#she's like 5'1 on a good day
it's no secret that i'm actually a terrible person but does anyone else follow people on strict diets on tiktok and chuckle when they slip up a bit. Like sweetie I know you did not intentionally make today a no calorie count day, you succumbed to your craving this morning and had your craving decide the day you'll have. This one creator said that she had another cheat day on the same week, and couldn't help but think "oh the beginning stages of binge eating disorder."
I did let her know in the comments that I was worried about her, but I chuckle a bit because of her being in denial. And i think i can do this because, I'm not actually friends with these people.
If my bestie had signs of an eating disorder, I don't think I could allow myself to sleep without thinking of ways to help her. But nah she just loves to enjoy her food, and prefers the weight she is and rightfully so. Glad I have a friendship with someone like her because, she reminds me that food is meant to be enjoyed with people and to dress for the body you have and not the body you want.
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aespicysstuff · 6 months
Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
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Description: "When Jenna can't help but fall in love with her coworker, but she's too much of a coward to confess believing you don't feel the same, however, the girl is wrong you would kneel for her."
Words: 18.1k
Jenna Ortega is a well-known name. She is an authentic woman with unreal beauty, creativity, cuteness, education, intelligence, and more. I could spend days complimenting her without getting tired. Like many people, I know Jenna from her works. Watching her performances on screen is already something gratifying and magnificent, but nothing compares to witnessing her talent in person.
How do I know this? Well, perhaps because, thanks to my job, I had the opportunity to work alongside one of the people I admire. Since a very young age, I have always been interested in parkour, martial arts, and boxing. Recognizing my potential in these areas, my father ensured I learned everything. Thankfully to him, I have the most enjoyable job – being a stunt double.
You logically started with small films and series, sometimes even commercials and a few games. You had begun to gain popularity among directors, especially after being the stunt double for Zoë Kravitz in "The Batman" and being the motion and body model for a new character in the Resident Evil game franchise. The director of "Scream VI" was looking for a stunt double for Melissa Barreram, the actress playing Sam Carpenter. Like other stunt doubles, you submitted a video showcasing your skills. After seeing your performance and how adept you were at both agile and heavy movements, they hired you for the role. You've been enjoying the experiences to the fullest.
At this moment, you were heading to the set and also meeting with the cast. During the filming, you had gotten close to almost all the actors, especially Jenna and Melissa. As you arrived, you spotted Jasmine and Mason from a distance, quickening your pace to reach them. "GOOD MORNING, BEAUTIES!" You kissed both of them on the cheek. "Good morning, lovely! You woke up in high spirits today," Jasmine said after you sat beside her. "I also noticed. Does it have something to do with a 5'1" Latina who loves playing characters with no sanity?" Mason teased while ruffling your hair.
You weakly slapped his arms, scoffing as they both broke into laughter. But when you were about to say something, a familiar scream interrupted. "MELISSA, STOP!" In minutes, you saw a small figure running towards you and hiding behind you. "Y/n, protect me, plea—" Jenna was interrupted by a furious Melissa chasing her. They ran around the table, making everyone laugh at the actresses' cuteness.
You decided it would be better to stop them before someone got hurt. You got up, caught Melissa in your arms, and held her tight. She struggled a little, but your grip was firm. Though she might be taller, you were stronger. You placed her beside Mason and sat back down, chuckling. Jenna sat beside you, and you offered her a water bottle. After she thanked you and turned to the group, you couldn't help but laugh at the situation.
Your eyes roamed every detail of her face, from her freckles to her dimple, her button nose, and the lips you wanted to feel so badly. Jenna felt her heart jumping in her chest, as if she would pass out from how intensely you were looking at her. She started leaning her face towards yours, interlinking her gaze between your eyes and your lips. Hypnotized, both of you were so entranced by each other that you didn't notice when you were called, "LOVE BIRDS!! WE HAVE SCENES TO SHOOT!! STOP EATING EACH OTHER AND GO TO THE SET!!" Jasmine, always the sweetheart, got your attention, making both of you jump a little and put some distance between yourselves.
The staff and some actors had already entered; only you and Jenna were missing. You remained in silence, trying to tame your heartbeats and your blush. You heard Jenna clearing her throat, "Uh... I-I think it's better if we go inside too." Jenna said while getting up and walking to the set, not giving you time to reply. You stayed for a bit longer, trying to absorb what just happened. Would you guys really have kissed if you weren't interrupted? You put your hands on your head, sighing, and started your way to the set.
You had started the recordings, and now you found yourself restless and apprehensive. At the moment, you were shooting the theater scene, and seeing Jenna hanging there wasn't pleasant. You couldn't believe how many times this girl faced danger without fear. She had mentioned loving to do her own stunts, and you couldn't blame her. You felt incredible after your own acrobatics. Still, you feared that one day she might get seriously injured. You couldn't help but worry about her.
You almost ran towards her when the director gave the order for her to fall, but you held back and sat down again. Her character and Jack's had a brief dialogue, and following the script, Tara thrust the knife into Ethan's mouth. You couldn't deny that seeing her smile of relief after her action and the blood on her face made you more infatuated with her than you already were.
Just as it was said, you knew Jenna from other works, and since then, you admired her. Just like her fans, you couldn't resist the charms of this Latina. Since the first day of filming, you've been falling more and more in love with her. She doesn't help much in easing these feelings since, from the first day, she hasn't let go of you. Not that you're complaining, but trying to stop liking her is almost an impossible mission.
You would really like to confess your feelings to Jenna, but you feel that she deserves someone better, someone who understands her (in the work sense) and who is a beautiful woman that fits with her. You're just the stunt double, the tomboy, as some call you, simply because you have a more sculpted body, a muscular physique, and a tomboyish style. You've always faced these kinds of unpleasant comments for these reasons. Your friends always comfort you, and your small fan community defends you as much as they can.
Jenna also always comforts you when some of these comments shake you. She always says that you're like a Doberman, always with a stern face, ready to snap at anyone who comes close. She said she feels safe with you, as if she were at home. Lost in your thoughts, you hadn't noticed that they had finished the scenes. You also didn't see a certain short girl watching you attentively.
Jenna observed every trace of your face, every bit of you. From your curly hair to your tattoos, she loves every part of you. She finds herself hopelessly in love with you, every aspect of you, habits, words—you leave her fascinated. It wasn't in her plans to fall in love, but on the day she saw you, she knew her heart wouldn't hold up. She perfectly remembers how her heart skipped a beat after seeing you. You were in simple clothes that highlighted your curves and, most importantly, your muscles. But the fatal blow was the smile you gave her after hugging her.
But Jenna is afraid of this, of these feelings. She has always been more focused on work, never paid much attention to romance. But now, after getting to know you, she daydreams about your life together.
She wants to confess, but she never manages to. She always retreats before revealing her feelings, afraid that you won't fit into her life or even that you'll distance yourself because of it. That's why she hasn't confessed yet. But the desire is there, what's lacking is courage and a bit of shame.
Jenna shook her head slightly to get rid of these thoughts and silently approached you since you were still distracted. She came close to you, laughing at your expression, and on impulse, she squeezed your shoulders and gave you a kiss on the neck, staying with her face there. "Jenna! Why did you scare me like that?" You said in a playful manner, covering your face, hearing the girl laugh at the situation. "Sorry, mi corazón, it wasn't my intention, but you looked so beautifully distracted, and I couldn't resist." She hugged you, and you turned a bit, pulling her onto your lap, hugging her waist and resting your head on her shoulder.
Jenna put her arms around your neck and planted a kiss on the top of your head. You didn't say anything, just enjoyed each other's presence. It was enough. The connection you two had was visible for everyone to see, and it was a beautiful thing. That's why many didn't bother you two. Unfortunately, your moment was interrupted by the director calling you to shoot some stunts. Both of you sighed; you gave Jenna a little pat on the thigh signaling her to get up. "No! I'm not leaving. I'm home..." She said in a cute, whiny voice, and your heart skipped a few beats. "I'm home," you couldn't help but smile.
You tightened your embrace. "It's okay, my love. I promise to spend the whole rest of the day with you." You cupped her face, caressing her cheek. Jenna felt butterflies having a party in her stomach. Ugh! How she wanted to kiss you until the air evaporated from her lungs, but she restrained herself, moving away a bit and raising her pinkie finger, "Do you promise with your pinkie?" You laughed at her cuteness and joined your pinkies, "I promise, mi amor." You kissed her fingers, making Jenna even more infatuated.
"Then go do those stunts quickly because I want to be cuddled up with you all day." You picked her up, making her squeal and then burst into laughter. You put her down and started walking toward the actors, but you stopped, turned back, and ran towards Jenna. However, what she had to say got stuck in her throat. You had given her a kiss on the eyebrow and whispered in her ear, "See you later, mi amor."
You ran off after the director shouted your name, leaving a paralyzed and tomato-red Jenna behind. She snapped out of her trance and ran to her trailer, laughing like a love-struck teenager.
The sun had already set when everyone was released from the recordings. The sky was partially orange, and its dim light guided you to your trailer. You knocked on the door, and it didn't take long for Jenna to open it. "You took your time!" She pulled you into a hug. "Mi amor, you were the one who got released early, haha!" You squeezed her in your arms, resting your chin on her head. You stayed like that for a few more minutes.
"Let's go inside; you must be tired." She led you in, closing the door once you entered. "Can I take a quick shower, princess?" You asked, seeing a cute pout forming on her face. "But... I wanted to cuddle with you now." She pouted, and you couldn't resist the cuteness, pinching her cheeks, making her pout intensify.
"My love, this will only take me a few minutes, and then you can have me all to yourself." Jenna looked at you with those bambi eyes and agreed, going to sit on the couch while you prepared. As you had said, after a few minutes, you were already by her side, watching none other than "Puss in Boots 2" haha. You were lying on the couch, and Jenna was lying on top of you.
There was a pleasant silence between you two, only the sounds of the movie were heard. You lowered your gaze to Jenna, observing every detail of her, from eyebrows to lips. You became (once again) hypnotized. Jenna felt your burning gaze on her head and turned her face, resting her chin between your breasts, "What's wrong?" She asked, giving you a small smile. You just shook your head, watching her, seeing how every part of her reacted. God, you were hopelessly in love and didn't know what to do.
You wanted to shout at the top of your lungs about how much you love her, wanted to kiss her, love her, take care of her, wanted to be with her. But you are a coward who can't take action and is afraid of losing her in every way. You ran your hand over Jenna's face, gently caressing her with your thumb, watching her close her eyes and practically melt into your embrace.
Jenna turned her face, depositing a kiss in the palm of your hand, still with her eyes closed. She felt the temperature of her body increase with each touch of yours; to feel you so close is a blessing and a curse at the same time. She wanted to have you like this but as her girlfriend, as the love of her life and not as "friends"; she hated that term. She wants to have the freedom to kiss you, love you, but fear and insecurities consume her, and gradually she gets closer to possibly losing you.
You were in your bubble; no one spoke anything, just felt the touches of your bodies and souls. Jenna opened her eyes, seeing your eyes fixed on her, and you realized you’d been caught. So, you sent her a crooked smile with your cheeks reddish. You realized how close your faces were, and with courage taken from your ass, you gradually started to close the distance between you two.
Jenna also started to close the distance; she felt her body tremble in anticipation. She put her hands on your shoulders, grabbing your shirt. "Kiss me… Kiss me please Y/N." Jenna grabbed your face, putting her forehead on yours. She slightly dragged her lips across your face, whispering, "kiss me mi amor."
"F*ck it," you pulled her neck and kissed her. The kiss was hurried, but firm. In it, love and desire stored for so long were transmitted. Sighs were released, hearts accelerated and synchronized, bodies hot like the embers of a bonfire, hands exploring every part of the bodies, every curve, caressing the skin like a brush caresses.
The air became scarce, and both, reluctantly, separated. Jenna had opened her eyes slowly, trying to reason if what just happened was true or just another one of her dreams. She lay on your chest, still panting, and looked at you, waiting for you to open your eyes and snap out of the trance.
