#sherri madison
sheltiechicago · 1 year
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“Haerenga (Journey),” Christopher Davis, of New Zealand.
In the World of WearableArt, 88 Dramatic Garments Grace the Stage in a Spectacular Performance
All images © World of WearableArt
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Estère in the 2022 competition
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Left: “Apocalyptic Angel,” Sherri Madison, of the United States. Right: “Wild Things,” Saar Snoek, of the Netherlands
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“Call of the Kōkako,” Stephanie Cossens, of New Zealand
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ftwd-the-real-deal · 1 month
Fear The Walking Dead: The Real Deal - Introduction
Note: This is a fan-based alternative universe or alternative ending to Fear The Walking Dead, nothing here truly happened but it definitely should've happened, also Serena is Laurel, and she's alive in this universe and yes, lots of things are different in here.
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Basic Information
Location: The Sanctuary (now called Haven)
Canon Characters Involved: Troy Otto, Tracy Otto, Russel, Dwight Campbell, Sherry Campbell, Frank Gottfried, Klaus Gottfried, Jake Otto (honorable mention), Nick Clark (honorable mention)
Original Characters Involved: Laurel Hall, Mia Gottfried, Jeremy Winstons (henchman), Tyler (honorable mention)
Universe Villains: Madison Clark, Victor Strand, Negan Smith (honorable mention), Trent, Jeremiah Otto (honorable mention)
Betrayed, that's how Troy ended up dying in front of his loved ones, his wife, his child, they all had to watch him being stabbed by the witch of the apocalypse, he fell to the ground, whimpering from the pain, the last thing he heard was Laurel's scream, the last thing he's seen was how no one gave two craps about what Madison did, again.
Laurel had taken Tracy and hidden behind the trees, away from everyone's prying eyes, worried for her safety, she waited until everyone was off on their own way and she ran towards her dying husband, the two of them dragged the barely alive Troy into a vehicle and drove away, stopping at an abandoned building in Virginia, only stopping every now and then to make sure Troy was still alive.
Once they reached the building, she started to use all of her medical training to save her husband, Tracy helped of course, Troy had taught all the children basic first-aid skills, she was mommy's little nurse, and the two of them managed to keep him alive, although severely wounded and feeling anguished.
After that is out of the way, Lyn signals for Troy's men to join them at the given location and they do, making it one of the most secure locations there is.
One day, while Lyn was attending to Troy's wound, she was signaled to go to the main gate, she did so, and when she did, she found the party of Dwight and Sherry, as well as the people from PADRE, although she was tempted to shoot them at the spot, but they negotiated their way with medicine, food and expertise, things that they lacked currently at The Sanctuary.
A friendship forms almost immediately between Dwight, Sherry and Tracy, which made it easier for Lyn to like them, however, Troy didn't share the same sentiments with his wife and daughter, he tried to get rid of the PADRE people multiple times, only for them to prove their worth, especially once he saw that they didn't kill Russel like they had him believe.
Eventually, MADRE and Troy's band of rascals live together in peace under his leadership, as he had proven himself the leader that no one wants but everyone needed, he ran the place like a tight ship and ensured everyone's survival, while Dwight began to admire the man and eventually a friendship formed between the two even though Troy would never admit it, and Dwight became one of his trustees.
When Dwight was on a run for supplies, he saw a car in the middle of the night with two males in it, when he went to investigate further, he learned that they were Frank and Klaus, Strand was nowhere to be found, he helped them back to the Sanctuary then learned that Strand had shown them his true color and therefore, the duo escaped as far as possible and their car broke down, Troy reluctantly accepted them as refugees as long as they pull their weight around.
Ever since then, the group resided in The Sanctuary, living a mundane life, whatever that meant in an apocalypse, and fought against different, unimaginable challenges to protect their home and peace.
ask the haven - haven mundane - haven story - haven edits - haven memes - haven art - haven hcs - haven characters introduction
Headcanons - Characters Introductions
Started on: 25/4/2024
Last update: 27/4/2024
Creators: @muselesswriter & @all-that-is-gold-is-now-gone
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aquarian-queen · 7 months
My thoughts about 8x08 “Iron Tiger” Under the cut: it’s a bit long and I tried to add all my thoughts on what I remember.
