#she usually defaults to she/her but she's cool with any pronouns
murmurlilies · 7 months
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Side Order got me splatting again so please give a warm welcome back to my squibby, Inkybingus 🦑 color variants included below!!
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Sometime I wanna try using he/him pronouns.
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loraluna · 10 months
Rating Rune Factory Children
(Because I play favorites)
Rune Factory (1)
Cute but not much else to say. You have to wait a ridiculous amount of in-game time to get one short cutscene meeting your genderless nameless child (Game doesn't even bother to give them pronouns) and then never get to interact with them again. Disappointing.
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Rune Factory 2
A unique idea that the series has yet to implement again, this game let you play through the second half of the game AS your child from the first half, and honestly It was a cool concept even if the gameplay got a little wonky and unbalanced near the end. The game also introduced the first female protagonist to the series, Aria (left). She and her twin Aaron (right) actually had some personality of their own and even had unique interactions with the other villagers and children of the town. Cool concept and solid designs. I just wish you could interact with them a little more as a parent before the timeskip.
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Rune Factory Frontier
I may be a little biased here, as this was my intro to Rune Factory, but I love these kids. Default names; Leif and Leona, are the first, and so far only, RF children you can interact with at multiple stages, these kids have several cutscenes documenting different milestones and are quite cute to watch. Once they reach the final stage, they don't do much besides toddle around the farm and look cute. You can gift them certain items but that's about it. Still, It's refreshing to watch your kid grow over time as apposed to the usual montage you get with RF kids.
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Rune Factory 3/ Rune Factory 3 Special
They get bonus points for being the first in the series to let you have multiple kids (up to three) problem is, there's not much difference between em. The birth of each one plays about the same and while there's technically some different "personalities" it's more like each kid get a random lot of four or so unique lines of dialogue and that's it. There are also just the two sprites so if you have two or more of either gender they'll be identical, no matter the age difference. You can't gift them and they don't sleep, leave the house or even show up on the map. Honestly they're little more than cute house accessories.
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Rune Factory Tides of Destiny/ Rune Factory Oceans
First off, please pardon the crappy quality. This game doesn't have traditional character portraits so it's hard to find decent quality pics. Tides of Destiny kiddos were the first in the series to inherit physical features from the player's spouse. (Pictured are Electra's daughter and Sonja's son) They appear to use the same child models as Frontier with some minor cosmetic changes but I liked Frontier's kids so no complaints there. I do wish they had real portraits and more dialogue but they're okay. At least they'll accept gifts and the events leading up to their births are quite wholesome.
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Rune Factory 4/Rune Factory 4 Special
RF4's kids are darn near perfect. Luna and Noel have identical dialogue but they have more to say than any RF kids before or possibly since. There are TONS of unique exchanges and events with them, they participate in festivals, and most interesting of all, you can equip them with gear and take them adventuring! These babies are really something special. If I had to pick one complaint, I'd say I wish they looked liiiittle more like their concept art. They look like they both got aged up a little, which isn't bad but they do look barely younger than some of their possible parents...
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Rune Factory 5
Rune Factory 5's children are right up there with Noel and Luna, but they get a slight advantage when it comes to customization. Like RF3 this game lets you have up to three kids, but unlike that game, these kiddos are treated like actual characters. Depending on your choice of spouse and your answers in a particular conversation, your kids can have a variety of looks and personalities, including the fan favorite feature of inheriting hair and eye colors from the spouse, and continuing along that customization train, these babies can once again go adventuring! My one, one small gripe...It'd be nice if your eldest could grow a little by the time their siblings are born. Heck, it'd be cool if the villagers kids could grow too. I'd love to see teenaged Julian and Hina~
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So there's my thoughts on the Rune Factory children. I hope future installments continue the trend of more giving their kids more personality and better customization, maybe someday we'll even see kiddos inherit traits from non-human parents? How cool would that be if your kid could actually look half elf or mermaid or furry wereanimal? XD
If you agree with me (or strongly disagree) feel free to comment. Always up for discussing my favorite franchise~
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powdermelonkeg · 5 months
You reblogged a post about the practical female armors mod for skyrim and now i am being sucked back into the pit of skyrim modding. any mod suggestions? its been a solid couple years since i played and there's a LOT to choose from
Oh man I haven't had a chance to play since my computer broke lemme see what my last modlist was.
(One moment while I force my broken computer to work)
So fair warning, I like survival aspects. I like it when games require me to eat/sleep/do things to live, because then the 15 cheese wheels in my inventory actually mean something besides instant health. I also really like companionship and roleplaying elements, so most of my playthroughs are built around that.