You felt like you were in the clouds, more alive. You opened your eyes, seeing the woman of your dreams watching you. "Are you real? Like... did this really just happen, or am I delirious?" You asked her while caressing her hair. Jenna smiled, showing her dimple, and hid her face in your neck.
You both were euphoric, finally! You had fulfilled one of the wishes, but the doubt still lingers. Even though you had just kissed each other with all of you, with your hearts, you can't help but question, "Does she really like me?"
You cleared your throat, bringing Jenna's attention back to you. "Uh... I know we just kissed as if the world were ending, but... uh... what are we now? Like, do you really like me? Because I like— No! I... I love you, Jenna." You confessed, watching Jenna react with disbelief. "I've loved you since the day I met you, with your more reserved way, your somewhat eccentric humor, your sarcasm, your freckles." You said everything with a smile on your face and a special sparkle in your eyes. "You can't imagine all the times I held back from kissing you, telling you how much I love you. All the tears I shed for you, feeling insufficient for you." You let out a shaky sigh; getting all of this off your chest is a relief.
Jenna couldn't explain what she felt at this moment. Relief? Happiness? Sadness? She couldn't believe that you were really saying all this; her heart felt like it was going to explode with so much happiness. But she felt sad hearing your last words, "How dare you feel that way?!? Y/n, I've never felt so happy, safe, and comfortable with anyone like I feel with you. It's like my heart already knew that you would take care of it with your life." She passed her hand over your face, wiping away the tears that you didn't even realize were falling.
"You make me feel so many things at once, but none of them is something bad. You always take care of me, make me feel beautiful, make me feel like I can conquer the world and the universe. You are my star; you are more than enough for me, mi amor. And answering you, I love you too, and I want this to turn into something more. I want you as my partner for the rest of my life." She chuckled lightly; her soul felt light after confessing, after knowing that you also love her.
You hugged each other with big smiles on your faces. Both have a lot to learn, but now, they won't do it alone. You have each other, and this union will be hard to break. Your love is special, like the love of the sun for the moon.
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harrystylesfan2686 · 6 months
Lewd Thoughts
Pairing: Cassian x Reader.
Summary: Just reader simpin' over cass😁
A/N: Again unedited🫣 I changed it a little from the original story plz dont mind😅Also I'm 5'1 so I wrote this from my perspective. I hope you like this!❤️
The Winter Solstice has always been an important day in Night Court. The celebration and gifts and everything about it is always perfect. It has to be and Rhys makes sure of that. This time especially since it Feyre's birthday too. He goes all out. Doesn't matter if it's just between family, he still did his best.
I wear red cotton dress with white puff sleeves and stockings, matched with pearl earrings. Mor dressed me up tonight making sure I look my best. She even painted on my face with somethings and even though I thought it'd be too much, I love how I look.
We were allowed to bring one guest if we wanted tonight, I didn't invite anyone but mor didn't let the chance go. She invited two people a female who she met at Rita's and a male named Gabriel, I think. When I reminded her that the option was only one guest she told me Gab can be my date to which I had laughed but agreed.
We sit around the living room, talking and waiting for others to come. Rhys, Feyre and Azriel were already there when Mor and I arrived, our guest informing us they'll be a little late. We are now waiting for Cassian, Elain and surprisingly Nesta. I have to admit, I was a little shocked hearing she said she was coming too but then I got to know that Feyre had threatened her to come, using the small apartment she is living in at the moment.
I and Mor were conversing our gifts to everyone when Cassian came exclaiming his arrival. I take him in while he wishes everyone. His tan skin and tousled half ponytail, those silky hair I always wanted to run my finger through and those amazing Hazel eyes that I wished were always on me. His casual clothing hiding those strong muscles that always make me drool. I never could pay attention to my morning training sessions because if he was near, all I can ever think about is how hard they'd feel against my body.
A pinch to my elbow makes me yell out and snap my eyes to the provider of my pain. I glare at mor, rubbing my sore skin I exclaim,"What?!". She raises her eyebrow at me and says,"Stop looking at him like that. You're drooling."
I gasp,"I am not! You-"
"Hello my dear friends." Cassian interrupt me. I turn to him, towering over me he smirks. I look at the end of his tugged up lips. Oh what I would do to feel those full lips wrapped around my nip-
Nope, not going there. I blink out that thought as quickly as it came and smile in return. I greet him back, hearing Mor do the same. They talk about something which I'm not paying attention to and use that time to adore him. Oh how good he looks. My eyes trail from his eyes to his sharp jaw and his stubble. I wonder how those tiny hair would feel like if we kiss. They'd tickle my chin, deffinately. I'd like that. And I'd for sure like feeling them on my sensitive skin when his head is between my le-
I avert my eyes and scold myself for thinking these lewd imagines with him right in front of me. I sigh to myself and try to fosuc on what he is telling Mor. I fix my eyes to his neck knowing if I see his lips again I'll go crazy. But their voices again drone out in the background when I focus on his neck. How is it that I find even his neck so sexy? I want to suck on it. Leave a little trail of red markings with my lips. Even bite a little as I sink down on his co-
"Are you even listening to me?" I hear his voice, bringing me from my imagination. I blink up at him in embarrassment when I realized he had said something to me and I didn't listen. My face flushed with heat as I try to recall what he said.
"I-um," I stammer glancing at Mor in hopes she helps me a little but all she does is give me a knowing look. Cassian chuckles above me and I look back at him.
"What's gotten into you? Are you alright?" He gives me a soft smile. "I-yeah! Yeah of course I am! Yeah." I nod and give a, what hopefully is a, convincing smile. My few loose hair strand away in front my face, before I can raise my hand to put them back, cassian's hand tucks it behind my ear. I freeze. The callus skin of his hand feel too good against my ear. It lingers their for a second before droping back down. I stop myself from shivering from the intensity of these situation.
A yell of Mor's name catches our attention and we all look at the female and male that just walked through the door.
Right. I forgot we invited plus ones. Gabriel's eyes lock with mine and he smiles, walking towards us. I observe him. His white skin and ocean blue eyes with high checkbones and sharp jaw. I have definitely seem him before. I juat dont remember where. Mor introduces five of us and walks away with her friend leaving Gab, Cass and Me alone.
"Y/N, Its been a while." Gab smiles. I, in return, and nod to him, stilling trying to remember him and failing miserably.
Maybe I should juat ask him... No that would be rude. Wouldn't it? Oh I don't remember anyway so might as well.
I clear my throat,"I'm sorry if I offend you by saying this but I don't really remember you." I smile apologetic, watching his face fall and nod. "It's alright," He nods,"I understand, I mean it was almost a century ago. But I can try to make you remember." He tilts his face.
"I would love that." I breath out a chuckle. I notice cassian's face switching between Gab and me depending on the speaker.
"Well, it was seven decades ago, on starfall. We met in the celebration party and got along well, wether that be our personalities or the alcohol, I don't remember." We laugh. Cassian still listening. "That night I walked you to your house and well, we kissed." My eyes widen as forgotten memories flash through my eyes.
"Oh, I remember! We kissed and I invited you in and we-" I abruptly stop remembering how the rest of the night went. We didn't even make it to the bedroom. After the adrenaline ran out along the drunkness, we had been so tired that we fell asleep on the floor. "Yes, We did." He eyes fall to my lips, down to my body and come back to my eyes.
Cassian frowns. He clears his throat and I look at him. Confusion fills me when I something like anger in his eyes. Gab's words makes me look at him again. "So how have you been?"
I go to answer but the words get stuck in my throat when I fell a pair of arms hug my waist. I look down, seeing the arms of the man I adore so much. My heartbeat fastens when he pulls me back to his chest. I gasp when my back touches his hard muscles. He puts his chin on top of my head and my heart feels like it will fall out of my chest. Gab's eyes take in the massage Cassian is clearly stating.
Stay away.
I know almost all versions of Cassian. His friend version with me. The brother version with Az and Rhys. The teacher version during training sessions. This is new. I love this version of Cassian too whoever he is. It's exciting.
"I'm doing really good." I answer Gabriel's question, blushing profoundly. "And you? What are you doing nowadays?"
He answers but I hear none of it, thanks to a certain lord of bloodshed wrapped around me. I'm sure he can feel how hard my heart is beating right now and still choosing to ignore it.
All I can think about how hot the veins on his arms are. And how large his hands they are. How they fold around waist perfectly. How his two hands cover my entire stomach. How good it would feel it they tighten around me. How his big palm would feel covering my neck. I bet I'd look and feel so small with his chest passed tightly to my back, one hand choking me, and other wrapped around my waist holding tightly so that I don't move and have no choice but to take everything he gives me while thrusting-
"Are you listening to me, Y/N?" Gabriel's question intrupts me. I try focus on him again, smile and answer,"Yes. Of course."
This is gonna be a long night.
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star-girl69 · 1 year
Hi it's your poly fan! Please can I see what your amazing mind thinks about a human reader who is short. Like, shooort.
How would the fam treat a mom/mate who only comes up to their legs? 🤣
I'm barely 5'1 and I can only imagine 😅. Thank you!
Sully Family with a Short!Human!Fem!Reader
a/n: hi!! thank you so much 🫶🫶🥹
i hope you all enjoy!!
probably calls you the oddest pet names
like “short stack” “bunny” or like “bug”
you’re just so small to him it’s comical
sleeps with you on his chest every night bc again, TERRIFIED he’s gonna crush you
if you’re comfortable with it he would totally pick you up
calls you “baby” too and you’re just like what
asks “how’s the weather down there”
the only human in the world she can probably stand
if you have human friends she’s like ew???
but anyways loves just placing her hand on the top of your head while you’re standing next to her
after jake explains some human animals to her she thinks it’s hilarious and calls you “bunny”
when you talk to him he’ll always look straight down even if you’re across the room
he just thinks it’s so funny
also places his hand on the top of your head
says “how’s the weather down there” at least twice a day
says smth like “yk it’s weird how we call you mama and you’re literally smaller than us”
he doesn’t stop calling you mama
uses your stomach/lap as a pillow all the time
is used to humans bc of… i don’t even like to say his name honestly but you guys know
treats you pretty much as if you were na’vi besides for the occasional tease
“kiri can you grab that for me?”
“of course my tiny human mama”
being shorter than tuk is… embarrassing to say the least
she’s literally not allowed around fire and is taller than you
you’re like literally a literal stuffed animal with her
doesn’t even register that you’re human you’re just her mama who looks a little different and is closer to her height!!
also this entire family is so incredibly protective of you 😭
and i mean like rightfully so
humans are more fragile than na’vi
like you’ll be passing through a crowd and someone bumps into you
well one you probably go FLYING
lo’ak and tuk are hissing
kiri is silently cheering them on while saying “no! don’t do that!”
neteyam and jake and trying to pull the two back
and if you’re fine she probably just hisses at the person-
-who is now very throughly scared
if you’re hurt like even if you skinned your knee
it takes the entire family to hold her back
did i mention that the person who bumped into you is TERRIFIED
and if someone says something bad about you punches are being thrown
like jake asking why lo’ak got into another fight
“… how do the other guys look.”
“good job.”
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novantinuum · 4 months
Steven Q. Universe is not 145 lbs in Future and I will gladly die on this hill
Aight. I'm tired of the SU fan wiki spreading this too. Here we go. Here are a few reasons why the listing of his weight (and quite honestly, height too) on the wiki are nonsense and need to stop being spread around as fact.
Reason one: Steven's body proportions were completely in flux that entire episode anyways, and there's a good possibility even Priyanka's final "measurements" are inaccurate to his baseline.
Think about it.
We already see evidence of his height fluctuation in the hospital scene as it is.
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Connie's mother writes down a measurement...
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Notices him sprout just a little taller...
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And quickly corrects her measurements.
Not to mention, we've seen evidence of his weight fluctuating just an episode before.
