#she will have a name soon I promisse
>Makes my first ever oc that is still lacking a name
> Halfway through coloring realizes I basically made Ashikai into a Genshin character on accident
>Drops it on the internet anyway
>Refuses to elaborate further
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Vision story/good old tragic back story:
___ trained with her best friend for as far back as she could remember, with their bond growing ever colser trough growing stronger in combat, until one fatefull day ___ received a Vision making the duo absolutely hyped and proud of how far have they come on their journey together at first. It only had to mean that the gods have knowledged it and deemed them worthy of their attention and praise!
That was, until it started to spark jelaousy from my the friend that felt unjustifiably left out and overlooked despite having put just as much passion and dedication into his training as ___ yep keeping it under wraps and his mouth shut, as not be seen as jealous prick.
But the sudden reality of having almost every person in his life turn their attention towards ___ for her 'by god's noticed ambition' did not help the situation.
Trying her hardest but always either proving her friend's point or not wording herself correctly, it only made the rift between the friends worse as ___ was only met with anger and distain from the other.
___ never percieved her friend as lesser or incompetent because of a lack of a Vision. But the damage overtime seemed to be too big to repair.
Their final confrontation has unwantingly escalated into a fear and hatered filled battle between the once ever close frinds. 'Let's see if you're really worthy of that power more than me!!' Were the last words ___ remebers from the other before falling back purely onto her instinct and muscle memory to survive an unwarranted duel to death. Seeing as they both were admirably skilled fighters the battle was indeed a sight to behold.
All of that before the other's blade falls to the ground, followed by the rest of his body. ___ heard him mutter something, but too horrified at what has happened her mind was clouded while her body moved on its own. Feeling the only possible course of action at the moment was to run away. Run away as far as possible and never return.
Perhaps a Vision is not as much of a blessing as people like to call it.
The "___" being a placeholder for the character's future name
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salon-submissive · 1 year
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It was a Craig's list add that popped up once. Fortunately, I took a screen shot, because a couple minutes later it was gone.
"Creative Barberettes will give you the hairstyle you deserve today! You just need to submit 100% to their choice for you." it gave a phone #. Intrigued I called. A young female voice answered with only, "yes," no business name or anything. I asked for an appointment and was told a time and place for the next weekend. I called to confirm the day before but the # seemed to be disconnected. I elected to go anyway. Upon arriving at the address -- an unmarked door on the side of a building in the bad part of town, I opened it and entered. The door slammed shut behind me. I turned to open it, for the first time feeling fear. It was locked. I turned toward the barren room as an authoritative female voice on an intercom and said, "You agreed to submit 100% to the Barberette. Now remove all your clothes and proceed to the next room." i knew I did not have a choice.
Naked, I opened the next door to be greeted to two beautiful barberette assistants who handcuffed me, led me to sit in a box where only my head would be stuck out, and locked me in.
Soon the barberette came, and She began what truly was a "Creative Haircut" as the ad had promissed. It would be a haircut that would change my life forever.
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tsukiusagi180 · 9 months
Izana x reader ? I promiss
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(H/c): hair color (N/n): nickname
2005 Tokyo Shibuya district 6:15 p.m.
POV (Y/n): I walked quietly, I had to take the metro to go to Yokohama, that's where Zana was, well Izana, a long-time friend! But on the way to the metro I didn't really look where I was going and I hit a person...
"Ho my shell! Are you okay?"
"Mmh yes thank you"
I bowed to ask for forgiveness and when I got up I saw beautiful blond hair, he was taller than me but he seemed small, this boy... was breathtakingly beautiful, the more I looked at him I felt my heart racing and I was embarrassed, I must have been a blushing mess!
"Hey, don't worry it's okay"
"To be forgiven, can I invite you for a coffee?" At that time I had completely forgotten that I had to go see Zana
"No, you don't need-"
"No really! I insist"
He ended up accepting, I was overwhelmed. This boy exuded a gigantic charisma, his voice was so bewitching and he smelled of coconut... Arriving at the cafe we ​​sat down and placed our order.
"So can I ask your name?"
"My name is Manjiro sano, but you can call me Mikey"
"Mikey as Mikey the Invincible? The leader of the Tokyo manjikai, aka the toman!?"
"Haha yes indeed it's me"
Instead of being afraid, I felt a certain admiration and a certain attraction, I was always at the side of people who had a connection with the gangs, so I was not afraid
"And you then?"
"(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)"
"Wow, that's very beautiful, just as beautiful as you..."
"Thank you.. so Miket you are the leader of one of the most influential gangs, is it a lot of work?"
Then he started talking, about the gang, his brother, his sister, his friends, I drank in his words. This boy really had everything to please, I believe that in a short time I had fallen under his spell. Looking at the time, I saw 8 p.m.! Damn I had forgotten my train! Haaa I'll have to wait for the next one, plus it didn't pass for a good half hour...
"Mikey, sorry I didn't see the time but I have to take a train to go to Yokohama"
"Oh of course, I'll take you to the station to make amends"
"Forgive ?"
"Yes it's my fault, if you hadn't invited me you would already be there"
"Ho, don't worry! It was so nice talking to you"
Exterior POV: The two then headed for the station, once they arrived they waited for the train, after a while it arrived. The (H/c)* then looked at the blonde before giving him a kiss on the cheek
"See you soon Mikey"
"See you soon (Y/n)..."
Once on the train, (Y/n) touched her lips, she couldn't believe it! How could she do such a senseless act!? For his part Mikey lightly touched his cheek, he couldn't help but smile
"I can't wait to see you again my beautiful (H/c)"
Meanwhile (Y/n) arrived in Yokohama, she took out her flip phone before calling Izana
"Yeah ?"
"Zana, I have arrived"
"And bha finally I was waiting for you, why did you take so long?"
"I'll explain everything only if you come get me, the apartment is far away!"
"I'm coming "
She then waited for her friend, once there she got on the motorbike before they left for the apartment of (Y/n) and Izana, they both lived. Kakucho lived in the apartment across the street. Once arrived (Y/n) made himself a coffee before explaining his meeting with Mikey
"So why did you take so long?"
"Okay okay, so I was just taking it easy and you know I'm stupid as I am-"
"Yeah damn stupid'"
"I don't allow you asshole! Anyway, I ran into a person-"
"Well done"
"Shut up let me finish! And this person was very very charismatic, to make me forgive I invited him to have a coffee!"
"SO ?" Despite her words, Izana felt her heart sink, he was madly in love with (H/c), but despite all her efforts she didn't notice anything...
"And you know what!? It was Mikey"
"Mikey! Manjiro sano, and before I left I even kissed him-"
"WHAT !?"
"On the cheek"
Izana couldn't help boiling inside, Mikey took Shinichiro and now (Y/n)? How much was he going to waste his life? And this scene was repeated for a while, (Y/n) spending her days in Shibuya with Mikey and in the evening she told everything to Izana, who could only suffer the feelings of the two lovebirds.
Except that one day the white guy was going to Shibuya for gang business, and he thought that after he was done he could go see (Y/n), once he was done he wandered around trying to find the girl who had stolen his heart. Looking around Izana saw you on Mikey's motorbike, and that's when he understood, you'll never look at him the way you look at him, you'll never love him the way you loved him, he was doomed to live with his weight and this unrequited love...
Until the fateful day of the battle of Toman and the Tenjiku, you had received a call from Mikey, it was vague but Izana was about to die so you ran and ran until you reached the battlefield, once you arrive you will see it
"Hey Zana... you'll survive huh?"
"(N/n)...I don't.. think..."
"No! Zana please..." You burst into tears
"Listen to me please (N/n)..., I love you and I have...always loved you so live for me please"
as he spoke he put his hand on your cheek
"Promise Zana"
2015, Yokohama Ward, 3:30 p.m.
"Mr. Sano do you want to take Mrs. (L/n) here as your wife?"
"Yes, I want it "
"And you, Mrs. (L/n), do you want to take Mr. Sano here as your husband?"
"Yes, I want it"
"You Can Kiss Each Other"
A hubbub is said to be heard in the room, at the exit of the church our groom looked at the sky with a pensive expression
"I will never forget you Zana"
Then a few years later they had a child
"He's a very beautiful baby, what would you like to call him?"
"I would like to call her Zana"
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emie-emeli · 8 months
I wanted to info dump about my AU so let's go about the timeline and some events of Winx : Origins :D
The story begin in late august 2019
All of the girls (except Stella) are born in 2004. Stella is born in 2003, like me :)
I kept the girls birthday the same from the show, so from oldest to youngest it goes like this :
Stella : August 18th 2003
Flora : March 1st 2004
Musa : May 30th 2004
Layla : June 15th 2004
Bloom : December 10th 2004
Tecna : December 16th 2004
For Beatrix (who's not Stormy in disguise in my AU) her birthday is September 14th. The year of her birth is unknow but she seems to be around 15-16 years old when she appears in the first time (design of her soon)
Domino downfall happen in December 2004. The 24th day of December more precisely, which mean that Bloom was 2 weeks old when her birth planet was doomed, and makes more sense to her inability to remember this event.
In this timeline, Daphne and the Trix were the same age. Daphne was 18 years old when Domino was destroyed... by three witches...
I don't think Daphne has a canon birthday in the OG so I decided to make her birthday happen in November 23rd 1986.
In this timeline, Icy, Darcy and Stormy are not blood sisters but they are related from the ancestral witches, who were blood sisters. They are long lost cousins. But they share the same birth date : May 5th 1986.
However, they were born at differents period of the day : Darcy was born first, at 1.11 am, then come Icy in the morning at 8.36 am and Stormy is the youngest, born at 9pm.
The Trix are 34 in this timeline.
The day of the Golden Flame, or the day when Daphne get rid of the witches from good (for now but I can't say much) happen on May 20th 2005. Daphne died this day too.
Finally, let's talk about an event that happen on Andros. And not an happy one. On August 6th 2004, aquatic Andros was attacked by land Andros, which leads to a tragedy who could have been similar to Domino downfall but luckily, this attack didn't lead to a success. However, many lives were lost and many childrens were taken away to escape this attack. Some of them were killed, others escaped and were reunited with family members, and then they are the ones who were taken away from their family to be adopted by rich land androsians (don't worry the royal family of Andros punished these people and the kids were reunited with their family or adopted by foster androsians parents (both land and aquatic) if they were orphans). It's a tragedy that foreshadowed the fate of Domino somehow and also, take a part from Layla's story (in this case, she was supposed to be reunited with her aunts but the mermaid who escorted her was severly wounded by a land androsian who shoot an arrow at her back. She and baby Layla ended up in the surface and were seen by a man named Leeslas. He tried to help the mermaid but she pass away because of her injuries, only telling him the birthdate of the baby and how special she is. Leeslas decided to adopt the little infant, calling her Layla and promissing her to be a great father figure, even if it's temporary. For now on, Layla doesn't know her birth parents and have a similar story with Bloom, but she had a way better childhood than Bloomie in this timeline.
End of this info dump hope you enjoyed reading all of that ahah
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Some random notes about an OUAT queer rewrite fic I will never write, but have been planning since I was ten:
- Everything is campy and dorky but also angst.
- SwanQueen is the main ship. Emma and Regina are destined for each other.
- Cora is the worst and main bad guy, spread the news.
- Instead of the weird plot twist we got the Dark Fairy is just Blue. She invented a foe so she could have control under the faries, she is the real main antagonist. Sorry, Cora.
- Snow and Charming are both trans. Snow is transfem and nb while Charming is transmasc. Charming was the one who was pregnant with Emma. He entered in the coma cause the attacks in the mist of having birth in a place with medieval medicine is hard. Snow never got pierced by a sword because she is an archer, she doesn't figth at a short distance.
- Charming's twin was not trans though. She just posed as a man because the king didn't want his heir to be a woman, the asshole also saw David as another girl playing pretend because he sucks. Jaimie may or may not be more relevant than just flashback evil twin sister and have a fake death and her own redemption arc instead.
- While most kingdoms in the Enchanted Florest are unfortunaly very bigoted, Snow's kingdom was part of the few who were very open minded and saw no problem with queerness.
- The reason why Snow's name is the only "weird" name in her kingdom is because when she came out as trans, she was ten and her dad let she choose the name, the kingdom was very prosperous and very bored so people sent her letters with name ideas. Unfortunally she was ten and as someone who went by Lemon when I was discovering myself as trans (and I was 15 at the time!) and still goes by it sometimes (though I mostly use Nico or my brithname cause names only have gender if you're a coward) I can atest thar transkids choose the most wild things.
- Zelena has a way different backstory. She is still Cora's lost daugther and still has an awfull adoptive dad that hates her 'cause she has magic. But everything after that is completly different. I didn't flash it all out yet, but she joins the four witches of directions, they became a family and Glinda and Zelena became lovers, even raising little princess Ozma.
