#she’s been haunting me since I walked out of that movie but I’ve only just gotten around to doing anything about it
redkelpfish · 9 months
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I had a vision
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simplyholl · 1 year
New Year’s Eve
Summary: You have been in a situationship with Loki for a while, but he refuses to kiss you. 
Pairing: Avenger Loki x F Avenger Reader
Warnings: Smut. 18+ ONLY. Minors DNI. Orgasm denial. A little angst, but it has a happy ending. 
W/C: 2.3K
See my Masterlist here
I reluctantly pull Loki’s satin green sheets off me. We only have ten minutes before our weekly meeting. Loki is getting dressed. I stay in bed, not wanting to leave the warmth. I wish these meetings didn’t start so early, especially when we have been up all night. Round three quickly turned into round four, then our alarm woke us from our short slumber.
“Loki, why do you never kiss me?” I didn’t mean for the one question that haunts me to slip out. It must be my lack of sleep. He laces his boots slowly weaving the strings before answering. “If I’m not mistaken, I spent a large portion of the night kissing you.” He lifts an eyebrow smirking at me. “You know that’s not what I meant. Every time we hook up, you avoid it.”
“It’s not you. I never kiss the women I sleep with.” The question had been on my mind for some time. Loki was more than willing to do many, many things in bed, but I never even got a peck on the lips. We have a good thing right now, so I don’t want to make him uncomfortable and ruin it. We have been in a situationship for a while now.
We sleep together a few times a week to let off some steam from all the training and missions. The other days we are free to do whatever and whoever we want. It might be a little unconventional, but it works for us. We always give each other a heads up if we will be taking someone else home. Loki has been known to get jealous. If I have a guy over, the next time I’m with Loki, I won’t be able to walk right for a week.
I’m a glutton for punishment, so sometimes I will invite someone over to watch movies and insinuate more happened. My reward- I mean punishment- makes putting up with all these lame guys worth it. Tonight is our holiday party. Tony always throws a huge banger the week before Christmas to celebrate. Loki has already informed me that he will be taking the bleach blonde woman grinding all over him home tonight.
I’ve already searched the party for any potential men to bring home with me, but I come up short. I’ll just spend the night drinking with Natasha. She leans in lowering her voice so no one else will hear her. “Did you hear who Thor hooked up with last week?” I shake my head no, curious to learn the latest gossip. She knows everything about everyone. “That girl that works in the lab. You know, short hair and the longest legs you’ve ever seen?” “Oh yeah, she is so cute!” I take a sip of my drink looking around the party. “She has been obsessed with him. Tony told me she’s shown up at Thor’s room every night trying to sleep with him again, but he just wanted a one-night thing. Poor girl, those Asgardians must be something else in bed. Right Y/N, you would know?”
I stopped paying attention to her story. I’m too distracted by Loki. His hands fondle the blonde woman’s ass while she suggestively dances against him. He leans down, pressing his lips to hers. His hands tangle in her hair. It’s not a small kiss, there is some major saliva swapping happening. They continue groping each other and making out for what feels like an eternity. When they finally pull apart, I try not to look. But I’m drawn to them like a magnet.
Loki notices me staring. He doesn’t even look remorseful. He just grabs her face and goes in for more. Why am I so upset? We are just having fun, no strings. So why do I feel so jealous? Why won’t he kiss me like that?
I decide it’s not a good idea to bring it up. I’ve seen him with two other women since then, so he’s probably forgotten all about the kiss. I brought a guy home that I had every intention of sleeping with. But he talked about how hot Natasha is the whole time. He even asked me for her number. So, I made him leave. Loki saw him, so tonight should be fun for me.
Loki arrives promptly at ten, just like we agreed on. His lust filled eyes drink me in. I am wearing a silky forest green robe with gold trimming, nothing underneath. “Bed now.” He growls. “Take that robe off. You are unfit to wear my colors after you had that pathetic excuse for a man in here. Did he touch you?” I quickly remove my robe revealing my naked body to him.
“Do not make me ask again, pet.” His voice is low making me needy for him. I lay on the bed watching as he rids himself of his clothes. “Yes, I let him touch me.” I lie. Loki’s eyes darken as he climbs on the bed with me. He smiles wickedly as my arms are suddenly tied to my bed post. I pull on the silk ties magically holding me in place.
“You will not come until I give my permission. Do you understand?” I nod in agreement, but it’s not enough for him. “Use your words.” “Yes, I understand.” He kisses roughly down the curve of my neck. Sharp teeth scrape against my sensitive skin. He palms my breasts, lowering his head, he takes a pebbled nipple between his lips. I arch underneath him, wishing the restraints were gone. He tugs my other nipple roughly between his fingers. He licks and sucks his way down between my legs. My thighs are spread revealing all of me to him.
He bites my thigh hard. I cry out, while he lavishes gentle kisses to the wound. I can see his teeth marks on the reddened skin. I whimper. He’s usually not so cruel in the bedroom. He licks a stripe up my center. I squirm under his touch. His brutal actions are turning me on, more than I’d like to admit. His tongue explores me, swirling against my slick folds.
He inserts two fingers hooking upward. Soft lips close around my bundle of nerves. He suckles me while his fingers continue their vicious assault. “Loki, I’m so clo… can I c..” Before I can fall off the precipice, he removes himself from me. I whine his name. He lines himself up with my center, entering me swiftly. I moan loudly trying to reach for him, momentarily forgetting my tied hands.
“You let him touch what is mine.” He thrusts aggressively. “Mine. You forget who you belong to. Who this body belongs to.” I’m so close already. He reaches between us. His skilled fingers find my clit. “Tell me who owns you. Say you are mine.” I almost explode from his words alone. He can be possessive, but this is new, angry. “I’m yours, Loki. Only yours. I’m so close. Please let me come.” He removes his fingers from me, gripping my thigh. He thrusts harder. “No.” His rejection rings in my ears. It stings, he’s never refused to let me come before. “So good. Always perfect. Mine.” He murmurs against my neck as he spills inside me.
He pulls out, waving his hand releasing me from the ties. He rubs my arms in the places where I was restrained, placing gentle kisses to each wrist. He pulls me in his lap. I lay my head against his broad chest listening to his heart beat. I sigh loudly letting him hear my frustration. “Fret not, little one. I will allow your pleasure next time.” My eyes meet his. He is so handsome like this, flushed cheeks and wild hair. My gaze travels to his lips. How unfair that I will never feel them against my own.
Loki’s thumb grazes my bottom lip. His eyes flicker from his thumb on my lips to my eyes. I lean into him, but he pulls away. “I can’t. I am sorry.” I climb out of his lap, no longer wanting to be near him. I pull the sheet up covering myself. I feel exposed, used. He must feel the tension between us now. He stands up, grabbing his clothes. He dresses quickly. “I’ll take my leave now. Goodnight.” As soon as the door shuts, I throw all the blankets over me. I can’t help the tears spilling. My feelings are hurt. I was rejected, denied an orgasm, and I’ve realized I’m in love with him.
It's Avengers Game Night which usually includes playing board games until everyone is drunk. Then the activities quickly turn into Would You Rather and Truth or Dare. Those are always my favorites and there have been a few times the results have led to a hookup or three. Tonight is no different. Tony answers Natasha’s question inquiring how many people he’s slept with.
Loki chooses dare. Wanda places a finger to her chin, humming. “I dare you to kiss Y/N.” Laughter and oohs erupt amongst the group. My heart is going to beat out of my chest. I know she’s only trying to be a good friend and help me out. But I wish she wouldn’t. It’s no secret that Loki and I sleep together sometimes, but Wanda and Natasha are the only ones who know about his aversion to kissing me.
I look at Loki expectantly. He doesn’t move at all. “I will not.” he says defiantly, crossing his arms across his chest. Everyone is staring at me. I smile weakly pretending his words didn’t slice my heart in two. “Come on, Loki. You’ve bed her before. What is another kiss between you?” Thor defends me. Loki rolls his eyes at him. “Mind yourself, brother. I said no.”
I’m thinking of running out of this room, out of Avengers tower. I have to leave before I die of embarrassment. I rub my sweaty hands on my jeans, looking around for my phone before I take off. “If you won’t kiss her, I will.” Steve smiles sweetly at me. I know he is just being noble, saving the damsel in distress. He walks toward me, taking my hand in his. I stand up to face him. He places my stray hair behind my ear. His fingers rub my cheek while he leans in. He is a better kisser than I expected. His hands grab my waist pulling me closer as he deepens the kiss. “Okay Cap, that’s enough. We don’t want to see you humping her leg.” Tony jokes. I give Steve a quick hug and whisper thank you.
Natasha gets my attention pointing to thew hallway where Loki is stomping away from everyone. I run after him. “Hey Loki, wait up.” He doesn’t turn around. “Loki?” he continues walking. I follow him to his room. “I know you can hear me. What is wrong with you?” He finally acknowledges me. “Nothing is wrong with me. What’s the matter with you? The captain? That is who you want now?” He opens his door, strutting in with the intent to slam it in my face. I push my way through and enter his room.
“Are you seriously mad that Steve kissed me? This is ridiculous. You won’t kiss me! And I have tried. Your whole thing about ‘I never kiss women I sleep with’ is such shit. I saw you making out with that woman a few weeks ago. Everyone did! You were tongue fucking her face in front of everybody, but you won’t give me a quick kiss in private! You just turned me down in front of the whole team.
Do you know how embarrassing that was for me? Steve stepped up to help me out, and you’re mad at me? You have absolutely no right to be angry. I can’t do this anymore. I’m tired of it being okay for you to enjoy the company of others, but if I do, you’re insanely jealous. I’m sick of constantly wondering what is wrong with me. What is so bad, that you don’t want to kiss me?” “I have nothing to say to you.” Loki looks down at his feet. I gawk at him in disbelief. I can’t leave fast enough. I make sure to slam the door behind me.
It's New Year’s Eve, exactly four days since my fight with Loki. I’m at another party, wishing I would’ve stayed home. It’s almost midnight, all the couples are standing close waiting for the ball to drop. I decide I need to leave. I weave my way through the crowd when I bump into Loki. “Y/N, I was looking for you.” “Save it, Loki I don’t want to hear it. I’m still so mad at you. You could have given me a quick peck on the lips the other night. I wouldn’t have tried to make it more. You really hurt my feelings.” I try to push past him, but he grabs my wrist keeping me in place.
“That is precisely the problem. I would have wanted more. I always want more with you. You honestly think I don’t want to kiss you? It’s all I think about, you frustrating woman. I chose not to kiss you while I sleep with you because I thought it would be easier to not fall in love. I was wrong. I have fought it for so long. I have been trying to make you jealous, but you don’t seem to mind. Seeing you with Rogers struck a nerve. It made me realize I love you. It’s always been you.”
Big hands cradle my face. All around us, people are counting down ‘Three Two One Happy New Year!’ He tilts my chin up. His lips melt against mine. Hungry in a way I’ve never known, he deepens the kiss. His tongue explores my mouth, tangling with mine. He sucks my bottom lip before pulling away. “I love you too, Loki. You should have told me sooner.” His smile reaches his eyes. “Better late than never, darling.”
@fictive-sl0th @lokisgoodgirl @lokidbadguy @ozymdias @potter-puff007 @cakesandtom @cake-writes @eleniblue @trojanaurora @marygoddessofmischief @coldnique @lemonadygirl @chantsdemarins
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aheathen-conceivably · 9 months
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🎶 You still look like a movie, you still sound like a song…🎶
They walked out of the stairwell onto a small rooftop patio. He had been right, the stars were beautiful from up here. Of course they were wonderful in Chestnut Ridge, but the sky seemed darker here, silhouetted as it was against the pine trees rising higher than the surrounding factories. Even in the darkness, the trees were a deep vivid green, unlike anything found in the desert.
He turned to grab her hand, the simple touch making her head spin. When they reached the edge of the balcony he let go and looked off into the distance, “It’s beautiful, isn’t it? It’s probably my favorite spot in the whole building. Especially now, before all the tenets move in. It’s always the best time, so quiet, before I move on to the next one…”
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She stared out at the trees wistfully, speaking more to the surrounding sky than to him, “It’s like the view over the River, isn’t it? Do you remember when we went there…”
“After your birthday?” He smiled, moving closer to her as he spoke, “How could I forget? Just before you made me go swimming with you. In February, of all times.”
“And then we danced naked on the levee, like utter fools. You know you’re lucky that cop knew your father right? Public indecency. Quite the charge for the son of a city councilman.”
He looked toward her, trying to keep a straight face but erupting into laugher at the thought. She started to laugh with him, the sound ringing out into the night exactly the way he remembered. He extended his hand toward her, spinning her around under the stars just like they did in the memory that had haunted him for so long. For a moment they were nothing but carefree twenty-three year old's again, dancing in the Jasmine-scented air on the cusp of their whole lives, just before they never saw each other again.
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As they settled into stillness she let her hand drop and he caught it in his own. Nervously, she opened her eyes to look at him, and it was like staring straight into her past, into eyes that knew everything she had done and everything she regretted. It was a gaze that one didn’t often see after the fire of youth had burned away, filled with shared memories and formative experiences that ran so deep it was often difficult to differentiate one person from another.
She hadn’t seen a gaze like that in years. How could she see it from Val? From a relationship that was built on something as solid as compatibility and shared goals, from two people who tempered each-other and were given the grace of hiding their youthful mistakes. No, these were the eyes of a desperate love, always on the verge of burning itself to ashes.
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Gio spoke near silently in the night air, seemingly afraid his own voice would break whatever spell had descended upon them, “I missed you, Jo. I’ve missed you every hour since you left. I should have gone after you, something. Anything.”
“Gio, don’t talk like that, please. And you’re wrong, it was me. I…I should have said something to you, not just left the way I did.”
“It doesn’t matter, Josephine. I still mean it. I mean every word. All of this, it’s yours if you want it, if you’ll stay here with me.”
He moved his hand to her face, gently lifting it toward his own. The rooftop and the stars above spun dizzily, although they were seemingly standing still. He stayed that way, only a centimeter away from her, as he waited for her to cross the distance rather than presume to do so himself. For a moment it was like gravity itself was pulling her toward him, begging her to give in and close the gap.
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Then it was like the ground suddenly became solid, and the entirety of their past was laid out before her. She could hear them running through their apartment at daybreak, yelling out arguments that would be forgotten by noon. But at that moment, the stability she had found since seemed paltry in comparison.
It was clear from up here that it wasn’t a life she had sought, and perhaps one she didn’t even deserve. For she was standing out on the limb of some tawdry lie, a lie she had first told herself and then a woman she loved. I’m only going to see him. I don’t love him, I promise. But what did it matter? She knew she would be a fool to walk away from what she had back into the arms of strife.
Yet she wanted nothing more than to throw it all away again, to upturn her life for the unknown. For him. It was all consuming, even infuriating. But no matter what, she knew it couldn’t happen like this, at the expense of someone else who loved her. With physical effort she pulled her hand away, and desolation crossed Giorgio’s face. As she turned she offered no explanation, no words and no sound other than the clicking of her heels as she walked away back into the night.
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daughterofcain-67 · 5 months
𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 (pt. 7)
(Beau Arlen x Female Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Beau finally has a lead on where you are and how he can get Andre in custody! Now it is just a matter of finding you and making sure that you’re safe and unharmed.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: mentions of the kidnapping case, of course. Angry Beau. I think that might be it?
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“No offense, Agent, but I’m pretty damn good at my job and I know what the hell I’m doing. I’ve been in this job long enough to know how to handle a situation like this. I’m not some damn rookie.”
