#she's pretty much the same her legs are just way way thicker
gainprincess · 1 year
4, someone gaining the freshman fifteen (Or more. A lot more.).
21, college AU
Let's see what a college Melusine would look like with some extra pounds~
"WELCOME BACK FOLKS! We're here, in the late, late minutes of the second half of our long awaited ladies' football game here! We've got the Albion University Drakes vs. the FBU Queens in a historic match for national qualifiers!"
As both teams form up to resume play, and the crowd cheers wildly at the announcer's bellowing voice, one might notice a particularly bottom-heavy player bouncing from one leg to the other near the center of the field.
"The Queens have the ball, and they're close to the Drakes' goal! Remember, it's anyone's game right now, though the Queens certainly have an advantage!"
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She doesn't say anything, because she doesn't need to. All that matters is the score. The two teams are tied 3-3, with 15 seconds left on the clock.
Her hips jiggle and clap as she bounces about, hammy legs firm under the flab. She's a trained athlete, the ace of the Albion Drakes, and absolutely fine with the weight she's gained in the last few months.
Only a freshman, she enjoyed eating as much food as possible when she got to school, brushing off any worries by stating that she'd just work it off. Evidently that isn't true, and her new girlfriend from out-of-country MAY have something to do with it...but Melusine couldn't care less.
It's gone entirely to her hips and legs, meaning that the power behind her shots is even more monstrous and overwhelming than before, and her hips can box out other players even easier than before.
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'Go time.'
"The ball is back in play, folks, and Sith takes the ball- Passes it to Pendragon, who's charging down the- OH MY GOD!"
The crowd suddenly roars with hype and incredulity in equal measure as the clock rapidly winds down. Melusine can't even hear the words that're being said, because she's too busy running with the ball she just stole.
She dips around and passes to herself through the opposing players, thick legs wobbling as she makes a mad dash. All she can hear is the blood pumping in the e
8 seconds. 7 seconds. She's nearing midfield.
6 seconds. No. 5 seconds.
Melusine rears her kicking foot back right as she reaches the center of the playing field, eyes narrowing as her leg flexes under all that flab, finally revealing the sheer amount of hardened muscle beneath.
4 seconds. 3 seconds.
She sends the ball flying across the field at breakneck speeds, speeding right towards the goalie, who opens her arms wide to recieve it.
2 seconds.
1 second.
The ball passes right past the goalie's head...and right into the goal.
Melusine can't even hear the groans of the disappointed crowd from Camelot, or the roars of the cheering one from Salisbury. She can barely even feel her teammates barrel her over in utter joy, or when they hoist her up afterwards.
All she thinks?
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'I can't wait to hold my girlfriend.'
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camilaxmartin · 6 months
Hi dear!!
omg thank you for being like so supportive of my velvette stuff and my account truly honoured to be your mutual!
okay so I was winding if you could like do like a short fic or whatever of are mommy mother Rosie (she’s so mommy it’s not funny) could it be where we like get jelly of the relationship that Rosie and Alastor have and we start huffing at her whenever Alastor is around and just having an attitude towards her in general (she seems like the woman to adore bratty attitude but also like proper pretty girl attitude too, could you also use the nickname sweetie or doll! Oh! And also like a thicker reader I’m a thick girl myself! Sorry for so many requests in one!)
( if your not taking requests just ignore little ol’ me! :3 )
have a good night/day darling!<3
getting on your nerves
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navigation // rules // masterlist
summary: rosie taking an interest in our jealous behaviour
warnings: gets suggestive at the end!
notes: GIRL i’m the one honoured to be your mutual like?? your works??? anyway, hope you like it!! (i know i’ve gotten to it LATE AF but my motivation is… funky) i’m not proud of this one but gonna post it anyway as i already wrote it- it turned out totally different than i wanted but meh wtv
requests: closed!!
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alastor came into the flower shop and softly walked over to the counter ringing the small bell on top of it waiting with a smile. it was surprisingly a slow day at the cannibal town. no one was wandering around the store and everything seemed so… peaceful.
well, until rosie came out of the back and greeted him with a wide smile.
“alastor!” she exclaimed and walked over to him giving him a tight hug. “oh how i’ve missed you” she said holding his hand and looking around for a place to sit down.
“i know, it’s been a while” alastor chuckled and looked down at the hand she was still holding not making any move in a way to shake her off. rosie smiled, being used to him letting her be affectionate as she finally picked out her favourite table and leaded both of them to it.
“so” she started, letting go of his hand, sitting down and expecting alastor to do the same. “what brings your twisted being, here today?” she asked and turned her head, looking for her teapot.
alastor chuckled and sat down in the chair at the other side of the table, putting one of his legs over the other one and sighed deeply. “nothing much dear, just came over for our check up” he said and chuckled again also looking around for a teapot, as that’s what they’ve always drank while gossiping.
rosie smiled and all of her attention moved onto him. “well then? where have you been? what’s new? how’s the ‘v’ thing?” she asked all of those question at once which earned her a laugh from alastor, forming a grin on her face.
“oh my dear…” he started and shook his head trying to make the situation more dramatic. “there’s a lot to talk about from those three question you’ve asked” he smiled wider but his brows furrowed slightly. “didn’t we always to this while drinking tea?” he asked and rosie laughed at him, covering her mouth with one of her hands.
“we sure did!” she kept laughing and made herself more comfortable in her seat. “and that’s even more perfect occasion for you to meet someone” her smiled turned more lovely as alastor raised one of his eyebrows at her.
“who?” he asked, putting both of his hands on the table, waiting for her to elaborate wanting to hear all the gossip. rosie rolled her eyes playfully at him and called out for you. “y/n!” she called, turning her head to the side.
hearing your name you came out of the back and looked at her while tilting your head, questioning why has she called you. only after a moment you noticed another person sitting with her at the table and as you walked closer to both of them you noticed it was alastor. you smiled to him trying to make that smile as honest as possible but you knew he saw right through you as he rose one of his eyebrows at you.
“oh my doll, would you be so nice and make me and alastor some tea? if not that totally fine, darling” she asked you with the biggest smile on her face. and how could you say no to this woman?
“of course” you smiled to her dumbly and went to the back again, to prepare the tea and try to make yourself act normal around alastor.
rosie chuckled seeing your smile and as you walked away her eyes drifted back to alastor who had a bit of a questioning look on his face alongside his never resting smile.
“i see” he said and chuckled looking at her while still keeping his hands on the table. “the remarkable matchmaker finally found her match?” he asked and rosie chuckled at his words, covering her mouth as she rolled her eyes playfully, her cheeks slightly rosing.
“always such a charmer” she laughed and she did it loud enough that you could hear her at the back. you placed the teapot down with a thud rolling your eyes and trying to at least keep some face as you continued on making the tea. “but yes, i must say i did find my match” she said more softly and her eyes softened as alastor rolled his own at her and chuckled, shaking his head.
“i see you have a taste for a woman this time” he laughed and rosie moved her hand over the table to gently punch his shoulder. he laughed even more at her reaction.
“she’s not for eating” she said sternly but couldn’t hold the laugh escaping her throat. “well, not that eating” she chuckled as she went back to her sit again and roll her eyes playfully as alastor’s eyes squinted at her words and his dear ears flatten slightly. rosie took a notice of that and let out another laugh. “oh alastor, so easy to embarrass you” she continued laughing and he just rolled his eyes at her.
as they continued their conversation you gathered everything you needed and grabbed the tray with the teapot and two cups, walking out of the back and trying to keep up your smile. you came over to them and placed it on the table, smiling softly to rosie as she gave the smile back.
“here you go” you said more to her than them and she clapped her hands together with a chuckle.
“thank you sweetie” she said grabbing the teapot and pouring her and alastor a cup. you were just standing there not feeling like you should stay but also not entirely sure if you should leave. rosie smiled even more seeing you stay with them as she handed alastor his cup.
“alastor” she said taking a sip from her cup and looking at him again. “i want you to officially meet y/n-“ she said and turned her head to you with a wide smile, showing off her sharp teeth. “the ‘match’ to the matchmaker” she playfully rolled her eyes. “and the love of my life” she smiled and took another sip from her cup as you just stood there feeling your cheeks staring to blush.
alastor looked you up and down and despite this not being your first meeting with him, but first as rosie’s official girlfriend, you felt like he was studying you. i mean it was something he’s been doing every time so was it really that unpredictable? rosie smiled wider seeing your blushing cheeks.
“i’m so glad you stopped by today” said rosie and smiled to alastor wider. his smile widened too as he took a sip from his cup.
“always a pleasure” he chuckled taking another sip. you just stood there not knowing what to do with yourself exactly as you continued on watching their conversation.
“so tell me, have you met someone interesting lately? and you know i don’t mean it in a lovely way” rosie chuckled sipping her own tea as alastor eyes squinted slightly as his ears folded.
“well a few people yes, but they’re never quite like you” he said with a laugh in his tone and your eyes immediately went to his face.
“oh darling” rosie exclaimed and chuckled putting her tea down on the table. “you could never meet a second me” she chuckled once again and put her hand on his hand in a rather playful manner but it definitely didn’t seem playful to you.
“excuse me” you said with a fake smile as you walked to the back again and let out a deep breath out of frustration. rosie eyes followed you immediately same as alastor’s did and his smile widened just a bit.
“so rosie!” he started and the woman’s attention was brought up to him immediately. “is she really the one? i mean does she know you that well?” he asked wanting to irritate you even more as he knew you were still listening to the conversation. your hands turned into fists as you heard his words.
rosie only chuckled at his question and rolled her eyes. “yes, i am. i love her” she said and alastor rolled his eyes again.
“you loved franklin as well” he said shrugging and sipping his tea as rosie’s gaze turned into a bit colder one.
“the past is the past, darling” she shrugged and took her cup again sipping at it as she avoided his gaze, alastor taking pride in making her anxious so easily.
you couldn’t literally hold in it more as you heard their conversation. wasn’t it enough for him that you were already jealous? had he do this all?
you shook your head and walked deeper into the back, into the greenhouse in which rosie kept all of her flowers. you inhaled the smell of all of them and sat on the ground feeling your eyes tear up from pure anger and jealousy. why… why was he like that?
you didn’t know that but rosie took notice of your absence at the back and her brows furrowed. you weren’t acting like that normally when she had friends over. something was definitely wrong.
“alastor!” she said and the deer-man’s ears peaked up on her voice. “it was really a pleasure having you today but i have a lot of work…” she lied and alastor just laughed at her attempt to lie to him, yet let her get away with it.
“i understand” he said getting up and dusting off his coat. he smiled to her and grabbed his staff. “ill be on my way then, see you next time” he said and rosie smiled at him as much as she could waving her hand until he left the building.
she immediately rushed to the back and when she noticed you actually weren’t there her blood turned cold. she tried to keep her mind calm as she decided to check the greenhouse, after all you were hanging out there a lot.
as she walked in she spotted you on the ground and with a soft click of her tongue she walked over to you putting a hand on your shoulder. you immediately shook off her hand and rolled you eyes.
rosie burrowed her eyebrows looking at you. “sweetie, are you okay?” she asked as she sat down next to you.
“i don’t know, ask alastor” you scoffed and she rolled her eyes at your tone knowing exactly where this conversation was going.
“and why would i?” she asked tilting her head trying to play dumb. you knew her better than that.
“cause he’s like the most amazing person ever isn’t he?” you huffed and threw your hands up. “he’s oh so charming and oh so marvellous” you said and rosie let out a deep sigh at your attitude.
“doll, can you stop?” she asked and you looked at her with squinted eyes. “just drop the act already i know you’re jealous, always were when he was around so what’s the point?” she asked huffing herself as she was getting annoyed at this point.
“i’m jealous because i know he could take you away from me!” you said tears almost coming to your eyes. rosie laughed at your words not expecting something like that to come out of your mouth. you looked at her in disbelief that she dared to laugh at you.