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In Together Forever, while ruminating on the thought of Connie moving so far away for college, he turns pink and then sinks really hard into his mattress, as if he actively became heavier while he thought about these literally heavy thoughts.
If his height was fluctuating during the exam, it only makes sense that his weight was, too.
Reason 2: Priyanka has a specific way she writes the number 4
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Here is the full, completed clipboard. You can tell the whole thing was filled out by Priyanka, all text is in the same handwriting.
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Here is a close-up of her entries on height and weight.
The awkward number correction on the height makes sense. It's hard to tell if what she wrote at first was 5'1" or 5'6" but whatever it was, it seems she ultimately decided to change it to 5'5".
The weight entry is... corrected as well, but in a somewhat nebulous way.
People keep thinking that this entry was corrected to "145," but here's the thing- she doesn't write 4s like that.
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She doesn't close her 4s.
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I'm more drawn to believe she was correcting a number into a 9 by closing it, but to be fair, I will admit that her her normal, uncorrected 9s aren't as pointy and angular. It's not a 4, though. It doesn't make sense for it to be a 4. Why would you correct a number into a 4 in a different way than you normally write it? Closing a number into a wonky 9 is one thing, 9s have to be closed. But writing an open 4 and then correcting another one by closing it is just... gah. It doesn't make sense to me.
BUT. Here's the thing. Here's why- at the day- Steven's true weight is DEFINITELY not 145.
Reason 3: That is literally not how bodies work.
Folks, please remember that Steven is fat. He is consistently drawn with thick limbs and a tummy, EVEN in Steven Universe Future.
And as someone who has spanned the whole gamut between 195 and 145 lbs at various points of my life... let me tell you from personal experience that Steven absolutely does NOT have a 145 lbs sort of frame.
And like, I'm not gonna pin my money on 195 lbs exactly because of reason number one- Steven being in a complete state of proportional flux that episode anyways- but it's definitely a measurement that is FAR more in the realm of realism than 145.
Once again, in sum:
Steven is not 145 lbs and the measurements taken in this ep need to all be taken with an intense grain of salt anyways because he was literally shrinking and growing all over the map, thank you
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blaithnne · 3 months
ok i forgot that goldie isnt canonically 5'1 on a good day so i have to restructure this ask
1) thoughts on short goldie
2) is heron short also
3) (contingent on answers 1 and 2) thoughts on scrooge and beakley both falling for tiny evil women
1) & 2)
I think the toxic yuri polycule height chart is something like this—!
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They all wear heels so it’s not exact (also I whipped this up in like 5 minutes lol)
Huifen is tall, she’s a black heron after all, and though they’re not the tallest birds ever they’re still pretty long! But she looks short standing next to Beakley, because everyone does (also I undersized her a little bit in my first human drawing by accident, whoops). Goldie is a short queen LMAO, she’s not minuscule, only slightly shorter than the average person, but she looks tiny next to these two (she might be slightly shorter than I drew her here, idk, I struggled to scale her LOL). Scrooge, for the record, is around the same height as Goldie!
In terms of their builds btw, Beakley is, obviously, very muscular! Though she might seem like a tank, she’s actually very soft — big ol squishy teddy bear! Heron on the other hand is a gangly mf, long, skinny, and sharp. Goldie is sort of in between them, an hourglass build like Huifen, but with more muscle on her (not half as much as Beakley, though).
Heron might not be tiny but Beakley treats her like she is, picks her up like a feral cat when she’s being too much 😌 Scrooge and Goldie only have a very slight height difference, but I think he’s very smug about it lol
Also, my funniest headcanon ever is that Beakley has a thing for bad girls, and she HATES IT. She’s so embarrassed about it and fully intends to take it to her grave. This also leads to her hating the aforementioned bad girls even more, bc she’s so frustrated with herself for liking the in the first place. So Beakley can spend 24 hours a day ranting about how much she hates someone, and be blushing the entire time. All this to say, Beakley might not technically have a leg to stand on when it comes to criticising Scrooge’s relationship, but that doesn’t stop her.
I think they’re both massive hypocrites about it, bc they wanna protect eachother despite the other really not needing the help. They’re also endlessly frustrated with eachother’s toxic Yuri partners. Beakley to a much bigger degree because she definitely has a thing for Goldie, which only makes her hate her even more. Scrooge is more annoyed by Beakley and Heron than anything else bc he just does not understand what the hell is going on there, but he’ll also occasionally be all,
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In conclusion, Beakley and Scrooge being a disaster sibling duo is my favourite thing ever. Scrooge is practically immortal, nothing can take him down. Beakley is a walking tank, she could walk off a bullet. They looked at eachother and went “that idiot needs me to protect them from their own love life” and they were kind of right??
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May I request a Lady Lesso x reader?
One where r is quite short (150 centimeters) and Lesso is just teasing r everytime?
Hope you have a good day!!
Oh, Lesso
> lady lesso x fem!reader
> requested? yes!
> content/warnings: other than L teasing R, nothing
> a/n: as someone who is 5'1", i humbly present myself as the subject of teasing for this fic 🙇🏻‍♀️
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“I have this song that I just can't seem to remember the title.” You paced in front of Lesso's desk as she graded her students papers.
“Perhaps you could elaborate it more, dear.” Lesso looked up from the papers and leaned against her chair.
“It has something to do with eyes.” You clicked your fingers, trying to think about the lyrics and notes of the song.
Lesso raised an eyebrow at your explanation. Eyes. Where did Lesso hear a song with eyes as subjects? After a few minutes of thinking, something in Lesso clicked and she started chuckling.
Stopping from your movements, you turned to Lesso and gave her a questioning look. “What are you laughing at?”
“I think I've cracked what you are searching for, dearest.” Both of you leaning forward, you met halfway and asked. “Well, what is it?”
“Does the song contain lyrics like... “we're face to face, but we don't see eye to eye”?” Lesso mimicked the students she remembered singing the song at the hall during lunch.
Lesso's obvious teasing of your height didn't go unnoticed by you. She was right, it was the song you were searching for but she could've told you about it more gently, instead of poking at your lack of tallness.
Rolling your eyes, you leaned back and took a seat at one of the chairs. “Ha ha, very funny.”
“Oh it is to me, dear.”
“Ah, Yuba.” Lesso stood up and called Yuba as the meeting ended. “Just the person I'm looking for.”
Yuba narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. Whatever Lesso was planning, he knows he's about to do something for her that he doesn't want to. “What is it?” He asked whilst walking towards the redhead.
“Do you, possibly, have a monkey in the forest?”
Furrowing his brows, Yuba uncrossed his arms and tilted his head. “A monkey?” you, Dovey, and Yuba asked simultaneously.
“Why would you need a monkey, Lesso?” Dovey asked as she neared Yuba's figure.
Waving her hands, Lesso pursed her lips in concentration. “I overheard that to properly talk to short people, you would need a monkey to raise them up. A little like Lion King if you ask me.”
Knowing that Lesso was teasing you, you gave a huff and grabbed your papers then stomped out of the room, but not without giving Lesso a heated glare.
Shaking her head, Dovey pulled Yuba towards the exit. “Oh, Lesso.”
“Tell us a bit more about you, Y/N.” Uma coaxed you whilst putting down her wine glass.
It was a weekend and the faculty of both the Good and Evil were having a team building that consisted of bottles of wine, champagne, and whiskey.
Clearing your throat, you glanced at Lesso and started. “Well, when I was little–”
“You mean yesterday?”
Closing your eyes, you let out a breath and downed your wine. “Careful. Underage drinking is prohibited.”
“That's it!” you slammed your empty glass and stood up, leaving the room.
Uma glanced at Lesso and rolled her eyes at the redhead's smiling face. “For the love of– Lesso!”
“Princess? Are you here?”
Lesso knocked on your quarters door, looking for any sign of you being in there. Truthfully, she was going to apologize. Dovey made sure of it by scolding and giving Lesso a much needed sermon.
“Go the fuck away, Leonora.” Lesso heard behind the door. She knew she fucked up when you used her first name, so without thinking, Lesso opened your door and waltz inside.
Once she was inside, she saw you sprawled on the living room floor, with flower petals around you. “Oh my love, have you been cutting rose heads?”
“What do you think?” you snapped at Lesso and sat up. “Did these petals somehow end up here in my living room magically?”
Growling at the redhead, you stood up and kicked the petals on your feet. “Grow the fuck up, Lesso.”
“I sure did.” Lesso winced at her mouth's automatic response and sighed. “I'm sorry, it became a habit.” She walked towards you and took your hands in hers.
“I apologize for teasing you all the time.”
Huffing, you looked up at Lesso with wide eyes. “Why do you even do it?” you shook her hands off yours and sat down on the couch.
“It's the only way for you to look at me.”
Scoffing at the Lesso's words, you crossed your arms and bit your lip. “I always look at you.”
“Not in the way I want you to.” Lesso confessed as she sat down beside you.
“How'd you know if you weren't looking?” You glanced at her and moved closer, almost cuddling the redhead beside you.
“I– uh– I didn't know.” Lesso fiddled with her cane and copied your movements.
Giving her a kiss on the cheek, you sighed. “Oh, Lesso.”
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astaraels · 5 months
You don’t get how bad I need your fem!gallavich headcanons 😭😭 (that being said pls - with no pressure - share some 🙏🙏🙏)
OKAY DON'T WORRY I'VE GOT A LOT OF THEM TO SHARE WITH YOU I HOPE YOU'RE READY FOR SOME GOOD WLW FEM!GALLAVICH FEELS (these may be a little all over the place but just roll with me here okay? okay here we go)
to start with, Ian is a nickname for Lillian, Mickey is a nickname for Mykhaila (Ukrainian feminine form of Mikhailo)—they'd still go by Ian and Mickey, because if Lip can be a nickname for Phillip then all bets are fucking off :p
technically all of this started with my brain going "lesbian gallavich with hella self image issues" because they don't feel like they can measure up to their "prettier" sister (Mandy and Fiona) but both of them thinking the other is gorgeous as hell. Mickey being kind of a femme/butch (which is why she's the one who calls the shots with her brothers, she's the tomboy compared to Mandy), and Ian wanting to be all pretty and femme but doesn't think there's a point to it because money and also she doesn't think highly of herself
things would be way different for them both as lesbians—Ian would definitely still be the forgotten middle child, although she and Lip would still be Fiona's backup ("you two are my rocks") because I refuse to believe that girl Ian wouldn't be just as committed to ROTC and fitness as canon Ian. She'd be able to kick anyone's ass any day of the week. I think she'd really look up to Lip and ofc he'd love Ian as his little sister but like, with the same kind of condescending vibe he gives Fiona and Debbie? Although maybe since they're practically twins his misogyny toward Ian wouldn't be as blatant.
she'd still be taller than him (tallest Gallagher no matter what!) and have long red hair that she just throws back in a bun or ponytail all military style. I can't see her having short hair just because short cuts can be a lot to maintain, better just to let it grow and keep it pulled back. (I know, I've thought way too much about the little stuff lol)
Mickey would be very punk. With an undercut and all kinds of piercings. Mandy gets more attention from boys but Mickey does get her share, although of course she's like blegh. She'd rather be kicking ass and taking names and proving to her dad that she's just as good at being a fuckin Milkovich as Iggy and Colin—she's got more brains than both of them combined and she's smart as a whip when it comes to doing math, as well as where scamming people is concerned. Terry would begrudgingly acknowledge this but never misses a chance to put her down because she's just another dumb bitch. Only serves to make Mickey more determined to show what she can do, though, and her brothers and cousins are no match for her when it comes to scrappy back alley fighting. She climbed to the top of the heap early on and punches out anyone who tries to take her on.
Ian absolutely falls in the lesbian stereotype of wearing flannel constantly. I feel like she would want to do girly sorts of things but like, doesn't feel she'd measure up to Fiona or other girls so she just sticks with "comfortable" as her main fashion staple. Her and Debbie probably share a room too, although as I said above, she's still super close with Lip. Debbie would ADORE her big sister, would look up to and admire Ian because they've got so much in common—it might even be that she finds Ian's lesbian porn and that's how she knows about it ("penetration isn't required for sex to occur").
