#she's not back til friday and I don't really know what to do with myself until then
teacupchimera · 1 year
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harrysmimi · 2 years
Synopsis: Harry walks in to see YN being mistreated by his fans at her work
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It was eight the morning when Harry heard YN calling him from the shower whilst he was preparing for breakfast.
"You alright?" He rushed back to their bedroom to watch her head popped out of the bathroom door, he could really see she was butt naked in the mirror behind her through the cracked door. "What?"
"I forgot my towel." She said, obviously sheepish smile on her face.
"You could have come out you know." He suggested already going to fetch the towel for her. "I can see your bum in the mirror there."
She rolled her eyes, "like you haven't seen it already." And it's cold to walk out of shower butt nakey without a towel.
"I have, I have," he agreed.
"Can I wear one of your hoodie?" She asked, taking the towel from him. He got a thank you kiss on the cheek instead of her saying it out loud.
"When do you not?" He shrugged, "you've stole all my clothes. Just got me boxers to my name."
YN just giggles, "they're comfy!"
"And you know you don't have to ask me, darling." He assured her, watching her walk out with the towel wrapped around her body. "Are you still sore?" Enquiring about the changing weather which triggers her arthritis, he wrapped his arms around her from behind. Also, they went a little too rough last night. Bask in the fresh smell of her body wash.
"A hot shower helped, can definitely walk now." She shared. He caught her towel which unraveled to her chest.
"I really do go at it like a rabit." He realised. "But can you blame me though!"
"No one's blaming you." She resumed picking out her clothes and a hoodie from his side of the closet with a six feet tall, man baby clinging onto her.
"I think you should take the day off." He suggested. "I crave attention today!"
"I already took up all paid leaves, I can't." She cooed, "it's Friday. I'll be home for the weekend, I promise."
"You're not going over to Brielle's, this weekend?" His earn perked up like a cat at the news.
She has been going over to her friend's because she was really struggling in the last trimester of her pregnancy, with her Fiancé working extra hours at office so he can take the leave, her mum being busy with work the girl pregnant with twins was left alone for the most of the time. YN was a good friend, it really warmed his heart to see how she cared for people close to her. He didn't mind when she went over to her friend's house for the day on weekend.
"Yeah, she said her Fiancé's paternity leave begins from today." She shared.
"Well, good, I get to have my girl to myself." He sighed dropping his head into the crook of her neck, his soft lips brushing against her soft skin. "When do you get off work today?"
"At five." She reached for her pants hung on the hangers. "Haz, you're tickling me!" She squealed feeling his finger tips dig in her side making him chuckle. He press his lips onto her bare shoulder, coming to halt with his teasing.
"Alright then, I'm dropping you off on my way to gym and I'll be coming over to pick you up as well." He announced his plan, tucking the loose end of the towel back in so it wouldn't fall off when he pulled away.
"Mhmm." She nodded.
YN's day was going super well today. Especially because they were not short staffed today. And she gets to see her man at the end of the day who had just dropped her off at work this morning.
Today they had very generous customers coming in who did not hesitate to give tips. It wasn't a common thing for folks in UK to tip, and not to take it wrong they get paid fair wages. YN's boss ensures that they get their holiday bonuses every time. But there are employees who had many good uses of those extra tips.
"YN, would you mind?" Emily gestured a request for her to go over to the til whilst she get the order ready. YN stood behind the vacant register, next to her other co-worker Kathleen, who was already taking in a order.
"Hello good evening, what can I get for you today?" She smiled greeting the two girls who'd just walked in. She could already sense the vibes as if she's a psychic. Especially with a LOT tote bags and Pleasing hoodie. Both of the girls had their heads buried into their phones, air pods in.
"I'll take an iced mocha latte," the girl in the yellow hoodie said. YN decided to ignore the fact her head was still down.
"Can I'll take a black coffee." The other one said who had the decency to at least look at her.
"I'll also take a chocolate croissant." Now the girl in the yellow hoodie looked up at YN, who was punching in the order in the register as if she was on autopilot.
"What size to you want it to be?" YN asked more about their vague order.
"The croissant?" The yellow hoodie scoffed.
"Coffee?" YN said, but it came in as more of a question. How stupid a person have to be to ask thay question... But who is she to judge?
"Make the black coffee a medium please, with no sweetner."
"Make mine a medium too then I guess!" You g lady said, rather rudely when YN looked at her for her order.
"Okay," she nodded, "do you want it with regular milk or substituted milk?"
"Duh, regular milk."
Kathleen looked at YN as she patiently deal with these teenagers. She proceeded to ask their names to put on the cups. Trice and Juniper it was.
Not to take this in a wrong way, her co-workers felt bad for her. Because from this past week she's got her boyfriend's fans coming in just to mistreat her and bully her. Yes, all of the people who work with YN are Harry's huge fans but they respect him enough to be involved in his personal business with their co-worker. Everyone loved YN at the cafe, especially the frequent customers. She was literally ray of sunshine at work, nothing but kind and sweet to others.
What reason has she got to be rude to other people for no reason anyway? She goes to work because she likes it and it put food on her plate a roof over her head.
And then there are these people who are worse than who they call Karens and Kevins among the employees, the rude and entitled ones who are inevitable to avoid. These girls clearly seem to know who she is, especially since YN's been to a premier with Harry. Even though she wasn't on red carpet with him, his fans still managed to get her pictures next to Glenn and Jeffery. Everyone knew what Harry's secret girlfriend looked like all of a sudden.
YN proceeded to tell them their total and girl in the yellow hoodie decided to pay, with cash.
The door bell chimed catching YN's attention, it was Harry she saw. He'd came over to pick her. He shot her petite wave as he went on to stand to a side whilst she gets done with her work. He greeted Emily who was making a latte at YN's usually spot of work, talking about the kittens. He wouldn't lie, he's been excited about it.
YN's had enough them the girl threw two bills on the counter, instead of handing it to her when she had her hand out. Causing the money to fall in two different directions. She picked it up quiet and reached for coins in the til.
"Would you like the bill?" YN asked but that just earned a scoff to her.
Kathleen shot her a no look because she, well, apparently everyone knows that she's pissed now. She tossed the coins on the counter the same way the girl did, causing the metal to bounce, and some rolled off the counter on the floor. Both the girls gasp. Harry saw all of that, clearly, he glanced at a shocked Emily who missed it whilst she was doing her work.
"Your order will be ready in five, Trice." YN said with am overly fake smile she even bothered to put on.
"You are so fucking rude!" Trice said, "fat, ugly bitch, what did you do that for?"
"Oi, watch it!" Kathleen butted it, clearly offended for her co-worker.
"Clearly, everything said about you on the internet is true. You don't deserve to be with Harry, you ungrateful who—"
"What is going on here?" Jennifer, YN's manager came over seeing the commotion before Harry was about to stand up for his girl. That was the most atrocious thing he'd seen. "Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you kindly to step out of our shop." She continued, politely moving YN to a side, she fetched for the amount the girl had paid ever so kindly to refund.
"This is ridiculous. She was being mean to me, throwing the money like I'm a fucking begger by a mere server!" Trice exclaimed. "Are you the manager?" All the whilst her friend stood there with her jaw hung to the floor. Maybe she was surprised by her friend's behaviour, or she was thinking YN's in wrong here.
"Yes, I am and I'm not going to let you treat my employees this way. We are refusing to serve you today, and in the future." Jennifer said, firmly. "Please." She gestured the girls to the door.
Harry couldn't take it, especially when the other one saw him standing right there to be a witness to the scene. On the internet, it could be pretty much easy to avoid by simply not indulging into it, and his girl is has mastered doing that so far. But this is insane, coming in at her work place. He had let the incident on her flight to New York, he wasn't there and YN chose to not tell him the details. But this. This all all happened right in front of him. That person was about to call his girlfriend disrespectful names, that broke his peak of patience there.
The other one nudged her friend's side to make his presence known to him there. The girl, who's name is Trice he reckoned looked at him as if she just saw a ghost there.
"This is her place of work. Whatever you think her job is, doesn't give you the right the treat my girlfriend that way." He spoke to the girls, calmly, because he doesn't want to add to the commotion happening, "I want you to know that, I found it very rude of you. Hope you work on being on a better person!"
YN looked at him, surprised. Honestly she didn't know why she was surprised. She was shook, as that girl was about to call her the w-word. She had never heard anyone call her that, even through she's gotten into many arguments with rude customers like the girl. Not even on the internet people go this far to bully her for simply being her boyfriend's girlfriend.
YN didn't know how to take it and process it!
Harry was so grateful for YN's manager to stepping in. Or he would have lost it actually hearing someone calling his girlfriend so disrespectful. He just watched as those girl mumbled their apologies to him before leaving. He proceeded to pick up the change which had fallen on the floor and handed it back to Kathleen.
"You alright?" Jennifer asked YN, who was still trying to take in what just happened.
"Yeah, I, I am really sorry about that." YN mumbled.
"Don't be," Kathleen butted in who saw everything first hand happening to her, "that girl was a literal shit of a person. What you did was very fucking badass!"
"Mhmm!" Emily sounded.
There were not many people in the cafe that time but everyone who was watching had seemed to get back to their work. Harry approached closer to the til. "Do you want to go home now?"
"Yes, yeah, I'll be out." YN agreed, before heading to the back. "Gimme five minutes."
"Mhmm." He nodded.
On the way he stayed silent, it was awkward for the first time in between them. Especially that's what YN felt.
"I'm sorry about that." He spoke, once they're back in comfort of their home.
"Why so? It wasn't your fault Harry." She cooed. "Come here, sit down." Walking over to the living room she made him sit down on the sofa whilst she took a seat on the coffee table in front of him. "It's okay, I promise."
"It's not," he looked more hurt than her, "they bully you just because you choose to stick by my side. That's fuck up, baby and not okay!"
"I know, but we can't control everyone, can we?" She shrugged, "you say it to me that the best we can do it just ignore the hate. And honestly I now look at her like one of those bad customers, that's all."
"That's the thing, you shouldn't!" He stressed, "I'm going to put out an statement, this is ridiculous. She was clearly about to call you something so disrespectful, I don't even wanna say it! It's disgusting!"
"Don't do that, please, it's only going to add to the drama." She insisted, "it's gonna attract more hate and criticism, and I don't want that that for you, for us."
Well, she isn't entirely in wrong here. People wouldn't mind talking shit about him either, why was he at his girlfriend's work place? Where is the professionalism? Why would he say that to people who literally keep him employed? What was he thinking when he said that? Why did he said it like that? He cares too much, or he cares too little. The criticism was going to come in from left, right, front and back.
"Okay." He nodded.
"Yeah, we'll just deal with it when we absolutely have to. We don't owe anyone any explaination. I see rude customers every single day." She nudged her nose closer to his with her forehead on his.
"I just hated that do much!" with a sigh his voice sounded so watery. God he loves her so much, he would fight the world for her with his bare hands in that moment.
All the other times, it didn't hit him this hard. With her it was different for him. Of course it was, it is YN he's talking about here!
"I know, Haz. But it's okay." She pulled him in a tight embrace his head rested on her chest, "I promise!"
"It shouldn't be okay!" He sighed, pulling away. "It shouldn't be. Don't tell me to keep low when they cause a big stir on the internet and it reaches media, I'm not going to sit here and let everyone talk more shit about you!"
"Okay, only if they make drama." She agreed.
"Okay." He nodded.
"We just came back, but do you want to go get some ice-cream?" She suggested.
"Hmm," he sighed remembering about this thing he had planned on, "I had plan to go to Italy."
"What is it with you and your impromptu vacations?" She chuckled. "Why Italy all of a sudden?"
"I don't know." He shrugged, "I'm bored now that I don't have anything to do. Thought I could take you to a museum there, on a date."
"Oh how rich are you!" She sighed dramatically, with dreamy eyes making him giggle.
"You still want to go? We have about two three hours." He suggested.
"You already booked a flight?" She was surprised.
"Yeah, come on, will help you pack." He grabbed her hand and walked her to their bedroom.
"Harry, it's gonna take time and you traffic this time is the worse." She stressed.
"We'll wait for another one if we miss it, now come on, we need to pack enough for the weekend." Harry went on to bring out a duffle bag.
"Can we postpone it to the next weekend? I am anxious we're going to miss the flight." She was froze to her spot watching him move back and forth from the closet picking out his own clothes too. She'd feel to bad if they miss the flight as it is going to be waste of money.
"I don't think so, it's okay," he assured her. "We don't have to waste no more time."
"I'm telling you we're going to miss the flight!"
"We're not!" He laughed. "We'll take this too." He picked out a random pretty dress from her side and folded it nicely before stuffing it into the bag.
"You're so annoying! Could have told me beforehand about this." She scolded him, now frantically picking out her stuff, "if we miss the flight it's gonna go to waste!"
"Baby, baby, baby I need you to calm down please!" giggling, he rushed towards his girlfriend  who was carrying her stuff in her arms, a towel, her toiletries, her hoodies and under garments. "It's okay. I was going to tell you this the in the car but shit happened so I couldn't. It's okay if we miss the flight, we'll wait another hour for the next one. We're not going to postpone this trip, okay? Now chop-chop!"
"Where are we gonna stay? Hotels are very fucking expensive."
"I've got a house there we'll be staying at."
He's got a surprise for her there waiting there. With a pat pn her bum her urged her to hurry as he called for a cab to the airport. And they really missed the flight, YN was pissed to say the least. But Harry distracted her reading about the museum he was actually going to take her to whilst they waited there for the next flight.
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@vrittivsanghavi @buckymydarlingangel @sweetwritingfanficfriend @theroosterswife24 @sleutherclaw @melllinaa @michellekstyles @sunshinemoonsposts @marialikescherries @japanchrry @onlyangelrain @supersanelyromantic @tenaciousperfectionunknown @haarrrys Lemme know if you want to added to the tag list
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tuesday again 7/16/2024
how your backyard hurricane go, the houston area? pretty good it doesn't seem
to be clear other than losing everything in my fridge and developing some mold around the windowframes IM personally fine and so are the girls and so is the lair. we lost power sunday afternoon and got it back friday morning (upside down smiley emoji x16)
THREE CANONICALLY BISEXUAL CLUB BANGERS!!! also, trying out a new thing with spotify and youtube videos for songs bc my readership is about 70/30 and i want to streamline the process of actually listening to new music for ppl. it must be really annoying this week but that's bc there's three songs. sorry. it will rarely be this long
ANXIETY by Lilyisthatyou is new to me, off the spotify autogenerated dance playlist. a chiller groove in the spelling-things-out genre of dance music. VERY flashy-lights music vid fyi
Why do I feel so alone? Does it show That I'm dancing to fill the void with pretty girls and pretty boys?
i know about kesha's joyride bc i happen to be an alive queer woman. im SO happy kesha is also alive and making music more regularly. this one is canonically bisexual bc kesha is bisexual. also a really flashy-lights lyric video. the most classically recession-pop/early KESHA sound of all three tuesdaysongs this week. im always fascinated when an accordion shows up.
Rev my engine ’til you make it purr Keep it kinky, but I come first Beep-beep, bitch, I'm outside Get in, loser, for the joyride
thank u new releases spotify playlist. also canonically bisexual bc the singer is, also an early KESHA feel but she is a metal artist first and foremost. very fun to headbang to at a stop light. i don't totally Love how it's an emasculating song but given how dudes in the metal scene generally are? i think she should make it more emasculating actually
Take you down a peg (And peg and peg and peg) If you're a macho man then beg (And beg and beg and beg) Bend you over the bed (The bed the bed the bed) It's time to take you down a peg (And peg and peg and peg)
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fun fact i still haven't seen this movie. i got this from the library the day before the hurricane proper and it gave me a really lovely two hours of not thinking about the active hurricane the day after. enormous format photographs! full-length shots of every look! ithe little personal notes from each designer were so fun to read, and i think this genuinely healed my heart a little. everyone was so excited to go into detail about what choices they made and what inspired them, and even though i would have loved more specific construction details, specific fiber types, and full-length shots of the Back of every look, i recognize i am a freak.
watched a truly bonkers assortment of films at my bestie's house this week. her husband is big into godzilla and i sat down not really paying attention or planning to pay attention to Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (2024, dir. Wingard) but found myself actually paying attention. i unfortunately was a character i hate, Person Who Stops The Movie Halfway Through To Demand A Recap. loved these guys, whatever the fuck they were
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the most fun thing about this movie is that it is not a silent film but it acts like one. there are long, long stretches of movie without dialogue bc all the political action is happening between a bunch of giant monkeys. this is going to sound like im damning it with faint praise but they really thought carefully about directorial and artistic choices here! there was a vision and they executed it! it's fun to look at and not just because there's a big monkey in most of the shots!
