#she throws tantrums all the time and they don't control her they just let her scream ????
gamerwoo · 1 year
after living with my cousin, his wife, and their 4-year-old, i have decided i definitely absolutely do not want kids <3 this is free birth control tbh
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heizours · 5 months
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summary. when you do not plan to pull for their character banner
tags. gn! reader, grammatical mistakes may occur
cw. one mention of 'die' (dottore), petty and sulky genshin men (all of them i may say)
feat. xiao, itto, dottore, venti, scaramouche
note. the head picture is how i imagine their reaction ☠️
< back to event m.list
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Recently, you've been saving up primogems for an upcoming new character banner that Hoyoverse is planning to release in the next version of the game.
Gosh you were so excited!
It's not like you wanted to pull for the character just because she was attractive. Definitely not.
Even if it takes a lot of time to earn those gems, you were willing to go through it as long as the system better give you that character you are pulling for.
"I can't wait to pull for Navia!"
You squealed in excitement, logging in the game as her banner awaits for you, ignorant of a certain chatacter just eavesdropping around the system.
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Xiao's banner was having a rerun along with the release of Navia's, and while he may not brag it out loud, he had some silent expectations that you were going to pull for him again.
After all, he is proud to be your first five star chatacter, and ever since then he has been on your team and never removed.
To hear you say that you're going to pull for Navia instead of him made him grunt quietly as he let out a quiet huff behind the screen.
"...Well, she is a good character" he admitted while grumbling under his breath, crossing his arms by now as he watched you pull and pull for Navia's banner, only getting the four stars but no sign of a five star yet.
Is he...sulking? oh yes, Xiao believes so as there was a tiny slight pout on his as he looked away, trying his best to not be affected by the fact that Navia might show up at your screen anytime now.
So while you're at it, better save some primos to pull for his rerun banner too, you wouldn't want a sulking Xiao, right?
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After pulling a few strings and fails in the wishing system, Itto was celebrating his victory after ensuring that his banner would have a rerun.
However, that satisfaction immediately crumbled down the moment he heard you saying that you are pulling for Navia instead for him again.
What makes it even worse, is he felt confident that you were going to pick him, and now...he doesn't know if he should throw a tantrum about it or blame the system that he had a rerun the same time with a new character.
"What?! Hey, what about me?" He yelled out from behind the screen, which of course you couldn't hear, as Itto let out a dramatic gasp by the revelation.
Is he making this a big deal? Yes, Itto is making this a big deal, because after all Navia is also a geo character, of course he would somehow feel intimidated that she would take his place in your team.
Best believe that when you are finish with your pulls, don't be surprised that he would not budge leaving your team— trying to replace him with Navia, even if you are already clicking the remove button!
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The doctor was confident that you were saving up those primogems for him considering that his banner hasn't been released yet, nor the gaming system haven't made any announcement about his builds, constellation, marketing drip, etc.
Imagine his reaction when he overheard that you were pulling for Navia, and those primogems for her and not his. He could not hide the disbelief that crossed over his face.
He'll recover shortly after, and just laughed it off strainly as we watched you spending every gem you had saved on Navia's banner, no sign of the blondie woman yet showing up on your screen.
"And here, I thought I was what you are waiting for" He mumbled under his breath, gritting his teeth slightly in the process, keeping a forced smile on his face.
He would rather die than admit it, but this revelation had left a big wound on his pride, and he is a millisecond away of just straight up disrupting the system's controls if it means you get to play him.
Of course that would take some time, but he hopes that you're just as amused as him if he keeps joining you on doing your quests out of nowhere that doesn't even involve him in the first place ;)
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It took so long for Venti to finally have this moment again, and he was more than glad to show up on your screen, on your first pull, on his rerun banner.
One second he was smiling and all giddy, but as you dropped the statement that you are pulling for Navia like a bomb, his smile freezed, his whole body freezed as he sweatdropped.
Not just freezed, you know those kind of special effects in an anime series when a character messes something up, does something awkward or expected something but gets embarass instead, and suddenly they turn into a whole block of ice? Yeah, something like that.
"..Oh, right her! I've heard a lot about her!" He stated, trying to keep up with his cheerful-go-to persona, as Venti awkwardly scratched the side of his neck while watching you spend those gems on her banner, still no luck of the five star geo character.
He failed to continue showing jolly facade, because now he is sulking at the corner as if it is the end of the world, almost as if a big tub of water was dunk upon him.
Please forgive him if he'll be out of character and maybe acting a little petty on your end for the next few hours or days while playing the game. It's not his fault you didn't also pulled on his rerun!
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Scaramouche carries himself with such confidence and prides himself being a part of your team after you pulled on his first banner.
He was smirking with boldness, and eyes closed in satisfaction as he awaits and is all ready for you to pull on his rerun this time. That is until his mouth twitched downward, as he opens his eyes in suspicion right after he heard that you were pulling instead for Navia.
He could not hide the displeased expression painted on his face, as he continues to watch you behind the screen, spend all the primogems you saved up only for her, and like an open book— he doesn't even realized that he is scowling. So far, you're only getting the four stars.
"What about me?" He mumbled under his breath, as he scoffed lightly and by now instead of continuing to frown, there was a slight pout forming on his lips, as he huffed and turned his head away, facing a corner refusing to watch further your pulls on the geo character.
He rejects to believe that he is mopping about as something as this, but his actions says otherwise. He doesn't even know why is so affected by this.
Whether you get Navia or not, make sure you also give him the attention he seeks! We wouldn't want a petty Wanderer disrupting your team's gameplay, no?
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
For the Hulk vs. Wolverine/Wolverine and the X-Men platonic yandere au, imagine a Reader who was either being spied on by Weapon X, or who somehow just kept following them from time to time, maybe foiling their plans (and trying to keep the poor traumatized *ssholes alive)... H*ck, maybe Reader was someone who was a potential candidate for the program...
Reader just ends up stuck with them somehow, keeps stopping them from dying or being killed off, and is at first hated or seen as weak... Except Reader still does them solids and favors without asking for anything in return or expecting anything, which leads to the growth of some... softer... feelings of the mutants for once. Because that little idiot who keeps being nice, even if they're hurt for it, is THEIR sweet little idiot or friend or pup or whatever. So they obviously should be allowed to stay...
It comes to a head when Reader actually tries to leave, be it move on to other things or somehwefe new, or abandon the group if they were part of the program, leading to mixed emotions and reactions...
🧡🦡Logan would want Reader to leave, h*ck, he's probably setting something up so they can leave amd slip away without anyone catching them. If he can, he'd leave with them... This helps activate his dad instincts, and whether he remembers this or not, he does remember Reader's scent, and that he sees them as someone to protect...
🦁🦷Sabretooth hates the idea of Reader leaving, having a soft spot for them and Logan, but would rather have them with him, make them stronger, get them to stay and not even think of leaving the program him! Would hunt them down and try try force them to stay, would even make them forget certai things if he could.
🎭💙Mystique, if she was still there at that point in time, would realize she wants Reader someone safe, where they can have a life, be innocent or at least free, and tries to help them, even if it's only in small ways. Would toss someone off a cliff for getting in Reader's way of escaping (so, the majority of everyone-)
❤🐼Deadpool would find the idea funny. Leave them? After everything? Quite the kidder, eh, kiddo? Well... that joke wasn't very funny, was it? He's against it, but treats it like a game. He won't stop Reader from trying... but he will chase them and give them a hard time, eventually dragging them back, because, look, hey, they're his buddy~! And buddies don't leave buddies behind! Reader put so much effort into them already, so why give in now?
⚡💛Maverick, if he is there at that point in time, wants what he thinks is best for Reader (his small memories/dad instincts popping up). He thinks they're safe wherever he is, so if he's with Weapon X, then Reader will join them, no matter how much of a tantrum them throw. He understands it's not... soft, being what they are or doing what they do, but he can keep them safe. The rest of the mutants? The people they all hint for a living? They can't. So it's best Reader gives in and joins them and makes it easier on themself, or they'll have to use discipline, and no one wants that...
🔪🗡Lady Deathstrike is probably fond of Reader, especially if they were kind to her or said she was beautiful or right about something. She doesn't care much if they stay or if they go, but she wants to know where they are, who they're with, and wants updates on everything they do. She's controlling, wanting a perfect version of them...
🩸🐙Omega Red would probably not care much either way. If he's soft for Reader, they were likely treating him like a person, someone who bleeds and can hurt and who needs care. Would agree Reader should stay with them, but wouldn't want to break them too much... If he thought they'd be killed, I will say he would let them go. Whatever chance guarantees their survival is what he chooses in the end...
🦡💛 If Laura/X-23 is around (depends on when this takes place), she'd be younger, so she views Reader as the closest she has to a sibling or friend. Wants them, because they're comforting and nice and sneak her treats, but doesn't understand yet that if they stayed or joined them, they'd be broken the way she and the others are... If Reader did leave, they left Laura a few gifts, mainly anything Reader had that Laura liked, so she'd have some form of comfort after Reader was gone...
No matter what, they're all somehow attached, whether they like it or not, and Reader attempting to leave them would likely crack the fragile peace they made... And if Reader did manage to escape... they're going to have to watch their back for a very long time...
(Imagine this if you want for X-Men Evolution! I'm just trying out this other X-Mem series and seeing if I like it! Enjoy this honey fresh from the comb!💛🧡🐝🍯🧪)
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Okay, let's talk about Ming, and how some people are talking about him like he's an irredeemable monster. (It's okay that you don't know anyone who was emotionally neglected and you have a decent relationship with your parents, but it's not okay to pretend your experience is universal and everyone else is garbage)
I know some of you remember my loud defense of Ray from Only Friends, and here I am again, to fight for the loveability of the character who doesn't know what to do with all their big feelings.
Ming's family, from what we see, is not a warm, loving place for him to learn emotional intelligence.
May is pretty great, but there is only so much an older sibling can do when your parents are physically or emotionally unavailable.
Ming's mom had only been seen trying to control Ming's life, marry him off to a woman, and insisting he is incapable of being on his own. Not exactly mom of the year.
Ming is clearly incredibly lonely, and so, so sad.
