#like Made-to-Order Boy and Lightly Snacking Boy etc.
murmurlilies · 7 months
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Side Order got me splatting again so please give a warm welcome back to my squibby, Inkybingus 🦑 color variants included below!!
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sunghun · 3 years
enhypen’s maknae line when their s/o is sick
requested: mmmh not really
warnings: being sick (obviously), mentions of throwing up/dry heaving, etc.
note: at first i was all “omg i don’t know if i have enough inspiration to write this!!” and then like 2 days later i came down with a nasty cold 😐😐 guess that was all the inspo i needed lmao
you can read the hyung line’s edition here!
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선우 | sunoo;
poor baby gets so worried :((
like even if you just have a sore throat or a little cold he will freak out Just A Smidge
you: *sneezes*
sunoo: “y/N oH mY gOsH ShOuLd I tAkE yOu To ThE hOsPiTaL”
will Not leave you alone the entire time you’re sick
brings you lots of snacks that are soft/easy to chew
bc he doesn’t want you to strain yourself even a little bit 🥺🥺
would also build a blanket and pillow fort in the living room using the softest and most cozy blankies :(
so that way you guys can watch cheesy rom-coms together until you feel better 🥰
always checking in on you to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible
“is there anything you need baby?”
“would you like some more juice?”
“are you cold? you look cold here take my sweatshirt!!”
overall a lil dramatic but still takes very good care of you 🥺🥺
정원 | jungwon;
low-key tries to scold you like a disappointed mom lol
“see y/n? i told you playing in the rain was a bad idea :/“
and you’re just like ‘bitch it was ur idea tf-‘
still does his best to take care of you tho
would Not want you getting up for anything
brings you lots of soft and squishy pillows and stuff animals to cuddle
will try to cook for you!!!
keyword try.
he would eventually notice you doing your best not to grimace while eating his “homemade chicken soup”
and he’d just be like “😐 it tastes awful doesn’t it 😐😐”
but ofc you don’t wanna hurt his feelings when he’s doing his best to take care of you
so you’re just like
“no, honey, really! it’s super good!!”
“oh? let me have some then-“
lol after that he’ll just stick to ordering food or getting pre-made stuff
but it’s okay because even if he (lightly) scolds you for getting sick he still takes excellent care of u <33
니키 | niki;
would probably make fun of the way you sound with a stuffed up nose <3
also will probably pull the “is it really bad??”
until he sees you dry heaving in the bathroom and then he feels really bad
may call one of his hyungs in a panic at like 3am
and jays just like “…huh.”
does his best to follow jay’s advice and take care of you but is kind of awkward about it
so he just kinda leaves you to rest by yourself
but he always makes sure you have plenty of liquid, blankets, and tissues
when you’re feeling a bit better he would set up video games for you guys to play <33
and he secretly lets you win every time
if you don’t want to eat or drink anything he’ll use puppy-dog eyes to trick you into doing it lol
“please babe 🥺 just eat a little bit 🥺🥺 for me 🥺🥺🥺”
and ofc it works every time bc you are Weak for this boy <33
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haksluvr · 3 years
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✎ headcanons: their s/o’s melaninated skin glows under natural lighting.
✎ ships: black! fem reader x hitoshi shinsou. ~ eijiro kirishima.
✎ tws: none!
✎ a/n: this is technically a rewrite and repost of a piece i had a while back. everyone here is 18+. enjoy!
- key: (f/c) - favorite color.
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፥ Hitoshi Shinsou.
So you and Hitoshi had the bright idea to have a snack run around 12:00 am because why not.
The local gas station was about 8 mins from his apartment so ya’ll decided to simply walk there.
Plus the weather seemed absolutely perfect: not too cold and not too hot.
Once y’all arrived, you both went on a splurge and bought nearly $100-worth of snacks.
Ranging from hot cheetos to takis, air heads, gummy worms, arizona green tea, and etc. (no this isn’t my gas station order.)
Once y’all paid and left, you made your way back to his apartment.
Y’all starting talking a bit, naming the movies and shows you both plan to binge once you get back.
You both even talked about your childhoods some (including embarrassing memories).
For some reason, Hitoshi decided to look through snack bags to make sure y’all had everything before you totally made it home so you stopped for a few minutes.
By the time he turned to look up at you so y’all can continue walking, he couldn’t help but feel awe-struck.
You were looking up at the sky admiring the stars with a soft smile.
To make it even better, it seemed like the moon was on your side since it made a little spotlight for you. its like you were center stage to the world around you and you didn’t even noticed.
The moon milked your lovely brown skin and defining features accordingly.
The scene was almost something out of a movie.
You looked absolutely divine and Hitoshi was going to make sure you knew that.
You commented about how beautiful the sky looked but when you didn’t hear a response, you looked over to him puzzled to see his cheeks lightly red and having his signature smirk plastered on his face. (ya’ll know what smirk I’m talking about)
“Y’know, you look rather beautiful right now love.”
፥ Eijrou Kirishima.
You and Eijirou were on a road trip for your 5th anniversary.
Y’all started on the road around 3 am and it was about 12 pm currently.
You were knocked out sleep in the front seat, (with your (f/c) bonnet on or any protective scarf) laying on the window, and cuddled up with a mixture of your blanket and eiji’s second favorite crimson riot blanket. (his first favorite was laying on his legs as he was driving lmfao.)
He had the aux cord so he was listening to one (of the many) playlists you both made together and slightly humming along to the lyrics.
It was all good vibes until ya’ll ran into traffic.
He sighed out of disappointment and ran his fingers through his hair. y’all most likely won’t be able to make it to the first destination on time like he wanted.
He looked over in the passenger’s seat to check on you since he hasn’t been able to really look at you in about 9 hours or so.
And boy-o-boy was he in for a sight.
The sun shined through his window onto you and it couldn’t have aimed in the most perfect place.
Your skin glistened flawlessly in the light, your cheekbones and plump lips were highlighted in the most ideal way, giving you a angelic effect.
And almost in perfect timing, the song Sunday by HNNY played.
Eijirou was just taking the whole scene in:
The lighting + you + the song = Heaven on earth.
A big ole grin crossed his face, his cheeks had a small tint of pink, and it felt like bag popped in his stomach and butterflies flew all around.
“My pretty baby..” he whispered oh so softly so he wouldn’t wake you up.
He wanted to savor that moment to which he did.
He slightly adjusted his blanket so it was fully covering your shoulder and quickly pulled out his phone.
He most definitely took a picture(s) of you so he could keep that image of you in his head (he saved them to his photo album of ya’ll which actually is mostly you but nvm that fact)
Literally made it his lock and home screen and randomly turns on his phone just to look at it from time to time.
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✎ taglist: @vanteyves @angiebug101 @katsumiiii
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shoichee · 4 years
ALSO CAN I ASK FOR SOME RANDOM GOM HCS U HAVE? like just random ones u have or if u want like some toxic hcs abt them :D
I’m assuming that I can include their negative traits of their personalities as well 👀 Also including Momoi in this… lots of analyzing for this hc, so I used my brain here pls appreciate AGAIN these are all headcanons/interpretations of possible toxic hcs about them and only a few are canon
Kuroko Tetsuya
Kuroko is the hardest person to find a “negative/toxic” trait in, and it doesn’t seem like he has any
kind, understanding, hardworking, and compassionate; he’s everything a good-natured protagonist is
but he’s only like this to people/hobbies he cares about/close with; anything else he’s quite apathetic and also very passive/neutral about
the biggest hint to this is when Akashi criticizes Kuroko for cherry-picking who the GoMs should “go all out against” and who to casually toy with
and Akashi is absolutely correct
most of the series is portrayed through Kuroko’s perspective, and Akashi is the first direct outside perspective who comments on his actions/attitude
it’s obviously not that Kuroko didn’t “notice”... he clearly sees and knows what these GoMs are doing; after all, he had a conversation with Aomine about how observant he is to everything around him
of course, if you were close to him, all your opinions and issues matter to him
it’s the fact that what’s not really important to him is suddenly now important just because someone he knows is involved
just an example: if someone was advocating climate change, he has no opinion on it until someone he knows cares about the issue
in other words, he has a subtle hypocritical view on things, especially when he interacts with others
another clear negative trait could be that he’s too idealistic or perhaps naive, seeing things in a clear black-or-white picture and not necessarily a gray area
WE know, as an audience, that the GoMs honestly needed therapy and a proper adult to guide their out-of-control talents
but Kuroko, in his eyes, had viewed them as “bad” and “evil” in their ways of basketball until they changed after their respective matches
he’s probably someone who doesn’t yield to other opinions once he forms his own, and this may make him unable to consider things in other people’s perspectives
which is again, ironic: someone who doesn’t have generally a strong stance but once they do, it’s very unyielding, which further proves Akashi’s comment about Kuroko’s tendency to nitpick which to care about
a final hc about a potential flaw he might have here in a different ask!
Kise Ryota
y’all… it’s as canon as day that he has a mean side
straight from the author himself, it’s confirmed that Kise is only kind to those who he respects, and to the rest, he’s cold-hearted
in the manga, it’s very clear that he’s super judgmental on every first impression on people he meets, boxing them into categories based on the way they look, act, and speak
only when they surpass his preset expectations (low or high depends on his preliminary judgments of them) is when he opens his mind to the rest of their personality
this is a very close-minded way of thinking, and I hope I don’t need to explain why LOL
this can be interpreted as him being two-faced by the majority of the people in his school
his way of speaking can definitely be very cruel and crass, and to sensitive people, his words can easily shatter hearts
Kise’s negative/toxic traits are pretty straightforward here, so let’s move on
Midorima Shintarou
his harsh words can be considered a “negative” part of his personality, but I think it’s a lot more than just that
it’s confirmed in the series that he’s a bystander and almost always minds his own business
on one hand, one can say he’s self-driven and that he constantly strives for self-improvement
on the other, it can be interpreted as him being very dangerously ambitious and selfish, in which most actions he takes are for the sole reason of self-improvement and not for altruistic reasons
for example, when he helped Kuroko and Kagami in the training camp, it was under the reasoning that them becoming stronger would be a good challenge for himself to test and learn
that’s not to say that he can’t have friends, but most friendships he’s built are with capable people who can potentially provide him with some new beneficial skill/goal to strive towards
after all, he’s only learned to trust Takao as a friend only after seeing him as someone capable
because he’s so focused on himself, he’s extremely likely to turn a blind eye to injustice, most also likely to use Oha Asa to justify their “misfortunes” as he continues on his day
he’s not cold-hearted, but altruism comes by Midorima a lot rarer than the average person
now, we know that his Oha Asa aspect is used to balance his serious side as the “comedic side” of him, but if we really think about it, his obsessions with the horoscopes could be a huge obstacle in the future, where he may refuse to listen/depend on others in favor of his own intuition and the stars; after all, no one knows everything, and depending on the stars as one’s next source of advice and guidance isn’t a sound decision to commit themselves to
he seems like the person who overthinks and jumps to conclusions when it comes to social situations, but instead of confronting the person, he turns to fate and fortune if Takao isn’t near to help
Aomine Daiki
I wouldn’t be surprised if Aomine had a skewed sense of beauty standards from all those magazines he consumed and from being around Momoi for the majority of his life
of course anyone can distinguish pieces of media from reality, but during the most impressionable years of life, without experiencing other types of people and physiques, he would have limited knowledge on what “beauty” is and whatnot
this probably would be more of a problem in his adolescence than adult
a very given negative trait is his short temper plus his tendency to turn to physical violence when someone nags him to a certain point, seen with how he’s treated Wakamatsu in the beginning (though this seems to almost disappear by the end of the series)
what I’ve noticed in every scene he’s in, is that everything seems to revolve around him and his hobbies of basketball and Japanese idols
what I mean is that everytime we see Aomine, it’s always Momoi approaching to Aomine or just him always being the center of attention; never once has he approached Momoi for anything and it’s always been the other way around
in other words, people have to cater to him in order to get along with him/be in good graces (additional example: Imayoshi letting him do as he pleases to get him to be cooperative and participate in the games)
we’ve actually never seen Momoi’s hobbies outside of being a manager for her basketball teams and just anything basketball-related
he can be quite apathetic, choosing to only pay attention and try in things he’s interested in… which is basketball and those magazines
he seems to mature in the Last Game though, so I’m not quite sure to what extent these headcanons would apply to older Aomine (these also don’t really apply to Puremine)
Momoi Satsuki
the author probably also included this type of anime trope as comedy, but belittling another female for her body is definitely a no-go in reality; I feel like this is something most people gloss over really lightly
her body comments on Riko are actually what made me skeptical of her character at first before the show really shows her entire personality
that being said, it seems that she always takes the opportunity to look down on other girls (especially to those she is a stranger to) as a sort of “competition” when there’s boys around
definitely at certain moments, she screams a “pick-me girl” type of person (real phenomenon, you can search this up!)
while Kuroko doesn’t seem to actively mind this, I think she also has no good sense of boundaries and what’s considered appropriate touch and consent; people can chalk this up to “oh it’s just infatuation,” but this definitely isn’t okay if we really think about this
her life also seems to revolve around either Aomine or Kuroko, and based from that, I’d feel like she’d have a difficult time forming her own identity/life separate from her “manager life,” especially once she graduates from Touou
can definitely be interpreted as too clingy at certain moments, while others may think it’s her way of showing that she cares
Murasakibara Atsushi
most people would chalk up Murasakibara as “lazy,” and on the surface level, it does appear to look that way…
I think his true negative trait is that he has a lack of intrinsic motivations to drive him to do things
it’s different from being lazy; someone can be lazy while still having a goal, and certainly someone can be lazy while they’re motivated by thoughts of “I want to learn more,” “I want to get stronger,” etc. (you guys, it’s me right now in college)
and he doesn’t have that
part of this was contributed to the fact that he’s already so gifted with genetics and thus, there’s never been a goal for him to have to work towards to when he’s already at the top
he doesn’t actively seek out, and while that may be a characteristic of sloth, it’s not exactly right either
he willingly does things if people around him give him the motivations/reasons to do so; a person of sloth wouldn’t do anything even with all the motivations and goals handed right to their face
snacks/food are examples of extrinsic motivations that fuel him to carry on daily life
Himuro is always the main motivator for Murasakibara to come out and watch matches, and he also does whatever Akashi orders in both Teiko and present days // a person who can give the giant the motivation to do tasks would get along with him the most
searching out for a challenge against his basketball skills is something that’s never crossed his mind
why? he grew to be like the way he is because of the lack of results from his “search” of a challenge throughout his games
again, it’s only when Murasakibara gets handed a silver-platter of a challenge, Jason Silver, that actively gets him pumped up and raring to go
as such, Murasakibara is equivalent to a rusty machine, extremely difficult to start up and find compatibility with, but very powerful and efficient once he finds that spark
Murasakibara finding any partner or friend in the future would be extremely difficult because he ticks a different tune from the rest
Akashi Seijuro
his entire Bokushi side was a giant-ass red flag for very obvious reasons LOL anyways, moving on…
it’s difficult to pinpoint a negative characteristic for Oreshi because he’s the pinnacle of a gentleman character… but that technically is also his negative trait
for him to maintain that perfect image for himself and others, he has always carried himself in such a way that doesn’t allow for errors or expressions of “weakness”
thus, bottling up his frustrations and emotions to the point of no return is something very familiar to Akashi, and I’d feel like Bokushi is the result of his overflowing emotions left unchecked in the first place
I also predict that if Akashi continues to carry himself without letting himself wind down and feel emotions on the spot rather than locking it up inside him, a day will come when he splits into two halves again with a “new” Bokushi to deal with his current life (and let the current Oreshi take a backseat in his psyche to take a break from the turmoil)
also will tend to overwork himself to manage people’s expectations as well as his own, and he’s not one to depend on people not because he sees them as inferior or incapable, but because he’s doing this out of habit from being in positions of authority and responsibility for much of his life
and so, he may tend to hide important things or just not speak about his problems in general to those close to him because he feels like he can do it all himself and spare everyone the work and stress associated with them (a leader mentality)
throughout the majority of his life being calm and calculated, his emotions would definitely escape from him in forms of uncontrollable lashes of anger… before he would realize what he’s done… that is, assuming that another Bokushi hasn’t form within his subconscious yet
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f33itan · 4 years
🎮👾Aʀᴄᴀᴅɪɴɢ Iɴᴛʀᴏᴠᴇʀᴛs👾🎮 (From my Wattpad)
FYI: F/N in this oneshot means "Friend's Name". I don't wanna choose the name because 1. that's restricting names of whoever you want, and 2. Im to lazy to come up with names every time. LOL- (Also, sorry if I kind of switch from 1st person, 2nd person and 3rd person randomly.)
Feitan POV:
"Hey Feitan! Go change, we're gonna go find an arcade!" Phinks yelled from the doorway.
"Shut up, you're, too, loud."
"Whatever, just change, we're leaving soon!!" Tch, that dude so annoying. Why cant I just read in peace? Finally found a good book, yet he just had to ruin it. Damn it. No point in fighting, him and Shal gonna drag me to arcade whether I change or not. 
