#she would definitely have to intervene at some point
moeblob · 7 months
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I just would text him for literally everything and exaggerate everything I wasn't sure about.
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logaenhowlett · 25 days
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Summary: To keep up the ruse of Charles, Laura, you and him being nothing but an ordinary family, Logan shares a heartfelt memory he’s been hiding. [Set during Logan (2017)]
Pairing: Logan Howlett x Female Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Logan is hopelessly in love, Charles being a shithead (lovingly)
A/N: I could not get Old Man Logan outta my mind, so this transpired from all that. I initially wrote it from the reader's perspective, but I changed it to focus on Logan's thoughts and feelings. Enjoy!
If looks could kill intentionally injure, then Charles would definitely have throbbing wounds all over his body. Logan shuts his eyes momentarily, attempting to calm his increasing blood pressure as listens to the old man enthusiastically accept the Munson family’s gracious invitation to dinner. He sighs, returning to the driver’s seat, avoiding the rear view mirror lest he catch Charles’ smug expression. 
The ride to the Munson house is uncharacteristically quiet. The initial shock from Charles introducing you as Logan's wife subsides, leaving him lost in thought by the idea of being seen as a family. No one speaks another word, figuring that he deserves a break from Charles and you rambling on about stories to entertain Laura. Watching him angrily clutch the steering wheel till his knuckles turn white seems to be enough of an incentive to not pile on to his already shitty day.
Logan slams the door as he gets out the car, clearly agitated by the detour on their way to North Dakota. No matter how wonderful a home-cooked meal sounds, he knows they’re just wasting time by lingering. But once he sees the desperate look on the three of your faces - particularly, yours, he relents, hoping trouble would spare them for a night.
The seven of you gather at the dinner table, Logan steals a quick glance at you while Nate says grace. Laura digs in immediately, picking the food apart with her fingers and stuffing it in her mouth. Logan clears his throat and gives her a pointed look, she flicks her eyes towards you and you give her an encouraging smile. 
“Where're you heading?” Mr Munson asks, looking between Logan and you.
“South Dakota-”
The two of you blurt at the same time, the Munsons pause in confusion. Your eyes widen at the sudden turn of events, a flash of panic settles on Logan’s expression before Charles intervenes.
“Oregon, then South Dakota” he says, smiling as if nothing’s wrong.
Mrs Munson inquires him further, going off into a tangent about traveling. Logan leans back, watching Charles animatedly lie about some "vacation" plans. He stops himself from scoffing, meeting your gaze across the table. 
“James?” Mrs Munson's voice snaps him from his thoughts. He looks at her blankly having missed the first part of her question.
“It’s been 8 years,” You interject, nudging his foot underneath the table, silently warning him to pay attention. “We’ve been together for 8 years.”
Logan’s eyebrows twitch at your lie. He wishes you were together, that you would want him like that. Whatever hopes he had for a relationship with you shattered the moment reality set in his mind. You don't deserve someone like him, a broken old man who's struggling to keep himself going everyday. No. He wouldn't subject anyone, much less you, to an ill-fated man like him.
“Wow! That’s almost as long as our marriage,” Mrs Munson smiles at her husband, “You have any plans of proposing, James?” Her eyebrows are raised, it’s clear she noticed the lack of a ring on you.
“Kathryn.” Mr Munson chastises.
“What? It’s a natural thing to ask!”
Logan shifts in his seat, uncomfortable by the expectant eyes on him. He directs a tight smile at Kathryn, slowly nodding his head.
“Uh yeah… just waitin’ for right time.” He says with a tone of finality, hoping she’ll drop the subject. She doesn’t.
“8 years certainly is a long while, don’t keep her wondering too long.” She winks at you.
Logan gives her a fake laugh, noting the subtle redness on your cheeks. 
“Oh! You two are adorable!” She exclaims, catching the flitting glances. “Tell me, how did you know she was the one?”
Logan takes a swig of his beer, Charles chuckles next to him and he uses all his willpower to not knock the stupid look off his face. He swallows the nervous feeling in his throat, resisting your intense gaze.
It had been hours, or something like that, since you left his side. Once you saw Storm's concerned expression, you immediately shot out of your seat, running to the medical wing of the mansion. Something must have happen to him on the mission.
Charles had sensed your distress as you made your way to the starkly-lit room. You always hated the medical wing, knowing there's no good reason why any of you would need to be here. The moment you saw Logan on the bed, you knew he had suffered enough to be unconscious. Charles kept reassuring you that he'd be alright in due time, that you just need wait for the regeneration power to kick in.
Storm kept checking on you every few hours, making sure you were taking care of yourself while you sat near Logan. She knew the both of you harboured feelings for each other in a way that was obvious to everyone except you two. She'd noted how Logan would always look for you anytime he entered a room, always made sure your favourite snacks were stocked up since the kids kept raiding the shelves, always made sure your gear was extra secure when you had to go on missions. Scott had caught on too but she secretly threatened him when he was about to tease Logan.
When Logan finally opened his eyes, he thought he was dreaming, shocked by the sight of you caring waiting for him. At that point, you had only known each other for less than a year, familiar enough to be considered friends. He didn't want to push you with flirty advances and realise you didn't reciprocate his feelings. That would've crushed him, so he settled with friendship and tried his hardest to bury his emotions around you.
His heart almost gave out when you smiled realising he was awake and he was going to be okay. And for a second, just a little second, a flicker of hope crossed his mind. But it went away when he saw Charles with the same expression. Of course, you were only there because you were worried about your friend. Nothing more.
Storm had advised him to rest for a couple days while his body recovered on its own. Pain was nothing but a sensation for him, after decades of going through utter destruction and slaughter, this was something he could drain out with minimal effort. You didn't leave his side at all. Even after he'd soothed your anxieties about his open wounds. But your response to that kept him up for days afterwards, 'I don't care if it's a paper cut or stubbing your toe somewhere, I don't like seeing people hurt. Especially you. I'm not leaving and I will be here for as long as it takes.'
It was that moment when all the chains restraining his desires let loose. His heart swelled with affection and he recognised that unmistakable emotion. Love. That stupid bastard. But he knew better than to taint your life with his scarred history.
You can’t seem to pull your eyes away from Logan as he finishes the story, keeping his focus on the plate in front of him, hating how silent the room became. Of course, he changed a few of the details to maintain the charade of being ordinary people, but the memory, itself, is something that often revolves in his mind.
Kathryn coos over his words, blown away by the sweet response. Satisfied, she turns her attention to Charles, excitedly asking about his time as a professor.
Logan avoids looking your reaction, even Laura seems taken by the memory - a tiny glimpse into their past. He coughs, ignoring the stabbing pain near his stomach. God, he hopes you won't call him out on this later. He doesn't know if he can keep this to himself any longer, especially since Kathryn had been commenting on your supposed "relationship" with each other.
The Munsons stand up to clear the table, Logan thanks them for the meal and nods his head at Charles, Laura and you, a signal to leave. Kathryn shoots down his intention of driving to a motel and insists on staying the night. Logan sees you stand up, trying to help his cause, but Charles declares you’ll leave the following morning - much to Logan’s annoyance. Your eyes follow Logan as he carries Charles upstairs, Laura right on his tail. Kathryn gives you a teasing glance snapping you out of your daze and you help her with the dishes.
Once Logan returns to the kitchen, Kathryn leads the two of you to the living room, “Here’s the couch, I'm sorry we don't have anything better.” The two of you thank her and she bids you good night, leaving Logan and you alone.
He groans, noting how the couch is hardly enough to support two people, much less someone as big as him. He certainly doesn't want to intrude on your personal space and wind up accidentally cuddling because of his subconscious impulses. Nope. That would definitely push you away.
“What’re you doing?” You ask.
“What’d you think?” He retorts, sinking into the armchair that barely fits him.
“Don’t be an idiot, your injuries are already bad, sleeping on that chair won’t do you any good.”
You stare at him across the dark room, when he makes no attempt to stand up, you sigh and lay back on the couch, turning away from him. A minute passes when you feel the cushion dip next to you, you don’t need to turn around to see the frustrated expression on his face.
The two of you lay down, backs towards each other. The only thing you can hear is the clock ticking in the next room. What Logan had said over dinner replays in your mind. You had been secretly pining over him for years and never showed your intentions, fearing rejection. So why do you suddenly have the urge to reveal your feelings?
“Did you mean it?” Your words pierce the silence and for a moment, you wonder if he’s even awake.
Of course I did. The answer leaves his mind as fast as it came. No one, over the last 8 years, ever came close to him as you did. But, he can’t tell you that, can he? Why would he want to put you through all the trouble that comes with him and his sorry life?
“Had to give ‘em something.” He mumbles, feeling his chest getting heavier.
“Oh. Yeah.. that was uh… I believed it.”
He hears you turn towards him and shuts his eyes, controlling the emotions bubbling inside him.
If only you knew.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
jake with a shy!reader i feel like that man would be so down bad he’d be unrecognizable to his friends
Tailgating by the beach means sand in your hair (and everywhere else), a trash can full of beer bottles, and a whole lot of wipeouts. For most.
For you, it means Jake’s sweatshirt bunched up under your head like a pillow as your back rests against the metal grooves of his pickup’s bed. Your pinky is intertwined with the man’s own as you stargaze, avoiding the cloud of smoke billowing up from the bonfire.
“That one looks like an F-35.” He informs you, pointing at a constellation that is definitely not a fighter plane.
“I think that’s Draco.” You hum, “Not sure, though.”
Jake turns to you with a furrow in his brow, “That little shit from Harry Potter?”
“No!” You shriek, louder than you’re used to speaking. Jake has a way of making you forget your reservations, giving you the courage to speak up around him.
“It’s a constellation.” You quiet yourself, feeling Jake’s pinky tighten around yours. “I read that it was supposed to be in the sky tonight.”
“You read up on the stars?” Jake turns to you, propped on his side in the truck bed. It must be awful on his hips, but he does it anyways to gaze at your side profile.
You give him a front view, turning your head to stare back at him, “I didn’t do it on purpose, I just saw it on Instagram, I think. On someone’s story.”
He hums in acknowledgment, but neglects to return to stargazing. He’s yougazing now, his eyes tracing the curve from your chin to your cheek, then sloping down the bridge of your nose.
“Do you think-”
You’ll never know if you and Jake share thoughts on whatever matter is in his head, because a sudden thud against the mouth of the truck bed makes you startle, and Jake nearly breaks his neck sitting up to see who made the noise. You draw yourself upright but slower, more cautiously.
It’s one of his squadron members, you’ve seen the guy before in passing, but you don’t think he’s ever noticed you. He’s on the shorter side, and he’s quickly flanked by both Coyote and a taller, unknown counterpart.
“Hangman,” The short one snickers, “I was betting you were passed out somewhere with a bottle in your mouth, not schmoozing some poor woman in your truck.”
You’ve met Javy before, albeit briefly when you’d passed in the hallway of his and Jake’s shared apartment, and in the few terrifying seconds of confrontation your eyes stray over the man’s shoulder and meet Javy’s. He sends you a kind, sympathetic smile at the antics of his friend. You feel safe around him.
“What’s your name, honey?” The taller man leans over the side of the truck bed, a smirk on his face, “Last one was Brenda- no, Brianna.”
“Payback, that was months ago.” Javy snaps, and even though you know it’s true, Jake still looks guilty. He’d confessed in you that he wasn’t exactly a saint when it came to past relations, but all that mattered was the present for you; that you were the only one in it, and he’s stuck to that without a problem.
“I’m not schmoozing her, Fanboy.” Jake drawls, a vicious look in his eyes, “We were trying to have a private moment.”
Fanboy elbows Payback incredulously, shit-eating grins already on their faces, “Sex in a pickup! On the beach, in public. Jesus, man, there’s nothin’ you won’t do.”
“I won’t hesitate to break your nose if you don’t shut your mouth,” Jake seethes, and his free hand tenses into a fist even if he’s more bark than bite. Fanboy doesn't flinch, but Payback's smirk dims.
"Lay off, man." Coyote elbows Fanboy, "It's not like that."
"The only reason you've never met'er before is 'cause I knew you'd act like this," Jake scoffs, "Doesn't mean she's some cheap fling."
You desperately want to intervene, but you don't have the words to do it even if you tried. There's a thousand swirling in your brain, but there's a stopper in its drain to your mouth, a thick clog of panic.
"Well what is your name?" Payback repeats his question, more considerate this time. You're glad he seems to have dropped his bravado, even if you're not sure Fanboy has.
"Y/N," You manage to speak, glad that you know your own name well enough to utter it even when your brain doesn't cooperate. You don't say much else, though, and Javy fills in for your silence.
"She's Jake's girl," Javy smiles at you, happy to see his friend settling down, "She's not big on talking. Not to assholes like you, anyways."
"Well that's great," Fanboy's demeanor is much nicer when he's not goading his teammate, "'Cause Jake never shuts up. Sounds like a match made in heaven."
"I'm gonna send you to hell if you don't leave us alone," Jake glares pointedly at Fanboy in particular, but the expression is extended to Payback as well, "I wasn't kidding, we were having a conversation."
"That's our cue," Coyote informs the other two, who knew but weren't willing to give up their teasing leverage. He rings an arm each around their necks, bidding you a kind goodbye as he leads them away.
"Darlin'," Jake turns to you as soon as they're gone, like a guard dog that eases out of attack mode, "I'm so sorry. They don’t mean any harm, just- they seriously don't know when to quit, 'probably comes from bein' so aggressive in the air. I'm sorry they were so pushy."
"It's alright," You nod, "It's not your fault, Jake. I'm not angry, I just- I was a little embarrassed."
"I know," He hums sympathetically, leaning in to peck your lips, "I know baby. Listen, now they've met you, they'll probably back off. And if they don't, if you see 'em around somewhere and they try messin' with you, you let me know and I might accidentally fire on 'em in an exercise."
"I don't think you should murder your friends," You tamp down a smile at Jake's suggestion, because the last thing he needs is encouragement, "But I hope I don't see them when you're not around."
A hundred feet away, down on the smooth, wet sand of the shore, Coyote finally lets Payback and Fanboy go, shoving their heads down with the force of his grip around their necks.
"Ow, dude!" Fanboy gripes, but he deserves it the most, "If I'm gonna break my neck it's gonna be in the air, in some sick-ass stunt maneuver."
"Your sick ass needs to learn to shut up," Coyote scoffs, "He's serious about that girl, man! And I wouldn't be surprised if she was running for the hills now."
"C'mon, Coyote, we were just teasing," Payback pleads his case, but Coyote narrows his eyes.
"You can't tease her, not like that. Hell, the first time she ever came over I made a joke about wearing noise-cancelling headphones for them and she couldn't look me in the eye for weeks."
"The first time she came over," Payback's brow furrows, "He's been bringing her around your guys' place?"
"I told you he was serious," Coyote throws a glance back over to Jake's truck, where his hand is pointed in the air once more, "Know any other reason he'd be stargazing right now?"
Fanboy's face wrinkles in a confused grimace, "Stargazing? He's way too douchey for that."
"He's way too in love not to," Payback marvels, "Holy shit. That's- I can't process that, man, that's weird."
"Get used to it," Coyote takes a swig of his beer, "Y'know he's been lighting candles in our apartment for her? I mean, it's nice, 'cause it gets rid of his nasty laundry smell, but candles. Hangman, candles!"
Fanboy rears his head back, "What scent?"
"I know!"
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smutoperator · 5 months
How about a fic about Chaeyoung and Somi swapping partners with their boyfriends? I think it could be a good idea for a fic.
-Sana's husband-
Wild Swingers
Son Chaeyoung, Jeon Somi x Male Reader, Somi's Boyfriend
Tags: (lots of) A2M, (lots of) anal, (a little) armpit play, boyfriend swap, catfight, couch sex, creampie, (lots of) deepthroating, (lots of) dirty talking, (lots of) double penetration, griding, jealousy, lesbian, mating press, multiple orgasms, P2M, orgy, rough sex, squirting, spitting, standing DP, titfucking, tribbing, wet pussies
Word count: 7462
Somi and Chaeyoung were having a joint date with both their boyfriends, enjoying themselves as they took them to many places in the city to have fun. Eating, drinking, playing—everything. The two girls were truly having a great day as they were about to head back to Somi's room, until Chaeyoung brought up a question to her best friend.
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"You find my boyfriend hot, don't you? Do you wanna fuck him?" Somi got caught by surprise when Chaeyoung suddenly asked this without any filter. "What? No!" Somi got caught by her bestie's boldness. She knew Chaeyoung was a little wild girl, but not to the point of offering her own boyfriend to her best friend. "Well, I mean..." Somi started to hesitate. "You want him; I know you," Chaeyoung replied.
"The plain is fairly simple," Chaeyoung continued. "You can fuck him if I can fuck your boyfriend; done deal?" she asked. "You want to swap?" Somi asked. "Let's tease them, and once we get home, they'll fuck our brains out," Chaeyoung said. "I like the way this is going," Somi said.
The two girls entered a photo booth as the final activity of the day. "Wait for us outside," they told their boyfriends. Somi and Chaeyoung took increasingly naughty pics, with Chaeyoung even sharing one on Instagram with their underwear exposed. But their boyfriends got to see even more, as they later took it off and photographed themselves with Somi's boobs and Chaeyoung's pussy fully on display, as a tease for later in the day.
"Holy shit, you girls have no shame," you told your girlfriend. "We love to tease," Chaeyoung replied to you. "Guys, come to my house; the fun is far from over," Somi continued. "Sure," you told her. "A little extra fun won't be bad at all," you continued.
You four arrived at Somi's house, following her boyfriend as he took a couple beer cans out of the refrigerator. "Girls, do you want some?" he asked. "Maybe later," Somi replied to her boyfriend. "We need to chill a bit here on the couch," she continued. 
Chaeyoung doesn't seem to want to stop at any moment, finger-fucking Somi's pussy into oblivion. "It's better than your boyfriend's cock, isn't it?" she asks. "You have no shame saying this in front of... fuckkkk." Somi can't even finish the sentence; as Chaeyoung fucks her so fast, she decides to join her; after all, two hands stimulating a wet pussy is definitely better than one.
Somi's boyfriend and you took a few snacks to eat and drank a couple beers, roaming around the kitchen in just your underwear and bragging to each other about your girlfriends and feeling lucky about having a pair of hot and wild idols willing to share a date. Both of you were ready to drink more beers until low-pitched screams coming from the living room interrupted you.
Both guys couldn't process the insanity that was ensuing on the couch. Somi and Chaeyoung had started a catfight between them, dropping to the floor. When the guys arrived, Chaeyoung was already yanking Somi's bra and unveiling her naked tits. You two almost intervened, but let the two girls fight a little. Such best friends wouldn't start doing such things without a plan, after all, would they?
The guys stayed watching as the girls slowly took their clothes off of each other. Chaeyoung may be the smaller one, but her strength was clearly no match for Somi, who at this point only had her tiny panties on, and just barely, with her long legs and huge chest already fully exposed. Chaeyoung picked up a bit of water from the adjacent table and poured it on Somi's bare body, making her best friend already wet.
Chaeyoung tripped herself up as she tossed the water into Somi, laughing while doing so. You two just decided to sit, watch, and enjoy it, as it proved to be quite entertaining to watch them fight. As soon as Chaeyoung got back on her feet, she tossed Somi to the couch. "Oh my God, you're such a naughty bitch," the tall Wasian said as Chaeyoung got fully on top of her.
The two kept fighting and laughing on the couch, but Chaeyoung was more effective at taking her friend's clothes off, pulling Somi's thong all the way down to her thighs, and exposing her bare ass, allowing you to catch a glimpse of her anus and pussy as well.
Somi tried to take Chaeyoung's clothes, but the little spinner resisted as hard as she could. Instead, she managed to strip Somi fully naked and give the guys a full frontal view of her best friend. "I knew you were no match for me; you are just tits on a stick," Chaeyoung said, talking trash to Somi. "If I'm just tits on a stick, how about you suck them, little bitch?" Somi responded, topping little Chaeyoung and shoving her massive milkers right into her friend's face. Chaeyoung pushed back, and the two shared a hot kiss, their bodies hotly bumping into each other.
"Oh shit," Somi moaned as Chaeyoung started massaging her naked body, first groping her tits, then running her fingers into Somi's pussy, before running her hands all over her body. "Now let me suck those titties," Chaeyoung said as Somi dove them straight into her mouth, letting her bestie lick them harder than a baby searching for its mother's milk. Chaeyoung kept moving her naughty tongue up and down, left and right, turning Somi on and getting her wet with ease, then spltting and groping them. 
Somi tried to follow and took Chaeyoung's bra off, exposing her own little tits as the tall wasian grinded her pussy against Chaeyoung's fabric, which was followed by stretching her hands right onto Somi's cunt. "Take those off," she told Somi, who proceeded to pull Chaeyoung's panties down as the two started rubbing their pussies against each other, and Somi dove onto Chaeyoung's point nipples to suck them.
"Spit on them, nasty bitch," Chaeyoung ordered, and Somi followed. The little cutie took advantage of Somi stopping her tit sucking and got up the couch to suck the blonde's massive honkers, placing her small head between them. "Oh fuck, you really want those tits all to yourself, cunt," she told Chaeyoung. "Yes, I do; give me all of it," Chaeyoung replied as Somi's big boobs muffled her words.
Somi helped Chaeyoung take her boots off, leaving herself wearing just a pair of sexy red fishnets. "You've got a foot fetish now?" she laughed as Somi started kissing Chaeyoung's little legs and tiny toes. The two then started a little game. "Let's see who squirts first," Chaeyoung said, as both put one of their hands in their pussies and fingered them nonstop, Chaeyoung making sure to grab Somi's boobs while she did it.
"How about we do this together?" Somi said, locking her pussy against Chaeyoung's as the two started a hot tribbing session. Somi moved her hips as she sexily moaned. Her soft and slim slit felt quite overwhelmed by Chaeyoung's meaty cunt rubbing against it. Somi is usually straighter than a pole, but that friction against Chaeyoung's throbbing folds was really turning her on, making her push harder as the tribbing went by.
"Work my pussy," Chaeyoung demanded as she spanked Somi's ass in approval and licked her chops, their clits fully interlocked now. "You're going to get that wet before even getting fucked," Chaeyoung said. "HAHAHAHA!" Somi let out a massive laugh, the two interlocking their legs and squirting fountains from their pussies.
"Let me lick it," Somi demanded as she dove her head into Chaeyoung's core. "If you want it so much, then take it," Chaeyoung said, grabbing Somi's head and dunking it into her folds. Even though Chaeyoung was the one being eaten out, it was Somi who was moaning. "Hmmm, you love that wet, sloppy pussy; let me print it all over your face," Chaeyoung said. "Taste me; let me cum all over your mouth. Put that tongue all over my pussy," she continued.
Somi follows Chaeyoung's orders and quickly drives her little bestie over the moon. She always bragged about being a good tongue-kisser, and it seems like those skills translate well into eating pussies. You feel a little envy, as it feels like you are no match for what Somi is doing and that making Chaeyoung cum just with your tongue is so hard to come by. Meawnhile, Somi can do that with such ease.
Chaeyoung lets out lout moans as Somi's tongue sends shivers down her spine. "You dirty fucking girl," she tells her, laughing. "You never told me you could eat pussy like that," she said. "I didn't know that either," Somi said as she slapped Chaeyoung's cunt after she cums, letting her best friend squirt out further juices.
"My turn," Chaeyoung says, flipping Somi around. "Dirty bitch already spitting on that fucking pussy, such a dirty girl, Somi says as Chaeyoung outs her whole hand inside her mouth. "Get this pussy wet for my boyfriend," she continues. You overhear it but feel confused, thinking she was talking about Somi's own boyfriend.
Chaeyoung makes a mess of Somi's pussy, fingering it in an insane way. "Ahhhhh fuck," Somi says, unable to handle the pressure from Chaeyoung's magical hands. Without even using her mouth, she makes Somi cum with ease and turns her into a moaning mess, finishing the job with lots of licking into Somi's throbbing clit that makes her friend squirt a river.
At this point, you and Somi's boyfriend can't contain yourselves and start jerking off at the sight of your girlfriends fucking the shit out of each other. They are just too hot for you two to handle, and even better when they combine forces, as you two really start pondering why they haven't done this earlier.
Chaeyoung doesn't seem to stop finger-fucking Somi's pussy nonstop. "Better than your boyfriend's cock, bitch?" she asks. "That's bold of you to say it in front of... fuckkk." Somi can't even finish the sentence, as Chaeyoung keeps plowing her fingers deep in her cunt rather than joining her best friend, as two hands stimulating a pussy is better than one. "OH FUCK, OH YEAH, AHHHHH, GOD, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH," Somi turns into a screaming mess as Chaeyoung gives her an evil laughter, enjoying her big tit friend cum like a big whore.
"Come on, come on," Chaeyoung says. "I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING, OH SHIT." Somi screams as Chaeyoung's hands stay obliterating her pussy and as Somi starts trembling in orgasms, she finishes her with more licks all over her clit while burying those fingers even deeper into Somi's cunt.
"I see you guys are ready to join the fun," Chaeyoung says. You run in her direction as she smiles at you, already noticing your throbbing erection under your panties, getting up as you kiss her. "We are going to do something different today," she says. "You'll take Somi, and I'll take her boyfriend," she continues. You hesitate a bit, as you have never done a boyfriend swap before. "Are you sure?" you ask Chaeyoung. "Yes, we already set everything up; we are ready and wet," she responds.
