#she'd def be someone to invite!
iolypse · 1 year
has anyone petitioned for niki nihachu to be invited to the qsmp if new members ever get added because I think she would be an absolutely fantastic addition
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queers-gambit · 2 years
Creepy Crawlies
inspired by this image by @applegin
prompt: Aemond and Helaena witness how deep your fear goes.
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x female!reader featuring: bestie!Helaena
fandom masterlist: House of the Dragon
word count: 1.7k+
warnings: cursing, spoiler FREE, author has arachnophobia and projects in this, spiders (it's a warning to me), generally pretty docile. oh, and, i'm def pretending Aemond's just strong enough to carry a human, so, use a bit of your imagination.
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In truth, you're not sure how or why it happened. Some said it was the Will of the Gods, others claimed it simply made-up, while others said it could've been your own mind playing tricks. Either way, every which way you turned, someone was there to discredit your fears.
It's not like you asked for this kind of humiliation! Honestly! Did people genuinely think you did this on purpose? Did they think you liked this? Being this way? As if it wasn't enough to have fear in general, but tenfold when nobody seemed to understand nor validate the way you were engulfed in anxiety.
Over all, the creepiest, fucking eight-legged, eight-eyed crawlie around. Something you regarded as Hell Spawn, others might call a spider. Either way, you despised the wee creatures - and though you understood boot crushes the little guy, the idea of being so close to one that you could kill it sent you into overwhelming panic.
Ah, fucking spiders.
Again, you're unsure how this fear developed but it was as if you woke up one day and couldn't stop screaming at the sight of the little creature sent from the depths of Seven Hells. Your older brother became the official "Spider Killer" of the family since you spent most of your time with him, but after getting married, your husband now assumed the role.
Years ago, both your mothers had agreed to a marriage arrangement to ensure loyalty from your House (should the time come), and six weeks after your 17th nameday, you were reciting vows to your white-haired lover. He held no quarrel with your fear, and in fact, he was the first to ever not make you feet at fault for it.
It wasn't Aemond's place to ridicule you. He's seen you with a sword, with a bow and arrows, hell, even with an axe - and sometimes, doing all of that while on horseback! He understood you to have no fear, and yet, when a spider comes in your vision, it was as if any and all rational thought vacates your mind. He's seen you throw-up from your anxiety, so, he quickly understood his role and never once complained nor belittled you for it.
Aemond didn't mind killing spiders for you. He could understand that you needed "proof" of their vanquish, showing the squashed bug on his boot, and only then would you breathe easier. However, if around his family, Aemond knew his sister, Helaena, would become upset by him harming - like alone, killing - any insect. She'd prefer them to be set free outside, and as compromise, Aemond would simply escort you out of the room to leave his sister time to collect her buggy friend. He'd walk you to the kitchens, fetch some water, watch you crack your neck, and then venture back to whatever gathering.
You always hesitated before returning to events. Most times, wherever you saw the spider is the exact place you avoid - almost as if there was an invisible fence keeping you away.
Aemond would pause you, slowly pick up his sister's jar, and show you the little fucker was safely inside with a screwed-on-tight lid. You didn't like it, Aemond knew that, but you both made an effort to actively not upset Helaena.
One day, when a thick hurricane ravaged the city, Aemond found you in the middle of lessons and decided to seek out his sister - never seeking Aegon out unless for family matters. His sister, as usual, was catering to her collection of insects, smiling when she saw him, and inviting him over. She mindlessly explained who was who to Aemond, telling him what they did or what their purpose was in an ecosystem.
He listened.
He asked questions.
He was a perfect brother.
And he didn't think you'd know where to find him on such a day, because the moment Helaena handed over a spider to Aemond, bidding he be gentle and not let Aegon near the creature (who had been in and out all day), there came a squeak by the door.
"Oh," Helaena frowned, seeing your frozen form. Her brother had told her of your fear, thinking she'd understand the best. "I-I can introduce you, if you want? Wi-Will that help? Will that help you feel safe?"
You paused, heart melting at her words. "Um... Uh, I-I don't, I, uhhh... I just don't know what will help."
"It's okay, darling," Aemond soothed, nodding at you, hands turning over to let eight-legs carry the spider around.
"Here," Helaena nodded, waving Aemond after her as she approached you. "Why don't you just watch, say hello? No touching," she promised, standing slightly behind you as if you block your exit.
"Um... I don't know..."
Aemond took slow steps, eye never leaving your face. You gulped as he took another step, and from here, he could see a sweat glistening on your forehead - so he took another step.
"Wait! Wait, no!" You begged, feeling Helaena's hands on your upper arms from behind. Aemond was too close now, and you couldn't look away from the arachnid crawling around his flesh. The same flesh you touched, the same flesh that worshiped you nightly, the same flesh that warmed your own in the night. "NO!" You sobbed, backing up so forcefully, you almost tripped over you sister-by-law. "No, Gods, please, no! NO! Just no! G-Get away from me!"
Helaena gasped your name, but your eyes were blown, hands shaking, throat swelling, stomach churning. Aemond spoke your name softly, frowning, but you could only pant as you leaned against the chamber wall beside the door. "We're gonna put her back now, okay?" He spoke softly, nodding slowly at you.
"Please, please, just kill it, jus-just get it gone!" You begged,.
"We'll get it away from you, it's okay," Aemond agreed, his sister quickly opening her jar to let her brother lower the bug into the glass. "It's okay, love, look, just look here." When your eyes flashed to his, then to the jar, he made sure to move slowly and shake the little Hell spawn from his hand.
"I'm so sorry," Helaena frowned.
"It's not your fault," Aemond promised, watching you as you tried to regain your breathing. "It's not her fault either..."
"Um," Helaena looked at you with worry, "m-maybe you'd like to see the others? I have ladybugs, grasshoppers, too. They're nice."
You gulped, "I-Is the spider gone?"
She held up the jar, turning for her little work bench and setting the jar in a satchel - out of your sight. "Is this okay?" She made sure.
"I-It can't escape?" You squeaked.
"No," the girl shook her head. "I'm sorry I scared you."
"No, no," you assured slowly, "it's me."
"Can I ask?"
You eyed her for a moment, "I don't have an answer... I've been like this since I can remember."
She frowned, glancing at Aemond. "Why aren't you comforting her?"
"She doesn't like to be touched like this," Aemond whispered.
"My skin hurts when I'm having these feelings," you admitted with a frown. "I just... You gotta let me calm down."
"Come sit?" Aemond offered, gesturing to the furthest arm chair from the work bench.
"I-I think I should leave. You guys were having fun and - "
"No, no, I want you to stay," Helaena insisted. "We can do anything else!"
"I'm so sorry," you sighed.
"Don't apologize," Aemond frowned, slowly approaching you.
"Aht!" You warned with a finger to halt him. "You're not touching me after a spider!"
"Oh, sweetheart - "
"No, no, no, no, wash your hands," you snipped. "I can't touch you, please, Aemond... For me?"
