#she's a cuddler and is so cute bro
olliesaurus-rex · 2 years
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My sister got a kitty! Meet Cypher!
(disclaimer, she was only in the crate when we first got home as we have other pets so she had a safe place to be while they met)
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v-anrouge · 3 months
Pomfoire Cuddles! (Pretty sure I’ve already sent you something like this but you seem like you could use cuddles)
Vil obviously doesn’t like cuddles unless he’s done his fifty thousand step cuddle routine! Skin care, showers, change the sheets, best pjs cleaned and pressed, snackies and water at the ready! But it’s all worth it when it’s the most comfortable cuddle ever! Hand feeding each other cut up fruits and veggies, soft music playing in the background silk pajamas, it’s like straight out of a romance novel! Obviously his emergency cuddles are not as strict, mainly his emergency cuddles are bath cuddles. Vil seems the type to hate cuddling and relaxing until AFTER he’s washed the days grime off him, so if you’ve had a bad day, he just goes all out with his bath and has you join (if you’re comfortable of course!) bubbles are a must, and he even lets you bring in a rubber ducky cause bubble baths aren’t complete without a ducky!
Rook is a chaotic cuddler, any time, any where, he’s ready to wrap you in his long arms and legs, and snuggle! He is also a chatterbox most of the time, talking about everything and nothing all at once. Somehow. He will even recite poetry, or sing some lullaby’s if you wish. He’s down for whatever. When you need emergency cuddles, he texts Vil and asks for him to bring you both snacks while in his room, snuggled up, one of Rook’s hats on your head cause you look cute with it, and a stolen quilt from Epel wrapped around you, and you placed in Rooks lap. Vil sometimes joins in if you wish.
Duel cuddles are a bit of a mess! Rook wants to hurry up and cuddle now, while Vil wants some planning for the cuddles! After his shower, Vil does some quick laundry, and gets the skin routine set up while you and Rook quickly take a shower,which is mostly Rook hugging you cause he needs cuddles right now! He may let yo go for a bit, in exchange for a smooch! But you all end up piled onto Vil’s bed, with his bajillion thread count sheets, while Vil fusses over Rooknot having properly dried his hair yet, and Rook refusing to let you go. Finally Vil joins, and now you and him are trapped in Rook’s embrace, and subject to Rook’s many thoughts about how beautiful you two are!
Now picture with the dogs! Rook’s hounds all curled at the foot of the bed, though Beau keeps his head on your legs so he knows your there. He doesn’t mind if you kick him in your sleep, he just readjusts. And Ada is all huffy cause those are HER dad’s arms she should be in! Eventually she lets you hug her since Vil is holding you and Rook, but it takes Vil telling her to join in before she does. Odette and Aubery curl around each other, and Beau’s bum since he’s stretching to reach your legs. You will all be awoken by Odette demanding that it is morning time! Out of bed! She needs her breakfast!
URRDEDH thank you so much:(( you're so sweet
vil having a routine for cuddles fhwheehehehehehe he's so silly i swear i want to kiss him all over of course rook being the total opposite he'd probably try to cuddle his lover in public too bro is clingy idk how well id sleep with two people and dogs on the bed sleeping as well but ugh they're so cute 😿😿😿😿
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rosalind-hawkins · 5 months
Okay your new header is SO cute!!!
So for the ask meme, our lovely mumble boys!!! 1, 8, 35, and whichever your favourite number is!
Thank you so much, and thanks for indulging me!
1. Who fell for the other one first?
Generally speaking, Ryou is the hopeless romantic who falls first, but somehow in Power of Three, he's the last one to fall for both of his boys. 🤷‍♀️ Seto falling for Ryou first is just too adorable.
8. Do they get along with each other’s friends and family?
Oooh, I've made a post like this before, but I never get tired of talking about how these boys build their family.
Seto lets Ryou put up a little angel shrine to his mother and sister in the mansion's garden with votive candles and such (thanks to my "Ryou had a Catholic mom" headcanons). Duke is not on speaking terms with his parents (idk that we know anything about Duke's mom, but assuming she's not dead, I think he resents her for what she let his dad do), so Kaiba is happy to stonewall them as well. "The enemy of my friend is my enemy." And if either Duke's dad or Ryou's dad shows up uninvited, Seto is taking every legal measure to keep them as far away as possible.
Ryou and Duke love Mokuba, and Mokuba loves them. Kaiba cannot date anyone longterm that Mokuba hates, it's not allowed. They get along super well and it's honestly enriching for lil Mokie.
In an AU where Amane is secretly somehow alive, she and Mokuba become BFFs, she slips right into his friendgroup with Leon and Rebecca, and he has a big crush on her. Seto and Amane don't quite know what to make of each other, and that's partly because Seto is weird with women. Duke and Amane would get along great, total nerdy gamer bros.
Kaiba is forced to learn how to play nice with the rest of the gang, mostly due to Ryou's insistence. Ryou's not going to keep the people he cares about all separate unless there's a very good reason for it, and he doesn't think Kaiba has a good reason for refusing to interact with the others. Duke actually would have been fine with Seto staying so standoffish, but does admit that it's not fun when they can all do things together with their friends.
35. How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time?
Ooooooooohhhhhhhh boy. *Deep breath* Okay, SO.
When Seto has to travel and taking either of his boys with him isn't an option, they use phonecalls to stay in touch. Seto doesn't usually do much of the talking on these calls, but hearing their voices and listening to them happily talk about their day and their ideas makes him happier in that "I miss you more than I did before" kind of way.
Sometimes Duke has to go to America for business stuff with Pegasus, and he prefers video calls and exchanging selfies to help with missing his boys. Kaiba won't take selfies but Ryou takes pictures of him on Duke's behalf, which is deemed acceptable.
When Ryou is missing his men, in addition to the stuff above, he will wear their clothes to feel closer to them and hang out in a spot where they usually spend their time. Sometimes he'll drink coffee when he misses Seto, even though he doesn't really like coffee. It makes him feel closer. Then when they come back, Ryou is all over them for cuddles.
And, since you asked for my favorite number, I've become a little... extra indulgent.
33. Who is the big spoon and why?
Mostly Kaiba, secondarily Duke, but Ryou will be a big spoon too sometimes to both of them and it's precious. Ryou likes to hold onto people and cuddle, and Kaiba denies that he's a cuddler, but if he's holding them in his sleep and they creep out of his hold for any reason, he wakes up fast. It's secretly an anxiety thing. Ryou figured that out first but doesn't say anything about it. Duke just loves physical contact, he will go either way with either of them. 😉
48. Who would bring home a homeless animal?
Ryou 1000%. He will come home with a box of abandoned kittens, crying because he already loves all of them so much. Duke grabs the tissues and Seto summons a veterinarian.
49. Do they match outfits for special occasions?
Ryou likes to match Kaiba, and Duke likes to be his own thing. Duke's style and flair are very distinct and don't match Kaiba at all, though they are an interesting complement. Sometimes Duke wants Ryou to match him instead, and that's when Ryou becomes an absolute doll that his boyfriends dress up because he would wear casual comfy clothes every day of his life for every occasion if he didn't have such fashionable men to guide him.
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thehistorynut19 · 11 months
📸, 🩷, 🙆‍♀️, and 🌘 from the somewhat basic ask game for whichever f/o you want to answer with,,
okay okay okay okay
im so sorry in advance but-
Because I love you Brooke, you're getting a 4 for one deal
📸 for a random screenshot / picture i can gush about.
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Listen...Naki is my ultimate fave in Zero-One, everyone fucking knows this. Dude I want to pin Naki to the wall and be pinned. You don't fucking expect this from them! And it's fucking GLORIOUS. This gentle suaveness and perhaps they take Boa's chin, caressing it like the licks of a pup to make her look at them (sure she's taller esp with her heels but...Naki likes it when they're the center of her world~) I want to do the same to Ikazuchi because I know that man will make the most wonderful of faces~ IkaBoa are both rather forward so Boa would def slam him against a wall-
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I legit fucking replayed this damn scene of the RealxTime movie over and over again because of this stupid scorpion. It's a smirk of confidence. It's a smirk that shows he isn't a alone anymore. He has a "family" "friends" and hoenstly...he has this confidence around him that makes me go HUIGHRSIUHUTR ya know
Anyway this is a face he makes when he knwos Boa is about to come wreck shit-
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THIS??? LOOK AT HOW HAPPY JIN IS??? I WANNA FUCKING GENTLY SMOOSH HIM AND KISS HIM- Like imagine him giving that kinda smile to Boa? How happy she makes him feel and just probably does things like rub their cheeks together and hUIHUGRSHR
🩷 for a headcanon about f/o.