He likes Tong, but mostly after his sister and Tong are already involved -- because it's safe to transfer feelings you don't understand to someone that those feelings cannot go anywhere with. When he starts to feel too much for Tong, he leaves the country, because he can't process those feelings, and he doesn't want to hurt his sister with his crush on her boyfriend.
He comes home, and he sees Joe first. His likeness to Tong is obviously what pulls Ming in, but it is very quickly apparent that Ming is genuinely interested in Joe, but he has no fucking Idea what to do with that interest.
And when Joe clearly likes him back? It gets worse. He lashes out and then feels bad, but mostly doesn't apologize, he just moves on, because apologies require reflection on what you've done wrong, and Ming doesn't know how to do that! We see him struggle with it multiple times!
He does not know how to deal with being wanted. With the expectation of care that comes with that. Because, ironically, Tong and May are the best example of a relationship he has to look at, and he had to tell Tong to go take care of May when she was sick.
His crush on Tong remains so deeply a part of his identity, even as it obviously fades, and it clouds everything because Tong uses Ming's affection for him against him! And Ming doesn't see that! He doesn't see Tong's flaws until after Joe's accident, and even then, I don't know that he acknowledges Tong's actions as cruelty and manipulation, or if he ignores that all under his own guilt and grief over losing Joe.
And this brings us back to Ming and Joe.
Ming didn't have a crush on Joe. He sort of accidentally fell into a situationship, but then became intensely possessive and obsessed with Joe. We see him be so unbelievably soft with Joe, in moments where he's allowing himself to be, to stumble through having feelings and carrying for other people. But there is so much holding on tight that Ming can't seem to turn off.
He holds on to Joe --both of them!-- so tightly. He sees threats to his claim on Joe everywhere, and he can't confront that idea, so he doubles down on being possessive, and he looks cuckoo-bananas.
But it really just reads to me like he doesn't know what to do with feelings! I know people --especially ND people, who needed a little extra help to learn how to person -- who had emotionally neglectful parents and didn't understand healthy attachment until years of therapy and some determined friends got involved.
I don't have the greatest track record for "healthy attachment", and lean towards codependent in a lot of my relationships.
Some of the people I love the most are "hold on tight even when it's not good, because if I let go you'll leave" people.
They are absolutely deserving of someone who loves them. They deserve a happy ending and middle, too. They deserve the chance to learn and grow and become better versions of themselves.
(and they deserve people to love and cheer for them even when they're being assholes and throwing tantrums and hurting people because they are still learning how not to do that)
Idek if this is coherent, or everything that I wanted to say, but here it is, my treatise on why Ming is my baby, actually, and why I will defend him until he is either better or actively worse.
ETA: what Ming has done is obviously not okay, reasons are not excuses, but I do think he deserves a chance to learn. and to tell Joe he loves him.
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
If it's alright, can I have a Stella from Helluva Boss concept? I feel like you would give her more character then her only trait being abusive (Since it was only added to make Stolas innocent)
I'm indifferent to Stella, I feel they could've fleshed her out more, so I'm hoping you don't mind this one. I'll try to do you justice, moot! It's short as unfortunately even I don't have much to go off of... :(
A/N: I can't fix her... I don't think I did her justice, man....
Yandere! Stella Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Degrading behavior, Controlling behavior, Attempted murder, Infidelity, Toxic relationship, Isolation, Forced "relationship".
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Stella is a tricky one because, you're right, her personality trait is just being violent.
She's a classist who has frequent temperamental outbursts.
She's snobby, arrogant, her wiki essentially calls her stupid....
She would literally have her spouse killed for cheating.
It's just a mess for you.
First of all, it's obvious Stella isn't going to see you as an equal.
She sees herself as above you and sees her obsession like a little pet.
She'd most likely go for a fellow bird demon more than an Imp compared to Stolas.
Regardless, she's rather ruthless with her beloved.
She acts like she owns you and will mark you as such.
Stella genuinely seems like a yandere who'd peck your skin and dress you up like some gilded doll.
If something can show she has ownership over you, she'll do it.
While Stolas craves a genuine romantic connection, Stella simply craves ownership.
She's much more possessive and wants everyone to know it.
Most of her behavior towards you could be considered... degrading.
She treats you like a pet, keeping you beside her at all times.
She refuses to let you out of her keen eyesight, harshly tugging you back if you try to resist.
I can see her showing you off like you're some prize.
She may even gloat about you to Stolas as we all know she hates him.
Of course, it's not like she can gloat about a healthy relationship, your relationship is far from it.
Leaving her intact is downright impossible.
Stella no doubt strives for obedience and loyalty in her obsession.
The moment you show infidelity like Stolas, you can guess what happens.
She has you hunted down.
I can see Stella being a big "if I can't have you, no one can" yandere.
If you tried to leave, not even cheat on her, she insists you're no longer loyal.
She doesn't want you to have any independence.
You're either hers...
Or you're dead.
Stella is... unstable, she's one of the more volatile yanderes.
Stolas has already pissed her off enough with him leaving her.
When you try to?
She berates you, throws a tantrum like a child, calling you all sorts of names.
She keeps screaming about the fact you're hers, her little doll to play with.
Before you even leave the palace/castle, she traps you with her.
If you manage to escape, she hires someone to hunt you and bring you back to her.
That could mean alive... or dead...
Stella does not play around.
It's hard to say she's capable of having genuine romance for someone.
But it's not like we've seen her involved with anyone besides Stolas due to the arranged marriage.
So let's take that into consideration... Perhaps she shows genuine care sometimes.
She's still selfish, possessive, and sadistic... but there's moments where she's softer.
They're rare and it's usually only when you play nice.
Occasionally, when no one's around, maybe she pulls you into her feathers and nuzzles into you.
She treats you like a doll, squeezing you tight as she coos quietly.
These moments are rare, but can become more common if you reciprocate her advances more.
Except, since she's so forward and volatile, there's a good chance you won't play along unless she threatens you.
Stella doesn't care how she has you as long as you're hers.
It's either she locks her toy away so only she can play with them...
Or she breaks her toy so no one can play with them.
Stella feels like one of the scariest yanderes Helluva Boss-wise.
She's intense, unpredictable, and threatening...
The most her darling can do is 'play nice'...
But even then, who says she won't snap and break her little birdie's neck for not singing the right tune?
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tryingtograspctrl · 5 months
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SUMMARY - You move from your small town in Louisiana all the way to New york and land yourself a job as the Avenger’s personal chef, just when you think you’ve built a comfy life outside of your sister she finds her way in again and manages to turn your world upside down.
A/N - I decided to dabble into the invisible sister trope and let me just say mannnn this is gonna be long but i promise it’s not gonna be boring so stick with me please!
Warning: mentions of childhood trauma, mentions of anxiety attacks, manipulative behavior and foul language.
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The two of you had been compared to each other since you were toddlers.
You were always the clumsy one, the one that cried too much, the one that didn't keep anyone entertained for long enough.
As you both grew into young adults it was obvious that you weren't as liked as your older sister. She was fun and outgoing, a party girl, someone that people could hold a conversation with, a favorite not only amongst friends but relatives too.
It really hurt when you began to notice that everyone ignored you and gravitated towards her, if you got the chance to talk to anybody all they'd care about was her.
Its not like you were super insecure, you knew you were pretty, you liked how you looked, you thought you were pretty funny and had a lot of interesting things to say but that didn't matter when you were next to your sister. You knew that if it came down to the two of you, you wouldn't exactly be first pick.
Your sister wasn't always the nicest to you either, neither were you to her but that's just the way the two of you were. Like every other sibling relationship sometimes you fought and didn't speak to each other, other times it was like the both of you against the world.
When other people were around it was a different story, obviously fueled by all the praise she'd treat you like shit, often using you as a stepping stone to boost her own ego, to attract more attention to herself.
Despite how rocky your relationship could be you two were attached at the hip, doing nearly everything together so it came as quite a shock when you packed up all your things and decided to leave your small home in Louisiana for New york.
"What the hell am i supposed to do on my own?!" She huffed throwing a tantrum like a child.
"What you always do, don't act like you can't survive without me. We both know you got a bit more pull in this town than me." You snorted.
"I'm serious y/n if you leave i'll jump off the roof of this house." She whined.
"Would you stop it?" You started to get annoyed.
"No you stop it! You can be so stupid sometimes you know that? Dropping everything and leaving your home, your family? You tremble like a scared puppy at the thought of going to the grocery store alone but you can move halfway across the country by yourself? Please you're probably gonna have one of your little anxiety attacks in the uber on the way to the airport.”
"You know i really thought for once you'd be supportive of a decision i decided to make on my own, but you never do change do you? All my life i've stuck beside you, going where you went, doing what you wanted to do being your fucking shadow. For once i want to take control of my own life, i want to go somewhere and start fresh, go somewhere where i could possibly be known by my own name, not just as your sister." You spat, hot angry tears streaming down your face.
"This was never about you missing me when I'm gone, it was about you hating the fact that you won't have your puppet with you wherever you go anymore." You grabbed your bags loading them up into your car.
Your sister never showed up to the airport to see you off, she didn't call you when you landed, and she hasn't spoken to you since that night at your home.
Three years had passed and you'd be lying if you said your move to New york was all sunshine and rainbows.
Your passion was cooking but you loved to make sweet treats so you always leaned towards those sorts of jobs and you had been through many in your first year in the big apple.
One shitty bakery job after another had you ready to eat your words and pack your bags to move back home but you'd never give your sister the satisfaction, not after everything she said.
So you stuck it out, bouncing around hoping that one day you'd land somewhere worthwhile and eventually you did in the most unexpected fashion.
It had been a long day at work, you were swamped the entire time because you were the only employee in the shop. Frank was a cheap son of a bitch that couldn't stand the idea of hiring more workers and having to pay them as-well so he insisted that you do the work of multiple people, you baked all the goods, took orders, cleaned the shop and pretty much everything else one person alone shouldn't be doing.
And to make matters worse everyone insisted on being an ass, you weren't sure if it was god punishing you or if there was just something in the air that morning but everyone decided to give you a hard time.
"Hey could you hurry the fuck up? I'm already 10 minutes late." A man yelled as you went to the back to grab another pan of donuts.
"Listen i'm doing the best i can here, i only have two hands and as you can see i'm the only one here." You sighed handing the man his pastry.
