#she's such a lil SHIT
pearlcaddy · 1 year
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WILLIAM WELLINGTON & ELIZA SCARLET Miss Scarlet and the Duke 3.05
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qceensofkings · 11 months
continued from x. @jonvandernoorde
"Honestly? No, but I would like to point out that oftentimes my achievements are either greatly exaggerated or greatly underexaggerated."
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"If I'm going to have a record, it should be as accurate as possible."
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saturnrin · 8 months
I love the idea that everything (positive) that Lila lies about somehow comes true for Marinette.
Lila lies about having connections to the queen of England? Suddenly, Marinette is getting regular commissions from the queen herself and forms quite the acquaintance-ship w the royal family.
Lila "is practically family" to an Italian mafia? Marinettes grandmother has quite an eccentric background, and through her, Marinette somehow manages to get a local Italian Mafia to pseudo-adopt her. (Only because she refused to actually be adopted, much to their disappointment)
Lila "went on tour" with Jagged Stone? Guess who wants his favorite designer to accompany him for his U.S. tour during the summer?
Oh, Lila says she acted in a movie for Graham de Vanily Films? Guess who ends up accidentally staring in a Graham de Vanily film?
I just want all the positive things that Lila lies about to happen to Marinette, who is sufficiently surprised every time (you'd think she'd be used to it by now), meanwhile, in the background, Lila gets progressively more pissed.
And the worst part? Every time she tries to upstage Marinette with something even bigger and grander than Marrinettes' own accomplishments? No matter how ridiculous, Marinette somehow ends up stumbling upon That. Exact. Opportunity.
It's incredibly frustrating.
You could say Marinette has some miraculous luck, despite how adamantly Tikki denies any involvement in these increasingly ridiculous turns of events.
All in all; Lila is frustrated, Marinette is frustrated, and Tikki is very amused (as are Adrien and Plagg, who watch this shit-show from the background).
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kristiliqua · 4 months
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b4kuch1n · 3 months
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THEE audiodrama disguised as podcast
#sherlock and co#s&co#sherlock holmes#john watson#mariana ametxazurra#Ive been thinking abt these design SO much lmao. even while doing other things#decided to take cues from acd/granada more. hence sherlock's headband to mimic slicked back hair#and I went with Colors bc. well first of all Im a clown. but second of all I recall some stuff abt victorian fabrics and uh. the wonder of#arsenic green etc#they were enjoying the colors I can commit to some#and. okay Im so real with u Im also a long haired john truther bc he has a podcast of course he'd have long hair but#I think its gonna take a Hot minute. currently this is still like the slightly-grown-out regulation cut#john's jacket is bc he and sherlock are 90s kids. this was a moment of enlightenment to me. I can give john every windbreaker on earth#mariana gets the jean jacket bc I like to imagine she's a y2k kid#(sherlock I think is only 90s kid in year of birth that man's childhood was skipping class to burn shit in the wood)#(but he canonically sews which I fucking love so much. he has not bought new clothes for almost a decade#if a shirt's disintegrating no it isn't. not on his watch)#a lil sad I cant figure out how to give them hats lol I feel like thats the most victorian thing there is. a stupid hat#I can at any moment give one of them a beanie. but I refuse#there are. like a Hoard of other scribbly sketches I did to get used to drawing them. but those are for me those are not for the public#and also theyre in my sketchbook and Im too lazy to scan them#happened mostly during lunar new year lol. I was getting Hard whipped then thank u s&co for carrying me thru#ok I do other things now. have this for a while ok? thank u#have a good night lads. enjoy motion
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tennessoui · 6 months
im sure this has been done soooo many times but gffa au where anakin goes to the jedi council and fesses up to being married and they immediately think he means to obi-wan and he thinks they understood that it's to padmé
("how old were you when you got married?" "Nineteen, just after I became a Jedi Knight. I wasn't a padawan anymore!"
"Consensual, was it? Feel pressured, did you?"
"Not at all! I had to do the convincing. I really begged, for like. an embarrassingly long amount of time. I wanted this marriage more than anything in the entire galaxy."
"Has this marriage affected your reasoning during the war?"
"no way! We have the same principles, fight for the same things. Now I'm just fighting to come home as well so we can be together again.")
and anakin doesn't realize this until obi-wan gets back from a mission, does his debrief with the council, and comes to anakin's quarters with the strangest look on his face. "padawan, why did six members of the Jedi Council just wish me congratulations on my nuptials? to. my. former. padawan."
and anakin is gobsmacked and goes about trying to set the record straight, but now no one believes that he isn't married to obi-wan. they think padmé has agreed to be the cover-up because obi-wan got pissy that anakin told the council before he felt ready.
and to top it all off, now anakin can't stop thinking about actually being married to his master. he hadn't realized that was an option?? but everyone's making some pretty strong cases for it......