A/N: Imagine him in something like that hehehe, or whatever outfit you want him to wear if you don't like that one. :)
Your POV:
"We're finally getting a break, but if you keep taking your sweet time, were gonna be back in class before you can say, Y/N's a slowpoke!" F/N yelled in your face.
"Maybe if you get out of my face, I would go faster!" Even though you guys nagged each other 24/7, you guys were still the closest friends. You had known F/N since 4th grade, when you guys were partners for an animal project. At the time, you both loved lizards, so you both were excited to work with one another. Next thing you know, its college, and you guys both get into your dream school. (Insert college name) had been your goal for years, but its quite a lot of work. This was your first week long break, and you weren't trying to waste it on getting ready to go to an arcade. After you were finished with everything, you and F/N got into their car and drove to the arcade. They were blasting (Insert song name) and singing along, so you decided to record them.
"This will be funny to look back at later!"
After about 20 minutes, F/N parked and you both exited the vehicle. They stretched as if they've been in the car for hours, and you thought they were kind of exaggerating.
"Y/N, what if we find you a boyfri-"
"You and your social anxiety need to get out more!" You gave them a little "hmph" before heading inside. You guys played a couple dancing games, 2 player games, a 4D scary game, and some simple joystick games. After a while, you both decided to order some food at a bar, and sat down for a little break.
"What would you two like to drink today?"
(You) "Can I get a -insert drink- and a -insert food/snack- please?"
(F/N) "I'll have an orange juice with a cheeseburger!"
"I'll have your meals out shortly."
Feitan POV:
"Hey, look over there! Those people look nice! Maybe we should go talk to them!" Shalnark said. Man, socializing? No thanks. Just wanna get back to that damn book. Well, guess arcade has been kind of fun. I guess...
"Phinks, don't call me that."
"Whatever, come on let's go!" Why the heck they dragging me? Wait, why we heading to the people over there-
(You) "Uh, hello?"
"Hey! I'm Shalnark, and these are my friends Phinks and Feitan. We were wondering if you guys wanted to go play some arcade games with us!" Stupid Shalnark, being all friendly. Extrovert girl took fat bite out her burger and gave us a muffled "Sure, once were done eating."
Ew, messy. Guess their friends kind of cute though.. wait, WHAT?
-Small timeskip- also back to your POV :
After eating, you, F/N and the trio went off towards the multiplayer things, and you all decided to find some 4 player games. Each time somebody had to sit out, it would be one of the guys. Feitan always volunteered, but Shalnark made them all decide by flipping a coin. You and everybody else were starting to warm up to each other, when Phinks and F/N had an idea. While a 3 player game started, they both snuck off into a corner and devised a plan on how to get you and feitan to interact. Turns out both of you were quite introverted, and they both wanted you two to put yourselves out there and find a partner. After deciding on what to do, they went back to Shal, Fei, and you. You thought they were acting a bit suspicious, but you just shrugged it off.
"Hey Shal, F/N, lets go do something!" Before Feitan could join, reject, or even realize what was going on, Phinks was already dragging F/N and Shalnark in some random direction. Y/N and Feitan just stood there in silence.
"So uh, whhaaattss your favorite... game here?" Feitan just stood silent, staring at you. But, for some odd reason, the silence was comforting, and your thoughts eventually drifted off into the clouds... so much so that you didn't even notice him grab your hand and start pulling you throughout the arcade. Your body just continued moving though, and you didn't bother to question him. After about a minute of walking, you ended up in front of a little fishing game. (Imagine that game where there's that spinning knob thingy and you have to reel in fish with it)
"Wow, wouldn't expect the emo boy to like little kid games like this!" You laughed and gave him a playful shove, which he returned with a silly eye roll.
"Shut it shortie."
"WHAT? YOUR THE SHORT-" You froze. He moved swiftly behind you, lightly pressing his body against yours. He grabbed your hands and put them on the game joysticks.
"Stop, wasting time. Let's, just play, the game." Both of you were blushing, and you continued playing games and making silly jokes for a good hour or so. Little did you know, that Phinks, Shalnark, and F/N got so many videos and pictures of you two...
Phinks: Hey guys, you won't believe what I have to show you.
Shalnark: Ahem, WE, and I have some too...
Shizuku: What? What's going on?
Pakunoda: Hm?
Hisoka: Oh, do tell~
Phinks: Feitan, you're here right?
                                                                                                        I don't trust you guys..
Phinks: You shouldn't
Machi: Are you guys going to show us or not? You got me curious.
Chrollo: Well, no point in making us wait. Please inform us with your "tea"                                               or whatever it is people say now a days.
Shalnark: Alright, prepare to get your minds blown!
~Phinks and Shalnark send all of the best photos and videos they got, and after a couple minutes of the troupe going through every single one, they started talking again~
Pakunoda: Wow, I didn't expect you to be the caring type Feitan!
Shizuku: I think they're cute together! (ᗒ◡ᗕ) ♡︎
Hisoka: Aw, shes so pretty, might just have to make her mine~
                                      Chrollo kicked Hisoka from the chat
Chrollo: I'm so happy, Fei has finally found a girl 😊
Phinks/Shalnark: When's the wedding?
                                                                                                      I'm giving you to count of 3.  
                                                  I'm gonna torture and kill both of you. Skin you alive.    
Shalnark: I have her number!                        
Word count (including author notes, etc:) 1244
Wrote January 20, 2021
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atinydise · 5 years
Ateez reacting to their s/o being an artist
❦ Genre: Fluff.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 12k4.
❦ Requested: Yes, thank you! 🦋
❦ Masterlist.
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It’s been 3 weeks that you were painting his jacket. You bought it last month for your boyfriend: Hongjoong. But something was missing. You couldn’t find the perfect details for him. Hongjoong was known to be a fashionista. Every time, he had a free day, he would hang out with you or let his creative mind customize his clothes. So, after a long time thinking about the perfect gift for him, you rushed to the store to bought all you needed as paint, brush, sparkles, patterns, etc. You were happy that your art lessons were useful, finally. Being an artist was not your dream job, but you wished you could draw or paint more.
When Hongjoong arrived at the dance practice room, he was surprised to see you there, sitting on the couch, probably waiting for him. “Oh, what are we doing here?” he asked. “Hello to you too Joongie,” you stood up holding his wrapped gift on your arms. “Sorry,” he giggled, “hello Y/N!” He pecked you slightly. “Better,” you said, smiling like an idiot. He pointed at the pack, “what is it?” You handed your gift to him, being nervous a little bit more every second, “it’s a gift for you.” He smiled and rushed next to the desk to open it properly. You stayed still, looking at any reactions. “Wow, Y/N…” he said amazed by your artwork. He looked at the back and was shocked to see your signature at the top, near the collar. “You can be honest with me! If you don’t like it, I will buy something else for you!” You walked up next to him. He shook his head and faced you,” no it’s more than perfect! Why you hadn’t told me earlier that you were an artist?” “I’m not a real one… I just enjoyed my art lessons a lot.” You smiled. He tried the jacket and checked his back on the mirror, “this is beautiful Y/N! I feel like a beginner now next to you!” he laughed. “Happy that you like it,” you giggled, happy that your artwork paid off. “Promise me that we will customize or paint together now?” he asked, holding your hands. “Promise.” You nodded, satisfied that he loved the jacket so much.
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You were enjoying a day off with your boyfriend: Seonghwa. He offered to spend the afternoon on the rooftop of their dorm. The weather was warm so with snacks and cuddles it would be more than perfect. Since you got there, you talked about everything. You felt like you hadn’t talked like that (without being interrupted by his teammates) since a long time. As the sun was warming both of you and without looking at Seonghwa, you knew that he fell asleep next to you. How you knew it? The little sound he does when he’s sleeping. With the light and the flowers blooming around him, you couldn’t help but to find it pretty and aesthetic. Without thinking twice, you quietly left the rooftop to the dorm. You looked for a paper and a pen. Of course, you find it in Hongjoong’s bedroom. You climbed back on the rooftop, hoping that he was still sleeping. Bingo, he was even snoring. You sat down next to him and started to draw the beautiful features of your boyfriend. You respected exactly how the sun light was illuminating his face. After 10 longs minutes, Seonghwa cracked an eye to look what was the strange sound next to him. When he saw the smile on your face, he was confused but he noticed the paper and the pen on your hands. “Are you studying?” he asked, sitting properly, ready to help you. You shook your head happily and showed his portrait. He blinked and stared intensely at the sheet, “d-did you drew it?” You rolled your eyes, “no it was a little Leprechaun who came just to draw you.” You said sarcastically, “of course it’s me babo*!” Too amazed by your talent, he didn’t react at you calling him an idiot. “This is incredible Y/N! I didn’t know that you were drawing so well!” You winked, “there’s many things you don’t know about me yet!” “But the thing I know is that you need to draw me a lot more! I look so good!” You scoffed and snatched the paper off his hands. “I don’t know if your ego deserves it.” “Pleaseeeee,” he begged starting to tickle you. “You are too talented to hide it!” You knew that you wouldn’t resist at his ministrations. But you would love to have him as a model.
*babo: idiot in Korean.
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You were invited at “ATEEZ game party”, like every Saturday when they’re not promoting. Each time they were playing a game the whole night. Tonight, they choose the Pictionary. Your partners were Wooyoung and Jongho. “It’s not because you are my girlfriend that I will let you win Y/N!” said Yunho, cockily. “Yes sure,” you said smirking. You were dating for 2 weeks now and you never told him yet that you were pretty good at drawing. You couldn’t wait to see his reactions. After several rounds, Yunho and Mingi were winning but you hadn’t draw yet. “Seems like we know the winner already!” Hi-fiving Mingi. “So, this is my turn?” You stood up, grabbing the marker on the table.” You smiled at your teammates and asked, “are you ready boys?” They nodded and focused directly on the board. When you heard the countdown biped, you rushed to draw the first hint. Wooyoung instantly yelled, “An angel!” “Correct!” Waisting no time, you continued to draw. “A horse!” Another point. “A university!” Yelled Jongho. “Yes!” you smiled.” “BIBIMBAP!” said Wooyoung. ”No?” “OH BULGOGI!” corrected the maknae. Yunho’s jaw dropped every time he saw you drawing so easily, pulverizing his score. “Crazy in love!” Answered Wooyoung at the last second. He stood up and clapped, “you are drawing so well. It’s impossible to not guess!” Yunho nodded and added, “he’s right! I didn’t know that you were such an artist!” “I keep some details private,” you stuck your tongue out. When you sat down, San ordered, “first to be in Y/N’s team at the next round.” “She’s my girlfriend! I need to be in her team!” “I will choose San as my teammate.” You smirked. “W-What? Traitor!” claimed Yunho. “You were the first to say that you wouldn’t let me win, traitor.” You winked. He rolled his eyes and smiled. I will take my revenge Y/N!”
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“You? An artist? I don’t believe you,” laughed Yeosang. “Why? I can draw properly!” you tried to persuade him. Yeosang was your crush since the high school, and he got one for you too but none of you confessed. Why? Because you were 2 cowards. Plus, even if you knew each other since a long time, you never told him that you wanted to be an artist. Next to his dream of becoming an idol, you find yours ridiculous. You never showed him the artwork you made even if you really wanted to. “I never saw you drawing anything in 3 years,” he said boldly. “But I do.” “Then show me some and I will tell if you are a real artist,” he smirked. You weren’t okay with that at first, but it was just Yeosang and you would get another advices and critics on your art. “Okay,” you sat on the couch and looked for the little diary you are using when you have a sudden inspiration. He raised a brow, “is it your secret diary?” You rolled your eyes and opened randomly a page in front of him. There were portraits, sketches or even human representations in the real life. Yeosang was paying attention to everything, turning every page consciously. It made you a lot more nervous. ‘So?...” You finally asked, waiting any reaction. “You are really… talented Y/N,” he answered, not leaving the diary. “Really?! You like it?” you said happily. “Yes! Now, I’m mad that you hadn’t showed me this well before today! This is incredible!” You giggled, a bit embarrassed, “thank you.” Yeosang was still looking at every page when he noticed that this specific one was surrounded by his his portrait. “Am I your model number 1?” he asked arrogantly. “Huh- probably…” you simply replied, blushing lightly. He smirked and put his arm around your shoulder, “than if I’m your model number 1, I’m your fan #1! You are so talented.” He confessed, smiling at you. You didn’t reply, too focus on hiding the blush on your face but you knew that it was useless. If you knew, you would show him a lot earlier than this.
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“What? Are you serious?” asked San. Your friend nodded happily while you were hiding your face from embarrassment. “An artist? I know you were good at painting, etc. but being an artist was your dream job?” You sighed, “yes in high school.” “And she was determined till we graduated!” “Yes… but it’s so hard to start from nothing, I just gave up.” “I can’t believe it!” Said San, visibly shocked. “And she wanted to expose her artwork in a gallery! Like a real artist!” You sighed again when you friend revealed your secrets. “Y/N! You need to follow your dream and achieve your goal.” You smiled at your boyfriend, “I can’t do that San-ie. I have another job now-“ “That you hate!” he said straight. “Yes, but I need money to live.” “Quit your job and I’ll help you to promote your paints or something else!” He ordered enthusiastically. “San… I don’t want to take advantage of your popularity to-“ “You are not! He’s offering to help you!” said your friend. San nodded and said, “exactly! I want the entire world to know how talented you are.” You were really hesitant but one part of you really wanted to give it a try. “But what if nobody likes what I do?” “They will like it for sure!” he said holding your hand to reassure you. “Come on Y/N! We all know that you want to do it.” Said your friend. “You took a deep breath and finally agreed, “let’s go give a try then!” Both of them shouted a big “Yes”, finally relieved that you will achieve and follow the path you really wanted to take. “But I have only one condition.” Said San, seriously. You stared at him, waiting his explanation a bit confused. “You will need to paint me and add it on your gallery.” You laughed and nodded in approval. Of course, you could do that, he’s the one for what everything would be possible.
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Mingi and you were walking to your apartment. It was your first date, and everything went well. You ate in a casual and not too luxurious restaurant and ended by a little walk at the Han River. It’s been a long time since you had so much fun. When he offered to take you back at your home safely, you accepted and even proposed to eat an ice cream there since it was hot tonight. He didn’t take too long to accept. “Who would refuse a vanilla ice cream?” he said. Just in front of your entrance door, you stopped and faced him without saying anything. “Something’s wrong?” he asked. “It’s probably a mess inside….” You bit your lips. “Maybe I should clean a bit first.” He smiled, “don’t worry, I’m living with 7 boys and only one is cleaning the dorm.” You scratched your head embarrassed but you turned around and unlocked the door. You hesitate a second to turn on the lights, but you couldn’t stay on the dark for the rest of the night. Mingi followed you calmly and looked around him. “Yes… I know this is messy.” You said, ashamed by yourself. “It’s pretty clean… I’m just surprised to see that you are an artist.” “Oh.” It’s true that you never talked about your passion with him yet. “I’m drawing since a long time now.” You simply replied, looking at your artwork in the corner of the room. Mingi pointed at the pain on the wall, “you did this?” You nodded, “yes and this is my favorite.” “You are amazing Y/N,” he shouted. He was looking at every details of the frame. The way you painted every classic dancer as with swan’s elegancy was incredible. “You should have told me earlier! I would organize a better date for you!” You giggled, “it was already perfect!” “I will do better next time!” you smiled. “Then okay,” you replied happily. An hour later Mingi and you were talking about each other dreams and childhood. The whole night, while you were eating this ice cream, he begged you to gift one of your future paint. That was a successful date.
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You were laying lazily on your bed. Outside the weather was terrible: it was raining and windy. You were supposed to visit an outside art gallery, but the rain ruined your plan and your mood too. “Come on Y/N… you can visit it another day.” “Yes, but I wanted to see it today…” “Why?” he raised a brow. “Because I knew I would get inspiration!” He laughed, “ I didn’t know that you liked art that much.” You pouted. He noticed that you were really disappointed so he thought about something to do which can replace the gallery. But you came out with an idea before him. “Wooyoung-ie.” You whispered shyly, “Can I draw you? As a special model?” He raised a brow, “what do you mean as a ‘special model’?” You smiled awkwardly, already regretting your request. “A nude model…” you said shyly. He choked with his saliva at this unbelievable request. “Y/N!” “Oh please! I never tried to draw someone before!” “You can draw me WITH my clothes!” he said outraged. “Oh, come one… don’t be so shy! I already saw you naked!” He stood up and get away from you, scared. “I said no! Can’t you be a normal artist!” You laughed at how shy he was, “come on… or at least topless.” He stayed quiet. It was not a big deal anymore. “Okay.” “YAY! I will grab my stuff!” You rushed to the living-room. “And why you never told me that you were an artist! And not only a “simple girl who likes to draw,” he mimicked you. “What a supportive boyfriend,” you shouted from the next room. “Everything for my lady,” he giggled, “except being a nude model.”