"Yeah what the hell ever." He snatched the bag and left.
"Morning sir what can i get for you?" You wiped the sweat off your forehead doing your best to smile.
"I'll take a dozen, and you'll be taking the rest of the day off. Sorry folks shop's closed!" The guy announced.
A bunch of curses and groans were thrown around but nonetheless they all cleared out.
"Sir you can't do that! My boss is gonna have my head." You frowned in protest.
"Considering the fact that i now own this place whatever i say goes and i say you have the rest of the day off. Mind taking a walk with me?" He took a bite out of one of his donuts.
You were a bit embarrassed to find out who you were talking to was the Tony Stark and you didn't even recognize him right of the bat but he brushed it off.
Apparently he had been interested in purchasing the shop for quite some time, it was a childhood favorite of his and he felt pretty bad once he found out Frank suckered yet another young ambitious baker into his schemes, he knew then he had to take the place. Not surprising Frank practically threw the keys into Tony's hands once he made an offer. Money was everything to that man, apparently it meant way more to him than the little bake shop his grandfather built from the ground up and handed down to him.
Tony had also took quite a liking to you and he insisted that you be the team's personal chef.
"You guys are superhero's when do you even have the time to sit down and have a meal?" You looked at him in disbelief.
"Never really, most things we take on the go which also seems impractical but it helps us feel grounded in a way." He shrugged.
"Plus i'm really tired of having to pretend to like Steve's cooking, it'd be nice to have someone that actually knows what they're doing in the kitchen." He shook his head.
"Wait ste- i mean Captain america cooks?" You laughed.
"Barley, he nearly burns down the kitchen every time he steps into it." He bumped your shoulder snorting.
"Okay." You spoke up after some time.
"Okay?" He raised a brow, knowing exactly what you meant but wanting you to say it.
"Okay i'll do it, i'll be your personal chef." You smiled brightly at him.
"Great, you can start tomorrow." He nodded handing you his card which also had the address to the tower on it.
That's how it began.
Part two: here
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petra-creat0r · 22 days
Deltarune: Fool's Fate Ch. 2 Main Bosses
Time to start on Fool's Fate Dark World two, electric boogalo, aka the Arcade World! Let's get started with the main bosses of this chapter (plus their daughter), the stars of the arcade's most popular cabinet, Electric Rhythm Empire, Empress, Ritsu, and Emperor!!!
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(Man the colors on this looked different on my canvas... Why are my colors getting messed up? Particularly Emperor's. He's supposed to be like, a yellowy green. Which I guess he kinda is here?)
The rulers of the arcade Dark World and their daughter (seriously need better names for these). At the start of the chapter after tracking down one of Chicago's friends, Neil, the party runs into Empress and Ritsu, who were tormenting Neil with rhythm puzzles. After introducing themselves, CK challenges Ritsu to a battle. Emperor isn't mentioned until later and not encountered until the end of the chapter.
Empress and Ritsu take on the Lancer/Queen/Berdly sort of role where they're encountered multiple times through out the chapter to challenge the party with puzzles, battles, funny cutscenes, etc. Though you encounter both Empress and Ritsu at the start of the chapter, after your fight with Ritsu, she throws a fit before being pacified by Remie, putting her out until the 2nd area, thus meaning you're mostly dealing with Empress in the first area.
Empress's personality pulls on Queen (I imagine them having a mom rivalry in Castle Town) though when Ritsu's around, she's rather chill and laid back. She does care about her kid, but also knows her kid is very energetic and can handle herself when playing/fighting a group of other children. Just... Don't hurt Ritsu. You likely don't want to see what happens if you mess with her baby. Empress on her own though? Prepare for an intense DDR break dance fight. Actually multiple of them. In a row. She doesn't like to loose. Even if she can be intense and a sore loser, Empress will still praise your creativity in solving her puzzles and road blocks.
Like I mentioned earlier, one of Ritsu's first encounters involved her throwing a temper tantrum at loosing a battle, so that can give you a bit of a sense of the type of kid she is. She considers herself an idol, literally introducing herself as "The sensational, terrific, all-time idol Ritsu!!!" Other than being a bit of a spoiled brat, Ritsu is very energetic. Sometimes it can take quite a lot of stamina and speed to match her in a rhythm rap battle, girl has BARS.
Emperor isn't encountered until the very end of the chapter, he is a bit similar to King in a few aspects, (again, I see a rivalry between him and King) mostly in being very authoritative and angry much of the time. However I also seem him as a general control freak (Makes sense taking in his Light World item) and probably something of a perfectionist and neat freak. He's mainly even made aware of your presence because you break into the Palace, after which you're quickly seized and captured. Even if we mainly see him as a cruel ruler throughout the chapter, Emperor is also a caring father. Empress and Emperor may both be flawed, but they are genuinely good parents who care about their daughter. Additionally, this guy can totally shred at Guitar Hero.
I imagine in the final battle, you're either mostly up against Emperor, or both him and Empress. Perhaps its a mix of both depending on the phrase and how much control Emperor is taking during the fight until later the two manage to finally work in harmony before Ritsu comes to break up the battle. I don't know, either way it's going to be rhythm hell with both the dance and guitar rhythm sections of this game.
Empress and Emperor's names should be a tad obvious. Like Magican and Priestess, they pull from tarot cards. The Empress and the Emperor. It's also where they get some of their personalities (this half explains their similarities to Queen and King. Those two just fit the maternal and paternal roles that the Empress and Emperor cards represent.)
Ritsu is a bit more interesting because she doesn't have tarot card inspiration. It comes from the Japanese word "律" or "Ritsu", (Electric Rhythm Empire was originally a Japanese arcade game) which Google translate told me means rhythm, law, or regulation. Her full name is Himeko Ritsu, meaning basically "Princess Drum Rhythm". Technically, Empress and Emperor also have the family name Himeko, but I'm not putting their full names since they're ridiculously long and just for a gag. (Well, at least Empress's is.)
As for their Light World counterparts? All three of them together are the arcade cabinet for Electric Rhythm Empire, but individually... Empress is likely the cabinet screen. She uses a lot of flashy holograms and theatrics. Ritsu is the card/ticket dispenser or one of the collectible cards (ERE is one of those rhythm games with collectible cards). Emperor is the control panel, thus his control freak tendencies.
In addition to their items, though, I also have each of them have a different rhythm game mechanic tied to them. Empress is dance rhythm games like Just Dance or DDR, Ritsu is button press rhythm games like Friday Night Funkin or PaRappa the Rapper, and Emperor is instrument control rhythm games like Guitar Hero or Piano Keys.
Backstory under cut
The ruling of Arcade World has always been something of a popularity contest. A long time ago, it was ruled by someone else, but ever since ERE joined the picture, they quickly rose to the top and have ruled supreme, charming the land not through any sort of sorcery or mind control manipulation, but through their charisma and music.
Empress and Emperor were an ultimate power couple, nurturing and leadership ruling side by side. And their daughter Ritsu was a cute little idol everyone adored. As a trio, they were the perfect balance of challenge and fun, bringing in many Lightners to bless the Arcade World. The ERE trio were beloved and sought out by everyone in the land. ... And even by some outside of the land.
One day, a knight arrived. A Lightner somewhat familiar yet still foreign to the Arcade World. Enamored by this land after stabbing into the earth to create a flowing Fountain of Darkness. A brilliant geyser that amazed all who beheld it. After wards, the Knight went straight for the Palace to track down the rulers and present them with the Fountain.
After presenting the Fountain to the Emperor and Empress, the Knight warned that soon a group of Lightner heroes would arrive and try to close the Fountain which now gave this land form. "I don't know when, but soon" The Knight said, before turning on their heel and and departing. Leaving the Arcade World to it's own devices.
Afterwards, the Emperor started to become obsessive over the Fountain. ensuring it remained protected in the Palace. Empress, on the other hand, was more concerned about the protection of her daughter and people, deciding to take on a more direct approach of confronting the Lightners head on when they arrived. Ritsu, being only a child was unaware of the dealings and goings on of adults. Merely caught in the middle of her parent's separate yet convergent goals. Mostly following her mother and excited at the possibility of getting to play new people. And so the dynamic of the Arcade World and it's rulers was ever so shifted... Until the Lightners soon arrived, just as the Knight had said.
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citrus-writing · 14 days
Hi!! I’ve got some thoughts about yandere!Neon x nen-user + bodyguard!Y/N that I wanna share with you
It all started with something like: "She’s pretty, I want her to be my bodyguard!" Yeah, she liked Y/N just as a "decoration" that’d look good next to her.
Later, she wanted Y/N to be her friend. Moreover, it was important for her that it was Y/N who first suggested that she go beyond the relationship of “bodyguard and boss”.
Neon is spoiled by her father. She gets everything she wants, so maybe she’d think that Y/N's favor can be bought with expensive gifts. Her first gift was new clothes, because according to her, Y/N's old clothes didn't fit her at all! One of Neon’s last gifts was a ring with beautiful pink gemstone (Neon’s got the same, but with gemstone of Y/N’s eye color).
After some time, her sympathy grew into an obsession and a desire to be the only one who owns Y/N's heart and mind. Neon's father burdened Y/N with more and more responsibilities, which led to Y/N starting to feel like a maid(wife) rather than a bodyguard.
At this point, it's too late to try to get rid of Neon. Now she will never let go of her beloved Y/N!
If Y/N already have got a lover, Neon’ll ask her father to kill them.
Also, I think Neon is romantic. I'm 100% sure that if she falls in love, she'll be like Illumi in some way—it'll be important to Neon that Y/N acts according to her vanilla fantasies. However, the punishments for long-term "disobedience" will be her tantrums and scandals. (Also Neon's wishes are much more obvious than Illumi's XD).
I’m sorry for mistakes, eng isn’t my first language and I was a little nervous while writing this
Thank you so much for sending this in, it was a joy to read! I was so inspired I had to sit down and write something out immediately before my thoughts got away. Please don't be nervous to send me things! 
You’re 100% right about neon, her spoiled and bratty nature makes her a doting and controlling yandere who needs constant attention from her beloved darling.
 I may actually write some more stuff for yandere neon, because I think she’s perfect for it. 