He sighed, but turned for the wash basin as Helaena lead you to the sitting area. She showed you her ladybugs and grasshoppers, and soon, you were giggling as the grasshoppers just bounced around like a little spring was on their legs.
Aemond eventually joined you, but he could see the panic in your eyes from still being in the same room, knowingly, as a spider. He understood why you wanted them killed instead of set free, and he would've done whatever it took to ensure your comfort. However, it could mean putting his sister's comfort at risk - and nobody, but Aemond, cared about Helaena's feelings.
So, when you married Aemond, you both understood that you two were essentially Helaena's keepers. If that meant capturing spiders rather than killing them, so be it, but Aemond hated watching you suffer. So, he pretended he was needed elsewhere with you to make your escape, and only when out of the room did he swear you took a breath.
"I'm sorry I couldn't kill it," he sighed.
"No, it's okay... Thank you for getting me out of there."
"Anytime," he nodded with a frown. "I wish I could've helped more."
"You help plenty," you assured. "I should learn to knock before entering rooms."
Aemond chuckled, "Yeah, as if that would ever happen."
"Hush." But then, you admitted, "I wish I didn't have this fear."
"Then you wouldn't be you," Aemond eased, letting his hand slide around your waist. "It's okay to be afraid."
"'Course," he smirked, "because your husband isn't afraid of a thing and can easily take on the Hell Spawn."
"See!" You cried with a gasp. "You know they're devious little fuckers, too! Sent upon mankind to repent for our sins!"
"Maybe that's why you fear them."
"You sinned big time in another life and now the spiders are sent, seeking atonement."
"Oh, ha-ha. Thought I married a Prince of the Seven Kingdoms, not a court jester."
"Perhaps, a bit of both?"
"You'd have to be actually funny to be a jester - OW!" You laughed when he pinched your ribcage to make you squeal. "Unfair advantage! You're so bloody tall and have an angle!"
"Hm," Aemond considered, shrugging with a relenting nod, and then stooped low to haul you over his shoulder as if a sack of flour - moving forward to your bed chamber.
"Aemond!" You squealed. "Put me down, this is not appropriate! You know I hate being man-handled! Oh, my God, please, love, there's people watching!"
"Then they can mind their own business, just like we are," Aemond grunted. "I am merely escorting my wife to bed so I can fuck the fear outta her all night."
"It's only past lunch, Aemond!"
"Then I know what I want for dinner," his other hand rose to give a playful swat to your ass; hearing you giggle as he turned the corner.
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requesting rules and masterlist
HOTD masterlist
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seaweedrain · 8 months
I wanna go off about Pentious and Cherri because I adore them
I saw a post in the cherrisnake tag explaining how the whole night club scene felt a little OOC, and I totally agreed! Until I thought... Is it? I agree with the person who wrote the post (here is link to post) that Pentious seems like the kind of dude who would be asking for her fathers permission to court her! I've honestly wanted to write fanfics just like this back when the pilot came out, he really does give off those types of vibes!
I feel like the first few gestures of buying her a drink was him being gentlemanly! But again, like the person who wrote that post said, the mans probably got a lil buzzed, lettin the drinks talk as he moved forward with his Rule Of 3 comedy moment! Again, I fully agree haha! However, I do think another side of his personality was showing during this moment!
Sir Pentious has a desire to be accepted by those he admires! He wants the V's to see him, he wants other Overlords to notice him and his work! He will act like them if necessary! He's hip and cool! Or at least he really thinks he is! That club was Cherris scene! He was invited out by her! He had to act like her! Right??? That would impress her, RIGHT?! Asking her to do things with him that didn't seem... like him? She'd like that, right? That's what she does! She brought him there, after all (only because Charlie told her to, but he never thought he'd make it this far!)
After talking with Charlie in those last few episodes (in the background), the girl probably gave him sound advice to be himself as he tried to confess to Cherri. Being like Cherri didn't work with flirting with her (altho I personally, think she thinks he's a cute silly), so he might as well be himself. Someone who isn't trying to fight with her and "enemies/arch rivals". As he fumbles and runs away, it does look like she's a little sad he didn't confess, although I've seen a few argue that she just looked confused. Even after Angel told her she could hit that, in my personal opinion there was a hint of sadness.
In the fun facts, it says Sir Pentious died in the 19th century. I know he's an inventor, but the fact that he wears a generals outfit makes me wonder if that was him just... Being a silly lil guy thinking back to his time where he could have been high up in the ranks for war, or if he actually was! How much has he been through in life? Was he unable to confess his love before dying? I went to the wiki and couldn't find any information, although even if there were, I'm not sure how much I'd trust from wiki or how much of the info might be considered outdated now that the show is actually out!
The idea that he knew he was risking his after life, about to double die, he didn't want regrets about confessing to Cherri, especially after failing to the night before. Whether he had a similar experience in the living life or not, I do adore that Sir Pentious was able to be himself at least somewhat. Cherri was clearly charmed.
I do see him as a character that would try to court her over time, something I could DEF write a slow burn about! But I do love that he was written as someone who WANTED to get these feelings off his chest! Maybe if he could have, then he could have woo'd her like a proper gentleman! Maybe if we had a longer season, we could have seen more of that. His different attempts, trying to act like others thinking that'd impress her. Not fully aware that being himself was actually the answer all along. Yes, being himself was in a 'life' or death situation and it PROBABLY wasn't exactly how he could have wanted it to go down, but he was nonetheless, able to confess. Not pretending to be someone he wasn't. Yes, he agreed he was out of his mind, but he was being crazy for sacrificing himself! There wasn't time to think, he just had to do. There wouldn't be regrets. He was doing this for his friends, for her, in hopes to keep them safe or buy time.
So I do wish he took his time with her. Was able to flirt, court, and awkwardly confess at his own rate (figuring out he didn't have to pretend he was just like her and could do everything she did, fumbling it lmao) I could see how someone could think this was a ship pushed too quickly and out of the blue- maybe if there was more time in the season it wouldn't have seemed that way! I'm biased, I've been shipping them since the pilot! However, with the screen time they did get, I think it was written well!
And who knows?! There are theories he will lose his memory now that he's in Heaven, he will have lost his memory (which would be VERY sad, but I also adore the drama). I've seen posts where Charlie goes up again or Emily reaches out and they find out Pentious is there! I wouldn't be surprised if Emily remembered The Rizz Master who failed to flirt with a girl 3 times in one night at a club. I do fear Sera is going to do something to him, prevent him from doing anything as the news sinners can come to Heaven shouldn't be known or smth idk... But, I like the opportunities for Cherri and Sir Pentious that they may have in the future!
For all Cherri knows, right now Sir Pentious is double dead! The shipping possibilities are endless with him now being in Heaven! I saw a cute post about them writing letters and sending them to each other via Charlie. I could see Pentious writing this long, elegant letter with a reply of "LMAO XD RAWR" and him LOVING IT!
