#she tells me yesterday she NEEDS me to work today she has no one & it’s going to be so busy
cubeshapedlemon · 3 days
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A Lovely Way to Spend an Evening
Norm gets transferred into another new job, in the agricultural sector. As much as he loathes working, he finds another reason to keep coming in.
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Norm Maclean x Chubby!f!reader
4.6k words
cw and tags: smut, fluff, lots of hair pulling, oral sex (f receiving), face sitting (f receiving), piv, flirting, boss/employee romance (it's not a inappropriate power dynamic thing its just how the plot shakes out), breif cum eating, coming untouched, sub!norm, dom!reader, mommy kink
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authors note: heyy yall!!! this fic took longer than the last one cuz yk life but its still out earlier than i thought it would be. The fallout brainrot has been intense and norm deserves some love!!! please tell me if I missed anything in the tags or spelling/grammatical errors. And just as a reminder my asks are always open!!! please send me requests!!! (info in pinned post) I am starting on a new (requested) norm fic pretty much as soon as I have the time. Anywho, check out my masterlist this fic and any others that i post will be updated there. Enjoy!
☆Reader pov☆
It wasn't every day someone new got rotated into one of the agriculture related jobs. It wasn't exactly appealing to most. But for you, you couldn't imagine doing anything else. Maybe that's why they placed him here, hoping your enthusiasm would rub off on him
The him, of course, being Norm Maclean. While the rest of the Maclean’s have a reputation of being dedicated hard workers, this trait was not held by the youngest of them. He didn't seem to be truly interested in anything, most of the time just fiddling with his Pip-Boy playing whatever game he had recently gotten.
When the council told you about the switch you were initially frustrated, hearing some chatter about how much he loathed every job placement he found himself in. If you remember your days of schooling together that sounds about right. While he was always exceptionally bright, he never seemed motivated to use it anywhere. Hopefully you could change that now.
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☆Norm's pov☆
Waking up today Norm managed to be in an even worse mood than normal. Yesterday's meeting with the council was pretty similar to the ones in the past. They berate him politely for a while, look over his performance review, chat in whispers to each other, and then reassign him. 
Though, this time they had decided to do things slightly differently. Usually they would assign him to a specific job, this time they just decided to send him to the agriculture sector, it now being the agricultural manager's job to figure out where he needs to go. Must be tired of handling specifics after reassigning him twelve times now.
Anyway, no use in dwelling on yesterday. Norm lazily drags himself out of bed, taking a quick shower before dressing himself and digging around in the fridge for some of the leftover Cram from dinner last night. Making no haste at all, he eventually makes his way to his new job. Only a few minutes late.
Looking around, he sees everyone else already at work, doing whatever it is they are supposed to do, occasionally stopping to have a quick chat with someone nearby. In his scan he sees someone walking towards him. Figuring she's the agricultural manager he was supposed to meet he gives a tight-lipped smile and an awkward wave. She responds with a polite smile of her own. 
Her walk is confident, hips swaying. She is built with clear strength in her, because of all the farmwork, Norm figures, despite this, her figure is still plush in all the right places. She has a bright, but powerful air around her.
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☆Reader pov☆
Looking him up and down, Norm doesn't seem to have changed much. While obviously he looks older now, his slight figure and short stature are much the same, his permanent scowl still there too. “Well, if it isn't Norm Maclean,” you say, offering your hand to shake. Taking it, he gives what seems like a sarcastic smile, greeting you by name as well.
Brushing that off for now, you continue. “As I'm sure is clear by now, you will be working under me. For the next few days, we will just be figuring out where to place you job-wise. How does that sound?” you ask, keeping a polite, professional tone. 
“Just peachy,” he responds with a sarcastically congenial tone. He really had no idea what he was getting himself into.
He needs someone to mold him, and you are happy to take on that role. While his underlying insecurity is clear, he has a smugness when it comes to work that needs to be broken. And you know just how to do that.
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☆Norm pov☆
Walking into work the next day Norm is greeted by you, your energy dimmer than yesterday. “You ready to start training?” you ask, no smile, no wave or handshake.  Something deep inside him pangs, he had no commitment to this job, just the same as his last. But in some vague way the idea that he had already disappointed you sits like lead in his stomach. Attempting to shake off that feeling, he tries to go back to his usual unwilling, and uninterested mood.
The first day is pretty simple. It mostly consists of him following you around and listening to you ramble off rules, policies and how the different systems work. When you get to the point where you are explaining the machine maintenance, his interest piques. You would think after being rotated through jobs enough times this would have happened once or twice. Evidently it had not. Though rather disappointingly, you move on swiftly.
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The following days were grueling. Grueling might be an overstatement, they were difficult. But he had some very enthusiastic help. You were always there to lend a helping hand on whatever task he was struggling at that moment. Many of those tasks being strength-based.
It's not like Norm was out of shape or anything, he just wasn't exactly on your level muscle wise. He would be lying if he said it wasn't nice on some level to see you walk over him with a sarcastic grin every time he struggled to lift something. Just like now in fact, as he struggles to move a particularly heavy crate.
“Need some help there pretty boy?” you come over chuckling, a blush rises to his face at your nickname.“Yes, please. Thank you,” he smiles, looking up at you. Smiling back at him you grab onto the crate, lifting it and setting it on your hip with only a small grunt of effort. “Walk with me,” you say, nodding your head at him as you walk to bring the crate to its home.
☆Reader pov☆
Keeping your pace you wait for Norm to follow you, after a moment or two he joins you at your side. “So, I've been thinking,” you drawl, attempting to get his full attention. “Yes?” he says, probably quicker than he meant to. His tone is clearly eager, but covered with a light veil of his usual sarcasm.
“I think I want to place you in repairs and data entry. You seem to be good at it, does that sound good to you?” you ask, already knowing what his answer will be. “Yes! I mean yeah, that sounds good. When do I start?” Norm looks up at you with gratitude, his too-cool facade breaking in favor of a sly-looking but genuine smile.
“You can start tomorrow,” you say, setting the crate down in its rightful place, turning now to face him. “I still have to get my use outta’ you here before I send you away,” you joke, giving him a smirk of your own. The blush on his face deepens, clearly taking your phrasing in a certain way. He turns his head to the side in a poor attempt to hide it. Deciding to tease him a bit more, you run your fingers through his hair before grasping at the roots. “You getting shy on me now, pretty boy?”
Norm's breath audibly hitches for a moment, his adam's apple bobbing in an almost comical fashion. “No,” he replies, if he was trying to sound convincing you couldn't tell, his tone a simpering whine compared to his usual one. “Sure, sure,” you concede sarcastically, letting go of his hair. “Come on now, there's still work to be done.” you give a playful pat on one of his cheeks before walking ahead a few paces. Not hearing him follow, you turn your head slightly to the side. “You coming Maclean?”
“Yes, ma'am.” Norm quickly answers, moving to follow you now.
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☆Norm pov☆
For the rest of the day Norm finds himself being exceedingly pathetic. While of course he has had crushes and flings in the past, the one he has now is different. In many ways it embarrassed him. Following the cliché of the dainty damsel in distress and the big strong hero coming in to save and woo her. He of course is the damsel, and the source of distress is just being bad at his job. Anyway, it fits it well enough. He truly did feel like the stereotypical damsel in this situation, he is a fully capable adult and yet he found himself so whipped for his ‘hero’ that he could not get anything done.
He spent the rest of the day periodically doing something of the smallest bit of use. But the majority of the time he was not-so-subtlety checking you out. At some point, you had pulled down your vault suit, tying it at your waist. This gave him a perfect view of your arms as you worked. Every once and a while you would catch him staring, chuckling at his desperate expression and embarrassment at being caught.
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Moving into his new job position, Norm quickly finds himself at home. There are only one or two other people in his same position so much of the day is just peaceful work on his own. While he does talk to and get along with his coworkers the person he really likes talking to is you. You check in with him in the morning before his shift, asking him how his day is going. All polite chatter with a cheek-burning innuendo slipped in every once and a while. Of course he finds ways to keep that conversation going when he can.
If only he had an inch more confidence. He would return your affections. He tells himself that you're probably just being polite, just regular friendly interactions. The fact that there had been a recent uptick in broken machinery that only he could fix was a coincidence. So was you just feeling like wearing a particularly low cut undershirt on days you felt like checking in on him more than normal. And how your hand always found itself on his lower back while he explained a maintenance issue to you.
You know, super platonic boss stuff. This routine sticks around. You continue with your usual flirts, flounces, and pet names. Oh god, the pet names. You seemed to be laying more on in every single conversation, not that Norm's complaining. After a little while he gains the confidence to flirt back a bit. If you can call his attempts flirting. He figures you get the message.
Today looks to be starting much of the same. Walking into the break room, he starts his regular routine. Putting his lunch in the fridge, making some coffee, and of course, talking with you when you come in three, two, one…
☆Reader pov☆
“Hey pretty boy,” you greet, as usual. “Morning ma'am” he responds respectfully. “Oh come on Norm, you know you don't have to call me ma'am,” You scoff, rolling your eyes at his formality. He chuckles at this, taking a sip from his coffee before refocusing on you. “I know, I know. It just feels right I guess.
“Well I guess I can't argue with that,” you concede, “It does just feel right to have you under me.” Norm chokes on his coffee at this, awkwardly sputtering it back in his cup. “As in our job hierarchy of course,” you smile, taking a sip of your own coffee. “Of course.”
Giggling to yourself for only a moment more you remind yourself of what you actually had to say. “Anyways, I'm writing up your first performance review today,” you inform, tone still light. “Oh?” he questions, anxiety pushing forward in his throat. “Yeah! No need to be worried, you've been an A+ worker these past few weeks.” you see as a wave of calm passes over him. You grin at this, stepping closer towards him. “I was just wondering if you would come to my place for dinner tonight. We could go over it, chat a little.” You step closer again, placing your mug on the counter, stepping in front of him now. Chests a breath away from each other.
You can hear his breath hitch, face turning red at your proximity. Running your hand across his jaw, you grasp his chin, tipping it up, he now looks up at you. Deep brown eyes shining with a glint of something you can't quite place. “Have some fun and such. What do you think about that baby? Sound good?” 
He manages to whine out an affirmative sound. “Good, 7 o'clock, don't be late.” you say, giving his cheek a quick pinch before turning around and bending over an unnecessary amount to grab your coffee off the counter and running off to actually do your job.
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☆Norm pov☆
The rest of the work day seemed to pass by at an unbearably slow rate. While Norm has plenty to keep himself busy with, he can't keep his mind can only fixate on your earlier conversation. Only a few more grueling hours until your little dinner date.
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Checking his Pip-boy for what seems like the millionth time today, It's finally time to clock out. Saying short goodbyes to his coworkers, Norm rushes out of work as quickly as possible without looking entirely stupid. He certainly felt stupid. Never in his life has he ever been this desperate for someone. 
Anyway, what do people even do to prepare for a date? Was this a date? Is all this tension not real? Is he just being a dick-brained idiot about all this? Honestly nothing could convince him one way or the other. But at this point who cares? He has to get ready anyway, he has to be presentable for you.
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☆Reader pov☆
You open your door at 7 o'clock sharp, and just as you agreed to, Norm is standing in front of you. He greets you with a smile. “On time for once, impressive,” you tease, leaning against the side of your door. “Well, I could never leave a woman like you waiting,” he flattered, “May I come in?” 
You chuckle, turning around and waving him inside, “If you promise to be good.” Walking in behind you he breathes out a laugh, “I think I can manage that.” You offer him a seat at the table, which he takes. Your apartment lights are dimmed slightly, the blinds are closed and you have put on some music. It plays just loud enough to be heard, still soft enough to blend into the background.
You busy yourself at the kitchen counter, putting together the last few finishing touches on the meal. “So, how have you been liking the new job?” you prompt, turning your head slightly towards him. “It's pretty good. Certainly better than the last twelve, that's for sure,” he jokes, attention still kept on you. Chuckling a bit at his comment you turn around, a plate in each hand. “Any particular reason you think? A certain task or, coworker, making it worth your while?” you ask, feigning cluelessness.
