#Kat just: “huh. guess that got the job done.”
akuzeisms · 10 months
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   ⬐ @seeasunset ⬎
Icons only + Vasco just tearing through a wave of enemies with only his blade, which is attached to his gun
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mtnkat3 · 2 years
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My soul's precious beloved Bears . Angels . . . . .
I'm just.. confused.
I tossed & turned with weird dreams last night, which isn't all that unusual but still. My soul feels ...tossed about.. melancholy.. kinda despondent. I don't know if you . . . . . even want me to be talking to you.....any.. like this.. it's like I feel like you.....do. But. I also think you . . . . . want me to focus & get everything done. To be ready for you . . . . . [& no, I will not say that phrase. It breaks me. Spiral. Because I screwed up & it worked out like this... no. It still triggers me.] Sometimes...I just feel like you've . . . . . had enough & given up on me. On us. Like I'm stressing you.....out. That. Sob. That.. hurts. But the only thing I can do is to prove myself to me, you . . . . .& to God. By getting out. So many pieces of that side puzzle. From container/ trailer chassis, storage,[ now being told I have to alert attys on move day & the thoughts put in my head] , to the packing. The apt, suv. To finding a job so I can afford to live. Why? Because. You know..... wherever you . . . . .are... are you . . . . .gonna show up... do you . . . . . ? Do you..... want to... ? Chewing my lips. If so... should be when so... but it is entirely up to you . . . . . 2bed/2ba? Multi row suv? New/used? Or should I just do what I want & pray you'll show up & we'll deal after.. bowed. I don't know... now do I. Because I want in the loop so badly I'm twisted into a pretzel.. so many layers to me.. huh. Baklava. Croissant. Cinnabon. Yeah. I am. Heck, even a scone. But only sweet & sassy. I like buttermilk cornbread & sweet. But nothing in it. And yes I grew up crumbling fresh cornbread & pouring buttermilk over it. One thing I share with my mom. All rest thought was gross. It's just tangy. Nothing nasty like caviar. Yuck. I've got a think about slime. Zip it. Tmi. So. I will get what I want then to feel comfortable & safe. And we shall deal with it then. I'd rather plan, but that option isn't available to me. So I guess it frees me to be prepared. Whatever you . . . . .decide. what do you . . . . .want... crave... need... do you . . . . . Wanna hold me like that... learn all the issues of me... from my neck xrays, & how to handle it ... arthritis & other issues in it. To all the craziness of my spine.. heck, of my skeleton period. I swear. Let babies crawl! For a year or more! I don't care. Just let them be. So when walking starts there's less falling, less falling & cracking coccyx. Less time spent feeling like an old woman in my 40s. Being 48yo & not wanting to sit up to stand because it hurts so bad... just ain't right. But I am also determined to get rid of the fatsuit & detox my body & get back to being a more physical woman. Instead of watching life from my window...
[Well. That gif search went sideways. Random & confused. Dang 10 limit for app rule.]
So yes, should be a window. Sigh.
I have work to do to make this happen.
I will be free. 🎶
So... would you . . . . .? ? ? ? ?
Want to?????
Come to me..... ?
Bowed. Chewing lips.
Keys. Owned. By you. . . . .
I am.
Yours . . . . .
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix.✝️☸ ⚓🙇‍♀️🙏🤲👣🌂🔗⛓🧰🤓👩‍🏫👷‍♀️🕵️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🧣🥾🧤🏔📋📆💸🗒📑⚒🛠⚙⚖🐯🐾🦉🐐🐢🐛🦋🌱🌺🌹🌻🌷🌳🌲🧶🧵🥮🥧🍯🍼☕🍫🍭🌰🍎🍑🍒🔐🗽🏗🧱🏰🛡⚔🧘‍♀️👩‍🎓👩‍🚀👩‍🌾🤰🦅🕊⌚⚡🌟🌠🚀🗝🔱⚜💝🐻🦌🧩♠️♾🎯💫❄🕯🧭🎶⛅
Sa.1.7.2023 11.23am.est.
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Pairing: DBH!Connor X OC!Character
Words: 3.636
Warnings: smut, dominance (nothing too heavy), slightly rough Connor
Summary: Kat is a detective of the DPD and secretly dating one of her colleagues for a few weeks. After a long day, the only thing she is yearning for is a nice evening with her boyfriend to forget about all the idiots in the world. But sometimes ‘nice’ is not the wanted thing.
02. January 2039
05:26:07 PM
… and the only thing Kat wanted was a coffee, a hot shower, pizza and maybe watching a movie… But instead she pushed a junky around she had arrested thirty minutes ago as he was dealing nearby an elementary school.
The junky grunted as he stumbled forward, a bit clumsy on his feet, “Come on, sweetheart, be a bit more cautious with me. There is still a chance for the two of us to work out. I mean after everything we went through so far.”
“I don’t think so, asshole.”, Kat muttered and pushed the guy further through the department to put him finally into one of the detention cells. It was a pity that the cells had electrical doors nowadays, otherwise, she just could throw the key away.
“But darling-”
“Shut the fuck up and move.”, Kat spitted and pushed him around once again.
“You need help there, hon?”, Gavin asked with a lopsided smirk while he leant casually against his desk with crossed arms and legs.
Kat rolled with her eyes. That was another asshole she didn’t need right now. Not after such a long day. “No, thanks, I’m fine. There’s no need for you to get your hands dirty.”, Kat fired back.
“Oh, but Kat, I would love to get my hands dirty...with you. If you just could read my mind right now-”
“Then, I’m sure, I would puke straight into your ugly face.”, Kat hissed and was happy to reach the detention cell and to leave Gavin, the biggest asshole of the DPD, behind. Kat pushed the junky into the cell and closed the door with the scan of the palm of her hand.
“But, baby. You can’t leave me alone here. I’m afraid of the dark.”, the junky said with a disgusting smirk.
Kat closed her eyes, breathed in and counted to five to calm herself. She really needed the end of the work day or … her boyfriend.
“Hey, Chris! Where's Hank?”, Kat asked as she stopped by the abandoned desks of Hank and Connor. Neither the Lieutenant nor the android were around.
“They brought a suspect in ten minutes ago. I guess they’re still in the interrogation room.”, Chris answered and turned back to his own work. Kat considered if she should just wait til they were done or if she should visit them. She looked quickly around, her eyes fell on Gavin who spoke to a colleague. If he would see her sitting around alone, he would come over to her - the last thing she wanted.
So, Kat decided to sneak into the interrogation room. An officer sat at the desk and controlled the camera and the microphone. Hank sat next to him and observed the interrogation room through the one-way mirror. Kat closed the door softly but Hank noticed her nevertheless. He greeted her with a quick nod before he looked back ahead to his partner.
Kat knew about their latest case. An android had killed its owner and they had searched for it for a while. Since the successful revolution, these kinds of attacks were rare but they happened from time to time. Hank and Connor were still assigned to these cases and now, as they had found the suspect, it was Connor’s turn to question the android.
Connor wore still his grey jacket and his typical white suit shirt underneath but the android markings were gone. The blue band around his arm and the android label on his back were both removed. He was no longer property of CyberLife but he got used to the style of clothes, so he had decided to keep them. Even the black tie was still around his neck. Kat liked to watch the android no matter what he did.
That was one of the reasons why she had said yes as Connor had asked her out several weeks ago. He had been nervous as hell, Kat had seen it in his eyes and his insecure expression but she had said yes and till now, it was the best decision she had ever made when it came to men. To date an android was interesting and new. She had expected it to be more awkward but there was nothing that felt uncomfortable with him.
Connor was extremely nice, the complete difference to all her ex-boyfriends before. He acted as a real gentleman and treated her right. Always. Til this day, Kat didn’t regret getting into a relationship with Connor. But they kept it secretly to avoid any unwanted attention - mostly of Gavin who already had made it to his personal mission to torture Connor whenever he could. It is not for nothing that Kat always called him Detective 'douchebag' Reed.
Kat enjoyed watching Connor interview a suspect. She had seen it several times before but each time, she was amazed by his skill to get a confession. Sure, his analyzing program was helpful to find clues before the suspect even spoke a word but it was for his special ability to piece these information together in no time that made the difference.
"Is this the android who killed its owner? Have you found it finally?", Kat asked curiously. Hank nodded.
"At least, that's what the eye witnesses said. They saw it running away but it came back one night. Maybe Connor will get something out of it.", Hank explained and Kat was sure the android would be successful. She was glad that she came to the right moment.
Connor sat across the suspect, an MC500 model. An android for paramedic purposes. The victim had been a dealer, maybe there was a connection. But this one android was rigged up with dirty skin and clothes which were damaged. This model reminded Kat always of a Ken-like guy but this one seemed to be living on the street or it had experienced some bad times.
Connor considered the best approach. He considered a friendly way to gain his trust but the android in front of him seemed to have experienced a few rough things so, maybe, it wouldn't be impressed by kindness and wouldn't fall for it. The android's right arm was covered with deep scars which were glowing blue and even its chest seemed to be damaged, visible through the shrewd fabric. The best way would be a more aggressive one. Maybe if he would scare it, it would talk more easily.
Kat watched how Connor skimmed through the case file and the pictures with his long, slender fingers. She saw him stopping at some pictures, probably searching for the right way to start.
Several minutes passed before Connor looked at the handcuffed android. "What's your name?", Connor asked directly to start the interview slowly. His smooth voice sounded like honey and Kat was looking forward to seeing her boyfriend doing his job. After this rough day of chasing a junky through half of Detroit’s city, she needed some eye candy.
"So, you want to stay silent, huh?", Connor said and stood up more aggressively than necessary. With crossed arms, he walked around the table and towered above the other android. He looked down at it with a stern expression. His brows were drawn together and his brown eyes were gleaming darkly. Suddenly, Connor freed his hands and slammed them violently on the metal surface of the table. The booming sound echoed through the interrogation room and Kat jumped a little. Surprised, she watched how Connor lowered towards the android to be on the same level while he was still towering him.
"Just because androids aren't slaves anymore doesn't mean that you can run around and kill humans.", Connor grunted deeply. "You're accused of murder,", he said low but threatening, "Crimes like this will be punished. You hear me?", Connor asked, still very threatening.
With huge eyes, Kat watched how Connor grabbed the android by its collar to pull it up to his eye level.
"Do you hear me? I swear you will be sent back to CyberLife." he threatened. "They will switch you off and tear you apart piece by piece!", he screamed into the android's face. The android winced and shuddered. But Connor just tightened his grip on the fabric. "You're just a fucking murderer! A cold blooded piece of shit who killed an innocent human!", Connor spat poisonously and let the android drop back on its chair.
With an open mouth, Kat looked shocked at Connor who had cursed in front of her for the first time. He acted aggressive. He screamed. He became physical. She had never seen him like this before. Her mind was racing to process what she had seen and heard. His voice was dark, deep and demanding. He was dominant and the boss in this room who showed off his power. Kat was speechless and became… turned on.
"I… I don't want to be destroyed…", the android whispered weakly.
But Connor didn't seem to be impressed. Instead, he waited and stared down at the android unemotional. He waited a few more moments before he slammed his hands on the surface again. "I don't care what you want! The victim also didn't have a chance to decide if he wanted to die or not. You took that chance from him!", Connor said low but powerful.
This low voice shot goosebumps down Kat's spine.
"But just because he attacked me first!", the android screamed back desperately to explain himself and that was the breaking point. Connor sat back on his place across the android and listened to the confession. Hank was also listening but Kat had difficulties to follow the interrogation. Several times, she tried to concentrate but her mind was always drifting back to the demanding voice and rough behavior of Connor.
Kat felt that something rose inside her. She knew the hot feeling that rose deep in her core all too well. And she knew the reason behind that feeling: Connor. Connor had turned her on so much with his aggressive way that she wasn't able to concentrate anymore.
Kat sneaked out of the room. Neither Hank nor the officer had noticed her disappearance. In the hallway, she leant against the wall next to the door and stemmed her hands into her sides. She tried to calm her thoughts but intense pictures were running in front of her eyes and fueled her lust even more. Her mind was running wild.
Several minutes later, the door opened and awoke Kat from her trance. The officer left the room with the android and Hank by its side. Connor followed them. Kat grabbed Connor by his arm to pull him towards her.
"Oh, hey, Kat- what's wrong?", Connor asked, concerned as he saw Kat's dark eyes.
But she just dragged the puzzled Connor after her, down the hallway and slipped into the next available room.
"That's the male bathroom, Kat.", Connor explained softly but she pressed her hand over his mouth.
"I don't care.", Kat said low. She saw the confusion in Connor's eyes. "I saw you. During the interrogation. What was that?"
"What do you mean?", Connor asked with a raised brow.
"You were cursing! You were aggressive and dominant. I had no idea you could be like this!"
"It was a tactic to approach the suspe-", Connor explained matter of factly.
Kat stopped him from speaking once again. "I don't care, Connor. You turned me extremely on with this behavior and for ten minutes, I can't think of anything else than how you acted in this room.", Kat whispered low but heavy. Connor noticed her aroused manner. Slowly, Kat removed her hand from his mouth.
"So, you liked that, huh?", Connor asked low and straightened himself to his full height.
Kat nodded slowly with a lopsided smirk. She moved her hands up and down his chest but Connor reacted quickly.
He grabbed her wrists and pressed her against the door with his lower body while he shoved her hands above her head. "You like it rough, baby girl?", he asked with a deep voice and dark eyes. Connor watched how she gnawed on her lower lip while she was nodding. Connor lowered his head but stopped inches from her lips to tease her. Kat tried to escape his hands but he just tightened the grip. Only then, he crashed his lips on hers for a hungry kiss.
Kat moaned and arched her back to greet his chest with her breasts. Connor understood the hint and changed his grip around her hands. With one hand, he held both of her wrists while he stroked along her side with his right hand. Teasingly and very slowly, he slid his fingers down her ribcage to her hip. Then, he slipped underneath her shirt and stroked up to her chest. Kat's breath quickened as Connor reached her breast to squeeze it softly. Kat enjoyed it and let her head fall back against the door.
Connor took the chance and bit into her neck with the right amount of pressure to make her moan again.
"Connor…", she whispered raspy with closed eyes.
"Yes? What can I do for you?", he asked but his voice was filled with dominance.
"I- I need you…", she breathed low and Connor released her hands. Kat took the opportunity and dug her fingers into his soft hair. She looked into his eyes. A cheeky smirk played on his lips. Before Kat could say anything, Connor grabbed her ass, raised her up and brought her over to the sink to place her there on top. Kat snaked her legs around his waist, grabbed his tie and pulled him down to kiss him passionately. Both his hands worked his way up and down her body while Kat rolled her hips against him to increase the friction.
Connor dug his fingers into Kat's long, braided hair and pulled her head back to get a good spot on her neck. He kneaded her breast and played with her hardened nipple through the fabric which caused her to moan his name once again. He kissed up and down her neck before he bit down.
"Uh… not that strong…", Kat cried out but her voice was filled with pure lust.
"I just want to make sure that you know that you're mine. And only mine.", Connor whispered husky against her skin.
"I.. I'm just yours, Connor.", Kat admitted raspy.
"Well, that didn't sound very convincing.", Connor said and stepped back from Kat who was already a mess. Her hair was tousled, her lips were swollen and her clothes askew.
As she saw Connor stepping away from her, she was shocked. Kat jumped from the sink and stepped forward to reach him but Connor stepped back until she stopped.
"Turn around.", Connor commanded low. His eyes held an arrogant expression.
"W-what?", Kat asked, confused. She was overwhelmed by the situation. By his dominant way and his strong voice.
"I said, turn around!", he said, more demanding than before.
Kat followed his instructions. She turned around and stood in front of the mirror. She looked at herself and untied her hair because the braided tail was already disheveled. Connor closed up to her from behind. And Kat watched him through the mirror coming closer.
"Look at me!", Connor said deeply into Kat's left ear. Just his voice shot goosebumps down her spine and she shuddered, already filled with lust. Connor towered behind her and stroked over her hips to the button of her jeans to open it. He opened the zipper slowly to slip his right hand inside.
Kat's knees started to wobble as she felt Connor's hand slowly moving forward down her slip. As he touched it, Kat felt how soaked the fabric already was.
"Oh, you're really in this mood, aren't you, baby girl?", Connor whispered.
Kat nodded while she bit down on her lower lip. She squirmed against his chest the longer he teased her over the fabric. As Kat started to roll with her hips to grind her ass against him, Connor moved his hand underneath the fabric of the soaked slip. Kat cried out with relish as she felt Connor's fingers sliding between her folds. He stopped his moves and placed his other hand over her mouth.
"You have to be more quiet or someone will hear us. If you're too loud I fear I have to stop. Got it?", Connor asked and removed his hand slowly to move it down to her neck. His long fingers were laying softly around her throat. "Say it!", he demanded with his lips sliding on the outer rim of Kat's ear.
"I have to be more quiet. Please, continue…", Kat begged desperately what caused Connor to grin.
He waited a few more seconds and concentrated on Kat's rapid heartbeat and her erratic pulse caused by him. Her chest was moving uneven and she was shuddering against him. Very slowly, Connor slipped two of his fingers back into her. Kat's hot core was dripping wet and his fingers were covered in seconds. "You feel that?", Connor whispered as he pushed his fingers a bit deeper inside her.
"Y-yes…", Kat nodded and whimpered low to stay quiet.
Connor looked Kat in the eyes through the mirror. "That's me inside of you, Kat.", he said smirking and pushed deeper. "I know how much you love my hands on your body.", he said low and moved his left hand to her breast to knead it slowly. "And my fingers inside of you like this.", he continued and pumped into her again.
Each time he did that, Kat shuddered more and more. She felt her core tightening.
Connor noticed that she was close, so he removed his hand a bit to extend the moment. "Kat", Connor said to get her attention, "Tell me you're mine.", he demanded, breathing against her ear. She looked him straight in the brown eyes which were sparkling darkly.
"I-I'm yours…", Kat whispered low between two heavy breaths.
"I can't hear you. What did you say, baby girl?", Connor asked innocently. But his dark voice compared with the nickname gave her goosebumps again.
"I'm just yours, Connor.", Kat said more clearly.
"Exactly, you are just mine! No one else is allowed to touch you! Got it?", Connor said as a statement and Kat had to obey.
"I said: got it?", Connor asked again, smirking and slipped his hand back down her slip.
"Yes…", Kat breathed husky as she felt Connor's long, slender fingers deep inside of her.
"Repeat it! I want to hear it from your sweet lips.", Connor commanded and pumped rhythmically into her in the way Kat liked the most.
"I-I'm just yours. No one else is allowed to touch me…", Kat repeated breathless.
"Good, baby girl. Now, would you like me to finish you?", he whispered raspy into her ear. He looked Kat straight into her lust filled eyes with a devilish smirk.