The writers: playing on our nostalgia and it’s working
I think because the writers are focusing on nostalgia and the past NOW that yeah it's nice but also these retcons just make it feel so empty and on surface level. Some things were bs and made no sense. It’s like the writers are trying to prove, see we did watch S3 (which is overall praised) but then they bend it to make Troy this bad guy but also not because he has a kid now so it’s more complicated than that. But I have seen that in general those that liked S3 liked that for example Luciana had a bigger role, she reunited with Daniel, but also the callback to earlier seasons. But even addressing things like Charlie killing Nick and Madison’s reaction to it.
The OG gang reunion
Also, the reunion between Madison and Luciana... wtf was that? Or between Daniel and Luciana and the others. I don’t know, the whole gang is together, but it didn’t feel as emotional? Also Kim’s acting (no comment) but whoever liked it. Glad you did.
Jeremiah Otto: I don’t give a shit about my old man
The mention of Troy not giving a shit about his father. Like, can we acknowledge that Troy has a complex relationship with Jeremiah? He cried for him, while Jake just looked by staring in shock, and yes Troy did cal; him a drunk. I think at that point he was confused, angry, sad, and everything in between so his feelings are multifaceted. Now, we can say he got over it after all these years, but we as the audience have to fill in that gap.
Tracy: Troy’s daughter
Now about his daughter being named after his mother. PHEW. I know Troy has mommy issues, but just NO. Again, it’s like the writers are like, look at how we can tie this S3 fact to the current storyline without making that deep dive. I know I am giving them too much credit, but still. I can demand that. Ya’ll are the writers and directors. In what world would Troy name his daughter after the woman who was supposed to love him but still didn’t when he was the only one who took care of her and was still hated. We know his mental state is peculiar, but WHY. Even Madison taunted him with is mother and Troy was ready to slit her throat (also because she was just taunting him and undermining his authority) for it. In what world would this make sense? I did love how Troy went from dark, ruthless leader to worried and frantic father in a flash. I am curious how Troy raised her. He was raised pretty militant so I wonder what he took from his childhood. Tracy snuck out to see a tanker truck cause she’d never seen one before, so she’s probably aso been raised sheltered? I mean, the kids were kept in separate safer place in the hotel and also Troy kept infected in cages. Just to spite Madison though, lol.
Troy’s wife / Tracy’s mother
Troy and his supposed SO. I’ve given it some thought. I knew they were going to go this route when it was revealed his daughter was named Tracy. Do I like it? I’m still 50/50 on it. We might or might not get more or she will just be a nameless phantom. Either way, I would not feel any type of way about it if I am being honest. I agree with the fanfic type, because I think most of us who write for Troy and go by S3 canon in some way and wanted him to live had this in mind. And also a lady being his saving grace and making him this better man (a lot of guesses) or she could have been the same as him? But then why would she save a strange man drifting in some water after the Dam exploded. But yes, I do agree it’s a gap with the Troy we got in S3 knowing what we know, but it could’ve been a slow burn guys and given that we got 2nd chances hammered into us in 8B that’s what we have to take from it. It’s up to us to fill in those gaps more so because we have like 3 episode with Troy left (since the next on is focused on Dwight and Sherry and their codependent relationship). If she will remain nameless and faceless more for us to fill in.
Troy and Madison
I liked their dynamic and how they played the game and Daniel and Kim together is electric. I did cringe at certain things like her not being out of breath fighting his ass surrounded by smoke and who knows what. It’s so convenient. I do wonder what we will get. From spoilers these two will work together to save Tracy from Padre. So either Madison sacrifices herself to save that little girl so Troy can get his happy ending with his daughter?
Troy and Alicia
I don’t think Troy is lying about this? Troy’s daughter makes a comment that she saw Alicia in the horde. I know people have this hope that she is coming back or secretly filmed something. I hope we get that question and Madison puts her down. I do wonder if in the same episode where we get Troy and Madison working together, he will share more details about Alicia’s last moments no matter how bad or villain-like they made it.