“doll-“ she started but you interrupted her with your own words.
“no, you’re not going to doll me here” you said scoffing and shaking your head as you get up from the floor, standing up and looking down at her. “i am jealous of him because i feel threatened”
rosie blinked at your words and didn’t laugh this time as she stood up as well and just looked at you with pure worry in her eyes. she reached out for you hand slowly and you didn’t brush her off this time. “alastor couldn’t… and wouldn’t take me away from you in a sense of love” she explained and you just rolled your eyes at her.
“yeah sure” you huffed looking away from her. rosie took both of your hands into hers and pulled you closer to her, uncontrollably making you look up at her.
“he wouldn’t.” she said in a stern voice while rising an eyebrow. “he doesn’t do ‘love’” she said and your eyes widened at her words as it somehow made sense in your head now. he was just… getting on your nerves then. “but i must say the jealousy in your eyes looks hot” she chuckled and you felt your cheeks blush.
“oh yeah?” you asked and moved one of your hands onto her cheek cupping it. “maybe i should be more jealous then” you chuckled.
rosie rolled her eyes at you and then let go of your hands grabbing the one that was holding her cheek at your wrist taking it away from her face and grabbing the other one to hold them both by your wrists. you looked at her a bit surprised but also unconsciously bit your lip. rosie chuckled at your reaction and sighed.
“oh love, you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into” she said and leaned down to your nose so it was touching hers. “i don’t mind putting a pretty lady like you in her place from time to time” she whispered and laughed as you felt the shiver run all over you body.
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F1 Drivers that I think would date some plus sized queens and how I think it would go
Carlos Sainz
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- I can't explain why, but I feel like Carlos is already an ass man and with his personality he seems like the guy to love when his girl was squishy. Maybe like a fit plus size queen like they go to the gym together and stuff, but she's still thicker than a Snicker like Ashley Graham without the boobs (TBH that's specifically my body type and all the plus size queens with the boobs get love, but were is the love our itty bitty bitty plus size babes?) if you have the boobs sis he would love it too; just wanted to give some representation for my body type cause I know I can't be the only one out here like this! - Would constantly come up to you saying "I shall call her squishy and she shall be my squishy" before wrapping you in such a great hug and peppering you with kisses (come guys I can so see this like AAGHH) - If you're tall and a plus queen I think he would also be totally down for that too! We need some tall plus size love too man :) - He knows that you probably can't wear his clothes or that if you can that they don't fit oversized like he knows you would find cute so he orders some hoodies a size or two too large and keeps "accidentally" leaving them around you. - Krispy Kreme has nothing on this man, he is hot and ready for you all the time - Summer is his favorite time because seeing you prance around in those shorts that ride up your ass have this man so distracted that he is a danger to himself and humanity - Hand on the ass ALL the time (y'all can't argue with me on this one okay) - He loves to lay on you whenever possible - You are his human pillow now - Carlos Sainz is a cuddle bug and no one can tell me other wise!
Mick Schumacher
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- If I were to picture our precious Mick with anyone else other than a beautiful tall plus size sweetheart it just wouldn't fit in my mind - He is such a boob guy like there's literally even no denying it (~starts crying in itty bitty titty committee~), but if you were less blessed in the chest I think Mick would still love it cause he is an angel - Mick is a sweetheart who has been through a lot, you provide him a sense of comfort and love when you pull him for one of your ever constant and always soft hugs (you never let go before he does because sometimes he just needs to hold you and that's okay) - You're like the Anna to his Kristoff (Frozen anyone?!) sweet, fun, adventurous, with a little side of chaos - He will kiss every single freckle, scar, and stretch mark on your entire body, in fact he makes it his life mission to do so - Sometimes he steals your sweatpants cause y'all are pretty much the same height and he loves having the extra room from the size difference - One time he stole a pair of your Juicy sweatpants to wear around the house and didn't realize the butt had JUICY bedazzled on it until his mom pointed out when she came over to visit for dinner - Mick loves to snuggle with you while you sleep, but he always falls asleep with his hand on your boob - You make him smile so much the boys started teasing him telling him he should try to get Crest toothpaste as a sponsor - Mick is major on cockwarming and if he had it your way he would never leave the warmth of your walls
Daniel Riccardo
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- I feel it in my bones that Danny is an ass man - He is constantly sending up little prayers of thank you to whoever invented leggings and compression shorts - Daniel loves when you steal his button ups to wear around the house with nothing else because even though they aren't quite oversized it's the fact that seeing you wear his clothes and seeing your ass at the same time as poor Danny boy wound up tighter than a Jack in the box - You know they do say that cowboys tend to like their women like molasses, sweet and thick and well as bad as Danny wishes he was cowboy he makes sure to follow that rule -Save a horse ride a cowboy anyone? - He swears he's died and gone to heaven when he looks down into your innocent doe eyes every time you suck him off - You guys have matching sweatsuits for movie nights (secretly he loves it) - Danny just gives off the vibe of loving if you were tall too like it's giving off power couple vibes - He actually steals your hoodies because they're so soft and smell like your perfume - He loves when you rest your head on his shoulder like he actually smiles a kid getting to meet Santa for the first time - Is constantly giving you forehead kisses because he doesn't have to bend down and he loves seeing your eyes light up like a Christmas tree when he does
Jack Doohan
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- first off there's not enough Jake Doohan love on this platform and I am determined to fix that sweethearts - Okay IDK if it's just my experience, but it's always the skinny, tall white boys getting with these plus size queens and Jack is no exception - I'm not really sure if Jack is a thigh or an ass man more, but I'm totally getting those vibes you know - He already loves surfing and spending anytime in water that he can and now he gets the added bonus of seeing your beautiful figure in his second favorite amount of clothes for you (the first is when you're butt ass naked) - I can't explain it, but I am very much going with the theory that these Australian boys love themselves some tall plus babes (if you're short I'm sure they would like you too baby it's just the vibe I'm getting okay) - He always holds the door for you because he's a gentleman duh, but he also gets to look at that world shattering ass and those beautiful thighs of yours - This man loves you more than a southern granny loves her biscuits and gravy - Jack loves not having to look too far down to see, if he even has to look down at all TBH because let's be real here couples with a height difference especially a big height difference one of the poor love bugs always ends up with back problems - No lie he reminds me of Johnny from Hotel Transylvania like he'll try to be smooth with you, but you keep this man so flustered that sometimes he doesn't know what to do with hisself - Jack 100% loves to snuggle with you on the beach; He's sitting between your legs leaned up against you while you read your book - He loves to take you doggy style (he has Pierre to thank for the idea after that interview) - Always is pulling you into his lap during movies, make-out sessions because he loves having you straddle him
I have no true evidence to back up these theories, but going strictly off of vibes. I am convinced our bros would be down to date some plus size queens, especially some tall ones ;) Please feel free to leave feedback below!
All photos are from Pinterest!
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dronebiscuitbat · 3 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 42)
The next few days were spent filling out paperwork, taking a few cognitive tests, and answering questions N was sure Khan already knew. Despite that, Khan had assured him multiple times that this was purely procedure, and he essentially had the job.
It was also spent worrying… each time he came home he'd been drawn to his girlfriend like a moth to a particularly purple flame, as soon as he was in range to hear her core, that warm haze would overtake him, and when he came back to his senses, he was already holding her no matter where she was, a chair, the couch, taking a nap, it did not matter.
It made sense… he loved her. He wanted to be close and it wasn't the closeness that worried him. It was the fact he wouldn't even remember how he ended up there that was the problem, he was walking through the doorway one moment, and curled up tightly against her the next.
He wasn't sure she remembered either, she would often seem to jolt “awake” around the same time as he did, then they'd look at each other, confused.
It was like a mandated cuddle session, and he didn't exactly mind, but some control over when and where would be great, thank you.
“So everything seems to be in order, last thing we need to do is put you through our basic training.” Khan’s voice finally cut through the TV static that was N's thoughts, all of his eyes suddenly focused on the man, which seemed to immediately trip Khan up, even if he wasn't consciously aware of the fact N had seven eyes.
“Basic Training?” He asked, quirking up an eyebrow, wasn't that reserved for stuff like the military?
“Yes! The WDF does more than watch over doors! We're the defacto police force for the colony, we keep an eye on everything! And we need to make sure you're in tip-top physical condition.”
Khan looked N up and down.
“And I tried to tell everyone it was functionally pointless… considering, but everyone wants to see you put through your paces, so thats what were going to do today!”
“Well, okay! I love doing anything?” N agreed, much like he did most of everything in his life, but he wasn't confident, wasn't this normally pretty hard?
Ten Minutes Later…
N was actually… kinda impressed at the obstacle course the WDF had for training, it had a climbing wall, a barbed wire crawl, tire steps, and a rope shimmy. Everything all about enhancing motor control and maneuverability, since strength and speed can't really be improved when you're made out of steel and hydraulic.
The room he'd been lead to was huge, the ceiling curving in a dome shape above them. A group of 20 or so people were on benches not too far away, all wearing WDF badges on different parts of their clothing. Khan led him to the starting line with a clipboard and a timer, looking excited himself.
“Alright! There is a benchmark of three minutes that you have to beat. But that should be no problem for you.”
“Ah… I have wings, should I…?”
“Oh! Yes it's probably best if you… refrain. Just to make it fair.”
Alright, no wings then.
He was nervous, genuinely. He'd never been through actual training before strangly enough. He'd just been… pre-programmed. Or re-programmed, with combat protocols innately.
While he was hunting, combat came naturally almost on autopilot, every sense heightened, reflex sharpened. He'd never enjoyed it, but he'd never had to think about it very hard either.
So, when it came to actually navigating through the course, he wasn't sure if he could without putting himself in ‘hunting mode’.
“Are you ready, son-in-law?”
He rolled his eyes before nodding, he got in a sprinters stance, surely this wouldn't be too hard right?
He shot off, legs beating underneath him as he came up to the tire steps, it felt strange, being bound to the ground instead of flying, and he felt way more clumsy this way then normal… oh well.
His systems charted the path for him, and his legs moved without putting in much conscious effort, then it was on to the barbed wire.
What once was a silent room seemed to fill with murmurs as he went, he threw himself onto his belly and scrambled underneath, he could feel the wire digging into the back of his coat, but he didn't slow down even as he started to sink into the mud.
He emerged out the other side filthy, but now came time to scale the wall, he had to will away the instinctual way his wings wanted to come out, he took a moment to pause, it was a sheer wooden wall, sanded down to remove any grooves or notches to climb up.
This was for workers.
How would a worker get over this?
How would Uzi get over this?
He took several steps backwards, taking a deep breath as his systems calculated his jump.
He got a running start as he pounced on the wall, and kept running, every servo in her legs keeping him upright as he ran up the wall and grabbed the top of it, before hoisting himself up. Murmurs turned to a few tentative cheers.
The final challenge, was a rope shimmy from the top of the wall to the finish line, he could jump down from this height no problem, but at this point, a part of him wanted to prove himself to both Khan and the rest of the WDF that he didn't need his “upgrades” to do this.
He wrapped himself around the rope, tail included, his weight had the rope sag and bend more then intended, which was an extra challenge as he climbed down, turned upside down.
At this point, he heard several whoops from the benches, making him smile despite the fact that his joints were getting a little sore from how quickly he'd been moving, he quickly shimmied down until he hit the final sprint to the finish line, where once again he put every once of power into his legs as he took off in a dead sprint, before he reached the finish line, where he had to dig his claws into the ground to slow down.
He panted, feeling his vents take in air so hard it was producing a low whine, his hands gripped his knees, he was muddy and gross and sweaty (why do robots sweat?!) And his breath was ragged, but he felt a hand slap his back.
