#she's already made it clear that she doesnt care about my interests but now she doesnt care about how I feel about her reaction to it
Vibe check for anyone who's read my sicktember stuff (or not): please my tell my lovely irl reader that not only is she not allowed to ship the Links, there is also no way that she can interpret their platonic brotherly affection in that way because I was so freaking careful writing them.
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littlexscarletxwitch · 11 months
── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲
paring: florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): fluff, based on endgame by taylor swift (you don't understand how much i'm loving this song), cute gf flo
warning(s): grammatical errors, unedited
word count: 2.2k
note: omg, it's finally here. I'm so sorry it took me sooo long, it just I was super busy. Was this inspire by Ms. Taylor Swift? Yes, yes it was. I really hope you guys like this one. I'm not a native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Love you all so much <3
note 2: guys, I'm currently reading 'Delilah Green doesnt' care' and it's giving me so many ideas for fics. So would any of you be interest in more mum!florence? Please let me know. Xoxo, M
requests are open! + check my rules here + masterlist <3
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Your eyes were closed, your head was on her chest listening to her steady heartbeats, a soft smile formed on your lips.
“Promise me this is forever,” you whispered. 
You knew she was awake, she was doing the same thing as you, enjoying the moment, living in the present.
Your eyes found hers already looking at you. 
“I promise,” she said, her smile mirroring yours. 
Her lips found yours as if sealing the promise forever, but nothing ever lasts forever. The kiss that was first sweet and soft and filled with love, turned bitter, harsh and cold. You pulled back confusion written all over your face. 
You blink once then twice, and suddenly you were waking up on your bed, alone. You cursed yourself at the stupid memory. It was so pathetic to still think about Florence that way. You two were history, long forgotten, just a memory of your adolescence. 
You shook your head, trying to wake up your foggy brain from the nap you had taken. And decided to get some work done as a way to clear your head from your silly old fantasies.  
You made yourself a cup of tea, grabbed your notebook and put your headphones on. You only had three more months to finish your second album. The deadline wasn’t much of a concern of yours, what bothered you was the lack of inspiration. Every lyric you would write down was just trash, it was as if you were missing something. So far you had only five finished songs, and you needed ten more to have the album finished. 
You were humming, moving your head to the beat as you let your brain come up with the right words, but it felt as if you were stuck.
“I wanna be your endgame,” you sang to the beat. “I wanna be, I wanna be your… ” you threw your head back in annoyance, frustration getting the best out of you. 
You had been sitting on the floor for the last hour, trying to finish this one song but you were not even close to it. You took a deep breath trying not to lose your shit. Your phone buzzed, the screen lighting up with a new notification and that took your whole attention. 
“Y/n Y/l/n and Drew Starkey spotted out for dinner,” you read out loud and couldn’t help rolling your eyes at the link your manager and best friend had sent you.
According to the news, you were dating both Drew Starkey and Joe Keery. You also almost got engaged the week before to Rudy Pankow, but apparently cheated on him with Maya Hawke. You knew better than to actually pay attention to fake news, but you couldn’t help to. After all that was now your life, the life of a startpop in the making, so much for a boring Oxford kid. 
Your reputation precedes you, in rumours you were knee-deep. But there was nothing you could do about it. Exhausted from your social life and the poor lack of motivation to do the one thing you loved the most, you decided to go out on a walk, hoping it would help to clear your thoughts about both the fake news and Florence, who you tried to ignore from thinking of. But ever since that dream you found yourself thinking about her more often. 
You knew she was as famous as you were, maybe even more. You had to admit to yourself that some nights you found some kind of comfort in her movies, watching her cute pouty face, the one she was most known for. 
She was your first love, she taught you how to love, what it was to be loved. Of course it wasn’t easy to forget about her, even after all these years, some part of you still craved her love. It wasn’t that you didn’t love each other when you both decided to go separate ways, it was because things weren’t so simple anymore. You two weren’t just two teenargs in love, you were slowly becoming adults. She had booked roles and you were making your way into the music industry. 
And without the two of you knowing you two just drifted apart, the two of you too caught up in your careers. But you loved her, so you decided to let her go, hoping and praying to the universe that maybe she would come back to you one day. 
Your thoughts were interrupted as you opened the door to your local cafe and someone bumped into you. 
“Sorry, I wasn’t… “ but you stopped cold once you saw the strangers eyes. 
“Y/n?” she asked, her voice as soft and raspy as you remembered. “What are you doing here?” a smile formed on her face, as if she was genuinely happy to see you. 
You shook your head trying to clear out your mind, was Florence really in front of you? “I, um, I lived here,” you blinked once, twice and she was still there. “Just around the corner,” you added, cursing yourself for being so awkward. “What are you doing here?” 
Was this a sign of the universe? Have your prayers been answered? 
“Visiting my family,” right her family, you thought. “Well, not just that, I’m also working,” she scratched the back of her neck. “I was actually hoping to see you, too.”
“Really?” that had to mean something, the universe couldn't be messing around with you this cruelly. Right?
“Yeah, I have, um… I have been thinking about you.” she smiled at you and you felt the butterflies in your stomach. “I think we should talk.”
“I, um,” what were you supposed to say? Were you willingly going to agree to spend time with the love of your life as if the two of you were going to be just friends? What was that supposed to mean?
“Yeah, sure. When are you free?” you finally agree.
You mentally checked your schedule, you were supposed to finish your songs but taking a break wouldn’t hurt anybody. Plus, you were going to get your coffee and get back to it right away. 
“Um, what about now?” 
Shit, you thought. She wasn’t going to give you any time to prepare yourself. Well, you better get into it, rip it off like a band aid. 
“Okay, I was going to get a coffee and then we can…”
“Yeah, yeah, take your time. I’m going to find us a table.”
You order your coffee while mentally preparing for the conversation the two of you were going to have. What was she on about? Was it really a big coincidence? Did the universe put her in our path for some reason? You shook your head, you needed to stop thinking about the universe’s way of working for a second.
They handed you your coffee and now you had no more excuses to avoid her, not that you wanted to. Some part of you long to be near her, but you were scared of what this whole thing was about. 
“So, um, what’s up with Drew?” she tried to pretend she didn’t care but was actually dying to know if you were actually dating him, not that you noticed it.
“Drew? Starkey?”
“Oh, yeah, Drew,” you chuckled, silly you for forgetting your own friend. “He’s just a friend, a really good friend,” was it your imagination or did she just let out a breath of relief. “What about Ashley?” you asked before taking a sip of your coffee. 
She smiled at you, “She’s also a really good friend.”
“So, um…”
“Listen, Y/n…”
The both of you chuckled. 
“You go first, Flo”
That nickname. It was stupid because everyone who knew her would call her ‘Flo’, but coming out of your lips felt different. She had missed hearing her name on your lips, she had missed you. 
“I’m just going to say it, okay?” you only nodded. “I lied earlier, I’m not here for work or visiting my family. I came here to find you,” your lips parted in disbelief. “Ever since we broke things apart, I had been feeling like something was missing, Y/n. And I recently realised it was you. Well, I saw the article about you getting married and all I could think of was that something wasn’t right.”
“Florence I…”
“No, please let me finish,” she cut you off. “I understand that  we are strangers to each other, but I would love to get to know you once again. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, it can be like a fresh start. I just really need you in my life, Y/n. I miss my best friend.”
You took another sip of your coffee, stealing time before giving her an answer. The truth was you already knew what you wanted, you knew it the moment you sat at the table, but you wanted to mess with her just a little bit. 
You put your cup down, and finally your eyes found hers, “I would like nothing more.”
Ever since that day, Florence and you had been spending everyday together. Catching up with each other and going back to old habits. 
The more you hang out with her, the more you could feel your old feeling coming back. But you didn’t want to rush things just to ruin them again. But one particular afternoon you couldn't hold back anymore and decided to do something about it. 
She had fallen asleep 30 minutes ago, you chuckled as you realised her current state because she had picked out the movie but turns out she was more tired than what she let you see. 
You headed to your small studio and decided to get back to the song you were working on before running into Florence. You  knew exactly what you wanted to say, having found your new inspiration a few weeks ago. 
You pressed play and the music started playing, you already had a few things written down in your notebook you just needed to put all your ideas together. 
You were so lost and immersed in finishing the song, going at it back and forth, changing some lyrics, singing some ideas, writing and crossing out some bits, that you didn’t realise someone was watching you just when you were about to finish. 
You had already recorded the whole song and were just checking it out when Florence leaned in the frame door. 
Florence smiled as she listened to your sweet voice. She wondered who this song was about. 
Knew her when I was young, reconnected when we were little bit older
Both sprung, I got issues and chips on both of my shoulders
She didn’t want to get her hopes up.
Reputation precedes me, in rumors, I'm knee-deep
The truth is, it’s easier to ignore it, believe me
She felt her heart shrinking in her chest.
Even when we'd argue, we'd not do it for long
And you understand the good and bad end up in the song
She listened closely to the song as you hummed to it.
For all your beautiful traits and the way you do it with ease
For all my flaws, paranoia, and insecurities
Her heartbeat and body temperature were rising.
I've made mistakes and made some choices, that's hard to deny
After the storm, something was born on the 4th of July
I've passed days without fun, this end game is the one
With four words on the tip of my tongue, I'll never say it
She couldn't take it any longer. 
“I like it,” she said, getting closer to where you were sitting. “It’s catchy,” she said, trying to shake her feeling away. That song could be about anyone.
“I feel like something’s missing,” you scrunch your nose.
“Sing the corus to me, please,” she looked at you with her doe eyes and you swear you could have melted in that moment. 
You shook your head with a smile on your face and compiled, “I wanna be your endgame, endgame,” you finished singing the chorus. “And then it goes. Big reputation, big reputation. Ooh, you and me, we got big reputations, ah,” you sang, trying to not look at Florence. 
“You know, it sounds awfully familiar,” she teased, wanting nothing more than for it to be true. 
“And you heard about me, ooh. I got some big enemies,” you kept on going.
“What are you trying to say, Y/n?” she kept on pushing you. 
“Big reputation, big reputation. Ooh, you and me would be a big conversation, ah. And I heard about you, ooh. You like the bad ones, too,” you finished, trying to tell her that you were thinking exactly what she was thinking. 
