#she was so happy when I gave it to her aaaaaaaah
How lucky are we to live in a world where you can buy little gifts for your friends
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Reagan Ridley X Caring Male! Reader Oneshot
Hello, this is my first ever oneshot. I hope y'all like it !
Also as you can tell by the title, the Y/n in this will be male because there's essentially no Reagan Ridley X Male Readers on here last I checked. (Besides this one and the headcanons that I made)
And with that injected into your brain, let's begin !
P.S : The relationship between you and Reagan isn't ever mentioned in this so you can imagine the relationship in this as either platonic or romantic.
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It was the middle of the night as you laid on your bed, wide awake when you should be asleep. You couldn't help but remove the blanket on top of you as you made your way towards the Living Room to check up on Reagan.
And to no surprise, she's out like a light on her desk. You silently sighed as you thought of anyway you could help, you've tried dragging her to bed but she woke up instantly and broke free from your grasp as she was a lot stronger than she looked. Any other idea wouldn't be helpful as she was asleep so what could you do ?
Well... you could just make sure she was warm and place the blanket you were using onto her. 'Yeah, good idea Y/n.' You thought to yourself as you went back to your room, grabbed the blanket and gently wrapped it around Reagan.
It's not like you needed it as you weren't cold in anyway and she was clearly in need of it more, so overall you had no issues giving the blanket over to the sleeping Reagan.
(Timeskip to the morning after.)
Reagan slowly began to open her eyes as she realized that she had yet again fallen asleep while working, she quietly sighed as she raised her head up from her desk. And that's when she noticed the blanket wrapped around her.
"The hell ? I didn't have this blanket on me." Reagan whispered as she removed the blanket from her body, she soon noticed you placing a cup of water down next to her aswell as some pancakes.
"Morning sleeping beauty." You playfully taunted as you placed Reagan's food next to her, but given her expression she seemed... confused ?
"What are you doing Y/n ?" Reagan asked much to your surprise, as she seriously never been properly taken care of ? If that was the case... then looks like you'll have to teach her how nice it feels.
"I'm just making sure you're doing well, also I gave you that blanket earlier."
"But.. why ?" Reagan questioned.
"It is only natural to look over somebody I care for, it's how I roll." You explained.
Reagan by this point was at a complete lost for words, she never expected for somebody to genuinly care about her well being. After all it's not like she did, so why are you ?
"C'mon your food is gonna get cold. Here I'll feed you." You picked up a fork and grabbed one of the pancakes with it.
"I- I can feed myself." Reagan said but you simply shook your head.
"Just eat." You bluntly responded as you brought the pancakes near her face, Reagan finally decided to take a bite and her expression and mood seemed to have brighten up a lot.
"T-that actually tastes really good !" Reagan exclaimed with a small smile on her face, damn she had a cute smile...
"I'm glad you think so ! Now c'mon eat up the rest." You happily responded as you kept feeding Reagan her pancakes.
After she was done with her food and water, you could swear you saw a tear in her eye.
"A-are you crying Reagan ?" You asked, both confused and concerned.
To your surprise, Reagan engulfed you in a big warm hug. "Nobody has ever taken care of me before Y/n, not even myself..." She explained as some happy tears falling down her face.
All you could do was smile and hug her back.
Anways... I don't have anything funny to say here.
Goodbye for now !
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
Can you do a levi Hc of him just being really overprotective of his pregnant wife 🥺🥺
AAAAAAAAH of course !! i hope you like it !!!
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levi x fem!reader
pregnancy and all it englobes, fluffy fluffy
- the fact that he wanted to be a dad wasn't a secret.
- he always day-dreamt with a cute child with your features mixed, following him around and calling him "dad".
- that's why he couldn't keep the tears away when you knew you were expecting a baby together.
- Levi wasn't really sure of what his wonderful wife would need during her pregnancy
- during the first months, while your belly was as plain as always and no one -apart from Eren and Armin, the never ending curiosity made people.- knew about it, you still made normal life, going to meetings with him and working as a normal day.
- Your husband was sure that the Ackerman girl and also Jean and Connie will know as well, after all, he knows that even threatening doesn't work with Jaeger.
- you started to feel tired, sometimes walking as if your body was too heavy for you.
- Levi asked for some free days for both of you, that way, he could take care of you. But, that made him reveal your state -asking you first, of course.
- your husband was right: none of the three got surprised after the revelation.
- he took care of you, preparing the teas that the health magazines said that were good for pregnancy
- prepared you all the plates that had the neccesary vitamins for the baby's and your health.
- Was really aware of the ingredients that gave you nauseas and tried to avoid them.
- Didn't care to stay until late in work to be able to accompany you next day to the medical revision.
- sleeps always behind you just to be able to feel your belly against his palms when he hugs you on his sleep.
- makes sure to make a long list of names.
- the next revision, the baby was revealed as a girl. You two quickly decided that her name was Kuchel. after his mom.
- he helped you to put on shoes, take them off, and dress if needed.
- On every single step you two put outside home, he would be paying attention to the surrounds to avoid anything that could happen to you.
- you want those chocolate cookies that sell in the crowded store? wait for him on the park where a lot of people pass by. he'll enter the crow for them, avoiding them to push you.
- your feet hurt? he'll call a taxi, he doesn't want you to be in pain.
- the baby is kicking and you need to rest? he will wait the time necessary with you on those cute seats the mall has.
- buys cute clothes for the baby, from a black t-shirt that says "i love my dad" to a pair of socks with some cute animals on them.
- sets up the whole baby dorm for whenever she arrives.
- when Erwin and Hange go visit you, he makes sure none of them stresses his pregnant wife.
- And same with the young ones.
- "Can I be the godfather?" Eren asks. Levi clicks his tongue but when he looks at you, with such a sweet look at the boy, he sighs. "Sure, brat. But the first thing you make to my child..."
- they gave you a lot of presents and visited you until the very last day, when Levi was making a tea and you appeared on the door frame.
- "i think we should go to the hospital"
- levi drove as fast as he could, helping you to go up on the elevator and reach the natality floor
- those hours where the most difficult ones from all your pregnancy. know that you're there, giving birth to your child.
- but the joy mixed with the tears when he saw his daughter for the first time was priceless.
- "Welcome to life, Kuchel." he whispered, pressing a kiss against her little forehead.
- You felt so full of happiness.
- Your little family. With him.
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lesetoilesfous · 3 years
For DADWC: from the Florence + The Machine Prompt List list > "And the heart is hard to translate, it speaks a language of its own". You're my favorite fenders writer 💙, so fenders fic, pretty please!
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Aaaaaaaah so I got this twice and I love it SO much so thank you both! @contreparry​ - I really hope you enjoy it!
(If you’d like me to write you a dragon age fic, send me a prompt from here!)
Pairing: Fenders
Characters: Fenris, Anders
Tags: canon-typical graphic depictions of violence, Anders was right, anti-chantry, fluff
Rating: Mature
“And the heart is hard to translate It has a language of it's own It talks in tongues and quiet sighs And prayers and proclamations in the grand days Of great men and the smallest of gestures In short shallow gasps” 
- All This and Heaven Too, Florence + The Machine
It started on a beach in 9:30 Dragon. It was raining, and Fenris, Hawke and the rest of their companions were hot and sticky with blood when the clouds had burst. They’d left a litter of broken slaver bodies in the sand dunes behind them, stumbling down to the grey waves of the Waking Sea beneath a cloudy sky. 
And then it had begun to rain, and the mage: a foolish, willful man utterly ignorant of his own privilege, had yelped and begun to take his clothes off. Fenris can still remember the way the sand had felt between his toes, and hear the buzz of insects in his ears as he’d stared at the tall, blonde man, and the sand between them had grown dark with water. 
Anders had stripped down to his smalls, blood streaked up his forearms in long vivid slashes, and dropped his staff carelessly into the long, stiff silver reeds. Admittedly, it was a cheap thing: clearly scavenged or stolen, and nothing that any self-respecting magister would have been seen dead with. Still. Fenris had never seen a mage just drop their staff like that before. Just to the right of Anders’ chest, half hidden by thick red-blonde hair, was a deep and jagged scar directly above his heart. His belly was almost concave, hip bones jutting in a way that could only be unhealthy. There were more scars, but Fenris barely had a chance to see them before Anders was running at the freezing sea.
From behind, Fenris saw that his long back was latticed with more scars than he had previously imagined. The mage yelped as he got into the waves, feet hopping as if the water were burning hot, not freezing cold. And then he got past the shallows, and dove in beneath the cresting waves. Behind him, somewhere between the beach and the horizon, seabirds leapt squawking into the grey sky. Anders had burst up out of the blue water, laughing, tossing his hair back from his face in a whip of antique gold, tipping his long, crooked nose back and shutting his eyes as he raised his face to the watery grey sunlight.
And then Isabela and Hawke, laughing, had pulled each other’s clothes off and followed him, and Fenris had been left standing uncertainly on the beach, watching them, unable to decipher the ache in his chest as he waited for them to rejoin him on the shore.
It started in the Alienage in 9:30 on Wintersend. Anders had just delivered triplets, which was a labour that was exactly as harrowing and arduous as he had worried it would be. He hadn’t slept in 48 hours, and for weeks after he’d ascribed the events of that night to a waking dream. The elvhen women whose children he’d delivered had attempted to press what silver they had into his hands, and Anders had pressed it back into the mother’s wife’s hands, dizzy with the expenditure of his magic and the sheer weight of fatigue. Then he’d taken his staff, more as a cane than anything, and slowly left the narrow confines of their home.
His knee had been blistering with pain: and he’d known before the first kiss of snow that the weather had changed. His worst scars always warned him before the sky broke. Still, the coat he’d armoured over the years with reinforced leather and what other supplies he could scavenge provided little warmth against the night, so Anders was shivering as his breath fell in white clouds into the dark. Around the Vhenadahl, candles flickered against the wind in a way that only magical fire could, and Anders sent a silent half-hearted prayer to the Maker that the templars would stay inside their barracks tonight, and not make any midnight excursions into Lowtown.
The last person he had expected to see leaving Merrill’s home was Fenris, and he certainly hadn’t expected to see the elf wrapped in a mossy green, knitted woolen scarf. For a second the pair of them stared at each other, caught like apprentices out of bed past curfew. Then Fenris had flushed, ruddy against his dark skin, and marched past him. Anders had expected it to end there, but when Fenris got to the foot of the steps to the alienage he stopped, greatsword strapped like steel lightning to his back.
He turned on the steps, and frowned at Anders. “Are you coming?”
Anders had followed. Fenris said nothing for the whole journey, but he walked Anders to the door of his clinic, and when Anders swayed as he tried to heave open the heavy doors, Fenris had caught his elbow. Anders had stared at him, more startled by the unexpected gesture than he would have been by the Darktown floor, and Fenris jerked his hand back like he’d been burned. In one of the undercity taverns, a chorus of festival goers were singing. Fenris gave him a short, sharp nod. “Good night, mage.”
Anders nodded back, speechless. Through the broken walls of Darktown, snow drifted in silent clouds and disappeared into the blue ink of the Waking Sea. Anders was convinced for years that he imagined it when Fenris stopped again, on the staircase outside the clinic, and spoke in a murmur. “Happy Wintersend.”
It started on Sundermount in 9:33 Dragon.  Fenris had fallen, feet slipping in the mud, right calf failing him thanks to a slice to his leg that felt like it had split a ligament. His leg was a screaming burn and the rest of him was little better. The fog on the mountain was thick and white as dragon’s breath, and much colder, seeping through his armour and into his skin, and making the lyrium sewn into his flesh numb the veins around it in a bruising ache. Fenris couldn’t see Hawke, or Isabela, and he did not trust the mage to be anywhere than at Hawke’s side, for all that she had clearly long since promised her heart to Isabela. It was with a grim certainty that Fenris had looked up into the bloody, snarling face of his would-be killer, even as his mind ran through every formal strategy and dirty tricky he could think of. His fingers scrabbled in the dirt for mud to throw into his eyes, but his fingers were weak and stiff with the cold. The slaver’s sword fell.
Which was when six feet two of mage tackled him. Fenris stared as Anders charged at the slaver who would have killed him, throwing him down into the dirt. The mage’s staff was nowhere to be seen, and his hair was almost brown with the rain. His pale face was streaked with blood, and his coat and shirt were torn and scorched in places, exposing his bare, newly healed skin. Fenris stared as Anders tackled the slaver down into the mud and then reared back and punched him, hard, breaking his nose before punching him again, and again, and then taking a dagger from his belt and slitting his throat with brutal efficiency.
When the act was done, Anders dropped the knife into the dirt and scrambled to his feet, long legs skidding in the wet mud like a newborn colt. Fenris almost laughed, but in the absence of mortal peril his injuries were attempting to set his nerve endings on fire. His efforts to sit ended in him collapsing back onto the hill and praying to a Maker he struggled to believe in that Hawke and Isabela had dealt with the rest. And then Anders was there, face covered in blood and mud, hair clinging like kelp to his newly freckled and faintly sunburned cheeks. “Oh no you don’t.”
Magic fell over Fenris’ ruined leg like holy fire, and Fenris’ pain evaporated, washing away from one heartbeat to the next until it was merely a distant, terrible memory. Slowly, stiffly, Fenris managed to sit up, and for the first time in three years, Anders gave him a warm, honest smile. “There you are.” 
Then he’d stood, and Fenris had been dizzily reminded exactly how tall he was. And then there was a long, calloused hand, red with blood, fingers crooked with breaking, thrust into the foggy air between them. Despite himself, Fenris took it.
It started on the Wounded Coast in 9:33 Dragon. Aveline was attempting to woo her soon to be husband, Donnic, and Anders was struggling to understand exactly why that required Hawke and her friends to put their lives on the line. But the summer was late and hot, and the days were long, and Marian’s eyes were very blue. So he’d found himself in the shifting, midge-ridden dunes of the Coast, killing slavers and Tal-Vashoth, and only occasionally cringing with second hand embarrassment at Aveline’s attempts at flirtation. 
They’d dispatched most the ne’er-do-wells stupid enough to show their faces between the sand dunes, and were waiting for Aveline and Donnic to catch up in an appropriately concealed spot beneath the hissing reeds. Soon enough, their voices came down the path, not quite smothered by the close crash of the ocean and the whistle of the wind. 
“So I think it’s always best to start with a quick downward slash, and then follow up with a parry. It’s predictable, sure, but I think it’s good to get recruits started on what’s tried and trusted.”
Fenris had laughed, and for a second Anders thought the wind dropped. The elf’s voice was rough and low, and his laugh was too. He’d curled his lyrium-twined fingers at Isabela, and Isabela had rolled her eyes and presses a silver into his waiting palm. Fenris had pocketed it. Then he’d caught Anders staring, and cleared his throat, colour rising to his high cheekbones. Isabela had leaned across him, and Fenris’ flush had risen up the back of his neck and into the tips of his ears. Anders had tried very hard not to stare at it.
“Do you want in? Fenris thinks it won’t be until the third path.”
Anders had spoken, as he so often did, without stopping to think. “I wouldn’t have figured you for the romantic type.”
Fenris had met his eyes, then, and the elf’s were deep and green and beautiful. “There is a great deal that you do not know about me, mage.”
Anders had not been able to think of anything else for the rest of the night.
It started in 9:37 Dragon. They were in The Hanged Man, and Fenris was staring at the monster that wore the face of his nightmares. Corff was nowhere to be seen, nor were Maraas or any of the tavern’s other regulars. Fenris was trying to beat back the tide of cynicism in his mind telling him that he should have known they would betray him, all of them. That he should never have trusted anyone but himself. 
His sister stepped back, and his blood roared so loudly in his ears that he barely heard what Hawke said. But he heard his domi - Danarius - talking about his affection and his skills. It took everything Fenris had not to vomit on the tavern floor, and his mind revolted in a dizzy kind of horror as the impulse conflicted with memories of merrier disasters on these same stained floorboards. Then there were demons, and his mouth was thick with sulphur, and Fenris was fighting for his life.
It was like being back in the Provings again. Danarius had found his way onto the wooden staircase of The Hanged Man: the staircase that led up to Varric’s rooms, the staircase on which Fenris had once kissed Isabela and been pleasantly surprised by her response, the staircase where he’d found her kissing Hawke and told them it didn’t matter. Danarius had desecrated this place that despite the best efforts of Fenris’ anxieties had become like a home to him. Danarius had stood there, and watched, and Fenris had heard his friends’ screams as his master’s demons had ripped into their flesh.
Fenris had lost track of time, arms burning with the searing remnants of dismembered spirits, hands slippery with sweat and blood. But at some point the familiar relief of healing had disappeared, and he had belatedly looked up through sweat-stinging eyes to see Anders’ body arched in a translucent prison of blue light. Danarius had been watching the mage with an expression of terrible curiosity that Fenris knew well and feared more. His expression had been almost impassive as the mage shuddered and spasmed, blood oozing from his ears and flowing from his nose and down over his chin. 
Isabela was clutching a gash in her side that was turning her white canvas tunic cherry red, and Hawke was dragging a mangled leg through the broken furniture as she made her way towards her. Fenris stood frozen in the smouldering wreckage, trapped like the butterflies his master liked to collect on pinned boards in his study. Anders had collapsed in a heap at Danarius’ feet, and Danarius had stepped forward. Fenris’ heart lurched. 
But then Anders had surged abruptly to his feet and punched Danarius in the balls. 
Fenris laughed, a shocked bark that was too loud in the tavern following the battle, and Danarius had wheezed, and blood had spun about his fingers, and Anders had grabbed the back of his head with one hand and slammed his knee into Danarius’ nose with a jarring crunch, chest heaving as he panted. 
Then he’d picked up Danarius with all the strength promised by his tall, muscular frame, his training as a Grey Warden and the hearty meals Varric had spent nine years coaxing him into. Anders hurled Danarius down the stairs, where he landed in a heap at Fenris’ feet. Anders had looked at him, beard red with blood, body trembling with fury or pain or both.
“He’s all yours.”
And just like that, Fenris was free.
It started in 9:37 Dragon. Hawke and Isabela had fled across the sea, and Anders didn’t blame them. The Chantry was gone, and he was still getting used to the idea that he was meant to survive this. He still wasn’t entirely sure that he should, and Justice had been all too silent on the subject. So he spent his days in a waking dream, trekking for days and then weeks into the Vimmark mountains in the vague direction of Nevarra.
He hadn’t seen another living person for three weeks when an elf emerged from the fog, wreathed in white light like a ghost. Anders had stopped. His body and mind had long since become stretched too thin with hunger, horror and grief. Fenris’ countenance, for all its grim finality, came as an abrupt relief. At least he could stop running, now.