- The problem is, there is something wrong with Oz. No one knows why, but the fate of every magic user in there has already been writen and they are forced to mantain it or Oz and everyone in it will ceasse to exist (the reason for it is because Oz was created by genie wish). And thanks to that Zelena has to be a villan and sacrifice her happines with Glinda and Ozma.
- She mets Rumple while looking for a way to solve her situacion and after discovering she is Cora's daugther Rumple promisses to help thinking he can manipulate and use her to cast the dark curse. But he soon realizes she won't accept to sacrifice the heart of her loved ones for the curse and, while he respects her for it, this means he has no use for her and therefore he breaks their partnership. She hates him because he promissed to help and never delivered. She was the second deal he broke and he doesn't even realize it at the time.
- She despises Regina because Regina choose to be a villan. In her partial vision of things, Regina is the cause of her own problems while Zelena literally had no choice on her own tragedy and "wickedness", Regina choose to be the Evil Queen. Will she realize that Regina have little choise between a selfish (desperated) imp and an abusive mother? Who knows?
- There is a prophesy in Oz that says a chosen savior will fix the land and bring back the free will and equilibrium to the realm. It is about Dorothy. But unfortunally missunderstandings lead to the people of Oz thinking it is about Emma and so instead of time travel, Zelena's evil plan is a ploy to bring Emma back to Storybrook and kidnap her so she can force her to solve a problem she literaly can't.
- Regina and Henry are the ones who save the day by discovering Dorothy and bringing her and her family to Oz. By saving Oz the realm is rebuild and now part of Storybrook. And that is how Zelena stays in the narrative. Except she has no other villan arcs nor rapey moments and instead is living her best life with her wife and kid, she still has her sarcastic personality and a slow build fixing of her relationship with her sister.
- Since I rewrote Zelena story (because I love Zelena's personality and Oz stories but hate her plots and the constant rapey vibes the writers give her) and by extension made Dorothy younger there is no Dorothy and Ruby. But there is Ruby and Belle and Dorothy and Ozma (who exists and can be her nb lesbian self who was totaly Dorothy love interest in the Oz books idc).
- Lastly, instead of developing a badly done enemies to lovers relationship with Regina, Robin Hood (played by a different actor in my mind for reasons) develops an enemies to brotops ship with both Mills sisters. In my universe Marian never died and they raised Roland together and are happily maried. Unfortunally both he and Marian end up dying in combat and Regina and Zelena (with help from Emma and Glinda and the Merry Man) have to raise Roland and Robin Jr. (who is not Zelena's daugther in this world). Robin Jr. and Alice will be a couple.
- Baefire and Neal aren't the same person. Neal is a magical clone, he doesn't know that and it's weird. I won't explain. Bae is still in Neverland and very traumatazed and now Rumple has two angry abandoned sons to deal with. He deserves the hardship.
- Since we are keeping the fixing villans who had potencial and a cool personality but were dragged on the mud. Let's go to dear old Rumple. Except for his mother being the Black Fairy (he had two fallen fairies spinisters aunts though and I will use the queercoded meaning of spinister here) his story is very similar until the point he abandons Baefire. More or less.
- Why more or less? You will see.
- I will change the Dark One origins cause I hate the Camelot Saga almost as much as the Black Fairy one.
- Anyway. Season one Rumple is almost perfect so the only change I'll make is Rumbelle. Because I'm a campy queer dork, I will keep my idea of Belle being lesbian and Rumple being gay.
- Basically thanks to an old book Belle discovered that an old necklace her mother gave her had strong magical porperties. So as her kingdon suffered against the ogers, she decided to make a deal with Rumplestiltskin. She would give him the necklace and in turn he would defeat the ogers, as her dad would object and the time it would take to convince him would cost lifes she opts for a deal made in secret. But while making the deal, Rumple shows interest in the book were she found the information about the necklace and tries to fish for another deal so he can have both. Now Avonela is one of the most bigoted kingdoms in the realm and Bella knows she will be forced to marry Gaston, a brute, she utterly dislikes, not only that but she will have to lie forever about being a lesbian (a thing Rumple gets cause before being the Dark One he too was a homosexual who lived in a bigoted comunity and was forced into conforming to the straight norm, marrying a woman and having a kid). So she decides to trade the book in exchage for a chance to escape. After a long discussion the two decide to fake a deal with Belle's dad where Rumple asks for her as the price, so they woudn't try to find her.
- After the deal, Belle has no place to go and after a inside battle with the sentient curse inside him, Rumple takes pity on Belle and decides to let her stay with him in the castle (he tries to find excuses about how that was not him being nice but Belle ignores them).
- Now Belle isn't a maid nor a prissioner. She can go whenever she wants and she does travel on her own sometimes looking for adventure(and that means she has way less conections when the show starts) but she always comes back (because the stability of having a home matters). She is a roomate. She does clean the place, but is more because she feels like she has to pay Rumple someway for letting her stay there. He thinks is completly ridiculous she is cleaning a magical castle that can do it by itself and accuses her of spoiling his house but the casttle clearly loves it.
- She and Rumple are not a couple. They aren't atracted to each other at all. She doesn't like man and he doesn't like woman. They are just two lonley people living together who understand each other and soon they are best friends. But they live in an heteronormative world and people assume they are a couple and are very shocked when they discover they aren't, specially because they are purposefully ambiguous and little shits about it for fun. Charming suffers the most.
- Charming and Rumple are kindda friends. Mostly becauee Charming and Rumple kindda bonded over David's quest to find Snow and he thinks Rumple has some good on him, specially whe he discovers the Dark One curse is sentient and speaks with Rumple, also because he is genuinally concern about this man mental health and thinks he needs someone to say "for god sake go to therapy" from time to time.
- My Rumple is less evil and more the neutral force he was on the first seasons. And after finding Bae he activally tries to be good to mend his relationship with his son (his sons since Bae got an adult magic clone). He also actually seeks help for his trauma and awfull mental health on general, though it is mostly cause David and Belle coerced him. David and Belle also coerced Emma, Regina, Zelena, Dorothy, Maleficent, Lily, Grumpy and honestly half of the town onto seeking mental health. They even found other therapists besides Archie (mostly normal peasants, though one of them was possibly Aladin's geenie) with different psycological main theory/area. Ironically, they had to be coerced into also seeking theraphy.
- Ruby and Belle are dating. They started as friends but them one day Rubby was drunk and said "if you weren't dating the Dark One, I would kiss you" and Belle said "I'm not" and at first Rubby was like "haha funny" and them she was "wait really?" and Belle said "Yep" and they kissed. That being said Ruby was sure Belle and Rumple were at least exes for a long time. And she was jealous of him since the two still lived together. Until one day she confronted them, Rumple just laughed and Belle explained the whole thing to her. Rumple - who is way older and should be the mature one - only added sarcastic comentary, giggled and made fun of the whole situacion. He also interrupted the explanation with random reasons he would never date Belle just to annoy her (Gold is the persona for non-friends, friends keep the annoying flamboyant dark one from the EF, good luck to them).
- Ruby joined David into the list people who had a weird friendship with Rumple after that. The list was them, Emma (who doesn't want to but has protagonist powers and is begrundgly friends with everyone in town) and Belle.
- On the other side of queer besties who aren't a couple we have the power bi duo: Hook and Emma. Though Killian had a crush on Emma in the begnning.
- But this Killian can take no as an answer. And he and Emma stay good friends. He is one of the biggest suporters of Emma's Evil Queen themed bi panics and later of their relationship.
- He and Rumple still hate each other, but they both have a truce, because they both are trying to be better and reconstruct their lifes. They will still insult each other ever chance they get.
- He and Regina start on the wrong foot, and for a while have an epic bi to bi hostility but they end up becoming friends.
- Neal doesn't die. Instead since they find Bae in Neverland he is having an existencial crisis in the background. The shock of unreality is a great motivator into not pursuing Emma and they keep a tense friendship that evolves into a real one. He is also close to Hook. Henry is bent on helping him figure it all out.
- While Bae and Rumple recover their relationship. Neal and Rumple never really do. They are in a better place, but it's still complicated.
- He becomes a close friend of Bae. Since the other him also wants to discover what is going on, specially since in the begining they didn't know who was the real one.
- More than that, Neal is the babysitter of it all. And ends up having to keep an eye and deal with the shennanigans of Henry, Ozma, Dorothy, and Bae. (And sometimes Gretel, Hansel and Grace)
- He ends up developing a big friendship with Snow. He is also close with Hook, Glinda, Zelena, Marian and Robin.
- Henry has more time to shinny as kid detective. Specially because thanks to my changes he actually gets friends close to his age.
- Henry is aroace. He is the author.
- Later there will he a bonus tale of adult Henry and teen Robin acting as an detective duo (Henry is a wanderring P.I who travels to magic realms solving important mysteries and them publishs his adventures in the Land Without Magic where he is known as a great fiction writer) find a realm created by a geenie wish with alternative versions of themselfs who are figthing to save their world as the gennie magic fades. Is there where Robin finds Alice.
- Regina did not have any relations with Graham. She stole his heart as a punishment but never used it for anything.
- There is a lot of other things but I'm tired so this is all for now.
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ariel-seagull-wings · 2 years
@themousefromfantasyland @softlytowardthesun @princesssarisa @superkingofpriderock @faintingheroine @notyouraveragejulie @amalthea9 @the-blue-fairie @angelixgutz
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After the Beast, the Frog Prince is probably the most famous animal groom character in fairy tales. Sometimes portrayed as a complete victim unfairly cursed, other times portrayed as a deeply flawed man who was cursed as a karmic punishment, at the end of the day he will always help a princess in exchange of friendship and companionship, wich will make him turn back to human form.
The appeal of the Frog Prince is how, under an appearance that frightens and repugnates us, he simbolizes virtues like loyalty and kindness. And today, i make this humble list of my favorite portrayals of this iconic character.
Number 08: Shigeru Chiba/Daniel Woren in Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics
This encarnation starts with a bit of an aristocratic arrogance, to the despair of his servant Henry, who wants to help him find a princess who may break his curse. But as the episode goes, we see other aspects of his personality, like how much he values the keeping of a promisse, how much he enjoys to tell jokes at the table, and the fact that he is capable of being gentle and apologizing. That is why he gains the number eight spot on this list.
Number 07: Bruno Campos as Prince Naveen in Disney's The Princess and The Frog
Naveen was once the spoiled Prince Heir of the Kingdom of Maldonia, who has to learn how to confront reality when his parents cut his allowances. Wanting to gain easy richess, he falls in the trap of the villain Dr. Facilier and is turned into a frog. Soon after, he kisses Tiana thinking she will undo his curse, but actually turns her into a frog as well. Now, verbally fiting a lot, the two go into a journey to regain their human forms. In this journey, Naveen learns with Tiana how to be more responsable and hardworking, becoming a better person. And discovers true love for the first time. This engaging character ark is why he wins the number seven spot.
Number 06: Sinbad in Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child
This retelling set in a tropical african kingdom presents audiences to one of the most romantic and sensitive portrayals of the Frog Prince.
His disgust at the tought of eating flies, and the song he sings about becoming friends with Princess Ebony are the highlights that made him worthy of the number six spot.
Number 05: John Paragon as Ribbit in Cannon Movie Tales: The Frog Prince
In this direct to video movie, Ribbit is a fun, energitic dandy, who helps little Zora in her training to become a Princess, after she promisses to become his best friend forever. He teaches her elegant manners, how to dance, how to speak in public, while encouraging Zora to be more confident in herself. Basically, Ribbit is the sweet and loyal friend that everyone wants to have, and that is why he wins the number five spot in my hearth.
Number 04: Alexander Merbeth as Prince Floris in Sechs Auf Einen Streich
This big eyed cute kawai designed Frog Prince is in the most faithfull adaptation of the Brothers Grimm tale: he appears offering to retrieve the golden ball, demands Princess Sophia to keep her promisse of being his friend, is trown at the wall by the Princess, regains his human form, then later marries the Princess and his servant, named Henry, releases three iron rings from around his hearth because he is happy that his lord is human again. The main adition is that this time he waits some time to see if he will take Princess Sophia as his wife or not. He basically in my number four encarnation for being faithfull to the original tale without fear of being judged as "too weird".
Number 03: Michal Dlouhý/Michael Mattys in Juraj Herz's Der Froschkönig
This encarnation starts as a moody, spoiled, arrogant and cruel man, who seduced and breaked the hearths of many women. He gets fascinated by a young princess, promissing true love to her. But when he kisses another women in front of her, he breaks the princess hearth as well. So he is transformed into a frog to learn a lesson. His slow proccessing of his guilt and shame, along with his creatively grotesque design, are the most engaging aspects of his character, wich earn him my number three spot on this list.
