#she would say smth like 'back when i was summoned'
max-uhhhh-talks · 1 year
Starlight doesn't understand technology, doesn't know how it works. She's been around about 50 years (on the Surface at least) so she's really as lost on that front as Primo and Nihil would be. Not that she'd be able to read anything a cell phone or the internet has to offer her anyway lmao
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cloudcountry · 2 months
but like hi key
imagine us being the one to make us realize fem riddle would like to kiss ‼️WOMEN‼️ it would give her “mother” a HEART ATTACK
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SUMMARY: after a study session with riddle, she learns more about herself than she does about alchemy.
WARNINGS: riddle is experiencing some internalized homophobia.
COMMENTS: hehe (genderbends your great seven)
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“Excuse me, Riddle? Do you know how to solve this problem?” you ask softly, mindful of the library around you as you scoot closer to her.
Riddle looks over at your paper, her red hair falling into her face from behind her ear. You tuck it behind her ear again like it’s second nature, and she tries to ignore how her cheeks flame red.
It’s all very platonic of her really.
After all, her mother would have a fit if she knew her daughter was having these kinds of thoughts about other girls.
It wasn’t proper. Riddle was supposed to marry a nice man, maybe a doctor or maybe a lawyer, become a doctor herself, and live out the rest of her days raising her future children and working. It sounded great.. It sounded lovely.
If she was being honest, it sounded miserable.
“Yes, of course.” Riddle clears her throat, talking you through the problem step by step.
She tries to ignore how you stare at her, expression shifting from focused to loving, your eyes taking her in as she talks. The paper starts to blur in her vision and her eyes flicker to you. Riddle doesn’t even notice when she starts to trail off, swallowing thickly when she sees your eyes dart down to her mouth. Your tongue darts out to wet your lips, and a warm shock of something shoots down Riddle’s spine.
“Do you get it now?” she squeaks, heart thrumming in her chest.
“Oh!” you snap out of whatever trance you’d placed yourself in, eyes darting away from her and back to your work, “Yes, I think so?”
Riddle can tell you’re lying. She bites her lower lip, peeling the skin off of it as she observes you. Why does she feel this way? It’s so foreign, it’s so...
It’s how she should feel about boys, right?
She whispers your name, soft and tentative. You look over and lean in closer to hear her, ever the attentive friend.
“Do you...” Riddle parts her lips, summoning all of her courage and opening her mouth wider when she speaks.
Do not mumble. That is unbefitting of the King of Hearts.
“What do you think...about girls?” she asks, fumbling at the last second and oh, how she wishes the ground would swallow her whole.
Why is she so embarrassed? She’s never acted this way around boys.
“I love girls.”  you say comfortably, as if it isn’t something to be ashamed of, as if it’s normal, as if it’s just part of who you are and you wouldn’t change a thing.
You look right at her when you say it, and the soft smile on your face is unmistakable.
You do not mean just platonically.
She wants to kiss you.
“Okay.” she says shortly, turning away like nothing ever happened—but her cherry red cheeks prove otherwise.
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TAGLISTS -> riddle's roses . . . @cookiesandbiscuits @vivigoesinsane @identity-theft-101 @dove-da-birb
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st-danger · 8 months
hi st im new here but ur writing is amazing and hurts my dick alot and i was wondring if u coulld write smth with free use if ur comfy 🤭🤭🤭 ty ur amazing
Mind the content, perverts.
Swiss is just starting to nod off, drifting into sleep in his dark, pleasantly cool room under a thick comforter when he hears his doorknob turn and click. Creak of the hinge that follows has him cracking open a single gold eye to see the silhouette of a ghoul who's body language looks sheepish, even in outline.
"Hey," Aeon says, telling on himself instantly with the breathy quality of his voice. He steps in and shuts the door behind him, and Swiss gropes for the light on his nightstand. He blinks against the sudden flood of light while his pupils constrict and the full picture comes into view: Aeon's wearing a thin cotton shirt, socks, and flannel pants- tented. Obviously hard. Pink cresting his cheekbones, unruly hair looking even more unkempt for how he must have been running restless hands through it. For something so vulgar, he looks so innocent. Swiss yawns and nods, sleepy.
"Yeah," he murmurs, rubbing the back of his hand against his eyes. "Go on."
Aeon almost trips over himself, stumbling into his bed.
"Thanks," he says, and Swiss can't help the small smile; how is he supposed to find that anything other than endearingly awkward? The idea of feeling anything but fondness towards the newest summon and his neediness seems insane, though he will admit to a grumble of protest while Aeon jostles the bed climbing in, pushing the blankets away from him and he's exposed to the cooler ambient air. He doesn't bother to move- stays on his side, an arm tucked under the pillow, face half-smushed against it. Doesn't even try to pull his boxers down. If Aeon wants it, well, they've agreed that's his job.
"Need it again, huh?" Swiss says, eyes drifting closed once more. He's just so sleepy. He'll fuck him tomorrow, of course, but for now Aeon is welcome to do as he pleases and Swiss will put forth no effort. Honestly, depending on how furiously Aeon's going to rut against him, he might even end up falling asleep anyway. He hears the rustle of flannel, and then feels trembling hands begin to work the waistband of his boxers down, pulling them lower until they're bunched against his thighs, exposing the cleft of his ass. He does shift to help with this part. He's a gentleman, after all. Ask anybody.
"Uh huh." Aeon's voice is as unsteady as his hands, and it takes Swiss's deep well of maturity to only chuckle a little at the tone. At how horny and out of control and worked up the little critter is. Not from anything, just the weird thrill of a new body and new sensations. Can't help himself right now. Can't stop himself from getting stiffies. Can't keep from getting all excited all the time. He's like a naughty little puppy at the moment, and nobody, Swiss included, would ever dream of dampening his enthusiasm. The press of a warm body against his back, the feeling of him hard and blood-hot against his ass is delightful even through his tiredness. "Just- hard again," Aeon breathes into the nape of his neck. "Gotta cum," he says, quieter. Bashful.
He's not sure exactly what he expected right now. Aeon's done everything from jerk off onto him, to rub off on his boot. Fuck his thighs, maybe- that's what Swiss would have guessed for right now, but Aeon seems to know Swiss wouldn't be getting up to grab any lube for that, and there's no way Aeon has the modicum of self control needed in order to tear himself away long enough to snatch it from the bathroom counter himself. It would seem, however, that Aeon's so desperate he's just going to...hump him. Like he'd done to Cumulus the day before while she read, straddling her chest so he could press his straining, red cock against her still clothed tits and rock back and forth until he finished on her just like that. She's a real sweetheart, Swiss thinks. Let him collapse on top of her after. Stroked his hair and asked if he felt better while she finished the chapter.
Swiss can't help but yawn again as Aeon's hands settle on his shoulders and he begins to thrust against him stupidly. Oh, he'll be trouble for them all when he hits his first heat, and the collective agreement is that nobody is about to tell him what that is just yet. It'll either be the same or it'll be worse (and better), but a team effort undoubtedly. Aeon's movements shift him, rocking him back and forth.
"Needed it so bad," Aeon huffs, right in his ear. "Woke up hard." It sends a pleasant shiver down Swiss's spine, but that's as much as he can give right now. Tomorrow, for sure. Not now. The slide of his cock against him is delicious, though, no denying it. "Hard for you."
"I can tell," Swiss says, nestling into his pillow further, eyes drifting shut. "Really hard, aren't you?"
"So hard," Aeon almost wheezes, curling in closer to him, hands holding ever tighter while things turn ever more frantic. "Can't help it." He lets out a nervous wisp of a laugh. "I really- can't." Aeon draws his leg up, rests his leg on top of Swiss's so he can really get some leverage now. "So hot, Swiss, you're so hot. Oh- I don't think I'm gonna last," Aeon moans.
"Take your time," Swiss says around another yawn. "Clean me up when you're done."
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stxrrynxghts · 2 months
So, I was re-reading MB, and I just noticed smth that I had never paid much attention to.
Before I get started, I just want to see that this entire post is based off what I have read in BORI CE Mahabharata, KMG Mahabharata and Gita Press Mahabharata. I am not insulting anyone while I write this. Am open to civil discussion on this topic.
Now, coming back to it. So, I was reading the Adi Parva, and I reached this part where Bhishma abducts Amba,Ambika and Ambalika. The treatment of Ambika and Ambalika is something I will be talking about here.
So, Bhishma says something along the lines of "learned people consider abducting a woman after defeating other kings very righteous". Then he abducts them.
Now, later on, Ambika and Ambalika agree to marry Vichitraveerya, and they spend seven years, until he dies of consumption.
NOW, comes the part which I ....dislike. First Satyavati attempts to convince Bhishma to...well, "beget sons" on her daughters-in-law, which he refuses. Then, he says that a learned brahmin can do the same, and that it is all right. Their counselors suggest the same to them. So, Ved Vyasa is summoned.
Ambika is convinced by Satyavati, and she agrees to do the deed. Satyavati only informs that Ambika's bro-in-law will come to her chamber. She doesn't even know that it is Vyasa. She is very scared, and he still sleeps with her, and since she closed her eyes, she gives birth to a...blind son. Somewhat of a similar condition is repeated with Ambalika, while Ambika's maid is blessed with a wise son, since she "served" Vyasa properly.
Is it just me who thinks this is messed up?!
Like those women were scared af?! That act....it can't be considered moral! For one, Ambika didn't know who exactly she would be sleeping with her. She felt it would be Bhishma, or some other distant Kuru relative.
I know that Vyasa is a learned sage, and that he did put forth this condition, that in order to have a perfect son, the girls shouldn't be scared of him.
But do you blame them for being scared? And continuing this act, even when they are scared, it doesn't sound right to me. This does not sound like consensual s*x at all.
I don't mean to insult Ved Vyasa or anyone, but this is just an event which disgusted me so much. Did any of you feel in a similar manner? Is there any other way in which you interpret this...incident to be?
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notiddygxthgf · 29 days
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1. Arrival in Tokyo
★ pairings: aki hayakawa x fem reader
★ ❝ Captain? Should I be calling you sir? ❞ ❝ Only if you want to. ❞
★ c.w.: aki being sexy a f (more content warnings and tags)
★ a/n: CHAPTER ONE IS UP AND RUNNINGGGGGG!! im so excited bc ive been sitting on this fanfic all fking summer like when i tell u i havent been able to focus on anything else. i have not known peace. ANYWAY im trying smth new w this story bc it was supposed to be a oneshot but uh... now its at 150 pages on google docs so erm... anyway! updates should flow quixker now that i have 90% of it written!! comment and let me know all of ur thoughts everywhere omg i love reading ur remarks bc u guys r so funny on my other ffs. ENJOY POOKIES! i love yall!!
★ w.c.; 4.3k
shameless ; chapter index
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"SO YOU'RE LEAVING ME because the Tokyo division needs backup?" 