I'm not sure how they'd meet in this au but it would still probably involve Mickey chasing Ian around trying to beat her up lmao. my original thought was maybe like, either Mickey chased after Ian because of something Lip did in a reverse of canon, or Mandy thought Ian was talking shit about her. Regardless, the idea of 5'1" Mickey chasing after 5'9" Ian is hilarious especially because I feel like Ian would end up being almost six foot tall by the time she's done with puberty.
even once Ian and Mandy end up being bffs (there'd definitely be some miscommunication, but Ian doesn't wanna get murdered by the Milkovich siblings, so she manages to clear the air with Mandy when she can get away from Mickey and their brothers), Ian probably wouldn't tell Mandy she's gay, gotta keep that shit on lock. So once they're besties she's gotta endure all the boy talk and be like oh haha yeah totally…but at some point Mandy would figure it out, probably because she's not dumb and also Ian "play what cool" Gallagher is not as subtle as she thinks she is. But Mandy, other than asking if Ian has the hots for her ("you're beautiful, but I like you better as my friend"), is actually pretty chill and realizes she doesn't actually mind hanging out with a lesbo. Yes, Ian and Mandy and Mickey would use all the derogatory slurs that get used towards lesbians, although Ian is used to the casual homophobia and Mickey is the most homophobic gay ever (I feel like she'd definitely call herself a fag and a dyke once she gets more comfortable in her identity).
idk how the whole grooming thing with Kash and Ned would transfer over—maybe Ned would be some rich lesbian cougar who wants a kept girl or something. But that's unfortunately a big part of Ian's character, the middle kid who's the only one to be physically abused (and yeah, Frank would still hit Ian, boy or girl), and is desperate for any kind of affection so attaches to anyone who gives it. Kash might be a (seemingly) meek wife to some bruiser of a husband who's short and has small dog syndrome, and that makes her sympathetic in Ian's eyes, thus making it easier for her to take advantage of Ian. I try not to think about Kash too much but it is an important part of Ian's self-image
I'm gonna talk about s3 in its own post because I have some Thoughts and Ideas for some changes to make things interesting :p
season 4 would be really even more depressing because I think that when Ian is manic (there'd be no running away to the army because she couldn't use Lip's identity; instead she'd go straight her sugar mama and from there calls Monica when things get too wild) she'd end up getting pimped out by Monica to really gross straight dudes—not that there aren't creeper lesbians who like younger women, but in general it'd be easier for her to find a job stripping at a regular club (lesbian bars don't seem to have the same opportunities as a straight bar or a men's gay bar do wrt making money). Poor Lip and Debbie finding her in the skimpiest outfit, worse than anything Fiona ever had to wear for a job, with way too much makeup on and dollar bills tucked in her underwear, coked out as hell, skinny enough you can see her hipbones, brain and mouth going about 300 miles a minute...ugh.
But Mickey coming and bringing her home safe and sound <3 beating up the skeevy guys trying to roofie her <33 watching over Ian while she sleeps <333
In a happier train of thought, I love the idea that Mickey really likes Ian's long hair and plays with it when she's not really thinking and Ian gets all 😍😍😍 because it means Mickey might like her omg. Mickey has a partial undercut and Ian loves the texture of the shaved part of her hair. Tells her not to let it grow back out and everything.
Mickey having to stand on her tiptoes to kiss her stupidly tall gf ("You're too tall, Red" "Complain all you want, Mick, you know you like it”). Mickey likes getting manhandled but only by Ian—anyone else tries it and they're losing a hand. But Ian shoves her against a wall and does her whole cocky, smug, looming thing and Mickey can't help but melt in her arms (not that she'd let Ian know about it, not at first; gotta make Gallagher work for that shit. Just cause she's a fag doesn't mean that she's anyone's bitch!).
I also like to think that Ian would try the super femme thing in s4 era and Mickey, once out, would be a little more comfortable being more butch, but they both come off as a mix? I just love the idea of fem!gallavich playing with gender stuff in that very specific lesbian relationship with gender—on one of Mickey's more butch days Ian jokes and calling Mickey her boyfriend and Mickey being like oh
personally I feel like Mickey in her dyke era (s5) is an absolute pint-sized powerhouse, and still an absolute fashion icon because those cut-off vests? the tank tops? perfection🤌🏻
most of my thoughts are of early gallavich because I think things would go much differently since Sammi can't call the MPs on Ian in this au, but lemme just say that there's some fun stuff I'll be adding in another ask to add to the DRAMA
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geotjwrs · 5 hours
Tall Male!R (preferably around 6'6"/198cm or more) playfully teasing Jenna Ortega for being short ;P
Pairings ; Jenna Ortega x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; none
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Jenna and Y/N sat side by side on the plush couch, facing a lively audience and the charismatic talk show host, Emily. The interview had been going well, with both stars sharing insights about their latest project. The chemistry between them was palpable, drawing smiles and laughs from everyone present.
Emily leaned forward, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "So, Jenna, Y/N, you two have become quite the talk of the town—not just for your amazing performances, but also for your adorable relationship. How do you manage to keep things light and fun on set?"
Jenna exchanged a quick, knowing glance with Y/N. "Well," she started, a playful grin spreading across her face, "it helps that we don't take ourselves too seriously. Especially when someone here," she nudged Y/N with her elbow, "loves to tease me about my height."
Y/N chuckled, his deep voice resonating through the studio. "What can I say? When you're 6'6" and your girlfriend is just over 5'1", it's hard to resist."
The audience laughed, and Emily raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Do tell, Y/N. How do you go about teasing her?"
Y/N leaned back, his smile widening. "Oh, it's all in good fun. Like the other day, Jenna was trying to reach something on the top shelf in the kitchen. I offered to help, but she was determined to get it herself."
Jenna chimed in, rolling her eyes but smiling. "I was almost there, and then he comes up behind me, pretending to use me as an armrest. I was like, 'Really? Right now?'"
Emily laughed along with the audience. "That must make for some interesting moments."
"Oh, definitely," Jenna agreed. "But it's not just him. I get my fair share of teasing in, too."
Y/N nodded, mock-serious. "She's got a wicked sense of humor. Like, she'll hide my stuff where only she can find it. I once spent an hour looking for my phone, only to find it in one of her tiny shoes."
The audience erupted in laughter, and Jenna grinned proudly. "Hey, you have to get creative when you're the short one."
Emily's eyes sparkled with amusement. "It sounds like you two balance each other out perfectly. Any more funny stories?"
Jenna thought for a moment. "Oh, there was this one time we were filming a scene, and Y/N had to pick me up. He lifted me so high that I almost bumped my head on one of the stage lights. The director had to remind him to keep it grounded."
Y/N shrugged, laughing. "What can I say? I forget my own strength sometimes."
Emily leaned in, her tone conspiratorial. "Okay, but seriously, what's the sweetest thing about being with each other, despite the height difference?"
Y/N's expression softened as he looked at Jenna. "Honestly, it's the little things. Like when Jenna stands on her tiptoes to kiss me, or when she snuggles into me perfectly because of our height difference. It's those moments that make it special."
Jenna's eyes glistened as she smiled up at him. "And for me, it's feeling protected and cherished. Plus, I get to have the best hugs."
Emily sighed dramatically, her hand over her heart. "You two are just too sweet. Any plans for future projects together?"
Y/N nodded. "We're looking at a couple of scripts. We really enjoy working together, so we're hoping to find something that lets us continue doing that."
"Well, we can't wait to see what you two do next," Emily said, beaming. "Thank you so much for joining us today and sharing your delightful stories."
As the interview wrapped up, Jenna and Y/N stood, their height difference once again evident as Y/N helped Jenna down from the couch. The audience applauded, clearly charmed by the couple's dynamic.
Walking off stage, Jenna glanced up at Y/N, her eyes twinkling. "You know, I think we aced that."
Y/N grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Of course we did. We're a perfect team."
Backstage, the couple found a quiet corner to relax. Jenna nestled comfortably under Y/N's arm, feeling the comforting weight of his presence. Their public appearances were always fun, but it was these quiet moments together that Jenna cherished the most.
"You know," Y/N said, breaking the silence, "one of my favorite things about these interviews is how they always make us reflect on all the fun we have."
Jenna nodded, smiling. "Yeah, and it's nice to share those moments with everyone. Plus, it gives us a chance to tease each other publicly."
Y/N laughed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "True. And speaking of teasing, remember when you tried to scare me on set by hiding behind a door? I heard you giggling before you even jumped out."
Jenna burst into laughter. "I couldn't help it! Your reactions are just too funny."
Y/N shook his head, smiling fondly. "Well, you definitely keep me on my toes."
Just then, a production assistant approached them. "Great interview, you two. There's a press conference in an hour, and then you're free for the rest of the day."
"Thanks," Jenna said, glancing up at Y/N. "You ready for round two?"
"Always," Y/N replied, giving her a quick squeeze. "But after that, how about we grab some lunch? I'm thinking of a place with chairs that don't make me feel like I'm sitting in kindergarten."
Jenna laughed. "Sounds perfect. And maybe a place where I don't have to ask for a booster seat."
Y/N chuckled, standing up and offering his hand to Jenna. "Deal. Let's get through this press conference, then it's lunch date time."
As they walked hand in hand towards the next part of their day, Jenna felt a warm glow in her heart. Despite the public scrutiny and their busy schedules, she knew they always made time for each other, balancing their playful teasing with deep affection. And as long as they had that, she knew they could handle anything together.
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nkn0va · 3 months
We really need more short girls wearing tall boyfriends clothes so I'd like to request that for Noel, Kokonoe and Linne.
I agree, Anon. Let these girls be comfy.
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-Noel was sent out to carry out a mission in Akitsu. It was just recon but the lack of functioning weather control systems made it a living nightmare to be there for an extended period of time.
-She unfortunately doesn't do all that well with the cold, and some snow falling off a rooftop happened to land on her, dousing her in water from the melted snow and only made it even worse, even after getting off the airship to take her out of the city.
-She used the spare key to your place you'd given her to invite herself into your abode, though upon entering you didn't seem to be home. This left her free reign to do whatever she wanted for the time being.
-She'd probably been in your room on a few occasions by this point, but this was her first time having done so alone. She wandered into your closet and soon found a hoodie, freshly washed by the looks of it that seemed to almost call out to her.
-Now Noel's pretty short, only 5'1, the hoodie is pretty freaking baggy, enough to go down to her thighs. This only makes it better for her though, it's dry, warm, and comfy. It makes her feel safe, just like being in your arms.
-As she's caught up in thinking about you while wearing your hoodie she fails to hear the front door opening as you come back from grocery shopping. You see Noel's boots at the door so she seemed to have dropped by while you weren't around.
-She's only snapped out of it as you open the door to your room and see her standing there in your hoodie, causing her to yelp and stutter and stammer endlessly, not knowing what to do.
-You catching her in the act like this has her face turning as red as Tsubaki's hair as she trips over her words, desperately trying to apologize or come up with an excuse for this. She feels like dying from embarrassment right now.
-You'd have to truly be a different breed of monster to be mad when she's this god damn adorable right now. You two spend the rest of the day in bed together as you dote on and coddle her.
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-Unlike Noel, it's going to be much harder, if not outright impossible, to catch Kokonoe lacking and find her wearing your clothes.
-Chances are though, it was by accident. She wakes up a lot earlier than you do and needs to head to work. As per usual she grabs enough clothes to last being in the lab for a while, at least a few days.
-However once she gets there she notices something is off. Apparently you'd accidentally put in your white jacket in with the rest of hers, and in her rush and half-sleepy state she didn't notice in the moment.
-So for a work day, Kokonoe has to wear said jacket eventually. She isn't letting anyone in the lab that whole day, and deflects any questions about it. No one really tries to push it though, having come to expect that from the mad genius.