Dependencies not included:
Campfire: Camping mechanics. Supports a party of 4, if I remember correctly. Also lets you craft a few things, but I'm more interested in stargazing with my buddies.
Vitality Mode: Current iteration of "better than Survival Mode" mechanics. Eat/drink/sleep/etc. Does it very nicely with a corner icon that gets more red the worse off you are, rather than whatever SM had going on. Also lets you configure modded food items for it just by eating them!
Pronouns: Pick what pronouns you go by regardless of default body. Will attempt to exclude gendered language if possible (like, it's unavoidable with Brynjolf calling you lad/lass, but you can pick which one it falls back to) if you pick they/them. You can set percentages of different pronoun sets or even have it change randomly on a timer.
Quality World Map: PUTS. THE ROADS. ON. THE MAP. If you're doing no fast travel, this is VITAL. Base map is terrible, next question.
Delphine's Map Reveals Dragon Mounds: Because it should.
Delay the Foresworn Conspiracy Quest: Ever get sick of being roped into that quest immediately? (Makes it so that guy doesn't hand you the note unless you talk to him directly. Main Street Stabbing™ is still there)
Dragonborn Delayed: Ever get sick of being roped into THAT quest immediately? (Especially given the suggested level of Solstheim...you can pick when it happens: after returning the horn, Delphine, Alduin's Wall, meeting Paarthurnax, getting the Elder Scroll, kicking Alduin's tail at the top of the mountain, or killing Alduin)
Extended Encounters: More encounters in the wild! Mercs, adventurers, vampire attacks, etc.
Vittoria's Alternate Wedding: She can get married without you killing her! She's not in engagement hell!!! Only triggers if you destroy the Dark Brotherhood.
Immersive Realistic Party Clothing Overhaul: Wear any "rich" clothes to the party instead of what Delphine gives you. I usually use this with mods that add more fancy clothes.
More To Say: Everyone talks more about a wider variety of things. Lets you tell Meeko he's a good boy and give him a treat. Makes a few new lines with splicing, but I haven't noticed any hard cuts.
Wonders of Weather: Splashy rain and rainbows, occasional shooting stars, scheduled meteor showers
Darker Nights: What it says on the tin. I like using torches and fires, and regular nighttime is unrealistically bright for me.
Whiterun Watchtower Doesn't Start Broken: Because why should it?
Cooking Inns and Taverns: Because I need more cooking pots and ESPECIALLY Hearthfire ovens to find.
C.O.I.N.: Adds immersion by changing coins based on where you are. Ancient Nordic coins are going to be worth less than the standard Septim, while Thalmor gold is worth more. There are Dwemer coins.
More Thalmor Dossiers: Makes more lore books on characters to pick up when you're in the embassy. Also has patches for some followers. Very fun.
Bandolier: More carry weight and it looks cool.
Guard Dialogue Overhaul: Gives guards more to say, and changes their opinions of you as you complete quests.
Bandit Lines Expansion: Bandits talk more, 500+ new lines. Spliced, but it sounded smooth to me.
Alternate Start: If you're sick of the standard Helgen entry, THIS. Also the New Beginnings add-on gives even more options.
No Fast Travel: Honestly this is just a me thing, because I use Vitality Mode and want realism. Only go for this if you're like me and it won't frustrate you.
Followers (aka, my party pre-BG3)
Gore by @goredev: A young Imperial mercenary from Cyrodiil, was ambushed by Thalmor because of some traitorous members of his band. Absolute sweetheart, riveting story, fantastic found family vibes all around. 10/10 would kill for him. Updates often, so check the mod page every now and then after install.
Inigo: An indigo Khajiit who put himself in prison because he thinks he killed you. Amazing banter, very cheeky, comes with his own whistle-signal mechanics. You can buy him a horse if you have the right patch! (He interacts with Lucien right out the gate and has a banter patch with Auri)
Lucien Flavius: An Imperial scholar from Cyrodiil with a myriad of unique mechanics, letting you teach him your own skills in order to customize his battle style. He's in Skyrim looking for a (custom made, well-implemented) Dwemer dungeon. The lad has a MILLION compatibility patches that let him comment on all sorts of mods. (Interacts with Auri right out the gate)
Auri by @sotgofficial: A Bosmer from Valenwood who's having a lot of culture shock in Skyrim (where she's from, canonically, her people are cannibals and don't harm plants—she HATES Faendal with a seething passion). A fantastic character (and archer), a heartwrenching story, openly poly and likes to tease. Will be a little annoyed/depressed until you do her personal quest, so I recommend chipping away at that as you travel. I usually use her with the Refined Auri replacer.
