#she’s 47 in Ahsoka
suggesting-themes · 1 year
Anakin saying Ahsoka looked old really hurts because she was older than he ever got to be
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Justification: "Ahsoka’s main way of loving people is through friendship, and there was never an indicator that the writers were going to give her a love interest, just more friends that she could bond with. That’s until they shoved in comphet place holder #47 to be her love interest, which eventually shows itself to be dead on arrival, because Ahsoka doesn’t really seem interested in him and keeps him at an arm’s length. The show writers themselves gave up on it cause she had so much other stuff going for her that a romance just seemed forced. Aro Ahsoka is so real to me."
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i was complaining to my friend about how ahsoka's fighting style is completely different and she doesn't do any of her flips and crazy kicks anymore but i just saw someone point out that she's 47? so yeah, i guess that's fair
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spacefinch · 4 months
Star Wars headcanons: Commander Jun Sato
- He’s in his late 40s when we see him in “Rebels.” (Around 47-48 during the Battle of Atollon.)
- Fall of the Republic (19 BBY): Sato is 31 years old.
- Outbreak of the Clone Wars (22 BBY): Sato is 28.
- Battle of Naboo (32 BBY): Sato is 18 years old.
(Note: BBY stands for “Before the Battle of Yavin,” AKA when the first Death Star was destroyed.)
More notes:
Always enjoyed traveling and adventuring. He grew up in a spaceport town, so he and his brother would hear stories from all across the galaxy.
Before his military career, Sato had quite a few jobs— some of which were less than legal. (His first experience with being a smuggler was when he was a teenager.)
Joined the Republic Navy shortly before the Clone Wars, and quickly proved his talents at battle strategy.
During the Clone Wars, he preferred to fly or fight alongside the Jedi and clone troopers, rather than staying aboard the bridge of a star cruiser.
The older navy officers described Sato as somewhat hot-headed, but reliable.
Sato’s younger brother is named Kenji, and is about four years younger than him.
While Jun Sato likes to travel, Kenji is more of a homebody. He takes immense pride in his home world, a trait he passed on to his son, Mart Mattin. (The other thing he passed on is the Sato family’s signature hot-headednese.)
Some of Sato’s friends:
The Organa family (Senator Bail Organa, Queen Breha, and Princess Leia).
Padme Amidala. (She and the Organas are some of the few politicians that Sato gets along with.)
The Ghost crew.
Captain Rex.
Ahsoka Tano.
During the Republic era, he is friends with a few Jedi, including Plo Koon and Saesee Tiin. He encounters the Disaster Trio (Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka) infrequently.
Other notes
Rather soft-spoken as a child, but slowly became more outgoing. Still very much an introvert.
For all his seriousness and professionalism , Sato is just as much of a madman as some of his friends. He’s not above finding loopholes in rules or straight up blasting his way out of trouble. (Padme taught him the phrase “aggressive negotiations” and that’s basically his philosophy when it comes to fighting.)
He’s the kind of person who “knows a guy” for almost every situation.
One of the best Sabacc players in the Rebellion— he learned the game during his smuggler days.
Enjoys the occasional (harmless) prank. Sometimes he gets Mart and the rest of the Iron Squadron to help.
He’s on the aroace spectrum!
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underacalicosky · 10 months
#46 for the soft prompts pretty please?? (I will bombard you with these if I'm not careful...)
Thanks for this prompt!! @somethingsteff asked for the same one.
46. “Take a break. You’ve been working all day.” “I can’t just–”
I think this one was a little angstier than I had hoped… (hint: feel free to pick another number so I can make it up to you! I’ve got 31, 41, and 47 in my queue)
Piece of You
He finds Anakin tucked away in the corner of his workspace in the hangar bay, surrounded by half-assembled droids, metal scraps, and endless wiring. Anakin’s facing away from the entrance of the small room and Obi-Wan takes a moment to study him.
From where Obi-Wan’s standing, he can tell Anakin is deeply focused on whatever his current project is from the way he’s sitting with his shoulders hunched over the workbench, his curls gathered into a clip at the crown of his head, his hands busy, but not frantic.