I'd love to know others thoughts, I just wanted to ramble about them.
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sol-consort · 25 days
Okay, so you get to have an orgy in mass effect, but you only get to invite 7 people. Who are you inviting and why?
Also, what songs would be on the playlist for the event?
can i fuck one person 7 times instead? no? ok cool.
man i don't like orgies; I'm an attention whore, if I'm not at the centre of your world during sex then I don't even wanna be there
but if you put a gun to my head then hmm, I can't pick my favourites (Thane) bc I would get jealous over them despite us literally being in the same orgy. Oh you glanced at someone else? While giving me head? Death penalty.
I guess Garrus can come...and cum. Just not in me, shoo. Go finish on someone else birdie. Miranda unironically seems fun in orgies, def want her there, maybe I can pop a tit in my mouth or something.
I would invite Tali, but I'm worried for her health & safety. Likewise, I would invite Mordin, but I'm worried for my own health & safety.
oh, Javik, definitely! get some prothean protien in the diet. He'd make things interesting too, maybe treat it as his own personal harem rather than a communal orgy which is fine in my book, I don't wanna be the leader in this group project.
Jaal because I'm 90% sure angara and orgies go hand in hand. Plus it would be absolutely hilarious to see him interact with Javik.
It's never a complete orgy without an asari... but I fear Javik might antagonise her. No bullying allowed in my christian minecraft server orgy!
Feron bc there is no way I'm getting through this sober, at least one drell in the mix.
this is quickly turning into a sausage feast, and I'm trying to think of women, but none of them would realistically agree to an orgy. Ashley? no way. Jack? Ha, not anymore. Samara? maybe in a cuck chair. Otherwise, her code says no. Vetra? Aria? Nyreen? Absolutely not. Any and all krogan women deserve a 1 on 1 heartfelt night.
Liara might agree...but I want to take her to dinner and have a romantic night alone instead :( She's my asari you can't have her! go away! get your own asari.
But PB? Yeah, she'd be 100% down. plus her dad is an elcor and yk how freaky down dirty they can get.
I think one person might die.
I could also just have an orgy with 7 different geth, Legion being part of them is very preferable but never mandatory. Have you seen how hot and tall the huge red ones are?
Or more preferably
Matriarch Aethyta
Matriarch Benezia
Consort Sha'ira
Because i am no better than a dog
I would also jump at the opportunity for a threesome with Admiral Hackett and Captian Anderson. You didn't ask, but I needed you to know this vital information. Thane & his wife seem kinda fun. Kaidan & James. Ashley & Liara.
As for a playlist, we're listening to Gangbang by Ayesha Erotica on repeat. Maybe the brat album if it gets stale?
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Ok so Crack Buuut- HOM/TGS!Aus with near Death Yuu (Not like Fatal Injury but definitely a Close call until they’re saved)
Villains/Sidekicks/OB Gang: Is there something we need to do? Is there someone we need to tell?
Yuu: -Def hurt and seriously considering- …… I have a long list of people I’d like you to kill…
Villains/Sidekicks/OBG: -Stifling laughter because this is serious but yep, that one’s ours- I-I think we could manage…
I don't know. My Yuu at least doesn't really hold a grudge. I mean, she's nearly died at the hands of the overblot gang and now their her really close friends (and they have huge obvious crushes on her like they are so in love with her it's not even funny) despite the actions they've done in the past that have hurt/wronged her. Her caring and unbiased nature is what made her nice to the Disney Villains in the first place, even though she was thoroughly warned by the staff beforehand and she can literally see how threatening they are.
(Okay so in Yuu's home world, Disney doesn't exist. She has no Disney knowledge at all so when she goes to the House of Mouse, she has no idea who anyone is or what they've done in their movies. It's usually played for humour - like in Yuu's memories whenever someone makes a blatant Disney reference and Yuu just looks/expresses her confusion everyone just sort of looks amused. Or maybe Yuu quotes something from a movie without knowing and has no idea why a few customers are smiling)
Anyway, doesn't really talk about killing people and if she did, she would do so in front of individuals who she knows aren't as morally upright as her. She knows that the OB gang are protective of her and care for her so if she says someone's name she knows that they'll go far with their punishment. The Disney Villains would straight up kill them (Maleficent literally has a torture chamber in her underground dungeon. I feel like she'd let her goons beat her victim bloody and invite Lilia to watch with a bucket of popcorn). They won't even try to hide that they've killed them. They'll probably be like "you haven't seen so and so at all? How strange." and just throw a party.
Yuu might be cool with villains but she draws the line at villainous actions.
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devondeal · 1 year
Some Barrissoka ask game questions for you my dear 💚💙
Oooo why thank my love 💙💚 I love these things, please y'all send me MORE. It was hard having answers you didn't already know 🤣 Enjoy.
3. What do their Masters think of their relationship and would they show their support?
Anakin would probably not care but I think he'd still be surprised that Ahsoka would be with Miss Barriss "Goody Two Shoes Straight A" Offee and low key be nervous that Ahsoka might learn a thing or two from her 🤣 I think he'd high five Ahsoka for and I quoteth "Yeeeaahh Snips GETTIN IT!" Then he'd just walk off leaving poor Ahsoka confused and annoyed.
Luminara would probably be happy about someone making Barriss happy but she'd still def keep a close eye on Ahsoka since she's protective of her daughter. I think Luminara would wait until Barriss tell her about the relationship before showing open support out of respect that it's Barriss's truth to tell (unlike Anakin).
6. Whose Master is more likely to walk in on them in a compromising position?
Oh Anakin absolutely 🤣 The man is an idiot and wouldn't notice the sock on the doorknob.
8. What do the Clones think about their relationship?
Rex is def Ahsoka's wingman and covers for her much like he does for Anakin. Poor man has a notebook full of excuses for them. But he adores their relationship and is happy Ahsoka could find solace in someone during a miserable war.
Gree loves how Barriss seems looser and more relaxed when Ahsoka is around so he is all for it and gives Barriss all the tips for the best places in town to take a lady out.
13. Who is more likely to give the "shovel talk," Luminara or Anakin and how?
Oh def Luminara. Anakin doesn't care enough to. Luminara however, knows how deeply Barriss feels and what it takes for her to open up to someone so she absolutely will want to make sure her girl is safe.
She would do it inviting Ahsoka to her room to "have a cup of tea" (Headcanon that the Jedi who know Luminara well know that the cup of tea means a beat down). She would use plenty of high vocab and innuendo for what she would do to a person who makes Barriss cry.
18. How would Ahsoka express her affection to Barriss?
I feel like Ahsoka would be very physical so she would love touching Barriss's hair, playing with it, learning to style it. She's a big cuddler and whine if Barriss gets too far away in bed.
She'd also love doing tasks like fixing, building, running errands, driving the speeder, etc. cuz she is THAT dyke.
19. How would Barriss express her affection to Ahsoka?
I feel like Barriss is BIG into gift giving and also loves feeding Ahsoka whether that's making her a meal or taking her out somewhere nice and fancy.