Horobi: Horobi knits actually and he makes scarves for Boa. She's naturally has a rather low body temp and because of his Team Dad instincts, he worries about her a lot. He made one with their colors huifdhusgf
Naki: Naki has this affection towards dreamcatchers, and Boa got them one as a good luck charm. They kept it with them as they were being destroyed, clutching on to it tightly, refusing to let it go as their body burned...Boa found it in the rubble and picked it up.
Jin: One of favorite things to do with Boa is just walk around the city, hand in hand. He swings their conjoined palms oh so happily and hums, along to whatever song he heard that day. He's also a big cuddler bc he is so touch starved man
Ikazuchi: Has actively picked up Boa and chucked her at people during fights and vice versa. But he also likes scrapbooking with her.
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🙆 for something i can't stop thinking about.
................................. I can't stop thinking about how they all deserved fucking BETTER-
🌘 for something i love about f/o.
Horobi: How far he's come, how willing he is to make amends but also go down his own path, his own beliefs.
Naki: Surviving against all odds, it's beautiful how they found their dream and continues to live on. (esp in my heart), Naki is just...just...idk how to put it into words but like Naki is Naki.
Jin: He's so fucking cute what the fuck I want to smoosh he- Ikazuchi: he's just pure sex appeal Ika's brashness and his love for Subaru? It's very much like me and my lil bro so I adore him.
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
4, 12, 14, 16, and 18 if you're up for that many jskdkek
I'd say Gary for most of these buuuuuuut if you'd rather answer with someone else (or swip and swapp) absolutely feel free to dude
PAYASO!!! Thanks for sending an ask, mate! Unfortunately I can’t post an actual video since the site hasn’t let me upload one in practically a week, BUT allow me to still answer these! (PS: I accept your Garyfication challenge 😈😈😈😈)
4. So you want me to pick one of my favorite canon moments with Gary~ Hmm, a bit of a tough question; I could have like 50 different answers for this one! I guess my default answer is his lil suit-up sequence after Monarch declares he’s getting back into the supervillain game. It’s just a fun lil scene, and I’m a real sucker for how the music's put together in it lmao. ALSO, it lets us take a look into his room, so I get to study what he’s a fan of hehe.
12. My problems with the fanon version of Gary... I don’t think I have any! Nope, fanon Gary’s very solid! The ships he brings are very cute too.
14. Alright, so we’re shouting out my F/O crushes... well shout-out to Sheila for single-handedly getting me into Venture Bros in the first place! She’s a real doll; not only is she absolutely gorgeous, but she’s a GENIUS girlboss and I love seeing her kick ass. Whether or not she becomes a romantic F/O of mine, I can still say that The Monarch is one lucky man. There’s also Phone Guy, who’s a real caring employer trapped in a cruel business lmao. A pure optimist straight to the end, not to mention he has GREAT taste in animatronics too. And last (but certainly not least), we have my GO Rocket grunts, who I am currently dubbing as The Henries. Both the Rock-Type and Water/Magikarp-Type Grunts are getting my affections rn, like they are just DOMINATING my braincell rn. I’ll talk about my characterizations of them in a separate post, but they’re both just silly lil dudes and I love them a lot! I haven’t encountered my magikarp Henry in-game yet, but rock Henry visits me all the damn time in that game lmao. I’m hoping I can meet magikarp Henry soon though, so I can keep fleshing him out.
16. What aesthetics I relate to Gary... hmm... Well, Noir is a DEFINITE answer; his Kano outfit will always be one of my favorite looks on him, sorry not sorry. There’s also Cottagecore, partially because he has the butterfly aesthetic and partially because he just reminds me of a bear. And, of course, there’s Nerdcore, but specifically Disneybounding (I think that counts). Idk, I just like imagining us dressing up as Peggy and Steve-
18. Talk about anything relating to this man... ANYTHING you say~ Okay... This is a simple one, BUT, the creators of the show were talking about how Gary would be a cuddler in bed, and that thought just lives in my head rent free. That’s the DREAM man; to be able to cuddle with this man... and tuck his loose hair behind his ear... and to give him a big kiss on the cheek... mmmm, yes, quite splendid indeed.
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highonthought · 10 months
Freakin bumble man 😂
So the dance guy ive been talking to is actually mad fucking fun 🙄😜. I hope these emojis show up on the desktop version
Ok so anyway my last weekend:
Dude im trying so hard to remeber how this weekend started, ive seen him a lot this weekend. Oh ok thats right the vintage market. So i hadnt seen this dude in almost two weeks since the first date we went on. And i wasnt sure if i was going to again at that point, bc our schedules kept not syncing up and he was busy, or i was busy.
I was going to the night Market with bestie and her friend, and this guy texted that day saying “oh you should come see me at the market, im going to be MCing the dance battle.” And i was like worm ok! Im going to that anyway! So us girls go, look around, i say hello to him. He’s doing his thing on the mic, talking to me, doing his thing on the mic. It was cute, he kept coming back to me haha. He would take some steps away to be closer to the sound system bc of the range on the mic. And we’re talking, he asks me what im doing after, i say NOTHING WHAT YOU DOING BBGIRL (but more cool and slick lmao). So he says hes off at 930. I leave and go back to my friends, we walk around and look at the clothes, we leave to get some food, i didnt eat much bc i was hoping to actually go out after with this guy. And ok so like the way he talks, hes very coy, cery go with the flow, and im not always sure what is a joke or if he fr want me (LMAO), so at that point i still wasnt sure if i was going to die anything with him after. But i showed vstie the texts with this guys and she told me that yea, he for sure wanted to hang with me after. So they drop me back off at the market at 930, but wait for me in the parking lot just in case. The plan was for me to go chat up the guy snd see what the move was, then text them and let them know if i was staying or going with them. BUT, i felt bad about making them wait that i texted them “ok u can go” before i even talked to the guy. Dude, i was nervous to go up and talk to him again bc he was around all his friends and i was now ALONE. If he had said no, the plan was for me to just uber home bc bestie had driven me there. But ANYWAY, i say hi, he says hes going tonhelp cleanup the dj and aound setup and i can meet up out in the lobby after im done shopping. And i was like OMG YAAAYY (on the inside, bc i really like him, he rizzed me tf up, hes cery goody and silly and fun to be around).
And we go to dennys after. Dennys was fun, hes a good chat. I hate when people kill conversations and he wasnt doing that. OK but then after Denny’s, he drives me home, and he made a joke of like oh you should try and sneak me in and I said OK for real. So I go inside my house and double check if my family is asleep, they weren’t so I go back to his car to say goodbye And as a joke, I said to him that he could come back in like two hours, basically at 2 AM, and he could sneak in then. And he said OK! He really said yeah OK I could do that! So he stayed in the area with some friends and then he came back at two fucking AM LMAO. And I did sneak him in . And rachel got some ACCCTIOOOON. Quietly bc my parnets were still asleep in their room. And he stayed the night until 7 am -oop 😅😳. I had sonmuch fun, hes so cute and hes a big cuddler. Bros got pretty ass eyes fr. I like, coulndt sleep tho bc i was scared i would sleep through my alarm and not sneak him back out in the morning hahah. Ok so this was all friday night, and i snuck him out saturday morning.