To an outside observer, Anakin might appear calm, but Obi-Wan senses through their bond that he’s unsettled. Anxious.
As Obi-Wan nears, he sees the two lightsaber hilts on the workbench in front of Anakin. His heart clenches and his breath catches in his throat.
He approaches slowly, his footsteps deliberate so that Anakin knows it’s him.
“Take a break. You’ve been working all day,” Obi-Wan says, crossing his arms as he walks around the bench to face Anakin.
“I can’t just--”
Anakin stops abruptly, eyes dancing between the two hilts. A slight crease in his brow forms as he sighs heavily.
“I can’t just take a break. I don’t have much time. I have to finish before she gets here,” he says.
Obi-Wan looks at the hilts again and nods. “I understand.”
“No, you don’t,” Anakin snaps, and the thread of pain in his voice with the simultaneous tremor of grief in the Force makes Obi-Wan startle. “I failed her,” he adds quietly.
“Anakin...” he starts, but doesn’t know quite what to offer.
“This is the least I can do for her,” Anakin continues. “What if I never see her again after this? This will be the last thing I can give her to protect herself.”
“You’ve taught her everything you know,” Obi-Wan says. “Ahsoka’s been able to survive outside of the Order, on her own, because of what you’ve taught her. And those lessons will stay with her, long after you’ve parted ways.”
Anakin looks up at Obi-Wan with unshed tears in his eyes.
“Did I teach her enough? Did I teach her the right things?” Anakin asks, his voice barely above a whisper. “I wasn’t ready to be a master.”
“None of us are,” Obi-Wan says before he can stop himself.
Straightening up, Anakin shakes his head. “But you were the best master. No one else could’ve trained me as well as you did. As you still do.”
“And Ahsoka feels that way about you,” Obi-Wan tells him. “It was her decision to leave. I realize that’s painful and you feel responsible, but it’s not a rejection of you. I believe wholeheartedly that the most difficult part of her decision to walk away was knowing how it would affect you.”
A quiet settles over them as Anakin idly handles the hilts.
“I miss her,” Anakin says.
“I miss her, too,” Obi-Wan responds. His eyes flick down to the weapons in Anakin’s hands. “She’ll appreciate them.”
“You think so?” Anakin asks, looking at Obi-Wan.
“Yes,” he says definitively. “She’ll carry a piece of you with her. A reminder that even though you’re apart, you’re still looking after her.”
Standing from the workbench, Anakin steps back and turns on one of the lightsabers. He examines it carefully, twirling it and slicing through the air a couple times, the glow of the blade illuminating his face.
“I hope you’re right,” Anakin says with a small smile.
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kopykunoichi · 1 year
Animation compared to Live Action Ahsoka
14 years old. This is perfect. She looks just like her animated self. Short for her age. Very innocent. Could have done her brow markings a bit better, but all in all - beautiful. Winner: It's a draw.
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17 years old. The flashbacks portray Ahsoka as much younger and smaller than the animation (which could be due to budget or self-perception). But the animation is more accurate to what you'd expect a nearly fully grown adult to look like. Winner: Animation.
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33-47 years old.
I don't have a perfect live action comparison for this, but she's a mature adult in both pictures, so it serves.
Animated: Her montrals and lekku have lengthened, but her eyes are still nose height to Rex, as opposed to mouth height when she was 17. I just want to go back and tweak the animation style in Rebels so she actually has the same bone structure and facial markings. Make it make sense.
Live action: Thank goodness they retconned her Rebels appearance. Her montrals, lekku, and facial markings are about the same as her animated 17-year-old self, which makes sense...and she's not suddenly stupidly tall.
Winner: Live Action.
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dont-get-snippy · 6 months
Every Rebels Parallel and Callback in Ahsoka(Part I)
Episode 1: Master and Apprentice
0:55 - Thrawn is mentioned in the title crawl
4:16 and 4:55 - “You are no jedi” and “we are no jedi” we all know what that is
6:45 - not exactly Rebels but Ahsoka’s theme from the Clone Wars is played with the title card
17:10 - Hera!