“A minute fifteen! New record!” Khan said happily, looking like he had stars in his eyes, N smiled, his hair falling into his visor.
It was abundantly clear that his body had not been designed for anything but ambushing and flying, a more “death from above” then a persistence predator, because his joints were currently screaming “what the heck did you just do?!” at him. He wanted to sit down now…
“Great! U-uggh.” Khan led him over to a chair where he instantly collapsed in it, throwing his head back and not quite caring he was still covered in mud.
“Wow, that was kinda impressive.” A voice said, they were young whoever they were, a masculine voice that sounded like your typical dude-bro at the beach.
“Mm. Thanks.” N didn't have the energy to say anything else, thankfully he was quickly recovering.
Although he might recover faster if he could get a little bit of oil… he had brought it with him.
He put a hand in his pocket and fumbled with the container hidden there, the guy next to him continued speaking.
“N right? I'm Guy, I was the newest recruit before you. My time was 2:15.”
“Doesn't sound bad!” N replied, this guy was friendly at least, he could always get behind that.
He quickly took out his container and took a long gulp, the oil hitting his systems, immediately he felt better, his joints relaxing and his core settling, he sighed as he brought it away from his mouth, his long tongue coming to lick his lips from the access.
Huh… Guy had fallen real quiet all of the sudden
N looked back at the drone who'd been speaking to him, who's red eyes had gone hollow and his mouth slightly agape, N lifted an eyebrow before realizing why, he looked down at his container, slightly stained with oil, being quite obvious what was in it.
“Oh uh. Sorry… just started getting a little warm.” N tried to explain with a smile on his face, trying to be friendly but also succeeding in flashing his now oil-covered fangs.
Guy gulped.
“I-um yeah dude. N-no problem, guess you gotta kick the craving s-somehow.’
N looked confused for a moment.
“It's not really a craving, I just need it so I don't overheat.” He laughed nervously, sensing how tense the air had gotten. “Boiling in your own shell’s not fun.”
Guy was switching between curiosity and fear, tentatively, he seemed to choose between the two.
“What- what does it taste like?” He asked, still stammering but clearly not nearly as put off by it as before.
“The oil? Uh, sweet, this batch is a little earthy I guess, but that depends on where I get it from.”
The stuff in his container right now was actually from the nursery, it didn't taste nearly as metallic as oil from already living (or dead, he guessed) drones, instead having a more earthy, rounded taste.
He kinda preferred it honestly, plus, no one died for it.
“This is from the nursery, my girlfriend picked it up for me when she went for our daughter.”
Guy seemed to relax further.
“Oh, so it's not… you know?”
“N-no, I haven't killed anyone in… months.” He probably didn't need to add that last part, but he felt the need to defend himself, he really wished that people would stop looking at him and seeing… a monster. Even if he couldn't really blame them.
“Cool. Cool.” Guy replied awkwardly, before it seemed he had another question on his mind.
“How's that work?”
“How does what work?”
“You and a worker drone, is she like… pfft, okay?”
N… suddenly didn't like where this was going.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Well, I mean, she's a worker drone right? Don't you have like… murdery instincts? Damn, if she can handle you, she's gotta be a freak in the sheets.”
N felt something white hot broil inside him until it's vitriol was bubbling in his throat, his hand twitched, and he just barely kept a feral growl from escaping his mouth.
“I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about Uzi that way.” He said, dripping with politeness even as his tail was slowly coiling like a snake, ready to sting the nosy drone if he didn't leave soon.
“Oh shit! Doorman? Damn I knew she was a freak, just didn't know it went that deep!” Guy laughed, N's eye twitched.
Kill him!Kill him! He's a threat! Kill him!
No. No. Don't kill him, do not kill him, you don't like killing, he's not being threatening, he's just being gross.
You must protect them! He speaks of her like she is not yours, kill him! Before he becomes a threat to the kit, to Uzi!
He closed his eyes, clenching his fist before letting his anger roll out of his mouth. Even so he still vibrated with it, unable to truly let it all wash over him.
He'd never felt more angry in his life.
“Guy. Do not talk about her like that.” He was far more firm the second time, his tail was fully coiled, pointed directly at the drones jugular although he didn't seem to notice.
“Ah right. Sorry, sorry, shouldn't talk about another dude's girl like that. My bad.” Guy lifted both his hands, clearly trying to appease him, N would feel more appeased if the man left him alone, preferably on another planet it possible.
“Guy! Get your ass over here before the new guy snaps your neck!” Another member of the WDF called him over, before the man in a yellow hard hat and pink eyelights made his way over to him.
“Sorry, Guy doesn't know when to shut his servo. I'm Hal, what did he say to you that got you looking like murder?”
“I'd… rather not repeat it. He insulted my girlfriend.”
“Oooh, he's lucky it wasn't me, if he'da insulted Reida I woulda rung his scrawny neck.” The drone had a fake, but beautiful beard attached to his face, it was brown, along with is decently long hair.
“My wife.”
“Your names N right? or is that a nickname for something?” He asked, he was rather blunt, but nothing about the drone was threatening, he was a boxier, thicker worker model, betraying his age to be closer of that to Khan’s.
“It's Serial Designation N, technically, but just N please.”
“Righto! Glad to have ya! Khan’s talked a lot about you!” His hand came to slap roughly on N's back, it was strong enough to rock him forward slightly and send mud flying in all directions.
“Aye, er well, he's talked nonstop about his grandaughter, and you come up too.”
“That… makes more sense.”
“That means you're with his daughter right? Uzi?”
“That's her.”
“Guy better watch it then, if Khan hears that he's gonna blow a gasket. An so will I to be frank, that girl don't need anymore grief.”
N liked Hal more the longer he talked, he also sounded like a dwarf from one of those movies he and Uzi watched… Lord of the Rings?
“Thank you. I didn't actually want to hurt him.” N said, sighing, he wanted to cover his visor with his hands; but then he'd just get his visor smudgy.
“Yeah ya did.”
“Don't sweat it kid. We've all been there. Though…”
“My Reida woulda kicked his ass first! Hah!”
Next ->
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captain-n-crunchies · 6 months
My Perfect
L x Chubby Reader
A.N: ( See even though im like late I STILL POSTED! im on like grind yall but, this man so fine I'm like i must write my deepest soul wrenching words about him)
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I'm not perfect.
That's it. I tried every day as a kid to be perfect; pretty hair, small frame, soft voice everything to look desirable to others I tried to be. In high school I needed to be bold, thicker but not too thick, tall but too tall; never speak overly passionate it was a turn off, don't wear too much makeup it's like I'm a slut, and never can venture out and find a comfortable look for me. I never let the girl inside eat.
I wasn't berated though? Yes, I got stares when I wore something sitting and people saw my stomach, like yes mothafucka I got a stomach y'all thought it was a huge ass pot in my shirt? Yes, I did get the ' I'm sO cOnFideNt!' talk when I ate something like fruit, who doesn't like pineapple? When shopping I had looks of could I fit this or that and nobody ever comforted me when I would cry about not fitting jeans.
I was never perfect. But he never cared.
*Back to when Light didn't find the Death Note yet*
Log In: June 23, 2017
" What are you having for lunch?" was asked by my closest coworker, Maria she and I was friends since our college days when cramming information about law, statistics, and for some reason Shakespeare; we were forever. I turned to her in this damn rolling chair that was obviously not made for a girl with that thang back there, I mean why is half my leg practically on the floor? I thought about it for a second.
" I could go for quick burger, what about you?
" That's fine! Also did you finish your report? I didn't even get to..." I just stared at her though my head in space, Maria turned to see what I'm looking at and she saw a strange man walking inside the room.
" Um...I don't think he works here?"
" Is this when we got to fight for our lives? I don't have no weapon."
The man tall, dark unruly hair not curly though it looks like a one of those emo people from the 2000's like my chemical romance vibes, he has a homeless man look on him...its kind of sexy thought but, he doesn't work here?
We watch him while towards us and goes to the head manager cubicle that two rows ahead of us. We look at each other and look down acting like we're working but, we really being nosy. We hear only indicant chatter and the strange man's voice, his name is Riuzaki? Or Rukai? I don't know and our manager asked again, and he ignored the question and started talking about something different. Kind of rude but, with the way our manager is I'd do the same; Maria looks at me and looks at the time and tells me it our lunch break so, we both get up and I make sure to push down my jacket a habit I did as a teen to look slimmer, we walk out and down the little pathway to the front of the office when we get close to the strange man I turn my head down, his eyes immediately traced to me and he stared at me and he turned, kind of weird his eye contact was intense!
We walked over to the company lunch places inside it's a tiny burger spot filled with American dishes; we haven't really eaten there so we decided to try it out since it was also raining. Maria order first, a chicken salad with extra chicken and cheese with a large drink and dessert then it's me, a cheeseburger with fries and a large drink with a cookie; we wait a bit and sat down at a two-seat table and we talk about the sight we just saw.
" I wonder if he's trying to get a job here? "
" For what though? we ain't got nothing available yet."
" What if they fired somebody!? I heard but I didn't hear from department C that somebody was overusing company resources and they got let go."
" Omg, who?" Maria was going to say but we hear a buzz, and our food was ready we grabbed a tray and the person who gave us our orders gives me a look, ya'know the look of ' Breaking that diet huh?' Its common but still is annoying so I mean mug him back and he backs off. Sitting down we talk about our topics of choice like vacations, fashion trends, the latest news when the man from earlier comes down; didn't even see him till he pulled up a chair beside me and stared. Like what?
" Oh, Hello!" I introduced myself and Maria does the same, but how says nothing and stared at me.
" Are you going to eat that?" He points at a strawberry cookie I got, I look and shake my head "no' even though I was saving it I give it to him and smiled. He takes it and thanks me and then turned to Maria and asked how she feels about the company. Now, Maria is a sweet girl but, if she can't say her opinion without lying so she tries to say it's wonderful but, he caught on.
" Don't lie. I'm not going to do anything."
" Oh! but I'm not! really it's a won-"
" Your eyes turned up, when some people lie, they eyes turn up to think of somethings. Your hands turned over into a clasped position saying you're more of nervous than calm when I asked."
She's shocked and so am I, he takes a bite of the cookie and then looks at me to which I look away and he stares at me; deep black eyes pierced into, and I just look away because if I looked back what if he jumps me and I gotta kick and scream like that would be so embarrassing!
" Are you nervous?
" No, never"
" Hm...You look uncomfortable" He continued eating and I looked at Maria with a head tilt.
" So, what's making me uncomfortable."
" Your clothes, your shoes are hurting your feet by the way you walked quickly, and you have the heels of them off" He responded quickly, and I was shocked I mean he didn't lie. I just look and Maria excused her and mouthed ' Whoop his ass' and went to the bathroom, so now it's just us. We look at each other and I just shook my head and began eating again. He just looks at me and then turns his body towards me completely.
" What?"
" Do you like your position here?"
If I had the choice between working here and $20, I would pick $20 and a bag of skittles, it has it benefits from time to time but it not worth the headaches and long hours and I tell him just that. He hums and says nobody ever been that honest and I could care less, I listen and eat when he asked another question.
" If you're really don't like how you look why don't you change it"
It wasn't even a question it was like a statement like he knew, he knew from when he stared at me, he watched me. I look at him shocked and I just chuckled and threw the rest of my food away and left, texting Maria that I got sick. Walking away I see him get up and follow me, so ignored him; he just walked beside me and just looks either at me or around him hunched over like he finna throw up. Like what compells somebody to say that? Did he think I'm the one to try to play around with thing you'll get a good joke ooutta me? I should've shoved that damn drink up his stuck up ugy big headed-
" Your mumbling"
" If what I said made you mad just say it"
" If I did I'll go to jail for man slaughter."
He just chuckled, even though I'm pissed he sounded a little smexyyy but, I'll still beat his ass. I keep walking towards the parking lot, and he grabbed my arm asking can he be honest.