"Yes, please. I- I can't take it anymore.", she begged and watched the lopsided smirk growing bigger on his lips.
Connor adjusted the position of his hand and rubbed along her clit while his fingers were pumping steadily into her.
Kat's breath fastened, she closed her eyes while she leant her head back against his chest.
"Fuck damnit, Connor...", Kat moaned raspy as he pumped to her climax.
"Kiss me!", Connor demanded.
Kat's mind was spinning but she managed to turn her head to the right.
Connor crashed his lips on hers in the same moment Kat cried out because of the orgasm washing over her. He continued his moves to intensify the feeling for her even more.
As she stopped being too loud, he left her lips and watched her amazed how she enjoyed her satisfaction with closed eyes.
Kat was still jerking as he removed his hand from her slowly. She leant against the sink to catch her breath. As she was slowly recovering, her heartbeat slowed down and she straightened herself to smooth her clothes.
"Was it good?", Connor asked and smirked as he watched Kat coming clear.
"You have outdone yourself, babe.", Kat said smiling but still a bit breathless. She walked over to her boyfriend and kissed him lovely while she flung her arms around his neck.
"I had no idea you could be like that."
"Yeah...but if I shall be honest, I would like to keep that in the interrogation room.", Connor admitted.
"Well...but from time to time…", Kat said with a wink and let the sentence unspoken.
Connor chuckled, cupped her chin to raise it so he could meet her lips for another sweet and caring kiss.
"I will see you at home?", Connor asked low. Kat looked into his soft brown eyes and nodded.
"Yeah, I'm already looking forward to it.", Kat answered and checked her appearance in the mirror. She smoothed her hair one last time before she went to the door to step out. "Watch it, dipshit!", Kat snapped as she left the bathroom. She pushed Gavin aside who looked confused at her as he was about to enter the restroom.
"Wrong restroom, you idiot!", Gavin called out and shook his head. Kat's only response to him was showing her middle finger while she went into the kitchen for a coffee. Gavin was about to open the door to the restroom once again as the next person stepped out and almost crashed into him.
"Watch i-", Gavin started but stopped as he noticed Connor in front of him who fixed the knot of his tie while he walked through the door.
"Detective Reed.", Connor said politely with a nod and passed a speechless looking Gavin to go back to his desk.
"But- what the hell.", he muttered, confused before he entered the restroom finally.
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thewebcomicsreview · 3 years
Regarding Gunnerkrigg Court, what are your thoughts on how it handled the Kat manipulating time plot in particular? Because while it had some good ideas, a good premise, and the revelation that Kat was responsible for the Tic-Tocs was a good one, the way it ended up being resolved was Annie has Kat talk to her mum, who talks to Brinnie, who talks to the Norns, who let Kat mess around with the timeline free of charge. And it feels pretty anticlimatic. and I'm just left thinking "That was easy".
Conceptually, "Time Travelers give Kat an award for something she hasn't done yet" is a cool and clever idea, and "Kat invents the Tic-toks and sends them back in time" was something that had been foreshadowed well enough that a lot of people had predicted it. We just didn't know how the back in time part worked, and the answer was "Kat's mom is friends with heretofore unmentioned Time Gods" which to a lot of people felt a bit like a Deus Ex Machina and
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Wait, it's literally a Deus Ex Machina. Huh.
Anyway, this is a really weird reveal when you think about it. Because a lot of people guessed "Kat invents the Tic-tocs and sends them back in time", but no one knew how the time travel would happen. And this reveal sort of answers it, but not really. We know the Norns let Kat travel through time because of some future, and now the question is why. How did Kat get the gods themselves to bend the rules for her? And in a lot of stories this would be a really compelling mystery, but having a mystery replaced with an entirely different yet also exactly the same mystery feels underwhelming, and it feels especially underwhelming here
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Because it's fucking Gunnerkrigg Court and gods literally hang out with these girls all the time. Annie used to have a part-time job as a grim reaper and she accidentally smudged the moon one time. "Kat entered into some kind of deal with the very gods themselves, but how?" is one of the least interesting mysteries it's possible for this comic to have.
And, obviously, lit could be an probably is less of a big ending reveal than setup for the TRUE shocking surprise, but it felt very anticlimactic and came right before the Annies got merged which was also an "Okay that happened" storyline, and right after the long-teased mystery of The Other Girl In The Photo was revealed to be Brinnie.
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Who first appeared in this photo 70 chapters ago and was revealed to be a completely normal (by GC standards) girl who now works for the gods and there's apparently nothing exciting about her except that she was friends with the protags parents in high school. Which, granted, GC never played up the "WHO IS THIS GIRL????" mystery that much beyond just showing the photo in Chapter 7, but there are a lot of mysterious and reveals that kind of Just Happen in Gunnerkrigg and the more I think about it I can't think of a single mystery that was a "HOLY SHIT WHAT?!" reveal when it was answered. The big mystery payoff maybe just isn't one of Gunnerkrigg's strengths.
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I’m Always Curious Part Thirty One
Previous Part | Next Part |  Masterlist Notes: I hope everyone’s having a good week 💕
Warnings: Cursing and some angst my bad Summary: Eli knew as well as I did how hard it was for me to relax after a Tag and Run, let alone a manual one.
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“I’ve seen you pull some reckless shit, but launching yourself into the middle of an active and radioactive debris field with a ship on the verge of breakdown under you, that’s… That’s gotta be top five,” Eli commented as Pollard scanned me. I shot him a tired look. “I didn’t have any other options.” “I know,” He shook his head, “But...Damn, kid.” “I’m back, I’m one piece, so maybe save the lecture for some occasion where I wind up in a biobed.”
“Heart rate is still a little high,” Pollard commented, stepping around in front of me and shining a light in my eyes. I startled a bit at the sudden flash before I settled. 
“And when was the last time you slept?” She added, brow furrowing. “I feel like if you really wanted to know, you would’ve asked before I piloted.” Pollard gave me a stern look that probably should’ve made me wilt, but adrenaline was still coursing through my body. “How do you feel?” She asked, a little imperious. “Like I’ll be happy if I never get behind the controls of an attack fighter again.” That made her smile a bit, at least. She nodded. “I want to check on you again before you leave the ship, make sure that heart rate is back down where it’s supposed to be.” “Yes ma’am.” “And get some sleep. I am not above sedating you.” “...I believe that.” “You might wanna get that hypo ready now, doc—” “Can it, Durling,” I cut him off, reaching for my jacket. He gave me a disapproving look as I stood. Eli knew as well as I did how hard it was for me to relax after a Tag and Run, let alone a manual one. If I lay in the dark, my mind would just run through what I had done, all of the ways that it could’ve gone wrong. I was sure that this experience was going to be no different; if anything, the possibilities for a different outcome were increased. “You heading for the gym?” Durling asked as we walked out of the medbay. It was a fair question, but as comfortable as my civvies were, I certainly wasn’t prepared to be sparring in them. “Nah, not this time. You got a report to file?” I asked. “Yeah— Hey,” Eli reached out, taking light hold of my shoulder, “I need to talk to you.” “Look, I will get some sleep—” “No, not about that,” He shook his head. He glanced around the hall, quiet as someone passed us before he turned back to me, “It’s about my assignment after this.” “...Okay,” I frowned. “They’re giving me the Pinnacle.” Confusion melted from my face and I grinned, socking him in the shoulder, unable to contain my excitement. “Eli! That’s amazing— Why didn’t you tell me before? Oh, congratulations!” I squealed, drawing him in for a hug. He chuckled, patting my shoulder before leaning away. “We had a job to do first,” He shook his head. “That’s why you weren’t putting the tag down yourself, huh?” I asked. “There’s something else.” “What else could there possibly be?” “I need a first officer.” “Oh. So who are your candidates?” Eli’s brows rose, and he tipped his head forward a bit. Realization washed over me slowly, and I found myself fighting the urge to shake my head and ask him what the hell he was thinking. “What?… Eli—” “Hear me out,” He pleaded softly, “You know my every move, you get how I operate, you don’t let me get away with shit, you know when to push and when to pull… And I swear I did not mean that the way it sounded.” “Bullshit.” “See?” He pointed out before tacking on, “Look, don’t answer me right now. I know it’s a big decision, just… Just think about it.” I gave him a small nod in concession, a murmur of promise that I would. But as I watched his retreating back, I already knew what my answer was. --
The canteen was basically deserted. I walked over to the replicators, leaning heavily against the wall beside it and scrubbing my hand over my face. “Black coffee, four shots of espresso— splash of caramel creamer.”
“Are you planning on having a heartbeat after that?” I did, but mine skipped a beat at the sound of his voice. It seemed to be doing that a lot lately. “The caramel is just to sweeten it a bit,” I justified, “Doesn’t taste the same as the Una Matrix, so I’ve gotta make do.” I glanced back to find him leaning against a table nearby. “Everything alright on the Bridge?” I asked, turning back to the replicator. “Fine,” He conceded, “And the shuttle bay?” “Uh…” I straightened, taking hold of the mug, “Well, Jett is cursing my name. Apparently Eli’s messed up a number of phaser cannons but having a damaged warp nacelle and a punctured cabin really takes the cake.” “Is that much coffee advisable after what you’ve just done? I’d think some rest would be in order.” “And Dr. Pollard would agree with you, but I can never sleep after tags,” I admitted. I cleared my throat, “So, how... “ It had been way too long to ask about how he was, hadn't it? We’d been on the same ship for hours now— “How’s um— Spock?” Christopher’s brows rose a little. “He’s...Taking leave.” I frowned. “That’s unlike him.” “Well, the war took its toll on the crew, such as it was.” I nodded a little, leaning back against the wall again, “I can understand that.” Christopher’s head tipped to the side, brow furrowing. “How so? I mean no disrespect, Commander, but you were very much in the thick of it.” “Yeah, but,” I lowered my eyes to my drink, “You all...Had to wait, I guess. You got your news about people that you were concerned about in a delayed fashion, and from a distance— all secondhand, second rate. Maybe some of the crew held themselves back from reaching out to people, not sure how they’d take it, not wanting to distract them... That time, that distance, it can wear someone down.” It was a moment before I heard Chris take in a deep breath. “We should talk,” he said softly. “We are talking,” I pointed out. When I glanced up to look at him, I found an unimpressed little frown affixed to his lips. I rolled my eyes a little, pushing away from the wall and nodding for him to follow me: “C’mon.” I was relieved to hear his footfalls behind mine without a moment’s hesitation. “I know where the quiet spots are and I’m willing to bet you haven’t found them yet.” “By Ensign Tilly’s account, you were only on this ship for a couple of days,” Pike commented. “Yes,” I nodded, “And in that time, she told me where all the cool kids hang out. From there, I used those tips, the ship’s directory, and the process of elimination to find a few quiet spots.” I peered into a small suite and found it empty. The outer wall was wrapped with a window. There was a desk with a reading lamp on one end of the room and a loveseat and side table on the other end. “This alright?” I asked, nodding inside. Pike peered around before stepping in fully. I took that as a yes and followed him in, the door sliding shut behind us.  “What’d you come in here for?” He asked, looking around. “Studying, once. I had to brush up on my Klingon while I was aboard,” I told him, sitting down on the loveseat. I set my coffee aside for a moment, shrugging my jacket off and draping it over the arm of the seat before picking my cup up again. I watched Christopher drift around the room, taking it in, his fingers trailing the wood of the desk. I leaned back against the cushions, taking a long pull from the coffee and wincing from the taste. “Too much coffee?” “Just not as good as the Una Matrix,” I justified. I glanced up at him to find him leaning back against the desk, arms folded across his chest. For a moment the both of us just… looked. It reminded me of the moments in his Ready Room before we beamed down to Sandblossom— but we were so different now. “So who told you?” I asked. “Una.” “How’d that go?” Christopher averted his eyes, tipping his head forward a bit, “Well, she… Sat me down, laid out Spock’s timeline, let me know that you were on the Pinnacle.” “Can I ask when that was?” “You’d been aboard for about a month.” That couldn’t have been very long after Una had called me, then. I could only imagine her demeanor when she’d told him. I nodded a bit. “I don’t… I do not know how much Admiral Cornwell told you, but she—” “Kat mentioned before she left that she had you give your word not to contact the Enterprise.”  “Okay.” “Though I am a little surprised you kept to it,” Christopher admitted. I considered that for a moment, fingers tapping along the side of my mug. “Sometimes I couldn’t believe it either. I hated it. But...Cornwell told me that you were determined to come back to Somonia for me, when you heard about the negotiations—” I watched as Chris pushed himself away from the desk, drifting over to look out of the window. I saw the tight pull of his shoulders, the wringing of his hands where he had them clasped behind his back. “Besides that,” I added quietly, “I was sure that being so removed from the war was weighing on you all in some estimation. And after Una contacted me…” I shook my head, “I'm not sure how I would've handled speaking with anyone else from the Enterprise.” Christopher frowned, and I could see the question forming as he turned to look at me. I raised a hand to halt it: “We’re fine. We spoke when the ship was docked on Earth recently.” “How long were you two out of contact?” “A while,” I answered flatly. Christopher shook his head a little bit. I slouched down against the cushions. “Why didn’t—...” I started before I stopped myself, cringing. “What would you have wanted me to say?” He asked knowingly.  “Anything, Christopher! I didn’t even know that you knew.” I set my coffee aside and rested my elbows against my knees, running my hands over my face. “I didn’t think you would want to hear from us after we left you there.” He said it so softly, with such abject confidence; it nearly split me in two. I lifted my head, brow drawn, disbelieving of what I’d heard, only to find that Christopher had turned back to the window, chin tipped toward his chest. “...After you—… No,” I sighed, pushing myself off of the loveseat, “No, you didn’t.” “We should’ve turned around,” The assertion followed fast, his voice tight, “We would’ve found you— We would’ve been in range for the war, none of this would’ve happened.” I stopped a couple of steps from him. There was a time when I wouldn’t have hesitated in reaching out to touch him, to draw him in, but I wasn’t sure anymore. “I saw the pictures that you got from Starbase 329,” I said softly, “It was a crater, Christopher, there was no way you could’ve known. And Choholl and I were so far underground for stretches at a time, you may not have been able to find us, even if you had turned around.” He turned his head toward me a little, but did not meet my eye. “I considered reaching out,” He admitted softly, “But I didn’t know what to say. ‘Hi’ seemed...inappropriate, and… And I was worried.” “About what?” “You. What you said, about not wanting to distract someone, keeping yourself at a distance…” He trailed off, nodding, “Does take its toll.” I watched him for a moment, considering this. Christopher had thought about me. I supposed that that was some consolation, at least; I hadn’t been alone in my hours spent curious and lonely. “So,” I said lightly, turning to face the window as he had, “What happens after this mission?” “Back to the Enterprise, ideally,” Christopher answered; his voice was firmer now, a little more self-sure now that I'd turned to a topic he was likely more comfortable with. I felt him turn to look at me as he asked, “Do you...Know where you’ll be stationed next?” “No. Command did mention something about reinstating Larilia to the Federation, now that Choholl has everything under control. They’re going to need a new attaché, they asked if I’d be interested.” I felt him tense beside me, “And what did you say?” “That I’d retire first.” He huffed a soft laugh, and I smiled a little. My mind drifted to the offer given to me earlier, and I shook my head a little bit. “What is it?” He asked. “Nothing.” “Are you sure?” I hesitated, “Eli is being given the Pinnacle. He needs a first officer and he… He offered me the position.” I turned to look up at Christopher, and I saw the split second of surprise before he schooled his face into a small smile. “What are you thinking?” He asked. I shook my head, turning away again. “I’m going to tell him ‘no’. Just haven’t worked out how yet.” “Why are you turning him down?” “Well, he needs someone— You know, more like Una. I am not like Una.” “... Well, you did take Onafuwa’s one-day intensive.” It took me a moment, and I opened my mouth to respond, but I could not help the laugh that bubbled up. I slapped my hand over my mouth, trying to quiet the sound, but Christopher laughed, too. For a moment, just a moment, it felt like it used to— light, and warm. I looked at him, and found that grin that I’d missed; the crinkling around his eyes and the dimples. And as we quieted, as we found one another just looking again, I felt my eyes prickle with tears. I hurried to look away again, turning back to where I’d set my coffee and walking back to it. I settled down onto the loveseat, taking a long pull from the mug and using it to cover a small sniffle. I expected Christopher to stay where he was, but he followed, sitting down beside me. He was close— but then, the loveseat was small, he had no choice but to be close. “You really ought to rest,” He said quietly. “I can’t,” I shook my head, “After one of those—” I sighed, closing my eyes for a moment, “My head just doesn’t settle right.” “Is it always like this?” I nodded a bit. I felt Christopher shift beside me a little before I heard him mutter, “C’mere.” I glanced over and did a double-take, my heart leaping into my throat when I found him leaned back, his arm thrown over the back of the loveseat. “What?” “Come here,” He urged more softly, nodding me closer. I narrowed my eyes at him before I set the coffee down, shifting a little closer. I was nearly pressed fully against his side this way, from knee to chest.  “Put your head down,” He urged, nodding to his shoulder. “Chris—” “Just try it.” I huffed, irritated but did as he said. His arm curled around my shoulders. “Close your eyes.” “If you really think is is going to work—” “So stubborn,” He mumbled, resting his chin atop my head and my eyes fluttered shut at the comforting weight, “Stubborn as stone.” If Christopher thought that this was going to calm me down, he was severely mistaken; my heart was pounding out of my chest, my stomach was twisting itself into knots. I hadn’t felt worked up like this since after Koutov. Christopher’s fingers trailed over my shoulder softly, and I found myself reaching out and setting my hand on his jacket. “...The blue’s...Different,” I commented. “Wanna command the ship, you’ve gotta wear the uniform,” He pinched the sleeve of my t-shirt as he said so. I rolled my eyes a little. “Good thing I don’t wanna command, then,” I muttered. Christopher’s chest shook with a quiet laugh. “Gotta say… it is a good thing you’re turning Durling down, if only for the fact that you seem to fight so much,” He said. “It’s all in good fun… Mostly in good fun.” “The two of you seem close.” I glanced up at Christopher. “We’re friends,” I nodded. “Close your eyes,” He muttered, poking my shoulder when he saw me looking at him. I huffed, doing as he said. My fingers absently skated over a section of the gold braiding covering the zipper on the jacket, unable to keep still. “That wasn’t an accusation, by the way,” He added. “Sounded like one.” “Wasn’t.” “Mm.” I wasn’t sure what it was— the hum of the ship around us, or the steady rise and fall of his chest under my hand, or just the feeling of being by Christopher again, but I felt myself relaxing, eyelids and limbs growing heavy. “We should— I should finish my coffee,” I mumbled after a while. “Why’s that?” Christopher murmured. “‘M gonna fall asleep.” “Good.” I smiled a little, “‘M gonna fall asleep on you.” “You’re already falling asleep on me.” “So...Should move.” “You comfortable?” “Mmmmmhm.” “Okay.” That okay was all I needed. I cozied deeper into Christopher’s side, unabashedly cuddling up against him, and I felt his hand smooth soothingly over my arm. In my haze and weariness, the tears that I’d managed to push down before welled up. Now, though, I felt too tired to hide them again. A few leaked from my eyes, and I pressed my face into his shoulder. “I missed you so much,” I admitted quietly, hand fisting in his jacket. I felt his grip tighten on me, his other hand covering mine, thumb skating over my knuckles. “I know,” Christopher whispered; I could feel his lips quivering as they brushed my temple, “I missed you, too.” Tag list: @angels-pie​ ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta​  ; @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​ ; @how-am-i-serpose-to-know​ ; @onlyhereforthefandomandgiggles​ ; @inmyowncorner​​  ; @tardis-23​  ; @paintballkid711 ; @katrynec​ ; @hypnobananaangelfish ; @elen-aranel​ ; @blueeyesatnight​ ; @hotchswifey​
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praphit · 4 years
WandaVision: When you can’t let go of that robo-lovin.