He’d dropped his staff, slowly, and held up his hands. “If you’re here to kill me, I won’t stop you.”
Fenris had not drawn his sword, but he hadn’t let the light die in his lyrium, either. When he stepped closer, he didn’t make sound, and for a moment Anders thought perhaps he really was a ghost, summoned by his imagination and too many nights in a decade spent longing for a man he couldn’t have. 
Around them, birds had sung in the early morning, and not far off a stream made its laughing way down the cliffs. “Why did you run?”
Fenris asked the question as if it held the secret to the restoration of the Golden City itself. Anders laughed, stepping forward and stumbling over his own feet and the thick mass of pain that was his long since ruined knee. Fenris moved toward him through the long, dew-soaked grass, but didn’t quite breach the space between them. Anders swayed into a mostly intentional sitting position on a moss-covered boulder. “Does it matter?”
Fenris had met his eyes, and his own were dark and green and beautiful. “It does.”
Anders shrugged, and shut his eyes, leaning his head back and up into the fog. Water kissed his cheeks, and he thought: it would have been worth it, for this. It would have been worth it, to feel the weather again. 
Something skittered in the bushes, and Anders opened his eyes and watched Fenris turn, bristling, to scan the trees. After a moment Fenris’ shoulders lowered, fractionally, and he turned back to Anders. He’d asked the question again, patiently, persistently. “Why did you run?”
Anders shook his head. “Because I didn’t want to bring you down with me.” Fenris’ eyes had widened a little, and Anders hurried on. “Any of you. I knew what I was doing, but the consequences were mine alone. I wasn’t going to subject you to them.”
Fenris had tilted his head, and the lyrium in his skin had sent shimmering refractions of light dancing iridescently through the fog. “I did not think you bore me so much good will.”
“More like I didn’t bear you so much ill.” Anders had corrected, before sitting forwards, feeling abruptly the weight of too many decades of exhaustion lying heavy on his aching shoulders. “It’s alright. I think killing me is the best decision, too.”
The glass had rustled, then, and Anders thought it must have been deliberate. But then Fenris’ feet were in front of him, stained green with the grass, and the light of his lyrium faded, leaving them both wreathed only in the sunlit fog. Anders looked up at Fenris, and he looked like some ancient king, backlit by the bright sky, skin dark and olive against the shimmering silver of his lyrium. “I’m not going to kill you, mage.”
And then there was a dark, calloused hand, silver with lyrium, fingers slender and elegant, thrust into the misty air between them. Anders stared at Fenris, and Fenris’ poker face cracked as he gave him a small, crooked smile. Despite himself, Anders took his hand, letting Fenris pull him easily to his feet.
“I’m going to help.”
It started in 9:40 Dragon, when the Circle of Dairsmuid was annulled, and over five hundred mages between the ages of six and seventy were murdered because they were allowed to see their families.  It started in 9:40 Dragon, with the rebellion of the White Spire.  It started in 9:40 Dragon, when Lord Seeker Lambert declared an end to the Circle of Magi.
It started in a tavern in Nevarra, at a meeting of former slaves and runaway mages. It started with elves, and second-hand weapons, and an apostate with a Fereldan accent who looked like an Ander. It started with an elf from Tevinter with white tattoos that looked like Vallaslin.
It started with rebellion. But that isn’t where it ended.
“No, words are a language It doesn't deserve such treatment And all my stumbling phrases Never amounted to anything worth this feeling All this heaven never could describe Such a feeling as I'm healing, words were never so useful So I was screaming out a language That I never knew existed before.”
- All This and Heaven Too, Florence + The Machine
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sunsumu · 4 years
Inarizaki x Team Manager!y/n
Genre: fluff scenario
a/n: someone sent in a birthday req for inarizaki, i think they deleted their req tho ))): anyways today is (or at least in my time zone) is their birthday! i kind of rushed this because i didn't really know what to write..BUT I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT!! happy birthday!! sorry this is kinda of late. i didn't really get specific with the present y/n gets or the cake she eats because you guys can substitute it with what you like. this isn't my best best work, but i tried..anyways hope you enjoy!!!  -admin oli💫
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“She’s turning the corner annnnnd.....SHE’S GONE! Alright guys, what’s the plan?”
It was their manager’s birthday in two days, so the team decided to plan a surprise party for her. They wanted to show her their appreciation for all she’ve done for the team.
“So Osamu will make the cake, we already got permission to keep it in the teacher’s lounge. The rest of us will do the decorations,” Kita explained.
As he continued he looked up at Atsumu.
“Atsumu, you have the most important part, you think you can handle it?”
“Pfft I can handle anything ya throw at me,” Atsumu answered with a confident smirk.
“You can’t even do ya own laundry without mom hollering at you ‘Tsumu,” Osamu said.
“Oi no one asked ya, ya ugly piece of shit!!”
“We have the same face dumbass.”
“You think I’m the dumbass?? What about-“
“Can both of you shut the fuck up??” Suna interjected. Hearing the twins bicker usually amuses him but this time it pissed him off.
The twins stopped fighting when they saw the look on Kita’s face.
“Anyways, Atsumu you will have the job of distracting y/n until we give you okay to let her come in.”
“Easy, I’m her favourite ya know.”
The whole team stares at Atsumu with disgusted looks on their faces as Atsumu gave a pleased, closed eye smile.
“I knew he has an ego but I didn’t know it was this bad,” one of the members whispered.
“Alright! Let’s do this Opperation y/n is now under go.”
“You’ve been watching too many spy movies, Aran. It’s making you meta,” Suna pointed out.
“Shut up eagle 2.”
Osamu makes eye contact with a make believe camera.
“People think Aran is the mature one but he’s lowkey a geek.”
“Where the fuck are you looking at and who are you talking to-“
“If you’re asking me Osamu is the meta one,” Aran added.
The next day, the team was on their toes. y/n couldn’t help but notice that they were acting a little weird.
They were gathered together and kept whispering to each other. They kept looking behind them as if someone was following them.
She poked her head into their little huddle.
“So what we talking about boys?”
With that the team scattered with a few rushed “hey y/n!!” and nervous laughter. Atsumu was left standing in front of you, staring at his team in disbelief.
“Did they just abandon me?? I mean it is my job to distract her but they wouldn’t even tell me what they got her for a present...” he mumbled to himself. 
“Jeez what’s up with them? Wanna go buy some bread from the cafeteria Atsumu?”
“Huh? What Oh yeah yeah sure,” he replied distractedly with a slight pout on his face.
He followed in y/n steps toward the cafeteria.
“Well that’s weird but then again it’s Inarizaki. People think we’re intimidating but they’re kinda off...” y/n thought to herself.
She decided to ignore their behaviour for now. Maybe if she messed with Atsumu he’ll spill the beans, but right now all she wants to do is go home and sleep.
At practice things were a little off. It was shorter than usual and the team seemed distracted.
“Alright, tomorrow’s practice will begin later than usual, so you guys don’t have to come early. That goes for you to y/n.”
“Will do captain!!” y/n replied cheerfully.
The team was in an awkward silence. The guys suddenly stared up at Atsumu. It took him a hot second to figure out what they were signalling.
“OH HEY Y/N!!”
“We’re standing next to each other you don’t have to yell-“
“Let’s go to this uhh place yeah this place after school tomorrow!! Since we have time before practice starts.”
The team collectively let out a small groan.
“hmm...sure! I got nothing else to do. Anyways I’m gonna leave first, see ya tomorrow!!” y/n said tiredly.
y/n walked out of the gym to head home, where her bed is waiting.
“This place.’ Nice one ‘Tsumu,” Osamu said sarcastically.
“Hey, it worked and she didn’t question it, so it’s FINE. You try to improvise on the spot.” he retorted.
Kita grabs the team’s five second attention span.
“Okay so tomorrow we meet up usual time. Atsumu you keep her with you at all times. We’ll bring in the cake and decorate the gym,” he said.
“What about the present?” their libero asked.
“I got that. I’ll bring it tomorrow and we can wrap it here too. It would look to suspicious if I walked into school with a present in hand.” Suna said.
“What did we get her?” Atsumu asked.
“Can’t tell ya. Ya mouth is gonna run loose.” Osamu replied.
Atsumu frowned, knowing it’s true.
“Okay, we all set for tomorrow? Everyone understands their roles?”
“Yessir!!” the team answered in unison.
“Day 2 of Operation y/n begins now.”
“Shouldn’t you be saying that tomorrow?” Suna questioned.
“Oh shut up with your technicalities.”
y/n’s whole day was the same as usual, ignoring the fact that the team has been weird lately. She feels like she forgot something though. Today feels like it should be more special but she doesn’t know why...
“Hey y/n let’s go!” Atsumu called from the classroom door.
Atsumu and y/n walk out of school together.
“So where are we going, Atsumu?” y/n asked curiously.
“It’s a surprise!” he replied with a wink.
The road they walk on slowly turns into dirt. Atsumu suddenly puts his hands over y/n’s eyes.
“Oh god, I always knew you’d be the one that kills me,” y/n said with a gasp.
“What the fuck are ya on?? No, I just want you to be surprised.”
Atsumu guided y/n forward and turned her. He released his hands from her eyes. In front of her was a field of flowers.
y/n’s eyes lit up with excitement and wonder.
“I have my ways. I knew you’d like it.”
He winked again.
The two of them spent some time wondering the field, being careful to not trample any flowers, and taking pictures.
Atsumu’s phone went off. It was a text message from Kita.
[Captain Kita: get y/n here in 10 mins.]
[Tsumu: will do boss!!]
“y/n!!! practice is gonna start soon let’s head back.”
“awww but it’s so pretty hereeee...can’t we just stay a little longer??” she pleaded with a pout.
Atsumu chuckles, “We can come back tomorrow if you want.”
y/n eyes are lit up with the excitement of a child.
“REALLY?? YOU’RE DA BEST ATSUMU!!” she exclaimed while hugging him.
The both of them walked back to school, talking about their plans to come back to the flower field.
[Captain Kita: you can bring her into the gym]
[Captain Kita: everything is ready👍👍]
“y/n you go to the gym ahead! I need to uh go to the...restroom! yeha i need to go to the restroom real quick!!” Atsumu said as he ran off in the opposite direction of the restroom.
y/n walked up to the gym doors. She slowly opens them. She is welcomed with darkness. The lights are off.
Suddenly they flash on.
y/n was shocked. This was what they were doing? Planning for a birthday that she forgot she had and NOT her murder?
“oh my god...y-you guys didn’t have to,” she stuttered.
“We wanted to show you how much we appreciated you!! You do a lot for the club, y/n,” Kita replied.
“NOW OPEN YA PRESENT, I’VE BEEN DYING TO KNOW WHAT IT IS,” Atsumu yelled, kind of out of breath.
“Where did you come from-“
“Took the long way around,” he replied.
y/n takes the nicely wrapped gift into her hands. She immediately starts shaking it.
“y/n you’re gonna break it, just open it-“
y/n carefully takes off the wrapping paper. It was too nice, she didn’t want tear it up. What she saw made her so happy. It was something she has always wanted!!
“Oh my god, THANKS GUYS!! How did you know that I wanted this?”
“You’ve mentioned it a couple of times and I saw you looking at them on Amazon during our free time,” Suna answered.
Osamu turned to y/n and handed her a slice of cake, “Have some cake y/n. I spent all night baking it.”
y/n took a bite of her favourite flavour cake.
“THISHH ISH SHOO GOODJS OSHAMYU!!” she exclaimed with her mouth full of cake.
The rest of the team got their slices and sat down eating it. They were making jokes and laughing. All in all they were having a good time together. Opperation y/n was a success.
625 notes · View notes
The Final Day’‘
This is absolutely going to be long and rambley af so I’mma just put a cut here. This is just one massive post for the entire rest of the game.
Rindo is back in the RG somehow. Which makes less than no sense. What was that crazy beam. Shibuya is GONE there isn’t an RG to send him back to, even if someone did want to send him back?
That beam reminded me of the Jesus beams not gonna lie.
But… Fret. Presumably Nagi and Beat too. They’re. Gone. Poor Rindo… That’s the worst kind of gaslighting. Reality itself is gaslighting this poor kid. ‘Your best friend in the world is gone, so gone that no one remembers him. You don’t even get to mourn properly because there is no one TO mourn.’  I am also not okay.
I assume this random talking to us at Hachiko is the dude I saw a brief glimpse of in a screenshot from the final trailer. Hazuki Mikagi, okay. Everything about this is supremely weird. 
Leading this weirdo around and he asked how we feel about emotions? Um, what?
Was he responsible for that beam of light?
This whole thing is extremely unsettling, I don’t think I like it. The music is all… serene, this guy keeps asking existential questions, who even comes up to some kid clearly having a bad day and demands a tour of the city.
He knows Rindo’s name even though we never told him. Not sure if that was a slip or an intentional nudge that Something is going on but there we go.
‘I should take this chance to apologize for Kubo. He’s a real piece of work.’ WHAT. YOU SEND HIM TO SHINJUKU?!?! IS THIS KID GOD!? WHAT!??!
‘Exorcised’. Like a demon. Which is a psychic rank you can get in the first game, and probably this game, ergo, a thing that exists in this universe.
Okay. So this Hazuki guy is Something Else. I dunno if he’s an Angel or higher or WHAT. He’s something. And he “exorcised” what Fuckwad had Fallen to when he decided not to stop at Shinjuku and continue on to Shibuya. But he only did this after Rindo faught so hard to stop it. And then he gave Rindo what he thought Rindo wanted. And now he’s here trying to understand why Rindo is miserable. Which to us, as humans, is obvious: the people he loved, the connections and family he had made through the game are all gone and worse, no one remembers they ever existed.
And now he’s being offered the chance to try again. This feels like a double edged sword. And I don’t care.
Okay I actually kind of appreciate the thing Hazuki is pulling here. He knows what it is that Rindo wants, I’m pretty sure he’s listening to his thoughts, actually, and in order to make Rindo own up to it he’s arguing the ‘no’ position. Giving Rindo someone to argue against so he can convince himself.
Bruh some of these clips were in the announcement trailer.
(I can’t wait to read the secret reports. That’s gonna be a wild ride.)
Oooooh that’s what ‘exorcised’ means. That is hardcore. He definitely deserved it but that is uh. Slightly inconvenient.
Can we actually contact Rhyme this time PLEASE. Oooh Rindo worked out Kaie is waiting for Rhyme. :O I’M FINALLY GONNA GET MY MASSIVE COUNTER OFFENSIVE FUCK YES. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I’M PUMPED LET’S FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!!!
Who’s gonna protect them. Beat. Really. Just give them the damn pins at this point. They both know their ways around a fight and Kaie might need the backup. If we lose, we’re all toast regardless, and if we win everyone gets put back where they belong.
AAAAAAAAAAAH SHE’S HERE!!! RHYME!!!! Aw… She can’t see Neku and Shoka cuz they’re actually dead. That’s really depressing. Makes sense but like. Oof. Especially for Neku.
I love that Rhyme still has a saying for everything.
This timeline is going to be a mess by the time I get everything positioned correctly lmao
Beat’s ‘How do you know about my sister?! Right, future.’ is never going to NOT be funny. It’s very refreshing to have a time travel plot where people just listen when he tells them shit needs to happen.
Is it acutaly Shiki time ohh my god. I might cry. Please tell me she has a face now. If her face is still illegal I will actually scream.
I’m offended. We didn’t get to go see Shiki. The betrayal. OH but now we might be? Stop playing with me, game. GIVE. ME. SHIKI.
Rindo was freaking out that we weren’t gonna be able to get rid of all the Noise around the café and I definitely threw my hands up and yelled when I saw the word ‘zeptogram’. And I read it before he said it, cuz I read v. fast. Nice to see you again, idiot. Please don’t go berserk again.
I am. Very impressed that Minamimoto managed to work out where the Dissonance Noise are coming from, down to the exact energy source that creates them. He nailed it. Well done sir.
I think… he’s proposing we awaken the city and use the energy generated by the thoughts and emotions of the living people to neutralize some of the Dissonance Noise that are waiting in the pin. Erode some of its power.
“How about this: I’ll talk, you type.” Lmao.
I got denied Shiki again. Part of me is annoyed. The other part of me is like ‘are they saving her entrance for when she can see Neku again properly because I can live with that’.
OH the Hishima cutscene is voiced now OKAY. Guess that means this is the one. Rhyme is voiced too. This is gonna be it.
And she speaks Minamioto. Coo.
Huh. Neku’s power is to sync with people. Which he learned to do in the first game. From Mr H, with the harmonizer pin. (Twister is playing and I have Emotions help) And now he’s gonna do it on an absolutely MASSIVE scale. This is insane. I am 1,000% here for it. Sync, Dive, Remind. And if I had to guess, we’re doing this atop 104.
Alright Shiba. ‘Mere. Tsugumi’s eyes aren’t all freaky anymore yay. Oh snap. He’s gonna unleash the Plague Noise against the Dissonance ones. Nice. Turnabout is fair play. I’m kinda sad Fuckwad isn’t here to witness that.
Alright. Change. Our. Fate.
“07734.” “Ew. Hey! Don’t just spout off numbers and walk away, you jerk!” That was amazing.
FUCK ME SIDEWAYS. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. NO. NO WAY. I DIDN’T THINK THERE WAS ANY WAY. OH. MY. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. This is the first time Neku’s seen him since Joshua failed to stop Coco from killing him. I’m. A puddle. Help. Neku looked so happy. My cat is slightly concerned haha.
Neku still holds his hands like he’s got the headphones. The same pose as in the first game when you scan. This gives me all the feels.
“They’re just mindless thoughts” Okay so I’m mentally exhausted at this point and I processed that as ‘thots’ and it was hilarious. BEGONE THOTS.
Okay this thing right here? This is a final boss. And it is cool as fuck. Too bad it’s trying to END ME. So cool. SO. COOL. Here comes phase 2 lol. I died and had to redo it. FML.
That. Was awesome. A worthy successor to the epic final strike of the first game. 999% eh?
I continue to not like Shinjuku rules. Once you’re a Reaper, leaving means you get erased once the game ends? Disrespectfully, fuck that. Oh don’t you dare, Shoka. Don’t. You. Dare.
Oh, Joshua is here. PLEASE. Lmao Shoka’s reaction. I’m sure he appreciates that, the drama queen.
*facepalms* Joshua strikes again. I’ve missed you, you little shit. You are terrible, but I missed you. Rindo, I’m pretty sure she’s fine. I think captain helpful over here reincarnated her for you. Since you saved him and his city. I guess I’ll see though.