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You were in Jongho’s arms, laying on the couch. He was rubbing your hand slowly while you were looking at your phone, scrolling on your Instagram feed. He noticed that many paintings, potteries, illustrations or graphics design were surrounding your feed. “You like art that much?” he asked. You just nodded on his chest. “You should give a try.” “I did but I’m not that talented,” you said. “Show me some of your artwork.” You nodded again lazily and cliqued on your phone gallery. You went on the “art” album and showed some pictures at Jongho. “You really did this?” he said pointing at your phone. “Yep, but… this is nothing special when you look at other art accounts.” “Are you kidding me?” he said straight. “This is incredible Y/N!” “You said that because you are my boyfriend.” “No! You have your own graphic identity!” You smiled, Jongho knew so many things even if it wasn’t related to his domain. “I just like blurry thing.” “For real baby! You should post at least one of your painting.” “But what if people mock me?” “He rolled his eyes and grabbed your phone, “I will upload it.” “W-What?” you freaked out. “You are an artist! An artist is always promoting her work!” You bit your lips. You knew he was right, but you never thought you would share your little secrets publicly. Jongho uploaded his favorite paint and pottery that you did. He added tags and a caption to show that you made it. “What a professional. Being an idol and communicating with his fans was helpful,” you thought “I’m pretty sure you will get nice and advised comments!” he smiled rubbing and messing your hair, happily. “I hope…” Waiting for a comment or a like, Jongho rubbed your cheek and said: “I like how we still learn about each other every day.” You nodded, “Yes, I’m living for this. I feel like you are a complete stranger but the person I know the most in this earth too.” You were dating for 3 months only but nothing was boring with the maknae. Like if everything was possible.
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ruvatia · 4 years
Hi!! I love your headcanons soo much!!! Can you do headcanons for Matt, Shiro and Allura who are angels and their S/O is human? Thanks!!
Of course! Thank you for liking what I do!I’m not very well versed in angel hierarchy and I probably never will be, so let’s pretend that there isn’t one in this ask ;;;
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  “Watching over humans wasn’t always all fun. Sometimes they made mistakes and embarrassing choices that even angels could get flustered by. Some of them lived uneventful, boring lives and others lived… “Well” enough to never run out of stories to tell.Your life was a nice middle-man between the two extremes, except for one thing: you could see what others couldn’t.”
You saw him smelling the flowers
But like, his face was in them.
You tapped on his shoulder lightly, telling him that inhaling so much will probably make him sneeze after
and guess what
that’s the first thing he did when he saw you
he sneezed on your shoes.
Of course, Matt apologized and introduced himself, and only after did he freak out about a human being able to see him.
You kept meeting, and by that I mean Matt kept appearing around you in the weirdest places
“You look like you’re having a hard time with your boss there, want some of that angel charm to the rescue?”“Please, just, no. What does that even do? Can you guys interfere in the mortal plain?”“No, I’m sorry I just wanted to try saying that.”
One thing leads to another and he’s tied to you by the hip before you realize, and he basically moved into your home
Headpats are a must when you wake, go to work, come home and before you sleep: he returns the action with a peck to the cheek and you swear your entire body glows sometimes when he does that.
Obviously, your winged boyfriend always evades the question, but since nothing outrageous has happened yet you figure that it’s okay????? probably????
Matts also likes quick pecks over kisses!
But he loves hugs!! The feeling of your body melting against his when you come home from work or a draining event is his favorite.
He also likes making coffee for you in the morning: he’s not the best at cooking but he’s getting there!
You often end up making it together– an activity that you both grow to enjoy and insert quickly into your weekend mornings.
Overall Matt is a good boy, please treasure him.
Shiro was people watching when you met him, on top of a roof.
He was undercover and had hidden his wings, making you believe that he was a young man about to off himself.
You made your way up there and screamed at the top of your lungs to not do it
Without hearing his protests or seeing the surprise on his features when he noticed that he was visible to you, you went off desperately about how all lives are important
His laughter cut your speech, and you dropped to your knees when he showed you his angel form.
“Oh my, are you okay? I’m sorry I didn’t mean to shock you.” he laughed, a sound you felt you could listen to forever.“Oh, yeah, that.” you replied, a smile forming on your lips. “You’re an angel, in disguise. I’m sorry you didn’t shock me or anything, I’m just glad I didn’t have to see someone die today.”
After your first encounter, surprisingly almost everything just gets weirdly better
Baristas at Starbucks never get your order wrong now, cashiers never give you the wrong amount of change (all the ones you’ve encountered are super friendly and nice– like ALL of them), you get perfect .00 when you refill your gaz, the RNG gods blessed your pulls in your mobile gacha game…
It’s just the little things, but they still manage to brighten up your day when you need it
After a little less than a month, you’re convinced it’s that angel you met before and you start looking for him on rooftops now– but the day you start doing that, you bump into him on the streets.
“What a coincidence!”“Uh-huh.”
Naturally, you get closer and while those little things that brightened your day have disappeared, Shiro’s company alone is enough to brighten your whole week, so it’s fine.
Like Matt, eventually, you realize that he’s basically moved into your apartment.
You think a little about getting a new place so that you could live with him in more comfort after a few months (you’ve been meaning to get an upgrade for a while anyway) but when you do, the room you were thinking of giving Shiro becomes the guest room; he refuses to sleep in a bed without you.
Whenever you head out or come home, he always kisses the top of your head– it’s his favorite moments of the day
He loves to spoil you by getting you little things that he knows you likes– although it kept throwing your balanced diet off so now you mark all your scheduled cheat days on the calendar
Is a princess that was sneaking away from her guards to watch humans
Paperwork about angels below her bores her when she’s stamping for too long
she also fears a disconnection between the administration and the actual workers, so she tries her best to talk with every angel she meets
Little did she know that you were a human
she was convinced that you were just an angel in disguise when she got to the surface
she just thought that all these weird words were things that “common” angels used but nope, they’re all human things that she becomes very curious about!
so that’s how in the end you make an angel friend that at first is very interested in human culture
but over time she becomes more and more interested in you. She’s not afraid to show it either!
“What do you do? What do you like? What do you---”Her voice echoed in your brain at night. She’s been showing an awful lot of interest in you rather than your society and worldly ways lately.
Allura is obviously big smooth brain and flirts with you so very obviously that you believe chivalry isnt dead
she often brings you flowers, she does your laundry before you get home from work, little things that make your life easier at home
In return you start buying little things on your way home that you think she’d like-- flowers, snacks, etc
happy home life with your local angel princess
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What a Sleepover
Okay, so I may or may not be plotting some headcannons for Zuko 👀👀
BUT, in the meantime- I must push this fic out because I've been thinking of it for a while!
Also, small psa. Just because two dudes are having a sleepover, hugging, holding hands etc. does not mean they're into each other, or gay. Same goes for females, we all just need affection sometimes and shouldn't have to be dating to do so!
Summary: Karma and Nagisa are having a sleepover because that's what best friends do :)
It was the last class before a well deserved free day. Well, it feels very well deserved.
It was a rough week of extra training not to mention crammed-in study sessions for the following tests. Finally, about ten minutes until school's was done for.
Nagisa was just bouncing his leg in excitement, especially because he is going to go home with Karma.
It wasn't very often they got to hang out anymore, so he was going to take this sleepover and enjoy it. And everything else can go shove it.
So yeah, Nagisa was quite excited. It was a time to just be stress-free. Not just from the normal teenage stress, but the stress placed on their shoulders about the end of the world.
So, when the bell finally rung, it took every bit of will power not to whoop. Instead, he said his goodbyes to Kaede like the gentlemen he is.
He then, packed his things, walking towards Karma's desk.
"You ready to go?" He asked.
"Yeah, give me one second." Karma replied, pulling his back over his shoulder. "Okay, you won't mind if we stop by the store real quick? I want to pick out a few things before we head to my house."
"Yeah, we can go." Nagisa said as they began to walk out the door together. "What are you gonna get?"
"Just some snacks, I don't know. If you see something you like, tell me."
Nagisa just nodded as they continued to their journey to the store. It was mostly accompanied by silence, but it was nice silence. Just listening to some music they've recently found with the occasional bob to the beat.
Once they finally made it to the store, Nagisa just followed behind Karma.
"You cooking tonight?" Nagisa asked seeing Karma picking out some beef.
"Yeah, I was planning on making some beef curry. Unless you wanna order."
"Nah, I always prefer your cooking."
"Damn right."
They got to the isle filled with snacks, Karma just let Nagisa pick out a few.
"Imagine if your parents were here." Nagisa mentioned making the other snort.
"God, they'd lose their shit. I mean sure they're gone but they're... something." Karma huffed, shaking his head.
Nagisa could remember the first time he met Karma's family, it was strange to say at the least. They were putting Karma on a strict diet, despite the fact that he was already skinny. It was just strange.
"Has it ever bothered you?" Nagisa asked suddenly.
"Uh, I mean, them being gone all the time. Does it bother you? Like don't you get lonely sometimes?"
"Not really, it's weird. I don't miss them if that's what you're asking."
"When was the last time they were here?"
"Uh, shit I dunno. A little before I was suspended last year."
"Oh don't worry, it's freeing if anything. It's nice. I'm not a people person."
"I know, I know. But still."
"How about, worry about yourself and your own jackass of a mother." Karma said lightly punching Nagisa's head.
He always does that.
"Well, welcome to my humble abode. You already know where everything is and whatnot. Do me a favor, set something up to watch while I make dinner, will ya?"
"You got it chef Karma." Nagisa soluted then retreated to the living room getting something to watch.
Long story short, Karma finished cooking, they ate it and it was absolutely delicious.
Like what couldn't he do?
They then watched some fun stuff, did whatever they felt like until they set up camp in the living room. Aka, Karma getting blankets and pillows, and for them to wrestle who got the couch and floor.
Then they just talked, talked about some woke shit, but not really woke shit ya know?
"Terasaka's a bitch." Karma blurted.
"You're an even bigger bitch." Nagisa retorted, snorting at the random statement.
"Hey, at least I take pride into it."
Nagisa just changed his position slightly by resting his head on Karma's stomach (they're resting like a T) Hey, bromance. It was normal, Karma wasn't very touchy feely but Nagisa was and Karma had to accommodate. Basically, Karma didn't have a say but he didn't really care. It was nice having someone trust him like that.
"This year is crazy." Nagisa said just staring into the ceiling.
"And it's not gonna be any less crazy any time soon."
"You think we're actually going to kill him?"
"On how sappy everyone gets."
"But we have to."
"There could always be another way. It always bothered me when Koro Sensei said that he blew up the moon and will to the earth. What is stopping him? He could've done it a long time ago when even the higher ups can't do shit. How come he's now giving us -fucking students of all people- a deadline. He could take us all out as easily as a blink of an eye, what it stopping him?"
"Should we ask him?" Nagisa asked, making Karma bark out a laugh.
"Absolutely the fuck not."
Nagisa just hummed in response. Karma then just sighed obnoxiously.
"I'm bored."
"What do you wanna do?"
"I dunno."
"You don't know?"
"Nope, entertain me."
"Wearing one of my mom's dresses."
"Fuck no!" Nagisa yelped, sitting up.
"What? It'd just be you in your final form."
"You're an ass."
"Ouch, I'm truly hurt. You've wounded me deeply Nagisa!" Karma said clutching his heart, turning to his side covering his head with a pillow. "Just leave me here wounded to such painful words you've set upon me."
Nagisa just scoffed, poking his side making him yelp sitting up quickly.
"Oi!" He pouted.
"What?" Nagisa asked pretending to be concerned.
"And you're calling me an ass?"
"You wanna see this 'ass'."
"Not really, I can already smell it." He snickered.
"Oh yeah?" Nagisa said putting his hands up. Karma catches them pushing them away from him.
"Nagisa, I will rock your shit."
"Yeah? And I can do the same."
"Sure thing pipsqueak."
"You'll apologies for that."
"Will I?" Karma said pretending to think for a few seconds, "I don't think so."
"You're so gonna get it."
"Yeah, whatcha gonna do about it?"
Nagisa then quickly let go of Karma's hands, tweaking his sides.
"Hey!" He yelped, "That's cheating!"
"How so, modern problems call for modern solutions."
"You did not just say that-" He cut himself off as he saw Nagisa snake his hands towards him. "Okay, we're not gonna do that!" He said pushing Nagisa's arms away from him.
"Why not?" Nagisa snickered, "Is it because little Karma's too ticklish?"
"Nagisa, shut the fuck up." He fumed, his face starting to get red.
"Awwe this is adorable." Nagisa was loving this, after all those times Karma embarrassed him to no end.
"Fuck oHOFF!" He yelped as Nagisa quickly started to squeeze his sides.
Did he fuck off? Nope. If anything, he continued to squeeze his sides. This made Karma fall not so gracefully onto his back. he was slapping and swatting his arms aimlessly at Nagisa, pulling at his hands trying desperately to pull him off.
"STOHOHOP NAGISA!" He screeched, laughing loudly and uncontrollably. He was squirming around as much as he could, trying to buck Nagisa off but the boy was determined.
"What's wrong? I thought you were said you were gonna 'rock my shit'." Nagisa teased. It was hilarious how easy it was to tease Karma.
The redhead was trying. Key word: trying, to retaliate by jabbing his fingers at Nagisa's ribs. Only reason it didn't work was because it actually hurt a bit. Thank god for Karma losing all sense of control when being tickled.
"Oh yeah? Do you think you're in any position to try that?" Nagisa asked, snaking his hands to the hollows of Karma's underarms.
He squealed, arching his back, elbows locked to his sides and laughter reducing slightly to giggles. It's his least ticklish spot, but it still keeps him going strong. He was able to spout out a string of curses and demands of stopping to Nagisa, but all fruitless.
This however, gave Nagisa full access to the spot he knows kills Karma: stomach.
As soon as his hands had even made contact to his shaking abdomen, Karma screeched.
"NOHODON'TPLEAHAHAHA-" He pleaded. He was trying his best to throw the smaller boy off him. However, it was deeming incredibly difficult with the unbearable sensations that spreaded all throughout his stomach. Nagisa made sure to squeeze every bit of his midsection before briefly traveling to his ribs.
He drilled his fingers between his bones without mercy.
"Are you going to apologize for calling me a pipsqueak?" Nagisa asked digging at his stomach again, making him squeal with every vibrating movement.
He knew that Karma could barely speak a proper sentence, but this was very fun.
What was more fun was seeing a bit of skin from his shirt that rode up from all the rustling. Nagisa tried to grab his hands with one hand, not very successful but better then not trying. His other went under Karma's shirt clawing at his twitching stomach making his laugh come out more panicked.
"Sorry, I can't really hear you." Nagisa grinned, vibrating his hand right around his navel making Karma nearly jump out his skin. His laughter went in and out of being silent. Nagisa felt bad and relented his attack.
The redhead in turn was panting out a few giggles holding his midsection.
"Gohod, you're such a dick."
"Meh, maybe. But you deserved it you mega dick."
"Whatever." He waved off Nagisa, sitting up. He turned his head to the blue boy. "You know I'm gonna get you back."
Nagisa just sighed pumping the air deflated, "Worth it."
"Well, I'm getting snacks and you aren't having shit."
"Why must you be so cruel?" Nagisa sobbed. Karma just chuckled walking to the kitchen.
Karma although wasn't a big fan of getting tickled the shit out of him, it was nice to let loose every once in a while. If course he isn't going to say that though.
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dvrlingrenjun · 4 years
my missing puzzle piece ; p.js
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⇢ genre: fluff, comforting, f2l
⇢ summary: jisung never knew you were the missing puzzle piece he was missing.
⇢ warnings: none ??? just not proofread-
⇢ word count: 1.2k words
jisung had a rough day today. messing up in multiple things that could vary from dancing to little things like dropping a cup of glass. long story short, he wasn't having any of it today, radiating annoyed and pissed off aura. a rare aura when it comes to park jisung.
you and jisung just seemed to be the perfect match when it comes to relationships or even more than platonic. so with just one text jisung sends you, like a simple "k". you immediately knew something was wrong. your best friend needs you, and soon. so you called this operation a: "make jisung happy or you will have to bear with a stressed jisung."
thinking of a way to cheer up the tall boy, you thought for a while. jisung rarely came home with a negative behavior but when he does, you try to make him in a positive mood.
in the midst in your train of thought, an idea suddenly appears on your mind just a simple movie and game night to keep all of the negatives away from jisung's mind.
you took out your phone, quickly texting jisung for an impromptu hangout, but you knew jisung wouldn't mind sudden hangouts so it didn't matter asking him in advance.
"phase one, starts now." you whispered to no one in particular, clenching your fist as a 'fighting' gesture.
you barged into your room, setting up movies on your laptop and some games on the television. all of the games you guys played before when both of you were younger. you also set up non-electronic games too! because it's fun bonding with your closest friend without using any source of twenty-first century things, which included things like puzzles, card games, etc.
putting the last finishing touches downloading new movies on your laptop, a sudden thought appears on your mind. one word, food. of course, how can you forget such an important factor?
you called a local resturant that you and jisung have been going there since ages. you ordered pork belly, jisung's favorite food, along with many other snacks chips and what-not. still adding some fruits in there to still be healthy.
"perfect! phase one done, now phase two... to clean up this place.." you trailed off adding those last five words to your sentence.
but your place was a mess, exams just passed and you were stressed to the point you didn't bother with cleaning the place. leaving many piles of bio-chem papers on the tables and floors, along with many mugs and random snack wrappers crumbled up. maybe you were slightly regretting setting all of this up, no you were joking... unless?
the sun starts to set, you were way past done setting up operation: 'mjhoywhtbwasj' a handful. yes i know, perhaps saying "make jisung happy" would suffice.
you stared at the sun setting for a little while before getting a text from jisung.