So, I just finished watching "WandaVision", and I must say, right off the bat 
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Disney Plus is finally paying off. I'm in the group of peeps who got DP, not for the mouse, but for the ones whom the mouse is in bed with, and most recently on Mickey's playtime Marvel List - Wanda Maximoff and her robo-boy toy VISION... or is that “THE Vision”? - that seems kinda ostentatious, but whatever.
When I first heard that Wanda was getting a series, I said "Who cares?" I don't care bout no Wanda! What has she been other than a weird pest?
Let's review:
She tried to kill the Avengers, she accidentally injures and kills innocent people, she was getting in the way, so Tony Stark had to get his CPU (Vision) to babysit her, she falls in love with the CPU - can we talk about how strange this is? I didn't say wrong, just different, cuz honestly, we may be headed there soon. That movie "Her" might be a reality with how tech is going these days.
But, imagine I come to your home and fall in love with your laptop (which messes everything up for you with all your devices and your social media), THEN (as Wanda did with Vision), I run off on some romantic journey with all of your devices. Imagine how Tony would have felt, if he was still with us.
She had one job when it came to Thanos, and it ended up not mattering.
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Then, went full rage on the wrong Thanos.
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Idk if that’s a look (Thanos) pain, release, of he’s listening to his jam. Kinda looks like he’s saying “JESUS”. But, Wanda is pissed.
Wanda: "You took everything from me!"
Thanos: "Lady, I don't even know you!"
I didn't care about Wanda. But, damn, Marvel is so good that in one episode they made me care; one trailer, really.
If you had not seen the trailer for this series, you might be confused by the first episode. 
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You might even ask yourself - "What the bleep is this nonsense?!" We want heroes vs villains. We want super-powered explosions. We want capes, ridiculously tight clothes, bulky armor, and anything else that makes no sense to fight in.
You're giving me "Bewitched"?
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I DID see the trailer, so I knew going in that it would be a slow burn with some nostalgia, some quirks, and some eeriness; right up my alley.
The change in Tv decade styles btw *chef kiss*
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I figured that they'd be trapped in some mysterious, magical world - which they are...
Unless you're super geeky with the funny books, there's no way you'll see what's coming in this mystery.
And it IS a mystery, not only to the audience, but for the characters involved in this show. Don't nobody know what the hell is going on.
But, LaWanda and Vishawn 
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(sorry, I just wanted to use this pic - Ha! Y'all are crazy.)had help figuring things out:
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Yeah, it's actually Monica Rambeau, 
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but... admit it, some of you kept thinking about Rambo too, right?? No offense to this actress, but I'd rather see old man Sly play Rambo, and HIM be in this mysterious WandaVision town. Let's get Disney a lil bloody. Wishful thinking, I suppose.
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Marvel WILL BE venturing into multiple universes soon, so perhaps Rambo finds his way to team up with The Punisher? Huh?? YEAH!
But, no... Rambeau (meh No personality, but whatever).
Randall Park - 
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He's that person we all know who has made us laugh so much in life, that they don't even need to say anything anymore; you look at them and laugh. I love this dude!
Kat Dennings - 
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I remember liking her more in the Thor movies.  I found her annoying, this time around.   She joins the mystery to figure tech stuff out, and she's a doctor or something (don't you forget it!). She also asks the team she just meets to get her some coffee, and acts like they're disrespecting HER, by their lack of response. I know she's a doctor and all, but damn! Imagine some electrician comes to your place to serve YOU, they're condescending to you, and then  they ask you for some coffee. Get the hell outta here!
Oh, and there's a dude named “Director Dick”. That's my name for him, but the name fits.
The people in this town are acting out as if they've been scripted for some show. And all of these characters, AND US, get to figure it out together - through antics from different times in Tv culture. 
Times sure were different back in the day:
No social justice issues implanted or cursing or sex or drugs... now, I'm not saying it was a better time, just a different one :) A time when dad jokes ruled! Simple times! Ignorance was bliss. But, it kinda wasn't - not really.
It's like having an animal die on your property somewhere, and it starts to stink. You COULD find the truth of the stench... or light candles everywhere. Some really strong candles - maybe some of those Gwyneth Paltrow candles.
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Though the stench might get covered up, the problem is still there. At some point, your kids could find the dead rotting animal... maybe start playing with it... you get the point.
In this show, the townspeople's minds have been taken over by someone or something, and it's torturous for them. So... bliss on the surface, but... not so much, going deeper. I tell you all of this, plus great production in each epi, a good slow-burn mystery, and fun with comic characters in a way we haven't seen before on screen, and hell yeah - Grade: A series.
Now... spoilers.
You might want to leave now.
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People, Wanda is the villain here. I'm not sure if that's the message the writers are trying to convey or not, but I don't care; she is the clear villain here.
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Here’s Wanda reading some Hell book, conjuring some dark spirits - nbd.
We are rooting for her throughout this show; even after we find out that she has been (even if not maliciously) controlling every one, we still root for her.
I'm not saying that's bad, but we can't forget about what she has done! Remember, I said that the mind control was torturous for the townspeople.
There's a very emotional moment at the end of this series between Wanda and Vision, and between them and their kids (yeah, they have kids... that's a whole other thing). This moment is well done and touching. There's even a bad ass fight between Wanda and the "true... villain"? - of this story. I'll get to her in a sec (There’s a badass Vision fight scene as well).
I loved all of that! But, at the end of the day...
I know Wanda is grieving and all, we all grieve, but we all don't, in our grief, take a whole town hostage, torture the people, all while playing house with our family. That's kinda sick, no??
Are we doing a girl-power thing? or a “witches are people too” thing? or “but she’s doing it all for her family” thing (yeah, they’re not actually real, but whatever)? I don’t know.
I'm not sure that we know what a villain is anymore. It used to be clear - the guy with the beard was the bad guy, or the guy wearing the black outfit was the bad guy, or the people who aren't Americans are the bad guys :)
But, movies like "Joker" and "Deadpool" and Harley's joint have confused some.
Who else would be the villain? There's a character, the villain (i guess), a witch named Agatha Harkness, played by Kathryn Hahn
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Here she is saying “I’m the villain? Really? What about her?!!”
   - she's excellent btw; def the highlight of this show; her and Paul Bettany's hair game.
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But, let's compare:
betrays her coven back in the day, sure, but why you bringing up old shit? 
She allows Wanda to play out this fantasy for a while, and even played along. She could have just killed her when she was ignorant; that's what I would have done. She eventually shows Wanda the truth (granted, she then wants Wanda's power, but hey, everything has a price. And for all we know, she would have used all of that power to... cure the worlds diseases or something... though prob not:). Annnd maybe she killed an imaginary puppy. Convo for another time: if you kill something that's not real, does it matter??
That's it!
She didn't (like Wanda): abduct a town, torture its people, bring Vision back from the dead (kinda), endanger soldiers who were just doing their jobs, create weird fantasies (And did she have sexy time with previously dead, fake Vision? This thing gets even weirder if she did. But, let's not go down that path.) Oh, and she magically punted a black woman (Rambo) the length of a football field just for her asking Wanda some questions.
When the townspeople finally regain their minds (Lord knows how long it's been), they look at her with disdain, and I don't blame them.  And what does Wanda do?? - shrug, put on a hoodie, and fly off - to break into somebody's home and read some devil book.
Where’s cancel culture in this universe? 
I know she made us feel, but I ask again, who's the villain here?
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Still Grade A stuff for me (again, I loved this!), but c'mon, people.
We get a glimpse of Captain Marvel 2 as well. My fingers are crossed. I actually liked the first movie. But, many others did not, and one of the reasons - Captain Marvel doesn't have much of a personality, and another - she's too powerful (no risk).
So, to answer the critics, we have Monica Rambeau - another ridiculously super-powered hero, with no personality. So, two unrelatable characters flying around in space, as Sam L Jackson tries not to curse. But, if Marvel can make me care about evil ass Wanda, I'll still hold out hope for Capt Marvel 2.
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Request for Reassignment (Vyn/Kat)
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Vynette sat at her desk, finishing up the paperwork assigned to her, just like any night in the office. The only difference was her demeanor. Something about her was tense. She caught a look from Kat more than once for her heel tapping nervously, and the elf kept sneaking glances at her Director to almost make a comment before sealing her lips again.
Finally, without looking up, some of the proposed words in her head finally managed to tumble out. "I was talking to an agent from another Unit today. I guess they've had eight agents now put in to answer the call for aid. From, you know, the Covenants."
"Uh-huh," Kat muttered in response without looking at the elven operative, her focus remaining on the papers she shuffled, expression blank.
It was more or less the kind of response Vyn expected. She sighed, knowing she was going to have to move things forward. "It seems like the need for more trained hands is still pretty great. And what with the duties of wartime off everyone's plates, more or less," her voice trailed softer and quicker as she mumbled, "I was considering requesting a temporary assignment to offer my abilities. Ma'am."
Kat froze in place, staring at the document in hand as a slow exhale spilled over her lips. Eyelids shut as lips curled inward over the teeth and the paper set aside. "There are plenty of eager hero types and jar-heads t' fill the ranks." Her response monotone as the stark gaze shifted to the elf.
"We have plenty t'do here."
The air in the room thinned out at Kat's tone and in any other instance, Vyn would have dropped the topic. Unfortunately, the circumstances here were unique. "I know. There is work to be done, and I'm not ignoring or underplaying the work we do." She may have come to Unit Eight looking for a job and a safe place to hide, but she did understand the value they added to the Alliance she was somehow a part of now.
"It is just... the request came for me specifically." An uncharacteristic uncertainty softened Vynette's voice. "My teacher is part of the House of Eyes. He has called for me to aid the Necro Lords."
Without missing a beat, Kat's eyes narrowed sharply following Vyn's confession. "I see..." Her tone and demeanor turned ice-cold, and the eye contract broke, the Director diving back into her papers.
"So after everythin', I've done, everythin' I've risked, yer going t' abandon me just like that." Pain and anger laced Kat's words, her jaw tightening towards the end. "One letter from a ghost and I'm nothin' t' ya'."
Vyn's bright blue eyes went wide at the shift in tone. It was rare to see such intensity drawn from the otherwise collected and calculating Director. As someone who genuinely respected Kat, Vyn felt the pit of guilt in her stomach. "No, that's not it at all! You're... you mean a lot to me. You took a chance on me." She spoke of the risks Kat took for her in a hushed voice, not wanting to raise suspicions of anyone who might still be lingering in a nearby office. "I owe you everything."
Taking a deep breath, Vyn pressed forward, mustering up her determination. "I am not looking to leave beyond a temporary reassignment; my home is here. With you and with the Unit." Their office was one of the few consistent places anyone could find her these days. "But he was the one who got me here. He saw value in me and gave me purpose. And I failed him. And he died," she finally admitted.
"And I saw value in ya', and gave ya' a new purpose!" Kat quickly countered, pointing a finger in the elven woman's direction. "A purpose that could have, and still could, get us both killed."
With a scoff, Kat's head shook, and her arms crossed as she stood from the desk and paced. "Ya' failed him, but he sends a letter? Have ya' gone dense Vynette?" For once, the Director addressed her elven shadow by the first name rather than the forged surname. "It has trap written all over it. Or did ya' forget how ya' were ejected from the Horde?"
It would have been easy to call her paranoid; plenty of people in SI:7 had already. The real pain came from the truth in her words.
"I was overconfident when I got set up. I'm not that anymore thanks to you," she pointed out. "Being by your side is important to me."
Vyn was to the point of pleading, even when she knew Kat was not so easily swayed. What else could she do? "Kat..." She addressed the woman, not the title. "There's still closure I need from my time as an apprentice. Shit I'm still carrying with me. My loyalty is with you; no one can change that. So I'm asking-- begging for the chance to serve the cause in the Shadowlands and put my ghosts to rest."
A heated exhale pushed through the nostril as Kat turned her back to Vynette's pleading, facing the wall where documents, pins, and red string put together the tapestry of their current case. She did not appear to be swayed by the elf's begging, not entirely. Something in that final statement did bring a silent pause.
"If bein' by my side is so important, then why so eager to leave it?" She chose to hone in on other points and skip over the please, keeping her back to the elf. There was still a tinge of pain and anger in her tone.
"Livin' in th' past never moved anyone forward. I need ya' here. Or is suddenly wot I and this job I graced ya' with no longer of importance? I didn' say a bloody thing when I came back to find yer visage eerily similar to mine, plucked a hair from the office, no doubt. Even when my patience is tested by yer sometimes questionable motivations and comments in the borderline territory of breakin' my rules, I allowed yer leash to remain lax. I never asked fer anythin' other than service in return, even after footin' the bills to fake and create yer life in the Alliance. But this is the thanks I get? T'be abandoned fer some Horde dog."
Vynette got to her feet, because she disliked the tone Kat was taking regarding her teacher. Vyn rarely defied Kat; it was not in her nature. Still, she persisted. "You've let my leash remain lax because I've done everything you've ever asked of me, without question. I've followed every order, completed every mission," her voice dropped lower, but picked up its intensity, "I've done every off-book task you've needed with a smile because I'm your knife. I've committed sins for you and I'd commit them thrice over and you know that."
Scrunching her nose at the realization that her tone was getting away from her, Vynette composed herself. "He's not some Horde dog, Director; he's found a place of high standing in the House of Eyes. If I went over your head, they'd give me the go ahead. Hell, I could go to Fiske. I didn't do that because I don't give a shit about their authority. You're the one I follow."
Looking down at her desk, Vynette sat back down feeling resigned to defeat. "If you command me to stay, I'll stay. I don't ask for much. But I'm just asking for you to trust me. I have debts to repay, but he's not my master anymore."
As the Operative's tone began to get away from her, Kat looked back over her shoulder. One brow lifted as she stared the elven woman down from across the room as if cursing her for the act of defiance.
"Go over m'head or t'Fiske, and it won't be a temporary reassignment." The Director barked. Whether it was a threat or fact was anyone's guess.
Fingers ran through her raven tresses, pulling the strands back as she sighed quietly, seemingly content with Vynette's concession. "When this case is over," Kat motioned to the wall at her side as she turned to face the elf. "Then I will consider signin' off on a temporary reassignmen'. I will no' make any promises, however."
The tension in Vyn's shoulders released. Resisting Kat's authority made her physically uncomfortable, but she had made it to the other side. They both knew the elf would not go over Kat's head, but she was still being given an out. She could handle finishing their assignment at hand. She would cling to the hope that, if she continued to be on her best behavior, Kat would give her the chance to settle her past.
"Of course, ma'am," she replied with an earnest salute and a genuine, radiant smile. "Til then, the only thing on my mind is our case. I'm all yours; you have my word."
"Good," Kat murmured as she returned to her desk and the papers scattered atop it.
"Now get out of m'sight for an hour or two before I change m'mind, and there better be a bottle in one hand when ya' return."
[ @kat-hawke​ ]
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kat-hawke · 4 years
Vynette’s Request
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The Unit's return to Stormwind was unceremonious, as Kat preferred, and every operative had their hands full within the first hour. The guards were overworked and understaffed following the scourge onslaught, and the paperwork piled higher by the day: missing persons, domestic threats, Cultist sightings and speculations. Kat and the others worked tirelessly throughout the day and night over the week to sort the reports to the correct groups and chase leads on the ones which pertained to their Unit.
At nearly two in the morning, Kat and Vynette were the only two remaining, shuffling through folders with inkwells, and the Director's supply of whiskey, running dry. The elven operative repeatedly tapped her heel, earning a stern glance from the Director in a silent demand to cease the annoying habit. All the while, Kat could feel Vynette's occasional glance, but the Director was content with the silence and private conversations with the dagger on her thigh.
"I was talking to an agent from another Unit today," the elven operation finally spoke without looking up from her work. "I guess they've had eight agents now put in to answer the call for aid. From, you know, the Covenants."
Immediately Kat's patience ebbed at the mention, letting out an exasperated sigh through the nose as she muttered her response without eye contact. "Uh-huh."
There were few reports about the tear in the veil between realms, and few yet about these supposed Covenants on the other side. Each document was skimmed and submitted to the appropriate Units, but Kat remained adamant that none of it was her concern.
She could hear Vynette's sigh, knowing the operative would push the topic, her patience continued to decline.
"It seems like the need for more trained hands is still pretty great. And what with the duties of wartime off everyone's plates, more or less," the elf's voice trailed softer and quicker as she mumbled, "I was considering requesting a temporary assignment to offer my abilities. Ma'am."
While Kat speculated, this is where the conversation was leading, hearing the words still shook her. The depleted patience turned to annoyance and anger as she stared at the paper in hand, a slow exhale spilling over the faintly parted lips which curled inward over the teeth. Collecting her thoughts with eyes closed and shutting out the voice from the dagger for a moment, she refrained from an explosive response.
"There are plenty of eager hero types and bucket-heads t'full the ranks," she spoke in a monotone, slowly opening her eyes. "We have plenty t'do here."
"I know. There is work to be done, and I'm not ignoring or underplaying the work we do." Vynette kept the topic afloat, furthering the slow boil in Kat's blood and testing the limits of her restrained temper.
"It is just... the request came for me specifically." An uncharacteristic uncertainty softened Vynette's voice. "My teacher is part of the House of Eyes. He has called for me to aid the Necro Lords."
Without missing a beat, Kat's eyes narrowed sharply following Vyn's confession, her tone turning ice-cold. "I see..." 
Looking away from the elf, she went back to the papers on her desk, the grip on her temper slipping away as her operative mentioned a figure from her past. The sudden sense of abandonment weaved into the abusive thoughts that came to mind.