You walk to the table, setting the plates down while sitting opposite Norm. “You could say that,” he concedes, you hum in acknowledgement, using your fork to push the food around your plate lazily. Looking down at his plate Norm looks back up at you. “I really hate to say it, you went through all this work but,” 
“But what?” you question, concern bubbling lowly in your stomach. “I'm just not really hungry for what you've cooked.” he says, faux sadness in his tone. Catching on now, smile lightly to yourself. Moving your chair to sit closer to him, you play along. “Well I can make you something else if you want? What are you in the mood for?”
Pushing his chair back, he kneels in front of you, hands delicately placed in his lap. He looks up at you with an expression that can only be described as pathetic. “You.” Laughing to yourself you indulge him. Sighing, you run your hand down his face. He leans into your touch, releasing a small whine at the affection. “Is that so?” you tease, widening your stance so he can scoot in farther between your legs.
He nods, leaning further into your touch he delicately delicately reaches to tug off your boots, pausing briefly first. “Please,” he purrs, you nod once, giving him permission. Has he pulls of your boots as you unzip your suit, pulling it down your body. He pauses to toss your boots and socks to the side briefly, before returning his focus. You stand momentarily, pulling off your undershirt as he occupies himself by leisurely pulling your vault suit down, and off of you.
You look down at him, his ever present gaze still fixed onto yours. Running your fingers through his hair you tug him up, he releases a pained, yet sensual moan. Eyes glassy as he pulls himself to stand. “Let's take this to the bedroom pretty boy,” you coo, craning your neck to bring him into a short, but passionate kiss. He whines as you separate, following quickly behind you as you walk to the other room.
Once you are there, you come farther into his space, walking him towards the foot of he bed. When his legs hit it, you push him on, crawling after him. Your legs bracket his own, one hand supporting your weight near his head, the other traces its way around his center. You rub your palm over his growing bulge, pleasantly surprised by the size. “You're looking a little overdressed baby,” you say, moving your hand to his zipper, though it is caught by his.
“Wait, I want to taste you first. Please,” he expresses, hands going to your hips and squeezing the softness there. “Whatever you want,” you declare, leaning down to give him a soft kiss before moving up his body to hover above his face. “Just tap my leg three times if you need a break ok?”
“I won't need one.”
Before you can give what he said another thought you feel your underwear tear off at your hips. Norm quickly tosses the now scrap of fabric somewhere in the room. His arms swiftly wrap around your thighs, pulling you down to meet his open and waiting mouth. Surprised by his sudden actions you fall forward, one hand catching the headboard, the other, falling to his hair. The inertia of the fall forces you to tug. The sensation sparking a deep groan from him, the vibrations dancing across your core delicately.
“Fuck- you caught me off guard. You're supposed to warn a lady about these things,” you chastise half-jokingly, your hips falling into a rhythm. Norm replies with a half-hearted muffled something or other. He is clearly much more engrossed in the task at hand, and much too brainless to respond.
You feel the familiar waves of pleasure spark in your stomach, your body now becoming hypersensitive to touch. The overwhelming feeling causes your hips to buck up, only for them to be slammed back down by Norm. 
As your moans grow louder, his, seem to as well. His tongue flattens across your core, he pushes your hips forward in time with your own movements. His nose bumping into your clit, the extra sensation causing you to release another round of wetness, one that he is all-too eager to lap up. Desperate for more he moves his tongue to your entrance, you clench desperately around as it works its way inside of you. “Fuck baby- you're going to make me come,” you groan out, tugging on his hair once more. 
Something about that seemed to further motivate him. His lewd groans and whimpers only getting louder, and his actions only getting more ferocious. It's not long until your waves of pleasure finally come crashing down. They crash harder than they ever have, an unfamiliar intensity that Norm seems to sense, his moans getting to be almost as loud as yours, if not for your body muffling them. As you come back from your bliss, you lean back, looking down at him. Only then you realized what happened 
The entire lower half of his face is soaked, and the sheets behind him. “Geeze did I just-?” you gasp out, you don't remember the last time you properly squirted. “Mhm…” he affirms, kissing your thighs, and giving your core a few gentle kitten licks. “Please, can we go again? I want to make you do it again…” he whines out, now giving your thighs small nips with his teeth. “I don't know if I can, pretty boy. It was already special when you got me to the first time, another time would be even harder,” you inform, he clearly doesn't like your answer, responding with an annoyed groan. 
“Please, please let me try again. I can do it mommy! I can do it! Just one more!”
Your core involuntarily clenches at the name, his pathetic teary eyes not helping either. “Ok, one more. Be a good boy and help mommy come again.” Eyes lighting up, he smiles with satisfaction. Pulling your hips back to his mouth, he starts again, somehow more enthusiastic than before. Still sensitive from your last orgasm, the next one builds up even faster. “Mnhm- you're so good for me. Just like that.” The waves crash harder and harder than before, pushing you to the edge. Your hips buck wildly against his face, pressure building up once more. After an embarrassingly short amount of time, you come undone once more.
Your entire body tingles from the release, pleasure ebbing from every particle and atom. You soon go boneless, sliding down his body you cuddle up to his side. Grabbing his face to turn to you, Norm gives you a satisfied-looking smirk. “You proud of yourself?” you joke, leaning in to lock lips with him, tasting yourself. He deepens the kiss, turning to fully face you. He slots one of his legs between yours, giving a comfortable pressure where you need him most. His hands go to unclasp your bra. Both of you parting for barely a moment to rid you of it.
As soon as the bra hits the floor, one of his hands goes to cup your breast, squeezing softly. Parting once more, his smug look now has an extra needy layer to it. “I am very proud of myself, yes,” he answers, moving down your body now, capturing one of your nippes in his mouth. Groaning at the sensation, you place your hand back to its rightful spot in his hair. Pulling him closer, you begin to do your own groping as well. Hands tracing down his back, giving a quick squeeze to his butt before trailing back to his front.
His bulge is still going strong, pawing at it firmly, he whines pathetically, releasing from your breast with a pop. “You need me here, pretty boy?” you coo, giving his bulge a delicate squeeze. He only manages to respond with a nod and a few desperate thrusts into your hand. “Don't worry baby, I'll take care of you.” You give him a soft kiss on his lips, pushing him to be flat on his back again. 
Crawling back on top of him, you hover now at his hips, leaning forward to pull down the zipper of his suit. Now fully unzipped, you tug down the suit, revealing his body as you do. He lifts his hips up briefly to help you. Pulling it fully off, you remove his boots and socks as well. He now finds himself in only his light grey boxers. Though, you notice something, crawling up his body again you see it, a dark stain on his boxers. A new, wet stain.
 You give a light gasp, looking up at him. Already knowing what you are reacting to, his face is beet red and turned to the side. He doesn't dare to make eye contact. “Is this what I think it is?” you question, attempting to hide your arousal. “...Yes,” he shamefully admits, face somehow getting more red. “You came just from eating me out?” Not being able to bare speaking anymore he gives a sound in the affirmative. “Geez- thats so hot,” you admit. 
That certainly brings a reaction out of him. He pulls himself up on his elbows, turning his head to face you again. “Really?” he questions, clearly unsure if you were being serious. “Yes really,” you answer, rolling your eyes at his stupidity. Pulling his boxers off, you run your fingers across his skin, collecting some of his leftover spend. You put your fingers into your mouth, moaning at the slight salty taste. You watch his pupils dilate impossibly wider, his erection getting impossibly harder by the second. 
You seductively pull your fingers out, spit dripping from them as you bring them to his hardness. The slickness providing lubricant as you lazily pump a few times. You lick your lips in anticipation, looking up at his desperately flushed cheeks and sympathetic eyes. “I need you baby, You gonna let mommy ride you?” His brain seems to short circuit at your question for a moment, as if he can't believe it's actually happening.
He eventually comes to, responding to you with a nod and a whispered yes. At that you can't help but smile, grabbing his hips, you half-carry-half-push them to the headboard so that he can sit up properly. He releases a quiet whine at the show of strength, pulling you to mount his hips. 
Grasping his hardness again, you swipe the tip through your folds a few times before easily sliding him inside. The sensation causing you both to groan. It's like he was made to be inside you. Not wanting to waste any more time, you quickly start a brutal rhythm. Though, this rhythm soon becomes rather disjointed and irregular. Taking that as a sign, Norm responds by quickly snapping his own hips to match your thrusts. This slight change is very welcome, his tip now battering against that one spot inside of you, your knees going weak at the feeling.
Noticing you falter, he picks up the slack. Holding your hips still, he manages to keep the unearthly pace. Both of your pleasures growing every second. “I-I’m not going to last long,” he admits through a moan. “It's ok pretty boy, neither am I,” you respond, feeling yourself get near the precipice. “Let go for me baby, come for me.”
His body seems to take that as a command, hips stuttering as you feel his warmth seep inside of you. With a few more of his harsh thrusts you come undone alongside him, slumping forward you unintentionally shove your breasts in is face, not that he is complaining. His desperate moans and whimpers now muffled by your chest.
You stay pressed against each other for a long while, not daring to disturb the peace. After a few minutes, you peel yourself off of him, moving him to lay down against your pillows you give him a soft kiss before turning to go to the bathroom. His hand catches your wrist, forcing you to stop. Turning back to him you remove his hand, leaning in to place a delicate kiss to his chest. 
“It’s ok, I will be right back, I just need to get myself cleaned up.” Seeming to take that as a sufficient answer, he nods, allowing you to go. After going to the bathroom you clean yourself up, and grab a fresh washcloth. Wetting it you walk back to the bedroom, already hearing soft snores. Smiling quietly to yourself you clean him up, wiping all evidence of your activities away. 
Tossing the washcloth into your hamper, you climb into bed. Norm unconsciously moves to cuddle into your chest, face cradled between your breasts, one arm holding onto your plush waist. Pulling up the covers you sigh, life can not get better than this.
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inthisvaleoftears · 24 hours
(UPDATED: STILL URGENT) I’m taking commissions
Hello my loves, I never thought I would have to do this again, but I really need help right now. I am doing art/translation commissions again, if you’ve known me since the pandemic you will remember I started to work in order to help my parents after my dad lost his job and got depressed, and was at the time too sad to do anything. I thought my parents were doing fine post pandemic since my dad got the will to study to get a masters degree, but my mom told me very recently that she is in debt (around S/ 20k peruvian soles or maybe more) and I’ve been weighing the options we currently have.
I know I haven’t been a good child to them. I dropped out of uni, and then dropped out of art school because I am too sick (clinical depression) to go. I am currently looking for a job as a waiter, and that money will go towards easing my mom’s debt. My best bet is looking for expensive restaurants, because foreigners come and go, and I’ve heard they leave big tips. I only speak spanish (mother tongue) and english (second language) fluently and I have faith that this privilege will help me. I’m trying, I really am.
Aside from doing this separately in order to help my parents, I am working on commissions (both art and translation) to help my partner. If I thought that my family had it bad, when I met and started dating my boyfriend it became clear that what we were going through is nothing. He is a very sweet boy, and he treats me like I am an angel, but he is my angel. He’s had it very rough. He’s struggling with addiction and I fret over him constantly, because he lives very far from where I do and if he were to be in any danger I wouldn’t be able to reach him in time.
Aside from struggling with drug addiction since he was a child, he left his home this year, and started living alone. I know that it is not ideal, but he was desperate to get away from his mom. I know i’ve been judgemental and I know I don’t trust his mom still. But I reached out to her today because I was so worried about him. I’ve learned a few things today. He’s been living in the house of a friend. That I knew. What I didn’t know was that this person is a drug dealer… These people are not good friends. My boyfriend isn’t a good friend to them either. None of them are good friends to each other. His mom, I do not trust her, and I don’t think I could ever understand why she had to treat him so…
However, after I learned my boyfriend is taking harder drugs from someone else, I pleaded for help to my own mom. And she told me I have to tell the woman what is happening because things are so wrong right now. We need her help too. My love told me he wanted to be someone she could be proud of. If I have to trust his mom, for him I’ll try my best. I need to be kind. I’ve never been a mother. I could never understand the desperation of being in her position. He’s her only son. I called her and she started crying. She’s scared. She told me that if I ever felt this taking a toll on my health, that I should leave. But there’s no reason for me to be here if I can’t help him.