On SATURDAY! my friends invite me to go out to the bars at night and I do. And I was texting that guy, and told him that I would be kind of near his city, and he said that he might come and see me. So I told my friends that, I told him that I might dip towards the end of the night to go be with this guy. But the bar we ended up going to was kind of farther away and guess what? He still came to get me 💀. I was so excited and happy he was literally like 25 minutes away so he did he came and he got me and we drove around, got jack in the box, and we made out and he took me back to where my car was parked in my friends place, and I don't know what we said but we ended up deciding to get a motel, so we go to Motel 6 and Rachel has another rendezvous and she was happy as fuck. ANNNDDD in the morning too. Anyway hes good in bed prrrrrr 😅😂😂😂. It was actually so fun not having to be quiet. He has really nice lips. Ok so that was saturday night to sunday morning when we checked out of the hotel
ON SUNDAY, he went to work, but he works in my city and he texted me wanting to hang out after he got off work :))) 😇😇. He brought us food from the place he works at, and we had a little picnic at the park and walked around. Dude im so mad, hes super cute and i cant stop thinking abouuuttt himmmmm. Im just going through this weekend over in my head bc BROO STOOOPP. I really, i cant. I wont him 👁️ 👄 👁️. But, ive known him barely two weeks lol, so we’ll see. Im having a lot if fun tho :)
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broken-clover · 2 years
Do you mind writing fluffy cuddling hcs for the ESRB group?
Oh woah, haven't gotten anything for these little goobers in a while! I'm *always* happy to do or have an excuse to do something with my little pet AU!
-Well, would you expect anything but her being a massive cuddler?
-Yeah it's probably cliche. She's not sorry.
-El gives full-body hugs with as many muscles she's got in that tiny frame of hers
-Possibly kind of saccharine, though she's totally earnest about cuddling. Full-on mushes her cheeks against whatever she's holding onto, stuff like that. She looks like something straight out of a schmoopy shoujo anime
-Prefers being little spoon since she thinks it's more 'ladylike' but she'll do either and enjoy herself
-Sleeps like a rock (and tends to drool a bit, to her chagrin) but she's a very cute sleeper
-God and science gave him those absurd muscles and buddy he's ready to use them
-Sin cuddles always have a sort of 'bro-y' energy. Less in a shitbag fuckboy way and more in a 'he'll be snuggling someone and still call them 'dude'' kinda way
-In an odd sense it's disarming, because it doesn't feel romantic. It's just a bro cuddle, nothing weird about that at all!
-Big spoon? Little spoon? Nah mate you're getting the Sin Starfish, AKA somehow having at least one limb in every corner of the bed at all times. But be cautious, sailors, drifting too close can result in being grabbed onto and never getting let go (at least until he wakes up)
-Gears are practically furnaces by nature, so he's very toasty to huddle up against. In the wintertime the others are known to use him as a communal heating pad. Ram even tried roasting marshmallows on him once (which failed because he ate them before anything could happen)
-The only major risk outside of that is him falling asleep on someone. The guy is heavy
-She's not much of an expert on this, but she's getting better with practice
-Usually El and Sin overcompensate with their friendly energy, which makes up for her lack of expertise
-Not quite sure where the arms are supposed to go, usually she finds an odd spot and just squeezes
-Though conversely, when she gets hugged by someone she's close to, she'll straight up melt against them.
-Likes resting her head on others' shoulders as a friendly gesture
-Despite warning El to not let it out to other people, she does have a secret: she loves it when her hair is played with (only with friends, though, if a stranger touches it it'll just be very awkward and Lucifero will likely bite their head off on instinct)
-"Hugs? Are you serious? What are you, a six-year-old? Honestly, I'm almost insulted you asked."
-(Wait no come back)
-Being comatose means he's touch-starved as hell after the fact, and if someone gave him a hug he'd completely freeze
-He has a hard time lowering his personal barriers, though, so it's an awkward back-and-forth for the first few months
-Nobody was quite prepared for the incident where Sin gave him a playful bro-hug only for Bedman to liquefy across his lap like a housecat and cling on as though his life depended on it
-Still fully denies his fondness for being held and legitimately doesn't like touches from people outside his very small acquaintance bubble
-His friends know better, though, and he has used them all as a cuddle-mattress on at least one occasion. He's small enough that he fits perfectly fine atop any of them
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behind the door of the girls' room in fox tower
(because there's an unacceptable deficit of content of my girls)
Allison gives a fashion show for Renee and Dan every time she goes shopping
they all have very different music tastes so you never really know what's going to be blasting on the speaker when you walk in
Dan can get away with wearing both of the others' clothes (Allison is taller than her and Renee always oversizes) and does so shamelessly
(very much " *from in the closet* Dan do you know where my black Dior tank top is?" ".... no..." "...you're wearing it aren't you?")
Dan is banned from making popcorn (after setting off the smoke alarm one too many times)
Renee always gets the bathroom first because the others take much longer
Dan is very much flings-herself-across-people-when-on-the-couch and Allison and Renee have grown very accustomed to being used as a pillow/footrest
I've always liked to believe that Renee has this seemingly uncharacteristic, endearingly chaotic, pleasantly unhinged side to her and that's the Renee that Allison and Dan are most familiar with
like, for example, they have a strict "no bringing pets larger than a shoebox home and for no longer than a week" policy because Renee would just disregard the regular "no pets" rule that all the residents of fox tower are supposed to follow and it had led to Dan and Allison being scared shitless by many an animal, including specifically one memorable tortoise that Allison to this day insists had rabies
Allison cuts Dan and Renee's hair. Dan once caught her watching a bunch of videos on tips for cutting curly hair and promptly tackled Allison in a hug
on that note: Dan is a big hugger (and cuddler)
but she is great at knowing when not to and respecting boundaries
"hey guys look at what I got us for the apartment" "what is that?" "i don't know but it's cute"
all the petnames, all the petnames: babe, sweetie, dude, hoe, honey, darling, bro, etc
also Dan and Allison will randomly just "bitchhhhh" each other
they are foxes and therefore, by nature, little shits and they know all the best ways to mildly annoy each other
for example: Dan will lean over the back of the couch where Allison is studying and read Allison's french ii homework in a horrible french accent just to watch her cringe, Renee will make eye contact with Dan as she pours the milk into her bowl before her cereal, Allison will intentionally turn on inappropriate music when Renee is on the phone with her family just for the satisfaction of receiving a rare Renee Walker glare (though Allison will usually follow it up with a "tell your mom i said hi")
they also know the other parts about each other like their Dunkin orders and allison's least favorite teachers and Dan's favorite sitcoms and what type of tea Renee is currently obsessed with
Dan and Allison are literally Renee's biggest fans and they just hype up every damn thing she does, even if it's completely mundane
(Renee: *transfers her coffee carefully from the counter to the coffee table*. Dan and Allison: talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, totally unique, etc etc)
when Renee and Allison eventually start dating literally nothing changes between the three of them because they were all girlfriends to begin with
but i hc that Dan can be like mildly (and endearingly) oblivious at times, so Matt will come and kidnap her for a bit to give Renee and Allison Alone Time
speaking of Matt, the girls have the most comfortable couch in their living room and my guy can be found sleeping on it at any and all hours of the day
"listen Boyd, you may be dating our girlfriend but that does not give you any claim over or right to OUR couch" "at ease, Reynolds. for your information, me dating our girlfriend has nothing to do with this. and you're gonna have to pry me from this couch if you think you're going to use it at all in the next hour...you should just be thankful I'm such good company"
(*cue Dan walking in on a sulky Allison sitting on the legs of a very smug Matt in a futile attempt at causing him discomfort after unsuccessfully trying to pull/roll/slide/flip him off the couch, all of which was observed (and pointedly unassisted) by a very amused looking Renee who is sat sideways on the neighboring armchair*)
they have loads of inside jokes between themselves and none of the guys get them (Andrew one time asked Renee about one and was given a sly smile and rejection in response)
they rearrange their rooms multiple times a semester for no reason at all
their rooms smell amazing though, due largely to Renee's liking of candles and incense
they genuinely enjoy each other's company
like even when they're not together they are constantly facetiming each other..Renee will go home for an occasion and Dan will FaceTime her for a quick "hey babe" and check in but then they'll start talking and Allison will come over and pop her head in and they'll stay like that for an hour
"hoes before bros" but it's literally hoes before everyone
when they first joined the team they had far more substantial fights but over the years and maturation and inevitable banding together, their fights have mostly become just basic, petty arguments that they forget about before the day is over
Renee is the fox-acclaimed best baker in the state and Dan and Allison will and have laid themselves down for her homemade cinnamon buns
"Dan. sugar. love, babydarlinglightofmylife" "the fuck you want Reynolds?" "would you perhaps consider cancelling practi-" "nO Allison" "but dannn"
(see also: "Dan im terribly sorry but i can't go to practice today" "oh? and why is that?" "oh you know, i think I've come down with something, i feel awful" "aw. what's wrong?" "you know, your usual fever and sore throat" "sore throat... interesting. so that wasn't you in the shower screeching along to one direction an hour ago?" "er, well i-" "get your ass in gear Allison, practice in twenty")
i could go on about these three but imma stop
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laraplisetski · 4 years
Chishiya Request.
