liked you, never will, and doesn't owe you anything." He glances around, wanting to check on you but refusing to take his eyes off Kira, just to be safe. "Last chance. Before I actually try something."
Chigiri immediately runs over to you, even though you weren't that far from him. His jacket comes off, covering you and your face as he guides you out of the commotion, with an arm protectively wrapped around you.
"Shit, are you okay?" He finally speaks, after you've both lost the crowd, now hiding near the front gate of school.
"Yeah." You were slightly shaken up at the event, not used to conflict, let alone conflict with complete strangers watching. "Thanks, a lot. I dunno what I would've done without you."
He smiles with relief, eyes squinting and dimples showing again. "Of course, anything for my fake lover. C'mon, let's get out of here, before they find us again."
You nod, feeling abnormally hot and your heart beating a bit faster than usual, it must be the aftermath of the drama.
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PAIRING. chigiri hyoma x reader
SYNOPSIS. school gets overwhelming with constant rumours and accusations, thankfully someone is willing to help. but what happens when this mutually beneficial agreement escalates into something more?
GENRE. social media au, fake dating, idol / actor au
TAGLIST. @izzylovestnbhd, @angelchigiri, @punkhazardlaw, @silly-ez, @y-sabell-a, @mellozhi, @luvlunazx, @oldest-dream-pdf, @misfits1a, @hoshithinker, @livelaughloveisagiyoichi, @mave-in
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© kitorin : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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krynutsreal · 4 months
For the Ishimondo hcs... I imagine Mondo having trouble falling asleep, specially near other people because he's always on defense mode (he has PTSD, no one can change my mind) but near Taka he just sleeps very peacefully with no trouble at all
ALSO Taka being the type of person who wakes up too easily meanwhile Mondo sleeps like a ROCK, the world could explode and Mondo would continue a mimir
(Sorry if the hcs are kinda bad I just woke up uhhh)
ough YEA I already see mondo as more of a night owl so him having trouble falling asleep makes sense to me. I can also see him getting nightmares/night terrors which also prevent him to sleep peacefully so that combined with having to sleep with someone else is just. not a great time for him RAHHG but ...taka....grabs him and shakes him. Maybe it's due to how close they are that mondo gets calmer when sleeping by him? I can definitely imagine that after a particularly bad nightmare mondo ends up opening up about his trauma related nightmares to taka (even if taka wasn't there to necessarily see him have a nightmare). Then from that point on it just helps him sleep better knowing that taka is right by his side.
also, I feel like mondo would snore, and since you mentioned that you hc taka as being a light sleeper I can imagine him just. Waking up every now and then because he hears something and then turns out it's mondo snoring loud as hell
or like they're sleeping/having a sleepover whatever and there's something going on outside. Mondo wouldn't even budge while takas eyes open wide immediately once he hears the noise. He'd probably hear crickets and wake up for sure 😭
Thinking way too much about this but man I can imagine a situation where they both NEED to wake up. Idk something important or they both are late to something and taka immediately waking up and trying to wake up mondo (also struggling to get off the bed because of mondo clinging onto him),, hes gotta fuckin push or shake him around tho cause mondos such a heavy sleeper not even takas yelling would wake him up</3
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mlm-mod-taka · 4 months
hi, I saw you're back, I'm happy, man! If it's open, can I request makoto with a tall man who randomly carries him (on his back, arms, etc.) and runs everywhere? Or does he offer a ride on your back? Idk, I hope that doesn't sound weird, haha
(Idk english, so I apologize if that was bad)
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TALL S/O WHO CARRIES HIM • makoto x male reader
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im so thankful that people are happy im returning! it gives me more motivation to write, since i know people find enjoyment in what i do. and your english was good, dont worry! i hope you enjoy these headcanons, and that you have a good day.
tws/cws: none that i can think of.
|| -> mod taka <3
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most people in the class are taller than naegi, so he's used to having to crane his head up just to talk to people properly. he didn't really mind, it just came with the territory of being smaller. what he wasn't used to though, was being carried, especially being carried by someone much taller than him.
the first time you did this was after pe class, everyone had to run around the track as long as they could and by the end of it, makoto's legs were killing him. back when you two first knew each other, you quickly got along, so he went to you to complain about his achy legs.
in response, you suddenly carried him bridal style as everyone walked to the lockers. makoto grabbed onto you in surprise, and his face was tinted red as he became too speechless to ask you to put him down.
to him, it was... kinda nice, actually. the pain in his legs was still there but being carried helped alleviate it, and it was very cozy to be carried by someone bigger. he enjoyed it, even if he got playfully teased by the others for it.