Other thoughts:
Daniel and Troy’s back and forth is hilarious. Him threatening Troy and Troy just looking at him right, alright old man. But Ruben Blades said Daniel would something big in the finale… if they kill Troy that’d be the biggest cop out Strand… what is his role? I feel it’s played out Sherry and June going to ask Dwight for backup against Troy I liked the Trick friendship mention and Troy being sad about it Charlie’s death. I wasn’t as attached to her, but the actress did a good job knowing the shit she’s been getting by fans since she killed Nick. I thought its sad they brought her back to kill her again to simply drive Madison and Daniel’s story and vengeance against Troy
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darealsaltysam · 1 year
dwight sherry breakup no victor troy otto might be coming back im killing myself
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onefail-at-atime · 1 year
For anyone who has kept up on Fear the Walking Dead, let's discuss that mid-season finale.
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thewalkingdeadband · 1 year
Sort of random review for ftwd s8 ep 6 (spoilers ahead)
Things that made me ugly cry:
- "i will leave this message every morning at down" the parallel i swear
- "I need you to look after Grace for me"
I mean just the fact that he buried Grace near Eastman.. 💔
- the whole speech to Eastman, how much he's grateful for him, the little smile he gave his grave while Mo was training with the stick, like "see how good she is?"
"They are people that means as much to me as you all do", i m so happy he said that 💚
And the worst: "need to make sure they are ok"
Well, well.. 😭
and then you see the people he lost in a flashback montage, AND IT INCLUDED BENJAMIN😭
Yet he doesnt even know abt Henry😭
Finch dying, i f....king hate it. He was such an angel.
Dwight and Sherry over, "maybe we're just not meant to be together", "maybe us failing has nothing to do with bad guys like Negan" he says, its awful, it hurts, i mean he did everything to find her, and then they dont work out. F... off, really, im mad. I get that Finch dying didnt help (fucking understatement), but this is a guy who fought so much for her and now he's giving up and well, its been more than 8 years plus the time spent together before the apocalypse so yeah its unfortunately realistic or at least it can be. Love doesnt always last. What hurts is that you know they still love each other. But love isnt always enough. They tried. More than once. But it hurts. Really hurts. Just like real life...
Ok, so abt Lennie interview, i guess i fell for a trap. I used to say i dont listen what actors say good or bad, and here i was falling for this trap: now, which trap: interview trap or "teasing that will never led to somewhere trap", i guess we will see
Madison taking over Padre, hell yeah. Can u imagine that 2 seasons ago she was supposed to be dead?
Is it Troy, is it Alicia's arm?
Now, we saw with Madison (and Troy?) that everything's possible so... im sure Alicia's alive. Hope they reunite.
And Strand...
One last thing: farewell Morgan, i will always love you, but you better come back on my screen and reunite with Rick and everyone, and the sooner the better
Edit: and or course... when he says abt Rick and him that it wouldnt be the first time they find their way back to each other... 😭
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0aurelion-sol0 · 2 years
FTWD Season 6 "Journey"
Fear The Walking Dead | Season 7
"The Journey"
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"This is Alicia Clark. If you're listening to this, you're not alone. The place you've been looking for, the place you've heard about, PADRE, it's here... the Tower. Coordinates 29 degrees, 20 minutes, 14.1 seconds north, 94 degrees, 59 minutes, 25.7 seconds west. We're gonna build the new home you've been looking for. We can help you. But, first... we're gonna need a little help from you."
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wipbigbang · 26 days
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The 2024 round of WIP Big Bang is now open for sign-ups! Any fandom is welcome, as long as the fic is 500 completed so far and will be at least 7,500 words upon its finishing. Signing up is easy: just fill out the form linked below after you read the FAQ and take a look at the schedule.
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Thanksgiving Dinner, discussing guardians for Tracy Mike: So if you guys died, I would get Tracy right? Troy and Lyn: ... Lyn: Um, no, if Troy and I both die, then we'd leave Tracy to Sherry and Dwight. Mike: Okay...so, how about this, if you guys die, and Sherry dies, then do I get the baby? Dwight: No, I mean if Sherry dies, then, I would get Tracy. Right? Lyn and Troy: ... Troy: Well, actually... Dwight: Actually what? Troy: It's just that, in that case, Tracy would go to...you know, Jenny and Dennis Dwight: What?? Mike: Hurst doesn't it! Dwight: Yeah! Madison raising her hand from the far end of the table: Uh who has to die for me to get her?