Number 02: Robin Williams as Prince Robin in Faerie Tale Theatre
This encarnation of the Frog Prince was cursed as a baby because his parents forgot to invite into his christening the Fairy Godmother who helped him to be conceived. Because of that he grows up as the rejected son his parents hide. But despite this rejection, he manages to cope with lots of sass, humour, singing and dancing talent, and dashing sword fight abilits. The climax is the fight where he saves the Princess of an scorpion. Wich finally earn him the Princess's trust, and the number two spot.
And now, the moment everybody was waiting. My number one portrayal of the Frog Prince is...
Number 01: Gordon Thomson/Jerry Nelson as Sir Robin the Brave in Tales from Muppetland: The Frog Prince
This was the second of three TV movies in Jim Henson's Tales from Muppetland series (the other two were Hey! Cinderella and The Muppet Musicians of Bremen). In this movie, Sir Robin the Brave was cursed by the evil witch Taminella Grinderfall into become a frog, and he lives displaced among the garden frogs, who don't believe him when he tells he is a cursed human prince, and even laugh at him. The only frog who befriends him is Kermit, who offers to teach how to swimm. Later, despite still not being the best swimmer in the garden, he does justice to his epitet of "the Brave" when he goes deep in the water to recover the golden ball of Princess Melora, who also was cursed to speak only in spoonerisms by the same witch Taminella. This earns Melora's trust and friendship, and the two along with Kermitt, must unite forces to break Taminella's curses and stop her from becoming Queen.
Sir Robin is very kind, polite, and a sweet romantic. And he becamed so popular, that later his character was retconned: from a human prince, he becamed Robin the Frog, Kermitt's innocent nephew. For both being a likable and charismatic interpretation of the fairy tale prince, and becoming an important member of the Muppet family thanks to the special's success, Sir Robin the Brave has become my number one favorite portrayal of the iconic Frog Prince.
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annabethy · 3 years
under the mistletoe, watching the fire glow day 10: pen pal
Character A and Character B both sign up for a Christmas Pen Pal project to exchange post cards,, percabeth. not just letters I promise
Hi! My name’s A, and I’m eight years old. Well, my name isn’t actually A, but I don’t know you yet so I can’t tell you my real name. I don’t know your name, and you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.
I don’t know why I’m doing this whole pen pal thing. I just thought it would be fun, but I don’t really know what to expect either. I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself.
My favorite color is grey, like my eyes. I like to read a lot too. I don’t have many friends, but that’s just because I don’t like talking to people. They start to talk, and it makes me feel like I want to hit them, so I prefer to just be by myself. I wouldn’t mind being your friend, though. I don’t have to hear you talk.
Hope I get your response soon! Goodbye until then!
Love, A.
Dear A,
I guess you can call me P then. I’m eight years old too, so that’s cool! We’re practically best friends already. I’m doing the pen pal thing because my teacher says I should practice writing. I’m not very good at writing, but I promiss prommis promise I’ll get better for you!
I like to swim. The water is cold where I live, but I still go in anyways. My mom says I’ll get hypothermia, but I do it anyways because it’s fun. I wonder if you like the water too? You’re crazy if you don’t, but it’s okay. I’ll be your friend anyways. I have one friend, but I don’t really like them very much. They’re mean to me a lot. You seem much nicer.
I’m so excited to get to talk to you!
From P :)
Hey, P! It’s been a couple of months since we spoke. I’ve missed my mystery-stranger-pen-pal-person. Hope you’re doing well.
Honestly, not much has happened with me. It’s the end of sixth grade, thank god. I actually hate all of my teachers. Especially the history one. She makes something that could be so interesting so dull, and it’s upsetting. There’s so much to tell about the past, and she’s ruining it. I’d consider saying something to her, but you know how it is.
I’ll just complain to you instead ;)
I remember you said you were applying to the swim team, and I think that’s so exciting! I know the try-outs passed, so let me know if you got in! (and if you didn’t, don’t worry about it. You don’t need to explain it to me if you don’t want to.)
Anyways, eagerly awaiting your response (but not that eagerly. It’ll be a couple of weeks, if not more.)
Love, A.
A! I’m insulted that you would think I didn’t make it onto the swim team. I am one with the fish. I am living my dream of swimming around the water like a turtle. It’s been pretty fun actually, except for when I ran into a wall and nearly bust my head open months ago. We don’t like to speak of that moment.
And yes, your history teacher is absolutely bizzare bizarre. I’m not the best with grades and spelling (clearly. I mean, look at my spelling of “bizarre”) but history is one of my better subjects, surprisingly. I think that it’s because the past is so important. My mom always likes to tell me that without the past, we wouldn’t learn for the future, so I try to pay attention to that class. I’m sorry you don’t like it :(
I really missed talking to you too. I don’t even know your name (cue frown), but I feel like I’ve known you my entire life. A person I can talk to when there’s no one else.
You’re my best friend (though I do love the term “mystery-stranger-pen-pal person).
Sincerely, P.
P! Get ready for my rant because I’m about to go off, and you’re going to listen.
People always say that you lose friends sophomore year. I didn’t think that was true. BOY, was I wrong. I’ve lost, like, twenty friends. I thought I’d be more upset about it, but honestly, I’m relieved. They always made me feel excluded, and without them, I’m not going home near tears every day.
I did meet a guy. His name is Luke, and he’s a junior. We’re not dating, but I wouldn’t mind it if we did. Not that I think it’ll ever happen because I’m too focused on school, but it would be nice to at least be friends. He’s really nice.
Also! The last letter was two months ago (?) and you said your school placed second in the state competition! Does that mean you’re going to nationals?
If you are, I am so proud of you. You seriously have to let me know how that goes.
Until next time.
Love, A.
A, my love!
As your best friend, I am obligated to say that you must not let the man be an obstacle to your schoolwork. I say this because I want you to do well. (Also because I’m in love with you)
Really though, I’m happy for you. I hope everything works out and you’re happy. That’s all that matters.
As for the sophomore thing, I felt that. I’ve never had all that many friends, but a lot of them changed. Change isn’t a bad thing I guess, but I wasn’t willing to stick around for them destroying themselves, so I didn’t. I’m always here if you need me.
(And I did place at states! Nationals was actually a few weeks ago! I didn’t place there, but I apparently got pretty close, which is awesome)
Love, P.
A! It’s been a while. I haven’t heard from you since October, and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. Is that weird? I don’t know you but I’m checking in?
Oh well. I just really missed you. Not much has happened. Just wanted to say hi. Hope all is well.
Love, P.
A! Babes! Where are you? I’ve sent a few letters but haven’t gotten any responses. You’re kind of scaring me haha. Is it something I said?
I totally get if you don’t want to do this anymore, but just let me know please? I’m checking the mail every day and I keep getting more and more worried, so… Just let me know, please.
I miss you.
Love, P.
Dear A,
You never responded to any of my last letter. I get the feeling you’re not going to respond anymore, so I guess this is my last letter.
I graduated. Finally. It was a struggle, but I managed to bring my grades up. I even got accepted to a pretty good school. It’s not Ivy League, like I’m sure you got into. You’ve always been so smart.
I’m going to school in New York. I don’t think I’ve ever told you that in any of the 126 letters we’ve sent. I counted.
Anyways, I just really miss you. I hope you’re okay, and I really wish you the best.
My name’s Percy by the way.
Love, Percy.
Percy jumps as his girlfriend wraps her arms around his shoulder and nips at his ear. He turns and gives her a playful look.
“You want to take me to the ground?” he asks.
Annabeth rolls her eyes, sliding her hand into his. She feels really warm, even in the cold air outside of Rockefeller Center. “I’m not that heavy.”
“What if I told you you’re wrong?”
“You would get no more kisses for today.”
“Oh, we can’t have that.” Percy’s arms slide to wrap around her waist and tug her closer to his. She doesn’t resist, hugging him back. Percy nudges her jaw with his nose until she turns her face up so he can kiss her. “You’re not heavy at all. Super light, actually.”
She hums, kissing him again. “Good answer.”
Percy laughs, letting him detangle himself from her. His hand goes back to hers, and they begin walking around the plaza, taking in the beautiful decorations. It’s really pretty outside. He’s always had a thing for Christmas and its sparkling lights. He loves the smell of the pine trees and the feel of the light snowflakes against his face.
Annabeth swings her hands between them, and he thinks she looks so cute with her hair down in the cold and nose turned red that he can’t help but kiss her on the cheek.
Percy catches sight of a large sign at a random booth sitting along the edge of one of the buildings. It’s decorated horribly in the most adorable way — no doubt done by children. It’s what it reads that really makes him doubletake.
He just barely manages to make out the words, Christmas Pen Pal Exchange.
It makes his heart ache. He hasn’t heard from A since sophomore year of high school when he was sixteen. He’s twenty-three now. He can’t believe it’s this close to ten years since he heard from her.
He misses her so much. It’s not that he necessarily needed her because he has Annabeth, and he wouldn’t trade that for the world. He’s in love with Annabeth. He thinks he’s going to marry her someday.
A helped him get through difficult times. He wishes he could at least know that she was okay, or why she stopped talking to him. He doesn’t care why it happened anymore. He just wants to know, and to tell her things he was always too scared to say.
Annabeth bumps his shoulder as they pass the booth. “You okay?”
Percy swallows the small lump in his throat that formed. “I’m okay.”
“You sure? You look like you’re about to cry.”
A part of Percy doesn’t want to tell her. He wants to keep it to himself because he has for so long. What he and A had was different.
The other part, and the bigger part, does want to tell Annabeth. He loves her and wants her to know every piece of him. Annabeth is Percy’s best friend now, and there’s no reason for him to keep something like this for her.
“It’s just.” Percy pauses, looking over his shoulder at the booth. “I did one of those when I was young.”
He expects her to tease him, so he’s surprised when she says, “I did too.”
Percy looks at her. “You did?”
“Yeah. I was eight, I think.”
Percy breaks into a smile. “So you were that kid with no friends in elementary.”
“Okay, mister, you wrote them too.”
“That’s how I know you were a loser back then. I was too.”
“A match made in heaven,” she says, wrapping herself in his arms to block the wind that’s begun to blow harder. “Do you still talk to them?”
“Not anymore,” he admits. “We just stopped talking.”
“Aw. Why?”
Percy breathes deeply. “I’m honestly not sure. She just stopped talking to me.”
“What an ass,” Annabeth says.
“Right?” Percy laughs slightly. “I miss her, to be honest. Is that weird? I just used to talk to her all the time, and then — nothing.”
“It’s not weird at all,” she tells him, snuggling her face into the crook of his neck. “I miss mine too.”
“Why’d you stop talking?”
“I moved here. I lost their address, and I got a new one. It just didn’t work after that.” She smiles, thinking of a fond memory. “They used to call me their best friend. The only one I had.”
Percy turns his nose up. “Well now you have me, so forget that guy. No man dares hurt my baby.”
“If I ever meet them, promise to beat their ass.”
“I’ll do my best,” he promises.
“What was their name?” she asks. “Of your pen pal?”
“I never found out,” he says. “She didn’t tell me her name. Only that it started with an A, so I called myself P, and we just kind of went on like that.”
The atmosphere suddenly turns cold as Annabeth stiffens in his arms.
“What is it?” he asks.
“You called yourself P? And the other person was A?”
Percy thinks to confirm before saying, “Yes. Why?”
“Did this person also meet a guy named Luke?”
Percy pulls away slightly. “How did you know that?”
“And you told them about your love for history at one point?” Percy suddenly feels lightheaded. “Annabeth…”
Annabeth’s lower lip trembled, and when she speaks, it comes out cracked. “I’m A.”
It hits him like a train, and Percy suddenly can’t breathe. His mouth opens for air, but his lungs fail him. His mind races, he doesn’t know what to say, and he feels like he’s going to pass out, and… “Oh my god,” is all he manages.
“You’re A.”
Tears are falling from her eyes, and he doesn’t know how to feel. He doesn’t feel anything at all at first. It’s a weight off his chest, and he’s finally able to take a wrangled breath as it settles inside him. He feels something dripping down his face and realizes it’s tears.
He feels like he should be mad, but he’s not. He can’t be mad at Annabeth because he loves her so much, and he knows what happened, and it’s not her fault, and it’s not his either, and he’s in love with her.
Percy tugs her close. He doesn’t kiss her because right now, this is him seeing A again. His face is in his neck, and he can hear her sobs, and he’s sure his are just as bad. He pulls away, and he lets himself kiss her this time.
“I missed you so much,” he whispers into the kiss. He can taste the tears falling, but he pays it no attention. “I missed you, and I love you so much.”
“I’m sorry,” is what she says.
“Don’t,” he says, pulling away sharply. His voice is wobbly. “This is not your fault.”