"So after everythin', I've done, everythin' I've risked, yer going t' abandon me just like that." Pain and anger laced Kat's words, her jaw tightening towards the end as a stamp violently slammed upon a folder. "One letter from a ghost and I'm nothin' t' ya'."
"No, that's not it at all! You're... you mean a lot to me. You took a chance on me." Vynette's voice lowered as the door to their office remained open. "I owe you everything."
Her words did little to cool the building heat within the Director's blood as she continued to shift through documents furiously and refuse to look at the elf.
"I am not looking to leave beyond a temporary reassignment; my home is here. With you and with the Unit." Vynette spoke again after a deep breath. "But he was the one who got me here. He saw value in me and gave me purpose. And I failed him. And he died," she finally admitted.
The rubber stamp was slammed into the ink pad and abandoned.
"And I saw value in ya', and gave ya' a new purpose!" Kat quickly countered, pointing a finger in the elven woman's direction. "A purpose that could have, and still could, get us both killed." 
With a scoff, Kat's head shook, and her arms crossed as she stood from the desk and paced. "Ya' failed him, but he sends a letter? Have ya' gone dense Vynette?" The woman's first name's deliberate use was rare, and she hoped it would erode the elf's will to continue the conversation. "It has trap written all over it. Or did ya' forget how ya' were ejected from the Horde?"
"I was overconfident when I got set up. I'm not that any more thanks to you," Vynette pointed out, pained by the truth in the Director's words. "Being by your side is important to me." 
Kat scoffed, shaking her head and putting her back to the elf as she examined the wall. Documents, photos, pins, and red tread all created the tapestry of their current open case to locate The Renovator. Her eyes glanced to the pin, which represented the Ren'dorei she awaited to hear a response.
"If bein' by my side is so important, then why so eager to leave it?" Pain and anger continued to lace the Director's words as she refused to face her operative.
"Kat..." Vynette pleaded. "There's still closure I need from my time as an apprentice. Shit I'm still carrying with me. My loyalty is with you; no one can change that. So I'm asking-- begging for the chance to serve the cause in the Shadowlands and put my ghosts to rest."
"Livin' in th' past never moved anyone forward," Kat responded in her chilled tone. "I need ya' here. Or is suddenly wot I and this job I graced ya' with no longer of importance? I didn' say a bloody thing when I came back to find yer visage eerily similar to mine, plucked a hair from the office, no doubt. Even when my patience is tested by yer sometimes questionable motivations and comments in the borderline territory of breakin' my rules, I allowed yer leash to remain lax. I never asked fer anythin' other than service in return, even after footin' the bills to fake and create yer life in the Alliance. But this is the thanks I get? T'be abandoned fer some Horde dog."
The elven operative stood from her seat as she pressed her defiance and rare occurrence from a woman who took pleasure from remaining obedient. "You've let my leash remain lax because I've done everything you've ever asked of me, without question. I've followed every order, completed every mission," her voice dropped lower but picked up its intensity, "I've done every off-book task you've needed with a smile because I'm your knife. I've committed sins for you, and I'd commit them thrice over, and you know that." 
As the operative's tone raced away, Kat looked back over her shoulder. One brow lifted as she stared the elven woman down from across the room as if cursing her for the act of defiance. Her teeth ground together as she contemplated the whispers of the soul-bound dagger.
Vynette's nose scrunched as she realized her tone was getting away, composing herself before resuming. "He's not some Horde dog, Director; he's found a place of high standing in the House of Eyes. If I went over your head, they'd give me the go-ahead. Hell, I could go to Fiske. I didn't do that because I don't give a shit about their authority. You're the one I follow."
"Go over m'head or t'Fiske, and it won't be a temporary reassignment." The Director barked the threat, the hold on her temper loosening further as the primal beast within began to stir. Though she knew the woman would never go over her head.
Resigning to defeat, Vynette sank into her seat, her gaze fixated on her desk. "If you command me to stay, I'll stay. I don't ask for much. But I'm just asking for you to trust me. I have debts to repay, but he's not my master anymore."
Content with the operative's surrender, Kat raked her fingers through the raven tresses with a silent breath of relief. "When this case is over," she motioned to the wall at her side as she turned to face the elf finally. "Then I will consider signin' off on a temporary reassignmen'. I will no' make any promises, however."
"Of course, ma'am," Vynette replied with an earnest salute and a genuine, radiant smile as the visible tension in her shoulders relaxed. "Til then, the only thing on my mind is our case. I'm all yours; you have my word."
"Good," Kat murmured as she returned to her desk and the papers scattered atop it. The pleasure she found in the elf's tension over the defiance was kept hidden.
"Now get out of m'sight for an hour or two before I change m'mind, and there better be a bottle in one hand when ya' return."
"Yes, ma'am," Vynette complied without hesitation, hastily exiting the office as commanded.
The fountain pen spun between Kat's nimble fingers as she stared at the door long after the elf was out of sight, leaning back into the seat with a deep sigh. This act of defiance was unexpected and worrisome, as she relied on Vynette's desire for subservience to keep her firm grip over the displaced Sin'dorei. The thought that putting those supposed ghosts to rest would change her behavior had the Director concerned. A shift in their dynamic of power was a threat to stability and security, the very idea of which caused the pit in her stomach to churn. There was also the fear of this former master swaying her operative into a new life and role, one of possible betrayal from within.
"I said I would consider it, not guarantee it." She responded to her mental conversation and returned to work, trying to set her paranoia to rest.
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[ @lovelydeadlysocialite​ ] [ Vague Mentions: @alyssa-ward, @longveil ]
(Vynette’s perspective)
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raichijin · 4 years
 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ukiyo; the floating world.  chapter 2. 
preface; took me exactly a week to write. possibly the most uneventful, but important in setting up the rest of the story. enjoy ! (also, my first writing post on this account ! awesome.)
word count; 1.6k .
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pretty. a pretty boy; with eyes the color of almonds and hair the same shade of rich oaky brown as a morning cup of coffee.
his smile is sweet like creamer, & the way his eyes crinkle at the corners when he closes them is cute, too.
a new relationship, perhaps?
you’re so in awe that when you notice his face fall and he’s pulling his hand away, you realize it’s been 15 seconds and you’ve been standing for approximately 30, just staring.
wow, that’s awkward.
“... are you okay?” he asks you again, slower this time.
“i — yeah! totally. i just— i guess i’m just lost?” you look around for anything that could trigger a memory, or even something that looks remotely familiar.
 there’s nothing. “yeah, that must be it...ʲᵘˢᵗ ˡᵒˢᵗ.” he tilts his head at you, then smiles a little thinner, with only his lips and no teeth before gesturing towards the classroom door, other hand digging into his pants pocket.
“then i can show you around!” he hastily offers, giving you his arm before you even know his name, and the scary possibility that the ‘you’ in this world might’ve had a more notable presence starts sounding like a reality when your name falls effortlessly from his bubblegum pink lips, a cutesy ‘chan’ accompanying it.
“ah, you know me?” 
& while his nose crinkles in a way that’s not cute nor pretty, his smile remains steadfast until he turns away. “well, who doesn’t? our school doesn’t get exchange students too often. especially not ones as handsome as yourself~.” there’s that lilt again. as if he’s trying to make you fall in love with his voice alone, and you might’ve (you are).
“oh! uh, thank you, but-” you both step into the hallway, and the image of a highschool is imprinting itself in your brain. the uniform, the students, teachers, each class room and their individual signs, the kanji that somehow makes sense, and the sudden realization that everything around you is being spoken in spitfire japanese.
you’re speaking it, too.
“i don’t think i know you. what’s your name?”
the cute guy blanches, and suddenly everything seems more interesting to him.
his fingernails, a sudden itch on his nose, and random (read: fawning) passerby.
“um — i’m oikawa! the captain of the volleyball team?” oikawa phrases it like a question, as if you know him; and if he was expecting that flexing that kind of achievement would give him some kind of leeway, he couldn’t be more mistaken.
but for politeness sake, you can pretend to be interested, especially if it means he’d divulge more information about the school.
‘seijoh’ was the name, right? you could probably search it up later. you pat your pockets for the outline of a cell phone, and then realize it might still be in your bag — 
fuck, you still haven’t responded. you need to get better with your reaction time.
“oh! that’s cool.” said in a way that does a decent enough job of feigning interest, because his lips quirk back up. “class ended, right? are you gonna go to practice right now?”
“well...” he pretends to ponder the question. “that’s the plan! we should get going, before iwa-chan gets mad at me.”
“i — i mean, i would, but i don’t wanna be a bother —” but he’s already taking your hand and pulling you down the hall and out a door, quickly explaining some things you see that catch your eye along the way. before you know it, he’s guiding you towards a different building entirely, where the entrance is crowded by … students? some boys, some girls, some not even wearing the school’s uniform.
and they’re definitely not in any volleyball uniforms, or in anything in relation to sports. so what could they possibly be here for?
a high pitched squeal very quickly answers your question.
“look! he’s here!” the gaggle of students nearly trample you with how fast they surround oikawa, too busy ogling the captain to pay you much mind. you would’ve gotten swept away in the commotion if not for oikawa’s tightened grip around your wrist.
he tries (and fails) to calm down the small crowd huddled around him, but it makes enough noise that it starts to attract the attention from the players inside the gym. some look jealous, unsurprised, and one, standing out amongst the rest. with his lips pulled back into a sneer, sweat dripping down the side of his face, and —
“SHITTYKAWA!” the noise outside quiets down to a few whispers and just as quickly the crowd came in, they clear out, as the nameless begins to approach.
he carries himself high and fast and even if he comes up to a little under oikawa height wise, whoever he is, he clearly has mr. volleyball captain at least bashful.
… didn’t he mention someone who’d get pissy if he was late to practice?
“is that —” 
“iwa-chaaaaaan!” oikawa waves his hands absently as a means to placate his friend's temper, and he lets go of you in the process, providing you an ample opportunity to slip back into school, but your feet feel stuck to the floor and you can’t bring yourself to look away from the scene unfolding. this iwa-chan talks to oikawa like he’s his mother. stern with sharp features and a look that could actually kill.
oikawa really fucked up, huh? well, he might’ve not even gotten told if you didn’t pop out of the damn closet though. but it’s too late to apologize, because oikawa’s pointing at you, says something about you being the reason he got held up, and iwa-chan is directing that hard stare at you.
you could melt. if oikawa was pretty, then iwa-chan was handsome. a new love interest perhaps? he seemed hot enough to be one. where oikawa’s smile felt accommodating, iwa-chan’s sneer morphing into an expression of indifference and then slight charm feels more real, and is, in turn, more endearing.
“and you’re the new student? you’re the reason why he’s late?” you nod sharply, and explain how you fell out of the closet… and how oikawa helped you up. he flicks oikawa’s forehead just then, and you laugh, worsened by the kicked puppy expression scribbled all over the captain’s face.
“you’re laughing at this? iwa-chan! cut it out — you’re already rubbing off on them!”
“trashykawa! what the hell were you trying to do with the transfer?” he tugs on his ear like a disappointed parent, but shoots you an apologetic smile.
“i’m sorry you had to deal with him.” oh, you beautiful human, you do not have to be sorry for anything — “i can take him from here — just tell me if this dumbass bothers you again.”
“i wasn’t bothering them i —” iwa-chan glares daggers into him and he concedes, letting himself get dragged into the gym building, his teammates laughing at him, and leaving you behind. they all trail inside before the gym doors close, and suddenly, this area feels pointless.
was this the end of the day? 
you go back into the school, backpack slung anxiously over your shoulder. how were you supposed to find the bedroom to save your game if you didn’t even know where your house was? did you miss a cutscene? did you do something wrong?
a distinct buzzing from your backpack halts your train of thought.
you dig through your pack to find your phone, a rectangular brick with a few stickers on it, opening to your fingerprint and showing you text message notifications from one ushiwaka-san.
the third named character you’ve met in a day. 
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ushiwaka-san: have you reached home yet?
huh. is he your parent? guardian? you don’t know any kid who’d put their fathers name so informally.
you: uh, not quite, no 
you: how do i get back? i kind of like
you: forgot
you: my bad dad
ushiwaka-san is … typing !
ushiwaka-san: dad?
ushiwaka-san: what do you mean?
ushiwaka-san is … typing !
ushiwaka-san: whatever.
ushiwaka-san: give me a moment.
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you cringe at how badly you misread that, but he eventually sends you the address and instructions on how to get to, where you hope is, home, and with a few pointers from some straggler students, you’re off.
the sun is kissing the hills by the time you’ve reached your destination. your legs are burning from the walk, and you feel like you could collapse on the doorstep if you didn’t know your bed was behind it, decidedly more comfortable than the concrete. 
you find some keys in the side pocket of your bag and unlock the door to the house. it looks pretty enough on the inside, but you’re too tired to appreciate the graphics. you just want to save the game and be done with this.
forty dollars for a walking simulator? no wonder your friend didn’t like it. you have to duck into a few rooms before one reminds you of the one they showed you when the game booted up originally. you flop on the bed before you get the sudden urge to look at your phone again.
a notes app has popped up.
you can write your discoveries after a scenario here. useful for remembering important things, like dates, likes and dislikes, etc.
you can access this when not in a scene, occasionally in-between or during class, or when you’re in your room for the night.
it feels like someones projecting their thoughts into your brain, and it kind of hurts, but you keep it in mind for the next time. you can’t even bother to get out of your uniform before it’s like your eyes are shutting themselves, no matter how much you try to force them back open.
the day is ending, and it’s time to save your progress.
you black out.
the void cradles you. a feeling akin to falling asleep yet wide awake, you settle here until the confirmation of a saved game rings vaguely through your head.
then, just as suddenly,
you’re up.
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passing the baton to you kat! @letshaikyuu.
𝔱 𝔞 𝔤 𝔩 𝔦 𝔰 𝔱 ;  @kingkageyamathegreat, @sayakaaaaaa, @tobubekida-yo @chigigami, @sugacookiies, @macaronnv, @cadekagi
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darkestwolfx · 4 years
Hyperspeed - Re-Review #51
So, Scott’s back! He’s obviously been making the most of that vacation time Virgil mentioned, or maybe sorting out things for Tracy Industries? Who knows, choose what you like, but he’s back in blue!
And it’s another high-speed, runaway train (of sorts). He get all the best jobs, doesn’t he?
And hello to you David Tennant (aka Tycho Reeves, billionaire inventor), thank you for joining us in this great episode of TAG looking very like yourself.
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Is anyone else getting 10th Doctor vibes? All we need now are his 3D glasses and the look is complete. Really though, they even put him in blue!
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So this is the Hypercar - it’s like the next addition to the monorail or the underground (evolved obviously, the underground is redundant by 2060). It’s even faster than FireFlash apparently. That’s saying something.
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Now, let’s meet Gertie Bunson - the next annoying reporter to grace TAG with her presence. Really, let’s just stop writing in reporters hey? That’s an idea right there.
“An excited crowds awaits the arrival of the very first Hypercar, which should be here any minute now! Isn’t that right Tycho?”
“Less than a minute in fact. We’ll be pulling to Nightbridge Station in sixteen seconds. Hmm, that’s two seconds early.”
A whole two seconds? To most people, that would go completely unnoticed. Two minutes on the other hand, that we tend to notice. Two seconds? I’m not a clock watcher.
“Here they come now! This is where Tycho and his guest will be arriving- whoa! Wasn’t it supposed to stop?”
Well, if you hadn’t asked that, Gertie, we might never have guessed that was the intention - you know, always try and cover your mistakes.
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And then - in very 10th Doctor fashion - Tycho starts rambling on (like all great scientists apparently do) about the size of bugs. Oh, but, did we mention they’re still speeding up? Oopps.
Time to make that call, I think.
John is clearly taking his turn for vacation time now as Grandma’s at the desk doing a spell of monitor duty. At least it keeps her out of the kitchen!
“If anybody can catch up to you it’s us!”
Yep! Now we get to see them try. Love high speed chases me.
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“Boys, sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep with an early morning emergency, but these people need help.”
“Time to fly.”
“And I’ll try to work out what has gone wrong with this amazingly brilliant design!”
Sleepy? Wake up as quick as you like, Scott, but ideally before you pilot One, and ideally before the Hypercar crashes. Gosh, really, what has that boy been doing since ‘Long Haul’?
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“Closing in on the Hypertube now. Any luck figuring out what’s gone wrong Brains? Brains?”
“Uh, I think your friend may be a tad... starstruck.”
A tad? Brains is literally frozen starting with blinky eyes.
“I’m your number one fan!”
“Well Brains, if you ever want to meet Tycho in person, we better to figure out how to stop his car.”
And then Brains does the sciency bit with a whole lot of praise thrown in. It’s like the opposite of an episode featuring Langstrom Fischler, no negative vibes here please.
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“I’ll be able to rescue you after the hypercar makes a water landing.”
“Absolutely not! We’re travelling in a vacuum.”
“Hitting the atmosphere at mach eight would be like-”
“-slamming into a brick wall.”
Nice try, Scott, but it seems like you’re on delivery boy duty. I love Brains and Tycho finishing each other’s sentences.
I can’t believe this screenshot is like nowhere over the internet! Seriously Gertie being blown away by Thunderbird One’s landing due to her own stupidity is absolutely class entertainment.
“We’ve been told to evacuate the platform as Thunderbird One lands, but we’re not gonna miss a chance to bring you this thrilling live shot of- whoa! Let’s move back a bit shall we?”
It’s like Ned Cook (TOS) reincarnated. Or maybe he finally married, or had a sister we never knew about.
He looks so happy! Honestly though, I would too if I could have a friend like mini-MAX. I want one.
“If you check your sash, you’ll find a new tool of your own.”
“Thanks Brains, but what does it- Whoa!”
“Meet Mini-MAX.”
“Brains, you always surprise me.”
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“Just one question. How do you expect your hypercar to catch up with Tycho’s?
“I don’t expect to catch them. I expect them to catch me.”
“I’ve begun to question the merits of this plan!”
You and me both Tycho. I know Scott lives for a bit of speed and danger but this is a new one. 
“You must go faster Scott!”
“Kinda already knew that Brains.”
Tycho is a smart man. I would have strapped in as well.
“Good job! How did you make it go faster?”
“I’m not exactly sure.”
“I’ll try and figure out what you and Mini-MAX did. It may lead us to the problem.”
Now look at Mini-MAX holding on for dear life!
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Good idea Brains! Let’s check in with Tycho and the others in their Hypercar, shall we?
“Bet you didn’t know you’d be getting a demonstration of our Collision Protection System, ey?”
“I feel like a balloon animal.”
Where as I saw this, and instantly my brain went;
It’s the Michelin Man!
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No, seriously, it is, and he says hello;
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And during these testing times, there’s something for everyone. You can join his lockdown running classes;
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Or something steadier and calmer, like his yoga classes;
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Feel the zen!