She was so close to you now, her knees brushing against yours, sending electricity throughout your body. You could feel her hot breath on your lips. 
“I want to…” she didn’t finish her sentence because you were already nodding and she smashed her lips to yours in a second. 
You felt as if a wave of cold water was washing over you. Her lips felt both familiar and new at the same time. You felt at home as she wrapped her arm around your waist and her other hand cupped your cheek. You didn’t want to ever stop kissing her, but both you and her needed to breathe so ultimately pulled apart. 
She rested her forehead on yours, both of her hands cupping your cheeks, caressing your skin with her fingertips. 
“I wanna be your endgame,” you quietly sang to her. 
She chuckled before kissing you again and again and again. 
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Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! &lt;3
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dekusleftsock · 11 months
Hi! I wanted to talk a little bit about something that pissed me off, so if you dont want to deal with that then feel free to ignore the ask! There are mentions of SA.
I accidentally ended up seeing this anti toga post that talks about how she is terrible queer representation using 1. the loving animals line and 2. her killing others because of her impulse.
Basically they argue she is a sexual predator as killing would be like being denied to have sex with her or a representation of her SA others, and that the resolution seems to be feeling sorry for her and giving her what she wants, and that it leaves queer ppl in a bad look as sexual predators and even zoophilic (them saying they already had a bad vibe from the intro of the little bird?? Thinking its directly sexual confirmed by these leaks). Im so angry at this.
I think its clear Toga feels confused about what love means, as she says she loves many people but its clear every single one of them makes her feel and act differently -she doesnt love Jin like she loves Tsuyu, or the bird, or Stain, or Deku, or Uraraka.
Is it so strange to think she can be confused about it WHILE being queer?? Also seeing her love as a sex driven impulse is weird in my opinion -yes blood and cannibalism r used this way in media but she's not looking for sex ever, just to be liked and loved.
I swear I have seen yandere characters get a better treatment than her even when they end up causing more harm without reasons backing them up even.
What do you think of that perspective?
So I actually think that the zooiphile thing actually adds to the queer allegory. No i dont think toga wants to fuck animals and no I don’t think that’s she’s ACTUALLY a zooiphile.
But I do think that the REASON horikoshi made her that way is because… zooiphilia is a dirty thing that people don’t like to talk about. Toga is the same; she’s the dirty conversation her parents don’t wanna have.
And she’s attracted to blood! I don’t think that she wants to date or have sex with a bird or something, just that she’s attracted to it because it has blood and she can’t change that. I don’t think togas love is misplaced or anything, in fact I think she’s got the best handle on her love at all. I think that she just generally uses the very forward term of “love” for everything because that’s just how she is. A forward, blunt, and extreme person. She’s exploding with feelings even different types of love!
Personally, I’m surprised to see all these toga haters randomly appearing out of the wood work—and it’s probably because she’s actually got a chance with Ochako. It just surprises me yk, like people either didnt really care for her before or they thought she was a cool villain. Now that she’s herself and NOT a cool villain… you all suddenly wanna chase her down with pitchforks? Hm. Interesting.
People LOVE a queer tragedy; and toga is in the perfect situation to be one. Togas boob grab wasn’t even intended to be predatory/sexual towards ochako, she was angry and using it to grip onto her and stab her repeatedly. It was a symbolic way to describe Togas feelings of “becoming a real villain”, or in the sense of the allegory, “becoming a real queer predator”. The fact that people have taken this and actually made it about her BEING a queer predator is SO IRONIC!
Also… sucking blood doesn’t equal sex what. It’s intimate in the way kissing is intimate, it was literally compared to it.
ANYWAY… monsters and vampires and the horror genre as a whole has ALWAYS been queer, it’s always been about being deviant and exploring topics like cannibalism and, yes, zooiphilia, because we CAN TALK ABOUT THEM. GUYS ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Toga isn’t fucking animals, she’s not pretending she’s in relationships with animals, she’s vaguely attracted to them.
I saw this yt video a while ago talking about this whole Twitter debate about whether zooiphilia was as bad as eating animals. And personally, I’m not vegan or vegetarian, but it’s something I never really thought of before. And he brought up a good point that originally went to my head when I heard this question asked!
My thought was “Well zooiphilia isn’t natural, but eating animals is”. Well, being a PARASITE is also natural, we naturally want to consume, we naturally want to be selfish, and the fact that we have the foresight and intelligence to STOP ourselves from being those things is important for our survival. And there’s a ton of other arguments to be made and points to be had, but really, we should be able to ASK THOSE QUESTIONS AT ALL! We should be able to confront those things instead of shunning it away and putting it in a little box we aren’t supposed to talk about.
I just think anyone who is trying to label toga as “bad queer representation” or as a “sexual deviant/predator that Ochako is afraid of” have other biases/reasons to believe those things. That, or they have a very narrow mindset that doesn’t allow them to question the morality of cannibalism or any unconventional love for that matter. Unconventional ideas at all tbh.
Jeffrey Dahmer went crazy because he was eating people raw a lot of the time, and also he was just generally fucking crazy and a bad person. How about we consent to your body being eaten!
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xx-spazzie-xx · 1 year
Another celebration. It was the sixty-eighth one this month.
Bright lights hung from the trees and fireflies flitted through the blades of grass, already wet from the damp night air.
The moon and stars glistened in the dark sky, illuminating the small kingdom below them.
Tables ladened with fruits and refreshments were scattered around the central clearing where monkeys were dancing and joking with each other. 
It wasn't really Macaques type of thing, but he had a job to do
He sighs as he bites into the shell of a coconut. He watches Wukong as he slips through the crowds of adoring monkeys, showering him with praises and gifts.
Wukong gave him a look that read, "HELP ME."
Macaque chuckled. The king really should socialize more. Being indoors has made his skin paler and his fur messier. Macaque smoothed back his own fur self-consciously.
After what seemed like hours, Wukong had finally managed to escape from the crowd, running to hide behind macaque, his fur poofing up in all directions.
"What are you doing?" Macaque asked the king. "Go dance. Have fun."
Wukong shivered in response. "No."
macaque rolled his eyes and shifted from in front of wukong. "They haven't seen you in five months. go entertain them."
"Um. No thanks. Can we go back inside now?"
Macaque sighed and scanned the crowd for a young simian looking to be wooed by an impulsive idiot. He pointed to a bronze furred maiden standing in the middle of the clearing, looking lost. 
"Dance with her." The shadow instructed.
"I don't want to dance. I want to go back inside."
"Wukong, with all due respect, you're being a brat. i dragged you out here so you could enjoy yourself, so you WILL enjoy yourself."
Wukong scoffed. "You sound like my mother."
 Wukong  miserably sulked over to the girl, who looked a bit stunned at the king asking permission to dance. She accepted his advances nervously.
Macaque heard a voice beside him, "About time he got a mate."
he wheeled around. Excuse me?"
The stranger gestured with his chin towards the golden furred monkey and his less than willing partner. "It's been years since he became king. You'd think a ruler like wukong would be intrested in having a heir."
macaque glared at him. Who was this stranger and why does he care about wukongs love life?
"The king isn't interested. He doesnt want children, and that girl isnt his mate" For some reason the thought made Macaque angry
The man raised his eyebrow. "You think?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Nothing, nothing." the stranger walked off in favor of bothering someone else.
"We should start exiling nosy fuckers like you." Macaque muttered.
Wukong ran up to him and gripped his arm with enough strength macaque was sure he had broken a few bones.
" Wukong, what is it? where's your partner"
"I um…" The king rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "She left. Went to dance with someone else."
"Oh.. who else would you like to dance with?"
"I dunno, let me just pick one of the boring monkeys dancing over there…You. i want to dance with you. Idiot."
"What?" For once in his life, Macaque was dumbfounded.
"I want to dance with you."
"Very funny, Wukong. Go choose one of the women over there."
"Why? Is it because you want to marry me off as soon as possible?
"I never said that."
"Yeah, but you were thinking it! everyones thinking it! I swear, if one more person comes up to me with their daughter ill-"
"I'll dance with you." Macaque decided. Anything to keep Wukong from throwing a tantrum.
Wukong beamed. "What made up your mind? Was it my charm?"
"No. I just wanted you to shut up."
Wukong stuck his tongue out at him as the shadow led him to the clearing.
"Okay so…how do i do it?" Wukong asked
"...Do what?"
"You're joking" Macaque sighed. "You were dancing fine enough when you were out here with Petunia."
"The girl you were dancing with."
"Oh right. Well, she was leading so um…"
"You're hopeless."
The gaurd placed his right hand on Wukong's hip and the other one on his shoulder. He cleared his throat. "I… Don't know how to dance either."
Wukong snickered. "Just.. Move like one of those stuck ups over there." He pointed to a pair of monkeys dressed in frills and poofy dresses. "And you dont need to act all nervous around me. Were friends, right?
Macaque scrunched up his nose. "Right."
As they danced, Wukong made it his duty to scrutinize every guest at the party.
"Did he really come to the party without grooming his fur? He looks like a wet rat. Probably smells like one too."
Macaque spun him around. "Shut up and focus on dancing."
"You're leading. I don't have to do anything."
"Is that what you think? You're too spoiled. I should make you work for your meals from now on."
"You wouldn't."
"I would."
Their faces got closer with each until their lips were merely inches away.
"I want to kiss you" Wukong said
"Hmph. I dont think your suitors would like that." He gestured to the many females glaring at them with nothing less than malice.
"Who cares?"
"Them. Apparently"
"Well I don't care about them. Now kiss me."
Macaque raised an eyebrow. "What did we say about manners, Wukong?"
Wukong puffed up his cheeks and glared at the other. "Kiss me please"
"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Macaque smirked. He gave Wukong a small peck on the lips.
"There. You're  welcome."
"Wh..What was that?"
"A kiss."
"That's not a kiss. This is."
Wukong pulled  Macaque towards him by the collar of his shirt and slammed his lips against his. The dark furred monkey made a surprised noise and slowly pulled away.
"You're welcome." Wukong grinned.
"W-Were not mated."
Wukong frowned. "What does that have to do with anything?"