" I mean if back there wasn't honest I don't know what is"
He just stared (he got a staring problem) and began talking about how he meant that he saw me adjusting my jacket a habit he saw a lot of girls do when they want to look slimmer, then he saw the look his manger gave us me when I walked past, he said it was in utter disgust. As he went on all the insecurities from the past came again the girl inside of me just began to show, I looked at him blank, my hands started to sweat, my thoughts ran through me like a train, and I couldn't hold it anymore as a sob slipped through like butter from my mouth. I wiped my face and took a deep breath.
" Being a girl in Japan is hard, being black in Japan is harder, being a fat girl and black in Japan is like a war zone every day in my mind. From stares, to the so called ' complements', to everything inside growing out of me is like a constant war zone. Having men look at me like a 3rd class citizen is the problem, having girls treat me like I'm beneath them was the problem and no one had a problem with it."
" But who could care? It's not like I can change what they say with the attitude they expect from a black girl. I'm not perfect but, they wanted me to be and how am I going to achieve that? Huh?"
I stopped for one second and he just said nothing, all the bottled-up feelings I've had just overwhelmed me and I overshared.
" I think your perfect"
" Lying is a sin ya'know"
" Then good I'm an atheist. Your look is perfect."
How can somebody look perfect? With a body like this, my skin to people in this country are like a permanent plague, and my hair is just a warning to them on its own. I am not perfect, but he thinks I am. He's trying to help me feel better and it's not going to work.
" If this is perfect then-'
" You're not going to believe something if you denie it so much."
This man says that beautiful is different to everyone, like what people grew up with which is skinny, fair skin, and cute people they think it's a standard and everyone that's not all three of those traits are ugly. He said the way I feel is how he felt as a child he was never built manly, he was always so small and skinny people thought he was sick. It never bothered him; he seemed wiser as a kid then the whole world at its years; I couldn't even disagree with any statements I always found how people views change when they see unique things or common things and associate them with ugliness or beauty.
" For a homeless man your very smart"
"...I'm not homeless."
" Oh...then why you dress like you've seen a clothing store in life."
" I have seen a clothing store. I just don't see the appeal of dressing up."
He's an emo hippie. But nevertheless, I just listen and make my own few points. We continued walking and he stops me again.
" What's your name?"
" Reader Last Name, and your?
" Call me L"
' Hello L"
" Hello Reader"
Now we walk in comfortable silence, by the time I'm by the garage L asked for my number, his contact now ' Emo Hippie' and mines?
'My Perfect'
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A.N: ( i finshed! I love this one because i feel this irl about my body type but, i got over it and it's kind of hard to write L's dialogue without making him sound rude because he's only nonchalant. But, let me know if you like it!
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gayerthanevertbh · 2 years
the start | i want you pt. 1
natasha romanoff masterlist | series masterlist | navigation
pairings: dad’s best friend!natasha x fem!reader
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summary: your father doesn’t know it yet, but you’re in love with his best friend. and what makes it better is that you’re sure enough that she feels the same way - both of you just don’t know how to word it out properly.
warnings: sex against the wall, dirty talking, daddy kink, and slight angst - minors dni
“Tasha, ‘M gonna–”
“Bunny, keep your voice down.” Her words were muffled, and her hips moved in hushed tones. My hand was pressed against the wall while my other gripped her shoulder tightly, terrified of hurting her. But I couldn't help myself; she was fucking me fast and hard.
These were tense and maneuvering times. When the woman of your dreams decides to take you against the wall in your father's beloved home, you never know what to expect. It felt risky, even naughty because I had never imagined being fucked by my father's best friend. That's right, my father's best friend. Of course, she was much older than me, nearly twice my age. But neither of us cared, not in the least. Plus, she enjoys my cunt. She once told me that no one else could fuck me because my hole was too big for everyone else and too small for her. I enjoyed every minute of our "conversation."
“You feel fuckin’ amazing,” she grunts into my neck while holding my hips hard against the wall, rutting herself into me. “You’re so wet and tight around my fat cock. You’re lovin’ this, aren’t ya, sweet girl?”
“Tash–Oh my god!” My breathing becomes labored as the air becomes thicker. I bit my lower lip hard and felt my eyes roll back in my head. Her dick was massive. It couldn't possibly fit inside me, but who doesn't enjoy a good challenge? “R-Right there, Daddy, give me all of you…”
"You make me want to cum soon," she says raggedly, thrusting upwards into my cunt faster, our skin deliciously slapping against each other. “Oh fuck, I don’t think I can last long.”
"Almost there, Tasha," I grumbled. Natasha sloppily kisses my lips and rubs her thumb furiously against my clit to catch my orgasm with her. “W-Wait, stop! It’s too much–”
"Clench on my dick, baby," she begs, her voice higher pitched than usual. I knew she wouldn't stop pushing into me. She needed to put her cum in me before my father found me in her room, or she'd have a stiff appendage all day without my father noticing. “That’s it–Ugh… god, you feel so good. I want to get you full, maybe even carry my baby. That’s such an arousing idea, don’t you think, little one?”
“Daddy, I don’t think I’m ready for that!”
She pushes me up against the wall, kissing my chest with pure desire. Her growling can be heard against my skin. Meaningless to say, she is being possessive with me. I spread my legs wider and allowed her to force her cock inside me until my juices coated her entire length. I twitch as I hear our skin slap, and my walls tighten around her dick, even more, cumming around her shaft without her permission.
"Oh god, baby!" she shivers as she clutches me close to her body, still thrusting her dick inside me with such desperation roaring from her. Her cock was trapped between my walls, unable to escape completely. “Jesus fucking christ, you’re taking me in so well… look at your pretty puffy pussy. All for me to abuse.”
We both kiss again before a bright voice knocks on our door, making me tilt my head because I already knew who was behind that red door. It was my father who was calling us for lunch.
“Nat? It’s time for lunch! I can’t find Y/n anywhere. Is she with you?” I looked at Natasha with horror and started to scramble away from her, but she held me between her legs and covered my mouth with her calloused hand – unable to speak.
What was she doing?! Trying to get me in trouble?!
Slowly but surely, she starts thrusting into me again with a mischievous grin and sweat forming in her temples. "Dare to make a sound, and I'll punish you later; we don't want that, right?" Natasha whispered in my ear. I shook my head vigorously, unable to respond to her. “Good girl, just keep yourself tight for me.”
“Nat? You there?”
She thrusts me hard, causing me to scream into her hand. "I'm not sure where she is, Steve. Have you looked in the backyard? She’s probably there, studying.”
She slowly pulled herself out and pushed her length back into me, unconcerned about my pleasure. She buries her face in my neck and keeps rutting herself in my cunt, grunting quietly as if it's a secret. Her hands wander through my camisole tank top, pinching my nipples as soon as they appear, and she harshly whispers to me, "Gonna cum in you, okay?" Going to fill you up to the brim, little girl.”
"OK, thank you," I say as I hear my father's voice outside the door. “Please come down soon. I roasted us some steak!” Natasha removed her hand from my lips and kissed me hard - poorly - as soon as he was gone. She didn't stop pounding me up against the wall, nor did she stop holding my hips down to meet her thrusts. I screamed into her mouth as I felt her exploding inside me, knowing that her loads were pretty thick, which meant it would fill my stomach - as if I wasn't starved for lunch any longer.
“Ugh, that’s it…” she murmurs into my skin, still thrusting inside me but at a slower pace. “God, take my cum in you, baby… you know you can only take my cum.”
She pulls out and slips her dick back into her pants, affectionately kissing my collarbone. We didn't have much time for aftercare, so I quickly drew up my pinkish shorts and slowly opened the door, looking left and right to see if my father was nearby. I felt my buttocks being smacked before I took a step outside. When I turned around, Natasha gave me a look that revealed her stiff appendage through those jeans.
And just like that, we were content.
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“So,” my father prompts his elbows against the clothed table while Natasha is eating beside me. “Are you going on a date with James?”
James Bucky Barnes. He had been one of my oldest friends since we moved to Greece; I was relieved to make friends here because I wasn't social. But he was, and that pushed me out of my comfort zone. At first, the stares and conversations were pure and innocent. Until last month, before Natasha arrived at our house, we kissed. At first, I mistook it for a magical spark like in fairy tale books. But when Natasha and I started talking, it was more than that. It was magical, but the fairy tale books were much darker than they appeared. Natasha kissed my lips as she held me in her lap, asking if we should stop and reconsider what we had done. But I never gave her a proper response and kept kissing her, hoping my taste would linger on her tongue.
I could feel Natasha stare at me, and I felt myself shrinking in my seat.
“W-Why would you assume that?” I asked quietly.
He shrugs, giving me an approving smile that I don’t necessarily need. “I thought you two liked each other.”
“I’m sure Bucky doesn’t like me that way,” I said, hoping he wouldn't ask about him again as I ate Natasha's tomato soup. The woman next to me was staring, but not in a creepy way. Not even in an amusing way. She just sits there and… stares.
I was going to have a long night.
“Who’s Bucky?” she finally asks. Although, I couldn’t tell whether she was disappointed in me. “Is he your friend from school?”
“Actually, he’s my neighbor.”
Natasha stares at me again and nods, looking back at her plate as she chomps down her steak. Steve looks at her for a few seconds before finishing his glass of wine, smiling at me as he stands up.
“I do hope you bring Bucky here again. He seems like a nice boy.”
"He is," I replied honestly. Bucky was, in fact, a gentleman. He has always put me first in any skeptical situation; he even brought my father a basket of fruit out of appreciation and politeness. He's not your typical neighborhood guy. He’s pretty different from that. He's stunning, but I'm not interested in him – and that makes me wonder every night before Natasha returns to my life again.
Natasha stood up without a word and returned to the kitchen, washing her plate. I did not see her that night, and I might’ve guessed she was envious of him. But who am I to think that way? I was probably not unique to her, nor will I ever be special to her.
That night, I couldn't sleep. I needed Bucky to be in my room. He soothed my panic attacks by assuring me that I was always safe with him. As a young child, I needed validation - even from my "friends," but no one seemed to give it to me, so I've always lacked love. But my father and Bucky gave me that love; they did it better than my mother. As I was about to fall asleep, I heard the door creak, which caused my head to turn, and I saw Natasha approaching in her pink shirt and white boxers.
“N-Nat?” I gurgled, rubbing my left eye. “What are you doing here?”
She shushes me with her lips pressing on my forehead as she removes the blanket on my body, tucking herself in with me. She brought my head to her chest and kept pecking my head, which made me feel sleepy and wanted. I heard her whisper, “I’m sorry.”
I hummed, nuzzling my head on her chest. “For what?”
“For ignoring you all night.”
She’s apologizing for being jealous?
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Tasha.” I soothed, looking up at her chin as I tried to catch her attention – she caught my eye. “I thought you were jealous–”
She cuts me off with her deep, shrill voice. “I was,” she sighs, unable to speak for herself. “I don’t know what I was thinking, and I’m sorry. I guess I thought you were mine.”
As she confesses, my heartbeat quickens. Her presence made it difficult for me to breathe. I was embarrassed that my cheeks were warm and pinkish, but I didn't care. I wanted her to notice me - to see me. I could beg on my knees all day and let her stare at me, but I wouldn't mind. I desired to have her as well. I wanted all of her.
She holds me closer and kisses my nose, then on my lips. As we kissed each other, I felt her tongue slipping into my mouth – I could not move. She brought both hands down to my waist and language kissed me, moaning each time we made the sound of our kiss, which became sloppy. She felt maneuvered by me, lightened by my presence. I knew she had always told me what she felt whenever I was around.
“You’re so important to me,” she whispers, nipping the center of my neck. “I can’t see you with him, never. I-I’d die, Y/n. I’d fucking die.”