“Fine, but I’m still going with you so it at least looks good on the papers. It is technically the FBI’s case still and we want these guys to go away for good. So try to keep that in mind while you’re trying to keep your cool.” He reminded as he walked out of the door.
Beau just glared at the agent. He knew Sampson was right about doing this by the book, but it still ticked him off. He wasn’t about to waste time on this. Sure he’ll do this by-the-book interview. But the moment things go south, Beau may need to make some plans to conduct an interview all on his own.
The sheriff went to his car and the agent ended up following him to the vehicle and they got in.
“Listen, I know you’re angry and I don’t know what kind of connection you have to the… captive.” Beau could hear the agent begin to speak, “I’ve been where you are with my wife before. It’s vital to keep your head on straight.”
“Hello, Sheriff. How can I be of assistance?” He asked.
Your eyes widened.
Beau was on the phone. He was really looking for you! He was looking for you right? You weren’t imagining all of this?
You had to do something, now was your chance! Andre didn’t take your mouth up or anything so you had to do something. This could be your only shot!
“Beau! He has me in some basement! He could go after Cade-“ a harsh stinging erupted on your face from where Andre smacked you.
“Oh no, Sheriff. That’s just some movie I’m watching at a friends house. He has a weird and nearly concerning taste in film. I can come and meet you to talk about the date in just a few moments. Let’s say… Tonya and Donno’s place? I’ve heard they have some great sandwiches. My treat.” Andre said.
“I have to get out of here.” You vowed and looked at your scabbed wrists and started to try and wiggle out of them yet again but you had even more of a reason to escape, more of a reason to try.
That scream...
That scream was so haunting and Beau couldn't believe that audacity Andre had to lie to a cop and try to play it off as him watching some kind of movie.
"Please tell me there's a way to track that phone call." Beau said as his grip tightened up on the steering wheel as Agent Sampson was typing away at a computer.
"I'm trying my best, Arlen… but if we locate it, we may need to take separate cars. We have to be smart about this” the agent began.
“Andre is under the impression you're by yourself, right? And Y/N hasn't been gone more than forty-two hours yet so there's still time to do this right and make sure she's safe." He said.
"I'll be damned if I let you go there alone if we find out where she is." Beau vowed. If they were going to find you, when they found you, Beau wanted to be the one that made sure you were safe and sound.
He needed to be there in person and see with his own eyes that you were in one piece. For the sake of his own sanity if anything else.
"I can't track from the phone call. But you can drop me off at the office again before you meet Andre. Call Poppernack and tell him to find where Andre is staying. I'll get you a warrant for a search and a raid."
"I need you to get some officers to Cadence and make sure she's okay.” Beau said, recalling the very last snippet of what you were trying to tell him before Andre insisted it was some movie he was watching.
“Who knows what Andre will be capable of since Y/N spoke up when he was on the phone." The sheriff urged and the agent pulled out his phone to make the necessary calls he needed to make to make sure Cadence would be protected and that the deputy would be able to find where Andre resided.
The stress of the situation was weighing on Beau. He couldn't let anything happen to you, not after all the shit he's seen in the world because of this job. He needed to make sure you were okay but that was his top priority. Though, he also knew your priority was keeping your sister safe so he wanted his best officers to keep an eye on Cadence while they looked for you.
Finally, Beau dropped Agent Sampson off at the department, then Beau went on his way to Donno's diner. He needed some answers and he had the biggest feeling in his gut that Andre was wrapped up in this card themed circle. Andre had to be Ace or at least related to Ace somehow.
As much as Beau wanted to go into the diner guns blazing, he knew it would be in your best interest to do things right. At least for now.
When Beau made it to the diner, he shut the door behind him and he saw a certain truck. It seemed to be the only truck there that looked like Andre's so he pulled out his phone and took a picture of the plates. He sent Jenny a quick message since he knew she was still at the department.
BA: Run these plates and see if they're Andre’s. See where he's been last night and this morning. Sampson's working on a warrant.
When he slipped his phone back into his pocket and walked through the doors, he saw the very man he'd give absolutely anything to strangle.
Beau took in a deep breath before he strode over and sat down in front of Andre.
"Well now, I was wondering when you were gonna show up, Sheriff. How can I help ya?" Andre asked with a smile, the smile Beau would love to just punch until his teeth went loose. Knocking them out of his skull would be a bonus.
"Hi, sorry to keep you waiting. Had a last minute call at the office before I came here." Beau lied but then he placed his arms on the table and leaned in.
"You wanted to talk about my cousin, right?" Andre spoke, "You said he was in the country?"
"Oh yeah. Mat Bolkonsky's his name, right? The drug dealer, murderer. We have reason to believe that he's here and we know he's a part of some kind of gang." Beau explained, not wasting time on beating around the bush.
"We have his fingerprints at a murder victim's place. We've also got them at a kidnap victim's place. Have you heard about Y/N L/N?"
"From the coffee shop? Yeah, I know her. We had a date a couple of days ago. Why, is she okay?" Andre asked and it made Beau sick watching the man pretend that he cared about you.
"Well, unfortunately, her sister said she hadn't seen her. And when I did a wellness check she wasn't home. We've found evidence of breaking and entering and we have reason to believe your cousin has anything to do with it." the sheriff said and looked to see if Andre would even squirm at the idea that he was close to being made.
Though not much to Beau's surprise, Andre continued to keep up the facade.
"She's missing? And you.. you think my cousin had something to do with it?" He asked.
"He is the one with a criminal history and the fact that he's in town does not help his case. I was just wondering if maybe-"
"If I had any contact with him? No, unfortunately I don't have any contact with him and I haven't since his murder charges. I'd love to help get Y/N back, I really do. And if I could help than I would but I don't know how I can be of any assistance to you." He said and Beau's jaw tightened.
“You were the last person that saw her. How do we know you’re not lying to an officer?” Beau challenged and Andre raised a brow before he leaned in, matching Beau’s posture with his arms on the table top.
“Let’s be real. You’re hoping I had something to do with it because you’ve got feelings for Y/N. You’re hoping I had something to do with it so you can strangle me and take out any anger you have on me because you blame me for her disappearance.” Andre said.
“Damn straight I blame you. I haven’t liked you since the moment I laid eyes on you. I haven’t liked you since I thought you could have been a link to those two poor girls that went missing. You’re lucky they’re both alive otherwise I would’ve ganked your ass for murder before you would’ve blinked an eye.”
“Unfortunately for you, I don’t care how much you want to blame me, I’m clean. I’ve got nothing to do with it and there’s nothing you can charge me for when it comes to the girl. I know that’s frustrating for you to hear since obviously you love Y/N. But deal with it and go find some other guy to put your charges on.” He said.
“Love, like, whatever has nothing to do with it. All this is, is me trying to get Y/N back home to her sister, who is in fact guarded by the way.” Beau promised and Andre rolled his eyes a little.
“Look, I don’t care if you love her or not. The date was a fiasco anyway because your little girlfriend has trust issues. I can’t be with a girl like that.” The other man said.
"Now if you'll excuse me, Sheriff, I think this little meeting is over. If there's anything I can do outside of Matvey's whereabouts, please let me know. And please let me know if you find Y/N. Just because the date didn’t go well doesn’t mean I wish any kind of ill will on her."
Beau watched as Andre stood up, his gaze darkening when Andre turned around. He continued to watch as he walked out of the door and made his way to the truck.
The sheriff pulled out his phone and started calling Agent Sampson, hoping that he'll pick up.
Luckily, he did.
"Sampson, it's Arlen. Andre's just left the diner and he's making his way to the truck. I sent Hoyt the plates to follow him and maybe we can track where's he's been, where he was when we gave him that phone call."
"Atta boy, Arlen. We'll get right on it. In the meantime, follow him but be discreet about it. We don't know if he's headed to that basement Y/N told us about right away." The agent said.
After that, Beau hung up the phone and he rubbed his hand over his face. All he could think about was if you were alright. These guys were dangerous and he hoped nothing had happened to you.
But then Beau started to think about what Andre said.
And yes. Beau loved you. He couldn’t deny it and he didn’t know how it happened.
Now wasn’t the time to really dwell on revelations though. He had to find you before he ran out of time.
So Beau got up and walked out of the diner before he hopped into his car to follow Andre. He needed to get one step closer to finding you.
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Your wrists were raw and bloody from where you had been trying your damndest to break free of these handcuffs. But finally when you were able to break free you let out a breath of relief.
You tossed the cuffs aside and carefully rubbed the areas below the cuts on your wrist because you knew they’d be sore. Then you looked down at the shackles on your ankle. Your hands may have been free’d but you were still captive unless you could find away to get the chain off your ankle.
The phone call that Andre had with Beau filled you with hope. You were relieved that he was calling but you knew it would only be a matter of time before Andre would come back again, or any of his other people. What if they moved you before Beau would have the chance to find you?
And what about Cadence? You knew she was worried sick, and you hoped that Beau heard you and would send someone to protect your little sister.
You couldn’t handle the guilt of what would happen if she were to get wrapped up in this mess. You didn’t ever want for her to go through what you were. She didn’t deserve it. You weren’t sure id she could even handle it.
When you heard the door open, your heart began to race. But you were trying your best to hold it together, to pretend like you weren’t intimidated by Andre and his crew, no matter what they will do, or what they have done already.
You dared to look at the entrance of the basement and you realized the footsteps sounded more like the clacking of heels. You lifted a brow before you saw a familiar woman: Andre’s sister, who you only knew as ‘Queen’ for the moment with their little charade.
“Look what you’ve done, all the trouble you’ve caused. King told us about the phone call from your little cop friend. Sheriff Beau Arlen… A stud of a man if you ask me. A pain-in-the-ass, yeah, but still handsome as Hell. And why he’s even looking for you would beat me.” Queen said and your brows narrowed.
“Really? You’re trying some self esteem attack or something? He’s just a cop doing his job and he would have done the same thing for my sister or anyone else in this town because he’s a damned good cop.” You said.
“Oh no, I wasn’t talking about the fact of who you are. I don’t know what you mean to him, nor do I really give a damn. I just mean we’ve gotten away with a lot worse. No one has been able to get any solid evidence against us until we moved to Helena. Until my brother met you. You worthless skank.” She seethed.
“You think I wanted to get involved with this mess? I went on one date with your brother, I didn’t think I would wind up here and I didn’t ask to be in this situation. The fact that the cops are on your tail is because of his choices and his shitty decision making. I had nothing to do with it.” You exclaimed and the Queen rolled her eyes.
“Oh, are you kidding me? If it wasn’t for my brother being interested in you, he wouldn’t have gone on a date with you. Then you wouldn’t have sent a text to one of the cops. After the message, Andre sent Ace and Jack to your place and both of them are so sloppy.” She scoffed and she walked over to you. Then she looked down on you with a snobby glare.
"Their lack of stealth has nothing to do with me. Maybe they aren't as good as you thought they were." You rolled your eyes and she pulled out a pocket knife. Where did she get the pocket knife, you couldn't say.
But the blade was aimed at you and you stared blankly at it, "Really? After what your brother did, a few cuts and gashes aren't that big of a deal."
Then you could hear a phone ringing. Knowing it was the Queen's, you glanced up at her and arched a brow, "You might wanna get that. Could be important."
The other woman let out an irritated gruff and she pulled out her phone from a pocket before she answered.
You could faintly hear another voice on the other end of the line and you knew it was Andre, a very pissed Andre at that. You knew that Beau was a smart man, and you could only hope that he was following Andre now. You didn't know how much more of this you could take.
"You're kidding me... now? Where the hell would we take her?" More silence, "You'd better not get followed by that motherf- what? I'll see what I can do in an hour."
This didn’t sound good…
“Less than that? Look I don’t think we’re going to have enough time for that. Be a realist once in a while. I’m good but I’m not a miracle worker.” She rolled her eyes.
From the look on her face, Andre must’ve had some sort of outburst to make Queen get a little stunned. She let out a breath before she finally spoke again.
“Fine, I’ll see what I can do in less than an hour. But I cannot make any promises. If we get caught because of this girl I’ll never let you hear the end of it.”
Then the Queen hung up on Andre and looked at you before she scoffed and started dialing up other numbers while she walked out of the basement.
"Ace, we have a situation. We need to leave in less than an hour."
Your eyes widened. Less than an hour? Will Beau find you before then? How fast would their systems find you? What if they would end up being too late?
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Beau focused on watching Andre. He saw that the man was pulled over, talking on the phone and he seemed to be having a very stressful conversation. Clearly Andre wasn't too pleased about something and Beau noticed that he was also looking at his watch as if they were pressed for time.
Then Beau started getting a phone call.
Without any hesitation, Beau answered and lifted the device to his ear.
"Sheriff Arlen." He said, hoping there would be some kind of positive development.
"Beau, it's Jenny. Agent Sampson located the basement Y/N has been the past couple of days. We've also got a warrant to search Andre's house." Beau's heart nearly skipped a beat at the words and when he looked up, Andre started his car up again and started to drive off.
"Have someone go to Andre's place and find any evidence that links him to Mat Bolkonsky. Send me the address to that damned basement. I'll be there in a few minutes." He spoke sternly.
"Already did and we got his computer. There were emails between Andre who apparently goes by 'King' and he's been communicating with a trafficking circle. Last night he emailed the circle about a girl fitting Y/N's description. Sampson thinks that it may be enough to get an arrest and maybe we can hold him. It's a long shot since it's circumstantial but it's gotta be something."
The adrenaline flowed through Beau's veins. They were so damned close to getting you back and he couldn't let you down. This was the best news he's heard all day long.
"Good enough for me. I'll meet you at that basement. Make sure we've got plenty of backup. Who knows what we'll come across when we get there."
Then Beau hung up and started driving off to follow Andre once more.
But Andre must've known he was being followed because Beau noticed he was starting to speed up and he was taking different roads. Luckily for Beau, however, he's gotten to know all of these roads while he was driving around with Jenny and Cassie when he first moved here.
When Andre and Beau stopped at one of the back roads, Beau noticed that Andre was pulled over and the car was turned off. When Beau realized Andre was stepping out of the car, Beau's brows narrowed. Then he stopped his car behind Andre's before stepping out.
"I thought we had everything taken care of back at the diner, Sheriff." Andre spoke, and Beau shook his head.
"Oh no... you see, we had a warrant to search your place. We've got a hold on your computer and we know of your little double life you've got goin' on. King? Really? Isn't that a little narcissistic?" Beau asked while he walked closer to him.
"You went to my house without my knowledge?!" Andre exclaimed angrily and Beau shrugged.
"Well, buddy, with a warrant it doesn't matter if you know about it or not. Either way, you're screwed. Now why don't you just man up and own up to taking Y/N. I'll take you down to the station." He warned.
"Even if you arrest me, you won't find her. I told my people you were coming. Y/N will be sold off since they don't care if she's used goods. Just means we get paid a little less."
Beau froze for a second and stopped walking before he glared at Andre, "Used goods... What the Hell is that supposed to mean?"
"Oh yeah. Guess you wouldn't have known. She's really good in the sack, especially when she's all tied up and vulnerable.” Andre said with a sly, sickening smirk. And Andre could tell that he was getting to Beau.
“What the Hell did you say to me?” Beau snarled.
“She sounded so pretty when she begged for me to stop. Probably the best I ever had.” Andre laughed.