Taliesin by @dynamite124, voiced by @nevermorepjm: My personal favorite, an Altmer and former Thalmor agent you help after he's been mortally wounded. Lots of sassy and witty dialogue, bursting with personality, changes his opinion of you over the course of the main quest. Please I'm begging you watch his trailer.
Khash by @rabbittwinrithings: Darling little Argonian teenager you can take along with you. Doesn't get sarcasm, speaks her mind often, can be coaxed into talking about her past—that's not a typical Argonian name, is it? Resident gremlin alongside Auri.
Back to normal stuff, visuals
Tempered Skins for Males/Females: Gives a decent look without airbrushing everyone because I am SO sick of airbrushing everyone... There are dicks in the setup screen (when you set whether you want them or not), beware.
Improved Eyes: Just a little tweak.
Brows: Another little tweak.
Subliminal Traps: Makes traps less obvious. It's masochistic, yes, but I like my immersion.
Awesome Potions Simplified: You look at these and tell me they aren't the coolest looking potion bottles you've ever seen.
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sigs-gurney · 1 year
I am a cis woman, but I have to say, being androgynous enough that others ask what my pronouns are or default to they/them when taking about me is incredibly gratifying. I am completely comfortable with who I am being afab and using she/her pronouns, but confusing people with my undercut, unusual jewelry, and more masculine clothing choice brings me joy.
For example; I had a pair of twin girls (around 7-8yrs old) at my work place the other day. One of them asked if I was their server, and I said “Yes ma’am,” and before I could finish the word “ma’am” the other chimed in and asked “Are you a girl?” Their parents immediately tried to shush them and apologize to me, but I was actually having a really having a shitty day before that and those girls made me laugh! I also had a younger millennial couple come up to the counter to get drink refills, and the guy said “yes sh—irm??” when I asked if he needed anymore ice. He was embarrassed, but again, it wasn’t malicious at all and it actually cheered me up that he was trying to correct himself
Idk if this enjoyment comes from experiencing people either just ignoring me by default or thinking that they can be casually rude towards me without any pushback when I present more “feminine”, but when someone stumbles over niceties while trying to gauge what flavor of queer I might be, I just feel like,
“HAHA! yES!!! I’ve caught you being a decent motherfucker IN 40K! How does it feel to be a GOOD PERSON??now HERE’s a suggestion to reduce that bill im currently ringing up for you!!!! C:< ”
or something like that.
I still identify as a girl and have never questioned my gender, but I like being such a visual litmus test. Like, I can tell what kind of person someone is just by the way they look at me. I like making queer people feel more comfortable at my workplace just with my unusual taste in clothing. It’s such a cool superpower. And turns out, the majority of people who don’t know what to think of me are just doing their best to be considerate. How amazing is that?
And those that aren’t are just bleachable piss stains I don’t have to bother with for very long, bc they usually end up saying something to me that warrants a ban from the store c:<
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mulbruk · 10 months
the agony of pronounz: a tale of woe from ludi "mulbruk" tumblruser
i do not like using they pronouns for myself. in the past i tacked them on only bc it felt inevitable that ppl would refuse to call me she, so i gave people a cool little option so they could feel progressive and respectful when they couldnt stomach the thought of me & my fat fucking cock being hashtag girlmode or whateverthefuck. between me being able to more fully embody myself and just... time, i guess, i've dropped the set and i really dislike having it applied to me. that being said i know that they is generally applied to ppl when you dont know their 'nouns (lookie i did it right there did you see) so i try not to get miffed when it happens. more often than not it happens online when ppl don't know me on account of most people in public immediately seeing me and going "that's Girl"/not really internalizing the fun new world of gender dynamics (yes i know it's not new but it's new for Corl Schmebeckerburg who is a 60 year old independent housepainter. you know.)
anyway if i had it my way i wish ppl would default to "it" for me if they weren't sure. i like it way more, and usually if i'm forced to interact with a stranger and my general mood of the situation is "who do you think you are, don't fucking talk to me" i don't want to be called by any pronouns other than it. it feels right! i am a living entity and i have teeth. you will not try to know me. you will not dump powdered sugar on this conversation. for everyone else, and in general? i love using she! i love that the people close to me call me she. i love that people i can generally be friendly and have regular human connections with call me she. rather than "it, or she if we're close" the dynamic feels a lot more like "she, but if you drop the ball and lose my respect within 10 seconds of talking to me don't you fucking dare call me anything but it"
but exhibit a: i hate how she/it reads both visually and vocally and exhibit b: being like "hiiii! call me she/her unless i don't know or particularly care for you; in that case call me it/its!" is not a damn anything. literally who's gonna be like "ohhh my bad. anyway: you're a stupid fucking cunt for your opinions on metallycka and i hope when you die everyone at your funeral is like 'we barely recall who it was' about you."