“Y-You won’t lose me,” I reassured her as I cupped her face. “Tash, you know I won’t ever slip away from you.”
We cuddled up in each other's arms that night. I was happy, wholly fulfilled that she was with me. As if in me. I could smell her thick smoky perfume and mint mouthwash on her breath. I begged in my mind, take me. Make me yours. I promise to be a saint to you. As long as you love me. But it could be impossible that she was in love with me, as I am in love with her.
I laid on her chest, cuddling her close.
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tag list: @trans-wolf-boi
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hyperbole-smut · 9 months
I'd like to tell you the story about how I met my first boyfriend and then had my first threesome, in that order, but I don't remember most of it because I was overstimulated. What I can do is give you the parts I do remember, and maybe you can stitch them together into something coherent.
Okay, first off, I'm a bi male, 6'0", of Arabic descent and extremely shy. My girlfriend, who instigated the threesome, was straight, 5'3", and mixed Hispanic (I'll call her Dee from here on out), and she has a thing for men who are a lot taller than her. My boyfriend was 5'8", and what Americans call redbone, and we just call red (I'll call him Dan from now on). The reason for giving the descriptions will probably help explain how things progressed the way they did, or not.
Dee's birthday had passed a week before, and my own was only a couple of weeks away when she said that she wanted a MFM threesome, since I had missed her day. She just happened to know a guy who would be willing to be the third, and she invited him to come over today to do it if I agreed. She spent the morning walking around in just some lacy panties, and would occasionally sit in my lap to try to comfort me. After about three hours of waiting, Dan showed up, and I got my first look at him. He was pretty enough, especially since I have a preference for guys like him, but that's what made me nervous. I was, and still am, closeted, and I didn't want to get into a situation where I could watch but not touch something I wanted. He, on the other hand, kept looking at me, even though Dee was there with almost everything on display.
Dee took the lead then, and undressed us both, even though I tried to hide my erection and made it more difficult for her. She then told me, in an authoritative way, that I would do everything she told me to, and I agreed without thinking. Dan, on the other hand, hardly looked at Dee, instead glancing over at me as he got most of his clothes off on his own. I remember thinking that he's probably laughing at me in his head, but he told me that he was trying to see if what Dee said was true and that I did have the bigger dick (lengthwise, no, but I am thicker than he is, and according to them both, it gets bigger once it's in).
Once we were all naked (I don't know when her panties came off, but I do remember that I was the only one standing and trying to cover myself up) she got onto her knees and said that she wanted to try fitting both of us into her mouth at once. Dan stood right next to me, and I could feel his skin touching mine all along my right side, and I didn't know whether I wanted to put an arm around his waist or to pull away. He didn't have the same problem, though, and wrapped one arm around me and took hold of Dee's head with the other. As she started licking both of our shafts, I tried concentrating on the sensation, but Dan's hand started to wander down. By the time Dee managed to get both of the heads in her mouth, his hand was cupping my ass, and I was having trouble concentrating. Dan was rocking slightly, and I could feel his cock rubbing against mine while Dee played with them both.
She stopped after a few more minutes, I think, and then told me to lie down on the couch. She then motioned to Dan, and he lay with me, our legs intertwined and our cocks right next to each other. Dee then kneeled next to the couch and started jerking us off together, occasionally licking up the precum that she didn't rub over the both of our shafts. I remember that I was still nervous, and it took me longer to get ready to cum because of that, but Dan didn't have that problem, and started moving against her hand (and me) again.
When he came, Dee kept going, but she paid more attention to my dick, and she made me start cumming before he finished. She then licked up as much as she could, and pulled us both into a sitting position. She put her hand behind my head and pulled me into a kiss, and I was absently grinding against Dan as I got my first taste of our mixed cum. Ske turned away from me, without breaking contact with my face (causing some of the cum on her cheek to smear against mine) and gave Dan a similar kiss. By then my inhibitions were mostly gone, and when she turned both of our faces to each other, I traded my first kiss with another man.
While I was getting caught up in the kiss, Dee found that this was extremely erotic to her, and she leaned back to start fingering herself as I started getting into what I was doing. She kept it up until we both felt something warm splash against us, and saw her flailing around, squirting and still trying to rub her clit. As I leaned over to her, Dan's hand came down between us, and he started rubbing both of our shafts again.
I was fully hard again by the time Dee calmed down, and she pulled me down and onto her, saying she wanted me inside right now. I didn't waste time, and once I fully entered her, she wrapped her legs around me and she gestured to Dan. I felt him move off of the couch and behind me, but it was only when he and Dee spread me open that I guessed what was going to happen.
Feeling him slide into me, with some of our cum and his own precum acting as lube, was almost a holy experience. The feeling of being filled, while being wrapped in the silky tightness of Dee, made me feel like this was where I belonged. Being embraced by the both of them, as well as the sensation of Dan moving inside of me, was more than I could process, and I simply enjoyed the sensations until my partners came. Dee came first, clawing at my back and grinding her clit against me as she tightened and tried milking the cum out of my cock before I was ready. Then Dan thrust himself as deep into me as he could, and I felt the heat in the pit of my stomach before I came, and Dee bit down on my shoulder to keep from screaming in ecstasy.
I don't remember much after that, but they recorded parts of it and we watched them for our second date together. Among the highlights was Dan cumming on both of our faces and me licking her clean, Dee holding his face down onto my cock as I came, Dee riding me as Dan pounded into me behind her and finally all three of us lying on the floor, sticky and limp after cumming all over each other.
As a final note, Dan is gay. He wasn't even interested in doing anything directly with Dee, since he prefers Arabic men over Latinos, but she wanted me to have my first experience with another man for my birthday so she called him. He never let Dee do anything for him during our first threesome, unless I was also directly involved. Later on, Dee would insist that we all share a bed on the weekends, but that was mainly because she enjoys watching two men fuck. I didn't mind then, but once the three of us broke up, I find sleeping by myself very lonely. I hope you enjoy it, and that you can probably make something coherent out of this.
This was a cute and fun read 🤗 Glad you had such a positive first ecperience, both in a threesome and gay experience 🩷
Hope you've found the peace and opportunity to be open today, and that you are happy and confident in yourself 🩷
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nyaagolor · 3 months
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Good morning I’m having a moment. Design hcs under the cut
- It’s hard to tell because of Reko’s makeup, but the yabusiblings have the exact same eye shape! They have hooded lids and slightly upturned almond shaped eyes with prominent eye bags. Reko covers her entire lid + eyebags with eyeliner / shadow, which gives her eyes a different vibe than Alice’s. They also both have very long lashes, which Reko accentuates with mascara
- They both have their ears pierced, but Alice has only the single lobe pierced because he’s nervous around needles (he uses T gel let’s be real) while Reko has like 8 piercings per ear. Alice rarely wears earrings anyway so it doesn’t matter much
- They have a similar eyebrow shape, but Alice’s are shorter and thicker while Reko’s are thinner and longer. Alice shapes them like that on purpose
- Reko’s nose is very round, small, and flat, while Alice has a way higher nose bridge and a more defined shape
- Alice’s face is more tapered and his cheekbones are higher. Reko has a more rounded face, but also has a more wide jawline and chin which Alice is a little jealous about. Their cheeks are both very round so they tend to squint when they smile too wide :)
- They both had a very similar physique, but Alice is extremely tall so he used to look lithe / almost lanky. He now has a much thicker neck and broader shoulders than Reko because he works out a lot
- Reko and Alice have very stringy hair that easily juts out messily in all directions, and used to have matching bangs. The blond strip of Reko’s hair used to be grown out to mirror Alice’s consistent bang style, but when he went to prison she chopped most of it off, only leaving the one blond strand long. She couldn’t bear to cut it completely.
Assorted other hcs not pictured bc I didn’t want to draw fullbodies:
- They have pretty similar proportions for the most part, so Alice used to look way thinner than Reko because of his height and extremely long legs
- They’re the same shoe size. Alice hates this
- Even though they can fit in a lot of the same clothes (they have similar proportions and sizes, Alice is just taller), Alice is banned from wearing Reko’s shirts— his chest is too wide and he stretches them out, which drives her crazy
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moony-ghoul · 10 months
ghoul hair hcs
dew: his hair was naturally a cool almost white blonde when he was a water ghoul, after his transformation his hair become auburn. he bleaches it still to a platinum blonde, he doesn’t feel like himself when he’s ginger. despite the bleaching he keeps his hair very healthy having a whole ass weekly schedule just dedicated to his hair, it’s long and just reaches his waist. for body hair he’s not very hairy as is but he still shaves everything for sensory reasons, sometimes he’ll let his pubes/ happy trail grow but even then it’s very light and grows very slow
rain: rains hair is thick and dark, there’s a slight curl to it, he has a shaggy kinda wolfcut that just reaches his collarbones. he likes to keep a bit of stubble on his face (mainly cause dew likes it). he cannot grow leg hair (water ghoul thing), he keeps the rest of himself trimmed and proper but even then it doesn’t make much of a difference because of how thick all his hair is, he’s got a perfect line down the middle of his torso reaching a nice splatter of hair on his chest, he keeps a nice bush going
phantom: PHANTOM FUZZYYY. cause of their vitiligo their hair grows black and white depending on the colour of the skin underneath. they have very shaggy hair it’s short but has no particular style to it, it’s so thick that it just kinda stands up on its own and ant has learnt to not fight it, most of the hair of their head is black except for a large streak near their face that’s white. that white streak from their face goes down across their eye leaving them with a white eyebrow. they cannot grow facial hair. because the colour of their hair matches the colour of their skin they look like they’re pretty hairless especially when wet but when you get up close you can see this ghoul has a pretty solider layer of fuzz all over their body, it gets thicker in the winter but also means they shed in the summer, they never shave it’s too much of a hassle which means they have a thick bush
swiss: swiss is fuckin HAIRY. dense dark curly hair from his collar bones to his dick, a well trimmed but thick beard, long dreads reaching midway down his back. if he had his way he’d let it all grow forever without a care in the world but he has a small fire ghoul wife who has built him a perfect routine for caring for his intense hair, making sure his beard is trimmed and neat and his body hair is still soft and clean. after about a month of dew bullying him into a self care routine he actually really started to enjoy it, he loves feeling good and knowing he looks and smells good for his partners
mount: he has very thin hair and it’s very light. he’s ginger. the only hair that isn’t thin is the hair on his head which is long w a slight wave, resembles a lions mane when he wakes up. he does not shave at all so he has full bush leading up to a pretty lil happy trail, he’s got a lil chest hair (it kinda looks like a big heart in the centre of his chest) but his legs are hella hairy it’s almost fur, he also has the same on his arms. it’s all a lot of hair but very thin hair so you don’t get the full picture until it’s wet and sticking to him (when he sweaty). in summer when he’s tan it’s less visible but he’s the same as ant where he’ll grow a winter coat in a way
cirrus: my girl is the hairiest out of everyone. she doesn’t shave at all and is covered in thick dark hair. she has like a long mullet, she takes great care of all her hair so it’s beautiful silky shiny. she doesn’t have a whole lot of chest hair but her tummy and bush are hella fuzzy. she has a double slit in her eyebrow that came from a scar (thanks dew). the hair on her arms and legs contour her muscles so perfectly and it makes everyone fuckin drool
cumulus: cumulus is so particular about her hair, her and dew write out their hair care schedules together, they have completely different hair textures but they just like having someone to talk to about it. her hair is white and big and curly (3b to be specific) it looks like a cloud. she only shaves her pits but the rest of her hair is so light she doesn’t see a point in shaving it, sometimes she’ll shave her legs just cause she likes the feeling of being all smooth and on occasion she’ll trim up her pubes. much like some ppl say “don’t talk to me before i’ve had my coffee” lus will say “don’t talk to me until i’ve done my hair”
aurora: rory is a hair dye girly, her natural colour is a pastel pink but she loves changing it up every few weeks, dew taught her how to bleach her hair and take care of it after and she hasn’t looked back since. her favourites are pastel colours. she has a ramona flowers type cut with a bob but longer in the front, sometimes she’ll let it grow out for a few months but she doesn’t like the feeling of hair on her shoulders. she likes to keep the rest of her body fairly hairless, she keeps her lil happy trail tho and shaves her pubes into a heart.