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noodleshark · 17 days
"We need more flawed/evil female characters" Some of you people can't even handle Izutsumi
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rebouks · 28 days
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Previous // Next
[crickets chirping – muffled music] Oscar: And you definitely don’t want to go home? [Levi shook his head and rubbed at his eyes, feeling far more vulnerable than he was comfortable with] Robin: His parents aren’t home and I think they’d be kinda like, uh-.. not nice about it, y’know? Levi: My s-sister was gonna babysit me after her curfew at t-ten. Oscar: Okay, well.. how ‘bout we get you checked out first, then you can wait at ours? We can drop you off later like nothing happened, how’s that for a plan-.. Robin? [The knot in Robin’s stomach eased as Levi nodded along with him, swiping at his runny nose with a sodden sleeve] Oscar: Alrighty, let’s go. [Levi stiffened briefly as Oscar easily scooped him up and slung him against his shoulder] Oscar: You okay? [Robin nodded with a faint smile as Oscar ruffled his damp hair] Oscar: You did good, bud. [Robin’s classmate couldn’t help but relax as he clung to Oscar and the warmth that emanated from him, both tangible and not. He might’ve looked scary to begin with but he’d shown Levi more sympathy and compassion in the last five minutes than he’d received from his own family in the last few years] … Oscar: Aren’t you supposed to be retired? Sidney: Aren’t you lucky I’m not! Oscar: Oh, for sure.. heaven forbid another doctor do the exact same job as you. [Sidney scoffed incredulously] Oscar: Really though… Sidney: I’m not bloody well dead yet! I just cover a few casual shifts here n’ there is all. Oscar: Hm-.. better get this guy home n’ properly dry, anyway. Sidney: Yeah, he’ll be alright-.. y’know he’s just as reckless as you, right? Robin: Uh, I’m still here. Oscar: I hear ya! Sid unfortunately has a point though, you shouldn’t-… Robin: Don’t try n’ save someone in oceans or rivers ‘cause the current will get you both, blah blah-.. pools don’t count! Sidney: He’s a smartass like you too.
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deuynndoodles · 2 months
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[id: a colored, digital drawing of link and tetra from the wind waker. link carries a huge, leaking bag of rupees as he runs, eyes wide and nervous. he looks slightly bewildered. tetra runs alongside him, grin wide and looking a bit smug. they are both people of color and have curly hair. link is in his hero's set and tetra in her pirate's set. end id]
(trade w @islandlobster ) anyway i just think she'd be a bad influence
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guinevereslancelot · 3 months
what was with cameron house md she spends 90% of the episode saying she wants their patient to die bc he's a genocidal dictator and her colleague husband says "babe it bothers me for ethical reasons that you want our patient to die :(" and she said "hm maybe you're right :/" but when it comes down to it the genocidal dictator lays a finger on her in an aggressive manner and chase instantly commits medical malpractice to murder the guy and then when he tells her she LEAVES HIM bc boo hoo he's a murderer now like GIRL he killed a man for you!!! he's wracked with catholic guilt!!! he's being crushed beneath the weight of his sins because he chose his devotion to you over his devotion to god!!! he literally could not get any sexier at this moment in time!!!
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Catwoman's new sidekick (dc x dp)
This is very loosely inspired by this prompt. Enjoy the blurb:)
Danny didn’t really like guns. Not the ecto-weapons his parents made, but the actual bullet-filled guns. He knew how to use them, as that was what his parents had based themselves off of to create their own ectoplasm-powered version of it, but he didn’t like them. So when he’d found one not only loaded, but with the safety off in his apartment’s garbage bin, he’d plan to take it and go throw it in the river to make sure nobody would get to use it. Danny wasn’t exactly shocked to see it, this was Gotham after all, but it was a bit of a nasty surprise to say the least. It wasn’t like it could really hurt him anymore, it seemed halfas had a sort of built-in instinct for going intangible (which had explained why the Nasty-Burger-explosion-that-never-happened hadn’t affected him despite being taken completely by surprise).
Not to mention he was already in a bad mood at the news that Vlad was in the city right now for some rich guy nonsense, which Danny was 100% sure meant the fruitloop was going to come by to bother him at some point in the next few days.
“Hello, Daniel,” came Vlad’s voice from behind him as if summoned.