♡: i'm coming over soon
maybe that soon was now, because right after he sent the text, jisung was already in front of your doorstep. jisung took out his keys from his pocket, shuffling around to find his pair of your keys. you've known jisung for a long time, at this point your apartment place also belonged to him.
once finding the right key, he opened the door and quickly walked to your room. (obviously closing and locking the door before going to you.) he called out your name once.
"(name)? wow if you're going to invite someone over at least greet them at the doorway." jisung slightly joked, he was still tired after the long day.
jisung walks in your room to see you looking out of your slightly dirty window. jisung slightly brightens up at the sight of the food and snacks next to you, and with your laptop on your lap. it was nothing much, not at all special but he greatly appreciated the gesture, and with you trying to cheer him up without even saying anything to you.
"oh you're here! welcome to operation: mjhoywhtbwasj, yes a terrible name i know but i just shortened it to make 'jisung happy!'" you brightly smiled at jisung who still stands at the doorframe.
you sat up and took jisung's wrist to drag him to the pile of foods. jisung stayed quiet looking at your hand that occupies his, his heart rate starting to pick up.
'oh.' jisung thought, immediately realizing why his heart's pace started to go wild.
jisung looks back up at you, by now you and jisung are sitting on your bed with some snacks, lost in thought.
"let's have fun okay?" you never bothered trying get jisung to talk his problems out, only when or if he wanted to. you didn't mind if he held some secrets from you, only if he is comfortable.
jisung just nods, awaiting the fun adventure that is in your house.
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now it's past four am, you two are still at it playing games without knowing that it was past both of your sleep schedules.
at this point, you guys have already played all of the activities aside from one, which was the new puzzle you bought. in the middle of making the puzzle complete, you heard jisung yawn. now realizing that maybe it was time to go to sleep, you pat jisung's back.
"let's go to sleep, yeah?" you suggested, jisung had a schedule and you had work/school tomorrow.. or well today.
"but the puzzle, it's missing one last piece." jisung frantically looked for the last piece, slightly making a mess on the floor.
you looked around too looking for a red piece, just make jisung satisfied and to finally get some rest. and there it was under your bed, you weakly reached out to the puzzle due to you being a little fatigued from today.
"got it." you announced to jisung sitting back up holding the puzzle piece up to show jisung.
jisung smiles widely, grabbing the puzzle and finally placing it in its missing spot. both of you felt tired but also accomplished.
"okay let's go to bed." jisung jumps to his usual side of your bed. you just shook your head, he seemed way to energetic to be 'sleepy'.
but nonetheless, you still followed him to your bed. covering both of you with your big comfortable blanket. as soon as you got into the blanket, you felt jisung petting your hair, carefully untying some of the hair knots making sure that it wasn't hurting you.
"thank you for cheering me up (name). today you made me realize that i like you, today you made me realize that you were my missing puzzle piece." jisung whispered lightly, scared that he would be rejected, lightly putting more force on your hair unintentionally.
jisung wasn't able to see your face, but you smiled widely. now knowing that jisung felt the same. you were his puzzle piece and he was yours.
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we-want-mini-mini · 4 years
Because I fell in love with the previous prompt/oneshot I wrote about an OC falling into the DC universe (specifically Gotham) and wants to avoid the Vigilantes/Wayne and Co but fucking fails at it (or succeeds, who knows).
This one shot is about—
The Reluctant Executive Assistant To Lex Luthor, Who Also Is A Supervillian
Masterlist | Pervious Post Regarding This Oneshot
Warnings! Strong language, mentions of disassociation, mentions of body dysphoria, non-graphic description of violence, probably OOC Lex Luthor, shitty spelling and grammar oh my!
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LIA WONDERED WHAT SHE DID TO ANGER THE UNIVERSE, what she did so heinous, so deplorable, so bastardly to be punished in this way. She reclined into her plush sofa, her eyed glazed over, as they seemingly stared beyond the cream colored walls of her small Metropolis apartment. On her coffee table, laid a stack of papers. Papers that were at least a couple inches thick, filled with long winded explanations, language that could confuse anyone, and an agreement to become Lex Luthors god damn Executive Assistant.
I’m basically going to be a glorified Secretary, for one of the most powerful men in the world... Whose also a raging fucking Supervillain too. Lia thought with a groan, rubbing her face. Her mind whirled with various thoughts, plans and so, oh so much more. The fact that she’s been offered such a prestigious job, at the tender age of 23 years old. A job as the right hand to a fucking Supervillain, Jesus Christ...
Ever since Lia woke up in her doppelgänger’s body, all those years ago, she made a decision that she would never involve herself with the various vigilantes of this world. But, considering she lived in Gotham before this, she had to cope with the fact that her city had various Vigilantes running around, doing whatever they were doing. But, Lia had the upper hand you see: the world she came from, all the Vigilantes and hero’s were fictional characters! Thus, she knew all their origin stories, secret identities and the like. In her pervious world, every kid knew that Superman was unassuming reporter Clark Kent of the Daily Planet. Who also happened to be Lia’s next door neighbor. You know what, I’m not even going to go down that rabbit hole. Nope. Nah. I’m good.
But, adjusting to life in her new body wasn’t a simple walk in the park. She had to adjust to a whole new city (perviously Lia lived in New York, which was the inspiration for Gotham but still). A whole new environment that became desensitized to the causal, practically fanatasical acts of violence ranging from man made super blizzards, the occasional alien invasion and etc. Not to mention, Lia had to cope with the fact she, in essence, lived in an entirely different body. The first two years of living in this world, Lia struggled with dissociation and body dyshoria at the fact that one: she now lived in a completely different world compared to her pervious world, and two: she inhabited a body that, yes is her, but, at the same time, wasn’t her.
Thank goodness mom realized what was happening and shipped my ass off to the few non-supervillain therapist in Gotham. Lia thought with a huff like laughter.
Her eyes then soon trailed too the stack of papers Lex Luthor gave, ones that detailed her contract of becoming his Executive Assistant. One, that would make her one of the most powerful women in the US by being the right hand of Lex Luthor. Who also is a fucking supervillain, god damn it.
Lia vowed to herself to never involve herself with the various superheroes, vigilantes, or villains of her new world. She wanted to live a normal as possible life, not wanting to have such a heavy responsibility of being a hero on her alreayd aching shoulders. She did not want to get involved in the drama that often plagued those who entered that life. She did not want to endanger her family (or herself) because she has connections with people who are vigilantes. Specifically, when she was a student at Gotham U, she avoided anything surrounding the Wayne’s (considering they are the infamous Bats and Birds that protect Gotham and her people). Likely, the only times she ever saw said infamous Vigilantes were the few unlucky times she was in a hostage situation and when she was about to be mugged those couple of times.
As far as interactions outside of their vigilante identities, she’s bumped into Bruce Wayne shopping with Damian, Stephanie, Cassandra and Tim. And oh boy, oh boy, did Lia pray to any deities out their to make sure this was the first and last time she ever met them. Her only words to Bruce Wayne (also fucking Batman) was a high pitched apology and the wish to be smited by God that very second. She’s also bumped in Dick Grayson the one time she visited some friends in Blüdhaven in a coffee shop. They struck up conversation, and it wasn’t till the end of the conversation did she realize who it was. After that, she always went out with headphones in her ears as they are the universal symbol of Don’t Talk To Me. And as for Jason, she’s seen Red Hood when she was out late at a 24/7 7/11, picking up some food. Frankly, Lia was to strung up on zero sleep and pure caffeine and spite to honestly give a single shit. Lia vaguely remembered wanting a specific thing, and Red Hood also reaching for it. She snatched said snack with a word, ignoring Red Hoods existence completely. The cashier looked like they saw a ghost but, as always, Lia was tired to give a single flying shit.
However, Lia’s paranoia didn’t simmer down. So much so, that she applied for an internship at LexCorp, her excuse being she wanted to have a change of scenery. While working at LexCorp, she gained considerable amount of knowledge and experience, but compromised with her mom that, after her internship finished up in LexCorp, she’s go to WE and work there. Lia had deep seeded concerns about working at WE, but after going back and forth in her head, she decided that, fuck it. It’s a gigantic ass company. There’s such a low percentage of me ever crossing paths with one of the Waynes and Co. Plus, mom drives a hard bargain. And damn, do I honestly miss Gotham. It’s so damn bright here. And it’s called fucking Metroplis of all things.
Before Lia could further brood about what her life had become, the sound of her doorbell flooded Lia’s ears. Lia’s eyebrows scrunched together, did I order something? But, she shrugged to herself, springing to her feet. Better find out then, I guess.
When Lia opened the door, she expected, say, a delivery person, or, a neighbor asking to borrow something. What she did not expect was her 5’3” mother, standing next to a 6-something, rather muscular, but familiar figure of—HOLY SHIT IT’S SUPERMAN, WHAT THE FUCK—
Next to her mothers petite figure, was the gargantuan stature of one Clark Kent, AKA, Superman. Lia could feel her blood pressure rise.
“Mom! Mr. Kent! What a nice surprise.” Lia said, through a tight lipped smile. Her mother simply smiled, laughing lightly.
“Habibi, it’s been such a long time—and, wait did you loose weight?” Her mother’s once smiling face turned sour, her eyebrows pinched together in worry. Her warm brown eyes trailing up and down Lia’s figure. Lia’s face immediately warmed up a few degrees, then her mother took hold of her face, examining it closer. Lia let out a indignant squawk, “Mom! Not infront of the neighbor please!”
Clark simply laughed, “No, it’s alright. I can understand a mother’s worry as my own Ma does the same thing whenever she visits.”
Her mother nodded, “See! He doesn’t mind, habibi. Now, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you. Mr. Kent, if you would be a dead, could help me set the food on the table?”
Clark smiles, his teeth a little too white and dazzling. “Of course! But please, call me Clark.”
Her mother laughed, while nodding. “Of course, Clark. Now, come in, come in.” Her mother said, inviting Lia’s neighbor into her apartment. She let out a sigh, moving out of the way.
Before long, Clark, Lia and her mother were setting up dinner. Somehow, someway, Lia’s mother convinced Clark to stay for dinner, while sending meaningful glances towards Lia. Lia wanted to jump out of her window. Knowing that her mother would always be her wingwomen, was, strangely nice, but this time? Trying to set her up with fucking Superman? Nope. Nah. No happening mom, no matter how hot Clark looks. Not. Happening.
Her mother, soon strikes up conversation with Clark about work. He talks about the Daily Planet, and being a reporter. Soon, the topic veers to Lia, whose honestly forgotten that Clark was Superman for a couple minutes.
“...on the topic of internships, my Lia currently interns at LexCorp, if I’m not wrong.” Her mother says, sending a pointed look to Lia.
“Uh. Yeah. I’m currently working at LexCorp as an intern.” Lia says, watching for Clark’s reaction at the fact that she works for his biggest nemesis. She can see it, the infantasmal flinch, before he relaxes again.
“Oh, is that so? From what your mother said, didn’t you live in Gotham before coming to Metropolis?” He inquires, setting down some plates on Lia’s dining table. Lia freezes up, since, she can’t just say: Well, you see, I know the identities of Gotham’s infamous vigilantes, who happen to also run and own WE.
“Well, I wanted a change of scenery really.” Lia added smoothly, taking out all the food and sorting them. She kept her face and tone neutral, watching Clark’s every move and reaction.
His face had a knowing look, as he gave a small nod. “I can understand that. Gotham and Metropolis are two very different cities and wanting a change of scenery is a fine reason for moving.”
Lia hums noncommittally, while her mother sighs. “I still wished you would’ve stayed in Gotham, you know. It’s closer and I worry for you, Habibi.”
Lia buffs through her nose. “Mom. I’m 24 and very much so capable of protecting myself, considering you were the one who taught me how to knock a man thrice my size out in a single punch since I was 7.”
Clark makes a sort strangled noise and covers it up with a cough. Lia’s mother simple sighs, her face showing her true age. “Of course your capable of defending yourself. Why would I let my daughter out and about in Gotham of all places with being able to defend herself? I just worry, ya habibi. This is a whole new city and you also live by yourself.”
“I’ve been living by myself since I was 18, mom.” Lia interjected but her mother gives her a look.
“Yes, you have been living by yourself since you were 18 but at least you were nearby. I worry, regardless of the fact.”
Lia sighs. They’ve had this talk numerous times, before Lia moved to Metropolis and before she even uttered her concerns about wanting to move. “I know.” She says softly.
The conversation dies out, as everything soon is set. However, before they could start eating, Lia’s mother spots the stack of papers.
“Lia, what with the stack of papers?” She inquired, her head gesturing to the coffee table.
“The stack of what?” Lia yelled out, as she was in the kitchen getting a jug of water. Her mother, whose curiosity guided her, got up from her seat and took ahold of the papers.
“The papers on your coffee table. What are they for?” She asked again, when she heard Lia set the jug of water down.
Lia, whose brain was preoccupied with a million other thoughts, carelessly said the phrase: “Oh, my contract to become Executive Assistant to Lex Luthor.”
Clark almost dropped what he was holding, before discreetly catching it with his super speed. Lia’s mother stilled, her eyes wide as saucers, her lips slightly parted.
“Your what to whom?” Her mother asked, her tone beyond incredulous.
Lia short circuited. She realized what she just said. In front of fucking Superman. In front of her mother. Fuck. Why does the universe hate me?
Before Clark could say anything else on the matter, his phone buzzed. The mother daughter pair snapped their gaze at Clark, whose face grew even more surprised.
“Oh. I’m sorry, I have to go. Something urgent just came up.” He said, shoving his phone back into his pant pocket. The mother-daughter pair simply nodded, as they watched a slightly frantic Clark Kent shuffle out of Lia’s small apartment.
When they heard Lia’s apartment door shut closed, her mother’s head whipped towards Lia’s. Her face went rigid, the past surprise at the new was scrubbed away, being replaced with a cold, calculative look. She gestured to Lia to sit down, at the dining table.
Lia, who simply stared at her for a while, sighed, before taking the opposite seat across from her mother. She knew this conversation will be a long one, thus, she started to pile on the food her mother brought.
“The contract in your hands, is a contract between me and Lex Luthor. It’s about me becoming his Executive Assistant.”
Her mother hummed, while also taking some food. “So, you’re going to be his right hand, essentially?”
Lia nodded. Well, sure. I’m technically a glorified secretary with a lot of power now. But sure, right hand is a lot more appealing. But she didn’t voice those thoughts, simply taking a bite of her food.
“Well, this took a turn I did not expect it too.” Her mother said with a sigh.
“You and me both, mom.”
Lia never would’ve imagined, not in a million Earths, would she become Lex-fucking-Luthors Executive Assistant. She honestly thought she would finish her internship without much fanfare and move back to Gotham to apply for a position at the WE.
“So,” her mother began, setting her fork down. “How the hell did you catch Luthors eye?”
“Well, it’s a bit of a long story but...”
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A COUPLE DAYS AGO, the department in which Lia was interning suddenly lost a handful of employees who quit for whatever reason. Not to mention, an important meeting was scheduled and was now completely fucked due to these employees leaving. Plus, some other important event was also going on with some higher level execs and that was also in jeopardy. Lia, who was witnessing this utter shit storm in real time, realized, oh fuck. This is bad. Really bad. And decided to do something about it. Lia, at the time, was known in her department as someone who can manage a schedule like no ones business, convince people to do things her way like it was as easy as drinking water. She had a reputation and the department head was a chicken whose head was cut off, trying to put out the proverbial fires one by one, rather ineffectively. Lia, who made friends with various other interns in other departments (who worked with other high level employees), and who had various connections in Metropolis, was able to salvage most of the day (and subsequent week). She was able to fill in those positions rather quickly (the department head was more then happy to oblige), re-schedule the various important meetings and events that were scheduled that in under three hours after some (what Lia called) “aggressive persuasion”. Somehow, someway, the story of some intern with godly management abilities, persuasion skills made its way up to the big man himself: Lex Luthor.
When Lex Luthor heard of this, he became intrigued. Thus, he called Lia up, all the way to his office. Lia, who when was told that fucking Lex Luthor himself wanted to see her, was understandably shitting bricks. Her mind immediately went to the fact that somehow, someway, he figured out that Lia knew the identities of various vigilantes. Lia, who was reasonably terrified at the thought, began to draw up counter arguments and contingencies.
The entire way to Lex Luthor’s office Lia went through the seven stages of grief (the extra two are Denial 2 and astral projection). She thanked those she loved, and made her not peace with God. When Lia finally arrived to Luthors office, she immediately compartmentalized all her feelings, slapped on her most convincing cooperate smile, and knocked on his door, saying in the most polite and calm tone she could muster: “Mr. Luthor? You called for me, Lia al-Abadi?”
The moment she heard the muffled “come in.” Lia sent one more prayer to whatever deity out their, and strode into Luthors office.
Now, Lia has seen pictures and clips of Luthors office. But, it was one thing too see it and another to be in it. Lia, when entering the large office, with Luthor facing the window out looking Metropolis, felt her heart drop all the way to the earths core.
