#she's just a little goober who likes being creative when she can
ask-boreal · 9 months
(( A little late for Munday and all that, but I wanted to do this little thing that Ask The Royal Absol suggested which was how would your character draw themselves? ))
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(( She'd do her best of course! And would draw herself really big in the sand, potentially finding fun things to decorate with. Shells, kelp for a ribbon, nice smooth stones for paw pads! Which I did not do here but you can imagine that haha ))
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tyrantisterror · 8 months
You Don't Remember Muncher
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Sony, as a film-making company, has reeked of desperation for at least a decade at this point. They have IPs that they know SHOULD be making them more money but they just. Can't. Get them to. And sometimes this results in them taking some big creative swings, to be completely fair - I love the Spider-Verse movies, and you don't get movies that expensive and conceptually heavy with a studio executive who's playing it safe. And I think the fact that they keep taking these big swings even when some of them end up duds like Sausage Party is commendable.
But I do think one of their big problems is this inability to understand that 1. films are a form of art and 2. what art is. They're good enough to understand that artists know what art is, which is more than a lot of studio leadership can say, and those big creative swings they take come from trusting artists to do their art thing. And even their misfires tend to have laudable stuff - Sausage Party may be an SNL gag that someone decided to stuff full of the most dated racism and bigoted jokes imaginable to get up to movie feature runtime, but the animation in it is oddly beautiful, even when depicting things that are repulsive. Like a protestant on the way to Dracula's castle, the heads at Sony seem to treat their artists with respect despite not understanding why they gave them a rosary and other primitive superstitious charms to protect them from vampires.
But when they have to make choices themselves, hoo boy, those poor bastards. They don't know what they're doing.
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So Ghostbusters is one of those valuable IPs Sony is desperate to monetize, right? They just know they can have a huge hit on their hands with Ghostbusters. It was popular in the 80's, and things that were popular in the 80's are HUGE now! Look at that Stranger Things, baby!
Now, the heads at Sony may not be able to understand art, but they try. They are at the very least good at picking apart a piece of art and sussing out what ingredients made it, like Claire Saffitz trying to recreate an oreo. For their 2016 reboot, they correctly deduced that the original Ghostbusters was 1. a comedy 2. starring at least two actors from SNL and using their star power for promotion and 3. was liked by nerds because the heroes are out-of-shape nerds rather than chiseled Rambo/Arnie types. Also it has ghosts in it, probably.
Now, the problem is, the SNL actor-led comedy was taken out into a dark alley and slowly beaten to death by Adam Sandler and his cadre of goblin men starting somewhere around the time Little Nicky was made. It gave way to the era of cringe comedies like The Hangover and Judd Apatow bromances, which were led less by SNL stars and more by actors and actresses who'd gotten their start on NBC thursday night sitcoms - a minor difference, perhaps, but notable I think. And, like, even then, by 2016, that era was also pretty much over. The cringe comedy was a dying genre. Comedy itself, at least pure comedies, was kind of losing its place in film, being supplanted by action movies with more quips than they used to have. We were three years deep into THE WHEDONING.
But being three years behind the curve has never been a problem Sony worried about. I mean, historically it should be, but they never do. So Sony tried to assemble the best Ghostbusters they could make from the ingredients they could suss out, using the closest equivalents they could make. Grab some of the actresses from Bridesmaids, and an SNL star or two if you can. Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy have a pretty good banter going on ala Bill Murray and Dan Akroyd, really put them front and center. Oh, and we sussed out another ingredient! The original Ghostbusters had Sigourney Weaver as a love interest, and she was the star of Alien, which our Sony genre determining bot claims is an action movie, so let's get a hot action star as a love interest. Chris Hemsworth! Oh, we can make him be a silly goober like we did with John Hamm in Bridesmaids! People love handsome guys being silly goobers! (in this, Sony is correct)
The result was... fine, I think, if missing a few crucial ingredients. You know the ghosts in Ghostbusters? First syllable of the title? Most of the ones in the 2016 movie are just, you know, transparent humans, maybe a bit bluer than normal, making maniacal faces. Whereas in the original:
Well, they got some fucked up freaks in the original.
A lot of fans didn't like the 2016 movie, some for stupid sexism reasons, some for "I don't see why you need to remake Ghostbusters at all really" reasons, and some for, like, just personal taste reasons. It did not provide the big box office hit Sony wanted. Their first attempt to recreate the oreo was a failure.
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So they go back to the drawing board, listening to the loudest, angriest criticism and looking to what's working outside of their influence for answers. Fans thought the 2016 movie was too different, not reverent towards the original as the perfect golden calf of Bill Murray comedies that it is. So this new reboot would be oozing with reverence. Fans didn't like the cast of ladies, so, yes, got it, scrap the lady-led ghostbusters.
Star Wars Fans loved that J.J. Abrams Star Wars reboot, The Force Awakens, for being a sequel rather than a full reboot, but also for just telling the same story they already love but slightly different. And nerds in general still fucking love that Stranger Things show - they even had an episode where the Stranger Things kids wore ghostbusters costumes! Hey, there's a million dollar idea, Stranger Things kids... as ghostbusters...
Now, the one thing they can't take from The Force Awakens is copying the tone of their original movie, because they tried copying the irreverent tone of the original Ghostbusters and fans did not like it. They need to be reverent to the original, because that's what The Force Awakens, even if showing reverence at all is antithetical to the tone of the original movie itself (which it is, because Ghostbusters is an irreverent Bill Murray comedy, like that's its whole schtick). But if they can drape this new-found reverence in 80's nostalgia, maybe, just maybe, nostalgic fans will be too dumb to notice.
And hey, they love that Stranger Things, which is a big homage to The Goonies and E.T. and Steven Spielberg-esque stories about pubescent kids going on perilous adventures where they face bad guys and learn life lessons in the process, reverent but dated in the same time period as Ghostbusters. And what an idea... Stranger Things kids... as ghostbusters...
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This was admittedly a lot of preamble to get to the actual topic: Muncher. See, in that Force Awakens style, they needed to not only bring old characters from Ghostbusters back, but also make new characters who are really just the old characters but slightly different. For example, The Force Awakens brings us BB-8, who's basically just R2-D2, but visually different enough to feel new, and maybe a little cuter. Instead of moving on treads, he moves on this big ball, which is more complicated from a puppetry aspect and thus looks a lot more impressive and just a bit more "modern" while still basically being R2-D2 again.
Such was the genesis of Muncher.
Slimer (originally called Onionhead by the production staff and John Belushi's Ghost by Bill Murray) wasn't intended to be the franchise mascot, in part because Ghostbusters was never meant to be a franchise. He was a one off ghost who's iconic design and role as the first ghost to be busted made him a fan favorite, and eventually became, like, the ghostbusters' dog in the cartoon series. We love that for him, but the fact remains that Slimer's success was accidental.
Muncher, by contrast, was an attempt to recreate Slimer. But different! He's a gross gluttonous monster, because that's what Slimer is, but there's a lot less focus on wet goo when he eats and more solid chunks. See, it's different? And you know what's popular now thanks to, like, a cracked article or something? Tardigrades! They're these cool little microscopic things that everyone's making into monster designs now, they're even on a Star Trek! Why, if we made Slimer 2 - err, that is, Muncher have some tardigrade elements, he'd look weird and, like, modern - but not too modern! Like Slimer, but different!
Before Ghostbusters: Afterlife came out, there was a LOT of Muncher merchandise. A lot. Which makes sense, Slimer had so much goddamn merch in the heyday of the original Ghostbusters. There was fucking Slimer toothpaste. Toothpaste! From Slimer's teats!
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It looked identical to Slimer bubblegum.
But, for whatever reason, Muncher did not connect like Slimer did, and so Sony did a last minute trend-chasing pivot and tried to focus on the new hotness: cute baby versions of characters who were old and not cute in the original movie.
I don't know if this scene was planned to be in the movie before The Mandalorian was a big success, or if it was a hasty addition to it, but it doesn't matter, because what does matter is the late marketing shift to focus on these little fuckers, and giving them lots of toys. They're already in the marketing for the sequel, where Muncher is nowhere to be found.
Because you don't remember Muncher, do you?
Muncher didn't connect. They took a swing with Muncher and they fucking whiffed. They made a shitload of Muncher toys and all those little blue fuckers ended up clearanced to Hell. Muncher is a failure, a loser.
You don't remember Muncher.
And you never will.
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minban · 10 days
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NAME: red
PRONOUNS: he/she/they
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: i don't mind whether it's discord or tumblr ims because either way i'm going to be terrible at responding askjfhalkfjsha so sorry to everyone who i've ever talked to ooc, you will continue to receive slow responses from me.
NAME OF MUSE(s): i'm not going to list them all but the most active ones are jing yuan, kaveh, and boothill. of course, you're always free to ask for any muse on my roster regardless if you have seen me rping them on the dash or not.
BEST EXPERIENCE: coming back to the rpc. i didn't think that i would miss it as much as i did. the moment i was able to write again and form dynamics with other writers was wonderful, and i do not think that i will be leaving the rpc anytime soon. my activity may be slow but y'all can be sure that i love being here and interacting with other muns again.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: asking me for a starter, not interacting with that starter, and then asking for another starter. this goes for asks too with repeated instances of not interacting with what i have written you. the interaction could either be on the post or in the dms. i understand that everyone has a life outside of the rpc so if this occurs occasionally then i get it. but repeated instances is grounds for hardblocking. i spend a lot of time writing even a simple paragraph, and for that to be ignored is hurtful.
i love out of character posts. i love reading what my mutuals are up to and any silly little thoughts that they have. however, if you're treating your blog as a personal blog without any signs of in character posts, then i might end up unfollowing you. i wouldn't say this is a pet peeve because i'm glad with however people are enjoying their experiences here, but this can be a dealbreaker when i'm mainly here to write.
MUSE PREFERENCES: i think i have a pretty broad spectrum of muses that i write. there are some patterns however, those being tragic blond haired men, depressing backstories, and silly little goobers. i enjoy characters who put on a silly facade while their past and lives haunt them, i love characters who smile while their lives crumble beneath their feet. jing yuan, boothill, and kaveh are all perfect examples of these themes and i find them absolutely fascinating to explore through interactions with other muns. when you dig deeper than just the surface, you find that they are not just smiles and jokes, and i eat that up.
PLOTS OR MEMES: i enjoy plotting immensely, and i enjoy sending in memes and being sent memes in return. honestly, i love the interactions and writings that come with rping as a whole. i do not think i have a preference so long as i get to enjoy what my muses are up to. i love throwing ideas back and forth with my fellow muns, and i love the occasional moments where i will take a meme and go crazy with replying to it.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: short replies are wonderful, fantastic, amazing, and you will see me continuously writing more than i thought i would asjfkasklfjsha. i don't have a preference for either, and i will always do my best to match my partner's length. i will say that threads with a shorter length will be replied to much faster.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: at night, or on my phone during the busiest hours of work. i don't know what it is where my brain likes to kickstart my writing mode during the most convenient times. i don't have a say in when my brain switches on creative mode either, which is why my activity is always abysmal, both ic and ooc.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): yes and no. it depends on what muses we're talking about including what aspects in particular. i can relate to kaveh in how he feels like the standards placed onto him are a shackle, and i can relate to his depression, his kindness, and his self deprecating tendencies. but i am not a people person, i will not go out of my way for everyone who crosses my path, i will not go above my means for the sake of others. kaveh has very little self preservation, whereas i have a lot. we can also talk about jing yuan in how he wishes for a simple life, sleeping the hours of the days away in bed, but i am no politician. a can relate to my muses only on some of their aspects. (noe archiviste this does not apply to you. the only difference between me and noe is that i am not a vampire.)
tagged by @aguilareye thank you 💞 tagging @furiaei, @yeonban, @venstm, @halovien, and you !
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dire-kumori · 1 year
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Hmm... Good question XD. You know I am proud of my stories, but I have a hard time picking out individual lines I like best. But here are a few I like from Ever After (since that's the one I'm actively working on):
"The door slammed with the finality of a coffin lid."
(Maybe it's a touch cheesy, but I'm still happy with it.)
"Fredbear’s accusing black eyes bore into him from across the mattress, seeing straight through the lie he'd never voiced."
(This line didn't quite want to work at first and I was so happy when I finally felt like I got it right.)
“EVAN!” Elizabeth screeched, wiping the sand from her face and hair. “YOU GOOBER!”
(I just really had fun writing Ev and Liz being happy, goofy kids and I can actually hear Elizabeth's little girl scream every time I reread that line.)
(I sent this to my friend with limited context. He told me it made him giggle. It still makes me giggle.)
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
I dunno if I have any 'wild' headcanons. I mean the FNAF fandom is pretty much held together by the popsicle sticks and glue that are crazy headcanons. Mine seem pretty tame by comparison.
A headcanon I do have that I haven't really done much with is that Mike actually has a different mother than the twins (and yeah, I do headcanon Ev and Liz as twins). In my version of events, Will had a drunken one night stand with Mike's mom when he was either still engaged to or newly married to Evan's and Elizabeth's mom. It did cause some tension, but ultimately Will managed to convince his wife to stay with him. However, she made it 100% clear from the get go that she wasn't interested in raising another woman's child. Will said that he was okay with that, but he had the presumptuous idea that she would change her mind because Michael is his son, his DNA, and she loves him so how could she not love his offspring as well? They fought about this expectation a lot and eventually the tension boiled over. William blamed Michael for the marriage dissolving, but since Michael grew up thinking that Will's wife was his mom, he never realized the true reason. Growing up, Michael assumed she left because of his bad behavior as a kid.
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
You know what's funny is when I got that first comment from Kats on my fic, I'd already read and loved By Cain's Own Hand, and I had a mini freak out that Kats liked MY writing. Pretty much everything Kats writes breaks my heart in the best possible way.
Who's written some incredible fics based off of Kats' Silent Protector AU and my Paradoxical Reaper AU. I really love how they adopted those ideas and made them their own!
Okay, so they aren't fanfics, but Honey has written some REALLY cool ideas for the Lonely Children AU which I love to read over and again! I especially love this short snapshot they've written in their reblog of the Lonely Children thread.
I'm still vibrating with excitement over those short WIPs you tagged me in and I'll probably pass out from excitement when you post the final product!
I've had a lot of fun coming over to the FNAF fandom. In a short amount of time I've met a lot of really creative and cool people, including a few I haven't mentioned here.
And now for some non-FNAF fic:
My friend Rosi who I met in another fandom. Even though I'm not so active in the BNHA fandom anymore, I still have a soft spot for the crack ship Rosi and I came up with together and the fics they've written for that fic. Rosi does a lot of short and sweet fics and if you're into Ensemble Stars!, Critical Role, or Persona 4, I'd recommend you find them on AO3 (roserosa).
As for some of my favorite fics (not counting those written by the authors above):
Forever A Lost Boy At Last
at least we're together this time!
Dissatisfaction Brought it Back
Friends, Family, and Frights!
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Postcards from Snagglepuss (Minnesota State Fair edition)
Of frappe brain freezes and home baking at its finest
You probably know, beyond a doubt, that some of the best exhibits at any fair are those of homemakers submitting their best examples of baking and preserving of all sorts. As well as, in their own way, those of the 4-H generation trying their best in these areas among others.
Which brings to mind something amusing in the wake of a brain freeze (transient, mind you) caused by one of those mocha-type frappes they serve at the Minnesota Farmers Union Building at the Minnesota State Fair. So for the uninitiated, a frappe of this sort is iced coffee and chocolate whipped up into a sort of a cross between a 7-Eleven Slurpee and those F'Real shakes. Rather delectable, though at times, they can deliver brain freezes on a par with ice cream, gelato, frozen custard even ... otherwise known as the "ice cream headache!"