Earlier tonight, I got a message from a friend of his, asking me about him. It’s bad… she told me that her friend saw him at around 10pm yesterday (it’s 4 am right now) …he’s not well at all. The girl saw him babbling and falling. I shouldn’t have let him go back. I am devastated… he promised he would come see me today, and hopefully, he will agree that he needs help. But he’s a stubborn one… I am begging on my hands and knees for anyone up there listening to have mercy. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. He doesn’t deserve this… he’s the last person deserving of such pain. I won’t let him go.
I will plead with my family for him to stay here at home. He can’t go back to Carabayllo. Now that I know what’s happening, we can’t take that risk. His heart has already stopped before because of an OD. If I let him go back, he will die. Giving him an apartment close to where I live isn’t enough. He needs to be supervised. And he needs help. I know he’s terrified of being admitted to rehab… I understand. I’ve been in the psych ward twice before because of my attempts. I know what it’s like. I never wanted to die as much as I did when I was in the ward.
He won’t go if I can help it. I’ve been doing research and there’s alternatives… Rehabilitation at home, and another alternative is going to the hospital periodically. I’m going to ask any people who might know. My mom works with doctors… I’ve already asked her and I know she will do that for me. Please pray for him. For him to accept that he needs help. That it’s not fine… and for him to see how much he’s hurting himself.
As for me, I’m still taking commissions. Please DM me for any information, my prices range from $15 to $45, no more, depending on the complexity of the piece. The only thing I will not draw is heavy gore and cp. I can also translate from english to spanish and spanish to english, if anyone’s interested. I’m charging $0.10 per word, because this is new for me despite being fluent. If you’re interested, you can check my tags: #my art // #translation for examples… I’ll tag them below to make accessing this information easier.
If you’re peruvian, and you know of any place that offers such treatments, please contact me as soon as possible.
I’m terrified. I feel like I’m falling to pieces, like it is all my fault. I should have been more patient with him. I’m supposed to be gentle, but I keep losing my patience with him, despite knowing how hard it is to deal with addiction. I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for being mean. But… this is not about me. All I do is for him. This is for him.
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spooky-pop · 3 days
Hello! First of all, I want to say that I love your artwork, it’s always a pleasure to see it blessing my dash 💖
Secondly, in regard to your post about having to take a break, please make sure you take a long one! Or at the very least please don’t give in to the drawing temptations before you’ve given yourself adequate rest. Take it from someone who didn’t take a proper break when she needed to, I’m 5 years down the line with chronic hand pain that has severely impacted my art and quality of life. Not saying this will happen to you if you don’t rest, but it’s a potential worst case scenario if one were to rush back into things too soon.
I’m sure other fans of your work would agree that we’re happy to wait for you to feel better before you continue making your amazing artwork. So please don’t feel any pressure to rush the process 💖
(Sorry if any of this comes across condescending or not my place to comment. It’s just when I see artists mention their hands hurting, my immediate thought is “Don’t do what I did! Don’t end up like me!” and I never had anyone to tell me about the potential consequences).
Thank you for this!!! It's definitely a good reminder to slow down, I tend to get REALLY into art when I'm feeling my best and my hands just can't keep up as I'm getting older tbh. My hands just aren't what they used to be when I was in my early 20's/college years. Even when I was studying art and working a lot I really didn't take the proper care of my hands and neglected my stretches. I wish I could go back and shake my younger self but all we can do is take care of things the way they are now! <333
But yes, def gonna take some time to rest my hands and get a brace for my drawing hand, at least until I can get into my doc to see what's up. I think today I'm gonna upload some stuff I finished yesterday and then...take a breather haha. Because dang! Joint pain is NO JOKE!!!
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milflewis · 3 months
#in a strange place today and i need to put this somewhere. i do not have a journal yet. this is it#my grandad was diagnosed with dementia years ago and the grandad i have now is often unrecognisable from the one i grew up with#and while this like isn’t fun and it is strange for him to look at me and not know me more times than he does. it has also been kind of l#lovely?#bc he thinks my granny is still alive so whenever i get to go see him i get to pretend she is too. and she is for a minute. and tho i am#glad she went before him. it is nice to say oh i’m popping in to see her after this grandad and talk about her like she’s hasn’t been gone#since i’ve been ten. my dad has spoken more to him in the last five years than he has his whole life#he was not an easy man. he was loud and friendly and hard working and funny and scary but not easy. in ways he is even#harder now. in others he is easier.#he is more of a child. this is what dementia can do to a brain. we are learning things about his childhood that no one alive has ever spoken#about. that no one knew. my dad doesn’t love him more now but he understands him better#my grandad taught me how to drive a tractor and how to fish through my dad and he has not recognised me in over a year and he#hasn’t walked since he broke his pelvis seven years ago and his muscles are nearly all gone. he is a fraction of the size he used to be. his#personality and body took up my childhood like adults on the screen in cartoons. he hasn’t dressed himself in a decade. he told one of the#nurses that after dinner he wanted ice cream plain like herself and nearly peed when she laughed and told him to fuck off#he is in there. he is himself. i know him. but he isn’t. he doesn’t know me but he allows me to tell him how to ppl he knows are doing. he#still somehow trusts me. we talk a lot about my granny and how she stayed up watching tv again last night so she’s tired today. don’t stay#long when you call in to see her?#whenever we would journey to see him and my granny and get in v late he’d ask us if we wanted apple tart and my granny would say michael.#not ur kids. u can’t parent them. he didn’t know my name yesterday but he asked me if i wanted apple tart#i hope he dies soon. for all that i will miss this. miss my dad having this. he would not want to live like this. it wouldntbe living to him
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#these past two weeks have been so intense that ive just.. not spoken about it once i got home from work#blocked it all out#my beloved colleague whose desk is next to mine has cancer#breast and uterus. she needs two major surgeries#they just diagnosed her two weeks ago#so we've been trying to deal with that as colleagues and friends#because we love and miss her and i am so deeply sad as well#but i feel like i couldn't process that at all bc two days after the news of her diagnosis i was asked to take on half of her work#on top of my fulltime#which i agreed to do bc i like her tasks and i want to help her and i also know i can do it#but it does feel very off bc i know i don't earn enough money for this workload to be long term and it is def like this#for the coming four months at least#so i did tell my manager that i would like a raise and. that bitch told me to BUY MORE SECOND HAND SHIT.#i seriously thought i saw my life flash before my eyes#then the day after she asked one of my colleagues who's been with the firm for over 30 years whether she was looking for another job maybe?#which caused that colleague to instantly go home in tears and be home from basically a nervous breakdown the past 1.5 week#which is her full right and i support her with all my heart but bc my management sucks it meant that we had to also carry her tasks ofc#i felt soooo spread thin and super super angry actually but i didn't even realise how angry i was until last thursday my colleague w cancer#came by the office. and talked about all of it. and i suddenly realised how sad i was but then also how angry#but i was just blocking it all out trying to stay afloat#bc we told her about what the manager had said and she said “i hope that i get the chance to really tell her how it is someday.”#“because the stress she causes with people can actually kill you. just look at me.”#and the rest of the day i felt so ready to be done with everything actually#but seeing her anger made me see my own anger#and released me of my own pent up emotions bc i had actual leg pains this week and it was purely psychosomatic#i then managed to tell some friends yesterday about what was going on and their outrage spurred me on even more#so today i emailed hr. demanding a raise#doing this amount of work while constantly feeling like the house is on fire while also struggling financially seriously makes me suicidal#and i am not joking#so.. if nothing comes of that im leaving that job and not looking back
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scare-ard--sleigh · 1 month
ohhhhhhhhhh my goddddddddd and now the fucking t*ble t*nnis guy is passive aggressively up my ass : \
#work stuff#silver jelly#'i've noticed editing has slowed down...' first of all ;;; i was editing the 3.5k words of incomprehensible nonsense because you all#won't hire real writers for almost TWO HOURS on friday. i skipped Yesterday. you sent that message at 10 AM when i HAD one of those#fucking awful awful articles on my roster for today. so that's what;;;; 1 work day unaccounted for? fuck off#secondly; you assholes REFUSE to tell me how much you're expecting from me; you just fucking yell at us when we're not going#'fast enough' when you WON'T EVEN TELL ME WHAT THAT MEANS#this is an internal fucking site and we have REAL clients with REAL ACTUAL deadlines ;;; this is not !!!!!!!!!!!!!! a priority to me!!!!!!!#thirdly; ;;;; i took this project AS A FAVOR to someone who's on maternity leave. i did not even want it. she fucking told me 'ohhh you're#the only one i trust' when there's ... literally ;;; another editor on this who is her best friend from childhood or whatever .#like manipulating me; basically; into taking this project (and she didn't even need to; i wanted the hours anyway)#STILL; ;;; it's not something i picked; it's not something i even particularly wanted to do !!!!!#and it's endless shit;; every god damn week it's some version of 'is everything okay? you're slowing down?' like yeah bro i got other work!#jesus fucking CHRIST i just cannot !!!!!#i sent a message in the chat i straight up said 'i try to do one of these a day but i don't feel like it's enough so please tell me what#your expectations are' and if he dodges i'm saying 'an approximate number would be really helpful' like fuck dude i don't CARE if#you tell me you need 10 of these by the end of the week -- i can maybe even make that happen but this isn't fucking working !!!!#@god please get me out of here holy shit .
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adw520 · 1 year
cant sleep because i cant stop thinking about how the mechanic was a bit of an asshole to me for no reason when i got my car finally taken in
#adw's ramblings#'i could tell your car's been sitting for a month' yeah i wouldve moved it sooner if it could. you know. start#'the sun here drains your battery you should be able to pick it up once i charge it' that car has been#jumpstarted five times in the last week and not once has it stayed alive long enough to leave the parking spot#three of those times it died while the starter was still hooked up and on#and one of those three times the starter was the tow truck (she didnt want to go into neutral so the driver gave her a quick spark)#(it was the most pathetic sounding attempt to start i've ever heard her make)#guess what i didnt get the call to pick up my car today#i know im 5'2" and look several years younger than i am but god can you not be so condescending#and like whatever its not the only time this sort of shit will or has happened to me i know#but im already stressed about the car and im not great at sleeping to begin with so this is like the cherry on the cake#i was baking until 11:45 last night in a dorm kitchen#but i dont have milk so i can't make the muffins or quick breads i have mixes for#and guess what i need to get milk.#a working car#not that i need more baked goods im not convinced my roommate and i can make it through the cake i made before it goes bad#i'm very stressed and anxious and a little bit angry and its all just. ughhhhhhh#if you made it this far down the tags uhh here's a cookie i guess 🍪#you can imagine it's one of the ones i made yesterday#or technically the day before yesterday since it's past midnight here
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applecherry108 · 1 year
I’m going fucking insane.
My coworker is at Coachella so I’m the sole employee in the office for 3 days. My coworker is really good at faking niceness for strangers and randos, she’s really outgoing, whereas I hit my complete burnout point a few years ago and my autistic ass can no longer humor idiots, assholes, and old people.
Of all the idiots and assholes testing my patience today, it’s an old person that’s the last straw.
This guy will just….come into our office, every so often. Not to buy anything. Not to see the doctor. Just to chitchat. I do not want to fucking chitchat with the old man with nothing better to do than take up a working person’s time with bullshit. He’s nice, sure, but dude get out. I have a thousand things to do and I’m literally buried under files currently.
But I try. I try to be nice and make small talk. But he asks if I’m going to see the new Russell Crowe movie. Which one? The pope’s exorcist? Oh yeah, actually I am—I like horror movies.
Thank god our next patients walk in then and Old Man leaves but like…. Get out. Get out and leave me alone, I didn’t want to chitchat in the first place, but you wanna argue about whether or not the horror movie is a horror movie??? Old Man, at least when people try to make conversation with a barista and they’re forced to play nice, you at least ordered goods and services. You did no such thing here. Get. Out.