21. Whose more likely to initiate intimacy first?
Barriss. Girl might be the quiet one but it's always the quiet ones. Ahsoka while she seems more aggressive, I feel like would be SUPER shy about intimacy. Girl doesn't even let anyone sit on her bed according to the novel 🤣
23. How do they comfort each other?
They hold and cling to each other because it's what they did in life or death situations in the Clone Wars. Listening to the other's heartbeats help calm them down.
31. How would Ahsoka bond with Luminara?
In my and @jedimasterbailey's headcanon, Luminara loves speeder bikes. Ahsoka loves tinkering so naturally they basically car gals together and Barriss gets so bored when they nerd out over this.
I do think their bond started with Cloak of Darkness though even before Barriss.
33. What do the other Jedi think of their relationship?
Yoda would ADORE them together and non stop affectionately troll them. Plo Koon is happy that Ahsoka found someone to calm her restless spirit. Mace is glad the Luminous Lineage may tame the Disaster Lineage. Obi Wan at first is confused and worries about the two girls in a war situation and how that could affect them but in the supportive protective dad way.
45. Share your Barrissoka headcanon.
Ok so not a unique one I'm sure but I have this headcanon that it's Barriss who gives Ahsoka her diamond choker she wears in her second Clone Wars outfit and even though she doesn't wear it anymore, she kept it or maybe used it to make her new white lightsabers back when she didn't know if Barriss survived Order 66 as a way to comfort herself.
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
angel accompanying harry when he’s getting a tattoo is such a cute thought !! especially if his regular tattoo artist makes a comment about how harry has never invited someone to one of his appointments before :((
stop:((((( I think when he can he does his own tattoos like if its something on his leg or on his arm or something like that he can reach and see well and everything and he'll have the boys help out sometimes but if theres something that he needs in a specific style he can his tattoo artist that helps and they're good friends just bc they have the same profession so they can talk shit about everything and just bond over that so they're pretty cool w one another and when she comes w him one time to get something on his back like maybe something thats in a specifically painful spot he takes her w him and she'd def hold his hand and let him squeeze it if it hurts but hes also sooooo calm during it and talking to her and the artist is so nice asking about her and everything and them mentioning that h has never brought anyone like not even one of the boys she'd be so :((((( hearing that like she knows from harry that shes like the most major realtionship he's ever had but its still something to hear from someone else how much she means to him:(
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videostak · 1 year
i hate that i spent like idk the whole past year of 2023 sorta slowly healing myself piece by piece and also just slowly making little progress getting a job driving learning to be content w/ what happened and then when i see them again just feeling so out of place and just ashamed to exist like :/ like was rly made to feel like i was a genuinely worthless person who didnt even deserve the time of day in that friendship while also being given like constant fake reassurance abt actually bieng a close friend of theirs anytime id like try to confront them abt the way i had been treated and then to just get ghosted after a 3 yeear freindship sooo shitty and tht sucks obv but what makes it worse is that i kno she like def did it because she knew no one cared abt me so no one would give a fuck if i even did bring up her shitty behavior like lol. so weird being idk inducteed into a friend group of ppl who def think ur ugly n a loser but are too fake to say so to ur face and just act alarmingly fake to u. like i rly wonder how they rationalize it in all their heads like its one thing to be treated shittily and fake by one person but a whole group of them u'd think one of them would pull me aside or msg me being like hey we kinda dont like u but insteaed they were fake and not even like putting up w/ me fake but like overtly kind and positive in a way i totally suspected w/ some of the more overtly rude ones lol. liiike i rly do wonder how they rationalize it i guess kinda just being like oh well he was ugly and had no taste of fashion so he deserved it lol like its so idk. like scary cause they all had a faux positivtiy progressiveness to them and theered be times where id be like oh thats kinda red flaggy when theyd drop lil hints at awful behavior but id always brush it aside as smthn they were genuinely working on to remove and to better themselves (anytime id call them out for their behavior theyd avoid accountability by saying they were going to therapy for it and overall blame it on bad mental health which put me in a rly rly fucked situation not wanting to be a person who stops being friends w/ someone cause of mental health issues so i would just always 100% take her word for it even tho she'd treat her actual friends one hundred times better than she did me lol) like so many angles of it being fucked i wish i could just call them out or that one of their friends or any1 they knew would reach out to me saying they were also treated similarly but like the fucked reality is probably that not a single one of their friends gave a shit abt me since day one and could care less abt the way i was treated. like just so insane on so many levels cause it was like so quickly escalated into a close friendship and shed constantly bring up collaborating artistically n musically and would liteerally even come over sometimes just so we could work on music she wrote lol and then like go silent after i contributed something i guess she thouhgt was good lol and would invite me to TONS of shit then would go silent when id actually take her up on her offer and aks for like specifics of where the place she invited me was n stuff. like liteereally invited to dj sets n to go w/ her to record stuff in a studio and stuff like just so insanaaaane who even says that like if u genuinely dont give af abt some1 why constantly drip feed them random shit to them unprompted. just sooo fucked like no half assed apology message after it all or anything just like the moment i was out of her life she moved on just like that while i was still confused abt whatt the hell was even going on. have no idea how to avoid friendships like these but everytime i geet into one it just makes me feel so isolated from like every1 else in the world. i guess this could stop once i get a job with ppl i get along w/ who are my age or once i start taking college classes again. but just so insane i feel like only 1 or 2 of the friendships ive had have been actually normal positive effects on my life every other one is some rly awful person who acts crazy overly nice
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zablife · 2 years
So - since there's a lack of HotD inquisitions, I'd like to invite you to a
⛲️Swim in the fountain (FMK)
with Rhaenyra, Alicent and Laena Velaryon
Harwin Strong, Criston Cole and Daemon Targaryen
I hope you have fun!
xx Val
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Round 1:
💋Rhaenyra-I have a huge crush on Milly Alcock so this is hard for me to separate. In fact, I'm not going to. It's her, every time. She wins!
💍Alicent-She is such a dutiful wife and mother, I couldn't possibly choose anyone else. (Imagine what she'd be like in a happy, fulfilling marriage!?!) And she's gorgeous so the attraction bit is there as well. I'd be very satisfied with this union!
🔪Laena-This is by default bc I can't get the image of her as a tiny child out of my mind. I couldn't kill her either tbh tho! 🙈
Round 2:
💋Criston-His puppy dog eyes send me so I think we'd be whores for each other. His scene with Rhaenyra was proof enough that the man knows what he's doing in the bedroom.
💍Harwin-He comes from a good house and we'd be set for life. I think he'd totally worship me and def be a fierce protector. Total package!
🔪Daemon-My name isn't Rhaenyra so I'm in no way safe here. I'm dragon food, I know it. But also, who wants a man who is always daydreaming about someone else? I know my worth!
⛲️Swim in the fountain~Go on and dare me to play FMK, Would you rather, cast your mutuals or any other game you can think of.