Somi moves in your direction, still trembling from her orgasm. Her fully naked body is truly wonderful. Just her tits alone would make her extremely hot, but she's got great legs, a beautiful face, a sexy tummy, and a pink, peach-shaped pussy. The two girls kneel on the floor, and Somi starts with a slow but hot sucking of your cock, which contrasts to Chaeyoung's frenetical blowjob to Somi's boyfriend, where she's already taking his shaft deep in her small throat from the start. Somi, on the other hand, likes to build things up calmly, adjusting as she finds the best spots to suck your cock.
"That feels so good," you tell Somi as she moves her mouth further down your shaft. Chaeyoung, on the other side, shows no mercy to Somi's boyfriend's cock, twisting it hard as she bobs her head on it as fast as she can. If just a little deepthroat is enough to make Somi gag and go back to your tip, Chaeyoung just takes any cock balls deep in her throat until she runs completely out of air.
"That's a good whore, spitting all over that cock," Somi's boyfriend tells Chaeyoung, who is already getting extremely loud and sloppy, with some of her saliva landing on his hips. Meanwhile, Somi tries to stay focused and do her best work on your cock, slowly jerking it off. Their styles may be very different, but both are more than satisfying to their partners.
Somi's pretty face is too hard for you to resist as you puush your cock up into her throat, testing her to see if she can take it full speed. Somi slows you down a bit, managing to get the perfect pace for her pleasure. On the other side, it would be incorrect to say Chaeyoung is getting her face fucked. With the way she keeps bobbing, it's rather her face that is fucking Somi's boyfriend pole.
Their contrasting styles really create a hot sexual atmosphere in the room. Somi is like a slutty princess, enjoying herself as she slaps your cock into her big tits, while Chaeyoung is just a nasty, dirty whore, trying to take the life out of the cock she's sucking, putting her best friend's boyfriend on the edge as she bites his cock as if she's an electric eel, shocking her target.
"Ohhh shit," Somi's boyfriend screams as Chaeyoung makes his cock throb hard. "Put it down my fucking throat," she demands, wanting it more. You watch it and get flashbacks of when you two started dating and you filled her mouth full of cum after one deepthroating and thought you had literally blown it with her. Now you see her repeating the same moves on another guy.
You just let Somi take her time. You're very enamored with her; she just oozes sexiness, and the methodical way she works on your cock leads to great arousal. If Chaeyoung just straight up swallows any cock she sees on sight, Somi likes to savor them.
Somi gets rewarded with a hot facefuck for her great blowjob as you two slowly build up more chemistry. She naugthly stares at you and signals she's ready for more, giving some love to your balls for the first time. Chaeyoung and Somi's boyfriend fill the room with all the noise as you and Somi opt for silent work and get to know each other better. 
"Holy fuck!" Somi's boyfriend screams as Chaeyoung continues to attack his cock nonstop. "My dirty boy loves this dirty girl getting down that cock, doesn't it?" she asks. Somi herself decides to get a little sloppier, starting a louder blowjob as she spits on your cock and pops it in and out of her mouth, making sexy sounds.
"Suck that pipe, suck that pipe." The order comes from Somi's boyfriend to Chaeyoung, but his girlfriend also follows suit with it. Both girls are now deepthroating their opposing boyfriend's shafts. Chaeyoung handles it with ease, giving commands like "Look at me while I blow your fucking cock, and don't ever think of cumming," but your hard thrusts into her throat end up being a struggle for Somi, who decides to bring out her not-so-secret weapon.
Somi places your cock between her boobs. It was what you had been dreaming of the moment you saw her. And it blew even your highest expectations out of the water. Her tits are just perfect sized for your cock to wrap around them, squeezing it at the perfect spots, but also to slide up and down them, making banging them more pleasurable than fucking a lot of pussies out there.
Somi licks your chest as you fuck hers, then you two kiss each other and enjoy yourselves. You never thought it was going to be this good, but barely five minutes in, you're in love with her. Meanwhile. Chaeyoung just wants to be as nastiest as possible to Somi's boyfriend, throbbing cock, making a mess of it, and licking its balls to tip like there was no tomorrow.
"God damn it!" Somi's boyfriend screams as he tries his best not to blow his entire semen on Chaeyoung's slutty face. Meanwhile, it's all about kissing and fucking her tits between you and Somi, who grabs them with her hands and squeezes your cock even further as you get more and more addicted to her massive fun bags.
"Ahhh, fuck, please don't stop fucking my titties," Somi says as she enjoys every time your throbbing tip emerges out of her knockers, diving down to lick it a few times, her hands wrapping around them even further. Your cock and her boobs seem like a match made in heaven, to the point you wouldn't be opposed to going all day just banging them.
Chaeyoung feels a little jealous watching you and Somi have all that boob fun. It's truly the thing she envies her best friend the most, as her small tits are a huge contrast to Somi's big melons. But she gets creative and finds a way to have Somi's boyfriend's huge cock rubbing on her body, mimicking you two's titty fun using her armpits instead. This is something Somi's boyfriend isn't accustomed to, but he enjoys it a lot. "If you think it's very tight, wait until you see my pussy," she brags.
"Then let me see it," Somi's boyfriend replies. As his girlfriend is still busy pleasing your cock with her knockers, he and Chaeyoung are ready to move towards raw and animalesque fucking. They work together to bring the couch to the other side of the room, as she wants both couples side by side. It takes a while for you and Somi to notice, as it feels like her chest has placed some kind of enchantment on you. She licks yours while you suck hers. By the time you do, Chaeyoung is already sitting on Somi's boyfriend's pole and getting her cunt impaled.
Somi decides to do something different and sucks your cock a little more before getting it inside her. It's good that her sexy mouth at least tries to distract you as you watch Chaeyoung riding her boyfriend's cock and making some of the craziest facial expressions you've seen. "She never did this to me," you start thinking. Meanwhile, you won't be seeing those reactions from Somi or her big tits bouncing as she decides to sit on it in a reverse cowgirl position.
All that jealousy goes out of the window the moment your cock enters Somi's warm folds. Her pussy tightens so hard that as soon as you get inside her, you have to hold yourself back, not to cum. Also, you finally get time to appreciate the backside of Somi's body. Her tits may be her best-known asset, but she's got an amazingly fit and toned ass that makes the perfect clapping sound every time it descends down your hips. Soon, Somi's delicious body and perfect pussy make you forget about the loud noises from Chaeyoung on the other couch.
"You like how I ride your fucking cock like that? You like your fucking cock in my tight little pussy?" Chaeyoung asks, as Somi's boyfriend can only groan, with her attacking his cock in full force and getting increasingly louder. "FUCK" Chaeyoung scrreams as she fingers her pussy, looking more and more like a crazy nymphomaniac.
On your side, Somi places her hands on your chest and keeps bouncing on your dick, slowly increasing her pace. She spreads her ass a little to ease up the pressure your massive cock exerts on her tight holes, twerking on it once she gets adjusted. The way her ass moves is amazing. Somi may not have the fattest butt, but she knows how to move it up and down a cock.
If Somi's pussy has full control over you, with her start teasing you and rubbing her entrance against your tip, on the other side, it's her boyfriend that treats Chaeyoung like his fuckdoll, pumping his cock up and down her pussy as a rough punishment for her for being such a whore. The more she moans and screams, the more he attacks. "AHHHHHHHH, FUCKKKKKK," is all Chaeyoung can say as Somi's boyfriend prick bulges under her belly and hits her cervix until it makes her cum.
Somi tastes her juice out of your cock, while her boyfriend's is getting creamed by Chaeyoung's squirt. "Give me your pussy one more time," she tells her, showing no mercy for the little spinner still recovering from her orgasm. Somi, standing up a little while jerking your throbbing cock, gets a privileged view of watching her best friend turn into her boyfriend's fleshlight.
"You've been so good to me; you deserve to see my tits bouncing as I sit on your cock," Somi says, switching to a regular cowgirl position and mirroing Chaeyoung, who moans so loudly it hurts Somi's ears. She presses on to your muscular chest and sets them free for you to enjoy the bounce and grope them as she rides you, trying to do her best to concentrate as Chaeyoung has turned into a screaming mess.
The two girls compete for attention. Somi lets her bouncy boobs do the talking, but Chaeyoung's shaking orgasms are entertaining to watch. In the end, both of you are feeling blessed to have such sexy beauties and masters of fucking bouncing on your cocks nonstop. Both girls keep challenging each other, seeking both men's approval as they engage in a grinding competition and put both throbbing cocks on the edge. But unlike in their early catfight, it's Somi who comes on top this time, rotating on your cock with her body floating in the air in an extremely sexy way that puts you over the moon.
Somi keeps teasing you and starts rubbing her folds in your shaft, her boobs getting louder than ever. You can't help but want to satisfy her appetite even further: "I want to fuck your ass right now," you tell her. "Ooooh, you want to fuck my ass?" Somi naughtily asks. "Yes, didn't you hear it?" you reply.
Chaeyoung hears you two talking and asks Somi's boyfriend the same thing. You put Somi sideways on the couch and entered her tight asshole. "Oh, fuck yeah," Somi says as you slowly bury your shaft in her anus. You start with very soft pumps, not wanting to break her, but you quickly notice she is well accustomed to anal sex and start pumping faster. Chaeyoung, trying not to lag behind, pushes Somi's boyfriend back down the couch and goes back to sitting on this dick, this time anally and in reverse.
If you and Somi opt for passionate spooning anal fucking, Chaeyoung goes straight for the kill, manhandling Somi's boyfriend's cock while she fingers herself, tightening her hole even further. "My ass is so fucking tight," both girls repeat almost at the same time, as Somi also gets increasingly aroused by her butthole being stretched out."
"I want this cock so bad; I want you to fuck me so hard," Chaeyoung says. Meanwhile, Somi is all about moaning as your cock keeps stabbing her clenching asshole. "FUCK MY ASS, FUCK MY ASS!" Chaeyoung screams as she starts squirting all over Somi's boyfriend's hips. 
Chaeyoung finds a way around Somi's body and kisses you while you're still fucking her best friend. "Do you enjoy watching me get fucked in the ass, daddy?" she asks, but you ignore your screaming whore girlfriend and focus on Somi, leading her to bounce even harder on Somi's boyfriend's cock. Meanwhile, Somi's own ass got so tight that you struggled to get halfway inside it. God, you never knew she could be so tight.
The more the assfucking goes on, the bigger of a whore Chaeyoung gets. She lies on Somi's boyfriend's chest now and lets him pound her in a pearly gates position while groping her tiny tits. She now squirts once every five seconds. She looks to your side, her body limping and itching as she gets pounded to oblivion, but she can only see your ass as you put Somi under an anal mating press and treat your slutty girlfriend with indifference.
You pound Somi's ass hard, finally managing to carve up her tight hole and making her moan and scream in a loud way for the first time. "Fuck me balls deep," she demands of you. On the other sofa, Chaeyoung gets placed under a full Nelson, making her asshole gape even further and forcing her to hold herself by Somi's boyfriend's knees. "God damn it, it feels so fucking good; pound my fucking asshole; fucking give it to me, deep in my asshole," she says while getting ragdolled.
"Let me suck my ass off your fucking cock," Chaeyoung says as she stands up and throats Somi's boyfriend, enjoying her dirty anal juices and twising his shaft. Somi follows suit with your cock, taking it deep in her throat. While she does it, you call Chaeyoung with a request.
"I want to fuck your ass too," you tell her. But Chaeyoung is too focused on a different cock to listen to you, performing a 69 on Somi's boyfriend. "You want to fuck my asshole? Tell your girlfriend to allow it," Chaeyoung finally responds, leaving the answer up to Somi. "Fuck her asshole," she says immediately.
You never had an easier entrance to Chaeyoung's butthole than today. Her hole is already massively gaped from the previous fucking, unlike her usual tight self. As you easily stretch her butt out, Chaeyoung reminds herself of how much she has missed that thick cock of yours. Somi and her boyfriend just watch as Chaeyoung gets her anus further gaped. You show her no mercy after seeing what she just did minutes before, and with this pounding, you have a feeling of revenge over her being such a slut.
"Put that fucking back in my ass; fucking give it to me." Chaeyoung demands, as your cock slides out just for a second. She is thirsty even after a rough pounding. The more you fuck her, the more she wants it and talks dirty. You start spanking her. But she's unfazed. This whore is truly insatiable, to the point where you start wondering if just one cock will be enough to satisfy her.
"You like that?" you ask Chaeyoung as you keep slapping her ass. "Yes, don't ask those stupid questions and slap my butt," she replies. You pull out a bit to admire the gape in her anus, but you think it can grow even larger. Meanwhile, Chaeyoung reaches her hands out to Somi's pussy as her best friend sits her ass on her boyfriend's cock. "Oh, that's a tight asshole," Somi says, and you attested to it just a few minutes ago.
Somi gives Chaeyoung a naughty stare as her pussy gets fingered. She truly wanted to ride your cock like that in the ass, but after you pounded her so hard, she decided to take a little break and get back to the safety of her boyfriend. But in the end, her hole was already so sore that she quickly started to feel the burn after a few rides.
"Ride his dick like a fucking whore; let him stretch your ass," Chaeyoung told some, who suddenly left the pain behind and got naughtier, roating on her boyfriend's cock. "Keep going, keep going," Chaeyoung said, which could be an incentive either to you or to Somi. You took it, switching her from the doggy position she found herself in since you penetrated her asshole and putting her under a rough, pile driver that made her squirt all over the room as you pounded her balls deep.
"I'm ready to be filled with two fucking cocks in my holes," Chaeyoung said after a while. Your answer was just to put her on the floor and lift her leg up, forcing Chaeyoung to cling onto the couch as you further manhandled her asshole. "I guess your holes are so used up that one cock or two cocks won't make a difference," you mocked her.
Somi cleaned up her boyfriend's cock, preparing Chaeyoung to sit her pussy on it. You immediately filled the void and didn't let the gorgeous Wasian go without anything to do, grabbing her by the boobs and shoving your cock on her face for her to suck. Somi took it to the fullest, enjoying the new anal flavor from Chaeyoung in your cock. "That tastes so good," she said.
As Chaeyoung prepared to sit once again on Somi's boyfriend, you two were still busy. Somi just didn't want to let go of your cock, even as Chaeyoung's asshole was almost begging to be filled up, winking at each thrust she received in her cunt. But Somi was addicted to the taste of Chaeyoung's butthole and missed your cock very badly, deciding to be a little selfish.
Chaeyoung got a little upset with her best friend, craving your cock. "You're taking too long, bitch," but Somi just couldn't listen. Just after a while, she gave the green light: "Ready to fuck your whore girlfriend's ass again?" she said, finally freeing your cock. "Yes," you answered her. "Then give it back to her ass," Somi continued.
An impatient Chaeyoung continued to bounce on Somi's boyfriend's cock harder than ever, making loud noises on the couch. She stopped as soon as she saw your cock coming in her direction, but you still teased her a little, missing her hole intentionally. Somi slapped Chaeyoung and asked her, "Ready to take two at the same time in front of your best friend, slut?". 
The scream of joy Chaeyoung gave when you finally inserted your cock back in her ass was enough to answer. She rested her head on Somi's left boob as the pair of cocks started working on her holes together. Somi loved watching it, especially your cock at the top pumping in and out of Chaeyoung's ass. She quickly found out you two would be relentless to her, splitting her tiny body up with no regard. Chaeyoung got clingier and clingier to Somi, fingering her best friend's pussy to endure the scorching pounding she was taking.
"OH FUCKKKKK!" Chaeyoung screams. "Fuck her," Somi told both you and her boyfriend. It turns out that very few things are hotter than a short girl being double-stuffed by a pair of cocks. Chaeyoung started breaking apart, but you weren't going to lift off. "You said you could take it; now there is no going back," you told her, giving her a little tap in the ass.
"Get your fucking cock back in my hole," Chaeyoung said when you slid out. She slowly rose up to the challenge, but you showed her who was in control, increasing your pace and destroying her asshole, turning her back into a screaming mess. "Suck my fucking titties; they want some love from a tiny little slut like you." Somi poked fun at Chaeyoung as she reached to lick her melons.
"Keep fucking me like a dirty little slut; get deep inside both my fucking holes; come on guys," Chaeyoung demanded as you two got the perfect sync to hit her holes. "Ride those cocks, come on," both of you told her. Chaeyoung kept getting stretched out, her face now on Somi's lap, who was now spanking her back, enjoying watching her best friend become a cocksleeve.
Chaeyoung almost teared up when you two finished fucking her, but tried to show some strength by going right back to riding Somi's boyfriend's cock. You, still behind her, quickly put her back in her place, mounting on top of her and giving Chaeyoung the roughest assfucking of the day yet. "Who owns you, bitch?" you asked her. "It's you, baby; you own me; you own my fucking asshole; your fucking cock was built to destroy it," she answered.
Somi kissed Chaeyoung and tried to provide a little relief for her bestie, but the more she watched her getting double penetrated, the more she wanted it for herself. But it was all a ploy. As soon as Somi offered help, you pumped Chaeyoung even deeper, and when Somi offered her tits for Chaeyoung to suck, you got even rougher.
"Give it to me; give it to me harder," Chaeyoung said. You followed her orders to the fullest, manhandling her ass in a way you had never done before. "I FUCKING WANT IT HARDER... OH MY GOD," Chaeyoung collapsed on both your cocks, completely out of breath and panting. "Damn, you're looking like this, and it's not even an airtight one," you mocked her.
"Taste your dirty ass and your fucking pussy," you ordered her, as Chaeyoung crawled and dove first into Somi's boyfriend before maniacally cleaning yours. "Is this the taste you like so much, Somi?" she asked her best friend. "Yes, I hope your pussy tastes just as good," Somi says, taking her boyfriend's cock to do the cleanup.
You fucked Chaeyoung's face with the same intensity you did to her ass, while Somi kept tasting her boyfriend's prick and jerking it off. "You want to feel two cocks inside you too?" you asked her. "Yeah," Somi gleefully answered. And you knew if Chaeyoung could do it in her tiny frame, it wouldn't be a problem for a girl of Somi's stature.
Chaeyoung made sure to get your cock as ready as possible for Somi, spitting all over it and shaking it hard. You kept teasing Somi. "Ready to get fucked by two cocks at the same time?" you asked again. "Yes, I am," she smiled. "When?" you asked. "Right now," she replied. "Then come here," you ordered her.
Somi sat her pussy on your shaft. "God damn it, your pussy is so fucking wet," you told her. Somi promptly answered the praise for her cunt by twerking it on your cock. Her boyfriend suddenly joined; his hard thrusts up her ass were perfect to you, making her tits bounce right at your face. "You like two fucking cocks filling you up right now, since you asked so much for it, slut?" Chaeyoung poked Somi, who could only pray to God now.
Chaeyoung spat on Somi's boyfriend's cock a lot; she knows taking on her best friend's tight asshole is always a hell of a challenge. You just gave her pussy slow pumps, enjoying her tits to the fullest in your mouth and making them your personal playground.
Somi's holes started queefing as the fucking continued, and she clenched them, enjoying the bliss of getting double-stuffed. At the bottom of the pile, you were having the best life, torn between Somi's massive knockers and your girlfriend's wet pussy. "Fucking cum all over them," Chaeyoung demanded, grabbing Somi's hair as you two fucked her harder, staring her best friend down and giving her a sexy look.
"It seems like our boyfriends are punishing us with hard fucks in the ass for cheating on them; maybe we should do this more often," Chaeyoung said as Somi endured the same as she did before. Another queefing sound came out of Somi's holes. "Stop farting, bitch, and take those cocks," Chaeyoung mocked her best friend's tightness.
"I love watching your tight holes get obliterated," Chaeyoung said. Somi didn't answer her, focusing on just taking those cocks. "Just like me, you're a dirty slut now, getting stretched out like that," she continued. "Fuck yeah, I am," Somi said.
"Then show me." Her boyfriend came out of nowhere and pumped Somi's ass even deeper. "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! FUCK ME! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Her screams filled the room as Somi got massacred by her boyfriend's throbbing cock. "Come on, give me your cum," her boyfriend said. "Follow him; do it, Somi," Chaeyoung followed.
Somi releases her orgasm as you give her ass a little tap. Her DP was perfect for you to rest as you let her boyfriend do most of the work and got to enjoy eating and sucking her and Chaeyoung out. But even after cumming, her boyfriend doesn't seem done with her. After all, jealousy goes both ways, and he saw her being all clingy to you and worshipping your cock with her tits and pussy in a way she hadn't done to him in a while.
Somi finally gets a break after a long DP. She can barely walk, and her head is spinning, but both cocks are already lined up for her to taste her holes. It is what this selfish cunt likes the most; she already tasted Chaeyoung's but wanted hers too, alternating between both cocks. Then Chaeyoung chimed in and took Somi's boyfriend cock for some more nasty ass-to-mouth, like the dirty whore she is.
"Your ass tastes so good in this fucking cock," Chaeyoung told Somi, who was focused on your cock above all else. "Oh my God, you're such a good cocksucker; keep going; worship my dick." Somi's boyfriend praised Chaeyoung's blowjob skills, wondering to himself if he hadn't cum yet despite all her efforts.
You two weren't done, and you got addicted to this double penetration thing. "Give me that pussy," you told Chaeyoung, carrying her tiny body and stuffing your cock in her cunt. Somi sat on the couch, recovering from the pounding she had just taken, watching Chaeyoung get lifted in the air as her boyfriend followed suit and stuffed her best friend in the ass.
"Come on, right there," Chaeyoung invited the challenge, riding both cocks while mid-air and performing a hot standing DP. Somi couldn't help but  watch as she got on her knees and took a look at both those massive cocks taking turns pumping little Chaeng like nothing. "Holy shit, you guys are filling her up well," Somi said, getting even closer and staring right at Chaeyoung's stretched-out fuckholes.
"Bounce up and down those cocks, baby," you told Chaeyoung, who quickly obliged. "There you go," you praised her as she clinged one arm to each of you, screaming as she got stretched out. You put Chaeyoung back on the ground, noticing Somi's return to the frame as you fed your girlfriend's pussy for her to taste. Meanwhile, in the background, her boyfriend took Chaeyoung's sore asshole all by himself and manhandled her.
Somi pulled her boyfriend's cock out of Chaeyoung's ass to taste her favorite hole once again. Chaeyoung took sloppy seconds of her pussy, gripping your cock as soon as Somi left. You could see how much Somi was obsessed with the taste of her best friend's butthole by the enthusiastic way she sucked her boyfriend's meat, which even resembled some of Chaeyoung's high-octane blowjobs early on.
"You look so good sucking his cock," Chaeyoung told Somi, who replied in the same way. The two girls knew this wouldn't go on for long; they made sure their boyfriends would be ready for the final stages of this whole debauchery. Their sloppy blowjobs had both your cocks reinvingorated and harder than ever, ready for even more even after such a long fucking, as both of you rewarded them by slapping your hard meats into their needy faces while they stuck their tongues out.
Chaeyoung climbed back into your lap as you carry fucked her once more, with Somi still busy with her boyfriend's cock, before letting it go so Chaeyoung could enjoy a couple extra minutes of standing DP that she loved so much, with Somi going down low to massage both cocks balls as you two thursted up Chaeyoung's fuckholes.
"These two cocks are doing a great job; I want to try them together again," Somi said down low. If Chaeyoung did something, she was going to follow. This time, they swapped cocks, with Somi back to sucking yours while Chaeyoung took Somi's boyfriend. "I'll take your ass this time," you told Somi, putting your thumb in her mouth as she jerked your cock off. You two kissed each other and went straight to the couch, with Somi quickly sitting on your meat.
Somi got her asshole plowed from the start, with Chaeyoung giving her pussy a little fingering before allowing Somi's boyfriend to take it. All three of you attacked Somi hard, making sure she would feel completely overwhelmed. Her boyfriend is pumping her pussy, you are taking her ass, and Chaeyoung is groping her big tits. "Tell us how much you love it," Chaeyoung asked. But Somi couldn't answer, as the pumps got faster and the groping got harder. "AHHHHH. "YEAHHHH!" was all she could scream, sandwiched between two horny men destroying her tight holes and a slutty friend who couldn't help but follow everybody else into their addiction towards her tits.
Chaeyoung sat her pussy on Somi's beautiful face and grinded on it while you two kept stretching her out. Somi had turned into a fucktoy for all three of you, the perfect stress relief. The top cumslut. "Look at your boyfriend, Somi; tell him how much you want those cocks filling you up," Chaeyoung said, lifing her best friend's head out her pussy. "I want every inch of it," Somi said. "Then, are you gonna cum all over them?" her boyfriend replied.
"Yes, I will. AHHHHH. FUCK YEAH!" Somi screams as her body twists in orgasm after orgasm. For some seconds, it feels like she died and ascended to heaven, even if three devils were fucking the shit out of her and just couldn't stop. "OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!" she screamed as a squirt dropped out of her pussy. 