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got a look at characters for the new fire-themed land coming up this fall. ppl are understandably big mad that the land is based on Ring of Fire cultures and everyone is paper-white. i think it is correct to be mad and ask them to do better, and they have tweaked designs before release before, however, i don't think this will bring about a sea change in gacha games.
i am rolling along clearing out map markers and achievement hunting and my GOD are there a lot of time-gated achievements in inazuma (electricity-themed legally-not-japan). so so so many of them i originally got halfway through or did 1/5 and then wandered off bc i didn't realize there was a quest or achievement locked behind doing something for three or five days in a row. i now have a post-it on the corner of my monitor with nine different things i have to keep checking in on this week. please someone give me a REAL JOB!!!!!!
cross stitch progress. this was the only thing i did last week aside from shake like a chihuahua and sleep. very slow going! may have to ship the package off to my brother with an IOU bc it is already stressfully late.
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made the bean influencer soup (creamy miso coconut butter beans). i made a batch before the hurricane last week so most of my notes are from then. the grocery did not have canned butter beans so i made the same thing (big lima beans) from dry. i have not made beans from dry since i was very small. these beans were so large, so pale, so aggressive.
changes: i was able to find a little carton of straight coconut cream at the grocery but they were out of miso paste. i did have miso soup mix and plopped that in. i also used frozen spinch bc it’s cheaper and i felt better about it than the somewhat questionable fresh spinch on offer. also used two onions instead of one and a hearty dollop of minced jarred garlic bc who do u think i even fucking am. i would have loved to use fresh dill, bc i did plant some and it was growing very well, but the caterpillars were very intense and ate almost everything on my balcony.
going in the rotation! im making it AGAIN as im typing up this post! pretty cheap, very tasty, i don't regularly keep butter beans or coconut cream in my pantry but that can change!
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skznccmlee · 5 months
As you guys could realize, TODAY WAS SOMETHING-
My ler's getting more of a menace with everyday that passes I might not make it through this year I would die of how flustered I am
Before starting: a little context😻
Today's my mom's bd, so my dad, brother and I took her to lunch
School normally ends at 1:40pm, but yesterday and today it ended 12:30pm bc of the project and stuff
Which is perfect cuz I got to go have lunch with my mom for her bd
On Fridays, me and Cloud stay til 4 bc of piano, but I knew I couldn't make it in time (piano starts at 2pm), but I was going to do my best to get there even if it was just 10 minutes
AT 3:15😻
So everyone got out of the classroom (except Cloud and I as always)
I was complaining about some stuff which was really stupid and I know it I just can't help it, AND I DON'T REALLY REMEMBER EXACTLY HOW OR IN WHICH MOMENT BUT NEXT THING I REMEMBER WAS ME BEING WRECKED LIKE REALLY BADLY???????
Today my sides got a lot of attention which is GREAT cuz I've been wanting to be tickled there since like... Yes, the past three weeks
The tickling was mainly on my torso, but ofc my neck too cuz we've learned she loves to tickle me there, and CHANGING between soft and a bit more like rough, I LOVE THAT SO MUCH I'VE UNLOCKED A NEW FORM OF TICKLING AND I WANNA KEEP IT
And I know I've said before that I don't like that, my opinion on it is still the same
BUUUT, she WAS acting as if she knew what she was doing, just that talking normally
So I'll take it
LIKE IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION????? (obviously the second option, I think we all knew it AND SHE DID AS WELL)
But I can tell you, it was flustering as hell
"You know what that means? You're alone with the tickle monster~" AND THEN PROCEEDED TO TICKLE ME AGAIN
... How do I explain you guys HOW BAD THAT TEASE GETS ME?????????
It's officially scaling on my ranking of teases
Then it happened something that was so cute of her and I LOVE HER
She stopped
Rubbed my back
Then she just went "I'm sorry I'm not good with this aftercare thing" JSNMJXNWNFN😭😭😭
She just needs a little practice, but it felt so good regardless, I'm feeling so loved<33
It doesn't end here people
Then I just did what I do whenever I get flustered (try to distract myself)
SO I just started telling her something that happened to me in the restaurant
And guys
Started to tickle me
While talking
Then the tickling stopped (sadly)
Turns out I had texted my other amazing ler (obviously my baby @itzsana-kiddingmenow), AND I WAS ANSWERING HER
I promise we're almost at the end-
When the class was over, we went upstairs to take the pianos to the lab (as always, yk)
And when we were in the stairs
Then we went downstairs and turns out my babe had answered so I had to chase Cloud cuz she had my phone AND I WANTED TO SEE TOO-
Then we saw it and yes
And then she had to go
AND before actually ending this, I wanna make this part an appreciation... Part of post for my ler cuz a bit after she posted that post and texted to Sana, we were about to start again the class and she turned to me and asked me "But did I overstepped? I should have better not do that?"
I can't explain how much I wanted to hug her for like forever and cry and tell her she's the best and she has never overstepped cuz she always makes sure I'm fine with what she's doing/did/will do, I love her so much she's definitely the best)
Cloud, when you see this, that you for all that, you're a great ler and friend I'm just not able to say it in person, Ilysm
NOW that was FINALLY all for Ahhie's Weekly Tickle Rant Of Fridays of today, I want y'all to look at the difference between today and the last week- Totally different
Thank you for reading all this if you did-
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ah-schwoopsie · 1 month
Hello yes it is part 2 of my thoughts as I rewatch Cinderella's Castle.
Cursed Crazy choreography is insane!! I can't dance for shit but i need to learn it right now
Crazy how much they refer to stars and I still didn't pick up on it on my first watch through.
Stepmother literally says that she will have to cut off Ella's legs if she keeps wandering away. I always feel so stupid watching back and seeing all the foreshadowing. Either that or Starkid is just really good at naturally weaving the foreshadowing into dialogue. Honestly it's probably that
'Ive seen a cock. No more trials today gods, I beg of thee!'
During Step On Your Grave, Ella refers to 'a lawyer'. You just know that's no coincidence with Starkid that Jon's character is here in this scene. Who ends up later being a protector of Ella and her revenge, when in Black Friday he plays an Attorney.
Also love the rhyming and timing of the recipes ingredients in SOYG.
I can't wait to see the closeups of Tadius' facial expressions (or lack there of) to The Prince and his, interesting humour, in the proshot.
Mariah is so fucking good in this. She always is but! Something I love is how you can tell how much fucking fun she's having! Very similar vibes to Bully to the Bully in NPMD, but it's the whole musical.
Love how Angela says 'Ella'. It stands out from the rest of her vocal patterns. Reminds me of how Wiggly says 'Stephanie' in NPMD. He stresses the wrong syllables so it comes across inhuman. (best way I can describe it). That being said she says 'Ella' very similar to how I pronounce it as an Australian. But it still stands out as inhuman as it doesn't quite match up with her accent all of the other time.
Rancilda and Putrice constantly accusing Ella of being mean to them or bullying them is a nice swap out of the step sisters traditionally bullying Ella. I don't think either of them actually ever directly insult Ella.
Rancilda's lips quivering when Putrice is accusing Ella of rubbing it in that they have no friends!!!
Cursed Crazy has been stuck in my head all day. Especially the 'you know you're fucked or fated!'
I needed more of Justine and Lucy!! How can we have two characters for less than ten minutes yet learn so much about them.
No shocker at all but how does Bryce, Lauren and Mariah sound that good together!!??
The footwork in Last For Ever!!!?? I need to know who made who faceplant in rehearsal
I had this thought when I first watched it. I wonder how Stepmother was involved in Ella's true mother's death. She must've at least been around as Ella says her father began to get ill soon after. At first I thought it was step mother in true mother's skin suit but it can't be as the Fairy mentions Ella's mother trying to reach her. There's something here but I'm not that good at media analysis to come to these conclusions by myself.
Truly horrific the way stepmother let Ella have a wonderful day with her friends, choosing to wait until she had proper hope of escaping the trolls, to then kill her friends and then let her daughters puppet their corpses around Ella. Reminding her of what she could have had.
Mariah's and Lauren's movement and character choices for Putrice and Randilla when they get the skin suits is fantastic.
Facade is just so good!!! I can't wait til the album comes out. I need to blast this shit on my way to work.
How flawless does Lauren make lifting her leg over Angela look?? And it's so fluid, and she manages to still make it look just awkward enough that you don't forget Rancilda is learning how to move in this thing.
Stepmother crossing her eyes in Facade immediately after telling Rancilda to 'Uncross your fucking eyes!'
Lauren's dancing. That's all.
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So, some shit happened a Friday where pretty much, in short terms, like, two of my friend pretty much told me every problem they had with me and my friend group.
It kinds got me pissed off, and what got me mad is when they called me a liar.
So, three years ago is a complete blur. It was a very Traumatic time in my life because I was in inconsistent consistent contact with my abuser and just my mental health was just ass. My mind pretty much blocked out that entire school year except for theater, and even that's a blur.
So apparently, I remembered something wrong, and when shit came up abt it, I talked about how I remembered it. And when I said that year was a blur, one of my friends asked why I would forget something so important. Cuz my brain blocked it out, but anyways.
What really pissed me off is the fact that I'm not seeing one of them til the end of summer, and that day was her last day. It's the fact that they did it on her last day. It's the fact that she chose to end on that note with me.
And when it came to my friends, they mentioned how my crush, who's a close friend of mine, was walking all over me and lacked respect for me. It made me mad because they don't see our complete dynamic fr.
And afterwards, they act like nothing happened.
Nah, fuck that shit.
I'm a bad person with bad thoughts and some may consider insane ideals and morals, so I have to put on some kind of mask just so people don't see me for how I truly am, and so I don't fucking get carried away and lose myself and fall back down into a spiral. But, that single interact is causing causing cracks. I'm terrified on the fact I'm gonna lose everything just because of some bullshit. I hate it when my groups mixed, so I keep y'all separate. Sorry if you feel left out, but that's just how I am. This why I hate having a lot of friends, someone is always upset! Not everyone can be happy, I'm sorry. But I don't know what you want me to do. It's a pre-etablished groul you're entering on and I don't know what you want me to do. I have separate friends for a reason, and you just don't fit and I'm sorry for that. Would I be upset if I were you? Yes, I've been in your spot before. But, that's why I always leave and either be on my own and go to my own group. Not everyone can be included, including me, and I'm sorry for that, but I don't know what you want me to do.
You tell me every problem you have with one of my friends, I'm sorry that happened and I'm sorry you feel that way, but I don't know what you want me to do or say to him. He ain't gonna listen to me
I know I defend my friends for some crazy shit, but you don't know what they symbolize for me. Am I wrong for that? Most likely, yeah.
I'm actually tweaking out, I'm sorry. But cracks are starting form and I feel like I'm going crazy. And don't just ask me if I'm OK since I'm being quiet after y'all just said everything wrong with me. You chose to end on that note with me.
I'm a immortal, jealous, apathetic, two faced lunatic who lacks a single sense of self or self worth. You know this.
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ghost-wolf34 · 1 year
Werewolf Bucky Barnes
Chapter 13. Mating?
Bucky's pov
when opening my door I get hit with a strong scent and smell of some kind, I felt a low growl in my throat as I closed my door and tried to calm myself down before I did something stupid or reckless. "Get it together Barnes." I told myself as I decided to go take a shower to clear my thoughts and to get cleaned up from training, I grabbed a different pair of clothes before heading towards the shower trying to take my mind off Shadow and what had just happened. 
After I had gotten my shower and had gotten dressed into a pair of sweats an a t-shirt, I went to grab a bottle of water along with some food before going back to my room for the rest of the day til I heard a knock at my door a few hours later. I clenched my jaw and tried to calm myself down as I smelled Shadow's scent but I knew that she was in a lot of pain, I got off my bed and went to the door opening it to see shadow standing there looking miserable. "Are-are you okay?" I asked her softly but nervously. 
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Third pov. 
Shadow was unsure of what to say so she just shook her head and looked at him, then down at her stomach which her hand was rubbing gently trying to ease the crampingness that she felt. She unsure of how to tell him what was on her mind. "No, I can't get this feeling to go away nor this pain. I just want it to stop Buck it's hurts so bad." Shadow told Buck as she looked back up at him with her now purple wolf eyes. 
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Bucky wasn't sure how to take that but he also was having the same issues she was minus the cramping, he felt his alpha side kick in as his eyes changed to their whiteish silver color as he opened his door widely and stepped into the hallway a little bit. "Then let me help you my beautiful Luna, please it pains for me to see you like this doll." Bucky said softly as he gently sat a hand on her cheek, before feeling himself starting to lean into kiss her. 
Shadow leaned her head against his hand that rested on her cheek, before looking into his beautiful silver white werewolf eyes. "Then help me please, my loving alpha." She said back softly as she too leaned into kiss him, which felt like fireworks going off as soon as they both kissed. 
Bucky's pov again. 
I leaned in and kissed as soon as she called me her loving alpha, my wolf was growling in happiness when she had said that. I felt fireworks as soon as we kissed, before I gently picked her up not breaking the kiss as I entered my room again and leaned her against the wall gently still kissing her before breaking it to shut the door. 
“Friday tell the team not to bother us for anything for a couple of hours." I told the ai, as I then carried Shadow over to my bed and laid her down gently. "Will do mister Barnes." Friday told Bucky. "I'm gonna help you doll, but my wolf is going to be in control mostly. Just let me know if I hurt you or anything alright?" I really didn't want to hurt you and I know that my wolf didn't want to either." 
"Okay." I heard her say, before she kissed me again on the lips as things started to get heated from there. 
.......A little while later......
Third pov.
A little while after Bucky and Shadow had mated, both of them were now a bit exhausted and out of breath a little at least Shadow was.
Shadow looked up at him as he still leaned over top of her, while reaching for the sheet to cover them both up with. "You okay doll after all that?" He asked her as he reached for the sheet trying to be careful not to jar them or anything with them both being knotted to each other. 
"Y-yeah. I-I'm okay, probably gonna be a little sore after all that but I'll be alright." Shadow said as she laid there being still as he covered them both up, she smiled softly at him as she watched him being a little quit. 
Bucky carefully grabbed the sheet and pulled it over to him, before looking down at shadow to see her smiling softly at him to which he returned back. 
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"Okay, I just don't want to hurt you. I'll help you get cleaned up once the knot goes down. I'm gonna have to flip us somehow, but I'm gonna try not to hurt you or pull it alright?" Bucky said as he carefully did his best not to hurt her or himself as he flipped them trying to be as careful as he could, he winced a little bit but he didn't say or make any noise of pain. 
Shadow smiled at him still, before she gently wrapped her arms around him and held onto him as he flipped them both carefully. She growled lowly as it hurt a little, but she could tell that it had hurt him too. "Sorry." She heard Bucky say as he covered them up with the sheet after he had flipped them over carefully. "Your fine Buck, but are you okay?" Shadow asked him as she looked up at him and gently sat a hand on his stubbled cheek gently. 
Bucky felt bad that he had caused shadow pain from flipping them, but it hurt him a little more then it kinda did her even though it caused them both pain so he had told her that he was sorry. "I'm fine, it just hurts a bit from moving but I'll be okay. I'm more worried about you, because I don't want to hurt you and I know my wolf doesn't want to either." He told her as he kissed her wrist gently and sat his flesh hand on hers that rested on his stubbled cheek.
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meditating-dog-lover · 5 months
Skin and physical and mental goals update
My skin is a lot better now. It's by no means perfect, but my skin previously was completely dry, red, irritated, itchy, and oozing and bleeding. I'll take what I have now over that. My tacrolimus ointment helps and it's not cold and dry here anymore, which is another bonus. Since March I have not had any flareups that resulted in my using a towel or carpet or piece of fabric to itch which resulted in an oozy and bloody and painful mess. I do get itchiness, but I can manage it by ignoring it or, if it's a stronger itch, running hot water on my hands and rubbing til the itchiness is gone. It's not a good habit, but it's a lot better than physically itching and causing severe skin inflammation and open, bloody, and oozy skin. But don't do this if you don't have eczema.
I'll be honest I haven't actively seen doctors growing up. I've only done blood work twice in my 20s and they were generic blood panels (blood cell, lipid, thyroid, blood sugar, etc...). Everything is within range for me, thankfully, except I have eosinophilia. There is definitely a link between eczema and eosinophilia, which is why I am going to do more blood work to test for my histamine and immunoglobulin levels. I'm going to do that tomorrow and I can't wait (I don't think I've ever gotten excited over blood work and no one normally does, but this will truly help me find the missing puzzle pieces to my chronic eczema problem).
I've also ran out of flaxseed oil and want to switch to fish oil, since the omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) found in fish are more bioavailable, whereas the body needs to convert the fatty acids found in flaxseed oil (ALA) and it's not always 100% successful (based on what I've read). I bought a bottle of the super omega 3 fish oil from Whole Foods, and I'll start taking it after I do my blood work since I don't want to start a new supplement beforehand.
I'm still waiting on my skin culture and gut evaluation results. Once I have everything my doctor and I will be able to figure out what's really causing my eczema and how I can work towards fixing those issues and having longterm healthy skin. I want to be healthy, I don't want to rely on medication that only temporarily gets rid of symptoms. I'm young and healthy and fail to see the need to become heavily dependent on pharmaceuticals unless absolutely necessary (like antibiotics and antihistamines which I always have with me). I can easily apply steroids or calcineurin inhibitors on my skin and it will heal, but the inflammation will absolutely come back after a bit. It's not a longterm solution at all. But it will help me until I make the more drastic changes after I get my lab results.