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justwritedreams · 2 years
Just a animal | Baekhyun
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Baekhyun x Reader, werewolf au! Word count: 2025 Genre: smut Author: maari  Warnings: Brief mention of fresh meat because yeah it's a werewolf au, sex without protection (don't do this at home), mentions of masturbation, Baekhyun is big, oral (f receiving), fingering, rough sex like pretty filthy + 18 MINORS DNI Note: i guess i need to let you know that this is my first time writing about werewolves so please take it easy on me lol based on the song animal by the cab 🙈 Mom if you ever read that I'M SO SORRY! Request: I want to read werewolf Baekhyun and reader's mating. Maybe babies too.🤭
⫷ Exo Masterlist
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Y/N felt something different since waking up.
Her body felt strange, it wasn't like when she had been bitten by a werewolf and turned into this species, it was very different.
She was hot, like she was feverish and strangely horny.
She had woken up rubbing herself against the duvet she was using, she found it strange because she didn't remember having any erotic dreams and she even ignored that fact, but when she got up to take a shower it was as if her whole body was on fire, her stiff nipples ached, her belly had a nuisance and her panties were extremely wet.
Well, without thinking too much and just wanting to get rid of that feeling, she touched herself during the shower and thought it would help, as well as the hot water that ran through her body, but nothing changed. She needed more than her fingers and as she tried to reach the climax, the only image that came to her mind was the leader of the pack.
She got out of the shower completely embarrassed in her own mind, the scenes that had been playing out in her head were… wild and made her even more horny than she already was.
Feeling as if the sun was burning every part of her body, she decided to go without clothes, only her panties because well, she would probably have to touch herself again and the friction with the fabric of her panties was torture but too good.
Y/N lay down on the bed, taking a deep breath and tried in every way to get the impure thoughts out of her head, tried to think of anything else - even her fangs or the taste of fresh meat in her mouth - but nothing seemed to be more important than the pictures in her head.
The way he was holding her waist possessively, his hot lips on her skin, their legs intertwined as he drove deep into her was driving her crazy and Y/N couldn't control the moan that sounded more like a desperate cry from someone who was rubbing against nothing.
She needed to do something but she knew her fingers weren't going to ease the tightness in her belly, she needed something firmer, harder and thicker. She bit her lip and closed her eyes as she imagined how he could look completely without clothes, imagined him big and sculpted as if he had been drawn by the gods themselves, Adonis might be jealous of him.
Her thoughts were interrupted by her bedroom door and Y/N opened her eyes at the same moment, feeling a shiver all over her body when she saw that the figure from her wildest dreams was standing there in front of her looking at her so intensely that felt vulnerable.
Baekhyun stared at her like she was his prey and his eyes devoured Y/N.
It was a privileged view he was having, after all she was covering her own intimacy to try to undo the knot in her womb, rubbing her palm there while her breasts were exposed.
Y/N took a deep breath when she noticed that he had a bulge in his black leather pants, it wasn't just because the pants were extremely tight but seeing how big he really was trapped by the fabric, made her mouth water and a sob escaped. 
Baekhyun closed the door behind him and smirked.
“Your thoughts are pretty loud for this time of day.” he spoke softly and Y/N had to control the urge to moan just hearing it.
She was acting pathetic but it was just her instinct. She didn't know why or how she was acting that way but everything about Baekhyun was too attractive.
“I don't know what's happening to me.” she whispered, without strength and saw Baekhyun suck in a large amount of air, closing his eyes at the scent of the room.
“I could smell you from across the woods.” he took slow steps towards her and watched Y/N's hand that covered her intimacy, only with that she rubbed the intimacy against her own palm, the friction wasn’t so good anymore, it was painful. “I thought I was delirious but I felt your body calling out to me.”
She swallowed and was suddenly shy. Did it have to do with the fact that he'd turned her? They had an unearthly bond but did he sense when she was horny too?
“Baekhyun…” she begged, not knowing why.
He crouched beside her, bringing his fingers to her lips and down to her chin and neck, making her close her eyes.
"You don't know what time it is, do you?" he asked, amused to see her so at the mercy of his most mundane touch.
Then he took the opportunity to bring his mouth to her ear, biting and licking the skin in a way that made Y/’N gasp at the feel of his teeth there.
“It is the mating season.” he whispered and she felt her entire body shiver with excitement.
Fuck, him talking like that was so sensual and could make her come at any moment. And he wasn't even inside her.
"Please." she asked as she felt him slide his fingers down to her sensitive breasts.
“I will make it pass.” he placed a kiss below her ear and breathed in Y/N's perfume, who just turned her head to the other side giving him complete access to do what he wanted with her neck. "But first, we're going to have some fun."
Baekhyun attacked Y/N's skin, with wet kisses, bites that would leave marks and strong hickeys that made her take the hand that touched her intimacy to his shoulders, squeezing and scratching.
He continued torturing her deliciously until Y/N started rubbing her legs together, seeking some kind of relief, but Baekhyun held her legs tightly forcing her to stop.
She complained but he laughed against her skin and kissed down to Y/N's breasts, it was impossible to control the moan when she felt his tongue all over her hot skin, she felt her panties getting even wetter with each lick and she took all her frustration out on his back, scratching hard.
When he bit down on the area, Y/N rolled her eyes and closed them so tightly as she felt the air go out of her lungs.
“I need more, please.” she pleaded quietly, hearing his chuckle.
Baekhyun pulled away and she opened her eyes instantly.
"What do you need?" he asked, feigning innocence and his fingers trailed over Y/N's breasts, her waist and stopped at her hip bone, not holding back she swayed her hips as if she would somehow gain what she needed.
“If you don't tell me, I can't guess.” Y/N bit her lip and stared at him steadily, or at least she tried to because his eyes were so dark and intense that she lost all composure.
“Your tongue.” she replied and saw him raise his eyebrow as if to say that wasn't enough. “Inside me, please.”
She didn't care if she looked desperate when begging, she just wanted him to do something, undo the knot in her belly that ached with so much lust.
“It was you who asked.” he warned before getting ready in bed and kissed every inch of Y/N's belly.
She sucked in a huge amount of air at the feel of him so close, her legs were weak and she moaned when she felt his teeth in the hem of her panties, feeling her body practically combust she looked at him and had the most pleasurable sight she could, he took off her wet panties with his teeth, in a calm that didn't match the atmosphere or Y/N's desperation.
When the piece was no longer in the way, she felt her intimacy clench at the way he was looking at her. Like the animal he was.
And then he brought his mouth to where she needed it most and literally devoured her. His tongue moved masterfully, with just the right speed and pressure that had Y/N moaning and moaning, louder and louder, more and more desperate.
When he added his fingers, without removing his tongue from Y/N's throbbing point, she cried, feeling closer and closer to her climax, took her hands to his light hair and pulled the strands desperately, the inner muscles of the thigh trembled as her intimacy contracted with each movement he made, in and out.
Seeing how close she was to reaching her first orgasm of the day, he started talking dirty to her as his fingers entered and exited quickly and precisely and it was enough for Y/N to feel her body heat up even more and the wave of pleasure hit her full on as she released everything and a scream ripped from her throat.
Spasm after spasm had her gripping Baekhyun's hair tightly as he cleaned her with his tongue, making her cry for being so sensitive but she didn't care at all.
He lifted the torso and she pulled him into an intense and messy kiss, she was bewildered and her tongue seemed thirsty to find Baekhyun's, and faster than they imagined every piece of clothing that prevented Y/N from feeling him completely naked already had been thrown around the corners of the room.
Y/N broke the kiss to face him in his natural form, she bit her lip as she noticed that he was even bigger than she had imagined and was all she needed at that moment.
He positioned himself between her legs, making her wrap her legs around his waist and looked into her eyes intently before invading her roughly, without giving her time to even blink.
Y/N groaned as she felt him hard inside her, her insides contracted and all she wanted was for him to move soon but unlike what she imagined, Baekhyun went slowly, smiling evilly as she complained and suffered.
He was enjoying torturing her and she knew he was just waiting for her to ask.
"Please." he tilted his head to the side, almost stopping thrusting inside her. “Fuck me, please.” she begged, already impatient and he blinked before gripping her waist possessively, just like the images she'd had in her head before.
And then, he started to thrust hard and fast, the sound of skins slapping invaded the room and moans and grunts soon mixed. He thrust in and out of her in an animalistic way, it was rough, hard but it was making Y/N twitch all her toes and every hair on her body stand on end.
He then took one of her legs up to his shoulder and he went back to thrusting even harder Y/N screamed, closing her eyes and digging her nail into his skin not caring if it hurt.
He began to speak obscenities to her, close to Y/N's ear, who felt her breath run out more and more and every muscle contract. How good she was to him, how tight she was.
She called his name over and over, begging him to make her come and when she heard him moan in her ear, it was enough for the second orgasm to hit her harder.
However, that didn't stop him, in fact it served to keep him thrusting inside her at an even more brutal pace, making her cry with pleasure. She was hypersensitive but she wanted more, even more.
Y/N bit Baekhyun's shoulder feeling their bodies sweat, the sound of their skins slapping against each other was pornographic.
And he tightened his grip on her waist even more, something that would leave marks, and he swore as his peak hit him.
She took a deep breath and turned to face him, feeling a shiver run through her body when she noticed that he didn't seem to be the least bit tired or satisfied.
On that day, at that time, they weren't making love. They were acting like the two animals they were.
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danzaloreley · 2 years
Calm Storm
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x harpy!Reader
Summary: Secret hideouts
Warning: None
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A storm was to pass through, the sky was darkened by the second. There weren’t any chirping birds early in the morning and that pleased the pigtailed girl waking up. A silent bliss interrupted by Enid’s screaming at the top of her lungs. Wednesday sat up in alert looking for an intruder only to see her girlfriend cackling as she perched on top of the blonde’s headboard.
“What are you doing?!” Enid shrieked while throwing pillows at the harpy. “I’m just waiting for my sweetheart. We gonna have a day for just us.” “Never call me that again.” the dark hair girl grimaced and stood up to get ready. “How long have you been there? Whyyy Y/N?” “Hour and a half give or take. Thing has been tickling your foot, but all that managed to do was make you growl. And Wednesday is never fazed so” the afformentioned hand scurried off to Wednesday’s bed. “Thing, you betrayed me.” the blonde put a hand to her chest and gawked with faux indignation.
“If you’re through with Enid’s morning torment I would ask that you wait for me out by the gates, mon cher.” the harpy turned to her lover and swiftly left with a beaming smile, not before stealing a kiss from her.
Wednesday saw the growing smirk on her roommate. “Stop it.”
The howling of the wind and swaying of branches brought peace as you both walked. You had led Wednesday deep into the woods, the trees becoming thicker, large roots protruding from the ground. The canopy obscured most of the sky plunging into darkness. Both stopped infront of a giant tree before you turned around holding the girl’s hand.
“Is this where you have planned my demise, uccello rapace?” Wednesday had her usual stoic expression, but there was a soft smile on the edge of her lips.
“If I was to come up with a way, I would hope to think of something better then a murder in the woods. Pretty basic.” your hand held her by the back of the neck while the other held her close to you around her waist. A wicked grin on your face before-
Without warning you flew to the top of a strong sturdy branch. Wednesday’s hair tussled and angry look your way. “You should consider yourself lucky I’m not strangling you right now.” you walked her back carefully to the trunk with a sultry look. “You know that I’m not against it one bit. Getting down would be hard though and to think I was sharing my hideaway.” she tilted her head asking for elaboration while you put on the enchanted ring to make the wings meld and just shoved the trunk behind her forcefully.
