#she’s unfazed LMAO she’s seen it all honestly
akuzeisms · 10 months
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   ⬐ @seeasunset ⬎
Icons only + Vasco just tearing through a wave of enemies with only his blade, which is attached to his gun
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solastia · 3 years
Day 14
As You Are, Yoongi x Original Female Character, 3/? Chapters, 10 k words so far
I missed yesterday!!! AHHHH! But that’s ok, that just means you get 2-for-1 today, whether you want it or not, muahahahahaha!!!
Ok, Sunny, our MC in this story, is so fucking relatable it hurts! How many of us have been there? Stuck in a shitty job, working hard and not getting anywhere, dreaming of a different life that seems completely unattainable. I am Sunny, Sunny is me!!! Or at least I’ve been her during various stages of my life.
“She looked over at Bang PD and suddenly felt lightheaded. He was smiling too, and clapping. They were saved.”
That’s right, our mans Bang PD is the hero of this story, as he should!!!
And what’s with Yoongi being so aloof in the beginning??!! Admit you liked the performance Yoongi!!
“The girls all rushed to hug him, except Sunny, who elected to grin at him from the table she was leaning against.”
OOOH BOY, our girl has walls built thick and high, doesn’t she?? I get the feeling she’s been hurt and has been disappointed by life one too many times.
“She needed this to work. THEY needed this to work. She was tired of having nothing, tired of seeing her girls hungry and exhausted. She was just tired….”
“She put everything into the song. All of her hopes for the future, her love for her girls, her desire to be happy for once in her life, despite the demons that lived inside her.”
Ok, yeah, I’m ready to throw down for Sunny. Must protecc
“All of the girls were getting excited. This was it. They’d made it.”
WHY DO I FEEL LIKE THIS IS SO OMINOUS?!?!? LIKE, SOMETHING REALLY BAD IS GOING TO HAPPEN?? Maybe because I know how much you like to hurt us :|
“I wasn’t actually going to do it. I was just…” she sobbed.
“I know. Believe me, I know.” He sighed, propping his chin on her head.”
Oh, so our boi Yoongi isn’t so cold and distant after all!!
“Manager Sejin was a teddy bear, but a HUGE teddy bear.”
I welcome any and all mentions of Manager Sejin, thank you so much!!!
Ok, so...I am absolutely speechless about Chapter 2. There is so much that is implied, so much hurt, so much pent up anger, and then the little girl!!! I cried. I shed real tears over this chapter. Sunny is so incredibly strong, I love her!
And now, a shift in the tone of the story, something you are really good at!
“We are watching some horror movie now. I think it’s called “LazyTown.”
Mina chuckled. “Sis, that’s a children’s television show.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s not. It’s terrifying. Those puppet things have the most expressionless faces I’ve ever seen. I’m almost certain they are possessed. I’m also pretty sure the pink haired bitch is a serial killer. And they all keep bullying the only decent guy on this show, the one with the chin.”
YES SUNNY!! That show was so freaking disturbing! Our gurl is talented and smart, she knows what’s up!
“Yes, Mom. I have my pepper spray, the alarm thingy, and that knife that looks like a key. I remember everything you taught me about punching my hand into the nose, kicking them in the nuts, and using my shoe laces to get out of a zip tie.”
Ok I am both impressed and concerned, Sunny. Our girl is determined to keep the other girls safe!
“ Ruby squeals and throws her arms around Sunny, who looks uninterested in the show of affection to the casual observer, but all the girls know she secretly adores it.”
Hmmmmm, reminds me of someone...but who????
���You have tiny ass legs.”
There you go, Sunny, take him down a notch.
“You have a big ass nose.” He replied in a monotone.”
Awwwww, love is in the air! LMAO!
“Look at me for a minute. I’m being actually serious here. That’s not going to happen. However, IF you hear something like that, bring it to me. I will not hesitate to shut that shit down. Got it?”
Well dayuum Yoongi, why you acting like a dreamy Knight in Shining Armor all of a sudden?? I like it! Don’t get me wrong, I’m just curious. Perhaps it’s because YOU HAVE A RAGING CRUSH ON SUNNY?!?!
“Enjoy your porn!”
“Thank you. I will.”
😂😂😂 I can’t with these two!
“She noticed a few longing glances between certain people, and made a note to have “the talk” with the males in question. The talk being “Hurt them and die.”
SUNNY HAS ZERO CHILL!! Someone please switch her to decaf. Wait, no. Then someone will surely lose their life! Nevermind
“Close your mouth and eat, wife. You’re setting a bad example for our daughter.” His deadpanned voice barely hinting at it being a joke.
Nope. That totally didn’t just give her goosebumps.”
“Her plot for revenge was interrupted as she felt fingers threading through her right hand. Long, elegant fingers. She looked down and stared at their hands, palm to palm, interlocking fingers, what the fuck…
She glanced at Yoongi, who was looking around the room completely straight faced, occasionally taking a bite of something. Nonchalant as hell. He offered her a sip of his beer, unfazed by her glare when their eyes met.”
This fic was an emotional rollercoaster, from start to finish! This was the first time I’ve read this one, and I was not disappointed. I honestly don’t know who I’m feeling more, Yoongi or Sunny!!! AAAHH! Thank you!
Ok, be back with the second part of this 2-for-1 deal in a bit...
This one needs some serious rewriting and I’m always embarrassed when people read it 😬
Can I just mention something real quick? I think I’m hilarious, right? I mean, we all think that we are the funniest people we know, but I write certain lines that are sarcastic and dry because that’s just how my humor is, and I always go back and reread those lines and crack up because I’m apparently narcissistic when it comes to my own humor.