-She's especially not letting anyone see it considering how big it is on her, making it obvious that it belongs to someone else. She's only 5'1 due to her being a shut-in neet and not going the fuck outside so it doesn't exactly fit like a glove.
-Kokonoe does take extra care of it though, being mindful to not accidentally spill her coffee on it. Partly so that she doesn't get something that's not hers ruined and partly so that you don't find out.
-You do however find out anyway upon not being able to find that specific jacket after you woke up in the morning, searching both your wardrobe and hers at home. The mental image of your grumpy girlfriend wearing an oversized jacket as she works gives you a good chuckle, but you know not to push her on the matter, it would only piss her off.
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-Linne doesn't wear the most clothing in the world, and wearing just shorts while going into the Hollow Night in the middle of December quickly proved to not be the best idea she's ever had in her long lifetime.
-Cold and shivering, she eventually drops by your place, sneaking in through the window in an attempt to find some way to warm up.
-You're currently asleep, mostly on Linne's orders for you to not go into the Night this time for whatever reason. You learned by now it was best not to question her on her thought process.
-She heads over to your closet and ever so carefully and quietly opens the door having the idea to borrow one of your hoodies.
-Linne, currently being in the body that she is, is a mere 4'7, meaning your hoodie might as well be a full fledged robe to her. It's a bit unwieldy, but it got the job done in warming her up.
-Seeing nothing else to do, she quickly hops into your bed under the covers with you to further retreat from the cold. She was too tired to care about Wald worrying here she's been, she can worry about that later.
-She's quick to wake up before you despite having fallen asleep way later and puts your hoodie back before you can realize she ever did anything. She's able to put on the act pretty well that she just spent the night with Wald after doing whatever she needed to do.
-Good thing for her, too. If you ever found out what she did she'd turn into a hot, embarrassed mess. That's one good thing of having lived for so long, she knows how to cover her tracks.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 10 months
Hi!!!!! Once again THANK YOU sm for the FOOD like i've reread all ur fics again while waiting for my hair to set hehe it's just. a really great way to pass time and think abt the fluff and the sin <3
AND ummmmmm not to also jump in the bandwagon but. im feeling... 😳😳😳 rn and would like to request for a 5'1 catgirl!reader with gp!Marilyn OR Laurel if that's okay 👉���👈🏻
Basically Reader doesn't realize she's going into heat (IT'S HER FIRST TIME & SHE DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS EVEN A POSSIBILITY BUT OHHHH BOY) but Mari/Lau notices and teases her throughout the week with indulging her being more affectionate but then the heat smashes into reader like a freight train and she's left a mewling mess for her Mommy!!!!
like help she's full on NEEDY for Mari/Lau but she's MEAN and teases Reader further and Reader goes "if you don't want me, I guess I'll just to go out and see who wants me! >:(" to trigger Mari/Lau's possessiveness & Mari/Lau rising to the bait BC READER IS HER KITTY & NO ONE ELSE'S LIKE. hhhhh hhHhHhhHh NUH UH, YOU'RE MINE 🔪
AND HELP also Mari/Lau going "Aw, does my dumb little kitty cat need Mommy to breed and fill her up her own kittens? Is that what you want?" while Reader just a drooling mess underneath her IS CURRENTLY LIVING IN MY MIND RENT FREE AND IM JUST. CLENCHING MY FISTS SO HARD. like PLEASE,,,,,,,,, bestie,,,,,, if ur ok with this req and write it I will literally owe u my life thank u sm 🫂
PS: feel free to go ham with the breeding & dumbification kink bc im literally biting down on one of my stuffed toys rn just thinking abt it and WAHHHH once again, thank you 😳💕
Yesss!!!! Here it is!!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!! It was so funny to write it!! Thank you for your request!!!! <3 <3
Poor Kitty
Pairing: Marilyn Thornhill x Fem, Student, Cat girl! Reader
Warnings: Smut, Intersex Marilyn (She has a dick) several kinks, heat, teasing, blowjob…
Word count: 5,181
Summary: You were a cat girl, and you have many needs, maybe your lover can fulfill your desperate desires…
N/A: Requests are open!!! Sorry about the delays, I’m working hard on your requests. I love you all!!!
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“Shit, it's hot,” you whispered.
You were in the library, doing what you had to do, homework, study...
But you were finding it much more complicated than usual. It was supposed to be winter, it was supposed to be cold, but you were sweating while chills of unknown origin ran through your body. It was hard for you to focus, there was too much noise in your head, a noise that didn't come from outside, there was no one in the library, and those strange sounds could only come from inside you, purrs that you were afraid someone besides you would hear.
Purring was something common in you. You were a cat woman, something like a werewolf, but without problems with the full moon and increased aggression. You were simply, according to what your companions said: Just a kitty.
You knew you could be fearsome if you thought about it, that if you transformed you could rival even the fiercest werewolf. You weren't interested. Your only worries were your studies. You were always a very good student and you made your parents proud. You just had to be careful about maybe a ball rolling on the ground or some small animal in the forest did not attract your attention so much as to distract you.
The book in front of you turned into a jumbled, blurry array of letters. You were unable to read it. Nervously, you ran your hand over your trembling leg, and the sensation produced an unexpected reaction.
“Meow,” you meowed unintentionally, putting your hand over your mouth and looking around embarrassedly. There was nobody there, much to your relief.
Normally you were quite capable of controlling those small impulses. You were proud that you weren't a howling, restless mess like your fellow werewolves. That day you felt strange. Simply with your hand touching your body all your senses went crazy. You were always quite sensitive, but never so sensitive as to lose control.
Some footsteps coming from the stairs took you out of your thoughts and the strange nervousness you had was accentuated even more.
Luckily for you, it wasn't one of your classmates from Nevermore, it was one of your teachers, your favorite teacher, Marilyn Thornhill.
The redhead came down the stairs with her usual smile and immediately noticed your presence. You stared back at her, feeling your heart beating faster and the disconcerting heat inside you growing.
The woman tilted her head as she walked over to a secluded bookcase, motioning for you to follow her. You didn't even have time to think about your next move. Dragging the chair with a nasty creaking, you got up and went with her.
You turned the corner and there she was, pretending to look at some old books. You approached cautiously, looking around you. As if on automatic impulse, you wrapped your arms around her waist and rested your head on her back.
The heat you had increased, but at that moment all you thought about was her. Marilyn laughed softly and turned around, taking your hand.
“Hello, honey…” She whispered in your ear. After glancing to either side of her briefly, she leaned her head towards you and placed her lips on yours. A desperate moan came out of your mouth. It wasn't a meow, it was a sound you couldn't remember ever making.
When you arrived at Nevermore, the last thing on your mind was having an affair with one of your teachers. For you, those kinds of relationships were fiction, things that only happened on a tv screen. After whole afternoons in the conservatory and funny talks, that nice teacher-student relationship crossed the line it wasn't supposed to cross.
It was a forbidden, clandestine relationship, based on kisses, hugs and whispered words of love. You were madly in love with Marilyn and she knew it and enjoyed seeing your eyes begging for a kiss, for a caress.
The kiss was not meant to be what it became. Agitated and terribly nervous, you deepened the kiss, causing the redhead to widen her eyes in surprise as your tongue entered her mouth moving mercilessly.
You didn't know why you were doing it. It was just like your instincts were guiding your actions. You were a shy girl and you never asked for more than Marilyn seemed to want to give you, but with each passionate kiss, with each brush of your body against hers, that strange state you were in seemed to subside.
“Honey, honey…” Marilyn said when her back collided with a self. You didn't listen to her, you kept kissing her, caressing her, while your purring became more and more evident. “Honey, what's wrong with you?”
Her hand went to your chest to stop you before you started another round of merciless kissing. Involuntarily, you snorted at the loss contact, causing her gaze to turn curious. With severe difficulty, you managed to relax and shook your head, embarrassed by your enthusiasm. You were not yourself, all the kisses you gave her gave you a strange pleasure and you almost lost control.
“I…I…I'm sorry,” you said, with your cheeks red and your breathing fast and disordered. Marilyn smiled, shaking her head slightly.
“(Y/N), you know we have to be careful…” She told you, caressing your cheek.
Every time her skin brushed against yours, millions of electrical impulses made your pupils dilate and you had to fight the urge to jump at her neck again.
“I know, it's just that…” You said, keeping your composure, putting distance between her and you to avoid the temptation.
“Are you okay? You're sweating,” she told you, looking at you now with some concern.
You shook your head and sighed. Your heart was pounding, your purrs were loud, and the heat you felt was becoming unbearable.
“No… I don't know what's wrong with me. I was calmly studying and suddenly I started to sweat...”
“Do you want to go to the infirmary, honey?” She asked affectionately, putting her hand to your forehead. Her breathing was also fast, you were able to realize that.
“Meow,” you meowed again, covering your mouth immediately after. The brush of her hand against your skin made you lose control. She pulled away and frowned at you, carefully studying your condition. “I'm sorry…”
Marilyn was looking at you curiously. Her eyes changed in an instant, turning slightly dark.
“I think I know what's wrong with you…” She whispered, getting a little closer to you. Her hands went to your waist and her lips kissed yours again.
There were too many sensations to be able to control. You pressed against her as you deepened the kiss, you wanted to feel all of her body, all of her warmth. Little by little the chills increased and an overwhelming heat began to form between your legs. Marilyn pushed you away again, but this time with a petulant gesture.
“What's happening to me? It's a feeling I've never felt before...” You said, ashamed of your erratic and passionate behavior. The redhead smiled mischievously.
“It's pretty obvious,” she said, crossing her arms.
“Obvious?” You asked, starting to get very nervous. Marilyn agreed.
“Of course, just look at you...” She said, amused, pointing at you.
You looked at yourself. You were a sweaty mess purring desperately. You didn't quite understand what she was referring to, and worst of all, you couldn't take your eyes off her dress, where a rather obvious bulge had formed.
“I still... I still don't understand anything...” You said nervously, closing your eyes.
“My love, you are in heat. I've had enough cats to know that.”
You opened your eyes and you were speechless.
Your parents had told you that it could happen, but the years went by and you never had that feeling, so you had completely forgotten about it.
Even as a human girl, your feline counterpart often took over your feelings without the need for you to transform. Apparently, heat was one of those feelings.
“Oh…” You said with flushed cheeks. “I don't know what to say…”
Marilyn approached again, curiously watching the reactions your body had with her caresses. It seemed that the way your hair stood on end and your body trembled desperately was amusing her.
“You don't have to say anything, honey, it's normal, you don't have to be ashamed,” she said to you with a loving voice, a tone of voice that even under normal circumstances made you tremble.
“I feel like I'm going to explode… What can I do to stop feeling like that?” You asked, instantly regretting it. You weren't an idiot, you knew the answer.
“Do I really have to answer?” She said, laughing, with a tender look.
You shook your head and, checking that the library was still empty, you rushed to her lips again, this time with more desperation. You didn't know if it was the right time, but you needed it, you needed something that you hadn't considered in the last few weeks, you needed her.
Marilyn kissed you back, trying to keep you as still as possible. You, with a too indiscreet meow, kissed her neck. The redhead was panting, but she barely moved, letting you do everything you wanted, almost everything. Your hand moved down between her legs, where her arousal throbbed, wanting to come out. Immediately her hand stopped yours, grabbing your wrist.
“What are you doing?” She asked with a sigh. Her breathing was also disordered, and she didn't seem to want to lose control. You barely heard her voice, your head imagined what it would be like to feel her inside you, how pleasant it would be for her to take you, to fill you up...
“I… Well… I…” You stammered. She laughed again, shaking her head.
“Honey, I'm very flattered but…” She said, looking at you determinedly. “I, I don't think it's the best time, nor the best place.”
You meowed again, going crazy to try to silence your own instincts.
“I thought…” You whispered, trying to calm yourself down with all your might.