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kissitbttr · 11 months
miguel putting up with his girl’s princess attitude
“miguel!” you call out from the bathroom as your fingers delicately fix the straps of your bodycon dress. “can you come here for a minute?”
miguel sighs, this is the third time you keep calling him knowing how busy he is at the moment. work has gotten the best of him, and if reinventing new techs back to back isn’t enough to drain him, he has to keep up with your needs daily.
does he has the courage to say no to you, though? nope. as much as he hates to admit it because it’s embarrassing, he’s scared of you. if the spider society think that Miguel is too frightening then they have not seen you get mad or being a brat.
“coming, baby!” he walks out of his office while taking off his glasses, rolling the sleeves of his henley shirt to his elbows.
the bathroom door is left wide open, immediately seeing you standing before the mirror in a long and tight fitting grey dress that falls just around your ankles. and just like that, his annoyance completely washed off,
he takes a good look at you. eyes slowly observing every single detail of your face and down to your body. the way that dress hugs your curves and accentuate your best assets should be a crime,
God, you’re such a perfection.
“shut your mouth before you catch flies, babe” you jokingly say as your fiancee stares at you with his jaw slightly agape. “mind helping me?”
Miguel clears his throat after, slightly smirking as he shrug his shoulders. he leans against the door way with his arms crossed, eyes never leaving yours.
“you look absolutely divine, mi amor.” he comments, taking his lower lip between his teeth. “is that new?” he points at the dress,
rolling your eyes playfully, you try to keep your composure still. even after three years of dating—now engaged— he still manages to make your heart skips and create butterflies in the pit of your stomach,
“I know” you reply in confidence, winking at him which he chuckles in return. “and yes it is! it’s SKIMS! got it yesterday, does it look good on me?”
he frowns, tilting his head to the side. “baby, you already know the answer to that come on now… you make anything look sexy.” he strides closer to you as he stands from behind you, “now, què necesitas?” he questions, resting his hands on his hips
you find it attractive how he towers over you, and it’s one thing that you love about him. it’s not that you’re petite or anything. but compared to how tall and big he is, you’re definitely tiny.
“straighten my hair for me please? I can’t reach it” you pout at him through the mirror, “just this part right here” fingers move to the back to touch part of your hair,
“ay dios mio, woman… you’re lucky i love you” he teases before grabbing the iron from the sink. “going out with the girls, mami? i assume lunch?” he asks as he starts parting your hair with one hand,
your head shakes, straightening the dress. “no, I’m doing cake testing today and wedding dresses … Darla is bringing three more flavors.”
he stops what he’s doing, giving you a confused look. “alone? cariño why didn’t you tell me? you know I’d come with you” he feels a bit disappointed and now guilty that he’s busying himself with work and instead you’re left dealing with your wedding, alone.
his hand rests on your shoulder and you move yours on top of him. “hey, it’s okay, Miggy… you’ve been so stressed lately i do not want to put more pressure… it was last minute anyway, she texted me this morning.”
“you’re my girl, i would never be too busy for you.” he says almost too fast,
giving him a sincere smile, you nod your head. “yes… i know, baby. trust me it’s okay…plus it’s bad luck for the groom to see his bride in a wedding dress” you giggle a bit. “we can go over the seating arrangements again together, yeah? i promise” you plant a soft kiss on his finger,
Miguel exhales a sigh, still feeling tiny bit upset that he won’t be there to keep you company. “okay, fine… tell Darla that keep vegan options open for the cakes.”
“noted, honey.” you tell him as he continues to straighten your hair, “is everything okay with work?”
he nods, eyes too fixated on your long hair, not wanting to mess up a single strand. “just running over a few reports and fixing few minor defects on the techs and my suit…the last guy did quite a number on me.”
“hmm i love it when you speak science to me” you comment, watching him laugh a bit at your flirty remark. “but you still need to be careful. i do not want to see my future husband all bruised up when i walk down that aisle or else I’ll leave your ass.” your tone comes off demanding and firm, but it’s only because you care.
“yes ma’am” he replies, setting down the hot object down on the sink before slowly running his fingers through your hair. “there you go, baby” he moves your hair to the front, kissing your cheek and seeing you smile just makes him happy. knowing he’s done a great job.
turning around to face him, you stand on your toes to kiss his lips. “thank you, miggy… I’ll see you later, okay? we can go grab dinner outside and then movie night at 9?”
his heart warms at that and lips stretches into a large grin. “sounds like a plan.” then he lightly slaps your ass as you walk out of the door,
“let me know if there’s going to be bunch of assholes staring at you today, I’ll hunt them down and fucking kill them on the spot.” he mentions as if it’s nothing
and they say romance is dead.
cake testing with miggy!
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luveline · 8 months
What about a lil fic of the first time bombshell reader gets mad at Spencer? Like it can be while they r dating or before and May be r is giving Spencer quiet treatment?
ty for requesting! ♡ fem, 1.3k
Spencer waits for Morgan to get up for a coffee before he gets up himself, tailing his teasing teammate to the microwave. He's hoping Morgan's in a sympathetic mood today, because Spencer is in dire need of some sympathy. 
"Loverboy," Morgan says, his voice steeped in suspicion. "Can I help you with something?"
"Do you know why Y/N's upset?" 
"You don't? You're the expert." 
Spencer rubs at his nose, the beginning of another migraine brewing between his eyes. The gesture draws a little more empathy than his misguided question. 
"You're gonna have to ask her yourself. I don't want her angry at me too, she's gonna fix my computer before Garcia finds out I fell for her phishing email test." 
"I've been asking her. It's making it worse. She won't answer my questions anymore. She just hums." 
"Silent treatment. Yikes." Morgan sips his tea through a grimace. "I mean, you must've done something bad. She's usually so–" 
"–in love with you." Morgan laughs as he wanders off in the direction of the stairs up to Hotch's office. "Same thing."
Spencer decides to make a cup of bribery tea for you. He microwaves a mug of hot water and plunks a bag of your favourite blend in without ceremony, bobbing it up and down as he watches you from over his shoulder. You've moved desks upon request to sit with the rest of the team and opposite Spencer (against Hotch's self-proclaimed better judgement), your things set carefully in contrast to his books, a library's worth teeming on every spare inch. Some have even made their way onto your desk, pristinely stacked in wait of his perusal. It's one small gesture among the hundreds of kind things you do for him. 
"Here," he says, setting the mug down next to your mouse carefully. 
Your anger strikes him. Eyes frosted with an uneasiness he's not partial to, lips, so perfectly painted, screwed into a frown. It's not nice seeing someone he cares about upset with him, worse when he has no idea what it is he's done. 
"You're annoyed at me," he says. You wait for him to continue. "I don't know what I did." 
"That makes it worse." You frown at him. After a few seconds of this—your frowning, his looking sorry and confused— you sigh wretchedly (as in, he's never heard you sound that sad, ever, and he hates it). "Spencer, you stood me up." 
Everything in him goes cold. "No I didn't." 
Your sad frown melds again to anger. "Yes you did! I– I got my hair done at a salon, I bought a new dress, I bragged to all of my friends that my cute coworker was gonna be my date, and none of that mattered because you didn't text me back so I was worried sick all night that you were," —your voice drops to a private whisper— "in trouble somewhere, and then you come into work like nothing happened? Not even a hint of an apology? I thought you wanted to come."  
Your voice burns with embarrassment. Spencer can feel it in his throat, that plucky ache of someone letting you down. 
"That was last night?" he asks quietly. A friend asked you to their charity ball, not as ridiculously fancy as it sounds but an occasion of esteem and important to you nonetheless. "Y/N, I thought that was– I have it in my phone as next month. As November. I'm so sorry." 
"Why didn't you answer my texts?" 
He winces. "I had a migraine… Screens make it worse, and I haven't charged the battery yet because I was coming to work anyways I'm sorry, Y/N, really. I mixed it up. I should've asked you." 
You seem less disheartened at his admission. You cross your arms over your abdomen and lean back a touch in your chair, as if deciding whether he's being truthful. Spencer isn't in the habit of lying to you and anybody could tell you that, so after a few seconds you look away. "I asked you if you were excited yesterday morning. I told you my dress came."  
"I know." He can't believe he's gotten it wrong like this. Anyone can make a mistake, but he imagines you in your new dress with your hair done waiting for him in the cold weather that descended on Virginia last night and his guts twist into a knot. "I didn't piece it together. I didn't… I didn't…" 
Spencer can't remember the last time he let someone he loves down like this. His migraine spikes again like a needle in the eye, fiery agony that has him closing his eyes to cope. 
"Spencer," you say, softly admonishing. "Hey, it's okay." Your chair creaks.
"I'm so sorry," he says through his teeth. 
"I thought you were being a jerk, but I guess I should've known you wouldn't do something like that." You stand up and take his elbow into a very gentle hand. "I'm sorry for giving you the cold shoulder. It was childish. I was just hurt thinking you did it on purpose." 
"Sorry," he says again. "Migraine." 
Your hand rises to his cheek. "Yeah? Sit down, Spence. Take a breather." 
The doctors say that Spencer's migraines are psychosomatic. He doesn't get how something so odious can start from nothing. 
You seem twice as upset but in a different light, ushering him down into your chair. "Don't worry," you say softly, your hand falling into his hair, "I took a great picture. You can still see me in my nice dress." 
You're kidding but he's genuinely glad. Then the pain takes over and he can't see the other side of it for years. 
It only feels like years. 
When he can open his eyes, you've knelt by his chair. He hates to see you getting your pants dirty like that, hates worse that your eyebrows have pinched and the soft plane of your forehead has etched deep with concern. 
"You can still be mad at me," he says under his breath. 
"I'm a little upset," you confess, putting an uncharacteristically tentative hand on his knee. "It sucked, but not as much as this seems to suck for you." You're like an angel, all pretty and wide-eyed at his feet, your hand beginning a short path up his leg, a soft back and forth. "I'm sorry Spencer. I was punishing you for something that wasn't your fault." 
"You didn't know. How could you, I–" He winces as another wave of pain flares behind his eye, blurring your small smile. "I should've charged my phone." 
"Maybe. I can't imagine you had the capacity, Spence. Not if you're like this." 
"Don't just forgive me because I'm in pain." 
"I'm not, I'm forgiving you because even though it really hurt my feelings turning up alone, I'm not cruel enough to blame you now." You squeeze his knee. It's an instant balm, the chronic ache behind his eyes easing ever so slightly. Your forgiveness makes the rest bearable. "Can you forgive me for being so heartless?" you ask lightly. 
Your lips curve demurely around each word. Spencer scrambles to cover your hand with both of his, his neck craned forward. "Of course I forgive you." 
"Thank you." Spencer could collapse. "Drink some of this tea, okay? Maybe drinking something will help."  
Nothing ever helps, but he does it because it's your hands bringing the cup to his lips. 
"I know you looked beautiful," he says between sips. 
"I would've looked better on your arm. Too bad you're getting grievously attacked by your own brain. This is what happens when it gets too big, babe, it's trying to come out of your ears." He's a little sorry to have won you back this way, but mostly so, so relieved. "Anymore of this'll and you'll start messing up the months. Oh, wait!" You laugh as he laughs but soon scramble to apologise when the sound makes his head hurt. "Sorry, I'm sorry! Drink some more tea, sweetheart." 
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ftmfem · 6 months
daddy and i had sex today, during my most fertile day. daddy has made me track my cycle since going off fake hormones. here’s what happened.
i walked up to daddy as they ate their breakfast at the table. i had just gotten a notification from my phone. my health app.
“daddy i’m fertile today”
“you’re a good girl… coming and telling daddy when your body is fertile for me, just like i taught you. how do your vagina and body feel now?”
“thank you daddy. i’m happy that i told you… but i don’t want to have sex today. i’m not ready to be a mommy.”
“did i ask if you’re ready to be a mommy? no. i asked how your body feels? i asked if she is ready for me to make her a mommy. you have no say in this.”
then daddy comforted me and began to remind me that yesterday i promised we would have naked cuddle time today.
we crawled into the bed and daddy played with my body while telling me what a good girl i am. we madeout, i sucked daddy’s cock, and i let daddy help my pussy get wet. daddy says we have to take good care of her, she makes me a good girl.
eventually daddy rolled me onto my back, got on their knees and towered over me. they pushed my legs towards my breasts and pinched my hard nipples.