Anyway, I’ve noticed during this venture of yours that you have a talent for picking the lines that I myself go back and read. So thank you for validating my belief that I’m the funniest mf out there 😂
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crossovereddie · 5 years
Thoughts on S10xE8
I just wanna get this over with so here we go. It’s gonna be a roller coaster so don’t read if you’re just gonna come for me after.
Who actually says flap jacks?
I’m from Texas and say pancakes? Where are y’all from and what do you call them?
Mickey is so fucking dramatic and Ian is unfazed
Plot twist I pushed Paula
I can just imagine Ian rolling his eyes before going to find his dramatic boyfriend
Mickey is a comedic genius I LOVE HIM
“You kidding that’s extremely funny”
That whole exchange is one of my favorite scenes I think
I wanna keep Mickey safe and away from his fucking “dad”
Tami looked so offended that she couldn’t stay for the convo BITCH GET TF OVER IT
“He’s a psychopath” stfu man gosh
Lip not so secretly loves Mickey I’m crying
And I don’t mean romantically so fuck right off okay?
Ian why are you even questioning if you should lie for Mickey wtf just do it
A show about the Milkovich family would’ve been a lot more interesting than this show
I fucking hate this scene because tbh I actually enjoyed it and I hate myself for it
“Who’s Ian?” Literally me in every episode he’s in without Mickey
My Mickey is so brave IM SO PROUD OF YOU MY SWEET BOY
Okay thank you sandy for standing up for him you’re okay now I guess
Have I mentioned how much I FUCKING HATE TERRY
But Mickey talking about marrying Ian in front of him almost had me in tears thinking about how much he’s grown IM THE PROUDEST MOTHER
I want a proud mom bumper sticker and not even for the baby I’m actually pregnant with why does my husband love me?
I asked my husband this question and he said “honestly I don’t know” BITCH LMAO
He’s kidding obvs he loves me because I’m hilarious
Little lunch date 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Ian just blurting it out because he’s so nervous
“We fucking love each other that’s why we’re gonna get married” AM I OKAY??? NOPE
Thumbs :((((
But like never stop
I died when Mickey said “proposing” it’s the little things that kill me
Am I gonna survive the actual “I do”? Probably not
They both looked genuinely happy
Despite everything this scene was so cute I’m in actual pain
Sweetest public kiss ever
Thumb again 🥺🥺🥺🥺
And the sweetest smiles after
We deserved that before things go to shit
The bickering 😂
Cam and Noel are so funny! Their chemistry amazes me
And now it’s all downhill from here
I don’t wanna talk about this
But Ian does say there’s plenty of reasons but like my heart still hurts
Mickey wants to cry ugh I hate this
Mickey still wanted to get married 😭😭
I can’t even look at mickeys face because it literally breaks my heart
Noel is that fucking good wow
I actually feel bad for Ian when Mickey walks away but I’m also like KEEP WALKING BABY
I wanna hold Mickey so bad
Another I love you and it’s so important
I don’t wanna watch anymore
I’m so frustrated
Like I get why Mickey is trying to run but baby please
Now I’m only gonna talk about this once and them I’m gonna pretend it didn’t happen
S10 Mickey would never hit Ian no matter how much he was hurting
I fucking hate the writers so much
Need a way to write in Cam’s broken leg?
Here’s an idea: Mickey walks away, Ian goes to chase him and slips on one of the stairs
Wanna add some comedy to it? He barrels into Mickey and knocks him down too
Jesus Christ
Who fucking thought that was a good idea?
Okay I’m done talking about it
Sneak peak of next week
Ian calling Mickey a punk because he’s dating was so childish but cute and I actually giggled because he’s so jealous
And hey Ian has called him worse so this is nothing
Oh gosh this Byron guy? Really Mickey?
Okay so I actually really enjoyed the episode and don’t mind the angst one bit. The only reason I’m was so angry is because of the thing that I said I would never mention again. Everything else was so good. I’ve read fics with worse angst than that. We all know they get married so don’t let the angst get to you too much.
I always like to end these on a positive note so let me just say Noel and Cam were phenomenal! I mean they always are but this episode was a stand out to me. I’m proud. I’ve never seen my husband this into the show before and for him to enjoy it with me? I’m shook
Alright I’m done. Like always let me know your thoughts if you want. I know some of you have no one to really talk about the show with so I’m my asks are open.
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jawnjendes · 5 years
shawn meets... | kat
SUMMARY: in the life of a rockstar, shawn mendes comes across some unique people. sometimes, things stray from the norm. (AU, shawn x every one of my oc’s)(continuation/spin off of goth gf)
AN: sry for the lack of writing lets blame a little green dude. no one cares abt this story anymore lmao anyways this kinda goes with @fourtristattoos spooky fest. i used one quote from the list lol and the oc for this chapter is uh,,, fitting for this fest :) ALSO i know it says k1, but this is the third chapter of the series so go ahead n clicky ze masterlist if u wanna catch up
***let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist
previous chapter
kat’s blog | kat’s playlist | masterlist
Five years later.
Despite what the media, the fans, and all of Shawn’s team said five years ago, Shawn has actually been single for six years. Any relationship that was “outed” to the public was merely for promotional purposes. Shawn has kissed whatever person he was supposed to be seen with, and took the backlash from his fans with a smile. He was supposed to be in a happy relationship with the girl he went to university with, no one needed to know the stress and anxiety that weighed down on him, even after that stunt was over.
Thinking back, it really hurt Shawn internally. The stunt with Camila happened only a few short months after the actual relationship with the goth girl from university had ended. Shawn was just reminded of what used to be, and how badly he missed his ex. Wondering what she must think, seeing her ex-boyfriend go after one of her friends. After practically breaking down in front of Andrew, it was discovered that Shawn and Camila were in this for good, for as long as their careers were standing. There would be “break ups” every so often, but there would always be a “getting back together” chapter of this narrative. Shawn really regretted not reading his contract back when he was 21. Camila probably did too, though they didn’t really speak much during that time unless they were staging a date in public.