18:53 - Hera mentions the Battle of Lothal
19:18 - Hera mentions Ezra
20:12 - Hera and Ahsoka indirectly mention Sabine
20:40 - Lothal is shown
20:54 - Ryder Azadi references the Battle of Lothal and Ezra’s sacrifice
21:01 - Ryder shows the monument from the Rebels finale
21:59 - Ryder introduces Jai Kell, one of Ezra’s friends from the Imperial Academy in season 1 of Rebels
24:04 - Sabine has a loth cat painted on her helmet
25:09 - we see the watchtower from season 1 of Rebels
25:21 - Sabine has a pet loth cat
25: 56 - we see Sabine’s armor
26:26 - Sabine finds the holo disc, echoing when she found on at Ezra’s old house in Rebels 1x08, Empire Day
26:38 - Ezra!!
28:10 - Morgan mentions the Nightsisters
30:20 - Sabine hears Ezra’s message from the Rebels Finale
30:46 - looks exactly like the beginning and the epilogue scene from Rebels
31:24 - “not everyone” is a reference to kanan and ezra, who obviously weren’t at the ceremony
32:04 - Ahsoka’s theme again
33:11 - Sabine has Chopper and a loth cat painted on her bed
34:01 - Sabine makes a very indirect reference to the Rebels episode “Visions and Voices,” in which she gets possessed by a Nightsister spirit
(side note - ahsoka’s cup looks like a lego mug without the handle)
37:34 - Shin’s lightsaber has the same ring detail as Kanan’s
43:55 - once again not rebels but the three figures are the Mortis gods, who have close ties to Ahsoka
46:50 - this whole scene is similar to the Rebels season 3 finale, when Thrawn discovers Kallus
47:42 - Sabine grabs Ezra’s lightsaber
And that’s it! Let me know if I missed anything!
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I'm going to be honest, but seeing people mad that Ahsoka isn't still a bubbly teenager really fucking sucks
The 47 year old former child soldier with decades of war trauma isn't going to be the same person she was at age 14
Reading the Ahsoka Novel she had already started to close off. She was 19. It was a survival thing. She had to change.
Going through shit changes you. It doesn't always change you for the better. It can make you bitter and sad and withdrawn. And people ask you where the person you were went. That person is gone. They died. I'm what exists now, and as much as I'd love them back, this is who I am now.
I'm glad bubbly Ahsoka is back, but tired, snippy, closed off Ahsoka is very important to me, because I know that feeling of not being the person you were.
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kairithemang0 · 7 months
Ok yknow what I hate about sokai???
Why sokai??? Sorkai sounds 10 times better. Sokai reminds me of Ahsoka from Star Wars and ahsokai sounds like a much better ship then sokai in all honesty. Note I don't know dick about Star Wars but I did look it up and in Clone Wars she's like 17 so I mean if Star Wars gets confirmed for KH4 depending on the time it takes place I might hop on that shit. I think in the current Star Wars time (aka the Ahsoka TV show) she's like 47 or something so not then but who knows.
Again, don't know dick about Star Wars so all this imformation could very well be wrong but who knows
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t65flyer · 2 years
Developing a new head canon/potential fanfic
- Bo-Katan is the age that Katee Sackhoff says she is, meaning she would have been a toddler when Satine was being protected by the Jedi. (~47-51 during Mando, I think she said, making her early 20s when we meet her during Clone Wars)
- Satine was deposing her own father, Adonai Kryze, during the civil war. (Obi-Wan implies she became a pacifist after the war due to the death toll)
- After the war, their father retreats to Kalevala, and Satine fosters Bo in a sort of hostage arrangement. (“There was a time when we weren’t enemies…” -The Lawless, s5 Clone Wars)
- After tensions seem to settle, Bo is returned to her father on Kalevala. She takes the Creed while she is with him (~10+ years old).
- Tensions return after Satine outlaws [traditional Mando thing], and Adonai starts another rebellion in protest. (Ahsoka mentions in Clone Wars that Satine had outlawed devices to imprison Force users, implying she must have outlawed a number of traditional things; an action which typically generates pushback from traditionalists.)
- Adonai is killed by Satine’s forces, which radicalizes Bo against her sister and sends her into the arms of Death Watch. This is also where she gets her scar. (Bo would be a young teen, as Satine indicates that it’s been a long time [since they’ve seen eachother?])