"Only mates kiss like that."
"Okay and?"
Macaques cheeks flushed. "Aren't we… Just friends?" 
Wukong blinked slowly. "you kissed me."
"Yeah b-but that was just a friendly kiss! I didn't mean anything by it!" 
Macaque was rushing his words now. a nervous habit wukong had noticed when macaque was waiting on him outside the shower reporting incidents that had happened that day.
"Do you want to be mated?" Wukong asked.
The question caught Macaque off guard. He searched Wukongs eyes for the telltale glimmer of mischief they usually held, but he found none.
"I…That would be nice. I dont think your subjects would like that though. They…Aren't too fond of me."
"My monkeys fear the dark,like all rational beings. They don't hate you. they're  just scared. I  don't know why. You're not very scary."
"Wow, thanks. makes my job so much easier."
The king broke away from the shadow. "I think we should go somewhere else. I can feel their eyes burning into the back of my skull."
"Would you like to raid the pantry again?"
Wukong grinned. "Do you even have to ask?"
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xxcherrycherixx · 4 months
“So, why are you immune?” Blondie asks, cupid looks to her from her space upon blondie’s bed “genetics” blondie raises a brow “that doesnt clear anything up for me, in-fact it just raises more questions.” Cupid sets her mirrorphone down “well let me put it this way- zombies are undead creatures, they’re basically just corpses where the brain cant understand it’s meant to be dead, and so the body keeps working as if it was still alive. Some zombie cases like this one result in a weird change in the brain where it makes the infected feel the need to feed on living flesh” Cupid gestures to herself “im an undead creature too, so zombie’s just aren’t interested in eating me because their brains don’t care about non living flesh” cupid shrugs her shoulders “and as an undead being, the infection cant spread to me. Its like how i don’t get sick”
Blondie still looks confused “you’re not alive?” cupid smiles awkwardly “kind of? The technicalities of undead species is a bit hard to explain. Think of cedar, shes technically not alive but shes still completely sentient. Its not exactly always black and white what beings count as alive and dead.”
A thoughtful sound comes from blondie in response “when is dinner?” She asks, cupid giggles “its been literally an hour since lunch, you’re not really getting hungry again already are you? Geez you’re a glutton” blondie bites her own lip, accidentally tearing the skin when she presses too hard “ its not my fault im hungry already, you know i cant control it”
Cupid looks to the other girl- or rather ghoul now. her skin is grey from decay and theres wounds that litter the visible parts of her body, her clothes have been heavily stained with blood from her feeding earlier. One of the most prominent changes is her eyes, or rather eye. The left socket sits completely empty, her eyeball must have been clawed out during the start of the outbreak. Despite this she’s still blondie, and blondie is currently looking at her with a frown that makes cupid feel like shes looking at a puppy who just got told off for the first time.
Cupid sighs “ fine, i can get you a little snack. But only because you’re so pretty” the zombie smiles and moves over next to cupid, her bones audible as she does “can you get me a bird? Even if its just a small one, pretty please” cupid giggles “ok, i will try get you a bird” blondie beams at her, leaning over to quickly place her cold lips against her girlfriends “thank you!”
Cupid heads out, flying upto the only still working exit in the school. Thankfully hardly any flying students got infected, most being smart enough to fly and escape before they could get bitten, so it only made sense to make the exit in a place only accessible through flight. Cupid unlocks the door and uses her strength to push it open, another failsafe she had added, this way any flying zombies would also have to somehow have inhuman strength to escape. Making sure the door is secure behind her she goes on the hunt for her girlfriends snack, she imagines blondie ripping into the creature with a hunger and devouring everything in mere seconds and then getting adorably embarrassed over it. She would then push the remaining bones over to cupid to dispose of and cupid would giggle, pulling her close to wipe some of the blood and gore off blondies face. Their faces would inch closer and blondie would decide to be bold and pull her in for a kiss, she would taste blood but it wouldn’t matter because all she would be able to focus on is the feel of blondie’s tongue against hers and the soft pleased sounds that escape her girlfriend. And then maybe blondie would allow cupid to trail her hand down and-
cupid is snapped out of her fantasy as she sees a bird fly straight past her, she looks up to see a rather sizeable bird of prey circling. It hits her that maybe blondie would be really happy with her if she brought a bigger snack instead of just a small dove or something. She grins as she eyes the bird, trying to learn its patterns so she can guess where it will fly- once she has an idea, she spreads her wings and aims to grab it straight out of the sky.
Sharp talons scratch into her arms but she manages to adjust her grip until the large bird is no longer able to move. Landing back onto the platform for the entrance To the school, cupid cant help but grin as she imagines how happy blondie will be when she sees her gift. It occurs to cupid that maybe spoiling her girlfriend with food is maybe a bad idea, but she just cant resist how beautifully satisfied the zombie looks after a good meal.
Maybe blondie will share with her and it can be a romantic date for the two of them, they haven’t been able to have any dates since the outbreak.
Cupid sighs dreamily as she thinks about more potential date ideas she can suggest to blondie.
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postgameroutesix · 1 year
oh yeah i started watching tmnt 2003 also so im watching that + the 1987 show side by side BUT thoughts so far on the two from a guy who knew essentially nothing going in:
already the 2003 ver of splinter sorta feels like a wiser approach to the character just in that it avoids that underlying racism unintentional it may be with him being a japanese man turned into a rat. instead being same as the turtles in originally just being a normal rat. from context clues im guessing hamato yoshi will be weaved into the story later as a separate character so hes not entirely omitted just reworked
though beyond the unfortunate implications associated w aspects of his character concept i do rlly enjoy splinter as a character + think his relationship with the turtles and april in 1987 is very sweet like man hes really just their dad….in 2003 how he saw these lost baby turtles + just thought Well i guess im a father now despite being completely different species is so 😭😭 the little nest he made for them….
i LOVE!!! the turtles theyre actually SO skrunkly theyre my best friends…..i love them all theyre very special to me. particularly 87 raphael and 2003 mikey have immediately latched onto my brain the absolute silly of these critters everything they say is like cocomelon shit to me. i love them SO VERY!!! dearly <33
i love aprils attitude of fuck around + find out i think shes a very fun character. ive seen ppl refer to her 1987 iteration as being a “damsel in distress” but i dont really agree with that at all lol bc she doesnt just get kidnapped she actively gets herself into shit for a news story…its the same issue i hold with people referring to daphne as such tbh. also wrt her 87 character i love how similar to 2003 splinter she meets the turtles and is freaked out for like a few seconds b4 just being like Well i guess im a big sister now
the difference in style + tone b/w the two shows is immediately evident lol like for example 87 is largely episodic bar the first five episodes really where instantly 2003 is set up as having an overarching plot. and just by the artstyle its clear 2003 will intend to have a more serious plot at that compared to the more overall lighthearted yet earnest 87
i havent met casey jones in 87 but wrt 2003 help ….whats wrong w this guy i need to see more of him NEOW! i really liked his introductory episode his dynamic w raph is sweet i like how raph sees himself in casey + thus wants to help him. all about balance….
donatello CARRIES rhe team in both these versions my goodness. he deserves the world hes so funny
2003 raphs brooklyn accent kills me every time he speaks. thank u
speaking 👆 of 2003 raph i really love his + mikeys relationship so far especially. really enjoy dynamics where one of the characters annoys the shit outta the other one frequently intentionally and while the other gets angry over this its clear that its rarely serious + they care abt each other very deeply. interesting foil situation being set up too i think maybe? mikey seems to have this natural talent but little desire to train where raph is the opposite going simply by their sparring scene in ep4. love how they reunite after that scene too the absolute sillies:
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i think its interesting already the differing takes on the characters which manifests a lot in how i think their ages are portrayed? like obviously theyre all the same age but theres still the Vibe of an age order that appears mutually agreed upon by the characters. in both versions leonardo is unequivocally the eldest + the leader ofc. but then in 87 for me i get the vibe that michelangelo is the second oldest, followed by donatello, followed by raphael (which is funny i think. 87 raphael is just a little hater) whereas in 2003 it goes leo -> raph -> donatello -> mikey and that then seems to become the constant for the rest of the franchise (bar rise of the tmnt i think? where raph + leo swap). theres just interesting dynamics to be had there in how due to this higher emphasis placed on an age order for example 2003 raph seems to be portrayed as more protective + authoritative compared to 87 raph who is more laidback and just a little hater as opposed to having genuine anger issues
i have run out of things to say. UHM anyway overall im really enjoying it!!! i love the turtles a lot. little guys who r beginning to live in my brain…..
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knucklegagging · 6 months
I know this is mostly an anorexia tumblr account but tbh I havent been really struggling w my anorexia lately. Found old emaciated pictures and I think thats a lot of the reason why. Side by side my highest weight and lowest weight one looks weak and the other looks sexy. And Like... I wanna live. If i can. Especially now. And maybe a lot of this is that I was dealing shit no one is ever supposed to talk about but I have never been fat. I have been big busted hourglass booty girl slimthicc milkshake walking cunstain looking barbie body. And I have been emaciated. Thats so weird to really notice for the first time in my twenties. And it's not like I've been actively wanting to die or anything intense like that, but I didnt know life could feel good. And lately it really does. And my set range right now is 111 to 116. Which is healthy, as is my bfp. So i get that this is an anorexia tumblr account primarily... But maybe it doesnt always have to be? Idk tonight just feels really good. The girl I like seems to like me. And by that i mean shes made it clear she does in more ways than one. And frankly ive been a migraine and she still around. Its been a lot to adjust to. I have not been an easy person for her to be around. At least, i know I would be tired of my anxiety bullshit by now. She has so much patience and kindess and goodness in her soul. I feel like I have known her before, almost like memories from a dream that you woke up from too quickly. The taste of thoughts percolate my mouth with painful dripping sighs that crave to know her better, like filling in the blanks. Theres something so different, so unmistakable about the way that she is.