anyway. business as usual, basically. if you're here you already have the innate she/her pass for me. if not, you would've been blocked well before you had the chance to call me anything else lmao
i dunno what else to post here. did you guys know im a kitty cat meow mwrrrowow
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candaru · 10 months
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Just thoughts on my gender, which I don't talk about a lot. Long-ish personal ramblings below.
I like being a girl, and I'm AFAB, so it's easiest to just say I'm cis. I usually just put she/her as my pronouns in bios because, why not? I certainly don't experience any sort of gender dysphoria.
Back when I was little, sometimes people on Neopets/Club Penguin/etc. would default to "he/him" for me. Even recently in Pokemon Showdown, a kid called me "sir." When that happens, I chuckle because it's amusing that they're wrong. I am not a boy, and if someone asks, I'll correct them (the kid on Showdown apologized profusely).
But when I get they/them'd, by people who don't know me or even people who do, I don't really react at all. It's not wrong. There's nothing to correct.
I was only thinking about it recently because when I go to audition for characters on CastingCallClub, I avoid auditioning for trans characters since I think a trans actor should get the role. Same for characters who are non-white. But I don't feel guilty auditioning for nonbinary characters, even though I don't use that label myself.
I played a they/them NB sapphic in a Pokémon audio drama. They had an Umbreon and they were super cool, and I had a blast. (The director previously had an NB actor for them, but they dropped off the face of the earth and I was the only replacement who auditioned.)
I also play a character with a light Irish accent in a visual novel called Lake of Reflection (go check it out)! I have Irish blood, but I certainly wouldn't call myself "Irish" (I'm American) and I don't have the accent naturally. So a part of me wonders if I'm "faking it" or disgracing the role somehow—but I would NEVER do, say, a fake Japanese accent for a character, no matter how well I thought I could do it.
I feel the same way about playing NB characters. While I wouldn't go out for one if the entire story was about being nonbinary (much like I wouldn't audition for a character in a story about, I dunno, an immigrant trying to keep their Irish heritage alive), it's like doing an accent I don't get to flex much. I enjoy it. And I don't think I feel bad doing it.
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Some of my random twisted wonderland headcanons because I feel like being even more annoying on main then usual
Azul does drag and is a semi well known drag queen
Cater is nonbinary and uses she/they pronouns but hasn't come out yet because they don't want to bother anybody with using new pronouns/is always wearing like 8 masks anyway (she is so deeply troubled someone PLEASE help her oml)
Jade slowly becomes more and more alternative in his fashion during his years in NRC, including heavier and darker eye makeup and a lot of different piercings! During formal events he takes them out and uses clear studs/magic to hide the holes though. He also probably experiments with his hair style but not drastically as he enjoys matching with Floyd
Floyd wears skirts and dresses!! They're flowy and fun to spin in, plus they aren't constricting!! He loses his shit when he can find a dress/skirt with pockets
Riddle also likes wearing longer dresses and skirts, but does so very rarely due to having a somewhat strict routine with his wardrobe. (If that makes any sense aksgrksjdg)
Almost the whole cast is autistic and/or some form of queer and you literally cannot convince me otherwise
Kalim is genderfluid!
Jamil is FTM!
Idia is autistic!
Jade is autistic!
Azul is autistic!
Look under your chair!! ITS AUTISM!!!!!!!