In that very moment, Beau saw nothing but red as his hand formed itself into a fist and he punched the living hell right out of Andre. A fight insured between them. The adrenaline rushed through Beau’s veins and no matter how hard Andre seemed to punch, the sheriff threw his fist ten times as hard.
Could he lose his job just for that one move? Sure, if he had a camera on his car - which he didn't. But for you, he'd risk everything. Especially when Andre did something so despicable. It made Beau so unbearably pissed and nauseated at the same time.
"You sick son of a bitch.” Beau snarled but then he finally got to a point in the fight where he could flip Andre and he could get his hands behind his back and cuff him.
Once Andre was cuffed, Beau got him into the car and luckily he had the address of the basement in his phone now so he could go to the basement. He pulled up the address on the GPS on his phone since he knew other officers could hold Andre in their vehicles since those were meant to hold criminals.
Soon enough, Beau finally pulled up and saw the other cop cars there. Jenny, Poppernack, Agent Sampson and his crew. They were all there since they had to be prepared for what was happening. Beau stepped out of his vehicle and he motioned for another officer to come and take Andre in their holding cars.
When Beau walked over to the agent and two deputies he immediately wanted to know what the situation was.
“It’s been quiet. No one’s been in or out by the time we all got here and we all came as quickly as we could.” Poppernack said.
“I just hope that we aren’t too late.” Jenny said.
“By the way, what happened between you and Andre. You both look like Hell.” Jenny said and Beau shrugged a little.
“He may be in court for more than just trafficking and kidnapping. We’ll talk about it later.” Beau insisted.
“Now that we’re all here, let’s move in.” Agent Sampson said and Beau nodded and someone handed the sheriff a bulletproof vest and he put it on.
‘Please be okay, Y/N.’ Beau thought as they all started going towards the building. It was an old and abandoned convenience store. An odd choice, but that wasn’t the point.
When they all made it inside, everyone dispersed so they could look for you.
They searched everywhere. The storage room in the back, some were checking a shed outside, the whole place was being searched and that included the area around the shop and the shed themselves.
“Y/N?” Beau called out, staying on his guard.
He had to stay hopeful. He had to cling to the hope that you would be there. He needed to get you back so he could reassure you that you were safe, and that you would never see Andre again. Everything that Andre told Beau still fueled him with unspeakable amounts of anger but now he had to focus on the goal.
When Beau finally found the entrance to the basement he couldn’t help but feel at least a little relieved. He busted the door down but what he saw was not what he was hoping for.
You were nowhere to be found! The handcuffs were lying on the floor, the chains that kept you there were empty.
“Beau, no one is here.” Jenny said when she found him.
Then it was like the walls around Beau were crumbling down. He didn’t know what else he was supposed to do so Beau ended up punching the wall in front of him. He punched it so hard he was positive he might’ve busted the skin on his knuckles.
“Damn it!”
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Hello everyone! I hope everyone is having a great New Year so far! Will Beau find Y/N before it’s too late? Stay tuned to find out!
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@deans-spinster-witch @roseblue373 @chriszgirl92 @fanfic-n-tabulous @globetrotter28
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carriagelamp · 4 months
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Found some excellent horror-related and horror-adjacent books to read this month! Not a common genre for me, so this was fun. Really can't recommend Grady Hendrix as an author enough, Horrorstör was definitely my favourite novel from this month
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I hate saying it because I love the Discworld and Terry Pratchett is easily my favourite author, but man Eric did not do it for me. You could see some good bones in it, but as far as I’m concerned all the interesting bits that appeared were done significantly better in later books. It had some humour moments, but the only bits that I really enjoyed were when the Luggage was around.
This story followed a young, teenaged, would-be demon summoner who, instead of summoning a demon, accidentally winds up with the incompetent and fearful wizzard Rincewind. Obligated to answer this kid’s wishes, they end up bouncing through time and space while attempting to survive what each wish had to throw at them. 
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Fantastic Mr Fox / Esio Trot / George’s Marvellous Medicine / The Enormous Crocodile
I went on a Dahl kick this month, I wanted to work through some of his shorter works that I’ve never bothered to read before. All of them were honestly delightful, I had a blast. Esio Trot was probably the weakest of the lot, but the other three were so much fun. The Fantastic Mr Fox may be my favourite just by virtue of being the most fleshed out, but listening to The Enormous Crocodile be read by Stephen Fry is an unparalleled experience.
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Hockey Girl Loves Drama Boy
A story I enjoyed more than I expected. I have a strange soft spot for hockey narratives, but that might just be the Canadian in me. Alix’s one true love is hockey, it’s the one place she feels competent and happy, but her team captain is making the space increasingly hostile until, unable to take the bullying, she strikes out and punches her captain. Shocked by her own violence and given an ultimatum by the coach to get her temper under control, she ends up going to popular and poised Ezra, hoping that he could show her how to deal with harassment without losing her cool in a way that scares her.
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Easily the best book I read this month, this book was amazing, I can’t recommend it enough. It’s a “haunted house but in a knock-off Ikea” and I mostly picked it up as a joke because the premise sounded hilarious. But I was familiar with the author (I’d read The Southern Book Club’s Guide To Slaying Vampires a couple years ago) and trusted him to do something interesting with the premise. And wow. Just wow. It is very much a classic, grisly, nauseating horror premise, but in a way that explores capitalism, exploitation, and treatment of prisoners and the mentally ill. It’s been  a long time since I read a book that actually gave me chills, but I had to put this book down and walk away from it occasionally, it was intense enough.
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The Kaiju Preservation Society
As a Pacific Rim lover, this book was everything I’d ever wish for it to be. It’s such a love letter to the kaiju genre as well as environmental conservation, and it’s speculative biology is fascinating!
After being fire from his job at the beginning of the Covid pandemic lockdown in New York City, Jamie Gray is barely making ends meet by acting as a delivery driver. He doesn’t know how he can possibly continue on like this, until he runs into an old friend who offers him a strange and intensely secretive job offer. With nothing to lose, Jamie agrees and finds himself on an alternate Earth, helping to study creatures that he only knows from campy monster movies, now very much real.
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The Last Wish
Felt an urge to reread a Witcher book, so I’ve been picking my way through the short stories. They continue to be a lot of fun, and it felt good to reconnect with the original narrative voice again after reading a lot of fanfiction over the years. For anyone who has someone existed post-Netflix version without picking up the general premise: Geralt of Rivia is a "witcher", a person who was specifically trained to wield weapons and magics to hunt dangerous monsters that threaten humans. This is a collection of short stories that show Geralt on some of the various hunts he's had during the decades of his over-long life. (It's significantly better than the Netflix version, very much worth the read if you like classic high fantasy and/or fairy tale retellings.)
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Mortimer: Rat Race to Space
A very dull youth novel. Mortimer is a lab rat at Houston who has aspirations to go on the space program and prove that rats are better suited for colonizing Mars than humans. If you’re a seven year old who wants to consume space facts, this is the book for you. For everyone else, it’s a bit of a slog.
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My Best Friend’s Exorcism
Another Grady Hendrix book. This book was undeniably well-written, just as masterful as his others, but I didn’t enjoy it as much. A bit too much high school narrative and not enough all out horror. The conclusion was pretty decent, but the rest was… fine. A fun love letter to the 1980s though as you learn about two best friends and how they grow up together. ...A bit of a debate whether or not it warrants a queer marker or not, I'm not even going to make that attempt.
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The One and Only Ruby
The newest book from the One and Only Ivan series. Much like The One and Only Bob this book was… fine. The original of the series was really wonderful and felt quite inspired, inspired by the real life story of a gorilla that’s kept in a small cage in a mall complex. The next two books take place after that one and each follows one of Ivan’s friends (Bob the dog and Ruby the baby elephant). A fun enough addition to the series, the art is still cute, and it has decent things to say about the hunting of endangered animals, but it was nothing amazing. 
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Paperbacks from Hell
Look, I really just felt the desperate need to read a bunch of Hendrix novels after being so violently consumed by Horrorstör. This is a nonfiction book in which Hendrix dives into the evolution and popular tropes of horror novels throughout the 1980s, with the cover art being the driving thesis throughout. You can tell how much he loves these weird, pulpy horrors and it makes you want to go and find a bunch of these and read them yourself. It really is an interesting book, even if you aren’t a great horror lover (which I wouldn’t consider myself).
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The Salt Grows Heavy
Now this is a fucking novella. An absolutely unhinged, body-horror rich retelling of both The Little Mermaid and Frankenstein. Yeah. After the complete destruction of her husband’s kingdom at the hands (and jaws) of her own children, the Mermaid finds herself travelling with a mysterious Plague Doctor. I won’t go further into this except to say that the way it portrays morality, life, death, and the mutability of flesh is just… something else. Would recommend. But not if you have a weak stomach.
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Scott Pilgrim
A classic. I watched the new animated series with my brother and felt the need to go back and reread the entire original series. Absolutely perfect, no notes, continues to be one of my all time favourite graphic novel series. The magical realism is just *chef’s kiss*.
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hecatemoon87 · 2 years
Heart to Heart - A Reggie Kray Story
Until he sees her in another man’s arms, will he realize what he’s lost.
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Part II - Mended Hearts
Request by @baneofmyexistencee
Time marches on as they say and things are not improving. It has been ten days since I’ve seen Reggie. He’s given me a few quick phone calls here and there. It’s always the same. He promises me he’ll stop over, spend time with me. Or we’ll go to a movie, the theater or the museum. His whole spiel is becoming old hat and I’m becoming tired of it. It really had been so much better when we had first met. We actually did those things, a movie, the theater. I was starting to think that this man was never going to propose to me. In fact, I was pretty sure he was already married to his job. 
The weekend had approached and for the fourth consecutive time, Reggie was too busy to meet me. I decided to go out with my girlfriends instead. We went to a pub in London that would be considered artsy. Many of the students from the university haunted this pub and it provided some stimulating intellectual discussions. There, at the pub, I met Harry. He was good looking, kind and interesting. His personality was the complete opposite of Reggie’s. Harry was a free thinker. He was anti-war, pro-environment and overall anti-establishment. Harry loved art, poetry and literature and he and I spent several hours chatting away about the philosophy of Thomas Hobbs. I was beginning to notice that Harry was filling an emotional void that Reggie had so callously created. We were making an emotional connection and it felt good. 
Upon returning home that evening a wave of guilt washed over me. I sat down on the couch and wondered if that conversation was the equivalent of cheating on Reggie. It wasn’t like Harry and I were out together alone, my friends were at the same table as we were. But I was feeling attracted toward Harry and I knew that I was walking a dangerous line. That night, I made a firm decision to never see Harry again. That I would make it work with Reggie because I loved him. 
The following day I visited Reggie at the club. It was Sunday in the afternoon. The club was closed and only a few goons loitered inside playing cards and drinking. Reggie was in his back office so I knocked on the door. I heard a gruff voice telling me to come inside. I opened the door and Reggie glanced up. I hoped he would have been happy to see me, but his face wore a frown.
���What are you doing here?” he asked, sharply. 
He had several open ledgers in front of him. He looked as if he was in the middle of crunching some numbers. I supposed I had interrupted his concentration. 
“I just wanted to check on you,” I said, coming inside and closing the door. 
He returned his gaze to the books and mumbled something incoherent. I walked over and took a seat across from his desk. I waited a few moments before asking a question.
“Do you want to get lunch?” I asked. 
“Can’t,” he said, not looking up.
“How about supper later?” I offered.
Reggie was writing, but he stopped and slammed his fist down on the desk. He looked up in irritation. 
“No, Y/N! Can’t you see I’m bloody busy?!”
I’m shocked by his outburst. I can now see that his eyes are red-rimmed, he looked so tired. 
“Reggie, you should get some rest. I mean, why don’t you just delegate this work out today?” I said. 
He shook his head and returned to working. 
“Reg, I’m serious, why doesn’t Ronnie…” I begin, but I am hashly cut off before I can finish. 
“Fucking hell! If you mention my brother one more bloody time, Y/N, we are fucking through! Do you get me?” he shouted, pointing a finger at me. 
I bit my lip as tears welled up in my eyes. I don’t understand, I’m trying to, but I just don’t. I got up from the chair and rushed out of the building. My heart hurts and I feel more confused than ever. My mother once told me that love can be beautiful, but it also can be tortuous. I didn’t know what she meant until now. 
It has been three days since Reggie flew off the handle. At first, I wanted to give him space. But then, the resentment began to grow and I just wanted to make him suffer for hurting me so badly. The day after the incident, my phone was ringing off the hook. I refused to answer it, knowing full well Reggie was calling me. Then I had a feeling he would soon visit me at my flat so I decided to pack my bag and stay with my friend for a few days. I really needed to sort my shit out, what was I doing with this man? Why did I still love him so much even though he was actively pushing me away? And why didn’t he just end it already if he was so unhappy with me?
My friend wanted to take my mind off my troubles, so she invited me to a picnic. It was being held at a nearby park. We packed our things for the day and headed over to the park. A few other people were already there setting up and amongst them was Harry. He saw me and waved merrily at me. I blushed and waved back. 
“You see, there are other fish in the sea,” my friend said, nuding me in the ribs. 
“I know…I’m just not ready,” I said as we approached the group. 
We all spend the rest of the sunny afternoon chatting and drinking. It was a lovely day and for a few hours I forgot all about Reggie. That was until a member of our group suddenly asked, “Oh my god, is that Reggie Kray?”
I was sitting beside Harry, I supposed we were close to each other. I was a little drunk, so my inhibitions allowed me to flirt a little with Harry. I could see Reggie, still dressed fully in his black suit trudging up the grassy hill toward our little group. 
“Oh, no,” I whispered, already feeling terribly embarrassed. 
At the bottom of the hill I can see two other cars, each filled with a few of Reggie’s gangsters. Reggie reached the top of the hill, he’s smoking a cigarette and his eyes immediately lock on Harry and I. 
“Afternoon, sorry to interrupt your little party, but can I have a word with,Y/N?” he said, flicking his cigarette ash on the ground. 
My friend must have told Harry what happened between me and Reggie. I never spoke about the fight to anyone but her, so I’m surprised by what Harry says to Reggie. 
“Maybe she doesn’t want to talk to you,” Harry said, getting up from the blanket we’ve placed on the grass. 
Reggie’s eyes flashed over to Harry and he walked up to face him. 
“That's so, huh? And who the fuck are you, mate?” 
“A friend. Y/N, doesn’t need some gangster mucking about in her life,” Harry said. 
“Yeah…so you know who I am then? You think mouthing off to me like that isn’t gonna have any repercussions?” Reggie retorted. 
“Stop, just stop,” I said, getting up and moving between the two men. 
“Look, I’m not here to cause trouble, Y/N. I’ve been looking for you for a week, I’ve been worried,” Reggie said, softly to me. 
“Seems like you already have,” Harry snapped. 
I cringed, knowing that Reggie didn’t like being disrespected in any manner. 
“Shut your fucking mouth, eh? I’m talking to her, not you,” Reggie said, pointing a finger in Harry’s face. 
“Reggie, let’s just go, okay? I’ll talk to you down there,” I said, pointing to the bottom on the hill. 
Reggie’s eyes continued to burrow through Harry. One thing about Reggie, he can appear as many things. Calm, suave and charming. Or on the other hand, down right intense and intimidating. I think Harry was put off by Reggie’s eyes. The pupil in his eye was larger and the intensity of his glare was unsettling. I carefully place a hand on Reggie’s arm and I pray he can see in my eyes that I’m pleading for him to come with me. I’m relieved when he broke eye contact with Harry and looked down at me. 
