#she's gotta make money somehow
lovevalley45 · 9 months
so uh fun fact abt my good ol behrastra sugar mommy au is that i joked a LOT with freckles abt making spooner grow psychedelic mushrooms. as one does. n i realized i never slipped it into my vday au fic (bc that's when i thought it up) or did anything with it but it's fictober tomorrow n i've been reading a book on mushrooms like. damn might have to bring it back up
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kimmkitsuragi · 8 days
also gonna be soooo insane for a minute re:prev post. not me looking at the helsinki gp like 👀 and going hmmmmm 👀
#i MAYBE will be acting so unwise when i finally get my residence permit from an eu country like#girl where's the money. yes you can now go to other countries but money where#also time where too probably........ but it's a future problem#🗒#also i say/think all this but i would feel way too guilty to actually spend money on 'not essential' stuff there lmao#especially since im already feeling guilty abt Still not getting any scholarships or anything#literally . worst person ever award for me for wanting to study abroad in this economy . i suck#but in the long run it will be fineeeee we all gotta escape this hell somehow#sometimes i think abt and like aw maybe it wouldnt be So Bad to stay here huh#but then it feels so overwhelmingly. suffocating#feels wrong to let go of this chance when i have it. but also makes me feel extremely guilty#bc like. what's so special abt me why do i get to do this selfishly asking support from my family#while they're still here and im there and . you know it feels so selfish but i Am always a little selfish#and . i shouldn't think too much abt it#anyway today my friend asked me if i ended up staying there and we were both 30 and she was still here#would i marry her to get her a citizenship too and sjjsjejejrjfuekkskdufuf#yeah i should stop feeling guilty and start feeling thankful that i can try this experience ............#it's tru actually. never thought abt it like that i guess....#still feels like somehow impossible that i Will actually get this experience like lmfao#i should probably sleep
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be-good-to-bugs · 2 months
i never ever sign up for subscriptions and yet i get charged for my families ones hhh
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jinjeriffic · 5 months
DCxDP Prophecy Universe Part 2
Part 1
Damian glared at the envelope. He and Father were in the process of analysing the letter for any signs of toxins, explosives or other traps. Obviously he wasn’t fool enough to open a missive from a questionable source without taking precautions. So far, all their scans had come up empty. Literally. The letter was defying all their attempts at chemical or spectroscopic testing, x-ray and magnetic resonance scans were inconclusive, it defied all properties of ordinary matter. It was frustrating. It was vexing. He was blaming magic.
For all intents and purposes, the letter looked like ordinary paper, with an ordinary wax seal, bearing the initials CW. The looping handwriting addressing it to Damian was precise and neat. Swiping the surface of the letter for chemical traces yielded no results. When Damian had tried to cut off a corner of the paper for analysis it had resisted all attempts, including a laser and a diamond headed cutting tool. Damian’s only satisfaction was that when Father had grunted and taken over the task from Damian, he had no more success than his son. As if Damian didn’t know how to perform the standard array of tests!
It certainly didn’t help that his siblings wouldn’t stop their incessant chattering!
“I’m just saying, ghosts wouldn’t be the weirdest thing we’ve encountered, Red. I’m not sure it would even make my personal Top 5.”
It seemed gossip among heroes travelled faster than the speed of light.
“Really, Nightwing? Ghosts? It’s far more likely to be a meta with something to hide. Or a few screws loose.” Damian could practically hear the eyeroll in Drake’s voice “And since when do ghosts act as glorified mailmen?”
“I don’t know Red, since when do aliens pretend to be Kansas farmboys? C’mon, we deal with magic users all the time!”
“And lets not forget people coming back from the dead” Red Hood interjected over the open comm line.
“Magic is just science we don’t understand yet. Any sufficiently analysed magic becomes indistinguishable from science!”
“B, a little help here?”
“Hn” Father straightened up from his position at the lab table “Oracle, any progress on clearing up the footage from Robin’s mask?”
Grayson threw up his hands with a frustrated huff while Drake smirked.
“The program is almost finished rendering. Whatever scrambler they used did a real number on the video quality. I’m surprised the audio is as clear as it is.” Oracle replied.
“Hn. And the isotope tracer on the money?”
“Sorry B, no hits on the local sensors. Wherever the guy went it’s either outside Gotham or shielded somehow.” she said, mildly frustrated.
“Maybe it’s ghost magiiiiic” Drake sing-songed. Grayson lightly cuffed the back of his head, to which the former Robin responded with a firm shove. Their interaction quickly devolved into a childish tussle.
Damian gave an annoyed huff. “Don’t you two imbeciles have anything better to do?”
“Aww, we’re just here to look out for our baby brother!” Nightwing teased.
“Yeah, we gotta make sure your ghost encounter didn’t leave any lasting psychological damage!” Red Robin added.
Before Damian could retaliate for their needling, Oracle chimed in. “Uh, guys? You’re going to want to see this. Most of the footage was corrupted beyond repair, but I was able to pull some partial stills and, well…” she threw a handful of pictures up on the screen. There was artifacting marring them, but parts of the stranger were visible in each of them. Oracle magnified one that had a pretty good view of his face.
“Holy shit” Drake whispered.
Damian frowned. “What?”
“Dami, he looks like you. Just… older.” Grayson said softly.
“What are you talking about?” Damian snapped.
“Disregard the pale colouring for a second. The nose, the chin… he looks like you if you had a growth spurt,” Drake wrinkled his nose “and went through puberty.”
The commlines erupted into chaos. 
“Wait, wait, wait,” Spoiler exclaimed “are you telling me there’s an older version of Robin running around Gotham?!”
“Copy?” Batgirl inquired.
“Don’t tell me Talia cooked up Demon Brat 2.0!”
“Given that he looks older it’s more likely version 0.1 if anything,” Drake snarked, “though there’s the possibility of artificially accelerated growth rates…”
Damian had had enough. “Tt. You are ignoring the obvious - if this is some kind of supernatural entity it likely copied aspects of my appearance in an attempt to engender feelings of familiarity.” he said haughtily, pushing down the uncomfortable churning in his stomach. There was no way Mother would replace him with a cheap copy. She couldn’t! “Besides, the creature has obvious powers and neither of my bloodlines has any trace of the meta gene.”
“That’s ignoring the ghostly elephant in the room.” Grayson chimed in, “Maybe it’s a dead ancestor?”
Drake gave their older brother an annoyed look “Even a time travelling descendant from the future is more likely than that. And delivering a ‘prophecy’ to boot?”
Oracle pulled up an aged up picture of Damian next to the stranger’s, highlighting several reference points. “On closer inspection, there’s a couple of discrepancies. The cheekbones for one - Robin definitely takes after his mother, while our mystery meta looks more like… well… Robin’s grandmother on the paternal side.” she finished hesitantly. “B?”
They turned to look at Batman, who had remained silent during the whole exchange. If they hadn’t known him so well they would have thought him unaffected, but the tightening around his mouth betrayed his agitation.
“There’s no use in pointless speculation until we have more data to work from,” he growled, “Oracle, look for any reports of a meta matching the target. Since our regular methods have failed to yield results, I will contact the JLD about running tests on the letter.” He turned to Drake, “Red Robin, see what you can find on recent League activities. If this is another scheme by Ra’s or Talia we need to know about it.”
“The last thing we need is more demon spawn running around!” Red Hood groaned over the comms.
Damian was furious. This was absurd! To even indulge the possibility that that creature was in any way related to him was making him feel like he had swallowed battery acid. He was the Demon’s Heir! He was not replaceable! There was only one thing to do.
“Robin? Stop!”
He ignored his Father’s shout. He stomped over to the lab table, snatched up the envelope and broke the seal.
Nothing happened.
He unfolded the paper and saw the same handwriting that had been on the outside.
Brother of blood, brother of soul
Never buried but already mourned
In lightning and ice the scorned child returned
To strike down the Demon’s Head
With all that Death earned
Damian’s hand shook. He reread the lines over and over again, refusing to comprehend. He could feel his Father standing behind him, scrutinising the letter as well.
Suddenly, the paper burst into green flames, going up into smoke that dissipated unnaturally quickly.
Silence reigned for a few moments. Then…
“Well that was needlessly melodramatic” Nightwing remarked.
Part 3
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julietsbody · 6 months
lace garters
words : 3,903
tags : 18+!!! mdni! escorts , sex work , reader ! sex worker , vaginal sex , finger fucking , finger sucking , porn with feelings , brothels , oral sex , save a horse ride a whattt
p.s : this is also posted on my ao3!! ( divider by siren4u & gif by drewstarkrs )
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billy was a virgin, surprisingly, he didn’t have time for a girlfriend, and the quick fucks from the escorts never enticed him much. many offered, when he would stop quick at towns for a simple beer or to take care of things— he would typically get stopped by the escorts dressed in their gorgeous silks, tight corsets, and sleeves that fall off their shoulders so easily it has your fingers itching with desire to fix it. it would make even the most sane man turn mad, and somehow billy never allowed himself to fall for it. 
not until now, an escort stops him before he walks in a bar, “how old are you, dear?” 
“19, ‘bout to turn 20,” his voice is smooth and sweet, southern drawl sweeping out with ease. 
the girl hums out, tipping out of the way to allow his eyes to another girl standing far behind her, you, “you’re too young for me, dear, you should talk to her. she can show you a good time.”
typically billy would say no, offer a few coins for their efforts and simply walk into the bar like nobody had offered. but something was different when his eyes fell on you, you weren’t like the other escorts, quick to talk to the men and get some money for the events that take within the confines of the motel walls. you were rather looking off in the distance, your position more reserved rather than comfortable. it had him wanting to know more. 
to be fair, billy was bored these days, all he did was travel and go from town to town, never leaving a mark on those behind. other than his wanted posters, which by the way, had an awful drawing on it. how the hell was he ever supposed to get a girlfriend with drawings like that made about him? each step is slow, calculated, as he moves over to you. he notices that mid way, your attention seems forced away from him. 
are you afraid of him? he tips his head in your peripheral, easily looming over you, “darling.” 
your eyes snap to him almost immediately, widening as if you didn’t think it would truly be him, yet you mumble out a, “honey.” 
“lady over there told me to talk to you,” his head tips up, blue eyes piercing into you, even through the deepest of the night. 
“i don’t want trouble,” you finally turn to him, the smell of musk and gunsmoke filling your nose as he bites through the toothpick in his mouth, “i hear you’re wanted.” 
“wanted, but not trouble,” he corrects, smirk tugging at his right lip, “you don’t gotta tell anyone.” 
“wasn’t plannin’ on it,” your voice is so sweet, it nearly has him doubling over. you’re teasing him, clearly, but billy has never backed down to a challenge once in his life, he can bet on that. 
his eyebrow twitches upright slightly, “how much for thirty minutes, beautiful?” 
“you can satisfy me in thirty minutes?” you tease, smile widening at your own joke. 
his head cocks to the side, and he can’t help the way he licks his lips, cockiness coursing through his veins, “i probably could in ten.” 
you can’t help the way your flesh feels like rubber over molten, cheeks flaring to a new maroon that you hadn’t expected. your eyes dare to match his, the lust unsheathed in the teal of his eyes, “thirty will be just a few coins.” 
his hand moves to your jaw, tipping your head up further to look at him with ease, now you have no choice of looking away, “you don’t think i can in ten?” 
“i doubt it,” your skin is hot underneath his touch, despite your bold demeanor. 
“we’ll see.” 
the motel carried the same smell as it always did, the mix of mustiness, smoke from cigars, and whiskey. billy’s gut churned as you led him to the room that you always rented, surely, he was cocky at first— then he began to worry if he would even be good enough. he was a virgin, after all, and he’s sure you’d been with mostly experienced men. he doesn’t say anything once the door opens, seemingly every worry dissipates as you look back at him with a different look, your lashes flutter over your eyes with ease, the look is more seductive, siren like. 
if you were a siren, consider him the sailors in those tales, lost in the tides and addicted to the song that oozed out your vocals.
he allows you to guide him to the bed, sitting him down on the thin, firm mattress with your hands lingering on his shoulders, “what would you like me to do?” 
“i’d like for you,” he trails off, eyes tracing down your body, “to get on your knees.”
your hands leave his shoulders as you ever so slowly kneel down, every movement is well thought out, calculated, your body flowing in the most seductive ways. despite your lowered body, your eyes still remained up at him, the sudden doe look in your eyes making his legs spread ever so slightly. his hand is gentle when it touches your cheek again, pinky lining underneath your jawline as his thumb threatens against your lips. 
it’s dangerous, the way you look at him, like your gun is being drawn to him with your finger teasing the trigger. 
“and?” you add, his thumb teasing your now open lips. he tried not to flinch when your mouth encased his thumb, the warmth wetness of your mouth enveloping the skin. he finds himself unable to speak, unable to wonder whatever he wants— he wants to be stuck in this moment forever, it was greater than any other treasure he had come across. you were so good at your job, it made him want to know the lengths of your skills. 
“suck me off,” he finally speaks, gentle to remove his thumb from your mouth. 
it was a statement that you were used to, the firm tone, the expectation to get to it immediately— yet you are somehow surprised when it comes from him, it’s less firm, not like a demand but rather an offer, and there wasn’t a feeling of being rushed. for a man who seemingly had no time for women, he surely had a way to talk to them, to be gentler with them, unlike the other men. it was always cowboys who had the better ways of treating women, respectful with every word, or touch. his eyes are heavy on you, the curtains of your eyelashes blinking up to him, your lips tinted a sweet rouge due to a patted on lipstick, and he finds himself pushing his thumb across your lips, smudging the burgundy ever so slightly. 
your hands smooth over the fabric of his pants, fingertips teasing the leather of his belt which accompanied his gun holster as you palmed him through his slacks. the touch of the leather was rich, sturdy and every loop was clean cut, rather than loose and falling apart like many belts you had undone before. you hear him groan as your hand gently pushes against his clothed cock, his back stiffening ever so slightly as a chill runs up it. 
he tilts his head to the side ever so slightly as you undo his belt, your fingertips threateningly close to his gun holster as you pull the leather from the metal to loosen it. a chuckle vibrates from his chest, voice lower than usual, “careful, princess.” 
he lifts his hips as you tug down his pants, boxers following soon after to slip down to his ankles with ease. a hiss escapes him as soon as his hard dick is released to the cold air, with the opposing blow of your warm air on his tip. he was already so hard, as if he had been aching for a day like this. his hand moves to wrap around his base, hips scooting closer ever so slightly. 
“open,” his voice is husky, yet velvety, like the thorn of a rose to the petals. 
you’re quick to allow your jaw to fall slack, tongue smoothing out past the burgundy that coats your lips, as if you expected his next command. he taps his tip against your tongue, biting back the groan that thunders inside his every limb at the feeling of the warm, wet muscle. he allows you to take the lead, your tongue following the underside of his dick, memorizing each vein. when you reach his tip, you press a few sloppy kisses to it that has his breathing roughen, allowing you to open your mouth once more and take his length inside. 
he sucks in a deep breath, a hoarse groan escaping past his lips when he exhales, allowing his teeth clench on the thin wooden toothpick that still remained in his mouth. his head tips back when you hollow your cheeks only mere seconds into sucking him off, his hat slipping off his head and falling onto the plush of the bedsheets. 
his breath becomes ragged with the more you bob your head, allowing the tip to reach the back of your mouth, to the throat. his free hand moves to pass through your hairline, gripping at the beginning of your hair, even through your updo, loosening the tightening of the strands. the muscle in his arms flex underneath his short-sleeved button up, veins popping out every time you reach the base. 
“good girl,” he breathes out, the whimper that vibrates around his cock making his release come quicker than expected, hand bunching up your hair as he has to move you back, off his dick to stop his orgasm. he heaves, noticing the way strips of saliva connect your mouth to his dick. he moves his hand from your hair down to your lips, watching the way your mouth instinctively opens then closes around his fingers, sucking them in with pure ease. 
he allows you to wet them with your saliva until he pulls them out and mumbles a soft, “come.” 
he helps you up onto his lap, the metal of his gun is a cooling sensation on his heated skin as he moves back, reaching under to toss his gun elsewhere. he had his guard down now, despite the large bounties on his head, he was too focused on you, and giving you the pleasure that you deserved. as you straddle him, his fingers dared to touch the bottom of your dress, threatening to raise, “may i?” 
your eyes are tantalizing when they meet his, like the threatens of the deepest lust lie within them, and billy is willing to dive in, “you may.” 
his hair is messy now, like he never took off that damn hat, and when he did— he didn’t bother to fix the hair underneath.
every movement is careful, meant to be more meaningful than a quick fuck, he raises your skirt until his eyes catch on to a white lace garter that’s propped around your upper thigh. so sweet, the purposeful placement of it all, it’s like a prize for whoever gets to raise your skirt. as you sit on his lap, your arms rest on his shoulders, a hand threatening the skin on the back of his neck as his hands move back around your waist, through the silk of the corset to the strings that hold it together on the back. his eyes are stuck onto you as his fingers begin to tug at the tie of the strings, they were in a harsh knot, but billy always knew his way around things. 
kissing clients was typically a line many of the women wouldn’t dare to cross, sometimes not even you, but the way his eyes kept tipping down to your lips had you threateningly close to the now faded line. as the laces of your corset loosen, your head tips down to where your lips barely brush him, you can smell the mint already before even getting a chance. your lips move to close around the toothpick that he kept in his mouth, moving to spit it out and he was quick to chase your lips. as soon as you had spit out the toothpick, his lips finally pressed against yours, allowing your freshly manicured hands to curl through his brunette hair. 
the fresh smell of your rose and jasmine was quick to his nose as he inhaled you up close, tongue teasing against your lower lip ever so carefully. there was a certain thirst that billy found himself feeling as he moves to spread your mouth open with his own, allowing your tongues to both clash, the mix of spit and remnants of mint and a cigarette becoming prominent to the taste. he wanted to drink every word from your lips, to suck in your siren song like his life depended on it. 
when your hips bucked up against him, needy to feel a form of friction, it had encouraged him to finally free you from the confines of your corset. your lips part when he breaks the kiss, his lips trailing kisses down to your jaw, throughout until he meets your neck, the softness of his kisses making it feel as though doves were flying through the confines of your body. when his lips begin to move to suck on the delicate skin, you hiss, “dear, dear, you can’t leave marks.” 
“your rules or brothel rules?” he murmurs against your skin, moving to toss away your corset onto the floor. 