The octotrio all just agreed to use he/him on land to make things easier for people, but all of them have either no gender or a gender so nebulous it cannot be described with mortal tongue. They're cool with any pronouns but when alone together, Floyd will default to she/they for Jade just cuz it feels right. Jade agrees
Azul's blood is blue!! He's self conscious about it because it's something that makes him different and he doesn't have a good track record with being different from others, but if you compliment him he gets a blue flush to his cheeks under that layer of foundation he puts on in the morning
Azul can and will carry Jade and Floyd at the same time, one in each arm. This boy is STRONG and he will use it to physically remove the tweels from causing problems (and maybe to give them affection but shhhhh)
Octotrio are qpps sorry I do make the rules
Jack, Jade, and Riddle will get together and talk plants!! They all sit in the gardens and have tea and talk about recent developments with each of their roses and cacti and mushrooms respectively
Azul and Jade are both scares of heights and get very motion sick. Brooms are rough and they're very thankful they haven't had to ride in cars too much since coming to land because that was a rough two hour trip of nonstop nausea. A plane is literally their worst nightmare. Floyd also gets slightly motion sick from cars but it takes him much longer than it does the other two, and heights don't bother him at all. He (lovingly) teases them a lot about this
Rook makes bombs in science club and Trey pretends to hate it but then they sneak off campus to blow something up together
All fae are gender funky by default. Except Sebek. That's a cis man and you can't convince me otherwise, sorry
Floyd and Jade are both mommas boys. They love their dad and respect him greatly, but mama eel just hits different.
Speaking of the Leech parents, momma Leech is the head of The Family while her husband takes the role of second in command in a sense. Grandma works behind the scenes as well, but the twins still aren't exactly sure how. She's a secretive fish.
Riddle will take a rare holiday break not to see his mom, but to hang out with Trey and Che'nya. He isn't the most knowledgeable on how one should normally spend free time with friends, but Trey and Che'nya are more than happy to lead the way. They both live for Riddle's smile and make it their personal mission to have him smile just as much as they have him cheeks puffed out red in the face with how annoyed he is with their teasing
Ortho helps Ruggie shop by mass searching what websites have the best deals for whatever he's looking for, in return Ruggie hangs out with him and tells him stories about his home and his childhood
Rook "The French Freak" hunt has locks of certain people's hair to try and make Potions to transform into them temporarily in science club. Trey is scared
I haven't slept or eaten and my brain is failing so I'm leaving it here, but I might add on later! Feel free to reblog on which headcanons you agree with or just shoot an ask to talk about them!!! The brainrot is real rn so I'm okay with social interaction for once SKSHHSOAHDBD
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procyo9 · 1 year
✨️TELL ME ABOUT YOUR OCS✨️ by @vincentmatthews
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♡Name Elegy Yukimura
♡Nicknames E, Trace, The Plague, The Omen, Christian Girl (jokingly by Crystal), r4cc00n (her old netrunner cryptonym)
♡Age 27 (birthday: 30/09/2050)
♡Pronouns She/her
♡Sexuality Bisexual
♡Hair Color and style Messy, short, electric blue hair with dark roots (her natural hair color) and a shaved side
♡Eye Color Dark gray, almost black - she likes to keep her natural color when installing new Kiroshis but she did experiment with weird cyber-eyes back in the day.
♡Height 5'4" / ~162cm
♡Body Type Fragile but athletic enough to outrun the cops.
♡Personality Elegy is a very straightforward person and can come off as mean sometimes because of this, but she doesn't mean that in a malicious way (most of the time). She really doesn't like to beat around the bush when something is bothering her and that's why she doesn't get along with most of the mercs. Loyalty is everything to her - she thinks that a loyal choom is rarer than a chance of meeting a healthy animal on the street. She would do anything for those she loves and trusts.
♡Tattoos Upper torso floral circuits tattoo, although I wish there were more cool choices (I love tattoos <3)
♡Piercings She changes them quite often, but her favorites are a bridge and a labret, accompanied by a nose ring and, of course, ear piercings (she'd totally have an industrial if there were more piercing options in character creator lol)
♡Any definable features such as: Birthmarks, Scars, Freckles, Beauty Marks, Accent when they talk, Lisp, Natural slurring of words, Walk with a subtle limp, ect. She's got a lot of small moles all across her body; also you can sometimes hear she was raised in Heywood - a little bit of an accent creeps in.
♡Hobbies Since always she loved to work on her netrunning abilities, including her own daemons and quick hacks; she also likes to tinker around with tech, like upgrading her optical camo. She also has a secret hobby of painting that only a chosen few know about.
♡Gang/Occupation {Mox, Max Tac, etc} She's not affiliated with any gang, but she grew up around Valentinos and made many friends among Moxes (both of these gangs treat her like their own).
♡Do they smoke? Yeah, although she's not addicted. She just likes to look cool with a smoke.
♡Do they drink? Is so, what's their poison of choice? She's not a big fan of alcohol but her favorite drink while taking a break at Afterlife is David's drink (vodka on the rocks with NiCola).
♡What do they usually wear on a normal day? Her style was mostly influenced by the 'tinos, but as of now she experiments a lot with her wardrobe - mostly, but not limited to, alternative clothes.