Uzuki and Kariya continue to be adorable. I love them. And yeah, good luck calling in that debt from Minamimoto, Coco. Gooooood luck.
I’m having a lot of Joshua centered emotions right now there is too much Joshua all at once help. “I should have known I could trust you.” You are killing me dude. You really, really should have. I’m going to turn that line over in my head for way too long, I just know it, but let’s try to get through this before my brain turns off completely. “Let’s not keep her waiting.” OKAY THANKS I’M GONNA CRY AGAIN.
What Hazuki was saying about ‘purifying’ as opposed to ‘destroying’ Shinjuku makes me think that restarting it in some form was always part of the plan, so hopefully they’ll have luck with that. It’s still profoundly fucked up that any of that happened, and even more so that it was sanctioned. I’m. Going to be hung up on that for a while once it sinks in.
This poor idiot hitting on Rhyme is about to get got oh no XD
Shiki is breaking my heart. Aaaaaaaah!!! Reunioooooon.
Ooof it’s been a month since Rindo saw Shoka. Big oof. Joshuaaaaaa.
And then they almost got hit by a car lmao. OMG HE MISSED HER FRIEND REQUESTS AHAHAHAHAH YOU GOOBER. Neku really should have warned them that Joshua is Like That lol. Even when he’s being helpful it’s in the must backhanded way possible.
I would very much like to know why on earth Shinjuku needed to be obliterated though. Like. Does that… Happen often? Maybe the secret reports say.
Speaking of, time to get those, along with the rest of the trophies.
!!!! The title screen updated, NICE. Can’t let anyone who hasn’t beaten it see that but NICE.
There’s another Another Day. Oh boy. I am not ready for that madness yet.
Random thought as I was moving this from word, where I typed it: I’m really, really fucking glad they didn’t decide to deal with Mr H the way they dealt with sleezy mcfuckwad. That would have been… I don’t have a word.
9 notes · View notes
thecrenellations · 3 years
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Return of the Thief Notes, Part Three: The Book of Pheris, Volume 2, Chapters 6-14 and “Alyta’s Missing Earring”
Notes from my first read, October 2020. (Part One | Part Two | TaT)
Contents:  Elephants, guesses about gods and dead men, villain team up, the unexpected, AAAAAAH, elaboration on the word cloud above (which is one big Gen, medium Pheris, medium love, and scattered other names), and more quantitative analysis! I love this book.
Format:  Page number. My thoughts (Context?)
Chapter 6
285. unkingly moment, last night with her at home
MISMATCHED STOCKINGS (I have a thing about this.)
Wedges of ribbons?
285. cute
286. a pitneen? A drunk bird?
Wait. Gift of animals??? Did he steal the thunderbolts wearing it?
A canary no longer
287. Hilarion and Ion, wow
Throw a cup of wine on me
288. War pants! War pants!
What’s Attolia wearing?
Sophos! (the whistling!)
288. Ok fine it’s gonna be sad ... I say as if I didn’t just experience the trial (the last lighthearted moment)
Be careful Pheris
Also Relius went to Dite and Juridius, right? (I was convinced Dite would show up)
290. SOCKS! Yay <3 magus
I was resigned to not much magus but he is HERE!
He’s … so much nicer than he was to the kids in the Thief, lol
Lamb, falling in same paragraph. Worried.
Gen :( Gen you ran all over the palace and leapt in the water last night. You are so stupid.
292. Yay Sophos I love you
Math buddies!
294. I’M SAD.
They have had this convo before
I love them
It’s because I can that I think I should
295. Do not overreach. Eddis is right
Danger in self indulgence?
I love her! “I was outside chasing your brother with a stick”
296. My heart. You have to trust yourself. I don’t know if I can. Then you have to trust us.
Tactical Irene!
Thanks I’m gonna hold on to it: “The Call of life is a s powerful as the call of death, and it is no weakness to answer to it”
297. Oh no. My children. Tell each other things like that!
Great time to be childish, Gen.
Yeah honestly. It’s bothered her FOREVER
299. Pull it together, kids!
Thx Helen
Inkpots … :( :( :(
Chapter 7
302. See … that Continent occupation isn’t good either!
303. Unfortunately that is NOT an alternative. Bc volcano.
305. This is stressful.
Chloe, interesting
306. Elephants
Oh my god it’s better than I ever could have imagined (there was like 10 years of lead up to the elephants, and I thoroughly enjoyed them)
I love him
Gen wtf
Yes drink up those guards (“We could keep [an elephant] in the guard’s bathhouse! There’s plenty of room.” “And the guards will bathe ...?” “In the palace reservoir.” “Our drinking water.”)
#6 Gen about elephants
308. This is gonna be a disaster
Hilarion with an eyeglass
Fuck Pheris is making this up.
Gen I love you
Oh my god
Honestly idk if Gen is having fun but I AM
They’re. They’re such a power couple.
Also Bu-seneth is so rude to Attolia
309. so vague about battle, but I’m sure it’s horrible
310. hero talk. Chills.
311. all the woman comparisons for Gen (“Would [a world with no war and no heroes be a bad thing?” “That’s a woman’s question”)
Wow. Interesting. Anonymity
312. Don’t listen to them Gen!
Bad tempered cooks
313. lol. Good looks.
Gen. the hand joke. Why
Well that was … a scene (I don’t know my Henry V)
Reassuring to have a glove. Which one?
314. No. Bad. This is what I was afraid of. (Nahuseresh baiting Gen with Kamet)
Ok Pheris
315. That cannot be true. (it was not!)
Gen. No. No.
316. Wow. That worked out well. So far.
They called him annux. If Kamet is really dead…
319. Yeah Attolia is RIGHT
Yeah I can’t actually either!
Irene knows. In his story!
320. Glove resolved very fast
Interesting reversal (Gen and his dad)
Chapter 8
322. who’s charging off in a haze of glory now
Philologos wounded
Wait, the attendants follow him in to battle...
Cleon RIP
Temenus <3
No. Stenides
If they ever returned.
His brother died in an explosion
Gen’s tears
This is sad.
323. lion lamb :(
325. At least they have each other
Morality is an illusion. Like safety?
326. that’s what Costis was mapping, right? (nope)
How many has Gen killed now
328. Who. Pol? Ambiades? (The cairn man question remains)
Oh no
Oh no. you can fall from a horse
Is Fordad a spy?
I am just not accepting this yet
WAIT THE MEDES TOOK HIM! (I thought the Attolians had taken Gen, or Gen’s body, at first.)
330. wow things only Pheris can do
GDI Erondites
332. You gave it to him dude (Nahuseresh asking “Why does he still have this?” about Gen’s hook)
I love Gen. I wonder if he’s afraid.
This is bad.
Whose treason, whose betrayal?
333. Yeah! Kamet said so (“Tell me again that you are king.” “Annux, if you prefer.”)
334. Oh god.
Get your stories straight bastards
Rolled in a rug!
336. Oh gen
Oh god
Yeah this is …
Be careful what you ask for
338. What did he sign as, though, Attolis? Eugenides?
Nomenus wtf
What does mwt have against facial hair (Fordad, Nahuseresh)
Costis please come (idk how I thought he was going to help, but I was in Costis Denial and expected him to show up at any moment)
Everyone must be going through a lot
A face like an open grave
Gen I love you
Is he … invulnerable now?
Gen what.
Is he possessed? Is he already a god?
341. Yeah same. (“I think he meant that I should not fear him, either. I did, though ... I still followed him”)
This isn’t being self indulgent or overreaching, is it?
342. RIP Ion Nomenus
“My work”
Oh Nomenus
Does he just exist for the morally gray and loyal angst feelings? It works (...)
344. What did he DO
Yes! Swearing Gen!
345. love all caps Gen
Those names
346. Ooof.
Chapter 9
347. moon promises
Noooo Philologos :(
Legarus … :(
349. Gen what what
Costis? Stenides? STENIDES?
Wow ok he killed Bu-seneth
350. god
See I said Nahuseresh shouldn’t have said that
Also is Gen a bastard
351. WHAT (“Because your council had just voted to kill him”)
Oh Helen
Oh Irene
Does he invite him in?
This is reassuring to the reader (“He can bear his god a little while without losing himself”)
Aaaaah Galen
354. Gen that’s a lot. A lot.
Don’t kill everyone.
So so so x7 of doom
Bye Yorn
I hope he wins too
Go away Nahuseresh
another fall
Ok it was Lader (when you don’t know who the man at the cairn was, keep on guessing!)
Yeah the circumstances thing is back
Oh god
Oh no
Chapter 10
361. how long has it been?
362. three days
I love them (Elephants! My excellent queen!)
You promised to trust him
364. Oh no. Oh no. (Relius)
370. These Helen convos…
371. Sad. :(
372. Emtis and Lader
374. Wow
Steal by elephant?
377. Don’t forget about Dite!
378. He’s gonna kill him?
379. Is Dite dead too?
Oh Sejanus
Oh I see
He’s got a mercy taste too
380. Switching!
Lying in moonlight. Hm.
381. Yesss
383. I’m nervous
Gods blessing on your road
Wow. <3
They would have fallen… (if Pheris had gone through with his plan, that’s how they both would have died)
Did not expect Sejanus feelings in Rott.
Chapter 11
386. He’s gonna know. But the trust.
Ion knows.
390. Gen…
Pheris is Lyopidus?
I’m scared
393. I kind of love Ion
More Sejanus, bring it on
I’m nervous
Hmmm… who could it be
395. MoW :( <3 I will not be ok if he dies too
Gen knows the way bc Costis (nope)
Oh my god these two (“I lied” “I know”)
Chapter 12
398. Oh no.
This is not
Her Thief
Irene. “only sleeping” this is what Eddis said to her
But mist… water???
Face touch
402. not living or dead. King
Yes. But no.
403. crying at everything and the MoW next to him
There he went
It was the Eddisians. He fought with them.
404. yeah that’s a lot to deal with, Pheris
405. what a mystery man (Sejanus)
Lol mysterious exit averted
Excuse me that was a difference
406. :(
Am I king
407. Helen is once again right. She’s also always right
MOIRA was Melisande???!??!? (who even knows)
409. ?? Irene?
Same as for Dite. Man loves his brothers. (nephews. you know what I mean.)
AAH yup. Add it to the list (“How neatly you tie them together” ... the list of is ways Gen and Irene are becoming more like each other)
410. speaking of which where is Costis!
Hm… what god was that
I love their reactions
Oh Irene. It’s true <3
It’s so true (“When the king gives his heart he gives it completely”)
Now I’m crying again, at them
412. Gen, she has a point.
Amazing. I … I don’t think she meant to ask like THAT
Jesus, Gen.
You do not know a wagon from a wheelbarrow
413. Irene!
She’d better get home safe.
414. I have another bad feeling, about Gen
415. High king or queen though?
Magus <3
Chapter 13
416. “of course”
That’s ominous
417. No! Sejanus!
A gut wound yikes
418. sadness
419. lol “ill will”
We’re in Roa. My heart’s pounding.
422. I love Gen.
Yes I love them.
Costis. Mattresses exist.
424. Oh no.
426. roof dream
Good roof dream
Good job Helen
428. TWINS. Everyone was RIGHT
Oh shit. The sky.
Oh dear. :( aaah
430. Climbing the rigging!
“it’s just that you have so many least favorite things”
431. I love them (Gen and Irene)
432. I love them (Gen and Helen)
433. RIGHT! I was thinking
I can’t <3 (they’re naming the baby after the MoW, and it’s perfect, and she’s not gonna tell us, huh)
OH MY GOD!!! (baby thief!)
434. AAAAAAH (Hector! @threetoadswaltz​ finished reading before me and knew that I would explode about this and I DID, I threw my arms in the air! HECTOR!)
435. AAAAAAAAH (this was when it became clear they were going to dance on the roof)
Yes she was (as surefooted as the king)
Is this the first time she’s Irene
I’m filled with happiness
Celia and Lavia again … lol.
Lol Chloe
Kamet is a sweetheart
The gods!!!
The gods!
Mystery goddess?
Moira! Yes!
(I was very happy. The page itself:)
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Alyta’s Missing Earring
Wait. Was it Alyta.
Glad we got a bi god (with all due respect to Immakuk and Ennikar, whose bi-ness and godliness is perhaps more up to the reader)
Got very bi very fast
Also. He’s Gen.
Interesting difference in story
Are we literally getting ALL the answers? (No. But so many more than I expected!)
Gen’s grandfather sucks
An urn huh
Omg. Heiro’s earrings?
Oh my gosh.
Same, Gen. Same.
Obvs Phresine knows.
Is Phresine a goddess?
Same, Gen. Same.
She got to tell a story! She is so happy!
I think he’s a little scared
Yeah peace huh
This series is socially sanctioned silliness
1000 Eugenides. Wow.
They did melt though
Little thief.
<3 <3 <3
He’s a character in a story
A big question
Tamarisk? Takima? (We are not getting all the answers.)
That’s it! Thank you for reading - it feels very self-indulgent to type up all of these, but I will honestly take most chances to relive the intense and wonderful experience of reading this book for the first time, which often means looking back at my own notes and sometimes means sharing them with people. Also, I really love reading liveblogs/real-time book thoughts, so here is one from awhile ago ... all at once.
Anyway, check out this word cloud from all of the notes (made with this site):
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It’s ... mostly just character names, with a variety of words that express my enthusiasm and feeling (love, lol, wow, yes, excuse me...). Gen is the biggest because I said his name 115 times! Here are some totals for the other characters who came up a lot:
115 - Gen (and 10 Eugenides)
42 - Pheris
26 - Costis
18 - Irene (and 6 Attolia)
16 - Helen (and 8 Eddis)
10 - Sophos (and 4 Sounis)
12 - the magus
11- Kamet
11 - Teleus
10 - Relius
9 - Ion
6 - MoW
6 - Moira
5 - Sejanus
These don’t fully represent how much I had to say about them, because I didn’t always refer to people by name or title ... which kind of explains why Costis’s total is ridiculously high compared to how much he is in the book -  I likely have more notes about other characters, but I didn’t need to bring up their names because they were already present in the scenes I was taking notes on (for example, I think I talked about Relius more than Teleus, the magus, or Kamet, but many of those just referred to him as he, because it was obvious to me who I meant). But also I was just looking for Costis! Anyway. My use of names and titles for the monarchs also really illustrates how much this book reshaped the way I think of these characters’ relationship to them, Gen’s and Irene’s especially.
It’s representative of my feelings about this series that I wrote “I love them” about so many combinations of characters. Who, exactly? And how many times? Well...
5 - Gen and Irene
4 - Gen and Helen
2 - Gen and Pheris
1 - Gen, Irene, Helen, and Sophos
1 - Helen and Sophos
1 - Costis and Kamet
1 - unknown combo of Gen, Pheris, and Relius on p.166, I love them all and can’t remember. Kamet’s map was there, too, and I do love Kamet, so maybe he was in there too.
no matter what the numbers say, I love them all endlessly, and I love this book.
be blessed in your endeavors, yes I will take any questions about these notebook screams, etc.
12 notes · View notes
Rating: Teen And Up
Relationships: Hange/Levi, pure pre-Levihan
Words: 2176
Additional Tags: as Levi would say - shitload of them
Summary: Levi wakes up from a nap at the airport to discover someone’s pressed to him and won’t let go.
Written for Levihan Eggschange 2020 organised by @levihanweek ♥
Happy reading to my giftee and I only hope they will be able to find it ^_^
You can also read the fic under the cut, but if you have no problem with ao3 I recommend reading there cause I edit with ao3 in mind and it probably looks better there ;>
Stranger Snuggle
Everything was against him.
The burn in his thighs, the late sunshine blinding his eyes, the dirt on the streets making his smart shoes slide with every second step, the wheels of his suitcase, surly damned by now as he was pulling them after himself through all the curbs, his breath heavy when he suddenly stopped, knowing he wouldn’t make it on time. Everything. Fuck!
Levi kicked the automatic door moving apart in what must have been slow motion, because no fucking way it was their average speed. A security guard took a step in his direction but Levi’s one pissed glance made him stop and he entered the airport unbothered.
Holly fucking shit!
He came just in time to see his flight disappear from the departures board and the anti-burglar blinds go down in most of the stores, accompanying his misfortune. Taking deep breaths to calm down a little he went to the coffee shop in the middle of the hall, in which two workers were still hanging around, and glanced yearningly at the empty food display. At least he’d get himself something warm to drink, he thought, before the coffee shop staff informed him they had already cleaned everything and were as good as closed.
Fucking perfect.
Hungry, thirsty, exhausted from running and even more annoyed then a while ago, Levi sat on the nearest couch, clearly belonging to the coffee shop, and gave the workers another glare, making sure none of them would dare to protest. He took out his laptop and, cursing the too slow airport Wi-Fi everything he had in his rich shit-talking inventory, he booked the nearest flight home. The price was another thing to put him down, knowing he wouldn’t get a refund, not after spectacularly messing up his task. His next flight was at five in the morning, so in eight hours.
Eight hours for which Levi wouldn’t dare to go to the hotel by the airport because, one, he wouldn’t give himself a single credit he wouldn’t oversleep and miss yet another flight, and two, after wasting so much money on a flight alone he kinda shouldn’t be spending more, not yet.
So yep, he was going to wait there the six hours or so before he’d be able to check in, get rid of his luggage and eat something in the departure longue, since everything in the open space closed. Had he already though how fucked up things were?
It wasn’t fine but he tried to convince himself it was and not to think about coming work late and sleep deprived, straight from the plane, and alone. Fucking co-workers who not only didn’t show up to their meeting the scheduled time but didn’t show up at all, fuck them! He tried to ignore his empty stomach and the chill on his skin that he felt once he rested a little after his run. The little bit of sweat cooled him unpleasantly. The burn in his things was almost imperceptible as he was sitting, but the tired muscles were slowly sabotaging him and lulling his brain to give them a rest and sleep. Just fall asleep on the soft coach, which Levi was refusing to do, and the thought of all the people before him that must have been sitting there, sleeping maybe, half of them probably just as gross as he felt at the moment, was doing a great job in keeping him sober.
The crowds were thinning with time passing, as only a few planes were leaving at night, and the noise turned into a nearly silence, with the buzz of ventilation somewhere at the side of Levi’s consciousness, ASMR-like almost, and…
Levi thought that his pillow felt weirdly scratchy tonight. As if it wasn’t his pillow but one of the cushions from…
Oh, no.
He jerked up, remembering where he was and that sleeping there was absolutely unacceptable. Or rather he tried to jerk up, because there was something heavy pressing him to the side of the coach. Something hard and, to give it justice, probably being what kept him warm, because he didn’t feel the chilliness anymore.