But that wasn't enough, and it only made both of you pump her harder and Chaeyoung grope her harder. Tall, blonde, gorgeous, and full of milk in her chest, Somi was the perfect woman to get double penetrated at every possible turn. Chaeyoung enjoys it a lot, as she has her best friend's big boobs all by herself and gropes them nonstop. "Are you gonna fucking cum again?" she asks Somi. "YEAHHHHHHH, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME," Somi answers, unleashing even more juices from her cunt.
Somi quickly jumps to taste her ass from your cock, while Chaeyoung scoops her best friend's pussy juices. "We aren't done yet," she says as the two continue to suck both guys cocks sloppily. "You're so nasty," Somi's boyfriend says about Chaeyoung before putting her on the couch to fuck her pussy. "Lick my pussy while he fucks me," Chaeyoung orders to Somi, who dives down it. You, seeing Somi on all fours, stick your cock in her pussy as she sucks Chaeyoung's tits and massages her pussy.
Both guys now just want to finish. Meanwhile, Chaeyoung puts Somi's tits in her mouth as the Wasian beauty gets on top of her. The guys pump the girls out until Somi's boyfriend is the first to finish, dumping his long-awaited load into Chaeyoung's meaty pussy, with Somi licking it at the top. You soon follow, filling Somi's pussy full of cum, which falls right into Chaeyoung's waiting mouth.
All four of you are exhausted at this point. After a long hour of crazy fucking, each of your girlfriends is filled with cum from the other guy, which is the perfect way to end this great day. You and Chaeyoung take a shower after and head home. Somi's boyfriend follows suit. "See you tomorrow, baby.".
That day becomes a living memory in Somi's head. She thinks about it at night, masturbating herself as she remembers your cock doing wonders for her, from fucking her tits to finishing inside her, all the way to all those times you fucked her holes or let her savor Chaeyoung's ass from your cock. Somi knows she needs another day like this and will make sure to set it up herself next time.
The next day arrives, and this time, Somi is with a different friend, talking about some regular stuff until she changes the subject of the conversation.
"Giselle, I need something from you,"  Somi says.
"I'm all ears," Giselle replies.
"Can I have sex with your boyfriend? You can fuck mine too," Somi continues.
Giselle makes a shocked expression. "I'm not sure; I don't know if he's going to accept it.".
Somi tells her about her day with Chaeyoung, leaving Giselle in awe.
"I'll see what I can do."
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avatar-anna · 7 months
The One About the Documentary
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i watched part one of the yolanda and selena documentary so you don't have to...and it pissed me tf off. anyway enjoy!
Harry Styles x Latina! Reader Masterlist
When his girlfriend asked to watch the documentary, Harry said yes, but hesitantly.
In all honesty, Harry didn't think Y/n would have any desire to watch it, but at eight o'clock sharp, she was on the couch armed with a bowl of popcorn and two bottles of coke, one for him and one for her.
"Can I ask why we're—"
"Shh! It's starting."
Harry settled into the couch, his arm around his girlfriend, whose eyes were glued to the TV the second the documentary began.
"So Yolanda's the only one who knew about this alleged affair?" Y/n said to no one in particular. "Yeah fucking right. I hope Chris Perez never watches this."
Harry covered his hand with his mouth to hide his grin. His girlfriend had a knack for talking about people she didn't know as if they were good friends.
Taking a handful of popcorn out of the bowl, he kissed Y/n's cheek. "I don't imagine anyone close to Selena is watching this."
Huffing, Y/n slumped back against Harry's side, angrily chewing popcorn. "I hate her," she grumbled, and he knew she wasn't talking about Selena.
Playing with a strand of her hair, he turned his attention back to the TV. "I know."
"¿Un accidente? ¿Fue un accidente?" Y/n all but shouted at the screen. Her brows were narrowed in an adorable glare, nose slightly crinkled in anger. "Are you kidding me? You shot her! In the back! Twice!"
Harry debated whether to intervene or stay seated on the couch. His hand reached for the bowl of popcorn in the meantime, taking a handful as he watched his girlfriend shout at Yolanda Saldivar.
"Lovey, maybe we should turn it off," he ended up saying.
Her head whipped around, her glare landing on Harry, though he knew it wasn't aimed at him. "Why?"
Why? he thought. Because you hate Yolanda and I'm not sure my arm can take anymore angry punches.
"You seem a little...heated?"
Y/n's eyes blazed. "Of course I'm heated! This whole thing is bullshit!"
Harry knew his girlfriend was passionate, it was one of the things he loved about her. And one thing Y/n happened to be passionate about was Selena Quintanilla Perez.
"I know that, and you know that, so why are we watching this?"
Y/n had sent numerous messages about the documentary in question when word first got out that it would be released. Fiery texts about how ridiculous it was that someone so horrible was making a documentary after all these years, about how no one would ever be stupid enough to take Yolanda's side, and so on. Harry, of course, was inclined to agree, but he also thought Y/n was merely ranting about the trailer. He didn't think they'd be sitting down to watch it. Honestly, he thought his girlfriend wouldn't have given it the time of day.
"I—I don't know, but I can't just not finish it," Y/n said. "I'm watching in protest."
Swallowing a laugh, Harry pulled his girlfriend back onto the couch. "Okay, then, lovey. Then sit down and let's finish it."
"Oh come on, Yolanda," Harry groaned, his voice nearly reaching Y/n's frustrated levels. "If all this evidence has been sitting in some storage unit for all these years, why is it only coming out now?"
Y/n was practically bouncing in her seat on the couch as the woman in question spoke. She shook Harry's shoulder with her hands, but he was used to it by now. This was a normal occurrence for any movie night.
"That's my point!" Y/n said. "She's evil. She'll be hard pressed to find an unbiased jury when it's time for her parole."
"You think she'll really be let out on parole?"
Y/n shrugged, her eyes on the television. "She'd probably be safer in solitary."
"What? It's the truth!"
"¡Bruja! ¡Mentirosa! Who the fuck is buying this? You admitted! ¡Me cago en la reputísima madre que te parió la reconcha de tu—"
"Aaand that's where we'll stop," Harry said, turning the TV off with a definitive click of the remote.
"Wha—Why? It's almost done!"
Harry ignored Y/n's protests and took her into his arms, taking her away from the TV and the couch and the popcorn, which she'd begun to throw at the screen in outrage. As he took the stairs up to their room, Y/n turned to begging, promising she'd behave and stop throwing popcorn, but Harry was having none of it.
"This is for your own good, lovey," he said. "It's not healthy to be angry like that."
"Oh, so I'm being irrational?"
Harry merely rolled his eyes. "Now you know I didn't say that."
"Well...You're...Put me down! I need to finish!"
"Not tonight, lovey."
Harry set Y/n on the bed gently. She crossed her arms and glared at him, but it was half-assed, and not entirely directed at her and still at Public Enemy Number One.
She gave him the silent treatment as they got ready for bed, but Harry knew it wouldn't last. His girlfriend had a short fuse, but the emphasis was on short. Y/n didn't stay mad for very long, she never had as long as he knew her. Harry gave it until he got to the second chapter of his book and the silent treatment would come to an end.
It took the third, but Harry smiled a little as Y/n held hos cheek in her hand and kissed the other. "I'm not gonna apologize for being angry," she said.
"I wouldn't expect you to. I know how you feel about Yolanda Saldivar."
Y/n hummed. "But, I apologize for the popcorn. And the excessive profanity. And for bruising your shoulder."
Setting his book down, Harry looked at his girlfriend, nothing but affection—and perhaps mild amusement—in his gaze. "It's okay. I hardly felt a thing."
"Liar," Y/n giggled. "But thank you for putting up with...I don't know, me, I guess."
Harry took that as his opportunity to kiss her properly. Y/n squeaked in surprise, cradling his face gingerly as he slotted his lips over hers. Laying her down properly on the bed, he hovered over her, his hand running along her bare thigh and up past her night gown. Because Y/n was the kind of woman who wore little nightgowns before bed.
That was how Harry knew she wasn't totally mad at him. She wore one of her shorter, more revealing ones. She had a couple that went down to her calves that weren't expressly for when she was pissed at Harry, but he knew—though the joke was on her, he thought she looked just as sexy in those.
Y/n wrapped her legs around Harry's waist, her arms twining around his neck as he kissed the shell of her ear, the curve of her jaw. "It's not 'putting up with,' lovey," he murmured. "You should know that by now. If anyone puts up with anyone in this relationship it's you."
Leaning up on her elbows, Y/n made Harry look her in the eye. "So we're both a little crazy. That's nothing new."
Harry just grinned down at his girl, admiring the soft look in her eyes, the amused arch of her brow, her swollen lips, and chest that breathed heavily. Y/n might have had a short temper, she might throw popcorn at the TV when it made her mad, and she might curse and hit him when she felt particularly outraged, but she put up with all of his quirks with a smile too, loved him for every single one. Harry took up most of their shared closet space—which he had a weird thing about color coding—he had a tendency to talk in his sleep, he had to sit on the same side of the couch and made Y/n move if she was sitting on it (though now she knew better), he often scraped the bottom of the rice pot into the sink before Y/n could save her favorite crunchy parts which drove her nuts, and he had the unfortunate habit of leaving the cap off his toothpaste.
And there was the whole no-privacy thing because of his job, but that wasn't much of a quirk.
"I'm cool with it if you are."
Y/n smiled. "So you'll watch part two with me?"
"Hell no. But I will support you if you decide to scream at Yolanda and her fucked up family through the TV a second time."
"You're gonna regret that," Y/n said as she began to run her hands down Harry's broad shoulders. "Selena. Morning and night. Every minute of every day."
"That's...not a threat, lovey."
Y/n pouted. "Shit, you're right. I'll...only speak Spanish around you so you never know what I'm saying."
Harry's grin widened as he leaned down to kiss her collarbone. "I don't think you realize how sexy you sound, even when you're cross with me. Or your arch nemesis, for that matter."
"Well then I'll—"
"Face it, lovey. There's very little you could use to threaten me," he said, dragging the words over her neck. "Now let me love on you a bit before bed."
"What if I said no?" she asked, even though they both knew she wouldn't. Y/n just liked to be contrary for the sake of it.
"Well that would just be cruel to the both of us, wouldn't it?"
Finally relenting, Y/n slumped back against the bed, bringing Harry with her. She held the back of his head, her grip firm as she brought his lips to hers once more. Harry hummed triumphantly against her mouth, savoring the taste of her on his tongue. They eventually found themselves tangled together, Harry on his back while he hugged Y/n close to his chest. One hand was buried deep in her hair while the other kept a steady grip on her waist. He already knew each little sound she made, each reaction burned time and time again into his mind. But he collected each sigh, each graze of teeth like it was the first time, savoring it like this would be his only opportunity to ever kiss her.
Infatuated. He was infatuated with her. He loved when Y/n was loud and bright and opinionated, and he loved when she was shy and demure and unsure of herself. He loved the way she said his name when she was exasperated by something he did, and he was obsessed with the way she sometimes started speaking in another language without realizing it. He loved the way she loved him, so confidently, so tenderly—he loved that each devouring kiss seemed to say that she was just as infatuated as he was, that he wasn't alone in these intense feelings.
"Love you, bubba," Y/n murmured, the words getting tangled in their kiss.
"Love you," he replied.
It was all there really was to say.
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yeeterthek33per · 1 year
Taken (Steph Catley x Reader)
A/n requested, hope y'all enjoy. 18+ Minors DNI. Smooty warning. As usual, the star marks the safe limit.
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"Steph, come on, we're gonna be late for YOUR team's party if you don't hurry up."
The defender had spent the better part of an hour in the bathroom, and now you were both running late to a party that Steph had asked you to come to.
She knew she was gonna cop it from you and her own teammates if she didn't hoof it, but she had to look good. Especially if she was walking in beside you.
Hence why she was wearing a sleeveless button-up blouse and jean shorts. Something that would definitely show off muscles to compliment your own.
When she steps out of the bathroom, her point is only proven.
She grins, looking you up and down, and you blush slightly under her gaze and roll your eyes at her antics.
You're wearing black denim jeans, a yellow crop top that leaves your stomach exposed, and a black leather jacket over your shoulder.
"Come on, we have to go. I'm meeting your other teammates for the first time, I do not want to be late."
At this point, the pair of you had been together for about seven months, having moved in without much communication to her team aside from Caitlin, who you'd spent time with together on several occasions.
So it took until now for you to actually be able to meet them in person.
You both head out to the car, grabbing your keys along the way. Steph is quick to open your door for you before jumping in the drivers side.
"Ever the gentlewoman." You give her a teasing smirk, and she smiles, pecking you on the lips before starting the car and backing out of the driveway, her hand resting on your thigh for most of the drive.
The moment you walk in, there's cheering from the girls as Steph finally makes an appearance.
"Ayyy Stephyyy, she's in finally, and who's this with her?" It's Katie who yells out first.
"Yeah, Stephy, who's this? She's looking fiiine!" That earns Stina a glare from the defender and a chuckle from you.
"Oooh, Stephy brought the girlfriend, be nice guys, she's a keeper!" It's Caitlin that has you blushing a little behind Steph.
"Stephy, when did this happen?"
And various other shouts are accompanying them all at once.
Steph just laughs, shaking her head.
"Alright, alright, alright. Everyone, this is Y/n, we've been together seven months. Play nice, nobody scare her away."
You chuckle softly at the brunette leaving a kiss on her cheek as you're quickly dragged away by Beth and Katie.
Caitlin slaps an arm around Steph and drags her over to sit with Viv, Manu, Frida, and Lia. Much to Steph's protests at being separated from you.
In the kitchen, you're being bombarded with questions from Katie. Occasionally, Beth intervenes and tells her to calm a bit before handing you a drink.
You're definitely a little nervous, but once the alcohol is flowing through you, Katie's not so intimidating anymore.
You spend some time just downing drinks as a mini contest with the irish girl, and you can tell straight away that the alcohol you're both consuming is probably not a healthy amount.
About two hours later, the three of you have been laughing at stories you've been sharing, and at one point, there's tears leaking from your eyes, you're laughing so hard.
There's a knock at the door about twenty minutes after that, and Katie is suddenly dragging you to the door with her, practically jumping with excitement.
"Ooh, ooh, I know who that is. It's Leah, you're gonna love her, she's a party girl like me. Blonde and tall and definitely a terrifying captain when she wants, but absolutely let's it rip at parties."
Something clicks in your head, and you go to respond before she rips open the door.
"Oh I know Leah, she's-"
"Leaaaahhh! You made it finally! My god woman, you gotta start getting here earlier. You missed all the fun with -"
Leah grins at you, a cheeky but confused smile on her face when she spots your slightly tipsy self standing at the door.
"Y/n? Oh, I know you've been having a good time then, Katie. This one will drink you under the table."
"You know each other?"
Leah gives you a cheeky wink.
"You could say that."
"Also, wait, there's no way she could outdrink me, I'm Irish."
"Katie, I love you, but she could end your liver if you tried that."
"Meh, I do that on my own accord."
Steph spots Leah walking in with you from the entryway, the music a little loud to hear what you're conversing about but she watches as the blonde puts an immediate arm around your shoulder and kisses your cheek as you grin and pat her face before heading to the kitchen again with Beth.
She feels a wave of heat course through her chest. Why were you so suddenly touchy-feely with her teammates? Why Leah in particular?
She pushed it down, rubbing it off as you were just friendly with the blonde and a little tipsy, if anything. She knows you'd never cheat on her.
Throughout the night, she watches you joke and muck around with the three girls. Occasionally, you converse with a couple of the others. But she focuses on the comfortability you suddenly have around the Arsenal captain.
She tries her hardest to push down any lingering jealousy, focusing on her conversation with Lia instead.
"And so she was talking to me like I knew her. So, the poor thing, I had to stop her and ask, and I just felt so embarrassed."
"Are you kidding me? She just freaking flopped like that?" You giggle, nodding at Katie as Leah huffs lightly, poking you in the ribs.
"You missy, need to stop telling everyone that, who brought you here anyway?"
"Oh, that's another thing I haven't gotten around to telling you yet."
Leah raises a brow at you questioningly. A playful look of hurt crosses her features.
"What haven't you been telling me?"
" I know you've been busy with your injury, and I didn't wanna dump it on you suddenly. But I kind of maybe am possibly dating one of your teammates..?"
Leah raises both brows now.
"Sorry, what? When did that happen? I know I was injured, but jeez, sis, why not tell me sooner? Who is it? I want to know."
"What so you can fight them? Hell no."
"Noooo, me fight them? Neverrrr."
She leaves a sloppy kiss on your cheek, and you shove her lightly.
Steph watches this happen from the couch, and she has to bite back a growl coming from her throat.
Caitlin can see the look on her friend's face and has to hide a knowing smirk. Steph was pretty good with you, but possessive was a trait she picked up quickly, especially with you.
You were kind of oblivious to it, though, making the hilarity of the situation that much better.
Steph can see you laughing with the blonde, and she spots you leaning on the taller girl's shoulder.
It's about five minutes of that before she snaps.
She watches you kiss Leah on the cheek and give her a wink.
That's the last straw for Steph in the other room. She couldn't watch handsy mccaptain continue, and you clearly weren't even fighting it. The fact that you were participating was worse. What is going on with you?
She grabs you by the hand to drag you outside. Leaving behind a bewildered Leah, a hysterically laughing Katie and a knowingly smirking Beth and Caitlin.
Leah just turns to the others.
"I-what? Is it Steph?"
Beth just nods with a small "I probably wouldn't go and ask them now though."
Back in the car, you're completely bewildered by Steph and her actions.
She looks absolutely mad, and she won't look at you. You barely got a "We're heading home early, I need to do something" out of her before you were both in the car headed back to your shared home.
"Seriously babe, what is going on with you?"
The alcohol running through your system is starting to fade off a bit.
"I could ask you the same thing."
Just as you go to reply to that. The car turns into the driveway, and she's out of the car, waiting for you to join her. Her arms over her chest, waiting impatiently.
You're completely and utterly confused by that.
You get out of the car, and you walk up to the door while Steph unlocks it, and the moment it's open, you're dragged inside and pressed harshly into the wood of the inside of it.
It makes you gasp, and Steph is pressed entirely to you, hand grasping your hip and the other in your hair.
Her lips meet yours hard, practically knocking the air from your lungs, and you can taste the strawberry daiquiri she'd been drinking just ten minutes earlier.
The kiss is rough and feverish, and it makes you dizzy and dazes you enough to momentarily forget the whole thing that just happened.
Her teeth tug at your lower lip, and she tugs st the collar of your jacket, pushing you into the wall perpendicular to the door.
Your chest heaves when she pulls away, trying to suck back in air as she kisses and nips her way down your neck, pushing your jacket off your shoulders.
"Baby, I-"
"Shut up."
*It makes you moan softly. You love it when Steph is this demanding and rough with you, and you're practically keening every time she tugs on your hair, holding your head back against the wall.
She pulls away just enough to whisper in your ear.
"Not a word out of you except 'Yes' 'No' 'please" and 'thank you' and anything otherwise I ask. Got it?"
"Yes, what?"
It sends a shiver down your spine, and you have to bite your tongue to not immediately moan at the sentence.
You'd both discussed this one for a while, but it never came into any situations til now.
"Yes, ma'am."
You can see the way her pupils dilate, and her breath catches in her throat.
"Good girl."
You preen under the praise, and your hands are trying to pull her closer to you. She doesn't budge, though, and instead, she lets go of your hair to pin your hands to the wall.
Her lips meet yours again feverantly, and she begins to tug at your crop top before her hand slips under it to grab at your breast and you arch softly under her touch.
You kick your shoes off intermittently, and she does the same.
At that, her leg slips between yours, pressing right into you, and you grind down on her with a whimper.
She whispers against your lips.
"So needy baby girl. Go ahead, try and get off like that."
If it weren't for the fact that your eyes were squeezed shut, they'd probably roll into the back of your head.
You roll your hips against her thigh, moving with a heavy amount of desparation and need. It just isn't enough contact, though, and you quickly find yourself whining in frustration, leaving Steph smirking as she watches you try to cum from grinding on her. Her hands release yours, and she grabs you by the jaw, walking you away from the wall and down the hall to your shared bedroom.
She presses you back into the wall again. Murmuring a "keep going."
Try as you might. You just aren't getting anywhere, and you're just about sobbing in pent-up frustration.
That's when she decides to have a little mercy on you and quickly relieves you of your crop top and flicks at the button on your jeans to open it.
You're pushed back onto the bed with a small thud, and Steph tugs at your pants to pull them off you.
Your breathing is completely ragged now, and the look in your girlfriend's eyes has you whining as she watches you writhe beneath her when she kneels either side of your right leg.
She quickly pins you again, this time she holds for second.
"Keep your hands there sweet girl. You move them and we stop, you hear me?"
"Yes, ma'am. "
You do as you're told and keep your hands latched onto the bedding above your head.
She sucks a few marks into your collar before kissing her way down to your nipple as her hands slip down between the two of you.
She grasps your thighs to spread them a little, where she looks up to watch your face as you clench your jaw.
She moves one of her hands to dip beneath the edge of your underwear, and she pulls back from you to watch as she pulls the dampened fabric from you.
Her eyes darken, and she growls a little, noticing the underwear you're wearing. Red lace.
"Were you expecting this baby girl? So desperate for me to fuck you, so needy huh? So fucking needy for me."
All you can do is whimper below her, squeezing your eyes shut once again. Holding your tongue so as not to beg her to fuck you, which would be out of line.
She can immediately tell, though, and she grins darkly.
"C'mon baby girl, tell me to fuck you, tell me how needy you were for me. How needy were you, tell me how you're such a brat as to test me like that so I could fuck this needy little pussy."
The words barely register in your brain before you're answering.
"So needy, please I need you to fuck me, fuck me til I can't remember my own name, only yours. I was such a brat. Only for you ma'am."
The words are out, and it only spurs the brunette on. She growls and finally pulls your underwear off you, leaving you bare to the cool night. You whimper, lifting your hips to meet her hand as she grazes her finger gently over your slit.
You're completely wet, and it makes her groan seeing you completely at her mercy. Her fingertips dip between your lips finally, stroking your clit and applying just enough pressure to dip inside you and back out again.
"Such a good girl for me now, aren't you?"
You moan out but when you don't say anything, you yelp at the slight spank she leaves on your thigh.
"Answer me."
Another spank makes you jump.
"Yes, ma'am!" It's basically a cry out, and you're thankful your neighbours house is more than two kilometres from your doorstep.
"Good girl."
Steph bends down to kiss down your chest and stomach, one particularly harsh bite has you gasping and you nearly move your hand to grasp her hair but you stop yourself.
Her mouth moves lower to your hip bown, tongue dancing into the groove where your leg meets your body and then across to just above your clit.
You have to clamp your jaw shut to avoid demanding her to move, do anything.
"I want you to scream nothing but my name and please, baby girl. My mouth is gonna be a little occupied so I want you nice and loud for me."
You moan at that.
"Yes, ma'am."
And with that, she swipes her tongue over your clit and shifts so her hands hold your legs open for her.
"Fuck, Steph!" She smirks against you, her tongue delving right into you, taking you in and sucking up your wetness, your taste exploding on her tongue.
Her lips wrap around your clit sucking it harshly and at the same time, she pushes two fingers into your entrance, setting a harsh pace, pressing right in your g spot with a curl making you see stars.
You cry out as she completely devours you. Her left hand moves to urge your legs up and over shoulders, your right staying put to allow her space to move, but a nudge from her elbow has it following the other leg.
Your thighs clench around her head, and when you start to shake around her, she doubles down. Your orgasm hits you hard and fast, and your moans echo around the room.
Knowing Steph's stamina, this would be a first of many for you. As you come down from that high, she nudges you further back onto the bed.
"So good for me, baby girl." It's said in a breathless whisper, and when she kisses you, you can taste yourself on her tongue.
"You can move your hands, baby."
With that, your hands are instantly on her. Running up under her shirt to feel the skin of her back before moving them to wait at the buttons of it.
She hums in thought for a second before urging you on.
"Go ahead."
She sits back on her haunches as you pull the buttons open one by one, enjoying the feeling of you stripping her.
She shrugs the shirt off, tossing it to only god knows where in the room. From there, you tug open the buttom on her jean shorts and unzip them. She stands off the bed to kick them off.
The dark red lace makes your mouth water a little, and as she crawls back onto the bed, your hands find the front clasp of the bra. You wait for permission, and she raises a brow, looking down at you from her position, kneeling, straddling your thighs.
"What do you say princess?"
"Can I please take these off you?"
She taps her chin for a second.
"Hm, I think you can try better than that baby girl."
"Ma'am, may I please take these off you? I've been such a good girl for you, please can I take them off?"
She leans down to peck your lips.
"Much better princess. Go on then. Take them off."
You don't wait for much else. You unclip the bra, and she slowly lets it fall from her shoulders to her hands before tossing it.
She watches as your pupils darken and you have to resist the urge to grab her straight away. Instead, she goes back to standing, and you follow.
Tugging at the elastic waistband of the panties, you slip them down her legs, and she steps out of them.
A whine gets caught in your throat at the sight, and you look up at Steph with pleading eyes.
She chuckles and runs her fingers through your thoroughly tousled hair. Her other hand cups your cheek, her thumb running over your bottom lip, pulling at it slightly.
She lets it dip between your teeth, and you do as silently instructed and suck it gently, letting it press into your tongue as you hollow your cheeks.
Steph groans and then pushes you back onto the mattress and moves to sit on your stomach. Your hands settle on her hips, and she looks down at you with a dangerous look in her eyes.