For my 1K celebration. Masterpost here.
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
I don’t know if you write platonic stuff, but I was wondering if you could write headcanons for being the youngest sibling of Dewy and Tatum? You can ignore this request if you don’t wanna do it :)
No but I love this so much??? SO SORRY for how late this is, but I hope you enjoy nontheless!
So, the youngest Riley sibling huh? Well be prepared. It is overprotection central.
Dewey is a cop, so of course he's going to want to make sure his youngest sibling is safe and sound. You can expect tons of calls from him whenever you're out past 8pm, even if you're with your friends or Tatum.
If you dont pick up and you're with Tatum he will spam call her. She ignores him until it becomes so damn annoying she's forced to pick up, otherwise she's afraid he'll just come looking for you guys.
You've known Sidney almost as long as Tatum has. The minute Tate and Sid got close, she'd bring her around all the time.
Sidney thinks you're the absolute sweetest. She's always nice to you, though she isn't exactly sure on how to interact with you if you're like muuuch younger.
If you're just a bit younger than Tatum she gets along with you well.
Tatum treats you a lot like she treats Dewey. She's kinda that mean-ish big sister who's always like "Moooom, Y/N's being annoying!" or calling you mean nicknames.
But it's just that typical American sibling type of relationship where she acts all annoyed or whatever, but she's absolutely always on your side if someone ever messes with you.
Honestly, despite the fact Tatum has a very headstrong, straightforward image, I see her as being almost unable to hold a grudge for long. She tries, but she just cant help forgive people she loves pretty easily.
Dewey is absolutely the kind of big brother to always defend you from the rest of the family. He's kinda always in your court, especially when you and Tatum or your mom fight.
You eventually meet Stu, and he treats you one of two ways.
He either likes you and he kinda treats you like a little sis/bro. Gives you noogies, flicks your forehead, and is almost always obnoxious to you.
Or he doesn't like you and makes a lot of mean-spirited jokes towards you, jokingly trips you when you walk by so you stumble, and overall talks about how much hotter your sister is than you.
Either way, unless you're already friends with Stu, your interactions with him are usually pretty limited, as Tatum prefers to not have her family around much when she's around Stu.
Sidney always invites you to go out with her and Tatum, and Tatum is usually up for it as long as you don't get annoying during shopping trips or whatever.
Since you're younger than Tatum, you have a different friend group from hers. You really only talk to Randy, Billy, and Stu in passing unless you make an effort of trying to befriend them.
If you're just a few months younger than Tatum but in the same year, they'll probably be cool with you hanging with them if you become integrated into the group
if you're a year younger though, they'll def pull that "Ew a junior, sophomore/freshman." shit seniors tend to do.
You'll definitely be compared to Tatum, but fear not bc whether you're also popular or unpopular doesn't matter. Tatum absolutely makes sure no one bullies you.
Dewey will always offer to come pick you up from school if you're a lot younger than Tatum. He comes in his cop car and sometimes will even flash the colors/siren of his cop car for a sec just to embarrass you a lil lol.
If you make it a habit of going to Tatum's practices to support her? She doesn't admit it, but it means a lot to her. Your parents and Dewey are usually too busy with work to come to them.
You would be the first and only person Tatum confesses to about her bisexuality and her love for Sid before she dies.
You had always wondered why Tatum had two beds in her room. You only realized after she confessed to you why: Sidney was over so often, and they slept in bed together far too many times for your parents to be okay with it. The final push was when they discovered them holding one another in their sleep in middle school. You remember the ensuing fight afterwards, you were just too young or too out of the loop to realize what it was about. Now it makes your heart clench.
Dewey latches onto you after Tatum passes. He never lets you leave his sight for the first few years after her death.
It's rare...but you two will talk about Tatum while sitting in her room sometimes. The room that your parents wanted cleaned out but you and Dewey refused because it was the only memory of Tatum you had left.
You destroyed every picture you could find of Stu in her room though. You now hated him with every fibre of your being, and if you and him had a good relationship it hurt all the more. You really though he was a nice albeit goofy guy. Not a psycho who decided to go on a killing streak with his best friend.
You re-evaluate every interaction you had with him, thinking about what signs you could've seen. You couldn't think of any.
If you two had a strained relationship though, you start blaming yourself for not warning Tatum sooner that he was an absolute dickbag.
Dewey becomes your support system. You feel bad about leaning on him bc you feel you should also let him lean on you. But he insists on you relying on him. You think it's because he thinks its his way of not being there for Tatum when she needed him that night.
Sidney and you become closer after what happened. You had reached out to her for some mental and emotional support, and found out you had a lot more in common than you thought. You stay in touch with her throughout the years, and maybe even help her here and there.
In a surprising twist, you and Randy's sister Martha also become close after the events of Scream 2. You reach out to her the very minute news of Randy's death reaches you through Dewey, determined to do everything in your power to help her though it. You know what it's like to lose your older sibling, and unlike you, Marth had no other siblings to turn to. You eventually become best friends, and are known to Mindy and Chad as Aunt/Uncle Y/N in you two's later years.
You and Dewey never drift apart as siblings. You're there for his everything. His trip to Windsor to help Sid. His marriage to Gale. His promotion to sheriff. The birth of his first child. And he is likewise there for yours.
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tea-twords · 2 years
Group #6 for Windtrace headcanons!
In this group: Keqing, Klee, Kujou Sara, and Lisa
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My girl
She's a way better Rebel than hunter
Have to get that out of the way
She's got the speed
I feel like Ningguang definitely had to force her to take a break
As she probably did Ganyu
At first Keqing was pretty damn unwilling
Literally refusing to go saying it's just a "time waster"
It took Ganyu and Lumine literally dragging her to the field for her to consider it
Then Aether just sighed and picked her stubborn ass up
And Keqings sitting there like a bride crossing her arms
"Fine. Fine! One game, One."
It was in fact not one game
Like already stated, she's a really good Rebel
Speed is an important quality to have
She's also just as fast a thinker as she is a fighter so it didn't take long for her to get the gist of it
Really smart about her hiding places and which disguises would fool the hunter best
However, if she does get caught, she can just bolt away
Sometimes uses some skills to just teleport away
Like seriously she's pretty difficult to catch
Not saying it's impossible though
Her one weakness as a Rebel would be teasing, like most
She isn't even deathly ticklish (unlike some people) but it just gets her so bad
With enough willpower, she can stop herself from making any noise
But her face will be g l o w i n g
If she does wince or something, she'd just sigh and bolt somewhere else lmao
A few times she's played with Yae Miko
She feares Yae Miko
Ok Hunter headcanons
Not the best, I'll admit
But she's fairly decent at this role
Catching someone would be no problem, she's very speedy
The main problem is finding them
She uses her hints as much as she can, not really relying on intuition
Bc while she's a very smart girl, it just never seems to work in that moment
So usually she just tries getting lucky
And she has before
But it's not the most foolproof method
Gets scared by Hu tao a lot and almost loses track of her lmfao
Keqing would only tease a very specific few people
Those being Ganyu, Aether, Xiangling, Chongyun, and Klee
She's really close to The first 3, She just knows it gets Chongyun, and when she met Klee she was just "Aw"
Her and Klee get along hehe
But She knows if she tries teasing Ningguang, Lumine, Lisa, or Yun Jin, she's fucking dead
She's tried getting Yun Jin before, but just doesn't know her weakness yet
Or maybe just anyone of the teasy sort
Because she knows how they can turn the tables lmao
Her favorite people to play with would be Ganyu, Ningguang, Travelers, Ayaka, Kaeya, Xiangling, Noelle, and Beidou!