It was just Huckleberry Hound and yours truly cooling off with these Farmers Union Frappes when the inevitable frappe headache, you might say, came along ... which came to the bemused attention of what we like to call "the Laydeez of Hanna-Barbera." Think of them as our answer to the Disney Princesses, but with a little more sass, a little bit of 'tude, you might say--to wit:
Penelope Pitstop, more or less than the "den mother" of these Laydeez;
Daphne Blake and Velma Dinkley from the Scooby-Doo troupe;
Kitty Jo from the Cattanooga Cats;
April Stewart from The Funky Phantom;
Tina from Goober and the Ghost Chasers;
Debbie from Speed Buggy;
Representing the Clue Club, Pepper and Dottie;
Out of Jabberjaw's band, The Neptunes, Shelley and Bubbles;
The Teen Angels "themselves," viz., Brenda, Dee-Dee and Taffy;
Cindy Mae from The Buford Files;
Wendy and Rita out of The Galloping Ghost; and
Dinky Dog's co-handlers, sisters Sandy and Monica.
(For such who ask, Kitty Jo, though she be feline in nature, was given a special consideration being among these Laydeez, whose backgrounds, admittedly, came from "meddling-kids-and-dog" type scenarios.)
At any rate, these Laydeez couldn't help but be fond of sipping on coffee or frappes, depending on preference, and couldn't help but be bemused, as I said, at our having frappe-induced headaches. Which, thankfully, passed. To be followed by no less than Penelope Pitstop "herself," whose charm seemed to be on a par with Peter Potamus, leading our crew into the Creative Activities Building and, in particular, the section given over to home baking, canning and preserving.
The takeaway from all this, I have to admit, as it was explained by the Clue Club's Pepper at one point, was "one of realising that we gals really don't need to go through the ordeal of having to constantly diet, diet, diet 'just to stay looks-conscious.' Especially when it comes to the cookies, cakes, pies and sweet rolls."
And even then, for their part, Sandy and Monica couldn't help but be surprised that there was competition for home-baked dog biscuits, though, as Monica casually explained it to us, "it might make you wonder just how many of the largest size dog biscuits available you'd have to feed a dog the size of Dinky just to keep him satisfied--not to mention some water as well just to wash them down!"
"Let alone Goober when he's not pulling off that disappearing stunt!" Tina wryly added, alluding there to Goober's response to the presence of ghostly presences on missions with her crew, bound to give her compadres Ted and Gilly fits at times.
But at least once, fairgoers couldn't help but discern how utterly identical in dress Daphne and Kitty Joe were, with the inevitable selfie requests. (Though, as it should be noted, Daphne prefers stiletto-heel pumps and Kitty Jo go-go boots.)
Close by, a modest little sales area for chintzy kitchen gadgets as much as gourmand-type specialities ... and as if the Southern-style soup mixes weren't enticing enough for those Laydeez (enough so as to cause a run on several varieties, many such wanting to seriously stock up), lefse--a Norwegian potato flatbread, know--also attracted the Laydeez' curiosity. Hopefully, we may expect to hear in due time how the lefse came out among the Laydeez of Hanna-Barbera.
(Oh, and we--that's Huckleberry Hound and yours truly--made sure to pick up some of that enticing soup mix as well. Especially for some autumnal-type afternoon at Crazy Claws' place dictating especially hearty-type soups. And let's not forget the lefse.)
@warnerbrosentertainment @desthpicable-thuccotash-blog @theweekenddigest @indigo-corvus @stuffaboutminnesota @archive-archives @themineralyoucrave @thylordshipofbutts @princessgalaxy505 @thebigdingle @screamingtoosoftly @warnerbros-blog1 @a-gang-of-silly-bananas @jellystone-enjoyer @groovybribri @warnerbrosent-blog
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EllieDina Week - Day 7: Infinite.
Oh man, I can't believe that- Well, yesterday was technically the last day! But I still can't believe that the week is over. I had such a blast, getting to write something for an entire week. One thing for each day, it really brought back my motivation. And- It showed me how creative and talented the community truly is! I was introduced to so many phenomenal new artists and writers because of this event.
Rating: Teens and up.
Ellie was stood up at the front of the church in Jackson, she grimaced at the feeling of her palms sweating and she wiped them off on her pants. She had no clue why she was so nervous, perhaps it was because she wasn't religious and she was going to marry Dina in a church? That couldn't be the reason, that would be dumb. She'd be over the moon even if their wedding was held in a dumpster, as long as she got to marry the woman she loved, it didn't matter at all.
They had been unable to find Ellie a SUITable tux for the wedding, so she was wearing her best looking flannel and a pair of brand new jeans. Ellie hadn't had the chance to see Dina yet, apparently it was some kind of rule before Outbreak Day. And for some reason, everyone in Jackson was insistent on her following that to a T. Ellie had grumbled under her breath, not to pleased about having not seen Dina in over sixteen hours.
JJ had popped by when Ellie was getting dressed, she had smiled upon seeing his arrival. " Hey, Spud! What have you been up to? " She said as she scooped him up and spun him around. He giggled and squealed in excitement, though he was happy when he was set down. Ellie reached out and grabbed his shoulder to steady him. He grinned and happily shared with her what he had been doing, and where he had been. " I was visiting Mama! Aunt Maria says you aren't allowed to know how she looks. "
JJ seemed very puzzled by the entire thing, but he had excitedly spent time with Ellie until he was called out to get ready for the wedding reception, he was going to be their ring bearer. And he had been taking the job very seriously, practicing all the time leading up to the date of the wedding.
Ellie tugged at the collar of her shirt, man was it surprisingly hot for the time of year it was. She turned her attention to the center isle, watching as some of the kids excitedly rushed up, tossing flower petals as they went. Stopping to stand on their respective sides.
The kids of the town had been so excited about the news of Ellie and Dina getting married, so of course Dina and that big heart of hers couldn't say no to the children asking if they could toss the flowers. God, Ellie loved her with every fiber of her being.
Ellie's heart rate accelerated as everyone in the church pews began to stand up, her green eyes grow wide in awe and her jaw nearly drops, her throat feels raw with emotions as she takes in the sight of Dina, who is smiling brightly like the goddess that she is- Walks down the aisle, being lead by Jesse's father.
She's wearing a burgundy colored dress, with black and gold accents. Ellie had never even thought about that color combination looking so good, but seeing Dina in it convinced her. Dina was absolutely stunning, that sparkle in her brown eyes as she stops in front of Ellie says it all. " Hey. " Dina says softly.
Ellie cleared her throat and smiled at Dina. " Hey, I missed you, babe. You look- Fuck me, you look absolutely stunning. " Dina was the only one who could pull words like that out of Ellie's mind.
Dina smirked in amusement and teasingly winked at Ellie, finding absolute joy in the way her face grew flushed. " Oh, in a rush are we? We still have to get married, goober. But let's save that talk for later. "
They both grew quiet at the sound of their sons little feet, tearing up the isle with a string of giggles. The rings bouncing wildly as he comes to a halt in front of them. " Mama! Mom! I got the rings! " He announced in a delighted tone, earning a few chuckles from the congregation.
Dina laughs softly and smiles down at him. " Good job, bud! You are such a smart little guy. " She ruffled his hair, watching as he goes and stands where he was told, still beaming with pride.
The wedding commences right on time, the pastor going through the motions of what had been discussed with him. There is a mixture of Jewish traditions, like the breaking of a glass. And some things that were apparently common in a wedding back when people still had them.
Ellie crouches down slightly, taking the rings carefully from the pillow JJ was holding. She smiles as she hands Dina hers, her mind is racing and her heart is hammering heavily.
They both slip the rings on one another's finger when they were given the go-ahead, they didn't exchange any vows. Not in front of people, they didn't need to prove that they loved and cared about each other in front of everyone else. All that they had been through signified that, how far they had come.
" I now pronounce you, wife- And, uhh wife. You may now kiss the bride. " The pastor said, clearly not ever having married two women before.
Ellie chuckles softly, gently cupping Dina's cheek with her hand. She leans forward slightly, her breath tickling Dina's nose as she whispered. " Don't mind if I do. " She pressed her lips to Dina's, sharing a passionate kiss with her wife. Ellie wrapped her arms around Dina and dipped her, unable to hold back the laugh that escaped her mouth at JJ's enthusiastic clapping, his claps actually covered up the applause from all the others.
Ellie picked Dina back up, a fond smile on her lips, her arm wrapped around Dina's waist. " Y'know, I like him like this. He isn't yet disgusted by our love and affection for one another. "
Dina smiled and gently brushed her hand over Ellie's cheek, pushing a few stray strands of hair behind her ear. " Yeah, we are still lucky for now it seems. Unfortunately, he will probably grow out of that and get embarrassed of us. "
Ellie snickered to herself. " JJ is going to have a hell of a time bringing people around when he gets older, guaranteed. " She just meant that they would one hundred percent embarrass him with their love for each other when he attempts to bring a crush home with him.
Dina lightly slapped her wife's arm as JJ came rushing up to them, they both crouched down and pulled him into a tight hug. " You did so awesome, Spud! Proud of ya! " JJ beamed happily, his toothy grin brightening up their world. " Now we are a family. " He said softly, nuzzling his head against his mothers'.
《 》
The dinner and party that is held after the wedding goes on for quite some time. Everybody is laughing and singing, chatting and dancing. The music is soft, yet loud. And it reminds Ellie of the night her and Dina shared their first kiss. The same type of lights are strung up, illuminating the dance floor.
Ellie stands near the counter, her gaze almost blank as she stares straight ahead. Her mind begins to run as all the events that followed began coming to life in her mind. She dropped her head with a gasp, and placed her hands over her ears. No- She hadn't done this in a long time, this was supposed to be their new beginning, she was supposed to be making new memories.
Dina had been talking with Maria, JJ latched to her side like a little monkey. When she glanced around the room for a second, her eyes zeroed in on Ellie, hands clasped over her ears, eyes glazed over and wet with tears. She excuses herself and rushes over to Ellie's side. Gently placing a hand on her face. " Ellie, Ellie I need you to come back to me. Come back to me, El. Our son wants to dance with his mom. "
She gently brushes her fingers through Ellie's hair, whispering softly to her until she was able to pull her out of it. " El, you are home, babe. With me and JJ, we are here. We love you and you are safe. " She repeated this as long as she had to, until the light returned to Ellie's eyes and she dropped her hands slowly.
Ellie looked at Dina with guilt written all over her face. " I'm… I'm sorry, Di- I don't know what… I've been doing so good, that… Hasn't happened in months. " Dina can see that Ellie is on the verge of tears, so she gently takes hold of her hand. " Ellie, I'm not upset with you. These things- They happen sometimes. To the best of us, it doesn't mean you've undone every single ounce of work you've come through. I'm so proud of you, and I just want you to be okay. " She placed a gentle kiss to Ellie's lips.
Carefully pulling her by the hand, she leads her out of the church after saying a quick thank you and goodbye to everyone as a whole.
Ellie looked at Dina with confusion, she really had screwed things up. They were supposed to dance and enjoy the wedding party. " What are we doing? What about- "
Dina shook her head and handed JJ over to Ellie. The other woman grunts slightly from the sudden added weight. " Ellie, we can dance together as a family. "
It's hard to argue when your wife looks so excited at the thought, who cared if it wasn't in front of a crowd. Wasn't that how she preferred it, anyway?
《 》
They soon reached their humble little home, it was no farm house. But it had two stories, and was just the perfect size for their family of three.
Ellie set JJ down on his feet as soon as they stepped inside the house, the boy excitedly followed after Dina as she went to the record player and put on a record for them to dance to.
Ellie smiled faintly at Dina as she grabbed hold of JJ and started dancing with him. He was practically bouncing up and down in excitement as they grooved their way over to her. She gasped as Dina grabbed onto her hand and pulled her into a loving embrace, gently swaying to the music that didn't fit at all. JJ stood on Ellie's converse clad feet, and swayed with them. Her hands holding onto his small one's so he wouldn't fall.
The three of them danced until they couldn't dance anymore, and what that meant was they danced until it was time for JJ to go to bed.
" I'll put him down, babe. " Ellie said as she scooped up a tired JJ from on their couch, she carried him upstairs and helped him get ready for bed. " I love you, mom. " He said softly, drifting off to sleep easily, very worn out from the events of the day.
Ellie slowly walked back down the stairs, surprised to see Dina standing in the middle of their living room, gently swaying to the music and humming to herself. She smiles as she approaches Dina, and wraps her arms around her from behind. Swaying to the music with her, their bodies in sync.
A smile grows on Dina's face, and she turns around in Ellie's embrace. Bringing her own hands up and wrapping them around Ellie's shoulders, letting her head rest against her chest as they swayed to the music. Her brown eyes were filled with so much love for the girl in front of her. " I think that this- Right here, is the start to our forever. I love you, El. "
Ellie's eyes well up with tears and she laughs softly, pressing a quick kiss to the top of Dina's head. " I… I believe that you are right, this moment… And all the one's after. We are stronger together. I love you, Dina. Thanks for allowing me to prove myself, time and time again. "
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About The Mitchells vs. the Machines
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is up there as one of the best installments of the MCU. Sure, the action and CGI sucks, and the season finale could use a bit more polish, but there is so much more of what it does right. It brings up an engaging discussion through Karli; the bromance between Bucky and Sam is incredible; Zemo's surprisingly a riot, and U.S. Agent is a character whose inner psychology is something I would like to study. Plus, the series really dives deep into the themes of race and the realistic hesitance that comes with making a black man Captain America. It's easily an 8/10 series that is worth an in-depth discussion.
But f**k that s**t, because I'm talking about The Mitchells vs. the Machines instead!
I know it might be questionable that reviewing a movie starring a predominantly white family of idiots saving the world instead of the TV series about the powerful journey of a black man taking the mantle of an American icon...but this movie is fun, alright? And yes, I'm going to spoil it to explain how. So if you still have a Netflix account, I highly suggest you check it out when you have time.
Because, random people on the internet who most likely won't read this, this Ordinary Schmuck who writes stories and reviews and draws comics and cartoons is going to explain why The Mitchells vs. the Machines might just be my favorite film of the year (steep contest, I know).
The Animation: Let's get this out of the way right here and right now: If a single person ever tells you that this movie has awful animation, or the worst animation they have ever seen, just go ahead and assume that person is an idiot. Because holy hot cheese sticks, does this movie look amazing!
Say what you want about most of Sony Pictures Animation's movies, but you have to admit that they nail making a CGI movie looking like it could be in 2D. And The Mitchells vs. The Machines is the peak of that style. Every character in nearly every frame looks like they could work well if the movie was hand-drawn, and I love it. I am addicted to seeing films that look 2D with a 3D makeover because there has to be ten times the amount of effort to get that look just right, what with modeling each character in unique ways to nail that style wherein a hand-drawn film, you could just, well, draw it. Not to mention that the cell-shading and certain hand-drawn elements also add to the aesthetic.
Plus, there is so much attention to details, such as most of Katie's character model being covered in sharpie, or how you can see a hint of Eric and Deborabot 3000's drawn on faces even though their black screens are showing something else. Seriously, you can listen to any criticism this movie gets, but don't you dare let someone get away with telling you that it looks awful. It doesn't. It's incredible, and I SO wish that I could have seen it all on the big screen.