“You have to be patient, honey,” she told you, pulling you into a warm hug. It would be a loving, romantic gesture, if you didn't feel her arousal digging into your body. Marilyn seemed to notice and she backed away in embarrassment. “Sorry, (Y/N), my body sometimes seems to think for itself. Come, I'll make you an infusion so you can relax, okay?”
You nodded, feeling enormous frustration. Your need didn’t change after that infusion. It would be a terrible week for you.
There was nothing that could ease that tension. Your encounters with Marilyn were still just as pure. Sometimes you thought she was amused by seeing you desperate, seeing how you begged for her to take you. At first you thought it was your imagination, but her kisses and her caresses, her most common gestures of affection were much more intense and she smiled, she always smiled.
You no longer felt ashamed, your need was so great that you asked her directly. Marilyn just laughed, shaking her head, saying that the time would come soon, that you would have to hold on a little longer. Your despair increased every day and your meows and purrs began to affect your academic life, interrupting classes and unleashing teasing from your classmates.
A week had passed and the cold showers and the walks and hunting moments in the woods were no longer useful for anything. You knew what you wanted and the only woman who could give it to you seemed to mock you. You loved Marilyn n and she loved you, you didn't understand why to make you wait amused her, why she enjoyed seeing how your body begged, a docile body, that would let her do what she wanted, you would be a rag doll for her.
“And put that one in that corner,” the redhead told you, while you placed some pots where she was indicating. You always obeyed, hoping that this sudden extreme submission would make her please, make her please you.
“It's already done...” You whispered, controlling your trembling. You couldn't help it, every time you looked at her you had those visions, those uncontrolled desires. It didn't matter how many times you masturbated, that wasn't enough, your body wanted her.
“Great,” Marilyn said, clasping her hands together, satisfied.
You agreed. Your body trembled and sweated, your pupils were dilated. You could barely speak normally, every three words, you would meow. You had to do something.
“Marilyn…” You said in a low voice, without looking at the redhead.
“Mm?” She murmured, cutting a few small leaves from a plant.
“I...I, I can't bear it anymore...” You said, slowly approaching her desk.
“What's wrong, honey? Have I made you work too much?” She asked, completely ignoring the true meaning of your words.
“That's not what I mean…” You whispered, suppressing another meow. “I'm having such a hard time...”
She looked at you and made a fake sad face.
“Oh, my love, come here,” she told you, extending her hand for you to take.
You obeyed her, feeling a rush of warmth as her hand gently gripped yours. Your heartbeat quickened again and your breathing was rapid, sonorous. The purring was not long in coming.
“Sit down,” She ask you, pointing to her lap. You carried out her order immediately. That was even worse, you'd rather she told you not to go back to the conservatory, to break up with you, than to be sitting on her lap, so close to her, your most desperate desire.
“My poor kitty…” She whispered into your ear, grabbing your hips to place you with your legs on either side of hers. “You’re having a hard time”
You nodded, letting yourself go. Little by little, your hips began to sway, rubbing against her body. She did nothing, she just laughed tenderly, seeing how you melted with that little contact. As if evil had taken over her, she emitted a subtle and very erotic moan in your ear, while the touch intensified. Her body was responding quickly and soon you felt her arousal rubbing against your needy center.
That sensation was completely new and dangerously exciting. You moved automatically, seeking as much contact as possible. Marilyn kissed you, caressed you, while she gently followed the rhythm of your hips.
You could feel it, you were so close that you lost control completely, moving desperately and not being able to suppress a considerable amount of meowing.
“Please... Meow... I... Meow... I need... Ple... Meow... Please,” you said almost crying. She looked at you surprised and ran her hand up your legs, under your uniform skirt. Your wetness was overwhelming and she seemed to find that so funny.
“Shhh… Calm down, (Y/N), does this relieve you?” She whispered to you, passing her hand through your folds, over your underwear.
You moaned strangely. No one had ever touched you there. It looked like what you wanted, but it wasn't enough, you knew it, and so did she. You didn't want her to stop. Among more desperate meows, you agreed, while her caresses became slower and slower.
“Very good, honey…” The redhead whispered. “You're a good kitty...”
Saying those words, she pulled her hand away and with a gentle push, she pushed you off of her. You groaned in frustration and tears began to run down your cheeks.
“What?” You asked, your purrs completely drowning out your words. “Why? I, I liked it…” You said desperate, trying to return to her lap. She got up, pointing to the clock on the wall.
“It's time for dinner, (Y/N), I don't want you to be late,” she said as if nothing happened, with that tone and that mocking smile that became too frequent that week.
“Meow…” You meowed, before clearing your throat to be able to speak clearly. “Why are you doing this to me?”
She looked at you surprised.
“Doing what, my love?” She asked with an innocent voice.
“You know it perfectly…Meow,” you stammered. “You do nothing but make fun of me. I just want you to love me, to want me... you know what I'm going through and you know what I need.”
“(Y/N), haven't I relieved you a bit?” She asked mockingly.
You snorted, incredulous and stopped to think. You needed it badly, you needed it desperately like you'd never felt before, and your body was going crazy.
“I'm sick of your games,” you said, hissing, suppressing the trembling of your body. “You know what I tell you? If you don't want me, I'll find someone who does,” you said without looking at her, going to the conservatory door.
Marilyn didn't say anything, but her expression told you that those words made something move inside her.
“What did you just say?” She asked in a dangerous tone, stopping you from leaving  with a strong grip on your wrist.
“You heard me. I'm tired of waiting... I'll look for someone who doesn't laugh at me and gives me what I need,” you said defiantly. Marilyn pulled you hard in front of her. Her look was not that of the tender and sweet botany teacher, her eyes were cold, threatening.
“How dare you talk to me like that, you filthy kitty?” She hissed, grabbing your hair and yanking it hard. “I don't care how desperate you are, you're still mine, you hear me?”
You widened your eyes. That possessive attitude surprised you for a moment, but soon you began to enjoy what you had achieved. It was the button you had to push to get on her nerves, to make her realize you needed her. You meowed with pleasure and your purring was once again present in the conservatory.
“I need you…” You said, faking more pleading than you really wanted to show. Marilyn released you and crossed her arms, shaking her head and softening her expression.
“You need me... Oh, poor silly kitten... You're so desperate...” She said caressing your cheek. “Do you need me so much how to make me angry?”
“Yes…” You sighed, letting yourself melt from her warm touch on your skin. “Please… I want…”
She laughed and returned her mocking and amused expression.
“What do you want, honey? Do you want mommy to take care of you?” She asked ironically.
At that moment, you put your defiant and rebellious attitude aside and nodded profusely without thinking. All your clothes were in the way and your eyes went to her crotch, which was marked in her blue jumpsuit, which seemed to call you by name.
“I want you to…” You said stammering. “I want to be yours, Marilyn… I, I need it. I need you inside of me… Please.”
The redhead laughed with satisfaction, passing one hand over your chest while she with the other she got rid of her underwear.
“How cute you are, (Y/N), you're such a desperate kitty…” She whispered while you only dedicated yourself to feeling her caresses. “Mommy likes to play with the kittens like you… She wants them to pray for her…”
You just nodded automatically, noticing how you had fewer and fewer clothes. You didn't feel capable of saying anything, only of purring, of panting, of feeling how the moment you wanted so much was getting closer little by little. The redhead stepped away a bit and undid the buttons on her blue jumpsuit, letting it fall to the floor and finally freeing her length which looked almost as desperate as you. You drool at the sight before you.
Marilyn ran her hand along the length of her cock, stroking it gently, making her quiver with eagerness. She was enjoying her own caresses, but she obviously had other things on her mind.
“Get on your knees,” she ordered, pointing to the ground. You were surprised, noticing how the despair you felt seemed to have no end. She wasn't going to make it easy for you and you knew that, but seeing her excitement, the desperation with which her cock throbbed in front of you, made your body move by itself, resting your knees on the cold stone floor.
“Mommy… Please….Meow,” you said, meowing again involuntarily. Marilyn laughed at the speed with which you picked up on her game, and she gently cupped your chin.
“I know you're anxious for mommy to give you kittens, to feel how she fills you up, but you've been bad, honey, and now you'll have to please me. Use your sweet mouth, you silly girl... Show me that you need me...”
You nodded and timidly obeyed, running your tongue along her entire length. She moaned as she felt your lips around her and gently swayed her hips. She was big, overwhelming for your mouth, but you still held on and were as skilled as you could be as a total inexperienced in the matter.
“That's it…what a nice kitty…” Marilyn murmured, moving even faster as you struggled to please her. “I love you…”
Those words took you out of the situation a bit. She had told you that she loved you many times, but this didn't seem like the right time to say it. She surely she was having so much pleasure thanks to you that she even seemed to lose her sanity. You stuck out your tongue and moved it quickly, making her moans even louder. You noticed that her body tensed, that her cock trembled in your mouth.
She was close, you could feel it. Your human part considered it normal, something that had to happen and it didn't matter. Your feline part was horrified, terrified to see how something so precious for your needs was going to be wasted. You didn't just need the pure pleasure that sex gave, your instincts and your nature had another purpose.
“I'm close, honey… I, I'm going to cum in your pretty little mouth…” She said between gasps, moving in a disorderly way, almost as if she was fucking your mouth. You opened your eyes and pulled away immediately. You didn't need that, you needed something else, and you had waited long enough. “What the hell are you doing now?”
“Please... Meow...” You said getting up and sitting down at the desk.  “Please, take me.”
Marilyn sighed, clearly frustrated, but she didn't comment, she simply lifted your skirt, exposing your wet center and stroking it roughly with her serious gaze. She would surely be upset that you pulled away from her, but seeing how your arousal shimmered between your legs made her change her mind.
“Oh… My silly and needy kitty, you are so wet for mommy…” She whispered with a childish tone. “She can't wait any longer… she needs mommy to fill her up…”
You nodded as she inserted two fingers into your wet and slippery center. The sensation made you moan very loudly. Marilyn covered your mouth with her hand while her fingers explored your interior.
“Shut up, kitty, you wouldn't want to be found out, would you? Imagine that someone hears your kitten meows in heat and they find you like this, a mess desperate for mommy to give her what she needs... Poor silly kitten...”
You didn't answer, you just moaned and meowed, this time controlling the volume. You weren't even able to think about the consequences of being caught that way, you only thought about the feeling you had in your mouth, about how pleasant it would be to have all of her cock inside you, filling you up.
Soon her fingers came out of you and with her hands, she parted your legs. It would be an image worth seeing. You, some random Nevermore student, spread-eagled on your botany teacher's desk, desperate for her to fuck you.
“Are you ready, my kitty? Are you ready for mommy to give you what you want so badly?” She asked, aligning the tip with your slippery and soaked entrance. You wanted to answer like a normal person would, but your heart was beating so fast and your purrs and meows were so overwhelming that you could only nod. “I've asked you a question, (Y/N)…” She hissed in a darker tone.
“Yes…Yes… Please…” You managed to say.
Marilyn laughed and sighed as she slowly eased into you. She was not soft, nor delicate, but she was slow, painfully slow. You noticed how your body was slowly getting used to the intruder. You remembered what your friends said, that the first time was painful, that it was not pleasant. They were just dirty liars. You never felt something so pleasant, such a warm and pleasant feeling. Your walls stretched little by little, sending a lot of sensations to your whole body.
You smiled, you didn't quite know why, perhaps to finally see your wish fulfilled, to grant your most primal instincts what they so longed for.
“Oh, (Y/N), you're incredible, so wet, so tight... You hug me so well... You're a very good kitty for mommy...” Marilyn told you, while she moved slowly, introducing herself completely. “It hurts? I know I'm big, I don't want my little kitty to get hurt.”
You shook your head, slapping your hand against the table, wishing those slow movements would speed up, that you could feel completely hers.
“It's okay, it's okay, calm down…” She told you, amused, grabbing your ankles and raising them over her shoulders. “You are so impatient… You drive me crazy, (Y/N)…”
You smiled, enjoying that little by little, her rhythm was accelerating, while your body was allowing deeper and faster movements. You could feel her inside you, all of her, you were right where you wanted. You weren't capable of thinking clearly, of seeing the risks that something like this could cause and surely would cause. You were only concerned about satisfying your hunger, feeling each of her small movements.