I just feel like she'd really get along with some people from other regions
I can explain for Kaeya
We all know how Kaeya likes to poke fun
And Keqing gets instigated
Lmao it's like a little friendly rivalry that they both (secretly) really enjoy
One time, as she was a rebel with Childe as a hunter, she was using her teleport method to change hiding spots again
And she accidentally teleported right in front of him
He put his hand on her shoulder, signaling the capture, but my poor girl had a fucking heart attack
She just kinda yelled and fell on her knees
It literally took a minute for her to catch her breath
Childe was genuinely concerned
And then she just kinda rolled over and accepted defeat
Okkkk that's what I have for Keqing!!
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Kaeya def invited her to play
He just picked her up on his shoulders and said "Wanna play a game with me and Albedo?"
God it's adorable
Klee is very unintentionally good at both positions
Probably better at hiding than finding
But she gets lucky a lot
Like a lot
As a rebel, skill-wise she's not that great lol
Which is understandable
But sometimes she just happens to find a spot right in the hunter's blind spot
And it happens quite often
She giggles a lot though
And honestly one of the big reasons she's gotten away so many times is because the hunter doesn't have the heart to catch her when she's having so much fun
Not that she would care lmao
Teasing affects her, but not so much as in a flustered way and more of in a "heehhe this is fun"
So she'd be audibly giggling as always
Again half the time the hunter doesn't have the heart to do her in
My child
When Klee's really energetic, catching her can be really hard
One too many apple ciders and she's Godspeed my child
One time, during a last second chase with Kaeya, on a whim she jumped over what would be basically 3/4 of her height without even thinking much
She won that game
As a hunter, her techniques aren't the best, but somehow effective nonetheless
She basically just runs around, attempting a catch whenever she can, and try to spot movement
Not saying it's a bad strategy but
It works better than it should
Basically if she runs by you and you are within catching range, you're fucked
Giggles the whole time
Occasionally she says stuff like "I'm gonna get youuuu" (learned from kaeya and lisa), but it's more so people dying bc of how cute it is rather than being flustered
Bc child
I cant even list her favorite people to play with
She loves them all
Even the weird grumpy grownups of you know who I'm talking about
If I had to pick her faveeee people ever in the world it would have to be Albedo, Kaeya, Lisa, Sucrose, and basically the other knights
These are kind of short but I'm tired and I'm trying
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Kujou Sara
She needed a lot of convincing
Especially Itto constantly challenging her
Like non stop
Eventually, she caved, just to get him to shut up
It can't be that hard, right?
Her first game was with Itto, Lumine, and Yoimiya who happened to be there too
"So, I just hide from the hunter and turn into things?"
"I guess basically"
Itto was the hunter
She and Lumine stuck together for the round, with Lumine quietly guiding her on how to play as they were hiding
As a rebel, Sara's quite good
She takes it pretty seriously though
She'd be as stealthy as possible, evading the hunter at any cost
For losing would mean her pride
But yes this means Sara's really careful about her spots
Not too obvious, but not too hidden
For best Rebel experience
If you do almost catch her, beware, because she's very fast, so it's always best to get her off guard in her hiding spot
As a hunter, also beware of her
She got the bird in her, deadly bird, like Diluc
Good eyes, good ears, and overall a pretty well trained mind when it comes to things like this
Like I said, she's pretty fast, so she can usually chase rebels down with no problem
I feel like she'd only tease certain people with certain things
Not always tickles, sometimes just to build anticipation for their capture
She'd be alright teasing people like Gorou, Aether, Ayaka, and Shinobu
Shinobu would only react for certain people but when we get there we get there (Sara's one of them)
She definitely wouldn't tease people like Miko or Ei
Miko out of fear for cruel relatiation and Ei just out of respect
Itto and Heizou are special cases, because they're not exactly easy to tease, but once you know what gets them you're all set
Sara in this case does
She actually enjoys playing with a lot of people
Her "rivals" (Gorou, Itto, Kokomi)
Her friends (Shinobu, Heizou, the Kamisatos)
And she likes to sometimes take her troops there for "stealth" training
And it does kind of work
Those tend to be more serious games but they have their moments
I feel like she'd be friends with Yanfei too
Shinobu would probably introduce her or tell stories about her
A lot of respect but she likes how her personality just is too
Also Venti would challenge her a lot to be the annoying mf he is
Ok that's all for Sara (and as I'm writing this happy birthday girl)
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Hunter all the way
She's played this game many times before when it was in season in the past
When she was younger, she wasn't the best, but now she's made up for it
100% a great hunter
Decently good rebel too
As a rebel, her smarts are what make her
She'd choose specific spots depending on the hunter, moving into their blind spots
Sometimes uses the bait trick to be the tease that she is and mess with the hunter
She loves messing with the hunter speaking of
Sometimes, if it's someone she knows pretty well, she'll reveal herself only to make a quick escape when the hunters close by
Does this to Amber, Bennett, Kaeya, Diluc, and Jean a lot
As a Hunter, watch the fuck out
She is so teasy it's unbelievable
Well also other advantages
She knows the maps pretty well, so finding differences in them isn't that much of a problem
Very smart woman
But the teasesssss
Absolutely deadly
She can get pretty much anyone to crack
Some more easier than others
She doesn't strike me as the fastest person, so it is possible to outrun her
But then again she's electro, so she could probably use her vision for some bursts of speed
Back to the teasing
She's a master at it
She creates the worst feelings of anticipation to the point where you could f e e l it
And then she'd wreck you to no end
Using her vision as well
Can get the most quiet people to react
One time she drew a "tch" out of Yelan herself
As for favorite people to play with, there's a lot
She likes playing with the travelers, Diluc, Kaeya, Jean, Klee, Amber, and Mona
Mona's fun to tease sometimes lmao
Omg and Rosaria
She's one of the few people that know Rosaria's limited spots
Those being her hips and her back
She messed with Rosaria a lot too hehehe
If only church sister knew that Lisa had the exact same spots
Also as for foreign people
She loves teasing Ganyu too, and basically all the Liyue young peoples
Kokomi and Gorou
And I feel like she'd have some sort of rivalry with Yae Miko
Both of them teasing eachother trying to get the other to break
Like they meet and
"...You look quite nice today, Miss Yae. Your ears are exceptionally cute"
"Oh, why thank you, Miss Lisa, I'm truly flattered. You're looking lovely today yourself."