In the last five years, Shawn and Camila have broken up and gotten back together three times. Singles, albums, or other projects were always announced following these stories, and anyone who was not on Twitter were able to call out their shit. Shawn knew this shit was obvious, painfully obvious, but there were good reasons for keeping this stunt going.
Shawn hasn’t been in a real, serious relationship since university. He’s been on dates and one night stands, but a relationship in this life was nearly impossible. A typical twenty six year old might wonder about settling down, but nothing about this life was typical. Marriage, romance, anything that was remotely stable… Sure, Shawn thought about it every so often, but there was just no time. Not to mention, his PR team was very anal about who he chooses to publicly spend time with if it wasn’t Camila. In the six years he's been going at the music thing, there weren't any signs of slowing down, and Shawn preferred it this way. He wouldn’t know what else to do with his time.
That being said, Shawn made time for pretty ladies, men, and nonbinary friends when he wasn't bombarded with photoshoots, interviews, and a hectic tour schdeule. He went on dates and the public (and sometimes his team) were none the wiser. His sex life was fulfilled, and he had little desire to make relationships with these people. Other times, pretty ladies reached out to him. Like today, for instance.
Shawn was currently off tour and off writing songs for the month, which was perfect timing for a socialite by the name of Sapphire Venus Lilith. She wanted Shawn to be the entertainment at her 27th birthday party in London. The only reason why Andrew approved of it was the amount of zeros on the baby pink check that was sent in advance. Shawn had been in Los Angeles for one day, with plans to hang out with Aria and her fiance, but by the afternoon, he was put on a plane to England.
He had intended to Google this socialite on the flight, just to see what about her was going to make this random show worth it, but he knocked out as soon as he was in the air. There was no time to stop at the hotel either; Apparently, Sapphire demanded they land on her estate. Meaning, this girl was so rich that she could afford a private jet to land on her massive flower garden.
The property was surrounded by lush green trees and a large field that would have been better for the jet to land on. There was a walkway between the two crushed flowerbeds, and it led to a massive, old school mansion. Shawn was looking at the structure through the tiny jet window before following Andrew and Brian out to the walkway.
"You know how I know you've changed?" Andrew said. "We just killed a bunch of daisies, and you didn't even argue."
Shawn looked down at the crushed little plants, trying to identify the petals. "They're jasmines…" He mentally blew a kiss and apologized to the poor plants, as if they had the capacity to appreciate it.
Then, Brian came up on his side. "You think they'll let us stick around for the party after your set?"
"We're here on business," Andrew reminded him.
"All work and no play makes Shawn a dull boy!"
It was a joke, but there was a certain type of energy to that. Shawn woke up this morning with plans to hang out with an old friend and have some normal fun. Instead, it was morning again and he had a job to do. He went up the walkway, staring at the massive structure ahead.
His condo in Toronto felt like a rickety shack compared to this place. The red bricks probably cost more than a single paycheck he gets. The large fountain in the roundabout had scented water spouting out of it and pink rose petals floating around. There was a staircase leading up to the front doors and ramps on either side. Some roadies were walking up and down the ramps, carrying various types of equipment. An elderly butler was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, smiling politely.
"Welcome to the Lilith estate," he greeted to the three men.
Andrew introduced himself first, shaking the man's hand. Then Shawn, then Brian.
"What's your name?" Brian asked.
"Charles, sir," the butler replied, his wise blue eyes lighting up. Probably wasn't asked that too often.
"Good to meet you, Charles!"
"Likewise, Mr. Craigen. Now, if you will all follow me…"
Charles led the three of them up the staircase. He pushed open the massive doors, revealing the inside of the luxurious home. Note: the outside of the mansion was all red brick and dark cobblestones, but the inside was pink. Soft, baby pink. The walls of the entrance hall were white, but the decor, the knickknacks on the long tables, the artwork on the wall, and the chandelier were tinted with pastel pink. It was the first thing anyone would notice stepping in here.
"Would you care for some refreshments, gentlemen?" asked a maid who had walked in, carrying a tray of - you guessed it - pink lemonades, garnished with tiny little yellow flowers. The maid was in a white uniform, a pink flower tucked behind her ear.
They graciously accepted the drinks, thanking the maid who nodded with a smile before disappearing down the hall.
"I thought just her checks were pink," Andrew commented before taking a sip through the straw.
Shawn and Brian agreed, looking around at the frilly room. The rug they were standing on was the loudest of all, being a bright Barbie pink. Wonder what her favorite color is…
Then, Shawn noticed the pink flower in Charles's blazer pocket. It was the same as the maid's one. He tilted his head, studying the ruffly pink petals.
"Is, is that a carnation?" he asked.
Charles glanced down at his blazer. "A peony, actually. Ms. Lilith recently added it to her staff's uniforms. She believes it will 'boost morale,' as she put it."
"Oh." Shawn shouldn't have kicked himself mentally for the mistake. The flower shop kid in him has been dead and gone for a while, anyway.
The further Charles led them into the mansion, the more pink there was. There were also workers moving equipment, tables, and chairs in and out of the vicinity. The party wasn't for another couple of days.
Finally, they stopped in one of the many pastel pink sitting rooms, and even that wasn't empty. Again, white walls, pink furniture. Giant, sparkling chandelier. There was a grand piano (you already know what color) and a girl sitting at the stool with her back to the others, playing a classical song.