The Comedy: On top of being incredibly well-animated, this movie is also incredibly funny. Like, really funny. I shouldn't be surprised since it's made by the same people responsible for Clone High and The Lego Movie, but yeah, I found myself laughing, chuckling, and snorting with nearly every joke in the film. Not every joke works, to be fair. But because of the fast-paced humor, the bad jokes are almost immediately followed up with better ones soon after. What's even better is that the writers know when to take a break with the humor and let some surprisingly compelling drama take over. And even then, when there are jokes during the dramatic moments, they add sincerity to the scene rather than take anything away. Looking at you, The Amazing World of Gumball...I mean, I love you, but sheesh, you need to learn to let a solemn moment play out.
Anyways, the comedy is hilarious. And while I won't spoil every joke, I will go over some bits that might have gotten to me the most.
Katie Mitchell: Let's just go ahead and add Katie Mitchell to the list of characters I highly relate to on a personal level (which is getting longer by the minute, hot damn). But jokes aside, I really like Katie. Her love and desire to make movies is something I identify with, and her goal to just go to a place where she feels like she belongs is easy to understand. Trust me, if I found out there was a group of weirdos who like the same things I do and enjoy the things I make, I’d be willing to pack everything I have and go to them as fast as possible too. Plus, I feel like a lot of us can relate to a character who lives in a household where people question if our career goal is something we can make a living with. I remember two years ago when I told my aunt that I wanted to make my own animated series, and her reaction is a little too similar to Rick's when Katie showed him her movie. They mean well, but sometimes it's for the best to have a cheerleader rather than a critic, especially if that person is family.
Now, Katie isn't perfect as her enthusiasm can get a little annoying at times, and her desire to leave can be conceived as a little too harsh as well. Still, she's pretty cool and serves her role as a protagonist pretty well...also, if the movie gets a sequel, let's hope she and Jude become cannon by then. GIVE KATIE A GIRLFRIEND, DAMN IT!
Aaron Mitchell: But as great as Katie is, it's this goober that earns the reward for my favorite character. At times it looks like Aaron is nothing more than a source of comedy, but he handles some dramatic moments really well. Partial credit goes to Michael Rianda for that one. Yeah, having a child actor would have made Aaron sound more like a kid, but no other voice could have fit him better than what Michael offers as he comes across as weird but never obnoxious.
Also, let's give the writer points for making a character who is clearly neurodivergent. Yet also refraining from having him be annoying or useless to the rest of the cast. No one ever really disrespects or belittles Aaron and instead chooses to work with him rather than against him. Especially Katie, who forms a solid sibling bond with Aaron as a fellow weirdo. It's genuinely sweet to see, and I loved every minute that the writers showed that just because someone acts on a different wavelength doesn't mean they shouldn't be treated any less because of it. You get that with Katie, a little bit, but I see it much more with Aaron, for some reason. And I love him every minute, so that’s a win.
(Plus, I may or may not have had a dinosaur phase when I was younger, so go ahead and add him to the list of relatable characters too.)
Rick Mitchell: This is probably a character you will either love or hate, and I can see both sides of that argument. Because on the one hand, I really like Rick Mitchell. His motivation is clear and understandable from the first set of home videos with him and Katie, both near the beginning and the end. Sure, he messes up a lot, but he is still a man who cares deeply about his daughter, as well as his entire family. He gets to the point where he would make great sacrifices for all of them, especially Katie. Plus, it's just pleasant seeing a cartoon dad who isn't a complete idiot or overprotective regarding his daughter's love life.
However, there are times when Rick comes across as an irresponsible d**k. When he does things like smash the family's phones without telling them or giving them screwdrivers for "presents," you're either gonna find that funny or you won't. Personally, I enjoy Rick and his antics, and I have no problem with irresponsible cartoon dads. As long as they don't cross the line toward Modern-Peter Griffin territory, I've got no problem with dads like Rick, who I believe has never even got that bad. Still, some people might think differently, and I can't blame them. Because after getting great cartoon dads like Greg Universe, I can understand if some people won't be interested in characters like Rick Mitchell.
Rick’s and Katie’s relationship: Alongside the top-notch animation and gut-busting comedy, Rick and Katie's relationship is what I consider the movie's most essential asset. These two are the main characters of the film, and as such, they develop through each other. And what's crazy is that they have very conflicting goals. Katie wants to escape and be with her people, where Rich just wants one last chance to have a good memory with Katie before she leaves. To do so, they first have to understand each other. Katie has to learn why Rick is so desperate to spend time with her, and Rick has to realize why Katie is, well, Katie. What I love most about it is that they try. These two don't spend the entire movie arguing and being at each other's throats until a sudden "Oh" moment in the end. No, there are actual moments when they genuinely try to understand one another and fix their relationship. It's nice to watch, and I especially love when it cuts to Linda and Aaron celebrating each time Katie and Rick get closer to each other. When recommending this movie, I'd say come for the animation and comedy, stay for the phenomenal relationship building.
Monchi: There are probably people already comparing Monchi to Mater or the Minions due to being a comic relief with nothing else to add...but gosh dangit, do I love this little gentleman. Maybe it's because I'm a dog person, but I find Monchie to be incredibly adorable, and I will fight anybody who disrespects this king of kings. Probably not physically, 'cause I'm a wuss, but I will verbally. So WATCH IT!
“HeLlO. i Am DoG.”: Have I mentioned that this movie is funny?
Rick’s videotapes of him and Katie: And right there. Rick's motivation for everything is set in stone through a solid case of visual storytelling.
PAL: The writers do almost everything they should have with this character. PAL might not have the most creative evil plan in the world, but to me, a villain can have a generic scheme as long as they're funny. Thankfully, PAL is funny. Not only is the idea of a smartphone ruling the planet hilarious in all the right ways, but Olivia Colman delivers such a great cynical energy that the character needs. The way PAL reacts to people explaining why humans are worth living is just the best, and her flopping around in a fit of rage successfully gets to me.
If I had to nitpick, I'd say that I wish PAL had more of a meaningful resolution to her character. The movie builds up that she makes a big deal about Mark dropping her, so it feels weird that neither of them really get any actual closure with each other. I'll get more into that in the dislikes, but I wish PAL had more of a fitting end than just dying after accidentally getting dropped in a glass of water. Other than that, she's a great comedic villain for a comedic movie.
PAL MAX Robots: These guys are the funniest characters in the movie. Half of it is the bits of visual humor, while the other half comes from the solid line delivery from Beck Bennett. Especially with Bennett's and Fred Armisen's Eric and Deborahbot 3000. These two are definitely the comedic highlights, as nearly every line they say is both hilarious and kind of adorable at times. And just like with Monchi, if you dare disrespect these characters, I will fight you. Because they are funny, and I will not hear otherwise.
PAL demonstrating what it’s like to be a phone: Have I mentioned that this movie is funny?
(Don't disrespect your phones, kids. Otherwise, they'll try to take over the world.)
PAL turning off the Wi-Fi: Again, have I mentioned this movie is funny?
“I love the dog. You love the dog. We all love the dog. But at some point, you’re gonna have to eat the dog.”: It's the sick jokes that get to me the most. Everyone booing Rick afterward is just the cherry on top.
Attack of the Furbies: Have I. Mentioned. That this movie. Is funny?
Seriously, if you haven't lost your s**t during every second of this scene, then you never had to deal with the demonic entity that is a Furby. In a way, I commend you. But you also don't get to appreciate the comedic genius of all of this. So I also weirdly feel bad for you.
The Mitchells deciding how to celebrate: You don't have a real family if you spend more time arguing about how to celebrate after saving the world than you do about how to save the world. I don't make the rules. I just abide by them.
The PAL MAX Primes: There's not much to say about them. The PAL MAX primes look and act pretty cool, are brilliantly animated, and raise the stakes while still being funny at times. I love 'em, but I don't have much to analyze with them either.
The origin of the moose: ...I'd make the "I didn't need my heart anyway" joke, but to be honest, it's still shattered after WandaVision.
(For real, though, this is a really effective scene that establishes why Rick makes a big deal with the moose and why he might feel hurt that Katie is willing to disregard it completely)
The Theme of Technology and Social Media: There's a theme about how family is important, and working hard on making things work is worth the effort. But that's a bit too generic for my tastes, so instead, I'm gonna talk about the equally important message this movie has about technology. Because as twisted as she is, PAL makes a great point. The technology we have today helps us in a variety of ways. It's especially useful with sites like YouTube, allowing content creators like Katie to reach out and share their voices. The only issue with technology is how people use it. Take note that the main reason why the Mitchells stand a chance against PAL is by using her own tech against her. Yes, over-relying on all the advancements around us can be dangerous, but if we're smart with how we use them, we can get by just fine. This movie isn't about purging all technology like most robot apocalypse stories are. Instead, it's about using it correctly and not being helpless sheep the second the Wi-Fi gets turned off. Which might just be the most unique thing this movie has going for it story-wise (more on that later).
The Climax: The Mitchells vs. The Machines has everything that I think I climax should have. First off, it utilizes callbacks and jokes that I wouldn't have thought twice on actually coming in handy for how the Mitchells win the day. But showing that Monchi causes the robots to malfunction turns a pretty "eh" joke into a solid case of foreshadowing.
Second, everyone does something. Some characters do more than others, sure, but the fact that every Mitchell, even Monchi, has a hand in beating PAL and her robots is a great sense of writing to me. It shows that you really can't cut anyone from the main cast, as they each add value to how they are essential to the plot. Even Aaron, who arguably does the least in the climax, still manages to be the catalyst to what is easily the best scene in the movie. Speaking of which...
Linda Kicks Ass: By the way, that's the actual name on the soundtrack. I'm not even kidding. Check it.
Anyways, for the most part, Linda seemed like a decent cartoon mom. She's insanely supportive but still has the common sense to keep her foot down, like agreeing with Rick to stay safe in the dino stop the second the apocalypse starts. A pretty fun character, for sure, but nothing too noteworthy...but the second she loses her s**t, Linda Mitchell frickin' SKYROCKETS to the best-cartoon-mom territory! Believe me when I tell you that seeing her slice and dice robots like a middle-aged female Samurai Jack is as awesome as it is hilarious. Does it make sense how she can suddenly do this? No, but at the same time, who gives a s**t about common sense?! Because this moment was epic, and I don't think I'll ever get tired of watching it over and over again.
Rick Learning How to Internet...Again: I consider this the funniest moment in the movie. Trust me, the Furby scene is a close, close, CLOSE, second...but I think this scene was funnier.
The final goodbye: This is what I'm talking about when I say humor adds to the dramatic moments. The Mitchells saying "I love you" in moose is pretty funny, but it's also a sweet moment given that this is absolutely how this family of weirdos would say goodbye to each other. And, yeah, I got a little misty-eyed during this scene. Especially when Rick saw Katie pocketing the moose. That s**t just cuts deep, man.
Alex Hirsch Voices a Character: ...That's it. I look up to Alex Hirsh as everything I want to be as a creator, and the fact that his name is on this movie fills me with joy. He's also a story consultant, so that can also explain why the movie turned out as great as it did...although there are some imperfections.
Katie-vision: What's Katie-vision? Well, throughout the movie, we get to see how Katie views the world as there are these hand-drawn elements that look like effects Katie would add if she was the one who made the movie. At times it can be subtle and cute, like when this little beating heart appears when Katie is talking with Jude and her other friends. It's when the movie is in your face with Katie-vision does it get annoying. Like showing how Katie is lying about being certain she can drive up a vertical ramp or signifying what is the Rick Mitchell Special. Even if you justify that this would be how Katie would edit the movie, it still doesn't change how obnoxious these moments can be. For instance, Monchi is justified to be essential for the plot, but that doesn't mean people won't hate him...I'll still fight them if they do, but that's beside the point.
I can totally accept this being a personal issue, as I'm sure some people enjoy it. As for me, I think Katie-vision works best when used subtly instead of crudely.
The Meme humor: It's something similar here. Because some people like meme humor...but I don't. To me, it just dates your story if you reference memes even once. Now, a show, movie, or book being partially dated is nothing new. We Bare Bears, a series that I love, reference memes, apps, and social media constantly. Yet, the show still has a timeless feel to it as it doesn't rely on those references too much. The Mitchells vs. the Machines doesn't rely on memes as much either. But even then, that doesn't make a difference about how annoying that gibbon monkey joke was. Seriously, what the f**k was that? And how is THAT the joke that gets used twice!?
Underutilizing Mark Bowman: It really bothers me how this guy barely does much. I mean, Mark Bowman is the main reason that anything happens in the movie. Because he mistreated PAL, Mark acts as the catalyst for events to come. So the fact that he could have been written out the second PAL takes control doesn't make sense to me. It's worse since I could see more potential with his character through his relationship with PAL. These two could be anti-Rick and Katie, as Mark and PAL show what happens when people disrespect their family. So separating them halfway through the story, and keeping them as such, is a huge mistake as it results in neither having a proper resolution to their arcs. Like I said, Rick and Katie develop through each other, and the same could have happened with Mark and PAL. It doesn't, making it something that I can't help but feel disappointed about.
The Poseys: These are characters I feel like work better with multiple appearances. Sure, they only have the one joke about being a perfect family, but at the same time, you can make a joke like that work. Look at Yvonne from Shaun of the Dead (Which might just be my favorite movie). That's a bit-character whose only purpose is showing how better she is than Shaun despite being in an eerily similar situation. But she works well as we constantly see how great she's doing in every instance we see her. The same could be done with the Poseys, as using a similar joke for one scene is underutilizing great potential to make an already good movie into a better one.
Plus, if you're gonna shoehorn in a romance between Aaron and Abby Posey, the least you could do is have more than one scene developing that...just saying.
Katie’s and Rick’s “Oh” Moments: I want to make it clear that I actually like these scenes. They're well written and effectively emotional. My problem is that they also happen two seconds apart. There's nothing wrong with having a character realize the error of their ways through a tear-jerking moment. It's a popular tactic for a reason. And given how both Rick and Katie are the protagonists, they both need their own "oh" moment. But you gotta space them out, as it makes things easier to see the emotional manipulation that you're clearly trying to pull on the audience. They work, but putting them back to back is an issue easily solved with at least two minutes of padding, not two seconds.
Katie’s Death Fakeout: This is one of the few instances that a joke doesn't work in the movie, made even more annoying with the fact that I could see the punchline a mile away and kept thinking, "Just get to it already." I'm pretty sure no one bought this, especially when Katie didn't look like she could have gotten killed in any way after throwing PAL. It's poorly handled and proof that even the funniest comedies have a stale joke every now and again.
Nothing New is really being done here: Keep in mind that in terms of style, this movie is incredibly innovative. And here's hoping future animated projects can take notes. But narratively speaking? Yeah, there's nothing really new that this movie is offering.
A story about how technology will be the death of us? Been there.
A story about a group of idiots miraculously saving the world? Done that.
A story about a father forcing their teenager on a road trip so they can spend quality time with each other, thus ruining the teen's chance of hanging out with their girlfriend? Believe it or not, I have seen A Goofy Movie...multiple times...both as a kid and as an adult.
Now, I have no issue with a movie's plot being a bit by-the-books, and in some cases, cliche. If done effectively, and if I still have a good time, I don't think there’s much to complain about. And there isn't with The Mitchells vs. The Machines. The problem lies with that I'll forget this movie along with the dozens of others like it in a couple years. Which might just be the biggest issue any film can have.