"My, how sweet of you"
It's this really weird like flirting
They don't "like like" (excuse my child wording) eachother, they're just kind of taking interest in their similarities
Games between them are insane
This one time, Miko was the hunter and Lisa was one of the rebels, and it's just pursuit of eachother
Teasing out in the open
Xiangling and Chongyun as the other rebels were quite literally shaking and hugging eachother behind some vines out of fear of this power
Nobody ever wins between them
But it begins to affect Lisa sometimes, just internally
Ok that's about everything
She loves playing with just about anyone so let your imagination go wild
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volgdemagischewinx · 3 years
YES!! And later in the episode when Mitzi is walking down the stairs and Bloom is like "Mitzi!! :D" and it's like,,, babe??? HELLO??? The same girl that made fun of you and your family for being poor in the first episode? The one that constantly talks down to you and doesn't believe you when you say you made friends in your new school? The one that makes fun of the way you dress and act and look? The one that would sell your soul to satan for a corn chip??? That Same Girl?????
Bloom can be so dense sometimes 😞 Her reaction to Mitzi in that episode is one of the reasons why I headcanon that they used to be besties when they were super young. I feel like Bloom is always able to see the best in people and always doubts herself when they act up (ahem Sky ahem) and Mitzi in particular is a really good example of that. Like Bloom doesn't like Mitzi, but she still acts like they're friends? Still treats her kindly? Still accepts invitations and wholeheartedly believes her stories? Still tries to see the best in her after years of being her target? Bloom makes me so sad I'm so glad she has better friends she'd probably try to befriend Icy if she had the chance (what am I saying she does do that at some point gotdamn)
It's The Autism. Legit one of the main reasons I HC her as autistic. It doesn't get depicted as much the stuff about being bad with metaphors(ha! As if anything gets depicted much at all) but there's also a whole thing about it being really hard to tell when people are fucking with you. It makes you easy to humiliate and absolutely a target for bullying. I've always felt Bloom's tendency to never question Anything stemmed from that
But I could def also see her having had that childhood friendship with Mitzi, and a part of her still wanting to get that back. If someone Bloom cares about hurts her she is way too willing to forgive them and even blame herself for the way others treat her(fucking SKY). I think part of it might also just be this desperation to finally get the approval of the person who clearly thinks she's worth nothing? Like at Alfea Bloom has friends, and seems to be accepted if not liked by her peers as a whole. But in Mitzi's eyes she's still just that loser girl. I think a part of her believes that if she could make Mitzi see how far she's come then maybe Mitzi would be nice to her too. But that's not how bullies work unfortunately
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jjofalltrades · 3 years
can you gift me with a fluffy/smutty (whatever you are willing to give me) spoiler of wolf hunt, please ee , i got fired today, kinda bad but your story bringns up my mood😚
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Oh, Anon! I'm so sorry about being fired today! That totally sucks. I will def give you some fluff to brighten things! This is an entirely new scene that I came up with just for you. It's unedited, but I hope it helps!! -------------- They watched the happy couple dance to another slow song, whispering sweet nothings to each other. A year ago, she wouldn't have thought it possible that she'd be at Hot Pie's wedding on a beach in the Stormlands. Along the same thought, if someone had told her she'd be attending the wedding with her ex, Gendry, as their best friend married his half-sister, Arry would have laughed the whole thing off. Yet, here they were. Together. Happy. Alive. While the threat of their enemies still hung over their heads, no one dared to show an ounce of concern.
Across the makeshift dance floor, a group of children played rambunctiously near the water. Mya had dubbed Edric as "it" then headed in the opposite direction. The poor guy at the open bar looked on in horror as the young ones charged at him with water guns and sand buckets. Next to Arry, Gendry threw his head back with a cackle. She smacked his chest but couldn't hide a snicker behind her hand. "No wonder he doesn't like anyone," she shook her head.
"He needs to live a little," her wedding date took a drink from her wine glass. She smacked him again. "What?" Gendry looked ever-the-innocent one, smirking as he took another sip. He leaned closer, "swapping fluids is a favorite pastime for us, isn't it?"
Scandalized—as much as she could appear before all the filthy little thoughts popped to the front of her mind—Arry turned away with color rising from her beck to her cheeks. "You need to behave, sir," she wagged a finger at him. He gently bit down on the tip of her finger, glancing up at her like the wicked devil she knew him to be. Gendry wiggled his eyebrows. "Behave," Arry repeated, "children are present."
"Get a room," Mya groaned as she plopped down in a seat at their table. She pulled each sandal off and dumped at least a handful of sand out of them.
"I'm trying to, but she insists on staying until we see the newlyweds off on their honeymoon," he finished by kissing the finger he bit down on and wrapped an arm around her bare shoulders.
"Speaking of," his sister wrinkled her nose as she wiped her hands on a napkin and searched for a glass to drink, "Edric volunteered to take them to the airport on his way back to Storm's End." Gendry poured her a glass he swore was hers and handed it over. "Bet he'd take the smoochie faces over this crowd any time."
"Destination honeymoon?" Arry piped in and nibbled on some phantom traces of frosting left on her plate. She could practically see Gendry's eyes roll before he switched her empty plate with someone else's untouched piece of cake.
"Summer Sea," both siblings responded.
"They'll fly to some Essos port, board a cruise ship, and spend the next three months away from the real world," Mya sighed wistfully at the very thought. Though, her beautiful daydream came to a screeching halt when Arry fed Gendry a bite. Her entire face scrunched in disgust. "Should we be planning another wedding? A baby shower, perhaps? Skipping all those other important steps to get to the good part?"
"What do you think about buying an RV and road-tripping it?" Gendry questioned in an almost whisper. The sparkle in his eyes and the twitch of his lips told Arry he'd thought about this a lot more than she ever had. Her brows knitted together, and she put the fork down.
"No grand wedding for the paparazzi or adoring fans? All your exes will be heartbroken if they don't at least get an invite." He leaned in closer. Though she tried to make light of the topic, the Baratheon was not having it.
"You, me, and the open road like old times."
"Final destination up north? Maybe near a mountain?"
"Fresh snow on the ground. Curled up together by a fire."
"Who else is going to help me hunt for our food out in the wilderness?"
"All that snow."
"All that snow," he repeated and finished with a small kiss on her lips.
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paleiido · 2 years
AHEM. Abi: 💐,🎡,🌈 ,❤️ Gabe: 💥,🌙,📣,❇️,💘  Mari: 🌠,🖍️,🎵  Miguil: 🙉,🌱,🔥,💚. Pick and choose. teehee
AHEM 🦅 (swoops down on you)
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first of all sicko. Honestly, he's pretty unbothered most of the time, but when it comes to his love it would be a hard hit. Anything diminishing it or implying it to be false would be bad.