I bought a nail strengthener yesterday. It's the Essie hard to resist pink glow shade. Like I said my nails are already strong and healthy, but I did get a topical strengthener to give it a boost. I had a nail break Friday morning and another one kind of break yesterday, but not as bad and I was able to file and shape it. But it's a very pretty color and my nails look nice. As I said because I have wider nail beds, I'm trying to get them into an oval shape because oval nails look pretty and feminine. Because of the width I'll actually have to grow my nails out longer so they appear more oval, otherwise they would be round. So far I've been able to grow my nails out, I just need to find out how to shape them. I also want to stop buffing and cutting my cuticles and I would rather push them back instead (I found a nail tech channel on Youtube and she advises against buffing and cuticle cutting). I also want to figure out how to shape oval nails. I kind of know how to but it's not perfect. With that being said I feel like I can learn how to do nail stuff myself without having to go to a salon and spend a lot of money. On the same topic of physical goals, I'm still waiting on my eyebrows to grow out and I've lost weight through intermittent fasting and I can see it on my stomach and legs. I want to work on reducing my body dysmorphia (which was very bad last year and even the year before and is thankfully better now) so I can buy nice clothes. I do not have good clothing style, but that can always be a goal to work towards. My mom and sister can help me.
Regarding emotional well-being, I'm journaling as always and I'm going to therapy. My therapist wants me to do somatic exercises. I'm not someone who can sit and relax for 10 minutes because I'm antsy and my mind is always racing. This does contribute to stress and anxiety, and I definitely deal with those. I want to learn how to practice mindfulness and relaxation, even doing stretching and working on my posture (I do a lot of walking as exercise, stretching is also something that can help and I can benefit from). Even getting professional massages can help, since I do have muscle tension and it will give me an opportunity to relax. I want to also start reading, which also requires me to ignore my personal life issues and to relax and be at ease. It's embarrassing to admit that despite the fact that I love learning and educating myself, I don't like reading. And reading is something I should be doing. I just need to work on relaxation and clearing my mind, and thankfully my therapist is helping me with that.
Everything will work out. I can't wait to do blood work and to continue mindfulness.
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heyybeach · 1 year
You know what? I'm actually one of those people who likes their job. But today was an absolute piss take.
There's only 3 people in my team who do my job, myself included. One of them doesn't work on Fridays because she's condensed her hours to do 35 over 4 days instead of 5. The other works from 10am til 2pm every day.
What day is it today? Friday. So I'm in the office and at about 9.40 I get a text from my colleague. "Oh I'm working from home today because I have an upset tummy :(" okay fine, guess I'll be picking up all of your work and going out on your visits since that needs to be done and no one else is here to do it.
Then we have a virtual meeting at 10am, as we do every day. And in this meeting she goes "oh I don't know if I'm going to make it to this funeral today". Because her plan had been to attend a funeral in the middle of the day and then make up the hours. She didn't ask if she could do this, she just decided this is what she would do.
She's already ran out of annual leave for the year, and she's been off sick so many times that she needs to have a formal meeting every time she takes a sick day. (We get paid sick days btw, and I live in the UK just fyi).
The funeral was for her mum's friend or something so she couldn't take special leave or claim that it was someone she was really close to. She was just going to support her mum. Fair enough, I went to a funeral for someone I don't know earlier this year to support my mum. And I took a days annual leave to do it.
So I go out to this village on a visit that my colleague was supposed to do, and it's a 20 minutes journey each way, plus having to actually do stuff in the village, so I'm out for just over an hour. I get back to the office at like 11.55am.
Now we use Microsoft teams, so you can see when people are active, inactive or offline. And you can see how long they've been inactive or offline for. This colleague had been inactive for an hour.
Now bear in mind that at the 10am meeting, she didn't know if she could make the funeral. And at about 12pm she'd been inactive for an hour already. Which means she left for this funeral less than an hour after saying she might not go and didn't fucking say anything to anyone.
My job is busy pretty much all the time. And she just upped and left. Too sick to come into work but well enough for a funeral?? I think fucking not.
I have been run off my feet all day trying to get stuff done, I could barely get any of my own work done.
And you might be thinking, just don't do it, the company doesn't care about you. And your right. But I work with vulnerable people. And if I didn't pick up the slack it would have very real consequences on their lives. I'm not doing that.
I'm just so tired and frustrated with it all
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ofstormsandfire · 3 years
Wh. What's the Incident.
Alright. Buckle the fuck up, my lasses and lads and nonbinary chads. Today we're hearing about:
(or: how Hope's opinion on coffee went from "will drink in emergency" to "ABSOLUTELY THE FUCK NOT")
Picture a slightly babier Hope. Tiny and loud as hell, this little blonde bespectacled sophomore girl (for non-Americans, I was around 16) filled with the hubris that discovering high school theater had brought me and taking too many AP classes. That year, I took two, out of... thirteen total? (And I passed most of them, to the detriment of most of my mental health. Kids, don't take AP classes, or at least not the amount that I did.)
Obligatory fuck College Board, moving on.
That year, I had AP US History, and AP Music Theory, in that order. Both tests were on Fridays, the second a week after the first. This is important because the final review project the teacher for music theory was having us due was due a week before that exam.
This would have been a nonissue, except that this is me and I either get my work done weeks in advance or I'm procrastinating at the last minute. The smart thing to do would have been the former.
Obviously, because this is me we're talking about, I did the latter. If memory serves I'd finished the actual project with plenty of time to spare for a good night's sleep, but my mother's printer chose then to stop functioning halfway through printing it. (It was a themed study guide, I had a lot of fun making it and a lot less fun printing it.) I ended up staying up way later than usual, and by the time I finally cut my losses and went to bed...
...well. Getting up at ass o'clock the next morning, in order to drive nearly an hour to my high school for an AP exam starting at 8 AM... was suddenly looking even less appealing than usual.
It'll be fiiine, I thought, dragging myself out of bed like a zombie. I'll just chug some coffee. Tastes like shit but hey, Mom drinks it all the time and she only gets tired suddenly and coincidentally when I want to do something fun with her, so what could go wrong?
(A lot of things, as it turns out.)
(Also, babier me had yet to realize the depth of how fucked up the woman who birthed me was, and how much she'd fucked me up, but this ain't about her.)
So. Ate breakfast, yoinked a travel mug full of the coffee Mom drinks, and chugged it on my drive to school. That alone wasn't too bad, though I was getting a bit of a stomachache. I'd had worse, though. Besides, it was exam day and I didn't dress up as a lesbian cowboy with my then-crush for this class to not come out of it with the college credit I so rightly deserved.
Really, though, if a stomachache was the worst I got out of chugging a mug of crap-tasting coffee, I probably wouldn't have sworn it off for good. I would have relegated it back to the spot it had held up 'til then, which could be summed up as "drink in case of emergency."
I wasn't feeling too tired by the time I got to school. In fact, I was feeling like maybe I could actually do this. But I knew I'd crash eventually, and I did not want that to happen during the roughly four hours worth of exam ahead of me, and so I made a decision that would get me hubris-checked hard.
Y'see, some kind souls (mostly our teacher, who we'd all dubbed Mr. Bro because that's what his actual name shortened to and he was, in fact, quite chill for a history teacher at that school) had brought breakfast for our class. Which was good, because I hadn't eaten much at home, and was bad, because breakfast included some coffee from Starbucks. I didn't even know they sold it in containers you could fill smaller cups from. Apparently they did.
Within the... roughly half an hour, give or take a few, that I had before the exam started, I refilled my travel mug and drained it again twice. By then, well. I was feeling a little jittery, but I figured it would go away eventually. Jitters were good, right? Jitters meant that I'd be faster at taking the test.
The moment of truth, after a frantic thirty minutes spent desperately reviewing via Kahoot and chugging Starbucks coffee that tasted marginally less crappy than whatever my mom made, finally arrived. We all shuffled off to the gym. Made sure we had our number two pencils and water bottles and everything.
I walked into the gym...
...and then I woke up at home, in my bed, the next morning.
I did piece together what had happened later from context clues. According to my friends, I'd acted normal enough after the exam, if really, really, really jittery. And obviously I did okay enough in the exam, because I got a 4. (Scores go from 1-5, with anything above a 3 being a pass and usually only 4s or 5s being good enough for college credit.)
But, y'know. Funny thing, I don't like not remembering what I did! Even if it was probably a whole lot of mind-numbing boring shit that my brain probably did me a favor by forgetting. I'll probably be a blackout drinker, which I fully intend to test once I turn twenty-one in the safety of my own home with my dad, the Lord of the Rings trilogy of movies, and a TV Tropes drinking game I've had bookmarked in anticipation of that moment for as long as I can remember.
But, uh, yeah.
That's why I don't drink coffee anymore, ever.
Because I'm a blackout coffee drinker, and it seems incredibly ridiculous to type it out now, but. That sure was a thing that happened. In fairness, that probably also happened because I chugged so much in such a short period of time, but like... it doesn't even taste good? And it tends to make my stomach hurt.
It's probably the wildest story I've heard for someone not drinking coffee, but I'm sure someone else somewhere on the internet has a wilder one.
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mama-ghostie-61542 · 3 years
A Thousand Lifetimes
Rated M++ for language and themes
If you recognize it--IT AIN'T MINE
Sorry for the OOC-ness
Chapter 7
The next day, after two fittings with costumes, two phone interviews, a shoot for an ad, and a tv spot; I finally got back to the dorms, and back to that story.
Bryn PoV--
As if today wasn't bad enough, I walked into the house to find it completely empty. The kids wandered around and I tried to field a million questions about where they were gonna sleep and what we were gonna eat. That and the meltdowns every five minutes led me to try to call my little brother. I really just needed to talk to another grown-up. As soon as I had supper figured out, I called Joey.
"Hello," said a voice on the other end of the phone.
"Ummm. Hi?"
"Oh. Hello," The voice was familiar, but it wasn't Joey.
"Is Joey close?"
"Sorry. Who?"
"Sorry. Jooheon. Kids call him 'Uncle Joey'. Guess it stuck."
"Hmm. No. You just missed him."
"Dern. Can you pass on a message?"
"Can you tell him to call Bryn when he gets back?"
"Oh! I didn't recognize your voice, Bryn. How are you? It's Kihyun. Joey is in the shower. Can I help you with whatever you need," I asked, biting my lip and praying she would say yes. Just the sound of her voice was both soothing and somehow able to tie me up in knots.
"Actually, I was calling to vent. I've had a particularly terrible day today. Joey is my sobriety sponsor."
"He is? Wow," I said before Honey came charging at me, his hair still wet. "I would still LOVE to talk to YOU," I shouted.
"Gimmie my phone, Kihyun."
I handed him back the phone and heard him say
"What's up, Sis?"
Though I couldn't hear exactly what was said, I could tell by the look on his face, it wasn't good.
Then, Honey sighed. "Lemme see what I can do from here."
"Please, let me help."
If it were possible for him to get any more pissed off, he did. "HE WHAT," he yelled. Then, he pulled the phone from his ear and said, "I need a one way ticket to Peoria International!! I'm gonna kill him. I am gonna fuckin' kill him." Next, he put the phone back to his ear, "Lemme see what I can do here, Sis," he growled as he demanded numbers and wrote them down, and then hung up.
As he started digging on the internet to find the cheapest fare, HyunWoo said, "Hold it, Hot Shot. What happened?"
"That douchbag finally left. He took everything! Even the kids stuff. He left them with NOTHING! That is why Sis was calling. He cleaned out their account and took everything. Damn lucky he couldn't touch the shop accounts or he would have cleaned them out too. Literally everything. She needs a little cash to feed the kids til Friday."
"Thank God it is Wednesday," said CK. from the far side of the room. If anyone had bothered to look, the reflection on his glasses was an Amazon cart with 37 things in it. The only time ANYONE has that many things in an Amazon cart is when they are buying groceries. However, most of those were chips or snack cakes.
Honey, Min, and HyungWon all sat down to iron out how much and what they were gonna contribute.
Silently, I picked up my bank book and palmed the slip of paper with her info on it. Only HyunWoo saw me slip out the door. He stopped me as I waited for the elevator and handed me a few bills from his own wallet before turning back towards the room.
"What," was all I could get out before he interrupted, cutting me off mid-question.
"We look out for our own," He answered before he opened the door to the dorm.
After heading to the nearest Western Union, I called the number on the slip from Honey. When she picked up, I smiled.
"Hey, Bryn, it's Kihyun. I wired you some money. Should be about $100, if everything gets exchanged right."
"Kihyun, you guys didn't have to do that. My dad was already gonna feed the kids. I just needed to talk to someone. This has got me so shaken up, I want a drink really bad. Guess I wasn't too clear with Joey."
"Really? Then why was he," I stopped as a shadow fell over me. "Well, shit. Guess who is now standing right behind me."
"Tell him to calm down."
"Bryn says to calm down. She told me to sit on you if I have to."
"Kihyun! I did not."
"I paraphrased," I laughed. "Besides, Sweets, if looks could kill, I'd be dead right about now."
"Really," she chuckled.
"Oh yeah. He is probably gonna follow me all the way to the dorm. I guess I am not allowed out on my own," I laughed.
"Why," She asked.
"I tend to do dumb things, according to others. Though they may be a little impulsive, they always work out in the end. So don't look the horse in the mouth."
"I won't."
"Good girl," I laughed, "So why did you call him, anyway?"
"I needed someone I could yell at that would not take it personal."
"I am always here. Though, I may occasionally yell back."
She laughed. "Thank you."
"Making me laugh. I needed that. "
"Damn. I was looking forward to the screaming match. C'mon, get it started, Angelface," I said as I stopped at the stoplight and waited for the crosswalk. "Do you want me to start," I asked, then pulled the phone away and yelled.
Bringing the phone back to my face, I asked as the crosswalk lit up and I crossed the street, "How was that," I grinned.
"A 10. A fuckin' 10. Have you thought of being a Rockstar," she laughed.
I could almost hear the smile on her face, which made me laugh. Even if my throat killed me in the morning it was worth it.
"Hey, hang on a second. I want to send you something," I said as I put my phone on speaker and started the camera.
"Oh dear God, what now," she asked.
I took a short video of me sending her a kiss and sent it off. "Nothing bad."
"Ok, if you say so. Just not cool with unsolicited dick pics from strange men."
"I would not send you unsolicited dick pics, nor am I a stranger. Now, if you asked for them...Like a good girl," I started and looked over at Honey, who was looking at me with the 'better never do that' face. "Uh-oh."
"I'm getting side eye."
She laughed and said, "I know just the look. It screams, 'You'd better not be sending photos of ANY part of your anatomy to my sister'."
"Yes," I laughed. "So how are you feeling? Better?"
"Much. Thank you."
"No problem. I'm here all week. Try the veal," I laughed. "Still want a drink," I asked.
"No. The laughs did it for me. Thank you."
"You are very welcome, Darling. So did you get the video I sent?"
"I did. That was very sweet. Thanks."
"You are very welcome, Pretty Lady. Well, we are back at the dorms."
"I should probably go then," she sighed.
"Just remember I am also available for Mitzvahs," I chuckled, which made her laugh. "Seriously, Sweetie, anytime you need a sounding board or a laugh fest, a screaming match or some naughty-Ow, Mother fucker!-I got smacked on my arm for that last bit. I am always here,"
"Thanks again. Until next time."
I paused and came VERY close to telling her how I felt but said, instead, "Again, you are welcome."
"Bye, Kihyun."
"Bye, Bryn," I breathed, then hung up.
Honey looked at me as he crossed his arms over his chest, "It took everything you had to not tell her 'I love you' didn't it?"
All I could do was nod and hope that my dreams tonight would be better than they had been.
As we got into the elevator, He said, "It was good hearing that you made her laugh."
"I love the sound of her laughter. Once I got her started, I didn't want her to stop. I think that she is just as funny as she is sweet."
"You do know that she will do one of two things, right?"
"What two things?"
"Either immediately send the money right back, or hang on to it and physically give you back every bit. She hates asking for help...of any kind," he said as he opened the door to our dorm.
"Yeah? Wonder why."
He just laughed, "Her ex-fiancée, ex-husband, and her father."
"What happened," I asked as I made us a pot of coffee.
"They all held every penny over her head. Her dad decided he wanted her out the minute she turned 18 and to do it, he threw her out the boat, so to speak. Said if she floated, she never needed help anyway; and if she sank, well, it was her own fault."
"That's abuse. Financial abuse."
"Yep. He was the kind to tell her everything she had was his, that she owned nothing; not even the clothes on her back. He comes from the 'I Own You' school of parenting. Her ex-fiancée would demand she work, then make her late, so she would lose any job she got. Then, he'd take any money she got paid and use it for crap he wanted rather than the bills she had it ear-marked for."
"Oh, tell me he didn't."
"Oh he did. Spent it on girls at the local under 21."
"Shit. He screwed around on her, didn't he?"
"Yep. Which is why if you ever think about cheating, I will castrate you myself," he growled.