Overall, I'd give The Mitchells vs. the Machines a well-earned A-. It has nitpicks, sure, but it's still a blast to watch. It might not be innovative or groundbreaking as movies like the last Sony Pictures Animation movie, Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse. However, it is fun. And when the world is burning down around us, it's nice to have a fun movie that can distract us from all of it. So feel free to log in to Netflix the next time you're in the mood for a film that is great for the whole family. You won’t be disapointed
(And I will talk about The Falcon and the Winter Soldier pretty soon. I just needed to get this out of my system first.)
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solaeter · 3 years
Hello there, congrats on 100! 💞
I'll use the 🐧 emoji 💞 Gimme dat penguin :D
I'm genderfluid, a lesbian, INFJ (Very accurate) and Gemini.
I'm 5'2, blue eyes, fair skin, brown short hair (I get headaches if it's too long ;-;) and a curvy body type. My clothing style is a bit wacky, I sorta wear anything and don't match. If I had a NASA sweater I'd wear it all the time.
My dream job was to be an astronaut or something that deals with space entirely, but that got messed up in highschool. Hence why it’s a dream now :(. Now it’s to be an artist or writer because it’s one of the ways I know how to express myself.
I'm not comfortable with my own feelings so I have trouble expressing them, believing that if I do only bad things will open. I often stay trapped in my own thoughts. I'm very loyal, can be awkward in most situations(very uncomfortable in social situations), selfless and love to help people no matter what. Once I've opened up to anyone, I don't shut up and I love to goof around with them. I don't actually get mad, it's a hard emotion to get out of me. I love to write, draw, fold origami, play games and listen to music(any genre that isn't country). I enjoy space and looking at the stars, I can sit for hours talking about them. Scary movies, I LOVE watching them so much. I wish to travel the world but funds and a fear of heights stop me.
Things I don’t like..The one thing I can think of is when someone assumes something about me. I can get rather defensive over the assumption and cry about it later LOL. I’m also kinda a picky eater, but I’m willing to try new foods?
Thank you so much and congrats again lil monkey 💞
Jujutsu Kaisen Matchup Event | OPEN
Thank you so much for participating goober! ヾ(。・ω・)シ
Out of everyone in Jujutsu Kaisen, I pair you with…
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Yuki may ask everyone for their type, but you're just the type she loves! Appearances are the farthest thing from her mind, I imagine she actually meshes better with those who have good personalities and that aren't afraid to actually debate with her over various opinions. She'll enjoy your curves and make jokes that it's more to hold onto. And who cares about clothing style? Yuki values comfort and mobility over form and fashion. 
Yuki is patient, so in the beginning when you're not very open, she'll respect your boundaries and gradually get to know you. Everything about you intrigued her, so she had all the time in the world for you.
Yuki is the outgoing one in your relationship. Despite being known as lazy, she'll show interest in whatever you're explaining and she'll help you achieve your goals that are within reason. 
One thing Yuki really admires is how you're so calm. Sure being sensitive is one thing, but to see how hard it is to actually anger you, man she's totally smitten. Simply because she's just as calm and knows that if there is conflict down the road between you two, space, time and a little bit of communication will solve the issue sooner rather than later. 
Yuki would also be very intrigued in your dreams of creative works. You draw? Let her see so she can admire and say you're one talented son of a bitch. Writing? Holy shit, she doesn't have time for that but she will commend you for enjoying it. Now letting her see is a different story but she won't pry too much if you get all shy. Origami? Yuki probably can't fold for shit and will absolutely be amazed and keep everything you make. Will even show it off to her pupil Todo just because. 
Your desire to help everyone is very admirable, but Yuki will be your voice of reason. There are some who cannot be helped or will simply use you for their own benefit. Even if that means breaking you down. That's where Yuki comes in. She will protect you from those who dare bring you down. You're too precious to her and seeing you hurt, she simply won't accept it.
Yuki will carry any social outing, keeping you comfortable while she uses her cheerful personality to keep the air light and happy. You will never be forced into anything because no one should have to break their barriers unless absolutely necessary. 
Yuki might be a tease, but that's just to see you flustered and won't press if it actually gets to you because she knows when to back off. She can't help but enjoy how your cute little cheeks burn when she showers you in tender words of love. 
She loves to travel, so Yuki will definitely take you out to some sort of 'perfect' stargazing spot just to get a reaction from you. Seeing how your eyes light up and the general excitement course through you is all she needed. Now if there's anywhere you want to go and she's not completely busy, you can expect a trip down the road. 
I imagine Yuki isn't really picky with food. As long as it's good she's happy. But if you go out, she'll keep in mind what you like and don't like. And if you want to branch out to try something new, she's quick to agree because life's all about taking chances and trying new things. 
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thankskenpenders · 5 years
So, about the movie...
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At long last, a week after it came out, I was finally able to see the Sonic movie. The Daytona 500 being held across the street from my favorite theater and conflicting work schedules had been keeping me away, but now I’ve finally seen it. And it was...
Which is way, way, way, way, way better than a movie with this awful premise has any right being. That’s for damn sure. I enjoyed my time at the theater. I don’t know how they did it, but they did it. If you like Sonic and haven’t already seen it, you will probably get a kick out of this film. If you don’t like Sonic (or Jim Carrey), there is very little in this movie for you
Okay, now that that’s out of the way, it’s time to break that whole movie down. This will contain full spoilers for the Sonic movie
This movie kinda gave me deja vu because it’s set up so similarly to the Bumblebee movie. Both open with a slavishly faithful CGI sequence on another planet to ensure long time fans that the creative team gives a shit, but a conflict sends the title character to Earth. There, they form an emotional bond with the human lead as they’re pursued by the bad guys, who are working with the US government and tracking the energy signature of the title character. This setup worked extremely well for Bumblebee, because it’s so similar to the usual plot of Transformers. For Sonic, it was... a mixed bag. But it worked better than I expected
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(This shot does not happen in the movie.)
That opening though, huh? Green Hill Zone looked great, and I was pleasantly surprised to see they did, in fact, use the Hyper Potions track from Sonic Mania in the actual film. (The piano rendition of the Green Hill theme used later was also lovely.) Longclaw was also interesting. I’ve seen one person bring up all the bird-themed ruins in Sonic 1 and 2 as a possible source of inspiration for the character, and I think that’s a valid take. And man, the echidnas! I wasn’t expecting that AT ALL. I guess that was probably the Knuckles Clan or something? I would never, ever picture them being alive during Sonic’s lifetime, but like... I guess Knuckles had to come from somewhere, right? If they do another movie with Knuckles, will the rest of his kind have died out?
Sadly, though, this sequence felt like it was over in a heartbeat. We barely see Sonic’s life on his home planet, and we’re expected to feel emotional over Longclaw’s sacrifice when she only gets like three lines before Sonic is sent to Earth. This is a common theme with the film--it goes for these big emotional beats that it just does not earn with its rapid fire pacing
Anyway, then we fast forward and Sonic’s a teen. This is actually kind of an interesting one if you’re constantly neck deep in Sonic Character Analysis like me, because it’s a pretty different take on the character. It’s hard to give them credit for doing something somewhat fresh with the character, though, because like... how much of that was intentional, and how much was just Hollywood writers trying to squeeze a generic action-adventure movie out of Sonic? (Honestly, it’s probably mostly the latter.)
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The closest other piece of Sonic media to the movie would probably be Sonic X, a story in which Sonic isn’t really the protagonist. The Sonic of the anime is fairly emotionally distant. He cares deeply about his friends, and does nice things for them, but he’s totally fine with running off on his own for extended lengths of time, and he doesn’t really talk about his feelings. He’s not the character the audience is meant to sympathize with, but is instead this cool older kid who Chris wants to impress. This is pretty much in line with how Sega likes to depict the character. He cares about his friends, but he’s also cool with being a loner. It feels like he only runs into them incidentally, usually when Eggman is causing trouble, and then when the crisis of the week is taken care of he’s back to going on his own adventures. There’s a reason why one of his catchphrases is “long time no see”
The Sonic of the movie is the polar opposite. His main conflict is that he’s lonely and desperately seeks friendship. He’s also an overly-eager, extremely earnest goober. He literally flosses twice. (Which I loved.) I’ve seen him compared to Silver, and honestly, that’s not a bad comparison. I did like it, though! I don’t mind Sonic being a more emotionally open character, like he was in a lot of older Western media. I mean, he cried in like the second or third episode of SatAM
It’s just that, like many things in the movie, it feels less like a deliberate creative choice and more like a logical string of decisions to make when writing a generic action-adventure film for general audiences. Sonic’s the only one of his kind on Earth, so of course he’d be lonely. He has to have some sort of arc for audiences to connect with him, and if he’s gotta be accompanied by James Marsden for the whole movie, well, his arc’s gotta be about them becoming friends
I’ve gotta say, though: Ben Schwartz is great as Sonic. As much as I like Roger Craig Smith, I wouldn’t complain if he became the new main voice of the character. And thanks to the redesign, he looked great. I can’t imagine how nightmarish this movie would’ve been if Sonic wasn’t cute
My main fear with this movie, though, was that Sonic wouldn’t really be the protagonist. As a fan of Transformers, I know all too well that the cost of doing a full CGI character usually means that said character can’t really be the star of the film. Optimus and Bumblebee aren’t the stars of the Transformers movies--they’re supporting characters who are primarily present for the sake of the action scenes. The humans are the real stars in those movies, and the robots are barely even characters. I was terrified that Sonic would be the same, with the actual character I paid to see taking a backseat to James Marsden The Cop
I’m not quite sure if they struck the right balance there, but they did better than I worried they would. Sonic is central enough to the film and gets enough screentime that you can easily say he’s the protagonist. BUT there is absolutely too much of Tom and his family. The human cast is fine, the performances are fine, and there were a few good jokes, but every time the movie tried to get me to care about Tom’s life I was bored out of my mind. It’s just so trite and passionless. The other characters barely felt fleshed out at all, including Tom’s girlfriend (wife?) and Agent Stone. The little girl who gives Sonic the shoes had some cute moments, though
I do, however, love the part in which James Marsden is walking around in a San Francisco t-shirt, to remind us that he’s planning on moving to San Francisco... which then becomes the excuse for Sonic to think about San Francisco and accidentally send his warp rings there, which becomes the excuse for the buddy road trip aspect of the film. And as much as that was a focus of the marketing, the actual road trip part is like... maybe 20 minutes of the movie? There’s like three scenes with Sonic and Tom on the road and then they’re in San Francisco for act 3. The movie tries to act like they’ve formed this deep bond and I just did not give a shit. I don’t care about the cop. All Cops Are Bastards, and that absolutely includes Tom, whose dream in life is to join the extremely corrupt San Francisco PD
The whole excuse for Sonic having to sit in the passenger seat of a car going the speed limit for a good chunk of the movie is also, just. Stupid. If he doesn’t know where San Francisco is and time is of the essence, just... give him a map?
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And then there’s Jim Carrey. I was worried about this one. The previews tended to highlight his most Jim Carrey Being Wacky moments, and as fond as I am of movies like The Truman Show and Bruce Almighty, that’s just. That’s not Robotnik. I was pleasantly surprised by the actual movie, though! I thought he was pretty good. I’m not sure what incarnation of Eggman I’d most compare him to, but like... it was close enough, and he was entertaining enough. I’d pay to go see another movie with him as Robotnik. Sure. (Especially with how he was looking at the end of the film.)
There were some other little interesting tidbits here with Eggman, although again, a lot of that is less “let’s do a new take on Eggman” and more “let’s do a marketable movie with Eggman in it, which requires us to explain some stuff.” Like him straight up just being a normal human from Earth, with none of the confusion present in the current “two worlds” canon of the games. Or him apparently being an orphan who was bullied in school, and who trusts machines more than other humans. It’s a safe way to depict the character in a Hollywood movie, but I thought it worked
The way they got to his nickname was kind of funny, though. Like, obviously they didn’t put Jim Carrey in a fat suit, and thank god for that. So instead of mocking his weight, the nickname is derived from the egg-shaped robots he uses. Which made sense, I guess. It at least felt logical for this incarnation of Sonic, who had annoyingly been calling Tom “Donut Lord” the whole movie, to make up the nickname “Eggman.” (Said robots, by the way, were a weak point of the movie to me. They just didn’t have that Eggman whimsy and felt very safe and very Hollywood. Honestly, though, if they had just made Robotnik’s ship grey and slapped some hazard stripes on it, it’d probably be fine.)
As a whole, I thought the humor of the movie was... okay. Sonic had a lot of good moments thanks to Schwartz’s great performance, as did Robotnik. There were just so many weird lines, like James Marsden telling Robotnik that he was breast fed, or the agonizingly long child trafficking joke with Sonic in the duffel bag. Stuff like that
The action was great, though. They definitely owe a lot to the Quicksilver scene in that one X-men movie (I forget the one), but they had a lot of fun with Sonic’s powers and it felt extremely true to the character. Seeing him do one of his Smash poses during the San Francisco fight was great. The action scenes were an absolute delight
And then the ending. Oh, that ending
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So, I had already heard that Tails shows up in the stinger before I saw the film. And when I heard that, I expected it to be like, the classic Tails origin story. Maybe Sonic would return to his planet, and run into this precocious kid who decides to follow him around... but no! Not at all! Tails is already the Tails we know and love. He’s already an inventor, he’s already tracking down Sonic. I’m shocked that Sonic actually stayed with Tom instead of running off to have new adventures, but hopefully this is a sign that more characters will be brought into the fray if they make a sequel
And boy, they better make that damn sequel. This movie had a great opening weekend and a positive reception. They have no excuse not to. GIVE US SONIC AND TAILS GOING ON AN ADVENTURE
Other stray thoughts
Holy shit they put Sanic in the movie
The Sega logo animation meant that Kiryu from Yakuza was in this movie for a few seconds
The pixel art credits sequence, which featured both the Sonic 2 special stage and Get Blue Spheres as well as the Eggman logo screens from the Studiopolis Zone boss, was cute
The Saturn logo could be seen on the diagram of the other habitable planets
Robotnik had a label for “Badniks” on his circuit breaker. I wonder if the drones in the movie are intended to be Badniks, or if we’ll see actual ones if a sequel gets made
Also, was it implied that Robotnik committed war crimes for the US government
One of the government guys who I think only got one line was played by Garry Chalk and as such sounded exactly like Optimus Primal
I can’t tell if Sonic getting a red race car bed was an intentional shout out to the Archie comics or if it’s just a coincidence, but I loved it
A dude about my age wearing a Sonic Mania t-shirt literally stood up and clutched his head in shock when Tails showed up
After the movie a very excited kid got his mom to take his photo with the Sonic display in the lobby. Afterwards he was so excited that he flossed
I can’t believe they talked about Olive Garden so much
303 notes · View notes
MBTI: Star Wars
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Written by Ryan (archive post from January 30, 2019)
It’s the gift that just keeps giving! And it will, forever, and ever, and…….ever, because of Disney. I can see both good and bad in that. Anyway, here’s another daunting list of characters, this time from Star Wars. Major characters have gotten their own articles. Rey: ISFP (https://goo.gl/p5TKP4) Finn: ENFP (https://goo.gl/bXp2fU) Kylo Ren: ESFP (https://goo.gl/Fh2cSa) Poe Dameron: ESFP (https://goo.gl/rFc6ob)
Luke Skywalker: INFP (separate thread pending) Han Solo: ISTP (separate thread pending) Leia Organa: ESTJ (separate thread pending) Lando Calrissian: ESTP (separate thread pending) Obi Wan Kenobi: ENFJ (separate thread pending) Yoda: INFJ (separate thread pending) Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker: ISTJ (separate thread pending) Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious: ENTJ (https://bit.ly/2B8rzk4) Darth Maul: ISTP (separate thread pending) Qui-Gon Jinn: ENFP (separate thread pending)
Ahsoka Tano: ENFP (separate thread pending)
More Below
Padme Amidala: ESFJ Padme is the most prominent ESFJ in the saga (aside from C3PO), and she’s portrayed by Natalie Portman with……..wooden acting. How ironic. The basic white girl of the saga is reduced to a monotone delivery in the first film. Who knew the Queen had to act like such a dingus so that her body double would have an easier time imitating her? If you think about it, it’s pretty genius. That being said, Fe is the name of the game here for Padme, as she’s primarily concerned with the needs and wants of those around her, and often champions for social causes due to her role as a senator later on in the films. The Clone Wars series amplifies her primary Fe and secondary Si, as she fights to restore the Republic to its glory days.