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kanerallels · 1 year
#33, 47, 74, and 99 for the 501st follower celebration?
I shall FINALLY answer this one, in honor of the Ahsoka show coming out in LESS THAN TWO HOURS I'M TOTALLY NORMAL AND STABLE (lie)
33: Hera & Lucy are famous singers and Tim, Jackson, and Kanan are their bodyguards Au. The title says it all. Plus also Nolan is their agent. Have a little snippet below:
“I still can’t believe Nolan got us BODYGUARDS,” Lucy complained, pacing as best she could in the enclosed space of Hera’s trailer. The other woman gave her a patiently amused look.
“In his defense, Lucy, we’ve both received plenty of death threats.”
“Yeah, well, this is invasive,” Lucy grumbled, flopping down onto the couch. “That Bradford guy is already the grumpiest drill sergeant of a guy I’ve ever met.”
“I didn’t think he was that bad.”
Scoffing, Lucy said, “How would you know? You were too busy flirting with your bodyguard with the ponytail.”
“I was not!” Shooting her an offended look, Hera said, “All I’m saying is that we should make the best of the situation.”
“You do that.” Frowning thoughtfully, Lucy said, “I, on the other hand, am going to try and get rid of them. Especially Bradford.”
“This should end well,” Hera sighed.
47: Frank gets Snapped. Also pretty self explanatory!
“So let me get this straight,” Frank said slowly, trying to wrap his mind around what he was being told. He was used to a world where things were, if not straightforward, at the very least no magic was involved. “This alien guy—”
“Thanos,” Amy provided as she poured them both a cup of coffee.
“Right, him. He snapped his fingers and erased half of humanity?”
Nodding, Amy said, “Pretty much. Well, it helped that he had these magic gems called Infinity Stones that controlled key aspects of the universe—”
Holding up a hand, Frank said, “Too much.”
“Right. Sorry.” Sliding him his coffee cup, she said, “Anyways, long story short, now you guys are back… after five years.”
Frank cursed under his breath, running a hand over his forehead. “Five years. What— who else? Besides me?”
He knew the first name that leapt to mind, but reluctantly pushed it aside to ask, “Curtis?”
“He was fine,” Amy assured him. “He was the first— well, second person I called when everything went down.” They both knew who the first person was. “He and I teamed up to look for some of the others. That’s how I met your friend David Lieberman.”
Frank’s eyes widened. “You’re kidding.”
“Nope. He was really helpful in finding everyone. He, uh— his wife got snapped. But both of his kids were fine.”
Wincing at the memory of Sarah— the kind woman who’d offered him that fancy wine— Frank said, “Got it. What about, ah, Madani?”
“She made it,” Amy assured him. “Mahoney didn’t, though.”
Nodding slowly, Frank said, “Right. And you found some of the others?”
“Yeah, David’s hacking skills made him pretty helpful. Other people hired him for it, too.” Amy half-grinned. “We thought we found you alive, one time. This guy hunting down crime lords. But Curtis figured you weren’t the sword type, and this guy, apparently, “didn’t move like you”, whatever that means.”
“Sword, huh?” Frank took a sip of his coffee. “Seems inefficient.”
“See, you say that, but he managed to kill a whole crap ton of guys. Major assassin skills going on there.”
“Huh. Not bad.” Frank took another long sip, playing for time before he asked the question. He was already scared of the answer. “What about, uh—”
“Karen made it,” Amy told him before he could force the words out. “She didn’t think you were sword guy either– although we were all a little disappointed. Her lawyer buddies didn’t make it, though.”
Frank grimaced at the thought— Karen alone, without Red or the shorter guy who’d been scared at the sight of him, but still stubborn and smart. She’d been alone for five whole years. She hadn’t known where he was for five whole years.
Time to fix that. Downing the rest of his coffee, he rose to his feet. “I gotta go.”
Smirking, Amy said, “I figured. Let me get my stuff— New York is a long drive.”
74: The Wraiths being trained by Vostress. I've posted this one before, but I have another snippet for you, as a treat!!