Somehow I knew he would do it, and I would let him. "Don't have to worry about that. Can you tell me about her ex-husband?"
"That asshole was a piece of work. Emotionally, Mentally, and Fiscally abusive. The entire time they were together, he would pinch a penny until it died if it was something she needed, but she was expected to turn over her things and cash to him. She worked second shift in a factory; out of the house from half 1 to almost 1 am. He was in semi driver school at the time, racked up a HUGE amount of debt; I'm talking almost 40K. Constantly accused her of cheating when he had a different lot lizard every night. It's a miracle he never gave her anything."
I was disgusted by this guys behavior. To have a woman like her waiting at home and trying his best to break her.
"And that isn't even the worst of his offenses. He screamed at her one night while he was over the road, on training. She was at work, and he called her on her lunch break. The entire time, he screamed at her for having a cold sore and yelled about her cheating loud enough for her co-workers to hear. Her boss to tell her to turn off her phone; that he was tired of hearing that jerk yell at her. The guy he was learning with, told him that 'If I were her, I would be calling the lawyer first thing in the morning, after that shit.' He 'apologized' pretty quickly after that."
"Icky. I hope she ended it there."
"No. That girl has a ton of stay and No show. He ended up deployed to Egypt and told his brother about the girls there. Never thought his brother would run and tell her. She still didn't leave. You left a blister on her cheek one night and he threw her out in the snow."
"Stay and no show? I'm not sure I understand."
"Horse terms," came a voice from the doorway. I had forgotten Hoseok was staying with us while his apartment was getting the pipes fixed. "When a filly is learning to ride, it's said she is full of Show and no Stay. Meaning she looks good, but is too skittish to stand still. Sis--Well Sis may not look like much, but she has tons of loyalty to those who show her the same. She has the patience to play a 30 year long game, and the courage to weather ANY storm. But she has a problem knowing when to leave, and so she gets hurt."
"Hold up! He threw her out in the snow?!"
As Hoseok filled his own mug, he answered, "Yeah, he threw her out of the apartment in the middle of a snowstorm. Lucky her parents were in town. So if you start this with her, and you ever want out; you are gonna have to straight up tell her to go. She won't understand otherwise. She doesn't play games and has a tough time with subtly. So always be direct and honest with her."
I nodded taking it in. There was something I thought I wanted, so I asked, "How is her aegyo"
"If you are looking for overt aegyo, don't. Hers is subtle but she has got it in spades, and she doesn't even know it. It's in the way she plays, either with her guy or her kids," he said as he leaned against the counter, "It's in the subtle blush when you say or do something for her without her asking. It's in a compliment and the smiling eyes that comes with it. She has never had some of the things other girls take for granted, like a stolen kiss or flowers on her birthday. Other things, like those romantic gestures, she has only had once or twice. If I remember right, the last guy to 'play' was an FWB years and years ago, and that guy only stole one kiss, once," Honey replied.
"Don't expect her to run with girls. Most girls find her too harsh, too rough. She doesn't appreciate girls and their whiney, gossipy ways. She never wears makeup, and I have never once seen her with her nails painted. She is a guys-girl, a tom-boy through and through; wasn't made delicate. She is stronger than most people will ever know. However, her heart is extremely delicate, it's been broken and bruised so bad, even I wonder how she is still alive. So, let me tell you, right now," Hoseok said as he sat down his mug and leaned over the counter in my direction, "She may not be blood, but she is my sister."
"Hmm," I nodded. "You really don't have to worry about that," I replied. "How are you related to her again," I asked.
"Distant cousin. Her auntie married my mothers little brother, for all of five minutes. I am only gonna tell you this once, if you hurt that filly in ANY way; you wont walk again."
"Got it," I replied, cringing.
"You know that she won't ask for what she wants or needs. You are gonna need to be damned good at reading between the lines, cause she is so afraid that if she tells you what she needs, what she wants, you will do the same thing every one else has done," Honey said after a minute.
"Run," I answered nodding.
"Yep. Most men can't handle her intensity so they either run or try to turn her down to levels that they can handle without realizing that her fire isn't meant to be dimmed, but fed. She is gonna need you to be just as emotional as her, to show her that it is ok to feel again. She is very touch oriented, very tactile. So a lot of her feelings are touch related."
"I understand, Joey."
"You had better. The only reason I didn't beat the shit out of the other assholes, is that I wasn't there. If I had been, I would have had no problems with a few months in the county lock-up. And if Clark had tried that shit while I was there..."
"Yeah. See, the shit of it is, she fades into the background. She doesn't want all those things that other girls want. She isn't the kind to run or chase. She doesn't play games. She is also emotional. Ease into it. Don't try to love bomb her, she went through that shit with Clark and won't put up with it from you," Hoseok said, then turned to Joey, "Speaking of, did you hear what Lone Elm called him?"
Joey shook his head.
Hoseok grinned. "Elm called him a fuckin fishstick."
Joey started laughing, "Elm called him 'Fishstick'."
I looked back and forth between the two men who were holding themselves up on the counter while they laughed. "I don't get it. What-What's a fishstick?"
A hand landed on my shoulder from behind. I turned to see Changkhyun standing there, an amused look on his face.
"Fishsticks are only available in the States. They are mashed-up fish paste, about an inch wide by around six inches long, which is then breaded. Then, they are to be baked in an oven. Either they turn out soggy or they are hard as a rock; inedible either way. Which is good, because they are fuckin' gross. Nasty little things."
"Are they like the fish at Mickey's?"
"No," CK stated. "The fish there is actually decent. Fishsticks are generally served in school hot lunches on Fridays due either to religious reasons, or because they are cheap and can be purchased by the gross. At any rate, they are still inedible."
"Icky. How in the hell can people do that to their kids?"
"Not a clue. That was why I always took my lunch on Friday. Every Friday, the hot lunch was always the same thing; rock hard fishsticks, soggy tater tots, dehydrated-rehydrated mixed vegetables, and golden glow salad with mayonnaise on the top. It was the grossest meal I have ever seen in my entire life."
I shuddered to think of those poor kids. Forced to eat that nasty stuff.
After reading that, I was glad her kids never had to eat that. She fixed boxes for them. School lunches in the States sounded gross.
'Some things were ok.'
'I thought you took your lunch, Mami?'
'I did. My dad said cold lunch was cheaper. But, there was one day, once or twice a month, that I would get school lunch. They called it pork pattie day, but it was a breaded pork tenderloin on a bun. It was pretty decent. It was pretty gross the rest of the time, but that day wasn't too bad.'
'Have I watched you fix those before?'
'Not sure.'
'Are those the sandwiches where you beat the pork chops to nothing and then bread and fry them?'
'Those do look pretty tasty,' I said as I dug around for what to fix the next day, so I could write it on the board. 'Hmm. Help, please. Can't figure out supper.'
'Whatcha got?'
'Hmmm. Some sausages, some tiny shrimp, and a package of chicken,' I said as I dug around in the freezer.
"You can use the shrimp and chicken in Gumbo.'
'It has been quite a while since I've had Gumbo. I've never made it before though.'
'Look it up. There are a million Gumbo recipes out there.'
'I think I will do that. Thanks, Baby. Have I told you, today, how awesome you are??'
'Yes, but I can always stand to hear it again,' she laughed.
A/N)--The above abuses......actually happened. First hand experience.
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dredgenridge · 5 years
I am desperate to leave the living situation I am in. I need help. I have tried other place in the past and not a budge. It's a stretch for me to try here. It's a hit or miss deal.
I am 21 years old, working 40+ hours a week with $10 an hour, no vehicle* and I am living with my homophobic family. This has been my life for a while now in this broken down house, literally. I'm in hell.
I do love my job and the family I work but 10 and hour doesn't cut it to live on my own. I hate asking money from them because they have treated me so well in the past. I always feel guilty asking. (This family has gave me gifts amd money to help me get items I need like the special boots I had to order. I need to replace them since they are beat up but they were not cheap for me and work helped me.)
These are the KURU Boots they helped me get because I work outside all day and I am on my feet. I have had these for around six months but they are done. I need to buy a new pair of KURU shoes but I am holding off for at least a few more weeks. (I have plantar faciatis. Work has worked around that fact with me.)
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Before you ask, I have tried to do another job, ended up quitting because it was too much to go from outside retail (from 8am-6pm depending on what day it was) to a restaurant (on weekend nights) and didn't get to go home til around midnight a few times? (and for them to ignore some of my notes on my resume about my mental health? I was not going to stay so I quit there and continued to work at my current job.) I have applied for other part time jobs and got one call back but couldn't make it and asked to be rescheduled and they say' "Yes. We can do that." Then that time comes and never get another call?
*In April, it will mark two years my own vehicle has sat in the yard. TWO. YEARS. I do, however, have someone coming Friday night (Mar 13) to look at my truck and then return Sunday afternoon to work on it. So I won't be vehicleless too much longer, hopefully. I've seen his work but I am afraid to be screwed over because I have issues with that. I am always scared since I have been screwed over before.
That truck is my golden ticket outta here.
I am the only LGBT+ person in the house. I know my family is homophobic because they wear it proudly on their sleeve. I have heard their vile bullshit. I hate living in south North America.
It is like they don't think I can hear them when I wear my headset but boy oh boy, all the shit I've been fucking stuck hearing? I have had no privacy in 5 years. FIVE. Look at this.
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I am near my bed right now and that is my view to the living room and kitchen. I hear everything. I hear the fighting between my parents, my brother when he talks about me. When I make comment about it they go back and say, "That's the point." when it comes to them talking about me. They clearly are too thick to see how much that has mentally damaged me.
Right behind this wall, is a health hazard.
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From the sock over to the dresser is damp on the carpet be cause for over a month we have had a water leak from our water heater tank.
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When I opened the door in the room to the water heater tank is, in the room beyond that brick wall- this is what I saw.
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A brick wall is literally keeping me from that right now. I am sure that is black mold. I have not felt the best since I opened that door and took those pictures.
My so called father knows about it and hasn't done shit.
You see this?
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The bathroom with the working shower has looked like this since at least 2017. That plywood is starting to get bad because of us showering.
In the other bathroom a light could fall in any moment. Been like this for roughly a year or more. I don't know anymore.
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We live down the road from a restaurant and when they spray for roaches, we know. We know because my brother works there and they are in our house for a few weeks. I got up late one night to go get some water, flip the switch and I managed to see three small roaches scuttling into dark areas of the kitchen.
Do not get me started on mice during the winter. I don't see them but I can sure as hell hear them.
Another thing. The house is old so the foundation is not stable. The living room floor is warped in different areas and we have a leak under the house with our sewage line I believe. But at least once a month, under the house has to be pumped out of water. We do not have a basement.
My dad clearly does not give a flying fuck about anyone but himself. I think my absent father is a scociopath. Let me clarify. Physically there but never interacted with his kids. HE DOES NOT AND WILL NEVER KNOW HOW TO INTERACT WITH HIS FUCKING FAMILY.
The audacity to think I wanted a rifle that I will never shoot as a high school graduation gift?? I told him I wanted an xbox for graduation around the time he was about to get the rifle and it baffled him. I have always had a high interest in video games and I had not owned my own gaming system like an xbox or playstation of my own up until 2017. It was always share the Wii or PS2. He doean't know me at all.
I've heard my parents fight for at least the last few months and I am so sick of it. My friends are fucking worried beyond belief. They are stuck fucking hearing it when I am in a voice party with them and it is so embarrassing.
Just get a fucking divorce already. I am really tired of playing mom's therapist. I get that she needs to vent and all but to your traumatized, mental disordered child? I already am suffering enough from lack of needed treatment. It has taken such a strain on me that my facade is completely crumbling away at work. I can't hide my pain much longer.
I have wanted to kill myself twice in the last year alone to escape this. I have wanted to make it quick and the least messy as possible with one of the many hand guns thay lay around in the house. I was so close to going through with it the second time I thought about it.
I had made my mind up. Write a letter and a will for what my friends get and what to throw away. I was about to start writing it once I decided that I was ready to die. I scared some people and they told me to go to a hotline to talk me out of it.
That was seven months ago.
I need to escape and this is my last shot on asking for help. (I have asled help for different things and I have been overlooked.) I know friends who want to help me are unable to. I am not mad at them. They are already doing what they can to help themselves first beofre me because I care aboit them and want to make sure they are in a good spot before anything else. They aren't in the best situations either.
I need financial help to help me move. I am only asking for a total of $5000. If you can only donate even just $1 dollar, I will be more than thankful for you help. I am also opening commissions at this time. Please bear with me on timing. I am working 40+ hours a week right now and will work on the commissions as soon as I get a breathing chance when I get home.
My Commission Prices
$10 for a sketch and that will go from a bust to full body. I only do traditional- so pencil and paper. No sketch lines, just a clean pencil drawing. No limit to characters on one drawing. You will be charged for more than one character if you are going to have them on individual papers.
+$1 if you want it inked.
Note- I will not draw backgrounds, do shading or draw any NSFW. I am not adept in those fields.
My Paypal-
Thanks for at the very least reading through. Please help this be spread around. I will follow up with weekly updates through reblogs.
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haikpers · 4 years
[November 4,2020] 'Chapter 2'
I didn't expect the Night to go by so slow. Ever since I started writing in this I was just so excited to write whatever happens!
Anyways, I just woke up. It's currently 8:30 in the Morning. Wasn't expecting to actually wake up considering the fact that I kinda stayed up most of the Night looking up at my ceiling.
I'm in my Washroom getting ready to take my Daily shower. I've also gotta mention that my Friend Julien picked me up from my House today. For some reason my Pimples always settle down when I'm with him. He's probably Magic at this point.
It's not like I completely want my pimples to be gone just because I wanna look pretty. In all honesty, I want them to go away because I wanna be just like Oikawa! I know it sounds weird, and heck yeah it sounds impossible. But like I at least want to be similar you know? I've got the personality, the same interests as him, etc. So why not looks too?
Oh right, because he's perfect and I'm not. But whatever! I don't really care. I should be taking Shower by now but I'm standing here typing whatever's on my mind. Oopsies~ hehehe
Also, last night I was able to talk to my Friends about moving out and living together in the future. They're definitely going to be my Future Volleyball Teammates! I know, I know, I'm still 14. And yes we may have some age gaps but that won't stop us from setting up a Goal!
Hopefully Future me or any of them doesn't decide to leave. I really want to achieve this Goal of hours living together and staying Best Friends! Miracle, Lev, Mochi, and Colette. The 4 most precious people in my Life so far including myself, we're going to try our best! Anyhoo, I need to take a shower!
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Just got done with my Shower. I feel much more refreshed now! I also haven't eaten yet, which I probably should do.. But I'll stay a little longer just so that whatever I post today is actually longer than the one from Yesterday.
Hannah somehow managed to make me cringe at my past self, I wanna die- So basically I used to do digital art, well not used to- I still do digital art til' this day but rarely. My art style was crap, oh GODXDDDDFFKEMFKKWKC.
I wanted to forget about it too, damnit. Now I have to relive my old art.
No idea why my head hurts a bit though. Maybe it's because I've never written a Diary before and my Brain's just malfunctioning because of it. Whatever the cause is, I'm ignoring it. [Unless it gets worse]
Did I mention it was Wednesday today? No, I don't think I have. Either way I'm just excited for the weekly Haikyuu Episode. It always comes out on Friday, which I'm so hyped about! Now that I think about it, I don't think I would've been so invested in Volleyball if it weren't for Haikyuu. In fact, I wouldn't even bat an eye to Haikyuu if it weren't for Oikawa. He caught my eye in one of the Instagram Posts- so, basically he's the reason why I love the Sport.
It's funny to think that my Future is because of Oikawa Tōru, a fictional Character who is both the Setter and the Team Captain for Aobajohsai from Haikyuu. But hey, I'm not complaining! If it's because of him then I'll continue.
Alright, I probably should actually eat now. I'm getting pretty hungry and I'm sure that my Birds are too as well. Their names are Bokuto, and Akaashi. Bokuto is the yellow bird, while Akaashi is the Blue. It fits them so well!
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Well, well, well, I am back from my break! Also, I actually took a shower but I came back here like 3 Hours or even more after. Not a lot of things happened during the span of those hours. [Sad, I know]
But I did end up practicing my tosses for a bit! I use my Laundry Basket as a target for my Volleyball to land into whenever I set/toss it. It's not much, but it improves my precision.
I haven't tried setting backwards with it though, I probably should since I might need more practice for that. Also, I read some Hisoka x Reader Fan Fictions. Some were Lemon, the rest were fluff.
A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do okay? I was kinda bored so I ended up reading some FanFictions before deciding to go back to my own Diary and continue my writing.
I'm not even sure if I could practice outside today.. It's pretty sunny, but I feel like it might be freezing cold. I might as well just wait for tomorrow when I can go to School. Maybe then I could ask my Music Teacher if there's a way for me to Practice in the Schools Gym.
Corona is really pissing me off, I can't even practice or try out for the Team this year! Argh! And I was looking forward to it too. And the fact that I can't find any Gyms that has a Volleyball Court? Really shatters me. How come Japan is more superior. Like, I just wanna practice in a Gym that let's you use the Court for free.