“My sweet, silly girl…” Marilyn whispered, picking up the pace a bit when your body finally allowed it. “Your body was waiting for me, it adapts so well… Oh, my kitten, we are made for each other… You will have such beautiful kittens…”
You laughed at that statement, reaching out your arm to try to touch your lover. Everything she said sounded heavenly, almost divine. It was what your body wanted to hear, what your instincts wanted. You did not remember such a happy and embarrassing moment. If you happened to see yourself reflected in one of the crystals, you would look away. You were a mewling, drooling mess, completely at the redhead's mercy.
“Marilyn…” You sighed as she took a hand from your legs to take yours. “Please…”
She nodded, it seemed like she could read your mind. After letting your hand go, she jerked you toward her and her movements intensified, now fast, passionate. You moaned, not like a cat, but like the desperate girl you were at that moment.
“That's it, honey…” The redhead whispered, without stopping moving. “Be a good girl, a cute kitty for mommy… You take it so well… I would spend my life inside you, my love.”
You meowed at those words. Your body finally realized her strong thrusts and little by little that unpleasant and at the same time pleasant heat began to overwhelm you again. You were close to your first real orgasm, and you were excited, but desperate at the same time. You wanted to feel it all, you didn't want your own emotions to hide the sensations that Marilyn provoked inside of you. Your hips disobeyed your wishes and began to move restlessly, following the redhead’s rhythm.
“Oh my God,” you were able to say, before your entire body arched and your inner muscles hugged her cock tightly, as if they didn't want her to leave your body. Marilyn stopped for a moment, enjoying your crazy vision, your orgasmic sounds and the tremor of your body.
“Good kitty…” The redhead murmured, holding you so you would stay still. “You've done very well, even though you're a silly and desperate girl, mommy loves you, honey, mommy wants to see those beautiful eyes when you cum...” She said, smiling tenderly, something that didn't match her words at all.
“Please…. I…” You said panting, trying to catch your breath.
“Do you want mommy to fill you up honey? Do you want mommy to give you some precious kittens?” She asked while little by little, she moved again. You nodded, almost with tears in your eyes. Each of her movements were like electric currents running through your body.
“Yeah! Yes please!” You yelled. This time she did nothing to silence you, she simply smiled and closed her eyes, increasing her speed, moving abruptly. Surely you were not aware of what was about to happen, but it was what you wanted, nothing could change your mind, it was the bad thing about having an animal inside you.
“Very good, honey... Mommy is going to cum... She's going to fill you up, my love... I'm going to...” She gasped, grabbing your hips tightly as, with a heart-rending moan, she leaned into you, squeezing her eyes shut.
A sudden warmth appeared in your center. A hot liquid ran through you while you felt how her cock throbbed. At last the moment had arrived. You had no idea that it could be so pleasurable, so much so that you had another small orgasm while her cum filled you completely.
“Damn, (Y/N), you're perfect…” The redhead whispered, still inside of you. “I'm sorry I made fun of you… I didn't know what I was missing.”
You just stared at the ceiling, noticing how a trickle of liquid ran down your leg when she finally pulled away from you. The purring disappeared, the messy meows no longer fighting to get out of your mouth. You felt great relief, your whole body relaxed. You felt weakness, you had no strength. The tension you'd had that last week was finally released, and just the way you wanted it to.
“Sweetie…Honey…” Sweet whispers brought you out of your state of ecstasy. You sat up at the desk and blinked several times, in case your subconscious had played a trick on you and all this was a simple dream.
“Hey? What?” You said, pleased that no cat sounds came out of your mouth.
“My love, it's been wonderful, but we have to put all of this in order…” Marilyn told you, getting dressed again. You nodded, jumping off the desk, still feeling how her cum was inside you. You got dressed, you put on your uniform while you thought when would be the next time that would happen. “You stay there for a moment.”
“I love you,” you said happily, like in a hallucination. Marilyn smiled and sighed, wiping the sweat from her forehead.
“Me too my love. You're mommy's good kitty, don't forget it…” She told you in her ear, giving you a soft kiss on her lips. “We don't get to have dinner anymore, but what do you think if we both take a bath together in my room? I really want to love you again...”
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streaminn · 10 months
Coffee Enid [#2] 👍
After that faithful day of Enid serving her coffee and freshly baked pastries, she didn't think any of it about the punk, gothic, business woman???
Enid didn't know what to think of the short 5'1 woman that hardly overlooked the metal counter of her stand. But she was cute, in a death-punk way??? So many questions in the poor wolf's mind but she didn't think any of it.
Even after receiving a $100 tip in her jar JUST after she opened and served her FIRST coffee and pastry of the day.
However, that tip changed the game for her, at least in the equipment of one better mixer that wasn't a hand-me-down from her bestie, who also was her employee that did deliveries at their bakery. Listen, the wolf had an act for people, so she wanted to be on the front lines, and selling coffee.
Bitch wanted to bust out her lattee-making art skills she learned on TikTok and cafes!
But yes, Enid needed to conduct business and better improvements with her team aka her best friend group, so she was gone for 4 days, her usual clientele knew her situation so she didn't think any of it.
But to her surprise, someone was waiting for her at her stand, standing there like a stray cat looking for its owner or "hand that feeds them", Enid was quite shocked so she said something.
"Hey! It's you that left that tip, thank you so much for that and I am sorry for the wait!" Enid said unlocked the stand and set up for the day.
"It's not a problem, I give credit where credit is due."
"Oooh, so you must have losts of credit?" The wolf laughed.
Enid looked at the woman confused for a moment before laughing and fixing the final machine to ready, while also putting on some drip coffee because people like drip too, no hate.
"So what can I get you today?" Enid grinned leaning on the counter.
"... Quad over ice, and... Whatever you prefer on the side."
Enid raised a brow as she smiled. "Coming right up, may take a moment."
"Take your time."
When Enid prepared the goth's quad she spared fleeting glances at her, before humming to herself. The wolf fixed the coffee just like the last time and popped the lid on it, and grabbed a fresh prepackaged sandwich, a simple cold-cut turkey sandwich with bacon and tomatoes.
She handed her order to the goth, "You seem like you skip meals, that's not good so I packed a sandwhich for you, hope you like it!"
"How do you-" The goth grumbled but gently grabbed the bag and coffee, almost bashfully. The wolf couldn't tell, she looked too. Uh. Murderous.
So she said the total, to which the goth paid with the exact change and a large tip again, and then left without another word.
"She gotta be a serial killer."
"a serial lady killer," Enid mutters off handedly before snorting and going to make herself something to drink
Goth killer is pretty after all, maybe next time Enid could ask for a name instead of this extra digits?
Or, she could not do that
Smh Enid, where's her professionalism!?
Well, it's still nice company. Always a joy to see that scathing glare and the way her brow furrows.
It's... Cute, one can say. in a 'I am totally gonna murder you,' way.
Like a cat!
Oh that's a lovely image
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greypetrel · 6 months
OC Questionnaire 1
Thank you so much @brother-genitivi! As I stare respectfully at how tall Destan is, I'll do a first roung with the elves, and a second for the rest of my blorbos (I was tagged twice). If you were interested in another blorbo, let me know and I'll tag you later, for the second part :)
Part 2 here
Tagging: @ndostairlyrium @salsedinepicta @melisusthewee @shivunin @rowanisawriter @dreadfutures @blightbear and YOU!
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NAME: Radha Deshanna Lavellan
NICKNAME: Ra. Varric calls her "Sharp".
GENDER: Agender (she'll go with she/her, doesn't really mind if you mispronoun her)
STAR SIGN: Scorpio
HEIGHT: 5'8" (177 cm)
ORIENTATION: Asexual, Demiromantic
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Dalish elf and proud, she was born somewhere around Starkhaven.
FAVORITE FRUIT: Apricot, particularly dried and in savoury dishes.
FAVORITE FLOWER: Crocus, Lily of the Valley
FAVORITE SCENT: Cedarwood, olive oil
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Coffee. Black, unsugared.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 8, very regularly.
DREAM TRIP: Solas' den to punch his face. Going back to Mythal's Temple in the Arbor Wilds. Or the Arlathan Forest to see the ruins.
RANDOM FACT: She's more than a decent dancer, but is extremely picky when it comes to dance partners. She hates being the centre of attention, so she actually go and dances if she's in a group, or is asked by people she knows and actually likes.
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NAME: Aisling Deshanna Lavellan
NICKNAME: Ash. Shrimp. Varric calls her "Lucky", Dorian "Sleeping Beauty".
GENDER: Female
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
HEIGHT: 5'1" (155 cm)(she's travel-size)
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: As above, Dalish elf. Not that she knows, but she was actually born in Ferelden.
FAVORITE FRUIT: Lemon, citruses in general, and peaches.
FAVORITE FLOWER: Tiger lily, Forget-me-not, Elfroot
FAVORITE SCENT: Lemon, citruses, Elfroot
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Hot chocolate. Put marshmallows and orange in her chocolate and she's your best friend.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 3-6, plus naps during the day.
DREAM TRIP: Going back to Mythal's Temple. After spending enough time with Dorian, Minrathous keeps being the forbidden dream.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 3 and she'll hug you in her sleep to keep warm.
RANDOM FACT: Outside her working station, she's terribly messy. Won't put half-dirt clothes back in the wardrobe, there's The Chair™️for those, and when it's overfilling everything can stay on the floor if it feels like it.
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NAME: Alyra Mahariel Sabrae
NICKNAME: *stares at you without blinking if you try to nickname her* *-10 approval if you do*
GENDER: Female
STAR SIGN: Capricorn
HEIGHT: 5'6" (170 cm)
ORIENTATION: Pansexual, polyamorous
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Dalish elf. Born near the Tirashan forest.
FAVORITE FRUIT: Apples, anything that can be dried and conserved.
FAVORITE FLOWER: Roses, Foxglove
FAVORITE SCENT: Lily of the Valley
DREAM TRIP: She'd love to see Par Vollen and call Stan "Kadan". Anywhere Morrigan is.
RANDOM FACT: She knew the Blighted Orphans were a scam from the start. She snorted a laugh and did all their mission to reward their fucking audacity *affectionately*. If they'll ever show up to her door, she'll welcome them with open arms. (she's pretty silly if you get to her VERY HIGH approval. And between all the blorbos, once you befriend her, she's the one that will forgive you the most and will actually help you to bury a corpse. She'll help you making that corpse too if you need, don't be shy, she's glad to help. It only takes way longer to get in her good graces.)
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axailslink · 1 year
Hi love! I hope you’re well, it’s starting to get cold outside and Im not sure if you’re experiencing that but if you are I hope you stay bundled up and safe. I just wanted to start this with saying that I love your writing! I was wondering if I could request a Shuri x Fem! Reader where they both just have a lazy day and spend it with each other, with lots of tooth rotting fluff. If not I completely understand. Thank you for reading!
Chaotic but lazy day
Riri Williams x poc FEM reader
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Warning: smoking weed
A/n: It is also cold as shit where I am love and I am staying very warm you do the same also this ended up taking a turn and just ended up being a fic with chaotic Riri and the reader where they are being them
Summary: Finally it's the weekend Riri's done all of her work early and so have you so what does that mean? Chaotic but lazy weeknd with your girlfriend.