“Alright, come on then,” Reggie said, turning to return back down the hill. 
Once we are down the hill and out of the eyesight of the group I let Reggie have it.
“What are you doing?! How could you do this?! I’m so bloody embarrassed!” I shouted. 
“You’ve been missing for a week! I thought maybe you got hurt! Do you know how fucking worried sick I’ve been?!” he shouted back. 
“No! You don’t get to blame me for this!” I said, tears starting to form in my eyes. 
I am so angry with him I can’t hold back my tears for much longer. 
“Yeah? And why the fuck not? You could have picked up a phone and called!”
“Really? So you could just threaten to end our relationship if I step out of line again?!” I retorted. 
Reggie seemed to have forgotten about that last bit, I can tell by his silence that was the case. 
“Listen, Y/N, let’s go back to the club, talk this out,” he said, softly. 
I shook my head adamantly. “No, I am sick of your club!”
“Right, fine then, your flat? Anywhere you want, just let’s talk some place else, yeah?”
I’m trembling and tears are wetting my face. Up on the hill, I’m fairly certain my friends can hear the entire argument. I nod without saying a word and Reggie escorts me to one of the cars. The driver takes us back to my flat. Reggie and I both go up to my flat to continue our discussion. I sat down on the couch and he surprised me by going into the kitchen and starting the kettle. He doesn’t come back out until the water has boiled and the tea has seeped. I went to the bathroom to wash my face as I waited for him. When I come back out, two cups of tea are on the coffee table. Reggie looked up expectantly at me as I emerged from the bathroom. I slowly walked over to the couch and sat down as far away as possible from him. 
He frowned, but didn’t comment on my distance. 
“Fuck me,” he whispered and rubbed his face. “I’m sorry, alright? But you scared the living hell out of me. I thought someone hurt you.”
I don’t say a word. I just picked up the cup of tea and stared into the murky brown water. 
“Who the fuck is that guy? You’ve…you’ve been seeing him?” Reggie asked. 
I shook my head, a fresh tear appearing and dropping soundlessly into my tea. I’m refusing to look at him, because if I do I’m worried I will fall in love with him all over again. He is quiet and I supposed he was just watching me at the moment. 
“Come on, say something?” he asked. 
“There’s nothing to say, I think…I think it’s broken,” I whispered. 
“What is? What’s broken?” he inquired. 
“Our relationship,” I managed to say before breaking down.  
Immediately he stood up and removed the cup from my hands and then enveloped me into a bear hug. I burrowed my face into his suit, his familiar smell bringing solace to my senses. I gripped him tightly, sobbing into his expensive suit, but he didn’t seem to mind. He stroked my hair and hushed me, rocking me slowly in his arms. 
“Shhhh, it’s gonna be fine, love. I’m here, I’m here,” he assured me. “I was a fucking idiot, right? I’m sorry.”
It took me a few minutes to pull myself together, but when I did I looked up at him. I wanted to know, this would be the question and how he answered it would depend on if I stayed with him or not. 
“I want to know about Ronnie. Why does it upset you so much when I talk about him in regards to the work? And I want to know why you’re different now, since you’ve gotten out of prison you’re just so cold now,” I said. 
I honestly thought he’d let go of me and start shouting again about how I should never speak of Ronnie. But again, he surprised me. He continued to hold me close and I can see his face sadden and he actually gripped me tighter. 
“Because…because he fucked it all up,” he said.
I didn’t say a word, I remained silent but my eyes told him that I was listening. I just wanted to give him time to express himself. 
“When I went away, he made a fucking mess. He went off his medication and almost botched the whole business. When I came back, I had a lot of work to do. I still do. But he’s my brother, I don’t wanna hate him, I love him and I just gotta clean up the mess myself…but…it’s hard sometimes,” he said. 
So that’s what was eating him up. He loved Ronnie, wanted to take care of Ronnie. But he couldn’t depend on his brother. From a mix of conflicted emotions, the stress of running a business and responsibility of maintaining a relationship with me, poor Reggie had reached his limit. I didn’t need to ask why he bottled all this up. Reggie was a man’s man. That meant you didn’t complain, you did the work and you carried on. Talking about his pain would have been inmasculine. 
I stroked the side of his face and nodded that I understood him. I gave him a light kiss on his lips and pressed my forehead against his. 
“I’m sorry, Reggie. I thought that maybe you just didn’t want to be with me anymore,” I said. 
“No, that’s not true. I need you, I do. If you leave…I got nothing to keep me together,” he said. 
Suddenly he got up from the couch and crouched down in front of me. He grasped my hands together and looked me squarely in the eyes. 
“That bloke…you aren’t leaving me for him are you?”
“What? No, no,” I said, removing my hands from his and cupping his face. 
“Good, he looked like a fucking hippie,” Reggie said. 
I couldn’t help but laugh and I am enjoying the fact that he was jealous of Harry. 
“He’s an intellectual, not a hippie,” I corrected him.
“I don’t care, I don’t fucking like him,” Reggie said. 
He shook his head as if he was going off topic. 
“Nevermind, look, I don’t have it on me, but, uh, I wanna ask anyway. Not like how I planned, but I don’t want you running back to that wanker. Will you marry me?” Reggie asked, hesitantly. 
I blinked, completely thrown off guard by his question. In fact, I’m not entirely certain I heard him correctly.
“What?” I asked.
“Will you marry me?” he asked again. 
“Yes, yes, why did it take you this long, yes!” I said, excidelty. 
He stood up and I jumped into his arms. I’m so happy, I start crying again. 
“Whoa, you’ve cried enough haven’t ya?” he joked. 
“I guess I have, but at least now I’m happy.”
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Halloween mini series
I’ve been dreaming about this for weeks but haven’t been able to plan it very well, finally decided today, “Fuck it”. So, here you go. Was gonna write it all in one go, but wasn’t sure if people would go with it. I decided to cut it into different parts so people have a chance to decide if they want to continue reading or not. 
MODERN VAMPIRE AU: 18+ MDNI, vampires, fiction, shapeshifting, blood, nightmares, manipulation
Summary: Tokyo’s master vampire has taken an interest in you and wants to make you his own, you on the other hand have no clue of the existence of these creatures and try to fight it off.
“You will belong to me.” It was very faint, but nonetheless, the message was clear as it echoed through her head. She looked around and noticed she was in a dark room, the walls were brick, splotches of red, rats scurrying around the floor. She lifted her feet to avoid them, only to notice they passed right through her. The smell of blood and decay was thick, it made her stomach flip and she gagged at it. She didn’t hear the voice anymore, but when she looked forward she was met by glowing yellow eyes, they were in the distant. Almost like an animal hunting it’s prey, a low growl was heard and then her neck was forced to the side. A searing pain engulfed her body as she felt something sink into her neck, she couldn’t scream, couldn’t move, and then she went cold.
“NO!” She woke up and shot up out of her bed, gripping onto her neck tightly, sweat covering her pajamas. She looked around her room and there was nothing there. Nothing but stillness. “It was just a dream...” She kept telling herself, but she couldn’t forget the pain she felt, the dreaded smell of blood. She ran towards her bathroom, turned on the lights, and crouched over the sink. The smell was still in her nose, as if she was actually there, it made her nauseous, disgusted, she threw up. Her back curving as she heaved into the sink, bile escaping her lips. She stayed there for what seemed forever until she grew tired. She washed out her mouth and looked into the mirror. A deep shadow curved under her eyes, making it seem like she hasn’t slept for days. It’s been a week since the nightmares began. At first she thought she was just watching too many scary movies, but it kept happening. Each time was in a different room, and each time it felt more real; she hasn’t shared this with anyone, she thought it was silly. How was she going to explain it anyway, when she didn’t know what it meant? 
She brushed her teeth, splashed water on her face, and walked back to her bead. They grabbed their phone and started searching on dream interpretations. “To dream of discovering new rooms is often a symbol of realising new aspects of your own personality. The analogy is that you thought you knew yourself so well, but suddenly circumstances have arisen that have revealed there is far more to you than you previously thought.” She read, they shook their head, that couldn’t be it. She changed her search, “Getting bit in dreams.” “ To dream of being bitten suggests aggression and insecurity.” None of this was helping at all, what about all the smells, the voice, those haunting eyes. Maybe she was just making stuff up, maybe she was watching too many scary movies. She kept scrolling down and without realizing, she went back to sleep.
She woke up to warm air in her face, when she opened her eyes, those damn yellow eyes were staring back at her. Inches from her face, she froze. She didn’t breathe, tried to look away but was too afraid if she did, it would do something. Her heart pounded in her ears, was it real? What did it want? She felt a rush of anger go through her, it wasn’t real, it’s stupid. “You’re not real.” She whispered confidently, a hot huff of air hit her face again. Oh shit, it is real. Panic struck, as she gulped, it gave a deep evil cackle and began to fade. The eyes becoming nothing but darkness once more. She jolted to turn on her lamp, light illuminated the room, nothing there.
A breeze came from the window, blowing at her crimson curtains, she triple checked that she locked that window. She was sure of it, so, how was it opened? A shiver went down her spine, she hugged herself. Her hair standing on end, it was real. It knew where she lived, where she slept, she began sobbing silently to herself. What did it want??
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raesnovelsblog · 10 months
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Synopsis from IMDB:
It's been eight years since the opening night tragedy of Hell House, LLC and still many unanswered questions remain. Thanks to an anonymous tip, investigative journalist Jessica Fox is convinced that key evidence is hidden inside the abandoned Abaddon Hotel-evidence that will shed light on the hotel's mysteries. She assembles a team equally hungry for answers with one goal: break into the hotel and discover the truth.
My review
Solid sequel. Follows the formula of the first one, but deviates slightly. Love the additional information about the crew from the first Hell House movie. The acting was weaker in this one for me. Not horrible, but a noticeable difference. Still a solid found footage movie with creepy clowns.  Clowns will never not be terrifying.
Rating : 7/10
How does it treat…
Women? Pretty well. They have agency and aren’t there just to be tortured or saved.
Does it pass the Bechdel test? Yes. No relationships are discussed. 
How long till a women speaks? 33 seconds
Relationships? Treated fairly.
Sex? N/A
Minorities? N/A
Older People? Seen, but not demonized because they’re old.
Mental Health? Mentioned, but not a plot point.
Kids? N/A
Animals? N/A
Was it fun? Kind of.  
Was it worth it? Yes, but only so much as to complete a trilogy.
Rewatchability? Not as much as the first one.
Gore level? Minor. The blood budget is less than the first one.
Appropriate? Yes
Spoilerly thought beyond this. You have been warned.
That dude is way too old to be playing the character the mom is describing.
The ghosts are better at new technologies than I am.
They mastered text messages faster than my parents.
That piano tune is still creepy.
I’ve watched too many true crime shows because that reporters' intro shots are spot on.
Brock Davies!? Perfect douchie name for a medium.
Woman in the blue is not great at first. She kept looking at the camera. Her character knows she’s being filmed, but it still.
That’s a lot of police resources to keep a police car out front everyday. 
“Not a trained professional paranormal investigator.”  How does one go about becoming a professional paranormal investigator? Do you have to take classes?  Is there a test?  A certificate at the end?
Putting a rock against the door to keep it open is one of the smartest things in all of these movies.
Seeing a random person standing on the stairs and then not immediately leaving, is not smart. Although I think it was supposed to be a ghost thing.
Random latin on the wall trope, check.
Heard a noise and went to investigate, check.  The door was open. It could be an animal or a homeless person.
Do not stop to pick up a hitchhiker.  Just don’t.
What are the ghost rules?  They were just in the house. Now they’re on the side of the road luring people in? Well, I guess Sarah did lure them back to the hotel in the first movie. At least they’re consistent. 
Don’t go after her.  The place is creepy and that woman isn’t right.  If you’re that worried, call for help. You don’t follow her into the abandoned haunted place.
The teen in the booth next to the weird dancing couple is staring directly at the camera.
Don’t give Molly shit about not wanting to go inside. 
They’re searching for a way in, but every other person has just sauntered in through a wide open door.
Don’t trust that wood piece in the door. Looks like it would slip out.
Why did Brock need to go to Abaddon with the film crew? He could have gone whenever?
Old timey portraits of children are inherently unnerving.
Random nooses equal get the fuck out.
The evil clown mannequins are back.
“Grab a box and start digging.” - Nope.  You take those boxes outside and read them out in the daylight like smart people.
The pan to the woman staring at them is a great example of simple scares being highly efficient.
You’ve put a time limit on your excursion into the basement. Why waste time reading the menu?
Creepy clown walking around - world of nope.
Sending the guy by himself? These people don’t watch horror movies and it shows.
Ghosts can impersonate people now?  These technological ghosts are impressive.
She’s fighting him on leaving. He warned you multiple times that they might all have to leave at a moment’s notice. Why are they acting surprised when he insists you leave?
Fuck Brock. He’s a grown man that you didn’t even want to come along.
Fuck that clown. He’s creepy AF. Just that slow movement was all I needed to send chills down my spine.
Mitchell, you've been smart up till now. Don’t stop now.
All that ghost women did was blink.  I would have run away too.
Theorizing the ghosts were compelling Alex to stay in the hotel fits. 
Are they in a room with no windows? Why not go out the window? If there isn’t a window, that’s a major safety violation.
Ghosts fucking with them on the walkie talkie, chef kiss.
So who supposedly is filming the meeting with Alex? Maybe the ghosts are trying to start their own reality show.
Why is he writing on those tapes with a dry erase marker?
That thing at the door looks like an off brand Leather Face.
Now the ghosts are leaving notes? But you were doing so well with the tech.
Molly’s with the clowns now.  Her sacrifice was worthy.  You move the fuck along.
The wall breaking open to show the lake of fire was okay. CGI is not their friend.
But that clown slowly moving towards them is.
Mentioned Russell Wynn. Set up the 3rd movie in the 2nd one. Good for them.
So did the ghosts cause the accident involving the real Arnold?
Arnold being Andrew Tulley was great.
“Pick up the camera.” They really want their own show.
Anytime you bring religion into it, the fright factor goes up.
Should have let the clown have Molly.  Now she dies slowly from a stab to the abdomen. 
So was Tulley trolling the internet looking for gullible people to send Hell House information too? How many other people have they contacted?
Killing her off camera is more effective than showing the murder.
Were the ghosts true to their word? Did they let Mitchell leave after he made his choice?
Anytime someone in a horror movie says “Do you trust me?” the automatic answer should be no.