"You want to touch me?"
"Yes Ma'am."
"How bad?"
"God so bad, please."
She chuckles darkly and shuffles a little further up your chest.
"How about taste me?"
"Fuck, please, I want to taste you, please let me feel you."
"Good girl." It's a little more breathy, and she moves to hover over your head. You know better than to move without permission, though.
"Well? You want to taste, huh? Taste how wet I am for you. Do it."
That's all the permission you need, and you tug her down to sit on your face. Tongue lapping at her almost immediately, a breathy groan leaves you as you finally get a taste of her sweetness.
Fun fact: Did you know, the more upset a woman is, the sweeter she tastes when she orgasms?
Whatever had her upset earlier has her tasting like sweets to you to when she cums.
And that's exactly what you're gunning for as you fuck her with your tongue.
Her hips rock against you as she moans your name out into the cool air. Her hands are tugging your hair, and praises slip from her lips that only encourage you.
Her movements stutter, and she cries out, one hand steadying her on the bed, the other still clamped tight in your locks while you suck on her clit to bring her down.
Suddenly, it all clicks as her breathing slows to a calmer form. As she slips off your face. The memories of tonight set in over the top of the haziness and a smirk plays at your lips.
Her dragging you out directly after you kissed Leah on the cheek, her words about you intentionally testing her, being a brat, the immediate anger turning to heated passion as you get in the door.
It all makes sense now.
What Steph is not expecting to hear immediately after her orgasm is your soft voice in an almost cheeky tone whispering your safe word.
Her head whips up at that.
"What's wrong? Shit, was I too rough? Was I-." She catches herself at the look on your face. There's a smirk there and a mischievous look in your eyes.
"Were you jealous?" The undertone of your accent makes her shiver.
"I- no! I was not jealous! You were the one testing boundaries. I mean, I wasn't- she was touchy and-"
You chuckle softly and sit up to grab her face and kiss her. She kisses back but is slightly confused when you pull back. It's a much softer but still mischievous look on your face.
"Baby, it's cute that you were, but you definitely shouldn't be jealous of Leah."
She frowns slightly, a round of protests ready to leave her lips, but you lift a finger to them. You urge her back until she's leaning against the headboard and you're in her lap.
"I'm serious, baby, don't be." And you lean down slowly to whisper in her ear. "Fun fact. Us Williamsons really differ in how we look, so it's kind of hard to tell that we're sisters."
At that, the words process and her eyes close as she lets her head thump against your chest, and you start giggling softly.
She feels the vibrations of you laughing, and she looks up at you again, her cheeks having completely gone just about as red as the uniform her and your sister share.
She whines at you.
"Seriously, baby, that's who your sister is? You couldn't have mentioned that earlier? That your sister is my captain? Oh god, I've completely gone and embarrassed myself in front of her, too."
You can only laugh harder, tears coming to the corner of your eyes as she facepalms.
You slow your laughs enough to run your fingers through her hair and console her, though less meaningful than she likes.
"It's okay baby, you didn’t know, and honestly, I would have told you sooner if it wasn't for the fact that she didn't even know you existed til now. Well, that you existed as my girlfriend."
Her face only heats up more, and she just completely melts against you. To the point where she's just completely non functioning as she processes your words over and over.
Your laughter slows, and to your credit, you do whisper small apologies against her hair.
"So you're saying she never even knew we were dating before I went and dragged you from that party without a word to the other girls?"
"Baby, please, this can't get much worse, can it?"
You can't even keep a straight face at that.
"I'd only told her about me having a girlfriend on the team about five minutes before you grabbed me. I didn't actually tell her who it was."
"Oh my god, Y/n! For fucks sakes! Seriously?!"
"I mean, yeah?"
She huffs and pushes you back onto the bed with a small groan. She rubs at her face.
"Glad you're finding the whole thing funny, I don't think I can ever face her again!"
You give her a few minutes but shes still just sitting there with her head in her hands.
"You okay?" Its said in a half teasing tone and her answer comes back a resounding and muffled.
She drops her hands and tackles you back onto the mattress, and you squeal as she does so, and her hands pin your shoulders to the bed.
"You're so gonna pay for that."
"Oh yeah?"
Her lips slam back onto yours, and your hands almost slip up to grab her hips, but her hands grab them, slamming them back onto the mattress again.
"Oh, you don't get to touch for the rest of the night, little brat. That privilege is gone now."
You whimper under her hard gaze. And as she sits up a little, she whispers a soft "Stay."
You nod, and she gets up to reach into the closet, pulling out one of your ties.
You gulp as she walks back towards you, swiftly climbing back onto the bed and telling you to go back up by the headboards. Her hands manoeuvre the tie around both of your wrists and tighten them, locking them in place against the headboard.
She then gets up to go digging through the closet again, pulling out a box you know thoroughly by now.
She pulls out another tie when you go to plead with her, telling her you'll be good, and she ties it around your head.
"Not another fucking word, brat."
It makes your head fuzzy, and everything goes back to being hazy again.
She pulls out a small bullet shaped object that you know well what she's going to do with. And then she pulls out the strap and a dildo you hadn't seen yet. It's red and sparkly and makes you shake a little.
"If you cum before I say you can, you won't cum for two months. Hear me?"
You nod slowly.
The last time you'd disobeyed that, you were surpisingly proven wrong in thinking she would cave, but no, she edged you for a whole month.
You knew better than to try and finish yourself and risk getting caught because she would only add weeks on to the punishment. Touch starvation can be a cruel but effective persuasion.
Hell, Steph wouldn't kiss you during that first time you were punished unless you got on your knees and begged for it.
That was established on the first day the two of you had started experimenting with this.
The thought of having to do that again makes several shivers run through you.
"I say, we go for ten minutes, no cumming. If you can make it until then, I'll let you finish yourself off."
It's about four in the morning by the time your exhausted body is let down gently onto the mattress again. Steph is covered in a thin layer of sweat, and her hair is up but sticking to her forehead.
Her chest is heaving beside you. She'd taken the tie off you earlier to "Let you feel me fucking you. Mark me all you like baby girl, those hands dont leave me while I'm fucking that sweet little pussy."
The gag had come out much before then. For much more... visual purposes.
Your throat was sore and ran dry about thirty minutes ago. Your lips are swollen, and you're covered neck to knee in hickies.
Your ass cheeks were red raw and sore and your centre certainly felt thoroughly fucked through.
Steph's stamina never ceased to amaze you sometimes.
She tosses the strap into a corner off the room and takes very careful steps off the bed to go get water and a cloth, thoroughly pleased with herself at that.
She takes a drink and offers the bottle to you while she wipes you down.
You drink the remaining water in slow sips, watching through hooded but loving eyes as your girlfriend carefully cleans you up.
She walks to the laundry to dump the cloth and throws the bottle into the trashcan beside the bed. She goes to the bathroom to wipe herself down too and then staggers back to the bed and under the sheets, in beside you, thoroughly spent for the night.
You curl into her, letting her arm fall onto your waist, pulling you closer to her.
She kisses you softly. Gentler than she had been all night. Soft praises are muttered into the kiss. Followed by sweet nothings in your ear as you fall asleep on her chest.
Her lips press one final "I love you so fucking much, Baby girl." Into your skin as you drift off completely, letting the early morning hours take you into unconsciousness.
The next day at training is almost unbearable.
At least for Steph. You're back at home still under the covers, though now showered and in pyjamas while she's at the field, getting absolutely shredded by her teammates.
Leah isn't even doing anything. It's all Caitlin, Katie, Beth, and Lia ripping into her about the various marks on her neck and thighs and the slight limp in her run as she completes the various drills with them.
All the blonde captain does is watch on with an amused look on her face, even though Steph can't quite meet her eye the whole time.
Eventually, she does corner the brunette after training alone.
"Look, I'd give you the whole, 'hurt my sister, and I'll bury your corpse speech', but judging by the look on your face, you'd probably do that for me. I am just gonna say this, though. Might wanna consider using a better quality concealer than doesn't melt with sweat."
With that, the English captain gives the poor girl a cheeky wink and lets her go.
At least the captain knows her sister's taken now, though... right?
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olenvasynyt · 7 months
Feyre is a shitty friend to Lucien if she’s ever been a friend to him at all
This is going to be a long post and yeah I have made two tiktoks about this already and yes people got very mad at me but I’m going to post in on here anyways!!
In Chapter 3 of ACOWAR, Lucien says, “You are a better friend to me, Feyre, than I ever was to you.”
And I couldn't disagree more. This is just so so wrong.  I think Feyre has been such a shitty friend to Lucien if she’s even been a friend to him at all.
If you can’t handle criticism towards Feyre then just scroll past!  And I have so many things to say but Feyre being a shitty friend definitely starts in ACOWAR.  She’s constantly lying to him, making wrong assumptions about him, she uses him.
And I understand that is all for her plan to take down Spring; she can’t really tell anyone the truth because it’ll ruin her cover but a lot of the things she does concerning Lucien and how she’s his friend, are kind of fucked up.
Constantly lying to him and using him in Spring
Now I thought the nightmare scene with Feyre and Lucien was excellent and very entertaining to read but when you think about how Feyre is using Lucien, her “friend”, in a sexual way to get back at Tamlin and turning them against each other…it makes her a shitty friend.
Chapter 5 of ACOWAR: I waited the five minutes it took Tamlin to decide not to kill Lucien, and then smiled. I wondered if Lucien had pieced it together…  A nightmare, I had told Tamlin. I was the nightmare. Preying on what Tamlin had feared from my very first days here… I had no doubt Tamlin was now running through every look and conversation since then.  Every time Lucien had intervened on my behalf…weighing how much that new mating bond with Alain held sway over his friend…
And she continuously gets Lucien to touch her to goad Tamlin’s jealousy and also Ianthe’s jealousy.  She does it very often while they’re in Spring: an example is when they sleep in the tent together.  They basically end up cuddling each other and Jurian sees.  And though it wasn’t on purpose, Feyre thinks about how it would be perfect if that got to Tamlin.  
Chapter 6: I’d rolled onto Lucien’s bedroll at some point, any schemes indeed second to my most pressing demand—warmth.  But I had no doubt Jurian would tuck away the information to throw in Tamlin’s face when we returned: we’d shared a tent, and had been very cozy upon awakening.
She is using him.  She admits it when we get to the scene with Ianthe SAing Lucien.
Why she saved Lucien from Ianthe
And getting to this point soon:  
So in an earlier conversation they have, Lucien talks about how he did the rite in Tamlin’s place and he completed it with Ianthe.  Feyre can see that lines were blurred.  Ianthe had continuously sought Lucien and she got what she wanted.  And Feyre says she should have been there to stop it.
Chapter 3 of ACOWAR: He might have completed the Great Rite with Ianthe of his own free will, but he certainly hadn’t enjoyed it.  Some line had been blurred—badly… The weight of that jeweled knife and belt seemed to grow.  “I wish I had been there to stop it.  I should have been there to stop it.”  I meant every word. Lucien squeezed our linked arms as we rounded a head, the house rising up before us.  “You are a better friend to me, Feyre,” he said quietly, “than I ever was to you.”
And this brings in the quote I brought up in the beginning. ANd I will make a whole separate post on Lucien’s inaction in ACOMAF but what he says just tells me that he feels guilty for not doing enough to help Feyre with Tamlin locking her up.
Feyre said she should have been there to stop it.  Alright well, when the time came and she was given an opportunity to stop Ianthe, Feyre was thinking about how she could keep going and just leave Ianthe to SA Lucien and let it happen.  She is going against her word.  and that makes her a hypocrite and terrible friend.  
Chapter 9: Keep going.  They were distracted, horrible as it was. Keep going, keep going, keep going. “I thought you’d seek me out after the Rite,” Ianthe purred.  They couldn’t be more than thirty feet through the trees.  Far enough away not to hear my presence, if I was quiet enough.
And Feyre realizes that her using Lucien was a bad move, so Feyre’s guilt encourages her to save Lucien not out of any genuine friendship. 
“You don’t act that way with Feyre.” A silk-wrapped threat. “You’re mistaken.” “Am I?” Twigs and leaves crunched, as if she was circling him.  “You put your hands all over her.” I had done my job too well, provoked her jealousy too much with every instance I’d found ways to get Lucien to touch me in her presence, in Tamlin’s presence.
But another thing that causes her to save him is because this moment reminds her of when Ianthe assaulted Rhys.
I made it about a hundred yards into the cover of the trees before I halted. I heard Lucien first. “Back off” A low female laugh. Everything in me went still and cold at that sound.  I’d heard it once before—in Rhysand’s memory.
and Lucien saying “do not touch me” is exactly what Rhys says and this is what pulls Feyre out of her plans to keep going and save him instead.  
Chapter 21 of ACOMAF: Rhys learned close to breathe in her ear, “don’t you ever touch me.  Don’t ever touch another male in my court.”
Chapter 9 of ACOWAR: “Do not touch me,” he growled. And then I was moving.
This moment is echoing Ianthe going after Rhys, from the way Ianthe acts to the hand-breaking situation because Feyre was replicating what Rhys did to Ianthe’s hand.  And in my opinion, Feyre breaking her hand was not only revenge for Lucien but also revenge for Rhys.  And that’s not inherently bad but Feyre is not saving Lucien because she’s a good friend and she cares for his well-being.  If that were true, she would have never thought of leaving him to get SAed by her in the first place.
Not trusting him, questioning his priorities 
When they’re traveling through Autumn she continues to not trust him, she continues to make assumptions about him and assume the worst.  She questions his priorities when it comes to Elain and assumes that he’s only coming along to get what he’s owed.  But then she wants him to have sympathy for her and Rhys as mates.  It’s just very one-sided.
Chapter 12: “You kissed Under the Mountain.” “I had little choice in that as I did with the dancing.” “And yet this is the male you now love.” “He didn’t know—he had no inkling of the personal history, the secrets, that had opened my heart to the High Lord of the Night Court.  They were not my stories to tell. “One would think, Lucien, that you’d be glad I fell in love with my mate, given that you’re in the same situation Rhys was in six months ago.”
Compare this to Chapter 11:
“And that’s why you’re here.  Not because it’s right and he’s always been wrong, but just so you can get what you think you’re owed.” “She is my mate and in my enemy’s hands—“
So Rhys and Lucien were in the same situation: both had their mates in their enemy’s hands and want to keep them safe.  Was Rhys only getting what he thought he was owed as well?  No.  So why can’t Feyre offer the same courtesy?
Again, ready to abandon him in Spring
And there’s literally a part when they're running in Autumn where Lucien basically asks “are you actually my friend?” and Feyre doesn’t answer.  
Chapter 11: “You have the gall to question my priorities regarding Elain—yet what was your motive where I was concerned?  Did you plan to spare me from your path of destruction because of any genuine friendship, or simply of fear of what it might do to [Elain]?” I didn’t answer.  “Well?  What was your grand plan for me before Ianthe interfered?” I pulled at a stray thread in the bedroll.  “You would have been fine,” was all I said.
To actually answer your question, Lucien: she wasn’t planning on sparing you.  She used you and was ready to leave you.
Lucien is a bigger man than me because I would have probably yelled in her face.
Again, uses him to get revenge against Tamlin
Also when he asks her where he’ll fit in in the NC,she thinks about how she would only offer him the position to keep Elain from Spring and to get back at Tamlin.
Chapter 12: “And where, exactly, do you believe I will fit in?  The Night Court? I didn’t answer.  I didn’t have one, honestly.  As High Lady I could likely offer him a position, if we survived long enough to make it home.  I’d do it mostly to keep Elain from ever going to the Spring Court, but I had little doubt Lucien would be able to hold his own against my friends.  And some small, horrible part of me enjoyed the thought of taking one more thing away from Tamlin, something vital, something essential. “We should leave at down,” was my only reply.
Lucien is vital, but not because of his talents as an emissary and how he would benefit the Night Court.  It’s because Tamlin wouldn’t have an emissary.
Feyre just lies to him and assumes stuff and uses him…overall, she’s just such a selfish friend and I’m fairly sure that she doesn’t even consider Lucien her friend at this part, despite several things that would go against that.  Lucien seems to consider or had considered her a friend.  
And then I got a part two because there’s just more things.
Being unwelcome when they get to Night
And now we are getting to one of my biggest gripes with Feyre.  When they get back to the Night Court she has the reunion with Rhys.  They almost immediately go off and have sex and sure, I get it: they’re mates, they haven’t seen each other in a while, they didn’t know if they would ever see each other again.  It’s very emotional.  But when they are done having sex, Feyre goes down and sees Lucien in the sitting room, still in his dirty clothes.  Feyre thinks about how she should offer him something…but then the thought vanishes as soon as Rhys steps to her side.
Chapter 15: “Lucien was waiting in the sitting room when Rhus and I came downstairs at last… I fought my cringe as I halted at the threshold.  Lucien was still in his travel-worn, filthy clothes.  His face and hands, at least, were clean, but…I should have gotten him something else.  Remembered to offer him— The thought rippled away into nothing as Rhys appeared at my side.
FEYRE.  You literally just finished fucking him and putting on your wedding rings, stop thinking of Rhys and offer your “friend” some clean clothes, a bath, SOMETHING!!!!  He has his face and hands washed probably because he washed them in the fucking kitchen sink because he doesn’t know where the bathroom is because no one has given him a tour and they still don’t give him a tour after this…
This is infuriating to me.  So infuriating.  It’s not only being a shitty friend but also a shitty hostess.
And then they have their talk where they explain everything to him, Lucien finally understands what has been going on, he knows that Rhys has been wearing a mask the whole time and that the NC is good…and then he is finally offered clothes and a bath.  By fucking Rhys too not by Feyre.
Chapter 16: “I assume you’ll need clothes,” Rhys went on, nodding toward Lucien’s filthy jacket and pants—which he’d worn for the past week while we scrambled through territories.  Indeed, that was…blood splattered in several spots.
Not communicating, having no important talks as friends or allies
And then the entire time Lucien is in Night, she does not try to have any meaningful talks besides the one where she and Rhys explain everything to him.  She often says it’s for another time.  But they never have any sort of conversation, even if it would just be beneficial as allies, if not friends.
There is a weird sort of mistrust for him. They not only don’t trust Lucien with Elain but also just information in general and this mistrust takes way too long to fade.  From a political standpoint, I get it: he is / was a close friend and courtier to Tamlin, they did ally with Hybern.    But Feyre acknowledges he was remorseful.  And when they’re in Spring he speaks up and tells Tamlin his mistrust and dislike towards allying with Hybern.  But Feyre just speaks over that.  
And I just don’t understand this mistrust with Elain and assuming he’ll steal her away, which is what Rhys implies.  
Chapter 19: “If he got Elain away, back to Spring or wherever…do you believe, deep down, that he wouldn’t sell what he knows?  Either for gain, or to ensure she stays safe?” I considered his question: Did I trust Lucien?  “I don’t know, either,” I admitted, and sighed.  “I don’t like that Elain is a pawn in this.” “Did he discuss what he feels regarding Tamlin?” “Non.  I didn’t want to push on that.  He was…remorseful about what happened with me, and Hybern, and Elain.  Would he have felt that way without Elain in the mix?  I don’t know—maybe.  I don’t think he would have left, though.”
But Lucien explained to Feyre that he hated how Elain was in an enemy’s hands and wanted to make sure she was okay and he knows now that the IC is good and she’s safe, but you still mistrust him?  You are just completely ignoring everything and thinking the worst of him, and as I said before, not offering him the same courtesy you want him to have for Rhys.
Also Elain is a pawn because you are making her a pawn.
Lucien has good intentions.  He wants to do good.    With Hybern, he has not only explains his dislike for allying with them before to her but he sneaks off and sent stuff to Nuan for research to find a preventative against faebane.   He goes to find Vassa to basically redeem himself, he says it was “about time he did something”.  
And about Elain: Lucien is not demanding to see her.  He literally just sits around on his ass and waits and is courteous.  There’s no malicious intent.  He is so kind and respectful.  And if you are so mistrustful towards him that you set up rules for him to follow, maybe just ask him.  Ask permission to look in his mind maybe?  
Feyre and Rhys and the IC have a set of morals that they follow sometimes but then choose not to follow when it conveniences them.  That is a whole other discussion in itself but literally so many things that went wrong with their friendship could have been solved if they actually talked and Feyre wanted to listen to him.  
When Lucien and Elain finally talk one-on-one and Feyre goes into his mind (again, out of mistrust), Feyre discovers that Lucien has no ill intentions.  Lucien didn’t even mean to find Elain there in the library.  He just wanted a walk and to get a book, he didn’t realize she was there, he did not intentionally seek her out and break Feyre’s rule, despite what Rhys says.
Chapter 24 of ACOWAR: He hadn’t expected her to be here.  The other sister—the viper—was a possibility, but one he was willing to risk…he’s been cooped up in this wind-blasted House for two days. He just wanted a walk—and a few books.  It had been an age since he’d ever had free time to read, let alone do so for pleasure. But there she was. His mate.
Getting jealous he has friends / the entire fight they have in ACOFAS
Feyre seemed to have redeveloped her affection for Lucien by the end of ACOWAR but it took way too long and she is still an ass even after everything he’s done for her and for the good of Prythian.  
In Frost and Starlight with their fight that causes him to leave before the Solstice…by fucking god.  I truly hate everything about this conversation.  Feyre is just so wildly frustrating.  I discussed it before so I feel like I don’t need to go a whole lot into it because I already ripped this scene apart word for word.
Chapter 18 of ACOFAS: I rose as well.  ‘But Jurian and Vassa’s is fine?’ ‘You’d be surprised to see how well the three of us get along.’ Friends, I realized.  They had somehow become his friends.  ‘So you would rather stay with them?’ ‘I’m not staying with them.  The manor is ours.’” ‘Interesting.’ His golden eye whirred.  ‘What is.’ Not feeling very festive at all, I said sharply, ‘That you now feel more comfortable with humans than with the High Fae.  If you ask me—‘ ‘I’m not.’ ‘It seems like you’ve decided to fall in with two people without their homes of their own as well.’”
Lucien talks about how he and Vassa and Jurian have been getting closer and Feyre gets almost jealous that he has found friends and a life outside of the Night Court and the Inner Circle.
Of course he wanted to find other friends besides you, Feyre.  It’s not like you have welcomed him with open arms.
And then this quote: “It seems like you’ve decided to fall in with two people without homes of their own as well.”
So you’re admitting that the Night Court isn’t his home?  That he’s not welcome here, he has no friends here?
And then she realizes she fucked up she tries to correct herself:
Chapter 18 of ACOFAS: “Lucien stared at me, long and hard.  ‘Happy Solstice to you, Feyre.’” He turned toward the foyer, but I grabbed his arm to halt him.  The corded muscle of his forearm shifted beneath the fine silk of the sapphire jacket, but he made no move to shake me off.  ‘I didn’t mean that.  You have a home here.  If you want it.’”
He doesn’t want it.  He talks about how he can’t go to Spring anymore not just to Tamlin but to the court outside of the manor because of how Feyre ripped down Spring.  Feyre shows no remorse for that.  And he also talks about how he can’t stand to be in Night around Elain.  He doesn’t feel welcome here for all of those reasons and from the fact that you are just the worst friend ever.  
And then she proceeds to make fun of the Band of Exiles and mock him despite the work they are doing for the land she used to live in as a human.  The Band of Exiles is a stupid name but Feyre doesn’t have a right to call it bullshit.
They have not had any meaningful conversations about their friendship.  They could sit down and actually talk about what happened like civil people, I think they both have to still fully admit where they were wrong and apologize for the mistakes they’ve made.  But Lucien seems to have already apologized more than Feyre ever will.  He apologizes, he says Feyre was a better friend than he was, he feels guilty, he says he needs to actually do something and he looks for redemption.  In ACOWAR when he is still in the Night Court, he has better manners than Feyre does, he apologizes and says thank you so many times.
And their fight in ACOFAS is basically the last thing we got of their friendship because he does come to the solstice party in Silver Flames which I am amazed by actually.  I feel like he is still holding on to Elain and his allyship (I’m going to call it allyship) with Feyre and the Inner Circle.  After everything she’s done to him, he’s still pushing through it.  And I think that makes him a better person than Feyre.  Strong opinion but.  Jesus.
I could go for even longer but I’ll stop and I’ll end by saying Lucien deserves better.
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hothothotch · 1 year
Heeey ! I have a Hotch request 😄
Context: she’s one of his first case, some young girl who hacked the Pentagone to make a point to a teacher that you don’t have to be good in class to be a genius in something. They try to arrest her but she didn’t did anything just enter their server and disconnect. But all the way into interrogation she flirts with him. They let her go and he sees her a couple years later?
I don’t know how to end this, but yeah just a thing I got in my head for a while 🥹
hey! i loved writing this one and, again, i want a part two of it, so maybe you should expect one haha. i hope you like it, anon <3
Requests are open!
"I'll plead the fifth in this one..." you smirked up at Agent Hotchner, batting your eyes seductively — or as seductively as you believed you could be — as you observed him through your eyelashes, "And I'm very good at pleading, just so you know".