Shawn's heart went fast and slow at the same time. This girl was decked out in a black pantsuit and had long dark hair cascading down her back. Even though she was sitting down, Shawn could determine that she was just the right height. There's no fucking way…
"Ms. Adair," Charles politely called from the entrance.
Oh. There really is no fucking way.
The girl turned her head as she kept playing, revealing a pale face, high cheeks, and a strong jawline. Shawn's insides relaxed completely, but also went slightly heavy with disappointment.
"Is Ms. Lilith ready?" Charles asked, voice going softer upon making eye contact.
Ms. Adair's dark eyes flickered over to Shawn. She stopped the classical piece she was playing and instead played the last few notes of Memories. Shawn didn't know how to feel about this.
"Sapphire had a last minute visitor," she finally said as she stood up, her voice even, professional, and very British. She stepped towards the group, her stilettos clacking on the floor. She was honestly really beautiful. She looked nothing like the woman Shawn was thinking of, but Katherine’s neutral expression was uncanny.
"A visitor?" Charles repeated. "Has Mr. Doyle returned once again?"
"I'm not authorized to give specifics but-" Ms. Adair pointed to the ceiling just as a loud bang came from there. Some debris sprinkled down in the space separating her from the group.
Shawn, Brian, and Andrew were equally put off by this, while the two staff members were unfazed. There were several other bangs following, causing more debris to sprinkle down onto the floor.
"I was asked to fill in for her. My name is Katherine Adair, personal assistant to Sapphire Venus Lilith."
"Ah, you're the one I spoke to on the phone," Andrew said, holding out his hand to shake hers.
However, she turned and walked through the other entrance. "If you'll follow me, we will go over to the garden, where the entertainment will take place."
Andrew mostly spoke to her, asking all the questions that Shawn seemed to forget the moment he laid eyes on Ms. Adair. He usually spoke and brainstormed ideas for how the set would look, but his stomach was flipping. He doesn’t have a type, does he? He wouldn’t be putty in the hands of a girl with dark hair, dark eyes, and dark clothes, would he?
He wouldn’t, because Ms. Adair was very uptight and professional. She remained stone faced when Andrew cracked a joke. They just flew over her head, or maybe she understood them and just chose not to emote. She just let an awkward silence take over until Andrew stuck to the topic at hand.
“So, Ms. Adair, where will the stage be?” he asked.
“This way,” she said, leading them through some French doors and out to the yard. “And please, call me Katherine.”
“Kat?” Shawn tried.
Her dark eyes went over to his. She quirked her eyebrows and said nothing, reminding him too much of-
Brian nudged his friend’s arm as they walked outside. He gave Shawn that look. This girl is hot as fuck. At least that’s probably what Brian thought. Shawn was busy watching Katherine’s general body language.
She stood up straight at all times, her chin up with confidence. She had the same neutral, almost cold look on her face. Speaking of her face, it was white. Very white. The pink blush on her cheeks only emphasized it. But she was still practically flawless. She pursed her lips when she thought about a question Andrew asked her, nearly smoldering. Her eyes were alert when she was spoken to, but something about them seemed different. Did she even blink? She was serious, but not too serious if she gave some type of reaction to Shawn’s nickname for her.
Katherine gestured to the big grassy yard, where the stage was yet to be built. There were workers running around like busy bees, moving around speakers and pink party decorations.
“The set needs to be at most, an hour,” she said, “because after that, we have acrobats coming in, as well as some firebreathers.”
“Wow,” Shawn said, “she’s really going all out, eh?”
“Sapphire does as Sapphire pleases,” Katherine confirmed.
“Are we gonna get to meet the birthday girl anytime soon?” Brian asked, sounding eager.
Katherine checked the time on her black iPhone. “Not until the party, I’m afraid. Oh, and she did want me to inform you all that you are more than welcome to stay and enjoy the party after the set.”
Brian and Shawn shared excited glances. Anytime there was a chance to party, they ran with it. Keeps them young.
“Excellent, I just have to make a phone call,” Andrew said, typing on his phone. He walked in a random direction and pressed the device to his ear.
Katherine turned to the other two boys. “Is there anything I can get for you two? Anymore refreshments, perhaps?”
Shawn looked at the pink lemonade in his hand. He hadn’t even drank it yet. “No thank you. This is fine.”
“Everything is fine,” Brian added.
“How long have you been working here?” Shawn asked her.
“Nine years,” she replied shortly.
“Live nearby?”
“Closer than you can imagine.”
“Is your place pink too?” Brian asked with a chuckle.
Katherine said nothing, only blinking before changing the subject. “Sapphire is very excited for you to be here, Mr. Mendes. You’re one of her favorite singers.”
“Oh, thank you,” Shawn said. “And call me Shawn.”
“Shawnie?” she tried, quirking her eyebrows once again.
He grinned. “You can call me whatever you want.”
Shawn wasn’t always the one being pinned against the wall, but Kat was apparently very strong. She was able to reach his height in her stilettos as she hungrily pressed her lips against his. Shawn was already too hot and bothered to notice how cold she was, and he was too busy trying to wrangle his hands free so he could pin her to the hotel room wall.
It was a blur of heat and panting and kissing before Shawn was down to his boxers underneath her, while she was in just a pair of black panties. His hands felt up her thighs, her stomach, and her breasts with fervor.
“You’re fucking freezing,” he said, running his hands over whatever skin he could reach.
Kat hummed as she took his hand from her collarbone. She looked him in the eye as she wrapped her plump, wine colored lips around the tips of his fingers. Her mouth was nowhere near as cold as her body. Warm, soft, inviting… Shawn let out a slow breath, feeling it all the way down in his groin.