Levi opened his eyes, expecting to see the hall crowded and someone, just like him, accidentally falling asleep next to him, but no. Except for a few people whose silhouettes he could notice on the far away, uncomfortable chairs, and probably the security guards luring somewhere in the dark, it was almost empty! So why, the fuck, someone decided to treat him like a human pillow rather than sit… Well, anywhere else.
“Tsk.” Levi snorted and tried to push the person apart, but instead they murmured something in their sleep and… Did they just slipped an arm behind his back? Ugh! Levi tried to wriggle a little, but all it caused was making the other one clutch closer, as if they were afraid their only source of warmth was going to escape.
Resigned, Levi looked around himself, noticing what in the dimmed light seemed to be a particularly used up and over-packed backpack with what should be an illegal amount of pins. Would they even be allowed into a plane with those? He took a look at the person by his side, now literally hugging him, which, while annoying him, was making him warmish and sleepy again. But the closer look was exactly what he needed to wake his normal reactions just a little bit, and he started to realise this was not good.
The backpacker kept half of his hair in a messy ponytail, the other half was almost covering their face, only a prominent nose was sticking out from the kind of greasy strands of hair. Yuk! Looking further down their body, which Levi couldn’t decide whether was female or male, he saw a giant, knitted sweater reaching half their tight, skinny jeans and…
Aaaaaaaah! There was a hole in their sock!
“Hey! Wake up!” He couldn’t take it anymore, seriously, the hole was too disturbing. “Come one, you filthy sleepyhead, I’m not a free mattress, shit!” Levi eventually managed to push them away, making them fall onto the other side of the coach, and he could see the front of their sweater that they were pressing to him looked like it had a particularly close contact with mud. Or something even worse.
Being pushed onto their back must have woken them up, because they yawned heavily and stretched.
“Is it morning already?” They asked, and Levi thought, judging from their voice rather than the slim build, that it was a woman. Because whom was he to judge people by their body build, nevermind that thought actually…
“No. But you’ve fallen asleep on me of all people, and I was concerned.” Levi said.
The woman looked at him as if Levi’s words didn’t make much sense and Levi saw the biggest, shiniest eyes he’d ever seen. Which was another thought he’d rather not have... Luckily for him, or maybe not so luckily, he was too tired to decide, the sight lasted only a glimpse, because she squinted.
“Where are my glasses?” She murmured, palpating through the coach.
Levi didn’t answer to that, more and more irritated with every passing second and slowly coming to the sober realisation that he’d been just chosen by this crazy, dirty backpacker. Maybe she didn’t stink, by judging by her looks she hadn’t seen a shower for a while now either. Disgusting. And who knew what else was on her mind, and what she was hiding in the backpack.
Eventually she found the glasses somewhere behind her and looked at him again, this time focused.
“You look annoyed.” She said. As if it was his fault. As if he was the weird one here, damn it!
“What a surprise.” Levi hissed, grabbed his suitcase and went to the other side of the coffee shop, the broken wheels creaking behind him. He could swear the weirdo was staring after him.
He barely sit on another coach when the woman came after him and sat, to Levi’s please on a separate armchair.
“What do you want?” He asked.
“Are you mad at me?” She asked back, as if it wasn’t absolutely obvious.
“Of course not, why would I be?” He said. Maybe it was his voice that he’d been told many times wasn’t the best to carry over his emotions, or the woman was just so dumb, because she seemed unaffected by his sarcasm.
“Good.” She said. “I was afraid you were.” She leaned to her backpack, causing in Levi an instant agitation, but when she opened it she took out… A thermos? She put in on a table between them and searched deeper, this time taking out two cups, and handing Levi one of them once she filled them. “I brought tea.” This, obviously, drew Levi’s attention.
Whatever was in his cup, it didn’t smell like tea. It didn’t smell like anything he could think of and he looked sceptically at the weird woman, but she took a big sip and smiled, so he decided to risk a sip too. It was hot, fruity, sweet and disgusting, but having nothing in his mouth since lunch he decided he shouldn’t complain. They were sipping for a while in silence when Levi’s empty stomach made a particularly loud noise and he felt hotness on his face, because this sounded more like…
“Oh, I have food too!” The woman said, because that was how weird hippie people were, Levi thought, and didn’t have power to protest when she offered him half of her sandwich that, unlike the disgusting crime against tea, was fine. He ate it in silence, still not sure how he ended up in this situation, and feeling awkward as he didn���t know what to say other than “thanks”. But the woman didn’t seem bothered, packed the thermos and cups back, and smiled.
“So…” she said “…when’s out next flight?”
The fuck what? If Levi was still sipping the gross tea, he’d choke.
“Our next flight?” Or rather just: “Next flight?”
“Yeah?” The woman said, looking at him the same way she did the first time, without glasses. “We missed the first one, didn’t we?”
And that lead him to the terrible realisation.
“Are you Hange then?”
“Yes?” She said, now looking really concerned, as if Levi was particularly stupid. “Wait a minute.” She said, and her eyes widened, the clearly indication that up until this moment she’d been convinced Levi knew who she was. “You didn’t recognise me.” She said.
“How the fuck could I recognize you if it’s the first time I see you? You didn’t show up to the meeting!” He heard his own voice slightly going up. The fuck? The shit was happening here?!
“I had to do something before leaving, I thought you’d wait for me, sorry.” Hange said, not sounding sorry for slightest.
“You thought I’d wait for you three hours?”
“Forget it. How did you know how I looked like anyway?” He asked, because that, if anything, was concerning. She shouldn’t have.
“I searched it.” Hange shrugged, as if it was the most ordinary thing in the word. She searched him. No matter how little he was supposed to know about her, he started getting an idea anyway. There must have been a reason she wasn’t just flying on her own and Levi was probably just the closest to fucking up he’d ever been. Absolutely fucking fantastic!
He took out his laptop again to buy another ticket for Hange for the same flight and he could feel her eyes on himself while he was clicking, as if she was trying to decide something.
“So when you woke up next to me you must have thought I was a complete stranger!” She said eventually.
“Yes.” He said slowly.
"And that I was some kind of a weird psycho."
"Yes." Levi repeated, not sure what the was was for.
Hange chuckled.
“I’m glad you don’t think that anymore.”
Levi mover his eyes from the screen to her.
“And what makes you think I don’t?” He asked, and rose an eyebrow. “Because normal people usually molest those they see for the first time to show they’re what? Friendly?”
“I didn’t molest you!” Hange protested, but her outrage was made up.
“Oh, no. No! You only trapped me in my sleep and didn’t want to let go. That’s a completely different thing! Thanks for making me realise!”
“Don’t be so dramatic! We’re assigned to each other for three years, you’d have to get used to it anyway. I had to do that to make sure you wouldn’t go somewhere when I was sleeping, what’s the big deal?”
Levi looked at her sceptically.
“I’m not paid to be your pillow.” It’s gonna be long three years, he didn’t say out loud.
“You could at least wash your hair! When was the last time you did that?”
“Does that matter?” She asked, confused. “Cause I don’t think I remember.”
Three very, very long years…
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allyvampirelass29 · 4 years
Bats in the Lake House
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Bats in the Lake House A NOS4A2 Review By: Allyssa J. Watkins
A silent night A haunting song Seeing Uncle Charlie in your dreams Wayne, what's wrong? Christmas is forbidden For little boys who must stay hidden But a Lake House is not a Batcave Why can't the dark knight play with Charlie Manx Unless Vic McQueen is in the grave? Come boy, the moon winks, beckoning to you Christmasland is your North Star Do me a special favour, Wayne? Tell me where you are........."
The Lake House, while being more flash than bang, although ironically, it ends in one hell of a one, (Aaaaaaaah yeah, I'm still dead!) was a fun, intrigue of an episode, although like one of the homemade McQueen explosives buried a little too deep in the ground, doesn't hit quite as hard. That being said, it has THE most eerily dazzling opener of the entire series!!!! Wayne tosses and turns, hearing the siren's call of the Found Children's song, drawn to the window in a trance, pulls back the curtain and sees....... CHRISTMASLAND!!!! My heart STOPPED. I knew it wasn't real, it had to be a dream, and yet seeing him there, knowing how hard Vic was fighting to keep him from it, was both a thrill and a chill!!! Who KNEW Charlie Manx makes House Calls!? I LOVED this entire scene, it was so suspenseful, the horror on Vic's face as she hears her son humming Silent Night, over and over, following and fretting over her little duckling, all around the house, not realizing that, all the while, Charlie is not only there, hidden behind the veil of a dream, but is coaxing her son, pulling out all the stops, ever the showman, as he sells young Wayne on the joy and wonder of Christmasland!!!
Again, I know I've said this before, but Our Darling Zachary Quinto, truly embodying his Vampire Chauffer counterpart, dons a new facet of his dark, intense beauty, and magnificent malice, each new episode, bringing his holiday fear, and terrifyingly good looks to the dead heat of summer!!! I kept thinking how I need only open the door unto such a dark, dazzling visage, and I'd be like, "YES, DEAR GOD, TAKE ME TO CHRISTMASLAND!!!! I also love the way he is with Wayne, so paternal, and sweet, and patient with him, always doting upon him! It's a joy to watch them on screen together, the little lad and the Big Bad, walking side by side, so innocent. I especially loved how Charlie had the vampire children stand far enough away from the window, so that he couldn't tell they were vampires, so as not to scare him! That was adorable!
Aha the candy cane!!! I had my suspicions, first with Haley, and then last week with Wayne, there was such a smug satisfaction on Charlie's face as he took it, and I knew there had to be more! Can I say, as a writer, myself, I thought that was pure, smashing, genius!!! The key to Charlie's retrieval operations, slipping into the Children's dreams, and convincing them Christmasland is where they belong. How exciting to learn the secret of the magician's disappearing trick!! All of these scenes were phenomenal, and my heart ached with an inexplicable longing the way he said it...... "Tell me where you are, and I'll pick you up straight away......." Happy fuzzy sigh. Yes, I said my own address out loud. Come and get me, Charlie Manx.
The weekend escape to the Lake House was such a fun, promising concept, a chance for Vic, Lou, and Wayne to spend some real family time together, away from the looming reach of Charlie Manx and the pressures paid for by being a Strong Creative, with Aunt Maggie, and a Fed or two in tow. Wayne seeing the ornaments in the trees gave me chills, and it was interesting to think the McQueen clan had a Manx stowed away in their youngest's mind. Chris continues to impress me, giving Vic some MUCH needed advice about loving and leaving, and how trying to do both can cause more damage than cutting ties completely. Maggie is an absolute delight, as ever, and I love, love, LOVED her comment about Vic's father becoming Bear Grylls with his Spooky, Horror Cabin!!!! That was hilarious, and I'm still laughing as I write this!!!
I also loved what she said about, "None of those dudes are normal." That was a really beautiful moment for me, and I suspect an especially poignant one for Vic. She's always seen herself an an outsider, even in her own created family, but here she finally sees that she's not alone. That normal isn't so normal for them either, and she doesn't have to carry the consequences of having this peculiar gift all on her own. Also, can I just say, I think this was a subtle, tongue in cheek hint, to Wayne being a Strong Creative, inheriting his mother's gift, and if I'm right, I am so here for it, beyond THRILLED, and crossing my fingers!!! What a perfect twist, for Vic to have a little soldier with a knife, and inscape all his own, in the fight against Charlie Manx.
The warm fuzzies continue with Vic running off the dock, and jumping carefree into the lake, splashing and playing with her boys. I loved this so much, it was profound, getting to see them all together as family, happy, laughing, not a care in the world. It was Vic choosing her family, taking the leap into what it means to be vulnerable to the pains of loving Lou without doubt, and being a mother Wayne could respect, and love, and feel safe with. It was the last golden rays of sun before the night set in...... and oh what a night it will be......
The Lake House flawlessly sets up the suspense, puts all the players in place, loads up the Wraith as it were, with the intruding menace, and potential to be the BEST episode yet. But I felt a lull, I don't know, like we were forced to wait around. I was ready, and dying for it all to get started, for Charlie to swoop in the dead of night and attack. I felt like I was prepared for a fight that never came. Yes, I realize it was all to set up for the next episode, and I am enamoured with the screaming danger that awaits, but I don't know, I hungered for a little taste of it now, as I felt all that built up suspense, and pent-up foreshadowing fizzle out.
Okay, deep breath, when I said the episode ended with a bang, I was NOT kidding....... Tabitha, throwing caution and FBI protocol to the wind, invades the newest iteration of the House of Sleep, without back up, but it's okay because she brought a mask. Yes, that was clever, the mask safety and all, but I just felt like she should have been so much smarter than that!!! Last time I checked, going off half cocked, and riding headlong into mortal danger was Vic's thing!!! I loved that Bing had a special shrine inside the church to Charlie, wreathed in Christmas lights, with his Wanted Poster, I thought that was cute, and such a sneaky little detail. I would have loved to have seen Charlie's reaction to that, I can just see his initially disturbed expression, before arching his dark eyebrow, amused!!
Damn, I thought the fight between Bing and Craig was as intense as it got, but Bing VS Tabitha, was easily just as pulse pounding, and blood curdling. I'm not going to lie...... I thought Tabitha was dead, the moment she went down into that church basement. I heaved a sad little sigh when Maggie said, "We all know what happens to cops who cross with Charlie Manx....." We love you Joe, and we miss you!!! I thought that was a both a bittersweet tribute to Joe, and also a foreboding as to Tabitha's own fate. Tabitha after a fight to the near death, scratching, and clawing for her life, subdues Bing, when a tall, dark, handsome stranger steps from the shadows, and Tabitha comes face to face with her own demons, and the man she swore couldn't possibly exist. "Trespassing is a federal offence," He says silkily, before slamming a hammer into her shoulder without hesitation .
My heart almost can't take what happens next, watching Tabitha and Charlie scrapple with an even deadlier ferocity, in the midst of Charlie's seething taunts about what a waste it was to kill her here, and I wondered, if he'd known who she was, that she was Maggie's own girlfriend, would he have taken her prisoner, instead of trying to kill her? Make some kind of exchange for Wayne? The click of a gun cocked, not even a breath in-between, as the bullet is sent screaming, burrowing through the dead center of Charlie's forehead. At three in the morning, I have to clamp both hands over my mouth, not to let out a piercing scream of my own!!!! Charlie falls, lifeless, donning every appearance of death, as the tears stream down my eyes, and Tabitha makes a miraculous escape.
Yes, I know, Charlie's immortal, I know the only way to kill him, is outside the church right now, safe, but watching him fall like that, the blood pooling on his forehead, was a fleeting moment of pure, abject horror, and I felt helpless, wanting only to hold and cry over him!!! Death itself has no hold on Charles Manx, however, and after only a taste of it, he rises from his fallen place, as reanimated as ever, a bloom in his cheek, reaching for the back of his head. In a move that is pure, and utter SYLAR, he pulls out the protruding bullet, long nails dripping with blood, and lets out a sinister laugh, that is both beautiful and threatening, his smirk morphing into smouldering, slanted brow, murder. Careful, Kids...... Charlie Manx is coming to town.
The Lake House is full of all of these flashes of meaningful little moments. I loved the conversation between Lou and Vic about how they found each other, and came together as more than friends. If we had met randomly, under different circumstances, neither of us in mortal danger, would we still be together? Would it still be me? I really appreciated this as a viewer, because they finally said what everybody else was thinking....... Before the third episode, I thought of Lou as Vic's life raft, a comfort she had clung to, frozen, in the midst of unimaginable trauma. The question lingers unanswered. Vic and Lou came together during harrowing life and death turmoil, they found each other just when they needed to the most, in the aftermath of a ghastly tragedy, but can their love survive without it? When the storm is over, and there is just life, without the threat of death, and continued kidnappings, when there is no one left to save....... Will Vic and Lou still feel the same?
Another one of these little moments comes at bedtime between mother and son. Wayne is such a smart, confident little guy, and he's handled his attempted kidnapping with such calm, quiet strength, that I think Vic thinks he's more resilient, and doing better than he really is. After all, he's still only eight years old. For him to finally take off his brave face cowl, and say, Mom, you're hurting me, this is why I'm sad, what I worry about, what I want, was such a powerful moment, and a much needed wake-up call for Vic.
Ultimately, I give the Lake House due credit for creating such breathtaking suspense, and leaving us wanting more. I hope next week we can delve right into the explosive action, and Manx's revenge, the full out attack on the lake house at last!!! No more teasing, NOS4A2!!! After all, It's not a family vacation without Wayne's favourite Uncle Charlie.......The stage is set, The Batcave is empty, and The Wraith Cometh.