I swear, when I become a Professional Volleyball player, I'm gonna set up a Gym/program in Canada where girls' and boys' like me could practice in without having to rent. I'll even be the coach for the program! Big dreams for tiny me, huhu.
I'm feeling even more sleepy for writing, is that bad? I really do wanna include something exciting in this Chapter but I can't think of anything that has happened that would be worth mentioning.
I also made a promise to myself that I wouldn't discuss any Past Occasions on here sooo... I have to make my current situation entertaining I guess. But~ I can do that after I sleep. uwu
Also, I kind of want to mention a little secret of mine that I do every single day. Before I go to sleep, or like any time during the day; I imagine Oikawa living along side me, interacting with me, and basically just straight up acting like my Best Friend. I also act as if no one else could see him BUT ME! It's honestly a straight up serotonin boost. I even have those moments where I could actually feel warmth where I imagine him to be. It's amazing!
But of course other people wouldn't really understand how much these little imaginations mean to me. Not everyone is this obsessed, but whatever. The more unique I am, the more reason to stay just the way I am.
I'll go check if it's actually cold outside, that way I can see whether or not I could practice my serves. Quick tip, if you don't have a net! Use the swings in parks. You could serve over the Bars, it's pretty useful. But make sure you don't hit anybody!
Bro, I just asked my Mom if I could go outside and practice. She said yes, I'm so excited to actually practice my serves! Wish me luck! I'll be back after. It's like 16° so I need to at least wear a sweater.
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onebangtanstan · 4 years
Power Style - Chapter Nineteen : The birthday
I've been in front of my closet for 30 minutes deciding what to wear. I really have to get ready for Yoongi's birthday. I can't be late, Hobi would kill me.
I can't believe it's already Friday. I've been so busy at work these last 2 days that I didn't even realize how quick time went by.
Back to my closet. Thankfully I already did my hair and makeup, I literally just need to put some clothes on. I'm staring at the neatly organized shelves, hoping for an outfit to magically appear in front of me, when I notice the orange fabric. Perfect! I haven't worn that in so long. I match the skirt with a black body suit and black heels, put my coat on, and 5 minutes later, I'm in a cab heading to Tae's place.
We made plans to meet at his with Kook, so we would arrive together.
My phone rings while I'm still in the cab.
« Hey Tae, what's up? » I answer
« Hey Gina, Hobi just texted, we have to get there sooner, how long til you get here? »
« Um I don't know, 3 minutes I guess? »
« Ok we'll meet you downstairs. »
« No problem. »
As soon as I get out of the cab, I'm grabbed by Kook and Tae and almost shoved into their car.
The three of us are now sitting in the back of a van, heading towards Hobi and Jin's appartment.
« Sorry about that, we really have to hurry » Kook says.
« That's ok, I'm guessing Hobi's plans didn't take as long as he expected? »
« Exactly. So he's making us all rush there so we're there before they get home.» Tae says.
« Anyway, how are you G? » Kook asks.
« Good, working a lot for you guys, but it's super interesting! »
« I can't wait to see what you've prepared! » he answers.
« I hope it will be good enough » I tell them
« Oh don't start, of course it will. » Tae almost scolds me, making me laugh.
After a few seconds of silence, Kook speaks up.
« So, about tonight, like we said, stick with us and we'll keep you as far away from Jin as possible. If at any point you want to leave, this car will be on standby, okay? »
« Okay, thanks guys. »
« Don't worry. »
« He better not pull any shit tonight. » Tae mumbles.
« Hey, Tae, don't. »
« I swear Kook, you know what I think about his behaviour. »
« I know, I know. » Kook put a soothing hand on Tae's lap. « Let's just think of Yoongi and make him spend a great birthday. »We all agree.
« He's probably expecting us to be there to be honest. » Tae answers.
« True, but still. » says Kook.
The three of us get out of the car and into an unfamiliar building. I follow the boys into the lift, clearly not knowing where I'm going, and we arrive at the last floor. A single door is in front of us, slightly open. We can hear Namjoon, Jin and Jimin's voices from outside. We walk in and find them sitting around in the couches. The boys all greet each other, but suddenly go back to their conversation when they see me walking behind Tae and Kook. Jin even scoffs at my sight. Is he for real? Chill, Gina, just ignore him.
I am in awe of the appartment. I'm standing in the middle of one huge room. The kitchen is on one side, seperated by an island, 3 velvet couches are placed around the biggest fireplace I've ever seen. A beautifully dressed table occupies the other side of the room. It's clear that Hobi decorated the place, his energy is overflowing in all the colourful details.
« Can I take your coat? » Kook's voice makes me snap out of my gaze.
« Yes thank you! »
I let my coat slide off my shoulders, revealing my outfit.
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I feel stares on me as I do so.
« Well fuck. » says Jimin. « She sure can dress. »
« Um..thanks Jimin. » His comment flustered me, first of all because it's coming from him, secondly because I wasn't expecting that reaction.
« You really look stunning, G. » Kook agrees before leaving me in the middle of the room, with nowhere to go. Tae is gone somewhere else, so I'm just standing there by myself, feeling so tiny in front of these 3 men I don't have any desire to talk to. As I'm still looking around, I notice Namjoon's glare on me. What's his problem? Our eyes meet for a split second before he takes a sip of his beer and turns back to his conversation.
« Here you go, darling. » I sigh in relief at the sound of Tae behind me. I turn to see him handing me a glass of champagne.
« Oh, thank you. »
I grab the glass and just hold it. I really don't want to drink tonight, I know that if I do, I'll be piss drunk given how tired I am.
We finally get news from Hobi, who is on his way up with Yoongi. We all sush and wait for the door to open.
« SURPRISE!! » We all exclaim.
Hobi is looking at Yoongi, waiting for his reaction. He smiles at all of us, but especially at Hobi who looks disappointed.
« Is that all? »
« Babe, you organize this every year, and you say the same thing every year. I knew it was happening, but thank you so much, I love it as always. » Kook, Tae and I giggle since we've anticipated that reaction from him. Yoongi brings Hobi in for a cute kiss, making all our hearts melt.
« But hey, there's another person this year! Look Gina's here! » Hobi says, turning his head to look at me. « Who looks fucking amaZIIIING, oh my god, girl! »
« Thanks for being here guys, and Gina too. » Yoongi tells us calmly, being his normal self. « Right, who's getting me a drink? » I giggle, but the others look at him, waiting for the joke. « What I can't take advantage of today? It's my day, so someone go get me a drink. »
Namjoon stands up « Fine. Whiskey? »
« On the rocks. » Yoongi confirms.
« Yeah, yeah, we know. » Namjoon answers ironically.
We're now all sitting in the living room, talking and laughing. I'm staying safely between Kook and Tae, while Jin and Jimin are on the opposite couch, Yoongi is talling to Namjoon on the last couch, and Hobi is going around the room being the perfect guest pleaser. He keeps on insisting to bring me another glass of champagne, but I stand my ground. I drank one glass, and now Îm sticking to water. Which I need to evacuate by the way.
« I'm just going to head to the bathroom real quick. » I tell the boys.
I follow Kook's directions into the only hallway leading out of the living room. After my business is done, I check myself out in the bathroom mirror. It's true, I do look good.
As I walk out the door, I bump into a hard chest. I instantely know it's Namjoon. I recognize his scent. A mix of Tom Ford perfume and just a tad of cigarette.
I turn around, and just as I guessed, I'm faced with his torso. I look up to him, only to see his eyes locked into mine.
« You should watch where you going. » He says, in a low voice.
I gulp. That voice is sending shivers down my spine. Just as I suspected, the slightest amount of alcohol is affecting me already. I pull it together.
« And you shouldn't be waiting behind doors. » I answer back, raising an eyebrow at him.
I can feel my legs shake as his gaze is still penetrating my eyes. Ok, yeah, he's hot. Especially like this, his white hair slicked back, his loose shirt letting his muscular chest appear.
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I won't break the gaze. He won't win this, even though it's so hard to stay this way, my back against the door and his big figure towering me.
He finally breaks the silence, but not the stare.
« May I use the bathroom? »
« Oh, uh, yeah sure » I move to the side to let him through, but my weak legs can't seem to carry me anymore. I feel my balance leave my body but his hand catches my arm just as I'm about to ungracefully fall onto the ground. His skin against mine feels like an electric shot rushing through my body, all the way to.. well, you guess where.
He sets me back up on my two feet and lets go once he sees I'm stable.
« As I said, watch where you're going. » He says before letting himself in the bathroom.
It takes me a few seconds to gather myself. I shake my head and make my way back to the living room where Hobi stops me.
« Babe, you good? You look like you've seen a ghost. »
« No I'm good. » I tell him, raising an eyebrow at him. I also notice Kook and Tae staring at me, probably wondering the same thing as Hobi.
« Guys, I'm fine! Just tired » I smile at them.
« Okay, I guess. » Hobi is not convinced. « Anyway, sit down, we're doing the present. » I follow his instructions while he goes to stand in front of the fireplace, right in the middle of the couches. « Hey everyone! I just need to say something real quick. Wait where's Joon. »
« Bathroom. » I instinctively say, making them all turn their heads to me. « I saw him while I was coming back. » I try to save myself. Of course, Hobi, Tae and Kook are looking at each other, trying to figure out how that plays in the fact that I looked shaken.
« Joon, hurry please, Hobi wants to speak! » Yoongi says. It's clear that he's tipsy right now, he's louder that usual.
« I'm here, go ahead Hoba. » Namjoon appears from the corridor, still fixing his outfit from his bathroom run. He straight up stares at me while going back to his seat. I feel the two boys around me intrigued about what they just saw.
« Ok, cool. » Hobi starts. « I would like to raise my glass to Yoongi. Babe, I wish you a very hapy birthday, here's to many more.» Everyone raises their glass with Hobi. « I know you don't like presents buuuut we all chipped in to get you something you've wanted for a while. Before you say anything, please follow me outside. » We all go, already knowing what it is, but wanting to see Yoongi's reaction.
« Ta-daaah! » Hobi says, revealing a brand new barbecue.
« Wooooow! » Yoongi exclaims. He really loves it. « Thanks everyone! You really didn't have to. »
« Of course we did. » says Hobi.
« I can't wait to use this bad boy. I'll make you all dinner sometime. »
Hobi is happy, at least he wasn't expecting the present.
We all stay outside for a bit, the fresh air helping the drunk ones sober up. Jin and Yoongi are in awe of the barbecue, while the others are having a chat around them. I slip myself away to go lean on the edge and admire the view. I could never get sick of it.
I hear them go back inside one by one, but feel someone coming towards me.
« Hey, Gina. »
« Hey Yoongi. Happy birthday. »
« Thank you. Hobi said you chipped in for my present? » I nod. « You didn't have to. »
« I wanted to. »
« Well thank you. And thank you for helping Hobi out when he needed it. »
« Of course! It makes me so happy to see you guys now. But don't keep him away from me for too long! » I joke, making him smirk.
« I promise. I just don't believe it's real yet, so I don't want to let go of him. »
« It is Yoongi, he's yours. »
He sighs and smiles while looking at the view for a few seconds. We stand there side by side admiring the lights coming from all over Seoul.
« Hey by the way, » he says « I know we haven't talked much since we had dinner together, but you do know you can count on me right? I've heard what happened with Jin, and just wanted to let you know that I'm here. I'm not the talkative type in case you haven't noticed. » We both giggle. « But that doesn't mean I'm not there for you. »
« Thanks Yoongi, I really appreciate that. » and  I do. His words send a calming wave through my body. « Same goes for you. »
« Thanks. »
We don't need to talk. Just being there with each other is comforting to us.
« I'm going to head back inside before Hobi goes around asking where I am. »
« It might be too late for that. » I say as I hear his voice from inside. « Where's Yoongi? »
« That's my cue! »
I smile as I watch him go back inside, and see Hobi rush to him as he does.
« There you are! I've been looking all over fo-» I hear him say before Yoongi pulls him in for a passionate kiss.
The way they look at each other after that kiss makes my stomach tighten. I want that too.
Fuck, now I'm emotional. I reach my hand into my bag to grab a cigarette. Yeah, I started smoking again. I light it up and stare at the moon while smoking. I start humming without noticing.
Moonchild, don't cry. When moon rise, it's your time.
« That's beautiful. »
I jump at the sound of Namjoon's voice. « Fuck, you scared me. » I say turning to him. « And you made me drop my cigarette. » I add, realizing that it's no longer in my hand but probably lying on the sidewalk all the way down.
« You need to chill. »
« Please don't start. » I show my back to him and start looking for another cigarette.
« Here. » he hands one to me and lights it up once I have it in my mouth.
« Thanks. » I proceed to walk to the other side of the balcony.
After a few minutes of silence, I hear him getting ready to talk.
« What were you singing? » He half shouts, given the distance I put between us.
« A song. » I let him know, looking at him with a smirk on my face. I'm being a smart-ass I know. But it worked. His jaw is clenched, indicating that I pissed him off. It makes him look hotter too. Not that I care though.
« I figured. What is it? » He asks harshly. I guess his love for music is stronger than his hate for me.
I take my time to answer, appreciating the last drags of my cigarette.
« None of your business. » I point out as put my cigarette out, staring him down before turning my heels and going back inside. I saw the annoyance in his eyes, and still feel it on me as I'm walking away. He didn't get what he wanted this time.
I spot Kook on the other side of the room.
« Hey, I'm going to head home, where did you put my coat again? »
« Oh I'll get it for you! »
« Leaving so soon? » I turn around and see Jin walking towards me.
« Go away, Jin. »
« I asked you a question. »
« Jin. Get the fuck away from her. » Tae shouts from the other side of the room, making Jimin and Hobi look at us.
« Relax, we're just talking. » Jin answers. He's clearly drunk.
« I have nothing to say to you. » I let him know, in case he hadn't understood yet.
« Ok, what the fuck happened here? » Jimin asks.
« What happened is that Gina is an ungrateful bitch. » I notice Jungkook grabbing onto Tae who is ready to jump on Jin.
« Excuse me? Wow, ok. You should look in a mirror Jin. » I spit at him before turning my heels.
« Oh, I see. » says Jimin. « Jin was a dick once again. »
« Exactly. » I answer, putting my coat on.
« Hey don't leave, we were talking. What was it about the mirror? I already know how handsome I am. » That would of made me laugh a week ago, but now it just grosses me out.
« Hey, Jin, let it go. » We turn to Namjoon who is standing at the balcony door. Jin walks away from me his hands in the air as if he was getting arrested.
« Right, I'm leaving guys, have a good evening. Thanks for inviting me Hobi. » I take him into my arms.
« You know I'm calling you tomorrow right? I need to know what happened here. As soon as I'm done taking care of my drunk baby. »
« No problem. Say bye to Yoongi for me. »
Kook and Tae walk me back to the door and bring me in their arms as goodbye.
« Call us if you need anything. » Kook says.
« I know. »
« Anything. » says Tae. Ok, angry Tae is scary.