Request by @revolutionary-werewolf-ghosts-
my request is physically affectionate (with his gf) Chishiya, a lot of fluff, cuddling at night and/or spooning (who's the big spoon?) the reader stealing his hoodie sometimes, him being very protective of her (both from games and other creeps) and as a treat, mentions of him being a dominant top?
A/n: Thankyou for requesting this! It was very interesting to write and I had so much fun. This is one of my longer headcannons, so I hope you enjoy! Words: 1500
Tags: @revolutionary-werewolf-ghosts, @faith0518, @cheshirekitten87, @koreaweeb, @euphorianyx
Chishiya x female!reader.
oKay lOoK
Affectionate Chishiya is like my dream, imagine all the cuddles, the hand holding and also, would Chishiya be the biggest tease? Yes he would.
You guys would be standing one moment and then the next moment he would just start like nipping on your neck, and he just slides his hand around your waist to hold you in place as he just breaths your smell in and just basks in your presence.
Continuing on he would just be standing flush against you and you would just lean yourself on him. 
He might or might not have a boner.
But anywaysss.
Hand holding is a big between you two cause I dont think Chishiya would be big on pda.
Like he wouldn't hate it, but he would rather just be all affectionate in private.
Back to hand holding tho.
Chishiya’s most expressive when he's holding your hand, from that I mean that when he squeezes your hand he's either angry or he's comforting you.
One time you were supposed to go to a game with Niragi’s group.
From the first glance he would seem fine that you were in that group but from how tight he was holding your hand you knew he was going to have a word hatter later.
Also back hugsss!!! Chishiya would totally give you a back hug when you were feeling down.
Or if he saw someone too close to you he would come up to you and give you a back hug then too. 
You two would have a ritual before going to games as well.
Both of you would give the other a kiss on the cheek.
It reminded Chishiya of his mom, because she used to give him a kiss on the cheek whenever he used to leave the house.
I- why do i have to make everything so sad, btw i just made the mother story up, it's not canon.
You know when I said Chishiya likes to be affectionate in private this is what I meant.
Cuddles at night are like the most you're gonna get from Chishiya in a day.
Both of you are busy during the day so you don't get to see each other, so when it's night Chishiya just takes you in his arms and gives you a kiss on the forehead.
Both of you talk for a while and you tell him about your day and about how you and Kuina hung out and how your game went.
If you had a bad day he would listen to you and try to solve your problem or give you some advice.
But if you didn't want to talk he would just hold you and whisper how much he loves you and that he adores you so much that he doesn't like you being sad.
He would also definitely secure you in his arms when you're feeling down and keep playing with your hair and keep patting your head.
When Chishiya would have a bad day he would just hug you and just lay his head on your chest.
He would listen to your heart beats to calm himself down.
You would wrap your legs around him and have your arms wrapped around his shoulders.
He would definitely be the big spoon otherwise he likes keeping you close and in his arms.
It makes both of you feel safe when your significant other is around.
Chishiya would be the type of cuddler to also not let you get up in the morning.
You would have to pry yourself out of his arms.
He would also be a really light sleeper so if you move a bit or try to get out of bed he immediately wakes up. 
So be very careful when sleeping with Chishiya.
Chishiya’s biggest pet peeve about dating you and sharing an apartment with you in general is that you steal his hoodies and never give them back.
It's not even the stealing of his hoodies that annoys Chishiya, it's the fact that you seem to never give them back.
Story time!
One time Chishiya woke up and he went to his closet to get one of his signature hoodies and there were none in it.
I also noticed that he doesn't wear anything beneath his hoodie.
With that said he didn't have a shirt or anything to wear so he snuck out, shirtless i might add, to the beaches closet grabbed a shirt from over there and went out to look for you.
You were the beach's official bartender so he guessed that you probably went to do your job. 
When he reached the outside pool where the bar was he saw you in one of his hoodies and he lost all the courage to take his hoodie back from you. 
He would definitely tease you about not having any clothes and having to tease for stealing all his hoodies. 
But internally he would find you so cute and soft.
Like his girlfriend in his hoodie. 
It also boosts his ego a bit because everyone knows that she's his now that she's wearing his hoodie.
If she tries to steal his hoodies in front of him, well that's a whole other warzone.
Reader just takes his hoodie in front of him and Chishiya just goes nope, ‘Give me back my hoodie’.
And readers just like work to get your hoodie back and then she runs away.
Chishiya then continues to chase after her for ten minutes, then proceeds to give up.
When she comes back to the apartment tho, that's a whole other story.
(I'll leave it up to your imagination, dear readers;)
Moving on to more protective Chishiya.
He doesn't like to take you to games with him because he fears he'll get a heart game and usually in a heart game only one person can survive.
He doesn't want to take that chance.
But once in a while he gets teamed up with you and oh boy.
He does not let you out of his sight, like you ain't going anywhere missy.
If he's protective 70 percent of the time mostly, he's like 150 percent protective in games.
You basically get a free visa if you go with Chishiya in games.
Like he doesn't let you do anything.
But the threat of a heart's game is always at the back of his head.
If it's a diamond game you guys are fine because Chishiya’s smart, if it's a club game you guys are fine because it's Chishiya he'll find a way.
But if it's a spade game you have to step up a bit cause no matter how much I simp for Chishiya I don't think that man is good at physical things.
Being very protective creeps150
Other than games, Chishiya goes into protective mode when people are too close for comfort.
And also by creeps you mean Niragi right.
I'm just kidding but I'm sure Niragi tried to hit on Chishiya’s girlfriend once and Chishiya just told him to fuck off and get his ass back to Aguni.
Aguni had to apologize because of Niragi to Chishiya’s s/o.
From then on, he keeps more of an eye on Niragi. 
Chishiya does not directly come for your rescue, he usually assesses the situation first to see if you can handle it or not.
If you can't then he comes forward to deal with it.
Otherwise he trusts you enough to handle it on your own, but that doesn't mean he goes away; he just keeps observing until you're out of danger.
Chishiya isn't like Niragi in terms of protectiveness, he lets you have your freedom because he knows it wouldn't be fair if you have restrictions on you because of your relationships and he doesn't. 
If somethings really bothering him or if he feels like someone doesn't have the right intentions, he just sits you down and talks to you. 
Simple as that.
Slight Nsfw warning.
So Chishiya would be pretty dominant in like daily life as well as well you know 😏
Bro Chishiya’s definitely one of those people who have a big ass ego.
Like being a sub would definitely hurt his ego (but personally i feel like he would enjoy subbing) 
(headcanons for bratty sub Chishiya anyone)
But Chishiya would be a good goddamn dom 
Like he would keep tabs on what you like and dislike.
The only downside is that he's a very big tease and just loves torturing his s/o
Anyways Chishiya would be very spontaneous and very fun to be around
(If he actually cares about you that is, if he doesn't then I mean good luck)
Cuddly Chishiya is omg I simp for him so much/10
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sairavity · 4 years
karasuno boys with s/o on her period!