“good girl. let daddy take you. i need to be inside. can daddy be inside now? don’t you want to make me feel good like you promised, baby girl?”
“good answer.”
with strong hands and a needy cock, daddy pushed my legs open. they rubbed their cock head up and down my slit. tickling my clitoris with each slow pass. i moaned gently. i was in need and at the peak of my ovulation. i was also incredibly desperate to please my daddy.
they thrust inside of me with one deep push. daddy always gets my pussy soaked and puffy for them. slowly they work me up, making me into a needy girl. then they mount - fast and deep.
they fucked me for several intensely passionate minutes while soothing me, playing with my breasts, and telling me how good i am for them.
all of a sudden, before i could even beg one last time for them to pull out, daddy whispered in my ear
“good girl. daddy is going to cum now. take it all.”
and then i felt their cock get harder and start to twitch. i was flooded with warmth deep inside of me.
daddy came extremely hard, pressed right against my cervix, for about a minute. the whole time, my tight wet pussy twitched in response to their throbbing cock, as if it was inviting their cum into my deepest and most vulnerable place.
soon after, i came on their cock while it was still deeply pressed inside of me. it was the most pure and female orgasm i have ever had. we stayed, embracing one another for a few minutes. daddy thanked me and reminded me that i am such a good and obedient girl for them. i love making daddy happy. it’s my purpose.
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rreids · 30 days
hi! i'm not sure if ur taking fic request atm, but if ever u r, can i ask for a fic where f!reader also works for the bau, she is hotch's daughter, and she is dating spencer reid? 🥹 thank uuuuu
fem reader; reader is jack's older sister (age gap unspecified but assumed around spencer's age, hotch had her young or adopted); hotch is reader's father; established relationship; mentions of child abduction (unspecific, part of a case); bau reader; spencer is clingy; ~800 words
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Working for your dad could be complicated. 
Your emotions couldn’t ever fully be separated from the work, and he was known to get over protective and lose subjectiveness when you were in danger, or when he felt you were being mistreated. He’d always been protective of you and Jack — though, and, to be fair, you were protective of Jack, too. Like most were of their younger brother.
And you also got frustrated or worried about him easily. It was only natural, the way you both acted, despite your professionalism.
But most difficult was your current situation — you were dating a coworker (on your own team, no less), and were trying to figure out how to fill out the fraternization papers without your dad tearing Spencer apart limb by limb for dating his little girl.
“I don’t see why we can’t turn it in today,” Spencer speaks from where his chin rests on your shoulder, arms wrapped loosely around your waist as he hugs you. You hum and continue rolling his omelet. “He’ll find out one way or another,”
“Baby,” you start, interrupted by the toast popping up with a ding. “I think he’s going to kill you if he finds out through official channels and not a ‘meet my dad’ dinner.”
“But I’ve met him,” Spencer's voice is whiny and you’re so endeared by him you can’t help but to smile. “He’s my boss. And my friend.”
“Yeah, and he’s my dad before that. Trust me. We need to tell him as my father before he finds out as Supervisory Special Agent and Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner,”
Spencer sighs. You know he wants it turned in so there’s no potential push back from Quantico if he’s caught stealing a kiss (as has almost happened many times now, like the time he’d kissed you by the coffee in LAPD’s station and had to pretend he stumbled into you while grabbing something and that his face was only red from embarrassment — which it was, but not for the reason he told the chief), and so he can cuddle you on the plane, or have casual intimacy in down time, or a kiss for good luck before raids and arrests.
He’s fond of having his hands on you, soaking in your presence like a plant in the sun. This is proven to you even more as he refuses to let go of you while you plate breakfast, nuzzling closer to you as you struggle with the plates.
“A little help, Spence, please,” you jerk your head towards the coffee mugs. He heaves a long and suffering sigh before releasing you and grabbing them, placing them on the table. “Thank you, my love,”
He stares at you quietly. “Kiss?”
You beam at him and kiss him sweetly before sitting down. He kisses the top of your head before settling in his chair. 
“Thank you for cooking,”
“You know I love doing it, Spence,”
“And I will always thank you! I don’t want to ever stop being grateful for all you do.”
You smile fondly and take a sip of your coffee. The two of you fall into comfortable silence until a phone rings — the tone set for a call from work. You sigh and pick it up, since Spencer was in the middle of a bite of his omelet.
There’s a pause on the other end. “__? Why are you answering Spencer’s phone?”
Your dad. “Um,” you swallow. “We went to this event together yesterday and the weather was too bad for him to go home so he stayed at mine?” Your voice pitches up, and you know it’s a terrible lie. The weather was great. And you’re not a very good liar, especially not when it was to him. “What’s going on?”
He sighs, long and suffering. “We’ve got a case, a child abduction. We’re in the first two hours. Get over here as soon as possible with a go bag.” A beat. “And don’t lie to me. When were you planning on telling me?”
“Soon. Over dinner.” Your face falls and Spencer looks at you, wide-eyed. “Spencer wanted to just fill out the paperwork but I thought you’d want to be told like any dad…”
He hums. “You’re right. You still owe me that dinner, but, right now, a little boy needs our help. Get here. Quickly.”
The call ends.
“Honey?” Spencer asks softly, holding your hand.
You shake your head, clearing it. “We have a child abduction. Go get our stuff ready while I clean?” He nods, and as he’s getting to the bedroom you call and say “we’re still doing dinner with my dad! But he does know.”
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i am always taking requests unless my pinned says otherwise <3 just for future reference, i will update that so don't worry that you're sending when i'm not accepting! if i don't update the request section, that's on me also i dont know how i feel abt this but it's written 👍🤠
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cheolhub · 9 months
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summary. you really don’t want seungcheol to go to work, so you give him a million reasons to stay at home with you.
wc. 3.7k+
warnings. whew… dom!cheol, teasing, very needy f!reader, morning sex, f. masturbation, unprotected sex, creampie, lots of dirty talk, pussy drunk cheol <3 rough but very passionate sex, size kink if you squint, heavy praise, heavy use of pet names [pretty/sweet girl, baby, love] (im not sorry) — MINORS DNI 18+
note. happy birthday to cheolhub (not me, my account. she turns 1 today ^^) we will celebrate with a self indulgent fic. i was blinded by need for him one morning a while back and then BOOM, this was born. so here u guys go, i hope u enjoy. p.s. the title has nothing to do with the fic, stream lavender by dreamer boy :p
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early mornings are the absolute worst for seungcheol. the tedious morning routine, watching the sun peek from the bleak, dark sky, and worst of all, parting from you. he hates leaving you before you can even form a coherent thought, body wracked with last night's sleep. he hates leaving you ‘cus you look so adorable while you’re drooling over your pillows, whining at him to get back in bed.
but this morning was different. normally, you’d be sound asleep by the time he had to leave, but you had been tossing and turning all night so by the time seungcheol’s alarm had gone off, you were well awake. you frown at him as he takes a deep sigh, forearm coming to rest on his forehead once he snoozes the alarm. 
you scoot closer to him, snuggling into his side and wrapping an arm around his naked torso. he hums at your touch, “g’morning, baby,” his raspy voice sends a shiver up your spine.
“nothin’ good about this morning,” you mumble passively, pressing your face further into his side. 
cheol raises an eyebrow. you sound too awake this morning. “did you sleep at all?” he pressed, noticing the lack of tiredness in your voice. the arm on his forehead comes down to wrap around your frame. he takes your vow of silence as a no and he whines cutely at you, “angel, why didn’t you wake me?”
“‘cus you had to wake up early, cheollie,” you pout. “and i didn’t wanna bug you.” 
“you could do no such thing,” he defends, his hand rubbing your hip. “why couldn’t you sleep?” 
you shrug, shyly. you could tell him about how you had imagined him fucking you all day yesterday and how you needed him horribly while he was at work, but your embarrassment keeps you from admitting your desperation. 
but, cheol is smart. maybe a bit too smart. especially when it comes to you. he can read you like an open book, knows you like the back of his hand. 
“aw, was my pretty baby horny?” he coos feeling the way you wordlessly nod your head into his side. “yeah?”
“yeah… missed you all day yesterday,” you murmur, pressing chaste kisses to his naked, warm skin. “ needed you so bad, but you seemed tired when you got home… ‘n, like i said, i didn’t wanna bug you, so,”
seungcheol shakes his head disapprovingly as he maneuvers his body to hover over yours. “what did i just say? you could never bug me, Y/N.” he reprimands and you pout once more. “tell me what you need, baby, hmm?” his voice drops an octave and you feel yourself melt to putty. “what does my pretty baby need?”
the sheer dominance that emits from his body has your insides churning in anticipation. “need you…” you can barely breathe out. 
he chuckles, “yeah? ‘m right here, love.” the lilt to his voice signals he’s teasing and you let out a soft whine. “did you need anything else?”
“need you in me,” you exhale.
“that so?” he questions, raising his eyebrow, feigning awareness, “i dunno baby, doesn’t seem like you actually need me…”
you squirm under him, your panties soaking as his patronizing tone arouses you to no end. “please, i do,” you whimper. “i need you so bad, cheol, please.”
his breath hitches and his previous teasing manner suddenly vanishes. before he can say anything, though, his second alarm rings indicating he has to get ready. forreal this time. 
you’re saddened at the thought of him leaving… it would be totally selfish of you to provoke him, right? especially so early in the morning while he should be getting ready for work… 
but he did say that you could never bug him…
“cheollie,” you mumble. “can’t you call in for the morning? just go in a lil late?” you ask, hopeful. 
the sigh that he lets slip his lips is one you know all too well. it’s a heavy sigh that comes right before he’s about to tell you something disappointing. something you don’t want to hear. “baby…”
you deflate before he says anything else, huffing out, “fine.” he smiles at the pout that etches into your lips but it’s quickly wiped off his face when you sulk out your next words, “guess i’m just gonna have to fuck myself all day while you’re gone.” 
“huh…is that so, baby?” his soft tone is gone, replaced with one that makes you immediately submit to him. he leans into you, a sinister smile creeping back onto his face as thoughts roam through his mind. “yeah? gonna shove those pretty little fingers in your cunt and pretend it’s me making you feel good?”
you exhale sharply, gulping when you feel your throat dry up. “y-yeah.” your stutter doesn’t go unnoticed by your boyfriend, yet he plays along with your cute little game. 
“guess that means i don’t have to make you cum this morning then, huh?” 
you gasp, snapping your head back to look at him, eyes filled with regret. “what?! wait, no, no, i-i want–”
he cuts off your stuttering while wearing a faux pout, “what happened, baby? i thought you wanted to fuck yourself? i think you should go for it, you don’t need me.”
“no, cheol, i do– i’m sorry, i do need you.” you tell him feebly, a whine following your words. 
he coos, “aw, really? then why don’t you show me, sweet girl.” 
“but you’re gonna be late–”
“don’t worry about that, baby, just go ahead and touch yourself for me.”
you whimper, nodding your head. you hook your fingers into the elastic bands of your sleep shorts and wet panties, lifting your hips up to pull the thin pieces of fabric off your body. your heated core is now exposed to the cool air, chilling your feverish body the second it fans over your cunt. 
seungcheol can see the way your pussy glistens with the soft light peeking in through the window. blood rushes straight to his cock and it throbs almost painfully under his loose shorts. he doesn’t feel like going all the way to work like this, nor does he want to be there with the thought of you touching yourself without him. 
your hand trails down to your pussy, two of your fingers finding your clit. your eyes flutter close, shifting and getting comfortable on the bed before moving faster. 
your eyes don’t need to be open to see him staring intently at you. you can feel his gaze burning holes into your skin and knowing he’s sitting on his knees above you…just watching makes you squirm a bit. adrenaline continues to pump through your veins, exciting you further. 
your breath hitches and a soft, “fuck,” tumbles out of your mouth. your fingers pick up their pace, rubbing into the swollen bud with pure desire.
your lips tug up a bit when you hear your boyfriend’s shuddered exhale. you decide that— maybe— it’s your chance to put on a little show for him. 
your free hand comes up to fondle your tits, squeezing the fat with vigor. you arch into both of your hands helplessly. your eyes screw together and your jaw goes slack as moans come out of your open mouth. 
and, fuck, you bet you look so lewd to him. playing with your tits through your thin shirt and panting like a bitch in heat, all the while you're desperately grinding your hips for more.
and then you give him something he can’t deny. something he can’t ignore even if he wanted to.