I dont know how to comfort myself at times because I cannot be running away in the opposite directiom but sticking my heels into blue on the treadmill next to her is terrifying. I get these scared moments thinking that I am going to ruin everything in one fell swoop w one stupid comment or being too hyper, talking too much, saying shit she wouldnt care about, moving too fast, not moving fast enough, not being whatever it is she expects of me. ...but yet she just roll w the punches. I dont want her to know how inexperienced i am w relationships. I dont want her to know anything bad thats happened to me and have it sour the interest that she has in me. I'm like paranoid that somehow she would find this blog and see my thoughts spelled out even though ik she won't. That wouldnt happen. But out of nowhere sometimes I just get scared like she will wake up one morning and decide I am not good enough. That I am too autistic or I have too much of a past behind me. That I have already been defiled and that makes me too much drama. I cant say that sentence out loud. I can't say many if any things out loud. I am always writing them down for her.
I am terrified about how to play my sleeves. At some point she will probably see my arms or thighs if we continue to spend time w each other. How the fuck is that all supposed to play out? Do i pretend its nothing and just rip the bandaid off? Wear a tank top when i see her next? That sounds dumb. There is no way to gradually unveil my body in ways that are not jarring when you have as many scars as I do. I like myself fine I just sometimes notice how much i do not know and that can psyche me out. But today has been good. Tonight has been happy. I am very much okay today. I just wish time would move faster slowly, so that i can know how we end up so that i can have a road map. I want thw answers for how to behave so that i dont cause any problems for her. If i could read her mind, if i could see the future, if i could know now what i will know then about whether i am going to make her life difficult... I am so scared. I am so happy. But I am also so scared.
Whats gonna happen when I am really visible and she can really see me? I've done so well at being invisible. With her I dont want to be. But it is all unknown and I'm a big ol scaredycat
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
can you do one where elliot and the reader are fucking but the reader has a boyfriend. shes really in love with elliot but shes like popular and doesnt want to lose her reputation by being with him but she feels really guilty because elliot is in lobe with her too. holy fuck thats alot sorry
Love love love love this concept. LOVE. Love it, like I could write multiple parts on this (let me know), whoever this is, CHEFS FUCKING KISS BABY.
I went with more like popular in an academic/sports sense instead of like 'prissy/preppy' popular. Just so this has a little bit more depth and more I can write about since I was so so so interested in this idea.
Not proofread.
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He doesn't realize how handsome he is.
His eyes are trained on the screen in front of him, moving back and forth between his guitar, his small keyboard and his laptop, coming up with some new music that he'd put out. His eyes are soft, a bit glazed over from his post-orgasm bliss, his freckled shoulders hunched over as he sighs, dragging his fingers along the side of his jaws. He looks amazing in the dim light of his bedroom, his cheeks still a bit flushed from our activities and his breathing had finally mellowed out into deep breaths.
He's so handsome...
He must've sensed me gazing at him, his head tilting to peek at me over his shoulder as I pull the covers up to my chin, covering my bare chest as he grins. He looks so soft and gentle, boyish almost as he leans back into the pillows behind him, resting his head on the palm of his hand.
"Hi." He whispers, reaching over to cup my cheek, a happy grin on my lips as my eyes flutter nervously away from him. "Oh, are you bashful now?" He chuckles, scooting closer to me as he leans down, his nose brushing against mine as I steal a quick, guilt filled kiss. My phone buzzes behind me, a groan leaving Elliot at the sound of the horrible sound, his least favorite. We both know who's texting me, who's in need of my love and affection. "I'm assuming that's the douchebag looking for you?" He huffs, flopping back down onto the bed as I frown, reaching over to grab my phone, flicking it on.
Elliot's Favorite: Where you at baby?
I sigh, throwing my phone to the side as I sit up, holding the blanket to my chest as Elliot follows. "He looking for you?" He asks carefully, disappointment lacing his voice. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't upset too, needing more time and more of Elliot.
It had been our ongoing issue, deciding what to do with our future, with our interesting relationship. My boyfriend was our class president and a big influence on our football team, already getting offers from colleges and universities from all over. It was important that as our class treasurer, along with the debate team and volleyball captain that I kept up my reputation.
A reputation that Elliot has not and will not fit into.
Elliot's a stoner, a bit of a social reject if you ask people at school. He doesn't care about social status, really only going to school to learn and get good enough grades. He wants a career in music and nothing involving college. But he has just been so supportive over everything that I want in life, everything I want to do and go in my life. And he made it more than clear that he wanted to follow me wherever my life led me.
The decision to break up with my boyfriend is overwhelming and heartbreaking to think about since we've been friends since we were children. It would not only be a blow to our high school politics but our families who love us together.
But to think about not being with Elliot is suffocating.
"Yeah, I think he probably misses me. I've been ignoring him since I got her last night." I whisper, toying with the corner of the blanket as Elliot huffs.
"Sucks to be him." I look back at him teasingly, my brows raised as he cracks a bit of a smile, his bashful gaze flickering away from him. "Do you really have to go?" He asks suddenly, my words stuck on the tip of my tongue, knowing that he wouldn't like the answer. "I'm taking your silence as a yes." Slipping out from under covers, I grab my dress from the ground, slipping it over my head. Elliot whines as he crawls his way over to my side of the bed, his fingers wrapping around my wrist. "Don't go." He whispers, rising to his knees simply, taking my hands in his. His eyes are silently pleading, flickering back and forth between mine as I frown, hating how upset he looks. My hands leave his, cupping his cheeks as I step towards him, his chest pressed against mine. My thumbs brush over his cheeks soothingly, his forehead resting against mine as I listen to him huff.
"I'm sorry-"
"Please don't go." He begs, shaking his head as I pout, my heart aching painfully as I ponder for a moment, wondering if I can come up with another excuse to ditch out on the man who's currently blowing up my phone. "If you need me to say it, I'll say it. If that's what it'll take for you to stay, I'll say it." He pleads, his eyes shining with tears as tears fill my eyes, knowing about his hesitance with saying those three words. We both knew we felt that way for each other but neither of us have actually had the balls to say it out loud, especially with Elliot being the whole 'other man'.
"Elliot don't-"
"I love you." He whispers, his eyes dark and swimming with hesitancy and tears. My jaw slacks, my heart picking up as my head spins, moving to sit on the bed next to him. "I love you and I'm in love with you. Please leave him and just stay." He pleads, wrapping his arms around me as tears spill from my eyes, my heart so heavy and my head swimming with questions and concerns.
"Elliot you know it's not that simple-"
"It's that simple-"
"Let me get a word in, please." I mumble, running my fingers through my hair. I know that I need to end it, knowing that I want to be with Elliot, loving him and how he makes me feel. But to dump someone... it's not an easy decision, especially when I've never done it before. "I know that I need to break up with him Elliot. I get that, I get your side, I get this is painful for you." I turn to him, his head bobbing in an anxious nod as he bites at his lip. "I do love you. I am in love with you, alright?" I lean forward, pressing a kiss to his forehead, a small laugh leaving his lips. "I'll go over right now and talk to him. I'll call when I need a ride, alright-"
"You think I'm just gonna let you go break up with him on your own without back up- have you met your asshole of a boyfriend? He beat the shit out of Fezco a few years ago. Fezco, doll." I nod, realizing this might not be the safest situation for me to be in alone.
"Alright, I'll call Maddy in the morning and see if she'll go over with me." I mutter, toying with Elliot's fingers in my lap as he lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank you for your concern. I probably wouldn't have thought about that." I let out an embarrassed laugh, realizing that I'd be lost without him. Our eyes meet, his eyes soft as they flicker over my expression.
"Does that mean I get to keep you for another night?" His head tilts playfully, a snort leaving me as I nod, letting him tug me back down onto the bed once more.
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kookieswan · 2 years
I love the new theme!!! 😍😍😍😍 Bangtan Cafe here I come omg how adorable 🙈🥰 I gotta request something that goes with the theme first now hehe
Okay sooooo this request can be prepared by any of the barista boys 🤗 coffee shop!au where reader discovers one day that the drink she's been ordering for the last several weeks isn't actually on the menu, that cute barista guy has been making it specially for her this whole time because the first time she ordered it mistakingly he thought she was just too cute to correct 💕
Soul Café
Hoseok x Reader (f)
Word Count: 1k
Genre: Cafe!AU, Fluffy fluff.
Your chosen barista: Hoseok ☀️
Hey there sunshine! I’ve already got your triple chocolate frappuccino made and ready to go! Extra whipped cream like usual, AND a brownie to go with it to match your sweet smile. I hope you enjoy!
It’s almost a weekly ritual now. Wake up Friday morning, get ready, and stop by Soul Café to grab your delicious coffee as an end of the week treat. You’ve been going for a few months now, always excited to get your hands on your drink and set your eyes upon something just as delicious.
Without question, your barista always ends up being Hoseok, a beautiful man with a smile to match. He’s bubbly, sweet, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t have the slightest bit of a crush on him. How could you not after he spelled your name correctly on the cup on his first try? It doesn’t help that he carries conversations with you as you sip on your drink, watching with too much interest as he cleans the counter.
Walking into the shop, you peer around, surprised to see what it’s not quite as busy as usual. There’s no one at the counter, so you idly peruse the menu board, wondering if anything might catch your eye. Everything looks tasty, but the triple chocolate frappuccino you usually get doesn’t seem to be in the menu… Odd.
“Hello! Welcome to Sunshine Café! What can I get started for you today?” Managing to keep your face from falling, you watch as an unknown face appears out of the back of the shop, all smiles but sadly not Hoseok. You’d come to expect him being there, so the change made you a tiny bit sad.
“Hello, can I get a triple chocolate frappuccino with extra whipped cream?” The man (his name tag says Jimin) blinks at you a few times, eyebrows creased. He looks at the menu board, hen the special of the day, before turning back to you.
“We don’t have a triple chocolate frappuccino, I don’t believe…” you blink back, knowing this can’t be right. Hoseok prepared it for every Friday, never questioning it. Maybe Jimin is a new employee…?
“Oh, well I-“ The back door flings open, and out rushes a slightly panicked looking Hoseok. He struts right up to the cash register, nearly shoving Jimin out of the way before setting his eyes on you.
“Hey sunshine! Sorry about that, Jimin can be a bit spacey. I’ll get that frappuccino started for you.” It’s almost funny how offended poor Jimin looks, mouth opened as he stares Hoseok down. The other man doesnt care though, ringing you up quickly and then sending Jimin off into the back.