She used her mouth on him, practically begging for him to move his hips as well, only intensifying the feel. Kat was relentless, kept going until Shawn was whimpering and coming hard in her mouth. She even insisted that Shawn didn’t have to return the favor. He probably wouldn’t have been able to muster up the energy if he tried. His whole being was just sucked out through his-
“Let me hold you, I’ll keep you warm,” he mumbled as Kat lied down next to him.
“Or maybe I’ll make you cold,” she replied as she moved closer to him. She nuzzled into his side like it was second nature. “I had fun, did you?”
“Yeah,” Shawn sleepily hummed. Not even the chills of Kat’s skin kept him from dozing off.
She was in the exact same position when he woke up. Not a hair on Kat’s head was out of place, her hand was still open on his chest, and her legs were still tangled around his. Shawn didn’t even feel her toss or turn while they slept. In his experience, the one night stand would eventually turn away from him completely, already unconsciously showing their disinterest.
Oh, and Kat was wide awake by the time he started stirring. She picked her head up, dark eyes alert.
“You need anything from me, honey?” he asked as he stretched his legs from the position he was in. Despite what Kat had told him, he wanted another taste of her.
She shook her head. “I only wish to please you.”
He grinned. “It’ll please me if you let me, I don’t know, go down on you?” He left it as an offer, giving her the chance to accept or deny.
Kat returned the smile, revealing a tiny dimple in her cheek. It was a very cute dimple. “What if… you guide me?”
It got Shawn all hot and bothered again, so he accepted. Kat lied on her back and obeyed every touch and caress that was commanded until she was moaning and writhing on top of the sheets. Shawn had his hand in his underwear as he watched, and he tired himself out yet again, and knocked out.
He didn’t know the amount of stamina Kat had. Shawn wouldn’t remember the hickeys he left on her skin because they would be gone the very next day. The only thing he would remember was just how goddamn cold her skin was.
next chapter
taglist: @normalcyisoverrated-beyou @justordinaryjen @chillingbythesea @iloveshawnieboi @shawnsunflower @someoneunimportantxx
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 188: Hard Knocks Path to Redemption
Previously on BnHA: The Todoroki kids sans Shouto (and Dabi lulz) visited their mom at the hospital and awkwardly discussed Endeavor officially becoming the #1 hero. Shouto’s older brother Natsuo wasn’t happy about it, saying that the world doesn’t know about “what he did” and how he treated his family. But interestingly, Rei came to his defense, saying that things were more complex than that. She said she doesn’t know what’s going on in his heart, “but he hasn’t left us behind.” We then cut to Endeavor’s fight with the High Tide Noumu, which basically consisted of Endeavor hovering for a few seconds with his flames, and then getting very violently flung through a building. Like, he was basically used as a human laser saw to cut the top of this high rise clean off. A bunch of people nearly fell to their deaths, but thankfully Hawks saved them all with his ridiculously OP Mighty Wings quirk. Speaking of Hawks, idk but it sure is some shifty bullshit that Your Highness Noumu just happened to attack him and Endeavor in this building right when they were having a chitchat about Noumus. Something is definitely up you guys.
Today on BnHA: Endeavor continues to battle the High Heaven Noumu and pulls off some impressive feats, such as dicing a falling building into tiny pieces with his flames so that the spectators below don’t get crushed. Unfortunately these techniques come at a price, and he finds himself beginning to struggle due to the heat building up in his body. Meanwhile the High Hopes Noumu remains mostly unfazed, even dispatching a bunch of disgusting slimy clone things to wreak some havoc and distract Hawks and the other pros on the scene so that they can’t assist. Realizing he has no choice but to Go For It, Endeavor powers up his flames and hits the Noumu with massive flame attack: Prominence Burn. Unfortunately the Noumu anticipates his actions and is able to avoid being completely disintegrated. He regenerates, and then brutally slashes/stabs Endeavor in the most ironic spots possible -- his torso (nearly the same place where All Might was wounded by AFO), and his left eye (don’t think I have to explain this one lol). It’s all very violent, and probably not the sort of thing you’d want your child to witness on live television -- oh hey there Shouto. Didn’t see you there. Uh... well, shit.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 209 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
interesting title!
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I wonder which of his four kids this is referring to? ngl I’ve been missing the U.A. kids for these past couple chapters so it would be nice to get Shouto back in here
holy shittttt
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thiiiiiiiis is bad. that is some serious destruction. not something they can just shrug their shoulders about later, especially in BnHA where damage like this actually has lasting consequences
lol some other heroes are watching from a distance and they’re all “did Endeavor just Vidalia Chop Wizard that whole fucking building”
meanwhile Hawks is tumbling to safety on a nearby rooftop
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and he’s referring here to Endeavor’s opening line in the chapter, “I’ll dice you up and burn you until there’s nothing left”
(ETA: in addition to being the first reluctant hero in the series, Hawks is also the quippiest we’ve had by far. Hawks is all your dialogue polished up by a Marvel screenwriting team or what)
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I appreciate Hawks’s efforts at combat banter, but all I keep thinking is that those pieces actually did look remarkably neat and uniform, and that it wouldn’t kill him to show a little appreciation for what was honest to god one of the most insane quirk feats we’ve seen to date
also, looking at this picture more closely, my disbelief is gonna need a little more suspending, because I honestly don’t feel like either of them should currently be able to fly the way they’re doing lol. Hawks’s wings are in a pretty sorry state at the moment
and here comes High Treason Noumu back at them again, and he’s grumbling “bird...” like he’s all pissy at Hawks
lol what is this
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what the hell is this quirk. does he shoot air gun fists or something. and this other guy has all of his fingers fucking disconnected for no apparent reason. like, what the hell is that even gonna do besides gross people out
(ETA: and isn’t this Tokage’s quirk as well. getting lazy are we Horikoshi)
now High Score Noumu is doing something disturbing oh god
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Endeavor’s hitting it with another fire blast. thanks man
and now he’s doing a mental tally of the thing’s quirks
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and don’t forget “can fucking talk.” not to mention what I still think is the most intriguing one of all, “has Kurogiri’s fucking face”
oh and I guess this is a new one
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fucking gross ew fuck sick gross ugh!! why are they so gooey sob
I don’t really understand what’s going on but Endeavor seems to have it all figured out, so here
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okay so he wants to fight strong opponents like Endeavor so he made some disgusting clones to deal with the small fries I guess
-- hold up. that muscle amplification quirk... that looks and sounds a whole lot like Muscular’s, though
is it just coincidence? that this Noumu just so happens to be so strikingly similar to not one but two captured villains previously associated with the League?? just what in the hell is going on here dammit
meanwhile, as Endeavor observed, the Noumus that emerged from his body look completely different and appear to be just your everyday run-of-the-mill Noumus
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just a little grosser is all
Hawks is swooping down and taking them out without much effort. looks like he’s gotten most of his feathers back too
he’s telling everyone to keep evacuating
and he says that to be frank, power struggles aren’t his “forte”
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so he’s acknowledging that he doesn’t have the All Might Factor, so to speak? that even though he’s strong and popular, he’s not at that level of always beating the big bads no matter what?