Aaron didn't react visibly, even though the urge to roll his eyes was definitely there. After a few minutes of interrogation (probably ten, but he wasn't sure, since you were a delight to hear — ironically speaking), Aaron had lost count of how many flirtatious comments you had thrown at him, the situation way more annoying considering that his boss, SSA Gideon, was sitting by his side, observing everything with as neutral as an expression he could have, clearly as unamused as Aaron.
"Oh, come on!" you groaned, clearly unpleased with Aaron's lack of response to your flirt, "You can laugh, right? There's nowhere on your contract saying 'FBI Agents have to be stiff and serious, even the hot ones'!".
"I don't usually laugh when interrogating someone" Aaron replied, opening up the file he had in front of him to read your name out loud, "Much less when they invade the Pentagon's system".
You tried to bit back the proud smile that showed up on your face at the acknowledgment of what you've done — you highly doubted one of those Agents would clap their hands at your achievement, and still you'd rather face them than your parents, that were probably fuming on their way to the Bureau.
If SSA Hotchner and Gideon's faces were the last things you'd see for the rest of your life (that probably wouldn't be as long as you once thought it would), you might as well fall in style.
"That was impressive, wasn't it?" you asked, your voice clearly smug as you leaned against your chair, "I'm really good at that!".
"Not that much" SSA Gideon intervened, "I can name a few hackers that can do the same".
You raised one brow in defiance, trying to mask the way his words had evidently hurt your ego, "I didn't say I'm unique, I said I'm impressive. There's a difference" you pointed in a matter-of-factly way, before turning back at Agent Hotchner, "From now on, I'm only answering your questions, pretty boy".
"It's Agent Hotchner".
You chuckled, "Okay" you nodded curtly, "Pretty Agent Hotchner boy".
That time you saw the way he reacted, his body language denouncing you was starting to frustrate him. If you didn't know it was overstepping — more than you've already overstepped — you probably would make a joke about how you could help him with his frustration, but you weren't really into going to jail over harassment.
Trying to exhaust his patience was one thing. Crossing the line between amusement and crime was something you didn't want to do.
Oh, yeah. You had hacked into the Pentagon.
"Okay, look..." you started, straightening your pose on your chair, grimacing when the metal of the cuffs (an unnecessary accessory, if you will) skimmed on your skin, a clear indicative that you'd soon have a new bruise at that spot, "I've hacked into the Pentagon, true" she directed a pointed look at Gideon, rolling her eyes, "Yes, I'm aware there are a lot of other hackers that can pull that out, but I had a point to make!".
"Which was?" Aaron questioned, his eyes still trained on you. With a quick look to his hand, you noticed he was wearing a wedding band — golden, brilliant; he was probably freshly married. You questioned if he looked at his wife in that intimidating way, or if it was reserved to people like you, or that he judged to be like you.
You took a deep breath, leaning against your chair, "I'm graduating on MIT" you started explaining, even if you knew they could find that information on your file, and that they probably already knew that, considering you'd been smart enough to hack into the Pentagon from your college's computer, but not enough to hide your tracks, "And I was unlucky enough not to get good grades at this specific subject, and my teacher made a point to humiliate me in front of everyone. So I made a point in showing her that while she's theoretically smart, I'm technically smart".
The single raise of Agent Hotchner's brow was enough to reveal what he was thinking about you after your explanation — that you were a spoiled child, that you couldn't have things any other way except for yours, that he could have you arrested solely by how bad your reasoning had been.
"Yeah, pretty Agent Hotchner boy..." you crossed your arms in front of your body, "Not everyone is born with everything on a silver plate, y'know? My attention is not as good as it was supposed to be".
Aaron switched a quick glance with Gideon, his demeanor betraying nothing as they kept their eyes locked for a few minutes, expectation suddenly building on your body along with the urge to pick at your nails, an anxious behavior you had.
"Let her go" Agent Gideon finally said, standing up from his chair, turning his back on you both to walk out of the interrogation room.
"What?" you squealed in confusion, placing the palms of your hands on top of the metallic desk you had between Agent Hotchner and you, "That's all?".
Aaron hummed in agreement, standing up to grab the cuff keys' in his pockets, his hands brushing with yours for a second, and you could swear there was a sudden electricity on that touch, causing you to push your hand away.
He looked up at you with one brow raised again, his voice a bit more humored now, "What? You want to be arrested?".
"You arrested me, pretty Agent Hotchner boy" you reminded, shaking your cuffed hands, "And while I think being cuffed is sexy, I can't wait to remove those. They're hurting my pulse".
"You should've told us, we'd lose it a bit" he shrugged, opening the lock expertly, before sitting on the desk, "You only logged into the system and turned it off. We can't arrest you for turning the computers off, so you're free to go".
You faced him for a while more, trying to find something to say, maybe a snarky remark — a joke? But nothing came to mind. So you only nodded, standing up from the chair with a smile.
"So off I go" you told him, massaging your pulses, "Guess we won't see each other again, pretty Agent Hotchner boy".
Aaron shook his head, crossing his arms, "I hope not".
"Ouch" you put your hand over your chest dramatically, "You wound me, honey. Hope you don't miss me too much".
Aaron finally allowed himself to roll his eyes, standing up from the desk to walk toward the door, "It won't be a problem".
You were honestly — and positively — surprised when the message arrived in your inbox, the (a rather last minute) white invitation warming your heart in a way you didn't think it would.
JJ and Will were getting married.
It was a surprise not because you thought you wouldn't be invited, but because you didn't think it would happen at all; the last time you and JJ talked (only a year prior to that date), the woman had been pretty straightforward about not being ready to get married, even if Will clearly was. You were surprised to know that he supported her and it wasn't an issue, even though JJ sometimes complained about how they ended up fighting over the topic.
You were happy they finally got to an agreement. And even happier that their agreement gave her an excuse to leave her house, even for only a few hours.
"You look beautiful!" you stated once you spotted JJ on the dancefloor, bringing her for a hug when she finally recognized you.
"I can't believe you're here!" JJ held you against her body happily, and you could feel her smile on your shoulder as she rocked you from side to side, "I thought you were in Paris!".
You nodded when she pulled back, allowing you to move and embrace Will, that had a similar smile on his face, "I was. But the Pentagon called me back and I was forced to come back. Which is a loss, because I was starting to get used with the accent. And the paycheck".
Will shook his head, laughing at your last comment, "I'm sure Interpol will be missing a great Agent".
"That they will" you nodded eagerly, playfully throwing your hair over your shoulder, "I was their jewel, and now they have nothing. But I'm happy to be back home. Will be even happier when I find a good house for me, since I've sold my old house".
"Oh, that's your lucky day!" JJ commented, immediately taking your hand in hers, already guiding you through the dancefloor to a table where a few people were gathered, laughing at something one of them had said, "My friends' neighbor just passed away, and their old apartment is vacant. Maybe you can rent it".
You smiled, ready to give JJ an answer when you looked at the table again, your eyes widening at the sight of one man in the middle of the group. You froze in your place when you recognized him, your jaw slightly dropped when your eyes met, recognition clearly passing through his eyes as well.
You heard JJ saying your name, and you were fairly aware that she was introducing you to the group, though the only name you managed to hear was, "This is Aaron Hotchner, my boss, and friend".
Boss. It was curious — last time you've seen Agent Hotchner (or pretty Agent Hotchner boy, as you once called him), he was an Agent working under Jason Gideon's supervision.
Ten years had gone by, though. A lot had changed. You, to begin with.
"Oh, huh... hi!" you waved at the group, trying to pretend you had gathered any of their names, "JJ was telling me that one of you had a neighbor who had passed and may have an apartment free for me?".
Aaron — who seemed to be on a trance just as you'd been in the past few seconds — cleared his throat at your question, trying to brush away the embarrassment of how you kept looking at each other. If someone in his group noticed, though, none of them made a comment about it.
"That would be me" he stated, and you held the urge to mutter an 'of course that is', "Maybe we can talk—".
"On the dancefloor" the old man beside him suggested, nudging Aaron slightly with a mischievous smirk on his lips as he took a sip of his drink (whiskey, you deduced), "Do you like to dance?".
"Very much" you nodded, directing your response at the man who asked the question, but your eyes were focused on Aaron, "That's one of my technical skills".
If there was any doubt to Aaron that you remembered him, this doubt fade away at that exact moment — and you noticed it by the way his body language immediately changed, going from an almost nervous one to a more relaxed one.
"I guess you can show me, then" Aaron offered his hand to you, a smile appearing on his face when you immediately accepted it, guiding you back to the dancefloor, "Let's just try and not be arrested tonight, okay?".
You snorted, patting on his shoulder when the song turned into a slower one, and your eyes met one more time before you replied, "I won't make any promises".
Thank you for your request ✨
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vampmorgue · 1 year
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐧
𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤!𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 & 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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📖 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.
⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒: 18+, she/her pronouns, pogue! reader, routeledge! reader, jj is readers ex boyfriend, some backstory, some fluff but lots of angst, dark themes, toxic relationship, trauma bond, love bombing, language, dark!rafe and him being toxic, mentions of drug use, addiction, abusive behavior, choking, smoking, weapon: gun use, violence, blood, fighting, and jj being protective of reader.
📑 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 5.1k
🦇 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: if you or someone you know are in a similar situation, please don’t hesitate and ask for help. my dm’s are open if anyone needs to talk. ♡︎
©𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐔𝐄 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃: 𝐃𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐩/𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞.
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You definitely had a type. JJ was your ex-boyfriend, and he was impulsive and would get into trouble but stayed caring, protective, and loving at the end of the day. He made you the happiest when he could. You two dated for a year after knowing each other for years growing up but broke it off due to the right person, wrong timing type of thing. You wanted JJ to focus on himself as he was losing himself for a while, and you were growing distant from each other but remained friends.
As your older brother, John B. got more involved with Sarah Cameron and brought her into the group, you soon heard about her older brother, Rafe, and the stories about him, and trouble always seemed to attract you.
From the day you saw Rafe Cameron, you were intrigued by his presence, but not as much as he was with yours.
You were a Pogue, something Rafe hated, but whenever Sarah brought you over, he didn't mind it as much, almost like it never mattered in the first place. You would notice the way Rafe would be eyeing you up and down, but not notice that he would be finding excuses to talk to Sarah just to see you in the same room, and then later at night, his mind would be going crazy over you.
When you first revealed your interest in Rafe to Kie, she scolded you like you had done something bad and told Sarah; Sarah didn’t mind it but did warn you that her older brother was not the best guy to be going after. When JJ found out about it, he was shocked and unhappy that you found interest in a Kook and was more unhappy you chose Rafe Cameron out of all people. JJ made it clear to you that he moved on from the break up to not come across as jealous or anything else and said you could do better than Rafe Cameron, along with everyone else agreeing.
"Look, I just think you should keep your options open, that's all." JJ comments, hoping your brother could at least convince you as well.
With your dad being gone, John B had stepped in to protect you as your older brother, and he hated the idea of you liking Rafe.
“Don’t you dare go to that Kook party where he is!” John B chases you out the front porch as you giggle, “Sarah! Back me up on this!”
“I’ve tried, John B!” Sarah scared to intervene, "The least we could do is watch over her at the party plus, we can have a little fun?"
"Fine," John B sighs at the idea, running his hands across his face.
You weren’t someone who liked listening to others about what they had to say, especially in your life. So as a result of that, during the party at Tannyhill, after a couple of shots, you went after Rafe, which caught him by surprise, but he liked it anyway.
“Y'know, I had my eye on you for a while,” Rafe smirks, drinking from his solo cup.
John B. saw the whole thing, which angered him, but at that point gave up. “I feel like I’m raising a rebellious teenager,"
“I think you’d be considered one as well, from the things you get involved in.” Sarah jokes.
From that day forward, Rafe had you wrapped around his finger. The more you started getting involved with him, the more your friends weren't liking it and made it known.
“Oh, god, you want to be like your brother and date a Kook now?” Pope asks, with JJ and Kie waiting for your response. "I mean, seriously, what is it with you Routledges' and Kooks these days.”
“You guys like Sarah now,” you mention, “so maybe you’ll like Rafe too.”
“Ha!” JJ scoffs, shaking his head.
“I doubt that Y/N but you do you.” Kie shrugs.
“Yeah, I will,
And you kept your word, but little did they know, Rafe had also persuaded you so you could be together.
"Listen, you and I were meant to cross paths," Rafe tells you in an optimistic tone, "so let them talk,"
Three months into your relationship with Rafe, he was the sweetest boyfriend, at first. From the dates to spoiling you, him making you feel like his whole world, and making it clear to everyone that you were his. The Pogues accepted your happiness but didn’t accept Rafe; they couldn't do it when they saw how he would treat other people. He was the complete opposite of his sister, Sarah.
Now six months into the relationship, you were aware of his addiction and had mentioned your concern about it to him before, but you didn’t want to be that kind of controlling girlfriend or anything. You also didn’t want to let your friends and brother know about it because you knew they would try to get you out of the relationship with him but you didn’t want that because you cared about Rafe. You let Rafe live his life and for a while, he got better after realizing how much he was scaring you, and the sight of coke making you uncomfortable. He would smoke weed instead, which you were completely fine with since you did the same.
But then Rafe would relapse as coke was more of his thing.
Your boyfriend soon revealed another side of himself on nights when you were with him, a darkening aura surrounding him as his eyes grew more hostile. You knew he was high by the size of his pupils, and how he was getting stressed out about the things going on in his life, especially with the pressure his father was putting on him. There would be times when he took out his anger on you by shouting at you or just snapping out of nowhere by throwing things around or punching walls. Every second of those bad nights was like torture so being with him started to drain you physically and mentally as time went on, you were now in his control of what you could wear, say, or do in front of him. Every morning, you’d wake up to an anxious feeling in your stomach because of Rafe, which could’ve been your sign to leave him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do so. It was moments like this, that made you rethink your life decisions if you had never broken up with JJ, would you be in this position? Were you longing for JJ or the right treatment that you weren't getting from Rafe? Unfortunately, you grew too attached to Rafe just like he was to you. You felt dependent on him, and you grew a fear of not being able to do anything without him or his approval but maybe one day the bond would break, right?
Every time you and Rafe argued, no one was around because Rafe wanted your relationship to look perfect to others, though it was the complete opposite, he always told you to put on a happy face.
You barely saw your friends anymore because of him not trusting them but Rafe barely trusted anyone, especially Pogues.
The Pogues were missing your company, so whenever your brother mentioned them coming over, you’d ask him if he could drive you over to Rafe’s or you would text Rafe to come get you because that’s how much afraid you were of your boyfriend; you were scared of him finding out somehow that you were in the presence of your ex JJ, though you weren’t doing anything wrong or planned on it. Whenever they’d ask about you, John B’s answer was always "Rafe", so they stopped asking but JJ thought that it was weird how the only time you were home was when everyone, except your brother, was gone, and if they slept over then you’d spend the night with Rafe— which he never said no to.
Even though your friends didn’t know the full story yet, they knew something was wrong when you were Rafe’s date to midsummers— you were the youngest in the group, so they all felt protective towards you, especially JJ. Though you looked beautiful, you didn’t look happy to be there, especially next to Rafe. They had tried to talk to you, but Rafe had his arm wrapped around your waist the whole night basically and kept giving death glares to your Pogue friends. When you made eye contact with JJ, he could tell in your eyes you had this sense of hope; he didn't know what it was but he tried to approach you because he knew in his gut something wasn’t right and said if Rafe started something then he'd finish it, but Kie convinced him to not cause a scene, and JJ was mad at John B for not looking out enough for you, his little sister.
“JJ! I’m not gonna go to fucking jail if something happened because if I did, then who's going to be looking after her, huh?!” John B argues.
“I would!” JJ responds.
“Man, why’d you guys even break up in the first place?!” your brother emphasizes, “I preferred her with you! Shit, I wouldn’t even have to be in this position!”
JJ stayed silent wondering the same thing as he hated remembering the fact that he lost you. As much as JJ didn't want to admit to himself, he still had feelings for you, and seeing you with Rafe was only making it worse.
John B just didn’t want trouble, especially at a Kooks' party knowing their power but he also didn't want you to be mad at him or give the silent treatment if a fight broke out; he also didn't want to risk losing you completely away from home more than you already were. Sarah tried to see if something was up, and you were always reassuring her that everything was fine, but it was all a lie, “See, Sarah, she’s fine.” Rafe would go on to say but that was before he took you into a room just to yell at you for causing attention like it was your fault, though it wasn't.
The day after midsummers, John B had finally confronted you about being so distant ever since you got with Rafe.
"You just don't hang out with us anymore or never make the time for it!" your brother emphasizes.
"I'm sorry! I just..." you hesitate, "really love him and love being around him. He makes me happy...ever since Dad's been gone-"
"Don't you dare bring Dad into this!" John B. hollers.
"Well, who else is going to love me now?!" you cry out, storming out of the house to see Rafe.
John B's eyes filled with loss as he was watching you slowly lose yourself.
Now tonight, Rafe had called you sounding like he wasn't in a good mood, he wanted to take you out after yelling at you the day before, so you accepted it, hoping he was changing for the better. He told you he needed to make a quick stop on the way, and that stop was to meet with Barry. You were annoyed with him and felt betrayed in a way when he fully knew you never wanted to be around his drug deals let alone being around Barry since he made you uncomfortable. Rafe didn’t listen and expected you to brush it off, but you didn’t.
“Rafe, you know I’m not comfortable with you being fucking coked out around me, or you buying from Barry in front of me," you tell him.
“Can you stop fucking nagging for once?” Rafe sighs, driving away from Barry’s.
“You know what? Just me drop off here,” you point to the side of the road, “I’m growing so tired of you.”
“Oh, you’re growing tired of me?” he scoffs, slamming hard on the breaks, “How do you think I feel with you haunting my every move?!”
“Me? You’re fucking unbelievable! You’re the one who controls every fucking thing I do! I barely see my friends because of you!” you snap, getting out of the car but Rafe quickly comes out to your side and forcefully puts his hand around your throat.
“That’s the last time you’ll ever raise your voice at me again.” he sternly states, “Now get in the fucking car.”
Rafe lets go as you gasp for air and start coughing. You get in the car knowing you couldn’t be walking alone in the dark not even knowing your way around, especially around Barry’s area. You were frozen and silent almost the entire car ride, trying to process what happened. You thought maybe if you jumped out of the car, you could run away and scream, you needed to get away, so you took your chances.
“No!” Rafe grabs your wrist while nearly swerving into an oncoming car, “Are you fucking insane?!”
He puts on the child lock before driving back to Tannyhill as if nothing happened. You felt helpless as you slowly walked behind him with his tall figure that now seemed like a monster in front of you as he led the way to his room.
“Y/N…you know that I love you, right?" Rafe asks calmly, closing the door but you stay silent.
“Come on, baby,” he says, pulling you into a hug, “I’m just trying to protect you.”
“Protect me? … Protect me from what?!” you spat, pushing him off of you, “You’re not doing that, all you’re doing is hurting me!”
“After everything I’ve done and given you so you wouldn’t live that Pogue lifestyle anymore, you dare to act like this? Tsk, tsk.” he shakes his head as it gets silent again.
“You really wanna know why I don’t let you see your Pogue friends?” Rafe chuckles in an unsettling tone, breaking the silence, “Because I know you used to date that blond Pogue…so how can I trust you around him, hm?”
You don’t say anything, instead, you stare down at the floor not wanting to look him in the eyes.
“That’s what I thought,” he nods seeming proud.
“It’s not something new,” you look up at him, “You fully knew that before you and I even got together, and you’re acting like I’m not a Pogue myself…but if you ever lay on hand on me again–”
Rafe gets in your face, “Or what?”
You push him out of your way to the bathroom. You’re on the verge of tears when you look in the mirror and see the bruises on your neck, he caused from choking you. You didn’t know what to do, whether to scream your lungs out due to your frustration or see if Sarah was home but you didn’t want to cause a scene; fear is what you felt.
Now you were at your breaking point and needed to leave, needed to leave him. You saw Rafe doing lines and he looks up at you, “If you don’t wanna see this then go hang out with Sarah or something, I don’t fucking know.”
“You’re right, I don’t wanna see this or you, I’m done.” you reply, leaving his room, “I’m done with you.”
“The fuck is what supposed to mean?” Rafe follows you downstairs.
“It means this fucking relationship is over, we’re over!” you shout in frustration.
As you made it outside, you heard Rafe scream and break something that he threw. At this point, you didn’t care you were walking outside alone, you knew your way around from Rafe’s home, and you just needed to get home away from him, hoping he wouldn’t follow.
You were glad to make it home and see the sight of your brother and Sarah asleep in the living room with a movie playing on the TV. You made your way to your room and cried yourself to sleep.
It was like a parallel between you and Sarah. You were a Pogue dating a Kook and Sarah was a Kook dating a Pogue, except now she was a Pogue. One relationship was toxic and the other healthy. Sarah is happier with John B than she was with Topper just like you were happier with JJ than you were with Rafe. 
How could Rafe do that to you? Especially to someone he said he always loved but that wasn’t love. You knew that you had no love for him left in you, instead, it was hate.
The next day, you woke up to your neck feeling sore and you remembered why as you felt sick to your stomach.
Now how were you going to hide the bruises? Makeup could help but not in the hot weather. You decided to take a shower and think in there.
A hoodie. Yes, it was hot out, but you weren’t about to throw on a turtleneck so you thought pairing the hoodie with some shorts would make it look less odd, and it would be cooler by the time the sun sets. You had to tighten the strings of the hood so it would cover your neck better, and that was the best you could do.
“What time did you get home?” John B asks, making you jump, “I didn’t hear you come in.”
You shrug, “Not too late, you were asleep when I came back.”
“I see…” he replies, “Listen, I’m sorry about last night–”
you interrupt him, “No, I’m sorry, I should’ve never stormed off like that or brought up Dad that way.”
“No, it’s okay,” he shakes his head, “I know you miss him too but we’ll be okay just like we always have.”
Some time passed, the sun was setting, and you saw Sarah out on the front porch.
“Hey, are you okay? I heard you and Rafe broke up,” Sarah asks with concern in her voice.
“Oh, you did?” John B joins in, “Finally!”
Sarah glares at him, telepathically telling him to shut up.
“Yeah, we did…” you confirm, “How’d you find that out that?”
“Well, I came home last night and saw a shattered flower vase on the floor and a hole in the wall, so I was like, what made Rafe mad this time?” she slightly chuckles.
“I guess he didn’t take it well, huh?” you assume with a small laugh.
“As far as I could tell," Sarah sighs, "I wouldn’t recommend going anywhere he might be.”
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Miss. I’m too good for you Pogues.” Pope appears.
“You know that’s not true, Pope.” you chuckle.
“I know, I’m just teasing,” he replies.
“Y/N!" Kie comes running to you, “Where have you been, you bitch!”
“Well, damn, it’s nice to see you too.” you joke as she squeezes you in her arms.
“I’m never letting you date another Kook again.” she declares and you agree to it.
You feel overwhelmed with emotions with all that’s going on, but it feels good to see everyone and then remember one was missing.
“Hey, where’s JJ?” you ask everyone.
John B points over to the water where you see JJ sitting by smoking a joint, so you decide to go talk to him.
“Hey, Jay,”
“Oh, hey,” he looks up at you and smiles, “you want a hit of this?
“Sure,” you reply, taking the joint.
“So,” JJ begins, “How come you were barely around?”
“If I’m being honest…” you hesitate, “Rafe is a…control freak in the worst way possible.”
JJ chuckles, “He looks like it,”
“I know, I should’ve noticed earlier.” you mention, "I'm sorry though, I never meant to hurt you and everyone else."
“No, you’re all good, you made it out though.” he gives you a comforting smile.
“Yeah, I’m glad that nightmare is over.” you sigh in relief.
“Why are you wearing a hoodie?” he asks out of curiosity, “I’m only asking because that’s rare for you on a day like this.”
“Why are you?” you ask back, pointing out the one he’s wearing.
He laughs, “Alright, you got me there.”
“It’s a nice hoodie though.” you compliment him, hoping he'd let you borrow it one day and he would.
“Thanks, you should wear it sometime.” he teases, “Too soon?
“You’re funny, JJ...but I wouldn't be opposed to it." you turn the other way, hiding the redness on your face.
"I'll keep that in mind then," JJ smirks, taking another hit of his joint.
You and JJ just always had that spark that would always come back, and you both loved that.
JJ knits his eyebrows, “What’s that on your neck?”
Your heart drops to your stomach when you remember. He saw the bruises since you turned your head, and you didn’t want to lie and say it was hickeys but you also knew you couldn’t use the good old burned yourself with a curling iron excuse.
“Oh,” you nervously laugh, “that’s from wrestling with my brother the other day.”
“Really?” he doesn’t buy it, “John B barely even hugs you.”
He must’ve paid good attention or had a good memory of your life because he was right.
“Damn, you didn’t have to call me out like that,” you respond, joking since it’s a way of coping.
“Well, I’m just saying and I don’t think he would hurt you like that.” he adds, “C’mon you can tell me.”
“What do you mean?”
“…we were arguing, and he didn’t like that I raised my voice at him but I was only defending myself until I couldn’t,” you answer.
JJ felt his blood pressure rise so high, but he stayed calm to comfort you as he pulled you into his arms and tossed the joint away. You remembered the times he held you in his arms when you were sad about something so that’s exactly what he was doing.
"Does John B know?' he asks.