and that started the cycle of you wordlessly carrying him if he ever talked about having any pain, even if it wasn't leg related. some back pain? you offered to carry him on your back to his dorm. a small headache? immediately lifting him in your arms on the way to the cafeteria. a little neck pain? instinctively handling him so you can place him on your shoulders.
the others joked that makoto's legs muscles will become weak if you kept carrying him so much, and its become a little inside joke within the class. everytime someone needed to be lifted up or carried, they'd call it "pulling a naegi", you both thought it was funny.
the first time you ran with him in your arms, he was so confused and shocked that he didn't hold onto you, and almost ended up falling butt first to the floor. you two both got a good laugh out of it afterwards, with him playfully telling you to atleast warn him first before doing that!
now, everytime you run while holding him, he will scream very loudly. you always somehow manage to do it when he least expects it, and it always catches him off guard. he'll cling onto you for dear life while you run around the classroom with him, trying to avoid taka's scolding.
makoto definitely prefers piggy back rides over anything else. its the position where he can cling onto you the most, and the position where he worries least about falling down. he also enjoys resting his head between your neck and collarbone, but he'd never admit that.
until you two developed feelings for each other. you carrying him felt alot more intimate than it used to be, and him holding onto your shoulders while placing his chin on you felt so much more affectionate. the blush on makotos face would never go away when you lifted him like you usually would.
the entire class got sick of watching you two beat around the bush while being incredibly obvious, and also with you still insisting on carrying makoto, which would just make both of you flustered messes.
kyoko and byakuya convinced him to confess, and to everyones expectation, you both became a couple, and they thought they'd finally be spared all the skinship. they were all very wrong.
carrying became like a love language between you two. you loved hearing his surprise yell whenever you carried him and started running, while he loved the wide smile on your face whenever you did so.
makoto would finally start seeking you out in order to be carried around, feeling more comfortable to admit he actually really enjoys the feeling now that you two were dating. there were times where he would just go up to you, smile at you and ask "hi s/o, can you please carry and rush me to my dorm? i forgot something there." and then you'd immediately get on it.
everytime classes ended and everyone headed back to their dorms, you would piggy back carry him there while sprinting down the hallway. no matter how tired you were after a long day, you always made sure you had enough energy to do that, the laughs he would let out after the initial shock wore off was worth it.
feeling him hold onto you made your heart skip a beat no matter how many times its been done. feeling your arms hold onto him firmly to make sure he was safe made him turn red even if you two did it everyday.
carrying was such a special thing between you two. it meant so much more in your relationship, and you both loved it. the closeness it provided, the trust it required, the significance it had in the development of you two becoming lovers, it all meant so much to him, and he'd never trade that for anything.
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 3 months
English version DR:THH Gameplay Log #3
⚠️ Note that this Gameplay Log contains many spoilers, not only for THH but also for the entire Danganronpa franchise.
[Previous #2]
Finally, the introduction of the Ultimates! Yay! First, let's start with Hifumi's self-introduction, which I thought would be absolutely difficult to translate.
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Oh, I see. "すべての始まりにして終わりなる者" is translated as "The Alpha and the Omega". It's a nice way of translating.
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One thing I was very curious about in the translation of Hifumi's lines is how he refers to others, because this is related to a trick in chapter3. It seems that he calls others "Mr. + last name". I see, I see. In the original, he refers to other people as "their full name + an honorific (殿)". So if it was reproduced in the English version, he would call Makoto "Mr. Makoto Naegi", but the trick in chapter 3 would only work if the last name came first, so I guess the first name was omitted.
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haha, I think the EN text is a bit more euphemistic and cooler than the original, but I wonder what English speakers think about this. Maybe if I translated the original text literally, it would be "In other words... things beyond sex (or sexual desires)." or something like that?
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Leon has a lot of interesting lines for me because I have a limited vocabulary of informal English. But I think he speaks more normally than I expected. I think the original version is even more disorganized in its wording. (It is difficult to give a detailed explanation, so I will leave out the details!)
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I think "super cool to the max!" is a good translation because it gives a silly impression. In the original, it was "マキシマム(maximum)にカッケー". I think the literal translation would be "maximum cool!" or something like that. It is a silly and grammatically odd expression that is halfway mixed with English.
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haha, in the EN text, the fact that Sayaka bowed was removed. A literal translation of the original text would probably be something like this:
"The way she bowed is beautiful and I can't help but admire..."
Yeah, bowing is an act based on Japanese culture, so I guess it was removed to avoid confusion about what it means.
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This is a very good translation. The original text only says that fishermen have become very popular, but the context means that fishermen have become popular as romantic partners, which is expressed in the English version as 'fishermen quickly shot to the top of every "Hottest Men" poll ', and it is very clear.