"I'm not leaving you," You sighed, though a playful lilt and a smirk followed your sarcastic remark. You and your husband were discussing work-related matters over a sushi dinner – your favorite. Perks of being married to your work partner. "I'm being summoned. I won't be long. Promise."
Your husband frowned, brows knitting together. His brown hair was tied back into a bun, baby hairs licking at his forehead, his cheeks. Tanimoto Yoshiro was a man of many virtues, but patience was not one of them. With a sigh, he began to toy with his salmon roll, prodding it with the end of his wooden chopsticks. "One whole week without that sexy ass of yours... What will I do?"
Your left eye twitched – slightly, hardly noticeable by the naked eye. You, for one, wouldn't miss the sex. It was, for lack of a better word... unfulfilling. It would get better over the years, you were sure of it. The two of you had only had the last few years to practice, after all. You wanted to wait until marriage (With him. You were no virgin by any stretch of the word.).
It was unfair of you to take your sexual frustrations out on him. It had been a tiring week for the both of you, is all. You barely had time for sit down meals like this anymore – whatever hanky-panky the two of you ever did indulge in these days was rushed, messy, and often... short lived.
Anyway, needless to say... You would be fine. It was you and your rabbit toy against the world, anyway.
"You'll be fine," You smiled. You loved him. He loved you. He was a great husband, and he took care of you. You had no reason to complain. "I'll be back before you know it." .
The Japanese countryside was a blur, rushing past the window of your train like pictures, like a movie. You hadn't noticed the train slow to a stop, in fact, until you heard the doors open. Popping your head up over the seat, you observed the train station. Which stop is this? People began filtering in from both sides, eager to find a seat before the train took off.
A shrill cry of your name roused you from your thoughts. 
You whipped your head around. A familiar-looking woman with black hair and an eyepatch was waving you down across the aisle. She was wearing a Public Safety suit and slacks. Himeno.
A smile crawled over your lips before you knew it. "Himeno?" You asked, a teasing lilt in your tone. "Is that you?"
Without asking if anyone else was sitting there, she took a seat in the one across from you. She leaned forward, perching her chin up on her hand. "Never thought I'd see you again. How the hell are 'ya?"
You and Himeno went way back. She had been in the same division as you back when the two of you were teens. She was the first person in Public Safety who had ever actually welcomed you to the division and the last person to say goodbye to you. You parted ways before ever being able to exchange information but, for what it was worth, she had made those gruesome, tedious missions more bearable. 
"I've been good!" You grinned. "I've been in the Kyoto sector with my partner. I truly did plan on coming back, but one thing led to another, and now..." You trailed off, waving your hands around like you were trying to find the right words. "Well, I'm married to him."
The train creaked and groaned before it began to move again. 
"So I've heard," Himeno licked her lips. She sat back in her chair, producing a carton of cigarettes – the kind she always used to smoke when the two of you were on missions together. "You mind if I smoke?"
No, but the conductor might. "Of course not," You answered. "How about you? How have you been?"
She sighed. "Been better, honestly. Devil activity's been crazy recently," Fishing a lighter out of her suit pocket, she sparked up. The end of her cigarette sizzled and smoked between her slim fingers. Holding it up to her lips, she muttered, "Just doing what I can to stay alive. What brings you back to the city?"
"My presence has been requested by the higher-ups," You shrugged. The scent of nicotine and smoke filled the cabin. It was gross but, frankly, familiar. "My husband wasn't too happy that he didn't get invited, so this better be worth it."
"I see," Himeno hummed, breathing out a puff of smoke to the side. She kept on looking out of the window after that, at the train station that was now far behind the train. "You're leaving your partner and I'm returning to mine."
"You're married?" You asked.
"God, no," She chuckled softly, pulling another hit from her cancer stick. "Wouldn't mind being with my assigned partner, though. He's a fine piece of ass."
It seemed like you couldn't help the way you burst into laughter at her crude remark. She hasn't changed one bit. "Is he cute?"
"Cute?" She repeated the word like it was a foreign object in her mouth. Her voice was muffled by the cloud of smoke that flowed out from between her lips. "He's drop-dead gorgeous," She took another slow, calculated hit. "Enough about me, though, how's the married life going for you?"
Could be better. You feigned a warm smile at the mention of your husband. "Good. Yeah, it's good."
Good was a bit of an overstatement. .
You and Himeno spent the rest of the train ride catching up. There was talk about marriage, sex, old coworkers, and new ones. It felt kind of good to be back – to be able to talk to someone who shared the same history as you. You would almost say that you missed it.
By the time the announced its next stop at the Tokyo station, you hadn't even realized how quickly the trip had gone by. You could thank your talkative companion for that. As the train finally eased to a stop, you turned to Himeno with a smile. 
"I need to grab my bags," you said, rising from your seat and straightening your clothes.
Himeno nodded, her smile warm but tinged with a hint of sadness. "Okay. Take care of yourself!"
Navigating the narrow aisle, you headed toward the luggage compartment. As you reached up to grab your suitcase, you collided with someone. Startled, you looked up to find yourself face-to-face with a man who immediately captured your attention. He was tall, easily over six feet, with broad shoulders and a powerful build that spoke of both strength and discipline. His dark hair was tied back in a neat topknot, accentuating his sharp, angular features. But it was his eyes that held you—their piercing blue depths seemed to look straight through you, filled with a seriousness that made you catch your breath.
"Sorry—" he began, his voice a deep, resonant baritone that vibrated through the narrow space.
For a moment, the world seemed to narrow down to just the two of you. The closeness of his body, the scent of his cologne—clean and subtly spiced, lingering just faintly on the collar of his suit jacket—the intense focus of his gaze; all of it created a bubble of tension that neither of you could ignore. You could see the flicker of surprise in his eyes, a momentary lapse in his serious demeanor, as if he too had been caught off guard.
Both of you paused. His gaze flickered down to your uniform for just a heartbeat before he quickly looked away, regaining his composure. Without another word, you continued in opposite directions, the silent exchange leaving you... well, a little breathless to say the least.
Stop it. You're a married woman. Surely, you would know how to control your impulses after being away from your husband for only a day.
Reaching up, you pulled your suitcase from the overhead compartment, the weight of it a familiar comfort. Setting it down on the ground with a soft thud, you turned back to your seat, only to find the handsome man still standing there, now engaged in conversation with Himeno. He was so tall that he had to actually lean over a little bit to fit into the cabin.
Fuck me. You thought. Wait, no, don't fuck me.
"Is this your partner, Himeno?" you asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
"Yes, I found him!" Himeno responded with a wide grin. "Captain Hayakawa, this is an old friend of mine," she said, going on to introduce you by name.
"Hello," he greeted, extending his hand. The deep, velvety timbre of his voice sent a shiver down your spine.
"Captain? Should I be calling you 'sir'?" you teased lightly, shaking his hand – and his grip was firm and warm.
"Only if you want to," he replied, "Hayakawa is fine."
Only if you want to.
Get your fucking head out of the gutter.
Your heart skipped a beat as you found yourself momentarily lost in his gaze. His eyes were a captivating shade of blue, intense and unwavering. The handshake lingered a moment too long. You could feel the strength and warmth of his hand – it was far larger than yours, and had calluses at the tip of the palm.
Despite his serious demeanor, there was a flicker of something in his eyes, a hint of interest that he seemed determined to keep under control. Reluctantly, you pulled your hand away, feeling the lingering warmth of his touch. 
His gaze remained locked on yours for a moment longer, a silent acknowledgment of whatever the fuck had just happened.
Himeno cleared her throat, breaking the spell. "Well, let me give you a big hug, dearest."
You embraced her fondly, the familiarity of her touch grounding you. 
"Here, give me your number," Himeno said as she pulled back. She flipped her phone open. "Let's keep in touch."
With a smile, you told her your phone number. 
She snapped her phone shut after she had finished typing it in. "Okay! Hopefully, I'll get to see you around."
"Yes, of course! We'll be in touch," You agreed. You bowed your head to her, then to her partner. "Hayakawa."
He nodded back. You dismissed yourself after that, turning on your heel and practically scrambling to get out of that tiny train cabin. Still, you couldn't help but glance back at Captain Hayakawa. His eyes met yours again for a brief, fleeting moment before you turned away, heart racing with something you hadn't felt in a long time.
You didn't want to stick around and find out what it was. The weight of your wedding ring around your finger was a reminder of that much. .
You hadn't been in Public Safety's Tokyo headquarters in years. It was bigger than you remembered it being. The worst part? All the halls looked the exact same. It took you about thirty minutes to find the office in which you were currently standing.
A woman who you'd been dreading seeing the whole way over there was perched on a leather seat in front of you, arms folded over the desk, pink hair braided the same way it always had been, feline eyes flitting over your body. It made you feel small – like prey trapped in a predator's den.
"How was your trip over here?" Makima asked. Her voice was smooth, uniform – calculated, just like everything else she did. 
"It was pleasant," You answered. "I came as soon as I could."
"We appreciate that," Makima said, a hint of something sinister in her smile.
She stepped out from behind her desk, pacing slowly around the room. "I called you here because we've recently suffered a great deal of casualties," she explained, her tone measured and controlled. "I'm worried we won't have the manpower to deal with all the sudden appearances of gun-devil pieces."
"I understand. Am I being formally stationed?" you replied, trying to maintain your composure.
"Not that I know of, no," she responded, her eyes narrowing slightly. "For now, we need backup on a particular mission involving a school in the area. There have been reports of peculiar activity there, and I want to send one of my teams to investigate. I haven't decided whether you'll be in the field or here tying up some loose ends—we recently lost one of our best workers, and we're very far behind as a result. I'll have a certain answer for you within the next few days."
"A few... days?"
"Yes, is that a problem?"
"No, not at all, no. I just—" you sighed, feeling the weight of uncertainty. "Yeah, okay, that sounds good."
"You've also been booked a hotel suite nearby. Your stay will be provided at no cost to you," she continued, her tone unwavering. "I'll reach out to you as soon as I have more details. Hang tight until then."
With a tight-lipped smile, you nodded. "Thank you, Miss Makima. Am I dismissed?"
"Yes, I'll have one of our drivers take you to your room so you can drop off your luggage," she said, her smile not reaching her eyes. "Where did you leave it?"
"I left it in the break room," you said.
"Very well. I'll have someone collect it," she replied, her eyes closing briefly as she smiled. "Get home safely."
With that, you turned and left the office, the tension of the encounter still lingering in the back of your mind. There was just something about that damn lady that never failed to send a shiver up your spine. You sighed, glancing down at the old floorboards, at your shoes.
The reality of the situation began to sink in. 
You had traveled all this way, navigating the maze of identical halls and sterile rooms, only to be told you had to wait. The thought gnawed at you— That sounds about right from her, you mused. It was typical of Makima, always keeping you in the dark, always one step ahead, holding the reins tightly.