Her hands were discreetly balled up in her sides, her nails digging crescent shaped moons into the palm of her hand. The shirt underneath her blazer was definitely soaked through, but, thankfully, Lia wore a black blazer today, so it wasn’t that noticeable. Probably. Hopefully.
Lia took in a deep breath, trying to calm her hammering heart. “Mr. Luthor?” She called out, her voice surprisingly even. Her heart hammered against her chest, so hard, it seemed it would burst through any moment. God, what the fuck is my life anymore.
Luthor, being the dramatic ass Supervillian that he is, spun around, his hands clasped together as he faced Lia, sitting in a typical, large, black, swivel chair. The only thing he was missing was the white cat in his lap. 
Lia could feel herself die a little when she made direct eye contact with the man, the legend, the Asshole, himself: Lex god damn Luthor.
“Ah, Ms. al-Abadi, please, do sit down.” He said, his voice uncharacteristically bright and inviting. But, Lia knows better then to trust the fox when it was simling. She could see the calculative glint in his eyes. Carefully, she walked towards Luthor, who kept his picture prefect smile. The only thing that filled Lia in for the eternally long, yet short walk towards Luthor was the clicks of her heel, and her heart hammering against her eardrums.
Her hand, which she forced to keep steady, took ahold of the chair, dragging it away from the desk. The ugly screeches of the chair legs against the marble floor still reasonated through Lia’s ears. But, at least she saw the slightly—almost invisible—eye twitch that gave away his annoyance.
Lia, who kept her face devoid of any emotions, slowly sat down. Her eyes still focused on Luthors stupid smiling face.
When she sat down (finally, Jesus Christ that was a lot more anxiety inducing then I thought) she kept her back straight, shoulder squared and her hands on her lap. She could still feel her heart beating hard against her rib cage, and the million thoughts of Luthor somehow finding out about Lia and her knowledge of the identities of the various vigilantes. Her hands became clammy, her entire being screamed, I AM VERY UNCOMFORTABLE! but, Lia was stuck in between the proverbial rock and a hard place (rock: chair, hard place: Luthor’s office).
Her lips stretched into her patented cooperate smile, “You had called for me, Mr. Luthor, sir?”. Fuck my life. Lia thought, still smiling while she slowly died on the inside.
Luthor bared his teeth, lips stretched into a smile. “Please, call me Lex, Ms. al-Abadi.”
Lia, with ever cell in her very being, absolutely rebelled at the prospect of calling Lex Luthor just Lex. For one, he’s her boss, and Lia was raised to be polite. Second, Lia only ever referred to Lex Luthor either as Luthor or Lex Luthor, never just Lex. Third, Lex Luthor is a goddamn Supervillain, no fucking way am I calling him by his first name.
Lia’s fave stretched out into a tight lipped smile. “I’m afraid cannot do that, Mr. Luthor.” She said through gritted teeth, face still stretched out into a tight lipped smile.
Luthor cocked his eyebrow. “Oh? And why is that?”
For one, your Supervillain. Second, me saying your first name, and just your first name, tiggers my flight or fight response. Lia, of course, did not response to Lex Luthor’s question with that reply. Instead she said, “For one, Mr. Luthor, you are my boss and I am your employee. Employees don’t generally refer to their boss by their first names. Secondly, me referring to you by your first name implies that I am in some way, shape or form, close to you. Considering this is my first time ever meeting you personally, I can’t—” Won’t “—refer to you by your first name.”
A beat of silence. Lia, who continued to smile at Luthor as he stared at her for a good few moments, before lightly chuckling.
“Well, when you put it like that, Ms. al-Abadi, I cannot disagree. However, I do hope in the near future you would be more comfortable calling me Lex rather then Mr. Luthor.” He said, his face all smiles.
For a moment, Lia was confused. She was simply a temporary intern that would leave in about two months, how would she hypothetically warm up to Luthor enough so to call him Lex? Plus, what he said also implied that Lia would stay in LexCorp long enough to warm up to Luthor.
Then a thought crossed Lia’s mind. Wait, does he want to be my sugar daddy?? Which Lia immediately shot down, as, this is Lex Luthor, why the fuck would he be interested in being my sugar daddy? Even though I am fucking beautiful, thats for sure. But still. Lia shuddered at the thought before getting back on the topic at hand.
“Mr. Luthor, I am just a simple intern that will be leaving in about two months. I don’t understand how I would be able to get close to you enough so that I refer to you by your first name,” Lia said.
Then another thought crossed her mind, “Unless, you’re planning on making me a full time employee?” There was a slight tilt in Lia’s voice, her eyebrows slightly pinched together. Lia, however, racks her brain for any reason why Lex Luthor of all people would personally call her to his office just to say he’s going to hire her as a full time employee.
Luthor nodded, “Precisely, Ms. al-Abadi. But, I don’t just want to make you any full time employee, that would simply be a waste of your talent and potential.” He said, reaching for one of his drawers, pulling out a stack of papers.
A wave of confusion wash over Lia. Talent? Potential? The fuck did I do to catch Luthors attention of all people? “I’m not sure what you mean by my ‘talent and potential’, Mr. Luthor.” She said, while shaking her head. She honestly didn’t think of anything note worthy enough to catch a awfully busy man like Luthor.
A flash of confusion flickered through Luthors face before being plastered with another smile. “Ms. al-Abadi, I’m sure you know your reputation among the other interns, right?”
Lia’s eyes narrowed, as she hesitantly nodded. She was infamous for managing a clusterfuck of a schedule into an actual, mangable schedule. Lia was also known for her “aggressive persuasion” tactics and the like.
“Not to mention, the situation in which many employees from the department you interned in, quit. Resulting in many important events and meetings to be up in the air. Not to mention some other notable things that happened that day.” Luthor said, matter of factly.
And, he wasn’t wrong. But the fact that Luthor knew of that utter shitstorm raised more then a few alarms in Lia’s head. The situation that occurred that day was promptly swept under the rug and Lia only complained about the situation to a couple intern friends and her brother. Then, the face of Ana—an intern from the PR Department—flashed through Lia’s eyes. Lia wanted to strangle herself. Of course she told fucking loose lipped Ana about situation that never should’ve reached Luthor’s ears, god fucking damn it. No matter how much Lia wanted to groan and fight God, she kept her composure.
Lia gulped down, rubbing her hands as another smile made its way onto her lips. “Well, I simply did what had to.” I had pull so many fucking favors, and most of my god damn grey hairs are from that day, Jesus Christ. Whenever Lia remembered that day, her face (internally) soured, and the need for her to curse out God, the universe, whoever, was so great she had to bite her tongue (literally) to force herself not to go on a 20 minute rant about the entire situation. Still, even with her bubbling feelings of pure, unbridled rage, Lia kept her composure. This is a professional environment. I’m infront of my boss. Whose one of the most powerful man in the US. Whose also a raging Supervillain. I have to stay professional. Professional...
“Nonsense, Ms. al-Abadi. From what I heard, you had a situation presented to you, a situation that was falling at the seems no less—and somehow salavaged it. In under three hours, you were able to salvage the situation, reorder them schedule and was able to avert a scandal as well.”
Lia, for whatever reason, felt her face grow hot at the praise. She, of course, knew how shitty the situation became—did what she always did—complained a bit, and moved on. Planning, reorganizing, improvising plans on the go, and her “aggressive persuasion” is something Lia always did. She didn’t find such things awfully notable, as she’s been doing this sort of thing since the ninth grade.
“T-That’s—” Lia cleared her throat. “That’s quit a bit of praise, Mr. Luthor, considering I didn’t do much aside from reorganize and persuased a few people. Nothing that I consider rather notable, enough so to earn your attention.” Unnecessary attention, was left unsaid.
Luthor simply smiled, his teeth too white and straight for Lia’s eyes. “You might consider it unnotable, but I beg to differ.”
Then beg—Lia almost retorted, but she caught the phrase before it could ever leave. Fucking siblings.
Luthor pushes the stack on papers closer Lia. “Which is why—I want you, Ms. Lia al-Abadi, to become my Executive Assistant.”
Lia, when she heard the words Executive Assistant concluded that the universe hates her and that she will make preparations to fight God.
Safe to say, Lia was just offered a prestigious position, next to Lex Luthor, to be his Executive Assistant. The same Lex Luthor who is actively fighting against Superman—the Justice League at large—and it an overall Supervillain. One of Superman’s most noteworthy Supervillian. A Supervillian, who can potentially kill Superman because he has access to a grow, green rock. A Supervillian who made a clone of Superman—combing his and Superman’s DNA—to do so. The same Supervillain, who essentially was asking: “Do you want to be my right hand?”
“You want me to be your what?” Lia asked in an incredulous tone. She looked at the stack of papers and Luthor several times, while pointing to herself. “Me? A 23 year old, with barely any experience in the cooperate world, work as your Executive Assistant?”
Luthor, surprisingly, nodded, his face not showing a hint of annoyance. “Yes, I am. Of course, you should take your time to think over my offer. It is Friday, and I’ll be expecting your answer next Monday. Come to my office at 3 PM, next Monday, and we’ll talk some more, Ms. al-Abadi. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have another meeting to get too.”
Next thing Lia knew, she was holding onto a stack of papers, in an elevator, going down back to her original office. When she came back, several people commented on how dazed and pale she looked. One of her supervisors even asked if she wanted the rest of the day off (as there wasn’t much left to do, either way). Lia, who was still reeling from the events that had just transpired, graciously accepted.
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Lia’s mother, who kept on listening to the entire ordeal, from start to finish simply commented. “Well, damn.”
Lia groaned, her hands rubbing her face. “‘Well, damn’? That’s all you have to say on the fact that one of the most powerful man in America offering me a position as his god damn Executive Assistant?”
“Hey! It’s a lot for me to take in, and, it must a lot for you to take in.” Her mother said, reaching out, taking a hold of Lia’s hand. She gave a comforting squeeze.
“Yeah, it was...” Lia mumbled. She sighed, her eyes on the stack of papers detailing what Lia’s responsibilities were, and some other key information. The stack of papers that could change her life with a single stroke of a pen.
“So, what are you going to do? Accept Luthors offer, or...?”
“It’d be dumb for me not to accept it.”
“Damn right it would be!”
Lia shoot her mother a look, before continuing, “It’s just... I’m only 23 and me getting this job is just... There’s a lot to consider. Sure, I’m good at managing schedules, persuading people and—” Her mother snorted, waving her hand.
“Hey! I am good at all those things, you know.” Lia exclaimed, crossing her arms.
Her mother raised both her hands, shaking her head. “Never said you were bad at them, Habibi. Your a damn genius when it comes to organizing events and persuading people. Not good, not great, but a god damn genius.” Her mother voice clearly showing how proud she was of Lia.
The tips of Lia’s ears were painted bright red, as her face spilt into a grin. “Yeah, yeah, I guess I am. But, the matter at hand is that, I don’t have much experience in the cooperate world. And, I just graduated a couple months ago. Not to mention, if I accept the position, there’s going to be a lot of talk on how, I, a 23 year old, rather attractive women, who just recently graduated from Gotham U, who was just a regular intern, managed to get the position of Executive Assistant to Lex Luthor.”
Her mother sighed. “True, there definitely will be rumors regarding how earned such a position without much prior experience.”
Lia sagged in her seat, her mind a tornado of thoughts. Should she accept? Should she decline? Should she msyteriously disappear off the face of the Earth, never to be seen again? Decisions, decision, so many decisions with so many consequences and variables at play that made Lia’s head ache. She had time, but not enough. It was late in the evening on Friday, and Luthor wanted an answer by Monday afternoon. Great. Just a couple dozen hours till D-Day. Fan-fucking-tastic.
“What about a trial basis?” Her mother blurted out. Lia cocked her eyebrow, gesturing for her to continue.
“Like, what if, you were his Executive Assistant for a couple of months, on a trial basis. Just to dip your toes in and get a feel for the job. That sort of thing.” She said with a shrug.
Lia’s eyes widen, as if a light bulb went off her head. “Oh my god. Why didn’t I think of that? That’s prefect! Not only would it allow me ample time to see if I’m ready for such a position, but also invaluable experience if I were too not take the position or Luthor deemed me unworthy of it.”
With a sort of plan set in mind, Lia continued to eat, all with a smile on her face. Even if after the trial basis, Luthor deems me unfit, I still get away with a couple months worth of pay that would pay off my student loans, not to mention invaluable experience. I win regardless of the fact if I get the job or I don’t!
With the sun setting, and Lia eating her fill, while catching up with her mother on other past events, Lia can’t seem to stop smiling. Even if she’s going to become the (Reculant) Executive Assistant to Lex Luthor, who also is a Supervillian.
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That’s it folks! I had a lot of fun writing this in all honesty, even though it’s not that good. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Till next time.
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rynhaswritersblock · 4 years
quaranteens (hc) | p.p.
summary: how you and petey boi spend your quarantine <3
i'm not even writing a warning for this one at this point y'all now how i write HAHA
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+ + +
- covid-19
- coronavirus
- lil shitbag asshole virus
- let's get it !
being quarantined with peter parker at avengers headquarters
- lots of animal crossing
- like lots
- you and peter visit each other's islands and it's SO FUNNY
- you keep BONKING each other on the head with your nets
- you shake a tree and a wasps nest falls out
- naturally you yell "SHIT" and steve yells "LANGUAGE"
- so you start fucking SPRINTING (in the game lmao) TO RUN AWAY FROM THE WASPS
- you start fucking WHEEZING
- you cannot breathe
- peter just sets the switch down and throws his head back, letting out an annoyed groan/yell
- "bitch ass motherfucker" he whispers as he picks the switch back up
- let's not forget to mention the fact that
- the entire time you and peter are playing
- the two of you are like intertwined
- most of the time your head is in his lap or vice versa
- like y'all get into the WEIRDEST POSITIONS on the couch
- sometimes steve or tony or nat or any of them really will walk by and be like "wtf... kinda cute doe"
- but it's so comfy!!!!!!
- and when y'all play at night it's of course in your rooms
- usually it'll start with the two of you separated
- and then one of you is usually like "why the fuck are we apart right now" and goes into the other's room
- then y'all will get all close to each other and play and there'll just be occasional giggling and tiny conversations and cussing here and there
- peter just starts to HARASS one of ur villagers
- you get a little upset but it's AL so you're like... lol not my problem
- one day peter shows you this tiktok where some couple was playing together and it was like "how me and my bf are spending quarantine apart"
- but you and peter find it SO FUNNY
- you know what's coming
- irl the two of you are DYING in his bed
- like rolling all over the place because you're laughing so hard
- peter uses a popper as... you know... and you YELL CAUSE YOU LAUGHED SO HARD
- also it's 4 in the fucking morning
- sam is FED UP
- !!
- he's like what in the everloving HELL are they DOING!!!
- so
- the man enters the premises like
"what the hell are you two-"
- you can barely get that word out because of your laughter
- but you hold up the switch
- sam watches and realizes RIGHT AS PETER USES ANOTHER POPPER
- the LOOK on his face
- he fucking smiles and buries his face in his hands, shaking his head
- when he finally composes himself his eyes are fucking
"i might just have to get that game.."
- okay that's it for the animal crossing section of this imagine lol i'm obsessed with this game AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE IT
- OKAY MOVING ON!!!!!!!!!!
- the AMOUNT of TV the two of you watch
- the two of you alternate shows you pick (so like peter chooses then you then peter etc etc)
- peter chooses b99 (bae)
- y'all finish that shit in a WEEK
- then you recommend euphoria
- he's like uh okay
- cause he knows how inappropriate that show is lol
- so every time there's a dick on the screen he covers your eyes
- and every time there's b00bies on the screen you cover his
- and some point he's like
"y/n you do realize that i've seen boobs before"
- you're like
- i mean yeah but i refuse to think about that because you're supposed to be innocent and pure and a puppy dsfjkdfnkj
- so you retort
"and you do realize that i've seen a dick before?"
- peter is the more jealous baby
- he pauses the show and shifts his body towards you
"wait, where?"
- you cringe
"some kid i'd just met sent me a dick pic.."
- peter's like okay convo over
- the two of you keep watching but now it's more uncomfortable
- at the end of the episode you were watching (imma say episode two lol)
- you bust out laughing
"you know the kid's dick was like... small, right? like i didn't enjoy receiving that picture? it was unsolicited, peter"
- he laughs lightly
"yeah, okay"
- you poke his cheek
"someone's jealous"
- he gasps
"i am NOT jealous!"
"you just don't like the fact that i've seen a dick"
"i guess, yeah"
"peter, i'm going to eventually"
- the poor kid is like we need to stop talking about penises right the fuck now
- im so sorry for writing that part in haha it just came to mind and it's CONTENT you know and i really feel like it's a realistic convo to have in that situation
- the last episode makes you cry and you don't even realize you're crying until peter holds you closer and wipes the tear off your cheek
- bae
- let's just say the two of you finished euphoria in a day
- okay also
- the amount of dance parties the two of you had... insurmountable
- like y'all would be training together and a bop would come on and you'd stop punching just to jump around and make complete fools of yourselves
- the two of you had to have a dance party after finishing euphoria because that shit put you in a FUNK
- but yeah
- dance!!!!!!!!!!!