“brothel rules,” you hush out, and you feel his lips curl onto your neck. 
“then ‘m gonna leave as many marks as i want,” he falls back into your skin, lips taking in the skin between his teeth as he moved to mark you as his own. the desire to have a prostitute as your own was a dangerous game, but billy had been a part of many dangerous games before, and now he was pulling all his money in with the unluckiest of cards— yet he still finds himself with the pride of feeling he will win. his lips pause at one of the pulse points on your neck, noticing how your heat beat quickens, and flutters, was this typical? 
he wasn’t sure, but he finds himself praying it’s a good thing. he chuckles as your hands are desperate to unbutton his shirt, pushing each wooden button through the loops with ease, you had done this a million times before, this is the only time your heart is thumping in your chest when you do, though. he moves his hand down to take a hold of one of your wrists, “easy, girl, easy.” 
“you said ten minutes,” you remind him, smile dripping on your lips. 
“mm, i want longer than that,” he helps you unbutton the last few before taking off his shirt, noticing how your eyes trail down his figure. 
“just sayin’ that because you can’t make me cum,” you break into a soft laugh against him, and he can’t help the way a small smile curves his lips as he takes off the dress that you were wearing. your body is alike to the statues you could only dream of seeing in those beautiful stories about gods and women who ruled. women who were worshipped, even as billy knew you for mere minutes, he found himself wanting to kneel at your altar, to worship the ground you walk on. to make you cum would mean more than he imagined at first, he wanted to be that man, to pleasure you in ways others haven’t. 
his fingers slip underneath the hem of your panties, immediately exposed to the wetness underneath as it coats his fingers, “can’t make you cum yet you’re so wet for me, hm?” 
you bite your lip, allowing your hips to sway against his fingers as pleasure envelopes your every thought almost immediately. though billy wasn’t quite sure about what exactly to do, he had heard the other cowboys speak of this, and he hoped it delivered as much pleasure as they said when he dips a finger inside of you. you’re loose around him, wet, yet sucking him in so easily. he’s quick to add another, finding his rhythm almost immediately and getting cocky with it. he dares to let his thumb tease the edges of your clit, as if he didn’t know it was there and he was merely looking for somewhere to place it. 
he notices the way your nails dig in to his scalp, biting your tongue so hard that crimson may bleed from it with ease. 
billy had kissed many women, been on the brink of sex, and yet none have reacted the ways in which you do. they were quick to show how they react, every emotion not blanketed behind a curtain of embarrassment but now, despite it being your job to over exaggerate the pleasure, you found yourself shy to make noise. he moves to allow another finger to push inside of you, the pink velvet of your insides encasing his fingers with ease. he hears you gasp when his fingers threaten to curl, and he allows himself another smile. his thumb moves to your clit again, and that’s when your grip becomes lethal, biting your lip no longer becoming a guard for your moans. 
“please,” you mumble out, whimpering. 
“please what, princess?” you’re putty in his hands, and he’s kneading you with ease. 
“i.. i need you,” you moan out, to be saying this to a wanted man, one who has killed, and committed theft, as well as escaped from prison— it was something you swore to never do. yet you were having sex with him and his touch felt so gentle it was as if it never happened, how could a man so dangerous be so kind? you feel a vein pulse from his neck as he finally pulls his fingers out, his eyes following yours as he moves his hand up to his mouth, allowing his fingers to move in between his lips and the taste of you to savor his tastebuds.
your pupils dilate at the sight of him tasting you, skin warming before you can even realize that you’re moving to take his fingers out, replacing them with your tongue as your mouth presses against his again. his hand falls on your waist, other hand guiding his dick to your cunt as he deepens the kiss to feel you moan against his mouth. your tongues fight for dominance, each movement a hunger of it’s own but yours falls submissive as soon as his dick slides into you with ease. your velvet is tighter around him than he expected, and he feels the vibrations of your whines against his tongue, mumbling a small, “you’re so big—“ against his lips. 
once you reach his base, you pull away from his lips, a mere string of saliva connecting you both like a lifeline. 
now you have the lead to take, your lips connecting with his neck to leave marks on him, you wonder how the other cowboys will react as your hips start swaying on his dick, riding him with ease. will they laugh at him for all the prominent hickeys? there’s no way he could hide it, you’ve heard billy had girlfriends all around in many different towns and parts of the state, what if he went back to them and they saw all the marks? it would trace back to you, you’re sure of it, but something about that fills you with a sense of pride rather than fear. you’ve always adored the outlaws, even though you were raised to be a good christian woman, a good girl. the outlaws were always the sweet talkers, as you were told from the other girls at the brothel. you were told stories about how well they treated the women, their touch being better than most the regulars, their words so dirty you’d only dream of being told it until you had finally heard it. 
now you found yourself in love with the idea of trouble, as you wrap yourself in the silks of his touch and the pleasure he gave you. his head tilts back to allow you more access to the free canvas of his neck, his hand raises, then immediately smacks onto the flesh of your ass. the slap tore a cry from your throat, into the skin that coats his neck, and a plain redness forms around the mark of his hand, branding you. 
somehow, this was more intimate than your previous affairs, even despite the roughness of the sex. it felt like a wild play of ballet, an opera you would only dream of seeing, the gracefulness of each movement and the sweetness that drips like honey off each sound, even the sounds of skin slapping as you ride him. you taste the bitterness of his cologne as you reach the sides of his neck, sucking the pale skin with a need to create marks that last. he’s fascinated by your every movement, if this truly was a ballet, he would find himself in the crowd, watching the dancer move with such purity even during such a lewd act. 
you felt yourself curl as your orgasm builds again, and it seems he is too in the way his hips begin to rock. every movement feels like being coated in molasses, trying to swim through it, the orgasms scorching through your inner thighs to your core until it wracks your body, hitting you harder than it had any other time. you don’t know what it was about him, but you were quick to flutter around him, and that had him pulling out, stroking himself for mere seconds until white stripes fall in messy streaks across your skin. 
he pulls you closer when your lips move so your head tilts onto his shoulder, both of your guys’ chests heaving as if you had just been working out, as if you were running towards danger and felt the warmth of it’s embrace reel you in. it was billy’s arms, his eyes closing for a mere second before they open again, “thought i couldn’t make you cum.” 
you hate the way you smile so easily at anything he says, the way you melt into his touch, the way even though you were merely a one night stand it felt like you wanted this to be an eternity, you wanted him to be a regular. 
“mm, i faked it,” you say with a smile, so clearly a lie. 
you move so he slips out of you, your cunt clamping around nothing as it missed the feeling of him inside of you. soon, you reassure yourself as you stand, convinced he will be returning. poor, poor girl, you were just another victim of the sweet talkers with pretty faces. it worsens as your legs become jelly, and he’s quick to stand, hands fastening to your waist and holding it to keep you balanced. his chuckle turns to a laugh, a deep, hearty laugh, “you sure, doll?” 
you roll your eyes, pressing a kiss to his cheek, somehow your lipstick remained and it kept the mark staining his cheek as you left your kiss there. then you moved, taking your clothes and putting them on, “goodnight, billy.” 
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princessbrunette · 2 months
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shittysoundcloudrapper!jj was persuasive and he knew it. it took barely any convincing anyway, his pretty best friend was just so whipped for him.
“look all i’m sayin’ is all this could be yours.” he fans the money out, staring you down with the ghost of a smirk as you lounge on his bed. you push your mouth into the corner, considering his offer as you fiddle with the hem of your skirt. it’s not that you didn’t trust jj, you did — you’d just never been so exposed before. his friends would hear this song, strangers would hear this song — you almost couldn’t believe he was asking to record your moans as a backing track for his beat. as you think, your smile grows — the blonde creeping towards you until he’s stood right infront of you, looming over your curled seating position.
“c’mon mama, you smell that?” he caresses your face with the wad of money, running it over your cheek and beneath your nose. “yeah. that’s that paper. hard earned benjys. you wanna help me out, don’t you? know you do.” he cooes and you’re hypnotised, nodding your head with fluttering lashes. it’s times like this he was glad to have you under his thumb.
it’s later on in the evening that things are ready to commence. perhaps when you’d agreed to help jj out, he wasn’t quite clear on the task at hand. yes, he wanted your moans for his backing track — but he didn’t want you stood infront of a mic, awkwardly recreating a scene from pornhub premiums. no, he was after the real deal. authenticity. method acting, so he called it.
“‘cus like, i’on know what’s worse. a chick faking an orgasm when you’re fucking her, or faking it just for the sake of your music. nah, i think… we’re close enough to make the real thing happen. like — for artistic expression… purposes.” he explains as he sets up his little mic, pulling a pair of headphones over his ears to check the sound. “check, check.” he drawls into the mic before nodding in approval.
“so how are we gonna…” you furrow your eyebrows, always having been on the more innocent side of the sex spectrum. before you even get to attempt to verbalise your confusion, the blonde lifts his head — responding like it was no biggie.
“oh, i can totally go down on you. ‘f’thats cool.” his tongue darts out to swipe at the corner of his mouth and you feel your eyes widen. “really you just gotta lay there n’hold the mic. easy as shit.” he shrugs, finally sitting down and looking at you expectedly as you gawk.
“wait, really?” you giggle. you’d thought about it many times, jj maybank between your legs — but now it was all too real, and you didn’t know it would be happening so out of the blue, practically a business proposition. he’s in your space again, cupping your cheek in that way that was far too familiar to just be friendly.
“look — babe, you don’t gotta worry about things being weird, alright? i’m a munch, like actually — aaaand, are you tellin’ me right now, you would say no to a little head? i mean if you don’t want me to eat it you can always y’know, DIY—” he gestures a circular rubbing motion with his middle and ring fingers, alluding to getting yourself off instead. “little dj action. just need the moans to be real. m’going all out director mode here.” somehow, the thought of touching yourself infront of jj was more humiliating — so you shake your head, sucking on your lip in thought.
“no, you can do it.” you whisper and he grins.
“yeah? atta girl. what a team player.” your best friend praises before kissing you quickly on the mouth. something he always did, platonically — but now made your heart speed up a ridiculous amount.
as you lay back shakily on the bed, you think back on the lyrics scrawled in messy handwriting in the notebook he’d leave lying around — the contents pointing to him really being about that eating pussy life. something like ‘sucking all on her clit like it’s my lifeline — she asked to return the favour, already got mine’ underlined in red biro.
it’s a blur after he hits record, kissing on your thighs making you giggle and rubbing you until there’s a wet spot through the cotton of your panties. you know he’s smiling, because you can feel the upwards curve of his mouth when he starts kissing you through the fabric. you’re pleasing him just from letting out the sweetest whimpers, challenging himself to get you to moan louder for the sake of his song.
it’s not long before he’s got you bare from the waist down, legs fanned wide open with his arms round your thighs. by this point, he has to remind himself not to talk as to not disrupt the recording — and you’re doing him proud, not even having to try to release the most breathy, beautiful sounds that he knew would be perfect on the track.
you get pouty as soon as the whole things over, deciding your best friend was a total sicko. he’d gotten all kissy on you, wet lips smushed against yours, his eyes all hazy from arousal as he makes you taste yourself, murmuring about how you did such a good job for him before wandering off shamelessly to the bathroom to jack off. you get shy, still oozing your release onto his grey-blue bed sheets thinking back on the way you begged him to talk you through it. he was focused on his producing, but he couldn’t resist on whispering “there y’go pretty mama. lemme hear it, good girl.” whilst you cream on his mean fingers.
no one seems to think it’s a big deal but you, his friends john b and pope often lazing around his place smoking weed and playing on the playstation, totally unresponsive to jj sat sprawled on the couch with his laptop on his lap, chopping and editing away on some shitty producer plugin — your moans occasionally playing around the room as he clicks away, tongue between his lips in concentration, backwards cap snug over messy blonde strands.
the boys chime in with an occasional comment. “sounds dope, man.” pope hums out brainlessly as he stares at the tv, thumbing aggressively at the console joystick, the brunette beside him quick to agree.
“no yeah, sounds good.” he agrees, eyes even darting towards where you’re curled on the couch painting your toenails, trying to seem nonchalant about the whole thing.
when he drops the song, he promotes it everywhere — and whilst you asked for no credits for your… addition, it seems to go without saying that you’re the girl on the song, no one else even in question as wherever jj goes you’re seen hanging off his arm. his friends might not make a big deal, but you notice the stares when you go out.
rafe cameron has the audacity to corner you at the juice bar, wearing a smirk that just told you that he knew. “yeah uh, love your friends little song.” he stares you down, egging on a reaction. “been playin’ it on a loop for some reason.”
you avoid his eyes. “yeah, it’s pretty good.” you shy away, but he blocks your path.
“mm, for sure, yeah but uh, you— you know i could have sworn i recognised the… female voice in the back. got any idea who that might be or…?” his smirk only grows, licking his lips as he looms over you.
“nope…” the doe eyes give you away.
“huh, ‘cos it kinda sounds like a pretty girl i know.”
you run and tell jj, all sniffly and regretful — knowing that snitching on rafe to jj is only going to cause problems. his reaction is less defensive and aggressive than you imagined, instead leading you through to his bedroom by the waist.
“look, bae — people are gonna talk, alright? doesn’t mean shit. sure as hell don’t care about what rafe thinks.” he sits you down, standing above you as he curls a hand under your chin affectionately. “but hey, if the money wasn’t enough— think i can make it worth your while. y’wanna lay down for me, sweets? no mic this time. jus’ me and that pretty pussy.”
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
god. im scared
#realizing that i lost all of my teen years to trauma and bullshit like that. and that it forced me to be an adult way sooner than i -#- should have needed to be.#im turning 17 in a whopping 13 days and just. im terrified. like genuinely scared.#my family is having a lot of financial issues rn and im probably gonna have to pick up another job to help my mom make ends meet#and i think she wants me out of the house by the time i turn 18 so i gotta hurry.#idk how the fuck im gonna find a job where i can make enough money to help my mom while also letting me save up for an apartment while -#- also helping me cover all of my own costs BEFORE i turn 18. so food and medical stuff and clothes and such. while also having enough -#- time and energy to balance my final two years of high school AND somehow have a social life on top of that#i dont know how the hell im gonna pull it off. i dont feel like an adult but i have to be one already so i just gotta figure it out i guess#ive already lost the rest of my teen years. i shouldn't be sad about losing the last few. i don't have time to mourn.#my mom keeps saying that i need to stop stressing out bc its my birthday but like. the problem is my birthday.#sigh. i should be happy this month. im turning 17! im going to riot fest! i like most of my teachers this year! i have a bit of freedom!#but i don't feel happy. im just violently reminded that time has passed way too quickly and that im running out of time for everything.#im also violently reminded that i very much do not feel like an adult. even though it's only a little over a year till im 18.#i still watch cartoons and buy stuffed animals and have sleepovers with friends where we gossip about school and make pony bead bracelets#i cover my notebooks with stickers and laugh at immature jokes and have glow in the dark stickers on my bedroom ceiling#just. idk. i keep trying to catch up for lost time but i just have to keep rushing foward faster than i can handle. its weird.#sorry to post disappointing shit. im just tired and my body hurts and im stressed and scared and sad. nothing's going right.#in better news. after i get a job to pay for it i can apparently get a birth control prescription without parental consent in my state#i might finally be able to escape from my debilitating monthly pain! ill be able to function!!#im also gonna be getting myself a lowkey ugly rottmnt birthday cake from a grocery store because its my birthday and i can do what i want#so im still stressed and scared but ill have a day with friends where we can play games and do stupid shit and act like teenagers i guess#it'll be nice :')
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sooshihu · 2 months
charles leclerc x reader ~ instagram au
prompt: the great looking driver we all know and love creates controversy with his new and surprisingly young girlfriend
warnings: age gap
january 5 2024
yourusername shared a story
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yourbestfriend liked your story
user liked your story
charles_leclerc started following you
charles_leclerc liked your story
user liked your story
user liked your story
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liked by user, user and others
wagsf1 !charles leclerc has been spotted with an unknown girl outside of a club in monaco!
after this picture was taken he allegedly drove off in his new ferrari with the girl
user she does look like his type that’s for sure
user im sorry WHAT
user mr leclerc going younger and younger i see
user didn’t he like break up with his girlfriend like 3 weeks ago?😭
user our fav walking red flag🥰
user oh to be her…
and 457 more
february 2 2024
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liked by yourbestfriend, charles_leclerc and others
yourusername 💦☀️🌊🤍
yourbestfriend 😍
user @charles_leclerc mr hitting on fresh 18s that you?🥰
user that’s deff charles’ yacht
user my guess is she’s going after his money to pay off those student loans
yourusername how did you know🤭
and 54 more
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liked by user, user and others
f1gossip charles leclerc with his supposed new and very young girlfriend😉 let us know your view on this couple!
user still think she’s after the money
user why you all hating we don’t know anything about her yet💀
user fr like calm down😭
user she can’t be mature enough for him she’s just a kid
user he wouldn’t be with her if she wasn’t
user i saw her instagram she doesn’t look like the bitch yall make her out to be just saying
and 374 more
april 2 2024
yourusername added a story
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charles_leclerc liked your story
charles_leclerc replied to your story:
je t'aime, magnifique❤️ (i love you, gorgeous)
april 25 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc and others
yourusername joy of missing out 🤍 enjoy the little moments you share with only yourself
charles_leclerc 🤍
user it’s over he commented a heart on her post they’re offcial😔
user am i the only one who LOVES her vibe?😍
user deff not! she seems like a very nice and humble person to me i don’t know why she was getting so much hate
user “she’s just 18 blah blah blah” it’s not your relationship leave her alone
yourusername i love you
user the age gap is kinda wild tho
user hair care routine??
may 3 2024
charles_leclerc added a story
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user liked your story
user liked your story
yourusername replied to your story: ❤️
yourusername replied to your story: ❤️
yourusername replied to your story: ❤️
yourusername replied to your story: ❤️❤️❤️
yourusername added a story
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may 19 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc and others
yourusername haters be hating because they don’t wake up next to charles leclerc like i do
charles_leclerc wouldn’t want it any other way🤭
user do you see his smile? and yall still think she can’t make him happy cause she’s ‘too young’💀
user Something About You - Eyedress, Dent May ~ 0:44
user the amount of things i’d do to wake up next to either of them is concerning
user every book girlie dreaming about their age gap trope
and 487 others
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari and others
charles_leclerc she’s gotta pay off those student loans somehow, am i right?