« I will, I promise. Bye guys. »
« Bye, G. »
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Bea & Fraze
Bea: [A suitable amount of time before Ali's bday which was a Friday apparently so vday was Saturday, even less excuse not to get home to Dublin girl so] Bea: So Bea: What's the plan for Ali's birthday? Fraze: They're going camping Fraze: Fuck knows where Fraze: But we ain't invited, sorry to say, Red Bea: Fair enough Bea: Bit old for family functions now Fraze: Speaking purely for the two of us, yeah? Bea: Probably Bea: though if you want jelly and ice cream for YOUR 19th, better let 'em know now, like Fraze: 'Course Fraze: I'll pass that on with your regards, like Fraze: Kill every bird with the one stone Bea: Depends how much postage is on her gift Bea: but yeah Bea: guess so Fraze: Knowing you, it ain't a shit load Bea: Charming Fraze: It is Fraze: I'm saying you've thought it through Bea: How could I Bea: I was expecting to have to come back Fraze: That don't mean you ain't also considered the alternative Bea: You might have too much faith in my planning abilities at present Fraze: You reckon? Bea: I'm just saying, my mental faculties have been otherwise engaged Bea: no need to tell the Birthday princess that, not that I think it would be all that surprising, or that she's not used to it 💔 Fraze: Well, if you're that burned out, visiting anywhere my ma's in the vicinity of, ain't gonna be the wisest decision you've ever made Bea: I'm not burnt out Bea: just busy Fraze: You always keep yourself busy, if that's what you meant you wouldn't have felt the need to mention it Bea: Well that's exactly what I meant Bea: my mind has been more floor plans than party, that's all Fraze: If you say so, babe Bea: What Fraze: You know what Bea: Why I asked Bea: Are you burnt out? Fraze: You asked to put off what you actually wanna ask me, but here we fucking go Fraze: Cheers for that Bea: I asked 'cos I need to know what I'm doing, simple as Bea: go talk to the college counselor Fraze: I ain't the one complaining about my work-life balance Bea: Good for you then Fraze: Yeah Fraze: I'll leave you to get on before you have a breakdown then Bea: Nice Fraze: Helping you with your homework, nice as the offer sounds, would fuck everything up Fraze: What else is there? Bea: No, you don't need to reiterate Bea: I heard you the first time Fraze: That's a first Bea: You'd have to say something for me to hear it Fraze: You'd have to properly ask me something for me to properly answer it Bea: Clearly not Bea: you've managed fine Fraze: Come on Bea: Why would I subject myself to further embarrassment? Bea: not for your amusement, nice as the offer sounds Fraze: You've gone this far Fraze: I know you don't give a fuck about Ali's birthday Fraze: What do you want, Bea? Bea: Its obligation Fraze: Bullshit Fraze: It's an excuse Bea: You're so fucking arrogant Fraze: Do you reckon that's news to me or are you that desperate to play for time, like? Bea: I reckon you don't get told nearly enough Fraze: By your own admission, you've got enough on your plate Fraze: Give it a rest, babe Bea: Piss off Bea: I never said that nor would I Bea: I keep busy Fraze: Whatever Bea: Sounds about right Bea: Enjoy yourself then Fraze: One of us has to Fraze: And it clearly ain't gonna be you Bea: Fuck you, Fraze Fraze: Yeah, sounds about right Bea: What do you expect me to say Bea: to any of that Fraze: Hit me with a few more excuses, why the fuck not Bea: I'm not the one that needs them Bea: But don't feel the need to give me any more Fraze: I ain't giving you any, end of Fraze: Don't worry about it Bea: That's what you'd like to think, fine Fraze: That's how it is, whether you like it or not Bea: Let's not pretend you've given any consideration to what I would like or not Fraze: We don't need to pretend 'cause I have and I do Bea: Jesus Bea: You're ridiculous Fraze: You wish Fraze: You'll need a better excuse to hide behind if you wanna ignore me Bea: I'm not the one with all the plans Fraze: It ain't my fault you're fully booked til your breakdown's over and done with Bea: Would you stop Fraze: Ladies first Bea: Fuck off then Fraze: Fine Bea: Like I said, enjoy Fraze: Like I said, I will Bea: Great Bea: I really wanted to hear that Fraze: I know Bea: I know you're a dick Fraze: You never had a problem with it before Bea: Things are different now Bea: clearly Fraze: Yeah, there's that consideration to what you would like that you're trying to pretend I don't give you Bea: If you had any consideration you wouldn't stopped at least three hurtful digs ago Fraze: 'Cause it's that easy Fraze: Alright Bea: Why is it so hard for you Bea: That's an actual question, have at it Fraze: Why have you suddenly forgotten who the fuck I am? Fraze: Jesus Bea: I know who you are Bea: So sorry Fraze: Act like it then Bea: How dare you Fraze: Calling out your bullshit is hardly a daredevil move Fraze: What are you gonna throw at me from there? Bea: The bullshit is you thinking I have anything to be sorry for Bea: You be sorry then we can talk Fraze: Sorry for what? Fraze: Fuck you Bea: You seriously want to be that stupid? Bea: That's on you then Fraze: If you reckon you've got it in you to be that entitled over nothing after hanging around with one too many posh cunts, that's on you Bea: If you call telling me not to come back because you have plans I'd ruin if I did nothing Bea: then I don't know what to say to you anymore Bea: genuinely Fraze: Christ's sake Fraze: How am I the stupid one? Fraze: You're having a convo all on your own Bea: No I'm not Bea: Its exactly what you said, never mind all that you've implied too Fraze: Yeah, you fucking are Fraze: I didn't say sod all about you coming back or not Bea: Yeah exactly Fraze: It ain't the same thing as a no Fraze: Don't act like it is Bea: Yeah 'cos bragging how much you're gonna be enjoying yourself is encouragement Bea: Like I said, I got the message Fraze: Like I said, don't be stupid Bea: Stop calling me stupid Fraze: I've told you so many times that no other girl compares Fraze: Come on Bea: Well that doesn't count for shit does it Fraze: Well it should Bea: Words are just that Fraze: I ain't getting on a plane for you to slam a door in my face Bea: You aren't getting on a plane Bea: who's got the excuses Fraze: Cheers for the echo Bea: There's only so much I can say Bea: and have, so Fraze: Do something then Fraze: Or let me Bea: Who's stopping you? Fraze: You and your busy schedule Fraze: I got the message too, like Bea: But I'm stupid and having my own conversation when I do it? Bea: Come on Fraze: I ain't putting any words in your mouth, babe Fraze: You said it Bea: You said all of that too Fraze: Don't twist it round Fraze: Making the most of not seeing you ain't the same as not wanting to see you Bea: Well you jumped to that being the outcome Fraze: Well you jumped down my throat the second I refused to jump through any bullshit hoops Fraze: I ain't gonna fucking beg Bea: You've forgot who I am then, have you? Bea: and I don't believe you don't know what you were saying no matter how you try and sell it Bea: you knew that would piss me off Fraze: And like I fucking said already, you deliberately started this convo lumping me in with Ali as another obligation Fraze: So fuck you Bea: That isn't what I was doing Fraze: Whatever you are well busy doing, go ahead Fraze: If you don't wanna make time for me then don't Bea: Like my work, like I fucking said Bea: why are you mad at me, I'm not the one with all the fun plans Fraze: I can't help you there, we covered that, babe Bea: Then there's no need to ask Fraze: Why are you mad at me for staying out of your way? Bea: For Christ's sake Bea: Why don't you want to see me? Fraze: I do Bea: Then do it Fraze: Alright Bea: Would a little enthusiasm kill or what Fraze: [confirmation of his speedily booked flight] Bea: Good Fraze: Yeah Bea: Where have you been? Fraze: How far back do you wanna go and keep tabs? Bea: Don't Fraze: I'm sorry Bea: No you aren't Bea: I was just asking Fraze: I am Bea: Are you gonna tell me how you've been or not then Fraze: I'm fine, like Bea: Cool Fraze: How are you? Bea: This is strange Bea: Just talk to me like normal Fraze: I've asked how you are before, ain't I? Bea: I don't know Bea: Didn't really need to before Fraze: 'Course I would've Bea: People who live together don't need to make small talk Fraze: Fair point Fraze: Are you gonna answer or what then? Bea: Just been having loads of breakdowns tah, spot on, like Fraze: Don't start Bea: You started that one, babe Bea: nothing to write home about though, obviously Fraze: You know I didn't mean it Bea: It's fine Bea: The post-Christmas workload is intense Fraze: Yeah but you can easily handle it Bea: 'Course Bea: didn't come here to slack off Fraze: Once a swot, 'course you're gonna be one always Bea: Hey Fraze: You wanted normal Bea: I do Bea: that's what swots are 'round here Bea: nothing special about that Fraze: No shit, they're all too soft to be anything else but 🤓 Bea: Nah, it's like Bea: anyone who had to work to be here, you have to keep up that level and act like its nothing Bea: but the ones who have had it all handed to 'em by mummy and daddy don't even care if they graduate with a third, long as they can say they went here Fraze: Do that then, not like it's your first time Bea: I am Bea: never mind Fraze: Nah, if you mind, I mind Fraze: Come on Bea: I don't know Bea: Obviously this is what I wanted Bea: want Fraze: That don't mean you have to want all of it every second Bea: But it kinda does Bea: there's no room to drop the ball Fraze: I'm not telling anyone or letting you Fraze: It's alright Bea: Is it? Bea: This is just the beginning Fraze: Trust me Bea: I must Fraze: All that faith you took the piss out of me having in you earlier, it's actually there Fraze: And for good reason Bea: I know Bea: I'm just letting everyone else's freakouts get to me, clearly Bea: but when you're here we don't have to talk about deadlines and word counts and all that boring bullshit Bea: just you and me Fraze: Exactly, forget 'em Fraze: Think about where I'm taking you for the Valentine's bullshit Bea: Am I using my imagination 'til you actually come up with a plan? 😏 Fraze: Unless you wanna use your imagination to contribute to the plan Bea: Not very romantic, is it Bea: Besides, I have my own plans to formulate Fraze: Fine Fraze: Leave it with me Bea: I missed you, you know Fraze: Yeah, 'course I do know Bea: 🙄 Fraze: I've missed every 🙄 I could've had off you, like Bea: That's more or less what you were meant to say Bea: I'll allow it Fraze: Cheers babe Bea: I figure you have enough you need to get right Bea: Let you have it Fraze: Fuck off Fraze: What's there that I can't handle? Bea: Hopefully nothing Bea: I wanna miss you more when you're gone Fraze: Uncross your fingers Fraze: You're gonna miss me loads Fraze: It's easily done Bea: We'll see, babe Fraze: Yeah Bea: How's everyone else anyway? Bea: Is my sister going camping? Fraze: Standard Fraze: Do you reckon Ali would let her stay at home? Fraze: Or that she'd wanna be anywhere but stitched to my sister's side? Bea: That'll be a laugh Bea: shame we're not invited really Bea: almost anyway Fraze: We could gatecrash if you're that gutted Bea: Nah Bea: her girlfriend will be there and she'll just try and flirt with you Fraze: Don't pretend you're bothered by her when we both know it's 'cause you don't wanna get leaves and shit in your hair Bea: Like we didn't used to spend all our time in parks and shit Bea: Not that princess Fraze: Like I ever left you without my coat to lie on if I couldn't put a (shed) roof over your head Fraze: Treated you as decent as the princess you ain't Bea: I never said you weren't chivalrous Fraze: You still ain't saying it Bea: You want me to tell you what a good boyfriend you were? Fraze: Nah, I wanna tell you I miss you too Bea: There you go Bea: I know, too Fraze: That don't mean I can't say it though Fraze: Or that I won't Fraze: Tell you and show you Bea: Good Bea: That's Bea: what I want too Fraze: Good Bea: Better finish this coursework now then Fraze: You gonna get pissed off if I offer to leave you to it this time? Bea: Not funny Fraze: Just as well it's a serious question then, yeah? Bea: Like you're seriously worried about pissing me off now Fraze: Now we're finally getting somewhere, I ain't trying to go back to where we were Bea: It's not like we've been actively avoiding each other Bea: is it? Fraze: 'Course not Bea: Right, just hectic Fraze: Exactly Bea: 'cos avoiding me would be a pointless thing to do Fraze: Pointless ain't the first word that springs to mind but yeah Bea: However you wanna say it Bea: don't, yeah Fraze: I won't Fraze: I can't Fraze: You know that Bea: 'Course Fraze: Don't add it to your list of stresses Bea: Considerate as always Fraze: Cheers for the recognition Bea: Take a bow if you're feeling it Fraze: I will Bea: Cute Fraze: Obviously Fraze: Gotta get in the Valentine's spirit or whatever Bea: I really felt that Bea: So convincing, boy Bea: Not expecting rose petals and a 300-word essay in a sickly sweet Hallmark card, don't stress Fraze: Good Fraze: You're getting me, as gifts go I reckon we're covered, like Fraze: With or without scattering rose petals every step I take Bea: Not disagreeing Bea: even though you're being pretty insufferable with it Fraze: What can I say? There's no posh cunts here looking down their nose at me or sticking it into my business in the name of self improvement Fraze: And even less nuns about trying to save me the old fashioned way Bea: Lucky, lucky you then, eh Fraze: Yeah Bea: Do you have reading week or do you need to go back? Fraze: Ours is at the beginning of March Bea: Ahh Bea: Oh well, I've actually got loads to do, lack of breakdowns aside Fraze: Fair enough Bea: Is your course that boring? Fraze: 'Course Fraze: Can't all be a laugh a minute like yours, babe Bea: What's your problem, like Fraze: I don't have a problem Bea: Well you could at least try and sound happy for me then Fraze: I am, you know that Bea: Yeah, in theory Fraze: And you know what it's like in practice Fraze: So what's your problem? Bea: You being moody about it don't help the situation Bea: all I'm saying Fraze: You being dramatic don't either Bea: fuck off dramatic Fraze: Whatever you wanna call it, like Bea: No, why are YOU calling it that? Fraze: 'Cause that's what I'd call your reaction to me not jumping for joy over the way things are Bea: For God's sake Fraze: Forget it Fraze: We've both got shit to do Bea: Fine Fraze: Well convincing, Red Fraze: See you soon then Bea: I'm not trying if you aren't Fraze: Fucking hell Fraze: Do you want blood? Bea: Don't act like I'm being unreasonable Fraze: Yeah, you're being proper level-headed about this Fraze: As per Bea: Well you're being proper boring Fraze: Says you, who ain't talked about fuck all but uni Bea: And you've got, what, to say, exactly? Fraze: Christ's sake Bea: This is why things are the way things are Fraze: It ain't my fault Bea: So it's mine Fraze: If you're gonna throw it about Fraze: Like you said, Cambs is what you want Bea: If that's how you feel Fraze: You know how I feel Bea: Now I do Bea: so there's no need for you to come Fraze: Bea, don't Bea: You don't Bea: This is what I want and what I'm doing Bea: if you can't handle that then don't Fraze: Come on, I won't get refunded for my fucking flight Bea: Not my problem now Bea: Go do something fun Fraze: Nah, it's all my fault and all my problem that you've fucked off to another country and I ain't ecstatic about it Bea: It ain't like I sprung that on you Bea: or I ain't letting you do whatever you want 'cos I know how not ecstatic you are about it Fraze: And it ain't like that matters Fraze: Or makes it any easier Bea: I'm not feeling sorry for you Fraze: Good Fraze: Fuck that Bea: Then stop expecting it Fraze: Stop putting all the blame onto me Bea: I'm blaming you for your part in it Fraze: And accusing me of not handling it Bea: No, sure, let's just pretend some more Fraze: Fuck you Fraze: I'm doing my best Bea: Yeah, I know Bea: Me too Fraze: I know Bea: Well we have to do better Fraze: Give me a chance Bea: Opposed to what Bea: What do you think I'm going to do Fraze: Opposed to telling me not to come Bea: We can't even have a conversation Fraze: We'll do better Fraze: What else are we gonna do? Bea: I don't know Fraze: Trust me Bea: I do Bea: Its just Bea: Its not going to get any easier than this Fraze: But it's like I told you when we first got together, there's nothing we can't do, yeah? Bea: Yeah Fraze: It's hard but it ain't the hardest thing we've ever done Bea: Just don't forget that its worth it Fraze: I won't Bea: Swear Fraze: On what? Bea: Yourself Fraze: Alright, I swear on my life Bea: 'til I can get blood from you, it'll do Fraze: I love you Bea: I love you so much Fraze: Don't stop Fraze: It ain't gonna be like this forever Bea: I can't Fraze: Don't regret any of it Bea: Don't want easier and find someone else Fraze: I want you, I don't give a shit about anyone else Bea: You better not Fraze: Why would I? I told you then you're better and it's still true now Fraze: It'll be true forever Bea: Because its easier Bea: and I'm not there Fraze: It ain't easier Fraze: You know that Bea: I don't Bea: I don't need to hear about that Fraze: I'm not talking about that Bea: What then Fraze: I'm saying it's always gonna be harder to not be with you at all than whatever the bullshit alternative has to be for now Bea: As long as that stays true for both of us Bea: we'll be alright Fraze: Then we'll be alright Fraze: 'Cause I'd rather fucking die than try to stay away from you Bea: You don't have to Bea: I don't want you to, you know that Fraze: We ain't those kids anymore, we can't ever go back Fraze: It's too far Bea: Don't regret it Fraze: I don't have any regrets about us Fraze: Never have done Bea: Me either Bea: Its not easy but Bea: it's us Bea: there was never an alternative, like Fraze: Good Bea: You're mine Bea: end of Fraze: Yeah Fraze: No takebacks however old we get Bea: Okay, deal Bea: you've made me miss you Fraze: I ain't sorry Bea: You're coming so you don't have to be Bea: too much, anyway Fraze: You ain't gonna be either Bea: I already know but not mad about the reminder Fraze: I don't have to swear then Bea: It is very inconvenient that you aren't here right now though Bea: I miss that Fraze: Count to 100 and answer your phone Bea: 50 Fraze: 75 Bea: 60 but I'll start again Fraze: Alright