Or there’s even dancing classes!
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P.S. Wait until we get to the end of the review, I swear this is where Brains gets his moves from. You’ll see, trust me. (And if you’re new to the Re-Review Series, my brains wonders a lot so... and if you’re not new to it, you should have expected to see this).
Right, back to impending doom;
“Tycho, so nice to finally meet you! Virtually at least.”
“Oh, impressive invention!”
It’s like Brains gets to achieve his dream meeting! That little mechanical hand is never getting washed.
Mini-MAX is great, really, I want one, but I’m with Scott here;
“Uh, guys, sorry to interrupt but uh, imminent doom?”
I called that!
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“Tycho’s design appears to be perfect. So the problem must have been a manufacturing error when the car was built.”
“I’ve been thinking the same thing. If the throttle is working, one of the plasma plugs must have machined improperly.
“Oh no.”
“Ah, a couple of bad plasma plugs should be pretty easy to fix.”
You obviously weren’t listening to Brains crucial “oh no” there Scott.
“Fixing them is the easy part, but reaching them is next to impossible.”
“The plasma plug assembly can only be accessed from outside the car. Specifically, underneath it.”
“Got ya.”
I love Mini-MAX clipping Scott to the train. I would trust Mini-MAX over my own self any day.
“Looks like a fun place to hang out.”
What is it with Scott and ‘hanging’ out? This does not look like my idea of fun, thank you very much. I would like to keep myself upright, and maybe in one of those comfy seats feeling like a balloon animal. That sounds appealing whilst the world falls apart... if you need me, I’ll be waiting out with the collision protection system and the Michelin Man.
Joke, I’ll be here working and writing the Re-Reviews! I would now like a balloon animal though...
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“Dropping even a single bolt would be catastrophic!”
“I don’t think that’s going to be hard to remember Brains!”
At least we’ve graduated from ‘Runaway’ where Brains insisted Scott take notes. That would be a little impossible here, after all. The notepad would be blown away!
Borrowed just a few of Virgil’s power tools there, did you Scott? Best return them all in once piece or he might ruin your portrait too. I know he got Tycho’s from the control station, but I couldn’t resist the chance to reference ‘Inferno’ here. Whist we’re on the note of references, here’s another ’Brink of Death’ (TOS) situation.
I love our contest winners;
“That was Grandpa. He loves to go fast.”
“I do!”
“And you don’t?”
“Honestly, we’re just lucky I have thrown up yet.”
I’m with Tycho this time. Oh seems appropriate. I love that we’re breaking stereotypes here (something TAG have done pretty well at in general). You don’t have to be young to love a bit of speed.
“I probably want to replace these one at a time then huh?”
“Yes, and very carefully.”
Oh, uh, what were you saying about remembering? First the drill nearly went down and then- wait, down goes the plasma plug!
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“Nice catch!”
Mini-MAX to the rescue.
“One more twist and we’ll finally be able to slow- down!”
Or not. You just had to say it.
I think Brains should have got on the phone to EOS - she knows all about hacking high-speed methods of transportation.
“Why would the speed increase at random like that! If the controls aren’t making the car go faster, then the only way it could be accelerating is... oh no! Tycho, one of your formulas has a small error.”
“Impossible! My calculations were perfect.”
“I thought so too.”
“No! That should be metres per second squared! Oh how could I be so foolish!”
“Even genius’ make mistakes.”
There goes that Scott Tracy trait of forgiveness and acceptance again. I do love it when they show moments like this. Of all the brothers, Scott is the best at staying calm and talking to people, reassuring them that things aren’t always black and white. These scenes were always building towards something, and we’re going to see the real test in the next episode. To do a job like this you have to be selfless, but Scott is almost self-sacrificing (well, the whole family is in a sense), but remember with Kat, for example, Scott had no reason to stay, but he did. It’s just him, and this is an excellent follow through.
“Yes, but my mistake is going to destroy us all! There’s no way for us to stop.”
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“Let’s just take a breath and slow down so we can think this through.”
“Slow down...”
“Yeah, that’s the idea.”
“No, slow down! We don’t have to stop the car we just need to be in a slower vehicle that won’t vaporize when it’s hits the atmosphere! Oh, you’re a genius! Right the vehicle will need to be fast enough to reach us with enough thrust to slow down in time.”
“Brains, we need Thunderbird Four inside the Hypertube ASAP. And put it in there backwards.”
The man with a plan is on a roll again!
Cut back to Gertie Bunson reporting again, and a nice little reconstruction on Thunderbird Four’s traditional launch sequence, because Thunderbird Four has arrived! A submersible out of water.
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And now we go from Scott Photo Central to squid screen time!
“Um, are we sure this is a good idea?”
Maybe not Gordon, but let’s launch before anyone answers you.
“Bad idea!”
And then you can answer yourself! Great times.
“You’re losing speed, Gordon!”
“Don’t worry, Brains. If I can see it, I can catch it.”
You know, I am jealous of how good an aim every member of this family has. I am rubbish at catch.
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“Welcome aboard.”
Gordon steadying Scott is like brilliant. We need more moments of these two for sure.
“It’s working. We’re slowing down.”
“But will it be enough?”
And there go the hypercars... exploding.
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“Virgil, they’re loading into Thunderbird Four, get ready to show them a way out.”
And because you’ve got to get a daily dose of Virgil in there;
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“Let’s hope you guys make a slower, gentler exit.”
“Hey, I’m nothing if not gentle! Brace for impact!”
We’ll ignore the oxymoron there.
“We made it! We didn’t burn up!”
Yeah, just give away to the poor civilians that you weren’t expecting to survive, Gordon. That’s really reassuring.
“Did you guys have a plan for how to land this thing?”
It’s Gordon and Virgil, Scott. There’s always a plan. Even if it’s a little improvised or thrown together at the last minute.
“Um, kinda.”
Just another mid-air catch of Thunderbird Four, nothing special to see here, folks.
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Who am I kidding? Bring in the applause! We’ve seen this move in ‘Extraction’ and ‘Clean Sweep’ and Virgil never gets it wrong. Takes talent.
“Everyone ok?”
“Can we do that again!”
“No thanks.”
Yeah, I’m with Tycho again. Just watching it made my head spin.
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“Big thanks to International Rescue for saving our lives.”
“And for the thrill of a lifetime.”
Nice to get a thank you in there for once.
More high fives! Is there a gif set of the TAG high fives yet? Keep them coming I like them. Nice happy moments, high fives. Brains has basically just got his dream come true!
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Of this I have no wordable description, and it looks like Grandma doesn’t either.
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Do you see?
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Look at Mini-MAX! He’s like a robot version of a dog. I really want one, and I’m sad we never see him again! Bye Mini-MAX!
“I did - finally - get you to London.”
“Thanks, but um... how are we getting back to Tokyo?”
“Oh... yes, uh... Scott?”
Yeah, just turn to our ideas man. He’ll always come up with something. It’s a little like TOS ‘Cry Wolf’ here, where Scott lets Tony and Bob ride in Thunderbird One. He’s a crowd pleaser, this one.
“Want to go for a ride?”
“Oh um, that would be great I guess.”
“Now, tell me about those engines.”
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That smile of Tycho’s as they walk to Thunderbird One - goodness I love how much is contained in that single expression.
Oh, but don’t forget Gertie! Desperately trying to get her scoop - very Ned Cook. Maybe she’s his daughter? I don’t think I entertained that possibility earlier...
“Scott Tracy, any chance we can get a quick interview?”
*Engines start... deliberately*
“You know what? Nevermind. Another time. Maybe.”
What gave it away that he didn’t want to talk to you?
This ending scene is one of my favourite, little sweet moments. After an epic rescue like that, this was needed.
Well, let’s look to Monday for the final episode of Series 2! I can’t believe we’ve already made it this far. We can tell something is coming though - the end credit music had a slight variant to it. The musical score in this series really was on point.
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nightwingvixen23 · 5 years
💋The Real Mob Wives Of Gotham City🍎
                                        Episode fucking 1 : 
 “Don’t smoke in my mutha fuckin house ya lil’ twink”
*door’s of Wayne Manor slamming open*
Selena : Who’s that ??
Tim : *appears* 
Jason : . . .
Talia : . .
Rose : ..
Dick : *loudly drinking wine*
Tim : check this out *showing off wedding ring* Kon and I made this official 
Dick : Oh my GAWD it’s delicious !
Jason : You little hoe’s wanna see a REAL rock ? BAM ! *slams hand down onto kitchen counter/glistening wedding ring stacked as fuck* choke on THAT bitches, eat your ******’ hearts out, get wet over it; you know I love that ****
Tim : ooooh. my. GAWD. JASON ! why is everything such a ******* competition with you !
Jason : nothin’s a competition here sweetie, I was just showin’ us all who’s husband really cares to spoil their wife here
Dick : *pouting into his wine glass*
Talia : *eyes rolled* this is honestly why I don’t like hanging out with you goomahs...
Rose: I’m over here, questioning why I even show up, because, why would I hang out with the man that my dad is ******* ?
Dick : ok let’s get one lil’ thing straight here hon, I am not just the man your dad is *******, we’re MARRIED and you are my DAUGHTER. We’re F A M I L Y
Tim : Can we go back to me please ?? Hellooooooo !! Like, I thought this was a safe place where I could *tearing up* share my ******* feelings and like *whiny voice* celebrate a milestone between me and my fiance with you all but I guess not
Jason : boo ******* hoo
Tim : I don’t need this. I’m done. it’s over
*ominous music playing*
Jason : such a princess. 
Tahlia : If Tim is a princess then what the hell does that make you Jason ?
Dick : Oh honey, don’t do this...
Talia : No no, *sits wine glass aside* I am going to do this. Everyone’s so afraid to stand up to him, I’m sick of it ! What are you, huh Jason ? Feelin like the big bad ass mob bitch just ‘cause you’re riding Roman’s **** ?
Rose : *mouth falling open dramtically*
Jason : Excuse you but um *laughter* I am the one with my thighs wrapped around his neck every night choking his ass halfway to Heaven so I ain’t no princess sweetie, I’m the mother ****** Queen 
Tim : god damn all this. I need a smoke *lights cigarette*
Selena : there’s no smokin’ in my house ya lil’ twink !
Tim : so you think just ‘cause you married my daddy that you can tell me what to do ? *puts cigarette between lips* screw off puttana
Selena :*fighting for the cigarette with Tim*
*ominous music getting more ominous*
*Gotham City Mob wives looking around frantically*
Dick: *pouring more wine*
*distant splash*
Dick : *distracted/wine splashing over wine glass*
Tim : *walking in from the outside patio/cigarette between his lips* Just pushed Selena into the ******* pool. Mommie Dearest isn’t gonna snag my cig
Bruce : *appears* you WHAT ?!
Tim : i drowned your kitty kat
Bruce : *rushing outside to the patio*
*mob wives gathering by the patio doors to watch Bruce strip shirtless and dive into the pool after a struggling Selena*
Jason : I don’t get it. Why do you have a pool if Selena can’t swim
Dick : it’s for looks obviously
Bruce : *helping a drenched Selena back into the manor*
Selena : *mascara dripping thick down her face*
Tim : you look like a drowned rat
Selena : get outta my house
Tim : *blows smoke ring into her face* make me
*cuts to solo interview with Dick* 
Dick : *puts fake phone to his ear* Hi, yes, 911 ?? I’d like to make a missing persons report because my little sweetheart Timmers has just been replaced with a bad bitch. Yes thank you *hangs up fake phone*
*cuts back to Selena drenching wet glaring at Tim*
Bruce : Put out the cigarette Timothy
Tim : but daddy, you smoke cigars all the time
Selena : And stop calling my husband daddy
Tim : He’s my father
Dick : He’s our father
Jason : we all call him daddy
Talia : quite the jealous little haugty that you’ve remarried Bruce *holds wine glass up* sorry I couldn’t attend the wedding, but *takes a drink* here’s my late toasting and congrats galletto 
Bruce : If there was one thing that I could have done differently on the day that I met you Talia, it was that I would have turned the hell away
Talia : . .
Dick : oop 👀
Tim : I’m outta cigs. Jay, run me up the street 
Jason : *wraps an arm around Tim* I’ve got you mimmo *walking by Selena and Bruce/twin glares*
Selena : Bruce, your son’s are toO MUCH FOR ME !
Dicks : The money sure ain’t
Rose : *eyeing the back of Dick’s head for his comment*
*cuts to solo interview with Rose*
Rose : okay. . . *deep breath*. . .but like. . . *long nails tapping*.  . . can someone just tell me why this homewrecking bitch is even talking ?? Liiiike....I’m just—I just—I’m so over this— *gets up/leaves interview*
*cuts back to Selena still drenching wet [someone get this woman a fuckin’ towel] stomping away from Bruce*
Selena : Not only is one son a tyrant from hell, but the other is an imp disguised as an angel, THIS ONE *snatches wine bottle from Dick* keeps drinking all of MY ******* WINE !! and don’t even get me started on D A M I A N 
Talia : oh no we can get ******* started *taking off earrings* what about my piccolo, go ahead, what about him 
Bruce : *coming between ex wife and current wife*
Talia : WHAT ABOUT HIM, don’t ******* talk about my lil’ cucciolo if you can’t back it up  with a fist !
Selena : *seething*
Dick : *snatches wine back* sorry but it ain’t your wine Mommie Dearest, it’s daddies wine
Bruce : Selena, how about going upstairs and taking a bath. I could use it too. calm down, cara
Selena : *sighing*. . .*leaving the kitchen*
Bruce : and just know this—
Selena : *stops*
Bruce : —my boys are my boys. they come first. you’re not to disrespect them again. Now, I’ll be up to join you shortly
Selena : *going off in spanish*
*run those fuckin’ ending credits yo. I don’t pay ya’ll shit but you signed up for this job, so if ya wanna c o m p l a i n  i’ll be in my office going down on a bottle of Hennessy bitches thx*
💋Up Next on :The Real Mob Wives of Gotham City. .🍎
Slade : *talking lowly with his Consigliere*
Dick : babe
Slade : *ignores Dick*
Dick : ...*unbuttons shirt/poses provocitively* ...hey, sexy ace; look
Slade : *no response*
Dick : ..
Slade : *talking to Consigliere*
Slade : You’re dismissed
Consigliere : *leaving*
Dick : *locks eyes with retreating Consigliere*
Dick : . . 
Dick :
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zalrb · 4 years
how would u rank the euphoria characters based on most to least compelling/complex? love ur blog !
Thanks, anon! So I take it that you’ve read my initial breakdown of the characters in Euphoria, but in case you haven’t I’ll put it right here
And I bring it up because I just have to restate what my issue was with Euphoria which was that I didn’t feel like most of the characters were characters, I felt like they were archetypes that were vehicles for the cycles Sam Levinson wanted to explore, like they’re very structured because they have to operate within their given cycle so I didn’t feel like they were written with the impulsivity or the organic quality that makes a character feel like a person you’re watching. The issues they’re going through are definitely issues dealt with in real life and in real life I wouldn’t minimize them, on a show, I’ve seen them done before in various iterations so complexity isn’t really a factor for me because I don’t feel like any of them --- except for maybe Rue’s addiction --- are being approached in ways I find innovative or fresh, it all actually comes across as trite but obviously that’s my perspective of the way the issues are being presented.
And that means that for this ask, it’s all down to the actors and actresses who play them, who were the best at imbuing emotional nuance to their characters and who played their characters with a personality.
So Rue would be my first just because I think Zendaya did a pretty great job bringing the emotion of Rue’s cycle to life
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as well as showing Rue’s personality
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Kat would be my second not because I particularly enjoyed her storyline though I understood it because, again, the show makes sure you understand it it’s like a by-numbers kind of deal but because Kat had a very strong personality and she probably felt the most like a character to me out of everyone on the show
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And Barbie Ferreira pulls it off unlike Maddy who I guess would be my fourth. Maddy does have a personality outside of her cycle
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and I think out of all of them Maddy had the potential to be the most interesting to me because of the fact she is a victim of abuse but is also a perpetrator of destructive behaviour i.e. when she lies about blacking out and she was accuses the wrong person for something Nate did  and that tension is interesting and sad and potentially complicated.
But --- and this is definitely an unpopular opinion -- I don’t think Alexa Demie is a good actress. She lacks conviction to me and always looks kind of plastic, which would make sense for her character but she’s meant to have moments of vulnerability or self-awareness and even when she has moments of anger and sass, I don’t believe it
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she never gets to that place where I feel like she’s living in her emotion, which is a place that Zendaya can get to.
When she’s in the police station and the officers rip her clothes so they can see the bruises on her neck, the scene itself is poignant and sad but it could’ve been gut-wrenching with the right actress and it got the point across effectively but I felt like it missed that mark from acceptable or good to it being great and excellent and I feel like so much of Maddy for me could’ve been taken to the next level if they had a better actress.
To be completely honest with you I don’t remember much about Nate except broad strokes --- which is frankly how I remember most of Euphoria --- but I do remember feeling like I got into Nate’s interority outside of Rue’s voiceover and explanations more than I did with other characters, which made him feel more like a person than a lot of the characters so I’m having as third.
I honestly don’t have much to say about Jules because I found her kind of amorphous and abstract when I was watching the show and I remember just being like so you met this girl for 30 seconds and fell in love with her, well I guess you’re a teen so context, but what? And you love Rue but ... huh? (you also have to remember I wasn’t actively engaged in the show) but that didn’t exactly bother me, I thought that it worked for her character so I’ll put her fifth.
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I felt like Euphoria did a disservice to Chris, he kind of just disappears, and you don’t really know that much about him except for his cycle and the added nod of “work twice as hard as the white players around you” during his episode which wasn’t really about him so I’m not putting him anywhere.
Cassie would be my last because I don’t think she has a personality, I think she has a cycle and that’s not to be confused with character. I think she put up with a lot of shit from guys and I think her reactions to things makes sense for her archetype and her cycle --- I speak about that in the linked post but I don’t know who she is and I get that she doesn’t know who she is outside of boys and I suppose she’s going to figure that out but even when a character doesn’t know who they are and they have to figure it out, they still have some kind of personality and I just didn’t get that from Cassie. Like Daniel’s harsh 180 was terrible of course, but in terms of character and writing, when he called her boring and uninteresting, I was like, she is though.
So. My thoughts!
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I’m Always Curious Part Thirty
Previous Part | Next Part |  Masterlist Notes: I hope everyone’s having a good week 💕
Welcome back to Pike’s POV! I hope y’all like it 😬
Warnings: Cursing and canon-typical violence/suspense(?) Summary: Christopher Pike was well and truly at a loss. 
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She didn’t like this.