The cool, clinical atmosphere of the headquarters only heightened your sense of displacement. The fluorescent lights overhead cast a harsh, unforgiving glow, making everything look stark and unwelcoming.
Lost in your thoughts, you heard a series of footsteps echoing down the hall, followed by hushed voices. The sound grew closer, and you recognized the voice immediately—it was the young lieutenant captain again, the man you had bumped into earlier.
You glanced up, and there he was, standing just a few feet away. He was a striking figure, his presence suffocating – commanding and enigmatic. He had a sharp jaw, chiseled and defined, the kind that could cut paper. His eyes, a moody blue, held a penetrating gaze, one that seemed to see right through you, making you feel as though you were laid completely bare before him.
His brow was knit slightly in deep thought. There was a slight furrow at the bridge of his nose. The tufts of inky black hair that framed his features only added to the boyish charm of his face. 
As he spoke to the other Public Safety worker beside him, his hands moved with purposeful grace.
Your eyes were drawn to him despite yourself, unable to escape the force of his presence. 
His gaze caught yours briefly, and in that fleeting moment, you felt an almost tangible tension in the air. It was as if time had stopped for a heartbeat, the corridor seeming to stretch and contract around the two of you.
The connection between your eyes was like a magnet, pulling you in despite your efforts to look away. The faintest flutter in your chest was enough to have you gripping the collar of your shirt.
He blinked first, his eyes breaking away from yours as he turned back to his companion. The conversation resumed, but the air seemed thicker now, charged with the residual energy of your brief encounter. 
"We need to re-evaluate our strategies for dealing with the increased devil activity," he said, his words carefully chosen. "The losses have been significant, and our resources are stretched thin."
You turned and walked in the opposite direction, the soft hum of the fluorescent lights overhead seeming to amplify the distance you were putting between yourself and him.
As you moved down the corridor, you couldn't shake the feeling that his eyes were still on you, as if the weight of his gaze lingered even after you had turned away.  .
You had just stepped out of the shower, the steam still clinging to the room and curling around the bathroom mirror in hazy swirls. The cool, clean air of the hotel suite met you as you emerged, a refreshing contrast to the stifling atmosphere of the Public Safety headquarters.
You took a moment to let the chill of the air sink into your skin, feeling the pleasant coolness against your damp hair and freshly washed face. You dried yourself off, the soft towel enveloping you in its warmth, and slipped into a comfortable set of loungewear—simple, dark gray sweatpants and a loose-fitting, white t-shirt.
You walked over to the full-sized bed, the crisp white sheets and plush pillows arranged neatly. You flopped down onto it, letting out a relieved sigh as you sank into the softness of the mattress.
Reaching for your phone from the nightstand, you dialed your husband's number. As the call connected, you propped yourself up on one elbow and stared at the ceiling, trying to shake off the exhaustion of the day.
When he answered, his voice was calmingly familiar, cutting through the distance between you with a comforting ease. "Hey. How's everything going?"
"It's been a day," you said with a soft chuckle. "I finally got here, but of course, they've got me waiting for more details. Typical."
"Sounds about right," he said, his voice tinged with a longing that you could almost touch through the phone, "I miss you."
You closed your eyes for a moment, trying to push away the brief flash of memories that drifted through your mind—blue eyes and raven hair, a fleeting image that made your heart skip a beat. An image of soft lips wrapped around the syllables, 'Only if you want to.'
You shook your head gently, trying to dispel the image from your thoughts. "I miss you too," you said, trying to keep your tone light and steady.
You heard the faint sound of his smile through the phone, a soft, reassuring sound. You had never been so happy to hear his voice. "How's the hotel?"
"It's nice," you said, shifting your position on the bed to get more comfortable. "Pretty standard, but it's got a good view of the city."
"I can think of one view I'd really like to see right now," he teased gently. 
Just as you were about to reply, your phone started ringing again. You glanced at the screen and saw the name of your old coworker. 
"Hold on, I'm getting a call," you said, your fingers hovering over the screen. 
"Ugh, okay," he said. "Bye."
"Bye," you replied, a smile tugging at your lips as you ended the call.
You took a deep breath before picking up. "Hello?"
"Heya, Hot stuff. What you up to?" Himeno drawled into the receiver.
"Just got out the shower," You answered. "Why? Is something up?"
"Nah. Well, yeah," She giggled. "Miss Makima's taking us out for drinks to celebrate the success of our last mission tomorrow. She rented out this whole space for us. You coming?"
You chuckled quietly, carding a hand through your damp hair. "I always feel dull at parties."
"You? Dull?" Came Himeno's retort. "This really the same person who used to take body shots off complete strangers back in the day?"
The mere mention of your past self had you laughing all over again. "Times change."
"Married life made you soft?" 
You winced. Sure, perhaps a somewhat-boring life in the countryside with your husband had made you a little soft. But there was something in the way she said it – something that made you tick. You were happy being a married woman. You had been happy since the two of you had eloped at 21.
You were happy, dammit. You just wished it was a little easier to convince yourself of that.
"I don't know..." You trailed off. "I won't be any fun."
"Noooooo... You have to come!" Himeno groaned. You could hear her pacing around in the background. "DENJI!" She called to god knows who. "Back me up here!"
The phone was handed over to someone else – a young-sounding boy. "I'm not gonna force someone to go to a stupid party."
"Tell her to come!" Could be heard very faintly in the background.
"Wait. She's a 'she'?"
"Not just any 'she', thats–"
"You should definitely come tonight," The boy decided. "Name's Denji, by the way."
"Hi, Denji," You sighed. "Could you hand the phone back to Himeno for just a moment?"
"Sure," He answered. "Bye, gorgeous. See you there."
Gorgeous. He hasn't even seen me and he's calling me gorgeous. You had to have been in the twilight zone.
"So, you're coming, right?" Himeno's voice chirped over the line.
"I don't know," You answered (again). "Who's going?"
"Aki's coming. Remember him? Partner? Total hottie?" She replied. 
Total hottie was an understatement. Again, the image of his pretty face flashed through your mind. You squashed the mere thought of it – like an incessant bug. "Yes, we met."
"I'm gonna get a smooch out of him by the end of the night," She giggled. "You can bet on that."
People came and went. Seasons changed. Himeno, however, did not. She was just as crude as you had always remembered her being.
"Just a kiss?" You teased.
"Maybe. Maybe more," She teased right back. "Can you believe he doesn't have a girlfriend? He's 20! That's gotta mean something."
He's five years younger than me... You picked mindlessly at your nails. "Something like...?"
"Dunno. Am I wrong for thinking he's holding out for me?" 
"Oh, to be young and naive again," You sighed. "I was engaged at his age," You trailed off, words hanging in the air for a moment after they had slipped past your lips.
Awkward. Did that slip out?
You leaned back against the headboard, feeling the cool pillows against your back while your mind drifted to the past. You had been so young when you'd gotten married, looking back. You loved him, you truly did. Sure, you had your issues, but didn't every married couple?
The two of you were happy. Still, a pang of jealousy surfaced when you heard Himeno speak so freely about her independence, her sexual prowess. In a way, you felt as though you had been deprived of that freedom far too early.
Your fingers traced the edge of your phone, your gaze drifting as memories flooded your mind. Himeno's laughter on the other end of the line seemed distant, a reminder of a simpler time, unburdened by the weight of responsibilities and commitments.
You were happy... weren't you?
"Hey, you still there?" Himeno's voice pulled you back to the present, her tone tinged with concern.
"Yeah, sorry," you replied, shaking off the melancholy that had crept into your thoughts. "Just got lost in my head for a moment."
"Don't we all," she sighed, her voice softening. "Look, just come down tomorrow. It'll be fun. We can catch up, have a few drinks, and maybe you can even be my wingman for the night."
You chuckled, the sound more genuine this time. "Alright, fine. I'll come. But no promises about playing matchmaker."
"Yay! It's at five," Himeno's excitement was palpable, and it was contagious. "I'll see you then. Hopefully, you can loosen up a little bit. Relive the good days."
"Yeah, maybe," you said, a small, half-assed smile playing on your lips. "See you then."
You ended the call and set your phone to the side. 
Loosen up a little, You thought. Yeah, you could definitely stand to do that.
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a/n: shortie but a goodie! i already have most of the story written (so this one doesnt wind up like my 25,000 other unfinished projects), and this was the only way i could think to cut this chapter off hehe. ANYWAYYYY i hope yall enjoyed and are prepared for the TENSION AND SPICEEEE. omg its so tasty i cant wait. stay tuned! its gonna be so amazing. please comment and whatever to let me know your thoughts, wants and desires for this story! or just smth fun. i love reading yalls comments hehe comments + reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
credits: UNKOWN ATM. I found it on pinterest unfortch. If you know the artist, please let me know, so I can credit them properly for their work!!! This is NOT MY BEAUTIFUL DRAWINGGG. I obviously do not own csm or anything related to it. please do not reproduce, copy, or translate my works anywhere. dont fk w me im a bruja.
also: come find me on my wattpad if u wanna interact more!
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eri-pl · 7 days
Silm reread 8 Flight of the Noldor.
Yavanna cannot make the Trees again because That's How Things Work. At least we get a clear statement (again) that she did create their light, so sorry musicals, the Trees did not contain the Flame Imperishable. (I know in one abandoned later revision they kind of maybe did, but also it is like nails on chalkboard to me)
And Yavanna says that their harm would be undone and Melkor's evil would not reach its goal. Very Yavanna thing to say, very "where's the undo button". I'm not a fan. Like, I get her and it's not evil or smth… but… sorry, my pretty green lady, this doesn't work like this.
Tulkas. Can't you just sit still? (No, he can't.)
"Not the first one"! This line always makes me smile, it's just so "random oneliners to say". (I don't think Namo is rude, I think he's just quite alien and doesn't understand CoI and their psychology)
Despite being left to brood in silence, Feanor is paranoid anyway. :(
Capital D Darkness again — it's Ungoliant's stuff.
Finwë died on the threshold of Formenos — defending the house, but it is assumed, I think, because everyone else ran away. Either he had a weapon in hand, or they just assumed he was not trying to run away. Anyway nvm the narrative frame, the indent is that he was defending the house, so ok, why not. Very brave of him.
Feanáro curses a lot:
curses Melkor and renames him
curses Manwë's summons (so it was Manwë who ordered him to come? This would be some overstepping. I'll assume it was Manwë inviting him personally to come and Ingwë ordering him. Or just Manwë ordering him to come not as his ruler, but as ruler of this land, like "if you want any chance to be unbanned from Tirion, you must come")
curses the hour when he left home (very puzzling thing to do imo, but it is a genre thing I suppose)
Melkor wanted to kill Feanor mostly. So the book says. i am honestly surprised he didn't— oh wait. Maybe putting the Silmarils on his face and the pain was what made him shift from "kill Feanáro and his kin" to… well, all those stuff he did with Maedhros.