(last pic is me proudly taking all of the pics above)
user charles simping for yn is so real omg
user love how they’re making fun of the gold digger rumours😭
user charles.jpg when?
user i just know it would be full of yn pls
scuderiaferrari after the loans are payed off we suggest buying her a ferrari of her own 👀
user the unseriousness of their hard launch captions are highlights of my day
user she’s living our dream fr
user can’t decide if i wanna be him or her
and 1,592 others
932 notes · View notes
hongism · 1 year
BOUNCY. - j. yunho, c. jongho (m)
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➼ genre; smut ➼ pairing; yunho x fem!reader x jongho ➼ au; outlaw/mechanics!2ho, dystopian futurism, lore accurate ateez ➼ warnings; explicit smut, some terribly unfunny mechanic jokes i’m really sorry ➼ rating; m/18+ ➼ wc; 4.9k
‘Two for the price of one!’ the sign outside the shop had read, and well, you’ve never been one to pass up on a good deal.
part of the outlaw miniseries.
➼ smut warnings; piv, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, fingering, manual stimulation, pussy slapping, spanking, hair pulling, choking, sloppy seconds, creampie, pet names: sugar, sweets, dear & baby, dirty talk, breeding kink, name calling: bitch & slut, voyeurism & exhibitionism, dom/sub dynamics, dom yunho, sub reader, slight bimbofication, spit play, size kink, praise kink
You pull up to Outlaw Customs, the repair shop that’s become something of a second home for your car, two minutes before closing. If it were anywhere else — and anyone else running the place — you would never dream of being such a terrible customer, but since you know both men inside well enough to have a working relationship outside of this little business they run, you aren’t worried about causing any issues. And, well, if you do, Yunho will surely let you know in his own snarky way.
The garage door is still wide open, with Yunho on full display at the mouth of it as he works on the vehicle that’s always parked front and center. As you cross the threshold into the garage, your eyes catch on a sign propped up outside that you hadn’t seen the last time you were here. Two for the price of one on any repairs! A scoff slips out of you as you eye it, and that noise is what pulls Yunho’s focus from his work to you.
“You didn’t tell me you were running a deal,” you whine, drawing a laugh from the man before you.
“We still gotta make money somehow, sugar!” He nods his head towards the other side of the car, where another familiar face sits on the run-down couch you gave to them when they first opened up shop down the street from your apartment complex. It was something of a trade and an icebreaker: you needed a cracked headlight patched up, and they needed some furniture to fill out the garage and make it more homey for any customers who would come and go. Jongho gets up when you come over though, simply to move from the couch to the desk chair right beside it, and you take the spot where he was just sat.
“What’ll it be this time, sweets?” Jongho arches a brow at you in question and leans back in the chair. He exudes the same natural attractive confidence that he always has, and it shines through in the way he’s sitting with his legs splayed out and how one hand rests on his upper thigh while the other closes into a loose fist against the surface of the desk. He’s changed up his hair since you were last here too, now accentuated with white highlights that frame his head nicely. Your staring doesn’t go unnoticed, however, and he clears his throat gently when you fail to respond after several seconds.
“Oh, um, I’m in desperate need of a new tire. Back left. I think I hit a nail on the road or something, she’s been causing me trouble for weeks now.”
“And you didn’t come in sooner?”
You draw your lips into a firm ‘o’. “I started having issues two days after you demanded to do my oil change! Which I could have done myself really, but now — I can’t see what’s causing the issue, and no matter how many times I pump the damn thing, it still has shit air pressure. Besides, if you wanted to see me sooner, you don’t have to wait around for me to have another car issue to do so.”
Jongho shifts to find something on the desk. The tips of his ears are stained red, and that color bleeds down to his neck. “Yunho is the one who demanded to do the oil change though,” he mumbles, pulling out a clipboard with a blank sheet of paper attached to it. “I’ll go take a look and do a quick inspection to see if anything stands out.”
“Keys are on the dash!” you call after him before he slips out and leaves you somewhat alone with Yunho. Said man is laughing to himself as discreetly as he can manage but says nothing in favor of continuing his fiddling at the car. “Were you really the one to demand that oil change?”
“Technically no. But I did say that if he wanted an excuse to pull you over here then he could offer to do it for you.”
“Despite knowing I always do it myself?” you inquire as you push up from the couch. Your hands come to rest on your hips, chin tilting to match the attitude in your stance, and Yunho’s tongue pokes between his lips. His eyes move over your body in a quick series of glances before he knocks the round of his wrench against the headlight in front of him as though it’s a hammer.
“Um—” he fights to clear his throat but once he starts blushing, it’s impossible to miss against his pale skin. You step closer to where he’s crouched and squat down next to him once you deem yourself close enough — that being within touching distance, that is, where your shoulder can brush against his any time he tries to move even a hair.
“What are you working on?”
Again Yunho’s gaze finds you; this time, he lets it trail over your face first before going any lower, and you grant him a little smile for the bit of unnecessary chivalry.
“You’re too pretty to dirty your hands on me, sugar.”
“You say that every time,” you argue. You never get tired of admiring his side profile, but right now it comes with the added bonus that it watching his throat bob as he swallows hard around nothing but saliva and air.
“You don’t wanna make sure Jongho’s not changing your oil without permission again?” The roll of your eyes is far from subtle by any means, and the dramatization of the gesture brings a snort of laughter out of the man next to you.
“There are other inspections you can do, right? Since I’m a regular here and all.”
“Are you really in need of new tires, dear? From where I’m sitting, it seems like we aren’t the only ones who try to find excuses ‘round these parts.”
Leaning away, you put a hand over your chest and scoff. “The audacity of this man! Jongho, did you hear that?” He’s moving back into the garage as you call out to him, slapping the clipboard against the outside of his thigh. You only get a laugh out of him which seems to you like he agrees with Yunho. He lowers the garage door once safely out of the way and moves back to his seat at the desk. “See, he didn’t say he didn’t find anything.”
“He also didn’t say he did find something, sugar.”
“And, did he?” you prompt, eyes narrowing on Jongho’s back. Even though he can’t see you, he gives you the answer you want to hear with a quiet hum of affirmation, and you flick your chin back to Yunho to send him a smug little grin. “Besides, is there any harm in wanting a good deal?”
“That depends.” Yunho’s voice drawls a little, and he presses the heels of his hands against his thighs to help propel him into a standing position. The wrench in his hand gets tossed back to the cart nearby, bringing an echoing clatter to fill the garage with noise as your eyes lock. “Two for the price of one is a big deal after all.”
“And?” You stand slowly in contrast to how eager Yunho was to stand upright, but he watches your every move with rapt attention. In this game, it’s hard to tell which one of you is stalking the other — both playing the part of a predator so well that it’s indistinguishable. In your humble opinion, Yunho’s resolve is cracking much faster than yours.
“And it comes with lots of nice add-ons but they can be a lot to handle.”
“I never pass up on a good deal though,” you murmur through a pout, deigning to look down to the floor and back up to meet Yunho’s gaze through fluttering lashes. “I like handing big loads too.”
“Oh my god.” Jongho’s voice and the following groan cut through the building tension. “Quit making gross innuendos and just fuck! Making me sit here and agonize through that shit, disgusting.” Your face draws into something close to a scowl, one that matches his expression when you turn to look at him. In a move of childish vengeance, you stick your tongue out at him.
“Let us have our fun!”
“Yeah, yeah, have your fun and fuck.”
“Not joining?” Yunho asks, hand running over the curve of your hip already.
“I’ll sit back and watch you get your fill first then have seconds later. You always feel best after he’s thoroughly used you, sweets.” Your expression is somewhere between bewilderment and a smile, eyes following him as he moves back to the couch and throws himself down to the cushions facing you and Yunho. “What? He leaves you good and loose for me.”
“Jongho.” Your tone is breaching the edge of chastisement, but the words you plan to continue with are knocked out of you in a soft oof as Yunho turns you towards the car and suddenly bends you over the hood without warning.
“He’s right, isn’t he? I do open you up quite nicely.” You brace your hands against the hood, pushing up just enough to send a look back at Yunho over your shoulder. He’s already moved back some, however, and redirected his attention to slipping his fingers between the band of your pants and the skin underneath. “May I, sugar?”
“Go on then,” comes your whispered response as you settle more comfortably against the hood.
“You look pretty splayed out against our gem, baby.” Your view of Jongho is entirely skewed like this, but you watch him as he speaks. Though still fully clothed, you get quite the eyeful of his crotch with the way he’s sitting in that same damned position that makes you want to crawl between his legs and suck him dry.
“Right where she belongs.” Yunho’s fingers are hot against your sex, cupping you through your underwear now that your pants are down to your ankles. He snaps the flat of his hand to the same spot, and the action draws a shiver out of you along with a breathy whine. “Are you up for subbing tonight, y/n?”
“Yes sir.”
“So good and I barely had to lift a finger,” Yunho coos down at you. Once again his fingers trail over the line of your lips and push fabric against your cunt, not enough to give you any sort of true stimulation but it makes your clit throb with want. “Still remember our safeword?”
“There’s my good girl.” Yunho slaps his palm against your mound harder to accentuate his words. You let out a moan that catches you off-guard, but Yunho doesn’t allow you time to adjust to the new sensations. “Count for me, sugar.”
“How many do you think she deserves tonight?” From your perspective, you can see Jongho’s hand move in slow circles against the front of his pants.
“Hm, fifteen to start? She was mouthing off quite a lot with me earlier.” A chilling rush of adrenaline pushes through your body, a whine hanging at your lips and threatening to interrupt their conversation, but you bite it back by sinking your teeth into your lower lip. Jongho catches your slight blunder before you have the chance to hide it.
“Oh? I think she wants to say something, Yun.”
“What is it, sugar? You can count that high still, right? After all my cock isn’t in you yet. Your little head should be perfectly intact still.” Yunho slides a hand down your back and finds a resting place at your tailbone. He takes the fabric of your shirt into his palm before bunching it into his fist and yanking your body along the hood of the car. “Not a dumb cockslut yet, baby, come on and answer the question.”
“I-I can, yeah, I can count that high, sir.”
“Good girl. You sound nice and desperate already. Maybe you shouldn’t wait so long to come see us anymore, hm?”
“I won’t,” you whisper. Yunho’s hand comes down on your ass, slapping against the bare skin exposed by your panties, and the sting comes immediately. “I’ll come sooner next time.” Yunho clicks his tongue though. Your gaze is locked onto Jongho, however, and focused on following his movements as he pulls his pants down his thighs and lets his thick cock spring out fully erect and leaking at the tip already. Yunho tightens his grip on you. The pressure on your body increases tenfold, making it hard to breathe under the weight atop you. You feel hot breath cascading over your ear as Yunho inserts himself into your personal space.
“Don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten how to fuckin’ count, sugar,” he hisses into the shell of your ear. His tone is so wildly different than the one he uses in casual conversation — biting and scathing to the point of muddling your thoughts with desire. Nothing quite compares to sex with an angry Yunho, though you rarely can rile him up to that point and even now you don’t have him like that, just the barebones of annoyance that tease something more.
“N-No! One, one, I’m sorry sir.”
“If he’s so distracting, I can send you over to him with no prep, dear.”
“No, it’s okay, I’m — I’m focused, I promise. Please continue?” His response comes in the form of two more slaps over the same spot as the first one, sharp and pointed to make the skin beneath him heat up further. “Three…”
“Now that I’ve got your attention, make sure I keep it, sweetheart.”
There’s no real need for that reminder in your mind because once he starts building a steady rhythm and delivering the spanks to your ass with mere seconds between each one, you have no choice but to focus on him. Jongho is still before you, a sight unfolding gloriously as he strokes at his length with lazy little jerks and no intention of bringing himself much pleasure beyond that. Even Yunho goes quiet in his ministrations behind you, leaving the air to be filled with the sounds of his hand on your skin and whatever broken number you choke out after each one. You want to twist and writhe under him, to alleviate some of the burn that’s so present on your backside, but each time you try to so much as shift an inch, Yunho delivers an extra slap to your cunt. Well-placed and effective too — so close to your clit that it makes your knees buckle and you fall back into the position Yunho wants you in to carry out his task. The first ounce of reprieve comes at eleven, right when you’ve settled to push through the pleasurable punishment to the end.
“You know, sugar, you’re taking this so well that I’m wondering if we should increase the number. You aren’t nearly red enough yet, and we picked an odd number. I can’t show equal love to both sides like that.”
“Twenty?” Jongho chimes in, smile twisting as you shake your head. “Thirty?”
“Twenty is fine, I—” you inhale sharply at the sensation of Yunho running his hand along your skin. His touch is cold now, a welcome balm to the heat that emanates from the spot he’s just been hitting so ruthlessly. Your voice is so shaky that you have to swallow to contain the tremble before continuing. “It’s b-been a bit since we did this, I’m not u-used to it.”
Yunho remains quiet as he rubs his thumb over your warm skin in soothing circles for several more seconds. “One more, baby. Then you’ll be done for tonight.” He’s merciful but not entirely gracious because the last sharp slap he delivers to you feels ten times worse than all the others before, and you roll your head to push it into the hood as you cry out at the impact. He catches you as your knees buckle under you, preventing you from sliding straight down to the floor, and as you’re scrambling to regain your footing, he hooks two fingers under your underwear band. When he yanks at the elastic, it snaps against your body hard enough to make you hiss, and it burns a bit when they slide over your sensitive skin.
“Didn’t she do well, Yun?”
You crack an eye open to look over at the man on the couch and make direct eye contact with Jongho to find his gaze far softer than it was minutes ago.
“Of course she did. I expect nothing less from our pretty lady, dear. And—” Yunho pushes two fingers between your folds and dips right into your hole, bypassing all the arousal that’s begun to leak out of you “—she’s sopping wet to boot. Perfect.” The praise makes your body sing, and Yunho rewards your easy obedience by easing his fingers in and out of you with little resistance thanks to that wetness he mentioned. “You still on the pill?”
“Y-Yeah, as always. Haven’t missed a day.”
“Then I can cum in you?”
“Yes… yes sir.”
Yunho groans, and he moves his hand up from the small of your back to feel at the back of your head. He takes a handful of hair into his hold and grips tight enough to pull your head up from the car hood, but it’s not too terrible that you feel any sort of dramatic pain from the act.
“Gonna breed you fuckin’ full of cum then,” he growls, leaning into your space and knocking his forehead against your temple. “Maybe so well that that damn pill won’t work? If I fuck it into you hard enough then your body won’t have a choice but to take my seed.” A loud moan tumbles from your lips at his words. The hand you have propping your weight up wobbles, and just before your elbow locks, Yunho releases you and grabs for your hips with both hands. You’re close to complaining about the sudden departure of his fingers when he nudges the tip of his cock against your folds, sliding along the wetness in a crude form of lubrication.
“Fuck me, won’t you?” you plead quietly. You hope that if nothing else, the look on your face will convince him to get on with things, but it must be a combination of everything — the heady arousal in the air, your tone and words, even the sight of Jongho jacking off to the two of you only a few feet away. Yunho sinks deep into your cunt then; he buries the full length of his cock deep inside you, stretching you open further until it feels like you can feel him in your stomach. Your body trembles and drops forward as you press your free hand to your abdomen like it’ll help you feel him better. “God, you’re so fucking big, Yun.”
“All the better to breed you with,” he says before planting a hand between your shoulder blades and urging you all the way down once more. Jongho is squeezing the base of his cock with his other hand now, likely to keep himself from cumming too early, and Yunho is notorious for two things: his short refractory period and how long he can go without orgasm no matter what kind of stimulation he’s under.
The initial drag of his cock inside you feels like heaven, and when he thrusts back against your thighs, he does so with such force that your insides churn.
“Is she tight?”
“Insanely,” Yunho responds through gritted teeth. You try to lift your head to look back at his face, eager to see how broken his expression is right now, but he stops you in your tracks. Again, fingers threaded through your hair and locking in close to your scalp to give him the best grip that won’t hurt you too terribly much. He yanks you hard with the next thrust, and it brings your head up at an angle that stretches you hard enough to make your muscles burn with the effort of accommodating to it. “Barely been two weeks and you’re this tight again, sugar, your pussy is fuckin’ insane.”
You would laugh at the absurdity of his comment if you could, but in your current state, the only noise that can escape you are choppy moans. They’re the kind that sounds like they could come straight from an amateur porno, and despite the garage being closed, it doesn’t offer that much privacy. Anyone who walks by will suddenly become privy to what sounds like a home movie being filmed behind the metal door.
“Didn’t expect her to be this tight, fuck, I might cum early.”
You can’t warn Yunho of the same for yourself: between his thrusts, the full weight of his balls slap against your pussy from the sheer force behind how hard he’s fucking you, and the steady rhythm is just enough to stimulate your clit even without head-on contact. He knows your body well, however, and how to play you like a fucking fiddle, so when your walls start pulsing around the thickness of his cock, he shifts the angle and drives his tip so deep into you that you see stars behind your eyelids.
“Fuck, sweets,” Jongho exhales under his breath. Your vision is blurry when you open your eyes, but it snaps back to black a moment later when the orgasm hits you all of a sudden.
“Fuck, fuck, f-fuck!”
“That’s it, sugar,” Yunho coos from behind you, and his hand relaxes to run down to the back of your neck. He presses the pads of his fingers into the flesh there, poking and prodding at the muscles that have suddenly gone tense in the tsunami of sensations sweeping over you, but his thrusts don’t let up even as your walls squeeze hard around his length. Yunho fucks you hard and fast through the brunt of your orgasm. When your body finally relaxes and the waves die down to let you swim in the aftermath of it, he’s still driving his dick along your walls and knocking against your more sensitive spots. “Should I breed you now, dear? Fuck you nice and full of cum then send you to sit on Jongho’s cock?”
Your mouth hangs open enough to let saliva out of it and onto the car, yet it smears across your face when you lose the will to steady yourself against Yunho’s pace.
“Pl-please, sir.”
Yunho lays himself over you and spreads his hands to sit on either side of your head. His hips still against your backside. The fuzz in your brain nearly drowns out the feeling of cum pumping into you, without a doubt filling you to the brim. He’s still in the throes of recovery when you nudge Yunho off and out of you. You would stay longer with him inside, to feel that warmth and fullness for some time longer, but your body moves on its own agenda with a pulsing desire lingering in your gut. Despite the weakness in your muscles, you walk over to the couch where Jongho waits patiently and quietly. His gaze is heavy on you when you drop your hands to his shoulders.