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scorciasteamof121 · 10 months
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If you thought that last story was over I’ve came across other episodes that have happened to me in other places more than one so expect more post when have found my former address. ***For reason emoji were added was to avoid any mishaps from anyone and for reason of this story since I haven’t gotten in touch with my relatives their names have been changed to avoid any rights violated and strong language is included in this story as well***
Now back to the story.. It was a strange and paranormal night.. A night I’ll never forget🫣 For what happened that faithful night made realized we’re really not alone in the world. I use to hear rumors about it, things you see in the movies like the famous movie poltergeist but didn’t happened like that. Or even that classic movie from 1982 “The entity”, but from what I heard that movie was based on a true story in which this woman was tormented and molested by an invisible demon and noooo I wasn’t molested by a ghost 🤣😂. I was spooked haunted by something that actually woke me up so goes like this. I used to live with my aunt Loy & my cousin Oz in bklyn., temporarily and only had the couch to sleep on and at that time my aunt Loy had taken a vacation to PR and Oz and I was looking after her place while she was away. So one night, as am barely sleeping..something phenomenal was catching my attention. Lights are off, Oz is sleeping in his room am at the couch and something kept shoving me while am on the couch for like some brief moment. I was freaking out but in a calm kind of way but, I knew I had to do something. There I am with the only intention of wanting to sleep with the only drowsiness but my eyes were wide awake. So I decided to call out to Oz from the living room and had called him just once out loud but he never came over to me. When suddenly”, out of nowhere this thing grabbed my face shook it in a second like I felt a hand grabbing the lower part of my face by my mouth like side to side and it happened in a split second that’s when I called my cousin like my life was in danger really loud more than once.. “OZ!Oz!!! He quickly walked out of his room turn the light on and with a grumpy way said “what”??? I didn’t hesitate to say what had happened and quickly addressed the situation. !Something just grabbed my face! Something is here in this living room and attacked me!! He looked like it wasn’t to much of a big deal and said then start praying see if that can do some good. I didn’t know what else to say except that’s exactly what am gonna do. So he walked away to his room and lights are still on and got on my knees and started to pray shivering knowing what had just happened. The one thing I fail to mention I use to go to church one of those Pentecostal type of Latin church in NY since I was a kid but that’s another story. But had done what is called backslide and am not gonna give you a lecture about it but here is what I googled to explain what it means.
Googled backslide 🌐 🔀 Backsliding, also known as falling away (1) or described committing apostasy” (2) is a term used within Evangelical Christianity to describe a process by which an individual who has converted to Christianity reverts to pre-conversion habits and/or lapses or falls into sin, when a person turns from God to pursue their own desire.
Now back to the story..Take 2
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As am still praying my mind is so baffled to what had transpired and was eager to go back to sleep and forget what had happened. After a few minutes of praying walked to turn off the light and laid down on the couch and closed my eyes. What happens next was the scariest shit I ever experienced in all my life. When suddenly this paranormal thing had what felt like it shoved it’s face onto my face as if to taunt me..
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There I was scared out of my mind and instead of calling my cousin I had my eyes closed and began to say !! In the name of Jesus Christ!! In the name of Jesus Christ” In the name of Jesus Christ” I can’t remember how many times I said it but when I started to say it, for a brief second or so while my eyes were closed praying I can vividly see an image in front of my eyes and it looked like a shadowy image of a closeup of eyes shaped like nothing any human would have like it actually almost looked like a close up of a Birds Eye’s. I know it sounds crazy but this happened while my eyes were closed as if it was able to penetrate thru my eyelids to be seen by me..this thing seems to have hovered over me and I can hear it as if it had gone outside the apartment which is a couple of feet from the couch and this paranormal thing made it self aware because started making a sound you’d think you’d would be at a Hollywood studio it started sounding like there were waves of what sounded like either a windy tree leaves spreading all over the hallway outside the apt door or sounded like a huge rattle snake chattering it’s tail while I was still praying with the only faith I’ve ever done with my eyes still closed and while that thing is still out there waving god knows what which lasted about maybe a couple of minutes may have been about less than 5 minutes I guess” But can you imagine that happening to you????
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After those few moment of paranormal episode, the noisy sound which really sounded like a huge rattle snake suddenly was gone, as I still held on to those words “In the name of Jesus Christ”. I know there were other words I’ve said while I was praying for this thing to be gone to go back from wherever it came from you can’t begin to imagine this happening to me. All I know I finally fell asleep with no hesitation and felt a relief while I fell asleep. I must’ve really fell out cause Ana heavy sleeper and when I am out for the count am usually asleep and out. The next morning since Oz was still asleep I woke up and while I was still laid down on the couch and looked around remembering what had happened I came to think what if what actually happened outside the hallway was 2 spirits battling it out while I was praying cause from what my mind was thinking my mind kept picturing a warrior angle fighting with this entity with a sword and could that have been the sound I heard that night?
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Why that image came to mind, your guess is as good as mine. Who can really explain what happened that faithful night and why it happened to me and why it actually still happens to me from time to time. That’s right folks I’m a victim of paranormal that haunts me but really only happens once in a blue like I can go on for months and nothing happens maybe years. But when it happens again, it usually happens out of the blue as if it was like a anniversary. Whatever the case I can truly say god saved me from that evil spirit and only faith is the key and this is what the Bible says about it.
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(2 Conrinthians 5:7) For we live by faith, not by sight. (Hebrew 11:6) And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
If you have any comment about wanting to know drop one and if you have stories paranormal you’d like to share come thru. I will post another one soon
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monstermaster13 · 1 year
Hooked On Machines
karl heisenberg ftm tg.
Horror protagonists have multiple categories to them, there’s the badass ones and survivors that everyone considers to be awesome because they overcome their fears, and then there are ones so dumb you can’t believe they actually survived and Julie James and her friends fell under that category, it was hard to even believe these were the protagonists of their own horror movie yet alone survivors, several summers ago they nearly ran over a man named Benjamin Willis while drunk driving and since then Ben had been trying to get revenge on them, and after the recent encounter he had come back to life as one of the undead. He was still after them and he hadn’t given up, it’s just he needed some help. That’s when he came up with the idea of haunting them at the newest tourist attraction, the ‘cursed steel-mill’ attraction that had been hyped up as being the next big haunted attraction.
It just so happened that Julie was at the park that had the specific attraction in it and that’s what gave him the ingenious idea to haunt her there, the aim of the attraction was to teach about history, specifically how machines have improved throughout history but it was more effective as a scarezone than an educational attraction because there were lots of scare-actors that would jump out and surprise guests. Julie walked over to the attraction to take a look, she may have been your typical dumb slasher protagonist but she wasn’t careless, as she looked around, among the walls of the mills messages of ‘i know what you did’ and ‘i still know what you did’ and ‘i will always know what you did’ were sprawled all over. She felt uneasy as some cloaked figures lunged out and attacked her, and that’s when Ben manifested behind her…’Remember me?’ ‘Ben? As in the guy we nearly ran over?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘You’re talking, you don’t usually talk.’ ‘I know i’m a silent killer usually but i’ve got something to say.’
“Look i’m sorry if what we did resulted in you wanting revenge.’
“You should have said several summers ago.”
“Please don’t kill me.”
‘Kill you? Why would I do that? I have something else planned for you.’ Julie gulped, worried about what that meant, she was worried that he’d violate her and she attempted to fight him off only for him to attack her and to send her falling onto a pile of steel parts, the smell of steam and smoke entered her nose which made her wheeze and cough several times, as she did she started to cough up black ooze, she then gasped as she saw her skin starting to roughen up and become a bit more rugged, her hands enlarged while a pair of black fingerless gloves materialized on them. ‘What’s happening to me?’ ‘You’re being fixed’. She struggled as her breasts retracted from within her t shirt as her chest and torso broadened and gained musculature, her arms also followed suit and gained muscle mass as her stomach also contorted.
Her clothing slowly constricted and reformed itself, becoming the outfit that the character Karl Heisenberg sported as her legs altered, her privates contorting into the more manly variant as her feet grew in size, she attempted to resist but she could already hear Karl’s voice in her head and she covered her ears, attempting to block out the voice, but it was no use. Her back and shoulders broadened, she slowly went up in height to 5’10 as her neckline contorted.
Her dark brown looks slowly lightened until they were a silverish color, becoming much longer as her eyebrows thickened and her eyes widened…her skin maturing itself up as stubble formed around her chin while her eyelashes faded, her nose contorted and grew a bit in size while her features contorted to be more masculine, she didn’t recognize herself once she was done transforming physically, but she knew that her friend Ray Bronson was a fan of the game Resident Evil: Village and she recognized the character of Heisenberg. Some black soot entered her throat, making her cough up black ooze as her voice deepened and contorted to match her appearance, becoming Heisenberg’s voice with the tone to go with it, and she developed his abilities as well and discovered she could manipulate metal.
A couple of seconds later and Heisenberg’s voice had entered her mind again as she or rather didn’t remember being Julie James but rather Karl Heisenberg, Heisenberg chuckled to himself as the transformation finished as he watched his rear shrink down in size to finalize the transformation and to signify that ‘she’ wasn’t living there anymore. ‘Success, I finally got back at you for it.’ ‘And it’s quite a good job you did too, and such an improvement.’
Just then a deformed humanoid fish-man skipped over to him, it was Salvatore Moreau who had managed to make some new friends by getting a job as an aquarium tour guide and also he saw a very kind person who gave him a pet fish as a present. ‘Hi there Karl, i’m sorry I am late. I was busy making new friends and looking after my new fish. I’ve learned a lot from hanging out with them.’ ‘I bet you have.’ Dimitrescu and Donna both appeared next to Moreau, Alcina of course was having trouble trying to get in the entrance at first due to her height.
“Hurray, everyone’s here.”
‘Even her?’ Heisenberg quipped. ‘I heard that.’ “Relax sis, i’m just kidding.’ Alcina and Karl often fought with each-other for the affection of Mother Miranda but they never outright harmed each-other even if she did come across as stubborn at times. But that’s just how siblings are, siblings often argue and fight and don’t always agree on everything, that’s just how it goes…and sometimes even the most unloved sibling gets love now and then.
“I think we should hug..how about a hug, don’t forget me.”
‘Now why would I forget our favorite aquatic mutant sibling? Of course we wouldn’t forget you, Moreau.’ ‘You really think so?’ ‘Yes….’ Salvatore cheered as he hugged Karl, who then stood up on two ladders he had made to hug Alcina, and Donna hugged them both back while Angie jumped up and down happily. Even though these siblings were all very different, they all had something that connected them together and it wasn’t just their devotion to Miranda, or the cadou mold, it was their genuine understanding of each-other. True, Karl often did argue with Alcina but the fights never lasted that long, and they always made up in the end, and as long as they had each-other there were no problems. Salvatore was especially glad that people loved him for who he was and they weren’t turned off by his grotesque appearance, in fact some children genuinely loved him and loved his stories about marine life.
And thus comes to the lesson of the day, sometimes what you may think starts off as revenge-fics come to life can be surprisingly wholesome in the end and that is a good thing but most importantly the moral is never drive while under the influence, especially if you nearly run over someone who might just come back to get you later on, because that person knows what you did and there’s a chance they’ll still know what you did, and always will know what you did, take it from the four lords. ‘Remember to be safe out there when you’re going out for a drive.’ Karl instructed. ‘Drinking and driving don’t go to together at all. Always make sure you’re sober while driving’...Donna added. ‘Or else you’re going to crash which won’t be fun, for you anyway, but for me, heehee it probably will!’ Angie giggled as she added a line in.
“Blood is good, but not when yours is on the line.”
“And always be aware of who might be on the road when you go out.”
“If you have to drink before you drive, try water instead.”
‘It’s not good to get hammered, and take it from me, someone who specializes in using a hammer.’ ‘Remember to be safe, all of you.’ And thus our story ends with that very important moral delivered to you by the four lords, and also by yours truly, remember..be safe when you’re out driving, and to always be careful. Don’t be like Julie James and her friends.
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prqltothesql · 1 year
Been feeling really really depressed recently. Like REALLY depressed since my birthday. So here’s what my 2022 has been like
- Started an indoor drumline at the brand new HS that I’m teaching at. We did a show of Spider-Man music from the Spider-Man PS4 game, the Into the Spider-Verse movie and Avengers. We did standstill so it was low-commitment, low importance, but they had an undefeated season (of two shows lmao) and the kids did great. - Taught Middletown’s pit and wrote their show which was in dedication to Kevin, who passed in July 2021. We did Jupiter, Schism, Wish You Were Here and Waiting on the World to Change, which are 4 very different songs but I think I made it work. Kids did great, I met a new tech named Lauren from UD who was super awesome and became one of my closest friends during the season. At Wildwood, while we only finished 5th, we finished 2nd in music, getting 1st overall in music achievement from the only judge on the panel worth a damn. Was my last season after working with them since 2014 and a great way to go out. - Saw Tool, Dream Theater and John Petrucci live in concert this year, as well as seeing 3 wrestling shows; NJPW, AEW and WWE. - Saw The Batman, Doctor Strange 2, Jurassic World: Dominion, Thor: Love and Thunder, Rogue One IN IMAX!, Clerks III, Black Panther 2 - My dad died this year. I’ve been wrestling hard with my grief all year and it’s hitting really hard as we get to my birthday, Christmas and the New Year, all things that were extremely important to my dad and us as a family. A few weeks before he died, he started doing a bunch of stuff around here. Fixing my ceiling. Putting up floor jacks in the basement, fixing things, offering to buy me things I wanted. It was very weird, like he knew he was gonna die and didn’t have long. Two days before he died, he had a mini-heart attack. He said he threw up and was sweating and having chest pains, every sign of a heart attack. Yet that same day, he had his friend over to record and was helping him record a song. The day before he died, he woke up feeling great, we ate dinner, he was in an awesome mood, everything was fine, and he woke up the next day, had another heart attack and died. My sister didn’t wake me up cause she didn’t want to leave him alone, even though I was right upstairs and it would have taken just a few seconds. I don’t know if there was anything I could have done, or anything anyone could have done at that point. I never got to say goodbye to him. I never got that chance. I woke up and he was dead. - I planned his funeral and burial, I think I did a good job but didn’t write a eulogy, just gave some haphazard speech that went only a couple of minutes. That still haunts me. I miss him so much and think about him every day. The grief, the regret, the anxiety, the depression, the guilt. It’s not been 5 stages of grief, it’s just been a recurring cycle, ping-ponging back and forth between all of them, never quite hitting acceptance. - After he died, I gained a lot of weight and wasn’t active in the summer to the point where a brisk walk made me short of breath and caused my back to ache. After doing more band, I felt a lot better, but I still haven’t lost any of the weight I put on. - I went and saw a Blue Rocks game with Rachel on Father’s Day, just so we didn’t have to sit at home and refresh social media and see a bunch of stuff about Father’s Day. I went and saw 2 drum corps shows with Drew and it was really really fun just getting to go and be a spectator and talk shit and watch shows. - I met a girl online who lived in Ohio who we talked for 3 months and then she blocked me on everything and ghosted me out of nowhere. So there’s that. - On a whim, I applied for a job teaching the front ensemble at George Mason University. The director is a guy I’ve known since I was in HS, also a Delaware guy. I’ve never taught or marched world class, I’ve only taught HS for a majority of my teaching career. I didn’t think I’d get it, but I applied anyways, interviewed for it and was offered the position. I’ve gone down 6 out of the 8 weekends so far and it’s been a blast but very humbling. I never would have gotten the chance to do this had my dad been alive. He hated me doing band, and now with me driving down on the weekends and being gone all weekend, stranding my sister here by herself, he’d have lost it and it would have been miserable. But instead these weekends are like little adventures for me, and I’m learning so much and getting my name out there for possibly other things. It’s a bittersweet thing. - I got COVID. After the first marching band competition of the season, I felt bad, wound up being sick, wound up testing positive for COVID. My sister also got it. I’m vaccinated, my sister is not, but it both hit us equally as hard. That was really rough. - Odessa went to ACCs as a competing unit for the first time this year and it was at Hersheypark Stadium, so getting to take this little band to such a big time place was awesome, and we finished 3rd in percussion and 3rd in colorguard, which was huge. Last year was weird because I was still dealing with strife with my dad about teaching again, I was double dipping at Middletown because I was loyal to Kevin’s memory and Garrett, and Odessa was only doing a backing-track-led Festival class show. And Middletown had a core of seniors in the drumline. So it was hard splitting my time. But this year, committed only to teaching one school, it was a lot better. And I enjoy working with Odessa because the kids are brand new and only learning what I’m teaching them, so I can drill in fundamentals. I don’t have to break bad habits or change culture. I’m creating the culture, I’m creating the technique program. It’s been super fun. - I’m still at my job. We lost our manager back in February and we gained a new one back in August. It’s been rough in that transition as she’s changing the paradigm in our department, but it’s been good. - We lost our second to last dog, Wolfie, back last November. The last remaining dog, my dog Angel, she doesn’t have long either, so I’m dealing with a lot of sadness and anxiety about her, hoping she’s good, trying to keep her health the best I can these last few days, weeks, months she has. Overall, I’m in a decent position in my life. I’m still single, I’m still in the same crappy house, I’m still stuck with my sister. But I’ve made moves, I’ve improved as a teacher, I have two really great jobs lined up teaching and I’m having a blast at both, whether I’m good or having success or nobody likes me or not, it’s been very fulfilling. And I’ve done a lot of cool stuff and despite the soul-crushing sadness of losing my dad that has taken hold of in my heart, a lot more opportunities to live life and have fun have opened up for me and Rachel and it’s been interesting learning how to live in this new life.