Annabeth whimpers. “It feels like it.”
“It doesn’t matter. We found each other, and that’s all that matters, okay?” He wipes the tears from her face gently and kisses her forehead. “We found each other.”
“A twisted way of fate.”
Percy lets out a wet laugh. “It is, but it’s okay.”
“I love you,” she whispers.
There’s so much he wants to say back, but he would never have enough time to say it. “I love you too, mystery-stranger-pen-pal-person,” he whispers. He stays like that, her wrapped in his arms, and he doesn’t know how much time passes like this.
He kisses her, but this time it is as more than her boyfriend.
They are P and A.
Percy and Annabeth.
They are best friends and lovers in one.
He’s going to marry her. His best friend.
Percy and Annabeth.
P and A.
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2021ana · 3 years
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Doing this but not in 30 days lol, cause i’ll probably forget about so i’ll Answer the maximum rn
1- i have 59 kg, is like 130 pounds, my waist have 70 cm(27 inches) and when i started, was 76,5 cm, my hips are 86cm (33 inches), and when i started they’re 90 cm (35 inches)- they’re wide, but i like them like that- My right thigh’s 58 cm(23 inches) and when i started was 61 cm( 24 inches), my left thigh’s 56 cm (22 inches), but when i started they’re 58 cm(23 inches) yes i think i don’t forget anything lol
2- i’m sum like 5’3 or 5’4, i wanna be taller lol😫😫😫 like 5’5 or 5’6
3-i have a lottt, but i choose that one cause i love the lines in her stomach and her waist
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4- OFC loose my boobs. Seems strange, i know, but i love them😭😭😭😭 they’re pretty, i like them, the guys love them, and i don’t wanna lose then, you know??? The same abt my hips. They’re kinda of wide but i like them lol. But ofc my boobs especially
5- at this point idk. Since i was 9 my DREAM is be skinny, but i think especially because the things i heard for being a fat child. But this doesn’t matter. I’ll be skinny and i’ll be pretty.
6- not actually. I did this just one time when i was like 11. I was struggling hard w my family issues and this day i heard that i was a fat child and should take off my tonsils (surgery) so that i would not eat and lose weight. I decided that if everyone thought I was a fat cow, I would be a fat cow. But soon after eating everything I saw ahead I felt guilty and i vomited for the first time, I never had compulsion but the habit of vomiting accompanies me lol
7- ofc. Like i said, since i was 9 my dream’s ve skinny, my mom helped me lose weight when i was younger but in a healthy way. she rlly don’t know that i go so hard to be skinny, one day she ask me if i was throwing up and made me PROMISSE that if i wanna lose weight i’ll do that in a healty way, like she teach me. And i promisse, even that i was lying. She’s my mom and the best person in the world but i don’t wanna give her this problem, is mine, and i can deal w this.
8- i’m a active person i guess. I do muay thay(fight) everyday, and it spend a lot of calories lol. Also, i’m a swimmer, like rlly, i swim since i was 3 years old, and sometimes i run w my mom cause she run
9- HAHA YES!! I was an fat child. My entire childhood’s def by that.
10- idk sometimes i feel guilty abt you know?? My mom loves me, and she would be soo mad if she know that i do these things:( also, sometimes i lose my control and eat somethings that are really calorics, but i’m working in this
11- idk lol, i don’t think i know some thinspo blogs, act, pls say me sum so i can saw more thinspos lol
12- chicken, salad, and Beetroot, omfg, I love beets, i eat this every fucking day
13- unhealthy lol
14- For now 121 lbs, but when I get to it, I'll lower it more, and i wanna get there to my birthday (August)
15- i’m not, but i used to be, now i eat just chicken, but when i was younger i was a vegetarian for more than a year, and honestly it didn't help me lose weight, but those were not my aspirations at the time, maybe if my focus were that I would have achieved
16- since i was a child be skinny’s my dream lol
17- idk and i don’t rlly wanna talk about that
18- lol probably sum from mac donalds. I’m Addicted to that shit. But’s SO caloric:(( i think that’s the reason why i think so much abt this, like, is so fcking caloric and i know i shouldn’t eat this, and then i think so hard abt
19- sum weeks ago, i didn’t eat anything in the day so at the night i could eat sum shit and stay under my calories for the day
20- the princess diet lol, they’re so flexible and i don’t need to eat the same thing everyday, i like
21- girl depends a lot the store i bought them, in shein for example a have a “xs” top that fits perfectly but from “zara” needs to be a “s” or even a “m” cause they don’t fit like they should in my boobs. this drive me a little crazy and i always cry when i’ll buy sum clothes lol
22- in this times my lowest weight was 52kg, that’s like 113 pounds, but i used to be smaller than now(i was like 5’0) so it wasn’t a good weight
23- haha yes, but not ONLY the media. Before having social medias i already want lose weight
24- idk:( i don’t wanna be a “pro ana” or “pro mia” cause i don’t wanna make little childs or teenagers hating their bodyes like i did. That shit can fuck a child head and i don’t wanna be part of this you know??? But also i think that if you’re already in this(like me) the society can’t force you get a rehabilitation. Needs to be sum that YOU want, and its nice have sum persons to talk abt that without been judged, idk
25- oh yes, and the first experience i was a child and it was kinda of nasty, but i strangely like that. I feel like i was light and my stomach was clean, i like the feeling even that was a little gross
26- be skinny ofc, look at the mirror and feel rlly pretty, doesn’t have all fat that makes me crazy and just be loved you know?? By me and by others
27- not very good haha, at the school, when was the breakfast time, i need to go to the bathroom cause i get so crazy w the food, smell so good and everyone’s eating idk it’s a strange feeling
28- i don’t wanna my fat thighs anymore. But i also don’t wanna lose my hips.
29- something that i need to be. Thin waist, kinda of big hips, medium boobs, a thin face, a nice butty, and a tanned body, like a “latino body”
1- my name’s ana
2- i love exercising but i hate run lol
3- i’m latina and i want a latino body
4- my favorite classes are history and science, also, i hate math
5- i speak 3 languages, 2 flowing and one not really bad haha
6- i like that people say that i’m pretty, but just when they say truth, you know??
7- my favorite skin caracter is james cook and i identify more with him than with cassie, I even think she's kind of covered up, people tend think that cass is my favorite just because she have an ed lol. And okay i like her, but not actually you know?
8- ugh idk my sign is leo and i rlly believe in that lol, i know my astral map entirely and my sun is leo, my moon is sag and my asc is aqua
9- i have daddy issues, like REALLY issues, i don’t like talk a lot abt this but anyway
10- my mom’s the person more perfect i know in my entire life. And i hate making her mad
My states didn’t change cause i did this in one day LOL, but in 30 days i’ll be back!!!
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Kissed by Fire Ch1 || Ragnar Lothbrok x Sansa Stark (Vikings/GoT)
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Sansa enjoyed bathing in the waterfalls when the weather was at his warmest. It was the delusion of freedom, the sense of being alone and overlooked, stripped of decorum, polite smiles and sweet words. The mask of the bird laid on the wet rocks as the wolf walked bare in the cold water.
Sansa didn’t expected the West to be as Winterfell, but the land and its people made her feel more at home than she ever felt in King’s Landing.
When the Lannisters had sent her to Gotaland, a year ago, Sansa had little hope of ever be happy, but her husband Jarl Borg, the nobleman that ruled the land, proved to be the closest chance at happiness she would ever get. He was impressed by her beauty and stories - she was an outlander, after all - but most of all he was quite indifferent towards her, which was the best she could hoped for.
Then there was the mater of Torvi, his other wife, whom Sansa grew to like as much as she once liked Margeary, and the skull of the first dead wife, whom Jarl Borg always carried with him, speaking and listening to, unwilling to let go of the love he felt for her.
Sansa rose from underwater, brushing the wet hair away from her face, enjoying the sound of the water, but her peace was soon interrupted by the angry yells of her two handmaiden.
“You, look away!” the older woman, Dagny, ordered as she pushed two men away from the shore
“Who are you?” Kari inquired, as she moved swiftly towards Sansa with her robe, wrapping it around her shoulders
“Look away at once!” Dagny shouted, shoving the men harshly. They joked, mocking blindness as they laughed, but Dagny’s patience had come to an end, and she drew her sword and slashed one of them in the cheek. The other one was already pulling up his sword as Dagny spoke “What? You're going to try to kill us for protecting the reputation of our mistress? AH! Shame on you!”
Not so long ago, the whole ordeal would made Sansa very flustered, but as of now, Sansa couldn’t hide the amused grin, as she watched the men stutter as they tried to apologize.
“We came upon your mistress by chance.”
“We are strangers here, traveling to the great ash tree, guests of Jarl Borg.”
Sansa’s curiosity peaked, at the mention of her husband’s name. He hadn’t mention any guests that morning, when she told him of her plans to visit the waterfalls. She finished tying her robe and walked towards Dagny.
“They say they are guests of Jarl Borg” Dagny spoke, her eyes never leaving both men
“So they say” Sansa replied, unimpressed “You spied on me”
“We meant no harm”
“Are you alone?” Sansa asked. They looked like farmers turned to soldiers, and Jarl Borg had no business with simple folk
“We are traveling with Earl Ragnar Lothbrok”
Sansa’s lips curled up, as she devised a plan to occupy her uneventful afternoon.
“Then I think that Earl Ragnar owes me an apology on your behalf. Don't you?”
Earl Ragnar had sent one of his men to invite her to their camp, so he could apologize, but under three conditions. She must be neither dressed nor undressed, neither hungry nor full, neither in company nor alone.
When Sansa had demanded an apology from the Earl, she had never expected to be met with such an skillful mind. She was intrigued, and determined to answered his wit in kind.
Ragnar waited by the campfire, wondering if the maiden would make an appearance or not. The gods were testing him, he was certain.
Then, he saw her.
Her hair was red as fire, long and coming in waves way past her shoulders. Her skin white and flawless as ivory and her eyes striking blue as the wild ocean.
And if he had not already been amazed by her beauty, her cleverness had definitely left him speechless.
She came only bearing a mesh over her body, which was denser on the parts she intended to hide. On one hand she had an apple, from which she took a bite, and on the other the leash of her pet, a grey large wolf.
“So, Earl Ragnar, I come to you as you desired”
Her flushed lips were curled up in a smirk, and her voice was as sweet as a prayer.
“Neither dressed nor undressed, neither hungry nor full, neither alone...” she looked down to her pet “nor yet in company. Do I pass your test?”
“I owe you an apology” he conceded, with a graceful smile
“I accept”
Ragnar knew he was staring. He knew it, but he couldn’t look away. She met his gaze with defiance, and that only intrigued him more.
“Come and sit with us, please”
He pointed towards the campfire, where his men stood, scattered and pretending not to pay attention to them. She nodded and walked past him, sitting away from the man, as her wolf laid by her side.
He sat down in front of her, next to Bjorn, who seemed more interested in the animal than the woman.
“What kind of dog is that?” the boy asked, and the maiden laughed
“Her name is Valkyrie, and she is not a dog. She is a dire wolf from my homeland, Winterfell... over the eastern sea”
Ragnar looked like an idiot, staring at the woman with his mouth agape and brows raised in disbelieve. She was an outlander, from a strange land they had only heard stories, stories of dragons and magic and fairy creatures, silly stories told at night to the children.
Ragnar had many questions, but one haunted him the most “May I ask your name?”
“My name is Sansa”
A.N.//- As promissed, here’s the first chapter of my newest obsession, Sansa and Ragnar. This story will not follow any of the plots already set by the shows, for most part. For those of you who watch both shows, the story starts in the ninth episode of the first season of Vikings, and around the time Sansa was supposed to marry Tyrion, as you can already tell she didn’t.
This story is neither historically or geographically acurate, so don’t think to much of it, alright?
Sorry for any mispellings, english is not my native language, and I don’t have a beta-reader. Feedback = Love!
Taglist is OPEN: @shadowqueendiangelo​
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My little mischievous partner ~ part 2
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It felt all too slow. How Cassian opened his door, how he ran over to Rhys room on a mushy ground - where normaly cold,even marble should have met his naked feet.
With cold sweat cloaking his forehead and chest, he flung open the dooble door to Rhys and Feyres bedroom - locked it shut and jumped under the heavy blanket his brother slept under.
To Cassians luck was Feyre still out together with Mor and Amren. Just great, now they had to fight off Bryaxis on their own.
Cass would rather wait for Nesta than do this now. No hundred Illyrians could get him out there to this horrible creature.
Rhysand stired slowly awake by the constant shivering of his blanket. At first he had turned to his side and had hugged the round bundle, nuzzling into it as he mumbled “Oh, Feyre darling, you don’t need to purr for me.”