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rosaguard · 4 years
summer waxes poetically about her favorite aeris gainsborough ships:
i never reblogged that five ships meme because...well i don’t have five aeris ships i care about lol. however, i was challenged(tm) so here is something close to it. i do feel like it is fitting to make this post on here since aeris was actually the first muse i truly started writing a ship on after asking someone first ( and i had been writing on tumblr for like...5 years on and off before that for context. anything before that was just..maybe flirting - nothing i felt invested in ).
aeris & happiness.
   the most important ship. the OTP. no other can compare. i think the biggest tragedy of aeris’ death is that so much was taken from her. she had so much to live for, so much to do, and her life was brutally and suddenly ripped away when she was finally getting the chance to figure herself out and rise to her full potential. i don’t want to aeris to die in the remake ( especially because everything about the whispers would’ve felt like a waste of time if nothing significant changes and aeris living is probably as significant as you can get ) but if it happens, it happens - i’ll just be really sad and disappointed by it lol. i’ve always been very clear that aeris’ death is not a bad one despite my blog canon essentially retconning it. there’s a reason she dies and it’s not to further cloud’s man pain ( he had enough of his own trauma already ); she dies because she’s a legitimate threat to sephiroth’s plans. she’s actually an example of a character death, especially a female one, done incredibly well, especially compared to SE’s recent output ( serah, luna, etc. ). also anyone who says she was created just to die is also wrong. barret was originally written to die first and they decided to change it.
    anyway, the point of me bringing all of this up is that i didn’t decide to do away with her death because i think SE sucks and they hate women. i did away with it because a lot of aeris’ character development ( her learning about the cetra at cosmo canyon, figuring out what the white materia does, etc ) is implied / off-screen since we never know her point of view and then well...she dies. i wanted to explore what her feelings would be if she woke up alive after being attacked while meteor is slowly drawing closer to the planet. how would she handle that? how would she feel? would she feel like a failure? would she be angry? what would she do after meteor is destroyed? would she travel the world? join the w.r.o? tell everyone to fuck off and then move to a cottage in the middle of nowhere and live the rest of her life in peace? these are the questions i wanted answered when i thought about aeris living. i don’t care if she ends up with cloud, or zack, or whoever because they don’t matter: aeris matters. she’s her own person with goals, desires, wishes, and more. no one talks about what she would want and do if she had lived. all people care about is what ‘man’ she belongs to as if she’s a prize to be exchanged between them.
   the second reason is simple that she fucking deserves it. she deserves it after living in a lab for 7 years and watching her mother die just trying to get her out. she deserves after having to deal with being stalked by the same company responsible for a lot of her suffering. she deserves to finally be around friends that make her feel loved, accepted, and cared for. she deserves to not feel alone, or like an outcast, or a freak because of her powers. she deserves to be able to go to icicle inn too and see footage of her father for the first time. she deserves to be able to go back to kalm and see her mom again. she deserves to live happily just like everyone else gets to do. her life has been filled with so much tragedy and pain yet she never lets it define her. she blooms in the face of adversity. she keeps smiling even up until the end of her life. she deserves happiness as her end-game and if i don’t get it in canon, i’m going to create it here myself.
aeris & cloud.
    i disliked this ship for a long time. it actually wasn’t because of the ship itself but due to some of my experiences with the shippers. i won’t go into my fandom experiences but i ran an account dedicated to ti.fa for almost six years so i’ve seen how...unpretty both sides of the 'ship war’ can get and it turned me off. a lot. when i decided to write aeris, i immediately started a replay of the the original game with an ‘aeris-lens’ ( analyzing her character, her relationships, making sure i got her date, etc. ). it made me look at her relationship with cloud in a different light since i had never really paid attention to it as heavily before since i avoided the ship tbh. i ended up enjoying their dynamic a lot. they have a natural chemistry with each other but there’s also this unspoken distance between them which is fully intentional - she has her own walls up and he has his. 
    they have a very ‘tragic love’ since well...she dies before anything can fully go to the next level. their relationship in canon is a very ‘what if’ and as a result, i often see people who don’t like the ship claim that they wouldn’t work because aeris wouldn’t be able to ‘deal’ with cloud and would’ve left. to be blunt, this a bad take considering supporting one another is prevalent throughout their relationship: 
aeris: i learned a lot. the elders taught me many things. about the cetra... and the promised land... i'm...... alone... i'm all alone now... cloud: but i'm...... we're here for you, right? aeris: i know. i know, but... i am the only...... cetra. cloud: does that mean we can't help?
cloud: ...i gave the black materia to sephiroth...? wha... what did I do... tell me, aeris. aeris: cloud... be strong, ok? He writhes and clutches his head. cloud urrrrrrgh... what have I done!? aeris: cloud... you haven't done anything. it's not your fault.
cloud: yeah, I hear you. sorry for what happened. aeris: don't worry about it. cloud: ...i can't help it... aeris: oh... then, why don't you REALLY worry about it? and let me handle sephiroth. and cloud, you take care of yourself. so you don't have a breakdown, okay?
    the remake only reinforces everything i like about their relationship: their banter is great, aeris gently takes his hand during one of his ‘moments’ and supports him, she confides in him about talking to her flowers, and he never treats her differently ( which is a big deal when just two nights before, he told someone to ‘get help’ when they claimed they could hear the planet lol ). they have so much in common as well: they both have struggled with loneliness, being an outcast, and not having a lot of friends. i’ll always find it incredibly interesting how cloud is repeatedly not invited to be apart of group functions in the remake ( he wasn’t allowed to celebrate with avalanche and had to sit outside jessie’s house as the others ate pizza ) until he met aeris and she invited him to have dinner with her and her mom. despite the ‘bodyguard’ dynamic to their relationship, they always feel like equals to me.
aeris: today’s special!!! cloud: why? aeris: because i met you, you dumb binch!!!
aeris: *says cryptic stuff and tells him that they can’t fall in love* ( i’m saying they because apparently in japanese / other languages she says ‘we can’t fall in love’, not just ‘you can’t fall in love with me’. ) cloud: uh....how about i do anyway??? also i’m saving you so...see you tomorrow at 11. bye.
me: their relationship never gets to a serious level because the opportunity was taken away from them de to unfortunate circumstances. 
also me: they’re just just...dumb and in love!!!! i’m sorry, that’s just the way it is!!!! she literally tells him that meeting him again was special to her and the silly boi doesn’t get it!!!! one of the composers of the game even said a tracks that plays with them is meant to have a romantic vibe!! when she pulls away from him, he reaches out for her because he doesn’t want her to let go!! the lyrics of hollow is literally ‘this time i’ll never LET YOU GO’ AAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!
    anyway, i’ve also noticed this weird trend in the fandom where it feels like cloud is never allowed to just has his own dedicated feelings about aeris - and i’m not even talking about romantic feelings. i feel like whenever there is talk about cloud’s relationship with za.ck or ti.fa, no one inserts aeris into it. they’re allowed to have their individual relationships with him yet with aeris it feels like you cannot talk about how much she meant to him and vice versa without other characters being thrown in. i don’t know if it’s because of shipping and people don’t want to acknowledge that like...characters can have feelings for multiple people or what but the reality is that cloud did feel something for her. she did mean a lot to him; so much so that he slept in her church two years after she was dead and went to her burial place alone. he missed her.  maybe it was just as a friend, maybe it was because of something more but i really dislike how their relationship and importance to each other, regardless of whether it’s platonic or romantic, is constantly invalidated.
aeris & gene.
     when kas / @castershot first created channels for gene and aeris in our rp server last year, i honestly did not think these two would have a serious relationship at all. i figured maybe they would have a fling or something at best / aeris would be the equivalent of a filler character in a few episodes of the show and then they would go their separate ways. ...that didn’t happen but i’m glad it didn’t! i didn’t know a gosh diddly darn thing about outlaw star but i’m very good at researching and aggressively reading wikis so i was able to whip up a verse ( and someone who watched the show thought i had actually watched it after reading my verse so i guess i did a darn good job! ). anyway, i feel like when writing aeris it’s very easy to...hmm...fall into very certain dynamics and considering gene’s line of work ( doing odd jobs, being a bodyguard for hire, a general jack of all trades ), i didn’t want it to be the ‘he’s a bodyguard, she gets protected, blah blah blah’ dynamic but in space. so their relationship ( at least in my head - there’s a lot going on in there tbh!!! ) basically became somewhat of a deconstruction of cl.erith + ( bad ) stereotypes about aeris in general:
      what if the helpless flower girl that needs saving from the big bad corporation is actually a liar who works for said corporation and was sent by them to retrieve something important(tm) and eliminate anyone that gets in her way? what if aeris, a secret member of the turks, has become so desensitized when interacting with other people since she is constantly wearing a mask and she can’t tell if she’s genuinely falling for someone or if her acting is just so good that even she can’t tell what’s real or fake anymore? what if i took all those bad takes about aeris knowing she would die, flip it, and actually make it so that she does know and still goes alone anyway because she wants to save lives for once instead of being the person who takes them away!!
me: imagine the drama!!! the angst!!! kas, casually: [redacted name b/c of spoilers] would just bring her back to life. me: WHAT?! >:(
apparently one character in the show is casually just GOD and can revive people so they can come back like:
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    my bubble was BURST. dreams DASHED. plans CRUSHED. dramatics aside, i still kept the idea of her dying because i do like the take of a more secretly jaded / not as ‘pure’ aeris that works for shinra and has to basically relearn how to trust / care about others again + i live to attack kas and all of her muses. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.  anyway, the point is that i love them and they’re a dynamic i’m very invested in the more times passes. they’re both so stupid and passionate and loud ( the first in character thing i wrote when i remade this blog was them screaming at each other in an argument ) but they’re also sensitive, don’t open up to others easily, and have trauma!! oof x 100.
me: this ship won’t be serious lol the ship, months later: may or may not have a thread with them going on a date. may or may not have gone to ti.fa and cloud’s wedding together ( where kissafist’s tif.a may or may not threaten to smash his balls in if he doesn’t treat aeris right. *smash em, rip em plays in the distance as aeris aggressively laughs nervously* ), they may or may not get married and have twins that may or may not be named ren and rose. me: clown putting on make up.png
so yea, they’ve come a long way(tm).
the end.
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twilightknight17 · 4 years
Goodbyes! Endings! Fish! Yelling!
This ending wraps up better than the original, but still leaves some things.
There is so much in this game that one loop is absolutely not enough to see and do it all.
Where last we left our intrepid idiot, he was buying flowers for his White Day dinner date.
Surely I will be allowed to leave the mall and sell my stuff and visit the Velvet Room. After all, what if I spent every last yen on items to use against the final boss? I would have no money for flowers!
But no. I am imprisoned in the mall and Morgana somehow pays for the flowers. Hanasaki has no comment on this except to wish me luck on my date. Wow.
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Sojiro, who the heck do you know that your name got us a table at a fully booked formal restaurant??
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Okay so this isn’t the Skytree restaurant, but SOJIRO??
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....yep. That’s me. Even when someone else’s wishes mean destroying my heart. Probably hypocritical to say that while I’m on a date, though.
So it feels like there’s more people you can talk to on the last walkaround. Not just your confidants, but random people in the street, and other named characters. Mika’s at Seaside Park, Takakura, from Haru’s social link, is in Kichijoji, Dietman Matsushita is in the Scramble, the little girl from Takemi’s social link is in Yongen with her dad...
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.......you’re so poetic, Yusuke. That’s lovely.
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Finally, an ad perfectly tailored to me.
Maruki’s friend is in Kichijoji, and wants to know if we’ve heard from him. We have not. We are not friends. But apparently he’s still alive, which... hm.
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I’m tired of his crazy stuff, sir. I just want to see my friends and go on a roadtrip in peace, thank you.
I’d never noticed before that Morgana’s eyes glow if you use third eye.
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So if you go to the jazz bar, you can basically have the conversation with the manager from Proof of Justice.
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He’s surprised when Akira says he doesn’t know, because he never saw Goro with anyone else. He’s also worried, because he hasn’t seen Goro in a while, and wants Akira to tell him to stop by. Akira is briefly melancholy, thinking to himself, “But Akechi is already...” But then he finds Goro’s glove, still safely in his pocket, and reminds himself that their fight isn’t over yet. The jazz manager says he’s looking forward to seeing you both come in together again.
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It is, Morgana! I really want this sofa. This is my sofa. It was made for me; just look at it!
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....is this why Ryoji’s Arcana is Fortune? XD
So you can talk to a random idol singer from a Mementos mission in Akihabara and
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what the fuck is this. what bonus does this give me?
Sumire is not present for the final walkaround, which is...weird. No relationship trinket? That’s disappointing. Especially considering I got a gift from some random idol.
And now it’s time for the ending. The kids are worried about being watched/pursued by the suspicious black car, which honestly, I’ve had enough suspicious black cars in relation to Persona to know that whoever this is, is not good news, police or not. ;)
But instead of sabotaging their car, don’t worry, a taxi is here to take Akira to the train station while his friends distract the men in black!
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......did you dye your hair??
Anyway Akira has no sense of self-preservation because here he goes getting in a car alone with this guy.
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We are not friends. I am not fistbumping you.
He does drop Akira off safely. Akira’s friends swing by for one last speedy goodbye and then are off again on a merry chase, and Akira goes home alone except for Morgana, which I have...several feelings about. The game goes out of its way to demonstrate that Goro is still alive even if Akira misses seeing him, because the whole world is based on what each person sees and feels, and Akira fucking feels in his heart that Goro is still alive and will come back to him one day.
Time to open up the other save and burn two weeks to see the Palace failure condition!
...I still sort of want to do this over and rescue Arsene. It’s not like I have much else to do these days. I just want my unholy powerhouse Arsene for NG+...
Anyway, I’ve also learned that having two weeks to burn with no other responsibilities is great for grinding stuff for the awards. I spent like a week straight at the fishing pond and have become a Fishing God. Did you know that there’s an even bigger fish than the Guardian? Fishing pond guy was like, “In this weather, you might see...him.”
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Look at this ridiculous fucking fish. XDDDD
I also went to the batting cages and I still suck at batting, but I made it eventually. The home run award is terrifying.
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Okay, still a few days left, lets go play billiards, since I never went and did that during the game. I guess I’ll pick up this billiards book this guy recommends, too. I dunno why I need to be better at billiards, though, it just gives everybody social link poi--
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....what the fuck is this??? This only unlocks after you read the book? You can guarantee a knockdown if you have max technical rank?? You need at least four days, 2 books, and a really expensive pool cue for this??? Akechi’s only response to you pulling off some ridiculous curved shot is, “That was pretty good”???? I made it through the whole game thinking billiards was just some way to increase everyone’s social link at once????? Aaaaaaaah??????
Morgana gets very upset the closer you get to the deadline. “We HAVE to go to the Palace tomorrow!” Okay, but have you considered...going to the temple for meditation?
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...oops. He’s already mad. X’D Meditation?
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Now, now, honey, don’t worry, we can technically still go tomorrow afternoon and just send the calling card when we get back. It’s fine. Today I’m gonna hang out with Shinya. Everything is under control.
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....Akira, NO.
Anyway, for all of Goro’s grumpiness, he doesn’t turn down an invitation to the jazz club. Hey, it’s only fair, darling, you took me out for drinks the night before the interrogation room.
It’s only right that I return the favor the night before I betray you in return.
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You showed me this place, dingus. XD
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...I am. Sorry, Goro.
Akira goes to sleep the evening of 2/2 wondering if he made the right decision. That’s the problem, ‘Kira, you didn’t make a decision at all.
“I wanted you to accept my reality of your own free will.”
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Lavenza trying to reach him and just...fading away is painful.
I will say without hesitation that this is the worst ending. To copy-paste what I said elsewhere:
Akira's sleeping in the attic. Presumably for months, given the cobwebs. Where are his friends? Fallen back into their own dreams? Did they just give in without him, forget about him, never wonder where he went, because they have what they wanted? And Goro didn't even have a dream, so he's presumably left alone in a world that he can't stand but can't do anything about because it's permanent now. Maruki can't even give him Akira, because Akira's asleep, and Goro probably feels betrayed anyway. Akira's going to sleep forever, forgotten by everyone who was supposed to care about him. Even if he regrets choosing the dream world in that ending, at least he's there.
I think what's throwing me off is Maruki's absolute insistence on not changing Akira and Goro's cognition without their consent. Putting Akira to sleep feels like a loophole, but if he really believes that Goro is just a creation of his power, maybe Akira's consent is the only one that actually matters to him.
He's only ever really concerned with asking Akira. He even says on 2/2 that he knows Goro's not going to be fazed by the idea of his life being in danger. But if Akira agrees to stay in the fake reality, Goro's happy along with the rest of them, even though there's no way he agreed with Akira's decision. Maybe Maruki's willing to alter Goro to match Akira's wishes because he thinks he's not the real one. As long as Akira wants the real Goro, he doesn't have to worry about being overwritten. But if Akira's sleeping...
Maruki’s so kind, isn’t he?
The true ending feels so much more like it would lead into Scramble than vanilla. Still being chased by the police? Yeah. Everyone splitting up and therefore being out of touch for months? Yep. Seeing Joker in the window? Meta-space is still there and ready to warp into a Jail at the slightest nudge. I don’t understand Atlus’s writing decisions.
That whole thing with Goro does mean they owe us an actual sequel. The game literally says their fight isn’t over.
Beating the game means everyone is in the Thieves Den now, so we get some lovely interactions like Sojiro contemplating the Mona copter, and Makoto warning Ann not to tell Goro that she thinks Loki looks like a zebra.
Also that idol CD is some kind of ridiculous bubblegum idol pop song on my music player now. For one coin. Oh my god.
So... I guess the last thing I want to mention is Maruki. Because he’s a great character. I want to punch him more than I got to. But, and I’ve talked about this with a friend, I cannot wrap my head around how powerful he is. Takuto Maruki is a human being with a persona, just like the Thieves, and there is no explanation for how he got that strong. Yes, his persona is an elder god that evolves into some kind of creation deity, but it’s still just his persona. It’s not like Nyarlathotep acting as someone’s persona while still being a separate, ridiculously powerful entity. There’s no indication here that Azathoth or Adam are independent from their user. So I’m expected to believe that this man awoke to his persona and was able to use a power on-par with the God of Control...just from himself? No deity or monster backing him up? Really? I know he made a career studying cognitive psience, but this is...a little much. Having Nyar around would have cleared that up just from his general presence. XD
Anyway, I loved it. I loved absolutely all of it even if Okumura’s boss fight was a bitch. I think I’ve unfortunately made the decision to go back for Arsene, so I’m definitely going to play NG+ after I take a break to play something else first.
There’s three bonus bosses and the Reaper left to fight, after all. ;)
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painandpleasure86 · 5 years
A Christmasy Introduction
Author’s note: Hi people! I joined to participate to the initiative Thank God It’s Christmas (TGIC) hosted by @dtfrogertaylor . This fic is my gift to the lovely @zestysexmachinefromzanzibar ... Yeah sweetie, i’m your SS! Sorry for the delay... Also tagging @warriorteam1924​ bc she asked for it lol.
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Fem!Reader
Words’ count: +1.3k
Warning: FLUFF!  A lot lol. Also a bit of angst.
Summary: Xmas familiar reunion and it’s the best moment to introduce to your new boyfriend. Some complications but... will working?
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After two years of being alone, love knocked at my door again. I was afraid to respond to their calling. But I thought "and if it's that person?" So, I risked my heart again, but until now I see that's worthing it.
I met him in the most rare situation. Since then, he always was kind and funny. Smiling a lot. Was so incredible when he asked for my number and wanted to see me again. Really? Me? I don’t know what he found in me, but i’m so glad for makes me feel special.
More I know him, more I love him. He makes me happy, loved, accompanied… Even since the distance, cheering me up with my finals. “Don’t give up my love. I know that you can!” he often told me via Whatsapp. 
After my finals, we had some time together, until he started to travel for job stuff. Was so hard let him go, despite the reason. These days together (my best friend sometimes being the third wheel hahaha) I hugged him almost all the time, savouring each moment with him…
One night we were talked about his introduction to my family. We were lying in my bed, lights off, me with my head over his chest, my right arm hugging him. He was hugging with his right arm, eventually caress my face with his left hand. A little note, both were wearing Christmas socks, so cozy.
"December 14th will be the familiar Christmas meeting, and I told to my parents that you will be there… but I feel like I said it more like a desire than a real thing", I said caressing his chest with my hand.
He gave me a kiss in the forehead, while he put his left hand at the back side of my head. 
"I'll come back to the right moment hun. Don't worry". He was caressing my hair. "Yeah, I'll have a lot of work that week, but I'll be there. And I know that they will love me".