I’ve always loved the idea of neon falling for someone who works for her, either as a bodyguard or a maid, it feels natural that someone like neon- who is always surrounded by people she could be considered above- would fall for someone who works for her and who is paid to put up with her. Because she has so few friends, or even people who care about her, I can imagine her getting attached fairly easily. 
Afterall, you’re a breath of fresh air to her, as you're likely not involved in crime or the mafia, and you're brand new to her life. She sees you as somewhat innocent, not unlike herself, and she wants to protect you, no matter how strong or capable you are. To neon, you're a kind person, and people like that need to be protected and looked after. 
I imagine working for neon would be draining; she totes you around like your her newest handbag, showing you off to anyone who will listen, eagerly dressing you up in outfits to match hers, eagerly buying you gifts, even when you say you don't want them. She insists you be with her constantly, throwing tantrums if you try to take days off. 
Her presence is suffocating- but some part of you still feels bad for her. Neon is a girl who is treated like an object by everyone around her, and because of that, you feel sympathy for her. Sure, she’s spoiled and bratty, but deep down she’s a nice girl with a big heart- you’ve seen firsthand how loving she can be towards those she cares about-- even though you haven't seen the half of it yet. 
Despite neon being your boss, it’s possible you may actually start to see her as a friend- even with her obsessive tendencies, neon can be very sweet and endearing, and it’s possible she may win you over by being friendly with you. She buys you gifts, expensive things she knows will impress you, but you're more impressed with how she always seems to know what sort of thing you’d like- it’s like she knows you better than you know yourself. It’d be creepy if the gesture wasn't so kind. 
The ring neon gets for you is beautiful- pink gemstones that glitter in the light, but you feel you can't accept it, afterall, this must have been expensive, and it was more so the kind of thing you would buy a lover than a friend. But neon insists it’s fine, that she bought it just for you and she wants you to have it. How can you say no? It takes a couple days before you notice she wears a matching ring on her hand as well. 
Neon is a lot like illumi, in several ways. 
First, they’re home lives are a little bit similar- both coming from families involved in crime, both possessing nen abilities, and both being rather wealthy. 
Another way they’re similar is the desire to make you a part of their family- both neon and illumi would desperately want you to like and get along with their families. They both share a fixation on the idea of marriage, neon’s gifts of matching rings is the first hint that she desires to be your wife. 
Neon craves a domestic life with you, one where you can truly love her as she’s come to love you, one where your days are filled with nothing but each other, as are your nights. She wants to spoil you and dote on you, and any refusal of her wishes is met with tantrums and fits. 
So just play along with her, it’s easier that way, and deep down, you know that. 
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klonnieshippersclub · 9 months
Flirting in Bloodshed
I'm so happy to see everything that's been created for Klonnie Week(end). This is my entry for Day 4 (I know I'm late!) set in my favorite time period of the 1920s. It's the origin story of how they become "Enemies with Benefits." Hope you enjoy it.
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Klaus slammed open his apartment door with a force that shook the building. Ten of his men were dead and who knew who to blame. Those Chicago witches were out of control. Little Bonnie Bennett had gone and created a coven for herself claiming she didn't like how he ran the city. Who was she to challenge his authority? To him, it all seemed like the Bennett witch was throwing a temper tantrum over Gloria choosing to place her loyalty with him instead of her fellow witches.
He had removed his jacket when a scent hit his nose. Honey. Someone was in his home. Bonnie was in his home. He let his senses lead him to  the darkness of his bedroom and spotted a shadowy figure by the window upon opening the door.
“I knew you couldn’t be trusted,” Bonnie said as she stepped closer to him and the moonlight from the window made her glow. 
Klaus couldn't help but be mesmerized by her and the way her blue dress clung to her body. He was so distracted by her pouty lips that he didn't hear a word she said. “Pardon?”
Bonnie's glare had him frozen in place. “Both of you planned on using me for my blood!” Gloria was supposed to be her mentor and Klaus was just supposed to be a flirtatious customer at the bar. She knew they were hiding something, but didn't think they would turn against her.
“You can trust me,” he responded with a smirk painted on his face. “I think we should be in a partnership for the good of the city instead of rivals.”
Klaus was reminded that her anger brought death to his soldiers. Bonnie was young and inexperienced, but powerful enough to be an incredible threat. It would be best to placate her and end this conflict for the survival of his vampire army.
Bonnie scoffed, “I don't enter partnerships with pathetic liars. What are you good for?”
Klaus closed the distance between them and placed his hands on her hips. “I can show you exactly what I'm good for.”
“I was foolish enough to entertain you before but never again.”
“Oh please, we both know you loved the attention.”
“Who doesn't love a little flattery?” Bonnie defended with a soft push against his chest. “Your pretty words were truly meaningless.”
“You didn't feel that way before.”
“I didn't know who you were or that Gloria was working for you back then.” It was all a deception. Gloria’s kindness was a ruse to get closer to Bonnie and get access to Bennett blood. Bonnie supposed Klaus only attempted to romance her, so he’d have another witch in his pocket. No, she would not partner with such manipulators. 
“That isn't true,” Klaus seductively whispered. “Our chemistry is very real.”
Bonnie sighed, “this foolishness must end. Gloria's deceit has triggered a war between our species and we are obviously on different sides.”
“You are silly enough to try to defeat me?” Klaus questioned.
With a tilt of her chin, Bonnie confidently boasted, “I know I can and so do you.”
“Not before I ravish you first.”
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jo-harrington · 2 months
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Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 25 - Gareth
Summary: Gareth takes a stand.
Word Count: 996
Rating: T
Warnings/Themes: Origins, Teen angst, Growing Up, FOI references (Ronnie) but also some non-compliance to FOI (just...gonna skip the painful bits)
Check Out the Main Post for @corrodedcoffinfest here! Even if you didn’t start on Day 1, you can still join!
Tagging: @the-unforgivenn at her request.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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No one ever doubted how much the Emersons loved their son.
Especially not Gareth himself.
Their house was practically a shrine to him.
Shit, his parents' lives were dedicated to him.
They were well-off enough that his mom stayed home to take care of him until he started school, and then only worked part-time so she wouldn't get bored.
Meanwhile his dad made sure that he was at every activity and chaperoned every field trip.
There were pictures of him on almost every available wall of the house. Ones from tee ball and cub scouts and kindergarten graduation and the first time his dad took him fishing.
They all showed a happy kid.
Of course, there were also ones where he wasn't happy. Those got tucked into albums.
Ones of him crying or throwing a tantrum.
But there was one particular picture of him at 13, looking incredibly pouty. He had a study date with his crush, Libby Nelson, and his dad had brought a camera to proudly snap a picture of them together.
He was embarrassed enough when his mom ran a comb through his hair a hundred times, and when his dad ironed his shirt for him, and when they asked if he wanted to get flowers.
"We're just working on geography homework," he whined.
But after the picture fiasco, after Libby had laughed at him and he had blamed his parents, he decided enough was enough.
He started picking his own outfits to school to wear to school. The other kids picked on him, but he never felt more at ease in his skin.
Then he started listening to the metal station on the radio, despite his mom's complaining that it was all noise. Those lyrics meant something to him.
Eventually he figured he didn't want to do piano lessons anymore, something his mom had enrolled him in.
"But you play so beautifully," she protested. "You've got a gift for music."
"Yeah well," he sniffed, "maybe I want to play the drums now."
He never thought they'd actually get him a drum set.
His parents thought it was just a phase. Rebellious teen years and all; they'd had their own experience with it. But their parents had been too hard on them. They decided to be different with Gareth. Supportive.
They got him the drums, let him set it up in the garage, put up with the endless hours of migraine-inducing drumming, and apologized to every neighbor that complained.
They played it by ear and watched as their son continued to become someone unfamiliar....until eventually that angry noise in the garage turned more controlled.
He'd play along to the radio, mimicking it.
Sang along with his favorite bands until his voice cracked and he cried.
"He's gotta find himself," Mr. Emerson told his wife, who wanted to step out into the garage to console Gareth. "It'll be ok."
It got better when he moved on to Hawkins High.
He made friends with a sophomore named Jeff. They had similar taste in music and jokes, and if it wasn't their class schedules, they'd be inseparable.
Through Jeff, Gareth met and developed maybe...definitely not...sort of a crush on a senior named Veronica Emerson Ecker. Ronnie.
She'd been nice enough, always remembered his name after Jeff introduced them, and apparently played the drums too.
Gareth was head over heels.
"We practice over at this guy Dougie's house," Jeff explained. "If you wanna come watch us practice sometime?"
"I don't think my mom would like that," Gareth dismissed disappointedly. "She doesn't like me listening to metal. I don't think she'd let me go see a band play."
Jeff hummed and then offered another option.
"Hellfire Club?" Mrs. Emerson screeched when she picked Gareth up and saw him wearing the handmade shirt with a demonic face front and center. "I thought you were joining Chess club!"
"I might have lied to you," he muttered.
The first meeting he'd attended had been a disaster--everyone at school knew who Eddie Munson was, but meeting him had been a different story--and he damn near quit.
But he didn't.
It had been fun enough and Eddie hadn't been so bad. He encouraged Gareth to give it another shot which Gareth was grateful for.
He was determined to go back next week.
If his parents let him.
He got a lecture the whole drive home, and then again once his dad got home from work.
"It's like we don't even know you anymore Gareth!" his mother sobbed at the very end.
"Maybe you don't!" He shouted. "I'm not your little guy anymore! I'm 15! I'm all grown up now."
His parents laughed but he kept going.
"I don't fit in with the other kids and I don't want to. I like metal and playing the drums and I like Dungeons and Dragons. The kids in Hellfire are really cool. Dougie...well he's kind of a jerk but he gave me a copy of The Hobbit. It's the best. A-and my friend Jeff is there and he plays in a band too.
"I think maybe that would be cool," he finished sheepishly. "Playing in a band someday."
His shoulders heaved and he watched his parents with desperate eyes, hoping they'd understand.
They had to.
His mom leaned over and whispered in his dad's ear, who simply nodded.
"Growing up is tough," Mr. Emerson said softly. "We're always gonna worry about you; we just want you to be happy, pal. So if you want to be a part of this club, we're not gonna stop you."