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Buster & Rio
Buster: [Sends a selfie of him studying hard] Buster: So that's me. What are you doing? Rio: Proud of you, babe Rio: also you look cute 😍 Rio: [Selfie at whatever party she's been dragged to] Rio: Babysitting, like Buster: Well, damn, that's how fantasies start Buster: You look so good right now Rio: Yeah, I've seen the films too 😏 Rio: Is that how you've been rewarding yourself for your hard work or? Buster: I bet you have, babe Buster: And no, I haven't taken a break yet, I was saving them up for now Buster: For you Rio: You calling me a pervert? 😉 Rio: Well I'm all yours, baby Rio: How's your day been? Buster: 'Course not. You're such an innocent baby Buster: Yeah? Good Buster: 'Cause I've been so bored Rio: Jesus Rio: I can tell Rio: If this is how it gets you I might have to let you be bored more often Buster: What can I say? I've had a lot of time to think about you while my teachers were chatting the same old shit Rio: Yeah? Rio: What have you been thinking about me? Buster: Mainly all the ways you'd make learning fun for me Buster: It's a skill Rio: If only I'd stayed in School Rio: Career right there Buster: I'm not sharing you Buster: Private tuition or nothing Buster: I mean, it can be public, but still just me and you Rio: I'm fine with that Rio: You got the funds, posh boy Buster: You know it, babe Rio: I accept the position then, when do I start? Buster: You can start right now, if you want Rio: I wanna talk to you first, for a bit Rio: I've missed you Buster: I've missed you too Buster: So much Rio: I think I have good news though Buster: Tell me Rio: [Test picture] Rio: Obviously it's like Rio: really early days Buster: Oh my god Buster: When can we be sure? Buster: Like 1000% Rio: I'm getting a blood test at the Doctors, that's definite, just in case this test is giving a false positive but that's really rare, like you either are or you aren't really so Rio: We're having a baby Buster: Fuck, Rio, we did it Rio: I know Rio: I didn't know if it would happen, I mean Rio: I've not tried before obviously Rio: it's so surreal Buster: We can do anything Buster: I knew it'd work Rio: I'm glad 'cos it has and there's no going back on it now Buster: Good, I don't want to Buster: I want you and our baby Rio: I just keep rubbing my stomach like Rio: they're already in there Buster: Do you feel any different yet? Is that a stupid question? Rio: I don't think so Rio: I've not been being sick or anything yet, though that'll be coming in a month or so if it does Rio: it's just all so new it doesn't feel real but at the same time, so real and exciting Buster: By then my exams will be almost over and then I'll be back to look after you Buster: Wait, you're at a party right now? How has Indie not clocked that you aren't getting wasted alongside her? Rio: Just in time for the mood swings too, no doubt 😜 Rio: Such a good actress, obviously Rio: Never drank so many cokes in my life, hopefully she just thinks I'm doing coke in the bathroom, like Buster: Am I gonna have to buy us a bigger place so you can stay in your wing and me in mine, like? 😂 Buster: I really didn't expect to be this happy today Buster: And I really fucking love you Rio: 😂 Rio: Please, no matter how big our house gets, let's never be those people Rio: I love you so much, I've been dying to tell you all day Buster: I couldn't even, I'm so tempted to get a flight now just to see you even though I'd literally have to come straight back Buster: You should've, there's no better excuse to leave school and these cunts behind Rio: I know, I was trying to be good though, Rio: I didn't want you to get caught playing hooky when we can't tell anyone why yet Buster: I'd make something up Buster: Not a bad actor myself, hopefully Buster: You know nothing's more important than this Rio: Well, had other stuff to keep me busy Rio: Not as important, or good but Rio: Drew got sentenced today, 4 years Rio: hence I'm with Indie Buster: Shit Buster: How is she? Rio: She says good but Rio: She'll be alright, I don't know if she's grasping how long it is, or if you even can Buster: Yeah Buster: Our baby will be a kid when he gets out Rio: Shit Rio: Astrid will be too Rio: it's mental Buster: Indie and Edie'll be our age basically Rio: That's scary Rio: So much could happen in that time, he's going to miss it all Buster: It's so weird Buster: Like who knows how many kids we'll have by then Rio: See how you feeling when this one arrives Rio: You might be thinking one's enough 😏 Buster: No chance Buster: And we've been through this, one kid would be too spoiled and just Buster: odd Rio: 😂 Okay Rio: but maybe you've only just recovered enough for no.2 Buster: You reckon? Buster: I think you're speaking for yourself, babe Rio: No way Rio: I want all your babies Buster: It's okay if you only want this one, you'll be doing the hard work until they're born Rio: I don't but we'll see Rio: all the focus on this one for now Buster: Yeah Buster: Jesus, I can't believe you're sitting there with my baby inside you Rio: I know, how does it feel? Buster: I don't have words Buster: When are you going to the doctor's? I wanna be there with you Rio: You don't have to, babe, they won't do anything but the test for now Buster: Yeah but still Buster: The school don't need to know I ain't sick Buster: I can be there and back before anyone realises Rio: Are you sure? Buster: I'm so sure Buster: There's nowhere else I'd rather be Buster: So when? Rio: You're so lovely Rio: I'm booked in for Friday Buster: Okay Buster: I'll be there Buster: We're a team, baby Rio: We are Rio: We get to do this all together Buster: You know I'll do anything for you Buster: Both of you now Rio: Gonna make me cry Buster: You can Buster: It's alright Rio: Not in front all these people Rio: Hold on, I'll go somewhere more quiet Buster: I love you Rio: I love you Rio: Do you know they're like the size of a grain of sugar right now Rio: How does that turn into a  human Buster: What? Really Rio: Yeah, even at a month, it's the size of a poppy seed Rio: it's tripping me out, it's so tiny Buster: Fucking hell Rio: How do I keep something so small safe Buster: We'll do it together Buster: You look after the baby and I'll look after you Rio: Yeah, I know you will Buster: What do you need like vitamins or something? Rio: Yeah Rio: I'm making sure I eat right too, getting our dates right so we can plan all the scans and shit Rio: The due date is 14th January, by the way, I did the Maths Buster: I can get food delivered to you if you get too tired, there's no danger Indie will steal and eat it, like Buster: You're so good at maths I have no reason to doubt that Rio: You're so fucking cute Rio: You take such good care of me Buster: It's the only job I have right now Buster: I'm gonna do it properly Rio: Gotta get those results too, baby Rio: but I know you will Buster: I promise Buster: I'm gonna make you both proud of me Rio: We already are Rio: I know, we already been talking Rio: telling them all about their daddy Buster: You're gonna make me cry Buster: You're so fucking cute Rio: I've been missing you like crazy Buster: Yeah? Rio: Mhmm Rio: It's been very distracting, mostly in a good way Buster: I'm here now Buster: You don't need to miss me anymore Rio: Yeah? Buster: Yeah Buster: Anything my wife wants, she can have Rio: Still the best feeling when you call me that Buster: Wait until the kid calls you mum Buster: We're gonna be parents after Christmas, babe Rio: Fuck Rio: How and when are we telling everyone Buster: I don't wanna tell them until we have to Rio: Fair Rio: Hopefully I won't get massive but Rio: who knows Buster: We could have twins Buster: There's no hiding that Rio: Oh Rio: Why didn't I even consider that Buster: 'Cause it's kind of a scary thought, like Rio: One we gotta have though Rio: When can you find out Buster: It depends Buster: Sometimes the heartbeats are so alike you don't realise Rio: 😏 Freaks Buster: Usually they work it out at the dating scan though Rio: That's okay then Rio: we'll call it it 'til then Buster: Do you want a boy or a girl? Buster: Assuming you don't get both Rio: Hmm Rio: I don't know Rio: either way it's going to be so perfect and so loved Buster: Yeah Rio: My friends with kids have all got girls though Rio: Maybe a baby boy Buster: I wouldn't be mad about it Rio: Gotta have your heir right Buster: 'Course Rio: Can't promise a 50/50 split like my Ma managed Rio: Pure skill that is Buster: I don't care if we have 11 boys or 11 girls Buster: Thinking of names might get difficult eventually though Rio: We haven't even started on the names Buster: All I know is I'm not naming any of them after me Buster: Posh cunts are always doing that Rio: Honestly Rio: There's only one you anyway, babe Rio: don't wanna give the kid a complex Buster: They deserve their own fucking name, like Buster: Not an amateur Rio: They can't have a boring name Rio: Neither of us having boring names Buster: Who in this whole family does actually? Buster: Not like we've got an uncle Bob Rio: 😂 Buster: But yeah you're right Buster: No half measures Rio: Go hard or go home baby Buster: Obviously Buster was timed out 11 hours ago Buster joined the chat 11 hours ago Buster: But coming home to you gets me hard so what can I do? Rio: I wish you were here right now Buster: Me too Buster: I just keep looking at that pic of you Buster: Amongst others, like Rio: You want some more? Buster: Always Rio: Hold on then Rio: Not tryna flash some pre-teens Buster: 😂 Buster: What kinda party is this, babe? Rio: Not that kind, soz lads Rio: Indie said I can't hang tho so Buster: So much to prove, yeah? Buster: You're a cool mum Rio: 😒 Hush Buster: But you are Buster: She just don't know it yet Rio: Seriously, it's harder to keep it secret than you'd think Rio: I told her I was on antibiotics and she was like...and? 🙄😏 Buster: If you need to tell her it's okay Buster: Like yeah we have an en suite but she still lives with us Rio: I'll tell her when we hit 12 weeks Rio: you know Rio: most don't before then Rio: I can do it Buster: Yeah but Buster: Nothing bad's gonna happen, like Buster: It's just not Rio: Yeah, of course Rio: That's all you can hope and pray for Buster: I'll do whatever I have to for you both to be safe, you know Buster: Even go to church if that's what it takes Rio: I know baby Rio: Me too Buster: You're gonna be the best mum Buster: You're the best wife already Rio: As good as I can be from a distance, like Buster: The best, end of Buster: You're keeping me going right now, babe Rio: Okay, we're both the best Rio: I can't wait for all this shit to be done, then we don't have to be apart Rio: ever again Buster: It'll go by so fast, I promise Buster: I'm gonna come back for weekends when I can Rio: Do what you gotta do baby Rio: I can be as here or as chill as you need Buster: Thank fuck your appointment is Friday so I can just stay Buster: Nobody will even bat an eyelid, like Rio: Let's just stay in bed the whole time Rio: Please Buster: 'Course baby Buster: That's all I want Rio: I'm gonna give you exactly what you need, don't you worry Buster: I'll give you anything and everything Buster: Hold me to it Rio: I just want you Buster: You've got me Buster: Whenever Rio: Good Rio: 'cos I need you so bad Rio: hate for you to not keep up, babe 😏 Buster: When haven't I? Buster: Come on Rio: 😋 Just a little encouragement Buster: Oh? Is that how you wanna play tonight Buster: Alright Rio: Maybe Rio: What you gonna do about it? Buster: Maybe I'll stop being so nice Rio: Yeah? Buster: Yeah Rio: Maybe I'll remember to pretend to not enjoy it Buster: You reckon? Buster: I'm not sure you're that good of an actress, babe Rio: 😱 Rio: Literally the rudest thing you've ever said to me Rio: Know we're not playing nice but damn Buster: Poor baby Buster: I only meant that I'm gonna make it impossible for you to pretend anything Rio: 🤤 Rio: Not gonna start faking it now Buster: You can't Buster: It goes against the vows Buster: And I'd know so there's no way I'm letting that happen Rio: You're right I can't Rio: You're incapable of being bad at it Buster: Yeah I am Buster: I want you too much Buster: And I need you to keep wanting me back Rio: I'm never gonna not Rio: You're the best, Buster Rio: that's why I'm keeping you Buster: I miss you Buster: I swear it gets worse every time Rio: It does Rio: At least we don't have to pretend we don't miss each other now Rio: not that that'll earn you much slack, like Buster: Which is typical 'cause exam time is the perfect excuse to be a moody, stressed cunt Rio: I bet Rio: I don't think your sister and Junie have seen sunlight Buster: I'm not surprised Buster: Nance has never thrived under pressure like I do Buster: Stick your head in some time and make sure she ain't having a breakdown, yeah? Rio: Alright, since you asked nicely Rio: I've been avoiding them best I can Buster: You're such a good girl Rio: Yours Buster: Mine Rio: You're hot Buster: For you, yeah Rio: I can't stop thinking about when you got me pregnant, well, when I think you did Rio: at the party Buster: Me either Buster: Let's hope your parents don't host anything too soon 'cause I'm having enough flashbacks as is Buster: I mean it, let's conceive all our kids like that Rio: There's basically a birthday every other week with this fam 😏 Rio: Never gonna complain again if we get to fuck like that though Buster: I'm already studying in my sister's room 'cause it's one of the only places here that we haven't fucked Buster: Now I gotta start avoiding half your house as well Buster: But at least it's only while you aren't here Rio: Oh okay, I'll keep it PG then 😇 Buster: Shut up Buster: You won't and I don't want you to Rio: Well if I'm gonna fuck you you better get back to your room boy Buster: You know I'm on my break Buster: I'm not just hanging in there draped in a rainbow flag or whatever Rio: Oh babe Rio: that's not a turn-on 😂 Buster: Exactly Buster: That's why I'm in the kitchen Buster: Getting a drink and annoying you Rio: Good Rio: Sober parties are awful Rio: You're gonna have to be so entertaining for the next 9 months Buster: Don't worry it's just water for solidarity Buster: The least I can do Rio: Baby! Rio: How are you so nice Buster: I'd be a prick to get drunk when you can't Buster: Like I said, we're a team Rio: You so can Rio: I'm not gonna be that bitch Rio: but I love you Buster: No Buster: I'm serious Rio: You're so Rio: How do people not see you like I do Buster: I don't love them like I love you Rio: I feel blessed, no hashtag needed to make it seem less genuine Rio: I mean it Buster: It's the same for me Buster: And now I get to be a dad too Buster: Actually speechless Rio: Seriously Rio: This kid is so lucky Buster: I can't wait to meet them Rio: Me either Rio: What are they going to be like Buster: They've got us for parents so Buster: Perfect obviously Rio: I can't believe we get to do this Buster: I can't believe we've got to do any of this since we first got together, honestly Buster: That I get to feel like this all the time Rio: Well we weren't meant to but Rio: give a shit then Rio: less now Buster: What did I do to deserve you 'cause I know that first kiss wasn't it Rio: I told you, you got really fucking hot Buster: Yeah? Rio: It was indecent Rio: No one's good looking at that age, fucking hell Buster: You were Rio: You think? Buster: I know Buster: I thought about you almost as much then as I do now Rio: I like thinking about that Buster: Shame I can't go back in time and tell my younger self what's gonna happen Buster: I wanted you so much Rio: I don't know if little you would survive Buster: Would definitely think I was full of shit and try and fight me Rio: Probably win Rio: he was very angry Buster: Yeah Buster: I better teach our kid how to fight in case they take after me Rio: We won't let him feel as bad as we've felt Buster: I'd die first Buster: I mean that Rio: I know baby Rio: that's why you're the best dad Buster: I'm gonna have to get used to you saying that Buster: Still getting my head around being your husband Rio: I know Rio: It gets me too Buster: I'm blushing right now Buster: [Sends photographic proof] Rio: 😩 Rio: Fuck me Rio: you're so angelic Buster: Say please first Rio: I'm begging, baby Buster: Call me Buster: I wanna hear that Rio: [Calls 'cos highkey] Buster: Jesus Buster: I think you made me lose my voice Rio: Good think you've not got any oral exams, yeah? Buster: Imagine my excuse note Buster: Like mum can you just Rio: 😏 Rio: I'll pretend to be your Ma, babe 😂 Buster: Fuck Buster: Don't make it hot Rio: You can call me mamãe and mean it baby Rio: Don't have to leave the Portuguese lessons in Brazil Buster: You're killing me right now Buster: Teach me, babe Rio: You're a fast learner, baby Rio: You've got all summer to get your tongue around it Buster: Yeah Buster: I'm gonna impress you Buster: You'll see Rio: muito gostoso Rio: that's you Buster: It's all you, baby Rio: Okay, but make it gotosa or it's getting gay and offensive to me up in here Buster: 😂 Rio: The queue for this bathroom Rio: Whoops Rio: Sorry everyone Buster: Forget them Buster: I'm not sorry Rio: Easy Rio: I'm still thinking about you Buster: I can't stop Buster: Ever Rio: Yeah, you're pretty special but save some time for me Buster: Shut up Buster: You know what I mean Rio: 😋 Rio: Make me Buster: Can you come back with me on Sunday or do you need to stay there? Rio: I don't know Rio: I probably shouldn't Rio: I know Indie is hurting Buster: Yeah Buster: I'm being selfish Buster: Forget it Rio: You aren't Rio: I want to come too Rio: and I don't really know how I'm meant to help her but Rio: we'll make the most of it Buster: You're right Buster: You always are Rio: She misses you too, by the way Buster: I'm sure the car softens the blow though Rio: I've had to be so strict or she'll have it apart before I know it Buster: She better not Buster: I'll be actually strict Rio: Daddy Rio: That's just for me Buster: Oh, are you jealous, baby? Rio: Yes. Buster: You're so hot Rio: What's a girl gotta do to get punished, honestly Buster: What can I say? You're such an angel Rio: Then do what I want Buster: If only 'cause I love it when you talk like that Buster: Okay Rio: I miss your marks Buster: I know you do Buster: Do some for me Buster: Make them last until I get there Rio: Where do you want them? Buster: Surprise me Buster: I wanna just find them Rio: You're full of good ideas Buster: You inspire me, babe Rio: I can't wait 'til I get a belly Rio: it's so sexy, don't you think Buster: Don't, you're gonna turn me on all over again Rio: Sorry Rio: being pregnant turns me on, it's your fault Buster: It's as much your fault Rio: Is that how you remember it? 