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genre: tooth-rotting fluff 🥺
warnings: mentions of periods so if you don’t like it, scram!!!
characters: karasuno boys ;) daichi, suga, asahi, noya, tanaka, kags, hinata, tsukki, and yams
don’t mind me, just making some self-indulgent hcs with my faves cuz why not? very long, under the cut!
okay this may have turned into cuddling hcs LMAO
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god i just wanna hug this man
broad shoulders, tall af, big hands
you better believe he’s a good hugger
he’s very considerate of your feelings when you’re on your period
whenever you get cramps, he’s cuddling you against his chest with a hand on your stomach :)
he’s just so warm and smells so good, so you instantly melt in his touch
he lives for the moments when he can just lay down and cuddle you 💖
gets you whatever snacks you want :33
omg he’s such a dad…dy 👀
innocently rests hand on thigh
looks respectfully
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he’s so pretty 😭
suga is very protective over you during this time
he makes sure you have everything you need: pads/tampons/cup, snacks, blankets
his mom taught him everything he needs to know about a girl
stop im crying
thank you mrs. sugawara 😭😭
suga will do anything you want
he doesn’t mind if you’re moody during your period
another good cuddler ☺️
his soft kisses make you blush HARD
compliments you like the beautiful person you are if you’re feeling insecure
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take a look at him
he’s so hesitant to cuddle you on your period because you’re in pain
but eventually he relents because he can’t just leave you lying there in pain!!
you love his hugs though
they make you sleepy and it just feels so safe in asahi’s arms
so warm that you don’t even need a hot water bottle for the cramps :)
he doesn’t know much about those things but he kind of knows the basics
panics because he doesn’t know what kind of tampon/pad/cup you wear
asahi does write down everything you need or want and commits it to memory
he’s a soft, nervous boy, but he’s trying, y’all!!!
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drinks his “respect women” juice
surprisingly, he knows how to take care of you on your period
actually, that’s not a surprise
i mean, how is gonna have an s/o if he can’t take care of you?
he’s whipped, your honor
noya’s gonna order your favorite food from your favorite restaurant
if you want kisses, YOU GET KISSES
movie marathon? you got it!
cuddles? ABSOLUTELY! it doesn’t matter if you’re taller or shorter, noya will be the big spoon!
respectfully holds your titty when spooning
author: sobs…i want noya
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another good boy who drinks his “respect women juice”
also knows how to take care of s/o on her period
i feel like his mom and saeko beat it into him LMAO
saeko adores you 💖
she brings over your favorite ice cream
girl will do your makeup for you and take you shopping
best big sis saeko
he knows what kind of snacks and food you like!
cuddling material what can i say
tbh all of the boys would cuddle you if you asked-
he will literally wait for you to tell him what to do
it freaks you out a bit
“calm down, ryu, you don’t have to bow down to me…”
he will treat you like the goddess you are!
compliments turned to the MAX
very careful with you 😌
kisses you and cuddles the cramps away :)
he’s so GRRRRR
another boy who respectfully holds the titty
ugh i want him ples
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ahhh pls he’s so innocent
he never had to deal much with periods, but he kinda knows how his sister could get during hers
thank you to kageyama miwa, 29, hair and makeup artist
kags got scared to death when he saw the blood stains
you had to comfort him when he shakily asked you if you were dying
he calms down eventually
he’s the type to ask you what size pussy you have 🙈
you ask for cuddles and best boy won’t hesitate
you lay his head in his lap while he strokes your hair
bro please i’m begging for hair strokes-
tsundere just blushes whenever you tell him he’s a softie
please be patient with him
he’s so awkward as fucc
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respects women OF COURSE
so proud of him
he is so hyper around you
very observant of your body language
poor boy gets sad whenever he sees you doubling over in pain
whatever you want, you get it!
he’s so SOFT GRRR
back rubs? you bet
he loves to give you cute cheek kisses
hand kisses? 🥴
treats you like a princess! which is all the time :)
honestly his good mood distracts you from the cramps
he’ll put on a movie for you two to watch
you both fall asleep cuddling, with hinata’s arm over your waist
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around you, tsukki is an asshole
but during that time of the month, he’s a softie for you
he learned his lesson whenever he accidentally teased you last time
you may or may not have burst into tears
he will give you one of his hoodies to wear so you can stay warm
tsukki pretends he’s annoyed by you, but you both know it’s just an act
he’ll drop whatever he is doing and help you with whatever you need
he even runs a nice warm bath for you
glares at you whenever you stretch out your arms at him
you roll your eyes when he does his little “tch, fine” and wraps his long arms around you
softly calls you shortie
you bury your face in his chest, sighing contently
you like laying on him like a cat
he’s glad you can’t see his blushing, smiling face right now
he honestly loves it when you do that
gives you a forehead kiss and plays with your hair
he’s got love in his eyes for you
author’s concern: where’s my tsukki
enjoy it while it lasts- 😭
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soft boy
he’s so considerate
fuck i’m crying
this boy is so in love with you
he’s not bothered by your period
please guide him, he really wants to help you!!
he can’t feel the pain but it breaks his heart seeing you clutching your stomach
he has a blanket, snacks, water bottle, pads/tampons/cup, and tea ready for you
yams is so wholesome i can’t
he’ll give you a massage if you want :)
movie marathons are a thing
you both ugly cry during one scene
he likes giving forehead kisses as well
HAND KISSES TOO!!! so underrated
once again, he’s so in love with you
if you’re feeling insecure during this time, he’ll instantly give you compliments
your body is so pretty and yams is so whipped for you
makes you bawl harder
yamaguchi tadashi deserves the world
a/n: this is very self-indulgent-
feel free to send in a request! slide into my inbox!
should i make a part 2 with the other boys?
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trafalgar-law-wife · 3 years
Squiddy and the Obey Me Brothers Relationships!
This is an Obey Me x Squiddy head-cannons. Squiddy is my Obey Me persona and this is her relationships with the brothers. 
When Squiddy and Lucifer first met she was beyond terrified. I mean come on, bro is in his demon form pressing her out and threatening her life. If he asked her to jump, she'd ask how high.
When Lucifer first seemed to be warming up to her, she swore to Mammon that Lucifer was plotting her demise, and how him being nice to her was a ploy to make her drop her guard so she could slip up and he'd can punish her.
Honestly, it took a while for Squiddy to get close to Lucifer and let her guard down and truly trust him. Occasionally whenever the two hangout together for a drink, Squiddy will flirt with the oldest because she loves to see him flustered.
Now with Mammon, Squiddy could relate to how his brothers were treating him, so she always made sure to be nice to him. After she helped him obtained his one true love, Goldie, Mammon asked why a weak human like Squiddy was being so nice to him, to which she responded, "Everyone deserves to be treated nicely, besides I bet you're a cool guy." And with that, Squiddy gained her first pact and oh so very clingy friend. she does not mind at all <3
Now just like Mammon, Squiddy has a bit of a money spending problem. She will happily go gambling with Mammon if that means she can spend more time AND buy her in game purchases, it's a win-win situation....until the both of them are running away from the casino after losing an all or nothing bet.
It goes without saying that these two got close real quick, often having sleepover's in her room, plotting how to make money by gaining pictures of Lucifer, going out together. Unlike Mammon though, Squiddy will not steal from the other brothers and is often stopping Mammon from doing so. But whenever it is just the two of them hanging out they just vibe, Squiddy casually flirts with Mammon, and the both of them telling each other things they'd never tell anyone else.
The moment Squiddy mentioned she liked anime and gaming, Leviathan thought he was living in one of his favorite anime's "This normie isn't totally a normie! She likes anime and gaming too! is she my soulmate?!?!?!" After explaining to him how this is not an anime, the two of them seem to hit it off. They both had even forgot about how he almost killed her a few days ago in a trivia quiz!
These two will spend hours in Leviathan's cosplaying, gaming, cosplaying WHILE gaming, binge anime, and binge anime while cosplaying. Half of the time while cosplaying they forget to lock the door, all of the brothers at some point has either seen the two of them half naked, in some questionable costumes, odd poses, the whole shebang.
Now Leviathan is in no way calm with Squiddy whenever she decides to just get dressed in cosplay in his room, he's a babbling mess. Looking away, sneaking small glances at her, gets flustered and goes on a rant about how much easier this would be if she just got dressed in her room, yet insists for her to get dressed in his room when doing the more...revealing cosplay's because he didn't want his brothers seeing Squiddy like that.
When it's just the two of them, Leviathan is a panicked mess whenever she sit near him, lay with him in his bed, or even share the same blanket. The both of them are competitive during games....doesn't mean Squiddy is good at competitive games, but a simple flirtatious comment is enough to keep Squiddy's win streak high against Leviathan.