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Ah, the word "お姉様" has been omitted, perhaps because it is difficult to translate. Actually, I am very curious as to how this can be translated. The word "お姉様" evokes images of a mature, calm, emotional leeway, and attractive woman. For example, Melami Goldmine from Rain Code is a complete "お姉様" type of person. Is there any equivalent word?
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hehe, it's funny how Makoto's line is much harsher in the original. In the EN text he said he WAS way off, but in the original one, he said "作家としての豊かな想像力が間違った方向に働いた例だな…". If I were to translate it, it would probably be something like this:
"It's a case of a writer's rich imagination working in the wrong direction..."
Don't analyze her so coldly, Makoto! 😂
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Ah, apparently I did not understand how difficult it is to translate Taka's lines. He's smart enough to use difficult words, so it's hard to translate that into English while keeping the word count within the limits of the line!
The translation "educational crusade" is interesting. In the original, he's just using a little difficult wording to say let's do our best to do schoolwork together. But as it is, it doesn't convey that he's using exaggerated language, so it feels like it's been largely changed.
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Ohhh, I finally got to see the line that explains why he is called Taka in the English fandom. The corresponding line "Anyway, you can call me Taka." does not exist at all in the original text. Is Kiyotaka hard to say from English speakers' point of view, so it became Taka? I am curious why.
[Next #4]
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edai-crplpnk · 8 months
2.- was sasuke right? || 3.- were naruto's intentions with sasuke selfish? || 8.- show a screenshot of your latest draft with no context ((always gonna pick the excuse to see sneak peeks lol)) || 14.-openings or endings?
For the Controversial Naruto Take Ask
2 - was sasuke right?
I'd like to preface this by saying I find it utterly insane how everyone (in canon and also a bit in the fandom tbh) says stuff about sasuke needing to atone for his crimes and whatnot when he literally has never killed anyone in the whole series. Even Naruto has, and he hasn't. And it's explicitly said that he has gone out of his way not to, and that he has asked Taka not to either while they were working for him. So, of course, the whole barging in at the gokage summit thing was not very cordial, but compared to what most of the characters have done, he's pretty fine. (Kakashi kills a child in the very first arc, may I remind everyone.)
Anyway. If the question is "Was Sasuke right about wanting a revolution and to take down Konoha's government?" I mean. Yes, I think that genocide is bad and that states that have been built in a way that allows and, furthermore, have flourished on them, should be undermined. I don't know if he was going to have a plan for that that would have led to something more functional to be built, I'll give you that, but yes Homura and Koharu should have died in a jail cell decades ago.
The part where he went full "I am going to become an eternal god hated by all and ruling by fear" was probably ill-advised though.
3 - were naruto's intentions with sasuke selfish?
That's an interesting question because I've never thought about it like that? I think that one thing happening in their dynamic is that they have very similar problems and trauma, but very different ways to react to it. And so they can relate to the other's motivation, but tend to think "but you are being mistaken about the solution because I know how to solve this and it's not that". But the truth is they are both traumatised teenagers willing to literally die for attention and a feeling of accomplishment and purpose, so I don't think either of them really has it figured out 😭
I don't think that Naruto's intentions with Sasuke were selfish, in the sense that I think he genuinely was doing what he was doing with the belief that it was the right way and that it would help and save him (which, for a part at least, it did). But maybe it was selfish in that he wasn't able to consider that because just he is seeing one path out of his problems and pain, then that path has to be right for Sasuke as well. To consider that he was a different person who maybe needed to make different choices and that's okay.
Not to do my self-promo but actually yesdo this authors, it's good: this is part of what I wanted to explore in Take You Heart Above The Water. Sasuke cannot (and as a matter of fact, in canon, does not) come back to Konoha and integrate into it the way Naruto does. And it's not necessarily a good goal for him to have. They have different relationships with the village, the people, different needs, or maybe similar ones but different ways to meet them. Helping people grow and feel happy and loved doesn't always mean helping them have the same life as you do.
8 - show a screenshot of your latest draft with no context
The last thing I worked I just posted it, so I'm going to take sneak peek of the last WIP I've worked on. It's All Bones and a Beating Heart, my ShikaChou modern AU.
The breaks in his voice takes him by surprise like a tide rising while one’s looking away, only catching back their attention when the cold water reaches their feet. The admission he’s about to make has been building in the back of his mind for weeks, unspeakable but unshakable too, feeding on him like a parasite that will now gush out through his throat after having overgrown his guts, and there’s nothing he can do to stop it. His lashes stick with tears when he blinks and his lips are dry when they part. “I don’t want anything in me anymore.”
Fun times 👍
14 - openings or endings?
I'm gonna say endings just for Nakushita Kotoba.
Thank you for asking!!
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