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (196): Tue 27th Sep 2022
Before the bed I watched the zombie (ish) movie The Beyond I instantly rolled my eyes when I read the Wikipedia page for this movie because I'm watching the fifty zombie movies listed as the best by Paste magazine and this one it turns out is the "second in a trilogy". I was annoyed at the thought of having to watch the first one in order to understand what was going on in this one but it turns out that it is a trilogy of films related only in theme rather than plot so you don't need to have watched the first in order to understand the other two
The effects used in order to depict the violence are more miss than hit. The nail through the wrsists effect looks cool as does the body of the pumber with blood and puss exuding and the acid melting face scene is un-nerving even if it is clearly a dummy being melted. These effects are really good but the constant reliance of them takes me out of the film because I'm constantly aware that I'm looking at effects. The worst of which is the corpse that gets eated by the tarantulas. There's one cut where we see the spider walking over what is clearly a picture of the actor and while I don't blame the actor for saying "Fuck that" when the crew pitched that he allow actual tarantulas to crawl over his face this is by far the silliest moment in the movie and got laughter from me where it should have gotten me to avert my eyes in fear. With some better edits and if it didn't last so long then it could have worked but it goes on for too long and it's almost like it's not trying to hide that it's a dummy
Story-wise this is a clever blending of a zombie and haunted house story which is something I can't say I've seen before (I haven't seen any of the Evil Dead films yet but I imagine the tone of those movies is somewhat similar to the tone of this movie). I'm really surprised that this blending of two genres isn't pulled off more effectively because Lucio Fulci previously directed the brilliant Zombi 2 which has a similar juxtaposition of gore and the supernatural. I can imagine Daria Argento who did Susperia doing a much better job with this kind of story since he clearly has a good understanding of how to bend the supernatural with real world terror without having to rely on over the top effects. As for the performances, they're fine. Some of the dubbing is a little bit off in certain scenes but for the most part the majority of the cast are okay. I'd like to praise Catriona MacColl because this is her vehicle after all and she's seen throughout the movie but she's never given much to do except run around and scream. Dr John would be your standard horror movie companion / love interest but in this flick it's like they made the decision to make him as dumb as possible. During the climax he sees that shooting the zombies in the head doesn't work, shooting them in the head kills them instantly but then he carries on shooting torsos and wondering why they aren’t dying. How is this guy a doctor? The best performance in the film comes from Cinzia Monreale who plays Emilyn. Throughout the majority of the movie you can tell from the performance that this character has been ravaged by whatever it is that's in this house and that she's a husk of her former self. The best scene in the film is where Emilyn is begging the zombies not to touch her and we pan around the room and focus on each individual zombie. The screams she lets out and the desperation and terror in her voice is bloodcurdling and made all the more effective by the fact that the zombie just stand there looking stoically into the centre of the room . I did like that the director got a experimental with a few of the shots and including cool shot of Liza and Emilyn where Liza is in focus in the background she then goes out of focus and Emilyn's face then sharpens into focus. There's a scene where Emilyn ducks down and we see a zombie standing behind her which I think probably would have gotten a bigger reaction in the cinema than on home video but it's still good. My major problem with the movie where I think they really missed the opportunity to shock me was in the scene where Martha discovers Arthur's corpse in the dirty bathtub after letting the plug out. This COULD have been really good but sadly the music they play as it's going on is like something you expect from an 80's cop movie. If they'd have either cut the sound entirely or played some repetative, pulsating drum-like music like the music that accompanies the ghost girl coming out of the TV in Ringu then this scene could have been really effective. Another instance where they miss an opportunity for a genuine scare is the bit in the basement where zombie Arthur emerges from the water and attacks Liza. It's decent but for some reason the director has a close up on Liza as she's walking and the zombie attacks her out of shot and then the camera zooms out. Have a wide shot of him jumping out of the water!
0 notes
feuqueerfire · 2 years
Vice Versa Live Blogging
The last episode of PS I Hate You put me through it, so time to bingewatch some cute romcom. The Discord says it’s fluffy and sugary, so maybe it’ll help my get over my PSIHY/Wanwan ails.
Episode 1 (Sep 28)
Ocean Blue. I like that this show has episode names, can’t remember other BLs that have them (update: Theory of Love had those movie titles as episode names. VV and ToL have the same director)
I have an orange filter on my laptop but I think I’ll watch on my ipad because colouring seems important in this show (i don’t have adblock on there tho so this is terrible)
I love celeb/non-celeb trope so much but very few shows even involving celebrities deal with that and this one isn’t one of them 
none of these guys ever wash their hands after peeing T.T not even if it’s them meeting their love interest for the first time
I’ve seen this bathroom meeting clip, it’s adorable
just some casual drowning in ep 1 part 1
Tess’ mom is funny lol
dang bruh she’s been here for 8 years?
oh we got the ForceBook cameo + the 2gether line reference
okay it’s the association for Thai people in the alternate world, so I guess this switching only happens in the same country?
oh the head of the association is Joob? I know she dies
ooh, okay they’ll be able to dream once they meet Their Person and it’ll be of a place that they have to go to
This is cute/funny so far but I kinda want either OhmNanon or Jimmy’s character to show up already (interesting because usually I love the world building and MC interacting with people who aren’t love interest. I think I’m just in the mood for cute adorable fluff rn)
Pakorn called an ambulance to help Tess, idk why I thought this was a theory for ep 2 from a tiktok I saw but it’s pretty clearly shown lol
hehe this scene of Tun evading Tess is funny despite already having seen it in tiktoks. [fave scene]
interesting to hear Sea’s voice followed by Ohm’s voice bc the former has a fairly deep voice whereas Ohm’s is higher and nasally, I like it, it’s distinct
Cute first ep, Sea is endearing, seeing OhmNanon reminds me of all the ep 1 VV and BBS crossover edits that were haunting me when this ep released
Episode 2 (Sep 28)
Forest Green
ohmnanon scenes so cute >.< even though Tun’s antagonistic towards Tess
Neo, hello :>
I know what people meant about choosing OhmNanon as Tess and Tun being a possible mistake. I care about them already and am like :) whenever they’re on screen being antagonistic and care less about Sea and Jimmy’s hardly even been here yet
lol Nanon’s characters can’t escape from being in love with Ohm’s characters since high school
eyyy Tun is now Jimmy’s character Puen
a SOTUS reference
MilkLove cameo!
Episode 3 (Sep 28)
bruh Puen messing up Tun’s life and friendship at once
I don’t have much to say like hm I guess they’re cute. I’m endeared by Sea/Talay
Episode 4 (Sep 28)
2gether reference. not Puen plagiarizing 2gether in a different universe T.T
Talay making Puen blush and Puen tryna fight him over it is cute
This “walking into coffee shop” scene is the only romanctic/slow-mo/music swelling scene of theirs that worked for me so far. “So? will they fall in love?” “I guess they will.”
“How about we fall in love with each other?” wait this is so good. i think i heard smth about fake dating and ig this is what’s about?
Dang, Sea’s acting as Tess feeling hurt is good. The “stop doing this to me” reminds me of ep 5 Pran before the kiss
Theory of Love reference
dang didn’t except Puen to kiss Talay already
Episode 5 (Sep 28)
Godji cameo
Talay’s older than Puen
Ayy, then meeting Pang Piyada. I saw many tiktoks about it when the ep came out and really enjoyed it. another [fave scene]
Puen telling Talay to go back to their universe before him if he can
Gun as Third cameo... in the other universe, Theory of Love exists and in this universe, Third exists
not a friend group separating in ep 5 ?! i’m gonna just assume they reunite and write again. sad that real pakorn didn’t get to participate in writing with them
I don’t know what their relationship currently is actually like they had a kiss? and then? they’re not boyfriends but it’s not like they’re just friends. are they still in the ‘jeeb’ flirting stage?
Episode 6 (Sep 29)
this scene of Puen tryna get Talay’s attention while he’s gaming reminds me of this JimmySea similar moment
I don’t understand the cause of this random little separation and missing each other... just cuz they’re not working in the same scriptwriting team anymore doesn’t mean they can’t be with each other all the time still
Joob died and I didn’t care and I also didn’t care that Dol was like I should’ve told her I liked her and didn’t care people were sad
Episode 7 (Sep 29)
One of the first times this show succeeded in making me feel for the characters 
Update: upon reflection after watching up to ep 11, I think this is when the show started taking a turn for the better and started focusing on the right things (though there was still a lot of film stuff + product placement). 
I think it was a good thing that I binged the show because watching the ep 2 - 5/6 weekly would’ve been frustrating because the plot wasn’t moving forward and the concept wasn’t being utilized as I would like but binging it made me feel like 1 long episode rather than waiting a whole week for 50 mins of nothing
Episode 8 (Sep 29)
I think it’s fun when people who know Tun or Tess or both of them are confused by wtf is going on and so are the characters like Mek saying he and Tun promised that he’d never work for Tess :0 I wanna know more about Tess and Tun fr
ohh I see what the problem has kinda been thus far, I haven’t cared about any of the conflicts. This conflict of trying to get Mek on their side + make this movie on their own is more fun than the other boring or contrived problems the show has had so far
a Tay Tawan cameo !
This ep was p good and although we didn’t get plot advancement in terms of alt universes, we got some relationship advancement (jealousy, confession, kiss). I think the problem was that the alt universe plot and romance plot are both very slow moving and mostly stagnant throughout the series, so it feels like it doesn’t move forward/is a bit repetitive. I don’t think it’s bad though bc it’s beautifully shot, fairly well acted (esp now that we don’t see Ohm or Nanon every other minute) and it’s got cute moments
The movie making and following the other people’s dreams/living their lives could be more interesting but I’m just choosing to not pay attention to how they’re creating this movie l o l bc it’s terrible
Episode 9 (Sep 29)
interesting that even after Puen and Talay return to their own bodies, their relationship will be different than before the body switch to other people around them. like their friend Mek straight up thinks they’re dating and has seen them kiss
aklsdfj I see what people meant when they were talking about Jimmy taking off the pillow cover
Mix cameo
I also now see what people mean by AouBoom ship
ooh “my wish is to stay here as long as possible” 
Interesting stuff about Puen not wanting to go back
Ooh, interesting that Talay’s afraid of the water now
Up: “This is discrimination!” (@ Tun giving Tess two presents) Tun: “Yeah, it’s discrimination”
ahhh the alpaca drawing on the hat, I remember seeing tiktoks of this too
oh dang lmfao I didn’t know there were after-credit scenes in these, so I hadn’t been watching them. This one is cute
I quite liked this episode! Agonies about going back to the other universe + Puen figuring out who Talay is. also adorable that Puen remembers their interaction so vividly and fondly and is even more enamoured with Talay
Bruh okay, I went through people’s archives for vice versa for August (ep 4 - 8) and I hardly reblogged anything, esp not any romantic or cute scenes between Puen and Talay... I had reblogged some ep 1- 3 stuff yesterday and I think there are moments from ep 9 that I’ll reblog when I go through September tags but it’s telling about how much I care about the main characters and their romance that I reblogged nothing with them hmmmm not a good sign but I think they can still end it well if they continue with the tragectory from ep 8 and 9
Episode 10 (Sep 30)
the cute nom nom nom cheek scene
the kissing here is nice
Aou Fuse are cute
this pink is fun
aw puen’s convo with tun’s parents
girl ofc talay falls asleep just as puen’s finally about to say his name
ahh i was spoiled for it but it’s still good! talay and tess still stuck in each other’s bodies while puen and tun are not
hmm talay did dream the night before puen/tun switch back and tun also said he dreamed. i have no clue how this switching thing works lol
so in the other world tun and tess found and were friends with each other as puen and talay
p good episode, i like he friends and family and alt universe stuff than the movie stuff
Episode 11 (Sep 30)
good start, so seems like it’s Tun actually who travelled back and so Puen was returned to his og body
why wouldn’t Tun say Puen’s nameee
ohhh lmfao guy wrote it in the sand
would’ve you just check if your phone has Talay’s contact on it?
Tess and Puen are funny and cute lol
this is so strange, Farhan’s mom gave us those glass cacti last month so seeing this is weird esp cuz I rarely have anything characters in a show have
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girl ik there’s a fake reunion in this (ppl were so like why tf does GMMTV have a fake kiss in Eclipse, fake proposal in Magic of Zero: CLW, and fake reunion in VV) so idk wtf to believe
why do these people not check if their phone already has the contact? like the sticky note said there was Puen on Talay’s phone, why ain’t Talay checking
so strange the discrepancies of reactions. Pakorn was glad to see Tess/Talay. Tess was not glad to see Puen. the manager’s saying Puen (Pakorn) wouldn’t wanna see Talay (Tess). even though pakorn seemed glad to see him... what did Tess even do bruv (Talay, search it upppp it’s prlly on the internet)
girl Tess also caused a rift between Talay and all his friends?! this guy is so...
oh i see they just lost touch. at least he didn’t cause a fight
not the “can’t get in touch” drama exacerbated by the “oh no what if he’s dating his costar now” drama
 Wait Tim’s?
they’re meeting again at the garden cafe awww 
watched the next ep teaser and huh?
Episode 12 (Oct 1)
Finale day, still unsure wtf will actually happen in the next 50 mins bc the next ep teaser seemed packed
wait actually i love that there’s the universe travelers association here too! i was wondering about it existing in the other universe and it’s fun that we’ll get to see it
And we’re getting the celebrity/non-celebrity aspect too
loll Up and Aou -> Tup and Tou
naurr Talay don’t give the reporters an interview
girl why tf is Talay looking at his phone while driving, is the vehicle to get them to switch back to the other universe in the last 20 mins? and then switch back also? 
just kidding, thankfully they didn’t switch back and the teaser was just fucking with us
aw the random little Aou Fuse 
Tup and Tou confused as hell while Puen and Talay act like they’re all besties
the ending is cute
Didn’t touch on the alternate universe stuff at all this ep, so no more explanations lmao. Didn’t get to see what Tess and Tun were up to in their universe. Didn’t even learn why Tess as Talay was kicked out as manager. The seperation was weird and didn’t need to happen, they definitely could’ve kept communicating. some weird vibes in terms of like... them kissing and being affectionate? like why was talay resistant bc he wasn’t like that before, that’s so weird. I also don’t care enough about the story to actually be sad that we didn’t get these though lol my expectations were already low
Got a very small dose of the celebrity stuff but it’s more than we usually get, so I’ll take it.