- okay BAKING!!!!!
- y'all made so much food
- cookies
- cake
- pretzels
- brownies
- like
- never going hungry
- half the time the kitchen is a whole MESS but it's okay cause when you do clean it up you and peter throw bubbles at each other and it's great
- steve swears everyone is going to get so out of shape
- so he comes up with a system
- everyone gets snack time together and then thirty minutes later everyone goes and trains to make up for the extra calories
- and lemme just say
- the training sessions go HARD
- everyone is fucking sugar high it's the most chaotic thing ever
- music blaring
- sam and bucky are wrestling
- tony and steve are arguing in the corner (award for most calories burnt)
- nat and wanda are fighting bruce and pietro and nearly kill each other
- meanwhile you and petey boi are seeing who can do the most complicated gymnastics set
- as soon as the boy does a layout you're like okay BYE
- so yeah
- baking!!!!!!
- time for even more fluff
- cuddling
- oh
- my
- god
- the two of your are in physical contact 99% OF THE TIME
- and that's mainly peter's fault because he lowkey clingy but YOU LOVE IT
- the two of you build a fort in the commons and have movie marathons along with your tv marathons
- occasionally one or more of the team will come chill with y'all
- there's an overall "no judgment zone" that has been declared at headquarters
- aka mind ya own fucking business
- unless someone is literally in a deep state of depression then something needs to be done
- but like
- literally everyone notices how often the two of you are just intertwined with each other
- it's 🅱razy
- also y'all order tons of pizza
- like tons
- thankfully u and peter are like ayo fast metabolism check! (smh i wish lol once i quit soccer it really hit me OOPS)
- y'all are switched to online school
- you and peter-man get really competitive with it to see who can finish all their work the fastest
- thing is the two of you literally have pretty much identical schedules so you end up going at the same pace to work together
- maybe you help each other on quizzes and tests
- no one will ever know
- and overall you two are lowkey thriving in that department because you end up finishing your work for the week in like two or three days and have the rest of the time to just VIBE
- a/n y'all i seriously recommend actually doing that like i get a SUPER big workload at the beginning of the week and as soon as i can i just ZOOOOOM and try to get it all knocked out and it's honestly really helpful
- obviously this can be really difficult for people who aren't self motivated and maybe depressed but i would just try!! if you can!! okay note over BACK TO THE SHITS N GIGGLES
- so yeah
- i don't really have anything else to say but
- overall being quarantined with peter and the team is really nice and the vibes are THERE
- fuck i got another idea
- okay
- it's the middle of the night and you and peter are watching some movie that netflix autoplayed
- the two of you get a notification and look at your phones at the same time
UPDATE: Midtown School of Science and Technology has now been shut down for the rest of the 2019-2020 school year. Online school will continue.
- the two of you visibly shrink
- deadass
- like you just slump over and toss your phone
- you curl up into the boy and a tear rolls down your cheek cause it finally hits you
- this shit is real..
- you sniffle and peter immediately turns to you and wipes your cheek
"hey, it's okay. i'm here."
"i don't know, i just... miss everyone, i guess."
- he nods
- and then he kisses you
- oh so softly
- i'm here
- ...
+ + +
thank u for reading loves
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teaspacebar · 5 years
far too young to die (5/???)
a/n: this is honestly my favorite part so far - most likely because it has some fluff in it. i really enjoyed cranking this one out, and my ideas are still flowing so chapter six should be out sometime this weekend! thank you to everyone who’s loved the story so far. if you would like to be tagged in future parts, please let me know so i can add you to it before the next chapter is put out!
relationship: steve harrington x reader
word count: 970
summary: you just wanted to keep your job at the starcourt mall movie theater. all you had to do was find out how these kids were sneaking into the movies without coming in the front door. your small little movie theater conspiracy ends up pulling you into something a lot bigger, and a lot scarier.
previous chapter / series masterlist
chapter five: sailor got your tongue
The next morning came quick. You packed the essentials – notebooks, pens, flashlights, snacks, etc. – in a backpack, before heading to the mall. You walked straight into Scoops, brushing passed Steve to toss your bag into a booth, sliding in after it. Steve, Robin, and Dustin got you caught up on everything they had already found out, and it sounded crazy. Which was exactly up your alley.
It was currently you and Robin manning Scoops – mostly Robin – while Steve and Dustin were trying to find any people at the mall that looked suspicious. Robin was sitting on the back counter, looking at the notebook that you had brought. You had copied the coded message from the whiteboard onto the notebook for easy access. Currently, you were pacing in front of the counter, picking at your fingers. The two of you hadn’t gotten anywhere except that you knew the code had to do with the mall.
You spared a glance outside of the shop, eyes catching the familiar sailor outfit that Steve was wearing. You smiled fondly, watching as Dustin tried to take the binoculars away from Steve. He really was good with kids. The whole time while they were explaining everything, he made sure that Dustin was able to talk. And he would give the younger boy this ‘proud dad’ look.
“Sailor got your tongue?” You tore your gaze away from Harrington to give Robin a glare. She just shrugged and gave you a smile, like she knew something you didn’t. That gaze reminded you of –
“Puck! You played Puck in the school’s play of Midsummer Night’s Dream. That’s where I remember you from!”
“Really?” Robin’s eyes were wide – you had caught her off guard.
You nodded, hopping up onto the counter, “You did a really good job, I went and saw the play twice. I mean, I saw you in the halls, but there was something specific I was forgetting. Puck was it.”
“Hm, I thought you had no idea who I was.”
“I mean, we were both invisible. I think most people believe that invisible people all hang out together, but then we wouldn’t be invisible, would we?” The two of you fell into silence. It wasn’t uncomfortable; it was like the two of you had come to a certain…consensus.
Robin cleared her throat, gesturing outside the shop with her cup she held in her hand, “So, Steve Harrington?” You hopped to her side of the counter, grabbing a sample spoon of your favorite ice cream and shoving it in your mouth. “Your lack of defense is making my point.”
You pulled the small spoon out of your mouth, pointing it at her, “You and Jen would get along great.”
“Don’t change the subject, although I’m interested.”
“Look, it’s not like that. You heard what I said before, invisible. That’s what I am to him. He didn’t know I existed until a month ago when I came in here to get information on the asshole that was letting kids into the theater. Turns out, he was doing it out of the goodness of his heart, who knew?”
“Trust me, they come in all the time, I know.” The two of you busted out in laughter. You liked Robin; she was cool. A knock on the back door cut the two of you off, Robin going into the back to get a package. You poked your head through the opening to the back, watching as the guy turned around, the image on his shirt causing a lightbulb to appear above your head.
“Silver cat!” Robin and you spoke at the same time, you ran through the door to the back, following Robin as she went to watch the guy walk away. Your body almost collided with hers as she came to a stop.
“The silver cat delivers to…” Robin held out the notebook to you and you held it in front of you. “A trip to China sounds nice. China.” The two of you looked at each other, before running back through Scoops and into the food court. You barely noticed Steve and Dustin, who were coming back to the shop.
“China!” Robin pointed to a Chinese food place with a bright look on her face.
You took another look at the book, “If you tread lightly.” Glancing around, you tried to find another store that fit the clue. “If you…tread.” Shoes. Found it. You nudged Robin, showing her the store.
The blonde grasped the book with one of her hands, “When blue and yellow meet in the west.” You two were back to back, and if you could have seen the two of yourselves just then, it would’ve looked like you were a superhero due teaming up to kick ass. At least, that’s what Dustin would tell you later. Robin called your name, seeing her finger line up with the big clock with yellow and blue hands.
Steve and Dustin walked up to the two of you, the older giving you guys a confused look, “Guys, what’s up?”
“We cracked it!” Your voice was filled excitement, and you held your hand out for Robin to high five you. She did, repeating your words with awe. You gave a little jump off of the fountain, the biggest grin on your face. Grabbing Steve’s hands, you jumped up and down, “We cracked it, Harrington! Best. Summer. Ever.” Before you could stop yourself, you quickly gave the teen a kiss on his cheek. You let go of him and skipped off to Scoops – a victory ice cream cone was in order. Dustin would also tell you later on that Steve’s face went completely red after you had kissed his cheek. And that he had ignored the two looks Dustin and Robin were giving him, shoving the boy playfully, before running after you.
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champagnedreams · 4 years
End of Summer
The summer was officially over. The first day of the new year was effectively tomorrow. Unlike most of the students at EHS, Nari lived in Geneva. Because of that, it really was not too hard for her to set up her room and did not need to come to EHS a few days earlier to do so. Not that she had too much stuff to begin with anyway. But that was besides the point. Having already set up her room, Nari decided to spend her last few days of summer with her aunt Valentina, helping her as she usually did at her café, Sternenlicht.
Sternenlicht was Valentina’s café. Valentina had set it up about 15 odd years ago, when Nari was still quite young. Young enough that her adopted mother, Sofia was still in the picture. Nari grew up helping Valentina run the café of her dreams. She had always wanted to run a café, and when she had earned enough, she promptly quit her job at the bank. Valentina had always hated that job and frequently described it as a “soul-sucking profession.” When she ammased enough savings, Valentina bought a small café. It was quite run down when Valentina bought it, but she instantly fell in love with the location. She loved the quiet, cobble-stone street it was located on. She also loved the fact that the café had a small apartment above it, which made it a perfect place for Valentina and a young Nari to live in. Over the course of the years, Nari and Valentina fixed up the café’s interiors and eventually, had a successful café. The café was known for its baked goods and cakes, although they made great coffee as well. Most of their business was during the summer when tourists frequented Geneva. Because of this, Valentina encouraged Sofia to go to EHS when she was offered the scholarship, knowing that she would not be as busy during the rest of the year. And while Nari loved her aunt for sending her to EHS, she still missed Sternenlicht dearly.
Seeing her bus stop approach, Nari quickly snapped out of her thoughts and stood up, walking to the front of the bus. A few seconds later, she stepped off the bus, waving goodbye to the conductor. After doing so, Nari turned around and began to walk down the street. The café was a short walk from the bus stop. Within 10 minutes, Nari would arrive. But as she did, Nari relished the familiar streets of the neighborhood she grew up in- old, Swiss chalet-style buildings, cobble-stone pathways filled with tourists and shopkeepers, bustling storefronts selling everything from flowers to clothes, food, wine, and chocolates. Smiling and waving at familiar faces, Nari reached the café. As soon as she saw the exterior of Sternenlicht, a wide smile broke out across Nari’s lips. The three outdoor cast-iron tables were occupied by groups of young people drinking coffee and eating various baked goods. Inside, all of the café’s tables were occupied. A group of customers were collected by the bakery, curiously browsing the café’s selection of freshly baked breads and cakes. A small line of 3 people patiently stood for their turn by the cashier. Nari’s eyes carefully surveyed the café for her aunt and when she could not see her, Nari knew it was time for her to go back into the kitchen. Nari knew that her aunt would most certainly be found there, and she was right.
Walking back, Nari pushed open the doors to the kitchen and there was her aunt. Valentina stood behind the counter, wearing her apron, her long blonde hair tied up tightly as she kneaded the dough with great concentration. Valentina had not even noticed Nari enter the kitchen. Behind Valentina, a group of 2 chefs worked to make various baked goods- taking out bread and tarts from the oven, icing cakes and pastries, etc. Nari waved at them with a smile before walking over to her aunt, who still had not noticed her. Wanting to take advantage of this, Nari walked as quietly as she could and hovered her palm over the dough her aunt was kneading. For a second, Valentina was stunned. But she quickly recovered and when she did, a smile broke out across her lips as well. Letting out a light laugh, Valentina quickly hugged Nari, careful not to let her dough-covered palms touch Nari’s clothes or hair.
“Hello love, I didn’t know you were coming today,��� Valentina greeted.
Nari grinned in response. “I know,” she admitted. “I thought I’d surprise you and see if you needed any help today.”
Valentina smiled in response as she returned to kneading the dough. “Well you certainly did surprise me,” she admitted. “But love, I don’t need any help today. You’ve worked hard enough all summer as it is. It’s your turn to enjoy and relax a bit,” Valentina continued. “Aren’t your friends back yet?” she asked.
Nari shook her head lightly in denial. “Not yet,” she admitted. “I think they’re all coming next week- Kat might come earlier though, but I am not too sure,” she explained.
Valentina nodded as she listened to Nari. “And what about that boy?” she asked cheekily.
Nari rolled her eyes at her aunt’s reaction. “Aunt Val, I already told you, Henri’s just a friend. Besides, I think he went back to Sweden until school starts back up again,” she explained.
Valentina rolled her eyes lightly at Nari. “Sure, he is,” she commented dryly.
“He is!” Nari insisted with a grin. “Besides, aren’t you supposed to be against me dating?” she teased.
Valentina rolled her eyes at that. “I should be, but I know I raised you to be smart enough to know what are the bad apples so to speak,” she replied, as she placed the kneaded dough in a bowl.
Nari nodded with a grin. “You sure did,” she admitted.
As a child, Valentina had never been overprotective towards Nari. Nor had she been especially strict. However, Valentina had taught Nari how to read people at a young age. She had taught her how to distinguish between trouble and kind people, and that was one of the most valuable lessons Nari had ever learned. It was because of Valentina that Nari was able to navigate EHS as well as she had done so far. Nari to be honest, was one of the few students at EHS who has not involved in any drama. While a scholarship student, she got on well with almost everyone-those on scholarships like her, and those who weren’t either. She also was excellent at navigating her way out of unnecessary drama and scandal. It was because of this that Nari was really on good terms with almost everyone at EHS.
“Anyway,” Valentina began. “Since you are here, have you eaten?” she asked, as she put away the bowl of dough to rest.
Nari nodded lightly in response. “Yes, I had a fruit on my way here,” she explained as she watched her aunt roll her eyes. “Fruits are snacks not meals,” Valentina retorted quickly, reaching for a freshly baked croissant, fresh from the oven. Removing it delicately from the hot pan, she placed it on a plate, accompanied by some fresh butter and blueberry jam. “Eat,” she ordered Nari as she handed her the plate. Nari nodded in response with a grin. The scent of the freshly baked croissant was addictive.  She could smell the butter in the air. She could see the steam seeping from the baked pastry and the sight of it was almost irresistible to her. Once it cooled a little, Nari carefully picked up the croissant and took a small bite of it- she could hear the crunch of the pastry and could feel the pastry dissolve on her tongue. It was beyond delicious.
“This is so good,” Nari spoke, her eyes closed as she savored the taste of the croissant.
Valentina grinned in response. “Good, I’m glad,” she responded as she watched Nari eat the croissant.
“Tell me when your friends come back. I’ll bring by a basket of croissants and cakes for them,” she offered as Nari nodded. “Luca would legitimately love you for that,” Nari commented between bites of croissants. Valentina laughed lightly at that.
“Do you want another one?” Valentina asked as Nari shook her head lightly in denial. “No,” she admitted. “This is enough for now,” she added as she moved to tie her hair back. Carefully looking around the room, Nari walked to pick up her apron hanging from the wall. Tying it, she turned to her aunt. “So, what do you need me to do today?” she asked.
Valentina rolled her eyes lightly at her niece. “Love, I said take the day off. You don’t need to help me today- Christopher and John are here,” she explained, motioning to the two chefs in the kitchen who grinned at Nari. Nari, grinned at them in return too. “I know,” she admitted turning to face her aunt. “But I want to, you know how much I love baking,” she added as Valentina nodded with a light laugh. “I certainly do,” she agreed. Nari nodded in response with a grin. “So, let me help you,” she began. “It’s not like I have anything else particularly pressing to do- none of my friends are here anyway,” she admitted.
Valentina nodded as she heard Nari. “Fine,” she responded. “Do you want to help me with the tarts then?” she asked. Nari nodded excitedly with a wide grin. “of course!” she admitted enthusiastically. “What tarts by the way?” she asked.
Valentina grinned at her niece’s enthusiasm and gestured to a tray of strawberry tarts which were to be placed in the display case next. “We just got the freshest strawberries, so I thought I’d make strawberry tarts and a vanilla-strawberry cake,” Valentina explained. Nari nodded excitedly. “That sounds amazing!” she admitted. Valentina laughed at Nari’s response lightly. “It is,” she admitted.
“So, do you want to do the tart or the cake” Valentina asked. “I can do the tarts and help you with the cake when I’m done,” Nari responded. Valentina nodded at Nari’s response. “Alright,” she replied with a smile.
A few moments later, Nari was busy measuring ingredients for the strawberry tart filling, while Valentina began shaping more breads from the dough, she had previously kneaded. And just like that, Nari’s last day of summer was spent at her favorite place doing exactly what she loved the most- baking at Sternenlicht with her aunt Valentina.
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kihyunswifey · 6 years
Caught In a Lie part 26.5
Looking down at his phone, Jimin huffed at Yoongi's response. “Bye.” Shaking his head he replied back to him, “Rude.” Jimin frowned at the curt texts, expecting more from Yoongi about Taehyung. Putting his phone away he glanced at Jungkook, who was putting gas in his car, casually looking at the book Jimin had finished reading earlier.