Pike could see that in her every gesture, hear it in every word. He saw it in the way her jaw clenched minutely when they were discussing the prospect of a manual tag; he could hear it in her dejected sigh of, “But we put our dreams away.” He didn’t know what that meant to either her or Reno, but he didn’t like the sound of it coming from either of them. Christopher Pike was well and truly at a loss. He was unfamiliar with the mission type, with the man running it, and he felt wholly unfamiliar with the Commander suiting up to pilot the attack fighter to tag the DY-100. He should not have felt so unfamiliar with the Commander. He knew her, or had known her, before. But she seemed so changed since the last time they’d been in one another’s company. That morning was something that Christopher thought about more often than he cared to admit: the memory of her waking in his arms, the sweet kisses and soft murmurs, her being summoned for a mission, telling him that she’d be back in an hour—
Christopher pulled himself from thought as he stepped onto the turbolift with Durling to head to the Bridge. The Commander’s words were still ringing in his head: “Caught the wrong end of a bat’leth.” She said it like it was something that happened every day. But then, for her and Durling, and for much of Starfleet, that had been their reality for almost a year.  “You worried?” Pike glanced over to see Durling watching him expectantly, waiting for an answer. He wasn’t sure he liked the man very much. The Commander seemed very familiar with him, but by their accounts, they had spent much of the war working with one another on such missions as the upcoming 22-9-14. Christopher had caught the look that Durling had cast the Commander when he’d introduced himself; he couldn’t help but wonder how much he knew. Perhaps he was simply aware of the fact that the Commander was previously stationed on the Enterprise. “You and the Commander seem to have things in hand,” He answered crisply, “As you’ve said, you’ve run plenty of these, I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Durling gave Pike a small nod, “Been a while for you two, huh? Seeing each other.” “Yes, it has. You were stationed together for most of the war?” “That’s right.” “For how much of that time was she a Commander?” “Not much, mostly the last leg. At that point, we were placed on separate craft. She was put in charge of a fleet of attack fighters, stationed out of Starbase 412.” “So you’re used to calling the shots,” Pike offered. Durling chuckled. “Guess so, but I’ve been under her a time or two.” He stepped off of the turbolift ahead of Pike, who watched him go with narrowed eyes. The implication was clear, and the ease of interaction between the two did lend credence to it. Christopher was not sure he liked Eli Durling. -- He had offered the Captain’s chair to Durling, who had politely declined. Instead, Durling had briefly commandeered Burnham’s station, with Burnham and Tilly hovering beside. Pike couldn’t bring himself to sit, so he stood instead, eyeing the S.S. Botany Bay. The craft was eerily silent and dark, drifting out in the ether like a whale in the open ocean. The Commander had launched from the shuttle bay only moments ago, and Pike watched the attack fighter approach. What could she possibly be thinking? 
Christopher used to be able to tell what she was thinking with a look. He knew every eye roll, brow raise, smile— They’d hardly met one another’s eyes since she’d been aboard the Discovery. When he’d seen her at Kat’s side, he could’ve sworn he was seeing a ghost. But she’d seemed so stunned in turn, had turned away so quickly— And, well… He had known that she had served on the Pinnacle for some time. He’d never been able to bring himself to reach out, a fact that had managed to escape Una’s notice until recently. And he hadn’t sought the Commander out while she was on the ship, either. There was a mission at hand, one that he was unfamiliar with and that they both needed to be focused on. 
Of course, it did not help that she was at the core of this mission. 
“How’s it looking, Commander?” The sound of Durling’s voice again drew Pike from his reverie. Her voice came through seconds later, “Like the holo, but bigger.” “...Thank you for that,” Durling answered, “Get ready for bot deployment—” “Afraid I can’t do that, Durling.” “You know I don’t like hearing that.” “You think I like saying it? Can Helm please patch through my feed?” There was a pause before the feed from the attack fighter came through. The hull of the S.S. Botany Bay was dark, slightly rusted. “Run a hull integrity test, please,” She added. Christopher could hear in her voice that she knew precisely what the outcome would be. He glanced back as he watched Michael step up beside Durling and run the calculations. “The integrity of the hull seems to be highly compromised,” Michael grimaced, glancing up at Pike. “What do you put the likelihood of an automated external tag application? I ran the numbers on the trip out, let’s see if we got the same thing,” The Commander commented from inside the ship. Christopher’s brows rose. The last time he recalled the Commander copping an attitude like that, they’d been in private; they had just returned from Koutov, and they had exchanged a fair amount of smack-talk in the gym before— “Why don’t you give me your number first,” Burnham offered. “Likelihood of a break from tag as a result of automated pressure sits at 94.772%.” “I had it at 94.771%,” Burnham reported. “Damn,” Detmer muttered. “So, Durling,” The Commander added, “I figure this is the part where you get to reach out to Admiral Cornwell for authorization of a manual tag. I’d do it, but I’m pretty sure it falls to you. You know, since you’re the commanding officer on this mission and all.” Tilly snorted, then slapped her hand over her mouth, averting her eyes as Durling glanced back at her. Pike cast the ensign a small, amused smile, fighting the urge to laugh, himself. He had known the Commander's unease with the mission since their briefing, and he could only imagine that Ensign Tilly had a handle on the Commander's feelings as well. Durling turned back to the station, fingers moving over the screen. “What happens now?” Pike asked, walking a little closer to the station. “We have to get authorization from Admiral Cornwell for a single ejection for the tag and run,” Durling answered, eyes set on the screen.  “Why a single ejection?” “The mechanism is tricky, and the longer the Commander spends out of the ship, the more risky it is—” “Captain, I’m getting a reading,” Owosekun spoke up, “There’s an unusual amount of… Debris, it looks like, coming off of the Botany Bay.” Pike frowned, striding over to the console and peering over it. He could see the pieces breaking away from the ship. His hand tightened on the back of where he’d rested it on Owo’s chair. He cleared his throat, speaking up: “Commander—” “I see it, Captain,” Was her quick answer, “Looks like it’s coming off of the cesium tanks— Durling, where are we—” “Authorization just came through. Eject at earliest convenience, tag fast, kid.” “Yessir.” Christopher leaned back from Owo’s station, letting go of her seat and turning back to Durling. “How long do you think it’ll take?” “In perfect conditions, minimal hull integrity, it takes her about 4 minutes. Something this delicate, though, it depends. Six minutes on the outside.” “Have we got a trajectory on the debris?” Pike asked. “Can you guys close comms for a few minutes? Trying to launch myself into space here,” The Commander spoke up through the mic. Byrce muttered an apology before shutting Comms. “We have a trajectory,” Detmer answered, glancing back at Pike, “The Commander and the attack fighter will be in its path in the next eight minutes.” That was a slim window. He glanced back at Durling. “The tether to her attack fighter—” “There isn’t one,” Durling shook his head, “No tether, just the Commander and a jetpack.” Pike felt a burst of fear in his chest that was unlike anything he’d felt in a long time. “She’s floating free out there?” He asked harshly. “If something were to hit the ship, it would drag her with it. She knows what the risks are, Captain, she’s done this before.” “Has she ever not made it back to the fighter?” “Once,” Eli conceded, nodding, “I don't know how they handled it, she was with the squadron at that point.” “Engaging tag,” The Commander’s voice crackled through the comm. “Copy,” Durling answered quickly. “Captain, the cesium components are picking up speed,” Detmer warned. “Suggestions?” Pike asked, looking around the bridges he grappled with his own solutions. “We could lock phasers on it,” Nhan offered. “The blasts could put the Commander in the path of the way rubble,” Burnham shook her head. “We could have the transporter bay lock on the Commander and prepare to beam her back to the ship,” Tilly offered. Durling nodded, “That could work,” As Pike turned to Detmer. “Get a lock on her signal, prepare to transport her back to the ship,” He ordered. “Aye, sir,” Detmer nodded. “Progress?” Durling asked into comms. “Working on enabling the proxy,” Came the Commander’s answer. “Work faster.” “You wanna come out here and do it?” “The cesium debris is picking up speed, your window’s closing.” “Course it is,” The Commander muttered, “This wasn’t already fun enough— I’m two minutes out.”  “Can you make that one?” Pike asked. “Only if you want the job done fast and not right, Captain.” Pike turned back to look out through the viewscreen, tucking his hands behind his back and clutching one wrist with his hand, giving it a squeeze as he watched the cesium debris drift closer. Urging her to work faster would only increase what was, no doubt, an already insane amount of pressure on the Commander. But he couldn't help the dread simmering in his stomach. He fought the urge to shift from foot to foot, to pace, if only to stop himself from taking one of the exploratory pods that he'd piloted previously and getting her out of there himself. “Where are we with the lock, Detmer?” He asked. “Locked on her signal, sir. Transporter bay’s prepared to beam her out,” Detmer reassured. Pike gave a nod of thanks, hand flexing. He could hardly see the Commander as it was— she was a speck on the hull of the Botany Bay, distant and easily missed if one didn’t know where to look. “Thirty seconds,” The Commander reported as Owo warned, “One minute.” “Window’s closing,” Durling warned, “We’re beaming you back.” “—Transporter’s been knocked offline, sir,” Detmer informed Pike worriedly, “There’s interference from the debris.” “I’m heading back to the fighter,” The Commander informed them. “Do you still have a lock on the Commander?” Pike asked. “Yes, and the transporter bay’s working to get back functionality.” Pike glanced between Detmer and Durling, waiting for any change, warning, but the first sign that he got was— “I’m in the fighter, hatch is locked,” The Commander reported, “Heading back for the Discovery.” Pike felt his shoulders relax a little for a moment, a quiet breath leaving him— until he heard alarms going off on the Commander’s side. “What’s happening over there?” Durling asked. “I’ve got heavy damage to the left warp nacelle, looks like some of that debris ripped through the unit.” “Can you make it back?” “I don’t hard I can push this thing,” The Commander admitted, and for the first time in a long time, Christopher heard a thread of fear in her voice. “Where are we with transporter bay?” He asked. “They’re at 74%,” Owosekun answered.
Pike watched with bated breath as the attack fighter began to weave its way through the debris field. He could see the sharp, jittering movements, the hairpin dives and dips it was forced to make. 
“Commander,” Burnham warned, “I’m detecting another impending detachment from the Botany Bay--”
“If you’re referring to that piece of hull breaking off, I am detecting that, too!” 
The Bridge crew watched, horrified, as a chunk of rusted ancillary hull peeled from the ship. It sailed through the cesium tank debris, sending pieces scattering toward the attack fighter. 
Pike heard the beeping of systems warnings and a hissed curse before: “I’ve got cabin puncture.”
“How bad?” Durling asked. 
“I am again asking if you’d like to come here out here yourself.”
Pike heard the flipping of switches on the other end.
“Where are we with transporters?” The Commander asked. 
“98%,” Detmer answered. 
“I’m initiating manual eject,” The Commander informed them. 
“You’re what?” Durling snapped nearly over the Commander answering, "It'll be easier for you to lock on my signal from outside of the fighter, the nacelle's heating up and I don't want to beaming in a damaged warp component instead'a me!"
“I want phasers ready on the debris and tractor beam locked on that attack fighter,” Pike warned. He vaguely registered the crew’s calls of compliance behind. 
“Detmer,” Pike warned, watching the Commander push herself out of her ship and into open space.
“Locked, sir!”
“Beam her out-- Fire!”
There was a pause, then several flashes of light as the Discovery’s phasers targeted the cesium and hull debris. 
The Bridge went quiet before Durling spoke up: “Commander… Are you in the transporter bay?” 
There was a long moment where Chris couldn’t hear anything but his heart pounding in his ears; his hands clenched in on themselves, his stomach churned in fear, and then,
“There somewhere else I’m supposed to be?” Was her answer. 
Christopher closed his eyes for a moment. He didn’t know if he wanted to smile, or yell, or put on a flight suit and give one of those tags a go for himself. 
“... Plot a course for Starbase 338,” He told Detmer; it was Durling’s next stop, where they’d be letting the man off, and possibly the Commander with him, “Owosekun, bring that attack fighter in."
He glanced back at Durling as both officers at the helm confirmed, and found the Lieutenant Commander headed for the turbolift. 
“Pollard needs to check her out,” Durling reminded him, “Coming with?” 
Christopher considered for a second, then shook his head a little. Durling gave a small nod before stepping onto the turbolift, disappearing from view. 
Christopher lowered himself into the captain’s chair, scrubbing his hand over his mouth. He needed to have a word with the Commander. He needed to have several words with the Commander, but he needed to have them without Durling around-- or Burham, or Jett, or Tilly, or anyone. Once the Commander was cleared by Dr. Pollard, once she’d had some rest, then he would ask her if she had a moment. 
And that, of course, gave him some time to work out what the hell he could possibly say to her. 
“Course set, Captain,” Detmer reported. His eyes darted to her before he nodded. 
“Hit it.” Tag list: @angels-pie ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta  ; @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo ; @how-am-i-serpose-to-know ; @onlyhereforthefandomandgiggles ; @inmyowncorner​  ; @tardis-23  ; @paintballkid711 ; @katrynec ; @hypnobananaangelfish ; @elen-aranel ; @blueeyesatnight ; @hotchswifey
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pure-bakusass · 5 years
🔪 Kiribaku AU Month: day four: villains! 🔪
Here is what I came up with for Kiribaku Villain AU! I’m extra hyped when it comes to villains, so there is an art and also my first drabble! (be nice pls, i feel like it’s not as good as I imagined it, but i’m never going to get good at writing if I won’t have the balls to practice, so I did).
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Songs that inspired my inner villain:
Villain!Bakugou: Hollywood Undead “Dead Bite”
Villain!Kirishima: Three Days Grace “Riot”
The angsty villain drabble under the cut! 🔪
“Kacchan! What happened to you?! After all we’ve been through, how could you go againts everything UA stands for? All Might stands for!”
Bakugou laughed. Deku has heard Bakugou laughing at him many times before, but never like this. It was a wicked, empty laugh, one that would make anyone question his sanity. One that brought shivers down his spine instantly, better than any of the words could.
“All Might, huh?”
Bakugou stopped laughing and snapped back at him right after he catched a glimpse of fear in Deku’s eyes. He was doing a good job hiding it during their fight, but now that his facade was starting to wear off, Bakugou knew. He was fucking winning this, just as planned. That short moment of doubt was enough for him to take advantage of the situation and bring Deku, the so called number one hero, down.
“You got to be shitting me. I knew you would be stupid enough to try to talk me out of this, but I’d never expect it to be this pathetic. Guess I underestimated you. Seriously? Fucking All Might?”
A kick in the guts with full force was all it took to make sure Deku would need quite a while to stand up again. But Bakugou didn’t feel like looking down on him. He got down to grab Deku by his jaw, forcing him to look him in the eyes, this time being dead serious.
“The All Might I admired is long dead. He’s nothing more than a shadow of who he once used to be. He brought the death upon himself the moment he chose you as your successor. And now it’s time you die with him.”
“I-…don’t understand… Your strenght, your willpower, your dedication to be a hero, what happened to that? Is your hate towards me stronger than all I’ve ever admired you for?”
That’s when an angry grimace crossed Bakugou’s face and his fist itched to hit Deku once more. Knocking him down again and making him cough blood was truly a delight.
“Shut the fuck up. Either of those are gone. All I did was to put my dedication into a different direction. Being a hero just gets boring, see? All those limits like "you can’t use your quirk this, you can’t murder someone that”… Who the fuck are all of you even, other than a bunch of losers, destroying themselves from the inside? You don’t even need villains! And you… you are the greatest idiot of them all if you didn’t expect me to choose this path from the very beginning. Just how oblivious you have to be? With all those people talking shit behind my back about how i’d be fit for a villain, you could at least get a clue. Funny. If you’re this naive and stupid to think my case was surprising…“
Bakugou grinned sadistically, visibly pleased, as if there was something that would bring him even more joy than simply tearing Deku to shreds.
”…then wait till you see Kirishima.“
…Kirishima? For a brief moment, Deku thought his hearing must have been seriously damaged from all the explosions Bakugou managed to throw at him. That Kirishima? The admirable pro hero Red Riot that never stops smiling, the same he had a chance to work with and witness his dedication? That must have been nothing more than Kacchan’s cruel joke. At least that’s what Deku was sure about. As he saw Red Riot stepping out of the shade, he felt relieved. He wasn’t strong enough to fight for himself anymore, but he believed that if anyone could take Bakugou down alone, it had to be Kirishima Eijirou.
But there was something disturbingly wrong in the way Kirishima was behaving. He wasn’t paying any attention to Deku. He ignored his call and approached Bakugou right away, as if he was the only one he cared about right now.
“I still don’t think it’s the best idea to reveal myself like that, Kats. There’s so many things that could go wrong with this.”
“Tch. Like what? He’s going to die in a moment anyway, i’ll make sure he’ll take this to the grave. Unless you doubt me.”
Kirishima sighed.
“I would never doubt you, Katsuki. You know that.” - as he spoke in a softened voice, his face was suddenly enlighted with a warm smile.
What was going on there? Deku inhaled sharply and managed to bring himself to reach out to Kirishima just once more. This time he looked at him. When they glanced at each other, Deku could swear he saw a genuine apology in those red eyes of his. But maybe he was wrong…? Kirishima didn’t even say anything and quickly switched his attention back to Bakugou again.
“You see, I just- If it was for me to decide, I’d make this quick. We’re at work, after all, remember? We never know how badly things can screw themselves up all of a sudden.”
“I don’t care for that bullshit one bit Eijirou. I’ve been waiting for this moment for my entire life and I’m going to make it count. But… I do care for you. You do have a point. I’ll get down to it. I don’t want to put you to more risk than I already did.”
Kirishima smirked in a response and without even thinking about it, pulled Bakugou in for a deep kiss.
“Who said I don’t like a little bit of risk though? If that’s what makes you happy, it’s worth it. Join me when you’re done. I’ve got something special for you tonight.”
“Oh you bet I wouldn’t miss that babe.”
Bakugou licked his lips, cherishing the sweet taste of a promise that Kirishima gifted him. Deku’s death and his husband having a surprise for him the same day? Things couldn’t have been better in his life.
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milk-luvr-dot-com · 4 years
“A New Assistant” - The Thick of It - Chapter 1
Summary: Cabinet reshuffle day, the shit has increased beyond belief, and Malcolm doesn't like change. Especially when his new assistant, Ivy Fisher, is just as coarse as he is.. and a tad hot.
Word Count: 5317
Rating: Mature (for adult situations, language)
Warnings: No Ao3 Warnings, Explicit Language, Homophobic language, fatphobic language, sexist language, ablest language
Categories: F/M, Gen
Tags: Falling in love, crushes, comedy, slow burn, explicit language, original female characters, AU - canon divergence, mutual pining, additional tags to be added
Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Ao3 Link and full work under the cut.