Morgoth can't ditch the spider. :D I suppose this confirms that now he is fixed in his body. She calls him Black Heart (derogatory, I suppose?) which nobody else does. It is kind of cute when your overgrown ex-pet murder spider has a pet name for you. :P
The "I rule the worls" stuff. I think this is the first time we see him say it (at least in the well-established canon timeline).
The Silmarils are in a box, and they still start burning him. So:
the burning increases or at least increases until it reaches its full level
they are small enough and Morgoth is big enough that he can hold the box with them all in his hand (right. does it have any meaning?)
It's confirmed that Morgoth had given Ungoliant some of his power and she'd grown and he'd lessenned. I assume it was during their initial negotiations.
She puts a web on him if not a full cocoon. The Balrogs have to free him with the flaming ...I forgot the word.
Also, the Balrogs were hiding in the deep dungeons after Angband, which suggests they did not work for/with Sauron. they seem very much like Morgoth's private guard. Also, they free him without question despite the fact that he seems pretty weak at this point.
The Balrogs have no problem chasing away Ungoliant, I attribute it to their connection with light (or at least fire. But fire is a kind of light, even their fire).
Yavanna was afraid that the Silmarils would be eaten by the darkness. this sounds very much like her.
calls himself king of the world (the contrast of this and his situation...)
his hands are permanently black with burns and always in pain (which angers him even more)
also his crown seems to hurt him
seriously what is wrong with you?
you need therapy
seriously is insane at this point
also has a super powerful aura of fear
The Valar sit and (think, I guess), their courts (Maiar and Vanyar) cry about the Trees, the Noldor go back to Tirion. Suddenly Feanor. Who technically is still banished, which I think is more of a case of "the Valar had other priorities and he didn't ask" or "we aren't going to let him back to his brother in this state of emotions because there wil be more murders" than "revenge for not giving the Silmarils o Yavanna".
Also, now, of all times, is when many of the Noldor learn about the Men being a thing. Because before that Melkor told a few in secret and tehy apparently told Feanáro in secret… Peak unfortune timing. Peak planning on Melkor's side (not that he could now appraciate it).
Also, in Polish it's not "jealous gods", but "jealous Valar" which is interesting, but I think it makes sense. Still, it is out-Tolkiening the Tolkien I think.
Oh. Another part I need in English, because it's so important.
After Morgoth to the ends of the Earth! War shall he have and hatred undying. But when we have conquered and have regained the Silmarils that he stole, then behold! We, we alone, shall be the lords of the unsullied Light, and masters of the bliss and the beauty of Arda! No other race shall oust us!’ [src]
Oh my. It is so much.
First, it is obvious that "reclaim the Silmarils" is (in his mind) the relatively easy, or at least short, part.
Second: "We, we alone, shall be the lords of the unsullied Light, and masters of the bliss and the beauty of Arda!" I don't think this needs any comments.
Aaaand then they swear the Oath.
It's just one huge downward spiral, and he talks himself into it. Yes, trauma, but why are you pouring gasoline on it??? They all need… a lot. And to stop pouring gasoline on everything.
Fefe. I am so dissapointed with you. I am sad. I don't have the words for this. Also, you hate Morgoth, but you two are so similar sometimes.
Oh, and in the Silm they do not call Eru, they call the Everlasting Darkness to claim them if they break their oath. At least according to the translation. also, yes, revenge and hatered is mentioned, but no requirement to succeed in killing the offenders.
Galadriel is enthusiastic about Feanáro's plans, even though she dislikes him. :P
Manwë is silent, because he doesn't want to stop Feanor. Because he careas about the Noldor feeling enslaved! At least the translation says it pretty clearly. They (the Valar, or at least M&V) sit and watch, hoping that the Noldor will calm down.
Politics, politics… Fingolfin goes because Fingon, and the people, and he promised. Mentioned in this order.
90% of all the Noldor go (to Alqualonde and north, it's unclear how many came back with Finarfin). I wonder if it is of all the Noldor or just of the male Noldor. Because most of the women seem to stay.
Eonwë (not named, but seems like him. Technically it may be another Maia) comes to give them advice. Just an advice. Explicitely says that the Valar will not stop them and they came freely, they can leave freely.
Finarfin and Finrod and all the "wisest of Noldor" are in the back and carry a lot of stuff. Good for them.
Túna was nearly at the equator! Oh. interesting. They are very, very far from the Helcaraxe, and I assume nobody invited navigation without seeing the shores (sorry I don't know the English one word term for this). So they have a logistics problem.
The Teleri seem to refuse any help because they don't want to go against the Valar. Even though the Valar did not forbid it, they just said it was a bad idea. The Teleri just trust them, because Ulmo is cool. Also, they don't have much experience with Morgoth and assume "the Valar will fix it all".
An arguement ensues.
Fefe leaves, broods, and returns to Alqualonde when he has enough army. Then he starts seizing the ships. The Teleri push the Noldor to water, a fight ensues. Fingon join them and assumed that the Teleri were ordered by the Valar to stop the Noldor and attacked them. So, Finarfin and his team was not there. Fingolfin might not be at the battle either?
Olwë calls Ossë for help (so, he did survive), and we have the hilarious "I can't because the Valar forbade us to stop the Noldor. However, my wife, who has a clear recorc, will drown them with her crying anyway."
Blatant ad for the Maglor. "…for more details, see the Noldolante…" This is hilarious.
so they all go far, and it takes a long time. Some (most trusted by Feanor) go on the ships, other on foot. they travel from the equator to, idk, but a pretty cold area.
And only then, after probably weeks of travel, they get Namo(or is it?) and the Doom of the Noldor. (I need to correct one of my fics. This fact makes it 3 times more hilarious. even with the Maiarin teleportation).
Finarfin comes back, and he walks all the distance back. Has a lot of time to think, I guess. Many elves join him, but no number estimates or percentages. :(
The rest go further north.
Helcaraxe was assumed impassable. So no, nobody could predict Fingolfin would led his people there.
This was a very, very long chapter.
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sentimental-idiot25 · 10 months
REQUESTS UPDATES (last updated 7/10)
Hello hello all!! Going to put the progress of my requested work here in a pinned message! I work on the requested work in the order they come in!! 1. DONE AND POSTED Sasuke was always jealous of sakura for having a family and thought she never understood his loneliness or what he went through because she wasn't an orphan or from a clan etc. Then he met her family after they were married and all of them were rude to sakura or looked down on her for being a ninja and marrying a "traitor" etc. and they picked on her weight and stuff... and sasuke realised why she was the way she was when they were genin..insecure as he saw her who's usually strong shrink into the small insecure girl she was when she was a genin because of them. Mebuki does all the slandering and badmouths everything about sakura. sasuke thought sakura's dad would defend sakura or smth but he agrees with mebuki. Sakura is sad when she leaves but thinks she's wrong and selfish for not being the perfect daughter they wanted. (maybe introduce a cousin staying with sakura's parents who was also there at the meeting and mebuki talks about her as if she were her daughter...she basically replaced sakura) Combined with:
Hi i know you're busy but when you have time could you do one where sasuke sees that sakura's mother really doesn't like her (sakura) for being a ninja and all that and looks down on what she does. Everything sakura does is wrong in her mother's eyes and her weight is picked on. etc.
Sakura's mother feels that she wasted her time raising "ungrateful" sakura who fell in love with a traitor, basically ran away and got married, became a shinobi and did everything to "shame" the civilian haruno family name. She makes sakura feel like a failure.
In conclusion, sasuke has been very suicidal from the beginning on and probably still sometimes has suicidal thoughts during boruto (out of regret, grief, etc.). sasuke's suicidal ideation has been implied in multiple scenes throughout the whole show, (not only the scenes i've named) which was mainly caused by his yearning for revenge on itachi, his guilt/grief from the loss of his family and the regret of his actions during his teenage years.
The above is from a blog (sweetmourninglambs) about sasuke. I was wondering if you could maybe make a sasusaku snippet based on this post? Pls if it's not much trouble?
Here's the link if you want to read the whole thing: https://www.tumblr.com/sweetmourninglambs/717956632409210880/tw-mentions-of-suicide-suicidal-ideation?source=share
Sakura addicted to soldier pills in cannon after the war. they relied on them heavily during the war now she finds any excuse to take them. Oh stubbed my toe, i need 3 soldier pills. I need to heal! She's also scared that her byakugou could run out, what if this idk-how-many-yrs supply runs out, better take a few soldier pills.
Maybe it could be told from her pov and the perspectives of the ppl around her like team7 (naruto sasuke kakashi sai yamato)
4. Well I was thinking of a fic where Sasuke is hiding or sneaking around – maybe planning a surprise for Sakura? – but Sakura knows he's hiding and decides to have a little fun. So she summons a shadow clone and begins to, like, fool around with herself. She's doing it just to get a rise out of Sasuke because she knows he's hiding. 5.can u do a little snippet about sasusaku right after sasuke came back to konoha after his redemption journey, after naruto and hinata's wedding??
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misarem · 4 months
Umineko Episode 4 Thoughts or The Rise of a New Supreme (VN Protagonist)
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i was fully gonna make this abt battler before i started as if he was challenging my big 3 vn guys or smth. And hes absolutely delightful and by the end of the game I'm sure he will grow to be one of my fav protagonists. But right now its no one else but Ange's time.
Overall this episode had some of the highest highs I have experienced so far, but also some, I don't wanna say lows, but very excruciating, tedious moments. True visual novel gamefeel friction. I almost feel like I'm back to watching a certain titular vn girl drone on about peeling skin and donating grievous amounts of blood to the masses but I'll get to that.
Ange as a character really surprised me. After 3 episodes of the same 20 people I was of course excited to get one fresh face (not to say the others are dull at all because we are literally, constantly seeing new facets of them, but like you get me right) but I did not think she would hit the emotional chords that she did. Her first scenes are great, something about the imagery of her being chased onto the roof of a building and diving into the brightly lit city below is weirdly powerful and evocative of, almost like a sense of desperation and disregard for her own life and the lives of others she deems unworthy that informs her whole character, and it contrasts the past three chapters of people clinging to life and trust in an old Western setting starkly. Admittedly I almost was scared she'd be a bit tropey with her being like a stoic young woman from the future trying to change what traumatized her, although it works at the very beginning as a palette cleanser after Battler's unreal level of sincerity. Hell she's a great foil to him even going beyond their obviously contrasting personalities. "Flipping the chessboard" as a means of understanding the mystery is hugely present from the first episode of the story, and it's so ingrained within Battler's character that besides defining his empathetic approach to situations that begins naive but is quickly maturing, it's almost like his second catchphrase after zenzen dameda. But this is something Ange had to learn for herself after enduring years of emotional abuse, and the way this value is imparted to them in different ways says a lot about positioning in regards to traumatic events in people's lives, with Battler picking it up easily having not been around the Ushiromiyas for all of his adolescence and Ange being cursed by that same bloodline with no real closure or other means of coping. That this facet of their characters is partially a commentary on trauma, to me, is also backed by the fact that this is a value of Kyrie's, given to Battler directly, which he was fortunate for, and given to Ange indirectly and though very harsh means, because of the impact that the Rokkenjima tragedy and the Sumadera family had on her upbringing, and how they led her to this point. I also think that trauma and how it affected their upbringing also makes their relationship to "magic" contrast, with Ange being a proficient witch/summoner(?) and Battler being said to have a high magic resistance. When I talk about magic later, this will become kind of a circular statement, but just playing with the fiction within the fiction, I think this is an interesting point, especially considering the differing ways they are separated from family.