♡What do they wear when they "Get dressed up"? And what would be considered a "special occasion" to them {such as an "Oh they're gonna be there so I have to look my best." Or an "It's our anniversary".} She doesn't really see the need to dress up nicely for special occasions; she thinks all her clothes are her best clothes (although she keeps a few dresses, if she ever changes her mind).
♡What do they smell like? {For example: they smell like cinnamon flavored liquor, cigarettes, leather, and motor oil.} Citruses and jasmine.
♡How do they walk? Do they sway their hips? Do they walk with a sense of determination? Do they bounce as they walk? Etc. Her walk isn't feminine at all, and her step is kind of "energetic" in a way. ("Elegy has gta online default female walking animation" -Heather)
♡Are they more of an early bird or a night owl? Night owl. If she's up early in the morning, it means she didn't sleep at all.
♡If you had to use one word to define them, what word would you use? silly :)
♡What words or catchphrases do they say that's unique to that character? N/A
♡Favorite Season Summer (mostly because she never experienced other seasons; I think she'd love to play in the snow)
♡Favorite type of weather {Thunderstorms, sunny, etc} Sandstorm is her favorite weather because she can stay at home and chill with the quiet sound of wind and pieces of sand hitting her window. Also sunny weather for when she goes for a long motorcycle ride.
♡Do they have someone they're with relationship-wise? If so, who? Nope! At least not yet 😈
♡Main Ship/Pairings I think it's obvious already but Elegy x Crystal is my current OTP uwu Elegy has a massive crush on C ever since she saw her first at Afterlife
♡Side Pairings N/A
♡Favorite/Self-indulgent Pairings N/A
♡How do they show affection to their loved one? Warm smiles, soft kisses, face cupping, getting them something to eat, taking care of them if needed, listening to everything they have to say and a lot of small thingies like that! Elegy's an affectionate girl :3
♡How do they sit in a chair? She has a very butch manner of sitting (kinda similar to Judy's)
♡How do they sit in a chair {uncomfortable version} Backwards, so she can rest her arms and chin on the backrest.
♡What do they wear to bed? Old t-shirt + comfy shorts or panties.
♡How do they usually sleep? {Side sleeper, back, fetal position, backwards, nest sleeper, blanket mountain, etc} Tummy sleeper!!
♡How do they sleep in a place they don't know? {Can't due to anxiety, in small bursts of sleep that are short lived, holding themselves, etc} Huge chance she won't sleep at all, or will be waking up every twenty minutes without any apparent reason.
♡Do they have to have a form of "white noise" in order to sleep? {The sound of a fan, the sound of rain, the sound of a city, etc} She sometimes puts on a vinyl from her mom's collection before going to bed. Especially the jazz ones make her sleep better.
♡What's a place they go to feel comfortable, that's their "spot" they always go when they're upset? El Coyote Cojo! She spent most of her childhood and teenage years there. And most likely this will never change. Also her room, for the days when she needs to be alone.
♡What do they do when they're nervous? {Fidget with jewelry, pick at nails, bite nails/lips, play with knife/zippo lighter, etc} She tends to bit her lip and cross her arms, her palms gripped unnaturally on her upper arm.
♡What is their "tell" for lying? Elegy was never a fighter type, so she learned how to lie and deceive at a really young age to avoid trouble. If there could be any "tell", it might be that she tries to put a lot of emotion in her "performance" when under a lot of pressure - idk if that makes any sense lol
♡What is their favorite color? Blue! She also loves black.
♡Favorite flower/plant Her favs are leaf plants! Monstera deliciosa for example.
♡Favorite sweet of choice Are powder candy bracelets still a thing in 2077?
♡Do they have any pets? If so, tell me about them She'd love to, but pet taxes are way too high. She loves to play with strays and buy them food if she ever sees one.
♡What are their triggers {If they have any}? If so, what calms them down? She sometimes has flashbacks of what happened to her parents (even though she was very young, she can faintly remember everything) - at times like these she activates her optical camo and just... ceases to exist for a while. Watching people go by, living their lives. The camo was something that saved her life back then and she cannot imagine not having it on her at all times.
♡If they could visit anywhere in the world, where would they go and why? She always wanted to see Fukuoka - where she was meant to live before her parents moved to NC.
♡What is their favorite comfort meal? This will sound cliche as hell but - it's pizza. Although she also loves to devour a whole extra large burrito to make her tummy happy (or upset, if you know what i mean)
♡Do they have a food they hate? Anything that's slimy. She hates that texture.
♡What is their favorite {non-alcoholic} drink? Anything sweet or sour! She likes carbonated stuff and oolong tea.