Count Dooku: INFJ No one got tricked harder by Palpatine’s schemes than Dooku did. Darth Tyranus himself wanted nothing more than for the Separatists to restore a rightful order to the galaxy (in his eyes), free from the corruption of the Jedi and the Republic. Even as he was in on most of Palpatine’s grand plans from the start, he was unaware of his master’s true deception towards him until his final seconds.
It’s only fitting that the gentlemanly villain of the saga, and even more fitting that he wanted Obi-Wan as his apprentice (another xNFJ), to usurp Palpatine. Count Dooku is basically the Ra’s Al Ghul of Star Wars.
Jar-Jar Binks: ESFP My favorite character! Just kidding. But really, Jar-Jar ain’t all that bad; he’s just an annoying ESFP. Jar-Jar lives primarily in the moment as a comic relief goober that bares little-to-no importance to the plot, except for the crowning moment where he facilitates the senate to give Chancellor Palpatine emergency powers. Oh, now you’ve got a reason to hate him.
Mace Windu: ENTJ “George……I want a purple lightsaber. Pleeaaaase?”
Unfortunately, Samuel L. Jackson himself never got to utter his catchphrase as he portrayed a more stoic ENTJ this time around. Mace Windu, known in the Legends continuity for his infamous Shatterpoint technique (very Te-based), gifts a strategic mindset to the Jedi council. He’ll often say things for how they are in a Te-based manner (but with a little more tact), such as when he states that Anakin is too old to be trained when Qui-Gon presents him to the council. And then he’ll sometimes give us some one liners, such as “this party’s over.” But the signifier of Te-Ni? When he proposes to execute Palpatine because he is too dangerous.
Jango Fett: ISTP Jango Fett? Neevah houd uf ‘im. But what about Boba? Rest aside, Jango Fett just cares about the fat stacks he gets from being a clone template so he can be the best dad in the galaxy there is, and he don’t care who pays him. Sounds pretty ISTP to me.
General Grievous: ESTJ Hello there! Our favorite coughing cyborg general turns out to be an ESTJ. Through primary Te, he barks out orders to his subordinates, often impatiently. It’s like he knows you knew how to do it but screwed up, which is a superpower that ESTJs have and will use to pounce on you and your failures.
Grievous himself is a natural boaster, like any ESTJ. Your GIFs will make a fine addition to his collection!
Tarkin: ESTJ Roll your R’s! Heighten your received pronunciation! Peter Cushing is here to add some Britishness to your Star Wars! Tarkin stands as one of the most brilliant tactical minds the Empire has known (rivaled only by Grand Admiral Thrawn). But he is also one of the governors/administrators of the Empire, and it is because of this reason that he has become known for his Te, dishing out orders with an elegant terror. ESTJ it is, folks.
Boba Fett: ISTP Fact: Boba Fett survives the Sarlacc Pit in both continuities. A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Everyone’s favorite character, Boba Fett, is just like his father (an ISTP); his allegiances do not matter as long as his employers pay him fat stacks. Unless he has to work with Han Solo. Archenemies do not get along that well. The everchanging neutrality of the ISTP is displayed most importantly in the Legends continuity, in one story where Fett himself turned on Vader and dueled with a lightsaber (successfully), when it wasn’t in his own interests to side with Vader.
R2D2: ENTP I’m always under the theory that if we could hear R2D2 speak, he’d be swearing ¼ of the time. This wisecracking little astromech droid always comes up with creative solutions when in a bind, all the while wising off to C3PO in the process. Sounds like Ne to me, right? But more importantly, the moral of the story for most ENTPs to learn is a little common sense and to sit back and think things through a little more. Sure they have excellent reasoning abilities on the spot, but would R2 have ended up in a Jawa sandcrawler if he hadn’t smarted off to Threepio in the desert and abandoned him? He may have had a “mission,” but he could have let Threepio in on it.
C3PO: ESFJ Like a true ESFJ, goldenrod here never learns to shut his mouth. The ESFJ will blab on and on about small talk and things no one cares about, which is often why C3PO gets interrupted all of the time when he explains what he does or where he has been. Much to his annoyance, too. Because he’s a protocol droid, his Fe is slanted to please others, and this is why we have the perfect ESFJ in this galaxy far, far away.
Chewbacca: ISFJ Can Chewbacca really be typed? I think so! Just because we don’t hear him speaking anything, doesn’t mean he can’t be! Solo: A Star Wars Story did a really good job of fleshing out Chewie’s character, giving him motives and ambitions. Such as, his desire to free his people in the spice mines of Kessel. That moment signaled one of the few times that Chewie would act impulsively, to me, and it reeked of ISFJ.
Jabba the Hutt: ESTP Big shot gangster, you say? That’s pretty clear-cut, ESTP. And we see this in Return of the Jedi; Jabba just sits around on his butt indulging in sensual pleasures, changing his mind in deals quite often. He’s a reasonable man, since he uses Ti. In A New Hope, we see the way he deals with Han Solo, and he restrains his displeasure in the hopes of giving him another chance to pay him back. ESTPs, with their tertiary Fe, can often do this, although their patience will ultimately wear thin in the long run.
Wedge Antilles: ISTJ Wedge is your basic everyman, like any ISTJ there is. Does he have much of a personality to him? Not really, but from what I’ve seen of him, he reeks of ISTJ.
Asajj Ventress: ISFP Ventress has been burned in life before, so it’s easy to assume that she could be an ISTP based upon her cold, sarcastic exterior. However, upon further examination, ISFP seems to fit far better. Ventress lives wholly for the moment, so it would be easy to think maybe she could be an Se-user. However, her biting comebacks that she displays are a very common trait from many other fictional ISFPs, who, when unhealthy, can show a lack of morality when it comes to their enemies and this is displayed in their inferior Te which manifests as either a childish outburst or a calm and collected burn. Her primary Fi is displayed with her sense of purpose with the Nightsisters, fueled by revenge against Dooku. In the New Canon novel Dark Disciple, we see the cold exterior melt a little bit in Ventress’ newfound romance with Quinlan Vos, and we finally see her inch toward becoming a healthier ISFP.
Captain Rex: ISTJ Rex is a simple man, and our main conduit upon which to view the clone troopers who chose not to obey Order 66, all due to a little thing called tertiary Fi. ISTJs are like big cuddly goobers sometimes, and Rex is quite the example sometimes, especially in his appearances in Rebels.
Mother Talzin: INFJ All Talzin wanted was her revenge on Palpatine for double-crossing her and taking her son Darth Maul, ultimately for the Nightsisters to prosper. She wanted power in the galaxy, but even Palpatine saw through her lunacy and said nah. Sometimes, because of their imaginations getting the best of them through Ni-Fe-Ti, the INFJ can seem a little bit delusional. And Mother Talzin seems pretty INFJ to me.
Hondo Ohnaka: ESTP Hondo Ohnaka loves to party, and he loves making material gains out of any situation possible; this only proves that he is ESTP. He’ll ally with you, and then betray you if the reward is greater, and this is fueled by Se as he sees infinite possibilities in the present moment. With secondary Ti, he’ll always choose the right words for the right purposes to weasel his way out of situations, and with tertiary Fe, he’ll also treat even his enemies in a cordial manner!
Cad Bane: ISTP The most grizzled and seasoned bounty hunter there ever was between Jango and Boba Fett’s dominance, Cad Bane means business and business means credits. And if you eff it up, he’ll get mad, because he only cares about himself and his payday, which is a common stereotype of many ISTP bounty hunters in fiction. The severely underdeveloped inferior Fe that he has explains his cold personality toward not only his enemies, but his fellow bounty hunters. And with his quick strategical mind informed through primary Ti, which also fuels his own sardonic wit, Cad Bane is an easy ISTP.
Savage Opress: ISTP There isn’t a whole lot of character development for Savage Opress, but he makes a terrible user of Fe (with the exception of his brother Maul), which is the inferior function of ISTPs. So I’m just going with ISTP here for Savage.
Captain Phasma: ISTJ Phasma, portrayed by the lovely Gwendolyn Christie, has always managed to keep this air of coolness to her character despite being punked by Finn twice and surviving the explosion of a planet (and possibly a spaceship; we’ll find out in episode IX). Phasma herself is an ISTJ in the best possible way, and we find this out about her character in her work ethic which is displayed in the novels and comics of the new Disney canon. The wild extents of her tertiary Fi is explored more vividly in these new-canon works.
General Hux: ESTJ General Hux hates Kylo Ren (secretly) for his whining, immaturity, and overall terrible leadership skills, and the fact that Snoke clearly favors Ren compared to himself when it comes to leadership. What can we learn from such an ESTJ character? Well, we can learn that unhealthy ESTJs are prone to loud, angry outbursts and shouting matches when their patience wears thin (that which they run low on almost daily). The unhealthy ESTJ is also known for sucking up to their superiors while they ironically continue on to treat their subordinates terribly, such as the case when Hux sucks up to Snoke, or Kylo Ren when he usurps leadership. It is only because of Snoke’s protection that Hux was allowed to say whatever he wanted to Ren, and now that Snoke is gone, well……that’s an interesting dynamic to see in Episode IX to come.
Rose Tico: ISFJ Booooo! An ordinary type for an ordinarily character in Rose Tico.
Snoke: ENTJ We still know literally nothing about him, and quite honestly, I’m fine with that for the next few years. In The Force Awakens, he seemed quite the INTJ in his tiny amount of screentime. However though, he shows a much more charismatic side more indicative of a loony ENTJ. Those gold bathrobes……utter tertiary Se. And what differentiates Snoke from Palpatine, is a slightly more charismatic side that manifests itself in his speech, almost like he can’t get enough of his own voice (a trait also manifested by unhealthy ENTPs, but in a slightly different way), signifying ENTJ more than INTJ.
Maz Kanata: ENTP Maz Kanata is quite the character, being the leader of a den of space pirates and other equally colorful characters. And Han and Chewie seem to love her. Maz is ENTP; making quips about Chewie being her boyfriend, being the “guy who knows a guy” (like Cosmo Kramer of Seinfeld, another ENTP) with the Master Codebreaker, and going on wacky space adventures in her free time, as seen in her hologram in The Last Jedi. Mature ENTPs can add a large amount of wisdom to variety of experiences they’ve seen in their long lives, and it’s no wonder the screen sizzles when Maz is on it.
Jyn Erso: ISFP It’s becoming a real trend, isn’t it? Female ISFPs in Star Wars? Never tell me the odds! Jyn Erso, like many other ISFPs, exhibits a “once burned, twice shy” mentality that often causes her to be reluctant to declare loyalty to anyone or even be involved in conflict. Like The Dude (an ISFP) from The Big Lebowski, and almost all other ISFPs, Jyn Erso doesn’t want to take a stake in any side of any conflict. She just wants her dad.
Cassian Andor: ISTJ It’s a pretty simple conclusion that Cassian Andor happens to be an ISTJ. As a higher ranking official in the Rebel Alliance (I presume?), it’s no wonder that he wants to follow orders first and foremost and eliminate Galen Erso, because his very own Si-Te is on overdrive. But then, the Fi hits. Oh, what the hell, Rogue One it is. Hello, Scarif!
K-2SO: INTP He’s the droid with the sassy wit! He’s gotta be ENTP, right? Nah, I think K2 is an INTP. Because most of his dialogue and humor revolves around skepticism, I’m going to stereotypically label him as an INTP. It just seems right, and I’m getting quite lazy right now.
Orson Krennic: ENTJ He’s the director of a project. That almost immediately indicates ExTJ, right? It does. And boy, what a massive amount of Te he has. With the amount of balls it takes for him to stand up to Tarkin, let alone run off to Darth Vader to tattle on him, I would say that it only signifies Krennic as an ENTJ, because an ESTJ would never have those balls unless they were given them by a higher up or through experience (ex. Tarkin). And why does he have Ni? First of all, he has a vision, and he’s sick and tired of a bureaucrat such as Tarkin taking credit for his accomplishments and then also taking control, something the ENTJ never wants to relinquish. And also, he’s got quite the fiery-hot temper.
Galen Erso: INTJ Galen is a bit reserved and dad-like (his purpose in this film too), and very healthy INTJs, like Galen, are kinda like that. He’s a very realistic portrayal of one that’s closer to real life INTJs. That being, his tertiary Fi is well-developed in that he was willing to betray the Empire and build a flaw in the Death Star.
Tobias Beckett: ESTP “Didn’t I tell you never to trust anyone, Han?” Spoken like a true ESTP mentor, through tertiary Fe. As TV Tropes would put it, Beckett is another character that exemplifies the “Heel Face Revolving Door” trope, in which the character constantly switches allegiances throughout the story. A common stereotype of many slimy ESTPs are their tendency to switch sides for their own benefit, due to their primary Se and Ti. Just look at Lando in the beginning. That old scoundrel.
Qi’ra: ISTJ While not so mature as a youth on Corellia (is anyone ever, actually?), Qi’ra later comes into her own type over the years as she matures and we get to see her primary Si in action as she makes reasonable, considerable choices amongst the entire Millenium Falcon crew through the film. And Si is one for order and loyalty; that is, until the ISTJs Fi eventually gets the best of them in the second or third act and they have a change of heart. In this case, it’s her turning on Vos.
L3-37: INFP Freedom for droids! Sound like anyone you know? Probably that Social Justice Warrior or extremely passionate Fi-user that you know in real life. You know, like an INFP or an ISFP (morely likely an INFP though). The rest of you that are just as knowledgeable in MBTI, you can fill in the blanks and you’d probably agree with me on this one.
Dryden Vos: ESTJ Again, all he cares about is the money and the pleasures. So, another xSTP crimelord/bounty hunter stereotype? Actually not this time. Initially, I thought he was an ESTP due to this. However, the scene where Beckett reveals his true colors in the con and Vos temporarily offers an implied allegiance to Han to get him, only to turn on him when Beckett leaves, signifies a key difference between the ESTP and the ESTJ. While the ESTP may go forward and stick with the allegiance, the ESTJ will more than likely feign it. And the ESTJ will sometimes do anything and accept any methods to get the job done (tertiary Ne), but ultimately dish out order in the end after the parties and dust have settled, returning to the old status quo (or rarely, starting a new one). To be honest, I’m still thinking about this one. I might go back and change Vos to an ESTP. Who knows, in time.
Darth Plagueis: INTP Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the INTP? I thought not. It’s not a story Enneagram would tell you. It’s an MBTI legend. Darth Plagueis was an INTP so powerful and so wise he could use his primary Ti to influence the midichlorians to create…… life. He had such a knowledge of MBTI that he could even keep the ones he cared about from calling themselves an intuitive when they were a sensor, or convince an INTJ that MBTI was not baloney. The dark side of the INTP is a pathway to many abilities, some consider to be unnatural. Eventually, he became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his Ti, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his ENTJ apprentice MBTI, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.