Like Lucifer, Satan scared Squiddy, especially after finding out about his torture books. After being reassured for months that he'd never her, Squiddy began to slightly relax, until he got upset about her denying to make a pact with her. Now she was definitely avoiding him, always hiding behind Beelzebub or Leviathan whenever Satan entered the room. This amused Satan for awhile until he felt the urge to get closer to her.
Satan approaches Squiddy with a simple question "Do you like to read?" And Squiddy responded with "If manga and fan-fiction counts then definitely!" Satan has never heard of fan-fiction and demanded Squiddy explain to him what is was. She immediately pulls out her D.D.D and goes to an human world app called 'Wattpad' and proceeded to show Satan the safer options of what she reads. She explains to him what it is and he is utterly disappointed in what she had said. He laughs at her and proceeds to grab her wrist and take her to him room. All day Squiddy was held captive in Satan's room being forced to listen to him read fantasy and other fiction books. Simply because he though she might like them. he was not wrong
These two can be caught in the library reading whatever Satan picks out, because he plans to show Squiddy the wonders of "true literature"
Squiddy feared of Asmodeus, not because he appeared intimidating, but because she didn't want him to figure out what type of things she's into. She's aware that his seduction doesn't work on her yet she still refuses to look him in the eye. Squiddy enjoys hanging out with him but hated how she became a flustered and stuttering mess around Asmodeus. The way he would caress her body, whisper compliments in her ears, it drove her crazy.
Squiddy didn't mind doing skin care routines with Asmodeus, she always told herself in the human world that she'd get into one and never stuck with it, so its nice to have a demon to constantly remind her about it. During these skin care routines Asmodeus is constantly flirting with Squiddy and it throws her in for a loop. Squiddy was never the one being hit on, she was the one hitting on her friends; her SHY friends. Asmodeus loves to see Squiddy hot and bothered but obviously wont do anything without her consent.
It took Asmodeus about a month to figure out what Squiddy was into, and when he confronted her about them she absolutely panicked. He noticed the way she'd intensely stare at the brothers hands, or the way she'd crossed her legs in her seat whenever she got called certain names, or the way whenever she sat on his lap and he'd do what he normally does flirting, touching, or teasing, how he'd feel her core throb on his leg, and so much more. It was all too cute for Asmodeus not to bring it up. Squiddy tries to fight for her dignity, but alas, nothing gets past the Avatar of Lust.
Beelzebub's height intimidated her, I mean bro literally towered her, but she did loved it at the same time. Beel was always kind to Squiddy because she never touched his food. When Squiddy mentioned how she wanted to help get his brother back, and fix him and his brothers relationship he was elated. He'd join Squiddy and Mammon in her room to have movie nights and even teach Squiddy how to make him and his brothers favorite meals.
Beel will willingly share his food with Squiddy if she asks, he doesn't mind at all. When he found out about Squiddy's sweet tooth he used her favorite desserts to bribe her into working out with him, he knows Squiddy is not in shape athletically, and he wants her to be healthy. So for every 3 weeks she works out without any complaints, he'll take her out to Devildom's best bakery for a dessert binge.
Squiddy has insomnia, and she will often go to Beel's room and snuggle into him because he's a great cuddler in Squiddy's opinion. Unlike Levi's tub she doesn't wake up with neck cramps, unlike Mammon, Beel isn't sprawled across her uncomfortably. Unlike Asmo, Beel isn't constantly trying to get a rise outta her, Unlike Satan...Beel's bed is actually useable, Belphie is a instant no from Squiddy, she doesn't want to bother Lucifer with her insomnia knowing he has a bunch of work to do. So that leaves Beel, a gentle giant who keeps his warm embrace until the morning. or until he gets hungry in the night.
Squiddy actually liked Belphie when she was helping the demon brother to escape his imprisonment. She was overjoyed when she saw the barrier keeping him locked in his prison be broken. That was before he killed her. That was before Squiddy traveled back in time and watched her past self bloody body being held in Mammon's arms as he sobbed. This made her heart shatter. When she made eye contact with Belphie and he went to kill her again, she decided that she would never forgive Belphie.
Literally the next day when Belphie was being all lovey dovey towards Squiddy she was disgusted. She couldn't believe homeboy, didn't even give her time to recover from what she saw. Squiddy is still respectable towards Belphie, especially around the other brothers but she is extremely passively-aggressive towards him. She refuses to do group work with him, and refuses to have a conversation longer than 5 minutes with him.
He knows that he cannot change the past so he returns the passive-aggressive attitude but will do anything she say in hopes that she’ll forgive him one day.
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michu-chaotic · 4 years
Mcyt Headcanons // Mcyt x reader
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Character(s): Dream, Sapnap, Nihachu, Karl, Quackity
Pronouns: Gender neutral, she/her for Nihachu because I feel like making a lesbian headcanon for it
Warnings: Slight swearing
Request: None
Summary: Cuddling mcyt headcanons would possibly be like :]
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— You guys probably cuddle like everyday/every night.
— Like, after Clay streamed something exhausting or some shit, he would be like "(Y/N) I’m exhausted, come here and cuddle with me."
— The cuddles would be very long or maybe until you fall asleep.
— Would probably hold you tight in his arms and have a small conversation during the cuddles.
— You always feel protected and safe when you’re with him.
— You would snuggle into his chest while he plays with your hair.
— Mans really soft and sweet when he gets all cuddly asf.
— He’s small breaths are so relaxing to listen to hecc.
— "Why couldn’t we stay like this forever?"
— "Because sometimes life isn’t fair, am I right or am I right?"
— *Kettle noises*
— "You’re right..."
— Idk what that was but 🤡
— Would probably turn on the tv and watch a movie, but it depends on the mood and time.
— He would sometimes read a few fanfictions out loud to you and just laugh and stuff but it’s rare.
— And the next day he would probably say something on his stream like "I swear to god, (Y/N)‘s the best cuddler."
— He’s just 🥺💕💖, okay?
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— I think we all know that Nick is the most cuddling bitch ever
— "(Y/N) can we pwease cuddle 🥺👉👈"
— Anyway
— He’s cuddly asf
— He’s a bby when it comes to cuddling with you
— You’re the one to always spoon, but he does it to you sometimes if you’re feeling lazy or bad
— Y’all would probably watch anime while cuddling
— Would never let you go unless you needed to go to the bathroom
— He would be like "I don’t care, let’s just skip the stream."
— You always mess with his hair
— You guys also make small conversations
— Small kisses from time to time
— Caresses your cheek and looks at you in the eyes in awe
— You always giggle when he kisses your nose
— "You know I love you, right?"
— "Yeah, you always tell me that, Nick. I love you too as well!"
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— Niki is an absolute softie and wholesome when she cuddles with you
— You both giggle all the time for no internal reasons
— The cuddles lasts like Clay’s, probably until you both fall asleep
— She always tells you how much she loves you
— Always vibes with Girl in red songs and sings with it
— Best lesbian couple ever
— It’s just so fucking cute like 🤧💕
— You guys are proud of yourself and doesn’t really care about what others think
— Anyway this is a cuddle hc not a relationship hc jsjsjshd
— Leaving small kisses on the forehead and lips
— She loves playing with your hair and sometimes braids it
— Talks about your cuddles on streams and stuff
— Wattpad users go brrr
— The cuddles are the best and you could never take a no for an answer
— She just loves you and admires you more than anything
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— If y’all became roommates, he would literally just come into your room and say "Cuddles. Now."
— He would fake cry if you said no
— And would probably never talk to to you until you say yes
— He would never let you go just like Sapnap
— The cuddles can get a little chaotic with his jokes and shit
— But you still love them :]
— He sings to you all the time
— Will tell a few jokes from time to time
— Would blast some music while you’re cuddling
— Conversations like crackheads
— "No I won’t let you go."
— "But I really have to go to the bathroom, Alex!"
— "I don’t care! Just pee on the bed or something."