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Zionism is not some ‘2,000-year-old yearning’ of the Jewish people. Israel isn’t the product of a national liberation movement. Israel is the product of European society in the age of imperialism at the end of the nineteenth century. Israel is a colonial-settler state that is unapologetically racist in its legal system and denies basic human rights to its Arab population. And, of course, Israel is openly engaged in acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing. That begs the question: What state has the ‘right’ to genocide and ethnic cleansing? What state has the right to racial apartheid and dispossession? None.
Zionists speak of the sanctity and inviolability of Israel, of its supposedly ancient Biblical roots. But the planning for the modern State of Israel was declared in New York City at the corner of 43rd and Madison in the old Biltmore Hotel at a Zionist conference of 600 people in 1942. Israel isn’t the legacy of an ancient yearning. It’s the concoction of a layer of Jewish separatists who received the backing of the world’s most powerful empires because there was a convergence of needs. Britain and later the US needed an outpost in the Middle East, where the oil was, and Zionists sought a separate homeland and were fully prepared to become an aircraft carrier for empire, populated by loyal white European Jews who would act as a bulwark against the region’s Arab and Muslim populations.
Sherry Wolf, Palestine 101: Asking questions of Zionism
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sywtwfs · 4 months
Team USA for 2024 ISU Championships
World Championships
Men: Ilia Malinin, Jason Brown, Camden Pulkinen (Alt: Maxim Naumov, Andrew Torgashev, Jimmy Ma)
Women: Amber Glenn, Isabeau Levito (Alt: Ava Ziegler, Elyce Lin-Gracey, Starr Andrews)
Pairs: Emily Chan/Spencer Akira Howe, Ellie Kam/Danny O’Shea, Valentina Plazas/Maximiliano Fernandez (Alt: Chelsea Liu/Balazs Nagy, Isabelle Martins/Ryan Bedard*)
Ice Dance: Madison Chock/Evan Bates, Christina Carreira/Anthony Ponomarenko, Emily Bratti/Ian Somerville (Alt: Caroline Green/Michael Parsons, Eva Pate/Logan Bye, Emilea Zingas/Vadym Kolesnik)
Four Continents Championships (announced before Nationals)
Men: Tomoki Hiwatashi, Camden Pulkinen (WD), Andrew Torgashev (Alt: Maxim Naumov, Liam Kapeikis, Jimmy Ma)
Women: Amber Glenn (WD), Lindsay Thorngren, Ava Ziegler (Alt: Elyce Lin-Gracey, Audrey Shin, Starr Andrews)
Pairs: Ellie Kam/Danny O’Shea, Chelsea Liu/Balazs Nagy, Valentina Plazas/Maximiliano Fernandez (Alt: Isabelle Martins/Ryan Bedard, Maria Mokhova/Ivan Mokhov)
Ice Dance: Madison Chock/Evan Bates (WD), Christina Carreira/Anthony Ponomarenko, Caroline Green/Michael Parsons (Alt: Emilea Zingas/Vadym Kolesnik, Oona Brown/Gage Brown, Eva Pate/Logan Bye)
Junior World Championships
Men: Daniel Martynov, Jacob Sanchez (Alt: Beck Strommer, Taira Shinohara, Lucius Kazanecki)
Women: Josephine Lee, Sherry Zhang (Alt: Logan Higase-Chen, Sarah Everhardt, Elyce Lin-Gracey)
Pairs: Olivia Flores/Luke Wang, Naomi Williams/Lachlan Lewer, Adele Zheng/Andy Deng
Ice Dance: Leah Neset/Artem Markelov, Elliana Peal/Ethan Peal, Yahli Pedersen/Jeffrey Chen (Alt: Jenna Hauer/Benjamin Starr, Caroline Mullen/Brendan Mullen, Olivia Ilin/Dylan Cain)
*Pending TES minimums
Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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This is a great dinner party soup.  I serve sausages on the side and they can be cut up and put into the soup for leftovers.  I serve Italian Sausages, chicken sausages [with feta and spinach] and field roast, which is fake sausage.  It was 27 degrees outside tonight and my guests enjoyed the heartiness of the meal.  Served with salad and focaccia which I started at 10 in the morning.  There was plenty of time for the bread to rise and the soup to simmer.  Not a lot of work and a lovely meal. I doubled the recipe to feed 9 people. The Soup 1 cup green or brown lentils cleaned and rinsed 1 bay leaf 1 celery stalk diced into 1/4 inch squares 7 cups of water salt 3 Tbsp. olive oil 1 large red onion finely diced 2 cloves garlic, minced 3 Tbsp. parsley, chopped 3 medium tomatoes, fresh or canned, peeled, seeded and chopped, juice reserved 1 bunch spinach, [about a pound] stems removed and leaves washed Red wine vinegar or sherry vinegar to taste Pepper Asiago or Parmesan cheese, grated
Put the lentils, bay leaf and celery in a soup pot with the water, reserved juice from the tomatoes and 1/2 tsp. salt. Bring to a boil and scoop off any foam that forms on the surface, then lower the heat to slow boil. While the lentils are cooking, heat the oil in a skillet and add the onion and 1/2 tsp. salt: cook briskly for a few minutes, lower the heat and stir in garlic and parsley.  Continue cooking until the onion is soft. Add the tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes, then combine with the cooking lentils.