You and Riri have been working up to this weekend where you can do absolutely nothing you encouraged each other to finish any work you hadn't already done so that this weekend could only be about you two. When you got to her place she opened the door and you picked her up happily before kissing her "damn I couldn't be a real thug if I wanted to" you laugh as you put her down "girl you are 5'1 thug my ass baby thug maybe" she laughs and hugs you "aight enough of that" she grabs your chin and kisses you while closing the door. She repeatedly pecks your lips teasingly they're lazy kisses but also well needed ones you smile at her when she completely pulls away. "So what are our plans today baby?" You ask as hands keep her close to you as they grip her waist she just smiles "a trip to Walmart for everything we need to be completely fucking lazy until Sunday." You smile and peck her lips gently before you push past her and grab her hoodie off of her bed. "No I want to wear that one" you look her up and down "find another one I like this one" Riri already knows she's not getting that hoodie back none of her hoodies are actually her size so they fit you well. You smell the hoodie "where the perfume? I don't smell that bath and body work perfume" she laughs and hands you her perfume "that's because it's new" you spray yourself in her perfume and breathe in deeply "you smell so good I hope you know that" Riri smiles as she grabs her wallet "you say that every time you come over trust and believe me I know by now."
Riri glances at the box in the corner of the room I forgot to mention our matching playboy bunny pajamas came. You glance at the box "for real?" You open up the box and look back at her "you got the jump suit I got the shorts" you smile "I want to put it on now Riri glances you up and down and shakes her head "absolutely not you not going to Walmart with me with ya ass cheeks out" you look her up and down "I'll wear sweats over it but to speak if I did want to it without them I still would...what you gone do bite my ankles?" Riri glances you up and down "miss thing you best believe imma bite the hell out your ankles if you test me tonight." You laugh as Riri playfully nips at your neck causing you to laugh and peck her lips.
You both rip and run through the Walmart hitting each other with shopping baskets and in between collecting the stuff you need like junk food, a few sodas, and water. When you both get to self-checkout Riri runs off you continue scanning your items maybe she's going to get something last minute you're used to doing that. When she gets back she holds a can of silly spray "Riri I just got my hair done so please test how well God loves you tonight. Put. It Back." she only smiles as she scans it "I need a reason to get you in the tub with me tonight sounds like a perfect reason to me." She also scans a few movies she got from the big box and you swipe your card sighing "I will fuck you up if that gets in my hair" Riri only kisses your cheek as she smiles and you can't help but smile too.
When you both get back to her dorm you put the drinks in her mini fridge and make yourself some popcorn "babe put on a horror movie I need a reason to cuddle you." she smiles as she opens her laptop and slips the movie into the disc on the side she props the laptop on her bed and grabs her can of silly spray seeing that you're busy watching your popcorn. She ducks and sprays you you immediately feel the cold all over your back and neck causing you to toss the popcorn box at her she of course blocks her face. you kick her in her leg and yell curses "I fucking told you not to spray me with that shit you always playing Riri" she laughs at your mad expression "awn you mad?" you glare at her as you straddle her lap and snatch the spray can from her you make sure to spray her in her face and on her skin she only laughs and grabs your hands she leans up and kisses you smearing the silly spray on your face "eww Riri" you push her back and back up gently wiping it off your face. "I'm gone beat your ass you always playing and sh- what's that smell? you made me burn my fucking popcorn" you open the microwave and immediately start laughing as the smoke puffs into the air Riri closes the microwave and shrugs "fuck the popcorn come get clean with me" she grabs your waist and you just laugh as her face is still covered in silly string.
Riri rubs your back as you lay on her chest and take a drag from your blunt "it still smells like burnt popcorn" you say laughing she smiles "I should have sprayed you in your fucking eye..." she hums "you mad violent today.
you and Riri cuddle in your little pajamas Riri laying on top of you as you try not to listen to the thoughts that keep replaying in your head grab her ass grab her ass you eventually give in just full on cupping her ass in your hands' nails gently digging into her revealed skin. She sits up and looks at you "you were contemplating doing that shit weren't you?" you laugh as you continue to gently squeeze and bite your bottom lip she grabs your face causing you to panic but she only kisses you. you let your hands slip up her thighs "can we get through the movie before you just start groping me?" you think about it but shake your head "absolutely not" she gets in front of you and lays on her side as you slip your hand in her pants and just let it stay there unmoving. "What are you doing?" you kiss her neck and smile "I'm just waiting for the movie to end." She smiles because you think you're slick but she already knows this movie is about to be very well forgotten.
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joanofexys · 4 days
omg can I ask about ur minyard ocs??? 👀👀
YES I CAN (and sorry for taking so long)
I am still undecided on if the Minyard twins (pt 2) will be part of my oc canon but they have certainly existed in my head for a hot minute (made them 3 years ago and forgot about them)
ig I should probably include tws. Nothing in detail but mentions of abuse, suicide, and SA
Sawyer Minyard
criminal defense attorney
has never played a sport in her life and doesn't plan to start
audhd combo + chronic depression
Saide Minyard
they/them (will respond to any but they/them is preferred as their gender can best be describe as "idk a blob of energy or whatever")
tattoo artist
played exy throughout high school and college but had no interest in going pro
played as a striker
has a bachelor's degree in psychology, never got their masters
also has the audhd combo + bipolar
Unlike the other set of Minyard twins these two were never separated, though Tilda did give them both up. Do I remember if it was mentioned how old Tilda was when she had Aaron and Andrew? No. So we're smudging the timeline however we need to for this like 10-ish year age gap between both sets of twins
Saide and Sawyer are obviously not identical if you read their height difference. And Saide will probably hold onto being the tallest Minyard sibling for the rest of their life
Saide and Sawyer for the first half of their lives were raised by a very loving foster mother who decided to file for permanent guardianship when they were 7 but due to some vague legal trouble that I haven't developed yet it falls through and the two end up being removed from her home
Thankfully the two stay together but they end up bouncing around the system for awhile and they both grow angry of it. For Sawyer this manifests in her throwing herself into school, an obsession with the justice system, and an anger with law enforcement (girl hates cops with a passion). For Saide it's finding any way to get out of their head. Parties, drugs, sex. Not all of it consensual. A lot of heavy and unhealthy self medication.
They split up for the first time ever for college. Sawyer moves across the country, a full ride with a good school that should get her into a good law school. Saide stays in state, a full ride playing exy, and they figure they'll take what they can get.
They both start receiving help in college. Sawyer attempts suicide for the first time at 21 years old as the contact with her sibling has grown more inconsistent, she has few friends, and she finds herself struggling to keep up with certain required classes she feels no passion for. She starts going to therapy afterwards but receives no diagnosis.
Saide gets diagnosed with ADHD and bipolar II their sophomore year after an outburst at a teammate, followed by three days of them being missing (out getting high and drunk and having sex they weren't fully aware was happening. crashing on friends couches and in their cars) and them returning to college with the following crash and depressive episode. They start trying different medication, stop drinking and doing drugs (with a few relapses on the way despite their insistence that they were never an addict), and started seeing a counselor provided by their colleges mental health service.
Junior year is when Saide starts experimenting with their gender. They go from he/him to he/they to she/they to she/he/they back to he/they and then they/them. That same year they start their tattoo apprenticeship while working toward their psych degree.
Sawyer gets her polisci degree, Saide gets their psych degree, and Sawyer gets accepted to an amazing law school (haven't decided which one cause y'all I have beef with Ivy League's and shit). They're roommates while Sawyer goes to law school. They both move again and get an apartment together. Saide gets a job with a local tattoo place and Sawyer is obviously a full time student. They're pretty cramped in there but they make it work
It's not until Sawyer either is a practicing lawyer or around the time she's taking the bar that the two find out about Andrew and Aaron. They've never had reason to think about other siblings. And obviously Andrew and Aaron had no reason to think they existed. But maybe something comes up with Nicky's adoption process for the two of them and the connection ends up being made
They're distant. Obviously neither of them can pack up and move again to take care of two siblings they don't even know. But there's a small effort made. Sawyer will always call Aaron back. If she's getting home at 3 am after sorting through piles of clients paperwork. Saide writers letters that he's 90% sure Aaron doesn't read and that Andrew throws straight in the trash. But they know they're there. It's probably not until Aaron and Andrew are in college and the events of the books starts going down that they really get connected. Because I'm sorry to Sawyer Minyard, vcious criminal defense attorney, who has to get the phone call that her brother killed a man and no it's not the one she thinks it is.
And this is getting long but yeah that's a bit about them
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awaylaughing · 19 days
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Venetia Blue, my MC from @barbwritesstuff very wonderful werewolf action-adventure-romance, Blood Moon. It has amazing characters who are dynamic, flawed and deeply lovable with a variety of personalities and beliefs; it has paranormal politics of several flavours; it has magic and amazing side characters that are impossible not to love; and it has a terrific end-game showdown that is very satisfying. I've been kicking my feet and giggling, gasping in outrage, and generally enjoying the variation within the story for a few days now, and Venetia's been the winner of "most canonical run". A slightly babbly profile under the cut
Name: Venetia Jaqueline Blue
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 155.5cm/5'1"
Age: 26
Appearance: a short, curvy woman with fair, freckled skin and green eyes. Her hair is a natural light blonde, slightly wavy, falling to about her collar bones. She usually wears in a single braid or if she takes the time, vintage waves.
Venetia prefers fairly practical dress, with a lot of purple, brown, and denim. She can be easy to spot on cooler days though, thanks to a strange and distinctly quirky patchwork jacket she likes to wear (she made it herself).
As a wolf, Venetia somewhat curiously most resembles a Husdon Bay Wolf, with a smaller build and light yellow-and-white colouring. The first time she shifted in front of the pack Marco declared her "barely toasted marshmallow" coloured.
Born on Oct. 31st, 1993 to a small but relatively wealthy clan Venetia's childhood was very pleasant. Owning a private fig farm, the pack managed to keep well funded without interacting much with the outside world, bar farmer's market's and deliver drivers come the advent of internet selling.
Venetia herself grew up relatively alone, a quirk of the pack's generations meaning she was born a decade behind the older children and a decade before the youngest. She spent much of her time with the pack elders, who were happy to encourage a voracious learner. They encouraged her so much in fact Venetia was the first in the pack to attend post-secondary school. She left school after only two years however, as the pack's official educator passed somewhat unexpectedly leaving behind several young students.
Venetia served as the pack educator herself for three years, a job that was a good fit as she's always liked children. It all came crashing down however one day when she returned from an early-morning hunt-slash-run. When she got back, armed with a couple of pheasants, she found only the smell of death and rotting flowers, an unusual heavy frost, and a damning silence.
Venetia spent the next three years as a stray, haunted by a formless loss. She preoccupied herself initially with dead-end investigations, which eventually gave way to her disappearing into a national park. She came back to herself after three months in her wolf form, when she found herself following not a deer or rabbit, but an unwitting camping family. Horrified, that was the moment that lead to her core conviction:
She's a person, not a monster and she will not the wolf of the moon win.
Not that Venetia is a self-hating werewolf, no she quite likes her wolf, so long as it's her and not the moon driving her. It's a balance she didn't really find until Alek and the pack accepted her in however, for the preceding two and a half years in fact Venetia resisted shifting except for moons for the most part.
During those years, she coped with her loneliness the only way she knew how: hobbies. Sewing, car repair, fixing radios, carving, learning French, etc. Venetia jumped from item to item, stubbornly conquering skills and projects before moving on to the newest thing. This does make her a very handy packmate: it's likely that even if Venetia doesn't have an exact skill needed for an odd job, she something transferable (and she's great at finding resources to help her learn).
In the city, Venetia saw it as a sort of job to really help out as her time as a stray often meant coming into bigger cities to avoid wandering into another pack's territory. Her decision to try for Alpha--and the reason she got it, was similar. Smart and patient, Venetia's only priority was keeping the pack together and thriving, even when she only had a handful of moons with the pack under her belt.
Fun Facts
her native language is Welsh, she didn't learn English until she was around 12 years old
her mother named for a novel she once read, despite hating the novel itself
grew up on the coast so has a taste for fish and shellfish
worked at over 32 different places during her stray-days, but the bulk of these (more than half) were "work for board" style planting/harvesting operations
her longest stray-days job was as a yoga instructor at a Wiccan run spa-retreat, they were very sympathetic to her need to take full moons off
is allergic to bug bites, to her IMMENSE frustration
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