♡What are their plans for the future {if they have any}? She wants to stay alive for those that care about her. She'd also love to get out of NC, be it just for a while - try out a different city, and a different life.
♡What's a song that "fits" them? This one when it comes to lyrics ... also, "delamain play track 44"
♡Give me 5 facts/random bits of information about them - she's a parkour amateur and often uses it to her advantage when cops or enemy gangs are chasing her - she owns a Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X that's very dear to her; she feels very comfortable riding it, like it's just another part of her body - her favorite lipstick color is purple - she got her favorite pistol from Tiny Mike as a thank you gift - before Crystal, Rebecca was Elegy's closest friend
♡Give me their backstory {can be long, or brief.} Actually - I have a full-blown backstory in the works in a separate big post! So stay tuned <3
♡Free Space! Give me any sort of extra information about them you'd like to share I just wanted to say that Elegy means so much to me. Like it's unreal how much she helped me with lately!! I wrote a lot about her and Crystal since I began posting her pics online and like. I haven't written anything for years and then I made this dork and suddenly I write? And try to draw again?? I think about her when I feel bad and I'm kinda better, haven't felt like this for a long ass time... Thank you Elegy <3
PS If you liked antidepressant 044 you should also check out this remix it's badass!!!!
Whew... That's a lot of info lol. Spent a few days working on this!! So! Thanks for reading if you made it this far! <3
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threadsun · 1 year
-JDA here-
I read you said something like your main Oc has some stuff in common with Doe or something like that I- Can I please, please, PLEASE ON MY KNEES RN, can I please see them? Or can you write some info about them??? LIKE IM SO CURIOUS NOW !!
-also the abbreviation (jda) was cool, thanks uwu-"
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Yesssssssssss I get to talk about my fucked up lil freak!!!
Okay okay okay so I'm absolutely shit at drawing and I don't think I currently have any of the art my partner's drawn of him but I can try to give you some facts about him!
ngl I tried to write out their whole backstory and everything but it got too long and hard to follow ^^' especially since it changes somewhat based on AUs
So I'll try to give you some facts and people can ask more questions if they wanna know more about him >:3c
Generally known as Zander Cohen (or Z for short)
Known as Kitty Cohen for work
Sometimes known by various other names, especially for his... less than legal activities
Hebrew name is Ezra ben Yael
Most people default to "he" if they know him as Zander and "she" if they know her as Kitty
But they go by he/she/it/they/whatever
As long as you're not thinking too hard about which one you use, he's happy. Just use whatever pronoun comes to mind first at any moment, even if it's the same one every time
Yeah, sure! She'll have one of each, thanks!
She considers herself transfem and transmasc because she was raised as both a man and a woman
Generally their gender is just... intersex/queer/creature
Or like... whatever's funniest or most convenient in the moment (especially when it comes to flirting, he'll be whatever gender you find hottest~)
He can change his body at will, but naturally he was born with an intersex variation and considers that important to his identity
If you want specifics for horny reasons: he's got tits, pussy, and dick (it's half way between a clit and a dick, really)
He's sterile and has patchy facial hair that he usually shaves
Bisexual and slutty about it
Very t4t and nb4nb, but he'll flirt with/fuck/date anyone really if they catch his fancy
Switch verse and very kinky
Half human, but fully golem
His human mother and golem father did some weird sex magic, which ended with him being stillborn and then brought to life with magic
His golem dad fucked off before he was born, but his dad's dad stuck around. He's also a golem who usually takes the form of a cat, and his name is Grandpa Moon
Zander is made of clay, and his life is given to him by the word "אמת" carved into his skin, like all golem. His happens to be on his lower back, like a trampstamp
He can't be killed in any way other than by deactivating him by erasing some or all of the word
He can, however, feel pain and will take a long time to heal from injuries and murder attempts. His best way of healing is pouring boiling water on whatever's injured and moulding it back into shape while it's soft
His body is a lil fucked up cause he doesn't fully know how human biology works, so his insides are not the right organs in the right order. It causes him chronic pain and various disabilities
Usually he keeps a human form that's curvy, chubby, and strong. He has freckles and curly hair that both reflect his mood. When he's upset, the freckles fade and his hair goes limp and straight. When he's excited, the freckles look like stars and his hair floats. When he's in love, his freckles and curls start to look like hearts, as do his pupils
He can change his form at will, and make himself look however he wants. Usually he just does this to tweak his appearance to make himself more attractive to people because he's very vain. He also uses it for kinky sex stuff, unsurprisingly