Cut the spinach leaves into 1/2 inch strips, there should be about 4 cups.  When the lentils are soft, stir in the spinach by handfuls.  Once it has cooked down, thin the soup, if necessary, by adding more water, and taste for salt.
Simmer the soup 5 minutes; then add vinegar to taste, to brighten the flavors.  Serve with freshly ground black pepper and Asiago or Parmesan cheese, or a spoonful of creme fraiche.
Serves 4-6
[From The Greens Cookbook by Deborah Madison and Edward Espe Brown]
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blvckqwz · 7 months
people who will die:
who is the kid in the trailers?
obviously Troy’s (although I don’t think she’s his biological child but he adopted her or something like that) but somehow she’s tied also to Alicia who isn’t dead but maybe she’s been captured by Troy as a way to make Madison suffer idk.
what does Troy want?
PADRE (who I have 0 idea about what that is, I think they like steal kids?) took his kid so he wants to get her back and also to kill Madison because she’s with PADRE (like when he said “you took everything from me” in the trailer.)
what I’m hoping for:
Alicia’s return (which is very likely)
Troy’s character not being completely destroyed (which is also very likely)
not a boring season like season 4 was
idk I need to catchup with the last 5 seasons because I’m not understanding a shit about what Fear The Walking Dead is about anymore
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marcmarcmomarc · 28 days
Kingdom Hearts IV predictions
Toronto, Canada (Turning Red)
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Takes place after the movie.
Is visited by Sora.
Starring the voices of:
Anna Brisbin as Lauren
Madison Brunoehler as Kat (Stacy’s Other Friend)
Addie Chandler as Devon
Tristan Allerick Chen as Tyler Nguyen-Baker
Rosalie Chiang as Meilin Lee
Lori Tan Chinn as Auntie Chen
Sherry Cola as Helen
Jordan Fisher as Robaire
Wai Ching Ho as Grandma Wu Lee
James Hong as Mr. Gao
Orion Lee as Jin Lee
Josh Levi as Aaron Z.
Lillian Lim as Auntie Ping
Ava Morse as Miriam Mendelsohn
Topher Ngo as Aaron T.
Finneas O’Connell as Jesse
Sandra Oh as Ming Lee
Jackson Parfitt as Carter Murphy-Mayhew
Hyein Park as Abby Park
Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Priya Mangal
Lily Sanfelippo as Stacy Frick
Patricia Summersett as Jaiden (Goth Girl with Green Dye)
Mia Tagano as Lily
Lauren Tom as Sammy (Goth Girl)
Grayson Villanueva as Tae Young
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darealsaltysam · 5 months
my thoughts on this finale are so mixed but. skidmark & alicia comeback, victor fully redeemed and happy with his family AND gets to go on knowing that madison is alive, sherry & dwight survived and back together, daniel survived... yeah it could have been worse
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thursdaygrl · 1 month
can i get uhhh more pretty girls for my muses to kiss pls especially the following fcs 'cause i'm obsessed with them: london thor, jaz sinclair, jenna ortega, lili reinhart, camila mendes, madelaine petsch, vanessa morgan, sherry-lee watson, sydney sweeney, daisy edgar-jones, hunter schafer, mia healey, tyla, priscilla quintana, madison beer, kennedy mcmann, zaria simone or rachel zegler thank you
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