99: B99 Au. Believe it or not I actually have multiple Brooklyn 99 inspired aus. This one is set in the Star Wars universe and is MUCH chaos, very fun.
“So let me get this straight,” Fox said, staring at Kanan. “Not only did you lose the criminal Dark O’Reilly again—”
“Less lose and more he slipped out of our clutches,” Kanan offered.
“—but you spent part of the time that you should have used trying to thwart him to sing karaoke with him?”
Shrugging, Kanan said, “What can I say? He does an excellent “Don’t Stop Believin’.”
Fox let out a sigh, rubbing his forehead with a grimace. “How is someone as intelligent as Syndulla in love with you?”
Grinning, Kanan said, “I ask myself that question every day, Captain. Honestly, I’m so lucky to have her. She’s incredibly beautiful and smart and—”
“Get out of this office.”
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devondeal · 1 year
1, 2, 7, 15, 16, 43, 47, 49, 51 for Kenduli ask game please and thank you 😘
I'd like to once again thank you for introducing me to Kenduli because my god they are hot together and I didn't expect it to be this fun to answer but this was truly a surprise joy for me 🥰
1.) How did they each fall in love?
Obi Wan always had a crush on Luminara since he was a young lad in the same creche as her but he was always too shy to say something. He assumed she didn't feel the same since she was probably too "cool" for him.
Luminara also had a crush on Obi Wan since the beginning and she tried all the flirting however Obi Wan was too oblivious to pick up on it. She probably would have straight up told him but I think that probably got stunted when (and what I'm about to say is my headcanon) she lost her Master. The death of Master Katri probably was so consuming she just didn't have the energy to think of romance anymore.
This in turn would reinforce Obi Wan's belief that she didn't feel the same for him and being a good caring person and Jedi, he put his feelings aside to comfort her as a friend.
Unfortunately by the time Luminara was able to heal and felt comfortable enough again to tell him how she felt, that's when Obi Wan met Satine so she assumed he only cared for her platonically or whatever interest she may have sensed earlier in him, he moved on and she was too late.
2.) Who would confess first and how?
Luminara would confess first and I feel like it happened at some point during The Approaching Storm just given the chemistry and events of the book. I mean they promised to take care of the other's Padawan so they clearly had some intense interactions between the lines and scenes.
I mean a mission that forces them to spend prolonged time together sleeping right next to each other? That's prime romantic potential right there. So I feel like in one of the moments their Padawans were both preoccupied with something, they'd get to talking in the infamous tent and Luminara would let it slip that she had a crush on him growing up.
Obi Wan would be so shocked at this and in turn reveal he also had a crush on her. And the interaction would go something like this and it would all be spoken a little heatedly given their surprise how long they've had to hold back:
Obi Wan: "Well why didn't you tell me?! All those years, I thought you only saw me as a friend!"
Luminara: "And I thought you only saw me as a friend!"
(Suddenly both realize how close their faces have gotten)
Luminara: "We are good friends, aren't we?..."
Obi Wan: "Yes... very good friends..."
(They both start furiously making out)
7.) What's a typical date night for them?
I feel like Obi Wan would always have flowers and a "hello there" to start their dates and they're both all dressed up to go somewhere fancy like a restaurant with a private booth or the theatre which usually ends in one of their rooms in the Temple.
In the more casual version they'd probably stay in and cook together just enjoying each other's company while they can.
15.) How would they express their affection for each other?
They both ADORE using cute titles for each other like "darling," "dear," "love," etc.
Obi Wan is THE gentleman and will always open the door, pull up a chair, all that stuff for his lady. He would also be big on words of affirmation and always reminding her how amazing she is because he knows she needs to hear it.
Luminara would give Obi Wan gifts and souvenirs from her missions. She definitely would give him something significant to Mirialan culture that is some kind of sign of love and commitment. Food is also a love language for her so she def would feed him much like Barriss would for Ahsoka.
16.) How would they comfort each other?
With Obi Wan, like I said he would try to use words to validate her but he also knows that sometimes there are no words so he would just check on her and take care of her, makes sure she's eating, etc. until she's ready to talk about it. Luminara suffers in silence for the most part so lots of holding her for sure.