He has a golem form that comes out when his base instincts are activated. That form is about 10 feet tall, with sharp claws and jagged teeth with serrated edges. His eyes are covered in a black film that makes him only able to see vague shapes. His senses of smell and hearing become sharp enough to sense the blood in someone's veins
His golem form also has various shapes carved into it, almost like tattoos, that glow orangey-red like hot coals
He doesn't remember the things he does in golem form once he gets back into human form, if his golem form was triggered by his protective instincts
Being a golem, if he loves someone then he's magically bound to protect them with his life. If he thinks they're in danger, his golem form comes out and he can't stop it
Uhhhh can't off the top of my head think of more important facts about him being a golem but I'm sure there's more
He's a sex worker, but the specifics depend on AU. Anything from full service to burlesque/stripping to online sex work
They were raised partially in a circus. They learned lots of skills there, including picking pockets, picking locks, using a bullwhip, sword swallowing, and various other sleight of hand/illusion sort of stuff
Charisma and charm are his weapons of choice, and he'll flirt his way into and out of trouble
She's autistic!! And also severely mentally unwell but like that's a separate thing
It's... borderline illiterate. It dropped out of school really young, and never bothered to learn to read past the basics
He's got a big ol' gap between his top two front teeth
They have committed murder before
He's been engaged twice and married once, he's married to @threadmoon's OC Nik (they/them)
He and Nik are polyamorous. Usually they'll only date people together (except women, Nik isn't attracted to women so that's all Z >:3c), but Z sleeps around plenty on his own too
She's got a minimum of 12 serious exes (there's 12 that have full stories) some of whom she's still friends with and some of whom she'd kill if she had the chance (and one she did kill...)
It likes to eat raw meat, it's not picky about what animal the meat comes from, humans included :)
He's usually just kind of silly and flirty and doesn't take much seriously, but when he gets angry he goes feral. His teeth and nails are his weapons of choice
He can get very obsessive over his partners~ Once you've got his love, it's very hard to lose, and he'll do anything for you~
They're sooooo normal, I promise, come closer—
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Why can’t I edit my blog’s appearance I need to warn everyone about my weakness for men that do violence
Oh yeah and warn the children to avert their eyes. This like- at minimum a 16+ place, sometimes 18+ Take care of yourselves online, no matter your age, okay?
Uhh… people’s pinned posts usually talk about themselves and their interests and like- what you’ll find on their blogs, right? Well, alright, in that case..
(but the formatting is terrible because I’m on mobile and also don’t know how to use tumblr)
About me:
You can call me Hour, or Elora, I’m fine with either! My pronouns are She/Her, but I won’t get mad if you refer to me as they/them if that’s your default! I’ve got ADHD, and I take meds for it. I am queer, and I’m currently dating (in my opinion) one of the greatest women on the planet. I’m technically mixed, but I’m functionally white. I was raised white, I’m pale as a ghost. I’ve lived a pretty privileged life, and I acknowledge that. There’s always more I can learn.
This blog is pretty much just a very terribly organized hotbed of the stuff I’m into, because I’m terrible at tagging and often forget to. This blog is also subject to whatever my current hyperfixation is. But there’s a lot you’ll find on my page! Such as:
My current hyperfixation (The clones. The Star Wars clones)
Team Fortress 2
Freak Fortress/Tf2 freaks
Star Wars: The clone wars
just a lot of content about the clones
The Bad Batch
Sometimes other Star Wars content (like Rebels)
Genshin Impact
Undertale (and Undertale au’s)
Legend of Zelda
Jojos Bizarre Adventure
Bayonetta (it’s a passing interest, I think she’s cool)
Warhammer 40k (i just like learning about the lore, it’s absolutely bonkers)
marine biology stuff sometimes
I’m sure there’s stuff I’m forgetting but I can’t remember it right now
varied stuff that I see, like art, design, architecture stuff
maybe stuff about my OCs? Unlikely though
probably some horror content occasionally
This blog will contain shipping. I’m not like- extreme about my ships either, you do you and I’ll do me (also not necessarily healthy ships. Deeply messed up explorations into fractured and broken dynamics have their place in fiction, so long as they are presented appropriately. There’s also plenty to be said for the separation between fiction and reality, and I wholeheartedly believe that)
This blog is a safe space for people of colour, trans people, nonbinary people, any gender non-conforming individuals, people of the rainbow of sexualities (including the spectrum of aromantic and asexual individuals) as well as other marginalized groups. I always have more to learn though.
I’ll probably occasionally update this post
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