you know, that actually makes some sense. I can maybe understand a little better just why he was bothering Endeavor so much. that is, if it weren’t for the fact that I STILL DON’T TRUST YOU, HAWKS, YOU SUSPICIOUS LITTLE SERAPH
High Speed Noumu is asking Endeavor if he’s done shooting those red hot little slice-and-dice death rays
oh snap this thing really is smart
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it’s not just talking and thinking, it’s fucking analyzing. there’s some real brainpower at work in this thing
now Endeavor is talking about his quirk, and I’m just gonna post the panel because like hell am I gonna try to summarize this
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he was thinking this a few panels earlier, too. that he’s got a lot of heat built up now
and now he’s thinking about Rei and his kids with their ice powers
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fuck me but every single time I start wanting to root for Endeavor he’s gotta go and remind us of this, though
also!? fourth kid alert!?? and this kid seems to have white hair just like all the others, and seems to be younger than Natsuo in this shot. which would seem to go against the prevailing theory? explain yourself, manga
(ETA: lol and I got an ask about this just today. I gotta give this some thought. but I still think it’s Dabi! maybe Endeavor is just confused about what his non-Shouto children looks like because he spent so much time ignoring them all!)
so now Highlander Noumu is making a crazy face and extending his arms or muscle fibers or whatever the fuck these things are again, and saying he wants to test out his new power on Endeavor
shiiiiiit this does not look good
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this doesn’t seem like the kind of move he can maintain for very long given what he was saying earlier
he’s shouting at the Noumu that he’ll incinerate him until there’s nothing left, and his regeneration won’t be enough
well this has worked before, to be fair. back in Hosu
but why do I get the feeling that isn’t going to be the case this time, though
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is this the literal translation. is there some other meaning of “prominence” other than “famous and well-known” that I’m not thinking of. I guess it can also mean “something that sticks out a lot”, but I don’t see how that would apply to this attack
basically, to me this reads as “Endeavor’s I-Wanna-Be-Famous Big Fire Attack”
and damned if that just doesn’t say it all, though
he’s thinking back to what he said at the JP Hero Billboard thing. “just watch me”
and that he won’t disgrace himself by failing here
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit
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you’re telling me that Endeavor’s attack actually worked, but that he wasn’t able to disintegrate the whole Noumu because HE FUCKING RIPPED HIS OWN FUCKING HEAD OFF AND FRISBEE-D IT TO SAFETY AHEAD OF TIME!?
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goddamn -- fucking --
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motherfucker oh shit you guysssss
(ETA: how does he even still have that eye though)
you guys. oh shit. this is so bad. you don’t understand
shit. because let me tell you, the very first thing that ran through my head was that he’s going to look so much hotter now and fuck, you guys. I KNOW THAT’S NOT WHAT I’M SUPPOSED TO BE THINKING RIGHT NOW. BUT I CAN’T HELP IT. noooo what the hell is wrong with me I feel like slapping myself lmao
I fucking started laughing in real life at my own absurd reaction. I am ruining the mood of this chapter so damn fast
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the parallels, though. oh shit. the same eye
and did Shouto’s quirk activate just now?? are those flames on his left side? oh shit
okay I need to get myself under control. fucking stop this now. stop thinking about how much hotter Endeavor is going to be with a big ol’ slashy scar along the left side of his face. and maybe an eyepatch. oh god. no, stop
(ETA: I really thought there was going to be an eyepatch. how does he still have that eye)
and now we’re cutting back to U.A. and Aizawa is gently telling Eri he’s gonna take her back to his room and I can’t you guys. first Endeavor losing his fucking eye and now Aizawa being a loving, protective parent on two counts, because LOOK WHAT HE SAYS RIGHT AFTER
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now All Might is gripping at his stomach wound nooooo
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seems like every big hero has That Moment, huh
oh fuckkkkk
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fuuuuuck, Endeavor. going for that hard knocks path to redemption, huh
but I fucking can’t, though, because I just keep picturing Horikoshi’s creative process. like, you fucking troll, though. goes and creates the worst character of all time (not literally, I’m just being dramatic here just let me have this) and does his absolute fucking best to make him as terrible as possible, and then challenges himself to redeem him nonetheless. “how can I make readers actually feel sympathy for Todoroki fucking Enji in spite of everything? oh I know I’ll take away everything he ever wanted and make him finally start to realize what was really important and have him finally start trying to be a better husband and father. and then I’ll fucking murder him”
and like, I really need to stop laughing at this chapter, though. I’m ruining it, I know. if it helps, it’s not mirthful laughter though! the best way I can describe it is “haunted house laughter.” like, this is how I react when I’m walking through any sort of haunted attraction, and I’m really tense and excited and on edge. my weird natural response is usually to start laughing, possibly as my brain’s way of psyching myself up to be brave and reminding myself that it’s not real and they’re only actors. I feel like that, for some reason. and I don’t know why, but it’s actually a very positive thing, because this is the first time in quite a while that I’ve gotten this excited about the manga, actually
so I’m sorry, Endeavor. I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing because OH SHIT THIS IS GETTING GOOD and I’m really loving it. and also because Horikoshi has got some serious balls
(ETA: and because this is Kamino all over again. and I was fucking pumped. angst!! stakes!! tension!! there was just a ton of adrenaline all of a sudden and I didn’t really know what to do with it so my brain was like “well then let’s just do something really weird!”)