There was a carved hole and inside lay a nest. It was arranged with hay, twigs, yarn, ribbons and on the edges vertebraes and skulls of a menagerie of small creatures adorned it. There were blankets and pillows for their comfort and scattered black feathers. Some books, and crumpled paper in a corner.
“It’s not much, but this is where I go when I’m overwhelmed. I enjoy the solitude in it.” the smaller woman sat cross legged and took it all in. Her love’s sanctum and she was sharing it so willingly. “Cozy. How long did it take to carve in?” You secured the entrance as the rain picked up.
“Hm. Well, I spent every day here last year. Safe and unaware of the going-ons of a certain little detective.” you quipped sitting down beside her.
“I’m glad that you were not involved.”
Only a few words that moved your heart immensely. The way her gaze fixated on you, the softness that was reserved for you alone. “If any harm comes to you in a such a way again, know that I will destroy Jericho without remorse.”
There were so many emotions swirling together, but the most prominent the devotion and love for one another. Wednesday slowly straddled the girl’s hips without breaking eye contact. The movements were slow, tentative as she leaned to capture your lips.
Wednesday Addams was feared for the destruction and coldness same as the storm. Wednesday Addams was not soft, vulnerable or delicate, but as the stormed raged outside, she became it all for you.
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So very excited your requests are finally open!
There's not much love for Vincent's on here!
With that being said I would love to see a scene with him and a plus size reader who wears glasses. Perhaps she's having an insecure day and just needs a little reassurance so he pulls her into his lap even though she is afraid she'd hurt him or takes her out somewhere special.
as a plus size woman who wears glasses, I 10000% approve!
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Most of the time when you look at yourself in the mirror, you can’t see any reason why VINCENT would be attracted to you.
Are you pretty? Well, sort of. Maybe. But looking at yourself, thinking about yourself, your mind strips that beauty away for all the things you think don’t make you pretty. Your mind beats at you with two things specifically ― “If you didn’t have these glasses, you would be so beautiful. If you weren’t bigger than other women, you would be so beautiful.”
While you don’t doubt your lover when he says he finds you pretty, you just wonder exactly how he can.
On any average day, you don’t feel too badly about yourself. You go about life, you do everything you need to, and you spend time with Vincent. You’re happy, on the whole.
Sometimes, however, these thoughts just creep into your mind. (Quite obviously, and rudely, without your permission.) While you do your best not to get too terribly down, when these days happen, there must be something about it that shows in your face.
When Vincent walks out of his study and downstairs to where you’re curled up on the couch reading, there’s very little hesitation on his part. He sits down next to you, immediately setting a hand on your thigh. “My, look what I’ve found. Some kind of fairy queen, relaxing with her nose in a book.”
He’s so… silly, sometimes. What in the world does he even mean by that? You’ll never know exactly what goes on in his head. It charms you just the same, though.
“Taking a break from work?” you ask softly. One of the big giveaways, you’re sure, is that you don’t look over at him.
“Mhm. I needed to come see my darling.” He scoots himself a little closer and kisses your cheek. His free hand comes up to rest on your shoulder, the one on your thigh giving a small squeeze. “You look lovely today. As always, of course. But there’s something a bit more special about how you’re glowing today.”
What a flatterer. How can he even mean things like that…? Is he looking at the same person you see in your mirror? What is he doing?
Maybe he knows how you’re feeling today. Vincent is incredibly perceptive, and there are times he’s known what you need before you did. It’s not like he doesn’t give you such over-the-top compliments normally, of course; he just seems to be laying it on thicker than usual.
You lean into his touch anyway, closing your book. If you struggle to find where you left off later, you don’t think you’ll be complaining. “Glowing? It’s probably just the glare off my glasses. Don’t confuse yourself.”
He chuckles. You love that sound more than anything. It’s deep and rich and coats your whole being. “I’m not confused in the slightest, my dear. My eyes are as sharp as ever.”
Before you realize what he’s doing, you’ve been tugged (gingerly) into his lap. “Ah, there we are! Now I can get a close up.”
“Ah―! Vincent, what are you doing??” Regardless, you quickly bury your face against his neck. “I’m… I’m going to break one of your legs or something…”
He laughs again, then presses a kiss to the top of your head. “Oh, don’t be ridiculous. If you haven’t broken any of my bones with all the other things the two of us have done, you simply sitting in my lap won’t do it.”
You feel yourself blushing all the way down your neck, and you elect not to make a response to that particular statement.
“Do tell your insecurities to quiet down, won’t you?” he murmurs against the shell of your ear. “They’re making it difficult for me to kiss my beautiful girl properly.”
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deatheatet · 7 months
Part two of Grace Lived AU.
Grace sighed. She knew this was coming but didn't like talking about it none the less,either way, she started the story.
- 14 years ago-
Everything was going amazing. Grace's school was going two years strong, and the kids loved it and her. The clan loved Grace and some other humans,her science group. Which, unfortunately,held,just Grace herself, Trudy Chacon, her pilot, and Lyle Wainfleet, her group escort. The kids liked Trudy and Lyle when he came,he played with them, and Trudy let them do her hair. Everything was perfect,Grace loved all of her students, and even the fact most of the kids called her "Sa'nok," which translates to "Mother" in English. She heard from Mo'at that, the Taraygini Clan was visiting and was wondering whether any of the Taraygini kids would want to attend her school. She wondered this ever since she heard that the other clan was visiting. She was taking care of Arvok and Neytiri for the day,Mo'at and Eytkan were taking a break,She didn't know WHERE Ateyo and Artsut were and Tsu'tey and Slywanin were hunting together. So she happily babysat the two for a while. She was walking to her school with them when she came across Mo'at there.....With a very attractive man she hadn't seen before. He was tall,taller than her, and that was saying something since she's almost 10 feet,had more muscles than the Omayicaya, so his build was thicker. His hair was the same thick black as the Omayicaya,and was done in a similar manner to Tsu'tey's but longer and a little jagged. He was wearing a necklace of beads,a few feathers, and mostly fangs. His arm band was claws and feathers. He had an ear ring like Neytiri, too,but again, it was a fang instead of feathers. Grace felt a strange pull,it was even weirder because she hadn't met him,so she walked over to him and Mo'at. "Ole Natagie Kamaie(I see you) Mo'at," Grace said, walking over and extending three fingers from her forehead. Mo'at immediately smiled and pulled Grace over,happy to introduce her to the man.
"This is Tey'ik,Grace. He is Eykani and Tsurka's best warrior"(Eykani and Tsurka are the previous Ole'ektan and Tsahik of the Taraygini). Grace smiled but it faltered slightly now that she was close enough to actually look at him,He had two scars onnhis face,one over his eye and one on his cheek then one across his abdomen,this one much longer and bigger but she shook it off and did, "I see you." The man,Tey'ik, just stared at her for a second, confused before saying,"You speak Na'vi, yet you are a sky person?" Grace smiled and Nods. Mo'at smiles. "This is Grace,Tey'ik. She is the sky person Karyu teaching the children." Mo'at said. Tey'ik shrugged.
"I teach the kids human stuff,like English,math,science, and stuff."Grace smiles, Tey'ik blinked obviously a little confused. "What Is any of that?"
"English is our language, and the other stuff is things we learn young.: Grace smiled. Tey'ik blinked confused but shrugged and didn't respond. It was weird, but he could handle weird,to his shock,if it came from this pretty sky person. She was shorter than him but obviously taller than most,she had Strange hands and something above her eyes that seemed to help her expressions. Her eyes weren't as gold as the Na'vi, but they were a soft amber color,her stripes were a gentle wave like pattern....She was pretty,for a sky person he supposed. "Hmm. You teach the Omayicaya children human things?" Tey'ik asked,Grace smiled and nodded. Grace stopped for a second before running past Tey'ik,ran up and grabbed Arvok and Neytiri's hands, jerking them back from a carnivorous plant. Neytiri yelped and jumped into Grace's arms, and Arvok jumped back and hugged Grace's leg. Grace sighed and scolded them gently for not being careful. "Both of you,honestly, what would Slywanin or Tsu'tey do if you two got hurt?"Grace scolded the two little Na'vi. Tey'ik looked at Mo'at. "She scolds the children?" Mo'at smiled and responded,"Grace is very good with the children, and she loves them. The children are the same about her....They call her Mother" Tey'ik stayed quiet. This was strange,the children must truly care for her.
"And we started spending more time together, and eventually, it turned into love." Grace finished. Jake and Norm stared...."And YOU,"Norm said, looking at Trudy,"Knew about all this?" Trudy looked away obviously guilty. Well,Jake thought,this was an interesting discovery.
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ghost-town-story · 8 months
FebruarOC Day 6: Finn
It was bitterly cold this early in the morning, when the sun was still a ghost below the horizon just beginning to show signs of awakening. Still, Finn bounced impatiently outside of Lysander’s tent, willing to wait through the cold if it meant he could shadow one of the early morning patrols.
Luckily, Finn wasn’t waiting long before the entrance flap to the tent opened, revealing a yawning Lysander. He stopped in his tracks when he caught sight of Finn waiting for him.
“You’re really serious about this, eh?” His accent was thicker than usual, his words blurring together a bit.
Finn nodded.
Lysander sighed. “Alright, come on.”
Finn eagerly fell into step next to Lysander as he started for the edge of the camp.
Lysander glanced at Finn and raised an eyebrow. “You’re awfully well prepared.”
“Better safe than sorry,” Finn replied, making sure his shield was snug against the back of his shoulder.
Lysander just hummed in response.
Silence fell between them as they made their way out of the tents and into the trees that bordered this side of the camp. Even the trees were quiet, only the occasional groan of wood and the steady crunch of snow beneath their feet to break the silence.
As they approached the sentry post, a woman jumped down from the elevated platform. “Morning Lysander,” she greeted. “Looks like you got yourself a little shadow today, huh?”
“Mmmyeah,” Lysander said, breaking into a yawn. “Stubborn little shadow. Finn, Klara. Klara, Finn.”
Klara grinned and waved at Finn.
“Anything to report or just stretching your legs?” Lysander finished.
“Just stretching, and seeing what’s up with the little shadow,” Klara answered. “It was pretty quiet out there last night, the only thing I heard was some wildlife moving through maybe an hour ago.”
Lysander nodded, stifling another yawn in the back of his hand.
“Alright, I won’t hold you up any more,” Klara said. “Nice to meet you, Finn.”
Finn waved at her as she made her way back up into the sentry post, and he and Lysander crossed under it to continue deeper into the trees.
“Alright,” Lysander said after they had walked a while. “We’re just making sure nobody’s getting too close without the sentries noticing, so just a quick circle around to check, and then we’ll be…”
Lysander trailed off, his gaze focusing on a patch of snow a few feet away.
“What?” Finn asked, standing up on his tiptoes to try and see better.
Lysander walked forward, Finn close on his heels. “Well,” he said. “One thing snow is good for.”
As they got closer, Finn saw the patch of disturbed snow Lysander had noticed, which eventually revealed a trail through the snow. The tracks were unmistakably from people, but they were jumbled together, some of them dragging, and it was impossible for Finn to tell just how many people had passed through.
Lysander muttered something Finn didn’t understand, but before Finn could ask what he’d said, he heard a faint whine, like somebody was in pain.
Lysander and Finn both froze, then Lysander bent down so he could whisper in Finn’s ear. “Go back and warn Klara.”
Finn shook his head. “Not until we know how much danger there is.”
Lysander let out a long breath, glancing towards the source of the noise. “Fine,” he conceded. “But if I tell you to run, you run.”