That made me giggle like a kid. I hugged tighter.
"I hope that at least you can be when be time to eat our dinner".
"I hope the same. But I don't know. The think that I know that I'll be there." Another kiss in my forehead and tight hug from him. I can feel his heartbeat. That relaxed me. And I visualized his face, surely smiling sweetly. That smile. He looks like a baby, but meanwhile he don't talk. His voice it's so deep...
Following morning he should leave my house. But not before giving me my breakfast in my bed. He entered to my room with that tray with my fave breakfast, I sat in my bed, with my legs still covered for the blankets, and he left the tray in my lap. After that, he stared near to my bed, watching at me.
"It's your way to say 'I'm sorry for leave' ?" Asked to him smiling a little.
He still watched at me.
"It's my way to say 'I love you and I'll miss you' ". His cheeks flushed. A shy smile appeared in his face.
I left the tray at a side of my bed and I raised from my bed to hug him.
"Go to take your breakfast before your coffee be cold" he said.
"I'll close the door for you" I almost whispered in his ear.
He giggled.
"Okay. But, after, go and take your breakfast!" he said playing serious and ending the embrace.
"Okay daddy" and I laughed. 
He bit his lower lip, looking at me.
"Gosh, don't make it harder" he almost begged.
Trying to be funny, I added "Hardy?" And I start to cackling.
My laugh was contagious. He started to cackling too.
"Well played y/n". And started to go to my house door. 
When was time to unlock the door and say goodbye to him for last time in a while, I was kinda nervous. "Shit y/n, calm down… you will see him soon" I thought while I tried to open the door.
"Bye my dear. I love you." And kisses me softly. I was going to miss that lips so badly. 
"Love you too. Take care!" I almost screamed taking his right hand.
And he left my house.
I sighed deeply. After, locked the door again and I took my breakfast.
Some days before December 14th, I was helping to my grandmother baking cakes. Also, making candies! I was so excited for the reunion!!! Not only for the ocassion to meet my family, but also for introduce my new boyfriend to my family.
Meanwhile my grandma and I we were baking cakes, we talked a bit about him.
"So, he's an actor?"
"Exactly, he acted as Roger Taylor in Bohemian Rhapsody" I added.
"What?" she asked genuinely.
"The blond drummer in Bohemian Rhapsody… Freddie Mercury's movie!"
"Aaaaaaaah gotcha. I know who he's. His face it's roundy." and smiled a little. I love how she looks smiling. 
"Grandma!" I laughed.
"Well.." she sighed a bit. "Anyways it's so beautiful man. And seems so kind".
"You aren't wrong with that" I said smiling and blushing a little.
My grandma watched at me surely with a candid smile.
"Oh my dear, it's so noticeable that you're in love with that guy!"
"Yeah…" Now was my turn of sighing. My smile faded. "But I don't know if he will be here for the reunion." 
She cleaned a bit her hands with a napkin and put her left hand in my right shoulder. She reclined her head in direction to me.
"Y/N, will be here. Relax. You told to him that we will wait to him to see his latest movie in Netflix?" 
"Yeah" I smiled.
"He will not lose the opportunity to tell stories about the behind the scenes meanwhile we are watching the movie" she said.
Watching at her eyes I said "it's an +16 movie…"
She returning to her labor, said with a laugh "we will put some kid movie to your cousins, nieces and nephews. They will be so entertained. Or gave to them the tablets to play some games. Gosh nowdays kids loves watching at some screen" she added.
We came back to our silence.
December 14 came. All the family coming. Hugs, kisses, selfies. We start to eat. And the ask start to sound.
"And your boyfriend?"
"And our new cousin?"
"And my new uncle?"
I was started to be pretty overwhelmed of that asks and their reaction to my response.
"It's real?"
"Why adult people make promises if they break it?"
"I hope that he come here!"
I messaged him, pretty worried.
"Hun, you will be here. We starting to eat our dinner"
"Yeah, I'm about to knock your door" he replied.
And a knock sounded.
"I'll go to open the door." I almost screamed standing up of my chair.
I open a door and he appeared… with a Santa costume!
"Ho ho ho! This is the house of y/l/n family?" he said entering to the house opening his arm.
My nephews and nieces came to hug him, screaming "SANTAAAAAA!"
"Cool, you're dating to a young version of Santa?" joked my elder brother.
Ending the embrace with the kids, Ben stand up and quitted the fake beard and the beanie. 
"You aren't Santa then?" said one of my nieces, kinda disappointed.
"I'm… his messenger. Your gifts will be on time! And don't forget to let diet Coke and cookies, and enough water for the reindeer!" he said, winking an eye at me.
My relatives laughed for that reference.
Watching to my family and hugging me, said "I'm y/n boyfriend. Glad to meet you! Sorry the delay"
Hugs, kisses, shaking hands. All so warm. My smile couldn't be bigger.
When the greetings time ended, my grandma invited to sit "here, next to y/n". 
They started to ask so many things, and he responded all of that asks kindly and with that cute smile that I love.  I watched at him and my family smiling. My heart was full. A reunion that will be memorable. And I hope be the first one of dozen of them.
Reblogs aren’t obligation, but i’ll appreciate it :3
-Lily (TIG)
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
JiBcon 2019
Hi everyone, welcome to my early recollection of the “what the fuck is going on” JiB convention.
So as I hope many of you know I’m Italian, but I live in the North ( lol long live the North y’  all, it’s the best I guarantee, I mean I always miss the north so much every time I leave). Anyway, Rome is like not even an hour flight from when I am so I didn’t even felt the flight nerves because it was over even before I could say: “ fuck I wanna land already!”.
[Listen I have a lot to say, this is going to be real long so get ready]
1ST DAY, 17th May
I arrived in Rome Friday at noon and went straight to my hotel, not the Hilton because.... lol, it was a hotel like 5min away ( but still they charged me 8€ like....yeah alright forgot I’m in Italy, not that surprised).
Took a shower and then went running around the city to see as much as possible since the next two days I wouldn’t be able to. My feet were destroyed btw.
Whatever forgot to eat until I came back to the hotel at 8pm or something, fell into bed and lights out. I say lights out as in I switched off the lights, my eyes were wide open because... FUCKING JIB TOMORROW !!.
2ND DAY, 18th May.
Got up at the healthy time of 6am *groans in Italian* and got ready as best as my trembling hands could. I also tried to curl my hair but the second I got out and on the train, they were already fucked, THANKS ROME HUMIDITY.
Went to meet @purpleskiesandcherrypies in her room and, to quote her: “sHe’s sO ShoRT AnD CuTe “  y’ all. I was already in love ok? Nat babe, I love you and you are my queen ok? 
Anyway, we kept pacing in the room not knowing what to do and repeating that this was a really bad idea and fuck this shit and we are not fucking ready and why did we do this thing to ourselves,  for a couple of stressing minutes,  like two normal healthy people right? and then we were like....we should like.....go downstairs and get our passes right? should we? NOPe....yeah ok, we should. So yeah grabbed the passes and stood in line to enter the con premises. 
So my first thing on the schedule was Jensen Photo Op and like...* nervous laughter* why did I do that to myself? Anyway, Nat had an angel pass so she was in a different line but still beside me for a part of the wait, she went in first and came outside to scream at my face and like....thank you Satan I do not need this??? Then my turn came quickly ( had a Demon pass), too quickly for I was not ready when I entered the room and HE STOOD RIGHT THERE SMILING AND LOOKING FLY AS HELL LIKE AN ASSHOLE. 
Jensen OP: How is it?
first of all, YOU may think you are ready, bitch let me tell ya, YOU FUCKING AIN’T, so don’t even kid yourself, just stay in line and wait for your death, that’s what it is. AND YES, it’s really quick so try to stay focused on him ( LOL SURE ). My turn came and I couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot and I think he saw that because his smile grew and I SWEAR IT WAS CRINKLE CITY RIGHT UP THERE and I almost choked. I mean...he’s TALL OK, and his eyes were darker than I thought but I guess with all the edits of his pictures we see online one can get a very different idea of reality. His BEARD THO, it was lighter than his hair, almost looked red and so full and nicely trimmed, and I was like blinded by his smile because fuck that was bright.Also....Y’ ALL, JENSEN IS SLENDER, he’s so slender, I’m so used to him being in so many layers that seeing him in person and with just a jean shirt was a shock. I must say, Jensen is Jensen and Dean is Dean ( as in physically) I mean, I could tell and I loved it, it changed my grasps on both of them so much.  I tried to calm down to AT LEAST say a couple of words ( I was not expecting much from me honestly) but it went like this: 
me: Hi!
Jensen: Heeey!
me: is just a hug alright?
Jensen: sure thing.
He opened his arms and I just went in ( being respectful to not like lean on him like a leech, but yeah he pulls you closer if he’s in the mood), and oh god he’s warm and soft and smell like sunshine, well I smelled something sweet and spicy but the sweet part could honestly come from all the girls he hugs, in a way you could say he smell like us, lol. Like Nat, I didn’t even see the photographer at all I just look ahead and smiled, I didn’t think to smile, there was no need I was radiant, and I felt his hand covering most on my shoulder.
It was over before I could even realize what the fuck was happening. Anyway, we pulled away slowly enough that my hand lingered on his arm, and yes it was amazing. I said: “thank you so much” probably with tears in my eyes, idk (but  I know myself I probably was ) and he smiled sweetly and said, “no, thank youuu” and I was like.... lol ok I can’t, and went out the room walking on clouds. 
I’m gonna put something to cover my face in case this photo goes around Pinterest or some hell site similar.
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let me tell you, I didn’t notice how tight he held me, but both his arms engulfed me. When I went to get the pic later I almost squealed because, LOOK AT HIS FACE, HE LOOKS SO CUTE AND HAPPY AND I DIED OK, Nat can confirm my freak out.
Anyway, done with that I needed a break, we both did honestly, and we went to sit for the panels. The first one was J2 panel, and awe I was not really ready to see him again, but YAY got my first glimpse of Jared and YEEEES BEARD AND BEANIE, love it.  You’ll all see the Panels everywhere so I’m not gonna be here and tell you everything that they said and did. But Jared talked about his new puppy and Jensen tried to open a bottle of unicorn wine and tried to punch the cork in and drink it ( insert many Italian offended sounds ), then he used heavy Texas accent and said Yeee-haw and I didn’t think I needed to hear that as much as I did, like....YES PLEASE AGAIN.
Anyway panel ended and they exit the stage, and boi Misha came up.
NOW LISTEN, first glimpse at Misha too.....and FUCK HE’S PRETTY OK?, HE’S SO PRETTY HE BLINDED ME DEAD FROM THE STAGE. The crowd just went B-A-L-L-I-S-T-I-C. Lots were leaving because they had Jared op and Jensen auto, and Misha was like: “Where are you, people going? SEND THEM BACK WHEN YOU ARE DONE JARED AND JENSEN!”.  Misha had a red jacket and a dark polo under it, boi I was already sweating.
Misha was his normal inappropriate self as always and I love it every time. Just let Misha be Misha y’ all, because if you don’t he gets in a bad mood, like I think happened the next day. 
Also, next game with friends while watching con’s videos: DRINK every time MISHA SAYS “UM”, OR JARED’S TOUCH HIS HAIR.
happy alcoholic coma y’ all.
I and Nat were not sitting near each other, I was far back but we texted and LOL, something like “what Misha smoked, I want it “ and “ he’s so pretty I wanna cry” and “Misha looks delicious” went back and forth, so everything was going GREAT.
Next, I got the autos from Misha and Jensen. And I wasn’t expecting much because yeah ...they are autos and they go fast. I was pleasantly surprised because you could look at them the whole time you are in line, and it’s a nice view alright. Jensen was already sitting and signing and I was in line for Misha’s, who was not there yet, and fucking surprise bitch, he entered the room and passed right beside me, at arm's length, and .....* takes a deep breath* ...I can’t even begin to describe him, like...I can’t. 
He’s tall, like...it’s true he’s the smallest in height but, fuck he’s still that tall and he’s so??? well??? built??? like....he’s massive and sturdy and like I think he has his own gravity because damn I couldn’t tear my eyes from him. And he was so tan and glowing, and FUCK HIS SMILE WAS SO SOOTHING AND I MELTED. He had a bit of a shadow beard that looked so good. Anyway, I get ready to die because my heart was pounding, I got up to him and same thing as always:
me: Hi Misha.
Misha: Hello! *smile*
me internally: AAAAAAAAH 
He signed with a little heart and gave back the card and he like kept eye contact and I said the weakest “thank you” ever, smiling like an idiot again, probably scrunching my nose because I do that, and he smiled his lopsided smile and winked ( like an asshole because COME ON HOW DARE U DO THAT TO ME). And let me tell you about his eyes. 
Jensen and Jared have real nice eyes, don’t get me wrong, but I found out that they are a bit different from what I had expected, not disappointed because DAMN, but yeah, different. 
Misha’s tho?....pictures don’t make him justice on any level. HE’S STUNNING! STUNNING! His eyes are really that light blue, and in person, they are even more beautiful, breathtaking, I felt like he was staring at my soul.
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Next up was Jensen’s auto, stared the whole line, and UUUUUGH he changed his shirt in a brown t-shirt and you could see all his bracelets and necklace and he looked GOOOOOD. 
Same as before I said “Hello!” and he smiled and said “Hi” while chewing like usual and god he’s cute ok. His auto was a bit faster and I knew I couldn’t say much but I tried while he was signing. I just said “Thank you for everything Jensen” and he smiled while signing and thanked me and then I was floating out the room already.
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Then I and Nat went to have some overpriced salads, which we didn’t even finish because, first of all....we were fangirling too much over ...well, everything, second, not that hungry.
Lunch time’s over, I went to get all the autos available, and I was giddy like a schoolgirl, Rob, Adam and Rich y’ all.
He’s striking, and he’s so sweet and looks so delicate and his voice is so warm and welcoming and I wanted to cry how cute he was. I said Hello Rob, and how he was doing, and then I unblocked and told him I hoped he was having a great time and he got so happy and shiny eyes and said he was having a fantastic time and asked me the same. I wanted to keep talking but again, like Nat’s said you don’t wanna keep the line waiting so I just smiled and say thank you so much and bye. Oh and heart on his sign too.
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He was a treasure and I asked him the same question because hey maybe I finally got the hang of this shit, so they all were having a great time.
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and then, of course, he messed with me. He was so excited and hyperactive he almost made a babbling mess out of me, ALMOST. He asked me from where I was and I said, I’m Italian, and what does this asshole do?, lol tries to speak Italian.
Rich: *in bad Italian*  customization? 
me: ???????
Rich to his handler: how do you say that?
me and his handler trying to spell the word: PERSONALIZZAZIONE. Hilarious. Well, he got the hang of it fairly quickly and gave me back the card, unsigned I was like...?????? 
Rich: you give me that back and ask me.
me: OH  *probably blushing like an idiot* 
Rich: Hello!
me: HI! *hands the card* to Giulia, please?
Rich: Sure love!
me: *giggles like a schoolgirl* thank you! 
Rich: no thank you for the practice!
me: you are welcome 
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I got in line for Jared’s but he was running late and I had his photo Op next, so I got out to get in line for that because it was the last solo one. I thought yeah alright I already broke the ice with Jensen, how worse can this be?
let me tell ya....that bitch that said that right there? LOL, SHE’S AN IDIOT. DON’T LISTEN TO HER...EVER.
Found some girls from my hometown too, lol the world sure is small, we fangirled shamelessly, but I got the feeling one of them was not a Misha fan at all and ...lol nope ok, but they were nice either way.  
Jared OP: how is it?
Again let me tell ya, not fucking ready. I get into the room and Jesus Fucking Christ he looks MAJESTIC, MAJESTIC I tell you. He had a dark blue jacket and a shirt with some flower or something on it, the beard was distracting. He looked in such a good mood, which I was glad, no beanie, which I was also glad ( love it but I wanted that mane free). Anyway, do I need to tell you he’s tall? yeah well, he’s taller than tall. I walked up to him, smiling. AND FUCK THAT WAS A RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE. He had some light behind him that shining through his hair made him look like an actual Jesus with a halo, and y’ all I’ve been blessed. His eyes looked so bright, and this strange combination of almost green-hazel created by the lights on his face. and y’ all his beard was so thick and luscious...YES 
me: Hi!
Jared: Hi Sweetie
Me internally  NO NOOOOOO.
Me: Is just a hug alright?
Jared: Absolutely, come here ( or bring it, I’m not sure I was still mentally screaming)
Anyway, the moment he saw me he crunched down, and he crunched down so low that I almost got offended LOL, but I mean I needed to be in the frame right? His hugs are BONE CRUSHING, he hugs you so tight and squeezes too, it almost hurt, felt his bearded chin on my head too, it was amazing.
We both pulled away slowly and as I said “Thank you sooo much “  he slid his hand down my arm and squeezed it, again, almost hurting me, and said “thank you” with the sweetest smile.
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Then we saw the last panels, Misha’s and after Jared’s that closed the day.
Nat and I went on a food and alcohol mission to the Spanish steps and then threw our coins in the Trevi fountains so we can get back next year too. Got to chat more, got roasted about my late car and my new one, like.... thanks Nat, love ya too. Took a taxi back because lol Italian transports ...are AmAziNG, and then shower and crashed the bed at like 1 am?
3RD DAY, 19th May
...Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy...
got my pass and I’m out the door, I’m gonna hit the JiBcon.
Before I leave, pack my suitcase and all of my shit
‘cause when I leave for the Hilton I ain’t coming back.
Reaching Nat again and she’s freaking out about the Jensen M&G, which I’m like...LOL CAN’T RELATE.
First Panel is Jared’s and he’s gracious and funny as always, but also he said that for him it was 2am and jet lag was starting to hit hard. Nat went to take her Op and she wrote to me that Misha was wearing a leather jacket and a Kiss t-shirt and LISTEN CAN HE NOT? Anyway, Jared’s panel ended and I made my way to take Misha’op and, oh boi the line started right where he was gonna walk by to get to the room and I was first row. So he passed by and , like the dumb fangirl I am I stick out my hand, and YA WE HELD HANDS FOR A HOT SECOND and it was great, 10/10 would do again. ( Nat roasted my ass again ).
I was in line and I noticed that I would lose Alex and Matt’s autos, but I couldn’t get out Misha’s op because the other one was at the same time as Jared autos, which I couldn’t lose because the next one was during the Cockles’ panel and I’m not losing that shit. 
Misha’s OP: How is it?