“Don’t stop her now, babe,” Yunho interjects. You don’t spare him a glance over your shoulder or anything like it — the movements of your body are methodical and calculated, a firm straddle over his hips and spread legs before you reach down to put your hand next to his against the length of his cock. Together, you guide him into your used cunt, pushing him in alongside the cum threatening to drip out of your body. A sigh of relief leaves your lips once he’s securely inside you.
“Feel good?” you whisper close to his face. Jongho’s cheeks are flushed, his pupils blown own so wide that you can barely see the color of his irises, and his lips glisten with spit. You can’t help yourself, you decide. He has the same thought in his mind because he’s the one to kiss you rather than the other way around, lips finding each other in a fit of passion that makes your chest burn.
“I want more,” he mutters into your mouth.
“Greedy.” You lift yourself up from his lap some, enough to let his cock nearly pull all the way out of you, then sink back down with a spine-curling pleasure that makes you throw your head back and moan to the ceiling. Yunho’s form enters your line of sight, and his hand finds the base of your throat. He stands behind you, chin tilted to his chest so that he can stare directly down at you. He’s handsome beyond belief even at this awfully skewed and awkward angle.
“Open,” he commands while tapping along the column of your throat. Your lips part completely to allow him access to whatever it is he wants from you.
Jongho’s firm and strong hands squeeze at your waist at the same moment. He takes the control from your hands, and you hand it over without complaint to let him work your cunt along his length as he sees fit and to chase his pleasure in full. Yunho hooks his thumb on the back of your teeth. It effectively holds you open and steady for the moment he decides to spit down into your mouth. The warmth on your tongue makes you wince, but then Yunho is withdrawing his thumb and pushing up against your chin.
“Close and swallow,” he says in what’s likely to be his last act of dominance for the night. Your eyes remain firmly set on his face as you do so — slow yet deliberate so that he can see your obedience in its full glory. Your reward is the sweetest gift. He lays a kiss to your forehead and taps your cheek gently. “Good girl.”
You right yourself enough to look down at Jongho, sending your focus to the lover beneath you. He lets you take his face between your hands without saying a word, but the second you lean in for a kiss, he bites out his thoughts.
“You take dick like a bitch in heat, sweets.”
“Y-You’re the one—” your voice sounds about as wrecked as you feel “—fucking me dumb.” Jongho slides his hands along the lines of your body until he reaches your ass, where the skin is still sensitive and burning from Yunho’s earlier punishment. He palms the flesh harshly enough to make you cry out. “Want you inside too.”
“One wasn’t enough? How much cum do you need?”
“She’s a proper cumslut, really Jongho. You know this.” It’s unfair that Yunho sounds totally recovered and unbothered by the rough sex you just shared; meanwhile, you’re thoroughly wrecked and still going through the motions, working towards another impending orgasm on Jongho’s cock.
“Close?” he asks with a lilting tease hanging off his tone. You push yourself against him as best you can, close enough to knock your forehead into his.
“I bet you’ll cum first, big boy. Your needy dick is begging to breed me.”
Jongho’s nostrils flare at the accusation, but it’s an accurate one with the way his haphazard thrusts are becoming more and more staggered. Nothing inspires Jongho quite like a small competition though, even if it encourages him to play dirty and reach around to your front. He plunges a hand down alongside where his cock meets your body. Your bubbling complaints about his dirty tactics fall short at the mouth of your next orgasm, and he all but steals the air from your lungs with a few little twists of his fingers on your clit. He cums with you immediately after — but after nonetheless, as you’re certain he’ll note later on. Your body sags atop his even as he drives his length into you a few more times for good measure and to milk himself for all he’s worth, adding another load to what Yunho’s already left in you.
Said man makes another appearance too, with bottles of water in hand as he lowers himself to the couch cushions right beside you and Jongho. You take one of the presented bottles with a quiet murmur of thanks, easing up from your slumped position to take several greedy sips in an effort to soothe your poor throat.
“By the way,” Jongho tilts his head in Yunho’s direction. A moment passes that’s full of silent anticipation, and it’s only when Yunho’s brows start to furrow that Jongho finishes his thought. “Her tires are fine.”
The incredulous look you get from Yunho makes the ruse well worth it, and the small flare of anger that crosses his eyes briefly only serves to make you want to tease him further.
please like & reblog this work and consider leaving a reply or sharing your thoughts in a reblog or ask!
this work belongs to caly / hongism (2023). do not copy, repost, or plagiarize in any way.
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ma1dita · 4 months
crazy little thing
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a ‘partners in crime’ installment - luke castellan x dionysus!reader
words: 3.4k
summary: (pre-established relationship) The one where he spends all his drachmas to make you smile. Sometimes, the Apollo kids are better matchmakers than Aphrodite herself. Everyone’s tired of you two dancing around each other. Luke Castellan x fem!Dionysus!reader
a/n: lil valentines day special though im working on more est. relationship fluff after this!! happy season 2 renewal babies
(posted 2/9/24 unbetaed)
“Come on, you gotta admit—it’s kinda funny!” 
Luke is met with blank stares at the camp store after he places a few drachmas onto the folding table in front of the Apollo kids. They’re not sure if he’s trying to convince them, or himself.
Because yeah, that’s the excuse he goes for, wanting to spend his savings on having them sing to a certain head counselor instead of admitting his blatantly obvious feelings, so if you ask Lee Fletcher and his half-siblings, it’s kind of pathetic.
“What do we look like, a traveling mariachi band, Castellan?” he deadpans, watching the usually confident boy scratch the back of his neck with his face red like someone who’s been sitting out in the sun for too long. 
“I’m not saying to follow her around all day or whatever, just pick a random time to sing a song and catch her off-guard,” he insists, before meeting the judgmental look of one of Lee’s younger siblings.
Lee chuckles, ruffling his sister’s hair before looking at Luke quite seriously, “She’s a good friend. You’re gonna have to pay us more than that. Special song for a special lady after all.”
The son of Hermes knows he’s gonna regret this sooner or later, but proceeds to throw the rest of his meager earnings onto the table. He has other ways of being resourceful anyway, the box of chocolates he nicked from behind the store counter feeling heavy in his jacket pocket.
“Right…she’s just a friend.”
Luke’s hands fidget at his sides as he stands there, feeling a little stupid.
Lee’s little sister scoops up the coins from the table, her raised eyebrows and light aura mirroring that of her older brother. 
“What song were you thinking?” she asks, “Gotta make sure I know it if I’m singing it to your…friend.”
The 18-year-old boy tugs at his dark curls, getting more embarrassed and wanting to retreat with every minute that passes, but he’s never been one to back down from anything–swordfights, monsters, capture the flag, but this—trying to impress you...is a whole different story somehow.
Why are feelings so damn complicated? 
It feels like being at the butt of a joke, or more accurately—at the sharp edge of a sword, and Luke never lets his fights end in a draw.
“You guys got it covered. Just…surprise me too, I guess,” he sighs, walking off without finishing his sentence. He wishes he could pray a little harder to his dad for luck, even if he’s unsure of what exactly he’s wishing for (or if his dad will even listen).
“Castellan’s hopeless. You think he knows it yet?” the girl asks her brother, to which Lee laughs.
“I don’t think she does either, even though everyone else can see right through them. The new bets are on who’s gonna break first. Chiron’s been keeping track, but don’t tell Mr. D.”
If Luke wants a show, they’ll make sure he’ll get his money’s worth—and hopefully, it’ll push you two along faster. Lee bet on you two getting together before the summer after all, and he’ll be damned if he loses to Clarisse.
Valentine’s Day might be the day of love, but for you, someone who’s single (not by choice), and heavily busy with making sure people aren’t so…enamored in public (you’ve lost count of the reports you’ve written out due to indecent behavior this morning alone)---this just feels like another Wednesday, except with more hormonal teenagers with uncontrollable urges than usual. 
Oh, the joys of being the daughter of the camp director, also known as everyone’s favorite narc.
Honestly, love can suck it. With this much love in the air, you can feel it suffocating you like a plastic bag over your head. 
That’s an uncontrollable urge. Too much?
Maybe Silena was right, you do need to open yourself up more to romantic opportunities. But if you have to watch another person swap spit and get pawed at like they’re the last dinner roll at the table….You might commit arson and set this place ablaze.
You just didn’t understand why people had to go all out today of all days. Shouldn’t love be shown year-round? Though you were a person of theatrics and enjoy a good show, it is amazing how much grandiose displays of affection make you cringe. It felt very performative, instead of genuine, and you would know, you’re the best actress at camp. You’ve acted out stories before, knowing all of the greatest romances and tragedies by heart. And you pride yourself on being a decent teacher to the campers, but for some of them, love still translates to a bad rendition of a ballad they heard on the radio.
Nothing gets past you at this point.
But that sucks too sometimes, you know?
Multiple failed flings and a heartbreak or two weigh down on you on days like this one, as you’re stuck being a bystander to outlandish displays put on by the Aphrodite kids being put to work. Love is their domain anyway, and yours…makes you feel a little less undesirable. Each demigod has their own strengths and weaknesses, but perhaps in the name of love, some of them don’t know how to take a hint. Several forgettable prose readings, a Sparknotes version of Eros and Psyche, and too many red roses to count have you reeling from exhaustion and a bit of disgust—-and it’s only lunchtime. 
So yeah, maybe you’re a little jealous; they could call you Nemesis at this point.
The only flowers you got today were from the little kids from along the path to the strawberry orchard, and though it’s sweet—the human side of you misses affection. 
To be a daughter of Dionysus meant to deal in extremes, obsession or nothing, and there are very few people who can handle that. Always being too much to handle, or uninterested as a defense mechanism. Perhaps that’s what scares admirers away. 
That, or the fact that Luke Castellan is always attached to your hip. To be honest, you’ve always preferred it that way—the both of you working as a pair always gets things done faster around camp and he brightens your mood, whether you admit it or not. 
But you two are just friends. 
Really good friends who look for each other in crowded rooms, hands constantly brushing against the other for comfort, and able to pick up where the other one leaves off. Usually he’s the first person you see in the morning, and the last person you say goodnight to. You know how he likes his coffee and he cuts your apples for you as you two sit together in your unassigned seats in the dining pavilion. You watch each other’s workshops and if one of you is missing, everyone knows to ask the other to get an answer.
Right? That’s totally normal coworker/friend behavior.
If you were ever given immortality, perhaps they’d make you the goddess of denial.
You’re sweeping up confetti from the dining hall floor after an uncoordinated excuse of a flash mob was performed for one of the Demeter kids…and not to sound like a heinous bitch, but maybe next time they should use something biodegradable…or less messy. Sighing deeply, you feel someone’s eyes on you, and when you look up, Luke’s standing there with two full plates of food.
“Take a break, trouble. No one’s paying you overtime,” he jokes, and you roll your eyes as you put the broom aside.
“No one’s paying me at all…” you groan, before taking the plate out of his hands and knocking your head against his shoulder in thanks. He snickers as his hand brushes the small of your back, tickling your spine as he leads you to sit at a table.
“Just another holiday. You know how it is.”
“It’d be nice to have a night off though. Sometimes I regret taking up the position,” you mumble through spoonfuls of soup. He throws his large hand over your shoulder, kneading some tension from your trapezius. Head jerking along with the movements, you giggle as soup dribbles off your spoon, which makes his lips quirk into a small smile. Being around you felt so thoughtless and easy that if you told him to jump off a bridge he’d do it without question, which should be more concerning—the hold you have on him is irrevocable. Feelings are way too difficult for his teenage brain to comprehend at this stage. It’s easier to wash dishes with lava or fight off a dragon (bad example, he knows, but there’s something about you that already makes him feel like he’s losing before anything’s even happened).
Luke is someone who fights until the end, a soldier who’s always trained and so ready that sometimes it makes you wonder what war he’s preparing for. Infatuation, or the scarier, four-letter word was not something he was ever briefed on.
“No, you don’t. You’re a control freak,” he says with a grin. 
Luke watches you play with the pendant on your necklace, the dragon scale he fashioned into your favorite accessory glinting in your hand. Running your fingers back and forth over the smooth surface, your other hand puts the spoon down and you place your head on his shoulder. He thinks if he had to describe the four-letter word on the tip of his tongue, he’d tell whoever’s asking about the way you kissed his healing cheek after you both left the Garden of Hesperides. More than a year later, Luke is still unable to find the right words even if the weakness has made a home in his heart with your name written all over it.
“I swear if I have to hear another person croak out a lovesong I might just drown myself in the Long Island Sound,” you scoff as his fingers trace circles onto your waist.
There’s a low strum of a guitar that reaches your ears and your forehead meets the cool surface of the table as you shut your eyes and grumble. It’s Lee and his half-siblings, beginning to walk through the hall seconds away from singing until they see Luke shaking his head and dragging his finger across his throat to please, gods, stop. The Apollo kids swivel and 180, walking out of the hall as the music stops dissonantly, rolling their eyes and dragging their feet.
“That was quick,” you say inquisitively as your head pops up from the table to see Luke looking off in the distance.
“Heh…I think they were just practicing or something…”
He then had to run off and pay them more drachmas for the inconvenience. 
Fucking hustlers.
The sun sets quickly on Camp Half-Blood since it’s mid-February, and Luke finds you trying to calm your nerves as you look at the mess of glitter and paper mache that covers the arts and crafts hall from floor to ceiling.
“I can’t believe this!” you say in disbelief as you look at Luke, and he takes the can of Redbull out of your shaking hand.  
“There’s just no fucking way everyone decided to use glitter. It’s everywhere! I’m—CONNOR, PUT THE SCISSORS DOWN!”
Luke sighs as he holds his hand out for his younger brother to give up the craft scissors, which he relinquishes with a mischievous grin. 
“Guys, go find trouble somewhere else,” Luke mutters, pushing his head away, and where Connor goes, Travis quickly follows, tossing a canister of glitter back at him and not knowing it was still open.
Immediately, the both of you are showered in iridescent particles, floating over your heads and stuck in your hair as the older Stoll brother looks at the two of you wide-eyed.
“You've already got trouble anyway,” he says teasingly, and this asshole winks at Luke before bolting out the door.
The room is silent now, and you pinch the bridge of your nose, before speaking, “I don’t care if he’s your brother, Luke. I might just fucking kill him.” You'd say more but your eyes are shut as you try not to breathe in glitter, and then the sound of the doorknob rattling catches your attention. Luke is standing there, finally faced with a door he can’t open, his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance–but the effect isn’t as menacing as it should be when he’s covered in red and pink sparkles.
“Not if I get to him first, the little bastard.”
“Just open the door,” you say panicked, running over and forcing his hands off the doorknob.
“I can’t if you won’t let me do it!” He grits, elbowing you and trying to unlock the door with both his inherited gift and brute strength.
“What kind of demigod even are you? Lockpicking is supposed to be your thing!”
“Well OBVIOUSLY, but it’s not working, now is it, trouble?”
Luke finishes off the rest of your energy drink before throwing the can over his shoulder and he swears he can hear you cuss at him under your breath as you berate him about the mess, so he chooses to focus on busting the door down instead of looking at the glitter stuck in your eyelashes and thinking about how the idea of being stuck in a room with you makes him feel weak at the knees. Through the window, his eyes meet the group of Apollo kids staring at the predicament you two are in (and the barricade of chairs the Stoll brothers put in front of the door). He sighs, and Lee’s little sister flips him off as they start to walk away again, instruments in tow.
“You gonna charge him again?”
A tiny Will Solace looks at his elders for guidance as they walk along the path. As one of the youngest in the bunch, he especially idolizes anything his half-siblings do, going along with whatever they see fit.
“No, but we’re close enough to the archery range that I might just shoot them through their hearts myself. Eros and Aphrodite themselves are pretty much begging us to,” Lee grumbles.
“Why are we doing this again?” Will babbles, and his half-sister grabs his hand to help him walk faster.
“A crazy little thing called love. You’ll understand it better someday, kid.”
Thankfully, it all starts winding down after dinner. Luke finds you leaning against a tree flipping through your clipboard during the camp sing-along, so he tugs at your elbow to get your attention.
“Wanna get out of here?”
You look at him, slotting your pen behind your ear as you notice faint glitter particles still dotted along his cheeks. As your lips pull into a small smile, you say, "I still have a few things to do after this, don't you?"
"Cleared your schedule for the night," he mumbles, and whether it's the glow of the bonfire or he's actually blushing, a teasing expression crosses your face as you step closer and cross your arms at him.
"You cleared my schedule for the night. How on earth did you do that?"
Instead of a proper reply, he grabs your hand, tugging you out to the docks near the lake.
"Don't worry about it."
He's not going to tell you that he owes Chris and Annie a few favors before the end of the month to make up for the night shift they ended up taking. Instead, you both sit cross-legged at the edge of the dock, a gentle breeze brushing at your clothes and for the first time today, you're able to just exist.
"I hate Valentine's Day," you suddenly say, looking up at the night sky, and he's watching you closely as the gentle shine of the moon casts a cool glow on your face. Luke cringes at your statement, thinking he's already thrown away his shot.
"Why's that?"
"Tell me something Luke, am I unlikable? Like, is there anything wrong with me?"
He looks at you like you've told him you’re secretly a cyclops.
“The fuck? How many times do I have to tell you that everyone thinks you’re great?"
You don't even give him a chance to finish his sentence before you blurt, "I don’t want to be great, I want to be loved!" Reeling back a little, you lean back on your hands to create some distance.
 “Sorry... that was a lot, and I’m just...wanting to be noticed. It's nice to have people's attention sometimes, you know?”
You’ve got all of mine, he thinks, realizing he never stood a chance at fighting it—this four-letter feeling you give him is the first and only battle he’ll back down from, and you're the only person he’ll wholeheartedly surrender to.
In short, he’s fucked.
"I always notice you." He pulls out a dented box of chocolates from his jacket pocket, opening it up for the both of you to share, and the look of amusement on your face makes him glad that at least one thing somewhat went to plan today, even if the chocolate truffles are a bit smushed. You’re popping one into your mouth and his dark eyes follow the trail of your fingers to your mouth, feeling his heart beat a bit faster.
But then you both hear the soft strum of a guitar from near the trees, and the two of you turn to hear some of the Apollo kids singing beautifully along the coastline.