😉 Buster: I've thought about it enough times, like Buster: And now I am again so Rio: Me too Rio: How they didn't hear me Rio: Fuck Buster: Or me Rio: Flashbacks so vivid I can feel it Buster: Christ Buster: You need to be here now Rio: Where would we do it first if I was Buster: Against the front door if that's where you're coming in Rio: Hope we're alone then Buster: I don't care if we aren't Rio: Find it hard to care about anything when you're inside me Buster: Good Buster: Or else I'd have to work harder Rio: No one works harder than my baby, trust Buster: It's for you Rio: And you know all of me is yours forever Buster: Is it fucked if I want you to touch yourself in the middle of this party considering how young they are? 'Cause I do Rio: No more fucked than how much I want to now you've said it Buster: Go on then Buster: Think about me and our party Rio: You were so hard under me Buster: I am now Rio: If I was sat in your lap right now, I'd be rubbing myself on you so hard, you'd feel exactly how wet I was Buster: If you were sat on my lap right now I'd make sure everyone knew exactly how bad you wanted me Buster: You'd be making every sound I like Rio: I don't even have to say a word Rio: Everyone knows I'm your little slut and that I'd do anything for you, you can see it when I look at you Buster: You're the only person who's ever turned me on with just a look Buster: The way you do it Buster: Fuck Rio: I just want you that bad Rio: It's always been obvious Buster: I need you that bad too Buster: It's as obvious here and now as it's ever been Rio: Are you touching yourself too, Daddy? Buster: [Sends pics] Buster: See for yourself Rio: Jesus Rio: That girl definitely just heard me Buster: She better have appreciated it Rio: My moans or your pics? Rio: 'Cos she ain't seeing 'em Buster: How good you sound Rio: I was too embarrassed to check Rio: and distracted by how good you look and how bad I want Rio: Actually drooling, like, Jesus boy, the things you do to me Buster: Don't ever be embarrassed by how fucking hot you are Buster: It's not even big yet and I still wanna cum all over your stomach Rio: That's just Rio: the hottest thing you've ever said Rio: Please Buster: It's true Rio: I wanna lick it up and kiss you deep so you can taste yourself Buster: I feel like the neighbours just heard me then so we're even Buster: Kinda Rio: You should shoot your cum in your own mouth tonight Rio: I promise you'll like it Rio: I do Buster: I'll record it for you Buster: We can find out my reaction together Rio: Good boy Rio: I've taught you well Buster: Say that again Rio: You're my good boy Buster: That's really getting to me Rio: You're making Mamãe very happy, baby Buster: Oh my god Buster: Rio, you're just Rio: I know Rio: Every fucked up thing you've ever thought Rio: You get to do with me, I want to Buster: 'Cause you're perfect Buster: You get me Buster: Better than anyone else ever has or would Rio: We were made for each other Rio: I believe that Buster: Me too Rio: I feel most like me when I'm with you Rio: and especially when it's just us Buster: I feel the exact same Buster: I swear Rio: I know Rio: You've never judged me for Rio: Anything Buster: I never will, baby Rio: and I'll never judge you, you can tell me anything and everything, you should Buster: We both have to Rio: I promise Buster: I promise Buster: Forever Rio: Now I'm just thinking about the honeymoon sex too Buster: I'm not sorry that you are Rio: I think all of Rio knew how happy I was to be your wife by the end of the trip Buster: Good Buster: We have to go back Buster: Not only so you get to be basically naked again Buster: But for the baby too Rio: I'm looking at our pictures now, we look really fucking good, like, we just do Rio: but of course Rio: we can have a place there if we get rich enough Buster: You always look good, but that fucking tan, Jesus Christ Buster: We can have places anywhere, everywhere, I'll make it happen Rio: I'm gonna post a throwback now Rio: so you can shamelessly perv on that Buster: You just wanna make me moan louder Rio: You will when you remember what happened directly after this photo Buster: Oh Rio: Oh? Buster: I should've known you were gonna post that one Buster: Damn Rio: I mean Rio: I was asking to be fucked on that beach, really Rio: Nothing subtle about it Buster: Not that you ever need to ask Buster: But yeah it was in your eyes, babe Rio: You looked so good that day, especially good Rio: I remember, you'd already been for a swim before I woke up and your hair was all wet and especially curly and you were just dripping holy shit Buster: Next time I fuck you on that beach I'm putting our second baby in you Rio: I need that Rio: It should be like, next level good, every time we make a baby Buster: It will be Buster: I don't think I've ever been as turned on as when we were at that party Buster: Just knowing we were creating our baby then Rio: It elevated it so much Rio: not to mention just fucking doing it there and then 'cos we wanted to Rio: I literally would not have stopped for anything or anyone Buster: Me either Buster: I couldn't Rio: You like the danger too, I've always known Rio: You didn't care about getting caught, all the stupid things we did as kids Rio: it was always so exciting when you were around Buster: I did it for you as much as me, back then even Buster: I didn't want you to forget about me Buster: So there was that purely selfish motive as well but Rio: Baby, I'd never forget you Buster: Mostly I just wanted us to have fun, you know Rio: And we did Buster: Shit was always so serious around us Rio: Yeah Rio: It was good to escape it all, for however long we were allowed Rio: you've always given me that Rio: I missed it, when we didn't see each other Buster: Me too Buster: I can't remember a time when I didn't miss you whenever I look back Buster: It's like how shit's measured, were we together or not Rio: I feel it too Rio: I tried to say it was bullshit and you know, get on with shit, other boys and stuff but Rio: I don't know Rio: something was always missing Rio: you Buster: Yeah Buster: I forgot myself when I tried to forget about you and just push it all away Buster: I think I thought if I was a different person then you wouldn't want me and I wouldn't want you Rio: Yeah Rio: I'm sorry you had to do that, ever Rio: I know I didn't make you and I did the same kind of thing but it still makes me sad Rio: we thought we were doing the right thing at the time Buster: It's alright, we're doing the right thing now Buster: Finally Buster: And I'm so happy Buster: More than I ever reckoned I would or could be, like Rio: Good Rio: Me too Rio: I finally feel like I'm on the right path again Buster: Plus, I did learn plenty of shit from all those girls who weren't you Rio: Not untrue Rio: even if I hate them all irrationally for it but you know Buster: I love how possessive you get of me Rio: I can't help it Rio: I'm just so yours that the idea of you not being mine Buster: It's the hottest thing Buster: That you're all mine and how much you wanna be Rio: Don't need the collar to own me Rio: It's always Rio: that's why I let you ink me Buster: I saw mine at school earlier and it was so distracting 'cause I was already thinking about you Rio: It's so good Rio: I bet your School would throw a shitfit if they saw, even though you're 18 and literally about to leave Buster: Yeah Buster: Some of the professors try and tell you how to have your hair still Rio: So medieval Rio: if it weren't for the leg-up you'll get and the fantasies I do, honestly, what a waste of time Buster: Literally, this girl's blonde went a slightly green somehow, fuck knows, and they sent her home Buster: Such a scandal Rio: As if a bad dye-job isn't shaming enough Rio: Ridiculous, though lucky she's there at all, only 'cos the feminists forced 'em, like Buster: Honestly Buster: But at least half of the school are the kind of posh cunts that think tattoos are only for poor people so Rio: Be low-class with me, babe Buster: You know it Buster: I had to delete so many comments off my insta post, like Buster: Shut the fuck up Rio: I can imagine Rio: The ones I didn't catch, anyway Rio: Least you can cleanse your socials with fire when you leave Buster: Sorry my parents have more money than you and I'm gonna get better grades than you but my Grandparents would be classed as scum by you Buster: Ridiculous Rio: Sound like a deluded Ma tryna make you feel better but it literally is jealousy though Rio: soz you also have a chin 'cos you ain't inbred tory as fuck, like, that's the life you been dealt, the privilege'll ease the pain of being ugly Buster: 😂 My wife's smarter than all of you and she doesn't even go here, who do you lot reckon you are Rio: 😏 Rio: Fuck the lot of 'em Buster: I'm so ready to leave Buster: Actually can't wait Rio: Seriously Rio: Uni will be so much better Buster: Especially 'cause I ain't going to Havard Rio: Yeah Rio: odds on Trinity has some decent people Rio: not all 🤓 like you Buster: I'll take fewer posh cunts Buster: You're the only nerd I'm paying attention to, like Rio: Sweet talker Rio: and a lot of 'em will be Irish so really, how posh can they be? 🤷 Buster: 'Bout as posh as you, I'd reckon Buster: Am I gonna have to learn that as well as Portuguese? Rio: Rude Rio: but true, probably Posher if they ain't from the 24, like Rio: nah, no one actually speaks it properly Buster: I love you Buster: And it's a compliment Rio: Hmm Rio: Alright Buster: Believe me Rio: You're cute Buster: So believe me Rio: I believe you meant it as one, babe Rio: Don't worry Buster: Now tell me you love me too Rio: I love you Rio: You fool Rio: I hope you don't lose your accent Buster: Unlikely since I haven't yet and I ain't lived in Cambs for ages Rio: Yeah but you only got posher with the move Buster: Shh Rio: It's hot Rio: like a disney villain Buster: 😂 Buster: Is that a fantasy from the list? Buster: Which princess do you wanna be in the roleplay? Rio: Hmm Rio: The list of brown princesses is so lacklustre Buster: You're such a good actress yeah? Create your own Rio: Or I'll just be that one you liked when you was a kid Buster: You know I didn't watch any of that shit Rio: 😏 Okay babe Buster: Come on Rio: I'm sure you only watched it 'cos Nance wanted to Rio: it's okay Buster: Lusting after the fairy godmother, like Buster: Let's not Rio: Stop 😂 Buster: The evil stepmother probably really got her going Rio: Poor Nance Buster: Let's chance the subject immediately Buster: g* Rio: What do you wanna talk about? Buster: You Rio: Oh sure, my favourite subject, like Buster: Mine too Buster: So tell me something Rio: Can you be a little more specific Buster: I haven't been gone long, but what have I missed? Buster: Give me the highlights babe Rio: Okay, lemme think Buster: While you I'm just gonna say it Buster: Not a princess, but Tinkerbell had that possessive vibe going on, and you know I like that Buster: Okay Rio: Oh Rio: That works on so many levels, Wendy was such a posh bitch Buster: Yeah exactly Buster: Sorry, carry on, I just had to get that off my chest, like Rio: I mean, very distracting thought but we'll come back to it Rio: just taking endless pregnancy tests, keeping Indie busy but outta trouble Rio: shooting, the usual really Buster: You're telling me, it ain't my fault you're so small you're actually fairy sized but you know Buster: How many tests have you done? Rio: I bought 10 Rio: I knew it had to be at least a week after so I had to wait but I did waste a couple 'cos I couldn't Buster: Babe Buster: You're so cute Buster: None of them were negative, right? Rio: I wanted to be sure Rio: yeah, they were all positive Buster: It's okay, I'm excited too Rio: I'm really excited Buster: I can't stop smiling, look Buster: [Sends selfie] Rio: Baby Rio: Your smile is my favourite thing to see Buster: Well, good 'cause I mean it so you're gonna see loads more of it for the next 9 months Rio: You're precious Rio: Nothing but good news from here on out, yeah? Buster: Yeah Buster: Everything's gonna work out perfectly for us, baby Rio: It is Rio: us and our baby Buster: We need to give it a nickname until we can actually name it Buster: It sounds weird calling it that, it Rio: Yeah Rio: Hmm Rio: You're better at nicknames than me Buster: I'm thinking Rio: What about anjinho Rio: if I teach you to say it Buster: If that means what I think it does then yes Rio: Yeah Rio: Little 👼 Buster: We have to, 'cause it's yours and gonna be just like you Rio: and yours and you Buster: You're gonna make me cry, I was smiling a second ago Buster: I'm not supposed to be the hormonal one Rio: It would be just like you to have an empathy pregnancy Rio: drama queen 😏 Buster: Fuck off Buster: I'm never dramatic Rio: Literally a dramatic response Buster: 😂 Buster: Fine, sometimes, I'm slightly dramatic Rio: It's alright, I like it about you Rio: can't be the only extra one, like Buster: Oh fuck, it's genetic Buster: Our poor baby Rio: No hope 😂 Buster: Shh Buster: Maybe it'll skip a generation Rio: It'll have a big enough ego to deal with it if not Buster: Yeah Rio: Don't worry Rio: whatever they are, we're gonna love them, yeah? Buster: 'Course Buster: I already do Rio: Me too Buster: What's next after the blood test? Rio: They'll hopefully tell us but I know you have like, at least 10 checkups with your first Rio: scan at 12 weeks Rio: Can find out about the classes and shit when you're here permanently Buster: Yeah that's when they'll hopefully figure out if its twins or not Buster: I'm gonna have to do all the classes Rio: I know you do screenings at roughly 10 to make sure everything is okay so Rio: it won't be long to wait Buster: Do you think we should plan a party or some shit so we can just tell everyone all at once? Rio: Could do, could make it easier Rio: or like, literal hell will break loose Buster: Option 2 sounds well more likely Buster: Maybe we should just tell our parents first and let them do the honors? Rio: I'm assuming my mother's intuition will kick in and she'll be in the know Rio: Probably amazed I got to this age without any, like Buster: I'll let her tell mine for me then 'cause she's gonna kill me Rio: Yeah Rio: Gonna hope she won't fight a pregnant lady Rio: wait 'til the kid is out, tah Buster: You'll be fine Buster: I was the one who told her not long ago that kids were in the way future Rio: Shit Rio: I mean Rio: it's too late now Buster: Yeah, but she's gonna think I lied Rio: I wish you'd had this angst earlier Buster: It's not Buster: Don't Rio: Well, she's gonna have to get used to it Rio: I can't do anything about it now, I won't Buster: Baby, don't get upset Buster: I'm sorry Rio: It's okay, I just can't start stressing about what everyone is gonna say and think Rio: if I make that my priority instead of the baby I'm gonna be miserable and do a shit job taking care of it Buster: Forget I said anything, okay Rio: I'm not trying to be unhelpful to you Rio: but I can't, not yet Rio: no one needs to know, it doesn't need to be ruined Buster: It won't be ruined anyway Buster: I won't let it Buster: What I care about most is you and the baby, it always will be Buster: Whatever anyone says and thinks Buster: It's us that matters Rio: Good Rio: I know that baby, I promise Buster: I love you more than anything Buster: And I want this baby more than anything Buster: Don't forget that Rio: I won't Rio: I love you too, Buster Buster: And don't worry Buster: I can handle my mum, or anything else Buster: You don't need to Rio: I'm gonna be there for you though Buster: Priorities, babe Buster: You have to grow this kid for us Rio: You're still my priority too Rio: Always will be Buster: I know but I'll be fine Buster: Look after him for me, 'cause he needs it more Buster: And yeah, I've decided I want a boy too, sue me babe Rio: Okay baby Rio: I'll look after your son Buster: Why is it so hot when you say it? Buster: Fucking hell Rio: Gonna have to get used to it before he's old enough to be embarrassed by our antics, babe Buster: Help me. Say it again Rio: I just can't wait 'til your son gets bigger and starts kicking and moving around Rio: imagine now excited you're gonna be then, babe Buster: Shit Buster: I never even thought about that Buster: I'll be able to feel him too Rio: Yeah babe Rio: You might even see him, which is admittedly, a bit freaky Rio: but kinda cool too Rio: Gus was always booting ma that hard, it was a madness Buster: Oh my god Buster: That's gonna hurt though, yeah? Rio: I don't think it's much in comparison to the main event so you know Rio: you probably killed your ma Buster: I'm trying not to think about that Buster: And yeah, we made her so sick as well Buster: Sorry mum Buster: I reckon you'll know if we're having twins way before they tell you Rio: Least if I am she can just be all knowing and evil about my suffering, like Rio: might calm her Buster: True Rio: Not saying that's point no. 1 but you know Buster: Do you really think your mum will figure it out? Rio: Yeah Rio: Maybe not yet but idk Rio: she's got a nose for that shit, seen it enough times, I guess Buster: Weird Rio: 😂 Rio: When I start vomming all the time but refusing a drink, it won't take a genius, like Buster: I know Buster: I just Rio: What? Buster: I don't wanna share this with them all Rio: Yeah Rio: I get it Rio: I don't think she'll make an announcement for me Rio: it's still our thing Buster: I'm being unfair, aren't I? Rio: No Rio: just cute Buster: You're just being nice Rio: I am not Rio: such a 😈 you'll see Buster: Yeah? Buster: What are you gonna do? Rio: I said you'll see Rio: patience, baby boy Buster: Those are stalling tactics Buster: I knew you were too much of a 😇 Rio: 😖 Rio: Don't Rio: First Indie calls me uncool, now you, so rude Buster: I'm not calling you uncool, I'm calling you a good girl Buster: And I'm motivating you, babe Rio: Hmm Buster: You know it's working Buster: Don't act like you're not even more determined to be bad now Rio: You're not always right, you know 😒 Buster: I'm not trying to come for your title Buster: I'm just right about this Buster: Prove me wrong about how good you are baby, I know you want to Rio: I will Rio: answer your phone
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