— Overall, I think he’s actually really nice to you when you both cuddle
— Always covers you in blankets and kisses your forehead when you fall asleep
— Sometimes says something funny in Spanish
— If you understood, you would always look at him weird and silently say "Wtf"
— He can act like a baby sometimes when he gets cuddly
— Plays despacito or señorita and sings along
— You always play with his hair because it’s soft
— Always flexes with your cuddles and saying that no one is better than you
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— This bby is sweet and cute asf bro
— Like literally, he would just ask you like "Can we cuddle? We don’t have to if you’re busy, I just really wanna cuddle with you :)"
— He’s love language is touch we all know that
— And you’ll just respond with a simple "Sure!" and he’ll just spoon you immediately and start cuddling with you
— You both listen to music like Niki while cuddling
— Also styles each other’s hair ‘cause yes
— you guys LOVE talking about different aesthetics and such
— I mean, this man right here is the perfect guy to vibe with
— Just leaves a few kisses here and there, a little bit on the cheeks, a little bit on the lips and forehead!
— Y’all would even do it if it was platonic but not the lips lmao
— Unless 👀
— Anyway he‘ll always let you go whenever you want, though he actually doesn’t want you to leave him
— All I can say is that his cuddles are probably the best
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(A/N): I was supposed to make a different headcanon of how it would be like to go on a date with mcyt and finish my Karl x reader oneshot but instead did this 💀 But I might do the headcanon and maybe finish my oneshot in time.
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katsuflossy · 4 years
hi! could I request some hcs for bakugouand todoroki with a fem! s/o who loves to cling onto them while she’s sleepy/sleeping? thank youuu ❤️
Sleepy, Clingy S/o
Pairings: Bakugo Kastuki x reader, Todoroki Shoto x reader
TW: obscenities (Bakugo and I be cursing)
A/n: Heyyyy this has been long over dated. I haven’t gotten plenty of time to do requests and my WIPs not to mention writer’s block but I tried my best to push this one. I hope you really like it and sorry for the long wait?
Taglist: @sunset-novice-writer @goatsenpaiultimate
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💥 Whole ass LIAR bro
💥 Coulda sworn he’s the head of CAPpa Alpha Psi cause he knows he’s more of a cuddler than you.
💥 Before your relationship, Bakugo could not go to sleep without clutching a pillow to his chest, chin nuzzling the top like it was the slope of a neck.
💥 Now he’s got you? And you’re as clingy as him? It’s a perfect pair.
💥 The first stages of the relationship he acts annoyed when you rest on him, eyes drooping by the minute. He’d usually suck his teeth but does nothing to move you
💥 But would Bakugo be Bakugo is he doesn’t say something? No
💥 “I told you to go to bed early last night now look at you.” “If you weren’t on that shitty phone til 2 maybe you wouldn’t look like a damn raccoon at the moment.”
💥 Just tell him to shut up and let you get some z’s, he’ll just grumble out insults and complaints before adjusting your head wherever it laid, making sure you don’t get any neck pains.
💥Now he doesn’t go to bed without you.
💥 So that means you have a 8:30 bedtime 💀
💥 He’s fine with losing 30 minutes of sleep as long as he has you in the bed with him.
💥 Favorite cuddling position is his head laying on your chest, arms wrapped around his neck and massaging his hair. It makes him feel safe, and hearing your heartbeat let’s him know that you’re alive and safe within his arms.
💥If he has to leave early, you both gotta leave early because seeing you reach out for him as he gets ready makes it really hard for him to not throw off his clothes and jump back into the bed.
💥 That being said Bakugo’s strongest kryptonite is cuddles.
💥 He’s mad at you? Withhold him from the hugs and kisses even if it physically strains you.
💥 Man will be full on pouting, stomping around the room and glaring at you even more.
💥 “Should I meet you in the bed or?” The question hasn’t vibrated through the air properly before he snatched you up and over his shoulder, marching straight towards the bed.
💥 He throws you on the bed but not before slapping you real hard on your ass (punishment I see).Your scream was muffled by Bakugo’s pectorals as he smushes you against his body, one leg already invading the space between your own.
💥“You love fucking around, huh shitty woman?” “Because they always work out to my favor in the end.” “Shut up”
💥 The night ended with you two squeezing the life out of each other. Cute?
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🧊 He’s baby 🥺
🧊 He was initially uncomfortable sleeping with you
🧊 He doesn’t know how to sleep?? Like he could double for a dead person when he sleeps.
🧊 Mainly because majority of his life consisted on his father waking him up aggressively to go through the most strenuous training of the day.
🧊 So the second he feels a hand touch him while he is sleeping, he gets up violently, ready to hurdle ice shards as a defensive measure.
🧊 He needs to be reassured a thousand times before. Hold him regularly, let him know there’s no Endeavor ready to rise him out of his peace of mind for daily torture.
🧊 It’s also best if you sleep before him, allow him to view your relaxed face muscles, your steady breath, the firm but tender touch on his sleep shirt.
🧊 Seeing you peaceful will make him peaceful. This’ll release his suppressed cuddle bug that’s been waiting for ages to come out.
🧊 Yes this boy is touched starved so he’ll literally engulfs your body with his long arms and legs...It’s a cuddle competition.
🧊 And you’ll still latch onto him like a koala to a eucalyptus tree; it’s just that natural.
🧊 Favorite cuddling position is your leg laid across his stomach, his hand rubbing the small of your back and both of your faces in each of your necks
🧊 He’ll indulge in your cuddles no matter where he is. He doesn’t see a reason to hide your relationship and you’re more important than others who’re viewing your love from the outside.
🧊 You cling to him as in the middle of a study session? He has you in his lap like a big baby explaining why Midoriya needs to carry the 2 before performing the log function.
🧊He will not move a muscle once you’re knocked on him. He almost fell asleep on the lounge’s floor (like he doesn’t already) one night because you were curled up in his chest, in a blissful slumber.
🧊 On the slight chance he actually moves you, it’s because Midoriya said you may catch something from the cold floor.
🧊 And we thank Midoriya because he actually knows how to convince Half and Half
🧊 He just loves the physical contact that’s he’s been starved of for years
🧊 Please give him more 🥺🤲🏽
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mysexyfmasideblog · 3 years
Some sexual headcanons about Al instead of Ed for once! Warning these headcanons will relate to Al/mei as adults if you cannot handle that turn back now. Everyone ready? Let's go!!
--first off Al's first steps into the world of sex is when he was still in the suit of armor and was bored in the library late at night after Ed had fallen asleep. He discovered the section full of crappy dime store romance novels and was quickly hooked on them.
--he was more into the romance and drama aspects of them than anything else, and it is a guilty pleasure that has followed him into adulthood. It's also one of his best kept secrets not even Ed knows about it. The only other person who does is Mei. Together they have a two person crappy dime store romance book club.
--he has read medical texts on sex and sexuality too, don't worry. But until adulthood his experience with sex outside of that was very very limited.
--mei was his first and only partner, but he is still very, very bi. She is extremely supportive of this, and they relate to eachother on this often. they have an amestrian version of play girl collection they share.
--she is his Dom but not his dominatrix. Al is just very much a sub and she really enjoys his reactions when they play out his fantasies. He'll top her too but she's usually directing him a lot during this time.
--she absolutely pegs him. He loves it. She loves it. Get over it.--she absolutely pegs him. He loves it. She loves it. Get over it.
--he calls her empress in bed.
--mei has worn cat ears for him before but it actually wasn't for sexual reasons Al just thought she looked super cute in them.
--despite seeming more reserved, al is a huge horn dog behind closed doors and is at mei's beck and call.
--al has a HUUUUGE tactile sensation kink due to the time he spent inside the gate. He loves everything from feathers to silk to leather to bondage (specifically being tied up so his arms are pressed to his body cause "I feel so sexy and secure, it's like a comforting self hug"). Any new touch sensation in bed drives him wild and mei is happy to oblige.
--on that note, he also has a lot of pain fantasies. Ironically though, due to his time in the gate as well, he has a very low pain tolerance and can really only get off to some light spanking before it becomes too much. He is trying to work his way up to other things though.
--likes blindfolds cause it helps increase tactile stim.
--he also has a food kink, but mei has put strick limits on how often they do that. She doesn't like the mess and has sworn off chocolate sauce forever after they tried some in bed.