I'll be seeing you, in all the old, familiar places...That this heart of mine embraces...
You gasp, grabbing Luke’s arm to push yourself up so that the both of you can turn and face a small group of your closest Apollo friends singing to the both of you. Luke’s eyes soften further when he feels you grab his hand and squeeze, leaning against his shoulder as you listen.
“Did you do this?” you mumble, still entranced by the performance.
“Only if it makes you laugh.”
And you do, in the way that he loves—a bit crazy and too loud, and it’s perfect.
I’ll always think of you that way…I’ll find you in the morning sun….
Whether it’s fireflies or Will bouncing light off the water to look like small, glowing candles, Luke can’t tell—he’s too busy watching your lips pull into a smile so confectionery his sweet tooth starts to ache. The little kid was never good at archery like his other half-siblings, but as your eyes shimmer under the ambient lights, you think his added romantic gesture shot you straight through the heart.
“You know, sometimes I really do hate you, Luke Castellan,” you whisper, and it couldn’t be more far from the truth.
“No, you don’t.”
His eyes flicker to you again, but you’re already looking back at him.
“I don’t.”
And when the night is new, I’ll be looking at the moon…but I’ll be seeing you…
It’s quiet now, and you’re unsure of where the Apollonian ensemble disappeared to but instead of worrying about if they’ll make it back before curfew, you stand there in front of Luke with your guard down.
Getting a little closer than he expected, your noses brush before you pull the slightly crushed wildflowers from your jean pocket, the only physical reminder you’ve kept from today, and tuck them into his jacket pocket, sitting right above his heart. 
“Thank you.”
Luke doesn’t realize he’s holding his breath until he feels your lips gently kiss the marred skin on his right cheek, the blemish having an uncanny resemblance to a stroke of lightning; it serves as a reminder of his weakness. The lines blur as his eyes close to savor it and he doesn’t know if weakness is your kisses or his scar—but he is vulnerable to it all the same, realizing there’s a crack in the otherwise perfect persona that he’s worked so hard on. When his eyes open again, his Achilles’ heel has taken human form.
“This has got to be cheating,” Clarisse grumbles as she watches from the distance, hidden behind the trees.
“It’s not cheating if I’m winning. Silena’s gonna get a kick out of this,” Lee chuckles, ushering everyone back towards the cabins. It’s a bit harder to do this in the dark as they try to be quiet and not interrupt whatever will happen next between their favorite counselors.
“Well lucky for you, your gifts are cute and romantic, what am I supposed to do? They fight enough!”
“That’s what got them into this mess in the first place. Come on, curfew’s in 10. We’ll find out which of us wins the bet soon enough,” Chris mutters, pushing them along back onto the main path.
“Easy for you to say, Rodriguez, you live with Luke!”
“Would I ever lie to you, La Rue?” he says with a mischievous grin, and the Apollo kids giggle at the irony.
“My body ages,
my anger burns into a seam.
I am so annoyed by love
and still it comes.”
-Kate Baer
ask to be added to luke/general taglists!
luke taglist (some won't let me tag, turn on my post notifs?): @kissingyourgrl @dorcas4meadowes @lorarri @andrewgarfldsgf @noodlesketchbook @10ava01 @poppysrin @ashisabitgay @timhalamet @liv1104 @leeknows-wife @mxtokko @bugcuti3 @luvvfromme @midmourn @2hiigh2cry @yuminako @niktwazny303 @lukecastellandefender @intergalactic-padawan @iliketopgun @annybah @dangelnleif @thegrinningghost @alyssajunelle @obxstiles @m00ng4z3r @visndcaitswhore @b0ok-lover @elegant-face-tree @this-barbie-is-having-breakdowns @amortencjja @idonevenknow1359 @maliaaaa @targaryenluvs @sakyira @dhdjdjjdhsjdiri @number-onekidqueen @bradynoonswife @stevenknightmarc @hoodedhavok @happy-mushrooms @homebyeleven @anotherblackreader @too-deviant @liviessun @lilacspider @theadventuresofanartist @sucker4seresin @simpforsunwoo @zanzie @starrystormwritings
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ssahotchnerr · 3 months
girl dad aaron AMUSEMENT PARK EDITION!!!!!!!
he would spend all his money at the ring toss just to get his girl the prize she wants. he would hold her hand on the swings. he would give into her begging to go on the big drop ride. he would ride in her bumper car, whispering, “c’mon. let’s bump into mommy. it’ll be funny.” he would make sure to smear her in sunscreen. he would let her wear his sunglasses. he would buy her dippin dots and funnel cakes and cotton candy. he would carry her on his shoulders. he would get wet on the water rides with her. he would guarantee they get to sit in the back or front carts (it’s only appropriate to sit in the front on some rides. other rides, it’s only appropriate to sit in the back. he would know which ride requires the back seat and which requires the front because he’s asked around because he wants his girl to have the best experience on the rollercoasters she can.) he would pack so much water to make sure everyone stays hydrated (he’s also got a fanny pack. i don’t make the rules.) he would pose for the cameras with her on the rides (silly faces, bunny ears, kissing her cheek, etc.) and he would obviously buy them and hang them on the fridge until the entire fridge is covered in them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aw aw awwww are you trying to make me cry?????? 😭💞💞💞
baby girl's his ride buddy of the day 🥹🥹🥹 it works out perfectly too. i feel like aaron's not too keen on rides - he gets nauseous easily and can only take so much 😭 whereas you're still okay - so you'll go on the more extreme rides with jack. as the two of you are doing that, aaron's on the more tame rides with baby girl, or standing on the sidelines with her in his arms, pointing out you and jack on the ride 🥰 and for the kiddie rides that don't fit an adult, jack happily goes on those with her hehe <3333 best big brother
aaron's hand is always in hers, she's in his arms, or in a stroller, just always accounted for. he's terrified she'll somehow wander away (although she knows not to) or he knows how easily someone could come swoop her up and take her far away (mosley lane 😭😭😭😭) and STOP the visual of her on his shoulders, in his sunglasses that are far too big for her, gripping onto his hair or his head as she chatters away - pointing out what she sees, what rides she wants to go on, what snacks smell yummy, or simply talking about anything <3333 sobbing
when it comes to the prizes, aaron's definitely paying way more than what that item probably cost to make, and knows it's 'lowkey' a waste of money 😭 but there's no price when it comes to baby girl's happiness, he'll do whatever it takes 🥰 the smile that forms on her face when she finally gets the plushie she wanted??? priceless and it's a memory they'll both hold onto forever - aaron takes full advantage of those type of memories 🥺
the bumper cars!!!!!!!!!!! the true highlight of the day 😭 aaron's with baby girl, you're with jack. hehe you peer over as aaron's sneakily whispering to her and eyeing the two of you👀, you know what he's scheming and tell jack the very same thing 🤭 "we gotta get dad and your sister". the laughs that erupt from both of them as they bump into each other 😭😭😭😭 it's contagious, you and aaron are equally as giddy and are loving every second of it 🥰 they even both insist on riding multiple times just to crash into each other LOL
and omg aaron's prepared and stacked for every scenario possible. extra clothes, shoes, socks are in the car (for each family member) for after the water rides. he packs dramamine, ibruprofen, bug spray. he also strategically plans out when to eat snacks or food - to prevent upset stomachs after eating and going on rides 🥴 he brings a tonnn of sunscreen and applies frequently. omg the four of you are pulled off to the side, drinking water and taking a break - you unscrew the top of a water bottle for jack, simply turn your head, and are met with aaron's hands on your face - applying sunscreen generously for you too 😭😭😭🫶🏻 he also brought hats for extra coverage - jack has a baseball cap, baby girl has a cute lil bucket hat 🥰
and AWWW the pictures 🥹🥹🥹 aaron's sure to get multiples too - one for the fridge, for baby girl's room (a pic of them on her bedside table 😭😭😭😭 especially useful when she misses him when he's gone on a case and she just wants her daddy🥺) and his office 😭<3333
as the four of you leave the amusement park when night falls, baby girl is absolutely zonked 😭 her face is smushed into aaron's neck, arms around his neck, maybe even drooling a bit, completely out. hehe so aaron veryyyy carefully places her into her carseat as to not wake her up 🥹 ugh she had the best day <333
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nochukoo97 · 6 months
new beginnings
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pairing: ceo!jungkook x figureskater!oc
warnings/summary: oc takes up a new job as a cashier, and she gets a CAT, jk is a little grumpy but he gets better, he’s also annoying by calling oc’s cat a cottonbud LOL, he calls her sweetheart, and oc has a little crushy crush on this hot neighbour, they bump into each other three times, basically they’re destined to meet each other even when they barely know each other
word count: 2.4k+ / TAGLIST OPEN
series masterlist!
“Goddamn, how many pieces of clothing do you own?” Yeji grunts as she helps to pull along two of your suitcases into her apartment’s lift.
“It’s all costumes for my competitions, my coach keeps insisting to keep them in case we need it in the future,” You internally sigh at the thought of your coach, she wasn’t bad by all means, but she constantly pushed you to your limits with countless competitions she enrolled you in. But after all, you didn’t come to Seoul and join the national team expecting a smooth and comfortable journey.
“Anyways, you’ve gotta tap the card right here,” She explains the whole crazy security system here, then passes you the access card to the apartment. One week ago you would’ve probably not expected to be in this situation, now moving in with your best friend, as well as her boyfriend who has begun to sleepover at her place more often than necessary. But right now if it meant that less money would fall out of your bank account, putting up with whatever third-wheeling you were about to go through would make it all worth it.
You pull your other two suitcases into the lift, noticing a man shuffling into the corner to make space for the two of you and your four huge suitcases. The lift door closes and there’s this deafening silence that fills the lift, with the way Yeji widens her eyes at you but says nothing, you assume it might be about the latter standing in the corner of the lift.
“What kind of signals were you trying to send me in there?” You whine when the lift door finally closes, as Yeji abandons the now-rolling-away suitcases to grab onto your hands.
“It’s rolling!” You exclaim, as she jumps slightly, your voice raising a little louder than usual in panic.
“Sorry-sorry, anyways, he’s the guy I told you about! Maybe I can set you up with him,” She wiggles her eyebrows at you, giving you the same taunting look she did when she had proposed moving into her apartment.
“No! I don’t even know that man, anyways with those looks he might already be taken,” You brush your best friend off, anyways, you didn’t want a relationship right? When Yeji had told you about the hot guy in her apartment, you had immediately brushed the idea of being set up off, since that’s exactly how you met your ex, and it definitely did not end on a good note.
“Oh, so you’re attracted to him?” She jogs in front of you to look you in the eye, seemingly much more excited at her sudden discovery than you.
“What? No I didn’t say that? I just- whatever! Open the door!”
She only smirks at your stuttering, but complies as she opens the front door to her unit, and you’re greeted with a familiar sight that you now need to get used to calling home.
People had always praised you for being dainty and sweet, always dressed up in elegant costumes during your competitions, your moves on ice had always charmed the audience with how smooth you twirled and jumped.
You would like to say that they might change their minds when they spot you in this current situation: no makeup on, eyebags peeking through, in a neon green vest as you stare at the rows of cigarettes behind the cashier.
The younger you would have never expected to end up working part time in this convenience store, but here you are.
But somehow it didn’t seem too bad, you were the only worker here, besides a sweet lady who comes and sweeps the floor every evening, and the best part: you got to control the music.
To be honest, you may have been enjoying yourself a little too much with the way you hum to the music as you drink the complimentary-one-a-day coffee your manager had given you.
“One pack of menthol,” Your sudden peace is abruptly disrupted as you whip your head around, jumping slightly as you hear the voice sound from behind you.
Oh. It’s the same man from the lift, this time he’s wearing another suit in a different colour, but this time he seems much more drained than before.
“I said-” He repeats himself again, noticing your spaced out look as you stare straight at him.
“Oh, yeah! Sorry sorry, it’s been a long day,” You quickly gather yourself, mentally cursing yourself for checking out the man in front of you so shamelessly, but he only scoffs at your little mistake.
He’s either a total dickhead or is just having a bad day. Hopefully its the latter since as much as you hate to admit it, maybe he perhaps has caught your attention.
But the same man quickly walks out of the store the moment you return his black credit card, as you’re now once alone in the store, gathering your things to finally end your shift.
It’s only a few days later where you meet your next crisis, or rather a blessing in disguise.
An innocent trip to the local fair turned into you signing adoption papers for this fluffy little furball that you absolutely could not leave. To be fair, you were mainly there to find some cute accessories to buy, but the newly put up adoption booth had caught your eye.
The moment your eyes had met the beady little eyes of the small white cat, you couldn’t say no. Even if it meant paying thrice your income from working at the convenience store, anything would be worth this cat.
But then again, your heart sank further once the lady at the counter had told you the animals put up were free to adopt, or else they would be euthanised the following day. It almost made you attempt to calculate just how much it would cost to take care of all the animals here, but in the end you had settled to just bring the cat home.
“Yeji, hypothetically how mad would you be on a scale of 1 to 10 if I brought a cat home?” You press your phone in between your shoulder and cheek as you wrap the little cat in its blanket, snuggling the animal close to your chest in hopes to provide it more warmth.
“You’re kidding me right now,” You hear her sigh at the other end, “What makes you think we can raise a cat? Let alone you working night shifts and being out at training in the day?”
She wasn’t wrong, but you’re pretty sure it’ll all be okay.
“Trust me, the lady managing the adoption booth told me cats are way more independent, we can get her an automatic feeder and I’ll need to get a litter box too, and maybe some toys and treats on the side too…”
She sighs again, “And that’ll cost a gajillion dollars, where are you going to get that from?”
“I’ll find a way, trust me,”
Truth to be told, the package deal you had got for litter and food was a little more pricey than you had anticipated, but you were confident that it would save you money in the future anyways.
Cloud, the newly named cat, of which you spent many hours deciding on a name for her, was easier to handle than expected, she often played with the little gadget toy Yeji had got her, and learnt how to use her litterbox in a day, which made you come to a conclusion that you had raised a genius.
But yet your oh-so-smart furkid may also be a little too intelligent, the absence of a certain cat in the apartment has now caused your anxiety and hysteria.
“How did she manage to escape with us not noticing again! The last time I saw her crawl through your legs but this time I swear she disappeared into thin air!” You’re on the verge of tears as you tell Yeji, who only rubs her palm up and down your back as a offering of comfort.
“But you’ve got her tagged up, your number and her name is attached to her collar, I’m sure anyone who finds her will definitely call you immediately,” She tells you, watching as you now begin to hiccup, tears forming and rolling down your cheeks.
“What if she got run down by a car? Or some psychopath who hates cats found her? Oh my poor baby, she must be missing me already,” There’s a million different scenarios that play through your head, all leading to Cloud ending up in nowhere else but cat heaven.
“She’ll be fine, calm down, my friend’s cat often runs out of the house but the cat always returns every few days, some of them prefer to go out and explore, perhaps Cloud is the same,”
You can only sigh and hope for the best.
unknown number: hey
unknown number: did you lose a cat?
You gasp to yourself when your eyes scan the new text that had appeared on your screen, someone had found her.
you: YES
you: i promise ill pay anything for you not to do anything
Your heart beats frantically in your chest watching the three dots appear and disappear over and over again. There was no way a psychopath had truly found Cloud and already decided to perform whatever possible traumatic procedure on her right?
unknown number: why would i do anything to it??
unknown number: in fact your cat is the one who had run into my apartment and marked her territory all over.
Oh. That was the last thing you had expected.
you: do you have a litter box in your house?
The three dots taunt you as they appear once and pause for a good minute, as if whoever is on the other side is pondering hard to answer your simple question.
unknown number: what kind of question is that??
unknown number: i dont own a cat, why tf would i own a litter box??
You frown at the reply, you were grateful he didn’t do anything to Cloud, but a simple no would be great.
you: just send me your address!!
you: i need to see if she’s alright, she probably is crying for me right now
unknown number: it’s sleeping peacefully under my bed right now, i dont think its upset at all.
unknown number: here’s the address: xxx
You sigh in relief when you realise it’s the unit above your apartment, which meant she couldn’t have gone too far.
you: first of all, you never know if she’s crying in her heart
you: second of all, stop calling Cloud an it!!! she has a name and she is a girl
you: third of all, im coming upstairs im in the same apartment complex
You roll your eyes when a reply comes in faster than it did before, mostly because it’s an insult to your cat:
unknown number: who names a cat cloud?? she looks more like a cotton bud, hurry and get her.
When you reach the floor above you, you’re met with a black door, no doorbell in sight. So you simply knock, sure that it had been the person that found Cloud since it was the only unit on the floor.
What you didn’t expect is to be met with the same man you saw whilst working at the convenience store. Instead he’s in a loose shirt and some shorts, hair not styled as a few pieces of bangs fall over his eyes. His presence daunts you a little, considering how darkly lit his place was, and how he towered over you.
“Oh? So we meet again,” He seems to recognise you as he steps aside, watching as you take off your bedroom slippers, which you now curse at yourself for wearing since it was pink and fluffy.
You think you hear a little laugh when he spots your slippers but you choose to believe he didn’t anyways.
“Where is my baby?” You step in now, taking in the view of his place. It’s a little larger than Yeji’s apartment, and the interior seems… lacking some colour. It’s mostly black and grey furniture, with hints of marble and some white chairs here and there, but it’s a total opposite of your apartment.
“Don’t think she cares enough to be your baby, but your baby pissed all over my balenciaga shoes and my dumbbells,” He deadpans, nodding his head to show you the dark pair of shoes that now hang at the window, you assume to dry them out.
“Your what shoes?!” You almost turn pale at the mention of the designer brand, there’s no way he might ask you to get him a new pair right?
“Forget about that, go and get Cottonbud out of my room,” He walks into the hallway, looking back once to check if you follow him.
“What did you just call her?!” You yell at him from behind as he enters a room, a bed coming into sight and a much too familiar tail that sticks out from under the bed.
“Cloud!” You’re far too busy attempting to reunite with your cat to bother hearing another reply from the man, but the moment you come closer to the swaying tail, Cloud dashes away from your grasp and hides at the very deep end from under the bed.
“Looks like someone isn’t too keen on seeing you,”
You whip around, a frown on your face as you are met with the man who smirks, almost taunting you.
“Shut up,”
“What’re you gonna do now then? The cat’s gone further under the bed, I can’t reach there either,” He has his hands on his hips, standing and waiting for your reply.