“You sticking around?” Hoseok has your change in his hand, cheeks puffed out as he smiles smiles big and observes you. Nodding, you hold out a hand, twitching slightly as his own hand brushes against yours. You sit down on the chair closest to the register, Hoseok following you behind the counter as he gathers the ingredients for your drink.
Jimin brings more cups out of the back, muttering to himself before giving you a big smile and setting them down. You pretend not to see Jimin pinch Hoseok, but it really only confirms that something isn’t quite right. Shifting in your seat, you can’t help but to question it.
“Is there a reason my drink isn’t on the menu? I was looking at it earlier and couldn’t find it.” The beautiful man freezes for a second, syrup in his hand dripping down into your cup before he clears his throat. He looks back at you, cheeks slightly red, eyes a little shy.
“… Can I tell you a secret?” You nod, feeling yourself fluster a little bit. Hoseok places the lid on the coffee before giving it to you, leaning across the counter, drawing way too much attention toward his arms. Really, how can one man be so stunning?
“So… Your drink isn’t real, or at least, it’s not on our menu. Before you say anything, it isn’t a big deal, I thought it was super cute and have been more than happy to make it for you every time.” You gape at him, unsure of how to process the situation. Your friend had mentioned it in passing, you swear it, but apparently they’re a big fat liar.
“I’m so sorry, holy shit. I can stop ordering it? I feel so bad now making you do extra work.” Hoseok shakes his head, eyes bright as he chuckles. He gestures to your drink, pretty heart smile coming out.
“Don’t be sorry, it’s not that hard to make. I made it up into he spot honestly, so I’m glad it’s tasty. It’s a plus I get to make it for such a pretty girl.” If you weren’t flustered before, you certainly are now. Giggling a bit, you sip in the drink, enjoying the flavor almost as much as you’re enjoying Hoseok’s company.
“I don’t know if this is too forward, but… Would you maybe want to go out sometime? As much as I love making your drinks, I think I’d love to take you out for a drink even more.” He looks to genuine, his delivery so smooth, you find it hard not to agree too quickly. Asking for a napkin, you pull out a pen from your purse, quickly jotting down your number for him as he takes someone’s order.
Noting that there’s a larger line now, you figure you won’t be getting his full attention any time soon, so you gather your stuff to leave. Sliding the napkin toward the back of the counter, you try not to grin to hard as he calls out after you. Not only had you scored yourself an amazing drink, you scored yourself a gorgeous man.
“Have a good day sunshine! I’ll text you later!”
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
Do you write yandere? If so, can I request skz yandere headcanons on how they would react when S/O rejects them because she doesn't wanna deal with whole drama that would come with dating an idol?
i mean kinda?? i have a seungmin yandere fic in my drafts sooo BUT YEAH
oh also, requests are not open but im just gonna do this one cause headcanons are kinda fun BUT REQUESTS ARE CLOSED <33
also why is the felix one so short-
Warnings; yandere!skz, rejection, k-dnapping, slight gaslightning or like manipulation, restraints, threats, aggression, mentions of masturbation, stockholm syndrome
nobody rejects him. nobody.
you two were friends from school and you were sooo happy when chan made it as an idol, finally persuing the dream he had been yapping on about for years. 
but in the midst of that he realized that he had feelings for you, he missed you all the time, just wanting to hang out with you and maybe explore the things he had on his mind. so,, he decided to confess when you guys were at a cafe.
“look y/n,,, there’s something I wanna tell you” he started to which you tilted your head
“nooo,,, are you guys going on a tour again,,, i wil miss you sooo much channie” you said with a pout but the boy shook his head.
“i like you y/n” 
your mouth stood agape, this was not what you expected and truthfully,,, not what you wanted. 
“chan,,, y-you know thats not possible” you said with a frown, looking at him straight ahead.
“of course it is,,, why wouldn’t it be? w-what are you trying to say y/n?!” his voice started growing louder, you looking around in order to see that people werent turning their heads towards your table. 
you have made a big big mistake my friend- 
wont even hesitate to keep you hostage in his basement LIKE IM NOT JOKING-
might just tie you up and like,,, not even do anything to you, just talk to you and admire you, maybe tracing your facial features and cuddle closer on the cold floor
just wants to keep you as a pet or smth and you are scared out of your mind cause you cant move cause of the restraints, you cant speak because you have silvertape across your lips that he only removes to feed you but if you start screaming you wont get any so you deicde to just stay calm and quiet before someone saves you and play along. 
i mean you do,,, kinda fall for him but you know you cant,, but you cant help but to fall for him and miss him whenever he’s out on schedule things
he always returns to you and you get so happy when you see the little crevice of light from outside when he opened the basement door
whenever he lies next to you, you put your head against his shoulder and take in his scent the best you can
he told you everyday that he would let you go if you agreed to date him but you shook your head,, maybe cause you liked being his prey. 
he’s more of the threatening type of yandere,,, like,, not that he’s violent but if you try to block his number he will create new ones and keep on sending you messages about how you have betrayed him and how he wished that you loved him back and all that,,,,
you guys often meet because you go to the same college and are students in the same department sooo,,,, avoiding him is pretty impossible 
he stares a lot at you,,, you guys have a couple of classes together and he just stares the entire time, his eyes are just filled with revenge, he somehow wants you make you his, own you but he doesnt know how yet, for now he can just look.
watch this fucking message conversation just be this;
[why did you talk to him during class?]
[you could have just asked me]
[nobody loves you like i do. no one y/n]
you are never getting rid of him basically,,
he’s gonna get to you first ;))
i feel like he goes more to the stalking route than the kidnapping and drugging and whatnot- 
ok,,, you rejected him,,, but that doesnt mean you’re getting rid of him.
ohmygod what if he turns into a peeping tom- cause he obviously knows where you live. 
like yall were not even that close?? he just saw you backstage at one of the concerts and thought you looked good so he decided to go up to, you werent an idol so no problem he thought.
but he gets a bit too,, hasty with his decisions and often falls for people randomly and so when he politely greeted you and gave you his number you simply shook your head, explaining that this wouldn’t be possible since you worked in the same industry and you needed to stay clear out of any scandals in order to keep your job. 
no was not answer in Hyunjins mind. 
luckily he managed to catch your full name by flickering through some papers in an office and also saw your full adress there, knowing exactly what he was going to do on his free time. 
if im being completely honest,,, i have no idea-
like,,, he gives me kinda pervy yandere vibes,,,
what if youre like his ex before he became an idol and now he wants to get back together with you-
oh,,, he masturbates to your pictures-
i feel like he always thinks about you, wondering what you like and wants to write songs about you but he doesnt do much-
but when he finds out that you have been hired by the same company as him to work as a like,,, economics accountant thingy he is all of a sudden vEEERY interested-
always asking the manager of when the group will have meetings with the accounting team,,, although they had nothing to do with them-
he just wanted to be in a conference room with you (and think pervy things about you in your tight office skirt and white blouse)
you went to the toilet on day and you saw him lurking around the same floor,,, WHICH ONCE AGAIN WAS NOT CONNECTED TO THE GROUP AT ALL- 
and idk,,, probably sneaks in with you and locks the door before you even react that theres someone else in the toilet- 
i feel like he’s pretty mild,,, but when he’s alone with you he is aggressive broooo
probably pins you to the wall and threatens you or smth along those lines,,,,,
(writing this is what my life has become to-)
“what do you think you’re doing?”
you turn around again, you had just thought of just leaving with a vague answer to his question but he was not having it. 
his words sounded cold, his dark voice making an entrace, the exact one you’ve heard on many of the songs you listened to.
“felix,,, you have to understand,,, u-um,, if we date theres gonna be some issues” you said but he just stared at you with cocky eyebrows and a dark gaze, running his tongue on the inside of his cheek.
“do you think i care? would i ask you if i cared?” he said to which you shook your head automatically, what more could you do?
“you get until tomorrow to think and if i don’t get the answer i want well,,, we’ll see what i’ll do to you.”
he plots shit behind your back yk?
he’s more of the sneaky type of yanderes (oop spoiler to a fic heh)
like he makes this like fucking year long plan where the objective of the mission is to make you obssessed with him-
he starts kinda subtely,,, first its going to the same gym as you and like,,, knowing where you placed your stuff
and then he starts putting small notes like under your waterbottle when you went to grab something that say like “i think youre cute, call me” and then his number
you obviously dont react,,, because why the fuck would you contact a stranger at the gym 
BUT THEN you realize that its him, its mf kim seungmin. yo,,,, u didnt know he went to this gym,,, that was not,,, the best-
of course you got a bit interested,,, you wanted to know how he was off camera,,, like just in his everyday life and i meeean,,, he was attractive but obviously you should stay away bc,,, he’s a celebrity but seungmin didnt want to stay away
he notes somehow started to get more aggressive,,, suddenly being like “why are you ignoring me?” and such,,,
and one night you were left alone in the gym with him,,, it was sooo quiet, only the sounds of your strained breaths as you lifted a dumbell
here where the plan came to play ;))
he’s obsessed with you and you are not going anywhere, even if you rejected him. 
he’s more clingy?? LIKE HE WILL NOT LEAVE YOU
ok sure,, he falls more into the stalking category too,,, 
also veeeery much a obssessed kinda yandere,,, like his mind is not thinking about how to like capture you,,, more about how to make you soooo comfortable and fool you into loving him despite the circumstances?
i just imagine that you work in a cafe and jeongin often meets you there when he buys coffee and you are already in awe when you see fucking yang jeongin enter the coffee shop on your shift but you were even more excited when he leaves his phone number on a napkin and slides it over the counter before leaving. 
you thought about it,,, contemplating multiple times but,,, you decided it would be best not to since well,,, safety purposes 
but he would visit you and every day his face got more and more perplexed cause he wondered why you didnt call
mf would not leave you alone, he would even wait outside the coffee shop until you finished your shift and walk you home,,, so now he knew where you lived- 
and then do the same thing over and over again until you talked to him.
does. not. give. up. 