Ok, I could write you papers about how damn pretty Misha is. I’m almost sad that photos don’t really make him justice, I guess machines can’t handle all that beauty. And although he looked like a snac, he also seemed tired, so I was already like....aw shit. I get into the photo space and he looks like he’s in a good mood anyway, and I can’t stop staring and smiling like an idiot as he takes all the photos, I mean I was standing where he had to look for the picture but it also looked like he was looking at me ( shut up, let me dream), anyway eye contact again, it was magical. Until it was my turn.
I walked up to him and .....LOL.
I didn’t know where to focus. He’s massive, I didn’t know where his fucking chest stopped and his face is also big and wide and those eyes that pierce through you? well, I was lucky that I managed to babble something. 
Now, this is where it gets a little ... well, you’ll see.
Misha: Hello!
me: Hi Misha! ( probably in a tiny squeaky voice, because ...Misha) Is a hug alright? ( I went with the same formula because I know it’s alright, but asking if it is,  seems like the polite thing to do, like asking for consent)
Misha: Yep
and then he wrapped me and I’m like, this is great, he smells so good, like spicy and very manly but also fresh, so it was not overwhelming. Then, again leaning back to thank him and he nodded, winked and all his face scrunched and again that cute crooked smile. So I was like, ok he looked tired but he seemed still in a good mood. But then I got hand on my photo and ...I mean, not gonna lie I was a bit bummed out because he’s not really smiling. So I was giving myself a headache thinking if I did or said something wrong, and I know I didn’t but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I didn't look at the photo for some time until I let Nat see it. And yeah, while he may not be smiling that much, he still looked soft, we both came to the conclusion, also because we saw more pics of the same session, he wasn’t hardcore smiling the whole time. Then we saw more of the Jensen’s photo of this last day and he too isn’t smiling in all of them, I mean, they all looked so tired. 
To joke about it , just to make me feel a bit better and less bitter ( because I have no reason to be, they tired and they are entitled to be tired, I’m just thankful that they were there), I said that I thought I was getting a Misha OP and instead I got a Castiel’s one, like: why is Castiel here? Did another French Mistake happen? which....yeah fair.
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The last thing I needed to get was Jared’s auto. So I went to get in line really early because I had nothing else to do and the room was FREEZING, I suspected because of Jared, which I get it, I prefer to be cold than hot and sweaty since I’m like him a sweat a lot with minimum effort. 
Again they let us in before Jared arrived so we were all standing in line when he walked in. And AGAIN, walked right beside me, and I saw people respecting boundaries and staying put in their spot, but some just raised their hands and Jared gladly high-fived people who wanted, so who am I to deny that to myself?. So I shoved my shyness aside and timidly raised my hand too. But lol I’m short af so he had to bend a bit for me so I would not step forward ( bodyguards were strict as they should )  and we smacked hands with a really nice “CLAP”. It was amazing, and yes he smiled again, Jared was in a really good mood all con and I’m glad he was having a good time ( at least that’s the impression I had). Jared wore a dark green plaid shirt and a black t-shirt, black jeans and black beanie and he looked the softest boi ever.
Anyway, my turn to get my auto and I went in slow because I wanted to at least say a few words, and I did.
Jared: Hi!
me: Hi Jared! How are you?
Jared: I’m awesome, thank you, and how are you?
me: I’m great. Thank you for everything.
Jared with his sweet puppy eyes, and beanie, and a soft sweet warm smile just stared at me for a quick second and mouthed the sweetest “thank you”, lightly touching his chest. I smiled and nodded and went on my merry way outside the room, AND THEN I DIED.
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So at this point, I had finished, I waited for Nat while watching in awe my autos collection 
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Before the last panels, I managed to get lots of glimpses of everyone again. Jensen as he got out the m&g room, and then all of the cast as they walked out to get the group picture with the Jib10 people. Then it was time for the panels. Jason played and sang for us as we waited for Jared and Misha panel, and I mean...Boy’s got a real fucking nice voice live, I recorded two songs, Stand by Me and Perfect Spot. 
And then the panel started.
GOD THIS PANEL. I had tears from laughing. Misha run out the room, Jared followed him, and the bodyguards running after them panicking. I CAN’T. And then Misha did some accents and I died again ( drink every time I wrote I died). Jared was on FIRE.
OH, before I forget, I laugh like Jensen, the leaning back laugh. Yeah I do, it’s great, never noticed like that before, I mean I’m Italian so I move a lot when I talk, it makes sense that when I burst into a laugh, I laugh with my whole body, so now y’ all know.
Matt and Alex's panel was also really nice. I finally got to see some Alex! He’s so cute, he’s a treasure, I love him so much and ...he’s so different from Jack like you can’t confuse them AT ALL. I wish him the best. ( Also he said that Lord Tyrion will surpass him in popularity and I agree ).
Then the long wait for the Cockles panel. Nervewracking becasue Nat needed to go take her flight and I was wishing she could at least get a glimpse of them before leaving. Well, we all know how that panel went anyway.
I got out for a couple of minutes to say goodbye with Nat and I wanted to cry becasue she’s the sweetest and I love her and she deserves the best. We didn’t say goodbye but a “see you”, that’s what we hope. 
and ...that’s all folks!
If you have questions, maybe I missed something, ASK AWAY.
for now, this is the post, maybe I’ll edit it when more things came to mind.
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angelspigeon · 5 years
I died of the cuteness in the Mother's Day one aksjdjbfjejef (me, dying). Can I get some more seasalt family? Roxas and Xion try to set up a date for Isa and Lea for their anniversary?
Aaaaaaaah!!! I’m glad to know that!!
Of course you can get more!! (Don’t hesitate, I love this AU so much?!)
I did my best with this cute ask and hope you won’t be disappointed!
Words: 2 819
(I also add it to AO3 since it’s pretty long if it’s easier to read for y’all => |   °|
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Yawning, Xion walked down the stairs. She had been a nice night and since it was the week-end, she was excited by the idea of staying with her dads! It was really rare they didn’t find time for them and don’t organize activities. Even if it was taking out the board games to let them play alone.
She walked to the kitchen and passed in front of the Calendar.
And stopped by.
For the Thursday coming, there was a big writing with a lot of drawing around, like a big Sun spreading over the other cases. It was written ‘Best Day of the World, sorry babies’. That was coming out of the case.
She rubbed her eye and walked to the kitchen where Isa was preparing the breakfast.
“Greetings, my Princess,” he said.
She approached him and went on his tip toe, as he moved down, so she could kiss his cheek while he was stirring the scrambled eggs.
“What are you doing Thursday?”
“Thursday?” Isa frowned. “I’ll come pick you up at school when I’ve done with my work, why?”
Xion looked him then to the corridor then to him. Isa watched her.
“Is something wrong?”
She shook her head.
“No, no! I’m happy you’re the one coming pick us! Hug?!” she smiled, opening her arms.
Isa turned off the oven and leaned to hug her, caressing her hairs and pressing a kiss on her temple.
“Where is daddy?”
“Sleeping, obviously,” he replied.
“Can I go wake them up?” she smiled.
“Of course.”
Isa caressed her cheek with tenders fingers and he watched as she went back to the stairs and climbed them to go in her room she shared with Roxas. She slid inside and jumped in the bed. Roxas groaned and tried to push her away.
“Five more minutes!” he groaned.
“It’s important!” she said.
“Whaaaaat?” he mumbled, trying to move away from his embrace.
She looked like a wrestler rather than a hugger there, though.
“Papa forgot about his and dad’s wedding anniversary. We should prepare something for them!” she said. “You know how daddy will be too busy to do something!”
“But…” Roxas frowned. “What do you want us to do?”
It was a tough question because Xion didn’t know what kind of things they should do. Maybe Isa didn’t totally forget the day? Or maybe he did totally and they have to remind him? And what kind of things could they want exactly as an anniversary party?
Usually, for their birthday, their dad and papa would invite a lot of friends, make a beautiful cake and gave them their favorite meal. They couldn’t invite lot of people because… well, first, their parents didn’t have many friends. Acquaintance, for their dad, a lot, but friends? No. As for the cake and the meal…
“We should use our money for a caterer making them good meal!” she said.
Roxas blinked.
“We should?”
“Papa and daddy won’t think about that… They’re always busy for us…” Xion said with a sadder tone.
And they offered them always so many things.
Even if they were children, they knew their family didn’t have as easy as others because, clearly, they had stuff less pretty than others, often second-handed. And yet, they received a bit of money every week, presents, proper care… They always had everything.
“Please, please, please!” she said, looking him with puppy’s eyes.
Roxas blushed.
“Don’t say I don’t want to participle!” he protested. “I want! We will prepare them something awesome!!!” he claimed.
Xion was in a better mood as he accepted and she smiled.
Now… they have to prepare all of this and it would be a little more complicate…
  “Papa? Papa? Papa?!”
Isa was gathering his belongings to go at work. At a few paces from here, Lea was putting on his boots, a slice of buttered bread in his mouth.
“What’s happening, treasure?” Isa asked to Roxas.
The young child moved his hand to him, asking him speechlessly to lean into him. Isa was surprised but still did it.
“Do you have any present for dad?” he said.
“A present for your dad?” Isa repeated.
He didn’t remind he had to buy a present to Lea. His birthday was three months ago, isn’t it? Well… he still was happy to buy something to Lea. It was true he didn’t offer him anything since his birthday while his lover and best friend made him happy absolutely everyday.
“Yeah! You could buy him something? Or made him something!”
“Yes, probably.”
“Chickabiddy?” Lea called as he grabbed his vest.
“I’m coming, daddy!!” He turned his head toward Isa. “Maybe I can give you a bit of money to buy the present?” he offered, looking worry.
Isa laughed softly, caressing his head.
“It’s alright. Unless you want to buy something to your dad?”
“You, it’s perfect!” Roxas replied with a smile.
He jumped on the side and ran to Lea who was next to Xion. As soon as he noticed he had his two children with him, the redhead opened the front door. He still let out a tiny ‘wait’ and quickly came back to Isa to steal him a kiss.
“Have a nice day, my love!”
“Have a nice day, my Heart. Take care of yourself,” Isa replied with a slight smile.
Roxas really gave him a good idea. He needed to find something to offer to his husband. Anything. Just a way to express him his love. Something that could remind him his love all the time…
He would have to deal with that as soon as he could!
  Thursday arrived and Xion was absolutely stressed. With Roxas they had planned everything but now… they needed to success.
Like everyday, Isa would come to pick them up from house. Lea will come later, he often finished late. Late enough, at least… Well… usually it was too late but today, it would be late enough. They would have time, at least. Especially because they still had to buy the cake and to find something they could do to their fathers. It happened that buying a real caterer was above the money they had. Especially if they took the cake and a few decorations. But the plan needed to work now…
In the court they waited for Isa and, obviously, the excitation was big when they saw their papa, his hairs tied in a ponytail and a satchel on his shoulder.
“You have everything?” he asked.
“Yes!” they both replied.
“You had a nice day?”
Isa turned to leave the court and the children glanced at each other with worries.
“Ni…Nice?” Roxas said.
“Something is wrong?” Isa wondered.
He turned the head toward Aerith, his children’s teacher, that walked to them.
“I’m sorry to disturb you,” she said. “I need your help. I will create a piece for the end of the year and we need advice for a piano piece.”
“Oh… Very well. When do you need my help?” he asked, taking his children’s hands.
Isa frowned at this. He couldn’t let his two babies alone. Especially not to come back at home.
“I’d be happy to but Xion and Roxas can’t stay home alone,” Isa said. “Perhaps another day?”
“Ooooor!” Yuffie appeared behing Aerith and smiled. “I can take care of them if you wanna?”
Aerith joined her hand in a prayer like.
In his back, Roxas and Xion were hoping. They had prepared everything and that was the moment. They talked about their plan to their teacher and so they could have prepared everything but… if Isa was more a mother hen they had planned…
“Pleaaaaaase, papa!! We’ll do our homework!” Roxas cut short.
He glanced at Xion who did her best puppy’s eyes expression.
Isa stared them then Yuffie.
“Very well. But you must prepare the food,” he said to her. “Their homework must be done before they’re playing anything. Prepare them a snack, though. One or two biscuits with a hot cocoa. If I’m coming back too late, don’t leave before Lea would come back. And you two,” he added to the children. “You listen to her. You eat no candies, do your homework and if you have finished soon enough, you only can have thirty minutes of television.”
“Yes! We’ll be really kind!” Xion swore.
Roxas nodded too.
Isa caressed their hairs and then moved to Aerith, letting Yuffie take care of his babies.
  Honestly, Yuffie was sure Isa would kill her. And Lea too. She had accompanied the children to buy the strawberry cream cake, accompanied them to buy vol-au-vent and gratin dauphinoise in a supermarket and she cooked it for them. Xion and Roxas prepared a salad, the table and also picked up flowers in the garden to put them in a glass in the middle of said table. They wanted to buy some but… it was too expansive for them…
They already did their best and they were absolutely thrilled.
  The day had been long. Very long. Lea didn’t know what Scrooge had today, asking him to help again and again with other stuff and that annoyed him a lot. First of all because he wasn’t his flunky but his employee and sure he had told him everything he was thinking about that… in his mind. He really wanted to tell him what he thought about all of this but they needed money and he couldn’t lose his job…
Second of all, he couldn’t prepare anything for Isa. He would be already enough annoyed that he came back that late. The children were probably waiting for him because it was important for them that they all ate together…
He sighed as he glanced at the hour on a clock in a showcase from a closed shop.
It was that late…
It was his wedding anniversary!
He was still pretty annoyed when he arrived next to the house they rent with his dearest darling in the World. In every World ever existing. He took out his keys with his keychain being a strange undefined character made with a cork. Xion made it for him when she was only five years old.
He opened the door, scratching his hairs.
“Don’t close, please.”
Lea turned his head with surprise. It was strange enough to see Isa. At this hour… he looked quite annoyed.
“Hello, my love! What are you doing there?” Lea asked, holding the door for him and letting him walk in first.
“Aerith asked me for help. Yuffie took care of Roxas and Xion. I should have asked her to make them something to eat…” he mumbled.
Lea leaned in to kiss his cheek, immediately making him smile.
“I love you grumpy but you’re way cuter that way,” Lea grinned.
Isa slid his hands on his cheeks to kiss him tenderly on the lips.
“Happy of your super power?”
“Very much!!”
“Why are you so late?” Isa asked after a slight smile.
“Scrooge wanted me to do everything. And seriously that…”
“Don’t say anything bad!” Yuffie said, coming from the living room. “That was fun, bye bye!”
The door slammed, letting the two dads frowning. What did she have done? Isa quickly took out his boots and threw his vest on the hook with his work’s satchel and he walked to the living room. Lea had followed him, just taking the time to take out his boots as Isa had taken the time to do it.
The first thing to note was the absence of their baby.
The second, the smell of the food. It seemed to be a good thing. Maybe Yuffie was just strange. Wouldn’t be something new.
“Babies?” Lea called.
It was coming from the kitchen.
Both came to the said kitchen, Lea throwing his vest in the living room, and… arrived in a room with the light off, but candle softly lighting everything around. In two plates, there was a fancy dinner. Yuffie had found some special pastries to welcome the vol-au-vent and… well that didn’t look like coming from a restaurant but you could tell it had been made with the Heart.
Two precious Hearts.
That obviously had found were they have put their presents for each other because they were settled next to the plate from where came a soft smell. And since the children couldn’t have alcohol, it was apple juice and grape juice on the center of the table. Which was absolutely great, of course.
“It’s ice cream for the dessert!” Roxas smiled.
“That’s… very sweet from you, my babies,” Isa said, “but what’s happening here?”
Lea let out a chuckle and pressed another kiss on his cheek.
“I love you.”
“Me too, but…”
“That’s your anniversary!” Xion and Roxas let out at the same time.
“It is?” Isa asked, confused.
“That sucks!” Roxas pouted.
“Language,” his papa said. “And I love your dad every day. I even love him more every day, I didn’t pay attention to… this.”
“Don’t worry, honey! I just love bathing you with my love but… didn’t expect this from the babies!”
Lea walked to them to kiss their cheeks.
“How did you do?”
“With a loooot of help!” Xion laughed. “We asked Miss Aerith and then Yuffie and Mr McDuck.”
“Ugh… My love, remind me not to say to Scrooge I hate him,” Lea asked.
“Sure,” Isa laughed softly.
He approached too and hugged his children.
“We’re happy to have you two.”
Xion snuggled in his arms.
“But today is your night!” she said. “We have already eaten with Yuffie!”
“And do our homework!” Roxas said.
“But… can we see the present?” the young boy asked with stars in his eyes.
Lea couldn’t help but laugh. He ruffled his son’s hairs.
He pressed a kiss on Xion’s forehead and got up to walk to the table. He knew by heart what looked like his package because he kept checking it again and again, too afraid he wouldn’t have it and had just dreamed to have found the perfect gift. So, he knew the presents hadn’t been exchanged. And he approached his lover with his package. Isa hugged his Roxas, knowing it was because of him he had a present for the man of his life and he couldn’t thank him enough for that. He caressed his cheek and blew a kiss to Xion, so she wouldn’t felt left over, and then he grabbed his own present, handing it to Lea.
Lea did the same and so they could open it together.
Well… not really together because Lea wanted to see Isa’s face when he’ll have his present. He was thrilled. Extremely thrilled. More than that!
Isa found a little box and opened it to discover two earrings. One was a silver Moon with blue shade linked to a chain itself linked to a Heart you would hang in the top area of the ear, and the other was a long pendant with a Sun, and a little Moon, in reddish and orangish tone.
“It’s beautiful,” Isa muttered.
At this exact moment, he only thought he had to pierce his ear again because he couldn’t live without the two little diamond earring he already had, since it was one of the first present his husband made to him.
“I love them,” he said with emotion.
He walked to Lea to kiss him with love and passion, smiling against his lips when he was hugged by him.
He tried to calm himself and then showed the jewel to the curious babies that were also excited by this present idea. And then, still excited, while Isa was truly blushing, they approached their dad. Which opened his present and box. To find a necklace with a Sun. Or something looking alike. It was like a strange mix between a ninja’s weapon and a Sun. Which was a chakram. Which was, maybe because of the form or just the Frisbees Lea had when he was child or anything else, making him think about Lea when he saw it.
“I love it! That’s so great!” Lea said, putting immediately the necklace at his neck.
Since he had to let go on his lover, he immediately hugged him back and pressed a kiss on his lips.
“Happy anniversary,” he whispered.
“Happy anniversary,” Isa replied with a smile, his cheeks still red.
“And… happy babies!” Lea said, bringing them in the embrace.
The children laughed and hugged them back.
“You should eat before it’s cold!” Xion said.
“Yeah and you could do all the kisses you want away from us!” Roxas added.