“mmm, fuck,” you moan, fingers dipping down into your pulsing core.  “fuck, ‘m so wet, cheol.” 
when he doesn’t reply, your eyes crack open and shoot to stare at him. with your eyebrows knit together, you moan again, curling the fingers trapped between your warm, velvet walls. you speak as if he’s not inches away from you, as if you’re not staring directly at him while you fuck yourself with your fingers. “wish you’d just come ‘n fuck me, cheollie. wish my fingers were your cock so bad.” 
the wet sounds of your fingers curling and scissoring inside of you fill the room and it’s driving him absolutely insane. heat begins to radiate off his body and he realizes he can’t take this much longer–
“need your fat cock to fill me up so bad–” you pant, eyes rolling to the back of your head, the sight of him disappearing and your vision fades to black. “need you to split me open, make me take it all.”
and you’re not that close– even though your fingers feel fucking amazing– but stretching the truth never hurt anyone, so you whine out, “m close.”
he finally cracks..
his hand spans over your tummy and his thumb finds your clit, circling the puffy bud faster than you could imagine, “so soon, baby?” he asks with a low voice, words heavy and dripping with sheer dominance. “you’re that horny? gonna cum after playing with your pretty pussy for five minutes?”
you weren’t close before, but the stimulation to your clit along with the fingers in your messy cunt and your hand on your breast have you tensing up. your tummy tightens and your brain goes a bit haywire, his vulgar words not helping the situation in the slightest.
“needy girl… so fuckin’ dirty.” he murmurs. “talkin’ about getting split open on my cock. need me to fuck you back to sleep, don’t you?” 
you nod eagerly as his fingers work you faster, swiftly rubbing into you. he’s grinning at the way your movements are inconsistent, how you’re unable to keep your speed from faltering– your hand is probably cramping up inside of you. 
his free hand catches your wrist, pulling your fingers out causing a mewl to erupt in the back of your throat, but before you have a chance to complain, his longer, thicker fingers are replacing yours. he’s mocking your actions, but he’s making it feel so much better as he stretches you further and hitting all your spots better than you were. 
he hums, “you sure you can even take it? you’re squeezin’ my fingers so tight—”
your eyes snap open again and you protest through a moan, essentially cutting him off, “i-i can! you know i can!”
a deep, dark chuckle reverberates through your room as he nods, “you’re right, huh? you always take me so well. my good girl.” 
you really are going to cum now and seungcheol can feel it. you clamp around his fingers and your own curl around his wrist in attempts to ground yourself before your impending orgasm washes over you. 
“is this really how you wanna cum before i’m off to work, baby?” another faux pout appears on his face. “you don’t wanna cum on my cock? don’t want me to cum with you?”
you cry, shaking your head incessantly, preparing to have pure bliss cruelly ripped away from you. “cock, want– fuck, cheol– i-i want your cock.”
his pout morphs into yet another devious smirk as he pulls both of his hands off of you, abandoning you to cry and mewl in disappointment. the orgasm bubbling up in the pit of your tummy quickly flees, dissolving into nothing and leaving you with a dull ache in your needy core. 
seungcheol quickly strips his boxers off, his hard cock slapping against his abdomen. he doesn’t need to with how wet you are, but he still lets a trail of spit coat his angry, red tip. 
you’re still heaving, recovering from your loss of orgasm and seungcheol is very aware. he can see that you're heavily anticipating the feeling of his dick finally pressing into you, doing your best to be patient and he has to fight off the urge to tease you for being so desperate. 
but, in all honesty, he’s doing no better than you. his hands eagerly find the backs of your thighs, spreading you open and then pushing them back till your knees knock against your chest. you gasp when you realize the position he’s put you in– 
he’s really going to give it to you. 
he slaps the heavy tip of his cock against your clit a few times causing your hips to jolt after every strike. he laughs quietly to himself, savoring the sight of you like this even though he knows he’ll have you like this again tonight and tomorrow and for the years to come. he’ll still burn the image of you before him into his brain every single time. you’re just too beautiful not to.
he runs his head through your drenched slit and you can’t resist the impatient groan that comes out of your mouth. “god, cheol, don’t tease. please.”
“you’re so cute when you’re worked up, though.”
“i’m a lot cuter with your dick inside of me,” you mumble, clenching around nothing as another flash of arousal courses through your body. “taking all of you.”
he can’t argue with that. 
he finally trails down to your drooling hole, slowly and steadily pushing into you. daunting inch by inch. he lodges his bottom lip in between his teeth, biting back an embarrassing moan over how incredibly tight you are. 
he’s only a quarter of the way in and you’re almost in tears. the pain from the stretch is one you’ll never get used to, but you breathe through it. he guides you through it. 
“good job, baby, just breathe. it’s gonna feel good, just relax.” he gets out with a strained voice as you let out an incoherent string of words.
you give him a broken nod and moan, doing your best to control your labored breathing and physically unclench.
he decides to just go halfway for the time being, gently thrusting in and out of your vice-like pussy till the pain subsides– till you’re able to take it all. 
and it’s not long before said pain turns into fervor and immense pleasure. 
“ch-cheol– oh, my god.” your words are something between a whine and mewl. “so big, oh my… fuck. you’re so big…”
he groans, cock twitching at the praise. he doesn’t mean to, but he fucks another inch (or two) into you, driving himself deeper into you. when you gasp at the intrusion, he swears he won’t be able to last long. 
he moans out his words, breathy and a bit stuttered. “d-don’t say that… swear to god, you’re gonna drive me fuckin’ crazy.”
you give him an airy laugh– though it quickly dies and turns into a whimper– and say, “you can give it to me.” 
a growl bubbles in his chest at the implication of your words. before he moves, he asks, “you sure?” and when you give him a soft yes, he doesn’t hold back, the switch– the sanity switch– in his mind and body flipping off.
he grabs the back of your thighs for support before pushing the rest of himself inside of you in one go. his hips meet yours and it has your eyes rolling back, an array of mewls and moans bouncing off the walls of your room mixing with his loud groans. 
he holds himself there for a second, but when you clamp around him tighter than before, he pulls his hips back and slams back into you. he repeats his actions, almost completely pulling out and pushing back in over and over till he gains a steady, consistent pace. 
he’s in deep, the tip of his cock scraping against your sweet spot. he hits it persistently while spewing praises left and right. 
“such a good girl. fuck, you’re so good, you know that?” he rambles, stars in his eyes as he watches your face contort and your body twitch at the sweet words. “feel so fuckin’ good, shit–”
you wish you could reply. give him back some praise about how his cock is fucking incredible, how he’s perfect, how he’s the most beautiful man ever, but the words escape you, as does your mind. instead, you tighten around him, velvety walls molding to the shape of him.
a guttural groan leaves him and he moves faster, forcing himself in and out, “not gonna last if you keep doing that.”
you do it again, clenching around him as he’s keeping up his impressive speed. “f-fill me up.”
“i fucking will,” he growls as if that were his plan all along. “but you’re gonna cum for me first.”
he discreetly snakes his hand between the two of you, hand splaying over your stomach as it did earlier except, this time, he’s pushing down and feeling himself inside of you. he groans at the sensation as his thumb catches your clit. 
“cheol!” you gasp, shockwaves running through your body at the contact. 
“come on, baby,” he coaxes in his sultry, breathy voice. “you can do it, can’t you? you can cum for me?”
you suck in a sharp breath through your teeth, body becoming overstimulated at the onslaught of pleasure. your tummy tightens, just like before, and you feel the knot reforming with his deep strokes filling you to the brim and skillfully hitting your spot every time. 
“y-yeah– fuck, yes,” you pant, eyes screwing shut and body arching. you squeeze him tight– so tight he’s scared you might not let him leave. every nerve ending in your body is tingling, electrified– you may have the best orgasm of your life at six in the fucking morning. “cheol– cheol! cheol, i–” you sob, each version of his name getting louder and more incomprehensible than the last. 
looking at you, he thinks he’s in heaven. or maybe he’s in hell because his cock is twitching uncontrollably and he’s just barely hanging on. a pretty whine– one that he finds a bit embarrassing– escapes him before his wavered voice says, “fuck, i got you, baby. cum for me. cum all over my cock like the pretty girl you are.”
your body jerks and vision goes white at his command. the knot in your belly unravels rather quickly and you persuasively drench his length in your syrupy arousal. a silent scream leaves your mouth and you’re squirming under him as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm before your entire body goes lax.
you whine out little, mindless babbles, begging him to cum while he picks up his pace, fucking into your near lifeless body with so much vigor. 
“gonna let me fill this pretty pussy, huh?” he grits through his teeth, pulling his hand from your tummy in favor of putting it on the back of your thigh again. he pins your legs to your chest with a sense of urgency, nearly folding you in half. “tell me how bad you wanna get fucked full of my cum, baby.”
you shudder at the thought of him pumping you full. you nod dumbly, “p-please, cheol. wanna feel it inside of me so bad.”
“fuck yes,”
he groans, his nails digging into your flesh. if he wasn’t close before, he’s going to fucking explode now. 
his hips stutter, thrusts growing sloppy before he stills with his tip nestled at your hilt. his abs contract and he twitches and pulses in between your walls. a soft cry of your name falls from his plush lips right as he shoots ribbons of warm cum deep into your cunt.  
the warmth of his cum causes a wanton moan to escape you. there’s so much of it that it’s hard to keep it inside of you. so much that it ends up spilling and dribbling out of your hole as he slowly pulls out. 
he watches in awe, dick twitching in excitement at the sight. he shakily exhales, holding himself back from shoving it into you again. 
you’re so sore. coming down from your euphoric high, you let your legs down, stretching them out due to the strenuous position, and try to regulate your breathing.
 a few minutes pass and you finally feel like your heart rate is back to normal. you still feel his load slipping out of you, so your hand comes down to your messy pussy, swiping up some of his seed and bringing your fingers to your lips. 
seungcheol groans at the moan you let out at the taste of your mixed cum. “you’re such a tease.” he mutters, hands soothing over your body. 
you pull your fingers out of your mouth and smile lazily at him. “we’re meant to be then.”
he cracks a wide grin, “we are, huh?”
“very.” you nod.
he leans down, whispering a soft i love you and pecking your lips. right before you can wrap your arms around him and tangle up with him again, he moves away. 
you groan in annoyance, “you’re not still going to work are you? after that?!”
“baby,” he laughs. “i’m already gonna be late. i have to clean you up and then get ready.”
“noooo, stay with me.” you whine making grab hands at him. “we could have so much more fun here. for example, i could suck you off.” you say in joking matter though you have never been more serious in your entire life. “orrrr, we can do some of the things you’ve always wanted to try.” you whisper, a taunting smile on your face. 
he gasps, face flushing, “baby, don’t play.” he shakes his head, pushing his dirty thoughts to the back of his head. “while the offer sounds tempting–”
“just today, cheol,” you plead, a pout on your face. “for me? please? just don’t wanna be away from you.”
he wishes that you weren’t so persuasive, but, unfortunately for him, you are. he can’t resist the pouts or the pleading eyes or how cute you are when you’re clingy. an exasperated sigh slips his lips. he’s going to have to play catch-up tomorrow, but the idea of spending the day with you instead makes it seem worth it.
“fine, i’ll give them a call. tell them i’m sick or something.” he says, a smile playing onto his lips. “just for you. just for today.”
“yay!” you cheer, sitting up on your messy bed sheets. “round 2 in the shower? then maybe we can work through your bucket list.”
“you are literally insatiable.” he scoffs as if he isn’t pulling your arms to get you out of the bed. 