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etherealyoungk · 2 years
oh yea an emoji would be nice!! maybe 💫? also i already have another idea for an imagine if its ok!! i'll be requesting for jihoon but you can write about any other member !! something really cliche like a high school au but op is one of the popular students, really flirty and stuff (already tried to flirt with him) and jihoon is that quiet one, he doesnt really like op cause its not his "vibe", but one day he finds them alone playing the piano and idk how it goes, its up to you 😊 (and thank you for being so nice ((: )
sure you can be 💫anon! i hope you like this!
written in jihoon's pov:
i walk up to my desk and find another carton of chocolate milk on my table...again. i pick it up and find a small note down, written in neat handwriting. "eat well and take care". here we go again. i mentally sigh and sit down, looking out the window. i know who keeps leaving those cartons of milk and snacks but what can i say, i'm not really interested in her. almost all the guys have a crush on her - she's pretty popular, so why can't she let me be? i don't know why she only keeps chasing after me.
this morning itself she tried her antics on me again, trying to flirt with me again. i've been ignoring it but now i want to tell her (nicely) to leave me alone since i don't have any interest in her, so that was what i was going to do. i made a mental note to find her today and tell her.
the bell rang and everyone was scurrying to head out, putting their books in their bags and running. i was about to leave i heard the teacher call out for me.
"jihoon!", he called out.
"yes teacher?"
"can you put these books in the music room on your way out?".
"okay, will do", i say, stacking the stack of books and making my way to the music room which was upstairs. im almost toppled over by the stampede of students rushing downstairs, i stand by the edge, back against the wall and wait for them to leave before continuing. "jeez", i mumble once they're gone.
i'm walking through the corridor and taking my time, looking around, because since my class is down, i'm not on the upstairs floor often. the classes are empty, expect a few staying back as they had questions for the teachers or were cleaning up the class. just then, i hear the faint sound of music. i tilt my head, trying to find the source and it comes louder as i continue to take small steps. it's the piano, someone's playing the piano.
i follow the sound and the piano melody is so sweet and welcoming. and soon i find myself at the door of the music club. i silently peek from the window to see who's playing. it's her. i watch as she plays, pressing the keys elegantly, the notes smooth and connected. she sways lightly to the melody and rhythm as she plays. she plays it so well, like she's played the piano for years -which she probably has.
and i don't even realize her calling out to me because i've been so engrossed in the music and seeing her play.
"jihoon?? stop staring and come in", she calls out, turning her body slightly to face me and i clear my throat as my steps suddenly fumble and i walk in, trying to not look embarrassed that i got caught staring.
"the teacher asked me to leave these here", i say, dropping the books on the table and turning to face her.
"didn't know you could play the piano, i say softly, looking at her. her eyes seem to sparkle as she gently smiles at me.
"yeah, "i've always loved the piano. something about playing it that's so relaxing and freeing- it's just me and the keys", she explains.
i didn't know this side to her. this slightly quiet and sweet side to her. i liked this side of her.
"that's nice, pretty cool of you", i say, genuinely, giving her a small smile.
"listen y/n, about you leaving me snacks and stuff", i start but before i can finish, she's cutting me off.
"i know, i'll stop. it can be annoying i guess you don't like me.", she says, gathering her music notes.
"i never said i didn't like you, i say and snaps her head in my direction, clearly not expecting to hear that...and neither was i.
"i like this side of you and maybe if we hung out more, i could get to know the real you more, and i could help you with music too if you wanted", i suggest and she's immediately smiling.
"really?", she asks and i nod, which brightens up her smile. she does have a pretty smile.
maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to give her a chance.
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
How start to love favoritism and get redemption arc in LO.
So i want to talk about Underworld work, especially how much there prospers favoritism. There is you can read post why favoritism is bad 
as in this post i started to interest in it after discussion between Daphne and Thanatos, but after i started reread LO i have seen how much Thanatos was right, but his position was shamed by everyone, by"good" characters, by audience, even Author have shown it as something wrong, and only he strated to love Persephone and thought that special attitude to her is fine, he became good person and start his redemtion arc.
i don't want to talk about how unbalanced this relationship is (I saw many posts about it and i have nothing to add), i am more interested how it influences on other co-workers.
Favoritism in underworld or maybe on Olymp seems to be something normal, because Hera given this work for Persephone for to get closer with Hades (it was hinted very clear), although they had antoher opotuinities for this, with their finances and love for Savor they could do Dinner party, ball, party etc where Persephone and Hades could know each other better. Why was love affair at work best variant for it? I sincerely have no idea.
Wherein Persephone said that she isn't enough skilled for this work, so someone enough skilled doesnt get this position, because Hera want to make couple from Persephone and Hades.
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i would be fine if Persephone try hard for this job, yes, some characters said that she is smart, but I didn't see her labor and striving, i dont feel like she deserve this position, her only merit on that moment was beuty, it  s not enogh i think, btw to be nice and kind too. As they say in my country "a good person is not a profession".
Let's look on Underworld's bosses.
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in story RS tried to show as Hades is hard worker, he preferred work to relationship, he thinks about work even in strip club and many characters said that he is so. But his behavior shows him absolutly from another side.
to my mind he and Hecata busy only his personal life. With Minthe and after with Parsephone.
as soon as Hades knew that Persephone in Underworld he left everything and flew to save her, very romantic, isn't it? but let's think a bit: Persephone came in dangerous closed facility (btw where their security system?) and made accident, it like someone broke in secret laboratory and start the fire, even if it accidentally it s not something that would be left without responsibility.
Someone can said: it's not her fault, it reptile Minthe! I partially agree with it (only partially) but it s truth for audience not for Hades, he didnt know it. For him it should be random person which got into forbidden place and acted badly there.
Hades reaction: he started to regret her, to apologize, to go everywhere with her, What the Hell was going on? oh yes and another co-workers had to look for Persephone`s brooch and cloak, so they had to left their their direct responsibilities, because somebody coulndt go away after she understood that this place is dangerous, she could wait after door of Tower 4 or befor Hades cabinet, she wouldnt lost anything in this way. But Persephone is sooo smart, isnt she, Hera?
btw very considerable moment Thanatos started to worried about his work when he knew that Persephone is liked by Hades, because he entered in train before her, does it mean that Hades not only choose favorites but shamed co-workers which dont like this favorites? we will see that yes he do it.
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Another situation is presentation Persephone, oh i feel your cringe Minthe, i were in similar situation, my past boss forced our team to congratulate his girlfriend with birthday, should i say that we even didnt know her?  it was so awkward. when i read this part of story i feel the same cringe as in that day. Yeah this boss was kinda terrible, mb he didn't like me because i am not enough beauty for him? i have this feeling after LO reading.
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First working day of Persephone is just quintessence of favoritism. initially Hecate went with her everywhere, after - Hades started to do it, they even changed his schedule and yeah i find indignation of Minthe and Thanatos (i dont care about their motives now) very reasonable and Hecates arguments were just silly. Why he should work with someone unqualified? and why boss dont have better business than to take an excursion ​on Underworld with new intern?
Hecate arguments is annoying, he cant said that she is unskilled (she is really so) because he eaten her baklava? great. Why they need to apologize for Persephone stupidity? Tell me someone pls, it s to hard for my mind. And yeah it's not school prom, mb Hades will start to work and stop flirting with new intern?
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Oh i start to hate her, how she can be one of the favorite character by audience. Can she just be honest? Persephone is here and everyone go around her because Hades find her attractive.
Another favoritism example it is Persephone salary, Author could not accentuate that trainee dont get salary in Underworld, and it would be fine, okay she get receive income now but no, Persephone should be special and other interns aren't so special,  it would okay if she would work in office some time and she would be so hard worker that leadership would want to prize her for it. But she is just special, just because she is attractive for Hades. 
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In chapter 88 Persephone confessed that she flirt with Hades, but she dont want special treatment, but she embarrassed only by business card, not salary, not that everyone worry about her. It shown as joke, oh ha-ha how naive Persephone, for me it looks not like joke, more like mockery for people who work hard and don't have such prizes, because they are not attractive for their bosses.
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And in this chapter Hades left his working place and gone to decide Persephone's problems, problems other workers don't matter, but Hecata asked nice question.
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i think no, how Hade's corporation are still active and success with such directors?
but actually no, looks like Thanatos and Minthe are still try to do some job, because only they could teach Persephone how to work with computer program (why is not Hermes? he works in the same position as Thanatos does it mean that he doesn't understand in this work anything because she even did not ask him?) and  I on Thanatos side in this, why he should spend his time for her?  (He already has trouble that he works worse than Hermes) and btw he tried to work, did not fawn for boss favorite, so he tried to make his work better in honest way.
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And maybe she will try to read user guide? if she learned how to rule car from reading what is problem to do the same with computer program? and doesn't waste time of another workers.
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Anyway It's strange that people which try to work are not fire yet. Because another worker who tried to do her work right was almost fired, because princess don't know her ID. Whose fault is it? Again for Persephone's fault another worker had trouble, and why is shown as humor again? why pain and fear are funny here, and it's unfunny where Gestia acted with Persephone in similar way. I think if it s funny it should be funny with everyone not only with defenseless and weak workers which isnt boss favorite.
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and of course hades gone to bank with their interns, because what else he could do on the work? pffffff
the only time where Hades reaction looks adequate at the start at least, it accident where Persephone given coins to souls which made riot  because of it and again with it should deal other workers. everything what happened with Persephone that Hades was a bit angry and after they kissed, she transformation in butterflies, he forget about this accident and started to search what transformation means.
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I thought it makes no sense to compare relationship Hades/Persephone and he\his other workers. For everything that she done any other worker would be fired, beaten, killed or something.
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this leitmotif in LO if you like Persephone you are nice, if you don't - go to hell. Thanatos redemption start from his liking Persephone and think that Favoritism is fine.
Why it should care other workers and Thanatos especially? because they have trouble because of her, she tried to waste their time, and some great hard worker dont get any prize, where she get prize only for flirting with boss. their boss became unproductive and don't care about them, he think only about his sweet princess. 
So go away Daphne, pls. You are such smart as Persephone.
Btw Thanatos is gathering souls, and Hermes falsified counts of souls because of Persephone, i am not sure about that but looks like Hermes productivity were such great because of this falsification,  so if it is so, he can hate her with pure conscience, because he was blamed that he is lazy and bad worker and didnt get increase in salary.