If the thing waiting outside the door wouldn’t have been Cassians worst nightmare he would have perhaps laughed, or thrown the blanket, over his together rolled form back. Making it obvious that he isn’t Feyre - but he was motionless. The shivers that wrecked through him already too much movement for him.
And so he wasn’t able to do anything as his brother pulled the heavy blanket aside. Rhys sleepy face was enlightened by the soft hue of moonlight as he looked down at him with a lust stretched smile and something dark welling in his violet eyes.
But all that was gone as he suddenly noticed the form of his shivering brother. A  yelp escaping him as he hurriedly skidded back to his side of the bed.
The soft midnight blue blanket between them a strained bundle, as both gripped onto one side of it.
“What in the mothers name are you doing here Cass!” The commander swallowed hard, not answering as he only asked “Can I please stay here? Feyre won’t be here before sunrise anyway. Like that you won’t be lonely.”
Rhys only glared at him before heaving a sigh, dragging a hand through his already sleep mussed hair “Fine. Just don’t tell Feyre of this - you know just as much as I do that she will not let us live this one down.”
Cassian only nodded - fine with whatever his brother wanted from him, if it prevented him from having to step out of the room.
For a long time there was only heared the rustling of the blanket, that shifted back and forth between the two of them until they settled. Both their naked backs turned at each other.
While Rhys closed his eyes again and his breathing started to even. Cassian was far away from finding sleep again. His heart still beating like a thunderstorm in his chest, his wings slowly closing in around him. Every movement outside, the sway of one of the trees, a bird or a bat fluttering past the window -every motion that caused the shadows to move made him shift. His nerves strained to the point of snapping at any moment.
The ticking of the grandfarther clock in the cornor had him wince with every tick. Still he managed to calm down, thinking that all the things he had seen in his room were probably just an imagination because of his drunken state.
Maybe it was just that.
Still with an unerving feeling in his guts, did he close his eyes. An exhaused sigh leaving his bloodless lips as he nuzzeled into the pillows.
The dancing shadows in the room, that had danced around his vision and had frightened him, were now a soothing black blanket behind his closed eyelids.
Sleep soon wanting to drag him down into its cloudy world - that was until he heared it again. That meatallic sound of a laugh.
His body moved on its own accord as it sat up straight. The sweat that had once vanished returned as his gaze hurried around the room. His brother was snorring beside him and everything seemed normal, that means almost normal.
There was a dark shadow, just by the door.
A pitch black clawing fog that swirled around aimlessly on the wooden double door.  
His heart beat spedup at the sight, the metallic laugh a screech in his ears he did never want to hear again. Cassians breathes came uneven as he shook his brother awake - this time not taking his plate wide eyes off of the shadow, that slowly started to take form.
Rhys growled as he was once again dragged out of sleep, but as his grumpy glare saw Cass ,almost porcelain white skin - he did not question his brother -that looked straight ahead.
With a tired puzzeled gaze did the High Lord follow the view of his Commander, after he sat up. His thick black eyebrow furrowed as the question was written all over his face. The clawing fog that now formed into the stature of two persons was not at all familiar with him. Wait a clawing fog?!
Rhys violet eyes slowly widened as he came to the realization - still he breathed to his brother “I’m pretty sure there is a reasonable reason behind this.” 
And it would most likely not the reason of a company searching Bryaxis, that had killed off dozens the last time they saw them.
Cassian only stared further at the fog, as the metallic laugh was heared again.
And the black mist started to lift. Strand for strand it unwrapped two persons. At the sight of those two pairs of legs, was Cassian glad - knowing it was not his worst nightmare, but who were then the intruders?
Rhys slowly scooched closer to his brother as he ,too, saw the two pairs of leggs. One pair, the more delicate and smaller one, covered in a pair of shiny grey harem’s pants. The tiny feet covered with a pair of silver ballerinas. While the other one seemed more masculine, a long turquoise sheet of fabric dangling over a pair of white pants.
And soon the two frightened brothers were greeted by their little angry, ancient friend. Amrens silver eyes swimming with an emotion both did not want to know what it promissed, while her blood red mouth formed into a twisted smirk as she looked up at Varian.
Varian beside her, was quiet as always. His face seeming a bit more grimm, but also lighter as a smirk, too, layed on his lips and he picked up the tiny female.
Her short legs wrapping around his middle imedeatly as his lips found purchase on her red painted ones. One of his large hands wound around her behind, to keep her steddy beside him - while the other tangeled and ruffeled her silky short black hair.
A growl escaping the two of them, while they did not seem as if they noticed the confused and quiet disturbed gazes of the two brothers, that were frightened for their life at the view.
They both were happy to call someone like Amren their family and that she found herself Varian, but both did never want to find out these specific things. Seeing how their chests pressed into one another, her hips grinding into his. There would have not even fit a sheet of paper between them. It seemed like as if the two wanted to become one right infront of Rhys and Cassian.
And it might have been that the two accted like little boys, that just had cought their parents in the middle of something, but they did not want to watch this unfold even more. A shiver running down both of their spines as they thought about it. And so Rhys took the bravery to clear his throat - loudly.
But the pants of the two were louder as they broke appart. Amrens arms wound thightly in Varians hair, their eyes only snapping away from each other as they heared Cass massive frame coliding with the floor.
The commander did not want to see this unfold any longer, but the blanket had cought his legs at the attempt to flee. All pairs of eyes on his form on the cold floor. Annoyed by the reason for his fall he snapped “You two having your fun?!”
Amren only smirked, as her whole body stayed wrapped against Varians. Her blood red lips one devils smirk as she answered: “Thank you very much Cassian, it is actually quiet fun for the both of us, yes.”
Varian had the decency to turn a bit red as he nudged his dark nose against her almost white cheek. But the smirk that formed on his lips as well, had the two brothers shaking.
Rhys slowly crawled to Cassian as to not caugh the attention of the two smirking lovers and leaned down to him. Freeing his brother all too slowly from the silky fetters around his ankels. “We run at three, got that?” Cassian only nodded. Bracing himself on his forearms as to slowly get up.
But before Rhys had even got the chance to say one, went Amrens attention back to them. That words that left her smirking mouth had them flying for the door behind them. “Would you like to join us?”
They both moved fast as lightning for the door. The heavy wood flinging wide open at the force Cass used to open it up with. This was worse than Bryaxis! decided Cassian for himself as he bolted down the hallway to the living room.
There was no way in hell he would open up that cursed chamber of his. Afterall they both had already been in his room. Oh gods he did not even want to think about that!
And while both, Cass and Rhys, ran down the stairs to sleep on the couch. They did not hear the metallic laugh that left Rhys and Feyres bedroom.
None of the two carred about the sound, as they both ran to get their eyes as far away, from the two, as possible. Rhys not carring at all that his bedroom was used for their fun.
There were plenty of rooms in the riverestate. He and Feyre could simply move into one of them, though the explanation might be a bit difficult.
Even though both Illyrians did not know why Amren showed up in the middle of Rhys bedroom - they were horrified. The few pictures that they had seen in the dimm hue of moonlight, enough for the rest of eternity.
The fire in the fireplace to source of warmth as they , both, layed under a pile of blankets on the couch. Sleep without a nightmare hard to find for the two of them.
As the two drunken and sleepy Illyrians stumbeled out the room, was the seer in need of biting her bottom lip -hard- to prevent herself from bursting out laughing.
And it seemed that even the stoic shadowsinger beside her, had to pull hard on his leash of restraint to not burst out lauging too.A light snicker escaping him.
Elain nudged his, brown painted, arm with hers. A smile on her lips as she gazed up at him. Him and his turquoise eyes.
She pounted.
Bold in her drunken state did words leave her mouth, she would have never said if she was sober - but that whole plan of hers was something she would have never done in a sober state.
“I like your hazel eyes better.” was all she mumbled
Azriel grew stiff for a moment at the comment, before he lifted his scarred hand and pulled the two contact lenses out. Revealing his hazel eyes onse again. The emotions inside of them, that made the green and brown appear like one swirl of color - as if they had been painted by Feyre herself with her oil paint, a true master piece. Making the seer lose her breath.
And so did the Shadowsinger as he heaved a sigh once the two foreign bodys were out of his eyes.
The kind smile he offered his friend was something breathtaking, but Elains breath was knocked out of her lungs for another reason.
Her still silver eyes widening at the red smeared lipstick on his sinfull lips.Those lips that had touched and caressed hers like a real lover, wrapping her soft cold lips into the warm blanket of his.
Even though the act, they just had put up, seemed wild and full of passion and like something that was clearly created by Amren and her lover.
But it wasn’t.
It was a song that was sung by the uniting bodys of the Shadowsinger and the seer. A symphony that only their soul and body could create, but that was something that could only be felt by the two of them.
Two drunken ones not even able to notice the difference between those who played infront of them and those which were the real ones.
The hight difference between ‘Amren’ and ‘Varian’ , that stood in the middle of Rhys and Feyres bedroom, gazing at each other with such warmth and intensity that could melt ice, was a lot lesser than the original one.
Something the make up skills of Elain could not make up for.
As well as the bulkier stature of ‘Varian’ and since it was dark, it was also not noticed that his entire backside was covered in shadows.
The black swirling whisps little snakes around Azriels wings, covering everything up like a cloak. Something he had already done many times - mostly durning spies and visits to the mortal lands after the war.
And Elain needed to admit, her eyes taking in every inch of Azriels disguised form, that she would never want anyone else besides the shadowsinger.
His tan, but not ebony skin. His hazel eyes - not quiet brown but also not grey or green either. His touseled soft black hair, instead of white flowing one.
Elain realized with shock, as she lifted her hand to cup the Shadowsingers brown cheek, that there would never be anyone as beautiful as Azriel for her.
Body and Soul. Of course did he have cracks and weired habits of his. Scars covering his body, his hands mostly, but also his heart. His kind heart that seemed for most cold, but was in truth the hearth of a fire to which, at least, sweet Elain wanted to come home forever.
Her pale hand that rested on his dark cheek and tried to smear away a bit of the color on his gods crafted face, did nothing. She only caressed his cheek. And the Shadowsinger could do nothing more than close his eyes - leaning in to the soft touch of hers.
A chuckle escaping his relaxed face as he realized what the intensing swipes with her thumb attemted to do. “You do remember, El, that you yourself had put smearproof make up all over my skin, right?”
Elains eyes widened slowly “Oh.”
Azriel burst out full laughing at her short memory, that usualy remembered everything from the start of her fae life, her tipsy state having clearly infected her a bit too much.
Both probably too tipsy at this point that they did not care at all, that they were laughing like maniacs in the middle of darkness. Bold words leaving their mouthes as a fire ignited between the two.
Elain innocent smile, seeming all weired and twisted in Amrens form. But Amrens looks fit her wicked tongue just right. 
A gleam in the silver contact lenses of hers. “Well I guess that I have to remove it all again then.”
Azriel did not know how he would have reacted if he had been sober, but all he remembered in his tipsy state, was that he closed the little distance between them. One of his scarred hands holding his lenses as the other lifted to the seers soft cheek. 
The distance between them, the distance that was barely there - was unbearable as Azriels already red smeared lips were only milimiters away from hers. A soft whisper of them and his words everything against them.
A few little words, a touch all it needed for Elain to shiver from delight. Gosepumps appearing all over her body. 
“You would not be capable of what you unleash, little seer.” 
Elains breath was cought in her lungs. There were only a few times were he called her with such names. She mostly knew in which situation he used which nickname for her, but with these she never knew. 
His gaze always holding, in such moments, a stronger intensity. 
“I think you’re underestimating me, Spymaster.” 
And just before she closed the milimeter between them, breathless words left her lungs. 
“Because I know I could handle you, Azriel. Forever.” 
Those were the words that unleashed the Shadowsinger. Never in his life had he heared such sweet words and for the first time of his life did he want to taste these sweet words on her lips.
Every mother damned syllable of them. 
A dance of soft lips fighting against each other, erupting in the soft hue of moon light before they were gone in a shadowy breeze.
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temsikghosts · 4 years
Ghost Swap
Treat for @azurefishnets​ ! @fyeahghosttrick​
Prompt: FianSissel: I just want to know more about Sissel the woman, who relied on Yomiel so much in old timeline that she killed herself when he was seemingly gone, but in new timeline found the strength to support him through pretty bleak circumstances for 10 years. What's her support system? Who keeps her afloat when Yomiel's not there to get her through her blackest moments? And does she ever find out the truth about it all? (Female friendship is a big plus here, OK)
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I’d like to present you my FianSissel! Hope you like her as much as I do!