“Get away from me, you creep,” Danny answered, not turning around. Instead, he started walking in the opposite direction.
“Is that anyway to talk to your unckie Vlad?” The man said with his smarmy tone. “And I came by such a long way to come see you.”
“You saw me, now you can leave.” Danny didn’t bother turning his head as Vlad caught up so they were walking side by side.
The billionaire tsked as he looked around. “It’s such a shame you live in such a poor neighbourhood. You know the offer to pay for your tuition is still open.”
“Not in a million years,” Danny answered dryly.
“You’re just as stubborn as my dear Madeleine used to be,” Vlad sighed and Danny felt the disgust twist his features into a grimace.
“Still being a creepy disgusting old loner, Vlad?” Danny snarked. “How many cats are you on, number 5?”
There was flash of anger in the older man’s eye before he smirked. “And how is dear Danielle these days, it’s been so long since she came by. I think she’ll be due for another meltdown soon.”
On impulse, Danny raised the gun, knowing full well the man would go intangible faster than any bullet and pointed it at Vlad. “Don’t you dare touch her.”
“Oh please, Daniel,” Vlad scoffed. “What are you going to do, shoot me?”
“Maybe,” Danny retorted.
“It wouldn’t change anything,” Vlad dismissed.
“Might make me feel better,” Danny said even as he lowered the gun a bit, knowing it wouldn’t do anything.
Vlad knew this just as well, and he sneered before turning his back to Danny and walking away with a parting shot. “I always get what I want, Daniel. Whether it’s through you or her.”
The gun that Danny had lowered slightly now came back up. He was so tempted to empty the stupid thing at Vlad, no matter if it would all pass through him. Before he could do anything though, a voice from above sounded.
“He’s not worth it, kid.”
Danny looked up to find the masked face of Catwoman peering down on him.
“He deserves worse than this,” Danny said, mind still on the temptation of shooting at Vlad’s intangible back. This was a deserted part of the city, it wasn’t like it would hurt anyone else.
“I promise there are better ways to make him pay,” Catwoman answered.
Danny scoffed bitterly. “Vlad’s so rich, he can pay off anyone and cover up any scandal I could think of.” And if money didn’t work, there was always straight-up overshadowing innocent bystanders.
The masked woman hesitated for a while before she called down determinately. “Look, get rid of the gun, and I promise I’ll help you make him pay.”
“Really?” Danny wasn’t too sure what that entailed but anything that would hinder Vlad was a go for him. “You promise?”
“I do,” she stated with conviction. “But you have to lose the gun.”
“Yeah, ok,” Danny said. He was going to do it anyways, but if she wanted it gone even faster, Danny wasn’t going to argue.
Selina watched as her new sidekick dropped off the gun into the river. It fell in with a splash that had something in her curling comfortably. Maybe Bruce was really rubbing off on her if she was picking up strays
But, Selina had a good feeling about this. Talking a kid out of murder had been how Batman had gotten his first Robin, after all.
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gambeque · 1 year
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therapy sesh
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messrmoonyy · 4 months
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Molly O’Shea | Shady Belle
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orionis13 · 1 year
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I support women in STEM (sorcery, trees, evil, and math)
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chrliekclly · 11 months
them: “get off my back u frigid bitch” “its always an awful idea to have u here”
me: theyre n love :)
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fujii-draws · 2 months
I can only imagine Dusknoir getting filled in on the events he missed while he was in the dark future and just being flabbergasted and concerned.
Aimilios: “Oh yeah. Ribbons and I had a baby while you were gone and we lost custody not too long after.”
Dusknoir: “You WHAT-?!”
Ribbons: “Hey, Dusknoir, I need to ask you something.”
Dusknoir: “Certainly. What is it?”
Ribbons: “So me and Aimilios defeated the guy who drove your boss insane and created the dark future-”
Dusknoir: “What.”
Ribbons: “-And he tried to escape through a dimensional hole, but Palkia attacked him and he lost his memories like I did. Aimilios and I found him wandering around in a dungeon and we took him back to Treasure Town with us because he’s no longer and threat and has no where to go-”
Dusknoir: “WHAT.”
Ribbons: “-And it’s still kind of weird for us because he tried to trick us into thinking death was the best option and tormented a lot of people we cared and loved. We’re doing our best tho. What I mean to ask is, do we think we should be paranoid? Palkia said he was no longer a threat, but you know a lot more about dimensional holes and legendaries losing their sanity, so you’d likely be able to tell us if we should worry about Darkrai going evil again.”
Dusknoir: “. . . what.”
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Well i mean it’s ONLY fair.
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