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So okay, i think Favoritism can be in fiction, but not how it was shown in LO, as something unequivocally positive and romantic, and Thanatos opinion was unequivocally shamed, everything it can work with grey moral story and such type of characters, someone can say: in LO characters are "grey", maybe, for me they are much worse than grey, but in story they dont show as grey, grey moral story it s when you can like any character and dont be in others eyes "misogynic" or no one will say to you "dont sit right with me" because of it, and another phrases which get person who prefered unpopular LO characters.
Oh what a huge post, thank you if someone read it to the end)
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azurevi · 3 years
Hello! I saw that your requests are open. Can I request a oneshot for Jade who is crushing on a fem!MC but MC doesnt believe him cuz she always feels like hes just doing this for some other reasons *cough* contract *cough*
Jade having a crush on fem!MC
I feel like this is kinda bad... because I suck at confessions lol, hope you like it though ^^
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Jade is the same around anyone.
Polite smiles, gentlemanly gestures and well-calculated words. It's hard to understand him sometimes, considering how often he wears the same expressions. 
That's why there was no way he was interested in you. He treated you just like how he treated every other person. Even if he showed additional kindness, it was probably because of the contract you signed with Azul.
It was probably a bad choice to do business with Azul, but you had no choice. You had been in need for money, and Grim's constant desire for tuna cans was getting out of hand. It wasn't like you could leave him to starve, and you didn't really feel like leaving the campus to find part-time jobs. That was when Jade came in with the suggestion that you went to help in Mostro Lounge.
Jade was always offering help whenever he could, you noticed. Like teaching you topics you didn't understand and leading you to your destination because you were still unfamiliar with the place. You realized that it was probably out of guilt, after all the mess that happened in the Octavinelle dorm.
Back to the present, that explained why you were now bound to work by a contract. It wasn't that bad though, everyone was friendly and understanding even though you made mistakes sometimes.
"Y/N, do you need a break?" Jade walked towards you on your way towards the kitchen.
"Oh, I'm fine, there aren't that many customers for me anyways," you looked around and saw Floyd rushing back and forth to take orders. "For some reason, Floyd is working extra hard. I wonder why he's so energetic these days,"
"Well, that means you can work less, so it's not really a bad thing," he said casually. You knew that they were simply out of courtesy, but his words showed so much care that you felt happiness growing in your chest.
"I suppose so-"
Before you could finish your sentence, you were cut off by an annoyed Floyd stomping towards the two of you. "How can you two just stand here while I do all the work? This is so unfair!"
"Come on, Floyd. We had an agreement," Jade said quietly, but loud enough for you to hear. You wondered what he meant.
Floyd looked insistent at first, but then he sighed and walked back to the customers, looking defeated.
"Well, I guess I'll find something to do too," you said, albeit still curious about what that was all about.
"Ah, right. Be careful then," Jade waved you off, seemingly a little disappointed that your chat ended so soon. 
"Why are you doing this anyways? It's not like she'll know," Floyd murmured as he cleaned the place with Jade. Everyone had already gone home, except for the twins and Azul, who was working in the VIP room.
"I simply don't want her to overwork himself,"
"So you're going to overwork me instead?"
"I'm not overworking you. I promised to get you the limited edition of the sneakers you want, didn't I?"
Floyd grunted, unable to retort. 
Working at Mostro Lounge could be stressful. The number of customers varied depending on the time, and it could be difficult for a newcomer like you to get used to. Not to mention that you were still a first year trying to adapt to this world.
"You know, Jade? I think you just like her,"
"What makes you say that?" Jade said, although his smile had already given him away..
"Everything? You treat her so nicely! I've never seen you so generous before,"
"Am I that evil in your eyes?" he laughed. "I guess I do find myself attracted to her,"
"I'm not sure if she feels the same way though. She seems to think that you're doing it out of respect,"
Jade didn't answer. 
Of course he noticed. No matter how much he did for you, you still couldn't seem to pick up the hint. He was already doing all he could, going out of his way just to delight you and show to you just how special you were to him, but all his efforts were futile.
That didn't seem to stop him though, if anything, his feelings even started to blossom because of the increased chances of seeing you. It was all so new and exciting to him, falling in love and experiencing all the conflicted emotions inside him.
"Why can't you just tell her?" Floyd asked. 
"I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do that,"
Floyd tapped his chin for a few times. "Just go up to her, give her some flowers and say anything that's on your mind!"
"Are you sure it's that simple?" Jade said. Floyd's suggestion wasn't half bad, but Jade had envisioned something more official. A bunch of flowers seemed so bland.
"If she really likes you back, I think she'll like whatever you give her," Floyd said before getting back to work, leaving Jade in his deep thoughts.
On a tiring day after school, you found Jade waiting outside your classroom, hoping to invite you to tea. You accepted right away, already anticipating hanging out with him.
Apparently he set up a nice table and some snacks in the botanical garden. The garden was warm and refreshing, with fragrances of flowers and plants enriching your senses. 
"What is the occasion?" you asked, settling down on the seat across Jade. He poured a crimson colored tea into your teacup, hiding a soft smile. You weren't sure you'd seen it before.
"I just wanted to enjoy your accompany," 
Your heart leapt to a great height, but you hid it behind the cup as you took a sip. The surprises kept coming as you tasted the sweet, warm tea in your mouth. 
"This tastes so good! What's it called?"
"I experimented on it a while back then. It's one of my favourites," Jade grinned, his mismatched eyes disappearing into slits. "I wanted you to be the first one to taste it. I thought it'd be a good opportunity for me to tell you something,"
There was silence for a while, and you could see what seemed to be nervousness on Jade's face before he spoke again. 
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"
You were glad you hadn't been sipping the tea, because you would've choked on it. 
"Go- go on a date with you?" Does he actually like you that way? Why hadn't you noticed before? Does he have a crush on you?
"Yes.. I understand that you might not have noticed, but I actually like you a lot," Jade basically just answered all the questions on your mind. "Will you give me a chance? I promise to take good care of you,"
"Of course!" you said ecstatically before clearing your throat, composing yourself. "I've always liked you too, you know? I just wasn't sure if you felt the same,"
"I guess I'll display more affection to you from now on," he said, lips arched in a small smile as he raised his cup of tea to it. It was useless though, as the blush on his cheeks were vividly visible. It was a Jade that you'd never seen, and a Jade that only you could see.
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thechangeling · 3 years
Ok so a conversation @littlx-songbxrd and I were having made me remember something I was ranting about to a friend of mine once.
Brace yourselves this is going to be long. I'm sorry.
The sexism, homophobia and racism of the shadoworld straight up doesn't make sense and here's why. So if we start chronologically with the infernal devices. There is sexism towards Charlotte right? People don't want her running the institute and they don't want her becoming the consul because she is a woman. But the Clave has no problem letting women train and fight. This doesn't really make sense in my opinion.
Now you could argue that it's because they believe woman can be string capable fighters just not rational thinkers. Which is weird because in my experience you don't meet a lot of people who are "partially sexist" in that way. Like if a man believes a woman can't do high profile, high paying jobs then they usually also don't want them in the military. Anyways moving on, there aren't any mentions of homophobia in TID, mostly because they're arent any queer characters except Magnus and Woolsey.
But something interesting to point out is that none of the characters who know about Magnus and Woolsey ever comment on it really. And following this point, none of the mains display any signs of misogyny either really. (Except for what Will says to Tessa at the end of CA but that was because of the "curse.") You could argue that this is because they're the protagonists so they are supposed to be better then that. But accidental microaggressions are pretty common especially during that time period. More on that later.
Moving onto racism, this is the interesting part. Jem says to Tessa that shadowhunters believe that you are a shadowhunter first and your nationality or eace second. Actually Jem doesnt mention race but he says this while talking about being half Chinese so it's kinda relevant. Shadowhunters rarely tall about race throughout the books in general except for a few instances. When Jessamine criticizes Jem to Tessa, she calls him a foreigner and says some other racist shit that I can't really remember. Something about the yin fin and calling him lazy. That directly contradicts Jem's statement about them all being shadowhunters first. Also Will and Jem actually constantly talk about being Welsh and Chinese in the books so that statement is kinda bogus in general.
And if CC didn't want her mains being sexist or homophobic to show them as good people then why was it ok for both Jesse and Gabriel to say questionable shit about Jem? Anyways moving on to TLH. Sexism is still running rampid with their cultural customs and people being shitty about Charlotte being consul. Bots have to ask the girls to dance, girls cannot have sex before marriage or else they will be ruined or whatever you know the drill. But again, they let the girls fight. Cordelia is allowed to carry around a giant ass sword but she can't get some????
Sorry I'm losing it. Anyways. Regarding racism. Alastair and Cordelia have experienced micro aggressions from the mains (Matthew and Anna) but it's never addressed. I'm pretty sure if memory serves, the inquisitor makes a nasty comment under his breath about persians when the Carstairs family sans Elias arrive. And then we have the whitewashing of Ariadne/Kamala by her parents.
But none of this stuff ever gets brought up really. Exceot for Kamala talking about her past and who she was before and sharing her original name, but she still doesn't talk about how it effects her potential coming out. Alastair doesnt mention race when he talks about the bullying he went through at the academy and none of the white characters ever stop to think about how Kamala and Alastsir's races play a part in their crappy situations.
There's probably more I could discuss with this but I'm moving on to homophobia. It's a thing in terms of the heteronormativity and people's judgement of Anna but it's not illegal like in mundane societies at this time. But all of the mains are totally cool with it which brings me to, I'm sorry but fucking bullshit! There is no way every single adult would be totally fine with it in this time period. Like I'm not saying outright homophobia but maybe some questionable comments you know? (CC is perpetuating this idea that good people never commit microaggressions which is untrue and harmful.)
I don't think there's any mention of whether or not gay marriage is allowed in the shadowhunter world at this point. Because the issues surrounding Magnus and Alec getting married were about Magnus being a warlock right? Because Helen and Aline got married before them in TFTSA because she was only half fae. So that brings me to when was gay marriage legalized in the shadow world?????