anyway, so we’re cutting back to Shouto and U.A., where Shouto is watching his dad die on live television
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aaaaaand that’s the chapter end
my god. this went from “eh” to “epic” in like .06 seconds. is this the fight that anon was talking about a while back? because this was pretty damn good, I gotta say. fucking damn
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skygemspeaks · 6 years
G: I really don't like Fian, the more I read his parts the more meh I get about him. (Somtimes he talks about keeping Jarra under control and I just don't like that? idk exaclty why but it rubs me wrong). I also really wish we had more archeolgy trolling the millitary, just that is always the best. Raven and the laser cutter is a highlight moment for me. Archelogists are the best and I love them all so much. What if Jarra had dug Jaxon out on the fringe once?
God, that’s a mood. I tried so hard to like him. It took me reading the entire series three times before I could admit to myself that I just didn’t like him. And as soon as I was able to say that, I realized just how much I loved the Raven/Jarra ship.
There are a lot of things about the way he acts that piss me off, but I think the ones that annoy me the worst are:
When he finds out Jarra’s handicapped, the literal first words out of his mouth are “What will my family say when they find out I’m twoing with an ape?” and I find that really telling. Like, there are hundreds of Military that are about to die, Jarra literally just told him she’d had a mental breakdown because her parents had just died, and that’s what he’s worried about?
At the beginning of Earth Flight, the newzies break the news that Jarra’s going to join the Tell Clan, and Jarra mentions that Fian should tell his parents. And we find out that Fian’s been putting off telling his parents for weeks, as if he’s ashamed of the fact his girlfriend is Betan??? He’s really obvious all throughout Earth Star about how much he dislikes the fact that she’s Betan.
In Earth Flight, when Jarra shows up at Zulu base after nearly being killed by a maniac with planet first weapons, and she’s tired and her uniform is singed and she’s still starving because she hasn’t eaten in a day, and the first words out of Fian’s mouth are him berating her because “we’ve been worrying about you so much and you’ve been sightseeing?” and i’m like...bitch, can you not SEE the state she’s in???? maybe try asking her first what happened to make her late. she’s been looking forward to this presentation ceremony for weeks now, waiting for the moment she’d finally have a family. do you honestly think she’d voluntarily be late showing up to it????
Okay sorry, rant over. I just get really heated over this. But anyways yeah, the archeologists are amazing and I seriously love them. Any time Rono is there, you know things are gonna be entertaining lmao. I loved everyone’s conversations with each other during the Carrington Event in the first book. The jokes were hilarious, and it was interesting seeing Dig Site Command being so casual.
One of my favourite parts was when Dig Site Command asks if there are any other foundation courses stuck at the dig site aside from Achilles 1, and Rono calls in like “This is Cassandra 2″ and before he can even say anything Dig Site Command cuts him off like “You can’t fool me Rono, we know full well you aren’t a Foundation course.”
I love that all the archeologists are like a super tight-knit family! Off-world archeologists are, like, basically the only norms that are completely unfazed by the Handicapped and look at them as normal humans. I love how absolutely furious the Eden Dig Site teams were in Earth Star when that bigoted scientist insulted Jarra on live television. 
And as for Jarra digging out Jaxon on a dig site, I feel like it would be an interesting thought.
I know military training teams work on the fringe dig sites occasionally, but I feel like Jarra would have been too young to have been tag-leading for one of Jaxon’s teams since there’s such a big age difference between them, but I can see her maybe being there with her school history club and watching from the sidelines. They wouldn’t have seen each other’s faces because they’d both be in impact suits, and Jarra wouldn’t recognize Jaxon’s name because she doesn’t know she has a brother at that point. But just the thought of it happening is really compelling, the fact that they could have been so close, and still were unable to meet. 
Just imagine if Jaxon, after being dug out, is relatively uninjured and is looking around at the team that had saved him, and he sees a really tiny figure in an impact suit standing on the clearway, and he’s surprised. They can’t be more than 10 or 11. Then he looks down at the name that’s displayed on the front of the suit, and it says “Jarra” and he stops breathing. He knows that hospital Earth uses the same database as the Military does to name their wards, so logically it’s far more likely for this to be someone completely different, but this little Jarra is the same age as his baby sister, and it tears at the scab on his heart, because he’s had years now to regret his selfishness, and he wishes desperately that she really was his Jarra, so he could tell her just how loved she is, so he could tell her how many people miss her.