All three of them let out a breath of relief, and then his parents were on their feet to embrace him. His dad clapped a hand on his shoulder and his mom suffocated him with a hug.
He was about to go to the garage to play, when his mom held him at arms length and asked, "are you really sure about this Hellfire Club thing?"
"Ok! Just checking!"
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Fair take on Nathalie being the more dangerous of the two, she's a better fight than Gabriel that's for sure and seems more worldly magic wise and is more willing to risk things while Gabriel never left his hide out unless he was convinced he was unstoppable.
I do tend to be a little charitable to Gabriel, in that I regard a lot of his failings as coming from a mixture of having operated in a position of power and comfort so long, that its hard for him to really like, kick himself into great scheming wise. IE, he got more effective after Nathalie was dying because now he was on the clock in more ways than one.
The other thing that definitely undercuts him, beyond his own emotional incompetence and ego (Why did you think pissing Audrey off was a good idea Gabriel?! & why did you go along with it Nathalie!?) Is that he always seems to bank everything on whatever Akuma of the day he makes. Its less that this undercuts his threat in universe but on an audience engagement level this makes him look like an oaf.
Cos obviously he can't win or the story ends, but if the losses were framed more as the Akuma's fault and he was less prone to stomping his foot like a temper tantrum throwing child it'd feel less embarrassing for him.
Its something I'd want to explore if I ever get the time to write Guardian Neos & Lady Glasswing, Dueling Fates.
Marinette does make some of the day to day, Akuma of opportunity like Gabriel does, but her attitude towards them is totally different.
She's not really banking on these Akuma to win it all. She's using them as test subjects for different ideas, getting a sense for their and her powers, and how Neos fights. She's using it to build up to bigger, more dangerous strategies.
Thus its less,
"Kim, you fool, you have failed me! Curse you Neos! But I will get you next time!!"
and more
"Hmm. Kim's athleticism didn't translate into a powerful fighter like Kagami's, but the power he manifested would be be useful for turning Neos's allies against her. Even if they don't win, I could use that to get her identity and the location of the Miraculous. Definitely filing him away for future use."
It lets the heroes win the day but ensures the villain doesn't really feel like they lost anything while setting up larger conflicts for the future.
It honestly kind of shocks me, that Gabriel can often feel like such a relatively weak villain given the set up should mostly insulate him from the embarrassment of defeat. But as said. I think a lot of it comes down to how invested he seems in the Akuma and it leaving him looking impotent as more defeats pile up.
The murky line between how much control he has over what an Akuma becomes and their design doesn't help. But I tend to assume he actually has relatively little control over that.
Honestly I think one of the reasons Gabe operates the way he does is because there's little to no risk of just throwing weak Akumas at the wall.
Like. There's no danger to him if he Akumatizes Mr. Pigeon 69 times. Losing this battle won't lose the war. But if LB and CN slip up just one time, even to a weak Akuma, then it's all over.
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umi-adxhira · 1 year
So Ikevil MC seems to be brave at times but she’s pretty demure
so can I request a more sassy, fiery, feisty, take no shit MC?
Spacific lay with our favorite foul mouthed man Jude (my fav 😍)
The others if you want but not required only if your in the mood to write them
I’m thinking maybe when she’s first getting to know them and Jude is being his normal foul mouthed rude self and MC Is basically just “oh hell no I’m a put this man in his place”
I imagine this type of mc x Jude down the line would wind up turning into a sort of enemies to lovers type tho g 😂 (ofc my fav trope)
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: ᴊᴜᴅᴇ ᴊᴀᴢᴢᴀ
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: We love a sassy MC putting a foul-mouthed man in his place. Also, enemies to lovers is my favourite trope, and Jude is my favourite character in the game, so this is perfect. Uses she/her pronouns but could also be gender-neutral
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"Quit your yappin' already. You don't want to see me mad,"
"Oh, I definitely wish to see the 'foul-mouthed', 'evil' Mister Jude get mad. It will certainly be entertaining to see a child throw a tantrum for his favourite toy," You mock teasingly, causing an irk to rise from Jude's forehead.
Ellis intervenes, hopefully before his contractor decides to put a hole in your head, "Should we get going, Mister Jude? We need to leave now so we can get to the company on time for the meeting,"
"..." Jude pauses for a moment before ultimately letting out a sigh, "Fine, let's get this shit over with. I had enough to deal with today, I'm already in a foul mood because of this ugly, scrawny dimwit,"
"I'm not a mirror, Mister Jude," You retort with a giggle, catching the way his features tensed up for a second before maintaining his cool.
This was always a thing between you and Jude. You'd like to say he started it by being the Emperor Ass that he is, but you have to admit you caused this situation to rise a little bit.
From talking back to him to openly defending Victor in the petty squabbles those two have, no matter how much in the wrong Victor is, but you digress.
You could say you were enemies. Everyone would notice the tension build up when both of you are in the same room together, but despite this, you admired his ability to take control of the room with ease, especially in a well-known trading company. But you'd never admit that.
But there was one incident you would never be able to forget...
"I'm not interested. Please leave," You were waiting for Harrison in a pub as this was the place he usually be at around this time. He did mention that he may be a few minutes late, which wasn't a problem. Well, until that drunkard tried to score you.
The man wasn't having it, grabbing your arm and pulling you off your seat. "Aaah, come on! I can show you a good time~ I'm sure whatever man you're with now can't pleasure you the way I can!"
You tried to pull your arm away from his grip, grunting as he cackles at your failed attempt. Apparently, being drunk gave him super strength.
You look around desperately at the other people at the bar as a desperate plea for help, to which they all avoided their eyes. Well, you certainly aren't going to be coming to this pub in the future.
He drags you out of the pub, and his sloppy movements cause you to lug around poorly, sometimes tripping on your own feet. You pray to find Harrison walking to the pub, but alas, he was later than usual.
The drunkard continues on, throwing you against the wall of an abandoned alleyway, holding you in place with his foot pressed up against your stomach.
The sudden impact made you yell in pain, toppling over if it wasn't for his leg in the way. "Stop being so loud... do I have to teach you to be obedient?"
"Maybe when you fixed that rugged look of yours and get a decent life, maybe then you can think that you can control me, you utter idiot,"
"You..." He mutters, teeth gritted as he kicks your stomach again, harder than the last time. "You're just like your boyfriend, huh. A foul-mouthed rat who should be better on the streets,"
"What... boyfriend...?" You try and muster the courage to ask.
The drunkard was irked at your question, "That bitch of the trading company. Seeing his girlfriend suffer like this will make him pay... maybe I should kill you for revenge!"
So he hurt you because he thought you were associated with Jude, huh? Maybe you shouldn't go near him anymore if you even survive.
Suddenly, the man was on the floor unconsious, leaving you free. Before you could land on the floor, strong arms held you up. "Mister Jude, she’s injured,"
"She’s fine," Jude dismisses almost immediately, watching you with a small glimmer of pity as he sees you clutch your stomach in pain. "Give her to me," He orders, practically pulling you towards him to be carried.
Ellis stands up from his crouched position, "Are you sure?" He does not answer, simply walking away from each passing second, not realising the soft breaths coming from your sleeping form.
You woke up the next day, Roger said you were fine but advised you to stay in bed for, the next few says until you feel 100% better for you to walk around with no abdominal pain.
Harrison apologised for leaving you alone in a pub, hoping to make it up to you. Ellis visits you every day, asking you the same question, "Are you okay?" before making small talk and leaving.
Today, you finally decided to ask why he asked you the same question, to which he replied: "Mister Jude ordered me to check in every day to see if you were alright. I think he felt bad because you got hurt because of him,"
"He's in his room right now. I can take you there if it makes you happy,"
"Thank you, Ellis,"
With a knock on his door, you enter, not bothering to wait for his response. After all, you would have come in even if he said no.
His eyes look uo to find yours, in a small shock. His expression immediately turns back to his normal, grumpy façade. "What do you want?"
"You know, if you wanted to know how I was doing, you could have just come to me yourself,"
He turns away, mindlessly sorting through papers scattered on his bed. "I wasn't worried. If you died, I would not hear the end of it from the Queen. Besides, yer fine. You were just on bed rest because Mother Roger wouldn't stoo yappin'"
"But why bother asking Ellis to ask me how I'm doing if you knew I was alright?" You close the door behind you, making your way to his bed, sitting down on the edge of it.
Jude pauses for a moment, trying to come up with a structured answer, which would make you go asay the fastest, "Because I was worried for yer stupid ass. That fatass won't hurt you again, I've made sure of it. So don't worry about shit, alright?"
You giggle at his tsundere side, leaning over to gove him a wick peck on the cheek. "Well, thanks for saving me, back there. Who knows what would have happened," You stand up from your seat, making you way to the door, noticing how Jude's face flushed a bright pink. "See ya around, Mister Jude~"
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©️umi-adxhira [27/06/2023]
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A/N: I've had this idea in my head ever since I saw Oppenheimer. There are no spoilers but it's all smut. Also I wrote while tryna play xbox so yeah.
Paring: Slightly Dark Yelena Belova? x Reader
Warnings: 18+ minors dni, Oral, smut, strap-on, Orgasm Denial, Smacking, nipple play, clit play, edging, controlling behaviors, very bad google translated Russian
Summary: You knew the rules but you decided to break them anyway. Word Count: 569
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"Yelena, please!" You attempted, but she stopped you just as you were about to fall over the edge. As you sobbed loudly, the pillow became mush beneath your palms. Even though Yelena had stopped, the heartbeat in your clit was still torturing you. You glanced up at her with pleading eyes, hoping she'd feel sorry for you just once.
"I'm sure that's not what it says," she smugly replied. Her pupils dilated as she gazed down at your naked form on the bed. "I think you should start the page over." When you whined, she laughed. She couldn't help herself; she enjoyed seeing you in this state, frantic and shivering. She spread your legs and blew on your clit. She sucked on your clit roughly before pointing to the first word on the paper.
You tried to wiggle free from her grip, but the look on her face quickly set you straight. You had no other choice than start over from the beginning. "Pravilo pervoye: nikogda nevozrazh." You groaned, hoping she could hear you. You guessed she did from the way she sat up, softly sliding her strap back into you. She began to rotate her hips softly, smiling as your voice trembled. 