But from Kitty specifically? I don't love you. He'd simply lose it and cry and throw up. Cuz, 1) why would she lie about that, 2) did she ever?
Peace and love to you.
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Age 6, new girl on the playground, and her laugh rings out above anything else. With the setting sun her hair almost glows and she's laughing with his sister. She sees him looking and invites him to play with them.
He remembers thinking it was the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen, and he's lucky he still get to see the same smile everyday.
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How fucking dare you 👺
Just like his big sister, he makes himself pass last. Could he better if he took opportunities thrown his way? Yeah. But he doesn't want to be better at the cost of people he cares about, and he doesn't want to lose them. He does truly think that and he's not that scared of the future but it's also an excuse.
He's reckless when emotional (jjoeblush) He's not used to being emotional so it leads to him making bad decisions but usually nothing ever lasting because he can get a grip on himself fairly quickly. But he tends to isolate a lot and not fighting, just leaving a situation.
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Uhm being known and knowing :) Depends from people to people, but he's happy when he knows they're trying their best for him. Just knowing that I.e Matty saying sorry means a lot to her and its hard for her to do but she does for him. Or like Mari's presence is often enough because he knows she always has his back.
Otherwise he needs big hugs where he can hide his face , Kitty is smaller than him but generally hugs where he can hide his face in the crook of her neck :) She's the one who offers him comfort most of the time. REST UNDER DA CUT ✂
💌 Mariana:
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She'd wish to never lose anyone without having to choose :) She wants it all, she knows she can't! But maybe they can make it work .
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god. Hmmmm stop running before you have to. You might find you're better suited for it than you think.
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I dunno enough artists to be like syeah she has a favorite one HAHAH
but ahem she has one here , the song i associate with her the most always changes :)
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Anger and sadness. He doesn't feel them often nor linger on it. But those who can make him feel them makes it..harder to deal with. With age it became easier but he was def punching walls in High school. rip eric's locker door ig
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Heh. His greatest wish is for Eric and Kitty to be happy and being part of that happiness. He has a family in them and they're getting farther away and it scares him. He's not willing to push Kitty's boundaries for it but he'll push on Eric's because he knows Eric doesn't want to lose his daughter. (His ultimate wish was that Piper never died but lol. just...being all happy together. He would have loved to see it.)
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Very loud! (heh 😏) His voice carries easily! He just has that presence about him. Talks semi polite like, too casual for business but not rigid. No voice claim for now...will think about it... He has a similar accent to everyone in town. Still talks hindi with his family a lot.
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Something Kitty did at school and she sent over to him. He gushed over it to her for hours on phone . It looks so shit now but he loves teasing her about it and it's still really important. Meant the world to him that she thought about him. Otherwise, there's a gift from piper he keeps close and a gift from his parents when he graduated.
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He does believe in attraction at first sight. Not so much love now.
In a relationship, he looks for understanding. Being able to communicate openly is very important to him. As long as they can work through stuff everything will be fine. He also needs someone who can understand they won't always pass first for him, especially for family.
🌞 Abigail:
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White chrysanthemums - truth, loyalty & honesty
White orchids - humility, innocence, elegance , etc
Cyclamen - feelings and sincere affection
Red carnation - Love & affection
Hydrangea - gratitude for being understood Hydrangea and orchids being her favorite :)
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It's not something important or that she thinks about. but she WILL HEH. Before Damo, no. Doesn't think it's anything special and it's not like she had the occasion for it. BUT! I think she will giggle and blush if Damo asks :) She's happy to indulge him.
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To not lose herself.
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So I thought it was word of affirmation but did a lil test and apparently its physical touch and quality time close second ♥.
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paperpeachy · 4 years
may i ask for some vivi headcanons? (ps i adore how you draw her :'))
sure u can (and tysm)!! here’s to our fave shadow girl 💜💖:
⦁ she doesn't like putting her hair up tautly- ponytails, braids, buns, braids are all done sloppily bc she likes how airy it makes her feel 
⦁ vivian's upbringing rlly deprived her of any family/friends/any outside perspective to lean on (besides marilyn, who beldam would eventually deprive her from too), so she'd sink in the shadows of trees and listen in on convos the birds would have. they indirectly educated her on a lot of things abt the world(and herself)/made her feel a part of something. it's the only thing that rlly helped her put up w beldam w/o her spirit breaking. the birds may or may not have been aware of her listening in on them, and would've openly invited her to join in on the convos if she wasn't so anxious abt her presence being known :'(
⦁ bc of that ^ vivian is also SUPER opinionated. it takes the gang a bit of pushing and prodding to actually let that side of her show more, she's still kinda guarded abt expressing herself like that..old habits die hard, but she's working on it !!
⦁ she's mostly comfy in that pastel-goth attire, but she's v open to trying out all kinds of things
⦁ runs a potion/witchery store in twilight town. with the help of a stray black cat she picked up named hex
⦁ despite running her store in twilight town, she actually decided to build a house down in the petal meadows w marilyn. she likes how homey the town feels :')
⦁ this is kinda a given, but as a siren, she def has a rlly pretty voice. her singing in particular kinda takes u into a cathedral...shes fire at choir and a cappella. super holy and eerie sounding mmh
⦁ none of the party members rlly attentively listen to bella's rambling/expedition notes, but vivi welcomes it in open arms- she loves learning!! the two get along super well bc of that
⦁ she holds it to herself to befriend doopliss after everything's done once she see him replace the role of beldam's lighting rod
⦁ yoshi kid joined the party p later on compared to the others, so he has 0 reservations abt her joining and he clings to her super fast bc he's excited to have someone w mad fighting skills (like himself) join the gang. he talks v naturally to her, which makes it heart-warmingly fast for her to fit into the big sis role.
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mightybeaujester · 3 years
for the dnd character asks: 18, 19, and/or 34?
18. How does your character act when they want to seem inviting?
I envision her with her arms crossed like 95% of the time so I think in the rare case when she actually want to seem inviting she would probably just uncross them. While playing her, I found myself leaning forward and putting my elbows on my knees when engaging in a conversation she's actually interested, so I think that is a unconscious, but inviting thing she does. When dealing with kids, she def does the "go down on one knee to be on the same height"-thing. And I think she actually tends to give MORE personal space when actually wanting to be inviting.
19. How does your character act when they want to seem threatening?
Considering she is a completely vantablack, tall and buff tiefling, it doesn't take much I think. Just stand upright, maybe flex her muscles, and either invade the persons personal space or sink into the shadows so ppl can't perceive her, ergo can't really asses her, should prob do it.
34. How do they respond to condescension?
I think it depends both on the person or the day. She would either get pretty angry or just honestly not care/think it is hilarious. She's def of the (false) believe that she understands the evil of the world, so if someone implies she's wrong about something concerning that, she'd laugh about it and leave the conversation. If it's more of the "how do you not know this, everyone knows this"-kind, I think she'd get defensively angry. There's a lot of common knowledge she's missing, and she does not want anyone to know that.
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