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Sissel had always lived with her widowed father. Her mother died when she was still an infant from a decease, but she is always wearing her late mother's scarf in her memory. Sissel was a child when she first met Yomiel. They both attended the same school and she always felt bad for him, seeing how he was always so lonely and was always being bullied by other kids in school, so one day she defended him from the bullies who were tormenting him and introduced herself. Since Yomiel never had any friends, they quickly became very close friends and they spend the majority of their childhood together. But then she had to move to another country after her father got transferred for his job and they were forced to separate. She gave Yomiel her late mother’s red scarf as a way for him to remember her until she returns and Yomiel promised her he would give her the scarf back when they see each other again. (You can read the fanfic here! )
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She came back years later, when she met Yomiel again, now as a teenager. Their friendship still remained strong, but it soon turned into something more as puberty hit them both and they started to see each other as more than just friends. Sissel started to find Yomiel’s clumsiness and awkwardness near her really cute and she finds his intelligence to be very attractive. She is really impressed at his great skills with computers and she often teases him about it. She also became quite popular in high school, attracting the eyes of many boys, but she only has eyes for her best friend, Yomiel. She often defended Yomiel whenever a bully mistreated him and she suports Yomiel with his family issues and is always there for him whenever he is feeling depressed about his family, serving as an emotional support for him. 
Yomiel always had a complicated life. He came from a troubled household. His mother got pregnant from him when she was still a teenager and got kicked out of her home for that. Yomiel’s father was pressured by his family to marry Yomiel’s mom and take responsibility for the child, but since the marriage was forced onto him, he never truly loved Yomiel and his mother.  His parents were constantly fighting, even in front of their only son, which also contributed to Yomiel developing anxiety and panic disorders. They finally divorced when Yomiel was 10 years old, after his mother found out his father secretly had another family, which resulted in his mother to develop depression and dependance on alcohol. 
For a long time, she had to raise Yomiel alone, having two jobs to help to support her son, but her dependance on alcohol only made things more difficult. She was arrested from time to time for being drunk and Yomiel had to stay in his aunt’s house and it wasn’t a nice experience to him. She would also constantly lose jobs because of her addiction, which would lead to more difficulties for them.
Yomiel was always very fond of his mother and she always loved her only son deeply and always supported him, despite her drinking issues.  He becomes very sad when he sees his mother suffering after his father left them and despite his efforts in trying to help his mother to get out of her additcion to alcohol, she succumbs to her addiction and dies in a traffic accident (because of driving while drunk) when he’s 21 years old.
Sissel knew of his troubles with his family and often tried to help him out. Even her father would help him sometimes, since Yomiel and his mother had finantial difficulties from time to time. The bullying he suffers in school didn’t help him with his mental health either.
Her friendship with Yomiel soon blossoms into a teenage love and they start to date as soon as they graduate from High School. She pursues a career as an art teacher while Yomiel studies to become a Systems Engineer.
In their adulthood, Yomiel asks her hand in marriage and she accepts, but her father gets really ill and dies shortly after, leaving Sissel in a state of deep depression, since she was very close to her father, leaving only Yomiel to comfort her.
In the bad timeline (the one in which Yomiel dies after being struck by the Temsik meteorite) she can’t stand to live in a world without the man she loved ever since she was a child and being in a state of depression after her father’s death and now Yomiel’s, she can’t bear it anymore and commits suicide to join her beloved in the afterlife, without knowing of Yomiel’s undead status.
In the good timeline (averted fate) she is upset to learn about Yomiel’s arrest, but she still waits for him because he is the man she always loved ever since she was a child, even going as far as to break ties with the rest of her family for disapproving their union (since Yomiel became a “criminal” for taking a little girl hostage, her family now hates Yomiel and disaprooves of their union)
But she’s still really vulnerable because Yomiel just got arrested, almost lost his life in a terrible accident and she’s still trying to deal with the loss of her father. But luckly, that’s when Alma kicks in. Alma tries to comfort Sissel when they met in the hospital and Jowd encourages his wife to get close to Sissel and comfort her in any way she can, since Jowd now knows of Sissel’s suicide thanks to Yomiel and he’s afraid of what might happen to Sissel if she’s left unsupervised. So Sissel and Alma become really close friends during the time Yomiel is in prison, since Alma is always there to show Sissel her support, knowing how much the woman is distressed about everything that’s going on in her life right now.
I personally like to think that Alma never found out about the previous timeline (I know you have other headcanons about this, but that’s alright! :D) And she likes to see that Jowd is trying to get along with Yomiel despite all the trouble they had in the past and she likes to see they’re on good terms. She is also very supportive towards Sissel and her incoming wedding, since Sissel’s family is most likely not going to attend, as they now disapprove of her union with a ‘criminal that held a child hostage’. I also like to think Sissel become friends with Emma in the meantime!
Sissel doesn’t understand why Yomiel is so different ever since the incident, but she is still trying her best to make him happy. She sometimes has nightmares about the previous timeline, though not so often as Yomiel.
So, Sissel in general is a really caring and loving woman who loves too much. Her love for her father was so great that when she lost him, she only had Yomiel as a support and when she lost that support too in a short time period, she became so desperate that she didn’t see an alternative and chose to end her life and rejoin her beloved in the afterlife. She relies on people close to her for support and she loses that support, she is in complete despair. But luckly both Alma and Jowd supported her when Yomiel was in prison and helped her along. She also waited for Yomiel, just like when they were children and Yomiel kept his promisse to wait for her. Her love for him is that strong, though I still believe that if she knew the truth about that night, it could still stain their relationship a lot, since she knew him from childhood and never would expect him to do the things he did. (And that’s why I prefer her to never find out about it in the first place. Let her live in sweet oblivion!) ‘Cause like, I can’t really imagine a good outcome if she knew. She would probably refuse to accept it and well, when she is in the bottom of despair, we know what happens to her life so... yeah, I prefer her not knowing.
Since it is stated in canon that she killed herself for him, I always assumed that, for her to be in this kind of despair (and also for Yomiel to name his cat after her and be so desperate over her death) that their love started when they were both really young and has lasted for most of their lives. And also that she was already suffering from a previous trauma (like her father’s sudden passing) because for a person to think about suicide as their only option, they must be REALLY desperate and with no one to support her... You saw what happened.
Anyway, those are my ideas for her and I hope you enjoy it! 
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otomriddle · 4 years
prompt: just... tom freaking out about abraxas wedding. Not ON the wedding day just idk in hogwarts yet or right after graduation, just little tommy hating to lose
“So, you met her?” Tom asked, sitting on the edge of the bed, his back at Abraxas.
They were both on their dorms. They would be Howgarts’ students for only about more 3 hours. Most of their house mates were already at the Great Hall, having fun with the younger students and making plans about their futures. It was graduation day, after all. They all could afford to be hopeful on that day.
Well, maybe not all of them.
“I did. She seems like a nice girl. Very pretty at that, too. She asked me about my hobbies, and even if I already had a girlfriend. When I told her it was a boyfriend, she didn’t seem to mind.” Abraxas replied. He was laying on his (nearly no longer his) bed, both hands behind his head, one foot swinging on the air. 
“Isn’t it delightful?” Tom replied, a snicker on his voice. Abraxas sighed.
“She was pretty understanding, Tommy. We both know this marriage thing is strictly a bussiness, but that doesn’t mean we need to hate each other.”
“But it does seem to mean you’re falling for her.” Tom said, shaking his head.
Abraxas sat up, one hand os his blond, untamed hair, and the other already reaching for Tom’s shoulder.
“Look, you’re turning this rain into a storm. You knew he had been engaged since we were 5 years o-”
“Which is weird in itself! Who, in the XX century, still has children’s engangments?!” Tom questioned, finally turning to face his friend. Abraxas expected to see an angry face, even a sad face. What he saw, instead, nearly made him laugh: Tom was pouting. 
“Tom!” Abraxas said, after a moment of silence to recompose his expression into a serious one - if Tom thought his lover was laughing at him, things would definetly stop being funny and carefree in a second. “It’s normal, among pure-blood families, to have these arranged marriages. And it’s also normal for each of the betrotheds to have their own lives apart from each other. Nothing needs to change to between us, even after I marry Delphine.”
“Delphine... A whore’s name.” Tom mumbled, looking down, his eyebrows furrowed. Abraxas knew he should defend his fiancée, but it was hard to do it when Tom was throwing a tantrum because he was jealous. 
“I promisse you, as soon as we... produce our heir... I will go back to your side. You won’t even realize I was gone.”
Tom narrowed his eyes, his ears going red. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but then a loud sound was heard: a clock’s bell, announcing the Graduation Feast would begin in 30 minutes. 
They both looked at each other - unruled hairs, half opened shirts, wrinkled pants. They needed to get ready. It was, all in all, their day.
“This is not over.” Tom warned as he stood up, turning his back to Abraxas once again.
Abraxas finally let the smile he had been fighting against open in his mouth. 
He wished that would never end.
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astrogone · 4 years
* ﹙✧﹚  :    ❝   @godbanes​​   ❞     /      𝐻𝑂𝑊  𝐶𝐴𝑁  𝐼  ?
waves crash into the rock she sits on,     guided by the crying of her heart.     the sea wants to fill the empty space fate had left in her chest when it took away her purity,    her child,    her happiness.      fate left her with nothing but wrath and depression.       only the salt of the sea could ease the pain,      the darkness could hide it,    but when she is under the cloudy sky,     thetis’ wounds are for the universe to inspect.     it sickens her that she is trapped in a trench of anger that she cannot swim out of.    she was once innocent and happy,    beaming when the sun shone and when her sisters sang.    she was once looking for love,    dreaming to one day lay with the king of olympus and have his child,    to be held in his loving arms.     instead,   she was sold to a hungry king,    a mortal who dirtied her,    who saw her womb as a prize.    the greatest of men,  she had given birth to the greatest of men only to have him taken away from her when he was barely twenty years old.     how could she not live in deep hatred for the fates and for mortals?     how could she not want to slit apollon’s throat when he had reassured her that her child will live a long and happy life?
her body remains still,    hair blown into the harsh wind as the skies darken more and more.      she realises ophiuchos meant well,    but she refuses to be thought of as anything but strong and silent like death.        the nereid feels her empty chest burning when they speak,     revealing the reason why they stood close to her,    why they listened and tried to prove her wrong.     i care about you.      she hangs her head,   ocean eyes wide and watery.       “  how can you care…  ”     they are old,   old as her,    riddled with pain just like her.       she could taste the painful need to disappear,    to be forgotten and out of sight,     and thetis can understand it.       the rock under her feels cold through her white chiton.     she wants to run away and not listen,     she wants them to forget this ever happened and to never see them again.
for once in her life,    thetis allows someone to see her shoulders drop,    her back slouch and hands clasp together as she anxiously tugs at the skin around her nails.       “  i’m scared,  ”       she admits and swallows down the knot forming in her throat,      looking up at ophiuchos with worried blue eyes,     the ghost of the young nymph from millennia ago lingering in the colours.        “  if i give you all,    what will i have left?      i had everything taken from me and it left me like this.  ”    her knees buckle when she stands up,    fists clenched at her side.      thetis is riddled by fear,    though admitting it lives within her makes her look youthful and honest.     the waves calm down,      now gently murmuring and dancing with the seafoam beneath them.
“   if i give you everything,   ophiuchos,    you have to promise to never leave me.   ”      oh how selfish she could be.     she did not spare a moment to question whether ophiuchos could do so.    all thetis could do was cling to the hope that they would be there.       “  even you return up there where i can’t see,    you must never take your eyes off me.      ophiuchos,   if i give you my all,   you must then give me yours.   ”
thetis finds their gaze and holds it,      as if looking for the promise.      for once,   she wants to have someone’s everything too.   thetis,   the mother.    thetis,   the caregiver.   thetis,    the priestess of the sea.     she deserves to be cared for.
“   i will remain here with you.     i won’t hide in the ocean anymore for as long as you’re here.   ”
“How can you care?”
The question dwelled across Ofioúchos’ mind, coming and going and leaving and returning, like the waves rolling over the shores before they would pull back, only to feed the world with the same coldness, same pain... Same coldness, same pain... Repetition pulled them into a sitting position, heavily panting from their worn out rage. Though even in agony, their gaze was still on Thetis’, never on anywhere, or the sea or sky that had been screaming their name since rage stole their terrible, weak body, begging them to do not fall into the ocean that could only wail within Thetis. Yet their breaths soon met hers while their fingers were curled together. They could feel the burns in their lungs from her sorrow, feel the shadows leaking into theirs from her dying dreams. Thetis would stare at Ofioúchos and now, there was only the abyss staring back at her. “How can I care...?” they said uncertainly, as if they were asking to themself too. “How can I care?” As if in the end, they were questioning themself and their ability to love. ( HOW CAN YOU STILL FIND THE LIGHTS IN EVERYTHING AND EVERYWHERE AND EVERYONE WHEN NO ONE TAUGHT YOU TO FIND THEM— HOPE? )
‘I care and I love and I protect because this universe can not continue to live without kindness. When kindness is absent, there is just rage, and rage creates nothing but chaos and death. In everyone and themselves. Everyone wants to be understood, but if no one can give them that tender chance of being told that they are heard, how can anyone be understanding? Acknowledgement holds so much power, making us strong and weak all at once. It is a beautiful and terrifying tool that is rarely used. But how can I care when no one cared about me? When all I would get from others is just suffering? I watch. I learn. I commit. While I may care too heavily, love too loudly, and protect too harshly, I would still try. I try even when I didn’t have anyone by my sides to help me understand what does love mean. Just a bunch of cheesy movies, endless researched information, and various kind of entities who are helplessly in love with their worlds. I learnt that I should care so no one would have to care for themselves alone, terribly, miserably. Just like how I loved myself. I don’t want this universe to die so soon already. I just want it to live softly.’