Speaking of Ange's magical proficiency, I cannot talk about her without mentioning just that: her relationship to Maria and Sakutaro, though Maria's book, as well as Mammon and the other demon sisters. I guess to get even more personal than I did talking abt the family dynamics, I have kind of a weird history with maladaptive daydreaming that blossomed when I was around high school, when I was Ange's age. That I can even use a term like maladaptive daydreaming to talk about this makes me less self-conscious, also considering that around that time was my parents divorcing + coping with emotional and verbal abuse from my mom + dealing with a predator in an online friend group + generally being kind of a loser. I had such vivid relationships with whole groups of people I would fantasize about constantly, mostly fictional characters (from fire emblem and pokemon LOL). This, probably, profoundly impacted how I grew up and, since I hated my home life and had no close irl friends and was so wishy washy with my online group, was really all I felt like I had for emotional support at the time. Genuinely my fantasies ran so deep at times, often supplemented with music and whatever movies I was into at the time, even though, as it was when I was 16, all of it is almost gone from my brain. I can't really daydream the same way I did before because of just becoming an adult, having more obligations and outlets, having a reliable irl friend group and much more solid circle of online friends than I used to, and while I have mixed feelings on it I've overall accepted it as a part of who I was/am as far removed as I am from those tendencies now. And I really get the same feeling from Ange. Bittersweet is a really common adjective for moments that are outwardly happy but held back by a painful sense of reality. Her means of coping, the different bonds she forms with everyone, and specific moments like her arguing with Maria about her parentage (Maria is supposed to be in her rights but I fw Ange resenting Rosa and cherishing Maria's innocence) or the word game everyone played together, these moments are extremely sweet. Horrifyingly saccharine to the point of making my older palate just feel sick. Like staring into the void and feeling a dull pain as it tries to pull me in and I can't look away. Moments like her being cornered by her bullies or Kasumi and her men are even worse, which is kind of where this chapter's slog begins, not helped that we're frequently being pulled back and forth from Ange's time and Battler's time. It's just a hard read, a good read and a deserved read but a hard one, where Ange's innocence and vulnerability are more raw and harrowing than any sequence of murders (except maybe getting gutted and stuffed with candy idk). Even more harrowing seeing who I once was reflected in her story. And to be honest, as hard as it was, it's absolutely what I needed from a character in this game at this moment. Outside of the varying degrees of subterfuge surrounding the characters in Rokkenjima, everything Ange exists for is laid bare in the most incredible way that even the moments of true emotion during the last few chapters hasn't reached yet, and honestly, that jettisoned her to the spot of my favorite character even after three episodes of Beatrice's incredible dialogue and voice acting, Kanon and Shannon looking out for each other while struggling with their identity and humanity, and Jessica just being fun. Probably open to change later, I think her whole relationship with fantasy IS very important to the status of witches and the mystery of their existence, and I hope it imparts something upon Battler too and that he reaches her level for me, but IDK. I fuck with her heavy after this chapter and I hope to god we see more of her again somehow. Beautiful that her last moment in episode 4 was finally being able to give her life for something she found worthwhile, her family, but I can't help but want more closure for her.
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Might be getting ahead of myself posting this early but luckily the positions haven't changed thaaaat much besides Krauss who gets points for finally doing something and fighting hard for his daughter. He might go back down later but lol.
Putting Rosa with the crazy ass witches not literally but I just have this little pet theory. The dead Chiester sister is listed as having lost in a battle with the black witch and I can't help but notice the thing with the sisters listed in the game being a quartet of bunnies, and how Maria has four of those marching band animal bunnies where one of them was broken by Rosa. Its just a minor theory and if its right or wrong idc that much but it just got me thinking about the possible relationship between what's described as "black magic" with abusive tendencies stemming from trauma (Rosa, Eva, possibly Beatrice from being kept by Kinzo) and "white magic" with less destructive tendencies (Maria). I could be wrong but I think I remember something about Beatrice needing Maria and forming their witches alliance because they compliment each other so well, with Maria being creation and Beato being eternity, Maria being "motherly quality" and Beato being "fatherly quality". Hard for me to pull these things back up without digging cuz Google can be a spoiler minefield but when I see them I'll address them again but the dichotomy is making me think theres smth thematically deep there. Also think that Ange is potentially a master of black AND white magic. She might normally be a black witch having been abused by Eva and her peers with not much else to cope, which I feel manifests in some things like her overall disposition and how she treats other Rokkenjima victim families when wringing info out of them, but what makes her different to Eva and Rosa would be that she has Maria not just as a positive presence in her life but as someone she can learn from and depend on, who can directly heal her trauma in some way (IDK if Hideyoshi could have done this with Eva). Granted IDK what THIS specifically says but like I'm letting it cook for now cuz I think its cool regardless. Maybe black + white magic represents understanding of life and ines circumstances which leads to LOVE?!?!?!? (Idk lol) And it's possible too this idea of Maria as a pure witch is over after the scene where she tortures her mom like EvaBeatrice did. But yea I love Ange.
Just to break away from heavy thematic discussion, I thought the Rokkenjima side of the episode was. Interesting. Perfect word for something I don't know how to eloquently talk about. A cool break away from the formula for sure, with the clock not even hitting 12 before most if not all 17 of them were killed. The first twilight, to me, was the peak of this, just such a crazy moment watching everyone's reactions to the absurdity of Kinzo's crazy murder rampage. George and Jessica's fights were also super cool, as well as Krauss and Kanon working really hard, with the groups supporting each other super fiercely even tho it ended in vain. Can't wait to figure out how the hell George and Jessica were supposed to kill each other in reality. When Kinzo wanted to test the grandkids, I had a feeling Maria was actually gonna win him over and its hilarious that did happen. And after how thoroughly Beatrice challenged Battler's sincerity in the last episode, I'm very surprised at how despondent she seemed after giving her test to Battler and watching him fail. I feel like I could guess any number of ways Battler could have 'sinned' in Beatrice's eyes, from maybe hurting Maria or Ange on accident, or denying magic as a kid, to something related to his uncertain parentage, like maybe replacing another Battler Us-style or something like that. None of these concrete but I'm just throwing stuff out.
Overall, the Question Arcs had a lot to say about family and escapism, and seemed to do a great job laying the groundwork for Answer Arcs to just go absolutely insane. Like the last episode's post, I wrote this over a few days and I'm still in the middle of chapter 5 which, I understand will give me a good framework to work out the murders on Rokkenjima, but after that, I'm gonna need to buckle down and reread a lot, from the murders of the four previous episodes, to maybe dipping into the manga somewhat, and even keeping a list of red truths and Knox rules for detective fiction, and after that I'll come with my chapter 5 thoughts and my predictions, because despite kinda throwing myself into this very quickly, I do want to engage with the mystery on some level. I do have a few overarching ideas on what might be happening though.
Since postulating on them a little bit in the previous chapter, I've kinda honed in on Rudolph and Kyrie, especially Kyrie, a lot more. Beyond what I said abt Rudolph's death premonition, their shady business dealings and their competency fighting the demons, they just feel kinda detached in a weird way. We understand Krauss, Eva, and Rosa's role in the family very well from the details we got, but beyond a general 'younger-middle child' idea, we don't have a vivid picture of Rudolph's role and dynamics with his siblings growing up, which, on its own isn't super suspicious but feels weird with how detailed and integrated the other characters are. There's also the way Battler's parentage has been cast into suspicion, or how we don't have much of a perspective on them from Battler not living with them for years. What sets Kyrie apart is how she operated in this episode. Despite Krauss playing the part of the leader of the hostages, a lot of their escape felt like Kyrie subtlety leading them along, and I can't get over the way she just. Died off screen. Over the phone. Without a blood splatter. And a smaller wound than anyone else. After telling Battler how much he should believe in magic. So much suspicion here to the point where it feels like a red herring. But I'm just keeping the option of her being some sort of mastermind pulling the wool over everyone's eyes with mass delusions in my mind. Also think the servants are complicit. Not directly murdering everyone but facilitating the ritual with their cooperation and their lives. ATP it's sorta obvious Genji is connected to Ronove and Kumasawa is connected to Virgilia, and Kanon and Shannon are aware of their own powers, and Shannon reasonably could have masqueraded as Beatrice to act as her at certain points. I just don't have anything solid or any specifics ironed out just yet but over 5 and 6 I'll try to work it out. Other questions I have: I almost forgot about the Battler not being able to claim Asumu as his mother. Guessing that he's Kyrie's kid and maybe that, since Kyrie was said to have a miscarriage, maybe the babies were swapped for the family to save face? Kills me he never tried to confirm being Rudolph's son in red. Also considering how family and trauma is such a huge thing, especially with how Kinzo's kids were raised....... who IS Kinzo's late wife? What kind of woman was she and why do we have no answers. IS it a human version of Beatrice? Is she disgraced from the family or something? Still confused about the real status of who we know as "Beatrice" as a whole, and the captain dude saying he stopped delivering to Kuwadorian around the same time Rosa saw a Beatrice die isn't lost on me. Maybe I'll figure these out as I piece things together.
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hestiashand · 1 year
Sasuke: 25, 28, 30
Naruto: 25, 28, 16
this ask game
25: when do you think they acted the most ooc?
uhhh the very end of shippuden when he’s leaving the village and sakura comes running after him to ask if she can come.. and he POKES HER FOREHEAD and says maybe next time….. HE WOULD NOT DO THAT. HE WOULD NOT DO THATTTTTTT the rage that instilled within me…. anything after ch 698/699 isn’t actually real To Me though and everyone is insanely ooc so uhh it’s hard to pick otherwise. the thing with sasuke is he’s constantly pulling unpredictable things in which in the moment it seems a little crazy or weird but it’s always further explored later and then it ends up making sense….. so i feel like for him i have to use an end of shippuden moment T.T but i offer this as a replacement panel
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[ ID: a manga panel of sasuke tapping sakuras forehead. he says “i’m gay.” END ID. ]
28: the most unnecessary thing they ever did?
this is so hard. sasuke didn’t do a single thing wrong so i’m really trying to figure out smth that he did that was unnecessary… okay i thinkk maybe what i can say is this.. although i do understand why he would do this, and it was absolutely in character— a product of a pre-teens pent up rage and trauma— i do think him challenging naruto on the hospital rooftop in the classic was unnecessary. i don’t blame him for doing it, nor do i think he was necessarily in the wrong or out of pocket, but in the grand scheme of things it was unnecessary. was it necessary for him? absolutely, he needed to do this for himself, to answer the question thats been nagging him for ages… but all in all i guess i can say that it wasn’t really necessary.. this is still so hard to say tho because I GET IT I GET WHY HE DID IT and i do believe that for *himself* he had to do it otherwise it would have driven him nuts, but in the grand scheme of things he technically didn’t rlly have to. maybe.