“Hey, baby,” Jungkook whispered as he hugged Jimin. His arms rested against Jimin's waist, holding him tightly as Jimin rested his arms around Jungkook's neck. “Hi, Kookie. What are you doing here? I thought you were busy with your other project?” Jimin pondered with curiosity.
“Oh yeah, I had put that on hold just for you. I just wanna take you somewhere special today. You deserve it besides look at you all dolled up. It's like you were born ready for anything.” Replying back, Jungkook looked at Jimin up and down after stealing a kiss from Jimin. Jimin wore his special blue leather jacket, with denim dark skinny jeans, and his regular ankle-high black boots. He even had some light make up he decided to put on earlier when he was bored. “Gorgeous.” Bending down, Jungkook gave Jimin another quick kiss on his plump red lips, pulling away before he got too sidetracked, “Okay let's go. And before you ask it's a surprise. I planned this all out just for you. I think you'll love it.”
Jimin pouted at this, huffing out a sigh, letting Jungkook know it was fine. Walking towards the car that was parked in front of the apartment building Jungkook raced towards the passenger side opening the door for Jimin. Jimin pecked Jungkook on his lips before sitting inside the car contently. Grinning, Jungkook raced towards the drivers' side before getting in and starting the car before driving off to the picked destination.
“Kookie… how long until we get to our destination?” Jimin asked as he stared out the window watching the empty area of nothing pass by. They both have been on the road for nearly an hour and Jimin grew bored.
“Hmm, 30 minutes or so. More than that maybe. Do you want me to buy you something? A drink or a snack? There should be a gas station near here.”
Jimin scrunched his nose in reply. He was just so curious to find out where he was being taken to. “No, I think I'll just read.” Jimin then sat his legs up, grabbing the book that he had put down earlier to read. “I didn't wanna finish it… the story might have more to tell but no one is letting the protagonist be happy. The antagonists just want to ruin the protagonist and everything he loves. That's just sad. All his life he never had true happiness until he met someone special, yet they still want him to suffer because apparently he “did something to someone”.” Jimin stated quite dejectedly. He continued as he heard Jungkook reply with a hum. “I don't think this story will end happily. I think this story will end with him either dying protecting everyone or just simply getting killed.”
After a while, Jungkook had announced that they had arrived at their destination. They came across a small abandoned brick building with graffiti tagged all around it. Curiosity struck Jimin harder as he got out of the car, looking at it. “What's here? What's so special about this place babe?”
Not getting a reply, Jimin was going to shut his car door until he had heard that familiar laugh he had missed so dearly. Slowly, walking up to the commotion, there on the other side of the building; Taehyung standing there laughing and smiling his adorable rectangular smile. He felt tears form in his rounded eyes just by looking at his best friend. “Tae…?” He spoke out merely as a whisper, yet somehow Taehyung turned around as if he had heard the whisper up close.
“Chims?” Taehyung choked out. His own eyes watered as he stared at the small orange-haired figure in front of him. Jimin smiled at Taehyung before shouting out in glee. Running towards Taehyung, Jimin flung himself knocking them both on the ground. Jimin then glared down at Taehyung and proceeded to hit Taehyung hard as he could. “You asswipe! How dare you make me upset! Do you have no idea how much I worried about you?! No, I bet you didn't because you had the nerve to leave you piece of fucking-" Words cut off as he felt a warm large hand cup his left cheek with a thump caressing his cheek lightly. Tears ran down Jimin's face like a waterfall, not knowing that he had stuttered his words with hiccups interrupting him every few seconds.
“Hey, I'm here now. You don’t have to worry anymore Jimin. I realized my mistake and that mistake was leaving you without even confronting you about what was going on, but I did it to protect you. Someone is targeting you and in order to get close to you, they had to take me out of the picture. And I did indeed leave, but because I was going to find out who they were. Reminding you that I did and used to do bad stuff Jimin. I just had to do this alone baby.” Taehyung spoke casually to Jimin, who smacked him across the face again, earning a groan as a reply.
“Yeah? Well, fuck you anyways Kim Taehyung. Don't protect me! I don't need it alright?!  What I need is my best friend, of seven years who promised me not to leave. Ever! Someone once told me until the end of the world we'll be best friends and no one will be able to stop us. We'll be hot grandpas riding those scooter chairs, racing each other for bubble tea and running people over.” Taking out his purple bubble tea keychain he kept on his phone, Jimin held it out smiling down at Taehyung who had to just begin crying.
“I love you Chims. And I'm sorry I left.” Jimin shook his head standing up. “It's fine now, alright? You're here now. AND I DESERVE A PIGGYBACK RIDE AS PAYMENT!!” Jimin shouted as he turned Taehyung around, jumping on his back laughing as Taehyung stood up. Taehyung started smiling too, not knowing that photos were being taken of them both, along with Jimin who was content at that moment.
Jungkook stood next to Yoongi, watching the scene in front of him go by, snapping a picture of the scene in front of him. “Do you know who it was?” Jungkook inquired. “No, but I am either guessing it's someone from the organization or maybe it's someone Jimin used to know, maybe an ex or something.” Yoongi's gruff voice made both males in front of them stop in their tracks and their conversation about how Taehyung spilled his drink on himself earlier and needed to buy new clothes.
Setting Jimin down gently, Taehyung took out his phone, opening the messages he had received before, showing them three. “This person started messaging me out of nowhere and to stay away from Jimin,” Taehyung began holding his phone in between them. “They have been telling me all kinds of things about how I am worthless and deserve to die. I didn't care it was nothing new, but they sent out a file to me. I clicked it and saw pictures and information of Jimin.”
Jimin tensed at the news he was hearing. ‘How much does this person know?’ thoughts ran around his mind. Feeling anxious, a hand grabbed his own small hand, intertwining them in order to calm him down. Jimin squeezed the hand in reassurance, knowing Jungkook was worried about him. “Why me though? Why now?”
Taehyung looked at Jimin, staring into his eyes, “I don't know why now but I have a feeling it's connected to lover boy over there. Don't you need to tell him? Or have you already did?” Jungkook shook his head at Taehyung's questions. Sighing out heavily he opened his mouth to speak, “Jimin there's something I need to tell you. I didn't want to tell you earlier because it didn't seem like a good time at the moment.” Jimin turned to him, nodding at him to continue, “I am the son of Jeon Joohyung and the heir to his mafia organization.”
Jimin blinked before yelling out at Jungkook. “Oh, shit? Really? No wonder your last name sounded familiar. I thought it was because you just had the same last name.” speaking out calmly, Jimin scratched his head in question. “What..? You're not surprised?” Jungkook asked shocked.
“What no! Why would I be? Jin was in an organization, though he doesn't know that I know, and Taehyung was in it too, well not in it, but he was semi-involved but he left because he needed time off.” Jimin replied coolly.  
Jungkook started at Jimin in blinking once in Jimin's entire explanation. “Well as I was saying,” Taehyung interrupted, “They sent me a file and I was trying to trace it back, but they are good. Like really good but hey, this is me we're talking about. They may be good but I'm better.” Taehyung grinned in confidence before continuing, “So everything in this file is from when Jimin was born until now. Meaning that they have any type of information on Jimin and recently they have been following them around. Thus also they want Jimin alone and will do anything to have him alone. And by they I mean the two people that are involved.”
“Two people?” Yoongi spoke up.
“Yes, two people. And the way this file is organized that suggests to me that two people did it. Which makes my job a bit harder but surely enough I'll find out who it is. But in the file I found out because they're stupid unless they left it on purpose, these women and a man are involved, and they might be there to either break them up or use them and get them when they least expected.” Taehyung clicked on the folder going to the middle of the pages stopping once when he found what he needed, showing all three the women and the man involved.
“So this means they wanna break Jimin and me up?”
“Yes. Kinda? Maybe not. Reasons? I have no idea why or what else they need to do. I wanna say give me time to break everything down but I have no long how much time we have, given the fact that I reunited with Jimin, it's best to keep our guard up. I'll also try to do something, so if they were to release something they wouldn't be able to. And if they did, Jimin would be hated. The school we go to is so prestigious. Everyone just cares about looks, money, fame, etc. If Jimin was put on that downfall many people would bully him as a likely or worse.” Angrily speaking, Taehyung looked at Jimin, “I'll do my best, but first food. I am starving. ChimChims…. carry me.” Jimin sighed knowing the fact that Taehyung couldn't be serious for more than fifteen minutes. Dragging Taehyung, he took him towards Jungkook's car.
Jungkook and Yoongi studied each other before nodding. Yoongi, took his phone out, detonating the bomb he had attached to the car he came in with Taehyung. They both walked up to the figures that laughed all the way to the car. “BURGERS. LET'S GET BURGERS. OH AND A MILKSHAKE!“ Jimin and Taehyung shouted simultaneously getting into Jungkook's car. “I'm on it.” Yoongi huffed out, crawling in the back with Taehyung. Jungkook, turning on the car after he got in, scanning Jimin's face briefly before turning away. “Man isn’t this is a Life and Death situation.” Jungkook thought to himself as he pulled away from the building into the sunset. Minutes later he saw black smoke coming from the building they just left. “Well,” he spoke aloud, grabbing Jimin’s hands, “Where is the nearest burger joint?”
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welovekpopscenarios · 7 years
In Your Arms (WW2!AU Wonwoo x Reader)
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Admin: Mimi
The war is raging as terrible as ever, and Wonwoo is so close to getting home, yet so far when the enemy threat is still around the corner. All he wants to do is to go home, to where he knows you are waiting for him, and kiss you with all his might. All he has to do is survive waiting on this damned beach for a boat to take him there - WW2/War!AU
Genre: Angst, bit of fluff
Pairing: Wonwoo x Reader
Warnings: A bit of violence, war, death, etc. Nothing major tho
Word Count: 2820
A/N: Fun fact: this story/idea has been in my list since the 25th of july after I came home from seeing the movie Dunkirk in the cinema. It wasn’t until the other night when I watched it again that I finally bit the bullet and wrote this story. Now, I know Wonwoo is Korean and not in any way British, but let’s just pretend in this fictional story that the boys fought for Britain and were on the beaches of Dunkirk during WW2. I just really loved the story of Dunkirk and this idea has been on my mind for so long that I had to write it, bc clearly I can’t create an original story of my own bc I have no talent or imagination and I’m a terrible writer. Anyway, I hope you give this story a chance bc I’m actually kinda happy with it, and that you also check out the movie Dunkirk if you haven’t seen it – it is absolutely fantastic and every man in it is a snack. You don’t have to know about what happened at Dunkirk to read this story, but it is a very interesting part of history and a very sad one, so maybe you’ll read up about it. Anyway, enjoy and as always, happy reading, I love you all :D
The harsh sounds of the ocean greeting the sand in an angered haste almost disguised the sounds of gunshots occurring in the devastated French city of Dunkirk just beyond the temporary borders set up at the edges of the beach.
It was quite difficult to forget that awful bang and metallic ringing once it did enter your ears, Wonwoo thinks, and he prays no other men should have to experience that horrible clang in their life, that he shouldn’t have to hear it anymore, that this dreadful war will be put to an end soon and they can all go home to their normal lives before the world was thrust into a dark pit of hatred and violence. But it would seem impossible to just forget every terrible deed that has been commited these past few weeks and return to a blissfully ignorant life.
Besides, the horrible, nerve-wracking wailing sounds from the fighter bombers are the loudest and most terrible of all, and overpower every sound in the area: the waves, the gunshots, the screams, the crying.
Wonwoo just wants to go home.
He’s not built for war. Wonwoo is tall yet lanky, smart yet sluggish, and his hands are definitely made for holding books, not weapons. He isn’t strong and agile like Mingyu, or Seungcheol, or even Seokmin. He’s pacifistic in nature, and mild mannered, just like Jeonghan and Joshua. He wasn’t meant to be dragged into a battle to point a gun at other men who had the very same wishes as him; to return to their families and forget everything about this damned hell they were living. But, of course, when war wages, the responsibility to protect your country and loved ones comes first, and thousands of young, able-bodied men were shipped out to fight in the streets, fields and beaches of France against foreign invaders. It is about the only thing Wonwoo can justify about fighting in this war.
Because war and terror aside, he’d do anything to keep you safe and sound.
Sitting here on an overturned tank next to Mingyu and Vernon, who was currently nursing his shoulder from a bullet graze he received some time ago, they all awaited the ships that would take them back to Britain to wait for the battle that would inevitably occur in their homeland.
If they could return to begin with, seeing as the bomber planes were picking them off like fish in a barrel on the beach; 400,000+ men on these sands, some meeting their end while waiting for safety. Wonwoo was sick of ducking for cover at this point, and could barely even hear properly anymore, what with all the constant assault on his eardrums rendering them nearly useless at the moment.
Tragic, he thinks bitterly, that home is just beyond that sea, but so out of reach. Countless deaths on this very beach while men died clinging to hope that they get home safely.
Where you are.
You are his home.
And Wonwoo wants nothing more than to hop on the next ship that arrives with his brothers and run into your warm, waiting arms, not stand on this blood-soaked sand waiting and wondering if the next time the plane flies overhead will hit its target and force him to draw his last breath.
He shudders at the thought, watches idly as soldiers carry the wounded to the mole and onto the docked ship waiting to sail home and fix up the men who have definitely seen better days. He hears the chatter from the other boys, hears the generals and captains shouting orders, hears the whispered venom falling from men’s lips about the state of their current situation – hears it all. But he isn’t focused on it now that he has a moment to rest. The sounds are muffled, his vision blurred.
The only thing he sees and hears, as crystal clear as the sky above him, contrasting against the muddied and bloodied warfare raging beneath the blue sky, is you.
You, standing before him, waving him off with tears streaming down your cheeks as the train took him away to the docks to be sent to war.
Oh, how he longs to see your smile in front of him as opposed to in his dreams, how he wants to feel your flesh against his, not the rough spun fabric of his uniform. He doesn’t want to feel stones and sand caught in his boots or aches in his muscles or an adrenaline fuelled heartbeat. He only feels pain, feels longing, feels scared, feels-
grass blades licking at the bottom of his feet as he walked, the garden surrounding him in light and colour and all things warm. Despite his height, he almost felt small in the country garden, just a speck amongst greens, reds, blues, whites, the list was endless. The garden was so bright and vibrant, he could almost ignore the PSA that rang out on the radio just an hour ago that spoke fancy words as a cover up for thousands of young men’s impending doom. Including his own. They needed men now.
So distracted was he, that he almost didn’t notice your prone form, lying on the soft bed of grass with a blanket beneath you and basking in the spot of sunshine, glowing high above the countryside. There you lay, arms cushioning your head, eyes closed and seemingly without a care in the world.
He knew better than that.
He knew how your face dropped as the crackle of the radio reached both your ears, your face growing more weary and pale with each damned word. Yet you had sat in silence, nodded your head once it was finished, and returned to peeling the potatoes for the dinner, albeit a bit more roughly than required. Once that was over with and they sat boiling in the pot, you retreated to the garden, and Wonwoo hadn’t heard a peep from you for near 25 minutes since you did.
He stopped just shy of you, lowering himself to sit next to you, eyes memorizing over the lines of your peaceful face. He can’t just stare any more. He has to memorise it – save it for the dark days to come when you aren’t by his side and he has no strength to stand. It causes a dead weight to plunge into his stomach, fingers denting crescents into the flesh of his legs from his grip.
“The dinner didn’t burn, did it?” you broke the silence, eyes still closed and voice as soft as cotton. Wonwoo mumbled out a no, shaking his head lightly. You sighed through your nose, a long, drawn out exhale that deflated your chest in the process. “I must cook all of your favourite meals for dinner from now on before you go. It might be a while before you can have them again.” The words are bitter, and rightfully so, an awful poison on your tongue that doesn’t suit your nature, that isn’t you.
He wants to say everything will be fine, that he’ll be home in no time and that the world will be safe once he does. But he knows that isn’t what you want to hear, it isn’t particularly what he wants to hear either, and so he stays silent, stewing in his torment, and lets the music playing from the gramophone fill the air instead.
He picks at strands of grass, rolling the blades between his long, slender fingertips, wondering how on earth these fingers are meant to pull triggers and kill. He just can’t imagine it.
“When are you leaving?” you whispered, hands now grasping at your woollen skirt, fidgeting - pulling and straightening.
Wonwoo shrugs.
“I think in about a week or so, we’ll be taken away to start training. The radio said something about wanting men to join the fight as soon as possible and to sign up as soon as possible,” he answered, voice low and quiet, feeling as though he were threading on glass with this conversation.
You rolled over on your side, brows furrowed the slightest, but face otherwise blank, and Wonwoo hates that more than if you were outright angry or upset. He can’t gauge how you feel, because you know the duty men have in times of war, but you also know the trauma that comes with it, and someone like Wonwoo does not fit the description of a killer.
“A week or so?” you replied. A nod from Wonwoo. You sit up sluggishly, almost reluctantly, and keep your eyes trained on your feet. “Right. I’ll have to head to the market and get all the ingredients tomorrow. And I’ll see what I can get to give you for your journey. Whatever might be useful and you’re able to sneak in with you, I’ll give it to you. I’ll ask Sharon, her brother was deployed around a month or so ago. She should know.”