“I jussst... do,” was the only response that was given to Thetis— could be offered to the Universe; heavy, exhausted, wanting to be okay and tender again. “And I hope what I can give isss good enough.” Sorrow made a horrible home in Ofioúchos as they watched her shoulders drop, her pretense falling before their teary eyes. Even with their bones nearly cracking while their flesh held every particles of agony, they tried to catch it, handle it with softness as to tell her she was understood, that she had good reasons to rob the darkness and make it her skin and soul. Even when they spotted the ever wandering phantom in her eyes and their hands began to tremble, nothing was going to make Ofioúchos turn away from Thetis. Ever. “When you have nothing in you from giving it all to me, you will get a kind ending from me,” they say, slowly standing up along with her, their hands nearly reaching out towards her, presenting a chance for her to be held in their embrace if she, too, fell. Though their gaze darkened when they were told to...
“Promise to never leave me.”
“I...” Promise. The word that would haunt in their dreams, in their wakings. The thought of uttering it tore them apart, dread spilling from opened old wounds. Their heart wept feebly as they remembered. ( YOU PROMISED TO BE A GOOD RULER. YOU PROMISED TO BE A GOOD GODDEX. YOU PROMISED TO BE THE HEALER, THE LOVER, THE LIGHT. YOU PROMISED TO EVERYONE AND THEN YOU KILLED THEM. ) Finding her gaze deep in their own, their breath caught in their throat— a terrible place where they thought cosmic dusts was present. They belonged to the past though. Ofioúchos was nothing but a terror before, yet they could change to the better. Today, right now, would make up another proof that they were more than scary stories and tragic poems. Perhaps, Ofioúchos should had been grateful that they were still alive; they would still have the time and space to make themself anew, and from then on, they would not have the Universe define them for themself. No one would. Not anymore. Not ever again. ( YOU ARE OFIOÚCHOS EXPERIENTIA, THE RULER OF THE OPHIUCHIANS AND GODDEX OF DEVELOPMENT, AND YOU ARE ENOUGH. )
“I promisssse to never leave you.” Ofioúchos never once broke their gaze with hers as they spoke, confidence wavering, yet still present nevertheless. They took both of her hands and held them tightly, hoping their warmth to be able to reach and spread from their fingers, kissing every cold edges and corners in her. “I promisse to let you have my everything.” Whispers from the past form in their mind the longer time passed in their tenderness, their pain crawling across them and sinking deep into their flesh. They shakily sigh, trying to focus on Thetis and her only. “I promisse...” Determination flickered wildly across their serpentine eyes, and if Thetis would look at them carefully, maybe, she would see new stars appearing in them. Finding that with the stars, Ofioúchos appeared kinder, softer. As they were a rare sight found in the whole wide Universe, the sky and sea could never shine as bright as them, their love. “You will get that kind ending, Thetis.” Inhaling despair, exhaling hope.
“I promise, I promise, I promisssse....”
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anathtsurugi · 5 years
Good Omens/Star Wars Possibility - An Ineffable Husbands Idea
Know what’s funny? I still don’t concede to actually being in this fandom. Haven’t properly watched the show, I’m only about 50 pages into the book. But with all the artwork and the ideas gnawing at my brain, I had to make an effort to purge this demon somehow. Somewhere a certain snake-eyed demon is laughing.
 In all her years on Dantooine, Miri didn't think she'd ever seen a more unlikely-looking pair of children.
 Aziraphale was the orphanage darling – a bright, smiling little child who never failed to brighten even the gloomiest day. He had been left at Miri's little enclave when he couldn't have been more than a few standard weeks old, given over from the tender arms of a non-human woman whose skin had seemed to glow with a pale white light. She had given the baby a kiss and asked only that he be loved before walking back out into the stormy night. There had been no ship anywhere that Miri could see, but she had caught several glimpses of the near-translucent wings that hung limply down her back. She had never seen anyone like that woman before or since, but she'd heard the whispers of others that she was a Diathim – one of the Angels of Iego.
 Whether Aziraphale had any Diathim blood in him, Miri couldn't have said. What she could say with total certainty was that he was the sweetest, most well-behaved child she'd ever known, except on those rare occasions when he would sneak into the storerooms to steal a few extra handfuls of candy. She could never quite figure out how he did it, but he just looked so adorable with his chubby cheeks sticky with sugar that she and the others would soon forget their displeasure with him. And if he occasionally looked into her eyes with a great deal more knowing than any toddler had the right to, what of it? The moment would soon pass and he would be smiling and laughing again.
 Crowley, on the other hand, never seemed to smile. It was all any of them had been able to do to even get him to speak.
 They didn't know if someone had brought him to the orphanage or if he'd come on his own. No one had knocked to alert them to his presence. One of the younger girls had simply found him sitting out beside the front entryway in the harsh light of morning, just barely managing to keep his tiny wings from drooping in the dust as he attempted to shield himself with them.
 He wouldn't speak at first. Wouldn't tell anyone where he was from or how he'd come to be there, but Miri supposed it was also possible he simply didn't know. He couldn't have been any older than five standard at the time and had clearly been through something harrowing. Even unable to hear his voice or see what his tongue looked like, the wings and the serpent-like eyes were telling enough on their own. He was a Sathana child, quite possibly one of the last ones remaining after the Mandalorian Wars. Just how a Sathana child had come to be on their little world in the first place, none of them could say, but he was a child nonetheless, so they'd brought him inside.
 For several days, no one had been able to get anything out of him. They couldn't get him to talk and they couldn't get him to eat. He just sat in a far corner of the infirmary, glaring at anyone who approached while attempting to hide behind his wings.
 As always, Miri had no idea how Aziraphale had managed to slip into the closed ward, but he had just the same, because when she turned back from setting down another failed offering of food, she found the boy standing just a few meters from the little Sathana, staring curiously at him.
 "Crowley?" little Az asked, tilting his head to the side. "Is that your name?"
 The Sathana (or Crowley now, Miri supposed) still would not speak. His yellow eyes glared fiercely at Aziraphale from between his bedraggled black feathers. He let out an ugly warning hiss, forked tongue briefly visible between his fanged teeth. Aziraphale didn't back away in fear, though, as Crowley had no doubt intended. He sat down on the floor, scooting himself closer, little by little.
 "Now stop that," the boy scolded mildly in imitation of Miri's own voice. "Is that any way to treat someone who's trying to be your friend?"
 Crowley left off hissing, staring at Aziraphale in confusion for several minutes. All the while, the boy scooted himself closer to the Sathana. When he was finally close enough, he held his hand out to the other boy, revealing a piece of candy in his palm.
 "Want a bite?" he asked with a smile. "It's tasty. I promise."
 Crowley's gaze darted between Aziraphale and the brightly colored piece of spun sugar for several minutes before finally, actually speaking.
 "What if it'ssss not?" he asked in a voice much smaller than Miri would've expected from a boy with such a powerful hiss.
 "Then you can spit it out," Aziraphale said with a smile. "I promise I won't mind."
 Crowley shook his little head. "Don't promisse. I don't wanna hear promissssse anymore."
 "Okay," Aziraphale conceded, though he didn't back off. Just continued to sit there in front of the Sathana boy, hand extended invitingly toward him. Another few minutes of this strange, uncertain staring followed before the boy leaned forward, odd little tongue darting from his mouth and snatching up the piece of candy. Aziraphale just smiled as he watched him eat.
 "'s too ssweet," Crowley said around the mouthful of sugar, although Miri couldn't help noticing that he didn't actually spit it out.
 "Then I'll find you somethin' else. Deal?" Az asked with the same hopeful smile. Miri might've scolded him, were it not for the fact that she seemed to be watching him work some sort of magic.
 "Yeah," the little Sathana agreed after a moment with a huff and a toss of his tangled red hair. "Deal."
 Aziraphale squeaked in excitement. Then, forgetting himself, he leaned those last few centimeters into the other boy's space and pulled him into a hug.
 Crowley actually squawked at the sudden physical contact. His wings flapped awkwardly against the wall, but he made no attempt to pull out of the hug. He seemed to make an effort to hug the other boy back, but couldn't seem to make his arms mimic the gesture. What he did instead was change his form outright, so that where a Sathana boy had been only moments before, there was now a long, slender black snake, and Aziraphale was wrapped in its coils.
 Miri barely managed to remind herself that Sathana were shapeshifters in time to stop herself from screaming. Aziraphale, on the other hand, couldn't have been more delighted. A look of awe passed over his face as the cool, smooth snakeskin passed over his own. Then the look shifted into the boy's typical ebullient smile and he giggled, hugging the snake a little tighter as it settled around him.
 Miri couldn't budge them for the rest of the afternoon. Not that she would've wanted to; they looked oddly adorable like that. Aziraphale babbled away at a klick a minute about everything happening in the orphanage, giving answers she was quite certain she hadn't heard questions to. If Crowley was actually communicating with Aziraphale, she felt she probably didn't want to know about it. As much of a joy as little Az was, he had enough oddnesses to him without this new friend.
 When they'd finally tuckered each other out enough, they fell asleep like that in their little corner, seemingly even more tightly twined together than they had been when they were awake. No amount of gentle coaxing could get them to separate, so Miri simply had one of the others help her move the two boys to one of the cots for the night.
 No, Miri thought as she looked at the two one last time on her way out of the infirmary, fast asleep in the cot, never a more unlikely-looking pair have I seen in all my days but, ah, stars, they are precious.
So...shall we play a game? Wanna see how these two become Jedi and Sith? Or are we content to leave them as children?
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averagemarvelbitch · 5 years
That AU where Tony Stark has a daughter but shit happens
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When he lost his parents in that car crash, Tony Stark felt lost and alone. They never did get along, it’s true, but a part of Tony always believed that someday, down the road, perhaps they’d patch things up, talk things out and become a real family. He dreamed about a father who would look happy to see him when he came back from boarding school, one that would teach him things and smile and say how proud he was of the son he had. And now, all that hope was gone.
So, after the funeral, the speeches about how great Mr. and Mrs. Stark were and how much they would be missed, Tony went back to a empty mansion and drank his sorrows away. He went to every party and slept in a different bed every night. Still, the pain would not go away.
Almost a year went by as Tony worked through the day and partied through the night. Until a sunny Tuesday came and changed his life. It was awfully early in the morning when a woman showed up on his doorstep. She looked very serious and insisted on speaking with him immediately. Miss Potts, his most recent hire, let her in and left them in the living room to give them some privacy. The woman sat down on the comfortable sofa and started talking. She said she was pregnant. He said he didn’t remember her. She said she needed money. He said he needed a paternity test.
After a few days, and a few visits to a trustworthy doctor, it was confirmed that Tony Stark was, indeed, the father. And so Tony did the only thing he could do. He panicked.
He paced around his workshop with DUM-E right behind him, following him dutifully while holding a large glass with something gooey and green inside. Miss Potts was sitting in a chair, a very serious expression on her face. She listened while Tony listed a thousand different reasons why he could never be a father: he drank too much, he worked too much, he didn’t know what a good father did because he had never had a good father in the first place. After hours and hours of listening to her boss talk and talk and talk, miss Potts told him he had nothing to worry about. The woman, as it happened, had promissed to disappear with the child if Tony gave her a particular sum of money.
Tony didn’t sleep that night. He tossed and turned and thought about the child, about his own parents, about Jarvis and Ana and the life he was leading. When the morning came, he called the woman. He told her he would give her however much money she wanted… As long as she left the baby with him. She accepted. Tony took her to every doctor’s appointment, bought her everything she could ever want or need, gave her a very nice apartment to stay in. And when the time came for the baby to arrive, he called Rhodey, who got into a plane immeditealy, excited to finally meet his godchild, and Obadiah, who met Tony at the hospital with a smile and a box of cigars. He slapped Tony in the back, laughing about how hours in the workshop would soon turn into hours of crying and dirty diapers.