Overall Thoughts:
This show worked for me while binging in a way that it wouldn’t have worked if watched weekly. There were a few episodes in the middle where it felt like neither the main alternate universe plot nor the romance plot were moving forward and it would’ve been disappointing to wait a whole week for a new ep but I watched them all in like 1 day so it didn’t feel too slow. I didn’t get to scrutinize the world building or think too deeply or theorizing about what’ll happen, all of which is good because I don’t think the concept was developed enough to handle much thinking. Also good to adjust expectations because people said there’s not much OhmNanon after the first two eps, that there’s nothing from the original universe, that they worldbuilding isn’t very expansive, non-stop product placement, etc. I enjoyed watching it while watching but I fast-forwarded sometimes and don’t care enough to be upset at its pitfalls because I came in knowing many of its flaws.
Vice Versa Mock Trailer (from GMMTV 2022 Boundless): I think I’ve watched at least the first half of this before and yeah, it’s a fun trailer, would’ve been very exciting to see it drop. They gave away so much though, like Puen going back before Talay and Talay not knowing his name even then. 
Vice Versa Final Trailer: This is nicely shot and a pretty cute trailer.
Also rewatched the Bad Buddy mock trailer from 2020 before watching these trailers and wow it continues to just be a great trailer, better than most trailers I’ve watched in terms of making me want to watch the actual show and care about the story/characters.
Rating: 6/10
Tiktoks and Edits
Bane of my existence: #ViceVersaEP1 #BadBuddySeries on twitter like the fucking PatPran TunTess parallels were just A Lot. Go through it to find edits but here are some faves here here here here here. #ViceVersaEp2 or #ViceVersaSerie also works
parallels w/ PatPran (bg: deja vu by olivia rodrigo)
2gether reference
parallels w/ PatPran (bg: roses by the chainsmokers)
Sea and Jimmy meeting in bathroom
parallels w/ PatPran (bg: traitor by olivia rodrigo)
Behind: worried Sea (I think this got taken down rip)
MilkLove Cameo
Theory of Love reference
Meet Pang + jealous Sea
flirty Puen at the wedding + catching bouquet
flirty Jimmy at the wedding + answer after catching bouquet (bg: somebody to you by the vamps)
teasing and messing with each other (bg: Adhi dd jyada ni me nakhre churaye - nepali song)
Meeting Pang + sad Sea (bg: Enchanted by Taylor Swift)
Ep 5 convo about Pang in the car (bg: favourite crime by olivia rodrigo)
“if boyfriends, they don’t hit e/o like this”
Ep 7 “I believe we are each other’s portkeys” 
Ep 2 Tess/Talay realizing Tun likes Tess (bg: only love can hurt like this)
Ep 8 Kiss
Ep 8 Perth’s character likes Talay + Puen doing everything to thwart it lol
Ep 9 Puen figures out who Talay is because of the hat (bg: As It Was by Harry Styles)
Ep 11 Talay seeing Puen at the premier (bg: heather conan gray)
Ep 11 Talay Puen reunion
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haunted house ~ billy loomis;scream
word count: 1489
request?: no
description: when his girlfriend is terrified by a haunted house, billy promises to protect her no matter what
pairing: billy loomis x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
*to celebrate the start of spooky season!*
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I looked up at the abandoned building turned haunted house. I don’t know who decided it was a good idea to make a haunted house out of a place that was supposedly haunted. I definitely don’t know what possessed me to go with my group of friends to the damn haunted house either.
“Do you think we’ll see, like, an actual ghost or something?” Tatum asked as we waited in line to enter the haunted house. “What if we see an actual dead body and we just think it’s a prop?”
“What if we get possessed?” Stu added. Tatum giggled excitedly and leaned into him.
“We’re not gonna get possessed,” Randy said. “Or see any dead bodies or ghosts. The place is an old abandoned home, not a murder site.”
“Not that we know of,” Stu whispered to Tatum, causing her to giggle again.
I crossed my arms and looked up at the scarily decorated building. Not that it was something I was about to admit to my horror crazy friends, but I was terrified to go into the haunted house. I hated haunted houses, I always did. I went once as a young child with my parents and some asshole thought it would be funny to chase after a five year old with a fake chainsaw. I didn’t know it was fake at the time of course cause, you know, I was five.
Noticing my discomfort, Billy put an arm around my waist and pulled me to him. “Hey, don’t listen to Stu. We won’t see any ghosts or dead bodies, it’s just gonna be a harmless haunted house.”
“Harmless, sure,” I said, trying my best to smile at him.
Stu and Tatum excitedly ran into the haunted house once we got to the front of the line. I could hear Tatum scream the moment she passed through the door, which only made my stomach turn even more.
Randy entered next, followed by an also hesitant Sydney. I was glad not to be the only one who wasn’t excited by this idea. When it came to me and Billy, I was also hesitant at first. Billy pulled on my arm slightly, finally getting my legs to move.
The minute we walked through the door, the air was stuffy from the fog. The lights were so dim that I could barley make out the figures of my friends in front of me or Billy beside me. There was a bright, blinking strobe light that showed the outlines of the bodies around us; whether they were real people or just dummies I couldn’t tell.
The first scare was some kid jumping out from a room wearing a Jason Voorhees mask wielding a fake machete. I screeched and clung to Billy’s arm as he laughed and kept walking. I could hear screaming from the other attendees and jeers from the people playing the characters.
Billy’s hand slipped from mine and my panic began to rise. I still couldn’t see very well and now the strobe lights were starting to disorient me. I just wanted to get to the end and to go home.
I had my arms around myself, as if that would protect me, when a group of kids ran past me, giggling and screaming. They startled me slightly, but not as much as one of the haunted house workers jumping out at me, a mask over his face and a fake chainsaw in his hands. Flashbacks to my first haunted house played before my eyes as I screamed and covered my face. I backed away until I hit a wall, but my attacker kept coming, chainsaw raised over his head. I began to sob in terror as it became evident that the chainsaw wielding maniac wasn’t backing away.
“Hey man! Get the fuck away!”
I recognized Billy’s voice as the chainsaw finally shut off. Through the dim light I could see Billy shoving my attacker away before kneeling down next to me.
“She’s fucking crying, alright? That means back the fuck up and leave her alone!” he snapped as he knelt down next to me. “Are you okay, babe?”
I shook my head, unable to speak due to my sobbing. Billy put an arm around me and pulled me to my feet.
“Keep your head ducked, I’ll get us out of here,” he said.
I tucked my head against shit shoulder as he led me out of the haunted house. I jumped with every scare that came at us, but for the most part I was able to avoid any further upset. Once we walked out through the exit door, I took a deep breath and savored the fresh air in my lungs.
Stu and Tatum were already out and basically dry humping on the fence as they waited for us. Tatum shoved Stu away as Billy and I approached, eyeing me specifically. “What happened to you?”
I shook my head. “I d-don’t wanna t-talk about it.”
“Man, they really got you, huh (Y/N)?” Stu asked. “Which was it? Was it the dude with his guts spilling out everywhere?”
“Leave her alone,” Billy said. “I’m gonna take (Y/N) home, I’ll meet up with you guys later.”
“Awe, why do you guys gotta be such party poopers?” Tatum asked, but Billy ignored her as he brought me to his car.
I looked at myself in the sun visor mirror. My eyes were bloodshot and puffy and my nose was as red as a tomato. I could see the tear streaks now stained on my flushed face. I looked like hell, or at least that I had been to Hell and back.
“You don’t have to drive me home, Billy,” I said when he got into the driver’s seat. “I can call my parents to give me a run home.”
“It seems like you need someone besides your parents right now,” he said. “Besides, I’m not jumping to spend the night with a sexed up couple, my ex-girlfriend, and the horror movie aficionado who would likely talk about how lame that haunted house was the whole night.”
This was enough to put a small smile on my face. Billy smiled back at me and started driving towards my house.
The beginning of the ride was silent besides the static sounds of Billy’s car radio. I rolled down the window to let the air blow on my warm face. I sighed, a sense of guilt eating away at me still for pulling Billy away from our friends.
“Wanna talk about it?” he asked.
“Not really,” I responded.
“Okay, then we don’t have to talk about it.”
It was something I appreciated about Billy. He respected my wishes and didn’t push me further than I wanted to go. There’s not a lot of guys, or a lot of people for that matter, that would do that.
“I hate haunted houses,” I said, resting my head against the seat. “My parents took me to my first one when I was a kid and I got chased by a guy who had a fake chainsaw, like the guy who cornered me back there. That shit stuck with me, I’ve never been to a haunted house since. Not until tonight anyways.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? We didn’t have to go.”
“Cause you seemed so excited by it, and everyone else was going. I didn’t think it would be that bad until I lost you and had a repeat of that episode from when I was five.” I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. “God, why couldn’t I just fucking get over it?”
“Being traumatized isn’t exactly something you get over,” Billy said. “You were a kid brought into an environment where a kid should never be.”
We pulled up to my house and Billy reached over to put his hand on mine. I looked up at him and smiled. It was nearly impossible to be upset when I had such an amazing guy on my side.
“Next time, I want you to tell me when you don’t want to do something,” he said. “It’s not fair to you, especially if it’s something that will bring up old memories like that.”
“I promise,” I said.
“And I promise to always protect you, no matter what. No one will ever hurt you as long as you have me.”
“I know.”
I leaned forward to kiss him. All the upset I had been feeling just moments before seemed to vanish from my body as his lips pressed against mine. His hand was gently as it caressed my face while the other closed in around my hand.
When I pulled away, I glanced at my house to see that the lights were off, indicating that my parents were likely gone to bed.
“Park down the road and I’ll sneak you in for the night?” I asked.
Billy smiled like a kid on Christmas morning. “Deal.”
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onceuponastory · 2 years
nightmares - steve kemp
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Hunt you down without mercy Hunt you down all nightmare long - all nightmare long by metallica
Plot: After escaping from Steve Kemp and his basement about a year ago, Y/N thought she was finally safe. She’s about to learn that she’s anything but. Warnings: 18+ Only! NO MINORS PLEASE. This contains: attempted murder (seriously reader almost dies in this), choking/attempted strangulation, almost passing out, mentions of surgery and scarring, violence, injury, threats, kidnapping, nightmares, PTSD and anxiety/OCD. If I’ve missed any triggers, please let me know. Notes: This is for @breakablebarnes’ 1,300 follower writing challenge (congratulations by the way!). I used the prompt “Be a good girl” for Steve Kemp (cause...duh). 
Also, I’m posting this on Fresh release day for most of the world, so if you’ve seen the movie and wanna read more Steve, please check out my other works for him HERE!
Y/N opens her front door, stepping into her house. She closes the door, locking it and checking it’s shut properly three times. Just like she does every night since she escaped. Gingerly, she runs a hand along her stomach, her fingers tracing the scar that still lingers there. Memories of being strapped to an operating table, too drowsy to move but still somehow lucid enough to understand, flash through her brain, and she shudders. “It’s okay. He’s gone. He can’t hurt me anymore.” She whispers. But she still checks her door one last time anyway. Once she’s sure it’s locked, she walks closer into her hallway. Suddenly, something makes her stop. She doesn’t know what it is, but something seems off. Whatever it is, it’s making goosebumps form all down her arms. Her blood runs cold, and she tries to work through the scenarios her therapist taught her in an attempt to try and calm down. 
Slowly, she takes a few steps forward, her footsteps echoing across the room. No other noises sound, and she takes a deep, yet shaky breath of relief. She’s okay. But then:
“Hello, Y/N.” A voice suddenly speaks from the darkness, making her jump. 
A voice that’s all too familiar. 
A voice that’s haunted her nightmares for the past year. 
A voice that shouldn’t be anywhere near her. 
So why the fuck is it here...and in her house?! Her heart rate slowly starts to rise. Refusing to take another step, Y/N closes her eyes, silently hoping that she’s just dreaming and that this is just another nightmare. Even considering how terrifyingly realistic her nightmares have been as of late, she’d much rather be in one of them than in this horrible reality...a reality where the one person she fears the most is in her house again.
“Please...please, please, please. Just let me wake up!” She whispers, begging and pinching her skin over and over. As she realises none of them are working, she becomes more and more panicked, feeling her throat closing in and tears beginning to stream down her face. “No...please god, no.” She whimpers, trying to hide her sobs as the horrible realisation starts to dawn on her. None of them work because she isn’t dreaming this time. Now, it’s real. Her hands shaking, she grabs her bag, rummaging through it, hunting for her panic alarm, given to her by the officer who oversaw her case. She can hear things spilling out of her bag, and she swears. Just before she tries to pull out her phone to dial for help, the voice speaks again.
“Oh dear, Y/N, did I scare you?” She hears, and her blood runs cold. Y/N screams, and her bag clatters to the floor, most of its contents spilling out. The lights come on, and Y/N looks over to see Steve Kemp standing in the corner of the room, staring at her. He laughs, a cold and menacing laugh. One she’s only ever heard once before...on the night she woke up in a fucking cell, missing most of her abdomen and with Steve standing over her. “It’s good to see you again. Sorry about your window, by the way.” He jokes. 
“Steve, y-you’re not meant to be here. I-I...”
“Have a restraining order out against me? Yeah, I know. But I was never one for being good or following the rules, was I?” He laughs again, and she detects malice dripping from his every word. Steve cocks his head to the side slightly, studying her. She knows he can sense his fear...and that he’s relishing in it. “Really? You’re honestly surprised that I’m here? That I know what you did?” Steve scoffs. “I mean ,what else did you expect me to do after you escaped and ran to the cops, creating a worldwide manhunt for me?”
“Steve, I was just-” She begins, trying desperately to save herself, but Steve cuts her off.
“You were perfectly safe in my basement. I told you that I wasn’t going to kill you.”
“...Well, you actually said you weren’t going to kill me right away.” She points out. A flash of anger crosses Steve’s face, one she knows all too well. Y/N immediately wishes she hadn’t said anything.
“Do not fucking interrupt me.” He orders, his voice low and threatening...but at the same time, there’s a strange calmness to it. And to Y/N, even taking into account Steve’s explosive temper, to her...Steve’s calm anger is the scariest thing of all. Y/N mumbles an apology, trying not to start crying in fear again. Steve continues, starting to slowly walk towards her. She backs up, trying to move away from him. Her eyes flicker down to her bag, and she tries to figure out a game plan to grab her phone or her pepper spray. Although she knows her brain is going into panic mode, she also knows that she’s been through this before and come out the other side...she can do it again. She has to do it again.
“I have been on the run for months. I had to start fresh because I’d lost everything. Do you know how hard it is to stop what I do and just...start over?” He asks. “Well, do you?!” He shouts, sending a shiver up her spine. She shakes her head and lets out a sob. Steve sighs, sucking his teeth. “I had to do that because of you. All because you couldn’t be a good girl and stay in your cell. But it’s okay. You’ll learn once you’re back there.” Quickly, Y/N drops to her knees, trying to grab something to ward off Steve. He’s at her side in seconds, and he stomps down hard on her hand, causing her to scream out in pain. 
Before she can even try and attack Steve in retaliation, he grabs her neck, lifting her up and slamming her against the wall, hard enough to put her in a daze for a moment. “Now, now. We don’t need any of that, do we?” He tuts, looking at her. Y/N squirms, trying desperately to escape his grasp. Steve sighs, “And don’t try escaping either. I thought I lost you once, and I’m not letting you go spill my secrets again.” She can feel her airways starting to close as Steve’s grasp on her neck tightens, and she knows her body is going into panic mode. Y/N gasps in a desperate attempt to get some air.