Luminara would be his safe space for him to cry and express his feelings. She'd just listen and hold him. She'd struggle to not go out there and beat the crap out of whoever caused this. But she'd know that he needs to just spill what he's feeling without feeling judged so she'd let him feel it all.
43.) What does Luminara think of Obi Wan's past relationship with Satine and Ventress being flirty with him?
With Satine, Luminara for the most part just feels really hurt that she missed her chance with Obi Wan. She understands why Obi Wan would still care about Satine years later but also is frustrated because she knows it was not a healthy relationship for Obi Wan. Luminara does still feel bits of jealousy come up and just does not like her.
And if Luminara doesnt like Satine, she FUCKING HATES Ventress's flirtiness with Obi Wan 🤣 nothing gets her straight to big mad faster than the thought of that bog witch throwing her skirt at Obi Wan.
47.) What does Luminara mean by "strategic planning?"
49.) Describe their reunion as Force ghosts
Oh this one is gonna give all the feels 😭 They both would immediately start crying upon seeing each other and Obi Wan would say that he's waited so long to come back to her while Luminara tells him she watched over him the whole time ❤️
51.) Favorite Kenduli moment from either a show or a book?
Onscreen of course I have to mention the "strategic planning," basically the entire Legacy of Terror despite Obi Wan's questionable choices of negotiation 🤣 I do love how worried he got when seeing her holo of her getting captured like the man banged on the table in fear for her 🥺
Also The Approaching Storm is basically the Kenduli bible. But I flipped through some pages for examples and it will explain my headcanons above are the way they are:
This was Luminara encouraging Obi Wan that he is capable of training Anakin
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Just Obi Wan being both a feminist and probably blushing furiously too
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The man watched her sleep this whole damn paragraph and, get this, "aroused" him
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This was toward the end when the main conflict is resolved and Luminara wants to chill with Obi Wan for some "small pleasures".... yeah that's one way to put it
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Bo katan being between 47-51 during mando era is making me go👀👀👀👀?!?!?!?!?
Cause that means she is around 1 or 2 years older than ahsoka max, and was around 17-18 by the time of clone wars, when Katee said before that she was not very off the teens i though she was like 19-20 but she can be even younger?????
I have many MANY thoughs and im excited about all of them... we also need to talk about katee dropping the "she's not necessarily human" lore bomb and MOVING ON, but that can be another day
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looseleafteeaves · 9 months
T Squad; An Edited List
Important Things to Know:
All of Tea Squad, part is the 713th battalion, is assigned to the Coruscant Temple after the events with Ahsoka’s trial. They are technically part of the Corrie Guard, but focused on General/Tubie General defense rather than politicians and crime
The 713th is almost 80% made of Speedies. The speedies were trained by an Alpha- he was called Aiwha- and IDOLIZE most of the Halfsie Clones
All of T Squad is speedies, meaning they are like 2 years old.
CG VERY quickly began to work with the 713th to use the TCG(Temple Clone Guard) as a leave for the Corries, as the Corries have a similar ratio of Speedies to Halfsies because of decommissioning and reconditionings.
Both are at about 3/4 of the companies they should have. The two cycle through a battalion's worth of CG for TCG as a time. They run on a
The CC in charge of the 713th was part of Fox’s batch. CC-1011 was fast tracked to command after the Need for the 713th became known. Originally, Snake was a medic.
Fox and Snake have only had an swapped on/off shift once, too paranoid about the consequences. (Until the stuff with Ceremony goes down)
713th Companies are: Archives, Fountains, Towers, and Creche Companies.
Towers Company focused on defense of the 5 large towers.
Fountain Company is for defense of the bulk of the main temple, the majority just like the Room of a Thousand Fountains best
Archive Company is focused on defense of both the archives, and the Under levels.
Creche Company is the code name for the mixed company of Corrie Guards and 713th who are on break shift, thier version of leave, and is thus an ever cycling group. They also tend to hang around the Creche and are much beloved by them.
Corrie Guard is also known as 1st Battalion/Home Guard.
Later, Caff(a halfsie clone), Tisane(a speedie medic), Tincture(Tisane’s medic assistant) and Nightcap (a halfsie clone who is from Krell’s battalion) join.