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hermionesterrier · 6 years
More Than Human: Chapter 5 Liveblog
Why am I going through these so fast? I DON’T WANT IT TO END *SOBS*
Bubbles said blithely, “They do look cute together, but bunnies, now, talk about cute-” I feel ya Bubbles
Cue Mrs. Morbucks bossing Brick around :D
Blues being adorably adorable
He deepened his voice and rumbled, “Join us, Bubbles.” After a slight pause, he added, “You know, your name really doesn’t lend itself to a deep, masculine voice of evil.” LMFAO it really doesn’t tho xD
I swear I wanna quote this whole girls’ scene just because of how golden the dialogue is. From talking about the paparazzi, to the Blues convo, to Buttercup’s Carly Simon reference, to how boring Kris and Blossom are as a couple, to finally ending with a typical Greens call. I LOVE EVERY LITTLE PART OF IT OMG
Brick in a mood...again. Only the Reds would get stuck in such awkward situations.
Blossom turning ice cold the second the cheerleaders started accusing Bubbles and then standing up for her and kicking them out of the studio. Give me more protective!sister!Blossom pleeeeeease. MY HEART IS SINGING!
Hostage situation. Brick is both simultaneously pissed and bored as fuck, Butch is as giddy as a kid in a candy store and Boomer’s pouting because the gunman yelled at him. HOLDS HEAD.
“You ever seen someone’s brains on the outside of their body?” the guy said in a grim voice. Butch started laughing. Brick was unfazed. “Looks like raw chicken fat.” Not really sure I wanna know where SBJ got this discription from xD
“Um, I don’t mean to interrupt, but are you going to shoot him or what?” Butch groaned, anxious. And the Brother of the Year Award goes to....
I love how all Brick had to do to get the boys in on the plan was say “help”. Just one word. Also LMAO @ the gunman thinking Brick’s asking for help for himself. Brick doesn’t ask for help. He commands. And at that moment he was giving clear instructions for his brothers to help the girls out.
FUCK YEA! I love the fight scenes in this story they get me as giddy as Butch is right now lmao.
"Okay, I’m getting really sick of being a hostage now,” Robin declared, irritated. “This is, what, like the fifth time in my entire life? I need to move the hell out of Townsville!” I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this about a thousand times throughout these liveblogs BUT I LOVE ROBIN SFM 4EVER OKAY
Yea sure Mr. Gunman. Grab one of the ones with superpowers that’s a smart move *sighs and rolls eyes*
Saving yourself for marriage, huh Boomer? :’)
Brick thinking that Blossom’s reaching for him and actually almost unconsciously reacting bahahahahaha
Bubbles calling Boomer out on why he’s always singing Avril Lavigne songs and him smoothly turning the conversation away from his insecurities. Oh Boomer...
Honestly can’t blame Bubbles. I would totally allow myself to get distracted by Boomer and his easy smile and cheesy song outbursts. Remember those cheerleading uniforms, Bubbles?
Oh yes, she definitely does remember.
Boomer’s door slammed just as Brick’s opened, and a sullen, irritated redhead came stalking up to Butch. He stopped in front of the TV, glaring. “What.” Butch blinked at him, eyes flickering in the direction of Boomer’s room. Then he pointed at the TV. “Can you pass the remote?” Brick stared at him a long, long moment, then turned deliberately and picked up the remote. He held it up for Butch to see, eyes lifted in question, and Butch reached out from the safety of the couch, making grabby motions with his hands- Brick crumpled it into a little wad and dropped it unceremoniously on the floor. LMFAO KIDSSSS
I still wanna know what happened between Brick and Cindy on Prom night.
Is Brick getting promoted in Evil Corp?
Warning: A rare sighting of a polite Butch
Just walking was nice enough. Huh, Butch thought. Nice. This was nice. He stared at the sidewalk and matched his steps to hers. Maybe it was too nice. And next thing you know he’s asking about Mitch. Fucking masochist. Always ruining good things. JUST ACCEPT THAT IT’S NICE BUTCH DON’T FUCKING RUIN IT UGH
aHHHHHH IT’S HERE. One of the sexiest scenes of the story. Blossom in Brick’s shirttttt *_*
And Reds are falling haaaaaaaaaard :D
Cue the Thriller-themed play... 
If you haven’t already read this story, go go go!!!
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vexilexicon · 6 years
I'm not sure which fandoms you are a part of but I would like if you create a OC for Star Trek!
I’m basically a fake nerd because I’ve never seen an episode of Star Trek. I’ve only seen the new movies, so I hope using that as a base would be okay D:
I don’t really know how to format this because I steal all my formats from my friends and I can’t remember if they’ve done this game, lol. So I’ll do some bullet points!
i don’t have a name for her but she’s vulcan, full vulcan!
she’s not at all developed because im a little bitch but i know she’s in Starfleet Academy around the time when Kirk and Spock and Bones are
she’s very vulcan, like that purple eyeshadow game is STRONG (speaking of, now AOS!Spock has it too because I said so)
vulcans go into science right? WRONG. this bitch is in command track all the way. her parents don’t really approve lmao. they expect her to switch tracks or come home before she’s finished
she’s number 1 emotionless robot, early spock wishes he could get on her robot level (tho i mean she does have the full blooded vulcan advantage)
she’s so deadpan and done with every human she’s ever met
she’s got a potted cactus and she’s never told a soul but she named it
does she meet kirk? SHE DOOOO
like in passing theyre not gonna fall in love
basically disdains spock (don’t ask me why)
honestly i think if she had a romance at all it would be either bones or gaila, but it would be a long ass time lol
i imagine she was on one of the first ships in the movie that got destroyed. so like either she dies or she gets into an escape pod? if escape pod she gets picked up by the enterprise - she looks all mussed up and she’s bleeding but she is UNFAZED BITCHES (she got that stone cold face on lock)
when vulcan is destroyed it guts her but she doesnt even flinch - watches kirk play spock like a fucking violin later and just disdains him more for falling for it even though she herself really needs to go have a good cry
thats about all i got sorry if this is disappointing lmao
Thank you so much for sending in this ask!
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