Then, the nurse came. She told them, with sad eyes, that the mother didn’t make it. And that the baby didn’t survive. She explained what had happened, but Tony wasn’t listening. He could not hear or see a thing. The world had stopped right there and then and he felt empty and lost. Obadiah hugged him. Miss Potts, who he had not seen arrive, was by his side, holding his hand. They let him in the room to see his baby. A tiny, beautiful little girl. Her eyes were closed, her chest did not move. He cried in silence, holding his baby girl in his arms. He named her Abigail. When others asked him why, he told them the meaning of the name: a father’s joy. Because that’s what she was. She would have been his pride and joy.
Months passed. Tony channeled his sadness into his work and spent nights upon nights in a pink room, beside a beautiful white crib, a bottle in hand and tears in his eyes. Meanwhile, Obadiah Stane sat comfortably in his office, talking on the phone. — So, — he said, a glass of whiskey on one hand while he looked outside at the beautiful night sky. — Pierce says the project is working. — Perfectly — answered the woman, a heavy accent in her voice. — The child is taking the serum rather well. If we’re lucky, she’ll exhibit signs of superior intellect within a year or two. She will be my greatest creation. The perfect little spider. — Good. Just don’t make me regret not killing that brat of a child, Lyudmila. If you break our deal… Dr. Lyudmilla Kudrin laughed. — Do not worry, Mr. Stane. The child will never know the truth. She will be raised and trained like any other girl in the Red Room. Who knows. Maybe when you finally decide to dispose of Tony Stark, you may use his own flesh and blood instead of the Soldier. I know how much you like these, how do you say, poetic endings.
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ariel-seagull-wings · 3 years
La Cantata del Diablo (The Devil's Cantata)
In Nominne Diabulus et 
Belial,Satan, Lucifer, Astaroth, et Yahvé. 
[Narrador]:Cae la noche, niebla eterna
Ocultarse ya la luz,
Frío yermo, rompe e hiela
lágrimas del corazón. 
[Narrador]:Sueña la vida que se ve morir
En trozos de miedo es duro vivir,
Sueños de muerte, desvélate
Santa condena, auto de fe. 
[Sacerdote]:En nombre de la única religión
Dictamos sentencia y te condenamos
A la piadosa purificación
Del fuego y del dolor. 
[Sacerdote]:En manos de Dios tu debes de poner
Tu alma, tu hacienda, y todos tus pecados,
Acepta a Cristo y encomiéndate,
Pues pronto darás cuentas a él. 
Diabulus in Gaia, missit me Dominus
Diabulus in Gaia, missit me Dominus 
[Azak]:Quisiera ser el viento para poder huir de mí,
Que calle el silencio, enmudezca el terror,
Quisiera no morir. 
[Narrador]:Me inventaré otra vida
Mis sueños decoraré,
Y los cubriré de tus besos 
Quemad mi alma también! 
[Sacerdote]:¿Reniegas de Satán, de sus obras y sus vicios?
¿De la necromancia, de la magia y del tarot?
Yo soy la virtud de la iglesia y sus principios
Si no te arrepientes tu alma se condenará. 
Hoy la libertad se ha quedado dormida y en silencio,
Hoy la libertad, ha cerrado por defunción
Hoy la libertad, se ha muerto de pena y melancolía,
Hoy no hay libertad, 
hoy Dios no esta aquí ni vendrá. 
[Narrador]: Quisiera ser olvido, para nunca recordar,
Quisiera ser brisa, y así acariciar, 
la vida una vez más
Que fría es la promesa de otra vida junto a Dios
Si en esta ni estuvo, ni supo de él, 
la hoguera es su ataúd. 
[Sacerdote]:Antes de morir, y que el fuego haga su oficio
¿Aceptáis a Cristo, a su iglesia y su poder?
¿Renunciáis al Dios, llamado Naturaleza?
Gaia solo es madre
Del pecado y del terror. 
Hoy la libertad se ha quedado dormida y en silencio,
Hoy la libertad, ha cerrado por defunción
Hoy la libertad, se ha muerto de pena y melancolía,
Hoy no hay libertad, 
hoy Dios no esta aquí ni vendrá. 
In Nominne Diabulus et 
Belial,Satán, Lucifer, Astaroth, et Yahvé.
Gaia, Gaia. 
[Azaak]: Hoy la vida llueve penas
Gotas de desesperación
Mis lagrimas, son ríos, venas
Desangrándome el corazón. 
[Azaak]: La memoria de una mujer
Son los besos que recibió
En tus labios yo viviré
Y en tu olvido yo moriré. 
[Azaak]: Hoy mis lágrimas se quieren suicidar
Acurrucadas, morir en tu piel
Han nacido secas, tienen sed
Mi llanto hoy se quiere morir. 
[Gaia]:Como un beso prometido
A tu alma es mi voz
Soy lo muerto y lo vivido
Soy la calma, soy tu Dios. 
[Gaia]:Cierra los ojos y te llevaré
Donde los sueños se hacen canción
La vida duele, te curaré
Duérmete y sueña, te acuna mi voz. 
Hoy mis lágrimas se quieren suicidar
Acurrucadas, morir en tu piel
Han nacido secas, tienen sed
Mi llanto hoy se quiere morir. 
[Gaia]:Si tus lágrimas se quieren suicidar
Guárdalas pues vas a llorar
Llorarás océanos de paz
¡Duérmete ya no hay dolor! 
En nombre de la libertad
La fe en uno mismo y la paz
Quemad las banderas 
¡No a la religión!
Y que tu Dios sea canción
Compuesta por el corazón
Y que tu país sea donde te lleven los pies 
Diabulus in Gaia, missit me Dominus
Diabulus in Gaia, missit me Dominus 
Missit me Dominus
Missit me Diabulus
Missit me Satanás
[Gaia]:Ahora al fin soy aire
Y mi maldición caeráEl fin de esta iglesia muy pronto vendrá
Mi voz despertará 
Hoy la libertad se ha quedado dormida y en silencio,
Hoy la libertad ha cerrado por defunción,
Hoy la libertad, se ha muerto de pena y melancolía,
Hoy no hay libertad, hoy Dios no está aquí ni vendrá. 
Hoy la libertad se ha quedado dormida y en silencio,
Hoy No hay libertad, 
hoy Dios no está aquí,
hoy Dios no está aquí, 
hoy Dios no está aquí ni ¡¡¡¡vendrá!!!! 
Padre nuestro, de todos nosotros,
De los pobres, de los sin techo,
De los marginados y de los desprotegidos,
De los desheredados y de los dueños de la miseria,
De los que te siguen y de los que en ti, ya no creemos. 
Baja de los cielos, pues aquí está el infierno,
Baja de tu trono pues aquí hay guerras, hambre, injusticias.
No hace falta que seas uno y trino,
Con uno solo que tenga ganas de ayudar, nos bastaría. 
¿Cual es tu reino?
¿El Vaticano?¿La banca?¿La alta política? 
Nuestro reino es Nigeria,
Etiopía, Colombia, Hiroshima.
El pan nuestro de cada día son las violaciones,
La violencia del género, la pederastia,
Las dictaduras, el cambio climático. 
En la tentación caigo a diario,
No hay mañana en la que no esté tentado de crear a un Dios
Humilde, justo.
Un dios que esté en la Tierra,
En los valles, los ríos,
Un Dios que viva en la lluvia,
Que viaje a través del viento y acaricie nuestra alma. 
Un Dios de los tristes, de los homosexuales.
Un Dios más humano....
Un Dios que no castigue,
Que enseñe.
Un Dios que no amenace, que proteja.
Que si me caigo, me levante.
Que si me pierdo, me tienda su mano.
Un Dios que si yerro, no me culpe.
Y que si dudo, me entienda.
Pues para eso me doto de inteligencia
Para dudar de todo. 
Padre nuestro, de todos nosotros
¿Por qué nos has olvidado?
Padre nuestro, ciego, sordo y desocupado
¿Por qué nos has abandonado?
In the name of the Devil and Belial,
Satan, Lucifer, Astaroth and Yahweh. 
[Narrator]: Night falls, eternal fog
Light is already hiding
Barren cold, breaks and freezes
the tears of the heart. 
[Narrator]: Life dreams that are going to die
It is hard to live in fragments of fear,
Dreams of death, stay awake
Holy condemnation, act of faith 
[Priest]: In the name of the only religion
We sentence you and condemn you
To the merciful purification
Of fire and pain. 
[Priest]: In the hands of God, you must place
Your soul, your property and all your sins,
Accept Christ and commend yourself,
For soon, you'll be judged by him. 
Devil on Gaia, the Lord has sent me
Devil on Gaia,
 the Lord has sent me 
[Azak]: I wish I were the wind so I could run from me
Let silence hush, let terror be struck dumb,
I would like to never die. 
[Narrator]: I will invent a new life for myself
I will decorate my dreams,
And cover them with your kisses 
-he thought-
Burn my soul too! 
[Priest]: Do you reject Satan, his works and his vices?
Necromance, magic and Tarot?
I am the virtue of the Church and its principles
If you do not repent, your soul will be condemned. 
Today, freedom has fallen asleep and silent
Today, freedom has closed due to its passing
Today, freedom died from sorrow and melancholy
There is no freedom today, 
nor is God here, nor will he come
 [Narrator]: I wish I were oblivion, to never remember
I wish I were the wind, to be able to caress life once more
Oh, the promise of another life together with God is so cold
For in this life, he was absent, and the stake is his coffin 
[Priest]: Before dying, and before the fire does its work
Do you accept Christ, the Church and its power?
Do you renounce the God called Nature?
Gaia is only mother
To sin and terror. 
Today, freedom has fallen asleep and silent
Today, freedom has closed due to its passing
Today, freedom died from sorrow and melancholy
There is no freedom today, 
nor is God here, nor will he come
 In the name of the Devil and Belial,
Satan, Lucifer, Astaroth and Yahweh.
Gaia, Gaia. 
[Azaak]: Today, life rains sorrow
Drops of despairMy tears are rivers, veins
Bleeding out my heart. 
[Azaak]: The memory of a woman
Are the kisses she received
I will live in your lips
I will die in your oblivion 
[Azaak]: Today, my tears want to commit suicide.
To snuggle up and die on your skin.
They were born dry, they are thirsty
My tears want to die today. 
[Gaia]: Like a promissed kiss
My voice is to your soulI am what died and what lived
I am tranquility, I am your God. 
[Gaia]: Close your eyes, I will take you
Where dreams turn into songs
Life hurts, I will heal you
Sleep now and dream, my voice rocks you. 
Today, my tears want to commit suicide.
To snuggle up and die on your skin.
They were born dry, they are thirsty
My tears want to die today. 
[Gaia]: If your tears want to commit suicide
Save them, for you will cry
You will cry oceans of peace
Sleep now! There's no more pain!
 In the name of freedom
Faith in oneself and peace
Burn the flags, say no to religion!
Let God be your song
Composed by your heart
And let your country be wherever your feet take you 
Devil on Gaia, 
the Lord has sent me
Devil on Gaia, 
the Lord has sent me 
The Lord has sent me
The Lord has sent me
Satan has sent me 
 [Gaia]: Now I'm finally air
My curse will fall
The end of this Church will come very soon
My voice will awaken 
Today, freedom has fallen asleep and silent
Today, freedom has closed due to its passing
Today, freedom died from sorrow and melancholy
There is no freedom today, 
nor is God here, nor will he come 
Today, freedom has fallen asleep and silent
There is no freedom today, 
God is not here today
God is not here today, 
God is not here nor will he come!!! 
Our father, of us all
Of the poor, of the homeless
Of the marginalized and those without protection
Of the disowned and the owners of misery,
Of your followers, and those who no longer believe in you 
Come down from Heaven, for Hell is here,
Leave your throne, for there are wars, hunger and injustice
You do not need to be one and three simultaneously,
Just your wanting to help would be enough. 
Which is your Kingdom?
The Vatican?The banks?High politics? 
Our Kingdom is Nigeria Ethiopia, Colombia, Hiroshima
Our daily bread are rapes,
Gender violence, pederasty,
Dictatorships, climate change. 
I fall into temptation every day,
There is no morning in which 
I'm not tempted to create a fair and humble God
A God who dwells on Earth
In the valleys, the rivers
A God who dwells in the rain,
Who travels with the wind and caresses our souls. 
A God of the sad, of the homosexuals
A more human God
A God who does not punish,
But instead teaches.
A God who does not threaten but protect.
Who will help me get up if I fall,
Who will give me his hand if I get lost.
A God who does not blame me for mistakes
Who will understand me if I doubt
Since for that reason did he endow me intelligence
To doubt everything. 
Our father, of us all
Why have you forgotten us?
Our father, blind, deaf and unoccupied
Why have you forsaken us?
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