The OG Members of Tea Squad/T Squad
CC 13-8-0526, AKA Sergeant Teapot, they/he, is a Speedie. Teapot is in-charge of a squad in Archive. Teapot’s idol is Commander Cody/CC-2224, after he said one (1) time on Kamino “Nice planning, Tubie.” And its gotten worse since.
CT-13-2639, AKA Oolong, pronouns they/them. Oolong is among the most curious of T-Squad. Oolong also can’t hit the broad side of a starship with a blaster…No one knows how they survived training on Kamino, and Oolong just smirks when people ask.
CT 11-2-2053, AKA Teacup, they/she is second in command. Teacup was in fact voted into the spot because its funny. Teacup is a “short model” (as in 2 inches shorted than most clones). Yes T Squad teases them for it. She makes them take laps through the temple for it.
CT-34-9-8873 AKA Leaf, he/him. basically a little Dogma, but mixed with rules lawyering. Commander Snake loves him dearly.
CT-77-8-8777, AKA Meditate he/she, calls the grouping of Ceremony, Reverie and her "triple 7"
CT-13-1-3777, AKA Ceremony, they/them, Ceremony is HIGHLY interested in Jedi beliefs, and the tenets of the Jedi Order. Ceremony secretly hopes to join the Jedi EduCorps after the war.
CT-77-7-7770, AKA Reverie, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ pronouns, a silly goose who could care less about the war. Reverie is constantly reading and daydreaming. *Note that in the OG post "Brew" replaced the name Reverie, but Reverie refused to have that name.
CT-20-1-3419, AKA Chip, she/her, information specialists. Very good at sneaky, has a guilty pleasure of writing romanance novels.
CT-47-4567, AKA Matcha, she/her, Chip's editor of the romanance novel. Matcha and Yerba are twins, technically. They have the seeming "twin telepathy"
CT-47-4568, AKA Yerba, he/him, Yerba is a contraband enthusist... meaning he makes moonshine, because the normal troopers try and keep the speedies from drinking alcohol.
Other fun info: Aiwha still loves to freak the 713th out but randomly appearing on Coruscant. The Creche loves him.
T squad eventually becomes part of a oversized squad (14 instead of 9 troopers,) due to Senate bullcrap.
JT-F8, the tea droid, has become very fond of all of the Archives Battalion, but also has begun to record the Clone Troopers, and so have many of the JTs. Tea/T Squad is just the one that F8 claimed.
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morgan-n-cheese-91 · 1 year
Okay so scrolling Instagram and someone was talking about how they were like how old is Sabine in Ahsoka and I never watched the video full through so I don't know what age they actually gave but I did get me thinking it made me do a lot of mental math because why not.
Okay we have two starting dates that we know for certain Ahsoka is 14 when the clone wars begin meaning she is either 16 turning 17 or is 17 on Empire Day. We also have that that is when the twins are born. Using these to data points we can figure how old people are. We know that the Mandalorian and TBoBF take place about 30 years after Empire Day and I'm assuming Ahsoka takes place after the two of them. So we know that Ahsoka should be around the standard age of 47 in her series. Which then brings us to how old Sabine would be. So from the little I've seen of Rebels she is most definitely a teenager and can't be anymore then like 16. And when Rebels falls in the Star Wars timeline, it places it like 13 to 15 years out from Empire Day. So let's take that it takes place 13 years out from Empire Day and Sabine is 16. That would mean that when the clone wars began Sabine had just been born, which makes her 14 years younger than Ahsoka. Which then if Ahsoka's standardly 47 that would make Sabine 33.
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writingforfun0714 · 1 year
Hi all
I’ve seen Ahsoka eps 1+2 twice now and I’d like to share my thoughts on the show.
Warnings: Spoilers for Ahsoka ep1 and ep2, not a fic, contains thoughts/personal opinions and guessing ages
Here’s what I like about the show in general: I like it, and wanna see where it goes.