“Listen, it’s not your fault, none of it is.” he reassures, “Rafe has his issues to work with but that doesn’t mean he had the right to treat you like that. You don’t deserve that; you deserve way better than that and more.”
“Thank you, JJ,” you say, still in his arms. “I appreciate that, I needed it.”
“Of course,” he affirms, “I’m also sorry. I wish I tried harder to get you out of that, I knew something was up— we all did but everyone was just stuck on what to do without any proof, you know?”
“No, I don’t want you or anyone else blaming yourself.” you reassure, “I still have you all at the end of the day, and that’s the most important to me.”
“Yeah, me too.” he mentions, "We're going to have to tell your brother as well."
"Hm, I don't like the sound of that." you say, "But I know I have to."
"I know," JJ adds, "but I'll be by your side if that makes you more comfortable?"
"I'd like that!" you exclaim, and he smiles.
You two hear the sounds of a dirt bike.
“Did one of them take your bike out for a joyride or something?” you joke.
“I didn’t bring it today…Kie drove Pope and I out here.” JJ says with a confused expression.
Your heart drops once again, remembering who else you knew who owned a dirt bike.
“Fuck, this cannot be happening,” you mutter to yourself as you both got up.
“It’s okay, just stay behind me,” JJ tells you.
You both watch Rafe make his way to your brother and the others.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Sarah calls out to him.
“Taking back what’s mine,” Rafe responds before looking around, “tell me where she is, and nothing happens.”
“Dude, get the fuck out of here.” John B warns him as he gets closer, “I don’t need any more of your bullshit right now.”
“Seriously, you’re crazy,” Sarah tells Rafe, “Just go back home.”
“Or what?” Rafe lets out a small laugh.
You were holding onto JJ’s arm, and you could tell JJ was getting angry just by Rafe's presence but unluckily, Rafe spotted you and JJ.
“Well, would you look at that!” Rafe calls out, “You see, Y/N? I knew you’d go back to that Pogue! You’re just a fucking slut!”
“Alright, fuck it,” JJ pulls out his gun from the pocket of his hoodie and points it at Rafe.
“JJ!” everyone but Rafe shouts.
Rafe had pulled his gun out as well and John B yelled at you to get down, so you did.
“You really wanna do this, man?” Rafe questions JJ.
JJ shrugs, “If it keeps you dead then yeah.”
“Not unless you’re the dead one first,” Rafe states, slowly moving his finger to the trigger.
You began shaking while John B motioned for you and JJ to stay quiet as he slowly made his way to Rafe and pushed him down to the ground. Shots were fired at the sky before Sarah grabbed Rafe’s gun and threw it into the water.
JJ made sure you weren’t shot or anything before he went to help your brother as Rafe was strangling him, and JJ pulled Rafe off of John B and took matters into his own hands. JJ threw punches at Rafe, but he fought back then JJ pressed his fingers into Rafe's eyes before he started to punch him again to the point of blood running down Rafe's face then JJ began strangling him back to feel what you felt the night he choked you.
John B and Pope pulled JJ off of Rafe this time while Sarah and Kie told you to go hide inside the house.
Your brother told JJ to take you somewhere far from there while they would handle Rafe, and JJ didn't hesitate and kicked Rafe in the stomach before doing so. Kie would’ve let him take the car, but it was her dad’s truck, and she wasn’t going to risk getting in trouble so he thought of taking Rafe’s bike as it added a little more taste of revenge.
After a couple of minutes, the commotion started calming down. You hated every second of it, you hated people yelling at each other, and you hated any type of fighting. You were feeling numb, all of it was happening too fast.
JJ came in, "We gotta go right now."
“Run!" you heard Kie shout as you both saw Rafe making his way towards you and JJ, who quickly grabbed your hand as you both ran towards the dirt bike.
You don't remember the last time you rode with JJ but this time, the wind hitting your face felt so freeing. An aura of colors felt like they were going inside your body as JJ sped up to where he was taking you. You took notice of the state his knuckles were in, all bloody. 
Within fifteen minutes, you both arrived near a small hidden shed near the woods. It intimated you to go in the woods with how dark it was, but JJ reassured you it was fine.
“How’d you find this place?” you ask him.
“Well,” he begins, “when I wanted to get away from my dad, I would hide here if I had nowhere else to go."
You nodded at his response, not knowing what to say as if you two didn’t go through chaos moments ago.
“This is also where John B and I first smoked weed together.” JJ laughs at the memory.
"I'm assuming this is where he would sneak off to then," you mention.
"For sure," JJ replies.
"I'm honestly worried right now for my brother and the others," you admit, "anything could have happened over there."
"The worst that could've happened is someone getting shot, but they got rid of it."
"That someone could've been you!" you cry out, "Rafe was pointing it at you."
JJ looks away for a second, rethinking the whole occurrence. 
"I was just trying to protect you..." he responds, "I couldn't risk losing you again if he had taken you or not,"
From that moment, you realized that the right one was always JJ. You both just needed the time to figure out the things in yourselves and what your heart truly desired and JJ had already done that; his heart desired you.
"And you did it, Jay," you reassure, feeling like your heart was screaming at you to spill out your true feelings, "just like you always have, it's you who I can always count on, and you've proven that."
JJ stares into your eyes, "What are you trying to say?"
"It's you who makes me feel safe and cared about, no matter what situation we're both in, you don't give up, and you're always there...it's you who I want."
JJ grabs your face, kissing you like he had been waiting to do that. You both missed this. His affection towards you always made you feel special, and you're the only person he's still ever wanted.
He pulls away, "You didn't have to tell me twice...I've missed you."
"I've missed you too," you smile, holding his hands that were still grabbing your face.
"So!" John B calls out with Sarah next to him who gives you a teasing smile, startling you, "It's a good thing I checked here first and yes, everything's taken care of."
"That's great man," JJ comments, acting like John B didn't catch you two in the middle of something.
John B pulls you into a hug when he sees your bruises and apologizes for what you went through. "From now on, promise me I'll be one of your first options to come if there's trouble."
"I promise,"
"I also just wanted to let you know, don't worry about him," Sarah refers to Rafe, "I got it taken care of and he's got other things to worry about so you're going to be okay."
Sarah had taken advantage of being her father's favorite so she just called him and took her side when she told him about Rafe's actions.
"Thank you, Sarah." you smile.
"So, you guys want to get out of here and do some illegal shit or?" John B asks, lightening the mood, "Pope and Kie are waiting in the Twinkie."
"Let's go!" JJ exclaims, "Lead the way, John B."
While everyone else gets in the Twinkie, you and JJ still go on the dirt bike with him now being the proud owner of two dirt bikes.
"Hey, listen," JJ looks back at you, "I know you just went through a lot, so I just wanted to let you know that there's no rush in anything between us, I'll always be by your side every step of the way and I'll be here when you're ready."
You smile and kiss him on the cheek, "Thank you, JJ, I'm glad to have you in my life."
JJ smiles and speeds off as you're hugging his waist, holding on tight but JJ was loving every second of it, happy to have you back in his life as well.
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valentoru · 3 months
|| Limitless ||
SYNOPSIS: Gojo Satoru, a big time artist, who’s known for leaving a trail of broken hearts in his wake wherever he goes. And you, the lead guitarist of an upcoming band, who’s absolutely certain that no one will ever love you. Through an accident in which you happened to kiss Gojo in a frantic state, you both decide, via convenience alone—and zero regard for both of your managers—to pull a fake dating stunt what could go wrong? Any press is good press…right?
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Two years later.
It was at times like these when you remember The Guy. Not that you’d ever been in this situation. You imagined, if he could see what you were doing right now, he would be viscerally disappointed in you. This was not why you wanted to become a musician, hell this wasn’t what you wanted point blank.
You had thought you saw your friend, Maki, coming and acted on total instinct throwing your arms around the man who was also getting water from the water cooler. By now, you’re sure she’s passed. To be fair he didn’t seem to mind the kiss, especially given such sudden circumstances. The kiss was pretty perfect though. Not too close not too far. If you were in a cheesy romcom you probably would’ve popped your foot.
Then that twinge of rationality hit you. You quickly pulled back from the guy and checked your surroundings before taking a deep breath. Only then does the magnitude of your irrationality hit you. Maybe, just maybe, you could tiptoe out of there act like no kiss was exchanged and forget this ever happened. Solid plan.
“Did—did you just kiss me?” He sounded relatively stunned, his hands had never quite made their way to your body but they were certainly close. In fact, he was still stood in the same pose, his arms out at his sides like he was in the middle of either grabbing you to pull you closer, or pushing you off him. You assumed the latter. Shit. There goes the plan.
You quickly look up, almost breaking your neck. Then you look up some more and—does this man stop?—finally your eyes lock on his and—you’re stupid.
You knew those bright blue eyes. And Gojo Satoru was a known ass.
Gojo “asshole” Satoru.
You had kissed Gojo Satoru. You had kissed Gojo Satoru without even getting a proper yes before slamming your face against his.
Fuck this.
Fuck everything.
“Uh…no?” You winced.
“Yes you did.”
“Okay, but I asked.”
“You absolutely did not.”
“Yes I did!” While you had asked, it had only been briefly before you were slamming your lips against his. But, you were certain in the fact you had asked for his consent.
“No, you didn’t.”
“Okay anyway I’m leaving.” You turned on your heel, if he let you go now, he would be letting you go unscathed. He would also probably be a complete fool.
“Not so fast.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, saying a silent prayer to who ever would listen and intervene and turned back around. “Yes?”
“Well, expect to be hearing from my lawyer. Bye now.” He offered you one of his lopsided smiles.
“Yeah, bye—wait what?!” Your back straighten rather abruptly through the sudden shock, a lawyer?!
“A lawyer. You’re in direct breach of a human right. I have my right to consent.”
What?? Okay you knew Gojo was bat shit insane but you didn’t know it went this far. Okay, sure, you hadn’t been very certain he had said yes before kissing him, but you’re sure that grumble you heard was a yes. Or was it a laugh? “But I thought you said yes?”
“I definitely didn’t.”
“I thought—okay. Doesn’t matter we can go back and forth about this for hours,” he bobbed his head, almost like some form of agreement? You couldn’t even tell. You were notoriously good at reading people, yet him? Nothing. You got nothing, maybe since he had the emotional range of a rock. “You can’t press charges.”
“Oh? Are you denying my access to another human right?”
“Then the kiss. Explain”
Oh he was really insufferable.
“Well this really isn’t any of your business so—”
His eyebrows furrowed.
“No. Look you don’t get it my friend was coming—”
“Oh, so because of your friend you just go ‘round kissing people who are unwilling? You know that’s a crime of sexual misconduct, right?”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. Besides I don’t see why this is relevant, or why me.”
“It is okay, Look I just wanted to prove something, I want my friend to be happy.”
“At the cost of your own decency?”
He continued to lecture you, but you weren’t really paying attention, no your mind was at work. You’d just kissed THE Satoru Gojo, the man of the hour in any room. One of the most sought after men of the 21st century. He had over 4 billon streams on one of his songs. And you? You were apart of an upcoming band, which was actively getting called a “one hit wonder”. Said “hit” only reaching just under half of the amount of streams Gojo had.
So how on earth did you exactly expect to convince your friends that you were actually seeing Gojo?
This man was single-handedly almost responsible for the disbandment of your band. He had made your roommate—dummer—cry. And Megumi never cried. Yet this one particular day, Gojos criticism had just been enough.
How on earth would you convince your friends you were attracted to this man?
“Wait.” You threw your hands up in a fake surrender. He was already walking away so you instinctively grabbed his wrist, though with his muscles it probably shouldn’t have stopped him at all, he still paused and turned to you, his eyes growing uncharacteristically dark.
“Sorry—uhm—about that.” You dropped his hand and looked up at him. “You didnt get my name.”
“I’m sure I can find that through a quick google search. Have a good night.”
“So then, explain. Explain this properly to me because I don’t see why you had to kiss anyone. I mean, it is considered assault considering I didn’t consent.”
“Okay well I didn’t assault you.”
“You did kiss me.”
“Well not really.”
“Without my consent.”
“I did ask, actually, like I’ve been telling you.”
“Well why didn’t you wait for my answer?”
“What? You said yes!”
“Excuse me?”
You frowned. “I asked if I could kiss you and you said yes.”
“Incorrect. You asked if you could kiss me and I laughed.”
Oh, so it was a laugh.
“I was sure I heard you say yes!”
He raised an eyebrow at you, the silence so loud you daydreamed of the floor swallowing you.
“Listen okay, im so sorry that happened.”
He studied you for a moment. A look you once again couldn’t decipher. You couldn’t help but notice how small you felt in his domineering presence. He always made a point of people’s insignificance next to him. You’d seen him do it loads, just never to you.
except just a moment ago you almost stuffed your tongue down his—
“Is there something wrong?”
“Well,” he continued calmly, “kissing a random stranger you’ve never met before may indicate that there is in fact something wrong.”
“There isn’t.” You insisted.
He nodded, thoughtfully. “Well, expect your mail in the next few days.” He turned again, and you leapt forward, grabbing his wrist once more. He turned and started at the spot your fingers wrapped around him—right below a watch—as though he wanted the skin to burn.
You let go of his hand again and took a step back. “Sorry I didn’t mean to—“
“The kiss. Explain.”
You bit your lip. You really fucked this one up. Were you really going to tell this man everything? Yes, considering you smashed your lips against his, it’s the least you could do. “Maki Zen’in.” He cocked his head to the side. “The girl who walked past, that was Maki Zen’in”
He had no indication of knowing who she was.
“Maki has…” you tilted your head to the side, the cringe of the matter almost knocking you to the floor. You couldn’t even find the right words to say. How does one even tell someone that their best friend has a raging crush on their ex, so much so that it lead to the breakup of their relationship? “I was briefly in a relationship with Yuta Okkotsu. But Maki and Yuta really hit it off.” You huffed and shut your eyes. You wished you couldn’t see it as clear as day, the way her eyes lit up when she was talking to him. You would’ve been evil to not break things off with him. The night you introduced her to him, she didn’t leave him alone, following him around like a lost puppy. It was so out for character for her, you knew you had to break up with him, you could tell he felt the same for her too.
“To cut a fun story short,” you cringed. “Yuta and me broke up and he asked her out but she said no because of girlcode, she didn’t want to upset me. But I know she really likes him and she’s afraid to hurt my feelings even after I told her I was over him.”
Not to mention you overheard her marvelling about him to your friend Toge. You knew it was so out of character for her, she had to be in love.
“So I lied, told her I had a date here tonight when I in fact do not. But I didn’t want her to know I lied since we’ve been best friends for years and I’ve never seen her so out of character. Plus, she really likes this guy—” and then it hit you, you’ve just been rambling about your failed love life to Satoru Gojo. You really had peaked. This man couldn’t care less about any of this.
You tried to swallow but your mouth was dry.
“Ah.” Once again, his expression was unreadable.
“Obviously, I don’t have a date and I forgot she would literally be here and see me. I panicked and acted on impulse and well—you know.” You wiped your hand down your face. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
He nodded. “Right, so like any self-respecting woman, you kissed the first person you saw in a hallway. Logical.”
You let out a whine. “Well when you put it like that, probably not my best moment, nor my proudest.”
His eyes bore into you.
“It wasn’t my worst! She might actually believe I’m going out with you and then she wont hesitate to start dating Yuta and she’ll be happy.” You shook your head quickly. “I’m so sorry about the kiss.”
“Are you?”
“Yes. Please don’t get your lawyer on me.”
And then, like a wave it crushed you. It hit you all at once just the mass of what you had actually done. You actually kissed a stranger, who turned out to be the last person you could possibly want it to be. And now that same guy was starting at you, probably about to bust his ass laughing at your poor excuse for a love life. He face was all odd and pensive and it made you feel so small.
Maybe you were running on minimal sleep. Maybe your last coffee had been far too long ago. Or maybe it was the way Satoru Gojo was looking at you but it was all too much.
“No no—actually you’re right, you should write a complaint about me. I am so so sorry if you felt like I was harassing you at any point you would be right to press charges. It was a horrible thing to do even though I really didn’t mean to. But my intentions don’t even matter I’m so sorry. It’s more your perception of the situation that matters anyway—“
Shit shit shit.
“Okay im going to go now.” You turned on your heel and began to run as fast as your legs would take you.
“Y/N.” You heard him call after you. “Y/N wait—”
You didn’t stop. You didn’t slow down you sprinted out of there and to your car.
You got back to your shared apartment with Megumi as fast as you could and slumped down on your bed. Only then did it dawn on you.
Gojo Satoru—known ass—had called you by your name.
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Okay I know this is all over the place but just 😳🙏 okay?
Also I’m a Maki x Nobara shipper but for the sake of the story I had to do Yuta sorry guys😭🙏
TAGLIST(16/50): @bbmsxlene @lunavelha @satoryaa @tranzumaki @k-kkiana @luvkvni @lysaray @kalulakunundrum @arysbruv @r4veeen @stillnotherapy @catobsessedlady @colortheoryrocks @minzxec @dazqa @packsvlog
© valentoru all rights reserved- do not publish my work on other platforms, plagiarise or translate.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
I Have Nothing (If I Don't Have You) (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Like I said last week, I was watching the music video for "Queen of the Night" by Whitney Houston from the soundtrack of this movie and it gave me this Steddie idea.
I have a few ideas I can take this! I seriously love protective Steddie. Probably something to do with my PTSD and need to feel safe lol Anyway... I hope you enjoy it! I dedicate this to @unfocused81 <3
Warnings: No smut (yet😈) but angst for sure. Security Steddie and Singer female reader. It is mentioned that Y/N does drink excessively and do drugs. Her boyfriend is a douchebag and assaults her (mentions of smacking and grabbing her, yelling at her, and calling her names) that results in Steddie intervening. There is also a bit of a riot at one of shows that they protect her from (kind of like that scene in the movie where people jump on stage and chaos ensues).
I wouldn't really call this dark themes but reader definitely has some things going on and is struggling a lot right now.
Work count: 5906
“What kind of security work have you guys done before?” 
Your manager leans against the outside of his desk as he continues to scan through the messages on his phone.
“Oh, um, we’ve done a lot before for the bar in our town and most recently a rock band in—”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”, the manager cuts Steve off as he speaks. “That’s all well and good. Look, I’m going to level with you. This is essentially expensive babysitting. Y/N is a handful. Our last security detail quit when her last party at her house caused a riot in the streets of LA.”
“A riot?”, Eddie turned to his friend and raised an eyebrow inquisitively. 
The guy sets his phone down, sighing with impatience. “Yes. Obviously, you two don’t read or watch the news…which is good. Saves me the headache. Now, do you want the job or not?”
Both boys glance at each other before looking towards the man again. “Um, yeah sure. I mean it pays, right?”
“That’s the spirit. Ok, she’s at the studio downstairs right now recording…or at least that’s what she’s supposed to be doing. Go introduce yourselves. Glad to have you aboard.”, he rolls his eyes as he shoos them out of his office.
“Steve are you sure about this?”, Eddie asks as they head for the elevator. 
“Yeah. Come on, Munson. This is our ticket to high-rate clients and more money! We can handle one little girl.”
As soon as they get off on the right floor, they are met with extremely loud music and giggles from the studio room. A tall, lanky kid leans back in his chair extending his hand to greet both boys. 
“Hey, are ya’ll the security? I’m Devon. She’s in there ‘getting inspired’.” Their eyes follow his finger as he points behind the glass where you and some of your friends were strewn around the floor. “Good luck, gentlemen.”, he sings. 
Both men carefully tip toe around arms and legs to find you with your eyes closed, a half smirk painted across your lips. 
“Uh, Miss Y/L/N? I’m Steve Harrington and this is Eddie Munson. We’re your new personal security guards.”
“Hmm…sounds sexy.”, you slur. Your glassy, drug fueled eyes look up to meet theirs. “At least Jack hired some good-looking ones this time. Who is who?”
“Maybe, if you stood up and actually greeted us, you would have heard who is who the first time.”, Eddie chided. 
Your eyes fully open as your head tilts in his direction. No one ever had the balls to scold you like that since you became famous. It was usually “Yes ma’am” this or “Anything you want, ma’am. We’ll make it happen.”. Rising to your feet, you fully take them in through your haze. 
They both were attractive especially with that air of confidence you hadn’t seen in a long time. Your current boyfriend was cocky but definitely not confident. Everyone else around you seemed so fucking timid and you hated it. 
“Eddie. Steve.”, Steve repeated, pointed to his friend then himself. 
He was dressed head to toe in what you would call “conventional” clothes; nothing designer or anything to make him stand out. You could tell under the button up white, short sleeve shirt that he did have muscles that could protect you physically if need be. The jeans and sneakers he donned didn’t give you any new information that could tell you something about him except he probably didn’t make a whole lot of money. 
Eddie was more or less the same with a much more grunge fashion sense that, to you, he pulled off well. You pointed to his Metallica t-shirt with your finger. 
“My music isn’t like theirs. It might make your ears bleed.”
“As long as I can still see you and see you’re safe, I think I’ll survive.”
He’s quick witted. I like that…
“Ok. We’ll give it a try. Tomorrow, you’ll meet me at my house and I can tell you more about what you’ll be doing.”
“Steven Harrington, have you read half this stuff?”, Eddie sighs as he leans forward and places his elbows on his knees as he points at things on his laptop.
“She’s been arrested twice; once for possession and another for disorderly conduct where she was found having sex with someone while she was drunk in public. The cops have been called to her house multiple times due to, honestly, take your fucking pick. Her boyfriend was arrested just last week for sucker punching one of her fans for ‘getting too close’. How are we supposed to protect someone who invites all this chaos into her life.”
“I don’t know, Ed. The same way you protect anyone I guess.”, Steve leans back on the couch as he takes a sip from his bottle of beer. “Again, this is just a steppingstone. I’m sure after a few months of handling her, any number of high value agencies will want to hire us. WHICH MEANS…”, he glances towards Eddie. “…you need to control your Dom voice.”
The metalhead chuckles as he leans back as well. “It’s going to be hard with a fucking brat like her. Dude, she didn’t even have the common courtesy to say hello.”
“I know… I know… but just, try. For me?”
It takes you awhile to open the door when they knock but when you finally do, you look completely hung over. 
“Yeah, come…come in. Do you want something to drink? Jack? Vodka? I have them all.”
“It’s 10am.”, Steve responds as he looks at his watch. 
You raise an eyebrow at him before heading for the kitchen and grabbing the whole bottle of Jack Daniels. “If you’re boring, Eddie. Just say that.”
“Steve. I’m Steve.”
“Right now, I don’t care—”
“We can tell.”, Eddie growls.
You blink as you look up at him. You’ve never wanted to toy with a man so bad in your life. He wasn’t even trying to hide that your disrespect was bothering him and honestly you couldn’t get enough. 
“I’m sorry, gentlemen. I don’t do mornings. Unfortunately, my manager insists on scheduling interviews for me that require me to up at this ungodly hour.” They watch you as you slump onto the couch and throw your arm over your eyes. “So, how much did Jack tell you?”
“Uh, just the basics. We watch out for you.”
“Good. It’s just following me around and making sure I don’t get swarmed or murdered. I’ll give you guys a key to my house before you leave today and when I stay at hotels I’ll do the same. You’ll most likely be staying in the same room as me anyway so…”
The sound of banging on your front door makes you cringe. “I guess I’ll get it.”, Eddie sighs as Steve’s eyes follow him. “Your makeup people are here, your highness.”
A big grin spreads across your face as you turn your head to look over at them. “I like him. Steven, you need to start stepping it up or he’ll become my favorite.”
The metalhead lazily glances towards his friend with playful wide eyes. “Well, lucky me.”
As snotty as your attitude was, they couldn’t deny how beautiful you were especially after your prep team was done putting you together. The makeup hid all damage you had done to yourself the night before and the outfit they had you in sexily showed off all your curves. Your eyes shifted to them, watching them as they looked around.
“No one is going to shoot me in here, boys.”
“Hm. You never know.”, Eddie exhales as he points to things. “Someone could come in through that back door behind you or because no one checks any of these people’s IDs, someone could sneak in pretending to be a hair stylist and take you out like that.”, he snaps his fingers. 
“Bags that hold all the beauty and camera equipment are big enough to hold even a rifle let alone a handgun. That’s implying someone would want to shoot you instead of stabbing or blowing you up.”, Steve followed. 
“Wow. Just charming.”
“It’s our job, Miss Y/L/N.”
“I think due to the circumstances you can call me Y/N.”, you grin. 
The producer gets your attention, walking you through the questions that would be asked and how the interview would go. The boys watched you in amazement as your personality practically changed when the camera went live. No one would ever be able to tell what you did behind the scenes or any other narrative then the one you provided. 
An hour later and after many questions, the interview ended and your face fell. 
“God, I need a drink.”
“Can we at least go over the tour first?”, your manager whined. 
You excitedly got up and ran to your boyfriend’s arms. “Simon!”
Everyone in the room cringed at the heavy smacking sounds that left you two as he continued to sloppily kiss your lips. 
“Who are the new guys?”
“Babe, these are the new security guys. This is Eddie and Steve.”
They stand up to shake his hand but as Steve extends his palm the man looks down at it like the gesture was beneath him. “Yeah, listen boys, hands off, okay? She’s mine.”, you giggle as he slaps your ass.
“Come on, baby. I got a surprise for you.” You squeal as he lifts you over his shoulder and carries you towards your bedroom. 