Is there any mention of this because I don't think there is? Anyways moving onto TMI. This is where everything goes to absolute shit in terms of world building with the standards for these things. Misogyny isn't really a problem in tmi anymore from what I remember. Nobody has issues with Jia as consul (from what I remember,) and that's that. But homophobia is still rambid throughout shadowhunter society so much so that Alec is terrified to come out because he believes that he can't be gay and be a shadowhunter in peoples eyes. Also there is pressure to "carry on the family name" which doesn't make sense because if the sexism has died out then women can have babies with whoever and not even be married and carry on their family line. And not everyone needs to have children, ergo there is less pressure on the sons to carry on the family name or whatever. This also doesn't make sense because homophobia literally cannot exist without sexism!!!!
This is because of colonial gender roles being forced on society. And men being with men and women being with woman totally smashes the whole gender roles, "woman do this and men do that" idea. There's more that I could say on that but this is already so freaking long so please just look it up. And speaking of gender roles it's literally mentioned that Maryse didn't teach Izzy to cook because she didn't want her to be forced into a housewife role like she was (although there's no evidence to suggest she was?) But then Maryse is lowkey homophobic?
It doesn't make sense Cassandra!!!!!
CC doesn't get that you literally don't have homophobia or transphobia without sexism. Indigenous societies pre-colonization didn't care about any of that stuff. Literally two spirit people were revered and respected and no one gave a fuck about gender until my ancestors literally came along and ruined everything. (I'm so sorry.)
But anyways there's no mentions of racism amongst the shadowhunters in tmi. Just Maia talking about her experiences with mundane society as a black girl. When Clary confronts Valentine and basically calls him a n*zi, he laughs at her and basically says that shadowhunters don't see race the way mundanes do which yikes @ CC. Granted this was 2007. This kind of sounds like what Jem said in TID. Only it clearly wasnt true.
Anyways I'm just super confused at this point. In TDA there was basically nothing in terms of all the isms and phobias. (Oh we arent even discussing ableism because my fucking head will explode!) But we do discuss transphobia a bit with Diana. But again it doesn't make fucking sense because transphobia exists because of sexism and clear gender roles (and homophobia.)
Society is still shown to be pretty heteronormative though which I guess makes sense but the Blackthorns have multiple queers in their family! You would think that they would be less so. When Livvy mentions all the reasons that Annabel could have a forbidden love she doesnt even think to mention that it could be a lesbian relationship. When Mark finds out that Jaime was in Dru's room he freaks out but I guarentee you, he wouldn't have if Jaime was a girl. I mean you could argue that it's an age thing and not a gender thing but idk. That scene always bothered the fuck out of me. Because Mark is literally half fae like why is he caught up on bullshit "boys and girls can't just be friends" hetero bullshit.
In QOAAD we see Dane Larksoear being sexist so randomly for no reason. Like it's so strange because CC literally created a caricature of a sexist villian with him. And it makes no sense because no one else seems to feel the way he does. Like Zara is basically the leader of the cohort right? And nobody gives a fuck. It makes no damn sense Cassandra!
Ok lol now I'm done. Sorry this is so long. But yeah I'm so confused.
Tldr: CC's world building in regards to sexism, homophobia, racism and transphobia is very inconsistent and contradictory and it makes no damn sense.
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
(( to explain childe kayea and albedo setting themselves up for hurt ))
one anon already hit it on the head: Childe lies to Teucer to protect his innocence at the cost of just about everything. which is funny since Childe is also willing to yeet Liyue off the map if it means getting to fight Rex Lapis. I can only imagine how much it would hurt if someone took the same aproach to his little brother. Teucer getting hurt not as a direct attack on Childe but as an overal means to an end. And whoever hurts him has as little regard as Childe once had. its a cold mirror to stare back into
Kaeya (( mild spoilers for lvl 6 friendship info )) didn't NEED to tell Diluc anything; and onenhas to wonder if it was an abstracted form of self punishment or simply a matter of it being rhe most straightforward time to do so. But for as much as Kaeya is a mystery he still CARES. He still makea sure Jean has a good day off, despite coaxing Klee to brrak out of solitary he IS the one who made her thw rules and made it clear how much trouble she'd be in should she break them. Heck, after using us as bait for the treasure hoarders the first time, he hasn't done it since (( which is interesting since we work so closely with his informant(s) now )). He cares more than he wants to admit and thats going to make leaving so much worse
Albedo states that relationships (( of any kind )) are so much work because they have to be maintained and upkept. And he does a fairly good job, spending most of his time on Dragonspine. But Albedo also isnsits that Sucrose simply call him by his first name (( if he qanted to keep distance he never needed to correct her )). For all his worry of destryoing Mondsta he still gets close to the Traveler. He considers Klee his family (( and i mist assume by extension Miss Alice since she's Klee's mama )). Not to mention how highly most of the knights think of him. If Albedo were to ever be corrupted, those bonds would serve to hurt more than any weapon could
(( Xiao would be here but, despite his insistence that he doesnt do human emotions i feel that he very much does, and might be just a touch more self aware of that fact than he'd like to admit. The main reason I say this is the fact that Xiao never once mentions that it was he who took skybracers horms that day, despite that fact that it qould have been a decent enoigh reason to want to take the day away from the Lantern Rite. ))
anyways thanks for comming to my TED talk about how these guys gurt themselves withiut knowing it THANKS
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shadowturtlesstuff · 3 years
Read to me
Found this in my drafts..... I have no idea when I did this or why, so it's definitely unedited but enjoy some happy cressworth before I post the angst of speak now
My wife looks beautiful in the lamplight, her dark curls falling forward and outlining her face. She doesn't notice me glance up from my book at her as she is too engrossed in the autonomy book. Her brows are furrowed slightly in concentration. We have to do some research for a case, and we have been working on it nearly all night. The candles are nearing the end and my eyes are so heavy I feel as though I will fall asleep at any point. Im sure my love is the same. Admittedly, I may have stopped reading anatomy and useful books a while ago. When she left to make us drinks I switched the dust jackets around so I could read my latest romance novel. I've made great progress in it and despite my wife thinking they are awful most of the time, I have found this to be my favorite. It might be because the main protagonist is like my Wadsworth at times. I will never get used to not being able to call her Wadsworth now that we're married. It is still odd to me that we are married, that I get to call her my wife. My beautiful, darling wife. 
Perhaps she is right that they are rotting my brain and softening my heart.
Not that I mind. I take another glance and see how tired she truly is. We have been working all week to find this killer, and whilst we have nearly solved it there is just something we are missing. It is making all of us unbearable. So much so that we have been uninvited to dinner several times by my sister and Audrey's father until we finish the case. Although it is more fun dining in our office, still researching until the candles run out. After this case I believe I might take Wadsworth on holiday, to let us both rest. Perhaps we'll take uncle Jonathan with us, or at least make him go on his own holiday.
“Love it's getting late we should go to bed.'' I tell her. I put my book down and stretch, waiting for her to stop reading as well. She doesn't. I sit back and wait to see if she'll notice me. 
After a short while she sighs and looks up at me. She blinks at me in surprise to find me already watching her. I smirk and lean forward again, letting her set her book down and stretch. She scrunches her face in a yawn and I can't help but want to kiss her. 
“Did you find anything useful?” she asks through another yawn. Even if I had found anything I would've waited till morning to tell her. She is too stubborn to admit she's exhausted. From running around the city and hours of reading and researching she is about ready to pass out. 
“Yes, you look absolutely adorable when you're tired.” I say despite knowing that she is referring to the case. She rolls her eyes but I glimpse a smile. “And, that you look beautiful sitting in the candle light” I state before she can scold me. 
“About the case? Anything we can use, or anything about how they were killed?”
“Yes actually,” I lied, a plan forming in my head. Her eyes light up and she looks at me expectedly. Guilt pools through me as I pick up my romance novel and hide my smile. I repeat to myself that she won't hate me for this stunt and I'm in fact being helpful. I flick through the book to find a, well, a passage that would make Audreys aunt pass out; and my sister would fall to the floor laughing if she was there to witness it.
“Anything you are willing to share with me Thomas?” she says, settling her head in her arms against the table. Her hair falls into her face but she doesnt move it, I do it for her before I read to her.
“I'm willing to share everything with you, you are an incredibly lucky since you are the only person with such luxuries. I would want someone to share something as mag-”
“Thomas. Please just get on with it so we can go to bed.”
“Very well ah here it is,” I clear my throat, “heart pounding, skin aflame; each touch and caress was a hundred different feeling vying for my atention at once. Without effort, our bodies new precisely what to do, how to react-”
“Thomas!” she flug her head to me, eyes wide as she watched me try and hold in my laugh. She snatch the book from me, removing the dust jacket and then threw it back at me. It makes me laugh harder.
“What?! I thought you would enjoy it. Given that all you have been reading lately is morbid, i thought reading you a section from a romance novel would be most beneficial. Be sure to think of me though when you read on.” I wink at her as she throws her hands up in dismay. I catch a small smirk that she fails to hide. Audrey rose stands from her chair, deciding to abandon me in our office. 
“So instead of finding something useful to help catch our killer you've been reading filth?" she asks. I stand too, moving past the table to wrap my arms around her waist. She leans into my embrace and I plant a kiss atop her head. 
“Not filth. But yes. I tried to read those books but they were not helping us and you know they aren't . Sometimes we have to be patient with these. I know love, how hard it is. I want to catch them too. And we will. Lets get some rest, then we will work with uncle tomorrow to finish this case.” I tell her. None of us are good at being patient. I tend to need to relase my enegry by tapping on anything, a trait Audrey hates but understands. Uncle Johnathan is just like my wife, needing to work constantly till the case is over. Needed to understand everything. I feel Audrey Rose turn into me and burry her head into my chest. I hold her close for a minute until she leans back to plant a kiss on my lips. I deepen the kiss and run my hand up and down her back, soothing her as much as I can. 
“Read to me?” I hear her whisper as we let go of each other. Often at night we read before sleeping. Sometimes to each other, depending on who is more exhausted. 
“Did that pique your interest my love. Whatever would dear old aunt say to such unwomanly thoughts?” I tease and move to go get the book. 
“Hush you fiend. I dont care what you read I just what to hear you voice.”
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