30: the funniest scene they had?
well the first thing that comes to mind is when he reanimates the previous hokages and interrogates them to decide whether or not he’ll destroy konoha.. cause he’s intensely asking these questions to the hokages of past and has questions for every single one of them except minato LOL like he really just leaves minato standing there the whole time in silence… listening and learning… OH OH WAIT NO hold on actually i think a scene that made me laugh harder is when he and naruto are fighting kaguya and she shifts them into the location with lava and sasuke summons his eagle and everyone else is falling and naruto yells “sasuke, over there” pointing to sakura and kakashi, and sasuke looks over for a second before immediately looking back and saving naruto LMFAOOO bro did not care ajsjshsjhs hold on i’ll rb it in a min too ik where to find a screen recording ehehhee it makes me cackle
25: when do you think they acted the most ooc?
i think at the beginning of the war arc while he’s being hidden away training with killer bee… there’s a fair bit from this i think is slightly ooc but the biggest thing to me is while he’s addressing “dark naruto” at the waterfall… i just frankly don’t believe he would be able to push away and ‘get over’ all the hatred and pain and agony inside him that he’s been repressing for years caused by the way the village has treated him just like that.. and then the waterfalls like ‘oh shit yea u did it you are No Longer Angry or Hateful’….. like there’s just no way he can suddenly just accept all that after 16 years.. uhm ok i love that he hugged himself and i think it was very sweet and cute, and i wouldn’t trade that out for anything buttttt there definitely had to be more to it than that to make it something that naruto would actually be able to move on from and work thru while staying in character. that was just a speedrun to move on the plot quicker heh.. it’s just ooc.. naruto has been a hateful little menace his whole life there’s no way he can get over all that pain stored inside him so quick in that moment… ugh.
28: the most unnecessary thing they ever did?
i mean i think it’s stupid and funny but i’m gonna have to go with the obvious practicing reverse harem jutsu more than the rasengan… WHY DID HE DO THAT LMFAO other than to look at naked boys 🤨🤨 sus? also just like… forgiving so many people that should not have been forgiven. jiraiya, sakura, itachi, village as a whole, ect ect…… idk very messed up. i think a lot of the writing around naruto getting rid of his anger was very sloppy and not well written.. so i think the way he just instantly forgives these ppl is unnecessary.
16: a childhood headcanon?
naruto bleaches his hair.. so as a kid he had black hair for me :p (and during long missions when he doesn’t have time to do touch ups his roots start growing in hheheh).. also i think narutos apartment was so messy all the time because he really didn’t like spending time in there all alone.. so he’d do what he needed to (eat, sleep, bathroom, ect) but then would immediately head out.. so he didn’t really care for cleaning since he was rarely there anyways…
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Xiao x Aether
(This doesn’t have anything to do with the story, I was jus listening to it while I wrote)
Upon hearing Xiao’s voice line for when it rains, I BECAME INSPIRED. And, of course, I had to make it Xiao x Aether, because YES-
Also, normallyyy I would add Paimon bc she’s always with the traveler, but I didn’t really see how she would fit so just pretend she hanging out with Guoba or smth<333
How had it come to this? All Aether wanted to do was thank his dear friend for helping him all those times, and suddenly he was soaked in the icy rain.
He had come to Wangshu Inn looking for Xiao. Since Aether had nothing to do, he thought that now was as good a time as any to compensate for all the kindness he had been shown. As he rode the elevator up, he had one clear goal in mind. Offering to assist Xiao in conquering some demons. I mean, he’s done far more difficult things, right? He defeated a corrupted dragon, sea monster, hell, he defeated a God! This should be a piece of cake.
It was a really bad cake.
Xiao had tried to warn him, saying ‘I understand all that you have accomplished, and for a mere mortal it truly is impressive, but conquering demons is a far different task.’ Nope, Aether just had to insist. And now, here they were. Stuck wandering around it a thunderstorm.
“Demons don’t stop for the rain. Move.” Xiao said in response to Aether’s complaints of the harsh weather. “B-but it’s so cold…” Xiao sighed, feeling slightly guilty for pushing him. But he did warn him. “It doesn’t matter. You wanted to help me, so help.”
The blond haired scoffed, but knew he was right. Besides, it’s not like he would actually stop. After all Xiao has done for him, it felt only fair Aether repay him, no matter how reluctant the Yaksha was to accept. “Fine…but when I get sick, you’ve gotta take care of me!” He said with a slight pout.
Before long, they had come across the demon Xiao had sensed. It wasn’t too bad, aside from the strange feeling being around it gave the Traveler. After a while, though, it grew more difficult. The demon had summoned two more to help it out, and the longer they fought the worse he felt. Xiao seemed to be doing completely fine, attacking, and defending with ease. He soon noticed Aethers grimaces though, and finally realized he had never been around a demon before.
Yes, he technically wasn’t supposed to be around Xiao’s Karmic debt either, but that was a little different, but even then, he was now around both. Xiao quickly took care of the demon he was fighting, going to help Aether with his. When they were done, the blond stumbled, and was quickly caught by Xiao. “Careful, Traveler. I’m sorry, this is my fault. I hadn’t thought about how being around so many impure energies would affect you.” After steadying himself, Aether lightly shook his head. “No, it’s okay. It’s not your fault. I didn’t think about it either, and it’s not that bad anyway. See? All good, just a little dizzy…”
The next thing he knew, he was in a bed at Wanshu Inn. “Ngh, Xiao…?” He slowly sat up, examining the room. It seemed quaint, beige colored walls and floor, very little furniture. He noticed Xiao standing by a window, quickly looking over to him. “Aether, are you alright?” He said, concern evident in his voice. “Ah-yeah, I’m good, I just feel really…weird. What happened?”
“You passed out in the field. I took you back to the Inn, and you’ve been asleep for about two hours. …Again, I’m very sorry. I should have known this would happen. Are you sure you’re alright?” Aether smiled, finding the concern cute. “It’s okay Xiao, really. I’m okay. You don’t need to apologize for something neither of us thought of.” Sighing, the Yaksha sat next to him on the bed, feeling a little at more at ease.
“…Next time you want to make up for something, just bring me some almond tofu, okay?”
The blond traveler lied in the bed, wet towel on his forehead. Apparently, the combination of freezing rain and impure energies aren’t good for humans. Who would’ve guessed? “Xiaoooo, I’m Hungryyy. Where’s my food?” Said Aether, making sure to be extra annoying to the Adeptus for as long as he was sick. He had to prove a point, after all.
“Ugh, I’m here, I’m here. Here’s your food.” Xiao wasn’t truly annoyed, but he had to admit it was a little exhausting to have to take care of the blond boy. However, it was quite nice to have him around so much. “It’s still hot, be careful.”
“I know mom, thank you.” He said with a small giggle. Seeing the Adeptus being so caring was a lovely experience, one he was not to soon forget. Blowing on the steaming soup, he took a sip from the bowl. Eyes widening in delight, he drank faster, regretting it once the heat caught up to him. “Ow! …I forgot it was hot.” He said, a slight blush on his face.
Chuckling, Xiao sat next to him. “So, when you are feeling better, would you like to join me once more in hunting demons?” Almost choking on his soup, Aether yelled. “NO!”
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bunnnali · 2 years
some anime or manga recs? please?
!! sure thing! it kinda depends what you're looking for but here's a few favorites of mine!! I’m gonna assume since my account is practically just talentless nana you’ve already read/watched it, but if you haven’t that’s definitely my biggest recommendation! 
if ur looking for smth sad!! 
princess tutu (anime) - a magical girl story about a duck who becomes a human girl and then a magical girl. she's trying to bring back pieces of her emotionless crushes heart, which seems innocent enough, but the story turns into a desperate attempt to find a happy ending in a world literally created to prevent one. it's really sad and cute and a big favorite of mine, and the end of it had me bawling 😭
land of the lustrous (manga) - a story about a gem-person named phos who lives in a world where their kind is at risk of being shattered and turned into jewelry by another species called the lunarians. it takes a while before the series really takes a dark term, but once it happens it really happens. reading it invoked a sense of dread in me nothing else has ever given me, and I really can't stress enough how good and depressing this manga is 😭 I suggest u watch the anime first and then read the manga! anime leaves off at around chapter 30 i think. this also had me bawling when I caught up to it. on call, with my friend 😭 very embarrassing
madoka magica - this one’s really popular so I think you’ve already heard of it, but it puts a spin on the usual magical girl trope, making it dark and depressing. they’re making a new movie, so if you haven’t watched it, this is a great time to get into it! it’s also very gay. MSJDKDJ it’s really good and sad and the characters are all incredible. there’s lots of hidden symbolism and meaning, and lots of foreshadow, so even rewatching it you’ll always find something new to enjoy <3
toilet bound hanako kun - this one’s also really popular so you’ve probably also already heard of it, but if you haven’t: the show follows a girl named nene yashiro, a hopeless romantic with a crush on a boy. she hears a rumor about a ghost named hanako, who grants wishes, and follows the steps to summon him. some things happen, and she ends up taking a job as his assistant, helping him to defeat magical apparitions in order to keep the school safe. it sounds simple, but it actually gets really, really sad and the story is really good </3 I’m not sure what they could possibly do for an ending on this one that would be 100% happy. it’s good! i really suggest it.
the promised neverland - season one of the anime is incredible, from there I’d say you should swap to the manga bc s2 does an awful job covering it. It’s a story about orphan kids who find out the orphanage they’ve been living at is actually a farm to make smart human kids to feed to monstrous demons. the manga goes downhill a little at the end, but it’s still a pretty nice read and it’s really, really good for a while
magia record - a spin-off anime to Madoka magica, set in an alternate universe. this one’s very sad too, and introduces a lot of new characters, while bringing back the old, iconic ones from the original pmmm. it’s based on a game, and the anime ending differs from the games </333 the ending for the game is actually happy though and the anime is,,sadder but still nicer than pmmm. i think this one is a good one if you like sad content, but still want to see the characters happy in the end. and all the original Madoka magica cast live! so!!! 