His gaze and posture makes you feel small, and not having a single clue what to do fuels this feeling in you. And perhaps add some butterflies in too and it’ll perfectly describe how you are feeling.
“I- I don’t know! I’ve never had to deal with this situation before!” You’re pacing up and down, glancing at the bed, hoping Cloud would magically pop out and leap into your arms so you can run home away from this man.
“Well I’ve got all day sweetheart, you can slowly find a way to get Cottonbud out of my house,”
“Her name is not Cottonbud!”
TAGLIST: @skzthinker @cherrysainttt @vminkookgf @lilaissa @jjeonjjk7 @armystay89 @canyon-lwt @junecat18
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itneverendshere · 1 month
guilty conscience (+18)
chapter iv
pairing: rafe cameron x female!reader
summary: when ward cameron, a renowned business man and millionaire specifically requested your services through an escort agency, you assumed it would be just another job—brief and straightforward. however, your entire world shifted when ward disclosed his true intentions and rafe cameron stumbled into your life. there were rules, and rules were meant to be followed. was money worth breaking someone’s heart?
author's note: thank you for 800 followers!!!! as a thank you here's a little spoiler: things will be warming up next chapter <3
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You’d think someone as experienced and capable as you would have Rafe Cameron eating out of the palm of your hand by now.
Everything seemed to be on track, but reality wasn’t matching up with your plans. Confidence was never an issue for you until now, but this guy was starting to feel like a pain in your ass.
For a whole week, it’s been golf, golf, and more golf. By the second day, you knew his family history and his academic background like the back of your hand. By the third day, he's introducing you to his crew, Topper and Kelce. But after that? It was like hitting a brick wall.
He was laying on the charm thick, yet somehow you feel like he's holding back. It's all sorts of confusing. You found yourself lying in bed every night, staring at the ceiling, wondering where you went wrong. Because there’s no way in hell he doesn’t find you attractive.
Any other guy would be all over you. 
So, what's his deal?
And then there’s Sofia. Not a single mention of her from him. You caught a glimpse of her name on his phone screen with some cute emoji next to it when he stepped away to take a call. It took everything in you not to hurl right there on the green. Instead, you channeled that frustration into beating Kelce at the game.
It’s why you decide to take matters into your own hands.
You aren’t supposed to meet Rafe on the field until 10 today, so what better chance to casually wander into the club's bar and finally get the lowdown on Ward's biggest threat. 
You’re tired of waiting around for men to do something right.
So, with your head held high and a determined stride, you sashay into the prestigious bar of the Island Club. The scent of perfume and alcohol hangs heavy in the air as you scan the room, searching for any sign of Sofia behind the counter. With each step, you can feel the eyes of the rich locals on you.
You stride confidently towards the counter, shoes clicking against the polished floor. As you reach the bar, you slide gracefully onto one of the high-backed stools, crossing your legs with an air of casual elegance. Leaning slightly on the counter, you immediately spot your prey, Sofia. 
You watch her, chatting away with another patron, her smile lighting up the whole damn place. She's radiant, all energy and charm. And you can't help but be surprised – Sofia is actually really pretty, prettier than what you remembered. Like, unfairly pretty.
It's not jealousy that twists in your gut as you take her in, but a pang of guilt. Here you are, tasked with ruining whatever they have, all because of some arrangement with Ward. It's not fair to her, and it's definitely not fair to Rafe. 
You can't help but feel like you’re the one getting the short end of the stick. But hey, a girl's gotta make a living somehow, and if that means playing the villain in someone else's story, then so be it. You don’t know these people, you don’t need to care.
You catch Sofia's eye as she flits about behind the bar, her movements graceful and effortless. Taking a deep breath, you lift your chin and call out, "Hey. Can I get a drink?"
Sofia's smile widens as she approaches, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "Of course," she replies, her voice soft. "What can I get for you?"
You flash her a smile, trying to push aside the guilt that tugs at your conscience. 
"Surprise me," I say, hoping to keep the conversation light and casual.
She nods, her fingers dancing across the bottles. You watch her, kind of mesmerized by the way she moves behind the counter. You could never work here, as good as you are with people, it’s not for you. 
Finally, she slides the drink over to you with a grin, and you can't help but smile back.
"Thank you." You say, taking the glass. You bring it to your lips, savoring the taste as it explodes on my tongue. It's good, really good. “What’s in it?”
She leans against the counter, “Fresh lime juice, muddled raspberries, a splash of elderflower liqueur, and a generous pour of premium vodka.”
You nod appreciatively, impressed by her skill and attention to detail. "Sounds amazing.”
Sofia tilts her head, “Are you new here? Don’t think I’ve seen you around.”
She would’ve seen you if she had taken her eyes off Rafe last week.  
"Yeah, just visiting for the Summer” you reply casually, taking another sip of your drink. "Been golfing here for a week and never actually explored. Country clubs always have that air of exclusivity, y’know?"
Sofia nods, her curiosity piqued. "They sure do," she agrees, glancing around the upscale surroundings. "You have nooo idea.”
You raise an eyebrow, feigning interest while silently assessing how much she knows, “That bad, huh?”
"This place is like a breeding ground for scandals and disgusting rich men."
"Tell me about it," You reply, rolling your eyes. "I've been here for a week, and I've already seen enough entitled assholes to last a lifetime."
Sofia nods in agreement, her expression turning wry. "You'd think all that money would buy them some manners, but nope," she says, shaking her head.
You grimace, taking another sip you nod in solidarity. "Ugh,” You mutter, feeling a surge of frustration as you remember every single slob you had to put up with in the last three years working in the escort industry. "I'm so over dealing with their inflated egos and creepy advances."
Sofia's eyes flash with mischief, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Oh, trust me, I've had my fair share of those," she confides, "Just a tip: stay away from bathroom number three.”
"Noted," You reply, shaking your head, "How bad is it?”
“Uh⎯Like, I would say…live porno bad.”
Your eyes widen in disbelief. "Seriously? That bad?" You try to stifle a laugh.
She nods solemnly, her expression deadpan. "It’s not a pretty sight," she says, her tone laced with disgust. "I've had to clean up after them more times than I can count."
You cringe at the thought, “Ew, consider me warned," I say, raising my glass in a mock toast. "Thanks for the heads up."
Sofia returns the gesture with a grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Anytime," she replies, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Just doing my civic duty."
Mid-conversation with Sofia, the door swings open, pulling your attention with it. Rafe saunters in, eyes sweeping the room and then landing on you, a flicker of surprise dancing across his face.
Bet he didn't see that one coming.
Does he make this pit stop before every time he sees you? Is it like his little ritual or something? But then again, why are you even obsessing over this?
"Hey, Rafe," she chirps, all sunshine. "What'll it be today?"
His lips curve into a barely there polite smile, but there's something in his eyes that's hard to read when they meet yours, "Just a beer, thanks." he replies, his attention drifting back to her.
Watching them together, it's impossible not to see how effortlessly Sofia carries herself around Rafe. Seriously, it's like they've been friends forever. But then, that little voice in your head starts yapping again. Are they exes, best friends, or could there be some romantic spark igniting there? It's driving you nuts, like this irritating itch you can't ignore.
You just have to get to the bottom of it.
Before you can even get your thoughts straight, Rafe pulls up a seat right beside you, his presence almost overwhelming. You can practically feel the heat emanating from him, sending a jolt through you.
"Well, well, well," he drawls, his voice dripping with charm. "Fancy running into you here."
He’s the kind of handsome that gets into your bones and you can’t shake him off. 
You force a smile, trying to appear nonchalant, “Missed me?”
There's a confident look in his eyes as if he knows exactly what he's doing. As if he's playing a game he knows he'll win. It's the kind of expression that sends a shiver down your spine, equal parts tantalizing, and teasing.
“Like you wouldn’t believe.”
You roll your eyes, unable to resist the urge to play along. With a light scoff, you reach over and playfully slap his shoulder. "Shut up.”
Despite your attempt to brush off his teasing, it’s hard to deny the warmth that spreads through you. There's something about Rafe's confident charm that never fails to elicit a reaction from you. 
He shrugs, bright blue eyes lingering on you with an intensity that sends your mind into overdrive.
How the fuck does he do that?
“Not lying.”
Before you can respond, Sofia returns with Rafe's beer, setting it down in front of him with a smile.
Honestly, you forgot she’s right there.
"Here you go," she says, eyes flickering between the two of you. "You two know each other?” 
She busies herself behind the counter, wiping down glasses with practiced ease. However, you notice a subtle change in her demeanor – a flicker of tension in her movements, a tightening of her smile. Oh, she’s most definitely jealous. And your sick, twisted mind is enjoying every minute of it. 
You exchange a quick glance with Rafe before turning back to Sofia with a shake of your head.
"Just met recently," you reply, trying to keep your tone light. 
Sofia nods, but you know that there's something more beneath the surface of her inquiry. You’ve seen in before. Her gaze lingers on Rafe for a moment longer before she resumes her task, her movements a little brisker than earlier.
You look at Rafe, noting the faint furrow of his brow as he watches her. He's picked up on her subtle shift in demeanor as well, “Told you I met her, the other night. Remember?”
“Oh. She’s the one you mentioned at dinner?”
Talk about mood swings, the girl you met minutes ago is gone. It's like someone flipped a switch, and now you’re dealing with a whole new person. And this new version? Not exactly winning any popularity contests. 
It's like she's staking her claim, making it crystal clear that Rafe's got some kind of history with her.
Mentioning dinner like she's got something to prove? Well, newsflash, you don’t care. You’re all about supporting girls, lifting each other, and all that. But if someone's gonna come at you with some shady attitude, you’re not afraid to stoop to their level or lower. You've got a mean streak when you need to use it.
You lean back, crossing your arms casually, you flash a smirk, tone laced with just the right amount of indifference. "Dinner? I'm dying for some recommendations."
Sofia's smile falters for a moment, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly before she recovers with ease. "Oh, there are plenty of places around here," she replies, her tone neutral. "Our food is pretty good as well.”
You can sense her trying to play it cool, but there's a definite edge to her words now. She's not about to let you piss her off that easily. And honestly, you can respect that. 
"Surprise me," You say, echoing your earlier request for a drink. "I'm open to anything."
Sofia nods, her lips pressed into a thin line as she turns to grab a menu from behind the counter. "I'll see what I can do," she mutters, her movements a touch more abrupt than before.
Meanwhile, Rafe shoots you a quick sidelong glance, a faint smirk playing at the corners of his lips. He's clearly enjoying the show, the bastard. But you’re not about to let him see you sweat. If anything, you’ll play this game right back at him and find out what you really want. 
You feign innocence. “What? Your ex was laying it down on me.”
He lets out a soft chuckle, shaking his head in amusement at your comment. “Sofia is not my ex," he clarifies, his tone laid-back but assertive. "We’re just good friends."
Good friends? Just friends your ass. That girl is a real problem for you. 
You recline in your seat with a playful air. "Good to know," you quip, aiming for a ‘ ‘don’t care, didn’t ask’ tone, "Wouldn’t want to get caught up in her claws."
His lips curl, "Don't be mean.”
You glance down at your perfectly manicured nails, tapping them against the countertop "Oh, don't worry, Cameron, I can be mean to you as well. No need to be upset.”
“So you’ll say no if I invite you to my party?”
Fucking finally!
"Depends on how convincing your invitation is.”
Rafe shakes his head, leaning in closer. "I'm nothing if not convincing.”
You scrunch your nose, pretending to be upset by his sudden proximity, “Hmm, not sure. You do sound kind of desperate.”
You almost drop to your knees as Rafe's foot hooks onto your stool, drawing you closer to him in a flash. His eyes hold yours as he leans in even closer, warm breath ghosting over your skin.
"Desperate?" he murmurs, "I prefer to think of it as... determined."
Well fuck. He’s got you eating out the palm of his hand. You can feel the heat radiating off him, drawing you in like a moth to a flame. God, he’s good. 
“Oh? I guess we'll just have to see how convincing you can be," you reply, your voice tinged with a hint of challenge. Your panties might be ruined by now, but you’re not going down without a fight. 
He chuckles softly, his breath warm against your cheek. “I intend to be very convincing," he murmurs, his lips tantalizingly close to yours.
You’re about to get what you want when Sofia's voice cuts through the charged atmosphere like a bucket of ice water. 
“Sorry, forgot the kitchen’s closed until one.”
You grit your teeth, struggling to keep your temper in check. Your mouth has gotten you into a lot of trouble over the course of your life, but you’ve learned to filter your thoughts before speaking. 
“Okay. Thank you.”
Sofia meets your gaze with a cool indifference, unfazed by your thinly veiled annoyance. "Sorry again.”
She’s not the least bit sorry and she’s not fooling anyone within a ten-foot mile. 
You resist the urge to roll your eyes again, opting instead to gather your things with exaggerated precision. "Well, we wouldn't want to keep you from your duties," you quip, flashing her a saccharine smile that barely conceals your irritation, “You comin, Cameron?”
"Yeah, let's head out. You coming to the party later Sof?” he asks. 
Sofia glances between the two of you, her eyes lingering on Rafe for a heartbeat longer than necessary. There's a flicker of something—hesitation, maybe regret?—before she responds.
"We'll see," she says with a noncommittal shrug, her voice steady but lacking its usual warmth. "Got a lot on my plate today."
Rafe nods, seemingly satisfied with her answer, but you can sense the underlying tension.
"Alright," he replies, "Catch you later."
With a final, fleeting glance at Sofia, you turn on your heel and head toward the exit, Rafe following closely behind. The warm breeze outside is a welcome relief from the atmosphere inside, and you take a deep breath, trying to steady your breathing. The sun is casting long shadows across the manicured greens, and the scent of freshly cut grass fills the air.
"Interesting girl, Sofia," you remark casually as you walk side by side. You can't help but notice Rafe's muscular arms flexing with each stride he takes. His polo shirt clings to his toned biceps, highlighting the definition in his muscles.
He chuckles, shaking his head slightly, long strands of blonde hair moving along. "She's something, alright."
You raise an eyebrow, probing further. "Just friends, huh?"
He glances at you, a faint smirk playing on his lips. "Jealous?"
"Hardly," you retort, though you can't help the slight edge in your voice. "Just trying to get the lay of the land."
He laughs softly, eyes crinkling at the corners, adding to the boyish charm that makes him so infectious. “‘Course you are. But yeah, we’re just friends. We've known each other for a while now.”
You file that information away, considering your next move but he stops abruptly, turning to face you. His expression shifts, becoming more serious, and more focused. It reminds you so much of his father when he was trying to drag you into this mess. 
Which he did…successfully. 
"So, you coming to the party tonight?"
You tilt your head, feigning contemplation. "Depends. What's in it for me?"
His eyes lock onto yours, and you fight the urge to brush his hair away from his forehead. "How about an unforgettable night?"
You can't help but smile at his confidence. "Bold promise, Cameron.”
He steps closer, the intensity in his gaze almost palpable. "You don’t think I keep my promises?”
You hold his gaze for a beat longer, then nod. "I'll be there."
He grins, a slow, satisfied smile that sends a shiver down your spine. "Good. I'll pick you up at eight."
“Don’t sound so eager,” you mock him, “We still have a game to play.”
He grabs his clubs from the cart, his movements fluid and confident, while you make a mental note to keep your head out of your pants. Which isn’t hard enough to do normally, but now you can see the faint sheen of sweat glistening on his sun kissed skin and it’s…tempting.
Rafe turns to you. "Ready for round one?" he asks, his smile as disarming as ever.
His hands, wrapped around the golf club, look so fucking strong. You can't help but remember how firm and confident his grip was when he helped guide your swing the other day. The memory sends a shiver down your spine. 
You wish he was ugly. It would make this a lot easier for you. 
“Ready for as many rounds as you’d like.”
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satocidal · 8 months
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𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ “Stacey’s Mom has got it going on” — Gojo Satoru
Synopsis: You can’t help eyeing your daughter’s pretty boyfriend when he’s just so sweet, and he can’t help himself either when you’re the best he would ever find.
— word count: 4.2k
— A/n: idk if this qualifies as dc (I don’t think so) but it has like, idk age gap and cheating concepts so take care
— warnings: smut!! MDNI!! Age gap (Gojo is 20 and you’re bordering late 30s); cheating; sort of asshole representative? But how else would something like this work; hair pulling; body worshipping; oral (f! Receiving); dub-con (slightly?); Satoru is a shit boyfriend to your daughter; hinted domestic abuse; mentions of scars; almost subby! Satoru? (There’s no definite concept of who’s dominant- and if satoru then a lot of soft dom); slight spitting; riding; simultaneous orgasm
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21-7, Shinjuku 3-chome, Shinjyuku, Tokyo.
He had the address memorised, down to the number of windows in your house and the exact shade of the monotonous white your husband had deemed “minimalist”.
19 he was now, you stood at an elegant 37—arriving in the vicinity at an estimated 5 years ago, your husband’s property, he’d guessed.
Gojo Satoru was 14 when he first saw you, puberty making its way into the young boy’s mind—you did none but encourage the certain downfall in the way you tapped his cheek when he offered to help you in carrying the many bags.
Over the years, Satoru saw you a lot, and also, didn’t at all.
Satoru saw you in the afternoon haze, dealing with the heat—staring obnoxiously when you took off your floral shirts, standing in front of him in those tight leggings and tank tops—but he also saw you at times that you didn’t know about.
And when he didn’t see you physically, you were present on his mind.
At least up until his 18th birthday, you knew of his presence when he would come to meet you.
What had begun as an innocent tap on his cheek for being adorable had developed into an innocent friendship on your accords, smiling wide every few months when he would zoom past your house on his cycle.
The routine was simple then, left-right-right-left, 15 minutes of a way from his house, and there he would be, at your gate—somehow always when you had grocery to carry.
The routine was simple now too, 11 p.m. he would sneak out of his dorm room, a smirk on his face as he used his infinity—making his way into your house, all so quietly, to watch your pretty face as you slept—sometimes even snickering when he caught you being fucked by your husband, snickering at that bored expression on your face, knowing just how much better he could treat you.
He’d never been inside however, general courtesy to be shown, not as a kid—never yet as an adult.
Back then you’d giggled when a 17 year old Gojo had brought his shy friend to meet you, both their cycles parked outside your house as you tended to their boyish smirks, he doubted you’d giggle knowing that the same friend, Geto, was the one he sent your pictures to when he found you sleeping.