You deserved it in some ways because you knew what you were doing when you went to the club without her consent. But all you wanted was to have some fun, and she never let you go out anymore. It wasn't that you didn't know the rules; rather, you chose to disregard them. You had recently asked her to teach you, Russian, so she made certain that your rules were the first thing you learned. So it confused her that you chose to go against them.
You were brought out of your thoughts with a harsh thrust. Before you could think, your hands had moved to her hips. You were sensitive and on the verge of coming. She growled as she grabbed both of your hands and pushed them back onto the pillow.
"What's rule number four?" She added to the misery by pinching your nipples.
"I don't do any-" With a smack to the cheek, you were cut off. You pleadingly stare up at her.
 "In Russian, you dumb slut." She kept pinching your nipples as she waited for you to fix yourself.
"YA nichego ne delayu bez vashego yavnogo razresheniya!" You yelled, hoping she'd feel sorry for you. And for a brief minute, you thought she did as her hips sped up.
"Do you wanna cum, slut?" She asked, her gaze fixed on you. You nodded twice.
"Yes, yes, yes! Please, Yelena!" You wept as she kept going. She stopped just as you were about to cum. You cried, practically throwing a tantrum, as Yelena smirked at you.
"Aww, poor baby," she whispered softly, massaging your clit. "Maybe tomorrow, if you're a good girl, I'll think about it." She got out of bed and went to the bathroom. "Now clean up this room, and don't make me have to tell you again." 
Maybe next time you would think about going against Yelena’s rules, but for now, you're a shaky, sticky mess on her bed. 
Translations: Pravilo pervoye: nikogda ne vozrazh (Rule one: Never talk back) YA nichego ne delayu bez vashego yavnogo razresheniya! (Rule four: I don’t do anything without your explicit permission!)
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"I don't have one." You stated firmly hands on hips. "Oh, come on, everyone has a favorite. Even Kalego has a favorite." Orias pointed to the brooding demon who sneered at the accusation. "I most certainly do not have a favorite."
You raised an eyebrow and gave him a look. "Your mouth says one thing, but your actions say another." You watched as he stormed off. For someone who is so mature, he can throw so many tantrums.
"I don't have a favorite." You stated again. "That can't be true, what about baby-chan?" Raim asked. You gave her a blank look. "What about my little jellybean? I don't favor her over the others." Robin popped up from behind. "Wouldn't they favor Iruma more anyway he is their flesh and blood."
"That's not a very good reason to favor someone, Robin-San." You state calmly. "I have no favorite." You repeated. "Why, though? It must be hard to remain neutral, yis?" Suzy-san asked. You blinked. "Not really. They're all mine." The stern tone in your voice left no room for arguments.
"How can I not love all of them? Or think that each one has the capability to drive me insane? They are all my children, and I won't let them think that they are second to anyone when it comes to my love."
It wasn't a competition. How dare they try to make you choose. "Okay, but say the building is burning. Who would you grab?" Prompted Dali-San. You glared at him.
"Alice can control flames, Kerori has ice, which can me melted into water, dropping the temperature and slowing the rate of the fire. Goemon has the power of wind, which, if used properly, can help the flames die out or be redirected. Picero can smother the flames with his earth magic, I have personally made sure that Clara carries at least 10 full fire extinguishers with her everyday as well as med kits and other emergency supplies."
You began counting on your fingers while maintaining eye contact. "That's five capable children that don't need rescuing right there. Next, we have Soi, who is smart enough to always stick by at least one of his classmates at all times. But for the sake of the argument, let's assume he is separate. Soi understands that he can't remain invisible in this situation. Nor is he allowed to remain quiet. He'll have to make noise and be heard so that one of his classmates can reach him if he's in danger and they will come."
"Elizabetta is never alone. There is no scenario where she is, so don't try to convince me otherwise. She's smart enough to know she needs to help the others remain calm in this type of situation. Soi was kind enough to help me help her learn the entire school's layout and all possible escape routes, and both of them will be fine."
You tilled your head a moment. Seven down six to go. "Lied would be able to locate his classmates and figure out which zones are the most dangerous by using their senses. So he'll know which areas are safer for him to reach. Then there's Kamui who will not have the assistance of animals at this time. Kamui needs to find a safe area cause he's a burn risk with those feathers but that doesn't mean he's helpless. His classmates will most likely be using their familiars for help or to track others. Kamui only needs to find one and he's safe."
Nine, you smiled thoughtfully. "To be honest, Sabro is reckless and will jump through the flames without a thought. He'll most like find others while risking the most exposure to the flames. Then there's Allocer who knows about 40 different ways to put out fires, multiple flame resistant spells, has the entire place memorized to a T, and most likely knows where all emergency supplies are all while contacting emergency services on his phone cause I know out of all of them he'll use a brain."
Eleven... leaving iruma and Jazz. "Jazz knows all escape routes for any emergency before he even steps into a building. He has a good sense of magic and is not the kind to just overlook his classmates needing help. He's not gonna give up easily, especially if he thinks someone is counting on him. And as for Iruma." Taking a deep breath you just gave them a plain look.
"Do you honestly think after all that boy has accomplished a mere fire is going to be his downfall? I'd be more worried about the building than the kids." How dare they underestimate your kids.
"So no, I wouldn't save any of them." Folding your arms across your chest, you set a firm line in your belief. Orias whistled. "Little cold, don't you think?" You frowned.
"Cold is not having an ounce of faith that any of them would make it out alive. I don't have favorites. They all get 5 minutes, then I go and grab all of them. There is no only one crap."
You walked out of the room, still pondering. Maybe you should make the kids have backup walkie talkies in case their phones don't work. Kalego-San might take interest in watching them perform in safety situations. Who knows? It might come in handy later.
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flowery-laser-blasts · 10 months
Emotion sickness but with Ron and Dr. Drakken.
This is my take on how an alternative emotion sickness episode would go. We need to see more emotional boys. It's also long because it's the ENTIRE episode but with changes.
The episode starts off the same but instead of Drakken managing to get on his hover pad, he and Ron end up fighting/bickering and get semi in the way of Kim and Shego's fight. Either Kim or Shego falls back and bumps into the duo causing them to fall against the bookshelf and get the moodulator chips stuck against their necks. Drakken is slightly dazed and gets hit in the face with the EMA (thrown by Shego), but he manages to hold onto it. Then he gets yoinked by Shego by his collar. Ron picks up moodulator remote and they return to Middleton. The episode then continues as follows: KIM AND RON -At Kim's house- Ron: "KP! Those breakfast Nacos aren't gonna eat themselves." Ron leans back but the moodulator remote in his pocket gets activated by the shift in weight. Ron's lip starts trembling and he starts sobbing. Kim runs into the kitchen. Kim: "Ron? What's wrong??" Ron: "I was in your way KP, we ended up losing that invention thingie to Drakken and Shego because of meeee!" Kim sighs and pats his shoulder Kim: "Ron? Uhm, do you know where the Kimmunicator is?" Ron: "Oh, no worries KP" he sniffles and rubs his sleeve against his nose "I got it, it's here." he holds the moodulator controller up to Kim. Kim: "Ron, this is not the Kimmunicator." Ron: "It isn't!? Oh noooo!!  I can't believe I lost the Kimmunicator as well! Waaaahh!" he sobs loudly. SHEGO AND DRAKKEN -At the lair- Shego: "Ey- Oi, Dr. D," Shego snaps her fingers in Drakken's face, "We escaped and got the 'whatchamahooey'. Shouldn't you be overjoyed and start over explaining your newest master plan to me?" Drakken: "Yeah, but... But...but... I broke a nail!" Shego: "Really? You care about your nails?" Drakken starts nodding rapidly with stifled sobs. Shego sighs and hands him her nail file. Drakken takes it and tries to desperately save his manicure.
KIM AND RON -At Kim's house- Rufus: "Oh, there, there." Rufus tries to comfort Ron. Kim: "Look, Ron, It's not big; we've lost the kimmunicator before, right?" Ron: "I know we did! When will the carelessness end?" Ron says as he throws the moodulator controller over his shoulder onto the ground, anger gets activated. Kim: "You know, your breakfast Nacos are getting cold so how about we reheat them in the microwave and get to school? Wade can find the Kimmunicator back." Ron: "I don't want those stupid Nacos anymore!" Ron shoves it away, Kim catches it just in time before it falls onto the floor. Ron: "You just want to go to school early so you can tell Wade that I lost the Kimmunicator, again! And then we can all laugh at Ron's expense while you look like little miss perfect. Yeah right! I'm going to school alone and tell this news to Wade myself!" Ron storms off, Rufus looks worried at Kim. SHEGO AND DRAKKEN -At the lab- Drakken is throwing an anger tantrum, files are spread out around the lab like confetti and cabinets are toppled over. Shego is leaning against a pillar and rolling her eyes. Shego: "Look, I get it, you were obviously upset about your broken nail." Drakken stops in his tracks and looks at Shego over his shoulder. Drakken: "Meaning...?" Shego: "Meaning that you were overreacting." Drakken's face scrunches up and he marches over towards Shego in a rather threatening manner. Even she is slightly taken aback by it. Drakken: "Overreacting? Overreacting?! Me?! I-" Drakken hits his toe hard against one of the fallen cabinets and screams out in pain curling up in a fetal position. Shego isn't sure what to do; help him up or let him be. Shego: "You know what Doc? You go figure it out, I'm going to let you cool down and when I get back, you've better cleaned up the lab and started on our doomsday thing." Shego walks towards the lab exit.