--all elrics are noisy and Al is no different.
--big post sex cuddler. Will cry if he doesn't get to cuddle after sex.
--through all of this Ed has no idea what Al's sex life is like and still thinks his bro is the innocent kid brother he was when he was 17
There you go!!!! Enjoy!!!
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nct-byeol · 3 years
⭐️byeol’s relationship with nct dream
🦁mark & byeol
relationship: work husband and wife
y’all know the term work husband/wife right
look it up if not
marks a great leader and all, but sometimes he needs assistance
especially when the dreamies are being. well the dreamies
byeol also steps up as leader when mark doesn’t promote with them
during boom and ridin era the other members appointed her leader and then when mark came back they didn’t wanna let her go
they have attachment issues to her
byeol will not call him oppa, she’d rather die
instead she sticks to more casual names like dude, bro, mate, etc
mark doesn’t use any of the other nicknames the others use besides dani
mark’s contact for byeol: “danny⭐️”
byeol’s contact for mark: “leo 1 (derogatory)”
🦊renjun & byeol
relationship: besties
they’re really close it’s so cute
they sung together in hot sauce and when they found out ab it they were so happy
they aren’t usually chaotic but will team up together to get the others
they often speak in mandarin and english to help each other practice
renjun picks up english a lot easier than byeol gets mandarin
they love watching marvel movies together
when endgame came out they saw it together in theatres and posted pictures on twitter
renjun REFUSES to call byeol noona
byeol doesn’t really care but teases him for being younger
if byeol had to pick a dreamie to live with forever it would be renjun bc “he drives her the least insane”
renjun’s contact for byeol: “별별⭐️” (byeol byeol)
byeol’s contact for renjun: “런쥔🦊” (renjun)
🐶jeno & byeol
relationship: friends to lovers
bonkers, chaotic, loud
they’re always scheming for literally no reason
when jeno was still in school, byeol would do his math hw for him and claim she was helping
he passed so what’s the big deal
it’s actually sickening out sweet they are to each other
always using pet names and showing skinship
byeol said that jeno made her feel very welcomed when she first started training with them
jeno listed byeol as his favorite comedian
he claims to have a ton of unreleased photos of byeol he took professionally
jeno also says she’s his favorite model
jeno’s contact for byeol: “총애하는 누나” (favorite/beloved noona)
byeol’s contact for jeno: “베스트 보이 제노 ☺️” (best boy jeno)
🐻haechan & byeol
relationship: enemies to lovers
no bc these two r the most competitive people ever
and most the time it’s for no reason
“noona, i bet i can make this paper wad in the trash and you can’t !!!”
“kiss my ass”
but deep down, they care for each other so much
during each of their injuries they were always there for each other
haechan keep a note on his phone of the last time byeol iced her shoulder
don’t tell byeol she’ll cry
byeol was supposed to room with him but literally refused bc he snores
although they do end up falling asleep together all the time after a long day
both keep up with every 127 and dream comeback so they spend sm time together
for a long time, haechan’s background was of him and byeol
haechan’s contact for byeol: “우리 별✨” (our star)
byeol’s contact for haechan: “hyuckie☀️”
🐰jaemin & byeol
relationship: platonic soulmates
don’t touch me they’re so cute together
byeol likes to sleep over at the dreamies dorm sometimes
idk why anyone would willing do that but okay
she always ends up sleeping in jaemin’s bed
claims he’s the best cuddler in nct dream
during team games they will not split up
it’s always jeno, jaemin, and byeol
and the others cannot stand it
the three just have this connection and incredible team work
byeol once tried jaemin’s coffee and actually cried
the worst thing in the world
but she said she’d rather drink that than do an aeygo punishment
actually jaemin takes her aeygo punishments all the time
and byeol cringes silently behind him
jaemin calls byeol the sister he never had
jaemin’s contact for byeol: “별누나💛” (byeol noona)
byeol’s contact for jaemin: “leo 2 (less derogatory)”
🐬chenle & byeol
relationship: byeol’s favorite
byeol stated in an interview she’s actually the least closest with chenle out of all the dream members
and this upsets her greatly so she’s been working on it
however chenle is her “favorite” bc when they do hang out it’s easygoing and they have a natural chemistry
although she hates his scorpio tendencies
one year for her birthday chenle tried to make her breakfast in bed but he didn’t want to wake her
she woke up at like 1pm and her food was cold
she was v sad and felt like she ruined her gift
chenle just decided to take her out to lunch and they spent the whole day together
byeol has visited his house once or twice and she was amazed of how much cleaner it was than the dorms
chenle’s mother said she can come over anytime to escape the boys
byeol did not get to participate in the daegal video as she had some family stuff to deal with
she says she would be daegal’s favorite though
chenle’s contact for byeol: “황별누나⭐️” (hwang byeol noona)
byeol’s contact for chenle: “천러 🐬💛” (chenle)
🐭jisung & byeol
relationship: byeol’s baby
there’s no ands, if’s, or buts about it
jisung is byeol’s baby
even if he’s sm taller than her
she’s the biggest jisung stan ever there is no topping her
she’s admitted to trading her own photocard she pulled in the boom album for a jisung one with an nctzen
byeol helped jisung with a lot of his school work during trainee days
jisung will always speak formally to byeol even if he doesn’t with the other members
he actually had a huge crush on byeol when they first started training together
and the members STILL tease him for it
byeol also likes to spend the night in jisung’s room bc he’s “peaceful”
even though jisung isn’t confident in his english speaking, byeol will sometimes make him speak for her to practice
jisung’s favorite thing to do is play with byeol’s hair
sometimes they have dreamie movie nights and jisung will sit byeol in front of him and just braid her hair or something
byeol says it’s v calming and she falls asleep to it all the time
when jisung was injured she always made sure he was taken care of whether by herself, other members, or staff
jisung’s contact for byeol: “누나⭐️” (noona)
byeol’s contact for jisung: “막내지지” (maknae jiji)
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cynosuresoldier · 3 years
jean x kaja. B)
Oh I know you Had To Do It To Em || Relationship Meme || Accepting !
SEND ME A SHIP AND I’LL TELL YOU… ( In my most loving and humble opinion ~ )
Who’s the cuddler? - Listen , we all think it's Kaja , but it's definitely Jean . He doesn't admit it , but he's probably a sucker for it , and Kaja is so in love w that .
Who makes the bed? - Kaja , for sure , she likes stuff pretty neat and tidy and it's a mundane chore she doesn't mind . Plus her love language is acts of service for the most part so if she did that for Jean , that's one of her small ways to say she cares about him / appreciates him and his time <3
Who wakes up first? - Ooh hmm , I feel like on days off , Kaja is probably up first . She'd be up and about doing small little things to make Jean's life easier , but mostly just stealing glances at him because she thinks he's so cute when he's asleep . Plus she always likes to watch the sunrise ~
Who has the weird taste in music? - I also think this is a Kaja one 😹 She'll listen to almost anything tbh .
Who is more protective? - Oh definitely Jean , without a doubt in my mind . Someone looks at Kaja for more than two seconds and he just steps into their line of vision and she's like " ??? " and looks past him with narrowed eyes bc why are they staring she has a man . Kaja is also protective but in a much more subdued way , I think . Jean is one of the only people she trusts completely so she doesn't worry about him too much .
Who sings in the shower? - Jean says it's not him but it definitely is . Kaja probably does on occasion though !
Who cries during movies? - [ looks around to make sure he's out of earshot ] " ... Jean . "
Who spends the most while out shopping? - I'm tied between them bc we all know Jean's a ✨Material Gworl✨ but Kaja also spends so much money on art supplies bro it's unreal . Kaja is also the type that Jean mentions something he wants or likes once and she'll get it for him and just be like " hey i got u this "
Who kisses more roughly? - 😳 [ looks over at Kaja nervously ] It's a good 50/50 , let's be honest here .
Who is more dominant? - Kaja could be but she is a sucker for letting someone else be in charge so she lets Jean be the dominant one in any sense of the word
My rating of the ship from 1-10. - A million out of ten ,,, one of the GreatsTM
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