school live - I REALLY DONT WANT TO SAY WHAT THIS ONES ABT BC LIKE the twist at the end is so good so it’s better to just go in blind but this anime is really really good and very very sad, but the ending is hopeful!! so!!! the manga is pretty good too, and it’s completed, but I feel like the anime is a lot more enjoyable 
if ur looking for smth a little happier !!
zombieland saga - a story about 7 zombie girls from different eras trying to form an idol group! it’s so well written and so nice to watch, it can be really, really sad or really, really funny 😭 it’s a great anime and all the characters in it are very lovable <3 it also has a canon trans girl! as one of the main zombie girls! so it’s very neat. It’s one of my all time favorite animes and it’s a lot of fun
bocchi the rock! - an anime about an introverted girl with social anxiety who wants to start a band, but doesn’t know how to talk to people. it’s super funny and super sweet, and at least in my case really relatable <3 the show does all kinds of really neat things, switching to stop motion, 3d, live action, etc, and the characters are all great. it’s a really creative show and it handles social anxiety in a much more realistic and relatable way than most other shows like this do. 
spy x family - a very cute and funny manga/anime about a spy named loid who needs to make a fake family in order to complete his new mission of investigating a very prestigious school. he adopts a girl, named Anya, and gains a fake wife named yor. but apparently anya has the ability to read minds, and yor is secretly an assassin. nobody knows each other’s secret identities, except for anya, who knows bc she can read their minds, and they continue to live together for different reasons, as they slowly grow attached to each other and become a real family
brand new animal - a studio trigger anime about an anthropomorphic tanuki girl, called a beastman, named michiru, who used to be human. she moves into a town consisted exclusively with beastman, and tries to discover just what happened to her to become one, and where her best friend who went missing is </3 this one isn’t a slice of life, it’s more of an action show ?? but it’s really good, the animation is lovely and the art and colors are really pretty and cute <3 it’s a really good anime and it’s only 12 episodes, so it’s a quick watch!!
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
how would your OCs react to each other, though? I mean, we know The Organisation kinda knows about Ciarán and werewolves, not sure with Adam
but, like. Adam meeting Abby or Ciarán? Max and Abby? (dogs don't like her, right?)
Max and Adam? Max and Ciarán? Ciarán and Abby?
Zach and Jude with them non-human peeps?
(imagine The Organisation sending someone after Adam and they find him when he's with Tay... please traumatise the poor child, they already lost both parents.)
The Organisation is mostly focused on vampires, werewolves, demons and witches because those are the most prolific. You can see their entry on Lycanthropy here
Max wouldn’t be that notable to him because of the fact he isn’t that much of a standout example, and if they took individual notes on every single one it would be too much basically elfnfltwkdk
They do know about Adam, or more accurately they know the force that he’s representing, but because he can pass it on it’s more just bc he’s a vessel for it.
Long answer so under the cut:
So with Max and Abby I definitely think he’d smell something off with her, but considering he’s more of a wolf I don’t think the dog thing would apply. Dogs only hate her because they’re so influenced by humans, who are her natural enemy in a way. I think she might be too evil for him tbh, but if they were to become friends I definitely think they would be the living embodiment of this meme:
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Just golden retriever w black cat energy
Max and Adam I feel would be bros… Just chilling with each other. Max may not understand 100% what his deal is but he seems harmless on the surface so why not be chill? I think they’re both probably stoners and might share some music tastes in terms of liking older rock bands.
It’s funny you should say Max and Ciarán bc I always had this concept in the back of my head of Ciarán coming to America similar to durarara’s celty… Gormlaith becoming a motorcycle and such. So they would just see each other on the empty highway and Max would end up racing this millennia old Fae w/o realising it 🤣 I think Ciarán has his playful side so it isn’t too far fetched to say smth like this would actually happen.
Adam and Abby I’ve definitely imagined meeting before. On the road, maybe hitchhiking on the same sun-baked strip of pavement. It would be an interesting conversation they’d have for sure. They’re similar but so different, I think Abby would feel some powerful energy from him and feel a little freaked out internally, while Adam would just be his chill self lol. One life, one death, both inhuman anomalies. Also the living embodiment of above meme.
Abby and Ciarán have the same problems as Max and Ciarán do in which it’s very unlikely that they’d actually meet… But let’s just say they do. They both give off that same cold, deathly aura but are very different in terms of what they are. I can imagine Abby maybe sighting him around an old cemetery at night, but I don’t think she’d be eager to meet him. She tends to be wary of mysterious entities that may be more powerful/older than her unless she’s summoning a demon or something. He’d probably not be too interested in her since he tends to favour those with more… lively qualities.
Fairly predictable that Zach and Jude are going to be antagonistic towards my slasher OCs 😬 It’s just the order of things. Once they find out that the people they’re talking to are werewolves/vessels for gods etc. it’s not going to end well. Jude is maybe the only one I could see having second thoughts about killing, say, Max because he’s mostly harmless outside of what is basically vigilante activity, but Zach is much harder to sway after all he’s experienced.
The Org going after Adam and Tay ekdndlrn… I feel like Adam is definitely preparing them to become the next vessel so if anything happens to him, they’ll end up taking it on. I think he’s a little too much for the Organisation to handle though, so no worries 😇
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mopcycle100 · 2 years
re: telepathy club is takenaka's place of belonging
Ok so. Idk who posted it, but someone on here talked abt how telepathy club invokes imagery from the tale of momotarou (the trio of animals that accompany momotarou are the other guys in telepathy club, and ofc takenaka is the titular chara) but I don't think I've seen anyone talk abt takenaka's (and by extension, telepathy club) allusion to princess kaguya.
I think its bc momo = peach (like momotarou) is a much easier connection to make even in English + takenaka's hair style, with his middle part, is similar to many depictions of momotarou, but the references to princess kaguya requires looking into what the characters used to spell "Takenaka" mean. To keep it short, "Takenaka" can literally mean smth along the lines of "dweller amongst the bamboo", which makes the princess kaguya reference clearer (as she is first found inside bamboo by the bamboo cutter). Princess Kaguya's story involves beings from space (specifically from the moon), and kaguya herself happens to be one too, hence making her an outsider. Similarly, Takenaka sees himself as an outsider due to his telepathy, and he remains as the odd one out due to his departure from the club.
In the original story, the emperor who had fallen in love with kaguya and is distraught over her departure, asks his men to bring a letter up the mountain closest to the heavens, as a way to send a message to her. Takenaka only comes back to the club due to being recruited to use his telepathy to summon aliens, and the club members specify that they need to go up a mountain to do this. With Mob's power amplification, Takenaka is able to send a message into outer space from the summit of a mountain.
Its interesting that this one character has allusions to not one, but two Japanese folktales, specifically the main focus of these tales. These stories could never go anywhere without these characters existing driving the plot forward. It's like saying that without Takenaka, the telepathy club was bound for stagnation, which eventually happens at the start of their arc, when Tome disbands the club, as she realizes that there's no time or ability to make her wish to summon aliens come true. Takenaka's presence is needed; you can say he's the missing link for the club to be whole in many ways (not just to meet the minimum member amt of clubs but also to achieve their dreams). The club needed takenaka just as much as he needed them (refer to my other post on that topic).
And while I'm talking abt folktales in relation to Telepathy Club, this leaves Tome as the odd one out, for not having a discernible reference to either stories at first glance. Though, remember that this is the first thing Mob says to Tome.
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In both stories, the protagonist is found by an older, typically childless, person, who'd be at the age to be a grandparent (momotarou is found by an older childless woman, while princess kaguya is found by an old bamboo cutter). Tome is the founder of the Telepathy Club, and had she not made the club to follow her dreams to communicate with aliens, Takenaka would have never joined then leave the club, inadvertently setting off the rest of the events of mp100. She unknowingly does find the telepath she's looking for to succeed in her dream, but she doesnt find out until far later in the story.
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kxmikomrade · 1 year
hello there
I saw the ask thing, and so now it's my turn >:D
17: do you belive in ghosts?
21 + 22: what are your least and most favorite subjects in school?
30: what song is currently stuck in your head?
47 (but changed): what did you want to be when you were a little kid?
53: what’s the last dream you remember having?
61: where is a place that you’d love to visit?
78: what's your favorite animal?
84: what’s your favourite insect?
89: what are your thoughts on roller coasters?
90: what’s your favourite mythical creature?
don't feel pressured to answer all of them!
have a lovely timezone kimmmm <3333
17.) Nopee, they're silly but maybe once a year id go into a full on ghost hunting/summoning kinda mood AHAHAHAH
21-22.)My least fav subject would be any of the languages taught tbh, doesn't matter if it's English, Filipino, Arabic, french, like bro do u expect my shitty memory to remember all that??? 😭😭 And for favorite, it's math surprise ✨ bcs i see it as a video game challenge/puzzle, so kinda makes sense how I would solve some if I'm bored, like back when I was still in school, I used to open my textbook, flip to the 2nd half of the book and find smth that interests me so I can solve it, then future me would either be confused, horrified or relieved to see it already solved LMAOOO
30.) Jazz on the clock by Luxiem!! It's such a vibe, the 'DA DA DU BI DU BI DO' just REPEATS in my head
47.) Ive never rlly thought abt future jobs that age I think? But at most I guess it would be an artist, like- just an 'artist' nothing specified 😭 now I think about it, it's pretty silly and idealistic bcs living off from making art?? Naw that's just too idealistic 💀💀
53.) I literally don't remember bcs I don't have dreams often 🧍‍♂️ like maybe every few months I would 😭😭
61.) Visit? Then uhhh maybe Ibaraki in Japan, I wanna see those flower fields 🫶✨
78.) Ferrets and cats :33
84.) Don't have one bcs I'm prob enemies to all insects 😭😭 but I'd say bees and ladybugs, they're nice to look at
90.) UHHHHHH I haven't rlly thought abt it but maybe elves??? Idk
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unicyclehippo · 10 months
"warmth" for the writing prompt :)
i have written so much abt that first durge scene i will now write abt smth else i promise 🥺 u can trust me 🥺🥺☺️🔪
there’s a snake curled around the shoulders of a weeping child. there’s a snake in the heart of the grove. there’s a poison, dripping into the hearts of these wild folk, that makes them wilder. feral.
on another day, dante might have admired it.
today, however, they are of the opinion that one mind lost is more than enough. dante eyed the woman draped in her poison green, envy green, her perfect hair and sneer. they lifted their hand from their blade.
‘there’s still time to stop this.’
kagha’s sneer deepened. ‘why would i do that? you devils—we didn’t ask for you to come here, we didn’t want you.’ she’s so furious that spittle bubbles at her lips as she hisses the words. magic bubbles at her fingertips.
‘kagha, what is the meaning of this? does the rite do what they say it does? you cannot… you must see reason,’ the horned druid pleads. he falls silent as the added curls around his boot.