-Jim and Tim find the Moodulator controller and mess around.-
Drakken becomes sad and runs over and stands in between the exit and Shego. Drakken: "W-Wait Shego I'm so sorry, please don't leave me! I don't know what I'd do without you!" his mood gets changed from sad back to anger Drakken: "But you'd like to know, wouldn't you? Wouldn't you?! Wha... Uh... What was I talking about?" Shego cocks her eyebrow and crosses her arms Shego: Did I forget your birthday? Is that what this is about? KIM AND RON -At school at Kim's locker- Kim: "Ron what's wrong with you?! You made Big Mike cry!" Ron: "Oh trust me KP, the guy had it coming! And if I see Drakken and Shego, I'll make them cry too!" Kim: "Right... Speaking of them, I wonder what they are scheming..." Ron's mood rapidly changes to happy. Ron: "I have no idea, but I know that together, you and I, we as a team can stop them!" Ron's mood changes to sad. Ron: "...Unless I let them get away, again." Kim: "Ron, are you okay?" Ron snaps into anger. Ron: "Why? What do you mean by that?" Kim notices Josh and Tara passing by. Kim: "Oh, I see... It's okay Ron." Ron: "What do you mean, 'okay'?" Kim shakes it off because talking about Tara and Josh might be a bit too much for Ron now. Kim: "Nevermind, let's go to class. The Kimmunicator can wait" Kim grabs Ron's hand to drag him away from the 'situation', at this point his emotions shift to 'love' They arrive at their class. Kim: "Uhm, Ron? You can let go of my hand now." Ron: "What, oh- uh, yeah. Well, haha-" Ron stumbles to his seat and sighs keeping his eyes on Kim. Bonnie: "Some things are just too weird to even think about". SHEGO AND DRAKKEN -Back at the lab- Shego returns back to the lab after seemingly going out for some errands. She notices to her horror that Drakken is tinkering with her tanning light. Shego: "Dr. D, I give you 5 seconds to explain what you're doing with my tanning-" Drakken quickly zooms to her side and leads her towards her cozy spot in the lab. Drakken: "I've made modifications to the electron magneto accelerator and with a push of the button, it will super-charge this ordinary lamp to optimize your tanning experience" Drakken presses the button, a huge blinding light flashes and the chair underneath the lamp vaporizes. Shego's hands flare up and she is about to fire but Drakken instantly is next to her with a credit card ready in hand Drakken: "How about I buy you a brand new more luxurious tanning bed AND we go out shopping for new outfits and to an all-inclusive high-end spa?" Shego looks from Drakken to the credit card back to him. A tad weirded out but hey he pays for it. Shego: "You know what, alright." Drakken: "Oh goodie! Let me grab my swimming trunks!" and he sprints off.
The lovey-dovey montage now engages. - Drakken takes Shego to a spa. She's in literal heaven but gets a bit surprised when Drakken suddenly tries feeding her grapes. She -cautiously- accepts it but then seems okay with it. She closes her eyes again and eats the grapes he offers, not noticing that Drakken is sneering and glaring daggers at the very nervous masseur. - Ron takes Kim to an empty Bueno Nacho and sits her down at a booth. He snaps his fingers and a whole mariachi band emerges from behind the counter and joins in with the background music for this part of the scene. Ron rushes into the kitchen and comes back out again revealing an entire DIY Naco platter in the shape of Kim's face surrounded by a heart-shaped border of tortilla chips. Kim blushes hard and is very surprised at this. Rufus licks his mouth and tries to dive into it but Ron stops him and tosses him aside so he can sit close to Kim. Rufus catches himself and grumbles crossing his arms. - Shego and Drakken are now shopping around. Drakken pulls her into a very fancy and expensive-looking store, Shego doesn't mind and actually seems to be enjoying herself. Shego tries on some different outfits and Drakken approves all of them, giving a thumbs up as he takes out his credit card and pays for the clothes. KIM AND RON -At the school's Gym- Kim: "Hey, Monique? Do you have a sec?" Monique: "Yeah Kim, what's up?" Kim looks around carefully before speaking, making Monique cock her eyebrow. Kim: "It's about Ron." Monique: "You're in a pickle, huh?" Monique laughs. Kim: "This is so not funny Monique, I think-- I think Ron's actually crushing on ME." Kim grabs both sides of her hair squeezing it together. She looks distressed. Monique: "Okay, first of all: breathe girl. Secondly, it does explain why all of a sudden he starts taking more care in his appearance. You seen him? I had to make a double take this morning before algebra class to make sure it was him and not some exchange student!" Kim: "Yes, I know... And it's freaking me out! It's not the Ron I know!" Monique: "So, if it were the Ron you knew, you'd be down for dating?" Kim: "Wait, wha--, NO! Of course not! Ron and I are just friends! We've been so since kindergarten!" Monique: "And...that's it? You're sure that there're no other feels?" Kim: "I-- I well" Kim starts blushing harder clearly thinking back of the other day "I don't know. Yesterday he went out of his way to make some kind of romantic dinner in his own Ronny-way." Monique: "Awwww girl! That's cute-- was it cute?" Kim snaps back to reality Kim: "Well, if you consider your face being made up of various meats, cheeses and beans; and then being eaten cute-- then I guess cute." Monique: "You want my advice?" Kim: "I'm all ears." Monique: "Give it a chance, who knows! Maybe you two are meant to be. If he goes out of his way to do all of this, maybe he's the one- in his sort of Ronnish-ways." Kim: "What?! Monique! He's my friend- ugh! This conversation has never happened, he can never know about-- He's standing behind me isn't he?" Kim turns around and almost smacks into Ron who's standing literal inches away from her.
Ron: "Hey KP!" Kim: "Ron! Hi! Uhm- hey, could we? Get somewhere private? I've got something important I want to discuss." Ron: "Wow, I was just about to say the same thing! It's like we are thinking the same-- Wait, no! First me! Hold on, I've been practicing this for twentyten--" Ron takes a second to count on his fingers, "Thirty hours straight! Whatever you want to discuss with me has to wait, because I'm going to ask you first!" Kim: "Ask me what?" Kim looks confused but it quickly turns into nervosity as Ron kneels down on one knee and holds out a little box, it's revealed to be a pickle-shaped brooch. Monique: "Oh...my...gosh." Ron: "Kimberly-Ann Possible, we've known each other ever since we were little and you defeated my bullies -who strangely enough look very familiar to me- and saved me and the world multiple times over and over again from super freaks. You are the light of my life and I want to be with you forever and ever. Tonight's the big Middleton Days festival, and I don't have a date, would you do me the honor of being yours?" Kim gets fidgety and gulps, not expecting this and actually feels herself blush deeply. Kim: "Date? You want to go to the festival as my date?" Ron: "YES! YES I DO! BOOOYAAAH! I'LL PICK YOU UP AT 7!" Ron jumps into the air and runs off before Kim realizes what happened. Kim: "Oh no... what have I done."
KIM AND ANN -At Kim's house- Kim: "OK, so Ron and I have been best friends forever. Maybe dating is the next step. I mean, what's not there to like about Ron? I mean, he's funny, cute, dependable and dating could be-- the next step?." Ann watches as her daughter paces around the place. "Ooo! Why didn't I stop him?! Why didn't I just say it was a misunderstanding!? What if this ruins our friendship, Mom? I don't want to hurt him and end up breaking his heart again!" Kim sighs and drops on her bed. Ann: "Again?" Ann looks surprised. Kim: "Long story..." SHEGO AND DRAKKEN -At some fancy restaurant- Shego and Drakken and seated far apart from the rest of the dinner guests with a view of the city below them. Shego is finishing her dessert when she notices that Drakken has been staring at her this entire time. He still hasn't touched his appetizer, main course, or dessert which is now balancing on the edge of the table. Shego slams her spoon down on the plate and crosses her arms, squinting her eyes at him. Shego: "Okay, spill. You've been acting all-" Drakken cuts her off by holding his hand up in front of her to speak. Drakken: "Shego, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Shego: "Uh- Actually, I'm going to be real with you here Dr. D; after the past days, I'm not really sure what you're thinking anymore." Drakken: "Go on! Guess!" he looks eagerly, making Shego a bit uneasy. Shego: "Uhm... "How am I going to keep a good credit score after all this splurging?"." She gets startled as Drakken lets out a loud laugh. Drakken: "No, silly. Don't worry about that!" Shego: "Right, okay, heh-" Shego gulps, looking around, "then what were you... thinking about?" Drakken: "I was thinking it's time for some evil!" Shego lets out an elated sigh. Shego: "Finally! Phew- for a second there I thought you were about to propose to me-" Drakken's face gets flushed and a big grin appears Drakken: "I mean if you-" Shego pinches Drakken's lips closed. Shego: "No- let's ignore what I just said and focus again: Are we talking about "Take over the world evil"?" Drakken nods his head frantically. Shego lets go of his lips. Drakken: "I know just where to begin... Middleton days." Shego: "Gosh, I feel like I should say something sarcastic, but hey, the night's still young. Let's get you a doggy bag and-" Drakken cuts her off once again. Drakken: "And I'll be your date!" Shego: "Say my what now?" Drakken: "Your date? You know? Evil boy meets evil girl?" The two of them get interrupted by the waiter bringing the dinner bill. Shego takes a glance at it takes in a sharp breath looks back at Drakken with an apologetic smile, sliding the bill across the table towards him. Shego: "Ah, yes, fine. Um, evil date it is!"
KIM AND RON -At Kim's house- Kim finds the Moodulator controller on the table and frowns, Kim: "Ron's been acting strange ever since that mission-" James: "Oh Kimmie-cub, Ronald's here!" Kim puts the moodulator controller in her purse and rushes over to the hallway. Kim: "Hey Ro-, Ro-- Ron?" Kim is flabbergasted by Ron's transformation. His hair is combed neatly. He's wearing an actual not oversized suit and he seems to have a sudden boost of confidence. Ron: "You like it? I wanted to look perfect just for you. But- But not too perfect. 'Cause, ya know; you're perfect. You can do anything so- heh heh." James: "Riiiiiight- Well then, you kids have fun and Ron have Kimmy home by-" Ron: "10 o'clock but on special occasions and rescue missions, it's extended to 11. But no worries Mr Dr. P. We'll be back far before 10 sharp. It's a Ron Stoppable promise!" James blinks in surprise as Ann laughs it off.