“Away from you? But I planned to kiss more your papa!” protested Lea before approaching his lips from Isa.
Isa couldn’t help letting out a giggle and Roxas immediately closed his eyes while Xion was watching them, a bit embarrassed but… so happy their dads were still happy and so in love…
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intothewickedwood · 5 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 1x05 That Still Small Voice
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Here we go!
Jiminy & his eccentric parents. He turned out so different than them.
Archie’s office looks soooo peaceful, especially in the late evening.
Oh yeah! Archie was part of operation cobra too! That’s cool!
Henry really knows a lot about the curse.
Oh man, Regina, you gotta let Archie do his job, girl. Poor Archie, always having to do things he doesn't want to do for others when he just wants to do the right thing.
Okay I kinda like Archie’s parents a lot. They’re so much fun! But they’re pretty darn terrible people.
Poor Archie, he feels so trapped by his parents.  
Listening to the crickets sounds fun! I wanna do it! Do they have crickets in England? I don’t think I’ve ever heard them. Oh snap! Maybe my town is cursed!
Henry, don’t go down there!
Poor Henry! I know Archie felt forced to say those things but omg poor bby!
Snowing! My heart just leaps all the way out my chest when these two are on my screen oh my god. And he used her name for the game because he’s thinking of her! Usgyidadgh my heart!
Why are they both always so gorgeous like this?? Is this legal??
“You’re making new memories just fine.” “Maybe I’ll like these better.” What a flirt. Look at Mary Margaret’s precious smile! They’re so cute.
Oh shiiiiiiiii-iitake mushrooms! I nearly forgot he was *married* to Kathryn! Omg she doesn’t deserve to be caught up in this. She’s such a cinnamon roll. Look at her smile when she says “Good day Miss Blanchard.”
David just staring at MM from a far and Mary Margaret’s face when she sees David remember his dog.
Never in my life have I eaten a smore. I can’t eat marshmallows because I’m a vegetarian but those ones look yum.
Has Emma been involved with a married guy? I mean, the way she says “It’s not worth the heartache, trust me.” Or maybe she’s just talking about heartache in general.
Oh my God poor Henry! Nooooo! Someone hug him!!
Henry, don’t you go down there!
I like that blue Rumple outfit. I think it’s one of my favourite’s of his.
Why does Rumple want to keep those godforsaken creepy ass dolls!!
That coffin’s glass shards really scattered everywhere.
Henry get back! I’ll tell your mother! This is so dangerous.
That poor couple. They were so nice! If only there was a way to turn them back. I mean, there could be.
I can’t believe these are Archie’s parents. They’re so wild!
Man, surely that couple got suspicious after being robbed blind like that.  
AAAAAAAAH!! Creepy-ass dolls!!
Aww Geppetto. I can’t even imagine.
David be smooth. And MM is so adorably nervous around him. And her smile when he’s around. She’s so in love!  
What a beautiful view of the water. I wanna swim in it xD.
David, my boy, you did wake up in some strange land. That’s gotta be scary, waking up in a new land with no memories of who you are.  
MM’s coat is so nice!  
Look at them on a walk together! If I just pretend he’s not *married*. Okay, but we needed more simple, cute Snowing moments like this in later seasons. Especially walks around that area, because that river is gorgeous.
When he says she’s the only thing that feels real, her face just lights up. I wonder if in a way, she feels the same about him. She’s been so alone and now here her prince charming comes.  
MM is like me, she totally forgets he’s married when she’s caught in the moment.  
Oh my god. Kathryn brought him cranberry muffins!! What an adorable sweetie!! David has a type.
My poor baby sounds like she wants to cry when she says “I should leave you two.”
Henry practically gave Archie a therapy session there. Archie just wants to do the right thing in the past and present.  
That shared understanding between Emma and Regina. This is one of the one times Regina is willing to trust Emma with Henry in the first season. It just shows how desperate she is to have her son home & safe.
“Why do you think its so important that your fairytale theory is true?” “’Cause this can’t be all there is.” I relate to that on a spiritual level. I’m still waiting on the saviour to break my town’s curse. And for my Hogwarts letter.
Awww. Henry ended up helping Archie find who he is
The way Henry’s pulled away from poor Emma. She just wanted to share that happy moment with him and Henry keeps looking back for her.
Archie standing up for his beliefs <3. He’s being the man he wants to be!
It seems the Blue Fairy can hear wishes that are inside people’s heads. How come she didn’t help him when he was a boy. I’m watching you, shady lady.
I’m not sure I’d want to be a cricket. There are so many ways she could have helped him help Geppetto other than turning him into a cricket but maybe she wanted him to be one for her own reasons. Maybe she just wanted a way to keep him alive for a long time, for when she needed him. I read a theory about that once. I’m sorry, I get so paranoid when it comes to Blue.
Oh yeah, I forgot Emma gets to spend time with Henry later. Look at them chilling on a rock.
And the crickets have returned, I guess to symbolize Archie embracing the person he wants to be; the crickets (the conscience) are/is back.
I love this music and Henry’s so happy things are changing.
Gold why? Why you gotta keep those things in your shop? They freak me out!
Don’t you resign Mary Margaret! Nooooooo!
Sneaky Regina is sneaky with that glass shard. I’ve forgotten whether Maleficent was down there or somewhere else in her dragon form as well as the coffin. And now I’m wondering why Regina brought the coffin over with the curse. Maybe I’ve forgotten something.
I do like this episode a lot!
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austenpoppy · 5 years
A review of "The Wonderful Won-Won" chapter 4 (part 1 because I'm a fangirl)
@hillnerd I said I would do it after my exams to take the time to say all I wanted to say and so do justice to your work, so here I am ! I always keep my promises. But Tumblr would not let me reblog this particular chapter, that's why I had to do a separate post.
Edit : I have seen your post about your father. I send you my best regards and all the hugs. I know it is hard. Love you. I know it's not much but I hope it will cheer you up a bit.
So if you want to find the chapter I'm talking about, go see Hillnerd's blog or follow this link : https://m.fanfiction.net/u/666390/
I recommend you all the other fics written by Hillnerd, they're fantastic.
So... yeah, my reaction to your chapter when I read it for the first time...
Tumblr media Tumblr media
OH MY GOD ! OH MY GOD ! OH MY GOD ! Oh mon Dieu !
I'm smiling, a huge grin on my face even if nobody can see it because I'm alone, in my student room, at 2am and I'm too lazy to revise. I'm squealing on my bed, my face is tear-strained because I cried, and I feel very emotional. I swear, my heart swelled at least twice its size !
This is definitely one of my favorite chapters in fanfiction ever.
Let's go back in time to see what happened :
"The brain's tentacles were ripping him to shreds and reality was warping around him as an unsteady pulse echoed in his ears. Spiders the size of houses walked over him while their young devoured his limbs, leaving him unable to move. Powerful convulsions constricted his chest and air bellowed over his shredded lungs. All he could feel was pain, a tangible darkness, and the sensation of being drowned, but backwards?"
It feels so realistic. You got all the sensations of being in great pain yet being unable to move. I especially love "the unsteady beat in his ears". The spider anecdote makes me shudder. How awful !
"The only real thing he could think about, besides the pain, was her. What was her name again?"
Oh man, Hermione is on his mind and in his heart at all time, even in his darkest hour. She's the only thing that can take his mind off pain *eyes water*
The convulsions struck again and again. He longed to be able to lose himself in the darkness, but something kept tethering him to the unimaginable pain. He was drowning again, and his limbs were back, stiff as lead.
No no no my Ronnie is suffering so much he wants to black out, and what if the darkness meant death ? How come this is totally canon ? How come I enjoy this ?
If he could only say her name one time, maybe all of this would end? It almost seemed like an answer to a riddle. He just couldn't think what the riddle was or what the name was he should say. It was like trying to hold a fist full of sand, with each grain slipping through his fingers until he only had a few grains left.
Argh, my little Romione heart. Touché. He tries to hold on to her, the key to happiness, the light in the dark, the fire of comfort.
"How long was he—"
It's nothing really. A tiny sentence. But the fact that the person who said it was unable to finish it is just so perfect, so moving - as if the idea of Ron suffering was unthinkable. *eyes water again*
Why could he not control his body?
Oh god, I know this frustration. Your writing is so moving, you are able to convey so much feelings in the simplest sentences.
Ron did as he was told, even though the light was so bright he could feel it throbbing in time with his heartbeat. A loud ringing tone pulsed in his ears, high and sharp.
I can feel exactly what he is speaking about.
"Can I… Can I touch him?" his Mum ask Pomfrey, sounding teary.
Aaaaaaaah you got me again. The hesitation in her voice when she probably wants nothing more, when she probably craves to touch him... That's it, my vision is blurry, I need to take a tissue (fortunately there's a box on my bedside table)
Ron tried to form a word, any word, to say to his mother, but as soon as he could so much as rasp a coughing fit took him. It rattled and tore through him unlike any cough he'd ever had before. Dark red blood exploded from his lungs and splattered the matron's apron. His lungs rattled as cough after cough shook his chest and tore through his throat.
I just felt a pain in my heart. A pang. It's so heartwrenching to see him suffer like this.
Ron had to concentrate, but was able to barely wiggle them and they felt whole enough.
Oh Ron, how can you make me laugh in a moment like this ?
He tried to wipe the back of his arm across his mouth, but his arm just wouldn't move off the bed, lamely twitching at his side. A slimy trail of sputum and blood oozed out of his mouth, but Pomfrey wiped it away with a handkerchief.
All is in the details. I'm picturing Ron, unable to move, his eyes open and unfocus, a trail of blood flowing from his mouth that he can't even wipe and MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT.
"We love you, sweet boy. We love you so much,"
Yes ! Give him love ! All the love ! I love you too Ron !
Ron began to panic as he tried again and again to make words. He couldn't. Tears came to his eyes and he started to breathe hard.
Nooo he can't speak my poor little Ronnie he must be so afraid and nooo he has tears in his eyes, my heart felt another pang why are you so good at this ?! That's it, I need a pause because I am actually crying. I am sniffing in my bed, tears have rolled off my cheeks and dampered the mattress. Damn you !
Ron tried desperately to say yes, but all that came out what a strange sound similar to the ghoul that lived in his attic. He tried to nod his head but it wouldn't do what he said and just barely moved to the wrong direction. What was wrong with him? He was trapped. Trapped in his own body unable to say or do anything!
I just want to hug you so much Ron. I can't but I really, really want to. That's one of the worst things in the world, being conscious but not being able to do anything.
"You are alright. What you are experiencing is temporary. You will be able to speak later. Maybe in a few hours. This is not permanent. The part of your brain that forms speech is injured, but will be healed - probably by the time you wake up tomorrow. You will regain movement in your body as well, but that might take longer before it's completely healed. Do you understand, Ron?"
You are such a good healer Mrs Pomfrey. And you need a raise.
"The bleeding will continue on and off again the next few days."
How come people think that the Bezoar erased every consequence possible of the poison ? Ron did not spend so much time in the infirmary for nothing !
"Hermione was here?" Ron asked, trying to sit up as quickly as he could. Instead his head rose off the pillow a few centimeters and he weakly collapsed back onto the bed. He gave another attempt to sit up, but the Matron of the hospital wing made it impossible to succeed.
He seems so surprised it is awful but so sweet. The fact that he tried to sit up twice pulled at my heartstrings.
"Did Hermione seem upset?" Ron blurted before realizing it was Pomfrey he was asking.
God the sweetheart somebody helps me !
Your heart stopped, and you weren't breathing for a few minutes, so it might take a bit for your memory to be back to normal.
What happened? Why am I in the hospital? Who visited? Who poisoned me? Will I be ok? Was Hermione here? Where are everyone? Was Hermione upset? Is everyone else ok? Where's Harry? When can I leave? Will I be able to play quidditch? What potions do I have to take? Where is Hermione? Should there be all this blood? Are you sure this is normal? When will I be able to walk again? How am I going to the bathroom? Did anyone but my parents see me when I couldn't talk? When will I be able to sit up on my own? Why can't I use my hands? Do I still have to do my homework? Can't I drink more water than that? When can I eat? Can Hermione visit me again?
Oh. My. God. My heart swelled. I am once again crying thank you very much my bed is now full of dirty tissues. But like, this list is one of the sweetest and most heartbreaking things ever. I need to squeal. So I put my phone aside and do just that (which means rolling in my bed, laughing and probably looking like a maniac). "Did anyone but my parents see me when I couldn't talk ?". How perfectly insecuringly Ron that is (yes I invent words and no I don't care) ? "Is everybody else okay ?" . Man you just got poisoned, you are in unberable pain and you still ask for everybody else ? You're just so... so caring and I love you ! "Can Hermione visit me again ?" God the sweetest of sweethearts 2.
He coughed and felt some blood beginning to make its way down his throat. 
Somebody do something ! My little Ronnie ! Bad, bad Draco !
How could one person look so perfect and make him feel magically better?
He's so in loooove. That's why I love Romione : the raw love and painful need for each other.
 Well, better besides the feeling that he was choking on blood and couldn't fight off a possessed scrambled egg if he had to.
How dare you make me laugh again ? A possessed scrambled egg *snorts loudly*... I'm laughing through my watery eyes...
...he couldn't help but smile.
That's my sweetest of sweethearts Ron 3. He is in pain yet he smiles because the person he loves most is there and he's my little sun.
Last thing he wanted was the sight of bloody teeth sending Hermione away.
*snorts again* *then feels her heart pang again because it's an horribly sad piece of humor*
Ron could vaguely recall reading something about a poisoning, so nodded, hoping that would leave him alone with Hermione.
*shakes her head and smiles* That's so Ron. He just wants to be with the people he cares about.
"You're really here," Ron smiled hopefully. He thought he'd never have Hermione to himself again. She was biting her lip with worry, but she was there. She was beautiful, though a bit paler than usual. Was she in the hospital wing because she was injured? "How are you feeling?"
FOR F*CKS'S SAKE ! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME ! SH*T ! I NEED ANOTHER TISSUE ! AND I AM NOT HALFWAY THROUGH THE CHAPTER ! P*tain de b*rdel de m*rde ! It is so incredibly perfect and moving and Romione-y. The fact that Ron does not believe his eyes that she cares for him, that he smiles hopefully, that he thinks he would never be with her again, the fact that Hermione is biting her lip but does not say anything, and the selflessness of Ron who as usual does not think about himself at all but worries about his loved ones even though he just got poisoned...
"Better, now that you're awake."
My Romione heart swelled again.
Her hand gently made its way into his, sending a thrill through him like the first time he'd ever ridden a broom. He tried to squeeze it hard back, partly to ground himself that this was real, and partly to let her know something of how happy he was to see her, but all he could manage was a limp clammy hold. She didn't say anything to him, simply putting another hand on top of his one weak one.
I am at a loss for words. I am just so emotional. This image of them together is exactly why I love Romione so much. It is very poignant and moving.
"So… I kind of lied. I don't entirely remember what's been going on… I just wanted to see you," Ron said quietly.
At this point I just want to cherish this chapter forever and I definitely need another box of tissues, so I stand up and go search it. It's the "quietly" that actually killed me : picturing Ron, searching Hermione's eyes, whispering this to her is so sweet.
"Oh shit! Please don't leave. I'm so glad you're here. It's fine… I can catch up on this crap later."
He is so emotionally open I just... Hermione, cherish this boy.
He honestly didn't care if he sounded pathetic or desperate. She was the one thing he could hold on to when time was bending, and he wasn't sure of what was real and not.
My Romione heart does not thank you for the emotional roller-coster.
"I'm not going anywhere,"
Aaaah Hermione you pulled at my heartstrings. No, not you too ! I have enough heart pangs with Ron thanks !
"Sorry I'm so stupid right now. I just can't seem to keep a hold of things in my mind for long."
There self-depreciating Ron goes again... Like, am I hallucinating, or is he actually apologizing for not being well after having been poisoned ?? #Rontheboywhoapologizesforeverything
"You're far from stupid," Hermione said with her trademark scowl, and he grinned at that. "You were nearly killed. You had anoxia, where your brain didn't get enough oxygen. It's literal brain damage."
Yes, Hermione ! Tell him he's great ! Prevent him from being self-depreciating ! I love it so much when people let their appreciation of him shine through ! And she's so cute when she gets so anxious and worried that she has to ramble about facts, explain things and expose her knowledge !
He almost laughed at being brain damaged, but tears began to pool in her eyes.
Again so perfectly Romione-y. Ron sees the funny side of things, or the sadly funny side of things when he gets self-depreciating, and Hermione cries because she saw all the implications.
If it weren't for magic you might not be able to remember anything ever again, or talk, or move, and could have been mentally infirm the rest of your life. It wouldn't have been temporary. You'd not be yourself and I just — I just can't stand the thought that-that someone as alive and as - as wonderful as you could ever be struck down and unable to be yourself and I was so so afraid I was going to lose you and the last things I ever said to you were-were horrible, and I just —"
Oh my Romione. And my eyes are watering again. She's so devastated at the idea of a tetraplegic or diminished Ron, and I am too, that's the wrongest thing ever in fanfiction; and she's using the world "alive" to describe Ron and that fits him so well, and she feels so guilty that's awful even if it pleases me a little (I hate it so much when in fanfiction Hermione "accepts" to forgive Ron for Lavender. 😒)
"Oh, Hermione, don't—" he said while weakly raising his arms as high as he could so she'd come into them. 
~ Squealing time interruption ~
Hermione needed facts and figures to comfort her. "Hey, according to this parchment, I'm going to be ok, right?"
He knows exactly what to say to makes her feel better and that's instinctive. That's my Ron and I love him.
She gave a great wet sniff and nodded, though she looked even paler than before.
They're so terribly cute together. Hug her Ron, my girl needs it badly !
He'd have to humiliate himself a bit to get her to laugh, but it would be worth it.
So you are once again going to be very self-sacrificing, okay Ron, but what are you talking about ? How could you...
"And apparently there are some spells in place, so we don't have to worry I'll wet myself in the bed, even though I'm so mentally infirm," he said with a conspiratorial grin.
*jaw drops, eyes water (my fucking god I really am a mess and I look like I just had a heartbreak but okay), heart swells with enough Ron-love to fill a swimming pool*
~ squealing time interruption ~
Okay, I'm extremely moved and that's for a very personal reason. I have had 16 general anaesthesias in my life, yet I have always refused, even when I was seven, to use bedpans to... you know, because I am so proud; I hate admitting weakness and that felt so degrading, even if it's totally normal; so for Ron to humiliate himself like that just to make Hermione laugh is quite extraordinary and extremely selfless. I would never have done that.
End of part 1
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