“seems like you’re way ahead of me.”
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© cheolhub — all rights reserved, please refrain from copying, reposting, modifying or translating my work on any platform.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 8 months
Not Allowed
Pairing: Cop!Bucky Barnes x Receptionist!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Warnings: bad date angst, jealous bucky
Summary: You and Bucky always flirt with each other while at work but it never goes anywhere like you'd hope. You accept a date with another man, causing Bucky to be jealous. He's a cop who is jealous. Nothing will go wrong, right?
Squares Filled: kink: pet names (2021) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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You walk through the double doors with a smile on your face because today is another day. You’re alive and that’s the best kind of day. You work for the local police department as their receptionist. You’re the first thing people see when they come in so you have to be on your best behavior.
You set your things down on your desk and quickly get settled in. Besides the Captain, you’re the first one in the building. Every officer that comes in, you greet them with a smile as you log into your computer.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Officer Wilson says when he comes in. He always calls you that since he's often told you how he thinks of you like a little sister. “How was your weekend?”
“Too short,” you chuckle. “Did Sarah get into that college?”
“Yeah, she got the acceptance letter yesterday.”
“Oh, I’m so happy for her!” you grin.
“Yeah, I’ll tell her to give you a call.”
Sam taps your desk twice and leaves to go to his own. A few more officers come in until the one you’ve been waiting for walks in confidently. Your heart starts to race because you have a huge crush on him. He kind of knows it but doesn't outright call you out on it.
“There she is,” Bucky smiles and leans on your desk.
“Officer Barnes, it’s good to see you.”
“Doll, you know you can call me Bucky.”
He knows exactly what those pet names do to you. After a night of drinking together, you let it slip that your kink is pet names, and doll happened to be your favorite. Like him, you won’t call him out on it.
“I know. How was your weekend?”
“Better if you were there with me,” he flirts.
“Oh, Bucky,” you chuckle nervously. “You don’t mean that.”
“Yeah, I do. I was wishing, ‘Man, don’t I wish Y/N was here with me? I guess I have to drink alone’.”
“You know what alcohol does to me.”
“Yeah, I do,” he smirks. “You look cute today. That dress compliments you.”
“A compliment. I might swoon,” you joke even though your cheeks are hot.
“As long as it’s in my arms, I don’t care.”
“Don’t you have a job to get to, Officer Barnes?”
“Yeah, but I’d rather stay here and talk to you.”
“You might get fired.”
“It’s worth it,” he winks. “Here’s your coffee.”
He sets your favorite coffee order next to your keyboard and walks away. That’s the extent of your relationship with Bucky. You two flirt constantly but nothing ever comes of it. It’s comfortable. Why leave something when you’re comfortable being there? Do you wish you were something more? Of course. Do you think he’s going to man up and take it to that next level? Not unless something threatening happened like him realizing if he doesn’t do it soon, he’d lose you.
Some of what your work includes is printing off documents for the other officers, inputting things into evidence before they get shipped off there, and sorting through the files regarding the people they have locked up in the holding cells or interrogation rooms. You already have a list of things to print out and file, but you look for Bucky’s name first.
After printing off what he needs, you get up and personally hand this to him. There is a mailbox for the officers that you’re supposed to put in, but you like visiting his desk. He has a picture of you and him printed out and placed next to his computer that you look at every time you visit.
“Here are the papers you asked for,” you smile.
“Thanks, doll,” he grins and grabs them from you, intentionally brushing his fingers against yours.
You go back to your desk to finish your work, and you come across two people who need stuff put into evidence. One of them sent it over a couple of hours ago, and the other one is from Bucky. You immediately click on his name to get what he needs first before looking at the other one.
“Now that is bullshit,” you hear from behind you.
You jump and turn to see Sam standing there with a half-smile on his face.
“What are you doing? You scared me!”
“I sent you evidence hours ago and Bucky sent you it just now, and he’s the one you pick first?”
You don’t have any words for that.
“When are you two gonna fuck?”
“Sam Wilson!” you gasp.
“What? It’s a valid question. I should ask him that.”
“Don’t you dare!”
“I’m rooting for you two no matter how painful the slow burn is,” he chuckles and walks away.
It takes half an hour to get the idea of you and Bucky fucking for you to do your job right. Once you’re in the groove of things, the door opens and an attractive man walks in.
“Can I help you?” you ask with a smile.
“Yeah, I’m here for my brother. He’s in lock up.”
“Okay, what’s his name and date of birth?”
“James Farley. 04/05/1986.”
“Your name?”
“Brandon Farley.”
“Okay, I see your brother here. It looks like--”
“I’m sorry, but I have to tell you how beautiful you are.”
“Oh, thank you,” you blush.
“Are you seeing anyone?”
“No, but--”
“Great. Can I take you out?”
“You can see how this is inappropriate, right?”
“Yeah, but you like it,” he grins. “So, can I take you out?”
There’s a certain charm about him that you find endearing maybe because he reminds you of Bucky. Being put on the spot like that is enough to make you freeze up, so you say the one thing that won’t cause conflict.
“Here’s my number.”
He grabs your hand and writes his number on it so that it won’t come off with one scrub.
“I have sticky notes!”
“This is better. Now you won’t lose it.”
“Go take a seat. Someone will be with you shortly to bring you to your brother.”
“Thanks,” he winks and walks to the waiting room.
You’re about to get up and wash off the number when you notice Bucky standing in the doorway that leads into the precinct.
“Did I hear that right?”
“You have a date?”
“Yeah, he asked me out,” you stutter. Bucky looks pissed as if you just told him you killed someone. “Why do you look angry?”
“Nothing. No reason.”
Bucky walks off angrily leaving you confused. He avoids you like the plague for the rest of the day. He isn’t at his desk when you drop off paperwork, and he’s not there to walk you to your car when you get off. He’s supposed to get off an hour before you do, but he stays after not on the clock to make sure you get to your car safely.
This time, he didn’t.
The next day, Bucky is already at work when you arrive. There is no coffee on your desk, either, and you’re feeling guilty for accepting a date with someone else. Is that why he’s acting this way? Sam walks in drinking an energy drink when you stop him.
“Hey, what’s going on with Bucky?”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“No, what did I do?”
“You accepted a date from someone else.”
You knew it. Why is he bigging out?
“Have you not been here for the past two years? You two flirt like crazy.”
“No, he’s just being friendly.”
“You won’t get it until you do,” Sam shakes his head and walks off.
The date with Brandon comes sooner than you hoped. He picks you up in a fancy car and takes you to a fancy restaurant that you could never afford. He smooth-talks the hostess to get him a table by the window so he can have a view while he eats. The waitress brings by a drinks menu but he already orders what you two are going to drink.
“Trust me, you’re going to love this,” he winks at you.
“Okay,” you say and fiddle with your fingers underneath the table. “You know what I do for work. What do you do for work?”
You shouldn’t have asked him that.
“I work in the telecommunications sector. You know that big building in the city? That’s mine. It’s funny. I got all my parents’ money when they died and instead of using that money for myself, I decided to invest in a small company that turned out to give me millions.” You open your mouth to speak but he continues talking. “Can you imagine that? This small company that wasn’t going to go anywhere if it weren't for me. I’m like their hero. They eventually sold their part to me, and I’ve been thriving ever since.”
Once he got to talking about his job, he hasn’t shut up about it since. He’s very arrogant and rude but that doesn’t seem to stop him. As soon as the drinks come, you greedily take yours and down it without caring what it is.
“Whoa, doll, calm down. I don’t need to haul you to the car at the end of the night. You should pace yourself.”
No one can call me that but Bucky. Oh, Bucky. You shouldn’t have said yes to this man. He only asked you out to hear himself talk. You want this date to end so you pretend to be interested in what he has to say. Even when the date is over and he’s driving you home, he won’t shut up. His voice mixed with alcohol is starting to make your head throb.
About halfway to your house, you see red and blue lights behind you.
This better not be him, you think to yourself. Brandon pulls the car over obediently and waits for the officer to approach him. You look through the mirror to see the outline of the officer and recognize it immediately. He better not. I swear to God… Instead of walking to the driver’s side door, Bucky walks over to your door and leans down so only you can see him.
“Step out of the vehicle, please.”
Bucky takes a deep breath to calm himself down. He leans in so close that you can smell his delicious cologne. That makes your head spin.
“I’ll repeat myself. Step out of the car.”
“Or what? You’re gonna drag me out?”
“Don’t tempt me, doll,” he says so only you can hear it.
“Is there a problem, Officer?” Brandon asks.
“Yes. You have a busted taillight.”
“Fuck! You’ve got to be joking, sir.”
“No, sir, I’m not.”
“Shit. Officer, I can promise you I keep this car in the utmost pristine condition.”
“Not today, buddy. That’s a ticket.”
Bucky takes out his pad and writes Brandon a hefty ticket for a broken taillight you’re not sure is even broken.
“Fuck!” Brandon turns to you without guilt on his face. “Look, do you mind if I drop you off right here? Your house is only down the road. You can get there from here, right?”
Your mouth drops open in shock.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take her home,” Bucky offers.
“Thank you. I’ll call you.”
You don’t say anything as you get out of the car. Bucky walks you to the passenger side of his cruiser. You look at the taillights of Brandon’s car and notice they’re both working properly.
“What the fuck, Bucky?” you yell when he gets in the driver’s seat. “His taillights are broken! You can’t just do that. That’s illegal!”
“He’ll fight against it, and I’ll drop the charges,” he shrugs.
“You’re un-fucking-believable. We were actually having a good time,” you lie.
“No, you weren't,” he laughs.
“How do you know that?”
“It’s written all over your face. Your eyes don’t have the usual light.” Bucky pulls onto the road and heads in the direction of your house. “I don’t know why you would accept the date in the first place.”
“Because at least he had the fucking balls to ask me.”
That puts the entire car ride into a tense silence. He doesn’t say anything for the rest of the ride home. He pulls up to your place but instead of letting you get out first, he gets out and walks over to your side of the car. He opens the door but doesn't let you leave the car. He leans into the car, grabs your chin, and kisses you. You’re shocked but you won’t pull away from him. Both your lips move in harmony against one another, and he slides his tongue into your mouth to show you he means business.
“You’re not allowed to see other men.”
“Why not?” you ask, breathlessly.
“Because you’re mine now and I’m not gonna let you go.” This brings a smile to your face. He lets you get out, and when you pass by him, he taps your ass lightly. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Doll.”
Yes, you will.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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feltit-wroteit · 1 month
Spoiled and Loved
Art Donaldson x Fem!Reader
In every way, you were the person that made the college experience that much better for Art. You, on the other end, were still struggling to find your place at Uni.
Watnings: inscure reader, lost reader, small angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, reader has rich parents, one s3x joke
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There he was. In your usual spot in the cafeteria eating a lunch that his athletic nutritionist must've assigned him to eat. God was your boyfriend beautiful... "Baby?" He called you out of your trance and you smiled at him. "Come?" He motioned for the chair in front of him with his head. You walked toward it and sat down with your lunch that was healthy but certainly not planned. "Hey!" You said. You started eating and asking how his morning practice was and he smiled throught it all. After finishing his lunch and while explaining his morning, he drew mindless doodles on your left hand with a pencil. One was a tennis racket the other a heart and another a paint brush. Once he was done, silence had fallen and Art looked up at you, stopping his drawing. "Y/N?" Art asked while looking for your gaze. "Hmm?" You answered still looking at your left hand. "Look at me." He asked and lifted your head up with the help of his palm on your jaw. You looked at him and smiled. "How was your day so far, baby?" He then asked with certainty. You sighed and went to look down again, only to feel your boyfriend rubbing your jaw and hearing him hum no. When you met his gaze again you felt it.
The need to tell him the truth.
"Art?" He nodded at your interpellation, waiting for you to continue. "I don't think I belong here." You had felt like this for a while, but your boyfriend's joy at being here made that feeling simmer down a little.
That was until yesterday.