Iden Versio: ISTJ I swear, this series churns out ISTJs like an assembly line. With Iden Versio, I hadn’t played Battlefront II, but I’d only seen a few cutscenes on YouTube to know that she’s another ISTJ. For my reasoning, just like at Cassian Andor above; it’s pretty much the same, except for an even greater amount of tertiary Fi from Versio.
Grand Admiral Thrawn: INTJ And now for the last but not least, most interesting character in the entire saga: Thrawn. And while his type is nothing but obvious, it’s interesting to delve into. Unfortunately, I don’t have all the time in the world to grant him his own separate post, so a paragraph or two will do. As an INTJ, what separates him from an ENTJ is tertiary Fi, and as small as it is, it’s still there. Versus being almost non-existent in unhealthy ENTJs. This allows him a more suave, cool demeanor, almost gentlemanly and noble, versus the ENTJ’s “I’ll only display that attitude because I’m sociable and charismatic, but I won’t be it” demeanor. In the Thrawn trilogy in Legends, Thrawn is more considerate to his subordinates and his partners, such as Jorus C’Boath (giving him Luke Skywalker), than Palpatine ever was to anyone. More often than not, when an INTJ makes a promise, you can bet they’ll stick with it.
Alright now, for the sake of brevity of this article, here are the characters I will not type descriptions for, just because either they explain themselves, they don’t warrant enough of an explanation, they’re minor, or they aren’t as relevant anymore (Legends characters). In regards to
BB8: ESFP DJ: ESTP Unkar Plutt: ESTJ Lieutenant Connix: ISFJ Admiral Holdo: ISFJ
Uncle Owen: ISTJ Aunt Beru: ISFJ Greedo: who knows Lobot: ISTJ Bossk: ESTP Dengar: ISTP Zuckuss: ISTP IG-88: INTJ (even more of an awesome character in Legends) Wicket Warrick: ESFP Nien Nunb: ESFP
Bodhi Rook: ESFJ Chirrut Îmwe: INFP Baze Malbus: ISTJ Saw Gerrera: INFJ
Val: ISTJ Rio: ESTP Enfys Nest Leader: INFP
Watto: ESTJ Sebulba: ESTP Nute Gunray: ESTJ Zam Wessel: ISTJ Captain Tanaka: ISTJ Captain Typho: ISFJ Boss Nass: ESFJ
Plo Koon: INTJ Luminara Unduli: INFJ Aayla Secura: ESFP Kit Fisto: ENFJ Bariss Offee: INFP Fives: ESFJ Duchess Satine: ENFJ Pre-Viszla: ENTP Quinlan Vos: ESFP
Kanan Jarrus: ISFJ Hera Syndulla: ISTJ Sabine: ISFP Zeb Orrelios: ESFP Ezra Bridger: INFP Chopper: ESTP
Bail Organa: ISFJ Mon Mothma: ENFJ Iden Versio: ISTJ
Mara Jade: ISTP Jorus C’Baoth: ENFJ
Kyle Katarn: INFJ Jan Ors: ISFJ Jaden Korr: INFP Rosh Penin: ESFP Jerec: ENFJ Sariss: ISFJ Desann: ENTJ Tavion Axmis: ENFP
Galen Marek/Starkiller: ISFP Rahm Kota: ESFJ Juno Eclipse: ISTJ
Durge: ESTP Dash Rendar: ESTP Carnor Jax: ENTP
Revan: INTP Darth Malak: ESTJ Darth Bandon: ISFP Bastila Shan: ENFJ Carth Onasi: ISTJ Mission Vao: ISFP Zaalbar: ISFJ Juhani: ISFP Jolee Bindo: INFJ Canderous Ordo: ISTP HK-47: ENTP Kreia: INFJ Darth Sion: ESTP Darth Nihilus: INTP Meetra Surik: ENTP Satele Shan: ENFJ
Marka Ragnos: INTJ Naga Sadow: ENTJ Exar Kun: ESFP Nomi Sunrider: ISFJ Ulic Qel-Droma: ENFP
25 ABY - 45 ABY (and others)
Jacen Solo (Darth Caedus): INFP Jaina Solo: ESTP Lumiya: ENTP Vergere: INTP Ben Skywalker: ISFJ Jagged Fel: ESTJ Tahiri Veila: ESFP Anakin Solo: ESFP Abeloth: ENTP
Darth Krayt: INTJ Darth Talon: ISTP Darth Wyyrlok: ENTJ   Cade Skywalker: ESTP Ania Solo: ISFP K’Kruhk: ISTP Darth Wredd: ENTJ
Key = Bold - Important (separate article), Italics - Major, Asterisk - Legends
ESFJ: Padme Amidala, C3PO, Bodhi Rook, Boss Nass, Fives, Rahm Kota* ISFJ: Chewbacca, Rose Tico, Admiral Holdo, Kanan Jarrus, Bail Organa, Captain Typho, Zaalbar*, Nomi Sunrider*, Jan Ors*, Sariss*, Ben Skywalker* ISTJ: Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker, Captain Phasma, Qi’ra, Captain Rex, Wedge Antilles, Cassian Andor, Iden Versio, Baze Malbus, Uncle Owen, Lobot, Val, Zam Wessel, Captain Tanaka, Hera Syndulla, Carth Onasi*, Juno Eclipse* ESTJ: Leia Organa, General Grievous, Dryden Vos, General Hux, Tarkin, Unkar Plutt, Nute Gunray, Watto, Darth Malak*, Jagged Fel* ESFP: Kylo Ren, Poe Dameron, Jar-Jar Binks, BB8, Zeb Orrelios, Aayla Secura, Quinlan Vos, Wickett Warrick, Nien Nunb, Exar Kun*, Tahiri Veila*, Anakin Solo*, Rosh Penin* ISFP: Rey, Asajj Ventress, Jyn Erso, Sabine, Galen Marek/Starkiller*, Mission Vao*, Juhani*, Ania Solo*, Darth Bandon* ESTP: Lando Calrissian, Tobias Beckett, Jabba the Hutt, Hondo Ohnaka, Bossk, DJ, Rio, Sebulba, Chopper, Cade Skywalker*, Durge*, Dash Rendar*, Jaina Solo*, Darth Sion* ISTP: Han Solo, Darth Maul, Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Savage Opress, Cad Bane, Zuckuss, Dengar, Mara Jade*, Canderous Ordo*, Darth Talon*, K’Kruhk* ENFJ: Obi Wan Kenobi, Duchess Satine, Kit Fisto, Mon Mothma, Jorus C’Baoth*, Bastila Shan*, Satele Shan*, Jerec* ENFP: Finn, Qui-Gon Jinn, Ahsoka Tano, Ulic Qel-Droma*, Tavion Axmis* INFP: Luke Skywalker, L3-37, Chirrut Îmwe, Enfys Nest Leader, Ezra Bridger, Bariss Offee, Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus*, Jaden Korr* INFJ: Yoda, Count Dooku, Mother Talzin, Saw Gerrera, Luminara Unduli, Kyle Katarn*, Jolee Bindo*, Kreia* ENTP: R2-D2, Maz Kanata, Pre-Viszla, HK-47*, Meetra Surik*, Lumiya*, Carnor Jax*, Abeloth*, Darth Wyyrlok* INTP: K2-SO, Darth Plagueis, Revan*, Darth Nihilus*, Vergere* ENTJ: Sheev Palpatine, Orson Krennic, Snoke, Mace Windu, Naga Sadow*, Desann*, Darth Wredd* INTJ: Thrawn, Galen Erso, IG-88, Plo Koon, Darth Krayt*, Marka Ragnos*
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mcjickson · 4 years
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I think about Edith Fuller a lot. Edith Fuller, if you don’t remember—and there’s absolutely no reason you should, all things considered—was a wunderkind kindergartener who qualified to represent Tulsa in the Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee. You know, the one for eighth graders. At 6, Edith was the youngest contestant in the history of the Bee, and as such was the darling of the media covering the event. And with good reason—as she had no idea of the relative enormity of her achievement, she carried herself with the infectious humility of a genuine 6-year-old, not a media darling. She was basically the Bad News Bears of the Spelling Bee: a scrappy little towheaded upstart that you couldn’t help but root for. She made the final round of competition but caught some brutal words early in the day, and spent the rest of the event doing insanely adorable color commentary and interviews. And then the tournament was over, and Edith went home with her family and back to being a 6-year-old. I could not wait to see her come back as a first-grader. I was so very excited to see how far she could get with another year of study under her belt, so when the next year’s finalists were announced, I immediately searched the list to find her speller number. And she wasn’t there. She hadn’t qualified. There was no joy in Mudville; first-grade Edith had struck out. I felt a slight measure of relief for whichever 8th-grader from the greater Tulsa region had pulled off the upset. Turns out it wasn’t an eighth-grader, though. It was a dapper little 3rd grader in a bow tie. Young Sal Lakmissetti had done the impossible and knocked out America’s sweetheart. I was happy for him—until I read about how it happened. One of the reasons that watching the Bee is so emotionally involving is that the tension between the spellers and their occasionally overbearing parents can be so heart-wrenchingly intense. Edith had been a respite from that—her parents seemed to have been surprised that she had developed those skills. Sal’s dad on the other hand, had gotten indignant when Sal lost to Edith in Tulsa the year before. So he hired the previous year’s tournament champion to give Sal private lessons for a year. You know, the way you do when you want your 3rd grader to trounce a 1st grader in a contest for 13-year-olds. Not for nothing, but that is basically the plot of the movie Bad Words. Sal’s dad had turned him into Chitanya Chopra. I wonder if Sal’s dad knows how to spell “autofellatio.” I wonder if Edith had been heartbroken when she lost the Tulsa bee. Turns out, the next year she wasn’t interested in participating at all. And her dad didn’t push her, because it wasn’t about him. Edith Fuller’s dad got it right, and he just let her be a second-grader and pursue whatever her enormous second-grader heart wanted. I was ecstatic she didn’t return, that she was out there getting to be a kid. The funny thing is, I’m not really obsessed with spelling per se. What I am obsessed with, however, is the raw human drama of watching painfully awkward home-schooled kids on ESPN. There’s no denying the hilarity of some of their more awkward moments. But the real reason to watch is to marvel at their bravery. I’ve heard it alleged that the #1 most commonly held phobia in American adults is a fear of public speaking. And yet year after year, some of the most sheltered kids in America gather in a hotel in DC called The Gaylord (because these kids aren’t bullied enough, I guess), and walk up to a microphone before millions and risk entire-hometown-disappointing embarrassment. Wanting to more fully understand what these kids go through, I let my family talk me into entering an adult spelling bee sponsored by the local library. After my initial disappointment that “adult spelling bee” didn’t mean it was a four-letter-words contest, I got fully enthused at the prospect of competing, and even had our friend Scott design a t-shirt for me to compete in, emblazoned with a bee illustration and the mantra that governed my participation: “Edith Fuller is my constant.” By “constant”, I was referencing what was maybe the best-ever episode of Lost, a self-contained narrative about a man searching for the love of his life across shifting time periods. The usual complications of time travel narratives were overcome by the idea that in order for him to find his true path, he had to serve as a “constant” to remind other people what their true purpose was. My true purpose in entering the bee was to try to have the kind of come-what-may attitude that made Edith shine. And that’s largely the way it went down. I breezed through the first few rounds with ease, the words got hard in a hurry, but I acquitted myself nicely. After a solid initial hour that whittled a field of about forty people down to six, I was relieved when I got thrown a softball for an umbrella-drink-loving goober like me: daiquiri. Which I promptly misspelled. I’ll never forgive myself for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, but I’m always happy to throw that t-shirt on these days. Of course, now, a couple years removed my own bee experience, it’s more evident than ever to me that when I throw that t-shirt on, Edith Fuller is a codename. A transparent alias, at that. I’m sure you have a person in your life that serves as your constant: not necessarily your partner or best friend (though it could be), but the person you go to when you need to be reminded of who you really are. What you’re really about. Who believes in you with no agenda. I’ve been lucky to be that for a few people—I was my brother Patrick’s constant, for instance. And while Declan’s always been my wartime consigliere—there’s no one more clutch in a crisis—Delaney has always been my constant. They say having kids is like living with your heart outside your body, and that has always hit me at a cellular level. I don’t talk about it often—or ever really—as it’s not something that happened to me, or that I went through, it’s Delaney's story. But for context I need you to know that when she had a debilitating mystery affliction a couple years ago, she was put through a series of tests for terminal illnesses. Those tests came back negative, but for a little while I had to confront the possibility of losing my baby girl and it nearly fucking broke me. Thank jeebus, the folks at the Mayo Clinic were able to diagnose her malady, and it’s something she had to learn to live with, and cope with, and thrive with. And she’s done all of that, admirably, but it required her to delay college for a frustrating year. Given the ways we’ve all been sidelined lately, it’s done me good to remember the ways Delaney got through her involuntary gap year with grace. Multiple creative projects. Tending to the care of small things. Finding ways to breathe through the worst of it. And leaning on the people who love her most. And I’ve treasured her as my constant like never before, and spending time with her got me through being 2x4’ed by my avowed best friend. (There’s been some good-natured conjecture by well-meaning friends as to whether the most recent playlist was indeed a break-up mix. First of all, I don’t want to knock whatever any of you have do to get over somebody, but listening to a bunch of songs that rub your nose in the loss just isn’t my thing. There’s no denying that when I sequenced the songs, I was struck by the lyrical subtext that emerged, but they weren’t selected for that purpose. In fact, most of those songs were in the playlist before I found out what had happened. But it merits a thoughtful inquest, in any case. You poor bastards.) And I guess that’s the thing. There’s something legitimately sad about when your best-laid plans and most fervent desires don’t work out the way you envisioned, especially when it was completely out of your control. (And dear readers, as you well know, most things are out of our control.) But maybe, just maybe, if you can somehow keep your eyes open for the joy you find on the detour, and have a sense of where—or more specifically who—your true north is, you might wind up writing a better story than the one you had planned. And maybe this new story was the point of you all along. I love the thought that right now, in all likelihood, Edith is doing something that's simultaneously challenging and entirely age-appropriate. Which, in a very real way, will be her trophy for not participating. I don't think Edith's done with the Bee, but I'm also not sure I would be heartbroken if she was. And I absolutely believe that, much like Delaney, Edith has more in store for us than we could ever imagine. Even in the middle of missing my people—and especially my North Dakota hussy constant—I have to say that being reminded of who I really can be has me feeling like one of the Bad News Bears myself these days, with all the swagger of Ahmad stepping up to the plate in the Astrodome: “Back up, suckers. I feel good.”
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nimarkiva · 5 years
Superhero Day
Kids are great, they really are. And one of the things that I love about being a teacher? Encouraging them to use those creative minds and think outside the box.
Tuesday is Superhero Day at our program. It’s a non-school day, so we always tend to do a fun theme if we’re staying on site and don’t have a field trip. This one little goober was looking really bummed about it, though. He wanted to be a really cool character...but...they weren’t a superhero.
I know about this character, and I had an idea. I told the kid to define a super hero for me. He said they stop the bad guys- check- and save the world, or at least the day. Check. I pointed out that Iron Man has a special suit, Batman does hand-to-hand combat and has cool gear...but neither have super powers, per se. Buuuut, the use of outside things to stop the bad guys and save the world is allowed in the definition of ‘super hero’.
So why not be a Pokemon trainer who has stopped the bad guys and saved the world/day when they want to catch things they shouldn’t? Don’t Pokemon count as super cool, and when you teach them to fight, don’t they sort of act like your ‘gadgets’ because they have cool powers and abilities?