The music’s sweet tones wafted into the silence once more after your words, so resolute and strong that Wonwoo thinks you could almost take his place in the war instead, you’ve always been so capable.
“Thank you.” A nod from you. “At least you aren’t crying,” he tries to joke, but judging by your stiff posture and the guilt eating away at his heart, it wasn’t every funny.
“I’ll do it when you’re gone. Believe me,” you retort, words harsh in a quiet way, as sharp as steel. His throat closed up and his heart gave a lurch.
“I’m…I’m so sorry, I-“
“What for?” you asked quickly, whipping around to face him, eyes wide in a frenzy and fists clenched, bundling the fabric up in your hands and wrinkling it in the process. “For doing your duty? For the war? For protecting your country? None of that is your fault, Wonwoo, don’t be foolish-“
“For leaving you.”
You looked like you wanted to reply; to snap back about how he hasn’t left yet, or how it was happening to everyone, that the urgency of the war was more important than this, but you couldn’t. The words wouldn’t leave your lips. Maybe it was the solemn look on Wonwoo’s graceful features, or the sickening dead weight in your stomach as soon as the radio announcer said good evening to the country so gravely, or your disastrous thoughts of Wonwoo’s possible death in a foreign land that stilled your lips. Wonwoo took a deep breath.
“I made a promise, that day when I married you, when you looked as beautiful as now, all dressed up and with that gorgeous smile of yours on your face, that I would never leave you. I said it with my own voice, in my own words, and with your hands in mine. I would not leave your side. For better or for worse. It was a promise I intended to keep, but now I have to break it.” Wonwoo took hold of your fists in his, so small they seemed compared to his own, his heart ached at the faint tremble emanating from them.
“I have to break my promise, and I couldn’t be sorrier,” he continued, thumbs rubbing gentle circles on your skin. “But I promise I will come back to you. I have to keep you safe first, but once it’s all over with, I’ll come back, and I’ll hold you when you go to sleep, and I’ll walk with you to the market on Saturday mornings, and I’ll dance with you late at night where you’ll put your head on my shoulder and hum along to the songs the way I like it. I’ll come home. And I won’t ever leave you.”
He could see the crystalline tears forming at the corners of your eyes, could hear your shallow breathing, and yet you were still so strong. Wonwoo was envious, wishes he could be as brave as you. That’s what he loves about you, he guesses. No, he knows.
“You will come back, Mr Wonwoo, or I will kill you myself,” you threaten weakly, and he huffs out a laugh. “I don’t care about myself, keep yourself safe. That is all I ask of you. Keep yourself safe and well, and fight your hardest. Do your damned bit for your country, and come back into my arms. Where you belong.”
Wonwoo’s grip on your hands loosened, his arms moving to wrap themselves around you and pull you to his chest, your own arms squeezing his waist tightly as you muffled your sobs in the planes of his chest. He breathed in the scent of your hair, taking in the little things he’ll come to miss about you. Lips traced faintly on the crown of your head, long fingers threading through your hair and twining strands around them, rocking you both back and forth as he allowed you to finally break in his embrace.
“I will, I swear to you,” he said, moving you impossibly closer to his form. “I’ll stay safe for you, and I’ll come home. My heart is always with you, however. Wherever I go. It has always been yours. It’s yours,” he spoke these words more resolutely than anything he’s ever said in his life, and he repeated these words every day up until the day he stepped foot on the train with hundreds of other men, and still, these words left his lips as he stuck his head out the window, etched themselves into the letters he sent home with unique little gems he found in his time in France, swam in his thoughts every night he closed his eyes. And with this promise he feels secure, he feels warm, he feels-
determined to reach the shores of England again, where he knows you’ll wait for him as long as it takes, day and night, and the thought makes Wonwoo’s lips break into a miniscule smile.
“What’s that smile for?” Mingyu asks, leaning his fatigued body on Wonwoo’s equally exhausted body, sighing loudly and conveying thousands of soldiers’ current status in a single breath. Wonwoo simply shrugged, nails picking at the grime that gathered on his rifle as a way to distract him. “Looking forward to getting home?” Mingyu inquired, his muck covered face flashing a grin despite the circumstances. Wonwoo admires him for his high spirits, and reckons it helped him get through these past few weeks more than he’d like to admit.
“I think everyone is,” Wonwoo retorts, eyes roaming the lines of men gathered on the beach; some talked near the shore, some sat and were too weary to move their legs, some lay still and never moved again. He sighs sadly. He was fed up of being on this bloody beach.
“Well, we’re not out of the woods yet,” Vernon comments, having successfully wrapped his shoulder and now avoids the risk of infection. ‘Not out of the sands’ would be a more accurate saying for today, Wonwoo reflects, watching the cerulean of the sky blend in with the rolling waves of the ocean, the bright white colour of the hospital ship a stark contrast to the dull colours surrounding it, the red cross a beacon of hope for some. “Bombers keep picking us off there’ll be no one left to go home. Be worse if the French lines break and the Nazi’s surround us on the beach.”
Mingyu tuts in a scolding way, wrapping a burly arm around Wonwoo’s shoulders that has him lurching forward, his balance off kilter from the force. “Don’t think like that, Vernon. If you think like that, then we lose all hope. Home is so close, you can practically touch it. Hold faith, we will get through this. Isn’t that right, Wonwoo?” he asks.
Wonwoo doesn’t understand why Mingyu feels the need to include him every time he speaks, but nevertheless, his words ring true, and so he nods, Mingyu beaming at him in thanks.
Hold faith. Easier said than done, but Wonwoo knows he cannot lose now, not while you were so close. He will come home. He chants it like a prayer, his own personal chant that he repeats over and over until the words don’t even feel like they are real anymore.
He says them over and over, even when the bomber aircrafts hover once more over the shore and the mole with its awful, heart sinking sirens that has everyone scrambling for cover, says it when the ground shakes with explosions and his comrades meet their fate all around him while he pins his hands to his ears in a weak attempt to silence the devastation. It’s the only thing he is sure of, and clings to it so desperately it seems almost obsessive. But he made a promise. A promise he does not plan on breaking.
He will go home, back into your arms, back to his life.
Even if it kills him.
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asfeedin · 4 years
Five Healthy And Delicious Snacks That Can Be Delivered To Your Door
Living under quarantine can present a variety of challenges—especially when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet. Some people seem to be getting into the best shape of their lives while others have been eating their feelings. 
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Healthy food items
Either way, nutrition plays a vital preventative role in maintaining health. “What you eat affects your body and the way you feel every day,” explains Dr. Adrian Heini, a doctor of internal and preventative medicine with a Clinical Nutrition specialty. “By consuming a variety of food, your body takes in thousands of phytochemicals acting together to help provide you protection against inflammation, oxidative stress, and low immune activity. Let’s not forget the importance of proteins, which are critical for good immune system function since white blood cells and enzymes, fighting against aggressive microbes, are made out of them.” 
With so many people still under stay-at-home orders, I’ve rounded up some delicious healthy foods and snacks that provide your body valuable nutrients and minerals that can be delivered right to your door.
Ayoba Biltong
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Ayoba Yo Biltong + Droewors
Courtesy of Ayoba
If you like cured meats, you will love Ayoba Biltong, an air-dried meat snack that originates from South Africa made from grass-fed beef that’s marinated, seasoned, and hung to dry for fourteen days. But don’t confuse this snack with beef jerky. 
Founded by brothers Emile and Wian van Blommestein, Wian tells me, “Typically, beef jerky is heated at a low temperature for six hours. This leaves the beef very dry. To counter this dryness, most beef jerky recipes use either a sugar marinade or artificial ingredients to soften the beef. Biltong’s difference lies in the drying process,” That process includes being hung dry much like prosciutto. The result is an incredibly tender snack without all of the added sugars and ingredients including no added nitrates. “The Biltong drying process also leaves more muscle fibers intact, which means Ayoba Biltong contains more protein than jerky.”
Biltong has a long rich history in South Africa dating back 400 years and was first created by the country’s indigenous people when they cured the meat in salt. As Europeans settled the country they brought with them more sophisticated means to cure the meat including the use of vinegar and select spices. “Our Biltong adventure started in our family kitchen with an authentic South African family recipe that has been passed down countless generations within the van Blommestein family,” shares Wian. “Our recipes have evolved over the years, but one rule remains the same: we stick to the basics and use only all-natural spices to accomplish our rich flavor profiles, such as freshly ground black pepper, coriander and rosemary.”
As a gal who’s been known to travel with cured meats in her purse to satisfy her sudden need for protein, I love Ayoba Biltong. I also love the brand’s Droewors, which are meat sticks. The meat is tender (i.e. doesn’t break your teeth), perfectly seasoned, satisfying, and not loaded with chemicals like many of the other products in the marketplace. Ayoba Biltong can be purchased directly from at AyobaFoods.com, where their warehouse is open and shipping daily in addition to being available on Amazon.com. 
BRAMi Italian Snacking Lupini Beans
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BRAMI Lupini Beans
Courtesy of BRAMI
If you’ve never heard of lupini beans, they are Italy’s answer to edamame. These lightly pickled beans were once fuel for Roman warriors and are now enjoyed as an appetizer across the Mediterranean region. BRAMI founder, Aaron Gatti, grew up snacking on lupini beans when he was visiting family in Rome as a young man. But, it was on a trip with his wife that he rediscovered his love for eating lupini beans and reimagined them for the modern-day warrior.
“BRAMI is the only brand making all-natural lupini in portable, snackable pouches, and we are the first in the world to flavor lupini, marinating them with whole food ingredients and spices,” Gatti tells me. “But the real differentiator comes from the strength of the miraculous lupini bean itself. Lupini are packed with plant protein and fiber that fills you up. But they have none of the traditional dietary compromisers that you’d expect in a snack like zero net carbs or sugar and they are very low calorie.” 
“Lupini’s nutritional facts are miraculous enough, but the real beauty of this bean is how earth-friendly it is,” continues Gatti. “Lupini is regenerative to the soil, requires no herbicides or pesticides to grow, and can be grown in many temperate climates with low-irrigation. The world doesn’t need another processed snack full of sugar and junk. We all need more nutritious and delicious whole foods to fuel ourselves towards the milestones great and small in our daily lives, and the Earth needs that fuel to come from plants like the lupini bean. We are happy spend every day spreading the gospel of lupini at BRAMI.”
Compared to chickpeas, lupini beans provide more fiber and have fewer carbs and calories. BRAMI just launched their latest product—their version of lupini hummus—this week and it’s delicious. “Our hummus is artisinally made with extra virgin olive oil, lupini beans, and whole food ingredients and spices, Gatti tells me. “It is lighter in texture than chickpea hummus, and the taste is brighter from the lupini and more savory from the olive oil. It has zero artificial preservatives, but you don’t have to refrigerate it until after opening, so you can finally order up on hummus online and keep it in your pantry until you’re ready to use it.” 
BRAMI is can be purchased directly from their website or through Amazon. Otherwise you can check their store locator to find the closest retailer near you.
Hälsa Oat Milk Yogurt
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Halsa Organic Oatgurt Breakfast
Courtesy of Halsa
If you love yogurt, but are seeking a plant-based non-dairy alternative—Hälsa Oat Milk Yogurt products should be on the top of your list. Founded by husband and wife team Helena Lumme and Mika Manninen, Hälsa Foods, which is Swedish for health, are made from an innovative process. “Hälsa is made with a revolutionary, simple process that allows us to make plant-based products 100% clean,” explains Lumme. “Our 100% clean promise means three things: clean, organic, and sustainably grown ingredients, clean process and clean label. Furthermore, we have no added sugar, no artificial sugars, no dairy, and no GMOs.”
Most oat milks available are made by an old technology called enzymatic hydrolysis that Lumme tells me is as complicated as it sounds.
“It’s a chemical-heavy process that alters the composition of the grain by turning oat starch to sugar, in a process that resembles the making of high-fructose corn syrup. Various artificial ingredients that emulsify and create a milk-like consistency are added (gellan, xanthan or guar gums, industrial phosphates, etc.) Consumers believe they’re getting the healthy benefits of oats, but unfortunately that’s not the case. ‘There’s got to be a better way,’ we thought. This is why we created a completely new manufacturing process to make plant-based milks in a way that keeps all the nutritional benefits intact.”
Hälsa is the only oat milk on the market made from whole grain oats.  Lumme tells me, “This is important because only whole grain oats containing the most beneficial part of the oats—the beta glucan—has many health benefits including: lowering cholesterol, balancing blood sugar, and keeping hunger at bay.” Another unique differentiator is the brand’s commitment to the environment. “Our oats are grown with zero water footprint, and we’ve designed every step from growing to harvesting to manufacturing to leave the smallest possible water and carbon footprint. In comparison, California’s almond orchards consume 10% of California’s fresh water. It takes two gallons of water to grow one almond.”
While I can’t speak to the consistency of Hälsa’s new oatgurt in the cups, I love the way the drinkable versions taste. They aren’t too sweet and are a perfect smoothie alternative.  I especially appreciate the lack of aftertaste that some other oat-based drinks leave behind. Anyone interested in purchasing Hälsa products can by them online at Fresh Direct or in retail stores including ShopRite, Fairway Markets, all NYC airports, Foodcellar, Westside Market, Gourmet Garage, and a dozen other NY delis.
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Courtesy of Ka-Pop!
I am pretty picky about my snack items. But, Ka-Pop!, an ancient grain snack that offer puffs and chips that are vegan, gluten-free, and even free of the top 12 allergens, kind of knocked my socks off with their delicious flavor profiles. Ka-Pop! was founded by Dustin Finkel, a certified cross fit instructor, long time paleo diet follower, passionate foodie, and proud dad of two little boys when he couldn’t find a satisfying snack that met his needs. “So many foods that eliminate gluten, allergens, etc. both don’t taste good and usually add so many fillers that inherently they aren’t that healthy. So, like most entrepreneurs, we started experimenting with the ancient grains that were in our pantry.”
Ka-POP!’s main ingredient is sorghum. For those unfamiliar with sorghum, it’s an ancient grain traced back to North Africa thousands of years ago. “It is naturally gluten-free and full of protein, fiber, antioxidants, and more,” explains Finkel. “It is also one of the few grains that adds nutrients back into the soil—making it great for your body and the earth.” All of Ka-Pop!’s products contain three simple ingredients: sorghum, cold-pressed oil, and seasoning. 
Finkel knew he was onto something when his kids, extended family, and even neighbors couldn’t get enough. “We quickly realized that we could re-imagine snacks with popped and puffed sorghum and make them simultaneously healthier and tastier than the corn, rice, or potato-based alternatives.” When I ask Finkel what makes Ka-Pop! different from other sorghum products on the market he is quick to tell me the flavor is a major distinguishing factor—and I have to agree. 
“Our taste is proven to beat all of the competition in the marketplace and that drives incredible loyalty,” Finkel tells me. “Second, we have created a fun brand that makes healthy snacking approachable and inclusive that appeals to vegans, kids, millennials, seniors, and general snackers alike. Finally, we are innovators, bringing first to market flavors like Rosemary Garlic and Red & Green Sriracha that adds so much excitement to the snacks set.”
Ka-Pop! is sold directly through their website, multiple retailers, and Amazon. Any orders made through Ka-Pop!’s website are handled internally and shipped the next day.
Sach Foods Organic Paneer
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SACH Paneer
Courtesy of Sasha Lopyrev
If you don’t know what paneer is—you should acquaint yourself with this versatile cheese that originates from India. Founded by husband and wife team Jasleen and Tarush Agarwal, Sach Foods Organic Paneer was created to offer consumers a high protein food with low carbs. “Being vegetarian, we struggled to find good tasting, sustainable, vegetarian protein-rich options. We think consumers deserve more high-quality vegetarian options than what’s available in the market today. That’s the problem we wanted to solve,” explains Tarush.
Paneer isn’t like other cheeses. It doesn’t melt for one, even when grilled. Nor does it have cultures or rennet. It’s also very versatile, similar to a tofu. “There are countless creative ways to use paneer. You can grill it, fry it, bake it, put it on a salad as your protein topping or use it more traditionally to make stews and curries,” Tarush tells me. 
Sach’s paneer is made from five or less total ingredients including organic grass-fed milk and is made in small, artisanal batches. The brand offers five flavors including The Original, Spicy Habanero, Mint Chutney, and Turmeric Twist. Currently, Sach is the only producer in the United States to offer flavored paneer commercially. “We realized early on that introducing paneer with creative flavors would help us get Paneer in front of more consumers,” says Jasleen. “We wanted our flavors to be made with ingredients that aren’t just delicious, but also offer a variety of health benefits.”
I love Sach’s paneer. It is delicious and nutritious and I especially like how many ways the product can be eaten. If you are interested in purchasing Sach’s paneer you can buy it directly from their website or visit their store locatorto find a retailer near you. Sach is expected to launch in Whole Foods Market in Northern California and the Pacific NorthWest in June.
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Tags: ancient grains, beef jerky, better for you brands, biltong, consumer packaged goods, CPG, Delicious, Delivered, Diet, Door, Healthy, healthy eating, healthy snacks, lupini beans, non-dairy alternatives, non-GMO, oat milk, paneer, Snacks, sorghum, vegan
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