But Satoru wasn’t dumb, he knew you’d realise at some point and so, he did what he had to.
In his head, it was all your fault too, so oblivious to everything that he had to choose the second best, your daughter.
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“I know she’s like hot and what not but you gotta let her go dude,” Suguru’s voice was a drag—partially dry from all the alcohol he’d consumed.
Satoru’s 20th birthday was approaching, a week left, the celebrations of course had to last a month.
Satoru chuckled beside his best friend—almost wasted he noted—“it’s not like I wanna fuck her or something,” he grinned, he knew wanted to, he knew he possibly couldn’t, “it’s just, I could treat her so much better you know? That stupid little house-”
Suguru smirked, “-don’t bring money into it you pervert,” his eyes bore into his best friend’s, “her daughter ain’t that bad ya know,”
Satoru snorted at that, “which is exactly why I went for her too,”
Just at that, Geto snorted too—mindlessly, shamelessly, both of them.
Slow, both their eyes panned onto Satoru’s phone, ‘my love’ the screen flashed, Suguru snorted again, “Ironic,”
With a roll of his eyes and a short smirk, he shook his head—knowing she’d only be calling because she was needy, at least that’s all he remembered her to be.
“Mmhmm baby, gonna drop by in half an hour yeah? Yeah, yeah, miss you too, bye,”
He always sounded sweet- that was what your daughter rambled about, Satoru Gojo was the sweetest guy ever, and you were glad mostly, a little jealous? You weren’t sure.
It just wasn’t something you ever had.
As Satoru got up to leave though—“you ever let your girl go though, hit me up alright?”
Satoru eyed his best friend with a grin- that was something he could do—“have our own fucked up family eh?”
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“Satoru?” You smiled, “long time honey,”
‘For you’, he thought, smiling smugly, “I keep you in well wishes all the time so, not so much Ma’am,”
You chuckled at his words—ever the gentleman he’d been, “that’s adorable, is that how you charmed my daughter too?”
His heart ached at that—only a little however, no, it was all only for you, all the charm—all for his only woman.
Thoughts flashed onto his own girlfriend, he remembered the night well—it wasn’t much, her 16th birthday, he’d just turned 17 too— he’d dropped by, getting you those medicines you’d requested a week or so ago—they were only found near his vicinity, he could only oblige.
Curiosity often killed ended up killing the cat.
He’d racked his brain, he thought of it for endless nights—he didn’t want to accept it, not so easily, not when you made it seem simple.
Each of what you’d asked him to get was a pain killer.
He’d disliked your husband before, but since after, he was sure he hated him.
That night, he’d sat outside your house with your daughter, she was smoking—he was used to it, he hated the smell.
“Aren’t you too young to be smoking?” He’d teased, exactly how he used to Suguru and Shoko—except she didn’t entertain the jokes, never had, never would.
However, before a mean retort could fall off of her lips, a crash sounded all too loud.
Not accidental, Satoru knew that.
He was quick to get up, he was no hero, but his life be sworn if he let you suffer such—a hand held him back.
“Don’t get into it,” she warned, your daughter did.
He didn’t, it wasn’t his place to.
Your husband cheated that night, as he had countlessly, your daughter found her first boyfriend—you wept that night, Satoru’s heart did too.
“Can’t lie I keep a special bank reserved for my uh…mature ladies,” a wink he passed, he made you feel young, alive.
A shake of a head you passed and a knowing laugh.
You noted his lingering gaze, the bruise on your forearm ever present, never you said a word- never him.
The silence engulfing and nauseating.
“Your uh,” his words were rough, “anniversary yeah? Round the corner isn’t it?”
You giggled, almost as if it mattered, “So he remembers? And your own, isn’t it?” A look of slight confusion masked your face, he grinned, “a week after yours, it’s my birthday though, on the same day that is, you always mess it up,”
An apologetic smile you passed this time around, “why, I’m sorry, let me make up by baking you a pie honey?”
A thin smile adorned his face—shaking his head, he ushered you back in, waiting patiently for your daughter to bounce back, to remind him of his reality.
But just as you did turn, “wait, by the way,” his eyes lay stuck upon the bruises you didn’t care to hide, “how’re things going?”
His eyes gazed upon the sheer material of your shirt, “how’s…Mr Y/l/n?”
Almost a sneer, as if, you stared, “perfectly fine, Toru—how’re things with Y/d/n?”
He stared blankly this time around—“perfectly fine Ma’am.”
“Pass me the lighter,”
Satoru stared at his best friend’s outstretched hands—your daughter’s pretty smile as she handed him hers—the same smile that had intrigued Satoru to even look at her, the only feature on her face that resembled you.
“What are your plans for the anniversary?” The words registered in Satoru’s ears—he wasn’t sure who the speaker was, he didn’t exactly care, “I could help around your house,” a mutter, as if unsure to why—but certain that he wanted to.
Cocked brows looked at him confused, “…isn’t it your 20th birthday though?”
He nodded.
“Who wastes their 20th birthday helping around random houses?” Suguru’s tone was almost annoyed, as if he knew—or could’ve guessed why.
Satoru’s girlfriend laughed, “You know he’s screwed a little right? Can’t stop him if he doesn’t want to,”
Satoru nodded again—it gutted him onto how well she bothered to know him—and yet, he perhaps didn’t even bother knowing her favourites most of the time.
“No no,” head shaking, a grimace fell onto Suguru’s face, “pretty boy here can do whatever he wants,” a knowing look they both passed—“but 20s don’t happen again, go big or go home,”
Satoru chuckled, of course he had it all planned out, “I’m going big and going home,”
Another charming smile, another wink—just something you couldn’t become a fool too.
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A slight frown rested on your lips, “You sure hon? You don’t have to waste your evening like this…”
It was almost motherly, the way you showed concern—in ways Satoru had barely experienced.
He scoffed, “Time well spent is never wasted,”
“You’re going to mow a lawn baby,” you chuckled, “y/d/n isn’t home either- you know her sleepover- I don’t see how-”
“-anything to please and help you is almost the best kind of work I could do,” you’d have smiled usually, at his words—a tiny flirt you always deemed him—laughing about it to your husband, even though he barely cared.
You didn’t care of it either, an empty marriage, so be it—hollowed from both ends, slow.
But this time, this was different.
This time you’d perhaps bask in his help—no husband to taunt by complimenting little Satoru, no daughter to tease by complimenting little Satoru.
Satoru wasn’t all so little, you realised—your daughter and husband weren’t home—just you, Satoru and his praises.
6 p.m. — 7 p.m. — 8 p.m.
Satoru didn’t remember a time to the when he’d done all so much work for his own mother- but he was content, with a pair of earphones and a creative little mind, he was intent to impress you.
It amused him, to actually how big of a lawn you actually did have—and he wondered at the almost pristine look of it if you managed it yourself.
Even if you did, he would be your helping hand now—he grinned ear to ear as he thought the countless many scenarios.
‘Desperate’ , a little voice in his head called—“my pretty good boy” your voice, the one you used in his thoughts, fought away all doubts.
But all to quick his train of thoughts paused, “you missed a spot there Toru’”
And most of the time, he’d be pissed on to anyone who dared to correct him—with you he’d nod obediently and carry on—but normally, even your normally, you didn’t step out in front of him in just a small, pretty pink towel wrapped around you.
Satoru Gojo had pretty eyes, a decent imagination too—he’d thought about you plenty of times.
Naked, spread open, on your knees, having him between your knees—many and every and any position but absolutely nothing could’ve compared to the way seeing you covered just enough—in a small towel got him hard.
Satoru Gojo had pretty eyes and for a second they were wide as saucers.
His eyes panned onto the spot you pointed at—he had indeed missed a spot—he nodded slowly.
The music rang in his ears—
Stacy's mom has got it goin' on
Stacy's mom has got it goin' on
“I’ll get to it, going for a bath?”
It shouldn’t have been that casual—him asking you your schedule such—you let it be so.
“It’s getting late, want to stay the night? And yeah—yeah, a bath,”
Stay the night.
There the offer lay and his temptation—he watched the careless way you held the towel, all so small that decency was the only thing that stopped him from staring shamelessly at your exposed thigh.
“I don’t know-”
An attempt, simply a stupid attempt to save him and you—“-I insist and what song is that?”
He stared blankly, “Stacey’s mom,”
“How I love that song,”
Of course you did- he watched you walk away as the song continued playing.
Stacy, do you remember when I mowed your lawn?
Your mom came out with just a towel on
I could tell she liked me from the way she stared
And the way she said
"You missed a spot over there"
Down the drain, his character, perhaps yours—then relationships you’d held, everything.
Another nod.
“I’m staying the night Suguru,”
An eye roll, an obnoxiously pitched questionnaire, “The fuck? It’s your damn birthday tomorrow—why did you make me get that damn cake?”
Jaw clenched, he stared at the recently mowed lawn—10:00 p.m.
It was too late.
“Better get a taste of her damn pussy if you’re staying the night fucker,”
Satoru shook his head, a smile, “Shut up, talk about her nicely,”
“I’ll talk to her nicely when your girlfriend talks to me nicely when I’m dicking her down, really got yourself a brat huh?”
The smirk was evident in his tone- Satoru wanted to feel betrayed, he couldn’t.
“You’re such a bloody fucker,” he muttered through, “Take care of her,”
“Always have—you take care of her damn mom,”
And he always had too.
10:15 p.m.
He found it simply, weird, that you were in the shower all so long—shaving?
It was your anniversary tomorrow, a loyal wife, a good wife—you’d present yourself well—he thought.
He wasn’t entirely wrong either, was he?
Foggy, your bathroom mirrors stood as you prepared yourself just right, shaven smooth—a guilty heart panged in your chest.
You watched the many scars lingered upon your body, natural, provided—all yours and you doubted it, doubted the mere fact that Satoru would even think about touching you the way you fantasised.
It was wrong—just a fortnight ago and he was the sweet boy you used to adore and having by, just a week ago he was the boyfriend of your daughter that made your relationship all the more insecure, just tonight he was growing into his age.
Head hung back, you stared at the ceiling- so wrong and so right.
Almost melancholic, your train of thoughts was, and his too as he sat by the window of your room—“Please clean these windows too,” you’d said with a smile, breasts pushed together as you held your hand in front of you—the little pink towel did nothing, you knew that.
His hard-on was obvious, you’d had that effect on guys all the time—but then, maybe it wasn’t for you, maybe he just saw the sight and it reminded him of- maybe-
“God~ fuck-!”
Your ears perked up, maybe that was a moan.
Not maybe, it was—it was all too certain a breathy moan.
And before the better judgement was to be passed, there you were, the pink towel wrapped around all the more perversely as you twisted the knob of the door—entering your room to the prettiest sight in a while that you’d seen.
Eyes all so wide, the ministrations came to an immediate halt—“Mrs- Mrs- I- shit,”
You watched him scramble about, struggling to get the pants that he’d pulled down to his ankles, back in place—pale cheeks tinted with the embarrassment he held-“I’ll leave right now,” and you knew your figure standing about, almost naked, did not help.
A giggle you passed, “Satoru, it’s fine baby, what’re you so embarrassed about?”
That, he didn’t expect, neither did you.
A low ‘huh’ dropped from his mouth,a hardened cock hanging out for you to ogle at.
“Yes I mean,” you continued, slowly moving towards him, “it’s all…natural isn’t it? You’re a big boy now too,” your voice was sweet as honey, pulling him, reeling him in.
He watched, estranged, as you swayed your hips, moving in, pulling him—pushing him and there he lay in your bed.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
“Tell me Satoru,” you whispered, nimble fingers grasping the hem that covered you—“are you all grown up? Still my big boy?”
A silent nod, your towel fell.
A smile etched across your face as you saw his mouth widen-“l-like what you see?”
A slight stutter, you were nervous too—just as him.
And it was entirely a surprise to you then, when his were the hands that grasped your hips rough—flipping the both of you over so he was on top.
Lips attached to your neck—his hands ran wild as they explored every bit of you—“So much, so so much, you’re gorgeous,”
Frenzied moans, hefty touches—it was almost as he’d been dying to touch you—and he had.
His lips moved fast—faster than his fingers, moving across every inch of you—a slight tingle you felt as wet and sloppy kisses he left across your shoulder blades, your hands tugging at the white tuft of his hair.
“So soft,” he murmured against your skin— “so fuckin pretty,” he was skillfull, almost, in the way he managed to completely disregard your needs in the moment.
Not a single brush of his fingers or crotch against your pussy—a tease.
You wanted to cry, pleasure hit you hard—and in the way he lingered seconds too long upon every scar that your husband had given you, at every bruise that you held—in the way he handled you so carefully, not as if you were fragile but as if you were his desire personified.
“Tell me, Satoru,” you snickered, at the breathy moans he let out, “how long have you waited for this,”
“Forever,” he breathed out—the crystal blue eyes finally met you then, “God forbid I just- please, please let me?” A whine he let out still, so desperate.
“Always this needy hm?”
He shook his head fast, “Only for you,”
And you knew that just there he was begging all so easily.
“Please- ple-ase,” his voice was a drag, as if afraid that he’d lose this moment all so soon, “please let me…let me touch you- feel you,”
A twinkle in your eye, “if you’re good, yeah?”
He bobbed his head at that- “on your knees for me baby,”
And that he did, so obedient, “Show me how much you’ve yearned,”
It was a dynamic, if anything—you held the control surely, and you lay naked too—sprawled out as your head rested upon the pillows steadily, his between the plush of your thighs.
An airy gasp you let out as you felt him spit upon it, “fuck you’re glistening,” he whined, “So wet from just the thought of me?”
You felt his fingers spread your folds out, he felt so cold against the warmth of your pussy, “Didn’t even need me to spit huh? But had to mark you didn’t I? Remind you that I am the one who gets you this way- has your husband ever gotten you this way huh?”
His words seemed almost feral, a growl with every word as he kept lowering his head— he focused upon your clit.
Your legs lay spread wide open for him, one his hands resting upon your thigh, rubbing soft soothing circles—while the hand finger fucked you.
His finger slipped in so easily, a groan both of you let out together, “so fucking warm I- your pussy’s pratically begging to be ruined,”
You squirmed at his words—already dumb at the way his middle and ring finger pumped inside of you,
“More please,” you moaned out, “need more,”
A smirk he held as he lowered his lips, nipping at your pussy lips, “More what Ma’am? More of what hm?”
A loud whine you let out at his word- “Fuck Toru’ not tonight, please just touch me—want you,”
Enough encouragement, in fact it was all he needed before landing his tongue flat upon your clit, swiping it back and forth upon the little nub.
“Scream my name please,” rough hands pulled at your legs—resisting you from closing your legs—“Arch your back and scream my name, let your neighbours know I’m the one in your silly fucked marriage that gets you so worked up and not that fucker,”
His words barely registered in your head—thrashing at the liable pleasure he held onto you, “Sh-it Toru’ I- right there! Yes please,”
He grinned as he looked up at your face briefly, before diving right back in, suckling at your hardened clit as his fingers prepared your cunt to be ruined by his cock.
“God I should film you being so needy for me,” another groan as his tongue lapped upon your core—“should teach em how to please the perfection you are,”
You whimpered at his words, eyes rolling back at the way he provided just the right kind of pressure- until you weren’t.
A loud whine and groan as he pulled out of your cunt, he grinned, “Want you to cum on my cock when you do — wanna feel you clamp down hard,”
You looked into his eyes, hesitant? Neither of you.
“Taste yourself,” and before you could pull away, shoved into your mouth were his two fingers as you sucked onto it—“Fuckin’ delicious,” he muttered as he pulled away the fingers too.
Needy, he wanted you needy.
Slow, he moved about, rising about and pulling you with him as he kissed your arms—“someday, I’ll leave such pretty marks on you, those are the ones you deserve,”
You bit your lips hard- he did too, as you straddled his lap—“please,” he whimpered and you giggled, “how many times do you think about this?”
All the time.
Any and everytime he was alone, just you on his cock bouncing to chase your euphoria.
You cupped his face as you stared at him, such a pretty innocent look he held—you grinned devilishly as you lined your entrance upon his tip.
"yeah. 'think about it a lot. want you to use me, please, just have me. i'm y — ohhh god, oh fuck me, y-yes please — fuck i'm yours!" his words, bound to be a mess now that you've lowered yourself to meet level with his cock.
It throbbed inside you, it looked so pretty, when you imagined sucking on it— with that curve you always felt pressing against your walls when he would be balls deep inside your pussy- just as now.
“Tell me Toru,” you but down in your lips hard, red, “how many times do you think?”
He gulped hard as he watched you move, unable to hold himself as your warmth spread all over his cock, “J-just some- sometimes, when I- I miss you, when I c-can’t get enou- oh god- can’t get enough,”
He moaned softly, head fallen aback and eyes shut close as you rode him slow, rolling your hips—it took your all to just not give in and fuck yourself dunb over his cock.
“In the shower…after- after practice,”
You giggled at his words, oh how you felt like a filthy girl in the moment, “all sweaty and dirty? Think bout fuckin me in shower?”
“Yeah…” his voice lay a rasp, “think bout you when I’m alone,”
Your words, actions—he was dizzy with pleasure, legs squirming beneath you—toes curling in pleasure and hips stuttering as he reeled in for more.
“Think of you when I fuck your daughter too,” and just at that he thrusted harshly into you, gripping your hips as he moved you fast—“you’re too slow,” he grunted.
A low moan escaped you at his words—him too.
You didn’t care.
"d-you think of me too, when- when you can’t touch it? When it- it d-doesn’t feel right?" his question almost sounded innocent, eager to hear your response.
"Course’ i do. think about my pretty boy all the time. i miss this cock so bad sometimes, 'can't get off the same with any of my toys."
He groaned at that—you could feel him twitching inside you.
11:55 p.m.
You weren’t sure when or how you lost all that time- it didn’t matter.
It was your anniversary in 5 minutes and his birthday.
Your hands grabbed his face and pulled him close—your boobs thrusted into his face, “cum with me ok? Hold on just a pretty while yeah?”
Your words were a lullaby to him, he nodded mindlessly, attaching his lips onto your nipples, swiping his tongue over your nipples.
Your soaking cunt engulfed his cock as you bounced upon it, head hung back as you chased your high—his hands kneaded your skin—one pinching your nipples while the other massaged your ass.
If you could, you’d have seen the adoration in his eyes as you fucked your self onto him—breathy moans and shy grunts, the smell of your sex wafted through the air.