Overall I’m interested. While I don’t think the show is bad, I definitely don’t think it’s the best show I’ve ever seen. The effects were decent and I loved the sets. I also loved the scores of music—though I don’t think I’ve ever hated the sound design/music for any SW show. The mural looked a little different from Rebels’ version but personally I still think it’s good, though I was hoping for more shots of the whole mural instead of mostly closeups of Ezra. I also liked the costume designs but the only change I would make would be having Ahsoka show up in white robes at the end of ep2 to match Rebels’ finale. I loved that when Sabine’s not wearing her Mando armor, she wears things almost identical to Hera and had a similar hair-cutting scene to Kanan 😍
Now for the story. I think the main story of finding Thrawn+Ezra is great. It’s something I’ve wanted since Rebels’ finale. I also love the new characters introduced. Baylan Skoll, his apprentice Shin (Hati?) stole the show anytime they were on screen. I love everything about them so far. Their personalities, their costume designs (Baylan wears all black while Shin wears more neutral colors and still has her padawan braid) and especially Shin’s unspoken body language has been amazing. I’m super curious about their dynamic, since it seems like any time Shin is unsure, she looks to Baylan. I’m wondering, since Ahsoka and Anakin had a sibling dynamic going on, if they’ll go opposite and make Baylan and Shin have a more father/daughter type of relationship cuz I’ll be honest and say when I first saw them, I immediately thought of Silco/Jinx from Netflix’s Arcane.
I also liked Morgan Elsbeth. I wasn’t sure about her in Mando and because she wasn’t super important like Moff Gideon or something, I didn’t really give her a lot of thought. But I liked her revealing to be related to the Night Sisters and I loved the Night Sisters Temple. I’m also interested in Inquisitor Marrok. I definitely think Marrok is Starkiller but we’ll have to wait and see.
I loved seeing familiar characters as well. Of course Hera, Chopper and Huyang were confirmed to come back from the trailer so I knew I’d love seeing them, but I was pleasantly caught off guard by Ryder Azadhi aka CLANCY BROWN, and Jai Kell. I loved that they got who they could to come back for their characters (Clancy Brown, David Tennant, Lars Mikkelsen). I loved Huyang’s scenes as well and I know some people were on the fence about MEW as Hera, but I actually liked her (though we gotta talk about THOSE CONTACTS). That being said Vanessa Marshall is still Hera to me. Her voice, her character in Rebels, will always be Hera.
AND CHOPPER!!! Need I say more?❤️
Now for what I didn’t like. These will be more specific instances/scenes compared to the show in general since, as stated above, I do like the show.
Of course I noticed the ‘Former Jedi Knight’ in the opening crawl. She was never knighted, just like Luke in the OT.
There is one part I didn’t mention above. Ahsoka and Sabine’s relationship. I get that it’s the first 2 episodes. However, I think it’s really jarring to go from Ahsoka and Sabine being friends in the Rebels’ finale to look for Ezra+Thrawn now to cold and snippy with each other, especially given that Sabine is supposed to be like 30?? And Ahsoka at like 45-47? There was no indication of what happened between them for most of ep1, just that SOMETHING happened between the two until it’s revealed that Ahsoka walked away from Sabine, like she did with Anakin. But this also plays into another problem I have with Sabine. She is Mandalorian and was not force sensitive in Rebels. She had a whole arc about reclaiming her culture and training with the Dark Saber w/ Kanan. There was no need to make her a Jedi. Not only does that disrespect Sabine’s character, it also disrespects the Jedi. The Jedi were originally a religion that was meant to be a safe place for select few across the galaxy born with the connection to the Force. It’s not something to ‘train/work towards’.
Yes, Ahsoka ‘is not a Jedi’ however times when being referred to as one, she does not refute it or say otherwise like she did in Rebels. It seemed out of character for her.
I know some people love the idea of ordinary people/beings being able to train hard enough to gain a connection to the Force, but I personally think that Jedi are those born with the ability. Huyang even says that she sucked as a Padawan.
I also know that Dave Felony has a habit of changing canon but that’s no excuse for poor writing. In fact, I believe he’s been at the head of Star Wars for so long that he’s just gone unchecked about what makes a good story.
Aside from those aspects of the show, I enjoyed it and am interested to see where it goes nonetheless. If you made it this far, thanks for your time.
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