-AT THE MIDDLETON DAY'S FAIR- Man: "And the prize goes to our winning rocket ranger." Ron: "Uh, Boo-yah! Here you go KP! It really wasn't that much of a big-dill." Ron giggles at his own joke as he hands Kim the pickle-shaped plush. Kim: "Heh heh. Um, yeah, boo-yah. Look, we need to talk." Ron: "Alright KP, I'm listening!" Kim: "OK, so, Ron... We've known each other for a long time. We're a great team, and..." As kim puts the plush in her purse, she hits the moodulator controller by accident. Ron: "Ha ha, team! Ha ha ha! Yeah, you said team." Kim: "Ron, I'm being serious here! I'm seriously worried about you! About us!" Kim puts her purse down roughly, making the moodulator controller switch once more. Ron: "Oh? And why's that?! Is there something going on I should know about?" Kim: "What? No-- Ron. You're acting so weird and I thought, maybe it's because of the Kimmunicator sitch and, you know; Josh and Tara-" Kim lowers her head in defeat, not knowing what to say. She leans against the purse and thus the moodulator controller. Ron: "Are you- Are you breaking up with me?" Kim: "Yeah Ron... I guess-- I guess I am." Kim can't help but to tear up. Ron: "Oh, I knew it! I knew it, I knew it, I... Oh! You're just using me as a rebound guy" Ron runs away as he cries loudly. As soon as Kim notices, she gets up and runs after until she notices the Kimmunicator flying towards her. She catches it mid-air. Kim: "The Kimmunicator!" Cyrus: "Aha! Spy!" Kim: "Professor Cyrus! There must've been a misunderstanding, you see, during our last mission, we must've accidentally picked this up instead of our Kimmunicator!" Kim shows Cyrus the Moodulator controller. Cyrus: "My moodulator controller!" He grabs it from Kim's hands "This controls my moodulators!" Kim: "Uh- Moodulator? What does the Moodulator controller do, professor Cyrus?" Shego: "Dr. D, come on. Let's concentrate." She snaps her fingers in front of Drakken's face, "Can we just focus on turning that laser into a death ray? Just tell me how to do it and then I'll do it myself so you can go continue- whatever it is you're doing right now." Drakken sobs harder, Shego shields herself from incoming tears. Drakken: "You're leaving in my time of need." He wails, curling up on the ground. Shego grimaces and carefully takes the EMA from his grasp. Shego: "No, no, no, no. I'll be right back! Just stay right here and- uh- figure things out." Drakken: "I'm not gonna forgive you for this... Ever!"
Shego walks over towards the parade but gets bumped into by the crying Ron. The EMA falls and breaks, enraging Shego. She looks over at Ron as she flares up her hands. Shego: "Ugh! Has everyone lost it!?" She notices Ron looking awfully depressed and smirks. "Where there's a sidekick, there's a world-saving cheerleader. I guess this could be fun."
Shego arrives just in time to hear the last bit of information. Kim: "So this device had complete control of Ron all along?" Cyrus: "Precisely. With just the press of a button..." Ron: "KIM!" Ron cries out as Shego has him in her grasp. Kim: "Shego! Let him go!" Shego: "As you wish princess, catch!" Shego throws Ron as hard as she possibly can at Professor Cyrus. Kim tries to catch Ron but both of them bump into Cyrus, who falls over and lets go of the Moodulator. Shego catches it and flips through the different emotions. She instantly sees the changes in Ron. Shego: "So that's why Dr. D has been acting so off lately. But hey, not that he's any less weird without this thing. But total control over him is not such a bad idea-- HEY!" Shego growls as Kim kicks the moodulator controller out of her hands. It falls into a fountain and starts malfunctioning.
Professor Cyrus runs over to the fountain and fishes out the controller. He gasps. Cyrus: "Oh no! The circuits have been fried!" Kim: "So that means everything's back to normal, right?" Cyrus: "I'm afraid your friend is now locked into an irreversible frenzy of rage." Ron: "Grrr." Cyrus: "So I hope he's not angry at anybody because whoosh! That'd be bad." Ron: "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU USED ME AS A REBOUND GUY, KIM!" Kim starts dodging Ron's attacks as he starts using Monkey Kung Fu on her. Shego: "Wow, that sidekick's actually not half that bad..." Shego hears footsteps behind her and manages to jump away in time. Drakken tries attacking her and he seems to be fuming. Drakken: "Shego. After all that I gave to you, you keep on asking for more, and don´t hesitate to toss me aside! You know what that does to a man?!" Shego: "Let me guess, mad?" Shego engages in combat with Drakken. He tries to pull on her hair and retorts to try to bite her. She manages to evade him and ties his hands up behind his back by using his belt. Drakken grits his teeth growling lowly pushing back and trying to undo his hands. Shego: "You know, all of this is the fault of those teens. If it weren't for those two, we would've been rulers over the world already!" Shego smirks as she notices something click inside of Drakken's mind and she steers the enraged man back to Kim and Ron.
Kim: "Ron, Chill out. It's me!" Kim gets worn out and actually starts growing tired of dodging the punches. Ron: "Yeah? Kim the heartbreaker!" As Ron tries to punch again, Kim gets blasted to the side by Shego. She laughs as she holds Drakken in check who's trying to get out of her grasp and towards Kim. Shego: "HA! I can't believe it was that easy!" Seeing Kim struggling to get up makes Ron snap he can't stand the sight of it and his moodulator chip breaks. Ron: "Kim, I... I can't... KIM!" Ron runs over to her and glares at Drakken and Shego. Shego lets go of Drakken and he charges forward, however, Ron manages to get a hold of him, plant his heels into the ground and push him back using his monkey kung fu to make Drakken fly back into Shego, in turn, breaking his moodulator chip upon impact. Drakken is knocked out and Shego cries out in frustration as she lies in an uncomfortable spot that's not easy to get out of. Ron holds out his hand for Kim and she takes it. He carefully helps her back to her feet and wraps her arm around his shoulder so she can lean on him. Ron: "I'm so, so sorry Kim... I just-" Kim hushes him and smiles gently. Kim: "It's okay, Ron. So not the drama." Ron: "So I... I guess the crush and everything was all moodulator, huh?" Kim: "Yeah, I guess so..." both of them look away slightly, a hint of sadness on both their faces. Kim takes a deep breath and is about to say something but then fireworks go off. Both of them stare up at the sky in awe at the display of colors. They catch a glance at each other and smile, leaning a bit into each other's embrace.
Massive thanks to @creatorping for reading parts of it and discussing this! I absolutely loved her idea of Drakken being an enraged biter and it's just GHHH Also entirely grateful to kpfanworld.com for having these transcripts at the ready! This was a lot of fun to rewrite! I hope you liked it! :D
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ninigummysmile · 2 years
𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞 - 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐚
Summary: After a day at the beach, Lisa can't get the images of you in your pretty bikini out of her mind
Solo!Lisa x Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Warning: This story contains +18 content. It is not the responsibility of the author if minors read it.
Important: English is not my first language so, please, forgive me if there are any mistakes
Words: 912
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It's no secret that Lisa likes you, but it seems like you're the only one who never noticed, no matter how obvious it is. She stares at you all the time even when you're looking, is extremely clingy and wants to be by your side all the time, whether it's helping you with something or simply doing nothing.
And as obvious as you are too, treating her differently from everyone else and willing to do whatever she says, the denial that maybe you don't like her that way makes her blind and not see what's right in front of her.
Lisa tries to hold back around you, not wanting to cross any boundaries that make you uncomfortable or make you want to pull away from her, but sometimes… you drive her crazy. Like today, for example, how do you want her to control herself when you're wearing a pretty lilac bikini with the sun tanning your beautiful skin?
From the minute you suggested spending a day at the beach, she knew she would have to hold back the urge to kiss you even longer.
She hoped every second you didn't ask to put sunscreen on your back. But unfortunately (or fortunately) you asked. And even now, as she parks the car and walks into her house after a few hours on the road, she can feel the softness of your skin in her fingers.
To distract herself, Lisa goes into the kitchen to prepare her dinner, because she doesn't want to think of you that way. Yes, she is falling in love with you, she is already sure of that and she wants it to be something natural, each thing in her own time. She wants to make a date with you first, she wants to spend some quality time together and then ask you to be her girlfriend. It doesn't matter how long it takes her to work up the courage to do it, but she wants to do it.
She doesn't want to start imagining you and thinking about you in a sexual way, because she feels that it will contaminate her mind and she won't be able to disguise it from you. Because you always have to know when she's different.
After preparing and eating very quickly so that she can rest as quickly as possible, she prepares a hot bath to relax and rest her muscles after so much swimming. Her mind wanders everywhere and, at the same time, inevitably always comes back to you.
Lightly passing the soap on her body, it seems that the boner is about to kill her. Rinsing off quickly, she leaves the bathroom so she can lie down and sleep. Tomorrow will be another day and she will already be calmer, your beautiful body sculpted in the two lilac pieces will no longer be clear in her head.
Turning from side to side, despite being very tired and sleepy, her body seems not to want to give up and wants to stay awake. Lisa knows that she won't be able to fall asleep just by staring at the ceiling or that counting sheep won't work, it will only make her more awake.
A groan of annoyance comes out of her mouth and she throws a tantrum to herself. She knows she'll regret it after just one moment of pleasure and that she won't forgive herself so easily for doing this thinking about you, but she just can't. She can no longer ignore the wetness between her legs from the moment you take off your shorts and shirt.
She removes all her pajama pieces, throwing them anywhere in the dark room and now naked, takes a pillow from her side. Positioning herself on her stomach, she places the pillow between her legs and lets out a sigh of relief at the contact her intimate region has been waiting for all day.
Gently moving her hips, the slightest friction of the fabric on her clit makes her moan deliciously.
Two of her hands each go to one breast, grabbing them and pulling her nipples.
Now she tries to remember on her own the moments when she was at the beach. Putting sunscreen on you, when you stood in the sun to try to get a tan, when you went swimming and she could clearly see your nipples being stiff from the cold water, and when you sucked on one of your fingers to clean them after eat a snack.
With back-and-forth movements, Lisa increases the speed of her hips and tentatively tries to moan your name to see how it sounds on her tongue. She can swear that she will come just by saying your name over and over again and that you are there encouraging her to come.
Her throat goes dry and a fine sheen of sweat gathers on her forehead. One of her hands lets go of a breast and she starts spanking her own ass. Imagining that she has the fabric of your lilac panties to the side and is sucking you is enough to make her come on her own pillow.
With a pillow between her legs, her ass red from the slaps and the relaxation of an orgasm, sleep begins to take over her body and she feels further and further away from reality. Even though she feels bad for imagining you that way, a small smile doesn't manage to leave her lips until she completely blacks out.
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