Turns out, several kiddos were listening, and we’re going to have a few of their favorite trainers running around. My boss thought it was great, because she was also listening, and then asked who I was dressing up as.
......right, I can’t exactly do what would be considered a main-stream superhero costume after that spiel, now, can I?
Aw heck, why not, I’m a grown adult and Pokemon was just as big a part of MY childhood. And I totally wanted to be Ash Ketchum when I was six years old. I thought he was- you guessed it- a cool hero.
I got these cool lightweight soft foam balls that I’m going to paint up and throw at the kids.
Ok, yes, I’m an adult, but I don’t have to be too much of a grownup.
Because if you’re a teacher, and you’re not enjoying the job and having fun with the kids as well as teaching them things...I’m sorry, but you’re doing the job wrong.
Let’s see how many ‘Pikachu’ and other ‘Pokemon’ I catch at work on Tuesday. XD
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makotokino · 6 years
sunguard - one year
It’s mind boggling to me to realize that I’ve been back in WoW for over a year. When I left at the beginning of WoD, I was pretty certain I was never coming back. The game had lost a lot of love in my heart, partially because of personal circumstances but overall, I was burnt out. BFA’s trailer brought me back in November of 2017, and I spent some time on the outskirts until I poked my head into S.O.S. While the experience was great, I do have some mixed feelings on it now - but one thing I am grateful for is that it brought me to the Sunguard.
This past year has been an absolute boon for me in a lot of ways. Being a member in Sunguard has challenged me creatively, and looking back over my writings last year to now - I can already see an improvement. Not just in how I write, either, but how I create. I spend so much time brainstorming with stories I love, and that’s lead to so much more creativity even outside of Warcraft writing. I’ve started writing original content again, I’ve picked up painting; I’m excited to challenge myself in the future because I feel confident and creative. For someone who has struggled with creativity and especially feeling confidence in my work, this is so wonderful.
Y’all have given me a place to create and express my characters, to grow their stories. So many parts of Sanarissa - a character I’ve been writing for eight years - have grown into something more nuanced, complex, and interesting. I’ve also had the opportunity to create more characters who I love, which I’ve never really done before - being someone who focused only on my main.
So I wanted to say thanks - to everyone I communicate with, write with, and share the experience of TSG with on a daily basis. I also have a few special thank you’s because I’m a giant sap. But for now, thank y’all for this amazing year and I can’t wait for more.
The Officer Corp, with special thanks to Felth @felthier, Jess @jessipalooza, Mel @stormandozone, and Azzy @azriah: From the first moment applying to the Sunguard, the officers made me feel welcome and wanted. That was a huge thing for me. Along the way, y’all have always been supportive, attentive, and nice to talk to. Especially the four of you I mentioned, I feel like I can always come to at least one of you with questions or concerns. So thank you, for making the guild a great place for not only me but everyone else - and for always being there to answer my (sometimes) dumbass questions. Not to mention y’all inspire me so much with your work.
Tiah / @forever-afk: Tiah, you are one of the reasons I joined TSG to begin with. Between you and Thomas after S.O.S., that’s really what pushed me forward. I know we haven’t gotten to RP in a loooong time due to our own lives not meshing, but I’m still so glad Sana and Vaelrin are buddies.
Aimee / @thanidiel: I know we don’t talk super often but I am very glad to have you around to jabber at, get advice and critique from, and joke around with. Having you around during S.O.S. was a boon, and I’ve enjoyed being able to make old MG veterans memes with you sometimes. You inspire me so much to be a better writer, creator, roleplayer, dude.
Cari / @retributionpriest: So I was devastated when Lirelle died without ever really getting the chance to interact, besides like one social event with a couple sentences, because of my own Anxiete. But I am soooo so so so glad that we’ve started talking and roleplaying a little back and forth. Being able to chat with you over Elementalist stuff and the brief RP we’ve been able to do has been so fun. I look forward to so much more in the future.
Harm / @thelaughingvulture: Fave Light cultist, bar none. But honestly, Brae is such an interesting character and I love her and despite the constant Brea/Brae confusion, I am glad we’ve gotten to talk and RP more over the last few weeks. I’m SAD that Sana is a traitor again, but the interactions we are keeping were so good - plus we’ll have bards we can write, or Light nerds. I’m super excited to keep on truckin as your buddy.
Veli / @ocarina-of-what: Hi. I love you. RP with me at some point. No, but really, having gotten to know you a little bit over the past few weeks has been absolutely incredible. You’re such a gem and a darling, I love you to pieces already. I hope we get to know each other much better AND ACTUALLY GET TO RP SOON. LOVE YOU.
Matt / @captainswingbeard: Hello, I know I’m a horribly slow RP partner, but your kind words and genuine interest in my stories are so wonderful and great. I was soooo surprised when you took interest in wanting to RP with me but it’s been so fun and interesting. I love reading your stories and I’m so interested in how everything will play out for the Old Man. And I swear, I’ll reply soon (unless I already have because I wrote this ahead of time - ha!)
Larry / @trained-trainwreck: I genuinely cannot like, preface enough how much your friendship means to me. You are one of my best TSG buddies and you mean a lot to me. We are Team Southern America and that’s important to me to have someone who comes from a similar background and history that I can share my experiences with. On top of that, being able to write with you is one of my favorite things, despite us not having much time to do so. Larry and Sana’s parallels are so interesting and I’m sorry she has yet again betrayed his trust. Also, I love big murder boy and I swear, at some point, I will be able to accept your invitation to level in ESO together.
Jase / @veloestian: Hey. You mean a lot to me. I know I communicate to you in gently bullying terms a lot, but you’re a dear friend to me. I love writing with you even though I’m slow and a horrible partner. You were the first person I wrote Melori with and so much of her grew from the interactions we had early on. You help me feel better when I’m sad and you send me dumb memes and I love that. You’re a good bean and I cherish you.
Gibby / @please-respond: Bridge troll or not, you are like my brother. My horrible gremlin brother who I sometimes want to kill, but brother nonetheless. Our relationship has been based a lot more off of friendship than RP, which makes me sad sometimes - but I’m glad we’re getting to RP and write together. I love the things you create, I love the opportunities you’ve given me towards my character arc for Sana, and I’m thankful for all the advice and talks we’ve had. Thank you.
Archer / @pyrosophist: Hey. Hey Archer. Hi. You’re my favorite fetus in the universe probably. I am so, so honored and consider myself truly lucky to count you as one of my closest RP partners. Of course, I can talk about Team Fel and how much I have loved seeing them grow from enemies to tenuous allies to friends to lovers to ENEMIES AGAIN, how much their natural, organic growth has fascinated me, how much their parallels hurt my soul, how much I enjoy writing them with you and what will come of it in the future.
But there’s so much more than that. It’s become routine to just talk to you everyday, about creation and headcanons and ideas - you have such a creative energy and you inspire me by even being near you. Digging into headcanons and character work with you and throwing ideas at the wall to see what sticks has quickly become one of the highlights of my day; right alongside of planning what kind of stupid shit we can do in roll20. I even love hurling stupid pinterest posts and songs at you, it’s all part of the friendship.
Being able to share lore, ideas, AU’s, and RP with you means so much to me. You’ve made such an impact on my time in the Sunguard, and I can’t thank you for that enough. I can’t wait to see the storylines you unfold, now and in the future, and be there to experience them. Also, you always draw me wonderful things and I cry a lot.
Thomas / @jonathan-nevermore-smith: I had to save you for last, goober. From the moment we started writing together a year ago, I knew that I was in for something special. Writing Ash and Sana with you has been a rollercoaster that I have been happy to be on, even now. They mean so much to me. You’ve given me so much opportunity to revisit and grow the character that I love so much.
But it isn’t just Sana. Because of your brilliant ideas, I’ve gotten to create multiple characters that I love and adore. It was your urging that pushed me to make Melori a fully-formed, true character. It was your fanon lore that brought me Zaerise. You’ve always encouraged my ideas and thoughts, even when I thought they were extra. You’re always excited to talk with me about things - and that means so much to me.
You’ve let me take a lot of your fanon and just run with it. Being able to work out the religion, culture, and history of the Ridges - its customs and what makes it tick - has been such a fulfilling thing for me to do. Not to mention the Coven, and how much I love and adore them and all that you’ve let me do with your inkling of an idea.
You’re way more than an RP partner though. You are one of my best friends. Talking to you everyday just feels like part of the routine - always have to check in and talk with Thomas. You’ve become such a common point of reference in my life. You share my Hulu account with the real life squad. You’ve been there for me in some of my hardest points this year; you’ve listened to me cry, heard me drunk, and you’ve been there for me every moment in between.  I’m more thankful for you than I can easily put into words. So thank you, Thomas, for a year of amazing friendship and roleplay, and here’s to so many more.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
What to Watch With a Hangover
We’ve all been there. You have a few drinks. Then a few more. And then, boom, you wake up the next day with your neurotransmitters gone haywire, your system flooded by congeners, the blood vessels in your head dilated to twice their size due to glutamate rebound, aching from mitochondrial dysfunction and the inflammatory response to being poisoned by a probable human carcinogen. Mate.
In that diminished state, you’re good for nothing. You’re duvet fodder. And so to pass the time while your enzymes get to work breaking down that acetaldehyde, you legend, you’re going to need company. Not actual company. Other people are what got you into this mess, probably. No, what you need are on-screen friends – softly spoken, slow-moving, on-screen friends who may well be doing something in a meadow, or near a pond. What you absolutely don’t want is action, loud noises, explosions, fast edits, anything stomach-churning or, heaven forfend, to watch a single drop of alcohol passing between a single idiot’s lips. In short, no Michael Bay films. Instead, you need something like the below, hand-picked by our writers. Over to them.
The Twilight Zone (1959–1964)
The fact that Twilight Zone marathons are a proud New Year’s tradition certainly makes this an easy show to binge while you’re nursing a hangover, but this selection is about more than convenience or even the way that Rod Serling’s comforting voice can soothe your pounding headache. No, The Twilight Zone is the perfect hangover series because it offers a welcome combination of stories that are both comfortingly familiar and creatively varied. While nobody will blame you for sticking with the classics, try a few underrated episodes like ‘Shadow Play,’ ‘The Howling Man,’ and ‘The Midnight Sun’ if you think you can handle something new. 
Worst Hangover Viewing: Leaving Las Vegas – Look, you know you drank too much last night. The last thing you need is to watch one of the cinema’s greatest depictions of the consequences of drinking. Matthew Byrd
Antiques Roadshow
When you’re nursing a hangover what you need, above all else, is for everything to just be chill. No loud noises, please – or flashing lights, or God forbid: weird smells. Thankfully there is one strangely riveting television show that is guaranteed to provide you with none of those things (and if you smell any TV show please consult a physician). Long-running series Antiques Roadshow is pure TV comfort food. One can easily spend an entire hungover morning, afternoon, or even evening by bingeing this pleasant auction series in which well-meaning goobers bring what they believe to be priceless artifacts to auction, experts analyze them, and then tell them how much grandma’s china is really worth.
Worst hangover viewing: Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. Guy Fieri actually seems nice. I just can’t watch a man with frosted tips eat wings and nachos for hours on end. Alec Bojalad
Anne of Green Gables (1985)
I’ve specified the 1985 TV adaptation of L.M. Montgomery’s book series because that’s the apex of the ‘girls in straw hats’ genre, but really, you’d be safe with anything set in the late 1800s featuring a goat or a rustic fence on the DVD cover. Little House on the Prairie, Heidi, Little Women, What Katy Did, Anne With An E… they’ll all see you right. If you do decide to go Gables, then skip the episode in which Anne and Diana accidentally get wasted on a bottle of current wine they think is raspberry cordial. Otherwise, a feast of easily resolved disputes, jersey cows, and bucolic gads through flower-strewn fields awaits. Sit back – with care – and let the power of Canada cleanse you.
Worst hangover viewing: Dexter, or this video of a 1970s Mary Berry violating several fish. Louisa Mellor
Judge Judy
Judy is not your friend (and don’t call her Judy). But for the most banging of hangovers she actually is your friend. Like the most reliable of buddies, she is there all the time (you can find a channel showing Judge Judy at almost any hour of the day). And like a delicious Subway sandwich, almost all episodes taste the same: broken engagements, unpaid loans, damaged property and settlements to a maximum of $5000. It’s a familiar dance with Judy pedalling out catchphrase after catchphrase, rooting out the truth, calling out the idiots and doling out justice.
The people are real, the cases are real, the rulings are final (as the show points out at the start of each episode). It’s a comfort. Because in most people’s real world, there isn’t always justice. We don’t have a hero like Judy to swoop in and enforce fairness. Life is unfair and sometimes it sucks. Inhabiting the sleepy world of Judy’s court, with Officer Bird standing sentry by Judy is a perfect antidote to beer blues and shame spirals. Also, there are a lot of adverts and a lot of recaps: annoying if you’re watching fully functional, but in hangover zone it just means you can drift in and out, watch with half an eye and still follow everything that’s going on.
Worst hangover viewing: American Horror Story. So much gore. So relentless. Nope. Rosie Fletcher
Singin’ in the Rain (1952) 
If Singin’ in the Rain doesn’t sound like a perfect hangover movie, then perhaps you need to drink more. Because this Stanley Donen-directed toe-tapper is an absolute rush of kinetic joy and breezy fun—the kind that can distract you from that ache in your head and the sandpaper in your throat. Instead get lost in a pitch perfect MGM technicolor confection where Gene Kelly spins in rain puddles, Debbie Reynolds croons in A-flat major, and Donald O’Connor makes ‘em laugh, and laugh, and laugh some more.
Worst hangover viewing: Tenet. It makes our head hurt while sober as a judge on Sunday, so…. David Crow
Anne of Green Gables and now this? What is it about Canada that makes it produce excellent hangover cure content? Be forewarned, plenty of scenes in this half-hour comedy take place in the local bar, MoDean’s. And plenty of other scenes feature characters nursing a beer or two. But if you’re not so far gone that the mere sight of a neon Budweiser sign will kill you instantly, Letterkenny is excellent hangover entertainment. Letterkenny is a highly verbal experience. The vast majority of its jokes surround dextrous word play as its characters more or less just stand around in Ontario cornfields. Letterkenny is so dialogue-centric in fact that it sometimes comes across as an old-timey radio play with more dick jokes. That’s perfect for when you can’t bring your head out of the toilet, but still want to laugh. Alec Bojalad
BTS In the Soop
BTS has content for every occasion, but none of it is more chill than In the Soop, the two-season (and counting) series that sees the seven members of the hardworking Korean music group take a “break” (technically, they’re still working) from their busy schedules to hang out at a house in the country. (“Soop” is Korean slang for “forest.”) In the first season, BTS takes the time to engage in hobbies, from fish murder to casually masterful painting to rubberband glider construction. While the second season involves some hobbies (including BTS’ favorite sport, foot volleyball), the shorter, four-day stint mostly involves the various members sleeping, working out, and eating. If you’re looking for maximal cathartic relaxation, check out Season 1. But if you’re looking for dog content, check out Season 2, which features adorably eager Jungkook’s adorably eager Doberman, Bam.
Worst hangover viewing: BTS’ music video for “IDOL.” Too many colors. Kayti Burt
My Big Fat Greek Wedding (1 & 2)
When I’m hungover the last thing I want is anything that will make me worry – I just want to be comforted and sure that everything is going to be okay. In the My Big Fat Greek Wedding universe all peril is mild; the most tense storylines are concerned with people being embarrassed by their parents and their extended family or feeling awkward about being Greek. The films are heart warming, demand absolutely nothing from you and will leave you feeling like everything will be fine because Toula had a makeover and married Aidan from Sex and the City. They’re exactly what you need when you need to distract yourself from your beer fear (maybe avert your eyes from the whole lamb being roasted if you’re not ready for food). Opa!