“Y/N! We still have things to go over!”, Jack shouts as the door closes loudly. 
“I want to go home, Steven. It’s 2am and they’ve been fucking in there all god damn day. At this point we shouldn’t have a client anymore because he killed her by not giving her any food or fucking water. It definitely won’t be due to her climaxing because I haven’t heard that happen yet.”
“We can’t leave until he does.”, Steve sighs. “Or she dismisses us for the evening.”
As if on cue, Simon saunters past them into the kitchen, casually opening your fridge, and begins chugging from a jug of orange juice. “Um, I’m pretty sure you two can leave. She’s not even here.”
“Yeah, I’m assuming she climbed out the window after I crashed. She does that to escape the security teams. It’s kind of a rite of passage honestly.”
“Where would she go?”, Eddie growls. 
“Um, there’s a bar about a mile up the road. She likes to walk there for some reason.”
“So, pretty lady. Do you want to come back to my place tonight?”
“Ugh, no. Get off me. I just want to drink in peace.”
“Oh, come on, honey.”, the man slurred. 
“Hey! The lady said no.”, Steve’s voice echoed through the bar as he starred the man down. “Leave. Now.”
The patron held up his hands defensively, staggering back towards his table. 
“Come on, Y/N. Time for you to go home.”, Eddie motioned for the bartender to stop serving you as the other boy reached into your purse to pay him. 
“You’re my security. Not my fucking dad. I can stay here and drink if I want.”
“You’re at a bar in a nightie, shorts, and flip flops at 2 in the morning. It’s a safety concern.”
“Oh shit.”, you giggle. “I am in my nightie.” Steve roughly grips your arm and tugs you out the door towards his car. “Let me go, you fucking dick.”
A switch flips in the man’s brain; he can’t help it. For the past couple of days, he’s tolerated your disrespect but like Eddie, he hated it. They both could handle a lot but you were pushing them too far. Still holding onto your wrist, he twirls you towards the vehicle till your back hits the door. 
“Now, listen here because I’m only going to say this once. We’ve handled the tone and the blatant disregard for what we do but it ends now. Our job is to keep you safe not fucking babysit some spoiled, rich washed-up singer. This is the last time you pull a stunt like this; do you understand me?” 
Steve’s body was so close to yours you could feel his angry breath fanning your face. It had been ages since someone put you in your place like this and you’d be lying if you didn’t say you were a bit turned on. A new feeling washed over you though as your eyes scanned his face. For the first time since you entered this industry, you actually felt safe. 
They weren’t afraid to be blunt with you which compared to everyone else in your life was a nice reprieve. You knew 90% of the people in your life, given the chance, would sell you out in a heartbeat but would still stand there and tell you how perfect you were. 
“Yes, what?” Eddie’s voice startled you, completely unaware he was standing beside you with his hands in his pockets, glaring down at you with those same angry eyes. 
“Yes, I understand.”
“Good. Now get in the car.” 
That following morning, they half expected to be fired but were surprised when you opened the front door as soon as they knocked. 
“We have to go to the studio first and then I have to get ready for the gig tonight.”, you mumbled as you swished around them, trying to get in the backseat of his car to no avail. “Can you open the door…please?”
Eddie caught it in your tone first…something wasn’t right and it had nothing to do with them. 
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Can we just…”, you gesture towards the car.
“HEY! When you get back tonight make sure it’s with a better fucking attitude!”, Simon yells from your front door. 
“Well maybe I won’t come back, you free loading mama’s boy!”
“Stupid bitch should learn how to talk to a man.”, he muttered under his breath as he slammed the door shut.
Steve and Eddie exchange a look before the metalhead speaks to you. “Is that something we need to handle?”
“No. He’s just being a fucking prick.”
He opens your door and you slowly slide in before both men do the same. As the car begins to move, Steve keeps checking on you in his rearview mirror. Your sunglass covered eyes remain focused on the window as you stare out into the California streets. 
“I’m sorry about yesterday. About leaving and keeping you guys out late when you didn’t have to. Simon just pissed me off and…”
“Does he talk to you like that often?”
“No. Sometimes he’s an asshole.” You flash them a sassy smirk that grows when you see Eddie try and hide his own at your sarcasm. “He’s just…hot headed, you know? He’s been through a lot.”
“And you haven’t?”
Your eyes swivel to Steve before glancing down at your hands. “Nothing I can’t handle.”
“He shouldn’t be talking to you like that, Y/N.”
“Yeah, well, neither should I so…”
“Just because you have an attitude doesn’t mean you deserve to be treated like trash. Maybe you just need someone stronger who can handle it and not take it personally.”
“Oh? And who would that be, Steve? You?”
“Aw, Munson, that’s cute. She thinks we can’t handle her.”
“Y/N, sweetheart, we’ve dealt with worse than you.”, he smiles as he turns around in his seat. “It’s you that can’t handle us. Thankfully though we aren’t in a relationship so we’ll never get to find out.”
“I never say never, gentlemen.”
After going over the tour dates, everything you would be doing, and everything you need, your next stop was the venue you would be performing at tonight. 
Eddie cringed as the feedback of the mic echoed around the building.
“Hey! Try plugging it into the correct port!” The young man shrugged his shoulders causing the metalhead to go over and show the boy what he was doing wrong.
“Let me guess? Rock and Roll drummer in a Metallica cover band?”, you grin at him as the mic starts picking up your voice perfectly. 
“Guitarist and our own band, not a cover band.”
“What about you, Steve? Are you musically inclined?”
“Unfortunately, no.”
“What are you good at?”
“Babysitting.”, he raised his eyebrow in your direction making your smile grow. 
As the additional security from the venue finally arrived, you watched with fascination as the guys took on a more authoritative tone, telling each person where they would need to be. Time slowly dwindled till it was about twenty minutes before the show. You began pacing as you shook out your preshow jitters.
“Hey, they say they are ready for you to head towards the stage.”
You jumped at the sound of Steve’s voice. “Goddamn it! Okay, fucking thank you!” His eyes narrowed in your direction as he came in and closed the door behind him. “Can I help you with anything else?!”
“Are you alright?”
“Jesus fucking Christ, you’re not my father, Steven, or my friend. Get the fuck out! I’ll be right out!”
The boy bites his bottom lip as he nods his head. “Yes ma’am.” As he starts to open the door, he pauses turning to face you again. “You look really beautiful, by the way. Your voice is amazing. Eddie and I have actually never heard any of your songs before today. This will be our first concert. I’m excited to see it.” 
Your wide, glassy eyes turn to look at him as he slowly begins to close the door again. 
“Steve! Thank you…”
That night you gave it your all and then some. Occasionally, you would glance down at the bottom of the stage watching as Steve and Eddie’s demeanor remained focused on the task at hand. Sometimes, however, you would notice a foot tap to the beat or a head would bob to your lyrics. If this was the first time they were attending a Y/N concert, you wanted them to enjoy it and show them what you bring to the entertainment table. 
So many people when you were starting out told you that you would never make it. That your dream of becoming a singer was a pipe dream for people with “actual talent”. Since day one you always felt like you had to prove yourself, hell, even before you started singing. In your house growing up you felt like you had to fight to be seen. 
Once you crossed that threshold, everything came easier but you never stopped fighting. Fighting the fear of being nothing again, the knowledge that everyone in your circle just wanted a piece of you and what you earned. Fighting to keep everyone happy including yourself. The alcohol and drugs helped immensely or at least that’s what you believed. You thought it helped numb your brain and the pain so you could just get through every day. 
When Eddie sassed you in the studio, you knew he was different. For a while you couldn’t get a read on Steve until that night outside of the bar. The fact that neither of them had asked you to hear their demo tape or hit on you was already a point in their favor but they genuinely seemed to want to protect you so you wanted to return the favor in some way, your voice.
When the concert ended, they snuck a peak at you. Eddie was never a fan of the type of music you sang but he couldn’t deny that what you did sing went straight to his heart. Steve noticed that while you sang, it was like you transported to a different place. You seemed calmer and more in tune with yourself, making you seem more confident than when you weren’t. 
This was the first time since they met you that you genuinely seemed happy. 
Something in the atmosphere changed. Maybe it was too many booze served at the bar or just the energy of the evening but people in the crowd started chanting for an encore. You were exhausted having gone longer on your set then you were supposed to already. You gave the crowd your best smile, thanking them for coming out, and telling them how much you loved their support. 
A fan jumped on to the stage and Eddie was quick to pull him back down. Panic set in as you watched the crowd start to fight with each other and the security team jump into action. The metalhead was in front of you and you hastily gripped his arm as he scanned the area trying to find Steve. 
After tapping his shoulder, you pointed to the corner near a wall where you saw the boy in a fist fight of his own. Eddie pushed you towards the side of the stage behind a curtain.
“Don’t move! I’ll be right back, ok?!”, he shouted over the chaos as you gave him a firm nod. 
You watched as he jumped off the platform, running to pull the man off his friend and shoving him to where you were hiding. Steve didn’t even hesitate as he lifted you into his arms and they both ran down the hallway. They didn’t stop until they reached their car and placed you in the back seat, him climbing in with you as Eddie sped away. 
“Wait…what about Jack…and everyone else?”
“No. We have to get you out and away from the building especially during a scene like that.” Steve searched through his jacket pocket for a tissue, placing it against his nose when he finally finds one. 
“Are-are you okay?”
“Yeah. Fucking asshole got me good.”
About a mile down the road, Eddie parked the car into a gas station and got out to check you both over. “What happened, Harrington? Let someone get the best of you?”, Eddie chuckled. 
“Dude, they cornered me so fast especially after I pulled him off of the venue’s security guy.”
“Did I do that? Did I do something wrong?” Their head swivel around to look at your frightened frame. “Th-that’s never happened before…I-I-I…”
“Hey, hey, hey Y/N. It’s ok. You didn’t do anything wrong. I seriously think it was just…”, Eddie shrugs. “Beer and a packed in place. People just being…too rowdy. It happens but that’s what we’re here for.”
The man throws his arms up in surprise when you suddenly tackle him, wrapping your arms around his waist as you press your head into his chest. 
“Thank you…so much.” You let him go as you turn to give Steve a hug as well. “I’m so sorry you got hurt.”
When you started to pull back, his arms came down to hold you to him. “Hey, better me than you.”, he gently sighs, “Come on. Let’s get you home.”
“Oh my god! What the fuck happened?! Baby, are you okay?” Simon ran to you from his place on your couch as you and the guys entered your house. 
“The concert ended a bit roughly but I’m ok. Really…”
“Isn’t it your job to fucking protect her!?”
“Yes and we did that.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?! Look at her! She’s a mess and she’s shaking!” Your boyfriend charged up to Steve who glared down at him as he continued to yell in his face.”
“Simon, leave them alone. Please, I just want to get this crap off and go to bed.”
Eddie gripped his friend’s arm as he spoke to you. “Is there anything else you need, Y/N? Do you feel safe enough for us to leave and let you rest?”
“Of course, she fucking does. I can take care of her.”
Your eyes met theirs as you nodded. “Thank you.”
“We’ll talk to Jack and everyone in the morning.” The metalhead tugs at Steve forcing him to back down from your boyfriend. He flashes you one more cursory glance before turning around and leaving you for the night. 
“You boys did good last night. I don’t know what happened but you knew what to do.” Jack gave them a smile as he nodded his head in approval. “Please keep up that vigilance next week when we go on tour. I think—”
“Wait. You’re still doing the tour next week?”
Your manager looked at Eddie in confusion. “Yes? Why wouldn’t we?”
“I mean…she just went through a pretty traumatic event. I couldn’t imagine getting back up on a stage immediately after something like that.”
“Yeah, well, your security not a musician so—”
“I actually am but whatever.”
Jack sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as speaks to you. “Do you feel like you need more time?”
You didn’t even hear the man’s question. Since they picked you up and brought you to your managers office, you had been uncharacteristically quiet. You were thinking about everything including what transpired last night. It WAS incredibly scary but they did pull through and keep you safe. Not only did they look after you but each other; you appreciated that loyalty. 
Now as Eddie defended you, thinking of your well-being, you felt yourself spiraling at the action. No one cared about you this much and they barely even knew you. What was their end game? What made them tick? What made them this way? Was it genuine or was it just their jobs?
“Huh? Oh, um, I mean…a week would be fine…especially if I can just rest…”
“Yeah, sure, whatever.”, Jack responded in a nonchalant tone. “Go ahead and take the week but be back here on Thursday so we can go over everything.”
You nod as you head out of the office with your protectors in tow. “Hey, um, did you guys want to go get some lunch or something?”
“So, why security?”, you ask as you bite into your burger.
“Like Steve said, I mean, we’re good at it.”
“Well, good at protecting people. Security work just allows us to get paid for it.”, the man smiles as he takes a sip from his drink. 
“And you two have been friends for a while?”
“Since high school.”
“And where was that exactly?”
“You’re asking a lot of questions, sweetheart. Can I ask why?”, Eddie playfully narrows his eyes in your direction making you smile. 
“I just…you two are very different then people we usually hire. I just want to know more about you.”
“Different how?”, Steve asks.
“I don’t know. You just seem to genuinely care.”
“If the people around you don’t genuinely care then you need to hire some new people.”
“Yeah, well, that’s hard to find in this industry.” You reach in your purse and raise a flask in their direction as you pour a bit into your coffee.
“Is that why you do things like that?”, Eddie gestures towards you drink. 
“No, baby. I do things like this to keep me from going insane.”
“How about you do the healthy thing and stand up for yourself?”
You angerly turn your attention to Steve. “I can stand up for myself.”
“Oh? Is that why you let your manager, boyfriend, and entourage talk down to you the way they do?”
“Go fuck yourself, alright?! Look, I can stick up for myself and say what’s on my mind. For example, you two are complete fucking assholes.”, you growl. “I’m done eating. I want to go home.”
Eddie smirks as the other boy sighs. “Such a whiney, spoiled brat. I swear.” The metalhead pulls out his wallet, throwing money on the table as they both get to their feet. “Your highness.”, he gestures towards the front door. 
“I’m not whiney or spoiled. I worked hard to get here and I’m not going to let you or anyone talk to me like that.”
“Yet you do.”, Steve retorts as he opens the back door to his car. You roughly reach across, slamming it shut. “I thought you wanted to go home.”
“Apologize to me.”
“For what? Pointing out the obvious? Frankly, I don’t get why you have such a low opinion of yourself. You’re beautiful, talented, and you have such a gorgeous voice yet you pump yourself with poison and let these people take advantage of you. Why?”
You exhale as you look towards the ground. “I can handle it.”
“You say that a lot.” Eddie folds his arms on top of the car as he leans onto his hands. 
“Because I can.”
“By getting wasted?”
“My personal life is none of your fucking concern.”, you growl. 
“You’re right.” Steve opens the back door again and this time you climb in. “You just seem like you deserve better.”
“I swear, man, that girl is going to get us killed. Or put in prison after WE kill her.”, Eddie chuckles from his place on the sofa. 
“I kind of like her.” The metalhead coyly raises his eyebrow at his friend. “Oh, come on, like you don’t?”, Steve sighs as he leans back against the couch. “There’s something hidden under all that sass and alcohol…I saw it when she was singing. I’d love to get to know that part of her better.”
Eddie grinned as he reached for his phone, smile fading when he saw the ID. 
“Hello. This is Eddie Munson.”
“E-Eddie? I, um, I think—FUCK YOU! —I need help.”
“You stupid bitch! Open this fucking door right fucking now!”
Eddie ross to his feet, tugging at Steve’s arm as he searched for his keys. “Where are you?”
“I-I’m in my bedroom. Simon and I got into a fight and-and he’s wasted. Pl-please…I’m scared. He’s never been this angry.”
Steve had already started the car, speeding towards your house. “Hey, it’s ok, sweetheart. We’re on the way, alright? Just stay on the phone with me, ok?”
“I’m sorry I was so mean to you guys today. Fuck… you two seem s-so different. I-I just…”
“Y/N don’t even worry about that right now. Everything’s going to be alright. We’re almost there.”
“You think you’re so high and mighty! Think you can talk to me anyway you want to! Fuck you, you fucking slut! Open the door, Y/N!”
“Oh, sure! You fuck all the groupies and fans that show up to my concerts but I’m the fucking slut!”
“Y/N, stop engaging. Talk to me.” There’s a loud crash and a squeak from your side as the line cuts off. “Steve…hurry.”
Five minutes later, they are bursting through your front door, running towards your bedroom where they hear your boyfriend shouting. Steve tackles him to the floor subduing him with his knee in his back. 
“Get the fuck off me!”
“Stop moving. You’re lucky I don’t fucking shoot you, asshole.”
“Y/N?”, Eddie softly called your name as you continued to cower in the corner with your head tucked into your arms. “Princess, everything is ok. I’m going to touch your arm.” You jump when his fingers graze your skin but you allow him to guide you to your feet. “There we go. Good girl. You’re doing so good. Can you look at me so I can check you out here?”
Your lips trembled as you faced him, his eyes slowly growing dark with fury as he scanned you over. Your face was red from your tears but he could also see where Simon had smacked your cheek. You had bruises that were starting to form on your arms where he must have grabbed you. 
“I’ll call the police and EMS.”, he grumbled trying to contain his anger. 
“No! No EMS. Please…I don’t need those pictures or attention.”
“But I do of me being pushed into a fucking cop car.”, Simon spat. 
Steve grabbed his hair and hit his head into the carpet. “Shut. Up.” His eyes meet yours as he speaks in a much gentler tone. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, um, I have a first aid kit here and all that so I’m fine.”
The police came by and took Simon away after taking everyone’s statements. Eddie and Steve took care of almost everything which you immensely appreciated. After everyone left, you expected them to as well but as your front door closed, you found you weren’t the only one on the other side. 
“I’m going to see if I can get your bedroom door back on its hinges.”, Eddie turned the corner to head down your hallway as Steve followed. 
You tiptoe after them, watching them with bewilderment as the metalhead got to work and Steve began straightening up the things Simon had damaged.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” They both froze, straightening up to look at you. “Why…why are you so nice to me? I’m such a fucking bitch to you. According to you, I’m a bratty, spoiled, washed up singer. WHY are you doing this?!”, you gesture around the room. 
They glanced at each other and after a few minutes it was Steve who finally spoke. “How should we be? Hm? Should we be like him? Do you think you deserve to be treated like this, Y/N?”
Their voices and demeanor completely changed in the moment; talking to you like a little girl who had just run into your parent’s room crying about a monster under her bed. 
“Sweetheart, NO ONE deserve to be treated like this. You didn’t trigger this. What he just did…isn’t your fault. You did the right thing calling us here. Now what kind of protectors would we be if we left you here alone with your house like this?”
You broke, sobbing almost uncontrollably as your hands covered your face. Strong hands tenderly grabbed your biceps, pulling you into a chest as you wrapped your arms around his back. Another palm delicately petted your head and for the first time in your life, you had never felt safer.
Stepping back, you wipe your eyes, glancing up to see Eddie’s kind, worry filled orbs running over your face as Steve stood beside him doing the same.
“Can, um, can we worry about this tomorrow and you stay here with me tonight?” 
“Yeah, we can stay here, honey. Do you have another room you can sleep in? I don’t think tomorrow morning you should open your eyes and this is the first thing you see.”
“I have a guest bedroom down the hall here.”
“Good because I agree with Steve. We can sleep on the couches out here and—”
“Can you sleep with me?”, you interrupt, your question startling both men. “I-I-I mean, you don’t have to. I just… I’m still a bit scared. I’m…forget about it.”
Eddie grabbed your hand as you started to walk away. 
“We can do that for you. If that’s what you want.” You nod your head to his statement, watching him closely as his eyes shift from security Eddie to something you had never seen before in any man. Whatever it was it made you feel weak in the knees. His fingers reached out to brush a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “Can you say it?”
“I-I want you two to sleep…in my bed…with me. Please.” That last word comes out almost in a whisper, pleading with them to stay. 
Steve’s fingers softly caress your cheek before gliding under your chin, turning you to face him. He had that same look Eddie had, that air of confidence you remembered seeing when you first met them but more dominate. 
“Good girl.”
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lilithslittleworld · 3 months
How Bella’s (and Alice’s) graduation party actually went (or should’ve gone):
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hyper vigilant of Bella and probably wouldn’t leave her side.
The moments he is apart from Bella are spent in a corner trying to drown out the millions of thoughts from all of the horny teenagers around him.
Smiles only twice that night fr.
buzzing with excitement and happiness all night long.
Will not tolerate anyone getting wasted and makes sure everyone’s being safe at the same time.
Spends 90% of the time on the dance floor with Jasper or Emmett.
Though she hates being around so many humans (and werewolves) she’s secretly enjoying herself.
Takes over the dance floor at some point (everyone’s eyes are on her, duh)
Will probably leave early and drag Emmett with her.
Life of the party!!!
Loves watching the humans chug anything and work the keg (trying not to get caught by Alice)
Definitely disco dances and is ultimately dragged away early by Rosalie (against his will)
Kind of like an Edward 2.0 in this situation but much more drastic.
Holds his breath the whole time.
Uses his gift to ease up any tension between drunken couples or overstimulated guests.
Will dance with Alice like there is no tomorrow though
Carlisle and Esme:
Keep their distance because they trust their kids.
Carlisle is around in case someone fucks up and gets hurt
Esme drops by once or twice to bring out some more snacks
Also similar to Edward
Hates being dragged out to dance by Alice and Jacob
Would much rather be home reading with Edward
The Pack
Jacob Black:
Loves taking on any dare, especially if it’s against a Cullen
Tries to meet new people but ends up only paying attention Bella
Dances like it’s nobody’s business
Probably wouldn’t even step foot into the Cullen house
Is waiting in the woods in case someone gets too angry and has to intervene
Hates the idea of being so close to the Cullens and in their house
Would stop by to dance a bit with Jake and the others.
Probably gets dragged out by Sam at some point after getting into an argument with someone.
Like Paul and Sam, probably wouldn’t be there
If he does show, he’s going to spend the whole time with his buds
Will get wasted.
Drooling over all of the girls
Absolutely no shame in dancing even though he’s a lil clumsy
He and Embry will taunt Jacob all night and try to find girls to set each other up with.
Already wasted.
Doesn’t leave Quil’s side
Also crushing on every girl in the room
Dances much better than Quil and he knows it.
Will also get wasted.
Just so happy to be there
Chatting with absolutely everyone that bumps into him
Tearing up the floor, loves having the older kids cheer him on
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lightlycareless · 3 months
If your main story followed canon, how would your Naoya handle the situations that canon Naoya was put in? Do you think Naobito still put in that thing about Megumi in his will and do you think Maki would’ve ended up killing the Zen’ins(she’d most likely spare Y/N and her children and maybe Naoya if Y/N asked) or do you think it would’ve never gotten to that point at all? I love your story and I find it fun to think about how your Naoya would handle the situations of canon :3
Omg this is such a difficult question to answer because I feel like everything would still continue on as the manga! With a few exceptions, of course. Let's get to them 👀👀👀
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Naobito would still select Megumi over Naoya to be his successor (if the clause regarding Gojo becomes effective) however, your dear husband wouldn’t go batshit crazy over it.
Instead, he’ll get to see how messed up it really was for him to become leader at 15 years of age. So young, unprepared, and the fact that he hadn’t spent time with the Zen’in, meaning he didn’t know how everything went down, just made it worse! This is definitely a reflection of him becoming a father; he sees Megumi as either one of his babies and the dangers and stresses of becoming clan leader drives him crazy with worry! It’s a tough job, that’s for sure, one he never wishes either of them to endure.
THOUGH the one thing I struggle with deciding the most is whether the Zen’in massacre happens or not.
It’s interesting to see how Mai and Maki would grow up to be in an environment where you were around; The easiest route to take is to say that Naoya remained the same jerk we know from the manga, everything continues on as planned, and that’s it! But then, I don’t think you’d be able to stay around for that long! Certainly not to tolerate a man that disrespects you constantly.
Though I do like to play with the idea that you were there ‘till the end, as the quiet, submissive wife Naoya always wanted you to be. Your relationship with him wasn’t the best, but as long as you kept to yourself, served him, and so on… everything was fine. Kind of. Until a baby came along…
BUT WE’RE NOT HERE FOR THE REALISTIC part, we’re here for my version of Naoya 😏 and so, I’d like to say that maybe, just maybe, the murder of the Zen’in never happens (I still struggle to accept it happened in the first place! I 100% believe Mai cursed her. Like, Maki never hinted wanting that but anyways) because you would’ve done your best to set a better life for the twins, persuade Naoya to use his influence for their benefit. I doubt anyone would’ve cared much since they were “irrelevant” to the clan so yeah sure, why not!
The one that would’ve put up much resistance obviously would be Ogi and their mom, Junko. Going as far as reproaching you about it, but you did not budge. Not after all the horrible things they’ve gone through. You couldn’t back down.
But of course, as much as you tried to stop the clan from being crude to them, some would still persist, more so when Maki eventually decides to pursue a career as a sorcerer (You and Naoya would have discussions about this; he still believes that people with no cursed energy shouldn’t be sorcerers, even if there were ways to go around that. You insisted otherwise.) making things worse for Mai with her inevitable departure.