Malcolm clapped, and turned around. "Come on, people! Let's get going here," he was shouting, "I've got a to-do list longer here than a fucking Leonard Cohen song!"
The woman, who Malcolm had never bothered to learn the name of, just another office coffee jockey offhandedly mentioned, "Don't you have a new assistant coming in today?"
"Oh, fuck," he pinched the bridge of his nose, "that's the other thing, shit."
Malcolm took a call, ducking into his office. "I've got this-this reshuffle going on, the Leamington Spa by-election coming up, and on top of it I've gotta tame a new fucking pet... yeah, they're giving me a new assistant. Yeah, could be a prostitute for all I care. I've got more on my plate than a spinster at a wedding... yeah, that wasn't a reference to your daughter, by the way, Andrew."
A knock came at the door of his office, and he lowered the phone, pressing a button to end the call. A woman stood there, dressed modestly, not wearing too much makeup. She was dark-haired, short, approaching middle-age. She had steely eyes, both in color and in meaning, that said "I take no shit 'round here!" She was, admittedly, attractive. She was holding a clipboard flat, with a disposable coffee cup balanced on top.
"Hello, I presume you're-" She spoke, with a cockney accent, strangely.
"Malcolm, Malcolm Tucker, you're the newcomer, yeah? Come on, walk and talk." He weakly, in a "dead fish" manner shook her hand, and then brushed past her.
She pressed her lips together, following him. Malcolm walked down the hall, and greeted a friend. "Doug, Doug, Dougie! Look at you, cock the size of Pink Panther's tail. Come have a kit-kat." He shook hands with the scrappy-looking fellow, then turned around.
"Um, I'm afraid I turned it down, Malcolm." Doug apprehensively explained.
The assistant became invisible, neutral.
Malcolm's eyes turned cold, and acute. "You know 90% of household dust is made of human skin? That's what you are. To me."
His phone rang, again, and he answered sharply, "Doug Hayes is a massive abortion. Again, not a reference to your daughter." He sat down in his chair. She stood at the door. "We need somebody to plug this DoSAC hole. Anybody. A fucking mammal with a head." Malcolm whooshed past her again, turning briefly to gesture her to follow.
Malcolm went out to summon someone else. Passing by, a man commented something between a catcall and a teasing gesture at them.
"Shut up!" the two of them both said, at the same time, which surprised both of them. They shared a moment of eye contact that could be a love letter in Yorkshire.
Malcolm returned back to his hell cave. She stood at the door. "Sam, Sam!" He flicked through pages provided for him. "Get me... Nicola Murray. Yeah."
He made eye contact with her, widening his eyes as if to imply the person he was talking to was a moron. "If she says no, well, I don't know, the only other candidate's my left bullock with a fucking smiley face drawn on it... Great. Yeah. Bye!" Malcolm pressed the end call button, once again.
He tossed his phone down on the desk, and rubbed his face. He looked over at her. "Well, come in, what, do I have to invite you exclusively like a vampire?"
She clandestinely rolled her eyes, "No."
"Right. Good. Have a seat."
She sat down. "What's your name?" Malcolm asked, finally, after about her being here for about 15 minutes.
"Not your Tuesday night stripper name, your full name."
She furrowed her brow, "My name is Ivy. Ivy Amelia Fisher."
He sat up. "Jesus, what were you born on a commune? Are you a fairy tale character?"
"No, and not like yours is any better, Malcolm Tucker." Ivy said his name with such malice. "Go on, I bet your middle name is something daft, like, like..."
"Yeah, like- wait hang on.." she began stifling a laugh, "is your middle name actually Theodore?"
"It was my granddad's name, look, I don't have time for this. Ivy, go on, set up shop in that corner over there. I've got too much to do today, and I don't need you prodding at me like a male dancer's fat cock at a latex fetish strip bar."
"Right." Ivy stood, and began clearing off piles of needing-to-be-shredded papers that should have been done months ago off of some teacher fold-out type desk. Malcolm got on the phone and began tearing into someone. Ivy started taking notes for insults she can use in the future.
Admittedly, from what Ivy had seen, she looked up to Malcolm. She'd heard about him before she got pigeonholed into it, just vaguely. After cleaning up the litter box for years from some fat cat in another department, she was sure she was ready for Malcolm. And she was, just not exactly in the way she'd expected. She'd been given a list of pointers from the main meat of DoSAC about dealing with him, which went straight in the trash. Ivy preferred learning from experience, anyway.
"What?" She looked up.
"What actually is your job?"
His genuinely curious demeanor threw her off completely, "Uh, I'm your assistant. I deal with the, er, horseshit. Making your job a bit easier. Paperwork, coffee runs, yelling at people. The like."
"Really?" Malcolm raised an eyebrow.
"Mhm, now can I finish my housekeeping, sir?" She turned.
"No, actually, you can't. Can you elaborate on the 'yelling at people' part?"
She sighed, and sat down in her creaky office chair. "I've been told, and I've observed, that you do a lot of yelling."
"Yes, I do, it's my favorite part of my day. It's my therapy."
"That's very sad," she pointed a pen at him, "but my job is to do the yelling you don't want do to. Mostly at the insane clown posse of DoSAC upstairs. But I'm sure I have plenty to learn from you, sir, about your sort of.. swearing slam poetry."
"Slam poetry?"
"Christ, have you got Tourette's, yes. You're known for your myriad of insults, especially at the department I was last at. Now let me finish, and maybe I'll yell for you, as a treat." Ivy slammed a stack of 'to shreds' into a bin.
Malcolm, for once, was challenged with the same energy he had. Jesus, she was as uncouth and colorful as he was. Maybe he needed to be put in his place, maybe that's what he was missing. It didn't help that with every insult thrown his way he'd grow more attracted to her. Her soft, curly, dark hair was tamed back only by her hair elastic, which must have been one strong as hell hair elastic, because she had a lot of hair. Her eyes, which were stoic at all times, seemed to be endless.
"Fuck are you staring at?" She interrupted his goo-goo eyes session with a cold remark.
"I'm staring at my fucking computer, now can I work without you accusing me of rape?"
"Jesus Christ, sir." She pinched the bridge of her nose.
  Ivy had finished clearing her space, and was obsessively shredding things.
"That's fucking annoying." He remarked, about 5 minutes in.
"Would you prefer me to chew it up and shit it out on your keyboard tonight, sir? This is all your to-shreds, anyway."
"Yeah I would actually." He leaned back, looking at Ivy. "I've got a meeting after lunch with the new Secretary of State, Nicola Murray."
"...Alright?" She folded her hands together on her desk.
"You're coming with me. You can learn a thing or two. Please stay quiet, though."
"Mmm.. okay."
"In regards to lunch," he paused to sigh, "I'm going down to the Sainsbury's on the corner. Make sure the tazmanian shit devil doesn't come 'round and fuck everything up."
He grabbed his shoulder bag by the office door. "D'you want anything?"
She looked up at him, squinting and thinking. "Er... yeah," Ivy pulled out her wallet, pulling out a few quid, and holding it up, "a Dr. Pepper."
He left, returning about 20 minutes later, setting a brown bag down on her desk, which startled her. He said nothing, collapsing in his desk chair.
"Thank you, sir." She unrolled the top of the bag.
"Thanks." Ivy raised her eyebrows, reassuring what she said.
He made some vague Scottish agreement noise, digging into whatever he's eating. She looked inside the bag, which held her money that she gave to him and her pop. Ivy looked at him, then back down at the act of kindness. She decided against saying anything, since the environment was already thick with tension.
They finished eating. Ivy had her salad that she brought from home and her Dr. Pepper. Malcolm enjoyed his deli food. And then it was up to the circus for the pair of them.
"Is this the number 1 ladies' detective agency?" Malcolm and Ivy almost ran into Nicola's office. Glenn was in the middle of doing something stupid.
Nicola stood, "Malcolm Tucker! The real deal. Hello." They shook hands.
"The real deal! Good to see you. You're looking great." He gave his false friendly smile.
"And I'm guessing this is your new assistant...?" The taller of the two women questioned.
Ivy stuck out her hand for her to shake, "Ivy Fisher."
"Yes, exactly." She nodded, and took her hand.
Malcolm turned to the other two morons in the room, "Alright, Hinge and Bracket, time to go and hang up your lady-cocks."
Ivy slinked back a bit, and let Malcolm continue talking. "Nicola Murray! Here you are, Secretary of State for the Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship."
"Yep, I now have one of the longest job titles in Western politics. Thank God I don't have to wear a lapel badge."
Ivy looked out the glass and at 2 of the 3 stooges. One of them was mirroring the action Glenn was doing earlier. She smiled at them, not in a sympathetic or nice way, more just to laugh at them.
"It's a pity that we couldn't just make an abbreviation of it, you know, like PFI. Which I think stands for Pretty Fucking Imbarassing." Malcolm began, then continued, snidely, with "If you're a bit sloppy with the details. Which clearly your fucking husband is."
Ivy had started a list earlier of things that Malcolm said that she could later bring up in conversation. Either for purposes of teasing and berating or to have a psychology evaluation with. The list was a t-chart, which was directly on a piece of liner paper that Ivy kept at the back of the clipboard at all times. There wasn't much on there, aside from "Doug?" (which was regarding why Malcolm was yelling at Doug about household dust) on the side of psychological evaluation, and "PFI? Imbarassing?" which was on the haranguing side.
The woman in the flower print dress inhaled, and then began explaining, "Okay, look, James works for Albany, fine. He wasn't even working there when the contract was awarded-"
"Don't worry, that was just me-" Malcolm smiled again, beginning to laugh.
"Okay. Right. Fine."
"I mean, that's the sort of thing the press will throw at you." He glanced over to the other, shorter woman, as if he was speaking to both of them. "I mean, you step out of line, they'll be all over you. Like a pigeon on a chip. Is that your chair?"
Nicola looked at the prison jumpsuit colored chair. "Oh, God, yeah. It's cool, isn't it? It's got lumbar support." She slapped the back of it.
Ivy moved closer to Malcolm, sensing he was about to leave. "Bin it." He said starkly, grinning. "People don't like their politicians to be comfortable. They don't like you having expenses, they don't like you being paid, they'd rather you live in a fucking cave." She bit her lip, trying not to smile at Malcolm's words.
"Okay, fine, so what should I be sitting on? Should I just get an upturned KFC bucket?"
He grew agitated, lowering his brow. "Just a fucking normal chair. Right? Not a fucking massive vibrating throne."
"God, fine, I'll get a new chair." Nicola gave in, furrowing her brow.
"No, don't get a new chair, the press will go ape shit. 'New Secretary of State wasting money on chairs,' they'll kill you. Don't do anything until you've settled in. At least a week or two."
"Right, so you want me to bin this chair, and not buy a new one. Great. That KFC bucket is sounding like a good option now."
The room fell to a silence. Then Malcolm broke that silence, with "So, uh, you've got three kids, yeah?"
"Uh, I've got four. Yeah."
"Yeah! Katie's 16, she's the eldest. She's just left school."
"Not going to a college, to university?"
"Um, she's a bit of a rebel."
"What sort of a rebel? I mean, so what are we talking here, are we talking a pierced naval or holidays at Pakistani training camp?" Malcolm rested his face on his fist.
"It's.. It's chiefly heroin. Although she has cut down since getting pregnant by that Nigerian people-smuggler, because the track marks would have affected her porn career." Ivy and Malcolm both raised an eyebrow, in surprise.
Another woman, Terri, Ivy thought was her name, came in, silently. She startled Ivy. "I'm sorry to disturb. Um... Morning Malcolm. And morning..."
"Ivy Fisher."
"Right. Morning, Ivy. Just wanted to give you a few things here, that's change from the fruit salad. This is this morning's paper. Do excuse me." She left, and Malcolm had crossed his arms.
"I'm surprised that you haven't vetted me, I thought you'd know about the kids."
Malcolm looked around, "It's just that 'cause you were just sort of, you were a bit of a late-ish kind of appointment. That didn't quite give me the time to, you know, to fuck the Is and fist the Ts as Robert Robertson might say. And I had to spend a chunk of my morning, you know, catching Ivy here up to speed." He gestured to her.
"Right, I understand that. It's just that, it... really doesn't take that much time. To read someone's profile, that is.."
Ivy rolled her eyes, knowing and feeling exactly what Malcolm is feeling, and what he's about to unleash. "Well, I didn't have time, and I'm sorry about that. Okay? Fine. Okay, let's do it now. Okay. Mrs. Walton, what about these other kids? What ages are they?"
"They're 11, nine, and five."
Malcolm furrowed his brow, "11?"
"So that's uh, secondary school?"
"No, she's uh, still at primary, state primary. Lovely little school with terrible SATS results, but, you know, really good kind of broad demographic and steel band."
"So, she will be going to a secondary school, what, in September?"
"Yeah. Yeah, so um... I can see where this is going, um, it's not an issue."
"Great! Well, if it's not an issue I'll just fucking toddle off, then. I'll go and have a nice relaxing wee sleep under my duvet. Probably wouldn't even have to tug myself off 'cause I'm so fucking relaxed about that. 'Cause I know there is no fucking issue here. Right?"
"She's not going to the comprehensive, Malcolm. She's going to a local independent school."
Ivy sighed, and he put his hands on his hips. "Jesus H. fucking Corbett. Do you honestly think- do you honestly believe that as a minister, you can get away with that? You are saying that uh, all your local state schools, all the schools that this government has drastically improved, are knife-addled rape sheds, and that's not a big story? For fuck's sake.. sort it or abort it."
"Let's get this clear, my family is off-limits. Alright? This job is not going to get anywhere near my husband and my kids. It just doesn't."
"Of course it fucking does. As per the wee barcode and the serial number under your right armpit, you are now built and owned by the state. And you are under the spotlight 24 hours a day, darling! You know what you are? You're a fucking human dartboard. And Eric fucking Bristow's on the oche flinging a million darts made of human shit right at you. Can you take that? Can you?"
"Okay, you, the all-swearing eye. You didn't even know how many kids I had. You had to ask me. You!" Nicola pointed to Ivy, "did you even know my fucking name before we came in this office?"
Ivy grew cross, "of course I did, what fucking mongol can't remember Nicola Murray?"
"Hey! Don't bring Ivy into this!" Malcolm pointed in an accusatory manner at her.
"So who on Earth in the press is even going to know or care?"
He lowered his voice, "Do you remember The Big Breakfast? Remember that programme?"
"Remember how Chris Evans started that, remember how it was a big success? And then they had that guy, Johnny Vaughn, remember him? Everybody loved him. Fuck knows why, but they loved him. Do you know what this is here? This, here, is fucking series 10 of The Big Breakfast." He gestured out into the DoSAC office area. "And do you know what you are? You're the fucking dinner lady that they have asked to come and present the show. The reason that I didn't know about you and your children is 'cause you were so low down on the list of candidates for this job, I didn't even have a chance to look into you. So low. Way, way, way, way, way, way, way low."
She sighed, and Malcolm continued with his incredulous self-esteem attacking tear. "You are now being scrutinized for what you wear, what you say. For your hair, your shoes, your fucking earring, your fucking cleavage, and your dress. Which, by the way, is way too loud."
"Too loud?"
"Yeah, I'm getting fucking tinnitus here! Look, your crooked husband I can make go away. But your crooked husband combined with you being worried about your underage daughter coming home up the duff from some truanting bastard, I cannot. She goes to the comp, okay?" Malcolm stood back again, and left in a hurry, with Ivy tailing behind.
They returned back to Malcolm's office. Ivy slapped her clipboard down, and Malcolm slapped his notebook down, both exhaling immensely and collapsing into their respective chairs.
"I hope you got some of that." He said.
Ivy looked up, then flipped through pages on her clipboard. "Uh-huh. The Big Breakfast, knife-addled rape sheds, obnoxious chair-"
"No, I mean, in regards to the press."
"Yeah, what I said applies to you, too now. Not as intensely as her, but certainly-"
"Watch my back?"
"Watch your back, yeah."
Ivy went back to filling out paperwork. There was a lot of it since her recent employment. Malcolm interrupted her, "have you got any kids?"
She didn't look up, but she raised an eyebrow. "No. You?"
"Nah. Never had time for a wife or kids."
"What, are you Paul the real estate novelist?" Ivy smiled, looking up.
He smiled, chuckling, "No." Ivy was taken back by seeing him unironically and genuinely laugh. He stared at her wedding finger, seeing it was empty. "And by the looks of it, you don't have a husband either."
She shook her head, "No..." Looking up, she continued, "Never really found the right one. I know, fucking cliche. Would rather grow balls and be castrated by a ceiling fan than hear anyone ever say that to me, but it's the truth." Ivy returned to her work, looking at her laptop. She turned her attention to a note that she had tacked onto the side. "Oh, cabinet meeting today," she announced to him.
"Yeah, let's hope Nicola will get her shit scooped out and handed to her there, put her in her place. I didn't like the insubordinate smug bitch." Malcolm leaned back in his chair.
"I didn't like her either, came after me for no fucking reason."
"Well, let's go over there and give her hell, for no fucking reason."
"We can do that?"
"I'll think of something to hassle her with on the way over. Come on, I'm bored anyway."
They both stepped out of the office and down and out. Malcolm spoke to some bloke on the way down.
"Hey, what's wrong with you, you look like you've shat a Lego garage or something."
"Jim Lane's daughter is standing as an independent in Leamington Spa."
Malcolm turned back around, putting emphasis on the first letter to come out of his mouth, "For fuck's sake... Fuck! This is going to split our vote."
"Jesus." Ivy quietly interjected.
"Do you think we're in trouble? Maybe we should have chosen her over Liam Bentley."
"No, she thinks just because her dead fat-arse dad was the MP that gives her the right to be our candidate. No, no no. This isn't tsarist Russia. It's not the fucking Dimblebys."
"What do we do?"
"We send everyone up there to support Liam Bentley, including the Prime Minister."
"You want to send Tom up there?"
"Yeah, fuck it, he'll be alright as long as he doesn't do the smile." The other bloke smiling awkwardly, mirroring what Tom would have done. "You hit the phones, right? I'll be with you in two shakes of a crying baby."
Ivy didn't know what was going on. To be honest that was the environment of the facility anyway. No one had their shit in a pile, no one had a purpose in life, they were just walking about in a mad trance at half the pace of an elderly snail, like a mad junkie in a Tesco's.
They reached their destination, and Malcolm began by haranguing Nicola about the outfit.
"Wow. Black widow."
"Malcolm. Ivy."
"Congratulations, first cabinet, heard you wowed them."
Nicola looked smug as ever. "The meeting's literally just finished, how would you know that?"
"Russian spies." Ivy made an imaginary rainbow over her head to be sarcastically spooky.
Malcolm smiled, "the PM texted me, he's very impressed. You could be nominated for best newcomer."
"No." Malcolm smiled again. So did Ivy.