Finn nodded in agreement. He followed Lysander through the trees, stepping in his footprints to reduce the noise of crunching snow. As they moved, Finn started to hear a low voice and the occasional pop and crackle of a fire burning.
Lysander stopped and dropped to his knees next to a bush, gesturing for Finn to do the same. Finn crouched down and crawled the rest of the way to Lysander. Once Finn was next to him, Lysander carefully moved aside some of the branches so they could see.
Just past the bush was a clearing, occupied by two figures. They both appeared young, not much older than Finn if he had to guess, though it was hard to tell with one of them huddled under blankets and the other one facing away.
Finn blinked and shook his head slightly. One of them was speaking, but no matter how hard Finn listened he couldn’t make out a word.
“Oh Anyreth,” Lysander breathed next to him. He put a hand on Finn’s shoulder. “Stay here. I’m going to talk to them.”
“Huh? Wait, but—”
Lysander moved before Finn could finish his question, standing and pushing his way through the bush they were hiding.
The one on his knees whirled around at the noise, and Finn felt his chest tighten at the confirmation that at least one of them was his age. The boy stumbled to his feet, snarling at Lysander.
Lysander held out his hands and spoke quietly. Finn realized that the reason he couldn’t understand the boy was because he wasn’t speaking Common.
The boy hesitated, but he settled into a glare as his hand lit up emerald green. The fire burning a few feet away flared up, twirling through the air at it took on a green tinge.
Lysander spoke again, but even in the unfamiliar language Finn could hear the sudden urgency.
The boy spat something, and the fire twisted over his shoulder and shot straight for Lysander.
Finn threw all of Lysander’s warnings to the wind and scrambled to his feet, sliding his shield off his shoulder. He darted in front of Lysander and as the fire splashed against his shield, he drew a knife and threw it in the boy’s general direction.
“Finn!” Lysander scolded, grabbing his arm to stop Finn from drawing any more weapons, but the knife had the intended effect. The boy yelped, and the fire fizzled out, revealing that while the knife hadn’t cut him, the impact had been enough to knock him off his feet.
“Do not touch your sword,” Lysander growled lowly to Finn.
“Only if he agrees to keep the fire where it belongs,” Finn replied, not taking his eyes off the boy.
The boy grabbed Finn’s knife and staggered to his feet, holding it out in front of him in what was probably supposed to be a threatening manner, though the effect was somewhat ruined by the fact he looked like a strong gust of wind could take him down. His eyes darted constantly between Finn and Lysander.
“We’re not going to hurt you,” Lysander said, and Finn couldn’t help but startle a little at the sudden absence of his accent.
The boy scoffed. “Is this what you call friendly?” he asked. Again, Finn was surprised at the sudden use of Common, but then Lysander squeezed his arm, and he realized that though he wasn’t much of a mage, Lysander must have cast some sort of spell to translate for him.
“To be fair,” Lysander said, his tone light, “you did attack me first.”
The boy bared his teeth.
“We’re not going to hurt you,” Lysander said again. “Please put down the knife. He’s not going to pull any more weapons. I’m not going to draw my sword. Please.”
The boy hesitated, but his arms were shaking. When he lowered the knife, it appeared less because he wanted to and more like he was too tired to continue. Finn figured he should at least appear to follow Lysander’s orders, so he slung his shield back over his shoulder. The move didn’t seem to appease the boy though, as he kept staring at them with evident distrust.
“I’m Lysander,” Lysander said, still with that light and friendly tone. “This is Finn.”
The boy hesitated. “Jared,” he finally introduced himself. “And Will.” He jerked his head towards his companion, who hadn’t emerged from the blankets during the entire confrontation.
“Where are your parents?” Lysander asked.
Jared bared his teeth. “Dead.”
“Are there any adults with you?”
Finn winced in sympathy. The few months he’d spent between leaving his mother and finding Ashe had been rough, and he’d been on roads and in cities and towns most of that time. He’d be willing to bet that Jared and Will hadn’t taken as easy a route as he did.
“Where are you heading?” Lysander asked. “I’d assume somewhere in the lowlands, otherwise you would have taken one of the mountain paths.”
Jared hesitated, glancing over his shoulder at Will without turning too far away from Lysander and Finn. “We’re fine,” he said. “We don’t need your help.”
“You sure look like you’re doing fine,” Lysander said, his tone dry.
“We’re fine!” Jared snapped.
A soft whine came from the blankets covering Will.
Jared darted to Will’s side, the anger immediately bleeding away. “Hey, hey, you’re okay, shh.”
“What’s wrong with him?” Finn asked.
“Nothing,” Jared stressed.
Despite Jared’s attempts at reassurance, the blankets shifted and Will finally appeared, looking far too pale and glassy-eyed to be healthy. Just as Finn had initially thought, he looked around the same age as Finn and Jared.
Will’s silver eyes met Finn’s, and to Finn’s surprise, something like relief crossed his face before his head fell against Jared’s shoulder.
Jared looked over at Finn and Lysander, a scowl slowly settling on his face. “Are you sure?” he said.
“Sure about what?” Lysander asked.
“Not you,” Jared hissed.
Will nodded against Jared’s shoulder. Jared sighed and carefully tucked the blankets around Will’s shoulders again before fixing his glare on Lysander. “You actually want to help us?” he asked.
Lysander nodded.
“Swear it.”
“I just want to help you. I swear it on Anyreth’s name and my life.”
Jared’s scowl didn’t let up, but he no longer looked two seconds away from attacking them again, which was an upgrade in Finn’s mind.
“Will is… sick,” he finally said. “And I don’t… know how to help him.”
“We’re not far from our camp,” Lysander said. “There are healers who can help Will. Are you okay if we take you there?”
Jared hesitated, but Will nodded again, which apparently was enough to sway him. “Fine.”
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dronebiscuitbat · 28 days
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 75)
(Migraine... all I could stomach writing today, apologies.)
“I don't like the sound of that…” Uzi deadpanned, scooting to the side of the bed as N sat on the edge, his legs looked like they were about to give out, and he buried his head in his hands with a sigh.
“I'm just gonna send you the pictures…” He sounded defeated, like he was lost in the middle of the sea. And when he turned to her his gaze was heavy, his other hand petting over his daughters back as she slept.
The pictures came one by one, each one making her core fall into her stomach, a pit opened up to the hollow core, eating it out from the inside like a fetted rot, tendrils snaking up trees and dragging them into a gaping maw.
“Well… thats… an issue.” Is all she could say as she went through he small series of photos he'd sent, memorizing them and putting them through her processors to try and come up with some kind of solution. Panic bubbling just under the surface.
“Y-yeah, yeah it is.” N breathed out, rubbing his own arm as they continued to sit in silence, N felt dread crawl up his throat as he watched his girlfriends core, thier unborn child visibly changing the color. And he gulped, pushing down the lump in his throat.
“H-how far away is that?” She asked slowly, her voice in a forced sense of calm that even N could pick up on, even so, her calm demeanor made his own nerves settle the slightest bit.
“35 miles according to V.”
Uzi fell silent again, messing with the ball joint on her hand as he saw her continously scroll through the pictures on her visor. Her face contorted in an unreadable expression. He heard her fans kick on higher, taking in more air as she sat.
“That's… not a lot.” She hummed after a moment, before he saw her close the images and pull up something else that he couldn't make out from his angle.
“It's… whatever it is, is too big to just burn… from the look of it, it's the same thing that was under Doll's bed… any explosive would aerosol it… and who knows what that would do.” She thought aloud, pulling up more things on her visor that he didn't recognize.
“You're not… uh… freaking out?” N asked, giving her a wary, almost distraught smile.
“Oh no, I am. This is like… an end of the world scenario.” She held up her hand, which on closer inspection, was trembling.
“But… I'm tired of panicking… and no good solution will come if I just freak out.” She explained, taking a deep breath as she ran her fingers through her hair.
“Right, you're right.” He shook his head, trying to clear the deep seated fear clinging to his processors. “So do you have an idea? This thing spreads fast.”
“If we can't kill it… and it's spreading. Then we need to evacuate.” Uzi's voice came out slightly shaky, and one of her hands came up to grip her core, feeling her own core-beat… and a slightly smaller, much more important one.
“There's no way off the planet… you couldn't fix the pod.” N interjected, wrapping his tail around his mate instinctually, Uzi winced at first, the dream she just had coming to the forefront for just a moment before she relaxed into the gentle squeeze.
“And even if I could, we'd be leaving everyone else here to die…” She finished softly, breathing out in vain attempt to keep thinking, and not fall into panic, panic was easy, but ultimately would work against them.
Keep Thinking.
“I couldn't fix the pod on my own it was too damaged and frankly whoever designed it was an idiot.” She genuinely hated that thing, it was like it was designed to break into a million peices at the slightest hint trouble.
“But maybe if we could reverse engineer what's there we could make our own way off the planet? I couldn't do it alone but… all of us. Workers are pretty efficient at mass coordination, heh.” She made a goofy finger gun that was half-assed and incredibly nervous. “Still we'd have to get everybody on board…I know there's not a lot of us but… it's not like anybody's gonna listen to me.”
“It's the best plan we have. So we have to try right?” N grabbed one of her hands looking tentatively hopeful. A plan was better then no plan.
“It's a long shot… even if we can get everyone to work together there's no guarantee that we'd be able to make something that will fit all of us in time.” Uzi squeezed it back, before looking over at Tera still sleeping, though kicking a leg in her sleep while squeaking softly.
N followed her gaze, the two parents looking at their sleeping toddler before looking back at each other.
“For her. We have to try… she won't have a future otherwise.”
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angels--trumpet · 6 months
Repost from the bird app that is incredibly self-indulgent
Flat girl Yuji because their ain't no love for em so I gotta make my own damn food
Goyuu, SFW
Fem 🐯 who's always been rather tall and muscular for a girl and decided that she was way too boyish to be one, so she started dressing up like a boy and made her voice pretty mellow.
Cue eating 👅 finger and 👅 ripping off 🐯 shirt and then realizing.
On wait, this person has boobs. Small af, and barely there but boobs none the less. So that distracts him cause he's looking down, trying to make sense of what happened for a second before being shoved back down by 🐯 who is embarrassed as hell and trying to hide away from 🐺
So that goes a bit differently, anyway
Insert 5️⃣ who just thinks 🐯 prefers to dress boyish and is possibly Trans but has a talk with her and finds out that 🐯 really likes girly things but never felt like she was feminine enough to dress that way, so 5️⃣ changes up 🐯 uniform, starts calling her cute nicknames, tells her she would look cute in certain outfits basicly just encouraging her to be feminin dispute her previous thoughts that she was too masculine to be a lady.
Eventually, 5️⃣ wins and 🐯 starts dressing how they want and not retricting themselves to a single view of femininity
The fem 🐯 in my head basicly still looks the same they just have a bit more feminine features, there lips are a bit thicker, lashes a bit longer face just a tad more delicate, they they got that snatched waist and a strong legs that look like they can kill you with a single kick :>
But overall, they look pretty much the same as they do in the series.
Their hair is cut short till they meet 5️⃣ who encourages her to grow It long so he can style it for her
🌹 teaching 🐯 make up and taking them out shopping for clothes with 5️⃣ tagging along as there wallet and donkey (he doesn't really mind just happy to see 🐯 open up to things she likes)
He of course also adds his own two cents here and there (he knows how to look good) and 🌹 learns that 5️⃣ is kind of a great shopping companion
Extra bits
Fem 🐯 whos not considered a "pretty girl" by society standards being hit on by 5️⃣
🐯:"I mean, I'm kinda of bulky, and I don't have any boobs...won't sensei prefer a feminin girl instead?"
5️⃣: "My type are muscular girls who are shorter than me"
🐯: "Everyone is shorter than you sensei."
5️⃣: *dying inside* "You're missing the point!"
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