I have no idea how Maki got to enroll in the school and whatnot, mainly because the Zen’in would finally intervene at this point, saying something like “We allowed you to act the fool, use the heir to make their lives better. But we draw the line at sorcery—back off if you know what’s good for you.”
Thus, for the sake of this ask (and my curiosity) I’ll make it as if you were the one to call Gojo intending to ask a favor out of him. Informing him of what was going on with her (specifically how talented she was!! So, he better not mess this up!) and make sure he gives her all the support she needs; because you knew damn well the Zen’in were not people to underestimate and would go out of their way to ruin her life. But at least they respected (feared) the leader of the Gojo clan enough to not intervene… that much.
As for Mai, you end up recruiting her as part of your staff; a kind of hidden, diplomatic solution to protect her from being forcibly enrolled as a sorcerer as well. The Zen’in hated you for it, but what could they do? They sure liked abusing the system, but when it was the other way around, they hated it. Talk about hypocritical…
Naoya, even though he didn’t agree with much of what was happening between you and the twins (mainly because it made you a target of his family, again) would still 100% remain by your side. Any snarky comments from them he’d shut down immediately, with the threat of retaliation if they persisted.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much you could do to protect the twins—so maybe that massacre does happen in the end. I’m still debating whether you die or not, but it’s most likely that you do, solely because I believe Maki was cursed by her sister. Mai told her to destroy everything and she did.
YET I DON’T FEEL HAPPY WITH NOT GIVING YOU A CERTAIN ANSWER, MORE SO WHEN IT’S A PESSIMISTIC ONE, SO: No for the sake of a happy ending, you don’t die. Mai is eternally grateful for the things you’ve done for her and her sister (you managed to ease the tensions between the two, Maki apologizes for leaving and Mai understands why she left) so, she doesn’t hold any grudges, and thus, she doesn’t ask her sister to destroy everything 😊
Instead, when you and Naoya decide to live away from the estate for a while, you invite the twins over with their mother, if they wished. Junko heavily decides against it, but since you take your staff and Mai is part of your staff, she has to go. (This is nothing but a formality, you let Mai do whatever she wants. She doesn’t really work for you) and Maki goes whenever she has free time at school.
Megumi ends up becoming the clan leader because of Shibuya, but he ends up giving the role to Naoya by… insistence of Maki! She trust him to do a good job now (and because she knows you’ll keep him in check haha) and since it’s a reformed Naoya, you can bet he will do his best to restructure the Zen’in into a better clan. I mean, do we honestly think he’d like to see those things, especially when they happened to you (with the fear of them occurring to his own kids as well), and not do anything?
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So yeah! There you got it. TLDR: your interference in Naoya’s life essentially changed everything that happened in the clan, to the point where they didn’t get killed for it hahaha. NGL this totally sounds as Y/N was some kind of messiah with all the work she did, but hey, that’s the power of love 🫣🤣
Thank you so much for sending in this ask! This touched a subject I’ve been wanting to explore for a while now, I might get to it later on :> specifically the did Y/N die at the massacre? OR WHAT ABOUT CURSE NAOYA? (That’s another ask I got on my inbox hehehehehe I guess we’ll have to be patient 😏)
Now, take care, and hope to see you soon 💖
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milaisreading · 1 year
Of arguments and kiss-cams
Author: I am sorry that some requests are taking time, but I am struggling to find some good plot to them, but I will do my best to do them in the next few days, hope you can understand 🙇🏻‍♀️ for now I really hope you like the stories I did post and thank you so much for reading and for the nice messages 🩷 stay safe 🩷
Pairing: Michael Kaiser x manager!Reader
Warnings ⚠️: reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Noa was used to a lot of shenanigans Bastard München members would pull, especially the younger ones. From constant arguments with teammates to the opposing team, he saw it all. Lately the Bastards got new recruits from Blue Lock, who were surprisingly a little tamer, until a certain blonde opens his mouth. One of their newest additions was the new assistant manager, (Y/n), who kept Isagi, Kunigami, Hiori, Kurona and Yukimiya in check. And as much as Noa was grateful for her help, he had issues with her at times too. Mostly concerning any interaction she shares with their start player Kaiser.
"Did anyone tell you how annoying you are?" (Y/n) asked with a tight smile as the blonde asked her another random question. Kaiser, enjoying the annoyed look, smirked and moved closer to her.
"Only for you, Cutie~"
"Your nicknames are as corny as your face."
"You sure? Because I might need to get you some glasses to see properly."
"I am already suffering enough."
The team watched in amusement and annoyance as they  kept on arguing. Ness kept standing to the side as he watched the two bicker, since he said he doesn't mind it if (Y/n) disrespects Kaiser. Kunigami and Isagi got up from their spots and separated the two, growing worried that Neol might yell at everyone. Also the closeness was bothering them both.
'Stupid Kaiser and his big mouth.' Kunigami thought as Isagi and the said boy started arguing instead, which caused Ness to intervene.
"That's asshole..." (Y/n) muttered as Kunigami patted her back.
"Calm down, he isn't worth getting in trouble for. What did her even say?" Hiori asked as he approached them, Kurona was meanwhile busy pulling Isagi away. Blushing a bright pink, (Y/n) shook her head at the boy.
"Nothing... Just something stupid... the usual." (Y/n) answered as Noel finally inserted himself to separate them.
'The blonde is so annoying! Why does Ness like him so much?!' The girl thought as she looked at the blonde boy.
Later that day (Y/n) was waiting outside the stadium for her friends, to go back to their dorms together. She sighed, tired and hungry from all the running around and arguing with Kaiser. (Y/n) was growing more and more frustrated as each day passed, it seemed like the blonde was growing annoying for the hell of it.
'I just want to do my job-'
"If it isn't my cute manager!"
'God...' (Y/n) held back a groan as she felt the boy's arm around her shoulders.
"Why so cold? I think I was a little nicer today, wasn't I?" Kaiser snickered as (Y/n) tried to move his arm away, but his grip only tightened.
"What do you want now? Didn't you make my life a living hell enough, Kaiser?" The girl asked, causing the boy to mockingly think it over.
"Hmm... no! I think if anything I bless your day."
"We sure have different definitions of 'bless'... where is Ness?" (Y/n) suddenly asked, surprised that the magenta-eyed boy wasn't with him. Hiding a annoyed look, Kaiser pointed at one of the entrance doors.
"He is still changing. Why are you so concerned anyways? But enough about Ness, how about I take you out for some dinner."
"No thanks. Go ask a fangirl of yours." Finally pulling herself out of his grip, she saw Kunigami walk out. Kaiser watched as she looked through something in her bag and took out a scarf?
'That looks familiar.'
"My friends are here, can you please give this to Ness when he gets out?"
"Ness?" Kaiser wondered, feeling the familiar tingle of jealousy.
"Yeah, he gave me his scarf the other day and I finally remembered returning it."
"(Y/n)! Are you ready to go?!" Kurona yelled as the others stared intensely at Kaiser.
"Sure!" She yelled back, giving the clothing item to the blonde and running to her friends.
Kaiser looked at the girl and then down at the scarf, anger bubbling up inside of him as the image of (Y/n) wearing it hit him.
'What does Ness even have?! He has half of my talent, if that even, half of my fame, half of my looks... yet she is so fixated on him.' Kaiser gripped tightly on the item.
'I am not losing to that loser.'
"Is he out of his mind?!" (Y/n) yelled as she watched Kaiser argue with Rin over something. It was the day of the Bastard München and PXG match, so she can understand that the tension was high, but not to the point were they are close to beating each other up.
'He is like a child.' (Y/n) facepalmed as Kaiser was called to sit down and for Ness to switch with him. She watched the magenta-eyed boy run onto the field and Kaiser went to sit down on the bench. (Y/n) too his water bottle and a clean towel and walked over to him.
"Why did you even go off on Rin? He didn't even do anything."
Kaiser looked up at the girl and took the towel from her to wipe his sweat off.
"None of your business. Why are you even here? Wouldn't you loovee to watch your lover boy play instead?" Kaiser asked. The tone was a genuinely upset one, a tone (Y/n) was not really used to from him. Sighing, she turned to look at the field as it was still timeout and looked back at Kaiser.
"You are really acting like a child, Kaiser. This is an official game, you arguing with someone for no good reason is not a good look on you or on the team. Think of the others as well." (Y/n) glared, leaning a little forward.
"You care too much."
"Of course I do- you are impossible! Off and on field!"
While the two were having their argument, the announcer said it was time for the kiss-cam moment, alerting the audience. The players watched passively, waiting for it to be over.
Karasu made some jokes, which prompted Loki and Rin to give him a scolding.
"Can this be over- Not like that!!" Hiori yelled as he saw on who it landed.
"Oohh!! Looks like our star player Michael Kaiser and his manager (Y/L) (L/n) got lucky this time!!"
"What?" The duo looked up, freezing up when they saw the kiss-cam landed on them. (Y/n) looked around in embarrassment, praying her friends will save the day, but all the while Kaiser was over the moon. The blonde smirked and grabbed (Y/n)'s chin, turning her head to face him.
"So~ the sooner we are done the better, don't you think so?"
"Shut up! This has to be against the rule-"
"Can you two get it over with?! We want to play!"
"Shut up, Shidou! This is against the rules..." Rin yelled, growing at the crowd annoyed.
'Why are they cheering them on?!' Karasu thought and looked at his horrified friends from the opposite team.
"Do something." He mouthed at Kunigami and Yukimiya.
"Should we start a fight?" Isagi offered.
"Punch me!" Kurona added.
"You remember how I told you we will eventually kiss." Kaiser asked with a smirk. Rolling her eyes (Y/n) grabbed his collar.
"Let's just get this over with."
The crowd's cheers grew even louder after they kissed, leaving certain boys horrified and pissed.
'Ah... so she does like Kaiser then?' Ness thought with his usual smile, trying to ignore the ache from his heart.
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effloradox · 1 year
I’m slightly obsessed with this vampire cowboy if you couldn’t tell 😅
Being the baby in a family of vampires is a difficult position to hold. You're not a baby by any means, you're in your thirties by now, but compared to the patriarch of your new family who is over three hundred years older than you, the other vampires dwarf your time on this planet. You know that this life is a blessing, that without it you'd be long dead by now, but it still stings having your age used against you in practically every family discussion.
Carlisle has more sympathy for your age difference but Edward is the worst for it. He's only seventy years older than you and yet you'd think he was seven hundred years older from the way he acts. You can't help the fact that people born in the same year as you are still alive and well, it's not like you can make time pass quicker and yet your adoptive brother seems to take great delight in pulling rank over you in any discussions about the future of the coven. Knowing he can read your thoughts of frustration does nothing to help the situation either.
Jasper knows it bothers you. He was still fairly new to the coven when you were turned, so whilst he's older than Edward he doesn't have the same position in the coven. It doesn't bother him as much since he outlives Edward, but he understand your frustrations. One of the perks of his abilities is knowing when you're reaching the end of your patience so he can quickly intervene with the suggestion of getting out of the house if only for a while so you can calm down.
It's almost a tradition at this point that not long after a move, the two of you will seek out some private spot far from the new house, far from the new town, that will become your spot for the duration of your time in whatever new place the coven has moved to.
As far as your limited experience goes, Forks seems to be a fairly nice town. Nothing like the small English town you lived in when you were human, but it's nice. It rains almost constantly, which is a nice feeling of being back home, and the people seem more than friendly enough. Carlisle had mentioned you having your tour of the high school in the upcoming days once enough time had passed for the family to have 'settled in'. The only thing you'd actually done upon arriving in town was choosing a bedroom for you and Jasper and immediate heading out to find your new spot.
Carlisle had warned you about not breaking the treaty he had formed with the Quileutes but aside from that, you and Jasper had been given free reign. It still hurt when the last thing you'd heard before you left the house was yet another snide remark from Edward about needing to baby proof the house before the two of you returned. You'd stopped running after maybe twenty minutes, and this was definitely not going to be your spot, but Jasper got the impression you needed time to process the past rather than look to the future.
"Do you think he'll always treat me like that?" You question makes Jasper pause for a moment as he considers his response. He lets his eyes drift over the small clearing the two of you are sat in before his gaze falls back to you.
"I hope not darlin'." His words do nothing to stop the ache in your chest and he knows it. He can tell from the defeated look on your face and the way your emotions flicker across your face. He doesn't need to be an empath to know how much this tirade is starting to bother you.
"Alice said that he'd stop with time, but I don't think I can spend another thirty years listening to him be so condescending about me." The mention of your precognitive sibling makes Jasper pause. For her to have a vision of something so specific would be unusual from what he's discerned over the years.
"Did Alice see something about him stopping?" You shrug lightly, pulling your knees close to your chest.
"Not necessarily. She said she saw something big happening whilst we're here that will make him stop but that could be years away." Jasper lets out a quiet noise of consideration at your words. Alice had been having more frequent visions since you'd all moved, maybe something big was on the horizon. Last time she'd had this many was just before you'd come into their lives.
"I can ask Carlisle to speak to him if you want." You take a moment to consider his offer before shaking your head lightly.
"I think that would just make him do it more out of spite. Thank you though." You outstretch a hand to him that he's more than willing to take. Even after over a decade of being together, it never fails to fill him with joy how perfectly your hand fits in his. Like you were made for him, or he was made for you. Maybe both. It certainly feels that way when you look at him with a smile that could rival the moon for how beautiful it is.
"You want to head somewhere new?" You nod at him and allow him to help you to your feet. Even now you're both standing your hands are still entwined and he smiles as he feels you squeeze his hand gently.
"Lead the way cowboy."
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sam-keeper · 4 months
Susan Twist: Word Lord?
Many* people** are wondering about the theory held by certain Doctor Who fans*** online that the actress Susan Twist in the new season of the long running franchise is playing what's known as a "Word Lord".
Now, granted, many more are wondering whether she might, in fact, be Susan, the Doctor's granddaughter. That, my friends, is exactly the kind of question a Word Lord would want you to be asking.
Lemme break this theory down for you.
Throughout this whole new season of Doctor Who, the protagonists have been haunted by the recurrence, in different roles, of a stage and character actor who happens to have the delightful name Susan Twist. Like, not in the show, in real life. According to Russel T Davies, she was the only actor they could get due to an "actor shortage", which seems like a pretty terrible and even implausible dilemma, but luckily Davies has made lemonade out of this very real production constraint! Twist popped up in every episode this season, in some form or other. That's versatile writing! No wonder they brought Rusty back as showrunner.
But perhaps there's more to the story than just the unfortunate realities of filming in a country ruled by a failed regime...
The Doctor and his companion Ruby started noticing Twist's recurring roles over the past few episodes, though the plot of each episode intervened before they could put anything definitive together. It's one of a number of nods to the metatextual content of the show--literal winks to the audience, another character (Mrs Flood) directly addressing the viewers, a whole musical number about how there's "always a twist at the end"--that suggested maybe some authorial tomfoolery was afoot, that maybe something a little tricky or tongue in cheek was happening.
But what could the explanation be? Could Susan Twist really be playing THE Susan, a relative of the Doctor's that hasn't been seen in the franchise since the 60s? That seems a little silly, surely! Or could she be playing another character, like... the Rani? or the Monk? Both of them got namedropped alongside Susan at one point. Or maybe she's the portended head of Maestro and the Toymaker's extracosmic family. I guess there's a theory this is Sutekh, the evil alien god from Pyramids of Mars? Sure, seems fun.
But no. Fuck all that noise. I know what's really going on here and it just coincidentally involves a character that I'm feral about, and that no one else has even heard of, a guy called, somewhat fittingly, Nobody No-one.
No-one shows up in just one and a quarter stories by Steven Hall for Big Finish's series of audio dramas, first as a minor opponent (in 45) and then as a much more motivated and fearsome one (in A Death in the Family). In the latter story, he manages to--no points if you worked this out from the title--kill the Seventh Doctor. How did a character with such a low profile manage such a feat? Well, Nobody No-one has powers comparable to a Time Lord: he is a Word Lord.
Word Lords are one of the most delightfully bonkers concepts to come out of the early exciting and experimental period in Big Finish's line of audio dramas. Hailing from another universe, they're the equivalent of Time Lords for a reality where narrative rather than chronology drives all existence. It's like if the Anchoring of the Thread established not linear time but, I guess, TV Tropes instead. Nobody No-one regenerates like the Doctor, and has his own equivalent to the TARDIS: the CORDIS, or Conveyance Of Repeating Dialogue In Space-time, which is a memetic construct transporting the Word Lord through repeated phrases, jokes, coincidental number recurrences, and so on. The CORDIS is heralded by the number 45 popping up, and you'd better believe I sat up and noticed how many times that number recurred in the code pattern in Dot and Bubble! In Death in the Family there's a whole military organization the Doctor's mucking around with--No, not UNIT. No, not Torchwood. A different thing, one run by a human supremacist vampire hold on we're getting off topic--and Nobody casually reveals at one point that his CORDIS was bouncing around inside their "For King And Country" mantra for years.
Nobody No-one's real fun as a villain comes from his special Bullshit Powers. He's a Word Lord, so he's basically a memetic being, right? He IS language in some sense. Like, apparently his CORDIS crashed into the alphabet after his first encounter with the Doctor, annihilating the 27th letter of the alphabet and causing the English Great Vowel Shift. This story does a ton with the concept of "what if a guy was words".
But what makes him so dangerous is a quirk of his own identity. To grasp what a Word Lord can do, you have to think linguistically, dialogically. Imagine someone haplessly says: "but, nobody could have gotten into that locked room to kill the ambassador!" What would that allow a Word Lord to do? And imagine further:
"No-one tells the sun whether or not to shine." "Nobody could survive that!" "Nobody could just kill the Doctor!"
One slip of the tongue, that's all it takes for Nobody No-one to gleefully command godlike power.
That's Nobody, though. I don't think Susan Twist is just Nobody. I mean, No-one could seriously ask you to believe that this character who appeared in an (unfairly, given its quality) obscure audio adventure, written by an author who only ever wrote those two stories for Doctor Who, with a bunch of wild over the top and no doubt difficult to write around powers, is going to suddenly come back as a major character in the third tv revival of this 60 year old franchise. Like, Nobody would expect Davies to start referencing, I don't know, the Shalka Doctor either, surely. And I wouldn't ask you to make that kind of totally absurd leap, not even if I happened to be writing some sort of tongue in cheek article.
No, what I'm--I mean, what the fans are suggesting is that this concept of a Time Lord but for stories, who comes from a Borgesian narrative dimension, appearing in one and one quarter obscure audio dramas by an author who never wrote anything else for Doctor Who... what the theory proposes is that there's a SECOND one of those guys.
Just think about it, think about it like a Word Lord. What has the fandom asked itself about this season? Surely, one of the foremost questions is simply: what about Susan, the Doctor's granddaughter? She's been name dropped a few times, the Doctor doesn't say she's definitively dead... could there be some reveal here that Susan is alive? There's got to be, right? That's what they're leading up to!
There's just got to be a Susan Twist.
That, my friends, is exactly how she snuck into this reality.
Now, maybe the "Susan Triad" slated to appear next episode isn't this Word Lord proper but a kind of, I don't know, fictionsuit or vessel or entry point. I'm also not sure what a "Susan Twist" would even want, what the grand scheme would be. Unlike Nobody No-one, there's not a lot of word games you can play with "Susan Twist" beyond the obvious. But, maybe that's part of the point. Nobody No-one was a megalomaniac, a guy who really did just want to watch the world burn. The Doctor's companion Hex accuses him of being "proper mad", and he responds, "Mad? I'm FUUURIOUS!" followed by an explosion from the grenade he had tossed into the duck pond. Nobody is a brash, arrogant, chaotic, and... probably not that bright guy, who has the advantage of his CORDIS's many tricks and his incredibly versatile name. Perhaps this new Word Lord wants something other than chaos and destruction. Maybe she simply wants what we've already seen her achieve in the show: universal ubiquity. There's always a Twist at the end.
Actually, this would weirdly parallel another beat from Death in the Family. In order to trap Nobody, the Doctor weaponizes his own narrative against the Word Lord, tapping into the universal internet and googling himself in order to build a whole proxy universe based on his own life. From another perspective, he basically uses the entire narrative of Doctor Who--all the episodes, all the Big Finish audios, all the Doctor Who Monthly comics, all the Virgin New Adventures--as an ideatic missile. This is such a cool concept I'd feel guilty about giving it away, only it happens about a fifth of the way through Death in the Family. Seriously, this audio GOES places. Anyway, the suggestion is that the Doctor is so entangled with the history of the universe, so threaded throughout all these other narratives, that his history effectively is a world unto itself that a being of narrative like Nobody might get completely lost in.
That's a kind of narrative ubiquity if there ever was one. If I was a Word Lord I'd be sorely tempted by that. Nobody is: he appears a perverse counterpart to the Doctor (and personally I think David Tennant would do a GREAT job playing him if he ever appeared in the show). I can't help but notice, incidentally, that we just got an episode where the shapeshifting Chuldur quickly became obsessed with cosplaying as the Doctor, and Wild Blue Yonder also introduced a couple of not-things trying to copy him. Could this Word Lord be seeking to build a narrative as strong and inescapable as the Doctor's?
It would be an interesting way of incorporating some of these meta elements without slipping too far into a kind of self-referential morass. It feels like Davies has been dancing right up on that line this entire season in a way that's exhilarating, but that also has been a bit nerve wracking for me. The more metatextual storytelling has exited the realm of weird independent art and entered the mainstream, the more cloying it's started to feel. Like, when you engage the audience, entreat them directly to care about the characters or write tearful paeans to the necessity of the Hero as a Symbol, the more it can start to feel like a bit of a desperate exercise in brand management. Clap if you DO believe in fairies, and all that. Doctor Who certainly has some history of guilt here--sorry, Steven Moffat, but sometimes it does get to be a bit much. And it does risk standing the purpose of literature on its head, where ironically through characters lauding the virtues of storytelling within society, the virtue of having participated in a transaction consuming art becomes the foundation of fandom, and the actual literary content is assumed, but treated as an afterthought.
Davies has thus far instead treated the meta content in two ways: as a unique physics to be solved, and as a way of exploring a particular bit of social commentary (sometimes more than one at once). Goblins use a "language of luck" and a physics of rope and knots, the Toymaker brings the world into a State of Play, and Maestro introduces a State of Musicals. To challenge these beings, the Doctor must understand their particular ontology and exploit it. As soon as the Bogeyman in Space Babies faces real peril, all the children who were afraid of it rally to its defense, which doubles as both a commentary on the "Teatime Terror for Tots" charge thrown at children's media like Doctor Who--children LIKE scary stories and creepy, gross monsters!--and reinforces Davies's acidic anger at social and political abandonment of people who are inconvenient to the bottom line. Rogue plays gleefully with fanfiction tropes, and its positioning of the Chuldur as "cosplayers" would riiight up to the edge of being a little too navel gazing about toxic fans... if not for the fact that the Doctor and Ruby are also explicitly cosplaying as Bridgerton characters, and the episode is still giving fans exactly what they want in the form of a whirlwind gay Doctor/Rogue romance. This season is concerned with these sorts of metatextual games, without being subsumed by them and becoming entirely about self-referential brand building.
A Death in the Family is also, notably, only partly about Nobody No-one and his machinations and the counter-machinations required to stop him, set into motion by the Seventh Doctor and carried out beyond his death by companions Ace and Hex. Like I said, a lot of the seismic action of the story is over within the first 25 minutes. The Word Lord is really just used as a jumping off point to talk about a bunch of other stuff: truth, lies, choices made for ourselves or made for us by others... we see multiple information-worlds built in the story, some of them more subtle than others. At one point Ace tearfully proclaims that traveling on the TARDIS with the Doctor "is the only life I've ever wanted!" The Seventh Doctor retorts, with some audible guilt and distress, "No, it's the only life you've ever HAD!" In a very real sense, the Doctor has created the notional worlds that Ace and Hex inhabit, defining the contours of Ace's life since she was a teenager, and deliberately staying silent about Hex's traumatic family history, deciding for both of them "what's best". Nobody No-one in that sense is a pretext, in the best tradition of Doctor Who, to dig into questions about power.
The metafictional is risky, but it's a narrative tool like any other, and it fits with a long history of Doctor Who as a franchise reflecting on itself and its place in culture, with everything from the Mind Robber's suggestion that the Doctor himself might be an escapee from fiction, to Vengeance on Varos and Trial of a Time Lord's dramatization of Doctor Who's conservative culture war critics, to the Last Great Time War as metaphor for the show's cancellation. In a sense, behaving as though cosplay or fandom or whatever don't exist and couldn't possibly be the idiom through which characters--even weird alien characters--interpret their reality and act upon it might equally alienate the show from being about any wider culture beyond itself, endlessly, the same dalek and cybermen and Master stories recycling forever. My hope is just that as Davies barrels into the finale at full speed, it's this sense of a meaning for Doctor Who beyond its own lore driving him. The anger we've seen from him about social issues, the commitment to changing the show where it needs to grow, and the willingness to take big swings at continuity all give me some reason to feel confident.
Confident, of course, that he has seen the wisdom and logic of building his arc around Susan Twist being a Word Lord. What? That's what this article is about, remember? That didn't stop being a thing. Anyway, I'm excited for friday, when all of us pulling for this theory will be proven indisputably right, and you will all, in deference, subscribe to my Patreon.
* alleged ** hypothetical *** me, specifically
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