The three made their way back up to Malcolm and Ivy's hell cave of torture and harassment. Ivy sat at her desk, working on paperwork again, but listening in.
"I see you've set up shop, Ivy."
"Yup. Had a shit ton to shred." She glared at Malcolm, who sat down.
"You knew Jim Lane, didn't you? The dead fucker. God rest him."
"Yeah, I did, a bit, back home. Very sad, all those weeks on life support... Nice chair." Nicola looked annoyed that Malcolm was allowed to have nice chairs, like a jealous arsehole of a kid on Christmas.
"Sad? What, lying on your back getting fed nutrient through a tube? It's my idea of a fucking holiday."
"Getting both a catheter and a colostomy bag also a part of that holiday, sir? You must be into some kinky shit." Ivy remarked.
"Shut up." He said lightly. "How'd you like to go to Leamington?"
"Today. It's never too soon to go to Leamington."
"I've just taken over a department, I have a hell of a-"
"You've been asked by the PM specifically to pop along to Leamington, and do some photo ops with Liam Bentley, supporting him. Yeah?"
"I don't really have any choice, do I?"
"If you wanna keep your job, no." Ivy interjected again.
“Of course you have a choice, you can decide exactly how you’re going to say yes. You can do it with a voice. Have fun with it.” Malcolm looked briefly over at Ivy, who began murmuring in a Mickey Mouse type voice.
Nicola sighed, “Yes. In my own voice.”
“I look forward to toasting your success.” He motioned for her to leave, and she did. “Have a lovely time in Leamington, yeah?” Nicola didn’t respond.
Malcolm pushed the door closed, sighing and collapsing back into his seat. “Jesus. Never easy. Never fucking easy.”
Ivy capped her pen, looking up at him stoically. Ivy thought he was mildly attractive too. In an unconventional way. She was excited to unravel the enigma surrounding him. This hard shell of a man, who smelled like clam chowder (maybe that’s the shell part, actually), who obviously has no friends. It was indeed sad. He was indeed, clearly sad, and maybe a tiny bit sexy. But, besides all this, she thought her first day was going well, so far. She was already paling around with Malcolm. She had learned a lot of new insults to hurl at people who were being dickheads. 
“Do you think I should introduce myself to everyone upstairs? Formally, I mean?”
He had his face in his hands, but he looked up and blinked, then replied. “Uhh.. I don’t know, I mean, I think they’ll sort of find out. On their own. I don’t really like to tell them anything, it makes it more enjoyable when they find out about it on their own somehow. Like a chicken with it’s head cut off.”
“God, they’ll make up some daft little story sooner or later about how I’m either related to you somehow or that we’re fucking.” Ivy laughed. Malcolm chuckled along, noticing how pretty she was when she laughed.
The room and conversation fell to a lull. They continued to do paperwork, with breaks in between where Malcolm would berate someone on the phone.
“Oh, shit.” Malcolm was checking his watch when she looked up. “Nicola’s on in about 5 minutes.”
They both stood up at the same time and made their way to the DoSAC office space. 
“Malcolm- oh, and…?” Glenn asked.
“Ivy Fisher.”
“Ivy. Right. Nicola will be there in a minute.”
The DoSAC group gathered around the crappy telly, waiting for Nicola to do her act, and try not to make a complete fool of herself. Olly was ducking around on the screen. Ivy and Malcolm leaned against a desk next to one another.
“She’s handling this very well, Malcolm.” Terri explained, as if Malcolm doesn’t have eyes of his fucking own. “Don’t you think?”
Malcolm was holding a print off of Liam Bentley’s campaign poster, examining it. He covered a part of it and whispered to Ivy, “I am bent.”
She snorted, “better not happen.”
He stepped up, “She’s looking a bit, uh.. A little bit edgy.”
Nicola had moved in front of the L, forming a perfect shot that said “I am bent.” Just as Malcolm had predicted. Chaos erupted in the office, people were shouting at Terri to get her to move. Ivy bit her lip, trying not to laugh.
Malcolm calmed Glenn down, and slinked back. Ivy was caught up watching the telly.
“Ivy! Come on.” He called after her. If Olly was here, he’d say something stupid, like “daddy’s calling.”
About halfway walking back to his office, Malcolm got another call. He absentmindedly walked back to the office area, which irritated Ivy to no end.
“Well you know what, Howard? She’s not bent, neither in the sense of being corrupted or being gay. And by the way, that’s an incredibly homophobic headline, you massive poof.” He shot a look at her, and then a different, more cross look at where he was going. “You’ve got egg on your face, Howard. You over-easy pissbag.”
“Oh, hey, Yoko Ono and the two remaining Beatles, piss off.”
“Right, any chance we could just skip over the usual abuse bit and move on to the part where we sort this all out?”
“Very low chance, but let’s see.” Ivy hugged her notebook.
“Yeah. Uh, you need to make a decision. Are you still going ahead with the private school? Because if you are, we need to draft a statement saying that your husband is leaving his job.”
Nicola looked at him in disbelief. “Are you taking the piss? You’re expecting me to choose between fucking up my daughter’s life or fucking up my husband’s life?”
Ivy nodded, and Malcolm said “Yeah.”
“So I just have to choose between them, like they’re on some fucking cosmic dessert trolley?”
“Listen, darling, I can’t fight on two fronts, you know? If the press run with both these stories you’re fucking dead.”
“You set this up, didn’t you?”
“To put me in my place? Or get back at me for ignoring your advice? Or some other weird perceived slight that doesn’t in any way merit this massive fucking out-of-proportion Israeli-style response.” She yelled towards the end there.
“You don’t realize, I’m your fairy fucking godfather, right? I’m your fairy fucking godfather. And fuck it, she’s your fairy fucking godmother,” he gestured to Ivy, “fairy fucking godparents, but we haven’t got a magic wand that we can wave about, all we’ve got is a fucking Blackberry and a chiv. You’ve got a decision to make, make it. Talk to you later.”
It didn’t occur to Ivy until after they left that she was included in the conversation. Re-analyzing the words in her head, she realized he compared them to a married couple. Ivy smiled and brushed her hair back with her hand.
Nicola ran after them like some puppy dog. “Malcolm! Sorry, can we just carry on talking about that thing? Was it you who positioned me there?”
“God, why do you care?” Ivy said.
“You know what the first sign of madness is? Paranoia.” He pressed the lift button. “Have you seen that film, you know, A Beautiful Mind? The one with that, er.. Russell Crowe? The one with the maths guy who thinks that the CIA are working away in a shed at the bottom of his garden. That’s you.”
“No, I am not the mad one here. You are the mad one. You’re Russell Crowe.”
“No, no, no, no, no. You are Russell Crowe. And you need to fucking listen to me, Russell, you fucking antipodean fucking kangaroo-loving fruitcake. See, this poster stuff? That’s fucking small fry. That’s fucking whitebait, Russ, me old cobber.” Ivy and Malcolm walked into the elevator. “The really horrible stuff, that’s all still about to happen to you, right?”
Nicola looked hesitant at entering the lift. “You coming in?” Ivy invited her.
“Uh, no…”
They both raised an eyebrow at her. “I can’t- I don’t use lifts, I’m claustrophobic.”
Ivy held the “stay open” button on the lift. “What the fuck?”
“You’re what?” He had eyes the size of a baseball at this point.
“Not hugely, I can be in rooms, you’ve seen that, I just don’t do lifts, that’s all.”
He dramatically spun around, as if to measure the dimensions himself. “This lift is fucking huge! I mean this is bigger than some rooms, this is bigger than some people’s flats!”
“It’s about not being able to get out.”
“Oh, well, that’s great. That’s fucking great. That’s another thing right there. Not only have you got a fucking bent husband and a fucking daughter that gets taken to school on a fucking sedan chair, you’re also fucking mental!”
Malcolm continued to tear into her for the next minute and a half or so, comparing her to a myriad of things, most notably being a coffee machine. He looked at Ivy, who pressed the floor button finally. 
“Jesus fucking Christ. That’s all I can say, is Jesus fucking Christ.” Ivy rested herself against the side of the lift, crossing her arms. 
He rubbed his face, and then looked at her. “I know. Hey, by the way, you can jump in, now.”
“I said you can jump in. I won’t get cross.”
“Other person might.”
“So? That’s half the job.” He grinned. “Making people cross.”
She smirked, looking at him. “And half the enjoyment, too.”
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mustangshelby04 · 5 years
Boston Boy - First (Second) Best Christmas
It’s here! (It’s a little later than I intended it to be, but it’s here!) The first one shot of the Boston Boy series. It’s just a cute little Christmas story with Kate and Chris. Pure fluff. MERRY (Belated) CHRISTMAS!!
“Chris, it’s too big!  It’s not going to fit!” Kate complained. “Oh!  Ow!”
“Shit!  Fuck!  I’m sorry!” Chris cried, stopping his movements immediately. “Are you ok?”
“I’ll live.” Kate sighed. “It’s not going to fit.  We need to take some off the bottom.” 
“I guess you’re right.  I really thought our ceiling was high enough for it.”
The husband and wife duo looked at the tree that was about a foot too tall for their ceiling.  They had ordered their tree to be delivered from a tree farm upstate and Chris had guessed at the height they would need.  He sighed and grabbed the saw.
“Uh uh!  Do that out on the patio.” Kate said.
“It’s going to make an even bigger mess that I’ll have to clean up.”
“I’ll help.” Kate just stared at him. “Ok.” Chris sighed and dragged the tree out to the patio.
Kate turned and looked at the boxes and bags of decorations.  Her mother had sent up some of the family ornaments while Chris had brought some of his decorations from Boston.  The two of them had also gone shopping for decorations of their own.  She reached into one of the bags and pulled out the personalized ornament they had found.  It was a crescent moon with a baby Minnie Mouse sleeping on a pink blanket.  The moon had the words “Baby’s First Christmas” written on it and the blanket had 2016 on one side and Madison written on the other side.
It was the day after Thanksgiving.  Chris, Kate, and Madison had spent all day in Sudbury for the holiday the day before.  Kate’s mother had insisted that Kate spend the time up there with her husband’s family.  Kate hadn’t fought it too much because she and Chris were surprising her family with the annual trip to Disneyworld this year.  He had booked them resort rooms and gotten them tickets while Kate had worked it out with her parents’ boss that they would get the time off for it.  Her brother, sister-in-law, and niece were also coming on the trip.  The entire Allen clan would be invited every year from now on.
“This should do it.” Chris announced, dragging the tree back in.  He set it upright and the two feet he had cut off worked perfectly.
Kate grabbed her phone and turned on the Christmas playlist she had compiled on her music app.  The Bluetooth soundbar in the living room picked it up and the room filled with the sounds of “The Twelve Pains of Christmas.”  Chris let out a loud laugh as he and Kate worked to set the tree up in the stand they had bought.  When they finished getting the tree settled and watered, Kate grabbed the tree skirt and started pulling the tags off.
“What are you doing?” Chris asked.
“Putting the tree skirt on.” Kate said, confused he was asking.
“That goes on last.
“The tree skirt goes on last.” “Why?”
That stumped Chris. “Because it does.”
“You don’t know why it goes on last?”
“I guess I’ve just always put it on last.  Why do you want it on first?”
“So I can get it situated on the stand so we can water it easily and not worry about knocking off the ornaments near the bottom.”
“Huh…. That makes sense.”
“I know.” Kate crawled under the tree and set to work adjusting the skirt while Chris pulled out the boxes of new white Christmas lights.
“Are you sure it’s ok we got white?” Chris asked.
“Yeah, why?”
“Some people prefer colored.”
“I’m not those people.” Kate slid out from under the tree and nodded at her handiwork. “I prefer pretty white lights for an elegant tree.”
“Me too.” Chris smiled and kissed her. “I’m really happy we’re getting to spend our first Christmas together.”
“This is our second Christmas together.”
“We weren’t living together last year, though.”
“True.” Kate smiled as she looked over at the baby monitor’s screen.  Madison was napping peacefully in her crib with the Disney lullaby playlist playing softly in the background.  She had finally transitioned from her bassinette to her crib the month before. “We did have her, though.”
“Yes, we did.” He pulled her to him and started dancing to a sweet rendition of “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas.”  This was one of Kate’s favorite things about Chris.  He would randomly pull her to him and start dancing with her.  It didn’t matter what they were doing, he would stop and dance with her.  It was so insanely romantic and so very much a Chris thing to do and she adored it. “So, Mrs. Evans, what do you want Santa to bring you this year?”
“More moments like this one.”
“Oh, that’s a good wish.”
“What about you?”
“That’s a tough one.”
“Because I have everything I want.  I have the most amazing wife in the history of wives.  We have a perfect little girl together.  I finally feel settled.  Even with the sporadic travelling for work, I feel grounded and settled.”
“Does it help when I’m there with you?”
“It absolutely helps.  More than you know.”
Kate nodded. “Ok.”
“Ok, what?”
“You’ll just have to wait until Christmas.” She looked up at him as they broke apart and started unboxing the ornaments. “Speaking of Santa, I don’t want to give him credit for the good gifts.”
“What do you mean?”
“Like, when Maddie is older, I don’t want Santa to get all the credit for the good gifts.  He can have maybe one good gift, but he can have the credit for the stocking stuffers and some little gifts.”
Chris laughed, but stopped when he saw how serious she was. “You mean it?”
“Yes, I mean it.”
“Ok.  If that’s how you want to play Santa, I’m fine with that.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.  It’s not how I grew up, but….”
“It’s not how I grew up either.  I just…. Look, we’re her parents.  We provide for her.  I almost died giving birth to her.  Some fake fat man in a red suit isn’t going to get all the credit for making her happy.  That’s our job.”
“Ok.  We’ll give Santa one good present and the stocking stuffers.”
“Cool.” The started hanging ornaments on the tree, meticulously picking the best spots for each one.
Chris paused, a Hallmark Beauty and the Beast ornament hanging from his hand. “Hey, what about an Elf on the Shelf?”
“I swear to god, Christopher, if you bring one of those demons in this house, I will throw it off the top patio.”
Chris laughed, slapping a hand to his chest and almost dropping the ornament. “I am so glad you said that because those things creep me the fuck out.”
Kate laughed and kissed her husband. “I’m glad we agree on that.” She paused, looking uncertain about what she wanted to say next.
“What is it, babe?”  
“What are we doing about Christmas with our families?  We’ve both got our traditions with our families, and we celebrated that same way last year pretty much.  But this year is completely different.  We’re married and we have a kid.  And honestly, the thought of all that travelling with her freaks me out because of the amount of shit we have to take with us wherever we go with her.  Just taking her to a grocery store is like packing for a week on vacation.”
Chris nodded.  Kate was right about how much stuff it took to travel anywhere with a baby.  It made him nervous, too. “We’ll figure something out.”
“Kat, I promise we will work something out that works for everyone.” He gave her a grin and she sighed.
Christmas Eve, Kate and Chris’ penthouse was packed to the gills.  Scott and Lisa were staying in the office, sharing the pull-out couch; Carly, her husband, and three kids were in one of the guest rooms; and Killian, Maura, and Hailey were in the other guest bedroom.  Helena, Bill, and Jan were staying at a nearby hotel at Helena’s insistence.  The whole family had flown in from Orlando the day before.
Chris had insisted that Christmas be at his and Kate’s place this year.  That had been his solution for not travelling with Madison.  He was also extremely excited to finally have a family of his own and hosting Christmas for the first time ever really got him going.  Kate, Lisa, and Helena had spent the day cooking.  Chris had rented a couple of extra tables and chairs to accommodate everyone as well as some beautiful tableware.  He had worked hard setting the tables and making place cards for everyone.
It had been decided that everyone would open one gift that night and then go to bed.  The kids were excited to leave out cookies for Santa that night and Chris was excited to actually get to play Santa finally.  He and Kate snuck downstairs with the presents they had hidden in their closet and the nursery closet.  When they were done, the presents spilled out from under the tree.  They headed upstairs, checked on a sleeping Madison, and then closed the door to their room.
“I have a gift for you.” Kate announced, walking towards the bed from the bathroom after cleaning her face and brushing her teeth.  She was in an oversized Home Alone t-shirt and her hair was in a high ponytail.  
Chris held his arms out to her from his place on the bed and she climbed on top of him.  His hands instantly cupped her round backside. “You can’t wait to give it to me till the morning?”
Kate shook her head. “I’ve been holding onto this for a while now.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.  Quit distracting me.” One of his hands had drifted between her legs and his lips were trailing kisses along her neck.  
He chuckled and leaned back against the headboard. “Ok, lay it on me.”
“Ok, so do you remember a little while back you said it helps you stay grounded when I’m there with you?” Chris nodded. “Well, I started thinking about it.  I love to travel and I love being with you and I really love being a mother.  I don’t like being away from Maddie constantly.  Especially for work.  I still want to take pictures…. I mean, I really do love it, but I don’t want to do it as often as I have been.”
“You haven’t said anything.”
“Because it’s part of your Christmas present.  Shh.”
“Thank you.  So, I’ve been talking to Danielle and she came up with a brilliant solution.  One that even I couldn’t have dreamed up.”
“She decided to sell me a stake in her company and make me a partner.”
“Are you serious?” Kate nodded excitedly. “That’s awesome!  Congratulations, baby!”
“All of this means that I can pick and choose the jobs that I take.  I can stay home or go away with you or do whatever I want to do.  I’ll still have my own thing.  I’ll have a job and be making my own money, so I won’t be relying completely on you….”
“Which I’ve told you not to worry about.  You’re my wife.  What’s mine is yours.”
“Hush.  I’m not done.”
“And the final part of all of this…. Which is leading to your actual Christmas present…. When we’re ready, we can grow our family.  Intentionally this time.”
“We haven’t talked about that yet.”
“No, we haven’t, but you want more kids.  I’ve known that about you for a long time that you want to have kids: plural.”
“What about you?”
“Until I met you, I wasn’t even sure I wanted kids.  But Maddie is amazing and you’re such a wonderful dad and I absolutely love being a mother.  More than I ever thought I would.  I want to give you more kids, Chris.  Maybe we can eventually move to Boston and raise our family there…. Where you grew up.”
“Really?” “Yeah.  I love Boston.  We met there.  We conceived Maddie there.  We got married there.”
“What about Virginia, though?”
“What about it?”
“You grew up there.”
“I grew up all over.  Kentucky, Illinois, Nebraska…. Virginia is just where I settled for a while until I found my permanent home.” Kate reached up and gently held Chris’ face, stroking his beard with her thumb. “You’re my home, Chris.  And Boston is where you’re happiest.”
He stared at her in wonder. “And just when I thought I couldn’t love you any more than I already do, you go and do this.”
“So, Merry Christmas!  We’re going to move to Boston and have more kids…. Eventually.”
Chris laughed, pulling her lips to his. “Best Christmas present ever.”
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