"That's Donaldson's girlfriend, right?" A girl said behind you during your history of the arts lecture. You normally tuned these type of conversations out, but today your ears decided that it was a mighty fine time to do as they wanted. "She play any sports?" The girl, Jenny from what you heard her friend call her earlier, proceeded to ask her friend, Luna. "Not that anybody knows of. Not to his level at least." The other girl answered with a certain turn in her voice. It wasn't a nice one at that. ""But she must do something else around campus for her to be with him, right?" Jenny continued her interrogations. "The only place other than her lectures that people see her at are Donaldson's games. She just does those two things that includes school life. People have said and know that she doesn't even have a major yet. She just does classes until she finally finds something that makes her spark. It's pathetic really." Luna said and chuckled with her friend who fired back : "Why would he want to be with her? If I were Art Donaldson-" And you never heard the last of her life hacks, because your ears decided you had been tortured enough as it was. The notes you had started taking were the only ones you took for the rest of the 3 hour lecture. Well, what was one more exam failed?
You would stay in this godforsaken place until you found a stupid major to work in life with.... Why bother studying right now? Your parents paid for your acceptance at Stanford. Your life was as corrupted as that.
"What do you mean Y/n/n?" Art asked with a concerned look and rubbed his tumb over your jaw. "I don't know what I mean by that. But that's also a problem, I never know..." you tried to explain but it was still unclear to him. He only wanted to comfort you and make you feel at ease at all times, but right now he couldn't understand you. That made him mad at himself. "I don't know what I am going to major in, I don't know why I went to college in the first place and I don't know what you find in me. Before you start to argue that point, I have to tell you that I don't doubt your love, I doubt my ability of being loved right now. I am a mess Art... I can't do it anymore! The only thing I do know, is that I'm going to end up like I always feared..." You continued to elaborate on your feelings while he was listening. "Baby... I love you for who you are. I'm sure what you feared for your future isn't even that bad-" you cut him off on that and laughed while letting some tears flow. "Oh yeah, it is. I will end up as every other rich kid who doesn't amount to nothing and will live off my family's money for my whole life." You said and removed his hand from your face. You didn't feel deserving of his touch right now. "Stop." He said sternly. How could he have left this go this far? How couldn't he have seen you were feeling like this? How bad of a boyfriend was he? "Y/n, you are not messed up. You are beautiful and intelligent and you are worth more than your family's wealth. You are important. Not only to me but to a lot of people. Listen, college isn't for everyone, baby. I know it 's easier listening than believing, but please don't pull away from me." He had tears brimming his eyes now.
What did you do to deserve him?
"I love you, Art. I'm sorry for upsetting you..." You explained and held his hand that had been squeezing the edge of the table. "Don't, baby. You do not have to appologize. I should appologize for not seeing how you had been feeling. Please... talk to me about these things. I want to be there for you like you are for me." He took your hand back in his to play with it lightly. "Okay." You said and smiled softly at him. "Okay?" He asked smiling softly too while looking into your eyes. "Yeah. I'll talk to you more about my feelings, baby." You nodded and affirmed.
As you both walked to your last class of the day that you shared, the girls of your history of the arts lecture passed you. They were looking at you and art with sadness. It was then you realized what they had been doing. Only wallowing in their jealousy because:
Art had chose you. Not them.
His heart was set on you and that made them mad. Some part of you felt like you could see them. Maybe you were loved by someone like they wanted to be, but you were also envious of how these girls would be graduating in Teaching in less than two months likw you wanted to be graduating.
Everybody was jealous of somebody in this world.
"Art?" You asked while going closer to his side. "Hmm?" He had answered when wrapping his arm around your shoulder to pull you in even closer. "I think I'm jealous of you." You confirmed while giggling. "Oh yeah? How come, y/n?" He smiled at your randomness. "You have a massive dick. I want that." You said in the most serious tone you could master in that instance. Art burst out laughing and admitted that he was jealous of you too. "How come, Art?" You copied his sentence. "Imagine being as pretty as the one and only Y/n Y/l/n under sun rays. I'll pray for that to happen one day." You looked up into his eyes and stopped walking for a second. You smiled at him and went up to kiss him on his lips. The kiss was slow and full of love, just how you prefered then to be.
"I love you, baby. Even if you are a spoiled little brat sometimes." He said and tried to cover his head before you shoved his head to the side playfully.
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lqveharrington · 2 months
Favorite | L.M.
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summary: Ever since God created Adam and Lilith, Lucifer has been visiting Earth more often. You decided it was time to do something about it.
pairing: Archangel! Lucifer Morningstar x Seraphim!Reader
includes: heavy angst, fluff at the end and sprinkled in, cursing, passing out, mentions of some kind of self injury (not necessarily, idk how else to put it), that’s basically it.
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The Father in Heaven seemed to have favorites between his creations and those who rule in Heaven. Lucifer was God’s favorite out of all the angels. But, you just weren’t one of them. Lucifer was beautiful. And while you were made to be an equal of Lucifer, he always was favored over you. The father arranged a marriage between you and Lucifer, hoping something even more beautiful would come from it.
During the relationship, you both learned to love each other, but then God did something terribly cruel to you. He created Adam and Lilith. To humanity, that seemed amazing. But to you? It meant Lucifer would go down to Earth and spend more time with God’s newest creations than you.
While you spent meetings to meetings with the other Archangels about the new creations, Lucifer would speak to Lilith about his own creations, getting closer with each day that passed. Soon enough, there would be days where you wouldn’t see Lucifer and nights spent crying. Eventually, you became numb to the Heavens. You stopped trying to be the best out of the remaining angels created. No, you let yourself do whatever it was to feel numb. Which included getting the fuck away from Lucifer Morningstar.
“Good morning.” Lucifer smiled at you as he entered the kitchen. It was rare to see him home, but who were you to stop him? “Everything smells delicious, my love.”
You hum, feeling him kiss your temple. “There’s a plate ready for you on the counter.”
“Did I tell you about yesterday? Down on Earth?” There it was. You shook your head, sipping on the coffee. “Lilith helped me create one of the animals in the garden, and they are quite adorable! They were—“
“Lucifer, I have to go.” You dump the rest of your coffee out and leave for the door. “You can tell me later, m’kay?”
He nodded, watching you with curiosity. “Are you alright?”
You gave him a strained smile, “I’m fine.”
And with that, you left. You didn’t return for about a month. Lucifer didn’t realize that you were gone until the second night, still spending most of his time down on Earth than his own shared home with you. No one knew where you went or what you did while you were gone, but when you came back, you were… Different, in multiple ways.
“Where have you been?” Emily appeared by your side, holding onto your arms. “The angelic council was worried! Lucifer was worried! Thank the father you’re alright.”
You ran your fingers through her hair, “I’m fine, don’t worry about me. I’m just… Working on something.”
“Don’t leave again, please. The council can’t agree on anything with you gone.” Emily squeezed your arms, watching you flinch at the action. “You’re okay, right?”
You nod, separating from the young Seraphim. “Do you know if Lucifer is down on Earth or up here?”
She tilted her head, “I think he’s up here? He heard that you came back today and wanted to check in on you before heading down to Earth.”
Great, you were an afterthought. “Okay, thank you.”
For the first time in your time created, you didn’t want to comply with the father’s commands. No, you wanted to separate yourself from the Heavens and make way for new angels to take over. But you couldn’t. Not while being married to Lucifer.
“Luce?” You enter your home, looking at the framed pictures of your wedding day on the walls. “Emily told me you were home… I just needed to—“
“Where were you?” He came from your shared bedroom, eye bags worse than ever. “I searched the Heavens for you, and you weren’t anywhere.”
His tone sent shivers down your spine, “Lucifer, I was—“
“Do you not realize how horrible it was when Micheal told me you weren’t attending any of the meetings? Or how bad it was when I would come home to find you missing every night?” He spoke with a raised voice, making you flinch at the impact. “I spent nights crying to Lilith over you—“
That. That made you snap. “Shut up about Lilith, Lucifer! All I hear about these days are only about you and Lilith! I don’t fucking care about how she is or what she did that day! You know, she’s the reason I fucking left.”
“How the fuck was it her fault?” He seethed, watching you stand your ground. “Tell me, why did you leave?”
“Because you love her!” You shout as the picture on the wall falls, a crack appearing in between. “You love her, Lucifer. Ever since God created Adam and Lilith, you have spent more time with her than your own wife. I’ve spent nights crying over you! I hate that God favors you! I hate how you can get away with any fucking thing and still be his stupid favorite!” You hold onto the kitchen counter as your mind spins, glaring at the ring adorning your left hand. “You want to know where I’ve been, Lucifer? Ask your father.” You push off and slam the door of your shared bedroom, leaving the Archangel alone.
Lucifer stood stunned at the confession. He never loved Lilith… He only went down to Earth to share what love truly felt like, what he felt with you…
“Y/N!” He knocked on the door rapidly, hearing shuffling coming from the other side. “Listen, I don’t love her! I never did! I—“ He froze when he heard items clutter to the floor. “Y/N?” Lucifer took the handle and jiggled until it popped open, peering inside the room. He looked at the clothing packed in your luggage before finding you passed out on the ground. “Shit, Y/N.”
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You groaned when you woke up, the pounding feeling in your head becoming louder with every second passed. You looked over to your right, blinking the sleep away when you saw a figure by your side.
“Luce, what are you— Fuck.” You drop your head back down and shut your eyes, feeling your heartbeat louder than usual.
Lucifer snapped his eyes up at you, the hand rubbing yours coming to rest on your shoulder instead. “Hey, you’re alright. We’re at home. Don’t strain yourself please.”
“What happened?” You murmured, doing your best to not lean into his warmth.
“You passed out, my love.” He gave you a sad smile, sighing at the marks all over your body. “Where were you during that month?”
“No, tell me.” His voice made your eyes open, glancing at his golden eyes with guilt. “I know all these marks on your body weren’t from Heaven.”
Your eyes well up, “I’m sorry. I went down to Earth and—“
“Because I thought if I was like…” You pause. Why did you go down to Earth? You were a Seraphim, you didn’t need to be validated by an Archangel. Yet, you felt like you needed to be. “I thought if I was like Lilith, then you would spend more time with me.”
“Darling,” He cupped your face, brushing off the fallen tears. “You’re the only one I love. You don’t need to change yourself for me.”
You choke back a sob, hands coming up to hold his hands. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I thought you weren’t—“
He hushed you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’m sorry I didn’t make enough time for you. I… I knew I should have explained a bit more as to why I was on Earth more.”
You let more tears fall before subsiding, pushing up from the bed. “Why were you down there for long periods of time?”
“I was asking Lilith for help to make creatures for you.” He held your hands as he sat on the bed with you, watching your curious face. “I’m sorry I kept myself away from you for so long, I just wanted everything to be perfect. I was going to tell you earlier—“
“—But I left.” Your eyes widen, making the guilt settle in your heart again. “I’m so sorry. I was blindsided…”
Lucifer squeezed your hands, “It’s okay, it’s partly my fault as well.” He let you move to his side, pulling you closer. “Do you want to see what I made for you?”
“Of course, Luce.” You sniffle and press a soft kiss to his jaw, watching the golden wisps float onto his hand and form into a fluffy animal. “Oh, they're cute!” The animal fell into your lap as it waddled up your lap, its yellow fluff tickling your skin as you picked it up. The animal flapped its wings which made you giggle. “What are they called?”
“Ducks.” He kissed your cheek, smiling at your enthusiasm. “They remind me of you. They’re very adorable and cute to look at, just like you.”
Your face warms at the compliment, “They remind me of you as well. Very clumsy.”
“Thank you, my love.” He chuckled, resting his hand on your hip. Lucifer kissed you on the head, “I’m sorry for worrying you, I didn’t mean to make you feel like I neglected you or found anything better. I don’t think I can do any better than you.”
You let yourself sink into his warmth, “Stop saying sorry, or else I’ll keep saying sorry, and it’ll never end.” Your eyes light up as the duck nestles into the crook of your arm. “But I’m sorry too.”
Lucifer frowned at the apology before biting back another one of his own, opting to tighten his hold on you instead. “I love you.”
You tilt your head up and meet his golden eyes, peppering his lips with soft kisses as his wings envelop the both of you. “I love you too, Luce.”
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©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
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