“Someone...someone will find me. They’ll know you’ve escaped.” 
“Oh, you don’t need to worry about that. I’ve been waiting a long time to find you, and I’ll make sure nobody finds us this time.” Y/N starts to see some black spots in her vision, and she can feel her lungs beginning to ache as they struggle for more oxygen. 
“Steve...please. I can’t breathe....” She begs, her voice a small whimper. Steve laughs, and continues to hold her neck tightly. “Steve...please, stop....” She repeats, but he still says nothing. Y/N kicks her legs, desperately trying to fight back in a last-ditch attempt to save herself, but it doesn’t work. She can slowly feel her energy starting to slip away...and an urge to just go to sleep takes over. Back when she was kept in Steve’s basement, she thought a lot about her life, and wondered how and when she would die. When she escaped, it gave her life a new purpose, and she was excited to finally live her life again. But now, here she is...back in the arms of Steve Kemp. And this time, she really is going to die. Even though her brain - well, the parts of it that aren’t shutting down - is screaming at her to try and fight back, to save herself...she’s too tired of fighting. She already tried to be the hero, and it’s clearly not working, either then or now...so it’s time to accept her fate. She gives one last look to Steve as her vision blurs, looking at the face that seemed so kind and welcoming when they first met. It’s incredible how much darkness can hide behind a pair of blue eyes and a smile.
Steve’s face changes slightly, and he sighs. “You know, I do feel bad about doing this to you, so I’ll let go if you promise to be a good girl and shut up.” Steve finally speaks. Y/N lets out a slight mumble in response, too tired to say anything more. “Do you promise?” Steve repeats, his voice threatening as his grasp tightens even more, so tight the black dots are even bigger. So tight, she feels like she’s about to slip away. Y/N nods slowly and uses the last of her breath to gasp:
“Yes...I’ll be good...”
Grinning, Steve finally lets her go. Her body crashes to the floor, and she lets out a silent cry, taking in multiple deep breaths. She tries to get up, but her energy levels are too low, and she falls back down again. She’s still close to passing out and her vision is still blurred, but she manages to make out Steve staring over her.
“Well, isn’t this a trip down memory lane for us both?” He jokes, laughing cruelly at her. “But the ending’s a little different this time.” Steve bends down and scoops her up into his arms. “This time, I get to teach you a lesson. And I’ll make sure that you listen.”
TAGLIST: @buckysboobs​, @maladaptivexxdaydreaming​, @thebluemage​​, @mobbucky​​ and @duchessoftheheart​
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Spencer and Y/N decidedly hate each other. But when a near-death experience puts one of them in a coma, their mutual hatred might have to take a backseat— Or will it? Category: Angst / Happy Ending! + Humor and a lil bit of Fluff Content: Strong language, Reader is in a coma, mentions of injury, kissing Word Count: 2.6k
NOTE: This one’s for Pom’s ( @imagining-in-the-margins ) September Writing Challenge, Enemies To Lovers! I have another one coming up as well, but this idea wouldn’t get out of my head ever since I watched The Abyss with my dad and I had to get it out 😅 I hope you like it!!
I swear to fucking God, if this motherfucker really thinks he—
That was the last thing Y/N thought before she was knocked out cold.
With her line of work, it was natural to assume that she was thinking about the unsub, but unfortunately the criminal she and her team were tracking down was the farthest thing on her mind. Spencer would have chastised her for it— letting something else cloud her thoughts while she was in a dark alley, alone, and with a serial killer on the loose.
"You should be smarter than that!" she could hear him say in that high pitch he always carried when he was upset— especially with her. "If you don't get yourself killed one of these days, then it'll be the rest of us!"
Thinking about it made her blood boil.
"It's your fault," she wanted to tell him. "I had to blow off some steam because you were pissing me off!"
The only thing was... She couldn't tell him.
Well... She could.
He just couldn't hear her, because no one could.
It was like some stupid, cliché movie, where you found yourself standing over your dying body and having to choose whether to live or not. It seemed like the obvious choice, to fucking live, but... Y/N found herself wandering around her hospital room, yelling into the void and attempting to jump back into her own body.
Nothing was working.
And when Spencer showed up, his face red and his hair and clothes all messed up, she wanted to scream at him.
Nothing. He was practically lifeless as he drifted to the chair next to her bed and sat down. It was nearly impossible to read from his expression and body language how he was feeling, and that alone was enough to make her angry again. (Not that the anger had really gone away since waking up next to her comatose body, of course.)
"Hey! Dumbass!"
Still nothing.
As Spencer just blankly stared down at Y/N's bed, she decided she'd had enough.
"I hate you."
It was a bold enough statement to stop Y/N in her tracks, no matter how quietly he'd mumbled it. She knew for sure that he didn't like her, after years of constant bickering and dirty glares and whatever else, but... The word 'hate' was like a knife that sliced through her joking rage and stopped the whole world around her.
If she wasn't already out of her own body, she just knew she would have felt her soul leave.
Spencer didn't hate anyone. Not that she was aware of, anyway. He found nearly everyone delightful, and vice versa... But for some reason, he hated Y/N.
She scoffed, crossing her arms. "Yeah, well... Feeling's mutual, I guess..."
"You're stupid, and reckless, and you don't think. And you're a goddamn nightmare to work with... You know what— You're a stone-cold bitch."
His words made her physically step backwards, and it felt like if she were a cartoon, there might have been steam coming out of her ears.
"Yeah, well jokes on you, you make it easy," she seethed. "Fuck you!"
"How... How dare you..." he continued, anger reddening his face.
Y/N watched as he balled his fists and leaned in a little closer to her body, his voice tight and strained. "How dare you walk into my life and boss me around and make it impossible to breathe... From the moment I met you, you've brought out this... this fire in me that I can't put out no matter how hard I try, and it's insufferable—You're insufferable, and I hate you, how dare—"
Whatever he was going to say next was cut off by a shortness of breath. Spencer breathed in, loud and choked, and the next breath he let out was nothing short of a sob. His eyes squeezed shut, tears rolling down them and his hands clutched the bedsheets with a vigor and rage that Y/N had never seen from him, even in all the years she'd spent visibly getting on his last nerves.
"N—No," she choked out, feeling her throat tighten. "Don't... Don't turn into a sappy mess on me now, do you hear me, Reid? You hate me, don't... Don't..."
"I don't hate you," he whispered, wiping his eyes and reaching out to grab her lifeless hand. "I hate that you make me feel this way, but... I could never hate you..."
She wanted nothing more than to be able to squeeze his hand back, to tell him, not even necessarily with words but with a simple gesture, that she was right there and wasn't going to go anywhere.
She just... had to figure out how to make that true.
Still, Spencer kept going, a small laugh bubbling up through tears and phlegm. "But I will hate you if you die, because I just know you're gonna come back and haunt me for eternity... Probably... shit in my shoes or something."
Y/N barked a laugh that was true and pure... Happy, even.
The genius may have acted like he hated her, but it turns out he knew her pretty well, perhaps even fondly in one way or another.
To think— All those years she spent seeing him sneer at her, feeling his glare burn into her soul, the amount of times she caught him making faces or inappropriate gestures behind her back, all of it... And the whole time, he was probably doing it with a little flicker of fondness deep within the confines of his heart, which he swore to fill with nothing but hatred for her.
The thought made the little flicker in her own heart burn brighter.
As she wandered closer to her bed, beside Spencer and in front of her own body, she reached her hand out to see if she could touch his face, to give him something...
Even though she had no luck, something shifted when he spoke.
"Just... Come back to me, please? I know I'm not good at apologizing, but if it means I get you back... I swear that I will make up every horrible thing I've ever done or said to you. Just... Please don't leave me."
He laid his head down in his hands and tried not to cry again, every said horrible thing replaying on a loop in his brain like some kind of taunt. He wished more than anything for a chance to make it up to Y/N, and now he might not ever be able to.
"You think I'd leave this mortal earth without getting the chance to kick your ass?"
Everything was so fuzzy and light and brimming with these high emotions that Y/N almost didn't realize she was saying these words and Spencer was hearing them. She almost didn't feel the warmth of her bloodstream beneath layers of skin, the beat of her heart slowly coming back to life at the sounds and smells of the hospital room.
She almost didn't realize that Spencer was grabbing her now, his warm hands covering her cold ones and bringing them back to life as well.
"Screw you," he breathed with absolutely no malice to be detected in his voice.
They shared a smile so bright, no one would have been able to guess that they never got along.
Not only was she stuck at home doing nothing while on suspension (Yes, it turns out that storming off into an alley and not paying attention while on the job, just because a co-worker pissed you off, can get you suspended by Chief Strauss), but Y/N was also being visited by a daily rotation of her co-workers and friends and family, and her house was nearly covered in flower bouquets and baked goods.
It was a nightmare.
The sentiment was nice, sure, but if she had to move one more vase, she was going to start throwing them.
God, maybe Spencer was right, I am a stone-cold bitch...
Thinking of him also put a little damper on her mood.
He hadn't been to visit her once... And she figured that after their nice little moment at the hospital, he'd at least stop by with flowers or an "I'm glad you're not dead!" call, but there was nothing on his end. Not even a text message or a letter.
But for all she knew, their small moment of kindness could have been a figment of her concussed imagination.
Please, she thought, if I brought it up to him he'd probably just laugh in my face.
Rather than a laugh, Y/N heard the bright sound of her doorbell, which normally would have meant a fun unexpected visit or a date she was getting ready for, but by now it only meant another vase of flowers or a pie from a neighbor she still didn't remember the last name to.
Either way, she answered the door with as polite a smile as she could muster, and instead of finding a vaguely familiar neighbor or acquaintance, she found Spencer.
Though, to be fair, he was holding a bouquet of flowers.
"Well, this is a surprise," Y/N drawled, crossing her arms. "I don't even think you've ever been to my house."
She was surprised to see him nervous around her, rather than irritated. And she would have found it endearing had they not been practically mortal enemies from the moment they met... She was suspicious.
"O—Oh, yeah... I know, I just thought... I wanted to come see how you were doing... These are for you."
He held out the flowers, which were truthfully the pretties set she'd received, and it irked her. Because of course he of all people would be the one to tell which kinds of flowers she'd prefer.
"Thanks," she said, taking them from him and allowing him the space to come inside. "Watch out, it's a maze in here..."
While she looked for somewhere to put the flowers on display, she could feel Spencer looking around her space, probably profiling what he could behind a sea of flowers.
Y/N sighed. "What?"
"Nothing. I'm just... I'm surprised this many people actually like you."
Despite the nature of his observation, she found it comforting. That level of playful contempt was what she was used to, and it brought a sparkle to her eye as she turned to face him. "Ha... I'm not a complete bitch, you know."
Between the growing grin on his face and the smirk forming on her own, Spencer and Y/N found themselves falling back into a familiar rhythm. And yet, something about it was still... different.
So much so that Y/N felt honest-to-God butterflies in her stomach when he approached, hands retreating from his pockets and head tilting off to the side. His expression held that look he got when he was trying to figure someone out, usually an unsub. She hated to admit it to herself, but a little part of her always found that side of him extremely attractive.
And now that it was right in front of her?
She didn't know what to make of it.
"What?" she snapped, looking for an excuse to hide any and all attraction she was feeling.
Spencer stepped back a little, breaking away from whatever trance he'd just been in. "God, why do you always have to do that?"
"Do what?"
"You push away every single show of affection! Any time I'm trying to be nice, you just act like it's some big inconvenience to you!"
Y/N laughed. "Ha! That's what that was? Just now? When you insulted me, and then started stalking towards me with that look you get when you're interrogating an unsub? That's what you call affection?"
"That's not... That's not what that was!"
"Oh really? Then what was it?"
"It was part of the routine! Banter! Y—You know, that's our thing! We insult each other, and we act like we hate each other but we... We don't, really..."
The longer he went on, the faster her heart raced. This was the moment in the movie where he inevitably blurted out that he loved her, and in turn she would either kiss him or slap him, or slap him and then kiss him...
But Y/N was still feeling rather playful despite the swarm of butterflies in her stomach begging for some relief.
"Oh?" she prompted, taking a slow step closer to him. "We don't?"
Spencer seemed to get red immediately, and he avoided her eyes. "U—Uh... Well I... I thought... Maybe I read it all wrong, a—and I'm sorry if I did..."
She'd been getting closer meanwhile, and now they were practically toe-to-toe. He did his best to ignore her, taking a few steps back until she cornered him against the front door. And with the way he wasn't doing anything to get out of his predicament, she took that as his acceptance and took another leap.
"What..." she cooed, crawling her fingers up the front of his chest like a spider. "You like me? Hmm?"
When he finally looked down at her, she allowed herself to smile, albeit slowly and with calculation.
In a flash Spencer went from nervous to fed-up, weight seeming to visibly lift from his chest as he sank against the door. "You're messing with me..."
"It's so fun."
"You know what, screw you."
"Is that a promise?"
"Maybe it is. What are you gonna do ab—"
She didn't let him finish.
In an instant, Y/N lunged forward and pulled him down for a kiss.
Even though she thought he might have tried to take control of the situation, he ended up surprising her with a wanton moan as his hands clutched at her sides, holding on for dear life. Their bodies and tongues collided in a mess of years worth of pent-up tension, chaotic and wild and fiercely beautiful in a way that put even the greatest first kisses to shame.
And of course, Spencer had to go and ruin it.
He pushed her away and looked almost panicked. "W—Wait, are you even cleared to do this?"
Y/N rolled her eyes, reaching out for him again. "I'm fine."
"Y/N, you were in the hospital! I thought... I thought you were..."
She appreciated the sentiment, but with her entire body on fire from his touch, she decided she needed more of it. "Yeah, but I'm not... I'm very much alive, and you know what?"
He blinked back at her, watching carefully as she leaned in close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"It's because of you. You make me feel... more alive than I've ever been."
"And... You're not messing with me this time?"
With a laugh,  Y/N shook her head and leaned up to brush her nose with his. "Nuh-uh... But if you'd like to, I'd love to mess with you in a more fun way. And maybe I'll even let you do it back..."
Spencer hummed, feeling himself gravitate towards her more with every passing second. "Deal."
He barely got the word out all the way before she was dragging him through the maze of flora and contained food and into her bedroom, where piece by piece, their hatred and fondness for one another combined to create the most exquisite of nights.
PERMANENT TAGLIST:  @elldell1204 @muffin-cup @calm-and-doctor @slutforthegubes @rainsong01 @yourmisosoup @liveloudwriteloud @reidsconverse @la-vie-en-amour1 @edgycowboy666 @averyhotchner @centiaaa @lizziechaseee @coffeeandendlesswords @usuck @spenxerslut @ssacalumsg0lden @emilyprentisslittlewhore @takeyourleap-of-faith @reidyoulikeabook @spencerreid9 @b-a-utiful @jareauswifey @flipperpenguins @pansexualthing @donald4spiderman @awesomebooklover17​ @shemarmooresfedora @izraahh1 @bakugouswh0r3 @singularityjc @xoxospencerreid @thatsonezesty13 @big-galaxy-chaos @mggskneescrews @youabitchhhh @spencersjello @moonlight-2-6 @starrylang @foreveryoungxx3 @spencerreidscoffeecup @morganwilliams  @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @gubswh0re @mrsobrien888  @umbreonwolfy 
TAGS NOT WORKING: @ayla-1605 @loveeee@2134 @emilyprsntiss
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