Just another minute.
“S-So good to me-” He stutters, nails latching onto your skin to bounce you more aggressively on his cock as his flustered state slowly dissipates.
So close, both of you—a babbling mess underneath you,Satoru was purely pussy drunk—and just like that, the clock strung 12:00 a.m.
You both drew each other’s orgasm.
You stay there on top of him for a second, panting and heaving you both lay—nuzzling as his fingers drew circles on the small of your back.
Circles, you weren’t aware, those circles were actually his name crafted carefully upon your skin for he knew you were finally his.
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“You good?”
A slight smile on your face as you asked him, he lay beside you in your bed—“Happy Birthday Toru,”
“Best birthday I’ve had,”
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All of this work is entirely original and my own—please refrain from copying or reposting.
Likes and Reblogs highly appreciated!
— Taglist: @illogicallyx @rizzmin @immurrsed @bbytamaki @abitoldschool
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wosowritinnnggs11 · 3 months
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Wanting you.
Caitlin foord x reader oneshot
Tags: cunnilingus, switch dynamics, mostly very very vanilla, rivals?
Note: Gotta put my money where my mouth is and contribute to the Caitlin content. Barely proofread this, just wanted to get something out but enjoyyyyy.
Your relationship with arsenals left winger was complicated.
You were somehow Foord's WSL rival and National team-mate. You knew eachothers strengths, weaknesses and how to anticipate the others every move, only leading to more and more physical altercations, with each of you wanting to one up the other. What made your relationship more intense was what happened off the pitch. When it was just you two behind a closed door, wanting nothing more than to relive the obvious tension that hung in the air after every tackle, hand graze and whatever excuse you made that day to feel her against you. You knew her body like the back of your hand, memorizing every single mark along her skin and she knew exactly how to leave you nothing but an incoherent mess beneath her.
But you didn't do commitment. And Caitlin didn't either.
Thats what worked so well. Thats what softened the sting of a dead line for weeks or even months on end as you both got "caught up" in work and whichever girl you chose to fill the void. But it's also what lit that flame when one of you finally broke and the other stared at the familiar "You up?" text.
You couldn't deny how much you loved the chase, especially during international break. Watching as Caitlin purposefully diverted her gaze from yours all day only to show up, leaning against your door frame that very night, eyes filled with nothing but pure need.
This time however, you had been the one to show up completley unannounced to her hotel room. You had initially waited for her to make the first move. Break the stalemate. But it had been months and the more you watched her stories out partying, drinking, dancing with and on her team mates, you could feel yourself getting more and more irrational.
She answered the door, in her usual lounge clothes but still very much awake. You knew she always was. The same way you conveniently left your phone off do not disturb, the familliar buzz of want often waking you up in the middle of the night.
"What are you-"
You placed both your hands against the sides of her neck, claiming her mouth with an embarrassing desperation that would have made you cringe had she not immediately reciprocated.
She gladly let you cut her off, her shoulders relaxing as she melted into the kiss. Caitlin moved a hand around your waist and to your back, pulling you further towards her inside the room and closing the door behind you. Locking it. Your skin felt alight wth every graze of her fingers and before you could realise her true intentions, she had you pressed up against the door, completely overpowering you in every way. You scanned her face, so close to your own. Her dark eyes which nailed you into place, her dark brows which were lowered as she took you in and her showered, curly hair that fell so delicately against her neck. When she leant into you again, it was much slower than your initiation. Every move of her tongue, dripping with unmatched desire as she explored your mouth. The soft moans she coaxed out of you had her smiling lazily against you which only made you weaker. If you weren't losing balance before, the way her hands trailed underneath your shirt and up your spine so pain stakingly slow as she continued to dominate your mouth had you on the edge of collapsing. Noticing this, she simply pryed one of your legs open, supporting your weight with her knee and you could only whimper in response. The feeling of her leg against your core left you practically throbbing with need and without even thinking, you began grinding down against her.
After letting out a soft chuckle, Caitlin moved her hands down from where they caressed your skin to rest against your waist, guiding your movements. Knowingly tensing her muscles, you kept working yourself against her thigh, every last bit of friction only leaving you aching for more as her mouth remained hot against your own, though you were barely able to kiss back. Teasingly, she nibbled against your lower lip before pulling away and trailing even softer kisses up the length of your jaw until you could hear her breath against your ear.
"Thought you said last week was the last time." She questioned, her cockiness exuding off her words.
"Shut up." You managed to breathe out, laboured as you continued to lose yourself on her. Slowly she trailed bites down the side of your neck, making you keen as she used her tongue to sooth the pain.
"Always so aggressive..." she lulled against your neck, breath hot.
"I can think of a better use for that mouth."
You smiled at her words before pushing both of you off the door and, leading her further and further back into the room until you reached the bed. You pushed her down onto it, sending her back onto her elbows where she stared up into your eyes, a mixture of suprise and lust. She lifted a questioning eyebrow at your assumed dominance but before she could make any further remarks, you crawled on top of her, capturing her lips in another ever heated kiss. Caitlin sunk further back into the bed, letting you explore every corner of her mouth as your body pressed deeper into every curve of hers. She attempted to run her hands across your body but you captured them swiftly and pinned them over her head, doubling your efforts in order to keep her from trying again. Your thighs straddled the sides of her legs, taking control of her mouth as your hands trailed up to tug at her shirt.
"Off." You mumbled against her lips. Not used to you being this pushy, she lifted her eyebrows again but granted that you were obliging to her request, submitted to your demand and sat up to remove it. The sight of her toned body, even in the warm dim of the bedside light, was something you would never get enough of. You let your eyes wander across her muscular arms now fully exposed, the crook of her collarbones and down to her stomach where her abs were practically chiselled out. When you met her eyes again, she bit her lower lip with a smirk at your attentions.
"Missed me that much?" Her accent heavy as she spoke.
"Yes..." you spoke lowly, helping her take her bra off, throwing it across the room and laying her back down on the bed flat.
"But I miss how you taste even more." The soft, shaky breath she let out in response told you all you needed to know. It was rare that you got to look down at Caitlin like this, fully exposed and splayed out just for you, but God, those few times she let you were worth it. You began to shift yourself down her body, her eyes watching you intently as you left soft kisses along her collarbones and down to the swell of her breasts, using your tongue to teasingly circle her nipple and taking one in to your mouth. The low moan she let out was music to your ears, but you continue down instead. As you made your way across her abs, you ran your hands up and down the length of her toned thighs, keeping your gaze set on her half lidded eyes and the feeling of her muscles tensing underneath you.
You played with the waistband of her sweats for a bit before helping her pull them off. Caitlin let out another shaky breath as you hooked your fingers around her boxers and slowly pulled them down, leaving her fully bare. As you continued down her body, you pressed open mouth kisses down her lower stomach until you reached her heat, moving your lips around to her inner thighs rather than where she was clearly ready for you.
"Fucking tease." She smirked down at you, grin on full display as you smiled back up at her.
"You love it." Your words mumbled against the warmth of her leg.
Without warning, you slowly ran your tongue to trace from her entrance right up her folds, feeling as she dripped down your mouth, already wet from your prior teasing. She let out a soft shaky breath as you did so and you silently admired the way her chest slowly rose and fell with every small attention from your tongue.
When your mouth finally came into contact with her clit, she practically jolted her hips up in response, still sensitive.
"Shit..." Caitlin's hand drew across her eyes, baring her neck as you moved your tongue in gradual circles. You began to alternate between softly sucking at her clit and running your tongue along her folds until you reached her entrance, revelling in the way she seemed to only get wetter. You felt as her hand travelled back further to grip your hair, forcing your head gently back up to her. "Eyes on me baby." She spoke lowly and when you did, she hummed quitely in approval. You kept your eyes on hers, watching as they dilated, growing with desire and lust with every second that went on. The room became nothing but an echo chamber of the muffled groans and soft moans she tried to supress. As much as you wanted to please her you couldn't deny how much of this was for your own pleasure. The way her hands trembled in your hair. The flex of her abs as you drew up to her clit again. The way her jaw fell slack as you slid 2 fingers into her, mouth still preoccupied.
You began slowly pumping into her, feeling as she clenched so tightly around you. When you hit her g spot, you curled your fingers inside of her, and the guttural keen she let out was intoxicating. Her hands were gentle and encouraging at first, running through your hair repeatedly and keeping your mouth close to where she needed it most but as your attentions sped up, she too lost herself in how you felt, causing you to keep a hand against her lower stomach to keep her in place. Noticing the slight shake of her legs, you could tell she was getting closer, moving up from where you lapped at her folds to focus on working up her clit again.
"Fuck, atta girl." Her grip in your hair hardened and that act of possession mixed with her praise cause you to let out your own moan against her heat, sending vibrations through her and only causing her to grind down against you harder.
You tried your best to focus on getting her there but between the whimpers that slipped from her mouth, the way her thighs tightened against you and the way her lips parted in pure ecstasy, you started to notice more and more the growing ache building inside you. As she ground down on you, you could feel her slipping away, using a mix of your tongue as well as your relenetless pace inside her to send her over the edge, her thighs trapping you in her as she came down, her breathing slowing but still heavy. Noticing your lack of air, she quickly released her legs and let out a soft chuckle. "Sorry baby,"
Using your mouth to clean her up, you moved up to her face, smiling down at her as you brushed the hair from her face. "Worth it." You breathed before letting her taste herself on your lips. It was a sweet, intimate moment that felt heavier than anything else the happened between you two earlier. You stayed like that for a brief moment before Caitlin moved you off of her, getting up to look into her suitcase, your eyes following her every movement.
"What are you doing?" You asked, her back still turned to you.
"I think," she started. "You need to know how good you made me feel." Looking at you over her shoulder then with a slight grin.
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bettyfrommars · 9 months
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invisibleMan!eddie x fem!reader
I had a smut request from the dear @strangerfreak for invisible!eddie and reader having sex in front of a mirror as a blurb, but it's 1.8k, so, close enough. I mean, why not add Invisible Man Eddie to our list of fuckable Universal Monsters.
18+ONLY, smut, boyfriend!eddie, mechanic!eddie, use of baby as a pet name, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, sex in front of a mirror, mention of using an experimental drug. No use of y/n or she/her.
author's note: so much love to those who sent smut requests in already, and I'm always happy to receive them. The two in this lil fic are very much in love and they very quickly turned into favorites of mine. This was not proofread, be gentle.
“How long will it last?” You asked, staring into the space that you guessed was your boyfriend, but all you could see was the open door to the hallway.
When he moved, you caught glimpses of what looked like water ripples in the air, but otherwise, your eyes danced over the space, unsure of where to land.
Eddie lifted his hand up in front of his face, kind of loving the way he couldn’t see himself—it was cool as hell.  
“Only 24 hours, according to them,” he sat down on the bed next to you, and the only reason you knew that was because the mattress sank down and you could see the indentation where his butt was.  “I hope it wears off by Monday, because I don’t know if the customers at work will take to it.”
The thought made you giggle.  “Imagine wrenches and tire irons floating through the bay, seemingly unattended…”
“...an oil filter changing itself,” Eddie continued, finishing your sentence.  Now, you were both laughing, and Eddie gave a little snort.  You could feel him lean against you, could feel his calloused hand wrap around the back of your neck, and then you melted a little when he kissed the shell of your ear.
Money had been tight lately, and Eddie took the initiative to become a human guinea pig for a research facility specializing in supernatural powers.  The pay was phenomenal, but there were obviously some major risks.  He hadn’t told you he was going there after work, so you lost your mind a bit when you saw his van rolling up the road with no one behind the wheel.  
“Oh wait, baby, watch this,” you felt him get up off the bed, and then you followed the imprints of his feet that appeared in the carpet to where his service coat hung on the door.  A pack of smokes appeared in the air, and you watched in awe as a lighter lit a cigarette. It was as if you were in the presence of some animated Disney film.
Eddie inhaled and the tip glowed; you could see the smoke enter his lungs, and then puff out his nostrils when he gave another snort.  “This is wild,” he returned to his seat next to you on the bed. You could tell he was giddy with that schoolboy enthusiasm.  “I gotta get over to Steve’s later tonight and mess with him somehow.”
“I think this is the first time I’m actually grateful for your nicotine addiction,” you cupped your hand where you knew his jaw was to feel his warm flesh that your eyes kept telling you was not there.  “I can tell where your face is now.”
The cigarette bounced in the air. “Do you wanna get high and have sex with your invisible boyfriend?”
It was your idea to do it in front of the huge closet mirror, and Eddie loved you even more in that moment for suggesting it.  
It was dark, and you lit a few candles while Eddie rolled the two of you a fresh joint.  You could tell he was licking the side of it without seeing his tongue; you knew his rituals by heart.  
He took a big drag, and once you brought it to your lips, you watched his vest and shirt fly onto the bed, and then you felt two warm, rough hands come up your sides to ease your shirt off.  With your back against the bed, your legs were wide in front of the mirror, and Eddie kissed your stomach, up your chest, and along your neck, making a needy mew erupt from your throat, urging him on.  
“Yeah?” He whispered in your ear as he unhooked your bra, allowing his thumbs to graze the tender nubs of your nipples.  “Is it better when you can’t see me?”
“I hate it,” you found his mouth and kissed him deep. Your pussy thumped with an aching need as he rubbed you there over your jeans. “I miss my beautiful boy.”
“Here, gimme this,” he took the joint from you and smiled against your mouth.  “Before you drop it and burn the place down.”
You palmed him over his jeans, mouth watering at how hard he was.  “You wanna watch your cum fill me up, don’t you?”
“Oh fuck,” he breathed, and then he grabbed the back of your head and pulled you close, kissing you so that your tongues wrestled together as if they were fucking.  
You watched invisible hands pull your jeans off, and then the rest of his clothes, including his boxers, clumped to the floor, heavy with wallet and chain.  You knew his cock was bobbing in the air somewhere near, but thankfully you didn’t have to wonder for too long because his mouth was on you again.
When his two fingers sank into your hole, you whimpered and clenched around him.
“Fuck, I love you,” he murmured against your throat, and then you felt his head turn to look at what you could see in the reflection.  Even though he was situated between you and the mirror, he could see you open for him, straining around the thickness of his digits.  He could see your arousal trickling down, soaking wet to the carpet.  
You found his curved length and twisted your hand around the head.  “Let me taste your invisible cock,” you said with a hungry purr.  You were both paying attention to the mirror show as he sank a third finger in, and Eddie bucked his hips against you at the sight.
“Wait, wait,” he gasped. “Let me try something.”
Your face was in his hair and you ran a few scratches down his back, imagining him there as clear as day.
He scissored his fingers inside you to watch it spread. “God, you’re so beautiful, I can’t believe you’re mine.”
You grabbed his face for another long, hard kiss while his fingers fucked into you.  Eddie dove his cock into your grip over and over and you spit on the C-shape your hand was making to give it more slip.  
He backed off and put his forehead to yours, breathing heavy, bringing his soaked fingers out to draw lazy circles on your clit.  “I’m gonna cum like this if we’re not careful.”
“Mmmmh,” you hummed, stroking your thumb over his swollen, leaking tip.  “I think it’s time we see what this monster can do in real time.”
He couldn’t get into position fast enough.  Since you were on the floor, he yanked two pillows down off the bed to put behind your head and at your lower back.  He held your legs up by your knees, but then checked the angle in the mirror and put your leg down, asking you to move your hips slightly.
“Maybe I should be invisible next time,” you joked.
“Please baby, don’t say that,” he brushed his lips over your knee.  “I always want to be able to see you.”
From where he was, he didn’t have to turn his head too far to get a glimpse of the action, and you could see everything.  In the reflection, you watched the way he wet the head of his cock in your folds, spreading them open, making your glistening lips flutter.
If not for his hissed curses and sounds of pleasure, you would’ve thought you were having a wet dream or being made love to by a ghost.  
“So this is what it would be like to have sex with a ghost,” you mused aloud, feeling the weed hit you as Eddie sank deeper.
He grunted.  “It’s good practice, in case I die first, I’m gonna haunt the fuck out of you.”
“Impale me with that ghost cock, baby,” you wiggled your tongue at him.
And, so he did.
He buried himself to the base with a groan, followed by your whimpers that coaxed him to swivel his hips.
“Holy shit,” Eddie turned his head and marveled at the way your hole expanded and he could see inside of you.  The mix of your arousals began to foam a bit from the friction and Eddie’s hips moved faster.
You swiped your fingers over your clit, imagining Eddie’s hair hanging down his shoulders and his guitar pick necklace hitting against his chest with every thrust.  
He eased back with a huff, pacing himself.  "I’m so close,” you could hear him suck in his bottom lip.  
“Don’t stop,” you hushed with a hitch in your breath and Eddie noticed you working your clit in a certain way—-you were close too.
“Oh, shit, okay,” he continued, glancing in the mirror only once more while he set a steady pace.  
Your walls clenched and throbbed on him like a fist, making him mumble incoherently.
“I’m gonna cum so hard baby fuck—are  you watching?” his thrusts stuttered and your eyes were glued to the mirror as you witnessed his seed coat your walls and drip down your ass as he pumped it in.
“Eddie!” The sight of it sent you into orbit and your walls milked him aggressively as the orgasm rolled through you like velvet firecrackers. 
Eddie liked to watch your face when you came, but as the pleasure subsided, he turned to see what you could see.
“Fuckkk, that’s insane,” he mumbled, working his length in and out so he could watch the cum spill out and then get stuffed back in. “I’m so fucking in love with you.”
When he was done watching the show, he dropped his head to your shoulder and let himself slip out of your warm heaven.  You found his hair and brushed your fingers through it, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to pull him closer until your bodies met and he let you have his weight.  
“Baby, look,” you nudged him to notice the reflection again, and when he did, he saw you on the ground with your arms curled around nothing, like you were trying to hug the air.  “Now you can go down on me in a public place and no one would know.”
He lifted his head up, and you tried to decide where his eyes were.  “Can we try that tomorrow before this wears off?” He asked.
You leaned forward to kiss his mouth, but ended up kissing his nose.  “Meet you at a table in front of the Sbarro in the food court tomorrow at 11. I’ll be sure to wear a skirt.”
“Damn, that reminds me,” he got to his feet abruptly and you felt drips of his release land on your stomach. “I need to go over and show this to Steve.  So much to do before I lose my superpower.”
“I’ll drive, how about that?”
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