‘reason? you think i do not see reason?’ the words left her with the deadly quiet of a winding serpent. ‘i ssee the weight of these interlopers on us every day. our people go hungry. risk discovery and destruction to protect these strangers who do nothing but ssteal and sslink about our most ssacred pool.’ the snake had now wound up to proud-horned rath’s knee. ‘i ssee that halssin left us with the duty to protect ourselves—abandoned his post, his people, to play hero in the mud ssearching for worms. i am protecting our people. you are the one who ought see reason, rath.’
they were pretty enough words. dante could see how they would sway someone who was already falling from their path.
‘you are a druid of silvanus,’ they reminded her. was it their imagination, or did some confusion flicker in those poisonous eyes? ‘you hold to the tenets he left.’
‘of course!’
‘then you are not a shadow druid,’ dante told her simply. ‘you do not have to obey them. you shouldn’t.’
the words of the plaques were easily to summon; songs, stories, were their bread and butter. they recited them easily—and watched the horror creep across kagha’s face. what were these druids but protectors against the dark? since the beginning, they had opposed the shadow. poor thing. yet better still than dante, with her hands unstained.
‘the rite…we could cleanse it. the power - it - it is meant to protect us!’
‘you’ll be very safe,’ dante allowed. ‘in your grove of shadow and thorns. believe me when i say that some description is worse than mere death.’
kagha flinched. her eyes flickered from dante to the pack of rats to the deep green shade of her vine-wrapped grove. could she see the horror that would break through her world? thorns like blades slicing through the earth, the pillars cracking, the blood spilled. the beautiful screams.
‘i—by the oak, what have i done?’
betrayer, the monster crooned. kill. eat the heart of the heartless one.
go fuck yourself, dante thought back as powerfully as they were able.
a smile flickered at the corner of dante’s mouth. it was starting to be truly fun, ignoring the monster within. how it howled, tearing at their soft insides.
‘end the ritual. hold the path until i bring halsin back. keep the refugees safe. and kagha,’ dante waited until she met their eyes. ‘no more names. not foul blood, not devil, not hellspawn. refugees, if you do not know their names.’
‘y-yes. yes you’re right.’
‘believe me when i say it is harder to resist killing you than it would be to end your life.’ she did not look comforted by their words. good. dante hadn’t meant to be comforting. they could not forget tiny arabella, shaking, fangs at her throat. ‘and if you mean to prove your change of heart, i believe these rats are about to try and kill us. you as well.’
they were quite drenched in blood and mud when they walked from the grove, boots slapping wet against the stone. arabella’s parents had that look about them where they could see nothing awful about dante at all—just a hero standing in front of them, the one who saved their daughter.
a tiny spark of something kindled in their chest.
dante’s fingers pressed to the padding of their jerkin. to disguise the gesture, they bowed to the grateful pair.
‘thank you, oh thank you—i swear she’ll never steal again, we were terrified—she could have killed you, arabella! oh please—’
the mother grabbed dante’s hand. a bold move. they held very still. she had lovely horns and kind eyes. loathing clawed at their throat. if she knew what they were… hero? ha!
‘you saved my baby,’ she told them. ‘take this. please.’
a locket dropped into dante’s palm. it had the glimmer of magic, and the metal rasp of age.
‘what-‘ dante cleared their throat. ‘what is this?’
‘a pittance. in return for her life.’
‘i didn’t do it for a reward.’
the mother smiled. squeezed their hand. and then the father—who also didn’t have any cautionary sense not to approach and touch the very bloodied murderer—grabbed their shoulder and pulled them into a hug.
‘it is not payment, my friend. this is our thanks—a meagre offering. you cannot know how grateful we are.’ he ruffled his daughters hair.
dante stared. had anyone ever touched them that gently? had they had a father? a mother?
‘thank you,’ they croaked, and reached out with their magic to explore it. watched as lights like fireflies began to pour from the latch of the locket. ‘oh,’ they murmured. ‘beautiful.’
arabella laughed, as one of the lights buzzed past her ear. she followed the path of the dancing orbs with clear delight.
dante frowned. knelt.
arabella swayed forward to smile, fanged, right in their face. ‘hi! thanks for saving me! i promise,’ she lied, with a glance back to her parents, ‘I’ll never steal anything every again.’
‘i’m sure,’ dante agreed, trying not to laugh. they turned the locket over in their hand. ‘this is a very kind gift,’ they said, making sure her parents could hear. ‘but i cannot accept it.’ they picked it up by the chain and carefully, slowly, passed it over the nubs of her horns and over her head, letting it rest around her neck. ‘there are things we do because we are heroes and fighters and all those things are very fun and we get lots of treasure. and there are things we do because we are alive, and have hearts in our chests,’ dante said, and cuffed her very gently about the ear. ‘saving naughty child in over their heads is one of those. so you keep this close. and be careful. and check for traps.’
her parents sighed.
arabella grinned. ‘thank you!’
‘you’re welcome, little one. be smarter.’
‘i will!’
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roscgcld · 3 years
HEADCANONS + FUSHIGURO MEGUMI || ‘trashcan’ boyfriend
request: HELLO!! Hope ur having a wonderful day!!! i really love ur writing! i've been rereading it everyday to get my daily serotonin💕. So Is it okay if i request a hc of megumi being a boyfriend trash can, like his s/o can't finish an apple and megumi just eat it without even saying anything when they hand it to him. and he got teased cuz he did it in front of the other student or satoru.
note: honestly, this idea is super cute cx the idea of megumi having a huge appetite is honestly so canon for me lol. and i can definitely see this happening; and i bet you half the time he doesn’t even know that it’s half eaten since he’ll be busy doing something like going on his phone or smth like that lmao. aaaaa, i love him so much >< 
pronouns: them/they
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if there is one thing that you have an issue with, it would be the fact that you cannot seem to finish whatever it is that is on your plate
whether it is noodles, rice, or even fries - you can never seem to finish any of the regular portions that is served in restaurants
ordering from the kids menu will not work since you’d get hungry after awhile, yet ordering normal portion meals makes it hard for you to finish your meal 
this is where your beloved boyfriend megumi always comes in handy 
there is no denying that both him and yuji have massive, and i mean massive appetites - you have seen yuji eating 2 big macs and 2 large fries in one sitting before, and still had space for ice cream either
and even though your boyfriend is not that extreme, he still manage to eat a big mac and an extra cheese burger after your most recent mission with him 
because of this, you tend to sneak your food to your boyfriend’s plate; or megumi will just nudge you and asked if you wanted to continue eating whatever it is on your plate when he notice you started to pick at your food
the reason he does this is one, so gojo does not have any reason to tease the absolute shit out of you; since he loves to find any sort of reason to poke fun at his students. 
and two, nowadays stores charge for takeaway boxes to reduce the waste from one time use plastics, and who honestly wants to pay extra for leftovers?
so he always eats the leftover food on your plate without hesitation; this happened even before you two became a couple. it was just something he always does whenever you two are out together
surprisingly enough, no one has actually caught you two doing this before - they just sort of assume that you were like everyone else, maybe eating smaller portions than average, but you still finish most of the food on your plate
think the first person who really catches you doing your little routine would be nobara - because let’s be honest here. who can really hide a secret from nobara for long?
she first noticed your little ‘routine’ with megumi after you three had completed your mission at megumi’s old school - where nobara had demanded and whined for express sushi 
and since akari knew that if she does not feed your group, you’re going to be whining all the way back to campus about the hunger; so she brought you to the sushi place that you four went to with gojo after meeting nobara for the first time 
because of yuji and huge ass stomach, he obviously ordered a huge quantity of food. so it is a given that everyone is supposed to help out with finishing the rest of the sushi 
soon the food arrived, and soon everyone started to tuck into the food - all of you definitely in higher spirits with everything that had happened as you started to destroy the food before you
you were doing pretty well, having ordered some ramen with a side of tempura, and had managed to finish about a quarter of the bowl of ramen before you gently nudge megumi, giving him your puppy eyes once he turns away from his plate of food 
he just finishes his bite of sashimi before he wordlessly took your bowl to eat the noodles, to which you perked up before you lean over to kiss the corner of his lips, causing him to blush as he continues to eat your food
whilst you two were in your own bubble, you two had no idea that nobara was watching the entire thing. but instead of teasing them, she actually finds the entire thing super cute, so she just smiles softly into her bowl of food as she turned away from you two
the next time it happened in front of people, was unfortunately when you all were chilling in the rec room after a long day of classes
you were curled up against your boyfriend’s chest, scrolling through your phone with your back to his chest whilst he had one of his books held in one hand, reading over it quietly
gojo, who had decided to join the four of you, was scrolling through his phone, soft music playing from the Bluetooth speaker on the table as nobara and yuji played some random game on their switch
you were nibbling on an apple whilst scrolling through your phone, and had taken another bite from the apple when you made a soft face at the feeling of suddenly being too full to take another bite
so without missing a beat you shifted before you gently held up the apple to your boyfriend expectedly; who didn’t take his eyes away from his book as he wordlessly took the apple and took a bite from it 
unfortunately for you two gojo had looked up just in time to see megumi casually grabbing your half eaten apple and finishing it without another comment, his crystalline blue eyes blinking behind his sunglasses before he grins and pushes himself up from his lounging position
“i didn’t know you two were that close, megumi-chan~”
megumi, as if suddenly remembering the others in the room, freezes in shock as his face heats up immediately, his horrified eyes snapping away from his book to face his grinning teacher’s gaze
without missing a beat megumi hurled the apple core at gojo, who just laughs at how red his student’s face is as he buried his burning face into the side of your neck whilst the apple core hovered before gojo before it fell onto the ground
you just giggle and put your phone down, reaching back to gently run your fingers through megumi’s hair whilst you gave your sensei an amused look, not even surprised that he was going to make fun of your boyfriend
“leave him alone - he offer to eat my food because i can never finish it.” you tried to reason, to which gojo just gasps before he sat up a little, his eyes clearly widening in clear delight at the new information.
“you’re telling me this happens often?!”
it got to the point where nobara had tossed a pillow at her teacher for being too loud, scowling over at him in annoyance over her switch console while berating him for making such a big deal over something so small 
“honestly you make it sound like fushiguro into some kinky shit. it’s food - i make yuji eat my food when i can’t finish it.” 
before gojo can make some cheeky response, megumi had enough and summoned his rabbits, sending them to smother their teacher on the couch with a scowl
you just rolled your eyes fondly, ignoring gojo’s loud cries for help underneath the heap of shikigami rabbits as you turn in your boyfriend’s arms; resting on your front against his chest as he gave you an embarrassed look
“don’t mind him - you’re still my cute boyfriend.” you just giggled and tossed your arms around his neck, him dropping his book onto the couch before he wrapped his arms around you tightly as you pepper his red faces in kisses
and you can’t help but find him so cute as you smother him in love, non of you really rushing to help your sensei underneath megumi’s mountain of rabbits
he’ll survive - he is the strongest sorcerer, as he loves to claim after all
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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