Worst hangover viewing: Anything by Disney Pixar that starts off fun but is designed to catch you by surprise and leave you sobbing (see Coco). Elizabeth Donoghue
Below Deck
You wouldn’t think a reality show about lavish five-course gourmet dinners and lots and LOTS of booze would be a great hangover show, but I guarantee you the fat cats renting out these massive yachts are way more hungover than you the morning after. Despite the show being about a jaded crew of yachties serving the incredibly wealthy on a mega yacht that doubles as a floating party boat, the vibe’s actually pretty chill for the most part. Most of the time, you’re treated to stunning views of the Caribbean or the Mediterranean, and the soothing sounds of the ocean – just the kind of relaxing content you need while regretting all of your mistakes from the night before. Plus, if you’re like me, delicious food IS the best cure for a hangover, and there’s plenty of that coming out of the yachts’ kitchens.
Worst hangover viewing: Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives and anything with Gordon Ramsay yelling in it. So everything with Gordon Ramsay. John Saavedra
Forensic Files
A show that occasionally features graphic crime scene photos seems like it would break the rules of acceptable hangover programming. After all, unpleasant sights and sounds are what we’re trying to avoid here. But let’s be real here: it’s 2021 and if you’ve been consuming Western pop culture your entire life. You’re so desensitized to murder that your “true crime” obsession is something you can lead a dating profile with. That will come in handy because, if you can look past all the murder, Forensic Files is a perfect hangover show. Brilliant narrator Peter Thomas guides viewers through each 22-minute episode that features another crime (not always violent) solved through the magic of forensic science. With an episode catalogue numbering over 400, you’ll have plenty to watch if your hangover lasts forever. Alec Bojalad
After the Thin Man
There aren’t nearly enough (good) movies set around the mad dash holiday that is New Year’s Eve. Probably because, back in 1936, After the Thin Man set the bar so damn high that Hollywood has been afraid to even attempt to top it ever since. A sequel to the even more excellent 1934 murder mystery comedy The Thin Man, After the Thin Man picks up three days following the Christmas-set events of the first film. Our protagonists Nick and Nora Charles (yes, they are the namesakes for Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist)—and fox terrier Asta!—have completed their three-day train trek from New York City home to San Francisco and are barely off the tracks before they are beset with yet another murder mystery to solve.
As with the other films in this six-film, black-and-white franchise, the best part of the world is the relationship between Nick and Nora, a married couple who genuinely seem to enjoy one another’s company and spend the film drinking and having fun, all while solving the murder of Nora’s philandering brother-in-law Robert. The film also stars Jimmy Stewart in one of his early roles, making this a must-see for any classic Hollywood cinema fan for yet another reason. Kayti Burt
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Happy New Year!
The post What to Watch With a Hangover appeared first on Den of Geek.
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destiny-islanders · 7 years
You (Comrades Protag) + The Chocobros | Part I - Gladio
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Part II - Prompto | 
I’ve been meaning to write up headcanon ideas for the Comrades player character’s interaction with the boys, but I didn’t start getting around to it until last night. Here are my ideas for meeting Gladio since he’s the only one my character has met so far. I’ll probably do the other boys if you guys like this one and I have ideas. :>
[Because I want your characters to do more with Gladio than kick his ass so hard that he leaves the town in shame and you steal a really nice sword from him (?!?!?!?!?!)]
Holly asks you to help take care of some daemons that had slipped into the power plant. You make the mistake of trying out a new broadsword that you haven’t had a chance to practice with that much yet. Don’t get me wrong—you still kick ass! But daemons’ asses aren’t the only ones getting kicked; yours takes a pretty nasty beating, too. But you get the job done. Plus you find this claw by the elevator that’s as long as your forearm, and you know that Cid will be able to use to make you The Most OP of All Time™. Like easily you will become the Coolest and the Strongest member of your party. So slap a “VICTORY” label on this mission and ship it on out.
You’re walking back to the marketplace when you hear someone grunting and gasping for air somewhere far off to your right. You understandably think that a daemon may have strayed from the power plant and is attacking someone who needs your help. You take off in the direction the voice seems to be coming from.
Turns out there aren’t any daemons around. It’s just some beefy dude swinging his sword around all by himself. You guess he must be training—perfecting his swings, practicing new techniques with a broadsword that looks like it’s almost as long as you are tall. As impressive as this guy  is, you can tell he’s running himself ragged and looks completely exhausted.
You: “How about a break? You look ready to fall over.”
He practically jumps out of his skin. He was so caught up in what he was doing that he didn’t notice you there. Whoops. You realize as he turns to look at you that you know this man. Well, you know of him. Enough of your memory has returned to help you recognize that face. That’s Gladiolus Amicitia, one of Prince Noctis’s royal retainers. Not many people in Lestallum have very nice things to say about him.
The extent of your former interactions with Gladio: You were at Galdin Quay on a hunt and saw him and the retinue pull the biggest fucking fish you’d ever seen out of the water. The boys had been kind enough to haul the fish to the restaurant on the pier so that all of the patrons could share it with them. You didn’t even like fish that much, but holy hell. The Devil of the Cygillan was one of the tastiest things you’d eaten in your life. Probably the tastiest thing you’ll ever eat in your life, since the world is falling apart now. As a former Glaive, you’d considered approaching Prince Noctis to offer him your protection, but when you heard him introduce himself as “Noct Gar” to a massage therapist near the bar, you decided against it, lest you foil his attempts to keep a low profile.
You don’t know much else about Gladio, but you know that he was one of Prince Noctis’s sworn guardians. With Prince Noctis missing, what is Gladio doing? Why is he pushing himself so hard? Is it to grow stronger so that he might be able to help his missing oath-sworn liege (presuming that he’s still alive somewhere)? Or is it to punish himself for not being strong enough to keep Prince Noctis safe in the first place?
Gladio: “I’m fine.”
If watching this man work himself to the point of exhaustion wasn’t indication enough that something was wrong, the low, gravelly tone of his voice sure is. But you don’t know this guy very well. No, scratch that. You don’t know this guy at all. So you don’t pry, even though you’re really curious and have approximately two-hundred and eighty-nine (289) questions—with “WHERE THE HELL IS PRINCE NOCTIS?????” sitting undisputed at the top of the fucking list.
Maybe you can chat him up long enough to at least give him time to catch his breath. You decide to try and strike up a casual conversation. About. Uh. About…
You: “That’s a really big sword.”
Gladio: “Yep.”
The small talk ball is in your court and you’re off at the concession stand buying overpriced French fries. C’mon, Kingsglaive who hasn’t even had a chance to get someone to jailbreak their phone yet, GET A BIT MORE CREATIVE WITH THOSE DIALOGUE CHOICES.
You: “You come here often? To train, I mean.”
Okay. That’s a little better. As far as conversations go, you’re still driving on the shoulder, but the car is parallel to the road and you’re at least driving in the right direction.
Gladio: “Yeah. It’s quiet over here. Usually, no one bothers me.”
You: “You call that quiet? I could hear you moaning from all the way over by the power plant.”
Gladio just laughs, though. And as surprised as you are to see that (he seemed so surly a second ago???), you relax just a little bit.
Gladio: “Fair enough. I recognize that symbol. Kingsglaive, huh?”
(I like the idea that even if our characters wear different outfits, they wear some article of clothing or accessory that bears the Kingsglaive sigil. Like an armband or a jacket or a pendant.)
You: “Yeah.”
Gladio: “Were you there for the…? No. Never mind. No need to dig that shit up now. History just keeps repeating itself, anyway. Kings fall. Princes fall. And their failed protectors are left behind to try and pick up the fucking pieces.”
Gladio: *Shuffles back into a crouch to resume training* “Well… back to it, I guess.”
You: “Wait.” You summon your new broadsword. “Let’s go a round. You and me.”
You: “Unless you like punching air...?”
Gladio: “Weren’t you the one just telling me to take a break?”
D’oh! Yes, you were. But you don’t like the thought of leaving this guy alone when he’s clearly in such a dark place...
Gladio: “Fine. You’re on. One round.”
Okay like. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a complete massacre, but. Like. The fight doesn’t last very long, either. Gladio manages to smack you with that stupid-big sword and sends you flying into a pile of musty crates, knocking you unconscious on impact.
You wake up as Gladio’s carrying you somewhere. You’re. Like. Super delirious because you probably have a concussion. So you can’t really control your muddled thoughts or stop them from slipping out of your mouth.
You: “Did I die? Did you kill me?”
You: “Am I dead? Are you hiding my body somewhere?”
You: “Hide my phone along with my body, okay? I couldn’t unlock it. I don’t know what kind of embarrassing shit I might have on there. Just. Hide it. It’s my dying wish.”
Turns out he was carrying you to the infirmary. Iris sees Gladio carrying you into the tent beside her clothing shop and she is PISSED!
Gladio: “I didn’t… *Sigh* Fuck. They sparred with me. It happens. They’re fine.”
Gladio kind of just dumps you onto a cot and excuses himself to fetch a medic while Iris fusses over you, apologizing for her idiot big brother. She promises he’s really nice most of the time, honest.
...You’ll have to take her word for it.
The doctor comes into the tent and tends to your injuries, but Gladio’s nowhere to be seen. This makes Iris even angrier and she promises she’ll find him and beat some sense into him… but you tell her not to. It’s fine.
Later that night, you get a text from a number you don’t recognize.
Unknown Number: “Hey its gladio. Know u cant unlock ur phone but hopefully you see this on the lock screen. Meet by the plant in 5 min if u want.”
You go.
The Cup Noodles he has waiting for you have nothing on the amazing food that Monica, Cid, and even Cindy have been nice enough to make for you at camp after hunts. The ramen is lukewarm and the carrots are unpleasant, flavorless surprise lumps that you chew up along with the noodles. But with the calm and quiet of Gladio’s company, and with the stars shining brighter than you’ve ever seen them without man-made light to push away their glow, it’s one of the best meals you’ve had since you woke up in the back of that truck with Libertus, ears ringing as he insisted that you continue to fight in a war you don’t really remember signing up for in the first place.
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rwboi · 7 years
How about hcs for Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Mercury and Velvet having a s/o that gets very creative with their petnames for them and basically never calls them by their real name?
Ok, I tried to get creative to give examples, but it was a struggle. Many sorry, much apologize
Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Mercury, and Velvet with an s/o that gets very creative with petnames and basically never calls them by real name
⦁ Red, Little Red, Red Rose, Rose, Rubes, Rubester, Love, Princess, My Warrior, Speedy
⦁ When it started, she loved how there was a new one every day and still does
⦁ Bright Eyes, Cheese Ball,  Goofball, Goober, Fruit Loop, Bees Knees
⦁ Bees Knees always makes her smile, well they all do, but that one brings back memories
⦁ She loves it and don’t ever stop, if her s/o did stop she be concerned ‘Are you alright? Is something wrong? Tell me I can help!’ 
⦁ The really cheesy ones make her blush especially in public, but she doesn’t get mad about it, just really quiet and looks to the ground
⦁ Makes some for her s/o but has trouble coming up with them on the spot
⦁ ‘You know you’re my sunshine, right?’ ’D'aww, well you’re my….leaf….’ ‘Leaf? I don’t get it.’ ‘Ya'know, cause you….uh…ya…I got nothing.’
⦁ She’s totally ok with hearing the pet names over her actual name and gets used to it pretty quick
⦁ In fact she gets so used to hearing petnames that hearing her name in her s/o’s voice confuses her greatly. 'Huh?! Who’s calling me?!’ 'Ruby, it’s me!’ 'Aagh! Who’s said that?!’
⦁ My Queen/Princess, Her Highness, Angel, Babe, Snow Flake, Snow Ball, My Love, Honey
⦁ If you want to embarrass/fluster her go for the cheesy ones in public, 8/10 times she blushes and stutters out a reply telling them 'Don’t say such things!’
⦁ The other times she’ll roll her eyes and blush a bit but can’t hide her growing smile
⦁ Frosty, Frosted Flakes, Popsicle, Snow Cone
⦁ She is impressed as her s/o gets more creative. 'How have you come up with  so many? How do you keep track of them all?’
⦁ Ice Queen would be one she doesn’t like to much, she’s heard that one a lot and it was usually not in a nice way, but she’ll probably be ok with her s/o saying it
⦁ She doesn’t have any petnames for her s/o, though she has tried before but they come out awkward and forced, she just prefers to call them by their actual name
⦁ Bell, Bella, Brave Heart, Ninja, Bright Eyes, Golden Eyes
⦁ The ones that Adam used (Darling/My Darling) do bother her so be careful
⦁ The ones like Kitty, Kitten, cat-related don’t really get a reaction out of her. 'Haha, because I’m a cat Faunas, so clever.’
⦁ She has 1-2 petnames that she’ll use for s/o but only in private
⦁ When her s/o uses the petnames in public she’ll blush and give a small smile and jokingly roll her eyes, might jab them lightly in the side and tell them to 'hush’
⦁ Likes the creativity even if it doesn’t always make sense
⦁ She honestly likes hearing the petnames over her own, it’s just nice to know that her s/o cares enough to come up with one, and it’s extra nice that s/o has dozens of them
⦁ They make her smile and her day gets a bit better every time she hears her s/o’s voice
⦁ She has a whole list for her s/o and uses them every chance she gets
⦁ Firecracker, Fire Fly, Barbie, Goldie, Goldie Locks, Stud, Stud Muffin, Sunny, Sunshine
⦁ She doesn’t get flustered when s/o uses them but she does smile a lot. She tries to make her s/o smile too and laugh a bit as well.
⦁ Likes when they get creative and silly, she feeds off of it and tries to get creative and silly as well
⦁ Loves hearing her s/o use them and is impressed that they’ve come up with so many
⦁ Sweetie, Goofy, Lover boy, Captain Cuddles
⦁ Cheesy/Silly/Common ones make him laugh a bit and he give s/o one right back 'Sure thing, Snookum’s.’
⦁ He already has a few petnames for his s/o and uses them pretty regularly 
⦁ When his s/o started giving him petnames he didn’t really think much of it
⦁ Until he noticed they did it so often and rarely used the same one twice in a day
⦁ He starts to use them more often and gets creative too
⦁ It gradually turns into a completion
⦁ Just going back and forth until someone repeats one
⦁ He never wins but he doesn’t give up either so when he’s ran out of options he goes for the first word he can think of
⦁ 'Carrot’ 'Hmm…No, that doesn’t count ’ 'Yes it does, Lettuce.’ 'Your just naming vegetables.’ 'Turnip.’
⦁ Sweetheart, Hon’ Bun, Honey Bunny, Cutie, Snuggle Bunny, Cotton Tail
⦁ She really does like them no matter what, it’s really cute to her
⦁ Velvet goes quiet and blushes every time her s/o calls out to get her attention, in a really loud voice for everyone to hear, using a petname 'Not so loud!’ 'Aww, don’t want every one to know you’re a Cuddle Bunny?’ 'Ssshh!’
⦁ She is actually very happy when her s/o says such terms of endearment in public. It assures her that her s/o isn’t ashamed to be with her, being a Faunas and all she does has self-confidence issues 
⦁ Is impressed by the amount of pet names that s/o has made
⦁ Doesn’t really notice that she hears the petnames more than her own
⦁ She tries to give her s/o a creative petname but doesn’t use it often, though when she says it with her accent it’s the sweetest thing
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